Honorable Adjudicators, My Worthy Opponents, Spectators, Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen-Good Evening!

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Honorable adjudicators, my worthy opponents, spectators,

committee, ladies and gentlemen- Good evening!
My name is _______________ the prime minister of the affirmative side/ leader of the
opposition side.

Today I feel highly privileged to radiate forth my views in the favour/against the motion.


Affirmative / government side Opposition side

This House WOULD legalize abortion in This House would NOT legalize
the Philippines. abortion in the Philippines.
Abortion was always considered sinful, and was Honorable adjudicators, my worthy
criminalize in Britain and most states of the USA opponents, spectators, committee, ladies
in the nineteenth century. Backstreet abortions and gentlemen --- the motion is legalizing
became a usual way to limit the size of families. abortion in the Philippines.
In Britain, the 1967 Abortion Act legalized
abortion when it was advised by a doctor on We agree with the definition given by the
medical grounds. affirmative team. However, to certain extent
In the USA, the Roe v. Wade case of 1973 in the the opposition side strongly disagree of the
Supreme Court set down the principle that in the legalization of abortion in the Philippines.
first three months, abortion is to be allowed; and
in the second trimester, it is to be allowed if it is Today as first speaker I will be talking to you
required in the interests of maternal health. about why it is NOT necessary and should
In neither country is ‘abortion on demand’ – not legalize abortion in the Philippines. My
abortions undertaken principally as a form of 2nd speaker will examine its beneficiality and
birth-control at the wish of the pregnant woman our 3rd speaker of its practicability.
– officially allowed, but doctors (especially those
in private clinics) will happily certify that The right to do as we wish to our bodies
carrying the pregnancy to term would cause must be curtailed by the rights of others to be
severe mental distress to the woman. free from harm. In many instances,the right
to do as we wish to our body is overruled;
In many Catholic countries, abortion is still for example, drug laws
illegal. exist to guard against making a person a
danger to others by altering their mind
This is a good starting-point for our definition,
with drugs.In this case,the mother’s rights
the national library of medicine defines abortion
are overruled by the right to life of the
as a procedure to end a pregnancy. It is done by
unborn child.
a licensed health care professional. It can be
done two different ways: One could argue against banning anything
on the grounds that people will carry on
1. Medication abortion, which uses medicines to doing it on the black market. Abortion is
end the pregnancy. It is sometimes called a morally wrong and banning it will reduce the
"medical abortion" or "abortion with pills." number of abortions that
2. Procedural abortion, a procedure to remove occur.
the pregnancy from the uterus. It is sometimes
called a "surgical abortion." A fetus can survive if born prematurely from
as early as 20 weeks, and this
But we need to go further, the oxford dictionary boundary is being made earlier all the
defines abortion as the deliberate termination of time by improved incubator technology.
a human pregnancy, most often performed Given that we cannot be sure at what point a
during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. fetus is a person or can feel pain, we should
err on the side of caution and consider the
Let’s use the oxford dictionary definition of the fetus a person from conception or shortly
word legalize - that is to make (something that afterwards. Abortion, therefore, is murder
was previously illegal) permissible by law.

So today's motion is clear. It is a woman’s right

to decide, in conjunction with the father when
appropriate, whether she wishes to have a baby.
It is her body and she ultimately should control
what happens to it. It is people, not fertilized
eggs or fetuses, that have ‘rights’.

If abortion is not allowed on demand, women

will go to ‘backstreet abortionists’ where lack of
expertise and unsterile conditions can be a
serious risk to health.
Such backstreet abortions result in an estimated
68,000 deaths per year, according to recent
World Health Organization (WHO) figures.
Therefore! This house strongly believes that
abortion in the Philippines should be
The 1st speaker of the affirmative side has
I, as prime minister, will show you the necessity tried to tell you that In many areas of the
of why there is a need to legalize abortion in the world where overpopulation and chronic food
Philippines, and my deputy leader will examine shortage are perennial problems, abortion
its benefits. Last but not least our government helps prevent bringing children into the world
whip the practicability of the motion, will rebut who would probably know only deprivation,
and sum up our team case. illness, starvation and early death.

