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“Investment in capital market involves certain degree of risks.

The investors are required to read the Prospectus

and risk factors carefully, assess their own financial conditions and risk-taking ability before making their
investment decisions.”

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42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor)

Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.


Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901, Level-9, Block-C, 166-167,

Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.


Credit rating by WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited
Entity Rating
Rating Long-term Short term
A3 ST-3
Outlook Stable
Validity 04 October 2022 for long-term rating and short-term rating
a) Preliminary Information and Declarations:
i) Name(s), address(s), telephone number(s), web address(s), e-mail(s), fax number(s) and contact persons of
the issuer, issue manager(s), underwriter(s), auditors, credit rating company and valuer, where applicable;

Contact Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail, Web
Name & Address
Person Address
Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Monir Ahmed Tel: +8802-48317908, Fax: +8802-48311633
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road,
Managing E-mail:
Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar,
Director Web:
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.

Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail, Web
Name & Address Contact Person
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited Md. Mohiuddin Phone: +88 02 55111680-681
Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901, Level-9, Mollah Fax: +88 02 55111682
Block-C, 166-167, Shaheed Syed Nazrul Chief Executive E-mail:
Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Officer Web:

Name & Address Contact Person Contact Details
Shahjalal Equity Management
Limited Md. Mohiuddin Phone: +88 02 55111680-681
Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901, Mollah Fax: +88 02 55111682
Level-9, Block-C, 166-167, Chief Executive E-mail:
Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Officer Web:
Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Telephone & Fax number, E-mail,
Auditor Contact Person
Web Address
Ashraf Uddin & Co. Chartered Md. Mohiuddin Phone: Tel: +88-02-9635139
Accountants, 142/B Green Road (3rd& Ahmed, FCA, CFC, Fax: +88-02-8621575
4th Floor), Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Partner E-mail:


Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail,
Credit Rating Company Contact Person
Web Address
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD)
Abdul Wadud, Tel: +88-02-8126452, 9146329, 9111330
Ltd. (“WCRCL”)
Pantha Plaza (Level – 4), 68, West
Managing E-mail:
Panthapath, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205,
Director & CEO Web:

Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail,
Valuer Contact Person
Web Address
Shafiq Basak & Co.,
Tel: Nil, Mobile: +8801730-080666
Chartered Accountants, Shatabdi Zakirul Islam
Center (4th & 6th Floor), 292 Inner Manager Audit &
Circular Road, Fakirapool, Motijheel, Accounts
Dhaka, Bangladesh
(ii) Declaration: “A person interested to get a prospectus may obtain from the issuer and the issue
(iii) Statement: “If you have any query about this document, you may consult the issuer, issue manager and


(V) ‘Risks in relation to the First Issue’

“This being the first issue of the issuer, there has been no formal market for the securities of the issuer.
The face value of the securities is Tk. 10.00 (ten) and the issue price is Tk. [*], i.e. ‘[*] times’ of the face
value. The issue price has been determined and justified by the issuer and the issue manager or bidding by
the eligible investors as stated under the paragraph on “justification of issue price” should not be taken to
be indicative of the market price of the securities after listing. No assurance can be given regarding active
or sustained trading of the securities or the price after listing.”

(VI) ‘General Risk’

"Investment in securities involves a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this offer
unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment. Investors are advised to read the risk
factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this offer. For taking an investment decision,
investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the offer including the risks involved. The
securities have not been recommended by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)
nor does BSEC guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of this document. Specific attention of investors is
invited to the statement of ‘risk factors’ given on page number(s) 177

(VII) ‘Asiatic Laboratories Limited’s Absolute Responsibility’

"The issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for and confirms that this
Prospectus contains all material information with regard to the issuer and the issue, that the information
contained in the prospectus are true, fair and correct in all material aspects and are not misleading in any
respect, that the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other
facts, the omission of which make this document as a whole or any of such information or the expression
of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect."

b) Availability of Red-Herring Prospectus:
i) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, website addresses and e-mail addresses and names of
contact persons of the institutions where the Prospectus and abridged version of Prospectus are available in
hard and soft forms.
The Red–Herring Prospectus of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is available in hard and soft forms at the following
Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail,
Name & Address Contact Person
Web Address
Asiatic Laboratories Limited Tel: +8802-48317908
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Monir Ahmed Fax: +8802-48311633
Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217, Managing Director E-mail:
Bangladesh. Web:

Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail,
Name & Address Contact Person
Web Address
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited Phone: +88 02 55111680-681
Al-Razi Complex, Suite# 901, Level-9, Md. Mohiuddin Mollah Fax: +88 02 55111682
Block-C, 166-167, Shaheed Syed Nazrul Chief Executive Officer E-mail: info
Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Web:


Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail,
Name & Address Contact Person
Web Address
Phone: +88 02-9577651, 9570624,
BMSL InvestmentLimited
Shareef Mansion (4th Floor), 56-57 Md. Riyad Matin
Fax: +88 02-47117218
Motijheel C/A Dhaka-1000, Managing Director

Prospectus is also available on the websites of Asiatic Laboratories Limited (, Shahjalal
Equity Management Limited (, BSEC ( DSE (, CSE
(, BMSL InvestmentLimited ( and Public Reference Room of the
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) for reading and studying.
ii) Name and dates of Newspaper where Abridged Version of Prospectus was published:
Sl. No Name of the Newspaper Date of Publication
Bengali Newspapers
1 (•) (•)
2 (•) (•)
3 (•) (•)
English Newspapers
1 (•) (•)
2 (•) (•)


Unless the context otherwise indicates, requires or implies, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth
below in this red-herring Prospectus. References to statutes, rules, regulations, guidelines and policies will be
deemed to include all amendments and modifications notified thereto.
AGM Annual General Meeting
Unless the context otherwise requires, the allotment of Ordinary shares pursuant to
the issue to Allotted.
ALLOTTED Persons to whom ordinary shares of Asiatic Laboratories Limited will be allotted
BAS Bangladesh Accounting Standards
BFRS Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards

BSEC Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
BDT/TK/Taka Bangladeshi Taka
BO A/C Beneficiary Owner Account or Depository Account
CDBL Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
CIB Credit Information Bureau
CERTIFICATE Share Certificate
COMMISSION Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
COMPANIES ACT Companies Act, 1994 (Act. No. XVIII of 1994)
COMPANY Asiatic Laboratories Limited
CSE Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
DSE Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited
CRISL Credit Rating Information and Services Limited
EIs Eligible Investor
EURO Official currency of the European Union
EXCHANGES Stock Exchanges
EPS Earnings per Share
EHS Environmental Health and Safety
FC Account Foreign Currency Account
FY Financial Year
GOB Government of Bangladesh
GDP Gross Domistic Products
GBP Great Britain Pound
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IPO Initial Public Offering
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISSUER Asiatic Laboratories Limited
ISSUE MANAGER Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
IAS International Accounting Standards
LDC Least Developed Country
NAV Net Asset Value
NOCFPS Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share
NBR National Board of Revenue
NRB Non-Resident Bangladeshi
OBST Obstetrician
OFFERING PRICE The price of the shares of Asiatic Laboratories Limited being offered
PER Price Earnings Ratio
QC Quality Control
RJSC Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015
REGISTERED OFFICE Head Office of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
R&D Research and Development
RMG Ready made Garments
BSEC Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Sd/- Signature with Name & Date
SECURITIES - SHARES Shares of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
SPONSORS The Sponsor Shareholders of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
STD ACCOUNT Short Term Deposit Account
SUBSCRIPTION Application Money
Unless the context requires otherwise, refers to, the Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited
(DSE) & Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) where Ordinary Shares of the
Company will be listed.
USD United States Dollar
VAT Value Added Tax
WPPF Worker’s Profit Participation Fund

(a) About the industry 9
(b) About the Issuer 9
(c) Financial Information 10
(d) Features of the issue and its objects 11
(e) Legal and other Information 11
(f) Promoters’ background 11
(g) Capital structure and history of capital raising 12
(h) Summary of Valuation Report of securities 12
Declaration about the responsibility of the Director(s), including the CEO of
Annexure-A 16
Asiatic Laboratories Limited in respect of Prospectus.
Annexure-B Due Diligence Certificate of the Managers to the Issue 17
Annexure-C Due Diligence Certificate of the Underwriter(s) 18
Name of the issuer, dates of incorporation and commencement of its
commercial operations, its logo, addresses of its registered office, other offices
(a) 19
and plants, telephone number, fax number, contact person, website address
and e-mail address;
(b) The names of the sponsors and directors of the issuer; 19
The name, logo and address of the auditors and registrar to the issue, along
(c) with their telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact persons, website and e- 20
mail addresses;
The name(s) of the stock exchanges where the specified securities are
(d) 20
proposed to be listed.
(a) Summary 22
(b) General Information 23
(c) Capital Structure 36
(d) Description of the Business 38
(e) Description of Property 56
(f) Plan of Operation and Discussion of Financial Condition 118
a) Overview of business and strategies 132
b) SWOT analysis 132
c) Analysis of the financial statements of last five years 133
Known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that are likely
d) 134
to have an effect on the company’s business
e) Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity 134
f) off-balance sheet arrangements 134
Name, Father’s name, age, residential address, educational qualification,
(a) experience and position of each of the directors of the company and any 135
person nominated or represented to be a director;
The date on which he first became a director and the date on which his
(b) 135
current term of office shall expire.
Director has any type of interest in other businesses, names and types of
(c) 135
business of such organizations;
Statement of if any of the directors of the issuer are associated with the
(d) 136
securities market in any manner;

Any family relationship (father, mother, spouse, brother, sister, son,
(e) daughter, spouse’s father, spouse’s mother, spouse’s brother, spouse’s sister) 136
among the directors and top five officers;
(f) A very brief description of other businesses of the directors; 136
(g) Short bio-data of each director; 136
Loan status of the issuer, its directors and shareholders who hold 5% or more
(h) shares in the paid-up capital of the issuer in terms of the CIB Report of 137
Bangladesh Bank;
Name with position, educational qualification, age, date of joining the
company, overall experience (in the year), previous employment, salary paid
(i) for the financial year of the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, 138
Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Advisers, Consultants and all
Departmental Heads;
(j) Changes in the key management persons during the last three years; 138
A profile of the sponsors including their names, father’s names, age, personal
addresses, educational qualifications, and experiences in the business,
(k) 138
positions or posts held in the past, directorship held, other ventures of each
sponsor and present position.
If the present directors are not the sponsors and control of the issuer was
acquired within five years immediately preceding the date of filing prospectus
(l) 139
details regarding the acquisition of control,date of acquisition, terms of the
acquisition, consideration paid for such acquisition etc.
If the sponsors or directors do not have experience in the proposed line of
(m) business, the fact explaining how the proposed activities would be carried out 139
or managed;
(n) The interest of the key management persons; 139
All interests and facilities enjoyed by a director, whether pecuniary or non-
(o) 139
(p) Number of shares held and percentage of shareholding (pre-issue); 139
(q) Change on the board of directors during the last three years; 139
(r) Director’s engagement with similar business; 139
The total amount of remuneration or salary or perquisites paid to the top five
(a) salaried officers of the issuer in the last accounting year and the name and 142
designation of each such officer.
The aggregate amount of remuneration paid to all directors and officers as a
(b) 142
group during the last accounting year.
If any shareholder director received any monthly salary, prerequisite, or
(c) benefit it must be mentioned along with the date of approval in AGM or 142
EGM, terms thereof and payments made during the last accounting year.
The board meeting attendance fees received by the director including the
(d) 142
managing director along with the date of approval in AGM or EGM.
Any contract with any director or officer providing for the payment of future
(e) 142
If the issuer intends to substantially increase, the remuneration paid to its
(f) directors and officers in the current year, appropriate information regarding 142
Any other benefit or facility provided to the above persons during the last
(g) 142
accounting year.
The names of the directors and subscribers to the memorandum, the nature
and amount of anything of value received or to be received by the issuer from
(a) the above persons, or by the said persons, directly or indirectly, from the 144
issuer during the last five years along with the description of assets, services
or other consideration received or to be received.
If any assets were acquired or to be acquired from the aforesaid persons, the
amount paid for such assets and the method used to determine the price shall
(b) be mentioned in the prospectus, and if the assets were acquired by the said 144
persons within five years prior to transfer those to the issuer, the acquisition
cost thereof paid by them.
The names, addresses, BO ID Number of all shareholders of the company
(a) before IPO, indicating a number of securities owned and the percentage of 145
the securities represented by such ownership, in tabular form;
There shall also be a table showing the name and address, age, experience,
(b) BO ID Number, TIN number, numbers of shares held including percentage, 152
a position held in other companies of all the directors before the public issue;
The average cost of acquisition of equity shares by the directors certified by
(c) 152
the auditors;
A detail description of capital built up in respect of shareholding (Name-wise)
(d) of the issuer’s sponsors or directors. In this connection, a statement to be 153
included: -
(e) Detail of shares issued by the company at a price lower than the issue price; 153
History of significant (5% or more) changes in ownership of securities from
(f) 154

(a) About the Industry:
Pharmaceutical is the core of Bangladesh’s healthcare sector and serves as one of the most important manufacturing
industries. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most developed technology sectors within Bangladesh.
Manufacturers produce insulin, hormones, and cancer drugs. This sector provides 98% of the total medicinal
requirement of the local market. The industry also exports medicines to global markets, including Europe.
Pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business with the aim to expand the export market. The
pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh has been transforming and evolving since the early 80s. The sector has grown
from strength to strength over the last 4 decades. Since this is a technology and knowledge-based sector; the journey
was not an easy one for LDC faced with enormous economic challenges. Now, Bangladesh proudly stands alone
as the only LDC that has a well-developed pharma sector.

The industry continues its strong research orientation

in generic formulation development and has already
proven its skills with successful development of
specialized, high-tech formulations, which are very
difficult to imitate. Leading companies have focused
on specialized dosage delivery systems to create strong
differentiation and successfully developed metered
dose inhaler (MDI), dry powder inhaler (DPI),
lyophilized injectable, sterile ophthalmic, prefilled
syringes, oral thin films, multi-layer tablets, biological
products, including insulin, vaccines etc.
Pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge-based
industry. With the growing increase of qualified

personnel, technical expertise and formulation excellence has grown

the acceptance of finished pharma products overseas. By nature,
Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry is a branded-generic market.
Now the pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh is the second largest
export-earning sector after RMG. The country has built a solid base
for this sector to emerge as a potential sector in the upcoming days to
support our economy. Bangladesh manufactures almost all types of
medicines and fulfills the demand of 160 million people. The country
manufactures around 98% medicines domestically and imports the
remaining 2.0%. It contributes about 1.83% of the total GDP and the
Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh has come a long way in the past four decades and has already established
itself in domestic as well as international market. The industry contributes second largest industry in terms of
contribution to government’s exchequer. One of the Pharmaceutical leaders said, “We have already a strong base
in domestic market. We need to have presence in global markets, but the government policy is not in favor of the
industry.” In that meeting another leader opined that, “The sector people have to be innovative and focus should
be on formulation of generic products having a market worth $112 billion.
(b) About the Issuer
Name of the Issuer Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Date of Incorporation 25 July ,1970
Date of Commercial Operation 02 January, 1998

The Logo of the Issuer

Factory Location 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh

42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor),
Registered Office
Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
1. Dinajpur Depot: Sheikhpur, South Balubari, Sadar, Dinajpur
2. Bogra Depot: Rahman Nagar, Bogra
Outlet/ Deport/Other Office
3. Faridpur Depot: West Khabaspur, Barisal Road, Khotaali, Faridpur
4. Sylhet Depot: West Kajol Shah, Nobab Road, Sylhet

5. Chottagram Depot: Sugandha residential Area, Muradnagor,
Pachlaish, Chottagram
6. Kishorgonj Depot: Kharompotti, Sholakia, Kishorgonj
7. Mymensingh Depot: RK mission Road, Mymensingh
8. Feni Depot: Sufi Sadaruddin Sarak, Feni Sadar, Feni
9. Rongpur Depot: Goneshpur, Bus terminal Road, khotoali, Rongpur
10. Kushtia Depot: Jhenaidah Shorok, Faisal Supar Market,
Chourhash, Kushtia
11. Rajshahi Depot: Shiroil Bazar Mour, Ghoramara, Boyalia, Rajshahi
12. Cumilla Depot: 144/177 Simitari Road, Bisnopur, Cumilla
13. Khulna Depot: Nirala Abashik Alaka, Khulna
14. Tangail Depot: Tangail, Adalat Para, Tangail
15. Central & Dhaka Depot: 159/A Tejgoan C/A, Dhaka
16. Gazipur Depot: Shokhipur, Gazipur.
17. Barishal Depot: Jordan Road, Barishal.
Telephone Number Tel: +8802-48317908
FAX Number Fax:+8802-48311633
E-mail Address
Website Address Web:
Authorized Capital BDT.2,000,000,000.00 Crore
Paid-up Capital BDT. 878,480,000.00 Crore
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets,
Product capsules, oral liquids, powder for suspension, ophthalmic, injectable and
other products.
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing, selling and
Nature of business distributing pharmaceutical products (Human Drugs) throughout
1. Tahmina Begum – Chairman
2. Monir Ahmed – Managing Director
3. Salina Ahmed – Director
Board of Directors 4. Sadia Ahmed – Director
5. Maksud Ahmed – Director
6. Shafiqul Kabir Khan – Independent Director
7. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah– Independent Director
Chief Financial Officer Jayanta Kumar Biswas
Company Secretary & Compliance
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed
Auditors’ to the Company with Ashraf Uddin & Co. Chartered Accountants, 142/B Green Road (3rd &
Address 4th Floor), Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
(c) Financial Information
Major Financial information of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is as follows:
For the year ended
Particulars Jun, 2019
Jun, 2021 Jun, 2020 Jun, 2018 Jun, 2017
Revenues 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Net Profit Before Tax 371,476,092 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Net Profit after Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Total Assets* 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Paid-up Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
No. of Shares 87,848,000 87,848,000 938,350 938,350 938,350
Face Value 10 10 10 10 10
NAV per share with
NAV per share without
35.48 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
Earnings per Share Basic 3.65 2.76 3.00 2.79 2.79
(d) Features of the Issue and its objects
Cut Off Price [*]
Public Offering Price [*]
Number of Shares to be
Total Issue Size BDT. 950,000,000/-
Issue Manager(s) Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
Underwriter(s) Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
Proceeds from Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be used for Acquisition &
Purpose of IPO Fund Installation of New Plant and Machinery, Construction of Factory Building for
Expansion unit, Partial Repayment of Bank Loan and IPO expenses.
Date of Implementation Within 24 months after receiving IPO fund

(e) Legal and other Information

Name of Certificate/-
License Issuer/Issuing Certificate /
license/Registration/ Expiry Date Remarks
Authority License No
Registrar of Joint Stock Incorporated as a
Certificate of
Companies and Firms, C-3472 N/A Public Limited
Government of Bangladesh company
TIN Certificate National Board of Revenue 843665586961 N/A -
Customs, Excise & VAT
BIN:000002283- Applied for Public
VAT Reg. Certificate Commissionerate, Dhaka N/A
0102 Limited company
Dhaka South City TRAD/DSCC/221
Trade License 30-06-2022 -
Corporation 156/2019
Directorate General of
Manufacture Drug Drug Administration & License No: 151
License Licensing Authority License No: 69
Bangladesh Association of
BAPI 3898-B/147 N/A
Pharmaceutical Industries
Import Registration 260326120534720
IRC 30-06-2022
Certificate (Old-B-94127)
Export Registration 260326210576820(O
ERC 30-06-2022
Certificate ld-RA 78059)
Bangladesh Fire Services AD/Dhaka/15207/ Applied for
Fire License 30-06-2020
and Civil Defense 08 renewal
Board of Investment (BOI)
Board of Investment L-30030412036-H N/A
Dhaka Chamber of
Membership certificate 00267 31-12-2021
Commerce & Industry
Environment Department of Applied for
20-45718 24-03-2021
Clearance Certificate Environment renewal
NOC Tongi Pourashava Ucm /c«‡KŠ/2007/897 21-06-2007 -
Department of Narcotics
Narcotics Import 16/2005-06 30-06-2021
Narcotics Producing & Department of Narcotics
17/2005-2006 30-06-2021
Processing Control

(f) Promoters’ Background:

“Mrs. Tahmina Begum” is one of the most successful women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh over the years. A
distinguished and self-committed businesslady. Mrs. Tahmina has been involved with the Asiatic since its inception.
Her hidden entrepreneurial potentials have gradually changed herself with the growing sensitivity to the role and
economic status in the business society. Her skill, knowledge and adaptability in pharmaceutical areas are the main
reasons of success in Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. She is also an active member of Lion’s Club Bangladesh and she is
a devoted social worker for the poor to help them out from poverty & illiteracy. She is also actively involved in the
operations of Monir Development and Construction Ltd.

“Mr. Monir Ahmed” is the Managing Director of Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. starting from early 80’s with a vision
of being a leader in pharmaceutical and health care industry. Mr. Monir is now one of leading Pharma
Entrepreneurs in the country. Starting business career as Executive Director in early 80’s with Desh
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. he stepped towards success with pharmaceuticals and trading business and by 1990, his hard
work, commitment and pursuit of excellence had enabled him to be the founder and owner of Asiatic Laboratories
Ltd. As astute & highly visionary entrepreneur, Mr. Monir’s domestic and foreign interests cut across diverse
activities in pharmaceuticals.

In recognition of his many contributions to the pharma sectors, he has been the president of Bangladesh Chemist
& Druggist Somitee, Tangail, Member of Oushad Shilpa Shamitee (Pharmaceuticals Industry Owners Association).
Besides his pharma business acumen, he is very much active member of Dhaka Club, All Community Club, Tangail
Club and Rifel Club. He has never restricted his vision to pharma industry; rather he shaped his diversified thinking
in other technologies as well. He has spread his wings to another industry named Asiatic Aluminium Ltd. which is
totally a Korean technology for Pharmaceutical aluminium foil. He is also the owner of Monir Development and
construction Ltd.

(g) Capital structure and history of capital raising:

Class of Number of Nominal Amount in
securities Securities Price Taka
Authorized Capital Ordinary 200,000,000 10 2,000,000,000
Paid-up Capital before IPO Ordinary 87,848,000 10 878,480,000
Proposed Initial Public Offering Ordinary ** ** **
Total Paid-up Capital after IPO Ordinary ** ** **

The company has raised its paid-up capital in following phases:

History of Capital Raising:
Form of consideration
Amount of Share
Date of allotment Other Than Bonus
In Cash Capital (BDT)
Cash Share
Incorporation 25 July, 1970 938,350 - - 9,383,500
15-07-2019 80,409,650 - - 804,096,500
24.12.2020 65,000,000 65,000,000
Total 81,348,000 65,000,000 878,480,000

(h) Summary of Valuation Report of Securities

Fair Value
SI. No. Valuation Methods
Net Asset Value (NAV) at historical or Current costs (With Revaluation
Method -01
Net Asset Value (NAV) at historical or Current costs (Without Revaluation
a) Earnings-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Average Market P/E) 57.50
Method -02
b) Earnings-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Average Sector P/E) 66.94
Method -03 Average Market Price of similar stock-based valuation 135.36

The Detailed valuation working of the above-mentioned methods is furnished under the head of “Valuation
Report of Securities Prepared by the Issue Manager” in this prospectus.

Disclosure In Respect Of Issuance of Security in Dematerialized Form:
As per provisions of the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under, the share of the Company will be issued
in dematerialized form only and for this purpose, Asiatic Laboratories Limited will sign an agreement with the Central
Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL). Therefore, all transfers, transmissions, splitting or conversions will take place
on the CDBL system and any further issuance of shares (including Rights and Bonus) will also be issued in dematerialized
form only.

Conditions Imposed by Commission under Rule 4(2) Of the Bangladesh Securities And Exchange Commission
(Public Issue) Rules, 2015
(a) Conducting Road Show and submission of application:
1. The issuer-issue manager shall send an invitation to the eligible investors, both in writing and through
publication in at least 5 (five) widely circulated national dailies, giving at least 10 (ten) working days’ time to
the roadshow indicating time and venue of such event. The invitation letter shall accompany a red-herring
prospectus containing all relevant information covering the proposed size of the issue and at least 3 (three) years
audited financial statements and valuation report, prepared by the issue manager without mentioning any
indicative price, as per internationally accepted valuation methods. The red-herring prospectus shall be prepared
without mentioning the issue price or number of securities to be offered.
2. Representatives from the exchanges shall present in the road show as observers.
3. Eligible investors shall submit their comments and observations, if any, to the issuer or issue manager within
03(three) working days of the road show.
4. After completion of the road show, the red-herring prospectus shall be finalized on the basis of comments and
observations of the EIs participated in the road show. The valuation report as finalized must be included in the
red-herring prospectus including detail about the qualitative, quantitative factors and methods of valuation
5. The application along with the red-herring prospectus and required documents shall be simultaneously
submitted to the Commission and the exchanges as per rule.

(b) Consent for bidding to determine the cut-off price:

After examination of the red-herring prospectus and relevant documents, the Commission, if satisfied shall issue
consent to commence bidding by the eligible investors for determination of the cut-off price.

(c) Determination of the cut-off price:

i. Eligible investors shall participate in the electronic bidding and submit their intended quantity and price:
Provided that any connected person or related party of the issuer, issue manager or registrar to the issue shall
not be eligible to participate in the bidding;
ii. No eligible investor shall quote for more than 2% (two percent) of the total amount offered against their
respective quota;
iii. Eligible investors’ bidding shall be opened for 72 (seventy-two) hours round the clock;
iv. The bidding shall be conducted through a uniform and integrated automated system of the Exchange(s), specially
developed for pubic issue subscription;
v. Any information on the bid shall not be displayed or accessible to any person during the bidding period;
vi. The bidders shall deposit full bid amount in the designated bank account maintained by the exchange for
conducting the bid;
vii. The bidders can revise their bids for once, within the bidding period, up to 10% (ten percent) variation of their
first bid price;
viii. After completion of the bidding period, the cut-off price will be determined at the nearest integer of the lowest
bid price at which the total securities offered to eligible investors would be exhausted
ix. The bidders, who are entitled to get securities, shall be allotted securities at their own bid price and quantity on
highest to lowest bid basis, in a descending order of individual bid price till exhaustion of the quota for EI
Provided that while determining the cut-off price, if the bid quantity of shares at same price is more than the
remaining quantity till exhaustion of the quota for EI, allotment shall be made on the basis of time stamping,
i.e. shares shall be allotted to EI who submitted the bid earlier than others;

x. The final allotment list, along with price and quantity, of the public issue shall be sent through e-mail to the
allottees and disseminated through posting on the websites of the issuer, issue manager and the exchange(s)
within 03 (three) working days from the date of closing of bidding;
xi. The securities shall be offered to general public for subscription at an issue price to be fixed at 10% discount (at
nearest integer) from the cut-off price;
xii. The issuer and the issue manager shall prepare the draft prospectus including the status of bidding, cut-off price,
list of eligible investors with number of securities subscribed for, price and number of securities for offering to the
general public and submit with relevant documents, simultaneously to the Commission and the exchanges within 5
(five) working days from the of closing day of bidding.
xiii. The exchange shall transfer the subscribed amount against securities to be allotted, to the issuer, within 05 (five)
working days from the date of closing of bidding;
xiv. The exchange shall refund the excess subscribed amount to the EIs within 07 (seven) working days from the date
of closing of bidding.”

(d) Approval of prospectus:

After examination of the draft prospectus and relevant documents, the Commission, if satisfied, shall issue consent
for raising of capital from the general public and approve the prospectus.”.

Ordinary shares of the issuer, at the time of according consent to the public issue, shall be subject to lock-in, from
the first trading day at the exchange in the following manner:
(a) Shares held by sponsors, directors and shareholders holding 10% (ten percent) or more, for 03 (three) years;
(b) In case, any existing sponsor or director of the issuer transfers any share to any person, those transferred
shares, for 03 (three) years;
(c) Shares allotted to any person, before 4 (four) years or more of according consent to the public issue, other
than the persons mentioned in clause (a) and (b), for 01 (one) year;
(d) Shares held by alternative investment funds, or by foreign investors, for 01 (one) year; and
(e) Shares held by any person, other than the shares mentioned in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, for 02 (two)
Provided that ordinary shares converted from any other type of securities shall also be subject to lock-in as
mentioned above”.

Eligible Investor or EI Participating in Price Discovery Process for Determining Cut-Off Price
As per Rule 2(e) of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 the price discovery
process for determining cut-off price of the security will involve the following Eligible investors registered with or
approved by the Commission in this regard:
i. Merchant Bankers and Portfolio Managers;
ii. Asset Managers;
iii. Mutual Funds and Collective Investment Scheme (CIS);
iv. Stock Dealers;
v. Banks;
vi. Financial Institutions;
vii. Insurance Companies;
viii. Fund Managers;
ix. Alternative Investment Funds;
x. Foreign Investors having account with any Securities Custodian registered with the Commission;
xi. Recognized Provident Funds, approved Pension Funds and approved Gratuity Funds; and;
xii. Any other category as approved by the Commission

Provided that EIs who have maintained minimum investment in listed securities before the intended subscription,
as per the condition of the consent letter for public issue, shall be eligible for subscription. Provided further that the
Commission may impose a further condition for any of the above categories from time to time in the consent letter
for the public issue”


As per Rule 4 (2)(C)(x),(xi) and Rule 6 of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules,
2015 the shares of Asiatic Laboratories Limited will be allocated in the following manner:
Particulars Percentage (%)
EI excluding Mutual Funds and CIS at cut off Price 24
Eligible Investors (EI)
Mutual Funds and CIS at cut off Price 1
GP excluding NRB at 10% discounted from the cut off price 70
General Public (GP)
NRB 10% discounted from the cut off price 5
Provided that out of 25% (twenty-five percent) quota for eligible investors including mutual funds and CISs (EIs), asset
manager of any Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) shall get 1% (one percent) quota and the rest 24% (twenty-four percent)
shall be distributed among the EIs:
Provided further that in case of under-subscription or non-subscription by asset manager of any Exchange Traded Fund
(ETF) for the said 1% (one percent) quota, non-subscribed or under-subscribed portion of securities shall be added to
the quota for EIs.”


Declaration about the responsibility

Of the directors, including the CEO of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
In respect of the red-herring prospectus
[See rule 4 (1) (D)]

This red-herring prospectus has been prepared, seen and approved by us, and we, individually and collectively, accept
full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and adequacy of the statements made, information given in the
prospectus, documents, financial statements, exhibits, annexes, papers submitted to the Commission in support
thereof, and confirm, after making all reasonable inquiries that all conditions concerning this public issue and
prospectus have been met and that there are no other information or documents, the omission of which make any
information or statements therein misleading for which the commission may take any civil, criminal or administrative
actions against any or all of us as it may deem fit.

We also confirm that full and fair disclosures have been made in this red-herring prospectus to enable the investors to
make a well-informed decision for investment.

Sd/- Sd/-
Mrs. Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Sadia Ahmed Shafiqul Kabir Khan
Director Independent Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Md. Ashraf Ali Miah
Director Independent Director

Maksud Ahmed

Place: Dhaka
Date: 07 October, 2021

[See rule 4 (1) (D)]
The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission

Sub: Public offer of 95,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 950,000,000/- of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Dear Sir,
We, the issue manager(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state and confirm as follows:
1. We have examined all the documents submitted with the application for the above-mentioned public issue, visited
the premises of the issuer and interviewed the Chairperson, Directors and key management personnel of the issuer
in connection with the finalization of the prospectus pertaining to the said issue;
2. On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the Directors, officers, and auditors of the issuer, other
agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the
documents and other materials furnished by the issuer have been made.

a. The prospectus filed with the Commission is in conformity with the documents, materials, and papers relevant to
the issue;
b. All the legal requirements relating to the issue as also in the rules, notification, guidelines, instructions, etc.
framed/issued by the Commission, other competent authorities in this behalf and the Government have been duly
complied with;
c. The disclosures made in the prospectus are true, fair and adequate to enable the investors to make a well-informed
decision for investment in the proposed issue and such disclosures are in accordance with the requirements of the
Companies Act, 1994, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 and other
applicable laws;
d. Besides ourselves, all the intermediaries named in the prospectus are registered with the Commission and that till
date such registrations are valid;
e. We have satisfied ourselves with the capability of the underwriters to fulfill their underwriting commitments;
f. The proposed activities of the issuer for which the funds are being raised in the present issue fall within the ‘main
objects’ listed in the object clause of the Memorandum of Association or another charter of the issuer and that the
activities which have been carried out till now are valid in terms of the object clause of its Memorandum of
g. Necessary arrangements have been made to ensure that the money to be received pursuant to the issue shall be kept
in a separate bank account and shall be used for the purposes disclosed in the use of proceeds section of the
h. All the applicable disclosures mandated in the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue)
Rules, 2015 have been made in addition to other disclosures which, in our view, are fair and adequate to enable the
investor to make a well-informed decision;
i. We enclose a note explaining how the process of due diligence has been exercised by us in view of the nature of
current business background or the issuer, situation at which the proposed business stands, the risk factors, sponsors
experiences etc. We also confirm that the due diligence related process, documents and approval memos shall be
kept in the record by us for the next 5 (five) years after the IPO for any further inspection by the Commission;
j. We enclose a checklist confirming rule-wise compliance with the applicable provisions of the Bangladesh Securities
and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 containing details such as the rule number, its text, the status
of compliance, page numbers of the prospectus where the rules have been complied with and our comments, if any;
k. We also declare that we have managed the public issue of following issuers in the last 05 (five) years:

Serial No. Issue month /Year Issue Price Dividend Payment History
1 Dominage Steel Building Systems Limited 10.00 2020 8% Stock, 2% Cash
2 ACME Pesticides Limited 10.00 N/A

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 11 August, 2021 Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited



[SEE RULE 4 (1)(d)]

The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Sub: Public offer of 95,000,000 Ordinary Shares Tk. 950,000,000/- of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

Dear Sir,
We, the under-noted Underwriter(s) to the abovementioned forthcoming Issue, state individually as follows:

(1) We, while underwriting the above-mentioned issue on a firm commitment basis, have examined the draft
prospectus, other documents, and materials as relevant to our underwriting decision; and

(2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the issuer Company, its directors and officers, and
other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the
documents and other materials furnished by the issuer Company.

(a) We are registered with Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a merchant banker and eligible to
carry out the underwriting activities. Our present paid-up capital stands at BDT 312,500,000.00 (Thirty-One
Crore Twenty-Five Lac) only and have the capacity to underwrite a total amount of BDT 1,562,500,000.00 (One
Hundred Fifty-Six Crore Twenty-Five Lac) only as per relevant legal requirements. We have committed to
underwrite for up to BDT. 249,375,000 (Twenty-Four Crore Ninety-Three Lac Seventy-Five Thousand) only for
the upcoming issue.

(b) At present, the following underwriting obligations are pending for us:
Sl. No. Name of The Company Amount of Underwritten (BDT)
01 ACME Pesticide Limited 105,000,000
02 Asiatic Laboratories Limited 249,375,000
Total 354,375,000

(c) All information as is relevant to our underwriting decision has been received by us and the draft prospectus
forwarded to the Commission has been approved by us;
(d) We shall subscribe and take up the un-subscribed securities against the above-mentioned public issue within 15
(fifteen) days of calling up thereof by the issuer; and
(e) This underwriting commitment is unequivocal and irrevocable.

For the Underwriter:

Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Chief Executive Officer
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited

Place: Dhaka
Date: 05 October, 2021

(a) Name of the issuer, dates of incorporation and commencement of its commercial operations, its logo,
addresses of its registered office, other offices and plants, telephone number, fax number, contact person,
website address and e-mail address:
Particulars Description
Name of the Issuer Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Date of Incorporation 25 July, 1970
Date of Commercial Operation 02 January, 1998
The Logo of the Issuer
Factory Office 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar,
Registered Office
1. Dinajpur Depot: Sheikhpur, South Balubari, Sadar, Dinajpur
2. Bogra Depot: Rahman Nagar, Bogra
3. Faridpur Depot: West Khabaspur, Barisal Road, Khotaali, Faridpur
4. Sylhet Depot: West Kajol Shah, Nobab Road, Sylhet
5. Chottagram Depot: Sugandha residential Area, Muradnagor, Pachlaish,
6. Kishorgonj Depot: Kharompotti, Sholakia, Kishorgonj
7. Mymensingh Depot: RK mission Road, Mymensingh
8. Feni Depot: Sufi Sadaruddin Sarak, Feni Sadar, Feni
Outlet/ Deport/Other Office 9. Rongpur Depot: Goneshpur, Bus terminal Road, khotoali, Rongpur
10. Kushtia Depot: Jhenaidah Shorok, Faisal Supar Market, Chourhash,
11. Rajshahi Depot: Shiroil Bazar Mour, Ghoramara, Boyalia, Rajshahi
12. Cumilla Depot: 144/177 Simitari Road, Bisnopur, Cumilla
13. Khulna Depot: Nirala Abashik Alaka, Khulna
14. Tangail Depot: Tangail, Adalat Para, Tangail
15. Central & Dhaka Depot: 159/A Tejgoan C/A, Dhaka
16. Gazipur Depot: Shokhipur, Gazipur.
17. Barishal Dept: Jordan road, Barishal
Telephone +8802-48317908
Fax number +8802-48311633
Contact Person Monir Ahmed - Managing Director
E-mail Address
(b) The names of the sponsors and directors of the issuer:
Promoters & Sponsors:
Sl. No. Name of the Sponsors Designation Remark
01 Mr. Minhajuddin Ahmed Chairman Resigned From the position as
02 Mrs. Sadika Ahmed Managing Director on 05-10-1996
Existing Directors:
Sl. No. Name of the Directors Designation Remark
01 Tahmina Begum Chairman
Appointed as on 05-10-1996
02 Monir Ahmed Managing Director
03 Salina Ahmed Director
04 Sadia Ahmed Director Appointed on 16.02.2020
05 Maksud Ahmed Director
06 Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director
Appointed on 10.03.2021
07 Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director

(c) The name, logo and address of the auditors and registrar to the issue, along with their telephone numbers, fax
numbers, contact persons, website and e-mail addresses:
Particulars Description
Name Ashraf Uddin & Co., Chartered Accountants
Address 142/B Green Road (3rd & 4th Floor), Dhaka-1215
Auditor Telephone No. +880-2-9116183, +880-2-9554301, +880-2-9124650
Fax No. +880-2-9565767
Contact person Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed, FCA, CFC
Website address
E-mail address
Name BMSL InvestmentLimited


Registrar to Shareef Mansion (4th Floor), 56-57 Motijheel C/A Dhaka-1000,

the Issue Bangladesh.
Telephone Number +88 02-9577651
Fax number Fax: +88 02-47117218
Contact person Md. Riyad Matin, Managing Director
E-mail address E-mail:

(d) The name(s) of the stock exchanges where the specified securities are proposed to be listed.
Name of the exchange Logo Address
9-F, Motijheel C-A, Dhaka-1000.
DHAKA STOCK Tel: +88-02-9564601, 9576210-18,
EXCHANGE LIMITED (DSE) Fax: +88-02-9564727, +88-02-9569755
Web: :
CSE Building, 1080 Sheikh Mujib Road,
Agrabad, Chittagong-4100.
2 Tel: +880-2-9513911-15,
Fax: +880-2-9513906


Particulars Description
Name of the Company Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Date of Incorporation 25 July ,1970
Date of Commercial
02 January, 1998
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral
liquids, powder for suspension, ophthalmic and injectable and others product.
The principal activities of the Company are to manufacturing, selling and
Nature Of Business
distributing pharmaceutical products (Human Drugs) throughout the Bangladesh.
Authorized Capital BDT. 2,000,000,000.00 Crore
Paid-up Capital BDT. 878,480,000.00 Crore
Factory office address 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar,
Registered Office address
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh

Logo of the Issuer

Telephone Number +8802-48317908

FAX Number +8802-48311633
1. Tahmina Begum –Chairman
2. Monir Ahmed - Managing Director
3. Salina Ahmed-Director
Board of Directors 4. Sadia Ahmed- Director
5. Maksud Ahmed- Director
6. Shafiqul Kabir Khan -Independent Director
7. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah -Independent Director
Company Secretary &
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed
Compliance Officer
Chief Financial Officer Jayanta kumar Biswas
Tax Consultant S.M. Akhlakur Rahman
Legal adviser Sajjad Anwar Khan
Ashraf Uddin & Co., Chartered Accountants, 142/B Green Road (3rd & 4th
Auditors’ to the Company
Floor), Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited, Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901 (9th Floor),
Issue Manager
Block-C,166-167, Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Registrar to the Issue BMSL Investment Limited
Name of Underwriters Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Ltd, Pantha Plaza (Level – 4), 68, West
Credit Rating Company
Panthapath, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
Shafiq Basak & Co., Chartered accountants, Shatabdi Centre (4th & 6th Floor)
292, Inner Circular Road, Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Lead Banker for IPO BRAC Bank Limited

(i) The summary of the industry:
The pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is one of the most developed technology sectors within Bangladesh.
Manufacturers produce insulin, hormones, and cancer drugs.
Pharmaceutical Industry is a knowledge-based industry. With the
growing increase of qualified personnel, technical know-how and
formulation excellence has led to an acceptance of finished
pharma products overseas. By nature, Bangladesh Pharmaceutical
Industry is a branded-generic market. Now the pharmaceutical
sector of Bangladesh is the second largest export earning sector
after RMG. The country has built a solid base for this sector to
emerge as a potential sector in the upcoming days to support our
economy. Pharmaceutical industry is growing very fast meeting
98% of domestic demand and posting a 27% growth in export
earnings. Bangladesh's pharmaceutical sector is expected to grow at 15 percent for the next five years riding on the
expanded domestic market as well as new export frontiers, according to new research. The Bangladesh
pharmaceutical industry is heavily retail oriented with the bulk of distribution undertaken by the companies
themselves leaving wholesalers to play limited role. Here, Doctors play the central role as the customers with patient
as the end user. So, Rx plays as the game changer of the market competition. And all the marketing activities in
Bangladesh are encircled with doctors with personal selling through medical reps and some through innovative
approach to reach to other customers like chemists, clinics, hospitals, nurse.

The industry continues its strong research orientation in generic formulation development and has already proven
its skills with successful development of specialized, high-tech formulations, which are very difficult to imitate.
Leading companies have focused on specialized dosage delivery systems to create strong differentiation and
successfully developed metered dose inhaler (MDI), dry powder inhaler (DPI), lyophilized injectable, sterile
ophthalmic, prefilled syringes, oral thin films, multi-layer tablets, biological products, including insulin, vaccines
etc. Now Asiatic Laboratories Ltd., a leading growth driven pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh. Imbibed with
more than 20 years of professional experience, expertise and market presence with high standard moral ethics and
manufacturing excellence complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO 9001:2008 principle in practice, it gains
name and fame among the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total Quality Management (TQM) having
state-of-the-art technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving medicines of different therapeutic groups
with a wide range of dosage forms. In Asiatic, we believe “Quality is everyone's responsibility" especially when
the health is a prime concern having our motto 'your health partner" in mind.

Business environment of the issuer:

The Issuer’s business environment is conducive to the business because of having good supply of raw materials. It
started with a well-equipped, most modern & sophisticated machineries for manufacturing lifesaving drugs. The
quality control laboratory is equipped with a good number of sophisticated analytical equipment. Modern methods
& automated technology is used in the manufacture of products. Good manufacturing practices are followed as a
regulatory standard in most areas, particularly in the areas of production, quality control, packaging &warehousing.
Government policy is favorable to the sector. Overall, it is a business-friendly situation.

Our mission is to lead the way to a healthier nation. By carrying out this mission at every level of our organization,
we will be recognized by our employees, customers and other stakeholders as the best pharmaceutical company in

Our vision is to be a leader in pharmaceutical and health care industry both nationally and globally.
Strong values define our corporate culture and help us execute the strategy in line with our mission and vision. Our
values comprise of five petals:
Quality is our promise
Doing in difference
Professional working with cohesiveness
Maintaining work-life balance
Imitativeness is rewarded
(ii) Summary of consolidated financial, operating and other information:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has no subsidiary company. Therefore, such information is not applicable to the
(i) Name and address, telephone and fax numbers of the registered office, corporate head office, other offices,
factory, business premises and outlets of the issuer;
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar, Dhaka, Tel:
Registered Office +8802-48317908, Fax: +8802-48311633, E-mail:, Web:
253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh, Tel: +8802-48317908 Fax:
Factory Office
+8802-48311633, E-mail:, Web:
1. Dinajpur Depot: Sheikhpur, South Balubari, Sadar, Dinajpur
2. Bogra Depot: Rahman Nagar, Bogra
3. Faridpur Depot: West Khabaspur, Barisal Road, Khotaali, Faridpur
4. Sylhet Depot: West Kajol Shah, Nobab Road, Sylhet
5. Chottagram Depot: Sugandha residential Area, Muradnagor, Pachlaish, Chottagram
6. Kishorgonj Depot: Kharompotti, Sholakia, Kishorgonj
7. Mymensingh Depot: RK mission Road, Mymensingh
8. Feni Depot: Sufi Sadaruddin Sarak, Feni Sadar, Feni
Outlets of
9. Rongpur Depot: Goneshpur, Bus terminal Road, khotoali, Rongpur
the issuer
10. Kushtia Depot: Jhenaidah Shorok, Faisal Supar Market, Chourhash, Kushtia
11. Rajshahi Depot: Shiroil Bazar Mour, Ghoramara, Boyalia, Rajshahi
12. Cumilla Depot: 144/177 Simitari Road, Bisnopur, Cumilla
13. Khulna Depot: Nirala Abashik Alaka, Khulna
14. Tangail Depot: Tangail, Adalat Para, Tangail
15. Central & Dhaka Depot: 159/A Tejgoan C/A, Dhaka
16. Gazipur Depot: Shokhipur, Gazipur.
17. Barishal Depot: Jordan Road, Barishal
(ii) The board of directors of the issuer:
Sl. No Name Designation
1 Tahmina Begum Chairman
2 Monir Ahmed Managing Director
3 Salina Ahmed Director
4 Sadia Ahmed Director
5 Maksud Ahmed Director
6 Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director
7 Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director
(iii) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the Chairman, Managing director,
whole-time directors, etc. of the issuer:

Names : Tahmina Begum
Addresses : 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Jahanara Apartment (F-12) Shantinagar, Dhaka
Telephone numbers : +8802-48317908
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail addresses :
Managing Director
Names : Monir Ahmed
Addresses : 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Jahanara Apartment (F-12) Shantinagar, Dhaka
Telephone numbers : +8802-48317908
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail addresses :

Whole time Director
Names : Salina Ahmed
Addresses : 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Jahanara Apartment (F-12) Shantinagar, Dhaka
Telephone numbers : +8802-48317908
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail addresses :
Names : Sadia Ahmed
Addresses : 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Jahanara Apartment (F-12) Shantinagar, Dhaka
Telephone numbers : +8802-48317908
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail addresses :
Names : Maksud Ahmed
Addresses : 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Jahanara Apartment (F-12) Shantinagar, Dhaka
Telephone numbers : +8802-48317908
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail addresses :

(iv) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the CFO, Company Secretary,
Legal Advisor, Auditors and Compliance Officer;

Chief Financial Officer

Names : Jayanta Kumar Biswas
Address : Satabdi Nilima, 5th Floor, 373 Shenpara, Mirpur-10, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Telephone numbers : +8801937990018
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail address :
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Names : Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed
Address : 85/A, Tilpapara, Road#17, Khilgoan, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
Telephone numbers : +08801937-990004
Fax numbers : +8802-48311633
E-mail address :
Legal Advisor
Names : Sajjad Anwar Khan
Address : Purba Adalat Para, Tangail
Telephone numbers : 01819-666033
Fax Number : Nil
E-mail address :
Names : Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Address : 142/B Green Road (3rd & 4th Floor), Dhaka-1215
Telephone numbers : +880-2-9116183, +880-2-9554301, +880-2-9124650
Fax numbers : +880-2-9565767
E-mail address :

(v) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact person, website addresses and e-mail addresses
of the issue manager (s), register to the issue etc:
Issue Manager (s)
Names : Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901 (Level-9), Block-C,166-167, Shaheed Syed Nazrul
Address :
Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone numbers : +88 02 55111680-681
Fax numbers : +88 02 55111682
Contact person : Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Website address :
E-mail address :

Registrar to the Issue
Names : BMSL Investment Limited
Address : Shareef Mansion, 4th Floor, 56-57 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Telephone numbers : +88 02 9577651
Fax numbers : +88 02 47117218
Contact person : Md. Riyad Matin, Managing Director
Website address :
E-mail address :

(vi) Details of Credit Rating:

a) The names of all the credit rating agencies from which credit rating has been obtained:
Name of The Credit Rating Agencies Rating Date
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited 05 October, 2021

b) The details of all the credit ratings obtained for the issue and the issuer:
Credit rating by WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited
Entity Rating
Rating Long term Short term
A3 ST-3
Outlook Stable
Validity 04.10.2022 for long term rating and short-term rating

c) The rationale or description of the ratings (s) so obtained, as furnished by the credit rating agency(s)
WCRCL has assigned ‘A3’ (pronounced as Single A Three) rating for the Long Term and ‘ST-3’ (pronounced
as Short Term Three) rating for Short Term to Asiatic Laboratories Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘ALL’
or ‘The Company’) based on its financial and other relevant qualitative and quantitative information up-to the
date of the rating issuance. WCRCL has also assigned “blr A3” (pronounced as Bank Loan Rating Single a
Three) rating to the long-term loan outstanding and “blr ST-3” (pronounced as Bank Loan Rating Short Term
Three) rating to the aggregated short-term limit. The above ratings have been assigned based on the
fundamentals of the company which include experienced and proactive management, increased trend of
revenue, sponsors have related experience, moderate regional diversification, moderate diversified product
portfolio, low leverage position in the capital structure, good interest coverage position, comfortable security
arrangement, presence of fire insurance policy, good infrastructural arrangement and satisfactory banking

However, the above factors are constrained to some extent by average disclosure in the financial statement,
market saturation or high competition, stressed liquidity position with long cash conversion cycle, price
volatility of the raw materials, high inventory pile-up affecting working capital. The long-term rating implies
that the company rated upper medium grade and subject to low credit risk. The short-term rating implies that
the company has an acceptable ability to repay short-term debt obligations from internal sources. However, it
is expected to rely on external sources of committed financing due to downturn in economic or industry
circumstances. WCRCL also viewed the company with “Stable” outlook and believes that ALL will be able to
maintain its good fundamentals in the foreseeable future.

d) Observations and risk factors as stated in the credit rating report:

Asiatic Laboratories Limited (hereinafter referred to as ALL or The Company), was incorporated as a Private
limited company on 25th July 1970 under the Companies Act (Act VII) of 1913 and converted as a Public
Limited Company from private on 12th March 2020. Currently the company has taken the initiative for listing
with the Stock Exchange in Bangladesh. The Company started its commercial operation on 2 nd January 1998.
The company is engaged in producing and marketing of a wide range of pharmaceuticals products in the
categories of Biological, Non-Biological & Sterile pharmaceutical dosage like tablets, capsules, syrup, eye
products, cream, ointment, injection etc. ALL offers 80 generic molecules comprising therapeutic classes like
antibiotics, antihistamines, bronchodilators, vitamins minerals, antiulcer ants, laxatives, gastroprokinetic, ant
hematinic, anthelmintic, CNS drugs, respiratory drugs, NSAIDs, dermatological preparation and sterile
ophthalmic preparations. Mainly the products of the company are sold in the local & international market.

The company has rated capacity to produce 6 million pcs tablets, 5 million pcs of capsules, 2 million pcs of
injections, 1.50 million pcs tube of ointment and 1 .60 million bottle of syrup per year. The company has
approval for around 285 medicine items out of which it is currently producing about 266 items. The registered
corporate office of the company is located at 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5 th Floor),
Shantinagar, Dhaka and the Company’s manufacturing facility is located at 253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi,
Gazipur with an area of 91.35 decimal land to produce its products.


The experienced sponsors who have vast experiences in the related business field have promoted the company.
Among the sponsor-shareholders, there are five members in the Board of Directors of the Company namely:

(1) Ms. Tahmina Begum (Chairman)

(2) Mr. Monir Ahmed (Managing Director)
(3) Ms. Salina Ahmed (Director)
(4) Ms. Sadia Ahmed (Director)
(5) Mr. Maksud Ahmed (Director)

Beside that, Mr. Shafiqul Kabir Khan and Mr. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah are an Independent Director of the

Ms. Tahmina Begum, Chairman of the Company, heads the board. As of 30 June 2021, the company has
authorized capital stands at BDT 2,000.00 million (200,000 000 No. of share @ BDT 10 each) and paid-up
capital at BDT 878.48 million. A tabular view of the shareholding pattern as on 30 June 2021 of the company
is delineated below:

Name Designation No. of Share % of Share holding

Ms. Tahmina Begum Chairman 16,695,470 19.00
Mr. Monir Ahmed Managing Director 22,114,480 25.17
Ms. Salina Ahmed Director 5,399,510 6.15
Ms. Sadia Ahmed Director 5,399,510 6.15
Mr. Maksud Ahmed Director 5,399,520 6.15
Mr. Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director 0.00
Mr. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director 0.00
Other Shareholders 32,839,510 37.38
Total 87,848,000

ALL is running its business and operations successfully with a group of senior executive’s advantages vast
experiences and skills who are assisting to the Managing Director to perform the day-to-day affairs of the
company. The management of the company is consisting of two layers. The top layer is the Board of Directors
(BODs) who are the shareholders of the company primarily. The BODs formulate the long-term plans and
strategies of the company to show the strategic visions and resolve any apprehensive consequences. ALL has a
competent and caliber employee group who have potentially deserved years of experiences in the relevant
industry. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the company has sufficient financial knowledge about this
The second layer of the management is executives and managers of the company who carries out the directions
and executions of strategies of the top layer management. Head of Strategic Business Units (SBUs) are
responsible for overall operations of the company. Whereas, Head of all departments of the plant are directly
involved in overall operations of the manufacturing. Production, Maintenance, Quality Assurances and
Environmental Health & Safety department of the plant as well as the Sale & Marketing, Supply Chain, Finance
& Accounting, Human Resources & Administration will be run independently by the supervision of the
respective SBU. The Head of the each SBU will reports to the Managing Director the Company time to time.
A brief of the Key Personnel of Management along with their qualifications are as follows:
Name of Employee Designation Educational Qualification Experience
Mr. Monir Ahmed Managing Director Bachelor of Arts 35 Year
Ms. Sadia Ahmed Head of Operations M.Sc. 07 Year
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Company Secretary M.Com, EMBA, CA CC 25 Year
Mr. Jayanta Kumar Biswas Chief Financial Officer M.Com, CACC 32 Year
Shaikh Abdur Razzak Manager, A&F M.Com, CA (CC) 24 Year
Name of Employee Designation Educational Qualification Experience
Mr. Gautam Mazumder Manager, Commercial M.Com 17 Year
A.S.M Jobayar Asst. Manager, Commercial M.Com 17 Year
Md. Azizur Rahman Manager, Dist. MBA 30 Year
Md. Ashraful Haque Asst. Manager, HR MBA 21 Year
Mr. Saleh Ahmmed Manager, MSD MBA 18 Year
Md. Al Mamun Head of Internal Audit MBA Accounting, LLB 10 Year

Pharmacists or Chemist is the key employee of any pharmaceuticals company. Asiatic Laboratories Limited
has few pharmacists and chemists, which have good experience in respective industry and have good
educational background. Below is the profile of the key pharmacists and chemists.

Name of Employee Designation Educational Qualification Experience

Mr. Sushil Kumar Sutradhar GM, Technical Operations M. Pharm 30 Years
Mr. Sanjit Kumar Paul Manager, QC M.Sc. 17 Years
Md. Aminul Islam Manager, Production M. Pharm 11 Years
Ms. Shahela Sharmin Sr. Executive M. Pharm 07 Years
Md. Selim Rana Executive B. Pharm 05 Years

Human Resource Management

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has 770 officers and staff. It has a separate HR related policies including
recruitment, performance evaluation, promotion, firing etc. In order to improve the Human Resources Practice
and Quality, ALL has an established policy for the Training of its own establishment. On the other hand, a
number of policies are formulated for the welfare of the employees in the form of Best Practice’ scheme.

Internal controls
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has been following standard internal control to ensure compliance of its standard
operating procedure in order to keep the company on track. The Head Office maintains the communication
with the factory through hard copy and email exchange to control and monitor the operation on a regular basis.
To monitor the activities of each department, an integrated system helps careful monitoring.

Pharmaceuticals is one of the most prominent as well as flourishing sectors of Bangladesh. The Pharmaceutical
sector of Bangladesh has been transforming and evolving since the early 80s. Since this, the journey was not an
easy one for a LDC country faced with enormous economic challenges. Now, Bangladesh proudly stands alone
as the only LDC that has a well-developed pharma sector. The industry has contributed 1.85% to the GDP in
2016-17. Bangladesh has approximately 257 licensed pharmaceutical manufacturers are operating in
Bangladesh and about 150 are functional. These manufacturing companies meet around 98% of local demand.
Specialized products like vaccines, anti-cancer products and hormone drugs are imported to meet the remaining
3% of the demand. 80% of the drugs produced in Bangladesh are generic drugs, rest 20% are patented drugs.
The industry has 3,534 generics of allopathic medicine, 2,313 registered Homeopathic drugs, 5,771 registered
Unani Drugs and 3,899 registered Ayurvedic drugs.

Market Share of Top 10 Companies are given below:

Sl Company Name 2018 Q2 2017 Q2 Change (Y0Y)
1 Square 17.16 17.73 -0.57
2 Incepta 11.31 10.21 1.10
3 Beximco 8.02 8.39 -0.37
4 Opsonin Pharma 5.42 5.54 -0.12
5 Renata 5.24 4.97 0.27
6 Healthcare Pharma 4.98 4.57 0.41
7 ACI 4.12 4.43 -0.31
8 Aristropharma 4.13 4.38 -0.25
9 Eskayef 4.43 4.36 0.07
10 Acme 3.52 3.91 -0.39

Domestic market of pharmaceutical products in Bangladesh has shown an increasing trend over the past few
years and the market size (except homeopathic, unani, ayurvedic or herbal) is BDT 187,566 million as on 2017
Q2 (Source: IMS Health Report Q2). Pharmaceuticals industry of Bangladesh has grown significantly over the
last five years. From 2012 to 2017, historical five years CAGR (Compound Average Growth Rate) was 15%
and from 2014 to 2017, historical three years CAGR was 21%. It is expecting that the market size of
pharmaceuticals may reach about BDT 330,000 million by 2020. According to Bangladesh Association of
Pharmaceutical Industries (BAPI), approximately 1,200 pharmaceutical products received registration for
export over the last two years. According to Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau, Bangladesh exported
pharmaceuticals product to 107 countries in the fiscal year 2016-17. During this period, Bangladesh has
exported pharmaceutical products worth USD 89.17 million as against USD 82.11 million in 2015-16.

Pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on imported raw materials for manufacturing
drugs. 15 companies of Bangladesh including produce 40 APIs. Among those, Active Fine is the only
company, which is fully involved in producing API i.e., the company, does not produce any finished medicine.
Ganashastha Pharmaceuticals Limited (GPL) alone accounts for about 60% of the raw materials manufactured
in Bangladesh. In 2015, the demand was BDT 60,000 million worth of API & Excipient, where Bangladesh
imported BDT 59,720 million worth of API & Excipient. Main suppliers of raw material are India, China,
Italy and Germany. In recent time, the Government of Bangladesh has given huge emphasis on the export of
pharmaceutical products from Bangladesh. It is targeted that Pharmaceutical will be the second exporting
product after readymade garments. The Government of Bangladesh has set up an export target of $100 million
of pharmaceuticals products for 2017-18.
ALL requires several types of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) to produce the medicines. The
company procures most of the raw materials from India, China, Korea, USA, Italy, Taiwan and Germany. In
addition, the company procures raw materials from local sources. In the distribution side of the operation, the
company currently has sales teams and representatives in whole districts of Bangladesh. The company
distributes its products through its own distribution network.
Name of Supplier Name of Items Country
Vega Pharma Ltd. Raw Materials China
P.J Healthcare Raw Materials India
Particle Measuring System Raw Materials USA
Formosa Laboratories INC Raw Materials Taiwan
New Chem S.P.A Raw Materials Italy
The company has rated capacity to produce 6 million pcs tablets, 5 million pcs of capsules, 2 million pcs of
injections, 1.50 million pcs tube of ointment and 1.60 million bottle of syrup per year. The operation of the
company is a highly technical one because of the industry nature. It requires specialized knowledge, which can
be obtained from people experienced and qualified persons. The company has a qualified team of technical
people. Most of these people have Masters or Bachelor degree in Pharmacy and at the same time possesses
relevant experiences. The list these chemists are provided in business management section.
Brand Name Generic Name Medicate of Disease
Afixime Cefixime Trihydrate USP Antibiotic
Asizith Azithromycin Dihydrate USP 524 Antibiotic
Ceroxime Cefuroxime Axetil USP Antibiotic
Liam 10 Montelukast INN Asphyxia
Antison Flupentixol dihydrochloride INN Antipsychotic

Research & Development Facility
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has state of the art Research and Development facility with 35 pharmacists who
are working round the clock for developing product first in class and best in class. The facility is equipped with
modern technology and laboratory settings for new medicine production. Total clean, controlled area in R&D
is 5,000 square feet. Each area is provided with dedicated independent Heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) system with various classified rooms.

Quality Control System

Asiatic Laboratories Limited Is being awarded as an ISO 9001:2008 in 2010 for its quality management system.
In addition, it has been recognized as Category ‘A’ Pharmaceutical Company in Bangladesh for being
compliant with WHO CGMP. The whole operation of Asiatic Laboratories ltd. run because of latest
requirements of Quality Management System as per ISO 9001:2008. In every step of operation, ALL maintains
strict quality control procedures according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), WHO approved Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & current Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). The quality unit of Asiatic
Laboratories Limited comprises of Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA). Both QC and QA are
independent departments directly reporting to the Plant Head. The principal responsibility of the Q.C. is testing
of all materials, which include input materials and output materials. Q.A. is the overall custodian of quality.
Q.A. is the decision-making body pertaining to all releases and implementation of the designed quality system.

Marketing Strategy
A complete and integrated Marketing, Sales and Distribution network is required to make the information,
products and services available to the customer. To achieve the purpose and mission of ALL, the company
affirms its values of integrity, respect for people, innovation, performance and leadership. All the skilled and
professional personnel are set at their very appropriate responsible positions. The company has one central
warehouse in Dhaka where all finished products are kept for distribution to 16 different depots around the
country with own delivery vans to supply its products. Moreover, the company is providing different types
incentives to their marketing team based on their performance.


Production facility of the company is located at 253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur with an area of
91.35 decimal land. Machinery of the company was mainly imported from USA, Germany, England, Japan,
China and India etc. The production facility of the company requires several utilities for smooth running of
operation. The company gets its energy supply from Rural Electrification Board (REB). Additionally, to ensure
smooth running, the company also has 24 hours back up power supply available with one generator having
capacity of 500 KVA. Currently the company has sixteen depots at different places in whole country like
Dhaka, Gazipur, Mymensingh, Bogra, Dinajpur, Faridpur, Sylhet, Chattogram, Kishoreganj, Feni, Rangpur,
Khustia, Rajshahi, Cumilla, Khulna, Tangail etc. ALL has also guaranteed safety measures such as fire
extinguishers, exit gates, central fire alarms for the company, fireproof blankets, fireproof masks. Those safety
measures are fully maintained by the compliance and maintain a good atmosphere at the workplace.


The company submitted audited financial statements up to 30 June FY21 that are audited by Ashraf Uddin &
Co., Chartered Accountants. The financial statements reflected average disclosure to review and analyze the
real financial strength of the company. WCRCL, however, considered the statements provided by the issuer
as a base to represent the following analysis on it. Earning and Profitability Analysis ALL generates its revenue
by producing & selling different types of medicines for human beings. It sells its products in some selected
regions of Bangladesh. According to submitted audited financial statements, sales revenue was increased by
9.42% in FY21 compare to FY20 due to huge demand in the products eventually increased the quantity of
gross sales. The annual Sales revenue reported at BDT.1,451.26 million for the FY21 which was BDT 1,326.36
million for The FY20 considering all contingent factors of economic difficulties, technological obsolescence
and competition in the overall market. Moreover, the cost of goods sold’ COGS compared to the Sales of the
company (COGS/Sales ratio) is stable in the same period. Along with this, the increase in sales results a higher
Profit after Tax’ PAT. The PAT stands at BDT 320.52 million for the FY21, which was BDT 242.45 million
for the FY20. WCRCL opines ALL would have been a sustainable growth in the end. Sales General and
administrative expense’ SG&A to the sales of the company stood at 13.00% for the FY21 indicates a rational
position for pharmaceuticals company to survive in market and the financial expenses to the Sales ratio of the
company was decreased position throughout observation period.

Indicators FY21 FY20 FY19
Sales Revenue (Tk. in Million) 1,451.26 1,326.36 1,398.17
Profit Before Interest and Tax (Tk. in Million) 415.80 397.33 404.68
Profit After Tax (PAT) (Tk. In Million) 320.52 242.45 243.99
COGS/ Sales (%) 57.05 57.02 56.91
Financial Cost/ Sales (%) 3.05 3.90 4.57
Marketing & Selling Expense/ Sales (%) 13.04 13.04 14.16

The operating profit margin of the company was stable in FY21 because of stable operating expense but the
net profit margin of the company that has slightly increased in FY21 compared to the preceding year (FY20)
due to decrease financial expense. Return on Average Asset (ROAA) and Return on Average Equity (ROAE)
was a bit relaxed position in FY21, which is ultimately, indicates nominal utilization of assets & equity.

Indicators FY21 FY20 FY19

Gross Profit Margin (%) 42.95 42.98 43.09
Operating Profit Margin (%) 29.91 29.94 28.93
Net Profit Margin (%) 22.09 18.28 17.45
Return on Average Assets (ROAA) % 6.77 6.91 7.16
Return on Average Equity (ROAE) % 8.25 10.67 13.94

Liquidity Analysis
The liquidity ratios of the company are reflected by current and quick ratios, which were, stressed position
considering the current assets in FY21 compare to the current liabilities. The company has current asset of Tk.
630.64 million and current liabilities are Tk. 226.28 million in FY21. A significant portion of the working
capital of the company comprises of inventory. The average annual inventory piled up for 134 days, receivable
outstanding for 46 days and payable for 8 days in FY21. Although liquidity faced a stressed situation originated
from a long cash conversion cycle, which is managed by availing short-term loan limits.

Indicators FY21 FY20 FY19

Current Ratio (X) 2.79 3.38 1.69
Quick Ratio (X) 1.37 1.71 0.88
Average No. of Days Inventory in Stock (Days) 134 128 111
Average No. of Days Receivables Outstanding (Days) 46 46 40
Average No. of Days Payable Outstanding (Days) 8 12 14
Cash Conversion Cycle (Days) 172 161 137

Leverage and Capital Structure

The capital structure of the ALL has the combination of debt and equity. The total debt stood at Tk. 890.97
million and equity at Tk. 4,972.79 million in FY21, which composed with 85% owner’s contribution, and 15%
total outside liabilities. ALL was treated as low-levered company, originated from debt-to-equity ratio of 0.18x
during this reporting period.

Indicators FY21 FY20 FY19

Total Assets 5,863.76 3,607.98 3,409.16
Total Liabilities 890.97 813.83 1,659.44
Total Equity 4,972.79 2,794.14 1,749.71
Debt to total asset (%) 0.15 0.23 0.49
Debt to Equity Ratio (X) 0.18 0.29 0.95
Short term Debt to Equity Ratio(X) 0.05 0.06 0.17
Long term Debt to Equity Ratio(X) 0.13 0.23 0.78
Internal Capital Generation (%) 8.25 10.67 13.94
Debt to Equity ratio indicates the company is low levered and exposed to low financial risk.

Coverage and Repayment Capacity

The credibility of ALL is measured mainly by Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) and Times Interest Earned
Ratio (TIER), which were good position in FY21 under analysis mainly because of low financial expense
compare to the PAT. The company during the last year has been able to generate positive Fund Flow from
Operations (FFO) of Tk. 320.52 million. However, the free cash flow of the company reached positive of Tk.
298.07 million during FY21, which implies that internally generated cash was sufficient against its debt
Indicators FY21 FY20 FY19
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (X) 2.88 3.18 2.19
Interest Coverage Ratio (X) 9.38 7.68 6.33
FFO (in Million) 320.52 242.45 243.99
FFO/Debt (X) 0.36 0.30 0.15
FCF/Debt (X) 0.33 0.18 0.15


Banking Relationship and Outstanding Position

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has been maintaining banking relationship with ONE Bank Limited, Fareast
Finance & Investment Limited and Hajj Finance Limited with regular repayment behavior. The company has
availed both short term and long-term facilities from the banks and NBFIs. The current relation of the company
with Bank/NBFI is satisfactory without having any loan overdue or classification according to the statement
of the respective bank/NBFI. Detailed bank position of ALL is tabularized below:

Bank Mode Limit Outstanding Outstanding

Amount Amount Amount
ONE Bank Ltd. Term Loan-1 60.00 72.89 30.09.2021
Term Loan-2 181.02 148.56 30.09.2021
Term Loan-3 46.00 55.64 30.09.2021
Time Loan 50.00 60.37 30.09.2021
Hajj Finance Ltd. Lease Finance 30.00 16.37 30.06.2021
Lease Finance 32.00 25.12 30.06.2021
Bai-Muajjal 15.00 5.52 30.06.2021
Bai-Muajjal 50.00 0.45 30.06.2021
Fareast Finance & Investment Ltd.Lease Finance29.01 33.07 30.06.2021

Security Coverage
As per Sanction letter, a brief of security coverage of the company (IOL) is following:

Security Arrangements
• LC margin 10% Cash
• Hypothecation on stock, all fixed & floating assets of ALL
• Personal Guarantee of all directors of the company.
ONE Bank
• RM of 92.55 decimal factory land with infrastructure located at Tongi, Gazipur.
• RM of 33.00 decimal land with 3 storied building located at Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka.
• RM of 344.00 decimal land located at Thakurpara, Achulichala, Kaliakoir, Gazipur.
• RM of 132.00 decimal land located at Thakurpara, Achulichala, Kaliakoir, Gazipur
Hajj Finance • RM of 8,853 square feet office space at “Treasure Island” (5th Floor), 42-43
Limited Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka.

Risk Factor Analysis

Operational Risk
Maintaining a decontaminated premise along with temperature and humidity are the most critical factors for
the company. If such environment is disturbed, the quality and effectiveness of the medicine can deteriorate

Market Risk
The market of pharmaceutical products is highly competitive in Bangladesh with several big players and many
small and medium companies competing for market share. The top 20 players dominate the major portion of
the market, holding 86.33% market share, remaining 13.67% market share to other existing companies.
Additionally, the pharmaceuticals industry because of its importance in the economy is continuously
monitored and guided by the government providing different supports. However, the market potential for the
industry is still huge as many of the companies lacks proper R&D facilities and investments.

Compliance Risk
The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) is drug regulatory authority of Bangladesh, which
is under the Ministry of Health and Family. DGDA regulates all activities related to import and export of raw
materials, packaging materials, production, sale, pricing, and license registration of all kinds of medicine. The
National Drug Policy (2005) states that the WHO’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) should
be strictly followed and that manufacturing units will be regularly inspected by the DGDA. Any violation of
the rules and regulations or standards set by the authorities would bring adverse effect upon Asiatic
Laboratories Limited as failure to ensure CGMP and section 15(2) of The DRUG (Control) Ordinance, 1982,
can lead to the cancellation of the company’s Drug Manufacturing License.
Quality Control Risk
The quality of medicines can highly influence the marketability of the pharmaceuticals. Any glitch in quality
can harm the consumer of the medicine, which would act as a negative marketing factor and destroy the
market reputation of the company. As a result, the company has to be very careful about the quality of the
Interest Rate Risk
The interest rate is volatile in Bangladesh financial sector because of shortage of free cash flow in banks or
financial institutes. However, ALL has taken loan from ONE Bank Limited, Hajj Finance Limited and
Fareast Finance & Investment Limited. Therefore, the change in the interest rate has significant impact on the
interest rate risk for this company.
Political Risk
All types of business activities always remain in positive trend when there is political stability in the country.
A country like Bangladesh is always on risk due to political instability and disruption. Therefore, the company
always has the similar some political risk as it faced by the other industry in similar footing.
Rating Strength
• Experienced and proactive management
• Increased trend of revenue
• Sponsors have related experience
• Moderate regional diversification
• Moderate diversified product portfolio
• Low leverage position in the capital structure
• Good interest coverage position
• Comfortable security arrangement
• Presence of fire insurance policy
• Satisfactory banking relationship
• Good infrastructural arrangement with state of art machineries
Rating Concerns
• Average disclosure in the financial statement
• Market saturation or high competition
• Stressed liquidity position considering long cash conversion cycle
• High inventory pile-up affecting working capital
• Volatile market price of the raw materials
Business Threat
• High quality control risk
• Highly competitive industry
• Fragmented market
• Political turbulence at the adjacent area of the business
• Volatility of currency and interest risk

Business Potentials
• Untapped market share
• Scope of adding new generic products
• Advancement through R&D
• Potential large market
• Enhancing capacity utilization
Disclaimer: Information used herein was obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. However, WCRCL
does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or
omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. The rating is an opinion on credit quality only and is
not a recommendation to buy or sell any securities or to finance in a project. All rights of this report are reserved by WCRCL.
The contents may be used by the news media and researchers with due acknowledgement.

Annexure Table:
Financial Position
Indicators 2021 2020 2019
Sales Revenue (Tk. in Million) 1,451.26 1,326.36 1,398.17
Profit Before Interest and Tax (Tk. in Million) 415.80 397.33 404.68
Profit After Tax (PAT) (Tk. In Million) 320.52 242.45 243.99
COGS/ Sales (%) 57.05 57.02 56.91
Financial Cost/ Sales (%) 3.05 3.90 4.57
Marketing & Selling Expense/ Sales (%) 13.04 13.04 14.16

Profitability Analysis
Indicators 2021 2020 2019
Gross Profit Margin (%) 42.95 42.98 43.09
Operating Profit Margin (%) 29.91 29.94 28.93
Net Profit Margin (%) 22.09 18.28 17.45
Return on Average Assets (ROAA) (%) 6.77 6.91 7.16
Return on Average Equity (ROAE) (%) 8.25 10.67 13.94

Liquidity Analysis
Indicators 2021 2020 2019
Current Ratio (X) 2.79 3.38 1.69
Quick Ratio (X) 1.37 1.71 0.88
Average No. of Days Inventory in Stock (Days) 134 128 111
Average No. of Days Receivables Outstanding (Days) 46 46 40
Average No. of Days Payable Outstanding (Days) 8 12 14
Cash Conversion Cycle (Days) 172 161 137

Leverage and Capital Structure

Indicators 2021 2020 2019
Debt to total asset(X) 0.15 0.23 0.49
Debt to Equity Ratio (X) 0.18 0.29 0.95
Short term Debt to Equity Ratio(X) 0.05 0.06 0.17
Long term Debt to Equity Ratio(X) 0.13 0.23 0.78
Internal Capital Generation (%) 8.25 10.67 13.94

Indicators 2021 2020 2019
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (X) 2.88 3.18 2.19
Interest Coverage Ratio (X) 9.38 7.68 6.33
FFO (in Million) 320.52 242.45 243.99
FFO/Debt (X) 0.36 0.30 0.15
FCF/Debt (X) 0.33 0.18 0.15

(vii) Details of Underwritings:
a) The names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax Numbers, contact person, and e-mail addresses of the
underwriters and the amount underwriter by them:
Name & Address Contact Person Contact Details
Shahjalal Equity Management
Limited Md. Mohiuddin Phone: +88 02 55111680-681
Al -Razi Complex, Suite# 901, Mollah Fax: +88 02 55111682
Level-9, Block-C, 166-167, Chief Executive E-mail:
Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Officer Web:
Sarani, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

b) Declaration by the underwriters that they have sufficient resources as per the regulatory requirements to
discharge their respective obligations:

We the under-noted Underwriters to the forthcoming issue of Asiatic Laboratories Limited declare that we have
sufficient resources as per the regulatory requirements to discharge our respective obligations regarding
underwriting. We also declare that the authority can take action against us for concealment of fact in this regard
and us, the underwriters shall be legally bound to abide by any decision taken by the Authority in this regard.
For Underwriters
Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Chief Executive Officer
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited

c) Major terms and conditions of the underwriting agreements:

1.01 The Company shall raise fund around BDT. 950,000,000/- through Initial Public Offering (IPO) as provided
in this Agreement.
1.02 The Underwriter shall underwrite BDT 249,375,000/- out of the total amount raised on a firm commitment
basis. This commitment is irrevocable and unequivocally.
1.03 In case of under-subscription in any category by up to 35% in an Initial Public Offer, the undersubscribed portion
of securities shall be taken up by the underwriter.
1.04 In case of failure to deposit the remaining amount by the eligible investors, the unsubscribed securities shall be
taken up by the underwriter
1.05 The underwriting agreement and the underwritten amount and allocation of underwriting portion shall be
revised after completion of the bidding period, where the cut-off price will be determined at nearest integer of
the lowest bid price at which the total securities offered to eligible investors would be exhausted. The public
offering price will be determined at 10% discount (at nearest integer) from the cut-off price.

2.01 The Company shall raise around BDT 950,000,000/- through Eligible Investors and General Public
subscription through publishing a prospectus in accordance with the consent of the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission (BSEC) and the provision of this agreement.
2.02 The Public Offer shall be final after completion of the bidding period, where the cut-off price will be determined.
2.03 Prior to the publication of the Prospectus, the Company shall obtain a consent from the Bangladesh Securities
and Exchange Commission permitting the issue as described in Article 2.01 and provide for the payment of
initial underwriting commission not exceeding 0.50% on the amount underwritten.
2.04 The Company shall make media campaign and publicity of the offer for a subscription to the extent as may be
reasonably requested by the Issue Manager prior to the opening of subscription period with publicity material as
approved by the BSEC.
2.05 The Company shall comply with any other formalities required under law of the land, for raising fund publicly.
2.06 If and to the extent that the shares offered to the public by a prospectus authorized hereunder shall not have been
subscribed and paid for in cash in full by the Closing Date of subscription, the Company shall within 10 (Ten) days
of the closure of subscription call upon the underwriter in writing with a copy of the said writing to the Bangladesh
Securities and Exchange Commission, to subscribe the shares not subscribed by the closing date and to pay for in
cash in full, inclusive of any premium if applicable, for such unsubscribed shares within 15 (Fifteen) days after
being called upon to do so. If Cheques-Bank Draft by the underwriter makes payment it will be deemed that the
underwriter has not fulfilled his obligation towards his underwriting commitment under this Agreement, until such
time as the Cheques-Bank Draft has been encased and the Company's account credited. In any case within 7 (seven)
days after the expiry of the aforesaid 15 (fifteen) days, the Company shall send proof of subscription and payment
by the underwriter to the Commission. In the case of failure by the underwriter to pay for the shares under the
terms mentioned above, the said underwriter will not be eligible to underwrite any issue, until he fulfills his
underwriting commitment under this Agreement and also other penalties as may be determined by the Commission
may be imposed. In the case of failure by the underwriter to pay for the shares within the stipulated time, the
Company-issuer will be under no obligation to pay any underwriting commission under this Agreement. In the
case of failure by the Company to call upon the underwriter for the aforementioned purpose within the stipulated
time, the Company and its Directors shall individually and collectively be held responsible for the consequences
and-or penalties as determined by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission under the law.
2.07 That the signatories to this Agreement have duly been authorized by the Board of Directors of both the Company
and the underwriter to execute and give effect to this Agreement from the date written herein above.
2.08 The liability of the underwriter under this clause shall be in proportion to but not exceeding the shares agreed to
be underwritten by it; provided that the aforementioned request of the Company shall be supported by official
certificates and other documents of subscription obtained from the Bankers to the Issue and a declaration of the
Company as to the final result of the Public subscription.
2.09 The Company shall pay to the underwriter an underwriting commission at the rate of 0.50% of the amount
underwritten hereby agreed to be underwritten by it.

3.01 The Company shall furnish to the underwriter such data as the Underwriter may reasonably request.
3.02 The Company shall:
(a) Not change its financial plan or take steps to increase or decrease its paid-up capital to the disadvantage of the
(b) Promptly advise the Underwriter of all amendments and changes required to be made in the Prospectus by the
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission and-or the Stock Exchange(s) and furnish amended Copies of
Prospectus to the Underwriter and continue to inform him of all material facts relating to Public offering.

4.01 Any notice or request required or permitted to be given or made under this Agreement to the Underwriter or to
the Company shall be in writing. Such notice or request shall be deemed to have been duly given or made when
it shall be delivered by hand or sent by registered post in a prepaid letter to the party to which it is required or
permitted to be given or made at such party's registered address or at such other address as such notice or making
such request is to be made. Such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered in the ordinary course of post.
4.02 This Agreement shall bind and insure to the benefit of, the respective successors of the parties hereto.
4.03 This Agreement shall be valid until the completion of subscription of shares in accordance with section 2.06.
4.04 All questions or differences whatsoever which may at any time hereinafter arise between the parties hereto or
their respective representatives touching these presents or the subject matter hereof or arising out of or in
connection thereto respectively and whether as to construction or otherwise shall be referred to a single arbitrator
in case the parties agree upon one Arbitrator, otherwise to two umpires in accordance with and subject to the
provisions of the Arbitration Act, 2001 or any statutory modification thereof.
4.05 The rights and responsibilities of either party shall terminate in the event of full subscription of the public offering
of shares.
4.06 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, in case of any inconsistency between the provision of this
Agreement and the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015, shall prevail.
4.07 The underwriter warrants and represents that it has a certificate of registration from the Bangladesh Securities
and Exchange Commission to fully underwrite or place primary securities in a firm commitment basis.

(i) Authorized, issued, subscribed and paid-up capital (number and class of securities, allotment dates, nominal
price, issue price and form of consideration):
Type of Number of Nominal Amount in
securities securities Price Taka
Authorized Capital 200,000,000 10 2,000,000,000
Total Paid-up Capital before IPO [A] 87,848,000 10 878,480,000
Proposed Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Shares ** ** **
through Book Building method [B]
Total Paid-up Capital after IPO [A+B] ** ** **

Allotment History of the Securities:

Form Of Consideration
Amount Of Share
Date of Allotment Other Than Bonus
In Cash Capital (BDT)
Cash Share
Incorporation 25 July, 1970 938,350 - - 9,383,500
15-07-2019 80,409,650 - - 804,096,500
24.12.2020 - - 65,000,000 65,000,000
Total 81,348,000 65,000,000 878,480,000
(ii) Size of the present issue, with a break-up (number of securities, description, nominal value and issue
The present issue price will be Tk. [*] each ordinary share including a premium of Tk. [*] total size of the issue
will be Tk. 950,000,000/-. A details break-up of the distribution mechanism of the present issue is given as under:
Number of Nominal Issue
Particulars Percentage Description
securities Value Amount
EI Excluding
Mutual Fund 25% ** 10.00 **
Investors (EI)
& CISs Ordinary
NRB 5% ** Share 10.00 ***
General Public
(GP) GP Excluding
70% ** 10.00 ***

(iii) Paid up capital before and after the present issue, after conversion of convertible instruments (if any) and
share premium account (before and after the issue):
The present issue price will be Tk. [*] each ordinary share including a premium of Tk. [*], the total size of the
issue will be Tk.950,000,000/-

Before the Present After the Present

No. of Securities
Issue (BDT) Issue (BDT)
Paid up Capital 878,480,000 **
Convertible Instrument N/A N/A
Share Premium Account Nil **
Total 878,480,000 **
• Data present by ** will be added after determining of Cut-off Price.
• The Company has no outstanding convertible Instruments as on the date of the Red Herring Prospectus.
(iv) Category wise shareholding structure with percentage before and after the present issue and after conversion
of convertible instruments (if any):
Category wise shareholding structure with percentage before and after the present issue:
No of ordinary shares Percentage of holding
Sl. No. Category of shareholders
Pre-issue Post-issue Pre-issue (%) Post-issue (%)
1. Sponsors & Directors 51,828,490 [.] 59.00% [.]
2. Individual 27,110,890 [.] 30.86% [.]
3 Institutional 8,908,620 [.] 10.14% [.]
4 Mutual Fund - [.] - [.]
5 Other Shareholders - [.] - [.]
Total 87,848,000 [.] 100% [.]

(v) Where shares have been issued for consideration in other than cash at any point of time, details in a separate
table, indicating the date of issue, persons to whom those are issued, relationship with the issuer, issue price,
consideration and valuation thereof, reasons for the issue and whether any benefits have been accrued to the
issuer out of the issue:
The Company did not issue any of its ordinary shares for consideration in other than cash at any point in time.

(vi) Where shares have been allotted in terms of any merger, amalgamation or acquisition scheme, details of such
scheme and shares allotted:
The Company has not allotted any shares in terms of any merger, amalgamation or acquisition scheme.

(vii) Where the issuer has issued equity shares under one or more employee stock option schemes, date-wise details of
equity shares issued under the schemes, including the price at which such equity shares were issued:
The Company has not issued any equity shares under stock option to its employees.

(viii) If the issuer has made any issue of specified securities at a price lower than the issue price during the preceding
two years, specific details of the names of the persons to whom such specified securities have been issued,
relation with the issuer, reasons for such issue and the price thereof:
The issuer has not made any issue of specified securities at a price lower than the issue price during the preceding
two years.
(ix) The decision or intention, negotiation and consideration of the issuer to alter the capital structure by way of
issue of specified securities in any manner within a period of one year from the date of listing of the present
The Company has no such decision or intention, negotiation and consideration to alter the capital structure by
way of issue of specified securities in any manner within a period of one year from the date of listing of the present
(x) The total shareholding of the sponsors and directors in a tabular form, clearly stating the names, nature of
issue, date of allotment, number of shares, face value, issue price, consideration, date when the shares were
made fully paid up, percentage of the total pre and post issue capital, the lock-in period and the number and
percentage of pledged shares, if any, held by each of them:

No. Of Total Pre- Post- Lock in

Name & Nature of Date of Face Issue
Ordinary number of IPO IPO Periods
Position Issue Allotment Value Price
Shares Shares (%) (%) (Year)

Moin MOA 25.07.1970 500 10 10 Cash

Uddin - - - -
Ahmed Transfer 05.10.1996 (500) 10 10 Cash
Sadeka MOA 25.07.1970 500 10 10 Cash
- - - -
Ahmed Transfer 05.10.1996 (500) 10 10 Cash
Transfer 05.10.1996 500 10 10 Cash
Tahmina Allotment 30.09.1998 12,650 10 10 Cash
Begum, Allotment 28.06.2005 447,000 10 10 Cash 16,695,470 19% **
Chairman Allotment 15.07.2019 15,000,000 10 10 Cash
Allotment 24.12.2020 1,235,320 10 10 Bonus
Transfer 05.10.1996 500 10 10 Cash
Allotment 30.09.1998 57,700 10 10 Cash
Ahmed, 3
Allotment 28.06.2005 420000 10 10 Cash 22,114,480 25.17% **
Managing years
Allotment 15.07.2019 20,000,000 10 10 Cash
Allotment 24.12.2020 1,636,280 10 10 Bonus
Salina Allotment 15.07.2019 5,000,000 10 10 Cash
Ahmed, Allotment 24.12.2019 399,510 10 10 Bonus 3,812,620 4.34% **
Director years
Transfer 25.11.2021 (1,586,890) 10 10 Cash
Sadia Allotment 15.07.2019 5,000,000 10 10 Cash 3
Ahmed, 5,399,520 6.15% ** years
Director Allotment 24.12.2020 399,520 10 10 Bonus
Maksud Allotment 15.07.2019 5,000,000 10 10 Cash
Ahmed, Allotment 24.12.2020 399,510 10 10 Bonus 3,806,400 4.33% **
Director years
Transfer 25.11.2021 1,593,110 10 10 Transfer
** There are no Issue of pledge Share. Lock in Start from start date of Trading in any Exchanges in Bangladesh.
(xi) The details of the aggregate shareholding of the sponsors and directors, the aggregate number of specified
securities purchased or sold or otherwise transferred by the sponsor and or by the directors of the issuer and
their related parties within six months immediately preceding the date of filing the Red-herring Prospectus:

No share has been purchased or sold or otherwise transferred by the sponsor and-or by the directors of the issuer
and their related parties within six months immediately preceding the date of filing the red-herring prospectus.

(xii) The name and address of any person who owns, beneficially or of record, 5% or more of the securities of the
issuer, indicating the amount of securities owned, whether they are owned beneficially or of record, and the
percentage of the securities represented by such ownership including number of equity shares which they
would be entitled to upon exercise of warrant, option or right to convert any convertible instrument:


Sl. Name of No. of Shareholding
Address Designation
No shareholder Shareholding (%) Before IPO
1 Tahmina Begum 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Chairman 16,695,470 19.00%
Road, Jahanara Apartment, Managing
2 Monir Ahmed 22,114,480 25.17%
Flat No. 12F, Shantinagar, Director
Ramna, Dhaka-1217,
3 Sadia Ahmed Director 5,399,520 6.15%
Total 44,209,470 50.32%

(xiii) The number of securities of the issuer owned by each of the top ten salaried officers, and all other officers or
employees as a group, indicating the percentage of outstanding shares represented by the securities owned:

None of the top ten salaried officers of the company own any shares of the issuer company “Asiatic Laboratories
Limited” except the following Directors and Officers of the Company.
SL. Percentage of shareholding
Name Position No. of shares owned
No Pre-Issue Post-Issue
1 Tahmina Begum Chairman 16,695,470 19.00% [.]
2 Monir Ahmed Managing Director 22,114,480 25.17% [.]
3 Salina Ahmed 3,812,620 4.34% [.]
4 Sadia Ahmed Director 5,399,520 6.15% [.]
5 Maksud Ahmed 3,806,400 4.33% [.]
Total 51,828,490 59.00% [.]

