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Series in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Maternal-Fetal and Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines, Two Volume Set, Fourth Edition
Vincenzo Berghella
The Long-Term Impact of Medical Complications in Pregnancy: A Window into Maternal and Fetal Future Health
Eyal Sheiner
Fetal Cardiology: Embryology, Genetics, Physiology, Echocardiographic Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Perinatal Management of
Cardiac Diseases, Third Edition
Simcha Yagel, Norman H. Silverman, Ulrich Gembruch
New Technologies and Perinatal Medicine: Prediction and Prevention of Pregnancy Complications
Moshe Hod, Vincenzo Berghella, Mary D’Alton, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Eduard Gratacos, Vassilios Fanos
Edited by
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How to “Read” This Book....................................................................................................................................................................................................xi
Contributors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ xii
List of Abbreviations...........................................................................................................................................................................................................xv
1. Preconception Care............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Johanna Quist-Nelson
2. Prenatal Care....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Gabriele Saccone and Kerri Sendek
3. Physiologic Changes............................................................................................................................................................................34
Jason Baxter and Julia Burd
4. Ultrasound............................................................................................................................................................................................48
L. M. Porche, S. P. Chauhan, and A. Abuhamad
viii Contents
25. Meconium...........................................................................................................................................................................................293
Meike Schuster and Justin S. Brandt
Welcome to the fourth edition of our evidence-based books on or meta-analyses is too detailed to be readily translated to advice
obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine! I am indebted for your for the busy clinician who needs to make dozens of clinical deci-
support! I can’t believe how much praise we have received for these sions a day. Even the Cochrane Library, the undisputed leader for
companion volumes. Your words of encouragement have kept me evidence-based medicine efforts, has been criticized for its lack of
and all the wonderful collaborators going on strong for 15 years! flexibility and relevance in failing to be more easily understand-
It has been extremely worthwhile and fulfilling. You are making able and clinically readily usable [3]. It is the gap between research
me happy! In return, I hope we are helping you and your patients and clinicians that needed to be filled, making sure that proven
toward ever better evidence-based care of pregnant women and interventions are clearly highlighted, and are included in today’s
their babies, and therefore better outcomes. Indeed, most mater- care. Just as all pilots fly planes under similar rules to maximize
nal and perinatal morbidities and mortalities throughout the safety, all obstetricians should manage all aspects of pregnancy
world are improving. with similar, evidenced-based rules. Indeed, only interventions
To me, pregnancy has always been the most fascinating and that have been proven to provide benefit should be used routinely.
exciting area of interest, as care involves not one, but at least two On the other hand, primum non nocere: interventions that have
persons—the mother and the fetus—and leads to the miracle of clearly been shown to be not helpful or indeed harmful to mother
a new life. I was a third-year medical student when, during a lec- and/or baby should be avoided. Another aim of the book is to make
ture, a resident said: “I went into obstetrics because this is the sure the pregnant woman and her unborn child are not marginal-
easiest medical field. Pregnancy is a physiologic process, and ized by the medical community. In most circumstances, medical
there isn’t much to know. It is simple.” I knew from my “classical” disorders of pregnant women can be treated as in nonpregnant
background that “obstetrics” means to “stand by, stay near,” and adults. Moreover, there are several effective interventions for pre-
that indeed pregnancy used to receive no medical support at all. venting or treating specific pregnancy disorders.
After more than 31 years of practicing obstetrics, I now know that Evidence-based medicine is the concept of treating patients
although physiologic and at times simple, obstetrics and mater- according to the best available evidence. While George Bernard
nal-fetal medicine can be the most complex of the medical fields: Shaw said: “I have my own opinion, do not confuse me with the
pregnancy is based on a different physiology than for nonpregnant facts,” this can be a deadly approach, especially in medicine, and
women, can include any medical disease, require surgery, etc. It compromise two or more lives at the same time in obstetrics
is not so simple. In fact, ignorance can kill, in this case with the and maternal-fetal medicine. What should be the basis for our
health of the woman and her baby both at risk. Too often, I have interventions in medicine? Meta-analyses provide a comprehen-
gone to a lecture, journal club, rounds, or other didactic event to sive summary of the best research data available. As such, they
hear presented only one or a few articles regarding the subject, provide the best guidance for “effective” clinical care [4]. It is
without the presenter reviewing the pertinent best review of the unscientific and unethical to practice medicine, teach, or con-
total literature and data. It is increasingly difficult to read and duct research without first knowing all that has already been
acquire knowledge of all that is published, even just in obstetrics, proven [4]. In the absence of trials or meta-analyses, lower level
with over 3,000 scientific manuscripts published monthly on this evidence is reviewed. This book aims at providing a current sys-
subject. Some residents or even authorities would state at times tematic review of all the best evidence, so that current practice
that “there is no evidence” on a topic. We indeed used to be the and education, as well as future research, can be based on the full
field with the worst use of randomized trials [1]. As the best way story from the best-conducted research, not just the latest data or
to find something is to look for it, my coauthors and I searched someone’s opinion (Table I.2).
for the best evidence. On careful investigation, indeed there are These evidence-based guidelines cannot be used as a “cook-
data on almost everything we do in obstetrics, especially on our book,” or a document dictating the best care. The knowledge
interventions. Indeed, our field is now the pioneer for numbers of from the best evidence presented in the guidelines needs to be
meta-analysis and extension of work for evidence-based reviews integrated with other knowledge gained from clinical judgment,
[2]. Obstetricians are now blessed with lots of data and should individual patient circumstances, and patient preferences to lead
make the best use of it. to the best medical practice. These are guidelines, not rules. Even
The goals of this book are to summarize the best evidence the best scientific studies are not always perfectly related to any
available in the obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine litera- given individual, and clinical judgment must still be applied to
ture and make the results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) allow the best “particularization” of the best knowledge for the
and meta-analyses of RCTs easily accessible to guide clinical individual, unique patient. Evidence-based medicine informs
care. The intent is to bridge the gap between knowledge (the evi- clinical judgment, but does not substitute it. It is important to
dence) and its easy application. To reach these goals, we reviewed understand though that greater clinical experience by the physi-
all trials on effectiveness of interventions in obstetrics. Millions cian actually correlates with inferior quality of care if not inte-
of pregnant women have participated in thousands of properly grated with knowledge of the best evidence [5]. The appropriate
conducted RCTs. The efforts and sacrifice of mothers and their treatment is given in only 50% of visits to general physicians [5].
fetuses for science should be recognized at least by the physicians’
awareness and understanding of these studies. Some of the tri- TABLE I.1: Obstetric Evidence
als have been summarized in over 600 Cochrane reviews, with
• Over 600 current Cochrane reviews
hundreds of other meta-analyses also published in obstetrical
• Hundreds of other current meta-analyses
topics (Table I.1). All the Cochrane reviews, as well as other meta-
• Thousands of RCTs
analyses and trials in obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine, were
• Millions of pregnant women randomized
reviewed and referenced. The material presented in single trials
x Introduction
TABLE I.2: Goals of This Book TABLE I.3: This Book Is For
• Improve the health of women and their children • Obstetricians
• “Make it easy to do it right” • Midwives
• Implement the best clinical care based on science (evidence), not • Family medicine and others (practicing obstetrics)
opinion • Residents
• Education • Nurses
• Develop lectures • Medical students
• Decrease disease, use of detrimental interventions, and therefore costs • Maternal-fetal medicine attendings
• Reduce medicolegal risks • Maternal-fetal medicine fellows
• Other consultants on pregnancy
At times, limitations in resources may also limit the applicability • Lay persons who want to know “the evidence”
of the guidelines, but should not limit the physician’s knowledge. • Politicians responsible for health care
Guidelines and clinical pathways based on evidence not only
point to the right management but also can decrease medicolegal
risk [6]. We aimed for brevity and clarity. Suggested management guidelines has been a wonderful, stimulating journey. Keeping up
of the healthy or sick mother and child is stated as straightfor- with evidence-based medicine is exciting. The most rewarding
wardly as possible for everyone to easily understand and imple- part, as a teacher, is the dissemination of knowledge. I hope, truly,
ment (Table I.3). If you find the Cochrane reviews, scientific that this effort will be helpful to you, too.
manuscripts, and other publications difficult to “translate” into
care of your patients, this book is for you. We wanted to prevent
information overload.
On the other hand, “everything should be made as simple as 1. Cochrane AL. 1931–1971: A critical review, with particular reference to the medi-
cal profession. In: Medicines for the Year 2000. London: Office of Health Economics.
possible, but not simpler” (Albert Einstein). Key management 1979;1–11. [Review]
points are highlighted at the beginning of each guideline and in 2. Dickersin K, Manheimer E. The Cochrane collaboration: Evaluation of health care and
bold in the text. The chapters are divided in two volumes, one on services using systematic reviews of the results of randomized controlled trials. Clinic
Obstet Gynecol. 1998;41:315–331. [Review]
obstetrics and one on maternal-fetal medicine; cross-references 3. Summerskill W. Cochrane Collaboration and the evolution of evidence. Lancet.
to chapters in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines have 2005;366:1760. [Review]
4. Chalmers I. Academia’s failure to support systematic reviews. Lancet. 2005;365:469.
been noted in the text where applicable. Please contact me (vin- [III]
cenzo.berghella@jefferson.edu) for any comments, criticisms, 5. Arky RA. The family business—To educate. New Engl J Med. 2006;354:1922–1926.
corrections, missing evidence, etc. [Review]
6. Ransom SB, Studdert DM, Dombrowski MP, et al. Reduced medico-legal risk by
I have the most fun discovering the best ways to alleviate dis- compliance with obstetric clinical pathways: A case-control study. Obstet Gynecol.
comfort and disease. The search for the best evidence for these 2003;101:751–755. [II-2]
The knowledge from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and I Evidence obtained from at least one properly designed ran-
meta-analyses of RCTs is summarized and easily available for domized controlled trial.
clinical implementation. Key management points are highlighted II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled trials
at the beginning of each guideline, and in bold in the text. Relative without randomization.
risks and 95% confidence intervals from studies are quoted spar- II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-
ingly. Instead, the straight recommendation for care is made control analytic studies, preferably from more than one
if one intervention is superior to the other, with the percent center or research group.
improvement often quoted to assess the degree of benefit. If there II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
is insufficient evidence to compare to interventions or manage- without the intervention. Dramatic results in uncon-
ments, this is clearly stated. trolled experiments could also be regarded as this type
References: Cochrane reviews with 0 RCT are not referenced, of evidence.
and instead of referencing a meta-analysis with only one RCT, the III (Review) Opinions of respected authorities, based on clini-
actual RCT is usually referenced. RCTs that are already included cal experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert
in meta-analyses are not referenced, both for brevity and because committees.
they can be easily accessed by reviewing the meta-analysis. If
new RCTs are not included in a meta-analysis, they are obvi- These levels are quoted after each reference. For RCTs and
ously referenced. Each reference was reviewed and evaluated for meta-analyses, the number of subjects studied is stated and,
quality according to a modified method as outlined by the U.S. sometimes, more details are provided to aid the reader to under-
Preventive Services Task Force (http://www.ahrq.gov): stand the study better.
Contributors xiii
The publishers would also like to thank the following contributors to the previous edition for any material used in this edition:
xvi List of Abbreviations
DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-1 1
2 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 1.1: Visits That Are Opportunities for Preconception TABLE 1.3: Preconception Screening Assessment for All
Care Reproductive-Age Patients (15–44 Years Old)
• Adolescent (first gynecological exam) History
• Any visit to a doctor during reproductive years (15- to 44 years old) Reason for visit
• College—Graduate school health Health status: obstetrical, gynecological, medical, surgical, and family
• Family planning, contraception prescribing, and counseling history
• Annual ob-gyn Use of prescription, over-the-counter, complementary, and
• Postpartum alternative medicines
• Pregnancy test (especially if negative) Allergies (to medications or other)
• Health maintenance Tobacco, alcohol, other drug use
• Medical work Work-related exposures
• Emergency visit Dietary/nutrition assessment
• Fertility Physical activity
Urinary and fecal incontinence
than one) should be standard primary care, as stated by the Physical Examination
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [2]. It should be as Height, weight, body mass index (BMI)
routine as prenatal care, as should the screening and interven- Blood pressure
tions associated with it. A clear political will to drive the funding Head
and insurance coverage for preconception care is required. Neck: adenopathy and thyroid
Therefore, providers of all specialties should be aware of the Breasts
evidence-based recommendations (Tables 1.1–1.8). Organizations Heart, lungs
representing family and internal medicine, obstetrics and gyne- Abdomen
cology, nurse midwifery, nursing, public health, diabetes, neu-
Pelvic examination
rology, cardiology, and many other associations have supported
recommendations for preconception care. Unfortunately, prac-
Laboratory Testing
titioners seldom implement them [12], even though it is an
opportunity to optimize the health of the patient independent of Rubella titera
whether she is planning pregnancy [6]. Only one out of six obste- Varicella titera
trician-gynecologists (ob-gyns) or family physicians provides Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testingb
preconception care to the majority of patients for whom they pro- Cervical cytologyc
vide prenatal care [13]. Hepatitis C antibodyd
Preconception care may often need to be multidisciplinary Chlamydia testing (if aged 25 years or younger and sexually active)
care. Prior to pregnancy, a patient can have numerous different Evaluation and Counseling
medical problems affecting different specialties, and her care Sexuality and Reproductive Planning
should occur in close collaboration between the different fields High-risk behaviors
involved. Maternal physiology is different from nonpregnant Discussion of a reproductive health plan
adult physiology. An entire field, maternal-fetal medicine, is
Contraceptive options for prevention of unwanted pregnancy,
dedicated to the care of pregnancies with maternal or fetal prob-
including emergency contraception
lems, and these specialists are particularly adept at directing
Genetic counseling
best practices for preconception counseling. Preconception care
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
occurs best if all practitioners, including primary and specialty
care, either directly implement or appropriately refer for imple- Partner selection
mentation of effective preconception screening and intervention. Barrier protection
The worse scenario is the belief that a positive pregnancy test is Sexual function
a good reason to “stop all medicines,” thereby stopping disease Fitness and Nutrition
Dietary/nutrition assessment
TABLE 1.2: Topics to Be Reviewed in Preconception Care Exercise program
Screening for Risk Assessment Folic acid supplementation (0.4 mg/day)
• Personal and family history, physical exam, and laboratory screening Calcium intake
Preventive Health Psychosocial Evaluation
• Reproductive plan History of abuse/neglect/violence (physical, sexual, and emotional)
• Nutrition, supplements, weight, and exercise Sexual practices
• Vaccinations/infections Lifestyle/stress
• Injury prevention Sleep disorders
Specific Individual Issues/“Exposures” Home and work (including satisfaction and environmental hazards)
• Chronic diseases Interpersonal/family relationships; social support
• Medications (teratogens) Depression (suicide)
• Substance use disorder/environmental hazards and toxins Criminality
Source: Modified from Refs. [2, 14].
Preconception Care 3
TABLE 1.3 (Continued): Preconception Screening Assessment treatment. Prevent panic: get patients ready for a healthy preg-
for All Reproductive-Age Patients (15–44 Years Old) nancy before contraception is stopped.
Language and culture
Health insurance status, coverage, access, public programs Content of preconception care
Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Family history Topics pertinent to optimizing preconception health and there-
Hypertension fore future maternal and perinatal outcome should be dis-
Dyslipidemia cussed. Topics to be discussed in preconception care are listed
in Table 1.2 [2, 14]. Further research is needed to determine the
best content of preconception care and the most effective way to
Diabetes mellitus
implement it [15, 16].
Health/Risk Behaviors
Hygiene (including dental)
Injury prevention Universal screening and
• Safety belts and helmets related interventions
• Occupational hazards
• Recreational hazards History, exam, and laboratory screen
• Firearms Suggested preconception screening assessment is shown in
• Hearing Table 1.3 [14, 17]. A questionnaire should be completed ahead
• Exercise and sports involvement of time, either on paper or online, to review this extensive list. A
Breast self-examination
standardized form improves the completeness of preconception
screening, which necessitates time and commitment [18]. This
standardized preconception form should be integrated into the
See Table 1.5
permanent record of all reproductive-age patients. In a random-
Source: Modified from Refs. [1, 14, 16]. ized trial, patients assigned to be screened with a preconception
a Unless documented immunity.
risk survey were found to have an average of nine risk factors,
b HIV screening should be offered as routine to all patients of reproductive age,
supporting the facts that even low-risk patients may benefit from
under an “opt-out” policy. Physicians should be aware of and follow their states’/
preconception screening [15].
countries’ HIV screening requirements.
c Annually beginning no later than age 21 years; every 2–3 years after three consecu-
History should be detailed, especially when pertinent positives
tive negative test results if age 30 years or older with no history of cervical intraepi-
are detected. Prior inpatient and outpatient medical records
thelial neoplasia 2 or 3, immunosuppression, HIV infection, or diethylstilbestrol should be reviewed. Patients should be empowered with easy
exposure in utero. access to their records (best if electronic) to facilitate multispe-
d Most adults need to be screened only once. Persons with continued risk for hepa- cialty care coordination. Personal prenatal medical record access
titis C virus (HCV) infection should be screened periodically [45]. has been associated with increased maternal control, satisfaction
Folic acid 400 μg/daya NTDs and also probably cardiac defects, facial clefts
Vaccinations Maternal/perinatal infectionb (Table 1.5)
Proper diet and exercise Obesity, diabetes, hypertensive diseases, and their consequences
Injury prevention (e.g., seat belts, helmets) Physical trauma
Screen for specific risk factors See Table 1.7
Abbreviations: NTDs, neural tube defects; STD, sexually transmitted disease; MTHFR, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
a Consider higher dose, especially for patients taking antiseizure medications, other drugs that might interfere with folic acid metab-
olism, those with homozygous MTHFR enzyme mutations, or those who are obese.
b By decreasing perinatal transmission, also decrease congenital defects caused by infection.
TABLE 1.7 (Continued): Preconception Care for Specific Maternal Medical Disorders
Chapter in MFM Evidence
Disorder Based Guidelines Brief Preconception Recommendations Prevention of
Prolactinoma 8 • Treat with dopamine agonist until Risk of increasing size of maternal
decreasing size of adenoma to at least prolactinoma, possibly causing optic nerve
<1 cm, and normal prolactin impairment
History of hyperemesis 9 • Start prenatal vitamins at 3 month prior Decreases risk of recurrence of hyperemesis
gravidarum to conception
Inflammatory bowel 11 • Plan conception when disease is in Birth defects
disease remission >6 months
• Discontinue MTX 3–6 months prior to
• Screen for B12, vitamin D, and iron deficiency
Liver transplantation 13 • Plan pregnancy when stable on PTB, HTN, preeclampsia, FGR, GDM, graft
immunosuppressive regimen >1 year rejection
• Assess baseline kidney/liver function,
24-hour urine
• If patient is on mycophenolic acid
products, assess fetal risks and consider
switching to alternative
Anemia 14 • Evaluation of etiology, assessment for SGA, PTB, maternal CV compromise, need for
iron, B12, and folate deficiency transfusion
• In patients of African ancestry,
hemoglobin electrophoresis
• Genetic consult for patients with
hereditable disorder
Sickle cell disease 15 • Start on 4 mg folic acid daily to optimize Birth defects, crises
hemoglobin status
• Vaccinate with pneumococcal and influenza
• Discontinue teratogenic medications
(ACE inhibitors, iron chelators)
von Willebrand disease 16 • Consult hematology, genetics; administer Postpartum hemorrhage
hepatitis B vaccine
• Baseline labs (von Willebrand factor
antigen, ristocetin cofactor activity, factor
VIII, low-dose ristocetin-induced platelet
aggregation, multimer assay)
Renal disease/transplant 17 • Assess baseline creatinine, 24-hour Preeclampsia
proteinuria, intravenous pyelogram
• Plan pregnancy when stable on
immunosuppressive regimen, with drug
therapies at maintenance levels if possible
• Post-transplant, await >1 year before
Seizures 19 • Recommend deferring conception until Congenital anomalies
seizure-free on minimal medication,
preferably monotherapy
• Consult neurology to consider weaning
medication if >2 years seizure-free
• Start on folic acid 2–4 mg daily
Spinal cord injury 20 • If cause is congenital, start on folic acid Congenital anomalies
4 mg daily and genetic counseling
Mood disorders 21 • Counsel on the risks of discontinuing Cardiac malformations
antidepressants in pregnancy
• Stabilize mood on lowest effective dose
prior to pregnancy
• Avoid paroxetine, given risks of cardiac
8 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 1.7 (Continued): Preconception Care for Specific Maternal Medical Disorders
Chapter in MFM Evidence
Disorder Based Guidelines Brief Preconception Recommendations Prevention of
Smoking 22 • Counsel regarding preventable pregnancy PTB, LBW
outcomes in patient who smoke
• Encourage cessation with behavioral and
educational interventions
Drug use disorder 23 • Encourage patients to postpone PTB, FGR, neonatal withdrawal, etc. (effect
conception until after completing depends on drug)
detoxification or instituting
replacement therapy in the case of
opioid use disorder
Asthma 26 • Control of asthma with appropriate PTB, LBW, preeclampsia, perinatal mortality
regimen through multidisciplinary care,
set expectations to continue management
throughout pregnancy
Tuberculosis 26 • Screen high-risk patients (hx of Active TB
incarceration, TB exposure, international
travel or immigration) with PPD or
interferon gamma-release assay and treat
Lupus 27 • Recommend conception when disease is HTN, preeclampsia, PTB, fetal death, FGR,
in remission for >6 months neonatal lupus
• Screen for HTN, renal, heart, lung, or
brain disease as well as antiphospholipid
and SSA/SSB antibodies
• Decrease meds to lowest possible
effective dose
• Replace mycophenolate mofetil and with
other medications
Venous 30 • Screen all patients with history of VTE Recurrence of venous thromboembolism
thromboembolism and for thrombophilia
mechanical heart • Perform any necessary valve replacements
valves before pregnancy
• If mechanical heart valve, consider
continuing warfarin after full counseling
of risks of warfarin embryopathy and
under direction of cardiologist
Hepatitis A 31 • Vaccinate patients who travel abroad, are
at risk for contracting the disease, or are
infected with chronic hepatitis B or C
prior to pregnancy; vaccine also safe in
Hepatitis B 32 • Administer HBV vaccine to any patient Perinatal HBV transmission
who is susceptible before pregnancy
• If chronically infected, screen for
hepatitis A and vaccinate prior to
Hepatitis C 33 • Screen high risk populations prior to Cirrhosis, HCC, HCV infant transmission
• Vaccinate against hepatitis A and B if
• Consider treatment preconception
HIV 34 • Initiate or modify antiretroviral therapy Perinatal HIV infection
avoiding teratogenic agents
• CD4 count and indicated prophylaxis
based on level
• Screen for STIs
• Advise how to optimize conception, yet
minimizing risk of transmission
Preconception Care 9
TABLE 1.7 (Continued): Preconception Care for Specific Maternal Medical Disorders
STI testing 35, 36, 37, 38 • Screen and treat for gonorrhea, Ectopic pregnancy
chlamydia, syphilis and trichomonas in
high risk patients (e.g. <25, prior STI,
multiple sexual partners, inconsistent
condom use, sex work, or drug use)
PKU • Low-phenylalanine diet PKU-related mental retardation
Intimate partner 24 • Counseling; Referral to appropriate Physical and emotional trauma and their
violence agency consequences, fetal loss
Alcohol use disorder • Medical and behavioral therapy Congenital anomalies, mental retardation
• Avoid all alcohol intake
Supplements and • Review and counsel: avoid excess of Congenital anomalies
over-the-counter recommended daily allowance (RDA)
medications (see also Chap. 2)
Abbreviations: MF, Maternal-Fetal; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; HTN, hypertension; CD, cesarean delivery; PTB, preterm birth;
LBW, low birth weight; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus, EKG, electrocardiogram; ECHO, echocardiogram; OSA, obstructive
sleep apnea; NTD, neural tube defects; VTE, venous thromboembolism; FGR, fetal growth restriction; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; FT4, free thyroxine; CV, cardiovas-
cular; MTX, methotrexate; TB, tuberculosis; PPD, purified protein derivative; SSA/SSB, Sjogren syndrome related antigen A and B; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; STI,
sexually transmitted infections; PKU, phenylketonuria.
TABLE 1.8: Teratogens during pregnancy, and increased availability of antenatal records
during hospital attendance [19].
Prescribed Drugs
Prior obstetrical and gynecological history, including prior
• Androgens and testosterone derivatives (e.g., danazol) pregnancy complications, should be reviewed. Other reproduc-
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (e.g., enalapril, tive issues should also be assessed: fertility, including the pos-
captopril) and angiotensin II receptor blockers sibility of assisted reproductive technology needs; sexuality (in
• Coumadin derivatives (e.g., warfarin) particular high-risk behaviors); contraception; partner selection;
• Carbamazepine and sexual function. Several social issues need to be reviewed as
• Diethylstilbestrol well (Table 1.3).
• Folic acid antagonists (methotrexate and aminopterin) All couples should have a basic screen for family history of
• HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) heritable genetic disorders, with a pedigree to at least the
• Lithium
second prior generation. Patients belonging to an ethnic group
at increased risk for a recessive condition (Table 1.4) should be
• Phenytoin
offered appropriate screening. All couples should be made aware
• Primidone
of the option for cystic fibrosis (CF) screening and hemoglobin
• Streptomycin and kanamycin
electrophoresis screening [20]. Patients with a specific indication
• Tetracycline for genetic testing should be referred for formal genetic counsel-
• Thalidomide and leflunomide ing (see Chaps. 5 and 6).
• Trimethadione and paramethadione Physical exam details are shown in Table 1.3. Pelvic exam may
• Valproic acid include cytologic and sexually transmitted infection screening
• Vitamin A above RDA and its derivatives (e.g., isotretinoin, for patients with certain risk factors. Laboratory tests are done
etretinate, and retinoids) routinely (Table 1.3) and depending on risk factors (Table 1.4) [14].
• Lead Reproductive health plan
• Mercury Asking a reproductive-age woman, and therefore inducing her
Drugs to think about, her reproductive health plan, should be a prior-
• Alcohol ity of any medical visit [21]. Such a plan should address the desire
• Cocaine (or not) for children; the optimal number, spacing, and timing of
pregnancies; contraception to achieve this plan; opportunities to
improve her health and therefore a successful reproductive life;
• Cytomegalovirus
and age-related changes in fertility [21]. Having a reproductive
• Rubella
health plan reduces unintended pregnancies, age-related infertil-
• Syphilis ity, and fetal exposure to teratogens [2]. Very few patients know
• Toxoplasmosis that a short interpregnancy interval (i.e., <6 months from the
• Varicella end of the last pregnancy to the next conception) is associated
Radiation with increased incidence of both small-for-gestational-age and
Source: Modified from Refs. [58, 59]. low-birth-weight neonates [22]. Folic acid depletion may be the
Abbreviations: HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase; RDA, rec- etiology for these increased risks [23]. Education and contracep-
ommended daily allowance. tion advice are necessary to aim for the wished reproductive plan,
10 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
avoid unplanned pregnancies, and optimize the 18- to 24-month Supplementation should start at least 1 month before con-
interpregnancy interval goal. In a nonrandomized study, precon- ception and continue until at least 28 days after conception
ception care decreased the number of unintended pregnancies [24]. (time of neural tube closure). Given the unpredictability of
All patients should be counseled that 2–3% of babies are born planned conception, all reproductive-age patients should be on
with minor (usually) or major anomalies. Screening and diag- folic acid supplementation from menarche to menopause. Patients
nostic options to detect aneuploidy and birth defects should be taking antiseizure medications, such as phenytoin, carbamaze-
reviewed so that patients may consider their options in relation to pine, or barbiturates, may benefit from higher doses of folic acid.
their personal values. Patients with homozygous methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
(MTHFR) enzyme mutations or those who are obese may also
Nutrition, weight, and exercise need higher doses of folic acid supplementation. As increases in
Lifelong habits of healthy diet and regular exercise should be baseline serum folate level are directly proportional to a decrease
established preconceptionally [25]. Proper diet and exercise can in the incidence of NTDs, some experts have advocated 5 mg of
prevent several complications of pregnancy, including gestational folic acid per day as optimal universal supplementation [35]. Folic
diabetes and hypertensive complications [26]. Some studies sug- acid supplementation has also been associated with a decrease in
gest a correlation between a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, the risk of congenital anomalies other than NTDs (e.g., cardiac,
and legumes; less than two servings of meat weekly; and at least facial clefts) [36–38].
two servings of fish weekly (the “Mediterranean Diet”) with The overall benefits or risks of fortifying basic foods such as
decreased rates of infertility and PTB [27–30]. grains with added folate have been associated with a 140–200 µg/
In addition to following a healthy diet, issues of food safety are day increase in supplementation and a 20–50% decrease in inci-
important to review. All meat, seafood, and shellfish should be dence of NTDs [35]. Education with provision of printed mate-
thoroughly cooked. Eating at least 12 oz of fish weekly is asso- rial [35, 39], computerized counseling [40], and learner-centered
ciated with several benefits, including a lower rate of PTB (see nutrition education [41] all increase the awareness of the folate/
Chap. 18) [29], but patients must avoid >2 servings/week of shark, NTDs association and the use of the folate supplements. These
swordfish, king mackerel, some tuna, or tilefish, all of which may interventions may be effective in increasing the prophylactic use
contain high concentrations of methyl mercury. Albacore (white) of additional preconception care activities.
tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna [30]. Other rec- There is insufficient evidence to justify the routine use of other
ommendations include eating only pasteurized eggs and dairy supplements in reproductive-age patients, especially in the devel-
products and washing raw fruits and vegetables before eating. oped world, unless a nutritional deficiency has been identified.
Patients should try to obtain a minimum daily iodine intake of It is important to obtain a daily intake of minimum 150 mg of
150 mg/day. Education about proper hand, food, and cooking iodine and 10,000 IU of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) if deficien-
utensil hygiene is important, especially in developing countries. cies of these nutrients are identified. The use of certain supple-
Body mass index (BMI) should be calculated at least annually ments may be detrimental, especially if excessive amounts of
for reproductive-age patients [31]. For patients with a BMI that lipid-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A (>10,000 IU/day) are
falls outside the normal range [31–36], preconception counseling taken, since they can be teratogenic. All supplements, including
regarding the patient’s increased risk of complications in pregnancy alternative and complementary medicines, should be reviewed
is extremely important. Formal nutritional counseling should be (see also Chap. 2) [42, 43].
offered and goals set to avoid pregnancy until optimal weight
is achieved. Patients with a low BMI should be screened for eat- Maternal infection prevention and vaccines
ing disorders. In overweight and obese patients, calorie and por- Preconception vaccination for the prevention of fetal and mater-
tion-size control may be the most effective methods of sustained nal disease is an important preconception intervention (Table 1.5)
preconception weight loss. Unfortunately, there are no current evi- (see also Chap. 40 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
dence-based guidelines as to the most effective method of weight Maternal immunity to infections such as rubella and vari-
loss in the preconception period for obese and overweight patients cella should be assessed for potential vaccination of nonimmune
[36]. Postpartum individual counseling on diet and physical activ- patients, thus eliminating their risk for congenital syndromes
ity increased the proportion of patients returning to pre-pregnancy associated with these viruses. Vaccination with live attenuated
weight from 30% to 50% in one randomized trial [32]. viruses should occur at least 4 weeks prior to conception due to
An exercise routine that can be started preconceptionally and the theoretical risk of live virus affecting the fetus.
safely continued in pregnancy may include yoga; brisk walking Annual influenza vaccination for patients and their partners
(including hiking and backpacking); jogging; swimming; biking; contemplating pregnancy will reduce the chance of maternal pre-
cross-country skiing; and using fitness equipment such as an natal infection, a time during which higher morbidity has been
elliptical trainer, treadmill, or stationary bike. Patients should be documented. Influenza vaccination for new mothers and other
given standard advice for engaging in regular physical activity for close contacts of the newborn will reduce the risk of infection
30–60 min/day for 5 or more days per week. for the child who is unable to receive vaccination until 6 months
of age. Through this process of “cocooning,” the newborn is pro-
Supplements tected from the high morbidity and mortality rates associated
The preconception intervention with the most evidence-based with influenza in the first year of life [44].
data to support its efficacy is folic acid supplementation. Folic Hepatitis B vaccination should be offered to all susceptible
acid supplementation is recommended, with a minimum of patients of reproductive age. This is especially true in regions
400 µg/day for all patients (93% decrease in neural tube defects with intermediate and high rates of endemicity (where ≥2% of
[NTDs]), and 4 mg/day for patients with prior children with the population is hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] positive).
NTDs or those on certain epileptic medications (69% decrease Perinatal transmission of hepatitis B results in a 90% chance of
in recurrent NTDs) [34]. chronic infection in the newborn, which places the child at risk
Preconception Care 11
for future cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In regions in this population, it is reasonable to screen patients of extreme
of low prevalence, vaccination should be targeted to high-risk AMA who also have chronic hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipid-
groups (Table 1.5). emia, or heart disease with a cardiac echocardiogram.
Recent guidelines have recommended hepatitis C screening in
all adults ≥18 years old. This can be done during preconception, Chronic diseases
as treatment for hepatitis C is currently only performed in non- The incidences of several medical disorders such as obesity,
pregnant individuals [45]. diabetes mellitus, and hypertension are high and on the rise in
Tetanus vaccination should remain up-to-date in reproduc- reproductive-age patients. There is literature for evidence-based
tive-age women, particularly in regions of the world where mater- recommendations on each disease or condition that can involve
nal and neonatal tetanus is prevalent [46]. This has been shown the reproductive-age patient and affect their reproductive health
to markedly reduce the incidence of tetanus related to parturi- [3, 4, 17]. Full review of each is beyond the scope of this chap-
tion. Due to increasing prevalence and the high morbidity and ter (see individual chapters in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
mortality rates of neonatal pertussis, vaccination (in combina- Guidelines). Some common conditions are discussed for brief
tion with tetanus and diphtheria) is recommended for all patients preconception management review (Table 1.7).
and their partners of reproductive age who have not been immu-
nized in their adult lives (since the age of 11 years) [47]. It is well Diabetes
documented that 75% of cases of neonatal pertussis have a family Diabetes (see Chaps. 4 and 5 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
member as the index case [48]. Guidelines) is associated with an increased risk of congenital
Other vaccination recommendations based on medical, occu- anomalies, in particular cardiac defects and NTDs, if poorly
pational, or social risks are described in Table 1.5. controlled in the first weeks of pregnancy. The risk of congenital
anomalies is related to long-term diabetic control, reflected in the
Injury prevention level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HgB A1c): <7% = no increased
The second leading cause of death in reproductive-age patients is risk (2–3% baseline); 7–9% = 15%; 9–11% = 23%; >11% = 25% [34].
accidents. Use of seat belts and helmets should be reviewed and It has been estimated that euglycemia (with normal HgB A1c)
strongly encouraged where appropriate. Inquiry should be made during the first trimester, which can only be achieved through
regarding occupational and recreational hazards. Possession and attentive preconception counseling, could prevent >100,000
use of firearms should be evaluated. U.S. pregnancy losses or birth defects per year [2]. Another cost
analysis reported that universal preconception care could lead to
Universal recommendations averted lifetime costs for the affected cohort of children as high as
Preconception recommendations for all patients are listed in $4.3 billion [62, 63]. The benefits of preconception diabetes care
Table 1.6. Reproductive-age patients should be aware of these evi- have been previously demonstrated [64, 65], even in teenagers [66].
dence-based recommendations, both through their doctors and Preconception care is also essential for counseling of the patient
through public awareness campaigns. Several online resources with conditions severe enough to make a successful pregnancy
are available [49–52]. Patients and their partners should take extremely unlikely. The diabetic patient with either ischemic heart
more responsibility for their care and the future health of disease, untreated proliferative retinopathy, creatinine clearance
their offspring, and implement the health and lifestyle changes <50 mL/min, proteinuria >2 g/24 hour, creatinine >2 mg/dL,
recommended. uncontrolled hypertension, or gastropathy should be told not to
get pregnant before these conditions can be improved, and coun-
Specific issues seled regarding adoption if the conditions cannot be improved
[67]. The frequency of fetal/infant and maternal morbidity and
History of preterm birth mortality are reduced in diabetic patients seeking consultation in
There are currently no preconception recommendations for preparation for pregnancy, but unfortunately only about one-third
a patient with a history of preterm birth outside of the general of these patients receive such consultation [68]. The preconcep-
recommendations for patients trying to conceive. Randomized tion consultation affords the opportunity to screen for vascular
controlled trials examining preconception initiation of low- consequences of the diabetes, with ophthalmologic, electro-
dose aspirin did not demonstrate an increase in live birth rate cardiogram (ECG), and renal evaluation via a 24-hour urine
or decrease in PTB [53, 54]. Interval antibiotic treatment with collection for total protein and creatinine clearance, and deter-
azithromycin and metronidazole between pregnancies in patients mine ancillary pregnancy risks. Proliferative retinopathy should
with a prior spontaneous PTB (<34 weeks) has not been associ- be treated with laser before pregnancy. Thyroid-stimulating hor-
ated with decreased risk of preterm delivery [55, 56]. mone (TSH) should be checked, as 40% of young patients with
type 1 diabetes have hypothyroidism. Of note, there is insufficient
Advanced maternal age evidence to treat subclinical hypothyroidism [69].
In recent years, there has been a trend to delay childbearing. This Diabetes evaluation should emphasize the importance of tight
trend is especially prevalent in developed countries, for example, glycemic control, with normalization of the HgB A1c to <7%. To
in the United States where the birth rate in 40- to 44 years old achieve euglycemia, diet, glucose monitoring, and exercise
patients has increased from 5.2 births per 1,000 in 1990 to 10.4 are always stressed. If euglycemia is not achieved with these
births per 1,000 patients in 2013 [57]. It is well established that means, oral hypoglycemic agents or insulins are utilized,
patients of advanced maternal age (AMA) are at increasing risk and their regimens should be optimized preconceptionally. Of
of poor obstetric outcomes, stillbirth, and fetal death [58–60]. the oral hypoglycemic agents, Glucophage (metformin) is the
Patients of extreme AMA (>45 years old) have been found to preferred agent at this time [70] and probably continued during
have an increased prevalence of preexisting chronic disease [61]. pregnancy. The original safety data available for glyburide showed
Although no Level I evidence exists for preconception testing that it did not cross the placenta in appreciable amounts [71],
12 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
but recent data have shown a 70% level in umbilical blood com- Seizure disorders
pared to maternal blood [72]. The other oral hypoglycemic agents Conception should be deferred until seizures are well controlled
should not be used for preconception glycemic control, as there is on the minimum effective dose of medication (see Chap. 19 in
no sufficient evidence for their safety and efficacy in pregnancy. A Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Monotherapy is
common insulin regimen currently used by diabetologists is preferable. Lamotrigine has been reported to be first-line therapy
long-acting (e.g., glargine) and short-acting (e.g., lispro). This for nonpregnant adults for partial seizures [78–80] and associated
is a safe and effective regimen in pregnancy too. Patients compli- with a low incidence of major malformations [81], but not in all
ant with insulin pumps should continue this regimen with the studies [82]. The best choice is the antiepileptic drug (AED) that
understanding of increased insulin requirements in pregnancy. best controls the seizures. The AEDs are usually Food and Drug
If a patient has a history of gestational diabetes, appropri- Administration (FDA) category C (human risk unknown, but
ate postpartum diabetes screening should be performed. none proven yet) except for the following AEDs that are known
Interconception counseling and lifestyle modifications may be potential teratogens: carbamazepine, primidone, phenytoin,
beneficial for future pregnancies [73]. and valproate (Table 1.8). These four AEDs should therefore be
avoided, if possible, by using a different therapy beginning in the
Hypertension preconception period. Patients who have been seizure-free for
Hypertension (see Chap. 1 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based ≥2 years with a normal electroencephalogram (EEG) may be
Guidelines) is associated with several maternal and fetal risks in eligible to stop anticonvulsant therapy after consulting with a
pregnancy. Serum creatinine, 24-hour urine for total protein neurologist [83].
and creatinine clearance, ECG, and ophthalmologic exam are
suggested, especially in patients with long-standing or severe Medications/Teratogens
hypertension. It is important to identify cardiovascular risk fac- Detailed discussion regarding prescribed and over-the-counter
tors, identify any reversible causes of hypertension, and assess medications should occur at the preconception visit. The indi-
for target organ damage or cardiovascular disease. If hyperten- cation, safety, effectiveness, and necessity of each drug need to
sion is newly diagnosed and has not been evaluated previously, be reviewed. Often, patients and their doctors stop efficacious
a medical consult may be indicated to assess for any of these and necessary medications as soon as the patient finds out she
factors. Secondary hypertension, target organ damage (left ven- is pregnant, compromising the health of both the patient and
tricular dysfunction, retinopathy, dyslipidemia, microvascular her baby. The vast majority of prescribed medications are safe
disease, and prior stroke), maternal age >40, previous pregnancy in pregnancy, even in the first trimester. Only a few drugs,
loss, systolic blood pressure ≥180 mmHg, or diastolic blood pres- chemicals, infections, or radiations are proven teratogens
sure ≥110 mmHg are associated with higher risks in pregnancy. (Table 1.8) [84, 85]. These should be avoided, except in rare cir-
Abnormalities should be addressed and managed appropriately. cumstances (e.g., the patient with mechanical cardiac valves
If, for example, serum creatinine is >1.4 mg/dL, the patient should who accepts the teratogenic risk of warfarin). This medication
be aware of increased risks in pregnancy (pregnancy loss, reduced counseling is often a crucial part of preconception care and can
birth weight, PTB, and accelerated deterioration of maternal save and ameliorate significantly the health of a future offspring.
renal disease). Even mild renal disease (creatinine 1.1–1.4 mg/dL) Great resources exist on the Web for up-to-date teratologic
with uncontrolled hypertension is associated with 10-fold higher information [86–88].
risk of fetal loss. Preconception prevention can be enormously
effective. Thirty minutes of exercise three times per week in all Substance use disorder/Environmental
patients with hypertension and weight reduction if overweight hazards/Toxins
are recommended. Restriction of sodium intake to <2.4 g sodium Tobacco use during pregnancy is associated with increased
daily intake recommended for essential hypertension is beneficial risks of several complications (see Chap. 22 in Maternal-Fetal
in nonpregnant adults. If antihypertensive medical therapy is Evidence Based Guidelines). The benefits of smoking cessation are
necessary, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors tremendous: prevention of 10% of perinatal deaths, 35% of low-
and angiotensin II (AII) receptor antagonists should be dis- birth-weight births, and 15% of preterm deliveries [89]. Smoking
continued, as they are associated with birth defects, fetal growth only one to five cigarettes per day is associated with a 55%
restriction, oligohydramnios, neonatal renal failure, and neonatal higher incidence of low-birth weight compared to nonsmokers.
death in pregnancy. All other antihypertensive agents should be Reproductive-age patients should be informed of other smoking-
used at the lowest effective dose, and are probably safe if started related diseases, such as ischemic heart disease, cancer, lung dis-
preconceptionally and continued in pregnancy. eases, pneumonia, stroke, and congestive heart failure. Patients
at greatest risk for smoking are those <25 years old with less than
Abnormal body mass index a high school education. Smoking makes a major contribution
Obesity rates are increasing in the population and can be asso- to disparities in mortality [90]. Smoking cessation programs are
ciated with infertility, miscarriage, and congenital anomalies, as associated with a 6% increase in smoking cessation and decrease
well as other comorbid diseases. Patients should be counseled in incidences of low-birth weight by 19% and PTB by 16% [91].
regarding the benefits of weight reduction in the preconcep- Support and reward techniques to help quit smoking are one
tion period to reduce these risks [74, 75]. If a woman has had of the best forms of evidence-based medicine, supported by over
a recent bariatric surgery, the following 12–24 months can be a 20 high-quality randomized trials. The “5 As” for screening and
time of rapid weight loss, and it is recommended that pregnancy interventions to prevent smoking in pregnancy are Ask, Advise,
be avoided during this time [76]. Assess, Assist, and Arrange [71]. Counseling with behavioral
Patients who are underweight are at risk for having low-birth- and educational interventions is associated with the highest
weight infants and should also be counseled about attaining cessation rates. If necessary, most pharmacotherapies are
weight optimization before pregnancy [77]. effective preconception, but contraindicated or with uncertain
Preconception Care 13
safety and efficacy during pregnancy. Nicotine replacement 18. Bernstein PS, Sanghvi T, Merkatz IR. Improving preconception care. J
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Gabriele Saccone and Kerri Sendek
DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-2 15
16 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
30 Singleton
15 20 25 30
Prepregnancy BMI
FIGURE 2.1 Institute of Medicine Recommended Total Weight Gain in Pregnancy by Prepregnancy BMI [kg (lb)]; see also
Table 2.6. (Data from Ref. [58].)
of health promotion, risk assessment, and intervention linked to demonstrate a reduction in poor outcomes in high-risk preg-
the risks and conditions uncovered. These activities require the nancies with enhanced prenatal care at no added cost (see
cooperative and coordinated efforts of the patient, family, pre- the section “Number and Timing of Visits”) [4]. In addition,
natal care providers, and other specialized providers. Prenatal women are dissatisfied with a reduced schedule of prenatal
care begins when conception is first considered and continues visits, indicating a perceived benefit by women [4].
until labor begins. The objectives of prenatal care for the mother,
infant, and family relate to outcomes through the first year fol-
lowing birth [1].
Organizational issues
Health care provider
Purpose There is no evidence that physicians need to be involved in the
prenatal care of every woman experiencing an uncomplicated
Prenatal care developed, historically, to reduce the incidence of pregnancy. The effect of midwife-led care compared to physician-
low-birth-weight (LBW) and preterm infants [2]. It has evolved led care or to other provider-led care has been evaluated mostly
to encompass a broader purpose: To identify pregnancies with for the whole pregnancy, including both antepartum care
maternal or fetal conditions associated with increased risk of and care during labor and delivery (see also Chaps. 7 and 8).
morbidity, to provide interventions to prevent or treat such com- Therefore it is somewhat difficult to assess the effect of midwife-
plications, and to provide education support and health promo- led care just on antepartum care. From the evidence from both
tion that can have lasting effects on the health of an entire family [3]. antepartum and labor and delivery (L&D) care, most low-risk
Care should be systematic and evidence based, and should women can be offered midwife-led models of care, and women
result in informed shared decision-making between the patient should be encouraged to ask for this option. Women with sub-
and the provider. stantial medical or obstetric complications should consult
with a physician. In a meta-analysis, women—the vast majority
Effectiveness low risk—who had midwife-led models of care were less likely to
experience antenatal hospitalization and less likely to expe-
Prenatal care benefits pregnant women; however, there are no rience fetal loss before 24 weeks’ gestation (RR 0.79, 95% CI
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of prenatal care versus no 0.65–0.97), although there were no statistically significant differ-
prenatal care, and most studies are observational. Selection bias ences in fetal loss/neonatal death of at least 24 weeks (RR 1.01,
(women who self-select to prenatal care usually are more inclined 95% CI 0.67–1.53) or in fetal/neonatal death overall (RR 0.83, 95%
to have better outcomes) leads to confounding bias (e.g., risk fac- CI 0.70–1.00) (see also Chap. 7) [5].
tors associated with LBW and neonatal death are also risk factors
for inadequate prenatal care). Group prenatal care
There are, however, several RCTs on the number of prenatal In a meta-analysis, educational interventions were the focus of
care visits, which indirectly demonstrate the beneficial effects of group prenatal care. No consistent results were found, and sam-
prenatal care. There is a higher incidence of perinatal mortality ple sizes were very small to moderate. No data were reported
(relative risk [RR] 1.14, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00–1.31) concerning anxiety, breastfeeding success, or general social sup-
in programs with significantly less (<5) numbers of prenatal port. Knowledge acquisition, sense of control, factors related to
visits, compared to the usual 8–12. This is particularly sig- infant-care competencies, and some labor and birth outcomes
nificant for low- and middle-income countries [4]. Also, studies were measured. The largest of the included studies (n = 1275)
Prenatal Care 17
examined an educational and social support intervention to 28 weeks, about every 2 weeks from 32 to 36 weeks, and then
increase vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. This high-quality weekly until delivery (Table 2.1). Uncomplicated multiparous
study showed similar rates of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery women may need fewer visits than uncomplicated nulliparous
in “verbal” and “document” groups (RR 1.08, 95% CI 0.97–1.21) ones. Individual patient needs and risk factors should be assessed
[6]. One large RCT demonstrated significant reduction in pre- at the first prenatal visit and reassessed at each appointment
term birth (PTB), greater satisfaction with care, and higher thereafter. Telemedicine can be considered for some visits. The
breastfeeding initiation at no added cost for group prenatal care patient should be encouraged to obtain a home blood pressure
over standard care in a group of medically low-risk (but socially monitor and a weight scale to track important vital signs.
at-risk) women in an urban clinic [7]. In this study, group care A small reduction in the traditional number of prenatal visits
included, among other interventions, continuity of care from a in both developed and developing countries has not been asso-
single provider, patient keeping copies of their records, no waiting ciated with adverse biological maternal or perinatal outcomes,
time at visits, about 20 hours of provider/patient time, and 8–10 but women may feel less satisfied with fewer visits [4]. In set-
women in each group session. In the developing world, partici- tings with limited resources where the number of visits is
patory intervention with women’s groups is associated with already low, reduced antenatal visits (<5) are associated with
decreased maternal and neonatal mortality in several large an increase in perinatal mortality compared to standard care,
cluster-randomized trials [8–10]. In one of these studies, partici- although admission to neonatal intensive care may be reduced
patory care involved a female facilitator convening nine women’s [4]. Women prefer the standard visits schedule. Where the
group meetings every month. The facilitator supported groups standard number of visits is low, visits should not be reduced
through an action-learning cycle in which they identified local without close monitoring of fetal and neonatal outcomes [4].
perinatal problems and formulated strategies to address them In addition, women in high-resource settings were more often
[8]. This strategy holds great promise in decreasing maternal and dissatisfied with a reduced schedule of visits (defined as eight).
perinatal deaths among the most vulnerable in our world. The schedule of visits should be determined by the purpose of
Group prenatal care may even be utilized in a higher-risk the appointment. A minimum of four prenatal care visits is
population. In a non-RCT study, group prenatal care for recommended even for low-risk women [4].
women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) was asso-
ciated with decreased progression to A2 gestational diabetes Structure
and improved postpartum follow-up for appropriate diabetes
screening without significantly affecting obstetrical or neona- Initial visit
tal outcomes [11]. Ideally, this visit should occur at around 6–8 weeks. Women
Group prenatal care should be promoted and further studied should receive written information regarding their pregnancy
among more diverse populations. care services, the proposed schedule of visits, screening tests that
will be offered, and lifestyle issues, such as nutrition and exercise.
Prenatal record Major parts of the visit include history, risk identification, physi-
A formal, structured record should be used for documenting care cal exam, laboratory testing, education for health promotion, and
during the pregnancy. Structured records with reminder aids a detailed plan of care for any risks identified (see Table 2.1) (see
help ensure that providers incorporate evidence-based guide- also Chap. 1, Tables 1.2–1.5).
lines into clinical practice. There is no trial comparing different
records. Women should be allowed to carry their record. A History
meta-analysis of three trials showed that carrying the record is A comprehensive history should be performed, preferably using
associated with increased maternal control and satisfaction standardized record forms (e.g., www.acog.org). Risk assessment
during pregnancy, increased availability of antenatal records should be performed with detailed review of systems. Patients
during hospital attendance, and with more operative deliveries. who may benefit from additional care or referral should be identi-
Importantly, all of the three trials included in the meta-analysis fied. Early ultrasonography should be used to determine the
report that more women in the case notes group would prefer to estimated day of delivery (EDD) if there is any uncertainty
hold their antenatal records in another pregnancy [12]. regarding last menstrual period (LMP) [13]. Accuracy of EDD
is critical for timing of screening tests and appropriate interven-
Number and timing of visits tions, managing complications, and consideration of delivery
There is insufficient evidence to recommend an ideal schedule of timing. It also provides early identification and chorionicity of
prenatal visits for all pregnant women. The most important visit multiple pregnancies (see “Ultrasonography” later and Chap. 4).
to optimize pregnancy outcomes is the preconception visit (see Topics such as lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, drugs, environ-
Chap. 1). A visit early, soon after the pregnancy test is positive, ment, vaccinations, prenatal education, and others should be dis-
and in time to establish location and number of embryo(s), usu- cussed (see “Content of Prenatal Care”). Prenatal diagnosis and
ally around 6–8 weeks, is also desirable. For women with prior screening for aneuploidy (Chap. 5) and genetic screening (Chap. 6)
cesarean delivery in particular, this early ultrasound is important should be reviewed.
also to rule out the risk of cesarean scar pregnancy.
At this early visit, each woman should be assessed for risk fac- Physical exam
tors (see Tables 1.3 and 1.4 in Chap. 1). The frequency of subse- The physical exam should be both general (Table 2.1) and directed
quent visits can be determined based on risk factors. by any risks identified in the history (see Chap. 1).
In developed countries, prenatal care usually consists of 7–12 Weight and height should be determined at the initial pre-
visits per pregnancy, with a prenatal visit ideally at 10–14 natal visit in order to determine body mass index (BMI) [BMI =
weeks for aneuploidy screening (see Chaps. 5 and 6), followed weight (kg)/height squared (m2)]. BMI should be based on weight
by visits about every 4 weeks approximately at 16, 20, 24, and at time of conception or the earliest known weight in pregnancy.
18 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 2.1 (Continued): Suggested Prenatal Care Counseling, Screening, and Intervention
Initial Visit ≤14 wk Visits at 14–24 wk 24–28 wk 28–34 wk 34–41 wk
Laboratory Tests
• Multiple-marker aneuploidy screen • Multiple-marker • Gestational diabetes • Urine dipstick for • Group B strep
• CBC; Blood type, Rh, antibody aneuploidy screen screen; repeat CBC protein • Urine dipstick for protein
screen; Rubella IgG; RPR; HBsAg; • Urine dipstick for and antibody screen • HIV
HIV protein if indicated • Antibody screen if
• Urine dipstick for protein and indicated
glucose • Urine dipstick for
• Urinalysis and urine culture protein
• Gonorrhea/Chlamydiaa
• Papa
• Additional testing as directed by
history and PEa
• Cessation of harmful substances • Review and discuss • Preterm labor s/sx • Preterm labor s/sx • Labor symptoms/ when
• Exercise/Activity results of testing • Preeclampsia s/sx to call
• Nutrition • Preeclampsia s/sx
• Weight gain • Postdates management
• Supplements • Breastfeeding
• Food safety
• Breastfeeding
Education/Counseling Not Limited to Specific Weeks Gestation
• Danger signs • Labor preparation,
• Dental care options, s/sx to
• Family planning report
• Travel
Source: Adapted from a review of current prenatal care guidelines from four major groups: U.S. Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veteran Affairs, and Health
Affairs, Department of Defense; Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement; the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists; and the American Academy of Family Physicians [146].
Abbreviations: EDB, expected date of birth; LMP, last menstrual period; BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; EFW, estimation of fetal weight; RPR, rapid plasma regain;
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; CBC, complete blood count; PE, physical exam; TOLAC, trial of labor after cesarean; s/sx, signs and symptoms; wk, weeks.
a See text, only in certain circumstances.
Categories of BMI are in Table 2.2. Women with obesity are at blood pressure over time. Blood pressure should be taken in the
increased risk for diabetes, shoulder dystocia, cesarean section, sitting position using an appropriately sized cuff and correct tech-
and other complications and have better outcomes with a lower nique (see Chap. 1 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
(or no) total weight gain. Women who are underweight (<50 kg
or <120 lb) also are at increased risk for LBW and PTB and have Pelvic exam
better outcomes with a higher total weight gain (see “Nutrition”). Routine pelvic exam early in pregnancy is not as accurate for
Blood pressure is recommended at each prenatal visit. Initial assessment of gestational age as ultrasound (see Chap. 4) and is
blood pressure evaluation may help to identify women with not a reliable predictive test of PTB or cephalopelvic disproportion
chronic hypertension, while subsequent blood pressure read- later in pregnancy (see also Chaps. 7 and 18), and so it is not rec-
ings aid in preeclampsia screening. A diastolic blood pressure ommended for these assessments. Abdominal and pelvic examina-
of >80 at booking is associated with later risks of preeclampsia tion to detect gynecologic pathology can be included in the initial
[14]. Significant risks are associated with both hypertension and examination, and women should be asked about cervical cancer
preeclampsia in pregnancy. This simple, inexpensive, and widely screening. In this setting, cervical cancer screening can be recom-
accepted screening tool may help identify abnormal trends in mended according to guidelines if not current (Chap. 34).
Anti-D immunoglobulin should also be offered for any invasive creatinine (P/C) ratio may be used as a screening test as a good
procedure (e.g., amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling [CVS], predictor for remarkable proteinuria, since it seems to be highly
percutaneous umbilical blood sampling [PUBS]); for bleeding; for predictive for diagnosis to detect proteinuria over 1 gram but
partial molar pregnancies, spontaneous abortion, and elective inadequate in detecting lower levels (see Chap. 1 in Maternal-
termination; and for any condition that might be associated with Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [16].
fetal-maternal hemorrhage, such as abdominal trauma, external
cephalic version, or placental abruption. It may also be offered Urine dipstick for glucose
for threatened abortion and for ectopic pregnancy, although the Glycosuria ≥250 mg/dL (equivalent to 1+) on urine dipstick in
evidence is not as strong. Du-positive women do not need anti-D the first or second trimester is associated with abnormal GDM
immunoglobulin (see Chap. 55 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based screening later in pregnancy. The presence of significant glycos-
Guidelines). uria before 24–28 weeks is an indicator for earlier gestational glu-
cose screening (see Chaps. 4 and 5 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence
Complete blood count Based Guidelines).
Recommended at the first prenatal visit to identify anemia (hemo-
globin and hematocrit) and to screen for thalassemia (mean Urine culture for asymptomatic bacteriuria
corpuscular volume [MCV]). Pregnant women identified with Screening for bacteriuria is recommended at the first prenatal
anemia (Hgb <11.0 g/dL in the first trimester) should be treated as visit for all women. Pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteri-
per Chap. 14 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines. Initial uria are at an increased risk for symptomatic infection and pyelo-
determination of platelet count (optimally also before pregnancy) nephritis. There is also a positive relationship between untreated
may help identify chronic thrombocytopenias and aid in the bacteriuria and LBW/PTB. Treatment of asymptomatic bacte-
diagnosis of gestational thrombocytopenia or HEELP (hemolysis, riuria prevents these complications (see Chap. 18 in Maternal-
elevated liver enzyme levels, and a low platelet count) syndrome Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
later in pregnancy.
