University of Hertfordshire School of Computer Science
University of Hertfordshire School of Computer Science
University of Hertfordshire School of Computer Science
School of Computer Science
This study demonstrates the application of cloud cryptography in data security protection and its
significant impact on the cloud database. The concepts of cloud computing are briefly explained
along with its role in ensuring the protection of data. Moreover, the ways are illustrated in which
the encryption techniques with the help of Python codes are effectively used and the
implementation of cloud computing is also done while encrypting the information. The paper
also signifies the role of cryptography in securing information through the applications of cloud
computing. Considering the variation presented in the context of security, the present world has
been noted to open up to a variation of opportunities and beginnings. Thus, there have increased
the number of computing users extensively and is analyzing the output in Python. Furthermore, it
is to be brought to understanding that the implementation of cryptography can considerably
change the security features of the current world for better. This paper is also concentrated upon
scrutinizing the varying mannerisms in which encryption is highly beneficial. It can only be
appropriately implemented if the methods implied are evidently approachable and secure. In the
third chapter researchers has discussed about the research methodology. Researcher briefly
discussed research outline, research design method, research strategy, research methods,data
collection method,accessibility issues and the time frame. Beside the particular method
researcher give proper reasons that justify every methodology aspect selected in this study.Here,
in this chapter, the various analyses have been done in order to develop the use and importance
of cryptography and relevance of data security. The effectiveness of cloud computing and
scrutinizing are discussed in this chapter. The steps of encryption are also discussed.
This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master Science
in Advance Computer Science and Technology at the University of Hertfordshire (UH). It is my
own work except where indicated in the report.
I hereby give permission for the report to be made available on the University website provided
the source is acknowledged.
I would like to extend my heartiest thanks with a deep sense of gratitude to all those who have
provided me immense support while conducting the project. I would like to thank the leader of
my project for providing me with a vision of the research. I have acquired many benefits from
the regular reviews and motivation throughout the entire project.
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction 9
1.2 Research background 9
1.3 Significance of the research 9
1.4 Rationale of the research 10
1.5 Research aim and objectives 10
1.6 Research questions 11
1.7 Research hypothesis 11
1.8 Summary 11
1.9 Structure of dissertation 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Concept of cloud computing 13
2.3 Role of cloud computing in ensuring data security 14
2.4 Effective ways of applying encryption methods 16
2.5 Implementation of cloud computing in encrypting information 18
2.6 Role of cryptography in securing critical data through cloud computing 20
2.7 Conceptual Framework 22
2.8 Literature gap 22
2.9 Summary 23
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Research outline 24
Table 1: Research outline 25
3.3 Research design 25
3.4 Research strategy 25
3.5 Research methods 26
3.6 Data collection methods 27
3.7 Implementation of cryptography algorithm in python 27
3.8 Encrypting and decrypting inserted data 28
3.9 Relevance of cloud cryptography in data security 30
3.10 Advantages of cloud cryptography in data security Protection 30
3.11 Encrypting algorithm of cryptography in data security 31
3.12 Accessibility issues 32
3.13 Time Frame (Gantt chart) 32
3.14 Summary 32
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Research and Result Analysis: 34
4.2.1 Installing Python Cryptography Toolkit 35
Table 2: Installation of cryptography in JupyterNoteBook 37
4.2.2 Importing and processing the data for Encryption 38
Table 3: Importing and processing the data for Encryption 40
4.2.3 Encrypting the transformed text data 41
Table 4: Reading Data 41
Table 5: Encrypting Text Data 42
4.3 Summary 46
5.1 Summary of research and findings 47
5.2 Realization of research and objectives 47
5.3 Recommendation 48
5.4 Research limitation 49
5.5 Future scope of study 50
Reference List 51
List of figures
List of Tables
1.1 Introduction
Cloud computing is considered to be one of the most crucial developments of the present-day
world. It not only marks the technological progression of the century but points out the
promising scope of unreachable security. Considering the current timeline and initiation, the
majority of the population directs all attention towards building up personal and detailed profiles
on social media platforms. This research is primarily directed towards understanding the
application role between cloud computing and that of cryptography. It will also evaluate the
changes of implementing cloud cryptography in improving security chances.
1.2 Research background
This research is concentrated on cloud cryptography, with additional attention towards
scrutinizing its impacts. The areas of focus to navigate the impact are directed towards the
protection of data, as well as security. According to Al Hamid et al. (2017), cloud cryptography
is termed as a safeguard encryption for stored data in cloud. It is to be significantly noted that
any form of data that is hosted by individual cloud providers are appropriately secured by means
of encryption(AbdElminaam, 2018). Therefore, it significantly permits users to systematically
access shared forms of cloud services in a secure and convenient manner. It is to be further
brought to notice that cloud cryptography guarantees the security of data without any scopes of
delay in information delivery. It is further to be considered that there are multiple ways in which
data can be subject to being encrypted (Timothy and Santra, 2017). One of the most common
ones is observed to be end-to-end encryption where the access to information is restricted
between the senders and receivers of sent messages.
1.3 Significance of the research
This research is a vital stepping stone towards the progressive development of prevalent security
purposes presented by cloud computing. It will not only provide a thorough understanding of the
concept of both cloud computing and cryptography. It will also systematically speculate upon the
varying ranges and mannerisms in which encryption methods can be structured imposed into the
cloud computing structure. It is also considered that the research would provide crucial insight to
appropriate identification of cryptography roles the primary focus will be cloud computing and
data security as all time.
1.4 Rationale of the research
What is the issue?
Based on the systematic understanding of the present structure of the era, all information is
highly distributed all over social media. As brought to view by Sukumaran and Misbahuddin
(2018), it is stated that there is an increased tendency of constantly sharing all information and
moments. This has considerably instigated the internet and has become highly disadvantageous.
Considering the easy availability of information, cybercrime has consequently increased and
become more and more complex.
Why is it an issue?
At present, millions of users swarm together in different social media platforms where they
showcase varying forms of details. It is to be noted that social media platforms are nor observed
to be highly acclaimed and used often for newly introduced jobs in the market. As per the
systemic understanding of the prospect it is highly concerning how information has become
much easier to be breaches and/or extracted (Abu Elreesh and Abu-Naser, 2019).
Why is it an issue now?
Considering the varying stances which instigated the complexities of privacy security, cloud
computing is considered to be the only scope of improvement. Abdalla and Varol (2019) are of
the opinion that shared systems of computing are open areas for readymade cyber attacks and
security breaches. Such technological implementations and attacks have been noted to have
increased in number and efficiency considerably.
What did the research shed light upon?