(D) Description of Business:

(i) The date on which the issuer company was incorporated and the date on which it commenced operations and
the nature of the business which the company and its subsidiaries are engaged in or propose to engage in:

Date of incorporation and commencement of commercial operation:

Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated on 25 July, 1970, as a private limited company with the vide
registration no C-3472 under the Companies Act, 1913. Subsequently, the company was registered as a Public
Limited Company with RJSC on 12 Mar 2020. The actual Commercial Operation started on 02 January,
1998.The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for
suspension, ophthalmic and injectable and others product.

Nature of the Business of the Issuer

The principal activities of the Company are to manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products
(Human Drugs) throughout the Bangladesh.

Associates, Subsidiary-related holding Company and their Core areas of business

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has neither any subsidiary nor it is operated under a holding company.

(ii) Location of the Factory:
253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

(iii) Plant, machinery, technology, process, etc.

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has been using sophisticated machinery and modern technology in order to produce
high quality Medicine. The plant complies with hygiene and safety. Manufacturing process heavily relies on
technology driven which is dynamic in nature and using the cutting edge of latest machineries and technology.
Finished Pharmaceutical Products has to face several processes from its manufacturing and distribution process.
During pharmaceuticals product manufacturing a process must be needed to complete an order easily.

Receiving of Raw Approved

Materials Quarantine QC Test
Raw Materials

Preparation of Storing of Approved

Checking of Checking of
Formulation Raw Materials
cleanliness of availability of
orderof BMR & (According to
dispensing area required Raw
sending to RM storage condition)
and tools Materials

Production, QA & Transfer of finished

Dispensing of product after Distribution
Raw materials QC and Packaging for
Operations collecting retention
sample marketing

(iv) Details of the major events in the history of the issuer, including details of capacity or facility creation,
launching of the plant, products, marketing, change in ownership and-or key management personnel etc.:
Particulars Status
Date of Incorporation 25 July, 1970 as public Limited company
Date of Commercial Operation 02 January, 1998
Capacity- Facility Creation 17,200,000 Pieces Per Year
Launching Product 02 January, 1998
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules,
oral liquids, powder for suspension, ophthalmic, injectable and other products.
Marketing All over in Bangladesh & International Market
Mr. Minhajuddin Ahmed & Mrs. Sadika Ahmed Resigned from the position
as on 05-10-1996 and Tahmina Begum & Monir Ahmed Appointed on the
same date as Chairman & Managing Director. Salina Ahmed, Sadia Ahmed,
Change in Ownership
Maksud Ahmed is appointed on 16.02.2020 as Director and Shafiqul Kabir
Khan & Md. Ashraf Ali Miah appointed as Independent Director on
1. Tahmina Begum, Chairman
2. Monir Ahmed, Managing Director
3. Salina Ahmed, Director
4. Sadia Ahmed, Director
5. Maksud Ahmed, Director
6. Shafiqul Kabir Khan, Independent Director
Key Management Personnel
7. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah, Independent Director
8. Sushil Kumar Sutradhar, GM Technical Operations
9. Sanjit Kumar Paul, Manager Quality Control
10. Md. Aminul Islam, Manager Production
11. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
12. Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Chief Financial Officer
Particulars Status
13. Muhamad Masum Chowdhury, Marketing Manager
14. Md. Zahidur Rahman, National Sales Manager
15. Gautam Mazumder, Manager, Commercial
16. Shaikh Abdur Razzak, Manager, Accounts & Finance
17. Md. Azizur Rahman, Distribution Manager
18. Md. Saleh Ahmed, Manager MSD
19. Mohammadd Ashraful Haque, Asst. Manager HR
20. Shuvon Dey, Asst. Manager, SBMD

(v) Principal products or services of the issuer and markets for such products or services. Past trends and future
prospects regarding exports (if applicable) and local market, demand and supply forecasts for the sector in
which the product is included with a source of data;
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for suspension,
ophthalmic and injectable and others product as follows:

(i) Non-Biological Product:

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
1 Tempol Tablet Paracetamol BP 500 mg 023-16-006 Tablet 10X10's,20X10's,25X10's
Benzoic Acid BP 6 gm & 15gm, 30gm
2 Whitfield ointment 023-19-071 Ointment
Salicylic Acid BP 3 gm Container
3 Phosphate Syrup Ferrous Sulphate BP 023-32-045 Syrup 200 ml
4 Strazyl-200 Tablet Metronidazole BP 200 mg 023-33-027 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
5 Strazyl Suspension 60 ml Benzoyl Metronidazole BP 023-34-027 Suspension 60 ml
Sulphathiazole BP &
6 Septra Suspension 60 ml 023-39-023 Suspension 60 ml
Trimethoprim BP
Sulphamethoxazole BP
7 Septra Tablet 023-40-023 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
& Trimethoprim BP
Asitrax 30 ml/15 ml Levamisole
8 023-46-008 Syrup 15ml, 30 ml
Syrup Hydrochloride BP
9 Indocap Capsule Indomethacin BP 25 mg 023-47-064 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Strazyl-400 (400 mg
10 Metronidazole BP 023-48-027 Tablet 10X10's
Sulphamethoxazole BP
11 Septra-DS Tablet 023-49-023 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
& Trimethoprim BP
Aluminums Hydroxide
12 Alimag Tablet Dried Gel & Magnesium 023-51-007 Tablet
Hydroxide USP
13 Anaflam 400 mg Tablet Ibuprofen BP 023-56-064 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Diclofenac Sodium
Timed release pellets BP
14 Locopain TR capsule 023-57-064 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
300 mg eq. to Diclofenac
Sodium 100 mg.
Cetirizine Hydrochloride
15 Asitrol Tablet 023-58-021 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
BP 10 mg
Aceptin-R 150 mg Ranitidine
16 023-59-055 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Tablet Hydrochloride BP
Locopain-50 (50 mg
17 Diclofenac Sodium BP 023-60-064 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Sodium Chloride BP,
Potassium Chloride BP,
Powder for
18 O.R.S Trisodium Citrate 023-61-079 10X1's,15X1's,20X1's
dihydrate, Glucose
Anhydrous BP
Syrup Zinc (100 ml Zinc Sulphate
19 023-66-062 Syrup 100 ml
syrup) Monohydrate USP
Syrup Zinc-200 (100 ml Zinc Sulphate
20 023-67-062 Syrup 100 ml
syrup) Monohydrate USP
21 Calfor-500 (500 mg Tablet) Calcium Carbonate USP 023-68-062 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
22 Ulsec 1000 mg Tablet Sucralfate USP 023-76-007 Tablet 5X4's,6X4's,8X6's,7X4's
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Cetirizine Hydrochloride
23 Asitrol 60 ml Syrup 023-82-021 Syrup 60ml, 100 ml
O - 20 (Capsule containing
24 20 mg Omeprazole as Omeprazole BP 023-84-067 Capsule
enteric coated pellets) 's,10X10's
O - 40 (Capsule
containing 40 mg 023-085- 3X4's,4X4's,5X4's,6X4
25 Omeprazole BP Capsule
Omeprazole as enteric 067 's
coated pellets)
Fecel TR (Timed release Ferrous Sulphate BP, Folic
26 Capsule containing Acid BP, Zinc Sulphate 023-88-045 Capsule
Monohydrate USP 10X10's,6X15's
27 Atidon 10 mg Tablet Domperidone Maleate BP 023-89-018 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
28 Ena 100 mg Tablet Aceclofenac BP 023-90-064 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
29 Gle 80 mg Tablet Gliclazide BP 023-91-015 Tablet
30 Diout 850 mg Tablet 023-92-015 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Hydrochloride BP
Pantoprazole Sodium
31 P – 20 (20 mg Tablet) 023-93-067 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Sesquihydrate INN
Pantoprazole Sodium
32 P – 40 (40 mg tablet) 023-94-067 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Sesquihydrate INN
33 Asul 4 mg Tablet Salbutamol Sulphate BP 023-98-044 Tablet
34 Asul 100 ml syrup Salbutamol Sulphate BP 023-99-044 Syrup 100 ml
35 Asipan 20 mg Tablet Hyoscine Butyl Bromide BP 023-100-011 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
36 Asiben 10 ml Suspension Albendazole USP 023-101-008 Suspension 10 ml
37 Clarex 5 mg Tablet Desloratadine INN 023-105-021 Tablet 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's
Levocetirizine 023-106-
38 Lerex 5 mg Tablet Tablet 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's
Dihydrochloride INN 021
39 Asilac 100 ml Syrup Lactulose BP 023-107-060 Syrup 100 ml, 200 ml
Polimine 50 ml Iron (III) Hydroxide 023-108- Paediatric
40 50 ml, 100 ml
Paediatric Syrup Polymaltose Complex INN 045 Syrup
023-109- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
41 Liam 10 mg Tablet Montelukast INN Tablet
044 5X10's
Esomeprazole Magnesium 2X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
42 Eso -20 Tablet 023-110-67 Tablet
Trihydrate INN 8X10's,10X10's
Flupentixol dihydrochloride
023-114- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
43 Antison Tablet INN & Melitracen Tablet
hydrochloride INN 028 10X10's
44 Asiben 400 mg Tablet Albendazole USP 023-119-008 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
45 Atidon suspension (60 ml) Domperidone BP 023-122-018 Suspension 60 ml
46 Opticol Eye Drops (10 ml) Chloramphenicol USP 023-124-52 Eye Drops 10 ml Bottle
Opticol Eye Ointment 023-125- Eye
47 Chloramphenicol BP 3 gm, 5 gm Tube
(3gm/5gm) 052 Ointment
Dexasia Eye Ointment Dexamethasone Sodium 023-132- Eye
48 3 gm Tube
(3 gm) Phosphate USP 052 Ointment
Chloramphenicol BP +
Opticol-D Eye Drops
49 Dexamethasone Sodium 023-133-52 Eye Drops 5 ml Bottle
Phosphate BP
Betamethasone Sodium Eye, Ear &
BN Eye, Ear & Nasal
50 Phosphate USP + 023-134-50 Nasal 5 ml Bottle
Neomycin Sulphate USP Drops
51 Alpam 0.25 mg Tablet Alprazolam BP 023-135-057 Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
52 Alpam 0.50 mg Tablet Alprazolam BP 023-136-057 Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
53 Lexnil 3mg Tablet Bromazepam BP 023-137-57 Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Betamethasone Valerate 023-141-
54 Asisone Cream (15 gm) Cream 15 gm Tube
(Micronised) BP 071
Asisone Ointment (15 Betamethasone Valerate 023-142-
55 Ointment 15 gm Tube
gm) BP 071
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
56 Ticason Cream (10 gm) Fluticasone Propionate BP 023-145-071 Cream 10 gm Tube
57 Ticason Ointment (10 gm) Fluticasone Propionate BP 023-146-071 Ointment 10 gm Tube
58 Sodate Ointment (20 g) Sodium Fusidate BP 023-148-071 Ointment 20 gm Tube
59 Acnetrin Cream (15 gm) Tretinoin BP 023-151-071 Cream 15 gm Tube
60 Provia Ointment (20 gm) Povidone-Iodine USP 023-152-071 Ointment 20 gm Tube
Tempol Paediatric Drop Paediatric
61 Paracetamol BP 023-157-06 150ml, 30 ml
(30 ml) Drops
Paracetamol BP 500 mg 023-158-
62 Tempol Plus Tablet Tablet 10X10's
+ Caffeine BP 65 mg 006
Meclizine Hydrochloride 023-167- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
63 Meclizine Tablet Tablet
USP 018 10X10's
64 Mukofix Syrup Ambroxol HCl BP 023-168-031 Syrup 100 ml
65 Coflyt 8 mg Tablet Bromhexine HCl BP 023-169-031 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
66 Coflyt Syrup Bromhexine HCl BP 023-170-031 Syrup 100 ml
Ocutear Eye Drops ( 10
67 Hypromellose BP 023-176-052 Eye Drops 10 ml Bottle
68 Pairox-250 Tablet Naproxen BP 023-178-064 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
023-179- 5X6's,3X10's,5X10's,1
69 Pairox-500 Tablet Naproxen BP Tablet
064 0X10's
Pairox Suspension (50 023-180-
70 Naproxen BP Suspension 50 ml
ml) 064
71 NTZ PFS Nitazoxanide BP 023-181-027 PFS 30 ml, 60 ml
72 Artorix 60 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-182-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
73 Artorix 90 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-183-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
74 Artorix 120 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-184-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
023-185- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
75 Fendex 200 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
023-186- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
76 Fendex 300 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
023-187- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
77 Fendex 400 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
Ketorolac tromethamine 023-192- 20, 30, 50 Tab. In
78 Surpim Tablet 10 mg Tablet
USP 064 Pack
79 Tempol Suspension Paracetamol BP 023-203-006 Suspension 50 ml, 60 ml, 100 ml
Amlodipine Besylate BP
80 Calpress-5 Tablet eq. to Amlodipine 023-209-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
5.00mg Tablet
Amlodipine Besylate BP
81 Calpress-10 Tablet eq. to Amlodipine 023-210-22 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
10.00mg Tablet
82 Atebit 50 Tablet Atenolol BP 50 mg Tablet 023-211-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
83 Atebit 100 Tablet Atenolol BP 100 mg Tablet 023-212-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Amlodipine Besilate BP eq.
023-213- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
84 Tenodin 50/5 Tablet to amlodipine 5mg + Tablet
Atenolol BP 50mg Tablet. 022 10X10's
Amlodipine Besilate BP eq.
023-214- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
85 Tenodin 25/5 Tablet to amlodipine 5mg + Tablet
Atenolol BP 25mg Tablet. 022 10X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-215- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
86 Arbium-25 Tablet Tablet
25mg Tablet 022 6X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-216- 2X10's,10X10's,3X10's
87 Arbium-50 Tablet Tablet
50mg Tablet 022 ,5X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-217-
88 Arbium-100 Tablet Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
100mg Tablet 022
Losartan PotassiumUSP
Arbium Plus 50/12.5 50mg + 023-218-
89 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide BP 022
12.50mg Tablet
Arbium Plus 100/12.5 Losartan PotassiumUSP 023-219-
90 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet 100mg + 022
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Hydrochlorothiazide BP
12.50mg Tablet
Losartan PotassiumUSP
Arbium Plus 100/25 100mg & 023-220-
91 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide BP 022
25mg Tablet
Clobetasol Propionate 023-221- 10gm, 15gm, 20gm
92 Protasol Cream Cream
BP 0.05% w/w Cream 071 Tube
Clobetasol Propionate 023-222- 10gm, 15gm, 20gm
93 Protasol ointment Ointment
BP 0.05% w/w Ointment 071 Tube
Perindopril Erbumine BP 023-223-
94 Pericard-4 Tablet Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
4 mg Tablet 022
Perindopril Erbumine BP 023-224-
95 Pericard-2 Tablet Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
2 mg Tablet 022
Indapamide BP 0.625mg
96 Pericard Plus 2 Tablet + Perindopril Erbumine Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
BP 2mg Tablet
Indapamide BP 1.25mg
97 Pericard Plus 4 Tablet & Perindopril Erbumine Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
BP 4mg Tablet
Atorvastatin Calcium
98 Atonor-10 Tablet INN eq. Atorvastatin 023-228-61 Tablet 1X10's,3X10's,5X10's
10mg Tablet
Atorvastatin Calcium
99 Atonor-20 Tablet INN eq. Atorvastatin 20 023-229-61 Tablet 1X10's,3X10's,5X10's
mg Tablet
100 Mecabis Cream Permethrin INN 5% Cream 023-230-071 Cream 15gm, 30gm Tube
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-231-
101 Xofena 60 Tablet Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
60 mg Tablet 021
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-232- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
102 Xofena 120 Tablet Tablet
120 mg Tablet. 021 6X10's
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-233-
103 Xofena 180 Tablet Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
180 mg Tablet. 021
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP
104 Xofena Suspension 0.60gm/100ml Suspension 50 ml, 100 ml
Naproxen USP 500mg
023-260- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
105 ESO-PLUS 500 Tablet Magnesium BP 22.28mg Tablet
064 10X10's
eq. toEsomeprozole
20mg Tablet.
Naproxen USP 375mg
023-261- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
106 ESO-PLUS 375 Tablet Magnesium BP 22.28mg Tablet
064 10X10's
eq. to Esomeprozole
20mg Tablet.
Magnesium Trihydrate
023-262- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
107 ESO 40 Tablet BP 44.55mg Tablet
067 10X10's
Esomeprazole 40mg
Ebastine BP 10mg 023-263- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
108 Xibast 10 Tablet Tablet
Tablet. 021 10X10's
Midazolam BP 7.50mg 023-264- 2X10's,3X10's,6X10's,
109 Sedoz 7.5 Tablet Tablet
Tablet. 057 5X10's
Clonazepam USP 0.5mg 023-265- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
110 Sypam 0.5 Tablet Tablet
Tablet 046 10X10's
Clonazepam USP 023-266- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
111 Sypam 2 Tablet Tablet
2.00mg Tablet 046 10X10's

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Paracetamol BP
023-267- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
112 Tempol-D Tablet 325mg+Tramadol HCl Tablet
006 10X10's
BP 37.50mg Tablet
Rosuvastatin Calcium
INN 10.84mg eq. to 023-268- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
113 Rosunor 10 Tablet Tablet
Rosuvastatin 10mg 061 6X10's,10X10's
Levosalbutamol Sulphate
INN 2.40mg 023-269- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
114 Resfree 2 Tablet Tablet
Levosalbutamol 2mg 044 10X10's
Levosalbutamol Sulphate
INN 1.20mg 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
115 Resfree 1 Tablet 023-270-44 Tablet
Levosalbutamol 1mg 10X10's
Montelukast Sodium
023-271- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
116 Liam 5 chewable Tablet USP 5.20 mg eq. to Tablet
044 10X10's
Montelukast 5 mg Tablet
ClopidogrelBisulfate USP
117 Clogfree 75 Tablet 98 mg eq. to Clopidogrel 75 023-277-026 Tablet
mg Tablet 10X10's
Rosuvastatin Calcium INN
118 Rosunor 5 Tablet 5.45 mg eq. to Rosuvastatin 023-278-61 Tablet
5 mg Tablet. 10X10's
Rabeprazole Sodium 023-279- 5X14's,10X14's,3X10's,
119 R 20 Tablet Tablet
INN 20 mg Tablet 067 5X10's,6X10's,10X10's
Pregabalin INN 50 mg 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
120 Asibalin 50 Capsule 023-280-46 Capsule
Capsule. 10X10's
Pregabalin INN 75 mg 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
121 Asibalin 75 Capsule 023-281-46 Capsule
Capsule 10X10's
Nebivolol Hydrochloride
122 Nebivas 5 Tablet INN 5.45 mg eq. to 023-282-22 Tablet
Nebivolol 5 mg Tablet
Nebivolol Hydrochloride
123 Nebivas 2.5 Tablet INN 2.725 mg eq. to 023-283-22 Tablet
Nebivolol 2.5 mg Tablet.
Doxophylline INN 200 023-302- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
124 Doxinex Tablet Tablet
mg Tablet 044 10X10's
Clopidogrel Bisulphate
USP 98 mgeq. to 023-303- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
125 Clogfree Plus Tablet Tablet
Clopidogrel 75 mg & 026 10X10's
Aspirin BP 75 mg Tablet.
Ondansetron Hydrochloride
023-306- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
126 Onlit 4 Tablet USP 5 mg eq. to Tablet
Ondansetron 4 mg Tablet. 018 5X10's,10X10's
Hydrochloride USP
023-307- Oral
127 Onlit Oral solution 0.100 gm. eq. to 50 ml, 100 ml
018 solution
Ondansetron 0.080 gm./
100 ml Oral solution.
Hydrochloride USP 10 023-309- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
128 Onlit 8 Tablet Tablet
mg eq. to Ondansetron 8 018 5X10's,10X10's
mg Tablet
Morphine Sulphate BP 023-310- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
129 Morphine 10 Tablet Tablet
10 mg Tablet 065 6X10's
Tiemonium Methylsulphate 023-312- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
130 Tivonum Tablet INN 50 mg Tablet.
011 10X10's
Pregabalin INN 25 mg 023-313- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
131 Asibalin 25 Capsule Capsule
Capsule 046 5X10's,10X10's

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Nitazoxanide INN 500 023-314- 2X6's,3X6's,5X6's,6X1
132 NTZ Tablet Tablet
mg Tablet 027 0's,10X10's
Tiemonium Methylsulphate 023-319-
133 Tivonum Syrup INN 10 mg/5 ml Syrup.
Syrup 50 ml, 100 ml
Rupatadine Fumerate INN
023-321- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
134 Rudine Tablet 12.8 mg eq. to Rupatadine Tablet
10 mg Tablet. 021 6X10's,10X10's
023-323- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
135 Morfi-O Tablet Hydrochloride USP 10 Tablet
065 6X10's,10X10's
mg Tablet.
Baclofen BP 25 mg 023-324- 2X6's,3X6's,5X6's,6X
136 Frebac 25 Tblet Tablet
Tablet. 070 10's,10X10's
(ii) Biological Product:
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Tetramycin 250 mg Tetracycline Hydrochloride
1 023-37-23 Capsule 10X10's
Capsule BP
2 Nutrovita Capsule Vitamin B Complex 023-38-39 Capsule 10X10's, 25X10's
3 Nutrovita Syrup Vitamin B Complex 023-50-078 Syrup 100ml, 200ml
Asidox 100 mg Doxycycline Hydrochloride
4 023-52-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Capsule BP
5 Loxyl 250 mg Capsule Amoxicillin Trihydrate BP 023-53-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
6 Asivit Tablet Vitamin B Complex 023-54-78 Tablet 45 Tab. In bottle
Amoxicillin Trihydrate BP 575
7 Loxyl 500 Capsule mg eq. to Amoxicillin 500 mg
023-55-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
8 Cip-500 Tablet USP 582.20 mg eq. to 023-62-023 Tablet
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
9 Cip-750 Tablet USP 832.50 mg eq. to 023-63-023 Tablet
Ciprofloxacine 750 mg
Flucloxacillin Sodium BP
10 Clox-F 250 Capsule 272.50 mg eq. to 023-64-023 Capsule
Flucloxacillin 250 mg
Clox-F 500 mg 10X6's,12X6's,15X
11 Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-69-023 Capsule
Capsule 6's,4X12's,8X6's
Roxacine -150 (150 2X10's,3X10's,5X1
12 Roxythromycin BP 023-70-023 Tablet
mg Tablet) 0's
Roxacine -300 (300 2X10's,3X10's,5X1
13 Roxythromycin BP 023-71-023 Tablet
mg Tablet) 0's
Asilee-500 (500 mg 2X10's,3X10's,6X4'
14 Levofloxacin INN 023-72-023 Tablet
Tablet) s
Multivitamin -Multimineral 15,30 Tab. In
15 Asitrum Gold Tablet 023-073-078 Tablet
A-Z Container
Multivitamin -Multimineral 15,30 Tab. In
16 Asitrum Silver Tablet 023-074-078 Tablet
A-Z Container
17 Asaf 200 mg Tablet Sparfloxacin INN 023-75-023 Tablet
18 Vecef 500 mg Capsule Cephradine USP 023-77-023 Capsule 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
19 Vecef PFS (100 ml) Cephradine USP 023-78-023 PFS 100 ml
Amoxicilline Trihydrate
20 Loxyl PFS (100ml) 023-79-023 PFS 100 ml
Micronized BP
21 Licef PFS (100ml) Cefadroxil USP 023-80-023 PFS 100 ml
22 Licef 500 mg Capsule Cefadroxil USP 023-81-023 Capsule 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
23 Clox-F PFS (100 ml) Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-83-023 PFS 100 ml
24 Macas PFS Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate USP 023-86-023 PFS 100 ml
25 Macas 500 mg Tablet Erythromycin Stearate BP 023-87-023 Tablet 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
Afixime 200 mg
26 Cefixime Trihydrate USP 023-95-023 Capsule 4X4's,5X4's,3X4's
27 Afixime PFS (50 ml) Cefixime Trihydrate USP 023-96-023 PFS 37.5ml, 50ml, 100ml
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Anti-Oxidant (Vit. A, Vit. C & 20,30,50 Tab. In
28 A – Care Tablet 023-97-078 Tablet
Vit. E,) bottle
29 Ceroxime 125 mg Tab. Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-102-023 Tablet 2X4's,3X4's,4X4's
30 Ceroxime 250 mg Tab. Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-103-023 Tablet 2X4's,3X4's,4X4's
31 Ceroxime PFS (70 ml) Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-104-023 PFS 50ml, 70ml, 100ml
Zyvix Powder for
32 Linezolid INN 023-111-023 PFS 50ml, 100ml
Vitamin-E, Vitamin-C, Lutein,
33 Ocuvit Capsule 023-116-39 Capsule 4X6's,5X6's,5X10's
Zinc & Copper.
34 V-cillin Tablet Pivmecillinam BP 023-117-60 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
30 Tab. In
35 Verve Tablet Vitamin A to Zinc 023-118-39 Tablet
Carbonyl Iron, Folic Acid & 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
36 Animet Capsule 023-120-39 Capsule
Zinc ,2X15's,3X4's,5X4's
30 Tab. In
37 Equate Tablet Multivitamin-Minerals 023-121-39 Tablet
Asiclo Eye Ointment Eye
38 Acyclovir BP 023-123-052 5 gm Tube
5 gm Ointment
Cip Eye Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye
39 023-126-052 3gm, 5gm Tube
(3gm/5gm) USP eq. to 300 mg Ointment
Asigen Eye/Ear Eye/Ear
40 Gentamycin BP 023-127-52 10 ml bottle
Drops (10 ml) Drops
41 Asipine Eye Drops 10 ml Pilocarpine Hydrochloride BP 023-128-052 Eye Drops 10 ml bottle
42 Asinol Eye Drops 5 ml Timolol USP 023-129-052 Eye Drops 5 ml bottle
43 Tobi Eye Drops (5 ml) Tobramycin USP 300 mg 023-130-052 Eye Drops 5 ml bottle
Cip Eye/Ear Drops Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye/Ear
44 023-131-052 10 ml bottle
(10ml) USP eq. to 300 mg Drops
Pevisia Cream (10 Econazole Nitrate BP &
45 023-138-71 Cream 20gm, 10gm Tube
gm) Triamcinolone Acetonide BP
Fusitrim Crem Fusidic Acid BP &
46 023-139-76 Cream 10gm, 15gm Tube
(10gm) Hydrocortisone BP
47 Provia Solution Povidone-Iodine BP 10.00 gm 023-140-76 Solution 100 ml bottle
Asisone-N Cream (10 Betamethasone Valerate BP +
48 023-143-71 Cream 10gm Tube
gm) Neomycin Sulphate BP
Asisone-N Ointment Betamethasone Valerate BP + Eye
49 023-144-71 5gm Tube
(5 gm) Neomycin Sulphate BP Ointment
Asigen Ointment (15 Eye
50 Gentamicin Sulphate BP 023-147-71 15 gm Tube
gm) Ointment
Asizole Cream (10
51 Clotrimazole USP 023-149-71 Cream 10gm Tube
Tioderm Cream (10
52 Tioconazole BP 023-150-71 Cream 10gm Tube
Neban Ointment (10 Neomycin Sulphate BP + Eye
53 023-153-71 10gm Tube
gm) Bacitracin Zinc BP Ointment
Neban Powder (5 Neomycin Sulphate BP +
54 023-154-71 Powder 5gm Container
gm) Bacitracin Zinc BP
Micotrin Cream (10
55 Miconazole Nitrate USP 023-155-71 Cream 10gm Tube
56 Ecoryl Cream (10 gm) Econazole Nitrate BP 023-156-71 Cream 10gm Tube
57 Asizith Suspension Azithromycin Dihydrate USP 023-159-023 Suspension 15ml, 30 ml
Azithromycin Dihydrate USP 262 2X3's,3X3's,2X4's,
58 Asizith 250 Tablet 023-160-023 Tablet
mg eq. to Azithromycin 250mg 3X6's
Azithromycin Dihydrate USP 524 3X4's,4X4's,5X4's,
59 Asizith 500 Tablet 023-161-023 Tablet
mg eq. to Azithromycin 500 mg 4X3's,3X6's
Iron (III) Hydroxide
Polymaltose complex INN,
Asivit ZI 100 ml 50ml, 100ml,
60 Thiamine Hydrochloride BP, 023-162-078 Syrup
Syrup 200ml
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP,
Riboflavin 5-Phosphate

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Sodium BP, Nicotinamide BP
& Zinc Sulfate USP
61 Locopain Eye Drops Diclofenac Sodium BP 023-163-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Cip-D Eye & Ear Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye/Ear
62 023-164-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops USP + Dexamethasone USP Drops
Calcium carbonate BP + 3X10's,5X10's,10X
63 Calfor-D Tablet 023-165-061 Tablet
Vitamin D3 BP 10's
Thiamine Mononitrate BP,
64 Asibion Tablet Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP, 023-166-078 Tablet
Cyanocobalamin BP
65 Ceroxime-500 Tablet Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-172-023 Tablet 2X4's,3X10's,5X10's
Tobicort Eye Drops Dexamethasone USP +
66 023-173-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
(5 ml) Tobrmycin USP
Solotear Eye Drops
67 Povidone BP 023-174-052 Eye Drops 10ml bottle
(10 ml)
Prednicort Eye Drops
68 Prednisolone USP 023-175-052 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
Ocudex Eye Drops Dexamethasone Sodium
69 023-177-052 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
(5ml) Phosphate BP
Meflocin Sterile Eye Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride
70 023-188-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
71 Ocutif Sterile Eye Drops Ketotifen Fumarate INN 023-189-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Floximox Sterile Eye Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
72 023-190-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
Floxigat Sterile Eye Gatifloxacin Sesquihydrate
73 023-191-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
74 Asitrum Cod Multi Vitamin with Cod Liver Oil 023-193-078 Syrup 50ml, 100ml
Vecef Paediatric Paediatric
75 Cephradine USP 023-194-023 15ml bottle
Drops Drops
76 Vecef Ds Suspension Cephradine USP 023-195-023 Suspension 100 ml
77 Afixime 400 Capsule Cefixime Trihydrate USP 023-196-023 Capsule 1X4's,2X4's,3X4's
Clox-F DS Power for
78 Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-197-023 PFS 100 ml
Cefipod Capsule 100
79 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-198-023 Capsule 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's
Cefipod Capsule 200
80 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-199-023 Capsule 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's
Cefipod Powder for
81 Suspension 80 mg/5ml
Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-200-023 PFS 50 ml
Cefipod Powder for
82 Suspension 40 mg/5ml
Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-201-023 PFS 50ml, 100ml
Cefipod Paediatric Paediatric
83 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-202-023 15ml bottle
Drops Drops
Tobramycin USP 0.3% w/w
Tobicort Sterile Eye 3gm, 3.5gm, 4gm
84 & Dexamethasone USP 0.1% 023-204-74 Ointment
Ointment Tube
w/w Eye Oint.
Fluorometholone USP 0.1%
Inflagen Sterile Eye
85 w/v & Gentamicin Sulfate 023-205-74 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
USP 0.3% w/v Eye Drops
Surpim Sterile Eye Ketorolac Tromethamine USP
86 023-206-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 5/10 ml 0.50% w/v Eye Drops
Confree Sterile Nasal Oxymetazoline HCL USP Nasal
87 023-207-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 5/10 ml 0.05% w/v Nasal Drops Drops
Confree Sterile Nasal Oxymetazoline HCL USP Nasal
88 023-208-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 5/10 ml 0.025% w/v Nasal Drops Drops
Olopatadine Hydrochloride
Optadin Sterile Eye
89 USP eq. to Olopatadine 0.10% 023-227-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 5/10 ml
w/v Eye Drops

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Meclizine Hcl. USP 25
90 Asivert Tablet mg+Pyridoxine Hcl. BP 50 023-235-18 Tablet
mg Tablet
91 Dermicon 50 Capsule Fluconazole USP 50 mg Capsule 023-236-20 Capsule 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
92 Dermicon 150 Capsule Fluconazole USP 150 mg Capsule 023-237-20 Capsule 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
Fluorometholone USP0.100
Flurosia Sterile Ophthalmic
93 gm/100 ml Sterile Ophthalmic 023-238-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Ophthalmic Suspension Suspension
Ocunat Sterile Natamycin USP 5 gm / 100 ml Ophthalmic
94 Ophthalmic Suspension Sterile Ophthalmic Suspension
023-239-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Tropicamide USP0.80 gm +
Vasotrop Sterile Eye Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
95 023-240-52 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops USP 5 gm / 100 ml Sterile
Eye Drops
Clindamycin Hydrochloride
96 Asiclin 150 Capsule USP 169.50 mg eq. to 023-241-023 Capsule
Clindamycin 150mg Capsule.
Clindamycin Hydrochloride
97 Asiclin 300 Capsule USP 339 mg eq. to 023-242-023 Capsule
Clindamycin 300 mg Capsule.
Cephradine USP 500mg/vial
98 Vecef Injection 023-243-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cephradine USP 1000mg/vial
99 Vecef Injection 023-244-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 1000mg/vial
100 Asixone Injection 023-245-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 1000mg/vial
101 Asixone Injection 023-246-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 500mg/vial
102 Asixone Injection 023-247-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 500mg/vial
103 Asixone Injection 023-248-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 250mg/vial
104 Asixone Injection 023-249-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 250mg/vial
105 Asixone Injection 023-250-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 500mg/vial
106 Asizime Injection 023-251-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 250mg/vial
107 Asizime Injection 023-252-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 1gm/vial
108 Asizime Injection 023-253-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefuroxime 750mg /vial
109 Ceroxime Injection 023-254-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 500mg/vial
110 Xtrapime Injection 023-255-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 1 gm/vial
111 Xtrapime Injection 023-256-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 2 gm/vial
112 Xtrapime Injection 023-257-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Lidocaine Hcl Lidocaine Hydrochloride USP
113 023-258-005 Injection 2ml, 3.5ml, 5ml
Injection 1gm/100ml Injection.
114 Water for Injection Water for Injection 023-259-079 Injection 5ml, 10ml, 20ml
Levofloxacin Hemihydrate USP
Asilee TS Sterile Eye
115 1.536 gm eq. to Levofloxacin 1.50 023-272-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops gm/ 100 ml Eye Drops
Ocubrin Sterile Brinzolamide(sterile) USP 1
116 Ophthalmic gm/ 100 ml Ophthalmic 023-273-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
Suspension Suspension

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Carmellose Sodium
Refresh i Sterile Eye
117 (Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium) 023-274-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops BP 1 gm/ 100 mlEye Drops
Ceftriaxone Sodium (Sterile) USP
Asixone 2 gm
118 2.380 gm eq. to Ceftriaxone 2 023-275-023 Injection 1X1's
Injection gm/vial IV Injection
Olopatadine Hydrochloride
Optadin DS Sterile USP 0.222gm. eq. to
119 023-276-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Eye Drops Olopatadine 0.2 gm./100 ml
Sterile Eye Drops
I- Bestin Sterile Bepotastine Besilate INN 1.500 Ophthalmic
120 023-284-52 5ml bottle
Ophthalmic Solution gm/100 ml Ophthalmic Solution. Suspension
Predasin Sterile Difluprednate INN 0.050 gm/ Ophthalmic
121 023-285-52 5ml bottle
Ophthalmic Emulsion 100 ml Ophthalmic Emulsion. Emulsion
Ocunep Sterile Nepafenac INN 0.1 gm/ 100 Ophthalmic
122 023-286-52 5ml bottle
Ophthalmic Suspension ml Ophthalmic Suspension Suspension
Olopred Plus Sterile Loteprednol Etabonate INN 0.5
123 Ophthalmic gm & Tobramycin USP 0.3 gm/ 023-287-52 5ml bottle
100 ml Ophthalmic Suspension. Suspension
Olopred Sterile Loteprednol Etabonate INN
124 Ophthalmic 0.5 gm/ 100 ml Ophthalmic 023-288-52 5ml bottle
Suspension Suspension
Bromfenac Sodium INN
Ocubronac Sterile
125 103.505 mg eq. to Bromfenac 023-289-52 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
Eye Drops
90 mg/ 100 ml Eye Drops.
Besifloxacin Hydrochloride
Floxiquin Sterile
INN 0.663 gm eq. to Ophthalmic
126 Ophthalmic 023-290-52 5ml bottle
Besifloxacin 0.600 gm/ 100 ml Suspension
Ophthalmic Suspension
Gemifloxacin Mesylate INN
127 Asiflocin Tablet 399 mg eq. to Gemifloxacin 023-291-23 Tablet
320 mg Tablet.
Ceftibuten Dihydrate INN 436 mg 1X6's,2X6's,3X6's,
128 Ceftiten Capsule 023-292-23 Capsule
eq. to Ceftibuten 400 mg Capsule 5X10's
Ceftibuten Dihydrate INN 1.962
Ceftiten Powder for
129 gm eq. to Ceftibuten 1.8 gm/ 100 023-293-23 PFS 60 ml
Suspension ml Powder for Suspension
Ranitidine Hydrochloride USP
130 Aceptin-R Injection 55.8 mg eq. to Ranitidine 50 023-294-055 Injection
mg/2 ml Ampoule Injection 3X5's,5X5's
Pheniramine Maleate BP 45.5 1X5's,2X5's,3X5's,
131 Fenimex Injection 023-295-021 Injection
mg/ 2 mlAmpouleInjection 4X5's,5X5's
Clindamycin Phosphate BP 360
132 Asiclin 300 Injection mg er. to Clindamycin 300 mg/2 023-296-023 Injection
ml Ampoule Injection 3X5's,5X5's
Clindamycin Phosphate BP 720
133 Asiclin 600 Injection mg eq. to Clindamycin 600 mg/4 023-297-023 Injection
mlAmpoule Injection 3X5's,5X5's
Ketorolac Tromethamine USP 1X1's,1X2's,1X3's,
134 Surpim Injection 023-298-064 Injection
30 mg/ml Ampoule Injection 1X5's,2X5's
Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vit-
B1) BP100 mg, Pyridoxine
Hydrochloride (Vit-B6) BP 1X1's,2X1's,2X2's,
135 Asibion IM Injection 023-299-078 Injection
100 mg & Cyanocobalamin 2X3's,2X5's
(Vit-B12) BP 1000 mcg/3 ml
IM Ampoule Injection
Ondansetron Hydrochloride
USP 10 mg eq. to 1X1's,2X1's,2X2's,
136 Onlit IV Injection 023-300-018 Injection
Ondansetron 8 mg /4 ml IV 2X3's,2X5's,1X5's
Ampoule Injection

Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Tiemonium Methylsulfate BP
Tivonum IM 1X1's,1X5's,2X5's,
137 5 mg/2 ml IM/IV Ampoule 023-301-011 Injection
Injection 3X5's,5X5's
Cefixime Trihydrate USP 2.80
Afixime Paediatric Paediatric
138 gm. eq. to Cefixime 2.50 023-304-023 15 ml, 21 ml
Drops Drops
gm./100 ml Paediatric Drops.
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 600
mg eq. to Cefuroxime 500 mg
139 Ceroxime CV Tablet & Potassium Clavulanate BP 023-305-023 Tablet
148.75 mg eq. to Clavulanic
Acid 125 mg Tablet.
Ketorolac Tromethamine USP
Surpim IM/IV 1X1's,1X2's,1X3's,
140 60 mg/2ml Ampoule IM/IV 023-308-064 Injection
Injection 1X5's,2X5's
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
141 Floximox Tablet USP 436.45 mg eq. to 023-311-023 Tablet
Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablet
142 Travex 200 Tablet Rifaximin BP 200 mg Tablet 023-315-023 Tablet
143 Travex 550 Tablet Rifaximin BP 550 mg Tablet 023-316-023 Tablet
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 150 mg
eq. to Cefuroxime 125 mg&
Ceroxime CV 125 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's,
144 Potassium Clavulanate BP 023-317-023 Tablet
Tablet 37.1875 mg eq. to Clavulanic 3X6's,1X10's
Acid 31.25 mg Tablet
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 300 mg
eq. to Cefuroxime 250 mg&
Ceroxime CV 250 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's,
145 Potassium Clavulanate BP 74.375 023-318-023 Tablet
Tablet mg eq. to Clavulanic Acid 62.50 3X6's,1X10's
mg Tablet
146 Zyvix Tablet Linezolid INN 600 mg Tablet. 023-320-023 Tablet
Calcium Carbonate (Coral
Calcium) BP 1250 mg eq. to 3X10's,5X10's,6X1
147 Nexcal-D Tablet 023-322-062 Tablet
Calcium 500 mg & Vitamin- 0's,5X6's,5X8's
D3 BP 200IU Tablet.

Market for such product:

The company sells their product at Hospitals and Pharmacies around Bangladesh as wholesaler and retailer
through their Medical Representative.

Local Market
Present market in Bangladesh is very much favor of Pharmaceuticals. Daily increasing of medical institutions,
hospitals etc. are a good indicator for the future market. ALL conduct their marketing activities is all over Bangladesh.
Presently, due to maximum medical institutions, Kishorganj, Sylhet, Rangpur, Khustia, Dinajpur & Chittagong are
most demanded area of ALL.

Past trends and future prospects regarding exports and Local Market:
Past Trend:
Last 5 years’ sales of Asiatic Laboratories Limited are as follows:
Financial Year Revenue
or Period (Amount in Tk)
30 June 2021 1,451,256,870
30 June 2020 1,326,364,875
30 June 2019 1,398,166,020
30 June 2018 1,281,230,798
30 June 2017 1,196,908,375

Future Prospects:
Bangladesh is the eighth most populated country in the world. Although Nearly 32.5% of the population of
Bangladesh lives below poverty level but it has 31st highest economic growth worldwide, with a 6.2% average
annual increase in gross domestic products. In Bangladesh, Cancer is the sixth leading cause of death with 10% of
all mortality. Based on two hospital-based cancer registries, approx. 66% of the cancer patients are found within
the age range of 30 to 65 years, which is the main work force structure of the country. Breast, esophageal and
cervical cancers are the most common incidence in Bangladesh. Among them lung, esophageal and pharyngeal
cancers accounts for the highest rate of cancer related mortality in our country. It is considered that Bangladesh
has several nutritional health hazards, which are likely contributing to the current cancer burden. Millions of
people in Bangladesh have been exposed to arsenic, a well-known carcinogen, due to the contamination of ground
water. Carcinogens in food supply, with the use of formalin in several foods and DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-
Tricolor Ethane) in dried fish and Consuming suboptimal amount of nutrition are also a major concern.
Considering this it is estimated that the incidence of cancer cases will rise to be doubled by 2035.The anti-cancer
drug market in Bangladesh is growing at 20 percent a year due to an alarming rise in cancer patients. At present,
domestic market size of oncology, drugs would be of around Tk. 2.5 billion annually. Locally produced drugs are
meeting 70% of the country's demand, while the remaining 30% percent is met through imports. The locally
produced anti-cancer medicines are at least 20-30 percent cheaper than the imported ones, which are why local
pharmaceutical companies are widening the production of anticancer drugs capturing half of the market share.
Currently only few local companies are manufacturing anticancer drugs, which clearly indicate that there, is huge
opportunity left in this market. Cancer has a widespread prevalence not only in Bangladesh but also worldwide
which has led to rise in demand of cancer drugs. Therefore, besides local market, anticancer drugs have a huge
opportunity for global market. It is estimated that the global anticancer drug market will reach to double from 2019
to 2025, growing at a CAGR (Compound Average Growth Rate) of 7.9% from 2019. High market growth potential
in developing countries, rise in the number of innovative products and surge in cancer research are expected to
create new opportunities for the market. High cost related with anticancer drug in global market can create a huge
opportunity for export of anticancer drug from Bangladesh. On the other hand, Steroid product including systemic
hormone, total market size is about BDT.300.00crore. In Bangladesh, rate of using steroid products is very much
high to control severe allergic reaction. In addition to this, oral & injectable hormonal products have highest
opportunity in Bangladesh for the treatment of infertility & other diseases.

Market Opportunities in Bangladesh:

Pharmaceutical is the core of Bangladesh’s Healthcare sector and serves as one of the most important
manufacturing industries. Contributing about 1.83% of the total GDP, Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh
has come a long way in the past four decades and has already established itself in domestic as well as international
market. Now Asiatic Laboratories Ltd., a leading growth driven pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh,
imbibed with more than 15 years of professional experience, expertise and market presence with high standard
moral ethics and manufacturing excellence complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO9001:2008 principle in
practice, it gains name and fame among the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total Quality
Management (TQM) having state-of-the-art technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving
medicines of different therapeutic groups with a wide range of dosage forms. In Asiatic, we believe "Quality is
everyone's responsibility" especially when the health is a prime concern having our motto ' your health partner"
in mind. Asiatic is manufacturing and marketing anti-hypertensive, lifesaving antibiotics and ophthalmic drugs
in Bangladesh as well as abroad. As Asiatic is well reputed to our healthcare professionals due to their never
compromising belief with quality, there is a huge opportunity for Asiatic Laboratories Limited to set up an
anticancer manufacturing plant to supply in the local market as well as at abroad. It has strong financials,
developed land, quality staff, international linkage and high experience.

(vi) If the issuer has more than one product or service, the relative contribution to sales and income of each product
or service that accounts for more than 10% of the company’s total revenues;
There is no single product that account for more than 10% of the company’s total revenue.

(vii) Description of associates, subsidiary and holding company of the issuer and core areas of the business thereof;
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has no associates, subsidiary and holding company.

(viii) How the products or services are distributed with details of the distribution channel. Export possibilities and
export obligations, if any:
Process Flow chart

Receiving of Raw
Quarantine QC Test Approved Raw

Checking of Checking of Preparation of Storing of Approved

cleanliness of availability of Formulation orderof Raw Materials
dispensing required Raw BMR & sending to (According to
area and tools Materials RM Store storage condition)

Transfer of finished Distribution

Dispensing Production, QA & QC product after collecting for marketing
of Raw and Packaging retention sample
materials Operations

Export Possibilities and Obligations: We do not have any export obligation. However, there is good potential of
business for export.

(ix) Competitive conditions in business with names, percentage and volume of market shares of major
Listed company:
Sl. No. Name of the Competitor Volume In Sales Percentage (%) in Market Share
1. IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. 5,263,963,344 21%
2. ACME Laboratories Ltd. 16,308,627,037 64%
3. Orion Pharma Ltd. 2,222,541,814 9%

Non-Listed Company
Sl. No. Name of the company Address
1 Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Green City Edge (3rd floor), 89 Kakrail C/A, Dhaka-1000
2 Khwaja Enayetpuri Tower, 17 Bir Uttam KM Shafiullah Road,
Drug International Limited
3 Aristopharma Ltd. 7, Purana Paltan Line, Dhaka – 1000
N: B: Due to unavailability of the information in the respective website of the above company, it is not possible
for us to input annual turnover of the above non-listed competitors.

(x) Sources and availability of raw materials, names and addresses of the principal suppliers and contingency plan
in case of any disruption;
All the raw materials of the company are collected from various suppliers are as follows:
Sl. Name of the Raw
Name of the suppliers Addresses
No. Materials
Zeon Health Industries/ Metrochem 101, Sai Siddhi, Section-3, New Omeprazole Pellets
Api Private Ltd. Airport Bus Depot, Mumbai 8.5%
2 Penam Laboratories Limited F-223 New Rajinder Nagar, Delhi Flucloxacillin Sodium
Wendt-Chemie KS Wandsbeker Allec 72, 22041
3 Cetomacrogol 1000 ph
Vertriebsgesnia.mbH&co.KG Hamburg, Germany
Block:D, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. PVDC coting with 158
4 Caprihans Industries Ltd.
Annie Besant road, Mumbai, India mm
Sl. Name of the Raw
Name of the suppliers Addresses
No. Materials
Rgo office A-21 Sitanagar bulding PVC width 232 mm
5 Amisha Vinyls PVT Ltd.
1st floor, Mumbai, India 250 micron
Zhejiang Hisan Pharmaceutical Co. No-100 Waisha Branch Rl,
6 Clindamycin Hcl USP
Ltd. Jiaoyiang Taizhua Zhejiang, China
Enaltec Labs Pvt Ltd./ Reine 17th floor kesan salitaire, plot no-5,
7 Pregabalin INN
Lifesciences sector 19, Mumbai, India
Habib bhais chaml NR, chepirog
8 Zenimac Exim Iron III Hydroxide
hospital Ahmedabad, India

Contingency plan in case of any disruption:

As number of suppliers of raw materials are plenty in the market. The company always develop atleast 3 validated
source just in case one supplier fails to provide raw material. Therefore, there is no possibility of disruption.

(xi) Sources of and the requirement for power, gas and water; or any other utilities and contingency plan in case
of any disruption;
All required utility facilities are available at the project site and those are stated below:
Utility Sources of
Asiatic Laboratories Ltd.’s total Power Requirement: 400KW. Factory Main Power requirement
Main Power is met by Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) and Emergency Power during
Power failure from DESCO will meet from own standby 500 KVA Diesel Generator.
GAS Not Required
Water Asiatic water requirement meets from own deep tube well

Contingency plan for any disruption of sourcing utilities:

If any source of utilities disrupts The Company has the following contingency plan:
➢ Experienced and qualified Engineers and Technicians are engaged in the plant for emergency servicing and
maintenance as and when required within a shortage period for uninterrupted production.
➢ If in case of power failure, required power will be available from stand by Generator. If the standby generator
fails then power will be from reserve generator.
➢ Failure for supply of required water will fulfil from standby deep tube well in case of shut down of running
deep tube well.

(xii) Names, address(s), telephone number, web address, e-mail and fax number of the customers who account for
10% or more of the company’s products or services with amount and percentage thereof;
The Company’s products are sold to various customers. However, no single customer provides 10% or more of
the Company’s total revenue.

(xiii) Names, address(s), telephone number, web address, e-mail and fax number of the suppliers from whom the
issuer purchases 10% or more of its raw material or finished goods with amount and percentage thereof;
The Company’s products are purchased from various suppliers. However, no single supplier provides 10% or
more of the Company’s total supply of raw materials.
(xiv) Description of any contract which the issuer has with its principal suppliers or customers showing the total
amount and quantity of transaction for which the contract is made and the duration of the contract. If there
is not any of such contract, a declaration is to be disclosed duly signed by CEO-MD, CFO and Chairman on
behalf of Board of Directors;
Management Declaration regarding Contract with Principal Supplier

We, on behalf of the Board of Directors certify that Asiatic Laboratories Limited did not enter into any contract
with its principal suppliers or customers.
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed Jayanta Kumar Biswas
Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer

(xv) Description of licenses, registrations, NOC and permissions obtained by the issuer with the issue, renewal
and expiry dates;
Name of Certificate/-
License Issuer/Issuing Certificate /
license/Registration/ Expiry Date Remarks
Authority License No
Register of Joint Stock Incorporated as
Certificate of
Companies and Firms, C-3472 N/A a Public Limited
Government of Bangladesh company
TIN Certificate National Board of Revenue 8436655886961 N/A -
Customs, Excise & VAT
VAT Reg. Certificate Commissioner ate, Dhaka BIN:000002283-0102 N/A -
Trade License Dhaka City Corporation 30-06-2022 -
Directorate General of
Manufacture Drug Drug Administration & License No: 151
License Licensing Authority License No: 69
Bangladesh Association of
BAPI 3898-B/147 N/A
Pharmaceutical Industries
Import Registration
IRC 260326120534720 30-06-2022
Export Registration
ERC 260326210576820 30-06-2022 -
Bangladesh Fire Services AD/Dhaka/15207/ Applied for
Fire License 30-06-2020
and Civil Defense 08 Renewal
Board of Investment (BOI)
Board of Investment L-30030412036H N/A
Membership Dhaka Chamber of
00267 31-12-2021 -
certificate Commerce & Industry
Environment Department of Applied for
20-45718 24-03-2021
Clearance Certificate Environment Renewal
NOC Tongi Pourashava Ucm /c« ‡ KŠ/2007/897 21-06-2007 -
Department of Narcotics
Narcotics Import 16/2005-06 30-06-2021 -
Narcotics Producing Department of Narcotics
17/2005-2006 30-06-2021 -
& Processing Control
(xvi) Description of any material patents, trademarks, licenses or royalty agreements:
The company did not obtain any Patent Right and has no royalty agreement with any party. However, it has
several regulatory licenses and certificate in order to continue its operation.
(xvii) Number of total full-time employees:
As of Jun 30, 2021 the total number of employees of the company is as follows:
(As per Audited Accounts, Jun 30, 2021)
Salary range Total employee
A number of Employees whose salary is below Tk. 8,500 Per Month -
Number of Employees whose salary is above Tk. 8,500 Per Month 770
Total 770

(xviii) A brief description of business strategy:

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has modern machines and technology that ensures quality products. The high
standard moral ethics and manufacturing excellence complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO 9001:2008
principle in practice, it gains name and fame among the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total
Quality Management (TQM) having state-of-the-art technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving
medicines of different therapeutic groups with a wide range of dosage forms. In Asiatic, we believe "Quality is
everyone's responsibility" especially when the health is a prime concern having our motto ' your health partner"
in mind. Proper quality of goods is maintained throughout the production and distribution process. Our main
goal is to fill up the deficit of local demand and to export overseas in near future.

(xix) A table containing the existing installed capacities for each product or service, capacity utilization for these
products or services in the previous years, projected capacities for existing as well as proposed products or
services and the assumptions for future capacity utilization for the next three years in respect of existing as
well as proposed products or services. If the projected capacity utilization is higher than the actual average
capacity utilization, the rational to achieve the projected levels.
Existing Capacity & Utilization:
Capacity Utilization
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production
Tablets Pcs 5,726,807 4,415,368 77.10%
Capsule Pcs 4,602,959 3,388,238 73.61%
Syrup Pcs 1,505,038 1,085,885 72.15%
Injections items Phial/Tube 1,038,181 722,055 69.55%
Cream & Ointment Bottle 1,103,092 623,578 56.53%
Drops & Other items Pcs 584,425 293,440 50.21%
Total (As on 30 June 2021) 14,560,502 10,528,564 12,247,825

As on 30 June 2020
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Pcs 5,431,983 4,094,629 75.38%
Capsule Pcs 4,440,104 3,166,238 71.31%
Syrup Pcs 1,554,837 1,113,885 71.64%
Injections items Phial/Tube 1,173,962 800,055 68.15%
Cream & Ointment Bottle 1,332,447 734,578 55.13%
Drops & Other items Pcs 792,519 393,565 49.66%
Total 14,725,852 10,302,950

As on 30 June 2019
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 5,613,558 4,203,432 74.88%
Capsule Piece 4,649,701 3,252,931 69.96%
Injections Piece 1,767,714 1,245,885 70.48%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,341,996 876,055 65.28%
Liquid/Syrup Bottle 1,163,927 639,578 54.95%
Other items Piece 768,566 376,367 48.97%
Total 15,305,463 10,594,248
As on 30 June 2018
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 5,539,814 4,103,894 74.08%
Capsule Piece 4,347,349 3,004,018 69.10%
Injections Piece 1,548,848 1,060,961 68.50%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,111,520 722,266 64.98%
Liquid/Syrup Bottle 1,114,043 589,886 52.95%
Other items Piece 676,281 327,320 48.40%
Total 14,337,856 9,808,345

As on 30 June 2017
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 5,319,475 3,911,942 73.54%
Capsule Piece 4,308,923 2,964,539 68.80%
Injections Piece 1,341,886 906,578 67.56%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,065,670 680,537 63.86%
Liquid/Syrup Bottle 1,013,798 527,175 52.00%
Other items Piece 568,408 272,836 48.00%
Total 13,618,160 9,263,607

Projected Capacity & Utilization:
As on 30 June 2022
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 6,958,858 5,695,825 81.85%
Capsule Piece 5,593,228 4,371,108 78.15%
Injections Piece 1,828,828 1,400,882 76.60%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,261,533 931,516 73.84%
Syrup Bottle 1,340,409 804,513 60.02%
Other items Piece 710,157 378,585 53.31%
17,693,013 13,582,429
As on 30 June 2023
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 7,683,893 6,489,816 84.46%
Capsule Piece 6,175,980 5,079,743 82.25%
Injections Piece 2,019,372 1,575,918 78.04%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,392,970 1,057,265 75.90%
Syrup Bottle 1,480,064 926,668 62.61%
Other items Piece 784,148 431,360 55.01%
19,536,427 15,560,769
As on 30 June 2024
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 8,890,131 7,701,521 86.63%
Capsule Piece 7,145,502 6,092,255 85.26%
Injections Piece 2,336,378 1,953,212 83.60%
Cream & Ointment Phial 1,611,643 1,307,042 81.10%
Syrup Bottle 1,712,409 1,151,766 67.26%
Other items Piece 907,245 583,359 64.30%
22,603,309 18,789,155

As on 30 June 2025
Category Unit Capacity Actual Production Capacity Utilization (%)
Tablets Piece 11,287,747 9,792,120 86.75%
Capsule Piece 9,072,601 7,748,001 85.40%
Injections Piece 2,966,485 2,490,068 83.94%
Cream & Ointment Phial 2,046,293 1,664,864 81.36%
Liquid Bottle 2,174,235 1,463,913 67.33%
Other items Piece 1,151,924 548,431 47.61%
28,699,286 23,707,397

(e) Description of Property:

The written down value of Property Plant & equipment owned by the Company as per Audited Financial
Statements as 30 June 2021 are stated as follows:

Written Down Value

as at 30 June 2021
Land & land Development 1,323,020,473
Building & Other Construction 964,175,464
Plant & Machinery 768,444,770
Furniture and Fixture 29,553,013
Generator 16,782,255
Electrical Installation 9,912,697
Vehicle 61,459,717
Fire Equipment 8,982,756
Office Equipment 20,941,235
Balance as at June 30, 2021 3,203,272,382

(i) Location and area of the land, building, principal plants and other property of the company and the condition
The entire above-mentioned assets are located at the Registered office 42-43 Siddheshawari Circular Road,
Treasure Island (5th Floor), Shantinagar, Dhaka, Factory Premises at 253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur
and Central Depot at 159/A Tejgoan C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh. All of the above-mentioned Property, Plant &
Equipment are in working condition. Details are as follows:
Details of Land properties:
Dag no Khatian no Location of the Land
Deed Date of Area in
Sl Sub registry Deed value
no registration S.A R.S S.A R.S Mouza District Decimal
office & PS
1 6491 25-07- 10 1309 1110 191 Thakurpara Kaliyakoir Gazipur 250 50,000,000
2 6488 05-12-14 1308 1108 193 253 Thakurpara Kaliyakoir Gazipur 132 29,040,000
1308, 253,
3 1889 02-03-14 1110, 191 Thakurpara Kaliyakoir Gazipur 94 20,680,000
13609 365
4 6500 26-05-14 1309 1110 193 253 Thakurpara Kaliyakoir Gazipur 66 14,520,000
Plot no-253 (old) 5(New)
5 11805 28-06-16 Masimpur Tongi Gazipur 92.8 417,900,000
Plot no-253 (old) 5(New)
6 19080 18-04-16 Masimpur Tongi Gazipur 0.6 2,700,000
Tajgoan Industrieal Area,
7 3352 30-06-13 Tajgoan Tajgoan Dhaka 33 325,000,000
Plot No-159/A
Land at Cost 859,840,000
Registration & Others 94,577,449
Development Cost 368,603,024
Total 1,323,020,473

Details of the Factory Building Office building Depot Building & other Construction
Total Building (Sqft)/Rft
Particulars Construction Materials
Total Area Land Usage
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room with filling
Raw materials Store 2,934
Other Civil Construction with wall 623
QC, QA, MB & training room 2,835
Internal Road and Other construction with wall 1,630
Store Room 4,000
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room
Raw materials Store RCC-Grade Beam, RCC- 2,464
Solid Packing area Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, RCC- 1,375
PM store Slab with Beam, RCC-Stair, 636
RCC-Lintel, Brick Wall,
F.G Staging 280
Plaster, Wall Paint, Inside
IPQC 110 13,168
wall- Plastic Paint, Outside
Wrapacking 110
Wall- Weather Coat Thai
VAT & Account unit 108
Aluminium & 5mm Glass in
Batch printing the window, Industrial Door, 148
Maintenance unit M.S Grill in Window. 189
Retention Sample Room 3,000
Production (Ophthalmic, Injection Ampoule,
Dry syrup & Capsule)
Capsule shell store 2,800
Packing Materials Store 6,509
Production unit (Injection) 3,300
Plastic Bottle store 4,577
PVC, PVDC, Alu Foil Unit 2,000
Blister Foil Unit 1,500

Total Building (Sqft)/Rft
Particulars Construction Materials
Total Area Land Usage
Packing Materials Ophthalmic 8,000
Glass Bottle & PVC, PVDC 912
RM Store 4,700
Solid Dosage Unit-1 9,500
Solid Dosage Unit-2 9,500
Admin Office (Shantinagar) Flat 8,853 1,032
RCC-Grade Beam, RCC-
Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, RCC-
Slab with Beam, RCC-Stair,
RCC-Lintel, Brick Wall,
Plaster, Wall Paint, Inside
Tejgoan 3 storied 36,000 14,375
wall- Plastic Paint, Outside
Wall- Weather Coat Thai
Aluminum & 5mm Glass in
the window, Industrial Door,
M.S Grill in Window.
Capsule shell store with filling 2,800
Sticker label store with filling 3,000
Mfg. of injectable vial, Cold room, Packing
Production (Injection Ampoule, Dry syrup &
Capsule) (cephalosporin)
Packing Materials Store 6,509
Blister unit 1,122
QC, QA, MB & training room 4,290
Packing Materials RCC-Grade Beam, RCC- 3,000
Packing of tablet, capsule, Dry syrup Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, RCC- 4,066
Mfg. Capsule, Tablet, Dry Syrup Slab with Beam, RCC-Stair, 4,066
RCC-Lintel, Brick Wall,
All change room, Toilet, Wash room & Corridor 4,565
Plaster, Wall Paint, Inside 14,738
Packing store 1,595
wall- Plastic Paint, Outside
IPQC 1,572
Wall- Weather Coat Thai
Dry syrup filling unit Aluminum & 5mm Glass in 1,146
Blending unit the window, Industrial Door, 1,574
Encapsulation M.S Grill in Window. 1,082
Packing Materials Store 2,500
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room
Inflammable Liquid 229
Cephalosporin Unit 2,500
Penicillin Unit 5,500
Dormitory (Staff Quarter) 3 Storied & ETP
Plant on Ground Floor
Generator room 570 600
RCC-Grade Beam, RCC-
Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, RCC-
WTP Plant 570 600
Slab with Beam, RCC-Lintel,
RCC Wall, Plaster
RCC work & carpeting with
Internal Road and Other construction &
bitumen and standard brick 10,450 750
boundary Wall
works for boundary wall

(ii) Whether the property is owned by the Company or taken on lease:

There are some Plant & machinery purchased under lease about Tk. 62,000,000 from Hajj Finance Limited.

(iii) Dates of purchase, last payment date of current rent (খাজনা) and mutation date of lands, deed value and other
costs including details of land development cost, if any and current use thereof:
Dates of Mutation Last payment date of Registration Cost Area of Land
Deed Value Current Use
purchase date the current rent & other Cost (Decimal)
25.07.10 29-08-10 1428 50,000,000 83,546,746 250 Unused
30.06.13 18-07-13 1428 325,000,000 80,353,784 33 Depot Use
26.05.14 02-07-14 1428 14,520,000 29,564,551 66 Unused
03.02.14 02-07-14 1428 20,680,000 42,232,188 94 Unused
12.05.14 02-07-14 1428 29,040,000 59,128,077 132 Unused
18.04.16 11-07-16 1428 2,700,000 1,049,432 0.6 Factory Use
28.06.16 11-07-16 1428 417,900,000 167,305,695 92.8 Factory Use

(iv) The names of the persons from whom the land have been acquired- proposed to be acquired along with the cost
of acquisition and relation, if any, of such persons to the issuer or any sponsor or director thereof:

Area of land Registration

Name of the seller as per Deed Deed Value Cost & Total Cost Relationship
(Decimal) other Cost
Md. Kamal Uddin
6491 250 50,000,000 83,546,746 133,546,746
3352 Najnin Febrices Ltd. 33 325,000,000 80,353,784 405,353,817
Md. Kamal Uddin There is no
Buyan relation
6500 66 14,520,000 29,564,551 44,084,617 between the
Md. Selim Uddin
seller of land
and the issuer
Md. Kamal Uddin
or any
1889 94 20,680,000 42,232,188 62,912,282 sponsor or
Md. Selim Uddin
4282 Mrs. Rajia Kanam 132 29,040,000 59,128,077 88,168,077
19080 Asiatic Industries Ltd 0.60 2,700,000 1,049,432 3,749,432
11805 Asiatic Industries Ltd 90.75 417,900,000 167,305,695 585,205,695
Total 666.35 859,840,000 463,180,473 1,323,020,473

(v) Is of whether the issuer has received all the approvals pertaining to the use of the land, if required:
The Company has received all the approval from relevant authority pertaining to the use of land.

(vi) If the property is owned by the issuer, whether there is a mortgage or other type of charge on the property,
with the name of the mortgagee;
Details of land under mortgage are as under:
Principal terms and conditions of the lease agreements
Lessor Remarks
Name of Property Date of Agreement Date of Expiry
Plant & Machinery 25-10-2016 24-10-2021 Initial lease term is for 5
years with monthly
Hajj Finance
installment and renewable
Company Ltd. Plant & Machinery 30-11-2017 29-11-2022
by mutual agreement
between parties involved.

(viii) Dates of purchase of plant and machinery along with seller’s name, address, years of sale, a condition when purchased, country of origin, useful economic life
at purchase and remaining economic life, purchase price and written down value:

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Water Bath Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 456,250 223,172
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 45,000 22,011
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Automatic wet glue Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 vertical round bottle Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 399,652 195,487
Labeling Machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Emulsifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 451,221 220,712
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 95,150 46,542
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Tablet Hardness Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 627,527 306,951
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Hitachi Brand New 14 4 18,500 9,049
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Hand filling
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 370,000 180,983
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Inline Homogenizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 4,967,145 2,429,645
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Japan Brand New 14 4 98,115 47,992
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Ointment Mfg. Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 291,240 142,458
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 10,000 4,891
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Mixer M-Pharma
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Granulator (GMP Engineering Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 2,902,186 1,419,584
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Model) Works
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Shifter (GMP Model) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 1,068,642 522,719
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double Side Rotary M-Pharma
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Tablet Compression Engineering Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 2,970,259 1,452,882
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Machine (27 Station) Works
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Multi Mill Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Korea Brand New 14 4 791,846 387,326
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Engineering India Brand New 14 4 3,901,407 1,908,347
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 9,500 4,647
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic capsule
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 19,001,960 9,294,679
filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Double Side Rotary M-Pharma
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Tablet Compression Engineering Thailand Brand New 14 4 3,150,259 1,540,928
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Machine (27 Station) Works
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 95,000 46,469
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Single Side Rotary Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Tablet Compression Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi China Brand New 14 4 1,452,600 710,529
Machine (16 Station) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Refrigerator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 646,055 316,013
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Film Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 4,855,290 2,374,932
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 4 277,521 135,748
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Hoong-A Blister
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 21,935,285 10,729,495
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 482,643 236,082
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Fluid Bed Dryer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 2,967,546 1,451,555
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Die-Punch Cabinet Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 599,358 293,172
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Capsule
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Japan Brand New 14 4 1,881,252 920,202
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 4 1,745,820 853,956
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 490,500 239,925
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Inspection &
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 1,419,470 694,324
Polishing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Double Cone Blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Engineering India Brand New 14 4 974,810 476,822
60 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, China Brand New 14 4 1,432,800 700,844
Powder Filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 463,240 226,591
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Tray Dryer (16 pcs tray) Engineering India Brand New 14 4 481,847 235,692
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Fully Automatic Over
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Korea Brand New 14 4 521,275 254,978
printing Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Sticker labeling
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 492,140 240,727
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Vertical Form Fill Seal Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Machine (Wrapping Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 494,674 241,966
Machine) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Tilting type filled bottle
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 451,154 220,679
inspection Table
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Index type bottle
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 482,145 235,838
washing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Turn Table (36” dia) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 426,124 208,436
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Transfer Pump Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 58,050 28,395
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Cap sealing Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 430,690 210,669
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Liquid Filling Machine Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Engineering India Brand New 14 4 4,849,258 2,371,981
(Semi Automatic) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Automatic wet glue Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 vertical round bottle Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 413,510 202,266
Labeling Machine Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tube Filling & Sealing
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 4 4,902,168 2,397,862
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 590,270 288,727
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Manufacturing Vessel
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 386,480 189,044
(Electric Heated)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Drops Filling Vessel
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 1,355,125 662,850
(Air Tight)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Membrane Filter
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 875,970 428,475
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Air Pressure Regulator Engineering Japan Brand New 14 4 1,214,920 594,270
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Pressure Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 49,475 24,200
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Trolly for Auto clave
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 50,000 24,457
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling &
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 1,800,240 880,575
Sealing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Dry Heat Sterilizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 981,150 479,923
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule washing
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 909,740 444,993
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Ampoule Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2011-12 Manufacturing Vessel Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 419,580 205,235
(Electric Heated) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling Vessel
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 4 382,045 186,875
(Air Tight)
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 340,910 166,754
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Distilled Water Storage
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 481,900 235,718
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 DM Plant Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 4,982,480 2,437,146
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Multichannel Counter Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Peristaltic Pump (Dual Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 40,120 19,624
Head) Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Sterile Drops Filling
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 456,030 223,064
Vessel (Air Tight)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Membrane Filter
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 290,510 142,101
Holder- Drops
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Fully Automatic Single
Head Eight Station Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 Tube Filling, Crimping Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 4,916,500 2,404,872
and Batch Printing Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Melting Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 451,240 220,721
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Dosing Pump Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 352,020 172,188
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Rapid Mix Granulator Engineering India Brand New 14 4 1,982,540 969,746
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Conveyer Belt/Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 1,689,410 826,363
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 491,255 240,294
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 591,200 289,181
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Fully Automatic Over
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 973,240 476,054
printing Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 4 930,220 455,011
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Analytical balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 992,150 485,303
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Friability Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 490,180 239,768
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Dissolution Test
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 911,024 445,621
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 DT Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 451,255 220,728
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Dispensing Tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 4 691,240 338,115
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Injectable
2011-12 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 1,932,870 945,450
powder filling line
Traders Dhaka-1203
Automatic four head Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 aluminium vial cap Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 4 4,840,585 2,367,739
sealing machine Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Vial Tray for Dry heat
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 150,740 73,733
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Auto Batch print & Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 Sticker labeling Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Japan Brand New 14 4 471,250 230,509
machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Hand filling
2011-12 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Japan Brand New 14 4 762,500 372,972
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Semi-Automatic Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2011-12 Capsule Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 4 491,250 240,292
Loader/Inserter Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 4 888,720 434,711
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 PH Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 110,745 54,170
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Conductivity Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 4 220,650 107,929
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 690,425 337,717
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Friability Test Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2011-12 Engineering USA Brand New 14 4 491,710 240,517
apparatus (Model.1902) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 390,240 190,883
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Atomic Absorption
2011-12 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Garmany Brand New 14 4 29,031,240 14,200,433
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 96,452 47,179
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 28,500 13,941
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Split A/C Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 4 596,800 291,921
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2011-12 Glass Apparatus Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Malaysia Brand New 14 4 10,000 4,891
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 5 30,548 16,194
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Tray for Dry heat
2012-13 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 5 102,154 54,154
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Oven (00 –2000c) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Italy Brand New 14 5 421,240 223,310
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double cone blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Engineering Japan Brand New 14 5 1,092,140 578,971
120 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 5 352,700 186,975
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Karl Fischer Titrator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 5 1,590,620 843,227
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Melting Point
2012-13 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 5 952,500 504,944
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Muffle Furnaces Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 5 302,210 160,209
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Digital Ultrasonic Bath Engineering USA Brand New 14 5 540,215 286,382
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test
2012-13 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 5 716,020 379,580
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Friability Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 5 487,210 258,282
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 5 491,241 260,419
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 5 470,306 249,321
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 5 420,964 223,164
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Air Sampler Engineering China Brand New 14 5 391,871 207,741
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Digital Colony Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 5 701,245 371,747
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 20- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2012-13 Engineering India Brand New 14 5 1,004,026 532,259
25°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Micropipette- 04
2012-13 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, U.A.E Brand New 14 5 230,120 121,992
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2012-13 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 5 594,740 315,287
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Automatic
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 261,045 149,327
Disintegration Tester
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Spectrophotometer (UV Shimadzu,
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 4,499,816 2,574,059
mini 1240) Japan
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Viscosity meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 321,255 183,770
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 599,740 343,073
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto clave(Double
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 7,906,465 4,522,787
Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Over Printing
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 148,250 84,804
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 195,000 111,547
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu,
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 4,640,000 2,654,250
(UV-1800) Japan
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Automatic Liquid Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2013-14 Filling & Sealing Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 17,937,412 10,260,856
Machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Digital Incubator (370 Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Italy Brand New 14 6 2,897,553 1,657,506
C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 HPLC Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 6 4,902,300 2,804,295
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 6 1,765,250 1,009,788
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Laminar Air Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 1,482,240 847,895
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Anemometer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 6 1,347,010 770,539
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Digital Incubator ( 30- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 6 1,492,142 853,560
35°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 6 1,902,050 1,088,042
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 1,452,600 830,940
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Sampling Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 1,661,420 950,393
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dispensing Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 2,954,870 1,690,294
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 590,857 337,992
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Filtration Unit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 345,125 197,424
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2013-14 Multi Mill Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi China Brand New 14 6 832,150 476,020
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 6 308,150 176,273
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2013-14 Automatic Polarimeter Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 6 469,815 268,751
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 485,250 277,581
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 6 795,410 455,004
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 6 3,969,190 2,270,522
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Sampling tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 146,840 83,998
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Refrigerator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 6 220,720 126,260
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Auto clave (Horizontal
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Rectangular) High
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 8,102,450 4,634,898
Pressure High Vacuum
Traders Dhaka-1203
(Double Door)
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 250,000 143,009
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Cold room (sandwitch
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 30,148,705 17,246,162
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2013-14 Drum Mixer Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 385,310 220,411
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Fluid Bed Dryer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 2,948,750 1,686,793
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2013-14 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 198,500 113,549
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
DM Water Storage
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 400,000 228,815
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Conveyer Belt/Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 163,440 93,494
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 1,169,070 668,751
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2013-14 Cap sealing Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 875,500 500,818
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dispensing tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 149,500 85,519
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Karl Fischer Titrator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 1,732,130 990,842
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 437,305 250,154
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 422,080 241,445
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Oven (00 –2000c) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Italy Brand New 14 6 431,250 246,691
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Tablet Hardness Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 707,200 404,544
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
HDP Bottle Capping
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 296,710 169,729
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Batch printing
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 471,250 269,572
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 SS Packing Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 402,695 230,356
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Ointment Mfg. Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 161,480 92,372
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic high speed
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 269,300 154,049
Vial washing machine
Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 FTIR Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 6 2,449,650 1,401,289
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 297,580 170,227
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 596,570 341,260
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 PH Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 239,300 136,888
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Die-Punch Cabinet Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 632,675 361,913
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Inspection &
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 1,435,269 821,026
Polishing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Capsule
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 1,918,540 1,097,475
Traders Dhaka-1203
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Injectable
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 6 2,050,690 1,173,070
powder filling line
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Anemometer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 6 1,389,740 794,982
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2013-14 Automatic Polarimeter Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 6 477,500 273,147
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Split A/C Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, General Brand New 14 6 1,500,710 858,461
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 486,250 278,153
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Viscosity meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 358,200 204,903
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Mix Granulator Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering India Brand New 14 6 2,056,982 1,176,669
(RMG) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Auto Batch print & Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2013-14 Sticker labeling Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 6 954,800 546,181
machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering India Brand New 14 6 3,967,405 2,269,501
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Hoong-A Blister
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Korea Brand New 14 6 24,958,720 14,277,300
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Shifter (GMP Model) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 2,197,078 1,256,809
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Tray dryer (18 pcs tray) Engineering India Brand New 14 6 992,390 567,683
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Video JetPrinting Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 597,440 341,758
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Vortex Mixture Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Denmark Brand New 14 6 99,874 57,132
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Air Sampler Engineering China Brand New 14 6 418,415 239,349
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 6 429,785 245,853
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Muffle Furnaces Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 329,795 188,655
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Filtration Unit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 349,500 199,927
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test Electronics
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 732,400 418,960
apparatus India, India
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Laminar Air Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 6 1,498,570 857,237
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 499,895 285,958
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Liquid filter press Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 296,140 169,403
Machine Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Charge Vat Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 170,000 97,246
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 593,670 339,601
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Eye Drops Filling
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 1,484,125 848,974
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Slow Motion Stirrer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 437,000 249,980
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 6 355,200 203,187
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Digital Ultrasonic Bath Engineering USA Brand New 14 6 601,900 344,309
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dry heat sterilizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 460,730 263,554
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Dosing Pump Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 377,560 215,978
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Auto powder
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 1,299,250 743,219
filling machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Packing table with
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 700,000 400,426
Conveyer Belt
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Vertical Form Fill Seal Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2013-14 Machine (Wrapping Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 499,285 285,609
Machine) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Digital Colony Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 6 725,210 414,847
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Over Printing
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 150,000 85,805
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling &
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 1,902,512 1,088,306
Sealing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Dissolution Test
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 956,262 547,017
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Automatic Electronics
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 6 279,251 159,742
Disintegration Tester India,
Traders Dhaka-1203
Digital Friability Test Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 6 1,561,102 893,007
apparatus (Model.1902) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 DT Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 6 461,267 263,862
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator (370 Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2013-14 Engineering Italy Brand New 14 6 2,958,620 1,692,439
C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 6 499,650 285,818
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Micropipette- 04
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, U.A.E Brand New 14 6 235,055 134,460
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 6 995,480 569,451
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 990,000 566,316
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic high speed
2013-14 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 278,500 159,312
Vial washing machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 166,909 95,478
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Packing table with
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 882,140 504,616
conveyor belt
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Tilting type filled bottle
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 476,383 272,508
inspection Table
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Manufacturing Vessel
2013-14 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 412,157 235,769
(Electric Heated)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Sticker labeling
2013-14 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 97,822 55,958
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Visual Inspection Kit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 6 396,200 226,641
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 602,425 344,609
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Emulsifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 479,652 274,378
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Pressure Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 6 49,870 28,527
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2013-14 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 6 550,442 314,873
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Spectrophotometer Shimadzu,
2015-16 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 8 4,748,010 3,171,686
(UV-1800) Japan
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Vial Tray for Dry heat
2015-16 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Malaysia Brand New 14 8 320,364 214,004
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 8 474,500 316,968
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 8 10,000 6,680
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
HDP Bottle Capping
2015-16 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 8 295,480 197,382
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Sampling Tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 8 50,000 33,400
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2015-16 Film Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi China Brand New 14 8 4,975,021 3,323,330
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Die-Punch Cabinet Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 8 659,850 440,782
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Video Jet Printer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 8 697,535 465,956
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Visual Inspection Kit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 8 394,075 263,243
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic capsule
2015-16 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 8 19,882,107 13,281,313
filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2015-16 Engineering India Brand New 14 8 4,126,324 2,756,398
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Split A/C Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, General Brand New 14 8 3,005,000 2,007,350
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 8 100,000 66,800
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2015-16 Engineering India Brand New 14 8 4,077,450 2,723,750
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 8 600,962 401,445
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2015-16 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 8 457,631 305,699
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Inspection &
2015-16 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 8 1,478,650 987,743
Polishing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2015-16 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 8 1,486,562 993,028
Powder Filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Drops Filling Vessel
2015-16 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 8 466,250 311,457
(Air Tight)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule washing
2015-16 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 8 941,252 628,759
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2015-16 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 8 1,868,720 1,248,311
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Anemometer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 8 1,422,557 950,273
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Semi-Automatic Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2015-16 Capsule Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Japan Brand New 14 8 507,258 338,850
Loader/Inserter Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2015-16 Friability Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 8 599,942 400,763
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Automatic Liquid Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2016-17 Filling & Sealing Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 9 18,796,529 13,562,899
Machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Inline Homogenizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 9 4,975,410 3,590,077
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2016-17 Sugar Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 9 3,975,600 2,868,650
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2016-17 Film Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi China Brand New 14 9 4,905,600 3,539,704
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Double Side Rotary M-Pharma
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2016-17 Tablet Compression Engineering India Brand New 14 9 3,397,820 2,451,745
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Machine (27 Station) Works
Rapid Mixer M-Pharma
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2016-17 Granulator (GMP Engineering Thailand Brand New 14 9 3,035,410 2,190,243
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Model) Works
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Slow Motion Stirrer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 450,870 325,332
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Charge Vat Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 180,000 129,882
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Ointment Mfg. Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 187,500 135,293
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 9 486,742 351,216
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 30- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2016-17 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 9 1,492,107 1,076,651
35°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 9 1,800,265 1,299,006
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 9 968,730 699,001
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Eye Drops Filling
2016-17 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 9 1,534,785 1,107,446
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Muffle Furnaces Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 9 391,250 282,312
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 8,677 6,261
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Vortex Mixture Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Denmark Brand New 14 9 99,100 71,507
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Sampling tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 99,000 71,435
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Glass Apparatus Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Pyrex Brand New 14 9 9,600 6,927
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Sampling tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 9 144,422 104,210
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 9 486,533 351,064
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 9 30,000 21,647
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Dehumidifier (Air Bag
2016-17 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 9 26,419,989 18,864,995
Handiling Systems)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double cone blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2016-17 Engineering India Brand New 14 9 991,254 707,797
60 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Karl Fischer Titrator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 9 1,806,240 1,289,732
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 9 380,740 271,865
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2016-17 Viscosity meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 9 401,777 286,885
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 21,323 16,710
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Membrane Filter
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 493,150 386,456
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Tray dryer (18 pcs tray Engineering India Brand New 14 10 515,480 403,954
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dispensing Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 3,325,480 2,606,002
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Single Side Rotary Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2017-18 Tablet Compression Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 1,542,921 1,209,105
Machine (16 Station) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Trolly for Auto clave
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 50,560 39,621
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 150,000 117,547
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 150,153 117,667
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Split A/C Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, General Brand New 14 10 2,387,477 1,870,939
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Sticker labeling
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 99,658 78,097
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 486,533 381,270
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 10 476,328 373,273
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Oven (00 –2000c) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Italy Brand New 14 10 447,512 350,691
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test Electronics
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 767,582 601,513
apparatus India, India
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 30- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 10 1,485,647 1,164,223
35°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 20- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering India Brand New 14 10 991,155 776,716
25°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 432,351 338,811
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Conveyer Belt/Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 10 897,054 702,974
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2017-18 Sugar Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 4,286,590 3,359,173
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2017-18 Automatic Polarimeter Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 10 481,254 377,133
Traders Dhaka-1203
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Digital Ultrasonic Bath Engineering USA Brand New 14 10 627,507 491,744
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 498,592 390,720
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 10 458,549 359,341
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Batch printing
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 481,547 377,363
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Laminar air flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 10 1,568,054 1,228,801
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 PH Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 10 127,452 99,877
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 489,714 383,763
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 149,564 117,205
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling Vessel
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 433,250 339,515
(Air Tight)
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Eye Drops Filling
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 1,678,150 1,315,077
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Air Pressure Regulator Engineering India Brand New 14 10 896,587 702,608
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Drops Filling Vessel
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 474,572 371,897
(Air Tight)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Melting Point
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 10 976,541 765,263
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 467,530 366,378
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Membrane Filter
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 298,657 234,042
Holder- Drops
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Fully Automatic Over
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 10 984,232 771,290
printing Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Friability Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 599,638 469,905
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double cone blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering Japan Brand New 14 10 1,055,238 826,934
120 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dispensing Tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 745,740 584,397
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dry heat sterilizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 496,524 389,100
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Conductivity Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 445,637 349,222
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 10 458,549 359,341
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Water Bath Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 10 486,521 381,261
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 10 599,822 470,049
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 10 601,360 471,254
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering India Brand New 14 10 4,231,957 3,316,360
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Shifter (GMP Model) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 197,000 154,378
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2017-18 Drum Mixer Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 435,047 340,923
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Visual Inspection Kit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 405,700 317,926
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Fluid bed dryer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 2,989,587 2,342,781
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Tray dryer (18 pcs tray Engineering India Brand New 14 10 536,587 420,495
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Auto powder
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 1,398,879 1,096,227
filling machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Digital Incubator (370 C Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering Italy Brand New 14 10 3,109,210 2,436,523
) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Capsule
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 1,937,520 1,518,332
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Packing table with
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 989,850 775,693
conveyor belt
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2017-18 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 10 3,594,820 2,817,070
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Injectable
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 2,169,524 1,700,141
powder filling line
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Spectrophotometer (UV Shimadzu,
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 4,734,092 3,709,857
mini 1240) Japan
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 10 1,094,586 857,769
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Autoclave (Horizontal
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Rectangular) High
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 8,379,210 6,566,343
Pressure High Vacuum
Traders Dhaka-1203
(Double Door)
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 10 604,473 473,693
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic capsule
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 19,901,587 15,595,819
filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2017-18 Cap sealing Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 445,000 348,723
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 10 604,581 473,778
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Over printing
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 195,870 153,493
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic high speed
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 290,500 227,649
Vial washing machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Analytical balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 1,009,183 790,843
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Micropipette- 04
2017-18 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, U.A.E Brand New 14 10 242872 190,326
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Refrigerator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 10 110,415 86,526
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 148,527 116,393
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Over Printing
2017-18 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 195,870 153,493
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 30,000 23,509
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2017-18 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 50,000 39,182
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Sampling tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 10 100,000 78,365
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Glass Apparatus Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Pyrex Brand New 14 10 10,000 7,836
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Transfer Pump Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 97,500 76,406
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 10 977,270 765,835
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 10 452,561 354,648
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 10 341,264 260,105
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Automatic Liquid Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2017-18 Filling & Sealing Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 20,199,634 15,395,761
Machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Liquid Filling Machine
2017-18 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 5,022,881 3,828,340
(Semi Automatic)
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2017-18 Anemometer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 10 1,442,974 1,099,806
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Fully Automatic Single
Head Eight Station Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2017-18 Tube Filling, Crimping Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 10 4,993,247 3,805,754
and Batch Printing Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 SS Packing Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 423,560 357,419
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 PH Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 396,471 334,560
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Air Sampler Engineering China Brand New 14 11 429,670 362,575
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 11 401,744 339,010
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Semi-Automatic Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2018-19 Capsule Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Japan Brand New 14 11 516,584 435,917
Loader/Inserter Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 600,500 506,729
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Oven (00 –2000c) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Italy Brand New 14 11 469,674 396,332
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 11 462,410 390,203
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Tablet Hardness Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 767,458 647,616
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Melting Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 978,736 825,902
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Conductivity Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 451,547 381,036
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 HPLC Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 5,011,254 4,228,724
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Injectable
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 11 2,210,458 1,865,285
powder filling line
Traders Dhaka-1203
Automatic four head Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2018-19 aluminium vial cap Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 11 4,965,986 4,190,525
sealing machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 11 2,095,600 1,768,363
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering India Brand New 14 11 4,276,141 3,608,402
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Digital Colony Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 11 751,547 634,190
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 11 1,903,727 1,606,451
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 30- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 11 1,495,687 1,262,129
35°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Laminar Air Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 11 1,698,583 1,433,342
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 11 690,674 582,822
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 11 407,278 343,680
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Ampoule Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2018-19 Manufacturing Vessel Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 436,785 368,579
(Electric Heated) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Viscosity meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 11 477,695 403,101
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Conductivity Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 476,548 402,133
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling Vessel
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 452,140 381,536
(Air Tight)
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 601,824 507,846
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Conveyer Belt/Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 499,657 421,633
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 492,599 415,677
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 497,264 419,614
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 11 477,150 402,641
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 DT Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 11 476,594 402,172
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Vial Tray for Dry heat
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Malaysia Brand New 14 11 174,170 146,973
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Dispensing Tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 789,622 666,319
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 504,465 425,691
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Class 100 Vertical Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Laminar Down Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 958,451 808,785
Clean Air Work Station Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
HDP Bottle Capping
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 295,600 249,441
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Liquid filter press Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 600,341 506,595
Machine Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Batch printing
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 490,230 413,678
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Automatic Electronics
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 11 287,368 242,494
Disintegration Tester India,
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Dissolution Test Electronics
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 2,003,124 1,690,327
apparatus India,
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Digital Friability Test Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 11 3,415,326 2,882,007
apparatus (Model.1902) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 464,678 392,116
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Auto Batch print & Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2018-19 Sticker labeling Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 11 992,582 837,586
machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Video Jet Printer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 698,033 589,032
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Visual Inspection Kit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 436,734 368,536
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Hand filling
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 1,196,881 1,009,983
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 298,926 252,247
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double cone blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Japan Brand New 14 11 1,108,547 935,442
120 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Emulsifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 498,864 420,964
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Dispensing Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 7,502,480 6,330,934
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Sampling Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 1,989,350 1,678,704
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule washing
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 962,896 812,535
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto Batch print &
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 11 485,405 409,607
Labeling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Tray Dryer (18 pcs tray Engineering India Brand New 14 11 558,000 470,866
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Slow Motion Stirrer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 472,600 398,801
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Manual Batch printing
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 499,350 421,374
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2018-19 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 100,000 84,385
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 11 607,000 512,214
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Die-Punch Cabinet Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 690,708 582,851
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double Cone Blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering India Brand New 14 11 989,570 835,044
60 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Sticker labeling
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 498,314 420,500
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Vertical Form Fill Seal Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2018-19 Machine (Wrapping Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 497,358 419,693
Machine) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 1,106,612 933,810
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Injectable
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 11 4,591,324 3,874,368
powder filling line
Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling Vessel
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 477,854 403,235
(Air Tight)
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 11 1,900,205 1,603,479
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Drops Filling Vessel
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 1,006,274 849,140
(Air Tight)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Multichannel Counter Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Peristaltic Pump (Dual Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 98,142 82,817
Head) Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Water Bath Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 11 508,704 429,268
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Muffle Furnaces Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 475,892 401,579
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Melting Point
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 11 1,999,671 1,687,413
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Oven (00 –2000c) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Italy Brand New 14 11 481,161 406,026
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Air Sampler Engineering China Brand New 14 11 909,725 767,667
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Melting Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 509,823 430,212
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Digital Ultrasonic Bath Engineering USA Brand New 14 11 640,667 540,624
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Semi-Automatic Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2018-19 Capsule Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Japan Brand New 14 11 703,626 593,752
Loader/Inserter Traders Dhaka-1203

