Science and Tech. in Society

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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY Though modern science is of relatively recent origin, having started with Galileo about

350 years ago, it has made very rapid progress and completely transformed outwardly the manner of our living. It is said that our life outwardly has changed more in the last one hundred years than it did in thousands of years earlier, because of the scientific knowledge accumulated over the last three centuries, and its application in the form of technology. So the impact of science on society is very visible; progress in agriculture, medicine and health care, telecommunications, transportation, computerization and so on, is part of our daily living. Technology and society or technology and culture refers to cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, coproduction of technology and society upon the other (technology upon culture, and vice-versa). This synergistic relationship occurred from the dawn of humankind, with the invention of simple tools and continues into modern technologies such as the printing press and computers. The academic discipline studying the impacts of science, technology, and society and vice versa is called (and can be found at) Science and technology studie The rapid rise of modern science has created major social problems. Not only has science created profoundly affected mans material way of life it also offered an equally profound mental upheaval. As resulted from the changes it has effected in mans rational understanding of his environment and his attitude toward knowledge. Materials life has primarily felt the technological knowledge growing out of industrial application of scientific discoveries, techniques, and methods. At the same time, the increased awareness and the understanding of nature and the enlightened attitude toward knowledge have seriously impinged upon mans religious faith and outlook. These effects are by no means unilateral. Technological improvements lead to a society enjoying comfortable life and with more leisure time. Furthermore, these selfsame technological advances could also be motivated in a negative way. Just a single scientific misinterpretation can exterminate the material existence of his creator rather than giving him a better life. Amidst technological jungle, what fate one could wait? Science is a good model of logic; it is coherent and often clear. By careful analysis, one could think that mans way to survival lies in his ability to be a critical juror of this complex mortal world. Independent of his relative reaction his decision will significantly affect the future state of science. Man is a rational being; he has the capacity to reason, according to Aristotle. Man could not alienate the inextricable relationship of science and society. Nor is science and religion on opposite sides of the fence! Not only does science color mans attitude toward religion, but also religion has a marked effect on science, the scientists, and its advocates. Religious principles should be the guide by which society decides how it will use the material products of science. Modern communities mean urbanization; they use rapid transportation, hi-speed communication facilities, the preservation and distribution of food, adequate sanitation, and the use of mechanical power. If calamity destroys the capital city of a certain country, community life becomes slower; transportation, food distribution, manufactured goods, professional services, and power distribution would be a remote possibility. Through technological application, science has become the material basis for civilization. Civilization becomes daily more complex through applications of science; and with that growing complexity there develops the weakness based on the fact that civilization would be seriously impaired by the destruction of only a few of its parts.

Science has many faces. It is the man in the white coat; the mechanical brain; the E-mc2. Science could also be a monster that could turn on its creator in times of depression and uncertainty. Science is the fulfillment of hope. It is the cure to ones illness and the torchbearer in times of great try. Science adored mans curios instinct for it bridges illusion from reality. Science is pro-human. Through the development of machines, science provides solace from backbreaking physical and manual labor. Modern technology could prolong life in countless ways. Science break the chains of superstition, provide market venue for technological products. The leisure of technology made distance irrelevant. Science created a global village ruled by rational and sociable individuals. On the other hand, science by the very technological progress, which it fosters, leads to the division of labor regimentation of workers in factories; overcrowding of cities and concentration of economic power. These factors can mean the control of man by man and a loss of self-reliance on the part of the individual. On a broader scope, scientific and technological progress means that man has control over increasingly powerful means of destruction. Man must decide how he is going to apply his new powers. In the last analysis, science has given him a whole battery of new techniques, which are only means to an end and not ends in it. The question facing society has to do with the utilization of these means. What are the goals toward which human aim? The answer must be based on the values we cherish and on our convictions as to what is good. Another person cannot make the decision on ones behalf. What are mans obligations to his fellow? Why should man strive to achieve this? These are questions beyond the scope of sciences philosophical and religious grounds are necessary to determine the humanity of a rational soul. After man has decided what it is he wants, science can help him in getting it. While science can not tell him where he should go, it can help man in finding justification of his choice, especially those outside the limits of science. Science serves as head, Technology, the body, and legs support the two. Science and Technology should be at the forefront of man quest for greatness, should we aim for a more peaceful global society. THE MEANING AND SCOPE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Science and technology studies (STS) is the study of how social, political, and cultural values affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these in turn affect society, politics, and culture. STS scholars are interested in a variety of problems including the relationships between scientific and technological innovations and society, and the directions and risks of science and technology. More than two dozen universities worldwide offer baccalaureate degrees in STS; about half of these also offer doctoral or master's.

