Ibcs Handbook
Ibcs Handbook
Ibcs Handbook
We believe in the verbal inspiration and Authority of The Scriptures
We believe that The Bible reveals God, the fall of man the way of salvation and God’s plan and
purpose in the ages.
We believe in God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.
We believe that in creation, A Trinitarian God created man and woman for marriage for the purposes of family life,
thereby making way for propagation and multiplication of civilization on the earth.
We believe that marriage between man and woman is permanent and inviolable as established
by God in creation.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
The International Baptist College and Seminary (IBCS) students may apply for any of the scholarships below
at the beginning of the first Semester of the year. These scholarships are from generous donors, alumni, and friends
of IBC because of their desire to help students continue an education for service to the Lord.
All qualified grantees will fill out the SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM with contract of compliance and
accountability to the institution and donors.
The ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP is available to an applicant who graduates as valedictorian of a class of six or
more students who belongs to the upper 5% of his graduating class. Application is approved pending a letter from
the school administrator verifying that fact or upon presentation of a valid certificate of Academic Excellence from
his origin institution.
Upon approval, an applicant may be awarded a tuition benefit ranging from 50%-100% tuition over the first
eight consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-time student.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Recipients must maintain an average of 85% (2.0) GPA each year in order to receive the benefit of the
Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
The HAMADERA SCHOLARSHIP is available to applicants enrolling in the Bachelor of Arts majoring in
Theology (ABTh) or Bachelor of Arts majoring in Religious Education (ABRE) degree programs. Qualifications for this
scholarship as as follows:
Applicants must be Filipino or Japanese citizens.
Upon approval, a discount of 100% of the tuition fee will be awarded for two (2) semesters at a time and
may be renewed after an evaluation until the first eight (8) consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-
time student.
Recipients must maintain a PASSING MARK each year in order to receive the benefit of the scholarship.
Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
Recipients will be asked to work on missions or school-based work for four (4) hours per day or twenty (20)
hours per week.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Available to a qualified applicant who is able-bodied applicant over eighteen (18) years old who is willing to
perform work in exchange for tuition fee credit. Application is approved pending the submission of a medical
certificate of Good health.
Upon approval, a discount of 50-100% of the tuition fee will be awarded for two (2) semesters at a time and
may be renewed after an evaluation until the first eight (8) consecutive semesters of attendance as a full-time
• 50% off of TUITION FEE = 3 Hours of assigned work per day, 6 days a week
• 100% off of TUITION FEE = 5 Hours of assigned work per day, 6 days a week
Recipients are allowed to enroll a maximum of 15 units per semester for students on partial scholarship; and
12 units per semester for those on full scholarship.
Recipients must maintain an 85% GPA each year in order to receive the benefit of the 100% scholarship; a
minimum of 75% (3.0) to benefit from the 50% scholarship.
Students who forfeit the scholarship because of grade point average will forfeit the benefit for future years.
The Mission of the Grace Clinic is to promote the growth, development and educational achievement of IBCS’
students by promoting their health by attentively monitoring health status and identifying nutritional needs of IBCS
students and school personnel
The Vision of the Grace Clinic is to excel in assessing risks, cultivate resilience and ensure that students
achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
The GRACE Clinic named after MRS. GRACE BALLON TICA, RN, BSN who lived her life serving as a missionary
nurse alongside, the IBCS Founder and Chancellor, Dr. Gavino S. Tica. The Grace Clinic provides immediate first aid
to the students and faculty of the International Baptist College and Seminary enabling its students to remain in
school or to be transferred to the proper health facility as needed.
The Grace Clinic is equipped to provide Covid testing and immediate care for students or staff who may
exhibit any symptoms of Covid 19. Covid testing. A quarantine area has been set aside for anyone exhibiting
symptoms of the virus and is in need of being transported home or transferred to a health facility. The clinic works
in partnership with the local health department, with its students and faculty to make informed decisions about
disease prevention and management of health conditions while providing education to individuals and groups
enabling them to be better consumers of health care and stewards of their own health.
The Mission of IBCS Computer Laboratory is to provide digitized automated educational opportunities that
impact student learning through quality instruction from expert faculty and staff. The IBCS information technology
specialists have developed and are continuing to maintain the school’s Learning Management System (LMS) and
hybrid Learning Continuity Program (LCP).
The Vision of the Computer Laboratory is to become a learning facility where all children will be exposed to
a well-established computer curriculum where students will learn in a safe, friendly, and nurturing environment
where students are inspired to innovate, explore and create research-based and strategically planned outputs.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
The vision of the group of dedicated professionals of the IBC Administration office is to launch IBC as a
forerunner in distinctive Christian education by providing value added guidance and expertise in college services for
its staff and stakeholders.
The team of talented, resourceful and experienced personnel support the advancement of IBC’s strategic
goals and long-term plans by working collaboratively with school operations and customer service to the highest
standards of accountability and efficiency.
The vision of the group of dedicated professionals at the IBC Administration office is to launch IBC as a
forerunner in distinctive Christian education by the prudent stewardship of IBC’s resources and assets.
The office aims to employ its culture of efficiency and effectiveness in innovative and entrepreneurial
methods in the allocation, development and growth of the school’s assets.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
The IBC Pre-Elementary department shall be the secure infrastructure of every young child’s learning
experience laying the foundation for love of God, love of country, family, environment and love of learning.
The IBC Pre-Elementary shall provide high quality early childhood education cultivating an attitude of lifelong
learning and gratitude for God’s world and His Word.
The vision of the IBC Elementary School Department is to be the secure infrastructure of every child in the
primary level’s academic and spiritual preparation to serve The Lord Jesus Christ growing into a productive member
of society.
The mission of the IBC Elementary School is to apply Biblical principles to all areas of life producing lifelong
excellent Christ-like learners.
The vision of the IBC Secondary is to be known as an institution providing Christ-centered education
integrating spiritual, academic, social, physical, and emotional training, leading to a life of excellent commitment
and service to God and humanity.
IBC Secondary School mission is to help young people develop and mature in a positive, Christ-centered
environment that integrates faith, technology, innovation and learning by emphasizing Biblical training and
academic excellence.