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 11 503,691 425,037
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Trolly for Auto clave
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 51,120 43,137
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Conveyer Belt/Table Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 1,001,240 844,892
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Digital Auto Clave-
2018-19 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, China Brand New 14 11 17,008,768 14,352,773
Traders Dhaka-1203
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Air Pressure Regulator Engineering India Brand New 14 11 470,795 397,278
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tube Filling & Sealing
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 10,017,624 8,453,327
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Tilting type filled bottle
2018-19 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 11 502,094 423,690
inspection Table
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Tray for Dry heat
2018-19 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 11 101,368 85,539
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2018-19 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 11 3,881,056 3,275,012
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2018-19 Multi Mill Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi China Brand New 14 11 958,271 808,633
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 11 4,289,319 3,619,523
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2018-19 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 11 90,000 75,946
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2019-20 Automatic Polarimeter Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 12 1,005,691 925,294
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Vial Tray for Dry heat
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Malaysia Brand New 14 12 382,510 351,931
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Dispensing Tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 801,480 737,408
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 482,010 443,477
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling &
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 2,059,218 1,894,600
Sealing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Single Side Rotary
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,743,871 1,604,463
Tablet Compression
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2019-20 Sugar Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 4,502,832 4,142,868
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 FTIR Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 12 2,650,740 2,438,835
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 PH Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 500,987 460,937
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator (30- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 12 3,003,710 2,763,588
35°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic Capsule
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 12 4,003,848 3,683,773
Traders Dhaka-1203
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 12 480,698 442,270
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Packing table with
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 1,014,085 933,017
conveyor belt
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 504,968 464,600
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test Electronics
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 822,095 756,375
apparatus India, India
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Ampoule Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2019-20 Manufacturing Vessel Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 461,791 424,875
(Electric Heated) Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Eye Drops Filling
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,802,500 1,658,405
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Inspection &
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,501,236 1,381,225
Polishing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Manufacturing Vessel
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 1,500,718 1,380,748
(Electric Heated)
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Dry Heat Sterilizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 2,005,750 1,845,407
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 601,799 553,690
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Disintegration Test Electronics
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 801,248 737,195
apparatus India, India
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Fluid Bed Dryer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 3,004,025 2,763,878
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Die-Punch Cabinet Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 701,036 644,994
Services Tongi, Gazipur

Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Inline Homogenizer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 15,020,610 13,819,836
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Sampling Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 2,000,318 1,840,409
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Pack Machine- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering India Brand New 14 12 8,685,748 7,991,394
150 Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Class 100 Vertical Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Laminar Down Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 1,005,034 924,690
Clean Air Work Station Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Fully Automatic Over
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 12 1,004,698 924,381
printing Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Refrigerator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 12 102,000 93,846
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Filtration Unit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 12 349,514 321,573
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Turn Table (36” dia) Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 856,402 787,940
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Vial Tray for Dry heat
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Malaysia Brand New 14 12 403,965 371,671
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Tray for Dry heat
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 53,000 48,763
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Hand filling
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 801,867 737,764
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 UPS Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 12 704,031 647,750
Services Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Digital Microscope with Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Australia Brand New 14 12 8,030,126 7,388,183
Camera Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Friability Test Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Germany Brand New 14 12 1,802,654 1,658,547
apparatus (Model.1902) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Conductivity Meter Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 482,369 443,808
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Air Sampler Engineering China Brand New 14 12 1,456,302 1,339,883
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Auto Batch print & Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2019-20 Sticker labeling Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, USA Brand New 14 12 504,036 463,742
machine Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Video Jet Printer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 804,695 740,366
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Visual Inspection Kit Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 475,124 437,142
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Capsule Inspection &
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,523,295 1,401,520
Polishing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Dehumidifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 754,785 694,446
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Double cone blender- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Japan Brand New 14 12 1,209,980 1,113,252
120 kg Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Emulsifier Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 508,269 467,637
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 100,000 92,006
Services Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2019-20 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 100,000 92,006
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Dispensing Booth Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 7,782,944 7,160,762
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule washing
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 987,896 908,922
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Ampoule Filling &
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 2,125,687 1,955,756
Sealing Machine
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Karl Fischer Titrator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 12 1,861,540 1,712,725
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Liquid filter press Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 300,140 276,146
Machine Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Charge Vat Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 200,000 184,012
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Ointment Mfg. Vessel Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 201,620 185,502
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 607,670 559,092
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Eye Drops Filling
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,996,125 1,836,551
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Slow Motion Stirrer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 497,000 457,269
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Digital Ultrasonic Bath Engineering USA Brand New 14 12 648,900 597,026
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Dosing Pump Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 12 403,560 371,299
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Auto powder
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 1,481,250 1,362,836
filling machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 500,328 460,331
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Micropipette- 04
2019-20 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, U.A.E Brand New 14 12 251,075 231,004
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Digital Auto Clave-
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, China Brand New 14 12 17,235,970 15,858,096
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Tablet Density Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 12 421,805 388,085
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Friability Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 12 503,210 462,982
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Tablet Hardness Tester Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 793,750 730,296
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 12 490,964 451,715
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Digital Colony Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 12 801,245 737,192
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Laminar Air Flow Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, China Brand New 14 12 1,808,240 1,663,686
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Anemometer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 12 2,963,058 2,726,186
Services Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 180,000 165,610
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator ( 20- Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering India Brand New 14 12 1,001,074 921,046
25°C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Refrigerator Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Korea Brand New 14 12 501,500 461,409
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Electronic Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 607,507 558,942
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,509,254 1,388,602
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Automatic Electronics
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Brand New 14 12 601,605 553,512
Disintegration Tester India,
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 DT Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 12 501,767 461,655
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Leak Test Machine Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 12 510,625 469,805
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Digital Incubator (370 Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Engineering Italy Brand New 14 12 6,146,275 5,654,931
C) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Analytical Balance Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Brand New 14 12 502,650 462,467
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2019-20 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 12 1,509,254 1,388,602
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 500,000 460,029
Services Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic high speed
2019-20 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, Bangladesh Brand New 14 12 300,500 276,477
Vial washing machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2019-20 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Switzerland Brand New 14 12 4,363,936 4,015,075
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2019-20 Air particle Counter Engineering Italy Brand New 14 12 490,964 451,715
Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Hoong-A Blister
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Korea Brand New 14 13 27,145,870 26,917,175
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Automatic capsule
2020-21 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 13 20,787,105 20,611,981
filling Machine
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 13 7,462,879 7,400,007
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2020-21 Film Coating Machine Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 13 7,236,580 7,175,614
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Tablet Compression
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 13 3,102,142 3,076,008
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Atomic Absorption
2020-21 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Garmany Brand New 14 13 42,562,080 42,203,509
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 FTIR Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Japan Brand New 14 13 3,421,074 3,392,253
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Rapid Mix Granulator Plot-8, Block-C, Fisons Road,
2020-21 Engineering India Brand New 14 13 5,421,858 5,376,181
(RMG) Charagali, Tongi, Gazipur
Automatic Liquid Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
2020-21 Filling & Sealing Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 13 22,541,580 22,351,675
Machine Traders Dhaka-1203


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Auto clave(Double
2020-21 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 13 9,021,540 8,945,537
Traders Dhaka-1203
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Stability Chamber Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Garmany Brand New 14 13 28,745,890 28,503,716
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
SS Trolly for Auto clave
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 13 55,260 54,794
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
2020-21 SS Trolly Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Local Brand New 14 13 250,000 247,894
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Local Brand New 14 13 100,000 99,158
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 SS Bucket Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Local Brand New 14 13 250,000 247,894
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Moisture Analyzer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Germany Brand New 14 13 501,240 497,017
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Quality 27, Hatkhola Road, Russell
Semi Automatic
2020-21 Scientific Center (Gr. Floor), Shop# 17, India Brand New 14 13 302,185 299,639
Disintegration Tester
Traders Dhaka-1203
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Single Side Rotary
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 13 1,802,236 1,787,053
Tablet Compression
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
Sticker labeling
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi India Brand New 14 13 501,958 497,729
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Dust Collector Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 13 495,820 491,643
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Glass Apparatus Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Pyrex Brand New 14 13 10,000 9,916
Services Tongi, Gazipur


Condition Remaining
Year of Country of Estimated Purchase Written
Name of Item Party Name Address when Economic
Purchase Origin Life Price Down Value
Purchase Life
Hitech 185/5, East Goran, Road# 8,
HDP Bottle Capping
2020-21 Engineering (Titas Road, Near of Shahi Bangladesh Brand New 14 13 302,148 299,603
Technology Moshjid), Khilgaon, Dhaka
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Video Jet Printer Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, India Brand New 14 13 812,870 806,022
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
2020-21 Sampling tools Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, Bangladesh Brand New 14 13 50,000 49,579
Services Tongi, Gazipur
Nipun Plot No. 170, Khortail
Melting Point
2020-21 Engineering & Gazipura, Sataish Road, USA Brand New 14 13 1,013,668 1,005,128
Services Tongi, Gazipur
1,089,984,336 814,255,812

(ix)Details of the machinery required to be bought by the issuer, cost of the machinery, name of the suppliers, date of placement of order and the date or expected
date of supply, etc.
No machinery is required to be bought by the issuer except the machine to be bought from IPO proceeds. Details are as follows:
Sl Rate in Conv.
Machinery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
Petals Brand Ampoule Line -300
1 Comprising Of Rotary Combi Washing PCS 1 Unit 242,000 85 20,570,000
Machine For Ampoules & Vials-300 M/S. Project Consultancy Services
Vial And Ampoule Sterilizing Tunnel Room # 203, Jindal Towers, 21/1A
2 Output: 1 Ml At 300 Apm, Vials: 2Ml At Pimpl-St-400 /3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 017, PCS 1 Unit 150,000 85 12,750,000
200 Vpm India.
Liner Ampoule Filling And Sealing Pimpl-Vasfsm-8-
3 PCS 1 Unit 220,000 85 18,700,000
Machine- 8 Head 300
4 Sterile Filling Equipment (Air Tight) 50 Ltrs M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 No 2,900 85 246,500
5 Sterile Filling Equipment (Air Tight) 100 Ltrs Room # 203, Jindal Towers, 21/1A PCS 2 Nos 4,125 85 701,250
/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 017,
6 Sterile Filling Equipment (Air Tight) 200 Ltrs India. PCS 1 No 5,900 85 501,500
Sterile Pressure Cum Manufacturing
7 50 Liters PCS 1 No 45,000 85 3,825,000
Equipment’s M/S. Project Consultancy Services
Sterile Pressure Cum Manufacturing Room # 203, Jindal Towers, 21/1A
8 100 Liters PCS 2 Nos 52,000 85 8,840,000
Equipment’s /3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 017,
Sterile Pressure Cum Manufacturing India.
9 200 Liters PCS 1 No 66,000 85 5,610,000
Sl Rate in Conv.
Machinery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
10 Membrane Filter Equipment Siz-142 Mm M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 No 2,225 85 189,125
Room # 203, Jindal Towers, 21/1A
11 Membrane Filter Equipment Siz-293 Mm /3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 017, PCS 3 Nos 2,625 85 669,375
12 Vertical Sliding Door Steam Sterilizer Siz-2'W*2'H 4'D M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 3 Nos 82,450 85 21,024,750
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Pure Steam Generator-300 Kgs/Hr
13 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Lot 159,060 85 13,520,100
(Finnaqya Design)
017, India.
Multi Column Distillation Plant (Finn
14 Aqua Design) Capacity 500 Ltr/Hr @ 3 M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 No 179,250 85 15,236,250
Kgs/ Cm2(143 Deg C) Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Terminal Sterilizer (Horizontal Sliding 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
15 Doubler Door) Cap 1400 LitresSize 017, India. PCS 1 Lot 88,060 85 7,485,100
3'W*3'H*6'D(Double Door)
Distilled Water Jacketted Storage 3 Mm 3161 M/S. Project Consultancy Services
16 PCS 1 No 44,250 85 3,761,250
Equipment Cap: 1000 Litres Shell: Quality Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Pharmatek Vertical Laminer Downflow Pf/2260- 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
17 PCS 2 Nos 24,625 85 4,186,250
Clen Air Work Station 5/Sv/Cs/Sp/Ss 017, India.
Pharmatek Germent Storage Cabinet 915
Pf/ 2451/Sp/Ss M/S. Project Consultancy Services
18 W X 305 Mm D; O/D: 915 W X 500 D X PCS 3 Nos 4,100 85 1,045,500
Hepa Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
1830 Mm
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
Pharmatek Air Shower 1650 Wx915 Dx
19 Pf/2401/Ss 017, India. PCS 3 Nos 15,375 85 3,920,625
2200Mmh (Single Entry & Single Exit)
Pharmatek Vertical Laminer Downflow
20 Clen Air Work Station 2745 X 915 Mm D; PCS 1 No 19,375 85 1,646,875
3/Sv/Cs/ Sp/Ss M/S. Project Consultancy Services
O/D: 2905 W X1485 X 510 Mm H
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
(For Ampoule Section-R. Mstaging)
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
(Straight Entry & Right Exit) Size: I/D: Pf/1551,5-
21 017, India. PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
600 W X 600 D X 600 Mm H; O/D: 690 1.5/Dp/Ss
W X 690 Dx 1335 Mm H
For Ophthalmic- Dispensing I Straight
Entry & Left Exit Size: I/D: 600 W X 600 Pf/1551.5-
22 PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
Dx 600 Mm H; O/D: 690 W X 690 D X 1.5/Dp/Ss M/S. Project Consultancy Services
1335 Mm H Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
(For Ophthalmic- Dispensing Ii)(Straight 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
Entry & Right Exit) Size: I/D: 600 W X Pf/1551.5- 017, India.
23 PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
600 Dx 600 Mm H; O/D: 690 W X 690 Dx 1.5/Dp/Ss
1335 Mm H


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machinery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
(For Ophthalmic- Dispensing) Size: I/D:
24 600 W X 600 Dx 600 Mm H; O/D: 690 PCS 4 Nos 5,000 85 1,700,000
1.5/Dp/Ss M/S. Project Consultancy Services
Wx 690 Dx 1335 Mm H
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
(For Ampoule Section-Manufacturing)
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
(Without Base) Size: I/D: 750 W X 750 Pf/1552-
25 017, India. PCS 2 Nos 8,560 85 1,455,200
Dx 1500 Mm H; O/D: 880W X 800 D X 2/Dp/Ss
2100 Mm H
(For Ophthalmic-Manufacturing) (Without
26 Base) Size: I/D: 750 W X 750 Dx 1500 M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 4 Nos 8,560 85 2,910,400
Mm H; O/D: 880W X 800DX2100 Mm H Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Minipleat Hepa Filter Area: 610 X 610 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
27 Mm; Storage Space: 610 W X 610 Dx 610 017, India. PCS 2 Nos 5,290 85 899,300
Mm H; O/D: 80W X1100 Dx1550 Mm H
(Dispensing Booth) (For Ampoule Filling)
Minipleat Hepa Filter Area: 915 X 610
28 Mm; O/D: 1050 W X 1300 D X 2100 Mm PCS 2 No 6,925 85 1,177,250
M/S. Project Consultancy Services
H 18.2 Model Pf/2253-2/Rf/Ss Model
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
(Dispensing Booth) (For Ophthalmic)
017, India.
Minipleat Hepa Filter Area: 915 X 610
29 PCS 1 No 6,925 85 588,625
Mm; 0/D: 1050 W X 1300 D X 2100 Mm
H Model Pf/2253-2/Rf/Ss
Pure Steam DistributionSystem Network M/S. Project Consultancy Services
30 PCS 1 Lot 100,000 85 8,500,000
(Loop) Ss316L Bread Remove Tube Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Water For Injection Distribution System 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
31 PCS 1 Unit 120,000 85 10,200,000
Network (Loop)Ss316L Bread Remove 017, India.
Purifiedwater Distribution System
32 PCS 1 Lot 180,000 85 15,300,000
Network (Loop) Ss316L
33 Purified Water Generation Edi System PCS 1 Set 260,000 85 22,100,000
34 Automatic Coating Machine Coater-500 PCS 1 Unit 512,000 85 43,520,000
M/S. Project Consultancy Services
Encapsulation Line with Double Deck Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
35 Tumbler Dryer 4 Baskets. (7.2 Inch Length Gkf 72 PCS 1 No 484,000 85 41,140,000
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
X 5.6 Inch Die Roll, 183Mm X 143Mm) 017, India.
Blister Packing Machine for Ampoules.
(Suitable For Blister Packing Ampoules
36 450 Ad PCS 1 No 170,000 85 14,450,000
Complete With 5 Sets of Change Parts For
1,2,3,5 & 10 Ml Ampoules.)


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machinery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
High Performance Table Top and Table
37 Quest-Tc PCS 1 Unit 112,000 85 9,520,000
Table Top R&D Fbe Combo Quest-Fb M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 Unit 112,275 85 9,543,375
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Sticker Labelling Machine for Vials With
39 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 2 Nos 33,000 85 5,610,000
017, India.
40 Thermax Brand Incinerator PCS 1 Unit 74,000 85 6,290,000
41 Floor Epoxy System PCS 7000 SQ.Ft 3 85 1,785,000
42 Epoxy Wall Coating (Water Based) PCS 1000 kg 28 85 2,380,000
43 Air Handling Unit M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 10 Nos 10,850 85 9,222,500
44 Pressure Gauge Room # 203, Jindal Towers, PCS 1 Lot 10,000 85 850,000
45 Valves 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Lot 14,000 85 1,190,000
Strainer, Pumps, Heaters, Dampers, Grills, 017, India.
46 PCS 1 Lot 33,200 85 2,822,000
Filter Housings
47 Pipe Insulation Materials PCS 1 Lot 10,375 85 881,875
M/S. Project Consultancy Services
48 Electric Panels PCS 1 Lot 11,000 85 935,000
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
49 Ancillaries & Accessories PCS 1 Lot 10,000 85 850,000
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
Thermax Make Direct Fired Vapour Tac G2 E4- 504 017, India.
50 PCS 1 Unit 290,000 85 24,650,000
Absorption Chiller Tr
Sm Global
51 Shellmax Boiler PCS 1 Unit 110,000 85 9,350,000
30E/Nc M/S. Project Consultancy Services
52 Chilled Water Pump Grundfos Nk 100-200 Room # 203, Jindal Towers, PCS 2 Sets 21,000 85 3,570,000
53 Cooling Water Pump Grundfos Nk 15-315 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 2 Sets 24,400 85 4,148,000
Value And Accessories For Chiller And 017, India.
54 PCS 1 Lot 34,054 85 2,894,590
Ms Pipe For Chilled Water Line, Cooling
55 Water Line And Steam Line With M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 Lot 208,300 85 17,705,500
Necessary All Types Of Fittings Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Lt Control Panels For Suitable For 415V, 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
56 3-Ph, 4W 50Hz Supply System For Ac 017, India. PCS 1 Unit 23,300 85 1,980,500
(Chiller) System
Armaflex Elastomeric Nitrile Rubber
57 PCS 1500 Sqm 14 85 1,785,000
Insulation; Thick: 25Mm
Armaflex Elastomeric Nitrile Rubber M/S. Project Consultancy Services
58 PCS 500 Sqm 9 85 382,500
Insulation; Thick: 13Mm Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
59 Armaflex Glass Cloth 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 1500 Sqm 4 85 510,000
60 Medium Voltage Distribution Panel 017, India. PCS 1 Set 25,000 85 2,125,000
Cooling Tower C.T.To Cool 168Cmh
61 PCS 1 Unit 150,000 85 12,750,000
Sl Rate in Conv.
Machinery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
62 Rotary Encapsulation Machine PCS 1 NOS 235,645 85 20,029,825
Machinery ForSoft Gelatine
M/S. Project Consultancy Services
63 ManufacturePlant Comprising of The PCS 1 378,888 85 32,205,510
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
Capsule Dryieng Units Comprising Of De
017, India.
64 Humidification System Capacity Oof Each PCS 2 NOS 125,180 85 21,280,600
Automatic Soft Gelatine Capsule Printing
Machine Manufactured Primarily from
65 M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 NO 35,750 85 3,038,750
Stainless Steel 304 Grade Complete with
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
Gelatine Colour Mixing Stirrer, Gmp
66 017, India. PCS 1 NO 26,950 85 2,290,750
67 Gelatine Feed Tank Gmp Model PCS 3 NOS 30,140 85 7,685,700
68 Reactor: Gmp Model Capacity 500 Litres M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 NO 63,800 85 5,423,000
Planetory Mixer (De-Aeration Stirrer Unit Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
69 PCS 1 NO 92,400 85 7,854,000
With Tank Capacity 200 Litres 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
70 Coating Pan Size 36”. 017, India. PCS 1 NO 13,640 85 1,159,400
71 Trolley Stacker With Tray M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 20 NOS 4,400 85 7,480,000
72 Chilled Air Unit Room # 203, Jindal Towers, PCS 1 NO 5,445 85 462,825
Triple Roller Mill: Material Of 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700
73 PCS 1 NO 13,750 85 1,168,750
Construction: Ss 316 017, India.
Jacketted Colloid Mill; Material Of
74 M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 1 NO 13,750 85 1,168,750
Construction; Ss 316
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Capsule Pre Shaper(Tumbler) Material Of
75 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 1 NO 26,950 85 2,290,750
Construction: Ss 316
017, India.
76 Vacuum Pumps. PCS 2 NOS 5,225 85 888,250
77 Electronic Balance M/S. Project Consultancy Services PCS 2 NOS 4,125 85 701,250
Room # 203, Jindal Towers,
Gelatine Feeding Heater Pipes Including
78 21/1A/3, Darga Road, Kolkata–700 PCS 1 SET 39,300 85 3,340,500
Delivery Pipe Triclover,
017, India.
Total Invoice Value in Taka 561,844,675
Installation & Other 18,651,382
Total cost of Machineries 580,496,056


(x) In case the machinery is yet to be delivered, the date of quotations relied upon for the cost estimates given shall
also be mentioned:
No machinery is required to be bought by the issuer except machinery to be bought from IPO proceeds

(xi) If the plant is purchased in brand new condition, then it should be mentioned:
The company uses all the assets are in good condition and no re-conditioned or second-hand Assets or Machinery.


We certify that, all plants & machineries of Asiatic Laboratories Limited were purchased in brand new condition.
There are no re-conditioned or second-hand machineries installed in the Company.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

(xii) Details of the second hand or reconditioned machinery bought or proposed to be bought, if any, including
the age of the machinery, balance estimated useful life, etc. as per PSI certificates of the said machinery as
submitted to the Commission:
The Company has no plan to purchase any second hand or reconditioned machinery.

(xiii) A physical verification report by the Issue Manager(s) regarding the properties as submitted to the
This is to certify that we have visited the registered office and factory of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Visiting Report
Name of company Asiatic Laboratories Limited
42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar,
Registered office
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Factory office 253 Industrial Area Tongi, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Visited by the officials of
Md. Mohiuddin Mollah, Chief Executive Officer
Shahjalal Equity
Mr. Ripon Kumer – Sr. Executive
Management Limited
Mr. Monir Ahmed- Managing Director, Ms. Sadia Ahmed- Head of
Accompanied by the
Operations, Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed- Company Secretary, Mr. Jayanta Kumar
Officials of ALL
Biswas-Chief Financial Officer
The Company signed an issue management agreement on 11 August, 2021
with Shahajalal Equity Management Limited for public issue of shares
through Initial Public Offering (IPO) under Book Building Method. In this
Purpose of Visit
respect, the management of ALL & SEML visited the plant as a part of due
diligence of Issue Manager on 02nd September, 2021 in order to get the
operational status of the Company before the public issue of shares.
Project Type Manufacturing & Marketing of medicines and Pharmaceuticals Product.
Project Location 253 Industrial Area Tongi, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Number of officers and workers present during the visit time was about 350
workers found working in the factory.

Company overview:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated on 25 July, 1970, as a private limited company with the vide
registration no C-3472 under the Companies Act, 1913. Subsequently, the company was registered as a Public
Limited Company with RJSC on 12 Mar, 2020. The actual Commercial Operation started on 02 january,
1998.The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for
suspension, ophthalmic and injectable and others product. Asiatic Laboratories Limited has modern machines
and technology that ensures quality products. The high standard moral ethics and manufacturing excellence
complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO 9001:2008 principle in practice, it gains name and fame among
the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total Quality Management (TQM) having state-of-the-art
technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving medicines of different therapeutic groups with a
wide range of dosage forms.


Asiatic, believe "Quality is everyone's responsibility" especially when the health is a prime concern having our
motto ' your health partner" in mind. Proper quality of goods is maintained throughout the production and
distribution process. Our main goal is to fill up the deficit of local demand and to export overseas in near future.

Factory Production:
During visit time, the production of the factory was running. The principal activities of the Company are
manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for suspension, ophthalmic and injectable and others

Description of property:
We have identified the properties of Asiatic Laboratories Limited are as follows:

(i) Land: We have found that 93.25 of land, located at 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
The said land surrounded by boundary wall.

ii) Building Details:

Total Building (Sqft)/Rft
Particulars Construction Materials
Total Area Land Usage
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room with filling
Raw materials Store 2,934
Other Civil Construction with wall 623
QC, QA, MB & training room 2,835
Internal Road and Other construction with wall 1,630
Store Room 4,000
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room
Raw materials Store 2,464
Solid Packing area RCC-Grade Beam, RCC- 1,375
PM store Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, 636
F.G Staging RCC- Slab with Beam, 280
IPQC RCC-Stair, RCC-Lintel, 110
Wrapacking Brick Wall, Plaster, Wall 110
VAT & Account unit Paint, Inside wall- Plastic 108
Batch printing Paint, Outside Wall- 148
Maintenance unit Weather Coat Thai 189
Retention Sample Room Aluminium & 5mm Glass 3,000
Production (Ophthalmic, Injection Ampoule, in the window, Industrial
Door, M.S Grill in 4,812
Dry syrup & Capsule)
Capsule shell store Window. 2,800
Packing Materials Store 6,509
Production unit (Injection) 3,300
Plastic Bottle store 4,577
PVC, PVDC, Alu Alu Foil Unit 2,000
Blister Foil Unit 1,500
Packing Materials Ophthalmic 8,000
Glass Bottle & PVC, PVDC 912
RM Store 4,700
Solid Dosage Unit-1 9,500
Solid Dosage Unit-2 9,500
Capsule shell store with filling RCC-Grade Beam, RCC- 2,800
Sticker label store with filling Floor Slab, RCC-Pillar, 3,000
Mfg. of injectable vial, Cold room, Packing Materials RCC- Slab with Beam, 4,066
Production (Injection Ampoule, Dry syrup & RCC-Stair, RCC-Lintel,
Capsule) (cephalosporin) Brick Wall, Plaster, Wall
Paint, Inside wall- Plastic 6,509
Packing Materials Store
Paint, Outside Wall-
Blister unit Weather Coat Thai 1,122
QC, QA, MB & training room Aluminum & 5mm Glass 4,290
Packing Materials in the window, Industrial 3000


Total Building (Sqft)/Rft
Particulars Construction Materials
Total Area Land Usage
Packing of tablet, capsule, Dry syrup Door, M.S Grill in 4066
Mfg. Capsule, Tablet, Dry Syrup Window. 4066
All change room, Toilet, Wash room & Corridor 4565
Packing store 1595
IPQC 1572
Dry syrup filling unit 1146
Blending unit 1574
Encapsulation 1082
Packing Materials Store 2500
Production area, office, All change room &
Wash room
Inflammable Liquid 229
Cephalosporin Unit 2500
Penicillin Unit 5500
Dormitory (Staff Quarter) 3 Storied & ETP Plant
on Ground Floor
Generator room 570 600
RCC-Grade Beam, RCC-Floor
Slab, RCC-Pillar, RCC- Slab
WTP Plant with Beam, RCC-Lintel, RCC
570 600
Wall, Plaster
RCC work & carpeting with
Internal Road and Other construction &
bitumen and standard brick 10,450 750
boundary Wall
works for boundary wall

iii) Inside the factory:

All civil construction of the factory has already been completed and the factory was in full operation during
our visit except Capital Work in Process for Plant & Machineries & Building construction. The total project
area is surrounded by brick wall. Sufficient land space available within the factory for loading unloading &
workers assemble.

iv) Plant & Machinery

Different types of Plant & macheneries from both local & imported origin are found during our visiting
time. A list bleow the physical found macheneries :

S. N. Name of Machinery Qyn

1 Manufacturing Vessel (Electric Heated) 3
2 Air borne particle Counter 8
3 Air Pressure Regulator 6
4 Air Sampler 8
5 Ampoule Filling & Sealing Machine 4
6 Ampoule Filling Vessel (Air Tight) 4
7 Ampoule Manufacturing Vessel (Electric Heated) 3
8 Ampoule washing Machine 4
9 Analytical balance 14
10 Anemometer 6
11 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 1
12 Auto Batch print & Labeling Machine 6
13 Auto Batch print & Sticker labeling machine 6
14 Autoclave (Double Door) 1
15 Autoclave (Horizontal Rectangular) High Pressure High Vacuum (Double Door) 2
16 Automatic capsule filling Machine 3
17 Automatic Capsule Loader/Inserter 5
18 Automatic four head aluminum vial cap sealing machine 2
19 Automatic high speed Vial washing machine 4
20 Automatic Injectable powder filling line 6
21 Automatic Liquid Filling & Sealing Machine 3
22 Automatic Polarimeter 5


S. N. Name of Machinery Qyn
23 Automatic wet glue vertical round bottle Labeling Machine 2
24 Cap sealing Machine 8
25 Capsule Hand filling Machine 8
26 Capsule Inspection & Polishing Machine 5
27 Class 100 Vertical Laminar Down Flow Clean Air Work Station 2
28 Cold room 1
29 Conductivity Meter 9
30 Conveyer Belt/Table 7
31 Dehumidifier 19
32 Die-Punch Cabinet 5
33 Digital Auto Clave-105L 4
34 Digital Colony Counter 4
35 Digital Friability Test apparatus (Model.1902) 13
36 Digital Incubator 14
37 Digital Microscope with Camera 11
38 Digital Ultrasonic Bath 5
39 Disintegration Test apparatus 6
40 Dispensing Booth 6
41 Dispensing Tools 5
42 Dissolution Test apparatus 4
43 Distilled Water Storage Tank 1
44 DM Plant 1
45 DM Water Storage Tank 2
46 Dosing Pump 3
47 Double Cone Blender- 60 kg 3
48 Double cone blender-120 kg 4
49 Double Side Rotary Tablet Compression Machine (27 Station) 3
50 Drops Filling Vessel (Air Tight) 7
51 Drum Mixer Machine 2
52 Dry Heat Sterilizer 5
53 DT Machine 4
54 Dust Collector 8
55 Electronic Balance 26
56 Emulsifier 1
57 Eye Drops Filling Machine 5
58 Film Coating Machine 3
59 Filtration Unit 4
60 Fluid Bed Dryer 4
61 Friability Tester 5
62 FTIR 2
63 Fully Automatic Over Printing Machine 4
64 Fully Automatic Single Head Eight Station Tube Filling, Crimping and Batch Printing Machine 2
65 Glass Apparatus 6
66 HDPE Bottle Capping Machine 3
67 Hoong-A Blister Machine 2
68 HPLC 2
69 Index type bottle washing Machine 1
70 Infra-red Spectrophotometer 3
71 Inline Homogenizer 5
72 Karl Fischer Tiltrotor 4
73 Laminar Air Flow 4
74 Leak Test Machine 8
75 Liquid Filling Machine (Semi Automatic) 2
76 Liquid filter press Machine 4
77 Manual Batch printing Machine 4
78 Manual Over Printing Machine 4
79 Manufacturing Vessel (Electric Heated) 2
80 Melting Point Apparatus 4


S. N. Name of Machinery Qyn
81 Melting Vessel 4
82 Membrane Filter Holder 5
83 Micropipette- 04 pcs (0.2-1000) 4
84 Moisture Analyzer 6
85 Muffle Furnaces 4
86 Multi Mill Machine 3
87 Multichannel Counter Peristaltic Pump (Dual Head) 3
88 Ointment Mfg. Vessel 4
89 Oven (00 –2000c) 6
90 Packing table with Conveyer Belt 4
91 PH Meter 10
92 Pressure Vessel 2
93 Rapid Mix Granulator 5
94 Rapid Pack Machine- 150 8
95 Refrigerator 15
96 Sampling Booth 13
97 Semi Auto powder filling machine 3
98 Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester 5
99 Semi-Automatic Capsule Loader/Inserter 4
100 Semi-Automatic Powder Filling Machine 2
101 Shifter (GMP Model) 4
102 Single Side Rotary Tablet Compression 3
103 Slow Motion Stirrer 4
104 Spectrophotometer (UV mini-1240) 4
105 Split A/C 49
106 SS Bucket 120
107 SS Packing Table 2
108 SS Tray for Dry heat sterilizer 5
109 SS Trolley 19
110 Stability Chamber 8
111 Sterile Drops Filling Vessel (Air Tight) 1
112 Sticker labeling machine 4
113 Sugar Coating Machine 4
114 Tablet Compression Machine 7
115 Tablet Density Tester 7
116 Tablet Hardness Tester 4
117 Tilting type filled bottle inspection Table 3
118 Transfer Pump 3
119 Tray Dryer (16 pcs tray) 6
120 Tube Filling & Sealing Machine 3
121 Turn Table (36” dia) 3
122 UPS 29
123 Vertical Form Fill Seal Machine (Wrapping Machine) 3
124 Vial Tray for Dry heat sterilizer 8
125 Video JetPrinting 5
126 Viscosity meter 4
127 Visual Inspection Kit 5
128 Vortex Mixture 2
129 Water Bath 3

Physical Existence of Plant & Machinery, Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures, Inventories and Manpower
During the course of visit following plant & machinery, equipment, furniture & fixtures were physically found:

Particulars of Plant & Machineries:

The factory of the Company is equipped with modern brand-new machinery imported from India and China
along with locally procured machinery to maintain Standard quality of products of the company. During our visit
we found that all machineries ware in the factory premises and were in good operational condition.


Working Environment:
During our visit to the plant, we found that all workers were engaged in their scheduled work. We communicated
some of the workers about the working environment of the factory. They expressed their satisfaction with the
entire environment of the factory. Again, we found that there are sufficient facilities of sanitation, open space,
corridor, and fire exit, Doctors Room, mini-Canteen, air ventilation system for the comfortable workplace for the

Other facilities:
During our visit, we found that in the side of the factory there is doctors’ room for emergency medical service,
fire extinguishers, water reserve tanks, Fire Alarm System, canteen for workers, and plantation’s for keeping the
factory as the green environment and the sufficient number of security guard.

Another land:
We also visited the other land of the Company situated at Kaliyakoir, Gazipur and Tejgoan C/A Dhaka area
where we found about 542 & 33 decimal of vacant land on the name of Asiatic Laboratories Limited respectively.

Other Offices:
During our visiting time we have found a building about 36,000 sqft 3 storid building used as central depot and
Dhaka depot. We also found 8,850 sqft Commercial Space used as Corporate office of Asitic Laboratories Limited
in 42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor) Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh. There
is a signboard also and there are no other offices in that floor.

Other Asset:
Other assets including Furniture and Fixture, Generator, Software, Electrical Installation, Vehicle, Fire
Equipment & Office Equipment are found in good condition.

The signboard of the company is well displayed at the registered office and factory premises and there is no other
office-factory within the said factory premises.

Comments: The factory is in production and running smoothly.

For the Issue Manager

Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Chief Executive Officer
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited

(xiv) If the issuer is entitled to any intellectual property right or intangible asset, full description of the property,
whether the same is legally held by the issuer and whether all formalities in this regard have been complied
The Company has no intellectual property right or intangible asset except a computer software for Marketing
carrying value as on 30 June 2021 is Tk. 2,791,667/-

(xv) Full description of other properties of the issuer:

The description of other properties of the company has been described in the following summary:
Written Down Value
Particulars (Freehold Property)
as at 30 June, 2021
Land & land Development 1,323,020,473
Building & Other Construction 964,175,464
Plant & Machinery 768,444,770
Furniture and Fixture 29,553,013
Generator 16,782,255
Electrical Installation 9,912,697
Vehicle 61,459,717
Fire Equipment 8,982,756
Office Equipment 20,941,235
Written Down Value
Particulars (Right of Use)
as at 30 June 2021
Plant & Machinery 45,811,042
Dinajpur Depot 365,962
Bogra Depot 645,815
Faridpur Depot 891,598
Sylhet Depot 936,177
Chottagram Depot 159,745
Kishorgonj Depot 78,479
Mymensingh Depot 131,882
Feni Depot 109,430
Khustia Depot 1,334,236
Rajshahi Depot 1,237,812
Cumilla Depot 524,725
Khulna Depot 277,162
Dhaka Depot 780,148
Balance as at June 30, 2021 53,284,211

(F) Plan of Operation and discussion of Financial Condition

(i) If the issuer has not started its commercial operation, the company’s plan of operations for the period which
would be required to start commercial operation which shall, among others, include: -
a) Projected financial statements up to the year of commercial operation;
b) The rational behind the projection;
c) Any expected significant changes in the issuer’s policy or business strategies;
d) Detail plan of capital investment with break-up;
e) Summary of the feasibility report, etc.
This section is not applicable as the Company is already in operation.

(ii) If the issuer had been in operation, the issuer’s revenue and results of operations, financial position and changes
in financial position and cash flows for the last five years or from commercial operation, which is shorter, shall
be furnished in tabular form which shall, among others, include the following information:

Revenue and Results from the Operation:

Amount in Taka
Particulars 30-06-2019
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (827,875,171) (756,232,201) (795,687,148) (734,936,470) (690,653,630)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Less: Operating Expenses (189,298,791) (172,977,971) (198,024,659) (182,762,557) (168,280,923)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 397,154,703 404,454,213 363,531,771 337,973,822
Add: Other Income 290,564 173,488 229,606 226,542 214,847
Less: Financial Expenses (37,618,189) (45,384,732) (58,245,464) (51,695,353) (49,650,130)
Less: Interest on Lease
(6,705,386) (6,349,012) (5,691,202) (5,222,995) (2,302,764)
Profit before Income
371,476,092 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Less: Income Tax
(50,951,659) (103,142,854) (96,757,979) (84,760,413) (80,077,649)
Current Tax (66,510,810) (55,026,108) (51,530,769) (39,441,519) (46,519,269)
Deferred Tax 15,559,151 (48,116,746) (45,227,210) (45,318,894) (33,558,380)
Net Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Add: Other
Comprehensive 1,858,123,003 - - - -
Income/ (Loss)
Total Comprehensive
2,178,647,436 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Earnings Per Share 3.65 2.76 2.78 2.53 2.35
Statement of Financial Position:
Amount in Taka
Particulars 30-06-2019
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 3,025,152,902 2,908,816,823 2,741,449,533 2,385,427,743
Property, Plant and
5,130,483,554 2,925,361,889 2,809,901,021 2,526,802,187 2,266,485,685
Right of use of Assets 53,284,211 59,999,586 53,541,027 57,882,192 29,260,274
Intangible Assets 2,791,667 3,291,667 - - -
Capital Work in progress 46,566,099 36,499,760 45,374,775 156,765,154 89,681,784
Current Assets 630,644,132 582,834,818 500,344,867 478,289,488 450,247,789
Inventories 319,939,446 287,357,299 241,550,001 231,979,179 230,543,236
Trade and other Receivables 192,202,530 176,294,732 154,668,324 149,275,519 132,937,394
Advances, Deposits and
109,517,662 107,916,091 95,342,332 89,487,353 79,424,659
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8,984,494 11,266,696 8,784,210 7,547,437 7,342,500
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Shareholders’ Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders’ Equity 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 1,748,049,810 1,504,060,637 1,281,981,086
Share Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 - - - -
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 641,434,565 1,365,812,841 1,426,063,269 1,258,326,624
Share Money Deposit - - 804,102,900 804,102,900 750,401,900
Long Term Loan (Non-
225,888,802 265,677,137 228,389,965 323,751,671 274,827,293
Current Portion)
Lease Liability (Non-
32,620,870 25,180,562 30,859,856 40,975,789 21,183,415
Current Portion)
Deferred Tax Liability* 401,041,397 350,576,866 302,460,120 257,232,910 211,914,016
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 172,404,536 295,299,039 289,615,115 295,367,823
Short Term Loan 9,427,614 9,736,763 73,245,462 82,436,374 114,487,508
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 13,613,074 19,199,498 18,495,460 17,751,578
Liabilities for Income Tax 71,706,758 55,638,495 51,473,959 39,655,471 46,519,269
Long Term Loan (Current
83,145,017 50,851,372 108,346,091 107,704,838 81,294,625
Lease Liability (Current
16,715,222 22,499,742 12,389,342 10,968,690 5,044,712
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 - - - -
Trade and other Payables 15,205,172 20,065,090 30,644,687 30,354,282 30,270,131
Total Shareholders’ Equity
5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,533
and Liabilities
Net Asset Value (NAV) per
share with Revaluation
Net Asset Value (NAV) per
35.48 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
share without Revaluation

Statement of Changes in Equity:

Amounts in Taka
Particulars 30-06-2019
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Share Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Share Premium - - - - -
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 - - - -
Retained Earnings 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
Total 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 1,748,049,810 1,504,060,637 1,281,981,086


a) Internal and external sources of cash:
Particulars 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Internal sources of cash:
Share Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Share Premium - - - - -
Share Money Deposit - - 804,102,900 804,102,900 750,401,900
Retained Earnings 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 - - - -
Sub-Total 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 2,552,152,710 2,308,163,537 2,032,382,986
External sources of cash:
Long-term loan receipt 350,307,826 35,000,000
Short term loan receipt 8,200,000 7,200,000 6,500,000
Sub-Total - - 8,200,000 357,507,826 41,500,000
Grand Total 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 2,560,352,710 2,665,671,363 2,073,882,986

b) Any material commitments for Capital Expenditure and expected sources of funds for such expenditure;
The Company has not entered into any material commitments for capital expenditure. However, The Company
has a plan to enter the required material commitment for capital expenditure to use of net IPO proceeds as
mentioned in ‘Use of Proceeds’ under section xxii of this red-herring prospectus.

c) Causes for any material changes from period to period in revenues, cost of goods sold, other operating
expenses and net income:
Particulars 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Revenues 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Changes in revenues (%) 9.42% -5.14% 9.13% 7.05% 5.98%
Cost of goods sold (COGS) (827,875,171) (756,232,201) (795,687,148) (734,936,470) (690,653,630)
Changes in COGS (%) 9.47% -4.96% 8.27% 6.41% 3.96%
Gross profit (GP) 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Changes in Gross Profit (%) 9.34% -5.37% 10.28% 7.91% 8.86%
Operating expenses (189,298,791) (172,977,971) (198,024,659) (182,762,557) (168,280,923)
Changes in Operating
9.44% -12.65% 8.35% 8.61% 3.44%
expenses (%)
Financial expenses (44,323,575) (51,733,744) (63,936,666) (56,918,348) (51,952,894)
Changes in Financial
-14.32% -19.09% 12.33% 9.56% -13.31%
expenses (%)
Net profit after tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Changes in Net Profit after
32.20% -0.63% 9.87% 7.72% 18.19%
tax (%)

Causes for changes in the year-to-year changes in revenue (%)

Revenue has been changed over the period due to changes in business volume as well as change of financial Year
in several times.

Causes for changes from year to year of COGS

COGS changes over the period due to changes of raw material & wages.

Causes for changes from year to year of other Operating Expenses

Operating expenses changes due to changes in selling expense.

Causes for changes from year to year of Net Income

Net profit after tax changes due to changes in revenue and operating expenses (selling expense) reduce, raw
material price changes and financial expenses and tax expenses changes.

d) Any seasonal aspects of the issuer’s business:

There is no significant seasonal aspect on the Company’s business.


e) Any known trends, events or uncertainties that may have a material effect on the issuer’s future business;
There are no known trends, events or uncertainties that may affect on the future business of the Company except
1. Technological changes
2. Changes in government policy
3. Political unrest
4. Natural calamities

f) Any assets of the company used to pay off any liabilities:

None of the operating assets of the company has been used to pay off any liabilities of the company.

g) Any loan is taken from or given to any related party or connected person of the issuer with details of the same:
The company did not take any loan from or given to any related party or connected person of the issuer.

h) Any future contractual liabilities the issuer may enter into within next one year, and the impact, if any, on the
financial fundamentals of the issuer:
The Company has no plan to enter into any future contractual liability within the next one year except normal
course of business and in relation to the use of proceeds.

i) The estimated amount, where applicable, of future capital expenditure:

The Company does not have any plan for capital expenditure in near future other than disclosed in section xxii
under the head of ‘Use of Proceeds’ and the normal course of business.

j) Any VAT, income tax, customs duty or other tax liability which is yet to be paid, including any contingent
liabilities stating why the same was not paid prior to the issuance of the prospectus. Updated income tax status
for the last 5 years or from commercial operation, which is shorter;


VAT registration no for is (BIN:000002283-0102). The company has no current VAT liability as on 30 June 2021,
which is shown in the audited financial statement.

There is no such liability outstanding for the company as of 30 June, 2021.


There is no other Tax liability as on June 30, 2021.

The company is a regular taxpayer. The TIN Number of the company is 843665586961/Taxes Circles-161
(company), Taxes Zone 08, Dhaka Bangladesh. Following are the details of income tax related information of the

Year-wise income tax status of the company is provided below:

Accounting Year End as On Assessment Year STATUS
30 June, 2021 2021-2022
30 June, 2020 2020-2021
30 June, 2019 2019-2020 Return Submitted and Assessment is in under process
30 June, 2018 2018-2019
30 June, 2017 2017-2018


k) Any financial commitment, including lease commitment, the company had entered into during the past five years or from commercial operation, which is shorter,
giving details as to how the liquidation was or is to be affected;
Sl Name of Type of Sanction Expiry Installment
Purpose of Loan 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
No. Institution Loan Date Date Size
Bank Asia Term 5
1 Capital Machineries 10-03-15 94,111 - - 853,905 1,798,105 2,636,093
Limited Loan Years
Adjustment of Loan,
Working Capital To
Civil Construction,
One Bank Term Machinery 3
2 28-09-17, 5,727,675 269,993,642 250,852,455 264,323,718 323,483,030 231,509,796
Limited Loan Procurement & Setup, Years
Installation and
Product & Fire System
To purchase 13-12-
Finance Term 5
3 Raw/Packing 1515-06- 1,701,358 5,972,450 9,679,368 16,235,731 35,409,378 55,058,646
Company Loan Years
Materials 16
To Civil Construction,
Fareast Machinery
Finance & Term Procurement & Setup, 5
4 1614-03- 2,423,180 33,067,727 55,996,686 55,322,702 70,765,996 66,917,383
Investment Loan Installation Years
Limited and Product & Fire
System Development.
Raw material, small
One Bank Time
5 machineries and spare 24-07-17 - - 9,427,614 9,736,763 73,245,462 82,436,374 114,487,508
Limited Loan
Finance Lease 25-10-16 5
6 Capital Machineries 1,387,267 41,492,535 36,691,725 43,249,198 51,944,479 26,228,127
Company Finance 30-11-17 Years


l) Details of all personnel related schemes for which the company has to make provision for in future years:
The Company considers its human resources as the most valuable assets of the Company and has been continuing
to train, equip and groom its employees for building a strong foundation. To enhance and advance the professional
ability and knowledge of the employees, regular training programs are conducted. The company provides various
benefit packages to its employees in addition to a monthly benefit of salary, wages and allowances. There are
several benefits for the employee of Asiatic Laboratories Limited like;
• Two Festival Bonus
• Sick Leave & Casual Leave
• Workers Profit Participation Fund
• Yearly Increment / Promotion
• Emergency Medical Service & immediate hospital facility Contract for the Employees, etc.
m) Breakdown of all expenses related to the public issue;
Estimated IPO Expenses are as under. However, final IPO Expense will be determined after the determination of
Cut-Off price through bidding process and will be adjusted accordingly with the IPO proceeds.
Amount in
Sl. No Particulars Nature of Expenditure
Tk. (approx.)
Issue Management Fees 15,500,000
Manager to the Issue Fee 1% on the public offer amount (Maximum 2%) 10,000,000
1 VAT against Issue
@ 15% on Issue Management Fees 1,500,000
Management Fees
Listing Related Expenses 500,000
Application Fee for Stock
Tk. 50,000 for each exchange 100,000
0.25% on Tk. 10 crore of paid-up capital and 0.15% on
Listing Fee for Stock
the rest amount of paid-up capital; minimum Tk. 50,000 [*]
2 Exchanges (DSE & CSE) and Maximum Tk. 10 million for each exchange
@ 0.05% on Tk. 100 Crore of paid-up capital and 0.02%
Annual Fee for DSE &
on the rest amount of paid-up capital; minimum Tk. [*]
CSE 50,000 and Maximum Tk. 6 lacs for each exchange
Electronic Bidding Fee Fixed 400,000
BSEC Fees 3,850,000
Application Fee Fixed 50,000
BSEC Consent Fee Fee @ 0.40% on the public offering amount 3,800,000
IPO Commission 1,883,906
Underwriting Commission Commission @ 0.50% on underwritten amount 1,433,906
Auditors' Certification
4 At Actual 250,000
Credit Rating Fee At Actual 200,000
CDBL Fees and Expenses 882,772
Security Deposit At Actual 500,000
Documentation Fee At Actual 2,500
Annual Fee At Actual 100,000
Connection Fee At Actual 6,000
@0.015% of issue size+0.015% of Pre- IPO paid up
IPO Fees 274,272
Printing and Post IPO Expenses 8,333,322
Register to the issue Fee At Actual 1,000,000
Publication of Prospectus Estimated (to be paid at actual) 750,000
Notice in 4 daily newspapers Estimated (to be paid at actual) 800,000
Notice for Prospectus,
Estimated (to be paid at actual) 600,000
6 Lottery, Refund etc.
Data Processing and
Estimated (to be paid at actual) 4,983,322
Share Software Charge
Courier Expenses
Estimated (to be paid at actual) 200,000
Stationeries and others
Total 26,950,000


n) If the issuer has revalued any of its assets, the name, qualification and experiences of the valuer and the reason
for the revaluation, showing the value of the assets prior to the revaluation separately for each asset revalued
in a manner which shall facilitate comparison between the historical value and the amount after revaluation
and giving a summary of the valuation report along with basis of pricing and certificates required under the
revaluation guideline of the Commission:
Particulars Revaluation
Name of the Valuer Shafiq Basak & Co.,
Qualification of Valuer Chartered Accountants
Shatabdi Centre (4th & 6th Floor), 292, Inner Circular Road,
Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Address of the Valuer Cell: +880-01730-080666
Cut-off Date of Revaluation 31 January 2021
The basis of value is market value, location, Commercial Importance,
Basis of valuation
Demand of the Assets, Size of the Land.
Value of Fixed Assets before
Value of Fixed Assets after
Revaluation Surplus 1,929,285,128
Value of Current Assets
before-after revaluation (same)
Value of Liabilities before-After
To arrive at fair value of Asiatic Laboratories Limited, so as to
Reason for revaluation incorporate such fair value in its financial statements for the year
ended 30th June, 2020
Nature of Revalued Assets Land & Land Development and Plant & Machineries.
Methods Used Current Cost Accounting (CCA)
Summit Alliance Port Limited, PEB Steel Limited, Chittagong port
Experience and Notable Valuation Authority, Arbee textile Mills Limited, Desh Garments Limited,
work was done by the valuer Hotel Sea Place Limited, United Chemicals & pharmaceuticals
Limited, Marine Sea Food Limited.
Summary of revaluation report made at cut -off date as on 30th June, 2020
A brief table is given below to show the result of the valuation report as per IVS & BSEC Guideline as on 30th June,
Amount In Taka
Historical Cost Written down Fair value as
Category of Assets as on Value as on 30 on 31 January
30 June 2020 June 2020 2021
Land and Land Development 1,269,603,743 1,269,603,743 3,085,600,000 1,815,996,257
Building and other Construction 999,191,213 865,213,763 934,214,588 69,000,825
Plant and Machinery 906,088,353 683,144,961 727,433,008 44,288,046
Furniture and Fixture 47,970,794 30,938,745 30,938,745 -
Generator 25,522,100 18,646,951 18,646,951 -
Vehicle 125,056,009 68,288,575 68,288,575
Electrical Installation 25,027,690 10,018,003 10,018,003 -
Fire Equipment 10,110,543 7,092,216 7,092,216 -
Office Equipment 64,122,465 21,940,383 21,940,383 -
Software 3,500,000 3,291,667 3,291,667 -
Total 3,476,192,910 2,978,179,007 4,907,464,136 1,929,285,128


Auditor Certificate Regarding Valuation
Asiatic Laboratories Limited

We have examined the relevant documents and reviewed the valuation Report dated 30 June 2020 of the Independent
Valuer SHAFIQ BASAK & CO, Chartered Accountants, Dhaka, Bangladesh in respect of revaluation of assets of the
company as at 30 June, 2017 under Estimated Net Realizable Value method (the market approach).We opine that, the
valuation Report has been prepared by the valuer in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission (BSEC)
Guideline dated 18.08.2013 and other applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines.

Summary of Revaluation Surplus of Property, Plant & Equipment’s: Amount In Taka

Historical Cost Written down Fair value as
Category of Assets as on Value as on 30 on 31 January
30 June 2020 June 2020 2021
Land and Land Development 1,269,603,743 1,269,603,743 3,085,600,000 1,815,996,257
Building and other Construction 999,191,213 865,213,763 934,214,588 69,000,825
Plant and Machinery 906,088,353 683,144,961 727,433,008 44,288,046
Furniture and Fixture 47,970,794 30,938,745 30,938,745 -
Generator 25,522,100 18,646,951 18,646,951 -
Vehicle 125,056,009 68,288,575 68,288,575
Electrical Installation 25,027,690 10,018,003 10,018,003 -
Fire Equipment 10,110,543 7,092,216 7,092,216 -
Office Equipment 64,122,465 21,940,383 21,940,383 -
Software 3,500,000 3,291,667 3,291,667 -
Total 3,476,192,910 2,978,179,007 4,907,464,136 1,929,285,128
Date: 22 February, 2021 Sd/-
Place: Dhaka Shafiq Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
o) Where the issuer is a holding-subsidiary company, full disclosure about the transactions, including its nature
and amount, between the issuer and its subsidiary-holding company, including transactions which had taken
place within the last five years of the issuance of the prospectus or since the date of incorporation of the issuer,
whichever is later, clearly indicating whether the issuer is a debtor or a creditor;
The Company has no subsidiary. Related party transaction has taken place are given last five years based on
Audited Financial Statements below:
Opening Addition Adjustment Closing
Types of Nature of
30 June 2021 Balance on during the during the Balance as on
Relationship Transactions 30.06.2021
01.07.2020 period period
Tahmina Remuneration - - - -
Begum Board Meeting Fee - 40,000 40,000 -
Managing Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Monir Ahmed
Director Board Meeting Fee - 40,000 40,000 -
Remuneration - - - -
Salina Ahmed Director
Board Meeting Fee 30,000 30,000 -
Remuneration - - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director
Board Meeting Fee - 30,000 30,000 -
Maksud Remuneration - - - -
Ahmed Board Meeting Fee - 30,000 30,000 -
Shafiqul Kabir Independent Remuneration - - - -
Khan Director Board Meeting Fee - 5,000 5,000 -
Md. Ashraf Independent Remuneration - - - -
Ali Miah Director Board Meeting Fee - 5,000 5,000 -
Office Dhaka 840,000 840,000
Monir Ahmed rent Gazipur 792,000 792,000
(Depot) Tangail 684,000 684,000
Total 250,000 5,496,000 5,496,000 250,000


Opening Addition Adjustment Closing
Types of Nature of
30 June 2020 Balance on during the during the Balance as on
Relationship Transactions 30.06.2020
01.07.2019 period period
Tahmina Remuneration - - - -
Begum Board Meeting Fee - 35,000 35,000 -
Monir Managing Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Ahmed Director Board Meeting Fee - 35,000 35,000 -
Salina Remuneration - - - -
Ahmed Board Meeting Fee - 10,000 10,000 -
Remuneration - - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director
Board Meeting Fee - 10,000 10,000 -
Maksud Remuneration - - - -
Ahmed Board Meeting Fee - 10,000 10,000 --
Office Dhaka 70,000 840,000 770,000 70,000
Monir Managing
rent Gazipur 66,000 792,000 726,000 66,000
Ahmed Director
(Depot) Tangail 57,000 684,000 627,000 57,000
Total 443,000 5,416,000 5,416,000 443,000

Opening Addition Adjustment Closing

Types of Nature of
30 June 2019 Balance on during the during the Balance as on
Relationship Transactions 30.06.2019
01.07.2018 period period
Tahmina Begum Chairman Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Monir Ahmed Office Dhaka 70,000 840,000 770,000 70,000
rent Gazipur 66,000 792,000 726,000 66,000
(Depot) Tangail 57,000 684,000 627,000 57,000
Total 443,000 5,320,000 5,320,000 443,000

Opening Addition Adjustment Closing

Types of Nature of
30 June 2018 Balance on during the during the Balance as on
Relationship Transactions 30.06.2018
01.07.2017 period period
Tahmina Begum Chairman Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Monir Ahmed Office Dhaka 70,000 840,000 770,000 70,000
rent Gazipur 66,000 792,000 726,000 66,000
(Depot) Tangail 57,000 684,000 627,000 57,000
Total 443,000 5,320,000 5,320,000 443,000

Opening Addition Adjustment Closing

Types of Nature of
30 June 2017 Balance on during the during the Balance as on
Relationship Transactions 30.06.2017
01.07.2016 period period
Tahmina Begum Chairman Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Board Meeting Fee - 2,000 2,000 -
Monir Ahmed Dhaka 70,000 840,000 770,000 70,000
Director Office rent
(Depot) Gazipur 66,000 792,000 726,000 66,000
Tangail 57,000 684,000 627,000 57,000
Total 443,000 5,320,000 5,320,000 443,000

p) Financial Information of Group Companies: the following information for the last three years based on the
audited financial statements, in respect of all the group companies of the issuer, wherever applicable, along
with significant notes of auditors:
The Company has no subsidiary nor it is operated under a holding company and it does not have any associated
q) Where the issuer is a banking company, insurance company, non-banking financial institution or any other
company which is regulated and licensed by another primary regulator, a declaration by the board of directors
shall be included in the prospectus stating that all requirements of the relevant laws and regulatory requirements
of its primary regulator have been adhered to by the issuer:
Not applicable for Asiatic Laboratories Limited.

r) A report from the auditors regarding any allotment of shares to any person for any consideration otherwise
than cash along with the relationship of that person with the issuer and rationale of issue price of the shares:

Certification regarding any allotment of shares to any person for any consideration otherwise than cash
along with relationship of that person with Asiatic Laboratories Limited

This is to clarify that, Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not allotted any Shares other than Cash except issuance
of Bonus Share as on 24 December 2020 for 6,500,000 No. of Shares @ Tk. 10 each to the existing Shareholders.
A table is given below regarding the allotment of shares to any person for any consideration otherwise than cash
along with the relationship of that person with the issuer and rationale of the issue price of the shares:

Relation with the

SL. No. Name of the Shareholders Issue price No. of Shares
1. Tahmina Begum Chairman 10/- 1,235,320
2. Monir Ahmed Managing Director 10/- 1,636,280
3. Salina Ahmed Director 10/- 399,510
4. Sadia Ahmed Director 10/- 399,510
5. Maksud Ahmed Director 10/- 399,520
6. Asiatic Alumunium Ltd Shareholder 10/- 592,060
7. Md. Nur Hossain Shareholder 10/- 79,900
8. Ahmed Tawfiqur Rahman Arnab Shareholder 10/- 7,990
9. Bengal Assets Holdings Limited Shareholder 10/- 199,760
10. Nurjahan Begum Shareholder 10/- 327,600
11. Shamim Ara Begum Shareholder 10/- 199,760
12. Matiur Rahman Shareholder 10/- 7,990
13. Howa Nur Begum Shareholder 10/- 7,990
14. Shammi Akther Shibly Shareholder 10/- 4,000
15. S M Khurshid-Ul Alam Shareholder 10/- 4,000
16. T.M Jobaer Shareholder 10/- 4,000
17. Heritage Capital Management Ltd. Shareholder 10/- 395,540
18. Monir Developers & Contraction Ltd. Shareholder 10/- 599,270
Total 6,500,000

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Dated: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

s) Any material information, which is likely to have an impact on the offering or change the terms and
conditions under which the offer has been made to the public:
There is no material information, which is likely to have an impact on the offering or change the terms and
conditions under which the offer has been made to the public.

t) Business strategies and future plans - projected financial statements shall be required only for companies
not started commercial operation yet and authenticated by Chairman, Two Directors, Managing Director,
CFO, and company secretary;
This part is not applicable for Asiatic Laboratories Limited.
u) Discussion on the results of operations shall inter-alia contain the following:
1. A summary of the past financial results after adjustments as given in the auditor’s report containing significant
items of income and expenditure;
There was no significant adjustment given in the auditors’ report during the last financial year. Summary of the
financial results and operations are presented below:


1. Statement of Financial Position:
Amount in Taka
Particulars 30-06-2019
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 3,025,152,902 2,908,816,823 2,741,449,533 2,385,427,743
Property, Plant and Equipment 5,130,483,554 2,925,361,889 2,809,901,021 2,526,802,187 2,266,485,685
Right of use of Assets 53,284,211 59,999,586 53,541,027 57,882,192 29,260,274
Intangible Assets 2,791,667 3,291,667 - - -
Capital Work in progress 46,566,099 36,499,760 45,374,775 156,765,154 89,681,784
Current Assets 630,644,132 582,834,818 500,344,867 478,289,488 450,247,789
Inventories 319,939,446 287,357,299 241,550,001 231,979,179 230,543,236
Trade and other Receivables 192,202,530 176,294,732 154,668,324 149,275,519 132,937,394
Advances, Deposits and
109,517,662 107,916,091 95,342,332 89,487,353 79,424,659
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8,984,494 11,266,696 8,784,210 7,547,437 7,342,500
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Shareholders’ Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders’ Equity 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 1,748,049,810 1,504,060,637 1,281,981,086
Share Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 - - - -
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 641,434,565 1,365,812,841 1,426,063,269 1,258,326,624
Share Money Deposit - - 804,102,900 804,102,900 750,401,900
Long Term Loan (Non-Current
225,888,802 265,677,137 228,389,965 323,751,671 274,827,293
Lease Liability (Non-Current
32,620,870 25,180,562 30,859,856 40,975,789 21,183,415
Deferred Tax Liability* 401,041,397 350,576,866 302,460,120 257,232,910 211,914,016
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 172,404,536 295,299,039 289,615,115 295,367,823
Short Term Loan 9,427,614 9,736,763 73,245,462 82,436,374 114,487,508
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 13,613,074 19,199,498 18,495,460 17,751,578
Liabilities for Income Tax 71,706,758 55,638,495 51,473,959 39,655,471 46,519,269
Long Term Loan (Current
83,145,017 50,851,372 108,346,091 107,704,838 81,294,625
Lease Liability (Current Portion) 16,715,222 22,499,742 12,389,342 10,968,690 5,044,712
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 - - - -
Trade and other Payables 15,205,172 20,065,090 30,644,687 30,354,282 30,270,131
Total Shareholders’ Equity
5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,533
and Liabilities
Net Asset Value (NAV) per
share with Revaluation
Net Asset Value (NAV) per
35.48 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
share without Revaluation

2. A summary of major items of income and expenditure:

Major items of income:
Particulars 30 June, 2021 30 June, 2020 30 June, 2019 30 June, 2018 30 Jun, 2017
Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Other Income 290,564 173,488 229,606 226,542 214,847
Major items of Expenditure:
Particulars 30 June, 2021 30 June, 2020 30 June, 2019 30 June, 2018 30 Jun, 2017
Operating expense 189,298,791 172,977,971 198,024,659 182,762,558 168,280,923
Financial expenses 37,618,189 45,384,732 58,245,464 51,695,353 49,650,130


3. The income and sales on account of major products or services;
The income and sales on account of major products are as follows:
Product Category 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Tablet 716,447,332 654,043,735 689,449,585 631,787,672 622,157,605
Capsule 507,187,365 470,179,745 495,632,352 454,180,280 424,289,036
Syrup 73,267,521 58,021,521 61,162,445 56,047,141 52,358,476
Injectable items 74,774,112 69,220,745 72,967,925 66,865,274 62,464,629
Cream & Ointment 35,486,110 29,055,644 30,628,536 28,066,927 26,219,741
Drops and Other items 44,094,430 45,843,486 48,325,167 44,283,505 41,369,048
Total Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Net Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
4. In case, other income constitutes more than 10% of the total income, the breakup of the same along with the
nature of the income, i.e., recurring or non-recurring:
Other income of the company is not more than 10% of the total income.
5. If a material, part of the income is dependent upon a single customer or a few major customers, the disclosure
of this fact along with relevant data. Similarly, if any foreign customer constitutes a significant portion of the
issuer’s business, the disclosure of the fact along with its impact on the business considering exchange rate
The Company’s income is not dependent upon a single customer, a few major customers, or any foreign customer.
6. In case the issuer has followed any unorthodox procedure for recording sales and revenues, its impact shall be
analyzed and disclosed:
The Company for recording its sales and revenue followed no unorthodox procedure.
v) Comparison of the recent financial year with the previous financial years of the major heads of the profit and loss
statement, including an analysis of reasons for the changes in significant items of income and expenditure, inter-
alia, containing the following:
Particulars 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Revenues 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Changes in revenues (%) 9.42% -5.14% 9.13% 7.05% 5.98%
Cost of goods sold (COGS) (827,875,171) (756,232,201) (795,687,148) (734,936,470) (690,653,630)
Changes in COGS (%) 9.47% -4.96% 8.27% 6.41% 3.96%
Gross profit (GP) 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Changes in Gross Profit (%) 9.34% -5.37% 10.28% 7.91% 8.86%
Operating expenses (189,298,791) (172,977,971) (198,024,659) (182,762,557) (168,280,923)
Changes in Operating
9.44% -12.65% 8.35% 8.61% 3.44%
expenses (%)
Financial expenses (44,323,575) (51,733,744) (63,936,666) (56,918,348) (51,952,894)
Changes in Financial
-14.32% -19.09% 12.33% 9.56% -13.31%
expenses (%)
Net profit after tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Changes in Net Profit after
32.20% -0.63% 9.87% 7.72% 18.19%
tax (%)

1. Unusual or infrequent events or transactions including unusual trends because of business activity, unusual items
of income, change of accounting policies and discretionary reduction of expenses etc.
There are no unusual or infrequent events or transactions including unusual trends because of business activity, unusual
items of income, change of accounting policies and discretionary reduction of expenses etc.

2. Significant economic changes that materially affect or are likely to affect income from continuing operations:
There are no significant economic changes that materially affected or are likely to affect income from continuing

3. Known trends or uncertainties that have had or are expected to have a material adverse impact on sales, revenue
or income from continuing operations;
Other than matters as described in the “Risk Factors” and “Plan of operation and discussion of Financial
Conditions” of this red-herring prospectus, there are no known trends or uncertainties that have had or are expected
to have a material adverse impact on revenues or income of the Company from continuing operations.


4. Future changes in the relationship between costs and revenues, in case of events such as a future increase in
labor or material costs or prices that will cause a material change are known;
We are aware of the fact that the future is always uncertain that affect business and plan as well. Therefore, in the
future cost of labor or materials price may be changed. However, revenue is always adjusted and follows the trend
in line with production cost. Hence, any change in cost will be reflected in the sales price. Moreover, we have a
strong influence over the market to set the trend as well.

5. The extent to which material increases in net sales or revenue are due to increased sales volume, the introduction
of new products or services or increased sales prices:
Any material increases in the sales volume, an increase in selling price as well and the introduction of new products
have a significant impact on the net sales and revenue of the Company. Last five years the company has introduced
some new products and increased its production capacity. The Management of the Company expects that there
would have a positive and significant impact on the revenue and sales volume with the introduction of new
machinery in its production process. It is also expected that due to increased competition in the market where the
company operates, the revenue of the Company may be affected adversely due to a decrease in selling price. If the
new machinery are added then the production capacity of the products will be almost double, then the revenue of
the Company will be increased to have regular growth.

6. The total turnover of each major industry segment in which the issuer operated:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited operates in the Pharmaceuticals sector and produces medicine.
Total Turnover of
Industry (BDT)
30.06.2020 28,819,393,472
30.06.2019 23,698,585,444
30.06.2018 21,491,755,967
30.06.2017 19,847,281,235
30.06.2016 19,226,378,965
*Data Source: Audited financial statements of the respective companies.

7. Status of any publicly announced new products or business segment:

There are no publicly announced new products or business segment of the Company.

8. The extent to which the business is seasonal:

The pharmaceutical sector of our country does not see any seasonal variance since the local demand remain same
throughout the year. Therefore, the company’s business will not be significantly affected.

w) Defaults or rescheduling of borrowings with financial institutions or banks, conversion of loans into equity
along with reasons thereof, lockout, strikes and reasons for the same etc.
The Company has neither rescheduled its borrowings with financial institutions or banks nor converted its loans
into equity. There has been no lockout, strikes etc.

x) Details regarding the changes in the activities of the issuer during the last five years which may have a material
effect on the profits or loss, including discontinuance of lines of business, loss of agencies or markets and
similar factors:
There were no changes in the activities of the Company during the last five years and had not any material effect
on the profits/loss, including discontinuance of lines of business, loss of agencies or markets and similar factors.

y) Injunction or restraining order, if any, with possible implications:

There was no injunction or restraining order imposed against the Company by any Court of law or by any
competent authority.

z) Technology, market, managerial competence and capacity built-up:

Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Industry is a sector of the most challenging developed and golden mining
technology. We have been using Modern Technology. We have modern machinery, which is used to produce
good quality products. Asiatic Labretories Limited has been using sophisticated machineries and modern
technology in order to produce high quality of medicine. Market has been growing up and the Company has
good opportunity to maximize market share.


Pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business with the aim to expand the export market. The Industry
exports active pharmaceutical ingredients and a wide range of pharmaceutical products, covering all major
therapeutic classes and dosage forms, to 79 countries. These products have been well accepted by medical
practitioners, chemists, patients and the regulatory bodies of all of their importing nations. This are market by
many companies under the different name, where the formulation of this product is almost same. Category of the
product prices are competitive; Bangladesh mainly concentrated this type of product about 80% drug because as
labor cost is one of the lowest in the world. In Bangladesh this sector is one of the most develop & importance
sectors which is contributing in our country economy.

Managerial competence
All the members of the management team of the company are highly qualified, trained & skilled professionals,
well experienced and extremely devoted. The existing management is competent enough to run the business
operation. The departmental Heads are professionally qualified in their respective fields. Successive strong
financial performance is the result of the unwavering commitment to the promoters, management efficiency,
employees’ sincerity, use of appropriate technology, among others.

Capacities build up
To keep space with the contemporary technology and customer demand the Company continuously investing and
deploying enough resources including human resources.

aa) Changes in accounting policies in the last three years:

The management of the Company has not changed any accounting policies in the last three years except
Implementation of IFRS 15 & 16 in Financial Year 2019 & 2020 respectively.

bb) Significant developments subsequent to the last financial year: A statement by the directors whether in their
opinion there have arisen any circumstances since the date of the last financial statements as disclosed in the
red-herring prospectus or prospectus or information memorandum and which materially and adversely affect
or is likely to affect the trading or profitability of the issuer, or the value of its assets, or its ability to pay its
liabilities within the next twelve months:

Declaration regarding significant developments subsequent to

the last financial year 2021

This is to certify that in our opinion there has not arisen any circumstances since the date of the last financial
statements (30 June, 2021) as disclosed in the Red-Herring Prospectus and which materially and adversely affect or
is likely to affect the trading or the profitability of the Asiatic Laboratories Limited, or the value of its assets, or its
ability to pay its liabilities within the next twelve months.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Director

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Director Director Independent Director

Independent Director

cc) If any quarter of the financial year of the issuer ends after the period ended in the audited financial statements
as disclosed in the prospectus or information memorandum, unaudited financial statements for each of the
said quarters duly authenticated by the CEO and CFO of the issuer;
We are disclosed Financial Statement for the year ended 30th June 2021 and there are no period ended after the
reporting period.

dd) Factors that may affect the results of operations.

There are no such factors known to the Issuer that may affect the results of operations except the following events:
1. Increased production cost
2. Increased competition
3. Political Unrest
4. Natural Disaster


(a) Overview of business and strategies:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated as a Public limited company Vide Registration No. C-3472 Dated:
25 July, 1970 with Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) in Bangladesh under the Companies Act,
1913 and started its commercial operation on 02 January 1998. Subsequently Converted to Public Limited
Company on 12 March 2020. Asiatic Laboratories Limited has engaged in manufacturing and marketing of
pharmaceuticals finished products in the categories of tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for suspension,
ophthalmic and injectable and others product. The principal activities of the Company are to manufacturing, selling
and distributing pharmaceutical products (Human Drugs) throughout Bangladesh. It has set up a modern
pharmaceutical plant that is equipped with advanced and modern machineries and technologies.
Business and Strategies:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has modern machines and technology that ensures quality products. The high standard
moral ethics and manufacturing excellence complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO 9001:2008 principle in
practice, it gains name and fame among the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total Quality Management
(TQM) having state-of-the-art technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving medicines of different
therapeutic groups with a wide range of dosage forms. In Asiatic, we believe "Quality is everyone's responsibility"
especially when the health is a prime concern having our motto ' your health partner" in mind. Proper quality of
goods is maintained throughout the production and distribution process. Our main goal is to fill up the deficit of
local demand and to export overseas in near future.
Our mission is to lead the way to a healthier nation. By carrying out this mission at every level of our organization,
we will be recognized by our employees, customers and other stakeholders as the best pharmaceutical company in

Our vision is to be a leader in pharmaceutical and health care industry both nationally and globally.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking
responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the
environment in all aspects of their operations. Believing in “your health partner” Asiatic always welcome to donate
free medical camps organized by doctors, scientific seminar for different disasters like food, fire, earthquake etc.
Asiatic operates corporate social responsibilities through financial, education, information and communication
technology, health and environment. Asiatic has been providing financial support to under privileged people to
upgrade the life style.

Strong values define our corporate culture and help us execute the strategy in line with us mission and vision. Our
values comprise of five petals:
Quality is our promise
Doing in difference
Professional working with cohesiveness
Maintaining work-life balance
Imitativeness is rewarded
(b) SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what the organization can and cannot do, of factors
both internal (the strengths and weaknesses) as well as external (the potential opportunities and threats).


S t r e n g t h s: W e a k n e s e s:
1. Technology: The Company has latest tools and 1. Low Financial Position: Company needs more
technologies to support production. finance to be competitive over its rivals.
2. Strong Management: The Company has good 2. Innovation: Innovative effectiveness is low due to the
management to run the company efficiently. lack of the sophisticated equipment, lack of the
3. Product line variety: The Company’s product line has capital, lack of the skilled work force, and the lack of
variety in form. the professionals in our country.
4. Skilled Workforce: The Company has skilled human
resources to manage and operate the business.

Opportunity Threat
1. Industry Performance: Pharmaceutical industry 1. Intense Competition: There is high rivalry among the
depends on organic chemical. Chemical industry is competitors to get the market share as maximum as
very competitive and fragmented. Therefore, supplier possible.
switching is easier. 2. Shortage of Power: lack of opportunity to supply
2. Reasonable Product Price: Consumers do not bother emergency power.
about the pricing, as the medicine is lifesaving product.
3. Cheap Labor: Labor wages is favorable comparing to
that of other countries.

(c) Analysis of the financial statements of last five years with reason(s) of fluctuating revenue or sales, other
income, total income, cost of material, finance cost, depreciation and amortization expense, other expense;
changes in inventories, net profit before & after tax, EPS etc.:

Particulars 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Revenues 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Changes in revenues (%) 9.42% -5.14% 9.13% 7.05% 5.98%
Cost of goods sold (COGS) (827,875,171) (756,232,201) (795,687,148) (734,936,470) (690,653,630)
Changes in COGS (%) 9.47% -4.96% 8.27% 6.41% 3.96%
Gross profit (GP) 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Changes in Gross Profit (%) 9.34% -5.37% 10.28% 7.91% 8.86%
Operating expenses (189,298,791) (172,977,971) (198,024,659) (182,762,557) (168,280,923)
Changes in Operating
9.44% -12.65% 8.35% 8.61% 3.44%
expenses (%)
Financial expenses (44,323,575) (51,733,744) (63,936,666) (56,918,348) (51,952,894)
Changes in Financial expenses
-14.32% -19.09% 12.33% 9.56% -13.31%
Net profit after tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Changes in Net Profit after
32.20% -0.63% 9.87% 7.72% 18.19%
tax (%)

Reasons for Fluctuation

The company installed modern machinery in the last five years in order to increase production capacity, As a
result, the company enjoyed a steady growth in the last five years. The Company’s sales revenue sustained over
the period and ensured a substantial increase in the years 2017 to 2021. One of the main reasons behind this was
the increasing demand for the company’s product as well as industry support. In addition to that, the capacity
utilization is also increased due to management efficiency.

Other Income:
Other income changes due to a change in interest, wastage sales & others.

Total Income
In fact, the combined effect of revenue and other income is reflected in the total income. Since revenue is increased,
total income is increased naturally.


Cost of Material
Asiatic Laboratories Limited’s cost of material is in line with revenue and capacity utilization.

Finance Cost and Bank charge

The company has taken short term and long-term loan from a bank for importing raw materials, procuring new
machinery as well as some working Capital maintenance. So the finance cost and bank charges have increased
and the trend is relevant to the production and also consistent with the revenue.

Depreciation and amortization expense

We think that, the increase of depreciation is relevant to the procurement and installation of machinery. No
significant changes have occurred.

Other expense
Over the year’s trend of other expenses are consistent.

Changes in Inventories
There has been an increase of installed capacity and sales volume over the years. The demand for our products is
also increasing. So, we have to maintain a sufficient amount of inventory in order to meet the sales order. This
inventory has been increasing year to year especially from 2017 to 2021.

Net Profit before/ After Tax

The Company efficiently managed its administrative expenses. As a result, the growth of net profit before and after
tax is consistent with the growth of the revenue. No unusual changes have occurred during the last five years on
the above matters.

Earnings per Share are properly calculated using a weighted average number of ordinary shares for each year.

(d) Known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that are likely to have an effect on the
company’s business:
There are no known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that are likely to have an effect on
the Company’s business except the following:
➢ Technological change.
➢ Increased competition.
➢ Govt. policy changes towards the industry.
➢ Political unrest.
➢ Natural disaster.

(e) Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity:

There is no Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity.

(f) Off-balance sheet arrangements those have or likely to have a current or future effect on financial condition:
There are no off-balance sheet arrangements those have or likely to have a current or future effect on the financial
condition of the audited financial statements for the year ended 30th June, 2021.


(a) Name, Father’s name, age, residential address, educational qualification, experience and position of each of
the directors of the company and any person nominated or represented to be a director, showing the period for
which, the nomination has been made and the name of the organization which has nominated him:
Name of the
Name of Age Residential Educational Experi
Father’s name Position Institutions and
Directors address Qualification ence
Nominated Director
Asiatic Aluminum
Ltd- Managing
Tahmina Late Toffazol
54 B. A 17 Chairman &
Begum Hossain 42-43, Monir Developers &
Siddeshwari Construction Limited-
Circular Managing Director
Asiatic Aluminum
Ltd- Chairman
Late Alhaj Apartment,
Monir Bachelor of Managing &
Hanif Uddin 56 Flat No. 35
Ahmed Arts Director Monir Developers
Ahmed 12F,
& Construction
, Ramna,
Salina Monir
36 Dhaka- MBA 13 Director -
Ahmed Ahmed
Sadia Monir
32 M.SC 09 Director -
Ahmed Ahmed
Maksud Monir Mechanical
28 02 Director -
Ahmed Ahmed Engineering
Tower, Suite LL.M
# 11-B (11th (University of
Fasiuddin Floor), Dhaka) LL.B Independent
Kabir 53 28 Director
Khan 167/1, DIT Hons
Ext. Road, (University of
Motijheel, London)
704/1 Baro
Md. Ashraf Late Abdus Moghbazar, Independent
63 (University of 35 -
Ali Miah Salam Miah Ramna, Director

(b) The date on which he first became a director and the date on which his current term of office shall expire:
Date of becoming Director Date of expiration
Name of Directors Position
for the First Time of current term
Tahmina Begum Chairman 2022
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 2022
Salina Ahmed Director 16-02-2020 2023
Sadia Ahmed Director 16-02-2020 2023
Maksud Ahmed Director 16-02-2020 2023
Shafiqul Kabir Khan 10.03.2021 2023
Independent Director
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah 10.03.2021 2023

(c) If any director has any type of interest in other businesses, names and types of business of such organizations.
If any director is also a director of another company or owner or partner of any other concern, the names of
such organizations;


Name Designation in ALL Position
Ownership in other Company
Monir Developers & Construction Managing
Tahmina Begum Chairman
Limited and Asiatic Aluminum Limited Director
Monir Developers & Construction
Monir Ahmed Managing Director Chairman
Limited and Asiatic Aluminum Limited
Salina Ahmed Director - -
Sadia Ahmed Director - -
Maksud Ahmed Director - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan - -
Independent Director
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah - -
(d) Statement of if any of the directors of the issuer are associated with the securities market in any manner. If
any director of the Issuer company is also a director of any issuer of other listed securities during last three
years, then dividend payment history and market performance of that issuer:
The directors of the Asiatic Laboratories Limited are not associated with the securities market in any manner.
(e) Any family relationship (father, mother, spouse, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse’s father, spouse’s
mother, spouse’s brother, spouse’s sister) among the directors and top five officers:
Family relationship among Directors and top five officers
Name Designation Relationship
Tahmina Begum Chairman Wife of Monir Ahmed
Monir Ahmed Managing Director Husband of Tahmina Begum
Salina Ahmed Director Elder Daughter of Monir Ahmed & Tahmina Begum
Sadia Ahmed Director Younger Daughter of Monir Ahmed & Tahmina Begum
Maksud Ahmed Director Son of Monir Ahmed & Tahmina Begum
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director
No Relationship
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director
(f) A very brief description of other businesses of the directors;
Directorship/ Ownership with other
Name Nature of Business
companies And Position
Monir Developers & Managing Construction Company
Tahmina Begum
Construction Limited Director
Monir Ahmed Asiatic Aluminum Limited Chairman Manufacturing of aluminum alu foil
Salina Ahmed - -
Sadia Ahmed - -
Maksud Ahmed - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan - -
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah - -
(g) Short Bio-Data of Each Director;
Tahmina Begum, Chairman
Mrs. Tahmina Begum” is one of the most successful women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh over the years. A
distinguished and self-committed business lady, Mrs. Tahmina has been involved with the Asiatic since its
inception. Her hidden entrepreneurial potentials have gradually changed herself with the growing sensitivity to
the role and economic status in the business society. Her skill, knowledge and adaptability in pharmaceutical areas
are the main reasons of success in Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. She is also an active member of Lion’s Club
Bangladesh and she is a devoted social worker for the poor to help them out from poverty & illiteracy. She is also
actively involved in the operations of Monir Development and Construction Ltd.
Monir Ahmed, Managing Director
“Mr. Monir Ahmed” is the Managing Director of Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. starting from early 80’s with a vision
of being a leader in pharmaceutical and health care industry. Mr. Monir is now one of leading Pharma
Entrepreneurs in the country. Starting business career as Executive Director in early 80’s with Desh
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. he stepped towards success with pharmaceuticals and trading business and by 1990, his hard
work, commitment and pursuit of excellence had enabled him to be the founder and owner of Asiatic Laboratories
Ltd. As astute & highly visionary entrepreneur, Mr. Monir’s domestic and foreign interests cut across diverse
activities in pharmaceuticals. In recognition of his many contributions to the pharma sectors, he has been the
president of Bangladesh Chemist & Druggist Somitee, Tangail, Member of Oushad Shilpa Shamitee
(Pharmaceuticals Industry Owners Association).
Besides his pharma business acumen, he is very much active member of Dhaka Club, All Community Club,
Tangail Club and Rifel Club. He has never restricted his vision to pharma industry; rather he shaped his diversified
thinking in other technologies as well. He has spread his wings to another industry named Asiatic Aluminium Ltd.
which is totally a Korean technology for Pharmaceutical aluminium foil. He is also the owner of Monir
Development and construction Ltd.

Salina Ahmed, Director

Mrs. Salina Ahmed is a business graduate and completed her MBA from University of Asia Pacific and inducted
her journey as a part of Asiatic Laboratories from 2008. She is now working as Head of HR of not only in Asiatic
Laboratories Ltd but also in the sister concerns of Asiatic. She is well experienced to manage personnel and to
ensure HR program and initiatives in effective and efficient way to aligned with overall business objective. She is
overseeing overall HR system, handling employee relations, ensuring compliance and regulations, managing
budgets, assessing stuffs needs, hiring employee, designing training program and developing compensation plans.
With her extensive knowledge and skill in different fields, she has developed a culture that enables employees to
perform in accordance with company’s objective. Besides Asiatic Laboratories, she also runs her own business in
Canada. She is also well known for her munificent social works for urban and deprived people of the country.

Sadia Ahmed, Director

An energetic and young busines leader, Ms Sadia Ahmed is instated in this organization from 2011. Ms Sadia is
Pharmacy graduate and holds a MS in Biotechnology. Before commencing her operational activities here, she
worked on Cholera Vaccine in icddr,b for 2 years. She has acquired her professional and technical skill through
multi-level training and working in different departments of the organization. She is now responsible for strategic
planning, business development and operations. She is now looking after company’s overall activities in terms of
sales and marketing, new product launching, monitoring production, development of company’s various policy
and projects and international business. Her enormous effort has given outstanding shape through unique business
concept and visionary leadership skill. Since her joining, she is forging on developing professional and corporate
culture in every layer of compact structure, giving it a modern zest and international flavor. She is also a social
worker and also involved in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and activities of the company.

Maksud Ahmed, Director

An energetic and young entrepreneur, Mr. Maksud Ahmed, has joined Asiatic in 2019 after completing his
graduation on Mechanical Engineering from USA. He has involved himself in various operations of the company
substantially covering accounts and finance and marketing. He is currently serving as the Executive Director of
company. He is very quick learner and serving all his responsibilities with high level of efficiencies. He works with
the Executive Board and Senior Leadership Team to determine values, vision, culture and mission, and planning
for short and long-term strategy. He has created a professional environment to promote great performance and
positive self-esteem to ensure all company’s leadership and workforce work collaboratively for a common
company objective. Besides Asiatic Laboratories, he is actively involved in other concerns like Monir
Development and Construction Ltd. and Asiatic Aluminium Ltd. He has developed Asiatic Aluminium from
scratches using a complete Korean Technology. He is very enthusiastic about agricultural activities and he started
Asiatic Agro as a hobby to stay in touch with nature but now it’s showing its huge business potential.

Shafiqul Kabir Khan, Independent Director

Shafiqul Kabir Khan was born in 31 December 1967 in respected Muslim family.He complete post graduation in
LL.Mfrom Dhaka University & LL.B(Hons) from University of London. He has a long experience in Bangladesh
Bar Council as an Advocate on 15.09.1992. Obtained permission to practice in the High Court Division of the
Supreme Court court of Bangladesh on 22.01.1994.Became a member of the Supreme court Bar Association in
1994. However,due to my absence from bangladesh for study purpose,I had to obtaine the membership afresh in
2005. He is also involved with many cultural and social organizations.

Md. Ashraf Ali Miah, Independent Director

Md. Ashraf Ali Miah was born in 31 January 1965 in respected Muslim family.He complete post graduation in
M.S.S(Pol.Sci.) & LL.Bfrom Dhaka University. He has a long experience in High Court Division of Bangladesh
Supreme Court& Judge Court as a lawyer conecentrating Civil,Criminal,Company,Artha Rin & as well as writ
mastters. He is also involved with many cultural and social organizations & he was a Freedom Fighter.