This research will provide a descriptive and detailed simulation of the significant of cloud
computing. It would also point out the role of encryption and cryptography initiation in the
advanced development of data security. It would also provide essential insight to the varying
ways in which the stated systematic could be infused together to access better progress and
privacy security.
1.5 Research aim and objectives
This project is focused on speculating upon cloud computing relevance and its effective
intervention, in relation to efficient securing of data.
1. What is the effective manner in which encryption methods can be applied in cloud
computing to ensure appropriate data security?
2. What are the ways in which information can be encrypted in cloud computing in relation
to privacy purposes?
arranged and assessed. It also highlights the primary aim of this research along with the crucial
objectives to be approached. It is to be brought to further notice that the security of users is a
crucial factor and requires extensive attention for mitigation.
1.9 Structure of dissertation
2.2 Concept of cloud computing
Cloud computing can be defined as the deliverance of varying forms of services by means of the
internet. It can also be termed as availability of essential resources of the computer system, on-
demand, with significant concentration on cloud storage, along with computing power.
According to Alam (2021), cloud computing is noted to be considered as a significant part of the
computing paradigms, with the progressive field of IT. It is to be considered that the ideation and
planning of cloud computing arose from the advancements being made in existing paradigms of
computing. It carries inclusions such as parallel computing, distributed computing, gid form of
computing and others. As per the situational understanding of the concept, these forms of
technological strategies allow the introduction of communication connection by consumers
smoothly (Abu Hasanein and Abu-Naser, 2017). It is directly followed by it being initiated to
systems procured on the basis of computing resources. There the users are permitted to easily
shift the scales of their demands lacking unessential engagement to third parties.
They are respectively stated to be termed as IaaS, SaaS and PaaS. The SaaS stands for Software
as Service (SaaS) which is significantly intended for and utilized by end-users. For further
clarification and specified approach, it is meant for only those end-users requiring the software
for daily action utility. Concentrating on the PaaS, it is primarily referred to as Platform as a
Service (PaaS), created with the intention of being used by application developers (Renet al.
2018). It is extensively prepared for those individuals who essentially require platforms for
building up their respective software, along with applications.
According to the situational understanding of the model of cloud computing, it is essential to
note that it consists of varying significant features. One of the most crucial ones is virtual
infrastructure which provides a virtualized form of technological platform. This platform is
observed to allow network capabilities, physical resourcing and processing in order to go virtual.
Another crucial property is the dynamic procurement which is known to enable requirements of
providers on the basis of currently proclaimed demand criteria (Ban et al. 2019). It is understood
to be done automatically, by means of technological advances of software. Implementation of
dataset using Python needs to be used here as the part needs an analysis and the outcomes will be
defining the nature of graph and plot points.
2.3 Role of cloud computing in ensuring data security
Data security is considered to be a consistent form of major issue in relation to information
technology (Tabrizchi and Rafsanjani, 2020). Concentrating on the environmental condition of
cloud computing, it is noted to be considerably serious, with data being located all around the
globe. Two factors that can be stated as any user’s primary concerns are data security, along
with, especially privacy protection. In light of this concern, cloud computing is considered to
have been envisioned as a computation paradigm for the next generation. Applications, along
with resources, are subject to being delivered as per demand within the environment of cloud
computing through Internet services (Chentharaet al. 2019). Cloud is terminologically defined as
an environment that efficiently and deliberately utilizes all forms of data centre resources for
service diversity. Data security has been observed to be a continuous source of issues within the
department of information technology. Furthermore, it has been noted to have become
particularly serious in relation to the wider environment provided by cloud computing. In the
systematic of the stated system, data security is ensured by the implementation of a 4-step
procedure of regular scrutiny. The steps are noted to be Data Privacy, Data availability, Data
protection and Data location (Mishra et al. 2018). The above mentioned problems can be solved
through cloud cryptography. Which is the most used means of data protection in cloud based
computing. The process of Cloud Cryptography is essentially an encryption method to protect
the data that is stored in digital format within the cloud. Only those who have cryptographic keys
are allowed access into the server by the codes. It acts like a virtual locker that does not open
access to the information unless the key is not used to open the lock(, 2021). It
allows an easy and safe mechanism of protecting a person or organization’s data security through
It also concentrated upon analyzing to what extent a user can implement other techniques of data
verification, without cloud service providing dependence. As stated by Tedersooet al. (2021), the
issue of suitable and timely storing of data is a constantly and serious concern, rising with the
clients. The primary reason is observed to be the governing of cloud vendors by local laws and
the requirement of maintaining cognizance. Data Privacy is highly concerning and important in
the context of balancing data security as it involves all private forms of information. It speculated
upon and clearly regular the questionnaire elements of security check such as when, how and
extent of any situation of probability of breach (Isaak and Hanna, 2018). The nature of privacy as
well as checking the amount of security that can be obtained and can be tested in Python. A
dataset needs to be considered the data as it needs to be analyzed. Based on the analysis, the
useful and null data will be separated and these values will be trained as per the need of the
2.4 Effective ways of applying encryption methods
Data encryption is considered to be a common, as well as effective method of security
application for protecting organisational information. It is often defined as data conversion in
respect to an encoded format from a completely different readable format. The transformed file
is subject to be read, or considerably processed only after being fully decrypted. As per the
situational understanding presented by Hikal and Eid (2020), it is considered to be the
straightforward and safe approach of security. It is to be further understood that data encryption
is utilized for 4 primary organisational functions. They are to be identified as Security,
Authenticity, Regulatory Compliance and Privacy. The essentiality of Authenticity lies in
providing a legal and accessible proof of authenticity in the present consumer market being
flooded with corrupt crowds and systems. It is also to be brought to summation prospects that the
initiation of public form of key encryption systematically proves website origin. It points out the
origin server to securely being the owner of the private key (Al Hamid et al. 2017). This leads to
the definitive assigning of the SSL certificate, the market of authenticity. Thus, this is considered
to be an important feature to prove against fraudulent websites and organisations.
Cloud access security broker: A cloud access security broker (CASB) is a great way of
encryption in which the user can encrypt data and control their own keys. A CASB presents a
SPV (Single Point Visibility facility) and allows access control to any cloud based software
application in large organizations. The Cloud Access Security Broker provides control through
contextual Access control, the encryption of data at rest and protection of data from leakage. The
Cloud Access Security Broker allows the connection through mediating the cloud based software
application and the users seeking access through many API (Application Programming Interface)
connectors and proxies.
deviations, and primary barriers are spammers, cybercriminals, a variety of hackers and, also,
providers of internet service (Al Mamunet al. 2017).
