A Savage Guide To Tarot

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A Savage guide to tarot

Text by Jakub Osiejewski

Edited by Martin Falaguerra

Cover by Noxos at Freepik

Art by ekosuwandono at Freepik

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle
Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and
trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission.

Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for

purpose of this product.

Tarot Arcana
Savage Worlds relies heavily on the classical Tarot decks come in a variety of sizes and
card deck. However, for many gamers, tarot shapes. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck, based on
cards also hold have a certain mystique that ap- the work of 19th and early 20th century oc-
peals to the sense of discovery and adventure. cultists is probably the most common one to-
A lot of Savage Worlds players collect various day.
decks of cards just because they look great, and
they would look nice when used at the game ta- While tarot games were (and still are) popular
ble. Some SWADE players bought a deck of throughout much of continental Europe, it
Tarot for atmosphere, and now hesitate how to was the various diviners and occultists who, at
use it. Well, look no further! the end of the 18th century, attributed arcane
significance to these games. Later on, many
The use of a tarot decks does not have to be lim- would-be magicians renamed many cards and
ited to simply replacing the standard Initiative suits for this entire deck. Current European
Deck. In this small supplement, you’ll find var- tarot decks use assorted trumps, based on sea-
ious rule systems on how to use the Tarot deck sons or ages of man. However, the occultists re-
in your Savage Worlds games, from how to re- named “the Juggler” became “the Magician”,
place Initiative Cards with it to how to use it as “coins” became “pentacles” while “the House
an adventure generator. of God” became “the Tower”. They even re-
named “trumps” as “Major Arcana”, giving
But first, a quick disclaimer: There’s no differ- them occult significance.
ence between tarot cards and the ones found in
an ordinary 54-card deck. Both are pieces of The following rules base on the Rider-Waite-
paper with images on them that we can use to Smith deck, but we’ll call coins “coins”, like
play games, perform tricks, build card houses, many fortune-tellers do today, to better asso-
or, if you believe in that sort of thing, predict ciate it with Diamonds. More information on
the future. This small pdf is here only for your how various decks differ is available on
entertainment, and it does not attempt to in- Wikipedia.
fluence anyone.

Intiative Theplayers couldarguethatthis couldbeJusticeor
TheHangedMan. Aftersomediscussion, the
You can use the Tarot deck in place of a stan- players decidetoaddJusticetothedeck. Fromnow
dard SWADE Initiative Deck. This adds one on, whenevera GM draws Justice, they treatitas a
card (Knight) for each suit. While the Ace is the Joker, andplayers cangainaccess toenemy
lowest card in many tarot games, Aces never- enhancements ifthey drawit.
theless beat Kings here.
The GM always treats Major Arcana as Jokers –
Before you play the first combat, remove all their characters gain Bennies, can use all rele-
Major Arcana from the deck, save the Fool and vant Edges, and add +2 to all rolls. Deck is shuf-
Death. These are your Red and Black Jokers, re- fled afterwards.
However, the players treat them a little bit dif-
Swords replace Spades. (a sharp tool) ferently. They don’t get a Benny or a +2 bonus
but can act at any time they want. Instead, use
Cups replace Hearts. (someone gives you the table on the next page. If you want to, mark
a drink because they love you) the cards with a shorthand meaning using an
eraseable pencil.
Coins (pentacles) replace Diamonds.
(something expensive) Use the hierarchy of Arcana (Magician acting
before High Priestess) - with the Fool being a
Wands (rods) replace Clubs. (a wand is a double Joker, being able to act before Magican
club) and at any time.
The countdown starts with 2, then follows: …9,
10, Page (Knave, Jack), Knight, Queen, King, Ace.

Major Arcana and Initiative

Major Arcana symbolize universal patterns.
They come into play not just through the ran-
dom chance, but as a result of characters’ ac-
tions in the world. When the players have
transformed the world in a way that is con-
nected to the card, the GM and the players can
add Major Arcana to the Initiative Deck. It
should be a major achievement, and a finale of
an longer adventure.