The Mission of the IBCS RESOURCE DEPARTMENT is to promote student achievement, based on specifically
identified needs, and preparation of individualized educational programs that inspire success in the paths students
choose to pursue.
The Vision of the Department is to see to it that students with differentiated abilities understand their
rights and abilities, and meet their challenges in order to best prepare them for sustainable employment, further
education, and training.
IBC is an international college whose credits are transferable to any national or international institution
focused on academic excellence and distinctively Christian character.
The Mission of the College department is to provide innovative teaching based on Biblical philosophy using
a collaborative approach in order to produce graduates who will contribute to significant productive change in their
immediate and global environments.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Students living in the dormitories have evening (10pm) and morning (6am) devotions with their dormitory
monitors. Students are required to keep a DEVOTIONAL JOURNAL. Journals will be checked and submitted to the
Office of Student Affairs every last MONDAY of the month.
At different times during the year, opportunities will be opened for students taking the Philosophy of
Missions class or those wanting to experience tribal ministry work to go on Mission trips. Only students who are
above the age of 18 and whose other academic and ministry responsibilities will not conflict with the scheduled
trip will be allowed to go.
All expenses will be paid by the student including transportation, food and lodging. Any student going on
the trip must acquire Medical clearance before going.
Chapel Hour is communal worship, sharing and meditation of God’s Word. It is scheduled once a week and
is a requirement for all students enrolled at the INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST COLLEGE. Chapel Hour is also the time of
submission of the following:
Students in the seminary are required to submit a devotional notebook containing verses and Bible study
notes of their time alone in studying God’s Word.
Music has the potential to direct our thoughts and emotions, and it reflects our values. The music we listen
to can either affect us in a way that honors God or seduces our thoughts to ungodliness. Philippians 4:8 reminds us
that we must fill our thoughts with whatsoever things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report,
virtuous, and praiseworthy.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
In light of the above, music made popular by pop artists as love songs and songs with lyrics that do not portray
agape love or love as portrayed in The Bible are not allowed in any gatherings including ‘mock weddings’ or any
social gatherings sponsored by IBCS.
To provide an atmosphere free from distraction of prevalent worldly influences and to encourage academic
focus, IBCS has established the following standards:
Any media or form of entertainment (regardless of rating)—including but not limited to television, movies,
books, magazines, apps, computer and video games— which contain violence, sensual or demonic themes,
suggestive dress, profanity, or rock music is not permitted on or off campus.
Posting and reposting images and articles on social media must exhibit the student’s good testimony and
appropriately represent the values and standards of the International Baptist College and Seminary.
Posting messages or images that exhibit nudity, vices or obscene language are not allowed and do not express
good Christian testimony.
All cyber offenses punishable under RA 10175 otherwise known as AN ACT DEFINING CYBERCRIME
THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES shall apply to this handbook.
Hair and Grooming
The purpose of this policy is to promote conservative styles and professional appearance. Hair must be neatly
combed and tapered and may not come over the ears, eyebrows, or collar; sideburns may not extend beyond the
bottom of the ear. Fads and extreme styles are not acceptable including lines and artwork shaven into hair and cuts
such as thin lines along the cheekbones and around the chin or lip.
Any hairstyle (including high tops) should be neatly combed and managed, and may not exceed 2 inches
above the scalp. Braids, buns/ponytail, patches, stubble, unnatural hair colors, or undefined facial hair (scruffy,
unkempt, patchy, or thin) are not allowed.
The expectations for student dress are designed to reflect the principles of modesty, distinction, and
appropriateness. All students are expected to dress modestly, in conservative fashions, and with a level of propriety
that encourages purity. It is considered immodest to wear clothing that is tight-fitting. Men and women should be
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
distinctive in their appearance. For this reason, men are not to wear effeminate hair styles, apparel, or cosmetics
such as makeup and nail polish.
Appropriateness in dress is related to the setting and activity. In the school setting, care must be taken to
avoid association with companies, lifestyles, and trends that oppose Christian values, including gothic dress styles,
body markings (permanent or temporary tattoos) body piercings, and unnatural hair colors. While enrolled at IBCS,
existing body markings should be kept covered.
Shirts with collars (polo shirts) must be worn for classes. Polos or polo barongs must be worn for Formal,
Professional / Church, and Smart Casual dress. Pants that come to the top of the shoe are to be worn for all activities
unless designated.
Formal / Professional / Church—Traditional formalwear or barong or suit, dress shoes, and dress socks are suitable
for formal banquets and Fine Arts performances, Ceremonies.
Smart Casual—Casual pants (no denim, drawstrings, or athletic materials) and collared shirt and closed-toe shoes,
and socks are appropriate. Smart Casual is required on campus school days, Sunday services, semiformal banquets,
forums, seminars, and Chapel.
Athletic Wear-Casual-Jeans, athletic pants, shorts for sports events, outings and para-school game or social
gatherings. (i.e. basketball/cargo styles rather than runner styles), T-shirts (may be untucked), ball caps, and athletic
shoes/flip flops are permitted.
Appropriate attire for specific athletic events and locations is listed below:
Swim trunks for beach, water park, and resort or swimming pool (shorts/shirt worn to and from these
Tank tops and muscle shirts to be worn only while playing sports or working out in the gym or workout
equipment in the dormitories
Shirts must be worn anytime outside the dormitories.
Clothing should not have writing or pictures that are offensive, divisive, inappropriate, suggestive, or contrary
to Biblical Principles and the Code of Conduct.
Any print on clothing related to rock music, derogatory statements, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gambling,
dancing, etc.
Hair and Grooming
At IBCS, care must be taken to avoid association with companies, lifestyles, and trends that oppose
Christian values, including gothic dress/makeup styles, unnatural hair colors, and masculine hair styles (i.e.
shaved/close cropped or engraved).
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Body Piercing
One piercing may be worn in each earlobe but no ear cuffs, plugs/gauges, or other body piercings. Students
are not permitted to get a tattoo (permanent or temporary) while enrolled at IBCS. Students with existing tattoos
will be asked to keep them covered.