The purpose of Regulatory Compliance is to enforce strict codes and information to ensure the
maintenance of organisational moral and sense of duty. As per Lanet al. (2017).considerably
noting, Security is what data encryption takes proud responsibility (Sukumaran and
Misbahuddin, 2018).
2.4.1 Benefits of Cloud Cryptography Encryption
Cloud encryption is one of the most simple and used means of protecting user data in the cloud
platforms(, 2021). Some of the benefits of the cloud cryptography are listed below:
>Privacy: The data stays private for the clients since the information may be sensitive
(oftentimes including internal affairs of big organizations or the record of legal information of
individuals and/or large organizations). This reduces the fraud from the unauthorized users who
would otherwise accidentally (due to technical issues) stumble upon the data of others. Or the
cyber criminals with malicious intent.
> Enhanced Data security: When the data is being transferred from one system to the other the
data is at risk of getting leaked, the encryption protects the information from getting
compromised. The encryption makes sure that the information remains inaccessible even if it
gets leaked. Without the right keys the unauthorized users cannot access the information and
despite the process being so simple it is very difficult for the cyber criminals to crack open the
encryption code.
> User Exclusivity: The cloud encryption method is a form of active protection(,
2021). No sooner than an unauthorized user tries to make changes in the information in the
encrypted form be it with the help of a third party software or the user has tried to use a self
created program to accomplish the task the cloud security system will immediately alert the
related people, including the users and the managers of the cloud database and other authorities.
2.5 Implementation of cloud computing in encrypting information
Cryptography, in relation to the cloud, can be understood as the employment of encryption
techniques for securing data. The data, in such situations, is generally to be utilized or
systematically stored in the cloud. This particular process and its seamless implementation assist
all users in a very convenient, as well as secure manner of access. It is permitted only for shared
forms of cloud services, concentrating on the fact that data is protected significantly with
encryption (Timothy and Santra, 2017). It is to be further brought to the view that cryptography
is essentially the primary protector of all forms of sensitive data, discarding delay in exchange of
information. Based on the speculative initiation of the entire context, presented descriptively,
encryption is considered to be highly essential and secure. It is also to be taken into consideration
that cryptography significantly allows the progressive securing of critical forms of data. It took
the scopes of security beyond the prospects of the corporate practices of the IT environment.
Here, the data is observed to be not in the control of the user any longer. According to Wood et
al. (2018), any type of information that is strictly in motion is considered to be protected in the
best possible way.
Protected by the security measure presented by the cryptography, it also affects and secures
information that is subject to being at rest. As per the systematic understanding of the entire
contextual possibilities of cloud computing, there are few benefits. They are highly applauded
for giving clients a descriptively virtual state of computing infrastructure. Individuals are noted
to store their crucial data, information, privacy and security prospects within the structure (Lo'ai
and Saldamli, 2019). However, it is to be brought to the view that the implementation of cloud
computing is not devoid of backfires or considerable setbacks. Accordingly, most infrastructures
presented by cloud computing are designed in a manner that does not provide enough security. It
does not provide effective security against untrusted forms of computer operators. These are
noted to pose significant challenges in the progressive criterions of storing crucial, high-risk and
sensitive information.
Cryptography in cloud based systems uses Encryption techniques that achieve the end goal of
information security. The information that is stored in the cloud is translated to a code that is
made by the software algorithms that have been created by the in-house programmers on the
principles of high level Stenography. The Pythoncode is then segmented into trained and test
data sets as the trained datasets are the useful sets of data that can be used in activities with
preferable data types. The information is stored in an illegible form that will be seen by the
unauthorized users. Only the users with the right key will be able to translate the gibberish
format to human understandable language( Any and all data that is held by
the cloud service providers is always protected with encryption, as it is the easiest to achieve full
protection with and hardest form of security to crack if the encryption systems are updated and
improved on a regular basis. This enables them to transfer the data to the authorized users
without any delay in the exchange of information.
2.6 Role of cryptography in securing critical data through cloud computing
There are varying forms of approaches that can considerably extend the impression of
cryptography in cloud data (Chentharaet al. 2019). It is to be taken note of the prospect that
many reputed organisations choose the encryption of data much prior to even uploading it. The
primary reason behind doing so is that it is extensively beneficial and well thought out. Since, in
such cases, data is subjected to being encrypted even before leaving the very surface of the
organisation, they can avoid the risk of breach. Apparently, as per discussion, encryption of data
is only under the administrative hands of the primary owner of the data before and during the
procedure of encryption (Lnenicka and Komarkova, 2019). However, that is also at times denied
since the only way to access such data is through appropriate providence of decryption keys. It is
to be taken note of the prospect that all organisations and other systems dealing with data-centric
approaches require strict protocols. Concentrating on initiation presented in context to dealing
with such virtually impactful and engaging devising. It is crucial that all rules are maintained. On
any sort it is to be brought to notice that the primary prospect presented in the speculative
encouragement of the system is extensive. It is also brought to view that the variation under
which the system is to be implied must be well maintained and simulatively secure.
Cryptography can be considered with the help of the considered data sets as they will ease the
scenario with fed datasets in them and having a preloaded input before even the initial conditions
of analysis, the process helps in getting favorable outputs.
There may be some problems in the protection of data, such as the employees of the cloud
service providers being able to access information. The new protocols followed by all the cloud
services providers have been made in such a way that: The non-accessibility of the information
even for the cloud operators is ensured. The cloud-based services employ various employees like
the database manager and security manager who each have multiple employees working under
them. These people are employees and they will have access to much information that the
outside people will not have(, 2021). This makes the possibility of an attack on
the user’s data from an internal source as opposed to an external source as the external source
does not have physical access to the systems. A physical or direct access is extremely hard to
prevent. Therefore, the encryption software in a way that will let the user have total access and
control over their information without depending on any system to generate the keys they use to
access the encrypted systems does the encryption. Therefore, even if the origin of the attack is
from an internal source, the data of the user is always secure.
The activity has been considered to be done in Jupyter notebook and a dataset has been selected
to perform the analysis. Once the dataset has been collected, the codes are inserted in the
interface and the dataset started its activities. After the implementation, the codes inserted are
segmented into useful as well as unwanted data. The useful data from the dataset has been
collected and the others are dumped. The next process involves of operation with the variety of
codes in search of the favorable outcomes. This step consists of sets like trained set as well as
test set and then major different are the working as well as the outcomes from these data. The
trained and test sets are fed with the needed values and are they implemented. The trained and
test sets are used and a model has been implemented to get the outputs from the data. Outputs
like graph and accuracy has been obtained from the process executed.
