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n Koy Mruna).

Appralsal Trelning and development progreme

3.1.2 Concept of Periormance

l as aguide for formulating
performance con scrve
Q3. Explain the concept of ullable tralning and developmenf proram,
ppralaal. Performance oppralsal can Iníorm employees
them what skils
about thelr progress and tell
Performonce-oppralaal ls a method of hey need o develop
become ellgible for
In the wok Py
ralses or
promotions both.
o r

cvaluatlng the behavlour of employecs

boih the quondtalive ad Feedback
S poL, nonnaly Inchiclng
qualitative aspects of jJob perlormonce. T s the
Pefformance appraisal enists empee
systematically evaluates Ypersonaly and
5.1 PERroRMANCE APPRAISAL the systematlc and objecllve way of cvalualing
to know hoA Pell he is doinon thgöb. It
performance e each emplö0ae so t behaviour and polenlad of employee do to fove his
in etliciency work-relalod lells him wlbasan
Q1. What Is performance appralsal ? procuctivity nesured ter
process fhat involves determlning
nd,go, up the
TADimarpurpose ot t is a
present perioima
and ellectlvene facHote the orderty
communicaling to nn enployee how he or she s alonal d d e "
The work performed by the dilferent delgrmnagnperlomang appralsalK to
ofnempfoyee's worth n perfoming tha Job and deally, establlshing plan

of Improvement.
due to. the oparisonto, his/Her fellow and
employees the
employees differ in many aspecs, of pgrformance. It provides Performance appraisal could be takeri elther Peance apprasal can help reveal
backgrounds, experiencesexpeed evel
ditterence in theirabilities aspecis o for cvaluating the performance of employees or fg caus good and poormployee
and aptiudes. SugR formatog relating to
various erformame. Through, discussion with
knowledge, skills, need of anndiiduaton which promotion, transier and devekoping them. The evaluolon ls d wo pe can lind
ditferences determine the it is trainingnd indivieualémployees, line manager
be made. l also provides an telling the employee where h stands and utgg the
development activities. So, necessáry á n deeision can they perlorm as they do and what
such differengep thaNgpportuni to review
employee's work related
data lor personal declsions conceying pay, out
management lo identify can be Iiliated to improve their
promotlona ete
émployees having beter job'perfmanceabiluty, v i g Serformance.
skills and knowledge can be rewayde oned More precsely, performance appraisal can be
Appraisalof employees serves sever
and the wTOng placements
of the emp may
efined as a sstemalic
evahiatlon of an employees
Charocerisail Perkormance APpralsal:
be checked through translegospunishirmourrent, or past performance as wela r
other hand. In this rege, pen nee apP potentials by supervisors o wih his/
thase familiar with
orr those bu 1. Compensatlon peaslons 4. What the characteylstics -o

E u a supervisors
y Pformancs appralal ?,
to okow the leve o delines an employee's job
a m e a s u r e inarder

performance sot a the

Penomance. t,
tay iyprove related beheviors and outeomes whieh heprewar
the emplotes t can serve sbesisloriReralserMayses
perormance so tia It
.need perormance appralial to ldentify
his/her perfomshce motvate, and empower employees at work. aso cmployecwho areperlormingt or above he characterlstics of
potentalitdes ofan individual. The,following are
kentifyluture expected Th approach to
Tevels Appralsal
5.1.1 MeanlnggndDefinnion of the ldea that:rfomence
Delinition of Performance Appralsal compensation s at the het noi
Preces: Perfarmance, eppraisal.is
Appralsa be meril raher than A
Performance appraisal as the system of houd gepor that Invoves
02 performanceáppralsal evalualon o the individual with regard to histhe
for sen Under merit systems, ermployee one-act play. Its rather a process
for recelves s s based on perfomance. veral acs or steps.
performance on
the job and his/he pointial Syetematle Assessment : Performance
Meaning of Perfomance Appraisal development. Dale S. Beach
motl decislons appralsal ls a systematic assessment.of an
as a useful basis for ob change and.weakness in the.
Rerforance appraisal
is aprocess of e the basis lor employees strengths
employee's Perlormance appraisal is asystemaie,periodie or omotion. When merll ls context of the given job.
identilysMeasuring and managing an Impartial rating of employee's excellence
In reward, he person doing the best job receives
performice in order to enhance organizationaland to hisher present job and his/her If relevant work aspecs are Mal Objectlve.: The main objective ol it is
and s a merit rating that matter pertaining the promoion. o kno how well an employee is going for the
efficlency effectivenessIt better job. measured property, it heps in minimizlng
denoles the appraisal of the
performance of the polentlal for a - Edula B. Fllppo and what neecs to be improved
of frusträlion of those who are no
feelings organkation
employees ih an organízaton Performanceapprals n him.


Crannad uith CamCranner

Coanned with famCrannar

J Scientific Evaluatlon: It is It be done through
s lo diecused wlth lho concerned employees S1
and scientific cvaluatlon objective,3. Work Performance Records: Performance of the employees.
the formulation

ol human rosource
lo locale the measure/solution.
similar measure and, through appralsal gives us a complete inlormation in
Corectve Actlon
procedures for all the fom of records
plonning.and Job analyss.
employees in a fornal manné.
In the employee.
case of industrial disputes even arbitralo Communication of Stnndards to Employees If perlormånce differs with tho pre-
SPeriodic Evaluation Although informal
i. acepts these records in ihe course of grievance
Under this step, the set performance standard delermined standards, then a corective
appraisals tend to take place in an unscheduled
handling procedure. Is communicated to the
concerned action Is. Initiated In
order to
continuous) basis
with the4. Employees Develment: employees. The employees are assigned with Improve employee's performnce in future
enterprises a supervisors evaluate thelr Performanc
appraisal guides the employees in repoving responsibilities and authorilies. Correclions are remedlal measiwhlchpre
subordinates work and as subordinates
required duties,
1o do the tasks effectively and efticienly so laken to bridge the gap bet
appraise each other rand supervisors on a daily defects and improvingir working. The
basis, yet the weaknesses e employee o r d in the that the expected standard will, be meb delermined and aciua performan e
of an
systematic (i.e., formal) appraisa perfomance aDpreiakprovide theöasis for an Moneover, it provides information relating to Corective acton[ can 9Nothing. Çor
individual employee is likely to,occur at
indivicual devefopmegpro what is to be done and how wel the task s Deyiations, Change Standard
intervals throughout
that person's me. li properiy
history of employment (say quarterly, six ethe peri@mance appraisal performed.process
The socommunication should be
that the implementation
6 Advantgd@oPerforence Apgpraisal
monthly, annually, etc.) opportunities to employees to
recify th mistakes can be effective. Q7.Whatbe adntagesefperformance
Continuous Process: In additíon to being appraisa
Enab Pervisors to be More Alert and Measure Actual Performance
periodic performance is usually
process. lt means that appraisals are
SompetanPerfomance appraisal enables
regar Supervtor be more alert and compefent and
The actualperformance of an indivicual is hat mance appraisal is an
scheduled and are not dumped the
measured. in terms
of its efficiency y uhieh-can be justilied-
employee on whimsical dates without to improe the quality of supervision by
complete record of employee's andellectiveness. he perlormance
relevance. 1he process has not beeg broker
person's history of employment hsteve Pormence. He can guide an employee,
measured on the basis of prede
standards. The Informmation related toach
periodicity oi appraisal maybg changedi where he is prone tò commit mistakes. is the
performance collected through mance Appraisal helps the supervisos
needs of the situation Merit Rating': Merit rating is another name application of different, quia and
Uk out the promotion progremmes for
5.14 Pupose ót-PefformgncAPPraisal d
perfomance appraisal, it
gives supervisors a quantitatiue techniquee, t the regvant Hdent employeen this régards,
more ellective criteria for conparison will bedtemings
tool for rating thelrpersonnet t workers cante dismissed or demoted in cas
5. What aredupos,perdormän, enables them to make more careful analysis of the bass of such infgiion.
appraisal employee'sperformance and make them more Compadson of Attual Performanc
cith Copeneaton
riormanoe Appraisalbelps ing ut
Proauctve and useful . Standirds compensation packages lor employeeserit
The following aretherin purposes ofS.1.5 Performance Appraisal Process This step is concemed ith the cparison
a actu mance with pekiermined rating i possible through performänce
pedesa PpTalsal. Q6. Explain the
performance appraisa s t a r d s . Itdetermined in terms.of
appralsalomanee Appraisal tris ko give
Appraisaocedure :.t provides common a PrOcess is maintained. The worh lo a performance.(Compensation .
nd unified asure of períormance bppralsa, n s herpresent a{dard peckages which inchades bonus, higk salary
a t all emoyeé are evaluated inthe same inforon provid by the report on actual rates, extra benefi, allowances a e
mare tges an in discriminalory rating of Perlormance appralsal isa process through perfome ls corypared with standards in prerequisite are dependent on perfomance
order to id erformance deviations
l the
ioyees which performance deficiencies and acions to ratily appralalherleria shoud be mert rathe
such deficiencies. It isa continuous pirocess of the Dlacuss Apraisal with the Employee than seniditg
2. Decision Making: Performance appraisal
the employees s extremely
ofoloving phases This step of perfomance appraisal proces Eployee Development
useful in the decsion In achual
making process of the organizalion. In selection, Estabishment of Performancé Standards finds out the deviation oecured (The syalematie procedure of perfomance
perormanc. t aso idenies the exdent of
training, promotion, pay increment and in It is concerned with the
establishment of diflerences and thecausesdsuch dlerences.
appralsa, helpa the supervisors to.frame
transier, performance appraisal is very useful predetermined performance standards that Then the findings of perlormance appralsal
raining pols and progremmest heps of
tool. ill help in comparingthe actual performance analyststrengths and weäkneäses


