Irussor - 2021 (Aor) 28 - 07 - 2022

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भारत सरकार


रे ल मं त्रालय

भारतीय रे ल एकीकृ त मानक दर

अनु सू ची
(फॉमे श न कायय , पू ल कायय एवं पी वे कायय )

Indian Railways
Unified Standard Schedule of Rates
(Formation Works, Bridge Works and P. Way Works)

इं जीननयररं ग नवभाग
Engineering Department

दर विश्लेषण
Analysis of Rates

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken
for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

Sl. No Description Page No.

A Basic Rates 1
1 Earth Work 16

2 Bridge Works - Substructure 33

3 Bridge Works - Super Structure (RCC) 81

4 Bridge Works - Super Structure (Steel) 101

5 Bridge Works - Misc. 146

6 Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal 170

7 Turnouts and Renewals 195

8 Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities 236

9 Welding Activities 254

10 Reconditioning of Points and Crossings 268

11 Formation Rehabilitation 280

12 Activities at Construction Sites 288

13 Maintenance Activities 306

14 Testing of Rails and other Components 344

15 Heavy Track Machines 352

16 Small Track Machines 381

17 Handling of Materials 394

18 Level Crossings 418

19 Bridge Related Activities 445

20 Supply of P.Way Materials 467

21 Miscellaneous Items 481

IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

Indian Railways Unified Standard Schedule Of Rates (Formation Works, Bridge Works and P.Way Works)

"Basic Input Data Sheet"

for Rates Of Basic Items Used For 'Analysis of Rates'

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
1 Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1,500.00
2 Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00
3 Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00
4 Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00
5 Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00
6 Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00
7 Carpenter (Semi skilled) Day 0007 512.00
8 Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00
9 Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00
10 Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00
11 Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00
12 Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00
13 Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00
14 Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00
15 Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00
16 Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00
17 Stone Chiseller (Semi skilled) Day 0017 512.00
18 Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00
19 Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00
20 Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00
21 Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00
22 Bandhani (Semi skilled) Day 0022 512.00
23 Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00
24 Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00
25 Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00
26 Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00
27 Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00
28 Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00
29 Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00
30 Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00
31 Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00
32 Hammer man (Semi-skilled) Day 0032 512.00
33 Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00
34 Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00
35 Patrolman (Semi-skilled) Day 0035 512.00
36 Head Trolley man (Skilled) Day 0036 617.00
37 Trolly man (Semi-skilled) Day 0037 512.00
38 Caution man (Semi-skilled) Day 0038 512.00
39 Chowkidar (Semi skilled) Day 0039 512.00
40 Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00
41 Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00
42 Track Machine Maintainer (Semi skilled) Day 0042 512.00
43 USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1,500.00
Machinery, Hire Charges and Materials :
44 On Road Price of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (1.0 Cum Bucket Capacity) - BE220 Each 0044 6,600,000.00

45 On Road Price of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 260 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Komatsu PC300LC Each 0045 11,500,000.00
46 On Road Price of Wheel loader 3.1 Cum bucket capacity 165 HP - JCB 455ZX Each 0046 7,000,000.00
47 On Road Price of Motor grader 158 HP (3.67 metre blade) BG605I Each 0047 9,700,000.00
48 On Road Price of Dozer 180 HP capacity BEML BD65-1 Each 0048 12,800,000.00
49 On Road Price of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader 74 HP Each 0049 2,400,000.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
50 On Road Price of Truck with long trailers Payload 20T (without POL) 0050 4,500,000.00
51 On Road Price of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Tata Signa 1923.K Each 0051 3,100,000.00
52 On Road Price of Truck - 9 tonne Each 0052 1,500,000.00
53 On Road Price of 1.5 tonne Pickup Truck Each 0053 800,000.00
54 Hire charges of Vibratory Hammer attachment of Hydraulic Excavator for driving Sheet pile driving Day 0054 700.00
55 Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00
56 Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1,000.00
57 Hire charges of Road Roller 8 to10 tonnes Hour 0057 500.00
58 Hire Charges of Slope Vibrator to be attached to Hydralic Excavator for rolling of slope surfaces of embankment. Day 0058 2,000.00

59 Hire Charges of Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity Hour 0059 950.00
60 Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00
61 Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with power unit and accessories Day 0061 3,000.00
etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost of fuel / lubricants & operators for running

62 Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including complete accessories and shifting Day 0062 35,000.00
at site
63 Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3,000.00
64 Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters / hammers Day 0064 1,600.00
65 Hire Charges of Air compressor 500 Cfm for fabrication works Day 0065 1,700.00
66 Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant @ 20 cum/hour Hour 0066 1,400.00
67 Concrete Pump Hour 0067 900.00
68 Hire charges of Transit Mixer 6 cum capacity Hour 0068 2,140.00
69 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00
70 Hire charges of Generator 2.5 KVA (without POL) Day 0070 300.00
71 Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00
72 Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1,000.00
73 Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1,500.00
74 Hire charges for 3 phase generator (60 KVA) Day 0074 2,000.00
75 Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2,500.00
76 Hire charges of Generator of 250 KVA capacity Day 0076 3,000.00
77 Hire charges for Power pack with 200 litres capacity tank with 10 HP 3 phase induction mortar, inlet, out let Day 0077 5,265.00
valves pressure gauges, hose pipes etc for pushing arrangement including consumables, tools, plants,
operator, and transportation to site of work
78 Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00
79 Hire charges of surface vibrator Day 0079 300.00
80 Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1,200.00
81 Hire charges of tractor with Ripper arrangement Day 0081 1,200.00
82 Hire charges of Power driven hammer drill Day 0082 1,500.00
83 Hire charges of Vibratory Hand Rammers / compactors Day 0083 450.00
84 Hire charges of cement / epoxy slurry injection machine Day 0084 600.00
85 Hire charges of pump set of capacity 4000 litre per hour Day 0085 900.00
86 Hire charges of 10MT crane with Grab Bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories Day 0086 7,000.00
87 Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4,000.00
88 Hire charges of Crane 10T capacity Day 0088 5,000.00
89 Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5,000.00
90 Hire charges of 12 MT crane and accessories Day 0090 6,000.00
91 Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8,000.00
92 Hiring and running charges of Crane 30 MT capacity including maintenance and cost of fuel / lubricants & Day 0092 16,000.00
operators for running
93 Hiring charges of Crane 50 MT capacity Day 0093 20,000.00
94 Hiring charges of 80MT capacity crane Day 0094 35,000.00
95 Hiring charges of 100 MT capacity crane Day 0095 50,000.00
96 Hiring charges of 150 MT capacity crane Day 0096 100,000.00
97 Hiring charges of 200 MT capacity crane Day 0097 175,000.00
98 Hiring charges of 250 MT capacity crane Day 0098 225,000.00
99 Hiring charges of 300 MT capacity crane Day 0099 250,000.00
100 Hiring charges of 400 MT capacity crane Day 0100 350,000.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
101 Hiring of trailer truck of 20 MT capacity Day 0101 18,000.00
102 Hire charges of Hydraulic jack 8/10 Tonnes capacity Day 0102 300.00
103 Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00
104 Hire charges for jack of 100 MT lifting capacity Day 0104 2,000.00
105 Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1,500.00
106 Hire charges of Camber Jacks etc. Day 0106 500.00
107 Hire charges of stressing jack with pump for stressing of HTS cables in PSC girders/slabs. Day 0107 11,500.00
108 Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00
109 Pulse Echo Test (PET) for integrity testing of piles with contractor’s men, materials and machines. The rate Each 0109 2,000.00
includes cost of Inspection of site, preparation of pile head and any other unforeseen cost required for the test,
submission of reports in triplicate as per satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge at site.
110 Hire Charges of Hydraulic Jack of 50 T capacity for lateral load testing of piles Day 0110 2,000.00
111 Hire Charges of Hydraulic Jack of 100 T capacity for lateral load testing of piles Day 0111 5,000.00
112 Hire charges for OEW flat jack of 100 T capacity for longitudinal slewing of girder from both sides Each 0112 2,500.00
113 Hire Charges of CNC gas cutting Machine Day 0113 4,500.00
114 Hire Charges of CNC drilling machine - 14 to 50mm dia, 100mm thickness, set of spindle - 2 sets, accuracy +/- Day 0114 14,000.00
115 Hire Charges of MMAW machine ( Manual Metal Arc Welding Machine) - 80 to 500 Amperes. Day 0115 25.00
116 Hire Charges of SAW machine - Tornado Make, current range - 150 to 1250 Amperes. Day 0116 7,500.00
117 Hire Charges of Angle grinder - 230mm dia. Disc, 6000 rpm, CP make. Day 0117 11.00
118 Hire Charges of Impact wrench - 32mm dia.Boit, CP Make. Day 0118 25.00
119 Hire Charges of Torque wrench - 150 kgf-m, Mekaster Make. Day 0119 10.00
120 Hire Charges of Power hack saw machine (Angle) Day 0120 25.00
121 Hire Charges of CNC end milling machine - (Horizonral Spindle), (1). Longitudinal Traverse of table (X-Axis) - Day 0121 17,000.00
1500mm (2). Vertical Axis (Y-Axis) - 1000mm, (3).RAM Column Traverses (Z-Axis) - 500mm.
122 Hire Charges of EOT, 10 ton Capacity, Reva Make Day 0122 1,500.00
123 Hire charges of Road Cum Rail vehicle for transporting Flash Butt Welding plant Day 0123 1,000.00
124 Hire Charges for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant Day 0124 55,000.00
125 Hire charges of USFD testing machine(B-Scan) Day 0125 2,500.00
126 Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00
127 Hire changes for sand receiver and sand blasting pipes with gun and all accessories complete Day 0127 500.00
128 Hire charges for metalising gun with all accessories Day 0128 600.00
129 Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00
130 Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00
131 Hire charges of translamatic robotic welding machine Day 0131 5,000.00
132 Hire charges of Hot Paint machine Day 0132 150.00
133 Hire charges of off -Track Tamper (Set of 4) Day 0133 300.00
134 Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00
135 Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1,000.00
136 Hire charges of Electrically operated Rail Drilling Machine Day 0136 200.00
137 Hire charges of Concrete Sleeper Drilling Machine Day 0137 300.00
138 Hire charges of Electrically operated Rail Cutting Machine Day 0138 100.00
139 Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00
140 Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00
141 Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail bender (Jim Crow) Day 0141 200.00
142 Hire charges of Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor (10 Tonnes) Day 0142 200.00
143 Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail tensor Day 0143 150.00
144 Hire charges of Hydraulic Sleeper Spacer Day 0144 200.00
145 Hire charges of Hammer Breaker Day 0145 200.00
146 Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00
147 Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00
148 Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00
149 Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00
150 Hire charges of Mechanical Toe load measuring device Day 0150 200.00
151 Hire charges of Electronic Toe load measuring device Day 0151 200.00
152 Hire charges of Hydraulic bending machine to bend the rails Day 0152 1,100.00
153 Hire charges of Furnace blower to heat the rails for bending purpose Day 0153 300.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
154 Hire charges for wood sawing machine including fuel and operator Day 0154 1,500.00
155 Hire charges of Jib crane attachable and detachable to BFR/BRH Day 0155 300.00
156 Hire charges of Portal Crane (with Fuel & Driver) Hour 0156 250.00
157 Hire charges of Insulated Rail Dolly Day 0157 20.00
158 Hire Charges of Inflatable emergency tower light 400 Watt Day 0158 50.00
159 Hire charges of boat with boatmen Day 0159 1,200.00
160 Hire charges of 3.0 m x 3.0 m waterproof Tent Day 0160 200.00
161 Hire charges of Chair Day 0161 15.00
162 Hire charges of Table Day 0162 50.00
163 Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00
164 Hire charges for plotter up to A0 size Day 0164 700.00
165 Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00
166 Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS- Cum 0166 75.00
167 Soil Quality Class SQ2 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS- Cum 0167 125.00
168 Soil Quality Class SQ3 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS- Cum 0168 150.00
169 Blasting Powder Kg 0169 50.00
170 Blasting Fuse (Fuse Wire) Each 0170 20.00
171 Bentonite powder MT 0171 4,025.00
172 Doob grass Sqm 0172 29.00
173 Sarkanda/ Sarpat Sqm 0173 45.00
174 Grass sods Sqm 0174 46.00
175 Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile for use as Sqm 0175 90.00
Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part Iwith
minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 700N, 250 N and 1800 N

176 Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile for use as Sqm 0176 170.00
Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I with
minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N

177 Geo-composite drain consisting of Geonet Core sandwiched between Non-Woven geo textile filters on both sides Sqm 0177 450.00
as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0006
178 Mechanically woven double twisted hexagonal shaped wire mesh gabion boxes of required sizes with 10mm x Cum 0178 1,495.00
12mm mesh of wire dia 2.7mm/3.7mm (ID/OD) and Zn & PVC coated
179 Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60
180 Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00
181 Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00
182 Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00
183 Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00
184 Mobile Oil Litre 0184 250.00
185 Grease MP-2 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Kg 0185 153.00
186 Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade MT 0186 4,940.00
187 Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade MT 0187 5,000.00
188 Pozzolana Portland Cement MT 0188 4,700.00
189 Sulphate Resisting Cement MT 0189 6,500.00
190 Plasticiser / Super Plasticiser Kg 0190 80.00
191 Admixture (anti shrinkage compound) for CC/RCC work Kg 0191 140.00
192 Synthetic polyester triangular fibre of length 6 mm, effective diameter 10-40 microns and specific gravity of 1.34 Kg 0192 400.00
to 1.40.
193 Waterproofing compound Kg 0193 207.00
194 Muriatic Acid Kg 0194 23.00
195 Surface protection material ESI Permaproof Litre 0195 253.00
196 Surface protection material ESI Permacil -GA Litre 0196 272.55
197 Surface protection material ESI Bond Litre 0197 278.30
198 Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
199 Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1,200.00
200 Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1,000.00
201 Screened Sand Kg 0201 2.50
202 Stone Aggregate (single size) 63mm nominal Cum 0202 900.00
203 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00
204 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00
205 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00
206 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm nominal size Cum 0206 775.00
207 Stone grit 6mm and down size or pea sized gravel Cum 0207 600.00
208 Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00
209 Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00
210 Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00
211 Stone Spalls Cum 0211 445.00
212 Filter media of stone aggregate confirming to RDSO specification (12 cum loose to be taken as 10 cum after Cum 0212 1,200.00
213 Low relaxation H T Strands conforming to IS 14268 latest version for prestressed concrete MT 0213 57,000.00
214 CRCA Sheathing Metre 0214 165.00
215 HDPE Sheathing Metre 0215 275.00
216 Tube anchorage set complete with bearing plate , permanent wedges etc. Each 0216 1,320.00
217 MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3,600.00
218 Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars grade Fe 500D - or more.(Average of dia 10mm to 25mm) without GST Quintal 0218 5,974.00
219 G.I. Binding wire Kg 0219 51.75
220 Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062 Quintal 0220 6,300.00

221 Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality Quintal 0221 4,950.00
"A" as per IS 2062
222 Structural steel plates conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062, Quintal 0222 7,330.00
223 Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality Quintal 0223 5,730.00
"B0" as per IS:2062,
224 tructural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality Quintal 0224 5,860.00
"C" as per IS 2062
225 Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality Quintal 0225 5,500.00
"BR" as per IS:2062,
226 Structural Steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists Grade Designation E350; Quality 'B0' as per IS Quintal 0226 6,000.00
227 M S Flat upto 10 mm thickness Quintal 0227 6,300.00
228 HSFG bolt with DTI Wasters conforming to IRS B1-2001 with latest Correction Slips Kg 0228 100.00
229 Mild steel rivets for steel girders Quintal 0229 6,540.00
230 Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50
231 Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00
232 Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7,500.00
233 Cup Grinding Stone Each 0233 900.00
234 Drill Bit 20-25 mm Each 0234 300.00
235 Electrodes 4 mm dia for steel fabrication work Metre 0235 15.00
236 Welding Rod for Gas Metal Arc Welding Kg 0236 116.82
237 SAW Welding Wire Kg 0237 66.00
238 Flux for SAW Weldging Kg 0238 65.00
239 Cost of Drifts Each 0239 65.00
240 Cost of Service Bolts for assembling of Girders Each 0240 35.00
241 Shielding Gas (Co2) for fabrication works Kg 0241 69.00
242 Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00
243 GI Sheet 1.50 mm thick Quintal 0243 4,600.00
244 Mild steel chequered plate MT 0244 70,000.00
245 Anti skid Stainless steel chequered plate of 409 M Grade as per Specification ASTM A240 and Pattern MT 0245 140,000.00
conforming to BIS 3502
246 Stainless steel nut, bolts and washers Kg 0246 294.00
247 Polyvinyl chloride sheet 400 micron. Sqm 0247 40.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
248 Z section sheet piles AZ 18-800 (Arcellor Mittal) or equivalent & bracing Quintal 0248 4,500.00
249 G.I. wire 4mm dia Kg 0249 70.00
250 MS Bolts & Nuts below 10mm dia Kg 0250 60.00
251 MS bolts & nuts more than 10 mm dia Quintal 0251 8,500.00
252 100mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long (Shuttering material) Each 0252 1,322.50
253 MS tube 40mm dia (Shuttering material) Metre 0253 293.25
254 Wall form Panel 1250mm x 450mm (Shuttering material) Each 0254 1,150.00
255 Adjustable telescopic prop 3m (2.02m-3.75m) (Shuttering material) Each 0255 1,265.00
256 Beam Clamp 300-380mm (450mm-1070mm) (Shuttering material) Set 0256 454.25
257 Cadmium plated full threaded steel screws (30mm x 4mm dia) (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0257 35.65
258 Aluminium washer 2mm thick & 15 mm dia (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0258 28.75
259 uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 110mm dia (working pressure 4Kg/cm2) Metre 0259 160.00
260 uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 160mm dia Metre 0260 350.00
261 GI Pipe 50 mm dia , B Class Medium duty Metre 0261 315.35
262 GI Pipe 100 mm dia , B Class Medium duty Metre 0262 731.55
263 Clamps and MS stays including bolts and nuts for 100mm dia pipe Each 0263 90.00
264 Clamps and MS stays including bolts and nuts for 50mm dia pipe Each 0264 53.00
265 C I grating 100mm x 100mm Each 0265 75.00
266 Etch primer as per IS: 5666 Litre 0266 340.00
267 Aluminium wire for spraying Kg 0267 219.93
268 Elastomeric bearing assembly consisting of 7 layers of Elastomer bonded to 6 nos. internal reinforcing steel Each 0268 15,360.00
laminates by the process of vulcanisation, complete with all components as per drawing and Technical
Specification (Each of 19200 Cu Cm)
269 Cast steel rocker bearing assembly of 250 tonne design load capacity duly painted complete with all its Each 0269 100,000.00
components as per drawing and specifications
270 Forged steel roller bearing of 250 tonne design load capacity duly painted complete with all its components as Each 0270 150,000.00
per drawing and specifications
271 PTFE sliding plate bearing assembly of 80 tonnes design load capacity duly painted complete with all its Each 0271 24,000.00
components as per drawing and Technical Specifications
272 300 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0272 57,880.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stainless
steel attached to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess(s) on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings), hard facings, external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

273 300 MT Capacity Pot cum PTFE bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by un Each 0273 83,045.00
reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated
structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical

274 300 MT capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a Each 0274 101,185.00
disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings, external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

275 300 MT capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a Each 0275 96,790.00
disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
276 250 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0276 47,380.00
of unreinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain less
steel attached to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

277 250 MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by un reinforced Each 0277 62,045.00
elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural
steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

278 250 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(L)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0278 77,390.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

279 250MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(T)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0279 72,695.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

280 200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0280 36,655.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain
less steel attached to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the
piston with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast
steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per
drawings and Technical Specifications.

281 200 MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by un reinforced Each 0281 45,025.00
elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural
steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

282 200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(L)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0282 57,140.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

283 200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0283 52,805.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

284 150 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0284 25,320.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain
less steel attached to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the
piston with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast
steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per
drawings and Technical Specifications.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
285 150MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by un reinforced Each 0285 29,985.00
elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural
steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

286 150MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0286 38,745.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

287 150MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0287 35,760.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

288 100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0288 16,350.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain
less steel attached to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the
piston with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast
steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per
drawings and Technical Specifications.

289 100MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by un reinforced Each 0289 17,385.00
elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural
steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

290 100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0290 25,625.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

291 100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc Each 0291 23,350.00
of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding
arrangement to bear and resist the horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached
to metal backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with internal seal
(Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc complete with cast steel
assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all components complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.

292 300 MT Capacity Spherical fixed bearing consists of an assembly of precision machined steel components with Each 0292 65,185.00
spherical concave and convex elements in its centre designed and sized according the specific requirements
.The bottom plate with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top component
is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom face mating with concave curved surface
fixed by restraining rings to restrict the horizontal movement as a complete unit made up of with Mild steel/cast
iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or 340-570W,AISI 304/316
shall be used for the backing plates with flat or curved surfaces.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
293 300 MT Capacity Spherical free float bearing consists of an assembly of precision machined steel components Each 0293 55,860.00
with spherical concave and convex elements in its centre designed and sized according the specific requirements
.The bottom plate with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top component
is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom face mating with concave curved surface
. Sliding assembly attached consists of a polished stainless sheet welded to the under side of top steel plate
slides on PTFE disc recessed or bonded to the upper surface of convex plate as complete unit made up of with
Mild steel/cast iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or 340-
570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or curved surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in
accordance with AISI316L OR of IS 6911 of minimum thick 3mm

294 300 MT Capacity Spherical Slide Guide (L) bearing consists of an assembly of precision machined steel Each 0294 79,400.00
components with spherical concave and convex elements in its centre designed and sized according the specific
requirements .The bottom plate with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The
top component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom face mating with concave
curved surface . Sliding assembly with guiding system bear and transmit the horizontal force in one direction and
allowing the movement perpendicular to above (Longitudinal direction) consisting of a polished stainless sheet
welded to the under side of top steel plate slides on PTFE disc recessed or bonded to the upper surface of
convex plate as complete unit made up of with Mild steel/cast iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062
Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or 340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or
curved surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in accordance with AISI316L OR of IS 6911 of minimum thick 3mm.

295 300 MT Capacity Spherical Slide Guide (T) bearing consists of an assembly of precision machined steel Each 0295 75,560.00
components with spherical concave and convex elements in its centre designed and sized according the specific
requirements .The bottom plate with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The
top component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom face mating with concave
curved surface . Sliding assembly with guiding system bear and transmit the horizontal force in one direction and
allowing the movement perpendicular to above (Transverse direction) consisting of a polished stainless sheet
welded to the under side of top steel plate slides on PTFE disc recessed or bonded to the upper surface of
convex plate as complete unit made up of with Mild steel/cast iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062
Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or 340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or
curved surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in accordance with AISI316L OR of IS 6911 of minimum thick 3mm

296 Single coil spring washer for bridge bearing for 36 mm dia bolts Each 0296 12.00
297 Hot melt Thermo plastic road marking paint Litre 0297 160.00
298 Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00
299 Bituminous Emulsion without Mica (IP no. 56192 and RDSO Specification no.P30-1996) Litre 0299 200.00
300 Solvent confirming to IS Specification 1745-1976. Litre 0300 150.00
301 High build epoxy paint (two pack) as per RDSO's Specn. No. M&C/PCN/111/88 Litre 0301 440.00
302 Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00
303 Anti-corrosive Paint as per RDSO's Specn. No. M&C/PCN/123/2012 Litre 0303 280.00
304 Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00
305 Ready mix Zinc Chromate primer as per IS 104 Litre 0305 100.00
306 Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00
307 Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00
308 Synthetic Enamel Paint in Black or Chocolate shade Litre 0308 220.00
309 Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00
310 Ready Mixed Paint as per IS:13607 Litre 0310 230.00
311 Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00
312 Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00
313 Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00
314 Industrial grade blown type Petroleum Bitumen of grade 85/25 as per IS:702 MT 0314 47,000.00
315 Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00
316 Bitumen emulsion for road of grade RS-1 confirming to IS 8887 MT 0316 37,000.00
317 Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28,000.00
318 Synthetic Rubber based Adhesive Litre 0318 200.00
319 Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
320 Araldite GY257 Kg 0320 379.50
321 Epoxy Hardener HY850 Kg 0321 370.30
322 Paint Brush 100 mm Each 0322 90.00
323 Paint Brush 75 mm Each 0323 70.00
324 Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00
325 Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00
326 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 40mm expansion , comprising of edge beams, Metre 0326 4,000.00
anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as per approved specification and drawings

327 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 80mm expansion , comprising of edge beams, Metre 0327 5,500.00
anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as per approved specification and drawings

328 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 120mm expansion , comprising of edge beams, Metre 0328 6,500.00
anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as per approved specification and drawings
329 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 160mm expansion , comprising of edge beams, Metre 0329 8,000.00
anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as per approved specification and drawings
330 Welding cable copper 50 mm2 Metre 0330 110.00
331 500 Amp Arc welding Electrode holder Each 0331 85.00
332 Welding & cutting torch Each 0332 950.00
333 Hand gloves leather Set 0333 250.00
334 Welding Hose rubber for Oxygen/D.A. 6mm dia Metre 0334 28.00
335 Welding screen Each 0335 150.00
336 Welding by Electric Plant Cm 0336 1.00
337 Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71
338 Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00
339 Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00
340 Pressure Regulator for Oxygen/Acetylene cylinder Each 0340 1,450.00
341 Hard Variety Jungle Wood blocks 10 Cudm 0341 350.00
342 2nd class deodar wood in scantling 10 Cudm 0342 465.00
343 Fuel wood Quintal 0343 4,000.00
344 Crack filling epoxy for guniting and pressure grouting work Kg 0344 650.00
345 Accelerator compound for guniting Kg 0345 140.00
346 GI/MS nipple size 20mm dia Each 0346 15.00
347 Pre-packed polymer concrete based on epoxy system complete with curing compound, initiator and promoter Kg 0347 10.00
348 Epoxy mortar for concrete repair kg 0348 25.00
349 Epoxy resin hardener mix for seal coat Kg 0349 150.00
350 Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00
351 Pre packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days Kg 0351 22.00
352 Wire mesh size 50mm x 50mm of 3mm wire Kg 0352 80.00
353 Wire mesh (Rabbit) Sqm 0353 67.20
354 Galvanised steel fibre Kg 0354 200.00
355 Galvanised chain link mesh netting of 80mm x 80mm mesh size Sqm 0355 180.00
356 Galvanised spiral lock spring Each 0356 19.20
357 Epoxy coated washer plate of 200mm x 200mm x 6mm size Each 0357 156.00
358 Anchor fastener of 10mm dia and 110mm length Each 0358 72.00
359 Bottom anchors of 16mm dia HYSD & 1m length Each 0359 276.00
360 Galvanised steel wire mesh rope net made of 9mm dia steel wire rope having aperture size of 45cm x 60cm with Sqm 0360 468.00
6m length hangs
361 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 300mm dia Metre 0361 600.00
362 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 450mm dia Metre 0362 950.00
363 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 600mm dia Metre 0363 1,630.00
364 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 900mm dia Metre 0364 3,200.00
365 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1000mm dia Metre 0365 4,100.00
366 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1200mm dia Metre 0366 5,500.00
367 NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1800mm dia Metre 0367 13,300.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
368 Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for open / Pile / well foundation for RCC Set 0368 17,250.00
column / piers for ROB/RUB/Bridges, based on Railway's approved GADs, duly designing the members and
submission of check plot duly getting proof checked by Railway approved institutes.
369 Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for RCC bed block for ROB/RUB/Bridges, Set 0369 5,175.00
based on Railway's approved GADs, duly designing the members and submission of check plot duly getting proof
checked by Railway approved institutes.
370 Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for foundation and sub structure for RCC Set 0370 17,250.00
retaining wall, abutment and approach slab for ROB/RUB/Bridges, based on Railway's approved GADs, duly
designing the members and submission of check plot duly getting proof checked by Railway approved institutes.

371 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0371 796.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 0-10m

372 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0372 836.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 10m-20m

373 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0373 880.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 20m-30m

374 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0374 955.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 30m-40m

375 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0375 1,100.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 40m-50m

376 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0376 1,300.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 50m-60m

377 Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / large boulders (boulder core Metre 0377 1,400.00
more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing
off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata, where necessary with
contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment, consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 60m-70m

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
378 Extra for 150mm dia. bore in hard Rock/large Boulder at all levels Metre 0378 1,489.00
379 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0379 2,284.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 0m-10m
380 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0380 2,399.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 10m-20m
381 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0381 2,558.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 20m-30m
382 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0382 2,741.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 30m-40m
383 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0383 2,835.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 40m-50m
384 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0384 3,056.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 50m-60m
385 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and collection of rock core samples Metre 0385 3,300.00
from boreholes and preserving in boxes 60m-70m
386 Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per IS:10042 including making loading Each 0386 15,000.00
arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and
refilling of trial pit : Plate size- 30cm x 30cm
387 Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per IS:10042 including making loading Each 0387 18,000.00
arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and
refilling of trial pit : Plate size- 45cm x 45cm
388 Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per IS:10042 including making loading Each 0388 21,500.00
arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and
refilling of trial pit : Plate size- 60cm x 60cm
389 Conducting in situ Vane shear test for soil as per IS:4434 Each 0389 2,200.00
390 Conducting SCPT for soil as per IS:4968 Each 0390 35,000.00
391 Conducting DCPT for soil as per IS:4968 Each 0391 29,000.00
392 Conducting determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) as per IS:2720 Each 0392 1,000.00
393 Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long undisturbed samples of soil from bore holes, including provision of air tight Each 0393 103.00
containers for packing and, labelling incl. transporting the samples to laboratory. Piston sampler shall be used for
extracting undisturbed samples where necessary. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.

394 Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long disturbed samples of soil from bore holes, including provision of air tight Each 0394 110.00
containers for packing, labelling and transporting the samples to laboratory. Samples shall be collected as per
395 Conducting standard penetration test as per IS:2131 at approximate1.5m intervals in bore holes, as directed by Each 0395 600.00
the Engineer in charge
396 Collection of water samples at required intervals Each 0396 170.00
397 Moisture Contents/Dry Density Each 0397 200.00
398 Atterberg Limit Each 0398 400.00
399 Specific Gravity Each 0399 400.00
400 Grain size analysis including Hydrometer analysis Each 0400 550.00
401 Direct Shear Test Each 0401 1,500.00
402 Natural Density Test Each 0402 450.00
403 Consolidation Test Each 0403 5,000.00
404 Unconfined Compression Test Each 0404 1,500.00
405 Tri-axial Test Each 0405 1,500.00
406 Density Test Each 0406 200.00
407 Water Absorption & Porosity Each 0407 200.00
408 Hardness Test Each 0408 100.00
409 Unconfined Compression Test for rock Each 0409 1,500.00
410 Point Load Test Each 0410 800.00
411 Modulus of Elasticity Each 0411 4,000.00
412 Abrasion Testing Each 0412 450.00
413 Conducting chemical analysis of ground water samples to determine suitability for concreting and Each 0413 1,000.00
aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement including determination of pH value
414 Conducting chemical analysis of soil samples to determine aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / Each 0414 1,000.00
reinforcement including determination of pH value

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
415 Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manully pressed, Each 0415 1,610.00
Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended
for 60 Kg/90UTS-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

416 Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manully pressed, Each 0416 1,574.00
Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended
for 52 Kg/90UTS-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

417 Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manully pressed, Each 0417 1,574.00
Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended
for 60 Kg/60EI-R260 grade Rail-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

418 Luting Sand for AT welding Kg 0418 10.00

419 Rail file 15" long for filing AT weld Each 0419 450.00
420 CP-3032 Powder for reconditioning of scabs, wheel burns of rails and cupped AT welded joints Kg 0420 1,550.00
421 TERRA C I-94 - Electrodes of make L & T, AdvaniOerlicon, Diffusion, SHARP - 650, or equivalent for Each 0421 175.00
reconditioning of MCI insert of points & crossings sleeper
422 H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13
423 H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50
424 H3 Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0424 20.00
425 1.6mm dia core flux wire of cast manganese steel Kg 0425 916.00
426 10 mm thick Grooved Rubber Pads as per drg. No. RDSO/T-5199 & RDSO's Spec. no. IRS-T-47-2006 (Prov.)- Each 0426 132.00
427 Galvanised steel fittings for non insulated galvanized channel sleepers (52/60 kg rail) as per RDSO drawing no. set 0427 1,534.00
RDSO/T-5197 to 5200
428 Galvanised steel fittings for insulated galvanized channel sleepers (52/60 kg rail) as per RDSO drawing no. set 0428 2,000.00
RDSO/T-5155 to 5164
429 Supply of 25/30 mm thick Elastomeric Pad as per RDSO drawing No. B/1636/I/R2 Each 0429 152.00
430 Supply of 2 nos. Elastomeric Pad 25mm/30mm and 4 nos. Grooved Rubber Pad as per RDSO drawing No. Set 0430 1,650.00
B/1636/5/Alt 2
431 Galvanised MS Inner and Outer Clip for steel channel sleeper (RDSO Drg. No. T-6150 & T-6151) Set 0431 434.00
432 Single Coil spring washers T-10773 Each 0432 4.35
433 Dip Galvanisation @ 705gm / sqm ( 100 Microns thick ) MT 0433 17,000.00
434 Hook Bolts 28mm dia & 320mm long as per RDSO's drg. No. BA-1636/I/R2 (Nuts, Bolts, washer, Split pins etc.) Kg 0434 65.00

435 Zero toe load galvanised fixtures for H Beam sleepers of 52/60kg Rails as per RDSO approved drawing Set 0435 3,000.00
436 Lifting Barrier assembly for 6m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom light boxes with suitable gate set 0436 96,858.59
lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters, counter weight, pedestal and lock posts with foundation
of ‘A’ type as required, turn union wheel with brackets, balance and auxiliary weights clamps etc to approved
standard drawings with all fittings and fastenings complete (excluding fringes)

437 Lifting Barrier assembly for 8m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom light boxes with suitable gate set 0437 129,144.47
lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters, counter weight, pedestal and lock posts with foundation
of ‘A’ type as required, turn union wheel with brackets, balance and auxiliary weights clamps etc to approved
standard drawings with all fittings and fastenings complete (excluding fringes)

438 Lifting Barrier assembly for 10m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom light boxes with suitable set 0438 161,431.29
gate lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters, counter weight, pedestal and lock posts with
foundation of ‘A’ type as required, turn union wheel with brackets, balance and auxiliary weights clamps etc to
approved standard drawings with all fittings and fastenings complete (excluding fringes)

439 Winch arrangement for operation of level crossing lifting barriers, as per RDSO’s approved layout having Each 0439 35,289.90
standard covering arrangement, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and pulleys, pulley guides and stakes,
horizontal rope wheel, vertical rope wheel, wire adjusting screws wire ropes 6x6x19 with all fittings, fixtures and
accessories to RDSO’s approved drawings with all parts including painting of steel work as per
specification(excluding excavation and concrete work)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
440 Auto boom locking arrangement (Single lever) for existing lifting barriers, consisting of interlocking ground frame Each 0440 82,481.50
near gate lodge, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and connecting ground frame to lock posts of gate booms with
stipulated rodding on guide rollers, supported on trestles as per RDSO’s drawings complete (Excluding
excavation, concrete work)

441 Auto boom locking arrangement (Double lever) for existing lifting barriers, consisting of interlocking ground frame Each 0441 85,105.91
near gate lodge, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and connecting ground frame to lock posts of gate booms with
stipulated rodding on guide rollers, supported on trestles as per RDSO’s drawings complete (Excluding
excavation, concrete work)

442 Gate lamps Each 0442 4,035.00

443 GI wire rope of 6mm dia. 6 ply to suit lifting barrier gates Kg 0443 350.00
444 Boom Supports (stay wires) for lifting barrier (approx. 8mm dia) Each 0444 1,000.00
445 4" dia round ceramic Light Reflector as per specification Each 0445 350.00
446 Pulley with Pulley stakes complete, wire rope 6x6x19 ply with accessories as per Railway’s approved drawings Each 0446 347.00
for operation of lifting barriers
447 Vertical / Horizontal Turnout Wheels and Shafts mounted over the base plate weighing not less than 6 Kg with Each 0447 1,320.00
supporting vertical base made of MS angles 75mm x 75mm x 10mm as per Railway's approved drawing and
448 Turnout wheel- HORIZONTAL ROPE WHEEL double wire (2 way) including guides Each 0448 2,024.00
449 Galvanized STEEL WIRE ROPE for DW signalling 6 x 19 ply as per IRS No. S.11 amended upto date for lifting Kg 0449 250.00
barrier at level crossing gates
450 Precast CC Paver block -80mm thick M35 grade Sqm 0450 495.00
451 Precast CC Paver block -120mm thick M40 grade Sqm 0451 774.00
452 HDPE Dowels Each 0452 100.00
453 High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as per RDSO's Spec. no. Each 0453 160.00
TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
454 Hack Saw Blades Each 0454 593.22
455 Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00
456 Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00
457 Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00
458 Shearing Blade for weld trimming machine Each 0458 150.00
459 Rechargeable Battery for ETLMD as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/ETLMD/218 Each 0459 1,000.00
460 Drill twist made of high speed of size 16 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0460 1,631.50
461 Drill twist made of high speed of size 7.2 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0461 271.00
462 Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2,852.30
463 Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1,866.40
464 Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 28.75 mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0464 3,242.40
465 Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 31.75 mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0465 4,335.90
466 Drill Bit (32 mm & 26.5 mm dia) Each 0466 300.00
467 Auger Carpenter Each 0467 90.00
468 Hand lever box full set BG Each 0468 11,000.00
469 Point lock pin full set BG Each 0469 720.00
470 Fosroc conbextra-GP2 grout or similar make in 25 Kg bag Each 0470 494.00
471 Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00
472 High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1,625.00
473 Retro Reflective tape 50mm wide Metre 0473 71.30
474 Steel wires released from U/S PSC Sleeper Kg 0474 25.00
475 Bamboo 50 mm dia 2.5 metre long (1 Score = 20 nos.) score 0475 1,500.00
476 Hollock Ballies 80mm diameter Metre 0476 85.00
477 Hollock Ballies 150mm diameter Metre 0477 150.00
478 150 mm dia Eucalyptus Ballies Metre 0478 143.75
479 125 mm dia ballies of locally available hard wood Metre 0479 90.00
480 100 mm dia ballies of locally available hard wood Metre 0480 65.00
481 Iron spike (different sizes) Kg 0481 60.00
482 Nylon rope 5 mm dia Kg 0482 90.00
483 Weedicide Chemical - Glyphosate Litre 0483 296.90
484 Fluorescent Tube Lights 40 Watt Nos. 0484 45.00
485 Hard Wood Peg of 50mm dia & 60 cm long Each 0485 25.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Schedule of Rates - 2021 Basic Rate Sheet

(Rates of the Basic Elements are without GST)

1. Rates of Basic Element shall necessarily be without GST as provision of the GST has been made in the Analysis of Rates of Items. Accordingly, it must be ensured that Rates of basic
elements to be entered in this "Basic Input Data Sheet" while updation of USSOR are exclusive of GST. Similarly hire - charges of plant & machinery shall also be exclusive of GST.
However hire Charges shall be inclusive of cost of services of operating staff, Cost of lubricating oil, fuel and other consumables for running the plant and machinery unless othewise
specified in the Description of the Basic Element.
2. For hire charges of plant machinery, per day means single shift of eight working hours.
SL Description Unit Rate Code Rate (₹)
486 Liquid solution in 250ml pack, having break loose torque of 400Nm to 540Nm, as per ISO:10123 norms with Each 0486 2,500.00
shear strength of liquid solutions as 25 to 35 N/mm2, viscosity 1500 to 3000 (Centipoise) & specific gravity of 1.1
± 0.05. for tightening of all types of track nuts & bolts to prevent loosening during vibrations

487 Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of rubber pads Kg 0487 2,000.00
488 U pin of 6mm dia mild steel of 0.3m length for stone cladding work Each 0488 14.00
489 Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00
490 Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00
491 Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00
492 Poly propylene tarred rope gabion fabricated from 9mm dia rope 100m x 100m mesh with partition at every 1m Cum 0492 1,380.00
493 Precast Concrete bridge No. plaque/Stone Each 0493 287.50
494 Precast Concrete bridge foundation details plaque including engraving complete Each 0494 525.00
495 PVC pipe 25 mm dia confirming to IS standard for Electric Wiring Metre 0495 75.00
496 PVC junction boxes 4 way for Electric Work Each 0496 18.99
497 Tracing paper in roll with specification- weight 95gm/m2 width 914mm and length 45.7m Each 0497 250.00
498 Ammonia Print Sheet of 55 to 60 GSM, 914mm wide and 10m long Each 0498 250.00
499 Hire Charges of Total Station instrument Day 0499 200.00
500 Electricity Charges ( 1 Unit ) KWH 0500 7.50
Linked/Fixed Rates, not to be touched
501 Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Capacity) Day 0501 10,213.40
502 Hire Charges of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 200 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Day 0502 14,405.40
503 Hire Charges of Wheel loader 3.1 Cum bucket capacity 165 HP (without POL) Day 0503 4,173.00
504 Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18,031.80
505 Hire charges of dozer 166 HP capacity Day 0505 17,336.20
506 Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4,674.20
507 Hire Charges of 20T truck with long trailers (without POL) Day 0507 2,903.00
508 Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3,649.40
509 Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6,094.05
510 Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity (without POL) Day 0510 2,191.80
511 Hire Charges of Truck - 9 tonne (without POL ) Day 0511 1,379.00
512 Hire Charges of 1.5 tonne Pickup Truck (without POL ) Day 0512 1,023.40
513 Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00
514 Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01
515 Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14
516 Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15
517 Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01
518 Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05
519 Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10
520 Add for working under traffic block @ 15% Lumpsum 9993 0.15
521 Add for working under traffic block @ 20% Lumpsum 9994 0.20
522 Add for working under traffic block @ 25% Lumpsum 9995 0.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given for
illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

CHAPTER - 1 : Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
011000 Earthwork in New Lines, Doubling Projects Etc. - Embankments
011010 Preparation of foundation for Embankment by clearing, grubbing, stripping top soil
(average 150 mm) and stacking beyond foundation area, thereafter ploughing and
pulverizing 150 - 200 mm of top of soil with tractor trolley, mixing water to achieve
OMC with water sprinkler or left for natural drying, as required, and compaction with
vibratory roller of suitable capacity to achieve 98% MDD for laying first layer of soil for
embankment construction.

Considering bank height of 5m, formation width 8m additional clearance of 0.5m on

either side.
The total width for clearing = 8m + 2x0.5m +2x2x5m +2x0.5m = 30m
Total area in 1 km = 30,000 Sqm Cost for 30,000 Sqm

Hire charges of dozer 166 HP capacity Day 0505 17336.20 2.40 41,606.88
Hire charges of tractor with Ripper arrangement Day 0081 1200.00 2.00 2,400.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 24.00 3,600.00
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 56.00 56,000.00
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,269.93
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 18,020.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 21,942.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,682.26
Cost for 30,000 Sqm 169,908.56
Cost of 100 Sqm 100 Sqm 566.36

011020 Benching of existing embankment manually in steps of 30 cm height for

doubling/tripling works in running line to provide proper amalgamation between the
old and new embankments as per RDSO latest Specifications and guidelines
RDSO/2020//GE: IRS-0004 to the entire satisfaction of Engineer in-charge. The item
includes uprooting and disposing of all the vegetation, all lift, descends, ascends and
additional earthwork required for filling due to removal of earth in benching in existing
(1) The benching Work shall be done for a maximum height of 0.90 m at any time
based on the progress of earthwork starting from toe of the embankment.
(2) Benching work shall be certified and recorded before starting the earth work.
(3) Unit for payment shall be km per metre height of the Bank. Height here means
representative average height of the bank in the specified km taken from cross
sectional measurements for earthwork.
(4) Since the rate includes earthwork in steps, payment under this item shall be made
after completion of earthwork to that level.
(5) Cut soil from bank shall not be used in embankment construction and disposed off
away from bank as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Detail of cost for 1 Km of 3 metres height of the embankment

Assuming 3m Height of Bank,
Number of Steps of Benching = 10
Volume of 10 Steps of Benching /1 Km length = 10 x 1000 x 0.5 x 0.30 x 0.60 =900
@3 Cum/ 1 persons
Rate of the Soil are considered as average of the rates for SQ1, SQ2 and SQ3 soil.

Cost of Earthwork for Benching = Average rate of items of Earthwork for SQ1, SQ2,
SQ3 classifications of Soil
Rate of SQ1 Cum 0166 75.00
Rate of SQ2 Cum 0167 125.00
Rate of SQ3 Cum 0168 150.00
Average rate of above 3 items 116.67 900.00 105,000.00

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 16
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 300.00 131,100.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Total 236,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,362.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 33,517.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 40,811.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,128.92
Cost for 1 Km per 3m 316,020.87
Rate per Km per metre Km 105,340.29

011030 Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments,
bridge gaps, trolley refuges, platforms etc. with contractor's own earth conforming to
Soil Quality Class SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after preparation of foundations as applicable,
benching in existing banks wherever required, spreading in layers with motor grader,
bringing the moisture content to OMC, mechanical compaction to specified density
and dressing of bank to final profile as per RDSO Specifications: RDSO/2020/GE:
IRS-0004 with latest correction slips.
1) Foundation preparation, Benching including additional earthwork on account of
this, wherever required, shall be paid extra under relevant schedule item for benching.
2) Payment for Earthwork under this item shall be made based on the cross section
measurements calculated (i) with original ground profile of existing bank based on
initial ground levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile of the bank worked out
with final levels as per prevailing guidelines.

011031 Using Soil Class SQ1

Detail of Cost for 100 cum of finished work
Considering average 3 m height of embankment and 7.85 m formation width, extra
earthwork for new line on account of 50 cm additional width on either side (for
compaction), extra soil required is 6.08%.
Actual quantity of soil required for 100 cum of finished work = 100 +6.08 cum =
106.08 cum

Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0166 75.00 106.08 7,956.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.15 914.11
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.17 1,736.28
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 0.03 540.95
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.20 961.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.20 87.40
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 1.50 1,500.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 1.50 225.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 140.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,996.77
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,431.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 186.40
Cost for 100 cum 18,826.31
Rate per Cum Cum 188.26

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 17
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
011032 Using Soil Class SQ2
Detail of Cost for 100 cum
Soil Quality Class SQ2 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0167 125.00 106.08 13,260.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.17 1,736.28
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 0.03 540.95
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.20 961.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.20 87.40
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 1.50 1,500.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 1.50 225.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 202.89
Total 20,492.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,879.15
Total 23,371.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,505.69
Total 26,876.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 268.77
Cost of 100 cum 27,145.75
Rate per Cum Cum 271.46

011033 Using Soil Class SQ3

Soil Quality Class SQ3 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0168 150.00 106.08 15,912.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.17 1,736.28
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 0.03 540.95
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.20 961.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.20 87.40
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 1.50 1,500.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 1.50 225.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 229.41
Total 23,170.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,255.48
Total 26,426.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,963.92
Total 30,390.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 303.90
Cost of 100 cum 30,693.96
Rate per Cum Cum 306.94

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 18
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

012000 Earthwork in New Lines, Doubling Projects Etc. - Cuttings

012010 Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing
approaches, platforms, catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required
dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile inclusive of all
labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps
or for filling in embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the
cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading, unloading, bailing & pumping out
water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for
completing the work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with
latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and
Unusable spoils shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment.
(ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by the contractor and
will be property of the Railways.
(iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the railway godown
unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract.

012011 In all conditions and classifications of soil except rock

Detail of Cost for 518 cum
Bucket Capacity = 0.90 Cum
Cycle time = 35 Sec
Efficiency = 70%
Capacity = 0.9 x 60 x 60 x 0.70)/35 = 64.80 Cum/hour
Average output per day = 8 x 64.8 = 518 Cum

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 1.00 10,213.40
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 4.00 24,376.20
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 401.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,695.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,934.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 531.65
Total for 518 Cum 53,696.25
Rate per Cum Cum 103.66

012012 Soft rock not requiring blasting

Detail of Cost for 150 cum
Bucket Capacity = 0.90 Cum
Cycle time = 35 Sec x 4 = 140 Sec (Due to rock there will be more cycle time)
Efficiency =70%
Capacity = 0.9 x 60 x 60 x 0.70)/140 = 16.20 Cum/hour
Average output per day = 8 x 16.20 = 129.6 Cum
Excavator required = 150/129.6 = 1.16 days

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 1.16 11,847.54
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 1.00 6,094.05
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 19
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 264.33
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,750.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,567.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 350.15
Cost for 150 Cum 35,365.16
Rate per Cum Cum 235.77

012013 In hard rock requiring blasting

Detail of Cost for 150 cum
Bucket Capacity = 0.90 Cum
Cycle time = 35 Sec x 2 = 70 Sec (Due to rock there will be more cycle time)
Efficiency = 80%
Capacity = 0.9 x 60 x 60 x 0.80)/70 = 37.03 Cum/hour
Average output per day = 8 x 37.03 = 296.24 Cum
Excavator required = 150/296.24 = 0.506 Say 0.5 days
Tipper required (considering twice the number due to less volume of rock to be
accommodated and more time of loading also) = 2 nos..

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.50 5,106.70
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 2.00 12,188.10
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 7.00 3,584.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 7.00 3,584.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Blasting Powder Kg 0169 50.00 52.00 2,600.00
Blasting Fuse (Fuse Wire) Each 0170 20.00 75.00 1,500.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 382.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,433.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,615.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 507.22
Cost for 150 Cum 51,229.37
Rate per Cum Cum 341.53

012014 In hard rock with hammer / chisel / pavement breaker etc. where blasting is not
permitted due to special circumstances and if specifically ordered in writing including
drilling and all incidental works thereto.
Detail of Cost for 10 cum
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.10 1,021.34
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.10 609.41
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Stone Chiseller (Semi skilled) Day 0017 512.00 1.00 512.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 0.18 89.60
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.75 327.75
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.50 655.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 62.98

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 20
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 893.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,088.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 83.42
Cost for 10 cum 8,425.79
Rate per Cum Cum 842.58

012015 Extra for leading of Cut spoil every one km beyond original lead of 2 km over item
nos. 012011 to 012014
Cost for 12 cum for additional leading of 1 km
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.01 48.75
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 0.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.65
Cost for 12 cum 65.23
Rate per Cum Cum 5.44

012020 Foundation preparation in cutting - ploughing and pulverizing 15 cm of top of soil with
tractor trolley, mixing water to achieve OMC with water sprinkler or allowing for
natural drying, as required, and compaction with vibratory roller of suitable capacity to
achieve 98% MDD for laying blanketing layer.

Considering cost for 30,000 Sqm

Hire charges of tractor with Ripper arrangement Day 0081 1200.00 2.00 2,400.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 24.00 3,600.00
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 56.00 56,000.00
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 674.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,574.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,657.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 893.76
Cost for 30,000 Sqm 90,269.32
Cost of 100 Sqm 100 Sqm 300.90

012030 Mechanical manufacturing of blanketing material by using only hard and durable
stone crushed in mechanical crusher to different gradations, wet mixing of the same
in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform gradation including
all incidental transportation, laying over finished formation in uniform layer(s) with
motor grader, compaction with suitable vibratory roller to specified density and
finishing to correct profile, complete as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE:
IRS-0004 with latest correction slips.
Note: This item shall be used only when entire constituent of blanketing material is
mechanically manufactured by crushing of hard and durable stone into desired
gradation of designed proportion.

Wastage due to additional 50 cm width is about 9.76% . For 225 cum (450 MT) of
finished work, total volume of blanketing material required = 225 x1.0976 = 246.96
cum (493.92 MT)
Detail of cost for 225 cum (450 MT) finished quantity at site after compaction
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 45.69 37,696.80
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 68.53 53,113.96
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm nominal size Cum 0206 775.00 91.38 70,815.78

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 21
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00 114.22 68,529.75
Hire Charges of Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity Hour 0059 950.00 8.25 7,837.50
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 1.03 2,575.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 4.50 675.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 2.80 17,063.34
Transportation of material within a distance of 5 kms on either side of the Wet Mix
plant requires 2.8 tippers.
Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading 0.10 1,706.33
Machinery for spreading in layers, profiling and compacting at work site
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 0.08 1,442.54
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 6.00 6,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.40 204.80
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Total 275,686.46
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,756.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 39,121.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 47,634.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,651.99
Cost for 225 cum 368,851.30
Rate per Cum Cum 1,639.34

012040 Manufacturing of blanketing material by wet mixing of naturally available suitable soil
including additional blending with naturally available or manufactured material as
required to achieve specified gradation, in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix
plant to have uniform gradation including all incidental transportation, laying over
finished formation in uniform layer(s) with motor grader, compaction with suitable
vibratory roller to specified density and finishing to correct profile, complete as per
RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips.

Wastage due to additional 50 cm width is about 9.76% . For 225 cum finished work,
total volume of blanketing material required = 246.96 cum.
Considering 80% of the Blanketing Quantity as naturally available material and 20%
qnty for Blending material.
Natural soil = 0.8*246.96 = 197.57 cum
Blending material = 0.20x246.96 = 49.39 cum

Since this is naturally available, the cost shall be the same cost of Soil as SQ3.
However, in all probability it may be available at a reasonable distance away from
worksite in most of the cases. Distance of availability of material is considered as
additional 30 km for analysis purpose.

Soil Quality Class SQ3 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0168 150.00 197.57 29,635.50
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Considering availability of natural material meeting the specification may not be in
close vicinity, a distance of 30 km is considered for calculation of additional cost for
Cost of 30 km of transportation for 197.56 cum as per working sheet

Cost of transportation cum 146.04 197.57 28,852.89

Considering 20% of Blending Material, Qnty of Blending material =
Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00 49.39 29,634.00
Hire Charges of Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity Hour 0059 950.00 8.25 7,837.50
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 1.03 2,575.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 4.50 675.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 2.80 17,063.34
Transportation of material within a distance of 5 kms on either side of the Wet Mix
plant requires 2.8 tippers.

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 22
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading 0.10 1,706.33
Machinery for spreading in layers, profiling and compacting at work site
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 0.08 1,442.54
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 6.00 6,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.40 204.80
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,336.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 18,965.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 23,093.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,770.48
Cost for 225 cum 178,818.79
Rate per Cum Cum 794.75

012050 Mechanical manufacturing and supply of blanketing material by using only hard and
durable stone crushed in mechanical crusher to different gradations, wet mixing of the
same in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform gradation as
per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips
including transportation to nominated place and stacking.
1.This item shall be used only when entire constituent of blanketing material is
mechanically manufactured by crushing of hard and durable stone into desired
gradation(s) in designed proportion to meet prescribed Specification.
2. Measurement shall be done as per Stack measurement.

For 246.96 cum (493.92 MT) of compacted blanketing, the volume in loose state
shall be 246.96 x 1.20 = 296.352 cum.
Detail of cost for 296.352 cum in stacks
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 45.69 37,696.80
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 68.53 53,113.96
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm nominal size Cum 0206 775.00 91.38 70,815.78
Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00 114.22 68,529.75
Hire Charges of Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity Hour 0059 950.00 8.25 7,837.50
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 1.03 2,575.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 4.50 675.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 2.80 17,063.34
Transportation of material within a distance of 5 kms on either side of the Wet Mix
plant requires 2.8 tippers.
Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading 0.10 1,706.33
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Total 266,291.12
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,662.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 37,788.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 46,011.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,527.53
Cost for 296.352 cum 356,280.91
Rate per Cum Cum 1,202.22

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 23
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
012060 Manufacturing and supply of blanketing material by wet mixing of different types of
naturally available suitable soil including additional blending with naturally available
or manufactured material as required to achieve specified gradation, in designed
proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform gradation as per RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips including all
incidental transportation and stacking at site in Stacks.
Note: Measurement shall be done in as per Stack measurement.

For 246.96 cum (493.92 MT) of compacted blanketing, the volume in loose state
shall be 246.96 x 1.20 = 296.352 cum.
Considering 80% of the Blanketing Quantity as naturally available and 20% qnty for
Natural soil = 0.8*246.96 = 197.57 cum
Blending material = 0.20x246.96 = 49.39 cum

Since this is naturally available, the cost shall be the same cost of Soil as SQ3.
However, in all probability it may be available at a reasonable distance away from
worksite in most of the cases. Distance of availability of material is considered as
additional 30 km for analysis purpose.

Soil Quality Class SQ3 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO
Cum 0168 150.00 197.57 29,635.50
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Considering availability of natural material meeting the specification may not be in
close vicinity, a distance of 30 km is considered for calculation of additional cost for
Cost of 30 km of transportation for 197.56 cum as per working sheet

Cost of transportation Cum 146.04 197.57 28,852.89

Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00 49.39 29,634.00
Hire Charges of Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity Hour 0059 950.00 8.25 7,837.50
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 1.03 2,575.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 4.50 675.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 2.80 17,063.34
Transportation of material within a distance of 5 kms on either side of the Wet Mix
plant requires 2.8 tippers.
Add 10% of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading 0.10 1,706.33
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,242.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 17,632.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 21,469.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,646.02
Cost for 296.352 cum 166,248.41
Rate per Cum Cum 560.98

013000 Miscellaneous
013010 Felling trees of girth (measured at a height of 1.0 m above ground level) including
leading and stacking of material within 100m.
Note : 1. When stumps are grubbed up in addition, the rates shall be doubled for
trees cut and grubbed 2. Payment for grubbing shall only be made where specially
ordered. 3. Grubbing shall be ordered only where it is essential to remove the
stumps, including the roots, as per specification. 4. Grubbing shall include removal of
roots of trees and saplings to a depth of 60cm below ground level or 30 cm below
formation level or 15 cm below sub grade level, whichever is lower.

013011 Girth over 30 cm and up to 60 cm

Details of cost for 1 tree
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.20 87.40

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 24
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 31.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 38.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.96
Rate per Tree Each 299.03

013012 Girth over 60 cm and up to 1.5m

Details of cost for 1 tree
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.40 174.80
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6.17
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 87.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 106.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 8.17
Rate per Tree Each 825.24

013013 Girth over 1.5m up to 3 m

Details of cost for 1 tree
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.80 349.60
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.29
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 174.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 212.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.28
Rate per Tree Each 1,643.79

013014 Girth over 3 m

Details of cost for 1 tree
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.50 1,529.50
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.20 524.40
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 20.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 292.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 355.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 27.27
Rate per Tree Each 2,754.68

013020 Turfing / planting, including all lead & lift and watering as required until properly rooted
Note: Initially payment of only 40% will be made. Balance 60% will be paid after 3
months of maintenance period, only if the turfing is properly rooted on entire turfed

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 25
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
013021 Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20cm square closely laid.
Details of cost for 100 Sqm. Considering coverage at the time of planting as 70%,
planting area required = 0.70 x 100 = 70 Sqm
Grass sods Sqm 0174 46.00 70.00 3,220.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 0.50 256.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 620.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 755.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 57.89
Rate per 100 Sqm 100 Sqm 5,846.79

013022 Turfing with planted doob grass.

Details of cost for 100 Sqm. Considering coverage at the time of planting as 70%,
planting area required = 0.70 x 100 = 70 Sqm
Doob grass Sqm 0172 29.00 70.00 2,030.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 599.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 730.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 55.97
Rate per 100 Sqm 100 Sqm 5,652.79

013023 Planting Sarkanda / sarpat or any other suitable species approved by the engineer.

Details of cost for 100 Sqm. Considering coverage at the time of planting as 70%,
planting area required = 0.70 x 100 = 70 Sqm

Sarkanda/ Sarpat Sqm 0173 45.00 70.00 3,150.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 49.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 697.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 849.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 65.15
Rate per 100 Sqm 100 Sqm 6,579.98

013030 Cleaning out silt from bed of reservoir/canals including 50m lead and lift up to 1.5m.

Taking output 10 cum


Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 26
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.50 655.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 187.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 228.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.50
Cost for 10 Cum 1,767.42
Rate per Cum Cum 176.74

013040 Providing portable fencing along running track where work is to be done in close
vicinity of track, maintaining during execution of work and removing after completion
of the work as per direction of the Engineer. Fencing shall consist of self supporting
steel angles of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm, 1.5m long provided with hooks etc. and
embedded in CC 1:2:4 block of size 0.23m x 0.23m x 0.23m placed at c/c distance of
2m along track. 12mm dia rods in three horizontal layers shall be tack welded with
angle posts.
Note : Released material will be property of the contractor after completion of work.
Cost of cement required for CC blocks shall be paid separately.

013041 With provision of one 50mm wide retro-reflective tape in horizontal direction, duly
secured/tight with vertical posts.
Details of cost for 30m
Steel angle supports 50mm x 50mm x 6mm (steel angles to be used 8 times). Quintal 0221 4950.00 0.133 658.35
Therefore, quantity taken = 1.06 / 8 = 0.133 quintal)
Weight of Angle of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm is 4.5 kg/m
15 no. x 1.5m = 22.5m @ 4.5kg/m = 101.25 kg (Add 5% extra for wastage) = 106.31
kg i.e. 1.06 Quintal
MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 0.10 360.00
M.S. bars 12mm dia = 30m x 3no. x 0.89 = 0.80 quintal (Steel to be used 8 times).
Therefore, quantity taken = 0.8 / 8 = 0.10 qtl.)
Less salvage value after full use of material @ 25% on (A + B) -254.59
Retro Reflective tape 50mm wide Metre 0473 71.30 31.50 2,245.95
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 0.16 135.30
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.08 98.40
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 605.03
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 736.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 56.48
Cost of 30 m 5,704.45
Rate per metre Metre 190.15

013042 With provision of painting verticals & horizontals with red luminous paints / strips of
30cm each with a gap of 30 cm.
Taking out put 30m
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 0.14 688.05
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 27
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Weight of Angle of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm is 4.5 kg/m
15no's x 1.5m = 22.5m @ 4.5kg/m = 101.25 kg (Add 5% extra for wastage) = 111.375
kg say 1.1 qtl.
Considering angles to be used 8 times, quantity taken for one time use = 1.1 / 8 =
0.14 qtl.)

MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 0.11 399.60
M.S. bars 12mm dia = 30m x 3no. x 0.89 = 0.80 quintal (Steel to be used 8 times).
Therefore, quantity taken = 0.8 / 8 = 0.111 qtl.)
Less salvage value after full use of material @ 25% on (A + B) -271.91
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 0.4000 120.00
Surface area of angle 50mm + 50mm + 6mm + 6mm = 112mm, for 22.5 metre long
angle, Area = 22.5m x .112m = 2.52 Sqm, Surface area of 12mm dia rods for 90m
long = 3.42 Sqm, i.e. Total coverage Area = 2.52sqm + 3.42sqm = 5.94 Sqm, Paint
required @ 15sqm/litre = 5.94 / 15 = 0.396 litre Say 0.40 litre

Cement Concrete 1:2:4=0.182cum

Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 0.16 135.30
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.08 98.40
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 23.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 328.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 399.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 30.64
Cost of 30 m 3,094.70
Rate per metre Metre 103.16

013050 Provision of barricading with contractor's bamboos / ballies vertical post of 100mm
dia. planted at every 2m interval, projecting at least 1.5m above ground level and
driven firmly (minimum 0.5m) inside ground and including painting verticals &
horizontals with red luminous paints / strips at alternative bay on barricade.
Barricades shall be maintained through out the execution of the work and shall be
removed in workman like manner on completion of the work only after instruction of
Engineer in-Charge.
(1) 60% payment shall be made on provision of barricading at work-site and balance
40% payment after removal of barricades.
(2) The released bamboos / ballies shall be the property of the Contractor.

013051 With 3 horizontal bamboo / balli members of minimum 50mm dia. spaced equally

Details of cost for 100 RM

Considering use of ballies 3 times and 20% overlapping, the quantity to be taken for 1
time use for 100 RM
(i) Quantity of 50 mm ballies in 100 RM = 3 x 100 x 1.2 m 360m = 360/2.5 = 144 nos.
= 144/20 = 7.2 scores. Quantity for one time use = 7.2/3 = 2.42 Scores Say 2.50
(ii) Quantity of 100 mm ballies in 100 RM = 100/2 = 50 nos. = 50 x 2 = 100 m.
Quantity for one time use = 100/3 = 33.33 Say 34 m

Bamboo 50 mm dia 2.5 metre long (1 Score = 20 nos.) score 0475 1500.00 2.50 3,750.00
100 mm dia ballies of locally available hard wood Metre 0480 65.00 34.00 2,210.00
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 3.00 900.00
Iron spike (different sizes) Kg 0481 60.00 2.00 120.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 28
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Misc :
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 100.26
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,422.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,732.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 132.82
Cost for 100 RM 13,414.50
Rate per RM RM 134.14

013052 Joining with strong nylon rope in one cross and one horizontal pattern of minimum
5mm dia.
Details of cost for 100 RM
100 mm dia ballies of locally available hard wood Metre 0480 65.00 34.00 2,210.00
Iron spike (different sizes) Kg 0481 60.00 2.00 120.00
Nylon rope 5 mm dia Kg 0482 90.00 12.00 1,080.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 58.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 836.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,018.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 78.05
Cost for 100 RM 7,882.79
Rate per RM RM 78.83

013060 Supplying, driving and erecting in all types of soils, hard wood pile 5m to 7m long
without joint, 125mm average dia. for protection of bank slope including two coats of
coal tar paint complete, as directed.
Note: Payment will be made as per actual driven length of pile.

Details of cost for 100 m pile

125 mm dia ballies of locally available hard wood Metre 0479 90.00 105.00 9,450.00
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5.00 250.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 1.00 750.00
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 136.84
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,941.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,364.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 181.27
Cost for 100 metres 18,308.34
Rate per metre Metre 183.08

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 29
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
013070 Driving rails 90R/52 Kg section below average ground level within the slope/toe of
embankment including making of nose with contractor’s own arrangement complete
in all respect
Note: Payment will be made as per actual driven length of rail which will be supplied
free by Railways at the site of work.

Details of cost for 100 metre rail driving

Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 1.00 750.00
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 70.93
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,006.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,225.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 93.96
Cost for 100 metre rail driving 9,489.99
Rate per metre Metre 94.90

013080 Shoring with 'Z' section MS sheet piles side by side in all kinds of soil mechanically or
manually as per approved drawing with contractor’s own arrangement complete in all
respects and removal of sheet piles after completion of the work as directed by
engineer in-charge
Note: Payment will be made as per actual driven length of pile.

Details of cost for 100 m of Z section Pile having wall area of 100x0.80 = 80.00 Sqm.

AZ 18-800 Sheet piles 100m @ 80.70 kg/m=8070 kg=80.70 Quintals. Add 10% for
Total weight = 80.70 x 1.10 = 88.077quintals
This can be used 12 times with a salvage value of 25% , the weight to be taken for
using once = 0.75 x 88.077/12 = 5.5048 Say 5.505 quintal

Z section sheet piles AZ 18-800 (Arcellor Mittal) or equivalent & bracing Quintal 0248 4500.00 5.51 24,772.50
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.75 7,660.05
Hire charges of Vibratory Hammer attachment of Hydraulic Excavator for driving Day 0054 700.00 0.75 525.00
Sheet pile driving
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 2.00 7,298.80
( 1 day for transportation of material to work site and 1 day for return)
Extra 20% of Hire Charges of Truck for loading unloading 0.20 1,459.76
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 498.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,071.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,610.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 660.12
Cost per 80 Sqm 66,672.26
Rate per Sqm Sqm 833.40

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 30
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
013090 Supplying, laying Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally
bonded type Geotextile for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per
RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I made of Polypropylene /
Polyethylene / Polyamide or combination there of having apparent opening size of
less than or equal to 85 microns and elongation at failure more than 50% in both
directions including transportation labour, lead & lift complete as directed by Engineer

013091 On top of subgrade or prepared subgrade before laying blanketing layer with
minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 700N,
250 N and 1800 N respectively.
Cost for 100 Sqm
Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile Sqm 0175 90.00 100.00 9,000.00 P
for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part Iwith minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal
Tear test and Puncture test of 700N, 250 N and 1800 N respectively

Add 10 % of P for wastage and accessories for joining elements, overlap, 0.10 900.00
transportation etc.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.12 61.44
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 112.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,599.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,947.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 149.32
Cost for 100 Sqm 15,081.82
Rate per Sqm Sqm 150.82

013092 Below the ballast and above blanket layer with minimum strengths in Grab test,
Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively.

Cost for 100 Sqm

Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile Sqm 0176 170.00 100.00 17,000.00 P
for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal
Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively.

Add 10 % of P for wastage and accessories for joining elements, overlap, 0.10 1,700.00
transportation etc.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.12 61.44
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 200.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,848.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,468.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 265.90
Cost for 100 Sqm 26,855.67
Rate per Sqm Sqm 268.56

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 31
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 1: Earth Work

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
013100 Supplying & laying of drainage composite for use behind abutments, wing walls,
return walls and Retaining walls Geocomposite drain (Vertical) as per RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0006 latest version with all material, labour,
equipment, tools and plants, lead, lift etc. complete in all respects as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.

Cost for 100 Sqm

Geo-composite drain consisting of Geonet Core sandwiched between Non-Woven Sqm 0177 450.00 100.00 45,000.00 P
geo textile filters on both sides as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-

Add 10 % of P for wastage and accessories for joining elements, overlap, 0.10 4,500.00
transportation, perforated pipes etc.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.12 61.44
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 508.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,219.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,790.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 673.90
Cost for 100 Sqm 68,064.15
Rate per Sqm Sqm 680.64

Note: The figures given in amount/Rate Column Which are striked out) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been given
illustration purpose only. 32
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

CHAPTER - 2 : Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
021000 Soil Exploration and Testing
021010 Exploratory drilling of boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm dia.
boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock & large boulders (boulder core more
than 30cm) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to
be employed, where necessary in Dry area.

021011 0m to 10m
Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0371 796.00 1.00 796.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 0-10m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.96
Total 803.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 112.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 137.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 10.54
Cost per meter Metre 1,065.00

021012 10m to 20m

Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0372 836.00 1.00 836.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 10m-20m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.36
Total 844.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 118.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 144.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.07
Cost per meter Metre 1,118.52

021013 20m to 30m

Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0373 880.00 1.00 880.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 20m-30m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 124.88

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 152.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.66
Cost per meter Metre 1,177.39

021014 30m to 40m

Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0374 955.00 1.00 955.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 30m-40m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 135.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 165.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.65
Cost per meter Metre 1,277.73

021015 40m to 50m

Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0375 1100.00 1.00 1,100.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 40m-50m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 11.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 156.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 190.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.57
Cost per meter Metre 1,471.73

021016 50m to 60m

Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0376 1300.00 1.00 1,300.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 50m-60m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 184.48
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 224.62

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.22
Cost per meter Metre 1,739.32

021017 60 m to 70 m
Exploratory drilling of boreholes of 150mm dia. in all type of soils except hard rock / Metre 0377 1400.00 1.00 1,400.00
large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm), for collecting the undisturbed core
sample including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as
percussion/chieselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata,
where necessary with contractor's labour, tools, plants, machinery, equipment,
consumables etc., with all lead and lift complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge in Dry area 60m-70m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 198.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 241.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.55
Cost per meter Metre 1,873.11

021020 Exploratory drilling of Boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm diameter
boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock and large boulders (boulder core more
than 30cm), including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material
including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion
/ chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be
employed where necessary in River bed area including standing/flowing water with
all necessary arrangements except making of platform under water which shall be
paid under relevant item of SOR.

021021 0m to 10m
Rate as per item no 021011 for drilling in dry area Metre 021011 1,065.00
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021011 0.20 213.00
Cost per meter Metre 1,278.00

021022 10m to 20m

Rate as per item no 021012 for drilling in dry area Metre 021012 1,118.52
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021012 0.20 223.70
Cost per meter Metre 1,342.22

021023 20m to 30m

Rate as per item no 021013 for drilling in dry area Metre 021013 1,177.39
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021013 0.20 235.48
Cost per meter Metre 1,412.86

021024 30m to 40m

Rate as per item no 021014 for drilling in dry area Metre 021014 1,277.73
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021014 0.20 255.55
Cost per meter Metre 1,533.28

021025 40m to 50m

Rate as per item no 021015 for drilling in dry area Metre 021015 1,471.73
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021015 0.20 294.35
Cost per meter Metre 1,766.08

021026 50m to 60m

Rate as per item no 021016 for drilling in dry area Metre 021016 1,739.32
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021016 0.20 347.86

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost per meter Metre 2,087.18

021027 60m to 70m

Rate as per item no 021017 for drilling in dry area Metre 021017 1,873.11
Add extra for doing drilling in water 20% over item no 021017 0.20 374.62
Cost per meter Metre 2,247.74

021030 Extra for 150mm dia. bore in hard Rock/large Boulder at all levels
Extra for 150mm dia. bore in hard Rock/large Boulder at all levels Metre 0378 1489.00 1.00 1,489.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.89
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 211.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 257.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.72
Cost per meter Metre 1,992.19

021040 Erection of temporary working platform to drill bore hole through flowing/standing
water through river bed up to water depth of 1.5m, and dismantling after completing
work and removing from the site to clear the water way.

Details of cost for 3m x 3m x 2m high Platform =18 cum

150 mm dia Eucalyptus Ballies Metre 0478 143.75 104.00 14,950.00
Salvage value to be deducted @ 10% after compensating for the cost of dismantling 0.10 -1,495.00
and removing platform from water body.
Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00 500.00 4,500.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 180.00 180.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Carpenter (Semi skilled) Day 0007 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 304.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,322.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,262.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 403.49
Cost for 18 Cum 40,752.24
Cost per Cum Cum 2,264.01

021050 Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock and collection of
rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes.
021051 0m to 10m
Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0379 2284.00 1.00 2,284.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 0m-10m

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.84
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 324.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 394.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 30.26
Cost per meter Metre 3,055.85

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

021052 10m to 20m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0380 2399.00 1.00 2,399.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 10m-20m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 23.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 340.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 414.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 31.78
Cost per meter Metre 3,209.71

021053 20m to 30m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0381 2558.00 1.00 2,558.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 20m-30m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 362.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 441.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.89
Cost per meter Metre 3,422.44

021054 30m to 40m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0382 2741.00 1.00 2,741.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 30m-40m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 388.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 473.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 36.31
Cost per meter Metre 3,667.29

021055 40m to 50m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0383 2835.00 1.00 2,835.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 40m-50m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 28.35
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 402.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 489.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 37.55
Cost per meter Metre 3,793.05

021056 50m to 60m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0384 3056.00 1.00 3,056.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 50m-60m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 30.56

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 433.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 528.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 40.48
Cost per meter Metre 4,088.74

021057 60m to 70m

Drilling of NX size borehole (75mm dia.) in all types of hard rock (fresh rock) and Metre 0385 3300.00 1.00 3,300.00
collection of rock core samples from boreholes and preserving in boxes 60m-70m
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 468.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 570.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 43.71
Cost per meter Metre 4,415.19

021060 Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per IS:1888
including making loading arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ concrete
footing as per codal provisions including excavation and refilling of trial pit.

021061 Plate size 30cm x 30cm

Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per Each 0386 15000.00 1.00 15,000.00
IS:10042 including making loading arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ
concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and refilling of trial pit :
Plate size- 30cm x 30cm
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 150.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,128.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,591.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 198.70
Cost of Each Each 20,069.06

021062 Plate size 45cm x 45cm

Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per Each 0387 18000.00 1.00 18,000.00
IS:10042 including making loading arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ
concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and refilling of trial pit :
Plate size- 45cm x 45cm
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 180.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,554.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,110.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 238.44
Cost of Each Each 24,082.88

021063 Plate size 60cm x 60cm

Conducting in-situ full size Plate Load Test (PLT) at selected location as per Each 0388 21500.00 1.00 21,500.00
IS:10042 including making loading arrangements & casting of RCC/cast in-situ
concrete footing as per codal provisions including excavation and refilling of trial pit :
Plate size- 60cm x 60cm

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 215.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,050.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,714.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 284.81
Cost of Each Each 28,765.66

021070 Conducting in situ Vane shear test for soil as per IS:4434
Conducting in situ Vane shear test for soil as per IS:4434 Each 0389 2200.00 1.00 2,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 312.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 380.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 29.14
Cost of Each Each 2,943.46

021080 Conducting SCPT for soil as per IS:4968

Conducting SCPT for soil as per IS:4968 Each 0390 35000.00 1.00 35,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 350.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,966.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,047.50
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 463.64
Cost of Each Each 46,827.82

021090 Conducting DCPT for soil as per IS:4968

Conducting DCPT for soil as per IS:4968 Each 0391 29000.00 1.00 29,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 290.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,115.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,010.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 384.16
Cost of Each Each 38,800.19

021100 Conducting determination of California Bearing Ratio as per IS:2720

Conducting determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) as per IS:2720 Each 0392 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 141.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 172.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.25
Cost of Each Each 1,337.94

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
021110 Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long undisturbed samples of soil from bore holes,
including provision of air tight containers for packing and, labeling incl. transporting
the samples to laboratory. Piston sampler shall be used for extracting undisturbed
samples where necessary. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.

Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long undisturbed samples of soil from bore holes, Each 0393 103.00 1.00 103.00
including provision of air tight containers for packing and, labelling incl. transporting
the samples to laboratory. Piston sampler shall be used for extracting undisturbed
samples where necessary. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.36
Cost of Each Each 137.81

021120 Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long disturbed samples of soil from bore holes,
including provision of air tight containers for packing, labeling and transporting the
samples to laboratory. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.

Taking out 100mm dia. & 450mm long disturbed samples of soil from bore holes, Each 0394 110.00 1.00 110.00
including provision of air tight containers for packing, labelling and transporting the
samples to laboratory. Samples shall be collected as per IS:2720.

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 19.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.46
Cost of Each Each 147.17

021130 Conducting standard penetration test as per IS:2131 at approximate1.5m intervals in

bore holes, as directed by the Engineer in charge
Conducting standard penetration test as per IS:2131 at approximate1.5m intervals in Each 0395 600.00 1.00 600.00
bore holes, as directed by the Engineer in charge
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 85.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 103.67
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7.95
Cost of Each Each 802.76

021140 Collection of water samples at required intervals

Collection of water samples at required intervals Each 0396 170.00 1.00 170.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 24.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 29.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost of Each Each 227.45

021150 Conducting laboratory Tests on collected soil samples as per relevant IS code

021151 Moisture Content/Dry Density

Moisture Contents/Dry Density Each 0397 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 28.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 34.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.65
Cost of Each Each 267.59

021152 Atterberg Limits

Atterberg Limit Each 0398 400.00 1.00 400.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 56.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 69.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.30
Cost of Each Each 535.18

021153 Specific Gravity

Specific Gravity Each 0399 400.00 1.00 400.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 56.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 69.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.30
Cost of Each Each 535.18

021154 Grain size analysis including Hydrometer analysis

Grain size analysis including Hydrometer analysis Each 0400 550.00 1.00 550.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 5.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 78.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 95.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7.29
Cost of Each Each 735.87

021155 Direct Shear Test

Direct Shear Test Each 0401 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 212.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 259.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.87

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost of Each Each 2,006.91

021156 Natural Density

Natural Density Test Each 0402 450.00 1.00 450.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 63.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 77.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.96
Cost of Each Each 602.07

021157 Consolidation Test

Consolidation Test Each 0403 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 709.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 863.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.23
Cost of Each Each 6,689.69

021158 Unconfined Compression Test

Unconfined Compression Test Each 0404 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 212.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 259.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.87
Cost of Each Each 2,006.91

021159 Tri-axial Test

Tri-axial Test Each 0405 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 212.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 259.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.87
Cost of Each Each 2,006.91

021160 Conducting Laboratory tests on collected ROCK SAMPLES as per relevant IS code

021161 Density Test

Density Test Each 0406 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 28.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 34.56

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.65
Cost of Each Each 267.59

021162 Water Absorption & Porosity

Water Absorption & Porosity Each 0407 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 28.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 34.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.65
Cost of Each Each 267.59

021163 Hardness
Hardness Test Each 0408 100.00 1.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.32
Cost of Each Each 133.79

021164 Unconfined Compression Test

Unconfined Compression Test for rock Each 0409 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 212.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 259.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.87
Cost of Each Each 2,006.91

021165 Point Load Test

Point Load Test Each 0410 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 113.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 138.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 10.60
Cost of Each Each 1,070.35

021166 Modulus of Elasticity

Modulus of Elasticity Each 0411 4000.00 1.00 4,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 40.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 567.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 691.14

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 52.99
Cost of Each Each 5,351.75

021167 Abrasion Testing

Abrasion Testing Each 0412 450.00 1.00 450.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 63.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 77.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.96
Cost of Each Each 602.07

021170 Conducting chemical analysis of ground water samples to determine suitability for
concreting and aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement
including determination of pH value.
Conducting chemical analysis of ground water samples to determine suitability for Each 0413 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
concreting and aggressiveness in relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement
including determination of pH value
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 141.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 172.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.25
Cost of Each Each 1,337.94

021180 Conducting chemical analysis of soil samples to determine aggressiveness in

relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement including determination of pH value
Conducting chemical analysis of soil samples to determine aggressiveness in Each 0414 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
relation to attack on concrete / reinforcement including determination of pH value

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 141.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 172.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.25
Cost of Each Each 1,337.94

022000 Open Foundation and Pile Foundation

022010 Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means
for foundations and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out,
dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated material, back filling
in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and
watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types
of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as per drawing and
technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: This item will be used for excavation work in connection with other
miscellaneous works also like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other
miscellaneous structures in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling, New lines.

022011 All kinds of soils

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Ordinary soil
Unit = cum
Taking output = 10 cum
Mechanical Means
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.04 421.30
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.04 251.38
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.32 197.44
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.20 524.40
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 197.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 240.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.47
Cost of 10 cum 1,865.78
Rate per cum Cum 186.58

022012 Soft rock (not requiring blasting)

Depth up to 3 m
Unit = cum
Taking output = 10 cum
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.06 643.44
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.06 383.93
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 0.71 360.96
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 1.59 814.08
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 0.36 181.76
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.55 240.35
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 28.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 404.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 492.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 37.79
Cost of 10 cum 3,817.16
Rate per cum Cum 381.72

022013 Hard rock (requiring blasting)

Depth up to 3 m
Unit = cum
Taking output = 10 cum
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.13 1,276.68
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.13 761.76
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 1.06 542.72
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 2.83 1,446.40
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 0.89 453.12

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.45 196.65
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.55 240.35
Blasting Powder Kg 0169 50.00 3.93 196.50
Blasting Fuse (Fuse Wire) Each 0170 20.00 4.00 80.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 739.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 900.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 69.07
Cost of 10 Cum 6,976.24
Rate per Cum Cum 697.62

022014 Hard rock (blasting prohibited )

Unit = cum
Taking output = 10 cum
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.13 1,276.68
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.13 761.76
Rock Excavator (Semi skilled) Day 0014 512.00 2.47 1,264.64
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 6.00 3,072.00
Stone Chiseller (Semi skilled) Day 0017 512.00 1.06 542.72
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 0.18 89.60
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.75 327.75
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 77.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,105.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,346.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 103.22
Cost of 10 Cum 10,425.40
Rate per Cum Cum 1,042.54

022020 Extra over item nos. 022011 to 022014 for executing the work under water and/or
liquid mud to compensate all additional arrangements including pumping out water
as required.
Note: The extra percentage rate is applicable only for the quantity of work executed
under water.

Extra due to slow progress and dewatering of the rate of the item Cum 20%

022030 Providing and laying in position Plain cement concrete of specified Nominal Mix for
miscellaneous works like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other
miscellaneous structures excluding the cost of Cement, centering and shuttering -
All work up to plinth level :
022031 1:1½:3 (1 Cement: 1½ coarse sand (zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size)
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 8.55 7,053.75

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 4.20 3,255.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.38 7,656.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
TOTAL 27,446.93
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 274.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,894.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,742.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 363.59
Cost for 15 Cum. 36,722.28
Rate per Cum Cum 2,448.15

022032 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm

nominal size)
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 8.96 7,392.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 4.48 3,472.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.68 8,010.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 283.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,023.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,899.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 375.63
Cost for 15 Cum. 37,938.80
Rate per Cum Cum 2,529.25

022033 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm

nominal size)
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00 8.22 6,197.88
0.56 - (7.5% for voids i.e.) 0.04 = 0.52 cum
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 3.48 2,871.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 1.74 1,348.50
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.75 8,100.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
TOTAL 27,999.56
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 280.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,973.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,837.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 370.91
Cost for 15 Cum. 37,461.67
Rate per Cum Cum 2,497.44

022034 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm

nominal size)
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 9.24 7,623.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 4.62 3,580.50
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 7.05 8,460.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
TOTAL 29,145.68
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 291.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,135.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,035.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 386.09
Cost for 15 Cum. 38,995.10
Rate per Cum Cum 2,599.67

022035 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III): 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm

nominal size).
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00 9.24 6,966.96
(0.70 cum - 7.5% for voids i.e. 0.05 =0.65 cum)
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 4.62 3,811.50
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.75 8,100.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
TOTAL 28,360.64
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 283.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,024.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,900.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 375.69
Cost for 15 Cum. 37,944.77
Rate per Cum Cum 2,529.65

022036 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4coarse sand (zone-III): 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
Details of cost for 15 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00 9.52 7,178.08
(0.70 cum - 7.5% for voids i.e. 0.05 = 0.65 cum)
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 4.76 3,927.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.75 8,100.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 0.75 262.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 286.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,070.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,956.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 380.02
Cost for 15 Cum. 38,381.77
Rate per Cum Cum 2,558.78

022040 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in RCC
raft foundation & Pile cap including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved
proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and
durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under
relevant item.
2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

RCC Grade Concrete

Using Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant
Taking output = 120 cum

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 54.00 64,800.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 64.80 53,460.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 43.20 33,480.00
Plasticiser / Super Plasticiser Kg 0190 80.00 202.56 16,204.80
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.84 430.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant @ 20 cum/hour Hour 0066 1400.00 6.00 8,400.00
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 0.75 1,875.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 4.00 1,400.00
Hire charges of surface vibrator Day 0079 300.00 4.00 1,200.00
Concrete Pump Hour 0067 900.00 6.00 5,400.00
Hire charges of Transit Mixer 6 cum capacity Hour 0068 2140.00 15.00 32,100.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 580.00 580.00
Total 232,552.53
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,325.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 33,000.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 40,181.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,080.60
Cost of 120 Cum 311,140.79
Rate per Cum Cum 2,592.84

022050 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the
following Reinforced cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from
foundation top level, including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as
per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete
as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under
relevant item.
2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

022051 Abutment & Pier

Rate same as for item 022040 Cum 022040 2592.84 1.00 2,592.84
Additional cost up to 9 metre average height @10% on the cost of labour and Cum 022040 713.86 0.10 71.39
machinery as per analysis item no. 022040 for 1 cum i.e. 10% on Cost of labour and
machinery for 120 Cum before adding CPOH, GST etc multiplied by
(1.01*1.1405*1.15*1.01) /120.

