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Worthington, Andrew and West, Tracey (2001) The Usefulness of Economic Value-Added (EVA) and its Components in the Australian Context. Accounting, Accountability and Performance 7(1):pp. 73-90.
The Usefulness of Economic Value-Added (EVA) and its Components in the Australian Context
Andrew C. Worthington* School of Economics and Finance Queensland University of Technology Tracey West School of Accounting, Banking and Finance Griffith University
Abstract: In this study, pooled time-series, cross-sectional data on 110 Australian companies over the period 1992-1998 is employed to examine whether EVA is more highly associated with stock returns than conventional accounting-based measures: namely, earnings before extraordinary items, net cash flow from operations and residual income. A related empirical question concerns those components unique to EVA that help explain these stock returns beyond that explained by other accounting-based measures. The five components of EVA examined are net cash flows, operating accruals, after-tax interest, and cost of capital and accounting adjustments. Relative information content tests reveal returns to be more closely associated with earnings than residual income, net cash flow and EVA respectively However, consistent with
The authors would like to thank participants at the 12th Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, University of New South Wales, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. The financial support of a QUT Faculty of Business Research Initiative Grant is also gratefully acknowledged.
the construction of EVA, incremental information content tests suggest that EVA adds more explanatory power to earnings than either net cash flow or residual income. An analysis of the components of EVA confirms that the capital charges and GAAPrelated accounting adjustments most closely associated with EVA add more explanatory power to net cash flow than accruals or after-tax interest, though these measures are relatively more significant alone in explaining market returns.
1. Introduction
One professedly recent innovation in the field of internal and external performance measurement is a trademarked variant of residual income (net operating profits less a charge for the opportunity cost of invested capital) known as economic value-added (EVA). In response to claims that EVA is a superior financial performance measure, an emerging empirical literature has addressed the issue as to whether EVA is more highly associated with stock returns and firm values than other accounting-based figures. Most notably, Biddle et al. (1997) used relative and incremental information tests to examine whether stock returns were more highly associated with EVA, residual income or cash flow from operations. Biddle et al. (1997, p. 333) concluded that while for some firms EVA may be an effective tool for internal decision making, performance measurement, and incentive compensation, it does not dominate earnings in its association with stock market returns. Chen and Dodd (1997) likewise examined different dimensions of the EVA system and concluded: not a single EVA measure [annualised EVA return, average EVA per share, change in standardised EVA and average return on capital] was able to account for more than 26 percent of the variation in stock return. Lehn and Makhija (1997) and Rogerson (1997) reached similar conclusions. More recently, Clinton and Chen (1998) compared share prices and returns to residual cash flow, economic value-added and other traditional measures, and recommended that companies using EVA consider residual cash flow as an alternative. Nevertheless, Bao and Bao (1998, p. 262) in an analysis of price levels and firm valuations concluded that the results are not consistent for earnings and abnormal economic earnings, but are consistent for value added, i.e., value added is significant in both levels and changes deflated by price analyses. Similarly, Uyemura et al. (1996) demonstrated that EVA has a high correlation with market value added (the difference between the firms value and cumulative investor capital) and thereby stock price, while OByrne (1996) estimated that changes in EVA explain more variation in long-term stock returns than changes in earnings. Finally, and from a stock selection perspective, Herzberg (1998, p. 52) concluded that the residual income valuation model (including EVA) appears to have been very effective in uncovering firms whose
stock is underpriced when considered in conjunction with expectations for strong earnings and growth. At least five dominant themes may be identified in the literature. First, despite an increasing amount of research effort in this area, the evidence concerning the superiority of EVA vis--vis earnings (as variously defined) has been mixed. This is in part attributable to the diversity of samples and methods employed. Second, notwithstanding that EVA figures are readily available and promoted in the UK, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Turkey and France, amongst others [see Stern Stewart (1999)], no empirical studies of this type (as far as the authors are aware) have been conducted outside the United States. This is despite several international companies adopting EVA for performance measurement and/or incentive compensation packages. Examples in Australia include the ANZ Banking