Srannad with ^amfranner

SoannaN ithCamceanner
employees o that newJebg can be deslgned 5.1.7 Problems/Errors In Performance Erors of variable standards (There aree wo disedygntages to the graphic
for effliclent employeesksohelprin framing Appralsal S-S Tallng scole
qulte possible Ihet organisations Iollow methodOne regarding the
Suture development programme Q8. What are the problema/errors i n
different standards of performance. Some holee of employeé behavioralegories e
imporlant ones might get míssed ut and the
Selectton Valldatlon performance appralsal ?
divislonal heads may requlre mueh hlgher imelevant ones
quality of perfomance than others. may get incuded.Qhe second
Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors dsadvantage is thal different people may
Since perfomance appraisal is conducted by Other imiseellaneous blase
the valldily and importance of inlerpr writlen descriptions in different
to undersiand waysThis might leado confuskon and less
human beings, t Is subjected to number of CThere moy be some built In blases in the
a eros,
selecion procedure. The supervisors come
TO know the validity and thereby the strengths biases, weakriesses and pitfals.
minds of the rateed ueenhis gun aliabilly
and weaknesses
of seleclion procedure. 1. The halo efect OPerceptionofimgs peoplee2.
Peomancesperson may be rated higher
Work Standards Appro
Future changes in selection methods be
made in this regard.
can he haloeffect is Introduceikwhem aoverau
because he s a 'nice person or because of This methdefoppraisas Sable
impressiontn individua Ntaudd on "his seniority áa mauio
manufactu enariowhereegoalsare
basis of a sngleailA high ráting on one
trait leads 2uitomaffcalaoghigh rating on al
stcds can Be
dardThese won
based on the averege
For an organization, effective communicaion
otherraitAB rating may be
a very High for 5.2 PexroRMANCEAPmAIsaL Menioo3 Sutpuf a
tgpíecl employee in the
between employees and employers is very whom
gven protect an employee Q9 Discuss*about performance appraisal anizaonor by epch marking against the.
important. Throiugh performance appraisal, eayepersonalympathy) w apdards cfa compettor ih a similar
communication can be sought for in the
methods. bustnTe acventage of this approech s
following kays Cntant eror h a t the s to be measured-are yery
reflection on the trait of the
This ero is a the objediv and also quantiflable. The
a) Through performance apyisal, thE rateSome raters ae. by hature, too liberal, (The different appraisal methods usegty disantage hoeveT s tho+-the work
employers canlunderstangand accept otpers oostricdandkomeendtowards rating ganlzations, in India and abroad are Eussed i
this'sectionThe most commonly meth dards for diierent job categories annot
SKils of subordinate host people in the.middle.
The subordinates can are . compared
b) aiso a Recency of'events Essay Appraisal
Traditional Method
and create apris2and confdeng in (There is a tendency of many evaluators to N nthe Essay Appraisal method, the appraiser
Superiors. 1. Graphie ating
give much more weigh gerecent
behaviour of the candidate thañ the past 2. Work stendarcs
prepare a document desgribing the
c ) t alsohelps iUagianing and performance of the mployee uestions or
g o n labou management behaviour,This is based on the reflecion that 3. Essayapprais guidelines are provids the appraiser,
the fuhure trend is established by the mere
tonship. besed on e s n d describes
recent behaviour.
4. Criticaingideiarhe the employee's períormancOe adveantage
d) deip oon and boosts
the morale of emoyees.
4. The central tendency 5. Forced choice ratingethod of this syslem is that the appralser can express
is mast commonl found errogt is the oint allocatio od all ha vieus on the emploees perfomance,
the above etorsensure effective the o most
(ttendency by the
raters to give average ratings
Pan without any constralntyimposed
ommunicatn to all or the center of the scale This may be system.
Motvo due to the fact that a very high rating or
very low rating could invite questions
4 Critical Incident Method
a n c e appraisal serves as a motivation
eritilelaes or explanations phic ating Method n ths method of petfomancs appraksal, the
Through evaluating performance of
This hod of appraisal requlres the rater appraser makes a note of all critical incidents
(Accordingl. an average rating s e a that reflect the
mployees, a person's eficiency can be also be Bue to the fact that theaa
to rale
the. employee on factors guantit like períomance or behavior o
emined if the targets are achieved}Ebit|
arsulliclent kncuwledgs about the applicanlandh and quality of worJob knowledge. the employee during the appreisal period
e i motivates a person for befier job dependability, punctuálity, attendance etc. Uhese are recoded as anduhen they occur
and helps him to improve his perlomance hencetoesnot-wanHo.commit himsef-ona rophic rpting scale includes numerical and car demonstrate either positive or
in the future way-te-another range 33 Welas Wrlten desciptions!) negaive traits or pedormance. At the end of


