APP 5 - AMARIS - Operation Manual Laser Head ESO 500 - V1.3
APP 5 - AMARIS - Operation Manual Laser Head ESO 500 - V1.3
APP 5 - AMARIS - Operation Manual Laser Head ESO 500 - V1.3
Wavelength: 193 nm
Serial No.:
Order No.:
Operations / Service Manual ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1
The copyright on this manual is property of Coherent GmbH.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system,
without prior written consent of Coherent GmbH nor should the publication be disclosed to third
Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows 98®, Windows 2000®, Windows XP®and Windows NT® are registered
trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
It is obligatory that all persons involved in the operation, maintenance and/or service of this laser
system, read, understand and observe the information and instructions given in this manual.
Coherent GmbH assumes no liability for any damage and/or malfunctioning of the equipment caused
directly or indirectly by disregarding or ignoring the contents of this manual.
Table of Contents
1 SITE SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................8
1.1 Operating Conditions 8
1.2 Gas 8
1.3 Electrical Power 8
2 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................10
2.1 General Description 10
2.2 Specifications 11
2.3 Optimal Operation of Excimer Lasers – The Basics 12
2.4 Continuous Mode – For Optimal Laser Lifetime 12
2.5 Individual User Requirements 12
2.5.1 Minimum Pulse-to-Pulse Fluctuations......................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Optimal Beam Profile ............................................................................................... 12
2.5.3 High Energy Values ................................................................................................. 12
2.6 Recommendations for the Operation 13
2.7 Consumables 13
2.7.1 Premix-Gas ............................................................................................................. 13
2.7.2 Laser Tube / Resonator Optics.................................................................................. 13
2.8 Charge Continuous Mode / Charge on Command Mode 14
3 LASER SAFETY .....................................................................................................15
3.1 General 15
3.2 Intended Use of the Laser System 15
3.3 National Safety Regulations 15
3.4 Safety Precautions 16
3.4.1 Laser Area Marking.................................................................................................. 16
3.4.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ........................................................................ 16
3.4.3 Training.................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.4 User Documentation ................................................................................................ 16
3.5 Safety at the Operating Environment 16
3.6 Safety Features 17
3.6.1 Status Lights........................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Pressure Equipment Safety 18
3.7.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 18
3.7.2 Safety Measures...................................................................................................... 19
3.7.3 Labeling ................................................................................................................. 20
3.8 Electromagnetic Radiation 22
3.9 Invisible Laser Radiation 22
3.10 High Pressure 23
3.11 High Voltage 23
3.12 Harmful Gases 24
3.12.1 Ozone .................................................................................................................... 26
4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................27
4.1 Protective Housing – General View 27
4.2 Electrical Setup 28
4.3 Gas System 29
4.4 Gas Suppliers and Purchase Codes 29
4.5 Control Devices 30
5 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................31
5.1 General 31
5.2 Storage / Operational Conditions, Transport 31
5.3 Positioning the Laser 32
5.4 Connecting the Utilities 32
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Charge on Command Mode .............................................................................. 14
Figure 1-2: Charge Continuous Mode................................................................................. 14
Figure 2-1: Laser Protective Housing (Front View)............................................................ 27
Figure 2-2: Protective Housing (Rear View) ...................................................................... 28
Figure 3-1: Swagelok® Installation Instructions ............................................................... 33
Figure 4-1: Main Menu ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4-2: Select Laser...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-3: Select High Voltage.......................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-4: Serial Port ........................................................................................................ 38
Figure 4-5: Baud Rate ........................................................................................................ 38
Figure 4-6: Shot Counter .................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4-7: Laser Controller Versions................................................................................. 39
Figure 4-8: Shot Menu ........................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4-9: Burst Menu....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-10: Gas Menu ....................................................................................................... 47
Figure 4-11: Energy Adjustment Menu .............................................................................. 49
Figure 4-12: Transmission Error......................................................................................... 51
Figure 5-1: Gas Menu ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 7-1: 24 V-Blower Motor (with Resistor).................................................................. 85
Figure 7-2: 36 V-Blower Motor (without Resistor) ............................................................ 85
Figure 7-3: Line Filter, Limiter, Transformer, Rectifier Module ......................................... 86
Figure 7-4: HV-Power Supply ............................................................................................. 86
Figure 7-5: LSE 140 ............................................................................................................ 87
Figure 7-6: LSE 220 ............................................................................................................ 87
Figure 7-7: LSE 200 ............................................................................................................ 88
Figure 7-8: Housing Dimensions (in mm) .......................................................................... 90
There is a uniform numbering system for the illustrations to ensure quick finding.
Numbering of the illustrations: e.g. Fig. 1-2
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Pressure Equipment Classification – CeraTube™.............................................. 18
Table 4-1: Laser Premix Gas Code...................................................................................... 30
Table 4-2: Recommended Flush Gas Purity........................................................................ 30
Table 5-1: Storage Conditions ............................................................................................ 31
Table 5-2: Operating Conditions ........................................................................................ 31
Table 7-1: Routine Maintenance Schedule......................................................................... 52
Table 9-1: Error Codes........................................................................................................ 81
Table 9-2: Warnings ........................................................................................................... 83
There is a uniform numbering system, analogous to the numbering of the figures in this manual.
9 = chapter number
2 = consecutive numbering of the illustrations within a chapter
1 Site Specifications
This section describes the requirements for the laser that are needed at site for optimal operation.
Temperature Range • 15 – 35 ° C (59 °F – 95 °F)
Relative Humidity • < 85 %, non-condensing
IP Protection • The laser enclosure meets IP 31. Make sure that at least IP 5X
Classification (“Protection against deposits and dust”) is guaranteed for the
laser environment.
1.2 Gas
Gas Line Assembly • Stainless steel; oxygen-grade; oil-, grease- and dust-free; suitable for
corrosive gases;
• Outside diameter: 3 mm; maximum length: 3 m
Supply Voltage • 230 V; single phase
Supply Frequency • 50 – 60 Hz
Max. Input Power • 1800 VA
Recommended External • 8 AT
Power Connection • Cable
NOTE: If you have other mains requirements in your country you could use a mains transformer. If
you have questions regarding the mains supply, please contact Coherent GmbH or your
In accordance with ANSI Z535.2-1991 the warning symbols are accompanied by the following signal
words, to classify the degree of danger present in a situation / action:
2 Introduction
The active laser medium inside the laser tube is a gas mixture containing inert gases and a small
fraction (< 0.2 vol%) of a halogen gas (F2). The gas pressure is approximately 6,500 hPa (6.5 bar),
the gas volume in the laser tube is 2.1 liter.
A high voltage electrical discharge into the laser gas creates short lived excited dimer or excimer
states. The relaxation of the excitation combined with an optical resonant configuration leads to a
short laser pulse. The pulse energy is maximum 14 mJ at a maximum repetition rate of 525 Hz. For a
detailed description of the laser specifications, refer to chapter 2.2 Specifications, p. 11.
For operating, maintaining and servicing the ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1 two different gas types are
required – a laser gas mixture that acts as active laser medium inside the laser tube and an inert gas
(e.g. helium) that is required for certain maintenance / service procedures (e.g. servicing the
resonator optics).
The premix laser gas has a limited life time. After a certain number of pulses (several million) the gas
has to be exchanged. There is an automatic routine for this procedure that can be selected from the
PC-menu. The used laser gas will then be exhausted through the halogen filter while the halogen gas
remains inside the filter.
The laser enclosure is divided into two separate chambers. The internal signal transmission is optical.
It contains the laser tube, the power supply, the vacuum pump, halogen exhaust filter and a
microprocessor control unit. This concept assures minimum electromagnetic radiation to the
surrounding environment (CE-certificate).
if laser is triggered externally
2.2 Specifications
ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1 ∗
Wavelength 193 nm
Energy 10 mJ
Weight 73 kg
Mode of Operation intermittent, 25.000 pulses or 50 sec. active, 200 sec. passive
All specifications are typical data and subject to change without prior notice, in order to optimize
the product features. Contact COHERENT for the latest information.