Group, Fletcher Challenge Limited, James Hardie Industries and the Wrightson Group (Rennie, 1997). There is an obvious requirement to examine the usefulness of EVA versus traditional financial statement measures in an alternative market and regulatory milieu. Third, Biddle et al. (1997, p. 303) posit that data on the information content of EVA [and other measures of performance] provide potentially useful input to the normative policy debate on what performance measure(s) should be reported in financial statements. In Australia, as elsewhere, there is renewed interest in the types of information provided by investment analysts, with EVA studies now appearing in stockbroking reports (Wood, 1996). Both developments are equally deserving of empirical attention. Fourth, Biddle et al. (1997, p. 333) suggest that an avenue for future research suggested by the findings of this study is to examine more closely which components of EVA and earnings contribute to, or subtract from, information content. Put differently, given that EVA consists of nearly 150 potential changes to accounting figures grouped across adjustments to accounting measures of operating profits and capital, there is the requirement to quantify the contribution of these subcomponents to overall firm performance. Finally, there has been an emphasis in previous empirical work in this area on either single cross-sections of listed companies or limited pooled time-series, cross-sectional data. For example, Bao and Bao (1998) employ a cross-section of 166 firms over the
period 1992/93. Contrary to the oft-maintained hypothesis of semi-strong form market efficiency, it may be the case that market participants only recognise the reporting benefits of EVA over an extended time period. This would suggest that valid examination of EVA should incorporate extensive time-series data with some allowance for these behavioural modifications. It is with these considerations in mind that the present study is undertaken. The paper itself is divided into four main areas. Section 2 deals with the empirical methodology used in the paper, and the requisite data is presented in Section 3. The results of the analysis are discussed in Section 4. The paper ends with some brief concluding remarks in Section 5.
2. Methodology
Examination of the usefulness of EVA entails two closely related empirical questions. The first question relates to the purported dominance of EVA over both residual income and the conventional accounting performance measures of earnings before extraordinary items and net cash flow from operations in explaining contemporaneous stock returns. The second empirical question concerns those components unique to EVA that help explain these stock returns beyond that explained by residual income, earnings before extraordinary items and net cash flow from operations. The usefulness of EVA is therefore defined in two ways. First, usefulness is defined in terms of a quantitative relationship between a particular performance measure (or components of a performance measure) and stock returns; and this is measured by the parameter estimate on the performance measure and the regression sum of squares. This measure of usefulness then indicates the ability of investors and other parties to use this performance measure to predict future stock returns. Second, usefulness is also defined in terms of the improvement in explaining the variation in stock returns when several competing performance measures are used together, rather than alone. Since financial analysts frequently employ a number of alterative measures to examine particular dimensions of firm performance, it is often necessary to examine the interaction between these measures.
Assuming that equity markets are (semi-strong form) efficient, stock market returns may be used to compare the information content (or value-relevance) of these competing accounting-based performance measures in a regression-based approach (Bowen et al. 1987, Jennings 1990, Easton and Harris 1991, Ali and Pope 1995, Biddle et al. 1995, Sloan 1996). Both relative and incremental information content comparisons are made. In terms of specific studies, the approach selected in the current study is most consistent with that used by Biddle et al. (1997) and Bao and Bao (1998), amongst others. The first methodological requirement is to describe the linkages that exist between the competing measures of firm performance; namely, earnings before extraordinary items (EBEI), net cash flow from operations (NCF), residual income (RI) and economic value-added (EVA). Starting with EBEI as the most basic indicator of firm value we have:
where EBEI is the sum of net cash flow from operations (NCF) and accruals (ACC). ACC is defined as total accruals relating to operating activities and is composed of depreciation, amortisation, changes in non-cash current assets, changes in current liabilities, and changes in the non-current portion of deferred taxes. Net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) is a closely related indicator of current and future firm performance and is calculated by adding after-tax interest expense (ATI) to EBEI (1):
