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COMPANION Eric Maille’s work.

W THE DECK IS ORGANIZED.............................................................12

DING THE CARDS AND USING SPREADS.......................................16

SSARY OF CARDS.............................................................................23

MAJOR ARCANA................................................................................25
0. The Fool......................................................................................26
I. The Magician................................................................................28
II. The High Priestess......................................................................30
III. The Empress..............................................................................32
IV. The Emperor...............................................................................34
V. The Hierophant............................................................................36
VI. The Lovers.................................................................................38
VII. The Chariot...............................................................................40
VIII. Strength...................................................................................42
IX. The Hermit.................................................................................44
X Wheel of Fortune.........................................................................46
XI. Jus ce.......................................................................................48
XII. The Hanged Man......................................................................50
XIII. Death.......................................................................................52
XIV. Temperance.............................................................................54
XV. The Devil...................................................................................56
XVI. The Tower................................................................................58
XVII. The Star..................................................................................60
XVIII. The Moon..............................................................................62
XIX. The Sun...................................................................................64
XX Judgement.................................................................................65
XXI. The World................................................................................66
II. ..................................................................................................76
III. .................................................................................................78
IV. .................................................................................................80
V. ..................................................................................................82
VI. .................................................................................................84
VII. ................................................................................................86
VIII. ...............................................................................................88
IX. .................................................................................................90
X. ..................................................................................................92

II. ................................................................................................106
III. ...............................................................................................108
IV. ...............................................................................................110
V. ................................................................................................112
VI. ...............................................................................................114
VII. ..............................................................................................116
VIII. .............................................................................................118
IX. ...............................................................................................120
X. ................................................................................................122
II. .................................................................................................136
III. ................................................................................................138
IV. ................................................................................................140
V. .................................................................................................142
VI. ................................................................................................144
VII. ...............................................................................................146
VIII. ..............................................................................................148
IX. ................................................................................................150
X. .................................................................................................152

II. .................................................................................................166
III. ................................................................................................168
IV. ................................................................................................170
V. .................................................................................................172
VI. ................................................................................................174
VII. ...............................................................................................176
VIII. ..............................................................................................178
IX. ................................................................................................180
X. .................................................................................................182
VI. The Lovers / XV. The Devil.......................................................198
XI. Jus ce......................................................................................200
King of Swords..............................................................................202
King of Pentacles..........................................................................204

PARTING THOUGHTS.............................................................................206

ABOUT THE ARTIST................................................................................207

8, in which I planned to design only the Major Arcana of a
othe cal tarot deck that would never exist. The support and
tement that my audience expressed while I was working on the
ect encouraged me to create a full deck of 78 cards over the course
he next two years. It was a project which ul mately took hundreds
ours. During that me, I researched various interpreta ons of each
, illustrated all of them (o en in mul ple dra s,) and edited them
print. It is by far my largest project to date, and while I’m very
sed with the results of the project, I could never have imagined the
and support it has received. This deck means so much to me, and
support of it means the world to me as well. As such, I wanted to
this guide book simply by expressing my gra tude.

en I finally decided to turn my art project into a complete tarot deck,

deled it closely a er the format of the Rider Waite Smith deck;
ch set a standard for the vast majority of tarot decks that have been
ted in the past century or so. I had not expected that Ink Witch
ld be par cularly popular, and so while I was crea ng it, I felt I was
tly crea ng it just for myself. As me went on and I realized there
ld at least be a small audience of people wan ng a copy of the deck
hemselves, I wanted to keep the price of the deck low in order to
e it more accessible to everyone. Because most people with an
rest in Tarot already know how to read the RWS deck, and because
ks and phone applica ons that teach the RWS deck are easy to find,
not ini ally expect or plan to make a guide book for the Ink Witch
t deck.

r the deck became successful, I received countless messages and e-

s asking about the possibility of a guidebook tailored specifically for
Witch being made some day.

Ink Witch Companion is that guide book.

ated it somewhat unexpectedly, not having an cipated much

and for such a thing, and goal is to use this book to explain the Ink
h deck in more depth. If you are new to Tarot, I will also touch on
e of the elements of reading Tarot that I believe are important. I will
use this guide to teach you a few common spreads that I like, as
from when crea ng these cards.

However, this is not an extensive or par cularly in-depth tool for
learning to read Tarot in general. There are many other books,
websites, and phone applica ons that can serve that func on if it
something you are interested in exploring more deeply.

Primarily, this book is a simple guide for ge ng started with the Ink
Witch deck if you are brand new to Tarot. It will also serve as a
pla orm through which I can share the meanings of each card in the
Ink Witch deck, and the explana ons of how and why I designed them
the way I did.

I feel that at this me, I should express that it was always my inten on
that the cards in Ink Witch can func on at least rela vely well without
a guide book. I want them to s mulate your intui on and imagina on,
and if you gather any interpreta ons of the imagery that are not in
line with the meanings I intended to communicate when illustra ng
the cards, I would encourage you to run with that! That being said, I
recommend spending a li le bit of me with the Ink Witch deck
before you fully explore my descrip ons of the cards. Take a moment
to look through each card, and maybe even do a few readings if you
haven’t already. The meanings and messages you get from each card
based on your own intui on may be different than what I describe
here; and that’s totally fine! I even think that it’s a good thing!

Tarot as we know it today is ul mately not a very old tool. In fact most
modern decks, like the one created by Arthur Waite and Pamela
Colman-Smith, are modeled a er a parlor game of the Italian
renaissance called tarrochi, and their use as tools for divina on didn’t
become popular for many years a er the game was originally being

S ll, the symbols in the “tradi onal” tarot deck are very old. Symbols
like “The Sun,” “The Lovers,” The Devil,” and “Death,” span a vast
landscape of me periods and cultures, and mean different things to
different people. Different tarot-readers o en have their own
interpreta ons of these symbols, and while this deck will touch on
both tradi onal meanings of these cards and my personal
interpreta ons of them, I encourage you to rely first and foremost on
men oned before, the Ink Witch tarot deck is modeled closely
r the Rider Waite Smith deck, or RWS deck, which set a standard
el upon which most other tarot decks are based today. This
ns that nearly any book that teaches tarot will teach you to read
nk Witch, par cularly if they follow the format of the RWS deck

RWS deck was illustrated by Pamela Colman-Smith, who’s work

been influen al to nearly every tarot deck illustrator a er her; and
nk Witch is no excep on. I would also like to take a moment here
men on that in addi on to Colman-Smith’s work, I was very
ired by The Star Spinner Tarot by Trung Le Nguyen (aka Trungles,)
The Line Strider tarot deck by Siolo Thompson. These ar sts are
h contemporary illustrators that were influencing my work well
re I began crea ng a tarot deck- but their decks were major
ira ons and influences on the the Ink Witch as it was developed.

other significant influences you’ll find in the Ink Witch are varied
many. Among other things, you’ll find references to Greek,
p an, and Norse mythology; Arthurian knights and legends,
pean folk stories and fairy tales; and the subtle but powerful
ic of the modern world, like that of coffee dates with new lovers,
road trips with close friends.

ques on that tarot-readers are o en asked by people new to the

d of Tarot, and so one that I will address here is “Do they work?”
a ques on I have been asked a few mes myself while working on
deck, and my answer to this ques on is unequivocally “Yes.”

t does work.

deck is just paper and card stock. I didn’t perform any kind of
ic on the cards except for whatever magic naturally occurs when
works on art they feel very passionate about. However,
orically, the tarot deck is a carefully constructed tool. The cards
h represent numerous archetypes and symbols that relate to
ects of a universal human experience. No ma er what cards are
ed from the deck, they will have story to tell you; and that story
be relatable. Regardless of your belief in magic, spirituality, or
hcra , your tarot deck will undoubtedly open your eyes, heart,
examine the world from new perspec ves, and think about problems in
new ways. And yes, at mes it will even tell you the past, present, and

For me, that is the magic that happens when reading Tarot. It ensures
that no ma er who you are or what you hope to gain, Tarot will work
for you.
You only need to use it.
S tarot deck. This means that it is actually divided into two smaller
ks called “The Major Arcana” and “The Minor Arcana.”
or Arcana are the cards with their own unique names: “Death,” “The
ers,” “The Star,” to name a few. There are 22 of these cards and they
numbered 0-21 in roman numerals at the top of each card.
e is some debate among tarot-readers about what makes the Major
na “Major.” Some readers assert that when a Major card appears in
ading, it foretells of an unchangeable aspect of fate, while Minor
s are aspects of fate over which you have more control. Others claim
Major cards are simply major events, and Minor cards are minor

onally, I think of Major Arcana cards as being more significant, but

as having broader meaning. They are the grand archetypes of the
t deck, and by extension, your readings. Cards like “Death,” and “The
ers” both represent very abstract concepts; but it is the broad and
aphysical nature of these cards which makes them so significant
n they appear to you.

or Arcana are themselves divided into four suits, much like a deck of
ing cards. Within each suit are an “Ace;” numbered cards that are
ked 2-10; and a set of “court cards” including a Page, a Knight, a
en, and a King. This organiza on is easy to remember if you think of
ing similar to a deck of playing cards.
ause there are so many minor cards, they are o en more specific
the major cards. Their meanings may o en seem less broad and
o en more “minor.”

four suits of the Minor Arcana are as follows:

nds- These cards have to do with things like crea vity, passion,
gy, poten al, and being produc ve. They are associated with the
ment of fire, and also associated with the “Club” cards in a regular
k of playing cards.
feeling, and being recep ve to feelings and energies around you.
They’re are associated with the element of water. These cards
correspond to the “Hearts” suit in a standard deck of playing cards.

Swords- Swords are typically about communica on, truth, ac on, and
jus ce. You may find some of these cards to be a bit harsher than other
suits at mes. Swords are associated with the element of Air, and the
“Spades” suit of playing cards.

Pentacles- Finally, Pentacles are about wealth, abundance, cul va on,
groundedness, and resources. They are associated with the element of
earth, and the “Diamonds” suit of playing cards. It’s important to note
that while Pentacle cards o en revolve around money and wealth, they
can also represent more abstract forms of wealth. For example,
Pentacles may point to a wealth of friends or family, a wealth of talent
or skill, or a wealth of informa on.

Within each suit are an Ace card, and a set of four “court” cards.
I like to think of Aces as gi s or opportuni es offered by the universe.
The Ace of Swords for example, could mean that you’ll receive some
kind of truth, learn a secret, or receive an important message.

The “court cards” of the tarot deck are o en associated with people
who may be significant to a reading. These cards are also some mes
ascribed specific ages and gender iden es. I advise you to try and
avoid feeling the need to consider the court cards solely representa ve
of their associated ages and gender iden es. The quali es of any of
the court cards can apply to all manner of people; and like all of the 78
tarot cards we will o en find some aspect of ourselves in these cards
regardless of our gender iden ty or age.

Each suit’s “court” is composed of the following:

Pages- The Pages are o en associated with poten al, newness, youth,
naivety, innocence, and the like. They are also o en associated with the
delivery of messages. The Page of Cups for example is some mes
thought to represent things like love-le ers, while the Page of
Pentacles could represent news that money is on the way.

Knights- are o en associated with blooming skill or growing passion;
though they s ll have much to learn. In most decks (though not in the
i onally have associa ons with young men, quickness, and arrivals.
ome decks, many of them are shown as figures charging to ba le, as
knights are o en viewed as being proac ve.

ens- usually are associated with mother figures, teachers, and

es who already have a pre y good handle on life. Many of these
s are associated with tradi onally “feminine” archetypes like that of
rturing mother. Queens are individuals who have a firm grasp over
concepts represented by their suit. They understand their domains
so they o en appear like advisors, to help you harness the power of
r suit.

s- are usually associated with father figures, teachers, and bosses.

lar to queens, they are the masters of the things their respec ve
symbolize. They are o en associated with leadership, fatherhood,
mentorship. To me, the King cards have a connota on of strong
ma ve ac on. They’re o en there tell you that it’s me to wield the
er of their domain and use it in a proac ve way, especially when it
you to organize others alongside you.

dard Cards and Reversals.

ourse, each card has a set of accompanying meanings, archetypes

symbols. For example, when “The Lovers” card appears in a
ing, it alludes to concepts like love, romance, rela onships,
ality and even contracts.
ever, some people read cards differently if they appear right-side up
pside-down. Upside down cards are called “Reversals,” and allude to
osi ons involving the card’s "standard" meanings.
f “The Lovers” were to appear reversed in your reading, it could
cate problems with your love life, a need for self-love, or a tenuous

important not to confuse “reversed” with the word “opposite.” Not

y reversed card merely indicates an opposite meaning of the
dard one. Rather, I try to think of Reversals as indica ng “problems
pposi on,” with the standard meanings.
ersed cards are not always bad either. In the example above for
ance, a need for self-love is o en a very helpful reminder!

y readers do not use reversals when they interpret cards, and will
interpret right-side up ones. Some tarot decks are even designed to
explicitly exclude reversals.
There is no right or wrong way to consider reversals with the Ink
Witch deck. If you wish to include them, your readings will take on
vastly more nuanced forms; so I encourage you to include reversals if
you are aiming for more refined readings, or consider excluding them
if you are looking for more general answers.
Many new tarot readers will begin without reversals, and choose to
incorporate them into their readings once they have a bit more

It is completely up to you, but this guide will include some
informa on about reversed meanings for each card if you wish to
make use of them.
s on.
y tarot reader has their own rituals for asking ques ons, and their
favorite spreads. More in-depth guides can provide you with
ns of spreads to try out, and even help you to create your own. In
sec on, we’ll discuss just a few spreads, as well as the methods I
to use when conduc ng my own readings.

, you’ll need a ques on to ask. The person asking the ques on is

idered the “querent.” If you are doing a reading for yourself, then
are both the reader and the querent.

a good idea to avoid “Yes or No” ques ons when possible, as the
t deck is a tool suited for more detailed answers than that. If a
rent wishes to ask a yes or no ques on, there are easy ways to
hrase such ques ons for more explanatory answers. A good
mple of this, is the ques on, “Will my friend be at the party?”
could easily be reworded into a ques on like “What do I need to
w about the party?”

or your querent may wish for a simple general reading however,

re no ques on is asked and you merely get a sense of what is
pening in the life of the querent and what informa on might be
ful for them at this me. In this case, it is good to ascribe a theme
set amount of me to your reading. For example, you may ask the
s for a general reading about the next week, month, or year. You
ht also ask for a general reading about the current state of a
rent’s life, love life, or career.

e you have a ques on:

ways think of the ques on in my mind as I shuffle the cards
oughly. If I am reading the cards for another querent, I’ll then hand
deck to them when I’m finished, and ask them to shuffle the cards
ell. I like to do a riffle shuffle and a bridge when I’m ge ng ready
o a reading, but there’s no right or wrong way to shuffle the cards.

e the querent has shuffled the cards to their content, they may cut
deck three mes to their le and then re-stack them so that cards
Some readers will spread the the shuffled cards into a row, face
down, so that cards can be selected at random by the querent rather
than drawn from the top of the deck.

Whatever method you prefer is fine, but this is the method I learned
from my parents who first taught me Tarot, and I personally enjoy
making a ritual of the ques on-asking phase of a tarot reading; le ng
the querent feel involved in the process.

Once you’ve shuffled the cards and prepared them for your
ques on, you should pick a spread to use. Different spreads use
different quan es of cards. It’s a good idea to start with small
spreads that use only a few cards when you’re new to reading, and
then work your way up to larger spreads that offer more refined and
insigh ul answers. Once you’ve learned several different spreads,
you’ll be able to assess which ones feel best suited for the different
types of ques ons you’ll be asking your tarot deck.

These are a few of my favorite common spreads:

A Single Card Draw is good prac ce for quick, short ques ons. It’s
also a good daily prac ce to draw a single card to gain insight into
your day- this is a great way to gradually learn each card in the deck,
and apply your Tarot prac ce to your life. It also works as a really nice
morning medita on prac ce.

Shuffle the cards, and ask your ques on, then draw a single card to
gain insight or ascertain a “theme.”

For Example, if you were to ask for a general reading for the week,
and drew “The Lovers,” your week would revolve around the idea of
love. Perhaps you would meet a roman c interest and fall in love, or
perhaps you would get more serious about a rela onship you are
already in. Regardless, you would know that the concepts
represented by “The Lovers” (romance, rela onships etc) would be
play a very significant role in your week.

I like to pull a single cad when I’m in more of a hurry, or just want
something vague to consider and think about. Again, doing a single
card reading for yourself each day is an excellent way to begin
learning the cards.
is a very popular spread for beginners and experts alike, using three
s. It can be used to answer ques ons, or provide solid general

r shuffling the deck, select three cards, and arrange them in a row.
n with the card on the le . This card represents the past. It is
ortant to consider how the past might affect the rest of the spread.
ething that has already occurred will be relevant to you now.

e on the to the center card, which represents the present. Consider

card to be a representa on of the querent’s current state; or that it
des to something significant happening in their present.

lly, examine the card on the right, which represents the future. This
here the querent is headed, or an important aspect of what is soon
ome. If it feels nega ve, consider looking to the other two cards in
spread for advice on how to deal with an unfortunate situa on.

e the reader will probably want to examine each card one at a me,
also important to then look at the spread as a whole. How does the
influence the present and the future. What is the querent’s current
e of life like, and does it keep them on track toward a bright future,
dark one? How did they get here? Where are they going?
e you’re comfortable trying a larger spread, the Cel c Cross is a
sic spread that most tarot readers will recognize. It uses ten cards to
ide detailed insight into a ques on or problem, so this spread is
d for more nuanced readings.

r shuffling the cards and asking a ques on, arrange ten cards in the
ons below. I like to place them all face down in the order that they
be revealed. One by one, reveal the cards and examine them
vidually. Upon revealing the tenth card, take me to examine the
ad as a whole. Look for common themes that connect the cards
in the spread and see if they give you a sense of narra ve. How
s the past seem to affect the future? How do the cards play off of
another? Do any of the cards seem to reference the same thing, or
hey ever seem to reference one another?

erent readers will some mes ascribe different meanings to the

ons in this spread, but below is the version of the Cel c Cross that
e in my own readings.
situa on, the thing that is important. The present.

2. This card represents the thing that is obstruc ng your situa on. It’s a
challenge or an obstacle, or perhaps even a person.

3. This card represents subconsciousness, such as your subconscious
influences or mo va on.

4. This card represents consciousness; it’s the important stuff that you
already know.

5. This card represents the past. It’s something from the past that has led
you here, or that will become important to you now.

6. This card is the future. Many readers o en consider it to be the “near”
future, or a “next step in the journey,” rather than an outcome.

7. This card is about self image. It’s how you see yourself in the situa on,
or perhaps how you’re currently approaching the situa on.

8. This card represents your environment. It could indicate how others
see you, or how your surroundings are affec ng you.

9. This card is advice, or guidance. It could be a goal to aim for, a
warning, or a fear you should try to confront.

10. This final card represents the outcome of the situa on. It could
represent the future, or a lesson you’ll learn. I always tell the querent
when I reveal this card, to remember that tarot is about self reflec on
and insight. If the card here feels nega ve, then the spread will have
offered clues and guidance to help you avoid or cope with this nega vity.
If it feels posi ve, the spread will have offered guidance to help yield this
desirable result.

