Minor Change Certification Guidance Document - 17.02.16 - V1

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Applicant Details:
(e.g. Company name, address, ADOA ref number if available …)

Applicant Contact Details This document is intended to assist applicants (especially

(Responsible Person for this Change ) non-DOA) in having a more uniform methodology for Minor
Changes to General Aviation aircraft.
(including name, position and signature) It is not an EASA requirement, it is intended to remain as
guideline/support for those applicants that wish to adopt it.
On the other hand it will facilitate common understanding
and it will promote an uniform approach. It is understood
that in some cases where the change is more simple,
several paragraphs can be marked as not applicable (N/A)
without the need of further justification.
In case of uncertainty in classifying the change, please
contact EASA, the competent NAA or the involved Qualified

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Table of Contents

1 Description of change..........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Classification of change..............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Part Numbers.............................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Interfaces...................................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Operations..................................................................................................................................................3
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2 Applicability.........................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Current Limitations.....................................................................................................................................4
3 Certification Basis (CB).........................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Affected Requirements...............................................................................................................................4
3.2 Specific Guidance Documents....................................................................................................................4
4 Master Document List (MDL)...............................................................................................................................5
5 Structural Considerations....................................................................................................................................5
6 Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Impact...................................................................................................................5
7 Weight and Balance Impact.................................................................................................................................6
8 Wiring Considerations.........................................................................................................................................6
9 Electrical Load Analysis Impact............................................................................................................................6
10 Installation Considerations..................................................................................................................................7
10.1 Service Bulletins (SB)..................................................................................................................................7
11 Testing................................................................................................................................................................. 7
11.1 EMC/EMI Testing........................................................................................................................................7
11.2 Ground Testing...........................................................................................................................................7
11.3 Check Flights...............................................................................................................................................8
12 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Impact................................................................................................8
13 Operational Suitability Data Impact.....................................................................................................................8
14 Other possible impacted areas............................................................................................................................8
15 List of Acronyms..................................................................................................................................................8
16 Minor Change approval holder obligations.........................................................................................................9
17 Document History................................................................................................................................................9

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1 Description of change
Describe comprehensively the change including also some schematics/pictures if necessary for a better
understanding. Explanation of the purpose of the modification is likely to be advantageous. Identify the locations
of removed and of installed equipment and components. Where changes are made to the flight deck, provide
sufficient information to assess human factors aspects.

1.1 Classification of change

Provide a rationale for the classification as minor (in accordance with guidance material for 21.A.91).

NOTE: The Appendix A to the Guidance Material for 21.A.91 includes examples of Major Changes grouped per
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discipline. These cases should be reviewed and assessed taking into considerations all the aspects (i.e. structure,
cabin safety, powerplant, flight, environmental and systems).

NOTE: Few minor changes cases may require to have some considerations related to the Safety Assessment, in
these cases analyses and conclusions shall be reported here supporting the classification.

1.2 Part Numbers

List here all the relevant P/N removed and installed (including their (E)TSO approvals)

I / R1 Name & Manufacturer P/N Part & Appliance Approval

NOTE: In case of serial production, the provisions of 21.A.4 shall be considered.

1.3 Interfaces
If the newly installed equipment is interfaced with other existing equipment on the A/C a description or
list/schematic should be provided.

1.4 Operations
Identify the type of operations of the A/C (VFR, IFR or VFR Day only). The minor change cannot extend the type of
operations approved for any single A/C.

2 Applicability
List here applicable types, models and/or serial numbers (if relevant) including reference to the applicable TCDS.

I = Installed R = Removed
In case the change is limited to one or few S/N, specify them. Otherwise, include the note “all” or the applicable batches or
the characteristics required and provide the S/N for the first installation. Moreover in case of applicability to a big number of
S/N (e.g. “all”, batches) a rationale should be provided to substantiate the applicability range.

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2.1 Current Limitations

Identify any limitation which might be applicable for the minor change approval (e.g. VFR only, no precision
approach, etc.). In case of doubt, note “TBD” and check with the PCM.

3 Certification Basis (CB)

Identify here the aircraft CB (e.g. CS-23 Amdt 3, FAR 23 Amdt 62). Please consider that for minor changes, the
certification basis should be, by definition, the one of the original product as identified in the TCDS. You might
want to elect to comply to later amendment of the requirements. In this case please briefly clarify the rationale.

3.1 Affected Requirements

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Provide in the following table list of the Certification Basis affected paragraph, together with the means of
compliance used and the evidence(s) produced.

Para. &
Paragraph Title / Description MOC3 Compliance Statement / Document / Remarks
Subpart A

Subpart B

Subpart ...