Ina cyberpunkworld, theheroes discoveredand

releasedtotheNeta holotapecontaining dirtona
corruptcorporatepolitician, thevillainofanentire
arc. Thecorporationhas beenhumiliatedby its
enemies andatleastonemajorschemeris removed
fromthesystem. TheGM says that‫ה‬s wortha

Number and Name Meaning Reversed Game effect
0. The Fool Beginning, innocence, Recklessness, holding As Red Joker.
free spirit back, risk-taking
1. The Magician Arcana, action, Manipulation, poor This round you can cast any arcane
resourcefulness, planning, wasted power available to magicians in the
inspiration talents setting. If you don’t have Power
Points to spend, you suffer one
Fatigue level.
2. High Priestess Intuition, sacred Secrets, loss of Ask the GM one question about an
knowledge, divine intuition, withdrawal, NPC in this scene. He must answer
feminine, silence truthfully.
3. Empress Feminine strength, Dependence on others, If you’re Attractive or Very Attractive,
beauty, nature, loss of creativity you add the bonus to all your attacks
abundance and Tests. All players get a Benny.
4. Emperor Authority, Domination, excessive Choose an enemy Extra. In your turn,
establishment, control, discipline you can use an action to make them
structure, patriarchy take an action.
5. Hierophant Spiritual wisdom, Personal belief, This round you can cast any arcane
religious belief, freedom, challenging power available to clerics in the
tradition, inflexibility the status quo setting. If you don’t have Power
Points to spend, you suffer one
Fatigue level.
6. Lovers Love, harmony, Egoism, disharmony, Choose another PC. They can make a
relationships, bonds, imbalance (for good or Vigor roll, as natural healing to
choices. ill) recover lost Wounds, You can Support
this roll using your Persuasion.
7. Chariot Control, willpower, Self-discipline, Keep this card. You can discard it to
success, action opposition, lack of automatically resist (as if with Raise)
direction any Persuasion or Intimidation based
Test. All players get a Benny now.
8. Strength Strength, courage, Mental strength, Add your Strength die to any damage
persuasion passivity, low energy you deal this round - double it in case
of melee, add it to fixed ranged
damage. All players get a Benny now.
9. Hermit Soul searching, Isolation, loneliness Add +4 to all of your rolls as long as
introspection, there’s no other ally (PC or Extra)
guidance within 5” of you.
10. Wheel of Fortune Good luck, cycles, Bad luck, staid All players get a Benny. You roll a d6:
destiny patterns, breaking 1-3: Draw a Benny, and add +2 to all
cycles. your rolls.
4-5: One of your enemies joins you at
least for the end of this scene.
6: You trip and fall and lose an action.

11. Justice Justice, fairnes, truth, Unfairness, dishonesty Choose an enemy. You gain the effect
law of any bonus from a single source that
affects them (from power, Supporting,
but not due to circumstances like
darkness). All players get a Benny.
12. Hanged man Pause, surrender, Delays, resistance, Choose: either ignore -2 of multi-
letting go, new indecision action penalty, or all your bonuses
perspective become penalties and bonuses become
penalties for this turn. In any case, all
players get a Benny.