2.7 Conceptual Framework
presented are based upon the search strategy whose motive is to detect as much of all the
relevant literature as possible. The researchers followed several steps for conducting the
literature review.
The main gaps of the articles were the extraction of information, which was concerned with the
cloud cryptographic issues, techniques, and the challenges of the future. The articles also have
gaps in the demonstration of cloud base database platforms that can store all the information
about the organization (Yang et al. 2020). There were gaps in giving the solutions for preventing
attacks as the hackers exploit the weakness of the cloud cryptographic system and they can also
access the data by presenting a packet as local traffic.
2.9 Summary
Organizations have to take an information-centric approach for protecting sensitive data and to
guard the system from the advanced threats of cyber-attacks. The services, which are provided
by any of the cloud models, are generally linked with mobile phones and depend totally on
internet connectivity. This research produces all the results regarding the encryption and the
decryption of the information. Here the creation of the cloud cryptography community is done
for sharing ideas and to collaborate. The demonstration of the positive impact of cloud
cryptography is recognized on data security as well as how the encryptions are done on the data.
Proper implementation of cloud cryptography is illustrated for encrypting the information. The
concept of cloud computing and the role of cloud cryptography is also signified in this study.
The findings also illustrate the literature gap and highlight the parts which were not covered by
the articles and the proper conceptual framework for the research is shown.
3.1 Introduction
In Research methodology, the researcher has explained the systematical and theoretical methods
applied in the research work for collecting the data for Primary data analysis. This chapter has a
crucial part in choosing the equipment and technologies used to collect genuine and suitable
data. In order to collect proper data and data analyzing work researchers need to adopt
appropriate research methods and data collecting processes. Moreover, within this “research
methodology”, a clear view comes up with the research exertion and it assists the researcher to
encounter the necessity of the research exertion. In addition, research methodology plays an
important role to solve the issues arising during the research work in a systematic manner.
3.2 Research outline
According to Naidu et al. (2020), in this research effort, cloud cryptography is explained and “Its
relevance in data security protection” is also described well. In order to complete this research
work, the researcher adopts some specific data analysis and approach methods, they are as
Table 1: Research outline
(Source: self-created)
Research design provides an overall perspective of the research strategy used by the researcher in
a particular study(Yinet al. 2019). In order to fit every aspect of study components, researchers
need to consider a logical and appropriate research design method. Various kinds of research
designs are as follows:
Exploratory design: It provides crucial help to solve the problems related to the topic.
Explanatory design: It gives an idea to the researcher about the requirements for the research
and appropriate solutions for the research topic, which provides an impressive profound
Descriptive design: Descriptive type of research design uses data gathering process from various
sources and it establishes a strong result that gives the result a perfect shape.
In this study, the researcher applied a descriptive type of research design method, as the design
method depends on both the independent and dependent variables so it is essential to fill every
aspect of the research work(Zhanget al. 2019). With the help of this research design process, the
researcher finds appropriate and proper statistical data to analyze the topic of cloud cryptography
and its relevance in data security protection. The most beneficial factor of adopting this research
is it gives a qualitative approach that provides rich data related to the topic.
3.4 Research strategy
A research strategy gives a complete plan of the particular research study. In addition, the
researcher gets a clear view of the execution plan of the study and gets a proper monitoring plan
to analyze every dimension of the study. The master plan for this research includes “Survey”,
“Interview”, “Primary data collection”, “Thematic Analysis”, and “Case Study Analysis”. This
strategy contains the way or method of the research that has been processed. There are several
types of research strategies are available as follows:
Thematic analysis: In this type of research strategy the researcher collects all useful data related
to the topic from various online sites and books and journals and maintains the appropriateness
of the study of the researcher using the collected information and describes the problems and the
solutions related to the topic in a thematic way.
Survey: It is an effective method to gather proper data relate to the topic. In the survey method,
researchers conduct a survey between people or staff of an organization and gather the needed
data from the survey participants.
Interview: In this process, the researcher conducts an interview between the managers of a
particular organization and collects qualitative data for the study.
In this research work, researchers for collecting the data approacha thematic analysis research
strategy (Braccialeet al. 2020). In this process, the researcher collects authentic and appropriate
information from various online sites, books and journals and discusses various aspects of the
topic in a thematic manner that plays a key role to establish the result.
3.5 Research methods
In the research method, the researcher applied a specific research method to evaluate issues and
solving problems in a particular study. There are several research methods are available as
Qualitative methods: In this process, the researcher collects the data by adopting the
conversational method from different company managers. It is very useful to collect real-life data
from the sample size.
Quantitative method: In quantitative method approach relates to analyzing the information and
data by using various statistical techniques.
As per Osman et al. (2018), within this study, “Primary qualitative research approach method”
is chosen for research purposes. Furthermore, in the course of “Primary Process”, the
researchers gathered data and helpful details from online websites like “Kaggle”, “Google
Developer”, and many other sites. After gathering all the useful data researcher sorted and
reexamined the data quality to maintain the appropriateness of the study. This research method is
less time consuming so the researcher gets a chance to acquire all probable data relate to the
topic. By continuous evaluation and using various statistical information tools researcher has
established a phenomenal result of the study. In addition to the thematic analyzing of every
aspect of the study, the problems and the solution relating to the topic is also properly has been
discussed by the researcher and besides this appropriate use of the data enlighten the topic and
meets all the needs that fill the research aspect.
in the Python programming language; those are Symmetric-key Encryption and Asymmetric-key
Encryption.Symmetric-key Encryption is being used in this program; the first thing that has to
be done in the python programming language is to import Fernet. In this modern era, a large
amount of data is processed every day so in this case, data security or privacy is very essential.
Implementation of cryptography can secure every layer of the data communication bridge
(Agarwalet al. 2021). Cryptography is a crucial “Information Security Tool”, which comes up
with the four general services about “Information Security Tool”, those would be
“Confidentiality”, “Authentication”, “Data Integrity”, and “Non repudiation”. Normally the
information is transferred from to source user to the end user and it is returned back to the
original, this process is known as encryption and decryption. If the data that is encrypted did not
come back to the original sender that term is called hashing. Encoding is the method by which
the basic alphabets, basic letters, special characters etc are transferred into a significant format
that is based on the type of encoding. Decoding is the process where the encoded data is
converted to the actual data.
3.8 Encrypting and decrypting inserted data
Encryption is the method of disarranging the original form of data in such a way that the
approved persons could get the secured data. In other words, the course of action in which the
conversion from “Human readable” text or data to “Beyond comprehension” text or data is done,
which is also called as “Cypher Text”. Furthermore in easy words, encryption makes the readable
text “Unreadable” in such a way that it looks meaningless. In both cases, the key is related to the
private using key or public key. A public key is the type of data key that could be shared with
anyone on the other hand a private key could not be shared with others.