Cost per cum Cum 2,664.23

022052 Wing wall and Return wall

Rate same as item no.022051
Cost per cum Cum 2,664.23

022053 Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall,
Diaphragm wall etc.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate same as item 022040 Cum 022040 2592.84 1.00 2,592.84
Add extra for height @15% on the Cost of labour and machinery as per analysis of Cum 022040 713.88 0.15 107.08
item no. 022040 for 1 cum i.e. 15% on Cost of labour and machinery for 120 Cum
before adding CPOH, GST etc multiplied by (1.01*1.1405*1.15*1.01) /120.
Cost per cum Cum 2,699.92

022054 Approach slab at formation level, Dirt wall/ ballast wall at formation level
Rate same as item 022040 Cum 022040 2592.84 1.00 2,592.84
Additional cost for thin section and slanting height @5% on the cost of labour and Cum 022040 713.88 0.05 35.69
machinery as per analysis of item no. 022040 for 1 cum i.e. 5% on Cost of labour
and machinery for 120 Cum before adding CPOH, GST etc multiplied by
(1.01*1.1405*1.15*1.01) /120.

Cost per cum Cum 2,628.53

022055 Extra for every increase of 1m or part thereof in the height above 9.0 m
Taking output = 120 Cum considering increase in cost of labour and machinery in
proportion of height i.e. 10% per meter.
Additional cost of labour per meter height @10% on Cost of labour and machinery 120 Cum 022040 64027.73 0.10 6,402.77
for 120 Cum as per analysis of item no. 022040 before adding overheads and other
percentages like GST, CPOH etc.
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 64.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 908.59
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,106.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 84.82
Cost for 120 Cum 8,566.51
Cost/Cum/m height or part thereof Cum 71.39

022060 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6 with graded stone aggregate of
40mm nominal size, in foundation and floors, retaining walls of bridges including
mechanical mixing, vibrating, pumping and bailing out water where ever required
with all materials and labour complete but excluding the cost of cement and
shuttering as per drawings and technical specifications as directed by Engineer.

CC 1:3:6
Taking output = 15 cum
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00 9.75 7,351.50
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 3.60 2,970.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.75 8,100.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 1.00 350.00
Hire charges of surface vibrator Day 0079 300.00 1.00 300.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 286.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,071.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,957.43
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 380.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost of 15 Cum 38,387.01
Rate per Cum Cum 2,559.13

022070 Providing and fixing Weep Holes in Abutments, Wing walls and Return walls etc., of
new bridges with 110mm dia UPVC pipe Type A ISI marked with all contractor's
men, material, transportation, all taxes as per specifications and as directed by
Unit Each Metre
Taking output = 30 Metres
uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 110mm dia (working pressure 4Kg/cm2) Metre 0259 160.00 31.50 5,040.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.10 61.70
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.10 43.70
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 737.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 897.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.82
Cost for 30 m 6,951.12
Cost per m Metre 231.70

022080 Boring, providing and installation of bored cast in-situ Reinforced Cement Concrete
piles of specified diameter and length below pile cap of specified grade with Design
Mix Cement Concrete, using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sand of approved quality, to carry a safe working load not less than specified,
concreting by machine batching, machine mixing, scaffolding, using Admixture in
approved proportion (as per IS:9103), placing with tremie pipe, chipping off of pile
top to remove laitance concrete above cut off level etc., pumping and bailing out
water, by percussion drilling using Direct Mud Circulation (DMC) or Bailor and Chisel
technique by tripod and mechanical Winch machine, complete in all respect as per
approved drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for only cement, reinforcement and permanent casing pipe (if any )
shall be made extra.
2. Length of the pile for payment shall be measured up to the bottom of RCC pile
3. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

022081 1500 mm diameter

Unit = metre
Taking output = 9m
Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with Day 0061 3000.00 1.54 4,620.00
power unit and accessories etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost
of fuel / lubricants & operators for running
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.10 400.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.96 2,880.00
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.75 4,570.54
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.45 1,811.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 7.04 3,076.48
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 600.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 215.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,064.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,730.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 286.03
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 9 m = 15.91 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 15.91 41,252.08
no. 022040
Cost of 9 m 70,140.72
Rate per metre Metre 7,793.41

022082 1200mm diameter

Pile diameter = 1200mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 9m
Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with Day 0061 3000.00 1.34 4,020.00
power unit and accessories etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost
of fuel / lubricants & operators for running
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.50 3,047.03
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.39 1,569.75
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.18 92.16
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.50 1,966.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 158.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,245.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,733.91
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 209.60
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 9 m = 10.17 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 10.17 26,369.18
no. 022040
Cost of 9 m 47,538.75
Rate per metre Metre 5,282.08

022083 1000mm diameter

Pile diameter = 1000mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 10m
Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with Day 0061 3000.00 1.38 4,140.00
power unit and accessories etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost
of fuel / lubricants & operators for running
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.40 1,869.68
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.40 2,437.62
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.35 1,408.75
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.16 81.92
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 143.76
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,040.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,483.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 190.44
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 10 m = 7.86 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 7.86 20,379.72
no. 022040
Cost of 10 m 39,613.87
Rate per metre Metre 3,961.39

022084 800mm diameter

Pile diameter = 800mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 15m
Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with Day 0061 3000.00 1.40 4,200.00
power unit and accessories etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost
of fuel / lubricants & operators for running
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.30 1,402.26
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.30 1,207.50
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.14 71.68
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.50 1,529.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 128.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,827.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,225.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 170.61
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 15 m = 7.54 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 7.54 19,550.01
no. 022040
Cost of 15 m 36,781.52
Rate per metre Metre 2,452.10

022085 600mm diameter

Pile diameter = 600mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 22m

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch machine complete with Day 0061 3000.00 1.50 4,500.00
power unit and accessories etc. and shifting at site including maintenance and cost
of fuel / lubricants & operators for running
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.38 1,140.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.30 1,402.26
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.33 1,328.25
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.12 61.44
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 350.00 350.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 121.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,725.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,101.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 161.10
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 22 m = 6.22 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 6.22 16,127.46
no. 022040
Cost of 22 m 32,398.34
Rate per metre Metre 1,472.65

022090 Boring, providing and installation of bored cast in-situ Reinforced Cement Concrete
piles using Hydraulic piling Rig of specified diameter and length below pile cap of
specified grade with Design Mix Cement Concrete, using 20mm graded crushed
stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality, to carry a safe working load
not less than specified, concreting by machine batching, machine mixing,
scaffolding, using Admixture in approved proportion (as per IS:9103), placing with
tremie pipe, chipping off of pile top to remove laitance concrete above cut off level
etc., pumping and bailing out water complete in all respect as per approved drawing,
specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for only cement, reinforcement shall be made extra.
2. Length of the pile for payment shall be measured up to the bottom of RCC pile
3. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

022091 1500 mm diameter

Unit = metre
Taking output = 9m
Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including Day 0062 35000.00 0.77 26,950.00
complete accessories and shifting at site
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.10 400.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.96 2,880.00
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.75 4,570.54
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.45 1,811.25
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 7.04 3,076.48

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 600.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 439.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,232.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,589.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 581.83
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 9 m = 15.91 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 15.91 41,252.08
no. 022040
Cost of 9 m 100,016.87
Rate per metre Metre 11,112.99

022092 1200mm diameter

Pile diameter = 1200mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 9m
Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including Day 0062 35000.00 0.67 23,450.00
complete accessories and shifting at site
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.50 3,047.03
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.39 1,569.75
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.18 92.16
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.50 1,966.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 352.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,002.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,091.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 466.99
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 9 m = 10.17 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 10.17 26,369.18
no. 022040
Cost of 9 m 73,534.88
Rate per metre Metre 8,170.54

022093 1000mm diameter

Pile diameter = 1000mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 10m
Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including Day 0062 35000.00 0.69 24,150.00
complete accessories and shifting at site
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.40 1,869.68
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.40 2,437.62
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.35 1,408.75
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.16 81.92

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 343.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,879.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,941.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 455.51
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 10 m = 7.86 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 7.86 20,379.72
no. 022040
Cost of 10 m 66,386.01
Rate per metre Metre 6,638.60

022094 800mm diameter

Pile diameter = 800mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 15m
Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including Day 0062 35000.00 0.70 24,500.00
complete accessories and shifting at site
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.75 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.30 1,402.26
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.30 1,207.50
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.14 71.68
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.50 1,529.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 331.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,708.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,732.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 439.52
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 15 m = 7.54 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 7.54 19,550.01
no. 022040
Cost of 15 m 63,941.65
Rate per metre Metre 4,262.78

022095 600mm diameter

Pile diameter = 600mm
Unit = metre
Taking output = 22m
Hire and running charges of Hydraulic Piling Rig with power unit etc. including Day 0062 35000.00 0.75 26,250.00
complete accessories and shifting at site
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 0.06 240.00
Hire and running charges of Bentonite pump Day 0063 3000.00 0.38 1,140.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.30 1,402.26
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 0.30 1,828.22
Bentonite powder MT 0171 4025.00 0.33 1,328.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.12 61.44
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 350.00 350.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 339.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,812.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,859.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 449.22
Cost of concrete (quantity required for 22 m = 6.22 cum) except cement as per item 022040 2592.84 6.22 16,127.46
no. 022040
Cost of 22 m 61,498.49
Rate per metre Metre 2,795.39

022100 Providing, fabricating and installing permanent casing pipe for bored piles for all
diameters with specified thickness of steel plate including all labour, materials, tools
& complete as per approved drawing & specifications complete in all respect as per
the direction of Engineer in charge.
Note: Payment shall be made as per the weight of circular plate of casing pipe only.

Unit = 1 MT
Taking output = 5 MT = 50 qtl
Considering wastage of 5%, quantity required = 50 x 1.05 = 52.50 quintal.
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 52.50 330,750.00
Considering consumables, machinery, tools & plants required for fabrication, placing 0.15 49,612.50
in position etc. @15% of the cost of plate
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 230.00 230.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4,030.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 57,194.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 69,641.21
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5,339.16
Rate for 5 MT 539,255.10
Rate per MT MT 107,851.02

022110 Extra for chiselling in addition to boring of piles, if chiselling is required to be

resorted to in hard rock or big stone boulders larger than 30cm, manually or by any
other means.

022111 1200mm diameter pile

Details of cost for 0.5 Cum
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.05 25.60
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 192.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 234.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.97
Details of cost for 0.5 Cum 1,815.05
Rate per Cum Cum 3,630.09
Qty of chiselling in 1 metre length of pile =22/7*1.2*1.2/4*1=1.13 Cum
Rate per metre Metre 4,102.00

022112 1000mm diameter pile

Qty of 1M= 22/7*1.0*1.0/4*1=0.786Cum Cum 022111 3630.09 0.79 2,853.25
Add 10% extra for restricted space in working inside the shaft of pile. 0.10 285.33
Rate per meter Metre 3,138.58

022113 800mm diameter pile

Qty of 1 M =22/7*0.8*0.8/4*1 =0.503 cum Cum 022111 3630.09 0.50 1,825.94
Add 30% extra for restricted space in working inside the shaft of pile. 0.30 547.78
Rate per meter Metre 2,373.72

022114 600mm diameter pile

Qty of 1 M =22/7*0.6*0.6/4*1 =0.283 cum Cum 022111 3630.09 0.28 1,027.32
Add 50% extra for restricted space in working inside the shaft of pile. 0.50 513.66
Rate per meter Metre 1,540.97

022120 Conducting load test of a single pile up to specified capacity in accordance with
IS:2911 (Part-IV) including installation of loading platform and preparation of pile
head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. with all
labour, material, tool & plants, equipment, machinery, etc. complete as per drawing
and specification, as directed by the Engineer.

022121 Initial load test up to 50 ton capacity pile

Detail of cost of each
Considering requirement of load on loading platform as 150% of pile capacity and
further 25% more for stability of the load, total load required on the platform =
50*1.5*1.25 - 93.75 say 100 MT
Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 2000.00 10,000.00
(i) For making preparatory arrangement like erecting platform, kentledge etc. for
conducting load test
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
(ii) labour for clearing the site after completion of the test and removing an disposing
the materials.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
Cost of use of platform materials, instrumentation and other incidental charges @ 0.25 7,600.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 380.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,392.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,566.29

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 503.42
Cost of each test Each 50,844.98

022122 Initial load test above 50 ton and up to 100 T capacity pile
Detail of cost of each
Considering requirement of load on loading platform as 150% of pile capacity and
further 25% more for stability of the load, total load required on the platform on the
average of the range i.e. 75 MT = 75*1.5*1.25 - 140.63 say 140 MT

Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 2800.00 14,000.00
(i) For making preparatory arrangement like erecting platform, kentledge etc. for
conducting load test
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
(ii) labour for clearing the site after completion of the test and removing an disposing
the materials.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Cost of use of platform materials, instrumentation and other incidental charges @ 0.15 6,012.45
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 460.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,541.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,964.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 610.62
Cost of each test Each 61,672.84

022123 Initial load test above 100 ton and up to 250 T capacity pile
Detail of cost of each
Considering requirement of load on loading platform as 150% of pile capacity and
further 25% more for stability of the load, total load required on the platform on the
average of the range i.e. 175 MT = 175*1.5*1.25 - 328.125 say 328 MT

Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 3000.00 15,000.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20

(i) For making preparatory arrangement like erecting platform, kentledge etc. for
conducting load test
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 45.00 19,665.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
(ii) labour for clearing the site after completion of the test and removing an disposing
the materials.
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
Cost of making platforms, instrumentation and other incidental charges @ 15% 0.15 8,097.78


Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 620.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,809.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,727.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 822.41
Cost of each test Each 83,063.16

022124 Extra for every increase of 50 ton in pile capacity or part thereof over 250 ton
Additional hours of Loader required for loading and unloading @ 50MT/hour for
increase of average of additional loading of 25 MT, machine hour required for both
loading/unloading i.e. 25MT + 25 MT = 50 MT is 1 hour
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.12 560.90
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 230.00 230.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 34.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 484.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 589.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 45.21
Rate per every increase of 50 ton. Each 4,566.25

022125 Routine Load Test up to 50 ton capacity pile

50% of Rate of Initial Test of Pile vide item No. 022121 022121 50844.98 0.50 25,422.49
Rate for each test Each 25,422.49

022126 Routine Load Test above 50 ton capacity up to 100 ton capacity pile
50% of Rate of Initial Test of Pile vide item No. 022122 022122 61672.84 0.50 30,836.42
Rate for each test Each 30,836.42

022127 Routine Load Test above 100 ton capacity up to 250 ton capacity pile
50% of Rate of Initial Test of Pile vide item No. 022123 022123 83063.16 0.50 41,531.58
Rate for each test Each 41,531.58

022130 Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance with "IS Code of practice IS:2911
(Part-IV) for determining safe allowable lateral load of pile” with all labour, material,
tool & plants, equipment, machinery, etc complete as per drawing and specification
as directed by the Engineer.
022131 Piles with lateral load capacity of up to 50 ton
Hire Charges of Hydraulic Jack of 50 T capacity for lateral load testing of piles Day 0110 2000.00 2.00 4,000.00
Cost of reusable material for arrangement of reactive force @ 20% of Hire charges 800.00
of jack
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 143.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,034.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,477.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 189.96
Rate per Test Each 19,186.03

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

022132 Piles with lateral load capacity of above 50 ton and up to 100 ton
Hire Charges of Hydraulic Jack of 100 T capacity for lateral load testing of piles Day 0111 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00

Cost of reusable material for arrangement of reactive force @ 20% of Hire charges 0.20 2,000.00
of jack
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 700.00 700.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 217.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,085.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,756.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 287.99
Rate per Test Each 29,086.76

022140 Pulse Echo Test (PET) for integrity testing of piles with contractor’s men, materials
and machines. The rate includes cost of Inspection of site, preparation of pile head
and any other unforeseen cost required for the test, submission of reports in triplicate
as per satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge.

Pulse Echo Test (PET) for integrity testing of piles with contractor’s men, materials Each 0109 2000.00 1.00 2,000.00
and machines. The rate includes cost of Inspection of site, preparation of pile head
and any other unforeseen cost required for the test, submission of reports in triplicate
as per satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge at site.

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 298.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 362.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 27.82
Rate per Test Each 2,809.67

023000 Well Foundation

023010 Earth work in OPEN excavation in foundation of bridges, for placing of well curbs of
all shapes and designs in all kinds of soil including taking out the excavated soil,
levelling, ramming of bottom of excavation and trimming of sides, returning the soil in
layers, consolidation, disposal of surplus soil within a lead of 300m, including all lift,
dewatering, shoring and strutting complete as per technical specification and as
directed by Engineer in charge.

023011 In all types of soils

Unit = 1 Cum
Rate Same as item no. 022011 186.58 1.00 186.58
Add 50% for excavation in river/stream bed 0.50 93.29
Cost for 1 Cum Cum 279.87

023012 In Ordinary rock

Rate Same as item no. 022012 381.72 1.00 381.72
Add 10% for excavation in river/stream bed 0.10 38.17
Cost for 1 Cum Cum 419.89

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
023013 Hard rock (blasting prohibited )
Rate Same as item no. 022014 1042.54 1.00 1,042.54
Add 10% for excavation in river/stream bed 0.10 104.25
Cost for 1 Cum Cum 1,146.79

023020 Providing and constructing Temporary Earthen Island / coffer dam for construction of
well foundations of dia. up to 10m (longest dimension) , including bailing and
pumping out of water, provision of sand bags, wooden ballies, sheet piling, earth,
sand or any other suitable material, as required with all labour and material complete

023021 For water depth up to 1.00m

Providing and Constructing Temporary Island 16 m diameter for construction of Well
Foundation for 8m dia. Well
Assuming depth of water 1.0 m and height of island to be 1.25 m
Unit = 1 No.
Taking output = 1 No.
Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0166 75.00 251.20 18,840.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00 750.00 6,750.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.40 204.80
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 1.00 4,000.00

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 420.00 420.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 367.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,217.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,353.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 487.09
Rate for water depth of 1.00m Each 49,195.70

023022 Extra for every 1.00m additional depth and part thereof over item 023021 up to water
depth of 4.00m.
Assuming depth of water 4m and height of island 4.5 m Island dia = 16m average

Assuming depth of water 4.0 m and height of island 4.5 m

Unit = 1 No.
Taking output = 1No.
Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0166 75.00 904.32 67,824.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00 6000.00 54,000.00
Hollock Ballies 150mm diameter Metre 0477 150.00 95.00 14,250.00
Hollock Ballies 80mm diameter Metre 0476 85.00 190.00 16,150.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 5.60 2,867.20
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 120.00 52,440.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 2.00 8,000.00

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 2200.00 2,200.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,177.31

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 30,897.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 37,620.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,884.27
Total cost for 4.00m depth of water 291,310.77
Cost for 1.00m depth of water as per item No.023021 Each 023021 49195.70 49,195.70
Extra cost for 3.00m depth of water (A-B) 242,115.07
Cost for 1.00 additional depth of water 80,705.02
Rate per every 1.00m additional water depth or part there of Each 80,705.02

023023 Providing and constructing 10m wide service road to reach island location from one
pier location to another pier location.
Assuming span length of 30 m, width of service road 10m and depth of water 1m
Unit = Running Meter
Taking output = 30 metre
a) Material
Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0166 75.00 450.00 33,750.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004
Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00 300.00 2,700.00
b) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.24 122.88
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
c) Machinery
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 3.40 15,892.28
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 3.40 20,719.77
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 758.07
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,757.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 13,098.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,004.21
Cost for 30 m 101,424.95
Rate per m RM 3,380.83

023030 Supplying, Fabrication, assembly, erection & placing in position the cutting edge of
well curb with structural steel including MS sheet/Plates of specified thickness for
pier/abutment complete as per approved plans and as per direction of Engineering In
charge including all operations like cutting, bending, straightening, drilling holes,
bolting, riveting, welding, threading, jointing of steel sections including outer and
inner places liners and skin plates, stiffeners, hooks, bottle nuts, bond rods etc. as
per design including all ascent, descents, leads, lifts, handing, re-handling, all other
obstructions whatsoever, diverting channels, pumping / bailing out of water wherever
required including cost of steel such as flats, sheets, angles, steel bars etc. with all
labour and material as a complete job.

Taking Output = 1 MT
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 10.50 66,150.00
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 20.00 1,600.00
Electrodes, cutting gas and other consumables @10% of cost of Structural Steel and 0.10 6,775.00
nuts and Bolts above
(for cutting, bending, making holes, joining, welding and erecting in position)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.32 675.84
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 5.50 3,393.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 5.50 3,393.50
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 5.50 2,816.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 16.50 7,210.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 920.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 13,057.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,898.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,218.91
Rate per MT MT 123,109.45

023040 Dry/Wet Sinking of Circular Wells (Other than pneumatic method) in all types of
strata except hard rock requiring blasting, including bailing and pumping out water,
removal of excavated soil with all labour and material required for sinking as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge, disposal of surplus soil in the
adjoining bank/embankment..

023041 From initial level of cutting edge & up to 3m depth

Dia of well (assumed) 9 metre Area 63.64
Taking output = 1cum
Depth below bed level up to 3.0 M
Rate of sinking 0.17 m/hour
a) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.24 122.88
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.25 1,152.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.75 1,638.75
b) Machinery
Hire charges of 10MT crane with Grab Bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories Day 0086 7000.00 0.75 5,250.00

Add water charges @ 1% + dewatering charges @5% 0.06 489.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,215.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,480.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 113.50
Rate per Meter for 63.64 Cum 11,463.14
Rate per Cum Cum 180.19

023042 Above 3m to 10m depth

Beyond 3 m up to 10m depth
Rate of sinking 0.15/hour
a) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.34 174.08
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.50 1,280.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
b) Machinery
Hire charges of 10MT crane with Grab Bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories Day 0086 7000.00 0.83 5,833.33

Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 0.83 1,328.00
cutters / hammers
Add water charges @ 1% + dewatering charges @5% 0.06 648.02
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,608.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,958.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 150.15

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per Meter for 63.64 Cum 15,165.64
Rate per Cum Cum 238.40

023043 Above 10m to 15m depth

Add 5 % for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
11 th m 250.32
12 th m 262.83
13 th m 275.97
14 th m 289.77
15 th m 304.26
Total for 5m 1,383.15
Rate per Cum Cum 276.63

023044 Above 15m to 20m depth

Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
16 th m 319.47
17 th m 335.45
18 th m 352.22
19 th m 369.83
20 th m 388.32
Total for 5m 1,765.29
Rate per Cum Cum 353.06

023045 Above 20m to 25m depth

Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
21st m 417.45
22nd m 448.75
23rd m 482.41
24th m 518.59
25th m 557.49
Total for 5m 2,424.69
Average rate 484.94
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 96.99
Rate per Cum Cum 581.93

023046 Above 25m to 30m depth

Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
26th m 599.30
27th m 644.24
28th m 692.56
29th m 744.51
30th m 800.34
Total for 5m 3,480.95
Average rate 696.19
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 139.24
Rate per Cum Cum 835.43

023047 Above 30m to 35m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
31st m 880.38
32nd m 968.42
33rd m 1,065.26
34th m 1,171.78
35th m 1,288.96

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Total for 5m 5,374.79
Average rate 1,074.96
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 214.99
Rate per Cum Cum 1,289.95

023048 Above 35m to 40m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
36th m 1,417.86
37th m 1,559.64
38th m 1,715.61
39th m 1,887.17
40th m 2,075.88
Total for 5m 8,656.16
Average rate 1,731.23
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 346.25
Rate per Cum Cum 2,077.48

023049 Above 40m to 45m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
41st m 2,283.47
42nd m 2,511.82
43rd m 2,763.00
44th m 3,039.30
45th m 3,343.23
Total for 5m 13,940.83
Average rate 2,788.17
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 557.63
Rate per Cum Cum 3,345.80

023050 Above 45 m depth

Considering the same cost as on 45th metre
Rate of 45th metre 3,343.23
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 669.16

Rate per Cum Cum 4,012.39

023060 Dry/Wet Sinking of Twin D type Wells (Other than pneumatic method) in all types of
strata except hard rock requiring blasting, including bailing and pumping out water,
removal of excavated soil, with all labour and material required for sinking as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge including disposal of surplus soil in
the adjoining bank/embankment (compaction to be paid separately under the
relevant item).

023061 From initial level of cutting edge & up to 3m depth

Considering twin D type well of size 12X6M
Area= 22/7x6x6/4+6x6 = 64.28 Sqm
Depth below bed level up to 3.0 M
Rate of sinking 0.25m/hour with 2 cranes
a) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.52 266.24
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
b) Machinery
Hire charges of 10MT crane with Grab Bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories Day 0086 7000.00 1.00 7,000.00

Add water charges @ 1% + dewatering charges @5% 0.06 716.17

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,777.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,164.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 165.95
Rate per Meter for 64.28 Cum 16,760.54
Rate per Cum Cum 260.74

023062 Above 3m to 10m depth

Beyond 3 m up to 10m depth
Rate of sinking 0.225m/hour with 2 cranes
a) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.52 266.24
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
b) Machinery
Hire charges of 10MT crane with Grab Bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories Day 0086 7000.00 1.00 7,000.00

Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 1.00 1,600.00
cutters / hammers
Add water charges @ 1% + dewatering charges @5% 0.06 812.17
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,015.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,454.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 188.19
Rate per Meter fro 64.28 Cum 19,007.21
Rate per Cum Cum 295.69

023063 Above 10m to 15m depth

Add 5 % for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
11 th m 310.48
12 th m 326.00
13 th m 342.30
14 th m 359.42
15 th m 377.39
Total for 5m 1,715.59
Rate per Cum Cum 343.12

023064 Above 15m to 20m depth

Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
16 th m 396.26
17 th m 416.07
18 th m 436.87
19 th m 458.72
20 th m 481.65
Total for 5m 2,189.58
Rate per Cum Cum 437.92

023065 Above 20m to 25m depth

Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
21st m 517.78
22nd m 556.61
23rd m 598.36
24th m 643.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
25th m 691.48
Total for 5m 3,007.46
Average rate 601.49
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 120.30
Rate per Cum Cum 721.79

023066 Above 25m to 30m depth

Add 7.5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
26th m 743.34
27th m 799.09
28th m 859.02
29th m 923.45
30th m 992.70
Total for 5m 4,317.60
Average rate 863.52
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 172.70
Rate per Cum Cum 1,036.22

023067 Above 30m to 35m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
31st m 1,091.98
32nd m 1,201.17
33rd m 1,321.29
34th m 1,453.42
35th m 1,598.76
Total for 5m 6,666.62
Average rate 1,333.32
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 266.66
Rate per Cum Cum 1,599.99

023068 Above 35m to 40m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
36th m 1,758.64
37th m 1,934.50
38th m 2,127.95
39th m 2,340.75
40th m 2,574.82
Total for 5m 10,736.66
Average rate 2,147.33
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 429.47
Rate per Cum Cum 2,576.80

023069 Above 40m to 45m depth

Add 10% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate of sinking for the
previous meter
41st m 2,832.30
42nd m 3,115.53
43rd m 3,427.09
44th m 3,769.80
45th m 4,146.77
Total for 5m 17,291.49
Average rate 3,458.30
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 691.66
Rate per Cum Cum 4,149.96

023070 Above 45 m depth

Considering the same rate as applicable for 45th metre

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate for 45th metre 4,146.77
Add 20% for kentledges including supports, loading arrangement and Labour etc 0.20 829.35
Rate per Cum Cum 4,976.13

023080 Extra for sinking of wells in hard rock requiring controlled blasting including cost of
explosive, detonators, chiselling including all other ancillary works
Taking output = 1m
a) Materials
Blasting Powder Kg 0169 50.00 15.00 750.00
Blasting Fuse (Fuse Wire) Each 0170 20.00 60.00 1,200.00
b) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 0.40 204.80
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 8.00 4,096.00
c) Machinery
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 2.00 3,200.00
cutters / hammers
Dewatering @5% of cost of b+c 0.05 1,500.14
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 315.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,470.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,443.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 417.32
Rate per Running Meter for 63.64 Cum 42,148.97
Rate per Cum Cum 662.30

023090 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (Cast in-
Situ) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved
quality in the following elements of well including finishing, using Plasticiser in
approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing
strength and durability complete as per drawings and technical specifications as
directed by Engineer.
1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under
relevant item.
2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in
that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

023091 In well Curb

Additional 10% over rate of item no. 022040 for extra lift
Rate as for item no. 022040 2,592.84
Add extra for lift 10% of 022040 0.10 259.28
Rate per Cum Cum 2,852.12

023092 In Steining of wells

Same as in Item no. 023091 (in well curb) Cum 2,852.12
Rate per Cum Cum 2,852.12
023093 In Bottom plug for wells including arrangements for placing concrete under water
with tremie or bottom opening skips.
Bottom Plug
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Note: 10% extra cement to be added where under water concreting is involved
Unit = cum
Rate same as for item no. 022040 2,592.84
Add 10 per cent of cost of material and labour towards cost of forming sump, 0.10 259.28
protective bunds, chiselling and making arrangements for under water concreting
with tremie pipe..
Rate per Cum Cum 2,852.12

023094 In Intermediate/top plug without shuttering

Rate same as Item no. 023093 as reinforcement, cement & shuttering are being paid 2,592.84
separately and in addition to CC rates.
Add extra for thin sections and difficult locations 0.05 129.64
Rate per cum Cum 2,722.48

023095 In Intermediate/Top plug with internal shuttering

Rate same as Item no. 023094 as reinforcement, cement & shuttering are being paid 2,722.48
separately and in addition to CC rates.
Rate per cum Cum 2,722.48

023096 In Well cap and corbel, if provided

Rate same as item no 023095 as reinforcement, cement & shuttering are being paid 2,722.48
separately and in addition to CC rates.
Rate per cum Cum 2,722.48

023100 Supplying and filling ordinary sand in between bottom plug and top plug in wells
including all lead lift handling, re-handling, as a complete job as per specification and

023101 Using Sand from River Bed if suitable for filling

Unit = Cum
Taking output = 1 cum
Rate as per item no. 022011 Cum 186.58
Add for working under water, ramming in layers and submerging well as required 0.50 93.29
Rate per Cum Cum 279.87

023102 Using sand from other than River bed (This item is to be operated if suitable sand is
not available in River Bed for filling
Unit = Cum
Taking output = 1 cum
a) Materials
Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 1.20 1,200.00
b) Labour
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.01 5.12
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 189.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 230.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.70
Rate per Cubic Meter 1,787.78
Rate per Cum Cum 1,787.78

024000 RCC Box

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
024010 Providing and casting machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated
Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix, mixed in Mobile
Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants, (Cast in-
Situ/Pre-cast) in bottom/top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps haunch filling head
walls, thrust bed or any other component using 20mm graded crushed stone
aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality of RCC box of any size including
finishing, Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability
without impairing strength and durability, complete as per drawings and technical
specifications as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under
relevant item.
2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in
that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

Rate same as item no. 022040 2592.84 1.00 2,592.84

Add 10% extra for placing of Concrete in thin sections and multiple pours of concrete 0.10 259.28
and congested area
Cost per Cum Cum 2,852.12

024020 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Design Mix Cement Concrete, mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing
Plant at site or RMC from approved plants, of specified grade (cast in-situ) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in Drop
and curtain wall and alike structures below bed level, complete in all respect as per
drawings and technical specifications to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra.

Rate as per item no. 022040 Cum 022040 2,592.84

Rate per Cum Cum 2,592.84

024030 Launching of precast RCC box segments of any size and barrel length for
single/double line as per approved drawings to the correct alignment and position in
electrified / non-electrified sections safeguarding all utilities ( S&T cable, power
cable, OHE, pipelines etc.) including transportation of box segments from casting
yard to site of launching, dismantling of the existing track, removing & stacking of
ballast, removing surcharge, dismantling of existing bridge built with stone masonry /
cement concrete including cutting of formation, placing of Box segments in position
either on base slab or prepared foundation, backfilling after launching of precast box
segment and compaction of earth in surcharge, ballasting & re-laying of track to
correct alignment and geometry, packing and further maintenance till allowing non-
stop 20 KMPH over the re-laid track, complete in all respect as per approved
drawing to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. The rate is all inclusive except the
cost of RCC Box Segments, Base Slabs (if required) and backfill material which shall
either be supplied by railway or paid extra under relevant item.
Note: Unit of 'Each' here means bridge of span(s) with a total linear waterway up to

024031 Single Line

Note: Minimum equipment required shall be (i) Crawler mounted Hydraulic excavator
of min 200 HP and bucket capacity 2.5 cum - 3 numbers (ii) Cranes minimum 150 T
capacity - 3 nos., (iii) Stone Breaker - 1 no., (iv) Road Trailer of 20 MT capacity - 1
no., (v)Tippers - 2 nos. and (vi) Tractors - 2 nos. (vii) Slope Vibratory compactor - 1
no. and other required machineries etc. in good working condition at site of work.


Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
{Considering wastage of machinery-days in transportation to site of work as 50%,
total nos. for Excavator = 4.5, for Hammer Drill / Compressor = 1.5, for Tipper = 3
and for JCB = 3}

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 200 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Day 0502 14405.40 4.50 64,824.30

Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 1.50 2,400.00
cutters / hammers
Hire charges of Power driven hammer drill Day 0082 1500.00 1.50 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 3.00 14,022.60
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 3.00 18,282.15
Hiring of trailer truck of 20 MT capacity Day 0101 18000.00 1.00 18,000.00
Hire charges of tractor with Ripper arrangement Day 0081 1200.00 2.00 2,400.00
{Considering wastage of machinery-days in transportation to site of work as 50%,
total nos. for Cranes = 4.5 and for Trailer = 1.5}
Hiring charges of 150 MT capacity crane Day 0096 100000.00 4.50 450,000.00
For compaction of surcharge after placement of box
Hire Charges of Slope Vibrator to be attached to Hydralic Excavator for rolling of Day 0058 2000.00 1.00 2,000.00
slope surfaces of embankment.
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 1.00 10,213.40
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1500.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6,100.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 86,567.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 105,406.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 8,081.16
Cost for Single Line Each 816,197.43

024032 Double Line

Note: Minimum equipment required shall be (i) Crawler mounted Hydraulic
excavator of min 200 HP and bucket capacity 2.5 cum - 3 numbers (ii) Cranes
minimum 200 T capacity - 3 nos., (iii) Stone Breaker - 1 no., (iv) Road Trailer of 20
MT capacity - 1 no., (v)Tippers - 2 nos. and (vi) Tractors - 2 nos. (vii) Slope Vibratory
compactor - 2 nos. and other required machineries etc. in good working condition at
site of work.

Considering cost of transportation of Crane to and fro from site as charges for half
day, quantity increased by 50%

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 200 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Day 0502 14405.40 4.50 64,824.30

Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 1.50 2,400.00
cutters / hammers
Hire charges of Power driven hammer drill Day 0082 1500.00 1.50 2,250.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 3.00 14,022.60
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 3.00 18,282.15
Hiring of trailer truck of 20 MT capacity Day 0101 18000.00 1.00 18,000.00
Hire charges of tractor with Ripper arrangement Day 0081 1200.00 2.00 2,400.00
{Considering wastage of machinery-days in transportation to site of work as 50%,
total nos. for Crane days =4.5 and for Trailer = 1.5}
Hiring charges of 200 MT capacity crane Day 0097 175000.00 4.50 787,500.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
For compaction of surcharge after placement of box
Hire Charges of Slope Vibrator to be attached to Hydralic Excavator for rolling of Day 0058 2000.00 2.00 4,000.00
slope surfaces of embankment.
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 2.00 20,426.80
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 7.00 3,584.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Rock Breaker (Semi skilled) Day 0015 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 60.00 26,220.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 3000.00 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9,745.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 138,287.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 168,381.59
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12,909.26
Cost for Double Line Each 1,303,834.76

025000 Miscellaneous
025010 Deduct if Plasticiser has not been used in Design Mix Concrete of any grade as per
approved mix design or use of 40mm graded stone aggregate in place of 20mm
graded stone aggregate in any grade of concrete.
Note: Deduction to be made for quantity of concrete.

025011 Deduction for not using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103) for any
grade of Design Mix Concrete.
Considering cost of 120 cum
Plasticiser / Super Plasticiser Kg 0190 80.00 202.56 16,204.80
Total -16,204.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 -162.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 -2,299.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 -2,799.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 -214.66
Cost for 120 cum -21,681.01
Cost per Cum Cum -180.68

025012 Deduction for using 40mm graded stone aggregate in place of 20mm graded stone
aggregate in any grade of concrete.

Considering cost of 120 cum

Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 1.00 825.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm nominal size Cum 0203 754.00 1.00 754.00
Difference of Cost of 40mm and 20mm size stone aggregates -71.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 -0.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 -10.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 -12.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 -0.94
Cost per Cum Cum -94.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
025020 Providing and applying two coats of coal tar or bitumen confirming to IS:3117– latest
version on the top and sides of RCC box/slabs @ 1.70 kg/sqm after cleaning the
surface with all labour and materials complete job as directed by the Engineer.

Details of cost for 10 sqm

Industrial grade blown type Petroleum Bitumen of grade 85/25 as per IS:702 MT 0314 47000.00 0.02 799.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Fuel wood Quintal 0343 4000.00 0.04 140.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 175.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 213.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.34
Cost of 10 sqm 1,650.35
Cost per Sqm Sqm 165.03

025030 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for :

025031 All types of bridge sub-structures, e.g. pier, abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, RCC
box type foundations, Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over
Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc. up to 5m above ground level

Details of cost for 10 sqm:

Wall form Panel 1250mm x 450mm (Shuttering material) Each 0254 1150.00 20.00 23,000.00
MS tube 40mm dia (Shuttering material) Metre 0253 293.25 20.00 5,865.00
100mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long (Shuttering material) Each 0252 1322.50 8.00 10,580.00
Adjustable telescopic prop 3m (2.02m-3.75m) (Shuttering material) Each 0255 1265.00 8.00 10,120.00
Beam Clamp 300-380mm (450mm-1070mm) (Shuttering material) Set 0256 454.25 12.00 5,451.00
Total Cost of Making new Shuttering "A". 55,016.00
Considering the above shuttering material can be used 40 times, Cost of using Once 1,375.40

G.I. Binding wire Kg 0219 51.75 2.00 103.50

Cadmium plated full threaded steel screws (30mm x 4mm dia) (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0257 35.65 1.00 35.65

Aluminium washer 2mm thick & 15 mm dia (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0258 28.75 1.00 28.75
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Carpenter (Semi skilled) Day 0007 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Total "B" 4,490.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 44.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 637.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 775.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 59.48
Cost of 10 sqm 6,007.74
Cost per sqm Sqm 600.77

025032 All types of bridge super-structures, e.g. slabs, I-girders, T-girders, Box girders etc.
up to 5m above ground level.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Details of cost for 10 sqm:
Cost of Shuttering Material:
Wall form Panel 1250mm x 450mm (Shuttering material) Each 0254 1150.00 20.00 23,000.00
MS tube 40mm dia (Shuttering material) Metre 0253 293.25 40.00 11,730.00
100mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long (Shuttering material) Each 0252 1322.50 8.00 10,580.00
Adjustable telescopic prop 3m (2.02m-3.75m) (Shuttering material) Each 0255 1265.00 16.00 20,240.00
Beam Clamp 300-380mm (450mm-1070mm) (Shuttering material) Set 0256 454.25 12.00 5,451.00
Sub-Total: 71,001.00
Considering the above shuttering material can be used 40 times, Cost of using 1,775.03
G.I. Binding wire Kg 0219 51.75 2.00 103.50
Cadmium plated full threaded steel screws (30mm x 4mm dia) (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0257 35.65 1.00 35.65

Aluminium washer 2mm thick & 15 mm dia (Shuttering material) 100 nos. 0258 28.75 1.00 28.75
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
(Labour element has been increased by 25% of substructure due to slow progress of
Carpenter (Semi skilled) Day 0007 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 58.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 828.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,008.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 77.35
Cost of 10 sqm 7,812.12
Cost per sqm Sqm 781.21

025033 Extra for additional height over item no. 025031 & 025032 wherever required with
adequate bracing, propping etc. over initial height of 5 metres for every additional
height of 1 metre or part thereof.
Detail of cost for 10 sqm of shuttering for average height of 10 metres - initial heights
5 metres = 5 metres extra height
MS tube 40mm dia (Shuttering material) Metre 0253 293.25 40.00 11,730.00
Adjustable telescopic prop 3m (2.02m-3.75m) (Shuttering material) Each 0255 1265.00 12.00 15,180.00
Considering the above shuttering material can be used 40 times, Cost of using Once 672.75

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Carpenter (Semi skilled) Day 0007 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 36.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 513.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 625.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 47.95
Cost of 10 sqm for 5 m height 4,843.00
Cost per sqm for 1 metre height Sqm 96.86

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
025040 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site using 20mm graded crushed stone
aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in jacketing of piers and abutments
from bottom of foundation up to a height of 10m for designed thickness of jacketing
including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to
modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge.
1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be paid extra under
relevant item.
2. Plasticizer shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticisers at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

Considering 10 sqm surface preparation and thickness of 30 cm

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.75 384.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 179.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 219.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.80
Cost of 10 sqm 1,696.50
Assuming 30 cm thickness of Jacketing. Qty of Concrete = 3 Cum. Rate as per item 2592.84 3.00 7,778.52
Add extra for thinner section, low volume, difficult location and complications 0.40 3,790.01
involved in river bed.
Cost for 3 Cum 13,265.03
Cost per Cum Cum 4,421.68

025050 Extra over 025040 for drilling of holes and insertion of dowel bars in case of
025051 Extra for drilling 32mm dia. holes for jacketing / anchoring

Taking out put 50 m

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 0.50 800.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 609.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 741.94
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 56.88

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 50 m 5,745.10
Rate per Metre Metre 114.90

025052 Extra for inserting of dowel bars of specified dia. (cost of rods to be paid extra)
Taking output 200 M
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 19.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 272.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 331.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 25.41
Cost for 200 M 2,566.16
Rate per Metre Metre 12.83

025060 Supplying, spreading and compacting well graded hard stone of 63mm average size
(maximum up to 80mm size) in the bottom of foundation of box culverts, bridges etc.
including all lead, lift, ascent, descent etc. complete job as per directions of Engineer
Details of cost for 100 Cum
Stone Aggregate (single size) 63mm nominal Cum 0202 900.00 100.00 90,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 993.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,098.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,166.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,316.11
Cost for 100 Cum 132,926.78
Cost for 1 Cum Cum 1,329.27

025070 Supply and using Cement at Worksite

025071 Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade approved brands/makes
Details of Cost per 1 MT
Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade MT 0186 4940.00 1.00 4,940.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 49.40

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 701.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 853.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 65.44
Rate Per 1 MT MT 6,609.41

025072 Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade of approved brands/makes

Details of Cost per 1 MT

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade MT 0187 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.00

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 709.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 863.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.23
Rate Per 1 MT MT 6,689.69

025073 Pozzolana Portland Cement approved brands/makes

Details of Cost per 1 MT
Pozzolana Portland Cement MT 0188 4700.00 1.00 4,700.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 47.00

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 666.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 812.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.26
Rate Per 1 MT MT 6,288.31

025074 Sulphate Resisting Cement approved brands/makes

Details of Cost per 1 MT
Sulphate Resisting Cement MT 0189 6500.00 1.00 6,500.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 65.00

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 922.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,123.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 86.10
Rate Per 1 MT MT 8,696.59

025080 Supply of steel reinforcement of approved brands/makes for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete.
025081 Mild steel bars
Details of cost for 1 quintal
Mild steel bars = 1.00 quintals
Wastage 5% = 0.05 quintals
Total = 1.05 quintals
MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 1.05 3,780.00
Cover Blocks @ 1.5% of cost of reinforcement steel Lumpsum 56.70
For straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placing in position-
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries and binding wire Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Sub - Total 4,940.70
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 49.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 701.11

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 2: Bridge Works - Substructure

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 853.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 65.45
Cost for 1 Qtl 6,610.35
Rate per Kg Kg 66.10

025082 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more of approved

Details of cost for 1 quintal
Mild steel bars = 1.00 q
Wastage 5% = 0.05 q
Total = 1.05 q
Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars grade Fe 500D - or more.(Average of dia Quintal 0218 5974.00 1.05 6,272.70
10mm to 25mm) without GST
Cover Blocks @ 1.5% of cost of reinforcement steel Lumpsum 94.09
For straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placing in position-
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries and binding wire Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 74.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,060.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,290.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 98.96
Cost for 1 Qtl 9,995.45
Rate per Kg Kg 99.95

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

CHAPTER - 3 : Bridge Works - Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount
Code (₹) y (₹)

031010 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for cast
in-situ Prestressed (Post-tensioned) concrete girder / Box girders/Slabs for different
spans including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103),
to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
drawings, specifications and direction of the Engineer in-charge.
1. Payment for Staging, Shuttering, Cement, reinforcement, HTS cables, sheathing,
anchorage cones, stressing of cables and grouting of the ducts shall be made extra
under relevant items.
2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in
that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

031011 With Soffit level up to 9m above Bed level

RCC Grade Concrete
Using Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant
Taking output = 120 cum
A) Basic Cost of Concrete
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 54.00 64,800.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 64.80 53,460.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 43.20 33,480.00
Plasticiser / Super Plasticiser Kg 0190 80.00 202.56 16,204.80
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.84 430.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant @ 20 cum/hour Hour 0066 1400.00 6.00 8,400.00
Hire Charges of Generator 100 KVA/125 KVA Day 0075 2500.00 0.75 1,875.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.75 3,505.65
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 4.00 1,400.00
Hire charges of surface vibrator Day 0079 300.00 4.00 1,200.00
Concrete Pump Hour 0067 900.00 6.00 5,400.00
Hire charges of Transit Mixer 6 cum capacity Hour 0068 2140.00 15.00 32,100.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 580.00 580.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,325.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 33,000.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 40,181.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,080.60
Cost of 120 Cum 311,140.79
Basic Rate per Cum Cum 2,592.84 A
B) Additional cost up to 9 mt height @15% on the basic cost of labour and Cum 031011 713.88 0.15 107.08 B
machinery for 1 Cum,
i.e.15% on Cost of labour and machinery for 120 Cum before adding CPOH, GST
etc multiplied by (1.01*1.1405*1.15*1.01) /120.

Rate per Cum up to 9m height Cum 2,699.92

031012 With Soffit level From 9m above Bed Level to12m above Bed Level
Cost of concrete as per item 031011 up to 9 m 2,699.92
Average increase in height beyond 9 metres = (9+12)/2 - 9 m = 1.5 m
Additional cost as per item no. 022055 for 1.5 m height Cum 022055 71.39 1.50 107.08
Rate per cum Cum 2,807.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031013 With Soffit level From 12m above Bed Level to 15m above Bed Level
Cost of concrete as per item 031011 up to 9 m 2,699.92
Average increase in height beyond 9 metres = (15+12)/2 - 9 m = 4.5 m
Additional cost as per item no. 022055 for 4.5 m height Cum 022055 71.39 4.50 321.24
Rate per cum Cum 3,021.17

031014 Extra over USSOR Item no. 031013 for Soffit level beyond 15m above Bed Level for
every 1m or part thereof
Same rate as per item no. 022055 Cum 022055 71.39 1.00 71.39
Rate per cum per metre height Cum 71.39

031020 Providing and launching in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the
Precast Prestressed (Post-tensioned) Concrete Girder/Box Girders/Slabs in
contactor’s casting yard in the vicinity of worksite, including finishing, using
Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without
impairing strength and durability, complete as per drawings, specifications and
direction of the Engineer.
1. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, Reinforcement, HTS cables, Sheathing,
Anchorage Cones, stressing of cables, grouting of the ducts and launching of
girder/slab in position shall be made extra under relevant items. However, deduction
shall be made in case of slab as per relevant item.
2. For pre-cast item, loading in transport vehicle in casting yard is included and shall
not be paid extra.
3. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in
that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

Rate Per 1 Cum of Concrete

Basic cost of concrete as of item 031011 Sub Total (A) Cum 031011 2,592.84
Rate per Cum Cum 2,592.84

031030 Providing and launching in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Cement Concrete of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in
Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants) using
20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the
Precast Prestressed (Pre-tensioned) concrete girder/slab in contractor’s casting
yard, including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to
modify workability without impairing strength and durability, complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer.
1. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, Reinforcement, HTS cables including stressing
and launching of girder/slab in position shall be made extra under relevant items.
However, deduction shall be made in case of slab as per relevant item.
2. For pre-cast item, loading in transport vehicle in casting yard is included and shall
not be paid extra.
3. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability
with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage
of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.

Rate per 1 Cum of Concrete

Rate Same as item no. 031011 Sub Total (A)
Cost per cum Cum 2,592.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031040 Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to exact design profiles, H.T.S. cables of all
classification made from Low Relaxation strands conforming to IS:14268– latest
version in Prestressed (Post-tensioned) Concrete girders/slabs etc. including
supplying, cutting, making into cables with necessary spacers, colour coding,
protecting with water soluble oil at all time, anchoring of cables, supplying and
placing spiral corrugated type galvanized metal steel ducts sheathing made up of
Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) mild steel conforming to IS:513 of required
diameter/ thickness, vent pipe, placing, bending, routing, fixing, stressing & grouting
of cable ducts with cement grout, Anchorage sets in required number with provision
for future prestressing if any including all lead and lift with contractor’s own materials,
labour, equipments etc. complete as per drawings & specifications. Rate also
includes covering anchorage pads with epoxy mortar of approved quality to avoid
corrosion. Cement for grouting to be paid separately. Payment shall be made in
terms of weight of HTS cables as per drawing.

Unit = 1 MT
Taking output for 18.30m span 2 Girder system RDSO Drg = 1.269MT including
wastage of 10%. Weight without wastages = 1.269/1.1=1.15 MT

Details of cost for 19T13 strand 19 m long cable

Low relaxation H T Strands conforming to IS 14268 latest version for prestressed MT 0213 57000.00 1.27 72,333.00
(Wastage 10% considered)
CRCA Sheathing Metre 0214 165.00 190.00 31,350.00
Tube anchorage set complete with bearing plate , permanent wedges etc. Each 0216 1320.00 20.00 26,400.00
Cement for grouting including 3 per cent wastage @ 3.00 kg/m = 3 x 1.03 x 152 = MT 0.47
469.68 kg (say, = 470 kg)
(i) For making and fixing cables, anchorages
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.50 256.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(ii) For prestressing
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.50 256.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) For grouting
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Hire charges of stressing jack with pump for stressing of HTS cables in PSC Day 0107 11500.00 0.50 5,750.00
Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Generator of 250 KVA capacity Day 0076 3000.00 0.60 1,800.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1100.00 1,100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,465.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 20,794.90
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 25,320.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,941.22
Cost of 1.15 MT 196,062.72
Rate per MT MT 170,489.32

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031050 Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to exact design profiles, H.T.S. cables of all
classification made from Low Relaxation strands conforming to IS:14268– latest
version in Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete girders/slabs etc. including supplying,
cutting, making into cables with necessary spacers, colour coding, protecting with
water soluble oil at all time, placing, bending, routing, fixing, stressing including all
lead and lift with contractor’s own materials, labour, equipments etc. complete as per
drawings & specifications. Payment shall be made in terms of weight of HTS cables
as per drawing.

Unit = 1 MT
Taking output for PSC Slab 1.000 MT including wastage of 10%. Weight with
wastages = 1.10MT
Low relaxation H T Strands conforming to IS 14268 latest version for prestressed MT 0213 57000.00 1.10 62,700.00
(Wastage 10% considered)
(i) For making and fixing cables
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.16 81.92
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(ii) For prestressing
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.50 256.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of stressing jack with pump for stressing of HTS cables in PSC Day 0107 11500.00 0.50 5,750.00
Hire charges of Generator of 250 KVA capacity Day 0076 3000.00 0.60 1,800.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1100.00 1,100.00
Add 10% of total cost for component of stressing frame Lumpsum 0.10 7,510.69
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 826.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,723.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,275.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,094.43
Cost of 1.00 MT 110,537.21
Rate per MT MT 110,537.21

031060 Extra for using HDPE sheathing in place of CRCA sheathing

HDPE Sheathing Metre 0215 275.00 1.00 275.00
CRCA Sheathing Metre 0214 165.00 1.00 -165.00
Difference of cost of HDPE and CRCA sheathing 110.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 19.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.46
Rate per Metre Metre 147.17

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031070 Making suitable designed staging for cast in-situ PSC girders/slabs up to 10.5m
height from bed level up to soffit of girder/slab with all contractors materials,
machinery, tools and plants, transportation complete in all respects required for
casting and removal of the same after completing the work and restoring the site to
Note: The payment for staging shall be made on the cubical quantity of concrete of
main Girders/slabs.

Considering cost of staging for 24.4 m PSC Box girder (Concrete qnty: 160.00 Cum)

Concrete Pedestal for CC cribs as per item no. 022060 Cum 022060 2559.13 18.00 46,064.41 A
(PCC 1:3:6) 10.00x4.00x2.00 x 0.75x0.30
Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade MT 0186 4940.00 4.04 19,962.54
(18.00x4.49/20=4.041 MT)
Quantity of steel used in CC crib and ISMB/ISMC support for centering and
1. CC Cribs 244 Nos @ 180kg each =244*180/100 = 439.20 q
2. ISMB 200 length 66m @ 24.2kg/m = 66 x 24.2/100 =15.97 q
3. ISMC 100 length 120m @ 9.56kg/m =120x9.56/100 =11.47q
Total weight = 439.20+15.97+11.47 = 466.64 q.
Considering 25% salvage value and number of uses before being unserviceable as
20 time, the weight to be charged for using once = 0.75 x 466.64/20 = 17.499 Say
17.50 q.
Considering fabrication cost of crib as 50% of the cost of steel, the quantity of steel
to be charged for using once = 1.50 x 17.50 = 26.25 q

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 26.25 129,937.50
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Transportation of cribs to site of work (One truck, 3 days each for transportation to
site and back after dismantling
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 6.00 21,896.40
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 4.00 20,000.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 60.00 26,220.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Total 275,080.85
Total except A 229,016.44
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,290.16
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 32,498.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 39,570.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,033.76
Total except A with water charges, overheads etc. 306,409.72
Cost including A with water charges, overheads etc. 352,474.13
Cost for 160 Cum (24.4 metres span) 352,474.13
Rate per Cum Cum 2,202.96

031080 Supplying and laying in position specified grade precast prestressed cement concrete
ballast retainers of size, as directed by Engineer In-charge. Payment for Shuttering,
Cement, reinforcement, HTS cables, anchorage cones, stressing of cables and
grouting of the ducts will be done extra.

Rate Per 1 Cum of Concrete

Rate Same as item no. 031011 Sub Total (A)
Rate per Cum Cum 2,592.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031090 Design, manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position elastomeric bearing true to
line and level conforming to IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400 under prestressed concrete
girders/ Steel Girders, for Pre-cast as well as cast-in-situ girders as per approved
drawing. The rate shall include cost of load test of one no. bearing from Railway
approved firms and all fixing materials, equipments, machineries, labour, taxes,
loading, unloading, leading, lifting etc. complete. Rates include getting the drawing
approved from Railway and cost of inspection during manufacturing from railway
approved organization.
Note : 1. The rate is for finished item complete and paid only after fixing in position
below the girder. 2. The volume shall be as given in the drawing and no deduction
shall be made for inserted steel plates etc.

Considering an elastomeric bearing of size 500 x 400 x 96 mm for this analysis.

Overall volume of 6 bearings : 19200 X6=115200

Volume of 6 nos. 488mm x 388mm x 4mm size reinforcing steel plates = 4545
Hence volume of elastometer = 14655
Elastomeric bearing assembly consisting of 7 layers of Elastomer bonded to 6 nos. Each 0268 15360.00 1.00 15,360.00
internal reinforcing steel laminates by the process of vulcanisation, complete with all
components as per drawing and Technical Specification (Each of 19200 Cu Cm)

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.50 218.50
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 0.50 750.00
Sundries, adhesives misc. T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 171.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,436.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,966.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 227.42
Cost of volume of elastometer = 19200 22,969.34
Rate per cucm Cu Cm 1.20

031100 Providing and fixing in position of standard preformed sealed and slab type or strip
seal elastomeric type expansion joints for Railway bridge or Road Over Bridges as
per approved drawings and latest MORTH/IRC specifications complete in all respect
as directed by Engineer in-charge.

031101 For 40mm expansion

Taking output = 12 m
Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 40mm expansion , Metre 0326 4000.00 12.00 48,000.00
comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as
per approved specification and drawings
Add 5 per cent of cost of material for anchorage reinforcement, welding and other 0.05 2,400.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.20 102.40
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 4000.00 4,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 551.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,824.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,527.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 730.43
Cost of 12 m 73,773.72
Rate per metre Metre 6,147.81

031102 For 80mm expansion

Taking output = 12 m
Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 80mm expansion , Metre 0327 5500.00 12.00 66,000.00
comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as
per approved specification and drawings
Add 5 per cent of cost of material for anchorage reinforcement, welding and other 0.05 3,300.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 25.60
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.25 128.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5700.00 5,700.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 757.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,752.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 13,092.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,003.73
Cost of 12 m 101,376.34
Rate per metre Metre 8,448.03

031103 For 120mm expansion

Unit = Running meter
Taking output = 12 m
Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 120mm expansion , Metre 0328 6500.00 12.00 78,000.00
comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as
per approved specification and drawings
Add 5 per cent of cost of material for anchorage reinforcement, welding and other 0.05 3,900.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.40 204.80
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 7600.00 7,600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 901.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,795.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,580.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,194.51

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Cost of 12 m 120,645.21
Rate per metre Metre 10,053.77

031104 For 160mm expansion

Unit = Running meter
Taking output = 12 m
Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint for 160mm expansion , Metre 0329 8000.00 12.00 96,000.00
comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal element and complete assembly as
per approved specification and drawings
Add 5 per cent of cost of material for anchorage reinforcement, welding and other 0.05 4,800.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.07 35.84
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.25 546.25
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.50 256.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 9500.00 9,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,111.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15,771.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 19,203.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,472.24
Cost of 12 m 148,695.84
Rate per metre Metre 12,391.32

031110 Load testing of one or more spans of bridge as selected by the Engineer as per
approved load test procedure following relevant IS/IRC/Railway codes with
contractor’s labour, deflection measuring instruments, loading materials, recording
and analyzing the load testing results including all lead & lift, etc. complete as
required. The rates are all inclusive and will be paid after load test is finished and
girder is cleared of the kentledges/loading material etc. The load shall be 1.25 times
the stipulated design load.

031111 For Span design load up to 100 MT

Detail of cost of each
Considering the load as 100 mt
Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 3000.00 15,000.00
Add 5 per cent of cost of material for anchorage reinforcement, welding and other 0.05 750.00
Hire charges and cost of instrumentation Lumpsum 9901 1.00 750.00 750.00
(i) For making platform and loading
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
(ii) For clearing the site after completion of the test and removing an disposing the
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 1.00 512.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1500.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 560.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,951.22

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,681.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 742.25
Rate per test Each 74,967.32

031112 Extra for every increase of 1 MT or part thereof over 100 MT in the span design load
capacity up to 800 MT
For 9 MT
Additional per MT shall be only due to adding and removing sand bags or any other
items for loading. One person can carry 4.5 MT in a day and both for to and fro
movement it will be 4.5/2 = 2.25 MT. Thus for 9 MT, 4 nos. coolie will be required.

Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 248.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 302.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.16
Cost of 9 MT 2,338.72
Rate per MT MT 259.86

031120 Casting and installation of single/twin RCC box of all sizes with or without common
web section including design of pushing scheme, thrust bed, casting of all RCC
components, with specified grade of controlled concrete, pushing it in correct
position and alignment below Railway track/Road following all measures of track
safety by “Box pushing technique" as per approved drawings/scheme, with or without
surcharge in all types of soils with disposal of surplus earth away from vent up to 1
Km, fixing arrangement for all services & utilities including parapet walls on both
sides, wearing course, foot paths, plaques, drainage arrangements etc. and all other
incidental works to complete the ROB/RUB/Canal crossing in all respect as per
specifications to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
1. The rate includes all items of work/supplies for complete job in all respects except
"cost of Reinforced cement concrete, cement, reinforcement & shuttering" of (i) main
RCC Box; (ii) Thrust Bed; (iii) Footpath (iv) Parapet wall and (v) wearing Course
only, which shall be paid extra under relevant items of USSOR.
2. In case Drag Sheet and/or Rail Cluster are to be used as per approved scheme
and design, the same shall be paid extra under relevant item.
3. The payment for this item shall be made for the clear inner cross section area of
the parent RCC Box/Boxes and barrel length i.e. clear inner volume of parent RCC

Single RCC Box (Single Vent Way) of 5.50m x 5.00 m

Barrel Length 35.3 m i.e. clear inner volume of 5.5 x 5.0 x 35.3 cum = 970.75 cum

Box Dimensions
Clear span: 5.50M
Height of the box : 5.0M
Wall thickness: 60 cm
Slab thickness: 60 cm
Barrel length for three track of BG (34.8+35.8)/2=35.3m
Inside dimensions of box: 5.5 X5.0 X35.3m
Out side dimensions of box: 6.7 X6.35 X 35.3m
Thrust Bed Dimensions
Length of thrust bed: 34.8 Mts
width of thrust bed: 7.6 mts
Thickness of thrust bed: 0.75 Mts
Cost of Box pushing except the cost of concrete, cement, reinforcement & shuttering
of RCC Box and Thrust Bed.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Earth work in excavation all types of soil and disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of Cum 022011 186.58 3937.68 734,686.00 A
50 M as per item no. 022011
(i) for thrust bed ( 34.80 X 7.60 X 8.00) = 2115.84
(ii) For Box Portion ( 6.70 X6.35 X 35.30) = 1501.84
(iii ) for approach formation ( 8.00 x20.00 x2.00) =320.00

Leading of excavated earth up to 1km i.e. average lead of 0.5 km. Cost as per 50% Cum 012015 2.72 2756.38 7,491.34 A
of the rate of item No. 012015 for 70% of the excavated quantity considering 30% as
(i) for thrust bed ( 34.80 X 7.60 X 8.00) =2115.84
(ii) For Box Portion ( 6.70 X6.35 X 35.30) = 1501.84
(iii) for approach formation ( 8.00 x20.00 x2.00) = 320.00
Total quantity of excavation = 3937.68 cum
Quantity taken for leading = 70% x 3937.68 cum = 2756.38

Dewatering of accumulated water from any location. Payment to be done for horse HP Hour 052260 40.58 150.00 6,087.62 A
power of pump multiplied by pumping hour 10 days x 3 hours per day x 5 hp =150 as
per item no. 052260
Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:4:8 using 40 mm aggregate in base Cum 022036 2558.78 13.22 33,837.36 A
course below thrust bed 34.80 X 7.60 X 0.05 = 13.224 Cum as per item no. 022036

Providing 50 mm thick screed with CC 1:2:4 using 12.5 mm aggregate thrust bed Cum 022032 2529.25 13.22 33,446.85 A
34.80 X 7.60 X 0.05 = 13.224 as per item no.022032
Cutting edge total qty 12000 kg - 3.00MT for each box out of which 1500 kg will be MT 023030 ####### 2.78 342,244.27 A
embedded in concrete and cannot be reused and balance 1500 kg will be useful as
scrap after pushing as per item no 023030.
- Salvage value of 50% of steel quantity i.e.3000/2 = 1500 kg.@15%
Net quantity = 1500 x 1.85 = 2775 kg = 2.775 MT Say 2.78 MT

Polyvinyl chloride sheet 400 micron. Sqm 0247 40.25 536.56 21,596.54
Supplying of polyvinyl chloride sheet 400 micron. Thrust bed area 35.3 X 7.6 X 2
Grease MP-2 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Kg 0185 153.00 120.00 18,360.00
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 16.00 100,800.00
(Pins and packings plate total qty 16000 Kgs this can be used for 10 box pushings
works Net qty for each box pushing = 16000/10 =1600 Kg- 16 Quintals)
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 735.00 ######
(21 Jacks required per day X 35 Days at the rate of 1.0 m length of pushing per ####
Hire charges for Power pack with 200 litres capacity tank with 10 HP 3 phase Day 0077 5265.00 35.00 184,275.00
induction mortar, inlet, out let valves pressure gauges, hose pipes etc for pushing
arrangement including consumables, tools, plants, operator, and transportation
to site of work

Hire charges for 3 phase generator (60 KVA) Day 0074 2000.00 35.00 70,000.00
Providing road crane ( hydra ) of 12 MT capacity for mobilization heavy machinery
like pins, packs and jacks etc
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 35 175,000.00
Providing and removing barricading with the help of portable fencing with self Metre 013041 190.15 100.00 19,014.83 A
supporting steel angles of size 50 x50x6mm, 1.5m long provided with hooks etc.
and embedded in CC reflective tapes in Horizontal & vertical direction. Note :
Released material will be the property of the contractor after the completion of work.
Cost of cement to be paid separately as per item no 013041

Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 35.00 35,000.00
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 420.00 16,800.00
slewing of disturbed track to correct alignment , lifting /lowering of track under traffic
condition and maintenance of track to required standard during the entire period of
box pushing with all contractors tools and plants ( daily 6+1+1 labour for 35 days.
Labour shall work for track correction for half day and other works in remaining

Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 35.00 25,340.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 18.00 11,106.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 122.00 53,314.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 20.00 8,740.00

Filled sand bags (30 kg weight) Each 0198 9.00 10000.00 90,000.00
Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as per item 052210 Each 052210 739.88 2.00 1,479.76 A
Providing cast in situ foundation plaques as per item 052220 Each 052220 1142.87 1.00 1,142.87 A
Sundries (no rates reqd.) incl conduits etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15000.00 15,000.00
Sub total-1 ######
Sub total-2: Sub-Total of items marked as "A" (USSOR items final Rates are ####
adopted) ####

Sub-Total-3: Total of item without water charges, GST, Contractor profit & ######
Overheads, Cess. = Cost at Sub-Total 1 (-) Cost at Sub-Total -2 of items marked ####
as "A"
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 19,278.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 ####
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 ####
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 ####
Sub- Total-4: Total cost of items except (A) with water charges, GST, Contractor ######
profit & Overheads, Cess ####

Sub Total-5: Total Cost without Design Charges. ######

Designing and drawing of RCC thrust bed, cutting edge, drag sheet arrangement 0.02 ####
etc. as applicable @ 2 % total cost
Total Cost for 5.5 x 5.0 x ( 34.8+35.8)/2 size box (clear inner volume of 970.75 cum) ######
except cost of concrete, cement, reinforcement & shuttering of components of work ####
Specified above.
Rate per cum Cum 3,949.45

031121 Extra for using GI Drag Sheet, 1.50 mm thick, for protection of track from
subsidence while pushing the box as per design over item no. 031120.
Note: The payment for this item shall be made for the clear inner cross section area
of the parent RCC Box/Boxes and barrel length i.e. clear inner volume of parent RCC

Drag sheets: 1.50 mm thick GI Sheet in ribbons of 50 cm width 36 x 6.7 = 241.2 Sq.M x
11.77 kg/sq.m=2840 kgs
GI Sheet 1.50 mm thick Quintal 0243 4600.00 28.39 130,594.00
Supporting frame and ancillary arrangement for fixing of drag sheet MT 023030 ####### 5.74 706,648.25 A
Total qty 9000 kg - 9.00MT. After completing the work, 85% of structural steel shall
be salvaged and considering scrap value @ 25% of the original cost, quantity to be
charged for providing arrangement = 9000 x 0.85 x (1-0.25) = 5737.5 kg Say 5.74
MT. Rate of fabricated arrangement as per item no. 023030.

Total except "A" 130,594.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1305.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 18531.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 22564.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1729.97
Sub-Total (excluding "A") 174,726.63
Total Cost for 5.5 x 5.0 x ( 34.8+35.8)/2 i.e. 970.75 Cum inner volume of RCC Box. 881,374.88

Rate per Cum Cum 907.93

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031130 Casting and installation of single/twin RCC box of all sizes with or without common
web section after supporting the track on temporary girders including design of
pushing scheme, thrust bed, casting of all RCC components, with specified grade of
controlled concrete, pushing it in correct position and alignment below Railway
track/Road following all measures of track safety by “Air pushing technique" as per
approved drawings/scheme, in all types of soils with disposal of surplus earth away
from vent up to 1 Km, fixing arrangement for all services & utilities including parapet
walls on both sides, wearing course, foot paths, plaques, drainage arrangements etc.
and all other incidental works to complete the ROB/RUB/Canal crossing in all
respect as per specifications to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
(1) The rate includes all items of work/supplies for complete job in all respects except
"cost of Reinforced cement concrete, cement, reinforcement & shuttering" of (i) main
RCC Box; (ii) Thrust Bed; (iii) Footpath (iv) Parapet wall and (v) wearing Course
only, which shall be paid extra under relevant items of USSOR.
(2) The CC Cribs as required and Temporary Girder shall be supplied by Railways at
available location.
(3) Transportation of Temporary Girder to site shall be paid separately under relevant
(4) The payment for this item shall be made for the clear inner cross section area of
the parent RCC Box/Boxes and barrel length i.e. clear inner volume of parent RCC

Box Dimensions
Adopting approved GAD Drg No GM/W/SC/BR/RUB/SC/3903/2018 dimensions

Clear span: 5.50M

Clear Height of the box: 5.0M
Wall thickness: 60 cm
Slab thickness: 60 cm
Barrel length of box: 16.85 M
Inside dimensions of box ( considering average thickness of wearing course) 5.5
X5.375 X 16.85 ( 16.85 is pushing length of box)
Out side dimensions of box: 6.7 X6.575 X 16.85
Proposed Casting Bed Dimensions
Length of casting bed: 20.875 Mts
width of casting bed: 7.6 mts
Thickness of casting bed: 0.75 Mts
Excavation for casting bed and approaches
(i) Earth work in excavation as per item no. 022011 for casting bed and at Cum 022011 186.58 572.00 106,722.84 A
approaches and disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 2 km including loading,
unloading and pumping out of water if required
(casting bed 21 x 8 x 1.50 = 252.00 Cum ) + (Approaches 20.00 x 8.00 x 2.00 =
320.00 Cum). Total Quantity = 252.00 + 320.00 = 572.00 Cum.

Excavation in formation and insertion of Temporary girder , cribs and for air pushing
as per item no. 022011
(ii) Main Box Portion = 2500 Cum
All kinds of soils Cum 022011 186.58 2500.00 466,445.98 A
Leading of excavated earth up to 1km i.e. average lead of 0.5 km. Cost as per 50% Cum 012015 2.72 2150.40 5,844.40 A
of the rate of item No. 012015 for 70% of the excavated quantity considering 30% as
(a) for thrust bed = 572.00
(b) For Box Portion = 2500
(c) for approach formation = 320.00
Total quantity of excavation = 3072.00 cum
Quantity taken for leading = 70% x 3072.00 cum = 2150.40

Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:4:8 using 40 mm aggregate in base Cum 022036 2558.78 7.93 20,291.16 A
course below thrust bed 20.875.00 X 7.60 X 0.05 = 7.933 Cum as per item no.
Providing 50 mm thick screed with CC 1:2:4 using 12.5 mm aggregate thrust bed Cum 022032 2529.25 7.93 20,056.98 A
20.875 X 7.60 X 0.05 = 7.933 as per item no.022032

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Supply and filling sand in formation before pushing the boxes 10 x 17 x 0.20 = 34 Cum 052240 2107.58 34.00 71,657.80 A
Insertion of temporary girder in place of formation as per item no. 191021.
RH /Temporary girder of length varying from 12.2m to 16.3m using road crane Each 191021 77253.96 1.00 77,253.96 A
capacity of 50 MT
Removal of temporary girder, crib on both ends and placing temporary girder on crib
/ cess away from Railway track as directed by engineer at site under traffic block;
filling of Railway's earth by ramming, pulling ballast from stack / adjoining track /
same track, laying track, linking with approach track and packing of ballast for
opening track at 20 kmph speed, boxing & dressing of cess, ballast profiling etc. as
per item no. 191041.

RH /Temporary girder of length varying from 12.2m to 16.3m using road crane Each 191041 82873.30 1.00 82,873.30 A
capacity of 50 MT
Note:- Excavated earth from Rly area will be used
Quantity of sleepers for 56 Sleepers= 56 x 2.74 x 0.20 x 0.15 = 4603 Cudm = 4.60
Manufacturing and using wooden sleepers/blocks required for matting and bearing as Cum 191030 1690.05 4.60 7,779.32 A
per approved design for use below and above CC Crib for insertion of Temporary
Girder etc..
Note: The item is for one time use and released wooden sleepers/blocks shall be the
property of the Contractor.

Rolling of box
Jacks ( One jack of 200 MT capacity is required for jacking of 100 MT weight of
box. Weight per 1 mt length of 5.5 x 5.375 m box = 37.75 MT for 16.85 mt length
636 Mt +1/4 of 636 MT for friction total 795 MT i.e. 8 jacks + 2spare 10 jacks
required x (5+3) days for rolling 10 jacks per day x 8 days =80 jacks

Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 80.00 120,000.00

Power pack: 2Nos x ( 5+3) days

Hire charges for Power pack with 200 litres capacity tank with 10 HP 3 phase Day 0077 5265.00 16.00 84,240.00
induction mortar, inlet, out let valves pressure gauges, hose pipes etc for pushing
arrangement including consumables, tools, plants, operator, and transportation
to site of work

Generator: During pushing period i.e. 5+3 days

Hire charges for 3 phase generator (60 KVA) Day 0074 2000.00 8.00 16,000.00
Extra Semi skilled labour (5 Nos x 7 days)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 35.00 17,920.00
Providing road crane ( hydra ) of 12 MT capacity for mobilization heavy machinery Day 041201 8268.45 7.00 57,879.18 A
like jacks etc
Highly skilled labour for air pushing in correct line and level
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 8.00 5,792.00
Girder maintenance work
Skilled labour for girder maintenance 9 days x 2 Nos per day
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 18.00 11,106.00
skilled labour for girder maintenance 9 days x 4 Nos per day
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 36.00 22,212.00
Semi skilled labour for girder/track maintenance 9 days x 5 N os per day
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 45.00 23,040.00
Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 8.00 8,000.00
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 96.00 3,840.00
Providing and removing barricading with the help of portable fencing with self Metre 013041 190.15 100.00 19,014.83 A
supporting steel angles of size 50 x50x6mm, 1.5m long provided with hooks etc.
and embedded in CC .With provision of painting verticals & horizontals with red
luminous paints / Strips of 30cm each with a gap of 30 cm.

Cement (0.019 Qtl per metre) MT 025072 6689.69 1.90 12,710.41 A

Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques Each 052210 739.88 2.00 1,479.76 A
Providing cast in situ foundation plaques Each 052220 1142.87 2.00 2,285.73 A
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Total of all items including marked "A" ######

Deduct Total of items Marked 'A' ####
Total of items excluding "A" 313,841.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3,138.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 44,535.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 54,227.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4,157.42
Total of items excluding "A", with Overheads 419,899.69

Grand total- of all items ######

Designing and drawing of RCC casting bed ( @ 2 % of sub total cost ) 0.02 ####
for 5.5 m x 5.00 m x 16.85 m = 463.375 Cum ######
Rate per Cum Cum ####

031140 Fabrication, insertion and removal of rail cluster below the running track to ensure
safety of track during box pushing in correct position and alignment with Railway rails
and contractors MS flats, wooden blocks, and 12 mm dia bolts etc., as per approved
drawing including removing and filling back of ballast below track under traffic
conditions of Electrified/Non-Electrified section with all contractors, labour, tools,
tackles, consumables plants, and 50MT capacity crane and any other material
required for execution of work in all respect with all lead and lift, transportation and as
directed by Engineer in-charge. Payment quantity shall be as per the weight of rail in
rail cluster used at site or as per approved drawing, whichever is minimum.

(i) Insulated Elastomeric pad (Railway supplied) shall be used between Running rails
and cross rails to prevent failure of track circuit.
(ii)CC Cribs will be supplied by the railways at free of cost, if they are required to be
inserted under the track.
Transportation to the site and back to the required location will be paid by Railways
under relevant agreement item
(iii)Rail cluster should be properly maintained by proper packing under wooden
blocks /mattings during passage of trains and de assemble after completion of work

Fabrication of 9 rail cluster of 13.0 mt long by

providing clamping arrangement with MS flats (2Nos)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
Removing and refiiling ballast from below the track for insertion/removal of rail cluster

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00

Supply of MS flats of 50 x 8 ( 1.2 x 8 Nos x 3.097 kg/mt=29.730 kg.
M S Flat upto 10 mm thickness Quintal 0227 6300.00 0.30 1,890.00
Supply of wooden mats ( 1.5 x.15 x1.2 x 4 Nos
+Add sleepers 1.5 x .45 x1.2 x 4 Nos = 4.32 Cum or 4320 cudm)
Rate for one time use as per item no. 191030
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 4.32 7,301.04 A
Supply of 12 mm dia screws ( .35 length 16 Nos )
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 0.96 76.48
Providing road crane of 50 MT capacity for Day 041203 27561.52 3.00 82,684.55 A
insertion /removal of rail cluster and handling of rails
Handling of rails during insertion /removal and De assembling rail cluster
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Sub-Total Including 'A' 114,907.06
Sub-Total excluding 'A' 24,921.48
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 249.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,536.48

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,306.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 330.13
Grand total- 33,343.39
Grand Total including 'A' 123,328.97
Total cost for Fabrication, insertion and removal of rail cluster below running the track
for single track (Weight 19.71 MT)
Rate per 1 MT MT 6,257.18

031150 Launching of precast RCC box segments for RUBs/Limited Height Subways (LHS) of
any size and barrel length for single/double line as per approved drawings to the
correct alignment and position in electrified / non-electrified sections safeguarding all
utilities ( S&T cable, power cable, OHE, pipelines etc.) including transportation of box
segments from casting yard to site of launching, dismantling of the existing track,
removing & stacking of ballast, cutting of formation and approach road below or
above bed level, placing of base slabs & Box segments in position, backfilling after
launching of precast box segment, ballasting & re-laying of track to correct alignment
and geometry, packing and further maintenance till allowing non-stop 20 KMPH over
the re-laid track, complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. The
rate is all inclusive except the cost of RCC Box Segments, Base Slabs and backfill
material which shall either be supplied by railway or paid extra under relevant item.
Note: Minimum equipment required during block shall be (i) Crawler mounted
Hydraulic excavator of min 200 HP and bucket capacity 2.5 cum - 3 numbers and (ii)
3 cranes of adequate boom length suitable for launching box segments in position
(min capacity of each crane - 200 MT for Single Line and 300 MT for Double Line)
apart from other equipments, tools, plants and machinery required to complete the
job within the allowed block period.

031151 For Single Line

Quantity taken for analysis is for Single Line
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 36.00 15,732.00
Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
For calculation of hire charges of 200 MT Capacity Cranes and 200 HP Hydraulic
Excavator, 1 day for travel (to & fro) with charges as half of working hire charges,
equivalent days shall increase by 50%. Therefore instead of 3 cranes and 3
Hydraulic Excavator for one day of working, it will be taken as 4.5 crane-days and
4.5 excavator days for calculation purpose..

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 200 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Day 0502 14405.40 4.50 64,824.30

Hiring charges of 200 MT capacity crane Day 0097 ####### 4.50 787,500.00
Hire charges of Power driven hammer drill Day 0082 1500.00 1.50 2,250.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters Day 0064 1600.00 1.50 2,400.00
/ hammers
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 1.50 9,141.08
Hiring of trailer truck of 20 MT capacity Day 0101 18000.00 1.00 18,000.00
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 3.00 3,000.00
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 12.00 480.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5000.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9,132.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 129,596.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 ####
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 ####
Rate for Single line Each ######

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031152 For Double Line

Quantity for double line
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 54.00 23,598.00
Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 200 HP (2.5 cum bucket) Day 0502 14405.40 6.00 86,432.40

Hire Charges of 300MT Capacity Cranes 3 Nos. during block (2 working and 1
standby). Considering 1 day for travel (to & fro) with half the charges of working,
Crane days required = 3 x 1.5 = 4.5 crane-days.
Hiring charges of 300 MT capacity crane Day 0099 ####### 4.50 ######
Hiring of trailer truck of 20 MT capacity Day 0101 18000.00 1.00 ####
Hire charges of Power driven hammer drill Day 0082 1500.00 1.50 2,250.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters Day 0064 1600.00 1.50 2,400.00
/ hammers
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Cum Capacity Day 0509 6094.05 1.50 9,141.08
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 3.00 3,000.00
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 12.00 480.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 7500.00 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 ####
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 ####
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 ####
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 ####
Rate for Double line Each ######

031160 Loading, transportation of Precast RCC Girders / Slabs / Ballast retainers / Steel
Girders etc. from Casting Yard to Site of Work, unloading and stacking at site of
work at prescribed location as directed by Engineer-in-Charge up to 60 kms.

Rate directly connected to Working Sheet for calculation of transportation charges

031161 Up to 5.00 Km MT 121.81 1.00 121.81
031162 Above 5 km up to 10 km MT 155.84 1.00 155.84
031163 Above 10 km up to 15 km MT 186.55 1.00 186.55
031164 Above 15 km up to 20 km MT 214.94 1.00 214.94
031165 Above 20 km up to 25 km MT 241.64 1.00 241.64
031166 Above 25 km up to 30 km MT 267.06 1.00 267.06
031167 Above 30 km up to 35 km MT 291.52 1.00 291.52
031168 Above 35 km up to 40 km MT 315.20 1.00 315.20
031169 Above 40 km up to 60 km MT 369.76 1.00 369.76
031170 Loading, transportation of Precast RCC Girders / Slabs / Ballast retainers / Steel
Girders etc. from Casting Yard to Site of Work, unloading and stacking at site of
work at prescribed location as directed by Engineer-in-Charge above 60 kms.

031171 Above 60 km up to 80 km MT 456.11 1.00 456.11

031172 Above 80 km up to 100 km MT 540.78 1.00 540.78
031173 Above 100 km up to 150 km MT 710.30 1.00 710.30
031174 Above 150 km up to 200 km MT 954.76 1.00 954.76
031175 Above 200 km MT KM 5.05 1.00 5.05

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031180 Providing Flood Level Gauges on abutments and piers, made by 20mm thick 1:4
cement plaster for a width of not less than 300mm, duly engraving markings & figures
in metres, divided into 10 parts commencing from under-side of girders towards bed,
painting markings & figures with black enamel paint in three coats on white
background including painting HFL Mark in white by side of gauge with year of
occurrence with all Contractor's materials, labour, tools, scaffolding and supports,
lead & lifts, curing etc. complete as per approved drawing and as directed by the
Engineer in- charge excluding cost of cement which shall be paid extra.

