CH-Meeting Life Challenges Class XII

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All the challenges, problems and ditficult circumstances put us to stress. It is important to remember
hat not all stress is inherently bad or destructive Eustress' is the term used to describe the level of stress
that is good for you and is one of a person's best assets for achieving peak performances and managing
minor crisis. Eustress, however, has the potential of turning into distress'. It is this latter manifestation
of stress that causes our body's wear and tear. Thus, stress can be described as the pattern of responses
an organism makes to stimulus event that disturb the equilibrium and exceed a person's ability to cope.

The word stress has its origin in the Latin words 'strictus', meaning tight or narrow and 'stringere.
the verb meaning to tighten.
Stressors are events that causes our body to give the stressresponse such events include
school or office. The reaction to external
bad relationship, or the daily commuting to
crowding, a

stressors is called 'strain'.

'the non-specific response of the
Hans the father of modern stress research, defined stress as
c a u s e of the threat, the individual will respond
with the
body to any demand" that is regardless of the that
same physiological pattern of reactions. Many
researchers don't agree with the definition as they feel
stress responses is not nearly as general and non-specific as Selye suggests.
the perceived events and how
An individual's response stressful situation largely depends upon
between two types of apPpraisals, i.e. primary
they are interpreted o r appraised. Lazarus has distinguished
and secondary.
environment as positive, neutral o r
Primary appraisal refers to perception of a new o r changing
for their possible harm, threat o r challenge.
egative in its consequences. Negative events are appraised
which is the
are likely to make a Secondary appraisal,
When we perceive an event as stressful, we
resources and
whether they will be sufficient to meet the harm,
essment of one's coping abilities and be mental, physical, personal or social.
r e a t or
challenge of the event. These resources may
in terms of intensity (low intensity vs high intensity),
he stresses which people experience also vary(less complex vs m o r e complex) and predictability
ation (short term vs long term), complexity
(unexpected vs predictable).
Ther are mainly three ypes of stress:
Physical and environr
nmental stress.
2. Psychological s to frustration,
conflicts o r pressure.
stress, which can be due
3. Social stress.

Meeting Life Challenges 33

Three main sources of stress are:
2. Daily hassles
1. Recent ife experiences
3. Traumatic event.

The effects of stress are:
2. Physiological
1. Emotional
4. Behavioural
3. Cognitive

proposed the GAS model, i.e. the General Adaptative syndrome. It has three stages: alhrm
model has been criticized for assignin
reaction, resistance stage and finally, exhaustion stage. Selye's have reported that the psychological
a very limited role to psychological
factors in stress. Researchers
determination of stress. How people respond to stress is
appraisal of events is important for the constitutions.
substantially influenced by their perceptions, personalities and biological
the immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology focus
Stress can cause illness by impairing the working of
on the links between the mind, the brain and the immune system. There are different types of White
Blood Cells (Leucocytes) within the immune system that destroy the antigens. These Leucocytes are
Tcells, B-cells, T-helper cells and natural killer cells. Stress can affect the natural killer cell cytotoxicity


Coping is a dynamic situation-specific reaction to stress. It is a responses to stressful
set of concrete
situations or events that are intended to resolve the problem and reduce stress. Individuals show
consistent individual differences in the coping strategies which can be both overt and covert activities.
The three coping strategies given by Endler and Parker are Task-oriented, Emotion-oriented and
The task oriented strategies involves deciding priorities, make direct attempts to solve the problem
while emotion-oriented strategies focus on our emotions which involve efforts to maintain hope, venting
feelings of anger and frustration or deciding that nothing can be done to change the situation. Avoidance
oriented strategy involves avoiding the problem for the time being.
Lazarus and Folkman have also given 2 types of coping strategies namely problem-focused andemoo
Various stress management techniques are used such as Relaxation technique, Medtat
Biofeedback, creative visualization, Cognitive Behavioural Techniques and exercise which neip s to
manage stress.
level of
Stress Resistant Personality: Recent studies
by Kobasa have shown that people witn ngraits of
stress but low level of share
illness three characteristics, which are referred to as the personany
hardiness. It consists of "the three Cs" i.e. commitment, controland challenge
Life skills: Every individual do not have stress resistant are
from this there thinking
life skills that help us to fight against stress. personality, so0 apart

