CH-Meeting Life Challenges Class XII
CH-Meeting Life Challenges Class XII
CH-Meeting Life Challenges Class XII
All the challenges, problems and ditficult circumstances put us to stress. It is important to remember
hat not all stress is inherently bad or destructive Eustress' is the term used to describe the level of stress
that is good for you and is one of a person's best assets for achieving peak performances and managing
minor crisis. Eustress, however, has the potential of turning into distress'. It is this latter manifestation
of stress that causes our body's wear and tear. Thus, stress can be described as the pattern of responses
an organism makes to stimulus event that disturb the equilibrium and exceed a person's ability to cope.
The word stress has its origin in the Latin words 'strictus', meaning tight or narrow and 'stringere.
the verb meaning to tighten.
Stressors are events that causes our body to give the stressresponse such events include
school or office. The reaction to external
bad relationship, or the daily commuting to
crowding, a
The effects of stress are:
2. Physiological
1. Emotional
4. Behavioural
3. Cognitive
proposed the GAS model, i.e. the General Adaptative syndrome. It has three stages: alhrm
model has been criticized for assignin
reaction, resistance stage and finally, exhaustion stage. Selye's have reported that the psychological
a very limited role to psychological
factors in stress. Researchers
determination of stress. How people respond to stress is
appraisal of events is important for the constitutions.
substantially influenced by their perceptions, personalities and biological
the immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology focus
Stress can cause illness by impairing the working of
on the links between the mind, the brain and the immune system. There are different types of White
Blood Cells (Leucocytes) within the immune system that destroy the antigens. These Leucocytes are
Tcells, B-cells, T-helper cells and natural killer cells. Stress can affect the natural killer cell cytotoxicity
Factors that facilitate the development of positivity: These factors act as stress bun
diet, exercise, positive attitude, positive thinking and social support. Social support may the for
of tangible support, informational
support and emotional support.
results from the blocking of needs and motives by something or someone that
hinders us from achieving desired goal.
(a) Internal pressure (6) Frustration
grlni svito (o
(d) Conflict
c)Social pressure
are induced externally and result from our interaction with other people.
(a) Social pressures (b) Social stress
11. is the overall pattern of decisions and behaviours that determine a person's health
and quality of life.
(a) Coping (b) Rational thinking
c) Life skills (d) Lifestyle doe (o
19. is the assessment of damage that has already been caused by the stressor
(a) Harm (6) Threat
) Challenge d) predictability
20. Which of the following is not the stress buffer?
(a) Positive thinking (6) Positive attitude
36 Psychology-XIl(Term-1)
24. As per the General Adaptation syndrome, the individual is ready for the fight of flight in
(a) Resistance (6) Burnout
(c) Alarm reaction (d) Exhaustion
25. is not the strategy that helps to cope in the short-term stress.
(a) Biofeedback (6) Avoidance
() Perfectionism d) Procrastinationndold
26. Creative visualisation is a to deal with stress that uses imagery and imagination.
(a) Exercise (6) Effective technique
C)Meditation (d) Coping strategy9
27. Personality traits ofhardiness are control, commitment and
(a) Coping8 (6) Creativity
() Challenge (d) Compromise
28. The stress which people experience vary in term of:
A. Physical 1. Conflicts
B. Psychological g 2 . Trouble with neighbour d ludas
C. Social nsaynol bral boow 3. Crowding and noise brsol Isal zid
4. Fail to get enough
D. Environmental sieeph al sool
(a) A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3 (6) A-3 B-2 C-4 D-I o pafe
B-1 C4 D-3 (d) A-4 B-3a C-2 D-1 s
31. The stress process, based on the cognitive theory of stress propounded by
(b) Hans Selye sb on elonsds elil
(a) Lazarus
(d) Folkman
32. Stress can cause illness by impairing the working of.
edwed short
N u t y devisnn
making, heart a t e
odown ofdigestive
she started feeline t hat
Ater thia
ineident she ls a
time ahe ontemplates that shefallure
exams, con
in her AfRer 8Ome
Samina taitet
of achieving
next time
she would work hare. faile
she is ineapable eflorts, but
and in enough
bevause She didnt put
skill did samina show?
berten What lite () Rational Thinking
( ) Time management (d) Assertiveness
45. Ramya is being provided with books and uniforms by school. She is receiving.
Read the case and answer the questions that follow: he
recognise can
A. While there is no denying that the world loves Winner. It is important that you
science of stress in your behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your succCe cerin
strike anytine in a fashion that may leave you. Unware of its presence in youle t cognise
c o m p e t i t i o n when
exiernal environment whenever there is a change in external environment sent t o imbalance
In t
pollutants, humidity and working condition, it leads to stress.
by others leading There
a person makes-up his mind surpass what has been achieved emory
loss of athy
are many stress modifiers or stress busters. Some of these are diet and massanique
food supplement and herbs from herbal nmedicine, hobbies and relaxation
38 PaychologyXIl(Term:
46, The unhealthy competition prevalent in this dog-eat-dog world causes
(a) Psycho-social stress (6) Political stress
)Neuro stress (d) Blood pressure
47. Stress impairs
(a) Death
(6) Hypertension
() The performance of an individual (d) None of the above
48. The best stress busters are
(a) Physical exercises (6) Dance movements
(Both (a)and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
B. In the Army, one cannot sit back and relax. A few years after the Kargil War, Deepchand regiment
was posted to Rajasthan. While setting up an ammunition store, a bomb was accidentdy detonated.
In the explosion, Deepchand lost his fingers. Later both legs and right arm amputated. After 24
hours and 17 bottles of blood, he finally gained consciousness. After the incident, lying on the
bed hospital bed, Deepchand mulled over why he met with an accident. Being an athlete, he
felt bad about not being able to run for the state again. But as they say, once a soldier, always a
soldier." I trained myself to walk with the help of prosthetics. I learnt to ride a scooter and use a
computer. And there has been no looking back," he said.
Deepchand has worked for the country without finching even an eyelid. And in doing so, in
an unfortunate event, he met with an accident and lost his limbs. Does he regret his childhood
dream to become an army jawan? The proud man who stands on his prosthetic feet says he does
"The accident could have happened to me in any profession. At least it happened in the line of
fire. I want to be reborn as a soldier. There's nothing greater than serving your country," he said.
49. Identify the phenomenon that Deepchand is experiencing immediately after regaining
consciousness in the hospital.
(a) Eustress b) Distress
(6) Social pressure d) Hassles
50. Deepchand's secondary appraisal of the event would be
40Psychology-Xll (Term-1)