Cervical cancer screening
Rubella antibody Cervical cancer screening should be obtained if not current
Screen all women at first encounter. Nonimmune pregnant according to guidelines. Pap smear screening should be initiated
women should be counseled to avoid exposure and seek immu- at age 21, regardless of onset of sexual activity. Routine screen-
nization postpartum (see Chap. 40 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence ing intervals have also been extended to every 3 years for women
Based Guidelines). in their 20s without human papillomavirus (HPV) co-testing and
every 5 years in women over 30 with the addition of HPV co-test-
Syphilis screening ing. Colposcopy can be performed during pregnancy, and a plan
All pregnant women should be screened with a serologic test for can be made for treatment postpartum (see Chap. 34).
syphilis at the first prenatal visit. Women who are at high risk,
live in areas of high syphilis morbidity, or are previously untested Selective (only women with risk
should be screened at 28 weeks and again at delivery (see Chap. 37 factors) laboratory screening
in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Hepatitis C serology
A test for hepatitis C antibodies should be performed in pregnant
HBsAg women at increased risk for exposure, such as those with a history
Screen at initial encounter, and rescreen high-risk populations of intravenous (IV) drug abuse, exposure to blood products or
in the third trimester. Postnatal intervention is recommended transfusion, organ transplants, kidney dialysis, etc. (see Chap. 33
in all hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)–positive women to in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
reduce the risk of viral transmission to the neonate. Pregnancy
and breastfeeding are not contraindications to immunization in Chlamydia screening
women who are at risk for acquisition of the hepatitis B virus (see All women of age <25 years (strongest risk factor), multiple sex
Chap. 32 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). partners, new partner within the past 3 months, single marital
status, inconsistent use of barrier contraception, previous or con-
HIV serology current sexually transmitted infection (STI), vaginal discharge,
Screening is recommended for all pregnant women. The “opt-out” mucopurulent cervicitis, friable cervix, or signs of cervicitis on
approach is recommended. It should be emphasized that testing physical examination should be screened. Some agencies advo-
not only provides the opportunity to maintain maternal health, cate universal chlamydia screening. Rescreen in the third trimes-
but interventions can be offered to dramatically reduce the risk ter if at increased risk for infection. Screening using polymerase
of viral transmission to the fetus (see Chap. 34 in Maternal-Fetal chain reaction (PCR) technology is most accurate (see Chap. 36 in
Evidence Based Guidelines). Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
Bacterial vaginosis • Ongoing assessment of risk factors and plan for interven-
There is no benefit to routine screening and treatment for asymp- tion as indicated
tomatic bacterial vaginosis. Consideration can be given to screen- • Education and health promotion directed to individual
ing and treating women with a prior PTB, but given the inconclusive plan of care
evidence, we do not recommend it as routine. However, those • Opportunity for discussion and questions
women who are symptomatic should be screened (see Chap. 18).
Follow-up physical exam
Genital herpes
Routine serologic or other screening for herpes simplex virus (HSV) • Weight: Weight is usually taken at each visit, as optimal
in asymptomatic pregnant women is not recommended. In the weight gain (Figure 2.1) is associated with better out-
absence of lesions during the third trimester, routine serial cultures comes. Excessive, unexplained weight gain can be a sign of
are not indicated for women with a history of recurrent genital her- preeclampsia.
pes (see Chap. 52 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). • Blood pressure: Blood pressure should be taken and
recorded at each visit.
Varicella • Fetal heart tones: Fetal heart rate should be assessed and
Screening is indicated if a woman has had neither past infection recorded at each visit after the first trimester.
nor vaccination. Varicella vaccine (live attenuated) is not recom- • Symphyseal-fundal height measurement: Fundal height
mended during pregnancy, but sero-negative women should be can be performed at each visit after 20 weeks. Fundal
advised to take appropriate precautions (see Chaps. 40 and 53 in height measurement may help detect fetal growth restric-
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). tion (FGR) and macrosomia, but there is poor intrauser and
interuser reliability. There is probably some value in evalu-
ating trends, and although it will not affect the underlying
QuantiFERON Gold or purified protein derivative (PPD) can be
condition, it may affect decision-making on fetal surveil-
offered to high-risk women at any gestational age in pregnancy
lance. There is insufficient evidence to show whether
to screen for tuberculosis, and follow-up chest x-ray is recom-
this measurement has any impact, beneficial or not,
mended for recent converters. High-risk factors include human
on pregnancy outcomes, with no effect in the only one
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, homeless or impover-
trial (see also Chap. 47 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
ished women, prisoners, recent immigrants from areas where
Guidelines) [18]. The best screening tool for diagnosing
tuberculosis is prevalent, and others (see Chap. 26 in Maternal-
FGR is ultrasound biometry (see Chap. 4).
Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
• Cervical examination: Routine digital examination of the
Cytomegalovirus cervix is not recommended as a screening measure for pre-
Routine testing is not recommended. Good hand washing and vention of PTB (see Chap. 18).
practicing universal precautions are recommended to prevent
transmission (see Chap. 49 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Sweeping or “stripping” of membranes during cervical
Guidelines) [17]. exam at ≥37 weeks reduces the rate of late-term delivery (see
Chap. 22). Cervical examination may assist in the identification
Parvovirus of abnormal presentation, and therefore the opportunity to offer
Routine screening is not recommended, but can be considered for appropriate intervention (i.e., version).
high-risk groups (see Chap. 51 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
Guidelines). • Fetal movement: There is no evidence that formalized kick
counts reduce the incidence of fetal death in the healthy
Toxoplasmosis singleton (see Chap. 58 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
Universal screening is not recommended in the United States, Guidelines) [19]. Nonetheless, women may be instructed to
where the prevalence is low. Education regarding prevention be aware of daily fetal movements from at or around 28
of the disease should be addressed (Table 2.3) (see Chap. 50 in weeks.
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). • Leopold maneuvers: Historically, this set of maneuvers
was performed at each visit from 34 weeks on to estimate
Follow-up visits fetal weight and determine presentation. Ultrasound
Follow-up visits should provide for the following: should be used instead as necessary.
• Clinical pelvimetry: Measurement of the bony birth canal
• Follow-up physical exam, laboratory screening, and testing is of limited, unproven value in predicting dystocia during
as indicated delivery (see Chap. 7).
• Routine evaluation for edema: Edema has traditionally allergic) in labor or with rupture of membranes (see Chap. 39
been a part of the evaluation for preeclampsia, but by itself, in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
it is neither specific nor sensitive.
Ultrasonography (see Chap. 4)
Follow-up laboratory screening Ultrasound has not been proven harmful to the mother or fetus.
• 10 6/7–13 6/7 weeks: Serum aneuploidy screening, with • First-trimester “fetal dating” ultrasonography (before
nuchal translucency screening by ultrasound (combined 14 weeks): First-trimester ultrasound is more accurate
screening) (see later), should be offered to every pregnant than LMP to determine gestational age. First-trimester
woman. Consider cell-free DNA aneuploidy testing (also ultrasound also allows earlier detection of multiple preg-
called noninvasive prenatal testing [NIPT]) in high-risk or nancies, aneuploidy screening with nuchal translucency,
intermediate-risk women. A policy of universal screening and diagnosis of nonviable pregnancies. In women with
for fetal aneuploidy with NIPT as first-line screening may prior cesarean section, ultrasound performed before 10
be also considered even if the cost-effectiveness is still a weeks, ideally at around 6–8 weeks, should be performed
subject of debate. Randomized controlled trials showed to rule out the risk of cesarean scar pregnancy.
that first-trimester risk assessment for trisomy 21 with • Second-trimester “fetal anatomy” ultrasound: An ultra-
a detailed ultrasound examination followed by cell-free sound to screen for structural anomalies is ideally per-
DNA was associated with a significant reduction in false- formed between 18 and 22 weeks. Routine use of ultrasound
positive rate [20] and better maternal reassurance and reduces the incidence of postterm pregnancies, induction
better maternal satisfaction [21] compared to the first-tri- of labor for postterm pregnancy, increases early detec-
mester combined screening with nuchal translucency and tion of multiple pregnancies, increases earlier detection of
biochemistry (see Chap. 5) (Table 2.1). major fetal anomalies when termination of pregnancy is
• 14–21 weeks: The second part of serum aneuploidy screen- possible, increases detection rates of fetal malformations,
ing (best done at 16–18 weeks) should be offered to all preg- and decreases admission to the special care nursery [22,
nant women interested in prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy 23]. Given the benefits mentioned, all pregnant women
(see Chap. 5). Counseling regarding the variety of screen- should be offered a second-trimester ultrasound. No sig-
ing options and the limitations of testing should be made nificant differences are detected for substantive clinical
available to all pregnant women. outcomes such as perinatal mortality, possibly because of
• 24–28 weeks: Women with risk factors for GDM should insufficient data (see Chap. 4). Transvaginal ultrasound
be screened with either one-step or two-step tests, since cervical length (TVU CL) screening of all singleton ges-
intervention (diet, exercise, glucose monitoring, and, as tations, even those without a prior spontaneous preterm
necessary, medical therapy) prevents maternal and peri- birth, and is recommended [24]. Institutions prepared to
natal morbidities (see Chap. 5 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence intervene for a short cervix of a patient carrying multiple
Based Guidelines). The one-step approach is associ- gestations should offer TVU CL to these patients as well
ated with better perinatal outcomes, including lower (see Chap. 18).
incidence of large for gestational age (LGA) and neonatal • Third-trimester “fetal growth” ultrasound: In low-risk
intensive care unit (NICU) admission to neonatal hypogly- or unselected populations, routine third-trimester ultra-
cemia, compared to the two-step approach (see Chap. 5 in sound has not been associated with improvements in
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Universal glu- perinatal mortality [25]. Selective ultrasound in later preg-
cose challenge screening for GDM is the most sensitive nancy is of benefit in specific situations [26], such as cal-
approach, but the following women are at low risk and less culation of interval growth for suspected FGR, assessment
likely to benefit from testing (must meet all of the follow- of amniotic fluid index for suspected oligohydramnios
ing criteria): Age <25 years; ethnic origin of low risk (not or hydramnios, and assessment of malpresentation (see
Hispanic, African, Native American, South or East Asian, Chap. 4). Gestational age for third-trimester “fetal growth”
or Pacific Islander); BMI <25; no previous personal or fam- ultrasound is also a subject of debate. For example, an
ily history of impaired glucose tolerance; and no previ- ultrasound at 28–30 weeks may detect early-onset FGR,
ous history of adverse obstetric outcomes associated with but would miss late-onset FGR, which may be detected at
GDM. Antibody screening and hemoglobin and hematocrit 34–36 weeks.
are also repeated. Repeat syphilis and HIV screening in the • Routine umbilical artery or other Doppler ultrasound in
early third trimester and at delivery can be considered for low-risk or unselected patients has not been shown to be
high-risk populations (see Chaps. 34 and 37 in Maternal- of benefit.
Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
• 36–37 weeks: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a sig- Content of prenatal care
nificant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates.
Approximately 10–30% of pregnant women are asymp- The content of prenatal care is extensive and reviewed in detail
tomatically colonized with GBS in the vagina or rectum. not only in this chapter but also in most other chapters in this
Vertical transmission of this organism from mother to book, as well as its companion, Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
fetus occurs most commonly after the onset of labor or Guidelines. In Chap. 1, see Table 1.2 for topics to be reviewed,
rupture of membranes. All women should be screened Table 1.3 for screening, Table 1.4 for laboratory tests, Table 1.5
for GBS colonization by rectovaginal culture at 36–37 for vaccinations, Table 1.6 for interventions for all women, and
weeks of gestation. Colonized women should be treated Table 1.7 for interventions for women with risk factors. Prenatal
with IV antibiotics (penicillin is the first choice if not care usually incorporates, among other things, the following:
Prenatal Care 23
• Prenatal education and reassurance (regarding drugs, radiation (>5 rad), heavy repeated lifting, prolonged (>8 hours)
environment, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, vaccina- standing, excessive (>80/week) work hours, and high fatigue
tions, preventive measures, preparation for L&D, depres- score, may be associated with pregnancy complications, but there
sion, breastfeeding, etc.) is insufficient evidence on the effect of avoidance of these risks
• Provision of evidence-based screening tests at appropriate (see also Chap. 17). There are insufficient safety data for paint,
intervals (Table 2.1) solvents, hair dyes, fumes, anesthetic drugs, etc., with no absolute
• Risk assessment evidence of harm. Hot tubs, saunas, etc., should avoid tempera-
• Problem-oriented visits as needed tures >102°F to avoid risk of dehydration, especially in the first
• Condition-specific care for high-risk patients trimester.
Content issues that should be included in prenatal care such Domestic violence
as drugs and environment, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, vac- Domestic violence during pregnancy is associated with increased
cinations, prenatal education, and others are described next. risk of PTB, LBW, second- and third-trimester bleeding, and fetal
injury. Domestic violence may escalate during pregnancy. As
Drugs and environment such, providers need to be alert to signs and symptoms of abuse
Substance abuse and provide opportunities for private disclosure. However, so far,
Screening for use and counseling for cessation of tobacco, alco- there is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of inter-
hol, and recreational or illicit drug use is recommended (see ventions for domestic violence on pregnancy outcome [35].
Chaps. 22 and 23 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
Maternal smoking, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke, Lifestyle
is dangerous to both the woman and her fetus. Provider sup- Work
port and educational material tailored to pregnancy are shown There is insufficient evidence to recommend exact work hours
to increase smoking cessation by 70% and reduce LBW and PTB and when to take off from work before delivery (if at all). Work
[27–29], as well as the number of women who continue to smoke accommodations are often necessary and helpful to allow a
in late pregnancy [29]. pregnant woman to continue working and earning an income.
Alcohol use at any level in pregnancy cannot be supported, Pregnant women should not be discriminated against by employ-
although deleterious effects at low-to-moderate levels are difficult ers. The website www.pregnantatwork.org provides online tools
to quantify [30]. The evidence from the limited number of stud- health care professionals can use to prepare notes drafted using
ies suggests that education and psychological interventions may language that increases the likelihood that a patient will receive
promote abstinence from alcohol or reduce alcohol consump- the accommodations she needs to continue doing her job safely.
tion among pregnant women. However, results were not consis- Occupational lifting guidelines have been published [36].
tent, and the paucity of studies, the number of total participants,
the high risk of bias of some of the studies, and the complexity of Exercise
interventions limit our ability to determine the type of interven- Regular exercise during low-risk pregnancies is beneficial, as
tion that would be most effective in increasing abstinence from, it increases overall maternal fitness and sense of well-being.
or reducing the consumption of, alcohol among pregnant women Aerobic training is an effective tool in maternal weight gain
[31]. Counseling may be effective in reducing substance abuse in control in pregnancy [37] and decreases the risk of GDM [38].
pregnancy, although women with addictions will need special- Moreover, regular exercise during pregnancy appears to modestly
ized interventions. Screening and brief intervention (SBI) for increase the chance for vaginal delivery among healthy preg-
unhealthy alcohol use has demonstrated efficacy in some trials. nant women [39]. Structured physical exercise programs appear
There is some evidence regarding the acceptability and efficacy also to be safe for the neonate [40] and reduce the risk of having
of computer-delivered SBI plus tailored mailings in women who a large newborn without a change in the risk of having a small
screened positive for alcohol risk [32]. There is insufficient evidence newborn [41]. Furthermore, there is some evidence that exer-
to recommend the routine use of home visits for women with a cise may be effective in treating depression during pregnancy
drug or alcohol problem [33]. However, a cluster RCT among urban [42]. Healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy can reduce the
South African mothers showed that a home-visiting intervention risks of excessive gestational weight gain, cesarean section,
improved the emotional health of low-income mothers and that maternal hypertension, and macrosomia, as well as neonatal
relative to standard care, intervention mothers were significantly respiratory morbidity, particularly for high-risk women receiv-
less likely to report depressive symptoms and alcohol abuse [34]. ing combined diet and exercise interventions [38]. However, most
of the studies included in the meta-analysis were carried out in
Over-the-counter, alternative/Complementary, developed countries and therefore it is not clear if these findings
and prescription medications are widely applicable [43]. In another meta-analysis, exercise was
Due to the possibility of adverse fetal effects, medication use, associated with a lower (by 600 g) gestational weight gain [44].
including alternative remedies, should be limited to circum- Possible maternal benefits include improved cardiovascular
stances where benefit outweighs risk. Beneficial medications function, limited pregnancy weight gain, decreased musculo-
should be continued in pregnancy when safe for both the mother skeletal discomfort, reduced incidence of muscle cramps and
and fetus (see specific disease guidelines in Maternal-Fetal lower limb edema, mood stability, and attenuation of GDM
Evidence Based Guidelines). and gestational hypertension. Fetal benefits include decreased
fat mass, improved stress tolerance, and advanced neurobe-
Environmental/Occupational risks and exposures havioral maturation [45]. For most pregnant women, at least
In general, working is not associated with poor pregnancy out- 30 minutes of moderate exercise is recommended on most
come. Some workplace exposures, such as toxic chemicals, days of the week. There is no target heart rate that is right for
24 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 2.4: Examples of Safe and Unsafe Physical Activities the pregnancy, which can lead to decreased frequency of sexual
during Pregnancy intercourse during pregnancy [49]. Most women desire more
communication regarding sex in pregnancy from their care pro-
The following activities are safe to initiate or continuea:
viders. Provider counseling should be reassuring in the absence
• Walking of pregnancy complications. Semen is a source of prostaglandin,
• Swimming and pyospermia is associated with preterm prelabor rupture of
• Stationary cycling membranes (PPROM). Also, female orgasm and nipple stimula-
• Low-impact aerobics tion can increase contractions [50]. Therefore, intercourse may
• Yoga, modifiedb have adverse effects for pregnancies with preterm cervical dila-
• Pilates, modified tation and/or shortening, but this is not well studied. PTB and
• Running or joggingc other complications of pregnancy do not seem increased in most
• Racquet sportscd studies of sex in pregnancy. Most studies report that sexual
• Strength trainingc activity is associated with better pregnancy outcomes, proba-
bly because women who are sexually active are healthier to begin
The following activities should be avoided: with compared to women with less sexual activity [51].
• Contact sports (e.g., ice hockey, boxing, soccer, and basketball)
• Activities with a high risk of falling (e.g., downhill snow skiing, water
skiing, surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics, and horseback riding)
Energy (calorie)/Protein supplementation
A meta-analysis of 17 RCTs provided evidence that antenatal
• Scuba diving
nutritional education, with the goal of increasing energy and
• Sky diving
protein intake in pregnant women, appears to be effective in
• “Hot yoga” or “hot Pilates”
reducing the risk of PTB and of LBW and effective in increas-
Source: Adapted from Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and the ing the head circumference at birth and the birth weight among
postpartum period. Committee Opinion No. 650. American College of undernourished women [52]. Balanced energy and protein
Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2015; 126:135–42.
supplementation seems to improve fetal growth and may
reduce the risk of stillbirth and infants born small for ges-
a In women with uncomplicated pregnancies in consultation with an obstetric care
tational age (SGA). However, high-protein supplementation
b Yoga positions that result in decreased venous return and hypotension should be does not seem to be beneficial and may be harmful to the fetus,
avoided as much as possible. increasing the risk of SGA. Balanced-protein supplementation
c In consultation with an obstetric care provider, running or jogging, racquet sports, alone has no significant effects on perinatal outcomes [52].
and strength training may be safe for pregnant women who participated in these
activities regularly before pregnancy. Cholesterol-lowering diet
d Racquet sports wherein a pregnant woman’s changing balance may affect rapid A cholesterol-lowering diet with omega-3 fatty acids and dietary
movements and increase the risk of falling should be avoided as much as possible. counseling does not affect cord or neonatal lipids but is associ-
ated with a 90% reduction in PTB <37 weeks in one trial (see also
every pregnant woman. Walking, swimming, and other sports Chap. 18) [53]. More evidence is needed for a recommendation.
with low chance of loss of balance are recommended (Table 2.4)
[46]. Avoidance of contact sports and sports with high chance of Low–glycemic index diet
loss of balance or injury should be recommended. Special consid- A low–glycemic index diet appears to be beneficial to both the
erations may be made for professional athletes at the discretion of mother and child in reducing the incidence of abnormal glucose
the patient and provider. Hypoglycemia and dehydration should tolerance tests, LGA infants, and ponderal indices. The numbers
be avoided. It is important to advise women to be careful while of studies and subjects are small, however, and therefore consid-
stretching, as the hormone relaxin can leave joints vulnerable to ered inconclusive [54]. Studies evaluating the effects of different
overstretching and injury [46]. It is important for clinicians to types of dietary advice for women with GDM did not find any
keep emphasizing that exercise is medicine [47]. significant benefits for the diets investigated [55].
Yoga Antigen avoidance diet
Yoga in pregnancy is associated with lower pain and discomfort, Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet (e.g., avoiding chocolate
as well as lower perceived stress and improved quality of life in or nuts) to a pregnant woman is unlikely to reduce her child’s risk
physical domains in the three RCTs evaluating its effects [48]. of atopic disease, and such a diet may adversely affect maternal or
fetal nutrition [56].
Counseling should include the proper use of passenger restraint Probiotics
systems in automobiles with the lap belt below the abdomen, A probiotic capsule intervention among women with abnormal
reduction of risk of venous thromboembolism during long-dis- glucose tolerance had no impact on glycemic control [57].
tance air travel by walking and exercise, and provision of care and
prevention of illness during travel abroad. Food safety
Food safety and prevention of foodborne illness and infection are
Sex and sexuality suggested in Tables 2.3 and 2.5.
Intercourse has not been associated with adverse pregnancy
outcomes. Some women have a progressive decrease in sexual BMI and weight gain
desire during the pregnancy, most markedly in the third tri- BMI is utilized in counseling a woman on optimal weight gain in
mester. Couples are often concerned that intercourse may harm pregnancy (Table 2.2) [58–70].
Prenatal Care 25
Suggested weight gain in pregnancy is shown in Figure 2.1 [71]. of regular coffee drinkers (3+ cups/day) during the second and
Women who are underweight are at increased risk for LBW third trimester did not affect PTB or SGA rate [74].
and PTB and have better outcomes with a higher total weight
gain [66]. Excessive weight gain in women with a normal BMI Supplements
can be prevented with dietary and lifestyle counseling [61– Multivitamin
68]. For example, a program of education on recommended ges- There is insufficient evidence to suggest replacement of iron and
tational weight gain (GWG), application of a personalized weight folate supplementation with a multiple-micronutrient supple-
graph, formalized prescription of exercise, and regular monitor- ment. A reduction in the number of LBW and SGA babies and
ing of GWG at every antenatal visit is associated with a significant maternal anemia has been found with a multiple-micronutrient
reduction in GWG [69]. Obesity is associated with cardiovascu- supplement compared to supplementation with two or fewer
lar disease; diabetes; hypertension; stroke; osteoarthritis; gall- micronutrients or none or a placebo, but analyses revealed no
stones; endometrial, breast, and colon cancer; cardiomyopathy; added benefit of multiple-micronutrient supplements compared
fatty liver; obstructive sleep apnea; urinary tract infections; other with iron and folic acid supplementation [75, 76]. These results
complications; and most importantly, mortality. Pre-pregnancy are limited by the small number of studies available. There is also
obesity and excessive gestational weight gain are associated with insufficient evidence to identify which micronutrients are more
increased risk of childhood obesity for the fetus. Obese pregnant effective, to assess adverse effects, and to say that excess multiple-
women are specifically at increased risk for miscarriage, congeni- micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy is harmful to
tal malformations, GDM, hypertension, preeclampsia, stillbirth, the mother or the fetus [75, 76]. Therefore, there is insufficient
cesarean birth, labor abnormalities, macrosomia, anesthesia evidence to recommend routine multivitamin supplementation
complications, wound infection, and thromboembolism. These for all women, or even only for women who are underweight, have
women have better maternal outcomes with lower (or no) poor diets, are smokers, are substance abusers, are vegetarians,
total weight gain (Table 2.6) (see also Chap. 3 in Maternal-Fetal have multiple gestations, or others. Excess (>1) prenatal vitamin
Evidence Based Guidelines) [59, 60, 66, 67, 70]. Some studies have intake per day should be avoided. No prenatal multivitamin
reported a small increased risk of SGA with weight loss in obese supplement has been shown to be superior to another. Use
women; however, this is not really an increase from the popu- of multivitamin supplements not specific for pregnancy should
lation baseline risk. Obese women who gain weight have larger be discouraged, as often excess doses can pose risks to the preg-
babies (incidence of SGA <5%), while those who lose weight nancy. Each supplement, including each vitamin supplement,
have a normal incidence of SGA (i.e., ≤10%) [72]. Moreover, all should be studied for safety and efficacy individually.
other neonatal outcomes are the same or better, with no weight
gain or some moderate weight loss in obese pregnant women Folic acid
(Table 2.6) [60, 72]. Folic acid supplementation is recommended, with a minimum of
400 mcg/day for all women (93% decrease in neural tube defects
Caffeine [NTDs]) and 4 mg/day for women with prior children with
Moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 mg per day) does NTD (69% decrease in NTDs) [77, 78]. Supplementation should
not appear to be a contributing factor in miscarriage or PTB. start at least 1 month before conception and continue until
Reducing the caffeine intake of regular coffee drinkers (3+ at least 28 days after conception (time of neural tube closure).
cups/day) during the second and third trimester by an average Given the unpredictability of conception and that 50% of preg-
of 182 mg/day did not affect birth weight or length of gestation nancies are unplanned, all reproductive-age women should be on
in one RCT [73]. A meta-analysis from two RCTs concluded that folic acid supplementation. Because in several countries the base-
there is insufficient evidence to confirm or refute the effective- line serum folate level is only 5 ng/mL and increases in this level
ness of caffeine avoidance on birth weight or other pregnancy are directly proportional with a decrease in the incidence of NTD,
outcomes; moreover, they found that reducing the caffeine intake some experts have advocated 5 mg of folic acid per day as optimal
TABLE 2.6: Weight Gain Suggestions for Overweight and Obese Women
Pre-Pregnancy Weight Category Our Suggested Total Weight Gain Range (lb) IOM Recommendations (lb)
Overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m ) 2 6–20 (2.7–9.0 kg) 15–25 (6.8–11.4 kg)
Class I obesity (BMI 30–34.9 kg/m2) 5–15 (2.3–6.8 kg) 11–20 (5–9.1 kg)
Class II obesity (BMI 35–39.9 kg/m2) −9–9 (–4.0–4.0 kg) 11–20 (5–9.1 kg)
Class III obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) −15–0 (–6.8–0 kg) 11–20 (5–9.1 kg)
Abbreviation: IOM, Institute of Medicine.
26 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
supplementation [79]. No increase in ectopic pregnancy, miscar- as Diclegis, which is the only FDA-approved treatment for nausea
riage, or stillbirth has been associated with folate supplementa- and vomiting of pregnancy. Studies done for FDA approval of the
tion, but it might increase (nonsignificant trend) the incidence of drug showed no adverse outcomes and demonstrated safety and
multiple gestations by 40% [77–82]. However, a multicenter pro- good tolerance by women when used in the recommended dose of
spective cohort study showed that children whose mothers used up to 4 pills (10 mg/10 mg) per day (see Chap. 9 in Maternal-Fetal
folic acid supplement dosages higher than 5 mg/mL had a lower Evidence Based Guidelines).
mean psychomotor scale score than children whose mothers used
a recommended folic acid supplement dosage (i.e., 400 mcg/day) Vitamin C
[82]. Folic acid supplementation has been associated (one non- The data are insufficient to assess if vitamin C supplementa-
RCT study) with a decrease in severe language delay at 3 years of tion, either alone or in combination with other supplements, is
age [81]. Fortifying basic foods such as grains with added folate beneficial during pregnancy for either low- or high-risk women.
is associated with an increase in supplementation of only 140– There may be an associated increased risk of PTB with vitamin C
200 mcg/day and with only a 20–50% decrease in the incidence of supplementation (RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.04–1.82, 3 trials, 583 women)
NTDs, with the potential for large-scale prevention [80]. Women [87]. No other difference in outcome is noted between vitamin C
taking antiseizure medications, other drugs that might interfere supplementation versus no treatment or placebo. There are very
with folic acid metabolism, those with homozygous methylene- limited trials available to assess whether vitamin C supplementa-
tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme mutations, or those tion may be useful for all pregnant women. Usually the women
who are obese may need higher doses of folate supplementation. involved in the trials were either at high risk of preeclampsia
Women with first-trimester diabetes mellitus or exposure to val- or PTB or the women had established severe early-onset pre-
proic acid or high temperatures might not experience a decrease eclampsia (see also Chap. 1 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
in NTD risk with folate supplementation due to these risks (see Guidelines). No difference is seen between women supplemented
also Chap. 1). with vitamin C alone or in combination with other supplements
compared with placebo for the risk of stillbirth, neonatal death,
Vitamin A LBW, or intrauterine growth restriction [87].
In pregnancy, some extra vitamin A is required for growth and
tissue maintenance in the fetus, for providing fetal reserves, and Vitamin D
for maternal metabolism. However, vitamin A in its synthetic There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the effects of vitamin
form as well as in large doses as retinol (preformed vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy [88–92]. Vitamin D 1000
A found in cod liver oil and chicken or beef liver) is teratogenic. IU/day in the third trimester is associated with no consistent
It is recommended that pregnant women ingest vitamin A as effect on incidence of LBW [88]. Neonatal hypocalcemia is less
β-carotene and limit the ingestion of retinol during pregnancy. common with vitamin D supplementation compared to placebo
In vitamin A–deficient populations (where night blindness is [88]. Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is associated
present) and in HIV-positive women, vitamin A supplementation with increased circulating 25(OH)D levels, birth weight, and
reduces maternal night blindness and anemia. Excess vitamin A birth length but with no effects on maternal-fetal outcomes [89].
intake can cause birth defects and miscarriages at doses There are limited data to assess any benefit of vitamin D supple-
>25,000 IU/day. Vitamin A supplements should be avoided, ments for complete vegetarians and women with extremely lim-
with maximum daily intake prior to and during pregnancy ited exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D supplementation of vitamin
probably 5000 IU and certainly ≤10,000 IU, respectively. D–deficient pregnant women prevents neonatal vitamin D defi-
Vitamin A supplementation may be beneficial in women with ciency [90]. Vitamin D plus calcium has no effect on duration of
vitamin A deficiency, especially in prevention of night blind- pregnancy, type of delivery, and infant anthropometric indicators
ness, in developing countries. Optimal duration of supplement [91]. However, low maternal vitamin D levels in pregnancy ≤50
use cannot be evaluated. One large population-based trial in nmol/l may be associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia,
Nepal shows a possible beneficial effect on maternal mortality gestational diabetes, PTB, and SGA [92].
after weekly vitamin A supplements. Night blindness, associated
with vitamin A deficiency, was assessed in a nested case-control Vitamin E
study within this trial and found to be reduced but not elimi- There is insufficient evidence to assess if vitamin E supplemen-
nated. There is insufficient evidence to support vitamin A supple- tation, either alone or in combination with other supplements, is
mentation as an intervention for anemia [83, 84]. beneficial during pregnancy [93]. All evidence tested women at
high risk of preeclampsia or with established preeclampsia and
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) assessed vitamin E in combination with other supplements (usu-
There is insufficient evidence to evaluate pyridoxine supple- ally vitamin C) (see Chap. 1 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
mentation during pregnancy [85]. There are few trials reporting Guidelines). There is no convincing evidence that vitamin E sup-
few clinical outcomes, and mostly with unclear trial methodol- plementation alone or in combination with other supplements
ogy and inadequate follow-up. There is not enough evidence to results in other important benefits or harms [93].
detect clinical benefits of vitamin B6 supplementation in preg-
nancy and/or labor other than one trial suggesting protection Magnesium
against dental decay [86]. For the aim of decreasing dental decay Numerous studies demonstrate an association between magne-
or missing/filled teeth, pyridoxine supplementation 20 mg/day sium supplementation and decreased incidences of LBW, SGA,
(lozenges or capsules) is associated with a decreased incidence antenatal hospitalization, and antenatal hemorrhage. The major-
of these outcomes in pregnant women [86]. Pyridoxine has been ity of RCTs are of poor quality, except one judged to be of high
used in the management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. quality, which did not support these associations. There is insuf-
It is now considered category A in combination with doxylamine ficient high-quality evidence to show that dietary magnesium
Prenatal Care 27
supplementation during pregnancy is beneficial [94]. Including differences detected between groups of women who had zinc
high- and low-quality trials, oral magnesium treatment from supplementation and those who had either placebo or no zinc
before the 25th week of gestation is associated with a lower fre- during pregnancy. There is insufficient evidence to assess the
quency of PTB, a lower frequency of LBW, and fewer SGA infants best dose, gestational age and duration, and population for zinc
compared with placebo [87]. In addition, magnesium-treated supplementation in pregnancy [97].
women have less hospitalization during pregnancy and fewer
cases of antepartum hemorrhage than placebo-treated women. Iodine
Incidences of preeclampsia and all other outcomes are similar. In Iodine is essential for normal fetal thyroid and brain develop-
the analysis of one high-quality trial, no differences between mag- ment. Iodine supplementation in populations with low iodine
nesium and placebo groups are seen. Poor-quality trials are likely intake and high levels of endemic cretinism results in an
to have resulted in a bias favoring magnesium supplementation. important reduction in the incidence of the condition with no
apparent adverse effects. Iodine supplementation is associated
Calcium with a reduction in deaths during infancy and early child-
Calcium supplementation is associated with a reduction of the hood, decreased endemic cretinism at the age of 4 years, and
incidence of preeclampsia in pregnancy in all women, partic- better psychomotor development scores between 4 and 25
ularly for women at high risk of hypertension and in women months of age [98]. There are little data, however, on the safety
with low dietary calcium intake (e.g., <600 mg/day) [95]. The of routine iodine supplementation in populations with normal or
minimum dose in the Cochrane review was 1 g/day. Further low-normal iodine levels. Some data suggest an increased risk of
research is needed to determine whether dietary sources of cal- fetal and maternal hypothyroidism from iodine supplementation.
cium confer the same benefit and at what amount. There is insuf- The upper levels of safety have not been established [98, 99].
ficient evidence to determine optimum dosage and the effect on
other important maternal and fetal outcomes. There is no overall Omega-3
reduction in PTB, although there is a reduction in PTB among Pregnancy is a time of increased risk for omega-3 deficiency, as
women at high risk of developing hypertension. Benefits are omega-3 is used for the developing fetus. Thirty-four RCTs have
considered to outweigh an anomalous increase in the risk of been performed to assess whether omega-3 supplementation dur-
HELLP syndrome, which was small in absolute numbers. There is ing pregnancy affects maternal-fetal outcomes. Meta-analyses of
no evidence of any effect of calcium supplementation on stillbirth RCTs [100] show a lack of evidence to support the routine use of
or death before discharge from hospital. In women at high risk of omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy, as omega-3 supple-
hypertension, calcium supplementation is associated with fewer mentation did not affect PTB, preeclampsia, fetal growth restric-
babies with birth weight <2500 g. In one study, childhood systolic tion (FGR), gestational diabetes, SGA, postpartum depression,
blood pressure >95th percentile was reduced (see also Chap. 1 in child development, or other maternal or fetal outcomes. Meta-
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [95]. analyses also found that omega-3 supplementation during preg-
nancy did not prevent PTB in low-risk women [101] or in women
Iron with prior PTB [102] and did not prevent recurrent FGR [103].
There is no evidence to advice against a policy of routine iron
and folate supplementation in pregnancy. Iron supplementation Oral health care
is associated with the prevention of low hemoglobin at birth Oral health care is an important component of general health and
or at 6 weeks postpartum [96]. Iron supplementation, however, therefore should be maintained during pregnancy and through a
has no detectable effect on any substantive measures of either woman’s lifespan. However, although some studies have shown a
maternal or fetal outcome. One trial, with the largest number of possible association between periodontal infection and pregnancy
participants of selective versus routine supplementation, shows outcome such as PTB and preeclampsia, the evidence shows no
an increased likelihood of cesarean section and postpartum improvement in obstetric or perinatal outcomes after den-
blood transfusion, but a lower perinatal mortality rate (up to 7 tal treatment during pregnancy. A meta-analysis from 13 RCTs
days after birth). There are not a lot of data derived from commu- showed that providing periodontal treatment to pregnant women
nities where iron deficiency is common and anemia is a serious was not associated with a reduction in PTB or perinatal mortality,
health problem. There is limited evidence for daily versus inter- except for a significant reduction in PTB and LBW in populations
mittent supplementation. High-dose supplementation (80 mg with a high occurrence (>20%) of PTB and LBW [104].
daily) has no clinical advantage over low-dose supplementation
(20 mg daily) and is associated with more gastrointestinal (GI) Vaccinations
side effects. One RCT suggests adverse effects of hemoconcen- COVID vaccine is safe in pregnancy and should be recom-
tration from iron supplementation in nonanemic women. For mended, as in non-pregnant adults. Immunity to rubella, vari-
iron supplementation for women with anemia, see Chap. 14 in cella, hepatitis B, influenza, tetanus, and pertussis should be
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines. assessed at the first prenatal visit [105]. Ideally, needed vacci-
nations would be provided preconception. There is no vaccine
Zinc that is more dangerous to a pregnant woman or her fetus than
There is insufficient evidence to evaluate fully the effect of the disease it is designed to prevent. Recombinant, inactivated,
zinc supplementation during pregnancy [97]. Zinc supplemen- and subunit vaccines, as well as toxoids and immunoglobulins,
tation is associated with a significant reduction in PTB (RR pose no threat to a developing fetus. Inactivated influenza vac-
0.86, 95% CI 0.76–0.98; 13 RCTs; 6854 women). These studies cine should be given by injection, as killed virus to all pregnant
were primarily from a low socioeconomic population and may women during the influenza season. The live attenuated form of
reflect overall poor nutrition. Reductions in induction of labor the vaccine (intranasal spray) should not be given during preg-
and cesarean delivery are from small studies, with no other nancy. Hepatitis B vaccine can be safely given in pregnancy.
28 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine, also known no massage in nulliparous, but probably not multiparous, women
as TDAP or “whooping cough” vaccine, is recommended for all [114–116]. The type of oil used during the second stage of labor
pregnant women after 28 weeks (see Table 1.5 in Chaps. 1 and 40 for the prevention of perineal tears has no effect on the integrity
in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). of the perineum; accordingly it seems that there is no perfect oil
[117]. For perineal massage in labor, see Chap. 9.
Prevention of complications Women should be provided with written information and
Please see specific diseases in each chapter of this book and its instruction regarding what to expect during L&D, how to obtain
companion, Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines. Here are care when labor begins, and the value of a support person during
reported only some general, nonspecific interventions. the labor process (see Chaps. 7 and 8).
Antibiotic prophylaxis of pregnant women with no specific risk L&D classes should be encouraged. Compared to no such
factor or infection is associated with similar incidence of PPROM, training, 9 hours of antenatal classes with training to prepare
PTB, and postpartum endometritis (see also Chap. 18) [106, 107]. for L&D are associated with arriving to the L&D ward more
Programs offering additional social support (caring family often in active labor (RR 1.45, 95% CI 1.26–1.65) and using less
members, friends, and health professionals) for at-risk (e.g., for epidural analgesia (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.73–0.97) [118].
PTB and LBW) pregnant women are not associated with improve- Compared to standard antenatal education, antenatal educa-
ments in any perinatal outcomes, but there is a reduction in the tion focusing on natural childbirth preparation with training in
likelihood of antenatal hospital admission (RR 0.79, 95% CI breathing and relaxation techniques is not associated with any
0.68–0.92) and cesarean birth (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.78–0.97) [108]. effects on maternal or perinatal outcomes, including similar inci-
For issues such as mild hypertension or preeclampsia, small dences of epidural analgesia, childbirth, or parental stress, in nul-
studies suggest that there are no major differences in clinical out- liparous women and their partners [119].
comes for mothers or babies between antenatal day units or hos- Compared to conventional therapy, intensive counseling
pital admission, but women may prefer day care (see also Chap. 1 therapy for fear of childbirth does not affect the incidence of
in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [109]. cesarean sections, but is associated with reduced pregnancy-
and birth-related anxiety and concerns and shorter labors in
Prenatal education one RCT [120].
There is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of formal In a small RCT, a specific antenatal education program is
prenatal education programs. Prenatal education directed at associated with a reduction in the mean number of visits to
specific objectives (e.g., promoting breastfeeding and avoid- the labor suite before the onset of labor [4]. It is unclear whether
ing planned induction of labor) has been demonstrated to be this results in fewer women being sent home because they are not
effective [110–113]. Individualized prenatal education directed in labor (see also Chap. 7) [120, 121].
toward avoidance of a cesarean delivery does not increase the
rate of vaginal birth after cesarean section. As a part of prenatal Depression in pregnancy and the postpartum period
care, women should be provided with information and instruc- Between 14% and 23% of pregnant women will experience a
tion regarding their health, including risk avoidance, breastfeed- depressive mood disorder while pregnant [122–129]. Maternal
ing, what to expect during labor and birth (see “Preparation for anxiety, life stress, history of depression, lack of social support,
Labor and Delivery”), how to obtain care when labor begins, and unintended pregnancy, public insurance, domestic violence,
the value of a support person during the labor process (see Chaps. 7 lower income, lower education, smoking, single status, and poor
and 8). relationship quality were associated with a greater likelihood
of antepartum depressive symptoms in bivariate analyses. Life
Community interventions stress, lack of social support, and domestic violence continued
There is encouraging evidence of the value of integrating mater- to demonstrate a significant association in multivariate analy-
nal and newborn care in community settings through a range ses [123, 124]. Identification of risk factors and screening for
of interventions that can be packaged effectively for delivery depression will facilitate referral for treatment (see Chap. 21 in
through a range of community health workers and health promo- Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
tion groups. Such evidence-based available interventions such as Between 5% and 7% of women will experience postpartum
immunization to mothers, clean and skilled care at delivery, new- depression. Risk factors include antenatal depressive symptoms,
born resuscitation, exclusive breastfeeding, clean umbilical cord a history of major depressive disorder, or previous postpartum
care, and management of infections in newborns require facility- major depression [123]. If left untreated, postpartum major
based and outreach services. Implementation of community- depression can lead to poor mother–infant bonding, delays in
based interventional care packages is associated with a trend infant growth and development, and an increased risk of anxi-
for reduction in maternal mortality (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.59–1.02) ety or depressive symptoms in the infant later in life. Identifying
and with significant reductions in maternal morbidity (RR mothers at risk assists in the prevention of postpartum depres-
0.75, 95% CI 0.61–0.92), neonatal mortality (RR 0.76; 95% CI sion compared to intervening on the general population. The
0.68–0.84), stillbirths (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.74–0.97), and perina- provision of intensive postpartum support provided by public
tal mortality (RR 0.80; 95% CI 0.71–0.91). It also increases the health nurses or midwives is associated with 32% less postpar-
referrals to a health facility for pregnancy-related complications tum depression. Interventions with only a postnatal compo-
by 40% and improves the rates of early breastfeeding by 94% [113]. nent appeared to be more beneficial than interventions that
also incorporated an antenatal component. Individual-based
Preparation for labor and delivery interventions may be more effective than those that are group-
Perineal massage with sweet almond oil for 5–10 minutes based. Women who received multiple-contact intervention are
daily from 34 weeks until delivery is associated with a sig- just as likely to experience postpartum depression as those who
nificantly higher chance of an intact perineum compared to received a single-contact intervention [125]. There is insufficient
Prenatal Care 29
Varicosities and leg edema and/or at hospital admission in both women who had COVID-19
A small RCT (n = 69) shows that rutoside capsules improve leg infection and those who had the vaccine to assess risk and guide
edema symptoms; however, there are insufficient data to confirm management.
rutoside safety in pregnancy. Another small RCT (n = 43) demon-
strates a reduction in leg edema with reflexology. Compression
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Jason Baxter and Julia Burd
Key points pregnancy. In most cases, it is not possible to consider the effect
of pregnancy on laboratory values in a simplistic or formulaic
• The normal physiologic changes of pregnancy are sev- way. Rather, it is the understanding of the underlying physiology
eral and listed in part in Table 3.1. that these laboratory values reflect that is the most important in
• Normal laboratory values for pregnant women are pre- their evaluation during pregnancy.
sented in Table 3.2.
• Failure to understand these physiologic changes of Cardiovascular/Hemodynamic
pregnancy may result in both undue alarm and costly
evaluation of normal symptoms of pregnancy or in the An understanding of pregnancy-related hemodynamic changes
neglect of pathologic conditions whose presentation is is crucial in the management of both benign and life-threatening
dismissed as another “discomfort of pregnancy.” complications of pregnancy, ranging from near-syncopal epi-
• The physician should carefully address the pregnant sodes experienced by many pregnant women to hypotension
patient, keeping in mind the question: “How is this pre- from obstetric hemorrhage and hypertension, both of which
sentation affected by the physiology of pregnancy?” are leading causes of maternal intensive care unit admissions
and mortality [6]. Even the ultimate clinical emergency of car-
Background diac arrest is complicated by hemodynamics that are unique to
Over the course of human pregnancy, the significance of physi- Hemodynamic changes in pregnancy that have been well estab-
ologic changes that occur is such that it often becomes no longer lished include an increase in cardiac output and a decrease in
appropriate for the physician to evaluate her according to stan- both systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance. There is an
dards that have been set through the observation and study of overall increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pres-
men and nonpregnant women. Some of these physiologic changes sure. Blood volume, plasma volume, and erythrocyte volume
are advantageous to the growth and survival of the fetus. Others all increase, with a greater relative increase in plasma volume,
enhance the ability of the maternal system to compensate for resulting in a dilutional lowering of hematocrit and other
demands of pregnancy, prepare for stress of delivery, and recover blood indices. There is also a redistribution of cardiac output
from delivery. with an increase in flow to the uterus, kidneys, skin, and breasts
Understanding physiologic changes in pregnancy is important [1]. The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system is activated in step
in evaluating common symptoms associated with pregnancy, with estrogen increases and assists in maintaining blood pressure
interpreting laboratory values in the parturient, and understand- and retaining water and salt despite increased renal excretion [7].
ing pathologic conditions to which pregnant women are suscep- The increase in stroke volume and cardiac output creates a more
tible. Failure to understand the normal physiologic changes of audible physiologic flow murmur and splitting of the S2 sound
pregnancy may result in both undue alarm and costly evalu- during pregnancy, which may be striking upon physical exam.
ation of normal symptoms of pregnancy or in the neglect of One longitudinal study followed maternal hemodynamics as
pathologic conditions whose presentation is dismissed as measured by thoracic electrical bioimpedance monitoring in 50
another discomfort of pregnancy. The patient will most likely be healthy pregnant women [8]. The results showed an increase in
better served by the physician who carefully addresses her symp- mean heart rate from 87 ± 2 beats per minute (bpm) at 10–18
toms while keeping in mind the questions: “How is this presen- weeks to 92 ± 1 bpm at 34–42 weeks. Mean arterial pressure
tation affected by the physiology of pregnancy?” and “What (MAP) decreased significantly after 14 weeks and increased after
pathologic conditions may be represented by this scenario?” than 29 weeks. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) increased during the
by the physician who uncritically memorizes laboratory values last trimester. This study also found a significantly higher mean
and makes a diagnosis without considering the interplay between cardiac output in nulliparous women compared to multiparous
pregnancy and underlying pathophysiology. women. Mean cardiac output and stroke volume, which show
Two summary tables are provided. Table 3.1 summarizes the an overall increase during pregnancy, were found to decrease in
commonly accepted pregnancy-related changes in various physi- the third trimester in this study [8]. A meta-analysis of 39 stud-
ologic parameters and their importance in the evaluation and ies examining cardiac output in pregnancy indicated that cardiac
management during pregnancy [1]. Table 3.2 provides a sum- output peaks in the early third trimester at 31% higher than non-
mary of laboratory values in each trimester of pregnancy versus pregnant values and quickly returns to baseline in the early post-
in the nonpregnant state based on a recent systematic review and partum period [9].
other resources [2–5]. The reader will note that some values show Another longitudinal study performed serial echocardiogra-
significant overlap between pregnant and nonpregnant states. phy studies on 35 healthy pregnant women from the early sec-
Some show little change between pregnant and nonpregnant ond trimester to 6–12 weeks postpartum [10]. This study showed
states. Others show trends that clearly increase or decrease with a significant increase in cardiac output that peaked in the early
34 DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-3
Physiologic Changes 35
third trimester and was maintained until term. The detected loss of consciousness or postictal confusion, carotid or subcla-
46%–51% increase in cardiac output was attributed to a 15% vian bruits, a pathologic cardiac murmur, or electrocardiogram
increase in heart rate and a 24% increase in stroke volume [10]. (ECG) or laboratory abnormalities [12].
The changes in heart rate occur early in pregnancy, whereas The events that are precipitated by a decrease in venous return
those of stroke volume occur later, with the net effect of a pro- can also explain the occurrence of supine hypotension in preg-
gressively increasing cardiac output as gestation progresses. nancy. The commonly recommended “leftward tilt” position is
Again, significant variation in cardiac output changes in the late intended to displace the uterus off of the inferior vena cava, which
third trimester was attributed to patient factors, precluding con- runs to the right of midline. This position should be used to avoid
fident conclusions regarding the behavior of cardiac output at the supine hypotension when recumbent, as well as when perform-
very end of pregnancy. Maternal cardiac output was found to cor- ing surgery on the parturient in the second half of pregnancy. A
relate with maternal body surface area and with fetal birth weight. more extreme application of this physiology comes in the perfor-
Left ventricular mass and left ventricular mass index increased mance of perimortem cesarean section during maternal cardiac
to maximal levels at term but remained well below the cutoff for arrest. The procedure is purported not only so to allow fetal sur-
a diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy. This increase corre- vival but also so that the evacuation of the uterus may allow an
sponded to an increase in mean blood pressure at term, as well increase in venous return and cardiac output that may increase
as to an increase in left atrial size and a decrease in left ventricu- the chance for maternal survival [13]. In order to optimize mater-
lar diastolic filling value. These changes may explain some of the nal and fetal survival, it is recommended that the procedure be
variations in cardiac output in the third trimester and may be performed within 4 minutes of cardiac arrest due to the inade-
relevant to the vulnerability of pregnant women to pulmonary quacy of chest compressions in producing adequate cardiac out-
edema during hypertensive crisis [10]. Recent research has indi- put during pregnancy and the susceptibility of both mother and
cated that these changes in left ventricular mass on echocardio- fetus to anoxic brain injury (see also Chaps. 1 and 2 in Maternal-
gram are associated with increased dyspnea in pregnancy [11]. Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [13].
Perhaps the most common hemodynamic complaint that
must be evaluated during pregnancy is that of syncope or near- Respiratory
syncope, which provides a useful example of how an under-
standing of pregnancy physiology is useful in clinical evaluation. During pregnancy, the respiratory system undergoes alterations
Syncope is defined as a transient loss of consciousness and pos- that are reflected in pulmonary function tests and in acid–base
ture, caused by decreased cerebral perfusion that may result from balance. These are important in the evaluation of dyspnea in
hypotension, changes in heart rate, or changes in blood volume pregnancy, the management of pregnancy with coexisting pul-
or redistribution. The decreased SVR of pregnancy makes preg- monary diseases such as asthma, and the recognition of acute
nant women particularly susceptible to this condition, with 28% pulmonary complications of pregnancy.
of gravidas experiencing at least one episode of presyncope, 10% Pregnancy is associated with a significant increase in ventila-
experiencing recurrent presyncopal episodes, and 5% experienc- tory drive both at rest and during exercise [14]. Minute ventilation
ing outright syncope [12]. The overwhelming majority of synco- increases mostly due to an increase in tidal volume with little
pal episodes are benign neurocardiogenic syncope, but there are or no increase in respiratory rate [6, 14, 15]. Alveolar ventilation
also several potentially dangerous conditions in the differential increases, along with an increase in arterial partial pressure of
diagnosis of syncope. An understanding of the vasovagal reflex at oxygen (PaO2) and alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PAO2)
the root of most syncopal episodes helps the clinician to manage and a decrease in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
benign syncopal episodes while being alert for signs and symp- (PaCO2), with a compensatory decrease in serum bicarbonate,
toms that may point to a more serious underlying condition. The with an overall mild increase in pH, reflecting a state of com-
most common trigger of syncope is venous pooling that results in pensated respiratory alkalosis [14]. These changes occur early
a drop in venous return and a subsequent drop in cardiac output. in pregnancy and are almost fully established by 7–8 weeks’ ges-
This results in stimulation of arterial baroreceptors, which trigger tation [14]. This may be due to stimulation of the ventilatory drive
catecholamine stimulation of atria and ventricles. The resultant by progesterone and/or estrogen. Ventilatory equivalents for CO2
vigorous cardiac contraction in volume-depleted chambers stim- and O2 are increased both at rest and during exercise throughout
ulates cardiac mechanoreceptors or C-fibers which, in suscepti- pregnancy. The underlying mechanism for the increased ventila-
ble individuals, can result in paradoxical stimulation of the dorsal tory drive during pregnancy is not fully understood, but theories
vagal nucleus. This stimulation is paradoxical because, in the face have included an increased sensitivity to chemoreflexive drives to
of low SVR and cardiac output, there is a further decrease in sym- breathe (due to hypercapnia or hypoxia) versus a hormone-medi-
pathetic tone and an increase in vagal tone causing vasodilation ated increase in the neural drive to breathe [14].
and bradycardia and the clinical presentation of presyncope or Uterine enlargement and abdominal distension result in a 4- to
syncope [12]. The reflex may be initiated by emotional stimuli in 5-cm cephalad displacement of the diaphragm and a 5- to 7-cm
some individuals or may be initiated by compression of the infe- increase in thoracic circumference. This results in a decrease in
rior vena cava by the gravid uterus causing a decrease in venous expiratory reserve volume, residual volume, and functional
return and intracardiac pressure. Less common conditions that residual capacity. There is a compensatory increase in inspira-
may present with symptoms of syncope include cerebrovascu- tory capacity, while total lung capacity and vital capacity do not
lar accidents, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias or valvular disease, change [14]. Chest wall compliance is increased, but inspiratory
cardiomyopathy, pericardial tamponade, myocardial infarction, muscle strength is preserved with an overall increase in the oxy-
congenital heart defects, thromboembolic phenomenon, anemia, gen cost of breathing [14]. However, it is important to recognize
hypoglycemia, or electrolyte disorders [12]. Further evaluation for that there is no significant change in the parameters of forced
such conditions should be prompted when an apparent syncopal vital capacity, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), or forced
episode is accompanied by focal neurologic findings, prolonged expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) during pregnancy.
42 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy, experienced by 60%–70% of serum by the time of missed menses and peaks at 10 weeks’ ges-
healthy pregnant women, must be clinically distinguished from tation, then declines over the course of the second and third tri-
more serious respiratory conditions. Physiologic dyspnea tends to mesters [18]. Relaxin is secreted by the corpora lutea of pregnancy
be an isolated symptom that begins in early pregnancy, plateaus and is thought to have an important role in early pregnancy
or improves as pregnancy progresses, and does not interfere with maintenance that has not yet been clearly elucidated [19]. hCG
daily activities [16]. The mechanism for physiologic dyspnea has also peaks at approximately 10 weeks’ gestation. The reproduc-
not been conclusively defined, but pregnant women with dyspnea tive hormones estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, prolactin,
have been demonstrated to have an increase in minute ventilation and 17-hydroxyprogesterone all increase significantly during
and tidal volume and a decrease in end-tidal CO2 pressure com- gestation. Initially the corpus luteum and maternal ovarian tissue
pared to pregnant women who do not report dyspnea [16]. The make the greatest contribution to steroid hormone concentra-
perception of physiologic dyspnea during pregnancy has been tions, but as of 9 weeks’ gestation, aromatization of dehydroepi-
associated with increased sensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia, androsterone sulfate by the placenta becomes the predominant
suggesting an increased chemosensitivity causing an increased source of maternal steroids [20]. The elevated estradiol levels
central inspiratory drive in pregnant women who experience dys- stimulate increased hepatic production of sex hormone–binding
pnea. However, the chemical stimuli of hypoxia and hypercapnia globulin and thyroxin-binding globulin. Estrogen also induces
are both reduced in pregnancy, causing others to suggest a neural hypertrophy and hyperplasia of pituitary lactotrophs with a resul-
mechanism [14]. In spite of the common symptom of physiologic tant increase in prolactin levels corresponding to the increase in
dyspnea, pregnancy has not been found to be associated with estradiol levels throughout gestation [20]. Meanwhile, there is a
a decrease in aerobic work capacity or with an increased per- reflexive decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing
ception of breathlessness during exercise [14]. On the contrary, hormone to almost undetectable levels, as would be expected.
exercise in pregnancy has been noted to increase the rate of vagi- One longitudinal study assayed reproductive hormone levels in
nal delivery and decrease rates of gestational diabetes, hyperten- the blood of 60 healthy women drawn during the first, second, and
sive disorders of pregnancy, and preterm birth [17]. third trimesters of uncomplicated pregnancies [20]. Mean proges-
While measurement of FEV1 requires a spirometer, measure- terone levels increased steadily from 49 nmol/L at 5 weeks’ gesta-
ment of PEFR correlates well with FEV1 and can be measured tion to 584 nmol/L at term. Mean 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels
with a relatively inexpensive spirometer (peak flow meter), which are more stable during the first and second trimesters at 12.2
patients can be taught to use at home. Again, these parameters nmol/L but then increase threefold to 36 nmol/L by term. Mean
do not change due to pregnancy, so any detected worsening testosterone increased from 3.3 nmol/L at 5 weeks to 5.7 nmol/L
should be treated appropriately and not attributed to preg- at 40 weeks. Mean serum estradiol levels increased during the first
nancy or to physiologic dyspnea. In the evaluation of severe trimester from 1.64 nmol/L at 5 weeks to 11.13 nmol/L at 16 weeks
acute asthma exacerbations with the potential for impending and then increased fivefold to 53.44 nmol/L at 40 weeks. Mean
respiratory arrest, knowledge of physiologic changes of preg- sex hormone–binding globulin levels increase rapidly during the
nancy is particularly important in the interpretation of blood first half of gestation, from 71 nmol/L at 5 weeks to 392 nmol/L
gases (Table 3.1). The normal parturient lives in a state of com- at 25 weeks, and then remain relatively constant until 40 weeks.
pensated respiratory alkalosis with a lower partial pressure of Mean levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate decreased from
carbon dioxide (PCO2) compared to that of nonpregnant patients. 5.8 mmol/L at 5 weeks to 2.7 mmol/L at midgestation, where they
Thus, significant CO2 retention may be present in spite of values remained rather constant until term. Mean prolactin concentra-
that are high-normal for nonpregnant patients. tion rose from 294 milli-international units (mIU) to 1106 mIU at
While physiologic dyspnea and asthma exacerbation are two 16 weeks. Prolactin levels then continued to increase to a mean of
of the most common causes of dyspnea in pregnancy, the obste- 4092 mIU at 35 weeks and to 4293 mIU at 40 weeks. Mean andro-
trician must also be alert to other pulmonary complications to stenedione levels increase gradually from 8.1 nmol/L at 5 weeks to
which the parturient is susceptible, such as pulmonary embolism 10.6 nmol/L at 40 weeks [14].
and pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema may occur as a result Other hormonal alterations include an increase in aldosterone,
of preeclampsia, peripartum cardiomyopathy, or the use of cer- cortisol, parathyroid hormone, parathyroid-related hormone,
tain tocolytics. It is important that the prevalence of pulmonary and renin [2]. Deoxycorticosterone increases. Androstenedione
symptoms in pregnancy not be met with complacency by the increases with an increase in the transformation to estrone and
obstetrician, for it may signify a life-threatening condition for the estradiol [1]. Fasting levels of both insulin and glucagon increase [1].
pregnant woman. There is an increase in melanocyte-stimulating hormone to which
can be attributed the pregnancy-related increases in pigmentation
Endocrine seen in the areola and the linea nigra and in chloasma [1].