Number of pulses between service intervals (replacement if required),
Laser operates stabilized at 8mJ (in continuous mode)
+ Energy
+ Pulse-to Pulse Fluctuations
+ Beam Quality
High Voltage Value
↑ : HV-value Increase
→: Influence
+ : Improvement/Increase
– : Decrease
Operations / Service Manual ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1
Contact with discharge debris during operation limits the dynamic gas lifetime, whereas the static gas
lifetime is determined by chemical reactions of the fluorine (F2) with the laser tube’s inner surface.
These reactions occur even when the laser is not operating.
The dynamic gas lifetime characterizes the time elapsed from the beginning of laser operation until
the time when the energy has decreased to 50% of its initial value. It amounts to about several
million pulses. The static gas lifetime characterizes the time elapsed until the laser energy has
decreased to 50% of its initial value – even when the laser is not in operation.
All these procedures decrease the fluorine concentration and contaminate the laser gas with various
trace materials. Therefore, the laser gas must be exchanged periodically.
An automatic gas exchange can be performed via the PC.
The laser’s output energy is regulated at a value range between 50 % – 85 % of the specified
maximum energy. Therefore if determining the energy value, the customer should set a value within
this energy range.
2.7 Consumables
2.7.1 Premix-Gas
There is a maintenance schedule in this manual, which shows, how often the premix gas in the laser
tube has to be exchanged.
Operations / Service Manual ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1
3 Laser Safety
3.1 General
Only authorized persons who are informed about and fully aware of the potential dangers
that the laser system presents during its operation and maintenance are allowed to
operate, maintain or service the ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1. Furthermore, for safe
operation it is of utmost importance that all persons involved in the operation,
maintenance and/or service of the laser read, understand and observe the information
given in this manual, especially this chapter.
Using the laser system for applications other than the intended ones is considered as improper use.
Therefore COHERENT assumes no liability for any damage and/or malfunctioning of the equipment
caused by ignoring the intended use of the laser system. In that case, the user bears the risk.
Furthermore, intended use also involves using the laser only under the specified conditions, as well as
following all the instructions outlined in this manual.
Unauthorized modifications made at the laser system principally result in the loss of liability from
COHERENT, concerning all subsequent damages induced.
BGV B2 stipulates for example the appointment of a laser safety officer who is responsible for laser
safety at the facility.
Besides, the operating area of the laser has to be secured and the entrances to the area should be
clearly posted with appropriate warning signs.
In countries where BGV B2 does not apply, the customer has to search for and observe all
corresponding national laser safety regulations.
Furthermore, the laser should be operated in accordance with the following standards:
• IEC 60825-1 (Radiation Safety of Laser Products, Equipment Classification, Requirements and
User’s Guide),
• IEC 60204-1 (Safety of Machinery Electrical Equipment of Machines), and
• IEC 61010-1 (Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurements, Control and
Laboratory Use).
Follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer when handling with the protective
eyewear. Besides, the protective eyewear shall be labeled appropriately to ensure the proper choice of
eyewear with particular lasers.
When the user is exposed to radiation levels exceeding the MPE-value for the skin, suitable protective
clothing should be provided. Class IV lasers are a potential fire hazard; therefore the protective
clothing should be made of flame and heat resistant material.
Besides, when handling with fluorine, which is a component of the premix gas mixture, gloves should
be worn and gas protective equipment such as gas masks must be available at the entrance to the
area where the laser is located.
Personnel involved with the site preparation, installation, operation and maintenance of the laser
should be thoroughly familiar with the current fluorine mix Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS),
attached at end of the Operations Manual.
3.4.3 Training
All Class IV lasers present a hazard to the user and also to persons over a considerable distance.
Therefore, only persons who have completed an appropriate training are authorized to operate,
maintain or service the laser system. The contents of the training should enable the user to become
fully aware of the dangers lasers present during their operation, maintenance or service.
Besides, the user should be able to take suitable precautions and protective measures to keep these
risks to a minimum. After the training, the user should be familiarized with the systems operating
procedures, the proper use of hazard control procedures and appropriate reporting procedures in case
of an accident. The training should be periodically repeated.
The ventilation/exhaust device of the operating environment must remove all
toxic or explosive gases resulting from system operation.
Never operate the laser in the immediate vicinity of explosive gases!
Only authorized persons are allowed to enter the laser area.
Not only the operator of the laser system but also persons who are at some
distance from it can be in danger of direct or scattered radiation. Therefore
warning signs must be placed at all areas where exposure to the laser beam is
All personnel working at the operation place of the laser must periodically
attend a safety training.
The operating environment serves as safety device for adequate protection of
the laser system against solids and liquids.
If the green light (LASER STANDBY) is illuminated, the laser is in stand-by mode and ready for
operation. In this mode, all functions and commands – except for the firing command – are available.
If the red light (LASER EMISSION) is illuminated, the system is starting laser emission after an
initiation time of two seconds (in compliance with IEC 601-2-22).
When the laser is firing, it does emit ultraviolet radiation. Avoid eye or skin
exposure to direct or scattered Class IV laser radiation that could result in
serious injury.
Wear protective eyewear that is appropriate for the laser’s specific wavelength.
3.7.1 Introduction
The laser tube integrated into this laser system has been designed and constructed to meet all
relevant safety requirements of Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23 EC. Please refer to Table
3-1 for more detailed information.
The design, manufacturing method and transport method for the laser have been selected with great
care in order to ensure its safety during its intended life of 5 years, when used in foreseeable or
reasonably foreseeable conditions. Besides, it has successfully passed through a verification
procedure. It can be expected that the laser will undergo approx. 2,000 gas exchanges in the course
of its intended life, provided it is used in foreseeable or reasonably foreseeable conditions.
If the laser is not used in foreseeable or reasonably foreseeable conditions, or
even is used improperly, the risk of a leak in the laser tube or gas system is
highly increased!
Volume 2.1 l
Although the laser system complies with the all relevant safety requirements of PED 97/23 EC, there
are certain residual hazards that cannot be avoided by design or the safety features that have been
Therefore the following safety precautions shall be taken by all personnel responsible for the
installation, operation, maintenance or service of the laser system:
Read and observe the information and instructions outlined in the user documentation, especially
those covering the following topics:
Note: All safety aspects regarding the service of the laser are dealt with individually in SERVICE
section of this manual.
Fill the laser tube (= pressure vessel) only with the premix gases
determined in the OPERATIONS MANUAL and operate the laser only within
the gas pressure limits stated therein.
Make sure that the maximum allowable pressure of 10 bar for the low-
pressure side can under no circumstances – even in the event of a fault –
be exceeded.
• To ensure the safety of the laser, even in a single-fault condition, a suitable safety device
should be integrated, as for example a rupture disc or a pressure relief valve with a blow-off
option via a halogen exhaust filter.
All safety devices of the gas system shall be checked regularly for their full functional ability.
3.7.3 Labeling
Different warning and information labels are attached on the laser to prevent from fore-seeable
misuse and to warn from potential dangers arising from normal use of the laser system.
NOTE: The labeling on the ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1 is only valid for the laser itself, not for the
whole medical system this laser is built into. The medical system may require a different
and/or more detailed labeling.
Aperture Labels
The aperture labels are situated at the front- and backside of the protective housing. They warn of
laser radiation emitting from the laser aperture. The label background color is yellow, the print is in
Figure 3-1 shows the ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1
nameplate. The label is located on the beam outlet
side of the protective housing.
Data Label
The data label informs about technical parameters of the laser system. Figure 3-2 shows an example
for a data label for 193 nm (= ArF-laser system) The data label is situated at the beam outlet of the
laser enclosure.
t: Pulse duration
F Frequency
λ: Wavelength
As the device is integrated into an overall medical system the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of
the whole system should be tested and ensured.
