Ink Witch Companion Download
Ink Witch Companion Download
Ink Witch Companion Download
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SSARY OF CARDS.............................................................................23
MAJOR ARCANA................................................................................25
0. The Fool......................................................................................26
I. The Magician................................................................................28
II. The High Priestess......................................................................30
III. The Empress..............................................................................32
IV. The Emperor...............................................................................34
V. The Hierophant............................................................................36
VI. The Lovers.................................................................................38
VII. The Chariot...............................................................................40
VIII. Strength...................................................................................42
IX. The Hermit.................................................................................44
X Wheel of Fortune.........................................................................46
XI. Jus ce.......................................................................................48
XII. The Hanged Man......................................................................50
XIII. Death.......................................................................................52
XIV. Temperance.............................................................................54
XV. The Devil...................................................................................56
XVI. The Tower................................................................................58
XVII. The Star..................................................................................60
XVIII. The Moon..............................................................................62
XIX. The Sun...................................................................................64
XX Judgement.................................................................................65
XXI. The World................................................................................66
II. ..................................................................................................76
III. .................................................................................................78
IV. .................................................................................................80
V. ..................................................................................................82
VI. .................................................................................................84
VII. ................................................................................................86
VIII. ...............................................................................................88
IX. .................................................................................................90
X. ..................................................................................................92
II. ................................................................................................106
III. ...............................................................................................108
IV. ...............................................................................................110
V. ................................................................................................112
VI. ...............................................................................................114
VII. ..............................................................................................116
VIII. .............................................................................................118
IX. ...............................................................................................120
X. ................................................................................................122
II. .................................................................................................136
III. ................................................................................................138
IV. ................................................................................................140
V. .................................................................................................142
VI. ................................................................................................144
VII. ...............................................................................................146
VIII. ..............................................................................................148
IX. ................................................................................................150
X. .................................................................................................152
II. .................................................................................................166
III. ................................................................................................168
IV. ................................................................................................170
V. .................................................................................................172
VI. ................................................................................................174
VII. ...............................................................................................176
VIII. ..............................................................................................178
IX. ................................................................................................180
X. .................................................................................................182
VI. The Lovers / XV. The Devil.......................................................198
XI. Jus ce......................................................................................200
King of Swords..............................................................................202
King of Pentacles..........................................................................204
PARTING THOUGHTS.............................................................................206
other significant influences you’ll find in the Ink Witch are varied
many. Among other things, you’ll find references to Greek,
p an, and Norse mythology; Arthurian knights and legends,
pean folk stories and fairy tales; and the subtle but powerful
ic of the modern world, like that of coffee dates with new lovers,
road trips with close friends.
t does work.
deck is just paper and card stock. I didn’t perform any kind of
ic on the cards except for whatever magic naturally occurs when
works on art they feel very passionate about. However,
orically, the tarot deck is a carefully constructed tool. The cards
h represent numerous archetypes and symbols that relate to
ects of a universal human experience. No ma er what cards are
ed from the deck, they will have story to tell you; and that story
be relatable. Regardless of your belief in magic, spirituality, or
hcra , your tarot deck will undoubtedly open your eyes, heart,
examine the world from new perspec ves, and think about problems in
new ways. And yes, at mes it will even tell you the past, present, and
For me, that is the magic that happens when reading Tarot. It ensures
that no ma er who you are or what you hope to gain, Tarot will work
for you.
You only need to use it.
S tarot deck. This means that it is actually divided into two smaller
ks called “The Major Arcana” and “The Minor Arcana.”
or Arcana are the cards with their own unique names: “Death,” “The
ers,” “The Star,” to name a few. There are 22 of these cards and they
numbered 0-21 in roman numerals at the top of each card.
e is some debate among tarot-readers about what makes the Major
na “Major.” Some readers assert that when a Major card appears in
ading, it foretells of an unchangeable aspect of fate, while Minor
s are aspects of fate over which you have more control. Others claim
Major cards are simply major events, and Minor cards are minor
or Arcana are themselves divided into four suits, much like a deck of
ing cards. Within each suit are an “Ace;” numbered cards that are
ked 2-10; and a set of “court cards” including a Page, a Knight, a
en, and a King. This organiza on is easy to remember if you think of
ing similar to a deck of playing cards.
ause there are so many minor cards, they are o en more specific
the major cards. Their meanings may o en seem less broad and
o en more “minor.”
nds- These cards have to do with things like crea vity, passion,
gy, poten al, and being produc ve. They are associated with the
ment of fire, and also associated with the “Club” cards in a regular
k of playing cards.
feeling, and being recep ve to feelings and energies around you.
They’re are associated with the element of water. These cards
correspond to the “Hearts” suit in a standard deck of playing cards.
Swords- Swords are typically about communica on, truth, ac on, and
jus ce. You may find some of these cards to be a bit harsher than other
suits at mes. Swords are associated with the element of Air, and the
“Spades” suit of playing cards.
Pentacles- Finally, Pentacles are about wealth, abundance, cul va on,
groundedness, and resources. They are associated with the element of
earth, and the “Diamonds” suit of playing cards. It’s important to note
that while Pentacle cards o en revolve around money and wealth, they
can also represent more abstract forms of wealth. For example,
Pentacles may point to a wealth of friends or family, a wealth of talent
or skill, or a wealth of informa on.
Within each suit are an Ace card, and a set of four “court” cards.
I like to think of Aces as gi s or opportuni es offered by the universe.
The Ace of Swords for example, could mean that you’ll receive some
kind of truth, learn a secret, or receive an important message.
The “court cards” of the tarot deck are o en associated with people
who may be significant to a reading. These cards are also some mes
ascribed specific ages and gender iden es. I advise you to try and
avoid feeling the need to consider the court cards solely representa ve
of their associated ages and gender iden es. The quali es of any of
the court cards can apply to all manner of people; and like all of the 78
tarot cards we will o en find some aspect of ourselves in these cards
regardless of our gender iden ty or age.