Just like the “Past, Present, Future,” spread, you will want to examine
each card individually and then assess the spread as a whole.
Ink Witch Deck.

I’ll include informa on on the upright meanings of each card, as well as

the reversed meanings in case you should choose to read with
reversals. Knowing the symbolism behind each card is helpful in
remembering their meanings, so I’ll also explain the imagery on each
card, and why I made the crea ve decisions that I did.

I recommend to not hang too ghtly onto this guide.
It’s available when you need to reference something, or when you’re
trying to learn the cards for the first me. However, I always suggest
trying to exercise your intui on. If a card seems to say something to
you that this guide does not, follow your heart. It isn’t a bad idea to try
reading without any guide at all once you start ge ng the hang of
things, or to at least look through the deck a few mes before reading
the descrip ons of these cards. If you do have to look up the meaning
of a card you forgot, try simply glancing at the guide for a moment, as
to avoid being bogged down by too much informa on. Remember that
if your intui on does not match the descrip on in this guide, that
doesn’t mean it is wrong.

It is worth no ng that different tarot readers have different ways of
interpre ng the cards. What one card means to one person may be
somewhat different than what it means to another. These descrip ons
are my own, based on what I’ve learned, researched, and concluded
myself. Other readers may offer different insights; and if you are s ll
new to Tarot, in me as you become familiar with the cards, you will
likely begin to develop some of your own ways of interpre ng them as
teeter at the edge of a table.
innings, Journeys, Innocence, Riskiness, Trust, Foolhardy
he one hand the cat will likely land on its feet, and perhaps even
its prey. However, you can’t be sure. The bird could escape, the
vete, Rushing Without Planning, Closed-Mindedness,
ould get hurt, or both could fall harmlessly to the floor and
umstances might not change much at all. There are many
ibili es. This imagery emphasizes The Fool’s aspect of risk-taking,
t, and rashness. It also highlights the idea of dangerous
shness in the pursuit of new gain. It may also ask one to consider
ey are the cat in this situa on, or the bird. Are you pouncing at a
nce, or wai ng to be broken free from something?

card may appear in readings in order to indicate the start of

ething new. The Fool is not only the first card of the Major
na, but also the first of the cards that I illustrated. It represents
beginning of new journeys and pursuits, as well as the way we
ht feel at the start of such endeavors; excited, innocent, nervous,
so on.

dvice, it tells us to have an open mind. Anything could happen, so

good to be open to new possibili es and trust in the unexpected-
not without a li le sense and planning.
decisions without thinking about them. We might be rushing into a
situa on without actually looking to see where it might take us.

On the other hand, it can be telling us that we are keeping ourselves

closed-off and limited. Perhaps you are afraid to take risks, and this may
be holding you back in some way.
pentacle; the symbols of the four suits of the Minor Arcana. These
sonal Power, Resourcefulness, Intui on, Having What You
dhe Magician’s tools. They are well-equipped. In this card, the four
bols are faintly visible behind the magician, who also caries a key in
r beak to represent Magician’s readiness.
king Skills, Lacking Resources, Taking no Ac
Magician is prepared for anything. on

ose an owl as the Magician for their wisdom, but also for the places
owls appear in myths and legends.
s are the symbol of Athena. In one of my favorite Greek myths,
seus is en route to Crete on a quest to slay the Minotaur there. As
seus makes his way, Athena appears in the form of an owl to Ariadne;
princess of Crete, and the human half-sister of the Minotaur itself. It
hena, in the form an owl, who lets Ariadne know to expect Theseus,
to be ready to aid him. When Theseus arrives, Ariadne has already
pared tools for him; the thread he will use to find his way through the
rinth, and the sword he will use to slay the Minotaur there. It is only
ause of Athena’s warning to Ariadne, and the princess’s
urcefulness, that Theseus is able to save his people from the
otaur. In this way, they both serve as “Magician” characters of a sort
s are also some mes associated with the wizard Merlin, one of
se familiar was some mes depicted as an owl. Much Like Athena
Ariadne are to Theseus, Merlin is a “Magician” to King Arthur
ugh quite a bit more literally) and is always prepared with the
wledge and tools that Arthur and his court will need in their quests.

key is a symbol ascribed to teachers or the idea of learning. It is

n associated with another teacher-figure in the Major Arcana; “The
ophant.” In this context it also represent the ability open doors
out struggle.

Magician is a symbol of poten al. It appears when you have

ything you need, or are about to obtain helpful tools. It can be
sing you to gather such resources, empower yourself, or apply power
everything you need to begin your journey.”
This card is some mes also interpreted as a wise mentor; someone who
has these quali es of knowledge and resourcefulness, and can share
them with you. In the right context, this card may be advising you to seek
out a more experienced person to help you with tasks at hand.

The Reversed Magician is likely to appear when you are having difficul es
pu ng your inten ons into ac on. You might have a lot of ideas, but are
not ac ng on them. Perhaps you don’t have the means to.
In other words, you s ll have some of the things you need, but something
else is ge ng in your way, or is lacking. You might have the right tools,
but not the skills to us them. Alterna vely, you might have the drive and
mo va on to get work done, but are missing the right equipment. This
reversed card advises us to take a look around and iden fy the things that
are blocking us. If we cannot obtain those things on our own, we can also
look to other Magicians for their help.
h, the High Priestess sits in a throne between black and white
dom, Spirituality, Medita on, Relying on Ins ncts and Intui on
rs. Their contras ng colors represent duality; light and dark,
culine and feminine, material and immaterial, life and death, and so
ets, Disconnec ons, Withdrawing, Inability to Connect with
The High Priestess is in touch with their spirituality and the
i on
aphysical world, and is thus meant to have knowledge and
ptance of that duality, from which she can draw much of their
er and understanding of the world around them. In other words,
r understanding of the metaphysical word gives them power over
physical world.

e’s a strong “religious,” or spiritual aspect to the High Priestess in

e ways. They understand their mind and their heart. They are in
e with nature and the cosmos, their place in the universe, and thus
concept of spirituality. On this card, the spiritual aspect of the High
stess is represented by a chess bishop between black and white
en pieces in place of the tradi onal pillars.

ose Queens as the pillars on this card, for their connec on to “the
nine,” which is o en associated with the High Priestess; a card
e mes called the Popess, and associated with the mysterious figure
ope Joan. The chessboard itself is a good symbol for the Priestess’s
ul command of their own intui on and psychic power. They not only
ws “the game,” but commands the board because they understand it
pletely, as they understand the universe.

h like the Magician, the High Priestess is a card of readiness and

n al, though in a more metaphysical or mental sense. The High
stess urges us to trust in our inner wisdom and ins nct, to be
ned to our spirituality, to be recep ve to dreams, and to meditate.
physical tools to meet our goals, but o en already have the answers we
need, and must merely look inward to discover them.

The High Priestess becomes an issue with secrets and silence when it is
reversed. Perhaps there is gossip that has go en out of control, or a
secret that is hard to keep. Your inner voice has likely become drowned
out, and you are having a hard me blocking out such “noise.” It can also
represent a lack connec on with your inner being, intui on, or sexuality.

When this card appears either reversed or upright, it is always a good idea
to take me and space to connect with your emo ons and your intui on.
Look inward, for you are likely to already have everything you need.
wn represents the power of femininity, and is placed over a
turing, Crea ve, Feminine, Motherhood, Well-being
kground of wheat fields. Wheat and harvests are o
VERSED) en associated
the Empress, as symbols of fer lity and bounty. The field is also a
a ve Blocks, Exhaus on, Smothering, Emo onal Burn-Out
d reminder of this card’s associa on with the idea of nurturing. A
must be tended to in order for it to yield a boun ful harvest. The
est itself, will in turn feed those who tend to the field. It represents
work that goes into caring and cul va ng something, and the
ard, but also the way in which these things are cyclical.

Empress is the embodiment of tradi onally “feminine” power, and

n a symbol of motherhood or crea on. It’s important to remember
what is “feminine” is rather subjec ve. While the Empress is
i onally associated with femininity, it’s important to recognize that
means different things to different people. To some, it may mean
li le at all. This card may be asking you examine what “feminine”
er means, if anything, to you specifically.

card may appear when you find yourself in an environment of

ndance and comfort; indica ng that you are well cared for, or that
are providing such an environment for others.
en this card appears, it is a good idea to pursue crea ve endeavors,
ourish yourself with healthy foods that you enjoy, indulge in the
gs that bring you happiness and peace, and connect with nature.

ay appear in a reading when your mother or the general idea of

herhood are significant in your life.

Empress represents abundance, and reversed it may be telling us

we’ve become at odds with an overabundance; bogged down by
er, sick from overindulging, or smothered by someone who is trying
o too much to take care of us. It is also possible that we are
thering others in this way.
focus on enjoying processes rather than just end results.

The Empress Reversed may also warn us of troubles with our mother or
mother figures. It may also represent a general struggle against our
“feminine” side- whatever that might mean to us.
w a more tradi onally “masculine-looking” crown for this card. The
sculine, Authority, Fatherhood, Structure, Rules
p and rigid lines of the crown, like those of the mountains beyond
present structure and powerful order, in contrast to the freer, and
r-Controlling, Abuse or Loss of Power, Instability
er aesthe c of the Empress card.

e the Empress embodies the feminine, the Emperor represents

masculine. However, much like the feminine power of the
ress, it’s important to remember that what one might consider
sculine” power is subjec ve. The concept of “masculinity” means
rent things to different people. Some people put very li le stock
the concepts of masculinity and femininity, and to them, the
ning of this card may change. When this card appears, it may be
spire you to examine what you think of as “masculine power.”

Emperor may symbolize fathers, or the idea of fatherhood. It

esents structure, logic, order, and power. This card may appear to
us that we need to approach a situa on with a ra onal mind.
s and stability may be of importance, and thus this card also
bolizes authority.

card may also be urging one to seek out a sense stability. We may
d to set limits or boundaries, and create an environment of order
ourselves or those around us.
and authority. Someone may be abusing their power, or might have had
it unfairly taken from them. Things have become frail and unstable,
chao c and unstructured.

The reversal of this card may be telling us that a situa on is unsafe, or
unpredictable, and so the Reversed Emperor is a good reminder to enter
situa ons from a place of security. This card may be warning us that we
need to build a be er sense of control before moving forward, or
perhaps set boundaries with the people around us.

Because the Emperor represents masculinity, fatherhood, and authority
figures, this card can also be an indica on that we are at odds with toxic
masculinity, or that there are issues with your father or father figure, or
with an authority figure like a boss or poli cian.
efs and religion, while the pair of keys on the window are a symbol
cher, Belief, Knowledge, Religion, Spirituality
nowledge and learning. (You might recall the key symbol on the
ician card as well.) The keys emphasize knowledge’s ability to
damentalism, Problems with Tradi on, A Bad Teacher,
n doors and remove barriers.
s once asked if the bird flying across the image represented the
Spirit. This is not a bad interpreta on at all, due to the card’s
n religious connota on, and it’s something to consider. However,
nten on was for the bird to be more of a symbol for freedom. The
re card shows stone and glass; rigid structures in contrast to the
which serves as a reminder to remain open to new things, stay
ble, and put stock in our own beliefs rather than just the beliefs of
ers. The bird is not part of the architecture that dominates this
ge, but rather, it flies around the architecture with the freedom to
nywhere, even while enjoying its environment.

is a card associated with teachers and learning, similar in a way to

Magician, though o en more closely associate with the idea of
ning and knowing about one’s beliefs, rather than learning a new
Because the card is associated with spirituality and religion, it is
associated with the concept of exploring a higher calling.

card may appear to indicate that we will learn an important

on, or that we have one to teach. It advises us to be flexible so
we and our students can apply new knowledge to our own lives
personal and produc ve way. It warns us to be cau ous of rigidity

may be experiencing some issue with social norms when this card
ears reversed. You work against what others believe, or even what
this card advises you to make certain you’re rebelling for the right
reasons, and not simply trying to fight against what’s expected of you
for the sake of figh ng.

Because the Hierophant represents a teacher, it may represent a
dogma c or unethical one when reversed.
Alterna vely it may be telling us that we must some mes act as our
own teacher and will not be able to look to others for the things we
need at this me.
ae Garden of Eden, overlooked by God or some other
onships, Love, Romance, Sexuality, Union
esenta on of a divine being. (Symbolism later contrasted by the
l card, but we’ll get to that.)
mpa bility, Unrequited Love, Disharmony
card has a sense of peace and “rightness” that I’ve always really
d. In that image, a serpent is discretely twis ng around a tree
nd Eve; a reminder of tempta ons and the card’s associa on with
ality. The serpent does not yet appear in my version of the card,
did want the imagery to be sexually charged to indicate that
e symbolism.

always really appreciated tarot decks that are queer-friendly, and

er sexuality has played a major role in my artwork for many years
. I decided to draw my Lover’s card as Adam and “Steve” in the
en of Eden. I wanted something that looked loving and tender,
that would also radiate sexual desire.

y of the Lover’s interpreta ons are fairly obvious. It is a symbol of

ance and love, but also of other kinds of rela onships. While we
n associate this card with roman c and sexual rela onships, it can
ally refer to any sort of union or platonic rela onship as well. This
may indicate the rela onship shared between friends, family, and
n the rela onship that one has with oneself. The Lovers is a
bol of unions and coopera on. In other words, in its broadest
ms, the Lovers can allude to romance, sex, dates, weddings, one
t stands, business unions, contracts, or self care. It is ul mately
ut rela onships of all kinds.
en making choices, the Lovers advises us to follow our heart and
rom a place of passion. Don’t tune out logic, but know that it is
ally a good idea to follow the heart’s desire when this card
ears in a reading.
card urges us to seek love in all its forms. Prac ce self-love, show
recia on to the people you care for, and indulge in passions.
between the head and the heart, or between two individuals.
Rela onships are foundering when this card appears reversed. Possibly,
two people who are trying to cooperate are instead at odds with one
another. This card could represent that one person is invested in a
rela onship, while the other not.

This card may also represent poor choices, or indecision. If you’ve been
making poor choices, this card may be telling you that you will have to
face the consequences soon. If you are stalling to make a choice, this
card is a reminder that doing so will only lead to more problems.

Much like the standard interpreta on of the Lovers, the Lovers Reversed
reminds us to prac ce self-love, and to take responsibility for our
The most important take-away from this card is that perhaps that it
always serves as a reminder to do all things with love in your heart.
ient, and reliable, and I think of it as my own Chariot. I wanted
vel, Movement, Progress, Momentum
e cards in my deck to have a modern feel to them, so I thought that
ng an actual car on this card would help to not only modernize the
hing, Delays, Stands ll, Lack of Progress, Moving in the Wrong
k, but would make the card more relate-able to people.
c on
n mes, Chariot cards are illustrated with black and white sphinxes
wing the chariot. They represent the guardians of life’s mysteries,
and darkness, and the wonder of the unknown. I drew two house
in place of the sphinxes for my version of this card. I really love
es with cats in them who know a li le more about the world than
one else, and see a li le bit more than humans can. Neil Gaiman’s
el Coraline has a great example of such a cat. There are a lot of
ical-seeming cats in Ink Witch, but these two are my favorites. They
d the chariot, and like the sphinxes, represent the mysteries of the

e distance there is a castle on this card. It keeps the card looking

a li le bit like a fairy tale, and represents the goals and rewards

Chariot tells us that we are going to get to where we want to go. It

tells progress and movement forward in both a physical and more
ract sense. It could mean that we are making progress toward a
-term goal, or that we actually might soon be physically traveling

important to take control of your life when this card appears, and to
focused on the long term. The Chariot will push us forward one way
nother, but this card reminds us that things will be best if we ensure
elves to be the ones steering.

ersed, the Chariot indicates issues with progress and travel.

uld be as simple as experiencing vehicle problems.
roadblock a er roadblock. Be careful not to rush recklessly forward
when this card appears reversed. Remember the Chariot’s message of
control and focus in your progress. Both of these quali es are needed to
make real movement forward, so take the me to think through things
carefully as you act.

This reversal may also be telling us that we are moving forward, but not
in the right direc on. Don’t be afraid to pause and reassess your path to
ensure you are going where you want to go.

Slow progress is be er than no progress at all.
ch you’ll learn about soon.
rage, Inner Strength, Compassion, Vulnerability, Gentleness
sed the image on this card a er the famous photo “Flower Power”
by Bernie Boston, in which a young man (commonly iden fied as
akness, Insecuri es, Raw Emo ons, Aggression
vist George Edgerly Harris III) places carna ons into the barrels of
s, in a demonstra on calling for an end to the Vietnam War in

photo always makes my breath catch in my throat a bit. There’s

calm fearlessness in the man that I really love; a very brave sense
ulnerability that I think encompasses the meaning of Strength so
. I think about how my heart would be racing if I were in his place. I
k about the impact the photo has had. It’s famous now, for
esen ng the things that the Strength card represents too, and so I
t was perfect for the card.
also one of the cards that modernizes the Ink Witch deck, and I
ultaneously appreciate the melessness of Boston’s photo, and
rn how this image from the late six es s ll feels so special and
vant today.

e are many kinds of strength. This card represents the need for all
hem. Most importantly, however, it is a reminder that physical
e strength pales in comparison to the inner strength of things like
age, compassion, pa ence, and control. Brute power, this card
us, can never be stronger than strength of heart.

card is a sign that it is me to draw deeply from those inner forces

rength to overcome challenges. The obstacles you face now will
be overcome by a show of force, and instead you will need to face
ersaries with courage, love, and gentleness.

When reversed, this card indicates troubles with the personal powers
usually represented by Strength. Perhaps you lack confidence, or
merely feel powerless in some way. Be weary of self-destruc ve habits
and pa erns, and remember to look deep inside yourself for the
strength to overcome such things. When that is not enough, this card is
also a reminder that looking toward others for help is a kind of strength
as well; not a weakness.

This card may also represent imbalances of power between you and
others. You might feel controlled or bullied by someone, or perhaps
you are behaving in such a way yourself. Be careful not to address
situa ons with stubborn pride, and be mindful of whether or not you
are taking advantage of others.
s a lantern or light of some kind to represent the insight and
tude, Wisdom, Self Reflec on, Private Medita on, A Need For
ce on he gains from his isola on.
t like hermit crabs and wanted to draw one for this card if I’m being
pletely honest.
a on, Loneliness, An social, Retrea ng For The Wrong
sonsngly enough however, hermit crabs are not solitary animals.
y o en congregate in large groups, which I think lends an
res ng element to this card, and the idea that one can some mes
lone even when surrounded by others. It also tells us that as
ans, we need both solitude and companionship at different mes.
ugh hermit crabs o en live in communi es, they value their privacy.

Hermit is as their name suggests; a solitary type. They usually

efit from their hermitage, taking me to rest, and meditate. The
mit card indicates much-needed alone me. It is a card that
ourages us to seek wisdom and introspec on from within, by
nding me with our own thoughts.

Hermit, being a card of wisdom, may also be advising us to seek

ance from a teacher or mentor; perhaps one who represents the
reflec ve nature of the Hermit.