The expectations for student dress are designed to reflect the principles of modesty, distinction, and
appropriateness. All students are expected to dress modestly, in conservative fashions, and with a level of propriety
that encourages purity. It is considered immodest to wear clothing that is revealing or tightfitting.
Dresses and skirts are acceptable for all categories unless otherwise stated and must not go beyond 2
inches above the kneecap at all times.
Tops, shirts and blouses are to cover the shoulder, back, midriff, and cleavage. Undergarments should be
worn but not seen at all times even during weddings, banquets or at any events that may require a costume.
Formal—Traditional formalwear or Sunday dress and closed-toe shoes are suitable for formal banquets
and Fine Arts performances and ceremonies.
Professional/Church—Styles that show appropriate reverence and respect are to be worn for Sunday
church services, semiformal banquets, forums, seminars and classes on campus. Sandals may be worn;
Athletic (rubber) shoes and slippers are allowed only in lieu of leg or foot injury.
Athletic Wear- culottes, shorts not going beyond 2 inches above the kneecap, square pants, loose-fitting
jeans, athletic sweat or jogging pants are allowed only for recreational and sports events, outings and
para-school game / off-campus social gatherings.
Appropriate attire for specific athletic events and locations is listed below:
Shorts and Colored T-shirts or rashguards are allowed at waterparks, swimming and water
Clothing may not have writing or pictures that are offensive, divisive, inappropriate, suggestive, or
contrary to Biblical Principles and the Code of Conduct.
Any clothing related to rock music, derogatory statements, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gambling,
dancing, etc., may not be worn.
IBCS provides a great atmosphere for meeting new people and developing long lasting godly relationships. We
encourage students to foster these relationships with Christ at the center. These guidelines are designed to guard
purity and maintain a spotless Christian testimony on and off campus.
Male and female students may not be together in secluded locations
As detailed in the Bible (I Timothy 1:10), students are not allowed to pursue a romantic relationship with one
of the same gender.
Students below 25 years old in the first two (2) semesters of enrollment at IBCS are not allowed to commence
a romantic relationship.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
After the first year at IBCS, a male student intending to pursue a romantic relationship may seek permission
from the female student’s guardians. After permission from the lady’s parents is secured, a letter of his intent
may be forwarded to and approved by the Office of Student Affairs.
Physical and public display of affection between men and women (including non-students) is not allowed on
or off campus.
Students who are on and off campus committing any sexual offense will be subject to being suspended or
dismissed from IBCS.
At IBCS certain individuals are authorized to give direction and enforce policies. Students are to treat those
in positions of authority with proper respect and follow instructions willingly. This includes faculty and staff as well
as students who are serving in an official capacity (safety and security, residence assistants, desk attendants,
chaperones, etc.)
Reasonable directions given from authorized individuals should be observed, and prompt response to
communication and scheduled appointments from College personnel is expected.
Disrespect, display of bad attitude, disobedience, dishonesty, and lying are not acceptable.
Students may must present to IBCS only valid credentials, information and identification.
Out of respect, students address faculty and staff by their titles (Dr., Pastor, Mr., Mrs., or Miss); The use of
first names is not appropriate.
The goal of student disciplinary measures is to encourage the student to make necessary changes in
behavior, limit future misconduct, and/or to protect other students. Any student who becomes aware of a serious
offense should report the office of Student Affairs. IBCS reserves the ability to communicate with a student’s
parents or refer the student to his pastor for counsel.
The Office of Student Affairs is authorized to employ the following responses to support and enforce
NOTICES—Verbal or written communication to the student related to specific actions that are inappropriate and
must be corrected.
Failure to meet grooming or dress / hair standard
Procedural infraction (disregarding a scheduled appointment, tardiness or absence from church, ministry,
chapel, work day, mission or school function without prior proper permission)
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
CHARGES—fines given for failure to fulfill responsibilities for restitution for damage, loss, theft, or vandalism of
personal or college property.
DEMERITS—points recorded on a student’s record to limit continued misconduct, given for neglect of
responsibilities or for more serious offenses.
Students who hold leadership positions need to keep demerits below 60.
Students accumulating 100 demerits two semesters in a row or 100 demerits within one semester may be
10–25 demerits
Irresponsibility (excessive class absence, lack of attention, causing distraction)
Disrespect, lack of cooperation, failure to follow directive
Dress code violation
Violation of policy (misuse of cell phone, having prohibited items, etc.)
Unexcused absence from event (church, mission / school events)
Late to church or chapel
Late or non-submission of practical work reports, devotion records and other requirements
50–100 demerits
Social misconduct (inappropriate physical contact, suggestive language or content)
Possession of harmful devices
heating on midterm or final
Fighting or malicious horseplay
Involvement in prohibited activities involving vices
Plagiarism / Cheating
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Separation is described as suspension or dismissal from all IBCS functions. Conditions for readmission or
continued academic work may be indicated.
The Office of Student Affairs will attempt to address minor infractions with minimal disciplinary actions;
however, repeated misconduct and serious offenses will require an increased level of response that may ultimately
impact the student’s enrollment status.
Consideration will be given to the seriousness of the misconduct, any previous discipline problems, the level
of responsibility and cooperation shown, and potential effects on the safety and well-being of others. More than
one of the responses listed above may be enacted for any single violation; and other interventions to assist the
student in making wise choices may be employed, including loss of privilege, referral for counsel, or probation.
SEM-OUT STATUS is applied for any student accumulating more than 100 demerits per semester. Seminary
students who have been placed on a Sem-Out status may not take any place of leadership in national or regional
school or mission-sponsored events.
After being placed on Sem-out status, a student’s re-enrollment in the seminary will be considered only after
one (1) full semester from the time he/she was placed under discipline.
As part of the corrective process, the student will be assigned to serve with a Senior Pastor / Mentor
appointed by the Office of Student Affairs in an area different from his home church for a minimum of four (4)
YEAR-OUT STATUS is applied for any student accumulating more than 200 demerits per semester. Seminary
students who have been placed on a Year-Out status may not take any place of leadership in national or regional
school or mission-sponsored events.
