Movitrac LTPB

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Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services *22872051_0916*

Operating Instructions

Standard Inverters

Edition 09/2016 22872051/EN

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 General information..................................................................................................................   8
1.1 About this documentation ............................................................................................... 8
1.2 Structure of the safety notes ........................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Meaning of signal words ................................................................................   8
1.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes........................................................   8
1.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes ..............................................................   8
1.3 Rights to claim under limited warranty ............................................................................ 9
1.4 Content of the documentation......................................................................................... 9
1.5 Exclusion of liability......................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Product names and trademarks...................................................................................... 9
1.7 Copyright notice .............................................................................................................. 9

2 Safety notes ............................................................................................................................   10

2.1 Preliminary information ................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Operator's duties........................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Target group ................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Designated use ............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.1 Hoist applications .........................................................................................   11
2.5 Functional safety technology ........................................................................................ 12
2.6 Transport....................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Installation/assembly..................................................................................................... 12
2.7.1 Restrictions of use........................................................................................   13
2.8 Electrical connection ..................................................................................................... 13
2.8.1 Required preventive measure ......................................................................   13
2.8.2 Stationary application ...................................................................................   13
2.9 Protective separation .................................................................................................... 14
2.10 Startup/operation .......................................................................................................... 14

3 Device structure .....................................................................................................................   15

3.1 Nameplate..................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Type designation........................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Device structure of the standard inverter ...................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Inverters with degree of protection IP20/NEMA 1 ........................................   16
3.3.2 Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X......................................   17
3.3.3 Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K....................................   18

4 Installation...............................................................................................................................   19
4.1 General information ...................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Permitted tightening torques ......................................................................................... 20
4.3 Mechanical installation.................................................................................................. 21
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4.3.1 IP20 housing: Installation and installation space .........................................   21

4.3.2 IP55/IP66 housing: Installation and control cabinet dimensions ..................   22
4.4 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 Before installation.........................................................................................   23
4.4.2 Line contactors .............................................................................................   24
4.4.3 Mains fuses ..................................................................................................   25

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Table of contents

4.4.4 Operation on an IT system...........................................................................   26

4.4.5 Operation on a TN system with an RCD switch (IP20) ................................   27
4.4.6 Permitted voltage supply systems................................................................   27
4.4.7 Help card ......................................................................................................   27
4.4.8 Removing the terminal cover .......................................................................   28
4.4.9 Cable gland plate .........................................................................................   30
4.4.10 Connecting and installing the braking resistor .............................................   31
4.4.11 Motor temperature protection TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000 ...............................   32
4.4.12 Multi-motor drive/group drive .......................................................................   33
4.4.13 Motor cables and fusing ...............................................................................   33
4.4.14 Connecting AC brakemotors ........................................................................   33
4.4.15 UL-compliant installation ..............................................................................   34
4.4.16 Information regarding UL .............................................................................   37
4.4.17 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ...........................................................   38
4.4.18 Overview of signal terminals ........................................................................   44
4.4.19 Communication socket RJ45 .......................................................................   47
4.4.20 24 V backup mode .......................................................................................   48
4.4.21 DC link connection .......................................................................................   49
4.5 Wiring diagram.............................................................................................................. 49
4.5.1 Brake control ................................................................................................   51

5 Startup .....................................................................................................................................   52

5.1 User interface................................................................................................................ 52
5.1.1 Keypads .......................................................................................................   52
5.1.2 Resetting parameters to default settings......................................................   54
5.1.3 Key combinations .........................................................................................   54
5.1.4 Software LT Shell .........................................................................................   55
5.1.5 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software ......................................   57
5.2 Automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune"  ............................................................... 59
5.3 Startup for motors ......................................................................................................... 59
5.3.1 Startup for asynchronous motors with V/f control ........................................   60
5.3.2 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC speed control...........................   60
5.3.3 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC torque control ..........................   61
5.3.4 Startup of synchronous motors without encoder feedback (PMVC control).......
5.3.5 Startup with LSPM motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE ...................................   63
5.3.6 Startup with preset motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE ...................................   64
5.4 Startup of control........................................................................................................... 65
5.4.1 Terminal mode (factory setting) P1-12 = 0...................................................   65
5.4.2 Keypad mode (P1-12 = 1 or 2).....................................................................   66
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5.4.3 PID controller mode (P1-12 = 3) ..................................................................   66

5.4.4 Master-slave mode (P1-12 = 4)....................................................................   68
5.4.5 Fieldbus mode (P1-12 = 5, 6 or 7) ...............................................................   69
5.4.6 MultiMotion mode (P1-12 = 8)......................................................................   69
5.5 Hoist function ................................................................................................................ 70
5.5.1 General information......................................................................................   71
5.5.2 Startup for hoist function ..............................................................................   71

4 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Table of contents

5.5.3 Hoisting mode ..............................................................................................   72

5.5.4 Troubleshooting and optimizing the hoist function .......................................   73
5.6 Fire mode/emergency mode ......................................................................................... 74
5.7 Operation at 87 Hz characteristic.................................................................................. 75
5.8 Motor potentiometer function – crane application ......................................................... 75
5.8.1 Motor potentiometer operation .....................................................................   76
5.8.2 Terminal assignment ....................................................................................   77
5.8.3 Parameter settings .......................................................................................   77
5.9 Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting ..................................................... 78
5.9.1 Example 1: Analog input scaling ..................................................................   78
5.9.2 Example 2: Analog input offset ....................................................................   79
5.9.3 Example 3: Analog input scaling and offset .................................................   80
5.10 Fans and pumps ........................................................................................................... 81
5.11 Motor potentiometer...................................................................................................... 81
5.12 3-wire control ................................................................................................................ 82
5.12.1 Control signal source 3-wire control .............................................................   82

6 Operation.................................................................................................................................   83
6.1 Inverter status ............................................................................................................... 83
6.1.1 Static inverter status.....................................................................................   83
6.1.2 Operating state of the inverter......................................................................   84
6.1.3 Status displays of the parameter module.....................................................   85
6.1.4 Fault reset ....................................................................................................   85
6.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 86
6.3 Error history .................................................................................................................. 86
6.4 Error codes ................................................................................................................... 87

7 Fieldbus mode ........................................................................................................................   92

7.1 General information ...................................................................................................... 92
7.1.1 Structure and settings of process data words ..............................................   92
7.1.2 Communication example..............................................................................   94
7.1.3 Parameter settings for the inverter...............................................................   94
7.1.4 Connecting the signal terminals at the inverter ............................................   95
7.1.5 Establishing a CANopen/SBus network .......................................................   95
7.2 Connecting a gateway or controller (SBus MOVILINK®) .............................................. 96
7.2.1 Specification .................................................................................................   96
7.2.2 Electrical installation.....................................................................................   96
7.2.3 Startup at gateway .......................................................................................   97
7.2.4 Startup at a CCU ..........................................................................................   98
7.2.5 MOVI‑PLC® motion protocol (P1-12 = 8)......................................................   98
7.3 Modbus RTU................................................................................................................. 99
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7.3.1 Specification .................................................................................................   99

7.3.2 Electrical installation.....................................................................................   99
7.3.3 Register allocation of the process data words ...........................................   100
7.3.4 Data flow example......................................................................................   101
7.4 CANopen .................................................................................................................... 103
7.4.1 Specification ...............................................................................................   103

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Table of contents

7.4.2 Electrical installation...................................................................................   103

7.4.3 COB IDs and functions in the inverter........................................................   103
7.4.4 Supported transmission modes..................................................................   104
7.4.5 Default allocation plan of process data objects (PDO)...............................   104
7.4.6 Data flow example......................................................................................   105
7.4.7 Table of CANopen-specific objects ............................................................   106
7.4.8 Table of manufacturer-specific objects ......................................................   108
7.4.9 Emergency code objects ............................................................................   108

8 Service ...................................................................................................................................   109

8.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE................................................................. 109
8.2 Extended storage........................................................................................................ 109
8.3 Waste disposal............................................................................................................ 110

9 Parameters ............................................................................................................................   111

9.1 Overview of parameters.............................................................................................. 111
9.1.1 Parameters for realtime monitoring (read only)..........................................   111
9.1.2 Parameter register .....................................................................................   116
9.2 Explanation of the parameters .................................................................................... 122
9.2.1 Parameter group 1: Basic parameters (level 1) .........................................   122
9.2.2 Parameter group 1: Servo-specific parameters (level 1)............................   130
9.2.3 Parameter group 2: Extended parameter setting (level 2) .........................   132
9.2.4 Parameter group 3: PID controller (level 2)................................................   142
9.2.5 Parameter group 4: Motor control (level 2) ................................................   145
9.2.6 Parameter group 5: Fieldbus communication (level 2)...............................   151
9.2.7 Parameter group 6: Extended parameters (level 3) ...................................   155
9.2.8 Parameter group 7: Motor control parameters (level 3) .............................   161
9.2.9 Parameter group 8: Application-specific parameters (only LTX) (level 3)..   164
9.2.10 Parameter group 9: Digital inputs defined by the user (level 3) .................   166

10 Technical data.......................................................................................................................   173

10.1 Markings ..................................................................................................................... 173
10.2 Ambient conditions...................................................................................................... 174
10.3 Technical data............................................................................................................. 175
10.3.1 1-phase system AC 200 – 240 V ...............................................................   175
10.3.2 3-phase system AC 200 – 240 V ...............................................................   176
10.3.3 3-phase system AC 380 – 480 V ...............................................................   180
10.3.4 3-phase system AC 500 – 600 V ...............................................................   184
10.4 Input voltage ranges ................................................................................................... 187
10.5 Overload capacity ....................................................................................................... 187
10.6 Housing variants and dimensions ............................................................................... 188
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10.6.1 Housing variants ........................................................................................   188

10.6.2 Dimensions ................................................................................................   189
10.6.3 Dimensions ................................................................................................   190
10.7 Protection function ...................................................................................................... 192

11 Functional safety (STO) .......................................................................................................   193

11.1 Integrated safety technology....................................................................................... 193

6 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Table of contents

11.1.1 Safe condition ............................................................................................   193

11.1.2 Safety concept ...........................................................................................   193
11.1.3 Restrictions ................................................................................................   196
11.2 Safety conditions......................................................................................................... 197
11.2.1 Storage requirements.................................................................................   197
11.2.2 Installation requirements ............................................................................   197
11.2.3 Requirements on the external safety controller..........................................   199
11.2.4 Requirements for safety relays ..................................................................   200
11.2.5 Requirements on startup ............................................................................   200
11.2.6 Requirements on operation........................................................................   200
11.3 Connection variants .................................................................................................... 202
11.3.1 General information....................................................................................   202
11.3.2 Disconnection of a single drive ..................................................................   203
11.4 Safety characteristics.................................................................................................. 206
11.5 Signal terminal block for STO safety contact .............................................................. 206

12 Declaration of conformity ....................................................................................................   207

Index ......................................................................................................................................   208

13 Address list ...........................................................................................................................   214

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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 7

1 General information
About this documentation

1 General information
1.1 About this documentation
This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is written for
all employees who assemble, install, start up, and service this product.
Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible. Ensure that persons respons-
ible for the machinery and its operation as well as persons who work on the product
independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you
are unclear about any of the information in this documentation or require further in-
formation, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.

1.2 Structure of the safety notes

1.2.1 Meaning of signal words
The following table shows the grading and meaning of the signal words for safety

Signal word Meaning Consequences if disregarded

 DANGER Imminent hazard Severe or fatal injuries.
 WARNING Possible dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries.
 CAUTION Possible dangerous situation Minor injuries
NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the drive system or its
INFORMATION Useful information or tip: Simplifies
handling of the drive system.

1.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes

Section-related safety notes do not apply to a specific action but to several actions
pertaining to one subject. The hazard symbols used either indicate a general hazard
or a specific hazard.
This is the formal structure of a safety note for a specific section:

Type and source of hazard.
Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
• Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.

1.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes

Embedded safety notes are directly integrated into the instructions just before the de-
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scription of the dangerous action.

This is the formal structure of an embedded safety note:
  SIGNAL WORD Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disreg-
arded. Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.

8 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

General information
Rights to claim under limited warranty 1
1.3 Rights to claim under limited warranty
Read the information in this documentation. This is essential for fault-free operation
and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited warranty. Read the documentation
before you start working with the product.

1.4 Content of the documentation

The current version of the operating instructions is the original.
This document contains additional safety-relevant information and conditions for use
in safety-related applications.

1.5 Exclusion of liability

Read the information in this documentation, otherwise safe operation is impossible.
You must comply with the information contained in this documentation to achieve the
specified product characteristics and performance features. SEW‑EURODRIVE as-
sumes no liability for injury to persons or damage to equipment or property resulting
from non-observance of these operating instructions. In such cases,
SEW‑EURODRIVE assumes no liability for defects.

1.6 Product names and trademarks

The brands and product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective titleholders.

1.7 Copyright notice

© 2016 SEW‑EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, modifica-
tion, distribution or any other use of the whole or any part of this documentation is
strictly prohibited.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 9

2 Safety notes
Preliminary information

2 Safety notes
2.1 Preliminary information
The following general safety notes have the purpose to avoid injury and damage to
property. They primarily apply to the use of products described in this documentation.
If you use additional components also observe the relevant warning and safety notes.

2.2 Operator's duties

Make sure that the basic safety notes are read and observed. Make sure that persons
responsible for the machinery and its operation as well as persons who work on the
device independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood
it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if you re-
quire further information, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.
The operator must ensure that the following works are only performed by qualified per-
• Transport
• Storage
• Setup and assembly
• Installation and connection
• Startup
• Maintenance and repair
• Shutdown
• Disassembly
• Waste disposal
Make sure persons working on the product adhere to the following regulations, re-
quirements, documents and information:
• National and regional safety and accident prevention regulations
• Warning and safety signs on the product
• All other relevant project planning documents, installation and startup instructions,
wiring diagrams and schematics
• Do not assemble, install or operate damaged products
• All specific specifications and requirements for the system
Make sure that systems with the product installed are equipped with additional moni-
toring and protection devices. Observe the applicable safety regulations and legisla-
tion governing technical equipment and accident prevention regulations.

2.3 Target group

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Specialist for Any mechanical work may only be performed by adequately qualified personnel. Qual-
mechanical work ified personnel in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with the
design, mechanical installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of the product, who
possess the following qualifications:
• Qualification in the field of mechanics according to applicable national regulation.
• They are familiar with this documentation

10 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Safety notes
Designated use 2
Specialist for elec- Any electronic work may only be performed by adequately skilled persons (electric-
trotechnical work ally). Qualified electricians in the context of this documentation are persons familiar
with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting and servicing of the product who
possess the following qualifications:
• Qualification in the field of electrical engineering according to applicable national
• They are familiar with this documentation
In addition to that, these persons must be familiar with the valid safety regulations and
laws, as well as with the requirements of the standards, directives and laws specified
in this documentation. The above mentioned persons must have the authorization ex-
pressly issued by the company to operate, program, configure, label and ground
devices, systems and circuits in accordance with the standards of safety technology.
Instructed persons All work in the areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must be
carried out by persons who are trained appropriately. The purpose of the instruction is
that the persons are capable of performing the required tasks and work steps in a safe
and correct manner.

2.4 Designated use

The product is intended for installation in electrical plants or machines.
In case of installation in electrical systems or machines, startup of the product is pro-
hibited until it is determined that the machine meets the requirements stipulated in the
local laws and directives. For Europe, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as the
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU apply. Observe EN  60204-1 (Safety of machinery - elec-
trical equipment of machines). The product meets the requirements stipulated in the
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The standards given in the declaration of conformity apply to the product.
The systems can be mobile or stationary. The motors must be suitable for operation
with inverters. Do not connect any other loads to the product. Never connect capacit-
ive loads to the product.
The product can be used to operate the following motors in industrial and commercial
• AC asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor
• Permanent-field AC synchronous motors
Technical data and information on the connection conditions are provided on the
nameplate and in chapter "Technical data" in the documentation. Always comply with
the data and conditions.
Unintended or improper use of the product may result in severe injury to persons and
damage to property.

2.4.1 Hoist applications

To avoid danger of fatal injury by falling hoists, observe the following points when us-
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ing the product in lifting applications:

• Use mechanical protection devices.
• Perform a hoist startup.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 11

2 Safety notes
Functional safety technology

2.5 Functional safety technology

The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys-
tem, unless explicitly allowed by the documentation.

2.6 Transport
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not
be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
• Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact during transportation.
• Before transportation, cover the connections with the supplied protection caps.
• Only place the product on the cooling fins or on the side without connectors during
• Always use lifting eyes if available.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.
Observe the information on climatic conditions in chapter "Technical data" of the docu-

2.7 Installation/assembly
Ensure that the product is installed and cooled according to the regulations in the doc-
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. The product and its mounted
components must not protrude into the path of persons or vehicles. Ensure that com-
ponents are not deformed and that insulation spaces are maintained, particularly dur-
ing transportation. Electric components must not be mechanically damaged or des-
Observe the notes in the chapter "Mechanical installation" of the documentation.

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12 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Safety notes
Electrical connection 2
2.7.1 Restrictions of use
The following applications are prohibited unless explicitly permitted:
• Use in potentially explosive areas
• Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation
• Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock
loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN 61800-5-1
• Operation at installation altitudes above 4000 m above sea level
The product can be used at altitudes above 1000 m asl up to 4000 m asl under the fol-
lowing conditions:
• Taking the reduced continuous rated current into consideration, see chapter
"Technical data" of the documentation.
• Above 2000  m asl, the air and creeping distances are only sufficient for over-
voltage class II according to EN 60664. If the installation requires overvoltage cat-
egory III according to EN 60664 you have to reduce the overvoltages on the sys-
tem side from category III to II using additional external overvoltage protection.
• If a protective electrical separation is required, then implement this outside the
product at altitudes of more than 2000 m above sea level (protective separation in
accordance with EN 61800‑5‑1 and EN 60204‑1)

2.8 Electrical connection

Make yourself familiar with the applicable national accident prevention guidelines be-
fore you work on the product.
Perform electrical installation according to the pertinent regulations (e.g. cable cross
sections, fusing, protective conductor connection). The documentation at hand con-
tains additional information.
Make sure that all required covers are installed correctly after electrical installation.
Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applic-
able regulations (e.g. EN 60204-1 or EN 61800-5-1).

2.8.1 Required preventive measure

Make sure that the product is correctly attached to the ground connection.

2.8.2 Stationary application

Necessary preventive measure for the product is:

Type of energy transfer Preventive measure

Direct power supply • Ground connection
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2 Safety notes
Protective separation

2.9 Protective separation

The product meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics
connections in accordance with EN  61800-5-1. To ensure protective separation, all
connected circuits must also meet the requirements for protective separation.

2.10 Startup/operation
Observe the safety notes in the chapters "Startup" and "Operation" in the documenta-
Make sure that the present transport protection is removed.
Do not deactivate monitoring and protection devices of the machine or system even
for a test run.
Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup-
ply voltage.
Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and
sometimes moving or rotating parts, as well as hot surfaces during operation.
Additional preventive measures may be required for applications with increased haz-
ard potential. You have to check the protection devices after each modification.
When in doubt, switch off the product whenever changes occur in relation to normal
operation. Possible changes are e.g. increased temperatures, noise, or oscillation. De-
termine the cause. Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE if necessary.
When the device is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec-
tions as well as at any connected cables and terminals. This also applies even when
the product is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
Do not separate the connection to the product during operation.
This may result in dangerous electric arcs damaging the product.
If you disconnect the product from the voltage supply, do not touch any live compon-
ents or power connections because capacitors might still be charged. Observe the fol-
lowing minimum switch-off time:
10 minutes.
Observe the corresponding information signs on the product.
The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and
no longer carries any voltage.
Mechanical blocking or internal safety functions of the product can cause a motor
standstill. Eliminating the cause of the problem or performing a reset may result in the
drive re-starting automatically. If, for safety reasons, this is not permitted for the drive-
controlled machine, first disconnect the product from the supply system and then start
Risk of burns: The surface temperature of the product can exceed 60 °C during opera-
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Do not touch the product during operation.

Let the product cool down before touching it.

14 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Device structure
Nameplate 3
3 Device structure
3.1 Nameplate
The following figure shows an example of a nameplate.


3.2 Type designation

Example: MCLTP-B 0015-2B1-4-00 (60 Hz)
Version B Version status of the device series
Recommended motor 0015 0015 = 1.5 kW
Connection voltage 2 2 = 200 – 240 V
5 = 380 – 480 V
6 = 500 – 600 V
Interference suppression B 0 = Class 0
on the input
A = Class C2
B = Class C1
Connection type 1 1 = 1-phase
3 = 3-phase
Quadrants 4 4 = 4-quadrant operation
Design 00 00 = Standard IP20 housing
10 = IP66/NEMA-4X housing
10 = IP55/NEMA-12K housing
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Country-specific variant (60 Hz) 60 Hz design

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 15

3 Device structure
Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3 Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3.1 Inverters with degree of protection IP20/NEMA 1
The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 0.75 – 5.5 kW
400 V 0.75 – 11 kW
575 V 0.75 – 15 kW

-DC L1/L L2/N L3



[6] [8]

+ BR U V W


[1] Connecting terminal strip PE, -DC, L1/L, L2/N, L3

[2] Auxiliary card with terminal assignment and basic parameters
[3] Keypad with a 6-digit 7-segment display
[4] Control terminal strip (pluggable)
[5] RJ45 communication socket
[6] Option card slot
[7] Connecting terminal strip PE, +, BR, U, V, W
[8] Relay terminal strip (pluggable)
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16 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Device structure
Device structure of the standard inverter 3
3.3.2 Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X
The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 0.75 – 4 kW
400 V 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V 0.75 – 11 kW

[1] [1]

[2] [2]

[3] [3]
[6] [6]
[4] [4]
[7] [7]
[5] [5]


[1] Full text display/6-digit 7-segment display

[2] Keypad
[3] Control terminal strip (pluggable)
[4] Relay terminal strip (pluggable)
[5] Connecting terminal strip PE, L1/L, L2/N, L3, -DC, +, BR, U, V, W
[6] RJ45 communication socket
[7] Option card slot
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 17

3 Device structure
Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3.3 Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K

The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 5.5 – 75 kW
400 V 11 – 160 kW
575 V 15 – 110 kW

[1] [1]

[2] [2]

[3] [3]
[4] [4]
[5] [5]
[6] [6]

L1 L2 L3 +DC BR -DC U V W L1 L2 L3 +DC BR -DC U V W

[7] [7]


[1] Full text display/6-digit 7-segment display

[2] Keypad
[3] Control terminal strip (pluggable)
[4] Option card slot
[5] Relay terminal strip (pluggable)
[6] RJ45 communication socket
[7] Connecting terminal strip PE, L1/L, L2/N, L3, -DC, +, BR, U, V, W
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18 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

General information
4 Installation
4.1 General information
• Carefully check the inverter for damage before the installation.
• Store the inverter in its original packaging until it is used. The storage location
must be clean and dry with an ambient temperature between ‑40 °C and +60 °C.
• Install the inverter in a suitable housing on a level, vertical, non-flammable, and vi-
bration-free surface. If a certain IP degree of protection is required, observe
EN 60529.
• Keep flammable materials away from the inverter.
• Prevent the ingress of conductive or flammable foreign objects.
• The relative humidity must be kept below 95% (condensation is not permitted).
• Protect the IP55/IP66 inverter from direct sunlight. Use a cover when using the in-
verter outdoors.
• Inverters can be installed next to each other. Ensure sufficient ventilation space
between the individual devices. If the inverter is to be installed above another in-
verter or another device that dissipates heat, then there must be a vertical min-
imum clearance of 150 mm. To enable self-cooling, the control cabinet must either
be cooled through forced ventilation, or dimensioned accordingly. See chapter
"IP20 housing: Installation and installation space" (→ 2 21).
• The permitted ambient temperatures are defined in chapter "Ambient
conditions" (→ 2 174).
• The mounting rail installation is only possible for the following inverters with degree
of protection IP20.
– 230 V: 0.75 – 2.2 kW
– 400 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
– 575 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
The mounting rail must have the dimensions 35 × 15 mm or 35 × 7.5 mm and be
designed according to EN 50022.
• Install the frequency inverter only as depicted in the following figure:

-DC L1/L L2/N L3

W V U BR +


-DC L1/L L2/N L3



+ BR U V W
-DC L1/L L2/N L3
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 19

4 Installation
Permitted tightening torques

4.2 Permitted tightening torques

Tightening torque in Nm for inverter
Power of the inverter Control terminals Power terminals
Nominal line voltage 230 V
0.75 – 2.2 kW 1
3 – 5.5 kW (IP20) 1 (IP20)
3 – 4 kW (IP66) 1 (IP66)
5.5 kW (IP66) 4 (IP66)
7.5 – 11 kW 4
15 – 18.5 kW 15
22 – 45 kW 20
55 – 75 kW 20
Nominal line voltage 400 V
0.75 – 4 kW 1
5.5 – 11 kW (IP20) 1 (IP20)
5.5 – 7.5 kW (IP66) 1 (IP66)
11 kW (IP66) 4 (IP66)
15 – 22 kW 4
30 – 37 kW 15
45 – 90 kW 20
110 – 160 kW 20
Nominal line voltage 575 V
0.75 – 5.5 kW 1
7.5 – 15 kW (IP20) 1 (IP20)
7.5 – 11 kW (IP66) 1 (IP66)
15 kW (IP66) 0.8 4 (IP66)
18.5 – 30 kW 4
37 – 45 kW 15
55 – 110 kW 20
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20 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Mechanical installation 4
4.3 Mechanical installation
4.3.1 IP20 housing: Installation and installation space
Inverters with degree of protection IP20 must be installed in a control cabinet. Observe
the following requirements:
• The control cabinet must be made of a heat conductive material unless it has
forced cooling.
• When using a control cabinet with ventilation openings, the openings must be
provided above and underneath the inverter to allow for unobstructed circulation of
air. The air must be supplied underneath the inverter and dissipated above it.
• If the inverter is operated in environments with particles of dirt (such as dust), vent-
ilation openings either have to be equipped with a suitable particle filter or forced
cooling has to be used. The filter has to be serviced and cleaned.
• In environments with a high level of humidity, salt or chemicals, a suitable en-
closed control cabinet (without ventilation openings) must be used.
• The inverters with degree of protection IP20 can be installed right next to each
other without clearance.

-DC L1/L L2/N L3


+ BR U V W


Power of the inverter A in mm Air flow rate per in-

230 V: 0.75 kW, 1.5 kW 60 > 45 m3/h
400 V: 0.75 kW, 1.5 kW, 2.2 kW
575 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
230 V: 2.2 kW 100 > 45 m3/h
All other power ranges 100 > 80 m3/h
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 21

4 Installation
Mechanical installation

4.3.2 IP55/IP66 housing: Installation and control cabinet dimensions

Inverters with degree of protection IP55/IP66 can be used indoors.
In control cabinets or in field, the following minimum distances must not be underrun.




Power of the inverter A in mm B in mm

230 V
0.75 – 4 kW 100 10
5.5 – 75 kW 200 10
400 V
0.75 – 7.5 kW 100 10
11 – 160 kW 200 10
575 V
0.75 – 11 kW 100 10
15 – 110 kW 200 10

If the IP55/IP66 inverter is installed in a control cabinet, a sufficient control cabinet
ventilation must be ensured.
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22 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4 Electrical installation

Electric shock due to charged capacitors. Dangerous voltage levels may still be
present inside the device and at the terminals up to 10 minutes after disconnection
from the power supply.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Wait 10 minutes after you have de-energized the inverter and have switched off
the line voltage and the DC 24 V voltage. Do not start working on the device until
you have made sure that it is de-energized.

Danger of fatal injury due to falling hoist.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• The inverter is not designed for use as a safety device in lifting applications. Use
monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices to ensure safety.

• The inverters may only be installed by electrical specialists in compliance with the
applicable directives and regulations.
• The grounding cable must be designed for the maximum fault current of the
voltage source that is usually limited by fuses or motor protection switches.
• The inverter has the degree of protection IP20. For a higher IP degree of protec-
tion, a suitable enclosure or the IP55/NEMA 12K or the IP66/NEMA 4X variant has
to be used.
• Make sure the devices are properly grounded. Adhere to the wiring diagram in
chapter "Connecting the inverter and motor" (→ 2 49).

4.4.1 Before installation

• Make sure that supply voltage, frequency, and number of phases (single- or three-
phase) correspond with the nominal values of the inverter on delivery.
• A disconnecting switch or similar disconnecting element must be installed between
voltage supply and inverter.
• Never connect the power supply to the output terminals U, V or W of the inverter.
• Do not install contactors between inverter and motor. Adhere to a minimum clear-
ance of 100  mm at points where control cables and electric power lines are in-
stalled close to each other, and an angle of 90° for crossing cables.
• The cables are only protected by slow-blow high-power fuses or motor circuit
breaker. You find more information in section "Permitted voltage supply
systems" (→ 2 27).
• It is recommended that you use a 4-core PVC-insulated and shielded cable as the
power cable. Route this cable according to the applicable national regulations of
22872051/EN – 09/2016

the industry sector as well as the rules and standards. Conductor end sleeves are
required for connecting the power cables to the inverter.
• Make sure that shieldings and sheaths of power cables are designed according to
the wiring diagram in section "Connecting inverter and motor" (→ 2 49).
• The grounding terminal of each inverter must be connected individually and dir-
ectly to the ground busbar (mass) of the installation site (via filter, if available).

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 23

4 Installation
Electrical installation

• Do not loop the ground connections of the inverter from one inverter to the other.
Neither route the ground connections to the inverters from other inverters.
• The impedance of the ground circuit must comply with the local safety regulations
of the industry sector.
• Make sure that all terminals are tightened with the respective tightening torques,
see chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 173).
• To comply with UL regulations, all earth connections must be designed with UL lis-
ted crimping cable lugs.
Unlike direct operation in the supply system, inverters on the motor generate suitable
fast-switching output voltages (PWM). In the case of motors wound for operation with
adjustable-speed drives, no further preventive actions are necessary. If, however, the
insulation quality is unknown, contact the manufacturer of the motor because prevent-
ive actions may be necessary.

Make sure that the earth connections are properly connected. The inverter can gen-
erate leakage currents >  3.5  mA. The grounding cable must be sufficiently dimen-
sioned to carry the maximum fault current of the voltage source that is usually limited
by fuses or miniature circuit breakers. Sufficiently rated fuses or miniature circuit
breakers must be integrated into the inverter's mains supply in accordance with local
laws and/or regulations.

4.4.2 Line contactors

Use only line contactors in utilization category AC-3 (EN 60947-4-1).
Make sure to wait at least 30 seconds between 2 switching cycles.


$ 30 s
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24 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4.3 Mains fuses
Fuse types:
• Line protection types in operation classes gL, gG:
– Rated fusing voltage ≥ rated line voltage
– The nominal fusing current must be designed for at least 100% of the inverter
nominal input current depending on the inverter utilization.
• Power circuit breaker with characteristic B:
– Nominal circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal line voltage
– The nominal currents of the power circuit breakers must be 10% higher than
the nominal inverter current.

Residual current device

No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual current device is
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Use only universal current sensitive residual current devices of type B for invert-

• Inverters generate a DC current component in the leakage current and can signi-
ficantly reduce the sensitivity of an residual current device of type A. A type A re-
sidual current device is this not permitted as protection device.
• If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends not to use a residual current device.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 25

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.4 Operation on an IT system

IP20 devices can be operated on the IT system as described below. Please contact
SEW‑EURODRIVE for all other devices.
For operation on the IT system, the connection of the overvoltage protection and the
EMC filter to PE has to be separated. Screw out the EMC and VAR screw on the side
of the device.

Danger of electric shock. Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the in-
verter and at the terminals up to 10 minutes after disconnection from the power sup-
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Disconnect the inverter from the power supply at least 10  minutes before you
screw out the EMC and VAR screw.

[1] [2]


[1] EMC screw

[2] VAR screw

Internal Internal
N/L2 EMC Surge
Filter Protection



SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using earth-leakage monitors with pulse code meas-

urement in voltage supply systems with a non-grounded star point (IT systems). Use
of such devices prevents the insulation monitor mis-tripping due to the earth capacit-
ance of the inverter.
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26 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4.5 Operation on a TN system with an RCD switch (IP20)
IP20 inverters with integrated EMC filter (such as MOVITRAC®  LT  xxxx  xAx-x-00 or
MOVITRAC®  LT  xxxx  xBx-x-00) have a higher leakage current than devices without
EMC filter. The EMC filter may cause errors when operated with a RCCB. Deactivate
the EMC filter to reduce the leakage current. To do so, screw out the EMC and VAR
screw on the side of the device. See figure in chapter "Operation on an IT
system" (→ 2 26).

4.4.6 Permitted voltage supply systems

• Voltage supply systems with grounded star point
Inverters with all degrees of protection are intended for operation on TN and TT
systems with directly grounded star point.
• Voltage supply systems with non-grounded star point
Operation on voltage supply systems with non-grounded star point (for example IT
systems) is only permitted for inverters with degree of protection IP20. See chapter
"Operation on an IT system" (→ 2 26).
• Voltage systems with grounded outer conductor
On voltage supply systems, the inverters with all degrees of protection may only
be operated with a maximum phase-to-ground AC voltage of 300 V.

4.4.7 Help card

The help card contains an overview of the terminal assignment and additionally an
overview of the basic parameters of parameter group 1.
In the IP55/IP66 housing, the help card is attached behind the removable front cover.
In the IP20 housing, the help card is inserted in a slot above the display.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 27

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.8 Removing the terminal cover

To access the terminals of inverters with degree of protection IP55/IP66, remove the
front cover of the frequency inverter. Only use cross-head or slot screwdrivers to open
the terminal cover.
The connection terminals can be accessed when the screws on the front of the
product are removed as shown below.
The front cover is attached by proceeding in reverse order.

Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X

The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 0.75 – 4 kW
400 V 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V 0.75 – 11 kW


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28 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation
Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K
The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 5.5 – 75 kW
400 V 11 – 160 kW
575 V 15 – 110 kW
[1] [2] [3] [4]





[1] • 230 V: 5.5 – 11 kW [3] • 230 V: 22 – 45 kW

• 400 V: 11 – 22 kW • 400 V: 45 – 90 kW
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• 575 V: 15 – 30 kW • 575 V: 55 – 110 kW

[2] • 230 V: 15 – 18.5 kW [4] • 230 V: 55 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 30 – 37 kW • 400 V: 110 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 37 – 45 kW

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 29

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.9 Cable gland plate

A suitable cable gland system is required to maintain the respective IP/NEMA degree
of protection. Cable entry holes have to be drilled that correspond to this system.

Drilling cable entry holes may lead to particles entering the inverter.
Possible damage to property.
• Be careful when drilling the hole to prevent particles from entering the inverter.
→ Remove all particles at and in the inverter.

Some guide sizes are listed below:

Recommended hole sizes and hole types for the cable gland.

Power of the inverter Hole size Imperial Metrical

230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW 25 mm PG16 M25
400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
Hole sizes for flexible electrical installation ducts

Power of the inverter Hole size Commercial size Metrical

230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW 35 mm 1 in M25
400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
An IP degree of protection is only ensured when the cables are installed with a bush-
ing or sleeve for a flexible electrical installation duct approved by UL.
When installing electrical installation ducts, the insertion holes of the duct must have
standard openings for the required sizes according to NEC specifications.
Not intended for rigid electrical installation ducts.

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30 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4.10 Connecting and installing the braking resistor

Danger of electric shock. The supply cables to the braking resistors carry a high
voltage (approx. DC 900 V) during rated operation.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Before removing the supply cable, disconnect the inverter from the power supply
and wait at least 10 minutes.

Risk of burns. The surfaces of the braking resistors get very hot when the braking
resistors are loaded with PN.
Minor injuries.
• Choose a suitable installation location.
• Do not touch the braking resistors.
• Install a suitable touch guard.

The braking resistor is connected between the inverter terminals "BR" and "+". In case
of a new device, these terminals have a cover installed that can be broken out. Break
out the cover prior to first use.
• Shorten the cables to the required length.
• Use 2 tightly twisted leads or a 2-core shielded power cable. The cable cross sec-
tion has to be dimensioned according to the tripping current IF of F16, the nominal
voltage according to DIN VDE 0298.
• Protect the braking resistor with a bimetallic relay and set the tripping current IF of
the respective braking resistor.
• The flat-type braking resistors have internal thermal overload protection (fuse can-
not be replaced). Install the flatpack resistors using appropriate touch guards.
• For braking resistors in the BW..-...T series, you can connect the integrated tem-
perature sensor using a 2-core, shielded cable as an alternative to a bimetallic re-

U V W + BR


BW... affects
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 31

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.11 Motor temperature protection TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000

Motors with internal temperature sensor (TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000 or similar) can be
directly connected to the inverter.
If the thermal protection is triggered, the inverter displays the error "F-PTC".
For motor protection monitoring, the following types can be selected:
• PTC-th for thermal sensor TF or bimetallic switch TH with trigger threshold 2.5 kΩ
• KTY84 in temperature classes B (120 °C), F (155 °C) and H (180 °C)
• PT1000 in temperature classes B (120 °C), F (155 °C) and H (180 °C)
When parameter P2-33 is configured for motor protection, this setting automatically
overwrites the function selection of the digital inputs (P1-15) to analog input AI2 = mo-
tor protection.


Configure the temperature sensor on the inverter using P2-33, before the temperat-
ure sensor is connected. Then, connect the temperature sensor according to the wir-
ing diagram. Incorrect connection may lead to damage of sensor or inverter.

For information regarding the parameter P2-33, refer to chapter "P2-33 Analog input 2
format / motor protection" (→ 2 140).
Connection example for various temperature sensors:

Thermal sensor TF KTY84

Bimetallic switch TH PT1000
AO 2 / DO 2

AO 2 / DO 2
AO 1 / DO 1

AO 1 / DO 1
AI 2 / DI 5

AI 2 / DI 5
AI 1 / DI 4

AI 1 / DI 4
+24 VIO

+24 VIO
+10 V


+10 V


DI 1
DI 2
DI 3

DI 1
DI 2
DI 3




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

17409280907 17409278475

P2-33 = PTC-th P2-33 = KTY84 or PT1000 (B, F, H)

22872051/EN – 09/2016

32 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4.12 Multi-motor drive/group drive
The total of the motor currents must not exceed the nominal current of the inverter.
The maximum permitted cable length for the group is limited to the values of single
connection. See chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 173).
The motor group is limited to five motors and must not differ by more than 3 frame
Multi-motor operation is only possible with AC asynchronous motors, not with syn-
chronous motors.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends to use an output choke "HD LT xxx", additionally un-
shielded cables, and a maximum permitted output frequency of 4  kHz for groups of
more than 3 motors.

4.4.13 Motor cables and fusing

Comply with the regulations issued by specific countries and for specific machines re-
garding fusing and the selection of supply system leads and motor cables.
Determine the permitted length of all motor cables connected in parallel as follows:
Itot ≤

Itot = Total length of the motor cables connected in parallel

Imax = Recommended maximum motor cable length
n = Number of motors connected in parallel
No additional fusing is required if the cross section of the motor cable corresponds to
the cross section of the supply system lead. If the cross section of the motor cable is
smaller than the cross section of the supply system lead, you must protect the motor
cable against a short circuit for the corresponding cross section. Motor protection
switches are suited to this purpose.

4.4.14 Connecting AC brakemotors

For detailed information about the SEW‑EURODRIVE brake system, refer to the "AC
Motors" catalog, which you can order from SEW‑EURODRIVE.
SEW‑EURODRIVE brake systems are disk brakes with a DC coil that release electric-
ally and brake using spring force. A brake rectifier supplies the brake with DC voltage.

The brake rectifier must have a separate supply system cable for inverter operation.
Supply via the motor voltage is not permitted.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 33

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.15 UL-compliant installation

Note the following information for UL-compliant installation:

Ambient temperatures
The inverters can be operated at the following ambient temperatures:

Degree of protection Ambient temperature

IP20/NEMA 1 -10 °C to 50 °C
IP55/NEMA 12K -10 °C to 40 °C
Use only copper connection cables suited for ambient temperatures up to 75 °C.

Tightening torques for the power and control terminals

Refer to chapter "Permitted tightening torques" (→ 2 20) for the permitted tightening
torques for the inverters.

External DC 24 V supply
Use only certified devices with a limited output voltage (Umax = DC  30  V) and limited
output current (I ≤ 8 A) as an external DC 24 V voltage source.

Voltage supply systems and fusing

The inverters are suitable for operation in voltage supply systems with earthed star
point (TN and TT systems) that can supply a maximum line current and a maximum
line voltage in accordance with the following table. The fuses listed in the following
tables are the maximum permitted fuses for each inverter. Only use melting fuses.
UL certification does not apply to operation in voltage supply systems with a non-
grounded star point (IT systems).

1 × 200 – 240 V devices

1 × 200 − 240 V Fuse or MCB (type B) Max. supply short circuit Max. line voltage
0008 15 A 100 kA rms (AC) 240 V
0015 20 A
0022 25 A
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34 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
3 × 200 – 240 V devices
3 × 200 − 240 V Fuse or MCB (type B) Max. supply short circuit Max. line voltage
0008 10 A 100 kA rms (AC) 240 V
0015 15 A
0022 17.5 A
0030 30 A
0040 30 A
0055 40 A
0075 50 A
0110 70 A
0150 90 A
0185 110 A
0220 150 A
0300 175 A
0370 225 A
0450 250 A
0550 300 A
0750 350 A

3 × 380 – 480 V devices

3 × 380 − 480 V Fuse or MCB (type B) Max. supply short circuit Max. line voltage
0008 6 A 100 kA rms (AC) 480 V
0015 10 A
0022 10 A
0040 15 A
0055 25 A
0075 30 A
0110 40 A
0150 50 A
0185 60 A
0220 70 A
0300 80 A
0370 100 A
0450 125 A
0550 150 A
0750 200 A
0900 250 A
1100 300 A
1320 350 A
1600 400 A
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 35

4 Installation
Electrical installation

3 × 500 – 600 V devices

3 × 500 − 600 V Fuse or MCB (type B) Max. supply short circuit Max. line voltage
0008 6 A 100 kA rms (AC) 600V
0015 6 A
0022 10 A
0040 10 A
0055 15 A
0075 20 A
0110 30 A
0150 35 A
0185 45 A
0220 60 A
0300 70 A
0370 80 A
0450 100 A
0550 125 A
0750 150 A
0900 175 A
1100 200 A

Thermal motor protection

The inverter is provided with thermal motor overload protection according to NEC (Na-
tional Electrical Code, US).
Thermal motor overload protection shall be provided by one of the following means:
• NEC compliant installation of a motor temperature sensor, see also chapter "Motor
temperature protection (TF/TH)" (→ 2 32).
• Using internal thermal motor overload protection by activating parameter P4-17.

