Determination of Bromate and Iodate From Bread and Flour by Ion Chromatography

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Determination of Bromate and Iodate from Bread and Flour by Ion


Article  in  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · February 2019

DOI: 10.21275/ART20194947


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3 authors, including:

Chetan Chavan Chanakya Thaker

Thermo Fisher Scientific , India , Mumbai Thermo Fisher Scientific, India


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2018): 7.426

Determination of Bromate and Iodate from Bread

and Flour by Ion Chromatography
Dr. Chetan Chavan1, Chanakya Thaker2, Chetan Chaudhari3
1, 2, 3
Application Laboratory, Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India

Abstract: An accurate, simple, reproducible, and sensitive method for the determination of Bromate and Iodate was developed and
validated. Bromate and Iodate were separated using a high capacity anion exchange column by isocratic elution with a flow rate of
1.0mL/min. Acidified Promethazine was added as post-column derivatization reagent (PCR). The mobile phase composition was 20mM
Sodium Hydroxide and Ion chroamtographic PCR UV detection technique was carried out. The linearlity of method has been tested in
the range of 0.03mg/l to 2.0mg/l for Bromate and 0.05 to 5.0mg/l for Iodate. Correlation cofficient (R2) of more than 0.999 was
observed for both Bromate and Iodate. The method was shown excellent reproducible, linear, specific, sensitivity, rugged. The Limits of
Detection and Quantification have been also established for Bromate as 0.01mg/l & 0.03mg/l and for Iodate as 0.03mg/l & 0.05mg/l
respectively. Hence, the validated method is easy to adapt for regular analysis.

Keywords: Bread, Flour, Ion Chromatography, UV, Post Column Derivatization, Bromate, Iodate

1. Introduction formally pulled back particulars of potassium bromate in

accordance with the master advisory committee view [2].
Bread is generally prepared using flour dough and water
through baking process. It is one of the oldest man made The European Union, Peru, Columbia, Sri Lanka, Australia,
food and it is consumed in almost entire world. China, South Korea, Brazil and Canada have banned the use
Commercially available breads were manufactured using of potassium bromate as a flour treatment agent. Potassium
additives to improve its texture, flavor, nutrition, shelf life, Iodate is also banned in the EU as well. USA continue to
color and most importantly ease of production [1]. allow use of potassium bromate in permissible limits. FSSAI
India currently banned usage of potassium bromate in bread
Potassium bromate, or basically called bromate, is an [3]. But usage of iodate up to 50 ppm on flour mass basis is
oxidizer used to fortify mixture and improve its flexibility. regulated .USA allows it up to 75 ppm and manufacturers
This prepares uniform and whitened bread. Typically must list the ingredient on food labels. However, the USA
potassium bromate of around 15-30 parts per million (ppm) administration requests bakers not to use potassium bromate
is added to dough or its similar products. Regularly, heating and potassium iodate and if it is used they need to put as
changes its compound structure and renders it innocuous, warning label Therefore, many USA bread and bakery
leaving no trace in the completed item. Be that as it may, if a manufacturers have voluntarily stopped usage of bromate
lot of the additive is utilized, or the bread isn't prepared and iodate[2].
sufficiently long or at a sufficiently high temperature, at that
point a leftover sum will remain. So also, Potassium Iodate Ion exchange chromatography is a liquid chromatographic
was likewise added to in flour/batter to make bread as it is technique, in which ionic and strongly polar species can be
quick acting mixture oxidizing specialist that works in well separated and detected. It can be used to detect the
blender to completely build up the dough. For the most part, presence of Iodate and Bromate from bread and flour by
it is utilized around 75ppm at dough blender [2]. making it specific by using acidfied promethazine (reduces
Iodate and Bromate) as post column derivatization solution
In 1964, a specialist board of trustees controlled by the and detected at 515nm. This method provides excellent
World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture separation between Iodate and Bromate when compared to
Organization began assessing potassium bromate. In 1983, it other conventional methods and allows detection of them at
incidentally acknowledged a limit of 75 ppm gave there are low mg/l(ppm) level. The developed methodology has been
almost no residues at end product, on the understanding that validated and it is highly effective to estimate Bromate and
all bromate gets changed over into bromide amid preparing. Iodate from bread and flour matrices.
This limit was later diminished to 60 ppm. After long haul
thinks about, potassium bromate/iodate was considered a 2. Experimental
'genotoxic cancer-causing agent'. In 1992, the advisory group
chose that utilizing potassium bromate as a flour treatment 2.1 Reagents and Chemicals
operator might have been "not suitable", likewise
considering there were options. In 1999, the International All chemicals used for preparation of reagents, standards and
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) grouped potassium mobile phase were of analytical grade. Ultrapure deionized
bromate as perhaps cancer-causing to people. In 2012, the water (18.2 MΩ cm, Milli-Q system) was used for the
Codex Alimentarius, a worldwide sustenance wellbeing preparation of mobile phase, standards and samples. Sodium
reference office kept running by the WHO and FAO, Bromate (AR grade) and Potassium Iodate (AR grade) was
used for the preparation of Bromate and Iodate standards
Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20194947 10.21275/ART20194947 468
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2018): 7.426
respectively, 50% Sodium Hydroxide (Sigma Aldrich) was well after closing with cap. Samples were sonicated samples
used to prepare eluent of 20mM Sodium Hydroxide and 37% for 15mins and transferred it to centrifuge machine. It was
HCl (Trace Metal Grade) and Promethazine Hydrochloride centrifuged at 5000rpm for 10mins. Supernatant was filtered
(TCI, Tokyo) was used for the preparation of post column through 0.2u Nylon membrane filter. Samples were passed
derivatization solutions. Samples includes brown bread, through OnGuard II RP (PN 057084) to remove organic
white bread, pizza bread, pav, maida flour, regular cold matrices. It was collected in auto sampler vial. This
dough and donut bread. All samples were purchased from procedure was repeated for each sample along with recovery
local market. samples and diluent.