There is no definitive answer as to when a fetus This is wrong because . .

becomes a person in its own right, but up to 24–
28 weeks, the fetus is so undeveloped that it is We can address overpopulation in the
not reasonable to consider it a person and to developing world with other measures
accord it rights. such as increased availability of
contraception as well as economic and
I have a few arguments. My first point is technical aid programmes.
Human life is sacred, as is recognize
In many areas of the world where by the billions of adherents of the main
overpopulation and chronic food shortage are world religions. God creates each individual
perennial problems, abortion helps prevent at conception and so abortion is
bringing children into the world who would murder, and an act against the will of God
probably know only deprivation, illness, that destroys God’s work.
starvation, and early death. In an increasingly
secular and scientific world, the religious views
of some people about the infusion of a fetus with S/he also said that young girls who become
a soul by God at conception, for example, should pregnant would have their future, their
not be imposed upon the rest of society
education, their family relationships and their
career ruined by the birth of a child.
Now my 2nd point is on the future of teenage a
woman. That is wrong because , Young people should
be encouraged to have a more responsible
Many young girls who become pregnant would attitude to sex and pregnancy, and should
have their future, their education, their family deal with the
relationships and their career ruined by the birth consequences of their actions whatever
of a child. Others are pregnant as the result of they may be.There are even schools now
rape or incest and would have their suffering specifically for teenage mothers and their
multiplied indefinitely by carrying the child to babies to attend. In cases of rape or incest,
term.We cannot put the alleged either the child can immediately be put up
‘rights’ of a dividing cluster of cells ahead for adoption,or exceptions could be made
of such concrete harm to a person. just in these distressing instances.

Allow me to enlighten you with some

arguments of the opposition side.


So honorable adjudicators, ladies and gentlemen, MAKING ABORTION MURDER.
we allow contraception. Abortion is, in effect, no
different – the prevention of the development of Conception is the moment a sperm cell
a potential human being. fertilizes an egg cell, which begins the
In the case of the ‘morning after pill’, the process of cell division that creates a human.
analogy is even closer. If we allow these
measures, then we should also allow abortion.
Ending a life is a murder legally and
Thank you.
ethically, even a life that is only a few
growing cells at the time of death.

Pope Francis explained, “Abortion is murder.

Those who carry out abortions kill…. At the
third week after conception, often even
before the mother is aware (of being
pregnant), all the organs are already (starting
to develop). It is a human life. Period. And
this human life has to be respected. It is very
clear…. Scientifically, it is a human life.”

We cannot solve the problem of injustice

against women with more injustice. We need
solutions that support women without killing

2nd argument.



Echoing a 2014 remark by Pope Francis that

connected abortion to “throwaway culture,”
Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New
Jersey, stated, “abortion represents a failure
to recognize the sanctity of human life and
promotes a culture in which human life in its
most vulnerable moment is perceived as
disposable. Such a proposal targets poor
women as needing an expedient solution to a
complex problem.”

Honorable adjudicators, ladies and


Barrier methods of contraception (condom,

cap) are qualitatively different from abortion
in that no fertilized egg ever exists to be
destroyed. Other methods (coil, ‘morning
after’ pill) that are logically
equivalent to abortion should not be

Honorable adjudicators, my worthy opponents, spectators,
committee, ladies and gentlemen- Good evening!
My name is _______________ the prime minister of the affirmative side/ leader of the
opposition side.

Today I feel highly privileged to radiate forth my views in the favour/against the motion.



Affirmative / government side Opposition side

Honorable adjudicators, my worthy
opponents, spectators, committee, ladies and
Covid-19 has brought the world to a grinding halt. It gentlemen --- the motion is legalizing
has left a trail of tears and uncertainty. On a personal abortion in the Philippines.
level, we have lost someone we loved dearly. Their
lonely passing without final goodbyes was tough to We agree with the definition given by
endure. Despite this, we continue to tread on the path the affirmative team. However, to
of realistic optimism and positive resilience. Mind certain extent the opposition side
you, I am not a psychologist. I am a STEM student of strongly disagree of the mandatory
EVRSHS, I use these terms loosely as I pen my vaccination of covid -19 vaccines and
thoughts on Why this house strongly believes that booster shots in Catbalogan city.
BOOSTER SHOTS SHOULD BE Today as first speaker I will be
MANDATORY IN CATBALOGAN CITY. talking to you about why it is NOT
necessary and is not in favor of the

before we come
mandatory vaccination of covid 19
vaccines and booster shots in
catbalogan city. My 2nd speaker will

to our actual
examine its beneficiality and our 3rd
speaker of its practicability.

argumentation, COVID-19 has put millions on the edge,

and everyone was suddenly placed in a

let us first state of emergency. I thought I was

resilient: my family is good, sheltered at
home, and healthy. Having endured an

define some earthquake, and typhoons, I thought this

will not be as bad. One week passed, then
two, three, then eight... my optimism

important terms
slowly began to fade away as it became
harder to stay positive. Here are why the
opposition side strongly believes that