3.2 Specific Guidance Documents

List here any further document that is used for compliance / installation (e.g. ACs, AMCs, GM 4 and Equipment
Manufacturer Installation Manual) - see also EASA GA FAQ.

Advisory: Provide identification of the Means of Compliance (MOC) used. It is possible to use the conventional MOC codes:
Type of Compliance Means of Compliance Associated Compliance Documents
MC0 : Compliance statement
– reference to TD documents
Type Design Documents Recorded Statements
– election of methods, factors
Engineering Evaluation – definitions
MC1 : Design Review Description, Drawings
MC2 : Calculation/Analysis Substantiation Reports
MC3 : Safety Assessment Safety Analysis
MC4 : Laboratory Tests
Test Programmes
MC5 : Ground Tests on related product
Tests Test Reports
MC6 : Flight Tests
Test Interpretations
MC8 : Simulation
Inspection MC7 : Design Inspection Inspection Reports
Equipment Qualification MC9 : Equipment Qualification (e.g. ETSO) Reference to existing approvals and their applicability

AC – (FAA) Advisory Circular, AMC – Acceptable Means of Compliance, GM – Guidance Material

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It is assumed that for many cases it is convenient for the

Applicant to produce separated documents to cover the
different aspects (at least for some) described in Sections 4,
5, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11 and 13.
Nevertheless, whether the applicant decides to include
completely these aspects in the “Minor Change EA SA Exam p le Do cu m en ts

Certification Document”, this approach is considered

acceptable provided that all the required information are
If these are impacts on Sections 6 and 12 which require
additional information to be provided, a separate
document shall be provided for this in any case in order to
facilitate the flight and maintenance operations. These
supplements shall be added respectively to the AFM and

4 Master Document List (MDL)

List all the documentation produced for the change. Moreover, whether the content of the document cannot be
immediately derived from the title a short description might be of help.

NOTE: All the relevant documents produced shall be controlled (i.e. have a doc number, a title, an Issue/Revision
and a date) and duly signed. Moreover, it is reminded that any document prepared in the framework of this
project (and required for its approval) have to be completed, signed and agreed with the PCM prior of the Minor
Change approval.

Alternatively, a reference to the MDL produced is also acceptable (despite a separate MDL is not mandatory for
minor changes, due to the intrinsic non complexity of the project).

5 Structural Considerations
In the cases when changes to the structure are required, provide a comprehensive description here, including all
the necessary details and drawings. Following the identification of the affected requirements in Section 3.1
specify how compliance is shown5.

In case details are provided in separate documents, provide here a high level description of the change and
methods along with the references to the appropriate structural documents.

6 Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Impact

Describe here the content of the change(s)/supplement to the flight manual related to this application referring
also to the AFM Supplement produced.

The approach described in FAA AC 43.13-2B is considered acceptable, if adequately adapted to the applicable certification

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NOTE: The AFM Supplement shall describe also all the limitations placards defined for this minor change that have
to be installed in the cockpit.

7 Weight and Balance Impact

List here the calculated weight and balance differences with regards to the previously approved configuration 6.
When applicable the note to update the relevant Section of the AFM shall be included (refer also to Section 6).

Alternatively, reference to the specific document/supplement is also acceptable.

NOTE: As part of the change classification assessment, the impact of the weight change on the aircraft’s approved
noise levels shall be taken into account. A change to a weight for which EASA has not approved noise levels may
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lead to a Major Change classification. In case of doubt, please contact the EASA Environment Department

8 Wiring Considerations
Describe here the changes in the wirings and provide simple schematics, when applicable refer also to the Wiring
Diagram Manual (WDM) document. As relevant, provide information on routing of wiring, protective devices
(circuit breakers), and type/gauge of wiring.

Alternatively, references to the specific documents/drawings are also acceptable.

9 Electrical Load Analysis Impact

Provide here the calculated 7 electrical loads for the new configuration and highlight the differences with the
previously approved one8. The calculation should conservatively account the most critical consumption. When
applicable the note to update the relevant Section of the AFM shall be included (refer also to Section 6).

Alternatively, reference to a specific ELA document is also acceptable.

The effect on weight needs to be calculated and the result reported in the Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS). If
there is no appreciable difference, this must be stated here and the AFMS will report in the weight section “no change” (e.g.
an appreciable difference could be one which does change the power required for take-off more than 1%÷2% according also
the precision of the power reading instrument).
As described in the FAA AC 43.13-1B it is also acceptable that the electrical load is physically measured on the aircraft after
installation instead of providing the calculated values.
If the new load consumption is higher than before, it must be assessed if this is affecting the available power (this
assessment shall be done considering all other consumptions at their maximum value). In some cases it can be necessary to
make this verification for each installation and provide means to the installer to assess the acceptability of the changed
current consumption.