Persons with a cardiac pacemaker must not stay in the immediate vicinity of the
laser, because the laser may disturb the device!
Electronic devices (e.g. life-support systems, mobile phones, etc.) in the
surrounding area may also be disturbed by the laser.
Avoid eye or skin exposure to direct or scattered radiation.
Always wear safety eyewear matched to the emission wavelength used. Instruct
all users to wear safety eyewear while operating the laser.
Never look directly into or at the laser beam! Beware of scattered radiation!
Make sure that there are no reflective materials in the path of the laser beam.
Otherwise, the laser beam could accidentally be reflected towards the operator
(e.g. through the glass of a watch).
Only a Class II pilot laser is allowed for the basic adjustment of the laser system.
Never look directly into or at the laser beam!
Use only non-flammable materials as beam dumps. Always comply with the
relevant national safety requirements and laws established by the professional
associations and organizations.
Transport the gas cylinder only with closed main valve, blind cap screwed on and
safety cap with vents!
Gas cylinders must be secured against falling by suitable fixtures.
For transportation, the gas in the laser tube must be reduced to approx. 3,500 hPa
(3.5 bar).
A skilled electrician is a person who is able to recognize and avoid all dangers involved in work on
electrical systems and equipment. His/her ability is based either on an adequate vocational training or
on equivalent experience and knowledge of all relevant rules and regulations.
Some components of the laser system present potentially lethal voltages. In particular, the following
should be kept in mind:
Pay particular attention to sufficient grounding when working at the laser tube
and allow only qualified and specially trained service personnel to remove any
laser covers or tops.
First, the mains power plug must be disconnected. Otherwise, the supply voltage
of 230 V AC is directly accessible after opening the housing.
The internal DC-bus is supplied with 372 VDC at the board LSE-140 and the HV-
power supply. The voltage of 372 VDC is lethal! The voltage remains for about 1
minute after switching off the laser system.
High voltage of 5 kV exists at the electrostatic filter power supply. Inside the dust
remover power supply, a high voltage level of 5 kV with <1 mA is generated to
provide power to the dust remover.
These regulations detail for example the requirements for the installation site to ensure safe operation
of the laser system (refer to the section Place of Installation, p. 24).
For customers in Germany the following national regulations (in German), among others, govern the
safe handling of fluorine ∗:
• Druckgeräterichtlinie
• Betriebssicherheitsverordnung
• Arbeitsschutzgesetz
• Gefahrstoffverordnung Abs. 5
• Arbeitsstättenverordnung
• Störfallverordnung
• BGV A1 Grundsätze der Prävention
• BGV B6 Gase
• TA – Luft
• Technische Regeln Druckgase TRG 280 „Allgemeine Anforderungen an Druckgasbehälter,
Betreiben von Druckgasbehältern“
• EU-Sicherheitsdatenblatt der Betriebsgase
Place of Installation
• In case of an accidental leak in the laser system it must be ensured that the Occupational
Exposure Limit (OEL) for fluorine (= 0.2 mg/m³) is not exceeded. Therefore, the installation
room must either be located above ground level or be equipped with an artificial ventilation.
• For smaller installation rooms with insufficient ventilation additional safety measures are
recommended, e.g. the installation of a fluorine sensor that sends an acoustic and visual alarm
as soon as the allowable limit value is exceeded.
• The installation site should possess at least natural ventilation, or preferably have artificial
ventilation (min. 2.5 air changes per hour).
• The laser system should not be installed in the basement level, if possible.
The laser system must not be operated or stored at the following locations:
• In staircases, hallways and landings, narrow courtyards, alleyways or passageways or in the
immediate vicinity of those
• At the stairs of outdoor installations
• At specially marked escape routes
• In garages
• In rooms with a high fire load
This list of regulations is not exhaustive. The customer needs to research for and abide by all
relevant local safety regulations.
Premix Gas
Personnel involved with site preparation, installation, operation or maintenance of the laser should be
thoroughly familiar with the current premix gas Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is
attached at the end of the this manual.
The MSDS details all known hazards, handling and storage instructions, exposure controls/ personal
protection and respective emergency procedures in case of exposure to fluorine.
The customer should take care that the following occupational exposure limit (OEL) for fluorine is not
The laser premix gas contains the corrosive halogen gas fluorine (F2) in
small concentrations (< 0.2 vol.%). It is harmful by inhalation irritating to
eyes respiratory system and skin. Contact with the premix gas should be
Be aware that working with certain materials (e.g. plastics) may produce
poisonous products by exposure.
Always make sure that there is adequate ventilation for the size of the
Only use appropriate oxygen-grade pressure regulators and gas lines that
are suitable for corrosive gas.
Fill the laser tube (= pressure vessel) only with the premix gases
determined in the OPERATIONS MANUAL and operate the laser only
within the gas pressure limits stated therein.
Remove any inflammable materials, liquid or gas containers from the
immediate vicinity of the laser beam path to avoid the danger of a fire
during operation.
3.12.1 Ozone
The high-energetic UV radiation emitted by the laser system can produce ozone (O3).
Personnel involved with site preparation, installation, operation or maintenance of the laser should be
thoroughly familiar with the current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
The MSDS details all known hazards, handling and storage instructions, exposure controls/ personal
protection and respective emergency procedures in case of exposure to ozone.
The customer should take care that the following occupational exposure limit (OEL) for ozone is not
When operating the ArF-laser system (wavelength: 193 nm), be aware that ozone
(O3) is created during laser emission. Always ensure that the operating
environment is sufficiently ventilated.
Always make sure that there is adequate ventilation for the size of the room.
Only use appropriate oxygen-grade pressure regulators and tubes for corrosive
The halogen gas fluorine is extremely poisonous. Fluorine is used as F2. In
contact with humidity, F2 spontaneously reacts to form HF (hydrogen fluoride).
The halogen acid HF is very harmful.
During operation with the ArF-laser at 193 nm, ozone (O3) is created by the laser
emission. Always provide sufficient ventilation.
Be aware that during the work with certain materials, such as for example certain
plastics, poisonous products can be created by exposure.
Remove any inflammable materials, liquid or gas containers from the immediate
vicinity of the laser beam path to avoid the danger of a fire during operation.
4 System Description
6 7 8 9
Figure 4-1: Laser Protective Housing (Front View)
Figure 4-2 shows the rear view of the laser protective housing. The adjustment cover plate (3)
is removed for certain service procedures, e.g. the adjustment of the resonator optics (refer to
the SERVICE MANUAL) the cover plate (2) is removed for higher level service works.
2 4
The ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1 has three gas connections (see Figure 4-1: Laser Protective
Housing (Front View), p. 27). All gas connectors are 3 mm Swagelok tube fittings, the VAC-
outlet is 6mm:
Premix Gas
COHERENT guarantees the given laser specification only on condition that the premix gases are
purchased from the gas suppliers listed below.
To make sure that the appropriate gas mixtures are used for the laser system, COHERENT uses
its own premix gas code system. Please state the appropriate premix gas code for each premix
gas order.
The required laser gases can be purchased from the following international gas suppliers:
NOTE: Do not use lead gaskets for the gas cylinders, use Teflon® gaskets only!
NOTE: Do not empty a gas cylinder completely. A premix cylinder should not be emptied
below an end pressure of 20,000 hPa (20 bar). Place your gas orders in time to avoid
a too low end pressure.
Flush Gas
Flush gas is required for certain service procedures (e.g. maintenance of laser optics), to ensure
that the laser tube is not contaminated by air. For that purpose, COHERENT recommends Helium
4.6 (= 99.996% purity) or higher as flush gas.
NOTE: Do not empty a gas cylinder completely. A helium cylinder should not be emptied
below an end pressure of approx. 10,000 hPa (10 bar). Place your gas orders in time
to avoid a too low end pressure.
He 99.996 % min.
Alternatively TUIMIX-CTMN-ARFV2.1 could be used, which provides higher energy but also
higher pulse-to-pulse fluctuations. If you have questions regarding the premix gas
appropriate for your specific application, please contact COHERENT or your distributor.