Hermit s ll indicates solitude when reversed, but o en

mpanied by a sense of loneliness or social burn-out. Perhaps you
own choosing. Maybe you have isolated yourself to avoid a situa on
you are afraid to confront. This card can even indicate a more abstract
idea of hermitage, in which you are surrounded by people but feeling
alone or misunderstood with your thoughts and feelings.

If you are feeling burnt out or irritable around others, the Hermit
reversed may be a sign that you need to take me for yourself, to
recharge and gather your thoughts.
ead. “Wheel of Fortune” has always made me think of the game
e, Change, Chance, Luck, Accep ng Fate
w, so I had considered renaming it, but ul
VERSED) mately decided I didn’t
t to change any of the names from the standards put into place by
Luck, Lack of Control, Trying to Control What You Cannot
RWS deck.

ever, the idea of Fate drove the imagery I chose. This card depicts
spinning wheel of the Greek Fates. Around it, are the hands of the
e Fates, also called the Moirae; Clotho spins thread, Lachesis
sures it out, and Atropos cuts it. I wanted the wheel to appear as if
ere moving quickly, as everything in life moves forward rapidly, with
the Fates to control or guide it.

card is a reminder that anything can happen, and we cannot always

rol the direc on our lives take. It is considered to be an omen of
nge. However things are now, they cannot stay the same. For be er
orse, things will change. With this in mind, the Wheel of Fortune
be considered a warning not to try and control everything. Center
ourself so that you can make careful decisions, but try to go with
flow, and recognize that some things will always be out of your

Wheel of Fortune represents change, but also chance and luck. If

have been experiencing bad luck lately, the Wheel of Fortune would
y indicate an improvement.

en the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, it is to warn of us

acks and strokes of bad luck. It might be unwise to make risky
sions or gamble when this card appears reversed.
of control, and trying too hard to maintain power over a situa on that
is out of our hands.

Regardless of how this card is interpreted in a reading, it is always
important to remember it’s primary, and standard meanings: That life
changes with or without us. We cannot control change, but we can
choose how we react to it. We will experience setbacks and long
stretches of bad luck in life, but like everything, these too will
eventually change.
Reversed or Upright, The Wheel of Fortune is reminder that for be er
or worse, everything is temporary.
pletely sa sfied with it. Ul
ance, Fairness, Jus mately I went with the first version of
ce, Law, Ethics.
card that I illustrated, which was loosely inspired by Eugène
croix’s pain ng, Liberty Leading the People. I wanted to project a
rup on, Extremes, Imbalance, Self-Centered, Unfairness
ern version of Jus ce and her connec on to marginalized groups;
ing a crowd much like Liberty does in Delacroix’s pain ng. The
ge I se led on for the final artwork shows Jus ce at the front of a
ching protest.

march led by Jus ce could be any protest, which was important to

so I le the signage in the crowd behind Jus ce indis nct, though
mpressions of le ers are s ll there because I had originally
orated the signs with popular remarks from the Women’s Marches,
riage equality marches, and Black Lives Ma er protests.

Jus ce card is fairly straigh orward. It represent the concepts of

ess, law, and ethics. The card is also a symbol of objec vity and
nce. It may appear when everything will work out with fair
equences. Goodness will be rewarded, and corrup on will be

card encourages us to be logical and objec ve, and to make moral

sions. It tells us that our ac ons, and the ac ons of others will
h up to us eventually.
not being met with fair consequences. The legal or jus ce system may
be being used to one’s advantage to hurt others. Reversed Jus ce
represent unfairness and corrup on. Perhaps an innocent person is
being blamed, or a guilty one is being let go without facing jus ce.

Alterna vely Jus ce may be reversed when fact and logic are being
clung to too ghtly. Being fair and ra onal does not mean one should
neglect emo on en rely. It is important to remember that there is a
difference between equality and equity.
nge in Perspec
world tree, “Yggdrasil,” though even the oldest Hanged Man cards
ve, Sacrifice, Surrender, Le ng Go
some mes believed to be associated with the story of Odin.
stance, Stalling, Vic
orse mythology Odin sacrificed himself by tossing one eye into a
m Mentality, Unwilling to Change
belonging to the god Mimir, impaling himself with his own magic
ar, and finally hanging himself from Yggdrasil for nine days and nine
ts. Odin offers every aspect of himself as a sacrifice to himself, and
stows upon him incredible cosmic knowledge and power. He
ins new understanding of magic, the universe, and the runes
ugh his act, and is reborn.

a tale that closely resembles the Chris an story of Jesus’s

ifixion; who is also impaled by a spear, “hung,” and reborn a er
ral days in a process that brings about cosmic change. Just like
n, Jesus represents a sacrifice to himself, and while the sacrifice
es at a terrible cost, the reward is a divine gi that benefits the
re world.

u couldn't tell, The Hanged Man card is all about sacrifice, and the
ards that come from how sacrifices change one’s perspec ve. In
cular, this card alludes to self-sacrifice. It may be me for us to give
ething up, or to let go of something. In return, we’ll gain some sort
nlightenment or changed perspec ve.
card encourages us to think in new ways, to see the world
rently, to get in touch with our spiritual selves, and to not be afraid
ng things go. It reminds us that we benefit even from the hard
s of our lives, and so while change and sacrifice can be scary, we
uld not fight hard to resist them.
resist change or making a sacrifice. We’re stalling and procras na ng,
and ignoring a need to let go of something. As a result we’re only
hur ng ourselves without any benefit. Our perspec ve, and thus our
understanding of the universe, cannot change.

It could also be that you or someone else are ac ng like a vic m, but
have not actually lost anything. You may be ac ng hypocri cal, or should
beware people who are.

Don’t be afraid of le ng go of the things you must in order to grow as a
person, especially spiritually. There are great benefits to come from
changing the way you see the world, and not hanging on to things for
too long.
something along the lines of “it doesn’t actually represent dying.”
ings, Rebirth, Closure, Transforma on
e Death (especially in the past) could technically indicate the death
mourning of a person, the card is much more about the abstract idea
usal to Let Go, Burning Bridges, Fear of Change
eath. It represents endings, and the new beginnings that inevitably
t follow them. Nothing can last forever, but when something dies,
ething new will always be born.

card carries an image of the goddess Persephone, who becomes the

en of the Underworld a er ea ng pomegranate seeds in Hades’
t. Having eaten the food of the Underworld, she is bound to the
m of death. Even so, Persephone con nues to be a symbol of life. In
cular she’s associated with spring me and the idea of winter ending
make way for new life.
e artwork on this card, you’ll not only no ce Persephone and the
egranate clasped in her hands but the white “roses” blossoming
nd her.
imagery is a reference to Pamela Colman-Smith’s artwork in the
i onal RWS deck, in which the figure of Death carries a banner with
same flower symbol on it. There are many varied interpreta ons of
symbolism of this rose, so rather than discuss them in extensive
il, I’ll leave that to your own intui on.

y will note that Persephone’s pomegranate is one of the most

ous uses of actual color in the Ink Witch deck. It emphasizes the trace
e that follows death, or exists even within it. Life and Death cannot
without one another. This card is not only one of the visually darkest
s in the deck, in terms of ar s c design, but also one of the brightest
result of the striking red pomegranate.
With them, comes change and transforma on, and new beginnings. As I
men oned, it is uncommon that this card indicates physical death.
Instead, consider it to represent the end of one phase of life to take us
toward the next, or the end of an old way of thinking to make way for a
new one.

Reversed, this card indicates problems with conclusions. Perhaps you
are trying to delay the inevitable out of a fear of change, or perhaps you
are instead rushing toward what you hope will be a conclusion; burning
bridges, and cu ng corners in projects in order to force an ending to
happen. You may also be unwilling to admit that something is over, such
as a roman c rela onship, or some aspect of your past that you wish to
hold onto.

Thus, this card may be advising us to confront issues more directly. It
cau ons against stubbornness and unwillingness to change; Life will
move on.. “Death” along the way is inevitable.
t to stray from the more tradi
ance, Modera on, Experimenonal names established by the RWS
ng, Crea ng
k, but I s
VERSED) ll used an alchemical symbol on this card- the twin
oboros. The ouroboros was a popular symbol in alchemy for
dity, Imbalance, Over-compromising, Excess
esen ng the idea of eternity- especially as a cycle. Life leads to
h, which leads to rebirth, then death again, and rebirth again, and
n and so on... It indicates perpetual balance, and the “alchemy”
ect of this imagery represents Temperance’s associa on with
nce, the process of trial-and-error, experimenta on, and crea ve
triangle shown in the middle of the ouroboros is an homage to the
S Temperance card, on which an angel wears such a symbol upon
r robes. It is the alchemical symbol of fire and is heavily ed to the
cept of transforma on. There are also two pale flowers on this
, which is yet another reference to the RWS deck, in which two
ow irises are said to represent faith, courage, and ideas.

is a card that’s all about finding balance, and so it also represents

means through which we can obtain balance; experiments of trial
error, careful modera on, compromise.
card tells us that it is me for adjustment. Things are in a posi on
re they may come together to create something new. You might be
king on a new project, or forming a new rela onship. This card
nds us that these things take work, but when we work hard on this
ial “alchemy,” we are likely to yield excellent results.

o keep moving forward. Adjust your methods li le by li le.

sider how you can compromise with others when necessary.
lack of modera on.

Perhaps you are being too rigid and resistant to compromise. Or perhaps
you are giving up to much of your needs in an effort to appease others.
Take me for self-healing and self-reflec on when this card is reversed.
Iden fy the things that are out of balance in your life, and ask yourself
what can be done to right them. Remember that making changes is o en
best done gradually. Be gentle with yourself and others as you carefully
restore balance.

rldly A achments, Indulgence, Lust, Material Pleasure, The
nted to give my artwork a bit lighter of a feeling than might be
cal for most deck’s artwork on the Devil card. I also wanted it to take
sensuality and lus ul quality of “The Lovers” to the next level.
achment, Release, Breaking Free, Harmful Addic on
y tarot decks draw a connec on between these two cards; which
n is reflected in the artwork of the RWS deck. Pamela Colman-Smith
ed her Adam and Eve characters at the foot of a massive throne,
ch is occupied by a large devil or demonic figure and reflects the
posi on of her Lovers card almost exactly.
Ink Witch Devil follows suit. On this card “Adam and Steve” have
ed places and drawn closer to one another as a serpent winds its
through the fruit trees around them.
e the Lovers has a bit to do with sex and sexuality, the Devil has a
o do with lust and indulgence.

Devil is about worldly things that feel good; sex, unhealthy food,
hol, spending money. This is a card that’s about material pleasure,
indulging the things we enjoy, but that aren’t always good for us.
card cau ons us to take care with these things. Perhaps it is
ning us to limit how o en we indulge. It could be alluding to
blems with addic on, and encouraging us to restrict ourselves,
ecially if it appears reversed.
rna vely, perhaps some indulgence is exactly what we need!
e’s nothing wrong with having a li le fun and enjoying material
gs. At mes, it can be good for us to let go of our inhibi ons, and
k our own rules.
When this card appears, it’s very important to take an honest look at
how you enjoy material pleasures. Do you drink or eat in excess? Deep
down, you likely know if you have developed unhealthy habits that you
need to work on. You are also likely to know deep down if you deserve a
li le break from your diet. It might be me to eat that extra slice of
cheesecake, or enjoy a casual fling with someone.Take a very objec ve
and real look at the ma ers drawn up by this card, and be honest with
yourself. A li le indulgence is a good thing. But too much of a good
thing, can be quite bad.
Many readers also associate this card with a person’s darker side, or
their shadow-self. It may appear to represent the parts of yourself which
you are not fully conscious of- both good and bad.

Reversed, this card is becomes about opposi on against things like
material pleasures and indulgent behavior. It is o en seen as a sign of
breaking free from something, and moving beyond material things. It
could indicate spiritual breakthroughs; especially where bad habits and
addic ons are concerned. The Reversed Devil may also simply indicate a
need to deal with these self-destruc ve habits.

This reversed card encourages us to confront our inner fears, to
eliminate things that are harmful to us, and to deal with the darker sides
of our personali es, or even to explore those unconscious parts of our
minds which we are not completely in tune with.
fast, unexpected, sudden, and striking kind of chaos. The RWS
os, Destruc on, Upheaval, Disrup on, Disorder
shows a tower being struck by lightning, which really emphasizes
sense of surprise and shock (no pun intended) that comes with
rning, Fear of Disaster, Pressure, Ongoing Chaos, Unecessary
os or Destruc on
ose instead to draw my tower as the mushroom cloud of an
mic explosion. I thought of the chaos represented by this card as
g sudden and alarming, thus explosive. It is also devasta ng on a
d scale, because while you’ll learn that many cards in the tarot
k represent turmoil and disorder, the Tower seems to the epitome
hem all. It is a Major Arcana a er all; the chaos here is no small

en the Tower appears, it is a warning to brace yourself for

eaval. Something is going to explode.
ve to remind myself some mes that the Tower, like every card, is
all bad or all good. Chaos and destruc on are righ ully associated
danger, and I usually consider the Tower to be a warning.
ever, chaos can also present us with opportunity. From the
ruc on of the Tower, we will always grow as a person.
also worth remembering that some things in the world must be
royed. This card could very well indicate the destruc on of
ething that oppresses or harms you. Some forces are meant to be
pled. It is worth no ng here, that the car in this card sits far from
destruc on of the Tower, perhaps from across a vast body of
er. Will they be overwhelmed by the destruc on, or are they
ely an observer?

atever happens when this card appears, your life is likely to be

ed upside down; so it’s important to remember that resis ng
nge is o en more dangerous than facing it head on. Also
ember that upheaval can make us stronger and awaken us to new
gs for the be er.
by their upright meaning. For example, the Lovers reversed, indicates
problems with love. This makes interpre ng the reversed Tower difficult
at mes, because chaos and upheaval are generally already so
problema c.

Some readers have told me this reversal indicates a “weaker” form of
chaos that is not as destruc ve as the upright Tower. Others have told
me the opposite; that the reversed Tower symbolizes even greater
destruc on. And some readers have expressed that the reversed tower
indicates chaos and destruc on without any kind of benefit at all.
One interpreta on that I personally like is that the reversed tower
indicates build-up, impending danger, and pressure. Things are on the
verge of exploding, rather than already ac vely genera ng chaos and
destruc on. Some mes release is exactly what we need, and the build
up of pressure is in fact making things worse than the actual explosion
would be. If things are burs ng at the seams, ask yourself if you are
making everything worse by trying to control or s fle the chaos that
you fear will ensue.

Try to use your intui on to read this reversed card, based on what
other cards are around it, as it can be one of the trickier cards to
it has always been the clearest for me with the Star following the
ce, Op mism, Renewal, Hope, Restora on
er. A er chaos and destruc on, comes peace. The Star is the calm
r the storm. It is the light at the end of a dark tunnel.
e Without Ac on, Pessimism, Lack of Faith
ll no ce if you look closely, that I’ve drawn my car again on this
. It’s on the Tower card too, where it sits at the edge of the shore.
is card, the car is in mo on again, moving forward once more.
ed this image off of a personal experience that’s very close to me.
en I was experiencing a lot of despair and turmoil in my life, I took a
with friends that renewed a lot of my inner peace and op mism
he future. On the return drive, as I was finally feeling upli ed, and
ng very aware of this sense of renewal, we saw a shoo ng star
s the sky in front of us. I became op mis c about the future for the
me in along me, and the moment has stayed with me since

d the idea of a shoo ng star for the “Star” card, as they’re

ciated with wishes, and thus hopefulness.

Star is all about peace, and hope for the future, especially when an
mis c outlook has been difficult to maintain. This card indicates
things will improve. If you have been struggling, your hardship is
y star ng to look up.

he other hand, if the Star is reversed, it’s possible that you’re

ng your faith in the wrong place, or that you’re hoping for an
rovement to your situa on without actually working on improving
aith and hope are important things to have, but we’ll only become
ppointed if we rely on them alone without pu ng forth effort of
own to make things be er.
hope, faith, or willingness to take ac on. Without these things, our
situa on can never improve, so it’s a reminder to look on the bright side
even when things are at their darkest, but to also put the work into
seeing that op mis c vision of the future realized.
cycles. This is not typically a very emphasized interpreta
Unconscious, Dreams, Ins ncts, Illusions, Fears, Cycles on of the
, which mostly has to do with the unconscious mind, but it’s one
always personally associated with the moon as symbol. The moon
fusion, Repressed Emo on, Mental Issues
ways changing before our eyes. It travels across the sky, and
als different sides of itself to us at different mes. And yet it is
ays the same. It follows a pa ern, and changes in a con nuous and
eable cycle. Out there in space, the moon is always one whole
plete thing- though we o en only see a frac on of it.

train of thought is what led me to illustrate the Moon card as

ral of the moon’s phases, all occurring at once in the sky. The dog
wolf at the bo om of the card are a reference to Pamela Coleman
h’s artwork in the RWS deck; and are usually believed to represent
domes c, “civilized” persona, embracing its more wild nature.

Moon card may appear in readings to reference dreams, the

onscious mind, illusions, and fears. It invites us to dive deeply into
parts of ourselves we don’t o en consider. It may be asking us
t our dreams and ins ncts are telling us. Pay a en on to your
on and your deepest feelings.

card can also appear to warn us of illusions and hidden things. It

be advising us to confront our most hidden fears. I like to
ember that even though the Moon is a card of darkness, the moon
represents a light within that dark. It may be telling us to unveil
e hidden things, to expose the things that lurk in the night,
ecially through the use of our intui on or psychic powers.
emo ons. We may be repressing our emo ons, or neglec ng our mental
health. Perhaps we are avoiding things out of fear or confusion rather
than confron ng the challenges we’re faced with. It could indicate that
illusions and hidden things are ge ng the best of us, and our percep ons
of reality have become skewed.
Step back when this card appears reversed, and ask yourself if you are
deceiving or fooling yourself in some way.
of light and revela on. It shines, and spreads its light and
Clarity, Personal Growth, Vitality, Victories
mth to everything around it.
en this card appears, you will benefit from allowing yourself to
ing Down, Overly op mis c, Self-Consciousness
e in that same way, and le ng things be revealed. Be your truest
and embrace the world with honesty and forwardness.

card encourages enthusiasm, acceptance, and playfulness. It

also be encouraging us to embrace our inner child, share all the
ial parts of ourselves with those around us, and grow as a

to think of this card as a big, enthusias c “Yes!” when it

d things are coming, and we will get the most out of them if we
race the world with posi ve energy and honesty. We may find
elves in a posi on that leaves us feeling as if we are the center
he universe.

en the Sun is reversed however, it may indicate that we are afraid

e seen as our true selves, or are hiding some special part of who
are. We may be uncomfortable with a en on or praise, or may
elf-conscious about something. It may represent feelings of
mness, or a difficulty enjoying things.

rna vely, the Sun reversed could indicate that we have become
ly op mis c. Perhaps we are shining too brightly, and thinking of
gs in ways that are no longer realis c; or perhaps we are
aving too much as if the world revolves around us.
at things through an objec ve lens. See things for what they truly are
and not what we wish they were, or what others may lead us to
believe they are.
tches a long road. Judgement represents the end of a long and
nsforma on, Transi on, Coming of Age, Higher Calling, Goals,
ficant journey. A phase of life has ended, and the next is bracing to
ng Judged
n. This card reminds us that journeys come with growth. They
nge us, and bring about periods of transi on and transforma on. I’ve
usal to Change, Ignoring the Call, Being Judgemental
ed a caterpillar and bu erfly to the scales set between Anubis and
viewer; a reminder that Judgement comes with metamorphosis.

card can indicate “coming of age” moments and rites of passage. It

us to consider how we’ve changed as a result of our journeys. How
e we failed? How have we succeeded? What have we learned from

ement also asks us to look within, and tune into our higher calling.
w that we are reborn, what will we do next? What can we do to
efit the world rather than ourselves? How are being judged now, and
will we be judged from here on?
n omen, this card foretells of drama c changes that will transform
or the be erment not only of ourselves, but also for a higher cause.
literal sense, this card may also predict that someone is coming to a
oning of some kind.

ersed, the Judgment card may indicate refusal to change, or

culty reaching the end of a goal; especially out of fear, or a lack of
e. If you are unsure of where to go next, tune in to your own inner
e. What can you do right now, in this moment to work toward the
re? Remember that taking small steps is usually be er than standing
judging nature of others, and are seeing those around us in an unfair
light. We may be feeling cri cal of others, or projec ng our own
values and goals onto them. Remember that what works for you, may
not work for everyone, and that we are each traveling our own
transforma ve journey.
This is also good advice if you are feeling judged yourself. Do what
you feel is best for you, and if the judgement of others is holding you
back, remember that you know your own self be er than anyone else
does. Don’t allow the judgement of others to hold you back from
your dreams or calling.
leness and comple on, Closure, Cyclical Pa
oleness, Comple on. erns
image on this card is a reference to the World Tree,Yggrasil; and
Tree of Life. Branches bow down toward the roots of the tree.
rwhelmed, Incompleteness, Lack of Fulfillment
ts reach upward to the branches. The tree feels like one whole,
plete thing, integrated en rely into itself.

