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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Stephanie A Christenson, Benjamin M Smith, Mona Bafadhel, Nirupama Putcha

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity, mortality, and health-care use Published Online
worldwide. COPD is caused by exposure to inhaled noxious particles, notably tobacco smoke and pollutants. However, May 6, 2022
the broad range of factors that increase the risk of development and progression of COPD throughout the life course S0140-6736(22)00470-6
are increasingly being recognised. Innovations in omics and imaging techniques have provided greater insight into
Division of Pulmonary, Critical
disease pathobiology, which might result in advances in COPD prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Although few Care, Allergy, and Sleep
novel treatments have been approved for COPD in the past 5 years, advances have been made in targeting existing Medicine, University of
therapies to specific subpopulations using new biomarker-based strategies. Additionally, COVID-19 has undeniably California San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA
affected individuals with COPD, who are not only at higher risk for severe disease manifestations than healthy
(S A Christenson MD);
individuals but also negatively affected by interruptions in health-care delivery and social isolation. This Seminar Department of Medicine,
reviews COPD with an emphasis on recent advances in epidemiology, pathophysiology, imaging, diagnosis, and Columbia University Medical
treatment. Center, New York, NY, USA
(B M Smith MD);
Department of Medicine,
Introduction the field closer to implementing a precision medicine McGill University Health
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a approach to diagnosis and treatment. Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Although In this Seminar, we summarise the current and evolving (B M Smith); School of
Immunology and Microbial
COPD is heterogeneous, defining features include topics in COPD, with an emphasis on epidemiology, Sciences, Faculty of Life
persistent airflow obstruction and respiratory symptoms. pathophysiology, imaging, diagnosis, and treatments. We Sciences and Medicine,
COPD is caused by exposure to inhaled particulate matter, also review the literature on COPD during the COVID-19 King’s College London, London,
such as cigarette smoke and air pollutants, in combination pandemic. UK (Prof M Bafadhel PhD);
Department of Respiratory
with genetic, developmental, and social factors.1 Chronic Medicine, Nuffield Department
exposure to particulate matter affects much of the world’s Epidemiology, exposures, and disparities of Medicine, University
ageing population;2,3 consequently, the projected increase In 2017, the number of people living with chronic of Oxford, Oxford, UK
in COPD prevalence is unsurprising.4 Decreasing the respiratory disease was estimated to be 544·9 million, (Prof M Bafadhel); Division of
Pulmonary and Critical Care
burden of COPD will require better treatment strategies with approximately 55% of cases being attributed to Medicine, Johns Hopkins
and public health and personalised efforts to limit COPD.11 In 2019, COPD was the third leading cause of University School of Medicine,
exposures. Many individuals diagnosed with COPD in death globally.12 Yet, the prevalence of COPD is expected Baltimore, MD, USA
late adulthood begin having symptoms in midlife, which to increase, partly due to an ageing population.4 (N Putcha MD)

might progress for years before diagnosis.5,6 A greater COPD is commonly associated with tobacco smoking. Correspondence to:
Dr Nirupama Putcha, Division of
knowledge of early COPD symptoms has led to an In non-smokers, second-hand smoke, occupa­ tional Pulmonary and Critical Care
improved awareness of the early-life factors contributing exposures, air pollutants, and history of previous Medicine, Johns Hopkins
to risk of COPD. Although smoking cessation is crucial to lung infections including tuberculosis have been University School of Medicine,
COPD prevention, recognising the entire COPD identified as COPD risk factors.13,14 In low-income and Baltimore, MD 21224, USA
exposome (ie, all the relevant exposures an individual has middle-income countries, fuel sources such as biomass
in their lifetime)7–9 could be important in decreasing risk and coal are common indoor air pollutants.14,15 These
of COPD overall. Furthermore, implementing treatments exposures also probably contribute to and speed up
early, before progression to severe irreversible disease, COPD development among individuals who smoke,16
could minimise disability. and interact with host susceptibility factors,17,18 ultimately
Contemporary COPD guidelines emphasise manage­ resulting in COPD pathogenesis and progression.
ment of treatable traits, particularly dyspnoea and The use of electronic nicotine device systems (ENDS;
exacerbations, and comorbidities. The prevention of ie, vaping) is another potential increasing exposure risk,
exacerbations, defined as a rapid increase in COPD
symptoms outside of the normal day-to-day variation, is
crucial because of their substantial contribution to Search strategy and selection criteria
detrimental outcomes.10 By addressing treatable traits, We searched PubMed on chronic obstructive pulmonary
rather than providing a standardised approach to a disease (COPD) and related topics using the following terms:
heterogeneous disease, clinicians and researchers aim to “COPD”, “epidemiology”, “exposures”, “disparities”,
reduce COPD morbidity and mortality. “exacerbations”, “phenotyping”, “genetics”, “omics”,
Current mechanistic concepts in COPD could provide “pathophysiology”, “imaging”, “treatment”, “non-invasive
new avenues for therapeutic development. Studies using ventilation”, “pulmonary rehabilitation”, “inhaler therapy”,
modern genetic and omic techniques have advanced the “BLVR”, “COVID-19”, and “SARS-CoV-2”. We focused on works
mechanistic understanding of COPD subgroups. Imaging published in English and preferentially selected those
innovations have informed the association between lung published between Jan 1, 2018, and Jan 31, 2022.
structure and lung function. This progress has moved