(h) Loan status of the issuer, its directors and shareholders who hold 10% or more shares in the paid-up capital
of the issuer in terms of the CIB Report of Bangladesh Bank:
Neither the Company nor any of its directors or shareholders who hold 10% or more shares in the paid-up capital
of the Company is loan defaulter in terms of the CIB report of the Bangladesh Bank.
(i) Name with position, educational qualification, age, date of joining the company, overall experience (in the year), previous employment, salary paid for the
financial year of the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Advisers, Consultants and all Departmental
Heads. If the Chairman, any director or any shareholder received any monthly salary than this information should also be included:
Educational Age Date of Overall Previous Salary paid
Name Designation
Qualification (Years) Joining experience Employment in 2021
Tahmina Begum Chairman B.A 54 05-10-1996 17 N/A -
Monir Ahmed Managing Director Bachelor of Arts 56 05-10-1996 35 N/A 3,000,000
Maksud Ahmed Director Mechanical Engineering 28 16.02.2020 02 N/A -
Jaynta Kumar Biswas Chief Financial Officer CA (CC) 62 06-11-2018 24 Sonear Laboratories 1,440,000
M. Com, Executive MBA,
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Company Secretary 51 07-01-2003 25 Akij Group 1,440,000
Sadia Ahmed Head of Operations M.SC 32 15.02.2014 09 N/A -
Mr. Shushil Kumar Sutradhar General Manager M. Pharma 57 15-06-2003 32 Mundi Pharma Lab. 1,680,000
Mr. Masum Chowdhury Head of Marketing IBA 40 18-08-2019 17 Organic Health Care 1,200,000
Salina Ahmed Head of Human Resource MBA 36 16.02.2012 11 N/A -
Md. Abdul Halim Head Of IT Graduate (ICT) 42 04-01-2006 16 Gemcon Group 480,000
Md. Zahidur Rahman National Sales Manager MSS 44 01-01-2002 20 Cemico Lab. 1,200,000
Md. Al Mamun Head of Internal Audit MBA, LLB 35 04.04.2010 10 N/A 800,000
(j) Changes in the key management persons during the last three years. Any change otherwise than by way of retirement in the normal course in the senior key
management personnel particularly in charge of production, planning, finance and marketing during the last three years prior to the date of filing the information
memorandum. If the turnover of key management personnel is high compared to the industry, reasons should be discussed;
Below personnel was key management persons during the last three years.
Key Management 2021 2020 2019
Monir Ahmed Continue Continue Continue
Maksud Ahmed Continue Appointed -
Jayanta Kumar Biswas Continue Continue Continue
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Continue Continue Continue
Sadia Ahmed Continue Appointed -
Mr. Shushil Kumar Sutradhar Continue Continue Continue
Mr. Masum Chowdhury Continue Continue Continue
Salina Ahmed Continue Appointed -
Md. Abdul Halim Continue Continue Continue
Md. Zahidur Rahman Continue Continue Continue

(k) A profile of the sponsors including their names, father’s name, age, personal addresses, educational qualifications, and experiences in the business, positions-
posts held in the past, directorship held, other ventures of each sponsor and present position;


Name of Experience Present Other
Father’s Educational
the Age Personal Address in the Positions ventures
Sponsors Name Qualification position
business in Asiatic
Tahmina Managing
Toffazol 54 42-43, Siddeshwari B. A 17 Chairman
Begum Circular Road, Jahanara
Late Alhaj Apartment, Flat No. 12F,
Monir Hanif Shantinagar, Ramna, Bachelor of Managing
56 Dhaka-1217 Bangladesh 35 Chairman
Ahmed Arts Director
(l) If the present directors are not the sponsors and control of the issuer was acquired within five years
immediately preceding the date of filing prospectus details regarding the acquisition of control, date of
acquisition, terms of the acquisition, consideration paid for such acquisition etc.:
There is no such acquisition in Asiatic Laboratories Limited within five years immediately preceding the date of
filing prospectus.
(m) If the sponsors-directors do not have experience in the proposed line of business, the fact explaining how the
proposed activities would be carried out-managed;
The entire team of Directors has adequate knowledge to carry out this line of business.
(n) Interest of the key management persons:
There no other interest in the key management except remuneration & board meeting fees for Managing Director.
(o) All interests and facilities enjoyed by a director, whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary:
Facilities whether pecuniary or non-pecuniary enjoyed by the Directors will remain unchanged during the
publication period of the Red-Herring Prospectus. Interest and facility are already disclosed in Executive
Compensation of the Prospectus and in the table below:
Honorarium and Board meeting Fee Total Amount
Name Designation
Remuneration (30.06.2021) (30.06.2021)
Tahmina Begum Chairman 40,000 40,000
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 3,000,000 40,000 3,040,000
Salina Ahmed Director - 30,000 30,000
Sadia Ahmed Director - 30,000 30,000
Maksud Ahmed Director - 30,000 30,000
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director - 5,000 5,000
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director - 5,000 5,000
(p) Number of shares held and percentage of shareholding (Pre-Issue)
Sl. No. Name of Shareholder No of shares Pre-Issue (%)
1 Tahmina Begum 16,695,470 19.00%
2 Monir Ahmed 22,114,480 25.17%
3 Salina Ahmed 3,812,620 4.34%
4 Sadia Ahmed 5,399,520 6.15%
5 Maksud Ahmed 3,806,400 4.33%
Total 51,828,490 59.00%
(q) Change in board of directors during last three years:
Year of Appointment
Name of the Directors
2021 2020 2019
Tahmina Begum Chairman No Change No Change
Monir Ahmed Managing Director No Change No Change
Salina Ahmed Director -
Sadia Ahmed Director Appointed As Director -
Maksud Ahmed Director -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan
Appointed as Independent Director
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah

(r) Director’s engagement with similar business:

None of the director is engaged with the similar business.


(a) The prospectus shall contain a description of any transaction during the last five years, or any proposed
transactions certified by the auditors, between the issuer and any of the following persons, giving the name of
the persons involved in the transaction, their relationship with the issuer, the nature of their interest in the
transaction and the amount of such interest, namely:


This is to certify that, the company does not have any transaction during the last five years, or any proposed transaction,
between the issuer and any of the following persons:
i. Any director or sponsor or executive officer of the issuer;
ii. Any person holding 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the issuer;
iii. Any related party or connected person of any of the above persons;
Except the following transactions:

A. Directors Remunerations
Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Tahmina Begum Chairman - - - - -
Monir Ahmed 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Salina Ahmed Director - - - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director - - - - -
Maksud Ahmed Director - - - - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent - - - - -
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Director - - - - -
Total 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

B. Board Meeting Fees

Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Tahmina Begum Chairman 40,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Monir Ahmed 40,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Salina Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Maksud Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent 5,000 - - - -
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Director 5,000 - - - -
Total 180,000 100,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

C. Other Transaction (Office Rent)

Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Monir Ahmed 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000
Total 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co
Chartered Accountants


(b) Any transaction or arrangement entered into by the issuer or its subsidiary or associate or entity owned or
significantly influenced by a person who is currently a director or in any way connected with a director of either the
issuer company or any of its subsidiaries or holding company or associate concerns, or who was a director or
connected in any way with a director at any time during the last three years prior to the issuance of the prospectus;

There is no transaction or arrangement entered into by the issuer or its subsidiary or associate or entity owned or
significantly influenced by a person who is currently a director or in any way connected with a director of either
the issuer company or any of its subsidiaries or holding company or associate concerns, or who was a director or
connected in any way with a director at any time during the last three years prior to the issuance of the prospectus
except the transaction mentioned under caption ‘Related Party Transaction’ in the Audited Financial Statements
and “Executive Compensation” part of this prospectus.

(c) Any loans either taken or given from or to any director or any person connected with the director, clearly
specifying details of such loan in the prospectus, and if any loan has been taken from any such person who did
not have any stake in the issuer, its holding company or its associate concerns prior to such loan, rate of interest
applicable, date of loan taken, date of maturity of loan, and present outstanding of such loan.
There are no such loans taken or given from or to any director or any person connected with the director of the


(a) The total amount of remuneration or salary or perquisites paid to the top five salaried officers of the issuer in
the last accounting year and the name and designation of each such officer:
Name of Top Salaried Salaries
Sl. No. Designation
Officer 30 June, 2021
1 Monir Ahmed Managing Director 3,000,000
2 Sushil Kumar Sutradhar General Manager 1,680,000
3 Jayanta Kumar Biswas Chief Financial officer 1,440,000
4 Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Company Secretary 1,440,000
5 Md. Masum Chowdhury Head of Marketing 1,200,000
(b) Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to all directors and officers as a group during the last accounting year:
Sl. No Particulars Nature of payment 30.06.2021
1 Director’s Remuneration Remuneration & Board Meeting attendance Fees 3,180,000
2 Salary & Wages Wages, Salary & Allowance 36,480,244
3 Salary & Allowance (marketing) Salary & Allowance 98,304,447
Total 137,964,691

(c) If any Shareholder Director received any monthly salary or prerequisite or benefit it must be mentioned along
with date of approval in AGM or EGM, terms thereof and payments made during the last accounting year:
Payments made during the last accounting year:
SL. Name of Shareholder or Date of approval in
Position Yearly Remuneration
No. Directors AGM
1 Tahmina Begum Chairman -
2 Monir Ahmed Managing Director 3,000,000
31 December, 2014
3 Salina Ahmed Director -
4 Sadia Ahmed Director -
5 Maksud Ahmed Director -
(d) The board meeting attendance fees received by the director including the managing director along with date
of approval in AGM or EGM;
Nature of transactions Date of approval in
Name Position
No of meeting Per Board AGM
attendance meeting fee
Tahmina Begum Chairman 8 40,000
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 8 40,000
Salina Ahmed Director 6 30,000
Sadia Ahmed Director 6 30,000 31 December, 2020
Maksud Ahmed Director 6 30,000
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent 1 5,000
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Director 1 5,000
(e) Any contract with any director or officer providing for the payment of future compensation;
There is no such contract between the company and any of directors or officers regarding any future compensation
to be made to them.
(f) If the issuer intends to substantially increase the remuneration paid to its directors and officers in the current
year, appropriate information regarding thereto;
The company has no such intention to substantially increase the remuneration paid to its directors and officers in
the current year. However, the company would provide annual increment to the employees considering company’s
profitability, its business growth, rate of inflation and performance of the individual.
(g) Any other benefit or facility provided to the above persons during the last accounting year.
No directoror officer of the Company received any other benefit or facility in the last accounting year except
which is disclosed above.



1. The following information in respect of any option held by each director, the salaried officers, and all other
officers as a group, namely: -
i. The date on which the option was granted;
ii. The exercise price of the option;
iii. The number of shares or stock covered by the option;
iv. The market price of the shares or stock on the date the option was granted;
v. The expiration date of the option;
vi. Consideration of the option.

The Company has granted no options to any director, officers or employees.

2. If such options are held by any person other than the directors, and the officers of the issuer company, the
following information shall be given in the prospectus, namely: -
i. The total number of shares or stock covered by all such outstanding options;
ii. The range of exercise prices;
iii. The range of expiration dates;
iv. Justification and consideration of granting such option.

The Company has granted no options to any director, officers or employees.


(a) The names of the directors and subscribers to the memorandum, the nature and amount of anything of value received or to be received by the issuer from the
above persons, or by the said persons, directly or indirectly, from the issuer during the last five years along with the description of assets, services or other
consideration received or to be received;

The transaction with the Directors and Subscribers to the Memorandum:

The names of the directors and subscribers to the memorandum, the nature and amount of anything of value received or to be received by the issuer from the above
persons, or by the said persons, directly or indirectly, from the issuer during the last five years along with the description of assets, services or other consideration
received or to be received:

Name of 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 30.06.2019 30.06.2018 30.06.2017

Director Remuneration Board Fee Remuneration Board Fee Remuneration Board Fee Remuneration Board fee Remuneration Board fee
Tahmina Begum Chairman - 40,000 - 35,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 - 2,000
Monir Ahmed 3,000,000 40,000 3,000,000 35,000 3,000,000 2,000 3,000,000 2,000 3,000,000 2,000
Salina Ahmed Director - 30,000 - 10,000 - - - - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director - 30,000 - 10,000 - - - - - -
Maksud Ahmed Director - 30,000 - 10,000 - - - - - -
Shafiqul Kabir
- 5,000 - - - - - - - -
Khan Independent
Md. Ashraf Ali Director
- 5,000 - - - - - - - -

(b) If any assets were acquired or to be acquired from the aforesaid persons, the amount paid for such assets and the method used to determine the price shall be
mentioned in the prospectus, and if the assets were acquired by the said persons within five years prior to transfer those to the issuer, the acquisition cost thereof
paid by them.

Directors and subscribers to the memorandum have not transferred any asset to the Company. Besides, the issuer has not received any assets or other considerations
from its directors and subscribers to the memorandum except fund against allotment of shares.


a) The names, addresses, BO ID Number of all shareholders of the company before IPO, indicating the amount of securities owned and the percentage of the securities
represented by such ownership, in tabular form;
Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
1 Monir Ahmed 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217 1606060074426458 22,114,480 25.17% *
2 Tahmina Begum 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217 Chairman 1606060074426506 16,695,470 19.00% *
3 Salina Ahmed 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217 Director 1606060074426391 3,812,620 4.34% *
4 Sadia Ahmed 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217 Director 1606060074425884 5,399,520 6.15% *
5 Maksud Ahmed 42-43 Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217 Director 1606060074426423 3,806,400 4.33% *
6 Ryan Enterprise Bir Shresto Shahid Nur Mohammad Sarak, Kotwali, Jessore Shareholder 1205590068857032 100,000 0.11% *
MTB Tower, Level-3, 111 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue,
7 Business Point Enterprise Shareholder 1605070069147695 150,000 0.17% *
Banglamotor, Dhaka-1000
8 Md. Afjol Ahmad Prottasha 36/B, Mohammadpur Shareholder 1602170042610363 300,000 0.34% *
9 Md. Abu Taleb 191 SK Mujib Road, Nahar Manjil (1st Floor), Agrabad, Chittagong Shareholder 1205700073969987 50,000 0.06% *
10 Ishtiaq Ahmed Civil Acacia, Flat-A1, 34 New Eskaton, Dhaka-1000 Shareholder 1202490000226422 50,000 0.06% *
11 Farjana Nasrin East Sutar Para, Post-Dohar, PS-Dohar, Dhaka Shareholder 1204490074249721 50,000 0.06% *
12 Saif Rahman East Sutar Para, Post-Dohar, PS-Dohar, Dhaka Shareholder 1204490074249799 50,000 0.06% *
13 Helen Rahman 13/7/Ka, Asha niketon, 5th Floor, Dhaka-1207 Shareholder 1605760068903299 250,000 0.28% *
14 Harun OR Rashid Mazumder Bhaban, 486 East Rampura, Borofkol, Chittagong Shareholder 1204220068822731 50,000 0.06% *
15 Md. Assaduzzaman House-10(F1), 5th Floor L-2, Road-01, Sonali-R/A, Halishohor Shareholder 1201950068436063 50,000 0.06% *
16 Howa Nur Begum 293, Senpara Parbota, P.O: Mirpur - 1216, Kafrul, Dhaka. Shareholder 1606060054792971 2,750,000 3.13% *
17 Md. Majibur Rahman HQ, Border Guards Bangladesh, Pilkhana, Gigatola, Dhaka Shareholder 1606060066221003 100,000 0.11% *
18 Mohammad Saif Ullah House#Mia Bari, Village-Kalain, Post-Kalain, Chandina, Comilla Shareholder 1606060067282980 100,000 0.11% *
19 Javeed A Matin House# 02, Road# 04, Gulshan, Dhaka Shareholder 1606060068955377 200,000 0.23% *
20 M. Imran Hamid House# 1, Road# 3, Apt-C-5, Bardhara Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka Shareholder 1606060021517606 100,000 0.11% *
21 Tofayel Mustofa Sarwar Nishorgo, Shahporan R/A Khadim Nagar, Sylhet Shareholder 1606060056882096 100,000 0.11% *
Margin-54200, ICB Capital Management Ltd, Green City Edge,
22 Laila Khaniz Shareholder 1606060047214382 1,000,000 1.14% *
89, Kakrail, Dhaka
Flat-5/A, Plot: 43/D, Rd: 8, Dhaka Cantonment Bazar Area,
23 Ataul Hakim Sarwar Hasan Shareholder 1606060073766183 100,000 0.11% *
Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka
24 Fahmida Khanam House# 108, Road-8, Block-C, Banani, Dhaka Shareholder 1606060070328159 100,000 0.11% *
Bikrampur Potato Flakes
25 51, Central Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205 Shareholder 1606060066336438 200,000 0.23% *
26 Md. Nairuzzaman Purana Paltan, Dhaka Shareholder 1201970000429557 100,000 0.11% *


Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
27 Haider Mahmood Hossain 266, Road-06, CDA R/A, Agrabad, Chattagram Shareholder 1301030059683297 500,000 0.57% *
28 Bishwajit Das 28, Road-9/a, Flat-3E, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka Shareholder 1204220026120606 1,986,390 2.26% *
29 Shubrata Paul 137, Novel House (2nd Floor), Shantinagar, Dhaka Shareholder 1205950071957548 200,000 0.23% *
30 Mohammed Abu Jafar 4, Shaheed Sorwardy Lane, Kotowali, Chittagong Shareholder 1204410073673702 1,000,000 1.14% *
Doctors Park (2nd Floor), Road No. 01, South Khulshi,
31 Md. Mizanur Rahman Shareholder 1602510046767311 200,000 0.23% *
Matuial Madrasha Road, (Sariowar Khan,s House), Jatrabari,
32 Md. Sajib Hossain Shareholder 1203110073893233 200,000 0.23% *
218/3/A West Kafrul (4th Floor) Begum Rokeya Sharani,
33 Julas Biswas Shareholder 1605570062924048 110,000 0.13% *
Taltola, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
34 Abdulla Al Mahmud 281/3 Jafrabad (Sankor), 1st Floor, Dhaka Shareholder 1205690016630932 140,000 0.16% *
35 Md. Atiqur Rahman 49, Moulana Vasani Road, Dattapara, Islampur Tongi, Gazipur Shareholder 1201910060982471 125,000 0.14% *
Cha 12, (2nd Floor), Mohakhali Wireless Gate, Gulshan,
36 Sayed Istiaque Hossain Shareholder 1203360073909959 100,000 0.11% *
Bengal Assets Holdings 191 SK Mujib Road, Nahar Manjil (1st Floor), Agrabad ,
37 Shareholder 1205950067422023 2,000,000 2.28% *
Limited Chittagong
38 Abdus Samad Azad House-3/9, Block-E, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur, Dhaka Shareholder 1201910056783517 450,000 0.51% *
Abu Mohammad Mahbubul
39 68/1C, Khairun Nesa Road, Jigatola, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Shareholder 1604790070741370 200,000 0.23% *
Karim Majumder
40 Md. Abul Kasem 158-159, Motijheel, Room No-10, 9th Floor, Dhaka Shareholder 1202550068807871 100,000 0.11% *
41 Eleza Rahman 16/13, Block-B, Bank Colony, Savar, Dhaka Shareholder 1204340051503025 150,000 0.17% *
42 Syed Al Imran 60/9/F/10/A, Flat-2/1, Dhalpur, Jatrabari, Dhaka Shareholder 1202020067272528 50,000 0.06% *
43 SK. Sajib Ahamed 51/1 Manik Nagar, Sarder Bari, Dhaka. Shareholder 1602170067755881 210,000 0.24% *
44 Mst. Jali Khanam House-TA 84, Boishakhi Sarani, Badda, Dhaka Shareholder 1204290073953561 250,000 0.28% *
45 Md. Shariful Islam Barkhada, Kustia Sadar, PO:-7000. Shareholder 1204290062658625 50,000 0.06% *
46 Sumaiya Sweety Liza 225, West Kafrul, Dhaka-1207. Shareholder 1203060073778329 100,000 0.11% *
47 R.K Enterprise 315, Lion Shopping Complex (2nd Floor), Bijoy Sarani, Dhaka Shareholder 1201700068928542 250,000 0.28% *
Abul Faisal Mohammad
48 Flat-B4, ABC Crecent Court, 53 New Eskaton, Dhaka-1217. Shareholder 1206080072888170 200,000 0.23% *
49 Md. Mahfujur Rahman House-14/1, Road-1, Dakkingao, West Para, Bashabo, Dhaka Shareholder 1204780065944120 600,000 0.68% *
50 Md. Riaz Uddin (Boby) House-147, Road-Bashupara Main Road, Khulna Shareholder 1203110074842143 50,000 0.06% *
Molla Bari, Vill-Prodhaner Char, Purba Para, Gozaria,
51 Md. Manik Miah Shareholder 1203110073699838 100,000 0.11% *
52 Md. Jahed Ahmed 173/3, Ahmed Mansion, East Kafrul, Dhaka-1206 Shareholder 1201710051122641 50,000 0.06% *
53 Asif Mridha Sathgaria,P.O: Holdia SO-1532,louhojong Munshigonj Shareholder 1201710007253742 50,000 0.06% *
Heritage Capital Suit-23, Building-13,, Japan Garden City, Mohammadpur,
54 Shareholder 1205950068261091 2,358,620 2.68% *
Management Ltd Adabor, Dhaka


Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
Abaci Investments Limited
55 Plot-31, Road-02, Sector-05, Uttara, Dhaka-1230 Shareholder 1602770045524684 600,000 0.68% *
56 Fayzia Khanam Iva House-269/B, Flat-B3, Khilgaon R/A, Dhaka Shareholder 1205000062717775 100,000 0.11% *
57 Rashidul Hasan 175/2, Baganbari, Cantonment, Dhaka-1206. Shareholder 1605760064971756 50,000 0.06% *
58 Md. Harun Ar Rashid Rashid Manzil 3rd Floor, Pabla Daulatpur, Khulna Shareholder 1201590051182562 150,000 0.17% *
59 Md. Ohidul Haque 368, Road-23, Block-G, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1219 Shareholder 1203110062958487 25,000 0.03% *
House-201, Road-Chanpara Uttarkhan, P.O-Unchampur,
60 Mrs. Farida Yeasmin Shareholder 1202950074048390 50,000 0.06% *
Uttarkhan, Dhaka-1230.
61 Mithila Yeasmin Hoque House-5, Road-1, Block-G, Aftabnagar, Dhaka Shareholder 1203680062580595 50,000 0.06% *
62 Sheikh Monirul Hakim Bank Asia Ltd. MCB Dilkusha Br. Dhaka-1000. Shareholder 1202840032274343 200,000 0.23% *
63 Abdullah Al Mamun Madhar Baria, P.O-Pabna, Pabna Sadar, Pabna Shareholder 1201710068598929 75,000 0.09% *
64 Arifuzzaman Rose Garden, 225/11,Ananda Nagar, Manda, Dhaka-1214 Shareholder 1203110071439338 100,000 0.11% *
65 Md. Shajahan Hossain 454/C,Khilgaon,Dhaka-1219 Shareholder 1203110064588884 100,000 0.11% *
66 M.Enamul Mazid Kenduai, P.O: Hirapur, Akhaura, Brahmanbaria Shareholder 1201500041977467 150,000 0.17% *
MM Law Associate, Room No-361, 2nd Floor, Unit-1,
67 Md. Majedul Hossain Shareholder 1201960073956456 50,000 0.06% *
68 Razvee Ahmed 05/Kha,Satmosjid Road, Dhaka-1207 Shareholder 1203110072656180 600,000 0.68% *
69 Md. Omar Sadek Mollah 617, Dhonia Road,Shyampur,Dhaka-1236 Shareholder 1203110003992196 150,000 0.17% *
70 Md. Helal Uddin 14,Tollabagh,Zigatola,Dhaka-1209 Shareholder 1203110062456361 162,500 0.18% *
ABA Fashions Ltd. Sena Kalyan Commercial Complex, Block-
71 Md.Zillur Rahman Mridha Shareholder 1604940056385728 100,000 0.11% *
F,Plot-09, Tongi Gazipur-1710
72 Md. Monirul Islam 302/1 Alambagh, New Jurain, Kodamtoli, Dhaka-1204 Shareholder 1203110067749020 100,000 0.11% *
73 Mst. Shahana Tasnin Lopa 167/1 DIT Extension Road, Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka Shareholder 1204030074878581 200,000 0.23% *
94/C, Bayezid Bostami road, Dapa Idrakpur, Fatullah,
74 A.S.M Mehedi Hasan Shareholder 1201710069311120 100,000 0.11% *
Narayangonj -1421
75 Muhammad Basiruddin 303/3 Ka, EastKazipara, P.O:Kazipara, Kafrul, Dhaka-1216 Shareholder 1201960073956563 50,000 0.06% *
76 Tanvir Eshan Moulovi Asmat Ali Khan Road, Madaripur Shareholder 1205080068251771 50,000 0.06% *
77 Mukta Chakma Kalyanpur Road, Kalyanpur, Rangamati, Ctg. Shareholder 1202950073609982 75,000 0.09% *
78 Himel Kumar Saha F-232, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Govt. Qtr, Dhaka Shareholder 1202950073955271 50,000 0.06% *
79 Sabbir Ahmed H-54/6, R#12,Shekher Tek, Mohammedpur, Dhaka -1207 Shareholder 1605760067304861 100,000 0.11% *
Vill-Vannara, P.O-Mouchak, P.S-Kaliakor, Dist-Gazipur,
80 Momotaj Begum Shareholder 1202950073606250 100,000 0.11% *
Gazipur-1751. Dhaka.
House -201/2, Air Force Officer, Officer’s Quarter, P.O: Dhaka
81 Sazzad Hossain Shareholder 1605760064861656 100,000 0.11% *
Cantonment, Dhaka-1206
House -259, Road# College Road,Purbo Ahmmadnagar,
82 Md. Yearul Islam Shareholder 1202550005146414 100,000 0.11% *
P.O#Mirpur, Mirpur, Dhka
83 Sinthia Akter Duria, P.O#Baghsreerampur, Narail Sadar, Narail-7500 Shareholder 1203390072509133 100,000 0.11% *
84 Md. Aminur Rahman Vill#Duria,P.O#Baghsreerampur,Narail Sadar,Narail-7500 Shareholder 1203110073998794 100,000 0.11% *
Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
85 A.K.M Zahir Uddin Ahsan House-8,Road-1,Block-B,4th Floor, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka Shareholder 1203680060920509 100,000 0.11% *
86 Rina Akter Holding-319, Kuralia Road, Chandpur Sadar, Chandpur-3600 Shareholder 1203110073983893 200,000 0.23% *
87 Mehedi Hasan Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank, Chittagong Shareholder 1202990064978102 100,000 0.11% *
88 Mohammad Saiful Islam 914/2, b Shahidbagh, P-O:Shantinagar,Dhaka Shareholder 1204430065278738 200,000 0.23% *
89 Md. Hedayet Ulla Al Razi Complex,13th Floor,166-167, Purana Palton,Dhaka Shareholder 1203410064142693 50,000 0.06% *
90 Ambia Begum 136, Sultangonj Road,Rayer Bazar, Dhaka-1209 Shareholder 1203410071491070 50,000 0.06% *
91 Md. Rokanuzzaman 3/2, Meradia,P/S-Khilgaon,Dhaka-1219 Shareholder 1201510003313744 50,000 0.06% *
92 SK Trims & Industries Ltd. 45, Madrasha Road, 111/33, Tilargati, Tongi, Gazipur Shareholder 1606060066341748 1,000,000 1.14% *
House-521/Ja, Nurbag R/A, Ali Azam Road, Noapara, P.O-
93 Md. Syful Islam Shareholder 1201960071306794 50,000 0.06% *
Firozshaha-4207 Pahartali, Chittagong City Corp. Chitttagong
House-68, Road-27 CDA R/A Area, PO-Bandar-4100,
94 Md. Zahidul Arif Shareholder 1201960071417294 50,000 0.06% *
Duublemuring, Chittagong.
63/B, Flat-A4, Rangs Garden Palace, Diddheswary Road,
95 Md. Lutful Kabir Shareholder 1202120063894526 100,000 0.11% *
Ramna, Dhaka-1217
Kazi Reashad Shahnewaz Apt. A-1, House-1/11, Block-B, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur,
96 Shareholder 1605760064182841 1,000,000 1.14% *
Usha Dhaka.
NRB Equity Management Al -Razi Complex, Suite# G-802 & 803 (6th Floor),166-167,
97 Shareholder 1205950044806800 500,000 0.57% *
Limited Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, Purana Palton, Dhaka-1000,
95 Post Office Goli, Gazi Building, 2nd Floor, Sadarghat,
98 Partha Sarathi Mazumder Shareholder 1201960068921591 50,000 0.06% *
99 Abul Hasan House No-25/1, Road No-11, Block-H, Banani, Dhaka-1203 Shareholder 1205590074150443 70,000 0.08% *
Md. Kamal Hossain
100 10-9 Iqbal Road, Block-A, Flat-1A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka Shareholder 1201830048455583 150,000 0.17% *
Mohammad Sarwar
101 House-Tollabag, 18/K, Po-Mohammadpur, Dhaka Shareholder 1605760062630913 50,000 0.06% *
House-10, Flat-5/F, Road-15(new) Dhanmondi, P.O-Jigatola-
102 Mahbuba Islam Shareholder 1205950074753267 100,000 0.11% *
1209, Dhanmondi, Dhaka South City Corporation, Dhaka.
103 Kazi Alamgir 137, Shantinagar, Novel House(3rd Floor), Dhaka. Shareholder 1202250044639212 750,000 0.85% *
104 Md. Fatehul Hasan House-18, Road-15,Sector-14, Uttara, Dhaka Shareholder 1204240049835641 50,000 0.06% *
House-904/1, Road- Masjid Goli, Shahidbag, PO-Shantinagar,
105 Ramendu Das Palash Shareholder 1203110074437377 50,000 0.06% *
Motijeel, Dhaka-1217
atul Master Bari, Vill-Omarpur, P.O-Chaprashir Hat, Kabir Hat,
106 Robin Chandra Paul Shareholder 1203110074456524 50,000 0.06% *
Borai, Borai Ashor nagor, P.O-Badargonj Bazar, Jhinaidah
107 Mithun Kumar Ghosh Shareholder 1203110074458351 50,000 0.06% *
Sadar, Jhinaidah-7200
Southest bank Capital service Rupayan Trade Center, Level-10,
108 Md. Harunoor Rashid Shareholder 1605530058495219 50,000 0.06% *
114 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka
109 Gokul Chandra Roy House-19/D/9, Road-Uttor Tolarbag, P.O-Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. Shareholder 1602170069360205 50,000 0.06% *
Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
110 Nusrat Jahan Neha 149 Hazaribag, Dhaka-1209 Shareholder 1203000073577741 200,000 0.23% *
Md. Emdadul Hoque
111 316, SK Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chitttagong Shareholder 1605760067765763 330,000 0.38% *
112 Mafizur Rahman 99/1, R.K Missin Road, 7th Lane, Gopibagh, Dhaka-1203. Shareholder 1201710051726866 100,000 0.11% *
ward No-66, Banker's Complex (4th Floor), Singnboard, Demra,
113 Md. Rakibul Hassan Shareholder 1201710067969587 100,000 0.11% *
House-5/2, AF rahman Hall, P.O-Shahbagh, Dhaka City
114 Md. Abdul Aziz Shareholder 1205880062719351 50,000 0.06% *
Corporation, Dhaka-1000.
115 Syed Jahirul Islam Uttaran, 20/14-A, North Tolarbag, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216. Shareholder 1203110074483996 50,000 0.06% *
House-4, Road-5/A Aganagar (Ispahani), P.O-Keranigonj,
116 Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil Shareholder 1204490068316410 50,000 0.06% *
Mohammad Sazib Hossen
117 Vill-Horgong, P.O-Horgong, Saturia, Manikgonj-1800. Shareholder 1205670072436807 30,000 0.03% *
Flat-07, Shanta Garden, 50/B, New Eskaton Road, Ramna,
118 Raihana Noor Khan Shareholder 1203680068184720 100,000 0.11% *
Flat-A-8, Rain Forest, 36/1, 36/2, Mirpur Road, P.S-New
119 Muhammad Mehedi Hasan Shareholder 1204030018108793 100,000 0.11% *
Market, Dhaka-1205.
Flat-B-8, Everest Ajax, 54/Ka, R.K Mission Road, Gopibagh,
120 K Suranjit Shareholder 1204660065367780 50,000 0.06% *
Wari, Dhaka.
121 Md. Murshed Alam 96, Dinanath Sen Road, Gandraria, Dhaka-1204. Shareholder 1203500015033661 50,000 0.06% *
Bank Asia Ltd. Principal Office Branch, 111-114, Motijheel
122 Syed Azizul Islam Shareholder 1201720000481399 50,000 0.06% *
Comercial Area, Dhaka-1000.
123 Ahmed Hossain Vill-Kudalia, P.S-Sutaldi, Harirampur, Manikgonj-1830. Shareholder 1605760074214687 50,000 0.06% *
House-33/Ka, Flat-5/A, Road-12/A, Dhanmondi, R/A, P.O-
124 Sajedur Seraj Shareholder 1203180060585618 250,000 0.28% *
Zigatola, Dhaka-1209.
Bank Asia Ltd. Ashulia Branch, Chowdhury Plaza, 1st Floor,
125 Md. Zahirul Islam Shareholder 1201700007935996 50,000 0.06% *
Gamgor, Svar, Dhaka-1348.
House-97, Road-4/3, Pasharipara, P.O-Rangpur, Rangpur
126 A.H.M. Jamery Hasan Shareholder 1602510046760791 75,000 0.09% *
Sadar, rangpur-5400.
14, Palm Palace, Ward No-16, Chawkbazar, P.S-Punchlaish,
127 Mahrukh Chowdhury Shareholder 1602770074860149 60,000 0.07% *
Shoni Daktar Bari, Vill-Chandpur, P.O-Chandipur, Manasha,
128 Anik Majumder Shareholder 1201590074767411 50,000 0.06% *
P.S-Ramgonj, Dist-Lakshmipur
129 Md. Motiur Rahman 562 East Kazipara (2nd Floor) Dhaka-1216. Shareholder 1202530010947031 50,000 0.06% *
130 Sajal Kumar Bose House-18, Road-03, Block-A, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka-1219. Shareholder 1203490062875690 40,000 0.05% *
131 Md. Oliur Rahman House-18, Road-03, Block-A, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka-1219. Shareholder 1201700033399528 50,000 0.06% *
132 Modoris Ali Vill-Bata Shand Bazar, P.O-Munshir Bazar, Shlhet-3100. Shareholder 1203490071899111 80,000 0.09% *
133 Md. Monzur Hossain House-14, Road-01, Block-B, Flat-B2, Aftabnagar, Dhaka-1212. Shareholder 1204090043542750 50,000 0.06% *
Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
Syed Ferdous Raihan ADDL Lalkhuti, Apt-7A, House-1/2, Block-D, Lalmatia,
134 Shareholder 1203490062881119 50,000 0.06% *
Kirmany Dhaka-1207.
135 Sanjida Hasnat Chowdhury House-48, Flat-7/A, North Dhanmondi, Kalabagan, Dhaka Shareholder 1203490074778885 50,000 0.06% *
8/B, Modhumoti Police Officers Quarters, Rajarbag, Dhaka-
136 Mosa. Tahmina Akter Shareholder 1204500064067935 50,000 0.06% *
Green Homes, 10/D/5 Aziz Mollah (3rd Floor) Kaderia
137 Sayedatun Nessa Shareholder 1204500062875179 50,000 0.06% *
Madrasha Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.
Abdur Razzaque Bari, Road- East Boxnagar, Joka,P.O- sarulia,
138 Aiesha Auyb Shareholder 1203110074782248 50,000 0.06% *
Demra, Dhaka-1361.
47 West Agargaon, 5th Floor, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar
139 Harun Ar Rashid Shareholder 1205590074535644 200,000 0.23% *
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Flat-H2, 31-34 Living Sarwar Meher, Shideshwari Road,
140 Mohammed Saif Ullah Shareholder 1205590062872041 100,000 0.11% *
Ramna, Dhaka-12174
141 Sufia Khanam 175/2, Bagan Bari, Matikata, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206. Shareholder 1204430074337978 100,000 0.11% *
House-272 (1st Floor), Road-19, Lake Road, New DOHS
142 Bhupesh Chandra Sarker Shareholder 1203490073619508 50,000 0.06% *
Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206.
Ahmed TabrejShams
143 2/Sadinota Sorani, Dhaka cantonment, Dhaka-1206. Shareholder 1204430074624900 100,000 0.11% *
144 Alamgir Hossain 225/8, Manda, Dhaka-1214 Shareholder 1203110063917110 669,110 0.76% *
145 Pralay Krishna Debnath Vill- Maligao, PO-Kashimpur-3610, Hajigong, Chandpur Shareholder 1202160074121687 50,000 0.06% *
Rangs Anando, APT-D-8, House-48, Road-10/A, Dhanmondi,
146 Lutfur Rahman Shareholder 1203110059591746 200,000 0.23% *
147 Mostafa Kamal Ahmed Plot-371, Block-C, Bashundhara R/A, Khilkhet, Badda, Dhaka Shareholder 1203110062136096 100,000 0.11% *
Vill+P.O-Rampur, UP-Khidirpur, PS_Manohordi, Dist-
148 Oli Kamal Shareholder 1203250024407121 50,000 0.06% *
Chartered Life Insurance Islam Tower (8th Floor), 464/H, DIT Road, West Rampura,
149 Shareholder 1204780064975952 500,000 0.57% *
Company Limited Dhaka-1219
House-82/ 4/F Road, Uttar Jatra Bari, P.O-Gendaria, Dhaka
150 Hamida Yasmin Shareholder 1203110074842250 100,000 0.11% *
South City Corporation, Dhaka-1204.
151 Muhammad Ehsanul Kabir House-563/C, Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219. Shareholder 1201710056656459 50,000 0.06% *
Rupayan Prime (7th Floor) Plot:02, Road-07, Dhanmondi ,
152 Md. Afzalur Rahman Shareholder 1605760062191691 986,890 1.12% *
153 Abul Hasan Sonali 30/A, Nazmul Villa, Shibgonj, Shylet Shareholder 1203590062584237 100,000 0.11% *
154 Md. Nurul Islam Vill- Manikpur, Isamoti, PS-Jokigong, Shylet Shareholder 1203590062597246 300,000 0.34% *
155 Porimal Debnath Udayan 24, Shylet-3100, Bangladesh Shareholder 1205590068907104 100,000 0.11% *
156 Md. Kamrul Islam Senarchak, Kadipur, Meharpur, Gulapgonj, Sylhet Shareholder 1203550075110561 50,000 0.06% *
Muhammed Babrul
157 Sonali 30/A, Mojumdar Para, Shylet-3100 Shareholder 1203550075110510 50,000 0.06% *
Sl. No. of Share Pre- Post
Name Address Designation BO ID
No hold IPO % IPO
A.S.M Ahasan Habib
158 Century Tower, (Flat-D-8), Bara Moghbazar, Ramna, Dhaka Shareholder 1203110060434458 450,000 0.51% *
Flat No-8B, House-267, Road-13, Block-C, Bashundhara R/A,
159 Muhammad Yousuf Shareholder 1205210065033870 100,000 0.11% *
Afroza Mansion, 4th Floor, 12 High Level Road, Lalkhanbazar,
160 Md. Kabir Hossain Shareholder 1202350016035090 50,000 0.06% *
161 Md. Kamal Ahmed 12,13, Bonogram Lane, Wari, Dhaka-1203. Shareholder 1203110072494167 100,000 0.11% *
Flat No-5/A, House-16, Elephant Road, P.O-Newmarket,
162 Nusrat Ara Shareholder 1203110073238942 100,000 0.11% *
House-174/1, Vill-Dakkin Gazirchot, Gazirchot Alia Madrasa,
163 Md. Yeakub Hossain Shareholder 1205950072061448 50,000 0.06% *
Savar, Dhaka
Paul & Paul Consultants
164 Afza Tower, (Level-04) 27/F, Monipuripara, Tejgaon, Dhaka Shareholder 1202460074468828 100,000 0.11% *
165 Rahnuma Ferdousy Brishty Flat-B4, ABC Cresent Court 53, New Eskaton, Dhaka-1217 Shareholder 1206080072706450 50,000 0.06% *
166 Badruddoja Ahmed House-27, Road-2/1, DHAP, Lalkuthi Lane, Rangpur Shareholder 1201830074062877 100,000 0.11% *
167 Delowar Hossain House-18, Road-9/A, Flat-b/4, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Shareholder 1203390007801850 50,000 0.06% *
168 Md. Mydul Haque Khan 36/3, Ahmed nagar, Mirpur-1, Dhaka Shareholder 1201830062730968 200,000 0.23% *
169 Md. Rezaul Karim IDLC Investments Limited, DR Tower-4th Floor Shareholder 1602510046747903 100,000 0.11% *
House-82/ 4/F Road, Uttar Jatra Bari, P.O-Gendaria, Dhaka
170 Md. Monir Hossain Shareholder 1203440017373861 100,000 0.11% *
South City Corporation, Dhaka-1204.
171 Mohammad Parvej Shibpur, Noakhali Sadar, Noakhali Shareholder 1203110074871464 50,000 0.06% *
172 Sushanta Kumar Mondal House#4, (Flat#3B), Lane-2, Gopibag, Dhaka-1203 Shareholder 1203110074798408 44,000 0.05% *
173 Ahmed Armaan Siddiqui Robi Axiata Limited Shareholder 1203680068886005 100,000 0.11% *
174 Kazi Hafizur Rashid House-45, Socilapur Shareholder 1203590051405146 100,000 0.11% *
175 Md. Saifur Rahman Rasel Flat-A-13, House-45/2A, Dilu Road, Mogbazar, Dhaka Shareholder 1203680064808009 50,000 0.06% *
176 Md. Aminur Rahman Vill-Megur Khirda, P.O-Khorda Roygram, Kaliganj, Jhenaidah Shareholder 1205030073868341 50,000 0.06% *
177 Md. Afir Khan Prantik 9/2, Fazil Chist, Subidbazar, Sylhet-3100 Shareholder 1205590074762111 67,000 0.08% *
Mohammad Mizanur House-375, Road-165, Khanjahan Ali, Sonadanga, Khulna-
178 Shareholder 1204290075110537 100,000 0.11% *
Rahman 9100, Khulna
Flat-B-7,Firoza Rose,12 Eskaton Road, Boro Moghbazar
179 F.A Trading Corporation Shareholder 1203110063110187 1,150,000 1.31% *


(b) There shall also be a table showing the name and address, age, experience, BO ID Number, TIN number, numbers of shares held including percentage, position
held in other companies of all the directors before the public issue:
Name of the No. of pre-issue Position held in other companies
Address Age Experience BO ID Number TIN number
Directors shares held (%) Name of the Company Position
42-43, Monir Developers &
Tahmina Begum Siddeshwari 54 17 1606060074426506 358697610131 16,695,470 19.00% Construction Limited
Circular Asiatic Aluminum Limited
Road, Monir Developers &
Monir Ahmed Jahanara 56 35 1606060074426458 498233417847 22,114,480 25.17% Construction Limited Chairman
Apartment, Asiatic Aluminum Limited
Salina Ahmed Flat No. 12F, 36 11 1606060074426391 156678792252 3,812,620 4.34% N/A
Sadia Ahmed Shantinagar, 32 09 1606060074425884 354703735609 5,399,520 6.15% N/A
Maksud Ahmed Dhaka 1217. 26 02 1606060074426423 849049713141 3,806,400 4.33% N/A

(c) ©The average cost of acquisition of equity shares by the directors certified by the auditors:


Asiatic Laboratories Limited has allotted shares in face value & in cash / other than in cash and the average cost of acquisition of equity by the directors is Tk.
10.00 each. Necessary particulars of shareholdings, allotment date and consideration are given below:
Date of Nature of Name of Director Face value of
Allotment Transaction Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed Maksud Ahmed Share (Tk.)
25-07-1996 By Transfer 500 500 Cash 10.00
30-09-1998 By Allotment 12,650 57,700 Cash 10.00
28-06-2005 By Allotment 447,000 420,000 Cash 10.00
15-07-2019 By Allotment 15,000,000 20,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Cash 10.00
24-12-2020 By Allotment 1,235,320 1,636,280 399,510 399,520 399,510 Bonus 10.00
25.11.2021 By Transfer (1,586,890) (1,593,110) Cash 10.00
Total Number of Shares 16,695,470 22,114,480 3,812,620 5,399,520 3,806,400

Dated: 07 October, 2021 Sd/-

Place: Dhaka Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


(d) The detail description of capital built up in respect of shareholding (name-wise) of the issuer’s sponsors- directors. In this connection, a statement to be included:
Tahmina Begum – Chairman
Nature of No. of equity Face Issue price- acquisition Cumulative no. % pre-issue % post issue Sources
Date of Allotment Consideration
Issue shares value price- transfer prices of equity shares paid up capital paid up capital of fund
By Transfer 25.07.1996 Cash 500 10 10 500
30.09.1998 Cash 12,650 10 10 13,150
Ordinary Own
28.06.2005 Cash 447,000 10 10 460,150 19.00% [.]
share Source
15.07.2019 Cash 15,000,000 10 10 15,460,150
24.12.2020 Bonus 1,235,320 10 10 16,695,470
Monir Ahmed – Managing Director
Nature of No. of equity Face Issue price- acquisition Cumulative no. % pre-issue % post issue paid Sources
Date of Allotment Consideration paid up capital up capital
issue shares value price- transfer prices of equity shares of fund
By Transfer 25.07.1996 Cash 500 10 10 500
30.09.1998 Cash 57,700 10 10 58,200
Ordinary Own
28.06.2005 Cash 420,000 10 10 478,200 25.17% [.]
share Source
15.07.2019 Cash 20,000,000 10 10 20,478,200
24.12.2020 Stock Bonus 1,636,280 10 10 22,114,480
Salina Ahmed- Director
Nature of No. of equity Face Issue price- acquisition Cumulative no. % pre-issue % post issue paid Sources
Date of Allotment Consideration paid up capital up capital
issue shares value price- transfer prices of equity shares of fund
15.07.2019 Cash 5,000,000 10 10 5,000,000
Ordinary Own
24.12.2020 Stock Bonus 399,510 10 10 5,399,510 4.34% [.]
Share Source
25.11.2021 Transfer 1,586,890 10 10 3,812,620
Sadia Ahmed- Director
Nature of No. of equity Face Issue price- acquisition Cumulative no. % pre-issue paid % post issue Sources
Date of Allotment Consideration up capital paid up capital
issue shares value price- transfer prices of equity shares of fund
15.07.2019 Cash Ordinary 5,000,000 10 10 5,000,000 Own
6.15% [.]
24.12.2020 Stock Bonus Share 399,520 10 10 5,399,520 Source
Maksud Ahmed- Director
Nature of No. of equity Face Issue price- acquisition Cumulative no. % pre-issue % post issue Sources
Date of Allotment Consideration shares paid up capital paid up capital
issue value price- transfer prices of equity shares of fund
15-07-2019 Cash 5,000,000 10 10 5,000,000
Ordinary Own
24.12.2020 Stock Bonus 399,510 10 10 5,399,510 4.33% [.]
Share Source
25.11.2021 Transfer 1,593,110 10 10 3,806,400
(e) Detail of shares issued by the company at a price lower than the issue price:
All the shares of the company are issued at face value of Tk.10 before this issue.
(f) History of significant (5% or more) changes in ownership of securities from inception.
Name of Director Position Date of Allotment Number of Ordinary Shares Held Percentage Pre-IPO
25.07.1996 500
30.09.1998 12,650
Tahmina Begum Chairman 25-07-1970 447,000 19.00%
15-07-2019 15,000,000
24.12.2020 1,235,320
25.07.1996 500
30.09.1998 57,700
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 25-07-1970 420,000 25.17%
15-07-2019 20,000,000
24.12.2020 1,636,280
15.07.2019 5,000,000
Salina Ahmed Director 24.12.2020 399,510 4.34%
25.11.2021 (1,586,890)
15.07.2019 5,000,000
Sadia Ahmed Director 6.15%
24.12.2020 399,520
15.07.2019 5,000,000
Maksud Ahmed Director 24.12.2020 399,510 4.33%
25.11.2021 (1,593,110)
Total 51,828,490 59.00%


(a) A disclosure to the effect that the issuer has complied with the requirements of Corporate Governance
Guidelines of the Commission:


We would like to declare that we have complied with all the requirements of the applicable regulations of Corporate
Governance Code of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) in respect of corporate governance
including the constitution of the Board and committees thereof. The corporate governance framework is based on an
effective independent Board, separation of the Boards supervisory role from the executive management team and
constitution of the Board Committees, as required under applicable law.

Monir Ahmed
Managing Director
Asiatic Laboratories Limited

(b) A compliance report of Corporate Governance requirements certified by competent authority:


[As per required under the Bangladesh Securities Exchange Commission (BSEC) Guideline]

We have examined the compliance status to the Corporate Governance Code by ASIATIC LABORATORIES
LIMITED for the year ended 30 June, 2021. This Code relates to Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-
158/207/admin/80 Dated on 03 June 2018 of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.

Such compliance with the Corporate Governance Code is the responsibility of the ASIATIC LABORATORIES
LIMITED. Our examination was limited to the procedures and implementation thereof as adopted by the
Management in ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance Code.

This is a scrutiny and verification and an independent audit on compliance of the conditions of the Corporate
Governance Code as well as the provisions of relevant Bangladesh Secretarial Standards (BSS) as adopted by
Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) as far as those standards are not inconsistent with any
condition of this Corporate Governance Code.

We state that we have obtained all the information and explanations, which we have required, and after due
scrutiny and verification thereof, we report that, in our opinion:

(a) The Company has complied with the conditions of the Corporate Governance Code as stipulated in the above-
mentioned Corporate Governance Code issued by the Commission;
(b) The Company has complied with the provisions of the relevant Bangladesh Secretarial Standards (BSS) as
adopted by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) as required by this Code;
(c) Proper books and records have been kept by the required under the Companies Act, 1994, the securities laws
and other relevant laws; and
(d) The Governance of the company is satisfactory.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 08 October, 2021 Shafiq Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants



Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission’s Notification No BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-
158/207/admin/80 Dated 03 June 2018 issued under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969:

Compliance Status (Put

√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
1. Board of Directors: -
Size of the Board of Directors
The total number of members of a company’s Board of
1. (1) √
Directors (hereinafter referred to as “Board”) shall not be
less than 5 (five) and not more than 20 (twenty).
Independent Directors
All companies shall have effective representation of
independent directors on their Boards, so that the
1. (2) Board, as a group, includes core competencies
considered relevant in the context of each company;
for this purpose, the companies shall comply with
the following: -
At least one-fifth (1/5) of the total number of Total numbers of
directors in the company’s Board shall be directors on the
board are 07(Seven)
1. (2) (a) independent directors; any fraction shall be √ includes with two
considered to the next integer or whole number for independent
calculating number of independent director(s); directors
For the purpose of this clause “independent
1. (2) (b)
director” means a director-
who either does not hold any share in the company
1. (2) (b)
or holds less than one percent (1%) shares of the √
total paid-up shares of the company;
who is not a sponsor of the company or is not
connected with the company’s any sponsor or
director or nominated director or shareholder of the
company or any of its associates, sister concerns,
subsidiaries and parents or holding entities who
hold one percent (1%) or more shares of the total
1. (2) (b)
paid-up shares of the company on the basis of √
family relationship and his or her family members
also shall not hold above-mentioned shares in the
Provided that spouse, son, daughter, father, mother,
brother, sister, son-in-law and daughter-in-law shall
be considered as family members;
1. (2) (b) who has not been an executive of the company in

(iii) immediately preceding 2 (two) Financial Years;
who does not have any other relationship, whether
1 (2) (b) (iv) pecuniary or otherwise, with the company or its √
subsidiary or associated companies;
Who is not a member or TREC (Trading Right
1 (2) (b)
Entitlement Certificate) holder, director or officer of √
any stock exchange;
Who is not a shareholder, director excepting
1 (2) (b) independent director or officer of any member or

(vi) TREC holder of a stock exchange or an
intermediary of the capital market;


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
who is not a partner or an executive or was not a
partner or an executive during the preceding 3
1 (2) (b) (three) years of the concerned company’s statutory

(vii) audit firm or audit firm engaged in internal audit
services or audit firm conducting special audit or
professional certifying compliance of this Code;
who is not independent director in more than 5
1(2)(b)(viii) √
(five) listed companies;
who has not been convicted by a court of competent
jurisdiction as a defaulter in payment of any loan or
1 (2) (b) (ix) √
any advance to a bank or a Non-Bank Financial
Institution (NBFI); and
who has not been convicted for a criminal offence
1 (2) (b) (x) √
involving moral turpitude-
02 Independent
Directors has been
appointed by the
The independent director(s) shall be appointed by Board of Directors
1 (2) (c) the Board and approved by the shareholders in the √ on 10-03-2021 and
Annual General Meeting (AGM); will be submitted for
approved by the
shareholders in
Next AGM
The post of independent director(s) cannot remain
1 (2) (d) √
vacant for more than 90(ninety) days; and
The tenure of office of an independent director shall
be for a period of 3 (three) years, which may be
extended for 1 (one) tenure only:
Provided that a former independent director may be
considered for reappointment for another tenure
1 (2) (e) after a time gap of one tenure, i.e., three years from √
his or her completion of consecutive two tenures
[i.e. six years]:
Provided further that the independent director shall
not be subject to retirement by rotation as per the,
(Companies Act, 1994).
(3) Qualification of Independent Director. -
Independent director shall be a knowledgeable
individual with integrity who is able to ensure
1 (3) (a) compliance with financial laws, regulatory √
requirements and corporate laws and can make a
meaningful contribution to the business;
1 (3) (b) Independent Director Shall have following qualifications:
Business Leader who is or was a promoter or director of
an unlisted company having minimum paid-up capital of
1 (3) (b) (i) Tk.100.00 million or any listed company or a member of - -
any national or international chamber of commerce or
business association; or
Corporate Leader who is or was a top level executive not
lower than Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director
or Deputy Managing Director or Chief Financial Officer
1 (3) (b) (ii) or Head of Finance or Accounts or Company Secretary -
or Head of Internal Audit and Compliance or Head of
Legal Service or a candidate with equivalent position of
an unlisted company having minimum paid-up capital of
Tk.100.00 million or of a listed company; or


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
Former official of government or statutory or
autonomous or regulatory body in the position not
1 (3) (b) (iii) below 5th Grade of the national pay scale, who has -
at least educational background of bachelor degree
in economics or commerce or business or Law; or
University Teacher who has an educational
1 (3) (b) (iv) background in Economics or Commerce or - -
Business Studies or Law; or
Professional who is or was an advocate practicing
at least in the High Court Division of Bangladesh
Supreme Court or a Chartered Accountant or Cost
1 (3) (b) and Management Accountant or Chartered
√ -
(v) Financial Analyst or Chartered Certified
Accountant or Certified Public Accountant or
Chartered Management Accountant or Chartered
Secretary or equivalent qualification;
The independent director shall have at least 10 (ten) years
1 (3) (c) of experiences in any field mentioned in clause (b);

In special cases, the above qualifications or
No such issue
1 (3) (d) experiences may be relaxed subject to prior - -
approval of the Commission.
Duality of Chairperson of the Board of Directors and
Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer. -
The positions of the Chairperson of the Board and
the Managing Director (MD) and/or Chief
1 (4) (a) √
Executive Officer (CEO) of the company shall be
filled by different individuals;
The Managing Director (MD) and/or Chief Executive
1 (4) (b) Officer (CEO) of a listed company shall not hold the same √
position in another listed company;
The Chairperson of the Board shall be elected from
1 (4) (c) √
among the non-executive directors of the company;
The Board shall clearly define the respective roles
1 (4) (d) and responsibilities of the Chairperson and the √
Managing Director and/or Chief Executive Officer;
In the absence of the Chairperson of the Board, the
remaining members may elect one of themselves
from non-executive directors as Chairperson for
1 (4) (e) √
that particular Board’s meeting; the reason of the
absence of the regular Chairperson shall be duly
recorded in the minutes.
5 The Directors’ Report to Shareholders:
The Board of the company shall include the
following additional statements or disclosures in the
Directors’ Report prepared under section 184 of the
Companies Act, 1994 (Act No. XVIII of 1994):-
An industry outlook and possible future
1 (5) (i) √
developments in the industry;
1 (5) (ii) The segment-wise or product-wise performance; √
Risks and concerns including internal and external
1 (5) (iii) risk factors, threat to sustainability and negative √
impact on the environment, if any;
A discussion on Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit
1 (5) (iv) √
Margin and Net Profit Margin, where applicable;


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
A discussion on the continuity of any extraordinary ‘’No such issue
1 (5) (v)
activities and their implications (gain or loss); arose’’
A detailed discussion on related party transactions
along with a statement showing amount, nature of
1 (5) (vi) √
related party, nature of transactions and basis of
transactions of all related party transactions;
A statement of the utilization of proceeds raised through No such issue
1 (5) (vii) public issues, rights issues and/or any other instruments; arose
An explanation if the financial results deteriorate
after the company goes for Initial Public Offering No such issue
1 (5) (viii)
(IPO), Repeat Public Offering (RPO), Rights Share arose
Offer, Direct Listing, etc.;
An explanation of any significant variance that
No such matter to
1 (5) (ix) occurs between Quarterly Financial performances
and Annual Financial Statements;
Directors have not
A statement of remuneration paid to the directors received any
1 (5) (x) √
including Independent Director remuneration
except Board
Meeting Fees
A statement that the financial statements prepared
by the management of the issuer company present
1 (5) (xi) √
fairly its state of affairs, the result of its operations,
cash flows and changes in equity;
A statement that proper books of account of the
1 (5) (xii) √
issuer company have been maintained;
A statement that appropriate accounting policies have
been consistently applied in preparation of the financial
1 (5) (xiii) statements and that the accounting estimates are based on

reasonable and prudent judgment;
A statement that International Accounting
Standards (IAS) or International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), as applicable in
1 (5) (xiv) √
Bangladesh, have been followed in the preparation
of the financial statements and any departure there
from has been adequately disclosed;
A statement that the system of internal control is
1 (5) (xv) sound in design and has been effectively √
implemented and monitored;
A statement that minority shareholders have been
protected from abusive actions by, or in the interest
1 (5) (xvi) √
of, controlling shareholders acting either directly or
indirectly and have effective means of redress;
A statement that there is no significant doubt upon
the issuer company’s ability to continue as a going
1 (5) (xvii) concern, if the issuer company is not considered to √
be a going concern, the fact along with reasons there
of shall be disclosed;
An explanation that significant deviations from the last
No such matter to
1 (5) (xviii) year’s operating results of the issuer company shall be
highlighted and the reasons thereof shall be explained; explain
A statement where key operating and financial data of at
1 (5) (xix) least preceding 5 (five) years shall be summarized;


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
An explanation on the reasons if the issuer company has Business growth
1 (5) (xx) not declared dividend (cash or stock) for the year;

and reinvestment
Board’s statement to the effect that no bonus share
1 (5) (xxi) or stock dividend has been or shall be declared as √
interim dividend;
The total number of Board meetings held during the
1 (5) (xxii) √
year and attendance by each director;
1 (5) (xxiii) Parent or Subsidiary or Associated Companies and
- - N/A
(a) other related parties (name-wise details);
Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company
1 (5) (xxiii) Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal

(b) Audit and Compliance and their spouses and minor
children (name-wise details);
1(5)(xxiii) (c) Executives; and √
1 (5) (xxiii) Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more

(d) voting interest in the company (name-wise details);
In case of the appointment or reappointment of a
1(5) (xxiv) director, a disclosure on the following information
to the shareholders:
1(5) (xxiv)
a brief resume of the director; √
nature of his or her expertise in specific functional
1.5 (xxiv) (b) √
areas; and
names of companies in which the person also holds
1 (5) (xxiv)
the directorship and the membership of committees √
of the Board;-
A Management’s Discussion and Analysis signed
by CEO or MD presenting detailed analysis of the
1 (5)(xxv) company’s position and operations along with a
brief discussion of changes in the financial
statements, among others, focusing on:
accounting policies and estimation for preparation
1 (5)(xxv) (a) √
of financial statements;
changes in accounting policies and estimation, if
1 (5) (xxv) any, clearly describing the effect on financial

(b) performance or results and financial position as well
as cash flows in the absolute figure for such changes;
comparative analysis (including effects of inflation)
of financial performance or results and financial
1 (5) (xxv)
position as well as cash flows for current financial √
year with immediately preceding five years
explaining reasons thereof;
compare such financial performance or results and
1 (5) (xxv)
financial position as well as cash flows with the peer √
industry scenario;
1 (5) (xxv) briefly explain the financial and economic scenario

(e) of the country and the globe;
risks and concerns issues related to the financial
1 (5) (xxv) (f) statements, explaining such risk and a concerns √
mitigation plan of the company; and
future plan or projection or forecast for the
1 (5) (xxv)
company’s operation, performance and financial √
position, with justification thereof, i.e., actual


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
position shall be explained to the shareholders in
the next AGM;
Declaration or certification by the CEO and the CFO
1 (5) (xxvi) to the Board as required under condition No. 3(3) √
shall be disclosed as per Annexure-A; and
The report as well as certificate regarding
compliance of conditions of this Code as required
1 (5) (xxvii) √
under condition No. 9 shall be disclosed as per
Annexure-B and Annexure-C.
1 (6) Meetings of the Board of Directors
The company shall conduct its Board meetings and
record the minutes of the meetings as well as keep
required books and records in line with the
provisions of the relevant Bangladesh Secretarial

Standards (BSS) as adopted by the Institute of
Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) in so
far as those standards are not inconsistent with any
condition of this Code.
Code of Conduct for the Chairperson, other
1 (7)
Board members and Chief Executive Officers
The Board shall lay down a code of conduct, based on the
recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration
1 (7) (a) Committee (NRC) at condition No. 6, for the √
Chairperson of the Board, other board members and
Chief Executive Officer of the company;
The code of conduct as determined by the NRC shall be
posted on the website of the company including, among
others, prudent conduct and behavior; confidentiality;
1 (7) (b) conflict of interest; compliance with laws, rules and √
regulations; prohibition of insider trading; relationship
with the environment, employees, customers and
suppliers; and independency.
The Company has
Governance of Board of Directors of Subsidiary
2 no any subsidiary
Company. -
Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of the
2 (a) holding company shall be made applicable to the N/A
composition of the Board of the subsidiary company;
At least 1 (one) independent director on the Board
2 (b) of the holding company shall be a director on the N/A
Board of the subsidiary company;
The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary
2 (c) company shall be placed for review at the following N/A
Board meeting of the holding company;
The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the
2 (d) holding company shall state that they have reviewed N/A
the affairs of the subsidiary company also;
The Audit Committee of the holding company shall
2 (e) also review the financial statements, in particular the N/A
investments made by the subsidiary company.
Managing Director (MD) or Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO),
Head of Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC)
and Company Secretary (CS)
3 (1) Appointment


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
The Board shall appoint a Managing Director (MD)
or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a Company
3 (1) (a) √
Secretary (CS), a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and
a Head of Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC);
The positions of the Managing Director (MD) or
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Company Secretary
3 (1) (b) (CS), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of √
Internal Audit and Compliance (HIAC) shall be
filled by different individuals;
The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC of a listed
3 (1) (c) company shall not hold any executive position in √
any other company at the same time;
The Board shall clearly define respective roles,
3 (1) (d) responsibilities and duties of the CFO, the HIAC √
and the CS;
The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC shall not be
removed from their position without the approval
3 (1) (e) √
of the Board as well as immediate dissemination to
the Commission and stock exchange(s).
Requirement to attend the Board of Directors’
3 (2)
The MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC of the
company shall attend the meetings of the Board:
Provided that the CS, CFO and/or the HIAC shall

not attend such part of a meeting of the Board,
which involves consideration of an agenda item
relating to their personal matters.
Duties of Managing Director (MD) or Chief
3(3) Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial
Officer (CFO)
The MD or CEO and CFO shall certify to the Board that
3 (3) (a) they have reviewed financial statements for the year and √
that to the best of their knowledge and belief:
These statements do not contain any materially
3 (3) (a) (i) untrue statement or omit any material fact or √
contain statements that might be misleading; and
these statements together present a true and fair view of
3 (3) (a) (ii) the company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing √
accounting standards and applicable laws;
The MD or CEO and CFO shall also certify that there
are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions
3 (3) (b) entered into by the company during the year which are √
fraudulent, illegal or in violation of the code of conduct
for the company’s Board or its members;
The certification of the MD or CEO and CFO shall
3(3)(c) √
be disclosed in the Annual Report.
Board of Directors’ Committee. -
4 For ensuring good governance in the company, the
Board shall have at least followed sub-committees:
4 (i) Audit Committee; and √
4 (ii) Nomination and Remuneration Committee. √
5 Audit Committee. -
5 (1) Responsibility to the Board of Directors.
The company shall have an Audit Committee as a
5(1)(a) √
sub-committee of the Board;
Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
The Audit Committee shall assist the Board in ensuring
that the financial statements reflect true and fair view of
5(1) (b) the state of affairs of the company and in ensuring a good

monitoring system within the business;
The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the
5(1)(c) Board; the duties of the Audit Committee shall be √
clearly set forth in writing.
5 (2) Constitution of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least
5(2)(a) √
3 (three) members;
The Board shall appoint members of the Audit
Committee who shall be non-executive directors of the
5(2)(b) company excepting Chairperson of the Board and shall

include at least 1 (one) independent director;
All members of the audit committee should be
“financially literate” and at least 1 (one) member shall
5(2)(c) have accounting or related financial management

background and 10 (ten) years of such experience;
When the term of service of any Committee member
expires or there is any circumstance causing any
Committee member to be unable to hold office before
expiration of the term of service, thus making the number
of the Committee members to be lower than the
No such matter to
5(2)(d) prescribed number of 3 (three) persons, the Board shall
appoint the new Committee member to fill up the explain
vacancy immediately or not later than 1 (one) month
from the date of vacancy in the Committee to ensure
continuity of the performance of work of the Audit
The company secretary shall act as the secretary of
5(2)(e) √
the Committee;
The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not
5(2)(f) constitute without at least 1 (one) independent director.

5 (3) Chairperson of the Audit Committee
The Board shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit
5(3) (a) Committee to be Chairperson of the Audit √
Committee, who shall be an independent director;
In the absence of the Chairperson of the Audit
Committee, the remaining members may elect one of
themselves as Chairperson for that particular
No such incident
5(3) (b) meeting, in that case there shall be no problem of
constituting a quorum as required under condition
No. 5(4)(b) and the reason of absence of the regular
Chairperson shall be duly recorded in the minutes.
Chairperson of the Audit Committee shall remain present
in the Annual General Meeting (AGM):
Provided that in absence of Chairperson of the Audit
Committee, any other member from the Audit
5(3)(c) Committee shall be selected to be present in the annual

general meeting (AGM) and the reason for the absence of
the Chairperson of the Audit Committee shall be
recorded in the minutes of the AGM.
5 (4) Meeting of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall conduct at least its four
5(4)(a) √
meetings in a financial year:


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
Provided that an emergency meeting in addition to
regular meeting may be convened at the request of
any one of the members of the Committee;
The quorum of the meeting of the Audit Committee
shall be constituted in presence of either two
5(4)(b) members or two-third of the members of the Audit √
Committee, whichever is higher, where presence of
an independent director is necessary.
5 (5) Role of Audit Committee:
5(5)(a) oversee the financial reporting process; √
5(5)(b) monitor choice of accounting policies and principles; √
monitor Internal Audit and Compliance process to ensure
that it is adequately resourced, including approval of the
5(5)(c) Internal Audit and Compliance Plan and review of the

Internal Audit and Compliance Report;
5(5)(d) oversee hiring and performance of external auditors; √
hold meeting with the external or statutory auditors
5(5)(e) for review of the annual financial statements before √
submission to the Board for approval or adoption;
review along with the management, the annual financial
5(5) (f) statements before submission to the Board for approval;

review along with the management, the quarterly
5(5) (g) and half yearly financial statements before √
submission to the Board for approval;
5(5) (h) review the adequacy of internal audit function; √
review the Management’s Discussion and Analysis
5(5) (i) √
before disclosing in the Annual Report;
review statement of all related party transactions
5(5) (j) √
submitted by the management;
review Management Letters or Letter of Internal
5(5) (k) √
Control weakness issued by statutory auditors;
oversee the determination of audit fees based on
scope and magnitude, level of expertise deployed
5(5) (l) √
and time required for effective audit and evaluate
the performance of external auditors; and
oversee whether the proceeds raised through Initial
Public Offering (IPO) or Repeat Public Offering
(RPO) or Rights Share Offer have been utilized as per
the purposes stated in relevant offer document or
prospectus approved by the Commission:
Provided that the management shall disclose to the
Audit Committee about the uses or applications of the
proceeds by major category (capital expenditure, sales No such matter
5(5) (m)
and marketing expenses, working capital, etc.), on a arose
quarterly basis, as a part of their quarterly declaration
of financial results: Provided further that on an annual
basis, the company shall prepare a statement of the
proceeds utilized for the purposes other than those
stated in the offer document or prospectus for
publication in the Annual Report along with the
comments of the Audit Committee.
5 (6) Reporting of the Audit Committee
5 (6) (a) Reporting to the Board of Directors
The Audit Committee shall report on its activities
5(6)(a)(i) √
to the Board.
Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the
board on the following findings, if any:
5(6)(a)(ii)(a) report on conflicts of interests;
suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or
5(6)(a)(ii) (b) material defect identified in the internal audit and
compliance process or in the financial statements;
suspected infringement of laws, regulatory
5(6) (a)(ii) (c) compliances including securities related laws, rules
and regulations; and
any other matter which the Audit Committee deems
5(6)(a)(ii) (d) necessary shall be disclosed to the Board immediately;
Reporting to the Authorities
If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board No such incidence
about anything which has material impact on the arose
financial condition and results of operation and has
discussed with the Board and the management that
any rectification is necessary and if the Audit
5(6)(b) Committee finds that such rectification has been
unreasonably ignored, the Audit Committee shall
report such finding to the Commission, upon
reporting of such matters to the Board for three
times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months
from the date of first reporting to the Board,
whichever is earlier.
Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors
Report on activities carried out by the Audit
Committee, including any report made to the Board
No such incidence
5.7 under condition No. 5(6)(a)(ii) above during the
year, shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Audit
Committee and disclosed in the annual report of the
issuer company.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
(NRC). -
6(1) Responsibility to the Board of Directors
The company shall have a Nomination and
6(1)(a) Remuneration Committee (NRC) as a sub- √
committee of the Board;
The NRC shall assist the Board in the formulation
of the nomination criteria or policy for determining
qualifications, positive attributes, experiences and
6(1)(b) √
independence of directors and top level executive as
well as a policy for formal process of considering
remuneration of directors, top level executive;
The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the NRC shall be
6(1)(c) clearly set forth in writing covering the areas stated √
at condition No. 6(5)(b).
6 (2) Constitution of the NRC
The Committee shall comprise of at least three
6(2) (a) √
members including an independent director;
All members of the Committee shall be non-
6(2)(b) √
executive directors;
Members of the Committee shall be nominated and
6(2)(c) √
appointed by the Board;


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
The Board shall have authority to remove and
6(2)(d) √
appoint any member of the Committee;
In case of death, resignation, disqualification, or
removal of any member of the Committee or in any No such incidence
6(2)(e) other cases of vacancies, the board shall fill the arose
vacancy within 180 (one hundred eighty) days of
occurring such vacancy in the Committee;
The Chairperson of the Committee may appoint or
co-opt any external expert and/or member(s) of
staff to the Committee as advisor who shall be non- No such incidence
6(2)(f) voting member, if the Chairperson feels that advice arose
or suggestion from such external expert and/or
member(s) of staff shall be required or valuable for
the Committee;
The company secretary shall act as the secretary of
6(2)(g) √
the Committee;
The quorum of the NRC meeting shall not
6(2) (h) constitute without the attendance of at least an √
independent director;
No member of the NRC shall receive, either directly
or indirectly, any remuneration for any advisory or
6(2) (i) √
consultancy role or otherwise, other than Director’s
fees or honorarium from the company.
6 (3) Chairperson of the NRC
The Board shall select 1 (one) member of the NRC
6(3) (a) to be Chairperson of the Committee, who shall be √
an independent director;
In the absence of the Chairperson of the NRC, the
remaining members may elect one of themselves as No such incidence
6(3) (b) Chairperson for that particular meeting, the reason arose
of absence of the regular Chairperson shall be duly
recorded in the minutes;
The Chairperson of the NRC shall attend the
annual general meeting (AGM) to answer the
queries of the shareholders:
Provided that in absence of Chairperson of the
6(3) (c) NRC, any other member from the NRC shall be √
selected to be present in the annual general meeting
(AGM) for answering the shareholder’s queries and
reason for absence of the Chairperson of the NRC
shall be recorded in the minutes of the AGM.
6 (4) Meeting of the NRC
The NRC shall conduct at least one meeting in a
6(4) (a) √
financial year;
The Chairperson of the NRC may convene an emergency
6(4) (b) meeting upon request by any member of the NRC;

The quorum of the meeting of the NRC shall be
constituted in presence of either two members or
two third of the members of the Committee,
6(4) (c) √
whichever is higher, where presence of an
independent director is must as required under
condition No. 6(2)(h);


Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
The proceedings of each meeting of the NRC shall
6(4) (d) duly be recorded in the minutes and such minutes √
shall be confirmed in the next meeting of the NRC.
6 (5) Role of the NRC
NRC shall be independent and responsible or
6(5) (a) √
accountable to the Board and to the shareholders;
NRC shall oversee, among others, the following matters
6(5) (b) and make report with recommendation to the Board:

formulating the criteria for determining
qualifications, positive attributes and independence
6(5)(b)(i) of a director and recommend a policy to the Board, √
relating to the remuneration of the directors, top
level executive, considering the following:
the level and composition of remuneration is reasonable
6(5) (b)(i)(a) and sufficient to attract, retain and motivate suitable √
directors to run the company successfully;
the relationship of remuneration to performance is
6(5)(b)(i)(b) clear and meets appropriate performance √
benchmarks; and
remuneration to directors, top-level executive involves a
balance between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short
6(5)(b)(i)(c) and long-term performance objectives appropriate to the √
working of the company and its goals;
devising a policy on Board’s diversity taking into
6(5)(b) (ii) consideration age, gender, experience, ethnicity, √
educational background and nationality;
identifying persons who are qualified to become
directors and who may be appointed in a top level
6(5)(b) (iii) executive position in accordance with the criteria laid √
down, and recommend their appointment and
removal to the Board;
formulating the criteria for evaluation of performance of
6(5)(b) (iv) independent directors and the Board; √
identifying the company’s needs for employees at
6(5) (b) (v) different levels and determine their selection, √
transfer or replacement and promotion criteria; and
developing, recommending and reviewing annually the
6(5)(b) (vi) company’s human resources and training policies; √
The company shall disclose the nomination and
remuneration policy and the evaluation criteria and
6(5) (c) √
activities of NRC during the year at a glance in its
annual report.
7 External or Statutory Auditors. -
The issuer company shall not engage its external or
7(1) statutory auditors to perform the following services
of the company, namely: -
7(1)(i) appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions; √
financial information systems design and
7(1)(ii) √
Book-keeping or other services related to the
7(1)(iii) √
accounting records or financial statements;
7(1)(iv) broker-dealer services; √
7(1)(v) actuarial services; √
7(1)(vi) internal audit services or special audit services; √
7(1)(vii) any service that the Audit Committee determines; √
Compliance Status (Put
√ in the appropriate
Title column) Remarks (if any)
audit or certification services on compliance of corporate
7(1)(viii) governance as required under condition No. 9(1); and

No such incidence
7(1) (ix) Any other service that creates a conflict of interest.
No partner or employees of the external audit firms
shall possess any share of the company they audit at
least during the tenure of their audit assignment of
that company; his or her family members also shall
7(2) √
not hold any shares in the said company:
Provided that spouse, son, daughter, father, mother,
brother, sister, son-in-law and daughter-in-law shall
be considered as family members.
Representative of external or statutory auditors shall
remain present in the Shareholders’ Meeting
7(3) √
(Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General
Meeting) to answer the queries of the shareholders.
8 Maintaining a website by the Company. -
The company shall have an official website linked
8(1) √
with the website of the stock exchange.
The company shall keep the website functional Will be complied
from the date of listing. while listing
The company shall make available the detailed
Will be complied
8(3) disclosures on its website as required under the listing
regulations of the concerned stock exchange(s). while listing
Reporting and Compliance of Corporate
Governance. -
The company shall obtain a certificate from a practicing
Professional Accountant or Secretary (Chartered
Accountant or Cost and Management Accountant or
Chartered Secretary) other than its statutory auditors or
9(1) audit firm on yearly basis regarding compliance of

conditions of Corporate Governance Code of the
Commission and shall such certificate shall be disclosed
in the Annual Report.
The shareholders in the annual general meeting
shall appoint the professional who will provide the Appointment Will
certificate on the compliance of this Corporate be in next AGM
Governance Code.
The directors of the company shall state, in
accordance with the Annexure-C attached, in the
9(3) √
directors’ report whether the company has
complied with these conditions or not.

(c) Details relating to the issuer's audit committee and remuneration committee, including the names of committee
members and a summary of the terms of reference under which the committees operate:
Name Of Audit Committee Members Name Of Remuneration Committee Members
Shafiqul Kabir Khan- Independent Director, Md. Ashraf Ali Miah, Independent Director
(Chairman of the Audit Committee) (Chairman of the Remuneration Committee)
Salina Ahmed, Director Sadia Ahmed, Director
(Member of the audit committee) (Member of the committee)
Maksud Ahmed, Director Maksud Ahmed, Director
(Member of the committee) (Member of the committee)
Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Company Secretary Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Company Secretary
(Secretary of the audit committee) (Secretary of the Remuneration committee)


The terms of reference of the audit committee are as follows:
• Oversee the financial reporting process;
• Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles;
• Monitor Internal Control Risk management process;
• Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors;
• Review along with the management, the annual financial statements before submission to the board for
• Review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly financial statements before submission to
the board for approval;
• Review the adequacy of internal audit function;
• Review statement of significant related party transactions submitted by the management;
• Review Management Letters- Letter of Internal Control weakness issued by statutory auditors.

The terms of reference of the remuneration committee are as follows:

• To assist the Board in developing and administering a fair and transparent procedure for setting policy on the
remuneration of directors and senior management of the Company;
• Determining the remuneration packages;
• Review the Annual Confidential Report (ACR) of senior management of the company;
• Review and oversee the Company's overall human resources strategy.


The valuation report of securities to be offered shall be prepared and justified by the issue manager on the basis
of the financial and all other information pertinent to the issue:
The valuation report of the securities offers of Asiatic Laboratories Limited. Prepared by issue manager (Shahjalal
Equity Management Ltd) based on financial and another pertinent issue.

a) To prepare the valuation report, the issue manager may consider all qualitative and quantitative factors which
shall be explained in details with rationale to consider such factors, the valuation methods used, sources of
information and authenticity of such information:
Qualitative factors
Some of the qualitative factors that help differentiate Asiatic Laboratories Limited. From their competitors and
enable, those to compete successfully in the industry are as follows:
➢ Experienced Sponsors backed by professional management team
➢ Favorable Government policies for Asiatic Laboratories Limited due to
• Huge demand in the local & international market
• Opportunity for excess in global market
• Competitive advantage for Bangladesh due to available cheap workers
• Quality of product
➢ Technologically competent project
➢ Strategic location of the project.
➢ Well connected to highway and river port
➢ Quality asset-based
➢ Long-standing relationship with clients & suppliers
➢ Soundtrack record of business transaction
➢ No default history in past
➢ Belongs to a renowned company namely Asiatic Laboratories Limited.”
Quantitative factors:
Information presented in this prospectus is derived from audited financial statements for the year ended on 30
June 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 & 2017 as prepared in accordance with IAS and IFRS.

b) While preparing the valuation report, the issue manager shall avoid exaggeration and biasness and shall
exercise independence and due diligence:
The issue manager while preparing the valuation report, the issue manager shall avoid exaggeration and biasness
and shall exercise independence and due diligence.
c) The issue manager(s) shall, among others, consider the following methods for valuation of the securities:
The valuation report of the securities shall be prepared based on the financial and all other information pertinent
to the issue. The fair value is determined under different valuation methods referred in clause no. Annexure-E
(B) (14) of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 as amendments on July
06, 2017. The following table illustrates the calculation of fair value of Asiatic Laboratories Limited. Valuation
under different methods as prescribed in clause no. Annexure-E (B) (14) of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 as amendments on July 06, 2017.
We have considered the following methods to determine the share price of Asiatic Laboratories Limited:
Fair Value
SI. No. Valuation Methods
Net Asset Value (NAV) at historical or Current costs (With Revaluation
Method -01
Net Asset Value (NAV) at historical or Current costs (Without Revaluation
a) Earnings-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Average Market P/E) 57.50
Method -02
b) Earnings-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Average Sector P/E) 66.94
Method -03 Average Market Price of similar stock-based valuation 135.36
Method-1a) Net Asset Value (NAV) per share with revaluation:

Audited financial statements as on 30 June, 2021

Shareholder's Equity Note Amount
Share Capital A 878,480,000
Revaluation Reserve B 1,856,360,141
Retained Earnings C 2,238,267,008
Total Share Holder's Equity D=A+B+C 4,973,107,147
No. of Shares Outstanding E 87,848,000
Net Assets Value Per Share With Revaluation F=D/E 56.61

Method-1b) Net Asset Value (NAV) per share without revaluation:

Audited Financial Statements as on 30 June, 2021

Shareholder's Equity Note Amount
Share Capital A 878,480,000
Retained Earnings B 2,238,267,008
Total Share Holder's Equity C=A+B 3,116,747,008
No. of Shares Outstanding D 87,848,000
Net Assets Value Per Share Without Revaluation E=C/D 35.48

Method (2) a) Valuation with reference to Earning-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Overall Market P/E)
Net profit After Weighted Average Weighted Average
Year No. of Share
Tax No. of Share Net profit after tax
30-Jun-21 87,848,000 320,524,433 51.07% 163,695,474
30-Jun-20 81,348,000 242,451,593 47.29% 114,660,960
30-Jun-19 938,350 243,989,173 0.55% 1,331,003
30-Jun-18 938,350 222,079,551 0.55% 1,211,482
30-Jun-17 938,350 206,158,125 0.55% 1,124,628
Total 172,011,050 1,235,202,875 100.00% 282,023,547
Total No. of Shares Outstanding as on 30th June 2021 87,848,000
EPS Based On Weighted Average net Profit After Tax 3.21
DSE Overall Market average P/E of 3 months 17.91
Historical Earning Based Value Per Share (WEPS X Market P/E) 57.50

b) Valuation with reference to Earning-Based-Value Per Share (Considering Overall Sector P/E)
No. of Net profit After Weighted Average Weighted Average
Share Tax No. of Share Net profit after tax
30-Jun-21 87,848,000 320,524,433 51.07% 163,695,474
30-Jun-20 81,348,000 242,451,593 47.29% 114,660,960
30-Jun-19 938,350 243,989,173 0.55% 1,331,003
30-Jun-18 938,350 222,079,551 0.55% 1,211,482
30-Jun-17 938,350 206,158,125 0.55% 1,124,628
Total 172,011,050 1,235,202,875 100.00% 282,023,547
Total No. of Shares Outstanding as on 30th June 2021 87,848,000
EPS Based On Weighted Average net Profit After Tax 3.21
DSE Overall Sector average P/E of 3 months 20.85
Historical Earning Based Value Per Share (WEPS X Sector P/E) 66.94

Calculation of Market P/E & Sector P/E

Month name Sector P/E Market P/E
June-2021 21.14 18.50
May-2021 20.44 18.31
April-2021 20.98 16.91
Average 20.85 17.91
Source: Information collected from DSE Monthly Review (August, September and October-2021)
Method-3: Average market price of similar stock based valuation

Ibn Sina Orion Beacon

Date Pharmaceutical Pharma Pharmaceutical
Industries Limited Limited Limited
1 30-Sep-20 236.4 54.6 72.9
2 29-Oct-20 227.5 45.2 84.3
3 30-Nov-20 231.8 42.5 69.4
4 30-Dec-20 244.0 54.7 78.4
5 31-Jan-21 246.5 45.6 81.7
6 28-Feb-21 230.0 48.7 100.6
7 31-Mar-21 234.1 44.4 107.6
8 29-Apr-21 243.2 47.7 120.7
9 31-May-21 244.9 50.9 115
10 30-Jun-21 246.7 53.9 123.6
11 29-Jul-21 253.2 57.4 203
12 31-Aug-21 256.5 69.6 205.6
Average Price 241.23 51.27 113.57
Average of above three 135.36
Reference: DSE website (



(a) The terms and conditions of any debt securities that the issuer Company may have issued or is planning to
issue within next six months, including their date of redemption or conversion, conversion or redemption
features and sinking fund requirements, rate of interest payable, Yield to Maturity, encumbrance of any assets
of the issuer of such securities and any other rights the holders of such securities may have;

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not issued or is planning to issue any debt securities within 6(six) months.

(b) All other material provisions giving or limiting the rights of holders of each class of debt securities outstanding
or being offered, for example, subordination provisions, limitations on the declaration of dividends,
restrictions on the issuance of additional debt or maintenance of asset ratios;

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not issued or is planning to issue any debt securities

(c) Name of the trustee(s) designated by the indenture for each class of debt securities outstanding or being offered
and describe the circumstances under which the trustee must act on behalf of the debt holders;

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not issued or is planning to issue any debt securities therefor there is no trustee
for this issue.

(d) Repayment/ redemption/conversion status of such securities.

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not issued or is planning to issue any debt securities; therefore, there is no
repayment or redemption or conviction status of such securities.



Name of Parties Responsibilities
The Issue Managers will act as the manager to the
Shahjalal Equity issue for the public issue as described in the
(a) Issue Manager
Management Limited Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
(Public Issue) Rules, 2015.
The Underwriters will act as the underwriters to the
Shahjalal Equity public issue as described in the Bangladesh
(b) Underwriters
Management Limited Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue)
Rules, 2015.
To express an opinion on these financial statements
Ashraf Uddin & Co. based on their audit. Auditor will conduct the audit
(c) Auditors
Chartated Accountant in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on
Auditing (BSA).
Cost and
(d) Management Not Applicable for the Company
The Registrar to the Issue will act as the registrar to
BMSL Investment the issue for the public issue as described in the
(e) Registrar to the Issue
Limited Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
(Public Issue) Rules, 2015.
Shafiq Basak & Co., Chartered Accountants
(f) Valuer Chartated Accountant Shatabdi Centre (4th & 6th Floor), 292, Inner Circular
Road, Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
WASO Credit Rating WASO Engineers & Consultants (BD) Ltd, Tridhara
Credit Rating
(g) Company (BD) Ltd. Tower (3rd Floor), 67, West Panthapath (Russel
(WCRCL) Square), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.



a) Major agreements entered into by the b) Material parts of the c) Fees payable to different
issuer; agreements: parties:

Issue Management agreement


between Asiatic Laboratories Shahjalal Equity Management


Limited and Shahjalal Equity The Issue Manager shall issue a Limited Tk. 10,000,000/-
Management Limited. Due Diligence Certificate in
favor of the Company to
execute the public issue in
Register to
the Issue

Registrar to the Issue agreement compliance with the BSEC BMSL Investment Limited Tk.
with BMSL Investment Limited (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 1,000,000/-

The issuer in the event of under

subscription shall notice to the
underwriters within ten days of
closer of subscription calling
upon them to subscribe the

Underwriting agreement between Underwriting commission at

securities and pay for this in cash
the Company and with the the rate of 0.50% on 35% of the
in full within 15 days of the date
following underwriters: total IPO amount i.e., Tk.
of said amount shall be credited
Shahjalal Equity Management (1,246,875) of the issue value
to securities subscription account
Limited of shares underwritten by them
within the said period. The Issuer
shall within 7 days of the expiry
of the commission proof of
subscription and deposit of the
money by the underwriters.

Copies of the above-mentioned contracts and documents and the consent order from Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission may be inspected on any working day during office hours at the Companies Registered



a) The following litigation including outstanding litigations against the issuer or any of its directors and fine or
penalty imposed by any authority:

The Asiatic Laboratories Limited or any of its Directors was not involved in any of the following types of Legal
Processing are mentioned below:
i) Litigation involving Civil Laws There is no litigation of the Issuer or Director’s
ii) Litigation involving Criminal Laws in Civil laws
Litigation involving Securities, Finance and There is no litigation of the Issuer or Director’s in
Economic Laws Securities, Finance and Economic Laws
There is no litigation of the Issuer or Director’s
iv) Litigation involving Labor Laws
involving Labour Laws
There is no litigation of the Issuer or Director’s
Litigation involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT,
v) involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs
Customs Duty and any other taxes-duties)
Duty and any other taxes-duties)
There is no litigation of the Issuer or Director’s
vi) Litigation involving any other Laws
involving any other Laws

b) Outstanding cases filed by the Company or any of its directors:

There are no outstanding cases filed by the Issuer or any of its Directors to any of the following types of Legal
Processing are mentioned below:
i) Litigation involving Civil Laws
ii) Litigation involving Criminal Laws There is no
iii) Litigation involving Securities, Finance and Economic Laws cases filed by
iv) Litigation involving Labor Laws the Issuer or
v) Litigation involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs Duty and any other taxes-duties) Director’s
vi) Litigation involving any other Laws


The factors described below may conceivably materially affect investors’ decisions as an investment in equity shares
involves a high degree of risk. The company is operating in a globally competitive industry involving both external and
internal factors having direct as well as indirect effects on the investments. Investors should carefully consider all of
the information in this prospectus, including the risk factors, both external and internal, and management perceptions
enumerated hereunder before making an investment decision. If any of the following risks actually occur, their
business, results of operations and financial condition could suffer, the trading price of their equity share could decline,
and investors may lose all or part of their investment.

1. Internal risk factors:

a) Credit Risk;
The risk of loss of principal or loss of a financial reward stemming from a borrower's failure to repay a loan or
otherwise meet a contractual obligation. Credit risk arises whenever a borrower is expecting to use future cash
flows to pay a current debt. This is the risk of default on a debt that may arise because of default by the borrower
to pay the loan. In operating, any business there is always credit risk lies in the business.

Management Perception:
Management has a credit policy in place and exposure to credit risk is monitored on an on-going basis. To mitigate
the credit risk, the management of the company follows robust credit control and collections policies. The
company has dedicated credit collections team.

b) Liquidity Risk;
Liquidity risk is the risk that the company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The
company’s approach to managing liquidity (cash and cash equivalents) is to ensure as far as possible, that it will
always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due under both normal and stressed conditions without
incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the company’s reputation. Typically, the company ensures that
it has sufficient cash and cash equivalent to meet expected operational expenses including financial obligations
through the preparation of the cash flow forecast with due consideration of time line of payment of the financial
obligation and accordingly arrange for sufficient fund to make the expected payment within due date. In extremely
stressed conditions, the company may get support from the related company in the form of short term financing.

Management Perception:
Effective liquidity risk management requires both a top-down and a bottom-up approach. Strategy, principles and
objectives are set at board and management levels. Asiatic Laboratories Limited conducts liquidity management
in a manner that maintains stability and flexibility in day-to-day funding activities. Our liquidity risk management
starts by managing daily payment of Cheques, daily cash inflow and outflow, maturity of deposits and our access
to other funding sources as and when required.

c) Risk associated with the issuer’s interest in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates;
Right now, Asiatic Laboratories Limited has no subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates’ concern.

Management perception:
The Company does not have any interest in subsidiaries, joint venture and associates’ companies. So, there are no
such possibilities of arisen risk in this respect.

d) Significant revenue generated from limited number of customers, losing any one or more of which would have
a material adverse effect on the issuer;
There is risk involved in having a limited number of customers and losing that particular customer has a negative
impact on company’s sales and Cash flow as well as Pharmacituals sector.