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36 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
4.4.16 Information regarding UL

Due to UL requirements, the following chapters are always printed in English inde-
pendent of the language of the revision:

Thermal motor protection

Thermal motor overload protection shall be provided by one of the following means:
• NEC compliant installation of a motor temperature sensor, see also section "Motor
temperature protection (TF/TH)" in the chapter "Electrical Installation" of the oper-
ating instructions.
• Using internal thermal motor overload protection according to NEC (National Elec-
trical Code, US). Thermal motor overload protection can be activated via para-
meter P4-17.
• Implementing external measures to ensure thermal motor overload protection
according to NEC (National Electrical Code).

The following additional parameter was added to MOVITRAC® LTP-B/LTX inverters to
implement internal thermal motor protection according to NEC:
• P4-17 Thermal motor protection according to NEC
– 0: disabled
– 1: enabled

Functional principle
The motor current is accumulated in an internal memory over the course of time. The
inverter goes to fault state as soon as the thermal limit is exceeded (I.t-trP).
Once the output current of the inverter is less than the set rated motor current, the in-
ternal memory is decremented depending on the output current.
• When P4-17 is disabled, thermal memory retention is reset upon shutdown or
power loss.
• When P4-17 is enabled, thermal memory retention is maintained upon shutdown
or power loss.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 37

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.17 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Inverters with EMC filters are designed for use in machines and drive systems. They
meet the EMC product standard EN 61800-3 for drives with variable speed. Observe
the specifications of Directive 2014/30/EU for EMC‑compliant installation of the drive

Interference immunity
With regard to interference immunity, the frequency inverter with an EMC filter meets
the limit values defined in the standard EN  61800-3 and can therefore be used for
both industrial and domestic (light industrial) applications.

Interference emission
With regard to interference emission, the inverter meets the EMC limit values of the
standard EN 61800-3:2004. The inverters are suitable for industrial as well as house-
hold applications (light industry).
Install the inverters as specified in chapter Installation to ensure best possible electro-
magnetic compatibility. Ensure proper ground connections for the inverters. Use shiel-
ded motor cables to comply with the specifications on interference emission.
The conditions for use in drive applications are defined in the table below.

Inverter type Cat. C1 (class B) Cat. C2 (class A) Cat. C3

in accordance with EN 61800-3
230 V, 1-phase No additional filtering required.
LTP-B xxxx 2B1-x-xx Use a shielded motor cable.
230 V, 3-phase Use an external filter No additional filtering required.
of the type NF LTxxx
LTP-B xxxx 2A3-x-xx Use a shielded motor cable.
400 V, 3-phase
Use a shielded motor
LTP-B xxxx 5A3-x-xx cable.
575 V, 3-phase If necessary, you can use a line filter of the type
NF LT xxx to minimize the electromagnetic interference
LTP‑B xxxx 603-x-xx
emission. However, compliance with the limit classes
cannot be guaranteed.
Use a shielded motor cable. 22872051/EN – 09/2016

38 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
General information about connecting the motor shield
We strongly recommend that you use the shield plate with LTX applications.
Connect the shield by the shortest possible route and make sure it is earthed over a
wide area at both ends. This also applies to cables with several shielded core strands.


Recommendation for motor shield connection at frequency inverters with IP20

Inverters with de- The following inverters have the housing shown below:
gree of protection
IP20/NEMA 1 Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230 V 0.75 – 5.5 kW
400 V 0.75 – 11 kW
575 V 0.75 – 15 kW
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 39

4 Installation
Electrical installation

Example LTP-B inverter Example LTP-B inverter with LTX module

[5] [5]

[4] [4]

[2] [1] [2] [1]





[1] Motor cable [5] Control cables

[2] Additional PE connection [6] • 230 V: 0.75 – 2.2 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
[3] Encoder cable [7] • 230 V: 3 – 5.5 kW
• 400 V: 5.5 – 11 kW
• 575 V: 7.5 – 15 kW
[4] Communication cable RJ45

The shield plate can be used optionally for the inverters in IP20 design listed above.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Proceed as follows to adjust:

1. Loosen the 4 screws on the slotted holes.
2. Move the plate up to the stop according to the required size.
3. Tighten the screws again.
Make sure that the plate is correctly attached to the PE connection.

40 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
Recommendation for motor shield connection at frequency inverters with IP55/IP66
The use of metal screw fittings is recommended to connect the motor shield to the
device. For the inverters listed below, the threads must be at least 8 mm.
Inverters with de- The following inverters have the housing shown below:
gree of protection
IP66/NEMA 4X Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230 V 0.75 – 4 kW
400 V 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V 0.75 – 11 kW
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 41

4 Installation
Electrical installation


≥8 mm




[6] [5]


[1] Metal counter nut [4] LTX module

[2] Metal cable gland [5] Motor cable
[3] Enclosed rubber gasket [6] Supply system cable
22872051/EN – 09/2016

42 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
Recommendation for routing the encoder, control and communication cables






[1] Encoder cable, if LTX module [4] Signal terminal/communication

[2] Signal terminal/communication [5] Supply system cable
[3] Motor cable

Inverters with de- The following inverters have the housing shown below:
gree of protection
IP55/NEMA 12K Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230 V 5.5 – 18.5 kW
400 V 11 – 37 kW
575 V 15 – 45 kW

L1 L2 L3 +DC BR -DC U V W
22872051/EN – 09/2016


[1] Supply system cable

[2] Metal cable gland
[3] Motor cable

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 43

4 Installation
Electrical installation

The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 22 – 75 kW
400 V 45 – 160 kW
575 V 55 – 110 kW

L1 L2 L3 + BR - U V W
+ BR

[1] [2]

[1] Supply system cable

[2] Metal cable gland
[3] Motor cable

4.4.18 Overview of signal terminals

Main terminals

Applying voltages of more than 30 V to the signal terminals can damage the control-
Possible damage to property.
• The voltage applied to the signal terminals must not exceed 30 V.
AO 2 / DO 2
AO 1 / DO 1

AI 2 / DI 5
AI 1 / DI 4
+24 VIO

+10 V

DI 1
DI 2
DI 3



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
22872051/EN – 09/2016


44 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
The signal terminal block is equipped with the following connections:

Ter- Signal Connection Description

1 +24 VIO +24 V: Reference voltage/ Reference voltage for controlling the digital inputs
backup voltage (max. 100 mA)1)
Adhere to the "Note for connecting the STO
function" (→ 2 46).
2 DI 1 Digital input 1 Positive logic
3 DI 2 Digital input 2 "Logic 1" input voltage range: DC 8 – 30 V
4 DI 3 Digital input 3 "Logic 0" input voltage range: DC 0 – 2 V
Compatible with PLC requirement if 0 V is connected
to terminal 7 or 9.
5 +10 V Output +10 V: Reference 10 V: Reference voltage for analog input
(Potential supply +, 10 mA max., 1 – 10 kΩ)
6 AI 1 / DI 4 Analog input 1 (12 bit) analog: 0 – 10 V, 10 – 0 V, -10 – 10 V, 0 – 20 mA, 4 –
20 mA, 20 – 4 mA
Digital input 4
digital: "Logic 1" input voltage range:
DC 8 – 30 V
7 0 V 0 V: Reference potential Adhere to the "Note for connecting the STO
function" (→ 2 46).
8 AO 1 / DO 1 Analog output 1 (10 bit) analog: 0 – 10 V, 10 – 0 V, 0 – 20 mA, 20 – 0 mA,
Digital output 1 4 – 20 mA, 20 – 4 mA
digital: 0 / 24 V maximum output current: 20 mA
9 0 V 0 V: Reference potential Adhere to the "Note for connecting the STO
function" (→ 2 46).
10 AI 2 / DO 5 Analog input 2 (12 bit) analog: 0 – 10 V, 10 – 0 V, PTC-th, 0 – 20 mA,
Digital input 5 / thermistor 4 – 20 mA, 20 – 4 mA, KTY84, PT1000
contact digital: "Logic 1" input voltage range:
DC 8 – 30 V
11 AO 2 / DO 2 Analog output 2 (10 bit) analog: 0 – 10 V, 10 – 0 V, 0 – 20 mA, 20 – 0 mA,
Binary output 2 4 – 20 mA, 20 – 4 mA
digital: 0 / 24 V maximum output current: 20 mA
12 STO+ Output stage enable DC +24 V input, max. 100 mA current consumption
STO safety contact, high = DC 18 – 30 V
Adhere to the "Note for connecting the STO
function" (→ 2 46).
22872051/EN – 09/2016

13 STO- GND reference potential for DC +24 V input

STO safety contact
Adhere to the "Note for connecting the STO
function" (→ 2 46).
1) With inverter operation with fieldbus option, terminal 1 can be used to supply the backup voltage.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 45

4 Installation
Electrical installation

All digital inputs are enabled with an input voltage in the range of 8 – 30  V. This
means they are +24 V compatible.
The response time of the digital and analog inputs is less than 4 ms. The resolution of
the analog inputs is 12 Bit at an accuracy of ±2% in reference to the set maximum

Note for connecting the STO function

If terminal 12 is permanently supplied with 24 V, and terminal 13 is permanently con-
nected to GND, then the "STO" function is permanently disabled.

DI 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


– + [2]


[1] External DC 24 V supply

[2] Optional safety relay

22872051/EN – 09/2016

46 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electrical installation 4
Relay terminals

14 15 16 17 18

Possible damage to property
Do not connect any inductive loads to the relay contact.

Ter- Signal Relay function selec- Description

minal tion
14 Relay output 1 reference P2-15 Relay contact (AC 250 V / DC 30 V,
max. 5 A)
15 Relay output 1 NO contact
16 Relay output 1 NC contact
17 Relay output 2 reference P2-18
18 Relay output 2 NO contact

4.4.19 Communication socket RJ45

Socket at device

1 8


[1] SBus-/CAN bus-

[2] SBus+/CAN bus+
[3] 0 V
[4] RS485- (engineering)
[5] RS485+ (engineering)
[6] +24 V (output voltage/backup voltage)
[7] RS485- (Modbus RTU)
[8] RS485+ (Modbus RTU)
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 47

4 Installation
Electrical installation

4.4.20 24 V backup mode

The inverter allows for realizing a backup mode via external 24  V. This means the
control electronics and the option cards such as the fieldbus cards are fully functional
even when the power supply is switched off.

Firmware version 1.20 (can be seen in P0-28).

Range of functions
• Parameter access (reading only, no writing)
• Fieldbus communication

Setting up 24 V backup mode

All inverters that are connected to each other in a communication network and use the
24 V backup mode have to be supplied simultaneously with external 24 V. Make sure
that individual devices that are connected in the network are not separated from 24 V.


Errors in the fieldbus network may occur if the inverters are not supplied by the power
supply and individual devices that are in the RJ45 network or the optional fieldbus
network are separated from the 24 V supply. Make sure that all connected inverters
are always supplied with external 24 V at the same time.

Example of a wiring diagram


24 V


Supply Supply Supply

AO 1 / DC

AO 2 / DC

AO 1 / DC

AO 2 / DC

AO 1 / DC

AO 2 / DC
AI 1 / DI 4

AI 2 / DI 5

AI 1 / DI 4

AI 2 / DI 5

AI 1 / DI 4

AI 2 / DI 5
+24 VIO

+24 VIO

+24 VIO
+10 V

+10 V

+10 V




DI 1
DI 2
DI 3

DI 1
DI 2
DI 3

DI 1
DI 2
DI 3






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13

Relay Relay Relay

14 151617 18 14 151617 18 14 151617 18
RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

Option Option Option

22872051/EN – 09/2016

via RJ45 or
fieldbus card

48 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Wiring diagram 4
4.4.21 DC link connection
The DC link is routed on terminals for all power ratings. It is thus possible to couple all
devices with a DC link connection or to directly supply them with DC voltage.
Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE in such a case.

4.5 Wiring diagram

Danger of electric shock. Incorrect wiring can lead to dangerously high voltages.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Adhere to the following.

In the following applications, always cut-off the brake in the AC and DC circuits:
• All lifting applications.
• Applications that require a quick brake reaction time.
Please note the following:
• The following inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X already have
openings for supply system, motor and control cables.
– 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
– 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
– 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
The following inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K are equipped
with a metal entry board. The user has the possibility to drill the cable entries ac-
cording to his requirements.
– 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
– 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
– 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
• Connect the brake rectifier using a separate supply system lead.
• Supply via the motor voltage is not permitted.

In case of a new device, the terminal slots DC-, + (DC+) and BR have a cover in-
stalled that can be broken out if required.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 49

4 Installation
Wiring diagram

L3 not single-phase 230 V


K10 [1]

L1 L2 L3

Option ND.. input choke

L1 ' L 2' L3 '

DC bus “–” access

L1 L2 L3

Power section

U V W BR +

B W .. / BW..-T
braking resistor
DC bus “+” access

[2] BW


[1] Line contactor between supply system and inverter.

[2] Brake
22872051/EN – 09/2016

50 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Wiring diagram 4
4.5.1 Brake control


F14/F15 F14/F15 F14/F15

K11 K11 V+ K11
(A C-3) (A C-3) (A C-3)

V+ [3] V+
17 17
[3] [3]
18 18
K12 K12
(A C-3) (AC-3)
[2] [2]

white white
1 1
BG 2 red 1 BG 2 red
3 BM K 2 3
4 bue 4 blue
5 BM V 4 red 5
13 white
Cut-off in the DC blue Cut-off in the AC circuit
and AC circuits


[1] Power supply of the brake rectifier, switched simultaneously via K10.
[2] Control contactor/control relay, is powered by the internal relay contact [3] of
the inverter and supplies the brake rectifier.
[3] Isolated relay contact of the inverter.
V+ External voltage supply AC 250 V / DC 30 V at max. 5 A
VDC (BMV) DC voltage supply BMV.
VAC (BMK) AC voltage supply BMK.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 51

5 Startup
User interface

5 Startup
5.1 User interface
5.1.1 Keypads
The inverters in IP20 design are equipped with a standard keypad.
The inverters in IP55/IP66 design are equipped with a full text display with language
switching function.
Both keypads allow for operation and setup of the inverter without additional devices.

Standard keypad


[2] [5]

[3] [6]


[1] 6-digit 7-segment display [4] Navigate button

[2] Start button [5] Up button
[3] Stop/Reset button [6] Down button

Keypad with full text display



[2] [5]
[3] [6]


[1] Full text display (multilingual) [4] Navigate button

[2] Start button [5] Up button
[3] Stop/Reset button [6] Down button
22872051/EN – 09/2016

52 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

User interface 5
Both keypads have 5 keys with the following functions:

Key Start [2] • Enable drive

• Changing the direction of rotation

Key Stop [3] • Stop drive

• Acknowledge error

Key Navigate [4] • Switch menu

• Save parameter values
• Display real time information

Key Up [5] • Increase speed

• Increase parameter values

Key Down [6] • Decrease speed

• Decrease parameter values
The parameter edit menu can only be accessed by pressing the <Navigate> key [4].
• To switch between the menu for changing parameters and real-time display (oper-
ating speed/operating current): keep the key pressed for longer than 1 second.
• Switch between operating speed and operating current of the running inverter:
press the key briefly (< 1 second).
The operating speed is only displayed if a nominal motor speed has been entered in
P1-10. Otherwise, the electrical rotating field speed is displayed.

Switching the language at the keypad with full text display

To switch the language in the full text display, press the <Start> key and the <Up-
wards arrow> key simultaneously. The inverter must not be enabled during this opera-
The list of available languages is now displayed.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 53

5 Startup
User interface

5.1.2 Resetting parameters to default settings

To reset the parameters to the factory setting, proceed as follows:
1. The inverter must not be enabled and the display must show "Inhibit".

2. Press the 3 keys , , and simultaneously for at least 2 s.

"P-deF" appears on the display.

3. Press the key to acknowledge the "P-deF" message.

If the inverter is set to the factory settings, the <Start> and <Stop> keys of the keypad
are disabled. To enable using the <Start>/<Stop> keys on the keypad, set the para-
meter P-12 to "1" or "2".

5.1.3 Key combinations

Function The device Press: Result Example
Quick parameter Px-xx <Navigate> + <Up> keys The next higher para- "P1-10" is displayed:
group selection1) meter group is selected. • Press the <Navigate> + <Up> keys.
+ • Now, "P2-01" is displayed.
Px-xx <Navigate> + <Down> keys The next lower para- "P2-26" is displayed:
meter group is selected. • Press the <Navigate> + <Down> keys.
+ • "P1-01" is now displayed.
Selection of the Px-xx <Up> + <Down> keys The first parameter of a "P1-10" is displayed:
lowest group group is selected. • Press the <Up> + <Down> keys.
parameter + • "P1-01" is now displayed.
Set the para- Numerical <Up> + <Down> keys The parameter is set to When changing P1-01:
meter to the low- value (when the lowest value. • "50.0" is displayed.
est value changing a + • Press the <Up> + <Down> keys.
value) • "0.0" is now displayed.
Changing indi- Numerical <Stop/reset> + <Navigate> The individual para- When changing P1-10:
vidual digits of a value (when keys meter digits can be • "0" is displayed.
parameter value changing a modified.
• Press the <Stop/reset> + <Navigate> keys.
parameter +
value) • "_0" is now displayed.
• Press the <Up> key.
• "10" is now displayed.
• Press the <Stop/reset> + <Navigate> keys.
• "_10" is now displayed.
• Press the <Up> key.
• "110" is now displayed.
Switching lan- Select lan- <Start> and <Up> The desired language • English
guages guage can be selected now.
• German
• French
• Spanish
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• .....
1) Parameter group access must be activated: Set P1-14 to "101" or "201".

54 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

User interface 5
5.1.4 Software LT Shell
The LT Shell software enables an easy and quick startup of the inverters. It is avail-
able for download on the SEW‑EURODRIVE website. After the installation, perform
software updates on a regular basis.
In combination with the engineering package (cable set C) and the USB11A interface
adapter, the inverter can be connected to the software.
Maximum 63 inverters can be connected to an LT Shell in a network.
The software can be used to carry out the following tasks:
• Observe, upload and download parameters.
• Save parameter settings.
• Firmware update (manual and automatic).
• Export inverter parameters to Microsoft® Word.
• Monitor the state of the inputs and outputs and the motor.
• Control inverter/manual mode.
• Scope.

Connection to LT Shell
The connection is performed via an RS485 interface (USB11A + PC engineering
package) or via Bluetooth® (parameter module).
L1/L L2/N L3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18

+ BR U V W



[5] [7]


[2] RJ45 to RJ45 cable [7] Cable USB A-B

[5] RJ10 to RJ10 cable [8] RJ adapter (2 x RJ45, 1 x RJ10)
[6] USB11A
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 55

5 Startup
User interface

L1/L L2/N L3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18

+ BR U V W



[1] Parameter module

22872051/EN – 09/2016

56 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

User interface 5
5.1.5 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software
The software can be connected to the inverter as follows:
• Via an SBus-connection between PC and inverter. A CAN dongle is required. A
prefabricated cable is not available and must be manufactured according to the
RJ45 assignment and the inverter interface.
• Via a connection of the PC with a gateway or a MOVI‑PLC®. The connection
between PC and gateway/MOVI‑PLC® is possible via USB11A, USB or Ethernet.
The following functions are available in MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio:
• Observe, upload and download parameter
• Save parameter settings
• Monitor the state of the inputs/outputs and the motor.

Connection to MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio

The connection can be set up indirectly via SEW‑EURODRIVE gateway or
SEW‑EURODRIVE controller.
L1/L L2/N L3




0 1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

[2] 14 15 16 17 18

[1] [3] + BR U V W

SEW [6]




[1] Cable USB A-B [4] RJ45 cable with open end
[2] USB11A [5] Terminating connector (120 Ω)
[3] RJ10 to RJ10 cable [6] Cable splitter
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 57

5 Startup
User interface

L1/L L2/N L3





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

20 ON

[2] 21
23 14 15 16 17 18

[1] [3] 24
+ BR U V W

SEW [6]




[1] Cable USB A-B [5] Terminating connector (120 Ω)

[2] USB11A [6] Cable splitter
[3] RJ10 to RJ10 cable [7] Cable USB A-B
[4] RJ45 cable with open end [8] RJ45 Ethernet cable

22872051/EN – 09/2016

58 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Auto tune 5
Auto tune

5.2 Automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune"

With the automatic measuring procedure, the inverter can measure almost any motor
to determine the motor data.
• After a reset to the factory settings, the measuring procedure starts automatically
after the first enable and takes up to 2 minutes depending on the control type. Do
not interrupt the measuring procedure.
• You can also start the automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune" manually with
the parameter P4-02 after entering the motor data. Only enable the inverter after
you have entered all motor data correctly in the parameters.
• For STO, the terminals 12 and 13 have to be supplied with voltage. Enable is not
required. "Stop" has to be displayed.

Perform an automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune" after the initial startup or after
changing the control mode in P4-01 when the motor is cold. You can also start auto-
tuning manually via the parameter P4-02 at any time.

5.3 Startup for motors

When parameter P4-02 is set to "1" (auto tune) the motor may start up automatic-
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Make sure that no persons are within the reach of moving parts of the system.

The ramp times in parameters P1-03 and P1-04 refer to 50 Hz. If P1-16 is set to "In-
Syn", overload capacity is set to "150%" depending on P1-08.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 59

5 Startup
Startup for motors

5.3.1 Startup for asynchronous motors with V/f control

1. Connect the motor to the inverter. During the connection, adhere to the nominal
motor voltage.
2. Enter the motor data indicated on the motor nameplate:
• P1-07 = nominal voltage of the motor
• P1-08 = rated current of the motor
• P1-09 = rated frequency of the motor
• P1-10 = rated speed of the motor
- Value = 0: Slip compensation deactivated
- Value ≠ 0: Slip compensation activated
3. Set the maximum and minimum speed using P1-01 and P1-02.
4. Set the acceleration and deceleration ramps using P1-03 and P1-04.
5. Start the automatic motor measurement procedure "Auto Tune" as described in
chapter "Auto Tune" (→ 2 59).

5.3.2 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC speed control

1. Connect the motor to the inverter. During the connection, adhere to the nominal
motor voltage.
2. Enter the motor data indicated on the motor nameplate:
• P1-07 = nominal voltage of the motor
• P1-08 = rated current of the motor
• P1-09 = rated frequency of the motor
• P1-10 = rated speed of the motor
• P1-14 = 201 (Extended parameter menu)
• P4-01 = 0 (VFC speed control)
• P4-05 = power factor.
3. Set the maximum and minimum speed using P1-01 and P1-02.
4. Set the acceleration and deceleration ramps using P1-03 and P1-04.
5. Start the automatic motor measurement procedure "Auto Tune" as described in
chapter "Auto Tune" (→ 2 59).
6. In case of insufficient control performance, the control behavior can be optimized
via the parameter P7-10.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

60 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Startup for motors 5
5.3.3 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC torque control
1. Connect the motor to the inverter. During the connection, adhere to the nominal
motor voltage.
2. Enter the motor data indicated on the motor nameplate:
• P1-07 = nominal voltage of the motor
• P1-08 = rated current of the motor
• P1-09 = rated frequency of the motor
• P1-10 = rated speed of the motor
• P1-14 = 201 (Extended parameter menu)
• P4-01 = 1 (VFC torque control)
• P4-05 = power factor.
3. Set the maximum and minimum speed using P1-01 and P1-02.
4. Set the acceleration and deceleration ramps using P1-03 and P1-04.
5. Start the automatic motor measurement procedure "Auto Tune" as described in
chapter "Auto Tune" (→ 2 59).
6. In case of insufficient control performance, the control behavior can be optimized
via the parameter P7-10.
Example: The following example shows analog input 2 as torque reference source,
analog input 1 sets the speed:

• P1-15 = 3 (input terminal assignment)

• P4-06 = 2 (Torque reference via analog input 2)
• P6-17 = 0 (Switching off the torque timeout threshold)
= >0 (Adjusting the timeout time for the maximum torque limit)
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 61

5 Startup
Startup for motors

5.3.4 Startup of synchronous motors without encoder feedback (PMVC control)

The synchronous motors are permanent magnet motors.

The operation of synchronous motors without encoder must be checked in a test ap-
plication. Stable operation in this operating mode cannot be ensured for all applica-
tion cases. Using this operating mode is thus in the sole responsibility of the user.

1. Connect the motor to the inverter. During the connection, adhere to the nominal
motor voltage.
2. Enter the motor data indicated on the motor nameplate:
• P1-07 = For synchronous motors, not the system voltage is set, but the internal
voltage for nominal motor speed.
• P1-08 = rated current of the motor
• P1-09 = rated frequency of the motor
• P1-10 = rated speed of the motor
• P1-14 = 201 (Extended parameter menu)
• P4-01 = 3 (PMVC speed control)
• P2-24 = PWM frequency (at least 8−16 kHz).
3. Set the maximum and minimum speed using P1-01 and P1-02.
4. Set the acceleration and deceleration ramps using P1-03 and P1-04.
5. Start the automatic motor measurement procedure "Auto Tune" as described in
chapter "Auto Tune" (→ 2 59).
6. In case of insufficient control performance, the control behavior can be optimized
via the parameter P7-10.
In case of unexpected motor control problems, check or set the following:
• To achieve a higher torque in the lower speed range, the parameters P7-14 and
P7-15 must be increased. Note that the motor may heat up significantly due to the
increased current flow.
• Sometimes it may be required to align the rotor of motors with higher inertia before
the start. The premagnetization time P7-12 as well as the field strength during the
premagnetization time can be slightly adjusted up or down in P7-14.
In rare cases, it can be helpful to compare the parameters determined in the automatic
motor measurement procedure to the parameters of the motor data. Correct them if
necessary. Note that the values may deviate in case of long motor cables.
No repeated measuring procedure is required:
• P7-01 = stator resistance of the motor (Rphase-phase or 2 × R1 (20 °C))
• P7-02 = 0 (Rotor resistance of the motor)
• P7-03 = Stator inductance (Lsd)
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• P7-06 = Stator inductance (Lsq).

62 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Startup for motors 5
5.3.5 Startup with LSPM motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE
DR..J type motors are motors with LSPM technology (Line Start Permanent Magnet
1. Connect the motor to the inverter. During the connection, adhere to the nominal
motor voltage.
2. Enter the motor data indicated on the motor nameplate:
• P1-07 = internal voltage at nominal motor speed
• P1-08 = rated current of the motor
• P1-09 = rated frequency of the motor
• P1-10 = rated speed of the motor
• P1-14 = 201 (Extended parameter menu)
• P4-01 = 6 (LSPM speed control).
3. Set the maximum speed P1-01 and minimum speed P1-02 to 300 1/min.
4. Set the acceleration and deceleration ramps using P1-03 and P1-04.
5. Start the automatic motor measurement procedure "Auto Tune" as described in
chapter "Auto Tune" (→ 2 59).
6. Adjust the boost parameters. A default setting is:
• P7-14 = 10%
• P7-15 = 10%.
7. In case of insufficient control performance, the control behavior can be optimized
via the parameter P7-10.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 63

5 Startup
Startup for motors

5.3.6 Startup with preset motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE

Startup can be performed if one of the following CMP.. motors (speed class 4500 1/
min) or MGF..-DSM motors (speed class 2000 1/min) are connected to the inverter:

Motor type Display

CMP40M 40M
CMP50S / CMP50M /CMP50L 50S / 50M / 50L
CMP63S / CMP63M / CMP63L 63S / 63M / 63L
CMP71S / CMP71M / CMP71L 71S / 71M / 71L
MGF..2-DSM gf-2
MGF..4-DSM gf-4
MGF..4/XT-DSM gf-4Ht
• Set P1-14 to "1" for access to LTX-specific parameters.
• Set P1-16 to the preset motor; see chapter "LTX-specific parameters (level 1)" in
the "MOVITRAC® LTX" addendum to the operating instructions.

CMP.. size 50S 40M, 50S, 50M, 50L, 63S, 63M, 63L, 71S, 71M, 71L
Motor system voltage 4 • 2 = 230 V
• 4 = 400 V
Brakemotors b b = flashes for brakemotors
All the required parameters (voltage, current, etc.) are set automatically.

"Auto Tune" is not necessary for preset motors.
If a CMP.. motor with electronic nameplate is connected to the inverter, P1-16 is se-
lected automatically.
If a MGF..-DSM is selected, the upper torque limit in P4-07 is automatically set to
200%. This value has to be adapted according to the documentation "Addendum to
the Operating Instructions, Drive Unit MGF..-DSM on LTP-B Inverter".
All necessary motor data are set automatically. For motor protection, the KTY tem-
perature sensor has to be connected to terminal 5 (+10 V) and terminal 10 (analog in-
put 2) and activated via parameter P2-33. Refer to the chapter "Motor temperature
protection TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000" (→ 2 32).
• Refer to chapter "Parameter group 1: Servo-specific parameters (level
1)" (→ 2 130) for a detailed list.
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64 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Startup of control 5
5.4 Startup of control

Installing sensors or switches at the terminals may cause an enable signal. The mo-
tor may start up automatically.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Make sure that no persons are within the reach of moving parts of the system.
• Install the switches in open state.
• If you install a potentiometer, set it to 0 first.

5.4.1 Terminal mode (factory setting) P1-12 = 0

For operation in terminal mode (factory setting):
• P1-12 must be set to "0" (factory setting).
• Change the input terminal configuration according to your demands in P1-15.
Refer to chapter P1-15 Digital inputs function selection for the possible settings.
• Connect a switch between terminals 1 and 2 on the user terminal block.
• Connect a potentiometer (1 k – 10 k) between terminals 5, 6 and 7. The center tap
is connected to terminal 6.
• Connect the terminals 12 and 13 of the STO input according to chapter
"Disconnection of a single drive" (→ 2 203).
• Enable the inverter by establishing a connection between terminals 1 and 2.
• Set the speed using the potentiometer.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 65

5 Startup
Startup of control

5.4.2 Keypad mode (P1-12 = 1 or 2)

For operation in keypad mode:
• Set P1-12 to "1" (uni-directional) or "2" (bi-directional).
• Connect a jumper or switch between terminals 1 and 2 on the terminal block to en-
able the inverter.
• Connect the terminals 12 and 13 of the STO input according to chapter
"Disconnection of a single drive" (→ 2 203).
• Press the <Start> key. The inverter is enabled with 0.0 Hz.
• To increase the speed, press the <Up> key. To decrease the speed, press the
<Down> key.
• To stop the inverter, press the <Stop/reset> key.
• To resume to the original speed, press the "Start" key again. If bi-directional mode
is enabled (P1-12 = 2), the direction is reversed by pressing the <Start> key again.

You can preset the required target speed by pressing the <Stop/reset> key at stand-
still. Pressing the <Start> key then moves the drive along the preset ramp until it has
reached the required speed.

5.4.3 PID controller mode (P1-12 = 3)

The implemented PID controller can be used for temperature control, pressure control
or other applications.
The following figure shows the configuration options for the PID controller.
PID controller activation
with P1-12 = 3


reference selection operating mode error threshold
PID controller upper limit P3-11
P3-05 P3-04
Fixed setpoint reference Fixed setpoint of P3-07: (P3-09=0)
0 Analog input 1: (P3-09=1)
PID correcting variable + analog input 1: (P3-09=3)

Analog input 1
1 0 0%
PID- P gain time P3-01 PID Speed controller
ref. + I time constant P3-02 setpoint setpoint
P0-08 - 1 >0%
Analog input 2 D time constant P3-03 P0-10 P0-04
2 -1
Acceleration ramp
PID controller lower limit P1-03
Fieldbus PID reference
3 Fixed setpoint of P3-08: Deceleration ramp
PID (P3-09=0) P1-04
feedback Analog input 1: (P3-09=2)
Analog input 2 P0-09
Analog input 1 x
1 rXXX

Selection PID Scaling factor

feedback P3-10 P3-12

Standby function Legend

Display values
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Activation delay
P2-27 <>0

Minimum speed/
frequency Parameters
P1-02 S
Standby mode active
PID wake-up level R Parameter selection
P3-13 >
control deviation


66 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Startup of control 5
General informa- Connect the sensor for the controlled variable to analog input 1 or 2 depending on
tion on the use P3-10. You can scale the sensor value using parameter P3-12 in such a way that the
value is indicated on the inverter display with the proper quantity, for example 0  –
 10 bar.
You can set the target reference for the PID controller using P3-05.
The setting of the speed ramp times has no effect when the PID controller is active.
Acceleration and deceleration ramps can be activated depending on the control devi-
ation (target value – actual value) using P3-11.
Fixed setpoint The fixed setpoint reference entered in P3-06 is used with the setting P3-05 = 0.
reference When the parameters P9-34 and P9-35 have another value than "OFF", 3 additional
fixed setpoint references P3-14 to P3-16 are activated and are selected according to
the table below:

Terminal selection via Terminal selection via Fixed setpoint reference

P9-34 P9-35
0 (LOW) 0 (LOW) P3-06
1 (HIGH) 0 (LOW) P3-14
0 (LOW) 1 (HIGH) P3-15
1 (HIGH) 1 (HIGH) P3-16
Fieldbus PID ref- The following parameters must be set in the inverter:
P1-12 = 5 (e.g. control signal source SBus)
P1-14 = 201 (extended parameter menu)
P1-15 = 0 (free function selection of the digital inputs)
P3-05 = 3 (PID reference via the fieldbus)
P5-09 – 11 = 4 (selection of the process output data word for the PID reference)
P9-01 = Selection of the digital input for enabling the inverter
P9-10 = PID (speed source of the inverter)
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 67

5 Startup
Startup of control

5.4.4 Master-slave mode (P1-12 = 4)

Master Slave 1 Slave 2
L1/L L2/N L3 L1/L L2/N L3 L1/L L2/N L3





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18

+ BR U V W + BR U V W + BR U V W

[2] [2]

[1] [1]

max 63x

[1] RJ45 to RJ45 cable

[2] Cable splitter

The inverter has an integrated master-slave function.

The master-slave communication is obtained via a special protocol. In this case, the
inverter communicates via the RS485 engineering interface. Up to 63 inverters can be
connected with one another in a communication network using RJ45 connectors.
One inverter is configured as master, the remaining inverters as slaves. Each network
may have only one master inverter. This master inverter sends its operating state
(such as stopped, running) and output frequency every 30  ms. The slave inverters
then follow the state of the master frequency inverter.

Configuring the master inverter

The master inverter of each network must have the communication address "1". Set:
• P1-12 ≠ 4 (control signal source)
• P1-14 = 201 (extended parameter menu)
• P5-01 = 1 (inverter address communication) 22872051/EN – 09/2016

68 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Startup of control 5
Configuring the slave inverters
• Each connected slave must have a unique slave communication address that is
set with the inverter address P5-01. You can assign slave addresses from 2 to 63.
• P1-12 = 4 (control signal source)
• P1-14 = 201 (extended parameter menu)
• P5-01 = 2 - 63 (inverter address communication)
• the type of speed scaling in P2-28
• the scaling factor in P2-29.
• Make sure that the ramps at the slave inverter are set equal to or smaller than the
value at the master.

Cable set B can be used for setting up the master-slave network. It is not necessary
to use a terminating resistor. For information on the cable sets refer to the catalog.

5.4.5 Fieldbus mode (P1-12 = 5, 6 or 7)

See chapter "Fieldbus mode" (→ 2 92).

5.4.6 MultiMotion mode (P1-12 = 8)

See "Addendum to the MOVITRAC® LTX operating instructions".
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 69

5 Startup
Hoist function

5.5 Hoist function

The inverter is equipped with a hoist function. When the hoist function is active, all rel-
evant parameters and functions are activated and locked, if necessary. For proper
functioning, a correct motor startup has to be performed as described in chapter
"Startup for hoist function" (→ 2 71).
Also observe the following points in particular:
• The motor brake control has to performed by the inverter. Connect a brake rectifier
between inverter relay 2 (terminal 17 and 18) and brake, see chapter "Electrical
installation" (→ 2 23).
• Use a sufficiently dimensioned braking resistor.
• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends not to run the motor in very low speed ranges or
to keep the load at zero speed without application of the brake.
• If you need sufficient torque, operate the motor within its nominal range.
To ensure safe operation when the hoist function is active, the following parameters
are preset or ignored by the firmware in case of changes:
• P1-06: Energy-saving function is deactivated.
• P2-09/P2-10: Skip frequencies are ignored.
• P2-26: The flying start function is deactivated.
• P2-27: The standby mode is deactivated.
• P2-36: The start mode is edge-triggered (Edgr-r).
• P2-38: Voltage failure results in coast to a stop.
• P4-06/P4-07: Maximum torque limits are set to the maximum values.
• P4-08: Minimum torque limits are set to "0".
• P4-09: The upper limit for the regenerative torque is set to the maximum permitted
The following hoist parameters are already preset for motors of the same performance
class. However, they can be changed at any time to optimize the system:
• P2-07: Fixed setpoint speed 7 is the brake release speed (≥ slip speed of the mo-
• P2-08: Fixed setpoint speed 8 is the brake application speed (≥ slip speed of the
• P2-23: Zero speed holding time.
• P4-13: Release time of the motor brake.
• P4-14: Application time of the motor brake.
• P4-15: Torque threshold for the brake release.
• P4-16: Torque threshold timeout.
The following parameters are locked:
• P2-18: Relay contact 2 for controlling the brake rectifier.
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70 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Hoist function 5
5.5.1 General information
• Clockwise rotating field of the motor corresponds to upward direction.
• Counterclockwise rotating field of the motor corresponds to downward direction.
• Stop the motor to reverse the direction of rotation. To do so, activate the brake.
Set the controller inhibit before you reverse the direction of rotation.

5.5.2 Startup for hoist function

Refer to the following section for recommendations for the startup.
Motor data:
• P1-03/04: Ramp time as short as possible
• P1-07: Nominal motor voltage
• P1-08: Nominal motor current
• P1-09: Rated motor frequency
• P1-10: Nominal motor speed
Parameter activation:
• P1-14 = 201 (extended parameter menu)
Motor control:
• P4-01 = 0 (VFC speed control)
• P4-05 = Cos φ
In VFC operation, the automatic measuring procedure has to be performed. To
do so, the motor has to be as cold as possible.
Hoist parameter:
P4-12 = 1 (hoist function activated)
Thermal braking resistor protection:
If no sensor is used for protecting the braking resistor, the following parameters can
be used optionally for protection against overtemperature of the braking resistor. How-
ever, only a sensor provides adequate protection.
• P6-19: Braking resistance value
• P6-20: Braking resistance power

When hoist mode is activated, the inverter has to be started with the enable. If the
enable is set at the same time or prior to STO, the inverter stays in "STOP" mode.

To ensure fault-free operation, a braking resistor has to be installed.

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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 71

5 Startup
Hoist function

5.5.3 Hoisting mode

The following diagram shows hoisting mode.

Setpoint speed

Brake release
speed P2-07

Brake application
speed P2-08

Enable (DI01)

Mechanical brake

Contact relay 2


t1 t2 t 3 t4 t5 t6 t7

t1 Inverter enable
t1 - t2 The motor runs up to brake release speed
(fixed setpoint speed 7).
t2 Brake release speed is reached.
t2 - t3 Torque threshold P4-15 verified. The inverter indicates a fault if the torque
threshold exceeds the timeout set in P4-16.
t3 Relay opens.
t3 - t4 Brake opens within brake release time P4-13.
t4 Brake is released. The drive runs up to the setpoint speed.
t4 - t5 Normal operation
t5 Inverter lock
t5 - t6 Drive slows down to brake application speed
(fixed setpoint speed 8).
t6 Relay closes.
t6 - t7 Brake applied within brake application time P4-14.
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t7 Brake is closed and drive stopped.

72 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Hoist function 5
5.5.4 Troubleshooting and optimizing the hoist function
SP-Err / ENC02:
Increase the speed error window in P6-07 if this error message appears.
In case of problems such as sagging of the hoist, check the following parameters and/
or adapt:

P1-03/04 = Reduce ramp times, pass through slow speed ranges as quickly as
P7-10 = Adjustment of the stiffness, higher values increase the stiffness of
the application.
P4-15 = Increase torque threshold to brake release.
P7-14/15 = In case of sagging of the hoist, it is recommended to increase the
boost parameters.
P7-07 = Set this parameter to 1.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 73

5 Startup
Fire mode/emergency mode

5.6 Fire mode/emergency mode

Set the fire mode/emergency mode as follows:
• Perform a motor startup.
• Set parameter P1-14 to "201" to access further parameters.
• Set parameter P1-15 to "0" to configure the digital inputs.
• Configure the inputs depending on the requirements in parameter group P9-xx.
For control via terminals, set parameter P9-09 to "9 = terminal control".
• Set parameter P9-33 Fire mode/emergency mode input selection to the required
• Set parameter P6-13 to "0" or "1" depending on the wiring.
• Set parameter P6-14 to the speed that is to be used in fire mode/emergency
mode. You can specify a positive or a negative speed setpoint.
For evaluating the fire mode/emergency modem, the following two indices can be
read-out via index communication:
• SBus index 11358 is the fire mode/emergency mode start time: Time stamp re-
lated to (P0-65) at the time of activation of the fire mode/emergency mode.
• SBus index 11359 is the fire mode/emergency mode runtime in minutes. It spe-
cifies how long the fire mode/emergency mode was active.

Activating the fire mode/emergency mode has the inverter drive the motor with the
preset values. In this mode, the inverter ignores all faults, shutdowns, setpoints and
enable signals and operates the motor until it is destroyed or even until the loss of
voltage supply. It is also not possible in this mode to perform a reset to the factory

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74 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Operation at 87 Hz characteristic 5
5.7 Operation at 87 Hz characteristic
The V/f ratio remains the same at 87 Hz operation. However, higher power and
speeds are generated which causes a higher current flow.

400 V

230 V

50 Hz 87 Hz f

Do the following to set "87 Hz characteristic" operation:

• Set parameter P1-07 to star voltage (data on the motor nameplate).
• Set parameter P1-08 to delta current (data on the motor nameplate).
• Set parameter P1-09 to "87 Hz".
• Set parameter P1-10 to "(synchronous speed at nominal frequency) × (87  Hz /
50 Hz) - (slip speed at nominal frequency)".
Example for calculating P1-10:
DRN80M4: 0.75 kW, 50 Hz
Nominal speed 1440 1/min
P1-10 = 1500 1/min × (87 Hz / 50 Hz) - (1500 1/min - 1440 1/min) = 2550 1/min

Set P1-01 maximum speed according to your requirements. In 87 Hz operation, the
inverter has to provide a current that is √3-times higher. For this purpose, select an
inverter with a √3-times higher power rating.

5.8 Motor potentiometer function – crane application

The motor potentiometer works like an electromechanical potentiometer that increases
or decreases the internal value depending on the signals at the inputs, and con-
sequently increases or decreases the motor speed.

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In case of deviating terminal assignment, the inputs can also be configured individu-

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 75

5 Startup
Motor potentiometer function – crane application

5.8.1 Motor potentiometer operation

The following figure shows the basic function of the motor potentiometer. The descrip-
tion in chapter "Parameter settings" (→ 2 77) is based on the frequently used crane
function and works according to the terminal assignment in chapter "Terminal
assignment" (→ 2 77).