A student’s re-enrollment in the seminary will be considered after one (1) year from the time he/she was
placed under discipline.
As part of the corrective process, the student will be assigned to serve with a senior Pastor in an area
different from his home church for a minimum of six (6) months.
EXCLUSION is applied for any student accumulating more than 300 demerits per semester, pregnancy out of
wedlock, repetition or a more serious version of the offenses mentioned above.
A student’s re-enrollment in the seminary will be considered after a minimum of two (2) years from the
time he/she was placed under discipline.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
In order to apply for re-admission into the International Baptist Theological College (IBCS Seminary
Department), a student must present the following:
Student’s letter seeking re-admission into the Seminary directed to the Office of Student Affairs
Home Pastor’s recommendation
Pastor / mentor’s recommendation and evaluation of Christian service.
Students may request that a decision affecting their academic standing be reconsidered by submitting a
written appeal of the decision to the Office of the Academic Dean or Registrar. Decisions that may be appealed
include issues affecting program (curriculum) status, application of academic policy, the determination of a grade,
and allegations of cheating or plagiarism.
An Academic Appeal Committee consisting of Dean, representative from the Office of Student Affairs and the
Academic Vice President will review the facts related to the case and determine whether the decision in question
should stand. The decision of the Academic Appeal Committee is final.
Students may request that a decision affecting their disciplinary record be considered by submitting a written
appeal of the decision to the Dean of Student Affairs. The written request must be submitted within two weeks of
the disciplinary decision. An Appeal Committee consisting of the SSG President, a faculty member, and a
representative from office of Student Affairs will meet, hear the appeal, and determine if the penalties are
warranted. The decision of the Appeal Committee is final.
A grievance may be filed regarding any situation or action personally affecting the student that was caused
by the violation, mishandling, or misapplication of a specific provision of a policy, rule, statute, or regulation of IBCS.
Requests for reconsideration of decisions that affect a student’s status in keeping with standing policies are not
grievances and should be handled through the appeals process.
Grievances should be resolved at the lowest level possible. Most matters of student concern can be resolved
informally and would not result in a formal grievance being filed. A student is expected to first discuss the problem
with the faculty or staff head of the given area and allow a reasonable opportunity for the problem to be resolved.
Having done that without satisfactory results, it would then be appropriate to proceed with the grievance report
procedure, if the student desires, without fear of retribution.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
The student may obtain a letter explaining his offense (Student Grievance Report) from the Student Affairs
Office. The student will return the form explaining the problem to the Student Affairs Office within forty-eight (48)
hours upon receipt of the report.
As part of a Seminary student’s re-mentoring process, he may be sent to another mission point apart from
his ‘sending’ church and will be re-accepted in the seminary program only upon recommendation of the mentoring
pastor and the office of Student affairs.
Failure by the student to comply with this time limit will constitute a waiver of the grievance. The committee
will meet with the student and a response will be given within five (5) working days of the grievance being submitted.
The Student Affairs Office maintains all records regarding grievances. Work grievances may be filed with
Work Scholarship / Accounting office.
The Bible is the final authority for all things and the means by which God has expressed principles for
living in a way that conforms to His Image and protects from ungodly thinking and behavior.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Latin honors are issued in order to enable the recipient student to apply for professional eligibility
for Civil Service accreditation.
The candidate for graduation with honors in any 4-year course must (1) complete two thirds (2/3) of his/her
curriculum program of IBC, (2) comply with the required units for graduation, including institutional requirements
(camping, thesis writing, Bible subjects), (3) show excellent behavior throughout his/her residence in the College,
and (4) achieve high scholastic ratings making him part of the upper 5% of his graduating class with general weighted
average (GWA), as follows:
Summa Cum Laude - A general weighted average (GWA) of not lower than 1.25, with no grade lower than 1.5 in any
Magna Cum Laude - A general weighted average (GWA) of not lower than 1.5, with no grade lower than 1.75 in any
Cum Laude - A general weighted average (GWA) of not lower than 1.75, with no grade lower than 2.0 in any subject.
Students qualified for honors must not acquire any mark below a grade of 80% or 2.50.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Accounting for courses completed by each student is done by granting academic unit. A unit is granted for
successful completion of each semester of a course. THREE (3) semester units are granted for a regular course for
one semester. A total of eighteen (18) units is considered FULL LOAD; student is considered full-time.
The number of units to be granted for each course is currently calculated by the average number of minutes
per week that the course meets. For full credit, three (3) semester units per semester, a course must meet for a
minimum of 150 minutes per week. Education Courses with laboratory requirements are allocated 100 minutes
for lecture and 50 minutes for laboratory (performance task) or classroom observation.
The only academic reports accepted at IBCS are from schools recognized by the Department of Education
(DepEd) or Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Students transferring to IBCS from institutions without permits
from the above government agencies must first take the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT); Upon receipt
of the his test results, the student will be placed at the subsequent level accordingly.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
signed. The academic report of students failing to comply with the requirement in any given subject before the end
of the succeeding semester shall be marked 5.0 or FAILED. shall be marked WP (Withdrawal Passing) or WF
(Withdrawal Failing) depending on the students’ academic status at the time of his withdrawal from school.
Academic reports of students failing to comply from any academic requirements by the end of the semester
shall be marked INC (incomplete). The student is given until then end of the succeeding semester to complete the
requirements. Highest grade to be issued for completion is 3.0 (75%). Academic report of students failing to comply
with the academic requirement in any given subject before the end of the succeeding semester shall be marked 5.0
Students acquiring unexcused absences more than 10% of the number of school days will be DROPPED FROM
Students wanting to make schedule changes must obtain from the Registrar’s office an official form detailing
the changes in their academic program. Forms shall be available for dropping and adding classes. On these forms,
space will be provided for:
Name / Course / Level of student
Reason for DROPPING / ADDING the class
Signature of the instructor
Signature and approval of course department head
Signature of the Registrar.