They are assertiness, time-management, Kauonal nation

improving relationships, self-care and overcoming unhelpful habits like perfectionism, P

and avoidance.
fers, They are

Factors that facilitate the development of positivity: These factors act as stress bun
diet, exercise, positive attitude, positive thinking and social support. Social support may the for
of tangible support, informational
support and emotional support.

m34 Psychology-XI Term-1)

1. The father of research on modern stress is
(a) Lazarus
(6) Kobasa
() Hans Selye (d) Folkman
2. The reaction to external stressor is called

(a) Coping (6) Strain g

(c) Eustress (d) Distress
s. Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the link between the mind,, and the immune
(a) The brain (6) The body nteeo sonabio
The physiology (d) The emotions
is neither a stimulus nor a response but an ongoing transactional process between
the individual and the environment.
(a) Eustress
(6) Stress t coisalaso
) Appraisal ( (d) Strain
5. Stress that causes our body wear and tear is called: nusdeslbiold
(a) Distress (6) Threat
C)Eustress d) Resilience oobiowA
6. applied is the assessment of ones coping abilities and resources.
(a) Primary appraisal (6) Secondary appraisal
)Resilience d) Life skills
stress is that which we generate ourselves in our minds.

(a) Physical (6) Physiological

) Psychological (d) Internal

results from the blocking of needs and motives by something or someone that
hinders us from achieving desired goal.
(a) Internal pressure (6) Frustration
grlni svito (o
(d) Conflict
c)Social pressure
are induced externally and result from our interaction with other people.
(a) Social pressures (b) Social stress

) Conflicts d) Frustration noitslc

10. Which of the following is not a source of psychological stress?

(b) Social pressure

sbo AO
(a) Frustration
) Social stress (d) Internal pressure

11. is the overall pattern of decisions and behaviours that determine a person's health
and quality of life.
(a) Coping (b) Rational thinking
c) Life skills (d) Lifestyle doe (o

Meeting Life Challenges 35

to which are agents
S t r e s s e d individuals may be
more likely to expose
causing physical illness. (6) antibodies

(a) antigens (d) leucocytes

) pathogens that are intented to resolve

situations specific responses

13. refers to dynamic
(b) Secondary appraisal
(a) Primary appraisal
(d) Coping
(c) Resistance
with the stressful
14 coping strategy deals directly
(6) Task oriented
(a) Emotion oriented
(d) Emotion focused
c) Avoidance oriented
bounce back in the face of stress.
15. is described as the ability to
(a) Resilience
(6) Coping
(d) Hardiness
c) Burnout

16. Stress inoculation training was developed by:

(6) Hans Selye
(a) Lazarus
C) Meichenbaum (d) Folkman

17. refers to an I will do it later' attitude.

(a) Avoidance lie t (6) Procrastination

(c) Assertiveness d) Resilience
destroy invaders in the body.
(a) T-cells (6) T helper cells
() B cells (d) Natural killer

19. is the assessment of damage that has already been caused by the stressor
(a) Harm (6) Threat
) Challenge d) predictability
20. Which of the following is not the stress buffer?
(a) Positive thinking (6) Positive attitude

()Rationalthinking (d) Diet

21. At what stage of the GAS Model would the person experience Burnout?
(a) Resistance (b) Alarm reaction
(c) Exhaustion (d) All of the above
22. Selye's GAS Model has been criticised largely for assigning limited role to
(a) Biological (6) Physical
)Physiological () Psychological
23. The study that focuses on the link between the brain, the mind and the immune >

(a) Psychoneuroimmunology (6) Psychoimmunolog8y

(C) Psychoneurology (d) Immunoneurology

36 Psychology-XIl(Term-1)
24. As per the General Adaptation syndrome, the individual is ready for the fight of flight in
(a) Resistance (6) Burnout
(c) Alarm reaction (d) Exhaustion
25. is not the strategy that helps to cope in the short-term stress.
(a) Biofeedback (6) Avoidance
() Perfectionism d) Procrastinationndold
26. Creative visualisation is a to deal with stress that uses imagery and imagination.
(a) Exercise (6) Effective technique
C)Meditation (d) Coping strategy9
27. Personality traits ofhardiness are control, commitment and
(a) Coping8 (6) Creativity
() Challenge (d) Compromise
28. The stress which people experience vary in term of:

(a) Intensity (6) Complexity

C)Duration d) All of the above
refers to the perception of a new or changing environment as positive, neutral
or negative in its consequences.