Management Perception:
The Company is always keen to find out new buyers, which boost up the sales. We are not dependent on any
particular or limited number of customers to operate our business.


e) Dependency on a single or few suppliers of raw materials, failure of which may affect production adversely;
Interruption in raw material supply may impediment of smooth production process.

Management Perception:
The Company is not depended on a single or few suppliers of raw materials. Asiatic Laboratories Limited has a good
number of vendors for each ingredient and services. The company has more than three approved vendors. It uses to
conduct vendor audit and concerned professionals are very conscious regarding the vendor issue. Further, we assume
that sourcing of raw material would be comparatively easier in times to come as due to globalization.

f) More than 20% revenue of the issuer comes from sister concern or associate or subsidiary;
Having 20% revenue generation from sister concern or associated or subsidiary makes issuer dependent on other
companies. Hence, there is dependency risk Revenue would be concentrated if it comes from sister concern or
associate or subsidiary company.

Management Perception:
As the Company has no associate or subsidiary and no sales with any other sister concern.

g) Negative earnings, negative cash flows from operating activities, declining turnover or profitability, during
last five years, if any;
Last five years’ results regarding earnings, cash flows from operating activities, turnover or profitability are very
important to predict future performance of the company.

Management Perception:
The company does not have any negative earnings, negative cash flows from operating activities, declining
profitability, during last five years.

h) Loss-making associate or subsidiary or group companies of the issuer;

The Company may expose to risk of contagion, which refers that the financial problem, especially insolvency, of
one member of a group will bring about the deterioration in the condition of all members.

Management perception:
We do not have any investment in a subsidiary, associates or group companies.

i) Financial weakness and poor performance of the issuer or any of its subsidiary or associates;
Financial performance has a material impact on the sustainability of the Company as going concern.

Management perception:
The Company’s net profit after Tax and other business performance indicators shows increasing trend due to the
management dedication and suitable strategic action to face competition in the industry. Current and quick ratios
are also in favor of the Company considering the industry. The increasing trend Debt to Equity ratio means that
the company is currently dependent on debt capital. However, issuance of fresh capital and repayment of loan
shall allow the company to enjoy significant growth in net profit.

j) Decline in value of any investment;

Investment value might rise or fall because of market conditions (market risk). The corporate decision, such as
whether to expand into a new area of business or merge with another company, can affect the value of the

Management perception
We do not have any investment.

k) Risk associated with useful economic life of plant and machinery, if purchased in second hand or
There is obsolesces risk relating to plant & Machinery. If the machinery is purchased from secondhand or
reconditioned there is high risk relating to the profitability of the company.

Management Perception:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited uses authentic patented machinery for overall operation hence; moreover there all
machineries are fully covered with service warranty and insurance. Expert technicians of the Company or
manufacturer are solving any disruption with the machine.
l) Adverse effect on future cash flow if interest free loan given to related party or such loans taken from directors
may recalled;
There is an interest burden on the company if the company gives Loan to the director or related party other
excluding Interest if the money taken as loan. On the other hand, if such loan is taken from a related party or
Director there will have a negative impact on the cash flows to pay off the loan.

Management perception
No unsettled receipt and payment in case of related party transaction. No director was given to or taken loan from
the Company. Therefore, no risk shall arise or possibilities to arise in the future.

m) Potential conflict of interest, if the sponsors or directors of the issuer are involved with one or more ventures
which are in the same line of activity or business as that of the issuer and if any supplier of raw materials or
major customer is related to the same sponsors or directors.
Conflict of interest between the issuer and its suppliers or major customer arise due to common management may
create an impediment in the day-to-day business operational process.

Management perception
No sponsor or director hold any position or own any stake in the business of its supplier or customer. Therefore,
no conflict would be arisen in this respect.

n) Related party transactions entered into by the company those may adversely affect competitive edge;
In many cases related party transaction is undertaken in the course of the normal business of an entity, in view of
the nature of related party relationships and transaction they may carry a higher risk about the ability of the
Company to continue in business as a going concern- if the entity’s interest is constantly subordinated to that of
related party.

Management perception
The Company provides adequate disclosures in the audited financial statements, which is sufficient about its
related party transaction. The above disclosure is presented in true and fair view of the company’s transaction with
the related party. Therefore, there are no such possibilities of arise of conflict in this respect.

o) Any restrictive covenants in any shareholders' agreement, sponsors' agreement or any agreement for debt or
preference shares or any restrictive covenants of banks in respect of the loan- credit limit and other banking
The future business process or revenue may hinder by any such restrictive covenants stipulated in the agreement
with shareholders, with the sponsor or any loan agreement with the bank or financial institutes.

Management perception
Asiatic Laboratories Limited is always aware of terms and conditions including any type of restrictive covenants
before entering in to and signing agreements. There are no restrictive covenants in any shareholders’ agreement,
sponsors’ agreement or any agreement relating to debt or preference shares or any restrictive covenants of banks
in respect of loan or credit limit and other banking facilities.

p) Business operations may be adversely affected by strikes, work stoppages or increase in wage demands by
Pharmaceutical industries operate by workers and management with mutual understanding. Owners are always
concern about the worker's demand.

Management Perception:
The management of the Company always believes that employees are the main strength of a concern and if
employees have job satisfaction, then they will give their best effort to perform their respective duties. Asiatic
Laboratories Limited is a profitable entity and the management of the Company provides competitive package to
employees and offer them different benefits. However, employee unrest like strikes, work stoppages or increase in
wage demands is a part of business and Asiatic Laboratories Limited is always well aware of managing labor
unrest efficiently. The Company has different incentive packages for employees so that they can be beneficial to
such package.

q) Seasonality of the business of the issuer;

Revenue of the company would be affected if the business is seasonal or if the company is not doing business over
the year.
Management Perception:
There is significant seasonal variations-aspect on the company’s business. Therefore, the management takes
adequate measures as to cope with the seasonal variations.

r) Expiry of any revenue-generating contract that may adversely affect the business;
The revenue would be embraced if any contract for which revenue generated had expired.

Management Perception:
There is no such contract for which the future revenue would be embrace.

s) Excessive dependence on debt financing which may adversely affect the cash flow:
The company may expose to a high degree of risk and its future cash flow from operation shall be squeezed due
to financial expenses.

Management Perception:
Though there are some advantages of debt financing, it causes increased financial expenses and creates excessive
pressure on free cash flow. In case of Asiatic Laboratories Limited, dependence on debt financing is being reduced
and the debt-to-equity ratio of the Company is declining. Presently, the Company has given more attention to equity
financing and strives to go to public.

t) Excessive dependence on any key management personnel absence of whom may have adverse effect on the
issuer’s business performance;
Key Management personnel have a key role in the organization for the smooth operation of the company. If key
management personnel turnover is high, that has an adverse impact on organizational day-to-day activities.

Management perception:
Since inception of the Company, the employee rotation rate is low. The organizational structure is well organized
in such a way that any key management person if not in job that’s shall have no impact on Company’s overall
performance as other team members of his nearest position capable of taking the responsibility.

u) Enforcement of contingent liabilities, which may adversely affect financial condition;

Contingent liabilities are likely to have a negative impact on a company's stock share price because they threaten
to reduce the company's assets and net profitability. The extent of the impact on share price depends on the
estimated probability of the contingent liabilities becoming actual liabilities.

Management Perception:
The Company does not have any other contingent liabilities, which may adversely affect the financial condition.

v) Insurance coverage not adequately protect against certain risks of damages;

The Company shall expose to significant loss if its assets are not properly covered by insurance.

Management Perception:
The company has different insurance coverage for all the relating issues that are risky to operating business. The
Company diversifies the risk of damage of its assets by taking insurance policies. All fixed assets of the Company
are under insurance coverage.

w) Absence of assurance that directors will continue its engagement with Company after expiry of lock in period;
The company may expose to certain risk to operate its day-to-day business operations if the current director’s
engagement shall not continue after the expiry of the lock-in period.

Management perception:
As the directors of the Company is owner, so there is reasonable guarantee that they will continue after the lock
in period.

x) Ability to pay any dividends in future will depend upon future earnings, financial condition, cash flows,
working capital requirements and capital expenditure:
Any future dividend payment depends on the future revenue generation. Any negative earnings in the future shall
be hindered future financial stability of the company.


Management Perception:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited is a profitable entity over long period, which is in uptrend, and it has sufficient profit
in present capacity to pay dividend. Besides, its cash flow is positive with good condition, EPS is in growth, has
working capital surplus and return on equity is in positive growth. After going to IPO, it will repay debt of good
amount and fulfill requirement of capital expenditure requirement and expand its business to meet increased
market demand of its product, which will decrease financial expenses and increase the profitability. As a result
extra cash will be generated to pay more dividends in future.

y) History of non-operation, if any and short operational history of the issuer and lack of adequate background
and experience of the sponsors;
History of non-operation indicates weak operational management of the Company. Non-operation leads to
negative cash flow, incurring of losses and bankruptcy in worst-case scenario.

Management Perception:
As a manufacturer, Asiatic Laboratories Limited take their operation very seriously. They know, if the operation
is stopped for one day that can hamper supply to their customers. In any situation, they do not compromise with
their operation. The company started commercial operation from 1998 and they are proud to state that the
company has never been non-operative until date. Considering the pharmaceuticals industry at world perspective,
our sponsors have adequate background and experience. We have own power supply back up and other required
support for uninterrupted smooth operation.

z) Risks related to engagement in new type of business, if any;

Management Perception:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has no new business involvement rather than increased production capacity by
introducing new and advanced modernized machineries in the factory. Therefore, there is no possibility to occur
such type of risk.

aa) Risk in investing the securities being offered with comparison to other available investment options;
The Company would be exposed off potential financial distress if return on invest is low compare to alternative
investment options they have.

Management perception:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited is a growing and profitable Company in the sector of Pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh.
The demand of Pharmaceuticals is increasing day by day at local, regional and foreign market as well. The
company is efficient with experienced management and well-trained work force with satisfactory skills and
knowledge of their product and business. Therefore, it is not risky in investing securities in Asiatic Laboratories
Limited with comparison to other available investment options.
bb) Any penalty or action taken by any regulatory authorities for non-compliance with provisions of any law;
The company shall have a risk to expose of eroded its brand name and goodwill in case of penalty or action taken
by the regulatory authority.

Management Perception:
The Company did not expose to any such penalty from its inception. Therefore, the management of the Company
alleged that there is little scope of arising such risk in near future. Therefore, the management of Asiatic
Laboratories Limited believes that it is highly unlikely of any penalty or any regulatory authorities for non-
compliance with provisions of any law took action.
cc) Litigations against the issuer for Tax and VAT related matters and other government claims, along with the
disclosures of amount, period for which such demands or claims are outstanding, financial implications and
the status of the case;
Any litigation in terms of unsettled tax, VAT or any other Govt. claim may hamper business operation of the
Company as well as may create future potential financial losses.
Management perception
The Company has no unsettled tax or VAT cases against which litigation was made in court. All tax liability was
settled. Again, the Company always maintain tax provision for settle any tax liability if impose by NBR.

dd) Registered office or factory building or place of operation is not owned by the issuer;
If office and factory location is not own by the Company business operation may hamper.
Management Perception:
The Registered office and factory building or place of operation both are owned by the issuer. Therefore, the
management perceives that there is no risk exposed to registered office or factory building or its place of operation.

ee) Lack of renewal of existing regulatory permissions- licenses;

Non-renewal of license may hamper day-to-day business operation of the company.

Management perception:
All of the regulatory permission and licenses are kept up to date and duly renewed time to time for smooth
operation & production. There is no such issue relating to lack of existing regulatory permission/licenses.

ff) Failure in holding AGM or declaring dividend or payment of interest by any listed securities of the issuer or
any of its subsidiaries or associates;
There may have a legislative impact on the business operation of any Company by any judgment of Honorable
High Court in case of failure of any listed company of the group for not comply with the state laws such as The
Companies Act 1994 or payment of dividend to the shareholders in due course.

Management perception:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has no listed securities or any of its subsidiaries or associates. Hence, this risk is not
applicable for the Company.

gg) Issuances of securities at lower than the IPO offer price within one year;
If the issuer was issued share at lower than the IPO offer price within one year, there have possibilities to arise
misperception about IPO price.

Management perception:
The above-mentioned required information will be furnished after determination of the cut- off price.

hh) Refusal of application for public issue of any securities of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries or associates at
any time by the Commission.
Any refusal of application for public issue of any securities of the issuer may hinder confidence of the Company
or convey negative impression about the financial status to the shareholders
Management perception:
Such cases did not happen for our company or holding or sister concerns at any time by the Commission. We
expect it will not be happened in future.
2) External risk factors may include among others:
a) Interest rate risks;
Interest rate risk is associated with the fluctuations in market interest rates which cause a company’s cost of debt
to increase changes in the Government’s monetary policy also tend to increase the interest rates. The high rate of
interest may adversely affect the operating results and financial performance of the company with additional
financial charges and squeezes the profit of the company.
Management Perception:
The management of the Company is always aware of the interest rates at which the debts of the Company are
being financed. Management finances both long term and short-term funds at competitive rates. The Company
has been repaying borrowed funds on a continuous basis to reduce such interest rate risk. The present rate of
interest is negative which is favorable for the company.
b) Exchange rate risks;
In many cases, the Company depends on imported raw materials. For this reason, Asiatic Laboratories Limited
has to face foreign currency risk. Unfavorable volatility or currency fluctuation may affect the profitability of the
Management Perception:
The company receives the entire export proceeds in foreign currency and makes the majority of the import
payments in foreign currency as well. For a given depreciation of Taka against a particular foreign currency like
US Dollar, the import payment and export proceeds will both be higher in terms of Taka. In the case of an
appreciation of Taka against the same currency, the opposite will occur. Hence, the company has a natural
hedge against exchange rate of risk.


c) Industry risks;
The pharmaceutical industry has witnessed challenges such as intellectual property rights, a historic fuel price
peak, and material cost increase across the globe. It stands as one of the most challenging and dynamic industries
to operate as on date. Fortunately, Bangladesh is only least developed country who demonstrates significant
competencies in pharmaceuticals industry and it requires huge medicine for its present population and requires
huge quantity of medicine. As such, local pharmaceutical industry is not in a trouble; rather the said industry has
many opportunities to grow.
Management Perception
As the per capita income and per person consumption of medicine is increasing over the years, management is
optimistic about growth opportunities of pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh. The company is trying to adopt
sophisticated state of the art manufacturing facilities and making efforts to catch the opportunity of regulated global
d) Economic and political risks;
Economic risks:
The economy could be adversely affected by various factors such as political or regulatory action, including adverse
changes in liberalization policies, social disturbances, terrorist attacks and other acts of violence or war, natural
calamities, commodity and energy prices and various other factors. Any significant changes may adversely affect
business and finance.
Management Perception:
Bangladesh economy is booming. Consistent industrial growth along with increased pharmaceutical production
has made the Per Capita Income higher than that of recent years. In addition, favorable government policies and
industry-friendly policies by other regulatory bodies have proved to be congenial to the economy of the country.
The unexpected changes or amendments of those friendly policies may rise economic risk. The management is
aware of such risks.

Political risks:
Bangladesh is prone to serious unrest in the political condition, which produces strike, road-blocked and many
other barriers to the business. This could also push the cost of the product upwards.
Management Perception:
During the last forty years of the post-independence period, Bangladesh has gone through a variety of political
situations. Recently, a stable political atmosphere is prevailing in the country. Both the ruling and opposition
parties are committed to the betterment of the country. Political parties are thinking for growth of the country.
e) Market and Technology-related risks;
The Company has best-class infrastructure with recently imported technologically updated & sophisticated
machinery and equipments. The production facilities are based on currently available technology. However,
Asiatic Laboratories Limited investment in plants and technology may become obsolete and the product quality
may be impaired due to malpractice or decayed technological enforcement.
Management Perception
Company owns modern technology with R&D Infrastructure and shall be able to moderate investments, as it has
been doing in the past. The Company imported plant and technology from reputed manufacturer with proper
warranty to take care of any defects or confirmation of supplying of adequate spare parts has manufactured the
selected/ installed plant and machinery. Moreover, sufficient flexibility such as project sequencing and option-
based project implementation has been planned to facilitate updated technologically.
f) Potential or existing government regulations;
The Company operates under Companies Act, 1994, Income Tax Ordinance, 1984, Income Tax Rules, 1984,
Value Added Tax (VAT) Act, 1991, Value Added Tax (VAT) Rules, 1991, Customs Act, 1969 and other related
regulations. Any abrupt changes in the policies made by the regulatory authorities may unfavorably affect the
business of the Company.
Management perception:
Unless any policy change that may negatively and materially affect the industry as a whole, the business of the
Company is expected not to be affected significantly. Pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is a sector with
considerable local demand for differentiated product lines. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the Government
will initiate any fiscal measure having an adverse effect on the growth of the industry.


g) Potential or existing changes in global or national policies;
The Company is dependent on imported raw materials. Any scarcity due to changes in policy in the international
market might dent the production level and profitability. The performance of the company may be affected due to
unavoidable circumstances both in Bangladesh and worldwide, as such political turmoil and disturbance in the
country may adversely affect the economy in general.

Management perception:
The management of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is always concerned about the prevailing and unforeseen future
changes in the global or national policy and equipped them to response appropriately and timely to safeguard its
interest. Due to the strong brand equity of the company in the local market and with long and profound track
experience, the Company will always endeavor to withstand the unexpected changes or any such potential threats.
Nevertheless, political stability and a congenial business environment is definitely the best situation in which is
destined to achieve its maximum potential. Political turmoil and the disturbance are not good for any economy so
also for any company.

h) Statutory clearances and approvals those are yet to be received by the issuer;
To smooth running of the business operation, statutory clearance is required.

Management Perception:
The company has collected all the statutory clearance and approval to operate the business. The necessary update
and renewal are a continuous process. Hence, there is a limited degree of such risk associated with the company.

i) Competitive condition of the business;

Asiatic Laboratories Limited is operating in a free-market economy regime. The company might have to face stiff
competition from its competitors. Easily availability of global products in the local markets adds to the
competition, challenging the profitability of the business.

Management Perception:
Bangladesh is the key source of economic labor in the world, gaining proportional advantages for its industries
over their global competitors. Other overhead costs are also low in Bangladesh. As a result, the company has been
able to maintain its cost of products most competitive. Moreover, over the last few years the company has built a
trustworthy relationship with its customers, which helps the company avoid competition with others.

j) Complementary and supplementary products or services, which may have an impact on business of the issuer.
Complementary and supplementary product may have an impact on the sales of the existing product of the Company.

Management Perception:
The company has not faced any challenges relating to supplementary and complementary products and
management are concerned with the issue. In future, if necessary, management may diversify the product to be
competitive over the competitors.


a) Issue Size: Total issue size of (#) Ordinary shares of Tk. (#) each totaling Tk. 950,000,000/-

b) Number of Securities to be issued;

Public issue of (#) Ordinary shares

c) Authorized Capital and Paid-up capital;

• Authorized Capital: Tk.2,000,000,000/-
• Paid-up Capital: Tk. 878,480,000/-

d) Face value, premium and offer price per unit of securities;

• Face Value: Tk. 10.00
• Premium Per Share: Tk. (#) after bidding
• Offer Price per unit of securities: Tk. (#) after bidding

e) Number of securities to be entitled for each category of applicants:

IPO size will be (#) ordinary shares @ TK. (#) each totaling Tk.950,000,000/-. As per the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015, 50% of total Initial Public Offering shall be reserved for mutual funds
& other eligible investors (EIs), 10% for non‐resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and 40% for other general public. The position
is thus as follows:

Number of Amount in
Category Particulars
Shares BDT
Eligible 25% of IPO i.e. (#) Ordinary Shares shall be reserved for Mutual
(#) (#)
Investors (EIs) Funds and Other Eligible Investors (EIs)
5% of IPO i.e. (#) Ordinary Shares shall be reserved for Non-
(#) (#)
Resident Bangladeshis (NRB)
General Public
70% of IPO i.e. (#) Ordinary Shares shall be reserved for other
(#) (#)
General Public (excluding NRB).
Total (#) (#)

f) Holding structure of different classes of securities before and after the issue
The Company has issued only ordinary shares. Holding structure of different classes of securities before and after
the issue is as follows:
Sl. Category of No of ordinary shares Percentage of holding
No. shareholders Pre-issue Post-issue Pre-issue (%) Post-issue (%)
1. Sponsors & Directors 51,828,490 [.] 59.00% [.]
2. Individual 27,110,890 [.] 30.86% [.]
3 Institutional 8,908,620 [.] 10.14% [.]
Total 87,848,000 [.] 100.00% [.]

g) The objective of the issue including financing requirements and feasibility in respect of enhanced paid up
Objective of the issue including financing requirements and feasibility in respect of enhanced paid-up capital are
available in the Section- XXII under the head of “Use of Proceeds” of this red-herring prospectus at Net proceeds
from Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be used for Expansion of business activities through Purchase & Installation of
New Plant & Machineries, Construction of Factory Building Expansion unit and Partial loan repayment.


The details of which is stated as under:
SL Amount in Implementation Schedule of IPO
No. TK Proceed
Expansion of Business (Acquisition & Installation of
1 580,496,056 Within 24 months after receiving
IPO proceeds.
2 Construction of Factory Building Expansion Unit 62,553,944
Within 06 months after receiving
3 Repayment of Bank loan 280,000,000
IPO proceeds.
Total 923,050,000


Cost of the Project:
The cost of the project for the expansion project has been estimated as follow:
Sl. No. Projected Investment Plan Figure in Amount
1 Expansion of Business (Acquisition & Installation of Machineries) 580,496,056
2 Construction of Factory Building Expansion Unit 62,553,944
3 Repayment of Bank loan 280,000,000
Total 923,050,000

Means of Finance:
Sl. Other than
Particulars IPO Proceed Total Taka
1 Expansion of Business (Acquisition & Installation of Machineries) 580,496,056 580,496,056
2 Construction of Factory Building Expansion Unit 62,553,944 62,553,944
3 Repayment of Bank loan 280,000,000 55,274,715 335,274,715
923,050,000 55,274,715 978,324,715
A. Statement of Financial Position (Projected)
Amount in Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2022 30 June 2023 30 June 2024 30 June 2025
Audited Projected
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 5,266,569,026 5,343,240,908 5,878,608,988 5,809,013,334
Freehold Property,
5,130,483,555 5,172,832,618 5,173,734,159 5,793,888,712 5,750,322,441
Plant and Equipment
Right of Use Assets 53,284,211 66,636,627 55,114,273 45,557,749 57,899,226
Intangible Asset 2,791,667 2,291,667 1,791,667 1,291,667 791,667
Capital Work-in-Progress 46,566,099 24,808,115 112,600,810 37,870,860 -
Current Assets 630,644,132 943,566,506 1,956,661,935 2,052,800,377 2,964,430,445
Inventories 319,939,446 335,067,786 351,032,491 381,856,238 414,269,543
Trade and other
192,202,530 210,383,531 231,348,857 256,578,123 288,103,191
Advances, Deposits
109,517,662 115,838,821 122,468,817 129,631,108 157,394,696
and Prepayments
Cash and Cash
8,984,494 282,276,368 1,251,811,770 1,284,734,908 2,104,663,015
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 6,210,135,532 7,299,902,843 7,931,409,365 8,773,443,779
Shareholders Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Equity 4,973,107,147 5,315,457,334 6,776,992,890 7,352,112,431 8,091,964,458
Share Capital 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 1,851,861,503 1,847,915,464 1,844,194,632 1,840,683,885
IPO Proceed - - 950,000,000 950,000,000 950,000,000
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,006 2,585,115,831 3,100,597,426 3,679,437,799 4,422,800,574
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 644,435,459 363,690,198 400,150,022 433,776,224
Long Term Borrowings 225,888,802 186,340,117 - - -
Lease Liability (Non-
32,620,870 33,823,331 4,263,449 5,305,557 15,103,574
Current Portion)
Deferred Tax Liability* 401,041,397 424,272,010 359,426,749 394,844,464 418,672,651
Amount in Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2022 30 June 2023 30 June 2024 30 June 2025
Audited Projected
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 250,242,739 159,219,755 179,146,912 247,703,096
Short Term Borrowings 9,427,614 8,956,233 8,508,421 8,083,000 7,678,850
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 16,664,324 18,406,089 21,631,430 25,556,875
Current Tax Payable 71,706,758 86,426,054 78,646,178 96,248,817 145,376,734
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 22,581,913 27,398,394 35,320,874 45,434,417
Long Term Borrowings
83,145,017 79,860,050 - - -
(Current Portion)
Lease Liability
16,715,222 20,928,333 12,193,103 4,340,911 9,740,386
(Current Portion)
Trade and other Payables 15,205,172 14,825,832 14,067,570 13,521,880 13,915,834
Total Shareholders
5,863,769,663 6,210,135,532 7,299,902,843 7,931,409,365 8,773,443,779
Equity and Liabilities
Net Asset Value
56.61 60.51 77.14 83.69 92.11
(NAV) per share*
Net Asset Value (NAV)
per share without 35.48 39.43 56.11 62.70 71.16

B. Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income (Projected)

Amount in Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2022 30 June 2023 30 June 2024 30 June 2025
Audited Projected
Net Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,658,746,284 1,912,785,340 2,301,825,470 2,876,254,180
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (827,875,171) (942,871,791) (1,084,567,346) (1,302,442,684) (1,622,848,229)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 715,874,493 828,217,994 999,382,786 1,253,405,951
Less: Operating Expenses (189,298,791) (206,439,246) (222,980,745) (255,807,796) (297,163,107)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 509,435,247 605,237,249 743,574,990 956,242,844
Other Income 290,564 305,092 320,347 336,364 353,183
Financial Expenses (37,618,189) (29,069,399) (25,180,103) (1,190,105) (1,160,304)
Interest on Lease Liability (6,705,386) (6,450,771) (5,011,224) (982,897) (1,312,955)
Profit Before WPPF &
390,049,897 474,220,170 575,366,269 741,738,351 954,122,767
Income Tax
Less: Workers' Profit
Participation Fund Expenses
18,573,805 22,581,913 27,398,394 35,320,874 45,434,417
Profit Before Income Tax 371,476,092 451,638,257 547,967,875 706,417,477 908,688,350
Income Tax Expenses (50,951,660) (109,715,955) (14,128,679) (131,954,553) (169,455,867)
Current Tax (71,338,161) (86,057,457) (78,277,581) (95,880,220) (145,008,137)
Deferred Tax Income/
20,386,501 (23,658,498) 64,148,902 (36,074,333) (24,447,730)
Net Profit After Tax 320,524,432 341,922,302 533,839,196 574,462,924 739,232,483
Add: Other
1,858,123,003 738,978 696,360 656,617 619,544
Comprehensive Income:
Revaluation surplus during
1,929,285,128 - - - -
the year
Deferred Tax expenses on
(71,162,125) 738,978 696,360 656,617 619,544
Total Comprehensive
2,178,647,435 342,661,280 534,535,556 575,119,541 739,852,027
Income for the year
Earnings per Share 3.65 2.76 6.08 6.54 8.41
** Earnings per share (EPS) and Net Asset Value (NAV) has calculated considering 87,848,000 no of ordinary share for all year.
This section will be adder after bidding.


Issue Size Amount in
Issue Price
(Number of Shares to be issued) Taka
[*] No. of Shares of Tk. 10 each including a premium of
[*] No. of Shares 950,000,000
Tk. [*] totaling Tk. 950,000,000/-
Less: IPO Expenses 26,950,000
Net IPO Proceeds 923,050,000

a) Use of net proceeds of the offer indicating the amount to be used for each purpose with head-wise break-up:
Use of the net proceeds from the IPO:
Net proceeds from Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be used for Expansion of business activities through
Installation & acquisition of new Machineries, Loan repayment and new Factory building. The details of which
is stated as under:
SL Implementation Schedule
Particulars Amount in TK
No. of IPO Proceed
Expansion of Business (Acquisition & Installation
1 580,496,056 Within 24 months after
of Machineries)
receiving IPO proceeds.
2 Construction of Factory Building 62,553,944
Within 06 months after
3 Repayment of Bank loan 280,000,000
receiving IPO proceeds.

Details Cost of Machineries is given as below:

Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
Petals Brand Ampoule
Line -300 Comprising
1 of Rotary Combi PCS 1 Unit 242,000 85 20,570,000
Washing Machine For
Ampoules & Vials-300
Vial And Ampoule
Sterilizing Tunnel M/S. Project
Pimpl- Consultancy
2 Output: 1 Ml At 300 PCS 1 Unit 150,000 85 12,750,000
St-400 Services Room
Apm, Vials: 2Ml At
200 Vpm # 203, Jindal
Liner Ampoule Pimpl- Towers, 21/1A
3 Filling and Sealing Vasfsm- /3, Darga PCS 1 Unit 220,000 85 18,700,000
Machine- 8 Head 8-300 Road, Kolkata–
Sterile Filling 700 017, India.
4 Equipment (Air Tight)
50 Ltrs PCS 1 No 2,900 85 246,500
Sterile Filling 100
5 PCS 2 No 4,125 85 701,250
Equipment (Air Tight) Ltrs
Sterile Filling 200
6 PCS 1 No 5,900 85 501,500
Equipment (Air Tight) Ltrs
Sterile Pressure Cum
50 M/S. Project
7 Manufacturing PCS 1 No 45,000 85 3,825,000
Liters Consultancy
Services Room
Sterile Pressure Cum
100 # 203, Jindal
8 Manufacturing PCS 2 No 52,000 85 8,840,000
Liters Towers, 21/1A
/3, Darga
Sterile Pressure Cum
200 Road, Kolkata–
9 Manufacturing PCS 1 No 66,000 85 5,610,000
Liters 700 017, India.
Membrane Filter Siz-142 M/S. Project
10 Consultancy PCS 1 No 2,225 85 189,125
Equipment Mm
Services Room #
Membrane Filter Siz-293 203, Jindal
11 PCS 3 No 2,625 85 669,375
Equipment Mm Towers, 21/1A


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
/3, Darga Road,
Kolkata–700 017,
Siz- M/S. Project
Vertical Sliding Door Consultancy
12 2'W*2' PCS 3 No 82,450 85 21,024,750
Steam Sterilizer Services Room #
H 4'D
203, Jindal
Pure Steam Towers,
Generator-300 21/1A/3, Darga PCS
13 1 Lot 159,060 85 13,520,100
Kgs/Hr (Finnaqya Road, Kolkata–
Design) 700 017, India.
Multi Column
Distillation Plant (Finn M/S. Project
14 Aqua Design) Capacity Consultancy PCS 1 No 179,250 85 15,236,250
500 Ltr/Hr @ 3 Kgs/ Services Room
Cm2(143 Deg C) # 203, Jindal
Terminal Sterilizer Towers,
(Horizontal Sliding 21/1A/3,
Doubler Door) Cap Darga Road,
15 PCS 1 Lot 88,060 85 7,485,100
1400 LitresSize Kolkata–700
3'W*3'H*6'D 017, India.
(Double Door)
Distilled Water M/S. Project
3 Mm
Jacketted Storage Consultancy
16 3161 PCS 1 No 44,250 85 3,761,250
Equipment Cap: Services Room
1000 Litres Shell: # 203, Jindal
Pharmatek Vertical Pf/2260
Laminer Downflow -
17 Darga Road, PCS 2 No 24,625 85 4,186,250
Clen Air Work 5/Sv/C
Station s/Sp/Ss
017, India.
Pharmatek Germent
Pf/ M/S. Project
Storage Cabinet 915
2451/S Consultancy
18 W X 305 Mm D; PCS 3 No 4,100 85 1,045,500
p/Ss Services Room
O/D: 915 W X 500
Hepa # 203, Jindal
D X 1830 Mm
Pharmatek Air
Shower 1650 Wx915
Pf/2401 Darga Road,
19 Dx 2200Mmh PCS 3 No 15,375 85 3,920,625
/Ss Kolkata–700
(Single Entry &
017, India.
Single Exit)
Pharmatek Vertical Pf/2259
Laminer Downflow -
Clen Air Work Station
20 3/Sv/C M/S. Project PCS 1 No 19,375 85 1,646,875
2745 X 915 Mm D;
O/D: 2905 W X1485 X s/ Consultancy
510 Mm H Sp/Ss Services Room
(For Ampoule # 203, Jindal
Section-R. Mstaging) Towers,
(Straight Entry & Pf/1551 21/1A/3,
Right Exit) Size: ,5- Darga Road,
21 PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
I/D: 600 W X 600 D 1.5/Dp Kolkata–700
X 600 Mm H; O/D: /Ss 017, India.
690 W X 690 Dx
1335 Mm H
For Ophthalmic- M/S. Project
Dispensing I Straight Consultancy
Entry & Left Exit Services Room
22 Size: I/D: 600 W X # 203, Jindal PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
600 Dx 600 Mm H; Towers,
O/D: 690 W X 690 21/1A/3,
D X 1335 Mm H Darga Road,


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
(For Ophthalmic- Kolkata–700
Dispensing 017, India.
Ii)(Straight Entry & Pf/1551
Right Exit) Size: .5-
23 PCS 1 No 5,000 85 425,000
I/D: 600 W X 600 1.5/Dp
Dx 600 Mm H; /Ss
O/D: 690 W X 690
Dx 1335 Mm H
(For Ophthalmic-
Dispensing) Size: Pf/1551
I/D: 600 W X 600 .5-
24 M/S. Project PCS 4 Nos 5,000 85 1,700,000
Dx 600 Mm H; 1.5/Dp
O/D: 690 Wx 690 /Ss
Services Room
Dx 1335 Mm H
# 203, Jindal
(For Ampoule
Manufacturing) Pf/1552
Darga Road,
(Without Base) Size: -
25 Kolkata–700 PCS 2 No 8,560 85 1,455,200
I/D: 750 W X 750 2/Dp/S
017, India.
Dx 1500 Mm H; s
O/D: 880W X 800 D
X 2100 Mm H
(For Ophthalmic-
(Without Base) Size:
- M/S. Project
26 I/D: 750 W X 750 PCS 4 No 8,560 85 2,910,400
2/Dp/S Consultancy
Dx 1500 Mm H;
s Services Room
O/D: 880W X
# 203, Jindal
800DX2100 Mm H
Minipleat Hepa
Filter Area : 610 X
Pf/2252 Darga Road,
610 Mm; Storage
- Kolkata–700
27 Space: 610 W X 610 PCS 2 No 5,290 85 899,300
2/Mc/S 017, India.
Dx 610 Mm H;
O/D: 80W X1100
Dx1550 Mm H
(Dispensing Booth)
(For Ampoule
Filling) Minipleat
Hepa Filter Area:
915 X 610 Mm;
28 O/D: 1050 W X M/S. Project PCS 2 No 6,925 85 1,177,250
1300 D X 2100 Mm Consultancy
H 18.2 Model Services Room
Pf/2253-2/Rf/Ss # 203, Jindal
Model Pf/2253- Towers,
2/Rf/Ss 21/1A/3,
(Dispensing Booth) Darga Road,
(For Ophthalmic) Kolkata–700
Minipleat Hepa 017, India.
Filter Area: 915 X
29 PCS 1 No 6,925 85 588,625
610 Mm; 0/D: 1050
W X 1300 D X 2100
Mm H Model
Pure Steam M/S. Project
DistributionSystem Consultancy
30 Network (Loop) Services Room PCS 1 Lot 100,000 85 8,500,000
Ss316L Bread # 203, Jindal
Remove Tube Towers,


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
Water For Injection 21/1A/3,
Distribution System Darga Road,
31 Network Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Unit 120,000 85 10,200,000
(Loop)Ss316L Bread 017, India.
Distribution System
32 PCS 1 Lot 180,000 85 15,300,000
Network (Loop)
Purified Water
33 Generation Edi PCS 1 Set 260,000 85 22,100,000
Automatic Coating Coater-
34 PCS 1 Unit 512,000 85 43,520,000
Machine 500 M/S. Project
Encapsulation Line Consultancy
with Double Deck Services Room
Tumbler Dryer 4 # 203, Jindal
35 Baskets. (7.2 Inch Gkf 72 Towers, PCS 1 No 484,000 85 41,140,000
Length X 5.6 Inch 21/1A/3,
Die Roll, 183Mm X Darga Road,
143Mm) Kolkata–700
Blister Packing 017, India.
Machine for
Ampoules. (Suitable
For Blister Packing
36 Ampoules Complete 450 Ad PCS 1 No 170,000 85 14,450,000
With 5 Sets of
Change Parts For
1,2,3,5 & 10 Ml
High Performance
37 Table Top and Table M/S. Project PCS 1 Unit 112,000 85 9,520,000
Coater Consultancy
Table Top R&D Fbe Services Room
38 PCS 1 Unit 112,275 85 9,543,375
Combo Quest-Fb # 203, Jindal
Sticker Labelling Towers,
39 Machine for Vials 21/1A/3, PCS 2 No 33,000 85 5,610,000
With Turntable Darga Road,
Thermax Brand Kolkata–700
40 PCS 1 Unit 74,000 85 6,290,000
Incinerator 017, India.
41 Floor Epoxy System PCS 7000 SQ.Ft 3 85 1,785,000
Epoxy Wall Coating M/S. Project
42 PCS 1000 Kg 28 85 2,380,000
(Water Based) Consultancy
43 Air Handling Unit Services Room PCS 10 No 10,850 85 9,222,500
44 Pressure Gauge # 203, Jindal PCS 1 Lot 10,000 85 850,000
45 Valves Towers, PCS 1 Lot 14,000 85 1,190,000
Strainer, Pumps, 21/1A/3,
Heaters, Dampers, Darga Road,
46 Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Lot 33,200 85 2,822,000
Grills, Filter
Housings 017, India.
Pipe Insulation M/S. Project
47 PCS 1 Lot 10,375 85 881,875
Materials Consultancy
48 Electric Panels Services Room PCS 1 Lot 11,000 85 935,000
Ancillaries & # 203, Jindal
49 Towers, PCS 1 Lot 10,000 85 850,000
Thermax Make Tac G2 Darga Road,
50 Direct Fired Vapour E4- 504 Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Unit 290,000 85 24,650,000
Absorption Chiller Tr 017, India.


Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
Sm M/S. Project
51 Shellmax Boiler Global Consultancy PCS 1 Unit 110,000 85 9,350,000
30E/Nc Services Room
Chilled Water Pump Nk 100- # 203, Jindal
52 PCS 2 Sets 21,000 85 3,570,000
Grundfos 200 Towers,
Cooling Water Pump Nk 15- 21/1A/3,
53 Darga Road, PCS 2 Sets 24,400 85 4,148,000
Grundfos 315
Value And Accessories Kolkata–700
54 For Chiller And Boiler 017, India. PCS 1 Lot 34,054 85 2,894,590
Ms Pipe for Chilled
Water Line, Cooling
M/S. Project
Water Line And
55 Consultancy PCS 1 Lot 208,300 85 17,705,500
Steam Line With
Services Room
Necessary All Types
# 203, Jindal
Of Fittings
Lt Control Panels
For Suitable For
Darga Road,
415V, 3-Ph, 4W
56 Kolkata–700 PCS 1 Unit 23,300 85 1,980,500
50Hz Supply System
017, India.
For Ac (Chiller)
Elastomeric Nitrile
57 PCS 1500 Sqm 14 85 1,785,000
Rubber Insulation;
M/S. Project
Thick: 25Mm
Services Room
Elastomeric Nitrile
58 # 203, Jindal PCS 500 Sqm 9 85 382,500
Rubber Insulation;
Thick: 13Mm
Armaflex Glass Darga Road,
59 PCS 1500 Sqm 4 85 510,000
Cloth Kolkata–700
Medium Voltage 017, India.
60 PCS 1 Set 25,000 85 2,125,000
Distribution Panel
Cooling Tower C.T. To
61 Cool 168Cmh Water
PCS 1 Unit 150,000 85 12,750,000
62 Encapsulation PCS 1 No 235,645 85 20,029,825
Machine M/S. Project
Machinery ForSoft Consultancy
Gelatine Services Room
63 Manufacture Plant # 203, Jindal PCS 1 378,888 85 32,205,510
Comprising of The Towers,
Following: 21/1A/3,
Capsule Drying Darga Road,
Units Comprising o Kolkata–700
64 De Humidification 017, India. PCS 2 No 125,180 85 21,280,600
System Capacity of
Each 5000Cfm
Automatic Soft
Gelatine Capsule
Printing Machine M/S. Project
Manufactured Consultancy
65 PCS 1 No 35,750 85 3,038,750
Primarily from Services Room
Stainless Steel 304 # 203, Jindal
Grade Complete with Towers,
Motor 21/1A/3,
Gelatine Colour Darga Road,
66 Mixing Stirrer, Gmp Kolkata–700 PCS 1 NO 26,950 85 2,290,750
Model 017, India.
Gelatine Feed Tank
67 PCS 3 No 30,140 85 7,685,700
Gmp Model
Sl Rate in Conv.
Machenery Name Model Supplier Brand Qty Measure Amount
No USD Rate
Reactor: Gmp Model M/S. Project
68 PCS 1 No 63,800 85 5,423,000
Capacity 500 Litres Consultancy
Planetory Mixer (De- Services Room #
Aeration Stirrer Unit 203, Jindal
69 PCS 1 No 92,400 85 7,854,000
with Tank Capacity Towers,
200 Litres 21/1A/3, Darga
Coating Pan Size Road, Kolkata–
70 700 017, India. PCS 1 No 13,640 85 1,159,400
Trolley Stacker with M/S. Project
71 Consultancy PCS 20 No 4,400 85 7,480,000
72 Chilled Air Unit Services Room # PCS 1 No 5,445 85 462,825
203, Jindal
Triple Roller Mill: Towers,
73 Material of 21/1A/3, Darga PCS 1 No 13,750 85 1,168,750
Construction: Ss 316 Road, Kolkata–
700 017, India.
Jacketted Colloid M/S. Project
74 Mill; Material of Consultancy PCS 1 No 13,750 85 1,168,750
Construction; Ss 316 Services Room #
Capsule Pre-Shaper 203, Jindal
75 (Tumbler) Material of PCS 1 No 26,950 85 2,290,750
21/1A/3, Darga
Construction: Ss 316 Road, Kolkata–
76 Vacuum Pumps. 700 017, India. PCS 2 No 5,225 85 888,250
77 Electronic Balance M/S. Project PCS 2 No 4,125 85 701,250
Services Room #
Gelatine Feeding
203, Jindal
Heater Pipes Towers,
78 PCS 1 SET 39,300 85 3,340,500
Including Delivery 21/1A/3, Darga
Pipe Triclover, Road, Kolkata–
700 017, India.
Total Invoice Value in Taka 561,844,675
Installation & Other 18,651,382
Total cost of Macheneries 580,496,056

Details of Construction of Factory building (36,000 sqft)

Sl. No Item of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Tk Total Amount
A RCC Work - -
1 C.C WorkFor Pile Bottom & Pile CP Cft 180.80 250 45,200
2 R.C.C WorkFor Pile Cft 3,793.20 360 1,365,552
3 R.C.C Work for Pile Cp Cft 2,400.00 360 864,000
4 R.C.C Work for (Short Column) Cft 855.00 360 307,800
5 R.C.C Work for (GB) Cft 1,023.75 360 368,550
6 R.C.C Work for (Ground floor) Cft 2,010.00 360 723,600
7 R.C.C Work for (Long Column) Cft 2,373.70 360 854,531
8 R.C.C Work for (Tie Beam) Cft 377.65 360 135,954
9 R.C.C Work for (1st Floor Beam) Cft 910.00 360 327,600
10 R.C.C Work for (1st floor Slub) Cft 2,010.00 360 723,600
11 R.C.C Work for (1st floor Long Column) Cft 1,518.13 360 546,528
12 R.C.C Work for (1st Floor Tie Beam) Cft 253.03 360 91,089
13 R.C.C Work for (2ndFloor Beam) Cft 910.00 360 327,600
14 R.C.C Work for (2nd floor Slub) Cft 2,010.00 360 723,600
15 R.C.C Work for (2nd floor Long Column) Cft 1,354.93 360 487,776
16 R.C.C Work for (2nd Floor Tie Beam) Cft 253.03 360 91,089
17 R.C.C Work for (3rd Floor Beam) Cft 910.00 360 327,600
18 R.C.C Work for (3rd floor Slub) Cft 2,010.00 360 723,600
19 R.C.C Work for (3rd floor Long Column) Cft 1,354.93 360 487,776
20 R.C.C Work for (3rd Floor Tie Beam) Cft 253.03 360 91,089
21 R.C.C Work for (4th Floor Beam) Cft 910.00 360 327,600
22 R.C.C Work for (4th floor Slub) Cft 2,010.00 360 723,600


Sl. No Item of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Tk Total Amount
23 R.C.C Work for (4th floor Long Column) Cft 1,354.93 360 487,776
24 R.C.C Work for (4th Floor Tie Beam) Cft 253.03 360 91,089
25 R.C.C Work for (Stair1,2,3,4) Cft 5,250.24 360 1,890,086
SUB-TOTAL 13,134,284
B Construction Material
1 Cement Bag 13,600.00 515.00 7,004,000
2 Stone Cft 41,052.00 245.00 10,057,740
3 Sylhet sand Cft 26,000.00 65.00 1,690,000
4 Local Sand Cft 10,000.00 35 350,000
5 Rod Kg 224,268.00 75 16,820,100
6 Brick (Machine Made) Pcs 208,000.00 12.00 2,496,000
7 Door, window, Grill, Thai and other work LBS 4,201,820
SUB-TOTAL 42,619,660
C Labor Works (34000 Sft.) -
1 Labor Cost Cft 34,000.00 200 6,800,000
SUB-TOTAL 6,800,000
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E) 62,553,944

(3) Loan Repayment from IPO Fund is given below:

Sl. Account Name of Bank Balance as on Repayment amount from IPO proceeds
No. Number with branch 30.06.2021 subject to approval of Regulatory Authority
1 TL12180880002 One Bank 71,054,027 65,000,000
2 TL12180880001 Limited, 54,231,247 47,000,000
Elephant Road
3 TL12172050001 144,708,368 138,000,000
4 1841001883 5,521,381 5,000,000
Hajj Finance
5 1841001679 451,069 400,000
6 20162009580 6,840,122 6,840,122
7 201702015626-0 Fareast Finance 9,904,417 9,759,878
8 201702015626-1 8,202,508 8,000,000
300,913,139 280,000,000

The IPO proceeds will have utilized as per the above-mentioned schedule.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer


b) Utilization of the total amount of paid-up capital and share premium, if any, including the sponsors’
contribution and capital raised of the issuer at the time of submission of prospectus, in details with
indication of use of such funds in the financial statements:

The Company has raised Capital of Tk. 878,480,000/- from Existing Shareholders only through Cash. There
are a bonus share allotment of Tk. 65,000,000/- rest of Tk. 813,480,000 was used for the Company and their
indication of use in the Financial Statements are as follows:

Accounting Amount In
Items Name Reflects in Cash Flows
Year Taka
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
1970-1971 Preliminary Expenses 10,000
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
1998-1999 Working Capital 703,500
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
2004-2005 Working Capital 8,670,000
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
2008-2009 Plant & Machinery 2,146,600
under Investing Activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 11,144,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
2009-2010 Plant & Machinery 4,965,100
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Vehicle 850,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 7,985,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Plant & Machinery 15,442,500
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
2011-2012 Plant & Machinery 8,982,380
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Land 74,700,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 22,702,584
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Office Equipment 1,241,950
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Vehicle 2,957,400
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Loan Payment 27,250,323
under Financing Activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Working Capital 9,761,179
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Land and Land Development 29,040,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 22,947,538
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
2013-2014 Plant & Machinery 10,892,070
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Loan Payment 149,306,535
under Financing Activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Working Capital 9,942,946
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Land 80,000,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 43,472,317
2014-2015 under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Vehicle 12,660,000
under Investing Activities


Accounting Amount In
Items Name Reflects in Cash Flows
Year Taka
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Loan Payment 15,394,197
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Working Capital 1,252,087
under Operating activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Land 70,715,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 18,113,555
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Vehicle 1,115,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Loan Payment 847,008
under Financing Activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 66,448,013
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Plant & Machinery 20,000,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Vehicle 338,000
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Loan Payment 847,008
under Financing Activities.
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Building & Other Construction 28,836,210
under Investing Activities
This amount is show in the Cash Flows
Plant & Machinery 31,800,000
under Investing Activities
Total Utilization Taka 813,480,000

c) If one of the objects is an investment in a joint venture, a subsidiary, an associate or any acquisition, details
of the form of investment, nature of benefit expected to accrue to the issuer as a result of the investment,
brief description of business and financials of such venture:
The Company has no objective to invest in any joint venture, subsidiary, associate or for any acquisition

d) If IPO proceeds are not sufficient to complete the project, then the source of the additional fund must be
mentioned. In this connection, copies of the contract to meet the additional funds are required to be
submitted to the Commission. The means and source of the financing, including details of bridge loan or
another financial arrangement, which may be repaid from the proceeds of the issue along with utilization
of such funds:

IPO proceeds are sufficient to complete the project. The break up is given below:
Sl. Amount in Means of Finance
No. Taka IPO Proceed Own Sources
Acquisition & Installation of new
1 580,496,056 580,496,056 -
Plant & Machineries
2 Construction of Factory Building 62,553,944 62,553,944 -
3 Bank Loan Repayment 335,274,715 280,000,000 55,274,715
Grand Total 978,324,715 923,050,000 55,274,715

e) A schedule mentioning the stages of implementation and utilization of funds received through public offer
in a tabular form, progress made so far, giving details of the land acquisition, civil works, installation of
plant and machinery, the approximate date of completion of the project and the projected date of full
commercial operation etc. The schedule shall be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or Managing
Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chairman on behalf of Board of Directors of the issuer:


Declaration about the Utilization of Funds Received Through Public Offer

The Company will utilize the total proceeds of BDT 950,000,000 as mentioned head wise as per the following
Schedule of Implementation
SL. Utilization of fund Progress so far made Approximate date Projected Date of
of Completion Commercial Operation
There is no land acquisition
1 Land Acquisition N/A N/A
from IPO proceeds.
Within three months after
Acquisition & The process of the import of Within 24 months
completion of the project
2 Installation of Plant machineries will be started after receiving the
work and installation of the
& Machineries after receiving the IPO fund IPO Proceeds
The process of the
Within 24 months
Construction of construction of Factory After completion of the
3 after receiving the
Factory Building Building will be started after project
IPO Proceeds
receiving the IPO fund
Within 06 months
4 Loan Repayment N/A after receiving the N/A
IPO Proceeds
5 IPO Expenses On turnkey basis On turnkey basis N/A

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer

f) If there are contracts covering any of the activities of the issuer for which the proceeds of sale of securities
are to be used, such as contracts for the purchase of land or contracts for the construction of buildings, the
issuer shall disclose the terms of such contracts, and copies of the contracts shall be enclosed as annexure
to the prospectus:
There is no contract covering any of the activities of the issuer Company for which the proceeds of sale of
securities from IPO is to be used.

g) If one of the objects of the issue is utilization of the issue proceeds for working capital, basis of estimation
of working capital requirement along with the relevant assumptions, reasons for raising additional working
capital substantiating the same with relevant facts and figures and also the reasons for financing short with
long-term investments and an item wise break-up of last three years working capital and next two years’
There is no object of the issue is utilization of the issue proceeds for working capital.

h) Where the issuer proposes to undertake one or more activities like diversification, modernization,
expansion, etc. The total project cost activity- wise or project wise, as the case may be:
The company has planned to expand its existing projects by installation of new machineries, Construction of
Factory Building and repayment of Bank Loan, which have been mentioned in use of IPO proceeds and
projects Implementation schedule.

i) Where the issuer is implementing the project in a phased manner, the cost of each phase, including the
phases, if any, which have already been implemented:
The company has planned to implement IPO proceeds to the existing projects, after receiving the funds, which
have been mentioned in use of IPO proceeds and projects Implementation schedule.

j) The details of all existing or anticipated material transactions in relation to utilization of the issue proceeds
or project cost with sponsors, Directors, key management personnel, associates and group companies:
There is no existing or anticipated material transaction in relation to utilization of the issue proceeds or project
cost with sponsors, Directors, key management personnel, associates and group companies.

k) Summary of the project appraisal or feasibility report by the relevant professional people with the cost of the
project and means of finance, weaknesses and threats, if any, as given in the appraisal- feasibility report:


• Executive Summary:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated as a public limited company and started its commercial operation
on 25 June,1973 Vide Registration No.C-3472 Dated:25 July,1970 with Register of Joint Stock Companies and
Firms (RJSC) in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1913. Asiatic Laboratories Limited has engaged in
manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals finished products in the categories of tablets, capsules, oral
liquids, powder for suspension, ophthalmic and injectable and others product. The principal activities of the
Company are to manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products (Human Drugs) throughout
Bangladesh. It has set up a modern pharmaceutical plant that is equipped with advanced and modern
machineries and technologies.

• Business and Strategies:

Asiatic Laboratories Limited has modern machines and technology that ensures quality products. The high
standard moral ethics and manufacturing excellence complying with WHO cGMP norms and ISO 9001:2008
principle in practice, it gains name and fame among the healthcare professionals. Asiatic is built on Total Quality
Management (TQM) having state-of-the-art technology in our plant to produce more than 200 lifesaving
medicines of different therapeutic groups with a wide range of dosage forms. In Asiatic, we believe "Quality is
everyone's responsibility" especially when the health is a prime concern having our motto ' your health partner"
in mind. Proper quality of goods is maintained throughout the production and distribution process. Our main
goal is to fill up the deficit of local demand and to export overseas.

• Nature of the Business of the Company

The principal activities of the Company are to manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products
(Human Drugs) throughout Bangladesh.

• Business environment of the issuer:

The Issuer’s business environment is conducive to the business as we have good supply of raw materials. The
started with a well equipped, most modern & sophisticated machineries for manufacturing lifesaving drugs. The
quality control laboratory is equipped with a good number of sophisticated analytical equipment. Modern
methods & automated technology is used in the manufacture of products. Good manufacturing practices are
followed as a regulatory standard in most areas, particularly in the areas of production, quality control,
packaging &warehousing. Government policy is favorable to the sector. Overall, it is a business-friendly

• Future Prospects:
Bangladesh is 8th most populated country in the world. Although Nearly 32.5% of the population of Bangladesh
lives below poverty level but it has 31st highest economic growth worldwide, with a 6.2% average annual increase
in gross domestic products. In Bangladesh, Cancer is the 6th leading cause of death with 10% of all mortality.
Based on two hospital-based cancer registries, approx. 66% of the cancer patients are found within the age range
of 30 to 65 years, which is the main work force structure of the country. Breast, esophageal and cervical cancers
are the most common incidence in Bangladesh. Lung, esophageal and pharyngeal cancers accounts for the
highest rate of cancer related mortality in our country. It is considered that Bangladesh has several nutritional
health hazards, which are likely contributing to the current cancer burden. Millions of people in Bangladesh have
been exposed to arsenic, a well-known carcinogen, due to the contamination of ground water. Carcinogens in
food supply, with the use of formalin in several foods and DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloro Ethane) in dried
fish and Consuming suboptimal amount of nutrition are also a major concern. Considering this it is estimated
that the incidence of cancer cases will rise to double by 2035.The anti-cancer drug market in Bangladesh is
growing at 20 percent a year due to an alarming rise in cancer patients. At present, domestic market size of
oncology, drugs would be of around Tk. 2.5 billion annually. Locally produced drugs are meeting 70% of the
country's demand, while the remaining 30% percent is met through imports. The locally produced anti-cancer
medicines are at least 20-30 percent cheaper than the imported ones, which are why local pharmaceutical
companies are widening the production of anticancer drugs capturing half of the market share. Currently only
few local companies are manufacturing anticancer drugs, which clearly indicate that there, is huge opportunity
left in this market. Cancer has a widespread prevalence not only in Bangladesh but also worldwide which has
led to rise in demand of cancer drugs. Therefore, besides local market, anticancer drugs have a huge opportunity
for global market. It is estimated that the global anticancer drug market will reach to double from 2019 to 2025,
growing at a CAGR (Compound Average Growth Rate) of 7.9% from 2019.


High market growth potential in developing countries, rise in the number of innovative products and surge in
cancer research are expected to create new opportunities for the market. High cost related with anticancer drug
in global market can create a huge opportunity for export of anticancer drug from Bangladesh. On the other
hand, Steroid products including systemic hormone total market size is about BDT 300 crore. In Bangladesh,
rate of using steroid products are very much high to control severe allergic reaction. In addition to this, oral &
injectable hormonal products have highest opportunity in Bangladesh for the treatment of infertility & other

• Utility Consumption:
Utility Sources of
Asiatic’s requirements of power (400KW) is to meet by Dhaka Electric Supply Company
POWER Limited (DESCO), 02 Set standby generator of capacity 500KVA is for supply of power
during power failure of DESCO.
GAS No Gas requirement for Asiatic Laboratories Ltd
WATER Asiatic requirement for water is met by its own deep tube well

• Contingency plan for any disruption of sourcing utilities:

Standby engineer and maintenance team are available for emergency repair of generator vehicle, machinery &
electric disturbance. Use of alternative generator in case of any shutdown we have to ability to uninterrupted

• Company at a Glance:
Name of the Issuer Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Date of Incorporation 25 July ,1970
Date of Commercial Operation 02 January, 1998

The Logo of the Issuer

Factory Location 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

42-43, Siddeshwari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th Floor),
Registered Office
Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Telephone Number Tel: +8802-48317908
FAX Number Fax: +8802-48311633
E-mail Address
Website Address Web:
Authorized Capital BDT.2,000,000,000.00
Paid-up Capital BDT. 878,480,000.00
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing
Product tablets, capsules, oral liquids, powder for suspension,
ophthalmic, injectable and other products.
The principal activities of the Company are to manufacturing,
Nature of business selling and distributing pharmaceutical products (Human
Drugs) throughout Bangladesh.
1. Tahmina Begum – Chairman
2. Monir Ahmed – Managing Director
3. Salina Ahmed – Director
Board of Directors 4. Sadia Ahmed – Director
5. Maksud Ahmed – Director
6. Shafiqul Kabir Khan – Independent Director
7. Md. Ashraf Ali Miah– Independent Director
Chief Financial Officer Jayanta Kumar Biswas
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed
Ashraf Uddin & Co. Chartered Accountants, 142/B Green
Auditors to the Company with Address
Road (3rd & 4th Floor), Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh

• Principal products of the Company:

The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing tablets, capsules, oral liquids, and powder for
suspension, ophthalmic, injectable and other products as follows:


(i) Non-Biological Product:
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
1 Tempol Tablet Paracetamol BP 500 mg 023-16-006 Tablet
Benzoic Acid BP 6 gm & 15gm, 30gm
2 Whitefield ointment 023-19-071 Ointment
Salicylic Acid BP 3 gm Container
3 Feosphate Syrup Ferrous Sulphate BP 023-32-045 Syrup 200 ml
4 Strazyl-200 Tablet Metronidazole BP 200 mg 023-33-027 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
5 Strazyl Suspension 60 ml Benzoyl Metronidazole BP 023-34-027 Suspension 60 ml
Sulphathiazole BP &
6 Septra Suspension 60 ml 023-39-023 Suspension 60 ml
Trimethoprim BP
Sulphamethoxazole BP
7 Septra Tablet 023-40-023 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
& Trimethoprim BP
Asitrax 30 ml / 15 ml Levamisol
8 023-46-008 Syrup 15ml, 30 ml
Syrup Hydrochloride BP
9 Indocap Capsule Indomethacin BP 25 mg 023-47-064 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Strazyl-400 (400 mg
10 Metronidazole BP 023-48-027 Tablet 10X10's
Sulphamethoxazole BP
11 Septra-DS Tablet 023-49-023 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
& Trimethoprim BP
Aluminium Hydroxide
12 Alimag Tablet Dried Gel & Magnesium 023-51-007 Tablet
Hydroxide USP
13 Anaflam 400 mg Tablet Ibuprofen BP 023-56-064 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Diclofenac Sodium
Timed release pellets BP
14 Locopain TR capsule 023-57-064 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
300 mg eq. to Diclofenac
Sodium 100 mg.
Cetirizine Hydrochloride
15 Asitrol Tablet 023-58-021 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
BP 10 mg
Aceptin-R 150 mg Ranitidine
16 023-59-055 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Tablet Hydrochloride BP
Locopain-50 (50 mg
17 Diclofenac Sodium BP 023-60-064 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Sodium Chloride BP,
Potassium Chloride BP,
Powder for
18 O.R.S Trisodium Citrate 023-61-079 10X1's,15X1's,20X1's
dihydrate, Dextrose
Anhydrous BP
Syrup Zinc (100 ml Zinc Sulphate
19 023-66-062 Syrup 100 ml
syrup) Monohydrate USP
Syrup Zinc-200 (100 ml Zinc Sulphate
20 023-67-062 Syrup 100 ml
syrup) Monohydrate USP
Calfor-500 (500 mg
21 Calcium Carbonate USP 023-68-062 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
22 Ulsec 1000 mg Tablet Sucralfate USP 023-76-007 Tablet
Cetirizine Hydrochloride
23 Asitrol 60 ml Syrup 023-82-021 Syrup 60ml, 100 ml
O - 20 (Capsule
containing 20 mg 3X4's,4X4's,5X4's,6X4
24 Omeprazole BP 023-84-067 Capsule
Omeprazole as enteric 's,10X10's
coated pellets)
O - 40 (Capsule
containing 40 mg 023-085- 3X4's,4X4's,5X4's,6X4
25 Omeprazole BP Capsule
Omeprazole as enteric 067 's
coated pellets)
Fecel TR (Timed release Ferrous Sulphate BP, Folic
26 Capsule containing Acid BP, Zinc Sulphate 023-88-045 Capsule
Monohydrate USP 10X10's,6X15's
27 Atidon 10 mg Tablet Domperidone Maleate BP 023-89-018 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
28 Ena 100 mg Tablet Aceclofenac BP 023-90-064 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
29 Gle 80 mg Tablet Gliclazide BP 023-91-015 Tablet
30 Diout 850 mg Tablet 023-92-015 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Hydrochloride BP
Pantoprazole Sodium
31 P – 20 (20 mg Tablet) 023-93-067 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Sesquihydrate INN
Pantoprazole Sodium
32 P – 40 (40 mg tablet) 023-94-067 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Sesquihydrate INN
33 Asul 4 mg Tablet Salbutamol Sulphate BP 023-98-044 Tablet
34 Asul 100 ml syrup Salbutamol Sulphate BP 023-99-044 Syrup 100 ml
35 Asipan 20 mg Tablet Hyoscine Butyl Bromide BP 023-100-011 Tablet 5X10's,10X10's
Asiben 10 ml 023-101-
36 Albendazole USP Suspension 10 ml
Suspension 008
37 Clarex 5 mg Tablet Desloratadine INN 023-105-021 Tablet 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's
Levocetirizine 023-106-
38 Lerex 5 mg Tablet Tablet 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's
Dihydrochloride INN 021
39 Asilac Syrup Lactulose BP 023-107-060 Syrup 100 ml, 200 ml
Polimine 50 ml Iron (III) Hydroxide 023-108- Paediatric
40 Polymaltose Complex INN
50 ml, 100 ml
Paediatric Syrup 045 Syrup
023-109- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
41 Liam 10 mg Tablet Montelukast INN Tablet
044 5X10's
Esomeprazole 2X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
42 Eso -20 Tablet 023-110-67 Tablet
Magnesium INN 8X10's,10X10's
Flupentixol dihydrochloride
023-114- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
43 Antison Tablet BP & Melitracen Tablet
hydrochloride INN 028 10X10's
44 Asiben 400 mg Tablet Albendazole USP Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
45 Atidon suspension (60 ml) Domperidone BP Suspension 60 ml
46 Opticol Eye Drops (10 ml) Chloramphenicol USP 023-124-52 Eye Drops 10 ml Bottle
Opticol Eye Ointment 023-125- Eye
47 Chloramphenicol BP 3 gm, 5 gm Tube
(3gm/5gm) 052 Ointment
Dexasia Eye Ointment Dexamethasone Sodium 023-132- Eye
48 3 gm Tube
(3 gm) Phosphate USP 052 Ointment
Chloramphenicol BP +
Opticol-D Eye Drops
49 Dexamethasone Sodium 023-133-52 Eye Drops 5 ml Bottle
Phosphate BP
Betamethasone Sodium Eye, Ear &
BN Eye, Ear & Nasal
50 Phosphate USP + 023-134-50 Nasal 5 ml Bottle
Neomycin Sulphate USP Drops
51 Alpam 0.25 mg Tablet Alprazolam BP Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
52 Alpam 0.50 mg Tablet Alprazolam BP 023-136-057 Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
53 Lexnil 3mg Tablet Bromazepam BP 023-137-57 Tablet 2X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Betamethasone Valerate 023-141-
54 Asisone Cream (15 gm) Cream 15 gm Tube
(Micronised) BP 071
55 Asisone Ointment (15 gm) Betamethasone Valerate BP 023-142-071 Ointment 15 gm Tube
56 Ticason Cream (10 gm) Fluticasone Propionate BP 023-145-071 Cream 10 gm Tube
57 Ticason Ointment (10 gm) Fluticasone Propionate BP 023-146-071 Ointment 10 gm Tube
58 Sodate Ointment (20 g) Sodium Fusidate BP 023-148-071 Ointment 20 gm Tube
59 Acnetrin Cream (15 gm) Tretinoin BP 023-151-071 Cream 15 gm Tube
60 Provia Ointment (20 gm) Povidone-Iodine USP 023-152-071 Ointment 20 gm Tube
Tempol Paediatric Drop Paediatric
61 Paracetamol BP 023-157-06 150ml, 30 ml
(30 ml) Drops
Paracetamol BP 500 mg 023-158-
62 Tempol Plus Tablet Tablet 10X10's
+ Caffeine BP 65 mg 006


Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Meclizine Hydrochloride 023-167- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
63 Meclizine Tablet Tablet
USP 018 10X10's
64 Mukofix Syrup Ambroxol HCl BP 023-168-031 Syrup 100 ml
65 Coflyt 8 mg Tablet Bromhexine HCl BP 023-169-031 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
66 Coflyt Syrup Bromhexine HCl BP 023-170-031 Syrup 100 ml
67 Ocutear Eye Drops (10 ml) Hypromellose BP 023-176-052 Eye Drops 10 ml Bottle
68 Pairox-250 Tablet Naproxen BP 023-178-064 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
69 Pairox-500 Tablet Naproxen BP 023-179-064 Tablet
70 Pairox Suspension (50 ml) Naproxen BP 023-180-064 Suspension 50 ml
71 NTZ PFS Nitazoxanide BP 023-181-027 PFS 30 ml, 60 ml
72 Artorix 60 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-182-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
73 Artorix 90 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-183-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
74 Artorix 120 Tablet Etoricoxib INN 023-184-064 Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
023-185- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
75 Fendex 200 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
023-186- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
76 Fendex 300 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
023-187- 5X4's,2X10's,3X10's,5
77 Fendex 400 Tablet Dexibuprofen INN Tablet
064 X10's
Ketorolac tromethamine
78 Surpim Tablet 10 mg 023-192-064 Tablet 20, 30, 50 Tab. In Pack
79 Tempol Suspension Paracetamol BP Suspension 50 ml, 60 ml, 100 ml
Amlodipine Besylate BP
80 Calpress-5 Tablet eq. to Amlodipine 023-209-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
5.00mg Tablet
Amlodipine Besylate BP
81 Calpress-10 Tablet eq. to Amlodipine 023-210-22 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
10.00mg Tablet
82 Atebit 50 Tablet Atenolol BP 50 mg Tablet 023-211-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
83 Atebit 100 Tablet Atenolol BP 100 mg Tablet 023-212-22 Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
Amlodipine Besilate BP eq.
023-213- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
84 Tenodin 50/5 Tablet to amlodipine 5mg + Tablet
Atenolol BP 50mg Tablet. 022 10X10's
Amlodipine Besilate BP eq.
023-214- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
85 Tenodin 25/5 Tablet to amlodipine 5mg + Tablet
Atenolol BP 25mg Tablet. 022 10X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-215- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
86 Arbium-25 Tablet Tablet
25mg Tablet 022 6X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-216- 2X10's,10X10's,3X10's
87 Arbium-50 Tablet Tablet
50mg Tablet 022 ,5X10's
Losartan Potassium USP 023-217-
88 Arbium-100 Tablet Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
100mg Tablet 022
Losartan PotassiumUSP
Arbium Plus 50/12.5 50mg + 023-218-
89 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide BP 022
12.50mg Tablet
Losartan PotassiumUSP
Arbium Plus 100/12.5 100mg + 023-219-
90 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide BP 022
12.50mg Tablet
Losartan PotassiumUSP
Arbium Plus 100/25 100mg & 023-220-
91 Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
Tablet Hydrochlorothiazide BP 022
25mg Tablet
Clobetasol Propionate 023-221- 10gm, 15gm, 20gm
92 Protasol Cream Cream
BP 0.05% w/w Cream 071 Tube
Clobetasol Propionate 023-222- 10gm, 15gm, 20gm
93 Protasol ointment Ointment
BP 0.05% w/w Ointment 071 Tube
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Perindorpil Erbumine BP 023-223-
94 Pericard-4 Tablet Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
4 mg Tablet 022
Perindorpil Erbumine BP 023-224-
95 Pericard-2 Tablet Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
2 mg Tablet 022
Indapamide BP 0.625mg
96 Pericard Plus 2 Tablet + Perindopril Erbumine Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
BP 2mg Tablet
Indapamide BP 1.25mg
97 Pericard Plus 4 Tablet & Perindopril Erbumine Tablet 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's
BP 4mg Tablet
Atorvastatin Calcium
98 Atonor-10 Tablet INN eq. Atorvastatin 023-228-61 Tablet 1X10's,3X10's,5X10's
10mg Tablet
Atorvastatin Calcium
99 Atonor-20 Tablet INN eq. Atorvastatin 20 023-229-61 Tablet 1X10's,3X10's,5X10's
mg Tablet
100 Mecabis Cream Permethrin INN 5% Cream 023-230-071 Cream 15gm, 30gm Tube
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-231-
101 Xofena 60 Tablet Tablet 3X10's,5X10's,10X10's
60 mg Tablet 021
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-232- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
102 Xofena 120 Tablet Tablet
120 mg Tablet. 021 6X10's
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-233-
103 Xofena 180 Tablet Tablet 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's
180 mg Tablet. 021
Fexofenadine Hcl. USP 023-234-
104 Xofena Suspension Suspension 50 ml, 100 ml
0.60gm/100ml Suspension. 021
Naproxen USP 500mg
023-260- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
105 ESO-PLUS 500 Tablet Magnesium BP 22.28mg Tablet
064 10X10's
eq. toEsomeprozole
20mg Tablet.
Naproxen USP 375mg
023-261- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
106 ESO-PLUS 375 Tablet Magnesium BP 22.28mg Tablet
064 10X10's
eq. to Esomeprozole
20mg Tablet.
Magnesium BP 44.55mg 023-262- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
107 ESO 40 Tablet Tablet Esomeprazole 067 10X10's
40mg Tablet.
Ebastine BP 10mg 023-263- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
108 Xibast 10 Tablet Tablet
Tablet. 021 10X10's
Midazolam BP 7.50mg 023-264- 2X10's,3X10's,6X10's,
109 Sedoz 7.5 Tablet Tablet
Tablet. 057 5X10's
Clonazepam USP 0.5mg 023-265- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
110 Sypam 0.5 Tablet Tablet
Tablet 046 10X10's
Clonazepam USP 023-266- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
111 Sypam 2 Tablet Tablet
2.00mg Tablet 046 10X10's
Paracetamol BP
023-267- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
112 Tempol-D Tablet 325mg+Tramadol HCl Tablet
006 10X10's
BP 37.50mg Tablet
Rosuvastatin Calcium
INN 10.84mg eq. to 023-268- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
113 Rosunor 10 Tablet Tablet
Rosuvastatin 10mg 061 6X10's,10X10's
Levosalbutamol Sulphate
INN 2.40mg 023-269- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
114 Resfree 2 Tablet Tablet
Levosalbutamol 2mg 044 10X10's
Levosalbutamol Sulphate 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
115 Resfree 1 Tablet 023-270-44 Tablet
INN 1.20mg 10X10's
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
No. Form(s)
Levosalbutamol 1mg
Montelukast Sodium
023-271- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
116 Liam 5 chewable Tablet USP 5.20 mg eq. to Tablet
044 10X10's
Montelukast 5 mg Tablet
ClopidogrelBisulfate USP
023-277- 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
117 Clogfree 75 Tablet 98 mg eq. to Clopidogrel 75 Tablet
mg Tablet 026 10X10's
Rosuvastatin Calcium INN
118 Rosunor 5 Tablet 5.45 mg eq. to Rosuvastatin 023-278-61 Tablet
5 mg Tablet. 10X10's
Rabeprazole Sodium 023-279- 5X14's,10X14's,3X10's,5
119 R 20 Tablet Tablet
INN 20 mg Tablet 067 X10's,6X10's,10X10's
Pregabalin INN 50 mg 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
120 Asibalin 50 Capsule 023-280-46 Capsule
Capsule. 10X10's
Pregabalin INN 75 mg 3X10's,5X10's,6X10's,
121 Asibalin 75 Capsule 023-281-46 Capsule
Capsule 10X10's
Nebivolol Hydrochloride
122 Nebivas 5 Tablet INN 5.45 mg eq. to 023-282-22 Tablet
Nebivolol 5 mg Tablet
Nebivolol Hydrochloride
123 Nebivas 2.5 Tablet INN 2.725 mg eq. to 023-283-22 Tablet
Nebivolol 2.5 mg Tablet.
Doxophylline INN 200 023-302- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
124 Doxinex Tablet Tablet
mg Tablet 044 10X10's
Clopidogrel Bisulphate
USP 98 mgeq. to 023-303- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
125 Clogfree Plus Tablet Tablet
Clopidogrel75 mg & 026 10X10's
Aspirin BP 75 mg Tablet.
Ondansetron Hydrochloride
023-306- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
126 Onlit 4 Tablet USP 5 mg eq. to Tablet
Ondansetron 4 mg Tablet. 018 5X10's,10X10's
Ondansetron Hydrochloride
USP 0.100 gm. eq. to 023-307- Oral
127 Onlit Oral solution Ondansetron 0.080 gm./100
50 ml, 100 ml
018 solution
ml Oral solution.
Hydrochloride USP 10 023-309- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
128 Onlit 8 Tablet Tablet
mg eq. to Ondansetron 8 018 5X10's,10X10's
mg Tablet
Morphine Sulphate BP 023-310- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
129 Morphine 10 Tablet Tablet
10 mg Tablet 065 6X10's
Tiemonium Methylsulphate 023-312- 3X10's,4X10's,5X10's,
130 Tivonum Tablet Tablet
INN 50 mg Tablet. 011 10X10's
Pregabalin INN 25 mg 023-313- 1X10's,2X10's,3X10's,
131 Asibalin 25 Capsule Capsule
Capsule 046 5X10's,10X10's
Nitazoxanide INN 500 023-314- 2X6's,3X6's,5X6's,6X1
132 NTZ Tablet Tablet
mg Tablet 027 0's,10X10's
Tiemonium Methylsulphate 023-319-
133 Tivonum Syrup Syrup 50 ml, 100 ml
INN 10 mg/5 ml Syrup. 011
Rupatadine Fumerate INN
023-321- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
134 Rudine Tablet 12.8 mg eq. to Rupatadine Tablet
10 mg Tablet. 021 6X10's,10X10's
023-323- 2X10's,3X10's,5X10's,
135 Morfi-O Tablet Hydrochloride USP 10 mg Tablet
Tablet. 065 6X10's,10X10's
Baclofen BP 25 mg 023-324- 2X6's,3X6's,5X6's,6X
136 Frebac 25 Tblet Tablet
Tablet. 070 10's,10X10's


(ii) Biological Product:
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Tetramycin 250 mg Tetracycline Hydrochloride
1 023-37-23 Capsule 10X10's
Capsule BP
2 Nutrovita Capsule Vitamin B Complex 023-38-39 Capsule 10X10's, 25X10's
3 Nutrovita Syrup Vitamin B Complex 023-50-078 Syrup 100ml, 200ml
Asidox 100 mg Doxycycline Hydrochloride
4 023-52-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Capsule BP
Loxyl 250 mg
5 Amoxicillin Trihydrate BP 023-53-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
6 Asivit Tablet Vitamin B Complex 023-54-78 Tablet 45 Tab. In bottle
Amoxicillin Trihydrate BP
7 Loxyl 500 Capsule 575 mg eq. to Amoxicillin 500 023-55-023 Capsule 5X10's,10X10's
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
8 CIP-500 Tablet USP 582.20 mg eq. to 023-62-023 Tablet
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
9 CIP-750 Tablet USP 832.50 mg eq. to 023-63-023 Tablet
Ciprofloxacine 750 mg
Flucloxacillin Sodium BP
10 Clox-F 250 Capsule 272.50 mg eq. to 023-64-023 Capsule
Flucloxacillin 250 mg
Clox-F 500 mg 10X6's,12X6's,15X
11 Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-69-023 Capsule
Capsule 6's,4X12's,8X6's
Roxacine -150 (150 2X10's,3X10's,5X1
12 Roxythromycin BP 023-70-023 Tablet
mg Tablet) 0's
Roxacine -300 (300 2X10's,3X10's,5X1
13 Roxythromycin BP 023-71-023 Tablet
mg Tablet) 0's
Asilee-500 (500 mg 2X10's,3X10's,6X4'
14 Levofloxacin INN 023-72-023 Tablet
Tablet) s
Multivitamin -Multimineral 15,30 Tab. In
15 Asitrum Gold Tablet 023-073-078 Tablet
A-Z Container
Multivitamin -Multimineral 15,30 Tab. In
16 Asitrum Silver Tablet 023-074-078 Tablet
A-Z Container
17 Asaf 200 mg Tablet Sparfloxacin INN 023-75-023 Tablet
Vecef 500 mg
18 Cephradine USP 023-77-023 Capsule 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
19 Vecef PFS (100 ml) Cephradine USP 023-78-023 PFS 100 ml
Amoxicilline Trihydrate
20 Loxyl PFS (100ml) 023-79-023 PFS 100 ml
Micronized BP
21 Licef PFS (100ml) Cefadroxil USP 023-80-023 PFS 100 ml
22 Licef 500 mg Capsule Cefadroxil USP 023-81-023 Capsule 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
23 Clox-F PFS (100 ml) Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-83-023 PFS 100 ml
Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate
24 Macas PFS 023-86-023 PFS 100 ml
25 Macas 500 mg Tablet Erythromycin Stearate BP 023-87-023 Tablet 5X4's,6X4's,7X4's
Afixime 200 mg
26 Cefixime Tryhydrate USP 023-95-023 Capsule 4X4's,5X4's,3X4's
37.5ml, 50ml,
27 Afixime PFS Cefixime Tryhydrate USP 023-96-023 PFS
Anti-Oxidant (Vit. A, Vit. C & 20,30,50 Tab. In
28 A – Care Tablet 023-97-078 Tablet
Vit. E,) bottle
Ceroxime 125 mg
29 Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-102-023 Tablet 2X4's,3X4's,4X4's
Ceroxime 250 mg
30 Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-103-023 Tablet 2X4's,3X4's,4X4's
Ceroxime PFS (70
31 Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-104-023 PFS 50ml, 70ml, 100ml


Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Zyvix Powder for
32 Linezolid INN 023-111-023 PFS 50ml, 100ml
Vitamin-E, Vitamin-C, Lutein,
33 Ocuvit Capsule 023-116-39 Capsule 4X6's,5X6's,5X10's
Zinc & Copper.
34 V-cillin Tablet Pivmecillinam BP 023-117-60 Tablet
30 Tab. In
35 Verve Tablet Vitamin A to Zinc 023-118-39 Tablet
Carbonyl Iron, Folic Acid &
36 Animet Capsule 023-120-39 Capsule 0's,2X15's,3X4's,5
30 Tab. In
37 Equate Tablet Multiviamin-Minerals 023-121-39 Tablet
Asiclo Eye Ointment Eye
38 Acyclovir BP 023-123-052 5 gm Tube
5 gm Ointment
Cip Eye Ointment Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye
39 023-126-052 3gm, 5gm Tube
(3gm/5gm) USP eq. to 300 mg Ointment
Asigen Eye/Ear Eye/Ear
40 Gentamycin BP 023-127-52 10 ml bottle
Drops (10 ml) Drops
Asipine Eye Drops
41 Pilocarpine Hydrochloride BP 023-128-052 Eye Drops 10 ml bottle
10 ml
Asinol Eye Drops 5
42 Timolol USP 023-129-052 Eye Drops 5 ml bottle
Tobi Eye Drops (5
43 Tobramycin USP 300 mg 023-130-052 Eye Drops 5 ml bottle
Cip Eye/Ear Drops Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye/Ear
44 023-131-052 10 ml bottle
(10ml) USP eq. to 300 mg Drops
Pevisia Cream (10 Econazole Nitrate BP &
45 023-138-71 Cream 20gm, 10gm Tube
gm) Triamcinolone Acetonide BP
Fusitrim Crem Fusidic Acid BP &
46 023-139-76 Cream 10gm, 15gm Tube
(10gm) Hydrocortisone BP
47 Provia Solution Povidone-Iodine BP 10.00 gm 023-140-76 Solution 100 ml bottle
Asisone-N Cream (10 Betamethasone Valerate BP +
48 023-143-71 Cream 10gm Tube
gm) Neomycin Sulphate BP
Asisone-N Ointment Betamethasone Valerate BP + Eye
49 023-144-71 5gm Tube
(5 gm) Neomycin Sulphate BP Ointment
Asigen Ointment (15 Eye
50 Gentamicin Sulphate BP 023-147-71 15 gm Tube
gm) Ointment
Asizole Cream (10
51 Clotrimazole USP 023-149-71 Cream 10gm Tube
Tioderm Cream (10
52 Tioconazole BP 023-150-71 Cream 10gm Tube
Neban Ointment (10 Neomycin Sulphate BP + Eye
53 023-153-71 10gm Tube
gm) Bacitracin Zinc BP Ointment
Neban Powder (5 Neomycin Sulphate BP +
54 023-154-71 Powder 5gm Container
gm) Bacitracin Zinc BP
Micotrin Cream (10
55 Miconazole Nitrate USP 023-155-71 Cream 10gm Tube
Ecoryl Cream (10
56 Econazole Nitrate BP 023-156-71 Cream 10gm Tube
57 Asizith Suspension Azithromycin Dihydrate USP 023-159-023 Suspension 15ml, 30 ml
Azithromycin Dihydrate USP
58 Asizith 250 Tablet 262 mg eq. to Azithromycin 023-160-023 Tablet
Azithromycin Dihydrate USP
59 Asizith 500 Tablet 524 mg eq. to Azithromycin 023-161-023 Tablet
500 mg
Iron (III) Hydroxide
50ml, 100ml,
60 Asivit ZI Syrup Polymaltose complex INN, 023-162-078 Syrup
Thiamine Hydrochloride BP,
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP,
Riboflavin 5-Phosphate
Sodium BP, Nicotinamide BP
& Zinc Sulfate USP
61 Locopain Eye Drops Diclofenac Sodium BP 023-163-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Cip-D Eye & Ear Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Eye/Ear
62 023-164-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops USP + Dexamethasone USP Drops
Calcium carbonate BP + 3X10's,5X10's,10X
63 Calfor-D Tablet 023-165-061 Tablet
Vitamin D3 BP 10's
Thiamine Mononitrate BP,
64 Asibion Tablet Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP, 023-166-078 Tablet
Cyanocobalamin BP
65 Ceroxime-500 Tablet Cefuroxime Axetil USP 023-172-023 Tablet
Tobicort Eye Drops Dexamethasone USP +
66 023-173-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
(5 ml) Tobrmycin USP
Solotear Eye Drops
67 Povidone BP 023-174-052 Eye Drops 10ml bottle
(10 ml)
Prednicort Eye Drops
68 Prednisolone USP 023-175-052 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
Ocudex Eye Drops Dexamethasone Sodium
69 023-177-052 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
(5ml) Phosphate BP
Meflocin Sterile Eye Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride
70 023-188-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
Ocutif Sterile Eye
71 Ketotifen Fumarate INN 023-189-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Floximox Sterile Eye Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
72 023-190-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
Floxigat Sterile Eye Gatifloxacin Sesquihydrate
73 023-191-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops INN
Multi Vitamin with Cod Liver
74 Asitrum Cod 023-193-078 Syrup 50ml, 100ml
Vecef Paediatric Paediatric
75 Cephradine USP 023-194-023 15ml bottle
Drops Drops
76 Vecef DS Suspension Cephradine USP 023-195-023 Suspension 100 ml
77 Afixime 400 Capsule Cefixime Trihydrate USP 023-196-023 Capsule 1X4's,2X4's,3X4's
Clox-F DS Power for
78 Flucloxacillin Sodium BP 023-197-023 PFS 100 ml
Cefipod Capsule 100
79 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-198-023 Capsule 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's
Cefipod Capsule 200
80 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-199-023 Capsule 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's
Cefipod Powder for
81 Suspension 80 mg/ Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-200-023 PFS 50 ml
Cefipod Powder for
82 Suspension 40 mg/ Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-201-023 PFS 50ml, 100ml
Cefipod Paediatric Paediatric
83 Cefpodoxime Proxetil USP 023-202-023 15ml bottle
Drops Drops
Tobramycin USP 0.3% w/w
Tobicort Sterile Eye 3gm, 3.5gm, 4gm
84 & Dexamethasone USP 0.1% 023-204-74 Ointment
Ointment Tube
w/w Eye Oint.
Fluoromethalone USP 0.1%
Inflagen Sterile Eye
85 w/v & Gentamycin Sulfate 023-205-74 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
USP 0.3% w/v Eye Drops
Surpim Sterile Eye Ketorolac Tromethamine USP
86 023-206-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 0.50% w/v Eye Drops
Confree Sterile Nasal Oxymetazoline HCL USP Nasal
87 023-207-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 0.05% w/v Nasal Drops Drops
Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Confree Sterile
Oxymetazoline HCL USP Nasal
88 Paediatric Nasal 023-208-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
0.025% w/v Nasal Drops Drops
Olopatadine Hydrochloride
Optadin Sterile Eye
89 USP eq. to Olopatadine 0.10% 023-227-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops 5/10 ml
w/v Eye Drops
Meclizine Hcl. USP 25
90 Asivert Tablet mg+Pyridoxine Hcl. BP 50 023-235-18 Tablet
mg Tablet
Fluconazole USP 50 mg 2X10's,3X10's,5X1
91 Dermicon 50 Capsule 023-236-20 Capsule
Capsule 0's
Dermicon 150 Fluconazole USP 150 mg 1X10's,2X10's,3X1
92 023-237-20 Capsule
Capsule Capsule 0's
Flurosia Sterile Fluorometholone USP0.100
93 Ophthalmic gm/100 ml Sterile Ophthalmic 023-238-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Suspension Suspension
Ocunat Sterile Natamycin USP 5 gm / 100
94 Ophthalmic ml Sterile Ophthalmic 023-239-52 5ml, 10ml bottle
Suspension Suspension
Tropicamide USP0.80 gm +
Vasotrop Sterile Eye Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
95 023-240-52 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops USP 5 gm / 100 ml Sterile
Eye Drops
Clindamycin Hydrochloride
96 Asiclin 150 Capsule USP 169.50 mg eq. to 023-241-023 Capsule
Clindamycin 150mg Capsule.
Clindamycin Hydrochloride
97 Asiclin 300 Capsule USP 339 mg eq. to 023-242-023 Capsule
Clindamycin 300 mg Capsule.
Cephradine USP 500mg/vial
98 Vecef Injection 023-243-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cephradine USP 1000mg/vial
99 Vecef Injection 023-244-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 1000mg/vial
100 Asixone Injection 023-245-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 1000mg/vial
101 Asixone Injection 023-246-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 500mg/vial
102 Asixone Injection 023-247-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 500mg/vial
103 Asixone Injection 023-248-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 250mg/vial
104 Asixone Injection 023-249-023 Injection 1X1's
IM Injection
Ceftriaxone USP 250mg/vial
105 Asixone Injection 023-250-023 Injection 1X1's
IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 500mg/vial
106 Asizime Injection 023-251-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 250mg/vial
107 Asizime Injection 023-252-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Ceftazidime USP 1gm/vial
108 Asizime Injection 023-253-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefuroxime 750mg /vial
109 Ceroxime Injection 023-254-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 500mg/vial
110 Xtrapime Injection 023-255-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 1 gm/vial
111 Xtrapime Injection 023-256-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection
Cefepime USP 2 gm/vial
112 Xtrapime Injection 023-257-023 Injection 1X1's
IM/IV Injection


Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Lidocaine HCl Lidocaine Hydrochloride USP
113 023-258-005 Injection 2ml, 3.5ml, 5ml
Injection 1gm/100ml Injection.
114 Water for Injection Water for Injection 023-259-079 Injection 5ml, 10ml, 20ml
Levofloxacin Hemihydrate
Asilee TS Sterile Eye USP 1.536 gm eq. to
115 023-272-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops Levofloxacin 1.50 gm/ 100 ml
Eye Drops
Ocubrin Sterile Brinzolamide(sterile) USP 1
116 Ophthalmic gm/ 100 ml Ophthalmic 023-273-052 5ml, 10ml bottle
Suspension Suspension
Carmellose Sodium
Refresh i Sterile Eye (Carboxymethylcellulose
117 023-274-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Drops Sodium) BP 1 gm/ 100 mlEye
Ceftriaxone Sodium (Sterile)
Asixone 2 gm USP 2.380 gm eq. to
118 023-275-023 Injection 1X1's
Injection Ceftriaxone 2 gm/vial IV
Olopatadine Hydrochloride
Optadin DS Sterile USP 0.222gm. eq. to
119 023-276-052 Eye Drops 5ml, 10ml bottle
Eye Drops Olopatadine 0.2 gm./100 ml
Sterile Eye Drops
Bepotastine Besilate INN
I- Bestin Sterile Ophthalmic
120 1.500 gm/100 ml Ophthalmic 023-284-52 5ml bottle
Ophthalmic Solution Suspension
Predasin Sterile
Difluprednate INN 0.050 gm/ Ophthalmic
121 Ophthalmic 023-285-52 5ml bottle
100 ml Ophthalmic Emulsion. Emulsion
Ocunep Sterile
Nepafenac INN 0.1 gm/ 100 Ophthalmic
122 Ophthalmic 023-286-52 5ml bottle
ml Ophthalmic Suspension Suspension
Loteprednol Etabonate INN
Olopred Plus Sterile
0.5 gm & Tobramycin USP Ophthalmic
123 Ophthalmic 023-287-52 5ml bottle
0.3 gm/ 100 ml Ophthalmic Suspension
Olopred Sterile Loteprednol Etabonate INN
124 Ophthalmic 0.5 gm/ 100 ml Ophthalmic 023-288-52 5ml bottle
Suspension Suspension
Bromfenac Sodium INN
Ocubronac Sterile
125 103.505 mg eq. to Bromfenac 023-289-52 Eye Drops 5ml bottle
Eye Drops
90 mg/ 100 ml Eye Drops.
Besifloxacin Hydrochloride
Floxiquin Sterile
INN 0.663 gm eq. to Ophthalmic
126 Ophthalmic 023-290-52 5ml bottle
Besifloxacin 0.600 gm/ 100 ml Suspension
Ophthalmic Suspension
Gemifloxacin Mesylate INN
127 Asiflocin Tablet 399 mg eq. to Gemifloxacin 023-291-23 Tablet
320 mg Tablet.
Ceftibuten Dihydrate INN 436
128 Ceftiten Capsule mg eq. to Ceftibuten 400 mg 023-292-23 Capsule
Ceftibuten Dihydrate INN
Ceftiten Powder for 1.962 gm eq. to Ceftibuten 1.8
129 023-293-23 PFS 60 ml
Suspension gm/ 100 ml Powder for
Ranitidine Hydrochloride
USP 55.8 mg eq. to Ranitidine 1X1's,1X5's,2X5's,
130 Aceptin-R Injection 023-294-055 Injection
50 mg/2 ml Ampoule 3X5's,5X5's


Sl. Dosage
Brand Name Generic Name DAR No Pack Size(s)
NO Form(s)
Pheniramine Maleate BP 45.5 1X5's,2X5's,3X5's,
131 Fenimex Injection 023-295-021 Injection
mg/ 2 mlAmpouleInjection 4X5's,5X5's
Clindamycin Phosphate BP
360 mg er. to Clindamycin 1X1's,1X5's,2X5's,
132 Asiclin 300 Injection 023-296-023 Injection
300 mg/2 ml Ampoule 3X5's,5X5's
Clindamycin Phosphate BP
720 mg eq. to Clindamycin 1X1's,1X5's,2X5's,
133 Asiclin 600 Injection 023-297-023 Injection
600 mg/4 mlAmpoule 3X5's,5X5's
Ketorolac Tromethamine USP 1X1's,1X2's,1X3's,
134 Surpim Injection 023-298-064 Injection
30 mg/ml Ampoule Injection 1X5's,2X5's
Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vit-
B1) BP100 mg, Pyridoxine
Hydrochloride (Vit-B6) BP 1X1's,2X1's,2X2's,
135 Asibion IM Injection 023-299-078 Injection
100 mg & Cyanocobalamin 2X3's,2X5's
(Vit-B12) BP 1000 mcg/3 ml
IM Ampoule Injection
Ondansetron Hydrochloride
USP 10 mg eq. to 1X1's,2X1's,2X2's,
136 Onlit IV Injection 023-300-018 Injection
Ondansetron 8 mg /4 ml IV 2X3's,2X5's,1X5's
Ampoule Injection
Tiemonium Methylsulfate BP
Tivonum IM 1X1's,1X5's,2X5's,
137 5 mg/2 ml IM/IV Ampoule 023-301-011 Injection
Injection 3X5's,5X5's
Cefixime Trihydrate USP 2.80
Afixime Paediatric Paediatric
138 gm. eq. to Cefixime 2.50 023-304-023 15 ml, 21 ml
Drops Drops
gm./100 ml Paediatric Drops.
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 600
mg eq. to Cefuroxime 500 mg
139 Ceroxime CV Tablet & Potassium Clavulanate BP 023-305-023 Tablet
148.75 mg eq. to Clavulanic
Acid 125 mg Tablet.
Ketorolac Tromethamine USP
Surpim IM/IV 1X1's,1X2's,1X3's,
140 60 mg/2ml Ampoule IM/IV 023-308-064 Injection
Injection 1X5's,2X5's
Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride
141 Floximox Tablet USP 436.45 mg eq. to 023-311-023 Tablet
Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tablet
142 Travex 200 Tablet Rifaximin BP 200 mg Tablet 023-315-023 Tablet
143 Travex 550 Tablet Rifaximin BP 550 mg Tablet 023-316-023 Tablet
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 150
mg eq. to Cefuroxime 125
Ceroxime CV 125 mg& Potassium Clavulanate 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's,
144 023-317-023 Tablet
Tablet BP 37.1875 mg eq. to 3X6's,1X10's
Clavulanic Acid 31.25 mg
Cefuroxime Axetil USP 300 mg
eq. to Cefuroxime 250 mg&
Ceroxime CV 250 2X4's,3X4's,2X6's,
145 Potassium Clavulanate BP 74.375 023-318-023 Tablet
Tablet mg eq. to Clavulanic Acid 62.50 3X6's,1X10's
mg Tablet
146 Zyvix Tablet Tablet Linezolid INN 600 mg Tablet. 023-320-023 Tablet
Calcium Carbonate (Coral
Calcium) BP 1250 mg eq. to 3X10's,5X10's,6X1
147 Nexcal-D Tablet 023-322-062 Tablet
Calcium 500 mg & Vitamin- 0's,5X6's,5X8's
D3 BP 200IU Tablet.