Signature of Parents/Guardians (if the student is in Elementary, High School or below 18 years old)
Written permission from their parents/guardians in charge of their enrolment to make any major changes in
their program.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
Section 1 Rationale
Based on the Guidelines for the Implementation of CMO No. 46 s. 2012, this PSG Implements the “shift to
learning competency-based standards/outcomes-based education” in response to the 21st Century Philippine
Teacher Education framework. Furthermore, this PSG is anchored on the salient features of K to 12 Enhanced
Curriculum (RA 10533), the Philippine Qualifications Framework (EO 83, s. 2012), the National Competency-Based
Teacher Standards (NCBTS) now the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (D.O. 42, s. 2017) and other
relevant documents. It specifies the ‘core competencies’ expected of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
graduates “regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from.” However, in “recognition of the spirit of outcomes-
based education and of the typology of HEIs,” this PSG also provides “ample space for HEIs to innovate in the
curriculum in line with the assessment of how best to achieve learning outcomes in their particular contexts and
their respective missions.”
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Section 4
The HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to their own contexts and missions provided that they can
demonstrate that the same leads to the attainment of the requirement minimum set of outcomes, albeit by a
different route. In the same vein, they have latitude in terms of curriculum delivery and in terms of specification
and deployment of human and physical resources as long as they can show that the attainment of the program
outcomes and satisfaction of program educational objectives can be assured by the alternative means they propose.
HEIs can use the CHED Implementation Handbook for Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) and the
Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) as a guide in making their submissions for Article VII.
6.1. Common to all programs in all types of schools The graduates have the ability to:
a. articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
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b. effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing
c. work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and
multi- cultural teams. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d. act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
6.4 Common to graduates of a horizontal type of institution as defined in CMO 46, 2012
Graduates of professional institutions demonstrate service orientation in their respective professions
Graduates of colleges are qualified for various types of employment and participate in development activities and
public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the communities they serve.
a. Graduates of universities contribute to the generation of new knowledge by participating in various research
and development projects
b. All private higher education institutions (PHEI), may adopt mission-related program outcomes that are not
minimum set of learning outcomes.
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b. Use English as a global language in a multilingual Incorporate features of English as a global language in the
context as it applies to the teaching of language design of the curriculum, learning activities and materials
and literature
Draft proposal for and implements a community- based
English language- or literature-based learning program
• Prepare an annotated reading list appropriate for a
particular grade level to enhance students’ reading skills
• Show the ability to enrich the curriculum to include an
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language, extensive reading list for learning language, literature, and
literature, and allied fields allied fields
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• Design computer-assisted language and literature learning
g. Use technology in facilitating language learning and tasks
teaching • Prepare one independent and one supervised technology-
based lesson
• Conduct a community language profiling survey to make
h. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and lessons more localized
transformative changes to improve learning and • Draft a proposal for and implements a community- based
teaching language and literature English language- or literature-based learning program
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1st Semester Units 2nd Semester Units
Field Study 1 3 Teaching Internship 6
Field Study 2 3
Total 6 Total 6
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1 Semester UNITS 2nd Semester UNITS
VED1 Foundation of Values Education 3 VED2 Philosophical and Ethical Foundations 3
of Values Education
VED4 Psychological Theories of Values 3 VED20 Filipino Values System 3
VED5 Dynamics of Intra and Interpersonal 3 The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning 3
Relations Principles
VED7 Contemporary Family Life 3
GE1 3 GE4 3
GE2 3 GE5 3
GE3 3 GE6 3
PE 3 GE7 3
1 Semester UNITS 2nd Semester UNITS
VED15 Moral Issues and Concerns in 3 VED18 Development of Values Education 3
Contemporary Living
VED9 Career Development and Work 3 VED6 Psycho-Spiritual Development 3
VED16 Introduction to Guidance and 3 VED19 Research in Values Education II 3
VED17 Research in Values Education 1 3 VED12 Teaching Approaches and Strategies 3
in Values Education
The Teacher and the Community, 3 Instructional Materials and Assessment Tools 3
School Culture and Organizational Leadership
The Teaching Profession 3 GE10 3
Values 3 GE11 3
GE 8 3 GE12 3
GE 9 3 PE 2
PE 2
VED 10 Information Technology and Human 3 VED8 Transformative Education 3
VED11 Facilitation: Theory and Practice 3 VED14 Values Education through Community 3
VED13 Values Integration in the various 3 VED21 Technology for Teaching and Learning 3
Discipline 2
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education 3 Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 3
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 3 The Teacher and the School Curriculum 3
3 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across 3
Assessment in Learning 1
the Curriculum
Assessment in Learning 2 3 Elective 2 3
Field Study 1 3 Practice Teaching 6
Field Study 2 3
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PEH 101 Teaching PE & Health in the Elem Grades 3
PCK 105 Teacher & the School Curriculum 3
FOURTH YEAR 1st Semester
PRACT Teaching Internship 6
Thesis Thesis Writing (3)
FOURTH YEAR 2nd Semester
FS 101 Field Study 1 3
FS 102 Field Study 2 3
Assess 02 Research in Education 3
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process- and product-oriented learning outcomes as well as affective learning. Students
will experience how to develop rubrics and other assessment tools for performance-
based and product-based assessment.
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students with various strategies for pre-reading, during reading, and post
reading. (ES-2)
Teaching and Assessment of the Grammar
The course engages learners in understanding the distinctions between and
among four types of grammar: functional, descriptive, prescriptive, and
pedagogic. Aside from the emphasis on how teaching and assessment vary
considering the four types, the course also provides opportunities to discover
the role of grammar in achieving communicative competence.