(a) Primary appraisal (6) Secondary appraisal

) Coping (d) Challenges
30. Match the following stress type with their causes:

A. Physical 1. Conflicts
B. Psychological g 2 . Trouble with neighbour d ludas
C. Social nsaynol bral boow 3. Crowding and noise brsol Isal zid
4. Fail to get enough
D. Environmental sieeph al sool
(a) A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3 (6) A-3 B-2 C-4 D-I o pafe
B-1 C4 D-3 (d) A-4 B-3a C-2 D-1 s
31. The stress process, based on the cognitive theory of stress propounded by
(b) Hans Selye sb on elonsds elil
(a) Lazarus
(d) Folkman
32. Stress can cause illness by impairing the working of.

(a) pathogens (6) Coping strategies

(d) None of the above
() Immune system r
33, Optimists tend to assume that adversity can be handled successfully, this is known as

(6) Rational thinking

(a) Assertiveness
(d) Time management olgqu bo
c) Positive thinking
34. What are the cognitive effects of stress?
tension and mood swings
(a)Anxiety, depression, increased
reduced work performance
0) Disturbed sleep patterns and
Meeting Life Challenges 37
memory capacity, poor entratio

edwed short
N u t y devisnn
making, heart a t e
odown ofdigestive
she started feeline t hat
Ater thia
ineident she ls a
time ahe ontemplates that shefallure
exams, con
in her AfRer 8Ome

Samina taitet
of achieving
next time
she would work hare. faile
she is ineapable eflorts, but
and in enough
bevause She didnt put
skill did samina show?
berten What lite () Rational Thinking
( ) Time management (d) Assertiveness

Asitive thinking by reassuring the individuals that she

friends and family provide,
36 Supportive
and cared fon
he is oved, valued () Tangible support
(a)Emotionalsupport d) Financial support
)Infornmational suPport
helps to communicate clearly and confidently oour
behaviour o r skill that
is a
ieelings, needs, wants and thoughts.
(b) Perfectionism
(a) Positive attitude
d) Rational thinking
to Endler and Parker.
Identify the coping strategies according
she is prepared for the exams.
crying and is worried
38. Radhika is
for the exams. However,
tense about his lack off -paration
39. Rahul opens his study notes and gets sometime.
decides to watch TV for
he calls up his friend and
managing time better.
40. Making changes in oneselfor surrounding situations.
of stress in the following
ldentify the types of stress/source he usually spends
and avoid such type ofsocial gatherings,
41. Rohit does not like attending parties
his evening time with his books in his library.

42. Rahul is satisfied only if he does something perfecthly. day he has

worked hard for 5 years and on the
43. Rohan has his national football match. He
his final Board Exanm. ne
food because of stress.
of junk
Reema is drinking excessive caffeine and eating a lot
effect of stress. support.

45. Ramya is being provided with books and uniforms by school. She is receiving.
Read the case and answer the questions that follow: he
recognise can
A. While there is no denying that the world loves Winner. It is important that you
science of stress in your behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your succCe cerin
strike anytine in a fashion that may leave you. Unware of its presence in youle t cognise

anount of pressure is necessary for good performance. It is important to be ao

or changes
in its int
your individual threshold. It is a body reaction to any demands
t e m p e r a t u r e

c o m p e t i t i o n when
exiernal environment whenever there is a change in external environment sent t o imbalance

In t
pollutants, humidity and working condition, it leads to stress.
by others leading There

a person makes-up his mind surpass what has been achieved emory

loss of athy

between demands andresources it causes psycho-social-stress.

causes f r o m n a t u r o p a l ,

are many stress modifiers or stress busters. Some of these are diet and massanique
food supplement and herbs from herbal nmedicine, hobbies and relaxation