www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6 1


19–24% of cases among females have been attributed to

smoking, with large differences across countries.31
Women might have higher susceptibility to development
Noxious exposures of and morbidity from COPD in response to exposures,
• Primary smoking exposure
• Indoor air pollutants
and greater symptom burden than men.1,32–34 Exposures
• Second-hand smoke leading to COPD development in non-smokers, such as
• Occupational exposures cooking fuels and inefficient indoor ventilation, also
• Ambient pollutants
• ENDS disproportionally affect women.15
Early-life risk factors WHO estimates that 90% of COPD deaths are
• Premature birth in low-income and middle-income countries.35 This
• Asthma Individual and social factors
• Early respiratory infections
proportion might indicate the presence of disparities in
• Socioeconomic disadvantage
• Maternal and prenatal exposures • Access to health care extent and range of exposures, and access to health care
• Childhood exposures • Racial and ethnic disparities compared with high-income countries.
• Growth trajectories • Diet
Additionally, a study from the USA has shown racial
Later-life risk factors
• Ageing disparities, with African Americans having greater risk
• Comorbidities of exacerbations and worse disease status than White
General external environment individuals.36 Individual-level and neighbourhood-level
• Neighbourhood built environment* sociodemographic factors probably contribute to this
• Food access
• Racial segregation disadvantage (figure 1).36,37
• Climate (temperature and humidity) Rural residence also contributes to disparate COPD
• Built environment (housing structure,
quality, and appliances)
outcomes.38 In the USA, death certificate data have
shown increasing age-adjusted mortality from chronic
lower respiratory disease in rural areas compared with
metropolitan areas.39 Similar disparities have also been
identified in low-income and middle-income countries.40
Figure 1: Risk factors for development, progression, and morbidity of COPD Distribution of exposures, availability of diagnostic
General categories for risk factors beyond genetic factors include early-life risk factors, later-life risk factors, testing, and access to health care might contribute to
noxious exposures, individual and social factors, and general external environment. Bold indicates highest level of
evidence for risk factor, italics indicate that the risk factor is under investigation with smaller evidence base.
this disparity, which appears to be increasing.
COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ENDS=electronic nicotine device systems. *Neighbourhood built The exposome is a contemporary holistic view of the
environment encompasses the structures, facilities, and make-up of the neighbourhood, including presence and environment that shapes COPD risk (figure 1).41 Exposome
types of business, greenspaces and recreation facilities, urbanity, cultural facilities, schools and educational models propose the contribution of exposures from
institutions, and pollution.
multiple domains (eg, personal, social, neighbourhood,
and environmental) to chronic disease risk.7–9,42,43 Other
particularly among adolescents and young adults.19,20 than an association between childhood disadvantage
Early cross-sectional studies and longitudinal analyses factors (eg, parenthal history of asthma or smoking,
have shown that ENDS users have increased respiratory and early respiratory infections) and COPD risk,44
symptoms, incident airway disease, and lung function the contribution of social factors (eg, socioeconomic
decline.21–23 Furthermore, ENDS use has been associated disadvantage and diet) and neighbourhood-level exposures
with decreased smoking cessation,21 and the dual use of (eg, climate and built environment) to COPD risk are
cigarettes and ENDS might pose higher risks than those understudied. Research is needed to identify the
caused by the use of one of the two products alone.24 combinations of factors posing the greatest risks for
Further studies that consider the rapidly changing disease development to inform prevention strategies
constituents and delivery of ENDS products are needed locally and globally.
to determine the risk of long-term use of ENDS
with regard to the risk for developing COPD, and the Early COPD and trajectories of disease
harms and benefits of ENDS use for smoking cessation COPD is often not diagnosed, and therapies not
(figure 1). implemented, until symptoms are burdensome and the
Antenatal and early childhood exposures are also disease is pathologically advanced. Current research
associated with COPD development.25,26 Maternal focuses on earlier timepoints to identify when and how
smoking—the most studied early life exposure—leads exposure-induced damage could be halted or reversed
to an increased risk for reduced lung function,25,27–29 before progression to advanced disease. COPD research
potentially by altering lung development. Such alteration usually studies older individuals (aged >60 years) in
could then heighten susceptibility to adverse effects from whom progression of mild disease is unlikely if it has not
tobacco smoking throughout life (figure 1).30 yet occurred. Early COPD refers to mild COPD
Disparities by sex, country, race, and residence manifestations in middle-aged individuals (approximately
exist in COPD risk factors, incidence, and outcomes. aged 35–55 years). These individuals are most at risk for
Globally, 52–54% of cases of COPD among males and developing clinically significant irreversible pathology.45