Maximum speed

Fixed setpoint speed 1

Minimum speed

Enable input source

CW/CCW input source

Motor potentiometer
up input source

Motor potentiometer
down input source

Fixed setpoint speed 1

input source

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13


t1 Inverter enable
t1 - t2 Motor runs up to the set minimum speed (P1-02).
t2 - t3 Motor maintains minimum speed.
t3 Motor potentiometer up (P9-28) is activated.
t3 - t4 As long as the signal is present at P9-28, the motor speed is increased along acceleration ramp
t4 - t5 If no signal is present any longer at P9-28, the actual speed is maintained.
t5 Motor potentiometer up (P9-28) is activated.
t5 - t6 As long as the signal is present at P9-28, the motor speed is increased along the acceleration ramp
(P1-03) until it reaches maximum speed (P1-01).
t6 - t7 The maximum speed is not exceeded and is maintained when the signal is no longer present at
t7 Motor potentiometer down (P9-29) is activated.
t7 - t8 As long as the signal is present at P9-29, the motor speed is decreased along deceleration ramp
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t8 - t9 If no signal is present any longer at P9-28, the actual speed is maintained.

t9 Fixed setpoint speed is activated.
t9 - t11 As long as the signal is present at fixed setpoint speed, the motor speed is decreased along decel-
eration ramp P1-04 until it reaches the fixed setpoint speed. This speed is then maintained.
t11 Motor potentiometer down (P9-29) is activated.
t11 - t12 As long as the signal is present at P9-29, the motor speed is decreased along deceleration ramp
P1-04 but not below the minimum speed P1-02.

76 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Motor potentiometer function – crane application 5
5.8.2 Terminal assignment

1 2 3 4 5 6

[1] [2] [3] [4]


[1] DI1 Reduce enable/speed

[2] DI2 Increase speed
[3] DI3 Fixed setpoint speed 1
[4] DI4 Change of direction (clockwise rotation/counterclockwise rotation)

5.8.3 Parameter settings

Start up the motor as described in chapter "Startup" (→ 2 59).
Make the following settings to being able to use the motor potentiometer:
• P1-12 = 0 (control signal source terminal mode)
• P1-14 = 201 (extended parameter menu)
• P1-15 = 0 (digital input function selection)
• P2-37 = 6 (keypad restart speed).
Input configuration:
• P9-01 = din-1 (input source enable)
• P9-03 = din-1 (input source for clockwise rotation)
• P9-06 = din-4 (direction of rotation reversal)
• P9-09 = on (terminal control enable source)
• P9-10 = d-Pot (speed source 1)
• P9-11 = PrE-1 (speed source 2)
• P9-18 = din-3 (input speed selection 0)
• P9-28 = din-2 (input source motor potentiometer open).
User settings:
• P1-02 = minimum speed
• P1-03 = acceleration ramp time
• P1-04 = deceleration ramp time
• P2-01 = fixed setpoint speed 1.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 77

5 Startup
Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting

5.9 Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting

Analog input format, scaling and offset are connected to each other.
Inverter setting:
P1-01 = 50 Hz

5.9.1 Example 1: Analog input scaling

Control 0 – 40 Hz with analog input 0 – 10 V:
n1 = 0 Hz, n2 = 40 Hz
P2-31 = 80%






0 2 4 6 8 10 V

Analog input

n -n 40 Hz − 0 Hz
P2 - 31 = 2 1 × 100 % = × 100 % = 80 %
P1 - 01 50 Hz

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78 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting 5
5.9.2 Example 2: Analog input offset
Control 15 – 35 Hz with analog input 0 – 10 V:
n1 = nOffset = 15 Hz, n2 = 35 Hz
P2-31 = 40%, P2-32 = -75%


0 2 4 6 8 10 V

Analog input

n -n 35 Hz − 15 Hz
P2 - 31 = 2 1 × 100 % = × 100 % = 40 %
P1 - 01 50 Hz

−nOffset −15 Hz
× 100 % × 100 %
50 Hz
P2 - 32 = P1 - 01 = = −75 %
P2 - 31 0.40
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 79

5 Startup
Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting

5.9.3 Example 3: Analog input scaling and offset

Control 15 - 45 Hz with analog input 3 - 8 V:
P2-31 = 120%, P2-32 = 5%

3 4 5 6 7 8 V
Analog input



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80 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fans and pumps 5
5.10 Fans and pumps
The following functions are available for applications with pumps or fans:
• Voltage increase/boost (P1-11)
• Adjustment of the V/f characteristic curve (P4-10, P4-11)
• Energy-saving function (P1-06)
• Flying start function (P2-26)
• Zero speed holding time (P2-23)
• Standby mode (P2-27)
• PID controller, see "Parameter group 3: PID controller (level 2)" (→ 2 142)
• Fire mode/emergency mode, see "Fire mode/emergency mode" (→ 2 74)
• Deactivating slip compensation via rated motor speed (P1-10)

5.11 Motor potentiometer

The motor potentiometer function lets the inverter respond to key commands.
If the digital inputs are activated that increase or decrease the speed, the speed
changes along the preset ramp P1-03 and P1-04.
If both digital inputs are activated at the same time, the inverter stops along the rapid
stop ramp P2-25. If none of the two inputs are activated, the current speed and direc-
tion of rotation are maintained.
The enable is superordinate to this function and is necessary for the function.
To use the motor potentiometer function, select one of the possible function selections
of the digital inputs with P1-15 = 10 or 20. See also chapter "P1-15 Digital input
function selection" (→ 2 126).
When using this function, the arrow-up and arrow-down keys can be used directly at
the inverter.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 81

5 Startup
3-wire control

5.12 3-wire control

The function is activated via the digital input function selection P1-15 = 21.
The 3-wire control principle determines the control.
The enable and direction of rotation signals of the inverter then react edge controlled.
• Connect start key <CW> with NO contact to digital input DI1.
• Connect start key <CCW> with NO contact to digital input DI3.
• Connect stop key as NC contact to digital input DI2.
If you connect <CW> and <CCW> at the same time, the drive decelerates along the
rapid stop ramp P2-25.

5.12.1 Control signal source 3-wire control

DI 1
+24 V
DI 1
DI 2
DI 3 DI 3
+10 V
AI 1
DI 2 0V

AI 1 11
STO+ 12
STO- 13

fA Hz


DI 1 CW/stop CW Clockwise rotation

DI 3 CCW/stop CCW CCW rotation
DI 2 Enable/stop [1] Ramp up (P1-03)
AI 1 Setpoint input AI [2] Ramp down (P1-04)
fA Output frequency
f0 Start/stop frequency
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82 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Inverter status 6
6 Operation
The following information is displayed to being able to read off the operating state of
the inverter at any time:

Status Abbreviation display

Drive OK Static inverter status
Drive running Operating state of the inverter
Fault / trip Fault

6.1 Inverter status

6.1.1 Static inverter status
The list below shows the abbreviations that are displayed to indicate the inverter
status when the motor is at standstill.

Abbrevi- Description
StoP Power section of inverter disabled. This message is displayed when the inverter is at a standstill
and no error is pending. The inverter is ready for normal operation. The inverter is not enabled.
P-deF Preset parameters are loaded. This message appears when the user issues the command for
loading the parameters set at the factory. You have to press the <Stop/reset> key before the in-
verter can resume operation.
Standby The inverter is in standby mode. When P2-27 > 0 s, this message appears when the inverter has
stopped and the setpoint is also "0".
Inhibit Is displayed when 24 V and GND are not present at the STO contacts. The output stage is inhib-
ETL 24 External voltage supply is connected. The functions are limited, see also chapter "24 V backup
mode" (→ 2 48).
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 83

6 Operation
Inverter status

6.1.2 Operating state of the inverter

The list below shows the abbreviations that are displayed to indicate the inverter
status when the motor is running.
Pressing the "Navigate" key on the keypad lets you toggle between output frequency,
output current, output power and speed.

Abbrevi- Description
H xxx Output frequency of the inverter (in Hz). This message is displayed while the inverter is run-
A xxx Output current of the inverter (in Ampere). This message is displayed while the inverter is run-
P xxx Current output power of the inverter (in kW). This message is displayed while the inverter is
L xxx The parameter is locked for changes. Make sure that:
- The parameter lock P2-39 is not activated.
- The inverter is not enabled.
- The inverter is supplied with line voltage.
Auto-t The motor parameters are measured automatically to configure the motor parameters. Auto
tune runs automatically when receiving the first enable signal after operation with factory-set
parameters. No hardware enable is required for running auto tune.
Ho-run Reference travel started. Wait until the inverter has reached the reference position. After suc-
cessful reference travel, "Stop" appears on the display.
xxxx Output speed of the inverter (in 1/min). This message appears while the inverter is running if
the rated speed of the motor was entered in parameter P1-10.
C xxx Is the scaling factor "Speed" (P2-21 / P2-22).
...... The output current of the inverter exceeds the current value entered in P1-08.
The inverter monitors the extent and the duration of the overload. The inverter indicates fault
"I.t-trP" depending on the extent of the overload.
FirE Fire mode/emergency mode is active.
Select lan- List to select one of the available languages. To select a language, use the <Navigate> key.
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84 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Inverter status 6
6.1.3 Status displays of the parameter module
The parameter module status is displayed on the frequency inverter display.

Display Description
PASS-r The parameter module successful read/saved the frequency inverter parameters.
OS-Loc The parameter module is locked. Attempt to read parameter from frequency inverter with
activated parameter module lock.
FAiL-r The parameter module could not read parameters from the frequency inverter.
PASS-t The parameter module successfully transferred the parameters to the frequency inverter.
Writing of parameters to the frequency inverter.
FAiL-P The power ratings of the parameter stored in the parameter module do not match the power
ratings of the programmed frequency inverter.
FAiL-t The parameter module could not transfer the parameter set to the frequency inverter.
no-dAt No parameter data was saved in the parameter module.
dr-Loc The frequency inverter parameters were locked. No new parameter settings could be trans-
ferred. Unlock the parameter set of the frequency inverter.
dr-rUn Frequency inverter is running and cannot accept any new parameter settings. Stop the fre-
quency inverter before programming.
tyPE-E The parameters for the frequency inverter type saved in the parameter module do not
match the frequency inverter type to be programmed (only writing).
tyPE-F The parameter module does not yet support the programmed frequency inverter type.

6.1.4 Fault reset

You can reset a fault by pressing the <Stop/reset> key or by opening and closing di-
gital input 1. For further information, refer to chapter "Error codes" (→ 2 87).
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 85

6 Operation

6.2 Troubleshooting
Symptom Cause and solution
Overload or overcurrent error of the Check the star/delta terminal connection in the motor. The nominal
unloaded motor during acceleration operating voltage of motor and inverter must match. Delta connec-
tion always yields the lower voltage of a multi-voltage motor.
Overload or overcurrent – motor does Check whether the rotor is blocked. Make sure that the mechanical
not turn brake is released (if installed).
No enable for the inverter – display • Check whether the hardware enable signal is present at digital
shows "StoP" input 1.
• Ensure proper +10 V user output voltage (between terminals 5
and 7).
• If faulty, check the wiring of the user terminal strip.
• Check P1-12 for terminal mode/keypad mode.
• If keypad mode is selected, press the "Start" key.
• The line voltage must correspond with the specified values.
The inverter does not start at ex- The inverter might not start at ambient temperatures below –10 °C
tremely cold ambient conditions Under such conditions, provide a heat source that keeps the ambi-
ent temperature on site above –10 °C.
No access to advanced menus P1-14 must be set to advanced access code. The value is "101"
unless the user has changed the code in P2-40.

6.3 Error history

Parameter P1-13 in parameter mode archives the 4 most recent errors and/or events.
Each error is displayed in abbreviated form. The most recent error is shown first (when
calling P1-13).
This means that any new error is entered at the top of the list followed by the sub-
sequent errors in the order of their appearance. The oldest fault will be deleted from
the error history.
If the latest error in the error history is an undervoltage fault, no further under-
voltage faults will be entered in the error history. The reason is to avoid that the
error history is filled with undervoltage faults, which occur every time the inverter is
switched off.
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86 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Error codes 6
6.4 Error codes
Error message Error code CANopen Explanation Solution
Inverter display P0-13 status word if Emer-
error history Bit5 = 1 gency
Inverter MotionStu dec hex hex
display dio cod-
ing dec
4-20 F 18 113 0x71 0x1012 Signal loss 4 – • Check whether the input current in P2-30 and P2-33 lies
20 mA
within the defined range.
• Check the connection cable.
AtF-01 40 81 0x51 0x1028 The measured The measured stator resistance of the motor is asymmetrical.
stator resistance Check to see, if:
fluctuates between • the motor is connected correctly and without error.
the phases.
• the winding has the correct resistance and symmetry.
AtF-02 41 81 0x51 0x1029 The measured The measured stator resistance of the motor is too high.
stator resistance is Check to see, if:
too high. • the motor is connected correctly and without error.
• the power rating of the motor corresponds with the power
rating of the connected inverter.
AtF-03 42 81 0x51 0x102A Measured motor The measured motor inductance is too low.
inductance is too Make sure that the motor is connected correctly and without
low. error.
AtF-04 43 81 0x51 0x102B Measured motor The measured motor inductance is too high. Check to see, if:
inductance is too • the motor is connected correctly and without error.
• the power rating of the motor corresponds with the power
rating of the connected inverter.
AtF-05 44 81 0x51 0x102C Timeout of induct- The measured motor parameters are not convergent. Check
ance measure- to see, if:
ment • the motor is connected correctly and without error.
• the power rating of the motor corresponds with the power
rating of the connected inverter.
dAtA-E 19 98 0x62 0x1013 Internal memory Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
error (DSP)
dAtA-F 17 98 0x62 0x1011 Internal memory Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
error (IO)
E-triP 11 26 0x1A 0x100B External error at NC contact was opened.
digital input 5. • Check motor thermistor (if connected).
Enc-01 30 14 0x0E 0x101E Communication The encoder feedback is activated in P6-05, and no encoder
error between en- card is plugged in or the encoder card is not recognized.
coder card and in-
ENC02/ 31 14 0x0E 0x101F Speed fault The difference between actual speed and setpoint speed is
SP-Err (P6-07) perceptually larger than the value set in P6-07. This error ap-
plies only to vector control or control with encoder feedback.
Set a higher value in P6-07.
If you wish to deactivate the speed monitoring, set P6-07 to
Enc-03 32 14 0x0E 0x1020 Incorrect PPR Check the parameter settings in P6-06 and P1-10.
count setting.
Enc-04 33 14 0x0E 0x1021 Encoder channel The A track of the encoder feedback is not present. Check
A error the wiring.
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Enc-05 34 14 0x0E 0x1022 Encoder channel The B track of the encoder feedback is not present. Check
B error the wiring.
Enc-06 35 14 0x0E 0x1023 Encoder channel The A and B track of the encoder feedback are not present.
A or B error Check the wiring.
Enc-07 36 14 0x0E 0x1024 RS485 data chan- Communication error between encoder card and encoder.
nel error, Check the encoder card for correct seat and contact.
channel error

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 87

6 Operation
Error codes

Error message Error code CANopen Explanation Solution

Inverter display P0-13 status word if Emer-
error history Bit5 = 1 gency
Inverter MotionStu dec hex hex
display dio cod-
ing dec
Enc-08 37 14 0x0E 0x1025 HIPERFACE® I/O Communication error between encoder card and inverter.
communication Check the encoder card for correct seat and contact.
channel error
Enc-09 38 14 0x0E 0x1026 HIPERFACE® type During the use of Smart Servo Package, a wrong motor/in-
not supported. verter combination was used. Check to see, if:
• The speed class of the CMP.. motor is 4500 1/min.
• The nominal motor voltage equals the nominal inverter
• A HIPERFACE® encoder is used.
Enc-10 39 14 0x0E 0x1027 Trigger: KTY KTY not triggered or not connected.
Er-LED Display error Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
Err-SC The keypad lost Press the STOP key to reset. Check the address of the fre-
the communication quency inverter.
connection to the
Etl-24 External 24 V sup- Line voltage supply not connected. The inverter is externally
ply. supplied with 24 V.
FAULtY The communica- Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
tion between con-
troller and power
section is interrup-
F-Ptc 21 31 0x1F 0x1015 Motor protection The connected motor protection sensor is defined in P2-33
triggered (PTC, TF, TH, KTY or PT1000), and connected to the analog
input 2 (terminal 10).
FAN-F 22 50 0x32 0x1016 Internal fan error. Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
FLt-dc 13 7 0x07 0x320D DC link ripple too Check the current supply.
Ho-trP 27 39 0x27 0x101B Error during refer- • Check reference cams
ence travel.
• Check limit switch connection
• Check reference travel type setting and the parameters re-
quired for it.
Inhibit STO safety circuit Check to see if the terminals 12 and 13 are connected cor-
open. rectly.
Lag-Er 28 42 0x2A 0x101C Lag error Check:
• the encoder connection
• the wiring of encoder, motor and line phases
• if the mechanical components can move freely and are not
• Extend the ramps.
• Set a higher P component.
• Parameterize the speed controller again.
• Extend the lag error tolerance.
• Set PLC Prog Task Priority to 10 ms
• The inverter is operated in Derating and cannot provide the
current for acceleration/constant travel.
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88 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Error codes 6
Error message Error code CANopen Explanation Solution
Inverter display P0-13 status word if Emer-
error history Bit5 = 1 gency
Inverter MotionStu dec hex hex
display dio cod-
ing dec
I.t-trp 04 8 0x08 0x1004 Overload of in- Make sure that:
verter/motor • The motor nameplate parameters are correctly inserted in
(l2t error)
P1-07, P1-08 and P1-09.
• In vector mode (P4-01 = 0 or 1), the motor power factor in
P4-05 is correct.
• Auto Tune has correctly been performed.
Check to see, if:
• The decimals flash (inverter overloaded), increase the ac-
celeration ramp (P1-03) or decrease the motor load.
• The length of the cable meets the requirements.
• The load can move freely and there are no blockages or
other mechanical faults (mechanically check the load).
• The thermal motor protection to UL508C is activated in
O-I 03 1 0x01 0x2303 Short-term over- Fault during stop procedure:
current at the in- Check for premature brake application.
verter output. Fault while enabling the inverter:
High motor over- Check to see, if:
load. • The motor nameplate parameters are correctly inserted in
hO-I 15 1 0x01 0x230F Hardware overcur- P1-07, P1-08 and P1-09.
rent error at the in- • In vector mode (P4-01 = 0 or 1), the motor power factor in
verter output
(IGBT self-protec- P4-05 is correct.
tion in case of • Auto Tune has correctly been performed.
overload). • The load can move freely and there are no blockages or
other mechanical faults (mechanically check the load).
• A short circuit between the phases or a ground fault of a
phase occurred at the motor and motor connection cable.
• The brake is connected correctly, controlled correctly and
correctly releases when the motor has a holding brake.
Reduce the settings of the voltage enhancement in P1-11.
Set a longer run-up time in P1-03.
Disconnect the motor from the inverter. Enable the inverter
again. If this error occurs again, check the entire system and
completely replace the inverter.
Fault during operation:
• For sudden overload or malfunction.
• the cable connection between inverter and motor.
The acceleration/deceleration time is too short and requires
too much power. If you cannot increase P1-03 or P1-04, use
a larger inverter.
O-hEAt 23 124 0x7C 0x4117 Ambient temperat- Check if the ambient conditions are within the range specified
ure too high. for inverters.
O-t 8 11 0x0B Heat sink overtem- The heat sink temperature can be displayed via P0-21. A his-
perature torical protocol is saved in parameter P0-38 in 30 s intervals
prior to a switch off with error. This error message is dis-
played at a heat sink temperature of ≥90 °C.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• The ambient temperature of the inverter.
• The inverter cooling and housing dimensions.
• The function of the internal cooling fan of the inverter.
Reduce the settings of the effective clock frequency in para-
meter P2-24, or the load at motor/inverter.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 89

6 Operation
Error codes

Error message Error code CANopen Explanation Solution

Inverter display P0-13 status word if Emer-
error history Bit5 = 1 gency
Inverter MotionStu dec hex hex
display dio cod-
ing dec
O-torq 24 52 0x34 0x1018 Maximum torque Check the motor load.
limit timeout. Set a higher value in P6-17 if required.
If you wish to deactivate the torque monitoring, set P6-07 to
0.0 s.
O-Volt 06 7 0x07 0x3206 DC link over- The error occurs if a high flywheel load or overhauling load is
voltage connected, and the excess regenerative energy is transferred
back to the inverter.
If an error occurs while stopping or during deceleration, in-
crease the deceleration ramp time P1-04 or connect a suit-
able braking resistor to the inverter.
The proportional gain in P4-03 is reduced in vector mode.
In PID control mode ensure that the ramps are active by re-
ducing P3-11.
Additionally check if the supply voltage is within the specified
Information: The value of the DC bus voltage can be dis-
played on P0-20. A historical protocol is saved in parameter
P0-36 in 256 ms intervals prior to a switch off with error.
OI-b 01 4 0x04 0x2301 Brake channel Make sure that the connected braking resistor does not fall
overcurrent, below the minimum value approved for the inverter (see tech-
Brake resistor nical data). Check the braking resistor and the wiring for pos-
overload sible short circuits.
OL-br 02 4 0x04 0x1002 Braking resistor The software detected an overload at the braking resistor
overload and switches off to protect the resistor. Make sure that the
braking resistor is operated within the planned parameters
before performing any changes to parameters or system. To
reduce the load at the resistor, increase the deceleration
time, reduce the loads mass moment of inertia, or connect
additional braking resistors in parallel. Note the minimum res-
istor values for the used inverter.
OF-01 60 28 0x1C 0x103C Internal connec- Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
tion to option
module error.
OF-02 61 28 0x1C 0x103D Option module Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
Out-F 26 82 0x52 0x101A Inverter output Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
stage error
P-LOSS 14 6 0x06 0x310E Input phase failure An input phase has been separated or interrupted at an in-
verter planned for a 3-phase supply.
P-dEF 10 9 0x09 0x100A Factory settings
are restored.
Ph-Ib Unequal voltage at • Check the device input voltage.
the input phases
• Check the values in P0-22, P0-23, P0-24.
The values may deviate maximum ±10%. Use an input choke
if required.
PS-trP 05 200 0xC8 0x1005 Output stage error See error O-I.
(IGBT self-protec-
tion in case of
SC-0b5 12 29 1D Connection Connection between inverter and keypad.
between inverter
22872051/EN – 09/2016

and keypad inter-

SC-F03 52 41 0x29 0x1034 Fieldbus module Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
error (fieldbus
SC-F04 53 41 0x29 0x1035 Communication Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
error IO option

90 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Error codes 6
Error message Error code CANopen Explanation Solution
Inverter display P0-13 status word if Emer-
error history Bit5 = 1 gency
Inverter MotionStu dec hex hex
display dio cod-
ing dec
SC-F05 54 41 0x29 0x1036 LTX module com- Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
munication error
SC-F01 50 43 0x2B 0x1032 Modbus commu- Check the communication settings.
nication error
SC-F02 51 47 0x2F 0x1033 SBus/CANopen Check:
communication • The communication connection between inverter and ex-
ternal devices.
• The clearly assigned address per inverter in the network.
SC-LoS The communica- Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
tion between con-
troller and power
section is interrup-
SC-OBS The keypad lost Press the <Stop> key to reset. Check the address of the in-
the communication verter.
connection to the
frequency inverter.
Sto-F 29 115 0x73 0x101D STO circuit error Inverter is defective, replace device.
StoP The inverter is not Activate the enable. Make sure that the enable is switched on
enabled. after the STO for the hoist function.
th-Flt 16 31 0x1F 0x1010 Faulty thermistor Contact the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
at heat sink.
type-f Parameter module The used parameter module is not of type LT BP C.
and inverter are
not compatible.
U-dEF User settings The parameter set saved in P6-26 has been restored.
U-torq 25 52 0x34 0x1019 Minimum torque The torque threshold has not been exceeded in time.
limit timeout Increase the time in P4-16 or the torque limit in P4-15.
U-t 09 117 0x75 0x4209 Undertemperature Occurs at an ambient temperature below -10 °C. Increase
the temperature to above -10 °C to start the inverter.
U-Volt 07 198 0xC6 0x3207 DC link under- Occurs routinely when switching off the inverter.
voltage Check line voltage if this occurs while the inverter is running.
USr-cL Parameter backup The parameter set was successfully deleted using P6-26.
successfully de-
USr-PS Parameter backup The parameter set was successful saved using P6-26.
successfully com-
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 91

7 Fieldbus mode
General information

7 Fieldbus mode
7.1 General information
7.1.1 Structure and settings of process data words
Control and status word have a fixed assignment. All the other process data words
can be freely configured as required using parameter group P5-xx.
The structure of process data words is identical for SBus/Modbus RTU/CANopen, as
well as with inserted communication card.

High byte Low byte

Bit 15 – 8 7 – 0

Process output words

Description Bit Settings

PA1 Control 0 Output stage inhibit (the motor 0: Start
word coasts to a stop), for brakemotors
1: Stop
the brake is applied immediately.
1 Rapid stop along the second decel- 0: Rapid stop
eration ramp/rapid stop ramp
1: Start
2 Stop along process ramp P1-03 / 0: Stop
P1-04 or PO3
1: Start
3 – 5 Reserved 0
6 Error reset Edge 0 set to 1 =
error reset
7 – 15 Reserved 0
PO2 Setpoint speed in % (default setting), freely configurable via P5-09
PO3 No function, freely configurable via P5-10
PO4 No function, freely configurable via P5-11

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92 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
General information 7
Process input words

Description Bit Settings Byte

PI1 Status word 0 Output stage enable 0: Disabled Low byte
1: Enabled
1 Frequency inverter ready 0: Not ready
for operation
1: Ready
2 PO data enabled 1 if P1-12 = 5
3 – 4 Reserved
5 Fault/warning 0: No error
1: Fault
6 Positive limit switch active 0: Disabled
(limit switch assignment
1: Enabled
can be set via P1-15 or
7 Negative limit switch act- 0: Disabled
ive (limit switch assign-
1: Enabled
ment can be set via P1-15
or P9-30/P9-31).
Frequency inverter status if bit 5 = 0 High byte
0x01 = STO – Safe torque off active
0x02 = no enable
0x05 = speed control
8 – 15
0x06 = torque control
0x0A = technology function
0x0C = reference travel
Frequency inverter status if bit 5 = 1
PI2 Actual Freely configurable via P5-12
PI3 Actual cur- Freely configurable via P5-13
PI4 No function, freely configurable via P5-14
1) Refer to the addendum to the operating instructions "MOVITRAC® LTX Servo Module for MOVITRAC®
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 93

7 Fieldbus mode
General information

7.1.2 Communication example

The following information is sent to the inverter if
• The digital inputs have been configured and wired properly to enable the inverter.
Description Value Description
PO1 Control word 0x0000 Stop along the second Deceleration ramp (P2-25).
0x0001 Coast to a stop
0x0002 Stop along the process ramp (P1-04) or (PO3).
0x0003 - Reserved
0x0006 Accelerate along a ramp (P1-03) or (PO3) and run at setpoint speed
PO2 Setpoint speed 0x4000 = 16384 = max. speed, e.g. 50 Hz (P1-01) CW
0x2000 = 8192 = 50% of the max. speed, e.g. 25 Hz CW
0xC000 = -16384 = max. speed, e.g. 50 Hz (P1-01) CCW
0x0000 = 0 = min. speed, set in P1-02
0xF100 = 8192 = 50% of the max. speed, e.g. 25 Hz CCW

The process data sent by the inverter should look as follows during operation:
Description Value Description
PI1 Status word 0x0407 Status = running, output stage enabled;
inverter ready, PO data enabled
PI2 Actual speed Should correspond to PO2 (setpoint speed)
PI3 Actual current Depends on speed and load

7.1.3 Parameter settings for the inverter

• Take the inverter into operation as described in chapter "Simple startup" (→ 2 59).
• Set the following parameters depending on the bus system used:
Parameters SBus CANopen Modbus RTU1)
P1-12 (control signal source) 5 6 7
P1-14 (extended parameter menu) 201 201 201
P1-15 (function selection digital inputs) 12) 12) 12)
P5-01 (inverter address) 1 – 63 1 – 63 1 – 63
P5-02 (SBus baud rate) Baud rate Baud rate --
P5-03 (Modbus baud rate) -- -- Baud rate
P5-04 (Modbus data format) -- -- Data format
P5-053) (behavior in the event of communica- 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3
tion failure)
P5-063) (communication failure timeout) 0.0 – 1.0 – 5.0 s Communication monitoring is 0.0 – 1.0 – 5.0 s
covered by the Lifetime or Heart-
beat functions integrated in
P5-073) (ramp specified via fieldbus) 0 = Specified via P1-03/04 0 = specified via P1-03/04 0 = specified via
1 = specified via fieldbus4) 1 = specified via fieldbus4) P1-03/04
1 = specified via
P5-XX (fieldbus parameter) More setting options5) . More setting options5) More setting options5)
1) Modbus RTU is not available when the LTX encoder module is installed.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

2) Default setting; for more setting options, refer to the description of parameter P1-15.
3) These parameters can remain set to their default values for the time being.
4) When specifying the ramp via fieldbus, P5-10 =3 must be set (PO3 = ramp time).
5) You can make more fieldbus settings and define the process data in detail in parameter group P5-xx, see chapter "Parameter group

94 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
General information 7
7.1.4 Connecting the signal terminals at the inverter
For bus mode, you can connect the signal terminals using the default setting of P1-15
as described in chapter "Overview of signal terminals" (→ 2 44). When the DI3 signal
level changes, the system toggles between the speed setpoint source fieldbus (low)
and fixed setpoint 1 (high).

7.1.5 Establishing a CANopen/SBus network

A CAN network as depicted in the figure below should always have a linear bus struc-
ture without stub lines [1] or only with very short ones [2]. The network must have ex-
actly one terminating resistor RT = 120 Ω installed on both ends of the bus. The cable
sets described in the "MOVITRAC® LTP-B" catalog are available for easily establish-
ing such a network.

CAN-High CAN-High


[1] [2]

7338031755 7338031755

Cable length
The permitted total cable length depends on the baud rate set in parameter P5-02:
• 125 kBd: 500 m (1640 ft)
• 250 kBd: 250 m (820 ft)
• 500 kBd: 100 m (328 ft)
• 1000 kBd: 25 m (82 ft)
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 95

7 Fieldbus mode
Connecting a gateway or a controller (SBus MOVILINK)

a gateway
or a

7.2 Connecting a gateway or controller (SBus MOVILINK®)

7.2.1 Specification
The MOVILINK® profile via CAN/SBus is an application profile from
SEW‑EURODRIVE specifically adjusted to SEW inverters. For detailed information,
refer to the "MOVIDRIVE® MDX60B/61B Communication and Fieldbus Device Profile"
For using SBus, configure the inverter as described in chapter "Parameter settings for
the inverter" (→ 2 94). Status and control word are fixed, all other process data words
can be configured as required in parameter group P5-xx.
For detailed information on the structure of process data words, refer to chapter Struc-
ture of process data words of inverters with factory setting. You find a detailed list of
all parameters including the necessary indexes as well as the scaling in chapter
"Parameter register" (→ 2 116).

7.2.2 Electrical installation

Connecting gateway and MOVI‑PLC®.
L1/L L2/N L3 L1/L L2/N L3 L1/L L2/N L3






0 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18

+ BR U V W + BR U V W + BR U V W


C E max. 8 F

[A] Bus connection [D] Splitter
[B] Gateway, e.g. DFx/UOH [E] Connection cable
[C] Connection cable [F] Y connector with terminating resistor

As of firmware version 1.20, a backup mode for maintaining communication in the
event of a power failure is possible, for older versions this is not possible. Please also
observe chapter "24 V backup mode" (→ 2 48).
The terminating connector [F] is equipped with 2 terminating resistors and therefore
establishes the terminating connection to CAN/SBus and Modbus RTU.

Instead of a terminating connector of cable set A, you can use the Y adapter of engin-
eering cable set C. This set also includes a terminating resistor. You find detailed in-
22872051/EN – 09/2016

formation on cable sets in the "MOVITRAC® LTP-B" catalog.

96 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
Connecting a gateway or a controller (SBus MOVILINK) 7
Wiring from the control to the "communication socket RJ45" (→ 2 47) of the inverter:
Side view Designation Terminal at CCU/PLC Signal RJ45 socket1) Signal
MOVI-PLC or Gate- X26:1 CAN 1H 2 SBus/CAN bus h
way (DFX/UOH) X26:2 CAN 1L 1 SBus/CAN bus l
1 2 3 4 56 7 X26:3 DGND 3 GND
X26:4 Reserved
X26:5 Reserved
X26:6 DGND
X26:7 DC 24 V
Third party controller X:?2) Modbus RTU+ 8 RS485+ (Modbus RTU)
X:?2) Modbus RTU- 7 RS485- (Modbus RTU)
X:?2) DGND 3 GND
1) Please observe: The terminal assignment for the socket of the inverter, not the connector, is specified above.
2) Assignment depends on the third-party controller.

7.2.3 Startup at gateway

• Connect the gateway as described in chapter "Electrical installation" (→ 2 96).
• Reset all settings of the gateway to the factory setting.
• If required, set all connected inverters to SBus MOVILINK® mode as described in
chapter "Parameter settings for the inverter"  (→  2  94). Assign unique SBus ad-
dresses (≠ 0!) and set a baud rate matching the gateway (default = 500 kBaud).
• Set DIP switch AS (auto-setup) on the DFx/UOH gateway from "OFF" to "ON" to
perform an auto-setup for the fieldbus gateway.
The "H1" LED on the gateway lights up repeatedly and then goes off completely.
When the "H1" LED is lit, the gateway or one of the inverters at the SBus has not
been wired properly or has not been taken into operation properly.
• Refer to the relevant DFx manual for information on how to establish fieldbus com-
munication between DFx/UOH gateway and bus master.

Monitoring sent data

The data sent via gateway can be monitored as follows:
• Using MOVITOOLS®  MotionStudio via the X24 engineering interface of the gate-
way or optionally via Ethernet.
• Via the website of the gateway, for example to the DFE3x Ethernet gateway.
• You can check which process data are transferred with the respective parameters
in parameter group 0.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 97

7 Fieldbus mode
Connecting a gateway or a controller (SBus MOVILINK)

7.2.4 Startup at a CCU

Before taking the inverter into operation with "Drive Startup" in MotionStudio, you have
to set the following parameters directly on the inverter:
• Set parameter P1-14 to "1" to obtain access to the LTX-specific parameter group
P1-01 – P1-20.
• If a HIPERFACE® encoder is connected to the encoder card, then P1-16 must in-
dicate the proper motor type. If not, select the proper motor type using the <Up>
and <Down> keys.
• Assign a unique inverter address in P1-19. Changing these parameters will directly
affect parameters P5-01 and P5-02.
• Set the SBus baud rate (P1-20) to 500 kBaud.

7.2.5 MOVI‑PLC® motion protocol (P1-12 = 8)

If you operate the inverter with or without LTX encoder module, with MOVI-PLC® or
CCU, the following parameters have to be set on the inverter:
• Set P1-14 to "1" for access to the LTX-specific parameter group. Parameters
P1-01 – P1-20 are then visible.
• If a HIPERFACE® encoder is connected to the encoder card, then P1-16 indicates
the proper motor type. If not, select the respective motor type using the "Up" and
"Down" keys.
• Assign a unique inverter address in P1-19.
• Set the SBus baud rate (P1-20) to "1000 kBaud".
• Perform a Drive Startup with the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio software.

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98 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
Modbus RTU 7
7.3 Modbus RTU
The inverters support communication via Modbus RTU. Holding registers (03) are
used for reading, and single holding registers (06) for writing. For using Modbus RTU,
configure the inverter as described in chapter "Parameter settings for the
inverter" (→ 2 94).
Note: Modbus RTU is not available when the LTX encoder module is plugged.

7.3.1 Specification

Protocol Modbus RTU

Error checking CRC
Baud rate 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps, 115200 bps
Data format 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Physical format RS485 2 core
User interface RJ45

7.3.2 Electrical installation

The structure is the same as for the CAN/SBus network. The maximum number of bus
nodes is 32. The permitted cable length depends on the baud rate. With a baud rate of
115200 bps and a 0.5 mm2 cable, the maximum cable length is 1200 m. For the con-
nection assignment for the RJ45 communication socket, refer to chapter "RJ45
communication socket" (→ 2 47).
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 99

7 Fieldbus mode
Modbus RTU

7.3.3 Register allocation of the process data words

The process data words are allocated to the Modbus registers shown in the table. The
status and control words have a fixed allocation. The other process data words can be
configured as required in parameter group P5-xx.
The table shows the default allocation of process data words. All other registers are
usually allocated in such a way that they correspond to the parameter number (101 =
P1-01). However, this does not apply to parameter group 0.
Register Upper byte Lower byte Com- Type
1 PO1 control word (fixed) 03, 06 Read / Write
2 PO2 (default setting in P5-09 =1; speed setpoint) 03, 06 Read / Write
3 PO3 (default setting in P5-10 =7; no function) 03, 06 Read / Write
4 PO4 (default setting in P5-11 =7; no function) 03, 06 Read / Write
5 Reserved - 03 Read
6 PI1 status word (fixed) 03 Read
7 PI2 (defafult setting in P5-12 =1; actual speed) 03 Read
8 PI3 (default setting in P5-13 =2; actual current) 03 Read
9 PI4 (default setting in P5-14 =4; power) 03 Read
… For more registers, refer to chapter "Parameter registers" (→ 2 116).

You find the complete allocation of parameters and registers as well as the scaling of
data in the memory allocation plan in chapter "Parameter registers" (→ 2 116).

Many bus masters address the first register as register 0. It might therefore be neces-
sary to deduct the value "1" from the register number given below to obtain the cor-
rect register address.

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100 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
Modbus RTU 7
7.3.4 Data flow example
In this example, the following parameters are read by the controller (PLC address
base = 1):
• P1-07 (rated motor voltage, modbus register 107)
• P1-08 (rated motor current, modbus register 108).
Request master → slave (Tx)
Reading register Address Function Data CRC check
information Start address Number of registers
Read High byte Low byte High byte Low byte crc16
01 03 00 6A 00 02 E4 17

Response slave → master (Rx)

Address Function Data CRC check
Number of data bytes Information
(n) n/2 register
Read High byte Low byte Register 107 / 108 crc16
01 03 04 00 E6 00 2B 5B DB

Explanation to the communication example:

Tx = Send from perspective of the bus master.
Address Device address 0x01 = 1
Function 03 read/06 write
Start address Register start address = 0x006A = 106
Number of registers Number of requested registers from start address (register 107/108).
2 × CRC bytes CRC_high, CRC_low

Rx = Received from perspective of the bus master.

Address Device address 0x01 = 1
Function 03 read/06 write
Number of data bytes 0x04 = 4
Register 108 high byte 0x00 = 0
Register 108 low byte 0x2B = 43% of the nominal inverter current
Register 107 high byte 0x00 = 0
Register 107 low byte 0xE6 = 230 V
2 × CRC bytes CRC_high, CRC_low

The following example describes the second process data word of the inverter (PLC
address base = 1):
Process output data word 2 = modbus register 2 = setpoint speed.
Request master → slave (Tx)
Sending register Address Function Data CRC check
information Start address Information
Write High byte Low byte High byte Low byte crc16
01 06 00 01 07 00 DB 3A

Response slave → master (Rx)

Address Function Data CRC check
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Start address Information

Write High byte Low byte High byte Low byte crc16
01 06 00 01 07 00 DB 3A

Explanation to the communication example:

Tx = Send from perspective of the bus master.
Address Device address 0x01 = 1
Function 03 read/06 write

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 101

7 Fieldbus mode
Modbus RTU

Start address Register start address =0x0001 = 1 (first register to be written on = 2 PA2)
Information 0700 (setpoint speed)
2 × CRC bytes CRC_high, CRC_low

22872051/EN – 09/2016

102 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
CANopen 7
7.4 CANopen
The inverters support communication via CANopen. For using CANopen, configure
the inverter as described in chapter "Parameter settings for the inverter" (→ 2 94).
Following a general overview of how to establish a communication connection via
CANopen and the process data communication. The CANopen configuration is not de-
For detailed information on the CANopen profile, refer to the "MOVIDRIVE®
MDX60B/61B Communication and Fieldbus Unit Profile" manual.

7.4.1 Specification
CANopen communication is implemented according to the specification DS301 ver-
sion 4.02 of CAN in automation (see A specific device profile, such
as DS402, is not implemented.

7.4.2 Electrical installation

See chapter "Establishing a CANopen/SBus network" (→ 2 95).

7.4.3 COB IDs and functions in the inverter

The CANopen profile provides the following COB ID (Communication Object Identifier)
and functions.
Messages and COB IDs
Type COB ID Function
NMT 000h Network management
Sync 080h Synchronous message with dynamically configurable COB ID
Emergency 080h + device address Emergency message with dynamically configurable COB ID
PDO11) (Tx) 180h + device address PDO (Process Data Object) PDO1 is pre-mapped and activated by default.
PDO1 (Rx) 200h + device address PDO2 is pre-mapped and activated by default. Transmission mode (synchron-
ous, asynchronous, event), COB ID and mapping can be configured as re-
PDO2 (Tx) 280h + device address quired.
PDO2 (Rx) 300h + device address
SDO (Tx)2) 580h + device address SDO channel for parameter data exchange with the CANopen master
SDO (Rx)2) 600h + device address
Error control 700h + device control Guarding and heartbeat functions are supported. COB ID can be set to another
1) The inverter supports up to 2 process data objects (PDO). All PDOs are pre-mapped and active with transmission mode 1 (cyclical
and synchronous). This means that the Tx-PDO is sent after every SYNC pulse regardless of whether the content of the Tx-PDO
has changed or not.
2) The inverter SDO channel supports only expedited transmission. The SDO mechanisms are described in detail in the CANopen
specification DS301.

Transmitting speed, current or similar values that change quickly via Tx-PDO results
in a very high load on the bus.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

To limit the bus load to predictable values, you can use the inhibit time, see section
"Inhibit time" in the "MOVIDRIVE® MDX60B/61B Communication and Fieldbus
Device Profile" manual.
• Tx (transmit) and Rx (receive) are depicted from perspective of the slave.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 103

7 Fieldbus mode

7.4.4 Supported transmission modes

The various transmission types can be selected for every process data project (PDO)
in the network management (NMT).
The following transmission types are supported for Rx-PDOs:
Rx PDO transmission mode
Transmission Mode Description
0 – 240 Synchronous The received data are transmitted to the inverter as soon as the next synchronization mes-
sage is received.
254, 255 Asynchronous The received data are transmitted to the inverter without delay.

