Vision For Impact Making Maxim David Oyedepo
Vision For Impact Making Maxim David Oyedepo
Vision For Impact Making Maxim David Oyedepo
is a vital secret for impact, which once contacted will set an individual
up for a life of perpetual impact. That vital secret is vision. Vision is to impact
what air is to man. Without it man would perish. That’s why Proverbs 29:18
Chapter 2
When a man is easily tired of an assignment, it is a sure sign that he is not
pursuing a vision. When you are driving at accomplishing a task, you always
have the energy to keep at it.
Without a bearing, life is bound to be boring. So when you’re a man of vision,
you enjoy a continuous supply of energy.
It Eradicates Waste
Vision is the cure for waste. Once a man has located God’s plan for his life
and is pursuing it, he does not want anybody to waste his time. He is focused.
If you are hurrying to catch a flight and someone comes to visit you, you
don’t hesitate to quickly excuse yourself and bid him farewell.
Men of vision live waste-free lives, because they are committed to the pursuit
of definite goals.
Discovering Vision
I have said that making impact in life begins with vision, having a sense of
mission. How then do you take delivery of vision?
Go Direct To The Father
Your vision is a secret in the heart of God. That is why I Corinthians 2:9 says,
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love
And Deuteronomy 29:29 says,
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are
revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the
words of this law.
If you want the secrets of where you belong unfolded to you, you must go to
Him. Habakkuk 2:1 says:
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
So, go to God in prayer, asking, “Lord, where do I belong? What is your plan
for my life? I know that I am a child of destiny. What is my destination? I
know that before you formed me in the womb you knew me and separated me
for something. What did you separate me for?”
The truth of the matter is, God is eager to show you where you belong, if you
will only ask Him.
I took delivery of where I belong directly from the Father, at the end of an
eighteen hour encounter with Him: “The hour has come to liberate the world
from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the Word of faith,
and I am sending you to undertake this task.”
That is precisely why I am where I am today! Life without a vision will be
clad with frustration.
Discover Your Divine Endowment!
And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to
every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
Matthew 25:15
There is an endowment inside every one, called a gift or a talent, God has
given something to everyone to occupy his place on the earth. Some have
five, two, or just one, but every one has something.
A discovery of divine endowment is a very great avenue for locating your
Very many Christians are yet to fulfil their destinies because they have not
discovered their divine endowment. In case you have waited to hear from God
and have not, then know that you can make a discovery of your gift from
within, by yourself. Some of the questions to ask that will help you uncover
your potentials are: “What do I do effortlessly? What do I do with great
excitement? What do I do that gives me fulfillment? What am I productive
at?” The answers to these questions are pointers to the gift of God on your
It is lamentable that many people are doing what they are neither gifted at, nor
graced for.
Please note that the underlying factor in a call from God into ministry is
grace. You may not be originally gifted in the area of ministry He has called
you to, but He will always back you up with grace to perform.
For instance, it was grace that enabled Moses to fulfil his life assignment. He
was a stammerer yet God gave him the job of an orator. How was he going to
carry out his assignment? Grace.
This is the major difference between the first and second avenues of obtaining
a vision — that is, hearing from God and self discovery. To succeed at the
former you need grace; to succeed at the latter you need your gift.
Make A Choice!
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before
you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou
and thy seed may live:
Deuteronomy 30:19
A third way to discover where you belong is by an act of your will, you
choose what to do.
For instance by training, I am an architect. That was my choice, and I had a
very nice time in it. In fact when you enter our premises, you see a touch of
that discipline reflected. That was my choice.
God respects your choice. Whatever you choose becomes your lot in life. You
can choose a particular career and by following the principles of God, prosper
Note however, that although God reckons with your choice per time, if He has
called you to do something, your choice becomes irrelevant. Outside of this,
the discovery of His endowments in you and your choice count before the
Have A Dream!
When we were children in school, our teachers would ask us, “What do you
want to be when you grow up?” Every one of us said something, but very few
actually believed in what they said. Those who did and kept driving towards
their goals arrived at their destinations.
Many people have left their future blank, they are not expecting anything, so
they get there to find nothing.
Your expectation will always set the pace for your experience. Someone said,
“Aim nothing, hit nothing”. It is time to have an expectation for your
tomorrow. What you see, the mental picture you paint concerning your future,
will set the pace for what you experience.