2 www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6


Studies have shown that airway obstruction and chronic into genetic risk scores to predict larger proportions of
respiratory symptoms before age 50 years are associated COPD risk and heritability.17,70,71 A recent polygenic risk
with COPD onset and progression.5,6,46–50 For example, an score did not limit inclusion to significant GWASs
increased prevalence of chronic mucous hypersecretion variants, but included more than 2 million variants
among smokers aged 36–43 years usually precedes the weighted on the basis of the full results of the largest lung
development of airflow obstruction.6 function GWAS to date.17 Individuals with the highest risk
However, the timepoints crucial to COPD development scores had a greatly increased risk of COPD, independent
might vary between individuals. The usual trajectory of smoking status. The score also correlated with
leading to COPD is accelerated decline of lung function emphysema and airway disease on CT imaging, and
from a normal function level, in response to noxious patterns of reduced lung growth in children with asthma.
exposures during adulthood.51 However, analyses have Genetic risk scores do not discriminate COPD cases and
shown that only half of older adults (aged 50–65 years) techniques that inherently incorporate both genetic and
with COPD have this trajectory. The other half do not exposure-related risk (eg, CT imaging).70 However, genetic
attain normal maximal lung function by early adulthood scores could assist in disentangling the proportion of
and then decline at an age-appropriate rate to reach spiro­ clinical, radiological, or biological findings due to genetics.
metrically-defined COPD.52 These differing trajectories The contribution of rare genetic variants to COPD risk
suggest that genetic risk, early life and prenatal exposures, is another research area of interest. Rare variants are not
and exposures in adulthood contribute to COPD captured in GWASs, but might have large effects on risk
pathogenesis to varying degrees in each individual.12,53–56 in a small proportion of the population.72 For example, in
COPD, however, is burdensome regardless of trajectory,57,58 SPIROMICS, rare variants in SERPINA1 (ie, the gene
suggesting that assessment of the mechanisms leading to causally linked to α1-antitrypsin deficiency) have
COPD requires examination across the lifespan (figure 1). cumulative effects on α1-antitrypsin concentrations, lung
Mild disease in mid-to-late life (age 40–80 years) might function, and emphysema in smokers.73
be burdensome despite near-normal lung function. How exposures and genetic risk interact is an area of
Indeed, COPD diagnosis based on partly reversible airway active research, and epigenetic mechanisms, including
obstruction might be too conservative to capture all DNA methylation, might partly explain the interaction.
clinically relevant tobacco-related airway disease. In two Epigenetic alterations provide some of the earliest
large US observational studies, smokers with preserved opportunities for exposures to silence or induce gene
lung function had several characteristics indicative of expression over the long term, and can accumulate over
COPD.59–61 Furthermore, in SPIROMICS, when smokers time in response to additional exposures. Smoking
with preserved lung function were deeply phenotyped, induces methylation in lung tissue and blood, probably
over 80% had evidence of lung disease.62 Accordingly, contributing to xenobiotic metabolism, among other
smoking might erode lung health before the persistent processes.74 Methylation studies in COPD are scarce, and
airflow limitation that defines COPD is established. A have only been conducted in small sample populations,
study is underway to determine whether treating smokers but suggest diverse biological roles, including altered
with symptoms but preserved lung function is beneficial.63 inflammatory and stress responses.75 Epigenetic
mechanisms might also partly explain the increased
Pathology: genetic and epigenetic risk susceptibility of women to tobacco smoke. For example,
COPD pathogenesis is heterogeneous, with patients methylation at CYP1B1, a gene involved in xenobiotic
exhibiting airway disease, emphysema, inflammation, metabolism, in the buccal epithelium was correlated
pathological mucus production, and vascular dysfunction with lung function and radiographic emphysema in
to varying extents. Genetic risk has a crucial role in both women but not men.76 Importantly, differentially
COPD susceptibility and heterogeneity. An expanding methylated sites in COPD are enriched adjacent to
list of genetic variants are associated with lung function, COPD-associated GWASs loci, suggesting that genetic
COPD, and aspects of the clinical presentation in regulation of gene expression in COPD might occur
genome-wide association studies (GWASs), including through DNA methylation.77 These processes could partly
HHIP and FAM13A.64–66 explain why early life exposures contribute to COPD risk
Although the heritability of lung function and COPD later in life.
are estimated to be 38–50%, each genetic variant Profiling of the transcriptome, metabolome, and
explains a small proportion of COPD risk.18,67,68 In one of proteome could aid in the understanding of lung-specific
the largest lung function GWASs, the 279 variants or systemic biology that contributes to COPD.
identified accounted for at most 13·1% of lung function Integrating these data with genetic data using methods
heritability.68 Missing heritability is attributed to either such as gene expression quantitative trait locus analyses
common variants contributing small effects that could provide a better understanding of how specific
miss GWASs significance thresholds or rare variants genetic variants contribute to COPD pathology. For
contributing to disease risk in a small portion of the example, alterations in lung gene expression that are
population.69 Research combines variants from GWASs regulated by lung function-associated genetic variants

www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6 3


A Healthy B COPD
Small airway remodelling
Extracellular and immune cell infiltration
Epithelium Epithelial reprogramming
Goblet cell hyperplasia
Airway lumen mucus Ciliated cell disfunction
lumen <2 mm
accumulation and and loss
microbial dysbiosis
Club cell loss

Squamous cell metaplasia

Basal cell hyperplasia

Ciliated cell Goblet cell Squamous cell Neutrophil Collagen Smooth muscle cell Bacteria

Club cell Basal cell Intermediate cell Macrophage Elastin Fibroblatst Mucus

Figure 2: Small airways in a healthy individual (A) and small airway alterations in an individual with COPD (B)
Small airways (<2 mm) depicted at the level of the terminal and transitional respiratory bronchioles. Part A shows the healthy small (<2 mm) airway epithelium,
which is predominantly composed of ciliated, club, and basal cells, and cells intermediate between differentiated cell types. Part B shows how tobacco smoke and
other inhalational exposures reprogramme the epithelium, stimulating basal cell hyperplasia and differentiation into squamous cells and mucus-producing goblet
cells. Ciliated and club cell proportions decrease during this reprogramming, and the remaining ciliated cells are dysfunctional. Mucus might accumulate in the airway
lumen in the setting of goblet cells hyperplasia and mucociliary defects, which, in parallel with smoking-induced immunosuppression, allow for microbial dysbiosis
and inflammatory cell infiltration. Proteases produced by infiltrating immune cells contribute to extracellular matrix remodelling, in which elastins are reduced and
collagen organisation is disordered. Not all components of the extracellular matrix are depicted. Adapted from Hogg and colleagues.79 COPD=chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.