13. Death Change, endings, Life, beginning, Like Black Joker.
transformation personal change
14. Temperance Balance, moderation, Imbalance, Keep this card. The GMCs spending
patience indulgement, excess, their Bennies put them on this card.
celebration You gain +1 to Agility and associated
rolls for each Benny on this card until
the end of the combat.
15. Devil Shadow self, conflicts, Embracing darkness, If your side loses this combat, your
addiction, darkness detachment, character automatically survives and
harnessing anger gains an Advance.
16. Tower Sudden change, Fear of change, Select one GMC. That character takes
upheaval, chaos, averting disaster 2d10 damage - form seemingly natural
awakening circumstance.
17. The star Hope, faith, renewal, False hope, despair, All player characters and your allies
spirituality disconnection except for you recover 1 Fatigue level.
18. Moon Illusion, fear, anxiety, Release of fear, inner This round you can cast any arcane
intuition confusion power available to telepaths in the
setting. If you don’t have Power Points
to spend, you suffer one Fatigue level.
19. Sun Positivity, fun, energy, Inner child, delusion, You gain any two Command Edges
success overenergetic that affect Wild Card allies as well.
20. Judgment judgement, rebirth, Self-doubt, inner The combat stops for one round. No
inner calling critic, paralysis one can attack, but you can still use
Intimidation or Taunt.
21. The World Completion, Void, short-cuts, Ask the GM one question about the
integration, travel crowds area of the combat. She must answer

Fortune-telling According to certain occultists, each card in

the deck has its own profound symbolic mean-
In many ways, fortune telling is telling a story. ing, described in the next section. For most
The seer is the storyteller of future events, and fortunetellers, however, it’s enough to inter-
cold and hot reading always must capture the pret the height of the card on the fly. This is
listener’s imagination. The tarot cards have al- probably the way you should do it if you’re
ways been used as a generator of random telling a fortune in-character during the game.
events. You, too, can use them (or a regular Ace usually expresses something new, a begin-
deck of cards) to create adventure seeds or for ning. Ace of cups can be interpreted as a new
solo playing. love. The number cards grow in order from
least to most (so 2 of coins means less money
Usually the symbolism is clear: than 5 of coins). In most regular tarot decks 2
Wands (rods, clubs) symbolize the element of coins literally have 2 coins on them – only in
of fire, magic, creativity, and more recent decks each card has its own dedi-
craftsmanship. cated illustration. Ten usually means “comple-
tion”, everything, final expression of the
Cups (hearts) represent the element of theme – Ten of coins means “the completion of
water, intuition, unity, solidarity, miracles, growth”.
and clergy.
Swords (spades) symbolize the element of You can treat King, Queen, Page and Knight as
air, warfare, nobles, and conflict. expression of an adult man (King), adult
woman (Queen), young woman (Page) or young
Coins (pentacles, diamonds) symbolize man (Knight). Many fortune tellers using
earth, material belongings, peasants and decks of ordinary cards always say that a black
merchants, growth, and physical labor. king means a dark-haired man, for example.

Example: if you draw a Joker. If the result is the Fool if
you’ve drawn a Red Joker or Death if you’ve
A detectivevisits a new-agehippy therapisttointerrogate drawn a Black Joker, this means the World.
herlooking fora killer, andsheproposes she‫ה‬lllay himthe
cards. Heagrees. Thewomanlays downthreecards. Example:
(and she does it because I, the Game Master,
want a simple fortune I could mess with). and Ourdetectivecapturedthecriminalandis nowonthe
says they representpast, presentandfuture. run. I wantsomeocculttroubleI cangettheplayerinto.
Shedraws theSun, EightofSwords andFourofSwords. The place is eight ofcups. Reading it without the Deep
Meanings, I‫ה‬dsay it‫ה‬s a small island. The meanings
As the GM I know that the killer is a bored hint at ‫ז‬joy‫ח‬. I decide to combine the meanings and
movie star, and I want to give some hints to place this ona small islandparadise.
the players. The Sun, symbolizing brightness
(I don’t even check the meanings) is in the The villainis Strengthandthe victimis the World,
past, and the change from eight to four swords reversed. Someone supervillainous, who wants to
means a decrease in conflict. literally control the entire world. Combinedwiththe
Thewomansays: ‫ז‬Look. TheSunhas set, thatpersonis place, now I imagine a classical super-spy villain.
inpain. Therearemany deaths now, andwhilethey The hookis Six ofSwords while the goal is reversed
mightreducethey willgoon. Lookfora personwhose nine ofWands. ‫ז‬Messenger‫ח‬and‫ז‬obstacle‫ח‬. I think
sunhas already set.‫ח‬.Perhaps I’m going to change the villainwants something that movie actor knew, and
the personality and story of the killer a little he sends his mento capture the investigator inhopes
bit now – but the player doesn’t know this! that he learnedthat secret.
I still have to determine what‫ה‬s the evil plan, but I can
Adventure Generation use the solo rules to determine this!
Many fortunetellers deal the cards to repre-
sent one element of their mark’s life, like fam-
ily, work, education, money, etc. There are
many spreads and usually they’re self-con-
tradictory, so we’ll use a simple cross spread
for now.
The central part of the cross represents the
place that’s the focus of our story. The North-
ern one means the villain, the Southern the vic-
tim. The Western means why the players will
take interest in the story, and the Eastern will
represent the villain’s goal. If you need more
detail, look in the Deep Meanings table below,
or draw another card.
Major Arcana have meanings as detailed above.
You can use a regular deck of playing cards for
generating these fortunes. You can roll a d20,
and determine which Major Arcanum will it be