The following transmission types are supported for Tx PDOs:

Tx PDO transmission mode
Transmission Mode Description
0 Acyclic synchronous Tx PDO is only transmitted if the process data have changed and a SYNC object was re-
1 – 240 Cyclic synchronous Tx PDOs are transmitted synchronously and cyclically. The transmission type indicates the
number of the SYNC object required for triggering transmission of the Tx PDO.
254 Asynchronous Tx PDOs are only transmitted when the corresponding Rx PDO has been received.
255 Asynchronous Tx PDOs are always transmitted as soon as the PDO data has changed.

7.4.5 Default allocation plan of process data objects (PDO)

The following table shows the default mapping of the PDOs:
PDO default mapping
Object no. Mapped Length Mapping with default setting Transmission
object type
Rx PDO1 1 2001h Unsigned 16 PO1 control word (fixed) 1
2 2002h Integer 16 PO2 (default setting in P5-09 =1; speed setpoint)
3 2003h Unsigned 16 PO3 (default setting in P5-10 =7; no function)
4 2004h Unsigned 16 PO4 (default setting in P5-11 =7; no function)
Tx PDO1 1 2101h Unsigned 16 PI1 status word (fixed) 1
2 2102h Integer 16 PI2 (default setting in P5-12 =1; actual speed)
3 2103h Unsigned 16 PI3 (default setting in P5-13 =2; actual current)
4 2104h Integer 16 PI4 (default setting in P5-14 =4; power)
Rx PDO 2 1 2016h Unsigned 16 Fieldbus analog output 1 1
2 2017h Unsigned 16 Fieldbus analog output 2
3 2015h Unsigned 16 Fieldbus PID reference
4 0006h Unsigned 16 Dummy
Tx PDO2 1 2118h Unsigned 16 Analog input 1 1
2 2119h Integer 16 Analog input 2
3 211Ah Unsigned 16 State of inputs and outputs
4 2116h Unsigned 16 Inverter temperature

Tx (transmit) and Rx (receive) are depicted from perspective of the slave.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Note: Modified default settings are lost after power off and on again. This means the
settings are restored to default values after power off.

104 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
CANopen 7
7.4.6 Data flow example
Process data communication example with default setting:
Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4
COB ID D DB Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 5 Byte 6 Description
1 0x701 Tx 1 "00" - - - - - - - BootUpMessage
2 0x000 Rx 2 "01" "01" - - - - - - Node Start (operational)
3 0x201 Rx 8 "06" "00" "00" "20" "00" "00" "00" "00" Enable + setpoint speed
4 0x080 Rx 0 - - - - - - - - SYNC telegram
5 0x181 Tx 8 "C7" "05" "00" "20" "A2" "00" "28" "00" Process data object 1
6 0x281 Tx 8 "29" "09" "00" "00" "01" "1F" "AC" "0D" Process data object 2

After a byte swap, the table looks as follows:

Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1
COB ID D DB Byte 8 Byte 7 Byte 6 Byte 5 Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Description
1 0x701 Tx 1 - - - - - - "00" BootUpMessage
2 0x000 Rx 2 - - - - - - "01" "01" Node Start (operational)
3 0x201 Rx 8 "00" "00" "00" "00" "20" "00" "00" "06" Enable + setpoint speed (byte swap)
4 0x080 Rx 0 - - - - - - - - SYNC telegram
5 0x181 Tx 8 "00" "28" "00" "A2" "20" "00" "05" "C7" Process data object 1
6 0x281 Tx 8 "0D" "AC" "1F" "01" "00" "00" "09" "29" Process data object 2

Explanation of the data:

Word 4 Word 3 Word 2 Word 1
COB ID Explanation of the COB Byte 8 Byte 7 Byte 6 Byte 5 Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1
1 0x701 BootUp message + device - - - - - - - Place-
address 1 holder
2 0x000 NMT service - - - - - - Bus status Device ad-
3 0x201 Rx-PDO1 + device ad- - - Ramp specification Setpoint speed Control word
dress 1
4 0x080 SYNC telegram - - - - - - - -
5 0x181 Tx PDO1 + device ad- Output power Output current Actual speed Status word
6 0x281 Tx PDO2 + device ad- Inverter temperature IO status Analog input 2 Analog input 1

Example of reading the index allocation by means of service device object (SDO):
Request controller → inverter (index: 1A00h)
Response inverter → controller: 10 00 01 21h → byte swap: 2101 00 10 h.
Explanation of the response:
→ 2101 = index in the manufacturer-specific object table
→ 00h = subindex
→ 10h = data width = 16 bit x 4 = 64 bit = 8 byte mapping length.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 105

7 Fieldbus mode

7.4.7 Table of CANopen-specific objects

CANopen-specific objects
Index Sub in- Function Access Type PDO map Default value
1000h 0 Device type RO Unsigned 32 N 0
1001h 0 Error register RO Unsigned 8 N 0
1002h 0 Manufacturer status register RO Unsigned 16 N 0
1005h 0 COB-ID Sync RW Unsigned 32 N 00000080h
1008h 0 Manufacturer device name RO String N LTPB
1009h 0 Manufacturer hardware version RO String N x.xx (e.g. 1.00)
100Ah 0 Manufacturer software version RO String N x.xx (e.g. 1.12)
100Ch 0 Guard time [1 ms] RW Unsigned 16 N 0
100Dh 0 Life time factor RW Unsigned 8 N 0
1014h 0 COB-ID EMCY RW Unsigned 32 N 00000080h+Node ID
1015h 0 Inhibit time emergency [100 μs] RW Unsigned 16 N 0
1017h 0 Producer heart beat time [1 ms] RW Unsigned 16 N 0
1018h 0 Identity object no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 4
1 Vendor ID RO Unsigned 32 N 0x00000059
2 Product code RO Unsigned 32 N Depends on inverter
3 Revision number RO Unsigned 32 N x.xx (IDL version: 0.33)
4 Serial number RO Unsigned 32 N e.g. 1234/56/789 1)
1200h 0 SDO parameter no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 2
1 COB-ID client -> server (Rx) RO Unsigned 32 N 00000600h+Node ID
2 COB-ID server -> client (Tx) RO Unsigned 32 N 00000580h+Node ID
1400h 0 Rx PDO1 comms param no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 2
1 Rx PDO1 COB-ID RW Unsigned 32 N 00000200h+Node ID
2 Rx PDO1 transmission type RW Unsigned 8 N 1
1401h 0 Rx PDO2 comms param no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 2
1 Rx PDO2 COB-ID RW Unsigned 32 N 00000300h+Node ID
2 Rx PDO2 transmission type RW Unsigned 8 N 1
1600h 0 Rx PDO1 mapping / no. of entries RW Unsigned 8 N 4
1 Rx PDO1 1st mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20010010h
2 Rx PDO1 2nd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20020010h
3 Rx PDO1 3rd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20030010h
4 Rx PDO1 4th mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20040010h
1601h 0 Rx PDO2 mapping / no. of entries RW Unsigned 8 N 4
1 Rx PDO2 1st mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20160010h
2 Rx PDO2 2nd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20170010h
3 Rx PDO2 3rd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 20150010h
4 Rx PDO2 4th mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 00060010h
1800h 0 Tx PDO1 comms param no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 3
1 Tx PDO1 COB-ID RW Unsigned 32 N 40000180h+Node ID
2 Tx PDO1 transmission type RW Unsigned 8 N 1
3 Tx PDO1 inhibit time [100μs] RW Unsigned 16 N 0
1801h 0 Tx PDO2 comms param no. of entries RO Unsigned 8 N 3
1 Tx PDO2 COB-ID RW Unsigned 32 N 40000280h+Node ID
2 Tx PDO2 transmission type RW Unsigned 8 N 1
22872051/EN – 09/2016

3 Tx PDO2 inhibit time [100μs] RW Unsigned 16 N 0

1A00h 0 Tx PDO1 mapping / no. of entries RW Unsigned 8 N 4
1 Tx PDO1 1st mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21010010h
2 Tx PDO1 2nd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21020010h
3 Tx PDO1 3rd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21030010h
4 Tx PDO1 4th mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21040010h

106 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Fieldbus mode
CANopen 7
CANopen-specific objects
Index Sub in- Function Access Type PDO map Default value
1A01h 0 Tx PDO2 mapping / no. of entries RW Unsigned 8 N 4
1 Tx PDO2 1st mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21180010h
2 Tx PDO2 2nd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21190010h
3 Tx PDO2 3rd mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 211A0010h
4 Tx PDO2 4th mapped object RW Unsigned 32 N 21160010h
1) Output of the last 9 numbers of the serial number.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 107

7 Fieldbus mode

7.4.8 Table of manufacturer-specific objects

The manufacturer-specific objects of the inverter are defined as follows:
Manufacturer-specific objects
Index Sub in- Function Access Type PDO Note
dex map
2000h 0 Reserved / no function RW Unsigned 16 Y Read as 0, writing not possible
2001h 0 PO1 RW Integer 16 Y Defined as command
2002h 0 PO2 RW Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-09
2003h 0 PO3 RW Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-10
2004h 0 PO4 RW Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-11
2010h 0 Control command register RW Unsigned 16 Y
2011h 0 Speed reference (RPM) RW Integer 16 Y 1 = 0.2 RPM
2012h 0 Speed reference (percentage) RW Integer 16 Y 4000HEX = 100% P1-01
2013h 0 Torque reference RW Integer 16 Y 1000DEC = 100%
2014h 0 User ramp reference RW Unsigned 16 Y 1 = 1 ms (reference to 50 Hz)
2015h 0 Fieldbus PID reference RW Integer 16 Y 1000HEX = 100%
2016h 0 Fieldbus analog output 1 RW Integer 16 Y 1000HEX = 100%
2017h 0 Fieldbus analog output 2 RW Integer 16 Y 1000HEX = 100%
2100h 0 Reserved / no function RO Unsigned 16 Y Read as 0
2101h 0 PI1 RO Integer 16 Y Defined as status
2102h 0 PI2 RO Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-12
2103h 0 PI3 RO Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-13
2104h 0 PI4 RO Integer 16 Y Configured by P5-14
2110h 0 Drive status register RO Unsigned 16 Y
2111h 0 Speed reference (RPM) RO Integer 16 Y 1 = 0.2 RPM
2112h 0 Speed reference (percentage) RO Integer 16 Y 4000HEX = 100 % P1-01
2113h 0 Motor current RO Integer 16 Y 1000DEC = rated inverter current
2114h 0 Motor torque RO Integer 16 Y 1000DEC = rated motor torque
2115h 0 Motor power RO Unsigned 16 Y 1000DEC = inverter nominal power
2116h 0 Inverter temperature RO Integer 16 Y 1DEC = 0.01 °C
2117h 0 DC bus value RO Integer 16 Y 1DEC = 1 V
2118h 0 Analog input 1 RO Integer 16 Y 1000HEX = entire range
2119h 0 Analog input 2 RO Integer 16 Y 1000HEX = entire range
211Ah 0 Digital input & output status RO Unsigned 16 Y LB= input, HB = output
211Bh 0 Analog output 1 RO Integer 16 Y
211Ch 0 Analog output 2 RO Integer 16 Y
2121h 0 Scope channel 1 RO Unsigned 16 Y
2122h 0 Scope channel 2 RO Unsigned 16 Y
2123h 0 Scope channel 3 RO Unsigned 16 Y
2124h 0 Scope channel 4 RO Unsigned 16 Y
2AF8h1) 0 SBus parameter start index RO - N 11000d
… 0 SBus parameters RO/RW - N …
2C6F 0 SBus parameter end index RW - N 11375d
1) Objects 2AF8h – 2C6EF correspond with SBus parameter indexes 11000d – 11375d, some of them are read-only.

7.4.9 Emergency code objects

22872051/EN – 09/2016

See chapter "Error codes" (→ 2 87).

108 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE 8
8 Service
To ensure fault-free operation, SEW-EURODRIVE recommends that you check the
ventilation openings in the housing at regular intervals and clean them if necessary.

8.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE

If you are unable to rectify a fault, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. For the ad-
dresses, refer to‑
When contacting the SEW‑EURODRIVE Service, always specify the following inform-
ation so that our service personnel can assist you more effectively:
• Information on the device type on the nameplate (e.g. type designation, serial
number, part number, product key, purchase order number)
• Brief description of the application
• Error message on the status display
• Nature of the fault
• Accompanying circumstances
• Unusual events preceding the problem

8.2 Extended storage

If the device is stored for a long time, connect it to the supply system voltage for at
least 5 minutes every 2 years. Otherwise, the service life of the device may be re-
Procedure when maintenance has been neglected:
Electrolytic capacitors are used in the frequency inverters. They are subject to aging
effects when de-energized. This effect can damage the capacitors if the device is con-
nected using the nominal voltage after a longer period of storage.
If you have not performed maintenance regularly, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
that you increase the line voltage slowly up to the maximum voltage. This can be
done, for example, by using a variable transformer for which the output voltage has
been set according to the following overview.
The following steps are recommended:
AC 230 V devices:
• Step 1: AC 170 V for 15 minutes
• Step 2: AC 200 V for 15 minutes
• Step 3: AC 240 V for 1 hour
AC 400 V devices:
• Step 1: AC 0 V to AC 350 V within a few seconds
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• Step 2: AC 350 V for 15 minutes

• Step 3: AC 420 V for 15 minutes
• Step 4: AC 480 V for 1 hour
AC 575 V devices:
• Step 1: AC 0 V to AC 350 V within a few seconds
• Step 2: AC 350 V for 15 minutes

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 109

8 Service
Waste disposal

• Step 3: AC 420 V for 15 minutes

• Step 3: AC 500 V for 15 minutes
• Step 4: AC 600 V for 1 hour
After you have completed the regeneration process, the device can be used immedi-
ately or stored again for an extended period with maintenance.

8.3 Waste disposal

Please observe current regulations. Dispose of the following materials in accordance
with the regulations in force:
• Electronics scrap (printed circuit boards)
• Plastic (housing)
• Sheet metal
• Copper
• Aluminum

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110 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
9 Parameters
9.1 Overview of parameters
9.1.1 Parameters for realtime monitoring (read only)
Parameter group 0 gives access to internal inverter parameters for monitoring pur-
poses. These parameters cannot be changed.
Parameter group 0 is visible if P1-14 is set to "101" or "201".
Para- SEW in- Modbus Description Display range Explanation
meters dex register
11358 Fire mode/emergency Time stamp related to (P0-65) at the time of activa-
mode start time tion of the fire mode/emergency mode
11359 Fire mode/emergency Runtime in minutes how long the fire mode/emer-
mode gency mode was active
10 Output power 100 = 1.00 kW
18 Scope channel 1 Selected channel assignment LT shell scope (per-
19 Scope channel 2 Selected channel assignment LT shell scope (per-
P0-01 11210 20 Value of analog input 1 0 – 100 % 1000 = 100% ≙ max input voltage or input current.
P0-02 11211 21 Value of analog input 2 0 – 100 % 1000 = 100% ≙ max input voltage or input current.
P0-03 11212 11 Digital input state Binary value Status of the digital inputs of the basic device and
DI8*; DI7*; DI6*; DI5; DI4; DI3; DI2; DI1
*Only available with the matching option module.
P0-04 11213 22 Speed controller setpoint 0 – 100 % 68 = 6.8 Hz; 100% = base frequency (P1-09)
P0-05 11214 41 Torque controller setpoint 0 – 100 % 2000 = 200.0%; 100% = nominal motor torque
P0-06 11215 Digital speed setpoint in -P1-01 – P1-01 in Hz Speed displayed in Hz or 1/min
keypad mode
P0-07 11216 Speed setpoint via commu- -P1-01 – P1-01 in Hz –
nication connection
P0-08 11217 PID reference 0 – 100 % PID reference
P0-09 11218 Actual PID value 0 – 100 % Actual PID value
P0-10 11219 PID output 0 – 100 % PID output
P0-11 11270 Present motor voltage V rms Effective voltage value at the motor
P0-12 11271 Output torque 0 – 200.0% Torque output in %
P0-13 11272 – Error log Latest 4 error mes- Shows the last 4 errors.
11281 sages with time stamp You can toggle between sub-items by pressing the
<Up>/<Down> keys.
P0-14 11282 Magnetizing current (Id) A rms Magnetizing current in A rms
P0-15 11283 Rotor current (Iq) A rms Rotor current in A rms
P0-16 11284 Magnetic field strength 0 – 100 % Magnetic field strength
P0-17 11285 Reserved
P0-18 11286 Reserved
P0-19 11287 Reserved
P0-20 11220 23 DC link voltage V DC 600 = 600 V (internal DC link voltage)
P0-21 11221, 24 Inverter temperature °C 40 = 40 °C (temperature inside the inverter)
P0-22 11288 DC link voltage ripple V rms Internal DC link voltage ripple
P0-23 11289, Total time over 80 °C (heat Hours and minutes Time during which the inverter was operated at >
22872051/EN – 09/2016

11290 sink) 80 °C

P0-24 11237, Total time over 60 °C (am- Hours and minutes Time during which the inverter was operated at >
11238 bient) 60 °C
P0-25 11291 Rotor speed (calculated via Hz Applies only to vector mode
motor model) Accuracy 0.5%
P0-26 11292, 30 kWh counter (can be reset) 0.0 – 999.9 kWh 100 = 10.0 kWh (cumulative energy consumption)
11293 32 kWh counter

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 111

9 Parameters
Overview of parameters

Para- SEW in- Modbus Description Display range Explanation

meters dex register
P0-27 11294, 31 MWh counter 0.0 – 65535 MWh 100 = 10.0 MWh (cumulative energy consumption)
11295 33 MWh counter (can be reset)
P0-28 11247 – Software version and e.g. "1 1.00", "1 4F3C" Version number and checksum, firmware.
11250 checksum "2 1.00", "2 Ed8A"
P0-29 11251 – Inverter type e.g. "HP 2", "2 400", "3- Version number and checksum.
11254 PhASE"
P0-30 11255 25 Inverter serial number 4 000000 – 000000 31 → 561723/01/031
26 Inverter serial number 3 (SN grp 1) 1 → 561723/01/031
000-00 – 999-99
27 Inverter serial number 2 (SN grp 2, 3) 1723 → 561723/01/031
28 Inverter serial number 1 56 → 561723/01/031
29 Status relay output − ; − ; − ; RL5; RL4; RL3; RL2; RL1
The relay status is also displayed without relay op-
tion depending on the setting in P5-15 bis P5-20.
P0-31 11296, 34 Inverter operating time Hours and minutes Ex: 6 = 6h 39m 07s
11297 (hours)
35 Inverter operating time Ex: 2347 = 2347s = 39m 07s → 6h 39m 07s
P0-32 11298, Runtime since the last fault Hour/min/sec Runtime after the inverter enable until the first fault
11299 (1) occurred. If the inverter is not enabled, the runtime
clock is stopped. The counter is reset the first time
the inverter is enabled after an error is acknow-
ledged or the first time the inverter is enabled after a
power failure
P0-33 11300, Runtime since the last fault Hour/min/sec Runtime after the inverter enable until the first fault
11301 (2) occurred. If the inverter is not enabled, the runtime
clock is stopped. The counter is reset the first time
the inverter is enabled after an error is acknow-
ledged or the first time the inverter is enabled after a
power failure.
P0-34 11302, 36 Inverter runtime after last Hour/min/sec 6 = 6h 11s − runtime clock is reset after inverter in-
11303 controller inhibit (hours) hibit.
37 Inverter runtime after last 11 = 6h 11s − runtime clock is reset after inverter in-
controller inhibit (minutes/ hibit.
P0-35 11304, Inverter inhibit, inverter fan Hour/min/sec Runtime clock for internal fan.
11305 runtime
P0-36 11306 – DC link voltage log The last 8 values prior The last 8 values prior to the fault.
11313 (256 ms) to the fault
P0-37 11314 – DC link voltage ripple log The last 8 values prior The last 8 values prior to the fault.
11321 (20 ms) to the fault
P0-38 11322 – Temperature sensor power The last 8 values prior The last 8 values prior to the fault.
11329 electronics to the fault
P0-39 11239 – Temperature sensor control The last 8 values prior The last 8 values prior to the fault.
11246 electronics to the fault
P0-40 11330 – Motor current log (256 ms) The last 8 values prior The last 8 values prior to the fault.
11337 to the fault
P0-41 11338 Counter for critical faults – Counter for overcurrent faults.
P0-42 11339 Counter for critical faults – Counter for overvoltage faults.
P0-43 11340 Counter for critical faults – Counter for undervoltage faults. Also during power
-U-Volt off.
P0-44 11341 Counter for critical faults – Counter for overtemperature faults of the heat sink.
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P0-45 11342 Counter for critical faults – Counter for short-circuit faults of the brake chopper.
-b O-I
P0-46 11343 Counter for critical faults – Counter for overtemperature faults due to high ambi-
O-heat ent temperature.
P0-47 11223 Counter for internal I/O 0 – 65535 –
communication errors
P0-48 11344 Counter for internal DSP 0 – 65535 –
communication errors

112 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
Para- SEW in- Modbus Description Display range Explanation
meters dex register
P0-49 11224 Counter for Modbus com- 0 – 65535 –
munication errors
P0-50 11225 Counter for CAN bus com- 0 – 65535 –
munication errors
P0-51 11256 – Incoming process data Hex value 3 entries; incoming process data from the perspect-
11258 PI1, PI2, PI3 ive of the controller.
P0-52 11259 – Outgoing process data Hex value 3 entries; outgoing process data from the perspect-
11261 PO1, PO2, PO3 ive of the controller.
P0-53 Current phase offset and Internal value 2 entries; first is reference value, second is meas-
reference value for U ured value; no decimal place for both values.
P0-54 Current phase offset and Internal value 2 entries; first is reference value, second is meas-
reference value for V ured value; no decimal place for both values.
P0-55 Current phase offset and Internal value (not 2 entries; first is reference value, second is meas-
reference value for W available for some in- ured value; no decimal place for both values.
P0-56 Max. switch-on time of Internal value 2 entries
braking resistor, operating
cycle of braking resistor
P0-57 Ud/Uq Internal value 2 entries
P0-58 11345 Encoder speed Hz, 1/min Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal place.
0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-59 11226 Frequency input speed Hz, 1/min Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal place.
0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-60 11346 Calculated slip speed value Internal value (only with Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal place.
V/f control) 0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Hz, 1/min Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-61 11227 Value for speed hysteresis/ Hz, 1/min Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal place.
relay control 0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-62 11347, Speed static Internal value Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal place.
11348 0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-63 11349 Speed setpoint after the Hz, 1/min Scaling with 3000 = 50.0 Hz with one decimal posi-
ramp tion.
0.0 Hz ~ 999.0 Hz, 1000 Hz ~ 2000 Hz
Can be displayed in 1/min if P1-10 ≠ 0.
P0-64 11350 Internal PWM frequency 4 – 16 kHz 0 = 2 kHz
1 = 4 kHz
2 = 6 kHz
3 = 8 kHz
4 = 12 kHz
5 = 16 kHz
P0-65 11351, Inverter service life Hour/min/sec 2 entries; first for hour, second for minute and
11352 second.
P0-66 11353 I.t_trip counter 0 – 100 % The value increases as soon as the i.t model is ef-
fective. When reaching 100%, the inverter switches
off with "I.t_trp".
P0-67 11228 Fieldbus torque setpoint/ Internal value
limit value
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 113

9 Parameters
Overview of parameters

Para- SEW in- Modbus Description Display range Explanation

meters dex register
P0-68 11229 User ramp value The indicating accuracy on the inverter display de-
pends on the ramp time received via the fieldbus.
For the inverters:
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW
Ramp <0.1 s: Display with 2 decimal positions
0.1 s ≤ ramp <10 s: Display with 1 decimal position
10 s ≤ ramp <65 s: Display with 0 decimal positions
For the inverters:
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW
0.0 s ≤ ramp <10 s: Display with 1 decimal position
10 s ≤ ramp <65 s: Display with 0 decimal positions
P0-69 11230 Counter for I2C faults 0 ~ 65535
P0-70 11231 Module identification code List PL-HFA: HIPERFACE® encoder module
PL-Enc: Encoder module
PL-EIO: IO expansion module
PL-BUS: HMS fieldbus module
PL-UnF: no module connected
PL-UnA: unknown module connected
P0-71 Fieldbus module ID / field- List / value N.A.: no fieldbus module connected.
bus module status Prof-b: PROFIBUS module connected.
dE-nEt: DeviceNet™ module connected.
Eth-IP: EtherNet/IP™ module connected.
CAN-OP: CANopen module connected.
SErCOS: Sercos-III module connected.
bAc-nt: BACnet module connected.
nu-nEt: Module of a new type (not detected).
Eth-cAt: EtherCAT® module connected.
PrF-nEt: PROFINET module connected.
Po-Lin: PowerLink module connected.
Modbus: Modbus TCP module connected.
P0-72 11232 39 Process temperature C 42 = 42 °C
Room temperature
P0-73 11354 Encoder status / error Internal value Displayed as decimal value.
For incremental encoders:
1=EnC-04 Signal A/A error
2=EnC-05 Signal B/B error
3=EnC-06 Signal A+B error
Bit 0=EnC-04 analog signal
error (sin/cos)
Bit 1=EnC-07 RS485 com-
munication error
Bit 2=EnC-08 IO communic-
ation error
Bit 3=EnC-09 encoder type
not supported
Bit 4=EnC-10 KTY error
Bit 5=incorrect motor com-
Bit 6=system referenced
Bit 7=system ready
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P0-74 L1 input voltage

P0-75 L2 input voltage
P0-76 L3 input voltage Internal value
P0-77 11262 Position feedback Internal value Position feedback
11263 11262: High word
11263: Low word
P0-78 Position reference Internal value Position reference

114 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
Para- SEW in- Modbus Description Display range Explanation
meters dex register
P0-79 11355, IO version and DSP boot- Example: L 1.00 2 entries; first for lib version of the motor control,
11356 loader version for motor Example: b 1.00 second for DSP bootloader version.
control 2 decimal positions.
P0-80 11233, Code for valid motor data 2 entries; first value is 1 if valid servomotor data is
11357 Servo module version read via the LTX module.
Second value is the SW version of the LTX card.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 115

9 Parameters
Overview of parameters

9.1.2 Parameter register

The following table lists all parameters together with their factory settings (in-
dicated in bold). Numerical values are displayed with the complete setting
Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting
register CANopen
101 11020 "P1-01 Maximum speed" (→ 2 122) P1-02 – 50.0 Hz – 5 × P1-09
102 11021 "P1-02 Minimum speed" (→ 2 122) 0 – P1-01 Hz
103 11022 "P1-03 Acceleration ramp time" (→ 2 122) IP20 IP66
For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
0.00 – 5.0 – 600 s 0.00 – 5.0 – 600 s
For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
0.0 – 5.0 – 6000 s 0.0 – 5.0 – 6000 s
104 11023 "P1-04 Deceleration ramp time" (→ 2 123) IP20 IP66
For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
coast/0.01 – 5.0 – 600 s coast/0.01 – 5.0 – 600 s
For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
coast/0.1 – 5.0 – 6000 s coast/0.1 – 5.0 – 6000 s
105 11024 "P1-05 Stop mode" (→ 2 123) 0: Stop ramp / 1: Coast to a stop
106 11025 "P1-06 Energy saving function" (→ 2 123) 0: off / 1: on
107 11012 "P1-07 Rated motor voltage" (→ 2 124) • 230 V inverter: 20 – 230 − 250 V
• 400 V inverter: 20 – 400 – 500 V
• 575 V inverter: 20 – 575 – 600 V
108 11015 "P1-08 Rated motor current" (→ 2 124) 20 − 100% of the inverter current
109 11009 "P1-09 Rated motor frequency" (→ 2 124) 25 – 50/60 – 500 Hz
110 11026 "P1-10 Rated motor speed" (→ 2 124) 0 – 30000 1/min
111 11027 "P1-11 Voltage increase, boost" (→ 2 125) 0 – 30% (factory setting depends on inverter)
112 11028 "P1-12 Control signal source" (→ 2 125) 0: Terminal mode
113 11029 "P1-13 Error history" (→ 2 126) Last 4 errors
114 11030 "P1-14 Extended parameter access" (→ 2 126) 0 – 30000
115 11031 "P1-15 Digital input function 0 – 1 – 26
selection" (→ 2 126)
116 11006 "P1-16 Motor type" (→ 2 130) In-Syn
117 11032 "P1-17 Servo module function 0–1–8
selection" (→ 2 131)
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118 11033 "P1-18 Motor thermistor selection" (→ 2 131) 0: Inhibited

119 11105 "P1-19 Inverter address" (→ 2 131) 0 – 1 – 63
120 11106 "P1-20 SBus baud rate" (→ 2 131) 125, 250, 500, 1000 kBaud
121 11017 "P1-21 Stiffness" (→ 2 131) 0.50 – 1.00 – 2.00
122 11034 "P1-22 Motor load inertia ratio" (→ 2 131) 0 – 1 – 30
201 11036 "P2-01 Fixed setpoint speed 1" (→ 2 132) -P1-01 – 5.0 Hz – P1-01
202 11037 "P2-02 Fixed setpoint speed 2" (→ 2 132) -P1-01 – 10.0 Hz – P1-01
203 11038 "P2-03 Fixed setpoint speed 3" (→ 2 132) -P1-01 – 25.0 Hz – P1-01

116 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting
register CANopen
204 11039 "P2-04 Fixed setpoint speed 4" (→ 2 132) -P1-01 – 50.0 Hz – P1-01
205 11040 "P2-05 Fixed setpoint speed 5" (→ 2 132) -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01
206 11041 "P2-06 Fixed setpoint speed 6" (→ 2 133) -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01
207 11042 "P2-07 Fixed setpoint speed 7" (→ 2 133) -P1-01 − 0.0 Hz − P1-01
/brake release speed
208 11043 "P2-08 Fixed setpoint speed 8" (→ 2 133) -P1-01 − 0.0 Hz − P1-01
/brake application speed
209 11044 "P2-09 Skip frequency" (→ 2 133) P1-02 – P1-01
210 11045 "P2-10 Skip frequency range" (→ 2 133) 0.0 Hz – P1-01
211 11046 "P2-11 Analog output 1 function 0 – 8 – 13
selection" (→ 2 134)
212 11047 "P2-12 Analog output 1 format" (→ 2 134) 0 – 10 V
213 11048 "P2-13 Analog output 2 function 0 – 9 – 13
selection" (→ 2 134)
214 11049 "P2-14 Analog output 2 format" (→ 2 134) 0 – 10 V
215 11050 "P2-15 User relay output 1 function 0 – 1 – 11
selection" (→ 2 135)
216 11051 "P2-16 Upper limit of user relay 1: Analog 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0 %
output 1" (→ 2 135)
217 11052 "P2-17 Lower limit of user relay 1: Analog 0.0 – P2-16
output 1" (→ 2 135)
218 11053 "P2-18 User relay output 2 function 0 – 3 – 11
selection" (→ 2 136)
219 11054 "P2-19 Upper limit of user relay 2: Analog 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0 %
output 2" (→ 2 136)
220 11055 "P2-20 Lower limit of user relay 2: Analog 0.0 – P2-19
output 2" (→ 2 136)
221 11056 "P2-21 Display scaling factor" (→ 2 136) -30000 – 0,000 – 30000
222 11057 "P2-22 Display scaling source" (→ 2 136) 0−2
223 11058 "P2-23 Zero speed holding time" (→ 2 136) 0.0 – 0.2 – 60.0 s
224 11003 "P2-24 PWM switching frequency" (→ 2 136) 2 – 16 kHz (depends on inverter)
225 11059 "P2-25 Second deceleration ramp, rapid stop IP20 IP66
ramp" (→ 2 137) For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
coast/0.01 – 2.0 – 600 s coast/0.01 – 2.0 – 600 s
For the inverters: For the inverters:
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
coast/0.1 – 2.0 – 6000 s coast/0.1 – 2.0 – 6000 s
226 11060 "P2-26 Flying start enable" (→ 2 137) 0: Disabled
227 11061 "P2-27 Standby mode" (→ 2 137) 0.0 – 250 s
228 11062 "P2-28 Slave speed scaling" (→ 2 138) 0: Disabled
229 11063 "P2-29 Slave speed scaling factor" (→ 2 138) -500 – 100 – 500 %
230 11064 "P2-30 Analog input 1 format" (→ 2 138) 0 – 10 V
231 11065 "P2-31 Analog input 1 scaling" (→ 2 139) 0 – 100 – 500 %
22872051/EN – 09/2016

232 11066 "P2-32 Analog input 1 offset" (→ 2 139) -500 – 0 – 500 %

233 11067 "P2-33 Analog input 2 format / motor 0 – 10 V
protection" (→ 2 140)
234 11068 "P2-34 Analog input 2 scaling" (→ 2 140) 0 – 100 – 500 %
235 11069 "P2-35 Analog input 2 offset" (→ 2 140) -500 – 0 – 500 %
236 11070 "P2-36 Start mode selection" (→ 2 140) Auto – 0
237 11071 "P2-37 Keypad restart speed" (→ 2 141) 0–7
238 11072 "P2-38 Mains loss stop control" (→ 2 142) 0–3

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 117

9 Parameters
Overview of parameters

Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting

register CANopen
239 11073 "P2-39 Parameter lock" (→ 2 142) 0: Disabled
240 11074 "P2-40 Extended parameter access code 0 – 101 – 9999
definition" (→ 2 142)
301 11075 "P3-01 PID proportional gain" (→ 2 142) 0 – 1 – 30
302 11076 "P3-02 PID integral time constant" (→ 2 142) 0 – 1 – 30 s
303 11077 "P3-03 PID differential time 0.00 – 1.00 s
constant" (→ 2 143)
304 11078 "P3-04 PID operating mode" (→ 2 143) 0: Direct operation
305 11079 "P3-05 PID reference selection" (→ 2 143) 0: Fixed setpoint reference
306 11080 "P3-06 PID fixed setpoint reference 0.0 – 100.0%
1" (→ 2 143)
307 11081 "P3-07 PID controller upper limit" (→ 2 143) P3-08 – 100.0%
308 11082 "P3-08 PID controller lower limit" (→ 2 143) 0.0 % – P3-07
309 11083 "P3-09 PID correcting variable 0: Fixed setpoint reference
limitation" (→ 2 143)
310 11084 "P3-10 PID feedback selection" (→ 2 144) 0: Analog input 2
311 11085 "P3-11 PID ramp activation error" (→ 2 144) 0.0 – 25.0%
312 11086 "P3-12 PID actual value display scaling 0.0 – 50000
factor" (→ 2 144)
313 11087 "P3-13 PID feedback wake-up level" (→ 2 144) 0.0 – 100.0%
314 11088 "P3-14 PID fixed setpoint speed 2" (→ 2 144) 0.0 – 100.0%
315 11376 "P3-15 PID fixed setpoint speed 3" (→ 2 144) 0.0 – 100.0%
316 11377 "P3-16 PID fixed setpoint speed 4" (→ 2 144) 0.0 – 100.0%
401 11089 "P4-01 Control mode" (→ 2 145) 2: Speed control – Enhanced V/f
402 11090 "P4-02 "Auto tune"" (→ 2 146) 0: Inhibited
403 11091 "P4-03 Speed controller proportional 0.1 – 50 – 400 %
gain" (→ 2 146)
404 11092 "P4-04 Speed controller integral time 0,001 – 0,100 – 1,000 s
constant" (→ 2 146)
405 11093 "P4-05 Motor power factor" (→ 2 146) 0.50 – 0.99 (depends on inverter)
406 11094 "P4-06 Torque reference/limit value 0: Fixed torque reference/limit value
source" (→ 2 146)
407 11095 "P4-07 Max. motor torque limit" (→ 2 148) P4-08 – 200 – 500%
408 11096 "P4-08 Min. torque limit" (→ 2 149) 0.0% – P4-07
409 11097 "P4-09 Max. regenerative torque P4-08 – 200 – 500%
limit" (→ 2 149)
410 11098 "P4-10 V/f characteristic adjustment 0.0 – 100.0 % of P1-09
frequency" (→ 2 150)
411 11099 "P4-11 V/f characteristic adjustment 0.0 – 100.0 % of P1-07
voltage" (→ 2 150)
412 11100 "P4-12 Motor brake control" (→ 2 150) 0: Disabled
413 11101 "P4-13 Brake release time" (→ 2 150) 0.0 – 5.0 s
414 11102 "P4-14 Brake application time" (→ 2 150) 0.0 – 5.0 s
415 11103 "P4-15 Torque threshold for brake 0.0 – 200%
release" (→ 2 151)
416 11104 "P4-16 Hoist torque threshold 0.0 – 25.0 s
timeout" (→ 2 151)
417 11357 "P4-17 Thermal motor protection to 0: Disabled
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UL508C" (→ 2 151)
501 11105 "P5-01 Inverter address" (→ 2 151) 0 – 1 – 63
502 11106 "P5-02 SBus baud rate/CANopen" (→ 2 151) 125 − 500 − 1000 kBd
503 11107 "P5-03 Modbus RTU baud rate" (→ 2 152) 9.6 − 115.2 / 115200 Bd
504 11108 "P5-04 Modbus RTU data format" (→ 2 152) n-1: no parity, 1 stop bit
505 11109 "P5-05 Response to communication 2: Stop ramp (without fault)
failure" (→ 2 152)
506 11110 "P5-06 Communication failure timeout for SBus 0.0 – 1.0 – 5.0 s
and Modbus" (→ 2 152)

118 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting
register CANopen
507 11111 "P5-07 Ramp specified via fieldbus" (→ 2 152) 0: Disabled
508 11112 "P5-08 Synchronization duration" (→ 2 152) 0, 5 – 20 ms
509 11369 "P5-09 Fieldbus PO2 definition" (→ 2 153) 0−7
510 11370 "P5-10 Fieldbus PO3 definition" (→ 2 153) 0−7
511 11371 "P5-11 Fieldbus PO4 definition" (→ 2 153) 0−7
512 11372 "P5-12 Fieldbus PI2 definition" (→ 2 154) 0 − 11
513 11373 "P5-13 Fieldbus PI3 definition" (→ 2 154) 0 − 11
514 11374 "P5-14 Fieldbus PI4 definition" (→ 2 154) 0 − 11
515 11360 "P5-15 Expansion relay 3 function 0 − 10
selection" (→ 2 154)
516 11361 "P5-16 Relay 3 upper limit" (→ 2 154) 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%
517 11362 "P5-17 Relay 3 lower limit" (→ 2 155) 0.0 – 200.0%
518 11363 "P5-18 Expansion relay 4 function see P5-15
selection" (→ 2 155)
519 11364 "P5-19 Relay 4 upper limit" (→ 2 155) 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%
520 11365 "P5-20 Relay 4 lower limit" (→ 2 155) 0.0 – 200.0%
601 11115 "P6-01 Firmware upgrade enable" (→ 2 155) 0: Disabled
602 11116 "P6-02 Automatic thermal 1: Enabled
management" (→ 2 155)
603 11117 "P6-03 Auto-reset delay time" (→ 2 156) 1 – 20 – 60 s
604 11118 "P6-04 Hysteresis band user relay" (→ 2 156) 0.0 – 0.3 – 25.0%
605 11119 "P6-05 Encoder feedback enable" (→ 2 156) 0: Disabled
606 11120 "P6-06 Encoder PPR" (→ 2 156) 0 – 65535 PPR
607 11121 "P6-07 Trigger threshold speed error/speed 1.0 – 5.0 – 100%
monitoring" (→ 2 156)
608 11122 "P6-08 Max. frequency for speed 0; 5 – 20 kHz
setpoint" (→ 2 156)
609 11123 "P6-09 Droop speed/load distribution 0.0 – 25.0%
control" (→ 2 157)
610 11124 "P6-10 Reserved" (→ 2 157)
611 11125 "P6-11 Speed holding time on enable (fixed 0.0 – 250 s
setpoint speed 7)" (→ 2 157)
612 11126 "P6-12 Speed holding time on inhibit (fixed 0.0 – 250 s
setpoint speed 8)" (→ 2 157)
613 11127 "P6-13 Fire mode logic/emergency 0: Open trigger: Fire mode
mode" (→ 2 158)
614 11128 "P6-14 Fire mode/emergency mode -P1-01 – 0 – P1-01 Hz
speed" (→ 2 158)
615 11129 "P6-15 Analog output 1 scaling" (→ 2 158) 0.0 – 100.0 – 500.0%
616 11130 "P6-16 Analog output 1 offset" (→ 2 158) -500.0 – 0.0 – 500.0%
617 11131 "P6-17 Max. torque limit timeout" (→ 2 159) 0.0 – 0.5 − 25.0 s
618 11132 "P6-18 DC braking voltage level" (→ 2 159) Auto, 0.0 – 30.0%
619 11133 "P6-19 Braking resistor value" (→ 2 159) 0, Min-R – 200 Ω
620 11134 "P6-20 Braking resistor power" (→ 2 159) 0.0 – 200 kW
621 11135 "P6-21 Brake chopper operating cycle at 0.0 – 20.0%
undertemperature" (→ 2 160)
622 11136 "P6-22 Reset fan runtime" (→ 2 160) 0: Disabled
623 11137 "P6-23 Reset kWh meter" (→ 2 160) 0: Disabled
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624 11138 "P6-24 Parameter default settings" (→ 2 160) 0: Disabled

625 11139 "P6-25 Access code level 3" (→ 2 160) 0 – 201 – 9 999
626 11378 "P6-26 Parameter backup" (→ 2 160) 0: Basic setting of the parameter
701 11140 "P7-01 Motor stator resistance (Rs)" (→ 2 161) depending on the motor
702 11141 "P7-02 Motor rotor resistance (Rr)" (→ 2 161) depending on the motor
703 11142 "P7-03 Motor stator inductance depending on the motor
(Lsd)" (→ 2 161)

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 119

9 Parameters
Overview of parameters

Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting

register CANopen
704 11143 "P7-04 Motor magnetization current (Id 10% × P1-08 − 80% × P1-08
rms)" (→ 2 162)
705 11144 "P7-05 Motor leakage loss coefficient 0,025 – 0.10 – 0.25
(sigma)" (→ 2 162)
706 11145 "P7-06 Motor stator inductance (Lsq) − only for depending on the motor
synchronous motors" (→ 2 162)
707 11146 "P7-07 Enhanced generator control" (→ 2 162) 0: Disabled
708 11147 "P7-08 Parameter adjustment" (→ 2 162) 0: Disabled
709 11148 "P7-09 Overvoltage current limit" (→ 2 162) 0.0 – 1.0 – 100%
710 11149 "P7-10 Stiffness (for vector control)" (→ 2 163) 0 – 10 – 600
711 11150 "P7-11 Pulse width min. limit" (→ 2 163) 0 – 500
712 11151 "P7-12 Premagnetization time" (→ 2 163) 0 – 5000 ms
713 11152 "P7-13 D-gain vector speed 0.0 – 400%
controller" (→ 2 163)
714 11153 "P7-14 Low-frequency torque boost/ 0.0 – 100%
premagnetization current" (→ 2 163)
715 11154 "P7-15 Torque boost frequency 0.0 – 50%
limit" (→ 2 164)
716 11155 "P7-16 Motor nameplate speed" (→ 2 164) 0.0 – 6000 1/min
801 11156 "P8-01 Simulated encoder scaling" (→ 2 164) 20 – 23
802 11157 "P8-02 Input pulse scaling value" (→ 2 164) 20 – 216
803 11158 "P8-03 Lag error low word" (→ 2 165) 0 – 65535
804 11159 "P8-04 Lag error high word" (→ 2 165) 0 – 65535
805 11160 "P8-05 Reference travel type" (→ 2 165) 0: Disabled
806 11161 "P8-06 Position controller proportional 0.0 – 1.0 – 400%
gain" (→ 2 165)
807 11162 "P8-07 Touch probe trigger mode" (→ 2 165) 0: TP1 P edge TP2 P edge
808 11163 "P8-08 Reserved" (→ 2 165)
809 11164 "P8-09 Velocity precontrol gain" (→ 2 165) 0 – 100 – 400%
810 11165 "P8-10 Acceleration precontrol gain" (→ 2 166) 0 – 400%
811 11166 "P8-11 Reference offset low word" (→ 2 166) 0 – 65535
812 11167 "P8-12 Reference offset high word" (→ 2 166) 0 – 65535
813 11168 "P8-13 Reserved" (→ 2 166)
814 11169 "P8-14 Reference enable torque" (→ 2 166) 0 – 100 – 500%
901 11171 "P9-01 Enable input source" (→ 2 168) SAFE, din-1 – din-8
902 11172 "P9-02 Rapid stop input source" (→ 2 168) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
903 11173 "P9-03 Input source for clockwise rotation OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
(CW)" (→ 2 168)
904 11174 "P9-04 Input source for counterclockwise OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
rotation (CCW)" (→ 2 168)
905 11175 "P9-05 Latch function enable" (→ 2 168) OFF, ON
906 11176 "P9-06 Direction of rotation OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
reversal" (→ 2 168)
907 11177 "P9-07 Reset input source" (→ 2 168) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
908 11178 "P9-08 External fault input source" (→ 2 169) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
909 11179 "P9-09 Terminal control enable OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
source" (→ 2 169)
910 11180 "P9-10 Speed source 1" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
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911 11181 "P9-11 Speed source 2" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
912 11182 "P9-12 Speed source 3" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
913 11183 "P9-13 Speed source 4" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
914 11184 "P9-14 Speed source 5" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
915 11185 "P9-15 Speed source 6" (→ 2 169) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
916 11186 "P9-16 Speed source 7" (→ 2 170) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
917 11187 "P9-17 Speed source 8" (→ 2 170) Ain-1, Ain-2, speed 1–8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus, user, pulse
918 11188 "P9-18 Input speed selection 0" (→ 2 170) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On

120 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Overview of parameters 9
Modbus SBus/ Associated parameter Range/factory setting
register CANopen
919 11189 "P9-19 Input speed selection 1" (→ 2 170) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
920 11190 "P9-20 Input speed selection 2" (→ 2 170) OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
921 11191 "P9-21 Fixed setpoint speed selection input OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
0" (→ 2 171)
922 11192 "P9-22 Fixed setpoint speed selection input OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
1" (→ 2 171)
923 11193 "P9-23 Fixed setpoint speed selection input OFF, din-1 – din-8, On
2" (→ 2 171)
924 11194 "P9-24 Positive jog mode input" (→ 2 171) OFF, din-1 – din-8
925 11195 "P9-25 Negative jog mode input" (→ 2 171) OFF, din-1 – din-8
926 11196 "P9-26 Reference travel enable OFF, din-1 – din-8
input" (→ 2 171)
927 11197 "P9-27 Reference cam input" (→ 2 171) OFF, din-1 – din-8
928 11198 "P9-28 Motor potentiometer up input OFF, din-1 – din-8
source" (→ 2 171)
929 11199 "P9-29 Motor potentiometer down input OFF, din-1 – din-8
source" (→ 2 172)
930 11200 "P9-30 Positive limit switch CW" (→ 2 172) OFF, din-1 – din-8
931 11201 "P9-31 Negative limit switch CCW" (→ 2 172) OFF, din-1 – din-8
932 11202 "P9-32 Enable second deceleration ramp, rapid OFF, din-1 – din-8
stop ramp" (→ 2 172)
933 11203 "P9-33 Fire mode/emergency mode input OFF, din-1 – din-5
selection" (→ 2 172)
934 11204 "P9-34 PID fixed setpoint reference selection OFF, din-1 – din-8
input 0" (→ 2 172)
935 11205 "P9-35 PID fixed setpoint reference selection OFF, din-1 – din-8
input 1" (→ 2 172)
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 121

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

9.2 Explanation of the parameters

9.2.1 Parameter group 1: Basic parameters (level 1)

P1-01 Maximum speed

Setting range: P1-02 – 50.0 Hz – 5 × P1-09 (max. 500 Hz)
Specifies the upper limit for the frequency (speed) that can be applied to the motor in
any operating mode. This parameter is displayed in Hz in factory default state or when
the parameter for the rated motor speed (P1-10) is set to zero. If the rated motor
speed was entered in rpm in P1-10, this parameter will be displayed in rpm.
The maximum speed is also limited by the switching frequency set in P2-24. The limit
is determined by the maximum output frequency to the motor = P2-24: 16.