were found to be enriched in lung developmental rare throughout the airways, and their functions are only
pathways.78 Although not ready for clinical practice, omic partly understood.81,82
methods hold promise for explaining COPD Inhaled exposures cause oxidant-induced injury leading
pathobiology, identifying functions of causal genetic to reprogramming of the basal cells that maintain the
variants, and developing biomarkers that predict disease airway epithelium (figure 2). Reprogramming induces a
progression or outcomes. shift in the small airway epithelium to more closely
resemble the proximal airways, which are more exposed
Pathological alterations: the airway epithelium, to irritants and microbes than the small airway epithelium
immune cells, and mesenchyme and thus better equipped for defence against these
The small (<2 mm) airways are an early site of alteration factors.80 Smoking-induced upregulation of epidermal
in COPD development (figure 2).79 Small airway growth factor and amphiregulin (ie, the ligands of the
epithelium composition in healthy individuals provides epidermal growth factor receptor) stimulates basal
an optimal environment for defence against pathogens cell differentiation into squamous and goblet cells,
and other inhaled insults.80 The small airway epithelium is respectively.83 This transformation causes secretory and
predominantly composed of secretory (club) cells, which ciliated cell loss, and squamous and goblet cell metaplasia.
synthesise and secrete products that line the small airway The result is a new small airway epithelium micro­
epithelium and aid in the innate immune response; environment in which altered innate immune defences,
ciliated cells, which aid in foreign material removal; and pathological mucus secretion, and dysfunctional cilia
self-renewing basal cells, which replenish the major contribute to the onset and progression of COPD. The
epithelial cell types after injury. Mucus-producing goblet epithelial reprogramming occurs in the absence of
cells that trap foreign materials are present to a lesser inflammation in most individuals who smoke, suggesting
extent in the small airway epithelium than in the upper it occurs early in COPD pathogenesis.84 However,
airway. Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and ionocytes are advancing COPD stages are associated with increasing

4 www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6


small airway pathology, including mucous accumulation, COPD.94,95 Overall, the roles of innate immune cells in
immune cell infiltration, and airway wall thickening.85 COPD are complex and not fully understood.
Epithelial reprogramming, in combination with immune Although protease induced-tissue degradation is
and remodelling responses, probably culminates in this central to emphysema development, small airway
progressive response and contributes to the development epithelium remodelling occurs concurrently, leaving
of emphysema. airways deficient in the elastin that contributes to elastic
Imaging studies based on parametric response recoil but rich in disordered collagen (figure 2).96 The
mapping (PRM) further suggest that small airway disease extracellular matrix (ECM) that maintains the basement
precedes emphysema. PRM, a voxel-based CT imaging membrane is home to multiple mediators of profibrotic
technique, coregisters inspiratory and expiratory scans to signalling, tissue degradation, and angiogenesis, all of
distinguish regions of normal lung from functional small which are altered in COPD, thus contributing to airway
airways disease (fsad) and emphysema (emph). These are and vascular remodelling.97 The remodelled ECM works
quantified as the relative volume of normal lungs with immune signalling to enhance protease-based
compared with PRM-detected fsad (PRMfsad) and emph destruction of ECM components. Together with
(PRMemph).86 PRMfsad is associated with small airway endothelial cell death and loss of the microvasculature
epithelium pathology, including airway thickening and supporting lung architecture, protease-based tissue
loss.87 Conversely, PRMemph, which closely matches destruction eventually leads to emphysema when these
emphysema as defined in Hounsfield units, is associated processes occur at a faster rate than the increased
with emphysema pathology, including decreased alveolar maintenance and repair.97,98
surface area and alveolar attachments. In the COPDGene Adaptive immune responses and shifts in the microbial
study, disease progression for individuals with milder environment are crucial but heterogeneous in COPD.
COPD was typified by increases in PRMfsad, whereas Humoral immune responses seem particularly important
progression for individuals with advanced disease was in emphysema-predominant severe COPD, in which
typified by increases in PRMemph.88 lymphoid follicles containing B cells are a major
Altered innate immune defences are a crucial feature.99,100 Cell-mediated adaptive immune responses can
contributor to COPD development and progression and have contrasting contributions to COPD, steering inflam­
are linked to epithelial reprogramming. Smoking-induced mation towards one of four major polarised responses:
alterations to the small airway epithelium disturb type 1 (T1; interferon driven, generally considered a
epithelial barrier function and mucociliary clearance, response to viruses); type 2 (T2; IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 driven,
leading to disruption of airway microbiome homoeostasis a response to helminths or allergens); type 17 (T17; IL-17
(ie, dysbiosis).79 Smoking stimulates an airway epithelium- and IL-22 driven, a response to extracellular bacteria); and
specific immunosuppression that further contributes to T regulatory (regulatory T cell, anti-inflammatory).
dysbiosis and inflammatory cell infiltration. One Markers of T17-driven inflammation in the airway are
mechanism for this immunosuppression is via a smoking- increased in association with emphysema, neutrophilic
associated deficiency in intraluminal secretory IgA (sIgA), inflammation, and absence of response to inhaled
due to a loss of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor corticosteroids (ICS).101,102 T2-associated inflam­ mation is
that is required for the translocation of sIgA across the probably a major component of the biology underlying the
epithelium and into the lumen.89,90 Intraluminal sIgA ill-defined asthma-COPD overlap entity.103 Lung microbial
deficiency promotes bacterial invasion and macrophage community alterations might drive some of this
and neutrophil accumulation. heterogeneity in host inflammation.104
Macrophages and neutrophils are crucial innate immune Genomic markers of T2 inflammation are associated
cells in COPD pathogenesis, implicated in chronic with an increase in eosinophils (one of the main T2
inflammation and emphysema develop­ ment. Increased effector cells) and a better ICS response.103 The eosinophil
pathological macrophage concentra­ tions in COPD are count was the first blood biomarker added to the Global
partly due to oxidant-induced resistance to apoptosis Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
caused by smoking.91 Despite an extended lifespan, COPD- guidelines, on the basis of evidence showing that it aids in
associated macrophages exhibit defective phagocytosis of determin­ ing the role of ICS in symptomatic patients
bacteria and apoptotic cells, leading to more inflammation prone to exacerbations.1 However, anti-IL-5 biologics did
to mitigate the reduced clearance. This defect might be not meet primary endpoints in COPD trials.105,106 A lower
caused by altered macrophage immunometabolism, effectiveness in the sole treatment of eosinophilic
including mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced com­ inflammation in COPD might be due to overlapping
pensatory glycolysis.92,93 The matrix metalloproteinases inflammatory alterations or irreversible lung damage.
(MMP), particularly MMP12 produced by macrophages, The ageing lung could also be more difficult to treat
are the major proteinases implicated in emphysema; because of competing pathological alterations, such as
although, maybe to a lesser extent, neutrophil elastase and stem cell exhaustion (resulting in reduced regenerative
a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (known as ADAM) capacity) and inflammageing (as indicated by a pro-
proteins also appear to contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory state).107–109