World is all about completeness. It could be telling us that we are

ut to feel a sense of closure, or fulfillment. As an outcome, the
ld can indicate a great success, or the coming to frui on of a big
ect or a wish. If we look at the idea the Major Arcana as a journey,
World is sort of like the prize at the end. It can represent victories
radua ons, but most importantly it represents a feeling of
leness, and reminds us that we are complete, and have all that

e mes this card is a reminder that comple on is not always a

ar thing. We don’t always start a journey from one point, only to
e it end at another. O en, the end of one thing, leads instead to
beginning of the next; and me, journeys, and goals can feel more
circles than lines.

ersed, the World refers to a feeling of being overwhelmed or

lfilled. Perhaps we are struggling to reach a conclusion. We may
something we need to finish a project or reach a goal, or perhaps
have reached the end of our goal and are not feeling the
fac on we had an cipated.
remember that progress o en feels slower and more gradual than we
would usually wish. Ask yourself if you have grown, or made some
kind of progress. Even if we had hoped for more, it is unlikely that our
efforts have been for nothing at all. And again, journeys don’t o en
simply end, but rather lead us to newly opened doors and
opportuni es.
aesent opportuni es and gi
ve Power, Inspira s that may at some point be offered to
on, Energy, Opportunity for Expression,
querent of the reading.
en al
Ace of wands is an opportunity to create something new, or make
ng progress toward a goal. Wands are the suit of crea vity and
nspired, Unfocused, Ineffec ve, Crea ve Block
gy, so this card could indicate a surge of inspira on or mo va on,
n ar s c opportunity. It’s an excellent card to appear if you have a
ect that you’ve be working hard on, or are just feeling unmo vated

image on this card shows a wand being drawn from a sorcerer’s

With it, comes an explosion of magic and power, and the poten al
eate something from nothing.
mportant to remember that the opportunists presented by the
s will not come freely without effort. They must be grasped, as the
d on this card is, and u lized in order to yield results.
her words, this card is pushing you to use your energy and passion
eize the day and bring about great things. It is also assuring you that
ability to seize the power of the wand is available to you.
drive. Perhaps you are feeling unfocused or lethargic. Alterna vely,
you may be feeling energe c and inspired, but are focusing your
energy and efforts in the wrong places. Step back and re-asses your
situa on when this card appears reversed. It is likely that the Ace’s gi
of crea ve power is s ll present in your life, but is merely being
blocked by something, or remaining unno ced.
ng difficul
t appears to be either a map, or the universe itself.
es making such a choice. Perhaps you are you are
ices, Planning, Contempla on, Calcula ons, Considera on
ng forced to make a decision you have not yet been able to
Two of Wands is all about careful planning and contempla on,
pare for. Maybe you are feeling stuck, or suddenly thrust forward
ecially before making a choice. I o en associate it with the
uble Ge ng Started, Unpreparedness, Unable to Process
ning that must come before star
out warning. ng a journey or new project. You
rma on
at a threshold looking forward, with mul ple paths before you. In
er to advance, you will need to leave your other op ons behind
and commit to the choice you’ve made; and so it is important to
ulate your decision carefully before you make it.
ember that there are no wrong choices here, merely different
s. This is a card that indicates poten al, and the ability to choose
own fate at this me.
have moved forward too quickly without the necessary planning. It
may also be that you are feeling overwhelmed by the informa on in
front of you, unable to process it all.
Wands indicates taking the first steps into the beginning of that
mo on, but you are lacking the skills, resources, or abili es to see
ney itself. You’ve made a decision, and now you are se
rough. Perhaps you do not have everything you need to meet your
In Mo on, Launching, Foresight, Taking Early Steps ng things
s, or have not planned thoroughly enough. You may be having
mo on.
ble ge
card can indicate travel, or early progress toward a goal. It suggests
ng started if this is the case.
king, Thinking Small, Not Following Through
pera on and togetherness in pursuit of that goal. You could be
ornaa vely, this card may be telling you that your goals are too small.
ng or trading with others, and things are going well. This is a
are taking the first steps toward a goal, but not one that is
that suggests you can feel op mis c about the start of whatever
thwhile, or consequen
are working toward. al. Here, this card may be telling you to
sess your goals. Ask if they are realis c and achievable, but also
ider whether or not they ambi ous enough to make waves.
y because of a group accomplishment or a homecoming. Everyone
ve accomplished something, but now you are celebra
ebra on, Rewards, Homecoming, Coming Togetherng alone.
been brought together for a good reason, and are celebra
aps your achievements are more personal or private, or perhaps
VERSED) ng. This
ers do not share your feelings of success.
can indicate things like weddings or gradua ons. Perhaps a task
k of Gra tude, Private Celebra on, Personal Victory
been completed by a team, or a goal has been reached. When this
appears, it is
vely this card could be telling you that you or someone else
me to celebrate your accomplishments. Take me
not feeling grateful when you should. You may have accomplished
njoy your success and its rewards. Spend me with others if you
and give gra
ething, but are too distracted by the things you s
tude for the support of others. This card is o
ll have le en
to do.
ead of apprecia
ciated with family and close friends. It may merely indicate that
ng your success, you may be fixated on what is yet
e achieved.
will be seeing a group of people you love a er a long absence- and
is worth celebra ng too.
amongst your closest friends.

Take me to celebrate you personal successes, even if it will be on your

own, but be careful that you are also taking me to show and express
your gra tude to those who may also had a hand in your reason for
celebra ng.
y argument, or a friendly compe
of Wands is reversed. Whatever compe
mpe on. You might be working with
on might be occurring,
on, Squabbling, Brainstorming, Problem-Solving,
ers to solve a problem, and deba
s likely become toxic and unproduc
ble to Work Together ng the best course of ac
ve. It is possible that aon to
greement is being drawn on and on, with no solu
. on visible on
onged Struggle, Unhealthy Compe on, Comba
card is a healthy reminder that conflict is o veness
en important, and
card may also indicate an internal conflict that you are dealing
rely nega ve. In rela onships and teams, it is some mes
voidable, and can even be produc
alone. ve. Through conflict this card
ests that we have the ability to solve problems. The five birds on
ay represent an a
card may appear to be figh
empt to smooth over a problem without
ng amongst each other. But they may
ally fixing it. Perhaps you backed down from an argument you
appears as if they’ve been startled by something and are taking
t all together as a group. There is conflict, but also togetherness.
y cared about, simply because you wanted it to be over.

mes to listen the arguments being made by others, and be

ful not to hold onto your own opinions out of sheer
bornness. The conflicts indicated by this card are usually small,
o en produc ve; so it’s important not to blow them up into more
ble than they really are.
because it is uncomfortable. If your struggle is an internal one, this card
may be sugges ng that you should look toward others for ideas on how
to handle your situa on.

Whatever struggle you are facing when this reversed card appears will
not last forever, even though it may feel as if it will. When a conflict
loses its poten al to solve problems, it is likely that you will be able to
tell. You can stop figh ng and realize that there may not actually be a
reason for you to try and prove yourself or your point a er all.
ked hard, and now your peers, leaders, and those who follow you,
ogni on, Praise, Confidence, Admira on
ecognize your success. This card indicates recogni on, praise,
aim, and admira on. It also warns us not to let those things get to
s c, Difficulty in Leadership, Lack of Recogni on
heads! Remember to share the limelight, and give thanks and
gni on to those around you who have supported you and helped
to get to where you are.
card also reminds us that others will look to us for guidance as a
lt of our confidence and success. While it may be a me to
brate, you likely s ll have work to do, and others will need you to
guide the way.

reversed Six of Wands s ll feels like a parade, but for all the
ng reasons.

aps you or someone else are pa ng themselves on the back

n they do not deserve it. Perhaps a leader is not doing their job,
s ll expects others to champion them, and shower them with
au ous of ego when this card appears; both your own, and the
s of others.
card can indicate other difficul es in leadership. Perhaps you are
team that is not being led effec vely; or perhaps you are a
ing a team that is reluctant to follow, or not pulling their weight.
may be working hard, and not feeling like anyone is recognizing

card can also be telling us that literal celebra ons are not going
! We may be running into difficul es when planning a party or
bra on.
others do not recognize them. Remember though- Be careful that you
aren’t ge ng a big head! Be wary of leaders who are using their
posi on in an unethical way.

It’s worth no ng that the carousel horses on this card are not actually
a ached to a carousel at all. They appear to be moving freely, and it is
open to your own interpreta on whether that means they are moving
forward, or s ll in circles.
ecially when we could have put up more of a fight. Perhaps you are
s around the base of its perch. The mouse is in danger, but it has
llenge, Perseverance, Defense, Having the High Ground in a
high ground and cannot be reached by the snake, or is perhaps
standing up for what you believe in; or alterna
gerous Situa on vely are holding on
g unno
ghtly to a belief while ignoring all the facts and evidence that go
en this card appears, you are likely in a similar situa
nst it. on. The Seven
king Down, Giving Up, Defeat, Failure to Put Up a Fight
Wands represents challenges and conflicts that threaten us, but it
tells us that we have the advantage. If we persevere, will come
card can also represent an inner ba le. The foe we’re facing may
on top.
nega ve inner voice that makes us doubt ourselves.
card o en suggests that the challenges we face are noble ones.
are likely defending ourselves, others, or figh ng for a cause that
ers; so this card may also represent he idea of defending or
ec ng something. It is associated with the idea of holding one’s
against adversity.
card tells us not to give up! We likely merely need to hang on
t, and wait for the danger to pass.
o en a reminder to persevere, fight for what believe in, and not give
up. However, it reminds us to think carefully about what we’re figh ng
for. Are we figh ng for what we believe in? And if so, are we holding
onto our beliefs for the right reason?
mentum behind it! This card indicates energy and the poten
rsed. We might be feeling impa ent, or too burnt out to make
Progress, Momentum, Energy, Produc ve Teamwork al to
ncredibly produc
ress. Perhaps our frustra
VERSED) ve. The things we set into mo
ons and nerves are the only thing
on now, will be
ng us right now. We could even be so energized by that frustra
ly unstoppable- especially if we are working together with others on
aus on, Nervous Energy, Rushing
ard a common goal.
we can’t stay focused on the tasks at hand.
en this card appears, it is a good me to start new projects or make
areful not to act too quickly or rashly when this card appears.
ress on exis ng ones.
’t rush into anything without looking where you leap simply
ever, this card also warns us not to rush into anything blindly. Be
ause you have the energy to move forward.
ful what forces you set into mo on when harnessing the burst of
gy you are likely feeling. Be sure that you plan and prepare,
ause things are about to be moving too quickly for you to stop them
e you begin.

his card, a coven witches dance around a surging fire. Together,

r power is unbeatable, and the magic they create now will be
ossible to stop. Remember that this card comes with a context
ciated with teamwork and group projects. Perhaps it is your coven,
nds, or coworkers that cause your surge of energy to be so
taking on so much work that you will simply be exhausted by it without
accomplishing anything.

Regardless of whether or not this card is reversed, don’t be afraid to rely
on others to help push you forward.
cates the final stretch of a journey or task, and how the experience
Leg of the Journey, Inner Reserves, Pushing Through,
he journey so far will help you to overcome these final obstacles.
unded But S ll Going
his card, a band of travelers cross a bridge in a dark wood at night.
ensiveness, Pointless Struggle, Burn Out, Wounded and Giving
r way is lit by the torches they carry for themselves, and one of
m even seems to be lagging behind; wary of the wolf lurking in the
dows of the foreground.

message of this card is that even though your task is nearly

plete, there are s ll dangers to confront. This card reminds us that
are already equipped to handle those dangers; but warns us that
e we will make it out of this, we may be red and even wounded
n we do.

a good idea to reflect on recent challenges you’ve faced when this

appears. How did you learn to overcome those challenges, and
can you draw on that wisdom when you face the next one?

important to note that you are not facing these challenges alone,
narmed when this card appears. You likely have tools and a support
em backing you up.

en this card is reversed, it is possible that you are facing, or even

ng obstacles that are pointless to challenge; figh ng the wrong
ple or the wrong things for misguided reasons. You may be feeling
nsive or argumenta ve toward others who are actually on your
, and may be closing yourself off to new experiences due to
nds from your past. You might even be wearing yourself out
ng meaningless fights, leaving yourself vulnerable to actual
not be afraid to try new things or work with others when this card
appears reversed.
snow. This is a card of hard work, heavy responsibili
ponsibility, Burden, Obliga ons, Hard Work es, and
dens. It might be telling you that you are struggling with an
ga on, or overloaded with too many tasks or people depending on
y Work, Procras na on, Delega on, Doing it Alone
This card is a reminder that we cannot do anything effec vely if we
aking on too much at once.

courages us to take stock of our priori es. Examine your burdens

ask yourself if there is anything you can put down, or seek help to
ugh this is a card that can quite literally feel rather heavy, and it
des to a sense of being overburdened, it also o en indicates success
work that is worth doing.
atever burdens you’re are carrying, they are worthwhile and
ningful. Remember that this does not mean you must carry them
e. Set down what you can, and come back for it later if you need to.
k for help from others if you need it.

en the Ten of Wands appears reversed, it might be to indicate that

hard work is not meaningful. You may just performing a lot of busy
k that will not actually lead toward anything useful; exhaus ng
self for nothing.

rna vely, you may be pu ng off important work; procras na ng and

wing your workload to grow and grow to unmanageable propor ons.
card can also indicate that you are carrying too much all on your
, working on something strenuous or dealing with emo onal
gage that is too much for one person.
Wands could be encouraging you to seek help from others. It is likely
that you can delegate work to people who are willing to help you, and
allow others to help relieve your burdens; just make sure that they are
actually worth everyone’s me and energy.
our readings, but the Page of Wands also embodies the childish
husiasm, Adventurousness, Crea ve Poten al, Newly Inspired
re of the Wands suit. The Page is enthusias c; full of crea ve
n al and energy!
-Doubt, Uninterested, Uninspired, Inhibited Crea vity
his card, we see a figure as they conjure animals from a
ician’s hat. So many animals pour forth from the hat, that it’s
ost hard to imagine the Page has much control over their own
er, or where the animals will go.

is the nature of the Page of Wands. While they are ready for
enture, and inspired to create, they s ll lack much of the finesse
skill they strive for. They are full of energy, but s ll learning how
se that energy.

card may indicate bursts of crea ve poten al, new passion and
ira on, or an adventurous spirit. But it also cau ons to be aware
ur own limits and naivete. Express your enthusiasm and make use
spira on and energy when this card appears in your readings, but
o with the knowledge that you are likely s ll only at the beginning
our project, journey, or cra . The Pages are, a er all, o en mes
ciated with students, children, and appren ces.

en Reversed, the Page is having problems seeing their crea ve

ns through. Perhaps they are completely uninspired, or else they
simply struggling to manifest their projects into reality.
unwilling to harness their energy and poten al. They may also be so
overwhelmed with ideas that they do not even know how or where to
begin! They could be ready to evolve and harness their energy, but it’s
important to remember that this is not a process that can be forced.

When this card appears reversed, remind yourself that some mes
progress cannot rushed; but that does not mean that progress is not
happening at all. Take me to sit with your ideas, and get to work on
them when you feel ready. Even if you are energe c to start something
new, it can be a good idea to pause and meditate on your work. It can
be difficult to see that our work is not happening as quickly as we would
like, but this is part of life- especially when we are new to whatever it is
we’re working on.
esent a person in your reading. The Knight is someone who exudes
sion, Confidence, Adventure, Charm, Charisma c, Roman c
isma and charm. They are confident, which has made them
enturous too!
kless, Rash, Manipula ve, Narcissis c
his card we see a figure taking a rather steamy selfie in a mirror,
g their camera phone. The Knight of Wands radiates confidence and
al energy. They are a rac ve, and they know it. They’re
isma c, but cocky.

Knight of Wands also represent passion, and pursues their goals

enthusiasm and an energe c nature. Usually, the Knight of Wands
erstands their charm, and at mes it may make them fickle or
issis c. They crave adventure, and can get bored easily; thus this
may indicate a sense of choosing adventure over common sense,
he sake of doing or feeling something interes ng.

Knight of Wands is o en seen as someone who is a something

an c. Their sense of enthusiasm and adventure may make them
lis c when it comes to things like work or rela onships. Because of
r striking charisma c nature, and go-ge er a tude, they are
i ous and may be disappointed when their desires are not realized.

ersed, all of the Knight’s worst quali es are drawn to the top. Their
ion and sense of adventure make them reckless and foolhardy. They
act rashly, or be temperamental in their impa ence to accomplish
things they are passionate about. This may even lead them to lash
at others.
someone is neglec ng a need for fun or adventure out of laziness, or a
fear of failing. They might not be trus ng in their ins ncts, and thus
are choosing to do nothing at all rather than take a leap.

Because the Knight of Wands represents someone who is sure of their
charm and charisma, it may appear reversed when someone has
become too certain of themselves, and is behaving in a narcissis c
way, or ac ng too cocky.