As indicated, the most significant difference between EBEI (1) and NOPAT (2) is that the later separates operating activities from financing activities by including the aftertax effect of debt financing (interest expense). As a measure of operating profit, no allowance is therefore made in (2) for the financing activities (both debt and equity) of the firm. One measure that does is residual income (RI) where operating performance is reduced by a net charge for the cost of all debt and equity capital employed:
where WACC is an estimate of the firms weighted average cost of capital, and capital (CAP) is defined as assets (net of depreciation) invested in going-concern operating activities, or equivalently, contributed and retained debt and equity capital, at the beginning of the period. The product of the firms WACC and the amount of contributed capital thereby forms a capital charge (CC) against which NOPAT is reduced to reflect the return required by the providers of debt and equity capital. A positive (negative) RI indicates profits in surplus (deficit) of that required by the suppliers of debt and equity capital and is associated with an increase (decrease) in shareholder wealth. The primary point of departure for EVA from RI (3) is the adjusting of both NOPAT and CAP for purported distortions in the accounting model of performance. EVAtype adjustments are made to both accounting measures of operating profits (NOPAT), and accounting measures of capital (CAP). EVA thereby reflects adjustments to GAAP in terms of both operating and financing activities. Simplifying, EVA is thus determined by:
where the total EVA accounting adjustment (ADJ) is the net figure of adjustments to NOPAT (NCF + ACC + ATI) less the adjustment to capital in determining CC (WACC CAP). Suitably detailed discussions of the capital charge and accounting adjustments made under EVA may be found in Young (1999) and Worthington and West (2001). The second methodological requirement is to specify the models used to: (i) calculate the relative and incremental content of the competing measures of firm performance, and (ii) calculate the relative and incremental content of the components of economic value-added (EVA) itself. The approach selected is identical to that used by Biddle et al. (1997) and Bao and Bao (1998) to evaluate the usefulness of EVA in the US. In these studies, EBEI, NCF, RI and EVA are specified as explanatory variables in regressions, both singly and in various combinations, with stock market returns
specified as the dependent variable. Biddle et al. (1997) extend this approach by specify stock market returns as the dependent variable in a second set of regressions, though with the components of EVA as explanatory variables; namely, NCF, ACC, ATI, CC and ADJ. This two-part process enables the usefulness of EVA to be gauged in terms of both competing measures of firm performance and in terms of the unique adjustments entailed in EVA calculations. The first set of specifications in this study are referred to as the firm valuation models:
MARit = b0 + b1EBEI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + eit MARit = b0 + b1RI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1EVAit + eit MARit = b0 + b1EBEI it + b2 EVAit + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 EVAit + eit MARit = b0 + b1RI it + b2 EVAit + eit MARit = b0 + b1EBEI it + b2 NCFit + eit MARit = b0 + b1EBEI it + b2 RI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 RI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1EBEI it + b2 NCFit + b3 RI it + b4 EVAit + eit
The dependent variable in all the models in (5) is the compounded annual stock market return (MAR). The market return is calculated using a 12-month nonoverlapping period ending three months following the firms fiscal year end to allow time for financial statement information to be impounded in market prices. Biddle et (5)
al. (1997) and Bao and Bao (1998) used this same rationalisation in their studies on
the usefulness of EVA in the US context. For example, in any given year the financial statement information on which the explanatory variables are based is for the period 1 July to 30 June while the annual market return (dependent variable) is calculated over the period 1 October to 30 September. The explanatory variables in the firm valuation model are earnings before extraordinary items (EBEI), net cash flows from operations (NCF), residual income (RI) and economic value-added (EVA). Following the value-relevance literature on financial statement information, positive coefficients for EBEI, NCF, RI and EVA are expected when used as explanatory variables for market returns. These models are identical to those used in Biddles et al. (1997)
EVA study save one respect. In the Biddle et al. (1997) approach the independent variables (market returns) are normalised (divided) by the lagged market value of equity, while in this study the independent variables are normalised by the number of outstanding shares. While both approaches are commonly used to reduce heteroskedasticity in firm-level data, Whites heteroskadastic-consistent estimator is also employed, along with an equivalent correction for time-wise autocorrelation. The second set of specifications examined are referred to as the EVA components models:
MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + eit MARit = b0 + b1ACC it + eit MARit = b0 + b1ATI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1CCit + eit MARit = b0 + b1ADJ it + eit MARit = b0 + b1ATI it + b2CCit + eit MARit = b0 + b1ACC it + b2CCit + eit MARit = b0 + b1CCit + b2 ADJ it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2CC it + eit MARit = b0 + b1ACC it + b2 ATI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1ATI it + b2 ADJ it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 ATI it + eit MARit = b0 + b1ACC it + b2 ADJ it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 ACC it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 ADJ it + eit MARit = b0 + b1NCFit + b2 ACC it + b3 ATI it + b4CC it + b5 ADJ it + eit
These models are also estimated using a pooled time-series, cross-sectional least squares regression with corrections for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. While a number of alternative specifications for panel data are available, a common effects model is used: that is, the financial relations are assumed to be homogeneous across all firms. This assumption follows from the facts that: (i) Stern-Stewarts EVA figures already include several financial adjustments that are intended to eliminate much cross-sectional variation amongst firms (Young, 1999; Worthington and West, 2001) and (ii) the Australian firms for which EVA figures are available are relatively homogenous, being large, well-established, industrial companies (Stern-Stewart, 9 (6)
1999). The dependent variable is given as MAR. The independent variables are the five components of EVA: namely, net cash flows (NCF), operating accruals (ACC), after-tax interest (ATI), cost of capital (CC) and accounting adjustments (ADJ). Net cash flow (NCF) is defined as above. The variable ACC is defined as earnings less net cash flow from operations (EBEI - NCF). Accruals can either be positive or negative, but are usually negative (reflecting non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortisation). The ex ante sign on the coefficient for accruals is thought to be positive when specified as an explanatory variable for market returns.
ATI is calculated as one minus the firms tax rate (assumed to be 36 per cent)
multiplied by interest expense. A positive coefficient is hypothesised when market returns are regressed against interest expense. CC is defined as each firms weighted-average cost of capital times its beginning of year capital (WACC CAP). A negative coefficient is hypothesised. Finally ADJ reflects Stern Stewarts adjustments to earnings and capital, and is defined as economic value-added less residual income (EVA - RI). Given the fact that the direction of change for ADJ may vary across firms in the sample depending on both financing and operations (GAAPrelated accounting adjustments can either be positive or negative), it is somewhat difficult to postulate the relationship between GAAP adjustments and market returns. No a priori coefficient is postulated. As discussed, tests of these models are based on incremental and relative information specification tests. The first sets of tests are joint hypothesis tests that
EBEI, NCF, RI and EVA have equal relative information content. The comparisons of
the estimated coefficients and R2 of the regression results are made to determine which variable better explains variation in MAR. Rejection of this hypothesis is viewed as evidence of a significant difference in the relative information content. The second set of tests indicates whether one of these predictors of firm value provides value-relevance data beyond that provided by another. Rejection of this hypothesis is viewed as evidence of incremental information content. Similar tests of relative and incremental information content are performed in the EVA components models. The components in this instance are EVA, NCF, ACC, ATI, CC and ADJ. The incremental and relative information specification tests are once again identical to those used in Biddle et al. (1997) and Bao and Bao (1998).
3. Data Description
Three separate sources of data are used in this study. First, data for EVA and its components are obtained directly from Stern Stewarts Australian EVA Performance Rankings. This data contains EVA, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), return on capital (ROC), net operating profit after-tax (NOPAT), capital (CAP) and average shareholder returns for Australias 110 largest listed (non-financial) companies. The sample of firms consists of both adopters and non-adopters of the EVA Financial Management System over the period of 19921998. Of course, while it would be extraordinarily useful to distinguish between these two groups, such information is not currently available. Selected descriptive statistics for these variables are given in Table 1. Table 1 Descriptive Statistics for Firm Valuation and EVA Components Pooled Data
Variable MAR EBEI NCF RI EVA ACC ATI CC ADJ Mean 0.1418 23.7240 12.8700 2.6445 2.0739 2.2116 -2.3931 0.8360 -1.0601 Std. dev. 3.0776 313.4500 322.1800 53.9650 28.9380 66.1570 28.3360 9.4616 50.4630 Skewness -13.7930 -2.3891 -2.2060 -1.4432 -0.6653 -2.4497 -1.9429 -1.0152 -1.4143 Kurtosis 188.7363 3.7187 2.8748 0.0831 -1.5614 4.0116 1.7796 -0.9713 0.0002
Firm valuation models: MAR = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; EBEI = earnings before extraordinary items; NCF = net cash flow; RI = residual income; EVA = Stern Stewart measure of economic value-added. All variables are per share. EVA components models: MAR = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; NCF = net cash flow; ACC = accruals; ATI = after-tax interest; CC = cost of capital; ADJ = Stern Stewart accounting adjustments. All variables are per share.