Figure 6: Implementation of RSA with the use of python
The encrypted algorithm is divided into two categories, 1)Symmetric algorithm did both
encryption work with the help of a single private key and 2)Asymmetric algorithm performs the
decryption and encryption work with the help of both private and public keys.
Case1, where data encryption is done by using the public key and the decryption process, is done
by the private key. This algorithm process is maximally used for transferring data in a network.
In this case, someone encrypts the data with the help of a public key but could not perform the
decryption due to the use of a private key.
Figure 7: Implementation of RSA with the use of python
(Source:Chouhanet al. 2021)
Case2, where the encryption process is done by using the private key and the decryption is done
with the help of the public key. This type of process is maximally used for generating digital
signatures. It is very effective to maintain security over the network because for accessing the
data on this type of network someone could use the private key and the decryption work is
performing by the public key.
3.9 Relevance of cloud cryptography in data security
Cloud cryptography is performed to maintain the data security of the cloud data storage. It
provides security to the users of the cloud storage to maintain privacy and in order to share the
data also secure the whole data network. In addition, without delaying it secures sensitive data in
the information exchange network. Cryptography used in the cloud is secured the data beyond
the personal usage that is stored as a backup in the cloud storage. Due to the demand for vast
data storage, the companies understand the importance of cloud computing. Cloud computing is
a medium where an individual stores data but cloud computing raises many security issues.
Sensitive data that is present in the cloud that could be accessed by outsiders breaks the
company’s data privacy(Zinkuset al.2021). For maintaining the privacy of the sensitive data
organizations are included the crypto management team. These teams are secure the cloud and
provide data security to the organization staff. Most of the data clouds did not provide the
security from the outsider use so outsiders over the clients they can access the sensitive data such
as bank details, medical reports, innovation ideas, confidential information etc. Any of these data
stolen or accessing by the outsiders of the company can create a devastating condition for the
organization so now facing these privacy issues companies are using encrypted data clouds. By
the use of this secure network, only the company can encrypt or encrypt the data stored in the
3.10 Advantages of cloud cryptography in data security Protection
● Accessing data across various devices: Due to the data security provided by cryptography
the individual who has access to the cloud data, can access the data from various devices
(Yousufet al. 2021). It increases the data effectiveness and enhances the comfort ability
of the user.
● Avoid fines: Due to storing the data in an improper manner or absence of cryptography in
the cloud causes data were stolen or access by a third party. Many government sectors, as
well as private firms, are imposing fine for this type of mismanagement so saving data on
the cloud that is using cryptography could solve this issue.
● Provide safety in remote working conditions: Companies are now using frequently
cryptograph cloud for saving data(Zinkuset al. 2021). That enhances the accessibility of
the data only for the selective workers of the organization.
● Increase data integrity: Cloud cryptography provides immense security to the data
storage of the cloud. It helps to secure the data integrity of an individual. It also reduces
the chances of hacking or tempering the data outside of the authorized party.
● Privacy safeguard: Cloud cryptography provides privacy safety for the user. Due to cloud
cryptography financial details, identity details, biometric details are securely saved in the
cloud storage.
● Enhancing the client trust: Any organization that is using a secure cloud database that
maintains the privacy of the client in that case clients are more interested to invest in
these companies. That enhances the client trust toward the company and the company’s
goodwill would be increased in the market.
reduce the chances of unwanted access of data by the third party(Chouhanet al. 2021).
Encrypting algorithm protects the data security as well as provide safety to the source user and
the end user. In case of any stolen device only the authorized user could access the data from
another device that is essentially important to maintain the data security through the network
3.12 Accessibility issues
In order to complete the study work, the researcher has faced various accessibility issues. Some
of the various sites not properly discussed the real numbers of the statistical data and the data
that are available in those sites also misinterpreted the information(Chinnasamyet al. 2021). In
addition in some cases, the data are not properly evaluated or miscalculated by the author.
Maintaining the appropriateness of the study the researcher did not include these partly corrected
data in the consideration of this evaluation of the study. Some of the respected cyber security
service companies did not provide the actual encryption process or establish their data in very
limited numbers.
3.13 Time Frame (Gantt chart)
(Source: Self-Created)
3.14 Summary
The chapter deals with the data collection process and various methods that helped the researcher
to properly analyze and scrutinize the data gathered by the process. With the help of an
appropriate data collection method, the researcher has evaluated the end results properly. In this
chapter, the researcher evaluates the research outline, research design, research strategy and the
research methods and gives the proper justification of the selected approach methods and process
(Yanget al. 2020). As stated by Ramadan et al. (2017), an advancement towards the research
master plan and going closer to a primary evaluative “Research Methodology” and selecting the
“Primary Evaluative Data Collection Method”. Data is gathered from the various online sites,
journals, books the researcher establish a proper reason in every step that justifies the end results
of the study. Descriptive research design is very helpful to depict the effectiveness of the
evaluated data information. By properly scrutinizing all the information are mentioned in this
study the researcher gets a phenomenal result that provides a whole new dimension to the study.
4.1 Introduction
Result and discussion briefly mentions and discusses certain problems which have been
produced after conducting the entire research work. This will help to gather information on all
productivity of the research work. Cloud computing is the most widely used database software as
this uses the NCC algorithm in order to encrypt certain data information from the imported Data.
The type of the imported data may vary the type of the execution system while decrypting the
data from the native server itself. The native server holds the relative information about the
cryptographic system and hence the data can be regenerated or can be encrypted by using several
algorithms related to the system. The relative server has various encryption mechanisms that help
the system while decrypting the data from the imported text itself. Main focus of the topic is to
implement an encrypted algorithm to protect the cloud data. “Confidentiality”, “Authentication”,
“Data Integrity”, and “Non repudiation” are the elementary services that are put forward by
“Cryptography”, which has allowed the acts of business everywhere on the internet by utilizing
the computerized system in an exceptionally well organized and practical way.“Encryption of
Data” is generally done to assist the development of the accessible Data that would protect the
Data by utilizing the developing DES (Data encryption canvas). However, effective application
of data security is an important task that needs to be done perfectly in order to protect online
4.2 Research and Result Analysis:
In this project, JupyterNoteBook (Python) is used to implement cryptography on a given text.
Firstly, it is required to import all the libraries in JupyterNoteBook using Python such as
“numpy”, “pandas”, “matplotlib.pyplot”, and other useful libraries. In addition, it is also required
to install a specific package named “Cryptography”, then again it is needed to import
cryptography libraries. Then we have to import the text file that we want to encrypt.