Each suit’s “court” is composed of the following:
Pages- The Pages are o en associated with poten al, newness, youth,
naivety, innocence, and the like. They are also o en associated with the
delivery of messages. The Page of Cups for example is some mes
thought to represent things like love-le ers, while the Page of
Pentacles could represent news that money is on the way.
Knights- are o en associated with blooming skill or growing passion;
though they s ll have much to learn. In most decks (though not in the
i onally have associa ons with young men, quickness, and arrivals.
ome decks, many of them are shown as figures charging to ba le, as
knights are o en viewed as being proac ve.
y readers do not use reversals when they interpret cards, and will
interpret right-side up ones. Some tarot decks are even designed to
explicitly exclude reversals.
There is no right or wrong way to consider reversals with the Ink
Witch deck. If you wish to include them, your readings will take on
vastly more nuanced forms; so I encourage you to include reversals if
you are aiming for more refined readings, or consider excluding them
if you are looking for more general answers.
Many new tarot readers will begin without reversals, and choose to
incorporate them into their readings once they have a bit more
It is completely up to you, but this guide will include some
informa on about reversed meanings for each card if you wish to
make use of them.
s on.
y tarot reader has their own rituals for asking ques ons, and their
favorite spreads. More in-depth guides can provide you with
ns of spreads to try out, and even help you to create your own. In
sec on, we’ll discuss just a few spreads, as well as the methods I
to use when conduc ng my own readings.
a good idea to avoid “Yes or No” ques ons when possible, as the
t deck is a tool suited for more detailed answers than that. If a
rent wishes to ask a yes or no ques on, there are easy ways to
hrase such ques ons for more explanatory answers. A good
mple of this, is the ques on, “Will my friend be at the party?”
could easily be reworded into a ques on like “What do I need to
w about the party?”
e the querent has shuffled the cards to their content, they may cut
deck three mes to their le and then re-stack them so that cards
Some readers will spread the the shuffled cards into a row, face
down, so that cards can be selected at random by the querent rather
than drawn from the top of the deck.
Whatever method you prefer is fine, but this is the method I learned
from my parents who first taught me Tarot, and I personally enjoy
making a ritual of the ques on-asking phase of a tarot reading; le ng
the querent feel involved in the process.
Once you’ve shuffled the cards and prepared them for your
ques on, you should pick a spread to use. Different spreads use
different quan es of cards. It’s a good idea to start with small
spreads that use only a few cards when you’re new to reading, and
then work your way up to larger spreads that offer more refined and
insigh ul answers. Once you’ve learned several different spreads,
you’ll be able to assess which ones feel best suited for the different
types of ques ons you’ll be asking your tarot deck.
These are a few of my favorite common spreads:
A Single Card Draw is good prac ce for quick, short ques ons. It’s
also a good daily prac ce to draw a single card to gain insight into
your day- this is a great way to gradually learn each card in the deck,
and apply your Tarot prac ce to your life. It also works as a really nice
morning medita on prac ce.
Shuffle the cards, and ask your ques on, then draw a single card to
gain insight or ascertain a “theme.”
For Example, if you were to ask for a general reading for the week,
and drew “The Lovers,” your week would revolve around the idea of
love. Perhaps you would meet a roman c interest and fall in love, or
perhaps you would get more serious about a rela onship you are
already in. Regardless, you would know that the concepts
represented by “The Lovers” (romance, rela onships etc) would be
play a very significant role in your week.
I like to pull a single cad when I’m in more of a hurry, or just want
something vague to consider and think about. Again, doing a single
card reading for yourself each day is an excellent way to begin
learning the cards.
is a very popular spread for beginners and experts alike, using three
s. It can be used to answer ques ons, or provide solid general
r shuffling the deck, select three cards, and arrange them in a row.
n with the card on the le . This card represents the past. It is
ortant to consider how the past might affect the rest of the spread.
ething that has already occurred will be relevant to you now.
lly, examine the card on the right, which represents the future. This
here the querent is headed, or an important aspect of what is soon
ome. If it feels nega ve, consider looking to the other two cards in
spread for advice on how to deal with an unfortunate situa on.
e the reader will probably want to examine each card one at a me,
also important to then look at the spread as a whole. How does the
influence the present and the future. What is the querent’s current
e of life like, and does it keep them on track toward a bright future,
dark one? How did they get here? Where are they going?
e you’re comfortable trying a larger spread, the Cel c Cross is a
sic spread that most tarot readers will recognize. It uses ten cards to
ide detailed insight into a ques on or problem, so this spread is
d for more nuanced readings.
r shuffling the cards and asking a ques on, arrange ten cards in the
ons below. I like to place them all face down in the order that they
be revealed. One by one, reveal the cards and examine them
vidually. Upon revealing the tenth card, take me to examine the
ad as a whole. Look for common themes that connect the cards
in the spread and see if they give you a sense of narra ve. How
s the past seem to affect the future? How do the cards play off of
another? Do any of the cards seem to reference the same thing, or
hey ever seem to reference one another?
ose an owl as the Magician for their wisdom, but also for the places
owls appear in myths and legends.
s are the symbol of Athena. In one of my favorite Greek myths,
seus is en route to Crete on a quest to slay the Minotaur there. As
seus makes his way, Athena appears in the form of an owl to Ariadne;
princess of Crete, and the human half-sister of the Minotaur itself. It
hena, in the form an owl, who lets Ariadne know to expect Theseus,
to be ready to aid him. When Theseus arrives, Ariadne has already
pared tools for him; the thread he will use to find his way through the
rinth, and the sword he will use to slay the Minotaur there. It is only
ause of Athena’s warning to Ariadne, and the princess’s
urcefulness, that Theseus is able to save his people from the
otaur. In this way, they both serve as “Magician” characters of a sort
s are also some mes associated with the wizard Merlin, one of
se familiar was some mes depicted as an owl. Much Like Athena
Ariadne are to Theseus, Merlin is a “Magician” to King Arthur
ugh quite a bit more literally) and is always prepared with the
wledge and tools that Arthur and his court will need in their quests.
ose Queens as the pillars on this card, for their connec on to “the
nine,” which is o en associated with the High Priestess; a card
e mes called the Popess, and associated with the mysterious figure
ope Joan. The chessboard itself is a good symbol for the Priestess’s
ul command of their own intui on and psychic power. They not only
ws “the game,” but commands the board because they understand it
pletely, as they understand the universe.
card may also be urging one to seek out a sense stability. We may
d to set limits or boundaries, and create an environment of order
ourselves or those around us.
and authority. Someone may be abusing their power, or might have had
it unfairly taken from them. Things have become frail and unstable,
chao c and unstructured.