Sraned with Comrannar Srannad with CamCrannar

the appralsal period, this record lormsihe companies ike GE, Microsoll and Wpro; Awell-lald oul etlon plen provkding lor becouse the leedback Is gven by the peers,
bass for evalugtlon of the perforinonce of whlch have thousands of employees. cuslomers, suppllers and subordinates of the
the 5.H| contingencles
enplyes, uho are more dkecly affecded by
amployedhis mellgdksl appralsal
rarcly uselbecause of thedmbgurgInvolved Checklst, >Employees who ore sullable equlppecd his behovlor,and performence, apart from
In this method, the rater has and motlvated io ochleve these goos.
and the clorl requlred In.recordlng the to respondYes he boss.
or 'No' to a sel of questlons which assess the Continuous and construciive feedbeck
inckdents.Uhe employees mlglht also be not However, in spilie of the cultural barriers,360o
happy with the manager 'tracking' and employec's performance and behavior. and guldonce
degree oppraoisal syslem klinding more and
recording' their performanceIn this inanner) Normally, welghts pre attached to each of
these questions sed on which the final Objecfive evaksotion of the perfomonce more lakers in the Indicorporate worid.
Forced Cholce Rting Method Companies like Wlpro, Info-ysten
appralsal score of thployee ls calcuialea ldentiflcallon of areos lor improvements
this method, the appralser Isequlred to Even though the weigil are not ounm te and corrective action.
Tata Infotech, Ashok Ley and Asi
the the Paints, have gone in for th tem
assign ranks to different altribute of the aptager, poa egative 2.
employee.butThese atrbutes are all seemingty connotatiorevident in theuesion and Behaviorally Anchored Reting Scale appraisa
have diferent are hence the spons may be<uite biased. (BARS)
unknown to the appraiser.
weightswhich Team Appralsat
Once the BARS concentrates on the behavioral traits
Aer disadántage this method is that teamwodkks
employee attribules are ranked, the human diffarentcheckists may have to bedesigned demonstraled by the enmployees instead of n onon
dany vern e t o succees, tram
resource departmentappies thewelghts and teren joor job categories, whieh| hs actual perfarmanoce. Some of the other
ave emers ane af the best
arives at a score which isthe fînal apprai ght make the whole exercise very methods ike graphie raling scale and checist
score. The element of subjectivity j this curmsone and complex. also
measure the behavior, based on the tools fotonance managerment. In thee
method is minimized ás the appraiserh assumption that desirable behevior resuls jk tm appr ethod, the indivicval team
assign a unique rank of e»ch oftb trnbute Modgn Methods effective performance. etber evtate their colleagues in ihe
Management by Objechves ar goleting There ire thee steps in implementins team anprovide. íeedback. This helps in
Point Allecation Metho eng individual efiorts.and takng the
In this method of appraisal, Hg
Behaviorally anchored ralting sicate (BARS) system. They are. perfomance to higher levels Digital
lo alocate points
to.digrent members in his 360 degree perfomance eppraisal 1. Determination of relevnk Ehuipment Corporation uses this läind of a
team Hehas atisdisp aspecgumber 4. Belanced scorecard method dimensions by thema participatory perfomancd appralsal sgslem.
of points whieiene has distribute Song employee
5. Team Appraisal Balanced Seoreeard
his teammemoegs iedgp their 2. ldentiicatiobof beie The balanced scorecard as a method of
perfoancuring hapraisahýiod. The,1.Management by Obpctves.(MBOo
best fomer gets the highestscore and the
the manoger and the emi
measuring períormance channelizes the
The main aspects of MBO areclear and well job dimnsion. efforts of people ta achieve organizational
ast one UPDts thléast score. There defined goals,a definite time-span to achieve eto be used goals The implementation of balanced
An 3. Determinasonc
are wo disadvantag totó this method. the goas an action plan pnd finaly, timely
and grouping of ancho for each seal scorecard involves lormubing a
appraiser who wan play it sale can
and construcdive feedback Also called the: sieatgs and
deciding what each employee needsbdoto
e , based onegAsus.
cote equalPtoeveryonein the group
lgeng the daferences in ther performance
goal-setting approach, MBO Is more
achieve the objectives based on the sneg
Theond disedvantege is that the diference
commonly used. for managers and 360 Des Performance Appralsal The HR Scorecard ls a pego the beaanced
prolessionals: The goas are set with the active
in phtallocalion might not tellect the
participation of the employee and hi 360 deg appraisal system aima at à
prehense and objective appraisal of
scoretard. Individual responsibiliia are
dilfe nces in perfomancés. across groups. assigned based onthestralegy This sining
supervisor. These goals have to.be i erfomance. In a 360 degree
emp of responsibilities and bacing
to indivicduas
1 aking Methods alignnent with the organizatlonal goa and appraasystem, .the employee's for achievement of objectives is caled HR
havetocontibute tor thelr achievement. Fo
There are three commorily used methods of performance is evalualed by his apervisos Scorecard.
successlul implementation of MBO, the
his peers, his intemaleaxemal cusiomers, his
fanking, namely allernation, paired following are requlred: Each individual in hiq role wil be asnignad a
comparison and forced distribution. The first internalexternal suppliers and his
two methods ere used. when there are ony Quantifiable an mea_suable goals tha subordinates. This system reduces" the set of Initalves and activities, which are hi

few employees to be ranked, whereas the

are neitlier too easy nor too dificult t subjectivity of a treditjonal supervisor. responsibilily Theseactiyilies if done we, wil-
conmbute lo the successhul implemnadion
forced distribytion method ls used in large achleve appralsal. t s aso more comprehensive


Crannad urith amCrannar Crannad uith PamCranne

brgatisotional Climate
also faciltates Dimensions of
eficiencles. of the individuals. It
of the company's slralegu tha employees inlo iuch posilion where lhey Various dimensions of organisalional
The HR scorecnrd
lecuback lo the cannot perlorm efectlvely. Hence employee's career planning by recogniaing her
secks to
glve onlne relevant strength and weakness. This, brings out tHEare as lollous:
employees ns to how lthey ore larhigIn soma perfomanca oppralsal provides deficiencies and short comngs of the,employees, Orieatation: The domain arientation of an
cases, thelr snlaries coukl be mked to Ihelr nlormallon on promotlon decdslon. and provides a regular feedback to employees, 5o af its
main concern
that the employees can improve their sklis organisalion is the
perfonnance. important
Tranelers is
members, and the dimension an
balanced scorecord can be used to Transfer decíslon is concerned with the deficiencies If the dominant
he delerminant of climae. to to
cvalunte the allgnment ol compensellon ond transformatlon of expployees from one work
5.4 ORGANIZATION CLIMATE órièntation or copcein is adhere
beneflt plons wilth the straleglc needs of unlt to another. conducted when the established rules,. thelimate wil be
Cmployers and cmployees. Many lop Indian not torming wilkin the hand,
characterised by control, orntg otherhe
Q11. Discuss about orlentation climat
employees will
companies llke Inlosys, 12 Technologles,
the orientaucnis to exeel
organizalon. Performance@gpralsalvides
Godrej Consumer Producds, GTL, IC Lid. reliable aneevant infoman be charaderisa byaEyemen
and Mahindra & Mahlndra are using this All organisatlonal theoreticians: and. sonaRelatignship : An
method of periomance management
dminigration researchers unanirmously agree that a sound cimale ganisaion's inteipersonal-relations process.
is extremely important lor the ultimabe lect in t h e y in which Îníormal
Perfori ance appraisal serves as a bass for of organisational.goas Organisational elimale,
5.3 NEED/UsEs OF PERFORMANCGE APRASAL mistratinge remuneration. o f
though abstract in concept, is nomaly assocated roor e formed, and these procases alled
assessing the cuent
with job performance and job satisfection and
Q10. Explaln the need/uses of performancs vees. It mens, by of an individuala formed lor the
and punishment
morale of the employeea m groups a r e
decisiongarding reward Climate is a commonly expeenced purpo ol proteching their
own interest,

imate of control
we made. phenomenon and often refeed tby many i may develop and a

