Antihuman Globulin Test Reagent Reagent
Antihuman Globulin Test Reagent Reagent
Antihuman Globulin Test Reagent Reagent
Direct AHG Test ▪ If the DAT is positive due to IgG and the
immediate spin for D typing is negative, a
Principle and Application test for weak D cannot be performed. The
same is true for px with AIHA due to warm
▪ DAT: detects in vivo sensitization of RBCs
with IgG or complement components. IgG Ab coating px cells. The Ab must be
▪ Clinical conditions that can result in in removed from the RBCs for accurate
phenotyping. Other techniques can be
vivo coating of RBCs with antibody or
used to remove Ab from px RBCs. These
complement are the following:
includes the following:
- HTR - Chloroquine diphosphate
- AIHA - EDTA-glycerine
- Murine monoclonal antibodies
Clinical Application In Vivo Sensitization DAT Panel: Patterns of Reactivity in
HDFN Maternal Ab coating Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
fetal RBCs Anti-IgG Anti-C3d Type of AIHA
HTR Recipient Ab coating + + WAIHA
donor RBCs + - WAIHA
AIHA Autoantibody coating - + CAS; PCH,
individual’s RBCs WAIHA
▪ DAT is not required test in routine + + Mixed-type
AIHA (cold
pretransfusion protocols.
and warm)
DAT Panel
▪ Initial DATs include testing one drop of 3% Evaluation of a Positive DAT
to 5% suspension of washed RBCs with
▪ Clinical consideration should dictate the
polyspecific (anti-IgG, anti-C3d) reagent.
extent to which a positive DAT is
▪ (+) results are monitored by a DAT panel
using monospecific anti-IgG and anti-C3d
▪ Interpreting the significance of a positive
to determine the specific type of protein
DAT requires knowledge of the px
sensitizing the cells.
diagnosis, drug therapy, and recent
transfusion history.
▪ The saline control serves to detects
spontaneous agglutination of cells or rxn
▪ A positive DAT may occur without clinical
occurring without the addition of AHG
manifestations of immune-mediated
hemolysis. (TABLE 5-5)
▪ In warm IAHA, including drug-induced
▪ The AABB Technical Manual states that “a
hemolytic anemia, the RBCs may be
positive DAT result alone is not diagnostic
coated with IgG or C3d, or both.
of hemolytic anemia. Understanding the
▪ significance of this positive result requires blood products or components
knowledge of the px diagnosis; recent containing ABO-incompatible
drug, pregnancy, transfusion, and plasma?
hematopoietic transplantation history; 3. Does the px serum contain
and the presence of acquired or unexpected Ab?
unexplained hemolytic anemia. 4. Is the px receiving any drugs?
5. Is the px receiving antilymphocyte
▪ Answering the following questions before globulin or antithymocyte
investigating a positive DAT for px other globulin?
than neonates will help determine what 6. Is the px receiving intravenous
further testing is appropriate: immune globulin (IVIG) or
1. Is there evidence of in vivo intravenous Rh immune globulin
hemolysis? (IV RhIG)?
2. Has the px been transfused 7. Has the px received a marrow or
recently? If so, did the px receive other organ transplant?
Modified and Automated AHG Test ▪ Several different techniques have been
Techniques reported using either test tubes or
A. Solid-Phase Technology ▪ Direct and indirect tests can be
▪ May be used for performing AHG tests. performed using solid-phase
▪ If Ab is specific for Ag on RBCs, the bottom ▪ If this is performed, a monospecific anti-
of the well will be covered with suspension IgG rgt must be used, because the low
▪ If no such specificity occurs, RBCs will ionic conditions cause considerable
settle to the bottom of the well. Known amounts of C3 and C4 to coat the cells
RBCs are bound to a well that has been and would give false-positive rxn if a
treated with glutaraldehyde or poly L- polyspecific rgt were used
lysine. ▪ It should be mentioned that the polybrene
has a low sensitivity to detection of anti-
B. Gel Test
Jka anf Jkb Ag
▪ Is a process that detects RBC Ag-Ab rxn ▪ The potential exists for a clinically
by means of a chamber filled with significant anti-Kidd Ab to be missed
polyacrylamide gel using the polybrene method of
▪ The gel acts as a trap; free unagglutinated enhancement for IAT
RBCs form buttons in the bottom of the
tube for hours D. Enzyme Linked-Antiglobulin Test (ELAT)
▪ Therefore, negative rxn appear as buttons ▪ An RBC suspension is added to
in the bottom of the microtube, and microliter well and washed with saline.
positive rxn are fixed in the gel AHG, which has been labeled with an
▪ Three different types of gel test: enzyme, is added. The enzyme-
1. Neutral: Ab screening and labeled AHG will be of IgG-sensitized
identification with enzyme-treated RBCs
or untreated RBCs and reverse ▪ Excess Ab is removed, and enzyme
ABO typing. substrate is added. The amount of
2. Specific: use a specific rgt color produced is measured
incorporated into the gel and are spectrophotometrically and is
useful for antigen determination. proportional to the amount of Ab rgt.