There are obviously many different types of science. Anyone claiming to study "science" is either completely oversimplifying or lying because science topics are so diverse and different. A few of the main topics of science are as follows: Physics-the study of matter, energy, space, star wars, time and their interactions

Chemistry-the study of reactions, creations, and binding of matter Biology-the study of living things such as dust bunnies Astronomy-the study of anything beyond Earth including Martians Geology-the study of Earth and its tummy grumblings Microbiology-the study of very small attackers Psychology-the study of the crazies in the world.

Geology Science
Geology is the study of Earth. Geology studies the composition of Earth and all of the elements and materials that make it up. The structure of the Earth, including plate techtonics, the different layers of the Earth and the atmosphere are all part of biology. Geology is also one of the only sciences that deals with the history and formation of the planet. Geologists help locate many of Earth's natural resources in the form of metals, gems, minerals, and elements including quartz, sulfur, gold, petroleum, coal, iron, and helium. There are a few principles important to geological studies. The principle of intrusive relationships shows the mixes of young and old rock which allow geologists to understand the happenings there. Faults allow geologists to understand how the plates of Earth's crust move. The principle of uniformitarianism states that the same geological processes occur throughout history. This means that geologists can study what happened to Earth in the past by observing what is happening now. Younger layers of rock can slip between older layers, layers are basically horizontal, and fossils found in different layers of rock can give information about the life at that time. There are four layers that make up the Earth: the inner core, the outer core, the mantle, and the crust. It only snows about 2 inches per year over most of Antarctica.The largest desert on Earth is on the Antarctic continent. 90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the Earth's oceans.The deepest point in the ocean is 6.8 miles down.In polar areas in mid-summer, there is no night -- daylight lasts almost 24 hours a day.

Astronomy Science
Astronomy is the study of celestial objects--pretty much anything beyond Earth's atmosphere. That includes planets, stars, other galaxies, super novae, and black holes--all the cool stuff. Astronomy is concerned with evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects as well as the evolution of the universe. Astronomy is one of the earliest sciences because humans have always been fascinated by the world beyond ours. Originally using only math and observations, humans began to calculate the motion and paths of stars and planets. Over time, the telescope was invented and studying extraterrestrial objects became easier. The only information we have coming in from places beyond Earth is in the form of electromagnetic radiation, or light in the form of visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, radio, infrared, and gamma rays. Astronomers must infer data such as size, temperature, luminosity, density, and other propeties just using that light that reaches our planet. The two types of astronomy are theoretical astrophysics and observational astronomy. Theoretical astrophysic has to do with theories of the laws of the universe and its

history that cannot be developed merely by observation. A day on the planet Mercury is twice as long as its year. A dwarf star is so dense that it would take 8 men to lift a teaspoon full of its matter. Earth is the densest planet in our Solar system.Every second, the Sun pumps more than a million tons of material into the space through the solar windNeutron stars are so dense that the individual neutrons are actually touching.The cosmos contains approximately 50,000,000,000 galaxies. Biology is the study of life. Biology deals with the various forms of organisms, and how the species come into existence and the interactions of each species with eachother and the natural environment. The study of biology comes from the idea that all living organisms are and work similarly and therefore should be studied as a whole. Biology is such a wide topic of science that it is broken down into many subcategories including botany, zoology, medicine and microbiology. As with most areas of science, biology is studied using the scientific method, a series of steps to ensure the accuracy of discoveries made about science. In short, the scientific method is a follows: the observer makes observations, asks a question, makes a hypothesis, tests the hypothesis using repeated trials, and publishes the results. The last part of sharing the findings is one of the most important because the submission to the public helps prevent false data. The experiment must be repeatable. A goldfish can survive in a tank full of human blood. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. Giraffes have no vocal chords. Porcupines float in water. Elephants are the only land animals that can't jump. The human body contains about 6,000 miles of blood vessels. Humans have less muscles than caterpillars.