The reversal of this card may be telling us that a situa on is unsafe, or
unpredictable, and so the Reversed Emperor is a good reminder to enter
situa ons from a place of security. This card may be warning us that we
need to build a be er sense of control before moving forward, or
perhaps set boundaries with the people around us.
Because the Emperor represents masculinity, fatherhood, and authority
figures, this card can also be an indica on that we are at odds with toxic
masculinity, or that there are issues with your father or father figure, or
with an authority figure like a boss or poli cian.
efs and religion, while the pair of keys on the window are a symbol
cher, Belief, Knowledge, Religion, Spirituality
nowledge and learning. (You might recall the key symbol on the
ician card as well.) The keys emphasize knowledge’s ability to
damentalism, Problems with Tradi on, A Bad Teacher,
n doors and remove barriers.
s once asked if the bird flying across the image represented the
Spirit. This is not a bad interpreta on at all, due to the card’s
n religious connota on, and it’s something to consider. However,
nten on was for the bird to be more of a symbol for freedom. The
re card shows stone and glass; rigid structures in contrast to the
which serves as a reminder to remain open to new things, stay
ble, and put stock in our own beliefs rather than just the beliefs of
ers. The bird is not part of the architecture that dominates this
ge, but rather, it flies around the architecture with the freedom to
nywhere, even while enjoying its environment.
may be experiencing some issue with social norms when this card
ears reversed. You work against what others believe, or even what
this card advises you to make certain you’re rebelling for the right
reasons, and not simply trying to fight against what’s expected of you
for the sake of figh ng.
Because the Hierophant represents a teacher, it may represent a
dogma c or unethical one when reversed.
Alterna vely it may be telling us that we must some mes act as our
own teacher and will not be able to look to others for the things we
need at this me.
ae Garden of Eden, overlooked by God or some other
onships, Love, Romance, Sexuality, Union
esenta on of a divine being. (Symbolism later contrasted by the
l card, but we’ll get to that.)
mpa bility, Unrequited Love, Disharmony
card has a sense of peace and “rightness” that I’ve always really
d. In that image, a serpent is discretely twis ng around a tree
nd Eve; a reminder of tempta ons and the card’s associa on with
ality. The serpent does not yet appear in my version of the card,
did want the imagery to be sexually charged to indicate that
e symbolism.
important to take control of your life when this card appears, and to
focused on the long term. The Chariot will push us forward one way
nother, but this card reminds us that things will be best if we ensure
elves to be the ones steering.
e are many kinds of strength. This card represents the need for all
hem. Most importantly, however, it is a reminder that physical
e strength pales in comparison to the inner strength of things like
age, compassion, pa ence, and control. Brute power, this card
us, can never be stronger than strength of heart.
ever, the idea of Fate drove the imagery I chose. This card depicts
spinning wheel of the Greek Fates. Around it, are the hands of the
e Fates, also called the Moirae; Clotho spins thread, Lachesis
sures it out, and Atropos cuts it. I wanted the wheel to appear as if
ere moving quickly, as everything in life moves forward rapidly, with
the Fates to control or guide it.
u couldn't tell, The Hanged Man card is all about sacrifice, and the
ards that come from how sacrifices change one’s perspec ve. In
cular, this card alludes to self-sacrifice. It may be me for us to give
ething up, or to let go of something. In return, we’ll gain some sort
nlightenment or changed perspec ve.
card encourages us to think in new ways, to see the world
rently, to get in touch with our spiritual selves, and to not be afraid
ng things go. It reminds us that we benefit even from the hard
s of our lives, and so while change and sacrifice can be scary, we
uld not fight hard to resist them.
resist change or making a sacrifice. We’re stalling and procras na ng,
and ignoring a need to let go of something. As a result we’re only
hur ng ourselves without any benefit. Our perspec ve, and thus our
understanding of the universe, cannot change.
It could also be that you or someone else are ac ng like a vic m, but
have not actually lost anything. You may be ac ng hypocri cal, or should
beware people who are.
Don’t be afraid of le ng go of the things you must in order to grow as a
person, especially spiritually. There are great benefits to come from
changing the way you see the world, and not hanging on to things for
too long.
something along the lines of “it doesn’t actually represent dying.”
ings, Rebirth, Closure, Transforma on
e Death (especially in the past) could technically indicate the death
mourning of a person, the card is much more about the abstract idea
usal to Let Go, Burning Bridges, Fear of Change
eath. It represents endings, and the new beginnings that inevitably
t follow them. Nothing can last forever, but when something dies,
ething new will always be born.
Devil is about worldly things that feel good; sex, unhealthy food,
hol, spending money. This is a card that’s about material pleasure,
indulging the things we enjoy, but that aren’t always good for us.
card cau ons us to take care with these things. Perhaps it is
ning us to limit how o en we indulge. It could be alluding to
blems with addic on, and encouraging us to restrict ourselves,
ecially if it appears reversed.
rna vely, perhaps some indulgence is exactly what we need!
e’s nothing wrong with having a li le fun and enjoying material
gs. At mes, it can be good for us to let go of our inhibi ons, and
k our own rules.
When this card appears, it’s very important to take an honest look at
how you enjoy material pleasures. Do you drink or eat in excess? Deep
down, you likely know if you have developed unhealthy habits that you
need to work on. You are also likely to know deep down if you deserve a
li le break from your diet. It might be me to eat that extra slice of
cheesecake, or enjoy a casual fling with someone.Take a very objec ve
and real look at the ma ers drawn up by this card, and be honest with
yourself. A li le indulgence is a good thing. But too much of a good
thing, can be quite bad.