Furthermore, a “Key” is required to be generated to encrypt the text file provided to
JupyterNoteBook. Moreover, after encrypting that data we tried to fetch and read the text, but it
was not possible as it is not in human readable form. Therefore, the “Key” is mainly required by
the recipient to decrypt the text file so that it can be converted to a human readable text
4.2.1 Installing Python Cryptography Toolkit
Cryptography is an assembly of the pair, “Secure Hash Functions'' (for example “SHA256 and
RIPEMD160”), and numerous other “Encryption algorithms” (“AES”, “DES”, “RSA”,
“ElGamal”, etc.). In addition, this package is developed for creating new modules easily.
Furthermore, this part is very important to perfect, and the “Software interface” will not change
in an irreconcilable way in the further development; all that leftovers to be done, is to solve any
errors that highlights. Hence, it is required to install Cryptography in the JupyterNoteBook
(using Python), for that it is needed to run code “pip install cryptography”. Furthermore, after
installing the package it is required import necessary libraries, such as “Numpy”, “Pandas”,
“matplotlib.pyplot” and the codes for that would be “import numpy as np”, “import pandas as
pd”, “import matplotlib.pyplot as plt” respectively. Moreover, the main purpose to install
“Cryptography” was to utilize cryptography libraries such as fernet and the code to do so was
“import cryptography” and “from cryptography.fernet import Fernet”. In addition we need to
generate a file with extension “.key” as a “Secret Key” that would act like a password for the
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
from datetime import datetime
pip install cryptography
Collecting cryptography
Using cached cryptography-1.0.0.tar.gz (785 bytes)
Using cached cryptography-0.0.1.tar.gz (33 kB)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
command: 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe' -c 'import sys, set up tools, tokenize;
sys.argv[0] = '"'"'C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-6vtbtzrs\\
crytography_db771ceb95b04543a6341c86002e33bb\\'"'"'; __file__='"'"'C:\\Users\\User\\
'"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);'"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\
n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' egg_info --egg-base 'C:\Users\User\
cwd: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-6vtbtzrs\
Complete output (5 lines):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-6vtbtzrs\
crytography_db771ceb95b04543a6341c86002e33bb\", line 20, in <module>
raise Exception('I think you meant "cryptography"')
Exception: I think you meant "cryptography"
WARNING: Discarding
6 (from Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.
WARNING: Generating metadata for package cryptography produced metadata for project
name attrs. Fix your #egg=cryptography fragments.
WARNING: Discarding
(from Requested attrs from
has inconsistent name: filename has 'cryptography', but metadata has 'attrs'
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cryptography
ERROR: No matching distribution found for cryptography
(Source: Self-created)
As per the findings on various studies and research results (report) based on Cryptography it was
found that almost 68% of the organization used this technology to secure their data. The
operation of “Cloud Cryptography” (Encryption and Decryption) was nearly like “Web-based
Emails”, which allows the recipient to retrieve their data using “Secret Key” in a very easy way
and also in the most secure way on huge scale that was available in this modern era.
Furthermore, this process is totally based on “Cloud Application” such as “Gmail”,“Google
Drive”, “Facebook”, “Whatsapp”, “Instagram”, and many more platforms include government
official data. Therefore, Encryption protects private data and keeps it secure from breaching by
hackers, and also benefits permitted users to access data remotely that could be a text file, image
file, or any other type of files.
As more and more businesses are getting technologically advances and are becoming more tech-
savvy, therefore the demand for cloud computing is also rising due to the demand over securing
the data and information of the organization (Dang et al. 2019). “Cloud Computing” has been in
use for around two decades and in spite of the data directing towards the business regulations,
Cost Saving, and ruthless merits. Furthermore, it has a grasp on a huge portion in case of a
business community that could continue its functionality even without it. Cloud computing helps
in providing better service to the customers as they manage the data and information in a more
secure and systematic way. Hence, it increases the happiness of the customers, and thereby it
also helps in the growth of profit of that business organization. Cloud computing has gained its
fame very recently with the increase in digital platforms. It was becoming important to secure
various data, information, systems that were running in the computers (Sahin, and El Abbadi,
Figure 9: Effectiveness of cloud computing
(Source: Dang, et al. 2019)
The enhancement in “Security” against secured data has assisted in the increment of the business
growth for several organizations, as it aids to meet all kinds of necessity including government
demands. Unlike any local server, the cloud provides better flexibility and freedom to businesses.
Mobility is one of the advantages of using cloud computing as access to corporate data through
smart phones and other devices help in increasing the business and can provide a quick solution
to the issues concerning an organization. Furthermore, while studying more about the utilization
of digital policies in daily life, so genuine information is important, that would be efficiently
supplied by the cloud storage. Many disasters and losses can be prevented through cloud
computing, as once saved it cannot be get deleted even after power loss. Automatic saving of the
documents helps in the prevention of data and information loss, therefore, make it more
favorable for the users and clients. As cloud structures are sustainable and decrease the use of
paper for storing valuable information and data and thus are in more demand (Gill, and Buyya,
2018). Thus cloud computing proves to be advantageous and efficient in storing and securing
data, files, and other important information.
4.2.2 Importing and processing the data for Encryption
In this section it was required to import “OS” to randomize the key and write back in the “.key”
file. Furthermore, it was also needed to import “base64” which is basically an algorithm that
utilizes the SHA-256 Encryption. Since, SHA-256 algorithm was selected, it was necessary to
import the data that was to be encrypted. In addition, as the text data was saved in file with an
extension “.txt”, it was required to import the file in the JupyterNoteBook (using Python).
Furthermore, just to verify the data it was needed to read the file and print all the text as it was
(human readable). Then it could be seen that the format of the text data was not suitable to
encrypt it. Therefore, it was necessary to transform the data into a suitable form, for that purpose
“data =” and then “data” was used.
import cryptography
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
import os
import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
password_provided = 'password'
password = password_provided.encode()
salt = b"\xb9\x1f|}'S\xa1\x96\xeb\x154\x04\x88\xf3\xdf\x05"
kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password))
(Source: Self-created)
Cloud Encryption imparts numerous services that are very useful and favorable for an individual
or a business organization or even for the government officials. One of the main advantages of
cloud cryptography is “Cost Saving” as while the data is breached. All the Data and Files are
kept in the cloud storage, so it becomes very easy to extract information from that storage thus it
is cost efficient. The security handled by cloud cryptography is one of the major causes for its
increment in demand and importance. Moreover, while doing the research it was seen that
genuineness in data information is crucial, for that use of “Digital policies” is becoming practical
in daily life. Furthermore, to prevent data losses due to power interruption or unstable internet
connection “Cloud computing” is being utilized. In addition, due to increased temperature and
unbalanced ecological conditions most of the people are worried about the utilization of “Non
Renewable” resources and reducing the use of carbon footprint and hard copied documentation.