Details of cost for 100 Sqm

Details of cost for 1 cum Cement Mortar
20mm thick Cement plaster (1:4) as per following item
(0.268 cum of cement = 0.38 tonne)
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 1.07 1,284.00
For measuring, carrying, depositing and mixing
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.75 327.75
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 0.07 35.84
Hire and running charges of mechanical mixer Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Cost of 1 cum Cum 1,692.59

a) Details of cost for 10 sqm 20mm thick 1:4 Plaster

Cost of 1 cum 1:4 Cement Mortar Cum 1692.59 0.22 379.14
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.94 481.28
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.02 445.74
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 1.10 563.20
Scaffolding and sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 18.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 266.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 324.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 24.90
Cost of 10 sqm 2,514.47
Cost of 1 sqm Sqm 251.45
b) Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) with chocolate, red, grey or buff ready
mixed paint of approved quality on steel or wood work
Details of cost for 10 sqm
Materials -
Synthetic Enamel Paint in Black or Chocolate shade Litre 0308 220.00 1.16 255.20
Material for filling in hole and cracks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.54 333.18
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.54 235.98
Putty ,Brushes ,sand papers etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 120.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 146.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.25
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1,136.39
Cost of 1.00 sqm Sqm 113.64

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

c) Lettering with “Synthetic Enamel” paint (two coats) of approved brand and
Details of cost for 100 letters of 15 cm height
Materials -
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.56 106.40
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Painting brushes, turpentine stencil etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 47.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 668.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 814.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.42
Cost of 100 letters of 15 cm height 6,304.90
Cost of 1.00 letter of 1 cm height Each 4.20
Total cost for 100 Sqm
20mm thick Cement Plaster (1:4) as per (a) above. Sqm 251.45 100.00 25,144.67
Painting with synthetic enamel as per (b) above. Sqm 113.64 100.00 11,363.91
Lettering with “Synthetic Enamel” paint as per (c) above. Each 4.20 3000.00 12,609.79
Cost for 100 Sqm 49,118.37
Rate per Sqm Sqm 491.18

031190 Providing and fixing in position GI Drainage Spouts of required length with Grating in
RCC slab and filling bitumen along kerb as shown in drawing with contractor's pipes,
bitumen, tools, equipment, lead, lifts etc. complete as per specifications and as
directed by Engineer in-charge.

031191 50mm dia. Drainage Spouts

Details of cost for 10 x 10m = 100m pipe
GI Pipe 50 mm dia , B Class Medium duty Metre 0261 315.35 105.00 33,111.75
Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28000.00 0.01 280.00
Clamps and MS stays including bolts and nuts for 50mm dia pipe Each 0264 53.00 50.00 2,650.00
C I grating 100mm x 100mm Each 0265 75.00 10.00 750.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 396.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,628.48
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,853.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 525.42
Cost for 100 Metre Pipe 53,067.62
Rate per metre Metre 530.68

031192 100mm dia. Drainage Spouts

Details of cost for 10 x 10m = 100m pipe
GI Pipe 100 mm dia , B Class Medium duty Metre 0262 731.55 105.00 76,812.75
Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28000.00 0.02 420.00
Clamps and MS stays including bolts and nuts for 100mm dia pipe Each 0263 90.00 50.00 4,500.00
C I grating 100mm x 100mm Each 0265 75.00 10.00 750.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00

Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 853.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,112.27
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,748.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,130.69
Cost for 100 Metre Pipe 114,199.33
Rate per metre Metre 1,141.99

031200 Applying Epoxy Poly-sulphate Paint three coats on existing bottom surface of deck
slab including cleaning surface of dirt, dust & other foreign matter, sand papering,
wire brushing as required with all contractor’s materials tools, machinery, scaffolding,
lead, lifts etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer in-charge

Detail of cost for 10 Sqm

Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00 3.00 1,320.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.07
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 341.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 415.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 31.89
Cost of 10 Sqm 3,220.42
Rate per Sqm Sqm 322.04

031210 Supplying and laying 160mm dia. PVC Pipes Class-I, capable for a pressure of 2.5
kg/sqm in footpath of ROB for laying cable with all contractor’s materials labour,
tools, plant, machinery, vehicles, consumables, lead, lift etc. complete as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Detail of cost for 10m pipe

uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 160mm dia Metre 0260 350.00 10.00 3,500.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.25 154.25
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 39.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 556.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 677.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 51.96
Cost of 10 Metre pipe 5,248.39
Rate per metre Metre 524.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 3: Bridge Works -Super Structure (RCC)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantit Amount

Code (₹) y (₹)

031220 Deduction in rate of 031010, 031020 and 031030 for casting of slab in place of
Girder for any height
Considering deduction at the rate 5% of the labour and machinery for item no.
Deduct for less cost of labour and machinery for casting of slabs in place of girders
for any height
Basic cost for Labour and machinery for 1 cum as of item 031011 Sub Total (A) 713.86

Deduct 5% for lesser cost in slabs than beams and girders -0.05 -35.69
Rate per cum Cum -35.69

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

CHAPTER - 4 : Bridge Works - Super Structure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
041010 Supplying, fabrication, assembling of all types of steel girders of specified spans with
structural steel conforming to Quality "B0" Grade Designation E250 conforming to
IS:2062, erection / slewing / end launching of steel girders with cranes or any other
approved launching methods as per site conditions (not requiring traffic block) on sub-
structure including provision of trolley refuges etc., complete as per approved QAP
and drawings conforming to IRS-B1-2001 and other relevant codes and specifications.
1. Detailed fabrication and erection drawings & launching methodology will be
prepared by the contractor and got approved from Railway.
2. The rate is all inclusive including launching in position, complete in all respect
except cost of (i) Painting / Metalising; (ii) Bearings & (iii) HSFG bolts which shall be
paid extra under relevant item.
3. The payment shall be made on the theoretical weight of main components and
gusset plates only.
4. Payment Schedule:
(i) Receipt of material at site: 40%
(ii) Fabrication of girders: 20%
(iii) Erection/Launching: 20%
(iv) Completion in all respects: 20%

041011 Plate Girder/Semi Through Girder/Composite Girder (Steel Work)

Basic cost for fabrication, erection, leading , painting primer coats. and final two coats
of paint at site.
Take a Plate girder of 12.20 m length 25T Loading standard weighing 14.69 Tonnes
i.e. 146.90 quintal
(A) Material:
(a) Structural Steel i.e. Plates & Angles
(i) Plate = 140.57 quintal + wastage @5% = 147.60 quintals
(ii) Angles = 6.33 quintal + wastage @ 5% = 6.65 quintals

Structural steel plates conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per Quintal 0222 7330.00 147.60 1,081,908.00
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 6.65 38,104.50
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
(B) Cutting:
(i) Plates
Cutting length : 243.748 m (All Thicknesses)
Gas Required for Cutting
DA Gas in cylinder @ 1 Cylinder of 19 Kg per 26m length of Cutting
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 178.12 11,578.03
Oxygen Cylinder @ 7 Cylinders ( 7 Cum) per 26m length of Cutting (Density of Gas
1.429 Kg/M3. Qnty of Gas in Kgs = 243.748/26*7*7*1.429 =656.44 Kg)
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 656.44 32,822.07
Hire Charges of CNC Gas Cutting machine @ 0.400m/1min = 243.748/0.40/60 =
10.15 Hours Say12 Hours
Hire Charges of CNC gas cutting Machine Day 0113 4500.00 1.50 6,750.00
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 1.50 1,086.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 1.50 925.50
(ii) Angles
Total Number of Cuts = 120
Hack Saw Blades Each 0454 593.22 2.00 1,186.44
Time required @ 1 Cut in 5 minutes
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Edge finishing by Grinding
Total length for finishing = 2,43,748 mm i.e.243.748m
Grinding of 12 meters requires 20 min
Time required @ 12m in 20 minutes = 243.748/12*20/60 = 6.77 Hours Say 1 day
Cup Grinding Stone Each 0233 900.00 1.00 900.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
Edge Preparation for Welding
Length of the Edge for welding 106.40m
Edge preparation of 12 meters requires 15 min
Time required @ 12m in 15 minutes = 106.40/12*15/60 = 80.14 Hours
=10.01 days Say 10 days
Time required for edge preparation = 106.40 * 15/12 = 2.22 Hours Say 0.28 days Say
0.3 days

Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 0.30 185.10
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.30 131.10
Jig and Fixtures
Material Required for Jig 0.302 MT. Considering that the Jigs shall be used 5 times
and the salvage value of plate is 30%. The amount of steel to be charged for 1 girder =
0.302/5x0.7 =0.042 MT = 0.42 Quintal.
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 0.42 2,079.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Cost of Fabrication of Jig and Fixtures considering cost equivalent to the material
required for Jig
Drilling of Holes
Total Number of Holes to be drilled = 498
Drill Bit @ 1000 holes / Bit
Drill Bit 20-25 mm Each 0234 300.00 2.00 600.00
Time required for drilling 498 holes @ 4 holes / 4 minutes with CNC drilling Machine
i.e.1 minute / 1 Hole = 498 /60 = 8.30 Hours Say 1.0 Day
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 1.00 724.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 1.00 617.00
Hire Charges of CNC drilling machine - 14 to 50mm dia, 100mm thickness, set of Day 0114 14000.00 1.00 14,000.00
spindle - 2 sets, accuracy +/- 0.03mm.
( C ) I-Section Assembly
(i) Tack Welding:
Tack Welding to be done = 17733 mm of 5mm fillet
Volume of material for welding = 1/2*5*5*17733 = 221662.5 mm3
Length of 4mm dia Electrode required = 221662.5 / (3.14*4*4/4) = 17648.29 mm.
Electrodes 4 mm dia for steel fabrication work Metre 0235 15.00 17.65 264.75
A Welder can do 3 to 3.5m length of FCAW/GMAW mig welding per hour
No of Welders required = 17.733/3.5 = 5 Hours
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
Hire Charges of MMAW machine ( Manual Metal Arc Welding Machine) - 80 to 500 Day 0115 25.00 1.00 25.00
(ii) SAW Welding
SAW total length = 13300*4*2= 106400 mm of 12mm fillet weld
Volume of Wire required = 1/2*12*12*13300*4*2 = 7660800 mm3
Weight of Wire required = 76,60,800 / 109*7850 = 60.137 Kg
SAW Welding Wire Kg 0237 66.00 60.00 3,960.00
Flux used =1/3 rd of weight of wire = 20 kg
Flux for SAW Weldging Kg 0238 65.00 20.00 1,300.00
Root welding in SAW .e 5mm Weld Size for 12m, will take 20-30 Minutes
Root Run for 12 mtrs in 30minutes = 106.4*30/12/60 = 4.5 Hours
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 0.50 362.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 0.50 308.50
Final Run @ 12 mts run in 45 minutes for 106.4 m = (106.4/12)*(45/60) = 6.65 Hrs =
6.65/8 = 0.83 days Say 1.0 day
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 1.00 724.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 1.00 617.00
Hire Charges of SAW machine - Tornado Make, current range - 150 to 1250 Day 0116 7500.00 1.50 11,250.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(iii) CNC End Grinding to achieve final Tolerances of I-Section
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 2.00 1,448.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Hire Charges of Angle grinder - 230mm dia. Disc, 6000 rpm, CP make. Day 0117 11.00 1.50 16.50
(iv) HSFG Bolts tightening to fix Stiffener Angles
Stiffener HSFG Bolting = 522 Nos
5 Persons can fix 250 Bolts in 1 day
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 2.00 1,448.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Hire Charges of Impact wrench - 32mm dia.Boit, CP Make. Day 0118 25.00 5.50 137.50
Hire Charges of Torque wrench - 150 kgf-m, Mekaster Make. Day 0119 10.00 5.50 55.00
Hire Charges of Power hack saw machine (Angle) Day 0120 25.00 1.50 37.50
Hire Charges of CNC end milling machine - (Horizonral Spindle), (1). Longitudinal Day 0121 17000.00 2.00 34,000.00
Traverse of table (X-Axis) - 1500mm (2). Vertical Axis (Y-Axis) - 1000mm, (3).RAM
Column Traverses (Z-Axis) - 500mm.

(v) X-Frame Assembly

4 people for one X frame - 2 to 3 Hours say 1/2 day
For 4 Frames, 4*4*1/2 =8 Man days
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 4.00 2,896.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
(D) Final Assembly of Girder & Inspection
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 1.50 1,086.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(E) Hire Charges of EOT Crane Day 0122 1500.00 17.00 25,500.00
For 12.2 m Plate Girder, Cost of Electric consumption @ 100 Units / MT = 100
*10.327 =1032.7KWH. \
Electricity Charges ( 1 Unit ) KWH 0500 7.50 1032.70 7,745.25
Total 1,299,708.74
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12,997.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 184,435.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 224,571.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17,217.12
Cost for 14.69 MT 1,738,929.27
Cost for 1.00 MT 118,375.04
Cost for Launching Same as per item no. 041031 MT 041031 12439.52 1.00 12,439.52
Rate per MT MT 130,814.56

041012 Open web Girder

Basic cost for fabrication, erection, leading , painting primer coats. and final two coats
of paint at site. For cost calculation, span of 45.7m has been taken.
Take a Open Web Girder of 45.70 m Span 25T Loading standard weighing 137.927
Tonnes weight
(A) Materials : Structural Steel
(a) Structural Steel i.e. Plates & Angles
(i) Plate = 1297.41 quintal + wastage @5% = 1362.28 quintals
(ii) Angles = 81.86 quintal + wastage @ 5% = 85.96 quintals
Structural steel plates conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per Quintal 0222 7330.00 1362.28 9,985,512.40
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 85.96 492,550.80
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
(B) Cutting:
(i) Plates
Cutting Area : 205.926 sqm
Gas Required for Cutting

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
DA cylinder @ 19 Kg per 0.65 sqm = 205.926/0.65x19 = 6019.38 kg
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 6019.38 391,259.40
Oxygen Cylinder @ 7 Cylinders ( 10 kg/7 cum) Qnty of Gas in Kgs =
205.926/0.65x10x7 =22176.65 kg (15,518.99 cum)
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 22176.65 1,108,832.50
Hire Charges of CNC Gas Cutting machine @ 0.400m/1min = 8237/0.40/60 = 10.15 Day 0113 4500.00 21.00 94,500.00
Hours Say12 Hours
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 21.00 15,204.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 21.00 12,957.00
(ii) Angles
Total Number of Cuts = 490 nos.
cost of blades @ 60 cuts per Blade
Hack Saw Blades Each 0454 593.22 9.00 5,338.98
Time required @ 1 Cut in 5 minutes, 490*5/60=40.83 = 5.1 days Say 5 days
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Edge finishing by Grinding
Total length for finishing = 38,46,544 mm i.e.3846.544 m
Grinding of 12 meters requires 15 min
Time required @ 12m in 15 minutes = 3846.544/12*15/60 = 80.14 Hours
=10.01 days Say 10 days

Cost of Cup Grinding Stones @ 1 Stone per 250m=3846.544/250=15.39 Say 16

Cup Grinding Stone Each 0233 900.00 16.00 14,400.00

Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 10.00 6,170.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Jig and Fixtures
Material Required for Jig 2.123 mt. Considering that the Jigs shall be used 5 times and
the salvage value of plate is 30%. The amount of steel to be charged for 1 girder =
2.123/5x0.7 = 0.297 MT = 2.97 Quintal
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 2.97 18,711.00
Cost of Fabrication of Jig and Fixtures considering equal cost of material 18,711.00
Drilling of Holes
Total Number of Holes to be drilled = 4500x2.5=11250
Cost of Drill Bit @ 1000 holes / Bit
Drill Bit 20-25 mm Each 0234 300.00 12.00 3,600.00
Time required for drilling 11250 holes @ 4 holes of 21.5mm dia / 4 minutes with CNC
drilling Machine i.e.1 minute / 1 Hole = 11250 /60 = 187.50 Hours = 23.438 Day Say
24 Days
Hire Charges of CNC gas cutting Machine Day 0113 4500.00 23.44 105,468.75
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 24.00 17,376.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 24.00 14,808.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
( C ) I Section Assembly
(i) Tack Welding:
Tack Welding to be done = 24779 Nos of 5mm fillet @ 1 Tack of 50mm
Volume of material for welding = 1/2*5*5*1238950 = 15486875 mm3
Length of 5mm dia Electrode required = 15486875 / (3.14*4*4/4) = 1233031.45 mm

Electrodes 4 mm dia for steel fabrication work Metre 0235 15.00 1233.03 18,495.45
A Welder can do 3m length of FCAW/GMAW mig welding per hour
No of Welders required = 1238.95/3.0 = 412.98 Hours i.e. 51.62 Days say52 Days
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 52.00 37,648.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 52.00 32,084.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 52.00 22,724.00
Hire Charges of MMAW machine ( Manual Metal Arc Welding Machine) - 80 to 500 Day 0115 25.00 45.00 1,125.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(ii) SAW Welding
SAW total length = 3716908 mm of 6mm fillet weld
Volume of Wire required = 1/2*6*6*37,16,908 = 6,69,04,344 mm
Weight of Wire required = 6,69,04,344 / 10 *7850 = 525.199 Kg Say 525
SAW Welding Wire Kg 0237 66.00 525.00 34,650.00
Flux used =1/3 rd of weight of wire = 575/3 = 175 kg
Flux for SAW Weldging Kg 0238 65.00 175.00 11,375.00
Root welding in SAW .e 6mm Weld Size for 12m, will take 20-30 Minutes
Root Run for 12 mtrs in 30minutes = 3716.908*30/12/60 = 19.35 Hours Say 20 days

Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 20.00 14,480.00

Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 20.00 12,340.00
Hire Charges of SAW machine - Tornado Make, current range - 150 to 1250 Day 0116 7500.00 20.00 150,000.00
(iii) GMAW Welding
GMAW total Length = 7,84,810mm = 784.810 m
Volume of Wire required = 1/2*6*6*784810= 14126580 mm3
Weight of Wire required = 14126580/ 109*7850 = 110.893 Kg Say 111
Welding Rod for Gas Metal Arc Welding Kg 0236 116.82 110.89 12,954.52
Shielding Gas (Co2) required = 1 Cylinder (22.50 Kg) @ Rs 29/-per Kg for 27 Meters.
Gas Required = 784.81/27*22.5=654.01 Kg
Shielding Gas (Co2) for fabrication works Kg 0241 69.00 654.01 45,126.58
A Welder can do 3 - 3.5m length of GMAW welding per hour
@3.5m/Hour, No of Hours = 784.810/3.5 = 224.231 hrs = 28.09.days Say 29 Days
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 29.00 20,996.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 29.00 17,893.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 29.00 12,673.00
(iii) End Grinding to match tolerances to be done for 76 members
@ 2 persons do 2 members per day i.e. 76/2 = 38 Days
Cost of Grinding Stones @ 1 Stone per 10 Components i.e.76/10 =7.6 Say 8
Cup Grinding Stone Each 0233 900.00 8.00 7,200.00
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 38.00 27,512.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 38.00 23,446.00
Hire Charges of Angle grinder - 230mm dia. Disc, 6000 rpm, CP make. Day 0117 11.00 38.00 418.00
(D) Trial Assembly of Girder & Inspection; 1 span will take 25 days for assembly
and 5 days for dismantling i.e. total 30 days
Cost of Service Bolts for assembling of Girders Each 0240 35.00 1800.00 63,000.00
Highly Skilled labour Day 0018 724.00 60.00 43,440.00
Labour Skilled (Machine Operator/Welder/Machinist/Driver etc.) Day 0019 617.00 60.00 37,020.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 120.00 52,440.00
Hire Charges of Impact wrench - 32mm dia.Boit, CP Make. Day 0118 25.00 30.00 750.00
Hire Charges of Torque wrench - 150 kgf-m, Mekaster Make. Day 0119 10.00 30.00 300.00
Hire Charges of Power hack saw machine (Angle) Day 0120 25.00 6.00 150.00
Hire Charges of EOT, 10 ton Capacity, Reva Make Day 0122 1500.00 45.00 67,500.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 6.00 30,000.00
Hire Charges of Air compressor 500 Cfm for fabrication works Day 0065 1700.00 11.00 18,700.00
Cost of Drifts Each 0239 65.00 450.00 29,250.00
For 45.7m span Open Web Girder, Cost of Electric consumption @ 100 Units / MT =
100 x 137.927 =13792.7 KWH.
Electricity Charges ( 1 Unit ) KWH 0500 7.50 13792.70 103,445.25
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 132,746.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 #####
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 #####
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 #####
Cost for 137.927 MT #######
Cost for 1.00 MT for Fabrication #####

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for Launching Same as per item no. 041032 MT 041032 18727.15 1.00 18,727.15
Rate per MT MT 147,495.79

041013 Extra for using steel conforming to Grade Designation E350 instead of Grade
Designation E250 of Quality "B0" as per IS: 2062
Structural Steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists Grade Designation Quintal 0226 6000.00 1.00 6,000.00
E350; Quality 'B0' as per IS 2062
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 1.00 5,730.00
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
Rate Difference 270.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 38.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 46.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.58
Rate for 1 Quintal 361.24
Rate per MT MT 3,612.43

041014 Deduct for using steel conforming to Quality "BR" instead of Quality "B0" of Grade
designation E250 as per IS:2062.
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 1.00 5,730.00
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0225 5500.00 1.00 5,500.00
Designation E250; Quality "BR" as per IS:2062,
Rate Difference -230.00
Sub Total -230.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 -2.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 -32.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 -39.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 -3.05
Rate for 1 Quintal -307.73
Rate per MT MT -3,077.26

041015 Extra for using steel conforming to Quality "C" Grade Designation E250 instead of
Quality "B0" Grade Designation E250 as per IS: 2062
tructural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0224 5860.00 1.00 5,860.00
Designation E 250; Quality "C" as per IS 2062
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 1.00 5,730.00
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
Rate Difference 130.00
Sub Total 130.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 18.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 22.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.72
Rate for Qtl Qtl 173.93
Rate per MT MT 1,739.32

041020 Supplying and fixing HSFG bolts of any dia and any length with suitable nuts including
DTI washers conforming to IRS-B1-2001 for bridges and steel structures with
contractors labour, tools and plants and lead and lift etc., complete.

Consider 50 kg of bolts and washer


Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
HSFG bolt with DTI Wasters conforming to IRS B1-2001 with latest Correction Slips Kg 0228 100.00 50.00 5,000.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 56.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 798.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 972.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 74.54
Cost of 50 Kgs 7,528.58
Rate per Kg Kg 150.57

041030 Assembling and erection of fabricated Steel girders on bearings at site with
crane/derrick / any other approved means at site on sub structure with labour,
equipment, T&P including site bolting with all temporary arrangements, scaffolding etc.
with contractors design and scheme for longitudinal launching/side slewing (not
requiring traffic block) approved by Railway. Rate includes drifts, service bolts, Holding
down bolts etc. as per drawings.
Note: Payment for HSFG bolts used if any will be made separately under relevant

041031 Plate Girder/Semi Through Girder /Composite Girder more than 12.2 m span

Take a Plate girder of 24.4m of MBG Loading standard weighing 443 Qtl weight

Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7500.00 0.25 1,875.00
20 mm dia holding down bolts 16nos.x460 mm 1840 mm Add wastage @ 5%
Total = 7.728 m @ 2.74kg/m = 21.17 kg = 0..21 quintal say 0.25 Qtls with nuts etc.
Labour for erection or launching
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 10.00 6,170.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 20.00 10,240.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 10.00 6,170.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 20.00 10,240.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8000.00 10.00 80,000.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters / Day 0064 1600.00 5.00 8,000.00
Hire charges of Camber Jacks etc. Day 0106 500.00 30.00 15,000.00
Sundries, adhesives misc. T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 2000.00 2,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,484.35
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 21,063.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 25,647.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,966.30
cost of 443 Qtls. 198,596.78
Cost of Staging as per item no. 031070 for 24.40m 031070 352474.13 1.00 352,474.13
Total cost for 443 qtl 551,070.91
Rate Per Qtl. Quintal 1,243.95
Rate per MT MT 12,439.52

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041032 Open web Girder
For analysis purpose, take a Open web Girder of 45.7m and 1379.27 Qtl weight
Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7500.00 2.00 15,000.00
36 mm dia holding down bolts 24nos.x920 mm = 22080 mm Add wastage @ 5%
Total = 23.184 metres @8.604kg/m = 199.48kg = 1.995 quintal say 2.0 Qtls with nuts
Labour for erection or launching
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 60.00 37,020.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 120.00 61,440.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 60.00 37,020.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 600.00 307,200.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 600.00 262,200.00
Bandhani (Semi skilled) Day 0022 512.00 60.00 30,720.00
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8000.00 60.00 480,000.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters / Day 0064 1600.00 30.00 48,000.00
Hire charges of Camber Jacks etc. Day 0106 500.00 240.00 120,000.00
Single coil spring washer for bridge bearing for 36 mm dia bolts Each 0296 12.00 48.00 576.00
Sundries, adhesives misc. T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 4500.00 4,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14,036.76
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 199,188.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 242,535.21
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18,594.37
Cost of 1379.27 Qtl 1,878,030.98
Cost of Staging as per item no. 031070 considering double of the cost of staging for 031070 352474.13 2.00 704,948.26
Total cost for 1379.27 qtl 2,582,979.24
Cost for 1 quintal 1,872.71
Rate per MT MT 18,727.15

041040 Metallizing of steel work of girders with sprayed aluminium after surface preparation by
Sand/grit blasting, followed by one coat of etch primer (IS:5666) & one coat of Zinc
Chrome primer (IS:104) and two coats of aluminium paint (IS:2339) with all labour,
T&P and material as a complete job duly conforming to all relevant specifications and
process given under Clause 39 of IRS-B1-2001.
Note: Nominal Thickness of sprayed Aluminium coating shall be 150 microns. DFT of
Zinc chrome primer shall be 25-30 microns and DFT of each coat of Aluminium paint
shall be 12-14 microns.

041041 On new girder during fabrication

Qty taken 10 Sqm
Metallizing on the steel-
Etch primer as per IS: 5666 Litre 0266 340.00 0.84 285.60
Ready mix Zinc Chromate primer as per IS 104 Litre 0305 100.00 0.90 90.00
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 1.80 288.00
Labour for application of paints after aluminium metallizing.
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.72 444.24
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.72 314.64
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Cost of Metallizing for 10 sqm as per Annexure - X below 10 Sqm 3,163.73
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.11

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 654.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 796.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 61.08
Cost of 10.00 sqm 6,169.51
Rate for 1.0 sqm Sqm 616.95

041042 For maintenance work under running traffic

Considering additional cost over item 041041 for working under running traffic
Rate as per item no. 041041 616.95
Add for working under running traffic 0.25 154.24
Rate per sqm Sqm 771.19

Annexure - X for use in Item No. 041040

Metallization with sprayed Aluminum for bridge girders as per IRS-B1-2001 with latest
Correction Slip after thorough cleaning of surface and roughened by compressed air
blasting with suitable abrasive material sand/grit as per site conditions and spraying
molten aluminium metal with specialized gun to get nominal thickness of 150 microns.
The purity of aluminium wire shall be 99.5% confirming to IS :2590.

Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.20 240.00
(Consumption at the rate of 50sqm/cum; total quantity required-2.0cum)
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters / Day 0064 1600.00 0.20 320.00
Hire changes for sand receiver and sand blasting pipes with gun and all accessories Day 0127 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges for metalising gun with all accessories Day 0128 600.00 0.20 120.00
Aluminium wire for spraying Kg 0267 219.93 5.06 1,112.85
150 microns thick(The quantity required for 10sqm is-10x0.00015X2700=4.05kg +
25% wastage = 5.06 Kg
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 1.60 117.94
labour including sand blasting or grit blasting and application of sprayed molten
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00 0.35 215.95
Add extra for grit blasting Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Cost of labour and material for 10 sqm 10 Sqm 3,163.73

041050 Providing and fixing railing used in rows for footpath or anti-crash barrier railing with B
class G.I. pipe 65/50 mm nominal dia including cost of M.S. angle and channels in
vertical posts, welding / bolting, priming painting with one coat ready mix Zinc
Chromate conforming to IS:104 with DFT of 25-30Microns, followed by one coat of
Zinc Chrome red oxide conforming to IS:2074 with DFT of 25 Microns with all material,
labour, T&P as a complete job.
Note: Cost of painting shall be paid extra under relevant item.

Taking output = 2 x 50 m span = 100 m

Total wt=2806+2142+180+150=5052Kg
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 29.46 145,841.85
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
(ISMC 100 = 2.806 x 1.05 = 2.946 MT)
Weight of ISMC 100 = 9.2 Kg/m For 294.6
GI Pipe 50 mm dia , B Class Medium duty Metre 0261 315.35 420.00 132,447.00
(GI pipe medium grade = 400 X 5.10 x 1.05 = 2.142 MT=400X1.05=420)
MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 1.80 6,480.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(MS bars = 0.17 x 1.05 = 0.180 MT)
MS bolts & nuts more than 10 mm dia Quintal 0251 8500.00 1.50 12,750.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 10.00 6,170.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 20.00 12,340.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1500.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3,331.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 47,282.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 57,572.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4,413.85
Total for 5052 kgs. 445,799.29
Rate per Kg. Kg 88.24

041060 Supplying and fixing M.S. Angles 65mmx 65mmx 8mm or any other size conforming to
IS:2062 in the nosing of steps of stair cases of Foot Over Bridges including provision
of 10mm dia, anchor bar 600mm c/c and fixing with main girder with M.S. flat, making
anti-slip arrangements over the top of nosing as per approved scheme given by
Engineer in charge with all material, labour, T&P as a complete job.

Taking out put 2 Qtl

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 2.10 10,395.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
including wastage 5%
MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 0.06 216.00
anchor bars 30X.30X.62=5.58 Kg+5% wastage=5.86 say 6Kg
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
(Tack welding components and electrodes etc)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.20 102.40
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 131.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,861.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,267.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 173.82
Total for 200 kgs. 17,555.62
Rate per Kg. Kg 87.78

041070 Providing and fixing various size HTS holding down bolts conforming to relevant
Codes/Specification in concrete column or in other structures with proper nuts, bolts,
washers/plates, grouting of holes with cement or epoxy concrete with all material,
labour, T&P as a complete job.

041071 With Cement Grout. Cost of cement shall be paid extra.

Total Out put 100 Kgs
Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7500.00 1.00 7,500.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 86.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,220.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,486.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 113.98
Total for 100 kgs. 11,511.62
Rate per kg Kg 115.12

041072 With epoxy concrete grouting.

Total Out put 100 Kgs
Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7500.00 1.00 7,500.00
Epoxy, stone chips etc. for grouting of HTS holding down bolts @ 5% of cost of bolts 0.05 7500.00 375.00

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 91.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,302.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,586.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 121.59
Total for 100 kgs. 12,280.93
Rate per kg. Kg 122.81

041080 Supplying, Fabricating and fixing access ladders, inspection platforms, Trolley refuges
etc., on bridges with structural steel conforming to IS:2062 including welding / bolting,
priming painting with one coat of ready mixed paint of Zinc Chromate (IS:104) with
DFT of 25-30 microns followed by one coat of Zinc Chrome Red Oxide (IS:2074) with
DFT of 25 microns with all material, labour, T&P as a complete job.
Note: Painting shall be paid separately under relevant item.

Total weight=2.806+.964+.18+.15=4.10MT
Unit = MT
Taking output = 2 x 50 m span = 100 m
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 29.50 146,025.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
(ISMC 100 = 2.806 x 1.05 = 2.946 MT)
M S Flat upto 10 mm thickness Quintal 0227 6300.00 10.10 63,630.00
(MS Flat = 0.964 x 1.05 = 1.012 MT)
MS round bar for reinforcement- average rate for various dia Quintal 0217 3600.00 1.80 6,480.00
(MS bars = 0.17 x 1.05 = 0.180 MT)
MS bolts & nuts more than 10 mm dia Quintal 0251 8500.00 1.50 12,750.00
Add for electricity charges, welding and drilling equipment, electrodes and other 228885.00 0.01 2,288.85
consumables @ 1 per cent of cost of material.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.80 1,433.60

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 30.00 15,360.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Sundries, adhesives misc T & P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 650.00 650.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,691.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 38,198.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 46,510.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,565.84
cost of 4.10 MT 360,149.34
Rate per MT MT 87,841.30

041090 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level cast steel rocker/roller
bearing of different load bearing capacity conforming to IS :7666, IS:9565, IS:1030,
IS:919, IS:3073 and IRS Bridge Code including all accessories as per drawing and
Technical Specifications with all material, labour, T&P as a complete job. The payment
shall be made for the load bearing capacity in Metric Tonne as per approved drawing.

Unit : one tonne capacity

Considering a 250 tonne capacity bearing for this analysis
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Cast steel rocker bearing assembly of 250 tonne design load capacity duly painted Each 0269 100000.00 1.00 100,000.00
complete with all its components as per drawing and specifications
Add 2 per cent of cost of bearing assembly for foundation anchorage bolts, lifting 0.02 2,000.00
arrangements, grease and other consumables.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,057.76
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15,010.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 18,276.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,401.21
Cost of 250 MT Capacity Bearing 141,521.99
Rate per MT MT 566.09

041100 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level forged steel roller bearing
of different load bearing capacity conforming to IS :7666, IS:9565, IS:1030, IS:919,
IS:3073 and IRS Bridge Code including all accessories as per drawing and Technical
Specifications with all material, labour, T&P as a complete job. The payment shall be
made for the load bearing capacity in Metric Tonne as per approved drawing.

Unit: one tonne capacity

Considering a 250 tonne capacity bearing for this analysis
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Forged steel roller bearing of 250 tonne design load capacity duly painted complete Each 0270 150000.00 1.00 150,000.00
with all its components as per drawing and specifications

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add 2 per cent of cost of bearing assembly for foundation anchorage bolts, lifting 0.02 3,000.00
arrangements, grease and other consumables.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,570.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 22,291.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 27,142.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,080.89
Cost of 250 MT Capacity Bearing 210,169.56
Rate per MT MT 840.68

041110 Deleted

041120 Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing of
300MT Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un reinforced
elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel /
fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge
Code and as per approved drawing and Technical Specifications. The design of the
bearings shall be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor and got approved from
Railway before fixing. Test report after inspection of the bearings shall be submitted
and got approved before the materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises.

041121 POT-cum -PTFE Bearing (Free end)

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0272 57880.00 1.00 57,880.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stainless steel attached to metal backing
plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess(s) on the piston with
internal seal (Brass laminated rings), hard facings, external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,157.60
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 63,382.44
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 633.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,994.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,951.58
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 839.62
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 84,801.75

041122 POT Bearing-Fixed Type

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT Capacity Pot cum PTFE bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0273 83045.00 1.00 83,045.00
piston supported by un reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring
sealing making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,660.90
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 89,050.74
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 890.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,636.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,386.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,179.65
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 119,144.34

041123 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (L)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
300 MT capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0274 101185.00 1.00 101,185.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings, external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 2,023.70
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 107,553.54
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,075.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15,262.39
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 18,583.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,424.75
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 143,899.93

041124 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(T) Bearing assembly consisting of a Each 0275 96790.00 1.00 96,790.00
metal piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the
metal cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,935.80
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 103,070.64
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,030.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,626.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,809.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,365.37
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 137,902.09

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041130 Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing of
250 MT Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un reinforced
elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel /
fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge
Code and as per approved drawing and Technical Specifications. The design of the
bearings shall be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor and got approved from
Railway before fixing. Test report after inspection of the bearings shall be submitted
and got approved before the materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises.

041131 POT-cum -PTFE Bearing (Free end)

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 38.40
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.40 863.80
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
250 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0276 47380.00 1.00 47,380.00
piston supported by a disc of unreinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain less steel attached to metal backing
plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with
internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 947.60
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 52,448.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 524.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,442.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,062.32
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 694.78
Rate of 250 MT Capacity Bearing Each 70,172.56

041132 POT Bearing-Fixed Type

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 38.40
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.40 863.80
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
250 MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed) assembly consisting of a metal piston Each 0277 62045.00 1.00 62,045.00
supported by un reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing
making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted
with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,240.90
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 67,406.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 674.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,565.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,646.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 892.93
Rate of 250 MT Capacity Bearing Each 90,185.83

041133 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (L)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 38.40
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.40 863.80
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
250 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(L)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0278 77390.00 1.00 77,390.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,547.80
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 83,058.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 830.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,786.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,351.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,100.27
Rate of 250 MT Capacity Bearing Each 111,127.09

041134 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 38.40
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.40 863.80
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
250MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(T)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0279 72695.00 1.00 72,695.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,453.90
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 78,269.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 782.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,106.85

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 13,523.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,036.83
Rate of 250 MT Capacity Bearing Each 104,719.85

041140 Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing of
200 MT Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un reinforced
elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel /
fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge
Code and as per approved drawing and Technical Specifications. The design of the
bearings shall be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor and got approved from
Railway before fixing. Test report after inspection of the bearings shall be submitted
and got approved before the materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises.

041141 POT-cum -PTFE Bearing (Free end)

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.12 691.04
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.40 174.80
200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0280 36655.00 1.00 36,655.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain less steel attached to metal backing
plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with
internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 733.10
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 41,284.66
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 412.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,858.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,133.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 546.89
Rate of 250 MT Capacity Bearing Each 55,236.30

041142 POT Bearing-Fixed Type

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.12 691.04
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.40 174.80
200 MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston Each 0281 45025.00 1.00 45,025.00
supported by un reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing
making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted
with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 900.50
misc. items required during fixing.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 498.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,070.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,608.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 659.99
Rate per 200 MT Capacity Bearing Each 66,658.81

041143 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (L)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.12 691.04
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.40 174.80
200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE GUIDED(L)Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0282 57140.00 1.00 57,140.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,142.80
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 62,179.36
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 621.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,823.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,743.71
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 823.68
Rate per 200 MT Capacity Bearing Each 83,192.11

041144 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.12 691.04
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.40 174.80
200 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0283 52805.00 1.00 52,805.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,056.10
misc. items required during fixing.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 577.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,196.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,979.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 765.11
Rate per 200 MT Capacity Bearing Each 77,276.15

041150 Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing of
150 MT Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un reinforced
elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel /
fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge
Code and as per approved drawing and Technical Specifications. The design of the
bearings shall be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor and got approved from
Railway before fixing. Test report after inspection of the bearings shall be submitted
and got approved before the materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises.

041151 POT-cum -PTFE Bearing (Free end)

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 23.04
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.84 518.28
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
150 MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0284 25320.00 1.00 25,320.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain less steel attached to metal backing
plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with
internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 506.40
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 29,498.82
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 294.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,186.03
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,096.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 390.77
Rate per 150 MT Capacity Bearing Each 39,467.58

041152 POT Bearing-Fixed Type

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 23.04
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.84 518.28
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
150MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston Each 0285 29985.00 1.00 29,985.00
supported by un reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing
making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted
with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 599.70
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 34,257.12
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 342.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,861.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,919.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 453.80
Rate per 150 MT Capacity Bearing Each 45,833.89

041153 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (L)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 23.04
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.84 518.28
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
150MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0286 38745.00 1.00 38,745.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 774.90
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 43,192.32
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 431.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,129.21
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,463.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 572.16
Rate of 150 MT Capacity Bearing Each 57,788.63

041154 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 23.04
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.84 518.28
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
150MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0287 35760.00 1.00 35,760.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 715.20
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 40,147.62
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 401.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,697.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,936.94
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 531.83
Rate of 150 MT Capacity Bearing Each 53,715.01

041160 Design, supply, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing of
100 MT Capacity, consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un reinforced
elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel /
fabricated structural steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS:2062,
IS:1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS-5400, Bridge
Code and as per approved drawing and Technical Specifications. The design of the
bearings shall be submitted by the manufacturers / contractor and got approved from
Railway before fixing. Test report after inspection of the bearings shall be submitted
and got approved before the materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises.

041161 POT-cum -PTFE Bearing (Free end)

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.56 345.52
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.20 87.40
100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Bearing (Free end ) assembly consisting of a metal Each 0288 16350.00 1.00 16,350.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly comprising of stain less steel attached to metal backing
plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston with
internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 327.00
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 20,125.28
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 201.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,855.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,477.36

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 266.60
Rate of 100 MT Capacity Bearing Each 26,926.37

041162 POT Bearing-Fixed Type

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.56 345.52
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.20 87.40
100MT Capacity Pot type bearing (Fixed type) assembly consisting of a metal piston Each 0289 17385.00 1.00 17,385.00
supported by un reinforced elastomer confined in the pot with brass ring sealing
making with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted
with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 347.70
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 21,180.98
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 211.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,005.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,659.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 280.58
Rate of 100 MT Capacity Bearing Each 28,338.83

041163 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (L)Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.56 345.52
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.20 87.40
100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (L) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0290 25625.00 1.00 25,625.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 512.50
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 29,585.78
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 295.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,198.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,112.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 391.92
Rate of 100 MT Capacity Bearing Each 39,583.93

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041164 POT-cum -PTFE Guided (T)Bearing
Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.56 345.52
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.20 87.40
100MT Capacity Pot Cum PTFE Guided (T) Bearing assembly consisting of a metal Each 0291 23350.00 1.00 23,350.00
piston supported by a disc of un reinforced elastomer that is confined with in the metal
cylinder and sliding assembly with guiding arrangement to bear and resist the
horizontal force in the desired direction comprising of stain less steel attached to metal
backing plate sliding in horizontal plane over PTFE confined in recess (s)on the piston
with internal seal (Brass laminated rings),hard facings ,external seal & wiper seal etc
complete with cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 467.00
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 27,265.28
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 272.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,869.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,711.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 361.18
Rate of 100 MT Capacity Bearing Each 36,479.24

041170 Design, supply and fixing 300MT capacity Spherical Bearing in position true to line
and level consisting of set of concave and convex mating steel backing plate with a
low friction sliding interface, flat sliding elements ,guides and restraining rings; with all
components conforming to approved drawing and technical specifications & Bridge
Code including grouting of holes for anchor bolts and underside of base plate with
approved non-shrink epoxy grout with all material, labour, T&P as a complete job.
Note: Sliding surface with PTFE or UHMWPE low friction thermoplastic material and
steel for backing plate of Mild steel in accordance to IS:2062 grade-B. Cast steel in
accordance with IS 1030 Grade 280-520W. Stain less steel in accordance with AISI
304/316.Low friction thermo -plastic sliding PTFE material either pure
polytetrafluroethalyne (PTFE) Or Ultra High Molecular weight Polyethylene
(UHMWPE). Austanitic steel is of stainless steel for the sliding interface shall be in
accordance with AISI 316L or O2 Cr17 NI12 of IS-6911. The thickness of the stain
less steel sheet shall be 3mm minimum. The stainless steel sheet shall be attached to
its backing plate either by screwing/riveting or by continuous fillet weld. Hard
chromium plated surface shall be entire curved surface of the convex steel plate
mating with hard chromium plated concave sliding surface .The thickness of the hard
chromium plating shall be at least 100 microns and the final surface roughness of the
plated surface shall not exceed 3 microns. Bearing manufacturer shall give the
guarantee for satisfactory performance of bearing for period specified.

041171 Spherical Fixed Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
300 MT Capacity Spherical fixed bearing consists of an assembly of precision Each 0292 65185.00 1.00 65,185.00
machined steel components with spherical concave and convex elements in its centre
designed and sized according the specific requirements .The bottom plate with a
spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top
component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom
face mating with concave curved surface fixed by restraining rings to restrict the
horizontal movement as a complete unit made up of with Mild steel/cast iron
steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or
340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or curved

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,303.70
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 70,833.54
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 708.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,051.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,239.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 938.33
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 94,770.86

041172 Spherical Free Float Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT Capacity Spherical free float bearing consists of an assembly of precision Each 0293 55860.00 1.00 55,860.00
machined steel components with spherical concave and convex elements in its centre
designed and sized according the specific requirements .The bottom plate with a
spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top
component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom
face mating with concave curved surface . Sliding assembly attached consists of a
polished stainless sheet welded to the under side of top steel plate slides on PTFE
disc recessed or bonded to the upper surface of convex plate as complete unit made
up of with Mild steel/cast iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B &
IS 1030 Grade 280-520W or 340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing
plates with flat or curved surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in accordance with
AISI316L OR of IS 6911 of minimum thick 3mm

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,117.20
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 61,322.04
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 613.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,701.90
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,595.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 812.33
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 82,045.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041173 Spherical Slide Guide (L) Bearing
Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT Capacity Spherical Slide Guide (L) bearing consists of an assembly of Each 0294 79400.00 1.00 79,400.00
precision machined steel components with spherical concave and convex elements in
its centre designed and sized according the specific requirements .The bottom plate
with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top
component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom
face mating with concave curved surface . Sliding assembly with guiding system bear
and transmit the horizontal force in one direction and allowing the movement
perpendicular to above (Longitudinal direction) consisting of a polished stainless
sheet welded to the under side of top steel plate slides on PTFE disc recessed or
bonded to the upper surface of convex plate as complete unit made up of with Mild
steel/cast iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade
280-520W or 340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or
curved surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in accordance with AISI316L OR of IS 6911
of minimum thick 3mm.

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,588.00
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Sub Total 85,332.84
c) Sundries, adhesives misc. T & P and consumables @ 3 per cent on a+b 0.03 2,559.99
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 878.93
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,472.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,186.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,164.31
Cost of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 117,595.12

041174 Spherical Slide Guide (T) Bearing

Unit: Each Bearing complete assembly
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.09 46.08
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.68 1,036.56
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.60 262.20
300 MT Capacity Spherical Slide Guide (T) bearing consists of an assembly of Each 0295 75560.00 1.00 75,560.00
precision machined steel components with spherical concave and convex elements in
its centre designed and sized according the specific requirements .The bottom plate
with a spherically concave top face covered with a recessed PTFE sheet .The top
component is a solid stainless steel plate with spherically machined convex bottom
face mating with concave curved surface . Sliding assembly with guiding system bear
and transmit the horizontal force in one direction and allowing the movement
perpendicular to above (Transverse direction) consisting of a polished stainless sheet
welded to the under side of top steel plate slides on PTFE disc recessed or bonded to
the upper surface of convex plate as complete unit made up of with Mild steel/cast
iron steel/Stainless steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade -B & IS 1030 Grade 280-520W
or 340-570W,AISI 304/316 shall be used for the backing plates with flat or curved
surfaces, Stainless sheet shall be in accordance with AISI316L OR of IS 6911 of
minimum thick 3mm

Add 2 % of cost of bearing assembly, foundation anchorage bolts, transportation and 0.02 1,511.20
misc. items required during fixing.
Hire charges for 200 MT capacity Jack Day 0105 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries, adhesives misc. T & P and consumables @ 3 per cent on a+b 0.03 2,442.48
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 838.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,899.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,489.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,110.87
Rate of 300 MT Capacity Bearing Each 112,197.47

041180 Extra over items 041090 to 041170 for fixing bearings under running traffic /traffic
block including removing of existing bearings and handing over at location as directed.

Add 10% on respective bearing items Each 0.10 0.10

041190 Supply & applying two coats of bitumen emulsion of Grade RS-1, conforming to
IS:8887 on the top surface of concrete deck slab (New bridges) @ 1.70 kg/sqm after
cleaning surface with all materials, labour, tools and plants, equipment etc. complete.

Cost per 20 sqm

Bitumen emulsion for road of grade RS-1 confirming to IS 8887 MT 0316 37000.00 0.034 1,258.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.12 144.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.20 87.40
c) Sundries including misc tools and plants Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 233.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 283.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.76
Cost for 20 Sqm. 2,197.96
Rate of 1.00 sqm Sqm 109.90

041200 Providing road crane of specified lifting capacity with specified jib length revolving type
for material handling, assembly & erection of girders/slab/RCC Box etc.

041201 12 MT capacity
Hire charges of 12 MT crane and accessories Day 0090 6000.00 1.00 6,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 180.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 61.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 876.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,067.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 81.87
Rate per Day Day 8,268.45

041202 20 MT capacity
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8000.00 1.00 8,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 82.40

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,169.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,423.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 109.15
Rate per Day Day 11,024.61

041203 50 MT capacity
Hiring charges of Crane 50 MT capacity Day 0093 20000.00 1.00 20,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 206.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,923.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,559.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 272.89
Rate per Day Day 27,561.52

041204 80 MT capacity
Hiring charges of 80MT capacity crane Day 0094 35000.00 1.00 35,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 1,050.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 360.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,115.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,228.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 477.55
Rate per Day Day 48,232.65

041205 100 MT capacity

Hiring charges of 100 MT capacity crane Day 0095 50000.00 1.00 50,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 515.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,308.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,898.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 682.22
Rate per Day Day 68,903.79

041206 150 MT capacity

Hiring charges of 150 MT capacity crane Day 0096 100000.00 1.00 100,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 3,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,030.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,616.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,796.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,364.43
Rate per Day Day 137,807.58

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041207 200 MT capacity
Hiring charges of 200 MT capacity crane Day 0097 175000.00 1.00 175,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 5,250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,802.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 25,578.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 31,144.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,387.76
Rate per Day Day 241,163.26

041208 250 MT capacity

Hiring charges of 250 MT capacity crane Day 0098 225000.00 1.00 225,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 6,750.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,317.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 32,886.48
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 40,043.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,069.97
Rate per Day Day 310,067.05

041209 300 MT capacity

Hiring charges of 300 MT capacity crane Day 0099 250000.00 1.00 250,000.00
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of above) 0.03 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,575.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 36,540.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 44,492.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,411.08
Rate per Day Day 344,518.95

041210 Extra for increase in road crane capacity over Item 041209 for every additional 1 MT
capacity or part there of
Details of cost for 1 MT
Hiring charges of 400 MT capacity crane Day 0100 350000.00 1.00 350,000.00
Hiring charges of 300 MT capacity crane Day 0099 250000.00 1.00 250,000.00
Cost difference for 100 MT 100,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,000.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,190.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,278.58
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,324.69
Cost for 100 MT 133,793.77
Rate per 1 MT Day 1,337.94

041220 Surface preparation of steel work of bridge plate/composite girders by cleaning with
scrappers and/or wire brushes to remove all rust and loose or perished paint to
prepare perfectly clean & dry bare metal surface free from all dirt/foreign material &
ready for initial coat of paint for new or existing steel girders. Rate includes cost of
labour, consumables, brushes, tools & plants, ladders, scaffoldings, jhoola, hanging
scaffolding staging etc.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041221 Existing girders with old paints
a)Taking output=100Sqm
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.50 256.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.20 102.40
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 0.20 102.40
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Sub Total 3,325.80
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 477.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 581.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 44.59
Cost for 100 sqm 4,503.23
Rate per Sqm Sqm 45.03

041222 New girders during fabrication

Considering cost of 80 % in comparion to item no. 041221 Sqm 041221 45.03 0.80 36.03
Rate per Sqm Sqm 36.03

041230 Surface preparation of steel work of bridge triangulated girders by cleaning with
scrappers and/or wire brushes to remove all rust and loose or perished paint to
prepare perfectly clean & dry bare metal surface free from all dirt/foreign material &
ready for initial coat of paint. Rate includes cost of labour, consumables, brushes,
misc. tools and plants, ladders, scaffoldings, jhoola, hanging scaffolding, staging etc.

041231 Existing girders with old paints

Basic cost as for item 041221 45.03
Add 50% on item 041221 for larger spans and heavier loads and extra height of 0.50 22.52
Rate per Sqm Sqm 67.55

041232 New girders during fabrication

Considering cost of 80 % in comparion to item no. 041231 Sqm 041231 67.55 0.80 54.04
Rate per Sqm Sqm 54.04

041240 Surface preparation for painting of bridge plate/composite girders and other steel
structures where the finishing coat shows signs of deterioration; but primer coat of
paint is sufficiently in good condition and there are no signs of rusting etc. Surface
shall be cleaned free from oil grease, scaling and other foreign matters without
disturbing the primer coat {Rate includes cost of labour, consumables, tools & plants,
scaffolding, jhoola, ladder etc.}

Detail of cost for 100 Sqm

Material :
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 3.00 45.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 3.00 99.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Labour :
Mistry (Semi skilled) Day 0027 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 0.25 128.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.50 308.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 235.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 286.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.95
Cost for 100 Sqm surface area 2,216.83
Rate per sqm Sqm 22.17

041250 Surface preparation for painting of bridge Triangulated girders where the finishing coat
shows signs of deterioration; but primer coat of paint is sufficiently in good condition
and there are no signs of rusting etc. Surface shall be cleaned free from oil grease,
scaling and other foreign matters without disturbing the primer coat.

Basic cost as for item 041240 22.17

Add 50% on item 041240 for larger spans and heavier loads and extra height of 0.50 11.08
Rate per Sqm Sqm 33.25

041260 Painting of cleaned plate/composite bridge girders including all scaffolding along with
provision of Jhoola / hanging scaffolding ladders etc. where required.

041261 With one coat ready mix Zinc Chromate conforming to IS:104 with DFT of 25-30
Microns followed by one coat of Zinc Chromate red oxide conforming to IS:2074 DFT
of 25 Microns
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Ready mix Zinc Chromate primer as per IS 104 Litre 0305 100.00 1.00 100.00
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.90 117.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.25 109.25
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 16.82
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 5.77
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 81.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 99.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7.65
Cost for 10 Sqm. 772.41
Rate per Sqm Sqm 77.24

041262 With two cover coats of ready-mixed paint conforming to IS:13607 with colour/shades,
as decided by Engineer-in charge
Note: DFT of each coat shall be 20-25 microns
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Ready-mixed paint to IS:13607 with colour/shades, as decided by Engineer-in charge

Ready Mixed Paint as per IS:13607 Litre 0310 230.00 0.91 209.30
Ready Mixed Paint as per IS:13607 Litre 0310 230.00 0.77 177.10
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.25 109.25
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 21.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 106.68

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 129.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 9.96
Cost for 10 Sqm. 1,005.86
Rate per Sqm Sqm 100.59

041263 With two coats of Aluminium paint in dual containers conforming to IS:2339 with DFT
of 15 - 20 Microns for each coat.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 0.91 145.60
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 0.77 123.20
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.25 109.25
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 18.37
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 89.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 108.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 8.35
Cost for 10 Sqm. 843.80
Rate per Sqm Sqm 84.38

041264 With two coats of epoxy paint conforming to RDSO spec M&C/PCN/123-11
Note: DFT of each coat shall be 60 microns.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00 1.25 550.00
Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00 1.10 484.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.25 109.25
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 41.33
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 201.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 245.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.80
Cost for 10 Sqm. 1,898.30
Rate per Sqm Sqm 189.83

041265 With one coat Aluminium paint in dual containers conforming to IS:2339 with DFT of
15 - 20 Microns .
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 0.90 144.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.15 92.55

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.15 65.55
Sundries, Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
jhoola etc
Sub-total 352.10
Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 10.56
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 51.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 62.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4.80
Cost for 10 Sqm. 485.22
Rate per Sqm Sqm 48.52

041270 Painting cleaned triangulated bridge girders including all scaffolding, along with
provision of Jhoola / hanging scaffolding ladder where required.

041271 With one coat ready mix Zinc Chromate conforming to IS:104 with DFT of 25-30
Microns followed by one coat of Zinc Chrome red oxide conforming to IS:2074 with
DFT of 25 Microns.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Ready mix Zinc Chromate primer as per IS 104 Litre 0305 100.00 1.00 100.00
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.90 117.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.36 222.12
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.36 157.32
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 20.29
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6.97
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 98.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 120.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 9.23
Cost for 10 Sqm. 932.19
Rate per Sqm Sqm 93.22

041272 With two cover coats of ready-mixed paint conforming to IS:13607 with colour/shades,
as decided by Engineer-in charge.
Note: DFT of each coat shall be 20-25 microns.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Ready Mixed Paint as per IS:13607 Litre 0310 230.00 0.91 209.30
Ready Mixed Paint as per IS:13607 Litre 0310 230.00 0.77 177.10
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.36 222.12
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.36 157.32
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 25.38
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.71

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 123.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 150.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.54
Cost for 10 Sqm. 1,165.63
Rate per Sqm Sqm 116.56

041273 With two coats Aluminium paint in dual containers conforming to IS:2339 with DFT of
15 - 20 Microns for each coat.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 0.91 145.60
Aluminium paint Litre 0307 160.00 0.77 123.20
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.36 222.12
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.36 157.32
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 21.85
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 106.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 129.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 9.94
Cost for 10 Sqm. 1,003.57
Rate per Sqm Sqm 100.36

041274 With two coats of epoxy paint conforming to RDSO spec M&C/PCN/123-11
Note: DFT of each coat shall be 60 microns.
Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00 1.25 550.00
Epoxy paint as per RDSO Spec M&C/PCN/123-11 Litre 0309 440.00 1.10 484.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.36 222.12
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 0.36 157.32
Add for providing, maintenance, slow progress and danger element by using jhoola etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00

Sundries including misc tools and plants (@ 3% of sub-total) 0.03 44.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 218.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 265.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 20.38
Cost for 10 Sqm. 2,058.07
Rate per Sqm Sqm 205.81

041280 Extra for working under traffic conditions over items 041220 to 041274
Add 10% over above items Sqm 0.10 0.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
041290 Removing of existing bed plate from existing bed block, supply, fabrication and
erection of new bed plate of approved sizes in exact position over bed block of
pier/abutments by giving full and even bearing, setting them on the layer of free flow
non-shrinkable grouting compound, scrapping or chipping of bed block, if required,
fabrication and fixing of holding down HTS bolts of suitable sizes along with nuts,
washers etc., drilling holes of required size, grouting of holes by epoxy mortar after
fixing holding down bolts. Total work to be done during traffic block. Cost of holding
down HTS bolts shall be paid extra under relevant item for supply of HTS holding
down bolts.

041291 Up to 12.2m clear span

Consider MBG plate girder rivetted type Drawing No 16007,the weight of the bearings
(i.e. Bed plates all together)-0.400MT or 4.00QTL
Structural steel plates conforming to Grade Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per Quintal 0222 7330.00 4.20 30,786.00
(Steel considering 5% wastage)
Araldite GY257 Kg 0320 379.50 20.00 7,590.00
Epoxy Hardener HY850 Kg 0321 370.30 20.00 7,406.00
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 600mm x 200mm x125mm - 4 Nos.
2) 600mm x 200mm x150mm - 2 Nos.
3) 600mm x 200mm x 25mm - 6 Nos.
4) 600mm x 200mm x12mm - 6 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.122 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.122 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030

Epoxy mortar for concrete repair kg 0348 25.00 10.00 250.00

Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00 1.50 225.00
a) Fabrication of bed plate
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 0.75 384.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
b) Cleaning and levelling of bed plate seating location
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 0.75 384.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
c)Lifting and lowering of girders
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic cutters / Day 0064 1600.00 1.00 1,600.00
Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 4.00 3,200.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 1.00 3,649.40
Sundries including misc tools and plants Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5000.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 709.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,073.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,265.21
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 940.33
Rate as per item No. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 0.12 206.19
Cost for 4 qtl.(400 kg.) 95,179.80

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per Kg Kg 237.95

041292 More than 12.2m and up to 18.3m clear span

Basic cost same as for 041291 237.95
Add for larger spans and heavier loads and extra height of scaffolding (5% above) 0.05 11.90
Rate per Kg Kg 249.85

041293 More than 18.3m and up to 30.5m clear span

Basic cost same as for 041291 237.95
Add for larger spans and heavier loads and extra height of scaffolding (10% above) 0.10 23.79
Rate per Kg Kg 261.74

041294 Supply of HTS holding down bolts with nuts, washer etc.
Considering cost of 1 quintal HTS holding down bolts
Holding down HTS bolts with plates, nuts etc. Quintal 0232 7500.00 1.00 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 75.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,064.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,295.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 99.35
Cost for 1 quintal 10,034.53
Rate per Kg Kg 100.35

041300 Assembling and erecting pre-fabricated structures, such as columns, beams, girders,
other members of FOBs and sheds; including leading all structural elements within 1
Km lead, bolting, riveting or welding as per approved drawing or as directed by
Engineer In-charge. Rate shall include cost of labour, materials, tools & plants and
only pre-fabricated structural elements shall be given by Railway. (Work not requiring
traffic or power block).

Detail of cost for 100 MT of pre-fabricated steel structures

Mild steel rivets for steel girders Quintal 0229 6540.00 30.00 196,200.00
Welding by Electric Plant Cm 0336 1.00 7500.00 7,500.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 60.00 45,000.00
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8000.00 30.00 240,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 10.00 5,120.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 100.00 43,700.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 30.00 18,510.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 5,570.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 79,045.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 96,246.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7,378.92
Cost for 100 MT 745,271.41
Rate per MT MT 7,452.71

041301 Extra over item no 041300, if the work is to be executed under traffic or power block.

Details of cost for one MT labour cost of item no 041300

Cost for 100 MT

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour :
25% of labour charges of item no 041300
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.50 1,280.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 25.00 10,925.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 7.50 4,627.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 168.33
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,388.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,908.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 222.98
Cost for 100 MT 22,520.84
Rate per MT MT 225.21

041310 Cleaning and greasing of free end and fixed end of steel girder Bridge bearings with
Grease Graphite, Kerosene oil and other materials as per Para 222 of Indian Railway
Bridge Manual 1998 with painting of Bearing as per requirement complete as directed
by engineer in-charge.
Note: One unit shall consists of all bearing of one girder.

041311 Girder of clear span up to 12.2m

Details of cost for 2 girders
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 11.00 2,640.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 600mm x 200mm x125mm - 4 Nos.
2) 600mm x 200mm x150mm - 2 Nos.
3) 600mm x 200mm x 25mm - 6 Nos.
4) 600mm x 200mm x12mm - 6 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.122 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.122 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030.
For 2 girders, the quantity shall be 2 x 0.122 = 0.244 Cum

Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 523.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 109.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,560.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,899.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 145.66
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 0.24 412.37
Cost for 2 girders 15,123.80
Rate per girder Each 7,561.90

041312 Girder of clear span above 12.20m & up to 24.40m

Details of cost for 2 girders
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 16.00 3,840.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 600mm x 200mm x125mm - 4 Nos.
2) 600mm x 200mm x150mm - 2 Nos.
3) 600mm x 200mm x 25mm - 6 Nos.
4) 600mm x 200mm x12mm - 6 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.122 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.122 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030.
For 2 girders, the quantity shall be 2 x 0.122 = 0.244 Cum

Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 630.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 132.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,877.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,286.32
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 175.28
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 0.24 412.37
Cost for 2 girders 18,116.10
Rate per girder Each 9,058.05

041313 Girder of clear span above 24.40m & up to 30.5m

Details of cost for 3 girders
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 42.00 10,080.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 12.00 672.00
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 750mm x 200mm x125mm - 12 Nos.
2) 750mm x 250mm x150mm - 6 Nos.
3) 750mm x 200mm x 50mm - 10 Nos.
4) 750mm x 250mm x 25mm - 10 Nos.
5) 750mm x 200mm x 40mm - 10 Nos.
6) 750mm x 200mm x 12mm - 10 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.598 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.598 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030.
For 3 girders, the quantity shall be 3 x 0.598 = 1.794 Cum

Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 4.00 3,200.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,834.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 311.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,424.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,387.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 413.03
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 1.794 3,031.96
Cost for 3 girders 44,748.19

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per girder Each 14,916.06

041314 Girder of clear span above 30.5m

Details of cost for 2 girders
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 24.00 5,760.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 750mm x 200mm x125mm - 12 Nos.
2) 750mm x 250mm x150mm - 6 Nos.
3) 750mm x 200mm x 50mm - 10 Nos.
4) 750mm x 250mm x 25mm - 10 Nos.
5) 750mm x 200mm x 40mm - 10 Nos.
6) 750mm x 200mm x 12mm - 10 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.598 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.598 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030.
For 2 girders, the quantity shall be 2 x 0.598 = 1.196 Cum

Hire charges for jack of 100 MT lifting capacity Day 0104 2000.00 3.00 6,000.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Machine Operator (Machine) (Skilled) Day 0041 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 25% Lumpsum 9995 0.25 5,613.25
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 280.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,982.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,849.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 371.79
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 1.20 2,021.31
Cost for 2 girders 39,572.20
Rate per girder Each 19,786.10

041320 Launching in position, by any approved method, pre-fabricated Steel Girders, precast
PSC girders/slabs, casted at casting bed developed at site, to correct alignment and
level over the bed block / pedestal with all required arrangements, complete in all

041321 PSC girders / slabs

Detail of cost for 200.48 MT girder ( for 4 spans of 12.2m with 2 Girder system) =
8*25.06=200.48 MT)
Considering 2 cranes at the site of 150 T capacity for 1 working day.
Hiring charges of 150 MT capacity crane Day 0096 100000.00 2.00 200,000.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
(Dozer for making approaches)
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,194.39

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 31,139.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 37,915.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,906.89
Cost for 200.48 MT girder 293,595.97
Rate per MT MT 1,464.47

041322 Structural steel plate girders

Detail of cost for 114 MT girder ( for 4 spans of 18.3m with 2 Girder system)
=4*28.5=114 MT)
Considering 2 cranes at the site of 100 T capacity for 1 working day.
Hiring charges of 100 MT capacity crane Day 0095 50000.00 2.00 100,000.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
(Dozer for making approaches)
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 5.00 3,085.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,194.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 16,949.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 20,637.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,582.20
Cost for 114 MT girder 159,802.20
Rate per MT MT 1,401.77

041330 Delaunching of all types of Steel girders, PSC girders/Slabs and stacking away from
river stream or passage as directed by Engineer in charge with all labour, tools and
plant, equipment etc., complete.
041331 PSC girders / slabs
Detail of cost for 200.48 MT girder ( for 4 spans of 12.2m with 2 Girder system) =
8*25.06=200.48 MT)
Considering one crane for 1.5 working day.
Hiring charges of 150 MT capacity crane Day 0096 100000.00 1.50 150,000.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00 8.00 800.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
(Dozer for making approaches)
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 10.00 737.10
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Sub Total 166,665.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,666.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 23,650.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 28,797.39

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,207.80
Cost for 200.48 MT girder 222,987.78
Rate per MT MT 1,112.27

041332 Structural steel plate girders.

Detail of cost for 114 MT girder ( for 4 spans of 18.3m with 2 Girder system)
=4*28.5=114 MT)
Considering one crane for 1.5 working day.
Hiring charges of 100 MT capacity crane Day 0095 50000.00 1.50 75,000.00
Hire charges of Derrick Monkey Rope Day 0060 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00 8.00 800.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
(Dozer for making approaches)
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 10.00 737.10
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 916.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 13,007.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,838.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,214.28
Cost for 114 MT girder 122,642.46
Rate per MT MT 1,075.81

041340 Delaunching of existing and Launching & fixing of new girder/slab in exact location of
all type of steel/PSC girders/Slabs available at site, during block, complete job
including lifting to any height as per site requirement, provision of approaches, and
placing of released material away from bridge stream or roads as the case may be.
Note: Payment under this item shall be made for the total weight of girder removed
and newly launched girder.

041341 Delaunching of existing PSC girders / slabs and Launching New PSC girders / slabs

Considering reduction of 20% in cost due to saving in manpower/machinery

simultaneous delaunching and launching. Cost for 1 MT delaunching with 1 MT
Basic cost of Delaunching of existing PSC girders (041331) 1,112.27
Basic cost of Launching New PSC girders (041321) 1,464.47
Total 2,576.73
Deduct 20% for simultaneous working with the same machinery 0.20 515.35
Net Cost for 2 MT 2,061.39
Rate per MT MT 1,030.69

041342 Delaunching of existing PSC girders / slabs and Launching New Structural steel plate
Considering reduction of 20% in cost due to saving in manpower/machinery
simultaneous delaunching and launching. Cost for 1 MT delaunching with 1 MT
Basic cost of Delaunching of existing PSC girders/Slabs (041331) 1,112.27
Basic cost of Launching New Structural steel plate girders (041322) 1,401.77
Total 2,514.04
Deduct 20% for simultaneous working with the same machinery 0.20 502.81

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Net Cost for 2 MT 2,011.23
Rate per MT MT 1,005.62

041343 Delaunching of existing Structural steel plate girders / slabs and Launching New
Structural steel plate girders
Considering reduction of 20% in cost due to saving in manpower/machinery
simultaneous delaunching and launching. Cost for 1 MT delaunching with 1 MT
Basic cost of Delaunching of existing Structural steel plate girders (041332) 1,075.81
Basic cost of Launching New Structural steel plate girders (041322) 1,401.77
Total 2,477.58
Deduct 20% for simultaneous working with the same machinery 0.20 495.52
Net Cost for 2 MT 1,982.07
Rate per MT MT 991.03

041344 Delaunching of existing Structural steel plate girders / slabs and Launching New PSC
girders / slabs
Considering reduction of 20% in cost due to saving in manpower/machinery
simultaneous delaunching and launching. Cost for 1 MT delaunching with 1 MT
Basic cost of Delaunching of existing Structural steel plate girders (041332) 1,075.81
Basic cost of Launching New PSC girders / slabs (041321) 1,464.47
Total 2,540.28
Deduct 20% for simultaneous working with the same machinery 0.20 508.06
Net Cost for 2 MT 2,032.22
Rate per MT MT 1,016.11

041350 Longitudinally slewing of steel plate girders of span 12.2m to 24.4m under traffic
block at locations where it is found short / excessive expansion gap beyond the
bearing to locking strip or the center of the bearing stiffener not in line with the center
of the bed plate or where the girders ends are butting each other as directed by the
Engineer in charge at site using contractor's own hydraulic jacks of 100 tons capacity
for lifting and slewing of girder separately on both ends to suit as per site conditions,
consumables and wooden cut blocks including transportation, with all contractors
labour, materials, scaffolding/staging arrangements etc complete without damaging
the girder and track alignment and cross levels.

041351 For Span 12.2M to 18.3M

One girder per day during block hours
Hire charges for OEW flat jack of 100 T capacity for longitudinal slewing of girder from Each 0112 2500.00 2.00 5,000.00
both sides
Hire charges for jack of 100 MT lifting capacity Day 0104 2000.00 2.00 4,000.00
Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 3.00 300.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 5.00 473.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
Wooden Blocks of different sizes required:
1) 600mm x 200mm x125mm - 4 Nos.
2) 600mm x 200mm x150mm - 2 Nos.
3) 600mm x 200mm x 25mm - 6 Nos.
4) 600mm x 200mm x12mm - 6 Nos.
Total quantity = 0.122 cum
Cost of one time use of 0.122 Cum wooden blocks shall be as per item no. 191030

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Add for transportation and Misc. items Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 172.67
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,450.27
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,983.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 228.73
Rate as per item no. 191030 Cum 191030 1690.05 0.12 206.19
Cost for 1 span 23,308.36
Rate per span Each 23,308.36

041352 For Span above 18.3 M to 24.4 M

Basic cost of item 041351 23,308.36
Add for larger spans and heavier loads and extra height (10% over item 041351 1.10 25,639.19
Rate per span Each 25,639.19

041360 Arresting leakage of oil from oil bath tank of rocker and roller bearings where in
segmental rollers immersed in the oil of nominated OWG bridges of all types of spans
under traffic conditions with contractor's labour, materials, tools and plants, Machinery like
drilling machines and generators, consumables (Engine oil, SAE oil, K-oil, oxygen and
acetylene gas etc), including transportation etc. complete, by draining left over residue
oil inside of the tank and opening of oil bath tank sides and top dust cover plates and
drain pipes completely by dismantling all its bolted joint connections using chisels and
drilling out bolts if any found sheared and strucked off in the base plate, cleaning of
bearings, rollers, base plates by applying kerosene oil and scrapping, wire brushing and
polishing by zero grade sand paper, examining the rollers and base plates for any micro
cracks with magnifying glasses without causing any damage to rollers and its
accessories, refixing the oil bath tank side and top dust cover plates, drain pipes and its
all joint connections with new bolts using cork sheet and 2mm thick rubber sheet in
between joint connections all along its full length as oil sealant duly correct punching of
holes as per site conditions, applying of epoxy grout over the joint connections to required
thick and allowed to set, test checking for leakages if any by filling the oil bath tank with
water during passage of several trains and after ensuring the pool proof leakage, the
Railways supplied oil servo mesh SP 460 BP or equivalent lubricant to be filled up in the
oil bath tank and all bolts to be tightened firmly and undulations or uneven surfaces of the
pier cap to be made level with cement concrete as directed by the Engineer in charge at
site .
1)Oil removed from the bearings should be filled in tins and handed over to SSE/BR
2)After opening, removal of all existing plates and oil, bearings should be inspected by
Engineer in charge for its confirmation of cut blocks and cleaning in all respects
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 2.00 600.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 2.00 600.00
Hire charges of gas cutter Day 0130 100.00 2.00 200.00
Epoxy mortar for concrete repair kg 0348 25.00 4.00 100.00
Epoxy resin hardener mix for seal coat Kg 0349 150.00 2.00 300.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 4.00 60.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 4.00 132.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 20.00 100.00
Luting Sand for AT welding Kg 0418 10.00 20.00 200.00
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 10.00 800.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 5.00 473.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 4: Bridge Works - SuperStructure (Steel)

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Add for Lumpsum for transportation, corck sheet, rubber sheet and misc etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 134.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,908.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,323.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 178.14
Rate per oil bath bearing Each 17,992.59

041370 Supplying fabricating and erecting welded and/or bolted and/or riveted steel work in
built up sections, trusses and framed work, staging, racks, Height Gauge etc. for Steel
Structures other than bridge girders, using RSJ, tees, angles and channels/flats,
plates, gussets, round or square bars, cleats, bolts etc., with contractors own steel
including cutting, bending, straightening, drilling, riveting, hoisting, fixing, erecting,
welding, bolting etc., with Providing stiffeners wherever required as per approved
drawing including applying a priming coat of a approved steel primer with all
contractor’s materials, labour, tools & plants, lead & lift including crossing of tracks if
required etc., complete as per specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Note: The payment shall be made on the theoretical weight of main components and
gusset plates only.

Consider for 1MT

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 10.50 51,975.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Including 5% wastage
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 12.62 1,009.60
Mild steel rivets for steel girders Quintal 0229 6540.00 0.20 1,281.84
Ready mix Zinc Chromate primer as per IS 104 Litre 0305 100.00 2.10 210.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Add 3% for consumables and other misc. Lumpsum 0.03 2,033.53
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 698.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,907.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,063.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 924.87
Rate per MT MT 93,412.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

CHAPTER - 5 : Bridge Works - Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
051010 Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with
stone boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each with voids filled with spalls
complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.
Considering cost of 1 Cum finished boulder Apron
Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 1.00 750.00
Stone Spalls Cum 0211 445.00 0.20 89.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.35 179.20
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.35 152.95
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 171.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 209.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.05
Rate per cum Cum 1,621.09

051020 Laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates of approved size including overlaps at
joints, laid with stone boulders, all loose ends to be tied with 4mm galvanised steel
wire. Payment for boulders & wire crates to be done extra.

Considering 5.63 Cum

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.18 92.16
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 23.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 338.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 411.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 31.56
Cost of 5.63 cum 3,187.18
Rate per cum Cum 566.11

051030 Supplying of stone boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each at specified bridge
Taking output = 1 cum
Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 1.00 750.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 106.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 129.59
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 9.94
Rate per cum Cum 1,003.45

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
051040 Manufacture and supplying Galvanized Wire Net Trungers made from 4mm
galvanised steel wire @ 32 kg/10sqm having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa
conforming to IS:280 and galvanizing coating conforming to IS:4826, woven into
mesh with double twist, mesh size not exceeding 100mm x 100mm.

Taking trunger of size 18.5 Sqm

Weight = 18.5 x 32/10 = 59.20 kgs
G.I. wire 4mm dia Kg 0249 70.00 59.20 4,144.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.18 92.16
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 749.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 913.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.01
Cost of 18.5 sqm 7,071.21
Rate per sqm Sqm 382.23

051050 Providing and laying of Apron with cement concrete blocks cast in-situ and made
with nominal mix of 1:2:4 with all material , labour, tools and plants.
Note: (1) Payment to be made for concrete only; (2) Cement and shuttering to be
paid extra.
Cost of shuttering to be paid extra.
Taking output = 15 cum
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 6.75 8,100.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 8.10 6,682.50
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 4.05 3,138.75
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.64 327.68
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.75 600.00
Hire charges of 25 KVA Generator Day 0073 1500.00 0.75 1,125.00
Hire charges of Pin Vibrator Day 0078 350.00 1.00 350.00

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 275.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 3,916.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,768.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 365.56
Cost for 15 cum 36,921.63
Rate per cum Cum 2,461.44

051060 Providing and laying Pitching with Stone Boulders, weighing not less than 35kg each
with voids filled with spalls on slopes, laid over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications (filter media to be paid separately under the relevant item).

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Taking output = 1 cum
Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 1.00 750.00
Stone Spalls Cum 0211 445.00 0.20 89.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 11.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 161.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 196.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 15.08
Rate per cum Cum 1,523.35

051070 Providing and laying Pitching with Stone Boulders, weighing not less than 35kg each
with voids filled with cement sand mortar 1:4 on slopes laid over prepared filter
media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications (filter media to be paid separately under the
relevant item). Rate is excluding cost of cement which shall be paid extra under
relevant item.

Taking output = 1 cum

Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 1.00 750.00
Stone Spalls Cum 0211 445.00 0.20 89.00
Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 0.35 350.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Bhisti (Semi skilled) Day 0023 512.00 0.10 51.20
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 18.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 263.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 320.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 24.58
Rate per cum Cum 2,482.78

051080 Providing and laying Filter Material as per RDSO Specifications underneath pitching
in slopes complete as per drawing and Technical Specification.
Taking output = 1 cum
Filter media of stone aggregate confirming to RDSO specification (12 cum loose to Cum 0212 1200.00 1.20 1,440.00
be taken as 10 cum after compaction)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.05 25.60
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 20.61

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 292.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 356.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 27.30
Rate per cum Cum 2,756.95

051090 Laying Boulder Apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders
supplied by Railway with voids filled with spalls complete as per drawings and
Technical Specifications.
Taking output = 1cum
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.04 20.48
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 39.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 48.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.70
Rate per cum Cum 373.90

051100 Laying Pitching with Stone Boulders supplied by Railway with voids filled with spalls
on slopes, laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment as per drawings and technical specifications.
Note: Filter media to be paid under relevant item.

Taking output = 1 cum

Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.30 131.10
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 42.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 51.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.97
Rate per cum Cum 400.82

051110 Stenciling of Girders with black / blue lettering over yellow background with ready
mix paint w.r.t. details of executed inspection, greasing and painting, other details as
directed by Engineer in-charge
Note: Payment will be per cm height of each letter
Details of cost for 100 nos.
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 29.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 413.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 502.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 38.56
Cost for 100 nos. 3,894.74
Rate per stencil Each 38.95

051120 Cleaning Surface of Abutment and Piers up to bed level under water with brush or
any other tools to remove all traces of moss, loose materials, fungus, algae,
vegetation growth etc. Cleaning shall be carried out with contractor's trained staff,
tools & plants, safety equipments etc. complete job including arranging safe

Details of cost for 100 Sqm

Hire charges of boat with boatmen Day 0159 1200.00 4.00 4,800.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 82.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 1,177.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,433.43
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 109.90
Cost for 100 Sqm 11,099.53
Rate per sqm Sqm 111.00

052000 Flooring in Bridges

052010 Providing and laying flooring with rubble stone, laid over 15cm thick CC 1:2:4 and the
voids filled with CC 1:2:4 complete with the joints pointed with 1:2 Cement Sand
mortar as per drawing and Technical specifications. Payment for cement to be done
separately. Voids in the rubble stone to be taken as 35% of the gross volume of the
stone layer.
Note: Base concrete shall be paid extra under relevant item.

Taking output = 5 cum

Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 1.17 965.25
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 0.39 302.25
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.78 936.00
(i) For laying rubble stone flooring
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.75 384.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.25 983.25
(ii) For filling voids with Concrete
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.20 102.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cubic metre capacity Day 0069 800.00 0.10 80.00
Hire charges of Generator of 250 KVA capacity Day 0076 3000.00 0.10 300.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 89.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 1,262.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,537.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 117.89
Cost per 5cum 11,907.04
Rate per cum Cum 2,381.41

052020 Providing and laying 300mm thick (average) Dry Stone flooring with boulders of not
less than 35kg each in weight, hand packed with surface levelled off to the correct
section with hammer dressing as necessary on the ground including filling the gaps
with quarry spalls and ordinary sand complete including cost of supply of all
materials, labour, lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks and the like as per
drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.

Taking output = 5 cum

Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 5.00 3,750.00
Stone Spalls Cum 0211 445.00 1.00 445.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.75 900.00
(i) For laying dry stone flooring
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.75 384.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.25 983.25
(ii) For filling gaps with quarry spalls & ordinary sand
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.20 102.40
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 1,025.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,248.21
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 95.70
Cost per 5cum 9,665.33
Rate per cum Cum 1,933.07

052030 Supply and laying of quarry dust including consolidation, supply of all materials,
labour, lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks as per drawing and technical
specification as directed by the Engineer in charge in case loose slush is
encountered at site of foundation before casting the foundation or laying the filtering

Taking output = 10 cum

Quarry Dust taking 1.2 Cum for 1cum consolidated thickness.
Crusher Screening(Quarry Dust) Conforming to Grading Zone - I to Zone- II Cum 0208 600.00 12.00 7,200.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 76.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 1,080.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,316.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 100.91
Cost of 10 cum 10,192.01
Rate per cum Cum 1,019.20

052040 Supply and laying of coarse sand including consolidation with all labour, lead, lift,
tools, plants, crossing of tracks as per drawing and technical specification as
directed by the Engineer in charge in case loose slush is encountered at site of
foundation before casting the foundation or laying the filtering media.

Taking output = 10 cum

Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 12.00 14,400.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 148.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 2,104.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,562.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.42
Cost 10 cum 19,838.54
Rate per cum Cum 1,983.85

052050 Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar of average thickness 25mm along with
wire mesh 50x50x3mm, applied with compressor after cleaning surface and spraying
complete including curing as per procedure and technical specifications given
under Para 209.3 of IRBM. Rate is excluding the cost of cement which shall be paid

Taking output = 1sqm

Assuming thickness 25 mm
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.04 48.00
Wire mesh size 50mm x 50mm of 3mm wire Kg 0352 80.00 2.00 160.00
Accelerator compound for guniting Kg 0345 140.00 0.64 89.60
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.01 5.12
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.04 20.48
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.14 61.18
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 0.01 20.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 60.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 73.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.62
Rate per sqm Sqm 567.79

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
052060 Providing and inserting nipples of size 12 to 20 mm dia. with approved fixing
compound after drilling holes for grouting as per Technical Specifications including
subsequent cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as necessary after completion of

Taking output = 12 Nos.

Assuming thickness 25 mm
GI/MS nipple size 20mm dia Each 0346 15.00 12.00 180.00
Sundries for Cement, fixing compound and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.01 5.12
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.20 102.40
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.40 174.80
(Mazdoor for fixing and sealing nipples and cutting and removing of surplus length of
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 0.01 20.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 5.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 77.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 94.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7.25
Cost for 12 per nipples 732.28
Rate per nipple Each 61.02

052070 Grouting of masonry/concrete by injection process duly Sealing of cracks, through

nipples complete as per Technical Specification and procedure given in IRBM Para
No 209 including necessary admixture. Payment shall be as per use of cement by
weight in case of neat cement/cement mortar grouting and weight of Epoxy in case
of Epoxy Grouting. (Cement will be paid extra).

052071 Neat Cement Grout with 20% anti shrinkage compound w.r.t. cement.
Taking output for using 1 kg of cement.
Admixture (anti shrinkage compound) for CC/RCC work Kg 0191 140.00 0.22 30.80
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 40.96
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.10 51.20
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.10 43.70
Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00 0.10 50.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 31.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 38.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.94
Rate per kg Kg 296.57

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
052072 Cement Sand Mortar (1:1) Grout with 20% anti-shrinkage compound w.r.t. cement.
Taking output for using 10 kg of cement.
Screened Sand Kg 0201 2.50 11.00 27.50
Admixture (anti shrinkage compound) for CC/RCC work Kg 0191 140.00 2.20 308.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.25 128.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.25 128.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.25 109.25
Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00 0.25 125.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 117.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 143.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.00
Cost for 10 kg 1,111.49
Rate per kg Kg 111.15

052073 Epoxy Grout

Taking output = 1 kg
Crack filling epoxy for guniting and pressure grouting work Kg 0344 650.00 1.10 715.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.08 40.96
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.10 51.20
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.10 43.70
Hire charges of cement / epoxy slurry injection machine Day 0084 600.00 0.10 60.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 130.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 159.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.20
Rate per kg Kg 1,232.05

052080 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed and spalled concrete surface
and exposed steel reinforcement complete as per Technical Specification with
average thickness of 10mm including priming coat, mortar plaster and seal coat of
Taking output = 10 sqm
Assume average 10mm thickness of epoxy mortar
Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00 1.40 210.00
Epoxy mortar for concrete repair kg 0348 25.00 120.00 3,000.00
Epoxy resin hardener mix for seal coat Kg 0349 150.00 20.00 3,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 220.00 220.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 70.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 997.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,214.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 93.09
Cost for 10 sqm 9,402.33
Rate per sqm Sqm 940.23

052090 Applying shotcrete mixture of average thickness 40mm over masonry / concrete
including removal of defective concrete, raking the mortar in joints, cleaning the
surface thoroughly, fixing 50x50x3mm wire mesh over the surface for application of
grout mixture comprising cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water, quick setting
compound complete as per procedures and specifications given in IRBM Para No
209(3) including curing. Rate is excluding the cost of cement which shall be paid

Taking output = 1 sqm for an average thickness of 25mm.

Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.02 24.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm nominal size Cum 0206 775.00 0.04 31.00
Wire mesh size 50mm x 50mm of 3mm wire Kg 0352 80.00 2.00 160.00
Accelerator compound for guniting Kg 0345 140.00 0.64 89.60
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.01 5.12
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.04 20.48
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.14 61.18
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 0.03 40.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 66.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 81.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 6.24
Rate per sqm Sqm 630.68

052100 Applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa (28 days) for
replacement of spalled concrete with average thickness of 10mm as per
manufacturer's specification and approved procedure.
Taking output = 10 sqm
Assumed thickness - 10 mm maximum
Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00 1.40 210.00
Pre packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days Kg 0351 22.00 120.00 2,640.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 34.67
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 492.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 599.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 45.93
Cost for 10 sqm 4,639.27
Rate per sqm Sqm 463.93

052110 Providing & applying epoxy with pot life not less than 60-90 minutes for bonding of
new concrete with old concrete @ 0.80 kg/sqm and as per specifications including
cleaning the surfaces complete as per approved procedure.

Taking output = 10 sqm

Crack filling epoxy for guniting and pressure grouting work Kg 0344 650.00 8.24 5,356.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.04 20.48
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 0.50 218.50
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 843.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,026.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 78.73
Cost for 10 sqm 7,952.01
Rate per sqm Sqm 795.20

052120 Providing & fixing 12 mm rabbit wire mesh at the junction of RCC where specifically
ordered or as shown in the drawing
Taking out put 50 Sqm
Rabbit wire mesh considering 10% for overlaps and wastage.
Wire mesh (Rabbit) Sqm 0353 67.20 55.00 3,696.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 48.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 692.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 843.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 64.66
Cost for 50 sqm 6,530.74
Rate per sqm Sqm 130.61

052130 Providing weep holes by making suitable opening or drilling in existing Brick Masonry
/ Plain / Reinforced Concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with 110 mm dia UPVC
pipe (working pressure 4kg/sqcm) extending through the full width of the structure
complete and repairing the same with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand).
Rate is excluding the cost of cement which shall be paid extra.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Taking output = 30 Mts
uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 110mm dia (working pressure 4Kg/cm2) Metre 0259 160.00 31.50 5,040.00
For cement mortar 1:2
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.16 192.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 1.00 512.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 1.00 1,600.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 90.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,277.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,555.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 119.23
Cost for 30 m 12,041.92
Rate per metre Metre 401.40

052140 Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts of 110mm UPVC Type A ISI marked
(Working pressure 4 kg/sqcm) using suitable clamps and adhesive etc., complete.

Taking output = 30 Mts

uPVC Pipe- type A ISI marked 110mm dia (working pressure 4Kg/cm2) Metre 0259 160.00 33.00 5,280.00
{Including wastage @ 10%}
Synthetic Rubber based Adhesive Litre 0318 200.00 0.50 100.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.03 15.36
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 1.00 512.00
Add sundries for clamps and scaffolding etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 160.00 160.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 75.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,072.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,305.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 100.12
Cost for 30 m 10,112.61
Rate per metre Metre 337.09

052150 Providing and laying of filter media consisting of granular materials of GW, GP, SW
groups as per IS:1498 (latest) in required profile behind boulder filling of abutments,
wing walls / return walls etc. above bed level with all labour and material complete
job as per drawing and technical specification of RDSO Guidelines.

Taking output = 10 cum

Filter Media of stone aggregate conforming to RDSO specifications (12 cum loose to
be taken as 10 cum after compaction)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Filter media of stone aggregate confirming to RDSO specification (12 cum loose to Cum 0212 1200.00 12.00 14,400.00
be taken as 10 cum after compaction)
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.32 163.84
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Bandhani (Semi skilled) Day 0022 512.00 1.00 512.00
Hire charges of Vibratory Hand Rammers / compactors Day 0083 450.00 1.00 450.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 175.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,493.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,036.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 232.80
Cost of 10 cum 23,512.70
Rate per cum Cum 2,351.27

052160 Removing all loose concrete, cleaning rust with dusting compound & water jet,
drying, replacing worn out reinforcements by welding new reinforcement for making
up lost steel section, applying approved anti-corrosive polymer coating over the
damaged area to proper profile, providing polymer mortar (up to 20mm thickness) or
polymer concrete (more than 20mm thickness) consisting of cement, sand, 6mm
down chips where required and polymer as per manufacturers' specification. The
rate includes curing for 14 days, all materials, consumables, labours, tools and
plants, scaffolding/staging with all lead and lift.
Note: Cost of reinforcement, if used, to be paid separately.

052161 20mm thick polymer mortar

Taking output = 10 sqm for an average thickness of 20 mm.
Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00 1.40 210.00
Pre packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days Kg 0351 22.00 240.00 5,280.00
Epoxy resin hardener mix for seal coat Kg 0349 150.00 20.00 3,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.06 30.72
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 0.75 384.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00 0.50 250.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 96.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,375.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,674.59
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 128.39
Cost for 10 sqm 12,966.92
Rate per sqm Sqm 1,296.69

052162 20mm - 50mm thick polymer concrete

Taking output = 10 sqm for an average thickness of 40 mm.
Acrylic polymer bonding coat Litre 0350 150.00 1.40 210.00
Pre-packed polymer concrete based on epoxy system complete with curing Kg 0347 10.00 500.00 5,000.00
compound, initiator and promoter

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Epoxy resin hardener mix for seal coat Kg 0349 150.00 20.00 3,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.10 51.20
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 1.00 512.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.00 437.00
Hire charges of grout pump with agitator and accessories Hour 0108 500.00 0.50 250.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 96.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,370.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,669.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 127.97
Cost for 10 sqm 12,924.75
Rate per sqm Sqm 1,292.47

052170 Supply, fabrication and erection of steel members to replace existing corroded
members of built up section made up of MS plate, angles, channels of different
thickness and sizes including painting with one coat of ready mix paint Zinc
Chromate priming to IS:104 followed by one coat of ready mix paint red-oxide Zinc
Chrome priming paint to IS:2074. Structural steel should conform to IS:2062 E250-
Grade'B0'. Fabrication and erection to be as per existing design initially by bolts and
nuts and finally by rivetting during the sanctioned traffic block. Rate includes cutting
of new steel work, removal of rivets by drilling, dismantling of any existing members
required for inserting fabricated members, fixing of new fabricated built up members
with all tools, plants, labour, consumables, machinery and accessories etc. Work will
be executed as per IRS:B 1-2001.
Note: Painting shall be paid extra under relevant item.

Taking output = 800 kgs = 8 Qtls.

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 6.09 34,895.70
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
M S Flat upto 10 mm thickness Quintal 0227 6300.00 2.10 13,230.00
Add 3% of the cost of materials for rivetting 48125.70 0.03 1,443.77
Cost of making scaffolding, shifting to different locations of work under traffic etc @ 48125.70 0.10 4,812.57
10% of cost of material
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 24.00 12,288.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 4.00 6,400.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1200.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 913.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,959.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,779.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,209.73
Cost for 8 qtl 122,183.20
Cost per qtl 15,272.90

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per MT MT 152,729.00

052180 Supplying and changing of corroded worn-out and loose rivets of any size at any
location of the bridges with or without traffic blocks including all tools, plants,
machinery complete in all respects.
052181 For Rivets of size up to 25mm dia.
Taking Output=100 nos
Mild steel rivets for steel girders Quintal 0229 6540.00 0.50 3,270.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 8.00 4,096.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 2.00 3,200.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 155.84
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,211.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,692.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 206.44
cost per 100 Rivets 20,850.42
Rate per Rivet Each 208.50

052182 For Rivets of size more than 25mm dia.

Taking Output = 100 nos
Mild steel rivets for steel girders Quintal 0229 6540.00 1.18 7,717.20
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Fitter Grade - 2 (Semi-skilled) Day 0011 512.00 6.00 3,072.00
Beldar (Semi Skilled) Day 0024 512.00 12.00 6,144.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 3.00 4,800.00
cutters / hammers
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 350.00 350.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 259.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,687.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,489.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 344.18
cost per100Rivets 34,762.56
Rate per rivet Each 347.63

052200 Painting the HFL mark and Danger level mark, year of HFL on bridge abutments and
piers with ready mixed paint as per standard in two coats over one coat of primer
with all materials, labour, tools, scaffolding, all lead and lift etc. including writing

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Taking progress as 10 marks/day including base and two coats of paint with
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 2.00 874.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 19.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 271.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 330.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 25.31
Cost of 10 mark 2,556.80
Rate per mark Each 255.68

052210 Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as per Railway drawing in cement
concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm notch in
Bridge parapet coping duly engraving the letter and figures and an arrow indicating
the direction of flow and finishing the top exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3,
painting letters and figures with two coats of black enamel paint on two coats of white
background with all labour, tools, cement, paint etc. with all leads and lifts.

Taking progress as 10 Bridge No plaques including first and second coats of paint
with markings
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Precast Concrete bridge No. plaque/Stone Each 0493 287.50 10.00 2,875.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 55.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 784.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 955.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 73.26
Cost of 10 plaque 7,398.80
Rate per plaque Each 739.88

052220 Providing cast in-situ plaques for bridge foundations details of size 45cmx45cmx5cm
in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm
deep notch over abutment & piers, engraving the letters & figures with CM 1:3 and
finished smooth including painting letters and figures with 2 coats of black enamel
and plaque with white enamel with all labour, tools, cement, paint, curing etc. as a
complete job.

Taking progress as 10 foundation detail plaques including engraving numbering and

two coats of paint with details of foundations
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Precast Concrete bridge foundation details plaque including engraving complete Each 0494 525.00 10.00 5,250.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 85.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,212.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,475.94
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 113.16
Cost of 10 plaque 11,428.66
Rate per plaque Each 1,142.87

052230 Providing & laying non pressure NP-4 Class RCC pipe with collars, jointing with 1:2
cement and ordinary sand mortar including testing of joints, but excluding earthwork
with all labour and material as a complete job. Cement for mortar will be paid
separately.(Pipes of 600mm dia and above will be laid using crane/hydra).

052231 300mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 300mm dia Metre 0361 600.00 105.00 63,000.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.25 300.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 1.00 512.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 693.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,841.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,983.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 918.75
Cost of 100 metre 92,794.00
Rate per metre Metre 927.94
052232 450mm dia.
Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 450mm dia Metre 0362 950.00 105.00 99,750.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.35 420.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 220.00 220.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,089.93
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15,466.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 18,832.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,443.82
Cost of 100 metre 145,825.84
Rate per metre Metre 1,458.26

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

052233 600mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 600mm dia Metre 0363 1630.00 105.00 171,150.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.44 528.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 1.00 4,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,845.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 26,192.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 31,892.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,445.13
Cost of 100 metre 246,957.87
Rate per metre Metre 2,469.58

052234 900mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 900mm dia Metre 0364 3200.00 105.00 336,000.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.68 816.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 23.00 10,051.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 1.00 4,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3,534.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 50,151.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 61,065.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4,681.66
Cost of 100 metre 472,847.24
Rate per metre Metre 4,728.47

052235 1000mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1000mm dia Metre 0365 4100.00 105.00 430,500.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.80 960.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 26.00 11,362.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 1.50 6,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 600.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4,514.70

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 64,065.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 78,007.58
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5,980.58
Cost of 100 metre 604,038.71
Rate per metre Metre 6,040.39

052236 1200mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1200mm dia Metre 0366 5500.00 105.00 577,500.00
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 34.00 14,858.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 1.50 6,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 750.00 750.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6,023.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 85,477.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 104,078.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7,979.35
Cost of 100 metre 805,914.78
Rate per metre Metre 8,059.15

052237 1800mm dia.

Taking output 100 mts (with 5% wastage)
NP 4 Class RCC pipe 1800mm dia Metre 0367 13300.00 105.00 1,396,500.00
{Considering wastage of 5%, quantity = 105 metres}
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 1.36 1,632.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 42.00 18,354.00
Hire and running charges of light crane 5 MT capacity Day 0087 4000.00 2.00 8,000.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 900.00 900.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14,284.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 202,705.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 246,817.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18,922.65
Cost of 100 metre 1,911,187.75
Rate per metre Metre 19,111.88

052240 Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand (no cohesive materials to be used) of
approved quality including watering and ramming in foundation, behind the
abutment, wing wall, retaining wall in layers not exceeding 150mm thick including its
compaction as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The rate includes all lead, lift,
ascent, descent, crossing of Railway line etc. complete with contractor’s labour,
materials, tools and plant.

Taking output = 10 cum.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 12.00 14,400.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.89 455.68
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.07 467.59
Bandhani (Semi skilled) Day 0022 512.00 0.35 179.20
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 157.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,235.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,721.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 208.67
Cost of 10 cum 21,075.82
Rate per metre Cum 2,107.58

052250 Providing Boulder Backing behind wing wall, return wall, retaining wall with hand
packed boulders & cobbles with smaller size boulders toward the back including all
lead, lift, labour & other incidental charges as complete work in all respect. Payment
for boulder/cobbles will be done extra.
Taking output = 10 cum.
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 0.32 163.84
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Bandhani (Semi skilled) Day 0022 512.00 1.00 512.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 349.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 425.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.64
Cost of 10 cum 3,296.46
Cost per cum Cum 329.65

052260 Dewatering of natural or accumulated water from any location. Payment to be done
for Horse power of pump multiplied by pumping hours.
Taking output HP Hours = 5X6 = 30 HP Hours
Hire charges of pump set of capacity 4000 litre per hour Day 0085 900.00 1.00 900.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 129.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 157.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.05
Cost of 30 hrs 1,217.52
Rate per hour per HP HP Hour 40.58

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
052270 Supplying & fixing Galvanised Steel Wire Rope net, made of 9mm dia. steel wire
rope having aperture size of 45cm x 60cm with 6m long hangs for top anchoring and
5m wide along with chain-link mesh-netting of 80mm x 80mm mesh size made from
2.4mm dia galvanised wire, joining of chain-link mesh & steel wire rope net and
joining of adjacent nets with galvanised spiral lock springs of steel wire dia 2.2mm;
inner dia. of springs 18mm; total length 50mm ± 0.5mm; pitch 4mm & open end
length 60mm including cutting of tree/shrub etc. in rope-netting location and also,
excavation / filling-back of trenches in all types of soil after anchoring rope net with
RCC pre-cast beam of size 15cm x 15cm x 2m of M-15 concrete & 30cm thick M-10
PCC. This work also includes supply of 200mm x 200mm x 6mm epoxy coated
washer plates with 12.5mm / 18mm dia. hole at centre and supplying & fixing of
anchor bolts/fasteners of 10mm dia. including drilling of holes up to a depth of
110mm in rock; cleaning of holes; fixing of fasteners with nut & epoxy coated washer
plates; applying torque 65 to 70 N/mm for fixing of rope net for intermediate
anchoring on the surface of cutting, bottom anchoring up to 1m depth by using
16mm dia. HYSD steel bolts, threaded up to 200mm on top and fixing epoxy coated
washer plate, fabrication & fixing of U-pin on top of cutting for top anchoring and
joining of adjacent nets with spiral spring and fixing at the ratio of 1 no. per 0.6m in
longitudinal direction of net portion and additional locks for lacing chain link netting
with rope net with contractor's materials, machinery, tools & plants, cement, steel,
labour, lead, lift, transportation, ascent, descent, taxes, royalty etc. complete as per
directions of engineer-in-charge.
Note: Concrete will be paid separately under relevant item.

Galvanised steel wire mesh rope net made of 9mm dia steel wire rope having Sqm 0360 468.00 100.00 46,800.00
aperture size of 45cm x 60cm with 6m length hangs
Galvanised chain link mesh netting of 80mm x 80mm mesh size Sqm 0355 180.00 100.00 18,000.00
Galvanised spiral lock spring Each 0356 19.20 15.00 288.00
Epoxy coated washer plate of 200mm x 200mm x 6mm size Each 0357 156.00 32.00 4,992.00
Anchor fastener of 10mm dia and 110mm length Each 0358 72.00 20.00 1,440.00
Bottom anchors of 16mm dia HYSD & 1m length Each 0359 276.00 12.00 3,312.00
U pin of 6mm dia mild steel of 0.3m length for stone cladding work Each 0488 14.00 33.00 462.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Rock Hole Driller (Semi skilled) Day 0016 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Generator of 250 KVA capacity Day 0076 3000.00 0.50 1,500.00
Hire charges of air compressor 250 cfm capacity with two leads for pneumatic Day 0064 1600.00 1.00 1,600.00
cutters / hammers
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 862.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,233.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,895.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,141.96
Cost for 100 Sq.m. 115,338.25
Rate per sqm Sqm 1,153.38

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
052280 Supplying & placing of Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped
Wire Mesh Gabion Boxes of required sizes, Mesh Type 10cm x 12cm, Zn and PVC
coated Mesh Wire dia. 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), edges of meshes mechanically edged /
selvedged with heavy coating of galvanization as per EN 10223-3/ASTM A 975 with
partitions at every 1m interval and properly packed with approx. 150mm size
boulders including transportation and placing at indicated places as per direction of
engineer-in-charge including contractor's tools, plants, labour, royalty charges etc.
complete in all respect and stitching with lacing wire of dia. 2.2/3.2mm (ID/OD) @ 5%
by weight of Gabion boxes, carrying the material by head load from nearest
approach with all safety precautions and all leads and lifts.

Cost for 100 cum

Mechanically woven double twisted hexagonal shaped wire mesh gabion boxes of Cum 0178 1495.00 100.00 149,500.00
required sizes with 10mm x 12mm mesh of wire dia 2.7mm/3.7mm (ID/OD) and Zn &
PVC coated
Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 100.00 75,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Stone Chiseller (Semi skilled) Day 0017 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,361.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 33,504.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 40,796.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3,127.70
Cost for 100 cum 315,897.78
Rate per cum Cum 3,158.98

052290 Supplying & placing partly or fully underwater of Polypropylene Tarred Rope Gabion,
fabricated from 9mm dia. rope, 100mm x 100mm Mesh with partitions at every 1m
interval and properly packed with approximately 150mm size boulders including
transportation and placing at indicated places as per direction of engineer-in-charge
with contractor's tools, plants, labour etc. including royalty charges complete in all
respect and stitching with polypropylene lacing rope of minimum dia. 4mm; carrying
the material by head load from nearest approach with all safety precautions and all
leads and lifts.

Cost for 100 Cu.m.

Poly propylene tarred rope gabion fabricated from 9mm dia rope 100m x 100m mesh Cum 0492 1380.00 100.00 138,000.00
with partition at every 1m interval
Stone boulder, weighing minimum 35 kg each Cum 0210 750.00 100.00 75,000.00
Mate (Semi skilled) Day 0003 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Mason 2nd class (Semi-skilled) Day 0005 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Stone Chiseller (Semi skilled) Day 0017 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2,263.56

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 32,121.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 39,111.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,998.52
Cost for 100 cum 302,850.22
Rate per cum Cum 3,028.50

053000 Miscellaneous
053010 Designing and developing Detailed structural and working Drawings for following
items for ROB/RUB/Bridge based on Railway's approved GADs, duly collecting
necessary data from Railways and R&B authorities, duly designing members and
submission of check plot duly getting proof-checked by Railway approved institutes,
submitting for Railway's verification and approval, making corrections duly
incorporating suggestions in drawings/designs, further submission of original in
transparent film paper and soft copy (CD) for Railways approval etc. with contractor's
technical expertise and instruments, labour, consumables, repeatedly attending till
final approval etc., complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.

053011 Open / Pile / Well Foundation for piers/abutments

Detail of cost for one set of design & drawings
Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for open / Pile / Set 0368 17250.00 1.00 17,250.00
well foundation for RCC column / piers for ROB/RUB/Bridges, based on Railway's
approved GADs, duly designing the members and submission of check plot duly
getting proof checked by Railway approved institutes.
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
{Expenses for site visits etc.} 18,250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 182.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,589.77
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,153.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 241.76
Rate for one set of design & drawings Set 24,417.36

053012 RCC Bed Block

Detail of cost for one set of design & drawings
Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for RCC bed Set 0369 5175.00 1.00 5,175.00
block for ROB/RUB/Bridges, based on Railway's approved GADs, duly designing the
members and submission of check plot duly getting proof checked by Railway
approved institutes.
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
{Expenses for site visits etc.} 5,675.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 56.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 805.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 980.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 75.18
Rate for one set of design & drawings Set 7,592.80

053013 Foundation and sub-structure for RCC retaining wall, abutment and approach slab

Detail of cost for one set of design & drawings

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 5: Bridge Works -Misc.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Designing and developing detailed structural and working Drawings for foundation Set 0370 17250.00 1.00 17,250.00
and sub structure for RCC retaining wall, abutment and approach slab for
ROB/RUB/Bridges, based on Railway's approved GADs, duly designing the
members and submission of check plot duly getting proof checked by Railway
approved institutes.

Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00

{Expenses for site visits etc.} 17,750.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 177.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,518.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,066.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 235.13
Rate for one set of design & drawings Set 23,748.39

053020 Extra for providing and mixing synthetic Polyester triangular synthetic fibre in
specified ratio (@ 0.25% of cement by weight), 6 to 18mm in length, designed for
melting point 240°C to 260°C and specific gravity of 1.33 to 1.40 in all types of work
CC/RCC/plaster etc., This item shall only be used on specific instructions of

Synthetic polyester triangular fibre of length 6 mm, effective diameter 10-40 microns Kg 0192 400 1.000 400.00
and specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40.
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 56.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 69.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.30
Rate per 1 kg of fibre Kg 535.18

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

CHAPTER 6 : Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
061000 Rails
061010 Pulling & positioning of rails accurately on cess including supporting rails, providing
required gap and squaring at ends for renewal preparation, as directed by Engineer
061011 Up to 40 m long rail panel
Details of cost for 1040 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, Rail Dolly etc.) @1% on labour cost Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 120.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,716.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,090.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 160.27
Cost for 1040 TRM 16,187.71
Rate per RM RM 7.78

061012 More than 40 m long rail panel

Details of cost for 3120 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 120.00 52,440.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, Rail Dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 573.33
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,135.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,906.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 759.48
Cost for 3120 TRM 76,707.98
Cost for 1 Running Metre RM 12.29

061013 Extra to Item no. 061011 for working on bridge

Details of cost for 1040 TRM, i.e. 40 rail panels of 26m each on both sides of track to
be tackled in a shift of 8 hrs. working and 6 rail dollies shall work for one rail panel of
up to 26m length @ 3 men per rail dolly. Thus, total 36 men required for both side rail
panels in one day for tackling 1040 track metre stretch. Since 24 men were taken in
item 061011, additional 12 men will be required.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, Rail Dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.74

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 748.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 911.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 69.86
Cost for 1040 Track Metre 7,056.28
Cost for 1 Running Metre RM 3.39

061014 Extra to Item no. 061012 for working on bridge

Details of cost for 3120 TRM, i.e. 24 rail panels of average 130m each on both sides
of track to be tackled in a shift of 8 hrs. working needing 30 rail dollies to work for
one rail panel of 130m length @ 3 men per rail dolly.
Thus, total 180 men required for both side rail panels in one day for tackling 3120
track metre on bridge i.e. 60 more labour than 120 labour provided in 061012.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 60.00 26,220.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, Rail Dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 263.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,737.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,551.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 348.92
Cost for 3120 Track Metre 35,241.28
Cost for 1 Running Metre RM 5.65

061020 Dismantling and removing rail of all section & length from track, laid on any type &
density of sleeper by removing fish plates, fastenings & fish bolts and other materials
including stacking all released materials within an average distance of 500 metres as
directed by Engineer in-charge.
1.Cutting of rails shall be paid separately.
2.Work to be done under traffic block.

061021 For Through Rail Renewal work

Details of cost for 520 TRM in one day
(i) For Dismantling of rail during block period
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) For clearing infringement & stacking of released materials, additional labour
requirement over (i) above for the activity in non-block period.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 706.65
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 148.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,105.82

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,564.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.58
Cost for 520 TRM 19,854.53
Cost for 1 TRM TRM 38.18

061022 For Casual/Scattered Rail Renewal work

Details of cost for 350 Running Metre in one day
(i) For Dismantling of rail {during block period}
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.00 0.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(ii) For clearing infringement & stacking of released materials, additional labour
requirement over (i) above for the activity in non-block period.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 377.65
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 79.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,125.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,370.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 105.06
Cost for 350 Running Metre 10,610.72
Cost for 1 Running Metre RM 30.32

061030 Insertion of rails of all types & length in track, laid on any type & density of sleeper to
the specified gauge under traffic block. Rates include fastening of rail with sleepers
with standard set of fastenings and fixing of fish plates and bolts or, if required,
providing gap for welding and stacking of released material without infringement
within 250m as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Rail drilling and cutting to be paid separately.

061031 For Through Rail Renewal work

Details of cost for 520 TRM in one day
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.00 0.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, Rail Dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 728.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 152.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,170.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,643.36

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 202.66
Cost for 520 TRM 20,468.44
Cost for 1 TRM TRM 39.36

061032 For Casual/Scattered Rail Renewal work

Details of cost for 350 Running Metre in one day
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 399.75
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 83.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,191.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,450.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 111.20
Cost for 350 Running Metre 11,231.65
Rate per Running Metre RM 32.09

062000 Sleepers
062010 Through Sleeper Renewal (TSR) with PSC sleepers involving removal existing
sleepers of any type along with fittings from track, insertion of PSC sleepers lying
along the cess / formation / slope / toe within 5 metres height with all fittings to
specified spacing, gauge and squareness, one round of through packing to make
track fit for 20 kmph speed, dressing of ballast to standard profile, all in accordance
with the latest provisions of IRPWM and stacking of all released material neatly at
specified places within an average lead of 100 m as directed by Engineer in-charge.

062011 For location of work not involving deep screening

Details of cost for 80 sleepers considering one group of 2 persons will remove 10
sleepers in a day after making space for removal and another group of 2 persons will
insert 16 sleepers in a day.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For removing sleeper & fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) For insertion of sleepers, squaring, greasing of fittings, fixing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iii) For one round packing & dressing (13 Sleeper/man)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 173.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,455.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,989.71

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 229.21
Cost for 80 sleepers 23,150.34
Rate of each sleeper Each 289.38

062012 For location of work involving deep screening (deep screening to be paid
Details of cost for 80 sleepers
Deep screening involve complete removal of ballast making free space for removal
and insertion and initial packing is a part of deep screening, TSR will involve only
insertion and removal without obstruction sleepers. Therefore, one group of 2
persons will remove 20 sleepers in a day and another group of 2 persons will insert
16 sleepers in a day.

(i) For removing sleeper & fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) For inserting sleeper with fixing fittings etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iii) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 96.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,368.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,666.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 127.75
Cost for 80 sleepers 12,903.07
Rate of each sleeper Each 161.29

062013 For PSC wider base sleepers - For location of work not involving deep screening
Considering 5% extra over 062011, Cost of Each sleeper
Rate of each sleeper Each 062011 289.38 1.05 303.85

062014 For PSC wider base sleepers - For location of work involving deep screening. (deep
screening to be paid separately)
Considering 5% Extra over item No 062012, Cost of Each sleeper
Rate of each sleeper Each 062012 161.29 1.05 169.35

062015 Extra to item no. 062011, 062012, 062013 and 062014 for sleepers lying on slope /
toe of bank beyond initial height of 5 metres.
Details of cost for 100 sleepers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 372.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 453.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.73
Cost for 100 sleepers 3,508.07
Rate of each sleeper Each 35.08

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
062020 Re-spacing of existing PSC sleepers for Increasing Sleeper Density (ISD) work in
track after marking of sleeper spacing as per required sleeper density, including
fixing all fastenings and initial packing and all associated work required to complete
the work, as directed.
Note: Insertion of new sleeper will be paid extra under relevant item.

062021 For location of work not involving deep screening

Detail of cost for 192 TRM (1 person will do re-spacing of 10 sleepers of 1660
density in a day){IN 192 TRM = 320 Sleepers}
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Pre marking of sleeper spacing as per required density
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.25 128.00
(ii) Re spacing of sleepers with fixing fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 32.00 13,984.00
(iii) For initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 202.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,870.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,494.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 267.95
Cost for 192 TRM 27,062.80
Rate of 1 TRM TRM 140.95

062022 For location of work involving deep screening (deep screening to be paid
Considering cost for 240 TRM (For 1660 density, 240 TRM = 400 Sleepers)
Group of additional 4 persons will do re-spacing of 80 sleepers. Additional labour
required for 400 sleepers = 4 x 400/80 = 20 nos.
(i) Pre marking of sleeper spacing as per required density
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.25 128.00
(ii) Re spacing of sleepers with fixing fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 91.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,294.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,576.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 120.84
Cost for 240 TRM 12,205.00
Cost for 1 TRM TRM 50.85

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
062030 Replacement of any type of sleepers in track with PSC sleepers lying on cess or at
Bridge Approaches for casual renewal at isolated locations with all fittings complete
to specified gauge & cross level with contractor’s tools including packing and
dressing of ballast, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Released materials shall be
neatly stacked and handed over at specified location within an average lead of 250
m or near either side of Bridge approaches as directed.

062031 Locations other than Ballasted Deck Bridge

Details of cost for 40 sleepers (one group of 4 persons will replace 8 sleepers in a
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For replacement of sleeper including fixing fastenings, packing, dressing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) For carting of new sleepers and carting & stacking of released materials.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, beater, hammer, wire claws, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 120.29
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,706.98
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,078.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 159.35
Cost for 40 sleepers 16,094.05
Rate per sleeper Each 402.35

062032 Ballasted Deck Bridge

Details of cost for 40 sleepers (one group of 5 persons will replace 8 sleepers in a
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For replacement of sleeper including fixing fastenings, packing, dressing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 25.00 10,925.00
(ii) For carting new and released sleepers from bridge approaches and stacking
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar, beater, hammer, wire claws, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 142.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,015.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,454.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 188.16
Cost for 40 sleepers 19,004.07
Cost for per sleeper Each 475.10

063000 Fittings/Lubrication Works

063010 Fixing of fish plates with fish bolts on a joint of all rail sections duly lubricating fish
plates/bolts with contractor's grease graphite in running track condition including
transportation of fish plates and fish bolts from nearest station / store / level crossing.
Note: Rail cutting & drilling to be paid separately.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
063011 Fish plates with 4 fish bolts.
Details of cost for 24 Joints
(i) Leading fish plate & nut bolts from Store to site
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) Fixing fish plate etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.50 600.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 476.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 580.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 44.50
Cost for 24 Joints 4,494.80
Rate per Joint Joint 187.28

063012 Fish plates of 6 bolts.

Details of extra cost for 24 Joints for 6 bolt holes over 4 bolt holes
(i) Leading fish plate & nut bolts from Store to site
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
(ii) Fixing fish plate etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.25 128.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.50 218.50
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.50 600.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 219.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 267.43
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 20.50
Extra cost for 24 Joints over 4 bolt holes 2,070.79
Extra cost for 1 Joints over 4 bolt holes 86.28
Cost for 1 Joint for 4 bolt holes as per item no. 063011 063011 187.28 1.00 187.28
Rate per Joint Joint 273.57

063020 Through renewal of Metal / GFN liners in running track condition after cleaning of rail
foot at liner seat, greasing of liner, liner seat and sealing of liner contact area at rail
foot including removing, cleaning & lubrication of ER Clip & Insert Eye and re-driving
the same with contractor's grease graphite of approved quality with all lead & lift.

Details of cost for 1660 nos. sleeper (For renewal Metal / GFN liners one group of 2
persons will renew liners of 300 sleepers in a day)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 70.00 16,800.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For Leading & distribution of materials in 1 Km stretch & collection of released
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) For renewal liners after cleaning rail seat and greasing of liner new liner, rail foot
at liner seat,
Labour ERC's & inserts.
Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 300.33
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,261.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,189.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 397.84
Cost for 1660 nos. sleeper 40,182.28
Rate per Sleeper Sleeper 24.21

063030 Through Fitting Renewal (TFR) on PSC track, comprising of renewal of Grooved
Rubber Pads, Liners and ERCs without damaging PSC sleepers. Scope includes
removal of all fittings, cleaning of rail seat, rail flange at liner seats, and eye of
Inserts with wire brushes and applying Grease Graphite Grade "O" (IS:408) to eye of
insert and central leg of ERC with contractor's grease of Railway’s specification,
fixing all fittings in correct position and sealing liner edges with grease all complete
including collection and stacking of released materials at nominated locations within
SSE Jurisdiction as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: All the fittings will be supplied at SSE/Stores/Depot.

Details of cost for 1660 nos. sleeper (For TFR on PSC track one group of 3 persons
will renew fittings for 185 sleepers in a day).

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 70.00 16,800.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
(i) For Leading & distribution of materials in 1 Km stretch & collection of released
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(ii) For Fitting renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 27.00 11,799.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 374.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,320.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,478.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 496.65
Cost for 1660 nos. sleeper 50,161.96
Rate per Sleeper Sleeper 30.22

063040 Through replacement of Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP) on PSC sleepers duly
removing the ERCs and liners and replacing the GRSP by just lifting the rail after
cleaning the rail seat, refixing the liner and ERC after greasing of ERCs, liners and
Liner contact area including sealing with Contractor's Grease Graphite Grade 'O'
(IS:408) duly cleaning of rust/scale of ERC, Metal /GFN liners & SGCI insert by using
wire brush, scrapper/sand emery paper etc., with all contractor’s labour, tools, plants
including collection and stacking of released materials at nominated locations within
SSE Jurisdiction and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.

Details of cost for 1660 nos. sleeper (For Through replacement of GRSP one group
of 3 persons will renew GRSP for 200 sleepers in a day).
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 70.00 16,800.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
(i) For Leading & distribution of materials in 1 Km stretch & collection of released
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(ii) For GRSP renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 25.00 10,925.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 348.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,948.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,025.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 461.92
Cost for 1660 nos. sleeper 46,653.89
Rate per Sleeper Sleeper 28.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
063050 Lubrication of fish plated rail joints under traffic, by using Grease Graphite Grade 'O'
(IS:408) and Black oil supplied by contractor, for all types of rail sections as per
procedure laid down in latest version of IRPWM and as directed by Engineer In
Note: Release U/S bolt & nuts is to be deposited back. If any fish bolts is jammed it
should be cut with chisel and hammer and replaced with fresh fish bolt supplied.

063051 For 1.00m long fishplates

Details of cost for 200 nos. joints ( One group of 1 Blacksmith + 1 Helper + 9
Persons will do 100 joints in a day )
For greasing of 1 Fish plated joint required 100 gram grease graphite.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 20.00 4,800.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 4.00 160.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 5.00 75.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Spanner, Crow bars, beater, Wire claws, Hammer, magnifying glass, mirror Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
etc.) 16,725.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 167.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,373.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,889.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 221.55
Cost for 200 joints 22,377.01
Rate per Joint Joint 111.89

063052 For 610 mm long fish plates.

Details of cost for 300 nos. joints ( One group of 1 Blacksmith + 1 Helper + 9
Persons will do 150 joints in a day )
For greasing of 1 Fish plated joint required 80 gram grease graphite.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 24.00 5,760.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 4.00 160.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 4.00 60.00
Labour: 0.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Spanner, Crow bars, beater, Wire claws, Hammer, magnifying glass, mirror Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
etc.) 17,665.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 176.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,506.75

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,052.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 234.01
Cost for 300 joints 23,634.67
Rate per Joint Joint 78.78

063060 Opening and refixing of Joggled fish plates provided to weld joints/rail of any rail
section under traffic to enable examination of weld/rail by departmental official
nominated by Engineer In charge and lubrication of fishplates by applying
departmental Grease graphite grade 'O' (IS:408) to fishing planes and bolts by
departmental black oil as per procedure laid down in latest version of IRPWM,
including all tools required and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
1. Grease Graphite, black oil, fish bolts, K.Oil, wire brush, required for work shall be
given by department and issued at concerned SSE/PW Stores.
2.Jammed fish bolts shall be cut using chisel and hammer and replaced with new

Details of cost for 40 sets considering 1 group of 3 persons shall do 40 Sets

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Misc.: 0.00
T & P (Spanner set, Chisel, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 188.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 229.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.63
Cost for 40 Sets 1,780.80
Rate per Set Set 44.52

063070 Lubrication of Elastic Rail Clips on PSC sleepers with contractor’s grease,
conforming to Railway’s specifications, labour etc. complete as per procedure
prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM.
Details of cost for 6640 nos. ERC (For Lubrication of ERC's one group of 2 persons
will do 800 ERC's in a day)
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 40.00 9,600.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 17.00 7,429.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 191.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,714.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,305.56

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 253.43
Cost for 6640 nos. ERC 25,596.09
Rate per ERC ERC 3.85

063080 Lubrication of Elastic Rail Clips on PSC sleepers as per procedure prescribed in
latest edition of IRPWM with Railway’s grease.

Details of cost for 6640 nos. ERC (For Lubrication of ERC's one group of 2 persons
will do 800 ERC's in a day)
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 17.00 7,429.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 95.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,352.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,646.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 126.26
Cost for 6640 nos. ERC 12,751.88
Rate per ERC ERC 1.92

063090 Lubrication of ERCs and its liner contact area by removal of ERCs and Metal / GFN
liners in rail panel, cleaning of rust / scale of ERC, Metal / GFN liners & SGCI insert
by using wire brush, scrapper / sand emery paper etc supply and application of
graphite grease, as prescribed by Railway for under side of liners & corresponding
area of rail foot & SGCI insert with ERCs and re-fixing the same as per procedure
prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM with contractors grease and all other tools &
plants complete and as directed.
Note: Each ERC in this item shall constitute 1 ERC and its Liner Contact area.

Details of cost for 1660 sleepers i..e. 6640 nos. ERC (For Lubrication of ERC with
liner contact area one group of 4 persons will do 1000 ERC's in a day)
For greasing of ERCs and liner contact area of 1 sleeper requires 35 gram grease
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 58.00 13,920.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 6.00 90.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 6.00 198.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 10.00 50.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 4.00 160.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 268.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,810.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,639.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 355.73
Cost for 6640 ERC 35,928.98
Rate per ERC ERC 5.41

063100 Removing seized ERC from SGCI inserts of existing track by using suitable
approved chemicals and re-fixing after greasing of insert eye and ERC with
Contractor's grease of specified quality as per provisions of IRPWM, as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
1.List of Seized ERC along with location shall be prepared after inspection of
SSE/P.Way and marked prior to execution of this item.
2. Due care shall be taken to avoid any damage to the sleeper
3.A penalty of 50% of the basic cost of new sleeper in nearest sleeper factory shall
be levied on each, if SGCI insert is broken or sleeper gets cracked in the process.

Details of cost for 100 Nos. ERC

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 5.00 25.00
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 1.00 240.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor (10 Tonnes) Day 0142 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 32.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 467.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 569.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 43.65
Cost for 100 Nos. ERC 4,408.50
Rate per ERC ERC 44.09

063110 Lubrication of gauge face of rail on curves, cross overs, points & crossings, turn-in
curves and at locations as required with contractor's grease graphite grade "O" IS
408 and as directed.
Details of cost for 1000 RM
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 10.00 2,400.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.25 10.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 39.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 553.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 673.91
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 51.67
Cost for 1000 RM 5,218.29
Rate per RM RM 5.22

063120 Lubrication of Plate/Rail screws of Points and crossings, SEJs, Bridges, Curves etc.,
with greases graphite, including removal of screws carefully without damaging
sleepers, cleaning with wire brush etc., both screws and dowel hole, applying
grease graphite, refixing the screw and sealing the top and sides of screw with
grease graphite to prevent ingress of moisture and corrosion with contractors labour,
tools, consumables under traffic condition all lead and lift complete.

063121 By using Railway's Grease graphite

Details of Cost for 200 Screws
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T&P (Crow bar, Hammer, Box Spanner, Wire brush etc,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 39.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 564.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 687.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 52.74
Cost for 200 Screws 5,326.33
Rate per screw Each 26.63

063122 By using Contractor's Grease Graphite

Details of Cost for 200 Screws
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 5.00 1,200.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Man Power
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T&P (Crow bar, Hammer, Box Spanner, Wire brush, etc,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 738.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 899.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.96
Cost for 200 Screws 6,965.30
Rate per screw Each 34.83

063130 Scattered renewal or replacement of missing / worn-out fittings with Railway's fittings
for track/Points & Crossings sleepers including leading to required location for the
work and the released fittings shall be collected and neatly stacked, as directed by
the Engineer In charge.
Note: New fittings shall be supplied from and released material shall be deposited at,
nearest P.Way Stores.

063131 GRSP
Details of cost for 200 nos
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 373.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 454.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.87
Cost for 200 nos 3,521.45
Rate per GRSP Each 17.61

063132 ERCs
Details of cost for 400 nos
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 249.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 303.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.29
Cost for 400 nos 2,352.09
Rate per ERC Each 5.88

063133 Metal/GFN Liners

Details of cost for 600 nos
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 249.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 303.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.29
Cost for 600 nos 2,352.09
Rate per Metal/GFN Liner Each 3.92

063140 Renewal of seized Plate/Rail screws on PSC Sleepers by using gas or any approved
methods, duly drilling holes in broken screw and removing existing screw pieces
from the holes along with existing dowels and fixing new contractor's dowels
(procured from RDSO approved sources) and grouting around dowel with Epoxy
materials of approved specification and refixing new Railway's rail/Plate screws duly
greasing the screw with specified grease with all contractor's materials,
consumables, tools & plants, labour with all lead, lift.
1.Seized screws shall be identified and marked by JE/P.Way and verified at
minimum SSE/P.Way In charge) level.
2. Due care shall be taken to avoid any damage to the sleeper
3.A penalty of 50% of the basic cost of new sleeper in nearest sleeper factory shall
be levied on each, if sleeper gets damaged in the process.

Detail of cost for 60 holes

Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 6.00 442.26
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 18.00 900.00
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 6.00 1,440.00
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 5.00 2,500.00
HDPE Dowels Each 0452 100.00 60.00 6,000.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 124.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,762.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,146.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 164.54
Cost for 60 holes 16,618.87
Rate per hole Each 276.98

064000 Drilling and Cutting Works

064010 Cutting / cropping of rail of 52Kg – 72 UTS or lighter section, manually and perfectly
vertical with contractor’s labour, hacksaw blade and tools & plants.
1.Manual cutting should be used only in emergencies with prior permission of
sectional ADEN where machine cutting can not be arranged in time.
2.Cutting of Rails with blade and forcing to part by using other means to break the
rails is prohibited.
3.Rails should be cut right through hacksaw blades only.

064011 On Cess
Details of cost for 15 cuts in a day

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 300.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 365.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.01
Cost for 15 cuts 2,829.07
Rate per cut Each 188.60

064012 In-situ situation

Details of cost for 13 cuts in a day
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 362.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 440.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.80
Cost for 13 cuts 3,413.75
Rate per cut Each 262.60

064020 Cutting / cropping of rail of 52Kg – 90 UTS, manually and perfectly vertical with
contractor’s labour, hacksaw blade and tools & plants -
1.Manual cutting should be used only in emergencies with prior permission of
sectional ADEN where machine cutting can not be arranged in time.
2. Cutting of Rails with blade and forcing to part by using other means to break the
rails is prohibited.
3.Rails should be cut right through hacksaw blades only.

064021 On Cess
Details of cost for 13 cuts in a day
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 300.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 365.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.01
Cost for 13 cuts 2,829.07
Rate per cut Each 217.62

064022 In-situ situation

Details of cost for 11 cuts in a day
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 362.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 440.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.80
Cost for 11 cuts 3,413.75
Rate per cut Each 310.34

064030 Cutting / cropping of rail of 60Kg – 90 UTS, manually and perfectly vertical with
contractor’s labour, hacksaw blade and tools & plants -
1.Manual cutting should be used only in emergencies with prior permission of
sectional ADEN where machine cutting can not be arranged in time.
2. Cutting of Rails with blade and forcing to part by using other means to break the
rails is prohibited.
3.Rails should be cut right through hacksaw blades only.

064031 On Cess
Details of cost for 10 cuts in a day
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.15

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 300.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 365.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.01
Cost for 10 cuts 2,829.07
Rate per cut Each 282.91

064032 In-situ situation

Details of cost for 8 cuts in a day
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.50 240.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.50 655.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 350.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 427.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.74
Cost for 8 cuts 3,306.71
Rate per cut Each 413.34

064033 Extra to item no. 064031 for cutting 110 UTS rail
Take 15% of relevant item rate
Extra Rate per cut Each 42.44

064034 Extra to item no. 064032 for cutting 110 UTS rail
Take 15 % of relevant item rate
Extra Rate per cut Each 62.00

064040 Drilling of hole of different diameter and chamfering, in rail of any section and any
UTS manually only in emergencies with contractor's labours, tools & plants,
consumables etc.
064041 Hole of dia. 26.5mm and above
Details of cost for 15 holes in a day
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Ratchet & Chamfering kit etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 30.02
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 426.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 518.73

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 39.77
Cost for 15 Holes 4,016.69
Rate per Hole Each 267.78

064042 Hole of dia. below 26.5mm

Details of cost for 20 holes in a day
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.50 933.20
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Ratchet & Chamfering kit etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 356.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 433.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.24
Cost for 20 Holes 3,357.15
Rate per Hole Each 167.86

064050 Gas cutting of rail of various sections with contractor’s tools & plants, as directed by
engineer in-charge :
064051 Rail section of 90R and below
Details of cost for 60 Cut
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 30.00 1,500.00
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 8.00 589.68
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Gas Cutting equipments) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 41.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 583.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 710.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.48
Cost for 60 Cut 5,502.51
Rate per Cut Each 91.71

064052 Rail section of 52Kg and above

Details of cost for 50 Cut
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 30.00 1,500.00
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 8.00 589.68
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Gas Cutting equipments) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 41.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 583.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 710.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.48
Cost for 50 Cut 5,502.51
Rate per Cut Each 110.05

065000 Switch Expansion Joints (SEJs)

065010 Renewal of existing SEJ along with PSC sleepers under traffic block conditions as
per approved drawing including fixing of special size bearing plate, rubber pad and
other sleeper / rail fittings, greasing to the fittings, leading all new materials to site,
transportation of released materials within a lead of 250m, cutting of Rails, drilling of
holes, fixing of related fittings, providing temporary connection with fishplates till
welding of SEJ is done and sleepers shall be given initial packing to make track fit for
20KMPH speed.
(1) Rail cutting and hole drilling shall be paid separately.
(2) One set comprise complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ.

Details of cost for 2 sets

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.00 480.00
(i) Leading of all fitting, fish plate, nut & bolt, SEJ, sleepers, fittings etc. along with
transportation of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Assembling and Insertion in track SEJ with sleepers by removing the existing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Fixing of fish plate with nut & bolt and packing of SEJ, aligning, levelling etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rail tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 924.80

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 101.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,443.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,757.71
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 134.76
Cost for 2 sets 13,610.57
Rate per set Set 6,805.29

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
065020 Renewal of existing SEJ with improved SEJ with PSC sleepers under traffic block
conditions as per approved drawing including fixing of special size bearing plate,
rubber pad and other sleeper / rail fittings, greasing to the fittings, leading rails,
sleepers & fittings to site, leading and stacking of released materials within a lead of
250m, cutting of Rails, drilling of holes, fixing of related fittings, providing temporary
connection with fishplates till welding of SEJ is done and sleepers shall be given
initial packing to make track fit for 20KMPH speed.
(1) Rail cutting and hole drilling shall be paid separately.
(2) One set comprise complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ.

Details of cost for 2 sets

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.00 480.00
(i) Leading of all fitting, fish plate, nut & bolt and SEJ rail, sleeper fitting etc. along
Labour transportation
Unskilled of released materials Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Assembling and Insertion in track SEJ with sleepers by removing the existing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Fixing of fish plate with nut & bolt and packing of SEJ, aligning, levelling etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rail tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,014.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 111.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,583.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,927.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 147.79
Cost for 2 sets 14,926.30
Rate per set Set 7,463.15

065030 Assembling and Laying of Improved Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ) on PSC sleepers
of any rail section as per RDSO drawing including leading of SEJ rails, sleepers,
fittings for a free lead of 250 metres, cutting of rails, drilling of holes as required and
lubrication of SEJ, gauging, aligning rails, providing temporary connection with
adequate welding gap with adjoining rails, providing reference posts at SEJ, first
through packing of SEJ portion to make track geometry fit for 30 kmph speed and
making ballast profile as per IRPWM.
(1) Rail cutting and hole drilling shall be paid separately.
(2) One set comprise complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ.

065031 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block

Details of cost for 2 sets
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.00 480.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) Leading of all fitting, fish plate, nut & bolt and SEJ rail, sleeper fitting etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Assembling and Insertion in track SEJ with sleepers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Fixing of fish plate with nut & bolt and packing of SEJ, aligning, levelling etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Misc.: 0.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner, Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 88.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,250.32
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,522.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 116.72
Cost for 2 sets 11,788.57
Rate per set Set 5,894.28

065032 Under Traffic Block Conditions

Details of cost for 2 sets
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.00 480.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of all fitting, fish plate, nut & bolt and SEJ rail, sleeper fitting etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Assembling and Insertion in track SEJ with sleepers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Fixing of fish plate with nut & bolt and packing of SEJ, aligning, levelling etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner, Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 881.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 96.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,375.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,674.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 128.39
Cost for 2 sets 12,967.43
Rate per set Set 6,483.71

065040 Dismantling & removing existing SEJ (Switch Expansion Joint) assembly during line
block and its replacement with plain track as of adjoining section with all fittings
including rail cutting and drilling of holes and renewal of special sleepers with PSC
Sleepers as directed and aligning rails, providing fishplates and bolts/ temporary
connection with adequate welding gap with adjoining rail and ensuring proper track
geometry for 30 kmph speed. The release material shall be stacked as directed by
Engineer in charge.

Details of cost for 2 set

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 6:Rails, Sleepers and Fittings Renewal

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
(i) Cutting SEJ, Drilling rails &.removing SEJ etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Fixing required length of same rail section and fixing fish plate & nut bolt etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Sleeper insertion against SEJ sleeper through packing, aligning, fixing fitting &
Mate etc
(Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rail tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,085.67
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 119.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,694.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,063.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 158.20
Cost for 2 set 15,978.07
Rate per set Set 7,989.04

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

CHAPTER - 7 : Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
071000 Dismantling Works
071010 Under Traffic Block:
Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing switches with
all types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings, sleepers &
fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct profile & stacking all the released materials,
sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating & stacking at
specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within the lead of 250m & all lift,
clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed.
1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced either with new
turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when existing turnout is no more required
at that location.
2. Rail cutting will be paid extra under relevant item.
3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as required, shall be
paid separately under relevant item.

071011 1 in 8½ Turnout (Under Traffic Block)

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,789.40
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 196.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,793.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,401.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 260.74
Rate per set Set 26,335.16

071012 1 in 12 Turnout (Under Traffic Block)

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,052.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 225.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,204.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,901.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 299.10
Rate per set Set 30,208.76

071013 1 in 16 Turnout (Under Traffic Block)

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,316.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 254.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,616.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,403.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 337.59
Cost for 1 set Set 34,097.07

071014 1 in 20 Turnout (Under Traffic Block)

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 135.00 135.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,580.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 283.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,028.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,904.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 376.02
Rate per set Set 37,978.03

071015 Diamond Crossing (Under Traffic Block)

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 145.00 145.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,756.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 303.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,302.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,238.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 401.64
Rate per set Set 40,565.33

071020 Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block:

Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing switches with
all types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings, sleepers &
fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct profile & stacking all the released materials,
sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating & stacking at
specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within the lead of 250m & all lift,
clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed -
1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced either with new
turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when existing turnout is no more required
at that location.
2. Rail cutting will be paid extra under relevant item.
3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as required, shall be
paid separately under relevant item.

071021 1 in 8½ Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 1 set

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00

(iii) Levelling of ballast

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 156.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,227.77
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,712.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 207.96
Cost for 1 set Set 21,004.28

071022 1 in 12 Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00

(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 88.00 88.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 170.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,414.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,940.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 225.44
Cost for 1 set Set 22,769.02

071023 1 in 16 Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 192.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,726.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,320.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 254.54
Cost for 1 set Set 25,708.47

071024 1 in 20 Turnout (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 13.00 5,681.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 110.00 110.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 214.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,038.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,699.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 283.62
Cost for 1 set Set 28,645.25

071025 Diamond Crossing (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 140.00 140.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 269.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,822.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,654.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 356.86
Cost for 1 set Set 36,042.70

071026 Derailing Switch (Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).

Details of cost for 2 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing Lead Rails, Switches, Crossing, Fittings and stacking etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) Removing Sleepers, Transporting & Stacking at store.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) Levelling of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 71.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,019.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,241.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 95.15
Cost for 2 set 9,610.41
Cost for 1 set Set 4,805.20

071030 Dismantling the existing BG Buffer-stop laid with rails & wooden/ST sleepers
including leading the dismantled Buffer stop materials to nominated places within
station yard limits and stacking as material-wise and classification-wise duly
releasing all fittings carefully without causing any damage with all contractor's
labour, tools, with all lead and lifts, crossing of tracks if any, etc., complete as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Details of cost for 4 sets

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(i)Stacking rails, and fittings etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 116.01
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,646.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,004.49

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 153.68
Cost for 4 sets 15,521.41
Rate per set Set 3,880.35

072000 Assembling, Insertion and laying Works

072010 Assembling complete BG Turnout on staging, clear of infringements, to correct
gauge and alignment as per standard drawings with all types of rail sections over
PSC sleepers at specified locations, duly leading rails, special sleepers, switches,
crossings with a maximum lead of 500m, all lift & crossing of track as required and
testing points with S&T staff for throw of switch etc. at station yard after levelling
surface complete including lubrication of all fastenings, complete in all respect.
1.Rail cutting and Drilling shall be paid separately
2. Required P.Way fittings/fastenings shall be supplied at the SSE/P.Way stores.

072011 1 in 8½ Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of rails, special size PSC sleepers, switches, crossing, fitting, fastenings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Preparing stage for putting new PSC sleepers, Switches, Lead rails, crossings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Fixing fitting & linking of switch, lead, crossing portion etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 130.00 130.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 247.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,511.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,275.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 327.78
Rate per set Set 33,105.93

072012 1 in 12 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of rails, special size PSC sleepers, switches, crossing, fitting, fastenings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Preparing stage for putting new PSC sleepers, Switches, Lead rails, crossings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iii) Fixing fitting & linking of switch, lead, crossing portion etc.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 278.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,948.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,807.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 368.57
Rate per set Set 37,225.44

072013 1 in 16 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of rails, special size PSC sleepers, switches, crossing, fitting, fastenings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Preparing stage for putting new PSC sleepers, Switches, Lead rails, crossings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) Fixing fitting & linking of switch, lead, crossing portion etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 34.00 14,858.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 160.00 160.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 300.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,259.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,186.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 397.65
Rate per set Set 40,162.21

072014 1 in 20 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of rails, special size PSC sleepers, switches, crossing, fitting, fastenings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Preparing stage for putting new PSC sleepers, Switches, Lead rails, crossings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iii) Fixing fitting & linking of switch, lead, crossing portion etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 180.00 180.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 335.34

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,758.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,794.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 444.22
Rate per set Set 44,866.40

072020 Assembling all types of Switches on staging, clear of infringements, to correct

gauge and alignment as per standard drawings with all types of rail sections over
PSC sleepers at specified locations, duly leading rails, special sleepers, switches
with a maximum lead of 500m, all lift & crossing of track as required including cutting,
drilling, fixing of all components, fittings etc. with housing of tongue rails as per
requirement of signaling including lubrication of fittings/fastenings, complete in all
Note: Required P.Way fittings shall be supplied at SSE/P.Way stores.

072021 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
(i)preparation of staging, leading rails, sleepers and fittings and assembling of switch
including rail cutting and hole drilling
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 118.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,681.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,047.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 156.94
Cost for 1 set 15,850.75
Rate per set Set 15,850.75

072022 1 in 12 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
(i)preparation of staging, leading rails, sleepers and fittings and assembling of switch
including rail cutting and hole drilling
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 136.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,930.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,350.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 180.23
Rate per set Set 18,202.84

072023 1 in 16 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
(i)preparation of staging, leading rails, sleepers and fittings and assembling of switch
including rail cutting and hole drilling
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 147.98
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,099.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,556.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.02
Rate per set Set 19,798.33

072024 1 in 20 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
(i)preparation of staging, leading rails, sleepers and fittings and assembling of switch
including rail cutting and hole drilling
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 105.00 105.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 156.77
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,224.60
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,708.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 207.67
Rate per set Set 20,974.38

072025 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 2 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.25 713.08
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.25 40.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
(i)preparation of staging, leading rails, sleepers and fittings and assembling of switch
including rail cutting and hole drilling
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 109.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,559.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,898.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 145.54
Cost for 2 set 14,700.02
Rate per set Set 7,350.01

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
072030 Assembling on temporary staging and insertion of all types of turnouts including
diamond crossings and derailing switches on prepared ballast bed during traffic
block, manually or by contractor's cranes, at specified location with 52Kg / 60Kg rail
section on PSC sleepers with Railways rails/sleepers available anywhere within
500m as per standard drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches, crossings,
fastenings etc. including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all components, fittings etc. with
housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling including crossing of track,
filling and spreading of ballast in crib and shoulder as required, linking of turnout with
existing track, attending track parameters including lifting, providing one round of
packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed including lubrication of
fittings/fastenings, complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Required P.Way fittings shall be supplied at the SSE/P.Way stores.

072031 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) Insertion of assembled Turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 1,827.87
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 383.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,447.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,632.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 508.48
Rate per set Set 51,356.96

072032 1 in 12 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.25 131.25
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.50 308.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
(v) Insertion of assembled Turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,117.13
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 444.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,309.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,682.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 588.95
Rate per set Set 59,484.28

072033 1 in 16 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.25 3,565.38
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.50 240.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.50 157.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(v) Insertion of assembled Turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 275.00 275.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,357.39
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 495.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,025.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,553.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 655.79
Rate per set Set 66,234.96

072034 1 in 20 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.50 4,278.45
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.75 183.75
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.50 364.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 13.00 5,681.00
(iii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(v) Insertion of assembled Turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 275.00 275.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,618.26
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 549.83

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,802.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,500.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 728.36
Rate per set Set 73,564.44

072035 Diamond Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.50 4,278.45
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.75 183.75
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.50 364.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling diamond
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(iii) Linking of diamond on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(v) Insertion of Diamond
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,728.76
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 573.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,131.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,901.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 759.10
Rate per set Set 76,669.13

072036 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 2 sets
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.25 713.08
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.25 40.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.25 26.25
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Preparing stage for assembling turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) Filling of ballast in crib and shoulder portion
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(v) Insertion of assembled Turnout
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(vi) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.25 300.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 896.97
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 188.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,672.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,254.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 249.52
Cost for 2 sets 25,201.78
Rate per set Set 12,600.89

072040 Laying and linking of turnouts of all types including diamond crossings & Derailing
switches with 52Kg / 60Kg rail section on PSC sleepers on prepared ballast bed for
New lines or during total closure of section at indicated location as per standard
drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches, crossings, fastenings including rail
cutting, drilling, fixing of all components, fittings with housing of tongue rails as per
requirement of signaling, preparing ballast bed, filling and spreading of ballast as
required, linking of turnout with track, attending track parameters including lifting,
providing one round of packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed including
lubrication of fittings/fastenings, complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.

072041 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Misc :
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 285.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,052.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,933.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 378.26
Cost for 1 set Set 38,203.87

072042 1 in 12 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.25 131.25
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.50 308.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 331.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,706.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,730.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 439.34
Rate per set Set 44,373.44

072043 1 in 16 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.25 3,565.38
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.50 240.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.50 157.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 275.00 275.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 362.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,140.21
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,258.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 479.84
Rate per set Set 48,463.95

072044 1 in 20 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.50 4,278.45
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.75 183.75
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.50 364.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 275.00 275.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 396.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,632.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,858.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 525.80
Rate per set Set 53,105.69

072045 Diamond Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.50 4,278.45
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.75 183.75
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.50 364.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 414.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,884.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,164.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 549.29
Rate per set Set 55,477.85

072046 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 2 sets
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.25 713.08
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.25 40.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.25 26.25
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) Leading of sleepers, switches, rails, crossings and fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Linking of switch, lead and crossing portion on stage
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Filling ballast in crib and shoulder for initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) Linking of Track and initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.25 300.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 126.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,801.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,193.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 168.17
Cost for 2 sets 16,985.55
Rate per set Set 8,492.78

072050 Laying and linking all types of turnouts, diamond crossings and Derailing switches
with 52Kg / 60Kg rail section on PSC sleepers on ballast bed, prepared after
dismantling & removal of existing turnout/normal line during TTR/yard remodeling
under traffic block, as per standard drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches,
crossings, fastenings including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all components, fittings
with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling, preparing ballast bed,
filling and spreading of ballast as required, linking of turnout with track, attending
track parameters including lifting, providing one round of packing to make track fit for
20 kmph speed including lubrication of fittings/fastening, complete as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
Note: Payment for dismantling & removal of existing turnout/normal line,
transportation/stacking of released material and preparing of ballast bed is not
included in this item and shall be paid under relevant item.

072051 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072041 38203.87 1.10 42,024.26

072052 1 in 12 Turnouts
Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072042 44373.44 1.10 48,810.78

072053 1 in 16 Turnouts
Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072043 48463.95 1.10 53,310.34

072054 1 in 20 Turnouts
Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072044 53105.69 1.10 58,416.26

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
072055 Diamond Crossing
Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072045 55477.85 1.10 61,025.64

072056 Derailing Switch

Considering 10% additional for working under block over similar items where there is
no need of traffic block
Rate per set Set 072046 8492.78 1.10 9,342.05
072060 Assembling on temporary staging and insertion of all types of switches including
TWS on prepared ballast bed during traffic block, manually or by contractor's
cranes, at specified location with 52Kg / 60Kg rail section on PSC sleepers with
Railways rails/sleepers available within 250m as per standard drawing, duly leading
sleepers, rails, switches, fastenings etc. including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all
components, fittings etc. with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling
etc. including preparation for operation of traffic block, including crossing of track,
filling and spreading of ballast in crib and shoulder as required, linking with existing
track, attending track parameters including lifting, providing one round of packing to
make track fit for 20 kmph speed lubrication of fittings/fastenings, complete as
directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Required P.Way fittings shall be supplied at the SSE/P.Way stores.

072061 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.50 933.20
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
i) Leading switches, sleepers etc., assembling switches on temporary staging,
removing ballast muck up to required level, and
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
ii) Fixing, inserting of switch, filling ballast, levelling & packing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 75.00 75.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 561.04
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 117.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,671.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,035.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 156.07
Rate per set Set 15,763.23

072062 1 in 12 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.50 933.20
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
i) Assembling switch, removing ballast muck up to required level, and leading
switches and sleepers etc
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(ii) Fixing, laying of switch, filling ballast, levelling & packing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 736.09
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 154.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,193.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,670.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 204.77
Rate per set Set 20,681.55

072063 1 in 16 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.50 933.20
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
i) Assembling switch, removing ballast muck up to required level ,and leading
switches and sleepers etc
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(ii) Fixing, laying of switch, filling ballast, levelling & packing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 824.49

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 173.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,456.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,991.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 229.36
Rate per set Set 23,165.30

072064 1 in 20 Turnouts
Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 0.50 80.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 3.00 168.00
i) Assembling switch, removing ballast muck up to required level ,and leading
switches and sleepers etc
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(ii) Fixing, laying of switch, filling ballast, levelling & packing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, Rail Tongue, Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 892.83
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 187.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,660.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,239.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 248.37
Rate per set Set 25,085.64

073000 Lifting Works

073010 Lifting for increase in ballast cushion of existing points & crossing layouts up to
75mm or part thereof including approach and exit sleepers including one round of
through packing, correcting the disturbed sleeper spacing, tightening of fittings,
boxing of ballast and ramping out on either side at slope not steeper than 1 in 1000
or as directed.
Note: Item will be paid only when lifting is 50mm or more.

073011 1 in 8½ Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 85.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,210.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,473.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 112.97
Rate per set Set 11,409.93

073012 1 in 12 Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 115.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,644.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,002.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 153.56
Rate per set Set 15,509.37

073013 1 in 16 Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 133.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,895.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,307.55

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 176.91
Rate per set Set 17,868.16

073014 1 in 20 Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 155.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,207.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,687.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 206.06
Rate per set Set 20,811.62

073015 Diamond Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 85.00 85.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 199.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,828.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,443.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 264.01
Rate per set Set 26,665.10

073016 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 2 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Opening ballast at packing zone lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Adjust sleeper spacing, tightening fitting, boxing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 710.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 865.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.33
Cost for 2 set 6,699.05
Rate per set Set 3,349.53

073017 Extra over item nos. 073011 to 073015 for additional lift beyond 75mm for every Each 15%
50mm or part thereof up to 225mm for each set
073020 Lifting the newly inserted BG 60 Kg. / 52 Kg. turnouts/ trap switches to required level
to provide full ballast cushion as per approved drawings after initial laying with
Railway's stone ballast in convenient stages including one round of through packing
after completion of final stage of lift, levelling, aligning, gauging and boxing to
standard profile to make it fit for 20 kmph with all lead and lifts, complete in all
respect and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
1. The item shall be used only when UNIMAT is not available for the work before the
turnout is opened for operation.
2. Leading and dumping of ballast will be paid separately under relevant item.

073021 For 1 in 8½ Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) lifting & packing, boxing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 711.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 866.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.39
Rate per set Set 6,705.74

073022 For 1 in 12 Points & Crossing

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) lifting & packing, boxing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 63.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 897.27
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,092.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 83.76
Rate per set Set 8,459.78

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
073023 For 1 in 16 Points & Crossing
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) lifting & packing, boxing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 80.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,145.32
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,394.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 106.92
Rate per set Set 10,798.49

073024 For Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) lifting & packing, boxing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Jacks, beater, Rake ballast , Pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 37.01
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 525.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 639.48
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 49.03
Rate per set Set 4,951.71

074000 Renewal Works

074010 Casual renewal of PSC sleepers on points and crossings, derailing switches and
diamonds portion of any layout including packing under new sleepers. All the
released materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner
within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any
complete, as directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc.
complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Approach and Exit sleepers shall be paid as normal sleepers under relevant

074011 Sleepers up to 2.85 m length

Details of cost for 30 nos.( One group of two persons will replace 3 sleepers in a day)

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For replacement of sleeper including fixing fastenings, packing, dressing etc.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00

(ii) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Crow bar, beater, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 115.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,644.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,002.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 153.56
Cost for 30 nos. 15,509.37
Rate per sleeper Each 516.98

074012 Sleepers of length more than 2.85 m and up to 4.20 m

Details of cost for 30 nos.( One group of two persons will replace 2 sleepers in a day)

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For replacement of sleeper including fixing fastenings, packing, dressing etc.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00

(ii) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Crow bar, beater, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 159.62
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,265.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,758.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 211.45
Rate per sleeper Each 711.87

074013 Sleepers of more than 4.20 m length

Details of cost for 30 nos.( One group of 5 persons will replace 3 sleepers in a day)

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For replacement of sleeper including fixing fastenings, packing, dressing etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
(ii) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, beater, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 55.00 55.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 251.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,568.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,344.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 333.08
Cost for 30 nos. 33,641.10
Rate per sleeper Each 1,121.37

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

074020 Renewal of CMS Crossing of all rail sections with CMS crossing or with WCMS
crossing complete with fastenings including replacement of worn-out rubber pads,
liners and ERC, as required. All the released materials shall be stacked at specified
location in a countable manner within the lead of 500m & all lift, clear of
infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with contractor's
vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by engineer in-
Note: Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately under relevant item.

074021 1 in 8½ Turnout
Details of cost for 2 sets
Leading of CMS Crossing, opening of fittings, renewal of X-ing, fittings, packing etc.

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 232.25
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 48.77
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 692.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 842.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 64.61
Cost for 2 sets 6,525.46
Rate per set Set 3,262.73

074022 1 in 12 Turnout
Details of cost for 2 sets
Leading of CMS Crossing, opening of fittings, renewal of X-ing, fittings, packing etc.

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 254.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 53.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 757.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 922.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.69
Cost for 2 sets 7,139.37
Rate per set Set 3,569.68

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
074023 1 in 16 Turnout
Details of cost for 2 sets
Leading of CMS Crossing, opening of fittings, renewal of X-ing, fittings, packing etc.

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 275.95
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 57.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 822.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,001.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 76.77
Cost for 2 sets 7,753.28
Cost for 1 set Set 3,876.64

074024 1 in 20 Turnout
Details of cost for 2 sets
Leading of CMS Crossing, opening of fittings, renewal of X-ing, fittings, packing etc.

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 298.05
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 62.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 888.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,081.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 82.91
Cost for 2 sets 8,374.22
Rate per set Set 4,187.11

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
074030 Renewal of Switch Rails (Tongue rails, Stock rails and fittings) of all rail sections,
under line block conditions ensuring proper housing & changing of stretcher bars
and fittings as required. Work also includes drilling of hole, if any, and leading of
rails laying anywhere in station yard to site of work. Released switch rails shall be
stacked at indicated place in a countable manner within the lead of 250m & all lift,
clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as directed. with
contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as directed by
engineer in-charge.
1).One set means Two Tongue rails and Two Stock rails
(2) One tongue & stock rail shall be considered as 1/2 set.
(3) One tongue rail or one Stock rail shall be considered as 1/4 Set.

074031 1 in 8½ Switch Assembly

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.10 186.64
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Leading of stock & tongue rail, opening of fittings, removing rails, fixing stock &
tongue rail etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rake ballast , Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 779.61
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 85.76
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,216.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,481.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 113.60
Rate per set Set 11,473.82

074032 1 in 12 Switch Assembly

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.10 186.64
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Leading of stock & tongue rail, opening of fittings, removing rails, fixing stock &
tongue rail etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rake ballast , Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 868.01

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 95.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,354.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,649.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 126.48
Rate per set Set 12,774.83

074033 1 in 16 Switch Assembly

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.15 279.96
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Leading of stock & tongue rail, opening of fittings, removing rails, fixing stock &
tongue rail etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rake ballast , Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 964.75
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 106.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,505.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,833.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 140.58
Rate per set Set 14,198.47

074034 1 in 20 Switch Assembly

Details of cost for 1 set
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.15 279.96
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Leading of stock & tongue rail, opening of fittings, removing rails, fixing stock &
tongue rail etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rake ballast , Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.25 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,052.65
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 115.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,643.13

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,000.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 153.39
Rate per set Set 15,492.12

074040 Through Switches Renewals of existing curved/Thick web switches with Thick Web
Switches on 60Kg Points and crossings including approach rails as required, on
PSC sleepers, removing and re-fixing or replacing fittings, fastenings, stretcher bar,
blocks etc., with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling etc.
including preparation for operation of traffic block, under line block conditions and
packing of any disturbed sleepers and boxing of ballast to profile, picking of slacks of
track at switch portion, crossing of track wherever necessary. All the released
materials shall be stacked at specified location in a countable manner within the
lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track, if any complete, as
directed with contractor's vehicles, consumables, stores, labour etc. complete, as
directed by engineer in-charge.
Note: Rail cutting and Hole Drilling shall be paid under relevant item.

074041 For 1 in 12 Turnouts

Details of Cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
(i) Leading of all fitting, fish plate, nut & bolt, Switch rails and approach rails, along
with transportation of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Assembling and Insertion of switches in track with approach rails by removing
the existing switches and rails
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, Rake ballast , hammer, Auger, Spanner, Rail Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
tongue etc.)
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,778.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 195.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,775.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,379.91
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 259.13
Rate per Set Set 26,171.80

074042 For 1 in 16 Turnouts

Considering rate as 20% more than that for 1 in 12 turnout
Rate per set Set 074041 26171.80 1.20 31,406.16

074043 For 1 in 8.5 Turnouts

Considering rate as 20% less than that for 1 in 12 turnout
Rate per set Set 074041 26171.80 0.80 20,937.44

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
074050 Through renewal of Liners and ERCs on PSC turnouts without damaging PSC
sleepers. Scope includes removal of all ERCs and Liners, cleaning rail seat, rail
flange at liner seats, and eye of Inserts with wire brushes and applying grease to
liner contact area, eye of insert and central leg of ERC with contractor's grease of
Railway’s specification, fixing all fittings in correct position and sealing liner edges
with grease all complete including collection and stacking of released materials at
nominated locations within SSE Jurisdiction as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: All the fittings will be supplied at SSE/Stores/Depot.

074051 1 in 8.5 Turnouts

Details of cost for 4 set's ( In one set having 350 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram
grease required for 1 ERC, For 4 sets 4 X 350 X 10 = 14 Kg grease.

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 14.00 3,360.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
(ii) For Fitting renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.( one group
of Five persons will renew 200 rail seats / 1 T/out in a day )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
LS for Transportation Charges Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 75.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,076.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,310.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 100.50
Cost for 4 set's 10,150.26
Rate per set Set 2,537.57

074052 1 in 12 Turnout
Details of cost for 3 set's ( In one set having 480 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram
grease required for 1 ERC, For 3 sets 3 X 480 X 10 = 15 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 15.00 3,600.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) For Fitting renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.( one group
of four persons will renew 200 rail seats in a day )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
LS for Transportation Charges Lumpsum 9901 1.00 175.00 175.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 91.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,300.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,583.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 121.37
Cost for 3 set's 12,258.85
Rate per set Set 4,086.28

074053 1 in 16 Turnout
Details of cost for 3 set's ( In one set having 580 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram
grease required for 1 ERC, For 3 sets 3 X 580 X 10 = 18 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 18.00 4,320.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) For Fitting renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.( one group
of four persons will renew 200 rail seats in a day )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
LS for Transportation Charges Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 99.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,406.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,712.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 131.31
Cost for 3 set's 13,262.31
Rate per set Set 4,420.77

074054 1 in 20 Turnout
Details of cost for 3 set's ( In one set having 660 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram
grease required for 1 ERC, For 3 sets 3 X 660 X 10 = 20 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 20.00 4,800.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) For Fitting renewal & greasing of ERC's, liners & sealing liner edges.( one group
of four persons will renew 200 rail seats in a day )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
LS for Transportation Charges Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 122.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,737.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,116.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 162.23
Cost for 3 set's 16,385.72
Rate per set Set 5,461.91

074060 Through fitting renewal (TFR) with new Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP), Liners
and ERC or through renewal with new GRSPs using existing ERCs and liners after
cleaning and greasing on entire Turnout of PSC Fan shaped layout including
approach & exit sleepers comprising of removing & refixing or replacement of plate
screws, ERCs and liners including seized ERCs, replacing the GRSP after cleaning
rail seat, refixing slide chairs, lubrication of ERCs, applying grease to plate screws
and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) after
cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area etc., as per provisions of IRPWM of
latest version with all contractor’s labour, tools, plants and stacking all the released
materials etc .complete and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.

074061 For 1 in 12 Turnouts

Details of cost for 3 set's
( In one set having 480 ERC's & 180 plate screws approximately ) 15 gram grease
required for ERC & Plate screws, For 3 sets 3 X 560 X 15 = 25.20 Kg grease.

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 25.20 6,048.00

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 143.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,038.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,482.24

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 190.31
Cost for 3 set's 19,220.81
Rate per set Set 6,406.94

074062 For 1 in 8.5 Turnouts

Considering rate as 20% more than that for 1 in 12 turnout
Rate per set Set 074061 6406.94 0.80 5,125.55

074063 For 1 in 16 Turnouts

Considering rate as 20% less than that for 1 in 12 turnout
Rate per set Set 074061 6406.94 1.20 7,688.32

074070 Through renewal of Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP) on Switch portion of PSC fan
shaped layout comprising of removing & refixing Plate screws, ERCs including
seized ERCs and liners, and replacing the GRSP after cleaning rail seat, refixing
Slide chairs, liner and ERC after greasing and lubrication of ERCs, applying grease
to liners and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408)
after cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area and on ERC, with all contractor’s
labour, tools, plants, leading of GRSP and stacking all the released materials etc
.complete and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.

074071 For 1 in 12 Turnouts (Sleeper No 1 to 25 and 5 approach sleepers)

Details of cost for 3 set's
( In one set having 50 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram grease required for 1 ERC,
For 3 sets 3 X 50 X 10 = 1.5 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 1.50 360.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 0.20 11.20
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 2.00 10.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials ,renewal &collection of released materials
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 34.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 485.27
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 590.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 45.30
Cost for 3 set's 4,575.35
Rate per set Set 1,525.12

074072 For 1 in 8.5 Turnouts & Derailing switches (Sleeper No 1 to 22 and 5 approach
Considering rate as 20% more less that for 1 in 12 turnout
Rate per set Set 074071 1525.12 0.80 1,220.09

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
074073 For 1 in 16 Turnouts (Sleeper No 1 to 31and 5 approach sleepers)

Considering rate as 20% more than that for 1 in 12 turnout

Rate per set Set 074071 1525.12 1.20 1,830.14

074080 Through renewal of Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP) on lead portion of PSC fan
shaped layout comprising of removing & refixing ERCs, Liners including seized
ERCs and replacing the GRSP after cleaning rail seat, refixing the liner and ERC
after lubrication of ERCs, liners and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease
Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) after cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area and on
ERC , etc., with all contractor’s labour, tools, plants, leading of GRSP and stacking all
the released materials etc .complete and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.

074081 For 1 in 12 Lead portion (Sleeper Nos 26 to 64 & 74 to 83 and 8 approach sleepers) :
Details of cost for 3 set's
( In one set having 400 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram grease required for 1 ERC,
For 3 sets 3 X 40 X 10 = 12 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 12.00 2,880.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 6.00 30.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials and
renewal of materials
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 89.45
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,269.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,545.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 118.49
Cost for 3 sets 11,967.85
Cost for 1 set Set 3,989.28

074082 For 1 in 8.5 Turnouts (Sleeper No 23 to 42&59 to 54 and 8 approach sleepers)

Take 20% less of Relevant item rate 074081 Set 074081 3989.28 0.80 3,191.43

074083 For 1 in 16 Turnouts (Sleeper No 32 to 76 & 87 to 101 and 8 approach sleepers)

Take 20% extra of Relevant item rate 074081 Set 074081 3989.28 1.20 4,787.14

074090 Through renewal of Grooved Rubber Sole pads(GRSP) on Crossing portion of PSC
Sleeper turnout duly removing the Liners, ERCs including seized ERCs, and
replacing the GRSP after cleaning rail seat, refixing the liner and ERC after
lubrication of ERCs, liners and Liner contact area with contractor's Grease Graphite
Grade 'O' (IS:408) after cleaning of rust/scale on liner contact area etc., with all
contractor’s labour, tools, plants, transportation of GRSP, and stacking all the
released materials etc. complete and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note: GRSP will be supplied at SSE/stores/depot.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
074091 For 1 in 12 Turnouts (Sleeper No 65 to 73 )
Details of cost for 3 set's
( In one set having 48 ERC's approximately ) 10 gram grease required for 1 ERC,
For 3 sets 3 X 48 X 10 = 1.5 Kg grease.
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 1.50 360.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 0.20 11.20
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 2.00 10.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
(i) For leading & distribution of materials & collection of released materials
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 361.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 439.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.72
Cost for 3 Sets 3,405.99
Cost for 1 set Set 1,135.33

074092 For 1 in 8.5 Turnouts (Sleeper No 43 to 48)

Take 20% less of Relevant item rate 074091 Set 074091 1135.33 0.80 908.26

074093 For 1 in 16 Turnouts (Sleeper No 77 to 86)

Take 20% extra of Relevant item rate 074091 Set 074091 1135.33 1.20 1,362.40

074100 Renewal of corroded slide chairs duly removing the old slide chairs by heating using
contractors gas and equipments or by any approved methods and inserting Railways
new slide chairs and plate screws including crossing of tracks, leading all required
materials to site, stacking all released materials, with all contractor's tools,
consumables, labour, lead, lift and incidental charges etc complete as directed by
the Engineer in charge.
1. All the fittings will be supplied at nearest SSE/Stores.
2. In case of damage of PSC sleeper, penalty at the rate of 25% of the current cost
of sleeper shall be levied.

Details of cost for 12 Slide chairs

Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 3.00 150.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 1.00 65.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P ( Includes Gas cutting torch ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.78
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 379.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 462.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.47
Cost for 12 Nos. 3,582.33
Rate per Slide chair Each 298.53

074110 Fabrication, supply and fixing of hand operated lever boxes with pull rod of 33mm dia
to Drg.No. MA3040 including lead, lift, loading, unloading, tools and plants,
transportation, crossing of track wherever necessary as directed by Engineer-in-
charge at site.
1. Rate including Fabrication, Supply and Fixing of hand operated boxes.
2. Spring point lever (Self reversing type) as per drawing no. TMC-12 (Sheet 1,2,3).

Details of Cost of 2 sets

Hand lever box full set BG Each 0468 11000.00 2.00 22,000.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, Box spanner, cleaning brush etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 247.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,508.60
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,272.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 327.53
Cost of 2 sets 33,080.51
Rate per set Set 16,540.25

074120 Fabrication, supply and fixing of MS lock pins/bolts for stock and tongue rails made
out of MS 40mm dia of length 200mm with head cutting, lathe machining, milling,
drilling, welding the rod with MS flat of 6mm thick of suitable size as required at site
with MS split pins/bolts and supplying of remaining ancillary materials required at for
locking, including all taxes, lead, lift, loading and un loading , tools and plants,
transportation, crossing of track whenever necessary etc., complete and as directed
by Engineer-in-charge at site.

Details of cost for 10 pins

Point lock pin full set BG Each 0469 720.00 10.00 7,200.00
Man power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, Box spanner, cleaning brush etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 7: Turnouts and Renewals

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 87.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,246.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,518.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 116.39
Cost of 10 sets 11,755.12
Rate per set Set 1,175.51

074130 Re-spacing of PSC sleepers of existing turnout after pre-marking of sleeper

locations as per standard layout drawings, removing ballast and all other
fittings/fastenings to clear obstruction for shifting as required, shifting of sleeper at
correct location, fixing of all fittings/fastenings, ballasting, requisite packing, boxing
and profiling, complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Note: Prior inspection and recording defective spacing and approval of Engineer-in-
Charge shall be mandatory for operating this item.

074131 Turnout sleepers of length up to 2.85 m

Consider 48 sleepers of 1 in 12 turnout, 2 persons will do re-spacing of 12 sleepers

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
(i) Pre marking of sleeper spacing as required
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
(ii) Re spacing of sleepers with fixing fittings and packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P and consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.07
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 597.03
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 726.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 55.73
Cost for 48 Sleepers 5,629.04
Rate per sleeper Each 117.27

074132 Sleepers of length more than 2.85 m and up to 4.20 m

Considering 20% more that over rate up to 2.85 m
Rate per sleeper Each 074131 117.27 1.20 140.73

074133 Sleepers of length more than 4.20 m

Considering 30% more that over rate up to 2.85 m
Rate per sleeper Each 074131 117.27 1.30 152.45

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

CHAPTER - 8 : Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
081000 Deep Screening Works
081010 Manual deep screening of Plain track/ turnouts under traffic as per procedure
prescribed in IRPWM, June 2020 or latest, in other than PSC sleepers of any
density and throwing away screened muck arising out of screening on toe of bank or
on cess, if low or on spoil banks above top of cutting (including throwing and
leveling, if required beyond minimum 5m from the edge of cutting which are up to 3m
deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or
platforms) as per direction of Engineer in-charge, including cutting cess for effective
drainage on both sides, one round of kutcha packing with screened ballast and
further attending to track parameter to make track fit for 20 kmph speed complete in
all respect.
Note : Payment shall be made for length along main line only for turnouts.

081011 Depth of 150 mm below bottom of sleeper of Plain Track

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 293 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 3.75 sleepers per person (450 sleepers in 293 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 120.00 52,440.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 16 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 655.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,303.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,327.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 868.45
Cost for 293 TRM 87,713.85
Rate per TRM TRM 299.36

081012 Depth of 200 mm below bottom of sleeper of Plain Track

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 260 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 3.5 sleepers per person (400 sleepers in 260 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 114.00 49,818.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 14 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 19.00 8,303.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 633.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,993.09

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,950.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 839.51
Cost for 260 TRM 84,790.46
Rate per TRM TRM 326.12

081013 Depth of 250 mm below bottom of sleeper of Plain Track

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 244 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 3.25 sleepers per person (375 sleepers in 244 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 115.00 50,255.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 12 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 642.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,117.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,101.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 851.09
Cost for 244 TRM 85,959.82
Rate per TRM TRM 352.29

081014 Depth of 300 mm below bottom of sleeper of Plain Track

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 228 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 3.00 sleepers per person (350 sleepers in 228 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 116.00 50,692.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 10 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 23.00 10,051.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 660.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,366.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,404.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 874.38
Cost for 228 TRM 88,311.91
Rate per TRM TRM 387.33

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
081015 Depth of 150 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts
Take 60% extra on 081011 TRM 081011 299.36 1.60 478.98
Rate per TRM TRM 478.98

081016 Depth of 200 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081012 TRM 081012 326.12 1.60 521.79
Rate per TRM TRM 521.79

081017 Depth of 250 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081013 TRM 081013 352.29 1.60 563.67
Rate per TRM TRM 563.67

081018 Depth of 300 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081014 TRM 081014 387.33 1.60 619.73
Rate per TRM TRM 619.73

081020 Manual deep screening of Plain track/ turnouts as per procedure prescribed in
IRPWM, June 2020 or latest, on PSC sleepers of any density and throwing away
screened muck arising out of screening on toe of bank or on cess, if low or on spoil
banks above top of cutting (including throwing and leveling, if required beyond
minimum 5m from the edge of cutting which are up to 3m deep or alternatively
carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms) as per direction of
Engineer in-charge, including cutting cess for effective drainage on both sides, one
round of kutcha packing with screened ballast and further attending to track
parameter to make track fit for 20 kmph speed complete in all respect.
Note : Payment shall be made for length along main line only for turnouts.