Many readers also associate this card with a person’s darker side, or
their shadow-self. It may appear to represent the parts of yourself which
you are not fully conscious of- both good and bad.
Reversed, this card is becomes about opposi on against things like
material pleasures and indulgent behavior. It is o en seen as a sign of
breaking free from something, and moving beyond material things. It
could indicate spiritual breakthroughs; especially where bad habits and
addic ons are concerned. The Reversed Devil may also simply indicate a
need to deal with these self-destruc ve habits.
This reversed card encourages us to confront our inner fears, to
eliminate things that are harmful to us, and to deal with the darker sides
of our personali es, or even to explore those unconscious parts of our
minds which we are not completely in tune with.
fast, unexpected, sudden, and striking kind of chaos. The RWS
os, Destruc on, Upheaval, Disrup on, Disorder
shows a tower being struck by lightning, which really emphasizes
sense of surprise and shock (no pun intended) that comes with
rning, Fear of Disaster, Pressure, Ongoing Chaos, Unecessary
os or Destruc on
ose instead to draw my tower as the mushroom cloud of an
mic explosion. I thought of the chaos represented by this card as
g sudden and alarming, thus explosive. It is also devasta ng on a
d scale, because while you’ll learn that many cards in the tarot
k represent turmoil and disorder, the Tower seems to the epitome
hem all. It is a Major Arcana a er all; the chaos here is no small
Star is all about peace, and hope for the future, especially when an
mis c outlook has been difficult to maintain. This card indicates
things will improve. If you have been struggling, your hardship is
y star ng to look up.
rna vely, the Sun reversed could indicate that we have become
ly op mis c. Perhaps we are shining too brightly, and thinking of
gs in ways that are no longer realis c; or perhaps we are
aving too much as if the world revolves around us.
at things through an objec ve lens. See things for what they truly are
and not what we wish they were, or what others may lead us to
believe they are.
tches a long road. Judgement represents the end of a long and
nsforma on, Transi on, Coming of Age, Higher Calling, Goals,
ficant journey. A phase of life has ended, and the next is bracing to
ng Judged
n. This card reminds us that journeys come with growth. They
nge us, and bring about periods of transi on and transforma on. I’ve
usal to Change, Ignoring the Call, Being Judgemental
ed a caterpillar and bu erfly to the scales set between Anubis and
viewer; a reminder that Judgement comes with metamorphosis.
ement also asks us to look within, and tune into our higher calling.
w that we are reborn, what will we do next? What can we do to
efit the world rather than ourselves? How are being judged now, and
will we be judged from here on?
n omen, this card foretells of drama c changes that will transform
or the be erment not only of ourselves, but also for a higher cause.
literal sense, this card may also predict that someone is coming to a
oning of some kind.
reversed Six of Wands s ll feels like a parade, but for all the
ng reasons.
card can also be telling us that literal celebra ons are not going
! We may be running into difficul es when planning a party or
bra on.
others do not recognize them. Remember though- Be careful that you
aren’t ge ng a big head! Be wary of leaders who are using their
posi on in an unethical way.
It’s worth no ng that the carousel horses on this card are not actually
a ached to a carousel at all. They appear to be moving freely, and it is
open to your own interpreta on whether that means they are moving
forward, or s ll in circles.
ecially when we could have put up more of a fight. Perhaps you are
s around the base of its perch. The mouse is in danger, but it has
llenge, Perseverance, Defense, Having the High Ground in a
high ground and cannot be reached by the snake, or is perhaps
standing up for what you believe in; or alterna
gerous Situa on vely are holding on
g unno
ghtly to a belief while ignoring all the facts and evidence that go
en this card appears, you are likely in a similar situa
nst it. on. The Seven
king Down, Giving Up, Defeat, Failure to Put Up a Fight
Wands represents challenges and conflicts that threaten us, but it
tells us that we have the advantage. If we persevere, will come
card can also represent an inner ba le. The foe we’re facing may
on top.
nega ve inner voice that makes us doubt ourselves.
card o en suggests that the challenges we face are noble ones.
are likely defending ourselves, others, or figh ng for a cause that
ers; so this card may also represent he idea of defending or
ec ng something. It is associated with the idea of holding one’s
against adversity.
card tells us not to give up! We likely merely need to hang on
t, and wait for the danger to pass.
o en a reminder to persevere, fight for what believe in, and not give
up. However, it reminds us to think carefully about what we’re figh ng
for. Are we figh ng for what we believe in? And if so, are we holding
onto our beliefs for the right reason?
mentum behind it! This card indicates energy and the poten
rsed. We might be feeling impa ent, or too burnt out to make
Progress, Momentum, Energy, Produc ve Teamwork al to
ncredibly produc
ress. Perhaps our frustra
VERSED) ve. The things we set into mo
ons and nerves are the only thing
on now, will be
ng us right now. We could even be so energized by that frustra
ly unstoppable- especially if we are working together with others on
aus on, Nervous Energy, Rushing
ard a common goal.
we can’t stay focused on the tasks at hand.
en this card appears, it is a good me to start new projects or make
areful not to act too quickly or rashly when this card appears.
ress on exis ng ones.
’t rush into anything without looking where you leap simply
ever, this card also warns us not to rush into anything blindly. Be
ause you have the energy to move forward.
ful what forces you set into mo on when harnessing the burst of
gy you are likely feeling. Be sure that you plan and prepare,
ause things are about to be moving too quickly for you to stop them
e you begin.
important to note that you are not facing these challenges alone,
narmed when this card appears. You likely have tools and a support
em backing you up.
is the nature of the Page of Wands. While they are ready for
enture, and inspired to create, they s ll lack much of the finesse
skill they strive for. They are full of energy, but s ll learning how
se that energy.
card may indicate bursts of crea ve poten al, new passion and
ira on, or an adventurous spirit. But it also cau ons to be aware
ur own limits and naivete. Express your enthusiasm and make use
spira on and energy when this card appears in your readings, but
o with the knowledge that you are likely s ll only at the beginning
our project, journey, or cra . The Pages are, a er all, o en mes
ciated with students, children, and appren ces.
ersed, all of the Knight’s worst quali es are drawn to the top. Their
ion and sense of adventure make them reckless and foolhardy. They
act rashly, or be temperamental in their impa ence to accomplish
things they are passionate about. This may even lead them to lash
at others.
someone is neglec ng a need for fun or adventure out of laziness, or a
fear of failing. They might not be trus ng in their ins ncts, and thus
are choosing to do nothing at all rather than take a leap.