5 Installation
Only COHERENT personnel or persons authorized by COHERENT are allowed to perform
the installation of the laser system. If installation is performed by unauthorized
persons, all warranties are void. Unauthorized changes of the laser system
principally result in the loss of liability from the manufacturer for all subsequent
5.1 General
• The ESO-500-193nm-CT-L-3.1 has no opto-mechanical shutter, Emergency Stop, safety
switch or housing interlock. As the laser is considered as an OEM product, these safety
features have to be provided by the manufacturer of the whole medical system the laser
is built into.
• The laser has to be equipped with a 8 A slow fuse, there is no mains in fuse
• The laser has to be grounded correctly (ground line in power cable, fixing screw)
Operating Mode Burst mode only, 25.000 pulses or 50sec. max. active, 200
sec. passive min.
For fixing the laser there are four M8 threads provided at the bottom side of the laser. The
length of the screws inside the laser’s housing must not exceed 15 mm otherwise electronic
components inside the laser could suffer damage.
Perform the following steps to install the laser’s gas supply system:
1. Connect the premix gas pressure regulator to the premix gas cylinder.
3. Connect the gas lines to premix and helium gas pressure regulator, respectively.
NOTE: Observe the Swagelok® assembly instructions. New fitting: ¾ rotations, pre-
mounted fitting: ¼ rotation.
4. Connect the premix gas line to the MIX inlet of the laser (refer to Figure 4-1, p. 27).
Make sure that the main valve of the premix gas cylinder is closed.
5. Connect the helium gas line to the FLUSH input (refer to Figure 4-1, p. 27). Make sure
that the main valve of the helium cylinder is closed.
6. Remove the blind cap from the VAC outlet port (refer to Figure 4-1, p. 27).
The next step is to exhaust the remaining air from the connected gas lines and regulators and
to purge the laser tube with premix gas. Therefore proceed to chapter 5.4.2 PC-Connection and
Software Installation; p. 34 and then to chapter 5.4.3 Automatic Purging of the Gas Lines, 34
• Verify that a flush gas cylinder (= helium 4.6 or higher) is connected to the gas supply
system, with its main valve closed.
• Make sure that the pressure regulator of the flush gas cylinder is closed, too.
1. Start up the laser system.
The laser is now in stand-by mode, which means that no laser radiation can be emitted.
2. Select the menu GAS from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas menu button
(gas cylinder symbol, refer to Figure 6-1: Main Menu, p. 36) to enter the gas menu.
3. Click on the EVACUATE PURGE-LINE button to initiate the evacuation of the flush gas
line (i.e. helium line).
4. Open the main valve of the flush gas (i.e. helium) cylinder for a few seconds to produce
a pressure compensation.
The flush gas line is now filled with helium gas. The next step is to remove all remaining air
from the premix gas line as well. Therefore proceed to the section PURGING THE PREMIX LINE,
on page 34.
Verify that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the gas supply system, with its main valve
Make sure that the pressure regulator is closed, too.
1. Start up the laser system.
The laser is now in stand-by mode, which means that no laser radiation can be emitted.
2. Select the menu GAS from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas menu button
(gas cylinder symbol, refer to 6.1 Main Menu; p. 36) to enter the gas menu.
3. Click on the button EVACUATE MIX-LINE to initiate the evacuation of the premix gas
4. Open the main valve of the premix gas cylinder for a few seconds for pressure
Now that all gas lines have been sufficiently purged, the next step is to exhaust the transport
gas from the laser tube and purge the tube with premix gas. Therefore proceed to chapter
5.4.4 Automatic Purging of the Laser Tube, on page 35.
• Make sure that the laser system is in Laser Standby mode.
• Verify that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the laser system and that the gas lines
are purged.
1. Start the PC-program.
2. Select the menu GAS from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas menu button
(gas cylinder symbol, refer to Figure 6-1: Main Menu, p. 36) to enter the gas menu.
3. Click on the GAS-EXCHANGE button to start the automatic gas exchange routine.
6 The PC-Menu
The communication between the personal computer and the laser system is set up
through an optical RS-232 connection. For a description on how to install the PC-
connection please refer to the SOFTWARE MANUAL FOR ELECTRONICS VERSION
• Select for LOW BORDER = 700 V and for HIGH BORDER = 1500 V.
6.3 PC-Setting
• Please select the correct settings for your computer and your type of laser.
• Select the serial port you are using.
• Repetition Rate
• Laser Target Energy Figure 6-8: Shot Menu
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 0100) and click on the right
mouse button. Another window pops up now and you can enter the new repetition rate
value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the target energy display field (here: 05.0) and click
on the right mouse button. Another window pops up and you can now enter the new
laser target energy value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
While the laser is firing, the current laser energy is being displayed under LASER ENERGY.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the high voltage display field (here: 0900) and click on
the right mouse button. Another window pops up and you can now enter the new laser
target energy value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
Additionally, the approximate high voltage value can be set on the red bar at the left side
(between MAX and MIN).
In our example (Figure 6-8: Shot Menu, p. 40), the button display reads OFF, indicating that
the energy stabilization has been deactivated.
• Click on the grey OFF button to activate the energy stabilization. The button turns green
and its display changes to ON.
• Click on the green ON button to deactivate the energy stabilization. The button turns
grey and its display changes to OFF.
In our example (Figure 6-8: Shot Menu, p. 40) both the STANDBY-button and the EMISSION
button read OFF, indicating that the laser is not firing and is not in standby-mode (i.e. ready for
1. Click on the grey STANDBY-button (OFF). It will now turn green and its display will now
read ON. The laser is now ready to start firing.
2. Click on the grey EMISSION button (OFF). It will now turn green and its display will
now read ON. The laser is firing now.
1. Click on the green EMISSION button (ON). It will now turn grey and its display will
change to OFF.
2. Click on the green STANDBY-button (ON). It will now turn grey and its display will now
read OFF.
NOTE: The two settings CHARGE ON COMMAND and CHARGE CONTINUOUS can only be
selected in the service mode, they are inactive in the normal operational mode.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 0100) and click on the right
mouse button. Another window pops up and you can enter the new repetition rate
value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 0000.1 s) and click on the
right mouse button. Another window pops up and you can enter the new time interval
value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“ button
underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 00001) and click on the right
mouse button. Another window will now pop up and you can enter the new total
number of bursts by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 00050) and click on the right
mouse button. Another window pops up and you can enter the new total number of
pulses per burst by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
In our example (Figure 6-9: Burst Menu, p. 43) both the STANDBY-button and the EMISSION
button read OFF, indicating that the laser is not firing and is not in standby-mode (i.e. ready for
1. Click on the grey STANDBY-button (OFF). It turns green now and its display changes to
ON. The laser is now ready to start firing.
2. Click on the grey EMISSION button (OFF). It turns green now and its display changes
to ON. The laser is firing now.
NOTE: Each burst sequence begins with the set pause (= time interval between two bursts,
here: 0000.1 s). Therefore the laser does not immediately start firing after laser
emission has been activated.
1. Click on the green EMISSION button (ON). It turns grey now and its display changes to
2. Click on the green STANDBY-button (ON). It turns grey now and its display changes to
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the target energy display field (here: 05.0 [mJ]) and
click on the right mouse button. Another window pops up and you can enter the new
laser target energy value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
While the laser is firing, the current laser energy is being displayed under LASER ENERGY.
In our example (Figure 6-9: Burst Menu; p. 43), the button display reads OFF, indicating that
the energy stabilization has been deactivated.
• Click on the grey OFF button to activate the energy stabilization. The button will now
turn green and its display will read ON.
• Click on the green ON button to deactivate the energy stabilization. The button will now
turn grey and its display will read OFF.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the high voltage display field (here: 0900 [V]) and
click on the right mouse button. Another window will now pop up and you can enter the
new high voltage value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
Additionally, the approximate high voltage value can be seen on the red bar at the left side
(between MAX and MIN).