The function of the thyroid gland is crucial to a healthy gesta-
Pregnancy-related endocrine alterations include the production tion (see also Chaps. 6 and 7 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
of hormones that are specific to pregnancy, an increase in other Guidelines). The interplay between maternal and fetal thyroid
reproductive hormones, and alterations in the level and function function can cause confusion for the obstetrician. Early fetal
of nonreproductive hormones, especially of thyroid hormones. development is dependent on maternal thyroid function, and
There is a significant contribution of steroid hormone secretion both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can have important
by the fetal-placental unit. This section provides a brief descrip- maternal and fetal effects. The risks of thyroid dysfunction extend
tion of the changes in reproductive hormones during gestation well into the postpartum period. The effects of subclinical thyroid
followed by a more in-depth review of the behavior and clinical disease are more controversial. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
application of thyroid hormones during pregnancy. and hypothyroidism can mimic symptoms of normal pregnancy.
Pregnancy-specific hormones include human chorionic For example, symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramps, palpita-
gonadotropin (hCG) and relaxin. Relaxin is detectable in maternal tions, thyromegaly, and constipation can be common in normal
Physiologic Changes 43
pregnancy, but progressive symptoms of insomnia, intellectual pregnancy showed no difference in pregnancy complications or
slowness, or weight loss should be evaluated [21]. in perinatal morbidity and mortality in women with subclinical
Thyroid-binding globulin increases due to stimulation of synthe- hyperthyroidism [24].
sis by estrogen as well as decreased hepatic clearance. Total thyrox-
ine (TT4) and total triiodothyronine (TT3) both increase, while Hematologic
resin triiodothyronine uptake (RT3U) decreases. Structural
similarities between hCG and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Pregnancy is characterized by both quantitative and qualitative
may result in an hCG-mediated increase in free thyroxine (FT4) changes in the hematologic system. These changes can be adap-
and the free thyroxine index, as well as a decrease in TSH in the tive to normal pregnancy but can also put the pregnant women
first trimester. However, these changes, sometimes referred to as at increased risk for certain pathologic conditions. Anemia and
gestational transient thyrotoxicosis, are typically self-limited and thrombocytopenia are commonly diagnosed during pregnancy,
do not tend to result in values that are outside the normal range as will be discussed later. Measurements of the acute-phase
for nonpregnant individuals. TSH levels normalize in the second response, such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive
trimester and increase again in the third trimester due to increased protein, and white blood cell count, have been found to increase
need for thyroid hormone (see also Chaps. 6 and 7 in Maternal- during pregnancy. This presents a challenge in the evaluation of
Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [21]. pregnant women suspected to have various infectious or inflam-
Iodine requirements during pregnancy increase by greater matory conditions, but careful clinical assessment allows the
than 50% due to increased maternal thyroxine production to practitioner to distinguish between physiologic and pathologic
maintain maternal and fetal euthyroidism and increased renal abnormalities in these tests. Pregnancy also has important effects
iodine clearance [22]. Plasma iodine levels decrease. This is on the coagulation system, with the creation of an overall hyper-
associated with an increase in the size of the maternal thyroid coagulable state. This section also reviews the theories and
gland. Longitudinal studies of thyroid ultrasonography in preg- limitations of the evidence surrounding the diagnosis of throm-
nancy show a mean increase in thyroid size of 10%–30%, which is bophilia during pregnancy.
noticeable in most women but not associated with abnormalities Anemia is usually defined as a hemoglobin less than 11 g/
in thyroid function tests [21]. Iodine supplementation results in a dL and hematocrit less than 33% in the first trimester, hemo-
less substantial increase in thyroid gland size [22]. While ultra- globin less than 10.5 g/dL and hematocrit less than 32% in the
sound or laboratory evaluation is not necessary in the pregnant second trimester, and hemoglobin less than 11 g/dL and hema-
patient with a mild diffuse increase in thyroid size, a significant tocrit less than 33% in the third trimester (see also Chap. 14
goiter or thyroid nodule must be evaluated, as in any patient. A in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Anemia may be
woman who is marginally iodine deficient may be able to com- caused by decreased production of red blood cells, increased
pensate with increased thyrotropin stimulation of the thyroid to destruction of red blood cells, or blood loss. Anemia in preg-
achieve euthyroidism but become hypothyroid when faced with nancy is complicated by increased iron requirements and an
the increasing iodine requirements of pregnancy [22]. expanded blood volume. Blood volume increases by about 50%,
Thyroid homeostasis is important for healthy fetal develop- while red blood cells increase by only about 25%, resulting in
ment. The fetal thyroid begins to concentrate iodide at 10–12 an anemia of dilution, as measured by hemoglobin and hema-
weeks. Thyroid hormone necessary for fetal brain development tocrit, that is physiologic in pregnancy. Iron requirements
before this time must be provided by the maternal system [21, 23]. increase in order to support the increase in red blood cell mass,
Thyroid hormone synthesis in the fetus is controlled by the fetal to meet the requirements of the fetus and placenta, and to pre-
pituitary gland by 20 weeks. Small amounts of T4 and T3 pass pare for blood loss during delivery. Iron-deficiency anemia is
the placenta, but TSH does not cross the placenta. Thyroid- characterized by microcytosis and hypochromatosis. Iron stud-
releasing hormone (TRH) and iodide do cross the placenta ies reveal a decrease in total iron and ferritin and an increase
[21]. Maternal hypothyroidism has been associated with abnor- in total iron-binding capacity (TIBC). Ferritin levels have the
mal intelligence quotient testing and pediatric neurodevelop- highest sensitivity and specificity for iron deficiency, with levels
ment in offspring, particularly when untreated [23]. While severe less than 10–15 μg/dL being diagnostic of iron deficiency [25].
maternal iodine deficiency can lead to cretinism in the offspring, Iron supplementation, as well as screening for iron deficiency,
it is less clear whether mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency leads during pregnancy is recommended by the Centers for Disease
to more subtle cognitive or neurologic dysfunction. Iodine sup- Control and Prevention (CDC). The typical diet contains 15 mg
plementation in iodine-deficient populations has been found to of elemental iron per day, while the recommended dietary daily
substantially reduce the relative risk of cretinism and to improve allowance during pregnancy is 27 mg/day (see Chap. 14 in
psychomotor and cognitive test scores in the offspring [22]. Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines) [26].
Hyperemesis gravidarum is associated with elevated levels Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy has been associated
of hCG, an increase in FT4, and a decrease in TSH (biochemical with an increased risk of low birth weight, prematurity, perina-
hyperthyroidism). However, this is largely transitory and rarely tal mortality, postpartum depression, and poor mental and psy-
associated with clinical hyperthyroidism. Thus routine measur- chomotor testing in offspring. Severe anemia (less than 6 g/dL)
ing of thyroid function in hyperemesis is not indicated in the has been associated with abnormal fetal oxygenation, abnormal
absence of other signs of hyperthyroidism such as weight loss or fetal heart rate patterns, reduced amniotic fluid volumes, cere-
persistent tachycardia [21]. Furthermore, treatment of transient bral vasodilation, and fetal death. Transfusion may be indicated
hyperthyroidism associated with elevated hCG and hyperemesis for fetal indications in the case of anemia of this severity [26].
should not be undertaken in the absence of evidence of intrin- Factors that increase the risk for iron deficiency in pregnancy
sic thyroid disease (see also Chap. 9 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence include young maternal age, heavy menses, short interpreg-
Based Guidelines) [21]. A large prospective observational study nancy interval, low socioeconomic status, and non-Hispanic
of 25,765 pregnant women who underwent thyroid screening in black race [26]. Dietary factors can have a significant effect on
44 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
iron levels, not only due to levels of consumption of iron-rich less than 50,000/µL [28, 29]. This may result in findings such as
foods but also due to consumption of foods that significantly purpura, ecchymosis, or melena. Less commonly, fetal intracra-
enhance or inhibit iron absorption. nial hemorrhage develops in 1% of deliveries, unrelated to mode
Megaloblastic macrocytic anemia may be caused by defi- of delivery. Therefore, the American Congress of Obstetricians
ciency of folic acid and vitamin B12 and by pernicious anemia. and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends no change in the route
Nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemia may be caused by alcohol- of delivery based on ITP alone. However, the use of vacuum
ism, hypothyroidism, liver disease, aplastic anemia, or increased extractors and fetal scalp electrodes should be avoided due to the
reticulocyte count. The most common cause of onset of macro- increased risk of hemorrhage [27].
cytic anemia during pregnancy in the United States is folic acid Onset of thrombocytopenia during the third trimester should
deficiency [26]. During pregnancy, daily folic acid requirements prompt consideration of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
increase from 50 μg to 400 μg [26]. Women who have had gastric which are associated with 5%–21% of cases of maternal throm-
surgery and those with Crohn disease may be at risk of vitamin bocytopenia, and decreasing platelet count is considered a sign
B12 deficiency in pregnancy [26]. of worsening of disorders of this spectrum (see also Chap. 1 in
The performance of complete blood counts as a part of routine Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). When combined
prenatal screening results in a frequent diagnosis of thrombo- with hemolytic anemia and elevated liver tests, thrombocyto-
cytopenia in asymptomatic pregnant women. The mean platelet penia is indicative of the diagnosis of hemolysis, elevated liver
count in pregnant women is lower than in nonpregnant women enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome. These dis-
(average 213,000/µL), with 7%–12%% of pregnant women meet- orders are associated with an increase in platelet consumption,
ing criteria for the diagnosis of thrombocytopenia by delivery but the underlying physiology is not known. Platelet function may
[27]. Manifestations of thrombocytopenia include epistaxis, be reduced even if platelet counts are normal, and thrombocy-
petechiae, and ecchymosis, although frequently there are no topenia may occur prior to other manifestations of gestational
clinically significant effects. Clinically significant spontaneous hypertension. Hemorrhage is uncommon in the absence of dis-
bleeding is rare except with exceptionally low platelet counts, and seminated intravascular coagulation. Neonatal thrombocytope-
platelet transfusion is only recommended for surgery if platelet nia following gestational hypertension is increased in premature
count is less than 50,000/µL [27]. The most common cause of infants but not in term infants [27].
thrombocytopenia in pregnancy is gestational thrombocyto- Pregnancy is associated with significant alterations in the
penia, which is an apparently benign condition whose underlying coagulation system. There is a decrease in protein S levels as
physiology is not well understood. However, thrombocytopenia well as in coagulation factors XI and XIII. There is an increase
in pregnancy may also be caused by more severe underlying con- in coagulation factors I, VII, VIII, IX, and X. D-dimer and
ditions such as preeclampsia, human immunodeficiency virus fibrinogen levels also increase. The overall result is the cre-
infection, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), systemic ation of a hypercoagulable state that is exacerbated by venous
lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, stasis and compression of the inferior vena cava and pelvic veins
hypersplenism, disseminated intravascular coagulation, throm- by the enlarging uterus [30]. This places the pregnant woman at
botic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, increased risk for such phenomena as deep venous thrombosis
congenital thrombocytopenia, or medication effect [27]. Most of and pulmonary embolism, which are further elevated when preg-
these conditions can be ruled out by history, physical exam, and nancy is associated with other high-risk states such as obesity,
exclusion of underlying diagnoses. prolonged immobility (bed rest), or surgery (see also Chap. 28
The most difficult differential usually comes down to gestational in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Consideration of
thrombocytopenia versus ITP. These conditions cannot be reli- these risks is important in the evaluation of the pregnant patient
ably differentiated with antiplatelet antibody testing or any other with unilateral lower extremity edema or acute dyspnea. They
diagnostic test. A platelet count <100,000/µL is typically more also warrant caution and the responsibility to practice evidence-
concerning for ITP, and a platelet count <50,000/µL is almost based medicine rather than erroneously recommending “bed
certainly ITP as opposed to gestational thrombocytopenia rest” for treatment of conditions ranging from threatened abor-
[27]. In order to be classified as gestational thrombocytopenia, tion, to preterm contractions, to gestational hypertension.
several conditions must be satisfied. Gestational thrombocy-
topenia is mild, with platelet counts typically greater than Gastrointestinal
75,000/µL. There is no history of significant bleeding and no
history of thrombocytopenia prior to pregnancy. Platelet counts Changes in gastrointestinal physiology lead to some of the most
generally return to normal within 4–8 weeks following delivery, commonly described discomforts of pregnancy ranging from
and there is an extremely low risk of fetal or neonatal thrombocy- nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy to more persistent symp-
topenia. ITP is a clinical diagnosis and a diagnosis of exclusion of toms of gastroesophageal reflux and constipation. However, gas-
other systemic disorders known to be associated with thrombo- trointestinal symptoms may reflect coexisting diseases or may
cytopenia. Although it can be associated with elevated antiplate- even herald life-threatening complications of pregnancy such as
let antibodies, this is not a recommended part of the diagnostic severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome or acute fatty liver of
evaluation [27]. pregnancy (AFLP). Once again, it becomes crucial for the obstet-
Women with gestational thrombocytopenia are not at risk for ric care provider to be skilled in recognizing signs and symptoms
maternal or fetal hemorrhage or bleeding complications [27], that result from normal pregnancy physiology and distinguishing
whereas immunologic thrombocytopenia such as ITP and neona- those of more serious conditions.
tal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) have the potential for There are several recognizable effects of pregnancy on gastro-
fetal complications. Both are characterized by increased platelet intestinal function. Gastric secretion acidity declines but volume
destruction. In retrospective studies, 8%–20% percent of neo- increases, and relaxation of the cardiac sphincter leads to greater
nates born to mothers with ITP may develop platelet counts esophageal reflux [1]. Combined with a decrease in gastric and
Physiologic Changes 45
intestinal motility, this leads to the “full stomach” effect that uremia, ovarian torsion, kidney stones, and degenerating myoma.
puts pregnant women at increased risk of aspiration. This, com- Nausea and vomiting may also be due to metabolic disorders such
bined with increased airway edema, increases the risks of general as diabetic ketoacidosis, porphyria, Addison disease, and hyper-
endotracheal anesthesia during pregnancy. Thus, for anesthe- thyroidism or neurologic disorders such as pseudotumor cerebri,
sia purposes, all pregnant women are considered to have a full vestibular lesions, migraines, or central nervous system tumors.
stomach. Precautions to reduce aspiration risk include the use of Finally, drug-related toxicity, psychologic factors, or pregnancy-
nonparticulate oral antacids prior to induction of anesthesia, the related complications such as preeclampsia and AFLP may pres-
use of rapid-sequence induction methods, and the use of a cuffed ent with nausea and vomiting [33].
endotracheal tube [1]. Patients who are taking a multivitamin at the time of concep-
During pregnancy, there is a decrease in colonic motility and an tion have reduced rates of nausea and vomiting [33]. There is good
increase in water absorption, leading to constipation as a com- evidence to support the use of vitamin B6 alone or combined with
mon complaint among pregnant women. A prospective study of doxylamine for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
constipation in pregnancy found that one in two women reports Ginger supplements have also been shown to reduce severity of
constipation at some point in pregnancy, with rates of 24%, 26%, nausea and vomiting [33, 35]. Numerous antiemetics have also
16%, and 24% in first, second, third trimesters, and postpartum, shown acceptable safety and efficacy against nausea and vomiting,
respectively. Constipation is more likely in women with a prior with no antiemetics demonstrating superiority in a meta-analysis
history of constipation and in women taking iron supplements. [36]. A single database study of 1349 patients demonstrated an
The study did not include nonpregnant controls, but historic con- increase in cardiac septum defects with Zofran administered in
trols indicate a constipation rate of 7% in a similar age group [31]. early pregnancy (odds ratio [OR] 1.62, 95% CI 1.04–2.14) [37], but
The most common gastrointestinal symptom of pregnancy this should not stop providers from prescribing Zofran if it effects
is nausea and vomiting (see also Chap. 9 in Maternal-Fetal symptomatic relief. Hospitalization, intravenous fluids, and enteral
Evidence Based Guidelines). As many as 80% of women report nutrition may be used in rare cases of continued weight loss in spite
nausea during pregnancy, and it is also the most common rea- of these therapies (see also Chap. 9 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence
son for hospitalization in the first trimester [32, 33]. Nausea is Based Guidelines). Treating nausea and vomiting earlier in the
generally considered a normal symptom of early pregnancy, and course can help prevent progression to hyperemesis and the need
morning sickness has been associated with improved pregnancy for these more invasive treatments [33].
outcomes such as reduced risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, low
birth weight, and perinatal death. This is theorized to be due to a Renal system and homeostasis
placental etiology for nausea and vomiting, which is increased by
early development of a healthy and robust placenta [33]. However, Pregnancy-related changes in the urinary tract include dilation of
the exact etiology of this symptomatology is not known. It has calyces, pelvis, and ureters. Ureteral dilatation and mild hydrone-
been hypothesized that nausea and restricted intake in the phrosis may be noted as early as the first trimester and is present
mother create an environment that is favorable for early placental in 90% of gravidas by term. Obstructive and humoral mecha-
development [34] or that it confers an evolutionary advantage by nisms have been proposed for this dilatation, with obstruction
causing the mother to avoid the ingestion of foods that may be by the gravid uterus and ovarian venous plexus likely causing the
dangerous to the developing fetus [33]. Numerous psychological dilatation above the pelvic brim [38, 39]. Dextrorotation of the
theories have also been proposed to explain the phenomenon of gravid uterus, likely due to the sigmoid colon on the left and pos-
nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Nausea in pregnancy is com- terior to the uterus, causes the mechanical obstruction at the pel-
monly attributed to hCG levels, but conclusive evidence of the vic brim on the right more than the left. One important adverse
underlying physiology is lacking. Experience of nausea is also cor- consequence of this ureterocalyceal dilatation is the increased
related with elevated estradiol levels and inversely correlated with incidence of pyelonephritis among gravidas with asymptomatic
prolactin levels [32]. Estrogens in oral contraceptive pills have bacteriuria.
shown a dose-related effect of nausea and vomiting. Smoking There are significant increases in renal blood flow and in
decreases both hCG and estrogen, and a reduced rate of nausea glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in pregnancy [1]. Indeed, GFR
and vomiting of pregnancy has been demonstrated in smokers. increases up to 50% higher than in the nonpregnant state. As a
Increased placental mass, as found in multiple gestations and ges- result, serum urea and creatinine levels decline in pregnancy [40].
tational trophoblastic disease, has been found to increase the risk This can have significant effects on renal clearance of vitamins
of nausea and vomiting and of hyperemesis gravidarum [33]. and pharmaceutical agents. There is a lowering of the threshold
It is important for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy to be for glucose excretion, which may result in significant random
distinguished from that resulting from other pathologic condi- glucosuria even in the absence of gestational diabetes. This gly-
tions. Complacency in the evaluation of pregnant patients with cosuria may also contribute to the increased susceptibility of
nausea and vomiting may result in undertreatment of distressing pregnant women to urinary tract infections.
symptoms, development of hyperemesis gravidarum, or failure There is also a marked increase in ureteral pressure in the third
to diagnose a coexisting underlying disease. Nausea and vom- trimester while standing or sitting that is decreased when in the
iting of pregnancy typically start before 9 weeks’ gestation and lateral recumbent position [38]. This has implications for collec-
are not accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, or headache [33]. tion of 24-hour urine samples, as retention of urine in the dilated
Deviation from this presentation should prompt evaluation for collecting system may result in an incomplete sample. This may
other etiologies. The differential diagnosis includes gastrointes- be alleviated by instructing the patient to lie in the lateral recum-
tinal disorders such as gastroenteritis, gastroparesis, achalasia, bent position for about 45 minutes before the discard void prior
biliary tract disease, hepatitis, intestinal obstruction, peptic ulcer to starting the collection and again before the final void of the
disease, pancreatitis, and appendicitis. Genitourinary condi- sample [38]. Proteinuria is considered abnormal if excessive of
tions that may cause nausea and vomiting include pyelonephritis, 300 mg/24 hours in pregnant patients [38].
46 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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tory studies. Obstet Gynecol 2009;114(6):1326–31. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101(4):639–44.
Physiologic Changes 47
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Obstet Gynecol 2001;97(4):577–82. and metabolic physiology in normal pregnancy. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
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L. M. Porche, S. P. Chauhan, and A. Abuhamad
48 DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-4
Ultrasound 49
careful quality control are important components of ultra- Gestational age dating in pregnancy
sound competency [5, 6].
Precise estimation of gestational age is extremely important for
optimal obstetric care, including evaluation of fetal growth, inter-
Informed consent and patients’ expectations
pretation of maternal screening markers, choosing the appropri-
Even though a formal written informed consent is not always ate gestational age to perform interventions, and management of
needed before the examination, every pregnant woman should preterm and late-term pregnancies.
be informed on expectations about the obstetric ultrasound, For gestational age estimation, cardinal numbers should be
as well as its benefits and risks. Patients should know that ultra- preferred to ordinal numbers to avoid confusion. So week 1 is 1–7
sound evaluation is a screening test with wide variations in detec- days after last menstrual period (LMP), week 2 is 8–14 days, etc.
tion rates for fetal anomalies and that all ultrasound diagnoses, In clinical practice, gestational weeks are used to estimate dating,
especially false-positive and false-negative ones, can put both not months. If a lay person asks, “How many months am I?” then
mother and fetus at risk. 6 weeks of gestation can be equated approximately to 1 month,
Whether the sex of the fetus should be revealed to the patient etc., and 38 weeks = 9 months. Definitions of gestational age,
with a singleton gestation should be addressed. It may be harm- while not uniformly accepted, are shown in Table 4.1 [10].
ful for the physician–patient relationship to withhold this Ultrasound examination is the best method to determine
information, especially if the patient previously requested it. gestational age and estimated due date (EDD) [10]. The first day
Although a moral conflict may exist in some cultures around of the LMP should be asked of all pregnant women to determine
the world where this information is used by the patient for vol- when the dating ultrasound should be performed. Compared
untary abortions based on sex selection and sex preferences with LMP, ultrasound-based gestational age is more precise due
[7], in general disclosing fetal gender during ultrasound can to errors in patient recall and variations in cycle length and tim-
benefit not only the doctor–patient relation but also the ing of ovulation [10, 11]. The error, even with certain LMP, is due
parent–child relationship [8]. often to late ovulation (>14 days after LMP). Some have stated
During high-feedback ultrasound scans, women can see the that there is no reason to use LMP for dating when adequate
screen and they receive detailed explanations of the images. In ultrasound data are available by 24 weeks [10, 11].
low-feedback ultrasound scans, only the operator can see the Ultrasound-based gestational age estimates are lower than
screen and the women are told the results at the end of the scan. LMP-based gestational age estimates and generate a higher
Compared to low-feedback ultrasound, women who had high- rate of preterm birth and lower rate of post-term birth. The
feedback fetal ultrasound are significantly more likely to stop Naegele rule (add 7 days to first day of LMP, add 1 year, take back
smoking and avoid alcohol during pregnancy, with a trend favor- 3 months), manual assessment of uterine size, quickening, etc.,
ing the women’s increased use of positive adjectives to describe should not be used unless ultrasound dating is unavailable.
their feelings after the ultrasound [9]. In general, the earlier the ultrasound, the more accurate
the dating. Multiple parameters and equations have been evalu-
ated to estimate gestational age. The crown–rump length (CRL)
Routine vs. selective use of ultrasound is associated with the most accurate estimation, up to and
Routine (i.e. performed on every pregnant woman) ultrasound including 13 6/7 weeks of gestation with an accuracy of ±2–7
examination is associated with the following, compared to selec- days. For pregnancies in the second trimester, beyond 14 weeks’
tive ultrasound examination (i.e. performed only on women with gestation, the head circumference or biparietal diameter (BPD)
specific indications) [1]: appears to be the best single-measurement predictor of gesta-
tional dating. BPD is most accurate for dating early, between 12
1. Increases the early detection of multiple pregnancies. and 14 weeks. Combining three or more parameters improved
2. Increases the detection of major fetal anomalies. dating slightly over a single biometric parameter [12]. A combi-
3. Reduces the incidence of late-term and post-term preg- nation of BPD, head circumference (HC), abdominal circumfer-
nancies and rates of induction of labor for late-term ence (AC), and femur length (FL) is commonly used for dating
pregnancy by allowing a more precise estimation of ges- by ultrasound in the second and third trimesters [13]. Repeated
tational age. examinations improve the prediction only marginally, and the
4. No significant differences are detected for clinical
outcomes such as perinatal mortality. The effect of TABLE 4.1: Definition of Gestational Age Periods in Pregnancy
ultrasound on perinatal mortality is dependent on the
Period Gestational Age (Weeks)
detection rate of fetal malformations and on the uptake
of pregnancy termination for anomalies in the population First trimester 0–13 6/7
at study. Second trimester 14 0/7–27 6/7
Third trimester 28 0/7 to delivery
If one routine ultrasound examination is done, it is usually Preterm 20 0/7–36 6/7
performed at 18–22 weeks (<24 weeks). Earlier examination pro- Late preterm 34 0/7–36 6/7
vides more accurate assessment of gestational age; later examina- Term 37 0/7–41 6/7
tion (e.g. 20–22 weeks) allows more complete inspection of fetal
Early term 37 0/7–38 6/7
anatomy. In the obese population, transabdominal ultrasound
Full term 39 0/7–40 6/7
screening may have better completion rates if delayed by
Late term 41 0/7–41 6/7
2 weeks (20–22 weeks’ gestation) [10], and transvaginal ultra-
sound at 12–16 weeks may offer better fetal anatomy screening Post term 42 0/7 to delivery
(see later in this chapter). Source: Adapted from Ref. [10].
50 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 4.2: Gestational Age Dating by Ultrasound TABLE 4.3: Indications for First-Trimester Ultrasound
EDD Changed If • Confirmation of the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy
Gestational Age by Best Ultrasound Discrepancy from LMP • Confirmation of cardiac activity
Ultrasound (Weeks) Parameter(s) Dates More Than (Days) • Estimation of gestational age
• Diagnosis or evaluation of multiple gestations, including
<9 CRL 5
determination of chorionicity
9 0/7–13 6/7 CRL 7
• Evaluation of suspected ectopic pregnancy
14 0/7–15 6/7 BPD, HC, AC, FL 7
• Evaluation of cause of vaginal bleeding
16 0/7–21 6/7 BPD, HC, AC, FL 10 • Evaluation of pelvic pain
22 0/7–27 6/7 BPD, HC, AC, FL 14 • Evaluation of suspected gestational trophoblastic disease
≥28 0/7 BPD, HC, AC, FL 21 • Assessment for certain fetal anomalies, such as anencephaly
Source: Adapted from Ref. [16]. • Measurement of the nuchal translucency when part of a screening
Note: IVF pregnancies can be dated by the date of embryo transfer minus 14 days program for aneuploidy
to obtain LMP and then EDC by Naegele rule. There is no need to ever • Imaging as an adjunct to chorionic villus sampling, embryo transfer,
change dating in these pregnancies. and localization and removal of an intrauterine device
Abbreviations: CRL, crown–rump length; BPD, biparietal diameter; HC, head cir- • Evaluation of maternal pelvic mass and/or uterine abnormalities
cumference; AC, abdominal circumference; FL, femur length.
Source: Adapted from Refs. [5, 6].
TABLE 4.4: Essential Elements of First-Trimester Ultrasound [23], aberrations in this sequence can indicate abnormal preg-
nancy. Abnormal pregnancy should thus be suspected in the
• Gestational sac (location, mean diameter)
absence of an embryo with a heart beat ≥14 days after seeing
• Yolk sac (diameter)
a gestational sac without a yolk sac, or ≥11 days after presence
• Crown–rump length of embryo (CRL)a
of a gestational sac with a yolk sac [20]. The presence of normal
• Development of fetal anatomy in early pregnancy
embryonic cardiac activity in the uterine cavity in the first tri-
• Fetal viability (cardiac activity should be seen in embryo >7 mm)
mester has a >90% prediction for a live birth in both symptomatic
• Fetal number (amnionicity and chorionicity has to be reported for
and asymptomatic pregnancies (See also Chap. 16).
• Ultrasound features of early pregnancy failure (e.g. ectopic
pregnancy, hydatidiform mole) Precautions and pitfalls
• Uterus, adnexa, cervix, and cul de sac
• If possible, the appearance of the nuchal region should be assessed Physiologic midgut herniation is normal at 7–11 weeks; it resolves
and specific measurement of nuchal translucency measured as part at ≥12 weeks; do not confuse with omphalocele. The rhomben-
of desired screening cephalon can appear as a cystic mass up until 8–10 weeks and
• Any other abnormalities (e.g. leiomyomata, etc.) should not be confused with a CNS anomaly; ventriculomegaly
cannot be assessed well in the first trimester. The amnion and
Source: Adapted from Refs. [5, 6, 20].
a CRL is a more accurate indicator of gestational age than gestational sac size.
chorion are expected to be fused by 14 weeks.
TABLE 4.6: Essential Elements of Standard Second-Trimester evaluations in the third trimester generally involve assessments
Ultrasound of fetal growth, amniotic fluid volume, evaluation of the pla-
centa, and evaluation of fetal well-being (possibly biophysical
System Components
profile or Doppler studies). Examples of possible indications for
Head and neck Lateral cerebral ventricles third-trimester ultrasound based on maternal and fetal risk fac-
Choroid plexus tors are shown in Table 4.7.
Midline falx The third trimester is the time when abnormalities of fetal
Cavum septum pellucidi growth and amniotic fluid become more apparent. One study
Cerebellum showed that routine serial ultrasound examinations in the third
Cisterna magna trimester significantly increased detection of amniotic fluid
Face Upper lip abnormalities and abnormal fetal growth in low-risk women
Chest Cardiac activity when compared to fundal height or indicated ultrasound [26].
Heart Four-chamber view In low-risk women, ultrasound examinations at 30–32 weeks
Thorax Left ventricular outflow tract and at 36–37 weeks significantly decrease the likelihood of
Right ventricular outflow tract newborns with growth restriction, though they do increase the
Three-vessel view (if technically feasible) rate of antenatal intervention. This RCT included 1998 women,
Three-vessel trachea view (if technically feasible) and investigators calculate over 30,000 women are required for a
Abdomen Stomach (presence, size, situs) trial to show a significant decrease in neonatal mortality [27]. In a
Kidneys meta-analysis, there was no difference in antenatal, obstetric, and
Urinary bladder neonatal interventions in women screened with >24 weeks (late)
Cord insertion site into fetal abdomen ultrasound vs. those not screened. There was a slightly higher
Umbilical cord vessel number caesarean section rate in women screened with late ultrasound,
Spine Cervical but this difference did not reach statistical significance. Routine
Thoracic late pregnancy ultrasound was not associated with improvements
Lumbar in overall perinatal mortality [28]. In a recent RCT, performing a
Sacral spine growth ultrasound at 36 weeks was more sensitive in detecting
Extremities Legs severe fetal growth restriction (FGR) than a scan at 32 weeks (61%
Arms vs. 32%). But despite increased sensitivity, this was not asso-
Hands ciated with significant differences in perinatal outcomes [29].
Feet Routine screening for FGR in the third trimester has been inves-
Genitalia In multiple gestations
tigated also in a large prospective cohort study and may increase
When medically indicated
detection of fetuses that will go on to be small-for-gestational-age
infants, to 57% in routine screening from 20% in selected screen-
Placenta Location
ing [30]. Currently, there are insufficient data to recommend
Relationship to internal os
routine screening for growth restriction in the third trimes-
ter without indication, but many experts advocate its routine
Placental cord insertion
use based on the data just described. There are insufficient data
Standard evaluation Fetal number
about the potential psychological effects of routine ultrasound in
late pregnancy and limited data about its effects on both short-
Qualitative or semi-quantitative estimate of
and long-term neonatal and childhood outcome.
amniotic fluid
FGR is defined as sonographically estimated fetal weight or
Maternal anatomy Cervix (transvaginal when indicated)
abdominal circumference of less than the 10th percentile for ges-
tational age. Recent guidelines recommend a diagnosis of severe
FGR as estimated fetal weight of less than the third percentile
Biometry Biparietal diameter for gestational age. Population-based fetal weight formula, such
Head circumference as the Hadlock formula, is recommended for use. FGR can be
Femur length categorized as early or late onset. Early-onset FGR is diagnosed
Abdominal circumference prior to 32+0 weeks’ gestation. Late-onset FGR is diagnosed
Fetal weight estimate after 32+0 weeks’ gestation. Detailed anatomic survey should be
Source: Adapted from Refs. [5, 6]. completed and genetic screening confirmed. Diagnostic amnio-
centesis with chromosomal microarray should be offered if FGR
Other specialized examinations include but are not limited and fetal anomaly or polyhydramnios is detected regardless of
to fetal Doppler studies, biophysical profile, cervical length, 3D the age at diagnosis. Suggested ultrasound follow-up, antenatal
imaging, and fetal echocardiography (see later). surveillance, and delivery guidelines can be found in the SMFM
consult series on this topic [31] (see Chap. 47 in Maternal-Fetal
Third trimester Evidenced Based Guidelines).
The potential benefit of a third-trimester ultrasound examina- Large for gestational age (LGA) is defined as an estimated
tion greatly depends on the quality of prior ultrasounds and fetal weight or an actual birth weight (BW) of at least the 90th
maternal indications. If the first and only ultrasound is in the percentile for gestational age. At term a fetus can be LGA without
third trimester, it probably has similar benefits to the routine being macrosomic, defined as birth of 4000 grams or more (i.e.
second-trimester ultrasound, with the exception of accurate BW ≥90th percentile but below 4000 grams). At 37–39 weeks,
dating and early anomaly detection of the latter. Ultrasound about 1% of newborns are LGA without being macrosomic.
Ultrasound 53
Compared to newborns whose weight is between the 10th and noteworthy that the ACOG practice bulletin on the topic has a
89th percentile for gestational age, the nonmacrosomic LGA level B (based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence) rec-
are at increased risk for adverse outcomes for the mother–new- ommendation that induction for macrosomia should be deferred
born dyad, irrespective of whether the individual has diabetes or until 39 weeks. ACOG’s rationale for awaiting delivery until 39
not. The adverse maternal outcomes among these LGA include weeks, rather than at 38 weeks, is that currently there is insuffi-
increased rate of blood transfusion, ruptured uterus, unplanned cient evidence for the benefits of reducing shoulder dystocia out-
hysterectomy, and admission to the intensive care unit (ICU); the weigh the purported harms of early delivery [36].
complications among nonmacrosomic newborns include still- In summary, if on the sonographic exam the fetus is consid-
birth, Apgar score <5 at 5 minutes, assisted ventilation, seizure, ered to be LGA or macrosomic, induction at 38 weeks can be
and neonatal death [32, 33]. considered (see Chap. 48 in Maternal-Fetal Evidenced Based
In the United States, in 2018, there were upward of 290,000 Guidelines).
newborns that were macrosomic [34]. Compared to those with Placental grading as an adjunct to third-trimester ultrasound
BW below 4000 grams, deliveries of those with a weight of at least examination was associated with a significant reduction in the
4000 grams is associated with a significantly increased likelihood stillbirth rate in one 1987 trial [37]. In one study 15,122 patients
of prolonged labor, chorioamnionitis, cesarean delivery, third- or were evaluated for Grannum grade III placental calcifications
fourth-degree laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, shoulder dys- prior to 28 weeks of gestation. Grade III placental appearance
tocia, peripheral neurologic injury, seizure, need for intubation, prior to term was independently associated with increased risk
and neonatal and infant mortality. To avert these multitude of of stillbirth after controlling for tobacco use [38]. A literature
complications, a third-trimester ultrasound exam combined with review from 2018 examined Grannum grade III placentas in the
delivery at term is reasonable. third trimester and their association with poor fetal and neonatal
A meta-analysis by Magro-Malosso et al. [35], which included outcomes. They found a fivefold increased risk for labor induc-
pooled data from four RCTs, reported on 1190 nondiabetic indi- tion (OR 5.41; 95% CI 2.98-9.82). Negative outcomes associated
viduals who were either induced for macrosomia at 38 weeks with grade III placenta include increased meconium in amniotic
or managed expectantly. Compared to expectant management, fluids (OR 1.68; 95% CI 1.17-2.39), low birth weight (odds ratio
those who were induced had a significant decreased rate of frac- [OR] 1.63; 95% CI 1.19–2.22) and perinatal death (OR 7.41; 95% CI
ture and newborns with actual BW ≥4000 grams or of ≥4500 4.94–11.09). On the other hand, there was no significant differ-
grams. The induction, however, did not decrease the rate of shoul- ence in abnormal fetal heart rate tracing, low Apgar score of less
der dystocia, low Apgar score at 7 minutes, brachial plexus palsy, than 7 at 5 minutes, need for neonatal resuscitation, or admission
and intracranial hemorrhage. While the authors of the meta- to the neonatal ICU [39]. More research is needed in placental
analysis advocate for induction for macrosomia at 38 weeks, it is grading before recommendations can be made for its routine
54 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
b Chance that neonatal abnormality will be identified in cases without a detected prenatal anomaly.
use for the prediction of poor perinatal outcome or interven- differences are detected for substantive short-term clinical out-
tions to improve outcomes. comes such as perinatal mortality [45]. On the other hand, the
Oligohydramnios is sonographically defined as a single deep- use of umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound in pregnancies
est vertical pocket of <2 cm or an amniotic fluid index of <5 cm. with FGR is associated with a reduction in perinatal deaths
It can be caused by ruptured membranes, fetal malformations, and obstetric interventions [46]. Guidelines published by the
or maternal conditions that cause poor placenta perfusion [40]. SMFM confirm a decrease in induction of labor, cesarean deliv-
It is associated with increased risk for stillbirth, cord compres- ery, and perinatal death with use of umbilical artery Doppler
sion, and compromised fetal lung development depending on the assessment in high-risk pregnancies with FGR. Surveillance with
gestational age at onset. One meta-analysis showed that when umbilical artery Doppler studies should be started once growth
compared to women with normal amniotic fluid, those with restriction is suspected in the viable fetus [31, 47]. Guidelines for
oligohydramnios at term had significantly higher rates of labor the technical aspects of Doppler use in pregnancy are available
induction (OR 7.56, CI 4.58–12.48) and cesarean section (OR [48] (see Chap. 47 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
2.07, CI 1.77–2.41). There were higher rates of an Apgar score <7
at 1 and 5 minutes (OR 1.53, CI 1.03–2.26 and OR 2.01, CI 1.3– Middle cerebral artery
3.09, respectively) and admission to the neonatal ICU (OR 1.47, CI Fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak systolic velocity (PSV)
1.17–1.8). They found no difference in cord pH <7.1 or meconium Doppler has been used to evaluate fetal anemia in cases of mater-
[41]. The ACOG recommend starting antenatal surveillance for nal red cell alloimmunization, parvovirus infection, or twin–
diagnosis of oligohydramnios at 28 weeks’ gestation or at the time twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic twins. Fetal MCA
of diagnosis [42], and delivery is currently recommended between Dopplers are considered a screening test that requires a confir-
36+0 and 37+6 weeks’ gestation [43]. matory test for diagnosis (fetal blood sampling) at the initiation
Polyhydramnios is sonographically diagnosed as a single of therapy (transfusion). MCA-PSV is regarded as the best non-
deepest vertical pocket of ≥8 cm or amniotic fluid index of ≥24 invasive screening test for fetal anemia [49, 50] (see Chap. 55 in
cm (preferred) after 20 weeks’ gestation. Once polyhydramnios Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
is diagnosed, a detailed ultrasound should be performed to rule
Ductus venosus
out fetal anomaly such as gastrointestinal obstruction, cranio-
The ductus venosus (DV) is a vascular shunt that connects the
facial abnormality, neuromuscular problems, or abnormality
umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava in the fetus. This wave-
leading to high-output heart failure. Results of oral glucose
form is reflective of downstream pressure in the right atrium. In
tolerance testing should also be confirmed, as osmotic diure-
high-resistance states (increased uteroplacental resistance), the
sis from gestational diabetes can also lead to polyhydramnios.
DV shows absent or reversed flow in late diastole. A small retro-
Polyhydramnios is considered mild if the single deepest verti-
spective study showed that reversed flow in the DV in addition to
cal pocket is 8–11 cm or the amniotic fluid index is 24–29.9 cm
increased MCA is associated with perinatal mortality in fetuses
(Table 4.8). Mild polyhydramnios can be monitored, but ante-
less than 32 weeks’ gestation [51]. A meta-analysis including
natal surveillance and early delivery are not recommended.
data from 2267 patients confirmed these data, showing moder-
Moderate to severe polyhydramnios is an indication for ante-
ate predictive value for fetal outcomes in high-risk pregnancies
natal surveillance and delivery between 39+0 and 39+6 weeks’
with placenta insufficiency [52]. A randomized trial did not show
gestation. Ultrasound can also be used to guide amnioreduc-
significant perinatal benefits adding DV screening to fetal heart
tion. Amnioreduction is only recommended for severe poly-
rate monitoring alone for antepartum monitoring of the growth-
hydramnios (deepest vertical pocket ≥16 cm or amniotic fluid
restricted fetus [53]. Therefore, there are insufficient data to
index ≥35 cm) that is associated with significant maternal dis-
currently recommend the use of DV Doppler in the routine
comfort and dyspnea (see Chap. 59 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence
evaluation and management of the fetal growth-restricted
Based Guidelines) [44].
(FGR) fetus [47] (see Chap. 47 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
Uterine artery
Umbilical artery The Doppler waveform of the uterine artery has been shown to
In low-risk or unselected populations, routine Doppler ultra- reflect high-impedance placental circulation by the presence
sound examination, usually of the umbilical artery and fetal of a waveform notch and low diastolic flow in association with
vessels at around 28–34 weeks, does not result in increased hypertension and preeclampsia. Studies have shown an associa-
antenatal, obstetric, and neonatal interventions, and no overall tion between abnormal uterine artery Doppler and early-onset
Ultrasound 55
preeclampsia, but predictive value is low. Current evidence has Three-dimensional ultrasound
not shown a benefit to performing routine midpregnancy utero-
placental Doppler ultrasound for prevention of preeclampsia, Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound examination is not consid-
FGR, or adverse pregnancy outcome [54, 55] (see Chap. 47 in ered a required modality for all pregnant women at this time [4],
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Furthermore, there but it can add accuracy in the assessment of the fetus identified to
is currently a paucity of data to recommend the use of uterine have anomalies by two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (especially
artery Doppler in the clinical management of hypertensive preg- facial anomalies, neural tube defects, and skeletal malforma-
nancies [55]. tions). Three-dimensional ultrasound allows the acquisition of
volume measurements, which can depict topographic anatomy
Biophysical profile not able to be seen on 2D imaging. New technology allows for 3D
reconstruction of vascular structures, further characterizing ves-
A fetal biophysical profile (BPP) score is a specialized obstetric sel relationship [71], vascular malformations, and vascular inva-
ultrasound consisting of monitoring of fetal movements, tone sion. It has not been shown to have a clear clinical advantage over
and breathing, and assessment of amniotic fluid volume, with or traditional ultrasound in routine settings [6].
without fetal heart rate monitoring. BPP has been used to identify Routine 3D ultrasound (versus the traditional 2D ultra-
babies that may be at high risk of poor pregnancy outcome. While sound) among low-risk women has not shown a significant
information gained from a BPP regarding fetal status can help impact on maternal-fetal bonding [72]. Additionally, 3D/4D
guide clinical management, available evidence from randomized (four-dimensional) ultrasound in women at risk for having
trials does not support the use of BPP as an isolated test of fetal a fetus with congenital anomalies does not reduce maternal
well-being in high-risk pregnancies. Additional evidence from anxiety compared with conventional 2D ultrasound alone [73].
larger trials is needed (see Chap. 58 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Use of nondiagnostic recreational 3D ultrasound is not recom-
Based Guidelines) [56]. mended in accordance with the ALARA principle [5].
descent, and attitude. All of these parameters contribute to are the pubic symphysis, which appears as an oblong echogenic
assessment of arrested labor and need for obstetric interven- structure anteriorly, and the fetal calvarium. Useful parameters
tions. Indications for intrapartum ultrasound include slower- for assessment of fetal station include angle of progression (AoP),
than-expected labor or arrest of labor in the first stage, slow fetal head direction, head–perineum distance (HPD), and mid-
progress or arrest of descent, evaluation of fetal head position line angle (MLA) (see the ISUOG guideline for details on how to
and station prior to operative vaginal delivery, and objective obtain and interpret these measurements) [81].
assessment of fetal head malpresentation [81]. Ultrasound during active labor may be used as an adjunct
When performing ultrasound during active labor, the equip- to clinical exam to assess fetal position and station. Its use
ment used should be optimal for the information to be obtained. It should be considered in the setting of assessing arrest disor-
is recommended to use an ultrasound machine with a curvilinear ders and planned operative delivery (see Chaps. 8 and 9).
2D probe with a wide sector and low frequency (<4 MHz), as this
yields the best insonation in the laboring patient. Practically, the Placenta accreta spectrum
machine should also turn on quickly, have a battery power option,
have long battery life, and have an efficient recharging time. Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) represents abnormal adherence
Head position is routinely assessed via transabdominal ultra- of the placenta to the myometrium. It occurs in 3/1000 deliveries
sound. Placement of the probe is transversely on the maternal and has increased in frequency over the last 50 years, likely mir-
abdomen, obtaining an axial view of the fetal trunk. Spine posi- roring the increased cesarean delivery rate [83]. Risk factors for
tion can be ascertained in this view. Suprapubic placement of PAS include number of prior cesarean deliveries, other uterine
the probe will obtain an axial view of the fetal head. Position of surgery, assisted reproduction, and anterior low-lying placenta-
occiput, fetal orbits, or the midline cerebral echo (that represents tion or placenta previa [84]. PAS increases the risk for maternal
the falx cerebri) will indicate fetal head position. morbidity, including intrapartum hemorrhage, need for blood
Transperineal ultrasound is more accurate in determining transfusion, cesarean hysterectomy, and ICU admission. Due to
fetal station and progress into and through the pelvic outlet. It the increased likelihood of adverse maternal outcomes with undi-
can also help to identify caput succedaneum and molding. This agnosed PAS, prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound is of paramount
exam is performed by placing a covered probe vertically or trans- importance.
versely between the labia and applying gentle pressure to bring Ultrasound along with clinical history can be used to identify
anatomic landmarks into view. The major landmarks of interest patients at increased risk for placenta accreta. Ultrasound findings
Ultrasound 57
suggestive of placenta accreta in the first trimester include vas- In summary, PAS is an entity that can be suspected by his-
cular lacunae, implantation into the prior cesarean scar, and low tory and ultrasound findings and is best managed in centers
implantation of the gestational sac. Ultrasound findings sugges- of excellence to decrease maternal and fetal morbidity (see
tive of PAS in the second and third trimester include vascular Chap 29).
lacunae, hypervascularity of the placenta, loss of the retroplacen-
tal clear space, myometrial thinning with bulging of the lower
uterine segment, irregularity of the posterior bladder mucosa, References
and hypervascularity of the placenta and placental-myometrial 1. Whitworth M, et al. Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy.
interface [83, 84]. Cochrane Library 2015. [meta-analysis; 11 RCTs, n ≥ 37,505] [I]
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Sarah Harris, Angie Jelin, and Neeta Vora
60 DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-5
Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Aneuploidy 61
TABLE 5.1: Ideal Prenatal Screening Test rate (FPR) (e.g. first-trimester screening), and some prefer the
highest detection with the lowest FPR (e.g. cell-free DNA screen-
Identify common or important fetal disorder
ing, integrative screening).
Be cost-effective
No matter the sensitivity of available tests, for women under-
High detection rate; low false-positive rate
going screening, detailed discussions regarding the advan-
Be reliable and reproducible tages and disadvantages of screening versus diagnostic
Diagnostic test exists testing should occur. After such counseling, each woman can
Be positive early in pregnancy make the most informed and best choice for their situation. Since
Possible intervention if screening test is positive screening tests will never detect 100% of disease, the option of
diagnostic testing should be offered to all pregnant women [1].
Several studies have shown that most pregnant women prefer
result for every 55 CVSs performed. If all the women in “B” had a early (vs. later) screening for trisomy 21.
CVS, 1 out of every 2.4 tests would yield a positive result.
While complicated, discussion of sensitivity (detection rates) Pretest and posttest counseling
and the 5% screen positive rate of screening tests (highlighted in
Table 5.2) is necessary. Specific resources, including time, exper- The decision to proceed with prenatal screening or testing is
tise, and the availability of genetic counseling, are paramount. personal and based on an individual woman’s reproductive goals
Continuing education of health care providers is necessary. and desires. Pretest counseling should include a discussion of
Some couples might prefer a screening approach with the earli- the conditions being tested for, the expected performance of the
est detection even with a higher—for example, 5%—false-positive test, and the risks and benefits of testing. Counseling should be
FIGURE 5.2 General approach to prenatal screening for aneuploidy. *Noninvasive screening test based on patient/provider
preferences. **Test for karyotype and CMA. Abbreviations: FTS, first trimester screening; NT, nuchal translucency; w, weeks.
nondirective and stress that prenatal testing is not mandatory. If an abnormality is identified, the patient can be provided with
Ideally, this counseling should be performed by a certified genetic information specific to her situation. When a patient decides to
counselor or an obstetric provider with expertise in screening carry an affected pregnancy to term, the antenatal, intrapartum,
and testing. and postpartum care can be performed under more ideal circum-
Pretest counseling should include: stances, hopefully altering the outcome and informing care in the
immediate newborn period. A general current approach to prena-
• A discussion of all testing options, including screening tal screening for fetal aneuploidy is shown in Figure 5.2.
tests (cell-free DNA screening, first- and second-trimester
serum screening, ultrasound) versus diagnostic testing
(CVS and amniocentesis); a discussion that all testing is Antenatal noninvasive aneuploidy
optional and that it is acceptable to decline any additional screening (Table 5.2)
• Review of possible results, including false-positive screen- History
ing results, false-negative screening results, aneuploidy, Langdon Down, in 1866, reported that the skin of individuals
copy number variants, incidental findings, false paternity, with trisomy 21 appeared enlarged. In the 1970s data became
consanguinity, and normal results. available on the relationship between maternal age and increased
• A review of the patient’s goals and values, including a dis- risk for aneuploidy. A statistically relevant difference was seen
cussion of her general attitude toward testing and screen- between the 30- to 34 years old group and the 35- to 39 years old
ing, views and availability of pregnancy termination, and group, so that this difference led to the offering of women 35 years
views on parenting a child with disabilities. of age diagnostic evaluation for karyotype. Maternal serum
• Pregnancy and postpartum management options in the alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) was originally found to be elevated
event of an abnormal result, including pregnancy termina- in women carrying fetuses with neural tube defects (NTDs); this
tion versus continuation. led to the realization in 1984 that a low MSAFP was associated
with a higher risk of trisomy 21 [3]. Nuchal translucency (NT)
Posttest counseling should be provided to patients with nega- first-trimester ultrasound screening was introduced in the early
tive or positive results. It is important for patients to understand 1990s [4].
that normal testing results do not eliminate the possibility of an
underlying genetic condition in the pregnancy. For patients with Principles
abnormal results, referral to a genetic counselor or provider with All women should be offered aneuploidy
expertise in the condition is recommended [2]. screening, ideally in the first trimester [3]
The main aims of prenatal aneuploidy screening and testing Historically, the cutoff level for aneuploidy diagnosis and subse-
are to identify pregnancies at risk for genetic conditions and quent public policy was determined over 30 years ago and was
to allow women to make informed decisions regarding the based on a maternal age risk of 35 years at delivery equivalent to
outcome of the pregnancy. Some women may elect to proceed a second-trimester risk of 1:270 or higher (liveborn risk of 1:380).
with pregnancy termination, whereas others may use the infor- Factors considered in determining this value included the preva-
mation to prepare for the birth of an affected child. lence of disease, a perceived significant increase in the trisomy 21
Many still believe that the rationale behind screening for risk after this age, the risk of invasive testing, the availability of
aneuploidy is to provide the option for termination of the preg- resources, and a cost–benefit analysis. Since that time, a number
nancy prior to viability. While couples faced with the reality of of additional screening tests for trisomy 21 have become available
an aneuploid pregnancy may opt for termination, the purpose that challenge the validity of maternal age as a single indication
of prenatal diagnosis and screening is to provide information. for invasive testing. The American Congress of Obstetricians and
64 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 5.3: Risk for Down Syndrome Based upon Maternal In high-risk populations who have undergone prenatal diagno-
and Gestational Age sis, the sensitivity of cell-free DNA screening for trisomy 21 is
greater than 99%, for trisomy 18 greater than 99%, and for tri-
Gestational Age (weeks)
somy 13 greater than 90% [14–17]. In a mixed population of low-
Maternal Age 12 16 20 Liveborn and high-risk women, the sensitivity of cell-free DNA screening
20 1/1068 1/1200 1/1295 1/1527 for trisomy 21 was reported between 99% and 100%, for trisomy
18 between 90% and 99%, and for trisomy 13 greater than 99%
25 1/946 1/1062 1/1147 1/1352
[18–20]. A recent meta-analysis for cell-free DNA screening
30 1/626 1/703 1/759 1/895
reported a greater than 99% detection range for trisomy 21, 98%
31 1/543 1/610 1/658 1/776
detection rate for trisomy 18, and 99% detection rate for trisomy
32 1/461 1/518 1/559 1/659 13 with a combined false-positive rate of 0.13%. The detection
33 1/383 1/430 1/464 1/547 rate of sex chromosome aneuploidy could not be determined due
34 1/312 1/350 1/378 1/446 to the small sample size [21].
35 1/249 1/280 1/302 1/356 Cell-free DNA screening is the most sensitive and specific
36 1/196 1/220 1/238 1/280 test for screening for aneuploidies. However, it is important that
37 1/152 1/171 1/185 1/218 patients understand the importance of positive predictive value
38 1/117 1/131 1/142 1/167 (PPV) when it relates to a positive result. Understanding the
39 1/89 1/100 1/108 1/128 patient’s a priori risk is essential for helping patients interpret
40 1/68 1/76 1/82 1/97 their results. For example:
42 1/38 1/43 1/46 1/55
• A 45-year-old woman with a 1 in 22 risk for trisomy 21 has
44 1/21 1/24 1/26 1/30
a positive cell-free DNA screening result. The PPV of the
45 1/16 1/18 1/19 1/23
screening test is 98%.
• A 20-year-old-woman with a 1 in 1177 risk for trisomy 21
has a positive cell-free DNA screening result. The PPV of
Gynecologists (ACOG) now recommend that diagnostic testing the screening test is 48%.
for aneuploidy be offered to all women, regardless of their per-
sonal risk factors [1]. Online calculators have been developed to assist with patient
counseling (https://www.med.unc.edu/mfm/nips-calc/; https://
Age www.perinatalquality.org/vendors/nsgc/nipt/). However, these
The risk of fetal aneuploidy increases with maternal age, but calculators have limitations, and providing individual posttest
decreases with the gestational age at assessment in determining risks may be less useful for some patients. It is critical that patients
the risk, secondary to in utero death rates (Table 5.3) [5]. have comprehensive genetic counseling after an abnormal result,
Women older than 35 years of age have a higher individual risk so that they can understand the implications and make informed
than younger women; however, the vast majority of trisomy 21 decisions regarding additional testing options.
pregnancies are born to the <35-year-old age group. Screening Some laboratories also offer screening using cell-free DNA for
programs have been developed to try and detect affected preg- less common microdeletion syndromes. However, this testing is
nancies in both the “higher” and “lower” risk groups. not recommended by ACOG, as it has not been validated, and
because the conditions are so rare, the PPV of this testing is much
Screening in any trimester lower [3].
with trisomy 21 (a nonsignificant 37.5% decrease) and a signifi- sensitive for trisomy 21, but there are insufficient prospective
cant 82% decrease in invasive tests [23]. data for any increase in accuracy over FTS alone [31].
TABLE 5.5: Likelihood Ratios and 95% Confidence Limits for Isolated Ultrasound Markers
Isolated Nyberg et al. [10] Smith-Bindman et al. [11] Nicolaides et al. [12]
Sonographic Marker LR (95% CI) LR (95% CI) LR
Nuchal fold/thickening 11 (5.2–22) 17 (8–38) 9.8
Hyperechoic bowel 6.7 (2.7–16.8) 6.1 (3–12.6) 3.0
Short humerus 5.1 (1.6–16.5) 7.5 (4.7–12) 4.1
Short femur 1.5 (0.8–2.8) 2.7 (1.2–6) 1.6
EIF 1.8 (1.0–3) 2.8 (1.5–5.5) 1.1
Pyelectasis 1.5 (0.6–3.6) 1.9 (0.7–5.1) 1.0
Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Aneuploidy 67
Increased nuchal fold be an indication for invasive prenatal diagnosis, since it is associ-
About 35% of trisomy 21 fetuses, but only 0.7% of normal fetuses, ated with a 1%–2% risk of aneuploidy if isolated. If the karyotype
have a nuchal skin fold measurement ≥6 mm (some studies use is normal, mild ventriculomegaly is still associated with about 8%
≥5 mm). When an increased nuchal fold is an isolated finding, the of structural anomalies, 3% of perinatal deaths, and 10%–20% of
LR is strong, at 10–17. Thus the presence of an increased nuchal abnormal neurodevelopment.
fold alone is usually an indication to offer invasive testing. Except for major anomalies and increased nuchal thickness,
isolated “genetic ultrasound” markers should, in general, not
Increased echogenicity of the fetal bowel be used as the sole indication for invasive testing. As with other
When brighter than the surrounding bone, this marker has a tri- screening modalities, “genetic” ultrasound can be used to alter
somy 21 LR of 3.0–6.7. This finding can also be seen with fetal the a priori risk in either direction. A positive LR can be used to
cystic fibrosis, congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, increase estimated risk. The magnitude of the increase depends
swallowed bloody amniotic fluid, and fetal growth restriction. upon the marker(s) or anomalies seen. While most of the clinical
prospective data justifying this approach have come from a base-
Short long bones line age-related risk, some have advocated using these LRs to adjust
These markers in the second trimester are associated with trisomy whichever baseline risk, even that derived by other screening tests
21 relative to the length expected from their biparietal diameter. (e.g. FTS and/or unconjugated estriol and inhibin [QS], or even
This can be used to identify at-risk pregnancies by calculating a integrative or consecutive approaches). A benign second-trimester
ratio of observed to expected (O/E) femur/humerus length based scan having none of the known markers and no anomalies has been
on the fetus’s biparietal diameter (BPD). An O/E ratio for femur suggested to have an LR of 0.4–0.5, assuming the image quality is
length of <0.91 has a reported LR of 1.5–2.7 when present as an satisfactory when the “genetic ultrasound” is normal. It is doubtful
isolated finding. A short humerus is more strongly related to tri- that the same sensitivity can be achieved in every center.
somy 21, with reported LRs ranging from 4.1 to 7.5.