Because the Knight of Wands represents someone who is sure of their
charm and charisma, it may appear reversed when someone has
become too certain of themselves, and is behaving in a narcissis c
way, or ac ng too cocky.
This card may be encouraging us to slow down for a moment and
explore our feelings. If we’ve been irritable, take me with yourself to
uncover what might be causing your irrita on toward others. It is likely
that you do not truly understand your own emo ons yet.
o en far more mature. As the Queen of the court of Wands, they
ikely a very passionate and crea
fidence, Social Bu erfly, Influenve person, with the ability to
al, Independent, Popular
p those passions in check. The Queen exudes such confidence that
ers o en flock toward them, making them influen al and quite the
-Centered, Introverted, Using Influence to Hurt Others
al bu erfly. While they o en enjoys being around others, and
ing their passions and crea vity with loved ones or an audience,
’re very independent. The Queen of Wands understands their
onal power, knows that they can accomplish great things on their
. This is o en, even the source of the Queen’s confidence and
ersed the King of Wands may indicate that you have placed too
of expecta ons on yourself or others. Reversed, they are someone
might expect too much from people and even become angry
n those unrealis c expecta ons aren’t being met.
Reversed King’s emo ons are s ll impassioned, but o en to the
t over being overly aggressive. This may make them
peramental, too lus ul, and even ruthless at mes.
behave in an unfair way. You may be fooling yourself into thinking
that if you know who you are, you have an excuse do whatever you
like; even if it is hur ng other people.
ew love or a newly kindled passion for something. It reminds me of
w Feelings or Love, Awakening, Emo onal, Sharing Feelings
mth and comfort- hence this card has an image of a steaming la e
between two hands. It was my inten on to keep it unclear whether
ressed Feelings, Apathy, Ignoring Intui on, S fling Affec on
ot the hands belong to two separate people, or just one person.
er way, it was also inten onal that the hands are gently touching as
cup is held between them.
ually associate this card with feelings of comfort, affec on, and
ed love.
ardless what gi s the Ace of Cups brings, they are likely ones that
fill your heart and give you a good sense of completeness and
onal wholeness.
Ace of Cups can represent the idea of simply being emo onal, and
ng a lot of feelings. It is also associated with intui on, and thus can
cate an emo onal awakening or realiza on.
ersed, this card alludes to issues of emo onal suppression. You may
tuffing your emo ons deep inside, bo ling them up in an a empt
void them. You may also be ignoring your intui on because you are
d, or not ready to confront something in your heart or mind.
card suggests that compromises can and will be made, and are
y to please all par es involved.
so represents balanced rela onships in which both people involved
t one another with an equal level of respect, trust, and love.
onally, the Two of Cups can symbolize even the union of the
tual and physical aspects of ourselves. O en mes, we are able to
te harmony in our rela onships, because we have established a
mony within ourselves as well.
ally I had also intended for the hands in the image to appear as older
younger, to indicate a “maiden, mother, crone,” mo f, with the
den at the bo om, the mother in the middle, and the crone at the
In hindsight, I doubt this is a no ceable detail, but it’s s ll one that I
k about when this card appears. The cup at the top of the card
es on its contents to the middle cup, and the finally the bo om cup.
ersed, this card may indicate troubles among your friend group, or a
of support. However, this card is also a call to spend me on your
. It is likely telling you that you can manage things along for now. It
even be advising to take me for yourself to work on your own
acles, rather than those of your friends.
may be feeling emo onally or socially drained from giving too much
ourself to others.
You may be wallowing in your feelings even though you know it’s me to
pick up the pieces.
The important message with this card is that the past is just that-- the
past. It transforms us, and we can learn from it, but it can only stall us
when we let it. This card is a reminder to grow from failures and losses.
Take me to mourn if you need to, but eventually you will have to move
on as a stronger and wiser version of yourself.
e lilies; a reference to the RWS version of the card where white
th, Innocence, Nostalgia, Memories, The Inner Child
are used to represent the sense of innocence associated with
dhood. The Six of Cups is about youth and childhood in the most
ck in the Past, Repressed Memories, Unplayful, Immaturity
ve ways. The tea party on this card may be the game of a child,
could also something being enjoyed by an adult.
card may appear when you are presented with many choices, and are
ggling to make a decision. You may have so many op ons that you are
ble to choose any one of them at all. Alterna vely you may be so
usioned by your own fantasies and desires, that it has become
cult to see where the op ons before you will actually lead, thus you
be ignoring your op ons completely.
n, this card indicates that we are not sa sfied with any of the op ons
re us, though many of them would likely lead us down a desirable
. This card reminds us that it’s important to dream big, but that we
need to maintain realis c goals as well. While it’s o en good to forge
own path forward in life, don’t be too quick to ignore opportuni es
seem small, simply because you are too focused on your greater
card can be a reminder to focus on small, realis c goals, and not be
acted by grand, long-term visions and fantasies.
ever, it can also be a reminder to forge our paths when the op ons
ented to us are unsa sfying. Over me, your smaller choices and
mplishments will lead you where you wish to be; you may simply
e to open your own doorways for yourself, rather than choose from
e which have been opened for you already.
from a very pragma c frame of mind. You may be thinking about things in
a way that feels very “realis c,” but should make sure you’re doing so for
the right reasons.