Performance appraisal syemaicaly ming And Development esul similarly, i people tend to develop
expressions, as atmosphere, environent
evaluates an employee's curt and s t provides a basíe Culture, etc. Each organisation is always uh relationships with ther supervisors,
future polèn tialtheps o Performance appralsak dimate of dependency may result
peromance as well as Individuals.
needs of
has lts own raditions, methods ction,
identify employee's Job related behsvlgr.and ground for determining its for peo,
It Indikales the performance deficiencies in which In their totality compe chate Sapervislon: Supervisory practices
outcomes Organizations usraly ertake apelsa employee, if any, so that the training
and Sell contribute signilicantly to climate.
for administrative andfdevelopiental purpoe can be identilied within Individuos. It also Aecordins perepoá o focus on helping thelr
Maln uses are as fallows talented employees so as Organisanonal a e u a l s wthin i supervisors
helps In Indicatüng the work enviroment by ubordinales to Impro penonal siails and
A) Adminiytratide Usestof Pirformance additional knowledge and akills in

mpart common system chances of advancement, male
them. According. to Rente Tagiurn, charactersed by. the extension motive may
Under admlistratvse perlormance. Sapervislon Organisational diimale icarelati ly
ending qualily resusupervisors are more concemed wlt
appraisal provldes a
basis foxdecision aboutthe Performanoe appralsal provides a guide line. environmeriinst s experiesnced
by maintaining good relatlons with their
a work congions, of for delermining where
and what kind of.
nembers, luences their behagurand n subordinates, cimate charactenised by the
ngrewards uses values of partlcular set
eminauo supervisiomis. required. It also helps In ibed in ter of a
aitation motive may resut
the following
performanc praisal comprise eristics ofhe organisation.
tesearch. Problem Nanagement: Problems can' be
Pects: B) Development .Uses Of Perlorim ance grdhg to Bowenand Ostroff, imants. They can
as challenges or as

1.. omoton APpralsal

Organisa9al, cimate is.a shared perceptiona be soed by the supervisor or jointhy by the
"Feytmance appraisal serves as.a basis for said to be used in .
what the drganisation is like in terms of prectices,
upervior and the subordinales concemed,
promotion ol employees by communicaüng Perfomance appraisal is and rewards- what
policles, procedures, routines
gear up towards or they can be relerred to higherlevel.
used to a

and polentilals of the development wheneverit ls

is important and what behaviours are epected
required skills, efficlency
the common lnterest of improving employee's perfomance
and skils
lfcan perceplions Thesa different perspectives and ways
employees. Jt is from the
view póint of
self rewardedands based on shared handling problems contr+bute the ceation
lo get. promoled Into position also be deflned
Under It, performance appraisal employees thin.
formal organisational
employces can among climáte..
where they ullize thelr: abillties| improvement.
of overall skils and
: units ofan organisalion's
It is mismanagement to promoBe helps for the development


S r a n n a d with a m e r a n n e r
Coannad with a m c n a n n a r
Management of Mistakes: Supervisor' | 5* Consequently,inlluences
what Is rewarded in'an
atitudes loward subordinate's mistokes organlsallon the motlvallonal
devclop the organisallonal orlentalon,whlch climate.
s gencrally one al
annoyaiica or concem or 11. Risk.Taking: How people respond to risks Manager's Instructions will be pleasanty prolessional and innovative team membes,
tolerance an organisatlon approach to who are groomed within the organiation by
mantain hfhuence on the cimate
and whose help Is sought In situations oblged by the subordinates:
Invoving rísk are Important determinants of 5. Devclops Conlldence When the Outperforming other non-produetive leam
5. Conlict Management: Conllcts, may be limate. members. Companies promole a healthy
organlsotlonal cllmare ls good It develops
seen as embncing announces lo be covered12. As
wark environment and organisalonal dimáte
up or as problem lo be solved. Innovati on and Change: Who Initiales confidence In the súbordinates:
so, that the employges leel free to
The proces change, how choe and innovations are subordinates will work hard ond show
olckalang with confics has as signilicanl cllect
as that of
peTcelved, and hochange is implemented conlidence lo ther superiors: and cutshine logAher organisation.
cimate handing probk-ns or in all 6. Resource Conservation: Dissalisfied12. Increases Prodactíon Good andhealthy
mistakes, Purpose of protecting their own aritical establishingmates. climate Jpcreases proedctivityevel of
nterest, cigques may develop and a cimate Ihportance dPrganisatioriacllgate employees destroy the organlsational
resources whereas satisfid employeeswil employec nisationalrga represents
ol control may result, similary, if people tend fmportanc anigationclimate is as help in maintaining the resources. how the empeeg feeY about the
to develop iníomal relationships with therfollows ear the key resourcs
supervisors, a climate of dependency may Management and employees wil have Sp
Incsed Employée Performance: ulimate gains through low cost of producion ganisauon. For-thè dëvelopment of
7. Communication: Communication, anothgs
Climre at
theworkplace is an excellent and better incentives respectively. isaticniis necessary to make them
ctor of perförmance of an' arganisation
important determinant of climates
anployee, because po_itve environment
7. Social BeneitThe socey wil be beneft
concemed with the fow of
infomatj is resulhotivated èmployees who enjoy by the regulr upply of goods at lower I m p HRM on 9rganisationl
direction (top-down, botom-up, grizon warking .from an effective .organisation.As wre
its dispersement (selectively ederyone employees are satisied and ares
the impact ofHRM
concemed), its mode (forg or infomal), Delops Strong Relationship: Organi- in nature. will help In :
and its type (instructions ór leebackon he
ational elimeate supports manager to know ganisational Climatè?
organisatlon's resouros
state of affairs).
the relationship stuck bethween the processes
and practicea of the fim and the needs of Reduces Turnover:-Empieo
3. Decision-Makfng: * organison
approach to désog making can'be loed
employees. By understanding how different happily and associ t
a long time. Emaee tun
Onganeational dlimate nuences toa gat
ectent the perfomanceof the emplojees because
practices and initiatives stimulate ermployees,
maintàining pRatontor on manegers will be able to understand what will be lowered whemg
it has a major.impact on motivation and job
achievisrests. In addidon. the isse ofwho motivales employees to behave in a manner Develops*Sense oAttachmat satiaacion of inchvicusl employeesOrgankzaionsl
makesdecislons is important people high in that leeds to a positve cimate and results in
Organiation: Employeealees aachm cinate determines the work envirorniment in which
or disatisfed Strnce
the hieraeBY peor tibse involved in with theCgyaatena higmorale atracsthe employee feeh satisied
the organisation's succes.
the matters about whic decsions ae n d 3.. Determinant of Success or Failure: and holds good emploes lora long time ksabstecion delemipes dr inihuences the effdeny
hese elements oecislon-making
Organisaional dimate plays an Important role resulis in Increased performance and the
employees, we can say that organizational
n t to the espblishment of pertiçular .
in the success or failure of Rves cooperton and brings unil climate is directly related"to the effciency and
arganisaions. As Jf periomang of the emplioyees
organlsatlonal climate is good, employees will 10. Devp Healthy "Organlaatlea:
degree of
trust or Its absence be willing to be in with
assoclation others. Orgarational cämate creates fayourable h e ogangalional cimate.can affet the
Trusthe through an
groups in the atmoshere among customerpubls,:umn behavigur in h organiation
Then employees liketo perform the Job with
amondwarious members and
prers and organsatjonal particuars timpact on their perlommance, satilaction and
afects dimale. The ssue of who pleasure and satisfactlon. Therefore,
sation organisational dlimate decides the success or altiudes There are four mechansms by which
frusted by management
to what degree. ps organsadon heslh
i salso relevarht faiure of the organisation.
11. Createe Innovathveness; Oiganisational
male afech the behaviouro the enpkoyees
10. Managernent of Rewards: Rewards4 Managers can Get their Work Done elimate ls the key factor to explaint Comstraint syst Oganiational dimal
Managers experience that erne aa constreln system in.both the
reinforce specific behaviours; they are by Easily innovativenes of the employee clmate la
arousing and sustaining specifie motves. employees respect.
folow thelr orders with healthy, employees wil be more innovetve poote and negoye sgnagtoT can bedone
by providing Inkormation the employees
ascomparson to olher Lganisadiongstesu aboutwbat nd ol behawiour wi brewarded,
cimate. Wlth changing scenarioe h the uord
economy companles want very:smart.|punished or
ignored Thus, Behaviour an be