NOTE: The two settings CHARGE ON COMMAND and CHARGE CONTINUOUS can only be
selected in the service mode, they are inactive in the normal operational mode.
GAS EXCHANGE: This button initiates an automatic gas exchange in the laser
tube (for further details, refer to chapter 7.1 Maintenance
Schedule – Automatic Gas Exchange, p. 52)
EVACUATE MIX LINE: This button initiates an evacuation in the premix gas line. This
procedure is required in the course of the laser system
installation or after installation of a new premix gas cylinder.
EVACUATE PURGE LINE: This button initiates the evacuation the purge gas line. This
procedure is required in the course of the laser system
installation or after a new purge gas cylinder has been installed
to the system.
• Click on the green ON-button to deactivate the dust remover. Now the button turns grey
and its display changes to OFF.
• Click on the grey OFF-button to activate the dust remover. Now the button turns green
and its display changes to ON.
• Click on the grey OFF-button to activate the blower motor. The button turns green and
its display changes to ON.
• Click on the green ON-button to deactivate the blower motor. The button turns green
and its display changes to OFF.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the target energy display field (here: 05.0 [mJ]) and
click on the right mouse button. Another window pops up now and you can enter the
new laser target energy value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
While the laser is firing, the current laser energy is being displayed under LASER ENERGY.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the high voltage display field (here: 0900 [V]) and
click on the right mouse button. Another window pops up and you can enter the new
high voltage value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
1. Click on the “+” button above the display field to increase a value digit or the “-“
button underneath the field to decrease a value digit.
Alternatively, set the cursor into the display field (here: 0100 [Hz]) and click on the
right mouse button. Another window pops up now and you can enter the new
repetition rate value by clicking on the corresponding numerical keys.
When the laser is firing, it does emit ultraviolet radiation. Avoid eye or skin
exposure to direct or scattered Class IV laser radiation that could result in
serious injury.
Wear protective eyewear that is appropriate for the laser’s specific
In our example (Figure 6-11: Energy Adjustment Menu, p. 49) both the STANDBY-button and
the EMISSION button read OFF, indicating that the laser is not firing and is not in standby-
mode (i.e. ready for firing).
1. Click on the grey STANDBY-button (OFF). It turns green and its display changes to ON.
The laser is now ready to start firing.
2. Click on the grey EMISSION button (OFF). It turns green and its display changes to ON.
The laser is firing now.
1. Click on the green EMISSION button (ON). It turns grey and its display changes to OFF.
2. Click on the green STANDBY-button (ON). It turns grey and its display changes to OFF.
In our example (Figure 6-11: Energy Adjustment Menu, p. 49), the button display reads OFF,
indicating that the energy stabilization is deactivated.
• Click on the grey OFF button to activate the energy stabilization. The button will turn
green now and the button display will read ON.
• Click on the green ON button to deactivate the energy stabilization. The button will turn
grey now and the button display will read OFF.
The sections listed under ENERGY REGULATION FACTOR and BUFFER LENGTH (right side of
display, refer to Figure 6-11: Energy Adjustment Menu, p. 49) can only be changed in the
service mode, they are inactive in the normal operational mode. ENERGY EVERAGING OFF can
be changed anytime.
Transmission Error
If there is an error in the signal
transmission between laser and PC
a picture as shown in Figure 6-12
will appear. If this is the case
check on the following to find the
cause of the failure:
7 Regular Maintenance
The maintenance of the laser must be carried out either by COHERENT personnel by
persons authorized by COHERENT. Maintenance performed by unauthorized persons
results in the loss of all warranties. COHERENT assumes no liability for any damage
and malfunctioning caused by disregarding or ignoring this information.
Contact with discharge debris during operation limits the dynamic gas lifetime, whereas the
static gas lifetime is determined by chemical reactions of the fluorine (F2) with the laser tube’s
inner surface. These reactions occur even when laser is not operating.
All these procedures decrease the fluorine concentration and contaminate the laser gas with
various trace materials.
The dynamic gas lifetime characterizes the time period elapsed from the beginning of laser
operation until the time when the energy has decreased to 50% of its initial value. It amounts
to about several million pulses. The static gas lifetime characterizes the time period to 50% of
the initial energy value; even when the laser is not operating.
The automatic gas exchange routine starts with a gas leak check, followed by a functional test
of the vacuum pump and a check of the premix gas pressure. After these tests have been
successfully completed, the exchange of the premix gas is started. The laser tube is evacuated
and backfilled with fresh premix gas. The used laser gas is filtered through the halogen exhaust
filter before it leaves the laser system through the vacuum outlet.
• Make sure that the laser system is in “Laser Standby” mode.
• Verify that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the laser system and that the gas lines
have been purged. Before starting this procedure, ensure that the gas cylinders have a
residual pressure of at least 30,000 hPa (30 bar).
• Verify that no external or internal lock (e.g. a blind cap) is blocking the vacuum gas
The laser must not be switched off during the automatic gas exchange!
Otherwise, the laser could suffer irreversible damage.
1. Start the PC-program.
2. Select the menu GAS MENU from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas
menu button (gas cylinder symbol, refer to Figure 6-1: Main Menu, p. 36) to
enter the gas menu.
Install a new gasket in the pressure regulator each time a gas cylinder is exchanged. Make sure
that the pressure regulator is closed before beginning this procedure.
After connecting a new premix gas cylinder to the gas supply system, verify that the main
valve of the premix gas cylinder is closed.
Verify that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the gas supply system, with its main valve
Make sure that the pressure regulator of the premix gas cylinder is closed.
1. Start up the laser system.
The laser is now in stand-by mode, which means that no laser radiation can be emitted.
2. Select the menu GAS MENU from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas menu
button (gas cylinder symbol, refer to Figure 6-1: Main Menu, p. 36) to enter the gas
3. Click on the button EVACUATE MIX-LINE to initiate the evacuation of the premix gas
4. Open the main valve of the premix gas cylinder for a few seconds for pressure
The premix gas line is now evacuated and then backfilled with premix gas. This procedure
is repeated three times altogether.
Verify that a new helium gas cylinder has been connected to the gas supply system, with its
main valve closed.
1. Install a new gasket in the pressure regulator on each gas cylinder exchange.
2. After connecting a new helium gas cylinder to the gas supply system, verify that the
main valve of the gas cylinder is closed. Make sure that the pressure regulator is
closed, too.
The laser is now in stand-by mode, which means that no laser radiation can be emitted.
4. Select the menu GAS MENU from the menu bar. Alternatively, click on the gas menu
button (gas cylinder symbol, refer to Figure 6-1: Main Menu, p. 36) to enter the gas
5. Click on the EVACUATE FLUSH-LINE button to initiate the evacuation of the flush gas
line (i.e. helium line).
6. Open the main valve of the flush gas cylinder (i.e. helium) for a few seconds to
produce pressure compensation between the flush gas line and the helium cylinder.
8 Service
Any of the service procedures on the laser system may only be carried out either by
personnel of COHERENT or by persons authorized by COHERENT. If any unauthorized
persons attempt to service or maintain the laser system, all warranties on the laser
become immediately void.
It is obligatory that all persons involved in the service of this laser system, read,
understand and observe the information and instructions given in this manual.
COHERENT assumes no liability for any damage and/or malfunctioning of the
equipment caused directly or indirectly by disregarding or ignoring the contents of
this manual.
In the service mode, all laser safety features are disabled! Therefore be
extremely careful and circumspect, i.e. before pressing a button or
changing a set value!
1. Open the service menu (click on the service button S or File). A window as shown in
Figure 8-2 appears.
2. Set the cursor to the blank entry field and enter the password code (the password code
is 2501).
3. Click on the OK-button. The service button is highlighted now.
The purging procedure is based on a correct installation of a premix and a helium gas cylinder
(refer to chapter 5 Installation).
Before starting either of the procedures, verify that the main valve of the
premix gas cylinder / helium gas cylinder is closed!