It may be that you are having trouble imagining big possibili es in your
future, and so your visions have become small and easily a ainable in
order to avoid disappointment. You may be seeing things only as they
appear, without using your imagina on to look forward to anything
While this card is always a reminder to be grounded and realis c when
making choices of several op ons, this reversal reminds you not to be
afraid to imagine a bright future. You don’t need to resist your own
pleasure or lo y goals in an effort to remain realis c. It is fine to dream
big; you merely need to ground yourself and think things through one step
at a me.
his card, a single traveler floats off toward the distance, trailing
ving Things Behind, Personal Quests, Personal Space
en cups behind them. Several of the glasses sink to the water
w as they’re le in the wake of the traveler, while others remain
idant, Refusal to Give Up or Let Go of Harmful Things
he surface; yet all of them are le behind.
figure on this card is alone, and it is likely that only you can take
steps forward that you need. However, the figure is also moved by
water around them. When this card appears, you are likely already
ng pushed to move forward. You may be craving release from your
onal burdens, seeking personal growth, or desiring a moment of
ude in which to rest and recover.
ember that le ng go of the past does not erase it. You can may
feel pain or grief a er moving forward, but it’s important to leave
e things behind so that you can let the current move you.
card may also represent a sense of feeling on top of the world. You
ht be feeling like you have it all, so it’s important to express thanks
remain humble. You likely do have a lot to feel grateful for. This card
be serving as a reminder of that, but also a reminder to show
tude where it is due.
card tells us that we have enough happiness to share with all those
nd us. Our rela onships with loved ones are peaceful and
monious. This card predicts peaceful mes, and happiness but can
be a reminder not to fixate on fairy-tale happy endings. Just because
gs are not what you envisioned as perfect does not mean there isn’t
ty worth celebra ng.
en this card is reversed, it is likely because you are not feeling the
onal connec on with others that you desire. You may be
eriencing family drama, or may be feeling emo onally distant from
people you love.
connec on and affec on, without actually cul va ng love and
happiness. Remember that you o en receive back from the universe
what you put into it. This is o en also true of rela onships, especially
those with family or community.
Regardless of what this card represents exactly, be it family problems or
a struggling rela onship, this reversed card is a reminder to express
apprecia on and love to those around you.
siup. There’s no way to know how big or small this body of water is,
ve, Roman cism, New Love, Imagina ve
the Page is going with the flow either way. The Page of Cups has a
o do with fantasy and roman cism, so this card is meant to look as
o onal Immaturity, Crea ve Blocks, Doub ng Intui on
ugh it could a scene from a story like Alice’s Adventures in
derland. This imagery is also a nod to Pamela Colman Smith’s
work in the RWS deck, in which a human Page of Wands holds a cup
a fish in it.
Page of Cups is someone with a big heart. They are likely in tune
their dreams and intui on. They’re emo onally sensi ve, which
es them roman c and o en crea ve.
ever, the Page is perhaps not yet all that familiar with their own
ons. They may not know how best to process what they feel and
hey can be emo onally needy, overly sensi ve, or unable to
ness their intui ve and create abili es effec vely.
they are not perfect. Their emo ons can fluctuate and be fickle.
y are loving and passionate, but their feelings may change
denly. The Knight of Cups is a dreamer, but will not always think
ugh the consequences of the ac ons they take in pursuit of those
It’s good to let your heart be open to others, and to nurture their
feelings when you can. But doing so o en has a taxing effect that can
leave you emo onally drained, exhausted, and depressed. Don’t forget
to make me to take care of yourself. It’s fine to take me alone to
recharge or focus on your own feelings, and it is essen al to have
boundaries with others even when looking a er their emo onal needs.
oears here again on the King of Cups; a reference to the Fisher King.
onal Balance, Calm and Composed, Diplomat, Healer
any versions of the Arthurian legend, the Fisher King is the last in a
o onally Hardened, Emo onal Stress, Emo onally
line of Grail-Keeper Kings. He possesses the Grail but has no need
nipula ve
and waits for another to come and claim it. The glowing crown
n above the Grail on the Knight of Cups, now adorns the Fisher King
his card.
King of Cups is someone who has found emo onal balance. They
mature, much like the Queen, and are an equally wonderful
nselor to those seeking emo onal insight or peace. They are
ful, and able to respond to their own emo ons with a great
om that comes from maturity and experience. The King’s balance
heart” and “head” o en allow them to remain calm under nearly
circumstance, and makes them an excellent diplomat or healer to
ugh the King’s calmness may make him seem emo onally detached
mes, they care deeply for others, and are always willing to share
r knowledge and emo onal wisdom with people who may need it.
Swords are a suit of communica on, truth, jus ce, knowledge, and
ty. This card likely foretells a new truth that will be revealed to you.
aps you are about to learn a secret, or make a realiza on that will
g you some kind of much-needed insight.
e literally, this card may also indicate an opportunity to cut
ething away. If you are struggling with a problema c rela onship,
nnecessary baggage, it might be me to separate yourself from it,
leave it behind.
Six of Swords calls for us to move on, and to seek emo onal
ing, but it also reminds us that some degree of the past will be
ain with us at mes. We can either choose to let those things hold
ack, or drive us forward.
card may also be cau oning of us other people who are presen ng
e illusions. There may be someone trying to trick you into thinking
are a vic m, or there may be someone who needs your help
king down the traps they’ve created in their own head.
freedom from such personal traps. This card may indicate a period of
reclaiming personal power, and doing away with limi ng thoughts,
insecuri es, and nega ve outlooks on the situa ons we find
ourselves in.
