Honorable Adjudicators, My Worthy Opponents, Spectators, Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen-Good Evening!
Honorable Adjudicators, My Worthy Opponents, Spectators, Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen-Good Evening!
Honorable Adjudicators, My Worthy Opponents, Spectators, Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen-Good Evening!
Today I feel highly privileged to radiate forth my views in the favour/against the motion.
2nd argument.
Honorable adjudicators, my worthy opponents, spectators,
committee, ladies and gentlemen- Good evening!
My name is _______________ the prime minister of the affirmative side/ leader of the
opposition side.
Today I feel highly privileged to radiate forth my views in the favour/against the motion.
before we come
mandatory vaccination of covid 19
vaccines and booster shots in
catbalogan city. My 2nd speaker will
to our actual
examine its beneficiality and our 3rd
speaker of its practicability.
important terms
slowly began to fade away as it became
harder to stay positive. Here are why the
opposition side strongly believes that
Boosters aren’t new. They are given many vaccines that Necessity And Proportionality Mandatory
kids and adults get. For example, kids get vaccines around
the time they start school to boost the vaccines they got as vaccination should be considered only if it is
infants and toddlers. Pregnant women get a Tdap necessary for, and proportionate to, the
booster to protect their newborns from pertussis. And achievement of an important public health
anyone over 6 months old should get a flu shot each year, goal (including socioeconomic goals)
which is also a type of booster. identified by a legitimate public health
authority. If such a public health goal (e.g.,
Now let’s define the word mandatory in the motion, herd immunity, protecting the most
oxford says, it is required by law or rules; compulsory for vulnerable, protecting the capacity of the
example "wearing helmets were made mandatory for acute health care system) can be achieved
cyclists" with less coercive or intrusive policy
interventions (e.g., public education), a
mandate would not be ethically justified, as
achieving public health goals with less
restriction of individual liberty and autonomy
So today's motion is clear! As of 22 May 2022, yields a more favorable risk-benefit ratio.
almost one billion people in lower-income countries
remain unvaccinated. Only 57 countries have
vaccinated 70% of their population – almost all of 2nd, SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE OF
them high-income countries.
Data should be available that demonstrate the
We must continue to support all countries to reach vaccine being mandated has been found to be
safe in the populations for whom the vaccine
70% vaccination coverage as soon as possible, is to be made mandatory. When safety data
including 100% of those aged over 60; 100% of are lacking or when they suggest the risks
associated with vaccination outweigh the
health workers; and 100% of those with underlying risks of harm without the vaccine, the
conditions. mandate would not be ethically justified,
particularly without allowing for reasonable
exceptions (e.g., medical contraindications).
Vaccine supply has improved, but absorption has not Policy-makers should consider specifically
kept pace. In some countries, we see insufficient whether vaccines authorized for emergency
political commitment to roll out vaccines. This was or conditional use meet an evidentiary
impacted by the initial lack of political commitment threshold for safety sufficient for a mandate
to equitable access to vaccines. In some, we see gaps (7). In the absence of sufficient evidence of
in an operational or financial capacity. And in all, we safety, there would be no guarantee that
see vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation and mandating vaccination would achieve the
disinformation. That Is why this house is very much goal of protecting public health. Furthermore,
committed to that COVID-19 VACCINATION coercive exposure of populations to a
potentially harmful product would violate the
AND BOOSTER SHOTS SHOULD BE ethical obligation to protect the public from
MANDATORY IN CATBALOGAN CITY. unnecessary harm when the harm the product
might cause outweighs the degree of harm
that might exist without the product.
After all that we’ve seen and heard, we must win the debate. Thank you very