081021 Depth of 150 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track :

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 260 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 3 sleepers per person (400 sleepers in 260 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 133.00 58,121.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 16 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 230.00 230.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 703.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,983.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,156.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 932.00
Cost for 260 TRM 94,131.94
Rate per TRM TRM 362.05

081022 Depth of 200 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track :

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 228 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 2.75 sleepers per person (350 sleepers in 228 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 127.00 55,499.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 14 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 230.00 230.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 677.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,611.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,703.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 897.27
Cost for 228 TRM 90,623.87
Rate per TRM TRM 397.47

081023 Depth of 250 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track :

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 216 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 2.50 sleepers per person (332 sleepers in 216 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 132.00 57,684.00
(ii) Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man
per 12 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 708.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,047.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,233.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 937.92
Cost for 216 TRM 94,730.00
Rate per TRM TRM 438.56

081024 Depth of 300 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track :

Considering 120 men on work site in a day Details of cost for 200 Track Metres of
deep screening (sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Considering output of 2.25 sleepers per person (308 sleepers in 200 TRM)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 6.00 3,702.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Deep Screening including one round kutcha packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 137.00 59,869.00
Other Works, e.g. removal/spreading of muck, cess attention etc. (@ one man per
10 TRM) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P for Wooden Blocks Lumpsum 9901 1.00 250.00 250.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 738.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 10,482.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,764.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 978.58
Cost for 200 TRM 98,836.13
Rate per TRM TRM 494.18

081025 Depth of 150 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081021 TRM 081021 362.05 1.60 579.27
Rate per TRM TRM 579.27

081026 Depth of 200 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081022 TRM 081022 397.47 1.60 635.96

Rate per TRM TRM 635.96

081027 Depth of 250 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081023 TRM 081023 438.56 1.60 701.70

Rate per TRM TRM 701.70

081028 Depth of 300 mm below bottom of sleeper for Turnouts

Take 60% extra on 081024 TRM 081024 494.18 1.60 790.69

Rate per TRM TRM 790.69

081030 Extra to item nos. from 081011 to 081018 and from 081021 to 081028 for disposal of
muck at a distance beyond 50m for every additional lead of 50 metres or part
thereof up to 500 metres for 1 TRM in station yard / cutting.

Details of cost for 250 Track Metre (Extra labour element required for additional
average lead of 250 metre for disposal of muck)(@ one man per 25 TRM)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 622.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 758.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.15
Cost for 250 TRM / 250 metres lead 5,873.55
Cost for 250 TRM / every 50 metres lead 1,174.71
Rate per TRM for every 50 metres Each 4.70

081040 Extra to item nos. from 081011 to 081018 and from 081021 to 081028 for disposal of
muck for additional lift of 1 metre or part thereof beyond 3 metre lift in case of
disposal of muck from track for 1 TRM in station yard / cutting.

Details of cost for 200 Track Metre (Extra labour element required for additional
average lift of 3 metre for disposal of muck)(@ one man per 20 TRM)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 622.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 758.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.15
Cost for 200 TRM / 3 metre lift 5,873.55
Cost for 200 TRM / every 1 metre lift 1,957.85
Rate per TRM for every 1 metre LIFT Each 9.79

081050 Deep screening of turnout under line block within stipulated time by way of
removing the Points and Crossing assembly by using T-28 cranes, removing the
entire stone ballast bed by excavators up to shoulders to depth of 200/250/300 mm,
limiting the digging up to original formation level only, screening the ballast so
removed and stacking, spreading ballast on the formation in uniform layer from
stack of new/screened ballast, placing the points and crossing assembly in designed
position, dumping and spreading ballast in cribs and shoulders, lifting of track as
required so as to get a clean cushion of 300mm, shifting of sleepers to correct
spacing including removal and re-fixing of fittings wherever necessary, aligning of
sleepers as per prescribed layout, initial packing, aligning, dressing/ lowering the
cess to deep screened depth up to the edge of bank with a slope of 1 in 30, boxing
of ballast to profile and making fit to run the trains at a speed of non stop 20 KMPH
as specified in IRPWM - June 2020 or latest complete in all respect as directed by
the Engineer - in - charge.
1. Rail cutting and Rail hole drilling shall be paid under relevant items.
2. Scooped ballast shall be screened and the unused quantity of screened ballast
shall be stacked for use in future.

081051 For 1 in 12 points and Crossings

Details of cost for one Points and crossing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
For Pre Block activity: Opening of ballast, screening of ballast & stacking
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
For During Block activity: Assisting T-28 machine operation, Screening of ballast,
putting back ballast, levelling of ballast, shifting of sleepers, lifting & initial packing of
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
For Post Block activity: Dumping ballast, removing of muck, squaring of sleepers,
redriving of fittings, boxing of ballast
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.50 7,011.30
T&P (no rates reqd.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 400.00 400.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 15% Lumpsum 9993 0.15 4,219.25
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 323.48

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,590.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,589.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 428.50
Cost for one set of points & Crossing 43,279.00
Rate per set Set 43,279.00

081052 For 1 in 8.5 Points & Crossings

For 1 in 8.5 Points & Crossings, considering deduction of 20% from 081051 Set 081051 43279.00 0.80 34,623.20
Rate per set Set 34,623.20

081053 For 1 in 16 Points & Crossings

For 1 in 16 Points & Crossings considering extra 20% over item no. 081051 Set 081051 43279.00 1.20 51,934.80
Rate per set Set 51,934.80

082000 Spreading of Ballast

082010 Recoupment of ballast in running line with railway's stone ballast from existing stacks
available along alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of bank by
head leads or by any other means and spreading to make up deficiency in the
required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by Engineer-in-
Note: Payment shall be made based on ballast stack measurement.

082011 For average lead up to 50m and lift up to 5m

Details of cost for 200 cum
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P ( Rake iron ballast, fork only ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 3.00 3,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 137.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,945.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,368.58
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 181.59
Cost for 200 cum 18,340.72
Rate per cum Cum 91.70

082012 Extra over item no. 082011 for each additional average lead of 50m or part thereof
when total average lead exceeds 50m, but up to 250m.
Note: This item may be used only in exceptional circumstance under prior order on

Details of cost for 200 cum per 50m Lead

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.25 1,168.55
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 502.85

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 612.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.94
Cost for 200 cum per 50m Lead 4,741.05
Rate per cum / 50m Lead Each 23.71

082013 Extra to item no. 082011 for each additional average lift of 1m or part thereof when
total average lift exceeds 5m.

Details of cost for 200 cum per 2m Lift

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.25 1,168.55
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 32.35
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 459.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 558.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 42.85
Cost for 200 cum per 2m Lift 4,328.30
Cost for 200 cum per 1m Lift 2,164.15
Rate per cum / average 1 m Lift Each 10.82

083000 Lifting, Packing & Boxing Works

083010 Lifting and packing for regrading the existing PSC sleeper track to required height /
level in stages not exceeding 75mm or part thereof at a time, providing permissible
ramp for the track, insertion of moorum / sand / stone ballast uniformly under the
existing track and placing the same to safe approved gradient, gauge, cushion
including levelling and one round of through packing to allow train movement at
restricted speed of 30 kmph for a specified length with all leads & lifts and fixing,
marking, painting rail level pegs at every 30m interval.
Note: Lifting of track shall be done in stages as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of IRPWM to get the proposed final level as per approved working profile, as
directed by Engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 250 Track Metres for regrading by lifting and packing of track
(sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.25 47.50
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Fixing & marking of rail level posts (Tie bar at every 30 m)
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.10 61.70
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.10 51.20
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.50 218.50
(ii) Lifting of track up to 75 mm at a time including insertion of moorum/sand/stone
ballast Considering output of 12 sleepers per man (385 sleeper in 250 TRM)

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 32.00 13,984.00

(iii) For one round Through packing ( For Through packing 15 sleeper per man)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Hydraulic Jack, Crow bars, Wire claws, cane basket, Rake ballast, Cross Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
level etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 283.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,028.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,905.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 376.08
Cost for 250 TRM 37,983.92
Rate per TRM TRM 151.94

083011 Extra for additional lift over 75mm for every 50mm lift or part thereof up to 275mm for
item nos. 083010 for each TRM.
Taking average Lift of 100mm
Detail of cost for 250 TRM for 100mm Lift(@ one man per 12.5 TRM)
For Filling extra ballast in packing zone, lifting & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Hydraulic Jack, Crow bars, Wire claws, Ballast dolly, Rake ballast, Cross Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
level etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 87.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,245.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,517.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 116.31
Cost for 250 TRM for 100mm Lift 11,747.09
Cost for 1 TRM for 100mm Lift 46.99
Rate per TRM for 50mm Lift TRM 23.49

083020 Regrading the existing track by lowering up to required depth in stages by cutting the
formation top maintaining the depth of existing cushion finally, not exceeding 75mm
in one stage including one round of through packing and making track fit for 30kmph
speed at each stage of lowering as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of
IRPWM and subsequent picking up of sags / slacks and attending to misalignment /
cross level defects during train operation, providing required ramp-in and ramp-out
for safe passage of trains, including cutting trenches across track at every 30m
interval to the required final formation level complete, and fixing, marking, painting
rail level posts, tie bars at every 30m interval as directed by engineer in-charge.
Note: The item shall be only operated only when formation is required to be cut for
lowering of existing track.

Details of cost for 250 Track Metres for regrading by lowering of track (sleeper
density of 1540 sleepers/km)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.25 47.50
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) Fixing & marking of rail level posts (Tie bar at every 30 m)
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.10 61.70
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.10 51.20

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.50 218.50
(ii) Removal of ballast, cutting of top of formation and levelling as per designed
profile, potting back ballast as per designed profile and Lowering of track up to 75
mm. Considering output of 2 sleepers per man (384 sleeper in 250 TRM)

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 192.00 83,904.00

(iii) For one round Through packing ( For Through packing 15 sleeper per man)

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00

T & P (Hydraulic Jack, Crow bars, Wire claws, Ballast dolly, Rake ballast, Cross Lumpsum 9901 1.00 130.00 130.00
level etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 983.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 13,952.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 16,988.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,302.43
Cost for 250 TRM 131,545.90
Rate per TRM TRM 526.18

083030 Boxing and profiling of ballast as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of
IRPWM including cess dressing on both sides of track. The work will include
removing excess ballast from track and putting the same in crib and shoulder by
leading to a maximum of 50m including crossing of track, deweeding on ballast
section etc and as directed by Engineer-In charge.

Details of cost for 510Track Metre ( Considering output of 30 TRM per man on both
sides )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 17.00 7,429.00
T & P ( Rake iron ballast, fork, beater, Phowrah, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 85.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,209.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,472.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 112.90
Cost for 510 Track Metre 11,403.24
Rate per TRM TRM 22.36

083040 Removing, screening and salvaging ballast from track, duly digging / scarifying
ballast by beaters / wire brushes or any mechanical means, leveling and dressing
formation with specified cross slope after salvaging ballast, separating muck by
screening the salvaged ballast with contractor's 20mm size sieve, stacking of
screened ballast for measurement, disposing off muck at specified locations with all
lead & lifts as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Payment shall be made for quantity of ballast stacked after screening of
retrieved ballast from track.

Details of cost for 50 cum

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27
Cost for 50 cum 13,157.28
Rate per Cum Cum 263.15

084000 Loading & Unloading of Ballast

084010 Loading Railway's ballast, collected at yard / depot into Railway's BOB / BKH / any
other type of open wagon, using Mechanical Loader or any other method with all
lead and lifts, as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block:

Details of cost for 1400 cum (1 BOBY'N = 35 cum) considering 40 BOBY'N
(i) For loading of ballast
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
Hire Charges of Wheel loader 3.1 Cum bucket capacity 165 HP (without POL) Day 0503 4173.00 2.50 10,432.50
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 220.00 20,812.00
Lubricant and Hydraulic oil @ 10% of the cost of fuel i.e. Diesel 2,081.20
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 414.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,885.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,166.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 549.41
Cost for 1400 cum 55,490.56
Rate per Cum Cum 39.64

084020 Leading and loading Railway's Ballast collected at yard / depot into Railway's
covered wagon using any approved method with lead up to 250m & all lifts as
directed by Engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 800 cum for 20 BCN (1 BCN covered wagon = 40 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
(i) For loading of ballast(Considering 4 persons for one BCN)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 80.00 34,960.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 5.00 23,371.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 160.00 160.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 596.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,467.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,310.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 790.48
Cost for 800 cum 79,838.08
Rate per Cum Cum 99.80

084030 Leading and loading Railway's Sand collected at yard / depot into Railway's covered
wagon using any approved method with lead up to 250m & all lifts as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
Details of cost for 700 cum for 20 BCN (1 BCN covered wagon = 35 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
(i) For loading of Sand(Considering 6 persons all the time with JCB )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 3.75 17,528.25
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 284.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,036.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,914.67
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 376.79
Cost for 700 cum 38,055.96
Rate per Cum Cum 54.37

084040 Unloading of ballast from Railway's Hopper Wagons, quantity distribution as per pre-
defined site requirement, clearing infringements/jammed ballast, distributing the
unloaded ballast uniformly over the track, profiling and boxing following all prescribed
safety norms.

084041 Under Traffic Block Conditions:

Details of cost for 700 cum / 20 hoppers (1 hopper = 35 cum )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) For unloading of ballast in block and joining for profiling and boxing thereafter.

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00

(ii) For distributing unloaded ballast & clearing of track, profiling and boxing

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00

T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 125.00 125.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,127.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 234.07
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,321.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,044.38
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 310.07
Cost for 700 cum 31,316.97
Rate per Cum Cum 44.74

084042 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block:

Details of cost for 700 cum / 20 hoppers (1 hopper = 35 cum )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(i) For unloading of ballast and joining for profiling and boxing thereafter.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) For distributing unloaded ballast & clearing of track, profiling and boxing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 125.00 125.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 177.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,523.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,072.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 235.57
Cost for 700 cum 23,792.55
Rate per Cum Cum 33.99

084050 Unloading of Ballast from Railway's wagons other than Hopper wagons by opening
the doors of boxes and pulling & pushing down ballast with rake irons / phowrahs
and distributing unloaded ballast uniformly over the track as required, clearing
infringements/jammed ballast, profiling and boxing following all prescribed safety

084051 Under Traffic Block Conditions:

Details of cost for 800 cum for 20 BCN (1 BCN covered wagon = 40 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
(i) For unloading of ballast (Considering 4 persons for one BCN) and joining for
profiling and boxing after unlading
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 80.00 34,960.00
(ii) Additional labour for distributing and profiling
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 5,522.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 607.48

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,620.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,496.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 804.72
Cost for 800 cum 81,276.37
Rate per Cum Cum 101.60

084052 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block:

Details of cost for 800 cum for 20 BCN (1 BCN covered wagon = 40 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(i) For unloading of ballast (Considering 4 persons for one BCN) and joining for
profiling and boxing after unlading
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 80.00 34,960.00
(ii) Additional distributing unloaded ballast &profiling
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 497.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,055.80
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,591.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 658.66
Cost for 800 cum 66,524.94
Rate per cum Cum 83.16

084060 Unloading of sand / quarry dust during block from Railway's wagons other than
Hopper wagons by opening the doors of boxes and pulling & pushing down sand
with rake irons / phowrahs taking out jammed sand and distributing unloaded sand
uniformly over the track.
Details of cost for 700 cum for 20 BCN (1 BCN covered wagon = 35 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(i) For unloading of sand (Considering 3 persons for one BCN)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 60.00 26,220.00
(ii) For distributing unloaded sand & clearing of track
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 185.00 185.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 4,529.70
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 498.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 7,070.66

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,609.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 660.05
Cost for 700 cum 66,665.02
Rate per cum Cum 95.24

085000 Supply of Ballast

085010 Manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine crushed Track Ballast conforming to
RDSO Specification (IRS-GE-1) with latest correction slips at Railway depot or
nominated location.
Note: Distance of nearest quarry mentioned in each sub-item is only for the purpose
of selecting the items for preparation of estimates/tender schedule, based on the
minimum distance between nearest quarry and centre of supply points and will not
affect the selection of quarry during physical supply in any way till prescribed
specification is met fully.

085011 When distance of nearest quarry is up to 10 km

Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 5 km. Quantity = 100 x 5 = 500 cum.Km. Rate as
per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 7.91 500 3,952.53
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 621.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 8,821.32
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,740.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 823.47
Cost for 100 Cum 83,170.93
Rate per Cum Cum 831.71

085012 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 10 km and up to 20 km

Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 15 km. Quantity = 100 x 15 = 1500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 5.76 1500 8,639.18
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 668.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 9,486.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,550.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 885.56
Cost for 100 Cum 89,441.38
Rate per Cum Cum 894.41

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
085013 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 20 km and up to 30 km
Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 25 km. Quantity = 100 x 25 = 2500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 5.50 2500 13,760.83
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 719.72
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 10,213.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,435.71
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 953.40
Cost for 100 Cum 96,293.82
Rate per Cum Cum 962.94

085014 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 30 km and up to 40 km

Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 35 km. Quantity = 100 x 35 = 3500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 4.70 3500 16,435.24
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 746.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 10,592.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,897.81
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 988.83
Cost for 100 Cum 99,872.02
Rate per Cum Cum 998.72

085015 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 40 km and up to 50 km

Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 45 km. Quantity = 100 x 45 = 4500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 4.43 4500 19,954.32
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 781.65

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 11,092.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 13,505.85
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,035.45
Cost for 100 Cum 104,580.33
Rate per Cum Cum 1,045.80

085016 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 50 km and up to 100 km

Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 75 km. Quantity = 100 x 75 = 7500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 3.99 7500 29,909.04
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 881.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 12,504.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,225.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,167.32
Cost for 100 Cum 117,899.12
Rate per Cum Cum 1,178.99

085017 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 100 km and up to 150 km
Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 125 km. Quantity = 100 x 125 = 12500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 3.82 12500 47,733.99
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,059.45
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 15,034.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 18,305.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,403.44
Cost for 100 Cum 141,747.79
Rate per Cum Cum 1,417.48

085018 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 150 km and up to 200 km
Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 8: Deep Screening and Ballast Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Considering average distance of 175 km. Quantity = 100 x 175 = 17500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 3.79 17500 66,349.02
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,245.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 17,675.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 21,522.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,650.04
Cost for 100 Cum 166,653.54
Rate per Cum Cum 1,666.54

085019 When distance of nearest quarry is more than 200 km and up to 250 km
Details of Ballast for 100Cum
Production cost of Track Ballast in quarry including loading in truck Cum 0209 569.00 100.00 56,900.00
Considering average distance of 225 km. Quantity = 100 x 225 = 22500 cum.Km
Rate as per Working Sheet " Tr. Ballast"
Cost of transportation for 100 Cum Cum/km 3.78 22500 84,964.05
For stacking
Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,431.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 20,317.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 24,738.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,896.63
Cost for 100 Cum 191,559.29
Rate per Cum Cum 1,915.59

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

CHAPTER - 9 : Welding Activities

(Note: Items of this chapter shall be executed only through special tender)
Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
091000 Supply of Alumino Thermic Welding Portions
091010 Manufacturing and Supply of Alumino thermic welding portions of 52Kg/60 Kg/60EI-
R260 as approved by RDSO for welding of rails 52Kg/60Kg/60EI-R260 kg for 25mm
gap by the process of AT welding along with complete accessories confirming to the
specification laid down in Indian Railway Standard specification No.IRST-19-2020 up
to date correction slips with Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping
Thimble, 3 pieces pre fabricated mould (Zircon washed) manually pressed using
compressed air petrol/LPG pre heating for execution of welding of rail joint as
directed by the engineer in charge at site.
1. The accessories along with welding portion shall be supplied as per Annexure-I of
the IRUSSOR - 2021.
2. Rate is inclusive of transportation of above to SSE/P.Way stores.

091011 For 60Kg 90 UTS Rails

Details of cost for 10 portions
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0415 1610.00 10.00 16,100.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,262.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,754.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 211.16
Cost for 10 portion 21,327.52
Rate per portion Each 2,132.75

091012 For 52Kg 90 UTS Rails

Details of cost for 10 portions
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0416 1574.00 10.00 15,740.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 52 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,211.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,692.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 206.44
Cost for 10 portion 20,850.63
Rate per portion Each 2,085.06

091013 For 60Kg/60EI- R260 rails

Details of cost for 10 portion
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0417 1574.00 10.00 15,740.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/60EI-R260
grade Rail-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,211.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,692.72

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 206.44
Cost for 10 portion 20,850.63
Rate per portion Each 2,085.06

092000 Alumino Thermic Welding Works

092010 25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block and finishing of weld to meet the
prescribed tolerances and pass all stipulated tests with all required labour, materials,
consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the work in all respect as per IR's
"Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest
correction slips, including marking of welded joint, painting weld collar with
anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near weld joint to original position and fixing
of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be removed after passing of weld in USFD test
as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency
certificate using RDSO approved Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece
prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manually pressed, Single shot crucible
fitted with auto tapping thimble and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG preheating
technique as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 with latest amendment.
2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.
3. Only required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest
P. Way Stores and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way Store or at other
location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track. All other
items required shall be supplied by the Contractor.

092011 For 60 Kg - 90 UTS Rail

Details of cost for 5 Joints
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0415 1610.00 5.00 8,050.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,386.03
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 152.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,163.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,634.35

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 201.97
Cost of 5 joints 20,398.64
Rate per joint Each 4,079.73

092012 For 60 Kg/60EI - R260 grade Rail

Details of cost for 5 Joints
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0417 1574.00 5.00 7,870.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/60EI-R260
grade Rail-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,368.03
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 150.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,135.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,600.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 199.34
Cost for 5 joints 20,133.73
Rate per joint Each 4,026.75

092013 For 52 Kg - 90/72 UTS Rail

Details of cost for 5 Joints
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0416 1574.00 5.00 7,870.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 52 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,368.03
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 150.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,135.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,600.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 199.34
Cost for 5 Joints 20,133.73
Rate per joint Each 4,026.75

092014 For 90R Rail

Rate same as 52 Kg rail
Rate per joint Each 092013 4,026.75

092020 25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block using Railway's welding portion and
finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances and pass all stipulated tests with
all required labour, materials, consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the
work in all respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino -
Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including marking of welded joint,
painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near weld joint to
original position and fixing of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be removed after
passing of weld in USFD test as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Welding portion and related accessories as per Annexure - I shall be supplied by
Railways. All other items required shall be supplied by the Contractor.
2. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency
3. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.
4. Required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest P.
Way Stores and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way Store or at other
location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track.

092021 For 60 Kg Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping Thimble , 3 pieces
Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG pre heating technique

Details of cost for 5 Joints

Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.13 13.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 586.33
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 64.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 915.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,114.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 85.44
Cost for 5 Joints 8,629.20
Rate per joint Each 1,725.84

092022 For 60 Kg/60EI-R260 grade Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping
Thimble Technology, 3 pieces Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air Petrol
heating technique.
Details of cost for 5 Joints
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.13 13.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 542.63
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 847.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,031.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 79.07
Cost for 5 Joints 7,986.06
Rate per joint Each 1,597.21

092023 For 52 Kg - 90 UTS or 52 Kg 72UTS Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic
Tapping Thimble Technology, 3 pieces Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air
Petrol heating technique.
Details of cost for 5 Joints
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.13 13.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 542.63
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 847.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,031.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 79.07
Cost for 5 Joints 7,986.06
Rate per joint Each 1,597.21

092024 For 90R Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping Thimble
Technology, 3 pieces Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air Petrol heating
Rate same as 52 Kg rail
Rate per joint Each 092023 1,597.21

092030 25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block using Railway's welding portion &
Welder and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances and pass all
stipulated tests with all required labour, materials, consumables, tools, equipments
etc. to complete the work in all respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of
Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including marking of
welded joint, painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near
weld joint to original position and fixing of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be
removed after passing of weld in USFD test as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Only welding portion and related accessories as per Annexure - I and Welder
shall be supplied by Railways.
2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.
3. Required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest P.
Way Stores and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way Store or at other
location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track.

Details of cost for 5 Joints

Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 9.00 945.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.25 20.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.13 13.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.20 100.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.20 20.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.1 480.93
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 750.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 914.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.08
Cost for 5 Joints 7,078.00
Rate per joint Each 1,415.60

092040 25mm gap Cess Welding and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances
and pass all stipulated tests with Contractor's labour, materials, consumables, tools,
equipments etc. to complete the work in all respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion
Welding of Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including
all required handling and rehandling of rails, marking of welded joint, painting weld
collar with anticorrosive paint, as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency
certificate using RDSO approved Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece
prefabricated mould (Zircon washed) manually pressed, Single shot crucible fitted
with auto tapping thimble and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG preheating technique as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 with latest amendment.
2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.

092041 For 60 Kg - 90 UTS Rail

Details of cost for 10 Joints
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0415 1610.00 10.00 16,100.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 232.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,305.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,024.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 308.58
Cost for 10 Joints 31,166.32
Rate per Joint Each 3,116.63

092042 For 60 Kg/60EI - R260 grade Rail

Details of cost for 10 Joints
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0417 1574.00 10.00 15,740.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 60 Kg/60EI-R260
grade Rail-25mm gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 230.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,264.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,974.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 304.75
Cost for 10 Joints 30,779.66
Rate per Joint Each 3,077.97

092043 For 52 Kg - 90/72 UTS Rail

Details of cost for 10 Joints
Supply of Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON Each 0416 1574.00 10.00 15,740.00
WASHED) manully pressed, Single shot cricible fitted with auto tapping thimble as
per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 and as amended for 52 Kg/90UTS-25mm
gap with accessories as per Annexure -I of IRUSSOR - 2021.

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 230.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,264.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,974.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 304.75
Cost for 10 Joints 30,779.66
Rate per Joint Each 3,077.97

092044 For 90R Rail

Rate same as 52 Kg rail as per item no 092043.
Rate per Joint Each 092043 3,077.97

092050 25mm gap Cess Welding with Railway's welding portion and finishing of weld to
meet the prescribed tolerances and pass all stipulated tests with Contractor's labour,
materials, consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the work in all respect
as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with
latest correction slips, including all required handling and rehandling of rails, marking
of welded joint, painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, as directed by Engineer
in charge.
1. Only welding portion and related accessories as per Annexure - I shall be
supplied by Railways.
2. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency
3. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing.

092051 For 60 Kg Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping Thimble, 3 pieces
Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG pre heating technique

Details of cost for 10 Joints

Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.25 25.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,034.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,259.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.57
Cost for 10 Joints 9,753.97
Rate per Joint Each 975.40

092052 For 60 Kg/60EI-R260 grade Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping
Thimble, 3 pieces Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG pre
heating technique.
Details of cost for 10 Joints
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.25 25.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,034.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,259.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.57
Cost for 10 Joints 9,753.97
Rate per Joint Each 975.40

092053 For 52 Kg - 90 UTS or 52 Kg-72 UTS Rail, Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic
Tapping Thimble Technology, 3 pieces Mould (Zircon washed) and Compressed Air
Petrol heating technique.
Details of cost for 10 Joints
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 18.00 1,890.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.50 140.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 0.50 40.00

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.10 19.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.10 3.30
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.25 25.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Chipper (Skilled) Day 0030 617.00 1.00 617.00
Luter (Skilled) Day 0031 617.00 1.00 617.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Weld Trimmer Machine Day 0149 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 0.50 250.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 0.50 50.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,034.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,259.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.57
Cost for 10 Joints 9,753.97
Rate per Joint Each 975.40

093000 Flash Butt Welding Works

093010 Flash Butt Welding of 90 UTS rails and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed
tolerances and pass all stipulated tests, conforming to IR’s Manual for Flash Butt
Welding of Rails with latest amendment, using contractor’s self-propelled rail cum
road / Mobile FBW Plants, tools, equipments and consumables. Item also includes
painting with anticorrosive paint as approved and marking of welded joints, pre-
straightening & post-straightening of panels and USFD testing of finished weld as
directed by Engineer in-charge.

093011 52 Kg on Cess
Details of cost for 40 welds
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 2.50 1,225.00
Anti-corrosive Paint as per RDSO's Specn. No. M&C/PCN/123/2012 Litre 0303 280.00 2.00 560.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 3.00 45.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 200.00 18,920.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
(a) For welding
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Hammer man (Semi-skilled) Day 0032 512.00 1.00 512.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Track Machine Maintainer (Semi skilled) Day 0042 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(b) For USFD testing
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire Charges for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant Day 0124 55000.00 1.00 55,000.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Road Cum Rail vehicle for transporting Flash Butt Welding plant Day 0123 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Crane 10T capacity Day 0088 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
LS for Training charges at LKO Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 997.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,153.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,232.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,321.19
Cost for 40 welds 133,440.55
Rate per weld Each 3,336.01

093012 60 Kg on Cess
Details of cost for 35 welds
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 2.50 1,225.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 2.00 160.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 3.00 45.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 150.00 14,190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 5.00 500.00
(a) For welding
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Track Machine Maintainer (Semi skilled) Day 0042 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(b) For USFD testing
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire Charges for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant Day 0124 55000.00 1.00 55,000.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Hire charges of Road Cum Rail vehicle for transporting Flash Butt Welding plant Day 0123 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Hire charges of Crane 10T capacity Day 0088 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
LS for Training charges at LKO Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 939.77
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 13,335.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 16,237.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,244.90
Cost for 35 welds 125,735.37
Rate per weld Each 3,592.44

093013 52 Kg 'in-situ' under traffic block

Details of cost for 30 welds
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 2.00 980.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 1.50 120.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 2.00 30.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 125.00 11,825.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.50 60.00
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 5.00 500.00
(a) For welding
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Track Machine Maintainer (Semi skilled) Day 0042 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(b) For USFD testing
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 0.50 750.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.50 218.50
Hire Charges for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant Day 0124 55000.00 1.00 55,000.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
LS for Training charges at LKO Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 7,929.65
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 872.26
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,377.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,071.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,155.48
Cost for 30 welds 116,703.15
Rate per weld Each 3,890.11

093014 60 Kg 'in-situ' under traffic block

Details of cost for 25 welds
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 2.00 980.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 1.50 120.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 4.00 60.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 100.00 9,460.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.50 60.00
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 5.00 500.00
(a) For welding
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Track Machine Maintainer (Semi skilled) Day 0042 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.00 0.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(b) For USFD testing
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 0.50 750.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.50 218.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 9: Welding Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire Charges for Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant Day 0124 55000.00 1.00 55,000.00
Hire charges of Rail Profile Weld Grinder Day 0148 100.00 1.00 100.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Misc :
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
LS for Training charges at LKO Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 7,670.45
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 843.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,973.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,578.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,117.71
Cost for 25 welds 112,888.42
Rate per weld Each 4,515.54

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

CHAPTER - 10 : Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
101000 Built-Up Crossing
101010 In-situ re-conditioning of worn out 1:8½ built-up / fabricated crossing on all types of
rail sections under traffic by RDSO approved agency, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by
engineer in-charge.
Note : One obtuse crossing shall be considered equivalent to two nos. of 1:8½
crossing for payment.

101011 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (40 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 120.00 9,180.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 147.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,096.60
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,552.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 195.72
Cost for 3 crossings 19,767.63
Rate per crossing Each 6,589.21

101012 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (40 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 120.00 9,375.60
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 149.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,124.36

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,586.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 198.31
Cost for 3 crossings 20,029.33
Rate per crossing Each 6,676.44

101020 In-situ reconditioning of worn out 1:12 or flatter built-up / fabricated crossing on all
types of rail sections under traffic condition by RDSO approved agency, as
prescribed in ‘IR's Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO
approved electrodes and suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance
limit, as directed by engineer in-charge :

101021 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (50 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 150.00 11,475.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 172.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,442.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,973.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 228.00
Cost for 3 crossings 23,028.05
Rate per crossing Each 7,676.02

101022 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (50 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 150.00 11,719.50
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 174.56

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,477.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,016.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 231.24
Cost for 3 crossings 23,355.17
Rate per crossing Each 7,785.06

102000 CMS Crossing

102010 Reconditioning of worn-out 1:8½ CMS (Cast Manganese Steel) crossing on all types
of rail sections on Cess or Depot by RDSO approved agency, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by
engineer in-charge.
Note: One obtuse crossing shall be considered equivalent to two nos. of 1:8½
crossing for payment.

102011 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (50 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 150.00 11,475.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70
T & P (Cooling tub, etc.,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 175.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,487.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,028.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 232.17
Cost for 3 crossings 23,449.63
Rate per crossing Each 7,816.54

102012 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (50 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 150.00 11,719.50
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Cooling tub, etc.,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 177.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,521.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,070.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 235.41
Cost for 3 crossings 23,776.76
Rate per crossing Each 7,925.59

102020 Reconditioning of worn out 1:12 or flatter CMS (Cast Manganese Steel) crossing on
all types of rail sections on Cess or Depot, as prescribed in ‘IR's Reconditioning of
Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and suppliers, finishing
& grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by engineer in-charge.

102021 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (60 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 180.00 13,770.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
T & P (Cooling tub, etc.,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 204.01
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,894.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,524.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 270.24
Cost for 3 crossings 27,294.73
Rate per crossing Each 9,098.24

102022 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 3 crossings (60 nos. electrodes are required for each crossing)
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 180.00 14,063.40
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Cooling tub, etc.,) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 206.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,936.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,575.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 274.13
Cost for 3 crossings 27,687.28
Rate per crossing Each 9,229.09

102030 In-situ reconditioning of worn-out CMS (Cast Manganese Steel) crossings of all types
as per reconditioning manual and "Work Procedure for In-Situ Reconditioning of
CMS Crossing using Robotic Welding Machine" of RDSO through approved agency,
finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by engineer in-
(1) One obtuse crossing shall be considered equivalent to two nos. of crossing for
(2) Reconditioned crossing shall have Guaranteed service life of minimum 80 GMT.
In case of pre-mature reconditioning, it shall be done by the contractor free of cost.

Details of cost for 1 crossing (6.5 Kg of 1.6mm dia core flux wire required for each
1.6mm dia core flux wire of cast manganese steel Kg 0425 916.00 6.50 5,954.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 0.25 912.35
Hire charges of translamatic robotic welding machine Day 0131 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 1000.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 178.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,531.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,082.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 236.36
Cost for 1 crossing 23,871.95
Rate per crossing Each 23,871.95

103000 Switches / Tongue Rails

103010 In-situ reconditioning of worn out 1:8½ tongue rail (only one tongue rail along with
connected stock rail) of all rail sections under traffic, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, with all contractor's
own power T&P, men and materials including crossing the track, lead lift and as
directed by engineer in-charge.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
103011 Using H3B electrodes
Details of cost for 12 Tongue rail (18 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 216.00 16,524.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 221.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,138.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,821.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 293.00
Cost for 12 Tongue Rails 29,593.44
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,466.12

103012 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 12 Tongue rail (18 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 216.00 16,876.08
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 4.50 425.70
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 224.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,188.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,882.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 297.67
Cost for 12 Tongue Rails 30,064.50
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,505.38

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
103020 In-situ reconditioning of worn out 1:12 or flatter tongue rail (only one tongue rail along
with connected stock rail) of all rail sections under traffic, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by
engineer in-charge :

103021 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 10 Tongue rail (20 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 200.00 15,300.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,103.66
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 231.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,283.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,998.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 306.54
Cost for 10 Tongue Rails 30,960.23
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 3,096.02

103022 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 10 Tongue rail (20 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 200.00 15,626.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 6.00 567.60
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,136.26
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 234.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,334.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,060.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 311.29
Cost for 10 Tongue Rails 31,440.01
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 3,144.00

103030 Reconditioning of worn out 1:8½ tongue rail (only one tongue rail along with
connected stock rail) of all rail sections on Cess or Depot, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by
engineer in-charge.

103031 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 16 Tongue rail (16 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 256.00 19,584.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 276.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,926.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,781.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 366.55
Cost for 16 Tongue Rails 37,021.27
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,313.83

103032 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 16 Tongue rail (16 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 256.00 20,001.28
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 280.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,985.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,853.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 372.07
Cost for 16 Tongue Rails 37,579.56
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,348.72

103040 Reconditioning of worn out 1:12 or flatter tongue rail (only one tongue rail along with
connected stock rail) of all rail sections on Cess or Depot, as prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ with RDSO approved electrodes and
suppliers, finishing & grinding within permissible tolerance limit, as directed by
engineer in-charge.

103041 Using H3B electrodes

Details of cost for 14 Tongue rail (18 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 252.00 19,278.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 273.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,883.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,728.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 362.49
Cost for 14 Tongue Rails 36,611.86
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,615.13

103042 Using H3C electrodes

Details of cost for 14 Tongue rail (18 nos. electrodes are required for each Tongue
H3 C Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0422 78.13 252.00 19,688.76
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Grinding Machine for 150 mm dia wheel Day 0146 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 277.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,941.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,799.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 367.93
Cost for 14 Tongue Rails 37,161.43
Rate per Tongue Rail Each 2,654.39

104000 SEJ, Weld and Rail

104010 Re-conditioning of worn out all types of SEJs of all rail sections to the standard
profile by using H3B electrodes as per RDSO drawing and prescribed in ‘IR's
Reconditioning of Points & Crossings Manual’ including grinding to finished
tolerances etc. complete.
Note: Two stock rails + Two tongue rails will constitute one set of SEJ.

104011 On Cess condition

Details of cost for 4 set SEJ (60 nos. electrodes are required for each SEJ)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 240.00 18,360.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 272.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,862.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,703.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 360.59
Cost for 4 set SEJ 36,419.20
Rate per set Set 9,104.80

104012 In-situ under traffic condition

Details of cost for 3 set SEJ (64 nos. electrodes are required for each SEJ)
H3 B Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0423 76.50 192.00 14,688.00
Grinding Stone wheel GQ6 of 150mm dia Nos. 0457 490.00 1.00 490.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 2.00 1,000.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,172.54
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 238.98
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,391.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,129.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 316.57
Cost for 3 set SEJ 31,973.95
Rate per set Set 10,657.98

104020 Re-conditioning of cupped welded joints 'in-situ' by using CP-3032 powder under
traffic conditions as per RDSO’s guidelines for ‘IR's Reconditioning Of Scabs, Wheel
Burns of Rail And Cupped AT Welded Joint’

Details of cost for 30 Welds

CP-3032 Powder for reconditioning of scabs, wheel burns of rails and cupped AT Kg 0420 1550.00 8.00 12,400.00
welded joints
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 148.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,107.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,566.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.76
Cost for 30 welds 19,872.39
Rate per weld Each 662.41

104030 Repairs/Reconditioning of scabbed rails & wheel burns on tongue rails / running
rails/stock rails etc in situ using Micro flow thermal spray technology by using CP –
3032 powder as approved and as per RDSO / LKO and as per specifications with all
Contractor’s material, labour, tools, powder, equipment and consumable, with all
lead and lift complete and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge at site.
Note: Inventory of scabs/wheel burn area should be prepared duly test checked at
ADEN level before starting of the work.

Details of cost for 1000 Sq cm

CP-3032 Powder for reconditioning of scabs, wheel burns of rails and cupped AT Kg 0420 1550.00 8.00 12,400.00
welded joints
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 10: Reconditioning of Points and Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 148.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,107.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,566.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.76
Cost for 1000 19,872.39
Rate per Sq cm 19.87

104040 In-situ reconditioning of MCI insert of points & crossings sleeper by reclaiming the
worn-out portion to the desired height, grinding of the finished profile for regaining
the toe load lost. The reconditioning to be done by using TERRA C I-94 - Electrodes
of make L & T, Advani Oerlicon, Diffusion, SHARP - 650, or equivalent approved by
RDSO for reconditioning of Cast iron alloys. removing and refixing the required
fittings for reconditioning in traffic condition. The cost includes all labour, lead lift,
transportation of men and material, cost of consumables, hiring of machinery
required etc, complete and as directed by the Engineer-in -charge.

Cost Considering for 70 Nos for reconditioning of inserts in one day

Each 4 electrodes will do 5 insert reconditioning
TERRA C I-94 - Electrodes of make L & T, AdvaniOerlicon, Diffusion, SHARP - 650, Each 0421 175.00 56.00 9,800.00
or equivalent for reconditioning of MCI insert of points & crossings sleeper

Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Grinderman (Skilled) Day 0028 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Welding plant misc tools) and grinding blades etc Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20 20.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 9.00 851.40
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 138.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,966.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,393.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 183.53
Cost for 70 inserts 18,536.32
Rate per insert Each 264.80

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

CHAPTER - 11 : Formation Rehabilitation

(Items only for Rehabilitation of poor formation of running line )
Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
111000 Rehabilitation of weak formation by Replacement of Weak Soil
111010 Rehabilitation of existing week formation by replacing top layers of existing formation
only with mechanically manufactured blanketing material of specified formation width
and thickness under traffic/power block or without traffic block by blocking the line
for longer period by diverting the traffic or otherwise. The item includes all things
necessary to complete the work, all in accordance with the latest applicable
specifications, guidelines, manuals instructions and includes, more particularly, and
without in any way limiting the generality of liability to complete the work in all respect
e.g. (i) dismantling/lifting of track panel by crane, (ii) scooping of ballast from track,
screening & stacking along track (iii) removal of top layers of existing formation up to
550 mm (iv) spreading of blanketing material in layers not exceeding in 30 cm in
thickness in loose conditions, leveling by motor grader & compacting by vibro roller of
required capacity up to specified degree of compaction to achieve a compacted
blanket thickness of 550 mm & finishing to correct profile.

(v) placing 4m width of Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally

bonded type Geo-textile with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test
and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively (vi) spreading
new/screened ballast layer of 200mm uniform thickness over it and compaction by
rollers (vii) linking of track panels with Crane and connecting at both ends, initial
packing and leveling (viii) screening of scooped ballast, stacking and using the same
at the same location or adjacent location along with additional ballast to provide
specified cushion and profile (ix) disposal of waste material at nominated place (x)
all pre and post attention during required nos. of machine tamping (xi) removal of
service rails with rail panel and distressing of track after final packing & surfacing and
all other incidental works required to complete the work in all respect.

1. Net quantity of blanketing material considered under this item as 4.455 cum per
TRM as per assumed teoretical profile of 7.0m formation width and 0.55m depth
(excluding extra quantity required for compaction) . If the net quantity required as per
approved designed cross section is different, extra payment or deduction shall be
made as per relevant item.
2. Minimum number of Machineries and plants to be available at site in working
order is as under:
(i) Crawler Crane 20 MT - 2 nos.
(ii) Crawler mounted Hydraulic Excavator 0.92 cum bucket capacity - 4 nos.
(iii) Motor Grader 3.71 m Blade - 1 no.
(iv) Tandem Vibratory roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity - 2 nos.
(v) Water Tanker 5 to 6 KL Capacity - 1 no.

111011 Under Traffic Block

This is a long duration work and captive machines are to be available at site for
working during planned blocks, analysis is done for the out put with a fleet of
machines and manpower for a month i.e. 30 days.
Considering 20 blocks of 4 hrs duration each per month and catering 7 service rail
panels of 12.5m each, total output per month = 20 x 7 x 12.5 = 1750m for fleet of
machinery as under:
(i) Crane 20 MT - 2 nos.
(ii) Hydraulic Excavator 0.92 cum bucket capacity - 4 nos.
(iii) Motor Grader - 1 no.
(iv) Vibratory Compacter - 2 nos.
Cost shall be based on monthly charges of equipments without POL and cost of POL
during working hours of block period i.e. 4 hours for excavator, 2 hours for crane, 2
hours for grader and 2 hours for roller for each block.

SOR Items:

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mechanical manufacturing and supply of blanketing material by using only hard and Cum 012050 1202.22 10511.00 12,636,556.11 X
durable stone crushed in mechanical crusher to different gradations, wet mixing of
the same in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform
gradation as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest
correction slips including transportation to nominated place and stacking as per item
no. 012050.
Quantity: 7m x 0.55m x 1750m + 2 x 0.5 x 0.55 x 1750 + 1750m x 2 x 0.5 x 0.55m x
1.1m = 8758.75 cum
Loose quantity required = 1.20 x 8758.75 = 10510.5 Cum Say 10511 Cum

Considering screened quantity of existing ballast will be 50% i.e. about 1.25
cum/track metre and cost of screening, stacking and putting into track is the same
as taking out ballast from track, screening and stacking.

Screening of track ballast taken out and again putting back into track & profiling Cum 083040 263.15 2187.50 575,630.95 X
Through rail renewal with panel TRM 061031 39.36 1750.00 68,884.17 X
Destressing of Track TRM 135012 46.13 1750.00 80,735.84 X
Machinery & fuel:
Cost of machinery shall be in two parts i.e. (1) Hire Charges without POL for 30 days
and (2) fuel and Lubricant Charges during running :
(A) Crane @ 2 hour per block = 2 x 20 x 2 x 8 = 640 litres
(B) Excavator @ 4 hours per block = 4 x 20 x 4 x 9.2 = 2944 litres
(C) Grader @ 2 Hour per block = 1 x 20 x 2 x 22 = 880 litres
(D) Roller @ 2 Hour per block = 2 x 20 x 2 x 8 = 640 litres
Total Diesel Consumption = 5104 litres

(A) Crane
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity Day 0091 8000.00 1.00 8,000.00
HSD @ 8.0 litre per hour for 8 hours = 64 litres per day. Cost of diesel to be reduced
to workout hire charges without POL per day
Cost of Diesel Litre 0179 94.60 64.00 -6,054.40
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity without POL Day 1,945.60 A
(B) Excavator
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 1.00 10,213.40
HSD @ 9.2 litre per hour for 8 hours = 73.60 litres per day. Cost of diesel to be
reduced to workout hire charges without POL per day
Cost of Diesel consumption per day Litre 0179 94.60 73.60 -6,962.56
Hire charges of Hydraulic Excavator (0.9 Cum Bucket Capacity) without POL Day 3,250.84 B
(C) Motor Grader
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 1.00 18,031.80
HSD @ 22 litre per hour. Cost of diesel to be reduced to workout hire charges
without POL per day
Cost of Diesel per day Litre 0179 94.60 176.00 -16,649.60
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.71 metre blade) without POL per day Day 1,382.20 C
(D) Vibratory Roller:
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
HSD @ 8.0 litre per hour. Cost of diesel to be reduced to workout hire charges
without POL per hour
Cost of Diesel Litre 0179 94.60 8.00 -756.80
Hire charges of Vibratory roller without POL per Hour Hour 243.20
Hire charges of Vibratory roller without POL per Day Day 1,945.60 D
(E) Water Tanker
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 1.00 150.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity per day Day 1,200.00 E
Total Cost of machinery per month without POL = ( 2A + 4B + 1C +2D+E)X30 701,038.80
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 5104.00 482,838.40
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 40.00 24,680.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 20.00 10,240.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 20.00 10,240.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 600.00 262,200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile Sqm 0176 170.00 7000.00 1,190,000.00 P
for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal
Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively.

Add 10 % of P for wastage and accessories for joining elements, overlap, 0.10 119,000.00
transportation etc.
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10000.00 10,000.00
Total without Blanketing Material 2,827,717.20
Add for working under traffic block @ 15% Lumpsum 9993 0.15 424,157.58
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 32,518.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 461,457.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 561,877.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 43,077.28
Cost for 1750 m without items marked as "X" 4,350,805.73
Total cost for 1750 m 17,712,612.80
Rate per track metre TRM 10,121.49

111012 Not requiring Traffic Block by diverting traffic on diversion or blocking the line for
longer duration till completion of rehabilitation work.
Note: Cost of diversion, if any, is not included in this item.

This is a long duration work and captive machines are to be available at site for
working during planned blocks, analysis is done for the out put with a fleet of
machines and manpower for a month i.e. 30 days.
Considering 20 blocks of 4 hrs duration each per month and catering 7 service rail
panels of 12.5m each, total output per month = 20 x 7 x 12.5 = 1750m for fleet of
machinery as under:
(i) Crane 20 MT - 2 nos.
(ii) Hydraulic Excavator 0.92 cum bucket capacity - 4 nos.
(iii) Motor Grader - 1 no.
(iv) Vibratory Compacter - 2 nos.
Cost shall be based on monthly charges of equipments without POL and cost of POL
during working hours of block period i.e. 4 hours for excavator, 2 hours for crane, 2
hours for grader and 2 hours for roller for each block.

SOR Items:
Mechanical manufacturing and supply of blanketing material by using only hard and Cum 012050 1202.22 31231.00 37,546,597.27 X
durable stone crushed in mechanical crusher to different gradations, wet mixing of
the same in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform
gradation as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest
correction slips including transportation to nominated place and stacking as per item
no. 012050.
Quantity: 7m x 0.55m x 5200m + 2 x 0.5 x 0.55 x 5200m + 5200m x 2 x 0.5 x 0.55m
x 1.1m = 26026.00 cum
Loose quantity required = 1.20 x 26026 = 31231.20 Cum Say 31231 Cum

Considering screened quantity of existing ballast will be 50% i.e. about 1.25
cum/track metre and cost of screening, stacking and putting into track is the same
as taking out ballast from track, screening and stacking.
Screening of track ballast taken out and again putting back into track & profiling Cum 083040 263.15 6500.00 1,710,446.26 X

Through rail renewal with panel TRM 061031 39.36 5200.00 204,684.39 X
Destressing of Track TRM 135012 46.13 5200.00 239,900.78 X
Machinery & fuel:

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost of machinery shall be in two parts i.e. (1) Hire Charges without POL for 30 days
and (2) fuel and Lubricant Charges during running for 26 days :
(A) Crane @ 4 hour per working days = 2 x 26 x 4 x 8 = 1664 litres
(B) Excavator @ 6 hours per working days = 4 x 26 x 6 x 9.2 = 5741 litres
(C) Grader @ 4 Hour per woorking days = 1 x 26 x 4 x 22 = 2288 litres
(D) Roller @ 4 Hour per working days = 2 x 26 x 4 x 8 = 1664 litres
Total Diesel Consumption = 11357 litres

(A) Crane
Hire charges of Electronic Toe load measuring device Day 0091 8,000.00 1.00 8,000.00
HSD @ 8.0 litre per hour for 8 hours = 64 litres per day. Cost of diesel to be reduced
to workout hire charges without POL per day
Cost of Diesel Litre 0179 94.60 64.00 -6,054.40
Hiring charges of Crane 20 MT capacity without POL Day 1,945.60 A
(B) Excavator
Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 1.00 10,213.40
HSD @ 9.2 litre per hour for 8 hours = 73.60 litres per day. Cost of diesel to be
reduced to workout hire charges without POL per day
Cost of Diesel consumption per day Litre 0179 94.60 73.60 -6,962.56
Hire charges of Hydraulic Excavator (0.9 Cum Bucket Capacity) without POL Day 3,250.84 B
(C) Motor Grader
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.67 metre blade) Day 0504 18031.80 1.00 18,031.80
HSD @ 22 litre per hour. Cost of diesel to be reduced to workout hire charges
without POL per day
Cost of Diesel per day Litre 0179 94.60 176.00 -16,649.60
Hire charges of Motor grader (3.71 metre blade) without POL per day Day 1,382.20 C
(D) Vibratory Roller:
Hire Charges of Vibratory roller 8 to 10 tonne Hour 0056 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
HSD @ 8.0 litre per hour. Cost of diesel to be reduced to workout hire charges
without POL per hour
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 8.00 -756.80
Hire charges of Vibratory roller without POL per Hour Hour 243.20
Hire charges of Vibratory roller without POL per Day Day 1,945.60 D
(E) Water Tanker
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity Hour 0055 150.00 1.00 150.00
Hire charges of Water tanker 5 to 6 KL capacity per day Day 1,200.00 E
Total Cost of machinery per month without POL = ( 2A + 4B + 1C +2D+E)X30 701,038.80
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 11357.00 1,074,372.20
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 52.00 32,084.00
Blacksmith - 2nd Class (Semi-skilled) Day 0009 512.00 26.00 13,312.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 26.00 13,312.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 780.00 340,860.00
Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile Sqm 0176 170.00 21000.00 3,570,000.00 P
for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal
Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively.

Add 10 % of P for wastage and accessories for joining elements, overlap, 0.10 357,000.00
transportation etc.
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20000.00 20,000.00
Total without SOR Items marked as "X" 6,121,979.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 61,219.79

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 868,739.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,057,790.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 81,097.29
Cost for 5200 m without items marked as "X" 8,190,826.24
Total cost for 5200 m 47,892,454.95
Rate per track metre TRM 9,210.09

111020 Extra/Deduction in the rate of item nos. 111011 & 111012 for increase / decrease in
net compacted quantity of blanketing material required as per approved designed
cross section over net compacted quantity of 4.455 cum per TRM considered in
above items, for theoretical profile of 7.0m formation width and 0.55m depth
(excluding extra quantity required for compaction).

111021 Extra for increase in compacted quantity

Rate of supply of blanketing material in loose stage as per item no. 012050
considering 1.20 cum loose stage produce 1.0 cum compact blanketing material.

Rate per cum per TRM Cum 012050 1,202.22 1.20 1442.67

111022 Deduction for decrease in compacted quantity

Rate of supply of blanketing material in loose stage as per item no. 012050
considering 1.20 cum loose stage produce 1.0 cum compact blanketing material.

Rate per cum per TRM Cum 012050 1,202.22 1.20 -1442.67

111030 Extra/Deduction in the rate of item nos. 111011 & 111012 for increase / decrease in
area of Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type
Geo-textile required as per approved design over net quantity of 4.0 Sqm per TRM
considered in above items.

111031 Extra for increase in area

Rate as per item no. 013092 Sqm 013092 268.56 1.00 268.56
Rate per Sqm per TRM Sqm 268.56

111032 Deduction for decrease in area

Rate as per item no. 013092 Sqm 013092 268.56 -1.00 -268.56
Rate per Sqm per TRM Sqm -268.56

112000 Soil Testing

112010 Slope stability calculation and design for Railways Embankment / Cutting more than
6 meters height based on soil materials & parameters as per RDSO's latest
standards and specifications, duly conducting relevant lab test, e.g. cohesion and
angle of internal friction etc. and submitting report for approval duly showing the
cross-section dimensions for embankment / cutting for each cross section.

112011 Embankment
For Lab test on collected soil samples as per relevant IS code Rates are available in
Works SOR item no. 021140
Detail of cost for samples of 20 cross sections
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,024.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,247.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 95.66
Cost for samples of 20 cross sections 9,661.25
Rate for each cross sections Each 483.06

112012 Cutting
For Lab test on collected soil samples as per relevant IS code Rates are available in
Works SOR item no. 021140
Detail of cost for samples of 20 cross sections
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 6.00 3,072.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 85.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,214.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,478.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 113.35
Cost for samples of 20 cross sections 11,448.73
Rate for each cross sections Each 572.44

113000 Miscellaneous
113010 Cess repair/widening work as per RDSO Specifications and guidelines
RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 or latest in running line with suitable soil to the designed
profile The work shall include uprooting and disposing of all the vegetation, benching
at every 30 Cm vertical height, earthwork in benching portion and compaction using
suitable slope vibratory Rollers/Compactors etc. to achieve prescribed MDD.
1. Payment of cess repairs shall be based on the quantities worked out from the
cross sectional calculations only and worked out from the initial ground levels before
doing benching and final levels as done for new embankment. The earth work in
benching portion shall not be paid extra as the same has been included in the rate.
2. The earth work shall be started only after Completing of the benching and certified.
3. The benching Work shall be done for a maximum height of 1.50 m at any time
based on the progress of earthwork starting from toe of the embankment.

Detail of cost for 100 cum

Add Extra for earth work for benching and Wastage
Assuming 3m Height of Bank,
Number of Steps of Benching = 10
Area of 10 Steps of Benching = 10 x 0.5 x 0.30 x 0.60 = 0.90 Sqm
Assuming width of Earth work to be done = 1.00 m
Area of Earthwork to be done = 3.00 x 1.00= 3.00 Sqm.
% of earthwork for benching = 0.90/3.00 x 100 = 30%

Soil Quality Class SQ1 suitable for sub grade of embankment as per RDSO Cum 0166 75.00 130.00 9,750.00
Specifications RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Unskilled Labour for removing vegetation and Benching
Benching quantity for 33m length (100 Cum /3.00 sqm) = 33.33* 0.90 =30.00 Cum

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00

Hire Charges of Crawler mounted 3D Hydraulic Excavator 148 HP (0.9 Cum Bucket Day 0501 10213.40 0.40 4,085.36
Hire Charges of Slope Vibrator to be attached to Hydralic Excavator for rolling of Day 0058 2000.00 0.40 800.00
slope surfaces of embankment.
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 190.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,704.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,292.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 252.42
Cost for 100 cum 25,494.88
Rate per Cum Cum 254.95

113020 Extra over item 113010 for earth-work for making cess on other side of the track
(when no approaches available along track or no road vehicles to work at site) by
dumping contractor's own earth, collected along toe of bank of any height on to other
side of track & side slope of the existing bank by head load, duly crossing of tracks
with all contractor's materials, labour, tools, plant including loading of earth in
baskets, lifting, leading to the non-cess side of bank including crossing of tracks &
dumping etc. and as directed by the Engineer in-charge.

Take 10% of rate of item no. 113010

Rate per Cum Cum 113010 254.95 0.10 25.49

113030 Excavation for widening of existing formation in cuttings in hard soils which require
picks or crow bars for hacking including soils containing stones or boulders of size
under 0.03 cum without infringing the nearby track, as directed by engineer-in-charge
at site including cutting of earth, loading, leading by contractor’s vehicles, unloading
at site, dumping on spoil bank by head loads and utilising same excavated earth for
widening of existing formation in embankment as per standards, duly rolling manually
at 2:1 slope and levelling bank to the required profile including watering and
compaction with contractor's labour or mechanically operated rollers with all
contractor's labour, clearing of jungle, benching etc., tools, plants, vehicles etc.
complete with lead up to 1000m and all lifts including crossing of track, wherever

Detail of cost for 40 cum

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 3.00 3,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 132.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,884.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,294.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 175.93
Cost for 40 cum 17,769.42

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 11: Formation Rehabilitation

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per Cum Cum 444.24

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has been
given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

CHAPTER - 12 : Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
121000 Dismantling Works
121010 Dismantling of existing LWR/SWR track of any structure, removing rails, sleepers,
fish plates, cutting of rails, segregation and stacking of released Rails, Sleepers and
fitting at nominated location in countable manner within a free lead of 500m, levelling
of ballast to correct profile for laying new track over it, all as per direction of Engineer-

Details of cost for 500 TRM

Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 80.00 4,000.00
Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 26.00 1,916.46
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Opening ballast, fitting, fastening, joint fish plate and gas cutting if LWR
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Removing rail from sleeper
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(iii) Collecting fitting, fastening, fish plate, nut & bolt etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iv) Collecting rails, sleepers, leading and stacking near store depot in countable
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
(v) Levelling of ballast to correct profile
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rail tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 3.00 3,600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 582.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,261.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,059.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 771.23
Cost for 500 TRM 77,894.01
Rate per TRM TRM 155.79

121020 Dismantling existing sand humps in yards from end of turnout to end of sand hump.
Scope includes dismantling of track and brick / stone masonry on either sides of
track, removing sand and earth to the required level including clearing site and
stacking released materials within maximum lead of 250m, clear of infringement,
complete and as directed.

Details of cost for each

Signal over lap 120 m considering from SRJ, Turnout length 40 m Total length of
track = 120 - 40 = 80 M {1 unskilled required for 10 metre length}

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
For Dismantling masonry and collecting and stacking released materials and for
removing sand and earth to the required level.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Crow bar, Rail tongue, Chisel, Hammer, Spanner, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 84.98
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,205.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,468.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 112.57
Cost for each 11,369.79
Rate per Sand Hump Each 11,369.79

122000 Shifting & Pairing Works

122010 Shifting & pairing of rails / panels unloaded alongside existing running track to
adjoining formation of a new line including crossing of one track, duly lifting &
pushing rail / panel without damaging it and taking all necessary precautions, so as
not to infringe the running track, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: The rail barricading, if disturbed during working, should be restored to its
original condition by the agency including re-fixing & concreting as required.

122011 Rail length up to 13m - Under Traffic Block

Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 602.95
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 126.62
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,796.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,187.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 167.73
Cost for 1000 RM 16,940.90
Rate per RM RM 16.94

122012 Rail length up to 13m - Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block
Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,463.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,781.59
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.59
Cost for 1000 RM 13,795.48
Rate per RM RM 13.80

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

122013 For rails/panels of more than 13m and up to 40m length - Under Traffic Block
Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,704.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 187.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,660.80
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,239.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 248.39
Cost for 1000 RM 25,087.13
Rate per RM RM 25.09

122014 For rails/panels of more than 13m and up to 40m length - Under Conditions not
requiring Traffic Block
Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 27.00 11,799.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 133.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,897.27
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,310.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 177.11
Cost for 1000 RM 17,888.23
Rate per RM RM 17.89

122015 For rails/panels of more than 40m length - Under Traffic

Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 51.00 22,287.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 15% Lumpsum 9993 0.15 3,578.70
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 274.37
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,893.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,740.67

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 363.45
Cost for 1000 RM 36,708.59
Rate per RM RM 36.71

122016 For rails/panels of more than 40m length - Under Conditions not requiring Traffic
Details of cost for 1000 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 42.00 18,354.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 194.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,765.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,367.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 258.16
Cost for 1000 RM 26,073.73
Rate per RM RM 26.07

122017 Extra over item No 122011 for crossing each additional line
Rate as per Item No 122011
Considering additional cost per crossing one line at the rate of 10% of item no
Rate for crossing each additional line per Running metre RM 122011 16.94 10% 1.69

122018 Extra over item No 122013 for crossing each additional line
Rate as per Item No 122013
Considering additional cost per crossing one line at the rate of 10% of item no
Rate for crossing each additional line per Running metre RM 122013 25.09 10% 2.51

122019 Extra over item No 122015 for crossing each additional line
Rate as per Item No 122015
Considering additional cost per crossing one line at the rate of 10% of item no
Rate for crossing each additional line per Running metre RM 122015 36.71 10% 3.67

123000 Laying & Linking Works

123010 Providing Centre Line / Rail Level, reference Pegs on formation at an interval of 30
metres on one side or at centre of proposed / existing track, as directed by engineer
in-charge for linking of new track / CTR / Deep Screening / Lifting / Lowering works,
duly embedding in formation including marking with contractor's paint.
(1) Rails/tie bar of suitable size bar shall be supplied by the Railways from nearest
Stores Depot. In case of hard wood peg, the hard wood will be supplied by the
(2) Excavation and concrete work, if required, will be paid separately.

123011 With Rail pegs

Details of cost for 66 pegs ( at every 30m interval, for 1KM 33 pegs are required)
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
(i) For carting of Rail pegs

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) For fixing of Rail pegs
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) Painting of Rail pegs
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 58.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 832.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,014.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 77.75
Cost for 66 Pegs 7,852.36
Rate per Pegs Each 118.98

123012 With Tie bar pegs

Details of cost for 100 pegs ( at every 30m interval, for 1KM 33pegs are required)
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
(i) For carting of Tie bar pegs
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) For fixing of Tie bar pegs
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) Painting of Tie bar pegs
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 58.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 832.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,014.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 77.75
Cost for 100 Pegs 7,852.36
Rate per Pegs Each 78.52

123013 With contractor's hard wood pegs of 50 mm dia and 60 cm long

Details of cost for 100 pegs ( at every 30m interval, for 1KM 33pegs are required)
Hard Wood Peg of 50mm dia & 60 cm long Each 0485 25.00 100.00 2,500.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
(i) For carting & fixing of wooden pegs
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(ii) Painting of wooden pegs
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 81.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,161.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,414.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 108.45
Cost for 100 Pegs 10,953.70
Rate per Pegs Each 109.54

123020 Installation of reference points for track centre line in main and loop lines, in straight
or curve portion, SRJ for turnouts, heel of crossing (HOC), locations of derailing
switches, switch expansion joints etc. away from formation on firm ground at known
offset with MS Angles of 50mmx50mmx5mm thick of length 1.80 m each, founded in
concrete block of size 30cm x 30cm x 45cm of nominal mix 1:3:6, including painting
to reference pegs with two coats of enamel paints on exposed surface, as directed
by Engineer In charge.
Note: Earth work and Cement concrete will be paid under relevant items.

Details of cost for 80 pegs

For one peg requires 50mmx50mmx5mm angle of 1.80 m length = 3.80 Kgs/metre
length 1.80m x 80 Nos = 144Rm x 3.80 = 547.2 Kg.
Including wastage of 5%, total quantity required = 574.56 Kg

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 5.75 28,462.50
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Man Power : (For providing Pegs)
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P Including required stationery Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire Charges of Total Station instrument Day 0499 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 328.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,667.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,683.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 435.70
Cost for 80 Pegs 44,005.44
Rate per Pegs Each 550.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
123030 Spreading of ballast, from existing stacks available along formation on top or at
cess, in required uniform thickness, compaction of ballast layer laid on new
formation at all the locations with smooth wheeled power roller of 8-10 tonne
capacity to sufficient number of passes to form consolidated ballast bed of
approximately 250mm thickness to a width of 4m symmetrical to centre line of
proposed track in correct line & level with all ascents & descents, as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
Note: Item is inclusive of (a) providing ramp for taking roller to formation and
removing the same & making good formation after completion of work; (b)
redistribution & leveling of excess ballast while rolling to obtain uniform plane
cambered surface.

Considering ballast heaped over top of formation in stacks as required for 250 mm of
ballast layer. One Dozer D-6 R2 can doze 1550 sqm/hrs i.e. 0.25*1550 = 387.50

Details of cost for 1000 m (For 250 mm thickness, 4 metre width and 1km length,
quantity of ballast to be spread and rolled = 0.25 x 4 x 1000 = 1000 cum)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Hire charges of dozer 166 HP capacity Day 0505 17336.20 0.50 8,668.10
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 3.00 14,022.60
Hire charges of Road Roller 8 to10 tonnes Hour 0057 500.00 8.00 4,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 316.78
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 4,495.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,473.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 419.63
Cost for 1000 cum 42,382.79
Rate per cum Cum 42.38

123040 Linking of BG track (except at LC, Bridges and SEJs) with any type of rail section
and sleeper of specified density, on ballast bed spread and compacted with suitable
roller, over prepared formation including leading free rails/welded panels available
along the alignment on to formation, leading and spreading all fittings and fastenings,
spreading of sleepers at specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers
and fixing rails to sleepers with all types of fittings and fastenings to correct gauge &
alignment, lubrication of fittings and fastenings with contractor's grease as per
IRPWM standards with contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all lead, lifts etc.
complete and raising, levelling and initial packing of track to make it fit for 30 kmph
and meet other prerequisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track Machine Manual for
deployment of Tamping Machine.
1.Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately.
2.Spreading of ballast and compaction shall be paid separately under relevant item.

123041 For sleeper density of 1660 sleepers per km

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 67.00 16,080.00
(i) Spreading Sleepers at specified spacings
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 9.00 5,553.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 166.00 72,542.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
(ii) Fixing rails to sleepers with fittings & fastenings

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
(iii)Raising, leveling and initial packing (s) with spreading of ballast to make it fit for
30 kmph and minimum cushion of 250 mm for deployment of track machine.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 5.00 3,085.00

Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 100.00 43,700.00
(iv) Oiling & greasing of joints & ERC's
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 650.00 650.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 9.00 10,800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,890.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 26,820.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 32,657.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,503.73
Cost for 1000 TRM 252,876.91
Rate per TRM TRM 252.88

123042 For sleeper density of 1540 sleepers per km

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 62.00 14,880.00
(i) Spreading Sleepers at specified spacings
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 8.00 4,936.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 154.00 67,298.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Fixing rails to sleepers with fittings & fastenings
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
(iii)Raising, leveling and initial packing (s) with spreading of ballast to make it fit for
30 kmph and minimum cushion of 250 mm for deployment of track machine.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 5.00 3,085.00

Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 90.00 39,330.00
(iv) Oiling & greasing of joints & ERC's
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 610.00 610.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 8.00 9,600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,754.60

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 24,898.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 30,316.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,324.30
Cost for 1000 TRM 234,754.54
Rate per TRM TRM 234.75

123050 Linking of track at level crossing locations as per RDSO drawings with any type of
rail section and sleeper on prepared formation including leading free rails/welded
panels available along the alignment on to formation, spreading of sleepers at
specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers and fixing rails to sleepers
with all types of fittings and fastenings to correct gauge & alignment, excavating
level crossing portion as necessary, fixing check rails to running rails, providing C.C
blocks, chairs, anti corrosive painting to running rails and check rails, lubrication of
fittings and fastenings with contractor's grease as per IRPWM standards with
contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all lead, lifts etc. complete and raising,
levelling and initial packing of track to make it fit for 30 kmph and meet other
prerequisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track Machine Manual for deployment of
Tamping Machine.
Note: Rail cutting and hole drilling, if required, shall be paid separately under
relevant item.

Details of cost for 50 TRM

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.00 480.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 4.00 320.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T & P (Hydraulic Jacks, Crow bar, Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Rail Tongue Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00
etc.) 14,139.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 141.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,006.39
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,443.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 187.30
Cost for 50 TRM 18,917.10
Rate per TRM TRM 378.34

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
123060 Linking of BG track (with guard rail ) over ballasted deck bridges with any type of rail
section and PSC sleeper including leading free rails/welded panels available along
the alignment on to bridge, leading and spreading all fittings and fastenings, leading
& spreading of sleepers at specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers
and fixing rails & guard rails to sleepers with all types of fittings and fastenings to
correct gauge & alignment, lubrication of fittings and fastenings with contractor's
grease as per IRPWM standards with contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all
lead, lifts etc. complete and raising, levelling and initial packing of track to make it fit
for 30 kmph and meet other prerequisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track
Machine Manual for deployment of Tamping Machine.
1.Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately.
2.Spreading of ballast and compaction shall be paid separately under relevant item.
3. This item shall be applicable only when track is with Guard Rail. Linking without
guard rail be paid under relevant item for plain track linking.

Details of cost for 100 TRM

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 8.00 1,920.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Leading & spreading of sleeper at proper spacing over bridge and approaches,
leading rail and fixing them
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
(ii) Leading of guard rails & fixing on sleeper, aligning etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) For initial packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 130.00 130.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 273.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,887.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,733.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 362.89
Cost for 100 TRM 36,651.46
Rate per TRM TRM 366.51

123070 Linking of track on Girder Bridge with Steel Channel/H-beam sleepers as per
approved drawings including leading of running and guard rails, sleepers and fittings,
bending of guard rails, notching, drilling of holes, cutting of rails etc. as per IRPWM
with latest correction slips and making track structure fit for normal speed.
1) Rails, Steel Channel/H-beam sleeper and all fittings will be supplied by Railways.
2)Transportation of track material if supplied beyond 250m of bridge approaches,
shall be paid separately under relevant item.

Detail of cost for 50 TRM

Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65 4.00 260.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50 12.00 600.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56 8.00 448.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105 1.00 105.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.3 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)

(i) Leading Channel sleepers, running Rails & Guard Rails ,fittings over the bridge
and leading back the released rails & fittings to bridge approaches over the bridge

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 9.00 3,933.00

(ii) Fixing Channel sleepers along with fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) Fixing rail with Fitting Clips
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) Fixing Guard rail
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617 2.00 1,234.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512 1.50 768.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail Tongue, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1 115.00 115.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300 0.50 150.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000 0.50 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 187.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,661.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,240.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 248.46
Cost for 50 Track Metre 25,094.09
Rate per TRM TRM 501.88

123080 Carrying out cut & connection to the existing PSC sleeper track under line block of
any rail section and sleeper density to connect the same to newly linked track which
is laid by the side, duly carrying out cutting of rails, insertion of additional PSC
sleepers, if required, providing fish plated joints including drilling of holes, slewing
required length of both tracks to prescribed alignment, adjusting sleeper spacing,
providing continuity to track, spreading of ballast to provide cushion, shoulder ballast
to the track stretch, giving one round of initial packing to make track fit for 20 kmph
speed and boxing of ballast to profile as directed by Engineer in charge.

Details of cost for 1 cut & connection

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Opening of track & spreading of existing ballast on shifted alignment.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) For cutting, drilling holes & insertion of additional PSC sleepers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(iii) Slewing of both track for uniform alignment, adjusting of sleeper spacing,
insertion of ballast
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
(iii) One round packing, boxing etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 3,732.12
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 410.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,825.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,093.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 543.83
Cost for 1 cut & connection 54,926.71
Rate per cut & connection Each 54,926.71

123090 Shifting / Slewing the existing or newly assembled track of any rail section with any
type of sleepers and any density under line block to correct locations & alignment
and attending to one round kutcha packing to run safely at 20KMPH speed with all
contractors tools and consumables complete and as directed by Engineer in-charge.

123091 Maximum Shifting / Slewing up to 1 metre

Details of cost for 100 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 131.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,869.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,276.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 174.50
Cost for 100 TRM 17,624.65
Rate per TRM TRM 176.25

123092 Maximum Shifting / Slewing for more than 1 metre & up to 2 metres
Details of cost for 100 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 158.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,243.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,731.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 209.43
Cost for 100 TRM 21,152.79
Rate per TRM TRM 211.53

123100 Assembling, laying and linking of Broad Gauge track over CC apron, RCC/CC Bed
Blocks etc. to correct level & alignment, fixing of all fittings with rails / panels, aligning
& leveling correctly, as directed by engineer in-charge. Rate is inclusive of cutting
rails, drilling holes for fixing fish plates, lubrication of fittings & fastenings, fixing
reference pillars, arrangement for keeping assembly in correct position while
concreting, as required.

Details of cost for 500 TRM (i.e. 770 nos. Sleepers)

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 35.00 8,400.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
(i) Spreading sleeper at specified spacings
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 83.00 36,271.00

Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(ii) Leading of rails & providing rails on sleepers with fixing all fittings etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(iii) Fixing fish plate with Lubrication of MCI insert & ERC etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 240.00 240.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 703.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,982.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,154.32
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 931.83
Cost for 500 TRM 94,114.95
Rate per TRM TRM 188.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
123110 Fixing all types of free rails / rail panels over pit line for BG track with inserts, elastic
rail clips, MS liners and grooved rubber pads below rail to correct spacing, gauge,
alignment and level with above fittings & fastenings in position, duly providing full
complements of rail fittings. Required nos. of inserts per bearing shall be fixed at the
time of concreting bed block over pit wall to correct spacing, centre to centre,
alignment & levels as per IR’s approved drawing.

Details of cost for 100 TRM

(i) Fixing rails over pit on RCC/bed block.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(ii) Correcting gauge, alignment & level
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Spanner, Hammer, beater, Rail tongue, Rake ballast etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 92.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,306.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,591.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 122.00
Cost for 100 TRM 12,322.41
Rate per TRM TRM 123.22

124000 Miscellaneous
124010 Construction of Sanded Dead End as per RDSO’s Drawing no. RT-347 (with all
amendments) with brick-work using country bricks or CC bricks in mud mortar and
filling with river coarse sand, surrounding rails and filling around.
Note: Cost of brick and sand is not included in the rate.
Details of cost for 1 dead end
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 70.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 996.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,212.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 92.99
Cost for I dead end 9,392.32
Rate per dead end Each 9,392.32

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
124020 Working of the Railway Push Trolley by arranging one Head trollyman along with 3
trollymen as per Railway's rules and stipulations for conducting inspections by
Railway officials and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
1) Labourers supplied should be of skilled in case of head trollyman and semiskilled
in case of trollymen and capable of pushing trolley in all gradients, and levels duly
observing all safety precautions as per the manual.
2) The labour engaged should be physically fit for strenuous work, literate and
meeting prescribed medical category.

124021 For Full day (8 hrs )

Details of cost for full day.
Head Trolley man (Skilled) Day 0036 617.00 1.00 617.00
Trolly man (Semi-skilled) Day 0037 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
T & P (5% with contingency) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.98
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 311.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 379.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 29.12
Cost for full day 2,940.79
Rate per day Each 2,940.79

124022 For Half day (4 hours)

Details of cost for half day.
Head Trolley man (Skilled) Day 0036 617.00 1.00 617.00
Trolly man (Semi-skilled) Day 0037 512.00 1.50 768.00
T & P (5% with contingency) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 200.80
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 244.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.74
Cost for half day 1,893.18
Rate per Half-Day Each 1,893.18

124030 Providing Caution Watchman at a location where caution order is imposed and
ensuring to be on continuous vigil and exhibit necessary hand signals to the trains
for their passage over caution spot.
1) Prescribed protection equipment shall be supplied by Railways and the same
shall be returned after work is over.
2) If Contractor fails to post watchman at any time during one day, penalty at double
the accepted rates will be levied and
3) The watchman nominated by the contractor will be screened for suitability as per
Railway norms.

124031 For one shift ( 12 Hrs)

Details of cost for one Shift 1 man required)
Caution man (Semi-skilled) Day 0038 512.00 1.50 768.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 111.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 136.16
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 10.44
Cost for per day & night 1,054.29
Rate per Shift Each 1,054.29

124032 For Half Shift (4 hours)

Details of cost for Half Shift
Caution man (Semi-skilled) Day 0038 512.00 0.50 256.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 2.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 37.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 45.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.52
Cost for Half Shift 355.89
Rate per Half-Shift Each 355.89

124040 Preparation of completion drawings of yard in AutoCAD, showing all the details, such
as circulating area, approach road, platform shelter, platform, FOB etc., showing
relevant particulars to appropriate scale as per IR's Engineering Code on approved
quality, transparent media as per details supplied by Railways, including submission
of check print for proof checking, duly incorporating the suggested corrections and
modifications and supplying the final plot on approved quality & transparent media
with six copies of ammonia prints complete and soft copy, as directed by Engineer in-
(i) Drawings shall be prepared by using latest drawing making softwares AutoCAD,
Work station etc. and printing shall be done on high end latest plotters.
(ii) Stage Payment - (a) For check print - 40% (b) For Paper tracing - 40% (c) For
Ammonia print & soft copy - 20%.

124041 Completion drawing of yard at junction station

Details of cost for each
Tracing paper in roll with specification- weight 95gm/m2 width 914mm and length Each 0497 250.00 0.30 75.00
Ammonia Print Sheet of 55 to 60 GSM, 914mm wide and 10m long Each 0498 250.00 0.40 100.00
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 3.00 4,500.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 711.65

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 866.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.43
Cost for each 6,709.76
Rate per Yard Each 6,709.76

124042 Completion drawing of building

Details of cost for each
Tracing paper in roll with specification- weight 95gm/m2 width 914mm and length Each 0497 250.00 0.30 75.00
Ammonia Print Sheet of 55 to 60 GSM, 914mm wide and 10m long Each 0498 250.00 0.40 100.00
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 500.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 609.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.70
Cost for each 4,716.23
Rate per building Each 4,716.23

124043 Completion drawing of land plan

Details of cost for 1 Kilometer
Tracing paper in roll with specification- weight 95gm/m2 width 914mm and length Each 0497 250.00 0.30 75.00
Ammonia Print Sheet of 55 to 60 GSM, 914mm wide and 10m long Each 0498 250.00 0.40 100.00
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 34.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 495.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 603.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.30
Cost for 1 Kilometer 4,676.09
Rate per km Km 4,676.09

124044 Completion drawing of way side station

Details of cost for each
Tracing paper in roll with specification- weight 95gm/m2 width 914mm and length Each 0497 250.00 0.30 75.00
Ammonia Print Sheet of 55 to 60 GSM, 914mm wide and 10m long Each 0498 250.00 0.30 75.00
Draftsman / Surveyor Day 0001 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -12: Activities at Construction Sites

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Laptop / Computer with software & Printer Day 0163 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 19.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 280.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 341.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 26.16
Cost for each 2,642.43
Rate per Station Each 2,642.43

124050 Dismantling / removing the existing bearing plate and fixing new bearing plates
supplied by Railways in pit lines, duly breaking / chiselling CC to required depth, so
as to fix new bearing plates etc. with all contractor's labour, tools, lead, lift,
transportation etc. including crossing of tracks complete and as directed by Engineer
in-charge (concrete work for fixing will be paid separately)

Detail of cost for 40 no's bearing plate

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of Hammer Breaker Day 0145 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 18.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 264.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 322.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 24.72
Cost for 40 no's bearing plate 2,496.59
Rate per bearing plate Each 62.41

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

CHAPTER - 13 : Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
131000 Through Packing Works
131010 Through packing of track, as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of Indian
Railways Permanent Way Manual
For PSC sleeper Track
131011 For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 Sleepers/Km or more
Details of cost for 156 TRM (1 Person will do Through packing 12 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,468.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,788.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 137.12
Cost for 156 TRM Sleepers 13,848.99
Rate per TRM TRM 88.78

131012 For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of less than 1540 Sleepers/Km
Details of cost for 180 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 12 sleepers of 1340
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,457.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,774.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.06
Cost for 180 TRM Sleepers 13,741.96
Rate per TRM TRM 76.34
For other than PSC Sleeper Track
131013 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 Sleepers/Km or
Details of cost for 182 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 14 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,468.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,788.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 137.12
Cost for 182 TRM 13,848.99
Rate per TRM TRM 76.09

131014 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340 Sleepers/Km (M+4)

Details of cost for 209 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 14 sleepers of 1340
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 107.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,519.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,850.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 141.85
Cost for 209 TRM 14,326.64
Rate per TRM TRM 68.55

131020 Picking up of slacks in track of all sleeper density, duly opening up ballast, gauging,
alignment, correcting longitudinal & cross levels, packing, boxing of ballast and
dressing the same under traffic conditions as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of IRPWM and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: In-charge section Engineer should identify locations requiring packing and
obtain prior approval of DEN/XEN before execution of the work when there is no
Zonal Track Maintenance agency deployed in the section.

131021 For PSC Sleeper

Details of cost for 182 TRM (1 Person will do Picking up of slacks 14 sleepers of
1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,468.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,788.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 137.12
Cost for 182 TRM 13,848.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per TRM TRM 76.09

131022 For other than PSC Sleeper

Details of cost for 208 TRM ( 1 Person will do Picking up of slacks 16 sleepers of
1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Crow bars, beater, Wire claws, Cross level etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,457.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,774.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.06
Cost for 208 TRM 13,741.96
Rate per TRM TRM 66.07

131030 First or Second Through Packing of track of all sleeper density including giving a
general lift, as desired to eliminate sag after Deep Screening work, lifting of track,
lowering of track and major realignment of curves and formation rehabilitation as per
procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM.
Note: General lift is normally 25 mm and isolated lift may be up to 50 mm.

131031 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540

Details of cost for 130 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 10 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,468.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,788.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 137.12
Cost for 130 TRM 13,848.99
Rate per TRM TRM 106.53

131032 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660

Rate 10% extra over item no. 131031
Rate per TRM TRM 131031 106.53 1.10 117.18

131033 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340

Rate 20% less than item no. 131031
Rate per TRM TRM 131031 106.53 0.80 85.22

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
131034 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540
Details of cost for 156 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 12 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,457.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,774.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.06
Cost for 156 TRM 13,741.96
Rate per TRM TRM 88.09

131035 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660
Rate 10% extra over item no. 131034
Rate per TRM TRM 131034 88.09 1.10 96.90

131036 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340
Rate 20% less than item no. 131034
Rate per TRM TRM 131034 88.09 0.80 70.47

131040 Third or subsequent Through Packing of track for all sleeper density including
picking of slacks, as required after second through packing, subsequent to Deep
Screening work as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. This item
can also be used after lifting/regrading/realignment works also.
Note: General lift is normally 25 mm and isolated lift may be up to 50 mm.

131041 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540

Details of cost for 169 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 13 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 103.51
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,468.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,788.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 137.12
Cost for 169 TRM 13,848.99
Rate per TRM TRM 81.95

131042 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660

Rate 10% extra over item no. 131041
Rate per TRM TRM 131041 81.95 1.10 90.14

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

131043 For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340

Rate 20% less than item no. 131041
Rate per TRM TRM 131041 81.95 0.80 65.56

131044 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540
Details of cost for 195 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing 15 sleepers of 1540
density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,457.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,774.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.06
Cost for 195 TRM 13,741.96
Rate per TRM TRM 70.47

131045 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660
Rate 10% extra over item no. 131044
Rate per TRM TRM 131044 70.47 1.10 77.52

131046 For other than PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340
Rate 20% less than item no. 131044
Rate per TRM TRM 131044 70.47 0.80 56.38

131050 Through packing of points and crossings, derailing switches including gauging,
fittings recoupment, ballasting as required, elimination of sag and to the required
alignment after Deep Screening as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of
IRPWM complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Note: This work shall be operated in exceptional cases with written approval at DEN
level when UNIMAT is not available and immediate packing is required to pass train
over it.