We may be opening up to new experiences, or opening up
emo onally in ways we haven’t before. We may be facing truths
about ourselves and our behavior that are uncomfortable but
necessary to confront. We might be taking new risks or chances
because we’ve learned that this is o en the only way to move
forward. We might be overcoming fears, or doing away with toxic
The reversed Eight of Swords is all about freeing oneself from self-
limita on, and removing the painful things we bring upon ourselves.
ord of Damocles” story, in which a cour er named Damocles briefly
ss, Overwhelmed, Pressure, Anxiety, Insomnia
as subs tute for his king, Dionysius. Believing that Damocles
ely longs for the luxury and fortune of being king, Dionysius
-Destruc ve Thoughts, Inner Fears and Secrets
ends a sword above the throne by a single strand of horse hair,
ted down at the throne in a symbolic representa on of the lethal
sure and danger one must face as king. Damocles then spends his
as king fulfilling Dionysius’s du es from the throne, under constant
at of the sword falling down on him.
en this card appears, it’s import to examine what forces are making
feel this way. If you can, take a break and spend me res ng and
king toward recovering from the fa gue of your stress. Being kept
ke and exhausted will only feed your anxie es.
may also look to other cards for advice on how best to deal with
things that are worrying you.
card may also indicate relapses into the things that drag us down.
may be falling back into addic ons, toxic behaviors, or harmful
Some mes giving up on something is exactly what you need in order
to rise out of a “rock bo om” situa on.
olade,” by Edmund Blair Leighton. It shows a young man being
ugh ulness, Curiosity, New Ideas, Learning
gnized by a noblewoman, and the pair have o en been
pared to a young Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. The scene
rds Without Ac on, Unwilling to Speak Up, Malicious Words
ws a moment of roman cism and almost inspires a sense of the
ple’s naivety. It is in a large part due to the rela onship between
elot and Guinevere that Camelot eventually falls; but here their
onship is new and they are blissfully unaware of the things yet
h like the young couple, The Page of Swords of eager for things to
e, without wholly understanding what they might be. The Page of
rds represents a strong thirst for knowledge, a sense of curiosity,
though ul considera on of things. But as a Page, this card also
cates a sense of newness and immaturity.
Knight of Swords rushes where they go. They are swi to take up
s and will join a charge with ambi on. They are a revolu onary
vidual who seeks to bring about posi ve change where they can.
Knight, much like the Page, is eager to learn, but does so by taking
ore proac ve role. They are an explorer and an adventurer, always
y to leap into new things and join a quest, or create one for
y are a cri cal thinker, and value their independence and personal
ngth. Like all Queens, The Queen of Swords is mature and has
ned through personal experience; making them keen of mind and
ourse, these quali es can lead to trouble in spite of the King’s role
master of learning and understanding.
ersed, this card can indicate that one is being too controlling of
ers around them. The King of Swords might be ge ng too full of
mselves and thinking that their vast knowledge makes them
rter or be er than those around them. They may be in mida ng
ers, inten onally or otherwise. They may also be lacking
passion for others; trea ng them as if they know nothing at all.
manipulate others by bending the truth, or manipula ng what other
people see and believe as true.
This card is a good reminder to use your knowledge and understanding
for good, but also to recognize that you will never know everything.
Just because someone might be a King of Swords, they may s ll be only
a child in other ways; much like the young King Arthur. When this card
is reversed, it’s important to remember that you can s ll learn from
others, even if you are an expert in some fields.
d, in a garden of sprouts that are also sparkling.
ortunity, Plan ng Seeds, Investments,Manifesta on, New
n mes, the Ace of Pentacles foretells of new opportuni es;
ecially where things like finances, health, resources, and
erialism, Too Greedy, Missed Chances, Lack of Cau on, Over-
ndance are concerned. This card may predict a future in which you
secure and grounded. Projects may be coming to frui on at last, or
projects may be laying down strong roots.
can be a call to reach out to peers and friends for help. It could
be a warning to look out for colleagues who are not pulling their
ght, or are doing something unethical or unsafe in the context of
shared work.
coworkers, network in order to find help for new projects, search for
work in new places, or reach out to allies for assistance.
urces and wealth are concerned. It tells us that we are in a
tec ng Resources, Saving, Being Frugal, Stability
fortable posi on in regard to these things. It may be saying that
eone has all that they need right now.
rding Wealth, Greed, Smugness about Wealth, Reckless With
n can also be a reminder to be frugal and cau ous with your
urces. While you may be feeling secure for now, and have
ything you currently need, it’s important to take this me to
ure your con nued stability and secure a strong and las ng
da on. It may not yet be a good me to make large investments or
financial risks just because you can; but the me for these things
be soon on the horizon.
rna vely, this reversal can indicate someone who has spent much
saving their money or resources, but is now spending them too
card can also allude to the idea of inten onally forgoing material
gs out of a desire or need to live more minimally.
erosity is not only about money and resources, but also about our
nec on to others.
Six of Pentacles might be calling us to give something of ourselves
ther people; be it actual money, or just our me and care. Pay
n on to what others give you when this card appears, and do your
to give back to them, or pay it forward to others.
card can also remind us not to be too proud to accept help from
ers, and not to be resen ul or overly smug when giving to them. It
reminder to give and receive with warmth and care.
Six of Pentacles may also be asking us to invest in ourselves as
. Give yourself the things you need to grow and flourish, and you’ll
that your efforts are o en returned in some way.
Seven of Pentacles is about trial and error process, and the need to
a ent with long-term work. This card reminds us that we won’t
eve perfec on right away, and we won’t achieve perfect results
y me. It asks us to work hard and diligently in spite of that, and to
pen to feedback. We must also be willing to pause and assess our
k from me to me so that we can see how we’ve improved, and
we can best go forward from here.
card can foretell the mastery of a skill, or may be telling you that
are about to find a steady and gra fying new job.
anvil on this card represents hard labor, but the pentacle fixed upon
presents that the labor is something you care about. It is the sole
on of this anvil to produce these pentacles. It was meant for this.
work you put into things now will not only be produc ve, but will
e you feeling as if a purpose has been fulfilled. The repe ve nature
his work will allow you to commit to it and become highly skilled.
en the Eight of Pentacles appears reversed, there are issues with the
k being done. Though someone may care a lot about their work,
may not be making any real progress toward their ul mate goals.
ibly, they lack the skill or tools necessary to do their best work, or
not feeling sa sfied by the work in the way that they had once
ed to.
reversed card may also mean that someone is rushing the work
g done, cu ng corners and failing to do their best in an effort to
ed things along. Alterna vely, someone may be behaving like too
O en mes, this not only slows us down but in fact keeps us from
doing our best.