Speech and Theater Arts
Examines the process of oral communications and the various forms of speech
arts from public speaking and group discussions to debate, oral interpretation
and dramatics (EK-2)
Language Research
Develops skills in applying principles and approaches in research to find
answers to questions in language learning and teaching. (EK1, ES2, EA2)
Children and Adolescent Literature
Provides a survey of the categories and types of the world’s literature for
children and adolescents (EK-3)
Mythology Folklore
Explore mythology and folklore from different countries to gain insights into
people’s origin, desires, fears, instincts, and needs. (EK-3)
Survey of Philippine Literature in English
Enables students to analyze the growth and development of Philippine
Literature in
English from 1900 to the present along socio-historical events as shown in
representative works. (EK-3)
Survey of Afro-Asian Literature
Surveys selected literary texts from Asia and Africa, particularly India, China,
Japan, the countries in the southeast region in Asia, and the African nations
south of the Sahara along socio-historical, philosophical, and literary
underpinnings. (EK-3)
Technical Writing
Develops technical and scientific writing skills across disciplines. (EK2, EK3, ES1,
Survey of English and American Literature
Engages students in a historical survey of selected literary works produced by
understanding English and American literatures from its beginnings to the 21
Century (EK-3)
Contemporary, Popular, and Emergent Literature
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Focuses on critical issues in contemporary and popular literature and genres.
Literary Criticism
Provides students with opportunities to study the basic approaches to literary
theory and criticism and their application to selected literary works. (EK-1)
Campus Journalism
Develops skills and applies principles and strategies in writing for traditional
and new media. (EK1, EK2, EK3, ES1, ES3, EA1, EA2)
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Technology in Secondary Language
TTL 2 is a 3-unit course which will focus on the application, design, production,
utilization, and evaluation of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
materials for teaching and learning in Secondary Language (English and Filipino)
Education Programs. The major requirement for this course is an ICT-integrated
and Project-based Learning Plan aligned to the K to 12 curriculum. All the
learning activities and course requirements will revolve around the student-
teacher developed Learning Plan.
Foundation of Values Education
The course is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of
Axiology or the theory of values. It presents Axiology both as a discipline and as
a relevant solution to present-day issues and challenges especially those that
pertain to values. It leads the students to recognize the nature, characteristics
and hierarchy of values and engages them in a deep reflection of their personal
value system and its impact on their options and choices in life.
Course Title Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of Values Education
The course equips the students with a deep understanding of the nature, origin, destiny
of the human person, based on various philosophical thoughts. It highlights Divine Law
and the Moral Law as the ultimate bases of all moral and socio-cultural values. It
Course Description
provides the students with the skill to critique world cultures and how they impact on
values formation. It leads the students to accompany the students on the search for
life’s meaning.
Course credits 3 units
Contact hrs/week 3 hours
Course Title Philippine Culture and the Society
Introduces the students to concepts, theories and perspectives vital in the
understanding of society and culture. An explanation on why people of different groups
Course Description or societies have different cultures and behavior is discussed focusing on the Filipino
culture. In doing so, the students are expected to recognize cultural elements that are
distinctly Filipino and choose that are worth perpetuating.
Course credits 3 units
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Contact hrs/week 3 hours
Course Title Psychological Theories of Values Development
Focuses on critical reflection of personal and social experiences and observations that
may be explained by psychological theories of values development in the Filipino
Course Description
context. This will promote understanding and appreciation of individual differences and
the uniqueness of each person.
Course credits 3 units
Contact hrs/week 3 hours
Course Title Dynamics of Intra- and Interpersonal Relations
Designed to develop an understanding of the theories, principles and application of
strategies for effective and healthy intra and interpersonal relations. As a process-
oriented course, special focus is given to the development of emotional intelligence
Course Description
and basic communication skills through reflective and relational experiential activities.
It is aimed to develop awareness of an individual’s capacities and potentials that would
inspire him to develop into a fully functioning person.
Course credits 3 units
Contact hrs/week 3 hours
Course Title Psycho-Spiritual Development
Focuses on the Psycho-Spiritual Experiences for Facilitating the Fullness of life such as
prayer centering, mind-body integration, trans-personal exercises, spiritual
Course Description recollection, union and evocation-oriented activities. The course brings together
insights and principles on psycho-spiritual growth developed across various religious
and cultural orientations.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours
Course Title Contemporary Family Life
Focuses on the dynamics of the Filipino family and a deeper understanding and
appreciation of one's socio-cultural heritage, and his beliefs, traditions, practices etc.,
Course Description as vital factors in the development of values system of the Filipino family. It also
emphasizes responsible parenthood and the role of the family as educator of values
and its responsibilities in building the nation.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Transformative Education
Presents theory and practice of human rights, peace, sustainable development, and
gender studies. It is designed to equip the students with the concepts, values, and skills
to enable them to examine personal, local, national, and global realities related to
Course Description
human rights, peace, sustainable development, and gender studies. The students will
also explore making education a tool to transform society and build a culture of human
rights peace, sustainable development, and gender studies.
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Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Career Development and Work Values
Explores the principles of vocational choice and career decision making. Students will
learn the process of career decision making and sources of occupational information. It
Course Description
will also expose them to career development theories, strategies, approaches, and
changes in society and their influence on the world of work and learning
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Information Technology and Human Development
This course focuses on the critical analysis of the impact on human values and
development of all forms of media such as visual, electronic, print, audio, and all its
Course Description
combinations. Issues related to media exposure are explored and examined on the
basis of ethical and moral principles which will be used in the teaching learning process.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Facilitation: Theory and Practice
Exposes the students to the theories and dynamics of group facilitation. The course also
provides opportunity to experience group dynamics activities that would enhance their
Course Description
personal sensitivity and competencies such as skills in facilitating, observing, analyzing,
diagnosing and evaluating group structures, elements and processes.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Teaching Approaches and Strategies in Values Education
Deals with progressive approaches and strategies in teaching and learning, of guiding
students to higher levels of judgment, discernment and self- governance. The course
Course Description also deals with the current thrusts and content of transformative education and
pedagogical knowledge, principles and skills in facilitating personal renewal and social
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Values Integration in the various Discipline
Provides basic training in the application of transformative teaching and learning in
Course Description integrating values in various learning areas and in implementing a comprehensive
school systems-based approach to values development.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Values Education through Community Service
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Understands people within their social world to improve one's well- being. It is about
contribution and participation to social transformation and focuses on core values of
social responsibility, work, and dedicated service. The course follows a practicum that
Course Description
focuses on core values of social responsibility and accountability, compassion, work and
dedicated service. It also explores action learning strategies for community work and
their implementation in actual setting.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Moral Issues and Concerns in Contemporary Living
Course Description Focuses on an in-depth understanding of morality and its significance in the formation
of informed conscience and responsible behavior. Current moral issues are presented
to the student for the exercise of freedom and correct judgment.