Second, financial statement data for EBEI, ATI, RI, NCF, ACC and ADJ are collected from the Australian Stock Exchanges (ASX) Datadisk database and the Connect-4
Annual Report Collection database. Finally, share price data is obtained from the
Australian Graduate School of Managements (AGSM) Share Price and Price Relative database (incorporating capitalisation adjustments and dividends).
Table 2 Pearson (Product Moment) and Spearman (Rank) Correlation Coefficients for Firm Valuation and EVA Components Pooled Data
Firm valuation variables MAR 1.0000 0.2745 0.2564 0.3797 0.3155 EBEI 0.4413 1.0000 0.8162 0.5061 0.4174 NCF 0.3638 0.8926 1.0000 0.3793 0.3591 RI 0.2916 0.6997 0.6392 1.0000 0.5600 EVA 0.3014 0.5044 0.4625 0.6975 1.0000 MAR EBEI NCF RI EVA EVA components variables MAR 1.0000 0.2564 0.1429 0.1729 0.2676 0.2223 NCF 0.3638 1.0000 0.0390 0.0171 0.4948 0.1175 ACC 0.4001 0.8991 1.0000 0.1610 0.2593 0.0390 ATI 0.3697 0.7729 0.8203 1.0000 0.1552 0.2611 CC 0.3233 0.5416 0.5718 0.5592 1.0000 0.6081 ADJ 0.2872 0.6408 0.6788 0.6752 0.8222 1.0000 MAR NCF ACC ATI CC ADJ Firm valuation models: MAR = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; EBEI = earnings before extraordinary items; NCF = net cash flow; RI = residual income; EVA = Stern Stewart measure of economic value-added. EVA components models: MAR = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; NCF = net cash flow; ACC = accruals; ATI = aftertax interest; CC = cost of capital; ADJ = Stern Stewart accounting adjustments. Cells above the diagonal contain Spearman rank correlation coefficients and those below contain Pearson correlation coefficients.
Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients between the two sets of variables are provided in Table 2. For the firm valuation variables the highest Pearson correlation coefficients are between EBEI and NCF (0.8926) and EBEI and RI (0.6997). These findings are comparable with the less-restrictive distributional assumptions underlying the Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Pearson correlations between the firm valuation variables and market returns are ranked (in descending order) EBEI, NCF,
EVA and RI, while the non-parametric Spearman rank correlations are placed RI, EVA, EBEI and NCF. In the case of the EVA components variables, the highest productmoment (Pearson) correlations are between ACC and NCF (0.8991) and ACC and ATI (0.8203) with the highest rank (Spearman) correlations between market returns and
4. Empirical Results
Table 3 provides the estimated coefficients and standard errors of the firm valuation models discussed in the previous section. The dependent variable is specified as 12
compounded annual market returns (with a lagged period of three months following fiscal year end) and the explanatory variables are variously specified as earnings before extraordinary items, net cash flow, residual income and economic value-added. An assumption of a linear relationship between these variables is made. All regressions are estimated using the statistical program EViews 3.1. One particular issue that arises is the presence of multicollinearity, almost entirely because the regressands in both the firm valuation and EVA components models are composed of closely related measures of firm performance. While the technique of decomposing R2 into its component parts to provide tests of relative and incremental information content is widespread in accounting-based research [see, for instance, Ali and Pope (1995), Biddle et al. (1995), Biddle et al. (1997), Bao and Bao (1998), Brown
et al. (1999)] high collinearity among the independent variables may compromise the
interpretation of such tests. In the typical case in which the regressors are correlated in the sample, partitioning of R2 may simply not be meaningful because it cannot be allocated to particular independent variables (Kennedy, 1998). One simple rule for detecting collinearity is if the pair-wise or zero-order correlation coefficient between two regressors is high, say, in excess of 0.9 in absolute value (Gujarati, 1995; Kennedy, 1998). As indicated by the product-moment correlation coefficients in Table 2, none of the regressors in either the firm valuation or EVA components models have correlations above this level. Nonetheless, high pair-wise correlations may not provide an infallible guide to collinearity due to interaction between several regressors. Accordingly, a variance inflation factor (VIF) is also calculated using auxiliary regressions to obtain the R2 for each independent variable when regressed on the remaining independent variables. As a rule of thumb, if the VIF of an independent variable exceeds 10, collinearity may be a problem (Gujarati, 1995; Kennedy, 1998). In the case of the regressors in the firm valuation model, the highest VIF is only 5.71 (EBEI) while the highest VIF in the EVA components model is 6.76 (ACC). Other VIFs in the firm valuation model are 4.93 (NCF), 2.85 (RI) and 1.95 (EVA), while in the EVA components model they are 5.35 (NCF), 3.37 (ATI), 3.09 (CC) and 4.04 (ADJ). These suggest that collinearity, while present, is not significant.