www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6 5


Pathophysiology and phenotyping of Contributions of imaging to understanding COPD

exacerbations phenotypes and progression
COPD is often punctuated by periods of acute worsening, Since the early roentgenographic descriptions of COPD
known as exacerbations. Exacerbations treated with in the mid-20th century,119,120 imaging advances have
systemic corticosteroids and antibiotic therapy are contributed greatly to the understanding of COPD
classified as moderate in the community setting, and pathophysiology. Imaging methods such as CT and MRI
severe in the hospital setting; yet, many unreported permit in-vivo study of structure-function associations
exacerba­ tions go untreated.84,110 Exacerbations are and are emerging as potential tools for individualised
associated with substantial harm, including accelerated COPD management.121
morbidity and mortality after severe and repeated events.10 In-vivo imaging has shown the variable extent of airway
Generally, the immunophysiological response during and airspace abnormalities in patients with COPD.122–124
an exacerbation includes a reduction in forced expiratory These observations support the long-standing hypothesis
volume in 1 s (FEV1), airway neutrophilia, and peripheral that COPD is a heterogenous syndrome resulting from
blood leukocytosis.111 Frequently, the cause is a microbial various pathologies with distinct causes, prognoses, and
pathogen. Viruses can be found in approximately 50% of treatments (ie, endotypes).1 Indeed, imaging studies of
patients with severe exacerbations and 25% of patients parenchymal and airway abnormalities associated with
with moderate exacerbations,111,112 and bacteria are often COPD show distinct associations with genetic loci,
found in co-culture with other patho­ gens;113 however, environmental exposures, and clinical manifestations
microbial causes are probably under­estimated. (eg, exacerbations).70,123,125–127
Exacerbations are heterogeneous. No clinical, physio­ Multi-resolution imaging of surgically isolated lungs
logical, radiological, or biological marker can predict showed 70% fewer terminal bronchioles in patients with
exacerbation onset.114 Until the early 2010s, the COPD than in controls.128 Moreover, the lower terminal
heterogeneity of COPD exacerbations was classified as bronchiole count and associated reduction in cross-
infectious or non-infectious. Bafadhel and colleagues111 sectional airway lumen area in lungs from patients
examined airway and systemic inflammation in moderate with COPD were evident in regions without airspace
exacerbations and identified four exacerbation clusters, enlargement, suggesting that airway loss might occur
also known as exacerbation endotypes, related to (1) high early in the disease.128 Similar imaging techniques applied
concentrations of airway TNF and IL-1β (pro-inflammatory to lungs from non-smoking donors revealed an association
exacerbation endotype); (2) high concentrations of airway between increasing age and a reduction in terminal
CXCL10 (IP-10) and CXCL11 (IP-9; T1 inflammatory bronchioles across the adult lifespan.129 This association
exacerbation endotype); (3) high concentrations of airway followed established age-related declines in lung function,
CCL17 and IL-5 (T2 inflammatory exacerbation endotype); supporting the mechanistic hypothesis of COPD as a
and (4) low concentrations of measured airway disorder of accelerated ageing. Advances in functional
inflammatory biomarkers (pauci-inflammatory imaging, such as PRM, have provided image-based bio­
exacerbation endotype). The first three endotypes were markers of small airway dysfunction to facilitate detection
associated with the detection of bacteria, viruses, and in vivo, opening avenues for early detection of small airway
eosinophilic inflam­ mation, respectively. Microbiome pathology and treatment.86,87,130
profiling identified microbial community differences Imaging of general population samples has shed light
associated with each endotype, providing further insight on COPD risk factors beyond exposure to tobacco
into the interaction of infection and innate immune smoke. Dysanapsis, a mismatch of airway tree calibre
cells.115,116 Clinical trials using blood eosinophils to direct relative to lung size, was initially inferred from the
systemic corticosteroid therapy for exacerbation treatment variation in maximal expiratory airflows among healthy
on the basis of endotype have been promising but require adults and hypothesised to have a role in risk of
validation.117,118 obstructive lung disease.131,132 Smaller than predicted
At present, few treatment options at the time of airway tree calibre associated with dysanapsis has
exacerbation are available and have changed little in over repeatedly been shown to be a major risk factor for
four decades. Predicting who is most at risk for exacerbation COPD, at the same level as tobacco smoking and other
is also difficult. Therapeutic guidelines suggest increased risk factors (eg, second-hand smoke and air
preventive management for patients having two or more pollutants).131–133 Moreover, adults who are heavy smokers
exacerbations in a year, or for patients requiring admission who are free of spirometry-defined COPD exhibit airway
to hospita­l.1 The discovery of biological exacerbation tree calibres that are larger than predicted, suggesting
endotypes and an increased understanding of the complex that dysanapsis might help to explain heterogeneity of
interplay between inflam­mation and the microbiome could COPD susceptibility among individuals who smoke.132
lead to novel thera­peutics targeting biological pathways for Understanding the biological basis of dysanapsis could
the man­age­ment and prevention of exacerbations. Treat­ lead to early life interventions to promote resilient lung
ments targeted toward exacerbations are separately health across the lifespan. Imaging lung structure can
discussed in the Diagnosis and treatment section. also serve as an intermediate outcome measure when