38 PaychologyXIl(Term:
46, The unhealthy competition prevalent in this dog-eat-dog world causes
(a) Psycho-social stress (6) Political stress
)Neuro stress (d) Blood pressure
47. Stress impairs
(a) Death
(6) Hypertension
() The performance of an individual (d) None of the above
48. The best stress busters are
(a) Physical exercises (6) Dance movements
(Both (a)and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
B. In the Army, one cannot sit back and relax. A few years after the Kargil War, Deepchand regiment
was posted to Rajasthan. While setting up an ammunition store, a bomb was accidentdy detonated.
In the explosion, Deepchand lost his fingers. Later both legs and right arm amputated. After 24
hours and 17 bottles of blood, he finally gained consciousness. After the incident, lying on the
bed hospital bed, Deepchand mulled over why he met with an accident. Being an athlete, he
felt bad about not being able to run for the state again. But as they say, once a soldier, always a
soldier." I trained myself to walk with the help of prosthetics. I learnt to ride a scooter and use a
computer. And there has been no looking back," he said.
Deepchand has worked for the country without finching even an eyelid. And in doing so, in
an unfortunate event, he met with an accident and lost his limbs. Does he regret his childhood
dream to become an army jawan? The proud man who stands on his prosthetic feet says he does

"The accident could have happened to me in any profession. At least it happened in the line of
fire. I want to be reborn as a soldier. There's nothing greater than serving your country," he said.
49. Identify the phenomenon that Deepchand is experiencing immediately after regaining
consciousness in the hospital.
(a) Eustress b) Distress
(6) Social pressure d) Hassles
50. Deepchand's secondary appraisal of the event would be

(a) Appraisal of the threat

(6) Appraisal of the harm
Appraisal of his coping abilities and resources

d) Appraisal of the challenges

51. Based on the below given statement, what will determine Deepchand's coguitive appraisal of
the event?
The accident could have happened to me in any profession. At least it happened in the line of fire.
Iwant to be reborn as a soldier. There's nothing greater than serving your country."

(a) Controllable only (6) Past and present experiences

d) Past experiences and controllability
(c) Present situation only
W h a t was the source of Deepchand's stress?
(b) Traumatic events
(a) Life events
(d) Environment
(6) Hassles

Meeting Life Challenges| 39

Turo statements are
given in the question below as Assertion (4) and Reasoning (R). Read thestatemen
ments and
choose the appropriate
(a) Both A and R are true, but R is the correct explanation of A.
() Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation ofA.
c) A is true, R is false
(d) A is false, R is true
53. Assertion (A) : Many of us drive ourselves ruthlessly towards achieving unrealistic and hil
standards in achieving our goals. This is a source of psychological
Reason (R): Conflicts stem from beliefs based on expectations from inside us to ourselves
54. Assertion (A) :
People high levels of stress but low levels of illness share three characteristio
which are referred to as the personality traits of hardiness.
Reason (R) : Hardiness consists of the three C's, ie."commitment, control and challenge"
55. Assertion (A) :
Primary appraisal refers to the assessment of one's coping abilities, resources and
whether they will be sufficient to meet the harm, threat or
challenge of the event.
Reason (R): The resources may be mental, physical, personal or social.
56. Assertion (A) : To mange stress, often need
we to reassess the way we think and learn copina
Reason (R) People who cope poorly with stress have an
impaired immune response and
diminished activity of natural killer cells.
1.) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (6) 5. (a) 6. (6) 7. (c) 8.(6)
9. (6) 10. () 11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (6) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (6) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (c) 21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24.)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (a) 31. (a)
33. () 34.( ) 35.(6)
36. (a) 37. (c) 38. Emotion oriented strategy
39. Avoidance oriented strategy 40. Task oriented
42. Internal pressure (Psychological stres) 43.
strateg 41. Social stress

44. Behavioural effects

Conflict (Psychological stress)
45. Tangible support 46. (a) 47. () 48. 0) 49. ()
50. () 51. (d) 52. (6) 53. () 54. (a) 55. (4) 56. (6)

40Psychology-Xll (Term-1)

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