Students are guided to adhere to universal moral values.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
Course Description An introductory course in guidance and counseling designed to give the students a
general overview of school guidance. It includes the meaning, purpose, structure,
principles, and methods/techniques of guidance as well as guidance services offered in
the secondary level. It also focuses on the guidance personnel and their responsibilities
as well as on counseling as a guidance technique. It tackles the different factors that
lead to wise career decision-making. The course takes into consideration of students
the development of students into responsible and effective individuals
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Research in Values Education I
Course Description A critical review of research studies and other works on the end, content, pedagogy,
and philosophy of values education. The requirements and vital components of
scholarly research should be introduced to the students who may later work
individually or in groups of two or three, depending on their preference. Under the
close supervision of the teacher, the study of values education issues/controversies,
research problems, and the manner by which they were addressed should enable the
students to determine appropriate ways of answering research questions. The course
requires the students to write a scholarly review of literature (i.e., books, research, etc.)
on the planned research.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Development of Values Education Instructional Materials and Assessment Tools
Course Description Prepares student teachers for on-site teaching. The student will carry out curriculum
development tasks such as preparation, pilot- testing, analysis, and revision of student-
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made modules, teacher- made guides, and relevant assessment tools. Part 1 of the
course requires the students to prepare competency based lessons that include non-
obtrusive qualitative and quantitative assessment. The lessons are supplemented with
the teacher- made guide to effective delivery of lesson plans. Learning in this part of
the course includes reading of additional scholarly materials on instruction and
assessment in Values Education. Part 2 of the course is centered on teaching students
to develop assessment tools that will yield reliable results. The required skills in this
task will be developed under the close supervision of the teacher, when the students
are pilot-testing an assessment tool and fine-tuning the same based on the responses
of schoolchildren.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Research in Values Education II
Course Description Part 1 of the course is an oral presentation of the students' final output (i.e., research
proposal) in Values Education 17. In this course, the students may still work individually
or in groups of two or three, depending on their preference. The teacher and the other
students will subject the proposal of the presenter/s to scrutiny by giving critical
comments, suggestions, and questions on the background of the study, research
problems, literature review, theoretical and/or conceptual framework/s, definition of
terms, and methodology. The presenter/s then shall be given reasonable amount of
time to address the teacher's and other students' feedback. After revising the research,
the presenter/s may proceed with data-gathering and processing upon the advice of
the teacher. The researcher/s will continue to consult with the teacher until the study
is concluded. The final requirement for this course is a full research that must be
defended orally in class, presented at a local or international conference, or published
in a research journal before submission of the students' final grades.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Filipino Values System
Course Description Examines the value system of Filipinos as it has evolved and is shaped by realities
confronting Philippine society and culture. Students will look into how Filipino values
facilitate or inhibit development and transformation of our society. It will also include
appreciation of how Filipino values system is formed and developed.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours 3 hours/week
Course Title Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Values Education)
Course Description TTL 2 is a 3-unit course which focuses on the application, design, production,
Course Credits utilization, and evaluation of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
materials for teaching and learning in Secondary Values Education. The major
requirement for this course is an ICT-integrated and Project-based Learning Plan
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aligned to the K to 12 curriculum. All the learning activities and course requirements
will revolve around the student-teacher developed Learning Plan.
Pre-Requisite TTL 1, Assessment of Learning Courses, and Principles of Teaching Courses
Contact Hours 3 units
Course Title 3 hours/week
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CH 110 Baptist Distinctive 3
AC 101 Personal Evangelism & Discipleship 3
CH 201 Church History 1 3
AC 105 Methods of Bible Study 3
Th 201 Christology 3
PHYSED 3 Physical Education 3 2
Second Year 2 Semester
CH 310 Philippine Church History 3
BI 301 General Epistle 3
Th 301 Soteriology 3
FTC 101 Child and Adolescent Development 3
PCK 102 Assessment in Learning 1 3
AC 416 Pastoral Ministry 3
BI 310 Poetical Books 3
Third Year 1 Semester
GE 105 Elective 1- Living in the IT Era 3
GE 106 The Contemporary World 3
GE 107 Purposive Communication 3
EDPHILO Philosophy of Christian Education 3
Practicum Student Teaching 6
Thesis Thesis Writing 3
PCK 105 Teacher & the School Curriculum 3
Third Year 2 Semester
BI 101 Pauline Epistle 3
AC 417 Apologetics 3
FTC 102 The Teaching Profession 3
FTC 103 The Teacher & Community, School Culture & Organization Leadership 3
PCK 103 Assessment in Learning 2 3
Th 302 Ecclesiology 3
AC 415 Comparative Religion 3
Fourth Year 1 Semester
ASSESS 02 Intro to Research Writing 3
Th 401 Eschatology 3
PCK 101 Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching 3
MI 401 Philosophy of Missions 3
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FS 101 Field Study 1 3
FS 102 Field Study 2 3
Fourth Semester 2 Semester
AC 410 Counselling for Christian Workers 3
MI 402 Cross Cultural Exposition 3
FIRST YEAR 1st Semester
GE 106 The Contemporary World 3
GE 107 Purposive Communication 3
Th 102 Pateriology 3
BI 102 New Testament Survey w/ the Gospels 3
PHYSED 2 Physical Education 2 2
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 2 3
FIRST YEAR 2 Semester
TH 101 Bibliology 3
BI 101 Old Testament Survey w/ Pentateuch 3
GE 101 Art Appreciation 3
GE 102 Math in the Modern World 3
GE 103 Science Tech & Society 3
GE 104 Readings in Phil History 3
PHYSED 1 Physical Education 1 2
NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 3