6 www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6


investigating the potential role of common exposures

with small-to-moderate effect size that have potentially Panel: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological
large population-attributable risk. Using this approach, treatments for COPD, based on stable versus exacerbated
higher concentrations of outdoor ozone, nitrogen oxides, state and setting of use
and particulate matter less than 2·5 μm were each Stable COPD
associated with accelerated emphysema progression, as Individualised non-pharmacological treatments
quantified by lung density on serial CT over 18 years of • Vaccinations (eg, influenza, pneumococcus, pertussis,
follow-up.134 Such observations contribute to evidence SARS-CoV-2, and shingles)
that informs policy decisions related to air pollution and • Smoking cessation counselling (which might include
respiratory health. pharmacological aids)
Imaging has also advanced knowledge of comorbidities • Pulmonary rehabilitation, exercise training,
in COPD.1 Cardiovascular disease is a common COPD self-management, and disease education (eg, inhaler
comorbidity shown to affect outcomes.1 In-vivo imaging technique and adherence, breathing techniques,
has shown that decreased lung perfusion, increased and written action plan)
vessel tapering, and altered large vessel and cardiac • Long-term oxygen therapy
structure are evident even at early stages of COPD.135–139 • Long-term non-invasive ventilation
Ongoing studies might determine the contribution of • Surgical or bronchoscopic lung volume reduction
these cardiovascular abnormalities to functional • Bullectomy
impairment and potential for therapeutic targeting.140–143 • Lung transplantation
In the therapeutic context, the role of imaging as a tool • Screening for COPD-associated comorbid health
for patient selection is expanding. For example, CT- conditions and diseases (eg, anxiety, depression,
assessed upper-lobe dominant emphysema is associated cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and osteoporosis)
with survival benefit among patients under­going lung • Palliative care (eg, end-of-life planning)
volume reduction surgery,144 among other factors, and is
Individualised pharmacotherapies
recommended for patient selection.1 Bronchoscopic
• β2 agonists
approaches to lung volume reduction have been
• Anticholinergics
developed, the success of which partly relies on the
• Corticosteroids
absence of collateral ventilation between lobes to facilitate
• Antibiotic prophylaxis
atelectasis of the targeted lobe.145 Clinical trials assessing
• Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors
bronchoscopic lung volume reduction have used imaging
• Mucoregulators
for patient selection (ie, identifying target lung regions
• Methylxanthines
and assessing fissure integrity as an indicator of collateral
• α1-antitrypsin augmentation therapy
ventilation) and as an intermediate outcome (ie, assessing
target lobe atelectasis).145–150 Imaging-based intermediate Acute exacerbation of COPD
outcome assessment has also been applied in the Individualised non-pharmacological treatments
treatment of α1-antitrypsin deficiency. A clinical trial • Oxygen
relied on CT-assessed lung density as the primary • Ventilation (eg, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation)
outcome to show that α1-antitrypsin slowed emphysema Individualised pharmacotherapies
progression over 24 months.151 • β2 agonists
• Anticholinergics
Diagnosis and treatment • Corticosteroids
Screening and diagnosis • Antibiotics
Screening spirometry, although not universally
recommended,152,153 is appropriate among individuals with COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

particular symptoms (eg, progressive dyspnoea, chronic

cough or sputum production, recurrent pneumonia, or
respiratory infections) or risk factors (eg, relevant Non-pharmacological interventions for COPD
exposures, genetic and family history, history of Non-pharmacological treatments for COPD are a crucial
prematurity, or low birthweight).1,154,155 Screening questionn­ part of the treatment plan (panel). Prevention strategies
aires to identify individuals needing spiro­ metry have include vaccinations, smoking cessation, and avoidance
shown preliminary value156 and are being tested more of exposures.1 Pulmonary rehabilitation is key for select
broadly in the primary care setting.157 COPD diagnosis is individuals.158–160 Supplemental oxygen and non-invasive
made on the basis of the presence of risk factors, ventilation are widely used adjunctive methods.161–163
symptoms, and spirometry showing persistent airflow Lung volume reduction surgery is rarely pursued.
obstruction. GOLD recommends post-bronchodilator However, bronchoscopic lung volume reduction145,164–166 is
testing showing the ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity be a less invasive alternative than surgical lung volume
less than 70% to diagnose obstruction.1 reduction.