Table 3 Association with Market-Adjusted Returns for the Firm Valuation Models
CONS. EBEI NCF RI EVA F 46.01 35.70 0.2346*** (0.0336) 0.1544*** (0.0223) 0.0584*** (0.0190) 0.0884*** (0.0201) *** 0.2066 0.0314 (0.0492) (0.0306) 47.74 47.83 29.53 27.56 28.56 24.36 0.0768*** (0.0183) 0.1526*** (0.0292) 0.0321 (0.0375) 26.06 24.50 0.0471 (0.0301) 16.42
23.67 18.10 19.29 14.29 24.55 20.36 19.36 23.86 24.24 21.27 24.75
-0.1259*** 0.3243*** (0.0219) (0.0478) 0.2590*** -0.1376*** (0.0233) (0.0433) -0.1813*** (0.0251) -0.2817*** (0.0501) -0.1128*** (0.0195) -0.1161*** (0.0201) -0.1699*** (0.0258) -0.1261*** (0.0218) -0.1386*** (0.0241) -0.1591*** (0.0253) -0.1208*** (0.0235)
-0.0861 (0.0564)
Asterisks indicate significance at the *** 0.01, ** 0.05 and * 0.10 level. Figures in brackets are standard errors. All F-test statistics are significant at the .01 level. Estimated coefficients are from (5) where MARit = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; EBEIit = earnings before extraordinary items; NCFit = net cash flow; RIit = residual income; EVAit = Stern Stewart measure of economic value-added.
The significance of the estimated coefficients in Table 3 suggests that all four accounting-based performance measures are positively associated with market returns over the period 19921998. Of the twenty estimated slope coefficients, seventeen are significant at the .10 level or lower and only two are not in the predicted direction (both
NCF). The change in the sign on the estimate of NCF is an obvious indicator of
multicollinearity (with EBEI), however, it should be stressed that the emphasis in these various models is not on finding the most appropriate model, rather examining the interaction between the competing measures of firm performance. Nevertheless, and in general, the significance of the individual coefficients hold even when a pairwise combination of performance measures is specified in the same regression. The
summary results of these regressions in the form of relative and incremental information content tests are presented in Table 4. Table 4 Relative and Incremental Information Content for Firm Valuation Models
A. Relative Information Content
0.88% 10.26% 2.26% 6.07% 0.07% 5.07% 5.76% 0.19% 4.95% 0.57% 1.98% 3.17% The relative and incremental information content is calculated using the values of R2 in Table 3. Relative information content uses the R2 from the univariate regressions. The incremental information content uses the R2 from the univariate and pairwise regressions. For example, the incremental information content for EVA/EBEI is calculated as the adjusted R2 from the pairwise regression minus the individual adjusted R2 for EBEI.