• Distribution of the Product:
Distribution involves physical distribution of the company’s products directly to the customer base. Typically,
this is a combined transport and warehousing operation, responsible for storing and delivering products to
meet the customer’s requirements. The Company supplies its products from its own factory warehouse via
Dipot to its customer’s premises at companies own risk against delivery order.

• Process flow:

Raw material Production QC Lebeling


Delivery with Warehousing Packaging

Pharmacies own van

• Business Strategy:
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has modern machines and technology that ensures quality products. The
production sites follow the cGMP guidelines for environmental requirements of the manufacturing and
packaging area, as well as comply with the EHS requirements. Manufacturing and packaging operations are
carried out according to the validated methods through systematically qualified machines with full
documentation at all stages of operations. Proper quality of goods is maintained throughout the production
and distribution process. Our main goal is to fill up the deficit of local demand and to export overseas.

• Organization Set Up:

The overall management of the Company’s business will be vested in its Board of Directors. The Managing
Director of the Company who will assume overall responsibility for the day-to-day affairs of the Company. He
will be closely assisted by the other directors of the Company for efficient management of the Company. The
organizational structure of the Company will be based on online and staff methods. The job responsibility of
the Management and technical personnel will be clearly defined by the Managing Director and the Board of
Directors of the Company.

• Cost of the Project:

The cost of the project for the expansion project has been estimated as follow:

Sl No. Particulers Amounts in Taka

1 Acquisition & installation of new Plant & Machineries 580,496,056
2 Construction of Factory Building Expansion Unit 62,553,944
2 Bank Loan Repayment (Partialy) 280,000,000
Total 923,050,000

• Weaknesses:
 Slim Profit margin: Since the Company is at early stage of production, the profit margin is slim.
 Innovation: Innovative effectiveness is low due to skilled work force.
 Concentrated Market: ALL’s products are not yet covered all the institutions of the country.
 Poor Market share: Compared to companies that offer similar products, ALL’s market share is relatively
 Lack of International Recognition: ALL currently has limited exports.


• Threat:
 Intense Competition: There is rivalry among the competitors to get the market share as maximum as
 Depreciation of BDT against USD increases costs of raw materials: There is a risk of devaluation of
BDT, which will increase cost of raw materials as the Company purchases raw materials from abroad as
well as local market.
 Political Unrest: At present, there is no unrest rather stable political condition is prevailing in Bangladesh.
This condition is conducive to business.

• Methodology:
We have considered the historical data of the company. We have also talked with their key management person
& supporting staff. The interviews provided us with relevant information concerning all aspects of sales and
expenses. The responses to these open-ended questions have allowed us to have a greater depth of knowledge
into their opinions and so we were able to address them to the best of our ability. A lot of time was spent
working on the interviews; also, that each had a different idea that is important to the effects of the
implementation of sales growth, and enough background information was included. Once we have compiled
and analyzed all our data and research, we as a group, look at all the different options of implementing the
living wall and then decide on the best option for the sales, current and future market and our saleable capacity
in near future.

• Means of Finance:
Particulars Total Taka
IPO Proceeds 950,000,000
Less: IPO Expenses (26,950,000)
Net IPO Proceeds 923,050,000

• Payback period: Payback period of the project 2.58 years.

• Net Present Value (NPV): Net Asset Value considering 4 years’ operating result and discount rate 23.39%
stands Tk. 7,278,866 and considering discount rate 24% stands Tk. (11,163,409).
• Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The project promises a financial rate of return about 23.39 % if it completed
on schedule.
• Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity tests have done and the project withstands that test.

• The Financial Projection

The financial Projection for the addition of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is highlighted in the table below. There
are many ways to present the projections. The Projected Financial Statement has been prepared on underlying
assumption (Each year Calculation is made comparing with respective previous year)

Assumption Assumption Assumptions Years (Amount in Taka)

Indicator Basis 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Capacity In Capacity
MT / Pcs will be 17,200,144 17,693,008 19,536,430 22,603,312 28,699,288
Per year Increase due
new Capital
Machinery 16.80% 2.87% 10.42% 15.70% 26.97%
Increase (%)
& new
Utilization Utilization
of the will be 71.21% 75.60% 78.58% 82.02% 80.67%
Capacity increased
Sales Revenue
Revenue will be 9.42% 14.30% 15.32% 20.34% 24.96%
Increase Increased
Assumption Assumption Assumptions Years (Amount in Taka)
Indicator Basis 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Quantity &
Unit Price
of the
will be
Increase due
to increase
of the
& Sales
will lead 9.44% 9.05% 8.01% 14.72% 16.17%
increase of
Expenses in
2021, 2022,
2023, 2024
& 2025
Fixed Asset
will be
increase for
the purpose of
Increase to fill
the demand,
all the assets
will be added
by the Asiatic
Fixed Asset
Limited own 365,029,819 146,523,820 108,460,291 739,002,948 106,306,830
source except
from IPO
Proceeds for
the Expansion
of Factory
Building &
New Capital
Equity will be
rise by Tk.
950,000,000 - - 950,000,000 - -
through IPO
in 2022-2023.
About 28
Crore will be
paid from
Loan IPO Proceeds
59,465,489 102,197,636 338,789,967 14,791,526 14,740,454
Repayment in 2022-2023
inaddition of
Long Term
Loan & other
Assumption Assumption Assumptions Years (Amount in Taka)
Indicator Basis 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025
Loan as per
payment by
Limited from
its own
source to
settlement of
are projected
according to
the IPO
decision of
the board
Cash investments,
8,984,494 282,276,368 1,251,811,770 1,284,734,908 2,104,663,015
Surplus the surplus of
cash will be
in any Non-
Asset, if any
will be kept
in the form
of short-term
like govt.
Dividend is
Dividend - - - - -
considered on

A. Statement of Financial Position (Projected)

Amount in Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2022 30 June 2023 30 June 2024 30 June 2025
Audited Projected
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 5,266,569,026 5,343,240,908 5,878,608,988 5,809,013,334
Freehold Property,
5,130,483,555 5,172,832,618 5,173,734,159 5,793,888,712 5,750,322,441
Plant and Equipment
Right of Use Assets 53,284,211 66,636,627 55,114,273 45,557,749 57,899,226
Intangible Asset 2,791,667 2,291,667 1,791,667 1,291,667 791,667
Capital Work-in-
46,566,099 24,808,115 112,600,810 37,870,860 -
Current Assets 630,644,132 943,566,506 1,956,661,935 2,052,800,377 2,964,430,445
Inventories 319,939,446 335,067,786 351,032,491 381,856,238 414,269,543
Trade and other
192,202,530 210,383,531 231,348,857 256,578,123 288,103,191
Advances, Deposits
109,517,662 115,838,821 122,468,817 129,631,108 157,394,696
and Prepayments


Amount in Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2022 30 June 2023 30 June 2024 30 June 2025
Audited Projected
Cash and Cash
8,984,494 282,276,368 1,251,811,770 1,284,734,908 2,104,663,015
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 6,210,135,532 7,299,902,843 7,931,409,365 8,773,443,779
Shareholders Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Equity 4,973,107,147 5,315,457,334 6,776,992,890 7,352,112,431 8,091,964,458
Share Capital 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000 878,480,000
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 1,851,861,503 1,847,915,464 1,844,194,632 1,840,683,885
IPO Proceed - - 950,000,000 950,000,000 950,000,000
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,006 2,585,115,831 3,100,597,426 3,679,437,799 4,422,800,574
659,551,069 644,435,459 363,690,198 400,150,022 433,776,224
Long Term Borrowings 225,888,802 186,340,117 - - -
Lease Liability (Non-
32,620,870 33,823,331 4,263,449 5,305,557 15,103,574
Current Portion)
Deferred Tax Liability* 401,041,397 424,272,010 359,426,749 394,844,464 418,672,651
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 250,242,739 159,219,755 179,146,912 247,703,096
Short Term Borrowings 9,427,614 8,956,233 8,508,421 8,083,000 7,678,850
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 16,664,324 18,406,089 21,631,430 25,556,875
Current Tax Payable 71,706,758 86,426,054 78,646,178 96,248,817 145,376,734
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 22,581,913 27,398,394 35,320,874 45,434,417
Long Term
Borrowings (Current 83,145,017 79,860,050 - - -
Lease Liability
16,715,222 20,928,333 12,193,103 4,340,911 9,740,386
(Current Portion)
Trade and other
15,205,172 14,825,832 14,067,570 13,521,880 13,915,834
Total Shareholders
5,863,769,663 6,210,135,532 7,299,902,843 7,931,409,365 8,773,443,779
Equity and Liabilities
Net Asset Value
56.61 60.51 77.14 83.69 92.11
(NAV) per share*
Net Asset Value
(NAV) per share 35.48 39.43 56.11 62.70 71.16
without Revaluation

B. Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income (Projected)

Amount in Taka
30.06.2020 to 30.06.2021 to 30.06.2022 to 30.06.2023 to 30.06.2024 to
30.06.2021 30.06.2022 30.06.2023 30.06.2024 30.06.2025
Audited Projected
Net Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,658,746,284 1,912,785,340 2,301,825,470 2,876,254,180
Less: Cost of
(827,875,171) (942,871,791) (1,084,567,346) (1,302,442,684) (1,622,848,229)
Goods Sold
Gross Profit 623,381,699 715,874,493 828,217,994 999,382,786 1,253,405,951
Less: Operating
(189,298,791) (206,439,246) (222,980,745) (255,807,796) (297,163,107)
Profit from
434,082,908 509,435,247 605,237,249 743,574,990 956,242,844
Other Income 290,564 305,092 320,347 336,364 353,183
Financial Expenses (37,618,189) (29,069,399) (25,180,103) (1,190,105) (1,160,304)
Interest on Lease
(6,705,386) (6,450,771) (5,011,224) (982,897) (1,312,955)
Profit Before WPPF
& Income Tax
390,049,897 474,220,170 575,366,269 741,738,351 954,122,767
Less: Workers'
Profit Participation 18,573,805 22,581,913 27,398,394 35,320,874 45,434,417
Fund Expenses


Amount in Taka
30.06.2020 to 30.06.2021 to 30.06.2022 to 30.06.2023 to 30.06.2024 to
30.06.2021 30.06.2022 30.06.2023 30.06.2024 30.06.2025
Audited Projected
Profit Before
371,476,092 451,638,257 547,967,875 706,417,477 908,688,350
Income Tax
Income Tax
(50,951,660) (109,715,955) (14,128,679) (131,954,553) (169,455,867)
Current Tax (71,338,161) (86,057,457) (78,277,581) (95,880,220) (145,008,137)
Deferred Tax
20,386,501 (23,658,498) 64,148,902 (36,074,333) (24,447,730)
Net Profit After
320,524,432 341,922,302 533,839,196 574,462,924 739,232,483
Add: Other
Comprehensive 1,858,123,003 738,978 696,360 656,617 619,544
surplus during the 1,929,285,128 - - - -
Deferred Tax
expenses on (71,162,125) 738,978 696,360 656,617 619,544
Comprehensive 2,178,647,435 342,661,280 534,535,556 575,119,541 739,852,027
Income for the year
Earnings per Share 3.65 2.76 6.08 6.54 8.41
** Earnings per share (EPS) and Net Asset Value (NAV) has calculated considering 87,848,000 no of ordinary share for all

The feasibility of the project has been conducted and analyzed from the viewpoint of marketing, financial,
management & economic aspects and found to be worthwhile. The projected financial results and the profitability
estimated based on historical data show that the project is feasible and profitable. This Project will help the
interested parties to have an idea of the Asiatic Laboratories Limited.
Place: Dhaka Sd/-
Date: 06 October, 2021 Shafiq Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Our opinion is based on the documents and explanations presented to us by Asiatic Laboratories Limited. The
actual achievement of the targets is subject to proper implementation and maintenance of the related systems and
processes as well as the operating environment. The management of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is suggested to
make changes to the plan as necessary to adjust with the changes in the operating environment, circumstances and
available systems & tools at the time of acquisition, construction -development, installation and operation.


(a) Provisions for lock in as per these Rules:
Ordinary Shares of the issuer shall be subject to lock-in, from the first trading date of the securities on any
exchange in the following manner:
(a) Shares held by sponsors, directors and shareholders holding 10% (ten percent) or more, for 03 (three) years;
(b) In case, any existing sponsor or director of the issuer transfers any share to any person, those transferred
shares, for 03 (three) years;
(c) Shares allotted to any person, before 4 (four) years or more of according consent to the public issue, other than
the persons mentioned in clause (a) and (b), for 01 (one) year;
(d) Shares held by alternative investment funds, for 01 (one) year;
(e) Shares held by any person, other than the shares mentioned in clause (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, for 02 (two)
Provided that ordinary shares converted from any other type of securities shall also be subject to lock-in as
mentioned above.”

(b) Statement of securities to be locked in for each shareholder along with BO account number, lock-in period
and number of securities to be locked-in:

Sl. No. of Share Pre-IPO Post Lock

Name Designation BO ID
No hold % IPO In
1 Monir Ahmed 1606060074426458 22,114,480 25.17% * 3 Year
2 Tahmina Begum Chairman 1606060074426506 16,695,470 19.00% * 3 Year
3 Salina Ahmed Director 1606060074426391 3,812,620 4.34% * 3 Year
4 Sadia Ahmed Director 1606060074425884 5,399,520 6.15% * 3 Year
5 Maksud Ahmed Director 1606060074426423 3,806,400 4.33% * 3 Year
6 Ryan Enterprise Shareholder 1205590068857032 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
7 Business Point Enterprise Shareholder 1605070069147695 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
8 Md. Afjol Ahmad Shareholder 1602170042610363 300,000 0.34% * 2 Year
9 Md. Abu Taleb Shareholder 1205700073969987 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
10 Ishtiaq Ahmed Shareholder 1202490000226422 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
11 Farjana Nasrin Shareholder 1204490074249721 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
12 Saif Rahman Shareholder 1204490074249799 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
13 Helen Rahman Shareholder 1605760068903299 250,000 0.28% * 2 Year
14 Harun OR Rashid Shareholder 1204220068822731 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
15 Md. Assaduzzaman Shareholder 1201950068436063 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
16 Howa Nur Begum Shareholder 1606060054792971 2,750,000 3.13% * 2 Year
17 Md. Majibur Rahman Shareholder 1606060066221003 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
18 Mohammad Saif Ullah Shareholder 1606060067282980 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
19 Javeed A Matin Shareholder 1606060068955377 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
20 M. Imran Hamid Shareholder 1606060021517606 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
21 Tofayel Mustofa Sarwar Shareholder 1606060056882096 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
22 Laila Khaniz Shareholder 1606060047214382 1,000,000 1.14% * 2 Year
23 Ataul Hakim Sarwar Hasan Shareholder 1606060073766183 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
24 Fahmida Khanam Shareholder 1606060070328159 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
Bikrampur Potato Flakes
25 Shareholder 1606060066336438 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
26 Md. Nairuzzaman Shareholder 1201970000429557 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
27 Haider Mahmood Hossain Shareholder 1301030059683297 500,000 0.57% * 2 Year
28 Bishwajit Das Shareholder 1204220026120606 1,986,390 2.26% * 2 Year
29 Shubrata Paul Shareholder 1205950071957548 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
30 Mohammed Abu Jafar Shareholder 1204410073673702 1,000,000 1.14% * 2 Year
31 Md. Mizanur Rahman Shareholder 1602510046767311 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
32 Md. Sajib Hossain Shareholder 1203110073893233 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
33 Julas Biswas Shareholder 1605570062924048 110,000 0.13% * 2 Year
34 Abdulla Al Mahmud Shareholder 1205690016630932 140,000 0.16% * 2 Year
35 Md. Atiqur Rahman Shareholder 1201910060982471 125,000 0.14% * 2 Year


Sl. No. of Share Pre-IPO Post Lock
Name Designation BO ID
No hold % IPO In
36 Sayed Istiaque Hossain Shareholder 1203360073909959 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
Bengal Assets Holdings
37 Shareholder 1205950067422023 2,000,000 2.28% * 2 Year
38 Abdus Samad Azad Shareholder 1201910056783517 450,000 0.51% * 2 Year
Abu Mohammad Mahbubul
39 Shareholder 1604790070741370 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
Karim Majumder
40 Md. Abul Kasem Shareholder 1202550068807871 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
41 Eleza Rahman Shareholder 1204340051503025 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
42 Syed Al Imran Shareholder 1202020067272528 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
43 SK. Sajib Ahamed Shareholder 1602170067755881 210,000 0.24% * 2 Year
44 Mst. Jali Khanam Shareholder 1204290073953561 250,000 0.28% * 2 Year
45 Md. Shariful Islam Shareholder 1204290062658625 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
46 Sumaiya Sweety Liza Shareholder 1203060073778329 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
47 R.K Enterprise Shareholder 1201700068928542 250,000 0.28% * 2 Year
Abul Faisal Mohammad
48 Shareholder 1206080072888170 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
49 Md. Mahfujur Rahman Shareholder 1204780065944120 600,000 0.68% * 2 Year
50 Md. Riaz Uddin (Boby) Shareholder 1203110074842143 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
51 Md. Manik Miah Shareholder 1203110073699838 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
52 Md. Jahed Ahmed Shareholder 1201710051122641 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
53 Asif Mridha Shareholder 1201710007253742 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Heritage Capital
54 Shareholder 1205950068261091 2,358,620 2.68% * 2 Year
Management Ltd
Abaci Investments Limited
55 Shareholder 1602770045524684 600,000 0.68% * 2 Year
56 Fayzia Khanam Iva Shareholder 1205000062717775 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
57 Rashidul Hasan Shareholder 1605760064971756 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
58 Md. Harun Ar Rashid Shareholder 1201590051182562 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
59 Md. Ohidul Haque Shareholder 1203110062958487 25,000 0.03% * 2 Year
60 Mrs. Farida Yeasmin Shareholder 1202950074048390 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
61 Mithila Yeasmin Hoque Shareholder 1203680062580595 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
62 Sheikh Monirul Hakim Shareholder 1202840032274343 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
63 Abdullah Al Mamun Shareholder 1201710068598929 75,000 0.09% * 2 Year
64 Arifuzzaman Shareholder 1203110071439338 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
65 Md. Shajahan Hossain Shareholder 1203110064588884 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
66 M.Enamul Mazid Shareholder 1201500041977467 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
67 Md. Majedul Hossain Shareholder 1201960073956456 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
68 Razvee Ahmed Shareholder 1203110072656180 600,000 0.68% * 2 Year
69 Md. Omar Sadek Mollah Shareholder 1203110003992196 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
70 Md. Helal Uddin Shareholder 1203110062456361 162,500 0.18% * 2 Year
71 Md.Zillur Rahman Mridha Shareholder 1604940056385728 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
72 Md. Monirul Islam Shareholder 1203110067749020 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
73 Mst. Shahana Tasnin Lopa Shareholder 1204030074878581 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
74 A.S.M Mehedi Hasan Shareholder 1201710069311120 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
75 Muhammad Basiruddin Shareholder 1201960073956563 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
76 Tanvir Eshan Shareholder 1205080068251771 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
77 Mukta Chakma Shareholder 1202950073609982 75,000 0.09% * 2 Year
78 Himel Kumar Saha Shareholder 1202950073955271 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
79 Sabbir Ahmed Shareholder 1605760067304861 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
80 Momotaj Begum Shareholder 1202950073606250 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
81 Sazzad Hossain Shareholder 1605760064861656 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
82 Md. Yearul Islam Shareholder 1202550005146414 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
83 Sinthia Akter Shareholder 1203390072509133 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
84 Md. Aminur Rahman Shareholder 1203110073998794 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
85 A.K.M Zahir Uddin Ahsan Shareholder 1203680060920509 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
86 Rina Akter Shareholder 1203110073983893 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
87 Mehedi Hasan Shareholder 1202990064978102 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
88 Mohammad Saiful Islam Shareholder 1204430065278738 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
89 Md. Hedayet Ulla Shareholder 1203410064142693 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Sl. No. of Share Pre-IPO Post Lock
Name Designation BO ID
No hold % IPO In
90 Ambia Begum Shareholder 1203410071491070 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
91 Md. Rokanuzzaman Shareholder 1201510003313744 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
92 SK Trims & Industries Ltd. Shareholder 1606060066341748 1,000,000 1.14% * 2 Year
93 Md. Syful Islam Shareholder 1201960071306794 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
94 Md. Zahidul Arif Shareholder 1201960071417294 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
95 Md. Lutful Kabir Shareholder 1202120063894526 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
Kazi Reashad
96 Shareholder 1605760064182841 1,000,000 1.14% * 2 Year
NRB Equity Management
97 Shareholder 1205950044806800 500,000 0.57% * 2 Year
98 Partha Sarathi Mazumder Shareholder 1201960068921591 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
99 Abul Hasan Shareholder 1205590074150443 70,000 0.08% * 2 Year
Md. Kamal Hossain
100 Shareholder 1201830048455583 150,000 0.17% * 2 Year
Mohammad Sarwar
101 Shareholder 1605760062630913 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
102 Mahbuba Islam Shareholder 1205950074753267 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
103 Kazi Alamgir Shareholder 1202250044639212 750,000 0.85% * 2 Year
104 Md. Fatehul Hasan Shareholder 1204240049835641 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
105 Ramendu Das Palash Shareholder 1203110074437377 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
106 Robin Chandra Paul Shareholder 1203110074456524 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
107 Mithun Kumar Ghosh Shareholder 1203110074458351 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
108 Md. Harunoor Rashid Shareholder 1605530058495219 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
109 Gokul Chandra Roy Shareholder 1602170069360205 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
110 Nusrat Jahan Neha Shareholder 1203000073577741 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
Md. Emdadul Hoque
111 Shareholder 1605760067765763 330,000 0.38% * 3 Year
112 Mafizur Rahman Shareholder 1201710051726866 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
113 Md. Rakibul Hassan Shareholder 1201710067969587 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
114 Md. Abdul Aziz Shareholder 1205880062719351 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
115 Syed Jahirul Islam Shareholder 1203110074483996 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
116 Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil Shareholder 1204490068316410 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Mohammad Sazib Hossen
117 Shareholder 1205670072436807 30,000 0.03% * 2 Year
118 Raihana Noor Khan Shareholder 1203680068184720 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
119 Muhammad Mehedi Hasan Shareholder 1204030018108793 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
120 K Suranjit Shareholder 1204660065367780 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
121 Md. Murshed Alam Shareholder 1203500015033661 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
122 Syed Azizul Islam Shareholder 1201720000481399 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
123 Ahmed Hossain Shareholder 1605760074214687 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
124 Sajedur Seraj Shareholder 1203180060585618 250,000 0.28% * 2 Year
125 Md. Zahirul Islam Shareholder 1201700007935996 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
126 A.H.M. Jamery Hasan Shareholder 1602510046760791 75,000 0.09% * 2 Year
127 Mahrukh Chowdhury Shareholder 1602770074860149 60,000 0.07% * 2 Year
128 Anik Majumder Shareholder 1201590074767411 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
129 Md. Motiur Rahman Shareholder 1202530010947031 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
130 Sajal Kumar Bose Shareholder 1203490062875690 40,000 0.05% * 2 Year
131 Md. Oliur Rahman Shareholder 1201700033399528 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
132 Modoris Ali Shareholder 1203490071899111 80,000 0.09% * 2 Year
133 Md. Monzur Hossain Shareholder 1204090043542750 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Syed Ferdous Raihan
134 Shareholder 1203490062881119 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
135 Sanjida Hasnat Chowdhury Shareholder 1203490074778885 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
136 Mosa. Tahmina Akter Shareholder 1204500064067935 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
137 Sayedatun Nessa Shareholder 1204500062875179 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
138 Aiesha Auyb Shareholder 1203110074782248 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
139 Harun Ar Rashid Shareholder 1205590074535644 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
140 Mohammed Saif Ullah Shareholder 1205590062872041 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
141 Sufia Khanam Shareholder 1204430074337978 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
Sl. No. of Share Pre-IPO Post Lock
Name Designation BO ID
No hold % IPO In
142 Bhupesh Chandra Sarker Shareholder 1203490073619508 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Ahmed TabrejShams
143 Shareholder 1204430074624900 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
144 Alamgir Hossain Shareholder 1203110063917110 669,110 0.76% * 3 Year
145 Pralay Krishna Debnath Shareholder 1202160074121687 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
146 Lutfur Rahman Shareholder 1203110059591746 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
147 Mostafa Kamal Ahmed Shareholder 1203110062136096 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
148 Oli Kamal Shareholder 1203250024407121 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Chartered Life Insurance
149 Shareholder 1204780064975952 500,000 0.57% * 2 Year
Company Limited
150 Hamida Yasmin Shareholder 1203110074842250 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
151 Muhammad Ehsanul Kabir Shareholder 1201710056656459 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
152 Md. Afzalur Rahman Shareholder 1605760062191691 986,890 1.12% * 3 Year
153 Abul Hasan Shareholder 1203590062584237 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
154 Md. Nurul Islam Shareholder 1203590062597246 300,000 0.34% * 2 Year
155 Porimal Debnath Shareholder 1205590068907104 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
156 Md. Kamrul Islam Shareholder 1203550075110561 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
157 Muhammed Babrul Hussain Shareholder 1203550075110510 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
A.S.M Ahasan Habib
158 Shareholder 1203110060434458 450,000 0.51% * 2 Year
159 Muhammad Yousuf Shareholder 1205210065033870 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
160 Md. Kabir Hossain Shareholder 1202350016035090 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
161 Md. Kamal Ahmed Shareholder 1203110072494167 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
162 Nusrat Ara Shareholder 1203110073238942 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
163 Md. Yeakub Hossain Shareholder 1205950072061448 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
Paul & Paul Consultants
164 Shareholder 1202460074468828 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
165 Rahnuma Ferdousy Brishty Shareholder 1206080072706450 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
166 Badruddoja Ahmed Shareholder 1201830074062877 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
167 Delowar Hossain Shareholder 1203390007801850 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
168 Md. Mydul Haque Khan Shareholder 1201830062730968 200,000 0.23% * 2 Year
169 Md. Rezaul Karim Shareholder 1602510046747903 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
170 Md. Monir Hossain Shareholder 1203440017373861 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
171 Mohammad Parvej Shareholder 1203110074871464 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
172 Sushanta Kumar Mondal Shareholder 1203110074798408 44,000 0.05% * 3 Year
173 Ahmed Armaan Siddiqui Shareholder 1203680068886005 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
174 Kazi Hafizur Rashid Shareholder 1203590051405146 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
175 Md. Saifur Rahman Rasel Shareholder 1203680064808009 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
176 Md. Aminur Rahman Shareholder 1205030073868341 50,000 0.06% * 2 Year
177 Md. Afir Khan Shareholder 1205590074762111 67,000 0.08% * 2 Year
Mohammad Mizanur
178 Shareholder 1204290075110537 100,000 0.11% * 2 Year
179 F.A Trading Corporation Shareholder 1203110063110187 1,150,000 1.31% * 3 Year


Market for the Securities being offered:

The issuer shall apply to the following bourses for listing shares within 7 (seven) working days from the date of consent
accorded by the Commission to issue the prospectus:

Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE)
Stock Exchange Building, 9-F Motijheel C-A, CSE Building, 1080, Sk. Mujib Road, Agrabad,
Dhaka, Bangladesh Chittagong, Bangladesh

Declaration about Listing of Shares with the Stock Exchange(s):

If none of the Stock Exchange(s), if for any reason, grant listing within 75 days from the closure of subscription, any
allotment in terms of this Red-Herring Prospectus shall be void and the company shall refund the subscription money
within fifteen days from the date of refusal for listing by the stock exchange, or from the date of expiry of the said 75
(seventy-five) days, as the case may be.

In case of non-refund of the subscription money within the previously mentioned fifteen days, the company directors,
in addition to the issuer company, shall be collectively and severally liable for refund of the subscription money, with
interest at the rate of 2% (two percent) per month above the bank rate, to the subscribers concerned.

The issue manager, in addition to the issuer company, shall ensure due compliance of the above-mentioned conditions
and shall submit compliance report thereon to the Commission within seven days of expiry of the aforesaid fifteen
days’ time period allowed for refund of the subscription money.

Trading and Settlement:

Trading and Settlement Regulation of the stock exchanges shall apply in respect of trading and settlement of the shares
of the company.

The issue shall be placed in “N” Category with DSE & CSE.


All types of securities outstanding or being offered with date or proposed date of such issue and to whom those are
offered, number of securities and issue or offer price along with the following information:

a) Dividend, Voting, Pre-emption Rights:

The share capital of the company is divided into Ordinary Shares, carrying equal rights to vote and receive
dividend in terms of the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 1994 and the Articles of Association of the
company. All Shareholders shall have the usual voting right in person or by proxy in connection with, among
others, election of Directors & Auditors and other usual agenda of General Meeting – Ordinary or Extra
Ordinary. On a show of hand, every shareholder presents in person and every duly authorized representative
of a shareholder present at a General Meeting shall have one vote and on a poll every shareholder present in
person or by proxy shall have one vote for every share held by him or her. In case of any additional issue of
shares for raising further capital, the existing shareholders shall be entitled to Issue of Right shares in terms of
the guidelines issued by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.

b) Conversion and Liquidation Rights:

In terms of the provisions of the Companies Act 1994, Articles of Association of the Company and other
relevant rules in force, the shares of the Company are freely transferable. The Company shall not charge any
fee for registering transfer of shares. No transfer shall be made to a firm, an infant or person of unsound mind.

c) Dividend Policy:
i. The profit of the company, subject to any special right relating thereto created or authorized to be created
by the Memorandum of Association and subject to the provisions of the Articles of Association, shall be
divisible among the members in proportion to the capital paid-up on the shares held by them respectively.
ii. No larger dividend shall be declared than is recommended by the Directors, but the Company in its
General Meeting may declare a smaller dividend. The declaration of Directors as to the amount of Net
Profit of the Company shall be conclusive.
iii. No dividend shall be payable except out of profits of the Company or any other undistributed profits.
Dividend shall not carry interest as against the Company.
iv. The Directors may from time to time pay the members such interim dividend as in their judgment the
financial position of the Company may justify.
v. A transfer of shares shall not pass the right to any dividend declared thereon before the registration of
vi. There is no limitation on the payment of dividends to the common stockholders of the Company.

d) Other Rights of the securities holders:

In terms of provisions of the Companies Act 1994, Articles of Association of the Company and other relevant
rules in force, the shares of the Company are transferable. The Company shall not charge any fee, other than
Government duties for registering transfer of shares. No transfer shall be made to a minor or person of unsound


a) The latest financial statements prepared and audited by the Commission’s panel auditors in adherence to the
provisions of the Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987, the Companies Act, 1994, International financial
Reporting and Auditing Standards as adopted in Bangladesh from time to time and Financial Reporting Act;

Independent Auditor’s Report

to the Shareholders of
Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements.
We have audited the Financial Statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited (the Company), which comprise the
Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2021 and Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income,
Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows for the year then ended and Notes, comprising a
summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information thereto.

In our opinion, the accompanying Financial Statements give true and fair view, in all material respect of the Financial
Position of the company as at June 30, 2021, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the period then ended
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), The Companies Act 1994, Securities &
Exchange Rules, 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under
those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section
of our report. We are independent of the company in accordance with the ‘International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
Bye Laws. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the
Financial Statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the Financial
Statements as a whole, and informing our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Revenue Recognition Ref Note: 3.10 & 26.00

Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
At the year end the company reported total revenue of We have tested the design and operating effectiveness of
Tk.1,451,256,870.00/-, which includes both export and key controls focusing on the following:
local sales.
-Obtaining an understanding of and assessing the design
Revenue recognition has significant and widespread and operating effectiveness of controls designed to ensure
influence over the financial statements and plays a vital that revenue is recognized in the appropriate accounting
role in calculating Corporate Tax. Since, revenue period.
recognition is one of the performance indicators in -Review monthly VAT return to ascertain sales and bank
almost all sector, there always exist risk of revenue confirmation certificate regarding sales.
smoothing or window dressing.
-We ensured all invoices relates to the current reporting
Under IFRS 15 revenue is recognized when a period and match cut-off date.
performance obligation is satisfied by transferring
control over a promised good or service. -We inspected Segregation of duties in invoice creation
and modification and timing of revenue recognition.
-Assessing the appropriateness of the Company’s
accounting policies for revenue recognition and
compliance of those policies with applicable accounting


-Comparing a sample of revenue transactions recognized
during the year with the sale invoices and other relevant
underlying documentation.

-Critically assesses manual journals posted to revenue to

identify unusual or irregular items, and finally assessed
the appropriateness and presentation of disclosures
against relevant accounting standards.

-We reviewed the requirement, appropriateness and

adequacy of disclosures in line with IFRS-15 Revenue
from Contracts with Customers.
2.Valuation of Inventory Ref: Note 3.04 & 8.00
Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
As at June 30, 2021 The reported amount of Our audit approach includes but not limited to the
inventory is Tk. 319,939,446/- represents 50.73% of followings:
current assets and almost 5.45%of total assets. The
closing inventory figure have significant impact in -We gained a clear understanding of recording and
determining the cost of goods sold valuation methods and operating effectiveness regarding
Inventories are usually carried in financial statements at
the lower of cost and net realizable value. Since frequent -We made sure that closing balances carried forward
changes in customer, demand is unavoidable in correctly and current year purchase amounts agreed
manufacturing industry and a large quantity of raw with ledger balances.
material is held. As a result, there is risk that the carrying
value of inventory exceeds net realizable value. -We reviewed the company’s policy of accounting for
obsolete, damaged & slow-moving items along with
procedure for disposal.

-We have checked the physical safeguard of inventory

held at warehouse of the company.

- We also reviewed the requisition process of inventory

and control on dispatch of items.

-We have also considered the adequacy of the

company’s disclosures in respect of the levels of
provisions against inventory.
3. Capital work in progress Ref: Note 3.03 & 7.00
Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
In the year ended 30thJune, 2021 the company accounted Our audit approach includes but not limited to the
for Capital Work in Progress (WIP) closing balance of followings:
Tk. 46,566,099 /-.
-We have checked that the correct account balances are
The company also presented transfer of Tk. carried forward in Capital Work in Progress account and
121,006,451/- (Building & Other Construction) & Tk. calculate the mathematical accuracy of the total amount
183,895,983/-(Plant & Machinery) to Property, Plant presented.
and Equipment in the reporting period.
-We reviewed the documents in support of the total
The capitalized amount (Tk.121,006,451/-+ amount of investment in capital project and make sure
183,895,983/-) = 304,902,434/- is material to the none of them is irrelevant with current year (cut off).
statement of financial position and represents 5.2 % of
total asset of the company. -We inspected the physical existence of the assets
capitalized in current year along with the verification of
company’s legal rights on those assets.

-We evaluate the appropriateness of disclosures in

financial statements.
4. Deferred Tax Liability Ref: Note 3.24 & 18


Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
As per IAS 12 Income Taxes, the two components of the We verified that right opening balances are carried
company’s estimated tax is Current Tax & Deferred Tax. forward in deferred tax account.
There is a deferred tax liability of 401,041,397/- which is
almost equivalent to 6.84% compared to total assets of -We made sure that, the tax base is according to 3rd
the company. In SPLOCI there is a reported deferred tax schedule of ITO 1984 and the accountant of the
expense of Tk. 20,386,501/- which is 6.36% of the company have clear understanding of posting the
reported profit for the year (other than OCI). associated journal entries.

The temporary difference of deferred tax consists critical - We recalculated the figures presented in the financial
calculation and forecast. The uncertainty in forecasting statements and made sure they agreed with general
or lack of expertise may results in material ledger.
misstatements, which may have an impact on corporate - We examine the procedure of arriving at temporary
tax. difference in case of lease liability and ROU asset
There are changes of missstatement in amounts due to -We reviewed the amount of provision created for
incompetent valuation methods. There is also posibility Deferred Tax in current year and the relevant
of non-complience in relation to local regulatory adjustment against revaluation reserve.
guideline regarding asset valuation.
-We ensure that the correct rate of Tax is used to
calculate the provisions for deferred tax.

-We evaluated the adequacy of financial statement

disclosures including key assumptions, judgments and
05. Lease Liability Ref: Note 3.01, 3.02.5, 17 & 24
Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
In the Financial Statement there is Current Lease We have tested the design and operating effectiveness of
Liability of Tk. 16,715,222/- & non-current portion is key controls regarding the recognition and measurement
Tk. 32,620,870/-as on date. The total lease liability (Tk. of lease obligation and ROU assets. Our audit approach
16,715,222/- + Tk. 32,620,870) = Tk. 49,336,092/- includes but not limited to the followings:
considered material due to its involvement with critical
accounting estimate and judgment. -Collect the lease agreements and rescheduling letters
issue by leasing company.
The application of IFRS-16 Leases involves complex
understanding and assumption that increases the -We ensure correct balances are carried forward from
possibility for misstatement in calculating lease liability, previous period.
corresponding assets and associated effective interests -We checked the effective date of lease agreements to
charged in current year. confirm fair presentation.
-We checked the validity of using effective interest rate
for arriving at interest charge each period.
-We checked the arithmetic accuracy of payment
schedule and ROU asset recognition.
-We verified management’s assumptions regarding
depreciation and useful life of ROU assets in case of both
capital & rental lease agreements.
-We checked the mathematical accuracy and type of
asset transferred from ROU category to freehold PPE
-We examine the adequacy of disclosure presentation
requirements in relation to IFRS-16 Leases.
06. Revaluation Ref: 3.02.8 & OCI
Key Audit Matter Our Audit Approach
The entity reported fixed assets revaluation surplus in -We checked management’s assumption regarding the
current year amounting Tk 1,929,285,128/- as Other necessity of PPE revaluation.
Comprehensive Income.
-We checked the Board meeting minute to confirm the
validity of the revaluation decision.
There are chances of misstatement in amounts due to -We reviewed the process of appointment of
incompetent valuation methods. There is also possibility independent valuer.
of non-compliance in relation to local regulatory
guideline regarding assets valuation. -We made necessary query to ensure the skill and
competency of independent valuer to conduct such

-We review the assumption made during valuation, the

base value and the used.

-We checked the compliance of the company regarding

asset valuation guideline by local regulator.

-We assessed the requirements and adequacy of

disclosures regarding revaluation.
-The valuation report has been prepaired and treated in
accordance with IAS and IFRS and Other applicable
law and regulation and the company give proper
accounting treatments, including provision, tax and
other liablities in the financial statements to consider the
valuation of PPE.

Other Information
Another independent auditor had expressed an unmodified opinion regarding the preparation and presentation of
financial statements for the year ended 30th June, 2020.

Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all the information in the
annual report other than the Financial Statements and our auditor’s report thereon. The Annual Report is expected to
be made available to us after the date of this auditor’s report. The directors are responsible for the other information.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the Financial Statements, our responsibility is to read
the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements, or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based
on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information we are
required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements and Internal
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements in accordance with
IFRSs, The Companies Act 1994, Securities & Exchange Rules,1987 and other applicable laws and regulations and
for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Financial Statements that
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Companies Act, 1994 require the management
to ensure effective internal audit, internal control, and risk management functions of the company.

In preparing the Financial Statements, management is responsible for assessing the company’s ability to continue as a
going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of
accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the company or to cease operations, or has no realistic
alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the company’s financial
reporting process.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with
ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or taken together, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions of users taken based on these Financial Statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise
professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We are also:


• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company's internal
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis accounting and based on the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the
Financial Statements or, if such disclosers are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on
the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause
the company to cease to continue as a going concern.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure, and content of the Financial Statements, including the disclosures,
and whether the Financial Statements represent the underlying transactions and event in a manner that achieves
fair presentation.
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities
within the company to express an opinion on the Financial Statements we are responsible for the direction,
supervision, and performance of the company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing
of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify
during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit of the Financial Statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We
describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or
when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because
the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

In accordance with the Companies Act 1994 and Securities & Exchange Rules 1987.we also report that:
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof;
b) In our opinion, the company has kept proper books of accounts, records and other statutory books as required by
law as far as it appeared from our examinations of those books.
c) The Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income and Statement of
Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows of the Company dealt with by the report are in agreement with the
books of accounts and returns; and
d) The expenditure incurred were for the purpose of the Company’s business.

Place: Dhaka Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed FCA, CFC
Date: 05 October, 2021 Enrollment no: 1046
Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants
DVC: 2110160046AS167722
Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June 2021

Amount in Taka
Particulars Notes
30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 3,025,152,902
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment 4.00 5,130,483,554 2,925,361,889
Right of Use Assets 5.00 53,284,211 59,999,586
Intangible Asset 6.00 2,791,667 3,291,667
Capital Work-in-Progress 7.00 46,566,099 36,499,760
Current Assets 630,644,132 582,834,818
Inventories 8.00 319,939,446 287,357,299
Trade and other Receivables 9.00 192,202,530 176,294,732
Advances, Deposits and Prepayments 10.00 109,517,662 107,916,091
Cash and Cash Equivalents 11.00 8,984,494 11,266,696
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720
Shareholders Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Equity 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619
Share Capital 12.00 878,480,000 813,480,000
Revaluation Surplus 13.00 1,856,360,141 -
Retained Earnings 14.00 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 641,434,565
Share Money Deposit 15.00 - -
Long Term Borrowings 16.00 225,888,802 265,677,137
Lease Liability (Non-Current Portion) 17.00 32,620,870 25,180,562
Deferred Tax Liability 18.00 401,041,397 350,576,866
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 172,404,536
Short Term Borrowings 19.00 9,427,614 9,736,763
Liabilities for Expenses 20.00 16,337,859 13,613,074
Current Tax Payable 21.00 71,706,758 55,638,495
Liability for WPPF 22.00 18,573,805 -
Long Term Borrowings (Current Portion) 23.00 83,145,017 50,851,372
Lease Liability (Current Portion) 24.00 16,715,222 22,499,742
Trade and other Payables 25.00 15,205,172 20,065,090
Total Shareholders Equity and Liabilities 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720
Net Asset Value (NAV) per share with Revaluation 34.00 56.61 34.35
Net Asset Value (NAV) per share without Revaluation 34.00 35.48 34.35

The annexed notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Signed as per our annexed report of even date

Place: Dhaka Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed FCA, CFC
Date: 05 October, 2021 Enrollment no: 1046
Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 30 June 2021

Amount in Taka
Particulars Notes July 2020 to July 2019 to
June 2021 June 2020
Net Sales Revenue 26.00 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 27.00 (827,875,171) (756,232,201)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674
Less: Operating Expenses 28.00 (189,298,791) (172,977,971)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 397,154,703
Other Income 29.00 290,564 173,488
Financial Expenses 30.00 (37,618,189) (45,384,732)
Interest on Lease Liability 31.00 (6,705,386) (6,349,012)
Profit Before WPPF & Income Tax 390,049,897 345,594,447
Less: Workers' Profit Participation Fund Expenses 18,573,805 -
Profit Before Income Tax 371,476,092 345,594,447
Income Tax Expenses (50,951,660) (103,142,854)
Current Tax 21.00 (71,338,161) (55,026,108)
Deferred Tax Income/(Expense) 18.00 20,386,501 (48,116,746)
Net Profit After Tax 320,524,432 242,451,593
Add: Other Comprehensive Income: 1,858,123,003 -
Revaluation surplus during the year 1,929,285,128 -
Add : Deferred Tax expenses on Revaluation (71,162,125) -
Total Comprehensive Income for the year 2,178,647,435 242,451,593
Earnings Per Share (EPS) 33.00 3.65 2.76

The annexed notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Signed as per our annexed report of even date

Place: Dhaka Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed FCA, CFC
Date: 05 October, 2021 Enrollment no: 1046
Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 30 June 2021

Ordinary Revaluation Retained

Particulars Total
Share Capital Surplus Earnings
Balance as at July 1, 2020 813,480,000 1,980,668,619 2,794,148,619
Issue of Bonus Share 65,000,000 (65,000,000) -
Addition of revaluation Surplus 1,929,285,128 - 1,929,285,128
Deferred Tax (Expenses)/Income on
(71,162,125) - (71,162,125)
Revaluation Surplus
Adjustment of depreciation for
(2,073,956) 2,073,956 -
Revaluation Surplus
Net profit for the year transferred from
Statement of Profit or Loss & Other - 320,524,433 320,524,433
Comprehensive Income.
Adjustment of Defered Tax on
Depreciation on Revaluation Surplus 311,093
Balance as at June 30, 2021 878,480,000 1,856,360,141 2,238,267,007 4,973,107,147

For the year ended June 30, 2020

Ordinary Retained
Particulars Total
Share Capital Earnings
Balance as at July 1, 2019 9,383,500 1,738,666,310 1,748,049,810
Share allotted during the year 804,096,500 - 804,096,500
Prior year adjustment of rent Expenses 9,232,000 9,232,000
Prior year adjustment of Interest on ROU Assets (1,311,257) (1,311,257)
Prior year adjustment of Depreciation on ROU Assets (8,370,027) (8,370,027)
Net profit for the year transferred from Statement of Profit or
- 242,451,593 242,451,593
Loss & Other Comprehensive Income.
Balance as at June 30, 2020 813,480,000 1,980,668,619 2,794,148,619

"**Last cash allotment date on 15 July 2019 for amount Tk. 804,096,500.00. After that period the Company didn't
make any cash allotment till to date. The Company is eligible to apply for public subscription as per the Public Issue
Rules 2015 as amended on 24 August 2021."

** The Company made bonus allotment for Tk. 65,000,000.00 on 24 December 2020.

The annexed notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Date: 05 October, 2021

Place: Dhaka


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 30 June 2021

Amount in Taka
Particulars Note
FY (2020-2021) FY (2019-2020)
A. Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Received from Customers 36.06 1,435,350,990 1,304,722,719
Paid to Suppliers 36.07 (731,526,004) (687,572,782)
Paid to Employee 36.08 (135,675,671) (132,023,703)
Paid for Manufacturing &Operating Expenses 36.09 (92,056,263) (85,685,091)
Received from Other Sources 16,824 15,326
Tax Paid (44,102,253) (54,848,999)
Net Cash Generated From Operating Activities 432,007,623 344,607,470
B. Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Acquisition of Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment 36.10 (60,127,385) (45,040,011)
Acquisition of Intangible Assets 36.11 - (3,500,000)
Paid for Capital Work In Progress 36.12 (314,968,773) (140,293,541)
Net Cash Used to Investing Activities (375,096,158) (188,833,552)
C. Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Long Term Loan Received (20,207,547)
Long Term Loan Payment 36.13 (7,494,690)
Short Term Loan Received (63,508,699)
Short Term Loan Payment (309,149)
Payment Lease Liability during the Year 36.14 (7,338,074) (18,008,952)
Share Money Deposit Refunded - (6,400)
Interest on Lease Liability (6,705,386) (6,349,012)
Paid for Financial Cost (37,618,189) (45,384,732)
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities (59,465,489) (153,465,342)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
D. (2,554,024) 2,308,576
E. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year 11,266,696 8,784,210
F. Foreign Exchange Gain/(loss) 271,822 173,910
G. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the Year (D+E+F) 8,984,494 11,266,696
Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share (NOCFPS) 34.00 4.92 3.92

The annexed notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Chairman Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Date: 05 October, 2021

Place: Dhaka


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Notes, Comprising summery of significant accounting
policies and other explanatory information
For the year ended June 30, 2021

1.0 Reporting Entity

1.01 Background of the Company
The Company namely “Asiatic Laboratories Limited” (referred here in after ‘The Company’ or ‘ALL’) was
incorporated on 25th July 1970 vide Registration No. C-3472 under the Companies Act, 1913.The Company
Converted Private to Public Limited by share on March 12, 2020 under the Companies Act, 1994 and its face
value of shares to Tk.10.00 from Tk.100.00 on 10 February 2020. The Company started its commercial
operation on 02 January, 1998.
1.02 Address of the Registered & Corporate Office
The Registered Office of the Company is situated at 42-43 Siddheshawari Circular Road, Treasure Island (5th
Floor), Shantinagor, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh and the industrial units in established at 253, Tongi Industrial
Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
1.03 Nature of Business Activities
The principal activities of the Company are manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of therapeutically
medicines pharmaceutical products in the categories of Biological, Non-Biological & Sterile Pharmaceutical
dosage. The products are sold in the local & International Market mainly.

1.04 Capital Structure of the Company

Asiatic Laboratories Limited is a Public limited Company formed by a local owner. The details of the capital
structure are given below:
Particulars Taka
Authorized Capital
200,000,000 ordinary shares of Taka 10/= each
Issued, Subscribed, Called-up and Paid-up Capital
87,848,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10/= each fully paid –up
Opening Balance 813,480,000
Add: Bonus share allotment during the year 65,000,000
Closing Balance 878,480,000
1.05 Production Plant
Production Plant of the company is situated at 253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
1.06 Date of Authorization
The Financial Statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the year ended as on June 30, 2021 was
authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors on October 05, 2021.
1.07 Reporting Period
The financial period of the Company covers 1(One) year from 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021.
2.00 Basis of Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
2.01 Statement of Compliance
The Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act
1994 and other relevant local laws as applicable and in accordance with the applicable International
Accounting Standards (IAS), The Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987 and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) and others
applicable laws and regulations.

2.02 Regulatory Compliances

As required by the company, the management complies with the following major legal provisions in addition
to the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations:
a) The Income Tax Ordinance 1984;
b) The Income Tax Rules 1984;
c) The Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act 2012;
d) The Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Rules 2016;
e) The Customs Act, 1969;
f) Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006 (Amended up to 2018);
g) Labour Rules, (Amended 2015);
h) Sales of Goods Act, 1930;
i) Negotiable InstrumentAct, 1881; and
j) The Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987.
2.03 Measurement Bases used in preparing the Financial Statements
Measurement is the process of determining the monetary amounts at which the elements of the Financial
Statements are to be recognized and carried in the statement of financial position and profit or loss and other
comprehensive income. The measurement basis adopted by the Company is historical cost of inventories are
at the lower of cost and net realizable value and marketable securities (if any) are at market value. Under the
historical cost, assets are recorded at the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the
consideration given to acquire them at the time of their acquisition. Liabilities are recorded at the amount of
proceeds received in exchange for the obligation, or in some circumstances (for example, income taxes), at
the amounts of cash or cash equivalents expected to be paid to satisfy the liability in the normal course of
business. The Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the historical cost
convention applying accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS)
2.04 Compliance with the IAS and IFRS
The following IASs and IFRSs are applicable for the Financial Statements of the Company for the year under
Sl. No. Name of the IAS IAS’s No.
1 Presentation of Financial Statements 1
2 Inventories 2
3 Statement of Cash Flows 7
4 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 8
5 Events after the Reporting Period 10
6 Income Taxes 12
7 Property, Plant and Equipment 16
8 Employee Benefits 19
9 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates 21
10 Borrowing Costs 23
11 Related Party Disclosures 24
12 Earnings Per Share 33
13 Impairment of Assets 36
14 Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 37
15 Intangible Assets 38

Sl. No. Name of the IFRS IFRS No.

1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards 1
2 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 7
3 Operating Segments 8
4 Financial Instruments 9
5 Fair Value Measurement 13
6 Revenue from Contracts with Customers 15
7 Leases 16
2.06 Going Concern
The company has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future and hence, the
Financial Statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. As per management assessment, there is
no material uncertainties related to event or condition, which may cast significant doubt upon the company's
ability to continue as a going concern.
2.07 Accrual Basis
The Financial Statements have been prepared, except Cash Flows information, using the accrual basis of

2.08 Currency Presentation

2.08.1 Functional and Presentational Currency and Level of Precision


The Financial Statements are prepared and presented in Bangladesh Taka (Taka/Tk./BDT) which is the
Company's functional currency. All financial information presented in Taka and has been rounded off to the
nearest Taka.

2.09 Materiality and Aggregation

Each material class of similar items is presented separately in the Financial Statements. Items of a dissimilar
nature or function are presented separately unless they are immaterial.

2.10 Use of Estimates and Judgments

The preparation of Financial Statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions
that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income, and
expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are
reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the
estimate is revised and in any future periods affected. In particular, information about significant areas of
estimation uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant
effect on the amount recognized in the Financial Statements. The account judgments, estimates and
assumptions are being used in the following heads of Accounts for the preparation of Financial Statements:
Note: 3.02.1 Recognition, Measurement and Disclosure of Property, Plant and Equipment
Note: 3.02.2 Depreciation on Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment
Note: 3.02.8 Revaluation of Freehold Property, Plant & Equipment
Note: 3.02.9 Impairment of Assets
Note: 3.04 Valuation of Inventories
Note: 3.06.3 Trade and other receivables
Note: 3.06.5 Trade and other Payables
Note: 3.08 Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Note: 3.10 Revenue recognition
Note: 3.15 Employees Benefits
Note: 3.16 Finance Expenses
Note: 3.24 Income Taxes (Current and Deferred Tax)
2.11 Components of Financial Statements
The presentation of these Financial Statements is in accordance with the guidelines provided by IAS-1:
"Presentation of Financial Statements". A complete set of Financial Statements comprises:
The Financial Statements comprises of:
(a) Statement of Financial Position as atJune 30, 2021;
(b) Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income for the year ended June 30, 2021;
(c) Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended June 30, 2021;
(d) Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended June 30, 2021; and
(e) Notes, comprising summery of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information to the
accounts for the year ended June 30, 2021.
3.00 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
The specific accounting policies have been selected and applied for significant transactions and events that
have a material effect within the framework for the preparation and presentation of Financial Statements.
3.01 Accounting Convention and Basis
The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IASs),
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), the Companies Act, 1994, The Securities and Exchange
Rules, 1987 and other laws and regulations applicable in Bangladesh.
Changes in significant accounting policies
Except the changes following, the Company has consistently applied the accounting policies to all periods
presented in these financial statements. The Company has initially adopted IFRS 16 'Leases' 1 st July 2019.
There is no material impact on financial statements on initial application of the standards.
As a Lessee
On 1st July 2019, IFRS 16 ‘Lease’ has been adopted and all leasing arrangements except those having less
than 12 months of useful life and underlying asset values of less than BDT 425,000 (>= $ 5000 as per IFRS
16) when new, have been capitalized as “right to use” assets with a corresponding financial liability on the
balance sheet. Leased assets are capitalized from the start date of the lease agreement at the present value of
the future leased payments, based on the rate of interest entered in the asset master data. Low value (less than


BDT 425,000) and short-term leases (less than 12 months) have been excluded from the recognition
requirements and expensed in operating profit as rental costs. Lease reassessment and lease modification to
increase/decrease the value of an asset depending on a change in scope of lease agreement can be made if

The lessor transfers ownership of the underlying assets to the lessee by the end of the lease term or if the cost
of right-of-use asset reflects that the lessee will exercise a purchase option, the lessor shall depreciate the right-
of-use asset from the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the
lessee shall depreciate the right-of-use asset from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful
life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.

Leases classified as operating leases under IFRS 16

IFRS 16 introduces a single, on-balance sheet lease accounting model for lessees. A lessee recognizes a right-
of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying asset and a lease liability representing its obligation to
make lease payments. There are recognition exemptions for short-term leases and leases of low-value items.
The most significant impact identified is that, leases liabilities were measured at the present value (rent for
office /Depot / space) of the remaining lease payments, discounted at ALL's incremental borrowing rates as
at 01 July 2019. Right-of-Use assets are measured at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the
amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments.

Right of Use Assets as at 30 June 2021

Right-of use assets written down value of BDT. 53,284,211/- and BDT. 92,699,855/-were recognized at cost
and presented separately in the Statement of Financial Position and Tk. 8,993,862/- in addition during the

3.02 Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment

3.02.1 Recognition, Measurement and Disclosure of Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, plant and equipment except Land and Land development are measured at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment losses if any. The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises its
purchase price and any directly attributable cost inward freight, duties and non‐refundable taxes. Where parts
of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful life, they are accounted for as separate items
of property, plant and equipment. The Company recognizes in the carrying amount of an item of property,
plant and equipment the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred if it is probable that
the future economic benefits embodied within the item will flow to the entity and the cost of the item can be
measured reliably. All other costs are recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
Income as an expense as incurred. In accordance with the allowed alternative treatment of IAS 23 “Borrowing
Cost”, finance costs have been capitalized for qualifying assets (if any).

3.02.2 Depreciation on Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment

Depreciation on a fixed asset is computed using the reducing balance method. No depreciation charged of
land and land development and capital work in progress. After considering the useful life of assets as per IAS-
16 Property, Plant and Equipment the annual depreciation rates applied under this is considered reasonable
by the management. The rate of depreciation is varied according to the estimated useful lives of the items of
property, plant and equipment. Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use i.e. when it is in
the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the
management. The cost and accumulated depreciation of depreciable assets retired or otherwise disposed of
are eliminated from the assets and accumulated depreciation and any gain or loss on such disposal is reflected
in operations for the year. The estimated useful life for depreciation is as follows:

Category Rate (%) Useful lives

Land & land Development 0% Infinite useful life
Building & Other Construction 2.5% 40 Years
Plant & Machinery 7.5% 13 Years
Furniture and Fixture 10% 10 Years
Generator 10% 10 Years
Electrical Installation 10% 10 Years
Vehicle 10% 10 Years
Fire Equipment 10% 10 Years
Office Equipment 10% 10 Years


3.02.3 Depreciation on Right of Use Assets
Depreciation on Right of use Assets (Finance Lease) is computed using reducing balance method to write off
the assets over their expected useful life. After considering the useful life of assets as per IAS-16 Property, Plant
& Equipment the annual depreciation rates applied under which is considered reasonable by the management.
Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use i.e., when it is in the location and condition necessary
for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the management. The estimated useful life for
depreciation is as follows:

Category Rate (%) Useful lives

Plant & Machinery 7.5% 13 Years

Depreciation on Right of use Assets (Rental Lease) is computed using straight-line method from the
commencement date to the end of the useful life as per lease agreement. The company calculated depreciation
on Right of Use Assets for the following tenor:
Category Rate (Years)
Dinajpur Depot 3 Years
Bogra Depot 3 Years
Faridpur Depot 2 Years
Sylhet Depot 2 Years
Chottagram Depot 2 Years
Kishorgonj Depot 2 Years
Mymensingh Depot 2 Years
Feni Depot 3 Years
Rongpur Depot 3 Years
Khustia Depot 3 Years
Rajshahi Depot 3 Years
Cumilla Depot 3 Years
Khulna Depot 3 Years
Tangail Depot 3 Years
Dhaka Depot 2 Years
Gazipur Depot 3 Years

3.02.4 Disposal of Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment

An asset is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use and
subsequent disposal. Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an asset is determined as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset is recognized as gain or loss
from disposal of asset under other income in the statement of comprehensive income. However, no such
disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment was made during the year ended on June 30, 2021.

3.02.5 Transfer of Right of Use Assets

After completion of Lease Payment, the Right of Use assets has been transferred to appropriate asset category
of Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment.
3.02.6 Maintenance Activities
The company incurs maintenance cost all its major items of property, plant and equipment. Repair and
Maintenance costs are charged as expenses when incurred.
3.02.7 Subsequent Costs
The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the carrying amount
of the item if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part will flow to the company
and its cost can be measured reliably. The costs of the day‐to‐day servicing of property, plant and equipment
are recognized in the profit and loss account as incurred.
3.02.8 Revaluation of Freehold Property, Plant & Equipment
As per IAS16: Property, Plant and Equipment paragraph 34, “the frequency of revaluations depends upon the
changes in fair vales of the items of property, plant and equipment being revalued. When the fair value of a
revalued asset differs materially from it carrying amount, a further revaluation is required. Some items of
property, plant and equipment experience significant and volatile changes in fair value, thus necessitating
annual revaluation. Such frequent revaluations are unnecessary for items of property, plant and equipment
with only insignificant changes in fair value. Instead, it may be necessary to revalue the item only every three
of five years. To comply with the above paragraph The Company made its first valuation of Land and Land
Development, Plant and machineries and building and other construction on 30 June 2020 by an independent
valuer to reflect fair value (Market Approach) thereof following ‘Current Cost Method’ as per IFRS-13 ‘Fair
Value Measurement’.
Value of the Revaluation
Particulars of Name of Qualification Date of Carrying amount
assets after Surplus in
Assets Valuer of the Valuer Revaluation of Assets
revaluation 30.06.2020
Land and Land
1,269,603,743 3,085,600,000 1,815,996,257
Building and
M/S Shafiq Chartered 31-January-
other 865,213,763 934,214,588 69,000,825
Basak & Co. Accountants 21
Plant and
683,144,962 727,433,008 44,288,046
Total 2,817,962,468 4,747,247,596 1,929,285,128

The increase in the carrying amount of revalued assets is recognized in the separate component of equity as
Revaluation Surplus. However, the increase recognized in the statement of Profit or Loss and Others
Comprehensive Income for year ended June 30, 2021. Other Non-Current Assets were kept outside the scope
of the revaluation works. These are expected to be realizable at written down value (WDV) as mentioned in the
statement of Financial Position of the company. The Company revalued its Property, Plant & Equipment (Fixed
Assets) as per valuation guidelines issued by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)
dated on 18 August 2013 clause 09 of Part A. For better understanding, a table showing below;
Value at Cost Revalued Revaluation
Name of PPE as on amount as on Surplus on 30 Remarks
30June2020 30 June 2020 June 2020
As per (BSEC) valuation guideline dated on
18 August 2013 clause-8 Time-lag between
Land and
two valuation for the same class of assets
Land 3,085,600,000
1,269,603,743 1,815,996,257 shall not be less than three years; provided
that no upward revaluation of an asset shall
be made within two years of its acquisition;
As per (BSEC) valuation guideline dated on
18 August 2013 clause-9(iii) upward
Building and
revaluation of the asset are not allowed ‘ Tin-
other 865,213,763 934,214,588 69,000,825
shed buildings, buildings having remaining
economic life of less than 50% of its total
useful life, as estimated at construction’’
As per (BSEC) valuation guideline dated on
18 August 2013 clause-9(iii) upward
revaluation of the asset are not allowed ‘
Plant and Plant & machineries acquired in second in
683,144,962 727,433,008 44,288,046
machineries hand condition, acquired in brand new
condition but having remaining economic
life of less than 50% of its total useful life, as
estimated at acquisition’’
As per (BSEC) valuation guideline dated on
18 August 2013 clause-9(iv) upward
All Other
160,216,540 - - revaluation of the asset are not allowed
‘Vehicles, furniture & Fittings, office
equipment, loose tools and intangible assets’’

3.02.9 Impairment of Assets

The management of the Company takes physical stocks periodically and recognition of the assets were made
accordingly considering the usable condition, wear and tear of the assets as follows:
i) The valuation of Property, Plant & Equipment has been made based on the usable condition of the assets
as per IAS-36 Impairment of Assets.
ii) The management of the Company has conducted physical verification of Property, Plant & Equipment
on 30.06.2021


Property, Plant & Equipment’s are consisting of Building & other construction, Plant & Machinery, Furniture
& Fixture, Office Equipment, Fire Equipment and Vehicle are valued at lower of cost and net realisable value
as per IAS 16: Property, Plant & Equipment Costs include expenditure incurred in acquiring the assets and
other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location and condition. Impairment of assets are made
as and when assets became obsolete or unusable, for which the management of the company is giving decisions
from time to time.

The management of the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its assets (Balance Sheet Date) to
determine whether there is any indication of impairment in accordance with IAS-36: ‘Impairment of Assets’.
During the year at Balance Sheet date, there was no indication of impairment of assets; as such, no adjustment
was given in the Financial Statements for impairment during the year ended on June 30, 2021

3.02.10 Intangible Asset

Recognition and measurement
Intangible assets that are acquired by the Company and have finite useful lives are measured at cost less
accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment loss, if any. Intangible assets are recognised when all
the conditions for recognition as per IAS 38: Intangible assets are met. The cost of an intangible asset
comprises its purchase price, import duties and non-refundable taxes and any directly attributable cost of
preparing the asset for its intended use.

Subsequent costs
Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the
specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditures are recognised in statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income as incurred.

Computer software are amortised over 7 years from the month immediately following the month in which the
asset comes into use.

3.03 Capital Work in Process

Property, plant, and equipment under construction/ acquisition are accounted for, as capital work-in-progress
until construction / acquisition is complete and measured at cost. In Addition, as per IAS 23, the Interest
expense on the bank loan taken for acquisition of plant and machinery has been capitalized (if any) since the
assets could not make ready for use during the reporting period.

3.04 Valuation of Inventories

Inventories consisting of raw materials, work in progress, finished goods are valued at lower of cost and net
realisable value as per IAS 2: Inventory. Cost of inventories include expenditure incurred in acquiring the
inventories, production or conversion costs and other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location
and condition. Cost of inventories is determined by using the weighted average cost formula. Where necessary,
allowance is provided for damaged, obsolete and slow-moving items to adjust the carrying amount of
inventories to the lower of cost and net realisable value as the board approve from time to time. Net realisable
value is based on estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of
completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

Category of Stocks Basis of valuation

Raw Material including WIP: At lower of cost or net realizable value
Finished Goods: At lower of cost or net realizable value

Impairment of Inventories
Impairment of inventory is made as and when inventory became obsolete or unusable or for slow moving
items for which the management of the company is, giving decisions from time to time. Based on sales cycle
of slow-moving items, the sales prices of the products may decrease over time. The management of the
Company reviews the carrying amounts of its inventory (Balance Sheet Date) to determine whether there is
any indication of impairment In accordance with IAS-2: ‘Inventories’. When the sales price moves below the
inventory cost prices, the loss on sales is recognized immediately in the Financial Statements.However, there
was no indication of impairment of inventory during the year; and as such, no adjustment was given in the
Financial Statements for impairment.


3.05 Borrowing cost
Interest and other cost incurred in the Company in connection with the borrowing of fund are recognized as
expenses in the year in which they are incurred unless such borrowings cost related to acquisition/construction
of assets in progress that are required to capitalized (if any) as per IAS-23: Borrowing Cost.

3.06 Financial Instruments

3.06.1 Derivative
According to IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments Disclosure”, the company was not a party to any derivative
contract (Financial instruments) at the Balance Sheet date, such as forward exchange contracts, currency swap
agreement or contract to hedge currency exposure related to import of capital machinery to be leased to leases
in future.

3.06.2 Non-Derivation Financial Instruments

Non-derivative financial instruments comprise trade receivables, trade payables, cash and cash equivalents
and share capital.

3.06.3 Trade and other receivables

Trade receivables are recognized initially at invoice value and subsequently measured at the remaining
amount less allowance for doubtful receivable at the year end, (if any), which is made at the discretion of the

3.06.4 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and with banks on current and deposit accounts and short-
term investments, which are held and available for use by the company without any restriction. There is
insignificant risk of change in value of the same.

3.06.5 Trade and other Payables

Trade and other Payables are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of goods and services
received by the company.

3.06.6 Share Capital

Ordinary shares capitals are classified as equity.

3.06.7 Share Money Deposit

Share money received in exchange for shares, which have not yet been acquired. The Company may have
received money “up front” for a new issue of shares. Share Money considered at equity share at the time of
calculation of Earnings per Share (EPS). The excess amount has refunded on behalf of Share money depositor
after made allotment.

3.07 Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of Cash Flows is prepared principally in accordance with IAS-7 "Statement of Cash Flows" and
the cash flow from the operating activities have been presented under direct method as prescribed by the
Securities and Exchange Rules, considering the provision of paragraph 19 of IAS-7 which provides that
"Enterprises are Encouraged to Report Cash Flows from Operating Activities Using the Direct Method". As
well as indirect method in the notes to the Financial Statement.

3.08 Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

The Financial Statements are prepared in conformity with IAS 37 “Provision, contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets”, which requires management to ensure that appropriate recognition criteria and
measurement bases are applied to provision for outstanding expenses, contingent liability, assets and that
sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to the accounts to enable its users for their understanding about
its nature, timing and amount. In accordance with the guidelines as prescribed by IAS-37, provisions were
recognized in the following situations:
• When the company has a present obligation because of the past event.
• When it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle
the obligations and
• Reliable estimate can be made about the sum of the obligation.


We have shown the provision in the statement of Financial Position at an appropriate level with regard to an
adequate provision for risks and uncertainties. The sum of provision estimated and booked represents the
reliable estimate of the probable expenses incurred but not paid, which is required to fulfil the current
obligation on the Balance Sheet Date.

3.09 Loans and Borrowings

Principal amounts of loans and borrowings are stated at their outstanding amounts. Borrowings repayable
after twelve months from the reporting date are classified as non‐current liabilities whereas the portion payable
within twelve months, unpaid interest and other charges are classified as current liabilities.

3.10 Revenue Recognition

"As per IFRS-15: “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” an entity shall account for a contract with a
customer only when all of the following criteria are met:
a) The parties to the contract have approved the contract (in writing, orally or in accordance with other
customary business practices) and are committed to performing their respective obligations.
b) The entity can identify each party ‘s rights regarding the goods or services to be transferred.
c) The entity can identify the payment terms for the goods or services to be transferred.
d) The contract has commercial substance (i.e., the risk, timing or amount of the entity’s future cash flows
is expected to change as a result of the contract); and
e) It is probable that the entity will collect the consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange for the
goods or services that will be transferred to the customer."

Considering the five steps model, the Company recognizes revenue at the time of delivery when (or as) the
Company satisfies a performance obligation by transferring a promised good to a customer. Goods are
considered as transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control of those goods. Revenue from sale of
goods is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable net of returns and allowances,
trade discounts, rebates, and Value Added Tax (VAT).

Sale of goods
The revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the
goods have passed to the buyer when the buyer provides assurance by giving acceptance on the delivery of
goods. The revenue represents the invoice value of goods supplied to the customers measured at the fair value
of the consideration received or receivable.

Impact of adoption of IFRS-15 'Revenue from contract with Customers' and IFRS-16 “Leases”
IFRS-15 “Revenue from contract with Customers”
In addition, prior year Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting
Standards (BASs) and Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs). The management of the Company
has introduced IFRS-15 'Revenue from contract with Customers' instead of IAS-18 'Revenue' from 1st July
2018. The Management of the Company has assessed the difference between IFRS-15 'Revenue from contract
with Customers' instead of IAS-18 'Revenue' and concluded that there are no differences that would impact
any numerical amount and disclosures in the financial statement. For better presentation, the management
reconciled Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Cash Flows as well
as Statement of Financial Position of the company with the effect of IFRS-15 Para c (8) which is shown below:
Impact on the Statement of Financial Position
As at June 30, 2021
Adjustment (effect Amount without
Particulars As Reported
on IFRS-15) adoption ofIFRS-15
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 - 5,233,125,531
Current Assets 630,644,132 - 630,644,132
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 - 5,863,769,663
Shareholder's Equity and Liabilities
Shareholder's Equity 4,973,107,147 - 4,973,107,147
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 - 659,551,069
Current Liabilities 231,111,447 - 231,111,447
Total Shareholder's Equity and
5,863,769,663 - 5,863,769,663


Impact on the statement of Profit or Loss and other comprehensive Income
For the year ended June 30, 2021
Adjustment (effect Amount without
Particulars As Reported
on IFRS-15) adoption ofIFRS-15
Revenue 1,451,256,870 - 1,451,256,870
Cost of Goods Sold (827,875,171) - (827,875,171)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 - 623,381,699
Operating expenses (189,298,791) - (189,298,791)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 - 434,082,908
Profit Before Tax 371,476,092 - 371,476,092
Income Tax Expenses (50,951,659) - (50,951,659)
Net Profit after Tax 320,524,432 - 320,524,432
Other Comprehensive Income 1,858,123,003 - 1,858,123,003
Total Comprehensive Income 2,178,647,435 2,178,647,435
For the year
Impact on the Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended June 30, 2021
Adjustment (effect Amount without
Particulars As Reported
on IFRS-15) adoption ofIFRS-15
Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities 432,007,623 - 432,007,623
Net cash Used to Investing Activities (375,096,158) - (375,096,158)
Net cash Used from Financing Activities (59,465,489) - (59,465,489)
Net Increase/(Decrease) of Cash and Cash
(2,554,024) - (2,554,024)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning
11,266,696 - 11,266,696
of the year
Foreign Exchange Gain/(loss) 271,822 271,822
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of
8,984,495 - 8,984,495
the year

IFRS-16 “Leases”
The management of the Company has introduced IFRS-16 'Leases" instead of IAS-17 'Leases' from 1st July
2019. The Management of the Company has assessed the difference between IFRS-16 'Leases' and IAS-17
'Leases'. The Company assess the impact of IFRS-16 of numerical amount and disclosures in the financial
statement. For better presentation, the management reconciled Statement of Profit or Loss and Other
Comprehensive Income, Statement of Cash Flows as well as Statement of Financial Position of the company
with the effect of IFRS-16 which is shown below:
Impact on the Statement of Financial Position
As at June 30, 2021
Adjustment (effect Amount without
Particulars As Reported on IFRS-16) adoption of IFRS-16
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment 5,130,483,555 - 5,130,483,555
Right of Use Asset* 53,284,211 7,473,169 45,811,042
Intangible Asset 2,791,667 - 2,791,667
Capital Work-in-Progress 46,566,099 - 46,566,099
Current Assets 630,644,132 - 630,644,132
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 7,473,169 5,856,296,494

Shareholder's Equity and Liabilities

Share Capital 878,480,000 - 878,480,000
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 - 1,856,360,141
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 (370,388) 2,238,637,395
Non-Current Liabilities* 659,551,069 1,405,792 658,456,371
Current Liabilities* 231,111,447 6,437,765 224,673,682
Total Shareholder's Equity and Liabilities 5,863,769,663 7,473,169 5,856,296,494


*Adjustment of Right of Use Assets
Written down value as per IAS-17 (45,811,042)
Written down value of RoU Assets as per IFRS-16 (Annexure-B) 53,284,211
Excess of Written down value as per IFRS-16 7,473,169

* Adjustment of Retained Earnings

Adjustment for the year (2019-20) adoption of IFRS-16** (514,442)
Adjustment for the year (2020-21) adoption of IFRS-16** 144,055
**Adjustment for the year (2020-21) adoption of IFRS-16
Rent Expenses as per IAS-17 13,170,500
Interest Expenses of RoU Assets as per IFRS-16 (1,031,616)
Depreciation Expenses of RoU Assets as per IFRS-16 (11,994,829)
*Adjustment of Non-Current Liabilities
Non-current liability as per IFRS-16 32,620,870
Non-current liability as per IAS-17 (31,215,078)
Adjustment of Lease Liability as per IFRS-16 1,405,792

*Adjustment of Current Liabilities

Current liability as per IFRS-16 16,715,222
Current liability as per IAS-17 (10,277,457)
Adjustment of Lease Liability as per IFRS-16 6,437,765

Impact on the Statement of Profit or Loss and other comprehensive Income

For the year ended June 30, 2021
Amount without
Particulars As Reported (effect on
adoption of IFRS-16
Revenue 1,451,256,870 - 1,451,256,870
Cost of Goods Sold (827,875,171) - (827,875,171)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 - 623,381,699
Operating expenses* (189,298,791) 1,175,671 (190,474,462)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 1,175,671 432,907,237
Other Income 290,564 - 290,564
Finance Expenses (37,618,189) - (37,618,189)
Interest on Lease Liability* (6,705,386) (1,031,616) (5,673,770)
Profit Before Tax 371,476,092 144,055 389,905,842
Workers’ Profit Participation Fund Exp. (50,951,660) - (50,951,660)
Income Tax Expenses -
Net Profit after Tax 320,524,432 144,055 338,954,182
* Adjustment of Operating expenses
Rent Expenses as per IAS-17 13,170,500
Depreciation Expenses of ROU Assets (Office Rent -Depots) as per IFRS-16 (Annexure-B) (11,994,829)
Deficit of rent expenses as per IFRS-16 1,175,671
*Adjustment of Interest on Lease Liability
Interest Expenses as per IAS-17 -
Interest Expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 (1,031,616)
Excess of interest expenses as per IFRS-16 (1,031,616)
*Adjustment of Profit after Tax
Rent expenses as per IAS-17 13,170,500
Depreciation Expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 (11,994,829)
Interest Expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 (1,031,616)
Excess of (expenses)/income as per IFRS-16 144,055


Impact on the Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended June 30, 2021
Particulars As Reported (effect on
adoption of
Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities* 432,007,623 (13,170,500) 418,837,123
Net cash Used to Investing Activities* (375,096,158) 11,994,829 (363,101,329)
Net cash Generated from Financing Activities * (59,465,489) 1,175,671 (58,289,818)
Net Increase/(Decrease) Cash and Cash Equivalents (2,554,024) - (2,554,024)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 11,266,696 - 11,266,696
Foreign Exchange Gain/(loss) 271,822 271,822
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 8,984,494 - 8,984,494
*Adjustment of Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities
Rent paid in operating expenses as per IFRS-16 -
Rent paid in operating expenses as per IAS-17 13,170,500
Excess payment of rent as per IFRS-16 (13,170,500)
*Adjustment of Net cash Used to Investing Activities
Depreciation Expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 (Annexure-B) 11,994,829
Depreciation Expenses of ROU Assets as per IAS-17 -
Excess payment depreciation expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 11,994,829

*Adjustment of Net cash Generated from Financing Activities

Interest Expenses of ROU Assets as per IFRS-16 1,031,616
Payment of lease liability as per IFRS-16 144,055
*Adjustment lease liability as per IFRS-16 1,175,671

3.11 Financial Instruments

IFRS 9 sets out requirements for recognizing and measuring Financial Assets, Financial Liabilities, and some
contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. This standard replaces IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition
and Measurement. The details of new significant accounting policies and the nature and effect of the changes
to previous accounting policies are set out below.

Classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities

IFRS 9 largely retains the existing requirements in IAS 39 for the classification and measurement of financial
liabilities. However, it eliminates the previous IAS 39 categories for financial assets of held to maturity, loans
and receivables and available for sale. The adoption of IFRS 9 has not had a significant effect on the company’s
accounting policies related to financial liabilities. The impact of IFRS 9 on the classification and measurement
of Financial Assets is set out below. Under IFRS 9, on initial recognition, a Financial Asset is classified as
measured at amortized cost; The Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI)–debt
investment; Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI)–equity investment; or Fair Value
through Profit or Loss (FVTPL). The classification of Financial Assets under IFRS 9 is generally based on the
business model in which a Financial Asset is managed and its contractual cash flow characteristics. The
derivatives embedded in contracts where the host is a financial asset in the scope of the standard are never
separated. Instead, the hybrid Financial Instrument as a whole is assessed for classification.

Impairment of financial assets

IFRS 9 replaces the ‘incurred loss’ model in IAS 39 with an ‘expected credit loss’ (ECL) model. The new
impairment model applies to Financial Assets measured at amortised cost, contract assets and debt
investments at FVOCI, but not to investments in equity instruments. The Financial Assets at amortised cost
consist of trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents, and corporate debt securities. When determining
whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition and when
estimating ECLs, the company considers reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available
without undue cost or effort. This includes both quantitative and qualitative information and analysis, based
on the Company’s historical experience and informed credit assessment and including forward-looking
information. The company considers a financial asset to be in default when the debtor is unlikely to pay its
credit obligations to the company in full, without recourse by the company to actions such as realizing security
(if any is held).
Measurement of Expected Credit Losses (ECL)
ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses. Credit losses are measured as the present value of
all cash shortfalls (i.e., the difference between the cash flows due to the entity in accordance with the contract
and the cash flows that the company expects to receive). ECLs are discounted at the effective interest rate of
the Financial Asset. At each reporting date, the company assesses whether Financial Assets carried at
amortised cost are credit impaired. A financial asset is ‘credit-impaired’ when one or more events that have a
detrimental impact on the estimated future Cash Flows of the financial asset have occurred. The Company
expected that they have no credit losses on Trade & Other Receivables.

Presentation of Impairment
Loss allowances for Financial Assets measured at amortised cost are deducted from the gross carrying amount
of the assets. For debt securities at FVOCI, the loss allowance is recognised in OCI, instead of reducing the
carrying amount of the asset. Impairment losses related to trade receivables and others, including contract
assets, shall present separately in the notes to the financial statement if any.

3.12 Impairment
i) Financial Assets
The Company shall recognize loss allowances for Expected Credit Losses ECLs (if any) on:
• Financial Assets measured at amortised cost;
• Debt investments (if any) measured at FVOCI; and
• Contract assets (if any).
Loss allowances for Financial Assets (if any) measured at amortised cost are deducted from the gross carrying
amount of the assets. Except for the following, which are measured at 12-month ECLs.
• Bank balances for which credit risk (i.e., the risk of default occurring over the expected life of the
financial instrument) has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

When determining whether the credit risk of a Financial Asset has increased significantly since initial
recognition and when estimating ECLs, the Company considers reasonable and supportable information that
is relevant and available without undue cost or effort. This includes both quantitative and qualitative
information and analysis, based on the Company's historical experience and informed credit assessment and
including forward-looking information.

ii) Non-Financial Assets

The carrying amounts of the Company's non-financial assets (other than inventories) are reviewed at each
reporting date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists,
then the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated in order to determine the extent of impairment loss (if
any). Where it is not possible to determine the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Company
estimates the recoverable amount of the Cash Generating Unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs. An
impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or its CGU exceeds its recoverable
amount. The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the greater of its value in use and its fair value
less costs to sell. The value in use is based on the estimated future cash flows, discounted to their present
value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money
and the risks specific to the asset or CGU. Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss. An
impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset's carrying amount does not exceed the carrying
amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, if no impairment loss had been recognized.
However, no such impairment was found in Financial Assets during the period for which the company
needs to make provision for impairment.

3.13 Foreign Currency Transaction/Translation

Foreign currency transactions are translated into Bangladeshi Taka at the exchange rates ruling at the
transaction dates according to IAS 21: The effect of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”. Monetary assets
and liabilities denominated in the foreign currencies are translated at prevailing rates on the balance sheet
(Financial position) date. Nonmonetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, which are
related at historical cost are translated into Bangladeshi Taka at the exchange rate ruling at the date of
transactions. Foreign exchange gain/loss (if any) has been recognized in connection with foreign currency
transaction since all such transactions are in BDT/ US dollars (if import) and significant gains/losses even
out during the course of company's business.


3.14 Other Income
All other income is recognized when the Organization's right to receive such income has been reasonably
determined and all conditions precedent is satisfied.

3.15 Employees Benefits

The Company has accounted for and disclosed employee benefits in compliance with the provisions of IAS
19: Employee Benefits. The cost of employee benefits is charged off as revenue expenditure in the period to
which the contributions relate. The Company’s employee benefits include the following:

a) Short-term employee benefits

Short-term employee benefits include wages, salaries, bonuses, house rent, medical fees termination
benefits etc. Obligations for such benefits are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the
related service is provided.

b) Contribution to workers’ profit participation fund (WPPF)

This represents 5% of net profit before tax contributed by the Company as per provision of the Bangladesh
Labour Act, 2006 (Amended up to 2018) and is payable to workers as defined in the said law.

3.16 Finance Expenses

Finance Expenses comprise interest expenses on loan, lease and bank charges. All borrowing costs are
recognized in the profit or loss account using the effective interest method except to the extent that they are
capitalized (If any) during the constructions period of the assets in accordance with IAS‐23 “Borrowing
Cost”. The Company did not capitalize any Finance Expenses during the year.

3.17 Earnings per Share (EPS)

The Company calculates its Earning per Share (EPS) in accordance with IAS 33“Earnings per Share” which
has been shown on the face of Statement of Comprehensive Income and the computation of EPS.

Basic Earnings
This represents earnings for the year attributable to the Ordinary Shareholders. As there are no preference
dividends, minority interest or extra ordinary items, the net profit for the period has been considered as fully
attributable to Ordinary Shareholders.

Basic Earnings per Share

The company presents its Basic Earnings per Share (EPS) data for its Ordinary Shares. Basic EPS is calculated
by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company by the weighted average
number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the year.

Weighted Average Number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the period

The basis of computation of number of shares is line with the provisions of IAS-33: Earnings per Share.
Therefore, the total number of shares outstanding at the period multiplied by a time-weighting factor, which
is the number of days the specific shares, was outstanding as proportion of total number of days in the period.

Diluted Earnings per Share

No diluted earnings per share are required to be calculated per period, as there was no scope for dilution during
the year.

3.18 Responsibility for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements:

The Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of Financial Statements under Section
183 of the Companies Act, 1994 and as per the Provision of “The Framework for the preparation and
presentation of Financial Statements” issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) as
adopted by the Institute of The Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB).