Ultrasound screening for other
Pyelectasis chromosomal abnormalities
This marker is defined as a renal anteroposterior (AP) diameter of Fetal aneuploidy other than trisomy 21 can be suspected based on
≥4–5 mm and has an LR that ranges from 1.1 to 1.9 as an isolated ultrasound findings [36]. The rates reported are usually in high-
marker. This has been found by some not to be significantly more risk populations and may overestimate the strength of the asso-
frequent in fetuses with trisomy 21 than in euploid fetuses (low ciation when such findings are noted on a screening examination.
Trisomy 18
Echogenic intracardiac foci FTS and STS with MSAFP, hCG, and QS have a high detection
This marker occurs in up to 5% of normal pregnancies and in rate for trisomy 18. Second-trimester ultrasound also has a high
approximately 13%–18% of trisomy 21 gestations. The LR for tri- detection rate for trisomy 18.
somy 21 when an echogenic focus is present as an isolated marker Choroid plexus cysts (CPCs) have a very weak association with
has ranged from 1.0 to 2.8. This has been found by most investi- trisomy 18 and should not be the sole indication for invasive
gators not to be significantly more frequent in trisomy 21 preg- testing if isolated. The presence of CPC should be an indication
nancies than in unaffected pregnancies (low specificity). The risk for a detailed second-trimester ultrasound for trisomy 18 major
does not seem to vary if the focus is in the right or left ventricle anomalies, such as cardiac, central nervous system (CNS), hand
or if it is unilateral or bilateral, but may be affected by ethnicity. defects, etc.
TABLE 5.6: Risk of Chromosome Abnormalities and (If Normal Karyotype) of Fetal Death or Anomalies According to Nuchal
Normal Karyotype
NT Chromosomal Defects (%) Fetal Death (%) Major Fetal Anomalies (%) Alive and Well (%) Cardiac Defects (%)
<95th centile 0.2 1.3 1.6 97 0.6
95th–99th centiles 3.7 1.3 2.5 93 0.6
3.5–4.4 21.1 2.7 10.0 70 3.7
4.5–5.4 33 3.4 18.5 50 6.7
5.5–6.4 50 10 24 30 13
≥6.5 65 19 46 15 20
Abbreviation: NT, nuchal translucency.
68 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
is long and a detailed second trimester ultrasound is recom- diagnose a karyotypic or genetic abnormality. Both procedures
mended. The incidence of cardiac anomalies is ≥3.7% for NT have been studied extensively. Differences in technique, as well
≥3.5 mm, so that a fetal cardiac ultrasound by an experienced as timing of the procedure, affect loss rates. To fairly compare
operator is recommended. procedure-induced loss rates between the two procedures,
adjustments must be made for the higher background frequency
First-trimester PAPP-A and B-hCG of pregnancy loss earlier in gestation.
Low PAPP-A in FTS in the presence of a normal karyotype is
associated with several adverse pregnancy outcomes, including CVS
fetal loss, premature birth (PTB), and fetal growth restriction CVS is typically performed between 10 and 13 weeks’ gesta-
(FGR). Low free hCG is associated with fetal loss. There are no tion. The procedure should not be completed prior to 10 weeks,
randomized trials assessing any type of intervention or treatment due to an unacceptably high incidence of limb deficiencies. The
for patients with abnormal serum markers [38]. chorionic villi are sampled using ultrasound guidance and a
special catheter to aspirate a sample of the placental cells. The
Second-trimester screening placenta can be accessed through either a transcervical or
High MSAFP is associated with NTDs, as well as abdominal transabdominal approach. There are no significant differences
wall defects and several other fetal abnormalities. High MSAFP, in pregnancy loss between transabdominal and transcervical
negative acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and normal ultrasound CVS, with significant heterogeneity between studies [30, 41].
can be associated with congenital nephrosis or other syndromes, A systematic review of procedure-related losses for CVS and
or a normal pregnancy. Unexplained high MSAFP is associated amniocentesis revealed pooled loss rates for CVS at 14 days, 30
with mild increases in the incidence of preeclampsia, abruption, days, and prior to 24 weeks of 0.7%, 1.3%, and 1.3%, respectively.
placental ischemia, preterm birth, fetal demise, low birth weight, The pooled loss rates for amniocentesis for the same period were
and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). No trials have assessed 0.6%, 0.8%, and 0.9%, respectively [42]. In a recent meta-analysis,
specific management to prevent these complications [38]. the procedure-related risk of miscarriage following CVS has been
Low unconjugated estriol is associated with steroid sulfatase reported to be about 2/1000 [43]. Since CVS and amniocentesis
deficiency, Smith-Lemli-Optitz, or other conditions when very are performed at different times, it is difficult to compare these
low, usually <0.3 MOM [38]. procedures due to the higher background loss rate for the period
when CVS is performed. The benefit of earliest diagnosis with CVS
MSAFP screening for NTD
compared to amniocentesis should not be underestimated. With
Elevated (usually ≥2.5 MOM) MSAFP between 14 and 21 weeks is
the advent of FTS, prenatal diagnosis has moved more to the first
associated with a ≥90%–95% sensitivity for NTDs (false-negative
trimester. While the total miscarriage rate is higher following first-
rate 5%). Given that ultrasound is also ≥95% sensitive for NTDs,
trimester CVS because of the higher background rate in early preg-
the routine use of MSAFP screening is most important for preg-
nancy, for experienced centers, the rates of procedure-induced
nancies that will not have a detailed second-trimester ultrasound.
losses secondary to CVS are similar to those of second-trimes-
Screening for aneuploidies in twins ter amniocentesis [43]. In a recent meta-analysis, the weighted-
NT is accurate in estimating risk for fetal aneuploidy in dizygotic pooled procedure-related risk for pregnancy loss associated
twins, using each NT separately for each fetus. In monochorionic with CVS was 0.22% (1 in 455) [44].
twins, the average NT is the most effective screening method. The learning curve for CVS has been estimated to exceed 400
Detection rates comparable to singletons can be achieved. cases, with postprocedure loss rates for operators having per-
Cell-free DNA screening can be used in twin gestations [39]. formed fewer than 100 cases being two to three times higher
Detection rates for trisomy 21 are similar to singleton gestations; when compared to more experienced operators. The importance
however, due to the small number of cases, it is not possible to accu- of operator experience cannot be overemphasized, particu-
rately estimate detection rates for trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 [40]. larly for the route of CVS, with transcervical CVS requiring more
Detection rates of FTS or STS tests are usually lower than in experience.
singletons, with higher rates of false-positive and false-negative
results. Chorionicity does not seem to affect serum analytes in FTS Second-trimester amniocentesis
or STS (see Chap. 44 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). For the purpose of genetic testing, amniocentesis is typically
completed between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. The procedure
is performed using a 22-guage needle and direct ultrasound guid-
Diagnostic testing ance to obtain a sample of amniotic fluid.
Second-trimester amniocentesis is associated with a 0.8%
Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis
increase in spontaneous miscarriage (2.1% versus 1.3%; rela-
Selected common indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis of
tive risk [RR] 1.60; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02–2.52), but
fetal aneuploidy are listed in Table 5.7. Both CVS and amniocen-
similar incidence of perinatal deaths (0.4 vs. 0.7%) [29, 30]. In a
tesis have been performed for many years and can fairly safely
meta-analysis, the procedure-related risk of miscarriage follow-
ing amniocentesis was reported to be about 0.11% (1 in 900) [44].
TABLE 5.7: Selected Common Indications for Invasive Amniocentesis is also associated with vaginal spotting and leak-
Prenatal Diagnosis age of amniotic fluid. Rarely, injury to the fetus from the needle
can occur.
• Abnormal first- or second-trimester aneuploidy screen
• Abnormal ultrasound findings
Early amniocentesis
• Parental concern/anxiety
Early amniocentesis (<15 weeks) is not a safe early alternative
• Parental desire for diagnostic testing
to second-trimester amniocentesis because it is associated with
Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Aneuploidy 69
increased pregnancy loss when compared to traditional amnio- considered if the phenotype is sufficiently defined to select an
centesis (2.5% vs. 0.7%), and higher incidence of talipes equin- appropriate panel of genes to sequence.
ovarus (1.8% vs. 0.2%) compared to CVS [44]. Additionally, there
is an increased rate of culture failure, which may require addi- Exome sequencing
tional invasive procedures [45]. As a result, early amniocentesis is Exome sequencing (ES) represents the next generation of pre-
not currently recommended [1]. natal genetic testing. ES uses massively parallel sequencings to
sequence the entire coding regions of the genome, or the exons,
Genetic testing options for aneuploidy which contains the majority of disease-causing mutations.
Fluorescent in situ hybridization Testing typically involves a trio approach, with testing of the
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) allows for the rapid and fetus, the mother, and the father, to assist with categorization of
accurate detection of trisomies 21, 18, and 13, as well as sex chro- variants as inherited or de novo.
mosome aneuploidy and triploidy. These common aneuploidies In fetuses with anomalies, it has been estimated to have diag-
account for 80% of clinically significant chromosome conditions nostic rates between 6.2% and 80% [57]. Two large prospective
detected prenatally [46]. In the event of an abnormal FISH result, cohort studies using ES in anomalous fetuses with normal karyo-
confirmatory testing should be completed using a conventional type and CMA showed an overall detection rate for diagnostic
karyotype to determine if a chromosomal translocation is pres- genetic variants in 9%–10% of fetuses and approximately 15%–
ent. If FISH results are normal, then additional testing with con- 20% of fetuses with two or more anomalies [58, 59]. In the case
ventional karyotype or chromosomal microarray (CMA) analysis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, ES was able to provide a genetic
should be considered to rule out less common aneuploidies or to etiology in approximately 30% of cases [60].
identify smaller deletions or duplications that would be missed Although promising, this new technology has many challenges
using FISH alone. that are still being uncovered, including long turnaround time
for results, incomplete data on prenatal phenotypes and sequence
Conventional karyotype variants, ethical issues related to incidental findings, the large
Traditionally, conventional karyotyping has been the standard for amount of data and need for reanalysis, and a high cost associ-
prenatal diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy. Karyotype analysis allows ated with extensive DNA sequencing [61].
for the detection of whole chromosomal aneuploidies, balanced The decision to proceed with more advanced genetic testing
and unbalanced translocation, and large deletions or duplications. should be made in consultation with a certified genetic counselor
Conventional karyotype has a resolution of 5–10 Mb. Karyotype or medical geneticist.
analysis requires cell culturing, which can delay results and result
in test failures. Common karyotype abnormalities
Chromosomal microarray Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
CMA can query the entire human genome for copy number Historic notes
changes such as aneuploidy, deletions, duplications, and unbal- First complete description in 1846 by Seguin. Report by Down in
anced translocations. Unlike traditional cytogenetics, which 1866 established the name of the syndrome. In 1959 LeJeune and
requires dividing cells, CMA does not require cell culture and Jacobs independently described that Down syndrome was caused
can be completed on nondividing cells [47–52]. It can be particu- by trisomy 21.
larly useful in cases of intrauterine fetal demise with congenital
anomalies and culture failure with conventional karyotype [53]. Definition
In a high-risk population referred for prenatal diagnosis, CMA Down syndrome is trisomy 21, or the presence of an extra chro-
was compared to conventional karyotyping. The indications for pre- mosome number 21, either as three number 21s or as a transloca-
natal diagnosis were ultrasound abnormalities, advanced maternal tion between 21 and another chromosome, usually an acrocentric
age, or a positive result on prenatal screening. CMA was similar in a Robertsonian translocation.
to conventional karyotyping in detecting common chromosomal
aneuploidy, but was able to detect clinically significant aneuploi- Epidemiology/Incidence
dies not detected by karyotype [54]. Another study demonstrated About 1 in 800 live births. This is the most common trisomy at
that CMA was more likely to provide genetic results after stillbirth birth. Incidence increases with maternal age.
when compared to conventional karyotype [55]. When structural
abnormalities are detected by prenatal ultrasound, CMA can iden- Embryology
tify clinically significant chromosomal abnormalities in approxi- The Down syndrome critical region on chromosome 21 is being
mately 6% of the fetuses that have a normal karyotype [54]. For studied extensively to identify the genes involved in the Down
this reason, CMA should be recommended as the primary test syndrome phenotype. However, this region is not one small, iso-
(replacing conventional karyotype) to patients undergoing pre- lated spot, but most likely several areas on chromosome 21 that
natal diagnosis in whom a structural abnormality is detected are not necessarily side by side.
by ultrasound. Given its improved detection rates for clinically
significant abnormalities, ACOG also recommends that CMA be Genetics/Inheritance
made available to any patient electing to proceed with an invasive Error in cell division at the time of conception (nondisjunc-
prenatal diagnostic test [56]. tion) is responsible for 92% of Down syndrome cases resulting
in full trisomy 21. Approximately 90% of nondisjunction occurs
Targeted gene sequencing in the eggs. The cause of the nondisjunction error is not known,
In the event of normal karyotype or CMA testing results, addi- but there is a known association with maternal age. The recur-
tional genetic testing can be considered. Targeted panels can be rence risk is empirically 1% or the age-related risk as a woman
70 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
gets older. Three to four percent of all cases of trisomy 21 are Diagnosis
due to a Robertsonian translocation, most commonly between CVS or amniocentesis achieves the diagnosis by a study of the
chromosomes 14 and 21. In the balanced state, the individual is fetal chromosomes, which reveal trisomy 21. In the neonate, usu-
healthy and has 45 chromosomes with fusion of the entire long ally peripheral blood is cultured and karyotyped.
arm of chromosome 21 and another acrocentric chromosome
(13, 14, 15, or 22). An individual with Down syndrome due to a Counseling
Robertsonian translocation has 46 chromosomes with an unbal- The major abnormalities are increased risk of FGR, congenital
anced derivative chromosome. Translocations resulting in tri- heart defects, fetal and postnatal death, and developmental delay,
somy 21 may be inherited, so parental chromosomes must be with average IQ 50–75. Congenital heart defects are major con-
checked. A female carrier of a balanced Robertsonian transloca- tributors to mortality.
tion has about a 12% risk of recurrence of trisomy 21 in future
pregnancies, while a male carrier has approximately a 3% risk Workup/Investigations and consultations
of recurrence. Mosaic trisomy 21 occurs when there is a mix- A fetal echocardiogram is recommended. Depending on the
ture of cell lines, some of which have normal chromosomes and lesions detected, specific pediatric subspecialty consultation can
another cell line with trisomy 21. It is impossible to know how be offered. Genetic counseling can be offered as well. Care in a
the normal and trisomy 21 cells are distributed in the different tertiary care center is indicated if there are significant associated
organs; therefore, the percentage of mosaic to normal cells in the anomalies or if they cannot be ruled out adequately.
peripheral blood cannot be used to predict outcome. Another
Fetal intervention
tissue can be examined to help determine the level of mosaicism,
None available
usually skin.
Termination issues
Teratology Termination can be offered as a sole intervention as regulated by
None. local law (usually legal <24 weeks)
home. The family needs to be prepared for intense care needs and parental chromosomes should be checked, with genetic counsel-
possible sudden death. The most common causes of death are car- ing regarding specific future risks. There are other rare transloca-
diopulmonary arrest, 69%; CHD, 13%; and pneumonia, 4%. tions leading to trisomy 13. With rare translocation of t(13q13q),
Some infants do survive, and those need complete care and the risk of recurrence or SAB is 100%.
achieve few milestones. Survival depends on associated medical
problems. Survivors with trisomy 13 have severe intellectual dis- Helpful website
ability and developmental delays. For survivors, specific growth https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/7341/trisomy-13
charts are available for monitoring growth. Children with tri-
somy 13 are irritable, do not achieve milestones beyond smiling,
Turner syndrome
and most need to be fed by tube. Historic notes
If diagnosed prenatally, recommend discussion with parents In 1938 Turner described the combination of sexual infantil-
about how to proceed in labor and delivery, including option to ism, webbed neck, and cubitus valgus. Ford showed in 1959 that
labor without monitoring, level of intervention desired by parents, this combination of findings was associated with a missing X
and extent of resuscitation after delivery. Parents need to be coun- chromosome.
seled that some children with trisomy 13 do survive and require
lifelong complete care and never achieve any independence
Turner syndrome is the presence of single X chromosome, or
Workup/Investigations and consultations any karyotype with Xp missing such as isochromosome Xq,
A fetal echocardiogram is recommended. Genetic counseling can ring X, or deletion Xp. Also called 45X0 or 45X syndrome.
be offered. Neonatal consultation is extremely important to help
the couple decide regarding neonatal management; usually just
1/2500 female births (1/5000 total births). Ninety-eight to
comfort care for the baby and psychological support for the par-
ninety-nine percent of Turner fetuses are spontaneously aborted;
ents are most appropriate.
about 20% of all SABs are due to Turner syndrome.
Fetal intervention Embryology
None available.
Lymphedema usually due to congenital hypoplasia of lymphatic
Termination issues channels.
Termination can be offered as the sole intervention as regulated
by local law (usually legal <24 weeks).
The presence of a single X chromosome or any karyotype with
Antepartum testing Xp missing, such as isochromosome Xq, ring X, or deletion Xp.
As NRFHT is very common and the prognosis poor, fetal testing The presence of a single X chromosome results from chromo-
is not recommended. Many pregnancies continue without spon- somal nondisjunction. Mosaicism is common (40%) and may
taneous labor until postterm (>42 weeks). include a 46,XY karyotype associated with ambiguous genitalia.
Since features of Turner syndrome are seen in other syndromes,
Delivery/Anesthesia karyotype is essential to make the diagnosis. Chromosome stud-
Fetal heart monitoring is usually declined and not indicated. ies on more than one tissue may be needed to detect mosaicism.
Every attempt should be made to maximize the chances of vagi- Not associated with advanced maternal age.
nal delivery to minimize maternal morbidity, given the almost
universally fatal neonatal prognosis. Teratology
Cesarean delivery for fetal indications is not recommended and None.
should be discussed.
Neonatology management 45,X in 50%. 46,X,i(Xq) in 17%, mosaicism in 40%.
Resuscitation Risk factors/Associations
Comfort care only. Allow parents to grieve appropriately. Not associated with advanced maternal age. Differentiate from
Providing life support is usually not appropriate. Noonan syndrome by karyotype, which is normal in Noonan
Not indicated. Pregnancy management
Testing and confirmation Screening
Karyotype is usually confirmed by blood lymphocyte culture. FTS with NT measurement. Cell-free DNA screening, although
detection rates are unknown.
Long-term care Ultrasound findings in fetus
Feeding issues, gastrostomy; irritability; chronic infections, aspi-
ration pneumonia; heart failure; frequent hospitalizations; sei- • Cystic hygroma
zures; blindness and hearing loss; few milestones achieved (smile, • Thickened nuchal fold (≥6 mm) at 16–23 weeks
laugh); parental stress. • CHD (20%; usually left side: Coarctation, aortic stenosis,
bicuspid aortic valve, left hypoplastic heart)
Future pregnancy preconception counseling • Renal anomalies (60%)
With full trisomy 13, the recurrence risk is empirically 1% or • Hydrops or some hydropic changes (pleural effusion,
the maternal age-related risk. With Robertsonian translocation, ascites)
74 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Fetal intervention
Chromosome study for 47,XXY. There are no specific phenotypic
None available.
features to identify Klinefelter syndrome in an infant.
Termination issues Epidemiology/Incidence
Termination can be offered as the sole intervention as regulated 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 male births.
by local law (usually legal <24 weeks).
Genetics/Inheritance/Recurrence/Future prevention
Fetal monitoring/Testing Advanced maternal age slightly increases the risk for XXY.
No specific trials. NSTs weekly at ≥32 weeks can be offered. Recent studies have shown that half the time, the extra chromo-
some comes from the father.
Mode and management of delivery should not be affected by the Risk factors/Associations
diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Advanced maternal age.
Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Aneuploidy 75
Counseling (prognosis, complications, downslanting palpebral fissures, round face with full cheeks, flat
pregnancy considerations) nasal bridge, downturned corners of mouth, micrognathia, low-
Clinical features should be reviewed. Early death due to CHDs set ears, and variable cardiac defects. Renal anomalies have been
before 6 months of age in 8%. Early intervention for speech and described, as have cleft lip and palate, talipes equinovarus, and
motor delays. Special education for older children. Chance of psy- gut malrotation. Treatment is symptomatic.
chiatric disorders in 10%. Very variable phenotype, not predict-
able from laboratory result. Helpful website
5p- (cri-du-chat syndrome)
Historic notes
In 1963, Lejeune et al. described a syndrome of multiple congeni- References
tal anomalies; developmental delay; microcephaly; dysmorphic 1. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. Committee Opinion
features; and a high-pitched, catlike cry in infants with deletion No. 162: Prenatal diagnostic testing for genetic disorders. Obstet Gynecol
2016;127(5):e108–22. [III]
of a B group chromosome (Bp-), later identified as 5p-.
2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Committee Opinion
No. 693: Counseling about genetic testing and communication of genetic
Diagnosis/Definition results. Obeste Gynecol 2017;129:771–2. [III]
5p- syndrome is characterized at birth by a high-pitched, catlike 3. Rose NC, Kaimal AJ, Dugoff L, et al. American College of Obstetricians and
cry; low birth weight; poor muscle tone; and microcephaly. The Gynecologists’ Committee on Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics; Committee
cry is caused by abnormal laryngeal development. The cry disap- on Genetics; Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Screening for fetal chro-
mosomal abnormalities: ACOG practice bulletin, number 226. Obstet
pears by age 2 years in about one-third of children with 5p-. Gynecol. 2020;136(4):e48–69. [III]
A karyotype is needed for the diagnosis. The size of the deletion 4. Cuckle HS, Wald NJ, Lindenbaum RH. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
of the short arm of chromosome 5 is variable, and a very small measurement: A screening test for Down syndrome. Lancet 1984;1(8383):
deletion may be missed using conventional G-banding. High- 926–9. [II-2]
5. Hook EB. Rates of chromosome abnormalities at different maternal ages.
resolution studies may be needed or a FISH study using a specific
Obstet Gynecol 1981;58(3):282–5. [II-1]
probe for the small, deleted area of 5p that is essential for this 6. Lo YMD, Lun FMF, Allen Chan KC, et al. Digital PCR for molecular detec-
diagnosis. Microarray would identify this deletion. tion of fetal chromosome aneuploidy. PNAS 2007;104:13116–21. [II-2]
7. Fan HC, Blumenfeld YJ, Chitkara U, et al. Noninvasive diagnosis of fetal
Epidemiology/Incidence aneuploidy by shotgun sequencing DNA from maternal blood. PNAS
Estimated prevalence is about 1 in 50,000 live births. Up to 1% of 2008;105:16266–71. [II-2]
8. Chiu RWK, Allen Chan KC, Gao Y, et al. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of
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Genetics/Inheritance/Recurrence/Future prevention 9. Palomaki GE, Deciu C, Kloza EM, et al. DNA sequencing of maternal plasma
May be sporadic (80%–85%) if both parents have normal chro- reliably identifies trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 as well as Down syndrome: An
mosomes with a recurrence risk of less than 1%. In rare cases, international collaborative study. Genet Med 2012;14:296–305. [II-2]
10. Ashoor G, Syngelaki A, Wagner M, et al. Chromosome-selective sequenc-
gonadal mosaicism in one parent may result in a recurrence. If
ing of maternal plasma cell-free DNA for first trimester detection of tri-
one parent carries a balanced translocation (10%–15%) involving somy 21 and trisomy 18. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012;206:322.e1–5. [II-2]
5p, the recurrence risk is substantially higher. 11. Ashoor G, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, et al. Fetal fraction in maternal plasma
Most cases have a terminal deletion of 5p. The catlike cry maps cell-free DNA at 11– 13 weeks’ gestation: Relation to maternal and fetal
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12. Struble CA, Syngelaki A, Oliphant A, et al. Fetal fraction estimate in
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78 DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-6
Carrier Screening for Inherited Genetic Conditions 79
or ethnicity. For example, individuals of African American race Carrier screening guidelines
were offered screening for sickle cell disease, while individuals
of Northern European ancestry were offered cystic fibrosis (CF) The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)
screening. acknowledges that ethnic-specific, pan-ethnic, and expanded
Ethnicity-based screening is limited by the fact that many indi- carrier screening are acceptable strategies for pre-pregnancy
viduals do not have accurate knowledge of their race or ethnic and prenatal carrier screening [10]. ACOG recommends that all
ancestry. In addition, increasing numbers of couples are of mixed pregnant women or women considering pregnancy be offered
race and ethnicity. A recent study of 93,419 individuals undergo- screening for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), CF, and hemo-
ing a 96-gene expanded carrier screen reported that 9% of indi- globinopathies. Screening for fragile X syndrome, Tay-Sachs
viduals had greater than 50% of genetic ancestry from a lineage disease (TSD), and other genetic conditions commonly affecting
inconsistent with self-reported ethnicity. Limitations of self- individuals of Jewish descent (Canavan disease and familial dys-
reported ancestry led to missed carriers in at-risk populations. autonomia) are recommended on the basis of family history or
In addition, for 7 of the 16 conditions included in current screen- background. ACOG recommends that conditions included on
ing guidelines, most carriers were not from the population the an expanded carrier screening have a carrier frequency of 1
guideline aimed to serve [5]. Therefore, the perpetuation of ethnic in 100 or greater [10]. Of note, the recommendation does not
or racial bias in carrier detection utilizing these approaches is a provide guidance with respect to X-linked disorders, and it does
significant concern. not specify the ethnicities in which the 1 in 100 threshold should
be applied.
Pan-ethnic screening The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
In pan-ethnic screening, carrier screening for a panel of dis- (ACMG) also recommends pan-ethnic carrier screening for CF
orders is offered to all individuals regardless of ethnicity. This and SMA. In addition to the conditions recommended by
strategy encompasses screening for specific recommended condi- ACOG for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, ACMG
tions. This approach satisfies the ethical principle of justice, as recommends offering screening for Fanconi anemia group C,
all individuals are offered the same screening panel regard- Niemann-Pick disease type A, Bloom syndrome, mucolipido-
less of race [6]. sis type IV, and Gaucher disease.
TABLE 6.3: Possible Indications for Genetic Consultation for Preconception and Prenatal Patients
Either Member of the Couple with Reason to Consider Consultation
A positive carrier screening test for a genetic condition such as cystic Discuss additional testing strategies and inheritance, testing of partner and
fibrosisa siblings
A personal history of stillbirths, previous child with hydrops, recurrent Rule out a chromosomal, metabolic, or syndromic diagnosis associated with
pregnancy losses, or a child with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) an unexplained neonatal death or SIDS
A progressive neurologic condition known to be genetically Discuss a potential diagnosis, the differential diagnosis, inheritance, and
determined, such as progressive ataxia testing options
A statin-induced myopathy Discuss a potential mitochondrial disorder, inheritance, and testing options
A birth defect such as cleft lip Discuss recurrence risks and testing options
A chromosomal abnormality such as translocation Discuss risks to the fetus and testing options
Significant hearing or vision loss thought to be genetically determined Discuss risks to the fetus and testing options
Intellectual disability, developmental delay or autism Discuss risks to the fetus and testing options
Source: From Ref. [20] with permission.
a If a patient tests positive as a carrier for an autosomal recessive condition, carrier testing should be offered to the patient’s partner. This does not require consultation with
a genetic counselor.
Abbreviation: SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.
TABLE 6.4: Possible Indications for Genetic Consultation for Adult Patients
Personal History of Reason to Consider Consultation
Abnormal sexual maturation or delayed puberty Rule out an intersex condition, chromosomal abnormality, or syndromic
Recurrent pregnancy losses (more than two) Rule out a chromosomal rearrangement such as a balanced translocation
with karyotype
Tall or short stature for genetic background Rule out a skeletal dysplasia, chromosomal, or syndromic diagnosis
One or more birth defects Rule out a chromosomal or syndromic diagnosis, and provide genetic
Six or more cafe-au-lait macules >1.5 cm in diameter Rule out neurofibromatosis type 1
Statin-induced myopathy Rule out a mitochondrial disorder
A cancer or cancers known to be associated with specific genes or Rule out an identifiable mutation in a gene such as BRCA1; rule out a
mutations in the context of a compelling family history: young age at cancer syndrome (MEN2); discuss surveillance, treatment, testing options,
onset, bilateral lesions, and familial clustering of related tumors and inheritance
Cardiovascular problems known to be associated with genetic factors Rule out a mutation in a causative or contributory gene; discuss
such as cardiomyopathy surveillance, treatment, testing options, and inheritance
Suspected genetic disorder affecting connective tissue Rule out a syndromic diagnosis (Marfan syndrome); discuss surveillance,
treatment, testing options, and inheritance
Hematologic condition associated with excessive bleeding or excessive Confirm or rule out genetic condition; discuss treatment, testing options,
clotting and inheritance
Progressive neurologic condition known to be genetically determined, Confirm or rule out suspected diagnosis; discuss surveillance, treatment,
such as unexplained myopathy testing options, and inheritance
Visual loss known to be associated with genetic factors, such as retinitis Rule out a syndromic diagnosis (Stickler syndrome); discuss testing options,
pigmentosa if applicable, and inheritance
Early-onset hearing loss Rule out a syndromic or nonsyndromic genetic form of hearing loss; discuss
surveillance, testing options, and inheritance
Recognized genetic disorder, including a chromosomal or single-gene Confirm the diagnosis; discuss prognosis, medical management, and
disorder inheritance
Mental illness such as schizophrenia Rule out a genetic condition associated with this history
A close relative with a sudden, unexplained death, particularly at a Discuss diagnosis, inheritance, recurrence risks, and identify syndromes,
young age when possible
Source: From Ref. [20] with permission.
82 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 6.5: Potential Screening Strategies for CF carrier screening for individuals of African, Southeast Asian, and
Mediterranean ancestry. Figure 6.1 outlines a screening strat-
Patient History Testing Considerations
egy [22]. A complete blood count (CBC) in combination with a
No family history • Initial screening of one partner hemoglobin electrophoresis is recommended for screening indi-
Sequential • Other partner tested if first partner is viduals of African ancestry. A CBC with red cell indices is the
positive initial recommended screening test for individuals of Southeast
• Low-risk racial/ethnic groups Asian and Mediterranean ancestry. Individuals with a low mean
Concurrent • Other partner not available corpuscular volume (MCV) and normal iron status should have
• Both partners tested simultaneously a hemoglobin electrophoresis. Southeast Asians with a normal
• Both partners’ results revealed hemoglobin electrophoresis should have molecular testing to
• Assesses couple’s risk rule out alpha-globin gene deletions characteristic of alpha-thal-
• Identifies couples at risk more rapidly assemia. Couples determined to be at increased risk for having
• More precise a child with sickle cell disease or thalassemia should be referred
Known family history • Ideally, test for specific mutation of to a genetic counselor [24]. For additional information regarding
affected family member hemoglobinopathies, refer to Chaps. 14 and 15 in Maternal-Fetal
Source: Adapted from Ref. [21]. Medicine Evidence Based Guidelines.
Abbreviation: CF, cystic fibrosis.
Sickle cell disease
Nonetheless, screening can be concurrent or sequential, and both Sickle cell disease refers to a group of autosomal recessive disor-
strategies are acceptable. Details of these screening strategies are ders involving hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin S differs from hemo-
shown in Table 6.5. If a patient or the patient’s partner has a fam- globin A due to a single nucleotide substitution in the beta-globin
ily history of CF, medical record review should be performed to gene on chromosome 11. The most severe form of sickle cell dis-
identify if information regarding the specific CFTR variant in the ease, sickle cell anemia, occurs in individuals with two copies of
affected family member is available. Additionally, if a woman’s hemoglobin S. Sickle cell disorders can also occur in individu-
reproductive partner has apparently isolated congenital bilateral als who have hemoglobin S and another abnormality of B-globin
absence of the vas deferens, the couple should be referred for a structure or production such as hemoglobin C or beta-thalassemia.
genetics consultation to discuss variant analysis for CF. Sickle cell disease occurs most commonly in people of African
The interpretation of CF screening results and recommended origin. One in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait. Patients
clinical follow-up are detailed in Table 6.6. It is important to with sickle cell disease are prone to distortion, or sickling, of their
remember that screening panels cannot test for all of the possible red blood cells under conditions of decreased oxygen tension.
pathogenic CFTR variants, and, as such, there exists potential These distorted cells can result in increased viscosity, hemolysis,
for undiscovered pathogenic variants to exist in all patients who and anemia, resulting in interrupted blood supply to vital organs.
undergo screening. This concept is called the residual risk. The These vasoocclusive crises can cause interruption of normal
exact residual risk will differ depending on the patient’s ethnicity, perfusion and function of several organs, including the spleen,
with ethnicities with lower prevalence typically having a higher lungs, kidney, heart, and brain. See Chap. 15 in Maternal-Fetal
residual risk, and the exact screening test utilized. A sample residual Medicine Evidence Based Guidelines.
risk table for the most common 23-mutation CF panel is shown in
Table 6.7. It is important, however, to note the specific residual risk Beta-thalassemia
listed in a patient’s results report and use this for patient counseling. Beta-thalassemia is also caused by a mutation in the beta-globin
gene on chromosome 11. This results in the inability to produce
Hemoglobinopathies hemoglobin A. Individuals who are heterozygous for this muta-
Hemoglobinopathies are a diverse group of inherited single- tion have beta-thalassemia minor. Depending upon the amount
gene disorders that result from variations in the structure and/ of normal beta-globin chain production, disease severity varies.
or function of hemoglobin. The most common hemoglobinopa- Typically, asymptomatic mild anemia is present. Individuals who
thies—sickle cell disease, beta-thalassemia, and alpha-thalassemia— are homozygous for this mutation have beta-thalassemia major,
are all autosomal recessive conditions. A brief discussion of or Cooley anemia. This disease is characterized by severe anemia
each of these disorders is included next. ACOG recommends with extramedullary hematopoiesis, delayed sexual development,
TABLE 6.6: Interpretation of Cystic Fibrosis Test Results and Recommended Follow-Up
Partner One Carrier Testing Partner Two Carrier Testing Recommended Follow-Up
Negative Negative Review residual risk
Diagnostic testing not indicated
Negative Screening not completed Can utilize ethnic-specific carrier risk
Diagnostic testing not indicated
Positive Negative Review residual risk
Diagnostic testing not indicated
Positive Screening not completed Genetic counseling
Efforts made to screen partner
Positive Positive Genetic counseling
Offer prenatal diagnostic testing or PGT-M (if preconception)
Source: Adapted from Ref. [21].
Abbreviation: PGT-M, preimplantation genetic testing for monogenetic/single gene disorders.
Carrier Screening for Inherited Genetic Conditions 83
TABLE 6.7: Incidence and Carrier Risk for CF Based on Race or Ethnicity
Estimated Carrier Estimated Carrier Risk
Racial or Ethnic Group Detection Rate (%) Risk before Test after a (–) Test
Ashkenazi Jewish 94 1/24 ~1/380
Non-Hispanic white 88 1/25 ~1/200
Hispanic white 72 1/58 ~1/200
African American 64 1/61 ~1/170
Asian American 49 1/94 ~1/180
Source: From Ref. [21] with permission.
and poor growth. Although elevated levels of Hb F are produced to moderate hemolytic anemia. Alpha-thalassemia major (Hb
in an attempt to compensate for the absence of Hb A, this condi- Bart disease) results from the absence of functional alpha-globin
tion is universally fatal in late childhood unless treatment with genes. Fetal hydrops and intrauterine fetal demise is the expected
periodic blood transfusions is initiated early. See Chap. 14 in outcome in these cases due to the inability to produce functional
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Evidence Based Guidelines. HbF. Hemoglobin Bart disease does not usually occur in fetuses
of alpha-thalassemia carriers of African origin, since individuals
Alpha-thalassemia of African descent usually have the trans-configuration geno-
Alpha-thalassemia results from a gene deletion of two or more type. See Chap. 14 in Maternal-Fetal Medicine Evidence Based
copies of the four alpha-globin genes on chromosome 16. It is Guidelines.
common among individuals of Southeast Asian, African, West
Indian, and Mediterranean ancestry. Deletion of two genes, alpha- Fragile X syndrome
thalassemia trait, causes a mild hemolytic anemia. The deletions Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of
may occur on the same chromosome (cis aa/-) or on two different intellectual disability. The prevalence is 1 in 3600 males and 1 in
chromosomes (trans a-/a-). Individuals of Southeast Asian descent 4000–6000 females [25].
are more likely to carry the cis configuration compared to their Affected males may display a wide range of behavioral and
African counterparts. Individuals with alpha-thalassemia trait cognitive manifestations, but they are never asymptomatic [23].
are at increased risk for having a child with a more severe form of The behavioral phenotype is characterized by autism spectrum
alpha-thalassemia. Hemoglobin H disease is caused by the dele- behaviors such as attention deficit/hyperactivity, expressive delay,
tion of three alpha-globin genes. Affected individuals have mild tactile defensiveness, perseverative speech, and echolalia, as well
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
FIGURE 6.1 Screening strategy for anemia. (From Ref. [24] with permission.) Abbreviations: CBC, complete blood count;
Hb, hemogloblin; MCV, mean corposcular volume; RBC, red blood cells.
84 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
as social anxiety and avoidance of eye contact. The cognitive TABLE 6.8: Fragile X: Risk of Full Mutation (and Therefore
phenotype generally is moderate to severe mental impairment. Affected Child) Based on Number of Maternal CGG
Ten to twenty percent have seizures. Physical characteristics are Repeats
more readily identifiable around or after puberty. These findings
No. Maternal CGG Repeats % Risk Expansion to Full Mutation
are similar to a connective tissue disorder, including hyperexten-
sible joints; soft, smooth skin; flat feet; and mitral valve prolapse. 55–59 4
The facial appearance is often described as long and narrow with 60–69 5
prognathism and large ears. Macrocephaly may also be present. 70–79 31
Most develop macroorchidism [25]. 80–89 58
Affected females tend to have more normal cognitive develop- 90–99 80
ment, with approximately 33% of affected females having mental 100–200 98
retardation. The remaining either have mild learning disabilities
Source: From Ref. [26] with permission.
or normal intelligence Their physical features are also often less
pronounced than their male counterparts.
Fragile X is an X-linked dominant disorder caused by expan- Prenatal testing for fragile X syndrome should be offered to
sion of a repetition of the CGG trinucleotide segment of the frag- known carriers of the fragile X premutation or full mutation.
ile X mental retardation 1 (FMR-1) gene. This gene is located on Women with a family history of fragile X–related disorders,
the X chromosome at Xq27.3.The full mutation (>200 repeats) FXTAS, unexplained intellectual disability or developmental
results in the reduction or absence of fragile X mental retardation delay, autism, or premature ovarian insufficiency are candi-
protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein involved in the matura- dates for genetic counseling and fragile X premutation car-
tion and elimination of synapses. rier screening [25]. Careful assessment of the family history for
The FMR-1 gene is typically composed of a limited number males with cognitive impairment should be performed to identify
(<45) of CGG repeats. This region is usually stable and passes individuals at sufficient likelihood of premutation or full muta-
from one generation to the next. It is possible for this region to tion carrier status to warrant screening.
expand during meiosis in oocytes, reaching either intermedi- Women who accept fragile X premutation screening should be
ate (45–54 repeats) or premutation (55–200 repeats) lengths. As offered FMR-1 DNA mutation analysis after genetic counseling
repeat size increases, stability decreases, and further increases about the risks, benefits, and limitations of screening [25]. All
in the number of repeats become likely. Once the premutation identified carriers should be referred for follow-up genetic coun-
reaches expansion to >90 repeats, the likelihood of expansion to a seling. Diagnostic modalities for prenatal diagnosis (including
full mutation is at least 80% (Table 6.8) [26]. chorionic villus sampling [CVS] and amniocentesis) should be
In addition to the presence of CGG trinucleotide repeats, there discussed.
may be AGG trinucleotide repeats within the FMR-1 gene. The
presence of AGG repeats is associated with increased stability of Spinal muscular atrophy
the permutation allele. In contrast, few or no AGG repeats are SMA refers to a group of diseases that affect the motor neurons
associated with an increased risk of expansion in the next genera- of the spinal cord and brainstem. These neurons are responsible
tion, as seen in Figure 6.2. for supplying electrical and chemical signals to muscle cells.
Only women with a premutation FMR-1 can pass the full muta- Malfunction of these neurons causes improper muscle cell func-
tion to their offspring. Fathers with premutations usually pass the tioning and atrophy, resulting in muscle degeneration and weak-
gene in a stable fashion to all of their daughters and risk having ness. The prevalence of SMA is 1/10,000 infants [27].
affected grandsons. Premutation male and female carriers are at SMA is classified into one of four types depending on the age
risk for FXTAS, usually after age 50 years [25]. Female carriers are of onset and disease severity. See Table 6.9 for details regarding
also at risk of premature ovarian insufficiency. these types [27].
Maternal repeat length
80% 1 AGG
Full Mutation Expansion
70% 2 AGG
45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85–90
Maternal CGG Repeat Length
FIGURE 6.2 The likelihood for expansion to a fragile X full mutation. (From http://asuragen.com/products-and-services/clinical-
lab/xpansion-interpreter/, with permission from Dr. Sally Nolin.)
Carrier Screening for Inherited Genetic Conditions 85
SMA is an autosomal recessive condition caused by a deletion Importantly, the presence of the variant does not confirm the
of a segment of DNA in exon 7 and exon 8 in the SMN1 (survival 2 + 0 genotype, but rather alters the likelihood of this genotype
motor neuron) gene located on chromosome 5. Rarely, SMA is for an individual undergoing carrier screening, thereby affecting
caused by a point mutation in the SMN1 gene. There does not the residual risk after screening.
appear to be a correlation between the type of SMN1 pathogenic Carrier testing may also report the number of SMN2 cop-
variant and disease severity. SMN2 generates small amounts of ies. While this does not determine carrier status, this number
SMN protein. The number of copies of SMN2 does correlate with may help to predict disease severity in the event of an affected
SMA phenotype. Individuals with fewer copies of SMN2 typically pregnancy.
have more severe forms of SMA (type I or II). See Table 6.10. Historically, treatment for SMA has been mainly supportive.
Pan-ethnic carrier screening for SMA is recommended by More recently, however, disease-modifying agents, including
the ACMG and ACOG [10, 19, 27]. Approximately 1 in 50 indi- nusinersen, onasemnogene abeparvovec, and risdiplam, have
viduals is a carrier for SMA.
Carrier testing for SMA measures the number of copies of the
deleted segment in the SMN1 gene. A noncarrier is expected to Normal
have two copies present (no deletion), while a carrier will have
only one copy present (a deletion of one copy). SMA carriers most
commonly have one functional SMN1 gene on one chromosome
and an SMN1 gene deletion on the other chromosome (in trans).
Carriers can also have two functional SMN1 gene copies on one SMN1
chromosome (in cis) and none on the other chromosome (the
“2 + 0” genotype) or one chromosome with a nonfunctional
SMN1 gene with a point mutation or a microdeletion. The poten-
tial outcomes of carrier testing can be seen in Figure 6.3. The 2 + SMN1
0 genotype occurs in 5%–8% of the general population, with black
individuals of sub-Saharan African heritage having a higher fre-
quency of this genotype. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based
carrier testing is unable to identify this genotype reliably, and, as SMN1
such, the sensitivity for carrier screening in the black population
is 70% compared to 87%–95% in the nonblack population [28]. Carrier with normal screening test result
More recently, two variants in intron 7 and exon 8 of the SMN1
gene have been found to be more prevalent in carriers of the 2 + 0 SMN1
genotype. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population, these variants
occur in approximately 20% of patients with the 2 + 0 genotype
compared to <1% of noncarriers [29, 30]. Testing for these variants SMN1 SMN1
has been added by some laboratories for routine carrier testing.
TABLE 6.10: SMN2 Copy Number and SMA Clinical
Phenotype SMN1
1 96% 4% 0%
2 79% 16% 5% SMN1
3 15% 54% 31%
≥4 1% 11% 88%
FIGURE 6.3 SMN1 gene in normal, carrier, and affected states.
Source: From Ref. [27] with permission. (From Ref. [27] with permission.)
86 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
become options for infants and children <2 years of age who Treatment: The mainstay of treatment is supplementary dietary
are not ventilator-dependent. Older children and adults with cholesterol. Clinical benefits from this therapy include improved
moderate symptoms may also derive benefit from nusinersen or growth, improved developmental progress, and a lessening of
risdiplam. behavioral abnormalities.
Nusinersen is an oligonucleotide that modifies splicing of the Testing: Carrier testing detects 99% of carriers [36].
SMN2 gene to increase production of normal, full-length SMN
protein. It is administered intrathecally with four loading doses Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
over 8 weeks followed by maintenance dosing every 4 months. In Carrier frequency: The carrier frequency in Caucasians is 1 in 50.
a multicenter, double-blinded trial, improvement in motor mile- Affected gene: ACADM
stones as measured by the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Clinical features: This disorder is caused by a deficiency of
Examination was observed in 37 of 73 (51%) infants receiving medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. This disorder is charac-
nusinersen vs. 0 of 37 (0%) infants receiving sham therapy. They terized by an intolerance to prolonged fasting, recurrent episodes
were also less likely to die or receive permanent assisted ventila- of hypoglycemic coma, impaired ketogenesis, and low plasma and
tion (39 vs. 68%) [31]. tissue carnitine levels.
Onasemnogene abeparvovec is a recombinant adeno- Treatment: Treatment includes L-carnitine supplementation
associated viral vector containing complementary DNA encod- and avoidance of prolonged fasting.
ing the normal human SMN protein. This medication is admin- Testing: Carrier testing detects 99% of carriers [36].
istered as a one-time intravenous infusion. The ongoing STRIVE
trial demonstrated that 62% of treated infants had reached the Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry genetic screening
age of 14 months without the need for permanent ventilation and
48% of infants achieved the ability to sit without support [32]. Who to screen
Risdiplam is a small-molecule SMN2 splicing modifier that The family history of individuals considering pregnancy, or who
increases the level of full-length SMN protein. This medication are already pregnant, should determine whether either mem-
is administered daily by mouth using a syringe. The FIREFISH ber of the couple is of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish
and SUNFISH trials demonstrated a greater number of treated ancestry (one grandparent is Ashkenazi Jewish) or has a rela-
patients without permanent ventilation and an improvement in tive with one or more of the following genetic conditions: TSD,
the 32-item Motor Function measure score in treated individuals, Canavan disease, CF, familial dysautonomia, Fanconi anemia
respectively [33, 34]. group C, Niemann-Pick disease type A, mucolipidosis IV, Bloom
syndrome, and Gaucher disease [37].
Additional disorders
In addition to the conditions described earlier and the conditions What to screen for
listed under “Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry Genetic Screening,” the The ACOG and ACMG guidelines differ with respect to the
ACOG includes the following three conditions in consideration conditions that should be included when performing carrier
for a proposed expanded carrier screening panel [35]. screening in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. ACOG
recommends that carrier screening for TSD, Canavan disease,
Phenylketonuria CF, and familial dysautonomia should be offered to Ashkenazi
arrier frequency: Unknown in general population. The carrier
C Jewish individuals before conception or during early pregnancy.
frequency in Caucasians is 1 in 50. If the woman is already pregnant, simultaneous screening can
Affected gene: PAH be considered based upon gestational age, partner ethnicity, and
Clinical features: This disorder is caused by a deficiency in patient/partner preference so that results are obtained in a timely
PAH, which catalyzes conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. fashion to ensure that prenatal diagnostic testing is an option.
Insufficient enzyme activity results in an elevated blood and ACOG acknowledges that carrier screening is available also for
urine concentration of phenylalanine. Newborn infants are mucolipidosis IV, Niemann-Pick disease type A, Fanconi
asymptomatic prior to the initiation of feeds containing phenyl- anemia group C, Bloom syndrome, and Gaucher disease. The
alanine. In untreated patients, hallmark of the disease is irrevers- ACMG recommends screening for these five additional disorders,
ible intellectual disability, seizures, behavioral abnormalities, and for a total of nine [38]. ACMG provides criteria for adding new
microcephaly. diseases to the panel of Jewish genetic diseases based on signifi-
Treatment: The mainstay of therapy is dietary restriction of cant burden of the disorder, carrier rate >1/100, and/or test sen-
phenylalanine. sitivity >90%.
Testing: Carrier testing detects 99% of carriers [36]. In all cases, a general description of the disorders for which
screening is planned should be provided to the patient and part-
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome ner. Thorough counseling should also include a discussion on the
Carrier frequency: The carrier frequency in Caucasians is 1 in 70. variable phenotype of many of these conditions and a discussion
Affected gene: DHCR7 on the concept of residual risk. Formal genetic counseling should
Clinical features: This disorder is caused by a deficiency of be made available to anyone desiring it.
7-dehydrocholesterol reductase. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Currently 19 diseases are available for screening on Jewish
has been associated with low maternal serum unconjugated genetic disease panels. In addition to those mentioned previously,
estriol levels less than 0.25 MoM on second-trimester maternal the following diseases are included: maple syrup urine disease,
serum screening. The clinical manifestations of this disorder glycogen storage disease type 1a, dihydrolipoamide dehydroge-
include intellectual disability, poor growth, and characteristic nase (DLD) deficiency, familial hyperinsulinism, Joubert syn-
phenotypic abnormalities, including microcephaly, characteristic drome, nemaline myopathy, SMA, Usher syndrome type 1F,
facies, hypospadias, and polysyndactyly. Usher syndrome type III, and Walker-Warburg syndrome [37].
Carrier Screening for Inherited Genetic Conditions 87
Usher syndrome type III ethnically diverse clinical sample of 24,453 individuals. Genet Med
Carrier frequency: 1 in 120 with disease incidence of 1/57,000.
8. Haque IS, Lazarin GA, Kang HP, et al. Modeled fetal risk of genetic diseases
Affected gene: CLRN1 identified by expanded carrier screening. JAMA 2016;316(7):734–742.
Clinical features: This syndrome is associated with the same fea- 9. Johansen Taber KA, Beauchamp KA, Lazarin GA et al. Clinical utility of
tures as Usher syndrome type 1F. In contrast to type 1F, however, expanded carrier screening: Results guided actionability and outcomes.
hearing loss develops later in childhood and retinitis pigmentosa Genet Med 2019;21:1041–1048.
10. Committee on Genetics. Committee Opinion No. 691: Carrier screening for
develops in the second decade. genetic conditions. Obstet Gynecol 2017;129:e41–e55.
Carrier testing: Carrier testing detects 99% of carriers [36]. 11. Edwards JG, Feldman G, Goldberg J, et al. Expanded carrier screening
in reproductive medicine – Points to consider. A joint statement of the
Walker-Warburg syndrome American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, American College of
Carrier frequency: 1 in 149 with disease incidence of 1/60,000. Obstetricians and Gynecologists, National Society of Genetic Counselors,
Perinatal Quality Foundation, and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
A ffected genes: Over a dozen genes that prevent glycosylation
Obstet Gynecol 2015;125:653–662.
of alpha-dystroglycan have been associated, including POMT1, 12. Haque IS, Lazarin GA, Wapner RJ. Prenatal carrier screening. JAMA
POMT2, CRPPA, FKRP, and LARGE1. 2016;316(24):2675–2676.
Clinical features: This syndrome is caused by abnormal glyco- 13. Ben-Shachar R, Svenson A, Goldberg JD, et al. A data-driven evaluation
sylation of alpha-dystroglycan. This abnormal protein causes of the size and content of expanded carrier screening panels. Genet Med
progressive weakness of skeletal muscles and abnormal migration 14. Guo MH, Gregg AR. Estimating yields of prenatal carrier screening and
of neurons. Affected individuals have hypotonia and can never implications for design of expanded carrier screening panels. Genet Med
walk. Cobblestone lissencephaly results in development and 2019;21(9):1940–1947.
intellectual disability. Microphthalmia is also common. Most 15. Brussino A, Gellera C, Saluto A, et al. FMR1 gene permutation is a fre-
quent genetic cause of late-onset sporadic cerebellar ataxia. Neurology
individuals do not survive past age 3.
Carrier testing: Detection rate is unknown (not enough data). 16. Finsterer J, Stollberger C, Freudenthaler B, et al. Muscular and cardiac
manifestations in a Duchenne-carrier harboring a dystrophin deletion of
33. Baranello G, Servais L, Day JW, et al. FIREFISH Part 1: 1-year results on 37. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Committee
motor function in babies with type 1 SMA. Neurology 2019;92:S25.003. Opinion No. 442: Preconception and prenatal carrier screening for genetic
34. Mercuri E, Barisic N, Boespflug-Tanguy O, et al. SUNFISH Part 2: Efficacy disease in individuals of Eastern European Jewish descent. Obstet Gynecol
and safety of risdiplam (RG7916) in patients with type 2 or non-ambulant 2009;114:950–953.
type 3 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Neurology 2020;94:1260. 38. Gross SJ, Pletcher BA, Monaghan KG; for the Professional Practice and
35. Committee on Genetics. Committee Opinion No. 690: Carrier screening in Guidelines Committee. Carrier screening in individuals of Ashkenazi
the age of genomic medicine. Obstet Gynecol 2017;129:35–40. Jewish descent. Genet Med 2008;10(1):54–56.
36. Myriad Foresight Residual Risk Table. https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.
Daniele Di Mascio and Leen Al-Hafez
DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-7 91
92 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
• Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length Good predictor of the onset of spontaneous labor in women at ≥37 weeks
• Weather effects No association between changes in barometric pressure and spontaneous onset of labor in pregnancies
at term
Antenatal classes Associated with arriving to labor and delivery unit more often in active labor and using less epidural
Antenatal perineal massage Lower incidence of trauma requiring suturing and the rate of episiotomy
Pelvic floor muscle training Lower risk of reporting urinary incontinence in continent women either in late pregnancy and in the
midpostnatal period
Sweeping of membranes Lower duration of pregnancy and lower frequency of pregnancy continuing beyond 41 weeks, when
started from 37 to 38 weeks
Pelvimetry Likely associated with higher rates of cesarean delivery
Place of birth
• Midwife-led care Less likely to receive amniotomy, episiotomy, and intrapartum analgesia/anesthesia; shorter labors,
less instrumental vaginal birth, preterm birth <37 weeks, less fetal loss/neonatal death before 24
weeks, less overall fetal/neonatal death
• Doulas Higher rate of spontaneous vaginal birth, lower rates of caesarean and instrumental vaginal deliveries,
less likely negative feelings about the childbirth experience, less intrapartum analgesia, shorter labors
and lower rates of low 5-minute Apgar score
Training of birth assistants Trend for less maternal mortality and significantly less perinatal mortality
Teamwork training Conflicting evidence, likely to improve team performance and medical technical skills, and therefore
quality of care
Delayed admission to labor and delivery unit Less time in the labor ward, less intrapartum oxytocic, and less analgesia
Fetal assessment tests upon admission
• Fetal heart rate tracing Higher incidence of cesarean delivery than women allocated to intermittent auscultation
• Amniotic fluid index evaluation Higher incidence of cesarean delivery and similar neonatal outcomes
Enemas No significant beneficial effect on infection rates such as perineal wound infection or other neonatal
infections and women’s satisfaction
Perineal shaving No evidence to support shaving
Time of day the quality of the relationship between her and the birth atten-
Diurnal rhythms seem to show a higher rate of starting labor, dant, and her involvement in labor management [4].
with maximal frequency in the evening and night hours [2]. Antenatal classes include types of educational programs to
help the mother get familiar with labor and delivery. Compared
Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length to no such training, 9 hours of antenatal training to prepare for
The majority of women at term desire to know roughly the timing labor and delivery are associated with arriving to the labor and
of the onset of labor, and this information might be useful also for delivery unit more often in active labor (relative risk [RR] 1.45,
clinicians, mostly when further care is needed at the time of deliv- 95% CI 1.26–1.65) and using less epidural analgesia (RR 0.84,
ery. Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length (TVU CL) evalu- 95% CI 0.73–0.97) [5].
ation is a good predictor of the onset of spontaneous labor in Specific antenatal education programs are also associated with
women at term: a woman with a CL of 30 mm has a <50% chance a reduction in the mean number of visits to the labor ward
of delivering within 7 days, while one with a CL of 10 mm has an before the onset of labor (mean difference [MD] –0.29, 95% CI
over 85% chance of delivering within 7 days [3]. –0.47 to –0.11) [6].
Another typical key issue during antenatal classes is the education
Antenatal classes and education regarding the management of pain during labor. In this scenario,
regarding self-diagnosis of active labor there is a lack of high-quality evidence to assess whether specific
approaches are more effective than others to reduce labor pain.
A woman’s satisfaction with her birth experience is mainly related Compared to no such education, antenatal education focus-
to the personal expectations, the amount of support she receives, ing on natural childbirth preparation with training in breathing
Preparation before Labor 93
and relaxation techniques is not associated with any effects on Evidence is weaker when considering the effect of antenatal
maternal or perinatal outcomes, including similar incidences of PFMT on the incidence of fecal incontinence. In women with or
epidural analgesia, childbirth, or parental stress, in nulliparous without fecal incontinence, antenatal PFMT is associated with
women and their partners [7]. little or no difference in the prevalence of fecal incontinence
However, evidence from low-quality randomized controlled in late pregnancy. Similar results have also been found for the
trials (RCT) showed that some relaxation techniques for pain role of postnatal PFMT on fecal incontinence in the postnatal
management, such as mind–body relaxation, yoga, and music, period and beyond 12 months postpartum [17].
might assume a role in decreasing pain and increasing satis-
faction with pain relief [8].
Moreover, a complementary medicine technique program
Sweeping of membranes
containing six items (acupressure, visualization and relaxation, Sweeping of membranes usually involves inserting one finger
breathing, massage, yoga techniques, and facilitated partner sup- between the cervix and the membranes and sweeping 360
port) is associated with a significant reduction in epidural use degrees at least two to four times to potentially increase the
(RR 0.37 95% CI 0.25–0.55), cesarean delivery (RR 0.52 95% CI local production of prostaglandins [16].