131051 1 in 8½ PSC layout

Details of cost for one set
Total length is 28.54 metre (approx.), For Through packing Sleeper no. 1 to 13 ( 2
persons), Sleeper no. 14 to 66 ( 53 sleepers @ 5 sleepers/person i.e. 11 persons)
including filling ballast in the packing zone and operation of mechanical jack as

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 13.00 5,681.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.92

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,034.77
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,259.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.60
Rate per set Set 9,756.24

131052 1 in 12 PSC layout

Details of cost for one set
Total length is 39 metre (approx.), For Through packing Sleeper no. 1 to 20 (3
persons), Sleeper no. 21 to 95 (75 sleepers @ 5 sleepers/person i.e. 15 persons)
including filling ballast in the packing zone and operation of mechanical jack as

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 125.00 125.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 94.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,345.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,638.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 125.61
Rate per set Set 12,686.32

131053 1 in 16 PSC layout

Details of cost for one set
Total length is 54.50 metre (approx.), For Through packing Sleeper no. 1 to 22 (4
persons), Sleeper no. 23 to 106 ( 83 sleepers @ 5 sleepers/person i.e. 17 persons)
including filling ballast in the packing zone and operation of mechanical jack as

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 21.00 9,177.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, Gauge cum level, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Shovel etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 108.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,535.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,869.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 143.31
Rate per set Set 14,473.81

131054 1 in 8½ Derailing Switch

Details of cost for one set
Total length is 9.00 metre and 13 sleepers needing 2 labour.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 147.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 179.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.75
Rate per set Set 1,389.11

131055 1 in 12 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for one set
Total length is 13.00 metre (approx.) and 20 sleepers needing 3 persons with
mechanical jack.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 210.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 255.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.61
Rate per set Set 1,980.48

131060 Packing of isolated loose PSC sleepers on plain track below the bottom of the
sleepers and surrounding through out its length duly opening two galas on either
side of the renewed sleepers and packing the sleeper to bring the track to normal
speed including gauging, aligning, squaring of sleepers and sectioning of ballast to
the required profile with all contractor's labour, tools and plant etc. including all lead
and lift and crossing of tracks where ever necessary complete and as directed by the

Rate analysis for 80 sleepers

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, Jack, spanner, mortar pan etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 41.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 585.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 712.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.62
Cost of 80 sleepers 5,516.32
Rate per sleeper Sleeper 68.95

131070 Slack picking of joint sleepers and 3 approach sleepers on either sides giving
required lift to make up general track level, packing and profiling as directed.

Details of cost for 30 Joints.( One group of two persons will do 3 joints in a day)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P ( Crow bar, Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, jack etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 107.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,530.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,863.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 142.84
Cost for 30 Joints. 14,426.98
Rate per Joint. Each 480.90

132000 Systematic Overhauling Works

132010 Systemic overhauling of track under traffic as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of IRPWM , including removing the crib ballast in 50mm to 75mm depth
below bottom of sleeper and complete shoulder ballast without breaking core under
the bottom of sleeper, to recover clean ballast by screening on wire mesh and
disposing off the muck including throwing & leveling, if required beyond minimum 5m
from the edge of cutting which are up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m
for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms away from the track, as directed by
Engineer in-charge including cutting & making up the cess and ensuring proper
drainage slope and then re-inserting cleaned ballast into track and compaction of
shoulder and crib ballast by wooden mallet and dressing / profiling ballast as per
railway specifications.

For PSC sleeper Track :

132011 For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 sleepers/Km or more
Details of cost for 91 TRM (7 sleeper per head sleeper density of 1540 sleepers/km)

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Pan iron mortar, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 55.00 55.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,459.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,777.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.26
Cost for 91 TRM 13,762.03
Rate per TRM TRM 151.23

132012 For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density less than 1540 sleepers/Km
Details of cost for 120 TRM (8 sleeper per head sleeper density of 1340
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Pan iron mortar, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,460.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,778.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.32
Cost for 120 TRM 13,768.72
Rate per TRM TRM 114.74

For other than PSC sleeper Track :

132013 For other than PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 sleepers/Km or more
Details of cost for 104 TRM ( 8 sleeper per head sleeper density of 1540
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Pan iron mortar, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 55.00 55.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,459.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,777.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.26
Cost for 104 TRM 13,762.03
Rate per TRM TRM 132.33

132014 For other than PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1340 sleepers/Km (M+4)

Details of cost for 135 TRM ( 9 sleeper per head sleeper density of 1340
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Pan iron mortar, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,460.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,778.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.32
Cost for 135 TRM 13,768.72
Rate per TRM TRM 101.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
132015 Extra over Items 132011 to 132014 for working in yards
Details of cost for 150 TRM ( 1 extra man provided for 15 track metre length for
working in yard)
(i) For overhauling & removal of muck :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Beater, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Pan iron mortar, Hydraulic jacks etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 622.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 758.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.15
Cost for 150 TRM 5,873.55
Rate per TRM TRM 39.16

132020 Overhauling of fish plated / welded joint track sleepers including 3 approach sleepers
on either sides up to 50mm below bottom of sleepers in crib & shoulder, replacing
rounded ballast, recouping deficient ballast within 50m lead, replacement of worn-out
fittings supplied by Railway, as directed as per procedure prescribed in latest edition

Details of cost for 16 Joints. (One group of four persons will do 4 joints in a day)
(i) For overhauling of joint sleepers including 3 approach sleepers:
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) For recoupment of ballast:
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Beater, Wire claws, Wire basket, Rake ballast, Hydraulic jacks, off Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
track tamper etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 129.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,832.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,231.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 171.06
Cost for 16 Joints 17,276.79
Rate per Joint Each 1,079.80

133000 Pulling Back & End Cropping Works

133010 Pulling back of rails / panels on running track for creep adjustment or other incidental
activities by removing and re-fixing all the fittings, and fastenings including squaring
of sleepers and slack picking of displaced sleepers, as directed.

133011 For rails up to 13 metre length

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Spanner, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 1,095.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 230.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,265.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,976.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 304.84
Cost for 1000 TRM. 30,788.35
Rate per TRM TRM 30.79

133012 For rail panel above 13 metre & up to 40 metre length

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 45.00 19,665.00
T & P (Spanner, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 1,205.55
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 253.17
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,592.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,374.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 335.37
Cost for 1000 TRM. 33,871.97
Rate per TRM TRM 33.87

133013 For rail panel more than 40 metre length

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
T & P (Spanner, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 1,315.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 276.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,919.60
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,772.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 365.90
Cost for 1000 TRM. 36,955.58
Rate per TRM TRM 36.96

133020 Pulling of welded rail panels to create a specified gap under traffic block, including
opening of fittings & fastenings and re-fixing them on track after pulling of rail and
creating standard gap for welding.

133021 For Rail panel more than 13m and up to 40m length
Details of cost for 400 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 263.10

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 55.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 784.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 954.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 73.19
Cost for 400 RM 7,392.24
Rate per RM RM 18.48

133022 For Rail panel more than 40m length

Details of cost for 400 RM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 307.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 64.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 915.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,115.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 85.49
Cost for 400 RM 8,634.11
Rate per RM RM 21.59

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

134000 Re-Alignment of Curves

134010 Slewing and realigning of curves under traffic line block condition, as directed by
Engineer in-charge with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as required with general
lift up to 25mm including one round of through packing, ballast profiling,
loosening/tightening of P.Way fittings, if required and other incidental works.
Note: Payment will be made based on average slew calculated in each 50m length
of track by averaging absolute values of positive and negative value of slews.

134011 Other than PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew up to 50mm

Details of cost for 390 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 12
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,387.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 262.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,727.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,538.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 347.94
Cost for 390 TRM 35,142.00
Rate per TRM TRM 90.11

134012 Other than PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 50mm and up to 100mm

Details of cost for 364 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 10
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 56.00 24,472.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 110.00 110.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,651.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 291.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,138.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,038.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 386.29
Cost for 364 TRM 39,015.60
Rate per TRM TRM 107.19

134013 Other than PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 100mm and up to 150mm

Details of cost for 338 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 9
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 58.00 25,346.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 115.00 115.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,738.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 301.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,275.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,205.67
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 399.10
Cost for 338 TRM 40,309.25
Rate per TRM TRM 119.26

134014 Other than PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 150mm
Details of cost for 312 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 8
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 60.00 26,220.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,826.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 310.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,412.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,372.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 411.91
Cost for 312 TRM 41,602.90
Rate per TRM TRM 133.34

134015 PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew up to 50mm

Details of cost for 312 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 10
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 48.00 20,976.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 95.00 95.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,256.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 248.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,521.83

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,288.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 328.76
Cost for 312 TRM 33,205.20
Rate per TRM TRM 106.43

134016 PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 50mm and up to 100mm
Details of cost for 286 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 8
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 55.00 24,035.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 110.00 110.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,607.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 286.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,069.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,955.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 379.93
Cost for 286 TRM 38,372.45
Rate per TRM TRM 134.17

134017 PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 100mm and up to 150mm
Details of cost for 260 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 7
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 58.00 25,346.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 115.00 115.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,738.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 301.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,275.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,205.67
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 399.10
Cost for 260 TRM 40,309.25
Rate per TRM TRM 155.04

134018 PSC Sleeper track - Maximum slew more than 150mm

Details of cost for 234 TRM ( 1 Person will do Through packing including slewing 6
sleepers of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 60.00 26,220.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 120.00 120.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,826.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 310.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,412.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,372.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 411.91
Cost for 234 TRM 41,602.90
Rate per TRM TRM 177.79

135000 Destressing Works

135010 De-stressing of LWR/CWR track of any density under traffic line block with
contractor's labours, tools, equipments and consumables inclusive of all lead & lift.
Activities include cutting of LWR/CWR into convenient panels of specified length,
removal of ERCs, liners, greasing of ERCs and liner contact area, lifting rails and
keeping them on rollers provided at every 15 sleepers, working out elongation of rail
ends depending on prevailing site conditions, pulling rails with the help of Hydraulic
Tensor to achieve the desired elongation, cutting rails, as required, removing rollers
and placing rail in position, re-fixing ERCs & liners and adjustment of gap at SEJs :
(1) Welding of rail joints will be paid separately.
(2) Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately.
(3) Opening and closing of LC if required will be paid separately.
(4) As per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM & CE's Circulars for
destressing of LWR/CWR, if any.

135011 With Railway’s Hydraulic Rail tensor

Details of cost for 1000 TRM ( 3 Persons deputed in between 100 Track Metre
length )
For greasing of ERCs and liner contact area of 1 sleeper required 35 gram grease
graphite.( Cost for 1660 sleeper/Km )
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 60.00 14,400.00
(i) For removal of ERCs, lifting the rails and keeping them on rollers, greasing and
refixing of fastenings after destressing.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
(ii) Additional labour for operating Rail Tensor
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 130.00 130.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 332.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,712.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,738.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 439.96

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 1000 TRM 44,435.59
Rate per TRM TRM 44.44

135012 With Contractor’s Hydraulic Rail tensor

Details of cost for 1000 TRM ( 3 Persons deputed in between 100 Track Metre
For greasing of ERCs and liner contact area of 1 sleeper required 35 gram grease
graphite.( Cost for 1660 sleeper/Km )
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 60.00 14,400.00
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 5.00 500.00
(i) For removal of ERCs, lifting the rails and keeping them on rollers, greasing and
refixing of fastenings after destressing.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
(ii) Additional labour for operating Rail Tensor
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 300.00 300.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail tensor Day 0143 150.00 4.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 344.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,893.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,958.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 456.78
Cost for 1000 TRM 46,134.77
Rate per TRM TRM 46.13

135013 Without Rail tensor

Details of cost for 1000 TRM ( 3 Persons deputed in between 100 Track Metre
For greasing of ERCs and liner contact area of 1 sleeper required 35 gram grease
graphite.( Cost for 1660 sleeper/Km )
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 60.00 14,400.00
(i) For removal of ERCs, lifting the rails and keeping them on rollers, greasing and
refixing of fastenings after destressing. 2persons extra for hammering rails by
wooden mallet.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 110.00 110.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 321.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,564.80

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,558.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 426.13
Cost for 1000 TRM 43,038.78
Rate per TRM TRM 43.04

135020 Providing temporary Buffer Rails of fish plated joints of 3 pairs, measuring 6.5m
each, duly removing rails of the existing track including cutting & drilling of rails as
required for isolating LWR/CWR on all types of track structure. Work will be done
under traffic block condition.
1.Each set comprises of 3 pairs of rails 6.5 m long only.
2.Only Rails fish plate and fish bolts will be supplied free by Railway within free lead
of 250m.

Details of cost for each set

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.25 713.08
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 483.61
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 53.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 754.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 919.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.47
Cost for each set 7,117.40
Rate per set Set 7,117.40

136000 Renewal and Miscellaneous Works

136010 Fixing Joggled Fish Plates with bolt / clamp (supplied by Railway from nearest SSE
Store) in running track conditions at welds on rail, as directed by engineer in-charge
(drilling of holes in rail, if required, shall be paid separately).

136011 With 2 bolts

Details of cost for 40 sets
(i) Fixing of Joggled Fish Plate.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 28.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 399.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 485.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 37.25
Cost for 40 sets 3,762.28
Rate per set Set 94.06

136012 With 4 bolts

Details of cost for 40 sets
(ii) Fixing of Joggled Fish Plate.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 31.26
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 443.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 540.04
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 41.40
Cost for 40 sets 4,181.72
Rate per set Set 104.54

136013 With Clamps

Details of cost for 40 sets
(ii) Fixing of Joggled Fish Plate.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 40.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 568.26
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 691.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 53.05
Cost for 40 sets 5,357.77
Rate per set Set 133.94

136020 Providing wooden blocks under weld joint duly transporting Railway’s released
wooden blocks with rail screw / dog spikes and doing packing, as directed under
traffic condition.
Note: Wooden blocks, rail screws/dog spikes will be supplied free at SSE/P.Way

Detail of cost for 50 joints

Auger Carpenter Each 0467 90.00 3.00 270.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, Wooden Saw, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 734.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 894.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.55
Cost for 50 joints 6,923.83
Rate per joint Each 138.48

136030 Removing the existing wooden blocks under joint, duly removing fittings, transporting
and stacking material wise in a countable manner and handing over the wooden
blocks & fittings at PWI's Depot or as directed by Engineer in charge.

Details of cost for 150 nos.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, Wire claws, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 44.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 628.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 765.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.68
Cost for 150 nos. joints 5,926.39
Rate per joint Each 39.51

136040 Maintenance of track on main line & loops, Points & crossings etc. including special
attention to section for carrying out various maintenance works listed in Indian
Railways P.Way Manual / Bridge Manual for safe running of goods and passenger
trains with contractor's tools / labours etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-
Note: Contractor shall arrange one gang at any point of time comprising of minimum
specified labours with sufficient experience in P.Way working.

136041 One mobile Gang comprising of 15 physically fit labours plus 1 Mate.
(1) In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour/Mate or for non availability of
vehicle, payment will be deducted for each such person or non-availability of vehicle
@ 20% of the accepted item rate, separately for each shortfall.
(2) The Contractor shall keep one pick up Truck of minimum 1.5T payload capacity
with Driver all the time and all expenditures for running at an average of 80 kms per
day shall be born by the Contractor.

Details of cost for per day per Gang of 15 labours


Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Hire Charges of 1.5 tonne Pickup Truck (without POL ) Day 0512 1023.40 1.00 1,023.40
Diesel @ 14 km/litre for 80 KM = 18/14 = 5.71 litres
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 5.71 540.17
T & P (Hydraulic Jack, Crow bars, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Rail cutting machine Lumpsum 6555.00 5% 327.75
etc. @ 5% of the cost of labour
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 90.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,286.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,566.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 120.06
Rate per day per Gang Gang Day 12,126.15

136042 One Gang comprising of 20 physically fit labours plus 1 Mate.

Note: In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour/Mate, payment will be
deducted for each such labour @ 10% of the accepted item rate.

Details of cost for per day per Gang of 20 labours

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
T & P (Hydraulic Jack, Crow bars, Wire claws, Rake ballast, Rail cutting machine Lumpsum 8740.00 5% 437.00
etc. @ 5% of the cost of labour
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 97.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,389.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,692.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 129.74
Rate per day per Gang Gang Day 13,103.76

136050 Interchanging gauge face of rails of any section in traffic line block including removal
of fittings and re-fixing the same after changing of gauge face, cutting of rails, joining
the rails with fish plate & drilling holes as directed by engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 260 TRM

Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 25.00 10,925.00
T & P ( Crow bars, beater, Wire claws, Hammer, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,455.40
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 160.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,271.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,766.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 212.08
Cost for 260 TRM 21,419.58
Rate per TRM TRM 82.38

136060 Replacing existing glued joint rail with cut rails or with glued joint rail or insertion of
glued joint by cutting existing track under traffic condition by cutting rails, refixing with
all rail sleeper fastenings and providing required gaps for carrying out welding as an
alternative to drilling holes or joining rails with fish plates duly drilling holes as
required including stacking of released material and as directed by engineer in-
(1) Drilling holes & rail cutting will be paid separately.
(2) Transportation of materials to the site of work from supply points, if more than
250m, shall be paid separately.

Details of cost for 4 joints

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
For leading of rail, replacement of glued joint & carting released glued joints back

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00

T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 420.30
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 656.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 798.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 61.24
Cost for 4 joints 6,185.69
Rate per joint Each 1,546.42

136070 Fixing of Wooden Distance Block of size 1.0m x 0.3m x 0.15m between track and
platform wall.
136071 With Railway’s wooden block (by cutting Railway’s wooden sleepers into blocks by
sawing to size)
Details of cost for 60 nos.
(i) Cutting of wooden blocks from sleepers ( 1 carpenter + 1 helper prepare 20
Blocks in a day )
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(ii) Fixing of wooden blocks
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 81.16
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,151.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,402.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 107.51
Cost for 60 nos 10,858.03
Rate per distance piece Each 180.97

136072 With Contractor’s hard wood block.

Details of cost for 60 nos.
Volume of 1 no. Wooden Block (size : 1.0 m x 0.3m x 0.15m) = 0.045 cum
Volume for 60 nos. = 60 x 0.045 cum = 2.70 cum = 2700 Cudm
Hard Variety Jungle Wood blocks 10 Cudm 0341 350.00 270.00 94,500.00
(i) Fixing of wooden blocks
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,003.33
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,237.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,336.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,329.10
Cost for 60 nos 134,238.63
Rate per distance piece Each 2,237.31

136080 Drilling holes of 16mm to 22mm dia. on all types of PSC sleepers and fixing the
dowels with adhesive of RDSO approved quality for fixing check rails & guard rails,
as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Details of cost for 60 holes
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 1.00 1,866.40
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 3.00 1,500.00
HDPE Dowels Each 0452 100.00 60.00 6,000.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Concrete Sleeper Drilling Machine Day 0137 300.00 1.00 300.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 125.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,782.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,170.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 166.44
Cost for 60 holes 16,810.38
Rate per hole Each 280.17

136090 Cleaning of side drains along the track including disposing of muck beyond Railway
boundary as per instructions of Engineer in-charge to keep drains clean and clear in
cuttings etc.

Details of cost for 500 RM ( One group of two persons will clean 50 Running metre
in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,457.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,774.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.06
Cost for 500 RM 13,741.96
Rate per RM RM 27.48

136100 Removing weeds & bushes in ballast section and cess up to 3.95m from centre line
of track in mid section & station yard, as specified by Engineer in-charge including
disposal of branches, bushes outside cess/yard.

Details of cost for 1040 TRM ( One persons will Remove weeds & bushes 52
Running metre in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27
Cost for 1040 RM 13,157.28
Rate per TRM TRM 12.65

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
136110 Trimming of tree branches coming within 6m of centre line of track & those
obstructing views of Curves/LCs / Signal / Indicator at locations in section & station
yard, as specified by Engineer in-charge including disposal of branches, bushes
outside cess/yard.
Note: Girth of more than 20 cm will only be considered as tree branch.

Details of cost for 50 Tree branches

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 54.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 772.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 940.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 72.12
Cost for 50 Tree branches 7,283.73
Rate per tree branch Each 145.67

136120 Making kutcha trapezoidal side drain of bottom width as 300mm and depth of
450mm in cutting section by excavation in all types of soil including utilising
excavated muck for dressing of cess, slopes etc. in Railway land.

Details of cost for 100 RM (One group of two persons will make kutcha trapezoidal
side drain of bottom width 300mm and depth of 450mm, 12 Running metre in a day)

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 81.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,150.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,401.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 107.45
Cost for 100 RM 10,852.01
Rate per RM RM 108.52

136130 Providing Assistant to Patrol man for patrolling during cold / hot weather on track for
protecting track as per IRPWM.
1.The person deployed for patrolling must have the following items:
• Valid certificate of competency issued by Railways.
• Fit for A-3 medical category - certificate issued by registered medical practitioner
2.Necessary equipments prescribed shall be supplied by Railways for each
patrolman and same to be handed over back to Railways in good condition.
3.The following equipment to be arranged by contractor for each patrol man:
H.S.Flags Green -1 No (Standard size), H.S Flags Red- 2 Nos. (Standard
size),Torch light 3 cell -1 no., Staff for flags -1 no., Whistle Thunder - 1no, Protective
clothing to withstand climate, Gum boots, Haver sack.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
136131 For duration of 8 hrs.
Details of cost for 2 Persons
Patrolman (Semi-skilled) Day 0035 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T & P, Training costs etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 155.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 189.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.49
Cost for 2 Persons 1,463.70
Rate per Person Each 731.85

136132 For 12 hrs. duration

Details of cost for 24 Hrs @ 1 person 12 Hours i.e.2 Persons for 24hrs { Take 3
person for 24 hrs}
Patrolman (Semi-skilled) Day 0035 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
T & P, Training costs etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.16
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 229.32
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 279.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.41
Cost for 24 Hours for 2 Persons, @ 1 person 12 Hours i.e.2 Persons for 24hrs 2,162.11
Rate per Person Each 1,081.05

136140 Providing Assistant to Patrolman for monsoon / security patrolling whenever required
for protection of track as per IRPWM (for a duration of 12 hours).
1.The person deployed for patrolling must have the following items:
• Valid certificate of competency issued by Railways.
• Fit for A-3 medical category - certificate issued by registered medical practitioner.
2.The equipment supplied by Railways shall be handed over back to Railways in
good condition:

3.The following equipment to be arranged by contractor for each patrol man:

• H.S.flags (standard size): Green – 1 no. & Red - 2 Nos.
• Torch (3 cell) – 1no.; Staff for flags – 1no.; Whistle thunder – 1no.
•Protective cloth to withstand the climate; Gum boots; Haver sack

136141 For Day shift

Details of cost for 1 Person
Patrolman (Semi-skilled) Day 0035 512.00 1.00 512.00
T & P, Training costs etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 5.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 77.62

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 94.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 7.25
Cost for 1 Person 731.85
Rate per Person Each 731.85

136142 For Night shift

Details of cost for 2 Person
Patrolman (Semi-skilled) Day 0035 512.00 2.50 1,280.00
Considering 25% extra wages for night duty
T & P, Training costs etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 192.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 234.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.02
Cost for 2 Persons 1,819.60
Rate per Person Each 909.80

137000 Marking and Painting Works

137010 Anti-corrosive painting of rail outside track on rail bottom, web, foot and fishing
plane with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black paint
confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including surface preparation, as a complete
job as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM.

137011 For 60 Kg Rails

Details of cost for 104 RM (One group of 1 Painter + 1 helper + 1 Labour will paint
two coat 104 RM i.e.4 Rails of 13 metre in a day)
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 30.00 2,400.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 12.00 60.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 36.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 519.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 632.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 48.48
Cost for 104 RM 4,896.85
Rate per RM RM 47.09

137012 For 52 Kg Rails

Considering cost reduction of 11.15% in the rate for 60Kg
Rate per RM RM 137011 47.09 0.89 41.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
137020 Anti-corrosive painting of rail on running track of any sleeper density on web, foot
etc. including liner contact area (excluding bottom of foot) and fishing plane as per
requirement with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black
paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including painting of liners, ERCs and
including surface preparation, as a complete job as per procedure prescribed in
latest edition of IRPWM
Note: 60% of payment shall be made if painting on only gauge face side is done.

137021 For 60 Kg Rails

Details of cost for 104 TRM (One group of 1 Painter + 2 Labour will paint two coat
104 RM i.e.8 Rails of 13 metre in a day)
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 42.00 3,360.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 2.00 66.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.37
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 714.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 870.32
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.72
Cost for 104 TRM 6,739.19
Rate per TRM TRM 64.80

137022 For 52 Kg Rails

Considering cost reduction of 11.15% in the rate for 60Kg
Rate per TRM TRM 137021 64.80 0.89 57.57

137030 Anti-corrosive painting to weld collar for Thermit welded rail joints on track or on cess
for new welded joints to protect against normal corrosion for any rail section with two
coats of ready mixed bituminous black paint of reputed make confirming to latest
IS:9862 on welded area up to 10cm on either side including on the underside of rail
foot by brush including surface preparation as per Railway's AT Weld Manual
including lettering / weld numbering with approved enamel paint as directed
Note: Before painting, dust, loose rust and mill scale and dirt shall be removed
thoroughly by wire brushing. Scrubbing welded area with water to make it free from
slag and other water soluble compounds to make it dry.

Details of cost for 200 welds

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 8.00 640.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 20.00 100.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Paint Brush 75 mm Each 0323 70.00 2.00 140.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 380.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 463.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.51
Cost for 200 welds 3,587.01
Rate per weld Each 17.94

137040 Anti-corrosive painting to weld collar for Thermit welded rail joints on track for old
painted joints in normal corrosive prone area for any rail section with two coats of
ready mixed bituminous black paint of reputed make confirming to IS:9862 latest
version on welded area up to 10cm on either side including on the underside of rail
foot by brush including surface preparation as per Railway's AT Weld Manual
including lettering / weld numbering with approved enamel paint as directed
1.Before painting, dust, dirt and flaked paint from the welded joint shall be removed
thoroughly by scrapping with wire brush. Grease and oil shall be removed by use of
appropriate solvent confirming to latest IS:1745.
2.Use of detergent followed by water washing should also be done to ensure
removal of oil and grease apart from the greasing compound.
3.The paint should be procured along with the thinner recommended by the
manufacturer of the paint.
4.No other thinner like kerosene oil should be used.

Details of cost for 200 welds

Solvent confirming to IS Specification 1745-1976. Litre 0300 150.00 2.00 300.00
Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 8.00 640.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 20.00 100.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Paint Brush 75 mm Each 0323 70.00 2.00 140.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 29.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 423.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 515.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 39.49
Cost for 200 welds 3,988.39
Rate per weld Each 19.94

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
137050 Anti-corrosive painting to weld collar for Thermit welded rail joints on track or on cess
for new welded joints to protect against severe corrosion for any rail section with one
coat of high build epoxy paint (two pack) of reputed make confirming to RDSO
Specification M&C/PCN-111/99 on welded area up to 10cm on either side including
on the underside of rail foot by brush including surface preparation as per Railway's
AT Weld Manual including lettering / weld numbering with approved enamel paint as
Before painting, dust, loose rust and mill scale and dirt shall be removed thoroughly
by wire brushing. Scrubbing welded area with water to make it free from slag and
other water soluble compounds to make it dry.

Details of cost for 200 welds

High build epoxy paint (two pack) as per RDSO's Specn. No. M&C/PCN/111/88 Litre 0301 440.00 8.00 3,520.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 20.00 100.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Paint Brush 75 mm Each 0323 70.00 2.00 140.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 55.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 789.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 960.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 73.67
Cost for 200 welds 7,440.27
Rate per weld Each 37.20

137060 Anti-corrosive painting to weld collar for Thermit welded rail joints on track for old
painted joints in severe corrosive prone area for any rail section with one coat of high
build epoxy paint (two pack) of reputed make confirming to RDSO Specification
M&C/PCN-111/99 on welded area up to 10cm on either side including on the
underside of rail foot by brush including surface preparation as per Railway's AT
Weld Manual including lettering / weld numbering with approved enamel paint as
1.Before painting, dust, dirt and flaked paint from the welded joint shall be removed
thoroughly by scrapping with wire brush. Grease and oil shall be removed by use of
appropriate solvent confirming to latest IS:1745:
2.Use of detergent followed by water washing should also be done to ensure
removal of oil and grease apart from the greasing compound.
3.The paint should be procured along with the thinner recommended by the
manufacturer of the paint
4.No other thinner like kerosene oil should be used

Details of cost for 200 welds

Solvent confirming to IS Specification 1745-1976. Litre 0300 150.00 2.00 300.00
High build epoxy paint (two pack) as per RDSO's Specn. No. M&C/PCN/111/88 Litre 0301 440.00 8.00 3,520.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 20.00 100.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Paint Brush 75 mm Each 0323 70.00 2.00 140.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 58.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 831.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,012.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 77.64
Cost for 200 welds 7,841.65
Rate per weld Each 39.21

137070 Marking, inscribing, painting, writing, bordering etc. on new / old iron surface at
various locations of Points & Crossings with details of turn-in / turn-out reference
station mark on rail web for one set, duly preparing surface with contractor's wire
brush and applying two coats of yellow synthetic enamel paint of approved quality as
background and stenciling the details to suitable size, as described for every curve
reference station mark / switch / crossing details with black enamel paint of approved
quality complete, as directed :
Note: Stenciling of letters is only permitted. No hand written letters are accepted.

137071 1 in 16 Turnout
Details of cost for 2 sets. (Yellow & Black paint)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.50 16.50
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.78
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 351.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 428.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.82
Cost for 2 sets. 3,314.74
Rate per set Set 1,657.37

137072 1 in 12 Turnout
Details of cost for 3 sets. (Yellow & Black paint)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 350.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 426.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.73
Cost for 3 sets. 3,306.04
Rate per set Set 1,102.01

137073 1 in 8½ Turnout
Details of cost for 5 sets. (Yellow & Black paint)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 5.00 950.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 377.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 459.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.25
Cost for 5 sets. 3,560.25
Rate per set Set 712.05

137074 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 10 sets. (Yellow & Black paint)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 5.00 950.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.61

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 377.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 459.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.25
Cost for 10 sets. 3,560.25
Rate per set Set 356.03

137080 Painting 2 coats to various P.Way Reference Post, Structures etc. with enamel paint
of approved make with 2 coats of different colours & letters, as directed by Engineer

137081 Kilometre & Gradient post

Details of cost for 15 posts (1.0 litre white & 0.25 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.25 237.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 134.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 164.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.58
Cost for 15 posts 1,270.37
Rate per post Each 84.69

137082 Hectometre Post

Details of cost for 15 posts (1.5 litre white & 0.50 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 154.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 188.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.47
Cost for 15 posts 1,461.03
Rate per post Each 97.40

137083 LWR / SEJ Board

Details of cost for 10 Boards (1.50 litre white & 0.5 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 11.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 158.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 192.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.77
Cost for 10 Boards 1,491.80
Rate per board Each 149.18

137084 Level Crossing Boards including Road Sign Boards

Details of cost for 10 boards (1.0 litre yellow, 1.00 litre white & .50 litre black paint
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.50 475.00
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 0.20 60.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 180.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 219.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.82
Cost for 10 Boards 1,699.18
Rate per board Each 169.92

137085 Level Crossing Post

Details of cost for 8 Posts (1.0 litre white & 0.5 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.50 285.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.50 16.50
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 142.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 173.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.29
Cost for 8 Posts 1,342.62
Rate per post Each 167.83

137086 Curve Post

Details of cost for 15 posts (1.0 litre yellow & 0.50 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.50 285.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.50 16.50
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 142.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 173.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.29
Cost for 15 posts 1,342.62
Rate per post Each 89.51

137087 Level Crossing Boom including fringe

Details of cost for 10 Metre Boom (1.0 litre yellow & 1.0 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 147.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 179.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.78
Cost for 10 Metre 1,391.46
Rate per metre Metre 139.15

137088 Level Crossing Boom without fringe

Details of cost for 10 Metre Boom (.50 litre yellow & .50 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 120.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 146.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.26
Cost for 10 Metre 1,137.25
Rate per metre Metre 113.72

137089 Curve Board

Details of cost for 10 Boards (1.50 litre white & 0.5 litre black paint reqd.)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 11.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 158.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 192.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.77
Cost for 10 Boards 1,491.80
Rate per board Each 149.18

137090 Curve details, SE, Versine, Station Nos. etc. per station.
Details of cost for 75 Stn.(2.0 litre yellow & 1.0 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 3.00 570.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.50 16.50
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.25 37.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 381.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 464.28
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.59
Cost for 75 Stn. 3,595.04
Rate per station Each 47.93

137100 Painting 2 coats to Bridge Reference / Boards, Structures etc. along track with
enamel paint of approved make with different colours & letters, as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
137101 Bridge Board
Details of cost for 10 bridge boards (1.5 litre White & 0.50 litre black paint reqd.)

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 11.15

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 158.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 192.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 14.77
Cost for 10 Boards 1,491.80
Rate per board Each 149.18

137102 Bridge Tablet

Details of cost for 30 bridge tablet (1.0 litre white & .25 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.25 237.50
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 0.50 16.50
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 135.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 165.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.66
Cost for 30 bridge tablet 1,279.07
Rate per bridge tablet Each 42.64

137103 Bridge Height Gauge

Details of cost for 1 bridge (2.00 litre white & 2.00 litre black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.25 37.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 18.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 268.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 327.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 25.10
Cost for 1 bridge 2,534.72
Rate per bridge Each 2,534.72

137104 HFL, FSL & DL on Bridge Pier / Abutment

Details of cost for 3 bridge (0.50 litre white , 0.10 red & 0.50 black paint reqd.)
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.10 209.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 1.00 150.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 13: Maintenance Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 201.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 245.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 18.85
Cost for 3 bridge 1,903.89
Rate per bridge Each 634.63

137105 Miscellaneous General Boards, Jurisdiction Boards, Structures etc.

Details of cost for 9 Sqm i.e. Considering 6 Boards of size 1.5m x 1.0m each (
required 1.50 litre white / yellow & 0.50 litre black paint )
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.25 128.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 7.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 110.72
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 134.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 10.34
Cost for 9 Sqm 1,043.93
Rate per Sqm Sqm 115.99

137110 Attending the CC apron repairs under the sleeper where there is separation of PSC
Sleeper along whole periphery and puncturing of apron under the sleepers,
chiselling as required including removal of foreign materials from the sleeper trench
and dewatering duly filling cement concrete with CONBEXTRA-GP2 or similar, the
narrow gaps completely including pouring, finishing, curing to match with the existing
C.C.apron surface and slopes complete, labour charges in traffic block and as per
the direction of Engineer In charge.

Details of cost for 4 Sleepers

Fosroc conbextra-GP2 grout or similar make in 25 Kg bag Each 0470 494.00 8.00 3,952.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 731.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 890.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.28
Cost for 4 Sleepers 6,896.40
Rate per sleeper Each 1,724.10

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

CHAPTER - 14 : Testing of Rails and other Components

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
141000 USFD Testing of Rails
141010 Ultrasonic testing of single rails, required for fabrication of points and crossings by
using double crystal normal probe 4.0 MHz frequency with water / oil couplant. The
rails shall be tested by probing from the rail head top, rail head side and web with
typical oscillogram pattern for various probe positions as per 'Indian Railways
Standard Specification for Ultrasonic Testing of Rails and Welds', as applicable to
rails for fabrication of points & crossings. The rates are inclusive of contractor’s men,
materials & machines complete and as directed.

Detail of cost for 12 Nos. of 13 metres i.e. 156m

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 16.00 80.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 5.00 75.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.25 47.50
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 1.00 1,500.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 597.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 727.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 55.78
Cost for 156 running metres 5,633.39
Rate per running metre RM 36.11

141020 Carrying out Through USFD testing of running rails & welds (excluding flange
testing) including level crossings, lead portion of points and crossings and scabbed
rail testing of all types of rails by NBC (Need Based Concept) method under traffic
conditions as per provisions of IR’s "USFD Manual & Specifications for Ultrasonic
Testing of Rails and Welds" with latest correction slips & related instructions, duly
marking defects, submission of daily reports and storing back-up data, as specified &
The SRT/DRT machine should have minimum of 9 probes (including 370 forward
/backward probe for detecting bolt hole cracks.

141021 With Contractor’s USFD machine

Detail of cost for 3 TKM
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.15 28.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.20 8.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Allowances for carriage of equipment and Travel/Stay for the team @ 50% labour 3,104.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 400.00 400.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine(B-Scan) Day 0125 2500.00 1.00 2,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 122.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,739.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,117.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 162.34
Cost for 3 TKM 16,396.43
Rate per TRM TRM 5.47

141022 With Railway's USFD machine including related T&P and probes
Detail of cost for 3 TKM
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.15 28.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.20 8.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Allowances for carriage of equipment and Travel/Stay for the team @ 50% labour 3,104.50
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 400.00 400.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 97.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,384.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,685.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 129.22
Cost for 3 TKM 13,051.58
Rate per TRM TRM 4.35

142000 USFD Testing of A.T. Welds

142010 Carrying out USFD testing of Alumino Thermic (AT) welds on all types of rails, using
0º (2 MHz) double crystal; 70º (2 MHz) 20mm x 20mm single crystal probe for head
& flange testing; 2 nos. 45º (2 MHz) single crystal with tandom rig for testing from rail
top to bottom & for half moon testing and 70º (2 MHz) 20mm x 20mm side looking
probe by NBC (Need Based Concept) method under traffic conditions as per
provisions of IR’s "Manual & Specifications for Ultrasonic Testing of Rails and Welds"
& related instructions duly marking the defects, submission of daily reports and
storing back-up data as specified & directed. The rates are inclusive of contractor’s
men, materials & machines complete unless otherwise specified and directed.

142011 Track having up to 3 rail panels - With Contractor’s USFD machine :

Details of cost for 55 welds
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 69.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 980.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,193.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 91.54
Cost for 55 welds 9,245.15
Rate per weld Each 168.09

142012 Track having more than 3 Rail panels - With Contractor’s USFD machine.
Details of cost for 60 welds
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 69.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 980.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,193.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 91.54
Cost for 60 welds 9,245.15
Rate per weld Each 154.09

142013 Track having up to 3 rail panels - With Railways’ USFD machine including related
T&P and probes :
Details of cost for 55 welds
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 61.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 867.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,055.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 80.94
Cost for 55 welds 8,174.80
Rate per weld Each 148.63

142014 Track having more than 3 rail panels - With Railways’ USFD machine including
related T&P and probes :
Details of cost for 60 welds
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 60.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 852.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,038.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 79.61
Cost for 60 welds 8,041.01
Rate per weld Each 134.02

143000 USFD Testing of Flash Butt Weld

143010 Carrying out USFD testing of Flash Butt (FB) & Gas Pressure (GP) welds on all types
of rails using 2 single crystal 45º (2 MHz) for head testing and one single crystal 70º
(2 MHz) probe for web & flange testing by NBC (Need Based Concept) method
under traffic conditions as per provisions of IR’s "Manual & Specifications for
Ultrasonic Testing of Rails and Welds" & related instructions, duly marking the
defects, submission of daily reports and storing back-up data as specified & directed.
The rates are inclusive of contractor’s men, materials & machines complete unless
otherwise specified and directed.

143011 Track having up to 3 rail panels - With Contractor’s USFD machine :

Details of cost for 55 welds
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 73.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,042.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,269.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 97.33
Cost for 55 welds 9,829.83
Rate per weld Each 178.72

143012 Track having more than 3 rail panels - With Contractor’s USFD machine :
Details of cost for 60 welds
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 73.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,042.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,269.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 97.33
Cost for 60 welds 9,829.83
Rate per weld Each 163.83

143013 Track having up to 3 rail panels -With Railway's USFD machine including related
T&P and probes :
Details of cost for 55 welds
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 65.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 929.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,131.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 86.73
Cost for 55 welds 8,759.48
Rate per weld Each 159.26

143014 Track having more than 3 rail panels - With Railway's USFD machine including
related T&P and probes :
Details of cost for 60 welds
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 8.00 40.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 1.00 40.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.20 38.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 65.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 929.05
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,131.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 86.73
Cost for 60 welds 8,759.48
Cost for 1 weld Each 145.99

144000 USFD Testing of SEJ

144010 USFD testing of Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ) by NBC (Need Based Concept)
method under traffic conditions as per provisions of "IR’s Manual & Specifications for
Ultrasonic Testing of Rails and Welds" with latest amendments & related instructions,
duly marking the defects, submission of daily reports and storing back-up data, as
specified in the special conditions, as applicable to rail testing. The rates are
inclusive of contractor’s men, materials & machines complete unless otherwise
specified and directed.
Note: One set consists of both SEJ on left and right rail.

144011 With Contractor’s USFD machine

Details of cost for 8 set SEJ'S
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.15 28.50
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Hire charges of USFD testing machine Day 0126 800.00 1.00 800.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 75.62
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,073.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,306.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 100.17
Cost for 8 set SEJ'S 10,116.82
Rate per set Set 1,264.60

144012 With Railway's USFD machine including related T&P and probes
Details of cost for 8 set SEJ'S
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.15 28.50
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.25 5.00
USFD Operator (With approved Certificate) Day 0043 1500.00 2.00 3,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Training charges at LKO and Transportation of machinery) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 200.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 67.62
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 959.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,168.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 89.57
Cost for 8 set SEJ'S 9,046.47
Rate per set Set 1,130.81

144020 Providing an assisting gang comprising of 4 men per day with SSE/P.Way/ USFD
for carrying out ancillary works viz., lookout, watering, paint marking and handling
machine for USFD test with Single Rail Tester (SRT) machine and as directed by
Engineer in charge.
1. This item shall be operated only when there is no departmental staff available and
only with the prior approval of concerned Sr. DEN/Co-ordination.
2. In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour, payment will be deducted for
each such person @ 50% of the accepted item rate.

Details of Cost per one day per SRT

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.58

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 14: Testing of Rails and other Components.

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 249.47
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 303.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.29
Cost for one machine per day 2,352.09
Rate per Gang per Day Gang Day 2,352.09

144030 Providing an assisting gang comprising of 6 men per day with SSE/P.Way/ USFD
for carrying out ancillary works viz., lookout, watering, paint marking and handling
machine for USFD test with Double Rail Tester (DRT) machine and as directed by
Engineer in charge.
1. This item shall be operated only when there is no departmental staff available and
only with the prior approval of concerned Sr. DEN/Co-ordination.
2. In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour, payment will be deducted for
each such person @ 1/3 rd of the accepted item rate.

Details of Cost per one day per DRT

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 373.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 454.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.87
Cost for one DRT per day 3,521.45
Rate per Gang per day Gang Day 3,521.45

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

CHAPTER - 15 : Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
151000 PQRS Related Works
151010 Unloading of mono-block PSC sleepers in PQRS Depot using Railway's Portal crane
from wagons and stacking them at the end of Assembling Line with all leads & lift.
1.Unloading to be done within the stipulated time as and when loaded BFRs are
received, so as to hand over empty BFRs without demurrage;
2.If unloading is not done within the stipulated time, the demurrage raised by the
Railways shall be borne by the Contractor.
3.Contractor has to arrange necessary tools etc., complete for unloading from BFR’s
and stacking.

Details of cost for unloading 1660 sleepers with 2 portal cranes

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 66.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 943.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,149.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 88.09
Cost for 1660 sleepers 8,897.29
Rate per sleeper Each 5.36

151020 Assembling of 13m / 12.6m long track panels in PQRS Depot by spreading PSC
sleepers already unloaded and stacked, to correct spacing as per specified sleeper
density per km, using Railway's portal crane, placing service rails on them and fixing
rails to sleepers with standard fastening properly to get correct gauge with all
contractor’s labour, tools, plants etc.

Details of cost for 520 TRM by 2 portal cranes .

On each portal crane, one helper ( semi skilled ) for operation of crane, 1 persons for
assistance during work, 8 persons for spreading PSC sleepers, 4 placing rails and
fixing fastenings work.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00
T & P (Beater, Rail tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 130.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,850.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,252.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 172.71
Cost for 520 TRM 17,444.03
Rate per TRM TRM 33.55

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
151030 Loading pre-assembled panels with PSC sleepers in layers on BFR with Railway's
Portal Crane in PQRS Depot, complete in such a manner that it may be dispatched
in train formation to mid section, as directed by engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 520 TRM by 2 portal cranes [ On each portal crane one helper (
semi skilled ) for operation of crane, 1 person for assistance during work ]

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 19.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 270.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 329.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 25.28
Cost for 520 TRM 2,552.79
Rate per TRM TRM 4.91

151040 PQRS: Pre Block activity: Removing of the existing ballast from crib portion of the full
length of existing PSC sleeper and further up to the bottom of sleepers to
accommodate new sleeper and dumping the ballast so removed on the
shoulders/cess with contractor own labour, tools and plants etc, complete with all
lead and lift and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge at site including crossing of
track wherever necessary.

Details of cost for 260 TRM

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Pans, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 53.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 758.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 923.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.79
Cost for 260 TRM 7,149.94
Rate per TRM TRM 27.50

151050 PQRS: During line block activity: Dismantling existing track, levelling disturbed and
uneven surface of bed up to bottom of sleeper, Loading the released panels in to
BFR with Railway's portal cranes, Placing new panels from BFRs on to track with
Railway's portal crane, Linking of Track with all fittings, placing ballast as required in
crib and shoulders, aligning and surfacing of track, attending track parameters and
initial packing to track to allow traffic at restricted speed of 20 kmph with
contractor's labour, tools etc, complete and lead & lift as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge at site including crossing of track wherever necessary.
Note: The PQRS cranes with fuel and operators will be provided by Railway.

Details of cost for 260 TRM

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Pans, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 615.80

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 67.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 961.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,170.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 89.73
Cost for 260 TRM 9,062.92
Rate per TRM TRM 34.86

151060 PQRS: Post Block activity, Pulling back the left over ballast from shoulders/cess in to
track and dumping in cribs and shoulders, regulating and boxing with available
ballast to facilitate surfacing of track during lifting with contractors own labour, tools
etc, complete and lead & lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge at site including
crossing of track wherever necessary.

Details of cost for 260 TRM

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Pans, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 510.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 621.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 47.64
Cost for 260 TRM 4,811.22
Rate per TRM TRM 18.50

151070 Unloading of released track panels consisting of all types of rails & sleepers from
Railway wagon at PQRS Depot, using portal cranes including dismantling of
released panels to rails, sleepers & fastenings and stacking them material-wise and
classification-wise at nominated locations within the yard limits with all leads, lift and
crossing of tracks.

151071 With Railway’s portal crane for PSC sleeper track

Details of cost for 390 TRM by 2 portal cranes [ On each portal crane one helper
(semi skilled ) for operation of crane, 1 person for assistance during work ]

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
For dismantling panels & stacking in a countable manner
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 141.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,003.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,439.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 187.05
Details of cost for 390 TRM 18,891.68
Rate per TRM TRM 48.44

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
151072 With Railway’s portal crane for other than PSC sleeper track
Details of cost for 520 TRM by 2 portal cranes [ On each portal crane one helper
(semi skilled ) for operation of crane, 1 person for assistance during work ]

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
For dismantling panels & stacking in a countable manner
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 113.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,604.24
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,953.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 149.76
Details of cost for 520 TRM 15,125.39
Rate per TRM TRM 29.09

151080 Mechanised loading of all types of rails on BFRs in PQRS Depot with Railway's
cranes, as directed by engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 520 RM by 2 portal cranes [ On each portal crane one helper
(semi skilled ) for operation of crane, 2 person for assistance during work ]

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 482.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 587.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 45.03
Cost for 520 RM 4,547.65
Rate per RM RM 8.75

151090 Providing group of 2 men for doing various miscellaneous works for Railway's PQRS
cranes (one set of 2 portals) for proper upkeep of crew rest van / rest room, as
directed by the machine in-charge by :
(1) Fuelling the machine, duly bringing diesel / hydraulic oil from the stacked drums;
(2) Bringing water to the staff rest van or staff rest room, cleaning rest van / rest
room, cooking food for Track Machine staff or bringing food from outside (cost of
food shall be borne by the staff concerned).

Details of cost for 1 day for one Machine / Crew rest van
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 125.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 152.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.71
Cost for per day for one machine / crew rest van 1,182.74
Cost for Per day per machine / crew rest van Day 1,182.74

151100 Guarding and watching the Track machine / group of machines, spare parts, oils,
grease etc. of PQRS cranes (one set of 2 portals) during day and night time in a shift
of 12 hours each, at all locations wherever necessary, as instructed by the machine
Note: One shift comprises of 12 hours.

Details of cost for 1 day for Guarding & watching Track machine / Group of machines
considering 2 chowkidars for 1 day i.e. (12 hr's Shift)
Chowkidar (Semi skilled) Day 0039 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 10.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 146.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 178.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.70
Cost for per day for one track machine / group of machines 1,383.43
Rate per shift Shift 691.71

151110 Laying of auxiliary track with all types of rails, already available on cess, fixing rails
on wooden blocks / CST-9 pots at 2m interval, true to square, to required alignment
& level, fixing with spikes / screws / keys, linking rails with fish plates, bolts & nuts to
a gauge of 3400mm (with reference to centre line of existing BG track), levelling both
the rails to same plane as that of BG track over stone ballast by way of removing
ballast from shoulders of existing track, providing one round of packing.
Subsequently, dismantling auxiliary track after completion of PQRS work at site by
way of removing wooden blocks / CST-9 pots and carrying same to next stretch /
location, if required, where auxiliary track has to be laid and spreading the same at
required locations and leaving rails there itself for carrying out TRR work later.

Details of cost for 260 Track Metre

(i) Ballast bed levelling for CST-9/Wooden Block
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Positioning & Fixing Rails on CST-9/Wooden Block
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Rail dolly, Dip lorry, Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, Beater, Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Auger etc.) 7,287.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,034.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,259.09

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.53
Cost for 260 Track Metre 9,749.55
Rate per TRM TRM 37.50

151120 In PQRS work, through rail renewal of BG track on PSC sleepers of any density with
all types of rails / rail panels lying in auxiliary track or on cess for replacement of
service rails including handling of rails by way of dragging, pairing etc. and leading
released service rails to load into BFR / Lorry or to shift to next location including
crossing of track with lead & lift and any other incidental works as required.

151121 For rails up to 13m length

Details of cost for 260 TRM
For removal of existing rail and Re fixing the rails taken from auxiliary track
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
For carting of service rails etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 191.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,713.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,304.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 253.33
Cost for 260 TRM 25,586.72
Rate per TRM TRM 98.41

151122 For rails of more than 13m and up to 40m length

Details of cost for 390 TRM
For removal of existing rail and Re fixing the rails taken from auxiliary track
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 27.00 11,799.00
For carting of service rails etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 27.00 11,799.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 115.00 115.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 270.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,834.98
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,669.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 358.00
Cost for 390 TRM 36,157.77
Rate per TRM TRM 92.71

151123 For rails above 40m length

Details of cost for 520 TRM

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
For removal of existing rail and Re fixing the rails taken from auxiliary track
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 36.00 15,732.00
For carting of service rails etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 36.00 15,732.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 359.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,105.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,216.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 476.62
Cost for 520 TRM 48,139.00
Rate per TRM TRM 92.57

151130 Through Rail renewal with free service rails of all types by removing existing running
rails, already cut into free rails / rail panels for making auxiliary track, including
attending alignment, cross level, gauging, packing; wherever required including
crossing of track, as directed.

Details of cost for 260 TRM

For removal of existing rail and Re fixing free service rails
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
For carting of service rails etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Spanner, Hammer, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 191.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,713.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,304.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 253.33
Cost for 260 TRM 25,586.72
Rate per TRM TRM 98.41

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
152000 Track Relaying Train (TRT) Related Works
152010 Carrying out preparatory works before operation of Track Relaying Train (TRT), such
as –
(1) Broken corroded sleepers to be removed and fastenings to be loosened;
(2) Excess ballast to be removed up to bottom of sleepers;
(3) Check rails of level crossings falling in the range of work to be removed;
(4) In case of CTR, rail panels placed at 1.5m away from existing track centre;
(5) All existing longer wooden sleepers if available or interlaced sleepers of different
height to be removed;
(6) Cutting of existing rails to 6m piece closure at work site from where Track
Relaying Train (TRT) will start working on that day;
(7) Removal of Reverse jaw type CST-9 sleeper if available joggled fish plates, OHE
bonds & other obstructions etc.
8. Removal of Guard Rails at bridge locations other than Girder Bridges.
9. Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately under relevant item.

Details of cost for 1000 TRM

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
T & P (Hammer, Chisel, Spanner, Crow bars, Tommy bar, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 201.45
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,858.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,480.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 266.86
Cost for 1000 TRM 26,952.75
Rate per TRM TRM 26.95

152020 Loading of PSC sleepers in layers on BRH (special type modified BFR for TRT /
PQRS working) by using contractor’s Gantry (Crane) in TRT / PQRS Base Depot,
placing dunnage (wooden beddings / wedges) between sleepers to cover entire
layer of sleepers, complete in such a manner that it may be dispatched in train

152021 Mechanised loading with Railway's cranes

Details of cost for 1660 sleepers by 2 portal cranes
On each portal crane 1 crane operator, 1 Assistant crane operator (semi skilled) & 1
helper for operation of crane during work.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
For providing dunnage (wooden beddings) between layers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 48.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 691.08

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 841.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 64.51
Cost for 1660 sleepers 6,515.76
Rate per sleeper Each 3.93

152022 Mechanised loading with Contractor's cranes /Hydra

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000 1.50 7,500.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 107.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,526.76
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,859.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 142.52
Cost for 1660 sleepers 14,394.87
Rate per sleeper Each 8.67

152030 Unloading of released sleepers from BRH (special type modified BFR for TRT
working) in Depot by using contractor’s Gantry (Crane) and stacking them at
nominated locations within the yard limits with all leads & lift.
Details of cost for 1660 sleepers by 2 portal cranes [ On each portal crane 1 crane
operator, 1 Assistant crane operator (semi skilled) & 1 helper for operation of crane
during work ]

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
For stacking sleepers in a countable manner
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Beater, Rail Tongue, Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges of Portal Crane (with Fuel & Driver) Hour 0156 250.00 16.00 4,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 106.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,508.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,836.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 140.79
Cost for 1660 sleepers 14,219.60
Rate per sleeper Each 8.57

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
153000 T-28 Machine Related Works
153010 Dismantling of existing Turnout by removing switches, rails, crossings, check rails,
sleepers and all fixtures and stacking all released materials, removing ballast and
muck by excavating up to required depth, preparation of formation bed, laying of pre
assembled Turnout by Railway's T-28 machine, linking of track with all fittings, filling
up of ballast duly screened, packing, adjusting, opening & housing of switch, testing
operation of switch assembly and attending track parameters, so as to make track fit
for 20 kmph speed including disposing off muck to indicated places up to free lead
after the block working etc. complete.
Note: Rate includes making necessary preparation for T-28 machine movement like
preparation of approaches, transportation and laying of wooden sleepers/blocks, etc.

153011 1 in 8½ Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Turnout & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast, packing & Fitting of all components of
turn out
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 140.00 140.00

Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 3,072.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 337.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,796.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,839.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 447.73
Rate per set Each 45,220.42

153012 1 in 12 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 3.00 1,851.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Turnout & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast, packing &Fitting of all components of
turn outUnskilled
Labour Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 160.00 160.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 3,537.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 389.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,521.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,722.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 515.41
Rate per set Each 52,056.61

153013 1 in 16 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Turnout & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast, packing &Fitting of all components of
Labour outUnskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 185.00 185.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 4,002.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 440.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,247.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,606.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 583.17
Rate per set Each 58,900.16

153014 1 in 20 Turnout
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Turnout & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast, packing &Fitting of all components of
Labour outUnskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 205.00 205.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 4,353.70
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 478.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,795.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,274.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 634.40
Rate per set Each 64,074.77

153020 Dismantling of existing switch by removing switches, sleepers, fixtures and stacking
all released materials, removing ballast and muck by excavating up to required
depth, preparation of formation bed, laying of pre-assembled switch by Railway’s T-
28 machine, linking of track with all fittings, filling ballast duly screened, aligning,
packing, adjusting, opening & housing of switch, testing operation of switch
assembly and attending track parameters so as to make track fit for 20 kmph speed
including disposing off muck to indicated places after the block working etc.
Note: Rate includes making necessary preparation for T-28 machine
working/movement such as providing and removing rail closures, preparation of
approaches, transportation and laying of wooden sleepers/blocks, etc.

153021 1 in 8½ Switch
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Switch & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) Fitting of all components of Switch
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,315.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 144.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,053.90
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,500.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 191.73
Rate per set Each 19,365.04

153022 1 in 12 Switch
Details of cost for 1 set

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Switch & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) Fitting of all components of Switch
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,491.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 164.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,328.32
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,835.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 217.35
Rate per set Each 21,952.35

153023 1 in 16 Switch
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Switch & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) Fitting of all components of Switch
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,692.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 186.22
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,642.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,217.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 246.68
Rate per set Each 24,914.94

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

153024 1 in 20 Switch
Details of cost for 1 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Switch & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast & packing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(v) Fitting of all components of Switch
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 75.00 75.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,911.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 210.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,984.39
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,633.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 278.59
Rate per set Each 28,138.03

153025 Derailing Switch

Details of cost for 2 set
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Dismantling of Switch & stacking of released material
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Removing ballast & muck (Including levelling)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) Preparation of formation bed for running T-28
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iv) After laying of turn out filling the ballast ,packing & fitting all components
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,492.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 164.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,329.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,836.90

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 217.50
Cost for 2 set 21,967.06
Rate per set Each 10,983.53

154000 BCM / FRM Machine Related Works

154010 Carrying out preparatory works for operation of Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM)
which includes making trench in track for inserting cutter bar, supporting track on
wooden block supplied by Railway, removal of ballast along with muck from shoulder
which is out of reach of cutter chain and putting the same in cutting width or between
rails. Rate includes all miscellaneous works, e.g. opening and re-fixing of joggled fish
plates, OHE Bonds, dismantling & removing obstructions etc.

Details of cost for 500 TRM

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Hammer, Chisel, Spanner, Crow bars, Tommy bar, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 731.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 890.71
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.29
Cost for 500 TRM 6,897.07
Rate per TRM TRM 13.79

154020 Carrying out various works during operation of BCM, like filling up of ballast at
deficient location from locations where ballast is excess or from adjoining tracks,
required initial packing, adjustment of PSC Sleepers, provision wooden blocks
supplied by department and attending track parameters etc. complete so as to make
track fit for 20 kmph speed.

Details of cost for 360 TRM ( 1 group of two persons deputed for 40 metre track )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 89.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,272.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,549.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 118.82
Cost for 360 TRM 12,001.30
Rate per TRM TRM 33.34

154030 Removal of screened muck discharged by BCM, where muck disposal on side slope
is restricted due to platform, cutting, OHE mast etc. and disposing it beyond 5m from
edge of cutting up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing off
beyond the end of cutting / platform and making up cess wherever low.

Details of cost for 520 TRM (1 group of two persons deputed for 52 Track metre )

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27
Cost for 520 TRM 13,157.28
Rate per TRM TRM 25.30

154040 Removal of screened muck discharged by FRM/SBCM where muck disposal on side
slope is restricted due to platform, cutting, OHE mast etc. and disposing it beyond
5m from edge of cutting up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for
disposing off beyond the end of cutting / platform and making up cess wherever low.

Details of cost for 780 TRM (1 group of two persons deputed for 78 Track metre)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27
Cost for 780 RM 13,157.28
Rate per TRM TRM 16.87

154050 Extra to item nos. from 154030 and 154040 for disposal of muck at a distance
beyond 50m for every additional lead of 50 metres or part thereof up to 500 metres.
Details of cost for 500 Track Metre (Extra labour element required for additional
average lead of 250 metre for disposal of muck)(@ one man per 25 TRM)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 622.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 758.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.15
Cost for 500 TRM / 250 metres lead 5,873.55
Cost for 500 TRM / every 50 metres lead 1,174.71
Rate per TRM / every 50 metres TRM 2.35

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

154060 Extra to item nos. from 154030 and 154040 for disposal of muck for additional lift of
1 metre or part thereof beyond 3 metre lift in case of disposal of muck from track in
Details of cost for 400 TRM (Extra labour element required for additional average lift
of 3 metre for disposal of muck)(@ one man per 20 TRM)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 622.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 758.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.15
Cost for 400 TRM / 3 metre lift 5,873.55
Cost for 400 TRM / every 1 metre lift 1,957.85
Rate per TRM / every 1 metre lift TRM 4.89

154070 Removing the ballast from shoulders, left over after BCM working, screening the
same removing the muck and putting back the screened ballast into track, boxing
the ballast to profile and using released muck for cess making or throwing away
within 50m lead and 3m lift when not required for cess repairs and as directed by the
Note: This item shall be used only when BRM is not available.

Details of cost for 360 TRM

(1 person deputed for 40 Track running metre length )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 47.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 669.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 815.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.51
Cost for 360 TRM 6,313.06
Rate per TRM TRM 17.54

154080 Ballast equalisation & ballast profiling after completion of deep screening work by
BCM and/or after unloading of ballast by DMT (Ballast Train), as directed by Site
Engineer as per IRPWM including heaping of ballast in tamping zone keeping rails &
sleeper top free from ballast, spacing and squaring of sleeper, gauging, cleaning of
muck, proper fixing of fastening, attention during each round of sleeper tamping in
relation to pre & post working
Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round
and after restoration of normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile and
cess profile.

Details of cost for 200 TRM (1group of two persons deputed for 40 Track metre
length )

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 666.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 811.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.24
Cost for 200 TRM 6,286.30
Rate per TRM TRM 31.43

154090 Making cess in deep screened track by using screened muck discharged by BCM
where cess is low or cutting cess to required depth up to 4m from centre of track,
where cess is high and disposing off extra muck beyond 5m from edge of cutting
which are up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off
beyond cutting or platforms, so as to make cess as per standard profile including
providing proper slope.

Details of cost for 260 TRM (1group of two persons deputed for 52 Track metre for
both sides cess )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 54.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 775.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 944.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 72.38
Cost for 260 TRM 7,310.49
Rate per TRM TRM 28.12

154100 Carrying out Through packing of sleepers to make track fit for 30 KM speed as per
procedure stipulated in latest version of IRPWM, behind BCM including filling ballast
when only lifting is carried out by BCM.

Details of cost for 182 TRM ( 1 Person will do packing including filling the ballast 14
Labour: of 1540 density in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 182 TRM 13,157.28
Rate per TRM TRM 72.29

154110 Pulling the left over ballast to the shoulders and dumping excess ballast in the cribs
and shoulders including boxing/profiling as per IRPWM of track together with left
over stretches at fixed structures/masts immediately after FRM work, leveling the
muck for making up cess and side slopes including removing and re-fixing of traction
bonds during line block with all contractors labour, tools, plant, all lead, lift, crossing
of track etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Rate analysis for 500 Track Metres

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, spanner, mortar pan etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,394.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,697.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.14
Cost of 500 Track Metre 13,143.90
Rate per TRM TRM 26.29

154120 Pre, during, and post BCM works for deep screening of ballast in Points and
crossings with all contractor's labour, tools and plants as required to carry out the
work to the standards in specific time including crossing of tracks etc. complete and
as directed by the Engineer - in - charge.
I. Pre-BCM Operation : a) making trenches for insertion of cutter bars at various
locations as per the directions of engineer in charge. i.e.., one trench ahead of one
rail length from SRJ and second trench near sleeper No 62 ( 1in 12) etc., b) Filling up
ballast up to sleeper level. c) Tightening of fittings/ plate screws, ERCs, Stud bolts,
check rail bolts.
II. During BCM Operation : a) Assistance to S&T Department : Opening of cables at
approach of Points & Crossings, TLD Boxes/ removing of Point motor and refixing
the same and covering cables after passing of BCM in block period with S&T Staff.
b) Engineering : c) Removing of two long sleepers i.e.., sleeper No 3 & 4 and refixing
the same in position during block after passage of BCM. d) Removing obstruction
i.e.., S&T CC block duly digging with crow bars and breaking with chisel/ hammer,
cutting of rail pegs with gas. e) To remove, excess ballast on rail table for free
movement of BCM and for packing purpose. f) Extension of cutter bar wherever
required in assisting machine staff. g) Removing of cutter bar/ Chain links from the
trenches after screening work by BCM.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
III . Post BCM Operation : a) Packing switch portion including Motor long sleeper
i.e.., SRJ to heel joint to reset Point for train movement & initial packing of lead
portion to allow train at 20KMPH and lifting the track in two stages (50mm to 75mm
in each lift) wherever required for correcting the longitudinal surfacing b) Dumping of
ballast in the deficient portion in crib, on main line turnout side for initial packing
purpose. c) Boxing / Levelling of muck duly ensuring levelling of muck on cess side
and lowering of cess to the deep screened depth and removing of muck in between
the lines and leading up to 250mts.
1. For technical reasons, some of the points and crossings cannot be deep screened
either fully or partially by BCM, in which case, the left over length will be deep
screening manually.
2. The length of points and crossings assembly for payment of this item should be
taken from SRJ to longest concrete sleeper available just beyond heel of crossing
along main line..

Details of cost for one Points and crossing 1 in 12 points and Crossings for a length
of 45.50m

Man Power
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
For Pre Block, Post block & during block activities
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 25.00 10,925.00
T&P (no rates reqd.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 121.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,719.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,093.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 160.47
Cost for one Points and crossing 1 in 12 points and Crossings for a length of 45.50m 16,207.78

Rate per TRM TRM 356.21

155000 CSM, Duomatic and 3X Sleeper Tamping Machines

155010 Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track
with all types of rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping
machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include :
(1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping
zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of
50 m to ensure effective packing;
(2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to operator,
(3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM;
(4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded
ballast in sleeper crib location;
(5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before & after tamping;
(6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway;
(7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring;
(8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings;

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever
(10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders;
(11) Removing and refixing of traction bonds during the block in electrified sections
(12) Dressing of ballast
1. Tamping blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or
2. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will be paid on completion of pre tamping
attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping.
3. Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case
contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post operation.
4.Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing
round and after restoration of normal speed and restoration of complete ballast

155011 For day time block working

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Pre-tamping work( as like recouped missing fittings, changing PSC, recouping
ballast &Unskilled
Labour clearing heap of ballast ) Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(ii) Post-tamping work (filling crib ballast, recoupment of all missing fittings &
Labour broken ERC)
Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar, cane Lumpsum 9901 1.00 86.00 86.00
basket etc.) 11,009.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,100.90
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 121.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,718.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,092.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 160.42
Cost for 1000 TRM 16,202.29
Rate per TRM TRM 16.20

155012 For night time block working

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Pre-tamping work( as like recouped missing fittings, changing PSC, recouping
ballast &Unskilled
Labour clearing heap of ballast ) Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(ii) Post-tamping work (filling crib ballast, recoupment of all missing fittings &
replacing broken ERC, )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar, cane Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
basket etc.) 12,334.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,233.40
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 135.67

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,925.28
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,344.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 179.73
Cost for 1000 TRM 18,152.34
Rate per TRM TRM 18.15

155013 New Line Section, not opened for traffic

Details of cost for 1000 TRM
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Pre-tamping work( as like recouped missing fittings, changing PSC, recouping
clearing heap of ballast ) Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) Post-tamping work (filling crib ballast, recoupment of all missing fittings &
Labour broken ERC)
Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar, cane Lumpsum 9901 1.00 85.00 85.00
basket etc.) 6,638.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 66.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 941.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,146.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 87.93
Cost for 1000 TRM 8,881.23
Rate per TRM TRM 8.88

155020 Pre, during & post tamping operations, for tamping of track on level crossing portion
on all types of track structure and density, during traffic block, duly opening the road
surface by digging up to the required width and up to 50mm below bottom of sleeper
to facilitate tamping, removing and refilling ballast, adjustment of deficient ballast if
necessary by picking from adjoining track/shoulder/cribs, removing and refixing all
inter locking gears interfering, removing and re-fixing of check rails and painting of
running rail & check rail with coal tar emulsion, completing road surface to smooth
motorable condition after tamping is over, including tightening of loose fittings,
replacement of broken/missing fittings, correction of displaced sleepers to correct
position and as directed by Engineer in charge.

155021 Level crossing with asphalted surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)

Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5 250.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1 33.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1 15.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1 512.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15 6,555.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25 25.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 96.52
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,369.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,667.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 127.86
Cost for 40 Sqm 12,914.11
Rate per Sqm Sqm 322.85

155022 Level crossing with CC block surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5 250.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1 33.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1 15.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1 512.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12 5,244.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 83.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,183.67
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,441.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 110.50
Cost for 40 Sqm 11,160.07
Cost for 1 Sqm Sqm 279.00

155023 Level crossing with Moorum/earth surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5 250.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1 33.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1 15.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1 512.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 65.93
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 935.62
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,139.22

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 87.34
Cost for 40 Sqm 8,821.36
Rate per sqm Sqm 220.53

155030 Removing and refixing of guard Rails over slab bridges during machine packing with
all contractor's men and materials duly removing fittings, leading guard rails to bridge
approaches, lifting, dragging, positioning and crossing of track etc, and as directed
by Engineer In charge.

Details of Cost for 100 Track Metre

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, box spanner, spanner, Rail tongues etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 67.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 952.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,159.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 88.91
Cost for 100 Track Metres 8,979.57
Rate per TRM TRM 89.80

156000 Unimat Machine Related Works

156010 Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping works for tamping of
Turnouts of all types Under Traffic Block Conditions which include :(1) Re-adjustment
of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking
ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure
effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to
operator; (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of
UNIMAT; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping /
rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings including
check rails immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing
fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with
squaring; (8) Re-setting worked-out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing
joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, OHE bonds & other obstructions, wherever
necessary ;(10) Removing and re-fixing stretcher bar, as directed; (11) Adjustment in
opening and housing of switch for testing operation of points (12)Manual
consolidation of ballast in cribs and shoulders; (13) Stages of payment a) 30% of the
rate will be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate
will be paid on completion of post tamping; (14) Recovery at the rate of twice the
applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out any of the
pre/during/post operation.

156011 1 in 8½ Turnouts (Under Traffic Block Conditions)

Details of cost for 1 set
(i) Pretamping:-opening of the joggled plates, squaring & correcting sleeper spacing,
ballast adjustment
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Attention to fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(iii) Filling of ballast in temping zone & other misc. works.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(iv) Removing, refixing stretcher bar, adjustment of opening & housing
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 540.15
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 843.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,026.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 78.71
Cost for 1 set 7,949.56
Rate per set Set 7,949.56

156012 1 in 12 Turnouts (Under Traffic Block Conditions)

Details of cost for 1 set
(i) Pretamping:-opening of the joggled plates, squaring & correcting sleeper spacing,
ballast adjustment
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Attention to fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) Filling of ballast in temping zone & other misc. works.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) Removing, refixing stretcher bar, adjustment of opening & housing
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 628.55
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 69.14
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 981.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,194.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 91.59
Cost for 1 set 9,250.57
Rate per set Set 9,250.57

156013 1 in 16 Turnouts (Under Traffic Block Conditions)

Details of cost for 1 set
(i) Pretamping:-opening of the joggled plates, squaring & correcting sleeper spacing,
Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Attention to fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iii) Filling of ballast in temping zone & other misc. works.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iv) Removing, refixing stretcher bar, adjustment of opening & housing
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 817.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 89.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,275.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,553.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 119.06
Cost for 1 set 12,025.52
Rate per set Set 12,025.52

156014 1 in 20 Turnouts (Under Traffic Block Conditions)

Details of cost for 1 set
(i) Pretamping:-opening of the joggled plates, squaring & correcting sleeper spacing,
ballast adjustment
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Attention to fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iii) Filling of ballast in temping zone & other misc. works.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
(iv) Removing, refixing stretcher bar, adjustment of opening & housing
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 861.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 94.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,345.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,637.97
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 125.58
Cost for 1 set 12,683.38
Rate per set Set 12,683.38

156015 Derailing Switch (Under Traffic Block Conditions)

Details of cost for 2 sets
(i) Pretamping:-opening of the joggled plates, squaring & correcting sleeper spacing,
ballast adjustment
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) Attention to fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
(iii) Filling of ballast in temping zone & other misc. works.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) Removing, refixing stretcher bar, adjustment of opening & housing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Rail Tongue, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater, spanner, pan iron mortar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 398.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 43.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 621.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 756.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 58.02
Cost for 2 sets 5,860.43
Rate per set Set 2,930.22

156020 Extra Over Item Numbers 156011 to 156015 for night block working

156021 Extra to Item no. 156011 for night block working

Take 15% of relevant item rate Set 156011 7949.56 0.15 1,192.43

156022 Extra to Item no. 156012 for night block working

Take 15% of relevant item rate Set 156012 9250.57 0.15 1,387.59

156023 Extra to Item no. 156013 for night block working

Take 15% of relevant item rate Set 156013 12025.52 0.15 1,803.83

156024 Extra to Item no. 156014 for night block working

Take 15% of relevant item rate Set 156014 12683.38 0.15 1,902.51

156025 Extra to Item no. 156015 for night block working

Take 15% of relevant item rate Set 156015 2930.22 0.15 439.53

156030 Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping works prescribed in
current version IRTMM/IRPWM for tamping of Turnouts of all types Under
Conditions not requiring Traffic Block.

For newly assembled turnout on compacted and level ballast bed, precisely laid as
per layout drawing (s) with all new sleepers, fittings and other fixtures; many activities
are not required in comparison to that turnouts over under train operation. Also there
is no obstruction of traffic and no restriction of working hours as required for work
under traffic block, the cost is considered as 60% of the cost turnouts under
operation i.e. 60% of corresponding rates of item nos. 156010.

156031 1 in 8½ Turnouts
Rate as per item no. 156011 156011 7949.56 0.60 4,769.73
Rate per set Set 4,769.73

156032 1 in 12 Turnouts
Rate as per item no. 156012 156012 9250.57 0.60 5,550.34
Rate per set Set 5,550.34

156033 1 in 16 Turnouts
Rate as per item no. 156013 156013 12025.52 0.60 7,215.31
Rate per set Set 7,215.31

156034 1 in 20 Turnouts
Rate as per item no. 156014 156014 12683.38 0.60 7,610.03
Rate per set Set 7,610.03

156035 Derailing Switch

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate as per item no. 156014 156015 2930.22 0.60 1,758.13
Rate per set Set 1,758.13

157000 Miscellaneous
157010 Carrying out various miscellaneous works, for proper upkeep of crew rest van / rest
room as directed by machine in-charge of Track Machines by providing a team of 2
labours for 12 hours shift, broadly mentioned hereunder:
(1) Bringing water from nearby source and cleaning machine with water jet or any
suitable means;
(2) Fuelling machine duly bringing diesel / hydraulic oil from the stacked drums;
(3) Bringing water to staff rest van or staff rest room, cleaning rest van / rest room,
cooking food for Track Machine staff or bringing food from outside (cost of food shall
be borne by the staff concerned).;
(4) Guarding & watching machines, spare parts, oils, grease etc. during day and
night time at all locations, wherever necessary, as instructed by the machine in-
(5) In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour/Mate, payment will be deducted
for each such person @ 75% of the accepted item rate.

Details of cost for 1 shift

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.84
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 125.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 152.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.71
Cost for 1 shift 1,182.74
Rate per shift per machine Shift 1,182.74

157020 Carrying out ancillary works required for UTV working under line block i.e., turning of
rails/ Sleepers and keeping in position for fixing of UTV clamps to rail, keeping
rails/PSC Sleepers in position while loading into BFR, removal of clamps on BFR for
releasing loaded rail/Sleepers, adjusting of rails/Sleepers on BFR etc. by providing
minimum of three men in a shift of 8 hours, with all contractor's tools, all lead, lift,
crossing of tracks etc., complete and as directed by the engineer - in - charge.
Note: In case, contractor provides less no. of Labour, payment will be deducted for
each such person @ 2/3 rd of the accepted item rate.

Cost for 1 shift of 8 Hrs

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, spanner, mortar pan etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 132.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 206.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 251.07

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -15: Heavy Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.25
Rate per shift Shift 1,944.16

157030 Providing lighting arrangements with halogen lamps on and around machine during
machine working in night time blocks, with contractor's generator, consumables, all
necessary electrical fittings, operators etc.
1. Lighting arrangement is to be provided as per advance planning of Night Blocks
and written communication.
2. In case lighting arrangement is made available but not used due to non-availability
of block, payment @ 60% of the item rate shall be made.
3. In place of Halogen, LED lamps of equal lumen capacity may be used with the
approval of Engineer -in-Charge.
4. If lighting arrangement fails during block, recovery shall be made twice the rate
per day.

157031 BCM/FRM/UNIMAT (7.5 KVA generator and 12x500 W)

Detail of cost for per night
Materials :
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 12.00 480.00
Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 371.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 452.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.69
Cost for per night 3,504.06
Rate per night Night 3,504.06

157032 CSM / DUO / 3X with or without DGS (7.5 KVA generator and 8x500 W)
Detail of cost for per night
Materials :
Hire Charges of Halogen Lamps 500 Watt Day 0165 40.00 8.00 320.00
Electrician (Skilled) Day 0013 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of 7.5 KVA Generator Day 0072 1000 1.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 348.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 424.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.57
Cost for per night 3,289.99
Rate per night Night 3,289.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

CHAPTER - 16 : Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
161000 Rails
161010 Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear
resistant, head hardened rails up to 110 UTS, with contractors tools & plants,
equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-
charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev.
01 of 2012) with latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as
per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020)

161011 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - Outside Track

Details of cost for 48 cuts.
As per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/2 Rev. 01 of 2007) number of cut
per disc is 6. Thus for 48 cuts, number of disc required = 48/6 = 8 nos.
Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00 8.00 4,592.00
Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00 0.25 150.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 8.00 840.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 73.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,045.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,273.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 97.64
Cost for 48 cuts 9,861.27
Rate per cut Each 205.44

161012 52 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track

Details of cost for 60 cuts.
As per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/2 Rev. 01 of 2007) number of cut
per disk is 7. Thus for 60 cuts, number of disk required = 60/7 = 8.5 nos.
Say 9 nos.
Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00 9.00 5,166.00
Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00 1.00 600.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 8.00 840.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 83.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,191.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,450.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 111.20
Cost for 60 cuts 11,231.32
Rate per cut Each 187.19

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
161013 52 Kg - 72 UTS & other rails - Outside Track
Details of cost for 60 cuts.
As per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/2 Rev. 01 of 2007) number of cut
per disk is 12. Thus for 60 cuts, number of disk required = 60/12 = 5 nos.
Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00 5.00 2,870.00
Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00 0.50 300.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 4.00 420.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.25 128.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 723.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 880.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 67.51
Cost for 60 cuts 6,818.46
Rate per cut Each 113.64

161014 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - On Running Line

Details of cost for 48 cuts.
As per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/2 Rev. 01 of 2007) number of cut
per disc is 6. Thus for 48 cuts, number of disc required = 48/6 = 8 nos.
However, due to rail stresses as well as stress hardening, number of disk
required is considered more by 20% i.e. 8 x 1.20 = 9.6 Say 10 nos.

Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00 10.00 5,740.00
Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00 0.25 150.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 8.00 840.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 93.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,332.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,622.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 124.41
Cost for 48 cuts 12,565.24
Rate per cut Each 261.78

161015 52 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line

Details of cost for 60 cuts.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
As per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/2 Rev. 01 of 2007) number of cut
per disk is 7. Thus for 60 cuts, number of disk required = 60/7 = 8.5 nos.
However, due to rail stresses as well as stress hardening, number of disk
required is considered more by 20% i.e. 8.5 x 1.20 = 10.2 Say 10 nos.
Abrasive rail cutting disc as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/2 Each 0455 574.00 10.00 5,740.00
Driving belt (abrasive rail cutter) Each 0456 600.00 0.25 150.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 8.00 840.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Abrasive Rail Cutter (without POL) Day 0140 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 95.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,350.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,644.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 126.11
Cost for 60 cuts 12,737.17
Rate per cut Each 212.29

161020 Cutting of rails with Rail Cutting Machine (Saw type) in all types of rail sections with
contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete,
as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail Cutting Machine (Saw type) will be as per
RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/4, dated 24.04.1991.
Note: This item shall only be used in specific circumstances on specific order of

161021 60 Kg - 110 UTS - Outside Track

Details of cost for 11 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 356.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 433.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.24
Cost for 11 cuts 3,357.55
Rate per cut Each 305.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
161022 60 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track
Details of cost for 14 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's
Normal Spec.Petrol
unleaded no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.) Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 356.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 433.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.24
Cost for 14 cuts 3,357.55
Rate per cut Each 239.83

161023 52 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track

Details of cost for 18 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's
Normal Spec.Petrol
unleaded no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.) Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 30.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 436.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 531.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 40.72
Cost for 18 cuts 4,112.82
Rate per cut Each 228.49

161024 52 Kg - 72 UTS & other rails - Outside Track

Details of cost for 24 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's
Normal Spec.Petrol
unleaded no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.) Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 30.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 436.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 531.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 40.72
Cost for 24 cuts 4,112.82
Rate per cut Each 171.37

161025 60 Kg - 110 UTS- On Running Line

Details of cost for 9 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 387.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 471.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 36.14
Cost for 9 cuts 3,649.89
Rate per cut Each 405.54

161026 60 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line

Details of cost for 10 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's
Normal Spec.Petrol
unleaded no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.) Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.28
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 387.12
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 471.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 36.14

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 10 cuts 3,649.89
Rate per cut Each 364.99

161027 52 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line

Details of cost for 14 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's
Normal Spec.Petrol
unleaded no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.) Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.16
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 371.22
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 452.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.65
Cost for 14 cuts 3,500.04
Rate per cut Each 250.00

161030 Cutting of rails with electrically operated Rail Cutting Machine in all types of rail
sections, with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift
etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge as per Specifications. Machine to
be fitted with monorail wheel arrangement and a handle of convenient height to
enable it to be pushed over one rail by one person to take it to the work-site.

161031 Outside track - When Electricity provided by static power supply of Railway :
Details of cost for 14 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Electrically operated Rail Cutting Machine Day 0138 100.00 1.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 204.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 249.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.10
Cost for 14 cuts 1,928.64
Rate per cut Each 137.76

161032 On Running track - When Electricity provided by static power supply of Railway :
Details of cost for 14 cuts
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 2.00 320.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Electrically operated Rail Cutting Machine Day 0138 100.00 1.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 310.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 377.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.97
Cost for 14 cuts 2,926.07
Rate per cut Each 209.00

161040 Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine including chamfering
with appropriate chamfering tools in all types of rail section with contractor's tools &
plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by
Engineer in-charge. Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No.
TM/SM/3, dated 24.04.1991.

161041 Outside Track

Details of cost for 100 holes
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Ratchet & Chamfering kit etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 37.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 529.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 644.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 49.42
Cost for 100 holes 4,991.38
Rate per hole Each 49.91

161042 On Running Line

Details of cost for 100 holes
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 6.00 336.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Ratchet & Chamfering kit etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 47.85
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 678.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 826.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 63.38
Cost for 100 holes 6,401.56
Rate per hole Each 64.02

161050 Drilling holes of specified size for bond holes with 7.2mm dia drill twist to correct
spacing and location on 60kg/52kg rails on cess or under traffic block with
contractor’s tools and plant, equipment, consumable, labour etc complete as
directed by the Engineer in charge at site.
Details of cost for 100 holes
Drill twist made of high speed of size 7.2 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0461 271.00 1.00 271.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105 0.50 52.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 357.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 435.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.38
Cost for 100 holes 3,370.93
Rate per hole Each 33.71

161060 Bending & De-kinking with Hydraulic rail bender (Jim Crow) heavy duty in all types
of rail sections of flat bottom rails maximum up to 40mm with contractor's tools &
plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by
Engineer in-charge. Hydraulic Rail Bender (Jim Crow) Heavy duty will be as per
RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/5, dated 08.05.1991.

161061 Outside Track

Details of cost for 40 bends
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.50 50.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail bender (Jim Crow) Day 0141 200.00 1.00 200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 322.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 392.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 30.11
Cost for 40 bends 3,041.13
Rate per bend Each 76.03

161062 On Running Line

Details of cost for 40 bends
Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.50 50.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail bender (Jim Crow) Day 0141 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 384.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 468.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.90
Cost for 40 bends 3,625.81
Rate per bend Each 90.65

161070 Pulling of rail in LWR track by hydraulic rail tensor (Non-infringing type) under traffic
block for maintaining specified gap at rail joints for A.T. welding with contractor's
tools & plant, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by
Engineer in-charge. Hydraulic Rail Tensor (Non-infringing type) will be as per
RDSO's Specification No. TM/SM/32, dated 20.12.1991.

Details of cost for 8 gaps

Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 1.00 100.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic Rail tensor Day 0143 150.00 1.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 32.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 465.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 567.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 43.48
Cost for 8 gaps 4,391.11
Rate per gap Each 548.89

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
162000 Sleepers
162010 Sleeper Spacing, Re-spacing / Squaring of sleeper by Hydraulic Sleeper Spacer with
contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete,
as directed by Engineer in-charge. Hydraulic Sleeper Spacer shall be as per RDSO's
Specification No. TM/SM/17, dated 31.03.1992.