2. Click on the MIX VALVE button to open the valve of the premix gas line. If activated,
the button appears green.
3. Click on the VAC VALVE button to open the vacuum valve. If activated, the button
appears green.
NOTE: The premix gas line is being evacuated now. As soon as the pressure drops
below 1,500 hPa (1.5 bar), the vacuum pump is activated automatically.
4. Wait until the pressure display has reached its lowest level, i.e. is below
100 hPa (0.1 bar), then press VAC VALVE to close the vacuum valve.
5. Press first MIX VALVE and then PUMP to deactivate the premix gas valve and the
vacuum pump.
The premix gas line has been evacuated now and all valves are closed.
NOTE: If the pressure in the gas manifold drops below 3000 hPa (3 bar) and with all
valves closed (as it is the case now), the system automatically performs a
pressure check in the laser tube, by briefly opening and closing the LASER
valve. You can notice that as the LASER VALVE button turns green and then
grey again.
The next step is to fill the gas line with fresh premix gas.
6. Therefore, set the pressure regulator to minimal pressure (only if it is not already
set to a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8 bar)!).
7. Open the main valve of the premix gas cylinder. Watch the pressure!
8. Set the pressure regulator to a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8 bar). Do not
exceed 8,000 hPa (8 bar) ∗!
The evacuated gas line has now been filled with premix gas.
10. Repeat the evacuation and purging procedure (i.e. steps 2 to 9) three times altogether.
After the procedure, the premix gas line has a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8 bar).
2. Enter the service menu and click on GAS MENU to select the gas service menu.
3. Click on the FLUSH VALVE button to open the valve of the flush gas line. If activated,
the button appears green.
Recommended gas pressure: 7,000 hPa (7 bar) if the procedure is performed with a full gas
4. Click on the VAC VALVE button to open the vacuum valve. If activated, the button
appears green. The flush gas line is being evacuated now. As soon as the pressure
drops below 1,500 hPa (1.5 bar), the vacuum pump is activated automatically.
5. Wait until the pressure display has reached its lowest level, i.e. is below
100 hPa (0.1 bar), then press VAC VALVE to close the vacuum valve.
6. Press first FLUSH VALVE and then PUMP to deactivate the flush gas valve and the
vacuum pump.
The flush gas line has been evacuated now and all valves are closed. The next step is to fill
the gas line with fresh flush gas (helium).
NOTE: If the pressure in the gas manifold drops below 3000 hPa (3 bar) and with all
valves closed (as it is the case now), the system performs an automatic
pressure check in the laser tube by briefly opening and closing the LASER valve.
You can notice that as the LASER VALVE button turns green and then grey
again. The current gas pressure inside the laser tube is shown on the display.
7. Therefore set the pressure regulator to minimal pressure (only if it is not already set
to a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8.0 bar)!)
8. Open the main valve of the flush gas cylinder. Watch the pressure!
9. Set the pressure regulator to a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8 bar). Do not
exceed 8,000 hPa (8 bar)*!
10. Close the main valve at the flush gas (= helium) cylinder.
The evacuated gas line has now been filled with flush gas (= helium).
11. Repeat the evacuation and purging procedure (i.e. steps 2 to 9) three times
12. After the whole procedure, the gas pressure in the flush gas (= helium) line lies
between 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8 bar).
Contact with discharge debris during operation limits the dynamic gas lifetime and whereas its
static gas lifetime is determined by chemical reactions of the fluorine (F2) with the inner laser
tube surface, which take place even when the laser is not operating.
All these procedures decrease the fluorine concentration and contaminate the laser gas with
various trace materials. Therefore, the premix gas in the laser tube must be exchanged
The dynamic gas lifetime characterizes the time period elapsed from the beginning of laser
operation until the time when the energy has decreased to 50% of its initial value. It amounts
to about several million pulses. The static gas lifetime characterizes the time period to 50% of
the initial energy value when the laser is in operation.
The gas lifetime can be seen in the specifications (refer to chapter 2.2 Specifications, p. 11).
This section describes how to manually evacuate and purge the premix and flush gas lines.
• Ensure that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the laser system and that the pressure
regulator is set to a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (approx. 6 to 8 bar) ∗.
• Before starting the procedure, make sure that the gas cylinder has a residual pressure of
at least 30,000 hPa (approx. 30 bar).
NOTE: A full 50-liter-size premix gas cylinder lasts for about 500 usages.
• Make sure that any external or internal locks (e.g. a blind cap) are removed from the
vacuum gas outlet.
• Verify that the dust remover is deactivated (the DUST REMOVER button must read OFF).
1. First, the premix gas line has to be evacuated.
2. Make sure that the main valve of the premix gas cylinder is closed.
3. Enter the service menu and click on GAS MENU to select the gas service menu.
3. Click on the MIX VALVE button to open the valve of the premix gas line. If activated,
the button appears green.
4. Now click on the VAC VALVE button to open the vacuum valve. If activated, the button
appears green.
As soon as the pressure drops below 1.5 bar, the vacuum pump is automatically switched
Recommended gas pressure: 7,000 hPa (7 bar) if the procedure is performed with a full gas
5. After the gas line has been evacuated, i.e. the display shows a residual pressure of
approx. 100 hPa (0.1 bar), click on the MIX VALVE button to close the valve of the
premix gas line.
9. Click on the LASER VALVE button to open the valve of the laser tube.
10. Click on the VAC VALVE button to re-open the valve of the vacuum connection.
After the laser tube has almost completely been evacuated (the residual pressure is now
approx. 100 hPa or 0.1 bar), it is filled with fresh premix gas.
11. Therefore, click on the VAC VALVE button to close the vacuum valve (it turns grey).
12. Click on the PUMP button to switch off the vacuum pump.
13. Click on the MIX VALVE button to open the valve of the premix gas line.
14. Now the laser is filled with fresh premix gas. Click on the MIX VALVE button to close
the valve of the premix gas line, as soon as the required gas pressure of approx. 6000
hPa (6 bar, ± 0.2 bar) is reached.
15. Click on the LASER VALVE button to close the laser tube valve.
Besides, the material of the resonator optics slowly deteriorates during operation due to gradual
damage caused by laser radiation. Therefore, when cleaning the optics does not lead to a sufficiently
increased output energy level, it can be necessary to replace them.
Cleaning or replacing the optics can be necessary if the laser does no longer reach the required output
energy, i.e. the laser achieves only 50 % of its initial maximal output energy. However, this is only an
estimated value and, depending on the customer’s individual requirements, it can be necessary to
clean or replace the optics even earlier.
NOTE: Before servicing the resonator optics, you should perform an automated gas exchange in the
laser tube (refer to the OPERATIONS MANUAL; chapter 7.2) as well as an adjustment of the
resonator optics (refer to chapter 8.5 Adjusting the Resonator Optics, p. 71) and see
whether these measures lead to an increase of the output energy.
Only if this is not the case, both resonator optics have to be disassembled and examined.
The exchange of the resonator optics is an extremely critical service procedure as the
laser tube is open and may suffer irreversible damage if any air, dust particles etc.
enter the tube (e.g. in case of a power failure)!
To minimize the time the laser tube is opened, it is of utmost importance to observe the
Complete this service procedure as rapid as possible.
If the process is delayed for any reason, build in the old optic in the meantime, so
that the laser tube is closed until the delay is eliminated.
Make sure that a helium gas cylinder is connected to the FLUSH port, with a
residual pressure of at least 60,000 hPa (60 bar).
HR: High Reflector (= rear resonator optic); OC: Output coupler (=front resonator optic)
• Before you start this procedure, make sure that a helium gas cylinder is connected to the
FLUSH input port of the gas manifold, at a pressure of 6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8.0 bar).
• The helium gas cylinder should have a residual pressure of at least 60,000 hPa (60 bar), as the
cleaning/exchanging procedure of the resonator optics can take some time.