P1-02 Minimum speed

Setting range: 0 – P1-01 Hz
Specifies the lower limit for the frequency (speed) that can be applied to the motor in
any operating mode. This parameter is displayed in Hz in factory default state or when
the parameter for the rated motor speed (P1-10) is set to zero. If the rated motor
speed was entered in rpm in P1-10, this parameter will be displayed in rpm.
The speed drops below this limit only when the inverter enable signal is removed and
the inverter decreases the output frequency to zero.

P1-03 Acceleration ramp time

Setting range:
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
0.00 – 5.0 – 600 s 0.00 – 5.0 – 600 s
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
0.0 – 5.0 – 6000 s 0.0 – 5.0 – 6000 s
Specifies the time in seconds during which the output frequency (speed) increases
from 0 to 50 Hz. Note that the ramp time is not affected by changing either the max-
imum or minimum speed limit. The reason is that the ramp time refers to 50 Hz, not to
22872051/EN – 09/2016

the speed P1-01 / P1-02.

122 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P1-04 Deceleration ramp time
Setting range:
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
Coast – 0.01 – 5.0 – 600 s Coast – 0.01 – 5.0 – 600 s
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
Coast – 0.1 – 5.0 – 6000 s Coast – 0.1 – 5.0 – 6000 s
Specifies the time in seconds during which the output frequency (speed) decreases
from 50 to 0 Hz. Note that the ramp time is not affected by changing either the max-
imum or minimum speed limit. The reason is that the ramp time refers to 50 Hz, not to
P1-01 / P1-02.
A ramp of 0 s is displayed as "coast" as this value leads to coast to a stop.

P1-05 Stop mode

• 0: Stop ramp: The speed is decreased to zero along the ramp set in P1-04 when
the inverter enable signal is removed. The output stage is only inhibited when the
output frequency is zero. If a zero speed holding time is set in P2-23, the inverter
will hold zero speed during this time before it is disabled.
• 1: Coast to a stop: In this case, the inverter output is disabled as soon as the en-
able signal is removed. The motor then coasts to stop in a non-controlled manner.

P1-06 Energy saving function

• 0: Off
• 1: On
If this function is activated, the inverter continuously monitors the motor load condition
by comparing the output current with the nominal motor current. If the motor rotates
with a constant speed in the partial load range, the inverter automatically reduces the
output voltage, thus reducing the motor's energy consumption. If the motor load in-
creases or the frequency setpoint changes, the output voltage increases immediately.
The energy-saving function works only if the inverter setpoint remains constant over a
certain period of time.
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Application examples include, for example, fan applications or conveyor belts for
which the energy requirement in the range between full, empty or partial load trips is
This function is only applicable for asynchronous motors.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 123

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P1-07 Rated motor voltage

Setting range:
• 230 V inverter: 20 – 230 − 250 V
• 400 V inverter: 20 – 400 – 500 V
• 575 V inverter: 20 – 575 – 600 V
Specifies the nominal voltage of the motor connected to the inverter (in accordance
with the motor nameplate). The parameter value is used in V/f speed control for con-
trolling the output voltage applied to the motor. In V/f speed control, the output voltage
of the inverter amounts to the value set in P1-07 if the output speed corresponds to
the motor base frequency set in P1-09.
"0V" = DC link compensation is disabled. When braking, the V/f ratio shifts as a result
of the voltage increase in the DC link, resulting in greater motor losses. The motor
heats up more. The additional motor losses during braking might make a braking res-
istor redundant.

P1-08 Rated motor current

Setting range: 20 – 100% of the inverter output current. Is given as absolute value in
Specifies the rated current of the motor connected to the inverter (according to the
motor nameplate). This allows the inverter to match its internal thermal motor protec-
tion (I x t protection) to the motor.
If the inverter output current is > 100% of the nominal motor current, the inverter
switches off the motor after a certain amount of time (I.-trP) before there is any
thermal damage to the motor.

P1-09 Rated motor frequency

Setting range: 25 – 50/601) – 500 Hz
Specifies the rated frequency of the motor connected to the inverter (according to the
motor nameplate). This is the frequency at which the maximum (rated) output voltage
is applied to the motor. Above this frequency, the voltage applied to the motor remains
constant at its maximum value.

1) 60 Hz (only American version)

P1-10 Rated motor speed

Setting range: 0 – 30 000 1/min
Specifies the rated speed of the motor. When the parameter is ≠ 0, all speed-related
parameters, such as minimum and maximum speed are displayed in "rpm".
The slip compensation is activated at the same time. The frequency or speed shown
on the display of the inverter corresponds to the calculated rotor frequency or rotor
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124 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P1-11 Voltage increase, boost
Setting range: Auto / 0 – 30% (default value depends on inverter voltage and power
Determines the voltage increase at low speeds in order to facilitate the removal of ap-
plied loads. Modifies the V/f limit values by ½ P1-07 and ½ P1-09.



20 %

10 %

P1-09 P1-09

For the "Auto" setting, a value based on the motor data measured during auto tune is
set automatically.

P1-12 Control signal source

The user can use this parameter to determine whether the inverter is controlled by the:
• User terminals
• Keypad at the front of the device
• Internal PID controller
• Fieldbus
See also chapter "Startup of control" (→ 2 65).
• 0: Terminal mode
• 1: Keypad mode unipolar
• 2: Keypad mode bipolar
• 3: PID controller mode
• 4: Master-slave operation
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• 6: CANopen
• 7: Fieldbus, Modbus, communication option
• 8: MultiMotion

As soon as you use a communication option or an encoder card in the option card
slot, communication via Modbus is no longer possible.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 125

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P1-13 Error history

Includes the 4 most recent faults and/or events that have occurred. Each fault is dis-
played with abbreviated text. The most recent fault is displayed first. When a new fault
occurs, it will be entered at the top of the list. All other faults are shifted downwards.
The oldest fault will be deleted from the error history. Undervoltage faults are only
archived if the inverter is enabled. If the inverter is separated from the supply system
without enable, no undervoltage fault is archived.

P1-14 Extended parameter access

Setting range: 0 – 30000
This parameter allows users to access parameter groups other than the basic para-
meters (parameters P1-01 – P1-15). Access is possible when the following values are
• 0: P1-01 – P1-15 (basis parameter)
• 1: P1-01 – P1-22 (basis + servo parameter)
• 101: P0-01 – P5-20 (extended parameters)
• 201: P0-01 – P9-33 (extended parameter menu → full access)

P1-15 Digital input function selection

Setting range: 0 – 1 – 26
Users can set the function of the digital inputs of the inverter, that is the user can se-
lect functions required for the application.
The following tables list the functions of the digital inputs depending on the value set in
parameters P1-12 (terminal/keypad/SBus control) and P1-15 (selection of the digital
input functions).

Individual configuration of digital inputs:
To individually configure the digital input assignment, set parameter P1-15 to "0".
This setting means that the input terminals for DI1 – DI5 (with LTX option DI1 – DI8)
are set to "no function".

P1-15 Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Analog input 1: Di- Analog input 2: Di- Remarks / preset
gital input 4 gital input 5 value
0 No function No function No function No function No function Configuration via
P9-xx P9-xx P9-xx P9-xx P9-xx parameter group P9-
1 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- 0: Fixed setpoint –
inhibit) tion setpoint point speed 1
1: Start (enable) 1: Counterclock- 1: Fixed setpoint 1: Fixed setpoint
wise rotation speed 1, 2 speed 2
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126 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P1-15 Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Analog input 1: Di- Analog input 2: Di- Remarks / preset
gital input 4 gital input 5 value
2 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Open 0: Open 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) tion 1
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Closed 0: Open 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Closed 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Closed 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Closed 0: Open 1: Closed Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Closed 1: Closed Fixed setpoint speed
1: Closed 1: Closed 1: Closed Fixed setpoint speed
3 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- Analog torque refer- –
inhibit) tion setpoint point ence
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint Set P4-06 = 2 here.
speed 1
4 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- 0: Decel. ramp 1 –
inhibit) tion setpoint point 1: Decel. ramp 2
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint
speed 1
5 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Selected speed Analog 1 Speed set- Analog 2 speed set- –
inhibit) tion setpoint point point
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Analog input 2
6 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- External fault1) –
inhibit) tion setpoint point 0: Error
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint 1: Start
speed 1
7 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Open 0: Open External fault1) Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) tion 0: Error 1
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open 1: Start Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
8 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Open 0: Open 0: Decel. ramp 1 Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) tion 1: Decel. ramp 2 1
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
9 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- 0: Open 0: Open 0: Selected speed Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) tion setpoint 1
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open 1: Fixed setpoint Fixed setpoint speed
speed 1 – 4 2
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
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1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed

10 0: Stop (controller 0: Clockwise rota- N.O. contact N.O. contact 0: Selected speed –
inhibit) tion The speed in- The speed de- setpoint
1: Start (enable) 1: CCW rotation creases when clos- creases when clos- 1: Fixed setpoint
ing. ing. speed 1
11 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- 0: Fixed setpoint –
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint point speed 1
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint 1: Fixed setpoint
speed 1, 2 speed 2

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 127

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P1-15 Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Analog input 1: Di- Analog input 2: Di- Remarks / preset
gital input 4 gital input 5 value
12 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Open 0: Open 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) inhibit) 1
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
13 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- Analog torque refer- –
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint point ence
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint Set P4-06 = 2 here.
speed 1
14 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- 0: Decel. ramp 1 –
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint point 1: Decel. ramp 2
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint
speed 1
15 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- Analog 2 speed set- –
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint point point
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Analog input 2
16 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Selected speed Analog 1 speed set- External fault1) –
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint point 0: Error
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Fixed setpoint 1: Start
speed 1
17 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Open 0: Open External fault1) Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) inhibit) 0: Error 1
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open 1: Start Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
18 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Open 0: Open 0: Decel. ramp 1 Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) inhibit) 1: Decel. ramp 2 1
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open Fixed setpoint speed
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
19 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Open 0: Open 0: Selected speed Fixed setpoint speed
inhibit) inhibit) setpoint 1
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation 1: Applied 0: Open 1: Fixed setpoint Fixed setpoint speed
speed 1 – 4 2
0: Open 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed
22872051/EN – 09/2016

1: Applied 1: Applied Fixed setpoint speed

20 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller N.O. contact N.O. contact 0: Selected speed Used for motor po-
inhibit) inhibit) The speed in- The speed de- setpoint tentiometer opera-
1: CW rotation 1: CCW rotation creases when clos- creases when clos- 1: Fixed setpoint tion.
ing. ing. speed 1
21 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller 0: Stop (controller Analog 1 speed set- 0: Selected speed Function enabled if
inhibit) inhibit) inhibit) point setpoint P1‑12 = 0
1: Clockwise rota- 1: Start 1: Counterclockwise 1: Fixed setpoint
tion (latching) rotation (latching) speed 1

128 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P1-15 Digital input 1 Digital input 2 Digital input 3 Analog input 1: Di- Analog input 2: Di- Remarks / preset
gital input 4 gital input 5 value
22 0: Normal mode 0: Normal mode 0: Normal mode Speed setpoint 0: Normal mode Only in combination
1: Reference cam 1: Jog speed + 1: Jog speed – 1: Reference travel with LTX encoder
start card
23 0: Normal mode 0: Limit switch + 0: Limit switch – Speed setpoint 0: Normal mode Only in combination
1: Reference cam 1: Normal mode 1: Normal mode 1: Reference travel with LTX encoder
start card
24 0: Controller inhibit 0: Normal mode 0: Normal mode Speed setpoint 0: Normal mode Only in combination
1: Enable 1: Jog speed + 1: Jog speed – 1: Reference cam with LTX encoder
25 0: Controller inhibit 0: Limit switch + 0: Limit switch – Speed setpoint 0: Normal mode Only in combination
1: Enable 1: Normal mode 1: Normal mode 1: Reference cam with LTX encoder
26 0: Stop (controller No function No function Speed setpoint Speed setpoint Only in combination
inhibit) with LTX encoder
1: Enable card
1) The external fault is defined in parameter P2-33.

When using a TF/TH, KTY or PT1000, set P2-33 to PTC-th, KTY or PT1000. Also ob-
serve the connection information in chapter "Motor temperature protection TF, TH,
KTY84, PT1000" (→ 2 32).
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 129

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

9.2.2 Parameter group 1: Servo-specific parameters (level 1)

P1-16 Motor type

Setting the motor type:
Display value Motor type Explanation
In-Syn Induction motor Default setting. Do not change if none of the selection options match.
Choose induction motor or permanent magnet motor in parameter P4-01.
Syn Undefined servomotor Undefined servomotor. You must set special servo parameters during startup. In this case,
you have to set P4-01 to synchronous motor control.
40M 2 230 V / 400 V Preset CMP motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE. Selecting one of those motor types will auto-
40M 4 CMP40M matically set all the motor-specific parameters. The overload behavior is set to 200% for 60 s
40M 2b 230 V / 400 V and 250% for 2 s.
40M 4b CMP40M with brake Only motor data of CMP.. motors of speed class 4500 1/min with AK0H encoder are in-
50S 2 230 V / 400V Observe the Smart Servo Package.
50S 4 CMP50S
50S 2b 230 V / 400 V
50S 4b CMP50S with brake
50M 2 230 V / 400 V
50M 4 CMP50M
50M 2b 230 V / 400 V
50M 4b CMP50M with brake
50L 2 230 V / 400 V
50L 4 CMP50L
50L 2b 230 V / 400 V
50L 4b CMP50L with brake
63S 2 230 V / 400 V
63S 4 CMP63S
63S 2b 230 V / 400 V
63S 4b CMP63S with brake
63M 2 230 V / 400 V
63M 4 CMP63M
63M 2b 230 V / 400 V
63M 4b CMP63M with brake
63L 2 230 V / 400 V
63L 4 CMP63L
63L 2b 230 V / 400 V
63L 4b CMP63L with brake
71S 2 230 V / 400 V
71S 4 CMP71S
71S 2b 230 V / 400 V
71S 4b CMP71S with brake
71M 2 230 V / 400 V
71M 4 CMP71M
71M 2b 230 V / 400 V
71M 4b CMP71M with brake
71L 2 230 V / 400 V
71L 4 CMP71L
71L 2b 230 V / 400 V
71L 4b CMP71L with brake
gf-2 MGF..2-DSM If a MGF..-DSM is selected, the torque limit in P4-07 is automatically set to 200%. This value
gf-4 MGF..4-DSM has to be adapted according to the documentation "Addendum to the Operating Instructions,
Drive Unit MGF..-DSM on LTP-B Inverter".
gf-4Ht MGF..4/XT-DSM All necessary motor data are set automatically.
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Using this parameter lets you select preset motors (CMP.. and MGF..-DSM). This
parameter is set automatically if HIPERFACE® encoder information is read-in via LTX
encoder card.
When a permanent magnet motor is connected and the drive is operating in inverter
mode, P1‑16 does not have to be changed. In this case P4-01 determines the motor
type ("auto tune" required).

130 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
This parameter is available for the following inverters:
IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW

P1-17 Servo module function selection

Setting range: 0 − 1 – 8
Determines the function of the servo module I/O. See chapter "P1-17 Servomodule
function selection" in the addendum to the MOVITRAC® LTX operating instructions.
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

P1-18 Motor thermistor selection

• 0: Inhibited
• 1: KTY
If a motor is selected via P1-16, this parameter will change to 1. Only available with
the LTX servomodule.
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

P1-19 Inverter address

Setting range: 0 − 1 – 63
Mirror parameter of P5-01. Changing P1-19 will have an immediate effect on P5-01.
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

P1-20 SBus baud rate

Setting range: 125, 250, 500, 1 000 kBd
This parameter is a mirror parameter of P5-02. Changing P1-20 will have an immedi-
ate effect on P5-02.
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

P1-21 Stiffness
Setting range: 0.50 – 1.00 – 2.00
Only if used with the LTX encoder module. Always use P7-10 in the open control loop.
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

P1-22 Motor load inertia ratio

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 30.0
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 131

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

The inertia ratio between motor and connected load can be specified in this para-
meter. This value can usually remain set to the default value "1.0". However, the iner-
tia ratio is used by the control algorithm as precontrol value for CMP../synchronous
motors from P1-16 to provide the optimal torque/current for accelerating the load. This
is why the exact setting of the inertia ratio improves the response characteristics and
the dynamics of the system. For a closed control loop, the value is calculated as fol-

P1 − 22 =
J mot

If you do not know the value, keep the default setting "1.0".
Only use in connection with the LTX encoder card.

9.2.3 Parameter group 2: Extended parameter setting (level 2)

P2-01 – P2-08
If parameter P1-10 is set to "0", parameters P2-01 to P2-08 can be changed in steps
of 0.1 Hz each.
If parameter P1-10 ≠ 0, the following parameters P2-01 to P2-08 can be changed in
the following steps if:
• P1-09 ≤ 100 Hz → in 1 (rpm)
• 100 Hz < P1-09 ≤ 200 Hz → in 2 (rpm)
• P1-09 > 200 Hz → in 4 (rpm)
Negative speeds or frequencies can also be set.

P2-01 Fixed setpoint speed 1

Setting range: -P1-01 – 5.0 Hz – P1-01
Is also used as jog speed.

P2-02 Fixed setpoint speed 2

Setting range: -P1-01 – 10.0 Hz – P1-01

P2-03 Fixed setpoint speed 3

Setting range: -P1-01 – 25.0 Hz – P1-01

P2-04 Fixed setpoint speed 4

Setting range: -P1-01 – 50.0 Hz – P1-01

P2-05 Fixed setpoint speed 5

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Setting range: -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01

Is also used as reference travel speed.

132 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P2-06 Fixed setpoint speed 6
Setting range: -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01
Is also used as reference travel speed.

P2-07 Fixed setpoint speed 7

Setting range: -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01
Used for brake release speed in hoist mode.

P2-08 Fixed setpoint speed 8

Setting range: -P1-01 – 0.0 Hz – P1-01
Used for brake application speed in hoist mode.

P2-09 Skip frequency

Setting range: P1-02 – P1-01
The skip window center and skip width are values and automatically have an effect on
positive and negative setpoints when activated. You can disable the function by set-
ting the skip width to 0.
If the upper or lower limit values are violated, the hidden frequency band will travel
through using the ramp times set in P1-03 / P1-04.
Output speed

n-setpoint Setpoint
(integrator (integrator
n-setpoint input) output)
positive and negative


P2-10 Skip frequency range

Setting range: 0.0 Hz – P1-01

P2-11: P2-13 analog outputs

Digital output mode: 0 V / 24 V
Setting Function Explanation
0 Inverter enabled Logic 1 when inverter is enabled (running).
1 Inverter ok (digital) Logic 1 when there is no inverter fault.
2 Motor operates at setpoint speed (di- Logic 1 when motor speed corresponds to setpoint.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

3 Motor speed > 0 (digital) Logic 1 when motor runs above 0 speed.
4 Motor speed ≥ limit value (digital) Digital output enabled with level set in "User relay/analog output upper limit" and
5 Motor current ≥ limit value (digital) "User relay/analog output lower limit".
6 Motor torque ≥ limit value (digital)
7 Analog input 2 ≥ limit value (digital)
13 Fieldbus/SBus (digital) Digital output value controlled via SBus, if P1-12 = 5 (value 1 corresponds to 24 V,
all other values correspond to 0 V)

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 133

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

Analog output mode: 0 – 10 V oder 0 / 4 – 20 mA

Setting Function Explanation
8 Motor speed (analog) The amplitude of the analog output signal represents the motor speed. It is scaled
from 0 to the maximum speed limit defined in P1-01.
9 Motor current (analog) The amplitude of the analog output signal represents the inverter output current
10 Motor torque (analog) (torque). It is scaled from 0 to 200% of the rated motor current defined in P1-08.
11 Motor power (analog) The amplitude of the analog output signal represents the apparent output power of
the inverter. It is scaled from 0 to 200% of the inverter nominal power.
12 Fieldbus/SBus (analog) Analog output value is controlled via SBus if P1-12 = 5 or 8.

P2-11 Analog output 1 function selection

Setting range: 0 – 8 – 13
See table "P2-11: P2-13 analog outputs" (→ 2 133).

P2-12 Analog output 1 format

• 0: 0 – 10 V
• 1: 10 – 0 V
• 2: 0 – 20 mA
• 3: 20 – 0 mA
• 4: 4 – 20 mA
• 5: 20 – 4 mA

P2-13 Analog output 2 function selection

Setting range: 0 – 9 – 13
See table "P2-11 – P2-14" (→ 2 133).

P2-14 Analog output 2 format

• 0: 0 – 10 V
• 1: 10 – 0 V
• 2: 0 – 20 mA
• 3: 20 – 0 mA
• 4: 4 – 20 mA
• 5: 20 – 4 mA
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134 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P2-15 – P2-20 Relay outputs
The function of the relay outputs can be selected according to the table below. If a re-
lay is controlled depending on a limit value, it reacts as follows:

Relay closed

Relay open

lower limit upper limit

Settings Function Explanation
0 Inverter enabled Relay contacts closed when inverter is enabled.
1 Inverter ok (digital) = no error Relay contacts closed when inverter is ok (no error).
2 Motor operates at setpoint speed (digital) Relay contacts closed when output frequency = setpoint frequency ±
0.1 Hz.
3 Motor speed ≥ 0 (digital) Relay contacts closed when output frequency is greater than "zero fre-
quency" (0.3% of base frequency)
4 Motor speed ≥ limit value (digital) Relay contacts closed when output frequency is greater than the value
set in parameter "User relay upper limit". Relay contacts open when the
value is smaller than the value set in parameter "User relay lower limit"
5 Motor current ≥ limit value (digital) Relay contacts closed when motor current/torque is greater than the
6 Motor torque ≥ limit value (digital) current limit set in parameter "User relay upper limit". Relay contacts
open when the value is smaller than the value set in parameter "User
relay lower limit"
7 Analog input 2 ≥ limit value (digital) Relay contacts closed when second analog input value is greater than
the value set in parameter "User relay upper limit". Relay contacts open
when the value is smaller than the value set in parameter "User relay
lower limit"
8 Hoist (only for P2-18) This parameter is displayed when P4-12 hoist function is set to 1. The
inverter now controls the relay contact for hoist mode. (Value cannot be
changed if P4-12 = 1)
9 STO status Relay contacts open if STO circuit is open (inverter indicates "inhibit")
10 PID error ≥ limit value If the control error is greater than the "user relay upper limit", the relay
output is closed. If the control error is lower than the "user relay lower
limit", the relay output is opened. The relay opens also with negative
control errors.
111) Drive referenced If the LTX servo module is connected and the inverter is referenced,
the relay output contact is closed. This option is only available for the
following inverters:
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW
1) Only in connection with LTX.

P2-15 User relay output 1 function selection

Setting range: 0 – 1 – 11
22872051/EN – 09/2016

See table "P2-15 – P2-20 Relay outputs" (→ 2 135).

P2-16 Upper limit of user relay 1: Analog output 1

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%

P2-17 Lower limit of user relay 1: Analog output 1

Setting range: 0.0 – P2-16%

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 135

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P2-18 User relay output 2 function selection

Setting range: 0 – 3 – 11
See table "P2-15 – P2-20 Relay outputs" (→ 2 135).

P2-19 Upper limit of user relay 2: Analog output 2

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%

P2-20 Lower limit of user relay 2: Analog output 2

Setting range: 0.0 – P2-19%

P2-21: P2-22 Display scaling

P2-21 lets users scale the data from a selected source to provide a displayed value
that better represents the controlled process. The source value to be used for scaling
calculation is defined in P2-22.
If P2-21 ≠ 0, the scaled value will be shown on the display in addition to motor speed,
motor current, and motor power. Pressing the "Navigate" key toggles the display
between real-time values. A lowercase letter "c" on the left side of the display indic-
ates that the scaled value is being displayed. The scaled display value is calculated
using the following equation:
Scaled display value = P2-21 × scaling source

P2-21 Display scaling factor

Setting range: -30,000 – 0,000 – 30,000
Also serves as a factor for the direction of rotation reversal in connection with a CCU
or MultiMotion. If the value is negative, the velocity control is inverted. Restart the
CCU after a change.

P2-22 Display scaling source

• 0: Motor speed information is used as the scaling source.
• 1: Motor current information is used as the scaling source.
• 2: The value of the second analog input is used as the scaling source. In this case,
the range of input values is 0 to 4096.

P2-23 Zero speed holding time

Setting range: 0.0 – 0.2 – 60.0 s
You can use this parameter to have the motor hold zero speed (0  Hz) for a certain
time before it is shut down whenever it receives a stop command and reduces the out-
put speed to zero.
When P2-23 = 0, the output of the inverter is disabled immediately once the output
speed reaches zero.
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When P2-23 ≠ 0, the motor holds zero speed for a certain time (defined in P2-23 in
seconds) before the output of the inverter is disabled. This function is usually used to-
gether with the relay output function to have the inverter issue a relay control signal
before the inverter output is disabled.

P2-24 PWM switching frequency

Setting range: 2 – 16 kHz (depending on rated inverter power)

136 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
Specifies the pulse width modulated switching frequency. A higher switching fre-
quency means less motor noise, but also higher losses in the output stage. The max-
imum switching frequency depends on the inverter power rating.
The inverter reduces the switching frequency automatically when the heat sink tem-
perature is excessively high.

P2-25 Second deceleration ramp, rapid stop ramp

Setting range:
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW • 230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
• 400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW • 400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
• 575 V: 0.75 – 15 kW • 575 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
Coast – 0.01 – 2.0 – 600 s Coast – 0.01 – 2.0 – 600 s
For the inverters:

IP20 IP66
• 230 V: 7.5 – 75 kW • 230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
• 400 V: 15 – 160 kW • 400 V: 11 – 160 kW
• 575 V: 18.5 – 110 kW • 575 V: 15 – 110 kW
Coast – 0.1 – 2.0 – 6000 s Coast – 0.1 – 2.0 – 6000 s
Ramp time 2nd deceleration ramp, rapid stop ramp. Is selected automatically in the
event of a power failure if P2-38 = 2.
Can also be selected using digital inputs depending on other parameter settings. If set
to "0", the motor decelerates as quickly as possible without overvoltage fault.

P2-26 Flying start enable

When this function is enabled, the motor starts from the detected rotor speed. Short
delay possible if rotor is at standstill. Only possible, if P4-01 = 0 or 2. If the motor ro-
tates against the speed enabled by the inverter, the flying start function is enabled.
The motor then decelerates to zero speed before accelerating in the opposite direc-
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Enabled

P2-27 Standby mode

Setting range: 0.0 – 250 s
When P2-27 > 0, the inverter goes to standby mode (output disabled) if the minimum
speed is maintained for the time specified in P2-27. This function is disabled when
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P2‑23 > 0 or P4-12=1.

P2-28: P2-29 Master/slave parameter

The inverter uses parameter P2-28: P2-29 to scale the setpoint speed received from
the master of the network.
This function is particularly suited for applications where all motors in a network are
synchronized but run at different speeds based on a fixed scaling factor.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 137

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

For example, if a slave motor is set in P2-29 = 80% and P2-28 = 1 and the master mo-
tor in the network runs at 50 Hz, then the slave motor will run at 40 Hz after being en-

P2-28 Slave speed scaling

• 0: Disabled
• 1: Actual speed = digital speed × P2-29
• 2: Actual speed = (digital speed × P2-29) + analog input 1 reference
• 3: Actual speed = digital speed × P2-29 × analog input 1 reference

P2-29 Slave speed scaling factor

Setting range: -500 – 100 – 500%

P2-30 – P2-35 Analog inputs

These parameters enable users to configure analog inputs 1 and 2 to suit the signal
format present at the analog input control terminals. When set to 0 – 10 V, all negative
input voltages result in zero speed. When set to -10 – 10 V, all negative voltages res-
ult in the inverter running at negative speed, which is proportional to the magnitude of
the input voltage.

P2-30 Analog input 1 format

• 0: 0 – 10 V / unipolar voltage range
• 1: 10 – 0 V / unipolar voltage range
• 2: -10 – 10 V / bipolar voltage input
• 3: 0 – 20 mA / current input
• 4: t4 – 20 mA / current input
• 5: r4 – 20 mA / current input
• 6: t20 – 4 mA / current input
• 7: r20 – 4 mA / current input
"t.." indicates that the inverter shuts down when the signal is removed while the in-
verter is enabled. t4 – 20 mA, t20 – 4 mA
"r.." indicates that the inverter moves along a ramp to P1-02 when the signal is re-
moved while the inverter is enabled. r4 – 20 mA, r20-4 mA
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138 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P2-31 Analog input 1 scaling
Setting range: 0 – 100 – 500%




- 31


1 =5
P 2-3

0% 50% 100%
Analog input

P2-32 Analog input 1 offset

Setting range: -500 – 0 – 500%
Specifies an offset as a percentage of the entire input range applied to the analog in-
put signal.

= 0%
3 =
P2- - 32


0% 50% 100%
22872051/EN – 09/2016


Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 139

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P2-33 Analog input 2 format / motor protection

• 0: 0 – 10 V / unipolar voltage input
• 1: 10 – 0 V / unipolar voltage input
• 2: PTC-th / motor thermistor input
• 3: 0 – 20 mA / current input
• 4: t4 – 20 mA / current input
• 5: r4 – 20 mA / current input
• 6: t20 – 4 mA / current input
• 7: r 20 – 4 mA / current input
• 8: ty-b KTY84 motor temperature sensor, 120 °C trigger, 100 °C reset
• 9: ty-F KTY84 motor temperature sensor, 155 °C trigger, 125 °C reset
• 10: ty-H KTY84 motor temperature sensor, 180 °C trigger, 160 °C reset
• 11: Pt-b PT1000 motor temperature sensor, 120 °C trigger, 100 °C reset
• 12: Pt-F PT1000 motor temperature sensor, 155 °C trigger, 125 °C reset
• 13: Pt-H PT1000 motor temperature sensor, 180 °C trigger, 160 °C reset
"t.." indicates that the inverter shuts down when the signal is removed while the in-
verter is enabled.
"r.." indicates that the inverter moves along a ramp to P1-02 when the signal is re-
moved while the inverter is enabled.

P2-34 Analog input 2 scaling

Setting range: 0 – 100 – 500%

P2-35 Analog input 2 offset

Setting range: -500 – 0 – 500%
Specifies an offset as a percentage of the entire input range applied to the analog in-
put signal.

P2-36 Start mode selection

The selection of the start mode defines the inverter behavior with reference to the en-
able digital input and configures the automatic restart function.
- Edge-r
- Auto-0 – Auto-5
Edge-r • Edge-r: The inverter does not start after switching-on or reset if digital input 1 re-
mains closed. To start the inverter, the input must be closed after switching on or
resetting the inverter.
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140 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
With the setting "Auto-0" and set enable signal, there is a danger of an automatic re-
start of the drive after an error message has been acknowledged (reset) or after
switch-on (voltage on).
Fatal or severe injuries and damage to property.
• Disconnect the device from the power supply before rectifying a fault if automatic
restart of the driven machine after fault elimination is not permitted for safety
• After a reset, make sure that the drive can start up automatically depending on
the setting.
• Prevent the drive from starting up inadvertently, for example by activating STO.

• Auto-0: The inverter starts automatically after switching-on or reset and set enable
signal if digital input 1 is closed.

Auto-1 – Auto-5

With the setting "Auto-1 – Auto-5" and set enable signal, there is a danger of an
automatic restart of the drive after fault elimination or after switch-on (voltage on) as
the inverter tries 1 - 5 times to automatically acknowledge the error.
Fatal or severe injuries and damage to property.
• Disconnect the device from the power supply before rectifying a fault if automatic
restart of the driven machine after fault elimination is not permitted for safety
• After a reset, make sure that the drive can start up automatically depending on
the setting.
• Prevent the drive from starting up inadvertently, for example by activating STO.

• Auto-1 – Auto-5: After a switch off with error (trip) the inverter tries to restart up to
5 times (in intervals of 20  seconds). The duration of the intervals is defined in
P6-03. The number of attempted restarts is counted. If the inverter fails to start
with the final attempt, the inverter goes to error state and prompts the user to reset
the fault manually. Upon reset, the counter is reset.

P2-37 Keypad restart speed

This parameter is only active if P1-12 = "1" or "2".
• 0: Minimum speed. Following a stop or restart, the motor runs at the minimum
speed set in P1-02.
• 1: Last speed. Following a stop or restart, the inverter returns to the value prior to
stopping that was last set using the keypad.
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• 2: Current speed. If the inverter is configured for several speed references (gener-
ally manual/automatic control or local/decentralized control), a digital input ensures
that, when switching the keyboard mode, the inverter continues to run with the last
operating speed.
• 3: Fixed setpoint speed 8. Following a stop or restart, the inverter always runs at
the fixed setpoint speed 8 (P2-08).

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 141

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

• 4: Minimum speed (terminal mode). Following a stop or restart, the inverter always
runs at the minimum speed set in P1-02.
• 5: Last speed (terminal mode). Following a stop or restart, the inverter returns to
the value prior to stopping that was last set.
• 6: Current speed (terminal mode). If the inverter is configured for several speed
references (generally manual/automatic control or local/decentralized control), a
digital input ensures that, when switching the keyboard mode, the inverter contin-
ues to run with the last operating speed.
• 7: Fixed setpoint speed 8 (terminal mode). Following a stop or restart, the inverter
always runs at the fixed setpoint speed 8 (P2-08).
The option 4 – 7 "Operation with terminal" applies to all operating modes.

P2-38 Mains loss stop control

The control behavior of the inverter as response to a power failure while the inverter is
• 0: The inverter attempts to continue operation by recovering energy from the motor
under load. If the power failure lasts only briefly and if sufficient energy can be re-
covered before control electronics shuts down, the inverter will restart as soon as
the power supply is resumed.
• 1: The inverter immediately disables the output to the motor resulting in coasting or
freewheeling of the load. If you use this setting for loads with a high inertia, it might
be necessary to activate the flying start function (P2-26).
• 2: The inverter stops along the rapid stop ramp set in P2-25.
• 3: DC bus supply, if the inverter is supplied directly via the DC+ and DC-terminal,
the power failure detection can be deactivated with this function.

P2-39 Parameter lock

Locking parameters means that no parameters can be changed (indicated by "L").
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Enabled

P2-40 Extended parameter access code definition

Setting range: 0 – 101 – 9999
Access to the advanced menu (parameter groups 2, 3, 4, 5) is only possible when the
value entered in P1-14 is the same as the one in P2-40. In this way, users can change
the default value "101" of the code to any other value.

9.2.4 Parameter group 3: PID controller (level 2)

P3-01 PID proportional gain

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 30.0
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PID Controller proportional gain. Higher values result in a greater change of the in-
verter output frequency as response to minor changes of the feedback signal. If the
value is too high, it can cause instability.

P3-02 PID integral time constant

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 30.0 s

142 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
PID controller integral time constant. Higher values result in a damped response to
systems in which the overall process responds slowly.

P3-03 PID differential time constant

Setting range: 0.00 – 1.00 s

P3-04 PID operating mode

• 0: Direct operation – The motor speed decreases with increasing feedback sig-
• 1: Inverse operation – The motor speed increases with increasing feedback signal.

P3-05 PID reference selection

Selects the source for the PID reference/setpoint.
• 0: Fixed setpoint reference (P3-06) or P3-06, P3-14 - P3-16 (depending on the
PID controller setting).
• 1: Analog input 1
• 2: Analog input 2
• 3: Fieldbus PID reference see "P5-09 – P5-11 Fieldbus process output data (POx)
definition" (→ 2 153).

P3-06 PID fixed setpoint reference 1

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0%
Sets the preset digital PID reference/setpoint.

P3-07 PID controller upper limit

Setting range: P3-08 – 100.0%
PID controller upper limit output. This parameter specifies the maximum output value
of the PID controller. The upper limit is calculated as follows:
Upper limit = P3-07 × P1-01
A value of 100% corresponds to the maximum speed limit defined in P1-01.

P3-08 PID controller lower limit

Setting range: 0.0% − P3-07
Specifies the minimum output value of the PID controller. The lower limit is calculated
as follows:
Lower limit = P3-08 × P1-01.

P3-09 PID correcting variable limitation

• 0: Fixed setpoint limit – PID output range limited by P3-07 and P3-08.
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• 1: Analog input 1 variable upper limit – PID maximum output limited by the signal
present at analog input 1.
• 2: Analog input 1 variable lower limit – PID minimum output limited by the signal
present at analog input 1.
• 3: PID output + analog input 1 – PID output is added to the speed reference
present at analog input 1.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 143

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P3-10 PID feedback selection

Selects the source for the PID feedback signal.
• 0: Analog input 2
• 1: Analog input 1

P3-11 PID ramp activation error

Setting range: 0.0 – 25.0%
Defines a PID error threshold. If the difference between setpoint and actual value is
less than the threshold, the internal ramps of the inverter are disabled.
If the PID deviation is greater, the ramps are activated to limit the the rate of change of
the motor speed and to respond quickly to minor deviations.

P3-12 PID actual value display scaling factor

Setting range: 0,000 – 50,000
This parameter is used to scale the actual value of the PID display. This enables users
to have displayed the current signal level of a transducer, for instance 0 - 10 bar, etc.
Scaled display value = P3-12 × PID output (= actual value), scaled display value

P3-13 PID feedback wake-up level

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0%
Sets a programmable level. When the inverter is in standby or PID mode, the selected
feedback signal must fall below this threshold before the inverter returns to normal op-

P3-14 PID fixed setpoint reference 2

Setting range: 0.0 – 100%
Sets the preset digital PID reference/setpoint.