There are many data security strategies that are used in order to protect files and information of
an organization or individual which are: physical security of the hardware and the user devices,
access management and control, application security and patching, taking backups, network
and endpoint security monitoring and control. Therefore with the various strategies and ways
one can protect the data and information in order to decrease the man-handling and misuse of
(Source: Self-created)
At last, when the file was written encrypted and saved, it could be checked whether the data was
encrypted successfully or not. In JupyterNoteBook “print(encrypted)” code would be required to
run, so that the encrypted text data can be seen which is not human readable. Furthermore, “Data
Security” is the process in which all data and the information of a specific organization or
government or a single person is protected and secured from getting exploited or breached by the
hackers. In addition, this process protects both the “Hardware” and the “Software” where each
and every component is associated with the digital system. The increased cybercrime has made a
necessity for the advancement in technology to protect and scrutinize the“Hardware” and the
“Software” that would look out for the required fields which can cause information hacking.
file = open('key.key', 'rb')
key =
fernet = Fernet(key)
encrypted = fernet.encrypt(data)
(Source: Self-created)
Figure 10: Steps of encrypting information
(Source: Guo et al. 2018)
The “Data Encryption Standard” (DES) is a high standard that is being used by the “United
States government” to encrypt and that depends on sensitive data. The “Data Encryption
Standard ” (DES) was put forward by “IBM” to the “United States government” in the 1970s to
secure “unclassified”, yet “sensitive”, government data.
The “Advanced Encryption Standard” (AES) is a uniform block cipher selected by the “U.S.
government” to take care of classified data. AES is executed in both the softwares and hardwares
all over the world to encrypt secure data. It is very important for “government computer
security”, “cybersecurity” and “electronic data protection”.
A CMS “Cloud Management System” enables a business organization to control applications,
deploy, monitor, and manage across private and public data stored in the cloud to make sure that
organizations can get both flexibility and a low costing system.
A well managed CMS service will assist in the improvement of security as it consistently
monitors all the functions, and performance of thousands of crucial, pre-developed security.
Therefore, without sufficient clarity on the utilization, and the capability of “in-house IT teams”
to precisely guess the further utilization is not possible, and may provide outcome in only a
specific resource usage, and companies rewarding for capability which they would never meet.
The prime components (hardwares) of a cloud system are “networking equipment”, “servers”,
and “data storage”. Cloud systems also include a “hardware extraction layer” that allows the
containerization of resources and assists in lowering costs by analysing the “economies of scale”.
Admins have authority and control on the “Enterprise Cloud” using a web-based system it can
be accessed from anywhere.
Figure 11: Cloud management wheel
(Source: Yang, 2020)
This helps in maintaining network and data security as these are an important part of cloud
management in various public and private organizations. The introduction of the latest and
modernized tools in cloud management helps in location security blind spots created during
bridging complexes that are not always centrally controlled.
Cloud security needs to have a proper cost management system as without any systematic
management from the beginning, it can cause various monetary issues. Various strategies which
are both short-term and long-term strategies are used in managing cost-related challenges. The
different strategies of cost management can help in keeping the budgets of various cost
configurations. The first and necessary task for proper cost management is to choose the right
provider for cloud computing. It is very important to determine how much redundancy is
required in the cloud ( 2021).
Figure 12: Cloud cost management strategies
(Source: Dowsley et al, 2017)
The best way to achieve cloud surplus is to distribute the workloads among different data
centers over the various region. This strategy is of low cost but creates a lower amount of
redundancy, one of the other ways in which redundancy can be increased is to use “mirror
workloads” in more than one region through this increase the cost management of cloud
computing. The next step to manage cost challenges is to determine the “appropriate scale and
size of the done installation”. Virtual machine instances, memory, storage, network traffic, web
service are some of the important factors which contribute to cloud cost (Zhang, et al. 2018). The
large organization uses “multi-cloud cost management” to improve the cost management on
cloud systems, as it helps in better understanding and usage. The frequent movement of data
increases security risk and thus increases the cost structure of cloud computing. It is very
necessary to choose the right cloud services to manage the risk of a security breach as frequent
data movement can be inappropriate. It is very important to consider third-party tools as it helps
to provide better management and have the capability to improve the security. Third-party tools
can also help in proper monitoring and providing better and more secured cloud platforms than
the native service providers. Automatic scaling, power scheduling,removing unused instances
and improving organizational decisions can also help in cost management (Yin et al 2019).
Using advanced technology can help in a greater way in managing the cost of cloud computing,
as advanced technology helps in reducing workloads and efficiently detecting any anomalies and
security risks in the cloud platform.
4.3 Summary
Summary of result and discussion generally discusses proper outcomes of research work at a
brief. This particular part of the project is necessary to summarise all the outcomes of research
and discussion in a single place. Cloud cryptography has become an essential part of all the
business. Cloud Cryptography is an important implementation over cloud data and it helps to
secure data and save extra fines and penalties, later which reflects as a profit in margins of the
Using CMS (Cloud Management Services) for data security is a very crucial section of protecting
data. Moreover, it also assists to look over the data in detail, in such a way that the data can not
be accessed by unauthorized persons, or is not hacked. Cost-effectiveness is another reason for
massive use of cloud cryptography. Cryptography basically encrypts a regular (human readable)
text and transforms it into hash codes, which is not readable by humans. In order to make the text
human readable again by the recipient, it is required to decrypt the hash code, which needs a
“Secret Key” or a password to do so. Therefore, the whole operation is termed as “End to End”
Encryption, fundamentally utilized by the government, social application, and network providers.
Present research work also describes goals and components of cloud management. This
particular service needs to develop speed for efficient delivery of services to the concerned
machines. “Advanced cloud automation tools” are very important to make cloud management
services efficient and delivered on time.
In addition, many new business organizations are also looking forward to utilizing the
cryptography (Cloud Encryption), to get protected from hackers as they can breach classified
data. Generally, the government sites are open for free usage of all public and this attracts
hackers to breach algorithms which are there in web pages. Furthermore, in this modern era use
of cryptography is increasing day by day, but this (Cloud Encryption) system requires a high
performing computer, otherwise the process of encryption and decryption will get slowed
eventually. The research study is mainly to improve and enhance the performance, using the
same hardware components.