3. Antiglobulin: the Gel Low Ionic ▪ The optical density is usually
Antiglobulin Test (GLIAT) is a measured at 405nm. The number of
valuable of the gel test and may be IgG molecules per RBC can also be
used for the IAT or DAT. AHG is determined from this procedure.
incorporated into the gel. The
detection of unexpected Ab by
Comparison of AHG Methodologies
conventional AHG methods and Testing Advantages Disadvantages
provides a safe, reliable, and easy- Methodology
to-read AHG test. Saline-tube -No -Long
testing additives incubation
C. Low Ionic Polybrene Technique
▪ Lalezari and Jiang: adaption of the -Reduced -Least sensitive
automated LIP technique for use as a cost
manual procedure -Requires highly
-Avoids trained staff
▪ Relies on low ionic conditions to rapidly-
sensitized cells with Ab.
with auto -Most
- Polybrene: a potent rouleaux- Abs procedural
formation rgt, is added to allow the steps
sensitized cells to approach each -Ability to
other and permit cross-linking by assess -Fewer
the attached Ab. multiple method-
- A high ionic strength is then added phases of dependent Abs
to reverse the rouleaux, however if reactivity detected
agglutination is present, it will LISS-tube -Reduced -Inability to be
remain testing cost automated
▪ Can be carried through to an AHG
technique if required -Avoids -Requires highly
reactivity trained staff
with auto -Ability to
Abs -Many be
procedural automated
-Shortest steps Solid phase -No need for -Increased
incubation check cells sensitivity for all
time -Fewer Abs
method- -Stable
-increased dependent Abs endpoints -Detects
Ab uptake detected unwanted Abs
-Small test
-Most vol. -Warm auto
common Abs enhanced
tube -Enhanced
method anti-D -Increased
-Ability to -Increased
assess sensitivity -Increased
multiple for all Abs need for
phases of additional
reactivity -Ability to instumentation
PEG-tube -Reduced -Requires highly be
testing cost trained staff automated
-Decreased -Many
incubation procedural
time steps
-Increased -Detects
Ab uptake unwanted Abs
-Enhances -Inability to be
most Abs automated
-Abilitiy to -Fewer
assess method-
multiple dependent Abs
phases of detected
(not 37C)
Gel -More -Warm auto
sensitive Abs enhanced
DAT method
-No washing agglutination
steps with cold Abs
-Stable -Increased
endpoints need for
-Small test instrumentation
-Enhanced chances of
anti-D detected
detection unwanted Abs
Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and always limited to A or B infants of group O
mothers with potent anti-A,B Abs.
Newborn ▪ ABO HDFN can occur in the first
pregnancy and in any, but not necessarily
▪ Destruction of the RBCs of a fetus and
all, subsequent pregnancies because it
neonate by antibodies produced by the
does not depend on previous foreign RBC
▪ The mother can be stimulated to form
▪ Tetanus toxoid administration and
RBC Ab naturally (ABO), by previous
helminth parasite infection: high-titered
pregnancy, or transfusion (RBC
IgG ABO Abs and severe HDFN
▪ Mild course of ABO HDFN: poor
▪ RhD continues to remain an important
development of ABO Ags on fetal RBCs
cause of incompatibility, although its
▪ Group A infant RBCs are serologically
frequency has been equaled or surpassed
more similar to A2 adult cells, with group
by other RBC Ab specificities.
A2 infant RBCs much weaker.
▪ Initial diagnosis of maternal RBC
- The weakened A Ag on fetal and
alloimmunization is SEROLOGIC.
neonatal RBCs is more readily
Etiology demonstrable with human than
with monoclonal anti-A rgt.
▪ Levine and Stetson: reported a
transfusion rxn from transfusing COMPARISON OF ABO VS. RhD HDFN
husband’s blood to a postpartum woman Characteristics ABO RhD
- Postulated that the mother has First Yes Rare
pregnancy can
been immunized to the father’s Ag
be affected
through fetomaternal
Disease No Yes
predicted by
▪ Most maternal alloimmunization: titers
- 83% due to previous pregnancy Causative Ab Yes (anti- Yes (anti-D,
- 4% due to previous transfusion IgG A,B) etc.)
- 14% unable to be determined Bilirubin level Normal Elevated
▪ Only Ab of the IgG class are actively at birth range
transported across the placenta via Fc Intrauterine None Sometimes
receptors. transfusion
- Most IgG Abs are directed against needed
bacterial, fungal, and viral Anemia at No Yes
antigens. birth
▪ In the case of HDFN, the Abs are directed Phototherapy Yes Yes
against the blood group Ags on the fetal beneficial
RBCs that were inherited from the father. Exchange Rare Uncommon
Pathogenesis needed
B.4. Influence of the ABO group ▪ When bone marrow fails to produce
enough RBCs to keep up with the rate of
▪ When the mother is ABO-incompatible
RBC destruction, erythropoiesis outside
with the fetus (major incompatibility), the
the bone marrow is increased in the
incidence of detectable fetomaternal
hematopoietic tissues of the fetal spleen
hemorrhage is decreased.
and liver.
Hemolysis, Anemia, and ▪ Organs become enlarged
(hepatosplenomegaly), resulting in portal
Erythropoiesis hypertension and hepatocellular
A. Hemolysis damage.
▪ Occurs when the maternal IgG attaches
to specific Ags of the fetal RBCs. B. Anemia
▪ The Ab-coated cells are removed from ▪ Severe anemia and hypoproteinemia
the circulation by the macrophages of the caused by decreased hepatic production
fetal spleen. of plasma proteins leads to the
▪ Destruction of fetal RBCs and the resulting development of high-output cardiac
anemia stimulate the fetal bone marrow failure with generalized edema, effusions,
to produce RBCs at an accelerated rate, and ascites, a condition known as
even to the point that immature RBCs are hydrops fetalis.
released into the circulation hence - Develop by 18-20 weeks’ gestation
causing erythroblastosis fetalis.
Early-Onset Anemia Late Hemolytic Anemia Late Hyporegenerative
Onset Within 7 days of birth >2 weeks of age
Mechanism Ab-mediated 1.Ab-mediated 1.Ab destruction of RBC
hemolysis hemolysis precursors and RBCs
3.Expanding 3.Erythropoietin
intravascular vol. of deficiency
growing infant
intravascular vol. of
growing infant