This card may be encouraging us to slow down for a moment and
explore our feelings. If we’ve been irritable, take me with yourself to
uncover what might be causing your irrita on toward others. It is likely
that you do not truly understand your own emo ons yet.
o en far more mature. As the Queen of the court of Wands, they
ikely a very passionate and crea
fidence, Social Bu erfly, Influenve person, with the ability to
al, Independent, Popular
p those passions in check. The Queen exudes such confidence that
ers o en flock toward them, making them influen al and quite the
-Centered, Introverted, Using Influence to Hurt Others
al bu erfly. While they o en enjoys being around others, and
ing their passions and crea vity with loved ones or an audience,
’re very independent. The Queen of Wands understands their
onal power, knows that they can accomplish great things on their
. This is o en, even the source of the Queen’s confidence and

Queen of Wands’ popularity and charisma are o en the quali es

makes them a rac ve to others. They are fun, and inspire those
nd them.
card encourages us to put ourselves out there! Don’t be afraid to
round people when the Queen of Wands appears; instead,
nnel their confidence and enthusiasm to make powerful
ressions on others.

figure on this card, a er all, is Cinderella’s fairy godmother. The

en of Wands knows how to have a good me, while staying
onsible and making an excellent appearance that leaves everyone
nd her wan ng more.

en the Queen of Wands is reversed, it is possible that they are

g their influence in a bad way. They may be using their appeal,
ularity, and influence in a selfish way that harms those around
m. They may be ac ng completely self-centered, making everything
ut them, rather than sharing their passion and power with others.
you have become unusually introverted. It’s perfectly fine to spend
me alone to reconnect with your crea ve and passionate side,
recharge, and explore your inner thoughts and feelings.

When one expends too much energy on social engagements, or li ing

themselves up as well as others, it’s easy to become burnt out, and
need me alone.
ally the physical embodiment of the “wands” suit. Its antlers
onary, Proud, Excitement, Authen city
nd out of sight into several individual wands, and the crown above
ead illuminates its surroundings. In the foreground is a salamander
h Expecta ons, Aggressive, Taking Too Much from Others
leaf; a nod to the RWS deck in which the court of wands makes
of a salamander mo f to represent the wands’ correla on with the
ment of fire.

h like the Queen of Wands, the King is is a kind and charisma c

on, whose energy o en draws others to them; making them a
ral leader. The King of Wands is courageous, a bit of a thrill-seeker,
a risk-taker. Their gut feelings are the result of experience and
om, and are usually right! Similarly, their experience gives the King
Wands a background that produces great ideas! Their crea vity is
-tempered and a source of great pride. The King of Wands is
ething of a visionary; able to imagine great possibility, and carry
those visions successfully.

King of Wands has a lust for life, enjoys excitement, and is an

en c person who is recep ve to new beliefs and points of view.
y knows themselves well, and will almost always express their true
ughts and feelings in all that they do.

ersed the King of Wands may indicate that you have placed too
of expecta ons on yourself or others. Reversed, they are someone
might expect too much from people and even become angry
n those unrealis c expecta ons aren’t being met.
Reversed King’s emo ons are s ll impassioned, but o en to the
t over being overly aggressive. This may make them
peramental, too lus ul, and even ruthless at mes.
behave in an unfair way. You may be fooling yourself into thinking
that if you know who you are, you have an excuse do whatever you
like; even if it is hur ng other people.
ew love or a newly kindled passion for something. It reminds me of
w Feelings or Love, Awakening, Emo onal, Sharing Feelings
mth and comfort- hence this card has an image of a steaming la e
between two hands. It was my inten on to keep it unclear whether
ressed Feelings, Apathy, Ignoring Intui on, S fling Affec on
ot the hands belong to two separate people, or just one person.
er way, it was also inten onal that the hands are gently touching as
cup is held between them.
ually associate this card with feelings of comfort, affec on, and
ed love.
ardless what gi s the Ace of Cups brings, they are likely ones that
fill your heart and give you a good sense of completeness and
onal wholeness.

Ace of Cups can represent the idea of simply being emo onal, and
ng a lot of feelings. It is also associated with intui on, and thus can
cate an emo onal awakening or realiza on.

ersed, this card alludes to issues of emo onal suppression. You may
tuffing your emo ons deep inside, bo ling them up in an a empt
void them. You may also be ignoring your intui on because you are
d, or not ready to confront something in your heart or mind.

reversal of this card could also represent a sense of apathy or

bness; perhaps you have been so overburdened by nega ve
ons that you’ve begun to shut your feelings off completely, in
r of feeling nothing at all instead of something unpleasant.
reversed, is to embrace your emo ons, and let them flow. Even if your
emo ons are painful at mes, it may be beneficial to let them fill your
heart for now so that you don’t suffer from having bo led them up too
ghtly later.
ee, and a connec on between two people who are joining together
ngs, Sharing, Equality, Togetherness, Connec ng With
moment. It may remind you of a casual date, or of joining a
ther, New Rela onships
ness partner for a mee ng over coffee.
rust, Imbalanced Rela onships, Difficulty Rela ng
is a card of unions going well. It indicates that two groups are in
e with one another; thus it’s a great card to see when you are
cipa ng a first date, business mee ng, job interview, important
ering, wedding, or anything where it is beneficial for both par es
lved to feel a sense of respect for one another. The mee ngs it
cates will o en mes be related to new or growing rela onships

card suggests that compromises can and will be made, and are
y to please all par es involved.
so represents balanced rela onships in which both people involved
t one another with an equal level of respect, trust, and love.

onally, the Two of Cups can symbolize even the union of the
tual and physical aspects of ourselves. O en mes, we are able to
te harmony in our rela onships, because we have established a
mony within ourselves as well.

ersed, the Two of Cups is representa ve of disharmony, par cularly

ur rela onships and mee ngs. We may be in a posi on where we
t make arrangements with someone we do not feel we can trust, or
may be trying to take advantage of someone ourselves.
others. Unions may prove difficult because we cannot see the
perspec ve of the other person or people involved.
A rela onship may be imbalanced, with one person ge ng more out of
the union than the other.
m one person to the next; sharing love and support among a group of
ple. The grapes, spider, and bu erfly on this card indicate a
ependence, Alone Time, Trying to Pour From an Empty Cup
nec on to harvest, hard work, and transforma on respec vely; the
ards obtained working together with a close group of friends.
ugh this card is o en associated with celebra on and revelry, I
ays gravitate toward its other meanings of li ing up the people we
about, and establishing a support system of friends and family.

ally I had also intended for the hands in the image to appear as older
younger, to indicate a “maiden, mother, crone,” mo f, with the
den at the bo om, the mother in the middle, and the crone at the
In hindsight, I doubt this is a no ceable detail, but it’s s ll one that I
k about when this card appears. The cup at the top of the card
es on its contents to the middle cup, and the finally the bo om cup.

Three of Cups could indicate that you are becoming closer to

eone you’ve met recently, and are on your way to a true friendship.
ay be advising you to lean on your friends for help during a difficult
a on, or to celebrate accomplishments among them.

ersed, this card may indicate troubles among your friend group, or a
of support. However, this card is also a call to spend me on your
. It is likely telling you that you can manage things along for now. It
even be advising to take me for yourself to work on your own
acles, rather than those of your friends.

may be feeling emo onally or socially drained from giving too much
ourself to others.

message I always associate with the reversed Three of Cups is that

cannot pour from an empty cup. A suppor ve network of friends is
ortant, but be sure to take me for yourself as well.
only ignoring the other three cups, but also the plethora or insects
a sfied, Apathy, Re-evalua on, Day-Dreams, Boredom
g all around it.
tlessness, Withdrawal, Retreat
ally when this card appears, it is to indicate a lack of interest or
fac on in things that are right before your eyes. It could be telling
that something you desire or need is right in front of you, but you
t see it yet. Even more likely, perhaps the answers you’ve been
ng are not the ones you you wanted, and so you are ignoring them
opes that something be er will come along.

card advises us not to become too ensnared by our apathy, or fixate

antasies and day dreams. Take me to re-assess your desires and
s. If the answers in front of us are not sa sfying, perhaps it is me
he ques on we’ve been asking to change.

en this card is reversed, it is usually to indicate a much-needed

drawal. Other people may be trying to consume all of your me, or
may be working too hard on a project that you feel isn’t ge ng the
lts you wanted. You may also be feeling restless, working harder and
er while s ll failing to achieve a par cular goal. If you are working on
ea ve project, you might be struggling to find any inspira on at all.

w it’s me to retreat, even if only temporarily, in order to restore

self. The things you are retrea ng from will s ll be there when you
back, and you will be more prepared to deal with them.
eyard, overgrown with weeds and brambles. The fountain, with
urning, Grief, Regrets, Trouble in the Past
ve ers to represent the cups of this card, isn’t flowing. Like the
eyard around it, it has been le in the past.
backs, Forgiveness, Moving On, Wallowing, Dealing with the
here is also a sense of peace here, melancholy though it may be.
graveyard is untouched now, quiet, and calm.

card usually indicates sadness or grief from the past, and is o en

minder that it can be hard to let go of the things that have hurt
This card may be telling us that we have regrets about something
did, or that we’re s ll mourning something that is no longer
vely affec ng us. It represents loss, and the need to adjust to that

dvice, this card could indicate the need to forgive, or to embrace

nge. This card may telling you that you’ve spent too much me
ing with the pain of the past, and it’s now me to work on
ing forward by forgiving ourselves and others, and making
onal adjustments. It is also a reminder to look at what we do
graveyard here is overgrown. From death, comes life, and even if
are grieving something, we are likely to s ll have things we feel
kful for. When this card appears in your readings, it may me to
s on those things instead of your sorrow.

ersed, this card becomes a message regarding that forward

ement. It’s no longer just a card about the past, but one about
present and the future. You may be in a state of transi on;
king to overcome something that hurt you, like a break up or a
overcome some hurdle that’s in your way. You may be having difficul es
forgiving someone.

You may be wallowing in your feelings even though you know it’s me to
pick up the pieces.

The important message with this card is that the past is just that-- the
past. It transforms us, and we can learn from it, but it can only stall us
when we let it. This card is a reminder to grow from failures and losses.
Take me to mourn if you need to, but eventually you will have to move
on as a stronger and wiser version of yourself.
e lilies; a reference to the RWS version of the card where white
th, Innocence, Nostalgia, Memories, The Inner Child
are used to represent the sense of innocence associated with
dhood. The Six of Cups is about youth and childhood in the most
ck in the Past, Repressed Memories, Unplayful, Immaturity
ve ways. The tea party on this card may be the game of a child,
could also something being enjoyed by an adult.

card encourages us to be in touch with our inner child, and to be

le and kind with others. Be thankful for small gestures, but also
w small gestures of kindness to others as well.

card may appear when we are feeling nostalgic or reminiscing. It

be asking us to look toward our youth for lessons from
dhood that are relevant once again. Think back to these past
eriences for guidance, embrace your good memories, and try to
nnel your inner child’s sense of wonder and joy.

en the Six of Cups is reversed, it indicates that we may either be

k in the past, or are repressing some memory. You may be
osing to remember only the bad parts of your childhood, while
good parts are rife with untapped guidance and wisdom.

rna vely you may be avoiding confron ng something from your

h that is troubling you, and while it might heard to relive these
mories,this card suggests that le ng yourself process them may
eneficial in the present situa on.
s ck in the mud, or are behaving immaturely, or are out of touch with
your playful inner child. This card invites you to embrace all aspects of
your past self. Get in touch with your childhood memories, but try to
remain lighthearted and let your playful side take the wheel for a me.
wers grow around some, while a snake slinks around the others. I
tasy, Illusion, Unclear Choices, Wishful Thinking
gined this card like choosing from unmarked po ons. It is some mes
to see which choices are gi s, and which choices are poison.
of Touch With Reality, Unimagina ve, Pragma c
ever, the figure on this card isn’t focused on deciphering the cups at
nstead, they work on crea ng something bigger in the cauldron
re them.

card may appear when you are presented with many choices, and are
ggling to make a decision. You may have so many op ons that you are
ble to choose any one of them at all. Alterna vely you may be so
usioned by your own fantasies and desires, that it has become
cult to see where the op ons before you will actually lead, thus you
be ignoring your op ons completely.

n, this card indicates that we are not sa sfied with any of the op ons
re us, though many of them would likely lead us down a desirable
. This card reminds us that it’s important to dream big, but that we
need to maintain realis c goals as well. While it’s o en good to forge
own path forward in life, don’t be too quick to ignore opportuni es
seem small, simply because you are too focused on your greater
card can be a reminder to focus on small, realis c goals, and not be
acted by grand, long-term visions and fantasies.

ever, it can also be a reminder to forge our paths when the op ons
ented to us are unsa sfying. Over me, your smaller choices and
mplishments will lead you where you wish to be; you may simply
e to open your own doorways for yourself, rather than choose from
e which have been opened for you already.
from a very pragma c frame of mind. You may be thinking about things in
a way that feels very “realis c,” but should make sure you’re doing so for
the right reasons.

It may be that you are having trouble imagining big possibili es in your
future, and so your visions have become small and easily a ainable in
order to avoid disappointment. You may be seeing things only as they
appear, without using your imagina on to look forward to anything

While this card is always a reminder to be grounded and realis c when
making choices of several op ons, this reversal reminds you not to be
afraid to imagine a bright future. You don’t need to resist your own
pleasure or lo y goals in an effort to remain realis c. It is fine to dream
big; you merely need to ground yourself and think things through one step
at a me.
his card, a single traveler floats off toward the distance, trailing
ving Things Behind, Personal Quests, Personal Space
en cups behind them. Several of the glasses sink to the water
w as they’re le in the wake of the traveler, while others remain
idant, Refusal to Give Up or Let Go of Harmful Things
he surface; yet all of them are le behind.

“le ng go” described by the Eight of Cups is usually voluntary, but

does not make it any less painful. Perhaps you have been
ggling with some emo onal baggage or burden. This card may be
ng you that it’s me to let these things go, and move on with your
It’s important to grieve, but eventually you will only be able to
e forward by releasing things; even if it is painful to do so.

card may represent a personal journey, or a spiritual quest. It may

indicate a need for personal space.

figure on this card is alone, and it is likely that only you can take
steps forward that you need. However, the figure is also moved by
water around them. When this card appears, you are likely already
ng pushed to move forward. You may be craving release from your
onal burdens, seeking personal growth, or desiring a moment of
ude in which to rest and recover.
ember that le ng go of the past does not erase it. You can may
feel pain or grief a er moving forward, but it’s important to leave
e things behind so that you can let the current move you.

en the Eight of Cups appears in a reading reversed, it likely

cates a struggle with this concept of le ng go.

may be clinging too ghtly to something that no longer serves us;

a toxic rela onship, or a bad work environment. We may be
ping ourselves in a harmful or painful posi on rather than con nue
ing forward in our lives.
that you are becoming possessive and turning yourself into the very
thing that pushes them away.

This card may also indicate you are trying to avoid your feelings, or
situa ons and people that drum up bad emo ons. The Eight of Cups is
about le ng go of those feelings, but some mes this can only be done
by confron ng them, and when we avoid them they merely catch up
with us stronger and stronger over me.

Finally this card may indicate that you feel you are missing something
but don’t know what. You might be feeling like you should be happier
than you actually are. If you have everything you thought you wanted,
and s ll feel unhappy, it is likely that you now need to reassess your
goals or expecta ons. There is a chance you misunderstood your own
feelings, and need something more than what you had originally
an cipated.
In some of the planters, sprou ng dandelions represent the idea of
filled Wishes, Contentment, Gra tude
ing wishes. The flourishing plants are symbolic of those wishes
oming fulfilled.
appointment, Smugness, Overindulgence
en this card appears, it is to indicate that wishes will come true with a
e of sa sfac on and thankfulness. The efforts you’ve put out into the
d are likely to yield desirable results. You’re able to achieve your
s right now, but remember to put in the work needed. You can’t grow
rden without effort.

card may also represent a sense of feeling on top of the world. You
ht be feeling like you have it all, so it’s important to express thanks
remain humble. You likely do have a lot to feel grateful for. This card
be serving as a reminder of that, but also a reminder to show
tude where it is due.

n outcome, this card o en suggests that everything will go well, and

e us feeling fulfilled.

ersed, the Nine of Cups indicates problems with this sense of

lment and sa sfac on. Perhaps our wishes came true, but we didn’t
the sense of contentment we had expected.

u are feeling disappointed despite achieving your dreams, ask

self what it really is that you’re a er. You likely are focusing too much
he things you don’t have, rather than the things you do. Perhaps you
n placed your expecta ons unrealis cally high, or put too much stock
e wrong places.

rna vely, perhaps our success has made us smug or ungrateful. We

d be so caught up in our victories and our happiness that we are
aving as if nothing could ever go wrong, or as if we are be er than
ers for having succeeded.
sure you aren’t using your success to hurt others by bragging or
showboa ng. If you can, use your success to help others who might
need it.
onships; especially familial ones.
py Home, Family, Peace, Successful Rela onships, Community
table on this card not only has enough glasses for a large party, but is
o onal Distance, Family Issues, Selfishness, Disconnec on
orated with fruits. It represents togetherness and the prosperity of a
e family. This card could represent peace within your biologic family,
uch cared for community that you are a part of, or a found-family of
e loved ones.

card tells us that we have enough happiness to share with all those
nd us. Our rela onships with loved ones are peaceful and
monious. This card predicts peaceful mes, and happiness but can
be a reminder not to fixate on fairy-tale happy endings. Just because
gs are not what you envisioned as perfect does not mean there isn’t
ty worth celebra ng.

me when this card appears to appreciate your loved ones. Be

ng to support them if they need you, but also try to feel comfortable
hing out to them if you are the one in need of support. Enjoy their
pany if possible, and do your best to revel in the warmth of your
e rela onships.

en this card is reversed, it is likely because you are not feeling the
onal connec on with others that you desire. You may be
eriencing family drama, or may be feeling emo onally distant from
people you love.
connec on and affec on, without actually cul va ng love and
happiness. Remember that you o en receive back from the universe
what you put into it. This is o en also true of rela onships, especially
those with family or community.

Regardless of what this card represents exactly, be it family problems or
a struggling rela onship, this reversed card is a reminder to express
apprecia on and love to those around you.
siup. There’s no way to know how big or small this body of water is,
ve, Roman cism, New Love, Imagina ve
the Page is going with the flow either way. The Page of Cups has a
o do with fantasy and roman cism, so this card is meant to look as
o onal Immaturity, Crea ve Blocks, Doub ng Intui on
ugh it could a scene from a story like Alice’s Adventures in
derland. This imagery is also a nod to Pamela Colman Smith’s
work in the RWS deck, in which a human Page of Wands holds a cup
a fish in it.

