Untt-Y: Coanned With Famcrannar
Untt-Y: Coanned With Famcrannar
Untt-Y: Coanned With Famcrannar
l as aguide for formulating
performance con scrve
Q3. Explain the concept of ullable tralning and developmenf proram,
ppralaal. Performance oppralsal can Iníorm employees
them what skils
about thelr progress and tell
Performonce-oppralaal ls a method of hey need o develop
become ellgible for
In the wok Py
ralses or
promotions both.
o r
of Improvement.
due to. the oparisonto, his/Her fellow and
employees the
employees differ in many aspecs, of pgrformance. It provides Performance appraisal could be takeri elther Peance apprasal can help reveal
backgrounds, experiencesexpeed evel
ditterence in theirabilities aspecis o for cvaluating the performance of employees or fg caus good and poormployee
and aptiudes. SugR formatog relating to
various erformame. Through, discussion with
knowledge, skills, need of anndiiduaton which promotion, transier and devekoping them. The evaluolon ls d wo pe can lind
ditferences determine the it is trainingnd indivieualémployees, line manager
be made. l also provides an telling the employee where h stands and utgg the
development activities. So, necessáry á n deeision can they perlorm as they do and what
such differengep thaNgpportuni to review
employee's work related
data lor personal declsions conceying pay, out
management lo identify can be Iiliated to improve their
promotlona ete
émployees having beter job'perfmanceabiluty, v i g Serformance.
skills and knowledge can be rewayde oned More precsely, performance appraisal can be
Appraisalof employees serves sever
and the wTOng placements
of the emp may
efined as a sstemalic
evahiatlon of an employees
Charocerisail Perkormance APpralsal:
be checked through translegospunishirmourrent, or past performance as wela r
other hand. In this rege, pen nee apP potentials by supervisors o wih his/
thase familiar with
orr those bu 1. Compensatlon peaslons 4. What the characteylstics -o
E u a supervisors
y Pformancs appralal ?,
to okow the leve o delines an employee's job
a m e a s u r e inarder
ol human rosource
lo locale the measure/solution.
similar measure and, through appralsal gives us a complete inlormation in
Corectve Actlon
procedures for all the fom of records
plonning.and Job analyss.
employees in a fornal manné.
In the employee.
case of industrial disputes even arbitralo Communication of Stnndards to Employees If perlormånce differs with tho pre-
SPeriodic Evaluation Although informal
i. acepts these records in ihe course of grievance
Under this step, the set performance standard delermined standards, then a corective
appraisals tend to take place in an unscheduled
handling procedure. Is communicated to the
concerned action Is. Initiated In
order to
continuous) basis
with the4. Employees Develment: employees. The employees are assigned with Improve employee's performnce in future
enterprises a supervisors evaluate thelr Performanc
appraisal guides the employees in repoving responsibilities and authorilies. Correclions are remedlal measiwhlchpre
subordinates work and as subordinates
required duties,
1o do the tasks effectively and efticienly so laken to bridge the gap bet
appraise each other rand supervisors on a daily defects and improvingir working. The
basis, yet the weaknesses e employee o r d in the that the expected standard will, be meb delermined and aciua performan e
of an
systematic (i.e., formal) appraisa perfomance aDpreiakprovide theöasis for an Moneover, it provides information relating to Corective acton[ can 9Nothing. Çor
individual employee is likely to,occur at
indivicual devefopmegpro what is to be done and how wel the task s Deyiations, Change Standard
intervals throughout
that person's me. li properiy
history of employment (say quarterly, six ethe peri@mance appraisal performed.process
The socommunication should be
that the implementation
6 Advantgd@oPerforence Apgpraisal
monthly, annually, etc.) opportunities to employees to
recify th mistakes can be effective. Q7.Whatbe adntagesefperformance
Continuous Process: In additíon to being appraisa
Enab Pervisors to be More Alert and Measure Actual Performance
periodic performance is usually
process. lt means that appraisals are
SompetanPerfomance appraisal enables
regar Supervtor be more alert and compefent and
The actualperformance of an indivicual is hat mance appraisal is an
scheduled and are not dumped the
measured. in terms
of its efficiency y uhieh-can be justilied-
employee on whimsical dates without to improe the quality of supervision by
complete record of employee's andellectiveness. he perlormance
relevance. 1he process has not beeg broker
person's history of employment hsteve Pormence. He can guide an employee,
measured on the basis of prede
standards. The Informmation related toach
periodicity oi appraisal maybg changedi where he is prone tò commit mistakes. is the
performance collected through mance Appraisal helps the supervisos
needs of the situation Merit Rating': Merit rating is another name application of different, quia and
Uk out the promotion progremmes for
5.14 Pupose ót-PefformgncAPPraisal d
perfomance appraisal, it
gives supervisors a quantitatiue techniquee, t the regvant Hdent employeen this régards,