Chemistry Science
Chemistry is the science that deals with matter at the macromolecular scale observing its reactions, transformations and aggregations or combining together. Chemistry also deals with the energy, temperature, pressure, density and chemical potential changes during these processes. Chemistry studies the molecules crystals and metalsl and nonmetals, their composition, properties, transformations, and interactions. Chemists study everyday materials. According to modern chemistry, the physical properties of materials are generally determined by their structure at the molecular or atomic scale so studying matter at this small level can also give more understanding to the ways in which certain matter interacts with other matter. The main focus of chemistry is on the reactions between different elements. For example, some famous reactions include 2 H2 + O2 2 H2O which describes the combining of hydrogen and oxygen to get water, and C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O which is basically the human process of digestion. C6H12O6 is a form of sugar that when added to oxygen, the two things that humans intake, produces carbon dioxide, an output of humans, and water. Some energy is also released in this reaction. Such reactions are studied and analyzed in Chemistry. Chemistry studies the different forms of matter starting at some of the simplest forms such as atoms and elements and working up to more complex forms such as compunds and substances. There are a few types of chemistry including biochemistry which studies the interactions of materials in living things, and nuclear chemistry which studies the coming together of atomic nuclei. Honey does not spoil. Methane, the main gas in farts, actually has no odor. Pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with bare hands. A plastic container can resist decomposition for about 50,000 years . If you slowly pour a handful of salt into a glass of water full to the brim, the water level will actually go down. The only letter not appearing in the periodic table is J. Hydroflouric acid will disolve glass.

Physics Science
Physics is the study of the laws of the universe that govern matter, energy, space and time. Physics attempts to discover the nature of these four phenomenae. There are a few different types of physics. Classical mechanics, developed mainly by Sir Isaac Newton, focuses on the forces that act on bodies. Nicknamed after its partial-creator, it's often called Newtonian Mechanics. This type of physics deals with motion and the forces acting on an object. Other theories that study motion include Einstein's theory of relativity for large objects and objects moving at very high speeds. Quantum mechanics deals with small objects and the forces exerted on them over small distances. Electromagnetism is the study of electromagnetic fields, how they field affect a charged partical that might happen to be traveling through, and what forces it might exert on the particle. This field of physics deals with light which happens to be a rotating electromagnetic field. Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with heat and the conversion into different forms of energy. Physics tries to study and understand concepts such as gravity, waves, acceleration and velocity, magnetism, electricity, temperature, viscosity, wave-particle duality, the speed of light, and momentum. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would produce enough sound energy to heat up one cup of coffee. The average ice berg weighs 20,000,000 tons. That's 450 Titanics! The speed of light never changes. Blue light is actually hotter than red light. If something moves at a velocity close to the speed of light, its time will slow down and it will shrink. The pull of gravity inside a black hole is so strong that not even light can escape.

SCIENTIFIC METHOD Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.[1] To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[2] The Oxford English Dictionary says that scientific method is: "a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."[3] Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, identifiable features distinguish scientific inquiry from other methods of obtaining knowledge. Scientific researchers propose hypotheses as explanations of phenomena, and design experimental studies to test these hypotheses. These steps must be repeatable, to predict future results. Theories that encompass wider domains of inquiry may bind many independently derived hypotheses together in a coherent, supportive structure. Theories, in turn, may help form new hypotheses or place groups of hypotheses into context.