Page of Cups is someone with a big heart. They are likely in tune
their dreams and intui on. They’re emo onally sensi ve, which
es them roman c and o en crea ve.

ever, the Page is perhaps not yet all that familiar with their own
ons. They may not know how best to process what they feel and
hey can be emo onally needy, overly sensi ve, or unable to
ness their intui ve and create abili es effec vely.

se traits are highlighted by the reversal of this card; which could

cate emo onal immaturity, or situa ons in which you have crea ve
s but are uncertain of how to see them to frui on. You or someone
know may be ignoring intui ve messages when this card appears
rsed. You may not trust your heart as much as you trust your head,
so you ignore it en rely.

card invites us to feel all of our feelings, and to fantasize about

ance and love especially. It’s o en a call to embrace your intui on
follow your heart, as well as a message to enjoy yourself and have
Things may not always go as we want, but the Page of Cups is s ll
ning; and there is no be er teacher than experience.
he epitome of chivalric knighthood. He and the Knight of Cups
alist, Ar st, Roman c, Sensi ve
e a lot in common. Lancelot is beau
VERSED) ful and roman c, he’s
ming and sees the world through a lens of hope and op mism. He
ma c, Unrealis c, Moody, Overly-Sensi ve
the best in others, with a heart that is full of love and
en the me comes that the Knights of the Round Table must travel
m Camelot to seek out the Holy Grail, Lancelot is the first of the
hts to encounter it. Though the Grail is within his grasp, he cannot
it. It rejects him for his secret affair with Queen Guinevere- his
test wrongdoing, which even then had already begun crea ng the
ks that would eventually burn Camelot to the ground.
pite of this defeat, and in spite of Lancelot’s wrongdoing, he
ains a model for many others in Arthur’s court. His sense of love
ires, and his idealism gives them hope and courage for the future.

Knight of Cups is a loving person, they keep their heart open to

ers and are able to be emo onally vulnerable while also remaining
lis c and op mis c. They see the best in others, and o en mes
n see the best in themselves, even if they do fall short some mes.
Knight of Cups is able to share their emo ons, and express their
ngs effec vely. They are o en crea ve and ar s c.

they are not perfect. Their emo ons can fluctuate and be fickle.
y are loving and passionate, but their feelings may change
denly. The Knight of Cups is a dreamer, but will not always think
ugh the consequences of the ac ons they take in pursuit of those

ersed, this card may be warning us of the Knight’s more fickle or

onally unstable side. This card could be telling us that we are
le ng our emo ons get the be er of us- much like Lancelot and his
feelings for Guinevere.

The Reversed Knight of Cups can also be an indica on that we are being
unrealis c with our expecta ons or desires. It is important to have big
dreams, but it is also necessary to be pragma c. This reversed card can
indicate that there is an imbalance between idealism and sensibility.
ons, but is also deeply in tune with the hearts of others. They are
mpassion, Emo onal Stability and Understanding, Empathy
ure and usually quite emo onally stable. This combina on of
urity and open-heartedness, makes the Queen of Cups an
Dependent, Lack of Emo onal Boundaries, Taking on Others’
athe c and soothing counsel. They are a good listener and are
ne than capable of providing support to those who need them.

the rest of the court of cups, the Queen is ar s c, and their

urity makes them more of a visionary than merely a dreamer.
ause they are deeply in tune with their emo ons, they are also in
h with their intui on. The Queen of Cups pays close a en on to
r feelings and is able to follow their heart with wisdom.

the mermaid on this card, the Queen of Cups seeks to understand

ers. They do so by remaining empathe c, and openhearted to the
ple around them; especially their loved ones.

en the Queen of Cups is reversed, there are likely issues ed to

s own emo ons and their desire or nature to connect to the
ons of others. This card could indicate that you have been so
athe c with others, that you are taking on too much of their pain
urden. Alterna vely it could indicate that you have developed a
e of co-dependency. You may be relying too much on others, or
wing them to rely too much on you.

It’s good to let your heart be open to others, and to nurture their
feelings when you can. But doing so o en has a taxing effect that can
leave you emo onally drained, exhausted, and depressed. Don’t forget
to make me to take care of yourself. It’s fine to take me alone to
recharge or focus on your own feelings, and it is essen al to have
boundaries with others even when looking a er their emo onal needs.
oears here again on the King of Cups; a reference to the Fisher King.
onal Balance, Calm and Composed, Diplomat, Healer
any versions of the Arthurian legend, the Fisher King is the last in a
o onally Hardened, Emo onal Stress, Emo onally
line of Grail-Keeper Kings. He possesses the Grail but has no need
nipula ve
and waits for another to come and claim it. The glowing crown
n above the Grail on the Knight of Cups, now adorns the Fisher King
his card.

King of Cups is someone who has found emo onal balance. They
mature, much like the Queen, and are an equally wonderful
nselor to those seeking emo onal insight or peace. They are
ful, and able to respond to their own emo ons with a great
om that comes from maturity and experience. The King’s balance
heart” and “head” o en allow them to remain calm under nearly
circumstance, and makes them an excellent diplomat or healer to

ugh the King’s calmness may make him seem emo onally detached
mes, they care deeply for others, and are always willing to share
r knowledge and emo onal wisdom with people who may need it.

ersed, this card may represent someone who is emo onally

ened or numb. They may have experienced so much emo onal
moil that they’ve stuffed their feelings down deeply and are feeling
or nothing at all.
emo onally manipula ve. Likely, someone is in tune with their
emo ons and others, like the King of Cups, but they are using their
knowledge and wisdom to hurt and take advantage of others.
ortuni es that must be grasped and taken in order to be u
liza ons, Truth, Communica on, Revela on lized.
Lady of the Lake holds the mys cal sword Excalibur from the lake as
Arthur wades through the water to claim it.
communica ons, Lies, Denial
libur serves as one of Arthur’s greatest tools in the Arthurian
nd. It’s the Sword in the Stone that proclaims Arthur’s right to rule,
t’s Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake that gives him his true
er, and serves him as the weapon he caries into ba le against his
t enemies Mordred and Morgana.

Swords are a suit of communica on, truth, jus ce, knowledge, and
ty. This card likely foretells a new truth that will be revealed to you.
aps you are about to learn a secret, or make a realiza on that will
g you some kind of much-needed insight.
e literally, this card may also indicate an opportunity to cut
ething away. If you are struggling with a problema c rela onship,
nnecessary baggage, it might be me to separate yourself from it,
leave it behind.

card can be a reminder to be clear with your words. O en the

test sense of clarity in a situa on will be found when all par es
lved are communica ng clearly, and doing their best to understand
er will come from honesty, knowledge, and jus ce when this card
ears in your readings.
manner of communica on or truth- but exercise cau on here. The
words being communicated by you or others may be easily
misunderstood, or inten onally misinterpreted. Informa on being
exchanged may also be false, so be sure to do your research and fact-
checking. Be cau ous of lies.

Even if you have all the informa on you need, the Reversed Ace of
Swords may indicate that you will have difficulty compiling it all in a
logical way, thus this card may represent a need to step back or slow
down so that you can work on unraveling messy informa on, or poor
miscommunica ons.
a on are equally at odds with one another. It is a card that o
ecision, Impar al, Impasse, The Weighing of Decisions, en
cates a stands ll in the decision-making process.
ices That Are At Odds With One Another.
two unicorns on this card are different only in the smallest ways,
while they seem to be figh ng one another, they are equally
rcion, Undesirable Op ons, Being Stopped From Making
ched in their fight with no indica on of who will win.
is a card of impasses, and challenging choices. It may be telling
to carefully weigh your op ons. Perhaps they are not all as equal
hey seem at a superficial level. You may need to withdraw to
ider your op ons more carefully. As Swords are o en associated
knowledge and informa on, it is important that you make certain
know everything you can about the op ons before you, and make
nformed decision.

e is a moon on this card as well, a symbol o en associated with

ntui ve powers. It is a reminder that when all else fails, you can
n rely on your intui on to lead you in the right direc on when
ing difficult choices.

ersed, this card indicates a decision-making process, stunted by a

e external force rather than your own indecision. Someone may be
ng to coerce you into make a choice purely for their own benefit.
may wish to make a decision regarding something, but are
haps unable to. You might not be the one responsible for the
sion, or perhaps someone is giving you the silent treatment and
allowing you to provide any input at all.
desirable choices to be made.

Be careful of emo onal pressure to make choices you don’t want to

when this card appears. Also try to understand that if you must make a
choice between equally unlikable op ons, this is some mes be er than
making no choice at all.
orrow. In many decks, it shows a heart pierced by three swords, and
s, Sorrow, Sacrifice, Emo onal Pain, Rejec on
es with a strong connota on of “heartbreak.” In this version of the
, three narwhals rise out of the water in an a empt to spear a
oring Pain, Releasing Pain, Forgiveness
ary flying bird.

nted this card to depict an ac ve effort to cause pain, and to

roy something beau ful. O en mes, grief and sorrow, especially
n the heart is involved, come from external forces; We may have
a loved one, or experienced a bad break up, and now we’re
ving our loss and dealing with the pain le behind.

card alludes to a sense of feeling deeply hurt, likely due to the

ons of another person. However, the Three of Swords can also
cate the pain that comes with sacrifice. We may have given up on
ething that was dear to us, or we might be struggling to make such
crifice in the future.

Three of Swords is a reminder that sacrifice and loss are necessary

s of the human experience, and that we must some mes deal with
, rejec on, and pain.

ersed, the card may indicate acceptance of such losses. Perhaps we

ready to forgive someone who hurt us, or perhaps we are ready to
ve ourselves for pain that we have caused. Reversed, this is o en a
of emo onal release, and relief. We might s ll be in pain, but a
den is likely being li ed here.
ignore our pain.This card can indicate that we are avoiding a necessary
situa on because we are afraid of being hurt. It may also be telling us
that we are already in emo onal pain, but are ignoring our feelings
rather than actually dealing with them.

It is some mes difficult to deal with heartbreak, but if we do not allow
ourselves to experience the grief and pain that we feel, we will never
be able to find relief from it.
everal years, and spend only a very limited amount of
t, Reflec on, Medita on, Incuba on, Hiberna on me above
nd. There are several theories for why cicadas exhibit this
avior; such as a unique form of hiberna on, or simply a need to
n-Out, Stagna on, Exhaus on
ve and avoid predators above ground. Regardless of the reason
cicadas might bury themselves under ground for long periods of
, the ul mate mo ve revolves around the insects’ safety and well-

Four of Swords is also, ul mately, about one’s well-being. It calls us

ake me for rest and relaxa on. We may simply need a break, and
card might be encouraging you to take me off work or go on a
on. It may also be telling you take some me for yourself in order
meditate, or let crea ve ideas incubate.

en this card appears, it likely means that it’s me to pause, “bury”

self for a li le while, and focus only only on your hiberna on.

g silent and inac ve is not always easy though. At mes it can be

to turn your brain off and let your work and projects sit.

en this card is reversed, we are likely struggling through such a

mma. The reversed Four of Swords warns us of burning out or
oming so exhausted that we allow ourselves and our work to crash.
card is an important reminder that res ng is a part of the working
ember that you are not being unproduc ve if you take me for
Instead, you are just fulfilling one of the tasks that you must make
for in order to be at your best.
rest, we will be forced to make such me when our burnout begins to
impact our health.

Alterna vely, the reversed Four of Swords can indicate a sense of
stagna on. We may feel as if we are running forward without ever
ge ng anywhere. Even this too, is some mes a reminder that
some mes we need to pause and give our minds and bodies a break.
You will likely make the progress you’ve been hoping for once you give
yourself a chance to recuperate from the work you’ve done so far.
e terrifying as it rapidly ages. Eventually, it is foretold to the god
flicts, Disagreement, Arguments, Hur ng One Another,
n that Fenrir will one day slay him and devour the sun. At the
ayal me of
prophecy, Fenrir is an ally to Odin and the other gods, but Odin
omes so paranoid of Fenrir eventually betraying him that he tricks
olu ons, Compromise, Making Amends, Media on
wolf into allowing itself to be bound and imprisoned in a cave. Now
ng betrayed himself, Fenrir vows to some day break free and have
evenge against Odin.
e it not for the seed of fear planted in Odin, which caused him to
ay Fenrir’s trust, it might have been possible that the two could
e remained allies forever.

Five of Swords is a card about disagreements, conflicts, and

ments; but more importantly it is a reminder of where these things
e the poten al to lead us. This card tells us that a fight might be
wing. Misunderstandings and insecuri es may quickly evolve into
ayals and a acks.

his card, Fenrir is shackled by chains held down by four swords, as

n’s ravens fly around him. The fi h sword is driven into Fenrir’s
th as a reminder that communica on is o en a key factor in
ia ng and resolving disputes before they get worse.

ersed, that is what this card is all about.

utes will likely be resolved cleanly, someone might make an
ogy, or do their best to heal wounds and damage from a past fight.
card may indicate a need for media on and diplomacy.
promises might need to be made.
so. The reversed Five of Swords is a reminder that things o en only get
worse without an ac ve effort to resolve conflicts. Take a step back and
give yourself space to evaluate the conflict that happened, then do
your best to move forward and have an honest discussion about what
went wrong. You won’t always be able to fix everything, but this
reversed card is a reminder that it is important to try anyway.
ving on.” This may some
nsi mes be taken literally. You might be
on, Retreat, Releasing Baggage, Processing Emo on,
ing to a new town or a new job. However, this card is usually
ntal Healing, Moving On
ciated with moving on in an emo onal or mental way. You might
e trauma and pain, or emo onal that you need to process before
ble to Let Go of the Past, Unfinished Business, Resistance to
can move forward.
atever the case may be, this card calls for a period of transi on. It
ws a figure rowing a boat laden with swords. Two more swords
on as the figure’s oars. The figure in the boat is traveling, moving
ward across a stormy sea. The swords behind them may indicate that
r baggage too is behind them, but s ll present. One message of this
is that it is some mes impossible to completely discard our
onal baggage. Some of the things that trauma ze us will be with
orever, perhaps even threaten to puncture holes in our boats and
us; but here, the figure almost appears to be supported by the
rds behind them, and even uses two of them to drive the boat

Six of Swords calls for us to move on, and to seek emo onal
ing, but it also reminds us that some degree of the past will be
ain with us at mes. We can either choose to let those things hold
ack, or drive us forward.

card is o en depicted with an adult and a child. The baby here,

by the figure as they row their boat across the sea, is another
bol of looking toward the future. It is also a reminder that
e mes our transi ons and healing benefit not only ourselves, but
te a be er life for those who will come a er us; especially in the
ext of children and parents.

ersed, this card indicates trouble le ng go of the past. We may not

eady to move on, but feel we are being forced to anyways. We
ht be reluctant to make a necessary change, or are simply struggling

Remember that this card is not only about le ng go, but also growing
and harnessing power from our past. Such growth can o en only happen
when we allow change to happen too. If your current circumstances are
painful or unsa sfactory, try not to fear change but instead embrace the
possibili es for growth and healing that come with it.
nything to see one’s own goals met.
ayal, Decep on, Strategy, Looking Out For One’s Own Interests
his card, one sword is plunged into a peak. Below, the six other
rds fall helplessly into the ravine created by the first. The lone
ng Consequences, Guilt, Self-Deceit
rd is elevated in a posi on that gives it power over the other six,
the image speaks to the nature of this card as a message that
eone might be willing to sacrifice others for their own well-being.

en this card appears, people are behaving strategically and looking

only for themselves. Be wary of decep ons, betrayals, and lies
n this card appears. It is possible that someone is planning to use
as a tool or sacrifice to further their own ends.
card may alterna vely indicate that you are in a favorable posi on
others. Perhaps it is your own strategies that are coming to
on, but at what cost? This card may indicate that you will have to
e difficult decisions at the expense of others to protect yourself or
your goals met. It may be encouraging you to ask yourself if those
s are worth the poten al harm you could cause to others.

ause of this card’s associa on with strategy and self-interest, it can

be associated with the idea of planning and conduc ng research.
ay be advising you to carefully assess a situa on, and learn
ything that you can before making your move.

ersed, this card alludes more to the a ermath of such instances.

aps you or someone else have been betrayed by people they
ted, and are feeling used and deceived. Perhaps you have betrayed
eone yourself out of a selfish agenda, and are now regre ng what
ve done.
suggests that we are about to face the consequences of our ac ons. This
may be good or bad. The people we’ve hurt may come back with a
vengeance, or the selfish things we have done may return misfortune
upon us. However, facing the consequences of your ac ons can
some mes be an opportunity for redemp on.

One other other meaning associated with the reversed Seven of Swords,
is a sense of self-decep on. This card making be calling someone out for
lying to themselves. You or someone else might be fooled into believing
a self-fabricated lie; so try to look for the truth in an objec ve way, even
if it is counter to your self interests.
with a magician inside is impaled by eight sharps swords; but the
-Inflicted Pain or Limita ons, Inner Cri cism, Vic m Mentality,
is only an illusion. The magician, if they are really in the box at all, is
risonment, Illusion
sonal Power, Freeing Oneself, Opening Up, Seeing Things As
Eight of Swords is primarily about self-inflicted wounds and
y Are
a ons. We are likely feeling trapped or hurt when this card appears,
the pain we feel is something we’ve created ourselves, or simply
gined. Perhaps we feel weakened by circumstances in our lives, or
opinions of others, or even our own insecuri es; but we are likely
making a proac ve effort to bring about change for ourselves.

card suggests that perhaps we are even remaining in our self-

tructed trap for show. Someone might be playing the vic m, when
ality they are simply keeping themselves in a state of pain or
a on, or crea ng the illusion that they are in such a posi on.

n the traps we create ourselves, however illusory, can some mes be

cult to escape from. If we are feeling stuck, this card urges us to ask
t we gain by remaining so. Some mes taking a first step is hard, but
n all we need to do is examine our situa on realis cally and
estly. Have courage and op mism, and try to move forward. The
s we find ourselves in when this card appears are, a er all, just an

card may also be cau oning of us other people who are presen ng
e illusions. There may be someone trying to trick you into thinking
are a vic m, or there may be someone who needs your help
king down the traps they’ve created in their own head.
freedom from such personal traps. This card may indicate a period of
reclaiming personal power, and doing away with limi ng thoughts,
insecuri es, and nega ve outlooks on the situa ons we find
ourselves in.