5.1 Summary of research and findings
Research and findings of particular work help in pointing out certain benefits and proper usage
and implementation of the concerned topic. This concerned topic is based on usage of cloud
cryptography and data security. After the entire completion of research work, it can be stated that
cloud cryptography is one of the most important parts of today's technology which is helping
daily users of the internet as well as big companies. Cloud Cryptography is all about converting
simple texts to encrypted which can be only decrypted by another end user. This is also known as
the end to end encryption, which is generally used by social networking platforms to keep
experience of usage seamless.
Developing securities related to blockchainis another goal of cloud cryptography. Blockchainis
an important part of the internet. Major companies use technology to share information between
one company and another company. Basically, it is a networking area where information related
transactions can be shared (Velmurugadass, et al. 2021). Implementation of data security is also
very important to keep the blockchain secured and make the process of sharing seamless.
Cloud cryptography mainly uses encryption technology. In order to encrypt data, it converts
plain text to cipher text and thus the process of securing data gets completed. Generally in this
process, the DES (Data Encryption Standard) is involved, this particular process is responsible
for complete encryption of data. There are 64-bit keys involved in this process in which 56keys
are naturally generated and 8 keys are generated for error detection (KUMAR, 2021).
Additionally, cloud cryptography prevents hackers from getting data in its original form, this
process is initiated by using a cryptography tool. However, it is also important for users of the
other end to decrypt data before using it.
5.2 Realization of research and objectives
Linking with objective 1: To scrutinize the application of encryption methods in an
effective manner in relation to cloud computing and ensuring data security
This research work describes in detail the application of encryption in cloud computing.
Encryption of data has become an important thing to be done in order to increase security and
help to develop the business and help the governments to make their data safe and prevent them
from reaching hackers. Several steps can be taken in this respect (Bermani, et al. 2021). The
encryption can be changed by applying some changes in the structure of the blockchain as well
as the structure of coding in the process of encryption.
Linking with objective 2: To appropriate evaluate the implementable ways of encrypting
information in cloud computing for purposes of privacy
This research work also describes the implementable ways of encrypting the encryption of data
in cloud computing for privacy. Development of technology is happening at a massive rate and
the privacy of the people is the main challenge today. In order to maintain privacy, all social
media platforms have started to use end-to-end encryption which helps to prevent hackers from
seeing the messages or the contents from the middle of the communication process (Soni, and
Mishra, 2021). This total process is encrypted with 128-bit SSL Gateway to provide a seamless
and safe experience to the users of the services.
Linking with objective 3: To identify and understand cryptography role in cloud
computing in order to secure critical data
The technology of cloud computing is a virtual storage of data where the data is stored on the
internet instead of a hard disk. However, the service of the internet is accessible to everyone and
that makes the particular mode of connectivity and storage of data unsafe for use, it potentially
generates privacy risks. In order to mitigate risks, application of cloud computing is an important
part to be focused on. Several changes in algorithms, structure of blockchain helps to prevent
hackers from gaining control of the data (Sharma, and Kundalia, 2021). Encryption of data
contributes positively to the security of data. Banks and government agencies are using these
methods to increase the safety of databases that contain public information.
5.3 Recommendation
Advancement of technology is a continuous process and the use of protection in the process is
also an obvious need especially when it comes to the security related to cloud computing. Stored
data in the cloud storage is generally open for free access to all which generally attracts the
hackers to apply their harmful techniques to breach the firewall and access or change the data
which later causes struggling of the owners (Singh, and Saxena, 2021) In order to release the
information from the hand of hackers one needs to apply cloud cryptography.
This particular system helps to prevent hackers from accessing. However, with continuous
development of technology the change of the methods which are being used by hackers are also
changing. In order to keep cloud cryptography effective it is important to change the ways of
prevention from time to time.
The use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) has become an older technology (Buvana, 2021). The
discovery of POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) has negatively
contributed to the use of SSL. Use of TLS (Transport Layer Security) has become an effective
way to prevent hackers from accessing data. However, there are some old systems that do not
support this system, so in order to run those systems SSL is still in use (KUMAR, 2021).
Upgrading such a system will not only help enable users to use TLS but also it will help to
develop security in cloud computing.
Encrypting the data before it reaches the cloud provider will be also helpful to prevent unwanted
security breaches. Additionally, it will also increase the ownership of users over the data being
transmitted. Encryption of data during the total process of transit will also help to protect data
positively (SINGH, 2021). Unauthorized access of data can be also controlled by preventing the
staff members of cloud service providers to have decrypting keys.
5.4 Research limitation
This particular research work contains all the required information for the application of cloud
cryptography and its relevance in data security protection. However, there are certain limitations
that are faced by the researcher in order to complete this research. The limitation of time has
caused a less elaborative investigation of data. Lack of time is the main cause that is responsible
for a lesser understanding of the algorithms and data structures involved in cloud computation.
Collection of more data was a barrier because of the lack of time.Lack of materials is also a
reason for lesser enrichment of the research. More availability of research works would have
benefited the research paper to be more enriching in all ways. However, there are certain
materials that are used in the development of this particular research paper.
Having less previous knowledge about the concerned topic and less access to the library is also a
reason for lesser enrichment of the concerned research work. There are several books available
in the libraries but the unavailability of libraries in the local areas has caused the lesser collection
of data.Lack of technical infrastructure is also a main reason for less analysis of data; facing
barriers in simulation of the technology has prevented developing knowledge about the
system.Lack of previously consulted data is also a cause of lesser growth of projects. There was
less information about the Algorithms, blockchain structure in the previous studies. Those
studies also have not discussed the structure of the protective systems, such as Firewall.
Lastly, lack of experience has also become a barrier in development of the research work. There
are several journals and articles which have been discussed during the development of the
research work but the research work could have been better if there were more experience about
coding and structures of technologies.
5.5 Future scope of study
There are various future scopes of this particular research work. Technical advancement is a
continuous process, the process contributes to development of positivities and also it contributes
negatively. Technical advancements have done an effective part in time cutting and also it has
increased the risks of leakage of information (Akbar, et al. 2021). Cloud computing has
effectively worked in development of the storage of data and it has also increased the risks of
cybercrimes. Advancements in accessing cloud technology have increased the fear of data
breaches (Kaur & Kaur 2021). In order to prevent serious security issues, cryptography is an
important technology that must be focused on in the upcoming years.
However, there are several advancements that must be made in cryptography in order to increase
security, such as the structure of block chain needs to be changed from time to time to keep the
data safe from the hands of hackers (Gupta, 2021). Several viruses are also responsible to
damage the database of the information; cryptography will also work effectively to prevent the
virus attacks effectively. Several risks related to transactions are also increasing day by day;
using a proper gateway during the payment is also an important task to be focused on.
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