management phllosophy,style of
produclidly. Another poicies
rewards and punlshments. Such constraint a system would Infhuence having Indirect Impacl, on communkatlon, missionand objecives, ín
Infhuenced by varying dègrees ofwho'are hot signiikcant diflerenecs their
the behaviour of those,people most inlerested in those speciic vaues
whlch are assigmed to .

laboratory shudy shows

salislacllon of and procedures. All these variables,
dilferent behavioural; outcomes. were found In perfonnonce and totally, constule its distinctive culhure
organkatlonal climales.
on certaln morm: Norms are
behaviour through evaialion people in vorying t
Others: Organl-zatlonal varables may affect
Evaluation of Self andevaluatíon and psehologlcal variables will be For example, In this study
three types of general standards of behavior They provide
and others. In this process, bolh the physlologleal
of self organzalonal dlimates were
guldeines on howw much york should be done
Such evakuaion will affect the human behavioi.
Authoritarian structured, thecode of behavior befolowed eta
can Infuence human behavioo acting stimull.

By Acting a Stimull: Organlzational factors which is a motivational variabldirecting human Democralle frendly and
3. tpromotes dominantnd stable values:
all pacieipants toare
Individual's arousal level, Organisations expecd
As stimul, they influencearousal will diretly affect the level of activation
and hence beomance
behaviour. The level of ) Achieving business somevalus, as prcducticno higtquality
Form á Perception: Organizationalcog nfuence thehviour found that the achieving organizationn products, low åenuism, and heeiiäency
By Helping the Individual to of the organizatlon. Thi
forming-a perception perëROn thenpthuences
t was

the in terms of money volume, Theveluesdan are stáble tn nahire

by heping the individual
befter produced most y s o s over tme
is instrumentalto.bigher enployée sallstoeion, of the numbers of new products and cost saving chang
behaviour good. organizational climate
of cligate cane
withdhe help
explaed Sehavloral aspects
The role In democratic-friendly omn
numan relattóns and higher productivity. innovations. People maximum 9anizaion interactwith
following figure. environment epresed salisfaction with mberso language,
their jobs. However people in the authoritarian one abtner, hey uSa common
and usesame jergon andrihua
INDIVIDUAL struchured organization produced goods of highst
paT tshipaphllosophy and rules:
POLICI1ES CHAR OALS 5ATISFACTTON because of right specifcadions
Other shudiles have s n thet
govemment orders
ciniar resulls.
organiion's calhure shapes the phiosophy
hatpresses its beligs regerding the treatnment
oGRANIZATION employees anddor Custormers
Culture: also
. 5.5 OrGANZAnON CULTUR provides sict guldellines regarding how
along with others in the organisaion.
TECHNOLOO lIt strgth ariles : Organsaional.
Cubure can be
in theit sirength.
may very as reakvely, srong
characterzed or weakk
ENVIRONMENT Meaning of Cun of Impact .of
depending on the degree behavior and
Cultur enerally subjectiandrellects the organsalion culhure an employee
g:0rgnsational Ciimate and Efectiveness meanings and GSabrn thawe:typlcally depending on how widey this impact visible
of cimate in an organization and ä attributeto siuatlons.
represent majaor determinans salisfaction and job perlomance in te oganisation.
The factors indicated thesigure
lf emploýees
senisational dlireidefined as theset of
auch pusent importàrmareasA
these (actors so that the
employees cimate as
issumpuaDbellefs, vales
and. norms that areypes f Cuhures
the mapagement must modily
to be Toved,Various research shudies also confim the positive reationship betweem
aganisation's members." There ard, dilferent:pes.oculh1re just ke
hared by Researcher
Aevorauble to gn. Daltloag dthe Culture her ardillerent,vpeo persnaln
a e and emiyeg-performance:
managers condudes thiat is t h e e e y n n e n l e d d e n t i f e d
the following lourtypes
studies involing 260 middle level Deald Kennedy ay that culturefor the hures,
deriksg on the basis dhaslaboratory
dilferent impact
human performance. He
summarizes findings
important lactor accounting
Cultyre Employees are:highly
dimate single
ucces faiure or an organzation.". 1..Academy
skiled and tend to stay in the organization,
lk mgre predictable In
In the follging stalernent administratve work in the stmulated job and that in an Charecterstiaef Organisatlongl Culture whle working their way up the ranks.. The
appears that the amount ofthan one-that encourages standard procedures environment in
organizalion provides a stable
elimaté thal encourages innovatlon in of péople with skills and
atihudes that are assoclated The'si common chaacteristica of.corporale
productivily can be expected to sihuations" culure are decussed below : which employees: can development:and
innovative dimate, grealer be productive in free unstructured
of thought and ection
and the abilty
1. It is distinctive.i Organlsations, like execise thelr skilsEamples are
with Independence
predictable lorsublécswho workedin
aconsistent own hospital, lerge corparaions, ec
performance was more clmate was fingerprins, are unlque. Each:has'Its
This studysuggests thatthework in an inconsistent environmentakclmate, Inconsistent
who had to
imate than those