Scientific inquiry is generally intended to be as objective as possible, to reduce biased interpretations of results. Another basic expectation is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so they are available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, giving them the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them. This practice, called full disclosure, also allows statistical measures of the reliability of these data to be established. Elements of scientific method There are different ways of outlining the basic method used for scientific inquiry. The scientific community and philosophers of science generally agree on the following classification of method components. These methodological elements and organization of procedures tend to be more characteristic of natural sciences than social sciences. Nonetheless, the cycle of formulating hypotheses, testing and analyzing the results, and formulating new hypotheses, will resemble the cycle described below. Four essential elements[35][36][37] of a scientific method[38] are iterations,[39][40] recursions,[41] interleavings, or orderings of the following: Characterizations (observations,[42] definitions, and measurements of the subject of inquiry) Hypotheses[43][44] (theoretical, hypothetical explanations of observations and measurements of the subject)[45] Predictions (reasoning including logical deduction[46] from the hypothesis or theory) Experiments[47] (tests of all of the above) Each element of a scientific method is subject to peer review for possible mistakes. These activities do not describe all that scientists do (see below) but apply mostly to experimental sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, and biology). The elements above are often taught in the educational system.[48] Scientific method is not a recipe: it requires intelligence, imagination, and creativity. [49] In this sense, it is not a mindless set of standards and procedures to follow, but is rather an ongoing cycle, constantly developing more useful, accurate and comprehensive models and methods. For example, when Einstein developed the Special and General Theories of Relativity, he did not in any way refute or discount Newton's Principia. On the contrary, if the astronomically large, the vanishingly small, and the extremely fast are reduced out from Einstein's theories all phenomena that Newton could not have observed Newton's equations remain. Einstein's theories are

expansions and refinements of Newton's theories and, thus, increase our confidence in Newton's work. A linearized, pragmatic scheme of the four points above is sometimes offered as a guideline for proceeding:[50] Define the question Gather information and resources (observe) Form hypothesis Perform experiment and collect data Analyze data Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis Publish results Retest (frequently done by other scientists) The iterative cycle inherent in this step-by-step methodology goes from point 3 to 6 back to 3 again. While this schema outlines a typical hypothesis/testing method,[51] it should also be noted that a number of philosophers, historians and sociologists of science (perhaps most notably Paul Feyerabend) claim that such descriptions of scientific method have little relation to the ways science is actually practiced. The "operational" paradigm combines the concepts of operational definition, instrumentalism, and utility: The essential elements of a scientific method are operations, observations, models, and a utility function for evaluating models.[52][not in citation given] Operation - Some action done to the system being investigated Observation - What happens when the operation is done to the system Model - A fact, hypothesis, theory, or the phenomenon itself at a certain moment Utility Function - A measure of the usefulness of the model to explain, predict, and control, and of the cost of use of it. One of the elements of any scientific utility function is the refutability of the model. Another is its simplicity, on the Principle of Parsimony also known as Occam's Razor. Characterizations

Scientific method depends upon increasingly sophisticated characterizations of the subjects of investigation. (The subjects can also be called unsolved problems or the unknowns.) For example, Benjamin Franklin correctly characterized St. Elmo's fire as electrical in nature, but it has taken a long series of experiments and theory to establish this. While seeking the pertinent properties of the subjects, this careful thought may also entail some definitions and observations; the observations often demand careful measurements and/or counting. The systematic, careful collection of measurements or counts of relevant quantities is often the critical difference between pseudo-sciences, such as alchemy, and a science, such as chemistry or biology. Scientific measurements taken are usually tabulated, graphed, or mapped, and statistical manipulations, such as correlation and regression, performed on them. The measurements might be made in a controlled setting, such as a laboratory, or made on more or less inaccessible or unmanipulatable objects such as stars or human populations. The measurements often require specialized scientific instruments such as thermometers, spectroscopes, or voltmeters, and the progress of a scientific field is usually intimately tied to their invention and development. SCIENCE AND POLITICS Political science is a social science concerned with the theory and practice of politics, the analysis of political systems and political behavior. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions. And from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics work."[1] Political science intersects with other fields; including anthropology, public policy, national politics, economics, international relations, comparative politics, psychology, sociology, history, law, and political theory. Political science is commonly divided into three distinct sub-disciplines which together constitute the field: Political Philosophy, Comparative Politics and International Relations. Political Philosophy is the reasoning for an absolute normative government, laws and similar questions and their distinctive characteristics. Comparative Politics is the science of comparison and teaching of different types of constitutions, political actors, legislature and associated fields, all of them from an intrastate perspective. International Relations deals with the interaction between nation-states as well as intergovernmental and transnational organizations.