0.31–0.87), and perineal trauma (RR 0.88 95% CI 0.78–0.98), Routine use of sweeping of membranes from 38 weeks of
compared to standard antenatal care [9]. pregnancy onwards is significantly associated with reduced
Mindfulness-based childbirth education is associated with duration of pregnancy and reduced frequency of pregnancy
lower postcourse depression symptoms and with a trend continuing beyond 41 weeks (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.46–0.74) and
toward a lower rate of opioid analgesia use in labor [10]. 42 weeks (RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.15–0.50), with no difference in
The aim of antenatal classes is also to help women cope better cesarean delivery and maternal or fetal infection rates. Women
with the fear of labor and childbirth. Fear of childbirth is associ- allocated to sweeping more frequently experienced discomfort
ated with a 47-minute longer duration of labor, compared to no during vaginal examination and other adverse effects, such as
fear of childbirth [11]. Intensive counseling in women with fear bleeding or irregular contractions [18]. Women randomized to
of childbirth reduces anxiety and concerns related to preg- membrane sweeping may also be more likely to experience spon-
nancy and birth and is associated with shorter labors [11–13]. taneous onset of labor and less likely to experience induction
Finally, there is no conclusive evidence supporting any antena- of labor [19]. These results are concordant with those found in
tal breastfeeding education for improving initiation and continu- a subsequent RCT on 742 low-risk pregnant women assigned to
ation of breastfeeding, at least in high-income countries [14]. serial sweeping of the membranes every 48 hours until labor at
41 weeks of gestation [20] and in a recent meta-analysis of seven
Antenatal perineal massage trials involving 2252 women that confirmed membrane sweep-
ing as an effective method to promote spontaneous labor and to
Perineal trauma is often related to vaginal birth, usually due to reduce the need for induction of labor, starting from 38 weeks of
episiotomies, perineal lacerations, or both, and might be associ- gestation [21].
ated with both short- and long-term complications, such as peri-
neal pain, discomfort, and dyspareunia.
Antenatal digital perineal massage with sweet almond oil for Pelvimetry
5–10 minutes daily, starting from approximately 35 weeks of gesta-
There is not enough evidence to support the use of x-ray pelvim-
tion, is significantly associated with a reduction in the incidence
etry in women whose fetuses have either a cephalic or nonce-
of trauma requiring suturing (RR 0.91 95% CI 0.86–0.96) and in
phalic presentation. Women undergoing x-ray pelvimetry are
the rate of episiotomy (RR 0.84 95% CI 0.74–0.95), particularly in
more likely to be delivered by cesarean delivery. No significant
women without previous vaginal birth. Conversely, women with a
impact is detected on perinatal outcome, but the numbers are
previous vaginal birth experience significant less pain at 3 months
small, insufficient for meaningful evaluation (e.g. perinatal mor-
postpartum (RR 0.45 95% CI 0.24–0.87). No significant differences
tality 1% vs. 2%). The results are similar for women with or with-
are observed in the incidence of instrumental deliveries; sexual sat-
out a prior cesarean delivery (CD) [22]. There are insufficient data
isfaction; or incontinence of urine, feces, or flatus for any women
regarding MRI or clinical pelvimetry.
practicing perineal massage before childbirth [15].
studies including over 500,000 births [26]. In a large (>79,000 associated with home births or births in free-standing birth cen-
women with singletons, term, cephalic, and nonanomalous preg- ters compared to hospital births [28, 29]. Some of these studies
nancies) retrospective cohort study, planned out-of-hospital included free-standing (not alongside—very nearby or inside—a
births were associated with a higher rate of perinatal deaths (3.9 hospital) birth centers with home births. This means, therefore,
vs. 1.8 deaths per 1000 deliveries; Adjusted odd ratio (aOR) 1.52, that the hospital is the safest setting for labor and delivery, and
95% CI 0.51–2.54) than planned in-hospital deliveries, as well as women with risk factors for abnormal outcome should deliver
more neonatal seizures [27]. in a hospital setting [30].
There are diverging opinions even in Western countries, with Tables 7.2 and 7.3 show ACOG and Society for Maternal-Fetal
about >15% of Dutch births occurring at home versus <1% of U.S. Medicine (SMFM) recommendations for a standardized and
births. Data from U.S. births showed a significantly increased integrated system of risk-appropriate maternal care and perinatal
risk of neonatal deaths, low Apgar scores, and neonatal seizures care [31, 32].
Freestanding birth center CI 0.83–0.97), preterm birth less than 37 weeks (RR 0.76, 95%
There are no RCTs of freestanding (far from any hospital) birth CI 0.64–0.91), and less overall fetal/neonatal death (RR 0.84,
centers, and therefore the evidence is insufficient to recommend 95% CI 0.71–0.99) [34]. Women who have midwife-led continu-
this setting [33]. For non-RCT evidence, see “Planned Home Birth.” ity models of care are more likely to experience spontaneous
vaginal birth (RR 1.05, 95% CI 1.03–1.07). There are no differ-
Planned hospital birth: alternative setting ences between groups for cesarean births or intact perineum. In
(homelike, e.g. hospital or alongside birth addition, women assisted by midwives are less likely to receive
center) vs. conventional hospital ward setting some medical interventions, such as amniotomy (RR 0.80, 95%
Several RCTs have evaluated the option of “alternative setting” ver- CI 0.66–0.98), episiotomy (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.77–0.92), and
sus the conventional hospital ward setting for labor and delivery. intrapartum analgesia/anesthesia (RR 1.21, 95% CI 1.06–1.37).
For the alternative setting, most trials included care by mid- Women who have midwife-led continuity models of care are less
wives in a location in the hospital, close to the regular labor and likely to experience longer mean length of labor (hours) (MD
delivery ward, that did not look like a usual labor and delivery 0.50, 95% CI 0.27–0.74), to be attended at birth by a known mid-
setting. There no RCTs of freestanding birth centers. Some RCTs wife (RR 7.04, 95% CI 4.48–11.08), and have less fetal loss/neo-
randomized women in labor, while others at the beginning of preg- natal death before 24 weeks (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.67–0.98). There
nancy. So continuity of care was usually higher in the alternative were no differences between groups for fetal loss or neonatal
setting group. Usually about 40%–50% of patients randomized death more than or equal to 24 weeks, induction of labor, antena-
to alternative setting (often about 60% for nulliparous women, tal hospitalization, antepartum hemorrhage, augmentation/arti-
20%–30% for multiparous women) need to be moved in labor to ficial oxytocin during labor, opiate analgesia, perineal laceration
the conventional labor and delivery ward. requiring suturing, postpartum hemorrhage, breastfeeding ini-
Compared to the conventional hospital ward, allocation to an tiation, low-birth-weight infant, 5-minute Apgar score less than
alternative hospital setting increased the likelihood of the fol- or equal to 7, neonatal convulsions, admission of infant to special
lowing: no intrapartum analgesia/anesthesia (RR 1.18, 95% CI care or neonatal intensive care unit(s), or mean length of neona-
1.05–1.33), spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) (RR 1.03, 95% tal hospital stay (days). The majority of included studies report a
CI 1.01–1.05), breastfeeding at 6–8 weeks (RR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02– higher rate of maternal satisfaction in midwife-led continuity
1.06), and very positive views of care (RR 1.96, 95% CI 1.78–2.15). models of care [34].
Allocation to an alternative setting decreased the likelihood of
epidural analgesia (RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.74–0.87), oxytocin aug- Doulas
mentation of labor (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67–0.88), and episiotomy A doula is a continuous support person that a woman may choose for
(RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.77–0.90) [26]. There was no apparent effect on emotional support and advice about coping techniques and comfort
maternal morbidity and mortality, serious perinatal morbidity/ measures (comforting touch, massage, warm baths/showers) [16].
mortality (RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.51–2.67), perinatal mortality (RR 1.67, Compared to usual care without continuous support, continu-
95% CI 0.93–3.00), other adverse neonatal outcomes, or postpartum ous support during labor (mostly performed by a doula, but
hemorrhage. The 4% increase in SVD may be secondary to less epi- also by midwives or nurses) is associated with a higher rate of
dural anesthesia, which may in turn be secondary to less availability spontaneous vaginal birth (RR 1.08, 95% CI 1.04–1.12), lower
in homelike settings and/or to less intrapartum monitoring. The rates of cesarean delivery (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.64–0.88) and
trend for a 67% higher perinatal mortality should be weighed instrumental vaginal deliveries (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.85–0.96),
against the significant 4% increase in SVD and 96% higher sat- less likely negative feelings about the childbirth experience
isfaction during counseling. No firm conclusions can be drawn (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.59–0.79), less intrapartum analgesia (RR
regarding the effects of variations in staffing, organizational mod- 0.90, 95% CI 0.84–0.96), shorter labors (MD −0.69 hours, 95%
els, or architectural characteristics of the alternative settings [33]. A CI −1.04 to −0.34), and lower rates of low 5-minute Apgar score
birth center in the hospital is a safe location for birth [30]. (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.46–0.85) [35].
may improve the use of evidence-based practices at birth, thus infections and women’s satisfaction. Compared to no enema,
improving the quality of care [38, 39]. enema in labor is associated with no significant differences for
infection rates in puerperal women (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.42–1.04)
Admission to a labor and delivery unit and no significant differences in neonatal umbilical infection
rates (RR 3.16, 95% CI 0.50–19.82). No significant differences
Delayed vs. early hospital admission are found in the incidence of neonatal lower or upper respiratory
Labor assessment programs, which aim to delay hospital admis- tract infections [45].
sion until active labor, may benefit women with term pregnan- One RCT described labor to be significantly shorter (50 minutes)
cies. Active labor was defined as regular painful contractions with enema versus no enema. A second RCT found labor to be
and cervical dilatation >3 cm in these studies. In one RCT, com- significantly longer (112 minutes) with an enema compared to no
pared to direct admission to hospital, delayed admission until enema. No significant differences in the duration of labor were
active labor was associated with less time in the labor ward, found in the third RCT that scored as having a low risk of bias and
less intrapartum oxytocics, and less analgesia [40]. Women in were adjusted for parity. One RCT that researched women’s views
the labor assessment and delayed admission group report higher found no significant differences in satisfaction between groups.
levels of control during labor. CD rates are similar, with a The routine use of enemas during labor should be discouraged
nonsignificant 30% decrease. A 30%–40% decrease in CD has [45]. This intervention (enema) generates discomfort in women
been reported in retrospective studies with delayed versus direct and increases the costs of delivery.
admission. There is insufficient evidence (a larger trial is needed)
to assess the true effects on the rate of CD and other important Perineal shaving
measures of maternal and neonatal outcome. Potential risks of There is no supportive level 1 evidence for routine perineal shav-
delayed admission include unplanned out-of-hospital births and ing (shaving with a razor) for women prior to or in labor. In a very
the potentially harmful effects of withholding caregiver support old trial, 389 women were alternately allocated to receive either
and attention to women in early or latent-phase labor. skin preparation and perineal shaving or clipping of vulvar hair
In another RCT, compared to no use of algorithm, use of an only. In the second old trial, which included 150 participants, peri-
algorithm by midwives to assist in their diagnosis of active labor neal shaving was compared with the cutting of long hairs for proce-
(painful regular contractions with at least one of the following: dures only. In the third trial, 500 women were randomly allocated
3 cm dilated, rupture of membranes [ROM], or “show”) was asso- to shaving of perineal area or cutting of perineal hair. Compared
ciated with more women being discharged after their first labor to no shaving, shaving was associated with a similar incidence of
ward assessment and no effect of oxytocin augmentation and maternal febrile morbidity (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.73–1.76), perineal
other medical interventions in labor [41]. wound infection (RR 1.47, 95% CI 0.80–2.70), and perineal wound
Suggested criteria for admission based on these studies are dehiscence (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.01–8.00). In the smaller trial, fewer
a cervix of at least 3–4 cm dilatation and regular painful con- women who had not been shaved had gram-negative bacterial colo-
tractions. Pregnant women should be informed of these data nization compared with women who had been shaved (OR 0.43,
during prenatal care. 95% CI 0.20–0.92). There were no differences in maternal satisfac-
tion immediately after birth [46]. The potential for complications
(redness, multiple superficial scratches, burning and itching of the
Fetal assessment tests upon admission vulva, and embarrassment and discomfort afterward when the
hair grows back), which often occur later, suggests that shaving
Fetal heart rate tracing for 20 minutes should not be part of routine clinical practice. The first two trials
Women allocated to admission CTG have an increase in the are old (1922 and 1965) and included the clipping of long hairs in
incidence of cesarean delivery compared with women allo- their control groups to aid in operative procedures, which is itself
cated to intermittent auscultation (RR 1.20, 95% CI 1.00–1.44). usually unnecessary and can lead to complications.
There is no significant difference in instrumental vaginal birth
(RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.95–1.27) and fetal and neonatal deaths (RR
1.01, 95% CI 0.30–3.47) [42]. References
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Leen Al-Hafez
Key points • For women making slow progress in the first stage of
spontaneous labor, the use of oxytocin augmentation
• Vaginal chlorhexidine irrigation is not recommended. is associated with a reduction in the time to delivery of
• Universal prenatal maternal screening with anovaginal approximately 2 hours.
specimen at 36–37 weeks and intrapartum antibiotic • Early intervention with oxytocin and amniotomy for
treatment are the most efficacious of the current strategies the prevention and treatment for dysfunctional or slow
for prevention of neonatal early-onset group B streptococ- labor is recommended.
cus (GBS) disease. • The routine use of intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) in
• Prophylactic antibiotics in term prerupture of mem- the first stage of labor is not recommended.
branes (PROM) with latency longer than 12 hours can be • The routine use of ultrasound during a normally evolving
considered. first stage of labor is not recommended.
• Aromatherapy with essential oils through inhalation or • Dystocia cannot be diagnosed unless rupture of mem-
back massage in labor can be considered. branes (ROM) has occurred and adequate oxytocin to
• Water immersion during the first stage of labor slightly achieve at least three to five adequate contractions per
reduces the use of analgesia, without adverse maternal or hour has been instituted. Dystocia also cannot be diag-
neonatal outcomes. nosed reliably before the first stage of labor has entered
• There is little justification for the restriction of fluids the active phase, which has been defined, especially in
and food in labor for women at low risk of complications. nulliparous patients with epidurals in place, as at least
• In the setting of oral restriction, intravenous (IV) fluids 6 cm of cervical dilatation. Before performing a cesarean
at 250 mL/hour containing dextrose are associated with delivery (CD) for active-phase labor arrest, labor should
shorter duration of labor and fewer cesarean deliveries be arrested for a minimum of 4 hours (if uterine activ-
compared to 125 mL/hour. ity is greater than 200 Montevideo units as documented
• Upright positions (either standing, sitting, kneeling, or with IUPC) or 6 hours (if greater than 200 Montevideo
walking around) for women without regional anesthesia units could not be sustained).
in the first stage of labor reduces the length of labor by
approximately over 1 hour and are associated with less Please also see Chaps. 7 and 9 for other guidance during labor.
epidural analgesia. Women with regional anesthesia can
take up whatever position or ambulate as they please. Introduction
• Ambulating should be recommended in the first stage
of labor in women without regional anesthesia. Women For management of induction, meconium, oligo/polyhydram-
with regional anesthesia can ambulate or not ambulate nios, intrapartum monitoring (including amnioinfusion for
in the first stage. variables), operative vaginal delivery, shoulder dystocia, trial of
• Continuous bladder catheterization cannot be recom- labor after cesarean (TOLAC), fetal growth restriction (FGR),
mended in labor. macrosomia, abnormal third stage, etc., see appropriate dis-
• There is insufficient evidence to recommend any par- tinct guidelines in this book and its companion, Maternal-Fetal
ticular frequency of vaginal cervical exams in labor. Most Evidence Based Guidelines. This chapter discusses interventions
studies, including those with active management, perform in the first stage of labor that can influence labor and delivery
cervical exams every 2 hours in active labor, but the risk of outcomes (Table 8.1) [1].
chorioamnionitis increases with increasing number of exams.
• Routine sweeping of membranes in labor cannot be Vaginal chlorhexidine
recommended. There is no evidence to support the use of vaginal chlorhexi-
• The routine use of the partogram is not recommended in labor. dine by either irrigation or vaginal wipes during labor in
• The routine use of a peanut ball cannot be recommended order to prevent maternal and neonatal infections. The effect
in labor. on the incidence of postpartum endometritis is not statistically
• The use of a birthing ball during the first stage of labor can significant (relative risk [RR] 0.83; 95% confidence interval [CI]
be considered. 0.61–1.13) [2]. Chlorhexidine solution is safe and inexpensive,
• Antispasmodics are not recommended for routine use in and vaginal irrigation is easy to perform, but not beneficial. In
the first stage of labor. summary, vaginal chlorhexidine by either irrigation or vaginal
• Routine amniotomy in normally progressing spontane- wipes during labor is not recommended.
ous labor cannot be recommended as part of standard
labor management and care, but early amniotomy (e.g. GBS prophylaxis
after Foley balloon is ejected and so about 3–4 cm of Maternal colonization with group B streptococcus (GBS)
cervical dilation) in labor induction is recommended. increases the neonatal risk of developing early-onset group B
98 DOI: 10.1201/9781003102342-8
First Stage of Labor 99
streptococcal disease (EOGBSD), which is defined as vertical low risk for anaphylaxis, cefazolin is the recommended antibiotic.
transmission resulting in sepsis, pneumonia, and, less commonly, For women with a penicillin allergy that are at high risk for ana-
meningitis within 7 days of birth [3, 4]. phylaxis, clindamycin is the recommended antibiotic if the GBS
Universal prenatal maternal GBS screening with ano- isolate is susceptible. If susceptibilities are not available or the
vaginal specimen collected at 36–37 weeks and antibiotic GBS isolate is resistant to clindamycin, vancomycin is the recom-
(penicillin as first line) treatment to GBS-colonized women is mended antibiotic for women with a penicillin allergy at high risk
recommended [3]. Women with GBS bacteriuria in the current of anaphylaxis.
pregnancy or who had a prior infant with GBS sepsis are candi-
dates for intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) and should be Antibiotic prophylaxis for term
the only two groups not screened. Intrapartum treatment for prelabor rupture of membranes
chorioamnionitis is recommended regardless of GBS mater- The administration of routine antibiotic prophylaxis for term
nal status (see Chaps. 24 and 39 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) is not associated with
Based Guidelines). For those with an unknown GBS culture result either maternal or neonatal beneficial outcomes compared to
in labor, antibiotics should be given to all women with recognized no antibiotic prophylaxis. However, in women with PROM and
risk factors: Previous infant affected by GBS sepsis, GBS bacte- latency longer than 12 hours, prophylactic antibiotics are associ-
riuria during the current pregnancy, preterm labor <37 weeks, ated with significantly lower rates of intraamniotic infection by
prelabor rupture of membranes ≥18 hours and/or fever in labor 51% and endometritis by 88%, and a trend toward a decrease in
≥38°C, or women known to be colonized with GBS in a prior neonatal sepsis, RR 0.34 (0.11–1.04). The most commonly used
pregnancy [3, 4]. There is no intervention shown to be efficacious antibiotics were ampicillin and gentamicin. For women with a
for prevention of late-onset GBS sepsis. penicillin allergy, clindamycin or erythromycin was used [5].
In summary, women with GBS bacteriuria in the current In summary, antibiotic prophylaxis can be considered in
pregnancy or who had a prior infant with GBS sepsis are can- women with term PROM in which >12 hours of latency are
didates for IAP and do not require screening. Universal GBS expected between PROM and delivery.
culture screening is recommended at 360/7 and 376/7 weeks
of gestation. IAP in labor for GBS-positive women is recom- Aromatherapy
mended to reduce neonatal EOGBSD. Penicillin should be Compared to no such intervention, administration of selected
used as the first-line agent: 5 million units loading dose fol- essential oils (such as lavender, jasmine, rose, almond, or a com-
lowed by 2.5 million units every 4 hours, ideally for ≥4 hours bination) through inhalation or back massage during labor is
before delivery. For women with a penicillin allergy that are at not associated with significant effects on cesarean delivery (CD),
100 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
instrumental delivery, or use of oxytocin. In a recent meta- of 250 mL/hour are associated with a 1-hour reduction in labor
analysis of 17 randomized trials, it was shown to have a reduc- compared to fluids at a rate of 125 mL/hour where oral intake is
tion in labor pain and duration compared to no aromatherapy. restricted. This review also found a 30% reduction in CDs com-
However, the heterogeneity of the trials included calls for a larger pared to fluids at a rate of 125 mL/hour. These differences were
trial with a more stringent study design in order to provide rec- not significant in the trials where oral intake was not restricted [11].
ommendations for or against aromatherapy [6]. The benefits are substantiated by the fact that several trials
In summary, aromatherapy with essential oils through inha- in nonpregnant adults demonstrate that increased fluid intake
lation or back massage can be considered in labor. improves exercise performance.
Compared to normal saline without dextrose, those containing
Immersion in water dextrose are associated with a 75-minute shorter duration of the
Compared to controls (labor not in water), water immersion dur- first stage of labor where oral intake is restricted [12]. Similarly
ing the first stage of labor reduces the use of epidural/spinal to the results discussed earlier, this meta-analysis did not find a
analgesia by 9% (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.83–0.99). There is no dif- significantly shorter duration of labor when the trials had a policy
ference in other outcomes: Duration of labor (mean difference of unrestricted oral intake. Five percent dextrose has also been
[MD] –11.53 minutes, 95% CI –45.42 to –22.36), mode of delivery associated with less umbilical cord acidemia compared to lac-
(RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.97–10.4), augmentation of labor by artificial tated Ringer’s solution [13].
rupture of membranes or use of oxytocin infusion (RR 1.02, 95% In summary, in the setting of oral restriction, IV fluids con-
CI 0.90–1.16), perineal trauma or maternal infection, Apgar score taining dextrose at 250 mL/hour are associated with shorter
<7 at 5 minutes (RR 1.58, 95% CI 0.63–3.93), or other neonatal duration of labor and fewer cesarean deliveries compared to
outcomes [7]. There is no evidence of increased adverse effects 125 mL/hour without dextrose and should be preferred. In the
to the fetus/neonate or woman from laboring in water. Laboring setting of liberal oral intake, no specific rate or type of IV fluid
in water is usually linked to midwifery care, which is associated is recommended.
with its own benefits (see Chap. 7). There are no trials evaluating
different baths/pools, immersion in water during pregnancy, or Maternal position
during the third stage of labor. Upright and mobile positions (either standing, sitting, kneel-
In summary, if there is reassuring fetal and maternal status ing, or walking around) in the first stage of labor reduce the
and it is desired by the patient, immersion in water in the first length of labor and do not seem to be associated with increased
stage of labor can be considered. For water birth and immer- intervention or negative effects on mothers’ and babies’ well-
sion in water in the second stage, see Chap. 9. being. Compared to recumbent positions, the first stage of labor
in women without regional anesthesia is approximately 1 hour
Nutrition in labor and 22 minutes shorter when randomized to upright and mobile
Since the evidence shows a shorter duration of labor without an in
positions. Women randomized to upright positions are less likely
increase in harm, there is little to no justification for the restriction
to have epidural analgesia (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.66–0.99) and CD
of fluids and food in labor for women at low risk of complications.
(RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54–0.94) [14]. There are no differences between
A meta-analysis of 10 randomized trials assessing various diets
groups for other outcomes, including length of the second stage
versus ice chips, water, or only water, included 3982 low-risk laboring
of labor, or other outcomes related to the well-being of mothers
women. All studies looked at women in active labor and at low risk
and babies, except for a lower incidence of neonatal intensive
of potentially requiring a general anesthetic. Three studies allowed
care unit admission in the upright group. For women who had
women to select from a low-residue diet, one study allowed honey-
epidural analgesia, there were no differences between those ran-
date syrup, and five allowed carbohydrate drinks. All the included
domized to upright versus recumbent positions for any of the
studies allowed patients to have the assigned diet throughout the
outcomes examined in the review [15]. A woman semireclining
entire course of labor until delivery. Compared to only ice, water, or
or lying down on the side or back during the first stage of labor
sips of water, a policy of unrestricted food intake was associated
may be more convenient for staff and can make it easier to moni-
with a significantly shorter duration of labor (MD –16 minutes,
tor progression and check the baby. Fetal monitoring, epidurals
95% CI –25 to –7). There were no significantly different rates of
for pain relief, and use of IV infusions also limit movement.
CD. No events of aspiration occurred in either group [8].
In summary, upright positions in the first stage of labor
Given that no studies found an increased risk of complication,
should be recommended in women without regional anes-
as well as the general rarity of its occurrence (about 15/10,000
thesia. Women with regional anesthesia in the first stage can
CDs) [9], there is no evidence to support food restrictions in
adopt whatever position they find most comfortable.
women in labor.
In summary, oral restriction of fluid or solid food in the first
stage of labor is not recommended.
Compared to remaining in bed, women without regional anesthe-
Acid prophylaxis drugs sia who walk during labor have a 3-hour and 57-minute shorter
There is no good evidence to support the routine administration duration during the first stage, are more likely to have a spontane-
of acid prophylaxis drugs in normal labor to prevent gastric aspira- ous vaginal delivery, are less likely to have operative vaginal deliv-
tion and its consequences [10]. Giving such drugs to women once a ery, and have a lower risk of requiring a CD [14]. For those with
decision to give general anesthesia is made is discussed in Chap. 12. regional anesthesia who ambulate, it is associated with a similar
length of first stage of labor, use of oxytocin, use of analgesia,
Intravenous fluids need for forceps vaginal delivery, or CD [15].
There have been many studies assessing type and rate of intra- In summary, ambulating should be recommended in the first
venous (IV) fluids in labor. A meta-analysis of seven random- stage of labor in women without regional anesthesia. Women
ized trials including 1215 women showed that fluids at a rate with regional anesthesia can ambulate or not ambulate in the
First Stage of Labor 101
first stage. See also “Maternal Position,” as upright position and intervention with the partogram is early use of oxytocin as soon
mobility have been associated with shorter labors. as the cervical dilatation falls to the right of the partogram, usu-
ally on the 2-hour cervical exams.
Bladder catheterization The use of the partogram cannot be recommended as a rou-
Compared to intermittent bladder catheterization, continuous tine intervention in labor. Compared to no partogram, the use
bladder catheterization during the first stage of labor in patients of the partogram is not associated with significant effects on
with an epidural is associated with no differences in the length of cesarean delivery (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.40–1.46), oxytocin augmen-
labor or incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), but signifi- tation (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.95–1.10), duration of the first stage of
cantly higher likelihood of CD. However, this finding is based on labor (RR 0.80 hours, 95% CI –0.06 to 1.66), or Apgar score <7
one small trial that was unable to reach the original sample size at 5 minutes (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.29–2.06), in two RCTs including
from the power analysis. Thus, more research is needed on blad- 1590 women [20].
der catheterization in labor [16]. When compared to a 4-hour action line, women in the 2-hour
In summary, routine continuous bladder catheterization action line group were more likely to receive oxytocin augmenta-
cannot be recommended in labor. tion (RR 2.44, 95% CI 1.36–4.35), with no differences in caesar-
ean delivery rates (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.88–1.28), duration of first
Frequency of cervical exams stage of labor (RR 0.81 hours, 95% CI 0.32–2.04), or Apgar score
Only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) assessed different <7 at 5 minutes (RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.61–1.42) [20].
frequencies of cervical assessment in labor. Comparing two- In summary, the use of a partogram cannot be recommended
hourly with four-hourly vaginal examinations in labor, there was as a routine intervention in labor.
no difference in length of labor (MD in minutes –6.00, 95% CI
–88.70 to 76.70; 1 RCT, n = 109). There were no data on maternal Peanut ball
or neonatal infections requiring antibiotics and women’s overall A peanut ball, which is an enlarged and elongated exercise ball
views of labor. There were no differences in augmentation, epi- that is placed between the women’s legs, has long been used
dural for pain relief, CD, spontaneous vaginal birth, and operative with the aim to decrease the amount of time in labor. The rou-
vaginal birth [17]. tine use of a peanut ball during the first stage of labor is asso-
The only other RCT on cervical assessment in labor compared ciated with a nonsignificant 79-minute shorter duration and
routine vaginal examinations with routine rectal examinations no decrease in the total length of time to delivery compared
to assess the progress of labor. There was no difference in neona- to no peanut ball. However, there were also trends toward an
tal infections requiring antibiotics (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.01–8.07; 1 increased incidence in spontaneous vaginal deliveries and
RCT, n = 307). There were no data on length of labor, maternal lower incidence of CD [21].
infections requiring antibiotics, and women’s overall views of In summary, the use of the peanut ball can be considered
labor. The study did show that significantly fewer women reported in labor.
that vaginal examination was very uncomfortable compared with
rectal examinations (RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.25–0.70). There were Birthing ball
no differences in augmentation, CD, spontaneous vaginal birth, Birthing balls (also known as Swiss balls) are round exercise
operative vaginal birth, perinatal mortality, and admission to balls that women in labor can sit on and perform different
neonatal intensive care. movements such as pelvic rotation and rocking back and forth.
In summary, cervical assessment should be done by cervical They are thought to widen the maternal pelvic outlet to assist in
and not rectal examination, as per patient’s safety and comfort. progression of labor, while also decreasing pain. A recent sys-
There is insufficient evidence to recommend any particular tematic review and meta-analysis of seven RCTs that included
frequency of vaginal cervical exams in labor. Most studies, 533 women demonstrated that the use of a birthing ball ver-
including those regarding active management, perform cervical sus no birthing ball resulted in no significant difference in the
exams every 2 hours in labor. However, the risk of chorioamnion- incidence of spontaneous vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery,
itis increases with increasing number of exams [18]. operative vaginal delivery, or duration of labor. However, it did
significantly reduce pain in the active phase of the first stage of
Membrane sweeping in labor labor [22].
There has only been one RCT on membrane sweeping in labor In summary, the use of a birthing ball during the first stage
with 400 participants. For the intervention group, membrane of labor can be considered.
sweeping was performed twice with every vaginal exam during
the first stage of labor. Sweeping was defined as digital separation Antispasmodics
2–3 cm from the internal cervical os and rotating the finger 360 Antispasmodics (e.g. valethamate bromide, hyoscine butyl-bromide,
degrees between the lower uterine segment and the fetal head. drotaverine hydrochloride, rociverine, and camylofin dihydro-
Women in the control group only received cervical examinations. chloride) have been used with the thought that they could lead to
The duration of labor and mode of delivery did not differ between faster and more effective dilation of the cervix. In a meta-analysis of
the two groups [19]. 17 randomized trials, they were shown to be associated with
In summary, routine membrane sweeping during the first a 74-minute shorter duration of the first stage of labor and an
stage of labor is not recommended. increased rate of cervical dilatation by an average of 0.61 cm/hour.
Antispasmodics are not associated with a significant effect on the
Use of partogram duration of the second and third stage of labor. However, the quality
A partogram is a preprinted form, the aim of which is to provide a of the evidence is low to very low [23].
pictorial overview of labor to plot progress and to alert health pro- In summary, antispasmodics cannot be routinely recom-
fessionals of any problems with the mother or baby. The general mended in labor.
102 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Early artificial rupture of membranes analgesia or neonatal outcomes of Apgar scores, umbilical cord
(aka Amniotomy) pH, or admission to special care baby unit. Many outcomes were
Compared to no amniotomy, routine amniotomy in normally pro- not evaluated, such as perinatal mortality, women’s satisfaction,
gressing spontaneous labor is not associated with significant dif- instrumental vaginal birth, uterine rupture, postpartum hemor-
ferences in length of the first stage of labor (MD –20.43 minutes, rhage, abnormal cardiotocography, women’s pyrexia, dystocia,
95% CI –95.93 to 55.06), CD (RR 1.27, 95% CI 0.99–1.63), mater- and neonatal neurological morbidity [29]. Based mostly on physi-
nal satisfaction with childbirth experience, or low Apgar score ologic studies, an oxytocin dilution of 10 mU/mL and initial dose
<7 at 5 minutes (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.28–1.00). Other maternal and of 2 mU/minute (12 mL/hour), incremental increase of 2 mU (12 mL)
perinatal outcomes are also not different. There is no consistency every 30–45 minutes until adequate labor, and maximum dose of
between RCTs regarding the timing of amniotomy during labor 16 mU/minute (up to 24 mU) have been proposed [28, 29].
in terms of cervical dilatation [24]. Stopping oxytocin instead of continuing it once the active
However, in the setting of labor induction, early amniotomy phase of labor is reached in women in spontaneous labor is not
(which is defined most consistently as amniotomy prior to the associated with maternal or perinatal benefits. Stopping oxy-
active phase of labor) has been shown to decrease the duration in tocin is associated with a longer (by about 30 minutes) time to
the first stage of labor by approximately 5 hours (MD –4.95 hours; delivery [30].
95% CI –8.12 to –1.78) without an increase in CD rates [25] (see In summary, oxytocin augmentation in women making slow
Chap. 23). progress in the first stage is associated with a 2-hour shorten-
In summary, routine amniotomy in normally progressing ing of labor, without apparent effect on mode of delivery or
spontaneous labor cannot be recommended as part of stan- other maternal and perinatal outcomes. Higher doses of oxy-
dard labor management and care, but early amniotomy in tocin can be considered.
labor induction after cervical ripening and expulsion of the For use of oxytocin in induction, see Chap. 23.
balloon is recommended.
Active management of labor
Oxytocin augmentation Active management of labor was originally devised to shorten
There are no trials to evaluate the timing and dosing of oxyto- labor and therefore prevent prolonged labor. Its components have
cin in labor in women making normal progress in labor. varied somewhat in the literature but generally include antenatal
For women making slow progress in the first stage of spon- classes, admission not before premature rupture of membranes
taneous labor, treatment with oxytocin as compared with no (PROM) or 2 cm dilatation and full effacement (active labor),
treatment or delayed oxytocin treatment does not result in any early amniotomy, support by doula, use of partogram, and vaginal
discernable difference in the number of cesarean deliveries per- exams every 2 hours, with oxytocin started for rate of progress
formed in one meta-analysis. In addition, there are no detect- off the partogram or <1 cm/hour. Oxytocin rate is started at 4–6
able adverse effects for mother or baby [26]. The meta-analysis mU/minute, increased by 4–6 mU every 15 minutes to reach con-
included eight appropriate studies, for a total of 1338 women with tractions every 2–3 minutes (but not more than 7/15 minutes),
low-risk singleton pregnancies at term in the active stage of labor. or 40 mU/minute. Early amniotomy and early use of high-dose
IV oxytocin versus placebo or no treatment (three trials; 138 oxytocin are the two most characteristic interventions of active
women) showed no difference as for CD rates; only three small management of labor.
trials were considered, so the comparison was clearly underpow- Compared to “routine” care (no active management), active
ered to make any firm conclusions. Early use of IV oxytocin management of labor with early oxytocin and amniotomy for
versus delayed use (five trials; 1200 women), however, was much the prevention of dysfunctional or slow labor is associated with a
larger and also showed no effect on CD rates. The early use of shorter duration of the first stage (MD –1.28 hours; 95% CI –1.97
oxytocin did significantly increase uterine tachysystole with fetal to –0.59) and lower rates of CD (RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.77–0.99). For
heart rate changes; however, this did not translate into serious treatment of dysfunctional labor, active management is also asso-
neonatal morbidity or perinatal death. The early use of oxytocin, ciated with a shorter duration in the first stage; however, no dif-
as opposed to its delayed use, did significantly shorten the time ferences in CD rates were found, although it is important to note
to delivery by approximately 2 hours, which might be impor- that the number of trials reporting on treatment intervention and
tant to some women. outcome were only 3, compared to 11 in the prevention group,
In a different meta-analysis, early oxytocin was associated with thus limiting the sample size [31].
a 9% significant increase in the probability of spontaneous vagi- In summary, early intervention with oxytocin and amni-
nal delivery (SVD), but also a tripling of the rate of tachysystole, otomy for the prevention and treatment for dysfunctional or
without apparent perinatal consequences [27]. slow labor is recommended.
There is insufficient evidence to assess how to best use (i.e.
dosing issues) oxytocin for augmentation of labor. There are Use of continuous vs. intermittent monitoring,
four variables to assess: (1) type of dilution, (2) initial dose, (3) amnioinfusion for variables, scalp sampling, etc.
incremental increase, and (4) maximum dose [28]. In a meta- See Chap. 10.
analysis, a higher initial dose (e.g., 2 mU/minute) of oxytocin and
incremental dose (e.g., 4 mU/minute or more) was associated with Epidural or other anesthesia
a significant reduction in the length of labor reported from one See Chap. 11.
trial (MD –3.50 hours, 95% CI –6.38 to –0.62, 1 RCT, n = 40).
There was a decrease in the rate of CD (RR 0.62; 95% CI 0.44– Use of intrauterine pressure catheter
0.86) and an increase in the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth (RR The intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) can measure more
1.35; 95% CI 1.13–1.62). There were no significant differences for objectively than external tocomonitor the intensity of uter-
neonatal mortality, tachysystole, chorioamnionitis, or epidural ine contractions. It necessitates rupture of membranes (ROM).
First Stage of Labor 103
Intensity is usually calculated by Montevideo units, that is, active labor. It must be kept in mind that progression in the ear-
the sum of peak pressures above baseline of all contractions in lier part of “active labor” will typically be slower than 0.6 cm/
10 minutes. hour, while progression in more advanced active labor will typi-
Several RCTs have assessed the effect of IUPC on labor out- cally be more rapid [40].
comes. In the largest RCT, compared to no IUPC, IUPC use is Abnormal progression of labor, including terms such as dysto-
associated with no effect in the rate of operative deliveries, mater- cia, dysfunctional labor, failure to progress, cephalopelvic dispro-
nal or fetal infection, or other maternal or perinatal recorded out- portion, and others, is the most common problem in labor and
come [32]. In the meta-analysis, the neonatal outcome was not the reason for the majority of CDs [41]. Risk factors for dystocia
statistically different between groups: Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes are, among others, as follows: Obesity, induction, Bishop <5 at
(RR 1.78, 95% CI 0.83–3.83), umbilical artery pH <7.15 (RR 1.31, start of labor, station higher than –2, persistent occiput poste-
95% CI 0.95–1.79), admission to the neonatal intensive care unit rior, macrosomia, epidural anesthesia, etc. There are no RCTs on
(RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.07–1.67), and more than 48 hours hospitaliza- interventions for asynclitism [42]. (See also Chap. 24.; for mal-
tion (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.71–1.20). The pooled risk for instrumental position, see Chap. 24). Dystocia cannot be diagnosed unless
delivery (including CD, vacuum, and forceps extraction) was not ROM has occurred and adequate oxytocin to achieve at least
statistically significantly different (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.91–1.21). 3–5 adequate contractions per hour has been instituted. Dystocia
Tachysystole was similar between groups (RR 1.21, 95% CI 0.78– also cannot be diagnosed reliably before the first stage of labor
1.88). No serious complications were reported in the trials, and has entered the active phase, which has been defined, espe-
no neonatal or maternal deaths occurred [33]. cially in nulliparous with epidurals in place, as at least 6 cm
In summary, the routine use of the IUPC cannot be recom- of cervical dilatation [38, 39]. The majority (>60%) of women
mended in labor, unless clinically indicated. See also “Criteria for who experience 2 hours of labor arrest despite a sustained uterine
Diagnosis of Failure to Progress in First Stage.” contraction pattern of at least 200 Montevideo units in the first
stage of labor will achieve a vaginal delivery if oxytocin is contin-
Use of ultrasound during labor ued [43]. Before performing a CD for active-phase labor arrest,
There is growing evidence, including RCTs, to assess the effect labor should be arrested for a minimum of 4 hours (if uterine
of using ultrasound during labor and delivery. There are several activity is greater than 200 Montevideo units as documented
potential uses, including as an aid to the diagnosis of malposition, with IUPC) or 6 hours (if greater than 200 Montevideo units
dystocia, etc. [34]. Performing routine ultrasound to assess fetal could not be sustained) [43, 44]. These data are not from an
head position in singleton pregnancies in labor ≥8 cm, compared RCT, and there was a significant higher risk of shoulder dystocia
to digital vaginal assessment alone, is associated with an increase among parturients who had arrest for 4 hours or more. Vaginal
in operative vaginal delivery, with no other effects on maternal or birth after cesarean (VBAC) and women with diabetes were not
perinatal outcomes [35]. included in this study. Please see Chap. 8 for additional evidence
In summary, the routine use of ultrasound during a normally on dystocia.
evolving first stage of labor cannot be recommended. In women at term with singleton gestations and requiring oxy-
tocin by obstetrician because of “dystocia” at 4–6 cm, meperi-
Criteria for diagnosis of failure dine 100 mg IV does not affect operative delivery rates and
worsens neonatal outcomes compared to placebo [45] (see also
to progress in first stage Chap. 8).
According to studies now >60 years old in women without In summary, CD for arrest in the first stage of labor should not
regional anesthesia by Friedman, the active phase began at 2.5 cm be performed unless labor has arrested for a minimum of 4 hours
and ended at complete dilatation, with an average duration of with adequate uterine activity, or 6 hours with inadequate uterine
4.6–4.9 hours, a mean rate of cervical dilation of 3 cm/hour, and activity in a woman with ROM, adequate oxytocin, and ≥6 cm
the slowest acceptable rate (95th percentile) of 1.2 cm/hour [36, cervical dilation.
37]. More recently, investigators found that the active phase of
labor in nulliparous women lasts longer than previously thought. References
According to a systematic review, which included 18 studies (for
1. Alhafez L, Berghella V. Evidence-based labor management: first stage of
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Alexis C. Gimovsky
TABLE 9.1: Summary of Interventions in the Second Stage during the second stage of labor. Compared with placebo, pro-
of Labor phylactic betamimetic therapy is associated with an increase in
forceps deliveries. The trial protocol required forceps to be used
Intervention Recommendation
if the second stage of labor exceeded 30 minutes in both groups.
Prophylactic oxygen Not recommended There are no clear effects of prophylactic tocolysis on postpartum
Prophylactic tocolytic administration Not recommended hemorrhage, neonatal irritability, feeding slowness, umbilical
Upright position without epidural Recommended arterial pH values, or Apgar scores at 2 minutes [3]. In summary,
Upright position with epidural Insufficient evidence routine prophylactic tocolysis should not be performed in the
Maternal stirrup use Insufficient evidence second stage of labor.
Water immersion in the second stage Insufficient evidence
Prophylactic positioning to prevent shoulder dystocia
Water birth Not recommended
See Chap. 25.
Immediate Pushing Recommended
Open versus closed glottis pushing Insufficient evidence
Ultrasound-assisted coaching Insufficient evidence Management
Dental support device Insufficient evidence
Maternal position
Fundal pressure Not recommended There are several benefits for upright posture in women with-
Perineal Massage Recommended out epidural anesthesia during the second stage of labor:
Perineal hyaluronidase injection Insufficient evidence Sitting (obstetric chair/stool), semi-recumbent (trunk tilted back-
Perineal gel Not recommended ward 30 degrees to the vertical), kneeling, squatting unaided or
Perineal Warm Packs/Heating Pad Recommended using squatting bars, and squatting aided with birth cushion are
Perineal protection device Insufficient evidence all considered upright positions for women in labor.
Manual rotation Insufficient evidence Use of any upright or lateral position, compared with supine
Routine Ritgen maneuver Not recommended or lithotomy positions, is associated, in women without epidural
“Hands-Poised” Position Recommended analgesia, with a small (4 minutes) reduction in duration of sec-
Routine episiotomy Not recommended
ond stage of labor, a 20% reduction in assisted deliveries, a 17%
reduction in episiotomies, a 23% increase in second-degree
Ultrasound use in the second stage Not recommended
perineal tears, a 63% increase in estimated blood loss >500
Allow a 4-hour second stage in nulliparas, Recommended
mL, a 23% reduction in reporting of severe pain during second
stage of labor, and a 69% reduction in abnormal fetal heart rate
a See Table 9.2. patterns [4]. Use of the birth stool showed no effect, and results
with the birth chair were variable. Estimation of blood loss in the
• Nulliparous women with epidurals should be allowed upright group may be influenced by the fact that blood loss in
to labor for at least 1 additional hour after prolonged the birth chair is assisted by gravity and collected in a receptacle.
(3-hour) second stage of labor, since this results in a 55% Physiologic advantages for upright labor may include lessened
lower chance of cesarean delivery (CD) without a large risk of aortocaval compression, improved acid–base outcomes in
absolute increase in perinatal morbidities. There is insuffi- the neonates, stronger and more efficient uterine contractions,
cient evidence to determine exactly when the second stage improved alignment of the fetus for passage through the pelvis
is considered to be prolonged and associated with enough (“drive angle”), and larger anteroposterior and transverse pelvic
complications as to justify either OVD or CD. outlet diameters, resulting in an increase in the total outlet area
in the squatting and kneeling positions [4].
See Table 9.1 for a summary of suggested interventions. In women with epidural anesthesia, the evidence is mixed;
however, a large RCT supports the lying-down position in nul-
Prophylactic interventions liparas with epidural anesthesia. In the largest trial on position
in the second stage for nulliparous women with epidural anes-
Maternal oxygen thesia, there were 14% fewer spontaneous vaginal births in the
Prophylactic intrapartum maternal oxygen in the sec- upright group in comparison to the lying-down group [5]. In a
ond stage of normal labor is associated with more frequent smaller RCT, compared with a supported sitting position, lateral
low (<7.20) cord blood pH values than the control group in a position was associated with a lower chance of an operative vagi-
Cochrane review [1]. There were no other statistically signifi- nal delivery (OVD) [6]. Kneeling and sitting upright are associ-
cant differences between the groups. There is a tendency toward ated with a similar duration of second stage and other outcomes,
reduced cord arterial blood oxygen content and oxygen satura- except for a more favorable maternal experience and less pain
tion in mothers treated with oxygen compared with controls. In associated with kneeling [7]. In a Cochrane review of eight
a large recent randomized controlled trial (RCT), there was no RCTs, there was no significant difference in OVD, cesarean
difference in cord pH with the administration of oxygen during delivery (CD), postpartum hemorrhage, or duration of second
the second stage of labor in uncomplicated pregnancies [2]. In stage based on position during labor [8]. Maternal satisfaction
summary, routine maternal oxygenation throughout the sec- with the overall childbirth experience was slightly lower in the
ond stage should not be performed. upright group; however, 57% less babies were born with low
cord pH in the upright group [8].
Prophylactic tocolysis In summary, women without epidural anesthesia should
There is no evidence to support the prophylactic use of betami- be encouraged to give birth in the upright position, which is
metics to prevent nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing (NRFHT) also the position they usually find most comfortable [4]. There
Second Stage of Labor 107
is insufficient evidence supporting the best position for giv- with encouraging a woman’s own urge to push (open glottis),
ing birth in women with epidural anesthesia. The American pushing using the Valsalva maneuver (closed glottis: Taking a
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) therefore deep breath, holding it, and pushing for as long and hard as pos-
supports position changes as desired to sustain maternal comfort sible two to three times during each contraction) is associated
and to maintain appropriate monitoring during labor of women with shorter (by 19 minutes) duration of labor, similar inci-
with epidural anesthesia [9]. dences of OVDs, need for perineal repair, postpartum hemor-
rhage, and neonatal outcomes [17]. Urodynamic studies done 3
Maternal stirrup use months after delivery are worse in the closed glottis group, but
Routine use of stirrups during labor has had limited study insuf- long-term outcome has not been studied [17]. Labor attendants
ficient to make a recommendation. In one small RCT, women should counsel women in labor regarding these data and support
who delivered in bed with stirrups vs. those who delivered without the parturient in her own choice of pushing technique. ACOG
stirrups had similar perineal lacerations, incidence of prolonged supports an individualized pushing technique as preferred by the
second stage, OVD, and CD incidence [10]. In summary, there patient [9]. In summary, there is insufficient evidence to make
is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation regarding a recommendation regarding pushing method.
use of stirrups in labor.
Coactivation during Valsalva
Epidural or other anesthesia The Valsalva maneuver is ordinarily associated with relaxation of
See Chap. 11. the levator ani muscle, which expands around the presenting fetus;
but in some women Valsalva produces levator ani muscle contrac-
Water immersion tion, which is referred to as levator ani muscle coactivation. This has
Although there is some evidence that water immersion in the first been demonstrated by transperineal ultrasound. In one prospec-
stage of labor may reduce the need for epidural/spinal anesthesia tive study, transperineal ultrasound in the second stage of labor
and decrease the length of the first stage of labor (see Chap. 8), immer- was used to measure levator ani muscle coactivation in a group
sion during the second stage has been insufficiently studied of nulliparous women undergoing labor induction to assess labor
and may be best avoided, given the lack of sufficient safety data. outcomes and duration. Women with levator ani muscle coacti-
Of the three trials that compared water immersion during the vation had significantly longer active second-stage duration
second stage with no immersion, only one trial showed a signifi- (about 32 minutes). There was no significant difference between
cantly higher level of satisfaction with the birth experience (rela- women who underwent operative delivery when compared with
tive risk [RR] 0.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.07–0.70). There the SVD group in the prevalence of levator ani muscle coactivation
are reports of neonatal water aspirations from birth (at the end [18]. In summary, women with levator ani coactivation have a
of the second stage) in water [11, 12]. Both ACOG and National longer second stage but no difference in SVD rate.
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) conclude that
as the safety has not been well established, water immersion in Coached pushing
the second stage of labor should be avoided. In summary, water Although traditional coached pushing confers the benefit of
immersion in the second stage of labor should be avoided, as a slightly shorter second stage (about 13 minutes), coached
the risks have not been adequately assessed [13, 14]. maternal pushing confers no other advantages, and withhold-
ing such coaching is not detrimental to maternal or fetal out-
Pushing comes [19]. Sonographically coached pushing, i.e. using visual
Delayed vs. early pushing demonstration by transperineal ultrasound of the progression
In nulliparous women at term with epidural analgesia and a sin- of fetal head descent, is associated with a shorter active phase
gleton, cephalic fetus, delayed pushing (waiting an hour or until of the second stage of labor (about 15 minutes) [20]. In sum-
the urge to push) is associated with a similar rate of spontaneous mary, coached pushing is not harmful to women in labor,
vaginal delivery (SVD) compared with early (immediately upon and ultrasound-assisted pushing seems helpful but has been
entering second stage) pushing (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.96–1.03) [15]. insufficiently studied.
Women who delay pushing have a longer second stage (about
32 minutes) and a shorter duration of pushing (about 10 minutes). Use of a dental support device
Women who push immediately have a 30% lower risk of chorio- In one RCT, wearing a dental support device (mouthguard) is
amnionitis and a 40% lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage, associated with a shorter second stage (19 minutes). In addition,
but a 10% higher risk of third-degree lacerations [15]. Umbilical less operative intervention was used in the dental support group.
cord pH < 7.1 and suspected sepsis were more common in the Further research into optimizing maternal expulsive efforts is
delayed pushing group. In a meta-analysis of 12 RCTs, similar needed to evaluate the overall benefit of dental devices [21]. In
results were noted [16]. Due to the adverse outcomes associated summary, use of a dental support device during the second
with delayed pushing and potentially prolonged second stage, stage of labor is recommended.
careful monitoring of both mother and fetus is necessary to
allow labor to continue safely if desired by the patient and pro- Fundal pressure
vider. (see also “Criteria for Diagnosis of Prolonged Second Stage”). In the second stage of labor, fundal pressure has been evaluated
ACOG is therefore in support of immediate pushing for nulliparas by manual pressure, by gentle assisted pressure, or by use of an
with epidural anesthesia [9]. In summary, immediate pushing is obstetric belt wrapped around the woman’s abdomen above the
recommended upon entering the second stage. level of the uterine fundus.
Compared with no manual fundal pressure, manual fundal
Pushing method: Valsalva vs. spontaneous pressure (Kristeller maneuver) concomitant with each con-
Most women spontaneously choose to Valsalva during the second traction while the patient has the urge to push during the
stage of labor. In women without epidural anesthesia, compared second stage is not associated with any significant changes in
108 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
duration of labor or with other maternal and perinatal out- intervention. Data from additional trials that contained a placebo
comes in one RCT [22]. Additionally, manual fundal pressure is injection show no clear evidence of a reduction in the incidence
associated with a higher rate of levator ani muscle injury in of perineal trauma, episiotomy, and third- and fourth-degree
comparison to control [23]. A Cochrane review of manual fundal perineal lacerations. In summary, the potential use of perineal
pressure of nine trials showed that manual fundal pressure was HAase injection as a method to reduce perineal trauma has
not associated with changes in SVD, OVD, CD, duration of sec- yet to be determined [29].
ond stage, or low arterial cord pH. More women who received
manual fundal pressure had cervical tears than in the control Perineal gel
group (RR 4.90, 95% CI 1.09–21.98 [24]. The use of a sterile obstetrical gel (lubricant) without perineal
“Gentle assisted pushing (GAP)” is a method of applying gentle, massage has been assessed in women in the second stage of labor.
steady pressure to a woman’s fundus during the second stage of The rates of OVD and CD were comparable between the gel
labor. In the GAP method, the woman is assisted to assume an group and control. There was no reduction in perinatal lacera-
upright kneeling or squatting position on the bed. The provider tions or in the length of the second stage. No adverse perinatal
kneels on the bed or stands behind the woman, wraps the arms outcomes were noted [30]. A meta-analysis of the use of gel to
around her, and places both open palms, overlapping, on the shorten the second stage of labor supported these findings [31]. In
uterine fundus. Steady pressure is applied in the long axis of the summary, use of a perineal gel as a lubricant without perineal
uterus during contractions for a maximum of 30 seconds, with at massage is not recommended.
least 30 seconds of rest before the next application. One trial of
nulliparous women showed that the duration of the second stage Perineal warm packs
of labor was not different in the GAP group versus control. There Application of perineal warm packs during the second stage
were no differences in secondary outcomes, except that at two of labor was associated with less severe (third- or fourth-
sites maternal discomfort was greater for the GAP group com- degree) tears than was standard management. In addition, pain
pared with control [25]. scores were less on postpartum days 1 and 2 in the intervention
The fundal pressure belt inflates with each contraction to a group. After 3 months, a trend toward decreased symptoms of
maximum of 200 mmHg for 30 seconds. Compared with no belt, urinary incontinence was seen in the intervention group [32].
the inflatable obstetric belt is associated with similar incidence An RCT evaluating the effect of warm compresses on episiotomy
of SVD in nulliparous women with singleton term pregnancies showed a decrease in episiotomy use in primiparous women
and an epidural. All other maternal and neonatal outcomes are in the second stage of labor without analgesia (90% vs. 45%, p <
similar, but women with no belt have greater satisfaction [26]. 0.001) [33]. A Cochrane review also supports a decrease in third-
In a Cochrane review, fundal pressure by inflatable belt did not or fourth-degree lacerations, and a meta-analysis of seven trials
reduce OVD or CD. Duration of second stage was shortened showed that warm compresses were associated with a higher rate
in nulliparous women (mean difference –50.80 minutes, 95% CI of intact perineum, a lower rate of third- and fourth-degree
–94.85 to –6.74 minutes). The inflatable belt did not affect the tears, and episiotomy in comparison to controls [28, 34].
incidence of low arterial cord pH babies, but third-degree Use of a heating pad at the start of the second stage has been
perineal tears were increased in the inflatable belt group (RR evaluated in primiparous women delivered by Ritgen maneuver
15.69, 95% CI 2.10–117.02) [24]. in one RCT and showed that episiotomy risk was lower in the
In summary, manual fundal pressure, GAP, and belt fundal heating pad group [35]. In summary, warm packs should be rec-
pressure have not been associated with an effect on method of ommended in the second stage.
delivery, but they are associated with decreased maternal sat-
isfaction, increase in cervical and third-degree tears, and Perineal protection device
shorter second stage in nulliparas; therefore, all types of fun- A perineal protection device, a plastic device inserted into the
dal pressure should be avoided. perineum when the fetal head is visible at the introitus during
crowning, has been shown to decrease the risk of first- and
Perineal massage second-degree tears in the vaginal and perineum during vaginal
Perineal massage has been evaluated for a decrease in perineal lac- birth in comparison to no device in one trial (34.9% vs. 26.6%, p =
erations. Perineal massage has not been associated with compli- 0.03). The number needed to treat to prevent one laceration was
cations. For perineal massage during pregnancy and before labor, 12 [36]. In summary, the use of a perineal protection device
see Chap. 2. Perineal massage and stretching of the perineum has insufficient evidence to make a recommendation.
with a water-soluble lubricant in the second stage of labor are
associated with a 40% increased rate of intact perineum, a 51% Manual rotation
decreased rate of severe perineal trauma, and a 44% decreased Persistent fetal occiput posterior position is a risk factor for
rate of episiotomy compared with controls [27]. A Cochrane prolonged labor and higher rate of CD. Malposition includes
review also favored perineal massage versus hands off for a 51% occiput transverse or posterior positions. These are often
reduction in third- or fourth-degree tears [28]. In summary, associated with asynclitism, defined often as the “oblique mal-
perineal massage is recommended in the second stage of labor presentation of the fetal head in labor” [37]. In a pilot RCT of 30
to decrease perineal trauma. women with occiput posterior fetuses who were randomized to
manual rotation or sham procedure, operative delivery (CD plus
Perineal hyaluronidase injections OVD) were similar in both groups [38]. In an RCT of 65 nullipa-
Perineal hyaluronidase (perineal HAase) injections have also ras where manual rotation was attempted at the beginning of the
been used to reduce perineal trauma. In a Cochrane review of second stage, the manual rotation group had a shorter second
this strategy, hyaluronidase injection during the second stage of stage (about 13 minutes) and a higher rate of SVD [39]. When
labor had a lower incidence of perineal trauma compared with no assisted by ultrasound, manual rotation and SVD success rate
Second Stage of Labor 109
were improved (see also Chap. 26) [40]. Therefore, there is insuf- episiotomy should not be performed, as restrictive episiotomy
ficient evidence to evaluate the efficacy of manual rotation in policies have many benefits compared with routine episiot-
labor, but limited data are encouraging. omy policies.
