6 25 11 Friday Report
6 25 11 Friday Report
6 25 11 Friday Report
Administrative Content
Board Meeting & Minutes Drafts The agenda for the June 28 board meeting was posted to BoardDocs on Friday evening. It includes minutes from the June 14 regular board meeting and very brief minutes to memorialize the two commencement ceremonies (Cascade High School on June 18 and Sequoia High School on June 20) at which a quorum of the board was present. The board's annual meeting plan was updated following the agenda meeting, and was posted to the BoardDocs Library on Thursday. The most recent editions of school newsletters have been posted to the Library as well (please remember these will be removed after the close of the school year). Finally, please mark your calendars for 4 p.m. on June 28 (just before the board meeting) to gather in C3 to have your pictures taken. The photography firm assures us it is a very fast process. Board Agenda Items Procedure 2410P, Graduation Requirements: The attached procedure corresponds with Policy 2410, Graduation Requirements, that is being presented to the board for first reading at the June 28 board meeting. The board was sent a draft in an email message earlier in the week. Proposed revisions are to comply with changes to state mandated graduation requirements. This procedure has been reviewed by superintendents cabinet. Attachment: 2410P IR 20110624.pdf (44 KB) 2011-12 Planning Workshop Agenda Draft: During several board and agenda setting meetings possible topics for this August's annual planning workshop have been discussed. Ed Petersen met with me to review a first draft, which was constructed following the most recent discussion during the regular board meeting on June 14. A draft of the workshop agenda is attached for director information. The purpose statement and content are intended to conform to the priorities discussed recently. This topic is planned for a work session during the regular meeting on July 5. A closed session is contemplated on the first afternoon. If directors have any suggestions for edits prior to the July 5 work session, please forward comments by email to Ed and me. Attachment: Everett Workshop Agenda 20110825.2.pdf (110 KB) Director Requests & Inquiries Director Request Disposition: Ed Petersen, Jessica Olson, reviewed with me the pending list of director requests. Two were removed, and Director Olson is preparing clarifying notes for two. Those remaining are now planned for board review and disposition at the summer planning workshop. Due to the length of the regular meeting June 28, two study session items were rescheduled to July 5, and the director request review was rescheduled to the August workshop. Director Request: Access to Non-Public, Confidential Records: As a result of numerous board discussions and actions regarding access to non-public, confidential records retained by the district, the board approved Policy 1715, BoardSuperintendent Operating Protocol, which addresses access to non-public, confidential information by individual board members. The board determined that individual directors shall not have access to non-public, confidential records
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except by approval of a majority of the board, with the exception of the board president in case of emergency circumstances. During the April 19, 2011 board meeting, Director Jessica Olson requested of the superintendent an appointment to inspect un-redacted legal invoices maintained by the superintendent. Director Olson requested of the board president consideration of the request by the board. During the May 10, 2011 board meeting the directors considered the request and adopted an order stating that the board of directors approve Director Olson's request to inspect by appointment on a date agreed to with the superintendent, un-redacted attorney invoices maintained by the superintendent for director inspection, and expressly prohibit copying, photographing, or otherwise recording, or removing from the custody of the superintendent, such records; and that the president or designee be included in the appointment. Director Andrews was designed by the board president, and an appointment was set for Friday, June 24, 2011. At the conclusion of the meeting, Director Olson removed the notebook of un-redacted invoices over the objections of staff. The notebook was returned later in the day. Board counsel and the board president were notified. Emails from Jennifer Farmer documenting the actions are attached. Attachment: Farmer Email (Olson invoice removal) 20110624.pdf (24 KB) Attachment: Farmer Email (Olson invoice return) 20110624.pdf (17 KB) Director Inquiries: Community Resource Center: Director Olson sent a number of emails to staff requesting information about aspects of the status of the planning for the consolidation of instructional and operations support offices into a single building on the district's Broadway site, including the name of the planned facility, the source of non-state financing assistance funds, and related Levy Committee activities. An explanation of the non-state financing assistance fund accumulation history is attached, as are several emails on the other aspects of the planned facility. On the matter of the funding, in short, the facilities and planning records show the district today has about half of the cost of the proposed community resource center saved for construction --$10.6 million-- "in hand" (see the attached CRC funding sources document). Over the next two years, revenue from the next 24 months' of rental, interest, grants, and rebates is estimated to be $2.6 million. Therefore, by 2013, which is the potential timeline for construction to be complete, there will be $13.5 million saved. Mike Gunn will include reference to this information in the presentation scheduled for Tuesday evening. Attachment: CRC Funding Sources 20110623.pdf (16 KB) Attachment: Olson Email (Hughes OPMA advice) 20110622.pdf (16 KB) Attachment: Olson Email (Other funds) 20110622.pdf (15 KB) Attachment: Olson Email (Requesting board forward) 20110622.pdf (22 KB) Attachment: Olson Email (Board re other funds) 20110622.pdf (17 KB) Attachment: Olson Email Series (CEC survey) 20110622.pdf (18 KB) Director Inquiry: Class of 2009 Special Education Graduates: Attached is information in response to Director Olson's inquiry regarding special education graduates from the class of 2009. The attachment contains a table showing how the special education graduates met standard on the state mandated assessments. Attachment: Class of 2009 Spec Ed Graduates 20110624.pdf (57 KB) Public Records Request Updates Brigham Young University: A new request was received from Brigham Young University relative to a research study that includes one former and one current student. The request for student data will be provided as soon as BYU can provide evidence of consent from the parent/guardian of the student. Crystal Anderson: The request from Crystal Clear College Planning remains open. Staff are awaiting response from the requester certifying their request is not for commercial purposes. Thirty days after the last communication sent by the district, which will occur during the July 4th holiday weekend, staff will notify the requester that the request has been closed. Justin Walsh: Work on the request from attorney Justin Walsh for documents related to bullying will continue over the summer. All schools and several departments are providing records which may be deemed responsive to this request, a number of which will potentially require redaction to maintain student privacy. Staff do not anticipate completing this request until at least the end of August, and intend to continue to provide installments to the requestor as records become available. Staff have requested additional hours be paid to be able to continue this work over the summer. Analysis of options and costs will be undertaken.