more ellective criteria for conparison will bedtemings
tool for rating thelrpersonnet t workers cante dismissed or demoted in cas
5. What aredupos,perdormän, enables them to make more careful analysis of the bass of such infgiion.
appraisal employee'sperformance and make them more Compadson of Attual Performanc
cith Copeneaton
riormanoe Appraisalbelps ing ut
Proauctve and useful . Standirds compensation packages lor employeeserit
The following aretherin purposes ofS.1.5 Performance Appraisal Process This step is concemed ith the cparison
a actu mance with pekiermined rating i possible through performänce
pedesa PpTalsal. Q6. Explain the
performance appraisa s t a r d s . Itdetermined in terms.of
appralsalomanee Appraisal tris ko give
Appraisaocedure :.t provides common a PrOcess is maintained. The worh lo a performance.(Compensation .
nd unified asure of períormance bppralsa, n s herpresent a{dard peckages which inchades bonus, higk salary
a t all emoyeé are evaluated inthe same inforon provid by the report on actual rates, extra benefi, allowances a e
mare tges an in discriminalory rating of Perlormance appralsal isa process through perfome ls corypared with standards in prerequisite are dependent on perfomance
order to id erformance deviations
l the
ioyees which performance deficiencies and acions to ratily appralalherleria shoud be mert rathe
such deficiencies. It isa continuous pirocess of the Dlacuss Apraisal with the Employee than seniditg
2. Decision Making: Performance appraisal
the employees s extremely
ofoloving phases This step of perfomance appraisal proces Eployee Development
useful in the decsion In achual
making process of the organizalion. In selection, Estabishment of Performancé Standards finds out the deviation oecured (The syalematie procedure of perfomance
perormanc. t aso idenies the exdent of
training, promotion, pay increment and in It is concerned with the
establishment of diflerences and thecausesdsuch dlerences.
appralsa, helpa the supervisors to.frame
transier, performance appraisal is very useful predetermined performance standards that Then the findings of perlormance appralsal
raining pols and progremmest heps of
tool. ill help in comparingthe actual performance analyststrengths and weäkneäses
imate of control
we made. phenomenon and often refeed tby many i may develop and a
Performance appraisal syemaicaly ming And Development esul similarly, i people tend to develop
expressions, as atmosphere, environent
evaluates an employee's curt and s t provides a basíe Culture, etc. Each organisation is always uh relationships with ther supervisors,
future polèn tialtheps o Performance appralsak dimate of dependency may result
peromance as well as Individuals.
needs of
has lts own raditions, methods ction,
identify employee's Job related behsvlgr.and ground for determining its for peo,
It Indikales the performance deficiencies in which In their totality compe chate Sapervislon: Supervisory practices
outcomes Organizations usraly ertake apelsa employee, if any, so that the training
and Sell contribute signilicantly to climate.
for administrative andfdevelopiental purpoe can be identilied within Individuos. It also Aecordins perepoá o focus on helping thelr
Maln uses are as fallows talented employees so as Organisanonal a e u a l s wthin i supervisors
helps In Indicatüng the work enviroment by ubordinales to Impro penonal siails and
A) Adminiytratide Usestof Pirformance additional knowledge and akills in
mpart common system chances of advancement, male
them. According. to Rente Tagiurn, charactersed by. the extension motive may
Under admlistratvse perlormance. Sapervislon Organisational diimale icarelati ly
ending qualily resusupervisors are more concemed wlt
appraisal provldes a
basis foxdecision aboutthe Performanoe appralsal provides a guide line. environmeriinst s experiesnced
by maintaining good relatlons with their
a work congions, of for delermining where
and what kind of.