We may be opening up to new experiences, or opening up
emo onally in ways we haven’t before. We may be facing truths
about ourselves and our behavior that are uncomfortable but
necessary to confront. We might be taking new risks or chances
because we’ve learned that this is o en the only way to move
forward. We might be overcoming fears, or doing away with toxic

The reversed Eight of Swords is all about freeing oneself from self-
limita on, and removing the painful things we bring upon ourselves.
ord of Damocles” story, in which a cour er named Damocles briefly
ss, Overwhelmed, Pressure, Anxiety, Insomnia
as subs tute for his king, Dionysius. Believing that Damocles
ely longs for the luxury and fortune of being king, Dionysius
-Destruc ve Thoughts, Inner Fears and Secrets
ends a sword above the throne by a single strand of horse hair,
ted down at the throne in a symbolic representa on of the lethal
sure and danger one must face as king. Damocles then spends his
as king fulfilling Dionysius’s du es from the throne, under constant
at of the sword falling down on him.

story, like the Nine of Swords, alludes to an intense sense of

ety and overwhelming stress. When this card appears, one is likely
xperiencing such intense anxiety that it has created a sense of
ng in danger. You may be feeling stressed out by some pressure
g put on you at work or elsewhere. You may feel so nervous and
atened that you cannot sleep at night; only making ma ers worse.

en this card appears, it’s import to examine what forces are making
feel this way. If you can, take a break and spend me res ng and
king toward recovering from the fa gue of your stress. Being kept
ke and exhausted will only feed your anxie es.
may also look to other cards for advice on how best to deal with
things that are worrying you.

ersed, this card is o en interpreted as revolving around something

rnal. You may be keeping a secret that you feel you cannot share
anyone, and it has begun to eat away at you. You may be dealing
a deeply entrenched fear, or may be struggling with feelings and
e es that are self-destruc ve.

n, it’s important to look at your situa on from a distance and

fy the things that are making you feel overwhelmed. Try drawing
er cards to offer advice or insight into how to deal with your

Reversed or upright, this card is a reminder that anxiety and stress
easily snowball into more overwhelming forces. It is best to deal
with these things early on, and keep them from becoming even
more of a problem.
est point. The pinned moth on this card is not held down by the
k Bo om, Defeated, Giving Up, Devastated, Feeling Pinned
ll number of pins that one would usually find on a pinned insect.
her is it pinned into a neat posi on. Instead, it’s been stabbed
ugh haphazardly, far too many mes.
ging to Hopeless Things, Relapsing, Unwilling to Get Back Up
en the Ten of Swords appears in your readings, you may be feeling
efeated that it’s as if you have been speared through and pinned
n. It’s a card that speaks almost more of being held down than it
s of being put in pain. The Ten of Swords if o en associated with
dea of rock bo om or of having given up.

silver lining that is o en ascribed to this card is the message that

now have nowhere else to go but up. It is likely that things are as
as they will be, and now it is me stand up and move on. It may
hard or hopeless to get back up a er experiencing such defeats,
this card is a reminder that we must get back up anyways. As much
his card is about the feeling of being low and defeated, it is also
ut the need and poten al to rise up.

ersed, the Ten of Swords is an indica on that something we

ught had already defeated us is perhaps not quite finished. We may
linging to something that we have already lost, keeping ourselves
n when we are in fact more than capable of rising back up.
ead, we might be choosing to stay down.

card may also indicate relapses into the things that drag us down.
may be falling back into addic ons, toxic behaviors, or harmful
Some mes giving up on something is exactly what you need in order
to rise out of a “rock bo om” situa on.
olade,” by Edmund Blair Leighton. It shows a young man being
ugh ulness, Curiosity, New Ideas, Learning
gnized by a noblewoman, and the pair have o en been
pared to a young Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. The scene
rds Without Ac on, Unwilling to Speak Up, Malicious Words
ws a moment of roman cism and almost inspires a sense of the
ple’s naivety. It is in a large part due to the rela onship between
elot and Guinevere that Camelot eventually falls; but here their
onship is new and they are blissfully unaware of the things yet

h like the young couple, The Page of Swords of eager for things to
e, without wholly understanding what they might be. The Page of
rds represents a strong thirst for knowledge, a sense of curiosity,
though ul considera on of things. But as a Page, this card also
cates a sense of newness and immaturity.

ociate this card with a childlike sense of curiosity and a desire to

n. As you learn, you may uncover unexpected things or only
ome more aware of how li le you know.

ersed, the Page of Swords may allude to an inability or

illingness to speak up about important issues. It may also refer to
rson who has no problem talking big, but won’t step up and take
on about the things they speak of. It may be a reminder to put
money where your mouth is, or to be careful what you say to
everything going on behind the scenes yet, and this card may be
warning you not to talk about things as if you fully understand them,
when deep down you know you do not.
a le,” when it appears. The Knight of Swords is just that- a Knight of
hing, Ambi ous, Revolu onary Thinking, Explora on
rds, a fighter, a warrior who is off to ba le. The Knight is associated
only with ba le, but with swi ness and ac on; even fligh ness.
tless, Unfocused, Figh ng for the Wrong Reasons
e, the Knight could be a crow perched atop a sword on that field of
e; or perhaps the Knight is even someone we don’t see in the scene
coming to take up the sword and answer a call to ac on.

Knight of Swords rushes where they go. They are swi to take up
s and will join a charge with ambi on. They are a revolu onary
vidual who seeks to bring about posi ve change where they can.

Knight, much like the Page, is eager to learn, but does so by taking
ore proac ve role. They are an explorer and an adventurer, always
y to leap into new things and join a quest, or create one for

ersed, the Knight of Swords is a reminder of the dangers of this style

ehavior. Some mes a passion for ac on may make one restless or
cused. This card may be telling you that you are so eager for
enture that you cannot focus your energy and power on just one
g. Your energy might be s fled completely by this inability to choose
le to fight.

rna vely, this card calls us to ques on our own mo va ons. If we

figh ng a difficult challenge, we should ask ourselves what we’re
ng for. Not all ba les are worth figh ng, and not all of them are
ht for the right reasons.
tarot deck, but here she is; modeled somewhat a
lligence, Truthfulness, Convic on, Clear Communicaer the artwork
lbert Lynch tled “Joan of Arc.”
iased, Self-Aware
ugh Joan of Arc might seem young for a tradi onal “Queen” card, I
d her to be an excellent embodiment of the ideals represented by
d-hearted, Demanding, Harsh Words, Gossip
Queen of Swords. She knows precisely what she believes to be
, and will hold to it with such passion and convic on that she will
armies and even face death in her pursuit of that truth.

Queen of Swords is a clear and honest communicator, which

es them the perfect person to lead such armies. They are an
ligent and a though ul person who is as much aware of
mselves as they are others. Their intellect and pursuit of truth
e the Queen of Swords an unbiased judge.

y are a cri cal thinker, and value their independence and personal
ngth. Like all Queens, The Queen of Swords is mature and has
ned through personal experience; making them keen of mind and

en this card appears reversed, the Queen of Swords has perhaps

heir intelligence and pursuit of truth get the be er of them. This
can indicate cold-heartedness, especially in the pursuit of truth or
rma on.

may be demanding too much of yourself or others when this card

ears. You may be le ng your logical mind obstruct the feelings in
heart, and could be reac ng to things with a cold and bi er sense
os lity, saying harsh and hur ul things.
paying too much a en on to them.

This reversal is a reminder to stay true to the Queen of Sword’s pursuit
of truth and jus ce. Remind yourself not to pay too much a en on to
gossip when you don’t know all of the honest details. However, this card
can also encourage us to step back and examine how we are trea ng
ourselves and others. Be sure that your passions and pursuits aren’t
domina ng your thoughts so much that you are being cold or unfair
toward others. Also be cau ous not to neglect your heart in favor in
your mind.
young Arthur, retrieving the Sword in the Stone. Much like the
horita ve, Asser ve, Mental Clarity, Righteousness, Logical
en of Swords, it may seem odd for tradi onal readers to see such
ung King of Swords, but this is the moment in which Arthur
mida on, Too Controlling, Lacking Compassion
omes King; a young boy made to grow up suddenly through means
powerful revela on.

King of Swords is certainly grown up in that he has had many

la ons. Like all of the Kings, they have earned their court through
r experiences. In the case of the suit of Swords, these experiences
lve around knowing, understanding, and valuing the ideals of
h and jus ce. It’s through these learning experiences that King of
rds has become a logical and clear-minded person. They see all
gs for what they truly are; and use this knowledge to perform as a
teous leader.
leader, they are asser ve and always in control. They are an
ority on many things, and they know it.

ourse, these quali es can lead to trouble in spite of the King’s role
master of learning and understanding.
ersed, this card can indicate that one is being too controlling of
ers around them. The King of Swords might be ge ng too full of
mselves and thinking that their vast knowledge makes them
rter or be er than those around them. They may be in mida ng
ers, inten onally or otherwise. They may also be lacking
passion for others; trea ng them as if they know nothing at all.
manipulate others by bending the truth, or manipula ng what other
people see and believe as true.

This card is a good reminder to use your knowledge and understanding
for good, but also to recognize that you will never know everything.
Just because someone might be a King of Swords, they may s ll be only
a child in other ways; much like the young King Arthur. When this card
is reversed, it’s important to remember that you can s ll learn from
others, even if you are an expert in some fields.
d, in a garden of sprouts that are also sparkling.
ortunity, Plan ng Seeds, Investments,Manifesta on, New
n mes, the Ace of Pentacles foretells of new opportuni es;
ecially where things like finances, health, resources, and
erialism, Too Greedy, Missed Chances, Lack of Cau on, Over-
ndance are concerned. This card may predict a future in which you
secure and grounded. Projects may be coming to frui on at last, or
projects may be laying down strong roots.

Ace of Pentacles represents inves ng into things, feeding our

i ons, and allowing for strong growth. When this card appears,
e are likely good condi ons for manifes ng your desires into real
gs; be it financially or in rela on to your health.

all of the Aces, this card shows us a gi that must be must be

med in order to enjoy it. Keep an eye out for new opportuni es,
remember to water the seeds that you plant.

en the Ace of Pentacles is reversed, there are problems involving

dea of opportunity; especially where things like financial growth,
he be erment of our health might be concerned. This may be a
ning that you expect too much, or are even behaving greedily. It
also indicate that you are missing opportuni es as a result of
g under prepared, or overly cau ous. You may be gambling on
gs that are too risky, or pu ng too much stock into things that will
er pay off.
your body, your mind, and your finances in a prac cal way, and do your
best to be realis c about your expecta ons. Growth can take me, and
will be stunted if we don’t choose carefully where to invest our focus and
ncing two spheres with precision. This is not only a card of
ancing Act, Mul tasking, Adap ng
nce, but also about the ability to adapt and mul task. It is likely
how up in readings when there is a lot going on, or when things
Many Commitments, Delays, Disorganiza on
about to require some tricky priori za on.

card is o en a reminder to remain flexible. We may have to

le many things at once, so it’s important to remember to go with
flow, and adjust our approach as we progress. We may need to
nge where we direct most of our a en on in order to accomplish
s, choosing which projects we priori ze or allow to sit on the
k burner.

en the Two of Pentacles is reversed, it is an indica on of feeling

whelmed and over-commi ed. Projects and tasks might hit
blocks, thus se ng other related projects back and ini a ng a
tra ng chain of delays. Things may also be too disorganized to
age when this card appears.

h like the standard meaning of this card, it’s important to

e mes take a moment to reassess your posi on and priori es.
ere can you direct your a en on to be the most useful? What
you afford to put off while you focus on the most urgent and
sing ma ers?
things may wind up being dropped. This card is always a reminder to
stay flexible and ready to adapt. It can be a daun ng task at mes, but
don’t worry if you fall short on one thing here or there. Part of being
adaptable simply means taking things in stride and working issues out
as they occur.
honey but three pentacles, represent a sense of communal work.
abora on, Mentoring, Contribu on, Help From Others
Three of Pentacles is about working together to build things and
mplish tasks. It could be that a team is coming together to work on
k of Coopera on, Poor Workmanship, Lack of Support
oject, or that a mentor is helping students to master a skill.

card usually is associated with newer projects, first dra s, and

y stages of work. It’s important to be recep ve to construc ve
cism when this card appears. This card may be encouraging you to
fully choose the right partnerships for a project, but it can also
e as a reminder that you are already part of a team. Other
mbers of that team will have useful ideas and experiences for you to
w from.

e sure to consider the input of everyone involved in your work, and

pen to learning from others. Also consider how your work benefits
only yourself, but your team and even your community. This card
be calling you to work on projects for the benefit of others.

Three of Pentacles reversed on the other hand, suggests that there

problems within a team. We may be in a posi on where we were
e with all of the work in a group project. The members of our
m may be lazy, or their work may be shoddy; leaving us to redo
h of it. Alterna vely we may be handling a large project alone,
pite the need for a group to support us.

can be a call to reach out to peers and friends for help. It could
be a warning to look out for colleagues who are not pulling their
ght, or are doing something unethical or unsafe in the context of
shared work.
coworkers, network in order to find help for new projects, search for
work in new places, or reach out to allies for assistance.
urces and wealth are concerned. It tells us that we are in a
tec ng Resources, Saving, Being Frugal, Stability
fortable posi on in regard to these things. It may be saying that
eone has all that they need right now.
rding Wealth, Greed, Smugness about Wealth, Reckless With
n can also be a reminder to be frugal and cau ous with your
urces. While you may be feeling secure for now, and have
ything you currently need, it’s important to take this me to
ure your con nued stability and secure a strong and las ng
da on. It may not yet be a good me to make large investments or
financial risks just because you can; but the me for these things
be soon on the horizon.

ersed, the image on this card of a dragon on a hoard of treasure

be all the more relevant. This card can indicate someone who has
e than they need, and is choosing to hoard resources greedily. They
even be harming others; trying to accrue more wealth at the
ense of other people’s safety or well-being.

rna vely, this reversal can indicate someone who has spent much
saving their money or resources, but is now spending them too

mportant to treat oneself from me to me and enjoy material

gs; however, the Four of Pentacles Reversed may be a warning to
o in modera on; or a message to give back to your community and
port system if you have been stockpiling your wealth only for your
on this card; a representa on that your resources may be at risk.
rcity, Being at Risk, Lacking Security, Anxiety about
en the Five of Pentacles appears in your readings, you’re likely
ources, Dwindling
ng a sense of security where things like money, food, and health
are concerned. You might be at risk as a result of lacking
ancial Breakthroughs, Recovery, Seeing Only What You Lack
urces, or might be overwhelmed by anxiety regarding your feelings

card asks us to pay a en on to what we do have. It not only

nds us that it’s important to be grateful for those things, but it also
nds us to budget them carefully. We may even have resources
able to us that our anxie es have caused us to overlook.

r resources are at risk, the most important thing we can do is be

ful with them, and save them when we can. However, we can also
h out to others. This card can be a reminder that our social
nec ons are a kind of resources as well, and it may be urging us to
on those in order to help us persevere through hard mes.

card can also allude to the idea of inten onally forgoing material
gs out of a desire or need to live more minimally.

en the Five of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it can

e mes be a posi ve card that indicates mes of scarcity coming to
nd. We may be working toward a new job, or some kind of
ncial breakthrough. We may in a posi on where we are actually
e well off, but can only see what we lack, focusing on what we
t have rather than what we do, or what we are working toward.
feel you do not have enough to get by on, it may calling you out for not
being realis c. You may be ac ng too proud to ask for help, or may be
spending more than you actually need to.

Reversed, this card not only predicts recovery from hardship, but calls on
us to take more responsibility over our security and resources by doing
things like being more careful with our budget, asking for help, and being
realis c about what we already have.
erosity. On this card, one individual drops six sparkling coins into
erosity, Sharing and Giving, Assistance, Helping Others
cup held by another. The cup on this card is, in some ways, a
rence to the suit of cups; which is mostly associated with emo on,
ts, Exploita on, Refusing Help
ng, and rela onships.

erosity is not only about money and resources, but also about our
nec on to others.
Six of Pentacles might be calling us to give something of ourselves
ther people; be it actual money, or just our me and care. Pay
n on to what others give you when this card appears, and do your
to give back to them, or pay it forward to others.

card can also remind us not to be too proud to accept help from
ers, and not to be resen ul or overly smug when giving to them. It
reminder to give and receive with warmth and care.
Six of Pentacles may also be asking us to invest in ourselves as
. Give yourself the things you need to grow and flourish, and you’ll
that your efforts are o en returned in some way.

en the Six of Pentacles is reversed, it is usually associated with

gs like debt and exploita on. Someone may be taking far more
they’re giving back, draining energy and resources from someone
without making an effort to give any kind of return.

may also be feeling like your simply do no have the resources

ded to fulfill a goal. You may be in debt, or may be lacking the
ns to meet an end. Don’t be afraid to look for help, and don’t be
arrassed by your needs to such an extent that you refuse help
n it’s offered.
had help in the past, so when this card appears reversed, it may be
reminding us that it’s me to give back and help others as well.
ence, Trial and Error, Inves
ce and a surprising amount of energy and pa
ng in the Long-Term ence. The figure on
card is working hard, and the results of their labor surrounds them.
dy to Quit, Ignoring Feedback, Repea
e of their work is hung proudly on the wall, but other work is le
ng Mistakes, Lack of Long-
m Vision
d on the floor.

Seven of Pentacles is about trial and error process, and the need to
a ent with long-term work. This card reminds us that we won’t
eve perfec on right away, and we won’t achieve perfect results
y me. It asks us to work hard and diligently in spite of that, and to
pen to feedback. We must also be willing to pause and assess our
k from me to me so that we can see how we’ve improved, and
we can best go forward from here.

e mes we may work very hard on something only for it to feel as if

ve fallen short. Other mes, success may feel as if it has come
rally. Remember to take me every so o en to examine what
es your successes work, and what causes you to feel you’ve fallen
t. Look toward others for construc ve cri cism as well. If things
’t going well, make changes bit by bit un l they begin working out.
ay take a lot of me and energy to grow, or make sustainable
lts so be willing to examine your long-term goals every so o en and
k toward them with pa ence.

Reversed Seven of Pentacles suggests that our repea ng mistakes

ht be ge ng the be er of us. We may be feeling ready to quit and
up. We may also be ignoring the advice and feedback of others;
rmined to make things work ourselves.
desirable results in too much of a hurry. You may be expec ng too
much too soon, and instead need to focus on the long-term. Even if
you feel you are making mistake a er mistake, you’ve s ll likely learned
a lot and made small improvements that add up over me. Remember
to learn from past errors in order to mo vate yourself to work toward
those long-term goals.
omething you find fulfilling, you’ll eventually be a master of it. One
stery, Meaningful Work, Repe on, Stocking Up
he main ideas represented by this card is the idea that prac
es perfect! However, while this card is o en associated with
k of Progress, Lack of Skill, Unfulfilling Work, Cu ng Corners,
ve but meaningful work. It indicates that you may be working
ec onism
at something, but that the labor is sa sfying and rewarding.

card can foretell the mastery of a skill, or may be telling you that
are about to find a steady and gra fying new job.

anvil on this card represents hard labor, but the pentacle fixed upon
presents that the labor is something you care about. It is the sole
on of this anvil to produce these pentacles. It was meant for this.
work you put into things now will not only be produc ve, but will
e you feeling as if a purpose has been fulfilled. The repe ve nature
his work will allow you to commit to it and become highly skilled.

en the Eight of Pentacles appears reversed, there are issues with the
k being done. Though someone may care a lot about their work,
may not be making any real progress toward their ul mate goals.
ibly, they lack the skill or tools necessary to do their best work, or
not feeling sa sfied by the work in the way that they had once
ed to.

reversed card may also mean that someone is rushing the work
g done, cu ng corners and failing to do their best in an effort to
ed things along. Alterna vely, someone may be behaving like too
O en mes, this not only slows us down but in fact keeps us from
doing our best.

When one is so obsessed with perfec on, all they can see are the
ways in which they thing they’ve fallen short, no ma er how minor.
Remember not to cri cize yourself too harshly. Mistakes will happen,
but this does not mean that progress isn’t happening as well.
co age where the farmer once lived is empty and the lights are off,
ned Rewards, Hard Work Paying Off, Luxury, Abundance,
ke the ones in the castle towers. The farmer has le
ts of Labor . Having
red hard in their field and built their castle, they now reside there
life where they are able to merely enjoy the fruits of their labor.
s ng Luxury, Trying to Buy Happiness, Inves ng Too Much in
r Work
Nine of Pentacles is all about hard work paying off. This card
dicts rewards and luxury, all having being earned fairly through hard
commi ed processes. This card refer to things like promo ons at
k, an ability to treat yourself to something nice for having made
e extra money, or being able to move into a nicer home. It’s
ortant to remember however, that while Pentacles are associated
money, they can also represent other kinds of wealth. Perhaps
ing investments in your rela onships or your heath are paying off,
big improvements are coming to pass.

card tells us that we’ve accomplished something, and it’s me to

per ourselves, indulge, and enjoy the pay-off of a job well done.

en the same card is Reversed, we might be experiencing some

blems with that sense of pay-off. It’s possible that we feel we don’t
rve to treat ourselves to the rewards of our hard work. We might
oo afraid to pause from our work to enjoy what we’ve already
bring us more joy than is realis c. If you’ve made a big accomplishment
and are able to enjoy some luxuries now, ask yourself if the work and
the rewards are really what you were a er. Is it possible you were
merely trying to buy happiness instead of working toward something
more fulfilling?