Part A of Table 4 indicates that there is a significant difference in relative information content. The highest adjusted R2 from the single coefficient regressions is shown on the left, with lower explanatory power in descending order to the right. The suggestion is that EBEI (23.67%) better explains MAR than RI, (19.29%), NCF (18.10%) and EVA (14.29%). In terms of international comparisons, Biddles et al. (1997) results also indicated that earnings (EBEI) was more highly associated with market-adjusted returns than either RI or EVA, but that all three measures dominate net cash flow (NCF). In this study, the relative information content of EVA is the lowest of the four accounting-based performance measures, accounting for only some 14.29 percent of variation in market returns. Put differently, when stock returns are specified as the dependent variable, EVA accounts for only some 60.3 percent of the variation that
EBEI does, 74.1 percent as found in RI, and 78.9 percent of the variation attributed to NCF. Notwithstanding the low explanatory of accounting-based measures in general
and EVA in particular, the estimated coefficients are highly significant, with joint hypothesis F-tests that all slope coefficients are zero rejected at the .05 level or better. Furthermore, the explanatory power of all four accounting-based measures is significantly higher than that found in a number of comparable studies. For example, Biddle et al. (1997) estimated the relative information content of EBEI, RI, EVA and
13.12 20.52 19.47
0.1947*** 49.64 17.81 -0.1431*** (0.0223) 0.0276 -0.2935*** 0.1699*** 28.59 8.13 (0.0650) (0.0317) -0.1338*** 0.1760*** 0.1148*** 28.38 22.41 (0.0213) (0.0388) (0.0246) -0.1284*** 0.2136*** 0.1058*** 27.78 22.90 (0.0218) (0.0532) (0.0274) -0.1679*** 0.0776 0.1606*** 27.73 19.80 (0.0252) (0.0495) (0.0622) -0.1305*** 0.1695*** 0.1241*** 27.30 21.61 (0.0218) (0.0449) (0.0265) -0.1337*** 0.1970*** 0.1169** 22.15 21.39 (0.0228) (0.0634) (0.0465) -0.1602*** 0.1527*** 0.1335*** 25.28 21.82 (0.0242) (0.0296) (0.0221) *** *** *** -0.2174 0.1394 0.1480 18.93 14.96 (0.0619) (0.0508) (0.0448) -0.2588*** 0.2904*** 0.0171 18.26 15.83 (0.0652) (0.0547) (0.0231) -0.2748*** 0.0155 0.2907*** 18.05 15.79 (0.0644) (0.0292) (0.0546) -0.2238*** 0.2193*** 0.0542** 17.34 13.51 (0.0665) (0.0459) (0.0239) *** ** ** * -0.1329 -0.0064 0.1396 0.0841 0.0877 0.0183 11.61 23.14 (0.0249) (0.0253) (0.0625) (0.0371) (0.0492) (0.0559) Asterisks indicate significance at the *** 0.01, ** 0.05 and * 0.10 level. Figures in brackets are the standard errors. All F-test statistics are significant at the .01 level. Estimated coefficients are from (6) where MARit = compound annual stock returns lagged 3 months to fiscal year end; NCFit = net cash flow; ACCit = accruals; ATIit = after-tax interest; CCit = capital charge; ADJit = Stern Stewart accounting adjustments.
The results in Part B of Table 4 are also based on (5) and provide incremental information content tests for the pairwise combinations of EVA, EBEI, RI and NCF. For example, EVA/EBEI (0.88 percent) is equal to the information content of the pairwise comparison of EVA and EBEI (24.55 percent) minus the information content of EBEI (23.67 per cent). The pairwise combinations of EVA and EBEI, NCF and RI indicate
that explanatory power has increased by 10.26, 6.07 and 5.07 respectively over the
EVA. In these regressions the estimated coefficients for NCF, ACC, ATI, CC and ADJ
are all significant at the 0.01 level in the individual variable regressions. The measure for capital charge adjustments (CC) is insignificant when paired with operating adjustments (ADJ) suggesting a high degree of collinearity between the two steps of EVA GAAP adjustments. Table 6 Relative and Incremental Information Content for the EVA Components Models
A. Relative Information Content
13.69% 2.35% 1.84% -4.51% 7.66% -4.71% 2.67% -4.71% 0.39% 5.38% 2 The relative and incremental information content is calculated using the values of R in Table 5. Relative information content uses the R2 from the univariate regressions. The incremental information content uses the R2 from the univariate and pairwise regressions. For example, the incremental information content for ATI/ADJ, for example, is calculated as the adjusted R2 from the pairwise regression minus the individual adjusted R2 for ATI.