Details of cost for 60 sleepers

Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.50 50.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic Sleeper Spacer Day 0144 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 384.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 468.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.90
Cost for 60 sleepers 3,625.81
Rate per sleeper Each 60.43

162020 Drilling of holes (vertically) of required size into concrete sleeper in-situ for fixing
guard rails and check rails on concrete sleeper track at specified locations by
concrete sleeper drilling machine with contractor's tools & plants, equipment,
consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge as
per RDSO's Specification.

Details of cost for 60 holes

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 1.00 1,866.40
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Concrete Sleeper Drilling Machine Day 0137 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 45.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 649.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 790.39
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 60.60
Cost for 60 holes 6,120.26
Rate per hole Each 102.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
162030 Loading / unloading of concrete sleepers from cess to BFR / BRH wagons and vice-
versa by jib crane attachable to BFR / BRH for handling concrete sleepers with
contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete,
as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Detail of cost for 100 sleepers

Man Power:
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.000 1,311.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.000 50.00
Hire charges of Jib crane attachable and detachable to BFR/BRH Day 0155 300.00 1.000 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.61
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 235.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 287.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 22.00
Cost for 100 Sleepers 2,222.31
Rate per sleeper Each 22.22

162040 Quick removal of damaged concrete sleepers and restoration of railway track in case
of accidents / derailments and other such emergent situations by Concrete Sleeper
Breaker & angle grinder with contractor's tools & plants, equipments, consumable
etc. with all lead & lift complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 30 sleepers

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P including consumables Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Angle Grinder Day 0147 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of Hammer Breaker Day 0145 200.00 1.00 200.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500.00 1.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 28.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 404.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 492.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 37.73
Cost for 30 sleepers 3,810.45
Rate per sleeper Each 127.01

163000 Fittings
163010 Measuring of Toe Load of ERC during service in field by Toe Load Measuring
Device (Mechanical) with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all
lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Toe Load Measuring
Device (Mechanical) will be as per RDSO's Specification No. TM/SM/14 (Rev. 01 of
2005 with all updation).

Details of cost for 500 ERC

Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Mechanical Toe load measuring device Day 0150 200.00 1.00 200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 191.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 233.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.87
Cost for 500 ERC 1,804.88
Rate per ERC Each 3.61

163020 Measuring of Toe Load of ERC during service in field by Electronic Toe Load
Measuring Device with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all
lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Electronic Toe Load
Measuring Device will be as per RDSO's Specification No.TM/SM/ETLMD/218 dated

Details of cost for 500 ERC

Rechargeable Battery for ETLMD as per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/ETLMD/218 Each 0459 1000.00 0.10 100.00
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 0.25 60.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Electronic Toe load measuring device Day 0151 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 15.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 214.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 260.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.99
Cost for 500 ERC 2,018.95
Rate per ERC Each 4.04

163030 Extraction of jammed ERC by Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor with contractor's tools
& plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by
Engineer in-charge. Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor for jammed ERCs (10 Ton
capacity) shall be used as per RDSO's Specification No. TM/SM/6, dated 8.05.1991.

Details of cost for 100 ERC

Hydraulic oil SS-68 or equivalent of HPCL/BPCL/IOCL Litre 0181 100.00 0.25 25.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Heavy Duty Hydraulic Extractor (10 Tonnes) Day 0142 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 319.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 388.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 29.78
Cost for 100 ERC 3,007.68
Rate per ERC Each 30.08

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 16: Small Track Machines

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

164000 Miscellaneous
164010 Tamping of track for picking up slacks in concrete sleeper track by Hand Held Off
Track Tamper (Power Pack Version) with contractor's tools & plants, equipment,
consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Off-
track tamper (Power Pack Version) will be as per RDSO Specification No.
TM/SM/OTT/320, dated 28.01.2009.

Detail of cost for 250 sleepers

Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 7.00 392.00
Man Power:
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of off -Track Tamper (Set of 4) Day 0133 300.00 1.00 300.00
Hire charges of Generator 5 KVA (without POL) Day 0071 500 1.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 121.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,723.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,098.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 160.85
Cost for 250 Sleepers 16,245.91
Rate per sleeper Each 64.98

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

CHAPTER - 17 : Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
171000 Rails
171010 Loading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metres in Wagons / Truck /
trailer including lead up to 50 metres and lift up to 5 metres.

171011 In wagons during period of traffic block where handling by mechanical means is not
Details of cost for 89 Metric Tonne (114 nos., 60 kg/m rails of 13 metre)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,466.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 161.27
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,288.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,786.53
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 213.63
Cost for 89 Metric Tonne 21,577.05
Rate per MT MT 242.44

171012 In wagons not involving traffic block or on lines not opened to traffic but handling by
mechanical means is not possible
Details of cost for 133.38 Metric Tonne (171 nos. 60 kg/m rails of 13 metre)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 137.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,956.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,382.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 182.64
Cost for 133.38 Metric Tonne 18,446.15
Rate per MT MT 138.30

171013 In Wagon under traffic block where mechanical handling is possible

Details of cost for 150 Metric Tonne (192 rails 13 metre 60 Kg)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
Lifting beam arrangement for handling of multi rails at a time Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 160.11
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,272.04

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,766.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 212.10
Cost for 150 Metric Tonne 21,421.72
Rate per MT MT 142.81

171014 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or
in Truck/trailer.
Details of cost for 150 Metric Tonne (192 rails 13 metre 60 Kg)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Lifting beam arrangement for handling of multi rails at a time Lumpsum 9901 1.00 150.00 150.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.50 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 117.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,669.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,032.48
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 155.82
Cost for 150 Metric Tonne 15,738.16
Rate per MT MT 104.92

171020 Loading of tongue rail, stock rail, switch assembly and crossings of any section and
length, SEJ, Glued joint etc. with / without P.Way fittings and fastenings, in Wagon /
Truck / trailer including lead up to 250 metre and lift up to 5 metre.

171021 In wagons during period of traffic block where handling by mechanical means is not
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 35.00 15,295.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,683.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 185.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,628.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,199.92
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 245.33
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 24,778.07
Rate per MT MT 294.98

171022 In wagons not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling by
mechanical means is not possible.

Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 26.00 11,362.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 124.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,768.99
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,153.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 165.14
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 16,678.73
Rate per MT MT 198.56

171023 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is required.

Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 163.98
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,326.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,833.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 217.22
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 21,939.50
Rate per MT MT 130.59

171024 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or
in Truck/trailer.
Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.50 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 130.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,848.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,250.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 172.53
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 17,425.30
Rate per MT MT 103.72

171030 Loading, leading and unloading of 52Kg / 60Kg rail up to 13 metre length by
Railway's Rail Dolly / Dip Lorry to the nominated location under traffic with line
protection in case road carriage is not possible with different lead with a lift up to 5
metre during block period.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
171031 For lead up to 500 metre.
Details of cost for 18.72 MT ( 24 Rails of 13 metre 60 Kg )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 45.80
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 649.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 791.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 60.67
Cost for 18.72 MT 6,127.75
Rate per MT MT 327.34

171032 For lead beyond 500 metre and up to 1 Km.

Details of cost for 18.72 MT (24 Rails of 13 metre 60 Kg)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 11.00 4,807.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.01
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 837.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,019.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 78.17
Cost for 18.72 MT 7,895.17
Rate per MT MT 421.75

171033 Extra to Items no. 171032 for lead beyond 1 Km for every subsequent Km or part
thereof and up to 10 Km
Details of cost for 18.72 MT ( Average Lead Considered 5 Km )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 497.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 605.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.44
Cost for 18.72 MT for lead up to 5 Km 4,690.81
Cost for 1 MT for 5 Km 250.58
Rate per MT for 1 Km MT 50.12

171034 Extra to Item no. 171031 and 171032 with contractor's Rail Dolly / Dip Lorry
Details of cost for 18.72 MT ( 24 Rails of 13 metre 60 Kg ). Required 6 Rail Dolly for
two groups. One taken as standby.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges of Insulated Rail Dolly Day 0157 20.00 7.00 140.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 22.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 27.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.12
Cost for 18.72 MT 214.07
Rate per MT MT 11.44

171040 Loading, unloading and hauling of 52Kg / 60Kg rail more than 13 metre and up to 39
metre length by Railway's Rail Dolly / Dip Lorry to the nominated location under
traffic and line protection in case road carriage is not possible for different leads and
lift up to 5 metre.

171041 For lead up to 500m

Details of cost for 42.12 MT ( 18 no's 3 Rail Panels of 60 Kg )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 115.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,643.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,001.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 153.43
Cost for 42.12 MT 15,495.99
Rate per MT MT 367.90

171042 For lead beyond 500 metre and up to 1 Km

Details of cost for 42.12 MT ( 18 no's 3 Rail Panels of 60 Kg )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 36.00 15,732.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 168.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,390.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,910.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 223.16
Cost for 42.12 MT 22,538.90
Rate per MT MT 535.11

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
171043 Extra to Items no. 171042 for lead beyond 1 Km for every subsequent Km or part
thereof and up to 10 Km
Details of cost for 42.12 MT for lead up to 5 Km
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 105.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,491.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,815.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 139.20
Cost for 42.12 MT for lead up to 5 Km 14,059.05
Cost for 1 MT for 5 Km 333.79
Rate per MT per Km MT 66.76

171044 Extra to Item no. 171041 and 171042 with contractor's Rail Dolly / Dip Lorry
Details of cost for 42.12 MT
T & P ( Rs.5 for Each Rail Dolly ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Hire charges of Insulated Rail Dolly Day 0157 20.00 14.00 280.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 48.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 58.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4.50
Cost for 42.12 MT 454.90
Rate per MT MT 10.80

171050 Unloading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metre, in neat manner for
Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's
Truck/trailer including lead up to 50 metre, lift up to 5 metre and stacking in
prescribed manner.

171051 From wagons during period of traffic block where handling by mechanical means is
not possible

Details of cost for 600 Metric Tonne ( 8 BFR's )

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 2.00 874.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 128.00 55,936.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 6,109.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 672.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,536.03
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11,611.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 890.19

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 600 Metric Tonne 89,909.54
Rate per MT MT 149.85

171052 From wagons not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling
by mechanical means is not possible
Details of cost for 600 Metric Tonne ( 8 BFR's )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 104.00 45,448.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 467.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 6,633.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 8,077.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 619.25
Cost for 600 Metric Tonne 62,544.57
Rate per MT MT 104.24

171053 From Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required
or in Truck / trailer.
Details of cost for 216 Metric Tonne ( 12 trailers ) Two Road Crane required in a day

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.50 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 125.37
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,779.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,166.21
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 166.08
Cost for 216 Metric Tonne 16,773.72
Rate per MT MT 77.66

171060 Unloading of rails of any section and length from 13 metre to 39 metre, in neat
manner for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) including lead up
to 50 metre and lift up to 5 metre.

171061 During period of traffic block

Details of cost for 488 Metric Tonne ( 12 BFR's )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 4.00 2,468.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 2.00 874.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 108.00 47,196.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 130.00 130.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 5,197.90

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 571.77
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,113.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,879.35
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 757.42
Cost for 488 Metric Tonne 76,499.13
Rate per MT MT 156.76

171062 Not involving traffic block or in lines not opened to traffic

Details of cost for 488 Metric Tonne ( 12 BFR's )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 84.00 36,708.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 380.07
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,393.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,567.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 503.48
Cost for 488 Metric Tonne 50,851.00
Rate per MT MT 104.20

171070 Unloading of all type of rails of length 130 metre and beyond from end unloading
rake and keep the panels in head-up position at specified distance from centre of
track clear from any infringement..
Note: Contractor has to keep Oxygen and Acetylene gas with cutter as standby
during the period of work.

171071 During period of traffic block

Details of cost for 650 Metric Tonne ( 42 Panels of 20 Rails )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T & P including wire ropes, Oxygen, Acetelene gas with cutter etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,116.60
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 122.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,742.96
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,122.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 162.71
Cost for 650 Metric Tonne 16,433.35
Rate per MT MT 25.28

171072 Not involving traffic block

Details of cost for 650 Metric Tonne ( 42 Panels of 20 Rails )

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T & P including wire ropes, Oxygen, Acetelene gas with cutter etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 500.00 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 102.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,460.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,778.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 136.34
Cost for 650 Metric Tonne 13,770.05
Rate per MT MT 21.18

172000 Sleepers
172010 Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC normal line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre
length in Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in a neat manner to
departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane
or any other means including crossing of one track with free lead up to 250 metre
and lift up to 5 metre, if required with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery,
consumables etc.
Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all
inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

172011 In wagons during period of traffic block where handling by mechanical means is not
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 22.00 9,614.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 160.00 160.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,126.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 123.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,758.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,141.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 164.15
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 16,579.05
Rate per MT MT 197.37

172012 In wagons not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling by
mechanical means is not possible
Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 85.00 85.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 142.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,022.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,462.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 188.76
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 19,064.27
Rate per MT MT 113.48

172013 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is required.

Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 135.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,925.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,344.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 179.71
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 18,150.46
Rate per MT MT 108.04

172014 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or
in Truck / trailer
Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.50 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 101.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,446.30
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,761.03
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 135.01
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 13,636.26
Rate per MT MT 81.17

172020 Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers beyond 2.75 metre length
including existing fittings and fastenings in Depot / Station / Mid-section between
stations in a neat manner to departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's /
Railway's Truck/trailer with crane or any other means including crossing of one track
with free lead up to 250 metre and lift up to 5 metre, if required with contractor's
labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc.
Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all
inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
172021 In wagons during period of traffic block where handling by mechanical means is not
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,469.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 161.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,293.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,792.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 214.07
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 21,621.21
Rate per MT MT 257.40

172022 In wagons not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling by
mechanical means is not possible
Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 50.00 21,850.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 229.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,257.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,966.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 304.07
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 30,711.02
Rate per MT MT 182.80

172023 In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is required.

Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 2.00 10,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 163.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,319.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,823.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 216.49
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 21,865.92
Rate per MT MT 130.15

172024 In Wagon/Truck / trailer where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is
not required.
Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Rail tongue, Crow bar etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.50 7,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 129.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,840.37
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,240.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 171.80
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 17,351.71
Rate per MT MT 103.28

172030 Loading, leading and unloading of PSC Sleepers of 52Kg / 60Kg by Railway's Rail
Dolly/ Dip Lorry to the nominated location under traffic in case road carriage is not
possible for different leads and lift up to 5 metres.

172031 For lead up to 500 metres

Details of cost for 24 MT
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 45.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 648.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 789.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 60.54
Cost for 24 MT 6,114.38
Rate per MT MT 254.77

172032 For lead beyond 500 metre and up to 1 Km

Details of cost for 24 MT
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 13.00 5,681.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 67.65
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 959.99

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,168.90
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 89.62
Cost for 24 MT 9,051.15
Rate per MT MT 377.13

172033 Extra to Items no. 172032 for lead beyond 1 Km for every subsequent Km or part
thereof and up to 10 Km
Details of cost for 24 MT ( Average Lead Considered 5 Km )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 497.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 605.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.44
Cost for 24 MT for lead up to 5 Km 4,690.81
Cost for 1 MT for 5 Km 195.45
Rate per MT per km MT 39.09

172034 Extra to Item no. 172031 and 172032 with contractor's Rail Dolly/Dip Lorry.
Details of cost for 18 MT
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Hire charges of Insulated Rail Dolly Day 0157 20.00 7.00 140.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 24.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 30.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2.32
Cost for 18 MT 234.14
Rate per MT MT 13.01

172040 Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other
miscellaneous material except Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and
Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads.
Note: Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of
loading and unloading.

172041 Lead up to 5 Km
Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 2.5 km
Cost of leading 2.5 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 335.24
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 140.59

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 171.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.12
Cost for 9 MT 1,325.55
Rate per MT MT 147.28

172042 Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 7.5 km
Cost of leading 7.5 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 612.06
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 179.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 219.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 16.79
Cost for 9 MT 1,695.92
Rate per MT MT 188.44

172043 Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 15 km
Cost of leading 15 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 992.33
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.48
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 233.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 284.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.83
Cost for 9 MT 2,204.70
Rate per MT MT 244.97

172044 Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 25 km
Cost of leading 25 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 1,459.87
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 300.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 365.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.02

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 9 MT 2,830.24
Rate per MT MT 314.47

172045 Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 40 km
Cost of leading 40 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 2,114.75
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 393.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 478.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 36.70
Cost for 9 MT 3,706.43
Rate per MT MT 411.83

172046 Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 75 km
Cost of leading 75 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 3,552.58
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 42.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 597.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 727.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 55.74
Cost for 9 MT 5,630.15
Rate per MT MT 625.57

172047 Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 125 km
Cost of leading 125 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 5,693.92
For loading and unloading considering 6 Beldars can load/unload a 9 MT truck in 1
hour. Therefore, no. of labour required for both loading and unloading = (1+1)/8 x 6 =
1.5 nos.
Beldar (Un skilled) Day 0025 437.00 1.50 655.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 63.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 901.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,097.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 84.11
Cost for 9 MT 8,495.13
Rate per MT MT 943.90

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
172048 Extra for every Km per MT beyond 150 Km over item no. 172047
Considering only the additional cost of running beyond 150 km for a distance of 240
km with the following yardstick:
(i) Speed = 60 kmph,
Hiring time of truck = 240/60 = 4 hours = 0.5 day
(ii) Fuel consumption = 5 kmpl
Diesel consumption for 240 kms = 240/5 = 48 litres

Hire Charges of Truck - 9 tonne (without POL ) Day 0511 1379.00 0.50 689.50
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 48.00 4,540.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 742.21
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 903.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 69.29
Cost for 9 MT for additional lead of 240 km 6,997.82
Rate per MT per km MT Km 3.24

172050 Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by
road vehicles for different leads.
1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading
and unloading.
2. Loading and unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items.

172051 Lead up to 5 Km
Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 2.5 km
Cost of leading 2.5 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 335.24
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.35
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 47.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 57.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4.44
Cost for 9 MT 448.53
Rate per MT MT 49.84

172052 Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 7.5 km
Cost of leading 7.5 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 612.06
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 6.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 86.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 105.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 8.11
Cost for 9 MT 818.90
Rate per MT MT 90.99

172053 Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 15 km
Cost of leading 15 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 992.33

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 9.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 140.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 171.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 13.15
Cost for 9 MT 1,327.68
Rate per MT MT 147.52

172054 Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 25 km
Cost of leading 25 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 1,459.87
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 14.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 207.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 252.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.34
Cost for 9 MT 1,953.22
Rate per MT MT 217.02

172055 Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 40 km
Cost of leading 40 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 2,114.75
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 300.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 365.40
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.01
Cost for 9 MT 2,829.41
Rate per MT MT 314.38

172056 Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 75 km
Cost of leading 75 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 3,552.58
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.53
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 504.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 613.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 47.06
Cost for 9 MT 4,753.13
Rate per MT MT 528.13

172057 Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km

Consider the cost for 9 MT and average lead of 125 km
Cost of leading 125 km as per working sheet Tr. P.Way 5,693.92
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 56.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 808.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 983.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 75.43
Cost for 9 MT 7,618.11
Rate per MT MT 846.46

172058 Extra for every Km per MT beyond 150 Km over item no. 172057
Considering only the additional cost of running beyond 150 km for a distance of 240
km with the following yardstick:
(i) Speed = 60 kmph,
Hiring time of truck = 240/60 = 4 hours = 0.5 day
(ii) Fuel consumption = 5 kmpl
Diesel consumption for 240 kms = 240/5 = 48 litres

Hire Charges of Truck - 9 tonne (without POL ) Day 0511 1379.00 0.50 689.50
Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60 48.00 4,540.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 742.21
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 903.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 69.29
Cost for 9 MT for additional lead of 240 km 6,997.82
Rate per MT per km MT Km 3.24

172060 Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre length in
Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in neat manner for Railway usage
from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with
crane or any other means including crossing of one track and lead up to 250 metre &
lift up to 5 metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables
Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all
inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

172061 From DMT - During period of traffic block

Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 808.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 88.89
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,261.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,535.91
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 117.75
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 11,893.06
Rate per MT MT 141.58

172062 From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P ( Rail tongue, Crow bar, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 63.18
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 896.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,091.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 83.69
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 8,453.09
Rate per MT MT 100.63

172063 From Truck / Trailer

Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 95.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,355.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,650.10
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 126.51
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 12,777.30
Rate per MT MT 76.06

172070 Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC special sleepers beyond 2.75 metre length in Depot /
Station / Mid-section between stations in neat manner for Railway usage from
departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with crane
or any other means including crossing of one track and lead up to 50 metre & lift up
to 5 metre with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc.
Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all
inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied.

172071 From DMT - During period of traffic block

Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P ( Rail tongue, Crow bar, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,026.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 112.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,601.70

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,950.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 149.52
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 15,101.44
Rate per MT MT 179.78

172072 From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines not opened to traffic
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P ( Rail tongue, Crow bar, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 71.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,020.58
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,242.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 95.27
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 9,622.45
Rate per MT MT 114.55

172073 From Truck / Trailer

Details of cost for 168 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.25 6,250.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 99.26
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,408.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,715.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 131.49
Cost for 168 Metric Tonne 13,280.37
Rate per MT MT 79.05

172080 Spreading of New / SH , normal or wider base PSC sleepers from stack along track
on either side for different leads with all lifts by any means.
172081 For a lead up to 500m
Details of cost for 120 sleepers ( Average lead considered 250 metre )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P ( Rail dolly, Rail tongue, Crow bar, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 52.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 751.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 914.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.13

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 120 sleepers for up to 500 metre Lead 7,083.04
Rate per sleeper Each 59.03

172082 Extra to Item no. 172081 for additional lead of every 500m or part thereof beyond
500 m
Details of cost for 120 sleepers ( Average Lead considered 250m beyond 500m )

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P ( Rail dolly, Rail tongue, Crow bar, etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 35.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 503.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 612.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.97
Cost for 120 sleepers 4,744.33
Rate per sleeper Each 39.54

173000 Miscellaneous
173010 Unloading of Switches / Crossings / SEJ Rails / Glued Joints of any rail section and
length with or without P.Way fittings & fastenings in neat manner for Railway usage
from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with
lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5 metres.
173011 From DMT - During period of traffic block
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,026.10
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 112.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,601.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,950.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 149.52
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 15,101.44
Rate per MT MT 179.78

173012 From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic
Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 89.40

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,268.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,544.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 118.43
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 11,961.16
Rate per MT MT 142.39

173013 From Truck / Trailer

Details of cost for 84 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 66.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 939.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,143.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 87.69
Cost for 84 Metric Tonne 8,856.48
Rate per MT MT 105.43

173020 Unloading all types of P.Way fittings and fastenings for Railway usage from Truck
and stacking with lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5 metre.
Details of cost for 20 Metric Tonne
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 250.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 305.49
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.42
Cost for 20 Metric Tonne 2,365.47
Rate per MT MT 118.27

173030 Collection, segregation and stacking of various scattered P.Way materials at

nominated stacking location with serviceable and un-serviceable ones separately
within a lead up to 500 metre and lift up to 5 metre including crossing of track(s)
wherever necessary as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

173031 Rails, switches, crossings, SEJ, Glued Joints, Check Rails etc.

Details of cost for 40 Metric Tonne

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 97.23
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,379.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,680.00
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 128.80
Cost for 40 Metric Tonne 13,008.77
Rate per MT MT 325.22

173032 All type of PSC sleepers

Details of cost for 40 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 106.17
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,506.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,834.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 140.64
Cost for 40 Metric Tonne 14,204.88
Rate per MT MT 355.12

173033 P.Way fittings of all types and other similar loose items
Details of cost for 40 Metric Tonne
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 98.34
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,395.49
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,699.18
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 130.27
Cost for 40 Metric Tonne 13,157.28
Rate per MT MT 328.93

173040 Stacking of glued joints in single layer for electrical testing, in such a manner that
glued joints - (a) shall not touch ground, (b) shall not touch one another, (c) shall not
touch any rail or any metallic body, (d) shall not be water-logged from any side and
(e) end post shall not rest on supports of glued joint
Details of cost for 100 nos.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 17: Handling of Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P ( Crow bar, Rail tongue etc. ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 41.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 587.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 714.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.82
Cost for 100 nos. 5,536.39
Rate per Glued Joint Each 55.36

173050 Un Loading of stone boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each from Railway
Wagons and stacking at specified locations with all contractor's tools & plants,
machinery, labour, lead and lift, crossing of track wherever necessary etc., complete
as directed by the Engineer In charge.

Un loading of boulders from railway wagons to specified locations

(20CuM*8wagons=160 CuM)

Consider 5 Nos for each wagon

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 40.00 17,480.00
T&P ( No rate required) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 181.12
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,570.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,129.50
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 239.93
Cost for 160 CuM 24,232.73
Rate per cum Cum 151.45

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

CHAPTER - 18 : Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
181000 Dismantling
181010 Opening of level crossing up to required width from centre line of track for
replacement of sleepers by digging of pucca road surface up to bottom of sleeper,
removing of ballast, muck etc., screening of ballast & stacking the same near level
crossing and disposing of all debris, replacing the required sleeper duly packing the
sleeper to make fit for normal traffic and closing of LC surface with screened ballast
to original level by proper ramming and consolidation to smooth motarable surface
as directed by engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 77 Sqm [ For Insertion of PSC Sleeper in LC Area required width
for dismantling of road surface is 3.5 metre from centre line of track ] Taken 11 metre
wide LC. i.e. { 11m x (3.5m + 3.5m) = 77 Sqm }
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 35.00 15,295.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 75.00 75.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 179.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,552.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,108.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 238.31
Cost for 77 Sqm 24,069.50
Rate per Sqm Sqm 312.59

181020 Dismantling existing check rail of Level Crossing, blocks, bolts & nuts and stacking
these in a countable manner near LC, free from any infringements as directed by
Engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 22 RM Taken 9 Metre wide LC For both side check rails {(9+ 2) x 2
= 22 Metre }
For Dismantling and stacking of check rail
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 361.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 439.91
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.73
Cost for 22 Running Metre 3,406.39
Rate per RM RM 154.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
181030 Dismantling exiting Rail Height Gauge carefully and stacking the released material in
countable manner, free from any infringements as directed by Engineer in-Charge
including removal of cement concrete foundation and making surface clean.

Details of cost for 2 No's of one LC

(i) For Removing existing ht. gauge
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) For making surface clean & handing over material to store etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.45
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 659.15
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 802.59
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 61.53
Cost for 2 No's 6,214.72
Rate per Height Gauge Each 3,107.36

181040 Dismantling existing lifting barrier along with winch assembly and other components
like boom, fringes, locking arrangements, pedestal, boom rest, locking rods/wires,
pulley stakes, turn out wheels, 'A' base and other materials connected with
functioning of lifting barrier, removing engineering indicators on track and level
crossing road signages without any damage including demolishing concrete base of
existing structures, filling, ramming and levelling the ground disturbed during
demolition, clearing debris and stacking all released material in a neat and countable
manner and clear of infringements, as directed.
Note: Barriers on both sides of level crossing constitute one set.

Details of cost 1 set

(i) For dismantling of foundation
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For removing posts & Barrier
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) Leading all released material and stacking
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(iv) Removing Engineering Indicators
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 122.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,737.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,115.42
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 162.18
Rate per set Set 16,380.37

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

181050 Dismantling existing lifting barrier and other components except winch assembly, like
boom, fringes, locking arrangements, pedestal, boom rest, locking rods/wires, pulley
stakes, turn out wheels, 'A' base and other materials connected with functioning of
lifting barrier without any damage including demolishing concrete base of existing
structures and clearing debris in a neat manner and stacking in a countable manner
and clear of infringements, as directed.
Note: Barriers on both sides of level crossing constitute one set.

Details of cost 1 set

(i) For dismantling of foundation
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For removing posts & Barrier (except winch)
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(iii) Leading all released material and stacking
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(iv) Removing Engineering Indicators
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 113.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,612.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,963.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 150.54
Cost for 1 set 15,204.32
Rate per set Set 15,204.32

181060 Deduction to item no. 181050 for not dismantling ‘A’ base and its foundations
Details of cost 1 set
(i) For dismantling of foundation and A base
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 -4.00 -1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 -17.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 -246.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 -300.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 -23.02
Deduction for 1 set -2,325.34
Deduction per set Set -2,325.34

181070 Dismantling existing swing gate consisting of two leaves with gate posts, meeting
post and stopper post etc. without causing any damage to material and stacking the
same near LC gate as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Details of cost for 5 MT
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 4.00 260.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 12.00 600.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) For dismantling of wicked gate / swing gates
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For removal of gate post, stopper etc. & stacking of released material
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P including gas cutting equipments Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 55.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 784.03
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 954.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 73.19
Cost for 5 MT 7,392.11
Rate per MT MT 1,478.42

182000 Overhauling of Level Crossings

182010 Overhauling of level crossing by digging out up to 50mm below sleeper, screening of
shoulder & crib ballast, replacing unserviceable sleepers & fastenings as necessary,
removal of check rails for examination of running rails and check rails, scrapping of
rails and painting running rails and check rails and all fixtures with two coats of coal
tar emulsion, greasing of ERCs, MCI inserts and liners oiling all the bolts, correcting
cross level, gauge, alignment, surfacing and packing etc., re-fixing check rails duly
ensuring standard clearances, re-inserting screened ballast, making good deficient
ballast with Railway's ballast from stacks / heaps/borrowing from adjacent length of
adjoining track within 50m lead, ramming & levelling road surface and refixing
concrete slabs/making motarable road surface as required excluding re surfacing
with bitumen as directed by Engineer in-charge.

182011 Level crossings with asphalted road surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5.00 250.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For removing of Black Top road surface
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For removing ballast & other materials.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iii) For Digging 50 mm below sleeper & screening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(iv) For changing worn out sleeper, fittings & fastening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) For filling good ballast, levelling, packing & preparing of road surface etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(vi) For ramming of ballast on top surface
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(vii) For coaltaring of running & check rail etc.
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 145.10
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,059.04
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,507.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 192.21
Cost for 40 Sqm 19,413.48
Rate per Sqm Sqm 485.34

182012 Level crossings with concrete blocks road surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5.00 250.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For removing of RCC slab/blocks
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(ii) For removing ballast & other materials.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) For Digging 50 mm below sleeper & screening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) For changing worn out sleeper, fittings & fastening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) For filling good ballast, levelling, packing & preparing of road surface etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(vi) For fixing of concrete slab including ramming
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(vii) For painting of check rail and fixing joints of slabs etc.
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 131.89
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,871.59
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,278.87
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 174.71
Cost for 40 Sqm 17,646.06
Rate per Sqm Sqm 441.15

182013 Level crossings with any other type of road surface

Details of cost for 40 Sqm (Lumpsum area for 9 metre wide LC for one Line)
Coal tar Emulsion Litre 0315 50.00 5.00 250.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For removing of Road surface
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(ii) For removing ballast & other materials.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iii) For Digging 50mm below sleeper & screening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(iv) For changing worn out sleeper, fittings & fastening etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(v) For filling good ballast, levelling, packing & preparing of road surface
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
(vi) For ramming of ballast on top surface
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(vii) For painting of check rail and making road surface etc.
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 118.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,684.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,050.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 157.21
Cost for 40 Sqm 15,878.64
Rate per Sqm Sqm 396.97

183000 Check Rail Related Works

183010 Drilling of parabolic shaped holes to the web of check rail as per drawings &
specifications and as directed by engineer in- charge.
Details of cost for 38 nos. Holes
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 37.62
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 533.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 650.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 49.84
Cost for 38 nos. Holes 5,033.52
Rate per hole Each 132.46

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
183020 Fabrication including cutting, bending/machining and fixing of check rails of all rail
sections over PSC Sleepers as per Railway’s approved drawings & specifications for
level crossings / trolley paths/inspection lines in yards duly cutting rail flanges,
wherever required to correct alignment and level, drilling of holes with machine in
check rails and fixing to Running rail and sleepers with all Railway's fittings, e.g. rail
screws / grip expansion bolts, brackets, packing pieces, bolts, washers etc including
grinding of brackets if required, fixing of Railway's wooden blocks at flare ends duly
cutting and plaining, crossing of tracks and as directed by the engineer in-charge
1. Drilling of holes in PSC Sleeper and fixing of dowels shall be paid under relevant
2. Required P.Way materials will be supplied at SSE/P.Way stores.

Details of cost for 9.10 TRM (18.20 RM )

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 3.00 195.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.20 21.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
(i) For preparing flare end, cutting rail flange and fixing check rail with all fittings etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P ( Includes Gas cutting torch ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 60.00 60.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 63.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 900.55
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,096.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 84.07
Cost for 9.10 TRM 8,490.75
Rate per TRM TRM 933.05

183030 Cutting foot of rail by gas or any other approved method for check rails and grinding
sharp edges into smooth profile. Payment shall be made for length of cutting of foot.

Details of cost for 18.20 RM of Gas Cut (9.10 x 2.0 = 18.20 RM)
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 3.00 195.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T & P ( Includes Gas cutting torch ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.99
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 255.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 310.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.83
Cost for 18.20 RM of Gas Cut 2,406.95
Rate per RM RM 132.25
183040 Fixing check rails to running rails on level crossings with MS brackets, MS packing
plates, bolts & nuts, spring washers etc. including lubrication as per approved
drawing & specifications, as directed. Rails, MS brackets, packing plates, bolts &
nuts, spring washers will be supplied by Railways.
Note: One set consists two check Rails.

Details of cost for each set for 1 LC. Considering average length of check rail as
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 32.02
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 454.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 553.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 42.41
Rate per Set Set 4,283.41

184000 Painting Works

184010 Painting of running rails and check rails of any rail section of level crossing with anti-
corrosive paint on both sides of web, foot etc. including liner contact area (excluding
bottom of foot) and fishing plane with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by
bituminous black paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including painting of
liners, ERC surface preparation, i.e. cleaning with wire brush / sand paper as a
complete job as per Para No 613 (2)(b)(iii) of Indian Railways Permanent Way
Manual, as directed by Engineer in-Charge.

Details of cost for 78 RM (Running rail + check rail = 4 x 12 + 4 x 7.5) (Considering

Double Line Track LC )
Surface area for anticorrosive paints (60 kg) = 0.57 sqm/m
Surface area for anticorrosive paints (52 kg) = 0.51 sqm/m
Total surface area = 48 x 0.57 + 30 x 0.51 = 42.66 sqm
Paint spread area for 100 micron each = 6 sqm/litre
Paint required = 42.66 x2/6 = 14.22 litres
With 5% wastage quantity required = 14.22 x 1.05 = 14.93 Say 15 litres

Anti-corrosive Bituminous Paint (Black) confirming to IS:9862 Litre 0302 80.00 15.00 1,200.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 23.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 338.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 412.44

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 31.62
Cost for 78 RM 3,193.66
Rate per RM RM 40.94

184020 Painting speed breakers with paint of approved quality & colour over the Bituminous/
Concrete surface near approaches to level crossing.
184021 With enamel paint (two coats)
Details of cost for 34 Sqm
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 8.00 1,520.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 100 mm Each 0322 90.00 1.00 90.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 27.64
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 392.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 477.58
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 36.61
Cost for 34 Sqm 3,698.06
Rate per Sqm Sqm 108.77

184022 With luminous paint (two coats)

Details of cost for 34 Sqm
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 8.00 2,400.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 100 mm Each 0322 90.00 1.00 90.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 36.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 517.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 629.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 48.27
Cost for 34 Sqm 4,875.44
Rate per Sqm Sqm 143.40

184023 With Hot melt thermoplastic road marking paint

Details of cost for 34 Sqm
Hot melt Thermo plastic road marking paint Litre 0297 160.00 10.00 1,600.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Paint Brush 100 mm Each 0322 90.00 1.00 90.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Hot Paint machine Day 0132 150.00 1.00 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 29.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 424.86

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 517.32
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 39.66
Cost for 34 Sqm 4,005.79
Rate per Sqm Sqm 117.82

185000 Fencing and Gate Boom Related Works

185010 Dismantling of existing rail fencing, fixed adjoining running lines of track, duly
excavating and levelling the foundation by hand compaction, removing connections
and carting the released material up to a lead of 250m by suitable means and
stacking the same, as directed by engineer in-charge.
Note: The released materials shall be handed over duly stacking the same in
measurable fashion.

Details of cost for 6 MT ( For 50 m fencing of 90 R rail)

Commercial LPG (in cylinder) Kg 0337 73.71 4.00 294.84
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 16.00 800.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
(i) Dismantling of fencing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(i) Leading /carting of released rail
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner, Rail Tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 53.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 752.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 916.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 70.25
Cost for 6 MT 7,094.87
Rate per MT MT 1,182.48

185020 Dismantling existing whistle boards along with post including demolishing base
concrete and levelling of ground, stacking released materials at the level crossing
concerned including clearing of debris, with contractor's labour, tools, vehicles,
consumables, all lead and lift etc., complete without damage as directed by the

Details of cost for 20 whistle board

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 23.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 334.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 407.43
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 31.24
Cost for 20 whistle board 3,154.86
Rate per Rail Post Each 157.74

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

185030 Providing Rail Height Gauge at approaches of level crossings as per approved
drawings in cement concrete foundation using Railway's rails of all sections including
cutting, bending, drilling holes, erecting in position with clamps, bolts & nuts including
painting with one coat of enamel paint of specified colour over one coat of primer.
Note: excavation and concrete work will be paid separately.

185031 Less than 5 metre width of level crossing

Details of cost for 2 No's
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 3.00 390.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 3.00 570.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 15.00 750.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 5.00 325.00
(i) For Leading of all materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) For Fixing
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges of Crane 10T capacity Day 0088 5000.00 0.50 2,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 131.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,861.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,267.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 173.81
Cost for 2 No's 17,555.08
Rate per Rail Height Gauge Each 8,777.54

185032 Above 5 metre width of level crossing

Details of cost for 2 No's
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 4.00 520.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50 18.00 900.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65 6.00 390.00
(i) For Leading of all materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) For Fixing
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Hire charges of Crane 10T capacity Day 0088 5000.00 0.50 2,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 154.54

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,193.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,670.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 204.72
Cost for 2 No's 20,676.49
Rate per Rail Height Gauge Each 10,338.24

185040 Manufacture, supply, assembly, erection, commissioning and testing of Lifting Barrier
assembly, having fragmented boom, boom light boxes with suitable gate lamps, bell,
boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters, counter weight, pedestal and lock posts
with foundation of ‘A’ type as required, turn-union wheel with brackets, balance and
auxiliary weights clamps etc. to approved standard drawing with all fittings and
fastenings excluding fringes, complete with contractor's men, equipments and
materials, as per specifications and as directed.

185041 Up to 6m long Lifting Barrier

Details of cost for each set
Lifting Barrier assembly for 6m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom set 0436 96858.59 1.00 96,858.59
light boxes with suitable gate lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters,
counter weight, pedestal and lock posts with foundation of ‘A’ type as required, turn
union wheel with brackets, balance and auxiliary weights clamps etc to approved
standard drawings with all fittings and fastenings complete (excluding fringes)

Man Power : (For erection & Commissioning)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 993.94
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 14,104.45
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 17,173.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,316.66
Rate per Set Set 132,982.43

185042 Above 6m and up to 8m long Lifting Barrier

Details of cost for each set
Lifting Barrier assembly for 8m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom set 0437 129144.47 1.00 129,144.47
light boxes
Man Powerwith suitable
: (For gate
erection lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters,
& Commissioning)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,322.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 18,773.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 22,858.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,752.52

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rate per Set Set 177,004.43

185043 Above 8m and up to 10m long Lifting Barrier

Details of cost for each set
Lifting Barrier assembly for 10m long Lifting Barrier, having fragmented boom, boom set 0438 161431.29 1.00 161,431.29
light boxes with suitable gate lamps, bell, Boom supports (stay wires) with adjusters,
counter weight, pedestal and lock posts with foundation of ‘A’ type as required, turn
union wheel with brackets, balance and auxiliary weights clamps etc to approved
standard drawings with all fittings and fastenings complete (excluding fringes)

Man Power : (For erection & Commissioning)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,645.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 23,355.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 28,437.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,180.22
Rate per Set Set 220,202.19

185050 Manufacture, supply, assembly, erection, commissioning and testing of Winch

Arrangement for operation of level crossing lifting barriers, as per RDSO’s approved
layout, having standard covering arrangement, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and
pulleys, pulley guides & stakes, horizontal rope wheel, vertical rope wheel, wire
adjusting screws, wire ropes 6 x 6 x 19 with all fittings, fixtures & accessories to
RDSO’s approved drawings with all parts including painting of steel work as per
specification, as directed with cement concreting complete.
Note: Excavation and concrete work will be paid separately.

Details of cost for each

Winch arrangement for operation of level crossing lifting barriers, as per RDSO’s Each 0439 35289.90 1.00 35,289.90
approved layout having standard covering arrangement, foundation of ‘A’ type as
required and pulleys, pulley guides and stakes, horizontal rope wheel, vertical rope
wheel, wire adjusting screws wire ropes 6x6x19 with all fittings, fixtures and
accessories to RDSO’s approved drawings with all parts including painting of steel
work as per specification(excluding excavation and concrete work)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 373.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,294.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,447.14
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 494.28
Rate for each Each 49,922.33

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
185060 Manufacture, supply, assembly, erection, commissioning and testing of auto boom
locking arrangement for existing lifting barriers, consisting of interlocking ground
frame near gate lodge, foundation of ‘A’ type, as required and connecting ground
frame to lock posts of gate booms with stipulated rodding on guide rollers, supported
on trestles including required excavation, foundation, providing RCC NP-2 Class
pipes of 100mm dia. for road / rail crossing, as per RDSO’s drawings complete
(Excavation, concrete work and NP-2 pipe will be paid separately).

185061 Single lever

Details of cost for each
Auto boom locking arrangement (Single lever) for existing lifting barriers, consisting Each 0440 82481.50 1.00 82,481.50
of interlocking ground frame near gate lodge, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and
connecting ground frame to lock posts of gate booms with stipulated rodding on
guide rollers, supported on trestles as per RDSO’s drawings complete (Excluding
excavation, concrete work)

Man Power : (For erection & Commissioning)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 844.95
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,990.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,599.45
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,119.29
Rate for each Each 113,048.37

185062 Double lever

Details of cost for each
Auto boom locking arrangement (Double lever) for existing lifting barriers, consisting Each 0441 85105.91 1.00 85,105.91
of interlocking ground frame near gate lodge, foundation of ‘A’ type as required and
connecting ground frame to lock posts of gate booms with stipulated rodding on
guide rollers, supported on trestles as per RDSO’s drawings complete (Excluding
excavation, concrete work)

Man Power : (For erection & Commissioning)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 876.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,435.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,142.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,160.90
Rate for each Each 117,251.39

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
185070 Manufacture, supply and replacement of one side of level crossing of existing
Railway's lifting barrier assembly and boom supports of different boom length
including required excavation & concreting foundation of ‘A’ type, as required for
pedestal bases & fixing it on boom supports, painting iron works with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer of approved quality & colour and
setting lifting barrier for smooth operation complete and as directed.
Note: Excavation & concrete work will be paid separately.

185071 Up to 6m long Lifting Barrier

Considering half of the cost of replacement of both side as per item no. 185041
Rate as per item no. 185041 185041 132,982.43
Rate for each Each 66,491.21

185072 Above 6m and up to 8m long Lifting Barrier

Considering half of the cost of replacement of both side as per item no. 185042
Rate as per item no. 185042 185042 177,004.43
Rate for each Each 88,502.22

185073 Above 8m and up to 10m long Lifting Barrier

Considering half of the cost of replacement of both side as per item no. 185043
Rate as per item no. 185043 185043 220,202.19
Rate for each Each 110,101.09

185080 Manufacture, supply and replacement of gate lamps at one side of level crossing
Details of cost for each
Gate lamps Each 0442 4035.00 1.00 4,035.00

For fixing of Gate Lamp in Lifting Barrier Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 40.55
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 575.42
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 700.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 53.72
Rate for each Each 5,425.34

186000 Miscellaneous
186010 Manufacturing, supplying and laying factory made CC block pavers for road surface
of level crossings to RDSO Drg. No. M.00003, manufactured using 20mm size
graded hard stone aggregates of approved quality over a well compacted sand
bedding 50 thick with all contractor's cement, labour, tools/plant and curing with all
lead & lift as per specifications and as directed by Engineer in-charge.

186011 80mm thick blocks of M-35 grade for medium traffic.

Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Precast CC Paver block -80mm thick M35 grade Sqm 0450 495.00 10.50 5,197.50
Considering 5% wastage i.e. 10 + 0.5 = 10.5 Sqm
Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 0.50 500.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 0.80 493.60
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.80 409.60
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.80 786.60
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 73.97

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,049.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,278.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 97.99
Cost for 10 Sqm 9,897.13
Rate per Sqm Sqm 989.71

186012 120mm thick blocks of M-40 grade for heavy traffic.

Detail of cost for 10 Sqm
Precast CC Paver block -120mm thick M40 grade Sqm 0451 774.00 10.50 8,127.00
Considering 5% wastage i.e. 10 + 0.5 = 10.5 Sqm
Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 0.50 500.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 106.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,509.87
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,838.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 140.95
Cost for 10 Sqm 14,235.66
Rate per Sqm Sqm 1,423.57

186020 Fixing of Railway’s existing precast concrete slabs of different sizes in position for
level crossings / trolley path and filling gap between check rail / running rail, slabs,
approaches etc. with asphalt complete and as directed.

Details of cost for 84.36 Sqm {7.20 x 1.30 + 2 x(7.50 x 5.0)}

Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 0.25 250.00
Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28000.00 0.03 700.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
Fuel wood Quintal 0343 4000.00 0.20 800.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 2.00 30.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
(i) Levelling between check rail & approaches
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) Asphalting
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 48.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 687.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 836.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 64.14

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 84.36 Sqm 6,478.29
Rate per Sqm Sqm 76.79

186030 Paving of level crossing road surface with Railway's precast RCC slab / blocks as
per standards / approved drawings for light and heavy vehicles on bed of sand,
moorum or gravel, duly compacted and joints filled with mixture of sand &
tar/bitumen in proportion of 1:2 by weight.

Details of cost for 84.36 Sqm {7.20 x 1.30 + 2 x(7.50 x 5.0)}

Fine Sand (Zone IV) Cum 0200 1000.00 2.00 2,000.00
Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28000.00 0.05 1,260.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
Fuel wood Quintal 0343 4000.00 0.25 1,000.00
(i) For levelling of ballast bed
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For leading & fixing of RCC slab / Paver blocks
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 127.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,813.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,208.72
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 169.34
Cost for 84.36 Sqm 17,102.86
Rate per Sqm Sqm 202.74

186040 Removal of RCC slab in existing level crossing portion and in between tracks along
with stacking them in countable manner, as directed.

Details of cost for 40 Sqm

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 187.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 228.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.50
Cost for 40 Sqm 1,767.42
Rate per Sqm Sqm 44.19

186050 Fixing of speed breaker on approaches of level crossings with pre-cast concrete
blocks (M-25) of parabolic shape for entire road width with 125 mm central rise
including painting two coats with paint of approved quality and colour in the width of
2 metres.
Note: Cost of pre-cast concrete blocks shall be paid separately.

Details of cost for 15 Running Metre

Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 4.00 1,200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 38.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 548.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 667.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 51.17
Cost for 15 Running Metre 5,168.45
Rate per RM RM 344.56

186060 Provision of one Asphalt Speed Breaker Rumble Strip on each side of the
approaches of manned level crossings as per approved drawing including painting
two coats with paint of approved quality and colour.
Details of cost for 15 Running Metre
Bitumen Hot sealing compound : Gr. A MT 0317 28000.00 0.06 1,680.00
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm nominal size Cum 0205 775.00 0.50 387.50
Fuel wood Quintal 0343 4000.00 0.50 2,000.00
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 4.00 1,200.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
T & P including tray for heating asphalt Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 76.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,079.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,314.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 100.79
Cost for 15 Running Metre 10,179.70
Rate per RM RM 678.65

186070 Manufacture & supply of tested GI wire rope of 6mm dia. and 6 ply to suit lifting
barrier gates at nearby P.Way Stores / Depot / Level Crossing gate, as directed.

Details of cost 100 Kg

GI wire rope of 6mm dia. 6 ply to suit lifting barrier gates Kg 0443 350.00 100.00 35,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 350.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,966.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,047.50

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 463.64
Cost for 100 Kg 46,827.82
Rate per Kg Kg 468.28

186080 Supplying and fixing of Boom Supports (stay wires) for lifting barrier (approx. 8mm
dia.) with suitable adjuster and other specials, as directed
Detail of cost for 4 no's
Boom Supports (stay wires) for lifting barrier (approx. 8mm dia) Each 0444 1000.00 4.00 4,000.00
Man Power : (For Fixing)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 729.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 887.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.08
Cost for 4 no's 6,875.66
Rate for each Each 1,718.92

186090 Manufacture and supply of vertical / horizontal Turnout Wheels and Shafts, mounted
over base plate weighing not less than 6 Kg with supporting vertical base, made of
MS angle 75mm x 75mm x 10mm as per Railway's approved drawings and
specifications complete and as directed.
Details of cost for each
Vertical / Horizontal Turnout Wheels and Shafts mounted over the base plate Each 0447 1320.00 1.00 1,320.00
weighing not less than 6 Kg with supporting vertical base made of MS angles 75mm
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.20
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 187.31
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 228.08
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.49
Rate for each Each 1,766.08

186100 Manufacturing, supplying and installation of pulley with pulley stakes complete, wire
rope 6 x 6 x 19 with accessories as per Railway’s approved drawings for operation of
lifting barriers complete, as directed.

Detail of cost for 10 no's

Pulley with Pulley stakes complete, wire rope 6x6x19 ply with accessories as per Each 0446 347.00 10.00 3,470.00
Man Powerapproved drawings for operation of lifting barriers
: (For Installation)
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.09
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 654.04

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 796.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 61.05
Cost for 10 no's 6,166.55
Rate for each Each 616.66

186110 Fabrication, supply and fixing of Collapsible Fringes to the lifting barriers of various
length at level crossing as per approved drawing; made of MS flat of size 30mm x
6mm in 2 rows, 40mm x 6mm in 1 row horizontally and MS flat of size 30mm x 6mm
vertically at 500mm centre to centre, painting iron works with two coats of synthetic
enamel paint of approved quality & colour over one coat of primer of approved
quality, as directed.

Details of cost for 18.20 RM (9.10 x 2.0 = 18.20 RM)

Horizontal M.S. Flat reqd = 3 nos.
Horizontal M.S. Flat volume = 2 x (0.03 x 0.006 x 18.20) = 0.0066 cum
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 1.00 130.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
M S Flat upto 10 mm thickness Quintal 0227 6300.00 1.18 7,434.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 122.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,734.79
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,112.31
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 161.94
Cost for 18.20 RM 16,356.29
Rate per RM RM 898.70

186120 Supplying and driving into ground 'C' class G.I. pipes of 20mm dia. x 150mm length
for planting red flags and lamp at 5 metre on both sides from the centre of road at
level crossings with all leads & lifts. Payment shall be made for complete work at one
Level Crossing.
Note: Two pipes make one set.

Details of cost for each LC

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.25 154.25
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.25 109.25
Pipe and T & P @ 30% of labour cost. 79.05
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.43
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 48.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 59.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4.54
Rate per LC Set 458.31

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
186130 Manufacturing, supplying and installation of Turnout wheel - Horizontal Rope Wheel -
double wire (2-way) including guides with all contractor's materials, fabrication,
labour, T&P, consumables, all leads & lifts etc. complete as per approved drawing
and as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Detail of cost for 20 no's

Turnout wheel- HORIZONTAL ROPE WHEEL double wire (2 way) including guides Each 0448 2024.00 20.00 40,480.00

Man Power : (For Installation)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 416.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,905.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 7,191.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 551.32
Cost for 20 no's 55,683.63
Rate for each Each 2,784.18

186140 Supplying galvanized Steel Wire Rope for DW signaling 6 x 19 ply as per IRS No.
S.11 amended up to date for lifting barrier at level crossing gates, as directed by
Engineer in-charge
Details of cost 100 Kg
Galvanized STEEL WIRE ROPE for DW signalling 6 x 19 ply as per IRS No. S.11 Kg 0449 250.00 100.00 25,000.00
amended upto date for lifting barrier at level crossing gates
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 250.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,547.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,319.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 331.17
Cost for 100 Kg 33,448.44
Rate per Kg Kg 334.48

186150 Fabrication, supplying and fixing Stop Boards of 600mm dia. to lifting barriers as per
approved drawing, made of 3mm thick plate, using MS clamps, providing 6 nos. of
50mm dia. red retro-reflector on stop board, painting iron works with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer of approved quality & colour and
writing STOP mark over the board.

Details of cost for 4 No's

Disc volume = 4 x 22/7 x (0.6 x 0.6)/4 x 0.003 = 0.00085 cum, weight = 26.68 Kg
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 1.00 130.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 0.27 1,701.00
4" dia round ceramic Light Reflector as per specification Each 0445 350.00 24.00 8,400.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 123.67
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,754.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,136.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 163.82
Cost for 4 No's 16,546.28
Rate for each Each 4,136.57

186160 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Wicked Gate of size 1025mm x 1025mm x
1000mm at manned level crossings, as per approved drawing including painting with
2 coats of specified enamel colour paint over 1 coat of primer including earthwork in
excavation etc. complete, as per specifications and as directed.

Details of cost for 1.5 MT {Mild steel plates/sheets/angles required for one wicket
gate is approx 0.15 MT}
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 6.00 780.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 10.00 1,900.00
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 15.00 94,500.00
H3 Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0424 20.00 300.00 6,000.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 4.00 80.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 45.00 45.00
Electricity Charges ( 1 Unit ) KWH 0500 7.50 300.00 2,250.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 2.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,112.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15,792.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 19,229.33
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,474.25
Cost for 1.5 MT 148,899.08
Rate per MT MT 99,266.05

186170 Fixing of wooden blocks of approximate size of 150mm x 300mm x 1200mm on end
of check rails including sizing at level crossings with contractor's labour, tools &
plants and as directed.
186171 With Railway’s wooden block by cutting Railway’s wooden sleepers (supplied free by
Railways) into blocks by sawing to size
Details of cost for 40 nos.
(i) Cutting of wooden blocks from sleepers ( 1 carpenter + 1 helper prepare 20
Blocks in a(Skilled)
Carpenter day ) Day 0006 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
(ii) Fixing of wooden blocks

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 72.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,032.36
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,257.02
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.37
Cost for 40 nos 9,733.50
Rate for each Each 243.34

186172 With Contractor’s hard wood block

Details of cost for 40 nos.
Volume of 1 no. Wooden Block (size : 1.20m x 0.3m x 0.15m) = 0.054 cum
Volume for 40 nos. = 40 x 0.054 cum = 2.16 cum = 2160 Cudm

Hard Variety Jungle Wood blocks 10 Cudm 0341 350.00 216.00 75,600.00
(i) Fixing of wooden blocks
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 817.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,599.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,123.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,082.82
Cost for 40 nos 109,364.36
Rate for each Each 2,734.11

186180 Fixing of grip expansion bolts of 18mm / 22mm dia. with nuts and MS clips / washers
on PSC sleepers as per specifications for fixing guard rails / check rails / trolley path
including drilling of required holes in sleepers with all fittings with contractor's tools &
plants, equipment, consumables with all lead, lifts etc. complete, as directed by
Engineer in-charge, excluding cost of bolts, nuts, washers, clips etc.

Details of cost for 80 nos.

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.50 933.20
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
(i) Fixing of grip expansion bolt & nut with MS clip and washer for guard rail/check rail
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) For PSC sleeper drilling holes for fixing of nut & bolt
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 0.50 500.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 69.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 989.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,205.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 92.40
Cost for 80 nos. 9,332.38
Rate for each Each 116.65

186190 Erecting detonator rail posts at required locations as required including cutting the
rail to required length varying from 1.00M to 1.50M , leading the rail pieces from
nominated station / mid section from nearest depot to site of work, erecting the rail
post by making the pit size as required and filling with CC 1:3:6 mix with 40mm
aggregates and painting the rail post with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of
approved colour and make, marking of detonator symbol as per site requirement,
with contractor's materials, labour, paint, all lead and lifts, etc., complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Note: Excavation and concrete work for foundation will be paid under relevant item.

Details of cost for 20 Rail Post.

Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00 1.00 40.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 6.00 30.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 3.00 195.00
(i) Fixing of Rail Post, Painting etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P for cutting torch Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 55.66
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 789.84
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 961.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 73.73
Cost for 20 Rail Post 7,446.96
Rate per Rail Post Each 372.35

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
186200 Erecting Emergency Chain Posts for level crossings , including cutting rail to required
length varying from 1.00M to 1.50M , drilling holes, providing hooks & links / rings
with necessary locking arrangements to fix emergency chain, leading the rail pieces
from nominated station / mid section from nearest depot to site of work, erecting the
rail post by making the pit of size as required and filling with CC 1:3:6 mix with
40mm aggregates and painting the rail post with two coats of synthetic enamel paint
of approved colour and make, with contractor's materials, labour, paint, all lead and
lifts, etc., complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
(1) Rails & chain will be supplied by Railways.
(2) Excavation and concrete work for foundation will be paid under relevant item.

Details of cost for 20 Rail Post.

Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00 1.00 40.00
Sand Paper medium-grit (100- to 150-grit), 9" x 11" Nos. 0491 5.00 6.00 30.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 1.00 190.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 9.00 450.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 3.00 195.00
(i) Fixing of Rail Post, Painting etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P for cutting torch Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 67.83
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 962.54
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,172.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 89.85
Cost for 20 Rail Post 9,075.23
Rate per Rail Post Each 453.76

186210 Providing Rail Barricading with rails supplied by Railways with verticals provided at
every 1.5m interval, height of barricade being up to 1.5m above ground / termination
level and one or more row of horizontal rail, duly cutting rails and drilling holes as
required, assembling necessary accessories to required length, including earthwork
excavation for foundation, fixing posts in cement concrete 1:3:6 base of size 0.45m x
0.45m x 0.60m and one coat of red oxide painting of steel work.
1. Excavation and concrete work will be paid separately.
2. Rail shall be made available within 250 metres

Details of cost for 15 MT ( For 100 RM Barricading by 52 Kg Rails )

Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 5.00 650.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 2.00 40.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50 21.00 1,050.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65 7.00 455.00
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 15.00 1,200.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter -18: Level Crossings

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
(i) Fixing of fencing
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Carting of rail
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
(iii) Painting of rail
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 152.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,169.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,641.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 202.52
Cost for 15 MT 20,454.39
Rate per MT MT 1,363.63

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

CHAPTER - 19 : Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
191000 Dismantling Works
191010 Dismantling existing track on girder bridges including guard rails and foot path etc.,
cutting existing SW panels / LWR, if required into free rails of not less than 12 metre
length and leading all released materials to nominated place within 50m of bridge
approaches and stacking the released materials clear of infringements, as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: Rail cutting and drilling shall be paid separately.

191011 Under Traffic Block Conditions

Details of cost for 50 TRM
(i) Opening fittings of running rails, guard rails & pathway
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) Removing of running rails, guard rails, Sleepers & pathway
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
(iv) Leading of rails, guard rails, sleepers fitting & stacking etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail Tongue, Spanner, Rollers etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00

Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 660.40
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 138.68
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,968.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,396.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 183.71
Cost for 50 TRM 18,555.05
Rate per TRM TRM 371.10

191012 Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block.

Details of cost for 50 TRM
(i) Opening fittings of running rails, guard rails & pathway
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) Removing of running rails, guard rails, Sleepers & pathway
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 9.00 3,933.00
(iv) Leading of rails, guard rails, sleepers fitting & stacking etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 7.00 3,059.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail Tongue, Spanner, Rollers etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 114.60
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,626.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,980.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 151.81
Cost for 50 TRM 15,332.77
Rate per TRM TRM 306.66

191020 Insertion of temporary girder in place of formation involving dismantling of track,

removal of ballast and neatly stacking for future use, excavation & installation of CC
crib or wooden crib at both ends as per approved design in one or more traffic
blocks, excavation for creating space for insertion of girder as required, placement
of girder by contractor’s Crane, tools & plants, filling of earth/sand filled bags at
different stages as required, linking of track and connecting with the approaches,
ballasting, boxing and packing approach sleepers to make track fit for 20 kmph to
the satisfaction of Engineer in-charge.
1. The CC Cribs as required and Temporary Girder shall be supplied by Railways at
available location.
2. Transportation of Temporary Girder to site shall be paid separately under relevant
3. The charges for wooden sleepers/blocks required for matting and bearing as per
approved design shall be paid extra as per relevant item.
4. In case bridge timber / channel sleepers are required to be laid on girder, the
same shall be paid separately under relevant item.

191021 RH /Temporary girder of length varying from 12.2m to 16.3m using road crane
capacity of 50 MT
Details of cost for 1 span
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 4.00 260.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 12.00 600.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing ballast, Slewing track by road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
(ii) Excavation formation, installation of crib for insertion of girder
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
(iii) Placement of girder by road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Jacks, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 1.00 3,649.40
Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hiring charges of Crane 50 MT capacity Day 0093 20000.00 1.50 30,000.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,749.58
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 577.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,193.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 9,976.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 764.89
Rate per Span Each 77,253.96

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
191022 RH /Temporary girder of length above 16.3m and up to 26.00 using Road crane
capacity of 80 MT

Details of cost for 1 span

Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 5.00 325.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 15.00 750.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removing ballast, Slewing track by road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
(ii) Excavation formation, installation of crib for insertion of girder
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 15.00 6,555.00
(iii) Placement of girder by road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Jacks, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 1.00 3,649.40
Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hiring charges of 80MT capacity crane Day 0094 35000.00 1.50 52,500.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 4,038.93
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 848.17
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,036.02
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14,655.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,123.57
Rate per Span Each 113,480.43

191030 Manufacturing and using wooden sleepers/blocks required for matting and bearing
as per approved design for use below and above CC Crib for insertion of Temporary
Girder etc..
Note: The item is for one time use and released wooden sleepers/blocks shall be
the property of the Contractor.

Wooden Blocks required for matting and bearing at both ends on top and bottom
considering size of 3.6m x 3 m = 4 x 3.6 x 3.0 x 0.30 = 12.96 cum = 12960 cudm.
Assuming these wooden block can be used 50 times, quantity to be taken for one
time use = 12960/50 = 259.20 cudm

Hard Variety Jungle Wood blocks 10 Cudm 0341 350.00 25.92 9,072.00
Transportation of Wooden blocks
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 2.00 7,298.80
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 163.71
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,323.10
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,828.64

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 216.86
Cost for 12960 Cudm 21,903.11
Rate per Cum Cum 1,690.05

191040 Removal of temporary girder, crib on both ends and placing temporary girder on crib
/ cess away from Railway track as directed by engineer at site under traffic block;
filling of Railway's earth by ramming, pulling ballast from stack / adjoining track /
same track, laying track, linking with approach track and packing of ballast for
opening track at 20 kmph speed, boxing & dressing of cess, ballast profiling etc.
Note: If earth is to be brought by contractor from outside, the same will be paid

191041 RH /Temporary girder of length varying from 12.2m to 16.3m using road crane
capacity of 50 MT
Details of cost for 1 set of RH girder
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 4.00 260.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 12.00 600.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removal/Slewing of girder including crib & placing on crib/cess away from track by
road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Filling earth, ramming, laying & linking of track
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
(iii) Filling ballast, packing, levelling, aligning, boxing & dressing of track
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 14.00 6,118.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Jacks, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 1.00 3,649.40
Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hiring charges of Crane 50 MT capacity Day 0093 20000.00 1.50 30,000.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 2,949.58
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 619.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 8,789.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 10,702.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 820.53
Rate per Span Each 82,873.30

191042 RH /Temporary girder of length above 16.3m and up to 26.00 using Road crane
capacity of 80 MT
Details of cost for 1 set of RH girder
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 5.00 325.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 15.00 750.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 5.00 2,560.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) Removal/Slewing of girder including crib & placing on crib/cess away from track by
road crane
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(ii) Filling earth, ramming, laying & linking of track
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(iii) Filling ballast, packing, levelling, aligning, boxing & dressing of track
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Jacks, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Day 0508 3649.40 1.00 3,649.40
Hire charges for jack of 40 MT lifting capacity Day 0103 800.00 2.00 1,600.00
Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 0.50 2,337.10
Hiring charges of 80MT capacity crane Day 0094 35000.00 1.50 52,500.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 5% Lumpsum 9991 0.05 4,436.08
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 931.58
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 13,219.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 16,096.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,234.05
Rate per Span Each 124,639.03

192000 Linking of Track over Girders

192010 Removing existing Channel/H-Beam sleepers with fittings from the running track
under traffic block for TBTR & stacking the same neatly at specified places with
contractor’s tools & labour, as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Details of cost for 80 sleepers (For Removing Channel sleeper one group of 4
persons will remove 16 sleepers in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For removing sleeper & fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
(ii) For stacking of released materials
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 52.00 52.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,290.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 141.96
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,014.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,452.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 188.05
Cost for 80 sleepers 18,992.69
Rate per sleeper Each 237.41

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
192020 Extra to item no. 192010 for Track Circuited area including handling of released PVC
washers on bolts and extra rubber pads on sleepers
Detail of cost for 80 sleepers
Work involves handling of released PVC washers on bolts and extra rubber pads on
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 5.00 5.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 124.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 151.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.64
Cost for 80 sleepers 1,176.05
Rate per sleeper Each 14.70

192030 Inserting in track Steel Channel/H-beam sleepers with all Railway supplied fittings
complete for TBTR work to specified gauge under traffic block with contractor’s tools
including aligning, levelling to make track fit for 20 kmph speed and as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
Note: Transportation of track material if supplied beyond 250m of bridge
approaches, shall be paid separately under relevant item.

Details of cost for 84 sleepers (For carting & inserting Steel Channel Sleepers one
group of 4 persons will insert 12 sleepers in a day)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
(i) For inserting sleeper with fixing fittings etc.
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 28.00 12,236.00
(ii) For gauging, aligning, levelling etc.
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 65.00 65.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 1,579.50
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 173.75
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,465.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 3,002.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 230.16
Cost for 84 sleepers 23,246.00
Rate per sleeper Each 276.74

192040 Extra to item no. 192030 for Track Circuited area including handling of released PVC
washers on bolts and extra rubber pads on sleepers.
Detail of cost for 84 sleepers
Work involves providing PVC washers on bolts and extra rubber pads on sleepers
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 15.00 15.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 17.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 250.18
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 304.62
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 23.35
Cost for 84 sleepers 2,358.78
Rate per sleeper Each 28.08

192050 Complete Track Renewal on Bridge with Steel Channel/H-beam sleepers as per
approved drawings including leading of running and guard rails, sleepers and fittings,
bending of guard rails, drilling of holes, cutting of rails etc. and leading the released
rails, sleepers & fittings near bridge approaches under traffic block as directed and
making track structure fit for normal speed.
1) Rails, Steel Channel/H-beam sleeper and all fittings will be supplied by Railways.
2)Transportation of track material if supplied beyond 250m of bridge approaches,
shall be paid separately under relevant item.

Detail of cost for 50 TRM

Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 4.00 260.00
Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 12.00 600.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 8.00 448.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
High Speed Hacksaw Blade of size 300mm x 12.5mm x 0.63mm (18TPI) as per as Each 0453 160.00 1.00 160.00
per RDSO's Spec. no. TM/SM/26 (latest Rev.)
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 1.00 500.00
(i) Leading Channel sleepers, running Rails & Guard Rails ,fittings over the bridge
and leading back the released rails & fittings to bridge approaches over the bridge

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00

(ii) Fixing Channel sleepers along with fittings
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) Fixing rail with Fitting Clips
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iv) Fixing Guard rail
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 12.00 5,244.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail Tongue, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 115.00 115.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 0.50 500.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 3,344.23
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 367.87
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,220.19

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,356.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 487.31
Cost for 50 Track Metre 49,218.08
Rate per TRM TRM 984.36

193000 Casual Renewals Works

193010 Renewal of existing cracked /broken/corroded isolated Steel Channel/H-beam
sleepers with Railway supplied steel channel sleeper with its fittings during traffic
block by removing the guard rail and foot path plates with its fittings and loosening of
adjacent sleepers hook bolts and lifting of track to required height for removal of
old sleeper and insertion of new steel channel sleeper with all fixtures including
fixing GR/ER pad in position with epoxy adhesive to neat gauge without disturbing
alignment of the track as a whole using with contractors own non infringing jacks
and labour, consumables, wooden packings and refixng back in position guard rails
and foot path plates along with fittings and tightening of loosened hook bolts etc as
a complete job as directed by Engineer in charge at site. The rate includes trucking
of new steel channel sleepers and its fittings from bridge approaches and trucking
back released steel channels and its fittings to bridge approaches/ nominated

193011 Broad Gauge Track

Details of cost for 25 sleepers
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 1.00 500.00
(i) Removal of fittings, Lifting and supporting of track on wooden packings,(Lifting
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Carpenter (Skilled) Day 0006 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
ii) Renewal batch ( Removal of old sleeper and insertion of new sleeper and
lowering of track )
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
iii)Fittings fixing batch and Positioning and Punching of holes in E/R pads
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T&P(Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 90.00 90.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic jack 8/10 Tonnes capacity Day 0102 300.00 2.00 600.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 173.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,457.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,992.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 229.45
Cost for 25 sleepers 23,174.42
Rate per sleeper Each 926.98

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
193020 Renewal of existing running rail and guard rails of all sections on bridge portion over
Steel Channel sleepers/PSC sleepers under traffic block including leading of new
rails, fittings, refixing all the fastenings as per approved drawings including cutting of
rails, drilling of holes to running and guard rails as required as per drawing and
leading back the released rails and fittings and stacking at nominated place clear of
infringements with all leads & lifts tools and consumables complete and as directed.

Details of cost for 50 TRM

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 1.00 1,866.40
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 8.00 448.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
(i) Leading new running Rails & Guard Rails and fittings on to bridge and carting
back released materials and stacking
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
(ii) Fixing rail with Fitting Clip
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
(iii) Fixing Guard rail
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00
T & P (Crow bar, Rake ballast, Auger, Beater, Spanner, Hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 0.50 500.00
Add for working under traffic block @ 10% Lumpsum 9992 0.10 2,163.94
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 238.03
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,377.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,112.88
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 315.32
Cost for 50 TRM 31,847.38
Rate of TRM TRM 636.95

193030 Scattered renewal or replacement of missing / worn-out fittings of channel sleeper on

Bridge with Railway's fittings including leading to required location for the work and
the released fittings shall be collected and neatly stacked as directed by Engineer in
193031 Involving Rubber Pad
Details of cost for 100 nos. sleeper
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 70.00 70.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 37.46
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 531.58

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 647.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 49.62
Cost for 100 nos. sleeper 5,011.91
Rate per sleeper Each 50.12

193032 Not involving Rubber Pad

Details of cost for 100 nos. sleeper
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T & P ( Hammer, Crow bars, Tommy bar, beater, etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 20.67
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 293.25
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 357.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 27.37
Cost for 100 nos. sleeper 2,764.85
Rate per sleeper Each 27.65

194000 Guard Rails related Works

194010 Manufacture of flared portion of Guard Rail by cutting and bending to required shape
& RDSO’s approved drawings.
(1) Rails shall be supplied by Railways.
(2) One set consists of two rails i.e. both left and right.

Details cost for 2 set (Two flare rail L.H.+ R.H.)

Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 12.00 600.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 4.00 260.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 51.88
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 736.20
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 896.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 68.72
Cost for 2 sets 6,941.22
Rate per set Set 3,470.61

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
194020 Providing and fixing of flared portion of guard rails of any rail section over PSC
sleepers including fixing of with all fittings, including leading of rails and fittings,
squaring and adjusting spacing of sleepers as required, providing nose blocks duly
cutting wooden blocks supplied by railways and fixing it with bolts of 16mm dia as
directed complete and finished as per RDSO’s approved drawing.
1.One set consists of LH & RH side rails of one end.
2.Required P.Way fittings will be supplied at SSE stores depot.

Details cost for 2 set (Two flare rail L.H.+ R.H.)

For putting back, flared guard rail at approach of bridge
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner and for cutting Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
wooden block etc.)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 47.05
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 667.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 812.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.33
Cost for 2 sets 6,295.00
Rate per set Set 3,147.50

194030 Drilling holes 25mm to 40mm dia. with drill twist in the foot of guard rails for fixing
guard rails on bridge as directed.
Details cost for 80 nos.
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
Machinist (operator) (Skilled) Day 0040 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail dolly, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 0.50 500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 38.35
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 544.16
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 662.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 50.80
Cost for 80 nos. 5,130.52
Rate for each Each 64.13

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
194040 Drilling of 25mm to 40mm dia. holes in PSC sleepers with suitable rotary hammer /
drilling machine at indicated location for fixing of guard rails on bridges & its
approaches as per approved drawing and fixing of contractor's HDPE dowels and
adhesive of approved quality to Drawing no. RDSO/T-3002, procured from RDSO's
approved sources with contractor’s materials and consumable.

Details of cost for 80 holes

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 0.50 1,426.15
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 5.00 280.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 1.00 105.00
HDPE Dowels Each 0452 100.00 80.00 8,000.00
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 6.00 3,000.00

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, Spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges of Concrete Sleeper Drilling Machine Day 0137 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 151.24
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,146.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,613.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 200.35
Cost for 80 holes 20,235.17
Rate per hole Each 252.94

194050 Renewal of existing guard rails of all rail sections on bridge portion over
wooden/PSC/steel channel sleepers excluding flared ends duly leading new guard
rails including cutting of rails, drilling holes to the guard rails as required and as per
drawings, refixing with all fastenings, and leading back the released rail, stacking at
nominated place clear of infringements with all leads & lifts complete and as directed.

Details of cost for 50 TRM

Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 0.25 466.60
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 4.00 224.00
Normal unleaded Petrol Litre 0180 105.00 0.50 52.50
(i) Leading Guard Rails on to bridge and carting back released rails and stacking

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00

(ii) Renewal & Fixing Guard rail
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 5.00 2,185.00
T & P (Crow bar, Rake ballast, Auger, Beater, Spanner, Hammer etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Rail Cutting Machine Day 0139 300.00 0.50 150.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 0.50 150.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 73.08

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,036.98
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,262.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 96.80
Cost for 50 TRM 9,777.11
Rate per TRM TRM 195.54

194060 Dismantling of existing flared portion of guard rails of any rail section over PSC
sleepers duly removing rails & fastenings and leading and stacking released
materials at nominated place within free lead, clear of infringements, complete and
as directed.
Note: One set consists of LH & RH side rails of one end.

Details of cost for 2 sets

(i) Opening fittings, removing rails, Leading of guard rails, fittings & stacking etc.

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Tommy bar, beater, hammer, Rail Tongue, Spanner, Rollers etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.31
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 373.35
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 454.60
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.85
Cost for 2 Sets 3,520.11
Rate per Set Set 1,760.06

195000 Miscellaneous
195010 Fabrication & supply of Galvanized Steel Channel Sleepers made from ISMC
150mm x 75mm / 175mm x 75mm / 200mm x 75mm standard rolled section
conforming to IS:2062 as per RDSO approved drawing No 1636/R1/R2 with latest
correction slips complete and as directed by Engineer In charge.
Note: Cost of Steel fittings and GRSP shall be paid separately

Detail of cost for 1 MT

Total = Channels + plates = 155.046kg
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 1.63 9,339.90
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
including wastage 5% i.e. 1.55+ 0.0775 = 1.6275 Qtl.
Add for Rivets, welding, T&P and consumables @3% 0.03 280.20
Fabrication charges
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Dip Galvanisation @ 705gm / sqm ( 100 Microns thick ) MT 0433 17000.00 0.16 2,635.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 145.13
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,059.48
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,507.66

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 192.25
Cost for 1.55 Qtls 19,417.62
Rate per Qtl. 12,527.50
Rate per MT MT 125,274.96

195020 Fabrication & supply of Galvanized H-beam Sleepers made out of the materials
confirming to IS 2062 of standard Rolled sections as per approved drawing Nos
RDSO/B/1636/4/R,5&9 complete and as directed by Engineer-in charge.
Note: Cost of steel fittings and GRSP shall be paid separately.

Detail of cost for 1 MT

Total = H-Beam + plates = 168.351 kg
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0223 5730.00 1.77 10,142.10
Designation E250; Quality "B0" as per IS:2062,
including wastage 5% i.e. 168.351 + 5% of 168.351=176.76 Kg
Add for welding @ 1% 0.01 101.42
Fabrication charges
Man power
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Fitter Grade - 1 (Skilled) Day 0010 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Dip Galvanisation @ 705gm / sqm ( 100 Microns thick ) MT 0433 17000.00 0.17 2,856.00
Sundries for rivetting, drilling, T&P and consumables @ 3 percent on total labour & 0.03 445.37
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 152.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,169.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,642.05
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 202.56
Cost for 1.68 Qtls 20,458.25
Rate per Qtl. 12,177.53
Cost for 1MT MT 121,775.32

195030 Supply of 25mm thick new rubber pads of RDSO drawing no B/1636/I/R2 from
approved sources of RDSO and replacement with old crushed rubber pads of 10mm
thickness and fixing by approved adhesive on steel channel sleepers on bridges
complete, as directed by Engineer In-charge.

Details of cost for 100 Channel sleepers ( Each sleeper having 2 Rubber pads ) i.e.
200 nos. rubber pad
Supply of 25/30 mm thick Elastomeric Pad as per RDSO drawing No. B/1636/I/R2 Each 0429 152.00 200.00 30,400.00
Epoxy for fixing HDPE dowel, Rubber Pads as per RDSO approved specification Kg 0319 500.00 1.00 500.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 379.15
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 5,380.33

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 6,551.17
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 502.26
Cost for 200 nos. 50,727.91
Rate for each Each 253.64

195040 Supplying & fixing Gang pathway of MS /Stainless Steel chequered plates between
guard rails on un-ballasted deck bridge for gang pathway, overlapping at regular
intervals of 2m to 2.5m with bolts duly drilling holes in chequered plate, as directed
on new bridge or replacement of existing gangway on old bridge including removal of
old chequered plates and stacking near approaches of bridge clear from all
Note: Overlapping of chequered plates shall not fall in between sleepers.

195041 MS chequered plates 6 to 8mm thick on new bridge

Details of cost for 1000 Kg . Considering wastage of 5%, quantity required = 1.05 MT

Drill twist made of high speed of size 7.2 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0461 271.00 3.00 813.00
Mild steel chequered plate MT 0244 70000.00 1.05 73,500.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 793.69
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11,262.86
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 13,713.83
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,051.39
Cost for 1000 Kgs. 106,190.77
Rate per Kg Kg 106.19

195042 MS chequered plates 6 to 8mm thick including removal of existing chequered plates
on Bridges
Note: Payment shall be made only as per weight of new Chequered Plate fixed.

For 1000 kg
Additional labour for removing and stacking of existing chequered plate
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 473.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 576.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 44.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for removal of existing Chequered plates 4,467.37
Considering rate of fixing same as item no. 195041
Cost of fixing Kg 195041 106.19 1000.00 106,190.77
Total for 1000 Kg 110,658.15
Rate per Kg Kg 110.66
195043 Anti skid Stainless steel chequered plate of 409 M Grade as per Specification ASTM
A240 SS and Pattern conforming to BIS 3502 with average thickness of 3.5 mm with
bead height of 0.8 mm min thick - on New Bridges

Details of cost for 1000 Kg . Considering wastage of 5%, quantity required = 1.05 MT

Anti skid Stainless steel chequered plate of 409 M Grade as per Specification ASTM MT 0245 140000.00 1.05 147,000.00
A240 and Pattern conforming to BIS 3502
Stainless steel nut, bolts and washers Kg 0246 294.00 20.00 5,880.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P , rubber washer etc. Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Hire charges for pillar drilling machine Day 0135 1000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 1,579.86
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 22,419.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 27,297.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 2,092.83
Cost for 1000 Kgs. 211,375.42
Rate per Kg Kg 211.38

195044 Fixing Anti skid Stainless steel chequered plate of Grade 409 M and average
thickness of 3.5 mm with bead height of 0.8 mm min thick including removal of
existing chequered plates on Bridges
Note: Payment shall be made only as pert weight of new Chequered Plate fixed.

For 1000 kg
Additional labour for removing and stacking of existing chequered plate
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512 1.00 512.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1 25.00 25.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 33.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.1405 473.82
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 576.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 44.23
Cost for removal of existing Chequered plates 4,467.37
Considering rate of fixing same as item no. 195042
Cost of fixing Kg 195043 211.38 1000.00 211,375.42
Total for 1000 Kg 215,842.79
Rate per Kg Kg 215.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

195050 Providing staging during traffic block to 3.6 m x 3.0 m x 3.0 m approx. size using
steel cribs and/or wooden sleepers as per RDSO’s approved drawing, duly
excavating earth in pit and driving rails / sleepers vertically to form shoring and filling
gap with sand bags etc. complete, as directed.
(1) Steel CC cribs, rails and wooden sleepers will be supplied by Railway.
(2) Dismantling and linking of track will be paid separately.

Details of cost for each

(i) For preparing staging by steel cribs & wooden sleeper and fixing of clamps
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 18.00 7,866.00
(iii) Form shoring and filling sand bags
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T & P (Crow bar, Rake ballast, Beater, Rail tongue etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 55.00 55.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 138.57
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,966.38
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,394.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 183.56
Rate for each Each 18,539.80

195060 Clearing waterway of major & minor bridges by removing weeds / shrubs / bushes,
removing silt deposit, filling scours, if any up to 10 metre from centre of bridge on
either side including disposing waste and silt away from waterway.
Note: Rate is for a single line and per metre of bridge span.

Details of cost for 40 Metre span

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 54.44
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 772.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 940.65
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 72.12
Cost for 40 Metre span 7,283.73
Rate per Metre Metre 182.09

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
195070 Fabrication, supplying and fixing 600mm x 450mm Bridge Board made from 16 SWG
MS Sheet duly welded or riveted to back support of two 600mm long horizontal
angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm & two numbers 2.5 metre long vertical support
of MS Angle of size 50mm x 50mm x 5mm, welded / rivetted to board. Vertical
supports shall have split ends for proper fixing in ground. Vertical supports of board
shall be embedded in ground in M 20 Cement Concrete blocks of size 300mm x
300mm x 300mm, complete job including painting & writing of subject matter on
bridge board, as directed by Engineer - In charge
Note: Excavation & concrete work will be paid separately.

Details of cost for 10 Boards

Required MS sheets size (600mm x 450mm & 16 SWG thick) For 10 boards 10 x
(0.6m x 0.45m x 0.001626m) = 0.0043902 cum, Density of MS steel is 7860
Kg/Cum, Hence Weight of MS Sheet is = 0.0043902 x 7860 = 34.51 Kg, Required
M.S.Angle of size (25 x 25 x 3mm ) for 10 boards 12 metre long, Volume = 12 x
(0.025 + 0.025) x 0.003 = 0.0018 cum. Required M.S.Angle of size(50 x 50 x 5mm)
50 metre long, Volume = 50 x (0.05 + 0.05) x 0.005 =0.025 cum Total Volume =
0.0018 + 0.025 = 0.0268 cum, Hence Weight of MS Angles = 0.0268 x 7860 =
210.65 Kg, Total weight of MS Steel = 34.51 + 210.65 = 245.158 Kg or 2.46 quintal.

Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 2.46 15,498.00
H3 Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0424 20.00 50.00 1,000.00
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 3.00 390.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 2.00 380.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 1.00 150.00
Man Power (for fabricating) :
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Man Power (for fixing) :
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Electricity Charges ( 1 Unit ) KWH 0500 7.50 50.00 375.00
Hire charges of Arc Welding Machine 500 Amp Day 0129 300.00 1.00 300.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 232.81
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3,303.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4,022.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 308.40
Cost for 10 Boards 31,148.53
Rate per Board Each 3,114.85

195080 Overhauling of track on ballasted deck slab bridge i.e. screening of crib ballast and
shoulder ballast in between sleeper ends and ballast retaining walls on both sides of
the track without disturbing core under the sleeper under traffic following all safety
precautions and other instructions prescribed by Engineer in-charge. Muck should
be disposed of away from bridge up to a maximum distance of 350 m and lift up to

Details of cost for 50 TRM (One group of 2 persons deputed for 5 track metre

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 20.00 8,740.00
T & P (Rake ballast, Crow bars, Hammer, Beater etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 99.63
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,413.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,721.38
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 131.97
Cost for 50 TRM 13,329.20
Rate per TRM TRM 266.58

195090 Bending the inner and outer 52 Kg/60Kg/90R rails available at site suitable for V
portion along bulb of rerailing ramp as per RDSO Drg No T-8259 drilling of holes and
cutting to the required length and shape all lead, lifts, labour, tools and plants
machinery and all other required materials for bending etc, and as directed by
Engineer In charge at site.