Don’t forget that the mes in which we are able to enjoy luxury and
abundance, are also the mes in which we are able to give to others,
and share our successes and wealth. O en mes, this can be one of the
most fulfilling parts of working hard and being rewarded for it.
orchard of magical apples, which bestow the gi
acy, Permanence, Las of immortality
ng Contribu on to Others, Ancestry,
n her and the other gods. On this card, Idun gathers such fruit from
onged Security
e, harves ng it to be shared with her peers and family.
erited Burdens, Rejec ng Tradi ons, Handling Wealth Poorly
Ten of Pentacles is mostly a card of legacies and inheritance. It asks
hat kinds of wealth we are leaving behind for those who come a er
be it family, or friends, or the world. This card is also associated with
-term security, and it might appear in a reading to represent things
nherited wealth, tradi ons, or the idea of making contribu ons to
ers that have a las ng impact.

pite the card’s associa ons with inheritance and security, it is also
n mes not a reference to financial success. This card will o en
ear in readings to refer to the things our families have given us
ugh the genera ons, like family tradi ons and recipes, an ancestral
e, a reputa on, wise advice, spiritual beliefs, and so on.
en this card appears, ask yourself what kinds of things have been
ed down to you from your elders, and why they might be relevant
t now. It is also important to consider what you have to pass on to
e who will come next.

par cular myth involving the Goddess Idun revolves around an

ance in which she is kidnapped by a giant in the shape of an eagle.
’s abduc on is part of a plot belonging to the trickster Loki, who
mises Idun as the giant’s bride so that the other gods may be
porarily robbed of Idun’s fruit and thus stripped of their immortality.
ll no ce such an eagle in the distance on this card, flying toward
as she harvests the magic fruit.

en the Ten of Pentacles is reversed, it is to indicate the end of a

i on, or the need to break away from one. Perhaps this card is
ng you that it is me to break away from a longstanding tradi on or
It may also appear when the things that someone has inherited are
burdensome. Perhaps this is the very reason for needing to break away
from tradi ons.

Another thing represented by the reversed Ten of Pentacles, is the
no on of wealth’s “darker” side. Though we o en crave the stability and
security brought about by wealth of all kinds, that same security o en
tempts us to be greedy, or to hoard wealth away from others like Loki
and the giant do. This card may appear reversed to cau on you against
such behavior, or warn you of someone who is behaving this way.
c is perhaps a bit childish, but is learning to save, invest, and be
cality, New Investments, New Studies, Development
cal. Like all of the Pages, this card likely represents a younger
on, or someone who is new to an area of study or field of work.
isciplined, Learning from Failure, Clu er
Page of Pentacles is a person who is learning to save their
urces, to ground themselves and create a stable founda on, and to
st in their future. This could represent a student or an appren ce
seeking to start a new voca on or field of study. This Page might
ear when you are star ng a new job, or enrolling in a new school, or
ply star ng the process of developing a new skill.

Page of Pentacles is prac cal despite their newness. They are

ng to work hard to be dependable, to learn, and to ground
mselves, as well as help others do the same.

en this card is reversed, the Page of Pentacles is o en lacking the

urity to live up to their full poten al. This card may indicate that you
oo unfocused or too undisciplined to make real progress in your
s and goal. It may also be telling you that there is too much clu er
our life to work toward those goals efficiently. Take me to ask
self what might be holding you back and keeping you distracted
n this card appears reversed. Pay close a en on to your body and
th, as well as the condi on of your workspace, ensuring that these
gs are conducive toward crea ng a grounded founda on for
me to learn from your failures. It’s alright to fall short from me to
me, especially when you’re new to something. Remember that the
Page is only just at the beginning of their pursuit. You will likely fail
several mes before you reach your goals; but these failures are helpful
learning experiences that can be used to drive you forward.
n Tuning, Refining Your Work, A
mes considered talismans of good fortune. Placed in a shop,
en on to Detail, Produc vity,
are believed to draw in business and money. In an office or place
udy they bring about posi ve results and successes.
e the piggy bank on the Page of Pentacles is a good place to save
ond Guesses, Feeling Stuck, Overly Concerned with Perfec
s money, the Maneki-Neko draws money in. on,
Knight of Pentacles already understands the basics of working
, studying, and ge ng things done. When this card appears, it is
n me to begin fine-tuning your work and paying a en on to

Knight, this card can represent a person who is focused and

mi ed to the tasks before them. They may be cau ous and slow-
ing compared to the other three Knights, who are o en associated
speed and virility. This is because the Knight of Pentacles is
cal and careful. At mes they may even be so caught up in fine
ils that progress becomes halted. However, this only means that
k done by the Knight of Pentacles will usually be refined and sturdy.

en this card appears in your readings, it may indicate that you are
ng your way into a more secure state. You’ve learned from the past
are in the process of applying what you’ve learned to progress into
future in a more prac cal way; building stability for yourself or
ers as you go. While movement may feel slow, remember that it is
long-las ng and well planned.
However, when the Knight of Pentacles appears reversed, progress is
likely being slowed or halted for the wrong reasons. It’s possible that
you are feeling bored of a project that once excited you. You may also
be doub ng the work you’ve done so far, and are second-guessing the
decisions you made along the way.

This card can also be a warning that you are so concerned with the
details of your projects and work that you have have stunted your
progress forward completely. While it’s nice to aim for perfec on,
eventually you will have to move on to the next step, or else your work
will never con nue to make progress.

When this card appears reversed, it may be a good me to reassess
your priori es. If you’re feeling bored, ask yourself what you’re no
longer ge ng out of the work you’ve been doing. If you’re too focused
on perfec on to move forward, consider what you are missing out on
by staying behind.
of nurturing. The Queen of Pentacles is a resourceful person who
tec on, Nurturing, Self-Care, Resourcefulness, Security
already established a stable founda on for themselves. They know
t their needs are, and knows that they are provided for; thus The
ealthy, Indulgent, Neglec ul, Independent
en’s focus is o en on sharing their security with those they loves.

Queen of Pentacles is protec ve and caring. They are secure,

nized, sensible, and successful.
en The Queen of Pentacle appears in a reading, it may be me to ask
self if you feel like a Queen of Pentacles. If so, this card may be
ng you that it’s me to take care of the people who need some love,
rity, and nurturing.

card will also appear when it is me for you to take care of yourself.
Queen of Pentacles is resourceful, and they’ve built their founda on
aking care of themselves as well as others. This card may be telling
to indulge in the things you enjoy, to take a break and nurture
self; to rest, and relax, and bask in your successes. You will be
nger a er all, if you take me to care for yourself, and thus your
rity and success will only grow in turn.

en the Queen is Reversed, their independence might be ge ng the

er of them. They may be too focused on their own work to help the
ple who need them. They may also be overindulging in the fruits of
r labor; spending more money than they have, or becoming lazy
r having already spent a long me res ng.
are a natural caretaker; they also understands and value their own
personal needs. When this card appears reversed, take an honest look at
how you are taking care of yourself and others. Are you giving too much
of yourself to other people? It might be me to take a step back and
recharge yourself. Alterna vely, could you be neglec ng the people who
need you? You shouldn’t feel pressure to take care of other people when
you s ll have your own needs to take care of first. However if those
needs are met, this card might be encouraging you to share your
nurturing heart with those around you.
da on for themselves, especially where ma
althy, Business, Leadership, Ambi ers of finance,
ons, Discipline
urces, and security are concerned. They are an excellent teacher
leader to those who are also wishing to establish the same sense
erialis c, Workaholic, Possessive, Greed
ecurity. This card may represent a boss or a parent who is eager to
others establish their own founda on as they have.

card also represents discipline and ambi on. The King of

acles got to be where they are not only through study and
ce, but also by being driven and by learning when to take a
ble or when to fold.
the Queen, they are prac cal and resourceful.

card may appear in readings to encourage you to share what

ve learned with others. You may be well on your way to becoming
aster of your cra or skill. It may now be me to help others do the
e, and mentor them or provide assistance where they need it.
rna vely, this card could be encouraging you to seek out such a
tor. If you feel you are struggling, seek out a King of Pentacles who
ikely be more enthusias c to help you.
King of Pentacles didn’t get to be where they are now without
, and so this card is o en a reminder to share your methods of
ess, and even to be generous with the wealth you’ve built for
self; whatever that wealth may be.

also important to remember that while the King of Pentacles is

n associate with money and work, they understand the
ortance of things like family, friends, quality me, and enjoying the
things. They have a big heart and a considerate disposi on. They
erstand with sincerity that wealth is far more than just money.
e is security to be found in rela onships with friends, lovers, and
their so er side.
This card o en indicates someone who is being too materialis c and
greedy. They may be working so hard at something that they’re wearing
themselves too thin. Remember that success can only come to you if
you are taking care of all your needs. There’s no sense in working
yourself to the bone, trading your health and well-being for financial
success or status.

The Reversed King of Pentacles can o en be a person too obsessed with
their bank account or the way others perceive their success.
Even reversed, the King of Pentacles can o en be a reminder that there
are more valuable kinds of wealth than money and social status. This
card may be a warning to step back away from your work, and
appreciate the simple pleasures, or the bonds you share with loved
print for over a year now. When I first created the deck, I never
imagined that it would find much of an audience outside of my close
circle of family and friends. I’m delighted beyond my ability to express in
words, that the Ink Witch Deck has actually become quite popular!

O en mes, a er a tarot deck has been in distribu on for a while, a

second edi on of the deck will be printed with some new artwork or
other changes. Indeed, there are cards in the original Ink Witch deck
that I was never quite as happy with as I wanted to be. Others, I
realized, did not resonate with my audience as much as I had hoped
they would.

It makes sense now, to consider releasing a second edi on of the Ink

Witch. However, It’s always been a goal of mine to make the deck
affordable and accessible. So, rather than create an en rely new edi on
of the Ink Witch, I instead opted to simply releases a set of separate
addi onal cards, which I've called "The Ink Witch Extension."

These ten alternate cards that can be added to the Ink Witch deck, or
can replace some of the default cards depending on the reader’s
personal tastes.The original deck func ons on its own s ll, so these
cards will hopefully eliminate the need for an en rely new second
edi on deck for the me being. If you bought the Ink Witch deck in the
past year, you can s ll enjoy these new addi ons without buying a
brand new copy of the deck. You can also choose to incorporate extra
cards into your experience or not, depending on your preference.

The following pages will explain some of decisions regarding the

imagery and symbolism of the new cards featured in the Ink Witch
of intui on and insight giving us power and advantage over our
oundings that I think translates to the game of chess very well.
ever, as the Ink Witch deck gained more popularity, and I was able to
other people react to the individual cards, I no ced that the High
stess did not seem to resonate with a lot of people who purchased
deck. Which is a shame really, as it’s a favorite card of many.

pe that my descrip on of the High Priestess near the beginning of this

e will help people feel a closer connec on with the card, and greater
erstanding of the illustra on’s meaning. However, it is fine if that isn’t
case. The composi on of the artwork was not my favorite, and I
ried that much of the card’s “feminine energy” aspect was lost by
ing the High Priestess a bishop (although I felt a queen piece would
act from the card’s spiritual aspect and was not appropriate either.)

e original High Priestess card is not your cup of tea, I’ve created an
rna ve card that you can use instead. This version shows a
uneteller whose eyes are covered, and whose head covering is
roidered with a third eye symbol; a reminder that the High Priestess
with her mind more than her eyes. The figure’s crystal ball displays a
n, which alludes to Pamela Colman Smith’s version of the card where
escent moon is placed in a similar posi on. The black and white pillars
are iconic of the High Priestess card (chess queens on the original Ink
h art) are replaced here by two candles.
always enjoyed decks that draw a rela onship between these two
s- something I first no ced in Pamela Colman Smith’s artwork, in
ch the Lovers and Devil cards share an almost iden cal composi on.

en I first started crea ng the Ink Witch deck, I wasn’t expec ng

h of an audience to be interested in it. I created a deck for myself,
cards that I would want to see and use; and so because I’m a gay
e, I wanted a Lovers and Devil pair that featured a gay male couple.
e completely clear that I have absolutely zero regrets that these are
default cards in the deck.

ome point however, I started working on art for a Lover’s card as a

mission for somebody that ended up falling through. It was going
ature a doe and a stag instead of two men. Because I had already
ted this artwork, and the commission had not panned out, I
ded to list the doe and stag illustra on for sale on my website.
e, it was seen by someone who reached out to me and asked if it
ld be possible to have the illustra on printed onto card stock so
they could add it to their copy of Ink Witch.

tly a er, I started to consider prin ng a set of addi onal cards and
ded that if the doe and stag artwork was to be printed, it would
d an accompanying Devil card. I also decided that if I was going to
e one card with a couple that presented as two gay men, and a doe
stag that present somewhat as an opposite-sex couple, I should
add a lesbian couple, and a set of Lovers/Devil cards where the
ple could be more ambiguous; they could be non-binary, asexual, or
-roman c.
by Trung Le Nguyen, which features mul ple Lovers cards; an idea that I
liked a lot before I even started to Illustrated the Ink Witch.

And so I added my doe and stag, a female-presen ng pair that I
imagined to be like Eve and Lilith in the garden of Eden (my original
male pair were always Adam and Steve a er all,) and a pair that were
two very ambiguous birds.

I would encourage people to use whichever pair they like in their deck,
or even use mul ple pairs if they feel that the different sets of cards
evoke different meanings for them.
. I loved my original idea for the card, to have Jus ce leading a
ch or protest, but I was never happy with the composi on and the
the card actually looked. Even now, I don’t love the design of that
as much as I wish I did, though I’m s ll very happy with the

e struggling to make the Jus ce card, I toyed with the idea of

nging the design en rely, and created a version of the card in which
ce is based off of an image of Marsha P. Johnson. I liked that idea a
oo. Johnson is o en seen as a trans and gay rights ac vist, but she
esents jus ce for a lot of other groups too; women, people of color,
er people in general. She also represents the idea of ac vely figh ng
k against an unjust authority system in much the same way that a
est march does.

mately, I decided to go with my original idea, and the composi on I

most happy with; Jus ce leading a protest. However, I s ll had the
work for the Marsha P. Johnson version of Jus ce, and when I
ded I was going to make addi onal cards for the Ink Witch deck, I
w I liked this design too much not to include it.
sword from the stone. Ink Witch is rife with references to the
urian saga, and this is the moment in which Arthur is proclaimed to
ing. It’s a striking revela on, a coming of age, a realiza on of a
iously unknown des ny. The moment would have worked for a
ber of cards in the tarot deck, but as Arthur is known to be a king,
is o en recognized for his two magical and legendary swords (the
rd in the Stone, and Excalibur) it seemed wrong to have this scene
ny other card.

being said, I didn’t love that Arthur is so young in this scene. I drew
rsion of this card originally that was more visually pleasing than the
in Ink Witch, but in which he appeared even younger. And the
ion that does appears in Ink Witch was not as nice to look at, but
e Arthur look less naive and childish that my other a empt.

alterna ve artwork is my third try to get it right. I wanted a be er

posi on than what appears in the default deck, and wanted Arthur
ok a bit older. Though pulling the sword from the stone is
ething of a coming-of-age moment for Arthur, he is meant be quite
ng when the event takes place, and the Kings are usually associated
older men. Most importantly was for the young King Arthur to not
childish or too immature. I tried to make him look more though ul
is version card; more pensive. He could be deep in thought, or
er. He could be realizing, even before li ing the sword, the great
powerful truth that he is King. Truth is so central to the King of
rds, and I feel much more confident that this artwork conveys the
e of truth being realized that is also so cri cal in the story of King
er chips, and to show the four king cards from a deck of playing
s. It seemed to be a nice way of finishing the final card of the deck
howing a representa on of all four suits of the Minor Arcana.

ever, while I do feel like the meaning of the King of Pentacles is

veyed in this image, it is probably not the immediate or intui ve
rpreta on someone would get from looking at this card.

poker game seems to give the card a meaning of gambling and

ng risks, and while the King of Pentacles is probably a great poker
er, that quality is not so central to their character. Similarly, the
d of king cards makes it seem almost as if the King of Pentacles is
nneling the nature of all the tarot Kings. It makes them seem a li le
dis nct as their own important archetype in the deck.

this card, and I like the idea of the King of Pentacles as an expert
er player; but I think perhaps it skews the meaning of the card in the
ng direc on.

e I decided I was going to release a set of alternate cards, I thought

ut making the King of Pentacles a magpie, with a nest full of
kets; jewels, coins, bo le caps, bu ons etc. The King of Pentacles is,
r all, someone who can build a fortune but s ll understands the
e of things other than money. However, this artwork resembled my
ht of Swords (a crow perched atop the hilt of a sword) too closely,
also seemed to make the King of Pentacles look more like a hoarder
someone who would use their fortune to help others.

final a empt shows a Chinese dragon. They are o en considered

bols of both power and prosperity. They’re lucky, but they are
wn to some mes bestow gi s upon others. These dragons are o en
wn clutching a large flaming pearl; which was a great opportunity to
rporate the Pentacle symbol into the artwork.
especially when considering the other Kings in the deck; A mys cal
forest stag with antlers of wands, the mythical Fisher King, and Arthur.
Each of these figures radiate some kind of legendary quality, and the
dragon feels more at home with them.
u like the Ink Witch Tarot Deck, please consider checking out The
Spinner Tarot by Trung Le Nguyen, and Line Strider, by Siolo
mpson. These decks were two of the biggest inspira ons in crea ng
nk Witch, and I not only wish to give them due credit first and
most, but I also think you might really like them.

o want to take a moment to acknowledge that Ink Witch draws

m a wide range of inspira ons, many of which are cultural and
ious. Some cards also draw from the experiences of marginalized
ps of people, and historical events like the protests to end the
nam War. I hope my artwork has been sensi ve in its a empt to
or people who prac ce these religions, are part of these groups,
who have experienced historic adversity. Tarot is, at its heart, a
y about the universal human experience. I hope that you, whoever
are, feel that there was some part of your own experience inside of
e cards, and that you now feel some close connec on to all of the
ple who have held these cards and felt that same way.
and working in Oklahoma. He graduated from
the University of Oklahoma 2016, and is a
member of the Oklahoma City area ar sts
collec ve, Art Group.

His love for art and Tarot are both passed down
to him from his family. He finished crea ng the
Ink Witch Tarot Deck in 2020, and also created
a Lenormand Deck called “The Paper Oracle” in

You can see more of his work at

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