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10 Installation Considerations and Verification

Provide here the drawings, specification (if needed), installation instructions and considerations required for the
completion of the physical modification, including:

 Verification that the existing aircraft configuration is compatible with the proposed design changes before
embodiment begins (checking also that all the applicable approved documentation is in line with the
specific aircraft configuration)
 Verify that the intended installation meets the environmental conditions for which an equipment or part
has been designed (e.g. temperature, height, vibrations)
 Access or preparation work EA SA Exam p le Do cu m en ts

 Special precautions
 Required tooling, test equipment or aircraft/equipment manufacturer’s data
 Parts to be manufactured
 Parts or equipment to be fitted (by part number) including location and the associated methods of
 Required materials
 Modification to existing aircraft parts or structure
 Required placards

Refer also to all the installation/guidance documents used, if not already reported in Section 3.2.

NOTE: In case the change is performed by a Third Party it shall be stated that all the instruction included in this
section shall be available to the Third Party.

10.1 Service Bulletins (SB)

Include the reference to the SB produced (if any produced or foreseen) or used (from the equipment

11 Testing
NOTE: All flight and ground test shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable rules and equipment
manufacturer recommendations as listed in the installation manual.

11.1 EMC/EMI Testing

Description and results of the EMC/EMI testing activities performed (if applicable).

Alternatively, reference to a specific EMC/EMI test procedure and report document is also acceptable.

11.2 Ground Testing

Description and results of the ground test activities performed.

Alternatively, references to specific Ground Test procedure(s) and report(s) document are also acceptable.

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11.3 Flight Test and Check Flights

Most Minor Changes do not require flight test activities. Nevertheless, few of them could require a small flight
test activity to show compliance (e.g. small calibration, antenna patterns in avionic changes or reduced flight test
with no safety risk). This is a case by case decision to be agreed with the Agency and/or the assigned PCM and the
flight test results shall be part of the certification documentation. To perform these flights the Applicant needs to
Apply for a Permit to Fly to the local competent Authority and requests the Flight Conditions to be approved by
EASA, as prescribed by 21.A.710 and related Guidance Material. Moreover, in few cases a check flight might be
envisaged in order to assess the good functioning of the equipment after the Change approval. In this case, no
Permit to Fly and Flight Conditions shall be requested, since the design is already considered as approved (Check
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Flights shall occur after the Minor Change approval as they do not provide compliance).

In both the cases above a description of the test/check objectives and relative procedures shall be provided here
or, alternatively, references to a specific document is also acceptable

12 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Impact

Include the reference to the ICA documentation produced if required. In many cases it is adequate to refer to the
maintenance instructions of the equipment manufacturer. On a general level, the ICA may include some (or all) of
the following:

 Instructions on the removal and installation of equipment which may fail or otherwise need replacement
during service (including subsequent testing)
 Any instructions necessary for access
 Instructions on and frequency of any required scheduled maintenance
 Instructions on and parts required for any servicing (e.g. charging, lubrication)
 Details of any tooling or test equipment
 Details of any supplementary data such as equipment or aircraft manufacturers instruction manuals
 Details of any Airworthiness Limitations (despite this would normally raise a major classification. The
Agency/PCM shall finally agree)

13 Operational Suitability Data Impact

Include here the assessment, description and reference to the Operational Suitability Data (OSD)

Definition of the OSD is provided in the requirement 21.A.15(d).

NOTE: Following the introduction of the European Commission Regulation No 69/2014 in January 2014, the EASA
Part 21 has been modified in order to include the OSD in the Type Certification processes and the subsequent
changes. Requirement 21.A.108 prescribe that even for Minor Changes an assessment of the impact on OSD shall
be performed by the applicant and data shall be made available.

For most of the General Aviation fleet this section will be not applicable in the nearest future, nevertheless it is
considered important to start creating culture to consider the OSD as part of each Certification process.

14 Other possible impacted areas

Include here the description and reference to other areas where it is believed to have an impact (in line with the
interfaces identified in Section 1.3).

Alternatively, references to the appropriate documents are also acceptable.

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15 List of Acronyms
Include here all the acronyms used in the document

16 Minor Change approval holder obligations

The certification specification affected have been met as shown in this document. The document is ready for
approval by the Agency. It is hereby confirmed that the holder of this minor change is aware and ready to
discharge her/his obligations according to 21.A.109.

17 Document History

Issue Date Change

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A dd/mm/20aa Initial Issue

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