Political science is methodologically diverse and appropriates many methods originating in social research. Approaches include positivism, interpretivism, rational choice theory, behavioral, structuralism, post-structuralism, realism, institutionalism, and pluralism. Political science, as one of the social sciences, uses methods and techniques that relate to the kinds of inquiries sought: primary sources such as historical documents and official records, secondary sources such as scholarly journal articles, survey research, statistical analysis, case studies, and model building. "As a discipline" political science, possibly like the social sciences as a whole, "lives on the fault line between the 'two cultures' in the academy, the sciences and the humanities."[2] Thus, in some American colleges where there is no separate School or College of Arts and Sciences per se, political science may be a separate department housed as part of a division or school of Humanities or Liberal Arts.[3] Whereas classical political philosophy is primarily defined by a concern for Hellenic and Enlightenment thought, political scientists are broadly marked by a greater concern for "modernity" and the contemporary nation state, and as such share a greater deal of terminology with sociologists (e.g. structure and agency). Overview Political scientists study matters concerning the allocation and transfer of power in decision making, the roles and systems of governance including governments and international organizations, political behavior and public policies. They measure the success of governance and specific policies by examining many factors, including stability, justice, material wealth, and peace. Some political scientists seek to advance positive (attempt to describe how things are, as opposed to how they should be) theses by analyzing politics. Others advance normative theses, by making specific policy recommendations. Political scientists provide the frameworks from which journalists, special interest groups, politicians, and the electorate analyze issues. According to Chaturvedy, "...Political scientists may serve as advisers to specific politicians, or even run for office as politicians themselves. Political scientists can be found working in governments, in political parties or as civil servants. They may be involved with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or political movements. In a variety of capacities, people educated and trained in political science can add value and expertise to corporations.[4] Private enterprises such as think tanks, research institutes, polling and

public relations firms often employ political scientists."[5] In the United States, political scientists known as "Americanists" look at a variety of data including constitutional development, elections, public opinion and public policy such as Social Security reform,..... foreign policy, US Congressional committees, and the US Supreme Court to name only a few issues. Most United States colleges and universities offer B.A. programs in political science. M.A. or M.A.T. and Ph.D or Ed.D. programs are common at larger universities. The term political science is more popular in North America than elsewhere; other institutions, especially those outside the United States, see political science as part of a broader discipline of political studies, politics, or government. While political science implies use of the scientific method, political studies implies a broader approach, although the naming of degree courses does not necessarily reflect their content.[6] Separate degree granting programs in international relations and public policy are not uncommon at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Master's level programs in political science are common while political scientists engage in public administration. [7] The national honour society for college and university students of government and politics in the United States is Pi Sigma Alpha. HISTORY Political science as a separate field is a relatively late arrival in terms of social sciences. However, the term "political science" was not always distinguished from political philosophy, and the modern discipline has a clear set of antecedents including also moral philosophy, political economy, political theology, history, and other fields concerned with normative determinations of what ought to be and with deducing the characteristics and functions of the ideal state. The antecedents of Western politics can be traced back to the Socratic political philosophers, Plato (427347 BC), Xenophon (c. 430354 BC), and Aristotle ("The Father of Political Science") (384322 BC). These authors, in such works as The Republic and Laws by Plato, and The Politics and Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle, analyzed political systems philosophically, going beyond earlier Greek poetic and historical reflections which can be found in the works of epic poets like Homer and Hesiod, historians like Herodotus and Thucydides, and dramatists such as Sophocles, Aristophanes, and Euripides.