Several non–level 1 studies have compared maternal and peri- comparing outcomes of women in two different periods. Period
natal outcomes between women with shorter versus “prolonged” 1 consisted of a definition of prolonged second stage in nullipa-
second stage. In a review of all studies up to 2004, a strong asso- rous women after 3 hours with regional anesthesia or 2 hours if
ciation between prolonged second stage and OVD was noted no such anesthesia was provided. Period 2 allowed nulliparous
[52], although the definition of prolonged second stage was incon- and multiparous women to continue the second stage of labor an
sistent across studies. In addition, significant associations with additional 1 hour. The primary CD rate in period 2 was decreased
maternal outcomes such as postpartum hemorrhage, infection, in nulliparous women (RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.61–0.74) and in mul-
and severe obstetric lacerations were reported, but again, meth- tiparous women (RR, 0.75; 95% CI 0.67–0.84). The rate of OVD
ods varied widely. Urinary incontinence may also be increased in nulliparous women was higher in period 2 than in period 1
with prolonged second stage [48]. Anal incontinence does not (19.2% vs. 17.7%, p <0.0001). Rates of third- and fourth-degree
seem to be affected [53]. In general, SVD without morbidity lacerations and of shoulder dystocia were also higher in period 2.
decreases with increasing duration of the second stage [54, 55]. The rate of arterial cord pH <7.0 and the rate of admission to the
However, these risks may not be entirely related to the duration neonatal intensive care unit were higher in period 2, but the early
of the second stage and may also be related to management of the neurologic outcome was not different [62].
second stage by the health care provider [55]. Additionally, the If there are no signs of infection (maternal or fetal), no
negative consequences of a prolonged second stage seem to have a maternal exhaustion, and reassuring fetal testing, labor can
low absolute risk difference [55]. No clear associations between be allowed to continue beyond current limits (Table 9.2) as
prolonged second stage and adverse neonatal outcomes have long as some progress has been made. This is supported by the
been reported [52, 56]. The length of the second stage is not AHRQ recommendations [63]. Nevertheless, even if contractions
associated with poor neonatal outcome as long as reassuring fetal are adequate, the chance of vaginal delivery decreases progres-
testing is present. A recent large retrospective study suggested sively after 3–5 hours of pushing in the second stage [64].
that neonatal sepsis (odds ratio [OR] 2.08, 95% CI 1.60–2.70), A mandatory second opinion is associated with 22 fewer
asphyxia (OR 2.39, 95% CI 1.28–4.27), and mortality (OR 5.92, intrapartum CDs per 1000 deliveries without affecting maternal
95% CI 1.43–24.51) were increased in nulliparous women with or perinatal outcomes (see Chap. 13) [65].
prolonged second stage of labor [57]. Nevertheless, these data are In summary, prolongation of the second stage by at least
limited by their retrospective nature. 1 hour (over the 3 hours that define prolonged second stage) in
In a large observational study of 53,285 women, time spent dur- nulliparous women with epidural anesthesia is recommended;
ing active pushing was found to be associated with increases in a mandatory second opinion is beneficial to reduce the CD rate.
postpartum hemorrhage, third- and fourth-degree lacerations, and
composite neonatal adverse outcome. The composite neonatal out- Second-stage duration during a trial
come in nulliparous women with active pushing ≥240 minutes was of labor after cesarean delivery
increased (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.2–4.2) in comparison to the reference Most women with a previous CD who reach the second stage
group of <60 minutes and was also increased for parous women of labor deliver vaginally (90.6%). As in women without a prior
with active pushing ≥120 minutes (OR 2.7; 95% CI 1.5–4.8) in com- CD, as the length of the second stage increases, the chance of a
parison to the referent group of <60 minutes [58]. successful vaginal birth decreases. The risk of uterine rupture
Long-term outcome data are also lacking in the area of pelvic or dehiscence increases with second-stage length from less than
floor dysfunction (PFD). In one survey of women immediately and 1 hour (0.7%), 1 to less than 2 hours (1.4%), 2 to less than 3 hours
3 months postpartum, all women had a large difference in PFD (1.5%), to 3 hours or greater (3.1%). Risk of neonatal outcomes did
symptoms during pregnancy and 3-month postpartum (p < 0.001). not differ significantly by second-stage length [66]. In summary,
A larger recovery of colorectal and anal dysfunction symptoms was the risk of uterine rupture increases with the length of the
associated with a shorter duration of the second stage of labor [59]. second stage in women with prior CD.
The challenge with the evidence presented here is that these
maternal detriments of prolonged second stage occur when these Possible effects of cesarean delivery
women are compared with women without prolonged second in the second stage of labor
stage. It is evident that a planned CD before labor might decrease In a large retrospective study of second-stage CD, the risk of pre-
some of these complications (e.g. bleeding, infection, lacerations, term birth <37 weeks in the subsequent pregnancy was increased
and incontinence). The clinical issue is different, however. (RR 1.57; 95% CI 1.43–1.73) [67]. Length of time spent in the
Once a woman is having a prolonged second stage, should second stage with resultant CD and risk of preterm birth is a
she be delivered operatively or should she continue labor? CD controversial risk factor, as there are studies both refuting and
performed after prolonged second stage has been associated with supporting this as a potential confounder [68, 69]. In summary,
longer surgery time, increased postoperative fevers, maternal women with a prior CD during the second stage may have an
intraoperative trauma including higher risk of extensions of the increased risk in a future pregnancy for preterm birth.
uterine incision, and higher composite maternal morbidity, but
similar perinatal outcomes compared with CD performed before
prolonged second stage [60]. References
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Alyssa R. Hersh and Jorge E. Tolosa
Oxytocin agonists with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Studies suggest that these
Carbetocin is a synthetic analogue of oxytocin; 100 μg IV has side effects are dose dependent, particularly with doses exceed-
been shown to reduce the need for therapeutic uterotonics ing 600 μg [16].
compared to oxytocin for those women who underwent cesar- Compared with placebo, prophylactic oral or sublingual
ean section [10]. Compared with Syntometrine (oxytocin plus misoprostol reduces the risk of severe PPH and need for blood
ergometrine), carbetocin is associated with less blood loss and transfusion [17]. When compared to conventional injectable
fewer side effects when used prophylactically following vaginal uterotonics (oxytocin, Syntometrine, or ergometrine), the risk of
delivery; however, the risk of PPH is not decreased [10, 11]. An PPH is no better [17–19]. Recent RCTs have found conflicting evi-
international randomized, controlled noninferiority trial, which dence for the benefit of misoprostol over oxytocin at vaginal deliv-
enrolled over 29,000 women expected to give birth vaginally, ery [20, 21]. For cesarean delivery, misoprostol combined with
found that heat-stable carbetocin was noninferior to oxytocin for oxytocin may be more effective than oxytocin alone in reducing
the use of additional uterotonics or blood loss of greater than intraoperative and postoperative hemorrhage [22]. Furthermore,
500 mL; however, noninferiority was not demonstrated with a recent network meta-analysis found that oxytocin with miso-
blood loss greater than 1000 mL [12]. There was no difference in prostol was more effective in reducing blood loss greater than
adverse events. As carbetocin is similar to oxytocin in outcomes 500 mL [14]. However, due to the conflicting evidence of its ben-
but not widely available, the decision to use it compared to oxyto- efit, misoprostol may be a more appropriate first-line agent in the
cin should be based on local circumstances. setting of no IV access, patients with contraindications to other
uterotonics, or in resource-poor settings (see Chap. 28).
Ergot alkaloids (Methergine® or ergometrine) Prostaglandin F2α (Hemabate/carboprost) causes contrac-
Ergot alkaloids cause sustained tonic contraction of uterine tion of uterine smooth muscle cells. Administration is either
smooth muscle by stimulation of alpha-adrenergic myometrial 0.25 mg IM or as a direct injection into the myometrium, which
receptors. The dose is 0.2 mg IM injection or PO (orally), with may be repeated every 15–20 minutes for a maximum of eight
a mean elimination half-life of 3.4 hours (range 1.5–12.7 hours). doses or 2 mg. Side effects are secondary to smooth muscle con-
IV administration is not recommended, as it is associated with striction and include bronchoconstriction, venoconstriction, and
more severe side effects. Nausea and vomiting are common side constriction of GI smooth muscle. Common side effects are nau-
effects, although the most concerning side effect is vasoconstric- sea, vomiting, diarrhea, pyrexia, bronchospasm, and case reports
tion of the vascular smooth muscle. This results in elevation of of hypotension and intrapulmonary shunting with arterial oxy-
central venous pressure and systemic blood pressure, increasing gen desaturation. It is contraindicated in patients with cardiac
the risk of pulmonary edema, stroke, or myocardial infarction. and pulmonary disease. There is no high-quality evidence to
Contraindications include cardiac disease, autoimmune dis- support the use of carboprost for PPH prophylaxis.
eases associated with Raynaud phenomena, peripheral vascular
disease, arteriovenous shunts, hypertension, preeclampsia, and Tranexamic acid
eclampsia. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a synthetic derivative of the amino
Compared with oxytocin, ergot alkaloids used alone as pro- acid lysine that is metabolized in the kidney and functions as
phylactic uterotonics have similar benefits, such as reducing blood an antifibrinolytic that has been studied for use as treatment for
loss, reducing the need for additional uterotonics, and increasing PPH, as well as for prophylaxis. Side effects include nausea, vom-
maternal hemoglobin levels. However, they are associated with iting, and dizziness [23]. A large multicountry RCT called “The
worse side effects, suggesting other agents such as oxytocin may Woman Trial” tested the use of 1 g of TXA initially (100 mg/mL
be preferable as the first-line prophylactic agent [13]. at a rate of 1 mL/minute), followed by 1 g if bleeding contin-
Compared with oxytocin alone, ergot alkaloids in addition to ued, in women diagnosed with PPH compared to placebo; TXA
oxytocin are associated with a statistically significant reduction reduced the rate of maternal death due to bleeding in women
in the risk of PPH when compared to oxytocin alone for blood with PPH (see Chap. 14) [24].
loss of 500 mL or more. A network meta-analysis found a sig- When used for prophylaxis for women undergoing cesarean
nificant difference in blood loss 1000 mL or more [14]. There were delivery, TXA given in combination with routine traditional
no differences in blood transfusion, retained placenta, or other prophylactic uterotonics (e.g. oxytocin) appears to decrease the
neonatal outcomes. Unfortunately, the adverse side effects when risk of postpartum blood loss and need for blood transfusion in
ergometrine is added to oxytocin are important to consider, women at low risk for PPH, with data from clinical trials of mixed
including nausea, vomiting, and hypertension [15]. quality and meta-analysis from such data [23, 25]. For prophylaxis,
Syntometrine is a combination drug containing oxytocin 5 IU it is administered intravenously at a dose of 10 mg/kg (usually a
and ergometrine 0.5 mg and is administered intramuscularly. As maximum of 1 g), 10–20 minutes before skin incision, with rapid
with ergot alkaloids alone, side effects are significant, including onset of action and a mean elimination half-life of 2–10 hours.
nausea, vomiting, and hypertension [7, 15]. We recommend TXA be considered for routine prophylactic
use at cesarean section in addition to prophylactic oxytocin.
Prostaglandins For women planning to have a vaginal delivery, there is vari-
Misoprostol is a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E1 and is ability among published studies. For prophylaxis, it is adminis-
metabolized in the liver. The tablet can be given by the oral or tered intravenously at a dose of 1 g (in 10 mL over 2–3 minutes)
sublingual route at 400–600 μg, or by the vaginal or rectal within 10 minutes of vaginal delivery. In a recent large multicenter
route at 400–1000 μg. It does not require sterile needles and RCT, prophylactic TXA in addition to prophylactic oxytocin did
syringes for administration. It is inexpensive, heat and light not result in a significantly lower rate of PPH >500 mL, although
stable, and has a long shelf-life, making it more accessible and women required fewer additional uterotonic agents [26]. A review
beneficial in low-resource settings. Side effects include shivering, combining this RCT with previously published studies found that
elevated body temperature >38°C, and gastrointestinal (GI) upset prophylactic TXA reduced PPH >500 mL in combination with
116 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
prophylactic oxytocin, cord traction, and uterine massage [27]. Timing of cord clamping
Therefore, we recommend TXA be considered for routine pro- In preterm neonates less than 37 weeks’ gestation, delayed cord
phylactic use at vaginal delivery in addition to prophylactic clamping (DCC) by about 30–60 seconds (180 seconds maxi-
oxytocin. mum) is associated with a lower risk of death before discharge,
necrotizing enterocolitis, and intraventricular hemorrhage
Summary (IVH) than early cord clamping (ECC) [32, 33]. This interven-
Recent evidence suggests that numerous regimens of uterotonic tion also benefits very preterm neonates less than 32 weeks’ ges-
agents, including oxytocin with ergot alkaloids, carbetocin alone, tation, with decreased mortality, risk of blood transfusion, and
or oxytocin with misoprostol, are more effective at reducing IVH [34]. In addition, DCC has been shown to be safe and does
blood loss at delivery than oxytocin alone. Furthermore, there is not compromise the preterm infant; there may be small increases
high-quality evidence that oxytocin with TXA is more effective in polycythemia and hyperbilirubinemia, but without increased
in reducing PPH and improves outcomes compared with oxyto- need for exchange transfusion [35, 36]. There are no clear differ-
cin alone. If just one agent is to be used for routine prophylaxis ences in other outcomes, including respiratory distress, death,
during the third stage of labor, oxytocin is recommended. Based initial adaptation phase, or long-term outcomes. There is no cur-
on safety and side effect profiles, TXA with oxytocin is the rec- rent recommendation on positioning of the preterm infant
ommended regimen to be considered to be used routinely during during DCC secondary to insufficient data. One RCT showed
the third stage of labor whenever possible. no differences in neonatal outcomes during DCC by 120 seconds
after vaginal delivery with the neonate held either at the level of
Umbilical cord the vagina or the level of the abdomen or chest, concluding that
Cord gases mothers can safely be allowed to hold their baby on their abdo-
Cord gases are stable in a clamped segment of cord for up to men or chest for skin-to-skin and breastfeeding [37].
60 minutes and in a heparinized syringe for up to 60 minutes. In term neonates, DCC has also been shown to have some
Umbilical artery pH, pCO2, and base deficit may be helpful in benefits, but also some risks. Compared with early clamping,
indicating timing of insult and can be collected in cases of non- DCC is associated with higher birth weight, higher hematocrit,
reassuring fetal heart rate tracings (NRFHTs), meconium, low and a lower risk of iron deficiency at less than a year of age [38].
Apgar scores (defined as below 7 at 5 minutes), growth restric- However, there was an increased risk of the neonate needing pho-
tion, preterm birth, or any sentinel event, including cord pro- totherapy for hyperbilirubinemia. The possible increased risk of
lapse, uterine rupture, or placental abruption. Umbilical vein pH neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy must be weighed
may be helpful in cases of uteroplacental problems like growth against the physiologic benefit of greater hemoglobin and iron
restriction, placental abruption, asthma, and hypertension. A levels conferred by DCC in term infants, which may be of clini-
recent large prospective trial found that umbilical cord arterial cal value particularly in infants where access to good nutrition
lactate may be more useful than arterial pH in predicting neo- is poor [38]. For women, there are likely no differences in PPH
natal morbidity at term [28]. While there are no RCTs on the or change in hemoglobin levels, but the data are limited [38, 39].
routine sending of umbilical cord gases, this practice is usually Therefore, DCC is recommended instead of ECC (Figure 10.1).
not necessary or recommended for normal labor, delivery, and
Apgar scores, without risk factors. A recent systematic review Cord milking
found that delayed cord clamping (<120 seconds) has little to Milking of the cord refers to the action of an obstetric provider
no clinically significant effect on blood acid–base status among during which the cord blood is manually pushed toward the infant
healthy, term singletons [29], but this has not been thoroughly following delivery and prior to cutting and clamping the cord.
assessed in preterm infants. Numerous studies have assessed the safety and outcomes associ-
ated with cord milking, which have found varying evidence but
Cord blood collection together demonstrated potential benefit [32]. However, a recent
Cord blood is routinely sent for Rh status of the infant, especially large RCT was terminated prematurely for safety concerns; there
in Rh-negative women. Cord blood collection for stem cells has was an increase in severe IVH among very preterm infants (23–
increased in popularity in recent years. Obstetricians should 27 weeks of gestation), likely related to the sudden hemodynamic
support public banking of cord blood [30]. Public banking is changes in a fragile circulatory system [40]. Therefore, there is
recommended over private banks secondary to more strin- evidence of harm with inconsistent evidence of benefit, and
gent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, given its this practice is no longer recommended.
increased legal responsibilities, cost-effectiveness, and greater
access to cord blood by the general population. The chance of a Placenta
child requiring an autologous transplant from privately banked Controlled cord traction
cord blood is about 1/2700. Directed donation of cord blood when Controlled cord traction (CCT) refers to the act of pulling the
there is a disease in the family amenable to stem cell transplanta- umbilical cord while applying counter-pressure with the goal of
tion can be arranged through many public banks. delivering the placenta [41]. Cord traction alone has been asso-
For adequate cord blood collection, at least 40 mL must be col- ciated with lower mean blood loss and decreased risk of PPH,
lected. A recent cohort study found that delayed umbilical cord shorter third stage of labor, and lower risk of needing manual
clamping up to 60 seconds did not have a negative impact on placental removal compared to no cord traction after delayed
adequate collection of total nucleated cell count [31]. It is recom- cord clamping (1–3 minutes) and vaginal delivery [41]. However,
mended to counsel women that cord blood collection should not this is a skill that requires training, as there can be complications
compromise maternal and neonatal care and therefore may not such as uterine inversion if applied incorrectly. If a skilled birth
be possible in cases where maternal or neonatal health status is attendant is present, it is recommended to use CCT for these ben-
a concern. efits (Figure 10.1).
Third Stage of Labor 117
After cesarean delivery, cord traction is preferred over manual management, active management may reduce severe blood loss
removal of the placenta, as cord traction is associated with less and anemia [49]. However, numerous adverse effects were iden-
endometritis, less blood loss, less drop in postoperative hemato- tified, including increases in vomiting after birth, increased
crit, and shorter hospital stay [42]. CCT has not been assessed spe- maternal diastolic blood pressure, increased use of analgesia and
cifically in the setting of DCC after cesarean delivery. Therefore, pain, more women returning to the hospital with bleeding, and
in settings where DCC is the standard of care, the decision to use decrease in infant birth weight, possibly reflecting some degree
CCT can be shared between the patient and provider. of lower blood volume from placental transfusion if ECC is per-
formed. There is probably no difference in risk of infant admission
Cord drainage to the neonatal unit or incidence of jaundice requiring treatment.
In the third stage of labor, umbilical cord drainage refers to the While AMTSL is composed of multiple interventions, each ele-
unclamping of the previously clamped cord with drainage of the ment of AMTSL should be assessed separately, as we have done
blood into an appropriate container [43]. Immediate cord drain- in the preceding sections (“Umbilical Cord” and “Placenta”).
age and traction together are associated with a slightly shorter
duration of the third stage of labor and a slightly smaller Obstetric lacerations
decrease in hemoglobin compared to no drainage or traction after Closure and repair
vaginal delivery and ECC [43, 44]. Cord drainage without traction Classifications of laceration types are displayed in Table 10.2.
but with administration of 5 IU oxytocin is associated with lower Compared with nonclosure, closure of first- and second-degree
mean blood loss, shorter duration of the third stage, higher post- perineal lacerations after vaginal delivery has not been shown
delivery hemoglobin, and less need for a blood transfusion [45]. In to be associated with improved wound healing or pain. There is
settings where DCC is the standard of care, the decision to use cord insufficient evidence to recommend surgical closure compared to
drainage can be shared between the patient and provider. nonclosure for first- and second-degree lacerations [50]. The con-
tinuous suturing techniques, compared with the interrupted, are
Massage of the uterus associated with less short-term pain in second-degree and episi-
There is limited evidence to evaluate the effect of massage of the
otomy repairs [51]. Furthermore, approximation (end-to-end) and
uterus alone. Three studies have been conducted comparing uter-
overlap technique for third- and fourth-degree laceration repair
ine massage to no uterine massage in addition to oxytocin and
are associated with similar outcomes in two RCTs [52, 53], while
CCT; uterine massage is not associated with a reduction in PPH,
in the most recent RCT, end-to-end repair was associated with
use of additional uterotonics, or retained placenta [46]. Therefore,
significantly lower rates of anal incontinence, with no difference
uterine massage after delivery of the placenta cannot be rec-
in long-term outcomes [54]. One small, randomized trial showed
ommended as studied so far [46, 47].
that use of antibiotics at the time of third- and fourth-degree
Placentophagy repairs decreased perineal wound complications (wound disrup-
Placentophagy or placentophagia is the consumption of the pla- tion and purulent discharge) [55]. See also Chap. 31.
centa postpartum. There is no evidence for maternal benefit, but
there is evidence for risk of harm, such as increased risk of infec- Suture
tion [48]. Therefore, providers should counsel patients against Absorbable synthetic materials should be used for all layers of the
placentophagy based on currently available data. repair. Compared with catgut (plain or chromic), absorbable syn-
thetic sutures (e.g. Vicryl) used for perineal repair decreased wom-
Active management of the third stage of labor en’s experience of short-term (3-day) pain, less need for analgesia,
Active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) usually reduced rate of suture dehiscence up to day 10, and less need for
consists of: repeat suturing at <3 months. There is no significant difference in
long-term pain or dyspareunia experienced by women [56]. More
• Prophylactic oxytocin at delivery of the anterior shoulder women with catgut sutures required repeat suturing compared
or immediately after delivery of the baby with synthetic sutures, while more women in the standard synthetic
• ECC and cutting suture group required suture removal compared with the rapidly
• CCT absorbed group. Clinical experience has shown suture removal is
necessary <5% of the time when using 3-0 or finer sutures and
Expectant management usually consists of: performing subcuticular skin closures [56]. Polyglactin (Vicryl)
and polydioxanone (PDS) have similar outcomes [57].
• No uterotonics
• No ECC, cutting, or traction
• Use of gravity and maternal expulsive efforts for placenta TABLE 10.2: Perineal Laceration Classification
delivery Definition
First degree Injury limited to the skin of the perineum
There is heterogeneity in the literature regarding the definition
Second degree Injury to the perineum; perineal muscles involved
of AMTSL. Presented earlier is the one utilized for evaluation of
the existing RCTs of AMTSL by the Cochrane collaboration [49]. Third degree 3(a) <50% tear of external anal sphincter
Some definitions also consider uterine massage to be a compo- 3(b) >50% tear of external anal sphincter
nent of AMTSL. AMTSL has been used mostly among women 3(c) Tear in both external and internal sphincter
after term, vaginal births, so recommendations are limited to this Fourth degree Injury to perineum, internal and external sphincter,
population. Historically, AMTSL was thought to reduce the risk and anal epithelium
of PPH and was therefore recommended to all women, includ- Source: Modified from ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 198: Prevention and manage-
ing women following preterm birth. Compared with expectant ment of obstetric lacerations at vaginal delivery.
118 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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Nandini Raghuraman and Alison G. Cahill
Key points monitoring or EFM are more commonly used in the United
States. Adapted from the 2008 National Institute of Child
• Compared to intermittent auscultation (IA), the use Health and Human Development (NICHD) Workshop [2],
of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring the definitions of EFM patterns and features are described in
(EFM) decreases the likelihood of neonatal seizures and Table 11.1 and depicted in Figures 11.1–11.3. The definitions
perinatal mortality and significantly increases the rate were developed for the specific purpose of intrapartum moni-
of operative interventions (vacuum, forceps, and cesarean toring. No distinction is made between short- and long-term
delivery [CD]). variability [2]. Accelerations, decelerations, bradycardia, and
• Category II EFM is indeterminate for the prediction of tachycardia can be quantified by describing the nadir and the
acidemia. However, certain high-risk category II features duration in minutes and seconds of the FHR change. A recur-
such as prolonged decelerations, recurrent late decel- rent deceleration occurs with >50% of uterine contractions in
erations, and recurrent variable decelerations, may be any 20-minute period.
associated with neonatal acidemia. A three-tier system for categorization of EFM patterns has
• Limited evidence (one randomized controlled trial [RCT]) been recommended [2]. According to this classification, cat-
demonstrates an increase in fetal oxygen saturation with egory I tracings are predictive of normal fetal acid–base status
maternal repositioning, intravenous fluid administra- at the time of observation and may be followed in a routine man-
tion, or maternal oxygen supplementation among patients ner. Category II tracings are indeterminate and not predictive
with reassuring EFM. However, none of these interven- of abnormal fetal acid–base status but require evaluation and
tions have been shown to reduce the risk of acidemia, and continued surveillance and reevaluation. Category III tracings
multiple RCTs have shown no benefit to fetal acid–base are abnormal and predictive of abnormal fetal acid–base status
status with maternal oxygen administration. Therefore, (Table 11.2, Figures 11.4–11.6). These tracings require prompt
maternal oxygen administration for fetal benefit in evaluation and should include efforts to expeditiously resolve the
labor cannot be recommended. abnormal pattern. It is noteworthy that a full description of an
• Continuous EFM should be used to monitor the labor of FHR tracing requires a qualitative and quantitative description of
women at risk for poor peripartum outcomes. the following: (1) uterine contractions, (2) baseline FHR, (3) base-
• Reinterpretation of EFM, especially knowing the neonatal line FHR variability, (4) presence of accelerations, (5) intermittent
outcome, should be avoided. or recurrent decelerations, and (6) changes or trends of FHR pat-
• There is insufficient evidence to recommend universal terns over time [2]. Of the categories and features defined by the
computerized EFM analysis. NICHD, the presence of recurrent late decelerations, recurrent
• For singletons at 36 weeks or more, fetal electrocardio- variable decelerations, more than one prolonged deceleration,
gram (ECG) ST segment analysis (STAN) used as an or tachycardia in the 30 minutes before delivery are associated
adjunct to conventional intrapartum electronic fetal heart with acidemia [3].
rate monitoring does not improve perinatal outcomes. In relation to uterine activity, tachysystole is defined as >5
• Fetal pulse oximetry (FPO) is not associated with sig- contractions in 10 minutes averaged over 30 minutes, whether
nificant maternal or neonatal benefits compared to con- the contractions are spontaneous or stimulated. The terms hyper-
tinuous EFM alone. stimulation and hypercontractility should be abandoned. Terms
such as “asphyxia,” “hypoxia,” and “fetal distress” should not be
Background used in the interpretation of EFM.
FIGURE 11.1 Early decelerations of 15, 30, and 45 bpm, respectively. Abbreviation: bpm, beats per minute.
124 Fetal heart rate Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 11.2 Late decelerations of 15, 30, and 45 bpm, respectively. Abbreviation: bpm, beats per minute.
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.3 Variable decelerations of 15, 40, 30, and 60 bpm, respectively. Abbreviation: bpm, beats per minute.
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.4 Category I. (a) Normal baseline, moderate variability, absence of late and variable decelerations, accelerations present.
(b) Normal baseline, moderate variability, absence of late and variable decelerations, early decelerations present. (c) Normal baseline,
moderate variability, absence of late and variable decelerations.
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.5 Category II. (a) Bradycardia with moderate variability. (b) Tachycardia. (c) Minimal variability.
Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring 127
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
(f )
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.5 (Continued) Category II. (d) Absent variability. (e) Marked variability. (f) Recurrent variable decelerations, minimal
128 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.5 (Continued) Category II. (g) Prolonged deceleration. (h) Recurrent late decelerations, moderate variability.
(i) Variable decelerations.
Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring 129
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate
FIGURE 11.6 Category III. (a) Recurrent late decelerations, absent fetal heart rate variability. (b) Recurrent variable decelerations,
absent fetal heart rate variability. (c) Bradycardia, absent fetal heart rate variability.
130 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Although there is no formal definition of NRFHT, the diag- and clinicians place on the route of delivery and neonatal out-
nosis is associated with an increased risk of acidemia. The abil- comes. Compared with pregnant patients and mothers, obste-
ity to predict CD for NRFHT remains limited [8]. The available tricians overestimate the burden posed by CD, and contrary to
evidence suggests that fetal movement count, abnormal EFM on obstetricians, women value a newborn with permanent neuro-
admission, vibroacoustic stimulation, amniotic fluid index, con- logic handicap over neonatal death [18].
traction stress test, and modified biophysical profile are limited Clinicians choosing to utilize IA should be aware of some of
diagnostic tests to identify patients at risk of emergent CD for the problems associated with its use. Continuous EFM has a sig-
NRFHT [5]. nificantly better ability to detect acidemia (umbilical arterial
pH <7.15 in this study) than IA: A sensitivity of 97% versus 34%
Fetal heart rate monitoring and a higher positive predictive value of 37% versus 22%, respec-
tively [19]. Continuous EFM was superior to IA for the detection
Continuous electronic FHR monitoring of respiratory, metabolic, and mixed acidosis. It is possible that
vs. intermittent auscultation ominous EFM patterns are poorly assessed by IA. Logistically, it
Despite the ubiquitous use, there is mixed evidence for the util- may not be feasible to adhere to guidelines of how frequently
ity of EFM. As noted by the American College of Obstetricians the heart rate should be auscultated with IA. One prospective
and Gynecologists (ACOG) practice bulletin [9], the efficacy of study noted that the protocol for IA was successfully completed
monitoring is adjudicated by comparing the neonatal and infant among only 3% of the cases [20].
morbidity, including seizure and cerebral palsy, or mortality Not all pregnancies should be monitored with IA because
averted versus the unnecessary interventions (operative vaginal those at risk for adverse outcomes like cerebral palsy, neona-
delivery or CD) undertaken. Since all the randomized clinical tri- tal encephalopathy, and perinatal death should be monitored
als (RCTs) with EFM compare it to intermittent auscultation (IA), with EFM during labor [21]. Thus, high-risk pregnancies that
the efficacy is determined by calculating the relative risks (RRs) of undergo antepartum surveillance should not be evaluated with
interventions, neonatal seizures, cerebral palsy, or death. IA, nor should those who are likely to have CD for NRFHT [5].
Compared with IA, continuous EFM shows no significant These include but are not limited to FGR, oligohydramnios, poly-
improvement in overall perinatal death rate (RR 0.86, 95% hydramnios, placenta previa, postterm pregnancy (≥42 weeks),
confidence interval [CI] 0.59–1.23), but was associated with a multiple gestation, isoimmunized pregnancy, prior intrauterine
halving of neonatal seizures (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.31–0.80). There fetal demise (IUFD), maternal renal disease, diabetes, preeclamp-
was no significant difference in cerebral palsy rates (RR 1.75, sia, collagen disorders, hemoglobinopathies, and cardiovascular
95% CI 0.84–3.63). The positive predictive value of NRFHT for disease. Additionally, parturients should be monitored with con-
cerebral palsy is approximately 0.1% [10]. The false-positive rate tinuous EFM if they are being induced, are augmented, or have
of NRFHT is extremely high (99%) for abnormal neonatal out- dysfunctional labor. Patients with suspected FHR abnormalities
comes, especially cerebral palsy [11]. with auscultation, abnormal fetal presentation, regional anesthe-
There was a significant increase in CD associated with the use sia, abruption, infection, preterm labor, prior CD (vaginal birth
of continuous CTG (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.29–2.07). Women were after cesarean [VBAC] attempt), hypertonic uterus, and meco-
also more likely to have an operative vaginal birth (RR 1.15, nium staining of the amniotic fluid should also be monitored
95% CI 1.01–1.33). Data for subgroups of low-risk, high-risk, and with continuous EFM [22]. In these cases, EFM should be contin-
preterm pregnancies, as well as from high-quality trials, were ued until delivery.
consistent with overall results [9, 12]. EFM is associated with one
additional CD for every 58 women monitored continuously; 661 Reviewing electronic FHR monitoring
women need to have continuous EFM during labor to prevent one When EFM is utilized during labor, the nurses or physicians
neonatal seizure [12]. should review it frequently. If the patient is low risk, the FHR
While the efficacy of EFM is debated, it is noteworthy that tracing should be reviewed at least every 30 minutes in the first
there are concerns regarding the 13 RCTs, which enrolled over stage of labor and at least every 15 minutes during the second
37,000 women, on continuous FHR monitoring versus IA [12]. stage. The corresponding frequency for high-risk parturients is 15
Only two of these trials were rated to be of high quality [10, 13], and 5 minutes, respectively. The maternal pulse should be taken
and only three trials reported data in low-risk women [10, 13, 14]. to make sure the FHR is indeed fetal and not maternal. Health
The authors of the meta-analysis on this subject [12] noted that care providers should document that they have reviewed the
to test the hypothesis that continuous monitoring can prevent tracing by a narrative note, use of comprehensive flow sheets, or
1 death in 1000 births, more than 50,000 women would have to by placing one’s initials on the monitor strip [22]. NICHD termi-
be randomized. Inadequate study size may not reflect the out- nology should be utilized in any assessment of intrapartum EFM
comes in contemporary obstetrical practice [15]. However, addi- [2]. Among low-risk patients, it is more feasible to confirm that the
tional observational data have demonstrated that the rising rate strips are reviewed according to the guidelines, whereas among
of continuous EFM use is associated with a decrease in neonatal high-risk patients, compliance during the active phase, and espe-
mortality and reduction in Apgar score <4 at 5 minutes [1, 16]. cially during the second stage of labor, is more demanding and
If IA is available on the labor and delivery unit, shared deci- difficult. The FHR tracing, as a part of the medical chart, should
sion-making should be used to discuss the risks and benefits of be labeled and available for review if the need arises. Alternatives
IA versus continuous EFM in low-risk patients [17]. Admittedly, like computer or server storage of the FHR tracing that do not
both patients and clinicians prefer continuous EFM to evaluate permit overwriting or revisions are reasonable [22].
the fetus during labor [18]. The explanations for the preference Due to the interobserver and intraobserver variability, FHR
include the ease of use, the reassurance women derive from hear- tracing should be interpreted cautiously and preferably without
ing the heartbeat during labor, and the different value patients knowing the neonatal outcome [23–25]. When four obstetri-
cians, for example, examined 50 CTGs, they agreed in only 22%
Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring 131
of the cases. Two months later, during the second review of the (RR 0.40; 95% CI 0.08–2.02), or an Apgar less than 7 at 5 minutes
same 50 tracings, the clinicians interpreted 21% of the tracings (RR 0.50; 95% CI 0.13–1.95).
differently than they did during the first evaluation [24]. Factors Another RCT compared computer analysis of CTG using
that influence the interpretation of CTGs include the clinician’s the Omniview-SisPorto 3.5 to standard clinician analysis of
experience, whether the tracing is normal versus equivocal or pre-recorded cases. Prediction of abnormal umbilical artery
ominous with greater agreement if the tracing is reassuring, and pH was more reproducible and accurate when clinicians had
the time of the day, with possibly greater error at night. With access to the computerized analysis of CTGs [28]. The most
retrospective reviews, the foreknowledge of neonatal outcome recent multicenter RCT investigating computerized inter-
alters the impressions of the tracing. Given the same intrapar- pretation of FHR through the INFANT decision support
tum tracing but opposite neonatal outcomes, the reviewer is software found no difference in neonatal outcomes or devel-
more likely to find evidence of fetal hypoxia and criticize the opmental assessment at 2 years of age with the use of this
obstetrician’s management if the outcome was supposedly poor software [29].
versus good [25]. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to support routine
The positive predictive value of NRFHT for cerebral palsy is use of computerized evaluation of EFM.
approximately 0.1% [8]. The false-positive rate for prediction of
abnormal neonatal outcomes is high (99%) [11]. Other fetal monitoring tests
External vs. internal FHR monitoring Digital scalp or vibroacoustic stimulation
External FHR monitoring is accomplished via a Doppler ultra- Persistent minimal variability may be associated with fetal acide-
sound device applied to the maternal abdomen. An internal mia. In the setting of minimal variability, digital scalp or vibro-
scalp electrode (“scalp lead”) for FHR monitoring measures the acoustic stimulation can be performed to elicit an acceleration
R-R interval between consecutive beats. This provides an accu- (see the definition in Table 11.1). If there is an acceleration in
rate representation of FHR variability. There are no RCTs com- response to scalp stimulation, labor should continue, as this indi-
paring these two monitoring techniques. Internal monitoring cates that the likelihood of fetal scalp pH <7.19 is 2% [30]. In the
is used, in general, for an FHR that is discontinuous or unre- absence of an acceleration, the likelihood is 38%.
liable transabdominally due to factors such as maternal body Allis clamp and scalp puncture have been used to elicit an
habitus or multiple gestations. Placement of a fetal scalp elec- acceleration but are less safe. Digital scalp stimulation (gentle
trode for internal monitoring requires rupture of membranes stroking of the fetal scalp for 15 seconds) is the test with the best
(ROM) and sufficient cervical dilation to access the fetal scalp. predictive accuracy among these four techniques [30]. There are
Contraindications to internal monitoring include maternal currently no RCTs that address the safety and efficacy of digi-
infections such as HIV, active hepatitis B or C, and fetal throm- tal scalp or vibroacoustic stimulation used to assess fetal well-
bocytopenia. The use of a fetal scalp electrode may be associated being in labor in the presence of NRFHT.
with a decrease in the risk of CD with no associated increase in
infectious morbidity [26]. The risks of internal fetal monitoring Fetal scalp blood sampling
are rare but include scalp injury, infection, and cephalohema- FSBS to measure scalp pH and lactate was introduced in 1962 in
toma [27]. Berlin, Germany, as a standalone fetal status test, before the com-
Given the potential safety risks, routine or universal use of mercialization of EFM machines in 1968 [31].
internal fetal monitoring should be avoided. If CD is performed, It is important to understand fetal intrapartum physiology in
internal scalp monitoring can be continued until delivery, while order to interpret FSBS. The fetus reacts to intrapartum hypoxia
external monitoring can be discontinued when the abdominal by using anaerobic glycolysis, which leads to metabolic acidosis
preparation begins. through conversion of pyruvate to lactate. Low pH can be a com-
bined measure of both metabolic acidosis and the more labile
Computerized EFM analysis component, respiratory acidosis [32].
Due to limited interobserver agreement, computerized evalu- Historically, a pH value >7.25 on FSBS is considered normal,
ation of intrapartum FHT, also called expert systems (ES), has with a low likelihood of fetal hypoxia. Values between 7.25 and
been evaluated as a tool to improve the sensitivity of FHT for 7.20 are considered subnormal, indicating the need for repeat
perinatal morbidity and mortality and decrease false positives sampling within 20–30 minutes. FSBS pH <7.20 (or <7.15 in the
associated with FHT. second stage of labor) requires intervention, such as intrauter-
Two RCTs evaluating the use of CTG with ES in labor have ine resuscitation or operative delivery. As for lactate concentra-
been published, but only one trial (n = 220) provides data for tion, normal values have been described as being <4.2 mmoL/L.
quantitative analysis. There is no strong evidence that CTG Values between 4.2 and 4.8 are defined as intermediate, and
with an ES has an effect on the incidence of CD (RR 0.61; 95% values > 4.8 mmoL require intervention [33]. If the results are
CI 0.35–1.04) when compared with CTG with fetal scalp blood scalp pH <7.20 or lactate >4.8 mm/L, then delivery should be
sampling (FSBS). There is no strong evidence supporting a expedited [34].
reduction in the incidence of neonatal seizures (RR 0.33; 95% The technical aspects of FSBS require ruptured membranes
CI 0.01–8.09) or fetal acidemia (RR 0.50; 95% CI 0.09–2.67) in and a cervical dilatation greater than or equal to 3 cm. An amnio-
women monitored using a CTG with an ES versus a CTG with- scope is then placed vaginally to allow adequate visualization of
out an ES. Perinatal mortality was not reported. No fetal deaths the fetal head. A small blood sample is then taken from the fetal
occurred. There was no strong evidence supporting a reduction in scalp. Usually 30–50 microliters of blood are sufficient to perform
the incidence of forceps-assisted vaginal birth (RR 0.50; 95% CI the test. For testing lactate, a much smaller amount of blood is
0.05–5.43), hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (RR 0.33; 95% CI required [32]. To be beneficial, the scalp pH machine needs to be
0.01–8.09), admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) reliable and readily available with prompt results.
132 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Observational data from a Cochrane review on continuous RCTs on FPO are at high risk of bias because of the impracti-
CTG monitoring with or without FSBS demonstrate that use of cal nature of blinding participants and clinicians. In RCTs not
FSBS is associated with a decrease in neonatal acidosis (P = 0.04) requiring FSBS prior to study entry, the use of FPO plus CTG
but at the cost of more instrumental deliveries (P = 0.04) [35]. decreased the risk of cesarean section for NRFHT (RR 0.65, 95%
Retrospective studies have also failed to show a positive effect of CI 0.46–0.90) compared to CTG alone; however, there was no
FSBS on neonatal outcomes [36, 37]. evidence of differences in the overall cesarean section rate
The only level 1 evidence pertaining to FSBS are two RCTs between those monitored with and without FPO or for whom
comparing lactate to pH in FSBS [31]. The two RCTs [38, 39] the FPO results were masked (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.86–1.13). There
enrolled a total of 3348 women in labor with NRFHT patterns was evidence of a higher risk of cesarean section in the group
and investigated maternal/fetal/neonatal/infant outcomes fol- with FPO plus CTG than in the group with fetal ECG plus CTG
lowing FSBS-obtained pH or lactate. The Cochrane review noted (one study only, n = 180, RR 1.56, 95% CI 1.06–2.29). No studies
that lactate sampling is more likely to be successful than pH reported details of long-term disability [49].
sampling, but there were no differences between the two tests in No differences are seen for endometritis, intrapartum or post-
terms of mode of birth or neonatal outcomes evaluated by umbili- partum hemorrhage, uterine rupture, low Apgar scores, umbili-
cal cord blood gases, Apgar score, encephalopathy, or admission cal arterial pH or base excess, admission to the NICU, or fetal/
to the NICU [33]. neonatal death [49, 50]. Given the evidence presented, routine
Given these data, as well as the several risks of FSBS [31], ACOG use of FPO in labor is not recommended.
has recommended against the use of FSBS [37, 40]. Others have
also cautioned against its use [31, 34]. However, this procedure is Management of abnormal EFM
still frequently performed in some countries.
The frequency with which EFM should be evaluated depends
Fetal electrocardiogram for fetal monitoring in labor on the risk status of the pregnancy (see earlier). To correctly
Use of the fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) has been evaluated as interpret intrapartum EFM, the clinician must be cognizant
an adjunct to continuous EFM in labor [40–47]. Traditionally, of the gestational age, labor progress, medications (Table 11.3)
fetal ECG has been obtained via internal monitoring with a fetal [55], prior fetal assessment, and obstetric and medical condi-
scalp lead. However, recent data suggest the feasibility of transab- tions. Since more than 80% of fetuses demonstrate category II
dominal ECG monitoring [48]. One study assessed PR intervals EFM in labor, a standardized approach to EFM management
but was insufficient to make recommendations [45]. Six RCTs in this group is important (Figure 11.7) [56]. The management
assessed the ST segment [38, 39, 41–44]. of category II EFM, specifically recurrent late or variable FHR
A meta-analysis of six RCTs including 26,529 laboring single- decelerations, is guided by the presence or absence of mod-
tons at 34 weeks or more reported that ST analysis (STAN) plus erate variability or accelerations and intrauterine resuscita-
CTG was associated with no difference in perinatal composite tion. Category III EFM should prompt rapid assessment with
outcome (1.5% vs. 1.6%; RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.74–1.10), neonatal
metabolic acidosis (0.5% vs. 0.7%; RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.54–1.02), TABLE 11.3: Effect of Medications and FHR Patterns
admission to the NICU (5.4% vs. 5.5%; RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.90–1.10),
perinatal death (0.1% vs. 0.1%; RR 1.71, 95% CI 0.67–4.33), neo- Medications Study Design Effect on FHR
natal encephalopathy (0.1% vs. 0.2%; RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.25–1.52), Butorphanol Case control
Transient sinusoidal FHR pattern
CD (13.8% vs. 14.0%; RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.85–1.08), or operative Cocaine Case control
No characteristic changes in FHR
delivery (either cesarean or operative vaginal delivery) (23.9% vs. pattern
25.1%; RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.86–1.01) compared to standard CTG Corticosteroid RCT Decrease in FHR variability with
only [4]. The Cochrane review confirms these findings, but also betamethasone but not
found an 8% decrease in operative vaginal deliveries associated dexamethasone
with STAN [40].
Magnesium sulfate RCT and A significant decrease in the FHR
As there is no difference in perinatal outcomes between
retrospective baseline and variability; inhibits the
STAN with CTG compared with CTG alone, this modality can-
increase in accelerations with
not yet be recommended for routine clinical care. Nonetheless,
advancing gestational age
given the concerns of heterogeneity in inclusion criteria among
Meperidine RCT No characteristic changes in FHR
RCTs, the learning curve for STAN, possible Hawthorne effect in
the RCTs, different (three vs. four) tier classifications used in the
Morphine Case control Decreased number of accelerations
RCTs, and limited power to address abnormal perinatal outcomes
such as metabolic acidosis, more research is needed before the Nalbuphine RCT Decreased the number of
STAN technology can be deemed of no value for fetal monitoring accelerations, long- and short-term
in labor [46]. variations
Terbutaline Retrospective Abolishment or decrease in
Fetal pulse oximetry frequency of late and variable
The use of fetal pulse oximetry (FPO) has been evaluated as decelerations
an adjunct to intrapartum continuous EFM [49–54]. In Zidovudine Case control No difference in the FHR baseline,
this noninvasive form of monitoring, a fetal oxygen sensor variability, number of accelerations
lies against the fetal cheek. FPO showing fetal oxygen satu- or decelerations
ration (FSpO2) <30% for at least 2 minutes is associated with Source: Adapted from Ref. [55].
an increased risk of declining fetal arterial pH and metabolic Abbreviations: FHR, fetal heart rate; bpm, beats per minute; RCT, randomized clini-
acidosis. cal trial.
Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring 133
category II or Ill
Scalp stimulation
or VAS
Acceleration category II or Ill
Deliver Deliver
FIGURE 11.7 Algorithm for the management of Category II EFM in labor. (Adapted from ACOG Practice Bulletin 116.) *Uterine
relaxation, hydration, maternal repositioning, and/or amnioinfusion.
scalp stimulation, vibroacoustic stimulation, and intrauterine ACOG recommends amnioinfusion for management of
resuscitation with movement toward expedited delivery if not recurrent variable decelerations [56].
In an RCT investigating intrauterine resuscitation maneuvers Uterine relaxation
in patients with reassuring EFM, intravenous fluid (IVF) bolus Tocolysis is a possible tool in the management of recurrent FHR
of 1000 mL, lateral positioning, and oxygen administration at decelerations, particularly in the presence of tachysystole The
10 L/minute via nonbreather face mask were the three tech- rationale behind this is that uterine relaxation improves utero-
niques that increased FSpO2 during labor [57]. However, inter- placental blood flow and therefore fetal oxygenation. Uterine
pretation of these results is limited by a lack of supportive data relaxation can be performed by stopping or reducing the dose
for FSpO2 as a marker of neonatal morbidity and the exclusion of of oxytocin infusions or by administering a tocolytic. The most
patients with NRFHT from this study. commonly studied tocolytics for intrapartum fetal resuscitation
are betamimetic drugs (e.g. terbutaline 0.25 mg IV).
Intrauterine resuscitation There are some important safety concerns regarding these
Amnioinfusion drugs. The most serious side effects of beta-agonists are pulmo-
Amnioinfusion is the process of infusing fluid into the amniotic nary edema and myocardial ischemia [59]. Six RCTs have been
cavity after ROM. The goal of amnioinfusion is to provide fluid performed to evaluate the use of betamimetics for acute intra-
and buoyancy in order to relieve possible umbilical cord com- partum fetal resuscitation [60–66]. When betamimetic admin-
pression, usually during labor after ROM. This technique consists istration was compared with no treatment, neonatal outcomes
of introducing normal saline or Ringer’s lactate transcervically seemed to improve [61, 62]. Four RCTs assessed the efficacy of
through a catheter into the uterine cavity. Intrapartum amnio- betamimetics by comparing these drugs with either magnesium
infusion is used in the setting of repetitive variable decelerations sulfate (4.0 g IV) [63], atosiban (6.75 mg in 4.9 mL saline adminis-
after ROM. Transcervical amnioinfusion can be done by bolus tered IV over a 1-minute period) [60, 64], or nitroglycerin (0.4 mg
or continuous infusion technique, with similar ability to relieve IV) [65]. Betamimetics provided a more effective tocolysis, with
recurrent variable decelerations. Either lactated Ringer’s solution similar successful resuscitation rates [60].
or normal saline can be used to place a crystalloid solution into ACOG recommends the administration of tocolytic medica-
the uterus without altering the neonatal electrolyte balance [58]. tions (e.g. terbutaline) when tachysystole is associated with FHR
In a Cochrane review on use of amnioinfusion for suspected abnormalities [56]. Repetitive use of terbutaline is not recom-
cord compression in labor, transcervical amnioinfusion was mended. There is insufficient evidence (no randomized trial) to
found to significantly reduce the following outcomes: CD (13 assess the effect of labor stimulant discontinuation on fetal status.
trials, 1493 participants, RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.46–0.83); FHR decel- Nonetheless, labor stimulants such as oxytocin should be discontin-
erations (7 trials, 1006 participants, RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.38–0.74); ued in cases of NRFHT, especially in the setting of tachysystole.
Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes (12 trials, 1804 partici-
pants; RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.30–0.72); meconium below the vocal Maternal position change
cords (3 trials, 767 participants; RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.25–0.81); and Maternal position change to improve fetal status in cases of intra-
maternal stay longer than 3 days (4 trials, 1051 participants, RR partum NRFHT has not been independently studied in an RCT.
0.45, 95% CI 0.25–0.78) [58]. This intervention has only been studied in combination with IVF
134 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
and oxygenation supplementation (see earlier) [57]. Indirect evi- In the absence of benefit and concern for potential harm, rou-
dence for position change comes from studies on maternal posi- tine use of prophylactic or therapeutic maternal oxygen admin-
tioning during normal labor. There are two reports comparing the istration for intrauterine resuscitation should be reconsidered.
effects of right lateral, left lateral, and supine maternal positions
on fetal oxygen status, each suggesting that lateral positioning is Other interventions
more favorable than a supine position [66, 67]. In 2013, a Cochrane Additional steps with the management of NRFHT might include
review was published on the impact of maternal positions during (no trials available) the following:
the first stage of labor on peripartum outcomes. Twenty-five tri-
als with a total of 5218 women were included. Upright and mobile • Cervical examination
positions were associated with a shorter duration of first stage Assessment of cervical status can be helpful to assess rapid
of labor, a reduction in the risk of cesarean birth, less use of epi- dilation or descent and to ensure that the umbilical cord
dural as a method of pain relief, and a lower chance of babies being has not prolapsed.
admitted to the neonatal unit [68]. However, this review does not • Maternal blood pressure assessment
answer directly the question of whether changing maternal posi- Maternal blood pressure monitoring may be helpful, espe-
tion should be considered as a therapeutic measure for NRFHT in cially among those who have received regional anesthesia.
labor. Given that maternal repositioning is a low-risk intervention, If hypotension is present in conjunction with NRFHT pat-
it should be considered as part of routine intrauterine resusci- tern, ephedrine or phenylephrine may be utilized [9].
tation of category II EFM. • Piracetam for NRFHT in labor
Piracetam, a derivative of gamma-aminobenzoic acid, is
Intravenous hydration thought to counteract the effects of hypoxia on the fetal
The rationale for intravenous (IV) fluid administration is that it brain by promoting metabolism. There is not enough
optimizes maternal intravascular volume, thereby improving pla- evidence to evaluate the use of piracetam for NRFHT in
cental perfusion. In one randomized trial comparing 500 mL to labor. In one randomized trial of piracetam versus placebo
1000 mL IVF bolus, the 1000 mL was associated with an increase for fetal distress in labor, the rates of cesarean section,
in FSpO2 [57]. IV fluids are typically administered at the time of low Apgar scores, and neonatal morbidity were similar
epidural placement, given the 10%–12% incidence of hypoten- between groups [81].
sion following neuraxial anesthesia. However, there is no evi- • Operative delivery for NRFHT in labor
dence that routine preload of IV fluids reduces the incidence of There are no contemporary trials of operative delivery ver-
hypotension [69]. Excessive administration of IV fluids may be sus conservative management of suspected NRFHT. In the
harmful in those at risk of pulmonary edema such as patients only outdated (1959) trial, there is no difference in perina-
with preeclampsia or cardiac disease. A 1500-mL IVF bolus may tal mortality [82].
help reduce the risk of FHR abnormalities in patients with nar-
row pulse pressures indicative of hypovolemia [70]. There is no
evidence to suggest that routine, prophylactic IVF boluses References
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31. Chandraharan E. Fetal scalp blood sampling during labour: Is it a useful 53. East CE, Brennecke SP, King JK, et al. The effect of intrapartum fetal pulse
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33. Jørgensen JS, Weber T. Fetal scalp blood sampling in labor–a review. Acta [RCT, n = 5341].
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El-Sayed YY. Randomized comparison of intravenous terbutaline vs nitro- 78. Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Pang CP, Rogers MS. Effects of high
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[Meta-analysis] in foetal distress during labour. J Int Med Res. 1983;11:129–136. [RCT, n =
69. Kinsella SM, Pirlet M, Mills MS, Tuckey JP, Thomas TA. Randomized study 96. Peru L. Fetal distress: Meconium-stained amniotic fluid and/or patho-
of intravenous fluid preload before epidural analgesia during labour. Br J logic fetal heart rate pattern. Piracetam (n = 48) vs. placebo (n = 48), intra-
Anaesth. 2000;85(2):311–313. [RCT] venously 6 ampules at once and 2 ampules hourly]
70. Lappen JR, Myers SA, Bolden N, Mercer BM, Chien EKS. Maternal pulse 82. Walker N. A case for conservatism in management of foetal distress.
pressure and the risk of postepidural complications: A randomized con- BMJ 1959;2:1221–1226. [RCT, n = 350. Fetal distress: Meconium-stained
trolled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;130(6):1366–1376. [RCT] liquor; fetal heart rate below 110/minute, above 160/minute, or irregu-
71. Hamel MS, Andreson BL, Rouse DJ. Oxygen for intrauterine resuscita- lar. Drawn envelop from drum for either operative delivery or expectant
tion: Of unproved benefit and potentially harmful. Am J Obstet Gynecol. management.]
2014;211(2):124–127. [Review; III]
Michele Mele, Valentina Bellussi, and Laura Felder
• For severe, refractory, postoperative pain, Ketamine may oxygen reserve, and are much more likely to be difficult to intu-
be used as an analgesic adjunct to decrease opioid require- bate than a nonpregnant woman (see also Chap. 3). Centers for
ments. Lidocaine patches, gabapentin, and pregabalin may Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Surveillance Data on
also improve postoperative pain control. Pregnancy Related Mortality reveal anesthetic-related maternal
mortality decreased nearly 60% when data from 1979 to 1990 were
Historic notes compared with data from 1991 to 2002. Although case-fatality
rates for general anesthesia are falling, rates for regional anesthe-
Three months after the first successful public demonstration of sia are rising. A subgroup comparison of data for CD showed that
the anesthetic properties of ether, on January 19, 1847, Dr. James case-fatality rates for general anesthesia decreased from 16.8 per
Simpson Young of the University of Edinburgh used diethyl ether million in 1991–1996 to 6.5 per million in 1997–2002, whereas for
to deliver anesthesia for childbirth to a woman with a deformed regional anesthesia, there was a slight increase in mortality rates
pelvis [1]. Before this time, pain during labor and childbirth was from 2.5 to 3.8 per million [6].
seen by both medical professionals and the lay community as Whenever possible, pregnant patients should be positioned
a necessary and indeed inseparable part of pregnancy. By 1860 with left uterine displacement when supine after 20 weeks of
anesthesia for parturition had become common practice thanks gestational age. Left uterine displacement prevents aortocaval
to a majority of women demanding it be a part of their medical compression, which can result in a marked decrease in venous
care. The practice of obstetric anesthesia has changed markedly return and a subsequent drop in cardiac output. The ability to
since. Women in labor now receive analgesia, rather than anes- compensate for aortocaval compression is compromised in the
thesia, with the goal of enabling maternal mobility during labor. presence of neuraxial analgesia or anesthesia.
Refined anesthetic techniques for women requiring cesarean When considering anesthesia or analgesia, one must take
delivery (CD) have substantially decreased the number of mater- into account that pregnant women are more sensitive to seda-
nal deaths directly related to anesthesia. tive hypnotics, local anesthetics, and the inhaled anesthetic
agents than nonpregnant women. In addition, the pregnant
Definitions patient should be considered two patients, and occasionally the
needs of one must be prioritized over the other. Informed consent
ain: An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associ-
P should be obtained early in the course of labor in case of an emer-
ated with actual or potential tissue damage gency, and the patient’s wishes for an unmedicated birth always
Analgesia (from the Greek: “no pain”): Loss of the ability to feel respected. Successful initiation of breastfeeding is not affected by
pain without the loss of consciousness neuraxial analgesia.
Anesthesia (from the Greek: “no sensation”): An induced, tempo-
rary state of analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, and unconsciousness Nonpharmacologic analgesic techniques
General comments Increasingly, many pregnant women are seeking alternative
approaches to labor pain relief such as water immersion, acu-
More than 60% of women in the United States choose to receive puncture, and aromatherapy. While these techniques may not
epidural or spinal anesthesia during labor [2]. While not all labor- provide complete pain relief, they may diminish labor pain, help-
ing women desire the services of an anesthesiologist, maternal ing parturients delay or even avoid the use of pain relief medica-
request is a sufficient medical indication for pain relief in labor tions if that is their goal.
[3]. Hospitals providing labor and delivery services must have anes-
thesia personnel available on a 24-hour basis, with the ability to Acupuncture and acupressure
perform a CD within 30 minutes from decision [4]. Availability of Acupuncture and acupressure are therapeutic techniques based
licensed practitioners to administer anesthetics and support vital on the concept that energy flows throughout the body and strate-
functions in emergencies is recommended [3, 4]. gic placement of needles or pressure can restore its balance and
provide pain relief. Theories on its mechanism of action suggest
Physiology of labor pain it stimulates the release of endorphins in the muscles, brain, and
spinal cord.
Labor is associated with two sources of pain: visceral pain at A Cochrane review including 28 trials with data reporting on
T10–L1 from uterine contractions and cervical dilatation dur- 3960 women compared acupuncture with no intervention or
ing the first stage of labor and somatic pain transmitted by the placebo and found acupuncture for labor pain may be associ-
pudendal nerve at S2–S4 from descent and consequent pressure ated with less intense pain and reduced use of pharmacologic
of the fetal head on the pelvic floor, vagina, and perineum during analgesia. Compared with no intervention or placebo, acupres-
the second stage of labor [5]. This pain is amenable to safe inter- sure may be associated with less pain intensity [7]. Therefore,
vention, as the anesthesiologist can interrupt the transmission of acupuncture and acupressure may have a minor role in reducing
peripheral afferents from the cervix, lower uterine segment, and pain, increasing satisfaction with pain management, and reduced
perineum by use of neuraxial techniques that block spinal cord use of pharmacologic management.
transmission of labor pain.