P3-15 PID fixed setpoint reference 3

Setting range: 0.0 – 100%
Sets the preset digital PID reference/setpoint.

P3-16 PID fixed setpoint reference 4

Setting range: 0.0 – 100%
Sets the preset digital PID reference/setpoint.
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144 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
9.2.5 Parameter group 4: Motor control (level 2)

P4-01 Control mode

• 0: VFC speed control
Vector speed control for induction motors with calculated rotor speed feedback
control. Field oriented control algorithms are used for motor speed control. As the
calculated rotor speed is used to internally close the speed loop, this control mode
effectively provides a closed loop control without physical encoder. With a properly
tuned speed controller, the static speed change is usually better than 1%. For op-
timal control, "auto tune" (P4‑02) should be carried out prior to first operation.
• 1: VFC torque control
Instead of the motor speed, the motor torque is controlled directly. In this operating
mode, the speed is not specified but changes depending on the load. The max-
imum speed is limited by P1-01. This operating mode is often used for winding ap-
plications where a constant torque is required to maintain cable tension. For op-
timal control, "auto tune" (P4‑02) should be carried out prior to first operation.
• 2: Speed control – Enhanced V/f
This operating mode basically corresponds to voltage control where the applied
motor voltage is controlled rather than the torque-generating current. The magnet-
izing current is controlled directly, which means no voltage increase is required.
The voltage characteristics can be selected using the energy saving function in
parameter P1-06. The default setting provides a linear characteristic where the
voltage is proportional to the frequency. The magnetizing current is controlled in-
dependently. Enabling the energy saving function selects a reduced voltage char-
acteristics where the applied motor voltage is reduced at low speeds. The function
is usually used for fans to save energy consumption. The "auto tune" function
should also be enabled in this operating mode. In this case, the tuning process is
less complex and can be carried out more quickly.
• 3: Synchronous motor speed control (PMVC)
Speed control for synchronous motors. The same properties apply as for VFC
speed control.
• 4: Synchronous motor torque control
Torque control for synchronous motors. The same properties apply as for VFC
torque control.
• 5: Synchronous motor position control
Position control for synchronous motors. Speed and torque setpoints are provided
via process data in Motion Protocol (P1-12 = 8). An encoder is required for this
• 6: LSPM motor speed control
The LSPM control is a control type for asynchronous motors with synchronous
characteristics such as motors of type DR..J with LSPM technology from
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"Auto tune" has to be performed after each control mode change.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 145

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P4-02 "Auto tune"

• 0: Inhibited
• 1: Enable
Only enable the inverter after you have entered all nominal motor data correctly in the
parameters. You can also start the automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune" manu-
ally with the parameter P4-02 after entering the motor data.
After a reset to the factory settings, the measuring procedure starts automatically after
the first enable and takes up to 2 minutes depending on the control type.

After changing the nominal motor data, auto tune has to be started again. The in-
verter must not be in "inhibit" mode.

P4-03 Speed controller proportional gain

Setting range: 0.1 – 50 – 400%
Defines the proportional gain for the speed controller. Higher values provide for better
output frequency regulation and response. If the value is too high, it can cause in-
stability or even an overcurrent fault. For applications that require the best possible
control, you can adapt the value to the connected load by gradually increasing the
value and observing the actual speed of the load. Continue this process until you have
achieved the required dynamics without or with only slightly exceeding the control
range, i.e. the setpoint value of the output speed.
In general, higher friction loads can tolerate higher values of proportional gain. It might
be necessary to reduce the gain for loads with high inertia and low friction.

Controller optimization should always initially take place via parameter P7-10. This
parameter affects parameters P4-03/P4-04 internally.

P4-04 Speed controller integral time constant

Setting range: 0.001 – 0.100 – 1.000 s
Defines the integral time for the speed controller. Small values result in a faster re-
sponse to changes in the motor load but bear the risk that they cause instability. For
optimal dynamics, the value must be adjusted to match the connected load.

Controller optimization should always initially take place via parameter P7-10. This
parameter affects parameters P4-03/P4-04 internally.

P4-05 Motor power factor

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Setting range: 0.00, 0.50 – 0.99 (depending on the motor)

Power factor on the nameplate. Is required for vector control (P4-01 = 0 or 1).

P4-06 Torque reference/limit value source

If P4-01 = 0 or 3 (VFC speed control), this parameter defines the source for the max-
imum torque limit value.

146 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
If P4-01 = 1 or 4 (VFC torque control), this parameter defines the source for the torque
reference value (setpoint).
If P4-01 = 2 (V/f open-loop speed control), this parameter defines the source for the
maximum torque limit value.
However, compliance with the torque limit is less dynamic in V/f control mode.
The torque reference/limit value source can be determined by the selection possibilit-
ies mentioned below.
The motor torque reference value is determined as a percentage of the rated motor
torque in P4-07. The rated motor torque is determined automatically by "Auto tune".
The motor torque limit value is always specified as a percentage of 0 − P4-07.
• 0: Fixed torque reference/limit as defined in P4-07.
• 1: Analog input 1 determines the torque reference/limit.
• 2: Analog input 2 determines the torque reference/limit.
If an analog input is used as a torque reference/limit value source, observe the fol-
– Selection of the desired analog input signal format in parameter P2-30 / P2-33.
The input format must be unipolar. The scaling depends on the value set in
P4-07. 0 – 10 V = 0 – 200% of P4-07.
– Selection of the desired digital input function such as P1-15 = 3 (torque spe-
cification via analog input 2).
– Adjusting the timeout time for the maximum torque limit in P6-17 analog input
• 3: Fieldbus communication
Fieldbus torque setpoint. When this option is selected, the torque limit is provided
by the fieldbus master. A value between 0 and 200% can be entered in P4-07.
• 4: Master inverter
The master inverter in a master slave network provides the torque setpoint.
• 5: PID output
The output of the PID controller provides the torque setpoint.

P4-07 – P4-09 Motor torque limit settings

These parameters are used to adjust the torque limits of the motor.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 147

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

The maximum torque limit can also be specified directly via process data communica-

P4-09 P4-07



P4-07 P4-09


P4-07 Max. motor torque limit

Setting range: P4-08 – 200 – 500%
This parameter is used to set the upper torque limit. The limit value source is specified
with parameter P4-06.
Depending on the operating mode, the parameter refers to the torque-generating cur-
rent (vector operation) or the apparent output current (V/f operation).
Vector operation: P4-07 limits the torque-generating current Iq (P0-15).
V/f operation: P4-07 limits the inverter output current to the specified limit value before
the inverter output frequency is reduced for current limitation.
Example asynchronous motors:
Setting and verifying the torque limit (P4-07) for asynchronous motors:
Data of the asynchronous motor:
Pn = 1.1 kW, In = Is = 2.4 A, nn = 1420 1/min, cos φ = 0.79
1.1 kW × 9550
Mn = = 7.4 Nm
1420 min
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The torque is limited to Mmax = 8.1 Nm.

P407= max × 100 % = 109.45 %

For verification of the torque-generating inverter current in P0-15:

Iq = cos(φ) × Is = cos(0.79) × 2.4 A = 1.89 A

148 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
For a calculated torque limit of 109.45%, P0-15 should display the following
P 0 - 15= max × Iq = 2.06 A
Example synchronous motors:
Setting and verifying the torque limit (P4-07) for synchronous motors:
The torque is limited to Mmax = 1.6 Nm.
Data of the synchronous motor: I0 = 1.5 A, M0 = 0.8 Nm
P407= max × 100 % = 200 %

For verification of the torque-generating inverter current in P0-15:

Id = 0, standard for synchronous motors with vector control, leads to Iq ≈ M.
For a calculated torque limit of 200%, P0-15 should display the following:
P0-15 = I0 × 200% = 3 A

P4-08 Min. torque limit

Setting range: 0.0 – P4-07 %
Sets the minimum torque limit. As long as the motor speed is below the maximum
speed defined in P1-01, the inverter attempts to maintain this torque at any time dur-
ing operation on the motor.
If this parameter is set >0 and the maximum speed of the inverter is additionally in-
creased to a value that is not reached during the travel cycle, the inverter is always in
motor mode. Depending on the application, a braking resistor is thus not necessary.

Use this parameter with the utmost care because the output frequency of the inverter
will increase (to reach the torque) and the selected setpoint speed might be ex-

P4-09 Max. regenerative torque limit

Setting range: P4-08 – 200 – 500%
Defines the current limit in regenerative mode. The value of this parameter represents
the percentage value of the rated motor current defined in P1-08. The current limit
specified in this parameter overrides the normal torque-generating current limit when
the motor operates in regenerative mode. If the value is too high, the result is an ex-
cessive motor current distortion causing the motor to behave unstable in regenerative
mode. If the value is too small, the output torque of the motor might drop in regenerat-
ive mode.

P4-10: P4-11 V/f characteristic settings

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The voltage/frequency characteristic curve determines the voltage level applied to the
motor at a given frequency. Parameters P4-10 and P4-11 let you change the V/f char-
acteristic curve if required.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 149

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

Parameter P4-10 can be set to any frequency between 0 and the base frequency
(P1-09). It represents the frequency at which the percentage adjustment level set in
P4-11 is used. This function is only active when P4‑01 = 2.
P1-07 = 230 V


P4-11 = 165 V


P1-11 = X% of P1-07 P4-11 = 40 V


P4-10 = 10 Hz P1-09 = 50 Hz


[1] Normal V/f characteristic curve

[2] Adjusted V/f characteristic curve
[3] Adjusted V/f characteristic curve

P4-10 V/f characteristic adjustment frequency

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0% of P1-09

P4-11 V/f characteristic adjustment voltage

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0% of P1-07

P4-12 Motor brake control

Enables the hoist function of the inverter.
Parameters P4-13 through P4-16 are enabled.
Relay contact 2 is set to hoist. The function cannot be changed.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Activated
For examples, refer to chapter "Hoist function" (→ 2 70).

P4-13 Brake release time

Setting range: 0.0 – 5.0 s
This parameter is used to set the time required for the mechanical brake to release.
This parameter prevents a sagging of the drive especially in hoists.
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P4-14 Brake application time

Setting range: 0.0 – 5.0 s
This parameter is used to set the time required for the mechanical brake to apply. This
parameter prevents a sagging of the drive in particular in hoists.

150 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P4-15 Torque threshold for brake release
Setting range: 0.0 – 200%
Defines the torque in % of the maximum torque. This percentage torque must be gen-
erated before the motor brake is released.
This is to ensure that the motor is connected and torque is generated to prevent the
load from dropping when the brake is released. For V/f control, the torque proof is not
activated. This is only recommended for applications with horizontal movement.

P4-16 Hoist torque threshold timeout

Setting range: 0.0 – 25.0 s
Sets the time the inverter takes after a start command to attempt to generate enough
motor torque to exceed the brake release threshold set in P4-15. If the torque
threshold is not reached within this time, the inverter issues a fault.

P4-17 Thermal motor protection to UL508C

• 0: Disabled
• 1: Activated
The inverters come equipped with a thermal motor protection function according to
NEC to protect the motor from overload. In an internal memory, the motor current is
accumulated over time.
The inverter goes to fault state as soon as the thermal limit is exceeded (I.t-trP).
Once the output current of the inverter is less than the set rated motor current, the in-
ternal memory is decremented depending on the output current.
When P4-17 is disabled, the thermal overload memory is reset when switching power
off and on again.
When P4-17 is enabled, the memory is maintained even after power off and on again.
For inverters that are operated with a line frequency of 50 Hz, the factory setting is 0 =
For inverters that are operated with a line frequency of 60 Hz, the factory setting is 1 =

9.2.6 Parameter group 5: Fieldbus communication (level 2)

P5-01 Inverter address

Setting range: 0 − 1 – 63
This parameter is used to set the inverter address for SBus, Modbus, fieldbus and

P5-02 SBus baud rate/CANopen

Sets the SBus baud rate. This parameter must be used for operation with gateways or
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• 0: 125: 125 kBd
• 1: 250: 250 kBd
• 2: 500: 500 kBd
• 3: 1000: 1000 kBd

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 151

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P5-03 Modbus RTU baud rate

Sets the expected Modbus baud rate.
• 0: 9.6: 9600 Bd
• 1: 19.2: 19200 Bd
• 2: 38.4: 38400 Bd
• 3: 57.6: 57600 Bd
• 4: 115.2: 115200 Bd

P5-04 Modbus RTU data format

Sets the expected Modbus data format.
• 0: n-1: no parity, 1 stop bit
• 1: n-2: no parity, 2 stop bits
• 2: O-1: odd parity, 1 stop bit
• 3: E-1: even parity, 1 stop bit

P5-05 Response to communication failure

This parameter is used to specify the inverter behavior after a communication failure
and the following timeout set in P5-06.
• 0: Fault and coast to stop
• 1: Stop ramp and error
• 2: Stop ramp (without fault)
• 3: Fixed setpoint speed 8

P5-06 Communication failure timeout for SBus and Modbus

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 5.0 s
Specifies the time in seconds after which the inverter performs the response set in
P5-05. When set to "0.0 s", the inverter maintains the actual speed even if communic-
ation fails.

P5-07 Ramp specified via fieldbus

This parameter is used to enable internal or external ramp control. If enabled, the in-
verter follows the external ramps specified by MOVILINK® process data (PO3).
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Activated

P5-08 Synchronization duration

Setting range: 0, 5 – 20 ms
Defines the duration of the sync message from MOVI-PLC®. This value must corres-
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pond to the one set in MOVI-PLC®. When P5-08 = 0, the inverter ignores synchroniza-

152 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P5-09 – P5-11 Fieldbus process output data (POx) definition
This parameter is used to define the process data words sent from the PLC or the
gateway to the inverter.
• 0: Speed U/min (1 = 0.2 1/min)→ only possible, if P1-10 ≠ 0
• 1: Speed % (0x4000 = 100% P1-01)
• 2: Torque setpoint/limit value % (1 = 0.1%) → Set inverter to P4‑06 = 3.
• 3: Ramp time (1 = 1 ms) to maximum 65535 ms.
• 4: PID reference (0x1000 = 100%) → P1-12 = 3 (control signal source).
• 5: Analog output 1 (0x1000 = 100%)1)
Digital output 4 (0x0001 = 24 V, other values = 0 V))2)
• 6: Analog output 2 (0x1000 = 100%)1)
Digital output 5 (0x0001 = 24 V, other values = 0 V)2)
• 7: No function

1) When the analog outputs are controlled by fieldbus or SBus, parameter P2-11 or P2-13 = 12 (fieldbus/
SBus (analog)) must be set additionally.
2) When the digital outputs are controlled by fieldbus or SBus, parameter P2-11 or P2-13 = 13 (fieldbus/
SBus (digital)) must be set additionally.

P5-09 Fieldbus PO2 definition

Definition of output 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-09 – P5-11

P5-10 Fieldbus PO3 definition

Definition of output 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-09 – P5-11

P5-11 Fieldbus PO4 definition

Definition of output 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-09 – P5-11

P5-12 – P5-14 Fieldbus process input data (PIx) definition

Definition of process data words sent from the inverter to the PLC or gateway.
• 01) : Speed: rpm (1 = 0.2 rpm)
• 1: Speed % (0x4000 = 100% in relation to the maximum speed P1-01))
• 2: Current % (1 = 0.1% in relation to the nominal inverter current)
• 3: Torque % (1 = 0.1% in relation to the nominal motor torque, calculated from
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• 4: Power % (1 = 0.1% in relation to the rated inverter power)

• 5: Temperature (1 = 0.01 °C)
• 6: DC link voltage (1 = 1 V)
• 7: Analog input 1 (0x1000 = 100%)
• 8: Analog input 2 (0x1000 = 100%)
• 9: IO status of basic device and option

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 153

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

High byte Low byte

– – – RL5* RL4* RL3* RL2 RL1 DI8* DI7* DI6* DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1

*Only available with suitable option module.

RL = Relay
• 102) : LTX position low byte (number of increments within one revolution)
• 112): LTX position high byte (number of revolutions)

1) Only possible if P1-10 ≠ 0.

2) Only for inserted LTX module.

P5-12 Fieldbus PI2 definition

Definition of input 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-12 – P5-14.

P5-13 Fieldbus PI3 definition

Definition of input 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-12 – P5-14

P5-14 Fieldbus PI4 definition

Definition of input 2, 3, 4 for transmitted process data
Parameter description like P5-12 – P5-14

P5-15 Expansion relay 3 function selection

Only available and possible when I/O expansion module is connected.

Defines the function of expansion relay 3.

• 0: Inverter enabled
• 1: Inverter ok
• 2: Motor operates at setpoint speed.
• 3: Motor speed > 0
• 4: Motor speed > limit value
• 5: Motor current > limit value
• 6: Motor torque > limit value
• 7: Analog input 2 > limit value
• 8: Fieldbus control
• 9: STO status
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• 10: PID error ≥ limit value

P5-16 Relay 3 upper limit

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%

154 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P5-17 Relay 3 lower limit
Setting range: 0.0 – 200.0%

P5-18 Expansion relay 4 function selection

Defines the function of expansion relay 4.
Parameter description like P5-15.

P5-19 Relay 4 upper limit

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0 – 200.0%

P5-20 Relay 4 lower limit

Setting range: 0.0 – 200.0%

The function of expansion relay 5 is fixed to "Motor speed > 0".

9.2.7 Parameter group 6: Extended parameters (level 3)

P6-01 Firmware upgrade enable

Enables firmware upgrade mode that lets the user upgrade the firmware of the user in-
terface and/or firmware for output stage control. Is usually performed by the PC soft-
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Enabled (DSP + I/O)
• 2: Enabled (I/O only)
• 3: Enabled (DSP only)

This parameter should not be changed by the user. The firmware upgrade is per-
formed automatically by the PC software.

P6-02 Automatic thermal management

Enables automatic thermal management. The inverter automatically reduces the out-
put switching frequency at excessive heat sink temperature to reduce the risk of an
overtemperature fault.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Activated

Temperature limits Action

22872051/EN – 09/2016

70 °C Automatic reduction from 16 kHz to 12 kHz.

75 °C Automatic reduction from 12 kHz to 8 kHz.
80 °C Automatic reduction from 8 kHz to 6 kHz.
85 °C Automatic reduction from 6 kHz to 4 kHz.
90 °C Automatic reduction from 4 kHz to 2 kHz.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 155

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

Temperature limits Action

97 °C Error message overtemperature

P6-03 Auto-reset delay time

Setting range: 1 – 20 – 60 s
Sets the delay time that elapses between consecutive reset attempts of the inverter, if
auto reset is enabled in P2-36.

P6-04 Hysteresis band user relay

Setting range: 0.0 – 0.3 – 25.0%
This parameter is used together with P2-11 and P2-13 = 2 or 3 to set a band around
the setpoint speed (P2-11 = 2) or to set zero speed (P2-11 = 3). When the speed is
within this band, the inverter runs at setpoint speed or at zero speed. This function
prevents "chatter" on the relay output when the operating speed coincides with the
value at which the state of the digital output/relay output changes.
Example: When P2-13 = 3, P1-01 = 50 Hz and P6-04 = 5%, the relay contacts close
above 2.5 Hz.

P6-05 Encoder feedback enable

When set to "1", encoder feedback is enabled. This parameter is enabled automatic-
ally as soon as an LTX module is connected.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Activated

P6-06 Encoder PPR

Setting range: 0 – 65535 PPR (pulses per revolution)
Is used together with the LTX module or other encoder cards. When encoder feed-
back mode is enabled (P6-05 = 1), set the parameter to the number of impulses per
revolution for the connected encoder. Improper setting of this parameter can result in
loss of motor control and/or a fault. When set to "0", encoder feedback is disabled.

For HTL/TTL encoders, a minimum of 512 increments are necessary for operation.

P6-07 Trigger threshold speed error/speed monitoring

Setting range: 1.0 – 5.0 – 100%
This parameter specifies the maximum permitted speed error between the speed set-
point and the actual speed value.
The parameter is enabled for all operating modes with encoder feedback (HTL/TTL/
22872051/EN – 09/2016

LTX) and for the hoist function without encoder feedback. If the speed error exceeds
this limit value, the inverter is switched off and goes to speed error depending on the
firmware status (SP-Err or ENC02). When set to "100%", speed monitoring is dis-

P6-08 Max. frequency for speed setpoint

Setting range: 0; 5 – 20 kHz

156 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
Use this parameter if the motor speed setpoint is to be controlled by a frequency input
signal (connected to digital input 3).
You can use this parameter to determine the input frequency that corresponds to the
maximum motor speed (set in P1-01). The maximum frequency that can be set in this
parameter must be within a range of 5 kHz and 20 kHz.
When set to "0", this function is disabled.

P6-09 Droop speed/load distribution control

Setting range: 0.0 – 25.0%
This function requires one motor for each inverter. In applications where several mo-
tors drive a common load, but different motor loads occur due to mechanical reasons,
this function can balance the load of individual motors. Group drives are not possible.
This parameter only works in VFC speed control P4-01 = 0.
With setting P6-09 = 0.0, the speed droop/load distribution control function is disabled.
With setting P6-09 > 0.0, this function induces a reduction of the actual speed com-
pared to the setpoint speed for increased load.
Actual speed = setpoint speed - P6-09 × P1-09 × (current application torque of the
motor)/nominal motor torque
In most cases, a small value in P6-09 is sufficient to achieve an adequate load distri-
bution. If the value is too high, the actual speed controls towards 0 for small setpoint
speeds or high loads.

P6-10 Reserved

P6-11 Speed holding time on enable (fixed setpoint speed 7)

Setting range: 0.0 – 250 s
Defines the time during which the inverter runs at fixed setpoint speed 7 (P2-07) when
the enable signal is applied to the drive. The fixed setpoint speed can be any value
from the minimum to the maximum frequency and in either direction.
This function can be useful in applications where controlled start behavior is required
regardless of normal system operation. This function allows the user to program the
inverter in such a way that it always starts at the same frequency and in the same dir-
ection of rotation for a specified period of time before returning to normal operation.
When set to "0.0", this function is disabled.

P6-12 Speed holding time on inhibit (fixed setpoint speed 8)

Setting range: 0.0 – 250 s
Defines the time during which the inverter runs at fixed setpoint speed 8 (P2-08) after
having removed the enable signal and before the stop ramp.

22872051/EN – 09/2016

Setting this parameter to a value > 0 lets the inverter continue to run at the fixed set-
point speed for the set time after having removed the enable signal. It is important
that you make sure that this operating mode is safe before you use this function.
When set to "0.0", this function is disabled.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 157

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P6-13 Fire mode logic/emergency mode

Enables fire mode/emergency mode. In this mode, the inverter ignores most faults.
When the inverter is in fault condition, it resets itself every 5 s until total failure or lack
of power.
Do not use this function for servo applications or lifting applications.
• 0: Open trigger: Fire mode/emergency mode
• 1: Close trigger: Fire mode/emergency mode

P6-14 Fire mode/emergency mode speed

Setting range: -P1-01 – 0 – P1-01 Hz
The speed used in fire mode/emergency mode.

P6-15 Analog output 1 scaling

Setting range: 0.0 – 100.0 – 500.0%
Specifies the scaling factor in % used for analog output 1.

100% 00%


-1 5

- 15


5 =5
P 6-1

0% 50% 100%
Analog output

P6-16 Analog output 1 offset

Setting range: -500.0 – 0.0 – 500.0%
22872051/EN – 09/2016

158 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
This parameter specifies the offset in % used for analog output 1.

= 0%
-16 =
P6 - 16

- 16

0% 50% 100%
1 00
1 6


P6-17 Max. torque limit timeout

Setting range: 0.0 – 0.5 − 25.0 s
Specifies the maximum time allowed for the motor to run at the torque limit for motor/
generator mode (P4-07: P4-09) before issuing a fault. This parameter is only enabled
for operation with vector control.
When set to "0.0", this function is disabled.

P6-18 DC braking voltage level

Setting range: Auto, 0.0 – 30.0%
Specifies the amount of DC voltage as a percentage of the nominal voltage (P1-07)
applied to the motor when a stop command is received. This parameter is activated for
V/f control only.

P6-19 Braking resistor value

Setting range: 0; Min-R – 200 Ω
Sets the braking resistor value in ohms. This value is used for thermal protection of
the braking resistor. Min-R depends on the inverter.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Setting this parameter to "0" disables the protection function for the braking resistor.

P6-20 Braking resistor power

Setting range: 0.0 – 200.0 kW
Sets the braking resistor power in kW with a resolution of 0.1 kW. This value is used
for thermal protection of the braking resistor.
When set to "0.0", the protection function for the braking resistor is disabled.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 159

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P6-21 Brake chopper operating cycle at undertemperature

Setting range: 0.0 – 20.0%
This parameter is used to specify the duty cycle for the brake chopper when the in-
verter is in undertemperature fault state. To heat the inverter, install a braking resistor
at the heat sink of the inverter until the correct operating temperature is reached.
Use this parameter with the utmost care. An incorrect setting might result in exceeding
the rated power capacity of the braking resistor.
Use external thermal protection for the braking resistor to avoid this risk.
When set to "0.0", this function is disabled.

P6-22 Reset fan runtime

• 0: Disabled
• 1: Reset runtime
Setting this parameter to "1" resets the internal runtime counter of the fan to "0" (as
displayed in P0-35).

P6-23 Reset kWh meter

• 0: Disabled
• 1: Reset kWh counter
Setting this parameter to "1" resets the internal kWh counter to "0" (as displayed in
P0-26 and P0-27).

P6-24 Parameter default settings

Inverter factory settings:
The inverter must not be enabled and the display must show "Inhibit".
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Factory settings except for bus parameters.
• 2: Factory settings for all parameters.

P6-25 Access code level 3

Setting range: 0 – 201 – 9999
User-defined access code that has to be entered in P1-14 to allow access to the ad-
vanced parameters in groups 6 to 9.

P6-26 Parameter backup

• 0: Output value
• 1: Save parameters
• 2: Delete parameter
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Selection 0: The output value is always displayed.

Selection 1: Saving the current parameterization.
The entire parameter settings are saved to a secured memory. Upon successful com-
pletion of the backup, the display shows "USr-PS".
The memory content is preserved also when the device is de-energized and when the
factory settings are activated.

160 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
Selection 2: Deleting the saved parameterization from the secure memory.
The internal memory is deleted again. The display shows "USr-cL".
Restoring the saved parameterization from the memory:
By pressing the four keys "Start + Stop + Up + Down" simultaneously for at least
2  seconds, the saved parameter setting can be restored. This overwrites the para-
meter data in the device and resets it to the value at the time of the backup. The dis-
play shows "U-dEF" upon successful completion of the restoring.
Establishing the delivery state (no change to preceding versions):
To reset the inverter to the factory settings (delivery state), press the three keys "Stop
+ Up + Down" for at least 2 seconds until "P-dEF" appears on the display. This pro-
cess overwrites the current parameterization without deleting the saved data in the se-
cure memory with the parameter backup.

9.2.8 Parameter group 7: Motor control parameters (level 3)

Possible inverter damage
The following parameters are used internally by the inverter to provide for optimum
motor control. Incorrect settings of the parameters can result in poor performance
and unexpected behavior of the motor. Adjustments may be made only by experi-
enced users who fully understand the functions of these parameters.

Equivalent wiring diagram for AC motors.

RS Lsd Lsq Rr

I drms

U Xn R r 1 -s s


P7-01 Motor stator resistance (Rs)

Setting range: depends on the motor (Ω)
The stator resistance value is the ohmic phase-to-phase resistance of the copper
winding. This value is determined and set automatically during "auto tune".
Instead, you can enter this value manually.

P7-02 Motor rotor resistance (Rr)

22872051/EN – 09/2016

Setting range: depends on the motor (Ω)

For induction motors: Phase-to-phase rotor resistance value in ohms.
For synchronous motors: Value has to be set to 0 ohm.

P7-03 Motor stator inductance (Lsd)

Setting range: depends on the motor (H)

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 161

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

For induction motors: Phase stator inductance value.

For synchronous motors: Phase d-axis stator inductance in Henry.

P7-04 Motor magnetization current (Id rms)

Setting range: 10% × P1-08 − 80% × P1-08 (A)
For induction motors: Magnetizing current/no-load current. Before auto tune, this value
is approximated to 60% of the rated motor current (P1-08) assuming a motor power
factor of 0.8.

P7-05 Motor leakage loss coefficient (sigma)

Setting range: 0.025 − 0.10 − 0.25
For induction motors: Leakage loss coefficient of the motor.

P7-06 Motor stator inductance (Lsq) − only for synchronous motors

Setting range: depends on the motor (H)
For synchronous motors: Phase q-axis stator inductance in Henry.

P7-07 Enhanced generator control

Use this parameter when stability problems occur in extremely regenerative applica-
tions. When this function is enabled, regenerative operation is possible at low speeds.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Enabled

P7-08 Parameter adjustment

Use this parameter for small motors (P < 0.75  kW) with high impedance. When this
function is enabled, the thermal motor model can adjust rotor and stator resistance
during operation. In this way, impedance effects occurring with vector control and
caused by heating are compensated.
• 0: Disabled
• 1: Enabled

P7-09 Overvoltage current limit

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 100%
This parameter is only applicable in vector speed control mode and takes effect when
the DC link voltage of the inverter exceeds a preset limit. This voltage level is set in-
ternally exactly below the trigger threshold for overvoltage.
When set to "0.0", this function is disabled.
• The motor with high inertia is decelerated. Regenerative energy flows back to the
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• The DC link voltage increases and reaches the UZmax level.
• To discharge the DC link, the frequency inverter delivers current (P7-09) and the
motor accelerates again.
• The DC link voltage falls below UZmax again.
• The motor is continued to be decelerated.

162 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P7-10 Stiffness (for vector control)
Setting range: 0 – 10 – 600
P7-10 is used to improve the control response for control modes without encoder
feedback. P7-10 has an internal effect on the P and I components of the control. This
value can usually remain set to the default value "10".
Increasing P7-10 increases the stiffness of the motor. Decreasing this parameter has
the opposite effect.

P7-11 Pulse width min. limit

Setting range: 0 – 500
This parameter is used to limit the minimum output pulse width. The minimum output
pulse width can be used for applications with long cables. Increasing the value of this
parameter reduces the risk of overcurrent faults with long motor cables. The reason is
that the number of voltage edges and consequently load peaks are reduced. At the
same time, however, also the maximum available output motor voltage is reduced for
a certain input voltage.
The factory setting depends on the inverter.
Time = value × 16.67 ns

P7-12 Premagnetization time

Setting range: 0 – 5000 ms
Use this parameter to define a premagnetization time. Consequently, there is a corres-
ponding start delay when the inverter is enabled. If the value is too small, the inverter
might generate an overcurrent fault when the acceleration ramp is very short.
In the case of operating modes for synchronous motors, this parameter, together with
P7-14, is used for the initial rotor alignment. In particular, it must be adjusted for high
moments of mass inertia.
The factory setting depends on the inverter.

P7-13 D-gain vector speed controller

Setting range: 0.0 – 400%
This parameter is used to set the differential gain (%) for the speed controller in vector
mode operation.

P7-14 Low-frequency torque boost/premagnetization current

Setting range: 0.0 – 100%
The boost current applied at start-up as a % of the rated motor current (P1-08). The
inverter has a boost function. Current can be injected into the motor at low speed in
order to ensure that the rotor alignment is maintained and the motor operates effi-
ciently at low speeds.
For a boost at a low speed, run the inverter at the lowest frequency required for the
22872051/EN – 09/2016

application. Increase the values to provide the required torque and to ensure smooth

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 163

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P7-14 is used in conjunction with P7-12 to align the rotor initially.


P7-15 Torque boost frequency limit

Setting range: 0.0 – 50%
Frequency range for the applied boost current (P7-14) in % of the rated motor fre-
quency (P1-09).
This parameter works according to the figure below.


P7-16 Motor nameplate speed

The parameter has no function.

9.2.9 Parameter group 8: Application-specific parameters (only LTX) (level 3)

For further information refer to the "MOVITRAC® LTX Servo Module for MOVITRAC®
LTP-B" addendum for the operating instructions, chapter "LTX function parameter set
(level 3)".
22872051/EN – 09/2016

P8-01 Simulated encoder scaling

Setting range: 20 – 23

P8-02 Input pulse scaling value

Setting range: 20 – 216

164 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P8-03 Lag error low word
Setting range: 0 – 65535
Number of increments within a revolution.

P8-04 Lag error high word

Setting range: 0 – 65535
Number of revolutions.

P8-05 Reference travel type

• 0: Disabled
• 1: Zero pulse with negative travel direction
• 2: Zero pulse with positive travel direction
• 3: End of reference cam negative travel direction
• 4: End of reference cam positive travel direction
• 5: No reference travel; only possible without enabled drive
• 6: Fixed stop positive direction of travel
• 7: Fixed stop negative direction of travel

P8-06 Position controller proportional gain

Setting range: 0.0 – 1.0 – 400%

P8-07 Touch probe trigger mode

• 0: TP1 P edge TP2 P edge
• 1: TP1 N edge TP2 P edge
• 2: TP1 N edge TP2 N edge
• 3: TP1 P edge TP2 N edge

P8-08 Reserved

P8-09 Velocity precontrol gain

Setting range: 0 – 100 – 400%
Defines the command source for using terminal mode.
This parameter takes effect only when P1-12 > 0. It allows the control signal source
defined in P1-12 to be overwritten.
High: The sources defined in parameters P9-02 to P9-07 control the inverter.
Low: The control signal source set in P1-12 is effective.
The control signal sources of the inverter are prioritized as follows:
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• STO deactivation
• External fault
• Rapid stop
• Enable
• P9-09

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 165

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

• Run forward/run reverse/reverse

• Reset

P8-10 Acceleration precontrol gain

Setting range: 0 – 400%

P8-11 Reference offset low word

Setting range: 0 – 65535

P8-12 Reference offset high word

Setting range: 0 – 65535

P8-13 Reserved

P8-14 Reference enable torque

Setting range: 0 – 100 – 500%

9.2.10 Parameter group 9: Digital inputs defined by the user (level 3)

The purpose of parameter group 9 is to give the user full flexibility to control the in-
verter behavior in complex applications that require specific parameter settings. Use
the parameters of this group with utmost care. Only users that are absolutely familiar
with the use of the inverter and its control functions should adjust the parameters of
this group.

Overview of functions
Parameter group 9 allows for the advanced programming of the inverter including user
defined functions for the digital and analog inputs of the inverter as well as control of
the speed setpoint source.
The following rules apply to parameter group 9:
• The parameters of this group cannot be changed unless P1-15 = 0.
• Changing the value P1-15 clears all the previous settings made in parameter
group 9.
• Parameter group 9 has to be configured individually by the user.

Write down your settings.

Logic source selection parameters

22872051/EN – 09/2016

The parameters for selecting a logic source let users directly define the source for a
control function in the inverter. These parameters can only be linked to digital values,
which either enable or disable the function depending on their state.
Parameters defined as logic sources have the following range of possible settings:
Inverter display Setting Function
STO input Linked to the status of STO inputs, if allowed.

166 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
Inverter display Setting Function
Always OFF Function permanently disabled.

Always ON Function permanently enabled.

Digital input 1 Function linked to digital input 1 status.

Digital input 2 Function linked to digital input 2 status.

Digital input 3 Function linked to digital input 3 status.

Digital input 4 Function linked to digital input 4 (analog input 1) status.

Digital input 5 Function linked to digital input 5 (analog input 2) status.

Digital input 6 Function linked to digital input 6 (requires extended I/O op-

Digital input 7 Function linked to digital input 7 (requires extended I/O op-

Digital input 8 Function linked to digital input 8 (requires extended I/O op-

The control sources for the inverter are handled in the following order of priority (from
highest to lowest priority):
• STO circuit
• External fault
• Rapid stop
• Enable
• Terminal control override
• CW/CCW operation
• Reset

Data source selection parameters

Parameters for selecting a data source define the signal source for speed source 1 –
 8. Parameters defined as data sources have the following range of possible settings:
Inverter display Setting Function
Analog input 1 Analog input 1 signal level (P0-01).

Analog input 2 Analog input 2 signal level (P0-02).

Fixed setpoint speed Selected fixed setpoint speed.

Keypad (motorized po- Keypad speed setpoint (P0-06).

22872051/EN – 09/2016

PID controller output PID controller output (P0-10).

Master speed setpoint Master speed setpoint (master/slave operation).

Fieldbus speed setpoint Fieldbus speed setpoint PE2.

User defined speed set- User defined speed setpoint (PLC function).

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 167

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

Inverter display Setting Function

Frequency input Pulse frequency input reference.

P9-01 Enable input source

Setting range: SAFE, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
This parameter specifies the source of the frequency inverter enable function. This
function is usually assigned to digital input 1. It allows the use of a hardware enable
signal in different situations where, for example, the commands for run forward or run
reverse from external sources such as fieldbus controls signals or a PLC program.

P9-02 Rapid stop input source

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies the source of the rapid stop input. As response to a rapid stop command, the
motor stops using the deceleration time set in P2-25.

P9-03 Input source for clockwise rotation (CW)

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies the source of the CW rotation command.

P9-04 Input source for counterclockwise rotation (CCW)

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies the source of the CCW rotation command.

When the CW rotation and CCW rotation commands are applied to the motor simul-
taneously, the inverter executes a rapid stop.

P9-05 Latch function enable

Setting range: OFF, ON
Enables the latching function of the digital inputs.
The latching function makes it possible to use momentary start signals to start and
stop the motor in any direction. In this case, the enable input source (P9-01) must be
linked to a normally closed control source (open for stop).
This control source must be logic "1" to allow the motor to start. The inverter then re-
sponds to momentary or pulse start and stop signals as defined in parameters P9-03
and P9-04.

P9-06 Direction of rotation reversal

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Specifies the source of the input for the direction of rotation reversal.

P9-07 Reset input source

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies the source of the reset command.

168 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P9-08 External fault input source
Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies the source of the external fault command.

P9-09 Terminal control enable source

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Defines the source of the command used to select terminal control operation of the in-
verter. This parameter takes effect only when P1-12 > 0. It allows terminal control to
be selected in order to override the control signal source defined in P1-12.

P9-10 – P9-17 Speed source

Up to 8 speed setpoint sources can be defined for the inverter and can be selected
during operation using P9-18 – P9-20. When changing the setpoint source, the new
source is applied immediately during ongoing operation. The inverter need not have to
be stopped and restarted.

P9-10 Speed source 1

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-11 Speed source 2

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-12 Speed source 3

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-13 Speed source 4

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-14 Speed source 5

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-15 Speed source 6

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 169

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

P9-16 Speed source 7

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-17 Speed source 8

Setting range: Ain-1, Ain-2, fixed setpoint speed 1 – 8, d-Pot, PID, Sub-dr, F-bus,
user, pulse
Specifies the source of the speed.

P9-18 – P9-20 Input speed selection

The active speed setpoint can be selected during operation by means of the status of
the above mentioned parameters for the logic source. The speed setpoints are selec-
ted according to the following logic:

P9-20 P9-19 P9-18 Speed setpoint source

0 0 0 1 (P9-10)
0 0 1 2 (P9-11)
0 1 0 3 (P9-12)
0 1 1 4 (P9-13)
1 0 0 5 (P9-14)
1 0 1 6 (P9-15)
1 1 0 7 (P9-16)
1 1 1 8 (P9-17)

P9-18 Input speed selection 0

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
"Bit 0" logic source for selecting the speed setpoint

P9-19 Input speed selection 1

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
"Bit 1" logic source for selecting the speed setpoint

P9-20 Input speed selection 2

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
"Bit 2" logic source for selecting the speed setpoint

P9-21–P9-23 Fixed speed selection input

22872051/EN – 09/2016

When a fixed speed setpoint is to be used for the speed setpoint, you can select the
active fixed speed setpoint based on the status of these parameters. The following lo-
gic is used for selection:

P9-23 P9-22 P9-21 Fixed setpoint speed

0 0 0 1 (P2-01)

170 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Explanation of the parameters 9
P9-23 P9-22 P9-21 Fixed setpoint speed
0 0 1 2 (P2-02)
0 1 0 3 (P2-03)
0 1 1 4 (P2-04)
1 0 0 5 (P2-05)
1 0 1 6 (P2-06)
1 1 0 7 (P2-07)
1 1 1 8 (P2-08)

P9-21 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 0

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies input source 0 for the fixed setpoint speed.

P9-22 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 1

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies input source 1 for the fixed setpoint speed.

P9-23 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 2

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8, On
Specifies input source 2 for the fixed setpoint speed.

P9-24 Positive jog mode input

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the signal source for operation in positive jog mode.
The jog speed is specified in parameter P2-01.

P9-25 Negative jog mode input

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the signal source for operation in negative jog mode.
The jog speed is specified in parameter P2-01.

P9-26 Reference travel enable input

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the source of the enable signal for the reference travel function.

P9-27 Reference cam input

22872051/EN – 09/2016

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the source of the cam input.

P9-28 Motor potentiometer up input source

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 171

9 Parameters
Explanation of the parameters

Specifies the source of the logic signal used to increase the speed setpoint with the
keypad/motorized potentiometer. When the specified signal source is logic 1, the
value increases by the ramp defined in P1-03.

P9-29 Motor potentiometer down input source

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the source of the logic signal used to decrease the speed setpoint with the
keypad/motorized potentiometer. When the specified signal source is logic 1, the
value decreases by the rate defined in P1-04.

P9-30 Positive limit switch CW

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
The parameter defines the digital input for the positive limit switch. The signal hat to
be wired safe against wire breakage as NC contact. Upon activation of the limit switch,
a 0  V level is present at the DI and the inverter reduces the speed along the ramp
P1-04 to 0 Hz.
As long as the enable persists at the inverter, the inverter stays enabled at 0 Hz.
The status of the limit switch is also depicted in the status word.

P9-31 Negative limit switch CCW

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
The parameter defines the digital input for the negative limit switch. The signal has to
be wired safe against wire breakage as NC contact. Upon activation of the limit switch,
a 0  V level is present at the DI and the inverter reduces the speed along the ramp
P1-04 to 0 Hz.
As long as the enable persists at the inverter, the inverter stays enabled at 0 Hz.
The status of the limit switch is also depicted in the status word.

P9-32 Enable second deceleration ramp, rapid stop ramp

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
Specifies the source of the logic signal used to enable the rapid deceleration ramp
defined in P2-25.

P9-33 Fire mode/emergency mode input selection

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5. Specifies the source of the logic
signal used to enable fire mode/emergency mode. In this mode, the inverter ignores
all faults and/or disconnections and operates until total failure or power failure.

P9-34 PID fixed setpoint reference selection input 0

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8
22872051/EN – 09/2016

P9-35 PID fixed setpoint reference selection input 1

Setting range: OFF, din-1, din-2, din-3, din-4, din-5, din-6, din-7, din-8

Parameters P3-14 − P3-16 cannot be used while P9-34 and P9-35 are set to "OFF".