Solo play
I need to determine ‫ ז‬what‫ה‬s the evil plan
You can, fittingly, use tarot cards as ofthe master villain‫ח‬. I decide to draw two
an oracle for solo play, perhaps using cards. They are Death (uh oh) and Queen
one of available guides or games like ofWands. A greedy woman, using
Motif story engine or Mythic. When magic. Now I‫ה‬mthinking ofa powerful
you ask an open-ended question, you spell that will rewrite reality making the
can draw a card (or more) and try to villainrich! I still have to figure a couple of
determine how to interpret it’s things out, but I‫ה‬mstarting to like this idea.
meaning. Remember, there are no
wrong answers here.

Deep meanings
The above rules should allow you to flim-flam your way through adventure
creation, just like a real fortuneteller does! Some occultists, as mentioned above,
have their own more detailed meanings of the minor arcana. These are based on
The Tarot, by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, published in 1888 and might be useful
if you’re looking for inspiration.

King of Swords – A man tied with law, lawyer,
lawkeeper, police. Officer, power, command.
Reversed: A corrupt lawyer or police officer, abuse
of power, disturbance of peace.
Queen of Swords – A woman of privilege, a free
woman, widow, loss, separation. Reversed: An
abusive woman, bigotry, abundance with a hidden
cost, joy mixed with grief.
Knight of Swords – A soldier, man at arms. Skill,
honor, respect, rapid reaction. Reversed: A
braggart, someone skilled in one area, treachery.
Page of Swords – A secret agent, spy, authority,
scrutiny, investigation. Reversed: That which is
unforeseen, vigilance, support.
Ten of Swords – Tears, affliction, grief, sorrow;
Reversed: Passing success, momentary advantage.

Nine of Swords – Religion, priest,
conscience, faith, integrity; Reversed:
Healthy skepticism, suspicion, fear,
doubt, imposters.
Eight of Swords – Sickness, disgust,
criticism, blame; Reversed: treachery,
accident, remarkable incident.
Seven of Swords – Hope, Confidence,
desire, attempt, wish; Reversed: Wise
advice, Good counsel, wisdom,
prudence, certainty.
Six of Swords – Envoy, messenger,
voyage, travel; Reversed: Declaration,
love proposed, revelation, destination.
Five of Swords – Mourning, sadness,
affliction; Reversed: The same
significance, whether reversed or not.
Four of Swords – Solitude, retreat,
abandonment, solitary, hermit;
Reversed: Economy, precaution, regulation of
Three of Swords – Separation, removal, rupture, quarrel; Reversed:
Error, confusion, misrule, disorder.
Deuce of Swords – Friendship, valor, firmness, courage; Reversed: False
friends, treachery, lies.
Ace of Swords – Triumph, fecundity, fertility, prosperity; Reversed:
Embarrassment, foolish and hopeless love, obstacle, hindrance.