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Athletics End of the Year Report Two documents are being provided for the end of year athletics information. One is a report on participation and achievements; the other is a report on revenues from athletic fees for 2010-11. The first two pages of the Excel spreadsheet regarding revenue from athletic fees compares the number of participants each year from the 2008-09 school year to present. Athletic fees were not charged in 2008-09. Fees were implemented in 2009-10 and then increased in 2010-11. In 2009-10 the fees were $25 for the first two sports in middle school and $75 for the first two sports in high school. Due to increased fiscal constraints, fees were increased in 2010-11 to $40 for each middle school sport and $100 for each high school sport. The third page summarizes revenue earned from the fees and the number of waivers granted to students. Revenue earned from athletic participation fees increased from $149,847 in 2009-10 to $205,487 in 2010-11. Waivers increased from 17.09% of all participants in 2009-10 to 22.11% of all participants in 2010-11. Overall participation dipped slightly. Attachment: Athletics End of Year Report 20110622.pdf (32 KB) Attachment: Athletic Fee Revenues 20110622.pdf (11 KB) GEAR UP Scholarships Last Saturday, 42 GEAR UP students graduated on time with the class of 2011 at Everett High School. Each student received a GEAR UP scholarship of $7,791, totaling $327,222 for the 42 scholarships. Many of the students also received other scholarships and most are eligible to receive financial aid. Attachment: 2011 Gear Up Scholarships 20110624.pdf (7 KB) Math Science Partnership Observing Evidence of Learning Planning is now underway for the third Math Science Partnership Grant Observing Evidence of Learning (OEL) Summer Science Training Institute. This years institute will be refined based on experiences of the past two summers and input from teachers. As in the past, scientists from around the area will be leading the content workshops. Teachers attending the institute receive high quality content training directly related to their courses, clock hours, and grant funded compensation. Dates are August 23 through 26, followed by a one day OEL PLC facilitator training on August 29. All 6-12 science teachers are invited to attend. The work in the summer institute helps set the stage for a successful year in science. JHS CTE Student Takes Entrepreneurship to Another Level A Jackson High School student was awarded Washington State Youth Entrepreneur of the Year. Sponsored by Ernst & Young, the Junior Achievement Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Competition recognizes young people in the state of Washington who have best embraced the entrepreneurial spirit. The competition is open to any student in the 9th through 12th grades who has started and is currently running his or her own business. The students company, Venbit.com, is a web development company that he started the summer after taking a CTE web design class at Jackson High School. He is currently contracting to create websites for a Seattle-based web company, Sesame.com. He will continue to develop his company following his graduation and will pursue a degree in business after getting his company established. College Math Placement Test Results Many of our district math students have recently taken the College Math Placement Test (CMPT). As part of our effort to diminish the number of district students who need to take a remedial math class once enrolled in college, the CMPT identifies those who need to complete more math coursework while still in high school. It takes a cut score of 17 to qualify for college-level math classes. A total of 1,866 district students from all four of our high schools took this test in algebra 2, pre-calculus, and calculus, and 65 percent achieved a qualifying score of at least 17. State Assessments Conclude for the 2010-11 Staff shipped the end-of-course (EOC) math assessments for scoring this week, marking the end of the state testing year that began with August HSPE retakes and concluded with this months EOC math assessments. There were two new tests this year: the MSP online pilot and the EOC math for algebra 1 and geometry. Overall, the district administered ten state assessments during the last 11 months, testing students in grades 2 through 12, for a total of 44,829 booklets organized, distributed, administered, collected and sent in for scoring. Next year the state will add an EOC biology assessment. MacPherson-McNally-Cohn Correspondence