In the final regression specification in Table 5 the ex post signs for CC (negative) and
NCF (positive) do not correspond with a priori reasoning, while the figure for Stern
Stewart operating performance adjustments (ADJ) is insignificant. In none of the single coefficient or pairwise regressions does the estimated sign for ATI and CC correspond with the ex ante sign (both negative). Notwithstanding this result, all of the one-tail Ftests are significant at the .01 level or better, thereby rejecting the null hypothesis of the joint insignificance of the slope coefficients. Part A of Table 6 gives the results of relative information content tests of the components of EVA. When specified as a single slope coefficient ACC (20.50 percent) has greater explanatory power than ATI (19.47 percent), CC (17.81 percent), NCF (13.12 percent) and ADJ (8.13 percent). This is consistent with the previous part of the analysis since ACC is shared by EVA with EBEI, RI and NCF, ATI and CC with RI, and
ADJ by itself alone. Part B of Table 6 presents the incremental information content
results. Starting with the base NCF, ACC adds 2.67 percent in explanatory power, ATI adds 1.84 percent, CC 8.49 percent and ADJ only 0.39 percent. Overall, the component of EVA that explains most variation in stock returns is accruals, followed by after-tax interest, capital charges, net cash flow and accounting adjustments. This also highlights the results obtained in the first part of the analysis, where most variation in returns is explained by conventional accounting-based measures of performance, with a lesser amount explained by EVA-specific adjustments.
al. (1997, p. 301), these results do not support claims that EVA dominates
earnings in relative information content, and suggest rather that earnings generally outperforms EVA. Nevertheless, and notwithstanding the obvious importance of earnings in value-relevance studies, EVA is still significant at the margin in
explaining variation in market returns adding 0.88% explanatory power to earnings, compared to 0.19% for net cash flow and 0.57% for residual income. This would support the potential usefulness of EVA-type measures for internal and external performance measurement and would assist the normative policy debate on its inclusion in financial statements. In the second part of the paper, the components of EVA are specified as explanatory variables in regressions with market returns. When examining the components of EVA (some of which are shared with the related accounting-based performance measures), accruals (ACC) is found to be the most significant component (held in common with EBEI and RI) with a relative information content of 20.50%. This is followed by after-tax interest (ATI) (held in common with RI), and the capital (CC) and operating activity GAAP-related adjustments (ADJ) associated with EVA. Of the EVA-specific adjustments, the capital charge (CC) has a relative information content of 17.81% compared to accounting adjustments (ACC) with 8.13%. All other things being equal, variation in stock returns is largely explained by the commonly available financial statement variables (NCF, ACC and ATI), though the adjustments most closely associated with EVA, namely GAAP-related accounting adjustments and capital charges, add at least some explanatory power. There are at least three ways in which this research may be extended. First, a limitation in this study is that a comparison could not be made of firms who use the
compensation plans) against firms that use traditional accounting earnings-based incentives. While the results in the present study are suggestive of the benefits of EVA as a tool for internal performance measurement and compensation design, it is conceivable that the association between EVA and returns may be stronger for EVA adopters (Biddle et al., 1997, Wallace 1997). Second, there is abundant empirical evidence to suggest that models relating accounting and market returns have more explanatory power when the accounting returns are expressed by relative changes and the relation is a non-linear, convexconcave function [see, for example, Freeman and Tse (1992), Riahi-Belkaoui (1996) and Frankel and Lee (1998)]. Similarly, recent work by Brown et al. (1999, p. 85) on the use of R2 in value relevance studies suggests that some (if not all) of the
differences between the too low R2 in returns regressions and the higher R2 in levels regression are caused by scale effects. This would indicate that the low levels of explanatory power found in this study and others may be the result of specification issues in relation to firm scale. A further avenue of research would therefore consist of alternative specifications of accounting and market returns, along with the use of non-linear regression techniques with allowance for scale effects. Finally, there is ample scope for the investigation of the usefulness of EVA as an internal and external performance measure in other settings. Stern Stewart also provide performance rankings for listed companies in the U.K., Canada, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, and France, and empirical evidence from these institutional milieus would provide additional evidence regarding the contextual and/or substantive usefulness of accounting-based value-added measures.
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