172 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Markings 10
10 Technical data
10.1 Markings
The following table lists all markings that can be given on a nameplate or attached to
the motor and an explanation of what they mean.

Mark Meaning
CE mark to state compliance with the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
EU directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS) serves for limiting the use of hazardous
substances in electric and electronic equipment.
FS mark with code number to identify functional safety relevant compon-

UL logo to confirm that a component is UL (Underwriters Laboratory)

tested, also valid for CSA in conjunction with the register number.

EAC mark (EurAsian Conformity)

Confirms compliance with the technical regulations of the economic and
customs union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia.
RCM logo (Regulatory Compliance Mark).
Confirmation of compliance with technical regulations of the Australian
Communications and Media Authority ACMA.

All products meet the following international standards:

• UL 508C power converter
• EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012 Variable-speed electrical drives – part 3
• EN ISO 13849-1 Safe Torque Off (STO) to PL d
• Degree of protection according to NEMA 250, EN 60529
• Flammability class according to UL 94
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 173

10 Technical data
Ambient conditions

10.2 Ambient conditions

Ambient temperature range during -10 °C to +50 °C (IP20/NEMA 1)
-10 °C to +40 °C (IP55/NEMA 12K)
(For PWM frequency 2 kHz)
-10 °C to +40 °C (IP66/NEMA 4X)
Derating depending on the ambi- 2.5%/°C to 60 °C for the following inverters with degree of protection
ent temperature IP20/NEMA 1:
230 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW
400 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
500 V: 0.75 – 15 kW
2.5%/°C to 50 °C for the following inverters with IP degree of protection
230 V: 0.75 – 4 kW
400 V: 0.75 – 7.5 kW
500 V: 0.75 – 11 kW
1.5%/°C to 50 °C for the following inverters with IP degree of protection
IP55/NEMA 12K:
230 V: 5.5 – 75 kW
400 V: 11 – 160 kW
500 V: 15 – 110 kW
Storage temperature -40 °C to +60 °C
Maximum installation altitude for 1000 m
nominal operation
Derating above 1000 m 1%/100 m to max. 2000 m with UL
1%/100 m to max. 4000 m without UL
Maximum relative humidity 95% (condensation not permitted)
Device designs IP20/NEMA 1
22872051/EN – 09/2016

174 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
10.3 Technical data
The "Horsepower" (HP) specification is defined as follows:
• 200 – 240 V devices: NEC2002, table 430-150, 230 V
• 380 – 480 V devices: NEC2002, table 430-150, 460 V
• 500 – 600 V devices: NEC2002, table 430-150, 575 V

10.3.1 1-phase system AC 200 – 240 V

The cable cross sections and fusing recommended below apply to the use of copper
conductors with PVC insulation laid in cable ducts at an ambient temperature of
25° C. Also comply with the regulations issued by specific countries and for specific
machines regarding power supply system and motor cable.

MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C1 according to EN 61800-3

Power in kW 0.75 1.5 2.2
MC LTP-B.. 0008-2B1-4-00 0015-2B1-4-00 0022-2B1-4-00
Part number 18251382 18251528 18251641
MC LTP-B.. 0008-2B1-4-10 0015-2B1-4-10 0022-2B1-4-10
Part number 18251390 18251536 18251668
Nominal line voltage Vline according to V 1 × AC 200 – 240 ±10%
EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply cable cross mm2 1.5 2.5
section AWG 14 12
Line fuse A 16 25 (35)1)
Nominal input current A 8.5 13.9 19.5
Recommended motor power kW 0.75 1.5 2.2
HP 1 2 3
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 4.3 7 10.5
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12/16
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu 75C mm2 1.5 2.5
AWG 14 12
Maximum motor cable length shielded m 100
Maximum motor cable length unshielded 150
Size 2
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Nominal power loss 24 V W 8

Nominal power loss power section W 22 45 66
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 27
Maximum device terminal cross section mm² 10
Maximum control terminal cross section mm² 0.05 – 2.5
AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 175

10 Technical data
Technical data

10.3.2 3-phase system AC 200 – 240 V

All inverters with a power supply of 3 × AC 200 – 240 V can also be operated with 1 ×
AC 200 – 240 V when observing a derating of 50% of the output current.

Power 0.75 – 5.5 kW

MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5
MC LTP-B.. 0008-2A3-4-00 0015-2A3-4-00 0022-2A3-4-00 0030-2A3-4-00 0040-2A3-4-00 0055-2A3-4-00
Part number 18251358 18251471 18251617 18251722 18251765 18251846
MC LTP-B.. 0008-2A3-4-10 0015-2A3-4-10 0022-2A3-4-10 0030-2A3-4-10 0040-2A3-4-10 0055-2A3-4-10
Part number 18251366 18251498 18251625 18251730 18251773 18251854
Nominal line voltage Vline V 3 × AC 200 – 240 ±10%
according to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power sup- mm2 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0
ply cable cross section AWG 16 14 12 10
1) 1)
Line fuse A 10 16 20 (35) 25 (35) 35
Nominal input current A 4.5 7.3 11 16.1 18.8 24.8
Recommended motor kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5
power HP 1 2 3 4 5 7.5
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 4.3 7 10.5 14 18 24
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12/16 2/4/6/8
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor mm2 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0
cable Cu 75C AWG 16 14 12 10
Max. motor cable length m 100
Max. motor cable length un- 150
Size 2 3 3 / 42)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 8 8/112)
Nominal power loss power W 22 45 66 90 120 165
Minimum braking resistance Ω 27 22
Maximum device terminal mm2 10 10 / 162)
22872051/EN – 09/2016

cross section AWG 8 8/62)

Maximum control terminal mm2 0.05 – 2.5
cross section AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance
2) IP20 housing: Size 3 / IP55 housing: Size 4

176 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
Power 7.5 – 18.5 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 7.5 11 15 18.5
MC LTP-B.. 0075-2A3-4-10 0110-2A3-4-10 0150-2A3-4-10 0185-2A3-4-10
Part number 18251919 18251978 18252036 18252060
Nominal line voltage Vline according V 3 × AC 200 – 240 ±10%
to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply cable mm2 10 16 25 35
cross section AWG 8 6 4 2
Line fuse A 50 63 80 100
Nominal input current A 40 47.1 62.4 74.1
Recommended motor power kW 7.5 11 15 18.5
HP 10 15 20 25
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 39 46 61 72
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu mm 10 16 25 35
75C AWG 8 6 4 2
Maximum motor cable length shiel- m 100
Maximum motor cable length un- 150
Size 4 5
Nominal power loss 24 V W 11 11.3
Nominal power loss power section W 225 330 450 555
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 22 12 6
Maximum device terminal cross mm2 16 35
section AWG 6 2
Maximum control terminal cross mm2 0.05 – 2.5
section AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 177

10 Technical data
Technical data

Power 22 – 45 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 22 30 37 45
MC LTP-B.. 0220-2A3-4-10 0300-2A3-4-10 0370-2A3-4-10 0450-2A3-4-10
Part number 18252087 18252117 18252141 18252176
Nominal line voltage Vline according V 3 × AC 200 – 240 ±10%
to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply cable mm2 35 50 95
cross section AWG 2 1 3 / 0
Line fuse A 100 150 200
Nominal input current A 92.3 112.7 153.5 183.8
Recommended motor power kW 22 30 37 45
HP 30 40 50 60
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 90 110 150 180
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8 2/4/6 2/4
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu mm 35 50 95
75C AWG 2 1 3 / 0
Maximum motor cable length shiel- m 100
Maximum motor cable length un- 150
Size 6
Nominal power loss 24 V W 11.6
Nominal power loss power section W 660 900 1110 1350
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 6 3
Maximum device terminal cross M10 stud with nut max. 95 mm2
section M8 braking resistor connector max. 70 mm2
Crimping cable lug DIN 46235
Maximum control terminal cross mm 0.05 – 2.5
section AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

178 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
Power 55 – 75 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 55 75
MC LTP-B.. 0550-2A3-4-10 0750-2A3-4-10
Part number 18252206 18252230
Nominal line voltage Vline according to EN 50160 V 3 × AC 200 – 240 ±10%
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply cable cross section mm2 120 150
AWG 4 / 0 –
Line fuse A 250 315
Nominal input current A 206.2 252.8
Recommended motor power kW 55 75
HP 75 100
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 202 248
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8 2/4/6
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu 75C mm2 120 150
AWG 4 / 0 –
Maximum motor cable length shielded m 100
Maximum motor cable length unshielded 150
Size 7
Nominal power loss 24 V W 11.9
Nominal power loss power section W 1650 2250
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 3
Maximum device terminal cross section M10 stud with nut max. 95 mm2
M8 braking resistor connector max. 70 mm2
Crimping cable lug DIN 46235
Maximum control terminal cross section mm2 0.05 – 2.5
AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 179

10 Technical data
Technical data

10.3.3 3-phase system AC 380 – 480 V

Power 0.75 – 11 kW

MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11
MC LTP-B.. 0008-5A3-4-00 0015-5A3-4-00 0022-5A3-4-00 0040-5A3-4-00 0055-5A3-4-00 0075-5A3-4-00 0110-5A3-4-00
Part number 18251412 18251552 18251684 18251803 18251870 18251927 18251986
MC LTP-B.. 0008-5A3-4-10 0015-5A3-4-10 0022-5A3-4-10 0040-5A3-4-10 0055-5A3-4-10 0075-5A3-4-10 0110-5A3-4-10
Part number 18251420 18251560 18251692 18251811 18251889 18251935 18251994
Nominal line V 3 × AC 380 – 480 ±10%
voltage Vline ac-
cording to
EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended mm2 1.5 2.5 6
power supply AWG 16 14 10
cable cross sec-
Line fuse A 10 16 (15)1) 16 20 35
Nominal input cur- A 2.4 4.3 6.1 9.8 14.6 18.1 24.7
Recommended kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11
motor power HP 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15
Output voltage V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 2.2 4.1 5.8 9.5 14 18 24
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12/16 2/4/6/8/12 2/4/6/8
Speed range 1/min
Maximum output Hz 500
Cross section of mm2 1.5 2.5 6
motor cable Cu AWG 16 14 10
Max. motor cable m 100
length shielded
Max. motor cable 150
length unshielded
Size 2 3 3 / 42)
Nominal power W 8 10 10/16.72)
loss 24 V
Nominal power W 22 45 66 120 165 225 330
loss power section
Minimum braking Ω 68 39
resistance value
Maximum device mm2 10 10 / 162)
terminal cross AWG 8 8/62)
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Maximum control mm2 0.05 – 2.5
terminal cross AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance
2) IP20 housing: Size 3 / IP55 housing: Size 4

180 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
Power 15 – 37 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 15 18.5 22 30 37
MC LTP-B.. 0150-5A3-4-10 0185-5A3-4-10 0220-5A3-4-10 0300-5A3-4-10 0370-5A3-4-10
Part number 18252044 18252079 18252095 18252125 18252168
Nominal line voltage Vline ac- V 3 × AC 380 – 480 ±10%
cording to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply mm2 6 10 16 25 35
cable cross section AWG 10 8 6 4 2
Line fuse A 35 50 63 80 100
Nominal input current A 30.8 40 47.1 62.8 73.8
Recommended motor power kW 15 18.5 22 30 37
HP 20 25 30 40 50
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 30 39 46 61 72
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable mm 6 10 16 25 35
Cu 75C AWG 10 8 6 4 2
Max. motor cable length m 100
Max. motor cable length un- 150
Size 4 5
Nominal power loss 24 V W 16.7 19.8
Nominal power loss power W 450 555 660 900 1110
Minimum braking resistance Ω 22 12
Maximum device terminal mm2 16 35
cross section AWG 6 2
Maximum control terminal mm 0.05 – 2.5
cross section AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 181

10 Technical data
Technical data

Power 45 – 90 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 45 55 75 90
MC LTP-B.. 0450-5A3-4-10 0550-5A3-4-10 0750-5A3-4-10 0900-5A3-4-10
Part number 18252184 18252214 18252249 18252273
Nominal line voltage Vline ac- V 3 × AC 380 – 480 ±10%
cording to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply mm2 50 70 95 120
cable cross section AWG 1 2 / 0 3 / 0 4 / 0
Line fuse A 125 150 200 250
Nominal input current A 92.2 112.5 153.2 183.7
Recommended motor power kW 45 55 75 90
HP 60 75 100 150
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 90 110 150 180
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8 2/4/6 2/4
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable mm 50 70 95 120
Cu 75C AWG 1 2 / 0 3 / 0 4 / 0
Max. motor cable length m 100
Max. motor cable length un- 150
Size 6
Nominal power loss 24 V W 31.1
Nominal power loss power W 1350 1650 2250 2700
Minimum braking resistance Ω 6
Maximum device terminal M10 stud with nut max. 95 mm2
cross section M8 braking resistor connector max. 70 mm2
Crimping cable lug DIN 46235
Maximum control terminal mm2 0.05 – 2.5
cross section AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

182 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
Power 110 – 160 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class C2 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 110 132 160
MC LTP-B.. 1100-5A3-4-10 1320-5A3-4-10 1600-5A3-4-10
Part number 18252303 18252311 18252346
Nominal line voltage Vline according to V 3 × AC 380 – 480 ±10%
EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply cable cross mm2 120 150 185
section AWG 4 / 0 – –
Line fuse A 250 315 355
Nominal input current A 205.9 244.5 307.8
Recommended motor power kW 110 132 160
HP 175 200 250
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 202 240 302
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8 2/4/6 2/4
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu 75C mm 120 150 185
AWG 4 / 0 – –
Maximum motor cable length shielded m 100
Maximum motor cable length unshielded 150
Size 7
Nominal power loss 24 V W 38.5
Nominal power loss power section W 3300 3960 4800
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 6
Maximum device terminal cross section M10 stud with nut max. 95 mm2
M8 braking resistor connector max. 70 mm2
Crimping cable lug DIN 46235
Maximum control terminal cross section mm2 0.05 – 2.5
AWG 30 – 12
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 183

10 Technical data
Technical data

10.3.4 3-phase system AC 500 – 600 V

Power 0.75 – 5.5 kW

MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class 0 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5
MC LTP-B.. 0008-603-4-00 0015-603-4-00 0022-603-4-00 0040-603-4-00 0055-603-4-00
Part number 18251447 18251587 18251714 18410812 18410839
MC LTP-B.. 0008-603-4-10 0015-603-4-10 0022-603-4-10 0040-603-4-10 0055-603-4-10
Part number 18251455 18251595 18410804 18410820 18410847
Nominal line voltage Vline accord- V 3 × AC 500 – 600 ±10%
ing to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power supply mm2 1.5 2.5
cable cross section AWG 16 14
Line fuse A 10 / (6)1) 10 16 / (15)1)
Nominal input current A 2.5 3.7 4.9 7.8 10.8
Recommended motor power kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5
HP 1 2 3 5 7.5
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 2.1 3.1 4.1 6.5 9
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor cable Cu mm2 1.5 2.5
75C AWG 16 14
Max. motor cable length shielded m 100
Max. motor cable length unshiel- 150
Size 2
Nominal power loss 24 V W 8
Nominal power loss power sec- W 22 45 66 120 165
Minimum braking resistance Ω 68
Maximum device terminal cross mm2 10
section AWG 8
Maximum control terminal cross mm 0.05 – 2.5
section AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance in brackets
22872051/EN – 09/2016

184 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Technical data 10
Power 7.5 – 30 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class 0 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
MC LTP-B.. 0075-603-4-00 0110-603-4-00 0150-603-4-00 - - -
Part number 18410855 18410863 18410871 - - -
MC LTP-B.. 0075-603-4-10 0110-603-4-10 0150-603-4-10 0185-603-4-10 0220-603-4-10 0300-603-4-10
Part number 18251951 18252028 18252052 18410898 18252109 18252133
Nominal line voltage Vline V 3 × AC 500 – 600 ±10%
according to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power sup- mm2 2.5 4 6 10 14
ply cable cross section AWG 14 12 10 8 6
Line fuse A 20 25 / (30)1) 35 40 / (45)1) 50 / (60)1) 63 / (70)1)
Nominal input current A 14.4 20.6 26.7 34 41.2 49.5
Recommended motor kW 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
power HP 10 15 20 25 30 40
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 12 17 22 28 34 43
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor mm2 2.5 4 6 10 14
cable Cu 75C AWG 14 12 10 8 6
Max. motor cable length m 100
Max. motor cable length un- 150
Size 3 3 / 42) 4
Nominal power loss 24 V W 10 10/16.72) 16.7
Nominal power loss power W 225 330 450 555 660 900
Minimum braking resistance Ω 39 22
Maximum device terminal mm2 10 10 / 162) 16
cross section AWG 8 8/62) 6
Maximum control terminal mm2 0.05 – 2.5
cross section AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance in brackets
2) IP20 housing: Size 3 / IP55 housing: Size 4
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 185

10 Technical data
Technical data

Power 37 – 110 kW
MOVITRAC® LTPB – EMC filter class 0 according to EN 61800-3
Power in kW 37 45 55 75 90 110
MC LTP-B.. 0370-603-4-10 0450-603-4-10 0550-603-4-10 0750-603-4-10 0900-603-4-10 1100-603-4-10
Part number 18410901 18252192 18252222 18252257 18252281 18410928
Nominal line voltage Vline V 3 × AC 500 – 600 ±10%
according to EN 50160
Line frequency fline Hz 50 / 60 ±5%
Recommended power sup- mm2 25 35 50 70 95
ply cable cross section AWG 4 2 1 2 / 0 3 / 0
Line fuse A 80 100 125/(150)1) 160/(175)1) 200
Nominal input current A 62.2 75.8 90.9 108.2 127.7 158.4
Recommended motor kW 37 45 55 75 90 110
power HP 50 60 75 100 125 150
Output voltage Vmotor V 3 × 20 - Vline
Output current A 54 65 78 105 130 150
PWM frequency kHz 2/4/6/8/12 2/4/6/8 2/4/6
Speed range 1/min -30000 – 0 – +30000
Maximum output frequency Hz 500
Cross section of motor mm 25 35 50 70 95
cable Cu 75C AWG 4 2 1 2 / 0 3 / 0
Max. motor cable length m 100
Max. motor cable length 150
Size 5 6
Nominal power loss 24 V W 19.8 31.1
Nominal power loss power W 1110 1350 1650 2250 2700 3300
Minimum braking resist- Ω 22 12 6
ance value
Maximum device terminal mm2 35 M10 stud with nut max. 95 mm2
cross section M8 braking resistor connector max. 70 mm2
Crimping cable lug DIN 46235
AWG 2 -
Maximum control terminal mm2 0.05 – 2.5
cross section AWG 30 – 12
1) Recommended values for UL compliance
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186 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Input voltage ranges 10
10.4 Input voltage ranges
Depending on the model, the inverters are designed for direct connection to the follow-
ing voltage sources:

Nominal voltage ac- Power Connection Rated frequency
cording to EN 50160 type
200 – 240 V ± 10% 0.75 – 2.2 kW 1-phase* 50 – 60 Hz ± 5%
200 – 240 V ± 10% All 3-phase
380 – 480 V ± 10%
500 – 600 V ± 10%
Units that are connected to a 3-phase supply system are designed for a maximum
power grid imbalance of 3% between the phases. For supply systems with a power
grid imbalance of more than 3% (for example, in India and parts of the Asia-Pacific re-
gion including China), SEW-EURODRIVE recommends that you use input chokes.

*Single-phase inverters can also be connected to 2 phases of a 3-phase power sup-
ply system of 200 – 240 V.

10.5 Overload capacity

The inverter supplies a constant output current of 100%.

Overload capacity based on nominal inverter 60 seconds 2 seconds

MOVITRAC® LTP-B 150% 175%

Overload capacity based on nominal motor 60 seconds 2 seconds

Asynchronous motors 150% 175%
Synchronous motors 200% 250%1)
1) Only 200% for inverters with 5.5 kW.

Overload capacity based on nominal motor 60 seconds 2 seconds

MGF..2-DSM with MC LTP-B 0015-5A3-4-xx 200% 220%
22872051/EN – 09/2016

MGF..4-DSM with MC LTP-B 0022-5A3-4-xx 190% 220%

1) 1)
MGF..4/XT-DSM with MC LTP-B 0040-5A3-4- % %1)
1) In preparation.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 187

10 Technical data
Housing variants and dimensions

10.6 Housing variants and dimensions

10.6.1 Housing variants
The inverter is available with the following housing variants:
• IP20/NEMA-1 housing for use in control cabinets
• IP55/NEMA-12K housing
• IP66/NEMA-4X housing
The housings with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K and IP66/NEMA 4X are pro-
tected against humidity and dust. This allows for operating the inverter indoors under
difficult conditions. The inverter functions are identical.

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188 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Housing variants and dimensions 10
10.6.2 Dimensions

Inverters with degree of protection IP20/NEMA 1

The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 0.75 – 5.5 kW
400 V 0.75 – 11 kW
575 V 0.75 – 15 kW

a c C B

-DC L1/L L2/N L3


+ BR U V W


Dimension 230 V: 0.75 – 2.2 kW 230 V: 3 – 5.5 kW

400 V: 0.75 – 4 kW 400 V: 5.5 – 11 kW
575 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW 575 V: 7.5 – 15 kW
Height (A) mm 221 261
Width (B) mm 110 131
Depth (C) mm 185 205
Weight kg 1.8 3.5
a mm 63.0 80.0
b mm 209 247
c mm 23 25.5
d mm 7.00 7.75
Recommended screw size 4 × M4
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 189

10 Technical data
Housing variants and dimensions

10.6.3 Dimensions

Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X

The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 0.75 – 4 kW
400 V 0.75 – 7.5 kW
575 V 0.75 – 11 kW

c a C B



Dimension 230 V: 0.75 – 2.2 kW 230 V: 3 – 4 kW

400 V: 0.75 – 4 kW 400 V: 5.5 – 7.5 kW
575 V: 0.75 – 5.5 kW 575 V: 7.5 – 11 kW
Height (A) mm 257 310
Width (B) mm 188 211
Depth (C) mm 239 270
Weight kg 4.8 7.3
a mm 178 200
b mm 200 252
c mm 5 5.5
d mm 28.5 29
Recommended screw size 4 × M4
22872051/EN – 09/2016

190 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Technical data
Housing variants and dimensions 10
Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K
The following inverters have the housing shown below:

Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter

230 V 5.5 – 75 kW
400 V 11 – 160 kW
575 V 15 – 110 kW


a C

Dimension 230 V: 5.5 – 11 kW 230 V: 15 – 18.5 kW 230 V: 22 – 45 kW 230 V: 55 – 75 kW

400 V: 11 – 22 kW 400 V: 30 – 37 kW 400 V: 45 – 90 kW 400 V: 110 – 160
575 V: 15 – 30 kW 575 V: 37 – 45 kW 575 V: 55 – 110 kW kW
Height (A) mm 450 540 865 1280
Width (B) mm 171 235 330 330
Depth (C) mm 235 268 335 365
Weight kg 11.5 22.5 47 80
a mm 110 175 200 200
b mm 423 520 840 1255
c mm 61 60 130 130
d mm 8 8 10 10
Recommended 4 × M8 4 × M10
screw size
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 191

10 Technical data
Protection function

10.7 Protection function

• Output short circuit, phase-phase, phase-ground
• Output overcurrent
• Overload protection
– Inverter responds to overload as described in chapter "Overload
capacity" (→ 2 187).
• Overvoltage fault
– Set to 123% of the maximum nominal line voltage of the inverter.
• Undervoltage fault
• Overtemperature fault
• Undertemperature fault
– The inverter is shut down at a temperature of under -10 °C.
• Line phase failure
– A running inverter shuts down when one phase of a three-phase system fails
for longer than 15 seconds.
• Thermal motor overload protection according to NEC (National Electrical Code,
• Evaluation of TF, TH, KTY84 and PT1000

22872051/EN – 09/2016

192 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Integrated safety technology 11
11 Functional safety (STO)
Safe Torque Off is abbreviated to STO for the remainder of this section.

11.1 Integrated safety technology

The safety technology of MOVITRAC® LTP-B described below has been developed
and tested in accordance with the following safety requirements:

Underlying standards Safety class

EN 61800-5-2:2007 SIL 2
EN ISO 13849-1:2006 PL d
EN 61508:2010 part 1 – 7 SIL 2
EN 60204-1:2006 Stop category 0
EN 62061:2005 SIL CL 2
STO certification was conducted by TÜV Rheinland. It is valid only for devices that
have the TÜV logo imprinted on the nameplate. Copies of the TÜV certificate can be
obtained from SEW‑EURODRIVE.

11.1.1 Safe condition

For the safety-related use of MOVITRAC® LTP-B, "Safe Torque Off" is defined as a
safe state. The underlying safety concept is based on this.

11.1.2 Safety concept

• In case of danger, any potential risk to a machine must be eliminated as quickly as
possible. Bringing the unit to a standstill and preventing a restart is generally the
safe state for preventing dangerous movements.
• The STO function is available irrespective of the operating mode or parameter set-
• It is possible to connect an external safety relay to the frequency inverter. This
safety relay activates the STO function when a connected control device (for ex-
ample, EMERGENCY STOP button with a latching function) is activated. The mo-
tor coasts to a halt and is now in the "Safe Torque Off" state.
• The active STO function prevents the frequency inverter from supplying a torque-
generating rotating field to the motor.

Safe disconnection function (STO)

The safe disconnection function locks the frequency inverter's performance level, thus
preventing it from supplying a torque-generating rotating field to the motor. The motor
coasts to a halt.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Restarting the motor is possible only if:

• A voltage of 24 V is present between STO+ and STO-, as shown in chapter Over-
view of signal terminals.
• All error messages are acknowledged.
Using the STO function makes it possible to integrate the drive into a safety system in
which the STO function must be fully compliant.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 193

11 Functional safety (STO)
Integrated safety technology

The STO function makes the use of electro-mechanical protection with self-checking
auxiliary contacts for implementing safety functions redundant.

Safe Torque Off function

The STO function does not prevent the frequency inverter from restarting unintention-
ally. An automatic restart may occur as soon as the STO inputs obtain a valid signal
(depending on the parameter settings). For this reason, do not use this function to
carry out brief non-electrical work (for example, cleaning or maintenance).

The STO function integrated into the frequency inverter meets the definition of "Safe
Torque Off" in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2:2007.
The STO function corresponds to an uncontrolled stop in accordance with category 0
(emergency off) of IEC 60204-1. If the STO function is activated, the motor coasts to a
stop. This stop procedure must be in accordance with the system that drives the mo-
The STO function is recognized as a fail-safe method even if the STO signal is not
present and an individual fault occurs in the drive. The frequency inverter is tested in
accordance with the safety standards specified below:
SIL PFHD SFF Assumed ser-
Safety integ- Probability of dangerous failure Safe failure vice life
rity level per hour fraction
EN 61800-5:-2 2 1.23 x 10-9 1/h 50% 20 years
(0.12% of SIL 2)

PL CCF (%)
Performance Level Common cause failure
EN ISO 13849‑1 PL d 1

EN 62061 SILCL 2

Note: The above values are not achieved if the frequency inverter is installed in an en-
vironment whose limit values lie outside the values specified in chapter "Ambient
conditions" (→ 2 174).

Some applications require additional measures in order to satisfy the requirements of
the system's safety function. The STO function does not have a motor brake. If a mo-
tor brake is required, it is necessary to use a delayed safety relay and/or a mechan-
ical braking device or similar. It is necessary to establish which protective function is
required when braking. The brake control in the frequency inverter has not been eval-
uated from a safety technology perspective and therefore cannot be used to safely
control the brake without the use of additional measures.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

194 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Integrated safety technology 11
Safety functions
The following figure shows the STO function:



v Speed
t Time
t1 Time at which STO is triggered
Switch-off range

STO status and diagnostics

Frequency in- Frequency inverter display "Inhibit": The STO function is active due to signals
verter display present at the safety inputs. If, at the same time, the frequency inverter switches to a
fault status, the relevant error message is displayed instead of "Inhibit".
Frequency inverter display "STo-F": See chapter "Error codes" (→ 2 87).
Frequency in- Frequency inverter relay 1: If P2-15 is set to "9", the relay opens when the STO func-
verter output re- tion is activated.
lay Frequency inverter relay 2: If P2-18 is set to "9", the relay opens when the STO func-
tion is activated.

Response times of STO function

The entire response time is the time from when a safety-relevant event occurs on the
system components (total) until they are in a safe state (stop category 0 in accordance
with IEC 60204-1).
Response time Description
< 1 ms From the time
• when the STO inputs are no longer energized.
Until the time
• when the motor can no longer generate torque.
< 20 ms From the time
• when the STO inputs are no longer energized.
Until the time
• when the STO monitoring status changes.
< 20 ms From detection
• of a fault in the STO circuit.
Until display
• of the fault in the frequency inverter display or the digital output.
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Status: "Frequency inverter fault"

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 195

11 Functional safety (STO)
Integrated safety technology

11.1.3 Restrictions

The safety concept is only suitable for performing mechanical work on the system/
machine components.
If the STO signal is disconnected, the line voltage is still present at the frequency in-
verter DC link.
• Before working on the electric part of the drive system, disconnect it from the
supply system using an appropriate external disconnecting device and secure it
against unintentional reconnection to the voltage supply.
• The STO function does not prevent an unintentional restart. As soon as the STO
inputs receive the corresponding signal, the drive can restart automatically. Do
not use the STO function for maintenance work.

• The STO function does not have a motor brake. If the motor coasts to a halt, this
must not cause a further hazard. Take this into account during a risk assessment
of the system/machine. Additional safety measures (for example, safety brake sys-
tem) may need to be implemented.
In the case of application-specific safety functions that require active deceleration
(braking) of a dangerous movement, the frequency inverter cannot be used without
an additional brake system.
• When using a permanent-field motor, a multiple output stage error – which is ex-
tremely rare – may cause the rotor to rotate by 180°/p (p = number of pole pairs).

The brake is always applied if a safety-related disconnection of the DC 24 V supply
voltage occurs at terminal 12 (STO activated). The brake control in the frequency in-
verter is not safety-related.

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196 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Safety conditions 11
11.2 Safety conditions
The requirement for safe operation is that the safety functions of the frequency in-
verter are properly integrated into an application-specific higher-level safety function.
In each case, a system/machine-specific risk assessment must be carried out by the
system/machine manufacturer and taken into account when using the drive system
with a frequency inverter.
The system/machine manufacturer and the operator are responsible for ensuring that
the system/machine complies with the relevant safety regulations.
Approved devices:
All available MOVITRAC® LTP-B inverters have the STO function.
The requirements below are mandatory when installing and operating the frequency
inverter in safety-related applications.

11.2.1 Storage requirements

To avoid accidental damage, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends keeping the inverter in
its original packaging until you are going to install it. The storage location must be dry
and clean. The temperature range at the storage location must be between –40°C and
+ 60°C.

11.2.2 Installation requirements

The STO wiring must be protected against accidental short circuits or external influ-
ences. Otherwise, it may cause the STO input signal to fail.

In addition to the wiring guidelines for the STO circuit, section "Electromagnetic
compatibility" (→ 2 38) must also be observed.
Shielded twisted-pair cables are always recommended here.
• The safety-related DC 24 V supply voltage must be EMC-compliant and routed as
– Outside an electrical installation space, shielded cables must be routed per-
manently (fixed) and protected against external damage, or other equivalent
measures have to be taken.
– Inside an electrical installation space: Individual conductors can be routed.
– Adhere to the relevant regulations in force for the application.
• Make sure that you apply shielding for the safety-related DC 24 V supply cable at
both ends.
• Power cables and safety-related control cables must be installed in separate
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• Make sure that no parasitic voltages can be generated in the safety-related control
• The wiring technology used must comply with EN 60204-1.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 197

11 Functional safety (STO)
Safety conditions

• Use only grounded voltage sources with safe isolation (PELV) according to
VDE0100 and EN 60204-1. In case of a single fault, the voltage between the out-
puts or between any output and grounded parts must not exceed a DC voltage of
60 V.
• The safety-related DC 24 V supply voltage may not be used for feedback.
• You can supply power to the 24 V STO input either via an external 24 V supply or
via the internal 24 V supply of the inverter. If an external voltage source is used, its
cable length to the inverter must not exceed 25 meters.
– Nominal voltage: DC +24 V
– STO Logic High: DC 18 – 30 V (Safe Torque Off in standby)
– Maximum current consumption: 100 mA
• When planning the installation, observe the technical data of the frequency in-
• Observe the values specified for safety components when designing the safety cir-
• Frequency inverters with degree of protection IP20 must be installed in an IP54
control cabinet (minimum requirement) in an environment with degree of pollution
1 or 2.
• The safe 24  V must be connected between the safety relay and STO+ input in
such a way that a fault can be ruled out.
The fault assumption "short circuit between any two conductors" can be excluded
in accordance with EN ISO 13849-2: 2008 under the following conditions:
The conductors are:
– Permanently (fixed) installed and protected against external damage (for ex-
ample, using a cable duct or armored conduit)
– Installed in different light plastic-sheathed cables in an electrical installation
space provided that both the lines and the installation space meet the relevant
requirements, see EN 60204-1
– Protected individually by a ground connection
The fault assumption "short circuit between any conductor and an exposed con-
ductive part or ground or a protective conductor" can be excluded under the follow-
ing condition:
– Short circuits between a conductor and any exposed conductive part within an
installation space. 22872051/EN – 09/2016

198 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Safety conditions 11
11.2.3 Requirements on the external safety controller



[2] U [4]


[1] Safety relay with approval

[2] DC 24 V voltage supply
[3] Fuses in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications of the safety relay
[4] Safety-related DC 24 V voltage supply
[5] Reset button for manual reset
[6] Approved EMERGENCY STOP actuating device

A safety relay can be used as an alternative to a safety controller. The following re-
quirements apply analogously:
• The safety controller and all other safety-related subsystems must be approved for
at least that safety class which is required in the overall system for the respective,
application-related safety function.
The following table shows an example of the required safety class of the safety

Application Safety controller requirements

Performance level d in accordance with Performance level d in accordance with
EN ISO 13849-1 EN ISO 13849-1
SIL 2 in accordance with EN 61508
22872051/EN – 09/2016

• The wiring of the safety controller must be suitable for the required safety class
(see manufacturer documentation).
– When disconnected, test pulses on the supply cable are not permitted.
• The values specified for the safety controller must be strictly adhered to when
designing the circuit.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 199

11 Functional safety (STO)
Safety conditions

• The switching capacity of the safety relays or the relay outputs of the safety con-
troller must, at the very least, correspond to the maximum permitted, limited output
current of the 24 V supply voltage.
Observe the manufacturer's instructions concerning the permitted contact loads
and fusing that may be required for the safety contacts. If the manufacturer does
not provide any specific information on this matter, the contacts must be protected
with 0.6 times the nominal value of the maximum contact load specified by the
• To ensure protection against an unintentional restart in accordance with EN 1037,
the safe control system must be designed and connected in such a way that reset-
ting the control device alone does not result in a restart. In other words, a restart
may only be carried out after the safety circuit has been manually reset.

It is not possible to control the STO inputs via pulsed signals (for example, self-test-
ing digital outputs of safety controllers).

11.2.4 Requirements for safety relays

The requirements of the manufacturers of safety relays, such as protecting the output
contacts against welding or other safety components, must be strictly observed. For
cable routing, the basic requirements apply as described in this publication.
Other instructions by the manufacturer on the use of safety relays for specific applica-
tions must also be observed.
Choose the safety relay in such a way that it has at least the same safety standards
as the required PLd/SIL of the application.

Minimum requirements SIL2 or PLd SC3 or higher

(with force-guided contacts)
Number of output contacts 2 independent
Rated switching voltage DC 30 V
Switching current 100 mA

11.2.5 Requirements on startup

• To validate the implemented safety functions, they must be documented and
checked after successful startup (validation).
Observe the limitations for safety functions in chapter "Limitations" (→ 2 196) for
this. Non-safety-related parts and components that affect the result of the valida-
tion (e.g. motor brake) must be deactivated, if necessary.
• For using MOVITRAC® LTP-B in safety-relevant applications, it is essential that
you perform and record startup checks for the disconnecting device and correct
22872051/EN – 09/2016

11.2.6 Requirements on operation

• Operation is only allowed within the limits specified in the data sheets. This prin-
ciple applies to the external safety controller as well as MOVITRAC® LTP-B and
approved options.
• The fans must be able to rotate freely. The heat sink must be kept clear of dust
and dirt.

200 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Safety conditions 11
• The space in which the inverter is installed must be free of dust and condensation.
Check the fans and air filters regularly to ensure that they are working properly.
• All electrical connections and the correct tightening torque for the terminals must
be checked regularly.
• Check power cables for damage caused by heat.

Testing the STO function

Before starting up the system, perform the following tests to ensure that the STO func-
tion is working properly. Here, the configured enable source must be taken into ac-
count in accordance with the settings in P1-15.
• 1. Initial situation:
The frequency inverter is not enabled. Therefore, the motor is at a standstill.
– The STO inputs are no longer energized ("Inhibit" displayed on the frequency
inverter display).
– Enable the frequency inverter. Since the STO inputs continue to not be ener-
gized, "Inhibit" continues to be displayed on the frequency inverter display.
• 2. Initial situation:
The frequency inverter is enabled. The motor rotates.
– Disconnect the STO inputs from the power supply.
– Check whether "Inhibit" is displayed on the frequency inverter display, the mo-
tor is stopped, and the operation runs in accordance with sections "Safe
disconnection function (STO)" (→ 2 193) and "STO status and
diagnostics" (→ 2 195).

Maintaining the STO function

Test the safety functions at regular intervals (at least once per year) to ensure that
they are working properly. The test intervals must be specified on the basis of the risk
Furthermore, test the integrity of the STO function after each change to the safety sys-
tem or following any maintenance work.
If error messages occur, determine their significance under section "Service and error
codes" (→ 2 109).
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 201

11 Functional safety (STO)
Connection variants

11.3 Connection variants

11.3.1 General information
Generally, all the connection variants listed in this documentation are permitted for
safety-relevant applications as long as the basic safety concept is fulfilled. This means
you have to make sure that the DC 24 V safety inputs are operated by an external
safety relay or a safety controller, thus preventing an automatic restart.
All safety conditions mentioned in chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the present documentation
must be met for the basic selection, installation, and application of the safety compon-
ents (for example, safety relay, EMERGENCY STOP switch, and so on), and the ap-
proved connection variants.
The wiring diagrams are block diagrams whose only purpose is to show the safety
function(s) with the relevant components. Circuit-related measures, which usually al-
ways have to be implemented additionally, are not shown in the diagrams to enhance
clarity. Such measures are taken, for example, to ensure protection against contact, to
handle overvoltage and undervoltage, to detect insulation faults, line-to-ground faults
and short circuits, which can occur on externally installed lines, or to ensure the ne-
cessary immunity against electromagnetic interference.

Connections to MOVITRAC® LTP-B

The following illustration shows an overview of the signal terminals.

AO 2 / DO 2
AO 1 / DO 1

AI 2 / DI 5
AI 1 / DI 4
+24 VIO

+10 V

DI 1
DI 2
DI 3



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


22872051/EN – 09/2016

202 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Connection variants 11
11.3.2 Disconnection of a single drive

STO according to PL d (EN ISO 13849-1)

The procedure is as follows:
• The STO input 12 is disconnected.
• The motor coasts to a halt, if no brake is installed.
STO – Safe Torque Off (EN 61800-5-2)

12 *

n t


* Safety input (terminal 12)

n Speed

The displayed STO disconnections can be used up to PL d according to
EN ISO 13849-1 observing chapter "Requirements on safety relays" (→ 2 200).

Digital control with safety relay with external 24 V supply

system +24 V Higher-level
Stop Start PLC

main terminals

Emergency stop
1 = Enable
Reset 0 = Stop
Safety relay

7 0V

12 STO+

13 STO -

22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 203

11 Functional safety (STO)
Connection variants

Digital control with safety relay with internal 24 V supply

system +24 V Higher-level
Stop Start PLC

main terminals

1 24 V
Emergency stop
1 = Enable
checkback 2
0 = Stop
Safety relay Reset

7 0V

12 STO+

13 STO -


With single-channel disconnection, you have to make certain fault assumptions and
provide for corresponding fault exclusions. Observe chapter "Requirements on safety
relays" (→ 2 200).

SS1(c) according to PL d (EN ISO 13849-1)

The procedure is as follows:
• Terminal 2 is disconnected, e.g. in case of an emergency stop/halt.
• During the safety time interval t1, the motor decelerates to a complete stop along
the ramp.
• After t1 has elapsed, the safety input disconnects terminal 12. The safety time in-
terval t1 must be sufficient for the motor to reach a complete stop.
SS1(c) – Safe Stop 1 (EN 61800-5-2)


12** t

n t

t1 t

* Digital input 1 (terminal 2)

22872051/EN – 09/2016

** Safety input (terminal 12)

n Speed

The displayed SS1(c) disconnections can be used up to PL  d according to
EN ISO 13849-1 observing chapter "Requirements on safety relays" (→ 2 200).

204 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Functional safety (STO)
Connection variants 11
Digital control with safety relay with external 24 V supply
system +24 V Higher-level
Stop Start PLC

main terminals

Emergency stop
1 = Enable
Reset 0 = Stop
Safety relay


7 0V

12 STO+

13 STO -


Digital control with safety relay with internal 24 V supply

system +24 V Higher-level
Stop Start PLC

main terminals

1 24 V
Emergency stop
1 = Enable
checkback 2
0 = Stop
Safety relay Reset

7 0V

12 STO+

13 STO -


With single-channel disconnection, you have to make certain fault assumptions and
provide for corresponding fault exclusions. Observe chapter "Requirements on safety
relays" (→ 2 200).
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 205

11 Functional safety (STO)
Safety characteristics

11.4 Safety characteristics

Characteristic values EN 61800-5-2 EN ISO 13849-1 EN 62061
in accordance with:
Classification/underly- SIL 2 PL d (Performance Level) SILCL 2
ing standards (Safety Integrity Level)
(PFHd value)1) 1.23 × 10-9 1/h
Service life / mission 20 years, then the components must be replaced with new components.
Proof test interval 20 years - 20 years
Safe state Safe Torque Off (STO)
Safety functions STO, SS12) in accordance with EN 61800-5-2
1) Probability of dangerous failure per hour.
2) With suitable external control

11.5 Signal terminal block for STO safety contact

MOVITRAC® LTP‑B Ter- Function General electronics data
Safety contact 12 STO+ DC +24 V input, max. 100 mA, STO safety contact
13 STO- Reference potential for DC +24 V input
Permissible cable cross One core per terminal: 0.05 – 2.5 mm2 (AWG 30 – 12).

Min. Typical Max.