SECOND YEAR 1 Semester
GE 111 Elective 3 – Intro to Church Music 3
GE 112 Ethics 3
CH 301 Church History 2 3
BI 325 Old Testament Prophets 3
Th 202 Anthropology and Hamartiology 3
Th 210 Pneumatology 3
FTC 102 The Teaching Profession 3
PHYSED 4 Physical Education 4 2
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SECOND YEAR 2nd Semester
GE 108 Understanding Self 3
GE 110 Elective 2 – Sign Language 3
AC 101 Personal Evangelism & Discipleship 3
CH 201 Church History 1 3
AC 105 Methods of Bible Study 3
CH 110 Baptist Distinctive 3
Th 201 Christology 3
PHYSED 3 Physical Education 3 2
THIRD YEAR 1 Semester
BL 201 Basic Greek 3
CH 310 Philippine Church History 3
BI 301 General Epistle 3
TH 301 Soteriology 3
BI 215 Hermeneutics 3
PS 301 Homiletics I 3
AC 416 Pastoral Ministry 3
THIRD YEAR 2 Semester
GE 105 Elective 1 – Living in the IT Era 3
EDPHILO Philosophy of Christian Education 3
PS 450 Expository Preaching 3
PCK 102 Assessment in Learning 2 3
Thesis Thesis Writing 3
AC 410 Counselling for Christian Workers 3
MI 402 Cross Cultural Exposition 3
FOURTH YEAR 1 Semester
PS 410 Leadership and Church Administration 3
Th 401 Eschatology 3
ASSESS 02 Intro to Research Writing 3
MI 401 Philosophy of Missions 3
GE 109 The Life & Works of Rizal 3
PCK 102 Assessment in Learning 1 3
FOURTH YEAR 2 Semester
BL 301 Advanced Greek 3
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BI 201 Pauline Epistle 3
BI 328 Apologetics 3
Th 302 Ecclesiology 3
PS 302 Homiletics II 3
PS 420 Pastoral Theology 3
AC 415 Comparative Religion 3
• The Forgiveness Factor
• Gatekeepers
• Say What: Your Words are Powerful
• Living The Character of Christ
• LIVING NEW: A Key to Revival
Course Descriptions Seminar Formats
Living the Character of Christ: Do the Works of Jesus – This course is a designed to IMPACT a student’s
understanding of who they really are in Christ and their responsibility as a child of God. It will address
the identification and removal of the orphan mentality most function under in the current church
setting. This course will challenge the student to be who they are called to be rather than focusing on
doing ministry. The course is taught in a two-day seminar setting incurring sixteen hours of instruction.
The Forgiveness Factor – This course is designed to reveal the need of living a life of true forgiveness as
a child of God. Children of God embrace forgiveness given to bring about salvation in their own lives,
but do not understand the power of living and practicing forgiveness day after day as a child of God.
Jesus spoke on forgiveness and its necessity in life very often. This one-day seminar will reveal to the
student just how essential walking in forgiveness is.
Gate Keepers: Making an IMPACT on Our Community’s Transformation – This is a one-day seminar
that is at the very core of IMPACT Institute. It is design to assist each student in how to practically live
out the call of God on their individual life and thereby fulfil the responsibility to be witnesses for the
Kingdom of God. In this seminar the student will learn that living a life of IMPACT will enhance their
ability to see lives transformed as the Identify needs; Model Christlikeness; Pursue right relationships;
Adorn the Heavenly Father in pure worship; Care for other and then Tell the Good News.
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Say What: Your Words are Powerful - In Proverbs 19:11 MSG scripture tells us, “Smart people know
how to hold their tongue; their grandeur (what makes them great) is to forgive and forget.” In this
one-day seminar the student will find out just how much trouble the tongue causes every day. Too often
the tongue is used as a weapon of war and tool of the enemy on our lives. The scripture tells us to not
let our members (parts of our bodies) be used as an instrument on unrighteousness. In this seminar the
student will see practical ways to use their tongue to do the will of God.
Character Tests Every Leader Must Face – Testing is essential in the life of the believer. It is where the
Character of Christ is revealed to those who are watching. In this seminar we will discuss many tests like
tests of Character, Integrity, Submission, Loyalty, Servanthood and many others. Author and Pastor
Frank Damazio says this regarding tests, “True tests cause us to reassess life’s real values as we take
time to evaluate what is important. In this process, what is false can be stripped away… Testing clears
the mind, removes the superficial, and exposes the temporal and wrong views of life.” This one-day
seminar is a practical challenge to every student and will allow them to embrace the testing as it comes
in their lives rather than to resist.
Governing the Household of Faith – This one-day seminar is an overview of many forms of church
governments that are in existence today. By looking into the function of each style of church
government the seminar reveals the Biblical and worldly approach within each government style. This
seminar is designed to challenge to student to evaluate based on a biblical understanding of the church
being part of the Household of Faith.
Pure Worship – This seminar is designed specifically for those who are pastors, paise leaders, vocal and
instrumental members of a church’s music ministry. In this seminar a biblical understanding of worship
and praise is given rather than the current church culture’s definitions. This seminar exposes the
misconceptions of Praise verses worship, roles and responsibilities within the music ministry as well as
the essential need of their being one vision and word coming from the platform ministry. Embracing the
principles taught in this seminar can radically change the IMPACT music can have within the local
Seminary Classes
Understanding One’s Gift and Calling – This course is designed to enable the student to identify,
embrace and better prepare for their specific ministry calling, while helping them see how their spiritual
gifts and natural talents are used in their calling. This course helps students see that ministry is not the
same for everyone for we are not all the same. It better allows the student to target their ministry in
their advanced learning once the general foundational courses are completed. 1 Peter 4:10 NASB says,
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the
multifaceted grace of God.” This course will take a deep dive into the special spiritual gifts and ministry
leadership roles to enable the student to clearly embrace their role in the Body of Christ.
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378
International Baptist College
This class will have… o 30-36
hours of lecture o
Additional readings from…
Þ “Effective Keys for Successful Leadership” – Frank Damazio
Þ “It” – Craig Groeschel
Þ “Power of Team Leadership” – George Barna
Þ “Uniquely You Spiritual Gifts Test” – Mels Carbonell (Additional Charge)
o A written overview of each reading assignment o Final Exam
Distinctively Christian
474 Arayat Street Barangay Malamig Mandaluyong City 1550
Tel. Nos. (632) 85314227 (632) 85336378