Details of cost for 1 set of 52 m length

A team of 8 men can complete the whole set i.e. 52mts length of rails bending and
giving curvature to the inner and outer 52 Kg/60Kg/90R rails suitable for V Portion
and approach guiding rails of re railing ramp in 6 days (6x8=48)

Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 6.00 3,702.00

Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 6.00 3,072.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 36.00 15,732.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of Hydraulic bending machine to bend the rails Day 0152 1100.00 6.00 6,600.00
Hire charges of Furnace blower to heat the rails for bending purpose Day 0153 300.00 6.00 1,800.00

Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 309.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 4,392.81
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 5,348.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 410.07
Rate per Set Set 41,417.20

195100 Supplying providing and fixing country kali wood/hard wood (Non teak) sleepers of
various thickness and length as per the RDSO re railing ramp Drg No T-8259 for
fixing bent rails and MS plates including cutting the wood in saw mills, transporting to
site of work with all leads and lifts, labour, tools and plant etc. as directed by
Engineer In-charge.

Cost of 2.0 cum i.e. 2000 Cudm

Hard Variety Jungle Wood blocks 10 Cudm 0341 350.00 200.00 70,000.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Hire charges for wood sawing machine including fuel and operator Day 0154 1500.00 0.25 375.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 704.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9,993.66
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 12,168.44
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 932.91
Cost of 2000 Cudm 94,224.26
Rate per Cudm Cudm 47.11

195110 Fixing of 60Kg/52 Kg/90R rails for Re railing ramp as per RDSO Drg No T-8259 on
bridge approaches on wooden/PSC sleepers including fixing railways fishplates,
bolts, nuts, MS bearing plates, screws, check blocks of re-railing ramp etc, levelling
after drilling of holes in rails wherever necessary under block with contractor's labour,
tools and plants, machinery all etc, complete and as directed by Engineer in charge
at site.

Details of Cost for one set of rails of length 52 mts

8 men can complete the whole set in 3 days i.e. 52mts length of rails laying and
fixing 60/52Kg/90R rails under Traffic block.
Man Power
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 24.00 10,488.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges of Rail Drill Machine Day 0134 300.00 3.00 900.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 120.25
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,706.41
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,077.75
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 159.29
Rate per Set Each 16,088.70

195120 Tightening of steel channel sleeper fittings i.e. hook bolts, running rails bolts, guard
rail bolts on girder bridges with contractor labour tools, plants etc., including oiling,
greasing of fittings complete and as directed by engineer in charge.
Note: Before execution of work specific approval of ADEN to be obtained by duly
indicating the locations with specific reasons along with date of last tightening done.

Details of cost for 100 sleepers. Each sleeper requires 35 gms of grease
Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 3.50 840.00
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 2.00 30.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 2.00 80.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 30.38
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 431.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 524.92

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 19: Bridge Related Activities

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 40.24
Cost for 100 sleepers 4,064.65
Rate per sleeper Sleeper 40.65

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

CHAPTER - 20 : Supply of P.Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
201000 Bridge Related Fittings
201010 Manufacture and supply of Hook Bolt 28mm dia. & 320mm long as per RDSO Drg.
no. BA-1636/I/R2 from RDSO approved sources
Detail of cost for 1 kg.
Hook Bolts 28mm dia & 320mm long as per RDSO's drg. No. BA-1636/I/R2 (Nuts, Kg 0434 65.00 1.00 65.00
Bolts, washer, Split pins etc.)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 9.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 11.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.85
Rate per Kg Kg 86.10

201020 Manufacture & supply of 10mm thick Grooved Rubber Pads as per drg. No. RDSO/T-
5199 & RDSO's Spec. no. IRS-T-47-2006 (Prov.) from RDSO approved sources
with all contractor's lead, lift, labour, tools, plant and transportation etc. complete as
instructed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: One set constitutes two nos.

Detail cost for 1 set

10 mm thick Grooved Rubber Pads as per drg. No. RDSO/T-5199 & RDSO's Spec. Each 0426 132.00 2.00 264.00
no. IRS-T-47-2006 (Prov.)-1989
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 37.09
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 45.16
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.46
Rate for each Set 349.72

201030 Manufacture & supply of Elastomeric Pads 25mm / 30mm thick as per RDSO
drawing No. B/1636/I/R2 to suit Insulated steel channel sleepers from RDSO
approved sources with all contractor's material, lead, lift, labour, tools, plant and
transportation etc. complete and as instructed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: One set constitutes two nos.

Detail cost for 1 set

Supply of 25/30 mm thick Elastomeric Pad as per RDSO drawing No. B/1636/I/R2 Each 0429 152.00 2.00 304.00

Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 42.71
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 52.01
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.99
Rate per Set Set 402.71

201040 Manufacture & supply of a set of 2 Nos of Elastomeric Pads 25mm / 30mm thick and
4 nos of Grooved rubber pads as per RDSO drawing No. B/1636/5 alt 2 to suit
Insulated H Beam sleepers from RDSO approved sources with all contractor's
material, lead, lift, labour, tools, plant and transportation etc. complete as per
approved drawings and as instructed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: One Set consists of 2 nos. Elastomeric Pad 25mm/30mm and 4 nos. Grooved
Rubber Pad.

Detail cost for 1 set

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Supply of 2 nos. Elastomeric Pad 25mm/30mm and 4 nos. Grooved Rubber Pad as Set 0430 1650 1.00 1,650.00
per RDSO drawing No. B/1636/5/Alt 2
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 231.83
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 282.27
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.64
Rate per set Set 2,185.74

201050 Manufacturing and supplying Galvanised MS Inner and Outer Clips for Steel
Channel Sleeper (RDSO Drg. No. T-6150 & T-6151) from RDSO approved sources.
Note: One set constitutes two inner & two outer clips.

Detail cost for 1 set

Galvanised MS Inner and Outer Clip for steel channel sleeper (RDSO Drg. No. T- Set 0431 434.00 1.00 434.00
6150 & T-6151)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 60.98
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 74.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.69
Rate per set Set 574.92

201060 Manufacture, supply & fixing of galvanised steel fittings of insulated galvanised steel
channel sleeper for 60 Kg running rails & 52 Kg Guard Rail as per RDSO drawing
no. RDSO/T-5155 to 5164 with up-to-date correction slips and specifications from
RDSO approved sources with all contractor's lead, lift, labour, tools, plant,
transportation etc. complete and instructions of Engineer in-charge.

Detail cost for 1 set

Galvanised steel fittings for insulated galvanized channel sleepers (52/60 kg rail) as set 0428 2000.00 1.00 2,000.00
per RDSO drawing no. RDSO/T-5155 to 5164
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 281.00
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 342.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 26.23
Rate per set Set 2,649.38

201070 Manufacture, supply & fixing of galvanised steel fittings of insulated galvanised steel
channel sleeper for 52Kg running rails & 52 Kg/90R Guard Rail as per RDSO
drawing no. RDSO/T-5197 to 5200 with up-to-date correction slips and specifications
from RDSO approved sources with all contractor's lead, lift, labour, tools, plant,
transportation etc. complete and instructions of Engineer in-charge.

Detail cost for 1 set

Galvanised steel fittings for non insulated galvanized channel sleepers (52/60 kg rail) set 0427 1534.00 1.00 1,534.00
as per RDSO drawing no. RDSO/T-5197 to 5200
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 215.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 262.43

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 20.12
Rate per set Set 2,032.08

201080 Supplying of Zero toe load fixtures for H Beam sleepers of 52/60Kg Rails procured
from RDSO approved firms as per RDSO approved drawing with up-to-date
correction slips and specifications with all contractor's lead, lift, labour, tools, plant,
transportation etc. complete as per instructions of Engineer in-charge.
Note: Complete fixture for 1 sleeper shall constitute 1 set.

Detail cost for 1 Set

Zero toe load galvanised fixtures for H Beam sleepers of 52/60kg Rails as per Set 0435 3000 1.00 3,000.00
RDSO approved drawing
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 421.50
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 513.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 39.35
Rate per sleeper Set 3,974.07

202000 L-Xing Indicator Boards, Engineering Indicators, Curve Boards etc :

202010 Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-reflective Level Crossing Indicator
boards, made of 2mm thick aluminium sheet or 3mm thick aluminium composite
sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat activated
retro-reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in yellow & black
or other colour combination including subject matter, message, symbols, borders etc.
as approved by Engineer In-charge or as per IRPWM guidelines, pasted on
substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and
pressure conforming to class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with
suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support frame of M.S.
angle iron of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm provided all along the edges of board with
theft resistant measures, back side of board shall be with non-peelable weather-
proof paint, consisting of one coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of epoxy
paint. Vertical post shall have black & white anti-corrosive paint or powder coating
complete, as directed.

202011 Bilingual Whistle Boards for level crossing of size 600mm x 600mm of each board
with back support frame welded to vertical post of MS T section of size 75mm x
75mm x 6mm x 3950mm
Detail of cost for 2 boards of size (60cm x 60cm) = 0.72 sqm (fixing on one post
having length 3950mm)
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 4.50 900.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.76 1,235.00
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.72 + 0.036 = 0.756 Sqm
MS T section 75mmx75mmx6mm of length 3950mm @6.80 kg/m=26.86 Kgs
MS angle 25mmx25mmx3mm of length 4400mm @1.12 Kg/m=4.92 kgs (Total
26.86+4.92=31.78 kgs)

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.32 1,573.11
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.25 13.63
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 1.00 130.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.75 142.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.75 384.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 695.61
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 846.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 64.94
Rate per set Set 6,558.52

202012 Speed Breaker / Rumble Strips Board of size 900 mm equilateral triangular shape
and 600mmx200mm boards with back support frame welded to vertical post of MS T
section of size 80mmx80mmx8mmx3650mm

Detail of cost for 2 boards one board of equilateral triangular shape having each
side of 900mm with support length of 3650mm other board of size ( 60 x 20cm) fitted
on the same support as above. So Area of board's is = 0.35 + 0.12 = 0.47sqm

Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 3.00 600.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.49 796.25
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.47 + 0.024 = 0.49 Sqm
MS T section 80mmx80mmx8mm of length 3650mm @9.74 kg/m=35.55 kgs
MS angle 25mmx25mmx3mm of length( 2550+1450=4000mm@1.12Kg/m=4.48 Kgs
(Total 35.55+4.48=40.03)

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.40 1,980.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.25 13.63
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.85 110.50
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.75 142.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.70 358.40
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 635.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 773.80
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 59.32
Rate per set Set 5,991.81

202013 Un-manned Level Crossing Danger Stop Board of size 675mmx525mm with back
support frame welded to vertical post of MS angle of size

Detail of cost for one board of size (675mm x 525mm) with support length of
3650mm. So Area of board = 0.354sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 2.21 442.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.37 601.25
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.354 + 0.024 = 0.37 Sqm
MS angle 50mmx50mmx6mm of length 3650mm @4.47 kg/m=16.31 kgs
MS angle 25mmx25mmx3mm of length =2400mm@1.12Kg/m=2.42 Kgs (Total
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.19 925.65
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.20 10.90
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.60 78.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.40 8.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.40 246.80
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.60 307.20
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 80.00 80.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 410.01
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 499.23
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 38.27
Cost for 1 board set 3,865.71
Rate per set Set 3,865.71

202014 Manned Level Crossing Indicator Board of size 900 mm equilateral triangular shape
with back support frame welded to vertical post of MS T section of size

Detail of cost for one board of equilateral triangular shape having each side of
900mm with support length of 3650mm. So Area of board's is = 0.35 sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 2.18 436.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm = 0.35 x 6.23 = 2.18 kg
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.36 585.00
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.35 +0.01 = 0.36 Sqm
MS T section 80mmx80mmx8mm of length 3650mm @9.74 kg/m=35.55 kgs
MS angle 25mmx25mmx3mm of length( 2550mm@1.12Kg/m=2.85 Kgs (Total
35.55+2.85=38.40 kgs)
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.38 1,900.80
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.25 13.63
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 1.00 130.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.75 142.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.75 384.00
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 100.00 100.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 585.14
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 712.47
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.62
Rate per set Set 5,516.91

202015 Single Strip / Double Strip Level Crossing Road Warning Board of size 900 mm
equilateral triangular shape and 900x300 board with back support frame welded to
vertical post of MS T section of size 80mmx80mmx8mmx3650mm
Detail of cost for 2 boards one board of equilateral triangular shape having each
side of 900mm with support length of 3650mm other board of size ( 90 x 30cm) fitted
on the same support as above. So Area of board's is = 0.35 + 0.27 = 0.62 sqm

Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 3.90 780.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.65 1,056.25
Considering 5% wastage i.e. 0.62 + 0.03 = 0.65 Sqm
MS T section 80mmx80mmx8mm of length 3650mm @9.74 kg/m=35.55 kgs
MS angle 25mmx25mmx3mm of length( 2550mm + 2350
=4900mm@1.12Kg/m=5.48 Kgs (Total 35.55+5.48=41.03 kgs)

Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.41 2,029.50
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.20 10.90
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.60 78.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.40 8.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.40 246.80
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.60 307.20
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 670.89
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 816.89
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 62.63
Rate per set Set 6,325.46

202016 Manufacturing and supply of circular STOP Disc of 600mm dia for fixing on
emergency chains at level crossings as given in IRPWM including providing Retro
reflective sheet fully covered over board confirming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956 in red
back ground colour and text "STOP" of white colour over back ground. The circular
board shall consists of 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed to 1.5mm thick MS Sheet
of 600mm dia with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support
.Retro reflective sheet is to be pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which
shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to class-2 of ASTM-D-
4956-01.A vertical holding stand of 1000 mm length x15mm thick to be jointed to
back side of board along with a hook for fixing emergency chain as directed by
Engineer In charge.

Detail of cost for one Stop Disc of Circular shape having diameter of 600mm with
support length of 1000mm. So Area of board is = 0.283sqm + wastage 25% for
circular shape = 0.36 Sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 2.25 450.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625.00 0.38 617.50
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.36 + 0.018 = 0.38 Sqm
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 0.06 378.00
11.78 kgs per sqm 11.78x.36= 4.24 kgs
MS Round 1000mmx15mm=0.016=1.60kg 4.24+1.60=5.84kgs

Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.20 10.90
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.60 78.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.50 95.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.40 8.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 369.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 450.15
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.51
Rate per Board Each 3,485.66

202020 Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-reflective Engineering Indicator

boards, made of 2mm thick aluminium sheet or 3mm thick aluminium composite
sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat activated
retro-reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in yellow & black
or other colour combination including subject matter, message, symbols, borders etc.
as approved by Engineer In-charge or as per IRPWM guidelines, pasted on
substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and
pressure conforming to class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with
suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support frame of M.S.
angle iron of size 25mm x25mm x 3mmprovided all along the edges of board with
theft resistant measures back side of board shall be with non-peelable weatherproof
paint, consisting of one coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of epoxy paint.
Vertical post shall have black & white anti-corrosive paint or powder coating
complete, as directed.

202021 Caution Indicator Board of size 1400mmx400mm with back support frame fixed to
vertical post of MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm long
Detail of cost for one board of size ( 1400 x 400mm) with support length of 3650mm.
So Area of board is = 0.56sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 3.50 700.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625.00 0.59 958.75
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.56 + 0.028 = 0.59 Sqm
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950.00 0.26 1,287.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.25 13.63
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.85 110.50
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.75 142.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.75 384.00
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 578.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 704.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.03
Rate per board Each 5,456.57

202022 Speed Indicator Board of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 1000mm
with back support frame fixed to vertical post of MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm
of 3650 mm long

Detail of cost for one board of equilateral triangular shape having each side of
1000mm with support length of 3650mm. So Area of board is = 0.433 sqm

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 2.70 540.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.46 747.50
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.433 + 0.022 = 0.46 Sqm
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.24 1,188.00
Designation E 250;
Rivets (different Quality
sizes) "A" as per IS works.
for miscellaneous 2062 Kg 0230 54.50 0.20 10.90
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.70 91.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.60 114.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.40 8.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.70 358.40
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 495.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 603.84
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 46.29
Rate per board Each 4,675.76

202023 Stop Indicator Board of size 1400mmx400mm with back support frame fixed to
vertical post of MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm long
Detail of cost for one board of size ( 1400 x 400mm) with support length of 3650mm.
So Area of board is = 0.56sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 3.50 700.00
Aluminum sheet @ 6.23 kg/sqm
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 0.59 958.75
Considering 5% wastage i.e.0.56 + 0.028 = 0.59 Sqm
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.26 1,287.00
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.25 13.63
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.85 110.50
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.75 142.50
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.50 10.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.25 154.25
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.75 384.00
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 578.74
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 704.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 54.03
Rate per board Each 5,456.57

202024 Termination Indicator Board of Circular shape having diameter of 1000mm with back
support frame welded to vertical post of MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of
3950 mm long

Detail of cost for one board of Circular shape having diameter of 1000mm with
support length of 3950mm. So Area of board is = 0.79sqm + wastage 25% for
circular shape = 1.0 Sqm
Aluminum Sheet / Strips of various sizes & thickness Kg 0242 200.00 5.40 1,080.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
High intensity retro-reflective sheet Sqm 0472 1625 1.05 1,706.25
Considering 5% wastage i.e.1.00 + 0.05 = 1.05 Sqm
Structural steel such as T, Angles, Channels and R S Joists conforming to Grade Quintal 0221 4950 0.27 1,336.50
Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS 2062
Rivets (different sizes) for miscellaneous works. Kg 0230 54.50 0.20 10.90
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 0.80 104.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 0.60 114.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 0.40 8.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.40 246.80
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 0.20 123.40
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.60 307.20
T & P (Including cost of materials for drilling holes nuts bolts etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 40.00 40.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 713.33
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 868.56
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.59
Rate per board Each 6,725.52

202030 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Curve Indicator / Point Indicator / SEJ Boards to
be provided at various locations on formation, made out of MS sheet 2mm thick of
size 450mm x 300mm duly fixed with MS frame of 25mm x 25mm x 3mm angle
welded to 50mm x 50mm x 3mm MS angle, 1000mm long post split and bent 100mm
at bottom end with all lead & lift as per specification and including painting of details
with enamel paint, as directed by Engineer in-charge (Earthwork & concreting will be
paid separately)

Details of cost for 20 nos. For 1Board required MS sheets size (450mm x 300mm &
2mm thick) So For 20 board's 20 x (0.45m x 0.30m x 0.002m) = 20 x 0.00027=
0.0054 cum, Density of MS steel is 7860 Kg/Cum, Hence Weight of MS Sheet is =
0.0054 x 7860 = 42.44 Kg, For 20 Board's required M.S.Angle of size(25 x 25 x
3mm) = 20 {(2 x 0.45m) + (2 x 0.30m)} = 30 metre hence Volume = 30 x (0.025m +
0.025m) x 0.003m = 30 x 0.00015 = 0.0045 Cum, Hence Weight of MS Angles =
0.0045 x 7860 = 35.37 Kg, For Post of 20 Board's @ 1.0metre long post required 20
metre M.S.Angle of size(50 x 50 x 3mm) Volume = 20 x (0.05 + 0.05) x 0.003 =
0.006 Cum, Hence Weight of MS Angles = 0.006 x 7860 = 47.16 Kg, Total weight of
MS Steel/Angles = 42.44+ 35.37+47.16 = 124.97 Kg + 10% wastage = 137.47Kg or
1.37 quintal so Considering Approximate weight of MS plates/Sheets/Angle 1.4
Quintal for 20 nos indicators/boards.

H3 Electrodes as per RDSO's Spec. no. IRS M:28-2011 Nos. 0424 20.00 8.00 160.00
Zinc Chromate red oxide Primer to IS:2074 Litre 0306 130.00 2.00 260.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Structural Steel Plates conforming to Grade Designation E 250; Quality "A" as per IS Quintal 0220 6300.00 1.40 8,820.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Man Power:
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 3.00 1,536.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,100.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,557.23

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 196.05
Cost for 20 nos. 19,801.48
Rate per unit Each 990.07

203000 Small Track Machines

203010 Manufacture and supply of Drill Twist, made of High Speed Steel (HSS) of various
sizes of Addison / I.T. make or equivalent, as directed by the Engineer in-charge.

203011 7.2 mm dia.

Detail cost for each.
Drill twist made of high speed of size 7.2 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0461 271.00 1.00 271.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 38.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 46.36
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.55
Rate per unit Each 358.99

203012 16 mm dia.
Detail cost for each.
Drill twist made of high speed of size 16 mm dia of Addison / I.T. make Each 0460 1631.50 1.00 1,631.50
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 229.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 279.11
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.40
Rate per unit Each 2,161.23

203013 18 mm dia.
Detail cost for each.
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 18mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0463 1866.40 1.00 1,866.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 262.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 319.29
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 24.48
Rate per unit Each 2,472.40

203014 26.5 mm dia.

Detail cost for each.
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 26.5mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0462 2852.30 1.00 2,852.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 400.75
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 487.96
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 37.41
Rate per unit Each 3,778.42

203015 28.75 mm dia.

Detail cost for each.

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 28.75 mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0464 3242.40 1.00 3,242.40
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 455.56
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 554.69
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 42.53
Rate per unit Each 4,295.18

203016 31.75 mm dia.

Detail cost for each.
Drill twist made of high speed steel for size 31.75 mm dia of Addison / I T make Each 0465 4335.90 1.00 4,335.90
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 609.19
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 741.76
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 56.87
Rate per unit Each 5,743.73

204000 Welding Equipments

204010 Manufacture & supply of rail file approximate size 15" long for filing AT welds from
Railway approved firm
Detail cost for 1 no.
Rail file 15" long for filing AT weld Each 0419 450.00 1.00 450.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 63.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 76.98
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.90
Rate per unit Each 596.11

204020 Manufacture & supply of Welding Equipments, as directed by Engineer in-charge.

204021 Welding Cable Copper (50mm2 )

Detail cost for 1 Metre.
Welding cable copper 50 mm2 Metre 0330 110.00 1.00 110.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 15.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 18.82
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.44
Rate per metre Metre 145.72

204022 Pressure Regulator for Oxygen Multi-stage cylinder

Detail cost for each.
Pressure Regulator for Oxygen/Acetylene cylinder Each 0340 1450.00 1.00 1,450.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 203.73

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 248.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.02
Rate per unit Each 1,920.80

204023 Pressure Regulator for Acetylene gas cylinder

Detail cost for each.
Pressure Regulator for Oxygen/Acetylene cylinder Each 0340 1450.00 1.00 1,450.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 203.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 248.06
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 19.02
Rate per unit Each 1,920.80

204024 500amp Arc Welding Electrode Holder

Detail cost for each.
500 Amp Arc welding Electrode holder Each 0331 85.00 1.00 85.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 11.94
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 14.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.11
Rate per unit Each 112.60

204025 Gas Cutting Torch Blow Pipe

Detail cost for each.
Welding & cutting torch Each 0332 950.00 1.00 950.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 133.48
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 162.52
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 12.46
Cost for each Each 1,258.46

204026 Hand Gloves Leather (Left Hand & Right Hand)

Detail cost for 1 set
Hand gloves leather Set 0333 250.00 1.00 250.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 35.13
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 42.77
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 3.28
Rate per set Set 331.17

204027 Hose Rubber for Oxygen 6mm dia.

Detail cost for 1 m
Welding Hose rubber for Oxygen/D.A. 6mm dia Metre 0334 28.00 1.00 28.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 20: Supply of P. Way Materials

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.37
Rate per metre Metre 37.09

204028 Hose Rubber for Dissolved Acetylene (D.A.) 6mm dia.

Detail cost for 1 m
Welding Hose rubber for Oxygen/D.A. 6mm dia Metre 0334 28.00 1.00 28.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 3.93
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 4.79
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.37
Rate per metre Metre 37.09

204029 Welding Screen (approximate size 4" x 3")

Detail cost for each.
Welding screen Each 0335 150.00 1.00 150.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 21.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 25.66
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1.97
Rate per unit Each 198.70

204030 Manufacture & supply of wire brush 25mm long, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Detail cost for each.
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.20
Rate per unit Each 19.87

204040 Supply of Used Lubricating Oil of approved quality

Detail cost for 1 litre
Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 1.00 15.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 0.20
Rate per litre Litre 19.87

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

CHAPTER - 21 : Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount
Code (₹) (₹)
211000 Miscellaneous Items
211010 Painting and fixing MS Indicator Boards of curves, SEJs, Points & Crossings,
Gang/section jurisdiction and similar as per standard design including excavation,
refilling, concreting in foundation and painting two coats with enamel and luminous
paints as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note: Excavation, concrete work and lettering shall be paid separately.

211011 Boards with single post

Detail of cost for 20 Boards
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 3.00 570.00
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 1.00 300.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.04
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 298.57
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 363.54
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 27.87
Cost for 20 Boards 2,815.02
Rate per Board Each 140.75

211012 Boards with two posts

Detail of cost for 20 Boards
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 3.00 570.00
Luminous Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no. M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0298 300.00 1.50 450.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.50 75.00
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.54
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 319.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 389.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 29.86
Cost for 20 Boards 3,015.71
Rate per Board Each 150.79

211020 Erection or removal of temporary Engineering Indicator Board or any other board at
specified locations without causing infringement to track etc. complete and as
211021 For erection
Details of cost for 10 boards

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 16.30
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 231.23
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 281.55
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 21.59
Cost for 10 boards 2,180.17
Rate per board Each 218.02

211022 For removal

Details of cost for 10 boards
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 13.21
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 187.46
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 228.25
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 17.50
Cost for 10 boards 1,767.42
Rate per board Each 176.74

211030 Fabricating of check rails of 52Kg and 90R sections for providing to curves by
cutting web of rail horizontally by gas, grinding for smoothening the cut edge and
drilling of parabolic shaped holes to the web of check rails as per drawing and
specification and as per directions of engineer in-charge with all contractor’s labour,
tools and materials complete.
1. Rails shall be supplied by Railways
2.The both ends of head of check rails are to bent/cut as per drawing.
3. The released rail scrap shall be stacked neatly with in a lead of 500m.
4.Drilling of holes shall be paid under relevant item.

Details of cost for 100 R mts

Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 75.00 3,750.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 25.00 1,625.00
(ii) For cutting rail web horizontally
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Welder (Skilled) Day 0029 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
(iii) For Stacking the releases.
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P ( Includes Gas cutting torch ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 68.00 68.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 125.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,774.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,161.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 165.69
Cost for 100 RM 16,734.92
Rate per RM RM 167.35

211040 Dismantling Check Rail on curves on track of all rail sections, duly removing fish
plates and bolts including removing chairs from sleepers, leading and stacking
released materials away from track clear of infringements, complete and as directed.

Details of cost for 96 Running Metres

Black Oil (used lubricating oil) Litre 0471 15.00 1.00 15.00
Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 2.00 112.00
(i) Removing fish plates, check rail blocks/brackets plate screws
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
(ii) Removing, leading & stacking check rail and all fitting
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T & P (Crow bar, Rail tongue, Hammer, Spanner, Box spanner etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 38.91
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 552.08
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 672.22
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 51.54
Cost for 96 Metre 5,205.25
Rate per RM RM 54.22

211050 Fixing of check rails on curves on track of all rail sections as per drawing and to
correct alignment and level with Railways fastenings including leading of rails and
fittings, crossing of tracks, greasing of plate screws with approved grease etc., as
per drawing and directions of Engineer in charge with all contractors labour, tools,
plants, machinery, consumables etc., complete.
Note: Required P.Way fittings will be supplied at SSE/P.Way stores.

Details of cost for 96 RM

Grease Graphite Grade 'O' (IS:408) Kg 0182 240.00 2.50 600.00
Cotton Jute Kg 0489 40.00 0.50 20.00
For leading of rails, fittings ,greasing and fixing check rail with all fittings etc.
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 0.50 308.50
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 0.50 256.00
Look Out Man (Un-skilled) Day 0033 437.00 0.50 218.50
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 0.50 218.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T & P (Crow bars, Rail tongues, spanners etc ) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 45.82
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 650.21
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 791.70
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 60.70
Cost for 96 RM 6,130.43
Rate per RM RM 63.86

211060 Supply and fixing in position pre-cast cement concrete Fouling Mark as per approved
drawing at station yard, duly painting the top surface and slopes with white enamel
paint in two coats and inscribed letters with black of Fouling Mark, complete in all
respects with all labour, materials including cement, tools and plants etc.

Detail cost for 1 cum (25 nos. of Fouling Mark)

Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm nominal size Cum 0204 825.00 0.85 701.25
Coarse Sand (Zone III) Cum 0199 1200.00 0.45 540.00
Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade MT 0186 4940.00 0.40 1,976.00
Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 4.00 760.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 0.25 37.50
(i) For casting
Mason 1st class (Skilled) Day 0004 617.00 1.00 617.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
(ii) For Fixing
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 3.00 1,311.00

Misc. T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 75.19
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,066.95
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,299.13
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 99.60
Cost for 25 nos. 10,059.62
Rate for each Each 402.38

211070 Providing and erecting water proof Gypsy Tent of size 3m x 3m for a specific period
of time and removal of the same after completion of work or as directed by Engineer

Detail cost for per day

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 0.20 87.40
T & P (Transportation) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Hire charges of 3.0 m x 3.0 m waterproof Tent Day 0160 200.00 1.00 200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 3.37

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 47.88
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 58.30
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 4.47
Rate per day Day 451.42

211080 Providing furniture temporarily at site work in good condition at different locations as
per direction of Engineer In-charge and removing the same after completion of work.

211081 Office Table of size 1.2m x 0.9m per day

Detail cost for 50 no's per day ( Considering 3 trips of tractor with trolley for
transportation )
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Hire charges of Table Day 0162 50.00 50.00 2,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 31.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 439.91
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 535.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 41.07
Cost for 50 no's 4,147.61
Rate for each Each 82.95

211082 Office Chairs with cushioned seat, back and arms per day

Detail cost for 100 no's per day ( Considering 3 trips of tractor with trolley for
transportation )
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Hire charges of Chair Day 0161 15.00 100.00 1,500.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 361.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 440.09
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 33.74
Cost for 100 nos. 3,407.73
Rate for each Each 34.08

211100 Removing /Re-erecting existing Gradient Post / Kilometre Post, duly demolishing
concrete foundation, fixing the post in cement concrete foundation as per drawing
with 1:3:6 mix using 20mm hard aggregate, as directed (Cost of concrete work will
be paid under relevant item separately).

211101 For Removing

Details of cost for 6 post
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Chisel, Hammer, Phowrah etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 125.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 152.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.71
Cost for 6 post 1,182.74
Rate per post Each 197.12

211102 For Fixing / Re-erecting

Details of cost for 6 post
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T & P (Crow bar, Chisel, Hammer, Phowrah etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 8.84
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 125.44
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 152.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 11.71
Cost for 6 post 1,182.74
Rate per post Each 197.12

211110 Breaking the damaged PSC sleepers including dragging, if required duly removing
inserts safely and handing over inserts to Railways at Stores or Depot of
SSE/P.Way, including disposing the broken concrete pieces, as directed by Engineer
in-charge. Released HTS wire shall be the property of Contractor.

Details of cost for 100 sleepers

Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 33.00 14,421.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 0.50 600.00
Deduction for cost of scrap value of HTS wire. Each sleeper shall have about 8 kg of
HTS wire. For 100 sleepers, released quantity = 800 kg.
Steel wires released from U/S PSC Sleeper Kg 0474 25.00 800.00 -20,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 -45.32
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 -643.11
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 -783.07
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 -60.03
Cost for 100 sleepers -6,063.53
Rate per sleeper Each -60.64

211120 Fixing vertically the unserviceable PSC sleepers at locations of tress-passing,

railway boundary or to make temporary store by excavating trench, fixing PSC
sleeper in trench and filling back open trench.

Details of cost for 80 sleepers

Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 16.00 6,992.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 76.59
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,086.85
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,323.37
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 101.46
Cost for 80 sleepers 10,247.26
Rate per sleeper Each 128.09

211130 Providing and fixing Trolley Refuge of size 3.0m x3.0m on cess, placing with
released unserviceable PSC sleepers and keeping them at all four sides of refuge
and also placing as matting inside the refuge by keeping them in upside down
position with a minimum of 14 sleepers including levelling with earth, excavation, all
lead and lift, crossing of tracks, leading the sleepers with in a free lead and lift,
handling etc., with all contractor's men material complete and as directed by the
Note: Earth-work will to be paid separately under relevant item.

Details of cost for 6 no's Trolley refuge { For one trolly refuge required 84 no's U/s
PSC Sleeper}
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 30.00 13,110.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 153.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 2,181.65
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,656.41
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 203.66
Cost for 6 no's Trolley refuge 20,569.45
Rate for each Each 3,428.24

211140 Supplying and spraying in specified proportion Weedicide Chemical, capable to kill
entire weed on track / cess / embankment with all labour, material, tools & plants etc.
complete job in all respect. Scientific name of the chemical is Isopropylamine Salt of
Glyphosate, in which active ingredient is Glyphosate (41%), colour is light amber to
brownish, very low in toxicity and has favourable environmental characteristics. It will
be ensured that no weed growth occurs up to six months period, otherwise re-
spraying shall be done by the contractor free of cost.

Details of cost for 8000 Sq.metre

Weedicide Chemical - Glyphosate Litre 0483 296.90 7.00 2,078.30
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
Waterman (Un-skilled) Day 0034 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 50.00 50.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 34.39
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 488.05

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 594.26
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 45.56
Cost for 8000 Sq.metre Sqm 4,601.57
Rate per sqm Sqm 0.58

211150 Supplying & applying single liquid solution in 250ml pack, having break loose torque
of 400Nm to 540Nm, as per ISO:10123 norms with shear strength of liquid solutions
as 25 to 35 N/mm2, viscosity 1500 to 3000 (Centipoise) & specific gravity of 1.1 ±
0.05. for tightening of nuts & bolts at important locations, such as Bridges, SEJs,
Turnouts, Fish Plates, Steel Channel Sleepers etc. Work includes opening of bolts,
cleaning of bolts with suitable cleaner and tightening of bolts after applying liquid
solution as directed by Engineer in-charge.

211151 Bolts dia. 20mm to 25mm

Details of cost for 100 nos Nut & Bolts
Liquid solution in 250ml pack, having break loose torque of 400Nm to 540Nm, as Each 0486 2500.00 0.30 750.00
per ISO:10123
Kerosene Oil norms with shear strength of liquid solutions as 25 to 35 N/mm2, Litre 0183 56.00 1.00 56.00
Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 18.92
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 268.52
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 326.95
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 25.07
Cost for 100 nos 2,531.71
Rate per unit Each 25.32

211152 Bolts dia. 26mm to 30mm

Details of cost for 100 nos Nut & Bolts
Liquid solution in 250ml pack, having break loose torque of 400Nm to 540Nm, as Each 0486 2500.00 0.40 1,000.00
per ISO:10123 norms with shear strength of liquid solutions as 25 to 35 N/mm2,
viscosity 1500 to 3000 (Centipoise) & specific gravity of 1.1 ± 0.05. for tightening of
all types of track nuts & bolts to prevent loosening during vibrations

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.25 70.00

Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 21.56
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 305.98
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 372.57
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 28.56
Cost for 100 nos 2,884.93
Rate per unit Each 28.85

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)

211153 Bolts dia. 31mm to 40mm

Details of cost for 100 nos Nut & Bolts
Liquid solution in 250ml pack, having break loose torque of 400Nm to 540Nm, as Each 0486 2500.00 0.60 1,500.00
per ISO:10123 norms with shear strength of liquid solutions as 25 to 35 N/mm2,
viscosity 1500 to 3000 (Centipoise) & specific gravity of 1.1 ± 0.05. for tightening of
all types of track nuts & bolts to prevent loosening during vibrations

Kerosene Oil Litre 0183 56.00 1.50 84.00

Wire Brush - 25cm long Each 0311 15.00 1.00 15.00
Soft Brush for painting - 25cm long Each 0312 33.00 1.00 33.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.25 154.25
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 26.70
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 378.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 461.38
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 35.37
Cost for 100 nos 3,572.63
Rate per unit Each 35.73

211160 Supplying & applying of Poly Chloroprene rubber-based Solvent (toulene free, i.e.
not harmful to human body) to prevent working out of rubber pads, having density
0.85±0.01 gm/cm3, viscosity of solvent as 1500 to 1900 (centipoise) at 30 degree
centigrade & shear strength 8 to 12 Kg/Sq.In. for bonding rubber pads / GR Sole
Plates on PSC sleepers complete job, as directed by Engineer in-charge.

211161 PSC Line sleepers

Detail of cost for 200 GR soles / Rubber pads
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 1.35 2,700.00
rubber pads 25 mm
Paint Brush Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 36.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 522.07
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 635.68
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 48.74
Cost for 200 nos rubber pads 4,922.27
Rate per Rubber Pad Each 24.61

211162 1 in 8½ Turnout Set

Detail of cost for 1 set ( 216 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 1.50 3,000.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 39.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 564.64
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 687.51
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 52.71
Cost for 1 Set 5,323.65
Rate per set Set 5,323.65

211163 1 in 12 Turnout Set

Detail of cost for 1 set ( 315 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 2.25 4,500.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 59.16
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 839.51
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,022.20
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 78.37
Cost for 1 Set 7,915.24
Rate per set Set 7,915.24

211164 1 in 8½ Switch Assembly

Detail of cost for 3 set ( 40 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 1.00 2,000.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 29.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 422.73
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 514.73
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 39.46
Cost for 3 Set 3,985.72
Rate per Set Set 1,328.57

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
211165 1 in 12 Switch Assembly
Detail of cost for 2 set ( 48 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 0.80 1,600.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 25.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 365.97
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 445.61
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 34.16
Cost for 2 Set 3,450.54
Rate per set Set 1,725.27

211166 1 in 8½ Crossing Assembly

Detail of cost for 4 set ( 18 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 0.65 1,300.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 22.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 323.40
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 393.78
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 30.19
Cost for 4 Set 3,049.16
Cost for Each Set Set 762.29

211167 1 in 12 Crossing Assembly

Detail of cost for 3 set ( 27 Rubber Pads in each set )
Poly chloroprene rubber based solvent (toluene free) to prevent working out of Kg 0487 2000.00 0.75 1,500.00
rubber pads
Paint Brush 25 mm Each 0325 20.00 1.00 20.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 24.79
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 351.78
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 428.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 32.84

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Cost for 3 Set 3,316.75
Rate per Set Set 1,105.58

211170 Galvanisation of Railway's Chequered Plates, Channels, Plates, Angles, and I-

Section by hot dip process with Zinc Coating and mass of Zinc coating shall not be
less than 705 g/sqm and galvanisation thickness shall not be less than 100 microns
including necessary surface preparation as per Clause-4 of IS:2629-1985.
Galvanisation shall be done as per IS:2629-1985 and IS:4759-1996 with Zinc
conforming to IS:209-1992, duly taking all the measures for safeguarding against
embrittlement of hot-dip galvanised iron and steel products as per IS:6158-1984 with
all contractor's labour, material, tools, plant, all lead, lift and crossing of tracks etc.
complete and as directed by the Engineer in-charge.

Detail of cost for 5 MT

Dip Galvanisation @ 705gm / sqm ( 100 Microns thick ) MT 0433 17000.00 5.00 85,000.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 2.00 1,024.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 2.00 874.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 869.08
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 12,332.68
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 15,016.46
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 1,151.26
Cost for 5 MT 116,277.49
Rate per MT MT 23,255.50

211180 Galvanisation of Railway's stretcher bars, M.S.Liners, ERCs and Plate screws by hot
dip process with Zinc Coating and mass of Zinc coating shall not be less than 705
g/sqm and galvanisation thickness shall not be less than 100 microns including
necessary surface preparation as per Clause-4 of IS:2629-1985. Galvanisation shall
be done as per IS:2629-1985 and IS:4759-1996 with Zinc conforming to IS:209-
1992, duly taking all the measures for safeguarding against embrittlement of hot-dip
galvanised iron and steel products as per IS:6158-1984 with all contractor's labour,
material, tools, plant, all lead, lift and crossing of tracks etc. complete and as directed
by the Engineer in-charge.

Considering 20% of extra on 211170 for additional items

Rate as per item no. 211170 211170 23,255.50
Add 20% over above 4,651.10
Rate per MT MT 27,906.60

211200 Hiring of machinery for minor miscellaneous works for short duration including
operator/driver, fuel, lubricants and consumable. The contractor shall arrange all
statutory permits as required by rules and regulations prevailing in the area of work.
Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site.

211201 JCB Backhoe Loaders 3DX Plus or similar with minimum 1.10 cum bucket capacity

Cost per 1 Day i.e. 8 hour

Hire Charges of JCB 3DX Plus Backhoe Loader Day 0506 4674.20 1.00 4,674.20
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 46.74
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 663.29

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 807.64
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 61.92
Cost for 8 Hours 6,253.79
Rate per hour Hour 781.72

211202 Hydra or similar tyre mounted Pick-n-Carry crane of 12T capacity for misc. works of
handling of material
Cost per 1 Day i.e. 8 hour
Hire charges of 12 MT Hydra Day 0089 5000.00 1.00 5,000.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 50.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 709.53
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 863.93
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 66.23
Cost for 8 Hours 6,689.69
Rate per hour Hour 836.21

211203 Tractor with Trolley for local transportation or other misc. works.
Cost per 1 Day i.e. 8 hour
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 12.00
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 170.29
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 207.34
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 15.90
Cost for 8 Hours 1,605.53
Rate per hour Hour 200.69

211210 Arranging labour as and when required by the Engineer in charge, for various works
under SSE/P.Way, with contractor's T&P, equipments, hand signal flags, etc. as per
specifications, special conditions and detailed scope of work as furnished in the
tender and as directed by the Engineer in charge.
Note: Item shall be operated with prior approval of concerned Sr. DEN / DEN in

Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 1.00 437.00
T & P (Crow bar, Hammer, spanner, mortar pan etc.) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 4.47
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 63.43
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 77.24
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 5.92
Rate per labour per day Day 598.06

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
211220 Supplying and filling 50 kg size empty cement polythene bags with Rly.
Ballast/moorum/earth/Sand/quarry dust etc. placing the filled bags on the high banks
/bridge approaches/nominated place etc. dumping and spreading at the nominated
locations to profile under block period with all contractor's labour, tools, plants,
loading, unloading, filling, spreading including all lead/lift etc. complete and as
directed by the Engineer in charge at site including crossing of track where
Details of Cost for 400 bags
Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 400.00 2,000.00
Filling and carrying them to high banks, bridge approaches/nominated place
Mate spreading
(Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 4.00 1,748.00
T&P Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 40.67
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 577.06
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 702.63
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 53.87
Cost of 400 bags 5,440.72
Rate per bag Each 13.60

211230 Supply, filling and stacking of sand bags layer by layer filled with Railway
Sand/railway quarry dust in Contractor's empty polythene cement bags of 50 kg
bags with all contractors labour, tools, plants, lead, lift etc., including stitching the
same with machine using polythene thread complete as directed by Engineer-in
charge at site.

Details of Cost for 600 bags

Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 600.00 3,000.00
For Filling and stacking sand bags
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries (stitching machine) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 56.42
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 800.63
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 974.86
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 74.74
Cost of 600 bags 7,548.64
Rate per bag Each 12.58

211240 Loading of sand/quarry dust filled bags from Railway stacks in to Railway Wagons
with all contractor's empty polythene cement bag, tools & plants, machinery, labour,
lead and lift, crossing of track wherever necessary etc., complete as directed by the
Engineer In charge.

Details of Cost for 780 bags

Empty cement bag polythene 50 Kgs capacity Each 0490 5.00 780.00 3,900.00
For loading of bags in to vehicles

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 0.50 308.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries Lumpsum 9901 1.00 10.00 10.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 68.41
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 970.70
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,181.94
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 90.62
Cost of 780 Bags 9,152.16
Rate per bag Each 11.73

211250 Manufacturing and fixing buffer stop with Railway supplied rails, cutting, including
bending of rails as per plan ,with all contractor’s labour, materials, tools, plants etc.
and all lead and lift including crossing of track where necessary and as directed by
Engineer in charge at site.
Note: Excavation, fixing rails in cement concrete, drilling of holes will be paid

Details of cost for one buffer stop

Oxygen Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0338 50.00 10.00 500.00
Acetylene Gas (in cylinder) Kg 0339 65.00 3.00 195.00
Nut & Bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 0231 80.00 40.00 3,200.00
Mate (Skilled) Day 0002 617.00 1.00 617.00
Blacksmith - 1st Class (Skilled) Day 0008 617.00 2.00 1,234.00
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 4.00 2,048.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 6.00 2,622.00
Sundries ( Spanners, gas torch) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 104.36
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,480.92
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,803.19
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 138.24
Rate per buffer stop Each 13,962.72

211260 Manufacture and supply of Precast Kilometer Posts of size 1.15 x 0.50 x 0.075 m in
RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving letters and leading to work spot, fixing in position with CC
1:3:6 concrete duly making pits of size as required, painting the post, writing the
letters on both sides of the post with 2 coats of enamel paint of approved quality to
the Railways drawings/IRPWM with contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour,
tools, plant, with all lead and lifts etc., complete as per specifications and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid under relevant items.

Details of Cost of 30 boards

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 15.00 2,850.00
Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00 1.00 40.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 1.00 150.00
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 8.00 3,496.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
T&P ( crow bars, shovels etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 20.00 20.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 83.73
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,188.17
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,446.74
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 110.92
Cost of 30 Boards 11,202.55
Rate per Board Each 373.42

211270 Manufacture and supply of Precast gradient Posts of size 1.65 x 0.60 x 0.075 m in
RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving letters and leading to work spot, fixing in position with CC
1:3:6 concrete duly making pits of size as required, painting the post, writing the
letters on both sides of posts in 2 coats with enamel paint of approved quality to the
Railways drawings/IRPWM with contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour, tools,
plant, with all lead and lifts etc., complete as per specifications and as directed by the
Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid under relevant items.

Details of Cost of 30 boards

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 25.00 4,750.00
Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00 2.00 80.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 1.00 150.00
Man power
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.50 925.50
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P ( crow bars, shovels etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 115.06
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,632.69
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 1,987.99
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 152.41
Cost of 30 Boards 15,393.64
Rate per Board Each 513.12

211280 Manufacture and supply of Precast Hectometer/TP Repeater posts of size

0.90Mx0.30 mx0.30Mx0.30M Triangular size in RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving letters,
leading to work spot, and fixing in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete, duly making pits
of size as required, painting the post with two coats, letters on the both sides of posts
with enamel paint of approved quality as per IRPWM/Railways drawings complete
with contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour, tools, plant, with all lead and lifts
etc., complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid under relevant items.

Details of Cost of 100 boards

Enamel Paint as per RDSO's Spec. no.M&C/PCN/120-2011 Litre 0304 190.00 30.00 5,700.00
Paint Brush 50 mm Each 0324 40.00 3.00 120.00
Paint Brush (writing) of any size Each 0313 150.00 2.00 300.00
Man power
Painter (Skilled) Day 0012 617.00 1.00 617.00

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021 Chapter - 21: Miscellaneous Items

Item no. Description Unit Rate Rate Quantity Amount

Code (₹) (₹)
Helper (Semi-skilled) Day 0021 512.00 1.00 512.00
Labour Unskilled Day 0020 437.00 10.00 4,370.00
T&P ( crow bars, shovels etc) Lumpsum 9901 1.00 30.00 30.00
Hire charges for tractor with trolley Day 0080 1200.00 1.00 1,200.00
Add for Water Charges @ 1% Lumpsum 9902 0.01 128.49
Add for GST @ 12% (multiplying factor 0.1405) Lumpsum 9903 0.14 1,823.34
Add for Contractor’s Overheads and Profit @ 15% Lumpsum 9904 0.15 2,220.12
Add for Cess @ 1% Lumpsum 9905 0.01 170.21
Cost of 100 Boards 17,191.16
Rate per Board Each 171.91

Note: The figures given in Amount/Rate Column (Which are strikethrough) are not to be taken for estimation or justifying rate. This amount/rate has
been given for illustration purpose only.
IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

Analysis of Rates for transportation P. Way Material other than PSC sleeper, Rails, Switches, Glued Joints, & Crossings

Rate Linked to
Name Unit Rate Code
Basic Sheet
Hire Charges Day 0511 1379.00
of Truck - 9
tonne (without
Diesel (HSD) Litre 0179 94.60
Beldar (Un Day 0025 437.00
Diesel kmpl 5.00
Mobile oil kmpl 140.00
Time of hour 1.00
Distance from kmpl 6.00
Parking Place
to Duty & Back

Lead in Average Nos. of Nos. of km Litres of Cost of Hire Total Cost = Cost per Trip Cost per Rate per
km (L) Speed IN Trips Done in Diesel Diesel Charges of col. 6+7 = Col.10/Col.3 tonne tonne per
KMPH (S) N=8/(2L/S) one day consumed Truck
+0.5 km
(2NL+6) (0084)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 16.00 7.11 20.22 4.04 382.60 1,379.00 1,761.60 247.73 27.53 27.53
2 17.00 6.48 31.90 6.38 603.64 1,379.00 1,982.64 306.14 34.02 17.01
2.50 17.25 6.20 37.01 7.40 700.25 1,379.00 2,079.25 335.24 37.25 14.90
3 17.50 5.96 41.74 8.35 789.81 1,379.00 2,168.81 364.05 40.45 13.48
4 18.00 5.54 50.31 10.06 951.82 1,379.00 2,330.82 420.84 46.76 11.69
5 18.50 5.19 57.93 11.59 1,096.03 1,379.00 2,475.03 476.61 52.96 10.59
6 19.00 4.90 64.84 12.97 1,226.75 1,379.00 2,605.75 531.44 59.05 9.84
7 19.50 4.66 71.19 14.24 1,346.99 1,379.00 2,725.99 585.39 65.04 9.29
7.50 19.75 4.55 74.20 14.84 1,403.89 1,379.00 2,782.89 612.06 68.01 9.07
8 20.00 4.44 77.11 15.42 1,458.94 1,379.00 2,837.94 638.54 70.95 8.87
9 20.50 4.26 82.68 16.54 1,564.22 1,379.00 2,943.22 690.94 76.77 8.53
10 21.00 4.10 87.95 17.59 1,664.04 1,379.00 3,043.04 742.65 82.52 8.25
11 21.50 3.95 92.99 18.60 1,759.34 1,379.00 3,138.34 793.71 88.19 8.02
12 22.00 3.83 97.83 19.57 1,850.87 1,379.00 3,229.87 844.17 93.80 7.82
13 22.50 3.71 102.49 20.50 1,939.20 1,379.00 3,318.20 894.07 99.34 7.64
14 23.00 3.61 107.02 21.40 2,024.81 1,379.00 3,403.81 943.45 104.83 7.49
15 23.50 3.51 111.42 22.28 2,108.08 1,379.00 3,487.08 992.33 110.26 7.35
16 24.00 3.43 115.71 23.14 2,189.31 1,379.00 3,568.31 1,040.76 115.64 7.23
17 24.50 3.35 119.91 23.98 2,268.78 1,379.00 3,647.78 1,088.75 120.97 7.12
18 25.00 3.28 124.03 24.81 2,346.70 1,379.00 3,725.70 1,136.34 126.26 7.01
19 25.50 3.21 128.08 25.62 2,423.25 1,379.00 3,802.25 1,183.54 131.50 6.92
20 26.00 3.15 132.06 26.41 2,498.59 1,379.00 3,877.59 1,230.39 136.71 6.84
21 26.50 3.09 135.99 27.20 2,572.84 1,379.00 3,951.84 1,276.89 141.88 6.76
22 27.00 3.04 139.86 27.97 2,646.14 1,379.00 4,025.14 1,323.08 147.01 6.68
23 27.50 2.99 143.69 28.74 2,718.56 1,379.00 4,097.56 1,368.96 152.11 6.61
24 28.00 2.95 147.47 29.49 2,790.20 1,379.00 4,169.20 1,414.55 157.17 6.55
25 28.50 2.90 151.22 30.24 2,861.14 1,379.00 4,240.14 1,459.87 162.21 6.49
26 29.00 2.86 154.94 30.99 2,931.43 1,379.00 4,310.43 1,504.94 167.22 6.43
27 29.50 2.83 158.62 31.72 3,001.14 1,379.00 4,380.14 1,549.75 172.19 6.38
28 30.00 2.79 162.28 32.46 3,070.32 1,379.00 4,449.32 1,594.34 177.15 6.33
29 30.50 2.76 165.91 33.18 3,139.01 1,379.00 4,518.01 1,638.70 182.08 6.28
30 31.00 2.73 169.52 33.90 3,207.25 1,379.00 4,586.25 1,682.86 186.98 6.23
31 31.50 2.70 173.10 34.62 3,275.08 1,379.00 4,654.08 1,726.81 191.87 6.19
32 32.00 2.67 176.67 35.33 3,342.53 1,379.00 4,721.53 1,770.58 196.73 6.15
33 32.50 2.64 180.21 36.04 3,409.63 1,379.00 4,788.63 1,814.16 201.57 6.11
34 33.00 2.61 183.74 36.75 3,476.41 1,379.00 4,855.41 1,857.56 206.40 6.07
35 33.50 2.59 187.26 37.45 3,542.88 1,379.00 4,921.88 1,900.80 211.20 6.03
36 34.00 2.57 190.75 38.15 3,609.08 1,379.00 4,988.08 1,943.88 215.99 6.00
37 34.50 2.54 194.24 38.85 3,675.01 1,379.00 5,054.01 1,986.81 220.76 5.97
38 35.00 2.52 197.71 39.54 3,740.71 1,379.00 5,119.71 2,029.60 225.51 5.93
39 35.50 2.50 201.17 40.23 3,806.17 1,379.00 5,185.17 2,072.24 230.25 5.90
40 36.00 2.48 204.62 40.92 3,871.42 1,379.00 5,250.42 2,114.75 234.97 5.87
41 36.50 2.46 208.06 41.61 3,936.48 1,379.00 5,315.48 2,157.14 239.68 5.85
42 37.00 2.45 211.49 42.30 4,001.35 1,379.00 5,380.35 2,199.40 244.38 5.82
43 37.50 2.43 214.91 42.98 4,066.04 1,379.00 5,445.04 2,241.54 249.06 5.79
44 38.00 2.41 218.32 43.66 4,130.57 1,379.00 5,509.57 2,283.57 253.73 5.77
45 38.50 2.40 221.72 44.34 4,194.94 1,379.00 5,573.94 2,325.49 258.39 5.74
46 39.00 2.38 225.11 45.02 4,259.17 1,379.00 5,638.17 2,367.31 263.03 5.72
47 39.50 2.37 228.50 45.70 4,323.26 1,379.00 5,702.26 2,409.02 267.67 5.70
48 40.00 2.35 231.88 46.38 4,387.21 1,379.00 5,766.21 2,450.64 272.29 5.67
49 40.50 2.34 235.26 47.05 4,451.05 1,379.00 5,830.05 2,492.17 276.91 5.65
50 41.00 2.33 238.62 47.72 4,514.77 1,379.00 5,893.77 2,533.60 281.51 5.63

IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

60 46.00 2.22 272.02 54.40 5,146.70 1,379.00 6,525.70 2,943.66 327.07 5.45
62.5 48.00 2.22 283.46 56.69 5,363.00 1,379.00 6,742.00 3,037.41 337.49 5.40
70 51.00 2.14 305.06 61.01 5,771.69 1,379.00 7,150.69 3,347.50 371.94 5.31
75 53.00 2.09 319.30 63.86 6,041.17 1,379.00 7,420.17 3,552.58 394.73 5.26
80 56.00 2.07 337.85 67.57 6,392.16 1,379.00 7,771.16 3,746.81 416.31 5.20
87.5 59.00 2.02 358.99 71.80 6,792.12 1,379.00 8,171.12 4,050.94 450.10 5.14
90 60.00 2.00 366.00 73.20 6,924.72 1,379.00 8,303.72 4,151.86 461.32 5.13
100 60.00 1.85 375.23 75.05 7,099.37 1,379.00 8,478.37 4,592.45 510.27 5.10
125 60.00 1.55 393.10 78.62 7,437.39 1,379.00 8,816.39 5,693.92 632.66 5.06
150 60.00 1.33 406.00 81.20 7,681.52 1,379.00 9,060.52 6,795.39 755.04 5.03
200 60.00 1.04 423.39 84.68 8,010.56 1,379.00 9,389.56 8,998.33 999.81 5.00
300 60.00 0.73 442.36 88.47 8,369.52 1,379.00 9,748.52 13,404.22 1,489.36 4.96
400 60.00 0.56 452.51 90.50 8,561.52 1,379.00 9,940.52 17,810.10 1,978.90 4.95
500 60.00 0.45 458.83 91.77 8,681.07 1,379.00 10,060.07 22,215.98 2,468.44 4.94
1000 60.00 0.23 472.02 94.40 8,930.61 1,379.00 10,309.61 44,245.40 4,916.16 4.92
5000 60.00 0.05 483.14 96.63 9140.96 1,379.00 10,519.96 220,480.73 24,497.86 4.90

Number of trip in working day of 8 hours N = 8/((2L/S)+1), Where L = Lead in Km, S = Speed in Km per hour, 1/2 hour is
allowed for loading / unloading.
Consumption of mobile oil taken at 140 Km per litre.
In column 4 of 'Km done' an allowance of 6.0 Km has been made for movement of truck from parking place to duty and back
Cost of labour, hire charges of truck, diesel and mobile has been taken from the basic rate sheet. Loading is to be done Track

IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

Analysis of Rates for transportation Precast Girders/Slab

By Mechanical Transport including unloading and stacking
Name Unit Rate Code Rate Linked
to Basic Sheet

Hire Charges of 20T truck with long trailers Day 0507 2903.00
(without POL)
Hiring charges of Crane 50 MT capacity Day 0093 20000.00

Coolie (Un skilled) Day 0026 437.00

Diesel (HSD) Oil Litre 0179 94.60
Mobile Oil Litre 0184 250.00
Diesel consumption rate kmpl 3.50
Mobile oil consumption rate kmpl 140.00
Time of Loading/Unloading hour 0.50
Distance to and fro between worksite and….. kmpl 6.00

Lead in Average Nos. of Nos. of Litres of Cost of Litres of Cost of Cost of 2 Hire Total Cost per Cost of Total Cost Cost per Rate Rate per Average
km (L) Speed IN Trips km Done Diesel Diesel Mobil oil Mobile oil Beldar at Charges Cost = Trip = Crane per trip i.e. tone including ton per km Rate per
KMPH (S) N=8/(2L/S in one consume consume site for of Truck col. Col.11/Col. Charges cost for 20 GST, CPOH tonne per
)+0.5 day d d @ 140 unloading (0084) 6+8+9+10 3 except for t & Cess km
(2NL+6) km per with Crane Loading
Litre crane charges &
except unloading
hire per trip
charges consideri
of crane ng 1/4 hrs
of crane
time each

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 16.00 12.80 31.60 9.03 854.10 0.23 56.43 874.00 2,903.00 4,687.53 366.21 1,250.00 1,616.21 80.81 107.05 107.05
2 17.00 10.88 49.52 14.15 1,338.45 0.35 88.43 874.00 2,903.00 5,203.88 478.30 1,250.00 1,728.30 86.41 114.47 57.24
3 17.50 9.49 62.95 17.99 1,701.43 0.45 112.41 874.00 2,903.00 5,590.83 589.03 1,250.00 1,839.03 91.95 121.81 40.60
4 18.00 8.47 73.76 21.08 1,993.75 0.53 131.72 874.00 2,903.00 5,902.48 696.82 1,250.00 1,946.82 97.34 128.95 32.24
5 18.50 7.69 82.88 23.68 2,240.21 0.59 148.01 874.00 2,903.00 6,165.22 801.89 1,250.00 2,051.89 102.59 135.91 27.18
6 19.00 7.07 90.84 25.95 2,455.20 0.65 162.21 874.00 2,903.00 6,394.41 904.47 1,250.00 2,154.47 107.72 142.70 23.78
7 19.50 6.57 97.96 27.99 2,647.66 0.70 174.92 874.00 2,903.00 6,599.59 1,004.74 1,250.00 2,254.74 112.74 149.34 21.33
8 20.00 6.15 104.46 29.85 2,823.45 0.75 186.54 874.00 2,903.00 6,786.98 1,102.89 1,250.00 2,352.89 117.64 155.84 19.48
9 20.50 5.81 110.50 31.57 2,986.54 0.79 197.31 874.00 2,903.00 6,960.85 1,199.05 1,250.00 2,449.05 122.45 162.21 18.02
10 21.00 5.51 116.16 33.19 3,139.75 0.83 207.44 874.00 2,903.00 7,124.18 1,293.38 1,250.00 2,543.38 127.17 168.46 16.85
11 21.50 5.25 121.54 34.73 3,285.11 0.87 217.04 874.00 2,903.00 7,279.15 1,386.00 1,250.00 2,636.00 131.80 174.59 15.87
12 22.00 5.03 126.69 36.20 3,424.13 0.90 226.22 874.00 2,903.00 7,427.36 1,477.03 1,250.00 2,727.03 136.35 180.62 15.05
13 22.50 4.83 131.64 37.61 3,557.98 0.94 235.07 874.00 2,903.00 7,570.04 1,566.58 1,250.00 2,816.58 140.83 186.55 14.35
14 23.00 4.66 136.43 38.98 3,687.52 0.97 243.63 874.00 2,903.00 7,708.14 1,654.74 1,250.00 2,904.74 145.24 192.39 13.74
15 23.50 4.50 141.09 40.31 3,813.46 1.01 251.95 874.00 2,903.00 7,842.40 1,741.60 1,250.00 2,991.60 149.58 198.15 13.21
16 24.00 4.36 145.64 41.61 3,936.34 1.04 260.06 874.00 2,903.00 7,973.41 1,827.24 1,250.00 3,077.24 153.86 203.82 12.74
17 24.50 4.24 150.09 42.88 4,056.62 1.07 268.01 874.00 2,903.00 8,101.63 1,911.74 1,250.00 3,161.74 158.09 209.42 12.32
18 25.00 4.12 154.45 44.13 4,174.66 1.10 275.81 874.00 2,903.00 8,227.47 1,995.16 1,250.00 3,245.16 162.26 214.94 11.94
19 25.50 4.02 158.75 45.36 4,290.75 1.13 283.48 874.00 2,903.00 8,351.23 2,077.57 1,250.00 3,327.57 166.38 220.40 11.60
20 26.00 3.92 162.98 46.57 4,405.15 1.16 291.04 874.00 2,903.00 8,473.18 2,159.03 1,250.00 3,409.03 170.45 225.80 11.29
21 26.50 3.84 167.16 47.76 4,518.05 1.19 298.50 874.00 2,903.00 8,593.55 2,239.59 1,250.00 3,489.59 174.48 231.13 11.01
22 27.00 3.76 171.29 48.94 4,629.64 1.22 305.87 874.00 2,903.00 8,712.51 2,319.30 1,250.00 3,569.30 178.47 236.41 10.75
23 27.50 3.68 175.37 50.11 4,740.07 1.25 313.16 874.00 2,903.00 8,830.23 2,398.21 1,250.00 3,648.21 182.41 241.64 10.51
24 28.00 3.61 179.42 51.26 4,849.45 1.28 320.39 874.00 2,903.00 8,946.84 2,476.36 1,250.00 3,726.36 186.32 246.81 10.28
25 28.50 3.55 183.43 52.41 4,957.90 1.31 327.56 874.00 2,903.00 9,062.46 2,553.79 1,250.00 3,803.79 190.19 251.94 10.08
26 29.00 3.49 187.41 53.55 5,065.52 1.34 334.67 874.00 2,903.00 9,177.19 2,630.53 1,250.00 3,880.53 194.03 257.03 9.89
27 29.50 3.43 191.37 54.68 5,172.38 1.37 341.73 874.00 2,903.00 9,291.11 2,706.63 1,250.00 3,956.63 197.83 262.07 9.71
28 30.00 3.38 195.30 55.80 5,278.57 1.39 348.74 874.00 2,903.00 9,404.31 2,782.11 1,250.00 4,032.11 201.61 267.06 9.54
29 30.50 3.33 199.20 56.91 5,384.13 1.42 355.72 874.00 2,903.00 9,516.85 2,857.00 1,250.00 4,107.00 205.35 272.03 9.38
30 31.00 3.28 203.09 58.02 5,489.13 1.45 362.65 874.00 2,903.00 9,628.78 2,931.34 1,250.00 4,181.34 209.07 276.95 9.23
31 31.50 3.24 206.95 59.13 5,593.61 1.48 369.56 874.00 2,903.00 9,740.17 3,005.15 1,250.00 4,255.15 212.76 281.84 9.09
32 32.00 3.20 210.80 60.23 5,697.62 1.51 376.43 874.00 2,903.00 9,851.05 3,078.45 1,250.00 4,328.45 216.42 286.69 8.96
33 32.50 3.16 214.63 61.32 5,801.20 1.53 383.27 874.00 2,903.00 9,961.47 3,151.27 1,250.00 4,401.27 220.06 291.52 8.83
34 33.00 3.12 218.45 62.41 5,904.38 1.56 390.09 874.00 2,903.00 10,071.47 3,223.63 1,250.00 4,473.63 223.68 296.31 8.71
35 33.50 3.09 222.25 63.50 6,007.20 1.59 396.88 874.00 2,903.00 10,181.08 3,295.55 1,250.00 4,545.55 227.28 301.07 8.60
36 34.00 3.06 226.04 64.58 6,109.67 1.61 403.65 874.00 2,903.00 10,290.32 3,367.05 1,250.00 4,617.05 230.85 305.81 8.49
37 34.50 3.02 229.82 65.66 6,211.83 1.64 410.40 874.00 2,903.00 10,399.23 3,438.15 1,250.00 4,688.15 234.41 310.52 8.39
38 35.00 2.99 233.59 66.74 6,313.70 1.67 417.13 874.00 2,903.00 10,507.83 3,508.87 1,250.00 4,758.87 237.94 315.20 8.29
39 35.50 2.97 237.35 67.81 6,415.30 1.70 423.84 874.00 2,903.00 10,616.14 3,579.21 1,250.00 4,829.21 241.46 319.86 8.20
40 36.00 2.94 241.10 68.89 6,516.64 1.72 430.54 874.00 2,903.00 10,724.18 3,649.20 1,250.00 4,899.20 244.96 324.50 8.11
41 36.50 2.91 244.84 69.96 6,617.75 1.75 437.22 874.00 2,903.00 10,831.97 3,718.85 1,250.00 4,968.85 248.44 329.11 8.03 7.40
42 37.00 2.89 248.58 71.02 6,718.64 1.78 443.89 874.00 2,903.00 10,939.53 3,788.18 1,250.00 5,038.18 251.91 333.70 7.95
43 37.50 2.86 252.30 72.09 6,819.33 1.80 450.54 874.00 2,903.00 11,046.86 3,857.20 1,250.00 5,107.20 255.36 338.27 7.87
44 38.00 2.84 256.02 73.15 6,919.82 1.83 457.18 874.00 2,903.00 11,154.00 3,925.91 1,250.00 5,175.91 258.80 342.82 7.79
45 38.50 2.82 259.73 74.21 7,020.13 1.86 463.80 874.00 2,903.00 11,260.93 3,994.34 1,250.00 5,244.34 262.22 347.36 7.72
46 39.00 2.80 263.43 75.27 7,120.27 1.88 470.42 874.00 2,903.00 11,367.69 4,062.49 1,250.00 5,312.49 265.62 351.87 7.65
47 39.50 2.78 267.13 76.32 7,220.25 1.91 477.03 874.00 2,903.00 11,474.28 4,130.38 1,250.00 5,380.38 269.02 356.37 7.58
48 40.00 2.76 270.83 77.38 7,320.08 1.93 483.62 874.00 2,903.00 11,580.70 4,198.01 1,250.00 5,448.01 272.40 360.85 7.52
49 40.50 2.74 274.52 78.43 7,419.77 1.96 490.21 874.00 2,903.00 11,686.98 4,265.39 1,250.00 5,515.39 275.77 365.31 7.46
50 41.00 2.72 278.20 79.49 7,519.33 1.99 496.78 874.00 2,903.00 11,793.11 4,332.53 1,250.00 5,582.53 279.13 369.76 7.40
51 41.50 2.70 281.88 80.54 7,618.75 2.01 503.35 874.00 2,903.00 11,899.11 4,399.44 1,250.00 5,649.44 282.47 374.19 7.34
52 42.00 2.69 285.55 81.59 7,718.06 2.04 509.91 874.00 2,903.00 12,004.98 4,466.14 1,250.00 5,716.14 285.81 378.61 7.28
53 42.50 2.67 289.22 82.63 7,817.26 2.07 516.47 874.00 2,903.00 12,110.73 4,532.62 1,250.00 5,782.62 289.13 383.01 7.23
54 43.00 2.66 292.89 83.68 7,916.35 2.09 523.01 874.00 2,903.00 12,216.36 4,598.89 1,250.00 5,848.89 292.44 387.40 7.17
55 43.50 2.64 296.55 84.73 8,015.33 2.12 529.55 874.00 2,903.00 12,321.88 4,664.97 1,250.00 5,914.97 295.75 391.78 7.12
56 44.00 2.63 300.21 85.77 8,114.22 2.14 536.09 874.00 2,903.00 12,427.31 4,730.85 1,250.00 5,980.85 299.04 396.14 7.07
57 44.50 2.61 303.86 86.82 8,213.02 2.17 542.61 874.00 2,903.00 12,532.63 4,796.55 1,250.00 6,046.55 302.33 400.49 7.03
58 45.00 2.60 307.52 87.86 8,311.72 2.20 549.14 874.00 2,903.00 12,637.86 4,862.07 1,250.00 6,112.07 305.60 404.83 6.98
59 45.50 2.59 311.17 88.90 8,410.35 2.22 555.65 874.00 2,903.00 12,743.00 4,927.41 1,250.00 6,177.41 308.87 409.16 6.93
60 46.00 2.57 314.81 89.95 8,508.90 2.25 562.16 874.00 2,903.00 12,848.06 4,992.59 1,250.00 6,242.59 312.13 413.47 6.89
61 46.50 2.56 318.45 90.99 8,607.37 2.27 568.67 874.00 2,903.00 12,953.04 5,057.60 1,250.00 6,307.60 315.38 417.78 6.85 6.51
62 47.00 2.55 322.09 92.03 8,705.77 2.30 575.17 874.00 2,903.00 13,057.93 5,122.46 1,250.00 6,372.46 318.62 422.08 6.81
63 47.50 2.54 325.73 93.07 8,804.09 2.33 581.67 874.00 2,903.00 13,162.76 5,187.17 1,250.00 6,437.17 321.86 426.36 6.77
64 48.00 2.53 329.37 94.11 8,902.36 2.35 588.16 874.00 2,903.00 13,267.52 5,251.73 1,250.00 6,501.73 325.09 430.64 6.73
65 48.50 2.52 333.00 95.14 9,000.56 2.38 594.65 874.00 2,903.00 13,372.20 5,316.14 1,250.00 6,566.14 328.31 434.91 6.69
66 49.00 2.50 336.63 96.18 9,098.70 2.40 601.13 874.00 2,903.00 13,476.83 5,380.42 1,250.00 6,630.42 331.52 439.16 6.65
67 49.50 2.49 340.26 97.22 9,196.78 2.43 607.61 874.00 2,903.00 13,581.39 5,444.56 1,250.00 6,694.56 334.73 443.41 6.62
68 50.00 2.48 343.89 98.25 9,294.81 2.46 614.09 874.00 2,903.00 13,685.89 5,508.57 1,250.00 6,758.57 337.93 447.65 6.58
69 50.50 2.47 347.51 99.29 9,392.78 2.48 620.56 874.00 2,903.00 13,790.34 5,572.46 1,250.00 6,822.46 341.12 451.88 6.55
70 51.00 2.47 351.14 100.32 9,490.70 2.51 627.03 874.00 2,903.00 13,894.73 5,636.22 1,250.00 6,886.22 344.31 456.11 6.52

IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

71 51.50 2.46 354.76 101.36 9,588.58 2.53 633.49 874.00 2,903.00 13,999.07 5,699.86 1,250.00 6,949.86 347.49 460.32 6.48
72 52.00 2.45 358.38 102.39 9,686.40 2.56 639.96 874.00 2,903.00 14,103.36 5,763.39 1,250.00 7,013.39 350.67 464.53 6.45
73 52.50 2.44 361.99 103.43 9,784.19 2.59 646.42 874.00 2,903.00 14,207.60 5,826.81 1,250.00 7,076.81 353.84 468.73 6.42
74 53.00 2.43 365.61 104.46 9,881.92 2.61 652.88 874.00 2,903.00 14,311.80 5,890.12 1,250.00 7,140.12 357.01 472.92 6.39
75 53.50 2.42 369.22 105.49 9,979.62 2.64 659.33 874.00 2,903.00 14,415.95 5,953.32 1,250.00 7,203.32 360.17 477.11 6.36
76 54.00 2.41 372.84 106.53 10,077.28 2.66 665.78 874.00 2,903.00 14,520.06 6,016.41 1,250.00 7,266.41 363.32 481.29 6.33
77 54.50 2.41 376.45 107.56 10,174.90 2.69 672.23 874.00 2,903.00 14,624.13 6,079.41 1,250.00 7,329.41 366.47 485.46 6.30
78 55.00 2.40 380.06 108.59 10,272.48 2.71 678.68 874.00 2,903.00 14,728.16 6,142.31 1,250.00 7,392.31 369.62 489.63 6.28
79 55.50 2.39 383.67 109.62 10,370.02 2.74 685.12 874.00 2,903.00 14,832.15 6,205.11 1,250.00 7,455.11 372.76 493.79 6.25
80 56.00 2.38 387.28 110.65 10,467.53 2.77 691.57 874.00 2,903.00 14,936.10 6,267.83 1,250.00 7,517.83 375.89 497.94 6.22
90 60.00 2.29 417.43 119.27 11,282.50 2.98 745.41 874.00 2,903.00 15,804.91 6,914.65 1,250.00 8,164.65 408.23 540.78 6.01
100 61.00 2.12 429.43 122.69 11,606.81 3.07 766.83 874.00 2,903.00 16,150.64 7,628.53 1,250.00 8,878.53 443.93 588.07 5.88
125 61.00 1.74 440.94 125.98 11,917.91 3.15 787.39 874.00 2,903.00 16,482.30 9,473.95 1,250.00 10,723.95 536.20 710.30 5.68
175 61.00 1.28 454.88 129.97 12,294.84 3.25 812.29 874.00 2,903.00 16,884.13 13,164.78 1,250.00 14,414.78 720.74 954.76 5.46
200 62.00 1.15 466.32 133.24 12,604.09 3.33 832.72 874.00 2,903.00 17,213.82 14,957.97 1,250.00 16,207.97 810.40 1073.53 5.37
500 63.00 0.49 494.61 141.32 13,368.57 3.53 883.23 874.00 2,903.00 18,028.80 36,898.23 1,250.00 38,148.23 1,907.41 2526.73 5.05

Number of trip in working day of 8 hours N = 8/((2L/S)+1), Where L = Lead in Km, S = Speed in Km per hour, 1/2 hour is allowed for loading / unloading.
Consumption of diesel taken at 3 Km per litre.
Consumption of mobile oil taken at 140 Km per litre.

In column 4 of 'Km done' an allowance of 6.0 Km has been made for movement of truck from parking place to duty and back

Cost of labour, hire charges of truck, diesel and mobile has been taken from the basic rate sheet. Loading is to be done by Precast Factory by his own crane.

IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

Analysis of Rates for transportation stone Track Ballast

Linked to
Name Unit Rate Code
Hire and running charges of Tipper 12 Day 0510 2191.80
Cum Capacity (without POL)

Diesel (HSD Oil) Litre 0179 94.60

Mobile Oil Litre 0184 250.00
Diesel consumption rate kmpl 6.00
Mobile oil consumption rate kmpl 140.00
Time of Loading/Unloading hour 0.50
Distance from Parking Place to Duty & kmpl 6.00
Back to Parking Place

Lead in Average Nos. of Nos. of km Litres of Cost of Litres of Cost of Hire Total Cost = Cost per Cost per Rate per
km (L) Speed IN Trips Done in Diesel Diesel Mobil oil Mobile Charges of col. 6+8+9 Trip = cum cum per km
KMPH (S) N=8/(2L/S) one day consumed consumed oil Truck Col.10/Co
+0.5 (2NL+6) @ 140 km (0084) l.3
per Litre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 16.00 12.80 31.60 5.27 498.23 0.23 56.43 2,191.80 2,746.46 214.57 17.88 17.88
2 17.00 10.88 49.52 8.25 780.77 0.35 88.43 2,191.80 3,060.99 281.34 23.45 11.72
3 17.50 9.49 62.95 10.49 992.50 0.45 112.41 2,191.80 3,296.71 347.33 28.94 9.65
4 18.00 8.47 73.76 12.29 1,163.02 0.53 131.72 2,191.80 3,486.55 411.61 34.30 8.58
5 18.50 7.69 82.88 13.81 1,306.79 0.59 148.01 2,191.80 3,646.60 474.30 39.53 7.91
6 19.00 7.07 90.84 15.14 1,432.20 0.65 162.21 2,191.80 3,786.21 535.55 44.63 7.44
7 19.50 6.57 97.96 16.33 1,544.47 0.70 174.92 2,191.80 3,911.19 595.45 49.62 7.09
8 20.00 6.15 104.46 17.41 1,647.01 0.75 186.54 2,191.80 4,025.35 654.12 54.51 6.81
9 20.50 5.81 110.50 18.42 1,742.15 0.79 197.31 2,191.80 4,131.26 711.63 59.30 6.59
10 21.00 5.51 116.16 19.36 1,831.52 0.83 207.44 2,191.80 4,230.75 768.08 64.01 6.40
11 21.50 5.25 121.54 20.26 1,916.31 0.87 217.04 2,191.80 4,325.15 823.54 68.63 6.24
12 22.00 5.03 126.69 21.11 1,997.41 0.90 226.22 2,191.80 4,415.44 878.07 73.17 6.10
13 22.50 4.83 131.64 21.94 2,075.49 0.94 235.07 2,191.80 4,502.35 931.74 77.64 5.97
14 23.00 4.66 136.43 22.74 2,151.05 0.97 243.63 2,191.80 4,586.48 984.60 82.05 5.86
15 23.50 4.50 141.09 23.51 2,224.52 1.01 251.95 2,191.80 4,668.26 1,036.70 86.39 5.76
16 24.00 4.36 145.64 24.27 2,296.20 1.04 260.06 2,191.80 4,748.06 1,088.10 90.67 5.67
17 24.50 4.24 150.09 25.01 2,366.36 1.07 268.01 2,191.80 4,826.18 1,138.83 94.90 5.58
18 25.00 4.12 154.45 25.74 2,435.22 1.10 275.81 2,191.80 4,902.83 1,188.94 99.08 5.50
19 25.50 4.02 158.75 26.46 2,502.94 1.13 283.48 2,191.80 4,978.22 1,238.45 103.20 5.43
20 26.00 3.92 162.98 27.16 2,569.67 1.16 291.04 2,191.80 5,052.51 1,287.42 107.28 5.36
21 26.50 3.84 167.16 27.86 2,635.53 1.19 298.50 2,191.80 5,125.83 1,335.86 111.32 5.30
22 27.00 3.76 171.29 28.55 2,700.62 1.22 305.87 2,191.80 5,198.29 1,383.81 115.32 5.24
23 27.50 3.68 175.37 29.23 2,765.04 1.25 313.16 2,191.80 5,270.00 1,431.28 119.27 5.19
24 28.00 3.61 179.42 29.90 2,828.85 1.28 320.39 2,191.80 5,341.04 1,478.32 123.19 5.13
25 28.50 3.55 183.43 30.57 2,892.11 1.31 327.56 2,191.80 5,411.47 1,524.94 127.08 5.08
26 29.00 3.49 187.41 31.24 2,954.89 1.34 334.67 2,191.80 5,481.35 1,571.16 130.93 5.04
27 29.50 3.43 191.37 31.89 3,017.22 1.37 341.73 2,191.80 5,550.75 1,617.01 134.75 4.99
28 30.00 3.38 195.30 32.55 3,079.16 1.39 348.74 2,191.80 5,619.71 1,662.50 138.54 4.95
29 30.50 3.33 199.20 33.20 3,140.74 1.42 355.72 2,191.80 5,688.26 1,707.64 142.30 4.91
30 31.00 3.28 203.09 33.85 3,201.99 1.45 362.65 2,191.80 5,756.44 1,752.47 146.04 4.87
31 31.50 3.24 206.95 34.49 3,262.94 1.48 369.56 2,191.80 5,824.30 1,796.98 149.75 4.83
32 32.00 3.20 210.80 35.13 3,323.61 1.51 376.43 2,191.80 5,891.84 1,841.20 153.43 4.79
33 32.50 3.16 214.63 35.77 3,384.03 1.53 383.27 2,191.80 5,959.11 1,885.14 157.10 4.76
34 33.00 3.12 218.45 36.41 3,444.22 1.56 390.09 2,191.80 6,026.11 1,928.81 160.73 4.73
35 33.50 3.09 222.25 37.04 3,504.20 1.59 396.88 2,191.80 6,092.88 1,972.23 164.35 4.70
36 34.00 3.06 226.04 37.67 3,563.98 1.61 403.65 2,191.80 6,159.43 2,015.40 167.95 4.67
37 34.50 3.02 229.82 38.30 3,623.57 1.64 410.40 2,191.80 6,225.77 2,058.34 171.53 4.64
38 35.00 2.99 233.59 38.93 3,682.99 1.67 417.13 2,191.80 6,291.92 2,101.05 175.09 4.61
39 35.50 2.97 237.35 39.56 3,742.26 1.70 423.84 2,191.80 6,357.90 2,143.55 178.63 4.58
40 36.00 2.94 241.10 40.18 3,801.38 1.72 430.54 2,191.80 6,423.71 2,185.85 182.15 4.55
41 36.50 2.91 244.84 40.81 3,860.36 1.75 437.22 2,191.80 6,489.38 2,227.94 185.66 4.53
42 37.00 2.89 248.58 41.43 3,919.21 1.78 443.89 2,191.80 6,554.89 2,269.85 189.15 4.50
43 37.50 2.86 252.30 42.05 3,977.94 1.80 450.54 2,191.80 6,620.28 2,311.58 192.63 4.48
44 38.00 2.84 256.02 42.67 4,036.56 1.83 457.18 2,191.80 6,685.54 2,353.13 196.09 4.46
45 38.50 2.82 259.73 43.29 4,095.08 1.86 463.80 2,191.80 6,750.68 2,394.52 199.54 4.43
46 39.00 2.80 263.43 43.91 4,153.49 1.88 470.42 2,191.80 6,815.71 2,435.74 202.98 4.41
47 39.50 2.78 267.13 44.52 4,211.81 1.91 477.03 2,191.80 6,880.64 2,476.81 206.40 4.39
48 40.00 2.76 270.83 45.14 4,270.05 1.93 483.62 2,191.80 6,945.47 2,517.73 209.81 4.37
49 40.50 2.74 274.52 45.75 4,328.20 1.96 490.21 2,191.80 7,010.21 2,558.51 213.21 4.35

IR Unified Standard Analysis of Rates - 2021

50 41.00 2.72 278.20 46.37 4,386.27 1.99 496.78 2,191.80 7,074.86 2,599.15 216.60 4.33
60 46.00 2.57 314.81 52.47 4,963.52 2.25 562.16 2,191.80 7,717.49 2,998.91 249.91 4.17
70 51.00 2.47 351.14 58.52 5,536.24 2.51 627.03 2,191.80 8,355.07 3,389.13 282.43 4.03
75 53.00 2.40 366.34 61.06 5,775.96 2.62 654.18 2,191.80 8,621.94 3,589.09 299.09 3.99
80 56.00 2.38 387.28 64.55 6,106.06 2.77 691.57 2,191.80 8,989.43 3,772.35 314.36 3.93
90 60.00 2.29 417.43 69.57 6,581.46 2.98 745.41 2,191.80 9,518.67 4,164.42 347.03 3.86
100 60.00 2.09 423.39 70.57 6,675.47 3.02 756.06 2,191.80 9,623.33 4,611.18 384.26 3.84
125 60.00 1.71 434.57 72.43 6,851.74 3.10 776.02 2,191.80 9,819.56 5,728.08 477.34 3.82
175 60.00 1.26 448.11 74.68 7,065.13 3.20 800.19 2,191.80 10,057.11 7,961.88 663.49 3.79
225 60.00 1.00 456.00 76.00 7,189.60 3.26 814.29 2,191.80 10,195.69 10,195.69 849.64 3.78
500 60.00 0.47 472.02 78.67 7,442.17 3.37 842.89 2,191.80 10,476.86 22,481.61 1,873.47 3.75
1000 60.00 0.24 478.91 79.82 7,550.76 3.42 855.19 2,191.80 10,597.75 44,819.64 3,734.97 3.73

Number of trip in working day of 8 hours N = 8/((2L/S)+1), Where L = Lead in Km, S = Speed in Km per hour, 1/2 hour is allowed for loading /
unloading. of mobile oil taken at 140 Km per litre.
In column 4 of 'Km done' an allowance of 6.0 Km has been made for movement of truck from parking place to duty and back
Cost of labour, hire charges of truck, diesel and mobile has been taken from the basic rate sheet. Loading is to be done Track Ballast


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