Input voltage range DC 18 V DC 24 V DC 30 V
Time to inhibit output stage - - 1 ms
Time until Inhibit is shown on the dis- - - 20 ms
play when STO is active
Time until an STO switching time - - 20 ms
error is detected and displayed

It is not possible to control the STO inputs via pulsed signals (for example, self-test-
ing digital outputs of safety controllers).
22872051/EN – 09/2016

206 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Declaration of conformity
12 Declaration of conformity

EU Declaration of Conformity
Translation of the original text 901790212/EN


Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42, D-76646 Bruchsal
declares under sole responsibility that the following products

Frequency inverters of the product series MOVITRAC® LTP-B

are in conformity with

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

(L 157, 09.06.2006, 24-86)
This includes the fulfillment of the protection targets for "electrical power supply" in accordance with annex I No. 1.5.1
according to the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC -- Note: 2014/35/EU is currently valid (as of 20 Apr 2016).

EMC Directive 2014/30/EU 4)

(L 96, 29.03.2014, 79-106)
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EC
(L 174, 01.07.2011, 88-110)
Applied harmonized standards: EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012
EN 61800-5-2:2007
EN 50581:2012
4) According to the EMC Directive, the listed products are not independently operable products. EMC assessment is only possible
after these products have been integrated in an overall system. For the assessment, the product was installed in a typical plant
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Bruchsal 07.07.2016
Place Date Johann Soder
Managing Director Technology a) b)
a) Authorized representative for issuing this declaration on behalf of the manufacturer
b) Authorized representative for compiling the technical documents

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 207


Numerical STO according to PL d (EN 13849-1) ..........  203
Drive status .........................................................  83
3-wire control .......................................................  82
Static ..............................................................  83
87 Hz characteristic .............................................  75
Electrical connection ...........................................  13
AC brakemotors, connection ...............................  33
Electrical installation ............................................  23
Ambient conditions ............................................  174
Before installation...........................................  23
Ambient temperature .........................................  174
Electromagnetic compatibility ..............................  38
Interference emission .....................................  38
Safety notes ...................................................  12
Interference immunity.....................................  38
Automatic measuring procedure .........................  59
Operation on a TN system with RCD switch
B (IP20)..............................................................  27
Electronics Service ............................................  109
Braking resistor
Embedded safety notes.........................................  8
Connection .....................................................  31
EMC standards for interference emission .........  173
C Emergency code objects ...................................  108
Cable length, permitted .......................................  95 Engineering software
Checking the disconnection device ...................  200 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio ..........................  57
Communication socket RJ45...............................  47 Error codes ..........................................................  87
Configuring the master inverter ...........................  68 Error history .........................................................  86
Configuring the slave inverters ............................  69 Error reset............................................................  85
Conformity .........................................................  173 Exclusion of liability ...............................................  9
Connection Extended storage ..............................................  109
Braking resistor ..............................................  31 External safety controller ...................................  199
Inverter and motor ..........................................  49 F
Safety notes ...................................................  13
Factory setting, parameter reset .........................  54
Connection variants...........................................  202
Fault clearance ....................................................  86
Control cabinet, installation .................................  21
Fault diagnostics .................................................  86
Control word ........................................................  94
Fire mode/emergency mode ...............................  74
Copyright notice ....................................................  9
Functional safety technology
D Safety note .....................................................  12
Data source selection parameters.....................  167 G
Derating ...............................................................  13
Group drive..........................................................  33
Designated use ...................................................  11
Device structure ..................................................  15 H
Digital inputs function selection (P1-15) ............  126 Help card .............................................................  27
22872051/EN – 09/16

Hoist function.......................................................  70

IP20 housing ................................................  189 Housing
IP55/NEMA-12 housing................................  190 Dimensions...................................................  188
Disconnection of a single device .......................  203 Housing variants................................................  188
SS1 according to PL d (EN 13849-1) ...........  204

208 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B


I Operation, requirements....................................  200

Option card ..........................................................  27
Output power and current load ..........................  175
Designation in the documentation ....................  8
1-phase system AC 200 – 240 V..................  175
Input voltage ranges ..........................................  187
3-phase system AC 200 – 240 V..................  176
Installation ...........................................................  19
3-phase system AC 380 – 480 V..................  180
Electrical.........................................................  23
3-phase system AC 500 – 600 V..................  184
Inverter and motor connection........................  49
Overload capacity..............................................  187
Mechanical .....................................................  21
Overview of signal terminals ...............................  44
Notes on routing control leads......................  197
Main terminals ................................................  44
Requirements ...............................................  197
Relay terminals...............................................  47
UL-compliant ..................................................  34
Installation with IP55/IP66 housing .....................  22 P
IP20/NEMA-1 housing P04-07 Max. motor torque limit .........................  148
Assembly........................................................  21 P1-01 Maximum speed .....................................  122
Dimensions...................................................  189 P1-02 Minimum speed ......................................  122
IP55/IP66 installation...........................................  22 P1-03 Acceleration ramp time ...........................  122
IP55/NEMA-12 housing P1-04 Deceleration ramp time...........................  123
Dimensions...................................................  190 P1-05 Stop mode ..............................................  123
IT systems ...........................................................  26 P1-06 Energy saving function ...........................  123
K P1-07 Rated motor voltage ...............................  124
P1-08 Rated motor current ................................  124
Key combinations ................................................  54
P1-09 Rated motor frequency ...........................  124
Keypad mode, startup .........................................  66
P1-10 Rated motor speed .................................  124
L P1-11 Voltage increase .....................................  125
Lifting applications ...............................................  11 P1-12 Control signal source ..............................  125
Line contactors ....................................................  24 P1-13 Error log ..................................................  126
Logic source selection parameters....................  166 P1-14 Extended parameter access ...................  126
LT Shell software.................................................  55 P1-15 Digital inputs function selection ..............  126
LTX encoder module ...........................................  27 P1-16 Motor type ...............................................  130
P1-17 Servo module function selection .............  131
M P1-18 Motor thermistor selection ......................  131
Mains fuses .........................................................  25 P1-19 Inverter address ......................................  131
Master-slave mode ..............................................  68 P1-20 SBus baud rate .......................................  131
Mechanical installation ........................................  21 P1-21 Stiffness ..................................................  131
Motor connection .................................................  33 P1-22 motor load inertia ....................................  131
Motor potentiometer ............................................  81 P2-01 Fixed setpoint speed 1............................  132
Multi-motor drive / group drive.............................  33 P2-01–P2-08 .....................................................  132
P2-02 Fixed setpoint speed 2............................  132
P2-03 Fixed setpoint speed 3............................  132
22872051/EN – 09/16

Operating state ....................................................  84 P2-04 Fixed setpoint speed 4............................  132
Operation.............................................................  83 P2-05 Fixed setpoint speed 5............................  132
Drive status ....................................................  83 P2-06 Fixed setpoint speed 6............................  133
On the IT system ............................................  26 P2-07 Fixed setpoint speed 7............................  133
Safety notes ...................................................  14 P2-08 Fixed setpoint speed 8............................  133
Operation at 87 Hz characteristic ........................  75 P2-09 Skip center frequency .............................  133

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 209


P2-10 Skip band ................................................  133 P3-06 PID Digital reference...............................  143
P2-11 Analog output 1 function selection ..........  134 P3-07 PID controller upper limit ........................  143
P2-11: P2-13 analog outputs.............................  133 P3-08 PID controller lower limit .........................  143
P2-12 Analog output format ..............................  134 P3-09 PID output control ...................................  143
P2-13 Analog output 2 function selection ..........  134 P3-10 PID feedback selection ...........................  144
P2-14 Analog output 2 format ...........................  134 P3-11 PID ramp activation error ........................  144
P2-15 – P2-20 Relay outputs ............................  135 P3-12 PID actual value display scaling factor ...  144
P2-15 User relay output 1 function selection.....  135 P3-13 PID feedback wake-up level ...................  144
P2-16 Upper limit of user relay 1: Analog output 1... P4-01 Control ....................................................  145
 135 P4-02 Auto tune ................................................  146
P2-17 Lower limit of user relay 1: Analog output...... P4-03 Speed controller proportional gain ..........  146
P4-04 Speed controller integral time constant ..  146
P2-18 User relay output 2 function selection.....  136
P4-05 Motor power factor ..................................  146
P2-19 Upper limit of user relay 2: Analog output 2...
P4-06 – P4-09 Motor torque settings ................  147
P4-06 Torque reference source ........................  146
P2-20 Lower limit of user relay 2: Analog output......
 136 P4-08 Min. torque limit ......................................  149
P2-21 Display scaling factor ..............................  136 P4-09 Max. regenerative torque limit ................  149
P2-21: 22 Display scaling ..................................  136 P4-10 V/f characteristic adjustment frequency ..  150
P2-22 Display scaling source ............................  136 P4-10/11 V/f characteristic settings ...................  149
P2-23 Zero speed holding time .........................  136 P4-11 V/f characteristic curve adjustment voltage ...
P2-24 Switching frequency, PWM .....................  136
P4-12 Motor brake control .................................  150
P2-25 Second deceleration ramp ......................  137
P4-13 Release time of the motor brake.............  150
P2-26 Flying start enable ..................................  137
P4-14 Application time of the motor brake ........  150
P2-27 Standby mode.........................................  137
P4-15 Torque threshold for brake release.........  151
P2-28 Slave speed scaling ................................  138
P4-16 Torque threshold timeout ........................  151
P2-28: 29 Master/slave parameter ....................  137
P4-17 Thermal motor protection to UL508C .....  151
P2-29 Slave speed scaling factor ......................  138
P5-01 Inverter address ......................................  151
P2-30 Analog input 1 format..............................  138
P5-02 SBus baud rate .......................................  151
P2-30–P2-35 Analog inputs ..............................  138
P5-03 Modbus baud rate ...................................  152
P2-31 Analog input 1 scaling.............................  139
P5-04 Modbus data format ................................  152
P2-32 Analog input 1 offset ...............................  139
P5-05 Response to communication failure........  152
P2-33 Analog input 2 format..............................  140
P5-06 Communication failure timeout ...............  152
P2-34 Analog input 2 scaling.............................  140
P5-07 Ramp specified via SBus ........................  152
P2-35 Analog input 2 offset ...............................  140
P5-08 Synchronization duration ........................  152
P2-36 Start mode selection ...............................  140
P5-09 – P5-11 fieldbus-PDOx definition............  153
P2-37 Keypad restart speed..............................  141
P5-09 Fieldbus PDO2 definition ........................  153
P2-38 Mains loss stop control ...........................  142
P5-10 Fieldbus PDO3 definition ........................  153
P2-39 Parameter lock........................................  142
P5-11 Fieldbus PDO4 definition ........................  153
P2-40 Extended parameter access code definition ..
 142 P5-12 – P5-14 fieldbus-PDOx definition............  153
22872051/EN – 09/16

P3-01 PID proportional gain ..............................  142 P5-12 Fieldbus PDI2 definition ..........................  154
P3-02 PID integral time constant.......................  142 P5-13 Fieldbus PDI3 definition ..........................  154
P3-03 PID differential time constant ..................  143 P5-14 Fieldbus PDI4 definition ..........................  154
P3-04 PID operating mode ................................  143 P5-15 Expansion relay 3 function......................  154
P3-05 PID reference selection ..........................  143 P5-16 Relay 3 upper limit ..................................  154
P5-17 Relay 3 lower limit...................................  155

210 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B


P5-18 Expansion relay 4 function......................  155 P7-16 Motor nameplate speed ..........................  164
P5-19 Relay 4 upper limit ..................................  155 P8-01 Simulated encoder scaling......................  164
P5-20 Relay 4 lower limit...................................  155 P8-02 Input pulse scaling value ........................  164
P6-01 Firmware upgrade activation ..................  155 P8-03 Lag error low ...........................................  165
P6-02 Automatic thermal management .............  155 P8-04 Lag error high .........................................  165
P6-03 Auto-reset delay time ..............................  156 P8-05 Reference travel .....................................  165
P6-04 User relay hysteresis band .....................  156 P8-06 Position controller proportional gain .......  165
P6-05 Encoder feedback enable .......................  156 P8-07 Touch probe trigger mode ......................  165
P6-06 PPR count...............................................  156 P8-08 Reserved ................................................  165
P6-07 Speed error trigger threshold ..................  156 P8-09 Velocity precontrol gain ..........................  165
P6-08 Max. frequency for speed setpoint..........  156 P8-10 Acceleration feedforward gain ................  166
P6-09 Droop speed/load distribution control .....  157 P8-11 Low-word reference offset ......................  166
P6-10 Reserved ................................................  157 P8-12 High word reference offset......................  166
P6-11 Speed holding time on enable ................  157 P8-13 Reserved ................................................  166
P6-12 Speed holding time on inhibit (fixed setpoint P8-14 Reference enable torque ........................  166
speed 8) .......................................................  157 P9-01 Enable input source ................................  168
P6-13 Fire mode logic .......................................  158 P9-02 Rapid stop input source ..........................  168
P6-14 Fire mode speed .....................................  158 P9-03 Input source for clockwise rotation (CW)  168
P6-15 Analog output 1 scaling ..........................  158 P9-04 Input source for counterclockwise rotation
P6-16 Analog output 1 offset .............................  158 (CCW) ..........................................................  168
P6-17 Max. torque limit timeout.........................  159 P9-05 Latch function enable..............................  168
P6-18 DC braking voltage level .........................  159 P9-06 Reverse enable.......................................  168
P6-19 Braking resistor value .............................  159 P9-07 Reset input source ..................................  168
P6-20 Braking resistor power ............................  159 P9-08 External fault input source ......................  169
P6-21 Brake chopper operating cycle at undertem- P9-09 Source for terminal control override........  169
perature ........................................................  160 P9-10 – P9-17 Speed source ............................  169
P6-22 Reset fan runtime ...................................  160 P9-10 Speed source 1.......................................  169
P6-23 Reset kWh counter .................................  160 P9-11 Speed source 2.......................................  169
P6-24 Parameter factory settings ......................  160 P9-12 Speed source 3.......................................  169
P6-25 Access code level ...................................  160 P9-14 Speed source 5.......................................  169
P7-01 Motor stator resistance (Rs) ...................  161 P9-15 Speed source 6.......................................  169
P7-02 Motor rotor resistance (Rr)......................  161 P9-16 Speed source 7.......................................  170
P7-03 Motor stator inductance (Lsd) .................  161 P9-17 Speed source 8.......................................  170
P7-04 Motor magnetizing current (Id rms).........  162 P9-18 – P9-20 Input speed selection ................  170
P7-05 Motor leakage loss coefficient (sigma) ...  162 P9-18 Input speed selection 0 ...........................  170
P7-06 Motor stator inductance (Lsq) − only for syn- P9-19 Input speed selection 1 ...........................  170
chronous motors...........................................  162
P9-20 Input speed selection 2 ...........................  170
P7-07 Enhanced generator control ...................  162
P9-21 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 0....  171
P7-08 Parameter adjustment ............................  162
P9-21–P9-23 Fixed speed selection input.........  170
P7-09 Overvoltage current limit .........................  162
P9-22 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 1....  171
22872051/EN – 09/16

P7-10 Motor load inertia/stiffness ......................  163

P9-23 Fixed setpoint speed selection input 2....  171
P7-11 Pulse width min. limit ..............................  163
P9-24 Positive jog mode input...........................  171
P7-12 Premagnetization time ............................  163
P9-25 Negative jog mode input .........................  171
P7-13 D-gain vector speed controller ................  163
P9-26 Reference travel enable input .................  171
P7-14 Low-frequency torque boost ...................  163
P9-27 Reference cam input...............................  171
P7-15 Torque boost frequency limit ..................  164
P9-28 Motor potentiometer up input source ......  171

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 211


P9-29 Motor potentiometer down input source .  172 Operation......................................................  200

P9-30 Positive limit switch CW ..........................  172 Startup..........................................................  200
P9-31 Negative limit switch CCW......................  172 Residual current device .......................................  25
P9-32 Rapid deceleration ramp enable .............  172 Restrictions to application ...................................  13
P9-33 Fire mode input selection........................  172 Rights to claim under limited warranty ..................  9
P9-34 PID fixed setpoint reference selection input 0 RJ45 communication socket ...............................  47
P9-35 PID fixed setpoint reference selection input 1
 172 Safe disconnection function ..............................  193
Parameter..........................................................  111 Safe state ..........................................................  193
Parameter group 1 Safe Torque Off (STO) ......................................  195
Basic parameters (level 1)............................  122 Safety concept...................................................  193
Parameter group 2 Limitations ....................................................  196
Extended parameter setting (level 2) ...........  132 Safety controller, external
Parameter group 3 Requirements ...............................................  199
PID controller (level 2)..................................  142 Safety functions ...................................................  12
Parameter group 4 Safety notes
Motor control (level 2)...................................  145 Assembly........................................................  12
Parameter group 5 Designation in the documentation ....................  8
Fieldbus communication (level 2).................  151 Installation ......................................................  12
Parameter group 6 Preliminary information...................................  10
Extended parameters (level 3) .....................  155 Structure of embedded.....................................  8
Parameter group 7 Structure of the section-related ........................  8
Motor control parameters (level 3) ...............  161 Safety relays, requirements...............................  200
Parameter group 8 Safety technology
Application-specific (only applicable to LTX) Safe state .....................................................  193
parameters (level 3) .....................................  164
Safety-related conditions ...................................  197
Parameter group 9
Section-related safety notes ..................................  8
Digital inputs defined by the user (level 3) ...  166
Separation, protective .........................................  14
Service ..............................................................  109
Digital inputs function selection (P1-15) .......  126
Error codes.....................................................  87
Real time monitoring ....................................  111
Error history....................................................  86
Parameters for realtime monitoring ...................  111
Fault diagnostics ............................................  86
PID controller mode, startup................................  66
Servo-specific parameters (level 1) ...................  130
Process data .......................................................  94
Signal words in safety notes..................................  8
Product names ......................................................  9
Slip compensation .......................................  60, 124
Protection function.............................................  192
SS1 according to PL d (EN 13849-1) ................  204
Protective separation...........................................  14
Startup ...........................................................  52, 59
R Keypad mode .................................................  66
PID controller mode........................................  66
22872051/EN – 09/16

RCD.....................................................................  25
Safety notes ...................................................  14
Removing the terminal cover...............................  28
Startup............................................................  59
Repair ................................................................  109
Terminal mode (factory setting)......................  65
Startup, requirements ........................................  200
External safety controller..............................  199
Status word .........................................................  94
Installation ....................................................  197
Status, drive ........................................................  83

212 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B


STO (Safe Torque Off) ......................................  195 U

STO according to PL d (EN 13849-1) ...............  203
UL-compliant installation .....................................  34
Structure of process data words..........................  92
Use ......................................................................  11
Switching capacity of the safety relay ...............  200
User interface ......................................................  52
T Keypad ...........................................................  52
Target group ........................................................  10 V
Technical data ...................................................  173
Validating the safety functions...........................  200
Terminal mode, startup .......................................  65
Validation...........................................................  200
Thermal motor protection TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000 .
 32 Voltage ranges ..................................................  187
Trademarks ...........................................................  9 W
Transport .............................................................  12
Wiring diagram
Type designation .................................................  15
Braking resistor ..............................................  51
22872051/EN – 09/16

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 213

13 Address list

13 Address list
Sales Algiers REDUCOM Sarl Tel. +213 21 8214-91
16, rue des Frères Zaghnoune Fax +213 21 8222-84
16200 El Harrach Alger

Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84
Sales Ruta Panamericana Km 37.5, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21
(B1619IEA) Centro Industrial Garín
Prov. de Buenos Aires

Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 3 9933-1000
Sales 27 Beverage Drive Fax +61 3 9933-1003
Service Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
Sydney SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 2 9725-9900
9, Sleigh Place, Wetherill Park Fax +61 2 9725-9905
New South Wales, 2164

Assembly Vienna SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0
Sales Richard-Strauss-Straße 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30
Service 1230 Wien

Sales Bangladesh SEW-EURODRIVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Tel. +88 01729 097309
345 DIT Road
East Rampura
Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh

Sales Minsk Foreign unitary production enterprise SEW- Tel. +375 17 298 47 56 / 298 47 58
EURODRIVE Fax +375 17 298 47 54
RybalkoStr. 26
220033 Minsk

Assembly Brussels SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 16 386-311
Sales Researchpark Haasrode 1060 Fax +32 16 386-336
Service Evenementenlaan 7
3001 Leuven
Service Competence Industrial SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 84 219-878
Center Gears Rue de Parc Industriel, 31 Fax +32 84 219-879
6900 Marche-en-Famenne

Production São Paulo SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3835-8000
Sales Estrada Municipal José Rubim, 205 – Rodovia
Service Santos Dumont Km 49
Indaiatuba – 13347-510 – SP
Assembly Rio Claro SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3522-3100
Sales Rodovia Washington Luiz, Km 172 Fax +55 19 3524-6653
Service Condomínio Industrial Conpark
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Caixa Postal: 327

13501-600 – Rio Claro / SP
Joinville SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 47 3027-6886
Rua Dona Francisca, 12.346 – Pirabeiraba Fax +55 47 3027-6888
89239-270 – Joinville / SC

Sales Sofia BEVER-DRIVE GmbH Tel. +359 2 9151160
Bogdanovetz Str.1 Fax +359 2 9151166
1606 Sofia

214 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Address list
Sales Douala SEW-EURODRIVE S.A.R.L. Tel. +237 233 39 02 10
Ancienne Route Bonabéri Fax +237 233 39 02 10
P.O. Box info@sew-eurodrive-cm
B.P 8674

Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553
Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999
Service Bramalea, ON L6T 3W1
Vancouver SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 604 946-5535
Tilbury Industrial Park Fax +1 604 946-2513
7188 Honeyman Street
Delta, BC V4G 1G1
Montreal SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 514 367-1124
2555 Rue Leger Fax +1 514 367-3677
Lasalle, PQ H8N 2V9

Assembly Santiago de SEW-EURODRIVE CHILE LTDA Tel. +56 2 2757 7000
Sales Chile Las Encinas 1295 Fax +56 2 2757 7001
Service Parque Industrial Valle Grande
Santiago de Chile
P.O. Box
Casilla 23 Correo Quilicura - Santiago - Chile

Production Tianjin SEW-EURODRIVE (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 22 25322612
Assembly No. 78, 13th Avenue, TEDA Fax +86 22 25323273
Sales Tianjin 300457
Assembly Suzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 512 62581781
Sales 333, Suhong Middle Road Fax +86 512 62581783
Service Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu Province, 215021
Guangzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 20 82267890
No. 9, JunDa Road Fax +86 20 82267922
East Section of GETDD
Guangzhou 510530
Shenyang SEW-EURODRIVE (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 24 25382538
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 24 25382580
Shenyang Economic Technological Develop-
ment Area
Shenyang, 110141
Taiyuan SEW-EURODRIVE (Taiyuan) Co,. Ltd. Tel. +86-351-7117520
No.3, HuaZhang Street, Fax +86-351-7117522
TaiYuan Economic & Technical Development
ShanXi, 030032
Wuhan SEW-EURODRIVE (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 27 84478388
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 27 84478389
No. 59, the 4th Quanli Road, WEDA
430056 Wuhan
Xi'An SEW-EURODRIVE (Xi'An) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 29 68686262
No. 12 Jinye 2nd Road Fax +86 29 68686311
Xi'An High-Technology Industrial Development
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Xi'An 710065
Sales Hong Kong SEW-EURODRIVE LTD. Tel. +852 36902200
Service Unit No. 801-806, 8th Floor Fax +852 36902211
Hong Leong Industrial Complex
No. 4, Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 215

13 Address list

Assembly Bogota SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50
Sales Calle 17 No. 132-18 Fax +57 1 54750-44
Service Interior 2 Bodega 6, Manzana B
Santafé de Bogotá

Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158
Service Zeleni dol 10 Fax +385 1 4613-158
10 000 Zagreb

Czech Republic
Assembly Hostivice SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o. Tel. +420 255 709 601
Sales Floriánova 2459 Fax +420 235 350 613
Service 253 01 Hostivice
Drive Service +420 800 739 739 (800 SEW SEW) Service
Hotline / 24 Tel. +420 255 709 632
Hour Service Fax +420 235 358 218

Assembly Copenhagen SEW-EURODRIVEA/S Tel. +45 43 95 8500
Sales Geminivej 28-30 Fax +45 43 9585-09
Service 2670 Greve

Sales Cairo Copam Egypt Tel. +202 44812673 / 79 (7 lines)
Service for Engineering & Agencies Fax +202 44812685
Building 10, Block 13005, First Industrial Zone,
Obour City Cairo

Sales Tallin ALAS-KUUL AS Tel. +372 6593230
Reti tee 4 Fax +372 6593231
75301 Peetri küla, Rae vald, Harjumaa

Assembly Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Sales Vesimäentie 4 Fax +358 3 780-6211
Service 15860 Hollola
Service Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Keskikankaantie 21 Fax +358 3 780-6211
15860 Hollola
Production Karkkila SEW Industrial Gears Oy Tel. +358 201 589-300
Assembly Santasalonkatu 6, PL 8 Fax +358 201 589-310
03620 Karkkila, 03601 Karkkila

Production Hagenau SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 73 67 00
Sales 48-54 route de Soufflenheim Fax +33 3 88 73 66 00
Service B. P. 20185
67506 Haguenau Cedex
Production Forbach SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 87 29 38 00
Zone industrielle
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Technopôle Forbach Sud

B. P. 30269
57604 Forbach Cedex
Brumath SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 37 48 00
1 Rue de Bruxelles
67670 Mommenheim Cedex
Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00
Sales Parc d'activités de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09
Service 62 avenue de Magellan – B. P. 182
33607 Pessac Cedex

216 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Address list
Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 74 99 60 00
75 rue Antoine Condorcet Fax +33 4 74 99 60 15
38090 Vaulx-Milieu
Nantes SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 2 40 78 42 00
Parc d’activités de la forêt Fax +33 2 40 78 42 20
4 rue des Fontenelles
44140 Le Bignon
Paris SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 1 64 42 40 80
Zone industrielle Fax +33 1 64 42 40 88
2 rue Denis Papin
77390 Verneuil I'Étang

Sales Libreville SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +241 03 28 81 55
183, Rue 5.033.C, Lalala à droite +241 06 54 81 33
P.O. Box 15682

Headquarters Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Production Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Sales 76646 Bruchsal
P.O. Box
Postfach 3023 – D-76642 Bruchsal
Production / Industrial Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Gears Christian-Pähr-Str. 10 Fax +49 7251 75-2970
76646 Bruchsal
Production Graben SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251-2970
76676 Graben-Neudorf
P.O. Box
Postfach 1220 – D-76671 Graben-Neudorf
Östringen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG, Werk Tel. +49 7253 9254-0
Östringen Fax +49 7253 9254-90
Franz-Gurk-Straße 2
76684 Östringen
Service Competence Mechanics / SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1710
Center Mechatronics Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251 75-1711
76676 Graben-Neudorf
Electronics SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1780
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1769
76646 Bruchsal
Drive Technology North SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 5137 8798-30
Center Alte Ricklinger Straße 40-42 Fax +49 5137 8798-55
30823 Garbsen (Hannover)
East SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 3764 7606-0
Dänkritzer Weg 1 Fax +49 3764 7606-30
08393 Meerane (Zwickau)
South SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 89 909552-10
Domagkstraße 5 Fax +49 89 909552-50
85551 Kirchheim (München)
West SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 2173 8507-30
Siemensstraße 1 Fax +49 2173 8507-55
40764 Langenfeld (Düsseldorf)
Drive Center Berlin SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 306331131-30
Alexander-Meißner-Straße 44 Fax +49 306331131-36
12526 Berlin
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Ludwigshafen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75 3759

c/o BASF SE Fax +49 7251 75 503759
Gebäude W130 Raum 101
67056 Ludwigshafen
Saarland SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 6831 48946 10
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 4 Fax +49 6831 48946 13
66773 Schwalbach Saar – Hülzweiler
Ulm SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7348 9885-0
Dieselstraße 18 Fax +49 7348 9885-90
89160 Dornstadt

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 217

13 Address list

Würzburg SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 931 27886-60
Nürnbergerstraße 118 Fax +49 931 27886-66
97076 Würzburg-Lengfeld
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service 0 800 SEWHELP
0 800 7394357

Great Britain
Assembly Normanton SEW-EURODRIVE Ltd. Tel. +44 1924 893-855
Sales DeVilliers Way Fax +44 1924 893-702
Service Trident Park
West Yorkshire
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service Tel. 01924 896911

Sales Athens Christ. Boznos & Son S.A. Tel. +30 2 1042 251-34
12, K. Mavromichali Street Fax +30 2 1042 251-59
P.O. Box 80136
18545 Piraeus

Sales Budapest SEW-EURODRIVE Kft. Tel. +36 1 437 06-58
Service Csillaghegyí út 13. Fax +36 1 437 06-50
1037 Budapest

Sales Reykjavik Varma & Vélaverk ehf. Tel. +354 585 1070
Knarrarvogi 4 Fax +354 585)1071
104 Reykjavík

Registered Office Vadodara SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 265 3045200
Assembly Plot No. 4, GIDC Fax +91 265 3045300
Sales POR Ramangamdi • Vadodara - 391 243
Service Gujarat
Assembly Chennai SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 44 37188888
Sales Plot No. K3/1, Sipcot Industrial Park Phase II Fax +91 44 37188811
Service Mambakkam Village
Sriperumbudur - 602105
Kancheepuram Dist, Tamil Nadu
Pune SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 21 35 628700
Plant: Plot No. D236/1, Fax +91 21 35 628715
Chakan Industrial Area Phase- II,
Warale, Tal- Khed,
Pune-410501, Maharashtra

Sales Medan PT. Serumpun Indah Lestari Tel. +62 61 687 1221
Jl.Pulau Solor no. 8, Kawasan Industri Medan Fax +62 61 6871429 / +62 61 6871458 / +62
II 61 30008041
Medan 20252
Jakarta PT. Cahaya Sukses Abadi Tel. +62 21 65310599
Komplek Rukan Puri Mutiara Blok A no 99, Fax +62 21 65310600
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Jakarta 14350
Jakarta PT. Agrindo Putra Lestari Tel. +62 21 2921-8899
JL.Pantai Indah Selatan, Komplek Sentra In- Fax +62 21 2921-8988
dustri Terpadu, Pantai indah Kapuk Tahap III,
Blok E No. 27
Jakarta 14470

218 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Address list
Surabaya PT. TRIAGRI JAYA ABADI Tel. +62 31 5990128
Jl. Sukosemolo No. 63, Galaxi Bumi Permai Fax +62 31 5962666
G6 No. 11
Surabaya 60111
Surabaya CV. Multi Mas Tel. +62 31 5458589
Jl. Raden Saleh 43A Kav. 18 Fax +62 31 5317220
Surabaya 60174

Sales Dublin Alperton Engineering Ltd. Tel. +353 1 830-6277
Service 48 Moyle Road Fax +353 1 830-6458
Dublin Industrial Estate
Glasnevin, Dublin 11

Sales Tel Aviv Liraz Handasa Ltd. Tel. +972 3 5599511
Ahofer Str 34B / 228 Fax +972 3 5599512
58858 Holon

Assembly Milan SEW-EURODRIVE di R. Blickle & Co.s.a.s. Tel. +39 02 96 980229
Sales Via Bernini,14 Fax +39 02 96 980 999
Service 20020 Solaro (Milano)

Ivory Coast
Sales Abidjan SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +225 21 21 81 05
Ivory Coast Fax +225 21 25 30 47
Rue des Pêcheurs, Zone 3
26 BP 916 Abidjan 26

Assembly Iwata SEW-EURODRIVE JAPAN CO., LTD Tel. +81 538 373811
Sales 250-1, Shimoman-no, Fax +81 538 373814
Service Iwata
Shizuoka 438-0818

Sales Almaty SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +7 (727) 350 5156
291-291A, Tole bi street Fax +7 (727) 350 5156
050031, Almaty

Tashkent SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +998 71 2359411

Representative office in Uzbekistan Fax +998 71 2359412
96A, Sharaf Rashidov street,
Tashkent, 100084
Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Narny zam street 62 Fax +976-77109997
Sukhbaatar district,
Ulaanbaatar 14230

Sales Nairobi SEW-EURODRIVE Pty Ltd Tel. +254 791 398840
Transnational Plaza, 5th Floor
Mama Ngina Street
22872051/EN – 09/2016

P.O. Box 8998-00100


Sales Riga SIA Alas-Kuul Tel. +371 6 7139253
Katlakalna 11C Fax +371 6 7139386
1073 Riga

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 219

13 Address list

Sales (Lebanon) Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 510 532
B. P. 80484 Fax +961 1 494 971
Bourj Hammoud, Beirut
Sales (Jordan, Kuwait , Beirut Middle East Drives S.A.L. (offshore) Tel. +961 1 494 786
Saudi Arabia, Syria) Sin El Fil. Fax +961 1 494 971
B. P. 55-378

Sales Alytus UAB Irseva Tel. +370 315 79204
Statybininku 106C Fax +370 315 56175
63431 Alytus

representation: Belgium

Sales Skopje Boznos DOOEL Tel. +389 23256553
Dime Anicin 2A/7A Fax +389 23256554
1000 Skopje

Assembly Johor SEW-EURODRIVE SDN BHD Tel. +60 7 3549409
Sales No. 95, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya Fax +60 7 3541404
Service 81000 Johor Bahru, Johor
West Malaysia

Assembly Quéretaro SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 442 1030-300
Sales SEM-981118-M93 Fax +52 442 1030-301
Service Tequisquiapan No. 102
Parque Industrial Quéretaro
C.P. 76220
Querétaro, México
Sales Puebla SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 (222) 221 248
Service Calzada Zavaleta No. 3922 Piso 2 Local 6
Col. Santa Cruz Buenavista
C.P. 72154
Puebla, México

Technical Office Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Narny zam street 62 Tel. +976-99070395
Union building, Suite A-403-1 Fax +976-77109997
Sukhbaatar district,
Ulaanbaatar 14230

Sales Bouskoura SEW-EURODRIVE Morocco Tel. +212 522 88 85 00
Service Parc Industriel CFCIM, Lot 55 and 59 Fax +212 522 88 84 50

Sales Swakopmund DB Mining & Industrial Services Tel. +264 64 462 738
Einstein Street Fax +264 64 462 734
Strauss Industrial Park
22872051/EN – 09/2016


Assembly Rotterdam SEW-EURODRIVE B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700
Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552
Service 3044 AS Rotterdam Service: 0800-SEWHELP
Postbus 10085
3004 AB Rotterdam

220 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Address list
New Zealand
Assembly Auckland SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 9 2745627
Sales P.O. Box 58-428 Fax +64 9 2740165
Service 82 Greenmount drive
East Tamaki Auckland
Christchurch SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 3 384-6251
30 Lodestar Avenue, Wigram Fax +64 3 384-6455

Sales Lagos Greenpeg Nig. Ltd Tel. +234-701-821-9200-1
Plot 296A, Adeyemo Akapo Str. Omole GRA
Ikeja Lagos-Nigeria

Assembly Moss SEW-EURODRIVE A/S Tel. +47 69 24 10 20
Sales Solgaard skog 71 Fax +47 69 24 10 40
Service 1599 Moss

Sales Karachi Industrial Power Drives Tel. +92 21 452 9369
Al-Fatah Chamber A/3, 1st Floor Central Com- Fax +92-21-454 7365
mercial Area,
Sultan Ahmed Shah Road, Block 7/8,

Sales Fernando de la SEW-EURODRIVE PARAGUAY S.R.L Tel. +595 991 519695
Mora De la Victoria 112, Esquina nueva Asunción Fax +595 21 3285539
Departamento Central
Fernando de la Mora, Barrio Bernardino

Assembly Lima SEW EURODRIVE DEL PERU S.A.C. Tel. +51 1 3495280
Sales Los Calderos, 120-124 Fax +51 1 3493002
Service Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima

Sales Makati P.T. Cerna Corporation Tel. +63 2 519 6214
4137 Ponte St., Brgy. Sta. Cruz Fax +63 2 890 2802
Makati City 1205

Assembly Łódź SEW-EURODRIVE Polska Sp.z.o.o. Tel. +48 42 293 00 00
Sales ul. Techniczna 5 Fax +48 42 293 00 49
Service 92-518 Łódź
Service Tel. +48 42 293 0030 24 Hour Service
Fax +48 42 293 0043 Tel. +48 602 739 739 (+48 602 SEW SEW)

Assembly Coimbra SEW-EURODRIVE, LDA. Tel. +351 231 20 9670
Sales Av. da Fonte Nova, n.º 86 Fax +351 231 20 3685
Service 3050-379 Mealhada
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Sales Bucharest Sialco Trading SRL Tel. +40 21 230-1328
Service str. Brazilia nr. 36 Fax +40 21 230-7170
011783 Bucuresti

Assembly St. Petersburg ЗАО «СЕВ-ЕВРОДРАЙФ» Tel. +7 812 3332522 / +7 812 5357142
Sales а. я. 36 Fax +7 812 3332523
Service 195220 Санкт-Петербург

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 221

13 Address list

representation: South Africa

Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 338 494 770
Mécanique Générale Fax +221 338 494 771
Km 8, Route de Rufisque
B.P. 3251, Dakar

Sales Belgrade DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288 0393
Ustanicka 128a Fax +381 11 347 1337
PC Košum, IV floor
11000 Beograd

Assembly Singapore SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. Tel. +65 68621701
Sales No 9, Tuas Drive 2 Fax +65 68612827
Service Jurong Industrial Estate
Singapore 638644

Sales Bratislava SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel.+421 2 33595 202, 217, 201
Rybničná 40 Fax +421 2 33595 200
831 06 Bratislava
Košice SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 55 671 2245
Slovenská ulica 26 Fax +421 55 671 2254
040 01 Košice Mobile +421 907 671 976

Sales Celje Pakman - Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20
Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21
3000 Celje

South Africa
Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000
Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 248-7289
Service Cnr. Adcock Ingram and Aerodrome Roads
Aeroton Ext. 2
Johannesburg 2013
P.O.Box 90004
Bertsham 2013
Cape Town SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 21 552-9820
Rainbow Park Fax +27 21 552-9830
Cnr. Racecourse & Omuramba Road Telex 576 062
Montague Gardens
Cape Town
P.O.Box 36556
Chempet 7442
48 Prospecton Road Fax +27 31 902 3826
P.O. Box 10433, Ashwood 3605
Nelspruit SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 13 752-8007
7 Christie Crescent Fax +27 13 752-8008
P.O.Box 1942
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Nelspruit 1200

South Korea
Assembly Ansan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 31 492-8051
Sales 7, Dangjaengi-ro, Fax +82 31 492-8056
Service Danwon-gu,
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Zip 425-839

222 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Address list
South Korea
Busan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 51 832-0204
28, Noksansandan 262-ro 50beon-gil, Fax +82 51 832-0230
Busan, Zip 618-820

Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAÑA, S.L. Tel. +34 94 43184-70
Sales Parque Tecnológico, Edificio, 302 Fax +34 94 43184-71
Service 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya)

Sri Lanka
Sales Colombo SM International (Pte) Ltd Tel. +94 1 2584887
254, Galle Raod Fax +94 1 2582981
Colombo 4, Sri Lanka

Sales Manzini C G Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd Tel. +268 2 518 6343
PO Box 2960 Fax +268 2 518 5033
Manzini M200

Assembly Jönköping SEW-EURODRIVE AB Tel. +46 36 34 42 00
Sales Gnejsvägen 6-8 Fax +46 36 34 42 80
Service 553 03 Jönköping
Box 3100 S-550 03 Jönköping

Assembly Basel Alfred lmhof A.G. Tel. +41 61 417 1717
Sales Jurastrasse 10 Fax +41 61 417 1700
Service 4142 Münchenstein bei Basel

Sales Taipei Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 2 27383535
6F-3, No. 267, Sec. 2 Fax +886 2 27368268
Tung Huw S. Road Telex 27 245
Nan Tou Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 49 255353
No. 55 Kung Yeh N. Road Fax +886 49 257878
Industrial District
Nan Tou 540

Sales Daressalam SEW-EURODRIVE PTY LIMITED TANZANIA Tel. +255 0 22 277 5780
Plot 52, Regent Estate Fax +255 0 22 277 5788
PO Box 106274
Dar Es Salaam

Assembly Chonburi SEW-EURODRIVE (Thailand) Ltd. Tel. +66 38 454281
Sales 700/456, Moo.7, Donhuaroh Fax +66 38 454288
Service Muang
Chonburi 20000

Sales Tunis T. M.S. Technic Marketing Service Tel. +216 79 40 88 77
Zone Industrielle Mghira 2 Fax +216 79 40 88 66
22872051/EN – 09/2016

Lot No. 39

2082 Fouchana

Assembly Kocaeli-Gebze SEW-EURODRİVE Hareket Tel. +90 262 9991000 04
Sales Sistemleri San. Ve TIC. Ltd. Sti Fax +90 262 9991009
Service Gebze Organize Sanayi Böl. 400 Sok No. 401
41480 Gebze Kocaeli

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B 223

13 Address list

Assembly Dnipropetrovsk ООО «СЕВ-Евродрайв» Tel. +380 56 370 3211
Sales ул. Рабочая, 23-B, офис 409 Fax +380 56 372 2078
Service 49008 Днепропетровск

Assembly Montevideo SEW-EURODRIVE Uruguay, S. A. Tel. +598 2 21181-89
Sales Jose Serrato 3569 Esqina Corumbe Fax +598 2 21181-90
CP 12000 Montevideo

Production Southeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
Assembly Region 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830
Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Production +1 864 439-9948
Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Assembly +1 864 439-0566
Fax Confidential/HR +1 864 949-5557
Assembly Northeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 856 467-2277
Sales Region Pureland Ind. Complex Fax +1 856 845-3179
Service 2107 High Hill Road, P.O. Box 481
Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014
Midwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 937 335-0036
Region 2001 West Main Street Fax +1 937 332-0038
Troy, Ohio 45373
Southwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 214 330-4824
Region 3950 Platinum Way Fax +1 214 330-4724
Dallas, Texas 75237
Western SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 510 487-3560
Region 30599 San Antonio St. Fax +1 510 487-6433
Hayward, CA 94544
148/150 Finch Rd.
Wellford, S.C. 29385

Additional addresses for service provided on request!

Technical Office Tashkent SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +998 71 2359411
Representative office in Uzbekistan Fax +998 71 2359412
96A, Sharaf Rashidov street,
Tashkent, 100084

Sales Ho Chi Minh Nam Trung Co., Ltd Tel. +84 8 8301026
City Huế - South Vietnam / Construction Materials Fax +84 8 8392223
250 Binh Duong Avenue, Thu Dau Mot Town,
Binh Duong Province
HCM office: 91 Tran Minh Quyen Street
District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
Hanoi MICO LTD Tel. +84 4 39386666
Quảng Trị - North Vietnam / All sectors except Fax +84 4 3938 6888
Construction Materials
8th Floor, Ocean Park Building, 01 Dao Duy
Anh St, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
22872051/EN – 09/2016

224 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world


P.O. Box 3023
Phone +49 7251 75-0
Fax +49 7251 75-1970

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