King of Wands – Man living in the country, country gentleman,
knowledge, education; Reversed: Severe man, traditionalist, counsel,
Queen of Wands – Woman living in the country, lady of the manor,
love of money, avarice, elegance; Reversed: Mean woman, matron,
obstacles, resistance.
Knight of Wands – Departure, separation, disloyalty; Reversed:
Rupture, discord, quarrel.

Knave of Wands – Pleasant acquaintance, good news, pleasure, satisfaction;
Reversed: Bad news, displeasure, chagrin, worry.
Ten of Wands – Confidence, security, honor, good faith; Reversed:
Treachery, Subterfuge, duplicity, closeness.
Nine of Wands – Order, discipline, structure, good opportunity; Reversed:
Obstacles, crosses, delay, displeasure.
Eight of Wands – Understanding, observation, direction; Reversed:
Quarrels, internal disputes, discord.
Seven of Wands – Success, gain, advantage, profit, victory; Reversed:
Indecision, doubt, hesitation, embarrassment, anxiety.
Six of Wands – Attempt, hope, desire, wish, expectation; Reversed:
Infidelity, treachery, disloyalty, perfidy.
Five of Wands – Gold, opulence, gain, heritage, riches, fortune, money;
Reversed: Legal proceedings, judgment, law, lawyer, tribunal, accusation.
Four of Wands – Society, union, association, concord, harmony; Reversed:
no change in meaning.
Three of Wands – Enterprise, undertaking, expedition, trade, negotiation;
Reversed: Lost, wandering, failure, deception.
Deuce of Wands – Riches, fortune, opulence, magnificence, grandeur;
Reversed: Surprise, astonishment, event, extraordinary occurrence.
Ace of Wands – Birth, commencement, beginning, origin,
source; Reversed: Persecution, violence, cruelty, tyranny.

King of Cups – A generous man, goodness, kindness, sharing;
Reversed: Rich but dishonest man, distrust, doubt, suspicion.
Queen of Cups – A loving woman, success, happiness,
advantage, pleasure; Reversed: Curious woman; Success, but
with some additional trouble.
Knight of Cups – Arrival, approach, advance, alliance;
Reversed: Duplicity, abuse of confidence, fraud, cunning.
Knave of Cups – Love of children, confidence, probity, discretion,
integrity; Reversed: Clever child, deception, artifice.

Ten of Cups – Your home town, honor,
consideration, esteem, virtue, glory,
reputation; Reversed: Unknown areas,
combat, strife, opposition, differences, dispute.
Nine of Cups – Victory, advantage, success,
triumph, difficulties surmounted; Reversed:
Obstacles to victory,faults, errors, mistakes,
Eight of Cups – Friendship, attachment,
tenderness; Reversed: Dancing, feasting, joy,
Seven of Cups – Idea, sentiment, reflection,
project; Reversed: plan, design, resolution,
Six of Cups – Past, passed by, faded, vanished,
disappeared; Reversed: Future, that which is to
come, shortly, soon.
Five of Cups – Union, junction, marriage,
inheritance; Reversed: Arrival, return, news, surprise, false projects.
Four of Cups – Exhaustion, displeasure, discontent, dissatisfaction;
Reversed: New acquaintance, conjecture, sign, prejudice.
Three of Cups – Success, triumph, victory, favorable issue; Reversed:
Business, quickness, celerity, vigilance.
Deuce of Cups – Love, attachment, friendship, sincerity, affection;
Reversed: Crossed desires, obstacles, opposition, hindrance.
Ace of Cups – Feasting, banquet, good cheer; Reversed: Change,
novelty, metamorphosis, inconstancy.