That is why God said to Abraham:
And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up
now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and
southward, and eastward, and westward:
For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for
ever. Genesis 13:14-15
He had to see the land to possess it. We are all Abraham’s children by the
covenant, and if Abraham had to see, so do we. Mind you, seeing here does
not mean physical sight but seeing with the eyes of your understanding or
perceiving with your mind.
What you see of your future, your expectation, is what is known as a dream. It
is unfortunate that this dimension of vision is presently being ignored in the
body of Christ, yet it is of tremendous significance to the believer, if he must
make maximum impact in his generation.
Dreams are so powerful that in Genesis chapter eleven, when the sons of men
were building the tower of Babel, God had to come down to see that
remarkable work of their imagination.
As a result of the picture they had in their minds, God knew that they could
not be stopped:
And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;
and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them,
which they have imagined to do.
Genesis 11:6
So, what do you see in your future? It is your picture that determines your
future! What do you see ahead of you?
It is important at this juncture to distinguish between a vision and a dream.
Whereas a vision tells you where you belong, a dream determines its
existence. For instance, God has called someone to preach, but all he sees is a
church of 500. Inspite of the great vision he has, he will never have more than
500 members. Why? Because there is a law in place that says, it is as far as
your eyes can see that shall be given to you.
To live a life of impact you must discover your purpose for living and be a
committed dreamer. It takes both visions and dreams to make a mark on the
earth. One cannot survive without the other.
The easiest way to paralyse a vision is to be dreamless, because a dream is
what drives vision. It is what gives motion to vision. On the other hand, to
lack vision is not to have a purpose for living. Vision sets the pace, dreams
determine the extent.
Three things that dreams do for you are:
Pursuing Purpose
There are many people in the world today who have taken pains to discover
where they are going, but who are yet to accomplish anything, because vision
is not automatically equal to distinction. It must be coupled with action. That
is to say, it is purpose plus pursuit that results in achievement. Habakkuk said:
And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon
tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2
God was saying through the prophet, “Don’t sleep with the vision, don’t just
talk about the vision, don’t dance with it, “run” with the vision! Every day
dreamer, the one who does nothing with his dreams, — will have nothing to
show for it. Apostle Paul says,
Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize?
So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Corinthians 9:24
The book of Hebrews also talks of the race of life saying, “… let us run with
patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1).
There is a race set before you, you must discover what it is and run it. There is
a prize to obtain, but it is only for runners, not talkers or sleepers. It is time to
run the race of destiny.
A young man who wants to be a medical doctor, he must first know which
subjects to take. Then must be prepared to give it all he’s got, otherwise that
dream will never become a reality. Many Christians know where they are
going but are not ready to give it what it takes.
People come to share their dreams with me. They say, “O, about twenty years
ago, I knew I should go into business, but I was getting myself ready” or
“Fifteen years ago, God called me into ministry, but as I was sorting myself
out, God called someone else to do it.”
God cannot be stranded! Whatever purpose He has for your life is transferable
to another, if you are not ready for it. Men of action are men of distinction.
Get ready to step out, because until you step out, you never stand out. No
matter how slow your steps may be, take them any way. One wise man said,
“If you cannot fly, run. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. By
all means keep moving”. I have kept moving.
In conclusion, let me say that God is not a respecter of colour, country, or
gender. He is not a respecter of persons, everyone that fears Him and walks
uprightly is accepted with Him. So no matter your colour, education, gender
or tribe, you can get to the topmost position in life.
I am a living witness to this truth. God has blessed me beyond my wildest
imagination, yet I am not surprised that He has. I am not surprised that God
has brought our church to where it is today. I would have been surprised if He
Also, I am not surprised that our marriage is hitch-free, I would have been
surprised if we had troubles. It is not because I am special, but because I saw
from scriptures what it takes to be successful and I have committed myself to
doing those things.
Friend, you are a man or woman to be envied.
Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man
what God has in store for you (1 Corinthians 2:9).
All you need is to have a dream and be committed to it. Remember Joseph?
He had a dream, and was committed to it, so he ended his journey in the
palace. The fact that he was hated did not cancel his future.
Many years ago, I was walking around the premises of Oral Roberts
University in America, and looking at those fantastic structures, I told myself,
“It can happen anywhere.” That was on about 500 acres of land. Today, by the
grace of God, our ministry has over 700 acres of land.
Dare to dream beyond where you are now!Stay committed to your dream, and
the world that hates you today will envy you tomorrow!