Vaccination and booster policies have

Before we come to our actual argumentation, let us shifted dramatically during COVID-19
first define some important terms in this debate. with the rapid emergence of population-
oxford defines vaccination as treatment with a wide vaccine mandates, domestic vaccine
vaccine to produce immunity against disease; it passports and differential restrictions
simply means inoculation or immunization. based on vaccination status. While these
policies have prompted ethical, scientific,
In other words, Vaccination is a simple, safe, and practical, legal and political debate, there
effective way of protecting you against harmful has been limited evaluation of their
diseases before you come into contact with them. It potential unintended consequences. Here,
uses your body’s natural defenses to build resistance we outline a comprehensive set of
to specific infections and makes your immune system hypotheses for why these policies may
stronger. ultimately be counterproductive and
But we need to go further, Merriam Webster defines
booster shots as a supplementary dose of an --Rebuttal --
immunizing agent administered as an injection
Let me enlighten you honorable bord
RxList – the medical online dictionary defines a Booster
of adjudicators bout the arguments of
shot: An additional dose of a vaccine needed periodically
to 'boost' the immune system. For example, a booster the opposition side
shot of tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine is
recommended for adults every 10 years. 1st argument

Boosters aren’t new. They are given many vaccines that Necessity And Proportionality Mandatory
kids and adults get. For example, kids get vaccines around
the time they start school to boost the vaccines they got as vaccination should be considered only if it is
infants and toddlers. Pregnant women get a Tdap necessary for, and proportionate to, the
booster to protect their newborns from pertussis. And achievement of an important public health
anyone over 6 months old should get a flu shot each year, goal (including socioeconomic goals)
which is also a type of booster. identified by a legitimate public health
authority. If such a public health goal (e.g.,
Now let’s define the word mandatory in the motion, herd immunity, protecting the most
oxford says, it is required by law or rules; compulsory for vulnerable, protecting the capacity of the
example "wearing helmets were made mandatory for acute health care system) can be achieved
cyclists" with less coercive or intrusive policy
interventions (e.g., public education), a
mandate would not be ethically justified, as
achieving public health goals with less
restriction of individual liberty and autonomy
So today's motion is clear! As of 22 May 2022, yields a more favorable risk-benefit ratio.
almost one billion people in lower-income countries
remain unvaccinated. Only 57 countries have
vaccinated 70% of their population – almost all of 2nd, SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE OF
them high-income countries.
Data should be available that demonstrate the
We must continue to support all countries to reach vaccine being mandated has been found to be
safe in the populations for whom the vaccine
70% vaccination coverage as soon as possible, is to be made mandatory. When safety data
including 100% of those aged over 60; 100% of are lacking or when they suggest the risks
associated with vaccination outweigh the
health workers; and 100% of those with underlying risks of harm without the vaccine, the
conditions. mandate would not be ethically justified,
particularly without allowing for reasonable
exceptions (e.g., medical contraindications).
Vaccine supply has improved, but absorption has not Policy-makers should consider specifically
kept pace. In some countries, we see insufficient whether vaccines authorized for emergency
political commitment to roll out vaccines. This was or conditional use meet an evidentiary
impacted by the initial lack of political commitment threshold for safety sufficient for a mandate
to equitable access to vaccines. In some, we see gaps (7). In the absence of sufficient evidence of
in an operational or financial capacity. And in all, we safety, there would be no guarantee that
see vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation and mandating vaccination would achieve the
disinformation.  That Is why this house is very much goal of protecting public health. Furthermore,
committed to that COVID-19 VACCINATION coercive exposure of populations to a
potentially harmful product would violate the
AND BOOSTER SHOTS SHOULD BE ethical obligation to protect the public from
MANDATORY IN CATBALOGAN CITY. unnecessary harm when the harm the product
might cause outweighs the degree of harm
that might exist without the product.