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Pulmonary rehabilitation is particularly effective after Pharmacotherapies for COPD

exacerbations159 and in individuals with exercise Since 2011, GOLD has used the symptom-based and
limitation.158 However, barriers including programme exacerbation-based classification system using letters
scarcity and capacity limitations affect access to and A, B, C, and D, which emphasises symptom scores
implementation of pulmonary rehabilitation.160 Patient- and risk for exacerbations to determine long-term
related factors including mobility, transportation access, pharmacotherapy. Since 2019, follow-up treatment
social isolation, and cost are also barriers.160 Medical targeting exacerbations or dyspnoea has been considered
literature on the use of virtual rehabilitation programmes separately from initial management (figure 3).176
is evolving, particularly as a method to reach sparsely Although there is substantial overlap in strategies
populated areas.167,168 Early telemedicine studies, bolstered used in both pathways, we describe these pathways
by the COVID-19 pandemic, have been promising, separately to better align with GOLD recommendations.
showing feasibility and outcome improvement.169,170 Pathways targeting dyspnoea prioritise long-acting
However, before widespread adoption, further studies, bronchodilators and de-emphasise ICS. Pathways
infrastructure development, and streamlined implemen­ targeting exacerbations draw on evolving literature118,177,178
tation of virtual programmes are needed. to suggest ICS initiation in individuals who frequently
Oxygen supplementation has long been indicated as a have exacerbations and have blood eosinophil counts of
therapy for patients with COPD with severe resting 300 cells per μL or greater (>100 cells per μL if escalating
hypoxaemia (oxygen saturation [SpO2] ≤88%).171 treatment due to recent exacer­bation).1 The timing and
However, the 2016 LOTT trial suggested oxygen frequency for assessing eosinophil counts to guide
supplementation in moderate resting (SpO2 89–93%) management are not clear. Although blood eosinophil
and exertional hypoxaemia (SpO2 81–89%) might be less measurements can be relatively stable over time in
important than in severe resting hypoxaemia, because COPD,179–181 studies show that variability increases with
of absence of association with mortality, hospitalisations, higher absolute counts.179,180 Ultimately, studies are
and exacerbations.172 Accordingly, American Thoracic needed to better guide blood eosinophil targeted
Society clinical practice guidelines recommend against treatment in COPD and determine whether biomarkers
supplemental oxygen initiation for moderate resting that more accurately reflect eosinophilic inflammation
hypoxaemia, but this recommendation is based on low- in the lung could be developed.109
quality evidence.173 ICS withdrawal might be considered in patients with
Non-invasive ventilation reduces intubation risk, length low risk for exacerbations or high risk for adverse
of hospital stay, and mortality in respiratory failure due to outcomes (eg, pneumonia), but should be avoided in
COPD exacerbations.174,175 Consequently, non-invasive those with persistent elevations of eosinophil counts
ventilation is recommended as the first line ventilatory despite ICS.182–184 Recent trials studied so-called triple
support in this setting.1 However, trials of non-invasive therapy in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD, in
ventilation for severe resting hypercapnia in patients with which ICS, long-acting β2 agonists (LABAs), and long-
chronic COPD have had mixed results. Some studies acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) are combined
showed reduced mortality and hospital readmissions,162,163 into a single inhaler, compared with ICS plus LABA or
particularly in patients with resting hypercapnia and who LABA plus LAMA combination therapies.185,186 These
have been admitted to hospital within the past 2–4 weeks studies have largely supported the GOLD approach to
for respiratory failure.163 Other studies showed no clear preventive management. Triple therapy is associated with
benefit,161 but differences in ventilatory strategy restrict exacerbation reduction, particularly in individuals with
the ability to draw definitive conclusions. Ultimately, elevated eosinophil counts, and a moderate mortality
chronic non-invasive ventilation might be beneficial in benefit in secondary analyses. Triple therapy might
patient subgroups with suitable home care support. prevent exacerbations even in patients with low eosinophil
Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction might be counts, but further studies are needed.
appropriate in a highly select patient subgroup, but Other emerging pharmacotherapies in COPD include
benefits are largely limited to improvements in exercise nebulised LAMAs,187,188 a novel delivery mechanism for a
capacity and symptoms.164 Identifying the correct patients mainstay of long-acting COPD treatment. Nebulisers
is crucial because of the relatively invasive nature of the might be useful in individuals with low peak inspiratory
bronchoscopic procedure and the moderate-to-high risk flow in whom medication delivery via some inhalers
for adverse events such as pneumothorax. Consider­ations could be less efficient.189,190 However, whether peak
include presence of air trapping, continued exercise inspiratory flow-guided therapy choices affect delivery
limitation after pulmonary rehabilitation, smoking to the extent that clinical outcomes are improved is
cessation, emphysema heterogeneity, and collateral unclear.
ventila­tion to the treated area.145,166 Ultimately, palliative GOLD guidelines also recommend screening for and
care and symptom management can be considered for treating other causes of dyspnoea. The prevalence of
patients with substantial disease burden and low quality comorbidities among individuals with COPD is high,191–193
of life despite available treatments. including cardiovascular disease, depression, and

8 www.thelancet.com Published online May 6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00470-6