Water immersion
Maternal physiologic changes Water immersion is a form of hydrotherapy in which water is
used to relieve pain during labor. A Cochrane review suggests
Pregnancy is associated with unique physiologic changes. As a that immersion during the first stage of labor may be associated
result of these changes, after the first trimester, parturients are at with a reduction in the use of neuraxial anesthesia compared
increased risk for aspiration of gastric contents, have decreased to controls [8]. There were no differences in perineal trauma,
Analgesia and Anesthesia 139
TABLE 12.1: Intravenous or Intramuscular Opioid Agents for Maternal Pain Relief in Labor
Agent Usual Dose (mg) Frequency (Hour) Onset (Minute) Neonatal Half-Life (Hours)
Tramadol 50–100 mg 4
Pentazocine 30 mg IV or IM 3–4
Meperidine 25–50 IV 1–2 5 13–22
Remifentanil 0.15-0.5 µg/kg Q 2 minutes as PCA 3–4 minute
Fentanyl 50–100 µg IV 1 1 5
Nalbuphine 10 IV or IM 3 2–3 (IV) 4
15 (IM)
Butorphanol 1–2 IV or IM Q 4–6 1–2 (IV) Not known
10–30 (IM)
Morphine 2–5 IV 4 5 (IV) 7
5–10 IM 30–40 (IM)
Source: Adapted from Ref. [5].
Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; IM, intramuscular; Q, every; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia.
140 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
for parturients receiving placebo, with no further requests for be used for labor analgesia, is metabolized to normeperidine in
analgesia in 32% versus 4% of women receiving meperidine or the liver. This active metabolite has a prolonged half-life in adults
placebo, respectively [17]. In contrast, other studies have shown and a half-life of up to 72 hours in the neonate, which is associ-
that meperidine provides limited labor analgesia and has less ated with neonatal sedation. The normeperidine effect cannot be
labor analgesia efficacy than other systemic opioids such as remi- reversed by naloxone. Because of this, meperidine must be used
fentanil [18]. Additionally, meperidine has an active metabolite, cautiously for intrapartum analgesia. Agonist/antagonists such
normeperidine, which has a prolonged duration of action and as nalbuphine can result in both neonatal cardiac and respiratory
may result in neurobehavioral effects in the newborn. depression, although there are no data that demonstrate adverse
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50–100× more potent outcomes. Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist and is the drug
then morphine [19]. It is most commonly given intravenously by of choice in the treatment of neonatal respiratory and neurobe-
intermittent bolus administration or via PCA. It has a fast onset havioral depression secondary to opioid agonist agents. Repeated
and relatively short duration of action of 45–60 minutes, mak- doses might be necessary, but excess use can be associated with
ing it a good option for labor pain relief. It has no active metabo- neonatal withdrawal seizures. Compared with neuraxial anal-
lites; however, larger doses are associated with longer duration of gesic techniques, systemic medications are much less effective
action and increased needs for neonatal resuscitation compared at decreasing visual analog pain scores (see later).
to remifentanil [20]. When compared to equianalgesic doses of
meperidine, fentanyl is associated with less maternal nausea, Peripheral nerve blocks
vomiting, maternal sedation, and need for neonatal naloxone [21].
Remifentanil, an ultra-short-acting opioid without active Paracervical block
metabolites, has been growing in use as an option for labor anal- During the first stage of labor, pain from cervical dilation (but
gesia. Its pharmacokinetics allow for easy titration and for less not uterine contractions) can be blocked by a paracervical block.
risk of respiratory depression of the newborn. Remifentanil has Studies assessing the effectiveness of paracervical block in labor
a rapid peak analgesic effect <2 minutes after IV administra- are small and of poor quality. The data suggest that this block
tion [22] and a short context-sensitive half-life of 2–3 minutes. is more effective for pain relief than placebo [25]. Risks include
Women who received PCA remifentanil were more satisfied with maternal local anesthetic toxicity from IV injection, fetal local
their pain relief, had better pain relief at 1 hour, and were associ- anesthetic toxicity from inadvertent fetal injection, and a strong
ated with a reduced need for additional analgesia compared to association with fetal bradycardia.
women receiving other opioids either by IV or IM injection [23].
Pudendal block
Maternal safety During the second stage of labor, perineal pain can be blocked
There is not enough evidence to definitively evaluate the compar- with a pudendal block. Studies assessing the effectiveness of
ative safety of the various systemic opioids used to provide labor pudendal block in labor are small and of low quality. The data
analgesia. Maternal side effects are largely dose dependent rather suggest the pudendal block is more effective for pain relief than
than drug dependent. Across all opioids there exists the poten- placebo [25]. There is a small risk of maternal local anesthetic tox-
tial for maternal nausea, histamine release and pruritus, delayed icity in the event of accidental intravascular injection.
gastric emptying, constipation, urinary retention, dysphoria,
drowsiness, apnea, hypoventilation, and hypotension. However, Lumbosacral sterile water injection
in a small randomized controlled trial, maternal apneic episodes For patients who desire nonpharmacologic analgesic techniques,
occurred in 26% of women receiving remifentanil by patient- back pain during the first stage of labor can be reduced with lum-
controlled IV analgesia [24]. Due to concerns of maternal respira- bosacral sterile water injection. In a randomized controlled trial
tory depression, standardized protocols for administration and studying 128 term parturients, women receiving sterile water
monitoring, including one-to-one nursing care, pulse oximetry, injection versus acupuncture reported greater pain relief and
and capnography, as well as the immediate availability of anes- higher degrees of relaxation during labor [26]. In another study,
thesiology personnel, should be standard of care at institutions for women with severe lower back pain, four injections of sterile
where remifentanil PCA is used for labor analgesia [18]. water, either 0.1 mL intracutaneously or 0.5 mL subcutaneously
There is weak evidence of more frequent adverse effects such in the lumbosacral region, has been shown to be effective in
as maternal nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness with meptazinol reducing severe back pain [27].
compared to meperidine. However, both tramadol and pen-
tazocine have fewer maternal side effects when compared with Neuraxial (regional) labor analgesia
meperidine [16], making these two agents the ones with the best (epidural, spinal, or combined)
evidence of both moderate efficacy and lowest incidence of
side effects among the opioid analgesic agents. Respiratory and Background
neurobehavioral depression can be reversed with the use of the Epidural, spinal, and combined spinal-epidural analgesia tech-
pure opioid antagonist naloxone. niques are the most effective methods of providing pain relief to
the laboring parturient. A large meta-analysis looking at over 300
Fetal safety studies comparing neuraxial analgesic techniques to a variety
IV opioids cross the placenta because of their low molecular of other techniques, including systemic opioids, inhaled anes-
weight and lipid solubility and as a result can affect the neonate. thetics, and nonpharmacologic agents, concluded that neuraxial
When compared with neuraxial analgesia, IV opioids are associ- techniques are superior to all other methods in terms of parturi-
ated with increased incidence of nonreassuring fetal heart rate ent pain relief [28]. In a jointly published opinion, both the ACOG
(NRFHR), lower fetal base excess, and decreased fetal respira- and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) state: “In
tions and tone at birth. Meperidine, the first synthetic opioid to the absence of a medical contraindication, maternal request is
Analgesia and Anesthesia 141
a sufficient medical indication for pain relief during labor” [29]. type of anesthetic used, and several other technical aspects of
As labor results in severe pain for many women, neuraxial anes- epidural anesthesia in labor to recommend one specific drug
thesia, when available, should be offered to all women in labor, combination [31, 32]; however, a meta-analysis of 23 randomized
assuming no medical contraindication. controlled trials comparing epidural ropivacaine and bupivacaine
did not demonstrate significant difference between the two drugs
Overview of techniques in mode of delivery, maternal satisfaction or neonatal outcomes,
Neuraxial labor analgesia is also commonly called regional anal- although the incidence of motor blockade was less in the ropiva-
gesia. It can be provided via the epidural space, the intrathecal caine groups [33].
(spinal) space, or both. The epidural infusion rate can be controlled either by the anes-
Medications injected into the epidural space have a relatively thesiologist or by the patient. Patient-controlled epidural anal-
slow analgesic onset of 8–15 minutes. Block height is determined gesia (PCEA) typically employs a background infusion of local
by the volume of medication injected into the epidural space. anesthetic and opioid together with enabling the parturient to
Injecting low-concentration local anesthetic produces analge- augment the infusion with a bolus dose every 10–15 minutes. This
sia, and injecting high-concentration local anesthetic produces technique can also be used with a spinal catheter with appropri-
anesthesia. ately reduced doses.
By contrast, medication injected into the intrathecal space has
a quick onset of 2–5 minutes. Block height is determined primar- Indications
ily by the baricity (density relative to cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]) of In its 2019 Practice Bulletin, Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia,
the drug and, to some extent, the total volume of the drug. ACOG confirmed an opinion published also by the ASA, which
stated that “in the absence of medical contraindication, mater-
Epidural analgesia nal request is a sufficient medical indication for pain relief
Technique during labor” [5]. However, numerous maternal conditions make
The epidural space is located using a loss of resistance (to air or neuraxial anesthesia the prudent choice. Examples of such condi-
saline) technique (Figure 12.1) [30]. A small catheter is placed tions include anticipated difficult intubation, history of malignant
into the epidural space through which local anesthetics and opi- hyperthermia, high risk for CD, the presence of a comorbidity that
oids can be intermittently injected (bolus) or given as a continu- would benefit from the reduced catecholamine levels that result
ous infusion. from adequate labor analgesia (e.g. selected respiratory or car-
The most common local anesthetic choices include low- diac disease), and prophylaxis against autonomic hyperreflexia in
concentration, long-acting amides such as bupivacaine and ropi- the woman with a high spinal cord lesion. Functioning epidural
vacaine in combination with a lipid-soluble opioid such as fentanyl catheters can also be used to provide anesthesia for instrumented
and sufentanil. The addition of opioids to local anesthetics pro- delivery and extraction of a retained placenta.
duces an additive effect that results in a lower concentration of In some cases, an epidural catheter can be intentionally
local anesthetic being required to produce adequate labor anal- inserted into the intrathecal space to provide continuous spinal
gesia. A lower concentration of local anesthetic increases mater- analgesia. However, the resulting postdural puncture headache
nal mobility and decreases the potential for maternal systemic (PDPH) incidence may be high. Nonetheless, this risk may be
toxicity. There is insufficient evidence comparing concentrations, acceptable in certain situations such as the presence of certain
fluid and
Body of intrathecal space
Epidural space
Spinal cord ligament
Posterior process
Dura mater
(outer layer) and
Cauda equina membrane
(inner layer)
FIGURE 12.1 The epidural space. (From Pamela E. Macintyre and Stephan A. Schug, Acute Pain Management: A Practical Guide,
Fifth Edition, CRC Press 2021, with permission.)
142 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
maternal comorbidities (typically cardiac), the morbidly obese Safety, disadvantages, and complications
parturient with an airway that appears extremely difficult or Compared with non-neuraxial analgesia, epidural analgesia is
impossible to intubate, or following an inadvertent dural punc- associated with an increased risk of mild maternal fever, hypo-
ture during a difficult epidural placement. tension, and urinary retention; increased need for oxytocin
administration; increased duration of the second stage by an
Efficacy and advantages average of 15 minutes; and increased risk of operative vagi-
Compared with nonepidural methods, epidural analgesia both nal birth (forceps or vacuum-assist) [31]. A recent noninferior-
reduces pain during labor and increases maternal satisfaction ity trial assessed the effects of routine epidural analgesia during
with pain relief. However, some women who undergo epidural labor versus epidural upon maternal request and suggests that
versus nonepidural analgesia appear to have an increased inci- routine epidural analgesia was associated with a statistically sig-
dence of assisted vaginal birth. These findings have not been seen nificant increase in the rate of operative deliveries (difference
in more recent studies, suggesting that modern approaches to 8.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] –0.01 to –16.3) [42].
epidural analgesia with lower concentration of local anesthetics The etiology of the occasional increase in maternal temper-
do not affect this outcome [31]. In more than 85% of cases, the ature associated with epidural use is uncertain. This effect can
pain relief is optimal. As labor results in severe pain for many lead to increased maternal and neonatal antibiotic treatments, as
women, and neuraxial analgesia is the most effective inter- well as neonatal sepsis evaluations, but with no difference in the
vention to decrease or eliminate this pain, neuraxial analge- corresponding rate of neonatal infection or sepsis [43]. In centers
sia should be offered, when available, to all women in labor with structured protocols for neonatal sepsis workups, there are
(assuming no medical contraindication). no increases in the incidence of neonatal sepsis workups in babies
Compared with systemic opioids, epidural anesthesia is asso- born to mothers with epidural analgesia.
ciated with superior pain relief and lower risk of umbilical The incidence of maternal hypotension following neuraxial
cord pH <7.20. There is no evidence of a significant difference analgesia during labor is approximately 14%. Hypotension is asso-
in the risk of CD. In addition, there is no evidence of a signifi- ciated with an increased incidence of nonreassuring fetal heart
cant difference in the risk of long-term backache, and this did not rate tracing (NRFHT) that rarely (1%–2%) necessitates CD. Left
appear to have an impact on neonatal status as determined by uterine displacement should be maintained whenever possible, as
Apgar score or in admissions to neonatal intensive care [31]. No it will increase maternal preload and increase uterine perfusion.
studies reported on rare but potentially serious adverse effects of Measures such as fluid preloading and concurrent administration
epidural analgesia [31]. Neuraxial analgesia is the least depressant of phenylephrine or ephedrine can mitigate or prevent maternal
method of analgesia for the fetus/neonate, and it is important to hypotension.
note that initiation of breastfeeding is not affected by neuraxial Although the risk of long-term backache in women who uti-
analgesia. lize epidural analgesia is similar to controls (IM meperidine), it is
quite common for a woman to experience soreness or tenderness
Timing of initiation of neuraxial analgesia at the site of epidural insertion for 2–3 days [44].
There is no reason to delay epidural placement until an arbitrary Disadvantages of epidural analgesia include a slower onset com-
cervical dilation has been reached. The traditional practice of pared with intrathecal (spinal) injection, incomplete blockade of
delaying the placement of an epidural catheter until the cervix is pain (in about 10%–15% of patients), and inadvertent intrathecal
dilated to 4–5 cm has been disproven. Data suggest that neuraxial or intravascular catheter placement. While the PCEA gives the
analgesia can be offered as early as 2 cm or less without adversely patient more control and requires less intervention from anesthe-
affecting labor outcome or incidence of CD. Epidural placement siologists, this can lead to underdosing and therefore inadequate
at ≤2–5 cm is associated with similar maternal (instrumental analgesia: for example, if the patient does not self-administer a
delivery, CD, etc.) and neonatal outcomes compared with epi- bolus (if she is asleep) or if there is a pump malfunction.
dural placement at ≥3–5 cm in women in spontaneous labor or Other complications include a 1%–2% chance of PDPH fol-
receiving oxytocin [34–38]. Subsequently, in the updated ACOG lowing accidental lumbar puncture and, rarely, epidural hema-
Committee Opinion, it is affirmed that early initiation of neur- toma, respiratory arrest due to the unrecognized injection of an
axial analgesia does not increase the rate of CD [39]. Moreover epidural dose of opioid into the intrathecal space, systemic local
in practice bulletin No. 209 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia anesthetic toxicity due to unrecognized IV injection, or total
ACOG reaffirms that “consideration should be given to early spinal anesthesia from an unrecognized intrathecal injection of
placement of neuraxial catheter that can be used later for women a dose of local anesthetic meant for the epidural space. See sec-
undergoing labor after cesarean” [5]. tions on spinal analgesia and anesthesia emergencies for further
The decision of when to place epidural analgesia should be details on these complications and strategies for their prevention
made individually with each woman [5]. and treatment. Women should be counseled about these risks
PCEA gives the patient control over her analgesia. Patients before labor [43].
receive less local anesthetic overall (and therefore have less
motor blockade) and receive fewer manual boluses from the anes- Interventions to avoid some disadvantages
thesiologist (“top-offs”) [31, 40]. As patient satisfaction is high and complications of epidural analgesia
with epidural analgesia, PCEA is not associated with additional Preloading with IV fluids to prevent hypotension: Preloading
improvement in maternal satisfaction. with IV fluids (500–1000 mL or weight-based formula 10–20 mL/
There is insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis that kg) prior to traditional high-dose local anesthetic blocks may have
discontinuing epidural analgesia late in labor (e.g. at the begin- some beneficial fetal and maternal effects in healthy women [45].
ning of the second stage) reduces the rate of instrumental deliv- When using low-concentration analgesic solutions for epidural
ery. There is evidence that it increases the rate of inadequate pain techniques, preloading with IV fluids is associated with no sig-
relief in the second stage of labor [41]. nificant difference in maternal hypotension, although only a
Analgesia and Anesthesia 143
very large effect was excluded. There is, however, a trend toward to prevent PDPH following inadvertent dural puncture with an
less frequent fetal heart rate abnormalities [45]; therefore, some epidural needle. Conservative early interventions include anal-
fluid preloading may be beneficial. gesics, supine positioning, caffeine, and hydration. In about
Prophylactic ephedrine to prevent NRFHR: Compared with one-third of cases, the headache persists and is severe enough to
no ephedrine, ephedrine 10 mg IV bolus, followed by a 20-mg require an epidural blood patch procedure. An epidural blood
continuous infusion over 60 minutes, started in the first minutes patch is performed by injecting 10–25 mL of autologous blood
after the epidural test dose significantly decreases the incidence into the patient’s epidural space at the level of the dural puncture
of NRFHT from 15% to 3% [46]. However, this evidence is insuf- using meticulous sterile technique. If the level of the dural punc-
ficient to make a recommendation. ture is unknown, a more caudad interspace should be chosen.
In summary, epidural analgesia remains one of the most After the procedure, the patient should rest in the supine position
effective and safe methods of intrapartum analgesia, and, in for 1–2 hours. Resolution of symptoms with blood patch occurs
most cases, maternal request for pain relief is sufficient indi- in 70%–85% of women. Expected side effects following epidural
cation for its placement. A lower-concentration local anes- blood patch include transient backache and leg pain [47].
thetic (e.g. bupivacaine 0.0625%–0.125%) with the addition of
a lipid-soluble opioid (fentanyl 1–2 mcg/mL) allows excellent Respiratory depression or arrest
analgesia while reducing the total dose of local anesthetic and Respiratory depression or arrest due to intrathecal opioids occurs
minimizes the side effects (i.e. the severity of motor block). rarely: 1 in 5000–10,000 patients. Naloxone reverses this compli-
While there is no superior method of dosing (continuous infu- cation and should be readily available, along with airway manage-
sion vs. PCEA), PCEA allows the patient to titrate the neur- ment equipment, when administering labor analgesia.
axial blockade, which can result in less breakthrough pain.
Epidural analgesia can be given in early labor (cervical dila-
Hematoma after epidural or spinal analgesia is an extremely
tion <4 cm) and does not increase the rate of CD or prolong
rare complication of neuraxial anesthesia (1/150,000–250,000).
the duration of labor.
Symptoms include bilateral leg weakness, urinary incontinence,
Spinal analgesia and back pain. Prolonged motor paralysis without regression
Technique of block should raise suspicion. If suspected, the patient should
Using a small-bore spinal needle (typically a pencil-point design undergo prompt definitive imaging (magnetic resonance imaging
that minimizes trauma to the dura, thereby reducing the inci- [MRI]) of her neuraxis, followed by surgical decompression after
dence of PDPH), a dural puncture is made and proper location diagnosis. Surgical decompression within 6 hours following the
confirmed by CSF aspiration (Figure 12.1). A single injection of onset of symptoms often prevents permanent neurologic injury.
an analgesic dose of an opioid such as fentanyl or sufentanil, with The risk of persistent neurologic injury from epidural is about
or without a local anesthetic such as bupivacaine or ropivacaine, 1/240,000 [30].
is administered.
Combined spinal epidural
Indications Technique (Figure 12.1)
Indications for single-injection spinals include advanced labor The epidural space is identified with the loss-of-resistance tech-
where delivery is imminent, forceps deliveries in women without nique. A spinal needle is then introduced into the intrathe-
epidurals, and for patients with retained placentas. cal space. An intrathecal dose of local anesthetic and opioid is
injected through the spinal needle, which is then removed, leav-
Advantages ing the epidural needle in place. An epidural catheter is inserted,
Advantages for single-injection spinals include ease and speed of and an epidural local anesthetic and opioid infusion is started.
onset, completeness of block, and lower incidence of PDPH com- The intrathecal dose generally lasts about 2 hours, after which the
pared with epidural analgesia. epidural catheter will provide continuous analgesia.
additional doses for breakthrough pain [53]. There is some evi- there is no other acquired or congenital coagulopathy, the platelet
dence that CSE compared with an epidural is associated with a function is normal, and the patient is not receiving any anticoagu-
faster rate of cervical dilatation in nulliparous women less than lation [54, 55]. In a recent statement by the Society for Obstetric
5 cm [49], and women close to imminent birth may benefit from Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) (endorsed by the American
the speed of onset a CSE offers. There is no difference in ability to Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine [ASRA], ACOG,
mobilize, obstetric outcome, or neonatal outcome [51]. However, and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine [SMFM]) through a sys-
there is a statistically significant difference in risk of instrumental tematic review and modified Delphi method, they concluded that
delivery between CSE and epidural analgesia, with CSE having the risk of spinal epidural hematoma associated with a plate-
decreased rates of instrumentation (relative risk [RR] 0.81; 95% let count ≥70,000 × 106/L is likely to be very low in obstetric
CI 0.67–0.97) [51]. patients with thrombocytopenia secondary to gestational throm-
bocytopenia, ITP, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in the
Disadvantages absence of other risk factors [56].
The disadvantages of CSE are similar to epidural and spinal tech-
niques. Although data are limited, no differences are reported Anticoagulation
between IV preloading and no preloading to prevent hypotension Recently updated guidelines from the ASRA from 2018 address
[45]. Women who receive intrathecal opioids experience more the use of neuraxial anesthesia in the setting of anticoagulation
pruritus than with a standard epidural [51]. However, pruritus is [57]. These updated guidelines now include prophylactic unfrac-
quite common after both spinal and epidural opioids and results tionated heparin in the dosing regimens that are considered to
from mu-opioid receptor stimulation in the brainstem. Naloxone increase the risk for major complications of neuraxial anesthesia.
and nalbuphine are effective interventions. Diphenhydramine These new ASRA recommendations are reflected in the SOAP
and other antihistamines are not effective in treating opioid- consensus statement from 2018 and the updated ACOG Practice
induced pruritus because opioids administered via the intra- Bulletin No. 196 Thromboembolism in Pregnancy [58, 59]. When
thecal or epidural route do not cause histamine release. The administering any form of anticoagulation to a parturient,
significantly higher incidence of urinary retention, instru- whether in the antepartum or postpartum period, in the setting
mental deliveries, and rescue analgesia interventions with of neuraxial anesthesia use, clinicians must be knowledgeable
traditional high-concentration epidurals would favor the use of these recommendations to minimize the risk of major com-
of low-dose epidurals [51]. An additional disadvantage is that the plications from neuraxial anesthesia, including spinal epidural
correct placement of the catheter in the epidural space cannot hematoma.
be verified until the spinal analgesia regresses. It is not possible
to draw any meaningful conclusions as to possible differences
between CSE and epidurals in producing rare complications such Intrapartum recommendations
as nerve injury and meningitis. regarding thromboprophylaxis
In summary, CSE is an ideal technique when rapid-onset
analgesia with good sacral coverage in advanced labor is These recommendations are adapted from the SOAP Consensus
needed. In addition to rapid pain relief, an advantage of this Statement on the Anesthetic Management of Pregnant and
technique is the visualization of CSF flow through the spinal Postpartum Women Receiving Thromboprophylaxis or Higher
needle, which can provide confirmation that the epidural Dose Anticoagulants) [58].
space has been reached successfully. An additional benefit of
Low-dose aspirin
a CSE is the block can be extended with the epidural catheter
Women receiving prophylactic low-dose aspirin are not at
if the duration of the spinal anesthetic is inadequate.
increased risk for spinal epidural hematoma from neuraxial
Contraindications to regional anesthesia
Coagulopathy Unfractionated heparin
A routine platelet count is not necessary before administering For low-dose unfractionated heparin (UFH) thromboprophylaxis
neuraxial analgesia in the healthy parturient; however, the deci- (i.e., 5000 U SQ twice daily or three times daily), consider holding
sion to order a platelet count should be individualized and based the dose for 4–6 hours before placing the neuraxial anesthetic
on the patient’s history, physical examination, and clinical signs [3]. or assessing coagulation status as per ASRA recommendations.
Indications for platelet count may include hypertensive disorders For intermediate-dose UFH thromboprophylaxis (i.e., 7500 U
of pregnancy, history of thrombocytopenia (gestational, immune SQ twice daily or 10,000 U SQ twice daily), consider holding the
thrombocytopenia [ITP]), abruption, and disorders of coagulation. dose for 12 hours and assessing coagulation status before placing
Thrombocytopenia is a relative contraindication to neuraxial anes- a neuraxial anesthetic.
thesia, but a safe lower limit for platelet count has not been clearly For high-dose UFH thromboprophylaxis (i.e., individual dose
defined. In the absence of disseminated intravascular coagulation >10,000 U SQ per dose, or >20,000 U SQ total daily dose), con-
(DIC), a platelet count of ≥100 × 109/L has historically been con- sider holding the dose for 24 hours and assessing coagulation sta-
sidered safe; however, there are no data to support a specific mini- tus before placing the anesthetic.
mum platelet count for neuraxial anesthesia. The literature reports For IV heparin, consider stopping the infusion for 4–6 hours
mostly retrospective data on this issue. In a recent retrospective and then assessing coagulation status before placing a neuraxial
cohort study of 84,471 obstetric patients from 19 institutions com- anesthetic.
bined with a review of the medical literature suggests that epi-
dural or spinal anesthesia is considered acceptable, and the risk Low-molecular-weight heparin
of epidural hematoma is low in patients with platelet counts of For low-dose low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) thrombo-
70 × 109/L or more, provided that the platelet count is stable and prophylaxis (i.e., enoxaparin ≤40 mg SQ once daily or 30 mg SQ
Analgesia and Anesthesia 145
coronary hypoperfusion, ischemia, arrhythmias, or arrest. This and anesthesia with initial epidural failure as high as 42%.
is especially dangerous in patients with moderate to severe aor- Despite this increase in technical difficulty, neuraxial anesthesia
tic stenosis. However, parturients with aortic stenosis have safely is the technique of choice in the obese parturient.
undergone both neuraxial labor analgesia and anesthesia for CD.
Meticulous anesthetic technique and allowing adequate time to Cesarean delivery anesthesia
slowly administer the requisite medication is the key to safe pro-
vision of neuraxial anesthesia in these patients. Inadvertent IV Current guidelines recommend a fasting period for solids of
injection of local anesthetics is also a significant risk in patients 6–8 hours prior to scheduled CD. Parturients without compli-
with underlying arrhythmias due to impairment of cardiac auto- cations may drink clear liquids for up to 2 hours before induc-
maticity and conduction (especially with bupivacaine). tion of anesthesia for planned CD [3]. For laboring patients with
additional risk factors (i.e. morbid obesity, diabetes mellitus) or
Congenital heart disease patients at increased risk for CD (NRFHR pattern), consider fur-
Women with congenital heart disease (e.g., tetralogy of Fallot, ther restrictions of oral intake [3]. See also Chap. 8 for food intake
hypoplastic left ventricle, transposition of the great vessels, in labor.
and septal defects) are now surviving to childbearing years.
Depending on the adequacy of their surgical repair, pregnancy Epidural
may or may not severely affect these patients with underlying cya- Epidural anesthesia can be used for CD and for most urgent or
notic heart disease. The increased cardiac output, oxygen con- emergent deliveries if a functioning catheter is in place. Patients
sumption, changes in systemic and pulmonary resistance, and with existing labor epidurals can have their block extended to an
aortocaval compression can exacerbate preexisting right-to-left adequate level for surgery using a large volume of high-concentration
shunts, increasing the risk of maternal cyanosis and death. local anesthetic solution containing opioids and epinephrine
Advantages of epidural analgesia: Although the hypotension (which is thought to produce analgesia via α2 receptors in the
of large-dose spinal anesthesia can be associated with risk of spinal cord).
shunting and cyanosis, slowly administered epidural, low-dose
spinal, and continuous spinal analgesia are advantageous to these Advantages
patients by reducing catecholamine levels and preventing mater- There are numerous advantages to using epidural anesthesia for
nal expulsive reflexes. Additionally, if an instrumented delivery CD, including avoiding instrumentation of the maternal airway,
or CD is required, a surgical anesthetic level can be slowly pro- the ability to redose the epidural in the event of a delayed or pro-
duced, avoiding the risks of general anesthesia in these patients. longed surgery, the ability to administer long-acting epidural
Disadvantages: The largest disadvantage of neuraxial analgesia opioids to augment postoperative pain control, and the avoid-
is the risk of hypotension. Hemodynamic management of these ance of a dural puncture. Opioids administered via the neuraxial
patients should be aggressive and tailored to the underlying car- approach are associated with a 35%–55% incidence of maternal
diac defect. pruritus severe enough to require treatment [65]. An additional
advantage is that the patient is awake and can experience the
Previous lumbar surgery birth. The epidural catheter should be removed after 24 hours to
Previous lumbar surgery (e.g., discectomy, placement of reduce urinary retention, pruritus, and infection risks.
Harrington rods) is not a contraindication for lumbar epidural
or spinal analgesia or anesthesia. One case series found that suc- Disadvantages
cessful block can be achieved, although at a lower rate (55%) than Disadvantages of an epidural for CD include longer onset time
in the control population. There were no cases of spine infection, for surgical block compared with spinal anesthesia and the pos-
low back pain, or headaches [61]. sibility of incomplete or patchy block, making epidural anesthe-
sia a less attractive option than spinal anesthesia in emergent
Maternal obesity situations (when an epidural catheter is not already in place). The
The incidence of maternal obesity has been rapidly increasing higher doses of local anesthetics used in epidural blocks (com-
worldwide. Obese parturients have higher rates of hypertension, pared with spinal) increase the risk of maternal systemic toxicity.
diabetes, preeclampsia, chorioamnionitis, and cesarean section
compared with normal-weight women. Obese patients are also Spinal
more at risk for hypoventilation and apnea after administration Spinal anesthesia can be used for both planned CDs and in most
of opioids, complicating postpartum and postoperative pain emergencies. Intrathecal opioids can be added to augment post-
control. Relative immobility also increases the risk of thrombo- operative pain control.
embolic events [62]. Most importantly, obesity increases the risk
for death during pregnancy. The report of Confidential Enquiries Advantages
into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom for the 2006–2008 Spinal anesthesia is a reliable form of anesthesia that is techni-
triennium showed that 49% of maternal deaths were overweight cally easier to perform and produces adequate anesthesia signifi-
or obese [63]. The risks of low Apgar scores, neonatal intensive cantly faster than epidural anesthesia [66]. Other advantages are
care unit admission, fetal death, and perinatal death are increased its simplicity, lower drug doses, and superior abdominal muscle
[64]. Respiratory, gastrointestinal, and anatomic changes of preg- relaxation. Compared with epidural, spinal technique is asso-
nancy significantly increase the risk of a failed intubation and ciated with similar failure rate, need for additional intraop-
aspiration, which is as high as 15%–33% in obese pregnant erative analgesia, need for conversion to general anesthesia
women. Venous access can be difficult, increasing the need for intraoperatively, maternal satisfaction, need for postopera-
central venous access. Bony landmarks and increased adipose tive pain relief, and neonatal intervention [66]. Compared with
and soft tissue can complicate placement of neuraxial analgesia epidural, spinal anesthesia for cesarean section is associated with
Analgesia and Anesthesia 147
reduced time, by about 8 minutes, from start of the anesthetic to 30 minutes of surgery and/or metoclopramide. Time permitting,
start of the operation. an H2 blocker can be given 30–50 minutes before induction of
Compared with general anesthesia, women with neuraxial anesthesia to confer additional protection. Airway protection
anesthesia have less intraoperative blood loss but significantly with endotracheal intubation is mandatory.
more nausea. In a review of randomized clinical trials, no dif- There is insufficient evidence to assess prevention of aspiration
ferences in umbilical cord arterial blood pH were found among during general anesthesia. When compared with no treatment or
general and neuraxial anesthetic techniques [67]. placebo, there is a significant reduction in the risk of intragastric
pH <2.5 with antacids, H2 antagonists, and proton pump antago-
Disadvantages nists [71]. H2 antagonists are associated with a reduced risk of
Hypotension, possibly profound, is increased in incidence 23% intragastric pH <2.5 at intubation when compared with proton
with spinal versus epidural anesthesia [66]. A number of strate- pump antagonists, but compared with antacids, the findings were
gies can be used to mitigate hypotension. No intervention reliably unclear. The combined use of “antacids plus H2 antagonists” is
prevents hypotension due to spinal anesthesia for CD, but five associated with a significant reduction in the risk of intragas-
interventions have been found to reduce the incidence of hypo- tric pH <2.5 at intubation when compared with placebo or com-
tension: (1) crystalloid preload, (2) preemptive colloid admin- pared with antacids alone (RR 0.12, 95% CI 0.02–0.92, 1 trial, 119
istration, (3) ephedrine, (4) phenylephrine, and (5) lower limb women). In general, the quality of the evidence is insufficient to
compression [45, 68, 69]. No differences were detected for dif- make a recommendation. None of the studies assessed potential
ferent doses, rates, or methods of administering colloids or crys- adverse effects or substantive clinical outcomes [71].
talloids. High doses of ephedrine may increase the incidence of
hypertension and tachycardia and are associated with fetal acido- Advantages
sis of uncertain clinical significance. Patients who receive intra- There are few advantages to general anesthesia in the absence of
thecal bupivacaine with prophylactic IV phenylephrine infusion a contraindication to a neuraxial approach. One possible advan-
have less hypotension than those without phenylephrine [68]. tage is the relaxation properties halogenated anesthetics have on
One systematic review showed that phenylephrine is as safe as uterine muscle. This property can be useful in the management of
ephedrine; in fact, fetal pH is higher and the incidence of mater- uterine inversion, fetal entrapment, or retained placenta. IV nitro-
nal nausea is lower with phenylephrine [70]. Given the efficacy glycerine and terbutaline are other options in these situations.
of phenylephrine and better umbilical cord pH, many anesthesia
providers now use phenylephrine as a first-line agent for the treat- Disadvantages
ment and prevention of maternal hypotension. Different methods Compared with neuraxial anesthesia, general anesthesia is asso-
of compression appeared to vary in their effectiveness. In sum- ciated with a threefold risk of maternal death [72]. The greatest
mary, interventions such as crystalloids, colloids, ephedrine, risk is from the inability to intubate or ventilate the patient.
phenylephrine, or lower-leg compression can reduce the inci- Parturients have increased upper airway edema, lower pulmo-
dence of hypotension, but none have been shown to eliminate nary functional residual capacity, increased metabolic oxygen
maternal hypotension during spinal anesthesia for CD. consumption, decreased lower esophageal sphincter tone, and
Limited duration is another disadvantage of spinal anesthesia. delayed gastric emptying. These conditions increase the risk of
CSEs and spinal catheters combine the advantages of the rapid both hypoxemia and aspiration. Airway edema can also make
onset of spinal anesthesia with the ability to redose in the case of anesthetizing the airway for awake fiber-optic intubation more
prolonged surgical time. difficult. The incidence of failed intubation in the obstetric popu-
The rate of PDPH after spinal anesthesia ranges between 1.5% lation is approximately 1 in 300, nearly eight times that of the
and 11.2%. To reduce this risk, this technique should be per- general population [72, 73].
formed using a small-gauge (24 g or smaller), pencil-point spinal CD is considered a high-risk procedure for intraoperative
needle when possible. recall. Concern about neonatal depression and uterine atony has
In summary, both spinal and epidural techniques are shown led to minimal use of benzodiazepines and low-dose intraopera-
to provide effective anesthesia for cesarean section. Both tech- tive halogenated anesthetics intraoperatively. Compared with
niques are associated with moderate degrees of maternal satisfac- nonobstetric surgery, the risk of maternal awareness under
tion. Spinal anesthesia has a shorter onset time, but treatment for general anesthesia is increased (0.4% vs. 0.2% for nonobstetric
hypotension is more likely if spinal anesthesia is used. Because of surgery) [74]. Although benzodiazepines and opioids can depress
its safety and effectiveness, spinal anesthesia has evolved as the the fetus, they are pharmacologically reversible, and administra-
regional technique of choice for CD due in particular to rapid- tion should be considered if their use would benefit the mother.
ity of anesthetic onset, quality of anesthesia, and ease of perfor- For instance, the judicious use of preintubation opioids can be
mance of block. considered to blunt the sympathetic response to direct laryngos-
copy in the hypertensive parturient. The ultra-short-acting syn-
General anesthesia thetic opioid remifentanil can provide this benefit with minimal
While neuraxial techniques are clearly the preferred anesthetic effect on the neonate.
for CD, general anesthesia is indicated in the case of failed General anesthesia is also associated with higher incidence of
regional anesthesia, an obstetric emergency preventing place- postoperative nausea and vomiting, maternal sedation, and
ment of a neuraxial technique, a contraindication for regional increased time to breastfeeding.
anesthesia, or objection by the patient to regional anesthesia. General anesthesia’s effect on the fetus depends on the length
of time from induction to umbilical cord clamp; length of time
Precautions from hysterotomy to cord clamp is also important. Fetal exposure
If a general anesthetic is chosen, patients must receive aspiration to inhaled anesthetics of >5–8 minutes is associated with neo-
prophylaxis that may include a nonparticulate oral antacid within natal depression. General anesthesia compared with neuraxial
148 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
anesthesia has been shown to increase the incidence of fetal aci- tolerate oral intake. Women should be aware of an FDA advi-
dosis, drug exposure, and lower Apgar scores. IV induction sory warning not to breastfeed when using tramadol or codeine
agents, opioids, and hypnotics readily cross the placenta, while [98]. Opioid PCA may be required by some individuals, such as in
neuromuscular blocking agents do not [75]. cases where regional anesthesia with a long-acting opioid was not
used. An opioid PCA is not required for most patients and should
Post–vaginal delivery analgesia not be the default order in the postoperative period.
After a vaginal delivery, women may experience pain from uter- These methods may not be effective for adequate post-cesarean
ine cramping or perineal laceration. Typical first-line analgesic pain control in some situations. This includes women with aller-
methods include abdominal heating pads for uterine cramps, per- gies to NSAIDs and acetaminophen, women with substance
ineal ice packs, and topical lidocaine applied to the perineum. The use disorder, and those undergoing cesarean hysterectomy.
data to support these methods is limited [76–78]. Oral analgesics Ketamine is an adjunct that has been shown to improve post-
such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acet- operative pain scores and decrease opioid use that may be used
aminophen may be used as needed or scheduled. NSAIDs have when pain is not optimally controlled [99]. Additional analgesics,
been shown to be superior to acetaminophen [79]. Oral or IV such as a lidocaine patch, pregabalin, and gabapentin, are also
opioids should be reserved for severe or breakthrough pain, and options; however, there are limited data on their efficacy follow-
these medications should be limited to the lowest effective dose ing CD [100–103]. Finally, an epidural catheter may be left in
for the shortest necessary duration. place for women at risk of poor pain control or those undergo-
ing more extensive surgery. This can be titrated for an analgesic
Post-CD analgesia effect, rather than anesthesia.
Pain management following CD is important for patient and
provider experiences, bonding with the newborn, minimizing Anesthetic emergencies
the risk of postpartum depression, and improving breastfeeding
[80–82]. However, studies have shown that a significant num- An anesthetic emergency in the obstetric patient necessitates
ber of women become persistent users after opioid prescription clear and precise communication and cooperation between the
at the time of CD [83]. Optimizing alternative analgesic meth- anesthesia and obstetric teams. The goal is to stabilize the mother
ods after CD is therefore a priority. Preservative-free morphine while, if necessary, safely and quickly delivering the neonate.
hydrochloride administered at the time of spinal anesthesia or
following cord clamp when using epidural anesthesia provides Total spinal
effective pain relief in the first 12–24 hours after surgery and has A total spinal occurs with cephalad spread of local anesthetic
been shown to limit opioid use in this period [5, 84]. to the breathing centers of the brainstem. This can result from
For patients unable to receive regional anesthesia with long- unintentional intrathecal placement of an epidural dose of local
acting opioids, the transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block anesthetic or from subdural catheter placement with subsequent
may be utilized. It is performed by injecting local anesthetic migration of the catheter. Agitation, difficulty speaking, and
between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles profound hypotension are signs of a total spinal. Control of the
to block the plexus of nerves supplying the anterior abdominal airway with endotracheal intubation, blood pressure support
wall. In a randomized controlled trial comparing intrathecal opi- with fluid, vasopressors, and left uterine displacement should
oid to TAP block after CD, intrathecal opioid was superior, and be performed immediately. Once the airway has been secured,
patients receiving TAP block had increased opioid consumption assessment of the fetus should be facilitated. If the fetus is stable,
in the immediate postoperative period [85]. The TAP block is a delivery can safely await maternal recovery.
reasonable alternative in a patient with a contraindication to a
neuraxial block [86, 87]. Local anesthetic systemic toxicity
Following surgery, scheduled NSAIDs and acetaminophen IV injection of local anesthetics can lead to systemic toxicity,
have been shown to decrease opioid use and improve pain scores including seizures and cardiovascular collapse. The mother’s air-
[88–90]. While the optimal dose and route of these medications way should be controlled immediately, and delivery of the fetus is
are unclear, IM or IV administration of NSAIDs does appear to often indicated because of maternal instability. Seizures can be
be more effective than oral administration [91]. Acetaminophen quickly terminated with administration of diazepam. The phar-
may also be administered intravenously, although there is con- macologic treatment of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)
flicting data on the efficacy of the IV route when compared to is different from other cardiac arrest scenarios. Management
oral or rectal administration [92–96]. Because IV acetaminophen of cardiac arrest includes treatment according to the American
is significantly more expensive than other formulations, many Heart Association/Advanced Cardiac Life Support (AHA/ACLS)
institutions opt to use oral acetaminophen. In general, medi- guidelines with adjustment of medications and possibly pro-
cations that combine acetaminophen with an opioid should be longed effort as per ASRA guidelines [104]. Administration of
avoided. Compared to scheduled acetaminophen, combination Intralipid, a 20% fat emulsion, has been shown to increase the
medications, such as oxycodone-acetaminophen (Percocet), have survival rate of patients who experience cardiac arrest secondary
been shown to increase opioid consumption overall [97], and such to LAST [104, 105].
medications are known to have higher associated street value,
making them more prone to abuse by other community members. Failed intubation
Opioids should be reserved for breakthrough pain that is The risk of failed intubation is increased in the parturient at
not controlled with around-the-clock acetaminophen and approximately 1 in 300—nearly eight times that of the gen-
NSAIDs. In general, the lowest possible dose of opioids, if eral population (1:2330) [72, 73]. Increased edema in the upper
needed, should be used on an as-needed basis, and these med- airway, increased breast size, and increased friability of the
ications should be administered orally if the patient is able to mucosa increase chance of failure. In addition, parturients have
Analgesia and Anesthesia 149
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Adeeb Khalifeh and Megan Piacquadio
TABLE 13.1: Contraindication to Operative Vaginal Delivery blades and overlapping shanks), and Elliot forceps (fenes-
trated blades, overlapping shanks, and largest cephalic cur-
• Nonvertex presentation
vature). Many of these forceps have been modified with a
• Unengaged fetal head
Luikart pseudofenestration of the blade.
• Unknown fetal head position
• Rotational forceps: These have a cephalic curvature but lack
• Fetal prematurity such as <34 weeks (vacuum) a pelvic curvature. Also have a sliding lock to allow forceps
• Known fetal coagulation disorders (e.g. hemophilia, NAIT, to slide to correct asynclitism of the fetal head if present.
von Willebrand disease) After rotation of the fetal head is accomplished, classical for-
• Known fetal bone demineralization conditions (e.g. osteogenesis ceps should be used to complete the delivery. Types include
imperfecta) Kielland, Luikart, Barton, and Salinas forceps.
Source: From data in Ref. [3]. • Forceps for breech delivery: These are indicated to help
Abbreviation: NAIT, neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. with the aftercoming head in a breech delivery. These forceps
lack a pelvic curvature and have blades that are beneath the
extreme caution in women with maternal diabetes, prolonged plane of the shank. Types include Piper and Laufe forceps.
labor, and fetal macrosomia, with appropriate preparations due
to an increased risk of shoulder dystocia. Types of vacuum extractors
Vacuum extractors were originally designed with a rigid metal
Risks for failed operative vaginal delivery cup. Subsequently, soft cups have been developed. Several types
Risks for failed vacuum or forceps vaginal delivery include of rigid (metal or plastic) and soft (silicone plastic or rubber)
increased maternal age, increased body mass index, diabetes, vacuums are in clinical use [10–12]. Among different types of
polyhydramnios, macrosomia, occiput posterior (also increases vacuums, the metal cup is more likely to result in a success-
rates of third- and fourth-degree perineal lacerations), dysfunc- ful vaginal birth than the soft cup (9% versus 17%), with more
tional labor, and prolonged labor [6, 7]. cases of scalp injury (41% versus 30%) and cephalohematoma
(14% versus 8%). The handheld ventouse is associated with more
failures than the metal ventouse and a trend to fewer than the soft
Classification of operative ventouse [10–13].
vaginal delivery [3] Rigid cups may be better for occiput posterior and other
more difficult deliveries, while soft cups are better suited for
• Outlet: Scalp is visible at introitus without separating the less complicated, routine deliveries [10]. Maternal injury, low
labia, fetal skull has reached pelvic floor, sagittal suture is Apgar scores at 1 or 5 minutes, umbilical artery pH <7.20, hyper-
anteroposterior (AP) diameter or right or left occiput ante- bilirubinemia/phototherapy, retinal/intracranial hemorrhage,
rior or posterior position, fetal head is at or on perineum, and perinatal death do not differ between soft and rigid vacuum
and rotation ≤45 degrees. cups [10, 13]. Soft vacuum cups have largely replaced the rigid
• Low: Leading point of the fetal skull is at station ≥+2 cm and cup in routine clinical practice. For a comprehensive review of
not on the pelvic floor, rotation is ≤45 degrees (left or right vacuum delivery, see Ref. [14].
occiput anterior to occiput anterior or left or right occiput
posterior to occiput posterior), or rotation is >45 degrees. Possible complications of operative vaginal deliveries
• Mid: Station is above +2 cm but head is engaged.
1. Maternal
Originally devised for forceps, this classification is valid for any • Forceps use is associated with a sixfold increase in
OVD, including vacuum [8]. third- and fourth-degree perineal tears compared to
a spontaneous vaginal delivery [15].
Types of forceps • Vacuum use is associated with a twofold increase in
third- and fourth-degree lacerations compared to
There are many different designs for forceps, but all consist of two spontaneous vaginal deliveries [15].
separate halves that each have the same four basic components: • Forceps delivery has an increased risk of anal sphinc-
Blade, shank, lock, and handle. There is insufficient evidence to ter injury compared to vacuum delivery [10].
compare different types of forceps, and it is recognized that • Urinary, flatus, liquid, and solid incontinence is
the choice is often subjective. In the only small trial performed, similar at 1 year in women who had OVD compared
severe facial abrasion was decreased from 4.1% to 1.9% from the to women who had a second-stage CD [16].
regular forceps compared with soft forceps, as were minimal • Pelvic floor and sexual function do not differ at 1 year
markings (from 61% to 34%, respectively) [9]. Unfortunately, postpartum compared to women who had CD [17].
successful delivery rates for the two different forceps were not • In the absence of anal sphincter injury, anal incon-
reported, and the soft forceps were self-made. Given the paucity tinence rates at 5–10 years are similar to those in
of data, choice of forceps type is operator dependent. women who had a spontaneous vaginal delivery [18].
2. Neonatal
• Classical forceps: These have cephalic and pelvic curva- • Intracranial hemorrhage rate is increased in OVD,
tures. Usually indicated when no rotation of the fetal head but the absolute risk is low [19].
is necessary before delivery. Common types include the fol- • The rates of intracranial hemorrhage and neonatal
lowing: Simpson forceps (fenestrated blades and nonover- encephalopathy compared to second-stage CD are
lapping shanks), Tucker-McLane forceps (nonfenestrated similar [19, 20].
154 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
• Cephalohematoma, fetal scalp lacerations, retinal the general population [26]. However, the diagnosis of
hemorrhages, subgaleal hematoma, and intracra- cephalohematoma can be falsely positive in up to 75% of
nial hemorrhages have been reported in vacuum cases [27].
deliveries. • Retinal hemorrhages tended to be less common in forceps
• Facial lacerations, facial nerve palsy, and corneal than vacuum deliveries (5% versus 8%; RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.43–
abrasion are more common with forceps delivery. 1.06) [12]. One study found retinal hemorrhages occurred in
• Long-term cognitive outcomes are similar to spon- 18% in spontaneous vaginal deliveries [28]. The clinical sig-
taneous vaginal deliveries [21, 22]. nificance of retinal hemorrhages remains unclear [26].
• Recent data show that the duration of OVD, more • Rates of scalp/face injury other than cephalohematoma,
specifically vacuum duration, is correlated to a use of phototherapy, perinatal death, readmission to hos-
greater risk of adverse neonatal outcomes [23]. pital, and hearing or vision disability are similar between
forceps- and vacuum-assisted vaginal deliveries [10, 29].
• Other possible uncommon fetal complications associated
Comparison of forceps- versus with OVD include facial nerve injury, corneal abrasions,
vacuum-assisted delivery [10] facial bruising, and lacerations. Very rare findings include
facial nerve palsy, skull fractures, cervical spine injury, and
Safety/Complications intracranial hemorrhage. With vacuum-assisted delivery,
Maternal life-threatening neonatal injuries include subgaleal (sub-
• There is a trend for less regional (37% versus 40%) and aponeurotic) hematoma (0%–4%). Intracranial hemor-
significantly less general anesthesia (1% versus 10%) rhage is a rare complication of OVD (0%–2.5%).
with vacuum-assisted compared to forceps-assisted
deliveries. We do not use general anesthesia for operative Efficacy
delivery. Both vacuum- and forceps-assisted delivery have high deliv-
• Third- and fourth-degree perineal (14% versus 7.5%; rela- ery success rates (with vacuum from 83% to 94% and with for-
tive risk [RR] 1.89, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.51–2.37) ceps from 78% to 92%) [10, 27]. Forceps are less likely than the
and vaginal wall lacerations (26% versus 8%; RR 2.48, vacuum to fail to achieve a vaginal birth with the allocated
95% CI 1.59–3.87) (maternal trauma) are significantly instrument (9% versus 14%; RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.45–0.94) [10].
increased with forceps compared with vacuum. CD occurred in 4.5% of forceps and 2.6% of vacuum deliveries,
• Severe perineal pain at 24 hours is decreased (9% versus as in these studies unfortunately, failed vacuum would at times
15%) with vacuum- compared to forceps-assisted deliveries. be followed by forceps, which, in general, should not be done [10].
• Flatus incontinence or altered continence is more common
with forceps compared to vacuum in a small trial (59% ver- Alternatives to operative vaginal delivery
sus 33%; RR 1.77, 95% CI 1.19–2.62). In one randomized Alternative management should always be discussed with the
controlled trial (RCT) comparing forceps and vacuum patient. This includes continued expectant management for
delivery, there was no difference in either bowel or uri- prolonged second stage in the presence of a reassuring fetal
nary dysfunction 5 years postpartum [24]. status, oxytocin augmentation, or proceeding with a CD.
• Rates of moderate/severe pain at delivery, endoanal ultra- However, the appropriate use of OVD is encouraged by the
sound abnormalities [24], and other maternal outcomes are American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
similar. to safely prevent the primary CD [4].
• Rotational forceps does not increase adverse maternal out-
come compared to rotational vacuum delivery [25]. Summary
There is a recognized place for forceps and all types of vacuums in
Fetal/Neonatal clinical practice [10]. The role of operator training with any choice
• Facial injury is more likely with forceps (1.7% versus 0.2%; of instrument must be emphasized. The increasing risks of failed
RR 5.10, 95% CI 1.12–23.25). delivery with the chosen instrument from forceps, to metal cup,
• Using a random effects model because of heterogeneity to handheld, to soft cup vacuum and the trade-offs between the
between studies, there was a trend toward fewer cases of risks of maternal and neonatal trauma (see Table 13.2) need to be
cephalohematoma with forceps (5% versus 9%; RR 0.64, considered when choosing an instrument. Overall, forceps or the
95% CI 0.37–1.11). Rates of cephalohematomas occur in metal cup appears to be most effective at achieving a vaginal
about 10% versus 4% in vacuum and forceps, respectively birth, but with increased risk of maternal trauma with forceps
[10]. Cephalohematomas have an overall rate of 2.5% in and neonatal trauma with the metal cup [10].
TABLE 13.2: Comparison of Forceps versus Vacuum for Operative Vaginal Delivery
Fetal Maternal
Favors Forceps Favors Vacuum Favors Forceps Favors Vacuum
Less facial injury (0.2% versus 1.7%) Less likely to fail to deliver vaginally Fewer third- and fourth-degree perineal tears (7.5%
the baby (9% versus 14%) versus 14%) and vaginal wall (8% versus 26%)
Less severe perineal pain postpartum (9% versus 15%)
Source: From data in Ref. [10].
Operative Vaginal Delivery 155
Management 0.11, 95% CI 0.09–0.13) and forceps delivery (OR 0.08, 95% CI
0.07–0.11), compared with no episiotomy. The number of medio-
Preoperative assessment lateral episiotomies needed to prevent one sphincter injury in
Counseling vacuum extractions was 12, whereas 5 mediolateral episiotomies
Review with the patient the indication, risks (possible complica- could prevent one sphincter injury in forceps deliveries [36, 37].
tions) and benefits, and type of instrument to be used for OVD. Episiotomy should not be routinely performed, as it is associ-
The option of CD, including its risks and benefits, should also be ated with perineal lacerations in nonoperative vaginal deliveries.
reviewed. Obtain verbal or written informed consent prior to OVD. However, episiotomy should not be used as an obstetric quality
measure in assisted vaginal deliveries, as this could decrease fur-
Preparation/Documentation (Table 13.3) ther the use of OVD and increase the CD rate [38].
aternal: Sufficient analgesia, clinical assessment of pelvis,
lithotomy position, ± empty bladder. Antibiotic prophylaxis
Fetal: Vertex presentation, head engaged (lower part of bony ver- OVD increases the risk for postpartum infection and readmis-
tex—not caput—at or lower than level of ischial spines), knowl- sion to hospital when compared to spontaneously vaginal deliv-
edge of the position of the head, asynclitism, and estimated fetal ery. Two grams of cefotetan IV at the time of vacuum or forceps
weight. Suboptimal instrument placement increases maternal delivery are associated with a nonsignificant decrease (0% versus
and neonatal morbidity [30]. 3.5%) in endometritis [39]. A more recent RCT, the ANODE trial,
U ltrasound: Several studies have investigated the role of ultra- showed patients in the United Kingdom who received a single dose
sound in OVD. In one RCT, the use of ultrasound significantly of co-amoxiclav (1 g amoxicillin/200 mg clavulanic acid) follow-
decreased the incidence of incorrect diagnosis of fetal head ing OVD were at significantly decreased risk for infection within
position [31]. The measurement of ultrasound distance between 6 weeks of delivery. However, aspects of the ANODE trial may
the perineum and fetal skull has been shown to be a reproduc- make these findings ungeneralizable to U.S. patient populations.
ible and predictive measure of the difficulty of OVD [32]. Another For example, 89% of patients in the study received an episiotomy
study demonstrated ultrasound measurements of head circum- (majority mediolateral), which is routinely performed in the United
ference and angle of fetal head progression as predictors of Kingdom [40]. Therefore a single dose of co-amoxiclav at the time
OVD complications, defined as the need for three or more trac- of delivery may be reasonable in patients with OVD and con-
tions, third- and fourth-degree lacerations, hemorrhage during comitant episiotomy. However, antibiotic prophylaxis cannot be
episiotomy repair, and/or neonatal trauma [33]. However, an RCT recommended solely for the indication “operative vaginal deliv-
demonstrated ultrasound did not show any benefits in reducing ery.” Of note, there is an increased risk for wound infections and
the risk of failed operative delivery or maternal and fetal morbid- complications in patients with third- and fourth-degree lacerations;
ity. Moreover, patients randomized to the transabdominal ultra- thus, one may consider prophylactic antibiotics in this setting [3].
sound arm were noted to have a higher rate of episiotomy [34].
See figures in Chap. 9. Vacuum application
Uteroplacental: Cervix completely dilated, ruptured mem- Vacuum application, if performed, should begin with low suc-
branes, absence of placenta previa, or other contraindications. tion and be slowly increased to vacuum of about 0.7–0.8 kg/cc2
Other: Alert nursing, anesthesia, and neonatology of plan for (500–600 mmHg). Compared with stepwise negative pressure for
OVD. Be prepared for possible shoulder dystocia. Willingness to vacuum delivery, rapid negative pressure application is associated
discontinue the procedure if it does not proceed as planned [2]. with reduced duration (by 6 minutes) of vacuum procedure, but no
other maternal or perinatal effects, in a small trial [25]. No torque
Episiotomy or rocking motions should be applied to the vacuum. Traction
There is insufficient evidence (no trials) to assess the benefits and should only be in the direct line of the vaginal canal. The risk
risks of episiotomy in operative deliveries. Lateral episiotomy has of cephalohematoma increases as the time of vacuum application
been shown to be protective against anal sphincter injuries in increases. There is no evidence that reducing pressure between
vacuum deliveries, compared to mediolateral and median episi- contractions decreases the risk of fetal injuries [41]. Most deliver-
otomies, in a meta-analysis [35]. In a large observational study, ies are achieved with one to three pulls, with increased neonatal
mediolateral episiotomy protected significantly against anal trauma (45%) after three pulls [42]. The risk of cephalohematoma
sphincter damage in both vacuum extraction (odds ratio [OR] is increased after 5 minutes of vacuum application [43].
Failed operative delivery Network. Duration of operative vaginal delivery and adverse obstetric out-
comes. Am J Perinatol. 2020;37(5):503–510.
Attempting to use a different extraction instrument after fail-
24. Fitzpatrick M, Behan M, O’Connel PR, et al. Randomized clinical trial to
ing with one should be avoided, as cephalopelvic disproportion assess anal sphincter function following forceps or vacuum assisted vaginal
may be present, and the highest incidence of neonatal intracra- delivery. Br J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;110:424–429. [RCT, n = 130]
nial hemorrhage, as well as other neonatal injuries, is highest 25. Al Wattar BH, Al Wattar B, Gallos I, Pirie AM. Rotational vaginal delivery
among infants delivered using forceps and vacuum sequentially [29, with Kielland’s forceps: A systematic review and meta-analysis of effective-
ness and safety outcomes. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2015;27(6):438–444.