nembers, luences their behagurand n subordinates, cimate charactenised by the
ngrewards uses values of partlcular set
eminauo supervisiomis. required. It also helps In ibed in ter of a
aitation motive may resut
the following
performanc praisal comprise eristics ofhe organisation.
tesearch. Problem Nanagement: Problems can' be
Pects: B) Development .Uses Of Perlorim ance grdhg to Bowenand Ostroff, imants. They can
as challenges or as
1.. omoton APpralsal
Organisa9al, cimate is.a shared perceptiona be soed by the supervisor or jointhy by the
"Feytmance appraisal serves as.a basis for said to be used in .
what the drganisation is like in terms of prectices,
upervior and the subordinales concemed,
promotion ol employees by communicaüng Perfomance appraisal is and rewards- what
policles, procedures, routines
gear up towards or they can be relerred to higherlevel.
used to a
S r a n n a d with a m e r a n n e r
Coannad with a m c n a n n a r
Management of Mistakes: Supervisor' | 5* Consequently,inlluences
what Is rewarded in'an
atitudes loward subordinate's mistokes organlsallon the motlvallonal
devclop the organisallonal orlentalon,whlch climate.
s gencrally one al
annoyaiica or concem or 11. Risk.Taking: How people respond to risks Manager's Instructions will be pleasanty prolessional and innovative team membes,
tolerance an organisatlon approach to who are groomed within the organiation by
mantain hfhuence on the cimate
and whose help Is sought In situations oblged by the subordinates:
Invoving rísk are Important determinants of 5. Devclops Conlldence When the Outperforming other non-produetive leam
5. Conlict Management: Conllcts, may be limate. members. Companies promole a healthy
organlsotlonal cllmare ls good It develops
seen as embncing announces lo be covered12. As
wark environment and organisalonal dimáte
up or as problem lo be solved. Innovati on and Change: Who Initiales confidence In the súbordinates:
so, that the employges leel free to
The proces change, how choe and innovations are subordinates will work hard ond show
olckalang with confics has as signilicanl cllect
as that of
peTcelved, and hochange is implemented conlidence lo ther superiors: and cutshine logAher organisation.
cimate handing probk-ns or in all 6. Resource Conservation: Dissalisfied12. Increases Prodactíon Good andhealthy
mistakes, Purpose of protecting their own aritical establishingmates. climate Jpcreases proedctivityevel of
nterest, cigques may develop and a cimate Ihportance dPrganisatioriacllgate employees destroy the organlsational
resources whereas satisfid employeeswil employec nisationalrga represents
ol control may result, similary, if people tend fmportanc anigationclimate is as help in maintaining the resources. how the empeeg feeY about the
to develop iníomal relationships with therfollows ear the key resourcs
supervisors, a climate of dependency may Management and employees wil have Sp
Incsed Employée Performance: ulimate gains through low cost of producion ganisauon. For-thè dëvelopment of
7. Communication: Communication, anothgs
Climre at
theworkplace is an excellent and better incentives respectively. isaticniis necessary to make them
ctor of perförmance of an' arganisation
important determinant of climates
anployee, because po_itve environment
7. Social BeneitThe socey wil be beneft
concemed with the fow of
infomatj is resulhotivated èmployees who enjoy by the regulr upply of goods at lower I m p HRM on 9rganisationl
direction (top-down, botom-up, grizon warking .from an effective .organisation.As wre
its dispersement (selectively ederyone employees are satisied and ares
the impact ofHRM
concemed), its mode (forg or infomal), Delops Strong Relationship: Organi- in nature. will help In :
and its type (instructions ór leebackon he
ational elimeate supports manager to know ganisational Climatè?
organisatlon's resouros
state of affairs).
the relationship stuck bethween the processes
and practicea of the fim and the needs of Reduces Turnover:-Empieo
3. Decision-Makfng: * organison
approach to désog making can'be loed
employees. By understanding how different happily and associ t
a long time. Emaee tun
Onganeational dlimate nuences toa gat
ectent the perfomanceof the emplojees because
practices and initiatives stimulate ermployees,
maintàining pRatontor on manegers will be able to understand what will be lowered whemg
it has a major.impact on motivation and job
achievisrests. In addidon. the isse ofwho motivales employees to behave in a manner Develops*Sense oAttachmat satiaacion of inchvicusl employeesOrgankzaionsl
makesdecislons is important people high in that leeds to a positve cimate and results in
Organiation: Employeealees aachm cinate determines the work envirorniment in which
or disatisfed Strnce
the hieraeBY peor tibse involved in with theCgyaatena higmorale atracsthe employee feeh satisied
the organisation's succes.