We as today’s proposition/opposition have structured our

case as follows: I, as prime minister, will show you the
necessity of why there is a need for a mandatory, 3rd Sufficient evidence of vaccine efficacy
COVID-19 VACCINATION AND and effectiveness
CITY my deputy leader will examine its benefits. Last Data on efficacy and effectiveness should be
but not least our government whip will show you the available that show the vaccine is efficacious
practicability of the motion, and will rebut and sum up our in the population for whom vaccination is to
team’s case. be mandated and that the vaccine is an
effective means of achieving an important
Our immune systems are amazing but vaccinations public health goal. For instance, if mandatory
provide protection from deadly diseases that were almost vaccination is considered necessary to
eradicated.  Similar to many medical treatments, vaccines interrupt transmission chains and prevent
come with a small risk, but the benefits far outweigh the harm to others, there should be sufficient
potential side effects. evidence that the vaccine is efficacious in
preventing serious infection and/or
I have a few arguments, the 1st one, KEEP YOUR transmission. Alternatively, if a mandate is
FAMILY SAFE considered necessary to prevent
hospitalization and protect the capacity of the
Many people can’t get vaccinated including young acute health care system, there should be
children, the elderly, or those with weaker immune sufficient evidence that the vaccine is
efficacious in reducing hospitalization.
systems.  Keep those closest to you safe from
Policy-makers should carefully consider
potentially deadly diseases. This is essential for
whether vaccines authorized for emergency
diseases like measles, which carries an alarmingly high or conditional use meet evidentiary
mortality rate, particularly among unvaccinated thresholds for efficacy and effectiveness
children. Vaccinations might be outside of your comfort sufficient for a mandate
zone but they are more than worth a lifetime of
protection against dangerous diseases.
So honorable adjudicators ladies and


"Humankind is made for uncertainty,
You may have heard anti-vaxxers claim that they’re
perfectly healthy. You could even have your own
traditional methods of protection against disease. Don’t struggle, choice and change."
believe everything you read. Some people such as the
immunocompromised, pregnant women, babies, and some
cancer patients rely greatly on herd immunity. When your
friends, family, and community are protected through
vaccines, it’s reducing the risk of vulnerable people
becoming ill.

Unfortunately, the increasing number of people who

refuse to vaccinate are limiting the protection offered by
herd immunity. While some may claim that vaccines are
poison and they’re promoting a holistic healthcare
approach, they could actually be contributing to the spread
of fully preventable diseases.


Vaccines have been scientifically proven to significantly

reduce or eliminate illnesses, most notably a particular
strain of the flu virus. Amazingly enough, many
sicknesses are headed toward extinction since an
immunized population gives them nowhere to survive.
Vaccinating yourself and your children will contribute to
this effort while helping to control the spread of deadly
illnesses– ultimately protecting the next generation from
potentially deadly diseases.

Preventable diseases are seeing an increase in cases

worldwide due to the misinformation about vaccinations.
Fight the rise by getting your family vaccinated. Protect
yourself and save your child’s life through modern

So honorable adjudicators ladies and gentlemen,

Vaccines train your immune system to create

antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a
disease. However, because vaccines contain only
killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or
bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at
risk of its complications.

"Sometimes it is hard to see the hidden sunshine behind

the dark clouds. But, with the firm conviction of hope,
faith and time, the sunshine will brighten the World all
over again!" thank you!


Madam chair or honorable Madam chair or honorable
adjudicators . . . the leader of the adjudicators . . . the leader and the
negative side has made a sincere effort, 2nd speaker has made a sincere effort,
but alas, has misunderstood that I would but alas, has misunderstood that I
like to clear up. would like to clear up.

The leader show you that

__________________ (rebuttal) the
The leader tried to show you that 2nd speaker then attempt to
__________________________________ __________________________ but
__, and then attempt to ___________________________they
____________________but failed to say also said that
that _________________________ this is ________________________________
not accurate because __ but that is not accurate because
__________________________________ ___________________________
3rd speaker


Madam chair, honorable board of Madam chair, honorable board of
adjudicators…. I commend the leader adjudicators…. I commend the
and the 2nd speaker of the negative side affirmative side for their sincerity, but
for their sincerity, but I have to point out have to point out some errors of
some errors of interpretation. interpretation.

The leader tried to The leader tried to

_______________________ but _________________________(rebuttal)
unfortunately but unfortunately
_______________________________. __________________________________
the 2nd speaker argued the 2nd speaker argued that
______________________ but did not ______________________________ but
realize that did not realize that
_________________________________ __________________________________
__. then, they tried to say ___the 3rd speaker the tried to say
_________________, however, they __________________________.
forgot to point out however, they forgot to say
_________________________________ _______________________.
_____. they also got confused trying to
say that
when it is clear that They also got confused trying to say that
_________________________________ ____________________, when it is clear
_____ that _______________
Reply speech

After all that we’ve seen and heard, we must win the debate. Thank you very

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