King of Coins – A man of great wealth, a magician victory, bravery,
courage, success; Reversed: An old and vicious man, a dangerous man,
doubt, fear, peril, danger.
Queen of Coins – A rich and generous woman, liberality, greatness of
soul, generosity; Reversed: A suspicious rich woman, doubt, mistrust.
Knight of Coins – A useful man, trustworthy, wisdom, economy,
order, regulation; Reversed: Unemployed man, idle, unemployed,

Knave of Coins – Dangerous child,
economy, order, rule, management;
Reversed: Prodigal child, profusion,
waste, dissipation.
Ten of Coins – Your house, dwelling,
habitation, family; Reversed:
Gambling, dissipation, robbery, loss.
Nine of Coins – Discretion,
examination, prudence, discernment;
Reversed: deceit, bad faith, artifices,
Eight of Coins – A dangerous
woman, beauty, courage, chastity,
innocence, modesty; Reversed:
flattery, usury, hypocrisy, shifty.
Seven of Coins – Money, finance,
treasure, gain, profit; Reversed:
Disturbance, worry, anxiety,
Six of Coins – Presents, gifts,
gratification: Reversed: Ambition,
desire, passion, aim, longing.
Five of Coins – Lover, sweetness, affection, platonic love; Reversed: Lust,
imprudence, license, profligacy.
Four of Coins – Pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction; Reversed: Obstacles,
Three of Coins – Nobility, elevation, dignity, rank, power; Reversed:
Children, sons, daughters, youths, dependents.
Deuce of Coins – Embarrassment, worry, difficulties; Reversed: Letter,
missive, epistle, message.
Ace of Coins – Perfect contentment, felicity, prosperity, triumph; Reversed:
Money, gain, help, profit, riches.

Trumps/Major Arcana
0. The Fool – Beginning, innocence, free spirit.
Reversed: Recklessness, holding back, risk-taking
1. The Magician – Arcana, action, resourcefulness,
inspiration. Reversed: Manipulation, poor
planning, wasted talents
2. High Priestess – Intuition, sacred knowledge,
divine feminine, subconscious. Reversed: Secrets,
loss of intuition, withdrawal, silence
3. Empress – Feminine strength, beauty, nature,
abundance. Reversed: Dependence on others, loss
of creativity
4. Emperor – Authority, establishment, structure,
patriarchy. Reversed: Domination, excessive
control, discipline
5. Hierophant – Spiritual wisdom, religious belief,
tradition, inflexibility. Reversed: Personal belief,
freedom, challenging the status quo
6. Lovers – Love, harmony, relationships, bonds,
choices.. Reversed: Egoism, disharmony, imbalance
(for good or ill)
7. Chariot – Control, willpower, success, action. Reversed: Self-
discipline, opposition, lack of direction
8. Strength – Strength, courage, persuasion. Reversed: Mental strength,
passivity, low ener�
9. Hermit – Soul searching, introspection, guidance. Reversed:
Isolation, loneliness
10. Wheel of Fortune. Reversed: – Good luck, cycles, destiny.
Reversed: Bad luck, staid patterns, breaking cycles.
11. Justice – Justice, fairnes, truth, law. Reversed: Unfairness,
12. Hanged man – Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspective.
Reversed: Delays, resistance, indecision
13. Death – Change, endings, transformation. Reversed: Life,
beginning, personal change

14. Temperance – Balance, moderation, patience. Reversed: Imbalance,
indulgement, excess, celebration
15. Devil – Shadow self, conflicts, addiction, darkness. Reversed:
Embracing darkness, detachment, harnessing anger
16. Tower – Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, awakening. Reversed: Fear
of change, averting disaster
17. The star –. Reversed: Hope, faith, renewal, spirituality. Reversed:
False hope, despair, disconnection
18. Moon – Illusion, fear, anxiety, intuition. Reversed: Release of fear,
inner confusion
19. Sun –Positivity, fun, ener�, success. Reversed: Inner child, delusion,
20. Judgment – Judgement, rebirth, inner calling. Reversed: Self-doubt,
inner critic, paralysis
21. The World – Completion, integration, travel. Reversed: Void, short-
cuts, crowds


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