Canned with famCrannar

Saannad uith ^amranna
connecioris will lead to new ideas and greater
3. Organhzatlonal Nome SA
2 Baseball Tean1 Culture: Employees are "Iree should be Justice in Norms reflect Ihe typlcal and accepled produclivlty and aeate a great synergy in
rewardingperfomance. employees' work. Literally, 1+1+ right culbure
agens" ho have highly prized skls. They are reworls should be based The behavlours In an orgonzatlon. They may relect more Ihan 10.
in high demand and can on performance which the vakues and belles of Uhe crganlzation. They.
rather easlly gel Jobs should be measured
objectively may reflect how certaln tasks are generally4
Makes Everyone gor Suceessfal: An
csewhere. This type of cullure cxlsts In fast| 3. Securlty: People seek security of Job, and Investment of time, talent and focus on
paced, high-lsk organizatlons, such expecded to be accomplshed, the altrbutes of
investment banking, as personal lifé. Somert of mental tension the work environment, the typlcal ways hat organlsalional culhare lmakeeveryone more
advertising, etc. prevails in the
3. mind oi mployee asong as people communlcate inh the organlzatlon, and successtul. Not onleaing bgthir aulhre a
Club Culture : The most
he feels unsecure. the typkal leadershlp styles In the organizallon. good thing to do for thaDumancapit in the
requirement for employees in this culture is
to4. OpportunitAgother value thiis people For exampe, the work environment of a business, il makes good beess senseba
fit into the group:
the bottom and
Usualy employees start at in
organisation,*thg opportuy. People companymaybe describedasrelared, cheerfu5. Actsas CoSystem: aiture is a
stay with the organizatlon. The expecd many opportyieicmb the ladder and pleasant Moreovés, theorganization may deeply embed Thuo socicontrol that
organizatdion promotes from within and highly ingorganuation.. haveaparicipalive decision-making process in and behaviour
values seniority. Examples are the miltary, some. which manypeopie in theorgenizalon are able . ipluenses empkye deasics
s a cop , cultuke is pervasive and
aw fims, etc. to express their. vlews concerning important. ro
hens/entsof Organsational decisions. Asa, an organíaion may have many
eralenconscidus Employers mlght bhink
4. Fortress Cultare: an automat~ pilot, direcing employees
Employees don't kno QN What the componentEmens mertings to disauss ideas in wavarhat are consislent with ourganisalional
theyl be laid off or not. These
organizatio Organisaonal Cültire 7. 5.5.2 Impertonce of Organisational Core epectabo
undergo massive reorganizatioghere
opportunities for those th timely. o15. What ís theimportancedrgan Opeates as Social Glee Organisaional
specialized skills Examples a vings and eh d Organsaoenol Culhure atenal culhure ?, culbe i thecel gtue" that bonds peopl
loans, large car companies, etc ether and-makes them of the
feels part
here are many.possible elements of
As organisational. experiene Employees are
Impoct of Culture on Mesorganisoton anizational aulture. The above definition inchudes Importane of organicoal culN is as motvated (o: Internaliye the' arganisation's
three of the elemenb of onganizational.aulture.
Accordiag to Kn Davi the followrn 1. Organlzatlona! alues
**** follows: dominant culhre because It fulils their need
vatues affecd the modemn orga@kafio I. Acts e Talent. ganisatiönal for soclal idenity
i Freedom represents basicgultyral value
Values relect what we
feel is. important, cuure is pa the p ethst pobective 7. Helps in Sense Makleg: Organsalional
that affectsogkimodgrn otganisations. Ongainizations may have core values that reflect employe lookat when assesing grganisatton culture assiststhe senee-maling proces Ithelps
Freedom here reres to freedlom from authority
what is Important in the
organization. These The talerparetasekter anchose looking employees ungerstand whatgoes anand why
values may be guiding princlples of for anew ogaisauon a more selectve tham
and freedom to do es one s like, of course, behaviour more thana salary
things happen in the company. Corporate
for all members in the
organlzatlon. The core ever. The bes peopls wa culture aso makes it easier for them to
Soatg the consams imposed by the values may be stated ön the od benelit want an environment
society Fiis to say. this freedom is within, organlzation's sueceed in. Good
undestand what is epacted of them and to
website. For example, an organizaton could theyn and
enjoy, tnteract wilh other employees who kmow the
ome presced imis. state that their core valtues are creativily, humos, organis pn aulhire can help in atracting good culture and bellevein
Fdom mamean different things to diflerent integrily, dedication, muhual respect, kindnes and potapal employees.
peopFonstance, for an employee freedom and contrbuton to socety. gagPeople Peoplewant io be engaged 5.6 QuAuY or Wo Lre

work: Organisaion culture can engage

byoforhaveia vioice in the
jolnt councll2. Organlzatlongl Bellefs people. Engagement CTeales greater Q16 Discuss abeut Quallty ofWork Li
meeting, another it may mean right to work Beliels that are part ol an organization's aulture productiit whlch can Impact prolitablly,
without restrictions ete may Include bellefs about the best ways to A
2 Equallty : This ialue stales that all people are aohleve certain goals such as Increasing 3. Creates Greater Synergy: A strong auldure Qualily of wodk BMe ls defined as he quaily
productivily and Job motivaion. For example, brings people logethe When people have the
equal, having equal ights. However, thls value
an organization may convey the bellef that the opportunty to (and are expected to) relationship betueen employees and the total
to know esch otherworking envionment." Qually of.work Hie (QW)
gives due
recognItion to
dillerent mental, expression of humor In the workplace is an betes, they willand
communjeale get
And new conneciions These I programs can be anything from uniäa management
emotional and soclal different rewards. Another
associaled jdea s equlty which states thal there elfective way to increase productivity and job

Coannar aith °amCrannar Crannad with ^amCenner

ellots lo vng alboul a desente Inthemmber.o peopledoing shmilor work ond wlth some level
ccldenls nud auokd health problens lo palylng Ihe of perlormhnca nust be allminated. Equity to Inmprove QWL
Career Growth: | Methode
wokle wl, improving lhhllia lacililes, ond nlso requlres sharlng the prolils of the Opportunity for of QWL aíms idenlilying and
cleoning the workdace Jhcy can ihckkde anyihng Opportunltes for promotdons are Imiled n The concept at
organlsallorn. lo
improve he
Iroi pioviding a recicalional center lo the case of al calegories of employeeseilher due. mplemepting aillenafíve programs
Princlple of Indivldualiem: Employee as well as personal de of a.
barriers or due io Imiled quality of professlonal
employecs to paying thelr monthy bia, to educational arganzatiorn's employees. These programs mothate.
differ In terms of their
altltudes, sklls, apenínes al he highe level QWL provides needs
Dennitlon ol QWL polentials, etc. Therclgre, every individual fuhre opportunity for condnaued growlh
and people by salistying not only therecopomic
should be provldedhe opportunities for but alo ther socal and psycholo needs
The Ameriean Centre for the Quality of
development of hispergalily and potentlal. security by expanding one's capabiities, |
knowledige and qualilcabons.
1 FlerTlme :The tradiional sworing
Work Life defines QWL as Any acivity which Humanisatlon of worrequires hat hours schedue is nal a A E m en
takes placeal cveryleueloforganization uwhiech seeks employees ere able to decideiuer p e c e Soclal Integratlom In s Workforce Ond and productive foganizations.
of the objiectives of QWL b to generale
grcaler organizalionalcllectiveness through thea of acivities sgn of workeations. employes are given t o e choose
enhanccment of human dlgnity arnd gTOy. satisfying kdentity with the organisation and own work Schedul qua and
Principle ofDebeSy This means Thevaríables
process trough which the stake holders in the4. a t e a u t h o r a n d tsponsiblity to developa feeling of sellesteem.
of hierarchica produc
therork reases
is that
organization- management unionsand employees that inchudes theseare aboence R c e principle
Kmployas. Mezninglul participation in utc ilityior finishingthe work is uith
-lcams houw to work together better..
to detemine status, opportunity. for upward mobiity,
themselves what isongmaking pres improves the quality openness and trs, a ene o comTnity here are four ypes of fex
actlons, changes and o
Improverments are desirable and workable in orde feeling on the job and freedom from hedul
to achieve the
twinand simutaneous goals o Criia for ring QWL prejudice based on se, çaste, race and. t r n hs typsthe
improved quality of life at work for all members d categoris
Walto Prbposed elght conceptual life. They
Constitutiodalth Werk Organist
organzation and grealer effectivenesorboth of
the ogetheinake up the quality work thme ict apaucuPa
the company and the unions". ows prctecud ek a mopth
:QWL providesconsibuional
According to Richard E Walt WL
Falr Compensatlon: There theemployeesonly to helkvel df desirabi Glding tme:he smployee can sar
sa process by which an organiation respU to are different opinions about the adequate as it hampers workersthappa u and quit any fme on the condion
chalgged in
employee needs for develop g mennisms to a o
compensation. The committee on Fair Wages the management's actign
thal heshe cogupletes 3 boun o wo
9 thejecisions the dellined falr wage as "the wage which is above bureaucrat a day
them to share fuly In hu every action and
need to be fgltoed- at iat
design their lives al the minimum wage but below
the living age". Variable day: This Vpe ol ledime
Sale. and Healthy Working Conditions: onstitutional protection Is proded,to
Principles of Qi requires an emplc Do
Most of the organlsattons, provide ,sale and employees on su hours pea week ang
mumber ad
According EyEand Maccoby, healthy working, conditions due to speech, equty and due process bours heshe works inà day can ery
there are lour basic principles, c h wil humanise
and/or legal Q W L QW des for the d). Manine: This typedhex timeis simar
the , wch are as lolows humanitarjan requirements:
wOTk ang improve requlremens. In lac, these condiions
are a
ship amongwork, non-uok to the variableday andhere sng need
Quality of lanced re
Priepe of Sectrlty: work. mater of enlightened self interest. family as of ife. In other words, to work for a speciied umber of hous
until employees are
OPportunlty to Use and Develop
Human lde and s deshauld not be strained Fled Place: Red phce giuesia enmgloye
relieved orhe anxietyfeay, and loss of future3. inchuding overtime wiork
condltions must Capacities;Contrary.to the traditional y w.g. hos the freedom to select ihe locaion d wor
DDoymL The working
fear of economic want should be
assumptlons, QWL is mproved to the extenk
work d u
nconvenient hours, business
Aso known as leleconmunicating.-ths knd
thal the worker can exercise more conirol his
elimted. Job securty and salety agalnst rave,tra e, vacations, elc ol arrangement requlres lormal
or her work, and the degree to which the Job . the
of Work: QWL is
commitment between the emploe and
occupalional hazards is an essentla embraces an entlre meaninghul tesk but not . Seclal Relevanceestablshment tihe enployee
precondilon of humanisalon ol work a part of it. Furlher QWL provides for concemed
about the af social employee he employr, and
beneficial may communicale throghma
Principle of Equity: There should be a oPportunities like autonomy in work
and relevance to work In socialy be modem, fax or pager 1lhe empioye shou
and In
paricipalon in planning order
to use mann'er The wodkers' sel'esleem would
direct and positlve relation between ellort aways be readily.aveilable lor coniactan
high I hle work ls useful-to thesocety and