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Earlier this month, Mr. Casey MacPherson communicated with Jim McNally regarding the MacPherson's concern that their child was being taunted and harassed at school. Mr. MacPherson's two email messages were cc'd to the board. Attached is a copy of Mr. MacPherson's emails and a copy of Mr. McNally's review of the actions taken by the district. Attachment: MacPherson-McNally-Cohn Concerns and Response 20110616.pdf (45 KB) Miscellaneous Attachments WSSDA Request for Assc. Position Proposals 20110624.pdf (93 KB) Field Trips EHS Cheer Camp Field Trip to WSU 20110624.pdf (378 KB) EHS Leadership Camp 20110627.pdf (1,034 KB) News Releases and Points of Pride http://www.everett.k12.wa.us/everett/News%20Releases http://www.everett.k12.wa.us/everett/Points%20of%20Pride Directors Dates to Remember Tuesday, June 28 - Board Pictures - 4 p.m. - Educational Service Center, Conference Room 3 Tuesday, June 28 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Monday, July 4 - HOLIDAY Tuesday, July 5 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Wednesday-Thursday, August 17-18 - After High School: Postsecondary Transition Symposium - 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Evergreen Middle School Commons Tuesday, August 23 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Thursday-Friday - August 25-26 - Board Summer Workshop - Lively Environmental Center Monday, September 5 - Labor Day HOLIDAY Wednesday, September 7 - First Day of School Tuesday, September 13 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Friday-Saturday, September 23-24 - WSSDA Legislative Assembly - Pasco Tuesday, September 27 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room WSSDA Policy News 201106.pdf (298 KB)
Athletics End of Year Report 20110622.pdf (32 KB) 2011 Gear Up Scholarships 20110624.pdf (7 KB)
Executive Content
Community Contacts
WSSDA Request for Assc. Position Proposals 20110624.pdf (93 KB) CRC Funding Sources 20110623.pdf (16 KB)
At the YMCA of Snohomish County Strategic Planning Committee meeting the team worked on Olson Email (Other funds) 20110622.pdf (15 KB) key components of the Y's new plan. A district team met with Daily Herald editorial Olson Email (Requesting board forward) 20110622.pdf (22 KB) Olson Email (Hughes OPMA advice) 20110622.pdf (16 KB) Olson Email Series (CEC survey) 20110622.pdf (18 KB) Everett Workshop Agenda 20110825.2.pdf (110 KB) Alternate Summer Work Schedule 20110524.pdf (405 KB) WSSDA Policy News 201106.pdf (298 KB) EHS Leadership Camp 20110627.pdf (1,034 KB)
board members with me and provided the visitors a tour of the Longfellow building. MacPherson-McNally-Cohn Concerns and Response 20110616.pdf (45 KB) Everett Community College President David Beyer, the vice Class of 2009 Spec Ed Graduates 20110624.pdf (57 KB) president for instruction, and the math Farmer Email (Olson invoice removal) 20110624.pdf (24 KB) department chair met with Terry Edwards, Richard Sander, and me to update one another
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on the math alignment project (the qualifying assessment results are described above). The team determined next steps in this aspect of our strategic alliance, and identified the likely scope of the literacy assessment component of our alignment efforts. Buzz Rodland met with me to discuss community partnerships and business support for district strategic priorities.
Staff Contacts Cascade High School, Evergreen Middle School, and Penny Creek and Cedarwood Elementaries were the schools I visited this week. Of my two visits to Evergreen, one was to announce to the staff that Principal Joyce Stewart had accepted my offer to become the new executive director for K-12 instruction. During my visit to Penny Creek, I visited with staff dealing with the sudden death of principal Shelley Petillo's husband. Holly Martinez will close out the school year for Shelley. Many staff attended the services for the late Mr. Petillo. Superintendent's cabinet discussed upcoming board meetings, board policies, the presidents' council agenda, Running Start funding changes, staffing, board candidate orientations, superintendent's cabinet retreat planning, board of director requests, and the community resource center project. Later the same day, a separate meeting was devoted to cabinet retreat planning. The meeting series continued for new administrators and administrators with new assignments. The monthly presidents' council meeting was held this week. Discussion topics included benefit trust cost escalation estimates, the community resource center project, administrative changes, and the potential for school calendar changes resulting from bargaining with the EEA. Terry, Matt, Molly, Jim and I met with Rich McCullough and the school improvement facilitators to discuss the leadership transitions at elementary schools, performance improvement priorities for 2011-12, facilitator assignments, and additions to the comprehensive school review process. The TPEP sub-committee met to review a draft plan for instructional model selection and evaluation model development. Kim Mead, Jim McNally, Lynn Evans and I met with a staff member to hear a request for reconsideration of a special temporary certification application denial.
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