3.19 Risk Exposure

Financial Risk Management Policies
The company's financial risk management is governed by direct monitoring its management. Company's
Financial Assets include inter alia trade and other receivables, cash and short-term deposits that arise directly
from its operations and Financial Liabilities include inter alia trade and other payables and loans and
borrowings. The main purpose of these Financial Liabilities is to finance the company’s operations. The
Company's activities are mainly exposed to the following internal, external, quantitative, and qualitative risks
from its use of Financial Instruments:
i. Market Risk;
ii. Credit Risk;
iii. Liquidity Risk.

Risk Management Framework

The management is responsible for the establishment and oversight of the company’s risk management
policies that are established to identify and analyzed the risks faced by the company, to set appropriate risks
limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Management discloses the exposures to risk
and how they arise as well as its objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk and the methods used
to measure the risk. The company has exposures to the following risks from its use of Financial Instruments.

Market Risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because
of changes in market prices. Market risk comprises three types of risk: currency risk, interest rate risk and other
price risk. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within
acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return.

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a Financial Instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market interest rates.

Currency Risk
The Company is exposed to foreign currency risk relating to purchases, which are denominated in foreign
currencies. The company primarily utilizes forward exchange contracts with maturities of less than one year
to hedge such Financial Liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. The forward exchange contracts entered
into at the reporting date also relate to anticipated purchases, denominated in foreign currencies, for the
subsequent period.
Credit Risk
Credit risk is the potential financial loss resulting from the failure of a customer or counterparty to settle its
financial and contractual obligations to the company as and when they fall due. Management has a credit
policy in place and the exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis. Credit evaluations are
performed on all customers requiring credit over a certain amount. At the reporting date there were no
significant concentrations of credit risk. The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying
amount of each financial asset in the statement of financial position. However, due to a large number of parties
comprising the group’s customer base, Management does not anticipate material losses from its debt
Amount in Taka
30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Trade and other Receivables 192,202,530 176,294,732
Cash and Cash Equivalent 8,984,494 11,266,696
Total 201,187,024 187,561,428
Cash and Cash Equivalent
Cash in Hand 7,824,765 7,629,169
Cash at Bank 1,159,729 3,637,527
Total 8,984,494 11,266,696
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its Financial Obligations as they fall due.
The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have
sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when become due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without
incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company’s reputation. The Company ensures that it
has sufficient Cash and Cash Equivalents to meet expected operational expenses, including Financial
Obligations through preparation of the Cash Flow forecast, prepared based on timeline of payment of the
Financial Obligation and accordingly arrange for sufficient liquidity/fund to make the expected payment
within due date. Moreover, the Company seeks to maintain short-term lines of credit with scheduled
commercial banks to ensure payment of obligations in the event that there is insufficient cash to make the
required payment. The requirement is determined in advance through Cash Flows projections and credit lines
facilities with banks are negotiated accordingly. Relevant non-derivative Financial Liabilities at the reporting
date are as follows.
Amount in Taka
30 June 2021 30 June 2019
Trade and Other Payables 15,205,172 20,065,090
Long Term Borrowings (Non-Current & Current Portion) 309,033,819 316,332,651
Lease Liability (Non-Current & Current Portion) 49,336,092 47,680,304
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 13,613,073
Total 389,912,942 397,691,118

Fair Values
The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. The fair value of trade and other short-term
receivables are taken to approximate their carrying value. The fair value of financial assets and liabilities
approximate their carrying value. Technical risks are those events or issues associated with the scope definition
research and development (R & D), design, construction, and operation definition that could affect the actual
level of performance vs, which specifies in the project mission need and performance requirements documents.
Examples of technical risks include mew and changing technology and changing regulatory requirements.
Cost risk is the risk associated with the ability of the project to achieve the planned life-cycle costs. Thus, it
includes both design/construction and operating costs. Two major elements of cost risk are (1) the accuracy
and completeness of the cost estimates for the planned activities and (2) the risk that cost performance will be
affected adversely by a failure to manage technical risks. An example cost risk would have all proposals for a
significant contract come in over the estimated budget for that item.

Internal risk factors may include, among others:

Risk associated with the company’s interest in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates: As we do not
have any interest in subsidiaries, joint ventures, there is no risk related as such.

Significant revenue generated from limited number of customers, losing any one or more of which would
have a material adverse effect on the company. The company has not limited customers from whom it
generates significant amount of revenue; it is almost free from this sort of risk.

Dependency on a single or few suppliers of raw materials, failure of which may affect production
adversely: In business, having many suppliers of raw materials helps to get competitive advantage of cheaper
price of raw materials. Because it helps to bargain over price with suppliers. In addition, having many suppliers
help to maintain doing business efficiently. With this view, Asiatic Laboratories Limited is not dependent on
a single or few suppliers.

More than 20% revenue of the company comes from sister concern, associate, or subsidiary: As we do not
have any sister concerns, associate, or subsidiary, there is no risk related as such.

Negative earnings, negative cash flows from operating activities, declining turnover, or profitability,
during last five years, if any- we have been operating our business efficiently. We are profitable entity and
we have not experienced with negative earning and negative cash flow from operating for last few years.

Loss making associate / subsidiary / group companies of the company: We do not have any investment in
subsidiary or associates.

Financial weakness and poor performance of the company or any of its subsidiary or associates: Sales is
one of the key indicators of success of a business if there is good margin of profit. Asiatic Laboratories Limited
has been experiencing with increasing sales growth, which is boosting up the profitability for last few years.
Current and quick ratios are also in favour of the company.

Decline in value of any investment: We do not have any investment.

Risk associated with useful economic life of plant and machinery, if purchased in second hand or
reconditioned: We are used to using new branded machineries. Hence, there is no chance to use second hand
or reconditioned machineries.


Adverse effect on future cash flow if interest free loan given to related party or such loans taken from
directors may recall: There is no as such loan given to related party or loan taken from directors.

Potential conflict of interest, if the sponsors or directors of the company are involved with one or more
ventures which are in the same line of activity or business as that of the company and if any supplier of
raw materials or major customer is related to the same sponsors or directors. There is common management
with one or more ventures but business activities are not in the same here.
Related party transactions entered into by the company those may adversely affect competitive edge: There
is no as such transaction, which may adversely affect competitive edge except director’s remuneration and
equity investment.

Any restrictive covenants in any shareholder’s agreement, sponsors’ agreement or any agreement relating
to debt or preference shares or any restrictive covenants of banks in respect of the loan / credit limit and
other banking facilities. There is no restrictive covenants in any shareholders’ agreement, sponsors’
agreement or any agreement relating to debt or preference shares or any restrictive covenants of banks in
respect of loan or credit limit and other banking facilities.

Business operations may be adversely affected by strikes, work, stoppages or increase in wage demands by
employees: We are habituated with the political unrest for long era and our business industries are used to
dealing with this phenomenon. Asiatic Laboratories Limited is a profitable entity. Employee unrest is part of
business, and it is important to deal with labour unrest efficiently. We have different incentive packages for
our employees so that they can be beneficial to such package. Because we believe that employees are very
important part of our business, and we all know that there are government rules relating to paying minimum
Seasonality of the business of the company: The business deals with pharmaceutical products of all kinds by
manufacturing, selling, and distributing products throughout Bangladesh. We run our business throughout
the year. Therefore, it is not seasonal business.

Expiry of any revenue-generating contract that may adversely affect the business: The Company has no
long-term contract with their customers so not in risk of expiry of any revenue-generating contract.

External risk factors may include among others:

Industry Risk:
i) Environmental Issue: Environmentalists are likely to create pressure on government to protect or banning
those factories, which are not follow proper ETP, waste management solution, Air pollution etc. which
are negative effects on living being and environment thereby causing closure of business of the company.
We have a good setup for ETP and incinerator for waste management, a very good and sophisticated fire
alarm system with integrated fire hydrant and firehouse arrangement with carbon dioxide fire
extinguisher, dry powder and sand bucket. The company also strictly follows the laid down regulations
for marketing the products and therefore does not foresee any problems in doing the business.

ii) Labour Unrest: Any incident of labour unrest will adversely affect the operation of the company. More
importantly, the company’s reputation in the industry and among its buyers will be affected. This may
affect its financial performance in the end as well. The company values its employees and workers the
most. It has established a very high standard of labour practices compared to the overall industry. It has
detailed human resources management policies encompassing employee recruitment, training,
development, remuneration and retirement. Since inception, there has not been any instance of labour
unrest or strike at the company’s factory premises. The rate of employee turnover and absenteeism has
remained at negligible levels over the last few years.

Economic & Political Risks:

i) Economic risks: Our performance and growth are dependent on the health of the Bangladesh economy.
The economy could be adversely affected by various factors such as political or regulatory action,
including adverse changes in liberalization policies, social disturbance, terrorist attacks and other acts of
violence or war, natural calamities, commodity and energy prices and various other factors. Any
significant changes may adversely affect our business and financials. Bangladesh economy is booming for
last few years. Consistent industrial growth along with increased pharmaceutical production has made
the per capita income higher than that of recent years.


ii) Political risks: Bangladesh is prone to serious unrest in the political condition which produces Strike,
Road-Block and domestic terror attacks in Bangladesh could increase over the coming months, this could
have an adverse impact on the country's economic growth prospects as investors, expatriates, and tourists
may be deterred. During the last forty years of post-independence period, Bangladesh has gone through a
variety of political situations. At present political situation is much stable in the country as the opposition
is not much active in the field. Last democratic national assembly election and local council polls are
instances of peaceful political situation in Bangladesh.

3.20 Risk and Uncertainties for the use of Estimates in Preparing Financial Statements
The preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with the International Accounting Standards requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statement, revenues, and expenses
during the period reported. The actual result could differ from those estimates.

3.21 Events after the Reporting Period

As per IAS-10 "Event after the reporting period" are those events favorable and unfavorable that occurred
between the end of the reporting period and the date when the Financial Statements are authorized for the
issue. There were no material events that occurred after the reporting period, which could affect the values in
Financial Statements.

3.22 Related Party Transactions

The company, in the normal course of business, has carried out several transactions with other entities that
fall within the definition. The objective of Related Party Disclosure IAS 24 is to ensure that an entity's
Financial Statements contain the disclosures necessary to draw attention to the possibility that its financial
position and profit or loss may have been affected by the existence of related parties and by transactions and
outstanding balances with such parties. Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to
control the other party or to exercise significant influence or joint control over the other party in making
financial and operating decisions. The Company transacts with related parties and recognize as per IAS 24
'Related Party Disclosures'. Related party transactions have been disclosed under Note – 36.01

3.23 Comparative Amounts

Certain comparative amounts have been re‐classified & rearranged to conform to the current year's
presentation and all numerical information in the current financial statements as below:
• Statements of Financial Position as of the end of the preceding financial year
• Statements of Comprehensive Income for the comparable of the preceding financial year.
• Statements of Changes in Equity for the comparable of the preceding financial year
• Statement Cash Flows for the comparable of the preceding financial year
Narrative and descriptive information for comparative information has also been disclosed as required by IAS
& IFRS whenever it is relevant for the understanding of the current Period financial statements.

Rearrangement of Financial Statement:

The previous year's figure has been rearrangement whenever considered necessary to ensure comparability
with the current year presentation as per IAS: 8 “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and

3.24 Income Tax (Current & Deferred Tax)

Income tax on the profit or loss for the Period comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized
in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case
it is recognized in equity.

3.23.1 Current Tax

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year and any adjustment to tax payable
in respect of previous years as per the provisions of Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 and duly amended by the
Finance Act from time to time.

The effective current tax rate of the Company is provided as follows:

Corporate Tax applicable for the Company (as per Income Tax Ordinance 1984):
a) Tax Rate on Business Income 30.00%
b) Tax Rate on Other Income: 30.00%


c) Tax Rate on Export 15.00%
d) Dividend Income 20.00%
Or Minimum Tax Rate 0.60%
Whichever is higher is applicable for calculation and repayment of Income Tax.

3.23.2 Deferred Tax

Deferred tax is recognized using (in accordance with the IAS-12) the Balance Sheet method. Deferred tax
arises due to temporary difference deductible or taxable for the events or transaction is recognized in the
income statements. A temporary difference is the difference between the tax bases of an asset or liability and
it carrying amount/reported amount in the Balance Sheet. Deferred tax assets or liability is the amount of
income tax recoverable or payable in the future period(s) recognized in the current period. The deferred tax
liability/expenses do not create a legal liability/recoverability to and from the income tax authority. The
revaluation does not affect taxable profits in the period of revaluation and consequently, the tax base of the
asset is not adjusted. Hence, a temporary difference arises. This is provided for in full based on the difference
between carrying amount and tax base. An upward revaluation is therefore given rise to a deferred tax liability.
The effective current tax rate of the Company is provided as follows:

Corporate Tax applicable for the Company (as per Income Tax Ordinance 1984):
a) Tax Rate on Temporary Difference excluding revaluation 30.00%
b) Tax Rate on Temporary Difference of revaluation:
WDV of Revaluation of Land 3.00%
WDV of Revaluation of other Assets 15.00%
c) Tax Rate on Income (Local) 30.00%
d) Tax Rate on Income (Export) 15.00%

3.24 Provisions/ Liabilities for expenses

As per “IAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ a provision recognized on the date
of statement of Financial Position if, as a result of past event, the company has a present obligation that can
be estimated reliably, and it is probably the outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the
obligation. A provision is recognized if, because of a past event, the company has a present legal or
constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefit
will be required to settle the obligation.
3.25 Contingencies
Contingencies arising from a claim, litigation assessment, fines, penalties etc. are recorded. It is probable that
a liability has been incurred and the amount can be measured reliably in accordance with “IAS 37: Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”.
3.27 Value Added Tax
Value Added Tax on Company’s Products is 15% except export.
3.28 Operating Segments
No segmental reporting is applicable for the company as required by “IFRS-8: ‘Operating Segments’ as the
company operates in a single industry segment and within as geographical segment.
3.29 Advance, Deposits and Prepayments
Advances are initially measured at cost. Since initial recognition, advances are carried at cost fewer
deductions, adjustments, or charges to other account heads such as Property, Plant and Equipment, inventory,
or expenses. Deposits are measured at payment value. Prepayments are initially measured at cost. After initial
recognition, prepayments are carried at cost less charges to Statement of Profit or Loss and Other
Comprehensive Income.
3.30 Cash and Cash Equivalents
According to IAS -7 “Statement of Cash Flows” cash comprises cash in hand, demand deposit and cash
equivalent which are short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash, and which
are subject to an insignificant risk of change balances and call deposits, Bank Balances in Value. IAS -1
“Presentation of Financial Statements” provides that cash and cash equivalents are not restricted in use.
Consideration the provisional of IAS-7 and IAS-1, Cash in Hand and Bank Balances has been treated as Cash
and Cash Equivalents.
3.31 Other Current Assets
Other current assets (if any) have a value on realization in the ordinary course of the company's business which
is at least equal to the amount at which they are stated in the Statement of Financial Position.


3.32 Sources of Information
During our course of preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements, it has been considered the
relevant financial documents and collected information throughout the accounting period ended 30 June 2021
after overlooking of the head of accounts.
3.33 Leases
At the commencement of the lease term, recognize leases as assets and liabilities in their statements of financial
position at amounts equal to the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, the present value of the minimum
lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. Any initial direct costs of the lessee are added
to the amount recognized as an asset. Minimum lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge
and the reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance charge is allocated to each period during the lease
term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Contingent
rents are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. A finance lease gives rise to
depreciation expense for the recognized lease assets as well as finance expense for each accounting period.
3.34 Bad and Doubtful Debts
The Management recognized the bad and doubtful debts when a debt is unrecoverable through Board of
Directors approved. Since, the management made sales through 100% confirms order by the customers and
duly collected by the marketing team. Hence, no bad debts had occurred and therefore no provision was made
against the receivables.
3.35 Promotional Expenses
All costs associated with promotional activities are charged in the period they were incurred.
3.36 Implication of COVID-19 on our business:
The COVID-19 pandemic has development rapidly in 2020.The resulting impact of the virus on the operations
and measures taken by Bangladesh Government to contain the virus has negatively affected the group’s results
in reporting period. Covid -19 is not expected to have a significant impact on the entity. Management has
determined that there is no material uncertainty that casts on the entities to continue as a going concern. It
expects that COVID-19 might have some impact, though not significant, for example, in relation to expected
future performance, or the effects on some future asset’s valuation. There were no significant difficulties in
meeting room covenants based on aroused COVID-19 situation and the company managed to meet all
obligation for the reporting period.
3.37 General
i. Wherever considered necessary, previous year’s figures have been rearranged for the purpose of
ii. Figures appearing in these Financial Statements have been rounded off to the nearest integer.
iii. Bracket figures denote negative.
Amount in Taka
30-Jun-2021 30-Jun-2020
4.00 Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment (At Cost) (Note-4.01) 3,203,272,382 -
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment (At Revaluation) (Note-4.02) 1,927,211,172 -
5,130,483,554 -
4.01 Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment
A. Cost:
Opening Balance 3,410,692,910 3,216,484,343
Add: Purchase during the year (Annexure-A) 60,127,385 45,040,011
Add: Transfer from CWIP (Note-7.00) 304,902,434 149,168,556
Total Assets Value at cost 3,775,722,729 3,410,692,910
B. Accumulated Depreciation:
Opening Balance 485,331,021 406,583,322
Add: Depreciation Charged during the year (Annexure-A) 87,119,326 78,747,699
Total Charge 572,450,347 485,331,021
Written Down Value (A-B) 3,203,272,382 2,925,361,889


4.02 Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment (At Revaluation)
A. At Revaluation
Opening Balance - -
Add: Revaluation surplus during the year 1,929,285,128 -
Total Cost 1,929,285,128 -
B. Accumulated Depreciation
Opening Balance - -
Add: Depreciation charged during the year 2,073,956 -
Total Depreciation 2,073,956 -
Written Down Value (A-B) 1,927,211,172 -

The details of above have been shown in Annexure- 'A'

Shafiq Basak & Co. Chartered Accountants, Dhaka, Bangladesh, the valuer revalued the Land and Land
Development, Building and Other Construction, Plant and Machineries, Vehicle, Furniture and Fixture,
Equipment and Installation and Fire Extinguisher as at 30 June 2020 at 'Current Cost Accounting Method
(CCA)'. Due to this revaluation, a net revaluation surplus amounting to Tk. 1,929,285,128 had arisen.

5.00 Right of Use Assets

A. Cost:
Opening Balance 92,360,801 62,000,000
Add: Addition/Recognition during the year (Annexure-B) 8,993,862 30,360,801
Less: Disposal during the year (Annexure-B) (8,654,808)
Total Assets Value at cost 92,699,855 92,360,801

B. Accumulated Depreciation:
Opening Balance 32,361,215 8,458,973
Add: Prior year adjustment of Depreciation (Annexure-B) - 8,370,027
Add: Depreciation Charged during the year (Annexure-B) 15,709,237 15,532,216
Less: Adjustment during the year (8,654,808)
Total Charge 39,415,644 32,361,215
Written Down Value (A-B) 53,284,211 59,999,586

Details of Right of Use Assets have been shown in the Annexure - B.

**Addition of the ROU Assets created on rental lease by adjusting Journal Entries through debiting the ROU
Assets and crediting the Lease Liability in the FS in respective financial year (s). As there is no impact on
direct cash inflow and outflow against these transactions except addition of assets and liabilities in FS the
Company did not not include the transactions in cash flows for the respective year (s).

6.00 Intangible Asset

A. Cost:
Opening Balance 3,500,000 -
Add: Purchase during the year (Annexure-C) - 3,500,000
Total Assets Value at cost 3,500,000 3,500,000
B. Accumulated Depreciation:
Opening Balance 208,333 -
Add: Depreciation Charged during the year (Annexure-C) 500,000 208,333
Total Charge 708,333 208,333
Written Down Value (A-B) 2,791,667 3,291,667

7.00 Capital Work-in-Progress

A. Building & Other Construction
Opening Balance 33,644,165 12,892,345
Add: Addition made during the year 87,362,286 20,751,820
Less: Transfer to appropriate asset category (121,006,451) -
Closing balance - 33,644,165


B. Plant & Machinery
Opening Balance 2,855,595 32,482,430
Add: Addition made during the year 227,606,487 119,541,721
Less: Transfer to appropriate asset category (183,895,983) (149,168,556)
Closing balance 46,566,099 2,855,595
Total (A+B) 46,566,099 36,499,760
Total Transfer to PPE 304,902,434 149,168,556
All the amount of capital work-in-progress for acquisition of plant & machinery, which are not ready for use
and construction work, is underway for factory building. The amount of capital work-in-progress is transferred
to appropriate asset category and depreciated when the asset is completed for use.
8.00 Inventories
Valuation of Inventory and physical stocktaking
The management of the Company takes physical stocks periodically and valuation of stocks were made
accordingly considering the wear and tear of the assets as follows:
i) The valuation of closing inventory has been made based on lower of cost and net realizable value as per
ii) The management of the Company has conducted physical verification/stock taking of inventories on
Inventories consisting of raw materials, work in progress, finished goods are valued at lower of cost and net
realizable value as per IAS 2: Inventory. Cost of inventories include expenditure incurred in acquiring the
inventories, production or conversion costs and other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location
and condition. Cost of inventories is determined by using the weighted average cost formula. Where necessary,
allowance is provided for damaged, obsolete and slow-moving items to adjust the carrying amount of
inventories to the lower of cost and net realizable value as the board approve from time to time. Net realizable
value is based on estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of
completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
Impairment of Inventories
Impairment of inventory is made as and when inventory became obsolete or unusable or for slow moving
items for which the management of the company is giving decisions from time to time. Based on sales cycle
of slow-moving items, the sales prices of the products may decrease over time. The management of the
Company reviews the carrying amounts of its inventory (Balance Sheet Date) to determine whether there is
any indication of impairment in accordance with IAS-2: ‘Inventories’. When the sales price moves below the
inventory cost prices, the loss on sales is recognized immediately in the Financial Statements.However, there
was no indication of impairment of inventory during the year; and as such, no adjustment was given in the
Financial Statements for impairment.
Particulars of Inventory
Raw Materials (Note-27.01) 94,582,934 88,360,541
Work in Process (Note-27.00) 16,409,786 11,206,524
Finished Goods (Note-27.00) 143,051,591 121,891,358
Spare Parts & Store Items (Note-27.02) 39,290,067 40,662,389
Packing Materials (Note-27.03) 26,605,068 25,236,487
319,939,446 287,357,299
The Company maintains inventory based on its existing demand of products. The inventory of the Company
increased due to increase of current demand of products for medicine. The other reason for increase of
inventories due to acceleration of business in other areas through establishment of new marketing areas.
9.00 Trade and other Receivables
Trade Receivables (Note-9.01) 192,202,530 176,294,732
192,202,530 176,294,732
9.01 Trade Receivables
Opening Balance 176,273,803 154,631,647
Add: Sales during the year 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
1,627,530,673 1,480,996,522
Less: Collection/Realization during the year 1,435,350,990 1,304,722,719
192,179,683 176,273,803
Add: Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gain /(Loss) 22,847 20,929
Closing Balance 192,202,530 176,294,732
*The Management recognized the bad and doubtful debts when the debt is not recoverable. The sales of the
Company are mostly cash sales. The credit sales were also made to existing cash customers especially for
boosting the sales and to mitigate the urgent needs of customers. The Company did not face any doubt until
today to collect any dues from its existing customers as on to date. Since, the management made sales through
100% confirm orders by the customers and duly collected by the marketing team. Hence, no bad debts or
expected credit loss had occurred and therefore no provision was made against the receivables. The receivable
of the Company increased due to increase of current sales of the company for different products. The other
reason for increase of receivable due to acceleration of sales in new areas through establishment of new
marketing areas as a policy of expanding the company business.
Ageing of Trade Receivables
More than six months - -
Less than six months 192,202,530 176,294,732
192,202,530 176,294,732

The classification of receivables as required by the Schedule XI of the Companies Act, 1994 are given below:
i) Receivables considered good in respect of which the company is fully
64,061,912 43,997,941
ii) Receivables considered good in respect of which the company holds
128,140,618 132,296,791
no security other than the debtor personal security.
iii) Receivables considered doubtful or bad. - -
iv) Accounts Receivable due by any director or other officers of the
company or any of them either severally or jointly with any other person
- -
or receivables due firms or Companies respectively in which any director
is a partner or a director or a member.
v) Receivables due by companies under the same management. - -
vi) The maximum amount of receivables due by any directors or other
officers of the company at any time during the year to be shown by way - -
of a note.

10.00 Advances, Deposits & Prepayments

Advance to Employees 587,000 650,000
Advance to Supplier & Others 23,097,178 17,307,498
Advance for Rent Depot 1,550,500 1,550,500
L/C margin 35,037,628 28,494,119
Value Added Tax (VAT) 29,701 7,714
Advance Insurance 4,934,301 4,457,261
Advance Income Tax (Note-10.01) 43,681,354 54,848,999
Security Deposit (Note-10.02) 600,000 600,000
109,517,662 107,916,091

The classification of Advances, Deposits & Prepayments as required by the Schedule XI, Part I, Para 6 of
the Companies Act, 1994 are given below:
i) Advance, deposits & prepayment considered good and in
respect of which the company is fully secured.
ii) Advance, deposits & prepayment considered good for which
108,930,662 107,266,091
the company holds no security.
iii) Advance, deposits & prepayment considered doubtful or bad. - -
iv) Advance, deposits & prepayment due by directors or other
officers of the company or any of them either severally or jointly
with any other person or Advance, deposits & prepayment due by 587,000 650,000
firms or private companies respectively in which any director is a
partner or a director or a member.
v) Advance, deposits & prepayment due by companies under the
- -
same management.
vi) The maximum amount due by directors or other officers of the
- -
company at any time during the year.


10.01 Advance Income Tax
Opening Balance 54,848,999 50,861,572
Add: Tax deduction at source during the year 43,681,354 54,848,999
Add: Tax paid for A.Y- 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20 420,899
98,951,252 105,710,571
Less: Adjustment during the year 55,269,898 50,861,572
43,681,354 54,848,999
10.02 Security Deposit
PDB (Electricity) 600,000 600,000
600,000 600,000
11.00 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash in Hand: 7,824,765 7,629,169
Head office 3,129,908 3,051,668
Factory 4,694,857 4,577,501
Cash at Bank: 1,159,729 3,637,527
Bank Asia Ltd A/C - 50201000130 103,851 79,538
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. A/C No. 1051100024550 229,437 119,530
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. A/C No- 0002-0210014418 283,383 2,181,825
One Bank Ltd. A/c No- 270231628185 6,586 10,949
Uttara Bank Ltd. A/c No- 1420 12200214654 484,946 242,779
City Bank A/c No- 1401725482001 51,526 1,002,906
8,984,494 11,266,696
12.00 Share Capital
12.01 Authorized Capital
200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10/- each 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000
12.02 Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Capital
87,848,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10/- each fully paid-up
Opening Balance 813,480,000 9,383,500
Add: Bonus Share issued during the Year 65,000,000
Add: Allotment during the Year - 804,096,500
878,480,000 813,480,000
**Last cash allotment date on 15 July 2019 for amount Tk. 804,096,500.00. After that period the Company
did not make any cash allotment until to date. The Company is eligible to apply for public subscription as
per the Public Issue Rules 2015 as amended on 24 August 2021.
** The Company made bonus allotment for Tk. 65,000,000.00 on 24 December 2020.

12.03 Shareholding Position

Percentage 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Name of Shareholders & Designation
(%) No. of Share No. of Share
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 25.17% 22,114,480 20,047,820
Tahmina Begum Chairman 19.00% 16,695,470 15,046,015
Salina Ahmed Director 6.15% 5,399,510 5,000,000
Sadia Ahmed Director 6.15% 5,399,510 5,000,000
Maksud Ahmed Director 6.15% 5,399,520 5,000,000
Shafiqul Kabir Khan 0.00% - -
Independent Director
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah 0.00% - -
Other Shareholder 37.38% 32,839,510 31,254,165
Total 100% 87,848,000 81,348,000
13.00 Revaluation Surplus
Opening Balance - -
Add: Surplus during the year 1,929,285,128 -
Deferred Tax (Exp)/Inc on Revaluation Surplus (Note-18.02) (71,162,125) -
Less: Adjustment of depreciation for Revaluation Surplus (2,073,956) -
Adjustment of Defered Tax on Depreciation for Revaluation Surplus 311,093
1,856,360,141 -


14.00 Retained Earnings
Opening Balance 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310
Less: Bonus Share issued during the year (65,000,000) -
Add: Depreciation adjusted on revaluation 2,073,956 -
Prior year adjustment of rent Expenses - 9,232,000
Prior year adjustment of Interest on ROU Assets - (1,311,257)
Prior year adjustment of Depreciation on ROU Assets - (8,370,027)
Add: Net profit during the year 320,524,433 242,451,593
2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619
15.00 Share Money Deposit
Opening Balance - 804,102,900
Add: Addition during the year - -
Less: Allotment during the year - 804,096,500
Less: Refund during the year - 6,400
Closing Balance - -

16.00 Long Term Borrowings

Term Loan (Note-16.01) 309,033,819 316,528,509
309,033,819 316,528,509
Less: Current Portion of Long-Term Loan 83,145,017 50,851,372
Non- Current Portion of Long-Term Loan 225,888,802 265,677,137

16.01 Term Loan

Opening Balance 316,528,509 336,736,056
Add: Loan received during the year - -
Add: Interest during the year 35,846,299 42,194,227
Less: Payment during the year (43,340,989) (62,401,774)
309,033,819 316,528,509

(i) Bank Name : Hajj Finance Company Limited (Term Loan)

Branch : Principal
Sanction Amount : 1.50 Crore & 5.00 Crore
Purpose : To purchase Raw/Packing Materials
Sanction date : 13-12-2015 & 15-06-2016.
Security : Registered Mortgage of 8,853 sft. Office space at “Treasure Island 5th Floor.
Mode of Payment : Monthly instalment
Interest Rate : 13.00% & 13.75% Revised from time to time.
Period of Financing : 5 years and 4 years

(ii) Bank Name : Fareast Finance & Investment Limited (Term Loan)
Branch : Principal
Accounts No : 201602009580 &201702015626-0, 201702015626-1, 201702015626-2
Sanction Amount : 9.00 Crore
Purpose : To Civil Construction, Machinery Procurement & Setup, Installation
and Product & Fire System Development.
Sanction date : 23-02-2016 and 14-03-2017
Security Registered Mortgage of 6,734 sft Flat
Mode of Payment Monthly instalment
Interest Rate : 14.00% - 13.00% Revised from time to time.
Finance Period : 5 years

(iii) Bank Name : One Bank Limited

Branch : Elephant Road
Accounts No :TL12180880002, TL12172710001,TL12180880001 & TL12172050001
Sanction Amount : 33.53 Crore
Purpose : Adjustment of Loan, Working Capital to Civil Construction, Machinery
Procurement & Setup, Installation and Product & Fire System
Sanction date : 24-07-2017,28-09-17,29-03-2018
Security : 33 Decimal land with 4 Storied building and 92.55 Decimal land with
Factory Building and 132 Decimal land
Interest Rate : 13.00% Revised from time to time.

17.00 Lease Liability

Finance Lease (Note-17.01) 41,492,536 36,691,726
Rental Lease (Note-17.02) 7,843,556 10,988,578
Total Lease Liability 49,336,092 47,680,304
Less: Lease Liability (Current Portion) (16,715,222) (22,499,742)
Non-Current portion of Lease Liability 32,620,870 25,180,562

17.01 Finance Lease

Opening Balance 36,691,726 43,249,198
Add: Addition during the year - -
Add: Interest during the year 5,673,770 5,148,992
Less: Payment during the year (872,960) (11,706,464)
41,492,536 36,691,726
Less: Current portion of Lease (10,277,457) (13,994,076)
Non-Current portion of Lease Liability 31,215,079 22,697,650
(i) Bank Name : Hajj Finance Company Limited (Lease Finance)
Branch : Principal
Accounts No : 1802000372
Sanction Amount : 3.00 Crore
Purpose : Capital Machineries
Sanction date : 25-10-2016
Security Registered Mortgage of 8,853 sft. Office space.
Mode of Payment Monthly instalment
Interest Rate : 12.00 Revised from time to time.
Period of Financing : 5 years

(ii) Bank Name : Hajj Finance Company Limited (Lease Finance)

Branch : Principal
Accounts No : 1802000539
Sanction Amount : 3.20 Crore
Purpose : Capital Machineries
Sanction date : 30-11-2017.
Security Registered Mortgage of 8,853 sft. Office space.
Mode of Payment Monthly instalment
Interest Rate : 12.50% Revised from time to time.
Period of Financing : 5 years
17.02 Rental Lease Liability
Opening Balance 10,988,578 -
Add: Addition during the year 8,993,862 30,360,801
Add: Interest during the year 1,031,616 1,200,020
Less: Prior Year Adjustment - (7,920,743)
Less: Payment during the year (13,170,500) (12,651,500)
7,843,556 10,988,578
Less: Rental Lease Liability (Current portion) (6,437,765) (8,505,666)
Non-Current portion of Lease Liability 1,405,791 2,482,912
18.00 Deferred Tax Liability
Deferred Tax Liability excluding Revaluation Surplus (18.01) 330,190,365 350,576,866
Deferred Tax Liability on Revaluation Surplus (Note-18.02) 71,162,125
401,041,397 350,576,866
18.01 Deferred Tax Liability excluding Revaluation Surplus
Opening Balance 350,576,866 302,460,120
Add: Deferred Tax Expenses/ (Income) during the year (20,386,501) 48,116,746
Adjustment for Defered Tax on Depreciation of Revaluation resurve (311,093)
Deferred Tax Liability /(Assets) 401,041,397 350,576,866


A. Calculation of Deferred Tax for Freehold PPE
Written down values (Except Land -Accounting Base) 1,880,251,909 1,655,758,146
Written Down value as (Except Land-Tax Base) 564,972,416 437,253,541
Temporary Difference on Freehold PPE 1,315,279,493 1,218,504,605
B. Calculation of Deferred Tax for Right of Use Assets
Written down value of ROU- Assets (Accounting Base) 53,284,211 59,999,586
Less: Lease obligation* 47,785,592 46,129,804
Temporary Difference on Right of Use Assets 5,498,619 13,869,782
* Lease Obligation
Lease obligation as on 30 June 2021 49,336,092 47,680,304
Less: Advance for Rent Depot 1,550,500 1,550,500
47,785,592 46,129,804
C. Calculation of Deferred Tax for Intangible Asset
Written down value (Accounting Base) 2,791,667 3,291,667
Written Down value as (Tax Base) 2,800,000 3,150,000
Temporary Difference on Intangible Assets (8,333) 141,667
Total Temporary Difference (A+B+C) 1,320,769,779 1,232,516,054
D. Temporary Difference of Export Sales 440,270,456 307,636,007
Effective Tax Rate 15.00% 16.25%
Closing Deferred Tax Liability /(Assets)-Export 66,040,568 49,990,851
E Temporary Difference of Local Sales 880,499,323 924,880,047
Effective Tax Rate 30.00% 32.50%
Closing Deferred Tax Liability /(Assets)-Local 264,149,797 300,586,015
Closing Deferred Tax Liability /(Assets) D+E 330,190,365 350,576,866

18.02 Deferred tax on revaluation surplus

WDV as on 30 Deferred Tax Liability
Asset Name Rate
June 2021 as on 30 June 2021
Land & land Development 1,815,996,257 3% 54,479,888
Building & Other Construction 68,291,912 15% 10,243,787
Plant & Machinery 42,923,003 15% 6,438,450
Total 1,927,211,172 71,162,125
Opening Balance - -
Deferred Tax (Expenses)/Income - (71,162,125)

19.00 Short Term Borrowings

Time Loan (One Bank) 9,427,614 9,736,763
9,427,614 9,736,763
20.00 Liabilities for Expenses
Salary & Wages 12,631,235 10,475,215
Director Remuneration 250,000 250,000
Utility bill payable 937,790 875,318
Telephone, Mobile & Internet bill payable 251,844 225,190
Audit Fee Payable 230,000 80,000
Printing & Stationery Expenses 284,884 506,585
Fuel, Oil& Lubricants 1,658,522 1,111,245
Others 93,584 89,521
16,337,859 13,613,074
21.00 Current Tax Payable
Opening Balance 55,638,495 51,473,959
Add: Charged during the year 71,338,161 55,026,108
126,976,656 106,500,067
Less: Paid/Adjustment during the year 55,269,898 50,861,572
Closing Balance 71,706,758 55,638,495


22.00 Liability for WPPF
Opening Balance - -
Add: Charged for the year 18,573,805 -
18,573,805 -
Less: Paid/Adjustment during the year - -
Closing Balance 18,573,805 -

23.00 Current Portion of Long-Term Loan (Note-16.00) 83,145,017 50,851,372

83,145,017 50,851,372
24.00 Current Portion of Lease Liability Note 17.00 16,715,222 22,499,742
16,715,222 22,499,742
25.00 Trade and Other Payables
Opening Balance 20,065,090 30,644,687
Add: Purchase during the year 720,876,406 675,030,855
740,941,496 705,675,542
Less: Payment during the year 725,736,324 685,610,452
Closing Balance 15,205,172 20,065,090
26.00 Revenue
Local Sales 967,489,347 995,304,202
Export Sales 483,767,523 331,060,673
Total: 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
Category Unit Price 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
(Pcs/Tube/ Bottle)
Tablet 172.61 4,415,368 716,447,332 654,043,734.69
Capsule 143.34 3,388,238 507,187,365 470,179,745
Syrup 55.82 1,085,885 73,267,521 58,021,521
Injectable items 84.75 722,055 74,774,112 69,220,745
Cream & Ointment 84.38 623,578 35,486,110 29,055,644
Drops and Other items 98.91 293,440 44,094,430 45,843,486
Total 10,528,564 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
The company has no sales agent on commission basis.
27.00 Cost of Goods Sold
Raw Materials Consumed (Note-27.01) 429,996,091 374,932,495
Spare Parts & Store Items Consumed (Note-27.02) 60,189,699 61,647,484
Packing Materials Consumed (Note-27.03) 224,471,964 201,265,555
Manufacturing Overhead (Note-27.04) 146,887,410 134,403,875
Cost of Manufacture 861,545,164 772,249,409
Work in Process-Opening 11,206,524 11,678,367
Work in Process-Closing (16,409,786) (11,206,524)
Cost of production 856,341,902 772,721,252
Sample Expenses (7,306,498) (7,395,231)
Finished Goods-Opening 121,891,358 112,797,538
Finished Goods-Closing (143,051,591) (121,891,358)
827,875,171 756,232,201
27.01 Raw Materials Consumed
Opening Stock of Raw Materials 88,360,541 58,332,578
Add: Purchase during the year 436,218,484 404,960,458
Raw materials available for Production 524,579,025 463,293,036
Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials 94,582,934 88,360,541
Raw Materials Consumed 429,996,091 374,932,495
27.02 Spare Parts & Store Items
Opening Balance 40,662,389 36,275,648
Add: Purchase during the year 58,817,377 66,034,225
Spare Parts & Store Items Consumed 99,479,766 102,309,873
Less: Closing Balance 39,290,067 40,662,389
Consumption during the year 60,189,699 61,647,484
27.03 Packing Materials
Opening Balance 25,236,487 22,465,870
Add: Purchase during the year 225,840,545 204,036,172
Packing Materials Consumed 251,077,032 226,502,042
Less: Closing Balance 26,605,068 25,236,487
Consumption during the year 224,471,964 201,265,555

27.04 Manufacturing Overhead

Salaries, Allowances and Wages 36,480,244 35,403,224
Carrying Inward 3,572,994 2,711,372
Factory Staff Uniform 630,745 673,792
Utility Bill 3,674,582 3,420,998
Insurance Expenses 5,186,544 4,835,483
Research and Development 4,501,799 4,018,840
Fuel, Oil& Lubricants 7,157,599 6,588,787
Medical Expenses 797,901 766,669
Workers Entertainment 6,054,644 5,351,220
Printing & Stationery Expenses 1,075,672 928,816
Miscellaneous Expenses 1,034,993 1,011,411
Telephone, Mobile & Internet Bill 294,895 317,503
Rent, rate and Taxes 149,770 136,843
Repairs & Maintenance 1,205,994 1,225,181
Depreciation on Freehold PPE (Annexure-A) 71,354,626 62,998,159
Depreciation on ROU Assets (Annexure- B) 3,714,409 4,015,577
146,887,410 134,403,875
28.00 Operating Expenses
Administrative Expenses (Note-28.01) 49,610,047 46,796,371
Marketing & Selling Expenses (Note-28.02) 139,688,744 126,181,600
189,298,791 172,977,971
28.01 Administrative Expenses
Salaries and allowances 32,064,730 31,115,949
Board Meeting Fee 180,000 100,000
Directors Remuneration 3,000,000 3,000,000
Travelling and Conveyance Expenses 569,870 482,747
Postage & Stamps 335,765 275,757
Entertainment 682,365 562,856
Audit fees 230,000 150,000
Repair and Maintenance 835,716 788,741
Printing & Stationery 712,655 705,204
Utility Bill 1,754,237 1,583,248
Fuel, Oil& Lubricants 798,743 786,348
Newspaper and Periodicals 515,384 448,384
Subscription and Donation 693,670 592,940
Registration, Renewal & Legal Expenses 935,290 891,295
Miscellaneous Expenses 802,640 675,836
Telephone, Mobile & Internet Bill 539,318 491,348
Depreciation Freehold PPE (Annexure- A) 4,459,664 3,937,385
Amortization Cost (Annexure- C) 500,000 208,333
49,610,047 46,796,371
28.02 Marketing & Selling Expenses
Salaries and Allowances 66,239,717 60,113,399
Training Expense 2,232,033 1,703,403
Printing and Stationary 1,558,650 1,382,883
Entertainment Expense 2,870,586 2,376,015
Carrying Outward 5,553,960 4,735,647
Traveling and Conveyance 2,097,066 1,709,571
Utility Bill 4,670,145 3,635,249
Office Rent (Depot) - 398,500
Fuel, Oil& Lubricants 11,702,935 10,525,105
Phone, Mobile and Internet Bill 2,139,153 1,994,564
Sales Promotion Expenses 6,112,694 5,258,899
Sample Expenses 7,306,498 7,395,231
Miscellaneous Expenses 1,831,486 1,624,341
Depreciation on Freehold PPE (Annexure- A) 13,378,992 11,812,155
Depreciation on ROU Assets (Annexure- B) 11,994,829 11,516,639
139,688,744 126,181,600
29.00 Other Income
Interest Income - -
Wastage Sales 16,824 15,326
Foreign Currency Fluctuation Gain/ (Loss) 273,740 158,162
290,564 173,488
30.00 Financial Expenses
Bank Charges 399,872 358,351
Interest on Loan (Note-30.01) 37,218,317 45,026,381
37,618,189 45,384,732
30.01 Interest on Loan
Interest on Short Term Loan 1,372,018 2,832,154
Interest on Long Term Loan 35,846,299 42,194,227
37,218,317 45,026,381
31.00 Interest on Lease Liability 6,705,386 6,349,012
6,705,386 6,349,012
32.01 Current Tax
Current Tax (Annexure- D) 71,338,161 55,026,108
71,338,161 55,026,108
32.02 Deferred Tax Expenses
Deferred Tax Expenses/(Income)
(Note-32.03) (20,386,501) 48,116,746
(Attributable to Profit or Loss)
Deferred Tax Expenses/(Income) (other
Comprehensive Income or Equity) (Note-32.04)
50,775,624 48,116,746
32.03 Deferred Tax Expenses/(Income) (Attributable to Profit or Loss)
Deferred Tax as on 30th June 2021 330,190,365 350,576,866
Less: Opening Deferred Tax 350,576,866 302,460,120
Deferred Tax Expenses/(Income) (Attributable to Profit or Loss) * (20,386,501) 48,116,746
Deferred Tax Expenses/(Income) (other Comprehensive
Income or Equity)
Deferred Tax as on 30th June 2021 71,162,125 -
Less: Opening Deferred Tax - -
71,162,125 -
33.00 Basic Earnings per share
a) Net Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593
b) Weighted average number of ordinary shares (Note-32.01) 87,848,000 87,848,000
Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) (a/b) 3.65 2.76
33.01 Calculation of Weighted Average Number of ordinary Share
Number of Share (Paid Up Capital) 87,848,000 81,348,000
Bonus Share 6,500,000 6,500,000
Weighted Average number of Share (Share Money Deposit) - -
87,848,000 87,848,000
34.00 Net Asset Value per Share (NAV)
i) Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share with revaluation
a) Net Asset Value (NAV) 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619
b) Number of ordinary shares 87,848,000 81,348,000
Net Asset Value per Share (NAV) (a/b) 56.61 34.35
ii) Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share without revaluation
a) Net Asset Value (NAV) 3,116,747,007 2,794,148,619
b) Number of ordinary shares 87,848,000 81,348,000
35.48 34.35


35.00 Net Operating Cash Flows per share (NOCFPS)
a) Net Operating Cash Flows 432,007,623 344,607,470
b) Weighted average number of ordinary shares 87,848,000 87,848,000
Net Operating Cash Flows per Share (NOCFPS) (a/b) 4.92 3.92

36.00 Other Commitments, Contingencies and relevant information

The requirements of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 3, 4, 7 & 8 of the Companies Act. 1994

36.01 Contingencies
There is no contingent event that may require recognition of contingent liabilities for the year ended 30 June

36.02 Capital Expenditure Commitment

The company have no Capital Commitment at the reporting date.
36.03 Bank Guarantee
The company have no Bank Guarantee on the reporting date.

36.04 Number of Employee - Para 3 of Schedule XI, Part II

Total number of employees are as follows:
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Salary below Tk. 8,500 per month -
Salary Tk. 8,500 or above per month 770 755
Total 770 755

36.05 Aggregated amount of Remuneration, Fees, Salary & Wages of employees are given below:
Directors Remuneration 3,000,000 3,000,000
Board Meeting Attendances Fees 180,000 100,000
Wages, Salaries and Allowances 36,480,244 35,403,224
Salaries and allowances (Admin, Marketing & Selling) 98,304,447 91,229,348
137,964,691 129,732,572
36.06 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 3 (a) : Turnover
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Turnover in BDT. 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
Turnover in Quantity (Pcs/Tube/Bottle) 10,528,654 10,165,041

36.07 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 3 (d) (i) : Raw Materials Consumed
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Raw Material (Value in BDT.) 429,996,091 374,932,495
Raw Material Quantities (kg) 132,287 115,363

36.08 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 3 (d) (ii) : Finished goods
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Opening Quantity (Pcs/Bottle/Tube) 1,495,342 1,487,309
Production Quantity (Pcs/Bottle/Tube) 10,697,491 10,302,950
Closing Quantity (Pcs/Bottle/Tube) 1,664,269 1,495,342

37.00 Directors interest in contracts with the company

There was no transaction resulting in Director's interest with the company.
37.01 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 4: Related Party Transaction
During the period, the Company carried out a number of transactions with related parties in the normal course
of business on an arms' length basis. Names of those related parties, nature of those transactions and their
total value have been set out in accordance with the provisions of IAS-24: Related Party Disclosures.


Opening Addition Closing
Paid during
Name Particulars Balance as on during the balance as on
the year
01.07.2020 year 30.06.2021
Tahmina Begum Remuneration - - -
Chairman Board Meeting fee - 40,000 40,000 -
Monir Ahmed Remuneration 250,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 250,000
Managing Director Board Meeting fee - 40,000 40,000 -
Salina Ahmed Remuneration - - - -
Director Board Meeting fee - 30,000 30,000 -
Sadia Ahmed Remuneration - - - -
Director Board Meeting fee - 30,000 30,000 -
Maksud Ahmed Remuneration - - - -
Director Board Meeting fee - 30,000 30,000 -
Shafiqul Kabir Remuneration - - -
Khan Independent
Director Board Meeting fee - 5,000 5,000 -
Md. Ashraf Ali Remuneration
Miah Independent
Director Board Meeting fee - 5,000 5,000 -
Office Rent (Depot)
Monir Ahmed Dhaka 840,000 840,000 -
Managing Gazipur 792,000 792,000 -
Director Tangail 684,000 684,000 -
Total 250,000 5,496,000 5,496,000 250,000
During the period from 01-07-2020 to 30-06-2021, there were 8 (Eight) Board Meetings held. The attendance
status of all the meetings is as follows:
Name of Directors Designation Meeting Hold Attendance
Tahmina Begum Chairman 8 8
Monir Ahmed Managing Director 8 8
Salina Ahmed Director 8 6
Sadia Ahmed Director 8 6
Maksud Ahmed Director 8 6
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent Director 8 1
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Independent Director 8 1
37.02 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 7: Capacity Utilization
The production capacity and utilization of its are as follows:
Capacity Capacity Capacity
Category Unit as on Utilization (%) As Utilization (%)As
30-06-2021 Production on 30 June 2021 on 30 June 2020
Tablets Pcs 5,726,807 4,415,368 77.10% 75.38%
Capsule Pcs 4,602,959 3,388,238 73.61% 71.31%
Syrup Pcs 1,505,038 1,085,885 72.15% 71.64%
Injectable items Phial/Tube 1,038,181 722,055 69.55% 68.15%
Cream & Ointment Bottle 1,103,092 623,578 56.53% 55.13%
Drops and Other items Pcs 854,425 293,440 50.21% 49.66%
Total 14,830,502 10,528,564

Capacity Capacity Capacity

Category Unit as on Utilization (%) As Utilization (%)As
30-06-2020 Production on 30 June 2020 on 30 June 2019
Tablet Pcs 5,431,983 4,094,629 75.38% 74.88%
Capsule Pcs 4,440,104 3,166,238 71.31% 69.96%
Syrup Pcs 1,554,837 1,113,885 71.64% 70.48%
Injectable items Phial/Tube 1,173,962 800,055 68.15% 65.28%
Cream & Ointment Bottle 1,332,447 734,578 55.13% 54.95%
Drops and Other items Pcs 792,519 393,565 49.66% 48.97%
Total 14,725,852 10,302,950
37.03 The requirement of schedule XI part-II, Para 8 (C):
Opening Total Purchase Material % Of
Particulars Consumption
Balance during the Year Available (Taka) Consumption
Raw Materials
88,360,541 436,218,484 524,579,025 429,996,091 81.97%
Packing Material
25,236,487 225,840,545 251,077,032 224,471,964 89.40%
Spare Parts &
Store Items 40,662,389 58,817,377 99,479,766 60,189,699 60.50%

Particulars FOB/CIF Basis Value (US Dollar) Amount in Tk

Import 2,833,389 240,299,702
Export 5,787,366 483,767,523

Opening Total Purchase Material % of

Particulars Available (Taka)
Balance during the Year Consumption
Raw Materials
58,332,578 404,960,458 463,293,036 374,932,495 80.93%
Packing Material
22,465,870 204,036,172 226,502,042 201,265,555 88.86%
Spare Parts & Store
36,275,648 66,034,225 102,309,873 61,647,484 60.26%
Items Consumed
Particulars FOB/CIF Basis Value (US Dollar) Amount in Tk
Import 1,986,649 168,487,702
Export 3,963,986 331,060,673
37.04 Transaction with Key Management Personnel of the entity:
As per Company Act, 1994 part-II, Schedule-XI (4) The profit and loss account will give by way of a note
detailed information, showing separately the following payments provided or made during the financial
year to the directors, including managing director, the managing agents or manager, if any, by the
company, subsidiaries of the company.
Managerial Remuneration paid or payable during the year to the
3,000,000 3,000,000
directors, including managing directors, a managing agent or manager.
Expenses reimbursed to Managing Agent Nil Nil
Commission or Remuneration payable separately to a managing agent or his associate Nil Nil
Commission received or receivable by the managing agent or his associate
as selling or buying agent of other concerns in respect of contracts entered Nil Nil
into by such concerns with the company.
The money value of the contracts for the sale or purchase of goods and
materials or supply of services, entered into by the company with the Nil Nil
managing agent or his associate during the financial year.
Any other perquisite or benefits in cash or in kind stating approximate
Nil Nil
money value where applicable.
Other allowances and commission including guarantee commission Pensions etc. Nil Nil
(i) Pensions Nil Nil
(ii) Gratuities Nil Nil
(iii) Payments from provident funds, in excess of own subscription and
Nil Nil
interest thereon.
Share Based payments Nil Nil
As per Para-17, IAS- 24:
An entity shall disclose key management personnel compensation in total and for each of the following benefits:
(a) Short-term employee benefits 3,000,000 3,000,000
(b) Post-employee benefits Nil Nil
(c) Other long-term benefits Nil Nil
(d) termination benefits and Nil Nil
(e) share-based payment Nil Nil


As per Para-18, IAS- 24:
Disclosure requirements of IAS 24 Para 18 minimum disclosure shall include:
a) the amount of transaction 5,496,000 5,416,000
b) the amount of outstanding balance, including commitments 250,000 443,000
i) Their terms & condition, including whether they are secured, and Remuneration, Meeting Fee &
the nature of the consideration to be provided in settlement. Depot Rent
ii) Details of any guarantee given or received. Nil Nil
c) Provisions for doubtful debts related to the amount of outstanding balance. Nil Nil
d) The expenses recognized during the period in respect of bad or
Nil Nil
doubtful debts due from related parties.
37.05 Reconciliation of Net Income or Net Profit with Cash Flows from Operating Activities (Indirect Method)
the requirement of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission notification no. BSEC/CMRRCD
/2006-158/ 308/Admin/81, Dated 08 August 2018.
Amount in (Tk.)
30 June 2021 30 June 2020
Net Profit before Tax 371,476,092 345,594,447
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation on Fixed Assets 89,193,282 78,747,699
Depreciation on ROU Assets 15,709,237 15,532,216
Amortization Cost 500,000 208,333
Financial Expenses 37,618,189 45,384,732
Interest on Lease Liabilities 6,705,386 6,349,012
Increase in Inventories (32,582,147) (45,807,298)
Increase in Trade and other Receivables (15,907,798) (21,626,408)
Increase in Advance, Deposits and Prepayments (12,769,216) (8,586,332)
Increase in Liabilities for Expenses 2,724,786 (5,586,424)
Increase in Liabilities for WPPF 18,573,805 -
Foreign Exchange Gain/(loss) (271,822) (173,910)
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade and other Payables (4,859,918) (10,579,597)
Cash Generated from Operating Activities 476,109,876 399,456,469
Advance Income Tax Paid (44,102,253) (54,848,999)
Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities 432,007,623 344,607,470

37.06 Received from Customers 30 June 2021 30 June 2020

Sales during the period 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875
Add: Opening Receivables 176,273,803 154,631,647
Less: Closing Receivables (192,179,683) (176,273,803)
1,435,350,990 1,304,722,719
37.07 Paid to Suppliers
Purchase during the period 720,876,406 675,030,855
Add: Opening Payables 20,065,090 30,644,687
Less: Closing Payables (15,205,172) (20,065,090)
Add: Closing Advance to Supplier 23,097,178 17,307,498
Less: Opening Advance to Supplier (17,307,498) (15,345,168)
731,526,004 687,572,782
37.08 Paid to Employees
Salary, Wages Including Bonus 137,964,691 129,732,572
Add: Closing Advance to Employee 587,000 650,000
Less: Opening Advance to Employee (650,000) (500,000)
Add: Opening Liabilities for Salaries 10,725,215 12,796,346
Less: Closing Liabilities for Salaries (12,881,235) (10,725,215)
135,745,671 131,953,703
37.09 Paid for Manufacturing &Operating Expenses
Operating Expense 198,221,510 177,579,274
Add: Opening Liabilities for expenses 2,887,859 2,957,859
Less: Closing Liabilities for expenses (3,456,624) (3,456,624)
Add: Closing Advance deposit & prepayment 42,152,130 42,152,130
Less: Opening Advance deposit & prepayment (35,109,594) (35,109,594)
Less: Sample Expense (7,306,498) (7,395,231)
Less: Amortization Cost (500,000) (208,333)
Less: Depreciation Expense (89,193,282) (89,193,282)
Less: Depreciation ROU Assets (Annexure D) (15,709,237) (15,709,237)
92,056,263 85,685,091
37.10 Acquisition of Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment
Purchase of Assets 60,127,385 45,040,011
Add: Opening Liability - -
Less: Closing Liability - -
60,127,385 45,040,011
37.11 Acquisition of Intangible Assets
Purchase of Assets - 3,500,000
Add: Opening Liability - -
Less: Closing Liability - -
- 3,500,000
37.12 Capital Work in Progress
Purchase of Assets 314,968,773 140,293,541
Add: Opening Liability - -
Less: Closing Liability - -
314,968,773 140,293,541
37.13 Received/(Payment) in long term loan
Received in Long term loan - -
Interest on Long Term Loan 35,846,299 42,194,227
Paid in Long Term Loan (Principal + Interest) (43,340,989) (62,401,774)
(7,494,690) (20,207,547)
37.14 Received/(Payment) in Lease Liability
Received in Lease - -
Interest on Lease 6,705,386 6,349,012
Paid in Lease (Principal + Interest) (14,043,460) (24,357,964)
(7,338,074) (18,008,952)


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Schedule of Property, Plant & Equipment
As at June 30, 2020
Cost Rate of Depreciation Written Down
Addition Charge
Particulars Balance as on Balance as Depreciation Balance as on Balance as on30 Value as at30
during the during the
01 July 2019 on30 June 2020 (%) 01 July 2019 June 2020 June 2020
Year Year
Land & land Development 1,250,316,733 19,287,010 1,269,603,743 0.00% - - - 1,269,603,743
Building & Other Construction 999,191,213 - 999,191,213 2.50% 111,792,482 22,184,968 133,977,450 865,213,763
Plant & Machinery 694,919,797 149,168,556 844,088,353 7.50% 170,327,491 40,141,351 210,468,842 633,619,511
Furniture and Fixture 45,975,294 1,995,500 47,970,794 10.00% 13,782,723 3,249,326 17,032,049 30,938,745
Genarator 22,522,100 3,000,000 25,522,100 10.00% 5,054,408 1,820,742 6,875,149 18,646,951
Electrical Installation 24,023,190 1,004,500 25,027,690 10.00% 13,999,013 1,010,674 15,009,687 10,018,003
Vehicle 109,791,138 15,264,871 125,056,009 10.00% 49,481,860 7,285,575 56,767,434 68,288,575
Fire Equipment 7,125,400 2,985,143 10,110,543 10.00% 2,343,893 674,434 3,018,327 7,092,216
Office Equipment 62,619,478 1,502,987 64,122,465 10.00% 39,801,452 2,380,629 42,182,081 21,940,383
Balance as at 30 June 2020 3,216,484,343 194,208,567 3,410,692,910 406,583,321 78,747,699 485,331,021 2,925,361,889

Allocation of depreciation
Particulars Percentage Amount in Tk.
Manufacturing Overhead 80.00% 62,998,159
Administrative Expenses 5.00% 3,937,385
Marketing & Selling Expenses 15.00% 11,812,155
Total 78,747,699


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Schedule of Right of Use Assets
As at June 30, 2020
Annexure- B
Cost Rate of Depreciation Written Down
Particulars Balance as on Addition during Balance as Depreciation Balance as on Charge during Balance as on30 Value as at30
01 July 2019 the Year on30 June 2020 / Useful Life 01 July 2019 the Year June 2020 June 2020
Plant & Machinery 62,000,000 - 62,000,000 7.50% 8,458,973 4,015,577 12,474,550 49,525,450
Dinajpur Depot 2,195,771 2,195,771 33.33% 365,962 731,924 1,097,885 1,097,885
Bogra Depot 2,324,934 2,324,934 33.33% 129,163 774,978 904,141 1,420,793
Faridpur Depot 1,783,195 1,783,195 50.00% 891,597 891,597 1,783,195 -
Sylhet Depot 1,872,354 1,872,354 50.00% 936,177 936,177 1,872,354 -
Chottagram Depot 1,916,934 1,916,934 50.00% - 798,723 798,723 1,118,212
Kishorgonj Depot 1,883,499 1,883,499 50.00% - 863,271 863,271 1,020,229
Mymensingh Depot 1,582,585 1,582,585 50.00% - 659,411 659,411 923,175
Feni Depot 1,969,736 1,969,736 33.33% 547,149 656,579 1,203,727 766,008
Rangpur Depot 2,098,899 2,098,899 33.33% 699,633 699,633 1,399,266 699,633
Rangpur Depot 1,743,700 1,743,700 33.33% 1,114,031 581,233 1,695,264 48,436
Rajshahi Depot 1,695,264 1,695,264 33.33% 1,130,176 565,088 1,695,264 -
Cumilla Depot 2,098,899 2,098,899 33.33% 174,908 699,633 874,541 1,224,358
Khulna Depot 1,662,974 1,662,974 33.33% 277,162 554,325 831,487 831,487
Tangail Depot 1,840,573 1,840,573 33.33% 613,524 613,524 1,227,048 613,524
Dhaka Depot 1,560,295 1,560,295 50.00% 780,148 780,148 1,560,295 -
Gazipur Depot 2,131,189 2,131,189 33.33% 710,396 710,396 1,420,793 710,396
Total 62,000,000 30,360,801 92,360,801 16,828,999 15,532,216 32,361,215 59,999,586


Asiatic Laboratories Limited
Schedule of Intangible Assets
As at June 30, 2020
Annexure- C
Cost Depreciation Written
Balance as Balance Balance Down
Addition Balance as Useful Amortization
Particulars on as on as on 30 Value as
during the on30 June Life during the
01 July 01 July June at 30 June
Year 2020 Year
2019 2019 2020 2020
- 3,500,000 3,500,000 7 years - 208,333 208,333 3,291,667
Total - 3,500,000 3,500,000 - 208,333 208,333 3,291,667
Allocation of depreciation
Particulars Percentage Amount in Tk.
Administrative Expenses 100% 208,333
Total 208,333


b) Information as is required under section 186 of the ক াম্পানন আইন, ১৯৯৪ relating to holding company;
Not applicable for Asiatic Laboratories Limited since the company has no subsidiary.

c) Selected ratios as specified in Annexure-D;


Statement of Ratio Analysis

We have examined the following Earnings per Share (EPS) and other ratios of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the
year ended 30 June 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017, which have been produced by the management of the Company
and provided to us. The preparation of the EPS and the other ratios is the responsibility of the Company's management.
Our responsibility is to review them and certify whether they have been properly prepared using stated principle based
on Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017. Based on the review,
we certify that the Company has properly prepared the following EPS and other ratios using stated principles based on
Audited Financial Statements. Ratios pertinent to the prospectus are as specified in rule 4(1)(d)/Annexure-D of the
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015.

For the year ended

Name of Ratio
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
A. Liquidity Ratios
1 Current Ratio (Times) 2.73 3.38 1.69 1.65 1.52
2 Quick Ratio (Times) 0.87 1.09 0.55 0.54 0.47
B. Operating Ratios
1 Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio (Times) 7.88 8.02 9.20 9.08 9.14
2 Inventory Turnover Ratio (Times) 2.73 2.86 3.36 3.18 3.03
3 Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) 0.31 0.38 0.42 0.42 0.44
C. Profitability Ratios
1 Gross Margin Ratio (%) 42.95% 42.98% 43.09% 42.64% 42.30%
2 Operating Income Ratio (%) 29.91% 29.94% 28.93% 28.37% 28.24%
3 Net Income Ratio (%) 22.09% 18.28% 17.45% 17.33% 17.22%
4 Return on Assets Ratio (%) 6.77% 6.91% 7.36% 7.33% 7.52%
5 Return on Equity Ratio (%) 8.25% 10.68% 15.00% 15.94% 17.49%
6 Earnings Per Share (EPS) 3.65 2.76 2.78 2.53 2.35
7 EBITDA Margin 35.91% 37.71% 34.10% 33.05% 32.63%
D. Solvency Ratio
1 Debt to total Asset Ratio 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.18
2 Debt to Equity Ratio 0.07 0.13 0.26 0.38 0.39
3 Time Interest Earned Ratio 9.79 7.68 6.33 6.39 6.51
4 Debt Service Coverage Ratio 8.60 3.03 2.29 6.39 1.82
E. Cash Flow
1 Net operating Cash Flow Per Share Basic 5.56 4.65 3.72 3.34 2.51
2 Net operating Cash Flow Per Share/EPS 1.53 1.68 1.34 1.32 1.07

We have examined the calculation of the above ratios of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the year ended 30 June 2021,
2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 and found them correct. Details calculation Shown in Annexure-A.

Dated: 07 October 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Place: Dhaka Chartered Accountants


Statement of Ratio Analysis
For the period from 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2021
We have examined the following Earnings Per Share (EPS) and other ratios of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the year ended 30 June 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 which have
been produced by the management of the Company and provided to us. The preparation of the EPS and the other ratios is the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to review them and certify whether they have been properly prepared using stated principle based on Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021,
2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017. Based on the review, we certify that the Company has properly prepared the following EPS and other ratios using stated principles based on Audited
Financial Statements. Ratios pertinent to the prospectus are as specified in rule 4(1)(d)/Annexure-D of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules,

For the year ended

Name of Ratio 30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Calculation Result Result
Calculation Calculation Calculation Result Calculation Result Calculation Result
A. Liquidity Ratios
Current Assets 630,644,132 582,834,818 500,344,867 478,289,488 450,247,789
1 Current Ratio (Times) 2.73 3.38 1.69 1.65 1.52
Current Liability 231,111,447 172,404,536 295,299,039 289,615,115 295,367,823
Current Assets-
201,187,024 187,561,428 163,452,534 156,822,956 140,279,894
2 Quick Ratio (Times) Inventory-Advance 0.87 1.09 0.55 0.54 0.47
Current Liability 231,111,447 172,404,536 295,299,039 289,615,115 295,367,823
B. Operating Ratios
Accounts Receivable Sales 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
1 7.88 8.02 9.20 9.08 9.14
Turnover Ratio (Times) Average Receivables 184,248,631 165,481,528 151,971,922 141,106,457 130,906,105
Inventory Turnover Ratio Cost of Sales 827,875,171 756,232,201 795,687,148 734,936,470 690,653,630
2 2.73 2.86 3.36 3.18 3.03
(Times) Average Inventory 303,648,373 264,453,650 236,764,590 231,261,208 228,179,600
Assets Turnover Ratio Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
3 0.31 0.38 0.42 0.42 0.44
(Times) Average Total Assets 4,735,878,691 3,508,574,705 3,314,450,356 3,027,707,277 2,742,591,061
C. Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
1 Gross Margin Ratio (%) 42.95% 42.98% 43.09% 42.64% 42.30%
Sales 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Operating Income Ratio Operating Profit 434,082,908 397,154,703 404,454,213 363,531,771 337,973,822
2 29.91% 29.94% 28.93% 28.37% 28.24%
(%) Sales 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
3 Net Profit Ratio (%) 22.09% 18.28% 17.45% 17.33% 17.22%
Sales 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Return on Assets Ratio Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
4 6.77% 6.91% 7.36% 7.33% 7.52%
(%) Average Total Assets 4,735,878,691 3,508,574,705 3,314,450,356 3,027,707,277 2,742,591,061
Return on Equity Ratio Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
5 8.25% 10.68% 15.00% 15.94% 17.49%
(%) Shareholders' Equity 3,883,472,337 2,271,099,215 1,626,055,224 1,393,020,862 1,178,902,024
Profit After Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
6 Earnings Per Share (EPS) 3.65 2.76 2.78 2.53 2.35
Number of Shares 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000
For the year ended
Name of Ratio 30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Calculation Result Result
Calculation Calculation Calculation Result Calculation Result Calculation Result
Profit before ITDA 521,202,186 500,186,466 476,812,394 423,418,143 390,572,923
7 EBITDA Margin (%) 35.91% 37.71% 34.10% 33.05% 32.63%
Sales 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
D. Solvency Ratio
Total Debt 367,797,525 373,945,576 453,230,716 565,837,361 496,837,553
1 Debt to total Asset Ratio 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.18
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Total Debt 367,797,525 373,945,576 453,230,716 565,837,361 496,837,553
2 Debt to Equity Ratio 0.07 0.13 0.26 0.38 0.39
Total Equity 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 1,748,049,810 1,504,060,637 1,281,981,086
Time Interest Earned EBIT 434,082,908 397,154,703 404,454,213 363,531,771 337,973,822
3 9.79 7.68 6.33 6.39 6.51
Ratio Net interest expenses 44,323,575 51,733,744 63,936,666 56,918,348 51,952,894
Debt Service Coverage Net operating profit 434,082,908 397,154,703 404,454,213 363,531,771 337,973,822
4 8.60 3.03 2.29 6.39 1.82
Ratio Total Debt Service 50,471,627 131,018,884 176,543,311 56,918,348 185,923,425
E. Cash Flow
Net operating Cash
Net operating Cash Flow 488,852,832 408,492,319 326,585,377 293,097,754 220,131,832
1 Flow 5.56 4.65 3.72 3.34 2.51
Per Share (NOCFPS)
Number of Shares 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000
Net operating Cash Flow NOCF Per share 5.56 4.65 3.72 3.34 2.51
2 1.53 1.68 1.34 1.32 1.07
Per Share/EPS EPS 3.65 2.76 2.78 2.53 2.35


Comparison with the Industry average ratios of same periods:
Remark- Explanation
30-06-2020 30.06.2020
Ratio Ratio
1. Liquidity Ratios:
Current Ratio (Times) 3.38 2.95 The ratio is better than the industry average
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Quick Ratio (Times) 1.09 1.70
industry average ratio
2. Operating Efficiency Ratios:
Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industr
8.02 89.86
(Times) Average.
The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
Inventory Turnover Ratio (Times) 2.86 4.20
Industry Average.
The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) 0.38 0.86
Industry Average.
3. Profitability Ratios:
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Gross Margin Ratio (%) 42.98% 45.32%
industry average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Operating Income Ratio (%) 29.94% 14.04%
higher operating profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Net Income Ratio (%) 18.28% 7.41%
higher net profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Assets Ratio (%) 6.91% 5.82%
higher net profit.
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Equity Ratio (%) 10.68% 10.49%
higher net profit.
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Earnings Per Share 2.76 2.98
industry average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
EBITDA Margin % 37.71% 23.12%
higher net profit.
4. Solvency Ratios:
Debt to Total Asset Ratio % 0.10 0.35 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 0.13 0.67 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Times Interest Earned Ratio (Times) 7.68 7.34 operating profit is relatively higher to pay
financial expense.
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Debt Service Coverage Ratio % 3.03 7.41
industry average ratio
5. Cash Flow ratios:
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Net operating Cash Flow Per Share 4.65 3.18
net operating cash flow is relatively higher.
Net operating Cash Flow Per Share- The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
1.68 1.72
EPS industry average ratio


Remark- Explanation
30-06-2019 30.06.2019
Ratio Ratio
1. Liquidity Ratios:
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Current Ratio (Times) 1.69 3.27
industry average ratio
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Quick Ratio (Times) 0.55 1.66
industry average ratio
2. Operating Efficiency Ratios:
Accounts Receivable Turnover The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industr
9.20 89.88
Ratio (Times) Average.
Inventory Turnover Ratio The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
3.36 4.23
(Times) Industry Average.
The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) 0.42 0.86
Industry Average.
3. Profitability Ratios :
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Gross Margin Ratio (%) 43.09% 45.37%
industry average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Operating Income Ratio (%) 28.93% 14.57%
higher operating profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Net Income Ratio (%) 17.45% 8.13%
higher net profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Assets Ratio (%) 7.36% 5.96%
higher net profit.
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Equity Ratio (%) 15.00% 10.74%
higher net profit.
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Earnings Per Share 2.78 2.92
industry average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
EBITDA Margin % 34.10% 21.14%
higher net profit.
4. Solvency Ratios:
Debt to Total Asset Ratio % 0.13 0.31 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 0.26 0.56 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Times Interest Earned Ratio The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
6.33 12.65
(Times) industry average ratio
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Debt Service Coverage Ratio % 2.29 9.68
industry average ratio
5. Cash Flow ratios:
Net operating Cash Flow Per The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
3.72 3.90
Share industry average ratio
Net operating Cash Flow Per The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
1.34 1.77
Share-EPS industry average ratio


Comparison with the Industry average ratios of same periods:
Remark- Explanation
30-06-2018 30.06.2018
Ratio Ratio
1. Liquidity Ratios:
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Current Ratio (Times) 1.65 1.97
industry average ratio
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Quick Ratio (Times) 0.54 1.42
industry average ratio
2. Operating Efficiency Ratios:
Accounts Receivable Turnover The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industry
9.08 98.37
Ratio (Times) Average.
Inventory Turnover Ratio The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
3.18 4.54
(Times) Industry Average.
The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) 0.42 0.87
Industry Average.
3. Profitability Ratios:
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Gross Margin Ratio (%) 42.64% 45.36%
higher gross profit
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Operating Income Ratio (%) 28.37% 15.54%
higher operating profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Net Income Ratio (%) 17.33% 9.39%
higher net profit
The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the
Return on Assets Ratio (%) 7.33% 8.36%
Industry Average.
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Equity Ratio (%) 15.94% 15.44%
higher net profit.
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Earnings Per Share 2.53 3.03
industry average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
EBITDA Margin % 33.05% 24.44%
higher net profit.
4. Solvency Ratios :
Debt to Total Asset Ratio % 0.18 0.29 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 0.38 0.52 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Times Interest Earned Ratio The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
6.39 5.19
(Times) industry average ratio
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the
Debt Service Coverage Ratio % 6.39 3.12
industry average ratio
5. Cash Flow ratios :
Net operating Cash Flow Per
3.34 3.07 Ratio is better than the industry average ratio
Net operating Cash Flow Per
1.32 0.99 Ratio is better than the industry average ratio


Comparison with the Industry average ratios of same periods:

Remark- Explanation
30.06.2017 30.06.2017
Ratio Ratio
1. Liquidity Ratios :
The ratio is better compaired with the industry average
Current Ratio (Times) 1.52 1.45
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the industry
Quick Ratio (Times) 0.47 1.00
average ratio
2. Operating Efficiency Ratios :
Accounts Receivable The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industry
9.14 121.34
Turnover Ratio (Times) Average.
Inventory Turnover Ratio The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industry
3.03 5.50
(Times) Average.
Assets Turnover Ratio The Ratio is acceptable compaiered to the Industry
0.44 0.88
(Times) Average.
3. Profitability Ratios :
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the industry
Gross Margin Ratio (%) 42.30% 45.65%
average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
Operating Income Ratio (%) 28.24% 17.26%
higher operating profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Net Income Ratio (%) 17.22% 7.69%
higher net profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Assets Ratio (%) 7.52% 5.86%
higher net profit
Ratio is higher than the industry average ratio as
Return on Equity Ratio (%) 17.49% 10.16%
higher net profit.
The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the industry
Earnings Per Share Based 2.35 2.70
average ratio
Ratio is better than the industry average ratio as
EBITDA Margin % 32.63% 22.58%
higher net profit.
4. Solvency Ratios :
Debt to Total Asset Ratio % 0.18 0.26 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 0.39 0.44 Ratio is lower & better than the industry average.
Times Interest Earned Ratio The ratio is better compaired with the industry
6.51 6.47
(Times) average ratio
Debt Service Coverage Ratio The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the industry
1.82 7.49
% average ratio
5. Cash Flow ratios :
Net operating Cash Flow Per The ratio is satisfactory compaired with the industry
2.51 2.68
Share average ratio
Net operating Cash Flow Per
1.07 1.05 Ratio is better than the industry average ratio


d) Auditors report under Section 135(1), Para 24(1) of Part II of Schedule III of the †Kv¤úvwb AvBb, 1994

Auditors’ Report Under Section-135(I), Para 24(I), of Part-II of Schedule III

to the Companies Act 1994 Of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

We have examined the Financial Statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the year ended 30 June 2021, 2020,
2019, 2018 and 2017. Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021 audited by us, for Ata Khan & Co.,
Chartered Accountants, audited the year ended 30 June 2020 audited by Fames & R Chartered Accountants and for
the year ended 30 June 2019, 2018, 2017. In pursuance of Section-135 (1) and Para-24 (1) of Part-II of Schedule-III of
the Companies Act, 1994, our report is as under:
1. Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated as a private Limited Company as on 25 July 1970.
2. The Asiatic Laboratories Limited was converted to public Limited Company as on 12 March 2020.
3. The Financial Position of the Company over the last Five years is as follows:

A. Statement of Financial Position

Amount In Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Non-Current Assets: 5,233,125,531 3,025,152,902 2,908,816,823 2,741,449,533 2,385,427,743
Freehold Property,
5,130,483,554 2,925,361,889 2,809,901,021 2,526,802,187 2,266,485,685
Plant & Equipment
Right of use of Assets 53,284,211 59,999,586 53,541,027 57,882,192 29,260,274
Intangible Assets 2,791,667 3,291,667 - -
Capital Work in progress 46,566,099 36,499,760 45,374,775 156,765,154 89,681,784
Current Assets: 630,644,132 582,834,818 500,344,867 478,289,488 450,247,789
Inventories 319,939,446 287,357,299 241,550,001 231,979,179 230,543,236
Trade and Other
192,202,530 176,294,732 154,668,324 149,275,519 132,937,394
Advance, Deposits
109,517,662 107,916,091 95,342,332 89,487,353 79,424,659
and Prepayments
Cash and Cash
8,984,494 11,266,696 8,784,210 7,547,437 7,342,500
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Shareholders' Equity & Liabilities
Shareholders' Equity: 4,973,107,147 2,794,148,619 1,748,049,810 1,504,060,637 1,281,981,086
Share Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 -
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
659,551,069 641,434,565 1,365,812,841 1,426,063,269 1,258,326,624
Share Money Deposit - - 804,102,900 804,102,900 750,401,900
Long Term Loan
225,888,802 265,677,137 228,389,965 323,751,671 274,827,293
(Non-Current Portion)
Lease Liability (Non-
32,620,870 25,180,562 30,859,856 40,975,789 21,183,415
Current Portion)
Deferred Tax Liability* 401,041,397 350,576,866 302,460,120 257,232,910 211,914,016
Current Liabilities: 231,111,447 172,404,536 295,299,039 289,615,115 295,367,823
Short Term Loan 9,427,614 9,736,763 73,245,462 82,436,374 114,487,508
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 13,613,074 19,199,498 18,495,460 17,751,578
Liabilities for Income Tax 71,706,758 55,638,495 51,473,959 39,655,471 46,519,269
Long Term Loan
83,145,017 50,851,372 108,346,091 107,704,838 81,294,625
(Current Portion)
Lease Liability
16,715,222 22,499,742 12,389,342 10,968,690 5,044,712
(Current Portion)
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 - - - -
Trade and other
15,205,172 20,065,090 30,644,687 30,354,282 30,270,131
Amount In Taka
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Total Shareholders'
5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Equity & Liabilities
Net Assets Value
(NAV) per share with 56.61 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
Valuation Surplus
Net Assets Value
(NAV) per share
35.48 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
without Valuation
No. of Shares used to
87,848,000 81,348,000 938,350 938,350 938,350
Compute NAV

B. Statement of Operating Result of Asiatic Laboratories is as under:

Amount In Taka
(2020-2021) (2019-2020) (2018-2019) (2017-2018) (2016-2017)
Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (827,875,171) (756,232,201) (795,687,148) (734,936,470) (690,653,630)
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Operating Expenses (189,298,791) (172,977,971) (198,024,659) (182,762,557) (168,280,923)
Administrative Expenses (49,610,047) (46,796,371) (54,784,855) (50,501,126) (45,454,925)
Selling & Distribution
(139,688,744) (126,181,600) (143,239,804) (132,261,431) (122,825,998)
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 397,154,703 404,454,213 363,531,771 337,973,822
Non-Operating Expenses
Finance Cost (Loan) (37,618,189) (45,384,732) (58,245,464) (51,695,353) (49,650,130)
Finance Cost (Lease) (6,705,386) (6,349,012) (5,691,202) (5,222,995) (2,302,764)
Other Income 290,564 173,488 229,606 226,542 214,847
Profit before WPPF 390,049,897 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Workers Profit
(18,573,805) - - - -
Participation Fund
Profit before Tax 371,476,092 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Income Tax Expenses (50,951,659) (103,142,854) (96,757,979) (84,760,413) (80,077,649)
Current Tax (66,510,810) (55,026,108) (51,530,769) (39,441,519) (46,519,269)
Deferred Tax* 15,559,151 (48,116,746) (45,227,210) (45,318,894) (33,558,380)
Net Profit after tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Other Comprehensive
1,858,123,003 - - - -
Income for the year
Revaluation Surplus 1,929,285,128
Deferred Tax Expense
/Income on Revaluation (71,162,125)
Total Comprehensive
2,178,647,436 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Income for the year
Earnings Per Share (EPS) 3.65 2.76 2.78 2.53 2.35
No. of Shares used to
87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000 87,848,000
Compute EPS (Basic)
C. Dividend declared
For the year ended
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17 30-Jun-16
Cash Dividend Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Stock Dividend (Bonus Share) Nil 6,500,000 Nil Nil Nil Nil


4. Asiatic Laboratories Limited was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Private Limited Company with the issuance of
Certificate of incorporation bearing no C-3472 dated 25 July 1970 by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies &
Firms. The Company Converted into Public Limited Company dated 12 March 2020.
5. The Company started its commercial operation on 2 January 1998.
6. The Company has no subsidiary company as on the Financial Statements date.
7. No proceeds or part of the proceeds of the issue of shares would be applied directly by the company in the purchase
of any business.
Dated : 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co
Place: Dhaka Chartered Accountants

e) Financial spreadsheet analysis for the latest audited financial statements;

Asiatic Laboratories Limited

Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June 2021
Percentage on Grand
Particulars Amounts in Tk.
Total Assets Total
Non-Current Assets 5,233,125,531 89.25%
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment Cost 3,203,272,382 54.63%
Land & land Development 1,323,020,473 22.56%
Building & Other Construction 964,175,464 16.44%
Plant & Machinery 768,444,770 13.10%
Furniture and Fixture 29,553,013 0.50%
Generator 16,782,255 0.29%
Electrical Installation 9,912,697 0.17%
Vehicle 61,459,717 1.05%
Fire Equipment 8,982,756 0.15%
Office Equipment 20,941,235 0.36%
Freehold Property, Plant and Equipment Revaluation 1,927,211,172 32.87%
Land & land Development 1,815,996,257 30.97%
Building & Other Construction 68,291,912 1.16%
Plant & Machinery 42,923,003 0.73%
Right of Use Assets 53,284,211 0.91%
Plant & Machinery 45,811,042 0.78%
Dinajpur Depot 365,962 0.01%
Bogra Depot 645,815 0.01%
Faridpur Depot 891,598 0.02%
Sylhet Depot 936,177 0.02%
Chottagram Depot 159,745 0.00%
Kishorgonj Depot 78,479 0.00%
Mymensingh Depot 131,882 0.00%
Feni Depot 109,430 0.00%
Khustia Depot 1,334,236 0.02%
Rajshahi Depot 1,237,812 0.02%
Cumilla Depot 524,725 0.01%
Khulna Depot 277,162 0.00%
Dhaka Depot 780,148 0.01%
Intangible Asset 2,791,667 0.05%
Computer Software 2,791,667 0.05%
Capital Work-in-Progress 46,566,099 0.79%
Plant & Machinery 46,566,099 0.79%
Current Assets 630,644,132 10.75%
Inventories 319,939,446 5.46%
Raw Materials 94,582,934 1.61%
Work in Process 16,409,786 0.28%
Finished Goods 143,051,591 2.44%
Percentage on Grand
Particulars Amounts in Tk.
Total Assets Total
Spare Parts & Store Items 39,290,067 0.67%
Packing Materials 26,605,068 0.45%
Trade and other Receivables 192,202,530 3.28%
Advances, Deposits and Prepayments 109,517,662 1.87%
Advance to Employees 587,000 0.01%
Advance to Supplier & Others 23,097,178 0.39%
Advance for Rent Depot 1,550,500 0.03%
L/C margin 35,037,628 0.60%
Value Added Tax (VAT) 29,701 0.00%
Advance Insurance 4,934,301 0.08%
Advance Income Tax 43,681,354 0.74%
Security Deposit 600,000 0.01%
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8,984,494 0.15%
Total Assets 5,863,769,663 100.00%
Shareholders Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Equity 4,973,107,147 84.81%
Share Capital 878,480,000 14.98%
Revaluation Surplus 1,856,360,141 31.65%
Retained Earnings 2,238,267,007 38.17%
Non-Current Liabilities 659,551,069 11.25%
Share Money Deposit - 0.00%
Long Term Borrowings 225,888,802 3.85%
Lease Liability (Non-Current Portion) 32,620,870 0.56%
Deferred Tax Liability 401,041,397 6.84%
Current Liabilities 9,427,614 0.16%
Short Term Borrowings 9,427,614 0.16%
Liabilities for Expenses 16,337,859 0.28%
Salary & Wages 12,631,235 0.22%
Director Remuneration 250,000 0.00%
Utility bill payable 937,790 0.02%
Telephone, Mobile & Internet bill payable 251,844 0.00%
Audit Fee Payable 230,000 0.00%
Printing & Stationery Expenses 284,884 0.00%
Fuel, Oil& Lubricants 1,658,522 0.03%
Others 93,584 0.00%
Current Tax Payable 71,706,758 1.22%
Liability for WPPF 18,573,805 0.32%
Long Term Borrowings (Current Portion) 83,145,017 1.42%
Lease Liability (Current Portion) 16,715,222 0.29%
Trade and other Payables 15,205,172 0.26%
Total Shareholders Equity and Liabilities 5,863,769,663 100.00%

Asiatic Laboratories Limited

Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 30th June 2021

Percentage on Grand
Particulars Amounts in Tk.
Total Assets Total
Net Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 100.00%
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 827,875,171 57.05%
Gross Profit 623,381,699 42.95%
Less: Operating Expenses 189,298,791 13.04%
Administrative Expenses 49,610,047 3.42%
Marketing & Selling Expenses 139,688,744 9.63%
Profit from Operation 434,082,908 29.91%


Percentage on Grand
Particulars Amounts in Tk.
Total Assets Total
Other Income 290,564 0.02%
Financial Expenses 37,618,189 2.59%
Interest on Lease Liability 6,705,386 0.46%
Profit Before WPPF & Income Tax 390,049,897 26.88%
Less: Workers' Profit Participation Fund Expenses 18,573,805 1.28%
Profit Before Income Tax 371,476,092 25.60%
Income Tax Expenses 50,951,660 3.51%
Current Tax 71,338,161 4.92%
Deferred Tax Income/(Expense) 20,386,501 1.40%
Net Profit After Income Tax 320,524,432 22.09%
Add: Other Comprehensive Income: 1,858,123,003 128.04%
Revaluation surplus during the year 1,929,285,128 132.94%
Add: Deferred Tax expenses on Revaluation 71,162,125 4.90%
Total Comprehensive Income for the year 2,178,647,435 150.12%

Sd- Sd/-
Managing Director Chief Financial Officer
Asiatic Laboratories Limited Asiatic Laboratories Limited

f) Earnings per Share (EPS) on fully diluted basis (with the total existing number of shares) in addition to the
weighted average number of shares basis. Future projected Net Income should not be considered while
calculating the weighted average EPS;
Amount in BDT
Sl. No Particulars
1 Profit Attributable - Net profit after Tax 320,524,432
2 No. of shares before IPO 87,848,000
3 Earnings per Share (EPS) 3.65
g) All extra-ordinary income or non-recurring income coming from other than core operations should be shown
separately while showing the Net Profit as well as the Earnings Per Share;
Amount in BDT
Sl. No Particulars
1 Net profit after Tax 320,524,432
2 Less: Extra-ordinary income or non-recurring income (290,564)
3 Net profit excluding Extra-ordinary income or non-recurring income 320,233,868
Earning per shares excluding extra-ordinary income or non-recurring income coming from other than core operations:
Sl. Amount in BDT
No 30-Jun-2021
1 Net profit after Tax excluding Extra-ordinary Income or non-recurring income 320,233,868
2 No. of shares before IPO 87,848,000
3 Earnings per Share (EPS) excluding Extra-ordinary income or non-recurring income 3.65
h) Quarterly or half-yearly EPS should not be annualized while calculating the EPS;
Asiatic Laboratories Limited has not annualized the quarterly or half-yearly EPS.
i) Net asset value (with and without considering revaluation surplus or reserve) per unit of the securities being
offered at the date of the latest audited statement of financial position.
Net Asset Value with revaluation:
Amounts in
Particulars Note
Share Capital June 30,2021 A 878,480,000
Revaluation Surplus B 1,856,360,141
Retained Earnings June 30,2021 C 2,238,267,007
Total Share Holder's Equity June 30,2021 D=A+B+C 4,973,107,147
No. of Shares Outstanding as on June 30,2021 E=A/10 87,848,000
Net Assets Value Per Share Without Revaluation F=D/E 56.61


Net Asset Value without revaluation:
Particulars Note Amounts in Taka
Share Capital June 30,2021 A 878,480,000
Retained Earnings June 30,2021 B 2,238,267,007
Total Share Holder's Equity June 30,2021 C=A+B 3,116,747,007
No. of Shares Outstanding as on June 30,2021 D=A/10 87,848,000
Net Assets Value Per Share Without Revaluation E=C/D 35.48

j) The Commission may require the issuer to re-audit the audited financial statements, if any deficiency or
anomaly is found in the financial statements. In such a case, cost of audit should be borne by the concerned
It may not be applicable so far.

k) Following statements for the last five years or any shorter period of commercial operation certified by the
auditors: -
Annexure- G (25), (a)

Certification on statement of long term and short-term borrowings including borrowing from related party or
connected persons with rate of interest and interest paid or accrued of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

Based on our scrutiny of the relevant financial statement of Asiatic Laboratories Limited we certify that as per the
disclosure provided in those financial statements, the Company has taken the following long-term and short-term
borrowings including borrowing from related party or connected persons during the last five years.