types of human capabilitles: choioei The

reward. Al discrimiFation bebween the uce uerso is alson e an work from the pleice.of his


Cannad uith e m t r a r n e r
Ceannad aith a m s a n n a r
Autonomous Work Group:/Self Manajed 20
kcy here Is the cornmnunleallon lechnology,|8.
which has abled thls kind of working and Team:A modern approach to QWL s the .When the management conducis QWL labour labour productivity, job evahuaion,.
nolwotklng. evolutlon of sell-managed teams which set programs In assoclallen wilh the union : cost of living ete
their own objeclives and tostrive achleve Improves comnunication between 2 Safe and Hyglenic Working Coaditions
Alternatlve Work Schedulee: Thls opllon "work-group" enrichment. Thls is a ype of labour and manogemeni ond minimzes
heps enipBoyees work lor a certain mumbor
of hours cveryday, though the schedule differs employce partlcipation where some
conllcd between the wo tis not possible to have high qualitydwork
mployees irom a group are given the until and unless the work environment is free
rom the troditlonal work schedule. Ths bype Leads to effective negotlatfons that
of schedule Inchudes a nzed cor perlod day. freedom to recrulit the eam members, seler from all the dangers uwhkch may be. hamhul
theteam leaders, etc,
h e y also have decision enable designing contracs that satiy to the health and safety of the employees
hke 7 a.m. -3.30 7.30
p.m.,2,00 pm-10.30 task both partie An effective physayork enváonmert cas
pm., or l l am. -

pm. wlth a anhal> making power on pridction methods,

be created with the
hour unch break.
distributlon, and designiíngwork schedtules. >Improves the
efflciency of the heDof a polhutpn free
Part-time Employment : This oplon has 9. Soclo-teöhnleal System These. management and strenghens employee aimasphere cleanlinéssiadequal work31
fixed days and hours each weekor a leiible programs, involeredesigning the workplace organizations. This results in hours riskework ede
not only techplogicalliutalao physically improvement In the. terms and3.
schedule.Part time
employees are
workfivelortypes less
AFHEgan coriderationsóe the workiorce condisons d enployment Career Grorth opportunit
than 35 hours per week. The
part time employment namely, permanent EsaVBerits oftowL Programs Encourages pericipative management k musfea areopportsiaes for
developng newabities and diversiying the
part-time, job-sharing. .work-sharing. and involves employees in deçision
ternporary part-time and phased retirement Qielates to the extenttheir
towhich employees
making. renskills in aisistent manner
oorganion can atisfy personal tunity toUsllze and Eihanc
Part-time employees.can' be récruted e the organ~atign. QwL
Dimensiens of Qually ef
havea positive attihade towards job,and thei thyiga their asseafion with wil resut ina QWL) Hum lltdes
productivihy higher: AdditionalyAploying
is ograms, heh exécuted effectivehy
contented, and Q17. what are dh di ot performéd by the worker must
people part-time reducesebor casts,enberoenefits like productive,
|heat employees; and, helps in developing Wor iite (QWL) ?* s adequate types of
tass so tha t
turrover, absenteeism merdip rofable, adaptable, and eflcient organizations vide challenges to the worker and maes
However, the general perception RuA párt-
fime employees are invotve theme other benefits of Q programs Sure. that their talents arr beipg uilizedd
Dimenslens ef Qualny effectively. f the job gives adequate
full-time employg Employees balance their work life
can The concep of autonomy and control, provides timey
Compressed workeelCu: CWW. and personal life better. This resuts in Lie (Q
to s multidimensiongl feerlback on the pertormancs and mabes us
helps empoyee, the wodheek omiive stress reduction. ainlu o diierent types of skila. then the qality of
wo, thre or four days depending on the
QWL programs like flex time reduce humanizaßon oon work life would definilely be,a beter one
umber b o u i d o thework. CWW employee turnover and work place
environment ich assures thal
results in lõweY labouRurnbver, increased respected, encol Nabilit
Soclal lntegration In Wer Foree
tardiness. They also improve the physical
satisfaction, and decread overtime. t also
psychological health of the
self-growth. The employees must be mede to-inculcate
It lacks and
e s employprale. However, employees, thereby bringing down the r folowng ar theportant the feeling of sense of ldentdiby
he Repbility f flextime. absenteeisnm rale. owork
organizätion as well as the fna with the
ually l s
Job Entehment The program redesigns
.hese programs Improve employee charduWal
ichard eteem. These leeings con bedaveoped w
employ jobs to give, employea, reedom-
Accép nd Fair Co h help of openness, trusti senseo
work morale, job: saflsfactlon and
d rponsibility.in, achieving lhelr commitment to argantzational goals as
communiy teeling, equilable treabment and
his has been explalned, In detal.in
thelr personal work prlorltles are effoandrewardmyst ba balenced faln; sCope for upyard mobility.
ct6pter on Job Analysis g Design.
,Supportedby the management, impensation gven to tha workers must6 orh and Personal Life .
Job Enlargement a Ths program álms at be&dequate and salisfactory In nalure, sa that
making an.employee's job more chalenging Nhese programs also. alm for the t helps the employeabmeintn soclaly .
The. work, life. and. personal leof the
and rewarding by adding more dulies and .development and growth of the desirable standard of ving, Such.type of epoyees must be adeqa dthe
the Individuals. in thejr personal and" compensatlon.can scerlned by R-denmands nke late hour Quick trave,
tásks to the exsting ones. The increases prolesslonal,iyes. considering the.factors lika equent travel are both psycholosically and
employee's sell-esteem and'satisfaction. o the sOcially very costly and unlavourable to
organlzailon to paydemand and supply o quaity af wotk le