the matters about whic decsions ae n d 3.. Determinant of Success or Failure: and holds good emploes lora long time ksabstecion delemipes dr inihuences the effdeny
hese elements oecislon-making
Organisaional dimate plays an Important role resulis in Increased performance and the
employees, we can say that organizational
n t to the espblishment of pertiçular .
in the success or failure of Rves cooperton and brings unil climate is directly related"to the effciency and
arganisaions. As Jf periomang of the emplioyees
organlsatlonal climate is good, employees will 10. Devp Healthy "Organlaatlea:
degree of
trust or Its absence be willing to be in with
assoclation others. Orgarational cämate creates fayourable h e ogangalional cimate.can affet the
Trusthe through an
groups in the atmoshere among customerpubls,:umn behavigur in h organiation
Then employees liketo perform the Job with
amondwarious members and
prers and organsatjonal particuars timpact on their perlommance, satilaction and
afects dimale. The ssue of who pleasure and satisfactlon. Therefore,
sation organisational dlimate decides the success or altiudes There are four mechansms by which
frusted by management
to what degree. ps organsadon heslh
i salso relevarht faiure of the organisation.
11. Createe Innovathveness; Oiganisational
male afech the behaviouro the enpkoyees
10. Managernent of Rewards: Rewards4 Managers can Get their Work Done elimate ls the key factor to explaint Comstraint syst Oganiational dimal
Managers experience that erne aa constreln system in.both the
reinforce specific behaviours; they are by Easily innovativenes of the employee clmate la
arousing and sustaining specifie motves. employees respect.
folow thelr orders with healthy, employees wil be more innovetve poote and negoye sgnagtoT can bedone
by providing Inkormation the employees
ascomparson to olher Lganisadiongstesu aboutwbat nd ol behawiour wi brewarded,
cimate. Wlth changing scenarioe h the uord
economy companles want very:smart.|punished or
ignored Thus, Behaviour an be
By Acting a Stimull: Organlzational factors which is a motivational variabldirecting human Democralle frendly and
3. tpromotes dominantnd stable values:
all pacieipants toare
Individual's arousal level, Organisations expecd
As stimul, they influencearousal will diretly affect the level of activation
and hence beomance
behaviour. The level of ) Achieving business somevalus, as prcducticno higtquality
Form á Perception: Organizationalcog nfuence thehviour found that the achieving organizationn products, low åenuism, and heeiiäency
By Helping the Individual to of the organizatlon. Thi
forming-a perception perëROn thenpthuences
t was
Cannad uith e m t r a r n e r
Ceannad aith a m s a n n a r
Autonomous Work Group:/Self Manajed 20
kcy here Is the cornmnunleallon lechnology,|8.
which has abled thls kind of working and Team:A modern approach to QWL s the .When the management conducis QWL labour labour productivity, job evahuaion,.
nolwotklng. evolutlon of sell-managed teams which set programs In assoclallen wilh the union : cost of living ete
their own objeclives and tostrive achleve Improves comnunication between 2 Safe and Hyglenic Working Coaditions
Alternatlve Work Schedulee: Thls opllon "work-group" enrichment. Thls is a ype of labour and manogemeni ond minimzes
heps enipBoyees work lor a certain mumbor
of hours cveryday, though the schedule differs employce partlcipation where some
conllcd between the wo tis not possible to have high qualitydwork
mployees irom a group are given the until and unless the work environment is free
rom the troditlonal work schedule. Ths bype Leads to effective negotlatfons that
of schedule Inchudes a nzed cor perlod day. freedom to recrulit the eam members, seler from all the dangers uwhkch may be. hamhul
theteam leaders, etc,
h e y also have decision enable designing contracs that satiy to the health and safety of the employees
hke 7 a.m. -3.30 7.30
p.m.,2,00 pm-10.30 task both partie An effective physayork enváonmert cas
pm., or l l am. -
1. Job Involvemen
Inindependerntwark groupsgheenmoyees n . Eut, isarong perceptionbecause
theimprovement owa the eisäng salary, workding
Example .