Primary trait Primary pathway Treatable traits Additional considerations, advanced disease
Hyperinflation: Treat comorbidities
• Pulmonary hypertension
LAMA LAMA Pulmonary • Bronchoscopic LVR • Heart disease: coronary artery disease, valvular,
or plus rehab • Surgical LVR arrhythmia, and congestive heart failure
LABA LABA† • Anxiety or depression
• Sleep apnoea
Elevated eosinophils: • Osteoporosis
LABA plus ICS • Lung cancer
Exacerbations Smoking cessation
LAMA* Vaccination
or LABA plus LAMA plus ICS
Consider evaluation and treatment for hypercarbia
eg, non-invasive ventilation
Former smoker:
LABA Oxygen supplementation
plus Azithromycin Patient education
LAMA† • Inhaler technique
Chronic bronchitis, FEV1 <50% • Self-management strategies
Transplant evaluation
End of life and palliative care

Severe exacerbations or requiring

admission to hospital

Pulmonary rehab

Figure 3: Treatment pathways for COPD

Pathways are based on primary trait, dyspnoea or exacerbations, including relevant treatable traits. Additional considerations that are important across all individuals
with COPD are listed in the right column. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 s. ICS=inhaled corticosteroids.
LABA=long-acting β₂ agonists. LAMA=long-acting muscarinic antagonists. LVR=lung volume reduction. *LAMA is preferred initial therapy to LABA in exacerbation-
prone COPD. †LAMA plus LABA therapy can be used as initial therapy in both dyspnoea and exacerbation pathways if severe dyspnoea is present.

anxiety. These comorbidities are associated with worse end-of-life care and in all patients with COPD. End-of-life
symptoms and exacerbations.194–197 palliative measures are probably underused in patients
with COPD,206 possibly because of challenges involved in
Treatment targeted at exacerbations establishing mortality risk.207 Regardless, even among
Pharmacological treatments for the prevention of those patients not thought to be at the end of life, symptom-
exacerbations have largely targeted patients with at least two oriented treatments of debilitating symptoms, such as
exacerbations in the past year (or at least one resulting in dyspnoea, have been studied. Some strategies showing
admission to hospital). Therapies of value beyond inhaled promise include use of opiates,208 fans,209 and oxygen.210
bronchodilators and ICS include azithromycin and
roflumilast (figure 3).118,177,178 Azithromycin is associated with Impact of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19
reduction of exacerbations and improved quality of life;198 pandemic on COPD
subgroup analyses have shown higher efficacy among The COVID-19 pandemic has had both direct and
former smokers.199 Roflumilast reduces exacerbations in indirect effects on individuals with COPD, and the
individuals with chronic bronchitis symptoms and frequent literature is evolving. Although the estimated prevalence
exacerbations.200–202 A meta-analysis of studies on vitamin D of COPD among individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2
has prompted a recommendation for assessing vitamin D varies,211,212 with a few exceptions,213,214 most studies have
status (and providing supplementation if deficient) among shown heightened adverse effects of COVID-19 in
individuals admitted to hospital for COPD exacerbations.203 individuals with COPD. These adverse effects include
Non-pharmacological treatments that are effective in more frequent treatment in hospital, readmissions to
preventing exacerbations include self-management hospital, admissions to intensive care units, necessity for
programmes and pulmonary rehabilitation. Self- mechanical ventilation, cardiovascular events, and higher
management programmes have been used for decades, mortality than among patients without COVID-19.212,215–225
often in association with pulmonary rehabilitation. The mechanisms for such heightened adverse events are
Evidence for the incremental value of disease-specific not clear. One possibility is related to the ACE2 receptor
educational interventions, including self-efficacy training that binds SARS-CoV-2, which has been shown to be
and broader educational programmes for improved increased in the small airways of patients with COPD.226
outcomes, is still unclear.204,205 Individuals with COPD also appear to be at higher risk
for inflammageing, a dysfunctional pro-inflammatory
Palliative care state associated with increasing age, which could provide
Palliative care strategies in COPD include treatments a lung environment more prone to severe COVID-19
targeted at symptom control, both in the setting of disease than in healthy individuals.227–229

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Unlike other respiratory viruses, research has not and leadership as director for the Centre for Outcomes and Research
suggested that SARS-CoV-2 is a major cause of COPD Evaluation of the McGill University Health Centre Research Institute.
MB reports grants paid to their institution from AstraZeneca and Roche;
exacerbations. A recent meta-analysis of 13 studies consulting fees paid to their institution from AstraZeneca and
showed that the proportion of patients admitted to GlaxoSmithKline; honoraria paid to their institution from AstraZeneca,
hospital due to COPD exacerbations decreased by Boehringer Ingelheim, and GlaxoSmithKline; and participation
approximately 50% during the pandemic.230 These in advisory boards or DSMBs with fees paid to their institution from
AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline. NP reports research funding paid
numbers did not increase back to historical levels over to their institution from NIH and CSL Behring, and participation in
time, whereas numbers for myocardial infarction did advisory boards for CSL Behring and Pharmacosmos.
increase back to historical levels.231 Hypothesised Acknowledgments
mechanisms for this decrease include reduction in We acknowledge the contribution of ideas to the epidemiology
exposure to respiratory viruses232–234 that commonly trigger and exposome model of COPD from the Johns Hopkins BREATHE
exacerbations due to social distancing235 and enhanced (Bridging Research, Lung Health, and the Environment) Center,
including Michelle Eakin, Nadia Hansel, and Kirsten Koehler.
respiratory precautions (eg, wearing face masks), or
background ICS treatment.236 Conversely, worse self- References
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