• Besides, verify that a premix gas cylinder is connected to the MIX input port, at a pressure of
6,500 to 8,000 hPa (6.5 – 8.0 bar).
During the whole procedure the laser is in stand-by mode and thus no emission of laser radiation
is possible.
During the whole procedure, the mains connection as well as the laser gas
solenoid valve must not be disconnected.
Otherwise, the purging of the laser tube is interrupted and the tube will suffer
irreversible damage!
The LASER valve as well as the FLUSH valve must not be closed during the
whole procedure. Otherwise, the laser tube will suffer irreversible damage!
The first step is purging the flush gas line to fill it with fresh flush gas. Therefore, perform the
procedure described in section MANUAL PURGING OF THE FLUSH GAS LINE – PROCEDURE, p. 59.
Then proceed to the purging of the laser tube.
Therefore, the laser tube has to be evacuated and purged with flush gas.
When the laser is opened, the displayed pressure will drop and display a value
lower than 1,000 hPa. This does not indicate an error, but is caused by the
pressure sensor, which cannot measure flow pressure.
It is very important that there is slight overpressure during this procedure,
recognizable by a continuous gas stream out of the laser tube. This avoids a
contamination of the laser tube with oxygen or dirt particles.
Prior to removing the optics mount together with the resonator optic, the energy monitor has to be
Wear powderless latex gloves during the whole cleaning/replacing procedure.
Do not touch the optics’ front/back surface; only handle them by the edge to
avoid that any dirt particles may get on the surface.
1. Loosen the four securing screws at the left side cover (approx. two turns) and remove the
side cover. Disconnect the ground wire (green yellow) inside.
2. Disconnect the supply voltage plug (#55) (Picture 1). The optical fibers may remain plugged
3. Pull out the energy monitor module to the side (Picture 2). Watch the optical fibers!
1. Loosen the three screws securing the optics mount (refer to Figure 8-5).
Do not loosen the brass screws – they are only adjustment screws! Before removing
the third screw, secure the optics mount with your hand to avoid that if falls off due to the
gas pressure inside the tube (refer to Figure 8-6).
Securing Screws
2. Remove the optics mount. You will hear a hissing sound, arising from the helium exhausting
into the atmosphere.
3. The optics mount contains the resonator optic and a mylar ring, which is installed between
mount and optic. Carefully remove the optic.
4. Carefully pull out the used optic and deposit it at a safe place.
2. Hold the optic towards a bright room light (e.g. 100 W bulb/halogen bulb) and inspect it for
scratches or other imperfections (except dust).
3. If the optic has passed this visual check, i.e. does not show any signs of damage, place it into
the optic mount.
4. Place a lens cleaning tissue over the surface of the optic and place one drop of acetone on the
middle of the optic, using the pipette of the acetone bottle.
5. Slowly drag the lens cleaning tissue across the optic surface.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 three times altogether, using each time a fresh lens cleaning tissue.
7. Turn the optic around and clean the other optic side as well by repeating steps 4 to 6.
8. After having cleaned the optic, hold it again towards a bright room light to check whether it is
really clean now. If this is the case, the optic can be remounted.
Both resonator optics have to be mounted with the coating layer facing inwards
(= towards the laser tube opening).
4. Now tighten the three screws firmly Figure 8-7: Front Optic – Markings
(max. torque = 0.6 Nm).
(1) Marking Coated Surface (tip of the
arrow points towards coated side)
2. Remove the cover plate at the laser back side (6 screws) (Figure 8-8).
3. Turn the blower motor approx. 1 cm forward (counterclockwise) and then pull it to the right
side (Figure 8-9).
4. Use an Allen key (Nr. 3) to loosen the screws securing the optics mount (Figure 8-10).
5. Repeat the same procedure as used for the OC optic, therefore refer to sections
2. Press the GAS EXCHANGE button to start the automatic gas exchange routine.
Now that the resonator optics have been replaced, they need to be re-adjusted to achieve optimal
beam symmetry and maximum output energy. Proceed to chapter 8.5 Adjusting the Resonator Optics,
p. 71.
• Re-install the blower motor and close the adjustment lid at the rear laser side.
• Send the used optics back to COHERENT.
When the laser is on (firing) it emits ultraviolet radiation. Avoid eye or skin
exposure to direct or scattered Class IV laser radiation that could result in
serious injury.
Wear protective eyewear appropriate for the laser’s specific wavelength during
this procedure.
1. Position the thermoelectric probe at a distance of 200 mm in front of the front resonator optic.
3. Set the high voltage value to 1500 V (MAX) and the repetition rate to 100 Hz.
5. Take a sheet of white paper and hold it directly in front of the thermoelectric probe.
6. Analyze the rectangular beam spot. It should be in the middle of the probe and have clearly
defined edges, with very distinct fringes.
7. Use a socket spanner (Nr. 7) to optimize the beam spot, by slowly rotating the adjustment
screw (2) at the rear optics mount (Figure 8-13), i.e. for optimization of the top/bottom edge.
8. Now slowly rotate the adjustment screw for vertical and horizontal adjustment (1).
9. As soon as the beam spot is optimal, remove the sheet of paper from the front and hold it
against the rear laser opening, again at a right angle towards the laser beam.
10. Analyze the beam spot again and optimize it, by slowly rotating the corresponding adjustment
screws located at the front optics mount.
11. As soon as the rear beam spot shows optimal beam symmetry, repeat the adjustment
procedure (i.e. steps 5 – 8) for the front beam spot. The optimization of the beam spot is an
iterative procedure. Therefore, repeat the adjustment procedure for the front and rear
resonator optics until the beam spots of both sides show optimal beam symmetry (at least
three times for each side).
14. Set the number of bursts (under BURST-REPETITIONS) to 1 and the total number of pulses
(under SHOTS IN BURST) to 400.
15. Take a piece of ZAP-IT paper and hold it in front of the laser aperture.
Now the laser output energy is measured and also optimized by adjusting the optics.
20. Measure the output energy at the measuring instrument and try to increase the value by
carefully rotating the two adjustment screws at the rear optics mount.
21. After having reached maximum output energy, set the repetition rate again to
200 Hz and take a new beam spot picture, using the ZAP-IT paper (refer to Figure 8-14).
22. Set the repetition rate to 100 Hz and burn a beam spot picture on the ZAP-IT-paper.
1. Re-mount the energy monitor at the front.
NOTE: Make sure that the cable and optical fibers of the energy monitor do not the block the
laser aperture.
After the resonator optics have been adjusted, the beam splitter has to be aligned and the energy
monitor has to be re-calibrated. Therefore proceed to chapter 8.6 Beam Splitter Alignment, on page
75 and then to chapter 8.7 Energy Monitor Calibration, on page 76.
Figure 8-14 shows different examples of beam spots taken on ZAP-IT paper:
(1): Example of an optimized beam spot, taken from a distance of approx. 400 mm.
(2): Good beam spot, taken from a distance of 200 mm at a repetition rate of 100 Hz.
(3): Example of a good beam spot (i.e. homogenous, rectangular, with distinct edges), at a
repetition rate of 100 Hz (distance: 200 mm).
(4): Example of a poor beam spot, which is not centered in the burn profile, not homogenous
and does also not have a rectangular form with distinct edges.
• The energy monitor has been re-installed.
• The energy monitor cover has been removed, the energy monitor is open (Figure 8-15).
When the laser is on (firing) it emits ultraviolet radiation. Avoid eye or skin exposure
to direct or scattered Class IV laser radiation that could result in serious injury.
Wear protective eyewear appropriate for the laser’s specific wavelength during this
• Make sure the laser is switched off.
• Connect the thermoelectric probe to the external measuring instrument.
When the laser is on (firing) it emits ultraviolet radiation. Avoid eye or skin
exposure to direct or scattered Class IV laser radiation that could result in
serious injury.
Wear protective eyewear appropriate for the laser’s specific wavelength during
this procedure.