2.2 Apparatus An Autosampler (Dionex AS-AP) was used to inject

solutions containing Iodate and Bromate into the ion
The equipment used was Thermo Fisher Dionex Ion chromatography system. Subsequently, the standard solution
Chromatography system with VWD detector having in the sample loop was transferred onto the separator
autosampler with a 25µL loop, IonPac AS19 column (4 x column, on which Bromate and Iodate was separated. After
250mm inner diameter) and IonPac AG19 guard (4 x 50mm separation on the column, Iodate and Bromate was detected
inner diameter) was used as separator column. The by VWD detector at 515nm after reacting it with post
experiment was conducted using a pre-degassed eluent column reagent solution. A sequence containing the blank,
20mM Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) at a flow rate of standards, samples and recovery samples were run and
1.0ml/min. Post column reagent (PCR) solution of 10mM results were then interpreted. Following is diagram which
Promethazine Hydrochloride was prepared in 5M shows connections with various assembly of Ion
Hydrochloric acid. Dionex PC10 module is used to deliver Chromatography system
flow 0.5ml/min of PCR. Column outlet and PCR outlet was
connected to mixing tee, outlet of mixing tee was connected
to 375µL reaction coil and it was further connected to VWD
(UV-Vis) detector. Software used for data acquisition was
Thermo Fisher Dionex Chromeleon (version: 6.80 SP2).
Chromatograms were monitored simultaneously during

2.3 Procedure

Preparation of 20mM Sodium Hydroxide (Eluent):-

2.1mL of 50% NaOH solution was taken in 2000ml
volumetric flask containing 500ml of ultrapure deionized
water. It was swirled for 1 minutes and made up to the mark
with ultrapure deionized water. It was then filtered through Figure 1: Ion Chromatography system schematic diagram
0.2µ nylon membrane filter. for Bromate and Iodate analysis

Preparation of Post Column Reagent (PCR):- 5.68g of 3. Results and Discussions

Promethazine Hydrochloride was taken in 2000ml flask.
500ml of ultrapure deionized water was added to it. 880ml of Limit of Detection (LOD) for Iodate 0.03mg/l and it was
37% HCl was added to it. Solution was sonicated to dissolve injected (n) six times and observed average signal to noise
and make up to mark with ultrapure deionized water. ratio (S/N) was 5.5. Similarly, LOD for Bromate was
0.01mg/l and it was injected (n) six times and observed
Preparation of standard solutions:- average signal to noise ratio (S/N) was 3.7. Limit of
Certified Sodium Bromate and Potassium Iodate salts was Quantification (LOQ) for Iodate was 0.05mg/l, it was
procured from sigma Aldrich. From these salts, a 1000mg/l injected (n) six times and observed signal to noise ratio
separate standard solutions were prepared from it. From this (S/N) was 12.3. Similarly, LOQ for Bromate was 0.03mg/l,
1000mg/l standard solution, mixture of 0.03, 0.10, 0.20, it was injected (n) six times and observed signal to noise
0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 mg/l of Bromate and 0.05, 0.10, 0.50, ratio (S/N) was 11.0. Table 1 shows results for LOD and
1.00, 2.50 and 5.00mg/l of Iodate was prepared for the LOQ of Iodate and Bromate.
Linearity study, and mixture of 0.5mg/l of Iodate and
0.20mg/l of Bromate was was prepared for the precision
study. Mixture of 0.03mg/l of Iodate and 0.01mg/l of
Bromate solution was prepared for Limit of Detection (LOD) Table 1: LOD and LOQ data for Iodate and Bromate
and Mixture 0.05mg/l of Iodate and 0.03mg/l of Bromate Iodate Amount, mg/l S/N % RSD (n=6)
were prepared for Limit of Quantification (LOQ). LOD 0.03 5.5 0.41
Sample preparation: - Samples need to dry at 75oC for 1hrs LOQ 0.05 12.3 1.11
on hot air oven and grind sample by mixer before weighing.
Around 0.2 g of ground Bread or Flour sample was weighed Bromate) Amount, mg/l S/N % RSD (n=6)
in 50ml polyethylene bottle with polyethylene cap, 10ml of LOD 0.30 3.7 1.32
ultra-pure deionized water was added to it. It was then mixed LOQ 0.50 11.0 1.67
Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20194947 10.21275/ART20194947 469
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2018): 7.426