When one is so obsessed with perfec on, all they can see are the
ways in which they thing they’ve fallen short, no ma er how minor.
Remember not to cri cize yourself too harshly. Mistakes will happen,
but this does not mean that progress isn’t happening as well.
co age where the farmer once lived is empty and the lights are off,
ned Rewards, Hard Work Paying Off, Luxury, Abundance,
ke the ones in the castle towers. The farmer has le
ts of Labor . Having
red hard in their field and built their castle, they now reside there
life where they are able to merely enjoy the fruits of their labor.
s ng Luxury, Trying to Buy Happiness, Inves ng Too Much in
r Work
Nine of Pentacles is all about hard work paying off. This card
dicts rewards and luxury, all having being earned fairly through hard
commi ed processes. This card refer to things like promo ons at
k, an ability to treat yourself to something nice for having made
e extra money, or being able to move into a nicer home. It’s
ortant to remember however, that while Pentacles are associated
money, they can also represent other kinds of wealth. Perhaps
ing investments in your rela onships or your heath are paying off,
big improvements are coming to pass.
pite the card’s associa ons with inheritance and security, it is also
n mes not a reference to financial success. This card will o en
ear in readings to refer to the things our families have given us
ugh the genera ons, like family tradi ons and recipes, an ancestral
e, a reputa on, wise advice, spiritual beliefs, and so on.
en this card appears, ask yourself what kinds of things have been
ed down to you from your elders, and why they might be relevant
t now. It is also important to consider what you have to pass on to
e who will come next.
en this card appears in your readings, it may indicate that you are
ng your way into a more secure state. You’ve learned from the past
are in the process of applying what you’ve learned to progress into
future in a more prac cal way; building stability for yourself or
ers as you go. While movement may feel slow, remember that it is
long-las ng and well planned.
However, when the Knight of Pentacles appears reversed, progress is
likely being slowed or halted for the wrong reasons. It’s possible that
you are feeling bored of a project that once excited you. You may also
be doub ng the work you’ve done so far, and are second-guessing the
decisions you made along the way.
This card can also be a warning that you are so concerned with the
details of your projects and work that you have have stunted your
progress forward completely. While it’s nice to aim for perfec on,
eventually you will have to move on to the next step, or else your work
will never con nue to make progress.
When this card appears reversed, it may be a good me to reassess
your priori es. If you’re feeling bored, ask yourself what you’re no
longer ge ng out of the work you’ve been doing. If you’re too focused
on perfec on to move forward, consider what you are missing out on
by staying behind.
of nurturing. The Queen of Pentacles is a resourceful person who
tec on, Nurturing, Self-Care, Resourcefulness, Security
already established a stable founda on for themselves. They know
t their needs are, and knows that they are provided for; thus The
ealthy, Indulgent, Neglec ul, Independent
en’s focus is o en on sharing their security with those they loves.
card will also appear when it is me for you to take care of yourself.
Queen of Pentacles is resourceful, and they’ve built their founda on
aking care of themselves as well as others. This card may be telling
to indulge in the things you enjoy, to take a break and nurture
self; to rest, and relax, and bask in your successes. You will be
nger a er all, if you take me to care for yourself, and thus your
rity and success will only grow in turn.
These ten alternate cards that can be added to the Ink Witch deck, or
can replace some of the default cards depending on the reader’s
personal tastes.The original deck func ons on its own s ll, so these
cards will hopefully eliminate the need for an en rely new second
edi on deck for the me being. If you bought the Ink Witch deck in the
past year, you can s ll enjoy these new addi ons without buying a
brand new copy of the deck. You can also choose to incorporate extra
cards into your experience or not, depending on your preference.
e original High Priestess card is not your cup of tea, I’ve created an
rna ve card that you can use instead. This version shows a
uneteller whose eyes are covered, and whose head covering is
roidered with a third eye symbol; a reminder that the High Priestess
with her mind more than her eyes. The figure’s crystal ball displays a
n, which alludes to Pamela Colman Smith’s version of the card where
escent moon is placed in a similar posi on. The black and white pillars
are iconic of the High Priestess card (chess queens on the original Ink
h art) are replaced here by two candles.
always enjoyed decks that draw a rela onship between these two
s- something I first no ced in Pamela Colman Smith’s artwork, in
ch the Lovers and Devil cards share an almost iden cal composi on.
tly a er, I started to consider prin ng a set of addi onal cards and
ded that if the doe and stag artwork was to be printed, it would
d an accompanying Devil card. I also decided that if I was going to
e one card with a couple that presented as two gay men, and a doe
stag that present somewhat as an opposite-sex couple, I should
add a lesbian couple, and a set of Lovers/Devil cards where the
ple could be more ambiguous; they could be non-binary, asexual, or
-roman c.
by Trung Le Nguyen, which features mul ple Lovers cards; an idea that I
liked a lot before I even started to Illustrated the Ink Witch.
And so I added my doe and stag, a female-presen ng pair that I
imagined to be like Eve and Lilith in the garden of Eden (my original
male pair were always Adam and Steve a er all,) and a pair that were
two very ambiguous birds.
I would encourage people to use whichever pair they like in their deck,
or even use mul ple pairs if they feel that the different sets of cards
evoke different meanings for them.
. I loved my original idea for the card, to have Jus ce leading a
ch or protest, but I was never happy with the composi on and the
the card actually looked. Even now, I don’t love the design of that
as much as I wish I did, though I’m s ll very happy with the
being said, I didn’t love that Arthur is so young in this scene. I drew
rsion of this card originally that was more visually pleasing than the
in Ink Witch, but in which he appeared even younger. And the
ion that does appears in Ink Witch was not as nice to look at, but
e Arthur look less naive and childish that my other a empt.
this card, and I like the idea of the King of Pentacles as an expert
er player; but I think perhaps it skews the meaning of the card in the
ng direc on.