1. Place the thermoelectric probe in front of the laser aperture at a distance of 10 cm.
6. Adjust the high voltage value until the external energy meter shows 8 mJ.
7. Set the button ENERGY CONTROL to OFF to deactivate the energy stabilization.
8. Set the GATE value to 2500 and the OFFSET value to 0000.
9. Slowly turn the potentiometer screw counterclockwise, until the energy value displayed on the
PC-menu reads 1000.
NOTE: The maximum value that can be displayed here is 40.00 mJ (= 4000 in the Display).
12. Note the value displayed at LASER ENERGY, ignoring the comma (e.g. 9.5 equals 95). The
value represents the laser’s basic frequency. This value corresponds to f0.
14. Fire the laser at 1500 V charging voltage (HV). Write down the energy value displayed on
the power meter as E(max). Read out the LASER ENERGY (E) which represents a
frequency (unit = kHz, comma ignored). Write it down as f(max).
15. Fire the laser now at 1000 V charging voltage and note the value measured by the power
meter down as E(min). Read out the LASER ENERGY (E), which represents a frequency
(unit = kHz, comma ignored). Write the value down as f(min).
E max − E min
Gate = × 250000
f max − f min
E max − E min
Offset = f 0 × × 50
f max − f min
18. Enter the results as new GATE value and OFFSET value in the energy menu.
19. Fire the laser and compare the externally measured energy with the internal value (under
LASER ENERGY). Vary the charging voltage and compare the external and internal energy
values at the respective charging voltage. If both values differ significantly from each other,
you need to repeat the calibration procedure.
Here comes an example how to calculate the GATE and the OFFSET value:
f0: 202 (this means that in the PC-program 2.02 mJ were displayed)
Fmax: 1188 (this means that in the PC-program 11.88 mJ were displayed)
Emax: 16.2 (this means 1.62 W were displayed on the external measuring instrument, at a
repetition rate of 100 Hz this equals 16.2 mJ)
Fmin: 794 (this means that in the PC-program 7.94 mJ were displayed)
Emin: 8.8 (this means 0.88 W were displayed on the external measuring instrument, at a
repetition rate of 100 Hz this equals 8.8 mJ)
16.2 − 8.8
Gate = × 250,000 ≈ 4695
1188 − 794
16.2 − 8.8
Offset = 202 × × 50 ≈ 190
1188 − 794
21. Press on the ON/OFF button under ENERGY CONTROL to activate the energy stabilization. If
turned on, the button reads ON and is highlighted green.
The energy monitor calibration procedure is finished now, you can return to the main menu.
Fine Adjustment
After the energy monitor calibration is completed, it may be necessary to match the internally
measured energy (on PC-display) and externally measured laser energy (on power meter display)
more exactly to each other. Therefore iterative procedure steps are required.
Comparison o.k.
Procedure completed
Write down the measured values; the calibration is
completed now
• Fill out the Energy Calibration Test Report, recording the old calibration values (only for service
cases) and the new calibration values (refer to the Energy Calibration Test Report, p. 80).
Technician (Signature)
9 Troubleshooting
The laser’s microprocessor control module displays error codes and warnings in case of a
malfunction of the laser system. The following two sections provide an overview of these error
codes and warnings. When using the ExciStar S Remote Control software, the errors and
warnings will be displayed as plain text.
ERR A: Check status of optical fiber #12 (going from LSE-220 to LSE-200). Must be always
high expect during the first second after opening any of the four valves (pin #37 of
the Gas-PIC)
ERR B: Cannot evacuate the gas manifold below 80 hPa. Possible reasons: Mix-, Flush- or
Laser valve are leaking. Pumps do not work. Leakage between valve and pumps.
ERR C: Pressure of the premix gas cylinder is too low (< 6500 hPa). Check secondary valve
at the cylinder. Adjust pressure regulator.
ERR D: Pressure of the premix gas cylinder is too high (> 8000 hPa). Adjust pressure
ERR E: Refer to ERR B.
ERR F: Pressure inside the laser head is < 2000 hPa. Fill up manually.
ERR G: Cannot evacuate laser head below 1600 hPa. See ERR B.
ERR H: Cannot evacuate laser head below 100 hPa. See ERR B.
ERR I: Cannot fill up laser head over 5000 hPa. Possible reasons: Vac-valve or laser head is
ERR J: Fine adjustment of laser head pressure (6000 hPa) not successful. See ERR I.
ERR P: Cannot evacuate gas-line (Mix or Flush) below 1,500 hPa. Check for leaks.
ERR Q: Cannot evacuate gas-line (Mix or Flush) below 50 hPa. Check for leaks.
ERR R: Pressure of the Mix- or Flush gas cylinder is too low (<6500 hPa). Check secondary
valve at the cylinder. Adjust pressure regulator.
ERR S Pressure of the Mix- or Flush-gas cylinder is too high (>8000 hPa). Adjust pressure
ERR X: Check pressure regulator at the gas cylinder.
ERR Y: No signal from pressure transducer. Check voltage at pin #4 (pin #2 is GND) of IC2
on LSE-220 (must be app. 6.8 VDC @ 6000 hPa). Check optical fiber #15. Measure
frequency at pin #1 of IC2 on LSE-220 and pin #15 of Gas-PIC on LSE-200 (approx.
200 Hz).
ERR Z Pressure inside the laser head is < 3,000 hPa. Fill up manually.
“WRN*”, where “*” stands for the corresponding warning code number.
NOTE: More than one warning may occur at the same time. In this case, the different
warnings are not displayed separately, but are added up and their sum is displayed as
a single warning code.
Example: Warning 6 appears if warning 4 and warning 2 occur simultaneously. Table 9-2 gives
an overview of all possible warning codes and the kind of failure they display.
Warning Codes
No. Fault Description and Fault Corrective Action
2 Energy sensor error Check optical fibers #1 and #2 from energy monitor
to LSE-200.
3 Energy adjustment error and Refer to individual errors (i.e. error 1 and error 2)
energy sensor error
4 No OK from dust remover Check output voltage of the dust remover power
supply. NOTE: -5 kV max. Measure voltage between
pin 3 & 5 at KL1 on LSE-220 (must be 24 VDC).
Optical fiber #13 transmits the signal (high active) to
LSE-200 (pin 30 of the Gas-PIC).
5 No OK from dust remover and Refer to the individual warnings (i.e. warning 4 and
energy adjustment error warning 1)
6 No OK from dust remover and Refer to the individual warnings (i.e. warning 4 and
energy sensor error warning 2)
7 No OK from dust remover and Refer to individual warnings (i.e. warning 4, warning 1
energy adjustment error and and warning 2)
energy sensor error
8 Under temperature-warning-relay
of the PID-controller going to
LSE-220 is open. Optical fiber
#19 transmits the signal (high
active) to LSE-200 (pin 29 of the
10 Appendices
10.2 Fuses
Fuse Value Size Location
#1 0.8 AT 5 x 20 mm Fuse holder located at the back side
of the housing (Fan SSS)
#2 2.0 AT for 24 V blower motor 5 x 20 mm Fuse holder located at the back side
of the housing (Blower Motor)
(see also chapter 10.2.1, p. 85)
For detailed information concerning the protocol please refer to the SOFTWARE MANUAL
LSE-140 Module (Figure 10-5) is a DC-DC-converter module with input of 372 VDC and outputs of 12,
24 and 36 VDC. This module also switches the vacuum pump and bypass valve and detects the
thermal 50°C interlocks.
Module LSE-220 (Figure 10-6) is the interface module. On this module the electromagnetic valves are
switched and monitored, the blower motor is activated/deactivated, the pressure transducer is read
out and the under temperature interlock of the PID-controller is detected. Inside the silver box the
high voltage for the electrostatic dust remover is generated.
LSE-200 module is the controller of the ExciStar laser system. Five PIC processors (Master, HV, PC,
Energy and Gas) are controlling all laser functions and the electronics.
The heating is controlled by the heating controller module (PID-controller and relay).