The response of Iodate was linear over the range of 0.05 to

5.0mg/l and of Bromate was linear over the range of 0.03 to
2.0mg/l. Calibration curve fits well and that is significantly
linear having correlation coefficient of 0.99993 for Iodate
and 0.99986 for Bromate (figure 2). This linearity study was
performed for the concentration range of 0.05, 0.10, 0.50,
1.00, 2.50 and 5.00mg/l for Iodate and 0.03, 0.10, 0.20,
0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 of Bromate. Each standard injection was
repeated thrice. Therefore, number of calibration points (n)
for linearity study was 18. Its data had been shown in table 2.

Figure 3: Specificity chromatograms for Iodate (0.5mg/l)

and Bromate (0.5mg/l)

Replicate injections of Iodate and Bromate were done and

their percent relative standard deviation for peak area was
0.68% and 0.73% respectively. Table 3 shows results for its
precision study.

Table 3: Precision data for Iodate and Bromate

Analyte Amount, mg/l % RSD (n=6)
Iodate 0.50 0.68
Bromate 0.20 0.73
Figure 2: Linearity plot for Iodate and Bromate
hromatogram for Iodate and Bromate standard mixture for
Table 2: Linearity data for Iodate and Bromate
six consecutive injections is shown in figure 4.
Analyte Points Corr. Coeff. Offset Slope
Iodate 18 0.99993 0 5.43
Bromate 18 0.99986 0 7.13

Method specificity was also done with separate injection of

Bromate (0.5mg/l) and Iodate (0.5mg/l). Its chromatograms
was shown in figure 3.

Figure 4: Standard chromatogram for mixture of Iodate

(0.5mg/l) and Bromate(0.2mg/l)

Sample results: - Samples were analysed using the linearity

calibration method. Replicate injections of same sample was
also done. Its results and routine analysis sample results were
shown in table 4 and table 5.

Table 4: Sample precision

Number of
Analyte Sample Results, mg/Kg
Iodate Brown Bread 10.0 Not Detected
Bromate Brown Bread 10.0 Not Detected

Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20194947 10.21275/ART20194947 470
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2018): 7.426
Table 5: Routine sample analysis results
Sample. Iodate mg/Kg Bromate mg/Kg 4. Conclusions
Brown Bread Not Detected Not Detected
White Bread Not Detected Not Detected Ion Chromarography – PCR – UV-Vis detection gives
Pizza Bread Not Detected Not Detected specific, sensitive and precise method for estimation of
Pav 12.5 9.05 Iodate and Bromate. This present method was used for
Maida Flour Not Detected Not Detected
analysis of Bread and flour samples for Iodate and Bromate
White Bread 12.09 10.79
content without any much pretreatment. The detection limits
Regular Cold Dough Not Detected Not Detected
for Iodate was 0.03mg/l and for Bromate was 0.01mg/l. This
Donut Bread Not Detected Not Detected
technique is cost-effective with respect to analysis required
for keeping a check on the limits of Iodate and Bromate in
Iodate and Bromate was not detected in most of samples, but
bread and flour as per FSSAI (India) regulations and other
some samples shows presence of Iodate and Bromate which
regulatory bodies.
gives confirmation that iodate and bromate was added during
their manufacturing/production process. Intraday analysis of
Samples was done for seven consecutive days for which References
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1 0.030 0.031 103.33
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Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20194947 10.21275/ART20194947 471
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2018): 7.426
[11] A. S. Ekop, “Anti-Nutritional Factors and Potassium
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Author Profile
Chetan Chavan had completed the B.Sc (Chemistry).
and M.Sc (Chemistry) degrees from Mumbai
University and completed his ph.D in year, 2018., He
had joined Dionex India Pvt. Limited, which is now
Thermo Fisher Scientific Pvt. Ltd., as Applications
Manger for Ion Chromatography (IC) and HPLC and currently
working as Product Manager – IC/SP. His role is to provide
technical support coordination with factory for India team
requirements, provide guidance to sales, application and service
team for IC and HPLC.

Chanakya Thaker received the B. Sc (Chemistry). and

M.Sc (Analytical Chemistry) degrees from Mumbai
University in 2006 and 2008, respectively. From 2009,
he had joined Dionex India Pvt. Limited, which is now
Thermo Fisher Scientific Pvt. Ltd., as Applications Specialist for
Ion Chromatography (IC) and HPLC and currently working as
Applications Manager – IC/SP. His role is to manage application
team, provide customer training, sample analysis, technical
presentations, method development and troubleshooting on IC and
HPLC systems.

Mr. Chetan Chaudhari received the B. Pharm. and

M.Pharm. degrees from Mumbai University in 2008
and 2010, respectively. From 2015, he had joined
Fisher Scientific Pvt. Ltd., as Applications Specialist
for Ion Chromatography (IC) His role is to provide customer
training, sample analysis, method development and troubleshooting
on IC systems.

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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20194947
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