Modern political science Because political science is essentially a study of human behavior, in all aspects of politics, observations in controlled environments are often challenging to reproduce or duplicate, though experimental methods are increasingly common.[12] Citing this difficulty, former American Political Science Association President Lawrence Lowell once said "We are limited by the impossibility of experiment. Politics is an observational, not an experimental science."[13] Because of this, political scientists have historically observed political elites, institutions, and individual or group behavior in order to identify patterns, draw generalizations, and build theories of politics. Like all social sciences, political science faces the difficulty of observing human actors that can only be partially observed and who have the capacity for making conscious choices unlike other subjects such as non-human organisms in biology or inanimate objects as in physics. Despite the complexities, contemporary political science has progressed by adopting a variety of methods and theoretical approaches to understanding politics and methodological pluralism is a defining feature of contemporary political science. The advent of political science as a university discipline was marked by the creation of university departments and chairs with the title of political science arising in the late 19th century. In fact, the designation "political scientist" is typically reserved for those with a doctorate in the field. Integrating political studies of the past into a unified discipline is ongoing, and the history of political science has provided a rich field for the growth of both normative and positive political science, with each part of the discipline sharing some historical predecessors. The American Political Science Association was founded in 1903 and the American Political Science Review was founded in 1906 in an effort to distinguish the study of politics from economics and other social phenomena. Behavioral Revolution and New Institutionalism In the 1950s and the 1960s, a behavioral revolution stressing the systematic and rigorously scientific study of individual and group behavior swept the discipline. A focus on studying political behavior, rather than institutions or interpretation of legal texts, characterized early behavioral political science, including work by Robert Dahl,


Philip Converse, and in the collaboration between sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld and public opinion scholar Bernard Berelson. The late 1960s and early 1970s witnessed a take off in the use of deductive, game theoretic formal modeling techniques aimed at generating a more analytical corpus of knowledge in the discipline. This period saw a surge of research that borrowed theory and methods from economics to study political institutions, such as the United States Congress, as well as political behavior, such as voting. William H. Riker and his colleagues and students at the University of Rochester were the main proponents of this shift. Criticisms of the use of this rational choice theorizing has been widespread, even among political scientists who adopt quantitative methods.[14] This trend toward formalization has continued and accelerated, even as the behavioralist revolution has subsided. At the same time, because of the interdependence of all social life, political science also moved towards a closer working relationship with other disciplines, especially sociology, economics, history, anthropology, psychology, public administration, law, and statistics without losing its own identity.[15] Increasingly, political scientists have used the scientific method to create an intellectual discipline involving quantitative research methods, as well as the generation of formal economics-style models of politics to derive testable hypotheses followed by empirical verification. Over the past generations, the discipline placed an increasing emphasis on relevance and the use of new approaches to increase scientific knowledge in the field and provide explanations for empirical outcomes. Kenneth R. Mladenka, a political scientist at Texas A&M University, was among the academics who proceeded to bring acceptance of the newer urban studies component of the discipline. In the 1970s and 1980s, he found that urban scholars were not as prominent on the editorial boards of the major political science journals, and that traditional scholars, called empiricists, regard most urban research, dependent on case studies, paradigms, qualitative analysis, and theoretical perspectives, as less reliable than the traditional emphasis of the discipline. The urban scholars such as Mladenka stress "local settings where global, national, and voting behavior outcomes happen at street level and where day-to-day lives are affected."[16][17] Recent Developments


In 2000, the so-called Perestroika Movement in political science was introduced as a reaction against what supporters of the movement called the mathematicization of political science. Those who identified with the movement argued for a plurality of methodologies and approaches in political science and for more relevance of the discipline to those outside of it.[18]

^ Political Science. (1999-02-22). Retrieved on 2010-11-13. ^ Stoner, J. R. (2008-02-22). "Political Science and Political Education". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the APSA Teaching and Learning Conference (APSA), San Jos Marriott, San Jos, California. Retrieved 2009-02-04. " although one might allege the same for social science as a whole, political scientists receive funding from and play an active role in both the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities [in the United States]." <>. ^ See, e.g., the department of Political Science at Marist College, part of a Division of Humanities before that division became the School of Liberal Arts (c. 2000). ^ Chaturvedy, J. C. (2005). Political Governance. Gyan Publishing House. p. 4. ISBN 8182053175.


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