Constltutlonallzatlo» In the Work 2. Job Satistactlon S
Tochniques for Improving Qwn By Objectives (MBO), suggestion systems andsiv
olher lypes ol employees parliclpaton in
Organlzatlon Job salisfactlon refers to the salistaction whieh
Q19. What are the technlquee for Improvin
management can be used for enhancing the
Qualty of work fe protects the employees the workers have with their job environment QWL? qualy of work ise.
constltutlonally. Such lype of prolecdlon ls (whieh Involves quality of supervision, pay
Job Securlty
glven lo the cmployees on varkous malters co-employees, promotlon opportunites,wok Quality of work ife can be Improved with
Job securlty is first preferencè of employees,
Iikefree speech, cqutly and due procesa nature etc.). Job
salisfaction is associated with the help.of following techniques,
adequate }ob security m be provided
8. Soclal Importance of Worl the job Involvement and the emploees qet eJob Redestgn to the

content wilh their jobs d vice vers

Woik should not only
act as a source of Redesigning of jobs hep in. Improving the 7 Admlnlstrativë Justice
matcrial and psychplogical saitslection, but Exampl quality or vaue of Jøb, Smal and restrkted The managemént s t make verou
must also serveasa means ofsocialwelfare. The emploges are highiyínvotyed in job units must be inteqrated with the large principles of Justi and equiln
and complex job units. Job enrichment
Thefims which pays moreatentiontowards heisjobs areyreatiy satshedhwith their work provides interesting, encouraging and disclplinary procedure*goenance
social causes potution, consumer
or abwhile the employees who are less challenging work to the employees and fulfils procedyrDromotiors ransies, leave,
protection, nalional integration, employment v o e in theirobs are greaty dissatisied
their higher-order needs. worksignman, and soon, as it helps in
ete, can enhanicetheuality ofworklife eheir job. Career Development:.
itprovinthe guality of woklife
5.6.2 Determinants
of Quoality of Work Sensof Competencce Career development and personalily growth 2ugliy ofect tfe and Predoctiviy
e competencé refers to the feelinga d
Q18. What are the determinants oellty d oPportunities enhance organizationa 2RLaabeut alityof wor a d
work life? cgidence which a person has towards his commitnent.
Career planning, counsels uctivity
wn competenice. Job invohvement and sense second careers elc., helps in fulflMthe
of competence support each other. T sense expectations of attainimeat-ariented emplo
eraly perceived that improvemenk
The qualyofwork bemeauedwith ofcompetence and job involvement are high Independent Work Groaps of Work Life costs much to the
the help of folowing dsemanis then the job alisfaction level will abo be hgh

1. Job Involvemen
Inindependerntwark groupsgheenmoyees n . Eut, isarong perceptionbecause
theimprovement owa the eisäng salary, workding
Example .

areauthorized to make the Gecdsionsireel

s and ohebenetits do nol cost much
Job involvement refers tothe extent of whlch If an employee fees competent, he Increases | n this type of grouphe emplGees plan
aninditduajdentiiesrecdgmés uith its job heps in coordinate and contbrol their activiteDe In fac, the rate of increase in productivity is
or. its leve orego inved in the job. H an, his job involvement which further uhole group is helk~besponaBENI mde than the cost af mproving qualty of wock
in onë's
increasinghisJob salisfactionlevel successor faiure of the group,anthereforee Ths, an ingrease in qualily cf work life resuls
individual considers hehis Job crucial Job Performance it ls also clled as sel-managed wotk team lh an increase in productivity. But a conlinuous
e n their nvement in it would also4. nereese in qualty of work lle leacs to a reduction
beeore. According toa research çonducled
on jonolvement, it was found out that
Ian employee. holds greater .job Fible waSchedules In productivily dug to increased cost of output This
Involvement, Job sadisfactlon and,sene of|
esble workingrs,job sharing, part-time situation
occurs because the output givenbyworkea
severiactors kke skil variety,
competence, then it woud utimatety increase empiogment, unstdy weork hours, reduced does not inaease proportionaly alter a certain level.
ndhallenge contributes towards enhandng one's job perfomance. work ek and6ther alternative work | though quality of
level ol job involvemen. schedules he enployees to plan the work life incrases
Producttvity work freely. An improvement
in QWL leads to improved
If the job perfomance level increases then perfomance. Perlocmance here implies nokionly
The employees who are highly inolved In
the outpul per iunlt' of Iinput also increases Partlclpative Management to increased physical output but also workers-
their job, spend more time and enersy on
Hence, if the job characteristics suit with th|| Workers wish totake pari in decision-makingbehayiourin helping colleagues in solving job
their job and tryto produce more productve
resulls for the organizadon. In shot, they put
productivity tralts öf employees then l wou process of the maHers which Influences.thetr .aled problems, accepling orderswith enthusiasr
lves. Sa, Quality Circles (QC),
lead to higher producivg Management elc
in more than 100 percent eflorls.


Srannard urith CamCrannr

Crannad uith amCrannar
Q21: What is the impact of QWL o n organizatlon clmale and culture ? ude NO: T3034
Impact of QWL on Organizatlon Climate and Culture BBAMBA (Five Years ntegrated Course) I1-Year V-Semeste
According to Bisvas, U.N. and Malthex R (2001). changlngconceplsregarding work environment September/ October 2020
(TQM). In the notlon
and work Culture have come inio light with advent loBal quality management
the of
of total quality management, lot of stress has becn put on the process ol empowering An operauo
Subject Human Resounrce Management
framework has been developed by Biswas lor meásurng people's empowermentwork in Time: 2 hours
Max. Marks: 80
The findings of this study suggested that the perceived empowement doésnol alpercepio
leaming environment, decision Invovement and goal clarity emerged as *aient fealres
work cimate, Note: Answer any five questlons. (5x4= 20OM
that affects and leads to favorable work culhure. Few other Indkators haelobeen our e
related to task asignment ánd communication as wel as colleague hanageenipitialy, Coose dA 1 Human Resource Management
been 2 HR policy
and Kanungo, R.N (1988) has formulated five stages of empouwerménproce has 3 Job evaluation
diagrammatically shown below.
4 Induction and orientation
Stage- 56 Line Vs Staf
7 Labour relations
setting an
Stage2 9PerloTmance apprarsa S
10 Organization culnure

active atlamient an Note: Answer any four questions.

PART s 60 Marks)
Shre .iemonal #rousa
11 Discauss in detal the tuncions of Hurg

ef in pereonal criciency. 12 Explain the stratege managem eproad source Management

13 Write in detail about job an
Peformance of bemio
ccomplishtsk object 14 Explain in detail the p selecion.
ASO discuss diferent methods of

pendimensionsesbwerment scale developed by Biswas

are baséd ón: 15 Explain the need for trainind re aining
P n g and development
Decist vo vement 2. Lianing Enitronment 16 Discuss in detaebout
Fairness 4, System Resistance 17 E x p l n
pes lor e handing ol industrtal disputes.
anizabnal Pride 6. Support Climate
mployee healh measures
and safety measures
i n details
7. Goarity 8 Teamwo ls impact on Human Resource
Explaioganizalional climaleand
The main finding of this lest uggested that organetional elfecthveness is dependent upon pereption
of organlzalional climate. Howeve, the main findings of Biswas and Mathew's study highlights the signlficant quely owork le. Discuss is determinants.
in deabout
and unigue contribotion of decision inivokvement and support cimate to the predictabilily of workculure 20 Wrile
It was found lo be qule, crucial



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