For the year ended 30 June 2021

Nature of Nature of Balance as on Interest Interest paid
Name of the Bank accrued
relationship borrowings 30 June 2021 rate (%) (BDT)
One Bank Limited Lender Term Loan 269,993,642 13.00% 27,141,187
Hajj Finance 13-
Lender Term Loan 5,972,450 498,123
Company Limited 13.75%
Fareast Finance &
Lender Term Loan 33,067,727 13-14% 8,206,989
Investment Limited
Short Term
One Bank Limited Lender 9,427,614 12.00% 1,372,018
Hajj Finance Lease
Lender 41,492,535 12-12.5% 5,673,770 -
Company Limited Finance
Total 359,953,968 42,892,087 -

For the year ended 30 June 2020

Nature of Nature of Balance as on Interest Interest paid
Name of the Bank accrued
relationship borrowings 30 June 2020 rate (%) (BDT)
Long Term
Bank Asia Limited Lender - 14.50% - -
One Bank Limited Lender Term Loan 250,852,455 13.00% 34,278,789
Hajj Finance 13-
Lender Term Loan 9,679,368 653,716
Company Limited 13.75%
Fareast Finance &
Lender Term Loan 55,996,686 13-14% 7,261,722
Investment Limited
Short Term
One Bank Limited Lender 9,736,763 12.00% 2,832,154
Hajj Finance Lease
Lender 36,691,725 12-12.5% 5,148,992 -
Company Limited Finance
Total 362,956,998 50,175,373 -


For the year ended 30 June 2019
Nature of Nature of Balance as on Interest Interest paid
Name of the Bank accrued
relationship borrowings 30 June 2019 rate (%) (BDT)
Long Term
Bank Asia Limited Lender 853,905 14.50% 157,250 -
One Bank Limited Lender Term Loan 264,323,718 13.00% 40,626,784
Hajj Finance 13-
Lender Term Loan 16,235,731 488,041 -
Company Limited 13.75%
Fareast Finance &
Lender Term Loan 55,322,702 13-14% 9,664,295
Investment Limited
Short Term
One Bank Limited Lender 73,245,462 12.00% 6,973,593 -
Hajj Finance Lease
Lender 43,249,198 12-12.5% 5,691,202
Company Limited Finance
Total 453,230,716 63,601,165 -

For the year ended 30 June 2018

Balance as
Nature of Nature of Interest Interest paid Interest
Name of the Bank on 30 June
relationship borrowings rate (%) (BDT) accrued (BDT)
Long Term
Bank Asia Limited Lender 1,798,105 14.50% 263,463 -
One Bank Limited Lender Term Loan 323,483,030 13.00% 32,821,228
Hajj Finance 13-
Lender Term Loan 35,409,378 12,420
Company Limited 13.75%
Fareast Finance &
Lender Term Loan 70,765,996 13-14% 10,583,846
Investment Limited
Short Term
One Bank Limited Lender 82,436,374 12.00% 7,686,877 -
Hajj Finance Lease 12-
Lender 51,944,479 5,222,995
Company Limited Finance 12.50%
Total 565,837,362 56,590,829 -

For the year ended 30 June 2017

Balance as Interest
Nature of Nature of Interest Interest paid
Name of the Bank on 30 June accrued
relationship borrowings rate (%) (BDT)
2017 (BDT)
Long Term
Bank Asia Limited Lender 2,636,093 14.50% 417,025 -
One Bank Limited Lender Term Loan 231,509,796 13.00% 32,053,532
Hajj Finance 13-
Lender Term Loan 55,058,646 7,920 -
Company Limited 13.75%
Fareast Finance &
Lender Term Loan 66,917,383 13-14% 5,335,690
Investment Limited
Short Term
One Bank Limited Lender 114,487,508 12.00% 11,510,964
Hajj Finance Lease
Lender 26,228,127 12.00% 2,302,764
Company Limited Finance
Total 496,837,553 51,627,895 -

The company does not have any long-term and short-term borrowings from a related party or connected persons for
the period from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


Annexure- G (25), (b)

Certification on the statement of principal terms of secured loans and assets on which charge have been created
against those loans with names of lenders, purpose, sanctioned amount, rate of interest, Primary security,
collateral or other security, re-payment schedule and status of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
After due verification, we certify that principal terms of secured loans and assets on which charge have been created
against those loans with names of lenders, purpose, sanctioned amount, the rate of interest, primary security, collateral
or other security, repayment schedule and status of Asiatic Laboratories Limited period from 01 July 2016 to 30 June
2021 are as follows;
Long Term Loan
Amounts in Taka
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Hajj Finance Company Ltd,
Bank Asia Ltd, Hajj Finance Company Ltd,
Names of lenders Fareast Finance & Investment
Fareast Finance & Investment Ltd, One Bank Ltd,
Ltd, One Bank Ltd,
To purchase Raw/Packing Materials, Civil Construction, Machinery Procurement
Purpose & Setup, Installation and Product & Fire System Development and Machinery
Procurement & Setup
Registered Mortgage of 6,734 sft Flat, 8,853 sft. Office space at "Treasure Island 5th
Collateral Asset Floor, 33 Decimal land with 4 Storied building and 92.55 Decimal land with
Factory Building and 132 Decimal land.
Sanctioned Limit 49.00 Crore 77.38 Crore 77.38 Crore 77.38 Crore 77.38 Crore
Rate of Interest 13-14.5% 13-14.5% 13-14.5% 13-14.5% 13-14.5%
Primary Security/ Collateral/
Personal guarantee of Chairman and Managing Director
Other Security
Re-payment schedule Monthly
Status (Outstanding Balance) 309,033,819 316,528,509 336,736,056 431,456,509 356,121,918
Lease Finance:
Amounts in Taka
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Names of lenders Hajj Finance Company Limited
Purpose For purchase of capital machinery.
Collateral Asset Registered Mortgage 8,853 sft. Office space at ‘Treasure Island’ 5th Floor,
Sanctioned Limit 62.00 Million 62.00 Million 62.00 Million 62.00 Million 30.00 Million
Rate of Interest 9.00%-12.00% 12.00-13.50% 12.00-13.50% 11.50-13.25% 11.50-13.25%
Primary Security/
Hypothecation on the leased Assets in favor of HFCL
Collateral/ Other Security
Re-payment schedule Monthly
Status (Outstanding
41,492,536 36,691,726 43,249,198 51,944,479 26,228,127
Short Term Loan:
Amounts in Taka
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Names of lenders One Bank Ltd
Purpose To purchase raw materials & related parts etc.
Collateral Asset 344 Decimal land along with all Structures
Sanctioned Limit 180.00 Million
Rate of Interest 12.00%
Primary Security/ Collateral/ Other Security Hypothecation of Stock
Re-payment schedule Monthly
Status (Outstanding Balance) 9,427,614 9,736,763 73,245,462 82,436,374 114,487,508
We also noted that the Company has no term loan from the period 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Annexure- G (25), (c)

Certification on statement of unsecured loans

with terms and conditions of Asiatic Laboratories Limited.

Based on our scrutiny of the relevant Financial Statements, we certify that the Company has not taken any unsecured
loan from any person/ body from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (d)

Certification on statement of inventories showing amount of raw material, packing material, stock-in-process
and finished goods, consumable items, store and spares parts, inventory of trading goods etc. of Asiatic
Laboratories Limited.

After due verification, we certify that the statement of inventories showing amount of raw material, packing
material, stock-in-process and finished goods, consumable items, store and spares parts, Inventory of trading goods
etc. of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021 were as follows:

Amount in taka
30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Work in Process 16,409,786 88,360,541 11,678,367 10,236,473 10,857,075
Raw Material 94,582,934 11,206,524 58,332,578 60,341,527 59,445,210
Finished Goods 143,051,591 121,891,358 112,797,538 113,992,872 116,728,797
Spare Parts & Store Items 39,290,067 40,662,389 36,275,648 26,845,720 25,446,373
Packing Materials 26,605,068 25,236,487 22,465,870 20,562,587 18,065,781
Total 319,939,446 287,357,299 241,550,001 231,979,179 230,543,236

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure-G (25), (e)

Certification on statement of trade receivables showing receivable from related party and connected persons of
Asiatic Laboratories Limited

After due verification, we certify that statement of trade receivables showing receivable from related party and
connected persons of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021 were as follows:

Amount in BDT
30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
General 192,202,530 176,294,732 154,668,324 149,275,519 132,937,394
From Related Party
From Connected person
Total 192,202,530 176,294,732 154,668,324 149,275,519 132,937,394

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


Annexure- G (25), (f)

Certification on statement of any loan given by Asiatic Laboratories Limited including Loans to Related Party or
Connected Persons with rate of interest and interest realized or accrued.

This is to certify that Asiatic Laboratories Limited did not give any loan to any Related Party or connected person
from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (g)

Certification on statement of other income showing interest income, dividend income,

discount received, other non-operating income of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

After due verification, we certify that the other income showing interest income, dividend income, discount received
and other non-operating income of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from July 01, 2016 to June 30, 2021 were as

Amount in BDT
30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Interest Income
Dividend Income
Discount Received (Wastage Sales) 16,824 15,326 14,976 14,275 13,895
Other non-operating income (Misc.
273,740 158,162 214,630 212,267 200,952
Income)-F. Ex. Gain
Total 290,564 173,488 229,606 226,542 214,847

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (h)

Certification on statement of turnover showing separately in cash and through

banking channel of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

After due verification we certify that the turnover showing separately in cash and through banking channel of Asiatic
Laboratories Limited 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021 were as follows:

Amount in BDT
30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
In Cash - - - - -
Through Banking Channel 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375
Total 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,375

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants


Annexure- G (25), (i)

Certification on statement of related party transaction of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

After due verifications, we certify that the status of related party transactions of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from 01
July 2016 to 30 June 2021 were as follows:

A. Directors Remunerations
Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Tahmina Begum Chairman - - - - -
Monir Ahmed 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Salina Ahmed Director - - - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director - - - - -
Maksud Ahmed Director - - - - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent - - - - -
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Director - - - - -
Total 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

B. Board Meeting Fees

Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Tahmina Begum Chairman 40,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Monir Ahmed 40,000 35,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Salina Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Sadia Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Maksud Ahmed Director 30,000 10,000 - - -
Shafiqul Kabir Khan Independent 5,000 - - - -
Md. Ashraf Ali Miah Director 5,000 - - - -
Total 180,000 100,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

C. Other Transaction (Depot. Rent)

Amount in (BDT)
Name Position
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Monir Ahmed 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000
Total 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000 2,316,000

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (j)

Certification regarding reconciliation of business income shown in tax return with

net income shown in audited financial statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

After due verification, we certify that status of reconciliation of business income shown in tax return with net
income shown in audited financial statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021
as shown below:


Income Year (Amount in Taka)
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Business income shown as per
371,476,092 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Financial Statement
Less: Other Income 290,564 173,488 229,606 226,542 214,847
Business income shown as per
371,185,528 345,420,958 340,517,546 306,613,423 286,020,928
Tax Return
Tax Status Assessment is completed
under process

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (k)

Certification regarding confirmation that all receipts and payments of Asiatic Laboratories Limited above Tk.
5,00,000/- (five lac) were made through banking channel.

This is to Certify that all Receipts and Payments of above Tk. 500,000/= (Five Lac) were made through banking
channel for the period from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2021.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (L)

Certification regarding confirmation that Bank Statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited

are in conformity with its books of accounts.

This is to certify that the bank statements of Asiatic Laboratories Limited from July 01, 2016 to June 30, 2021 are in
conformity with its books of accounts.

Place: Dhaka Sd/-

Date: 07 October, 2021 Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants

Annexure- G (25), (m)

Certification on statement of payment status of TAX, VAT and other

taxes or duties of Asiatic Laboratories Limited
After due verification, we certify that the status of TAX, VAT and other taxes/duties payment of Asiatic
Laboratories Limited for the last five years as follows:

Amount in BDT
30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Tax (TDS) 44,102,253 54,848,999 51,330,374 39,243,479 46,496,805
VAT 145,123,402 149,295,630 126,134,942 115,670,772 108,630,754
Others Taxes/ Duties - - - - -
Total 189,225,655 204,144,629 177,465,316 154,914,251 155,127,559

Place: Dhaka
Date: 07 October, 2021 Sd/-
Ashraf Uddin & Co.
Chartered Accountants





1. An applicant for public issue of securities shall submit application-buy instruction to the Stockbroker- Merchant
Banker where the applicant maintains customer account, within the cut-off date (i.e. the subscription closing date),
which shall be the 25th (twenty-fifth) working day from the date of publication of abridged version of prospectus.
2. The application-buy instruction may be submitted in prescribed paper or electronic form, which shall contain the
Customer ID, Name, BO Account Number, Number of Securities applied for, Total Amount and Category of the
Applicant. At the same time:
a) Other than non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and Foreign, applicants shall make the application money and
service charge available in respective customer account maintained with the Stockbroker-Merchant Banker. No
margin facility, advance or deferred payment is permissible for this purpose. In case the application is made
through a margin account, the application money shall be deposited separately and the Stockbroker-Merchant
Banker shall keep the amount segregated from the margin account, which shall be refundable to the applicant,
if become unsuccessful.
b) Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and foreign applicants shall submit bank drafts (FDD), in favor of the Issuer
for an amount equivalent to the application money, with their application to the concerned Stockbroker-
Merchant Banker. A Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and the foreign applicant may also submit a single draft
against 02(two) applications made by him-her, i.e., one in his-her own name and the other jointly with another
person. The Bank where the applicant maintains NITA-Foreign Currency account debiting the same account
shall issue the draft (FDD). No banker shall issue more than two drafts from any NITA-Foreign Currency
account for any public issue. At the same time, the applicant shall make the service charge available in respective
customer account maintained with the Stockbroker-Merchant Banker.
c) Eligible investors shall submit application through the electronic subscription system of the exchange(s) and
deposit the full amount intended to subscribe by the method as determined by the exchange(s).


3. The Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall maintain a separate bank account only for this purpose Namely “Public
Issue Application Account”. The Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall:
a) Post the amount separately in the customer account (other than NRB and Foreign applicants), and upon
availability of fund, block the amount equivalent to the application money;
b) Accumulate all the application-buy instructions received up to the cut-off date, deposit the amount in the “Public
Issue Application Account” maintained with its bank within the first banking hour of next working day of the
cut-off date. In case of application submitted by the Stock-dealer or the Merchant Banker’s own portfolio, the
application amount should also be transferred to the “Public Issue Application Account”;
c) Instruct the banker to block the account for an amount equivalent to the aggregate application money and to issue
a certificate in this regard.
4. Banker of the Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall block the account as requested for, issue a certificate confirming
the same and handover it to the respective Stockbroker-Merchant Banker.
5. For Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and foreign applicants, the Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall prepare a list
containing the draft information against the respective applicant’s particulars.
6. The Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall prepare category wise lists of the applicants containing Customer ID,
Name, BO Account Number and Number of Securities applied for, and within 03 (three) working days from the
cut-off date, send to the respective Exchange, the lists of applicants in electronic (text format with tilde ‘~’ separator)
format, the certificate(s) issued by its banker, the drafts received from Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and Foreign
applicants and a copy of the list containing the draft information.
7. On the next working day, the Exchanges shall provide the Issuer with the information received from the
Stockbroker-Merchant Bankers, the drafts submitted by Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and foreign applicants
and the list containing the draft information. Exchanges shall verify and preserve the bankers’ certificates in their
8. The application-buy instructions shall be preserved by the Stockbroker-Merchant Bankers up to 6 months from
listing of the securities with theexchange.



9. The Issuer shall prepare a consolidated list of the applications and send the applicants’ BOIDs in the electronic
(text) format in a CDROM to CDBL for verification. The Issuer shall post the consolidated list of applicants on its
website and websites of the Exchanges. CDBL shall verify the BOIDs as to whether the BO accounts of the
applicants are active or not.
10. On the next working day, CDBL shall provide the Issuer with an updated database of the applicants containing
BO Account Number, Name, Addresses, Parents’ Name, Joint Account and Bank Account information along with
the verification report.

11. After receiving verification report and information from CDBL, the Issuer shall scrutinize the applications, prepare
category wise consolidated lists of valid and invalid applications and submit a report of the final status of
subscription to the Commission and the Exchanges within 10(ten) working days from the date of receiving
information from the Exchanges.
12. The Issuer and the issue manager shall conduct category wise lottery with the valid applications within 03 (three)
working days from the date of reporting to the Commission and the Exchanges, if do not receive any observation
from the Commission or the Exchanges.
13. The Issuer and issue manager shall arrange to post the lottery result on their websites within 06 (six) hours and on
the websites of the Commission and Exchanges within 12 (twelve) hours of the lottery.
14. Within 02 (two) working days of conducting lottery, the Issuer shall:
a) Send category wise lists of the successful and unsuccessful applicants in electronic (text format with tilde ‘~’
separator) format to the respective Exchange.
b) send category wise lists of unsuccessful applicants who are subject to penal provisions as per conditions of the
Consent Letter issued by the Commission in electronic (text format with tilde ‘~’ separator) format to the
Commission and Exchanges mentioning the penalty amount against each applicant.
c) Issue allotment letters in the names of successful applicants in electronic format with digital signatures and
send those to respective Exchange in electronic form.
d) Send consolidated allotment data (BOID and number of securities) in electronic text format in a CDROM to
CDBL to credit the allotted shares to the respective BO accounts.


15. On the next working day, Exchanges shall distribute the information and allotment letters to the Stockbroker-
Merchant Bankers concerned in electronic format and instruct them to:
a) Remit the amount of successful (other than NRB and Foreign) applicants to the Issuer’s respective Escrow
Account opened for subscription purpose, and unblock a number of unsuccessful applicants;
b) send the penalty amount of other than NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions to
the Issuer’s respective Escrow Accounts along with a list and unblock the balance application money;
16. On the next working day of receiving the documents from the Exchanges, the Stockbrokers-Merchant Banker shall
request its banker to:
a) Release the amount blocked for unsuccessful (other than NRB and foreign) applicants;
b) Remit the aggregate amount of successful applicants and the penalty amount of unsuccessful applicants (other
than NRB and foreign) who are subject to penal provisions to the respective ‘Escrow’ accounts of the Issuer
opened for subscription purpose.
17. On the next working day of receiving a request from the Stockbrokers-Merchant Bankers, their bankers shall
unblock the amount blocked in the account(s) and remit the amount as requested for to the Issuer’s ‘Escrow’
18. Simultaneously, the Stockbrokers-Merchant Bankers shall release the application money blocked in the customer
accounts; inform the successful applicants about allotment of securities and the unsuccessful applicants about
releasing their blocked amount sand send documents to the Exchange evidencing details of the remittances made
to the respective ‘Escrow’ accounts of the Issuer. The unblocked amounts of unsuccessful applicants shall be placed
as per their instructions. The Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall be entitled to recover the withdrawal charges, if
any, from the applicant who wants to withdraw the application money, up to an amount of Tk.5.00 (five) per
19. All drafts submitted by NRB or Foreign applicants shall be deposited in the Issuer’s respective ‘Escrow’ accounts
and refund shall be made by the Issuer by refund warrants through concerned stockbroker or merchant banker or
transfer to the applicant’s bank account through banking channel within 10 (ten) working days from the date of



20. The Issuer, Issue Manager(s), Stockbrokers and Merchant Bankers shall ensure compliance of the above.
21. The bank drafts (FDD) shall be issued considering TT Clean exchange rate of Sonali Bank Limited on the date of
publication of an abridged version of Prospectus.
22. The amount deposited and blocked in the “Public Issue Application Account” shall not be withdrawn or transferred
during the blocking period. The Stockbrokers-Merchant Bankers shall not use the amount deposited by the
applicants for any purpose other than public issue application.
23. The Issuer shall pay the costs related to data transmission, if claimed by the Exchange concerned up to an amount
of Tk. 2,00,000.00 (taka two lac) for a public issue.
24. The Stockbroker-Merchant Bankers shall be entitled to a service charge of Tk. 5.00 (taka five) only per application
irrespective of the amount or category. The applicant shall pay the service charge at the time of submitting an
25. The Stockbroker-Merchant Banker shall provide the Issuer with a statement of the remittance and drafts sent.
26. The Issuer shall accumulate the penalty amount recovered and send it to the Commission through a bank draft-
payment order issued in favor of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.
27. The concerned Exchange are authorized to settle any complaints and take necessary actions against any
Stockbroker-Merchant Banker in the case of violation of any provision of the public issue application process with
intimation to the Commission.

“All eligible Stock Broker and Merchant Banker shall receive the IPO Subscription”
The IPO subscription money collected from the successful application (other than NRB application) by the
Stockbroker/ Mercent Bankers will be remitted to the Company’s Account No. 150202435158001 with BRAC Bank

The IPO subscription money collected from successful applicants shall be deposited to the following accounts opened
by the Company for IPO purpose is as follows:

Name of the A/C Account Number Type of A/C Currency Bank & Branch
1 Asiatic Laboratories Limited 150202435158001 BDT Gulshan





Name of Applicant :

Client Code :

BO ID No. :

Category of Applicant :

Name of the Company/Fund :

Number of Shares/Unit :

Total Amounts in Taka :

Amounts in word :

Mode of Payment :

Cheque/Draft Information :

Signature of Signature of
Applicants Authorized Officer


Management Declaration:


This is to certify that, as per Section 220 (1) of the Companies Act, 1994, Cost Audit by order “Cost and Management
Accountant” ―within the meaning of the Cost and Management Accountants Ordinance, 1977 (LIII of 1977) is not
applicable for ― “Asiatic Laboratories Limited”.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Monir Ahmed Jayanta Kumar Biswas Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Chief Executive Officer
Asiatic Laboratories Limited Asiatic Laboratories Limited Shahjalal Equity Management Ltd.



We the management of ―Asiatic Laboratories Limited, declare that our company is holding of Annual General
Meeting (AGM) regulatory as per Section.81 of the Companies Act, 1994.

Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed
Director Director

Maksud Ahmed Sd/-
Director Shafiqul Kabir Khan,
Independent Director

Ashraf Ali Miah
Independent Director



We the management of ― Asiatic Laboratories Limited, declared that our company has not made any material change
including raising of Paid-up Capital after the date of Audited Financial Statements as included in the Prospectus.

Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed
Director Director

Maksud Ahmed Sd/-
Director Shafiqul Kabir Khan,
Independent Director

Ashraf Ali Miah
Independent Director


We hereby agree that we have been serving as Directors of Asiatic Laboratories Limited and will continue to act as
Directors of the Company.

Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed
Director Director

Maksud Ahmed Sd/-
Director Shafiqul Kabir Khan,
Independent Director

Ashraf Ali Miah
Independent Director



Acquisition and Installation of New Capital Machineries, Construction of Factory Building Expansion unit and
Partially Repayment of Bank Loan, mainly relate the expansion with IPO fund to expansion of Business in near future.
This will improve production and utilization capacity, which will improve the products line of the company. The
management believes, that is enough to run the business smoothly and successfully at present.

Moreover, the proposed acquisition and installation of machineries will expand product line, promote sales of existing
products along with the improved capacity and will facilitate the company to attract more and more customers with
diversified products. This will also reduce the risk of the business and enhance the image of the company. This will
boost up efficiency of Product effectively.

Monir Ahmed
Managing Director



This is to certify that in our opinion, there have no such circumstances arisen since the date of the last financial
statements as disclosed in prospectus which materially and adversely affect or is likely to affect the trading or
profitability of the Asiatic Laboratories Limited or the value of its assets, or its ability to pay its liabilities within the
next twelve months.

Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed
Director Director

Maksud Ahmed Sd/-
Director Shafiqul Kabir Khan,
Independent Director

Md. Ashraf Ali Miah
Independent Director



We the management of Asiatic Laboratories Limited hereby declared that no loan taken or given from or to any person
connected with the Directors of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for the period from 01 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

For and on behalf of

Asiatic Laboratories Limited

Managing Director
Dated: 01 February 2022
Place: Dhaka



We, the Issue Manager of Asiatic Laboratories Limited, hereby declared that we do not have any connection
with the issuer or none of us hold any securities of the Issuer.

Tarafder Jahangir Alam, FCA, ACS
Chief Executive Officer
Shahjalal Equity Management Limited
Dated: 16 February 2022
Place: Dhaka


We hereby declare that, none of our directors nor our company (Asiatic Laboratories Limited) and shareholder(s)
having 10% or more share hold of the company are not loan defaulter in terms of the CIB report in Bangladesh Bank.

Sd/- Sd/-
Tahmina Begum Monir Ahmed
Chairman Managing Director

Sd/- Sd/-
Salina Ahmed Sadia Ahmed
Director Director

Maksud Ahmed Sd/-
Director Shafiqul Kabir Khan,
Independent Director

Md. Ashraf Ali Miah
Independent Director

Place: Dhaka
Date: January 31, 2022


We, the Issuer (Asiatic Laboratories Limited), declared that we do not have any connection with the Issue
Manager (Shahjalal Equity Management Limited) nor any connected persons of us are connected with the Issue
Manager. Moreover, we do not have any connection with the connected persons of the Issue Manager nor hold
any securities thereof.

Monir Ahmed
Managing Director
Dated: 31 January, 2022



We hereby declared that we did not reschedule any loan taken by the Company from deferent financial institution
till to date except time-to-time amendment of the terms & conditions as per guidelines or circulars issued by the
Bangladesh Bank time to time.

Monir Ahmed
Managing Director
Dated: 31 January, 2022



We, the Issuer (Asiatic Laboratories Limited), declared that the Directors of the Company not being involved
with securities market in any manner.

Monir Ahmed
Managing Director
Dated: 31 January, 2022



Issue No: 1
Major Financial information of Asiatic Laboratories Limited is as follows:
For the year ended
Particulars June, 2019
June, 2021 June, 2020 June, 2018 June, 2017
Revenues 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 1,398,166,020 1,281,230,798 1,196,908,975
Gross Profit 623,381,699 570,132,674 602,478,872 546,294,328 506,254,745
Net Profit Before Tax 371,476,092 345,594,447 340,747,152 306,839,965 286,235,775
Net Profit after Tax 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Total Assets* 5,863,769,663 3,607,987,720 3,409,161,690 3,219,739,021 2,835,675,532
Paid-up Capital 878,480,000 813,480,000 9,383,500 9,383,500 9,383,500
Retained Earnings* 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586
No. of Shares 87,848,000 87,848,000 938,350 938,350 938,350
Face Value 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
NAV per share with
56.61 - - - -
NAV per share without
35.48 34.35 1,862.90 1,602.88 1,366.21
Earnings per Share Basic 3.65 2.76 3.00 2.79 2.79
NOCFPS 5.56 4.65 3.72 3.34 2.51

It appears from the statement of financial position for the period ended on 30 June, 2021 that retained earnings of the
company amounts to Tk. 223,82,67,007/- which was created from net profit after tax. The issuer is required to submit
retained earning schedule along with a tax payment document against stated retained earnings.

Our Response
We are showing below the retained earning schedule of the Company as per your requirement;
Particulars 30 June 2021 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2018 30 June 2017
Retained Earnings
1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586 1,066,439,461
(Opening Balance)
Add: Profit for the year 320,524,433 242,451,593 243,989,173 222,079,551 206,158,125
Issue of Bonus Share (65,000,000) - - - -
Prior year adjustment of
- 9,232,000 - - -
rent Expenses
Prior year adjustment of
- (1,311,257) - - -
Interest on ROU Assets
Prior year adjustment of
Depreciation on ROU - (8,370,027) - - -
Adjustment of depreciation
2,073,956 - - - -
for Revaluation Surplus
Balance as on 2,238,267,007 1,980,668,619 1,738,666,310 1,494,677,137 1,272,597,586

We are also submitting herewith the income tax return for the Income Years from 2017-2021 and other tax payment
documents in support of the above in Annexure-1 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 2
It has been observed that the company incorporated in 1970, started its production in 1998 and purchased factory land
in 2016 which is inconsistent. In this regard, an explanation is required;

Our Response
The company incorporated on 25th July 1970 vide its registration no. C-3472 under the Companies Act, 1913. The
process of commercial operation was operated by other management up to 05th October, 1996. The latest management
of the company owned by Mr. Monir Ahmed and his family members has started its commercial operation on 2
January 1998. At the beginning of the commercial operation, the company has made its infrastructure on rented


premises at 253 Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh. To make successful as a pharmaceutical company,
firstly we have to emphasize the issues such as procuring high R&D costs, getting regulatory approvals, and intellectual
property rights for our various products. We have also emphasized minimizing supply chain disruption, employing a
qualified workforce, collecting and analysis of huge amounts of data which refers to all the information entered by
technicians or generated by machines; emphasized agility and transparency (agility refers to skill and vivacity) and
workforce optimization. For the above reasons, we have to invest a huge amount of money in our company during
these periods. Eventually, we have emphasized both branding and generic our product segments. We have also to
emphasize 6 major risks that could be faced by us at any time in the future as a pharmaceutical manufacturer:

• Reduced demand for prescription medicine.

• Growing competition from generic pharmaceuticals.
• Pharmaceutical fraud.
• Rising consumer expectations and difficulties managing brand health.
• Data breaches and other cybersecurity threats.
• Pharma companies also face risks that cut across sectors, such as cyber threats, data breaches, supply-chain risks,
quality risks, geopolitical exposures, and risks from third and fourth parties.
• Supply chain disruptions.

When our management has ascertained that it could let it go for manufacturing and marketing the pharmaceutical
products then it has emphasized other ancillary investments to get more securing its sustainability in the market.
Fortunately, the landlord has offered to sell the said rented premises including land to us in the year 2016. As a part of
the static business strategy, the company has purchased the same land in 2016.

Issue No: 3
Deferred tax liability is too high amounting to Tk. 401,041,397 as on June 30, 2021. Detailed calculations along with
supporting documents are required to submit;

Our Response
We are submitting herewith the detailed calculation of deferred tax liability as of 30 June 2021 along with supporting
documents in Annexure-2 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 4
It appears from the statement of financial position for the period ended on 30 June, 2021 that long-term borrowing of
the company amounts to Tk. 22,58,88,802/-, it is observed from the Schedule of property, plant and equipment for the
period ended on 30 June, 2021 that land and land development amount Tk. 1,32,30,20,473/- which is unused. The
issuer is required to submit an explanation on incurring huge costs on land and land development while maintaining
high long-term borrowing;

Our Response
The purpose of procuring loans and purchase of land is different. The company has borrowed term loans from time to
time as it is needed for procurement of capital machinery, construction of factory buildings and others, procurement
of vehicles, development of total power systems including generators and substations, installation of capital machinery,
and ensuring fire safety systems, etc. The price of land is increasing day by day very sharply. For this reason, we buy
it now for getting cost-benefit, as a long-term strategic investment. Because we have the plan to expand our company.
Several other reasons lead the Company management to buy land and thereby develop the said land for its use.
Currently, the company used its land for the following purposes:

A) Tongi, Gazipur 93.40 decimals land: Used for operating its current production from its factory; The expansion
unit will also be expected to be installed in the same area which will be financed from the IPO proceeds.

B) Tejgaon 33 decimals land: Our central depot and Dhaka depot are operating from the land we have in Tejgaon;
The future administrative building and central depot with other facilities will be controlled from here. and

C) Kaliakor, Gazipur 542 decimals land: Kept for future expansion and encumbered as mortgage against the current
loan. Considering our upcoming local market demand and capturing more business in the international market,
we have a plan to shift our general manufacturing facility from Tongi to Kaliakor. We have already prepared the
land area and completed some underground work. We are planning to have a manufacturing facility for general
products like tablets, capsules, liquids, Ophthalmic, Cream and injections. Other than general building, we have


planned to have a hormone and anticancer facility. So, our land in Kaliakor was a long-term plan which we are
going to implement in near future.

To express precisely the justification for purchasing the land in different locations we have given below the
location-wise break-up with the costs of land and land development as follows through a Table:
Dag no Location of the Land
Deed Date of no Area in
Sl Deed value
no registration S. Sub Registry Decimal
S.A R.S R.S Mouza District
A office & PS
6491 25-07- 10 19 250 50,000,000
1308 1107, 193,
6488 05-12-14 1 132 29,040,000
1 , 1110, 253 Thakurpara Kaliyakoir Gazipur
1889 02-03-14 19 94 20,680,000
1309 1108 365
6500 26-05-14 3 66 14,520,000
11805 28-06-16 Plot no-253 (old) 92.80 417,900,000
2 Masimpur Tongi Gazipur
19080 18-04-16 5(New) Block-D 0.6 2,700,000
Tajgoan Industrial
3 3352 30-06-13 Tajgoan Tajgoan Dhaka 33 325,000,000
Area, Plot No-159/A
Land at Cost 668.40 859,840,000
Registration & Others 94,577,449
Development Cost 368,603,024
Total 1,323,020,47

The detailed justification for purchasing and developing the land from serial number 1 to 3 are as follows:
1. Tongi, Gazipur 93.40 decimals land:
The Company management has decided to acquire land in the most secure and legally available option, typically
either purchasing freehold from a private seller, specifically for the reason that rented premises on lease/rented
basis could lead to cancellation of the said agreement any time during the lease period or afterward discontinuation
of the same and thereby would lead to dislocate the whole industry elsewhere. It could lead to creating
discontinuation of the existing production process also or production failure for a long time. Those costs even may
be higher over the opportunity losses for acquiring the land. That is why Company felt it fit to have complete
control over the project to smoothly run its operation. To reduce the opportunity losses the controlling assets could
keep as collateral for having a loan from financial institutions and side by side use those land in a very profitable
manner. As a result, the company purchased 93.40 of land for factory premises located in 253, Tongi Industrial
Area, Tongi, Gazipur where the Company's core production unit is situated.

The land is partly occupied for its current production process. The current utilization capacity of the existing unit
is around 50.21% to 77.10% depending on different dozes forms. The expansion unit will also be installed on the
same land. As a result, the projected revenue will be increased from Tk.145.13 crore in 2021 to Tk. 287.62 by the
year 2025 when the utilization capacity of the plant will be around 86.75%. The profitability of the company will
also rise from Tk. 32.05 crore in the year 2021 to Tk. 73.92 crore approximately by the year 2025. It is expected
that through the utilization of the IPO proceeds 36,000sft 4 storied new factory building will be constructed in the
existing factory area for installing new capital machinery. Thereby the new expansion capacity will lead the
Company to earnings with greater profitability.

2. Tejgaon 33 decimals land:

The central administrative activities are running from its corporate office at Shantinagar, Dhaka. In our head office,
we have all the departments required to support our national market. We have departments like Human Resource
and Administration, Strategic Brand Management, Market Service, Sales, Legal, Commercial, IT, Supply Chain,
Accounts and Finance, Distribution, and Training. As the company is getting bigger, requirements for human
resources are also increasing in every department. Our central depot and Dhaka depot are operating from the land
we have in Tejgaon. With the launch of new products and implementation of new strategies to business, the
requirement for other departments is also increasing.

As per your query, we have a land of 33 decimals in Tejgaon which is used as our central depot only and not
generating any revenue. As you know other than our head office, we have 16 depot offices. Our central depot and
Dhaka depot are operating from the land we have in Tejgaon. As we know, a depot office is a proper office with a
small store where we need to maintain cGMP and GDP guidelines. And central Depot comprises an office with
employees from where all the distribution activities are managed using GDP guidelines. A Central Depot needs to
have a huge store with different environmental conditions for different types of finished products.
So, the land we have in Tejgaon is not unutilized because the approximate rent for a depot office in Dhaka is min.
2.5 lac Tk. per month and approx. rent for a central depot with proper environmental conditions is a minimum of
10.0 lac Tk. Per month. Thus, this is huge expense is being exempted because of this land. But we know this is not
enough. We can utilize this land area more efficiently. That is why this land in Tejgaon needs construction and

We have a plan to shift our Head Office from Shantinagar to Tejgaon. As our departments are increasing, our
existing office will not be enough to accommodate all the departments under one premise and maintain a good
office environment. So, we are planning for a multistoried building in Tejgaon where we will have Dhaka Depot
in Level 1 and central Depot in Level 2 and 3 where we will have adequate space for storing our finished products
and other promotional materials, strictly maintaining cGMP and GDP guidelines. This will not only maintain a
proper office environment but inter-department communication will be much easier. As our appearance in the
international market is increasing day by day, we will have a full department for the international market.
Moreover, if we compare with other Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh, they all have their own corporate
office in a multistoried building covering all departments in one premise. At the same time, once we shift our office
from Shantinagar to Tejgaon, this existing head office will be given for rent which will generate a good amount of
monthly revenue.

3. Kaliakor, Gazipur 542 decimals land

The market size of the pharma industry is increasing day by day. In 2020, the market size of the Pharma industry
was 3 billion USD. It is expected that this market size will be increased to 6 billion USD by the year 2025 with a
growth of 114%. As the population in Bangladesh is very high and increasing day by day, the pharma market size
is also increasing as a result a huge opportunity is there for Asiatic to contribute to market share. With the increased
market demand, it is expected that our existing manufacturing facility will not be enough in the recent future. That
is why we are thinking of a bigger and updated facility to keep pace in increased demand.

Currently, we are continuously exporting our products to Myanmar & Singapore including Covid exempted
products and procedures underway for Bhutan, Nepal, Srilanka, Vietnam, Cambodia and Yemen etc. Though we
are currently exporting and preparing to export in semi-regulated countries our manufacturing facility is needed to
be developed to export to highly regulated countries. As you know in the pharmaceutical industry, development
and up-gradation is continuous process. Considering our upcoming local market demand and capturing more
business in the international market, we have a plan to shift our general manufacturing facility from Tongi to
Kaliakor. We have already prepared the land area and completed some underground work. We are planning to
have a manufacturing facility for general products like tablets, capsules, liquids, Ophthalmic, Cream and injections.
Other than general building, we have planned to have a hormone and anticancer facility. Our Cephalosporin and
Penicillin Plant will stay in the existing facility. So, our land in Kaliakor was a long-term plan which we are going
to implement in near future.

Issue No: 5
The total value of building without revaluation BDT. 1,12,01,97,664. Total building and construction area with
roaming and boundary wall 224,261 sqr-feet. Per sqr/ft construction cost almost BDT 5,000 which is significantly
higher than the average cost of construction. Per sqr/ft construction cost almost BDT 5,300 considering the revaluation
cost of the building. In this regard, an approved layout of 224,261 sqr-feet building and boundary wall are required to

Our Response
According to books of record, the total value of building and civil construction at cost 112,01,97,664 up to or as on 30
June 2021. We are showing below the building and other construction separately for better understanding;
Particulars Total Area (Sft.) Location
Factory Building-1 91,340 Factory Area, Tongi
Factory Building-2 63,482 Factory Area, Tongi
Dormitory (ground & 1st Floor) 5016 Factory Area, Tongi
Sugar Store 1240 Factory Area, Tongi
Generator and Substation 1470 Factory Area, Tongi
Security & Reception 1033 Factory Area, Tongi
ETP Area 1475 Factory Area, Tongi
WTP 570 Factory Area, Tongi
Canteen 1079 Factory Area, Tongi
Other Construction 12,703 Factory Area, Tongi and Tejgon


Particulars Total Area (Sft.) Location
Central Depot. 36,000 159/A, Tejgon, Dhaka
Admin Office 8,853 42-43, Shantinagar, Dhaka
Total 2,24,261
We are submitting herewith the approved layout plan of the factory building in Annexure- 3 for your kind

Issue No: 6
The company has operated its business from Tongi, Gazipur. But the company has purchased 33 decimals of land on
30.06.2013 amounting Tk. 32.50 crore and used this land as a depot. It appears that the company has used a large
amount of land as the depot, which is questionable. Moreover, the company made a valuation on this land on 2021
amounting Tk. 108.90 crore and this land do not generate any revenue. The issuer is required to submit an explanation;

Our Response
The production unit of the company is situated in Tongi, Gazipur. Besides, the central distribution area of the company
is situated at Tejgoan Industrial Area, Dhaka on the company's land. Since the Company has marketed its product 64
districts in Bangladesh, the company needed a distribution zone for smooth distribution in the marketing area.
Therefore, the company placed 16 depots in different districts in Bangladesh. And the company distribute its product
to 16 depots from the central depot. Noted that all depots are rented other than the central depot. whereas the company
saves a huge amount as operating expenses. We also noted that the land of Tejgoan area is not available besides the
huge demand for land in these areas. For which, the company purchased the land for a consideration of long-term
assets and permanently the company build a depot here. Whereas, we have a plan to shift our corporate office on
Tejgoan Office in near future and central depot also.

Issue No: 7
The company has purchased 250 decimals land on 25.07.2010, 66 decimals land on 26.05.2014, 94 decimals on
03.02.2014 and 132 decimals land on 12.05.2014 at Kaliakor, Gazipur amounting Tk. 11.41 crore and valuation of the
said land amount Tk. 35.26 crore on 2021. But the said land is unused for long time. In this regard, the issuer is required
to submit an explanation;

Our Response
The Company purchased the land for a consideration of long-term assets for expansion of the production area in the
future. But we have a plan to utilize this land area. As you can see, this land area is purchased in scattered pieces at
different times, which means we had to wait for a few years to arrange this land of good shape and size so that we can
start construction work to build a new expansion project there.

As you know the market size of the pharma industry is increasing day by day. As the population in Bangladesh is very
high and increasing day by day, the pharma market size is also increasing as a result a huge opportunity is there for
Asiatic to contribute in market share. With the increased market demand, it is expected that our existing manufacturing
facility will not be enough in the recent future. That is why we are thinking of a bigger and updated facility to keep
pace in increased demand. As you know in the pharmaceutical industry, development and up-gradation is continuous
process. Considering our upcoming local market demand and capturing more business in the international market, we
have a plan to shift our general manufacturing facility from Tongi to Kaliakor. We are planning to have a
manufacturing facility for general products like tablets, capsules, liquids, Ophthalmic, Cream and injections. Other
than general building, we have planned to have a hormone and anticancer facility. Our Cephalosporin and Penicillin
Plant will stay in the existing facility. So, our land in Kaliakra was a long-term plan which we are going to implement
in near future.

Issue No: 8
The company has purchased 92.80 decimals land on 28.06.2016 amounting Tk. 41.79 crore and valuation of the said
land amount Tk. 163.33 crore on 2021. The company purchased this land on 2016 but operated its business since 1970
in these premises. In this regard, the issuer is required to submit an explanation;

Our Response
The company was incorporated on 25th July 1970 vide registration no. C-3472 under the Companies act, 1913. The
company started its commercial operation on 2 January 1998. From starting its commercial operation, the company
had constructed its infrastructure on the rental land basis on monthly rent situated at 253 Tongi Industrial area, Tongi,
Gazipur, Bangladesh and subsequently purchased the same land in 2016 for operated its operation smoothly.


The Company management has decided to acquire land in the most secure and legally available option, typically either
purchasing freehold from a private seller, specifically for the reason that rented premises on lease/ rented basis could
lead to cancellation of the said agreement any time during the lease period or afterward discontinuation of the same
and thereby would lead to dislocate the whole industry elsewhere. It could lead to creating discontinuation of the
existing production process also or production failure for a long time. Those costs even may be higher over the
opportunity losses for acquiring the land. That is why Company felt it fit to have complete control over the project to
smoothly run its operation. To reduce the opportunity losses the controlling assets could keep as collateral for having
a loan from financial institutions and side by side use those land in a very profitable manner. As a result, the company
purchased 93.40 of land for factory premises located in 253, Tongi Industrial Area, Tongi, Gazipur where the
Company's core production unit is situated.

The land is partly occupied for its current production process. The current utilization capacity of the existing unit is
around to 50.21% to 77.10% depending on different dozes forms. The expansion unit will also be installed in the same
land. As a result, the projected revenue will be increased from Tk.145.13 crore in 2021 to Tk. 287.62 by the year 2025
when the utilization capacity of the plant will be around 86.75%. The profitability of the company will also rise from
Tk. 32.05 crore in the year 2021 to Tk. 73.92 crore approximately by the year 2025. It is expected that through the
utilization of the IPO proceeds 36,000sft 4 storied new factory building will be constructed in the existing factory area
for installing new capital machinery. Thereby the new expansion capacity will lead the Company for earnings with
greater profitability.

Issue No: 9
Considering sales including vat, the company’s gross profit margin is 43.64% of its revenue and its net profit after tax
margin is 22.08% which is very high considering the industry average. The issuer is required to submit an explanation
along with supporting documents of similar company.

Our Response
The gross profit margin 43.64% of Asiatic Laboratories Ltd is lower than the industry average gross margin ratio which
is 45.51% (as per the flowing Table). This is because the gross profit margin of Orion Pharma Ltd is much higher
(55.73%) than Asiatic Laboratories Ltd (43.64%).

The Net Profit Margin of Asiatic Laboratories Ltd 22.09% is higher than the Industry Average Ratio which is 8.33%.
This is because the administrative, selling & distribution costs and finance costs of Orion Pharma Ltd, Ibne Sina
Pharmaceutical & Industries Ltd and ACME Laboratories Ltd are much higher than Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. The
detailed analysis of the above is given below:

Financial Year 2020-2021

Ibne Sina
Particulars Asiatic Laboratories ACME Laboratories
Orion Pharma Ltd Pharmaceutical &
Ltd Ltd
Industries Ltd
Taka (%) Taka (%) Taka (%) Taka (%)
Revenue 1,451,256,870 2,612,321,217 7,376,042,094 20,770,140,096
Costs of Goods 57.05 44.27 57.9 61.24
(827,875,171) (1,156,582,051) (4,275,324,899) (12,719,818,570)
Sold % % 6% %
Gross Profit (GP) 42.95 55.73 42.0 38.76
623,381,699 1,455,739,166 3,100,717,195 8,050,321,526
Margin % % 4% %
Specific 42.95
Industry Average GPR 45.51%
Company (GPR) %
Operating 13.04 39.22 31.4 21.19
(189,298,791) (1,024,467,443) (2,323,031,152) (4,401,758,344)
Expense % % 9% %
Administrative 13.20 2.10 4.81
(49,610,047) 3.42% (344,714,482) (154,859,764) (998,435,133)
Expenses % % %
Selling &
26.02 29.3 16.39
Distribution (139,688,744) 9.63% (679,752,961) (2,168,171,388) (3,403,323,211)
% 9% %
Profit from 29.91 16.51 10.5 17.57
434,082,908 431,271,723 777,686,043 3,648,563,182
Operation % % 4% %
0.54 7.74
Finance Cost (44,323,575) 3.05% (111,678,509) 4.28% (39,998,318) (1,608,373,867)
% %
0.17 0.66
Other Income 290,564 0.02% 45,352,180 1.74% 12,719,232 136,981,358
% %


Financial Year 2020-2021
Ibne Sina
Particulars Asiatic Laboratories ACME Laboratories
Orion Pharma Ltd Pharmaceutical &
Ltd Ltd
Industries Ltd
Net Profit from 26.88 13.97 10.1 10.48
390,049,897 364,945,394 750,406,957 2,177,170,673
Operation % % 7% %
Contribution to 0.48 0.50
(18,573,805) 1.28% (17,378,352) 0.67% (35,733,665) (103,674,794
WPPF % %
Share of
Associate Profit/ - (1,926,929)
Net Profit 25.60 13.30 9.66 9.98
371,476,092 347,567,042 712,746,363 2,073,495,879
Before Tax % % % %
2.92 2.43
Income Tax (50,951,659) 3.51% (68,513,811) 2.62% (215,253,039) (504,269,152
% %
Net Profit After 22.09 10.68 6.74 7.56
320,524,433 279,053,231 497,493,323 1,569,226,727
Tax (NP) % % % %
Specific 22.09
Industry Average NPR 8.33%
Company (NPR) %

To review the financial statements of similar companies, we found that they have huge financial expenses which have
accelerated the net profit margin of the similar company as well as marketing & selling cost. the company has small
financial and marketing expenses in case of the company maintain some Ways to Reduce Marketing Expenses i.e., be
Selective with New Strategies. It's always tempting to introduce new marketing strategies, beware of Hidden Costs,
Slow and Steady, Know Your Customers, Target the Right Customers, Reward Profit-Making Employees and Loyal
Customers, Repurpose Content and Use Free Tools etc. On the other hand, Square Pharmaceuticals Limited has
maintained 27% to 29% net profit margin. Because the finance cost of SPL is only Tk. 13,443. So, net profit margin of
our company is justifiable.

Issue No: 10
The issuer is required to submit month-wise vat return along with vat payment status;

Our Response
We are submitting herewith the month-wise VAT return of the company along with VAT payment Status in Annexure-
4 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 11
It appears from the DVC preview that total Liabilities less shareholder’s Equity shows TK. 12,493,609/- which is not
consistent with the audited financial statement for the period ended 30 June, 2021. An explanation is required.

Our Response
There is no difference in DVC except the calculation done at the time of recording DVC by the Auditor. In the
calculation of total liabilities less shareholder's Equity we make the following formula;
Particulars Amount in Taka
Non-Current Liability 659,551,069
Current Liability 231,111,447
Total Liability 890,662,516
Less: Paid-up capital 878,480,000
Add: Adjustment of deferred tax on depreciation for Revaluation Surplus (15%)
(Changes in Equity)
Total liabilities less shareholder's Equity 12,493,609
Total liabilities less shareholder's Equity as per DVC Preview 12,493,609
Deficiency Nil

Issue No: 12
The company is required to submit the updated Fire License, Environment clearance Certificate, updated Narcotics
Import Certificate, Narcotics Producing & Processing Certificate;


Our Response
We are submitting herewith the updated Fire License, Environment clearance Certificate, updated Narcotics Import
Certificate, Narcotics Producing & Processing Certificate in Annexure-5 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 13
The issuer is required to submit an updated CIB database (CIB report of Bangladesh Bank enclosed);

Our Response:
We have updated our CIB status in Bangladesh Bank Database and have attached CIB Inquiry form in Annexure-6
for collecting CIB Report from Bangladesh Bank.

Issue No: 14
Supporting documents regarding formation, investment and disbursement of WPPF as per the requirements of
Bangladesh Labor (Amendment) Act-2013;

Our Response:
The management of the company has recognized the Workers' Profit Participation and Welfare Fund (WPPF) from
July 01, 2020 and has formed a Trusty Board on 1st June 2021 as per the condition of Section 232 Bangladesh Labor
Act-2006 (As amendment up to 2013). A separate bank account was also opened vide account number 50201000597
in Bank Asia Ltd. Shantinagar Branch, Islami Window, Dhaka to operate separately the WPPF Fund. We are
submitting herewith the registered Trust Deed of WPPF and bank certificate of opening Bank Account in Annexure-
7 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 15
It appears from the financial statement (Prospectus Page. 130), that intangible Asset shows TK. 27,91,667.00. The
issuer is required to submit the relevant documents in this regard;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith purchase documents of software which was recognized as intangible Assets in the
Financial Statements in Annexure-8 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 16
It appears from the financial statement (Prospectus Page. 130), Right of Use of Assets shows TK.5,32,84,211.00. The
issuer is required to submit all lease agreements in this regard;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the all-lease agreement in support of the Financial Statements in Annexure-9 for your
kind consideration.

Issue No: 17
No Objection Certificate (NOC) by all loan lending institutions regarding the company’s intent to go into Initial Public
Offer (IPO) is to be submitted;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith No Objection Certificate (NOC) collecting from One Bank Ltd, Hajj Finance Company
Limited and Fareast Finance and Investment Ltd. in Annexure-10 for your kind consideration

Issue No: 18
Supporting documents regarding group insurance of the company is to be submitted;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents regarding group insurance of the Company in Annexure-11 for your kind

Issue No: 19
Issue manager's declaration regarding no way connected with the issuer is to be submitted and to be incorporated in
the draft prospectus;


Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the Issue Manager regarding no way connected with the issuer in
Annexure-12 for your kind consideration and have updated Draft Prospectus Incorporating the said declaration which
is attached in Annexure-13 for your Kind Consideration.

Issue No: 20
Certificate on revaluation by Auditor in line with condition No. 6 of the commission’s revaluation guideline is to be

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the certificate on revaluation of fixed assets (Property, Plant & Equipment) by the Auditor
in compliance with condition no. 6 of the revaluation guideline issued by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission in Annexure-14 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 21
It appears from the financial statement (Prospectus Page. 130), that Liability for WPPF shows TK.1,85,73,805/- for
the year ended 30 June,2021. The company made provision only in 2021 and did not make any provision for the
previous years which is a violation of the provisions of the Bangladesh Labor (Amendment) Act, 2013. An explanation
is required;

Our Response:
The management of the company has recognized the Workers' Profit Participation and Welfare Fund (WPPF) from
July 01, 2020 and has formed a Trustee Board on 1 st June 2021 as per the condition of Section 232 Bangladesh Labor
Act-2006 (As amendment up to 2013). A separate bank account was also opened vide account number 50201000597
in Bank Asia Ltd. Shantinagar Branch Islami Window, Dhaka to operate separately the WPPF Fund. We didn’t
recognize the WPPF since 2016 because we don’t need to provide a retrospective effect for the fund. To justify our
opinion, we are attaching herewith an Auditors’ Certificate disclosing the effect of WPPF fund in the Financial
Statement from the Financial Year 2016-2017 in Annexure-15 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 22
It is observed that the issuer has recognized revenue amounting BDT 145.12 crore for the current year ended on 30
June 2021. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the revenue amounting to Tk. 145.12 Crore for the year ended
30 June 2021 in Annexure-16 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 23
It is observed that the issuer has recognized the cost of goods sold amounting BDT 82.79 crore for the current year
ended on 30 June 2021. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the cost of goods sold amounting BDT 82.79 Crore for the
year ended 30 June 2021 in Annexure-17 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 24
It is observed that the issuer has cash received from Customers amounting BDT 143.53 crore for the current year ended
on 30 June 2021. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the cash received from Customers amounting BDT 143.53
Crore for the year ended 30 June 2021 in Annexure-18 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 25
It is observed that the issuer has cash paid to suppliers amounting BDT 73.15 crore for the current year ended on 30
June 2021. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;


Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the cash paid to suppliers amounting BDT 73.15 Crore for
the year ended 30 June 2021 in Annexure-19 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 26
As per note no. 26.00, the issuer has export sales amounting BDT 48.37 Crore and BDT 33.10 Crore during the year
ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the export sales amounting BDT 48.37 Crore and BDT 33.10
Crore during the year ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively in Annexure-20 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 27
It is observed that the issuer has recognized long term loan amounting BDT 309,033,819 (Non-current BDT
225,888,802 + Current portion BDT 83,145,017) and short-term loan amounting BDT 9,427,614 as on 30 June 2021.
In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the long-term loan amounting BDT 309,033,819 (Non-current
BDT 225,888,802+Current portion BDT 83,145,017) and short-term loan amounting BDT 9,427,614 during the year
ended on 30 June 2021 in Annexure-21 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 28
It is observed that the issuer has paid lease liability amounting BDT 7,338,074 and BDT 18,008,952 during the year
ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the payment of lease liability amounting BDT 7,338,074 and
BDT 18,008,952 during the year ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively in Annexure-22 for your kind

Issue No: 29
It is observed that the addition of Property, Plant and Equipment is BDT 36.50 Crore and BDT 19.42 Crore during
the year ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively. In this connection, the issuer is required to submit supporting

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the documents in support of the addition of Property, Plant and Equipment is BDT 36.50
Crore and BDT 19.42 Crore during the year ended on 30 June 2021 and 2020 respectively in Annexure-23 for your
kind consideration.

Issue No: 30
Land and land development altogether is BDT 132.30 Crore as on 30 June 2021. However, for clear understanding
and better presentation, the issuer is requested to present Land and Land Development separately. In this connection,
the issuer is required to submit supporting documents;

Our Response:
The Company has shown Land and Land Development Tk. 1,323,020,473 up to or as on 30 June 2021. For a better
presentation, we are showing below the Land and Development separately.
Particulars Amount in Taka
Land (Deed Value) 859,840,000
Land Registration Cost 94,577,449
Land Development Cost 368,603,024
Total Land and Land Development 1,323,020,473
We are also submitting herewith the relevant documents in support of land and land development amounting Tk.
1,323,020,473 in Annexure-24 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 31
Approval copy of Board Resolution regarding the appointment of Independent directors is required to submit;
Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the Board Resolution regarding the appointment of Independent directors in Annexure-
25 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 32
It is observed from the audited accounts for the year ended June 30, 2021 that Non-Current Assets has increased from
BDT 3,025,152,902 to BDT 5,233,125,531 from 30 June 2020 to 30 June, 2021. Supporting documents are required to

Our Response:
As per the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021, the Non-Current Asset has shown Tk. 5,233,125,531
which was Tk. 3,025,152,902 for the year ended 30 June 2020. However, net increase Tk. 2,207,972,629 from the year
ended 30 June 2020 to the current year. We also present a reconciliation statement for better understanding as follows;
Particular Amount in Taka
Non-Current Assets
Opening Balance 3,025,152,902
Add: Addition of Fixed Assets (Tangible) 365,029,819
Add: Addition of Fixed Assets (Intangible) -
Add: Addition of ROU Assets 8,993,862
Add: Revaluation surplus of Fixed Assets 1,929,285,128
Sub-Total (A) 5,328,461,711
Less: Charged Depreciation on Fixed Assets (Tangible) 87,119,326
Less: Charged Depreciation on Fixed Assets (Intangible) 500,000
Less: Charged Depreciation ROU Assets 15,709,237
Less: Charged Depreciation on Fixed Assets (Revaluation surplus) 2,073,956
Total depreciation charged for the year 30 June 2021 (B) 105,402,519
Balance as on 30 June 2021 C=(A-B) 5,223,059,192
Add: Net increase/decrease of capital work in Progress (Tk. 46,566,099 - Tk.
36,499,760) (D)
Non-Current Assets as on 30 June 2021 (C-D) 5,233,125,531

In support of the above addition and adjustment, we have attached herewith Supported documents against Purchase
of Tangible Assets in Annexure-26, Addition of Right of Use Assets in Annexure-27 & Valuation Report in Annexure-
28 respectively for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 33
It is observed from the accounts that Trade Receivables have increased from the year 2020 to 2021. Supporting
documents are required to submit;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the name-wise party list in connection with Trade receivable for the year ended or as on
30 June 2021 in Annexure-29 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 34
Legal confirmation from the company’s legal advisor is required to submit;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the Board Resolution and appointment letter regarding the appointment/legal
confirmation of Legal Adviser in Annexure-30 for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 35
Current portion of long-term loan TK. 83,145,017/- whereas cash and cash equivalent shows TK. 8,984,494/- in the
financial statement for the year ended June 30, 2021. It appears that the disbursement of the current portion of the
long-term loan may create a liquidity crisis. Explain is required.

Our Response:
Cash & Cash Equivalents are necessary for immediate payments. There are Current Liabilities, which are payable over
the year & current receivable or current inventory, which will be adjusted during the year as per the needs of the
Company. The Current Liabilities are perfectly matched with the Current Assets. The company has no outstanding
liabilities to be paid off remain outstanding for the shortage of immediate cash. However, the management of the
company is aware of its minimum cash balance and will try to keep a suitable condition of cash and bank balances in
the future to pay its immediate liabilities. Since the Company has sufficient resources, it is not a problem for the
Company to disbursement of the current portion of the long-term loan.

Issue No: 36
Declaration by the Management of the issuer and from the Auditor regarding loan taken or given from or to any
directors or any person connected with the Director is required to submit;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the Management of the issuer and from the Auditor regarding loan
taken or given from or to any directors or any person connected with the Director of the Company in Annexure-31
for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 37
Copy of minutes of AGM or EGM or Board Meeting regarding monthly salary or prerequisite or benefit paid to any
shareholder's director during the last accounting year is required to submit;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the copy of minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting regarding monthly salary or
prerequisite or benefit paid to any shareholder's director during the last accounting year of the Company in Annexure-
32 for your kind consideration.

Deficiencies in the Draft Prospectus/disclosure requirements;

Issue No: 1
Declaration by the issuer mentioning that they are no way connected with the issue manager or any of its securities is
required to incorporate in the draft prospectus;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the issuer mentioning that they are no way connected with the issue
manager or any of its securities in Annexure-13 as well as incorporated in the red herring prospectus.

Issue No: 2
Declaration by the issuer, its Directors and shareholders having 10% or more shares mentioning that they are free from
loan default is required to incorporate in the draft prospectus;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the issuer, its directors and shareholders having 10% or more shares
mentioning that they are free from loan default in Annexure-13 as well as incorporated in the red herring prospectus
for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 3
Declaration by the Management of the issuer and from the auditor regarding loan taken or given from or to any director
or any person connected with the Director is required to incorporate in the draft prospectus;

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the Management of the issuer and from the Auditor regarding loan
taken or given from or to any directors or any person connected with the Director of the Company in Annexure-33
for your kind consideration.

Issue No: 4
Declaration by the Management regarding loan rescheduled is required to incorporate in the draft prospectus and

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the management of the company regarding any rescheduled of the
loan in Annexure-34 as well as incorporated in the Draft prospectus for your kind consideration.


Issue No: 5
Declaration by the Management regarding the Directors of the Company not being involved with the securities market
in any manner is required to incorporate in the draft prospectus.

Our Response:
We are submitting herewith the declaration by the management regarding the directors of the Company not being
involved with the securities market in any manner in Annexure-35 as well as incorporated in the red herring
prospectus for your kind consideration.

Observation of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE)

Observation of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE)

1. Capital Raising and Utilization of the Company
Hundreds of payments through cash cheques/cash fascinates suspicious to that actual usage of capital and other
funds as well as payment through cash/ cash cheque attracts the violation of section 30(m) of income tax
Ordinance 1984

Our response:
A transaction is a completed agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods, services, or financial assets
in return for money. The company has some cash/cash cheque transactions in business purposes and is urgently
needed for the vendor or supplier against the purchase of capital assets, loan repayment and working capital purpose.
The amount was needed to mitigate the immediate requirements of the above expenses (like advance payment,
payment upon cash on delivery, need to settle in cash for lake of bank accounts of the suppliers/ payment receivers,
like worker payments, accessories or small payments, etc.)

Any amount above Tk. 50,000 payment through cash attracts the violation of section 30(m) of income tax Ordinance
1984. But there is the provision of the said ordinance under section 30A where the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes
has to allow heating the assessee for such violation. If the assessee can explain as per the desire of the DCT, he/she
may accept such cash transactions any amount. Accordingly, we have submitted the necessary explanation to the
DCT for accepting such cash transactions at the time of our submission of our Income Tax Return and the DCT has
accepted our return. As a result, the tax office has agreed with us and settled our tax return accordingly.

2. Concentration risk and allied issues:

Our Response:
The company has exported with some clients and day by day it will be increased by expanding into new markets
involves a great deal of market research in addition to target customers. the management of the company will also
be aware to developing export sales overseas is to find partners by being there, in the marketplace, at a trade fair,
talking to people buying similar products, go to trade fairs and seminars and talking to potential customers etc. As a
result, our customers level has been also increasing day by day. We hope that we can overcome such type of risk
very soon.

Observation of Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE)

1. Deficiency in Documentation/Documents Required to be Submitted:
i) Annexure II & II relating to names of the specified drugs and annexure III relating to approved qualified
staff as disclosed in the Certificate of Renewal of License to manufacture Drugs Issued by Directorate
General of Drugs Administration not submitted.

Our response:
We are submitting herewith the Certificate of Renewal of License to manufacture Drugs Issued by the Directorate
General of Drugs Administration in Annexure-36 for your kind consideration.

ii) Copy of income tax return along with evidence of payment of tax not submitted for last five years. Issuer
company's income tax return submitted to National Board of Revenue but assessment pending from the
year 2017. This requires to be clarified.

Our response:
The Company has duly submitted its tax return to the National Board of Revenue up to the assessment year 2021-
22 and the assessment is under process. In this regard, we are submitting herewith the tax return in last five years
of the company in Annexure-36 for your kind consideration.


2. Financial Statements Aspects (Ref. Financial Statements Date 30.06.2021):
i) Issuer Company Issued bonus share in Fy 2020-21 for Tk. 65.00mn which requires restatement of EPS for
FY 2019-20 as per para 64 of IAS 33. Hence, EPS as disclosed in comparative year (i.e., FY 2019-20) in page
231 of draft prospectus is required to be corrected as Tk. 2.76 instead of Tk. 2.98;

Our response:
We have already restated of EPS for the year 2019-20 as per para 64 of IAS 33 and incorporated in the draft
prospectus for your kind consideration.

ii) Auditor of issuer Company reported in key audit matter under revenue Recognition Ref Note 3.10 & 26.00
that Revenue of Tk. 1,451,256,870.00 included both Export and Local Sales. But as disclosed in several other
parts of draft prospectus that the issuer did not export anything. this requires to be clarified.

Our response:
Sorry for the inadvertent mistake. We have already corrected rightly and incorporated it in the draft prospectus for
your kind consideration.



Issue No: 1
An amount of TK. 46,566,099 is shown as Capital work-in-progress in the audited Financial Statements for the year
ended June 30, 2021. The auditor is required to submit an update status of Capital work-in-progress;

Our Response:
The capital work in progress is shown in the financial statements of Tk. 46,566,099 for the year ended 30 June 2021
represent the capital work in Process for Plant & Machinery. During the period of our audit, we have gone through
the records of the Books of Accounts maintained by the Company, its supporting documents & other essential records
to justify ourselves regarding amount of the Capital work in Process. Upon verification we have satisfied that the
addition, transfer and balances of the Capital Work in Progress are properly recorded and justified. We have also
verified the subsequent position of the Capital Work in Progress and found that the whole balances of the Capital work
in Progress as at June 30, 2021 for TK. 46,566,099 has been transferred to the fixed assets in the appropriate category
of Assets and has started operation of Assets very satisfactorily.

Issue No: 2
In the Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 30 June 2021. Cost of Goods Sold is shown TK. 827,875,171/-
whereas it was TK. 756,232,201 in 2020. The auditor is required to justify the same and also to submit a detailed
summary statement along with reconciliation statements;

Our Response:
The Cost of Goods Sold has increased during the year compared to the previous period due to an increase in sales
volume as well as the use of raw materials and other ingredients for producing the products. We are showing below
the changes in Sales Revenue & Cost of Goods Sold:

Particulars 2020-21 (Taka) 2019-20 (Taka) Change (Taka) % of Change

Sales Revenue 1,451,256,870 1,326,364,875 124,891,995 9.42%
Cost of Goods Sold 827,875,171 756,232,201 71,642,970 9.47%

As per the above table, the sales revenue has increased about 9.42% as well as COGS also increased 9.47% likened to
the increase of sales Revenue from the Previous year which is very much justifiable. During our course of Audit, we
have gone through the record, Books of Accounts & documents regarding the Cost of Goods sold and found them
satisfactory. We are presenting below the detail’s summary of the Cost of Goods Sold for the year ended 30 th June

Particulars Details Amounts in Taka

Raw Material Purchase (local) 162,757,211
Poly Chems 44,577,400
Remo Chemicals Limited 6,104,350
Particulars Details Amounts in Taka
Global Capsule Limited 3,541,401
Chemico Enterprise 7,139,370
Maritime Entrepreneurs PTE Ltd 30,489,500
Pristine 25,288,126
Impex Corporation 16,426,052
Chemist all Corporation 14,079,154
Source Trade International 2,697,140
Eskayef Pharmaceuticals Ltd 3,391,055
Meeka Fine Chemicals Corporation 7,629,225
M/S Nazmul & Brothers 1,394,438
Raw Material Purchase (Import) 273,461,273
Metrochem Api Private Ltd (Import) 54,692,000
Zhejiang Hisan Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. (import) 59,692,510
PJ Healthcare (Import) 53,842,255
Particle Measuring System (Import) 52,690,694
New Chem S.P.A (import) 52,543,814
Packing Material Purchase 225,840,545
Tanim Plastic Industries 7,480,020
Padma Can & Closures Ltd 13,709,200
Nitol Print 8,155,990
Payhan Enterprise 13,590,453
Salman Ind.Ltd 6,920,594
AK Packing Ltd 3,430,302
New Royal Printing 3,418,181
Shohel Printers 6,960,991
MR Process & Print 13,682,354
Akash Printing & Packing 48,364,211
Colour Channel 37,053,750
Holovision 18,531,150
Nitol Printing 9,129,990
Phenomenon 16,729,500
CDM Accessories Ltd. 2,866,585
Dhaka Foil Corporation 1,236,750
Suchana 1,320,699
Home Printing 1,103,301
Spare Parts & Store Items Purchase 58,817,377
Hitech Engineering Technology 14,404,345
M-pharma Engineering Works 13,004,344
Quality Scientific Traders 12,704,344
Nipun Engineering & Service 18,704,344
Factory Overhead 146,887,411
Salaries, Allowances and Wages 36,480,244
Carrying Inward 3,572,994
Factory Staff Uniform 630,745
Utility Bill 3,674,582
Insurance Expenses 5,186,544
Research and Development 4,501,799
Fuel, Oil & Lubricants 7,157,599
Medical Expenses 797,901
Workers Entertainment 6,054,644
Printing & Stationery Expenses 1,075,672
Miscellaneous Expenses 1,034,993
Telephone, Mobile & Internet Bill 294,895


Particulars Details Amounts in Taka
Rent, rate and Taxes 149,770
Repairs & Maintenance 1,205,994
Depreciation on Freehold PPE 71,354,626
Depreciation on ROU Assets 3,714,409
Sample Expenses - 7,306,498
Change in Inventory - 32,582,147
Work in Process - 5,203,262
Finished Goods - 21,160,233
Raw Materials - 6,222,393
Spare Parts 1,372,322
Packing Materials - 1,368,581
Cost of Goods Sold as on 30.06.2021 827,875,171

A table presented below showing reconcile of Payment to the supplier against the Purchase of Materials are as follows
for your kind consideration:
Opening Opening Closing Closing Payment
Name of Suppliers Purchase
Advance Payable Payable Advance made
Poly Chems 1,196,414 44,577,400 977,043 44,796,771
Remo Chemicals
1,302,396 6,104,350 1,083,025 6,323,721
Global Capsule
887,365 3,541,401 667,994 3,760,772
Chemical Enterprise 1,003,146 7,139,370 783,775 7,358,741
Entrepreneurs PTE 1,128,220 30,489,500 1,514,180 30,875,460
Pristine 1,043,960 25,288,126 1,429,920 25,674,086
Impex Corporation 936,780 16,426,052 1,322,740 16,812,012
Chemist all
862,210 14,079,154 1,248,170 14,465,114
Source Trade
794,296 2,697,140 574,925 2,916,511
902,411 3,391,055 683,040 3,610,426
Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Meeka Fine
Chemicals 1,230,396 7,629,225 784,463 8,075,158
M/S Nazmul &
402,484 1,394,438 183,113 1,613,809
Colour Channel 1,127,523 37,053,750 1,513,483 37,439,710
Holovision 1,058,132 18,531,150 1,444,092 18,917,110
Nitol Printing 1,579,926 9,129,990 1,360,555 9,349,361
Phenomenon 828,500 16,729,500 1,214,460 17,115,460
Add & Printing
1,096,626 6,768,000 877,255 6,987,371
Razu Enterprise 977,726 4,691,250 758,355 4,910,621
CDM Accessories
679,926 2,866,585 460,555 3,085,956
Dhaka Foil
306,070 1,236,750 86,699 1,456,121
Nice Pack Limited 106,070 697,275 113,281 690,064
Suchana 454,196 1,320,699 234,825 1,540,070
Home Printing 383,696 1,103,301 164,325 1,322,672
Tanim Plastic
1,248,876 7,480,020 995,729 7,733,167
Padma Can &
1,624,991 13,709,200 2,011,183 14,095,392
Closures Ltd
Opening Opening Closing Closing Payment
Name of Suppliers Purchase
Advance Payable Payable Advance made
Nitol Print 1,474,076 8,155,990 1,254,705 8,375,361
Payhan Enterprise 1,036,423 13,590,453 1,422,383 13,976,413
Salman Ind.Ltd 1,118,146 6,920,594 898,775 7,139,965
AK Packing Ltd 940,066 3,430,302 720,695 3,649,673
New Royal Printing 918,646 3,418,181 699,275 3,637,552
Shohel Printers 1,062,136 6,960,991 842,765 7,180,362
MR Process & Print 765,386 13,682,354 1,151,346 14,068,314
Akash Printing &
1,759,250 48,364,211 2,145,210 48,750,171
Metrochem Api
54,692,000 54,692,000
Private Ltd (Import)
Zhejiang Hisan
Pharmaceutical Co, 59,692,510 59,692,510
Ltd. (import)
PJ Healthcare
53,842,255 53,842,255
Particle Measuring
52,690,695 52,690,695
System (Import)
New Chem S.P.A
52,543,814 52,543,814
Hitech Engineering
1,351,600 14,404,345 1,737,565 14,790,310
1,322,300 13,004,344 1,708,280 13,390,324
Engineering Works
Quality Scientific
1,185,700 12,704,344 1,571,683 13,090,327
Nipun Engineering
1,276,523 18,704,344 1,662,483 19,090,304
& Service
Total 17,307,498 20,065,090 720,876,406 15,205,172 23,097,178 731,526,004

Issue No: 3
In the Audited Financial Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021, sales revenue is shown as TK. 1,451,256,878/-
whereas it was TK. 1,326,364,875 for the year ended June 30, 2020. The auditor is required to justify the same and
also to submit a detailed summary statement along with reconciliation statements;

Our Response:
As per the Financial Statements, Books of the Accounts & other records maintained by the company and which provide
to us during the time of our audit it seems that the Sales Revenue has increased during the year ended 30 th June 2021
compared to the previous year (i.e. 30 June 2020) due to acceleration of Sales volume through the outstanding
performance of sales representative and managerial strategy to increase the market share as well as the export sales
Revenue was increased fundamentally compared to last year. It seems that the sales revenue has increased due to
mainly upward trends of export sales in the year 2021. A table presented below showing depot wise sales, Export Sales
Revenue & a reconciliation of collection against Sales Revenue for the year ended 30 th June 2021 for your kind

Opening Net Sales Collection Closing

Receivable Revenue Without Vat Balance
Khulna Depot 1,982,300 14,498,893 14,561,207 1,919,986
Noakhali Depot 3,380,675 24,726,863 24,833,135 3,274,404
Sylhet Depot 4,229,742 30,937,092 31,070,054 4,096,780
Rangpur Depot 5,199,217 38,028,003 38,191,441 5,035,780
Rajshahi Depot 7,243,258 52,978,488 53,206,179 7,015,566
Faridpur Depot 7,479,974 54,709,868 54,945,001 7,244,841
Tangail Depot 7,543,143 55,171,895 55,409,014 7,306,024
Bogura Depot 8,643,559 63,220,539 63,492,249 8,371,849
Cumilla Depot 8,789,324 64,286,688 64,562,980 8,513,031


Opening Net Sales Collection Closing
Receivable Revenue Without Vat Balance
Dhaka Depot 9,180,941 67,151,043 67,439,646 8,892,338
Kishoregonj Depot 9,356,188 68,432,836 68,726,948 9,062,07
Barisal Depot 10,731,585 78,492,733 78,830,080 10,394,237
Chattogram Depot 10,821,554 79,150,784 79,490,960 10,481,379
Kushtia Depot 11,723,223 85,745,755 86,114,274 11,354,704
Mymensingh Depot 12,447,370 91,042,292 91,433,575 12,056,087
Dinajpur Depot 13,523,811 98,915,575 99,340,695 13,098,690
Sub-Total (A) 132,275,862 967,489,347 971,647,437 128,117,771
Export Sales (B) 43,997,941 483,767,523 463,703,553 64,061,912
Total Sales (A+B) 176,273,803 1,451,256,870 1,435,350,990 192,179,683

Issue No: 4
As on 30.06.2021 TK. 1,435,350,990 is shown as cash received from customers. The auditor is required to submit a
list of customers as a summary along with a reconciliation statement regarding the same;

Our Response:
A table representing below showing reconcile of Sales Revenue & collection made during the year ended 30th June
2021 for your kind consideration.

Opening Net Sales Collection Closing

Receivable Revenue Without Vat Balance
Khulna Depot 1,982,300 14,498,893 14,561,207 1,919,986
Noakhali Depot 3,380,675 24,726,863 24,833,135 3,274,404
Sylhet Depot 4,229,742 30,937,092 31,070,054 4,096,780
Rangpur Depot 5,199,217 38,028,003 38,191,441 5,035,780
Rajshahi Depot 7,243,258 52,978,488 53,206,179 7,015,566
Faridpur Depot 7,479,974 54,709,868 54,945,001 7,244,841
Tangail Depot 7,543,143 55,171,895 55,409,014 7,306,024
Bogura Depot 8,643,559 63,220,539 63,492,249 8,371,849
Cumilla Depot 8,789,324 64,286,688 64,562,980 8,513,031
Dhaka Depot 9,180,941 67,151,043 67,439,646 8,892,338
Kishoregonj Depot 9,356,188 68,432,836 68,726,948 9,062,07
Barisal Depot 10,731,585 78,492,733 78,830,080 10,394,237
Chattogram Depot 10,821,554 79,150,784 79,490,960 10,481,379
Kushtia Depot 11,723,223 85,745,755 86,114,274 11,354,704
Mymensingh Depot 12,447,370 91,042,292 91,433,575 12,056,087
Dinajpur Depot 13,523,811 98,915,575 99,340,695 13,098,690
Sub-Total (A) 132,275,862 967,489,347 971,647,437 128,117,771
Export Sales (B) 43,997,941 483,767,523 463,703,553 64,061,912
Total Sales (A+B) 176,273,803 1,451,256,870 1,435,350,990 192,179,683

Issue No: 5
An amount of TK. 37,218,317 is shown as financial expenses in the Audited Financial statements 2021, whereas it
was TK. 45,026,381 in the year 2020. The auditor is required to justify the same and also to submit Supporting

Our Response:
The financial expenses have been decreased compared to the previous year due to a decrease in interest rate, and
subsequent repayment of principal during the year. A table presented below shows Financial Expenses for the year
ended 30th June 2021 along with the supporting documents as provided by the management of Asiatic Laboratories
Limited to us in Annexure-A for your kind consideration.

Bank name Account Number Type of Account Interest/ Charges

Hajj Finance 1841001883 Bai-Muazzal 144,798
Hajj Finance 1841001679 Bai-Muazzal 350,215
One Bank TL12180880002 Term Loan- EMI-1 7,202,977
Bank name Account Number Type of Account Interest/ Charges
One Bank TL12180880001 Term Loan- EMI -4(N) 5,523,868
One Bank TL12172050001 Term Loan- EMI-3(N) 14,414,342
Fareast Finance 201602009580 Term Loan- EMI 2,565,504
Fareast Finance 201702015626-0 Term Loan- EMI 2,075,180
Fareast Finance 201702015626-1 Term Loan- EMI 1,706,233
Fareast Finance 201702015626-2 Term Loan- EMI 1,860,073
One Bank 027TM11200260001 Short Term Loan 1,372,018
Bank Charge & others Expenses 3,110
Total Financial Expenses for the year ended 30th June 2021 37,218,317

Issue No: 6
The auditor is required to disclose details break-up of land development expenses;

Our Response:
Tk. 53,416,730 is shown as Land development expenses during the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June
2021 details of land development expenses are as follows for your kind consideration.

Particulars Amount in Taka

Vitty Sand Purchase 42,767,190
Bricks Purchase 5,401,300
MS Rod & Cement Purchase 220,000
Hardware items & others 917,100
Labor & Others Bill 4,111,140
Total Land Development Expenses for the year ended 30th June 2021 53,416,730

Issue No: 7
The auditor is required to disclose balance confirmation certificate from all the parties of accounts receivables for the
year ended 30-06-2021;

Our Response:
As per our audit procedure on confirmation of Balance of Accounts Receivable, we sent a balance confirmation letter
to all depots in charge (except export party**) requesting confirmation of their balance with Asiatic Laboratories
Limited as of 30th June 2021. All depot in charge replied to us via forwarding letter confirming their ledger Balance.
All of their disclosed balance is agreed with the ledger of Asiatic Laboratories Limited. We present a table below to
show the Balance Confirmation letter status of Accounts Receivable as of 30th June 2021 as follows:
Balance as on 30.06.2021 of Balance confirmed by Depot In
Particulars Difference
Asiatic Laboratories Limited charge vide separate letter
Khulna Depot 1,919,986 1,919,986 -
Noakhali Depot 3,274,404 3,274,404 -
Sylhet Depot 4,096,780 4,096,780 -
Rangpur Depot 5,035,780 5,035,780 -
Rajshahi Depot 7,015,566 7,015,566 -
Faridpur Depot 7,244,841 7,244,841 -
Tangail Depot 7,306,024 7,306,024 -
Bogura Depot 8,371,849 8,371,849 -
Cumilla Depot 8,513,031 8,513,031 -
Dhaka Depot 8,892,338 8,892,338 -
Kishoregonj Depot 9,062,07 9,062,07 -
Barisal Depot 10,394,237 10,394,237 -
Chattogram Depot 10,481,379 10,481,379 -
Kushtia Depot 11,354,704 11,354,704 -
Mymensingh Depot 12,056,087 12,056,087 -
Dinajpur Depot 13,098,690 13,098,690 -
Sub-Total (A) 128,117,771 128,117,771 -
Export Sales (B)** 64,061,912 64,061,912 -
Total Sales (A+B) 192,179,683 192,179,683


Issue No: 8
The auditor is required to disclose the name-wise schedule of parties of accounts receivables having outstanding
balance as of 30-06-2021 and subsequent balance thereon;

Our Response:
There are about Tk. 192,179,683/- as Accounts Receivable as of 30th June 2021 the whole amount is recovered up to
31st December 2021 as confirmed by the Management to us. Table representing below the subsequent status of
Accounts Receivable of Asiatic Laboratories Limited for your kind consideration.

Balance as of 30.06.2021 of Collection made Balance as on

Asiatic Laboratories Limited up to 31.12.2021 31.12.2021
Khulna Depot 1,919,986 1,919,986
Noakhali Depot 3,274,404 3,274,404
Sylhet Depot 4,096,780 4,096,780
Rangpur Depot 5,035,780 5,035,780
Rajshahi Depot 7,015,566 7,015,566
Faridpur Depot 7,244,841 7,244,841
Tangail Depot 7,306,024 7,306,024
Bogura Depot 8,371,849 8,371,849
Cumilla Depot 8,513,031 8,513,031
Dhaka Depot 8,892,338 8,892,338
Kishoregonj Depot 9,062,07 9,062,07
Barisal Depot 10,394,237 10,394,237
Chattogram Depot 10,481,379 10,481,379
Kushtia Depot 11,354,704 11,354,704
Mymensingh Depot 12,056,087 12,056,087
Dinajpur Depot 13,098,690 13,098,690
Sub-Total (A) 128,117,771 128,117,771
Export Sales (B) 64,061,912 64,061,912
Total Sales (A+B) 192,179,683 192,179,683

Issue No: 9
The auditor is required to disclose month-wise gross sales & amount of VAT in the FY 2020-2021;

Our Response:
The month wise gross sales & amount of VAT for the financial statements 2020-21 is as follows;
Name of Local Sales Net Export Sales (VAT Total Sales Revenue VAT on Gross Sales
Month of VAT (Taka) Exempted) (Taka) Net of VAT (Taka) Sales (Taka) including VAT
Jul-20 92,248,896 44,660,489 136,909,385 13,837,334 150,746,719
Aug-20 91,037,804 44,944,638 135,982,442 13,655,671 149,638,113
Sep-20 84,549,947 45,435,334 129,985,281 12,682,492 142,667,773
Oct-20 78,639,155 45,684,687 124,323,842 11,795,873 136,119,715
Nov-20 74,616,681 45,645,338 120,262,019 11,192,502 131,454,521
Dec-20 79,504,926 45,706,441 125,211,367 11,925,739 137,137,106
Jan-21 78,260,479 45,772,783 124,033,262 11,739,072 135,772,334
Feb-21 77,047,749 44,044,461 121,092,210 11,557,162 132,649,372
Mar-21 78,528,896 40,658,633 119,187,529 11,779,334 130,966,863
Apr-21 72,802,325 - 72,802,325 10,920,349 83,722,674
May-21 78,922,130 39,176,134 118,098,264 11,838,320 129,936,584
Jun-21 81,330,359 42,038,585 123,368,944 12,199,554 135,568,498
Total 967,489,347 483,767,523 1,451,256,870 145,123,402 1,596,380,272

Issue No: 10
As per Note No. 9.00 of the Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 30 June 2021. Cash in Hand is shown
TK. 8,984,494. The auditor is required to disclose whether the auditor has physically verified the documents of cash
& cash equivalent as on 30.06.2021;


Our Response:
We have physically verified and counted the Cash & Cash Equivalent for 30th June 2021 on 01st July 2021 to comply
with our audit procedure and subsequently, it was shown in the Financial Statements by the management which is
matched with our counting report.

Issue No: 11
The auditor is required to disclose whether the company has formed, disbursed and invested Workers Profit
Participation Fund (WPPF) and Welfare Fund as per provisions of the Bangladesh Labour (Amendments) Act,

Our Response:
The management of Asiatic Laboratories Limited has recognized the Workers' Profit Participation and Welfare
Fund (WPPF) from July 01, 2020 and subsequently, it has registered its Trust Deed on 14 th November 2021 as per
the condition of Section 232 Bangladesh Labor Act-2006 (As amendment up to 2013).

However, a separate bank account was also opened vide account number 50201000597 in Bank Asia Ltd.
Shantinagar Islami Window Branch, Dhaka to operate separately the WPPF Fund. The WPPF of the Company has
yet to be disbursed as per section 234(1/b) of Bangladesh Labor Act-2006 "pay, within 9 (nine) months of the close of
every year, five percent (5%) of the net profit of the previous year at the proportion of 80:10:10 to respectively the
Participatory Fund, Welfare Fund and Workers Welfare Foundation Fund established under section 14 of the Bangladesh
Workers Welfare Foundation Act, 2006." It is to be mentioned here that, the management and the trustee have not
yet made any investment in favor of WPPF.

Issue No: 12
The auditor is required to disclose subsequent realization of Trade and other Receivables (Note-9, of the audited
Financial Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021) as on audit signing date whether there is any related party

Our Response:
There was no related party transaction happening on Accounts Receivable & others up to audit Report Signing Date
i.e., 05 October, 2021. However, there is subsequent realization against Accounts Receivable was happened up to
the signing date of the Financial Statements a table present below showing the subsequent position of accounts
receivable & others as on 30 September, 2021 as provided by the management for your kind consideration.

Balance as on Collection made Balance as on

30.06.2021 up to 30.09.2021 30.09.2021
Khulna Depot 1,919,986 767,900 1,152,086
Noakhali Depot 3,274,404 1,146,000 2,128,403
Sylhet Depot 4,096,780 1,638,700 2,458,080
Rangpur Depot 5,035,779 1,762,500 3,273,280
Rajshahi Depot 7,015,566 2,806,230 4,209,337
Faridpur Depot 7,244,841 2,173,450 5,071,391
Tangail Depot 7,306,024 2,557,110 4,748,914
Bogura Depot 8,371,849 3,348,750 5,023,099
Cumilla Depot 8,513,031 2,894,400 5,618,632
Dhaka Depot 8,892,338 3,379,090 5,513,247
Kishoregonj Depot 9,062,076 3,171,730 5,890,347
Barisal Depot 10,394,237 4,157,700 6,236,537
Chattogram Depot 10,481,379 3,354,050 7,127,328
Kushtia Depot 11,354,704 4,541,890 6,812,814
Mymensingh Depot 12,056,087 4,460,760 7,595,327
Dinajpur Depot 13,098,690 5,239,480 7,859,210
Sub-Total (A) 128,117,771 47,399,740 80,718,031
Export Sales (B) 64,061,912 21,856,413 42,205,499
Total Sales (A+B) 192,179,683 69,256,153 122,923,530

Issue No: 13
Auditor is required to disclose subsequent realization of Trade and other Payable (Note-25, of the audited Financial
Statement for the year ended June 30, 2021) as on audit signing date whether there is any related party transaction;
Our Response:
There was no related party transaction happening on Trade Payable & Other Payable up to audit Report Signing
Date i.e., 05 October, 2021. However, there are subsequent payments that happened against Trade Payable & Others
up to the signing date of the Financial Statements a table present below shows the subsequent position of Trade
Payable & Others as of 30 September, 2021 as provided by the management for your kind consideration.

Closing Accounts Payable Adjusted Up To

Name of Suppliers Difference
as on 30.06.2021 30.09.2021
Poly Chems 977,043 879,400 97,643
Remo Chemicals Limited 1,083,025 974,730 108,296
Global Capsule Limited 667,994 601,200 66,794
Chemical Enterprise 783,775 705,410 78,366
Source Trade International 574,925 517,510 57,416
Eskayef Pharmaceuticals Ltd 683,040 614,780 68,260
Meeka Fine Chemicals Corporation 784,463 706,110 78,353
M/S Nazmul & Brothers 183,113 164,800 18,313
Nitol Printing 1,360,555 1,225,000 135,556
Add & Printing Supplier 877,255 789,600 87,656
Razu Enterprise 758,355 682,540 75,816
CDM Accessories Ltd. 460,555 415,000 45,556
Dhaka Foil Corporation 86,699 78,100 8,599
Nice Pack Limited 113,281 102,003 11,278
Suchana 234,825 211,493 23,333
Home Printing 164,325 147,977 16,349
Tanim Plastic Industries 995,729 896,214 99,515
Nitol Print 1,254,705 1,129,919 124,787
Salman Ind.Ltd 898,775 818,442 80,334
AK Packing Ltd 720,695 654,174 66,522
New Royal Printing 699,275 634,995 64,281
Shohel Printers 842,765 764,171 78,595
Total 15,205,172 13,713,560 1,491,612

Issue No: 14
The auditor is required to provide disclosure whether the issuer has utilized at least 80% of the fund raised through
the issue of capital previously as per Rule (3)(2)(n) of BSEC (Public Issue) Rules 2015;

Our Response:
The company has fully utilized all of its Paid-up Capital raised through the issue of Capital previously as per Rule
(3) (2) (n) of BSEC (Public Issue) Rules 2015 from its Share Holder up to 30th June 2021 for the company. We have
attached herewith a certificate regarding utilization of Paid-up Capital raised through Issuance of Capital previously
as per Rule (3) (2) (n) of BSEC (Public Issue) Rules 2015 for your kind consideration in Annexure-B.


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