44–46]. At that point, cesarean is usually offered and performed. [Meta-analysis; I]
26. Uhing M. Management of birth injuries. Clin Perinatol 2005;32(1):19–38.
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of Child Health Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units
A. Dhanya Mackeen and Meike Schuster
Munro-Kerr in 1926 [1]. CD has been associated with relatively and fear or concerns about vaginal delivery persist. This prac-
low maternal mortality for about 100 years. Safety has improved tice is supported by the American Congress of Obstetricians
in the last 50 years, especially with the introduction of antibiotics and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society of Obstetrics and
and improvement of surgical techniques. Gynecology of Canada, the Brazilian Medical Association,
and the National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science
Diagnosis/Definition Conference on Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request [4–7].
Uniformly, these medical authorities recommend shared
Birth via abdominal route by laparotomy. decision-making between patient and provider and that the
provider explore the patient’s motivation for CDMR to help
determine the most appropriate mode of delivery. Two meta-
Epidemiology/Incidence analyses found increased risks of bleeding, infections, and
CD is now the most common surgical procedure in the United respiratory complications associated with unindicated CD
States, with over 1.2 million performed each year. Its incidence [6, 8], while two other meta-analyses found increased urinary
has increased to 32% of all deliveries in the United States in 2018 incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, but not anal inconti-
[2]. This increase has been fueled, at least in part, by increased nence [9, 10], associated with vaginal delivery.
multifetal gestations and decreased trial of labor after cesarean There is insufficient evidence to assess the benefits and risks
(TOLAC) and vaginal breech deliveries. of a policy of CDMR compared with trial of labor in women with
term singleton gestations in cephalic presentation. The most
common reason for CDMR is fear of labor pain. CDMR should
Indications not be motivated by the unavailability of effective pain medica-
Commonly accepted indications for CD are failure to progress tion. There is also no randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evalu-
(aka arrest of dilation, arrest of descent, suspected cephalopelvic ate the obstetrician’s recommendation for CD without indication.
disproportion [CPD], dystocia, etc.), nonreassuring fetal heart With the absence of strong trials, the short- and long-term out-
rate tracing, nonvertex presentation, etc. (Figure 14.1). See spe- comes after CDMR versus trial of labor cannot be assessed.
cific chapters for details. There is insufficient evidence on the impact of counseling dur-
ing pregnancy with the aim of reducing the incidence of CDMR,
Cesarean by maternal request but counseling reduces anxiety and concerns related to preg-
Cesarean delivery by maternal request (CDMR) indicates that nancy and birth [11]. A practitioner is not obligated to perform
the sole reason for CD is the woman’s preference for CD and a CDMR, but should appropriately refer the woman as necessary.
her refusal to labor in the case of a cephalic, singleton gestation. Although CDMR and elective CD are commonly used synony-
Although the true rates are unknown, it is estimated that the mously, CDMR is the preferred term and should not be referred
incidence of CDMR is approximately 2% in the United States to as elective CD.
and less in low-income countries [3, 4]. CDMR has increased as A CDMR or a planned repeat CD without any other indica-
cesarean complications diminish, women have fewer children, tion should not be performed before 39 weeks.
Suspected macrosomia
Malpresentation fetal status
18% 24%
Preeclampsia 5%
FIGURE 14.1 Primary cesarean delivery indications. (Adapted from Refs. 15, 347.)
Cesarean Delivery 159
Optimal CD rate guidelines with peer review [18], including precesarean consulta-
tion, mandatory second opinion, postcesarean surveillance, and
The optimal CD rate is unknown. Per the World Health audit, can lead to a 1–2% reduction in CD rates [19], predomi-
Organization (WHO), there were no reductions in maternal and nately in cases of intrapartum CD [20]. Conversely, guidelines
neonatal mortality with CD rates higher than 10% [12]. However, disseminated with endorsement and support from local opinion
it is important to note that this is based on an ecological anal- leaders resulted in a 13% decrease in CD rate (see Chap. 15) [19].
ysis at the population level and does not provide information Nurse-led relaxation classes and birth preparation classes
that can be used at an institutional or individual physician level may reduce CD rates in low-risk pregnancies [19]. Primary
[12]. Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are the midwifery antenatal [21] and labor care in low-risk patients
important outcomes, not CD rate per se. A recent study on the may help decrease CD, but results are inconsistent [22–25].
relationship between CD rate and maternal and neonatal mor- Continuous labor support, such as a doula or nurse midwife, has
tality in 194 WHO member states revealed that about 19% was been associated with reduced rates of CD, lower rates of epidural
the CD rate associated with lower maternal and neonatal use, and more positive feelings about childbirth [25].
mortality [13]. CD rates of less than 15–19% have been associ- There is insufficient evidence that prenatal education and sup-
ated instead with higher neonatal mortality rates [14]. What is port programs, computer-based patient decision aids, decision-
most important is that a woman/fetus who needs a cesarean aid booklets, and intensive group therapy are effective. There is
can have one. insufficient evidence that training public health nurses, insur-
In centers with higher CD rates, strategies to decrease the ance reform, and legislative changes are effective.
rate should focus on the three main indications for CD: Arrest
(or dystocia, CPD), nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings, and
malpresentation. These strategies include using 6 cm to define Timing of delivery
active labor, not performing CD for arrest before 6 cm or for pro-
In a study of 23,794 women, planned repeat CD at 37 or 38 weeks’
tracted disorders, reserving consideration of CD for arrest in the
gestation has a significantly increased risk of adverse neonatal out-
first stage of labor only for women ≥6 cm dilation with rupture
comes when compared with planned repeat CD at 39 or 40 weeks’
of membranes (ROM) who failed to progress despite ≥4 hours of
or expectant management [26]. A planned repeat CD should, in
adequate uterine activity, or ≥6 hours of inadequate uterine activ-
general, be performed at 390/7–396/7 weeks, unless there is a medi-
ity and no cervical change, calling a failed induction in the latent
cal indication for earlier delivery (Table 23.1, Chap. 23).
phase one which requires ≥18–24 hours of oxytocin after ROM,
using secondary means (e.g. scalp stimulation) to assure normal
fetal status in cases of nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings, Preoperative considerations
routine use of external cephalic version for nonvertex presenta-
tions, use of operative vaginal delivery as appropriate, offering See Table 14.1 for summary of recommendations on how to per-
trial of labor after CD, and others [15, 16]. form a CD.
There are limited data of nonclinical interventions aimed Counseling should include a discussion of indications, ben-
at decreasing the unnecessary CD rate [17]. Implementation of efits, risks (including possible complications), and alternatives.
160 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; IV, intravenous; ROM, rupture of membranes; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
Informed consent should always be obtained after counseling. later have been directed at attempting to decrease SSI, blood loss,
A checklist, including pre-, intra-, and postoperative steps aimed and other CD morbidity [30].
at preventing complications, has been associated with benefits in
general surgery [27] and should probably be implemented prior Whom to give
to CD [28]. Prophylactic antibiotics should be administered before
every CD [31, 32]. They are associated with decreased inci-
Prophylactic antibiotics dence of endometritis by 62%, wound infection by 60%,
Surgical site infection (SSI) is a common complication after CD fever by 55%, and serious maternal infectious complications
(2–10%) and is associated with increased pain, morbidity, cost, by 69%. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are also markedly
and more frequent office visits [29]. Many of the studies discussed decreased [33].
Cesarean Delivery 161
Additionally, studies have shown that while many CDs are not of three trials showed that nonuse is associated with a lower
performed within this time frame, neonatal outcomes are not incidence of UTI (RR 0.08, 95% CI 0.01, 0.64), lower rate of dis-
adversely affected by longer intervals from decision to delivery comfort at first voiding (RR 0.06, 95% CI 0.03, 0.12), less time to
[77, 78], unless significant neonatal compromise is suspected first voiding (by 16 minutes), and less time until ambulation (by
(such as with fetal bradycardia). about 6 minutes) [92, 93]. No differences in intraoperative diffi-
culties, complications (including urinary retention), or operative
Steroids for fetal maturity time were seen [92]. Given that both studies were not powered to
If CD is necessary before 37 weeks, betamethasone 12 mg IM × assess differences in bladder or ureteral injury, were performed
2 doses, 24 hours apart (or dexamethasone 6 mg IM × 4 doses, in developing countries, and did not report important confound-
12 hours apart) should be given for fetal maturity, when indicated ers such as use of prophylactic antibiotics, there is insufficient
(see Chap. 19) [79, 80]. Betamethasone at 37 weeks or beyond before evidence to determine whether bladder catherization decreases
planned CD has also been shown to reduce the incidence of respira- complications such as injury. In summary, avoidance of bladder
tory distress syndrome (RDS), to 0.2% from 1.1% [81–83]. However, catherization does not seem to be associated with complica-
these data are insufficient for a definitive recommendation. tions. If bladder catheterization at CD is performed, the cath-
eter should be removed at the end of the CD (see later).
Playing music preoperatively significantly increases positive emo- Hair removal
tions and decreases negative emotions [84–86]. Playing music Based on a meta-analysis of 1343 patients, shaving was associ-
during planned CD under regional anesthesia may improve pulse ated with twice the number of SSIs when compared to clipping.
rate and birth satisfaction score, as well as reduce maternal stress Hair removal is not necessary or beneficial at CD. In summary,
and anxiety [85, 86]. Preoperative exposure to Mozart decreased if opting to remove pubic hair, an electric clipper applied the
baseline anxiety (3.5 versus 4.6) and postoperative pain (0.6 ver- morning of the surgery is preferred to shaving [94, 95]. (See
sus 1.4) compared to no music; patient-selected music did not Chap. 7.)
result in benefit as compared to no music [87]. While the magni-
tude of these benefits is small and the methodological quality of Skin cleansing
trials is questionable [85, 86], this is a relatively simple interven- Skin is impossible to sterilize. Chlorhexidine-alcohol scrub
tion with possibility of benefit. In summary, the clinical impact results in less wound infections than povidone-iodine (p-i) scrub
of music seems promising [88, 89]. (9.5% versus 16.1%, RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.41, 0.85) in patients under-
going clean-contaminated surgeries [96]. A large RCT of 1356
Preparations on the operative table patients undergoing CD examined the use of chlorhexidine
cloths versus placebo and found no difference in rates of SSI at
Maternal position 6 weeks [97]. One small study showed that chlorhexidine scrub
There is insufficient evidence to support or clearly disprove is associated with less bacterial contamination of the cesarean
the value of tilting or flexing the table, the use of wedges and skin incision 18 hours later and lower rates of SSI as compared
cushions, or mechanical displacers at CD [90]. Most of the to p-i scrub [98]. Large RCTs have demonstrated superiority of
results presented here are from small RCTs. The incidence of air chlorhexidine-gluconate over p-i with respect to overall SSI (RR
embolism is not affected by head up versus horizontal positioning 0.55, 95% CI 0.34, 0.90; p = 0.02; n = 1147 [99]; RR 0.72, 95% CI
[90]. Left lateral tilt involves tilting the woman toward her left 0.52, 0.98; n = 3059 [100]), but this effect was lost when rates of
side 10–15 degrees to avoid inferior vena caval compression by superficial and deep SSI were analyzed separately (3.0% versus
the gravid uterus. There is no change in systolic blood pressure or 4.6%, p = 0.10, and 1.0% versus 2.7%, p = 0.07, respectively) [99].
incidence of hypotensive episodes when comparing various posi- Other large RCTs recruiting almost 1500 and 932 patients showed
tions, including left lateral tilt, right lateral tilt, head-down tilt, similar rates of SSI (ranging from 3.9% to 4.6%) with the use of
and right lumbar pelvic wedge with horizontal positions or when chlorhexidine-gluconate versus p-i or both [101, 102]. In a recent
comparing full lateral tilt with 15 degrees tilt [90]. Umbilical RCT, p-i with alcohol, chlorhexidine with alcohol, or both were
artery base excess was also not affected by 15 degrees lateral tilt associated with similar and low (3.9–4.6%) incidences of SSIs
versus supine position [91]. Hypotensive episodes are decreased [101]. While meta-analyses have shown no significant differences
with manual displacers (relative risk [RR] 0.11, 95% confidence between various antiseptic agents [103], a more recent Cochrane
interval [CI] 0.03, 0.45) and increased 1.64-fold with right lum- review showed a slightly decreased SSI rate (RR 0.72; 95% CI 0.58,
bar wedge compared to right pelvic wedge (95% CI 1.07, 2.53) and 0.91; 8 trials, 4323 women) with the use of chlorhexidine com-
increased 3.30-fold with right lateral tilt (95% CI 1.20, 9.08) ver- pared to p-i (however, the results were no longer significant when
sus left lateral tilt [90]. Manual displacers showed a decreased fall removing trials with high risk of bias [104]). In summary, the use
in mean systolic blood pressure compared with left lateral tilt. of chlorhexidine is slightly preferred compared to iodine solu-
The mean diastolic pressure is 7 mmHg lower in head-down tilt tion for skin cleansing before skin incision at CD.
when compared with horizontal positions. There are no statisti-
cally significant changes in maternal pulse rate, 5-minute Apgar, Vaginal irrigation
maternal blood pH, or cord blood pH when comparing different Compared with no scrub, vaginal irrigation with chlorhexidine
positions [90]. In summary, manual displacers may be better or p-i immediately before CD significantly reduces the incidence
than left lateral tilt; left lateral tilt is better than right lateral tilt. of endometritis [105–107]. Vaginal cleansing for patients in labor
and those who have ruptured membranes undergoing CD resulted
Indwelling bladder catheterization in lower rates of postoperative endometritis (8.1% versus 13.8%;
Compared with the use of indwelling urinary catheters inserted RR 0.52, 95% CI 0.28, 0.97; 4.3% versus 20.1%, RR 0.23, 95 CI 0.10,
pre-CD and removed at 12 hours after CD, a systematic review 0.52, respectively) and postoperative fever (9.4% versus 14.9%;
Cesarean Delivery 163
RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.50, 0.86) [106]. The effect remained significant during CD [120]. An RCT of 831 women showed no difference in
even for elective CD with reduction in postoperative infectious rate of SSI or endometritis when comparing 30% versus 80% sup-
morbidity (24.5% versus 8.8%) and endometritis (13.2% versus plemental oxygen after cord clamp and for 1 hour post-CD [121].
2.9%), though the rates in the control group were higher than In summary, there is no evidence that supplemental oxygen
expected [108]. A small trial showed a reduction in C-reactive improves outcomes at CD.
protein and postoperative pain in patients who received preop-
erative p-i vaginal cleansing [109]. A secondary analysis showed Anesthesia
no difference in SSI between vaginal prep versus control with For anesthesia, see Chap. 12.
use of standard prophylactic antibiotics and adjunct azithromy-
cin [110]. No adverse effects were reported with the p-i vaginal Surgical technique
cleansing [105, 111]. Most, but not all, of these studies used p-i
skin cleansing and prophylactic antibiotics, so it is difficult to Skin incision
determine if vaginal preparation is necessary in women who Skin incision techniques for CD have been evaluated separately
receive the current recommendations for preoperative anti- from other aspects of CD in limited studies [122, 123]. In general,
biotics and adequate skin cleansing; however, as a simple and a transverse skin incision is recommended, since this is associ-
generally inexpensive intervention, providers should consider ated with less postoperative pain and improved cosmesis com-
implementing preoperative vaginal cleansing. In 2019 an RCT pared with a vertical incision. The Pfannenstiel (slightly curved,
including 1114 patients showed that the use of 4% chlorhexidine- 2–3 cm or 2 fingerbreadths above the symphysis pubis, with the
gluconate reduced the risk of wound infection (0.6% versus 0.2%; midportion of the incision lying within the shaved area of the
RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.08, 0.98) compared to the use of p-i, but rates pubic hair) and Joel-Cohen (straight, 3 cm below the line joining
of endometritis and postoperative fever were similar [112]. A the anterior superior iliac spines, slightly more cephalad than the
meta-analysis of 23 trials showed that p-i is superior to cetrim- Pfannenstiel) are the preferred transverse incisions. Most RCTs
ide, metronidazole, and saline solution/no treatment in preven- do not only evaluate type of skin incision but also other technical
tion of endometritis [111]. A recent Cochrane review supports aspects of CD, making it often impossible to evaluate the effect
the use of chlorhexidine-gluconate or p-i for vaginal prep prior of only the type of skin incision [124]. The better designed, larger
to CD for laboring and nonlaboring patients [105]. In summary, trial revealed no differences in total operative time (32 versus
vaginal cleansing with chlorhexidine or p-i before CD is rec- 33 minutes), intra- and postoperative complications, and neona-
ommended compared to no vaginal cleansing, even in women tal outcomes, with the extraction time 50 seconds shorter for the
who have antibiotic prophylaxis prior to the skin incision. Joel-Cohen group [122]. In contrast, a smaller study [123] showed
significantly shorter operating times, reduced blood loss, and
Warming the patient postoperative discomfort associated with the Joel-Cohen incision
Maternal and neonatal hypothermia are decreased by active compared with the Pfannenstiel incision [125]. Considering the
warming at the time of CD under regional anesthesia [113]. absence of clinical benefits to the mother and fetus, there is no
However, studies were heterogeneous with respect to meth- clear indication for preferring either a Pfannenstiel or a Joel-
ods of warming (intravenous [IV] fluids, forced air, mattress Cohen incision for CD.
[114], increased ambient temperatures [115]), as well as assess- There are probably no absolute indications for performing a
ment of body temperatures [113]. In summary, active warming vertical skin incision. Compared with the transverse skin inci-
decreases maternal and neonatal hypothermia; however, the sion, the vertical skin incision is associated with slightly short-
optimal method of warming has not been established. ened incision-to-delivery intervals of about 1 minute for primary
and about 2 minutes for repeat CD [126, 127]. One underpow-
Cell salvage ered study showed no differences in outcomes when comparing
There were no clinically significant differences in rates of trans- Pfannenstiel versus vertical skin incisions in women with class
fusion when cell salvage techniques were routinely deployed; III obesity [128].
however, there was a higher rate of feto-maternal hemorrhage in Skin incision length has not been studied in a trial. Abdominal
Rh-negative mothers when cell salvage was used (adjusted odds surgical incision size should probably provide about 15 cm (size of
ratio [aOR] 5.63) [116]. In summary, cell salvage cannot be rec- a standard Allis clamp) of exposure to assure optimal outcome of
ommended at every CD. both mother and term fetus [1, 129].
Skin/subcutaneous tissue incision with diathermy as compared
Adhesive drapes to scalpel results in a shorter incision time and less postoperative
Adhesive drapes for CD are associated with a higher incidence pain; however, the study was underpowered to determine a dif-
of wound infection (13.8%) compared with the control group ference in wound complications between these techniques [130].
(10.4%) [117, 118]. In summary, adhesive drapes should be Changing to a second scalpel after skin incision versus no such
avoided at CD due to their association with higher incidence change has never been evaluated in a trial or in any obstetric liter-
of wound infection. ature. From general surgery data, one scalpel is probably adequate
to use throughout the whole surgical procedure.
Oxygen administration In summary, a transverse skin incision with either a Joel-
A Cochrane review of supplemental oxygen in adult surgical Cohen or a Pfannenstiel incision is recommended for CD skin
patients found no firm evidence that a high fraction of inspired incision.
oxygen (60–90%) reduces all-cause mortality or SSI as compared
to 30–40% inspired oxygen [119]. An RCT of 585 women showed Subcutaneous tissue opening
no difference in the rate of infectious morbidity when comparing There are limited data on whether the subcutaneous tissue should
2 L oxygen via nasal cannula versus 10 L oxygen by nonrebreather be opened with blunt or sharp technique. Blunt dissection has
164 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
been associated with shorter operating times. In one RCT, use of Retractors
diathermy (“Bovie”) for CD abdominal wall opening from subcu- A meta-analysis of 1669 women (six RCTs) noted that use of
taneous tissue to the peritoneum was associated with less blood O-ring retractors at CD reduced the need for uterine exteri-
loss, skin-to-peritoneum incision time, and post-CD pain com- orization (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.33–0.69), but did not reduce the
pared with the use of no. 22 disposable scalpel blade [131]. In sum- risk of SSI, operating time, estimated blood loss, transfusion,
mary, blunt dissection of subcutaneous tissue is preferred. or postoperative analgesia [139]. In summary, there is insuf-
ficient evidence to recommend any particular type of retrac-
Fascial incision tor at CD.
Fascial incision has not been studied separately in a trial. A
transverse incision is usually performed with the scalpel and Bladder flap
then extended with scissors. Digital extension can alternatively Four RCTs of 581 women compared development of a bladder
be accomplished by inserting the forefingers into a small, mid- flap versus direct uterine incision above the bladder fold [140].
line transverse fascial incision and then separating the forefingers There were no differences in the rate of bladder injury, estimated
in a cephalad-caudad direction. In an RCT evaluating entry into blood loss, or length of hospitalization. However, one study was
the abdomen, blunt entry with rectus sheath incision extended unpublished, two were judged to be of poor methodological qual-
manually and parietal peritoneum entered and extended bluntly ity, populations were heterogeneous, emergency cesareans were
(manually) was associated with less blood loss, shorter opera- excluded from analysis, and the majority of fetuses were >32
tive time, and less post-CD fever and pain, compared to sharp weeks’ gestation [140]. Based on the trial that was of better
entry [132] and no difference in risk of abdominal hernias 3 years quality, there is some evidence that omission of the bladder flap
after delivery [133]. In summary, the fascia can be transversely shortened incision to delivery time in primary CD by 1 minute,
incised initially with the scalpel and this incision extended though there was no difference in total operating time [141].
bluntly or sharply with scissors. Creation of a bladder flap does result in an increase in dysuria
symptoms postpartum (42% versus 13%) [142]. As bladder injury
Rectus muscle cutting at CD is an uncommon event (1–3/1000), a sample size over
Rectus muscle cutting with the Maylard technique is not asso- 33,000 women would be required to show a difference in this
ciated with any difference in operative morbidity, difficulty outcome [143]. The use of a bladder blade to protect the bladder
with delivery, or postoperative complications compared with has not been studied separately in a trial. In summary, routine
the Pfannenstiel (no muscle cutting) technique [129, 134, 135], development of bladder flap is not necessary for CD. There is
but abdominal muscle strength at 3 months was better in the limited evidence to guide creation of a bladder flap in preterm
Pfannenstiel group [135]. Pain scores did not differ between the and emergency CD.
groups, but this may have been due to a sample size of only 97
women [135]. In summary, cutting the rectus muscle is prob- Uterine incision
ably not necessary [125]. Uterine incision type has not been studied separately in a trial.
The transverse incision of the lower uterine segment is usually
Dissection of fascia off the rectus muscles
recommended because there is less blood loss and it allows for
Nondissection of the fascia off the rectus muscles inferiorly may
TOLAC in subsequent pregnancies [1, 144]. Some experts advo-
result in less pain and similar blood loss as compared to dissec-
cate the classical vertical or at least low vertical incision if the
tion of the rectus sheath inferiorly during cesarean [136]. In sum-
lower uterine segment is not large enough to allow a transverse
mary, dissection of the fascia off the rectus muscles is often
incision, e.g. for the very preterm (<25 weeks) uterus, and leio-
myoma, but this has been associated with increased blood loss
Extraperitoneal versus transperitoneal CD compared with low transverse incision [145].
Extraperitoneal cesarean was used in the first half of the 20th Women without a history of cesarean who underwent emer-
century to decrease infectious morbidity. However, with the gency CD in labor were randomized to hysterotomy performed
introduction of antibiotic prophylaxis, this benefit was elimi- 2 cm above versus 2 cm below the plica vesicouterina [146].
nated. When performed by one of two experienced surgeons, More women in the low-incision group (41%) had myometrial
one study demonstrated that extraperitoneal CD is associ- thickness over the uterine incision of ≤2.5 mm noted during
ated with decreased postoperative pain and analgesia and saline contrast sonohysterography 6–9 months after delivery
increased oral tolerability, without significant differences in as compared to those with high incisions (7%). Half the women
time to delivery [137, 138]. However, as the current standard is had a subsequent delivery, and there were no differences in
to perform CD transperitoneally, these findings are of limited complications.
clinical applicability. In summary, extraperitoneal CD is not Use of the uterine stapling (autosuture) device for opening and
recommended. closing of the uterus has been assessed in a meta-analysis of two
trials of 300 women: There was no difference in febrile morbidity
Opening of the peritoneum [147] and a nonsignificant increase in the duration of the proce-
Opening of the peritoneum has not been studied separately in a dure (by about 3 minutes) [148]. There is not enough evidence
trial. The peritoneum is usually carefully opened with blunt or to justify the routine use of stapling devices to extend the uter-
sharp dissection and blunt expansion, high above the bladder, ine incision of the lower segment, especially since there is a pos-
avoiding injury to organs below. As compared to sharp entry, sibility that stapling could cause harm by prolonging the time
blunt entry and extension of the rectus sheath incision and pari- to delivery. In summary, the uterus should be incised trans-
etal peritoneum was associated with less blood loss, shorter oper- versely with a scalpel. There is insufficient evidence to recom-
ative time, and less post-CD fever and pain [132]. In summary, mend the exact level of where this incision should be made
blunt peritoneal opening and extension is recommended. and whether it should be slightly curved or straight.
Cesarean Delivery 165
Carbetocin fewer blood transfusions (RR 0.29, 95% CI 0.18, 0.49; p <0.01),
In one RCT of 263 women, carbetocin and oxytocin were com- a lower drop in hemoglobin (MD –0.80 g/dL, 95% CI –1.07,
parable to each other and superior to misoprostol with respect –0.53; p <0.01) and hematocrit (MD –2.05, 95% CI –3.09, –1.01;
to prevention of uterine atony [175]. For CD, carbetocin (as a p <0.01), lower incidence of EBL >500 mL, (3.9% versus 41.9%;
single 100-microgram dose) is associated with more effective RR 0.06, 95% CI 0.04, 0.10), and EBL >1000 mL (RR 0.39, 95%
prevention of uterine atony, less need for additional uteroton- CI 0.30, 0.51; p <0.01) compared to controls [203]. There was no
ics, PPH, and transfusion [176] compared with oxytocin 8- or difference in the incidence of thromboembolic events between
16-hour infusions, but may be associated with a greater cost the two groups [204]. Therefore, prophylactic administration
[177–183]. A higher dose might be necessary for women with BMI of TA should be recommended to prevent PPH in women
≥40 kg/m2, but further studies are needed to establish the ideal undergoing CD who are suspected to have a high risk of PPH
dose [184]. Higher doses also appear to be associated with tachy- [202, 203, 205–208].
cardia, hypotension, and arrythmias and should be used with Postoperative bleeding and decrease in hemoglobin were simi-
caution [185]. With regard to improved uterine tone, a lower dose lar when comparing TA to prostaglandin analogue to manage
(20 micrograms) has been shown to be effective [186]. Carbetocin PPH caused by uterine atony; therefore, TA can potentially be
(where available) may be equivalent [187] or recommended over used (instead of prostaglandins) for patients with uterine atony
oxytocin [188] or oxytocin and ergotamine [189] for the preven- after vaginal delivery or CD [209].
tion of uterine atony. In summary, oxytocin (IV route preferred) and misopros-
tol (e.g. 400–600 mcg per rectum or oral) or carbetocin alone
Misoprostol are associated with less PPH compared to oxytocin alone.
There is insufficient evidence to compare misoprostol to oxyto- Carbetocin (not available in the United States), although more
cin for prevention of uterine atony and PPH at CD, as the seven expensive, appears superior to oxytocin alone for prevention
RCTs compared different regimens of misoprostol and oxytocin. of PPH if one agent is used. TA should be used prophylacti-
In single RCTs, either sublingual misoprostol or rectal miso- cally preoperatively, particularly in women at increased risk
prostol was associated with equivalent blood loss [190] and less for PPH.
need for additional uterotonics (10% versus 40%, RR 0.16, 95%
CI 0.06, 0.44) [191–195]. A large single-institution RCT found Magnesium sulfate
sublingual misoprostol superior to rectal misoprostol with respect A meta-analysis of five trials looking at 8909 patients showed a
to intraoperative blood loss (357.8 +/– 129.7 versus 457.5 +/– 140.7, similar incidence of PPH for patients treated with magnesium
p < 0.001) [196]. Given that misoprostol and oxytocin appear sulfate versus those that were not (17% versus 18%, RR 0.97, 95%
equally efficacious based on this limited evidence and that side CI 0.88–1.06) (210). The magnesium sulfate group had a signifi-
effects such as shivering and pyrexia [191, 194, 197] are more com- cantly lower rate of eclampsia (0.7% versus 1.9%, RR 0.4, 95% CI
mon with misoprostol, oxytocin remains preferred [198]. 0.3, 0.6), and therefore, women who require magnesium sulfate
Misoprostol combined with oxytocin (e.g. 200 μg, 400 μg, or for seizure prophylaxis should remain on this medication during
600 μg sublingual, or rectal, after cord clamping) was associated CD, as it decreases seizure risk, but does not affect overall blood
with less post-CD blood loss, fall in hematocrit, and need for loss or PPH [210]. In summary, magnesium sulfate, if indicated
additional uterotonic agents (7 versus 21 patients; P < 0.001) (for maternal or neonatal neuroprophylaxis), does not have to
when compared to oxytocin alone [197, 199–201]. In women at be stopped during CD.
high risk for post-CD hemorrhage, the combination of both miso-
prostol and oxytocin may be considered. Uterine massage
Uterine massage has not been studied by itself in an RCT for CD.
Tranexamic acid Uterine massage, associated with cord traction, is associated with
Tranexamic acid (TA) inhibits fibrinolysis that potentiates the less blood loss compared with no such interventions [211]. In
clotting system and can be used to prevent bleeding. Its half- summary, uterine massage in addition to cord traction should
life is 2–10 hours, and it typically works immediately after be performed at CD.
IV administration. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset,
but additional rare complications have been reported, including Placental removal
VTE, cerebral ischemia, and anaphylaxis. TA was administered A meta-analysis of 4694 women showed that manual removal
precesarean, though the time frame varied among trials (four out of the placenta is associated with greater morbidity than spon-
of nine studies administered TA 10 minutes prior to skin inci- taneous expulsion with gentle cord traction: Increased endo-
sion). There was significantly less PPH (OR 0.43), mean blood loss metritis (RR 1.64, 95% CI 1.42, 1.90) and PPH (RR 1.81, 95%
(–72 mL), need for blood transfusion (OR 0.23), and need for CI 1.44, 2.28), greater blood loss (by 94 mL), and decreased
uterotonics (OR 0.48) in those treated with TA compared to hematocrit after delivery (by 1.6%) [211]; these findings were
those that were not [202]. In the most recent meta-analysis of confirmed by a more recent RCT [212]. Therefore, gentle
21 RCTs (3852 patients), all women received standard oxytocin cord traction resulting in spontaneous expulsion should
prophylaxis; in addition, the TA group received TA 1 gram or be utilized for delivery of the placenta, given the signifi-
10 mg/kg IV 10–20 minutes before skin incision or spinal cant decrease in blood loss and endometritis as compared to
anesthesia [203]. Compared with controls, women who received manual placental removal. Less intraabdominal hemorrhagic
TA experienced less intraoperative blood loss (MD –155.23 mL, fluid was noted with extraabdominal placental removal as
95% CI –195.64, –111.81, p <0.01), postoperative blood loss (MD compared to intraabdominal removal, though intraoperative
–26.67 mL, 95% CI –32.98 to –20.36; p <0.01) and total blood loss blood loss, infectious morbidity, and pain did not differ [213].
(MD –184.88 mL, 95% CI –218.83, –150.94; p <0.01), less need In summary, gentle cord traction resulting in spontaneous
for additional uterotonics (RR 0.40, 95% CI 0.30–0.55, p <0.01), placental expulsion is recommended.
Cesarean Delivery 167
Change of gloves less decrease in hemoglobin compared with pulling the suture
Changing the operator’s gloves before manual removal of the pla- cephalad with the right hand [226].
centa does not alter the incidence of endometritis [214]. There are several RCTs comparing different sutures for uterine
closure. Polyglactin-910 was associated with generally similar out-
Uterine exteriorization comes compared to chromic catgut [132]. Knotless barbed sutures
Meta-analyses have showed there are no significant differences as compared to polyglactin-910 braided sutures resulted in shorter
in blood loss, intraoperative hypotension, nausea/vomiting, pain, uterine closure time (103–119 seconds), less need for hemostatic
blood transfusion, endometritis, or wound infection with uter- sutures, and less EBL during incision closure (47 mL) [227, 228].
ine exteriorization (extraabdominal uterine incision repair) ver- Monofilament suture resulted in higher residual myometrial thick-
sus repair in situ [215–217]; bowel function was noted to return ness (5.5 ± 2.24 versus 4.18 ± 1.76) than multifilament suture [229].
3 hours sooner with in situ repair [217]. There is no difference Compared with split-thickness repair (avoiding the endome-
in fertility or ectopic pregnancy 3 years post-CD [133]. The trium), full-thickness uterine incision repair is associated with
Cochrane review showed less febrile morbidity (RR 0.41; 95% CI a lower incidence of incomplete healing of the uterine incision
0.17–0.97) and 0.24-day longer hospital stay with extraabdominal after CD (documented by a split in uterine muscle seen on trans-
closure [215]; however, recent RCTs showed decreased operat- vaginal ultrasound about 40 days after the CD) [147, 230] and a
ing room time (by 10 minutes), postoperative pain and analge- lower incidence of niche prevalence (a triangular anechoic area
sia requirements [218], and nausea/vomiting and uterine atony noted at the uterine incision site) [231].
in those repaired intraabdominally [219]. So, the balance of the Continuous single-layer closure may save operating time and
benefits and harms is too close to justify a strong recommen- reduce blood loss compared with interrupted single-layer closure
dation, but many obstetricians subjectively prefer to exteriorize [232]. Locking of sutures in the first layer has been insufficiently
the uterus for easier uterine incision repair. In summary, either studied [233]. Compared with two (double) layers, one (single)
uterine exteriorization or repair in situ is acceptable. layer of suture for low transverse uterine incision repair is associ-
ated with no differences in febrile morbidity (13,980 women; RR
Uterine cooling 0.98). Although there was a reduction in mean blood loss for
Uterine cooling after uterine exteriorization and during uterine single-layer closure, there were no differences in blood transfu-
closure is associated with a decrease in blood loss and PPH in sion, and heterogeneity was high for included studies [132, 147].
one RCT [220]. In summary, there is insufficient evidence to Unfortunately, there were too few women who followed up to be
recommend uterine cooling. able to detect a significant difference in rare, but extremely impor-
tant, long-term outcomes, such as rates of rupture in the next
Cleaning the uterus pregnancy [133], with contradictory results noted in retrospective
Cleaning any placental remnants or blood clots from the uterus studies [232, 234–236]. Meta-analyses showed thinner residual
with a dry laparotomy sponge (versus no cleaning) after placental myometrial thickness and decreased healing ratio (residual thick-
removal was studied in one small RCT that showed no differences ness/adjacent myometrial thickness) with single-layer closure as
in rates of endometritis or other outcomes [221]. In summary, compared to double-layer closure, especially when locked sutures
cleaning the uterus after baby and placental delivery can be were used [231]; additionally, there was increased dysmenorrhea
performed, but may not be necessary. with single-layer closure (RR 1.23, 95% CI 1.01, 1.48) and no differ-
ences in uterine rupture [231]. Thinner residual myometrium was
Cervical dilation noted after single-layer closure as compared to double (MD –2.19
Routine cervical dilation at CD is not associated with decreased mm) [237], especially in those who underwent primary CD [238].
PPH, endometritis, or febrile morbidity, even in women with a Since there is, as of yet, no trial demonstrating consistent benefit
closed cervix [222, 223]. In summary, cervical dilation is not from two- versus one-layer uterine closure, it might be reason-
recommended at CD. able to omit the second layer if the woman is planning no more
pregnancies (e.g. receives tubal ligation). For women planning
Closure of the uterine incision future pregnancies, especially after primary CD, the uterus can
At least one-layer uterine closure is always done, as the uterus be closed in two layers [239]. Vertical uterine incisions require a
should not be left open. Closure of the uterine incision involves double- or triple-layer closure [231, 240].
several decisions, including use of blunt versus sharp needles, In summary, continuous, full-thickness, one-layer uterine
type of suture, full- versus split-thickness repair, continuous ver- closure is recommended if the woman is planning no more
sus interrupted sutures, locking versus nonlocking of sutures, pregnancies (e.g. receives tubal ligation). For women planning
and whether to imbricate the second layer, if it is even closed. future pregnancies, the uterus can be closed in two layers.
Blunt needles for closure of the uterus, peritoneum, and rec-
tus sheath are associated with similar outcomes compared with Intraabdominal irrigation
sharp needles in one RCT [224]. In another RCT, glove perfora- Intraabdominal irrigation with 500–1000 mL of normal saline
tion was significantly less with the use of blunt compared to sharp before abdominal wall closure should not be routinely per-
needles, especially for the assistant surgeon. However, physicians formed, since it provides no significant differences in infectious
reported decreased satisfaction performing CD with blunt nee- or other complications but does increase intraoperative nausea
dles [225]. In summary, there is still limited evidence to recom- and vomiting and postoperative nausea [241]. In summary, rou-
mend blunt versus sharp needles at CD. tine intraabdominal irrigation is not recommended.
In one RCT, the assistant surgeon pulled the suture caudally
with the left hand and used the right hand to hold the uterine Adhesion formation prevention
wall to prevent upward tissue tension; this was associated with There is insufficient evidence to assess if any intervention is
lower need for additional sutures, shorter operative times, and effective at adhesion prevention at CD. In one RCT, a hyaluronate
168 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
8.8 hours), flatus (7.3 hours), and bowel movement (6.3 hours) every 6–8 hours) and/or acetaminophen (325–650 mg every
[304]. It has also been associated with earlier ambulation, greater 4–6 hours) around the clock (rather than upon patient demand)
maternal satisfaction, shorter length of stay, and lower rates of should be recommended for post-CD pain relief. Narcotics such
narcotic use [305–309]. No significant differences were identi- as morphine and codeine should be used only if NSAIDs and
fied with respect to nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and acetaminophen, both at maximal safe dosing and around the
mild ileus [304, 308, 310]. Typically, feeding was initiated within clock, do not control the pain. There is limited evidence evaluat-
2–8 hours with water, clear liquids, or solid foods [311–313]. In ing oral narcotic use versus oral NSAIDs use after CD.
summary, early oral fluids and even food within 6–8 hours Wound infiltration with local analgesia and abdominal
after CD are recommended. nerve blocks as adjuncts to regional and general anesthesia seem
to be of benefit in reducing opioid consumption after CD in small
Ambulation RCTs. NSAIDs (even as a wound infiltration) as an adjuvant may
There is limited RCT evidence regarding walking after CD. A confer additional pain relief [324]. In women who had CD per-
small RCT showed that patients utilizing a pedometer had an formed under regional analgesia, wound infiltration is associated
increased number of steps in the first 48 hours postoperatively and with a decrease in morphine consumption at 24 hours compared
reported a significantly easier physical and mental recovery [314]. with placebo. In women with regional analgesia in addition to
Early ambulation starting 4 hours after CD is recommended. a local anesthetic, wound infiltration with an NSAID cocktail
is associated with less morphine use compared with local anes-
Other interventions to reduce postoperative ileus thetic infiltration. Women who have regional analgesia with
One RCT demonstrated decreased time to bowel sounds, first abdominal nerves blocked have decreased opioid consumption.
bowel movement, and time in bed with the use of acupuncture In women under general anesthesia, CD wound infiltration and
(20-minute sessions at 1 hour and 4 hours postoperatively) [315]. peritoneal spraying with local anesthetic reduce the need for opi-
Similar results were seen with the administration of 10 mg of oid rescue [324].
metoclopramide intraoperatively [316]. Another trial utilized gin- Post-CD, persistent opioid use is as high as 1 in 50 to 1 in 300 in
ger capsules, which helped decrease abdominal distension and previously opioid-naïve women [325, 326]; therefore, it is impor-
allowed patients to eat quicker but did not affect the time to flatus tant that obstetricians judiciously use narcotics for postpartum
or maternal satisfaction [317]. Another RCT showed that combin- pain control. One potential framework is the WHO analgesic
ing dexamethasone 8 mg and ondansetron 4 mg compared to just ladder endorsed by ACOG [327]. In summary, NSAIDs and
Zofran significantly decreased postoperative nausea and vomiting acetaminophen should be administered around the clock for
(9% versus 37%, p <0.01) [318]. In summary, these interventions post-CD pain relief. Wound infiltration with local analgesia
are options to decrease postoperative nausea and vomiting. and abdominal nerve blocks can also be utilized. Narcotics
should only be used if and when these interventions do not
Removal of Foley catheter
control the pain.
A small RCT randomized patients to removal of Foley catheter in
2 hours versus 12 hours and showed reduced urinary frequency
(p = 0.04), microscopic hematuria (p = 0.04), postoperative mobi- Discharge
lization time (p = 0.01), and length of hospital stay (p = 0.009) in
the group whose Foley was removed earlier [319]. Results were A study of almost 3000 women who were randomized to be
similar in another RCT with removal of the Foley immediately discharged with their newborn after 24 hours versus 72 hours
postoperatively [320]. In summary, the Foley catheter, if uti- postcesarean showed that those discharged after 24 hours
lized during CD, can be removed right after CD. were more likely to report mood swings and have less success
with breastfeeding. Additionally, although there was no differ-
Postoperative anxiety ence in maternal readmission, there were increased neonatal
CD can be associated with significant anxiety, especially for those admissions (typically due to jaundice) in those discharged
patients who underwent emergency surgery. Various interventions after 24 hours [328]. A recent smaller RCT showed that dis-
have been studied to reduce stress and anxiety postoperatively. One charge on the first as compared to the second day is not asso-
small RCT compared hand and foot massage to standard postop- ciated with any difference in maternal or perinatal outcomes,
erative management and observed reduced pain intensity, lower either immediately or at 6 weeks [329]. As part of an enhanced
blood pressure and respiratory rate, and increased rates of breast- recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol with early feeding, cath-
feeding [321]. Another RCT evaluated the utilization of 30 minutes eter removal, and ambulation, patients with shorter hospital
of Reiki, a Japanese form of healing with energy (3 minutes for each stay (–1.95; 95% CI –3.80, –0.029) [330], had lower pain scores
area, 10 areas total) within the first 24–48 hours postoperatively and hospital expenses compared with those with a longer hospi-
and found significantly lower use of analgesics and less anxiety in tal stay without increased febrile or infectious morbidity [331].
the treatment group [322]. Auricular acupressure (applied twice For women who are discharged early, a home health nurse visit
a day) has also been tested and shown to reduce cortisol levels, is advised. In summary, discharge on day 2 or 3 after CD can
heart rate, anxiety, and fatigue when used postoperatively [323]. be considered.
Although there is insufficient evidence based on small sample
size, these nonpharmacologic interventions have no expected Management of complications
harmful side effects and can be recommended to those patients
who would like to utilize them. Disrupted (open) laparotomy wound
Compared with healing by secondary intention, reclosure of the
Pain relief after CD disrupted laparotomy wound is associated with success in
See also Chap 12. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, >80% of women, faster healing times (16–23 versus 61–72 days),
e.g. ketorolac intraoperatively followed by ibuprofen 600–800 mg and fewer office visits [332]. No serious morbidity or mortality
Cesarean Delivery 171
is associated with either method. There is insufficient evidence and takes into consideration category of pregnancy (singleton
to assess optimal timing (probably 4–6 days after disruption if cephalic/breech/other lie, multiples), prior obstetric record (nul-
noninfected) and technique (superficial vertical mattress or “en liparous, multiparous, with or without uterine scar), course of
bloc” reclosure of entire wound thickness with absorbable sutures labor (spontaneous, induced, CD before labor), and gestational
or adhesive tape) of reclosure, as well as utility of antibiotics. age (based on completed weeks at time of delivery) [345], and its
Compared with reclosure using sutures, reclosure using per- use is increasing worldwide [346].
meable, adhesive tape (Cover-Roll; Biersdorf, Inc., Norwalk, CT)
is associated with a faster procedure, less pain scores, and similar References
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Amen Ness
TABLE 15.2: Factors Associated with Success and Risk of Uterine Rupture Associated with TOLAC
Effect on Effect on Risk of Uterine
Factor Success Ratesa Rupture with TOLAC (% Risk) Comment (References)
Maternal Demographics
Older age ↓ ↑
Obesity ↓↓ NA
Obstetric History
Prior vaginal delivery ↑↑ ↓↓ (0.2%) Especially prior VBAC.
Recommend TOLAC [4, 17, 41]
No prior uterine scars NA NA (<0.01%)
Prior nonrecurring indication for CD ↑ For example, prior CD for
Labor before primary CD ↓ [51]
More than 1 prior CDs ↓ ↑ (see later) 10%–15% lower success rate per CD
One prior LT CD (no prior VBAC) (0.7%, range 0.5–1.0)b [4, 5]
One prior LT CD (prior VBAC) ↓ (<0.5%) [15, 45, 46]
Two prior LT CDs (no prior VBAC) ↑ (1.8%, 1%–3.7%) [12, 45, 46]
Two prior LT CDs (prior VBAC) ↓ (0.5%) [45]
Prior vertical (classical) CD ↑↑ (4%–10%) Avoid TOLAC [5]
Prior low-vertical CD ↑ (1%–2%) [4, 8]
Prior “unknown uterine scar” CD (0.5%–2%) [4]
One-layer uterine closure ↑ (1%–2%) [8, 47, 48]c
Fever at prior CD ↑ If both intrapartum and postpartum fever
Prior preterm CD ↑ (1%)
Prior uterine rupture ↑↑ (6% if lower segment rupture; Avoid TOLAC [5]
32% if upper segment rupture)
Short interpregnancy interval ↑↑ (2%–5%) <18 months; avoid TOLAC [58, 59]
Current Labor Factors
PRCD NA (0%–0.15% in labor) (0.5 risk of [4, 67]
Favorable cervical status ↑↑ ↓↓ Bishop score >8 or CL <15 mm
Postdates ↓ – Uterine rupture rate increased if induced/
Fetal macrosomia (e.g., BW >4000– ↓ ↑ Uterine rupture rate increased by relative
4500 g) risk 2.3 [20]
Induction/augmentation of labor ↓ ↑ (mostly 1%–2%) Avoid misoprostol; avoid PGE2 followed
by oxytocin; avoid oxytocin >20 mU/
minute; see later [4, 50–53]
Misoprostol induction ↑↑ (>5%) Avoid
PGE2-only induction ↑ (1%) Cannot predict if PGE2 will be sufficient
PGE2 then oxytocin induction ↑ (1%–3%) Probably avoid
Foley induction – Probably safe
Oxytocin-only induction ↑ (1.1%)
Oxytocin augmentation ↑ (0.9%)
a Chance of achieving vaginal birth after CD.
b Used as reference.
c See Chap. 13.
Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; PRCD, planned repeat CD; TOLAC, trial of labor after CD; NA, not applicable; BW, birth weight.
Until the late 1970s, “Once a cesarean always a cesarean” was of studies in the 1970s, when the vaginal birth after cesarean
the general rule among most obstetricians. This phrase did not (VBAC) rate was very low, the National Institutes of Health
derive from formal studies and was clearly not evidence based. (NIH) in 1980 and then the American College of Obstetricians
A classical uterine incision was used until the1920s, when the and Gynecologists (ACOG) from 1988 to 2019 stated that a trial
low transverse incision was first introduced. The low transverse of labor (TOL) after a previous low transverse CD is a reason-
incision was associated with a tenfold decreased rate of uter- able option for most women with a prior low transverse CD
ine rupture in labor than the classical incision. On the basis [2, 3]. In response to these recommendations, the VBAC rate
182 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 15.3: Maternal and Perinatal Risks of TOLAC versus VBAC rate: Number of vaginal births after previous CD per 100
PRCD live births to all women with a previous CD (same denominator
as the CD rate).
TOLAC rate: If the average success rate of a TOLAC is about
≥2 Prior 70%, then the TOLAC rate is the VBAC rate/0.7.
Favors PRCD 1 Prior CD CDs Adjusted VBAC rate: Number of women with prior CD and no
Maternal contraindications to TOL who had a VBAC per 100 live births to
Complications all women with a previous CD.
Successful VBAC rate: Percentage of women with prior CD who
Uterine rupture PRCD 1/200–250 1/111–140 1/55–140
attempted a TOLAC achieving VBAC.
Operative injury PRCD 1/166–200 1/250 1/250
Successful adjusted VBAC rate: Percentage of women with
Hysterectomy – 0–1/250 1/200–500 1/166
prior CD and no contraindications to TOLAC achieving a
Transfusion – 1/71–100 1/58–140 1/31 VBAC.
VTE – 1/1000 4/10,000 NA Failed TOLAC (failed VBAC): TOLAC that results in a repeat CD.
Endometritis – 1/47–66 1/34 1/32 Uterine dehiscence: Disruption of the uterine muscle with
Hospitalization TOLAC intact serosa [7]. It can include asymptomatic opening if the
Death – 1/2500–5000 1/5000 NA uterine scar is from a prior surgery, without protrusion of fetus/
Satisfaction – fetal organs outside the uterus.
Long-term risks a Uterine rupture: Disruption or tear of the uterine muscle and
Perinatal visceral peritoneum, or separation of the uterine muscle with
Complications extension to the bladder or broad ligament [7]. It includes
Stillbirth PRCD 1/1000 2–4/1000 NA symptomatic gross rupture of the uterine scar from a prior sur-
Low cord pH NA NA 1.5/1000 NA
gery, with or without protrusion of fetus/fetal parts outside the
Neonatal death – 5/10,000 8/10,000 NA
Perinatal death PRCD 1/10,000 13/10,000 NA
Respiratory TOLAC 1–5/100 0.1–1.8/100 NA General considerations
Hyperbilirubinemia TOLAC 5.8/100 2.2/100 NA A woman with a prior CD has two options for mode of deliv-
HIE PRCD 1/10,000 5–8/10,000 NA ery in a subsequent pregnancy: A PRCD or a TOLAC to try to
Source: From Refs. [2, 9, 27, 41]. achieve a VBAC.
Note: Please notice that some numbers may contradict each other, as they are from There are two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining
different sources. outcomes for women who underwent PRCD vs. TOLAC [8, 9].
a See text.
Only one of these studies reported clinical outcomes and was
Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; TOLAC, trial of labor after CD; PRCD, planned quite small, with a sample size of 22 [9]. The other, while larger,
repeat CD; NA, not available; HIE, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. looked at maternal psychometric outcomes [8]. There is also a
small prospective cohort study to compare these two options,
in the United States increased from 3.5% in 1980 to a high of which also focuses on psychological outcomes, not maternal and
28.3% in 1996 (Figure 15.1). fetal safety and complications [10]. Virtually all studies on VBAC,
As more VBACs were attempted in the 1980s and 1990s, more with a few exceptions [11], are retrospective and often use dif-
ruptures were seen and litigation for complications of a TOL also fering criteria for patient selection and differ in their ability to
increased. In 1999, ACOG addressed these risks and added the correctly ascertain (make sure all cases are included) and define
requirements of a “readily available” physician “throughout labor” uterine rupture. Most studies also include women at various ges-
and “availability of anesthesia and personnel for emergency tational ages and may therefore not specifically apply to women
CD.” Since that time, after declining until about 1997, CDs have at term considering their options of delivery after a prior CD.
increased globally, 32% in the United States in 2018 and 28% in Studies with <1000 TOLACs cannot adequately assess maternal
England in 2018 [4–6]. and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality, as these complica-
At the same time, U.S. VBAC rates decreased to just 9% tions are rare, and meta-analyses [12, 13] might compound errors
in 2011 and rose from 2016 to 2018, reaching 13.3% in 2018 from different retrospective studies. Many studies do not differ-
(Figure 15.2) [4, 5], although they have remained relatively entiate between asymptomatic uterine dehiscence and true acute
high in the United Kingdom at 33% (range 6%–64%) [5]. The symptomatic uterine rupture.
ACOG requirement for “immediately available” personnel The main issues regarding TOLAC are the following:
for women undergoing a TOLAC, but not for other labor-
ing women, eliminated the option of TOLAC/VBAC in 1. Which women are candidates for TOLAC and which
many community hospitals. Since 1996, about one-third of should instead be recommended a PRCD?
hospitals and one-half of physicians have stopped offering 2. Among women who attempt a TOLAC, what is the VBAC
TOLAC/VBAC in the United States [7]. rate (successful TOLAC) and which factors influence it?
3. What are the short- and long-term maternal and peri-
Definitions natal benefits and harms of attempting TOLAC versus
PRCD, and what factors influence benefits and harms?
TOLAC: Trial of labor after cesarean.
VBAC: Vaginal birth after cesarean. Complications and safety are especially related to the risk of
PRCD: Planned repeat cesarean delivery (before labor). uterine rupture.
Trial of Labor after Cesarean 183
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
VBAC rate CD rate Primary CD rate
FIGURE 15.1 Rates of vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC rate), total cesarean delivery (CD rate), primary Cesarean deliveries
(primary CD), and repeat cesarean delivery (RCD). (From Caughey et al., AJOG 2014, 210(3):179–193, with permission.)
These issues are important in order to properly counsel women Candidates for TOLAC
who are considering a TOLAC [7]. This information should be
shared with the woman in a way best suited to her understanding. The choice of candidates for TOLAC should be based on an
When a TOLAC and a PRCD are medically equivalent options, acceptable balance between the chance of achieving a VBAC and
the woman’s preference should be honored if possible [1]. fetal and maternal risks. The ACOG and the 2010 NIH consensus
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
statement acknowledged that TOLAC is a reasonable option for Prior indication for cesarean
most women with a single prior low transverse CD with no Breech presentation or other nonrecurring indication (e.g.
other contraindications to a vaginal birth [2, 3, 7]. Criteria to nonreassuring fetal monitoring) for the prior CD significantly
be a candidate and absolute and relative contraindications for increases the chances for a vaginal delivery (85%) compared with
TOLAC are shown in Table 15.1. CD done for a recurring indication such as dystocia or failure to
progress. These rates are similar to vaginal delivery rates in nul-
liparous women. Nevertheless, about 60%–70% of women under-
Factors affecting a successful TOLAC going a TOLAC for dystocia (failure to progress) deliver vaginally
Vaginal delivery rates for TOLAC in the general population of [1]. In addition, most studies show no reduction in the rates for a
women with previous low transverse uterine incisions vary from successful TOLAC after a prior CD done for failure to progress
60% to 80% [11, 13–15]. In tertiary care centers the rates may be in the second stage of labor (75%–80%), with no increased risk
higher, about 73%–76% [11, 16]. The rate is highly dependent on of operative vaginal delivery [1, 27–29].
demographic and obstetric factors (Table 15.2). Based on these This is confirmed in later retrospective studies showing the
factors, women with a probability for VBAC of at least 60%– success of TOLAC was 75.6% for women with prior arrest in the
70% have similar or less maternal and perinatal morbidity first stage of labor, 73.1% for women with a prior second-stage
with a TOLAC than a PRCD [17, 18]. Conversely, women with arrest, and 59.0% with prior failed induction [30]. For women
less than a 60% probability of VBAC have a greater likelihood of attempting TOLAC with prior cesarean for arrest of descent,
morbidity with TOLAC than if they had a PRCD. One study dem- the TOLAC success rate was 84% [31], and for those attempting
onstrated that composite neonatal morbidity is similar between TOLAC with prior cesarean for failed vacuum, the TOLAC suc-
TOLAC and PRCD for the women with the greatest probability cess rate was 67% [32].
of achieving VBAC [17]. Factors that influence the likelihood of
VBAC after TOLAC and their effect on success rates are shown Uterine scar type
in Table 15.2 and described later in this chapter. Vaginal delivery rates appear to be similar for low transverse, low
vertical, and unknown incision types [21, 33]. Most women with
Maternal demographics unknown scar types have had low transverse incisions.
There is inconsistent evidence regarding the effect of age on Number of prior cesarean deliveries
VBAC after a TOLAC. Prospective studies did not show any Previous studies had reported that 75%–80% of women attempt-
relationship, although overall there appears to be a small inverse ing a VBAC with a single prior cesarean will deliver vaginally ver-
association between maternal age and the likelihood of vaginal sus about 60%–70% with more than one prior cesarean. Later
delivery [1]. studies have shown that the greater the number of prior CDs,
the lower the chances for a vaginal delivery (about 10%–15%
Race/Ethnicity lower per CD) [33]. But a large retrospective multicenter study
Race and ethnicity have been one of the strongest demographic found similar rates of vaginal delivery after TOL in women with
predictors of VBAC. Hispanic and African American women two versus one prior CD (75%) [34], while a meta-analysis of six
have lower rates of VBAC than non-Hispanic white women, but studies that compared outcomes between women having a TOL
there are concerns that these data are related to other factors in after one or two CDs found similar vaginal delivery rates of 77%
care rather than race itself. Other factors such as marital status and 72%, respectively [35]. Likewise, another study showed that
and insurance type were also identified as risk factors but not the vaginal birth rates were similar (65% vs. 69%) in women
included in the final predictive model [19]. undergoing induction with one or two prior CDs [36]. However,
a recent large retrospective study of over 42,000 women revealed
Obesity a much lower rate of successful VBAC in women with two prior
Obese women attempting a VBAC have lower vaginal delivery CDs—only 2.9% of these women attempted a TOL, and of these,
rates. This appears to be true whether measured at first prenatal only 39.4% had a successful VBAC [37].
visit (per body mass index [BMI] unit) or at delivery (BMI >30) ACOG considers it reasonable to offer TOLAC to those
(adjusted ORs [aORs] 0.94, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93–0.95 women with two prior low transverse CDs who also have a
and 0.55, 95% CI 0.51–0.60, respectively [20, 21]). Obese women, good probability of successful VBAC (ACOG). See “Prediction
weighing ≥300 lb, had rates of VBAC of only 15%, while women Tools for Vaginal Delivery” later.
weighing 200–300 lb had rates of 56% [19, 22]. Greater maternal
height and BMI <30 kg/m2 are associated with an increased Interdelivery interval
likelihood of VBAC. An interdelivery interval of <18 months may be associated with
similar success rates of TOL after CD compared to longer inter-
Obstetric history vals [33], but in one study, rates were lower with induction [38].
Prior vaginal delivery
A prior vaginal delivery, either before or after a prior CD, is the Current labor factors
strongest predictor of a VBAC after a TOLAC. A previous suc- Cervical status
cessful VBAC is the most predictive [23]. The VBAC rate is Labor factors associated with a higher VBAC rate include
>85% for women with a prior VBAC, compared with 65% for greater cervical dilation at admission or at rupture of mem-
women without a prior vaginal delivery [24, 25]. The rate of VBAC branes. The more favorable the cervix, the greater the odds for a
increases with each prior VBAC. Women with zero, one, two, vaginal delivery. Fetal head engagement and a lower station also
three, and four or more prior VBACs have likelihoods of VBAC of increase the likelihood of VBAC [1]. Prelabor rupture of mem-
63%, 88%, 91%, 91%, and 91% (p <0.001), respectively [26]. branes is associated with a decreased likelihood of VBAC (odds
Trial of Labor after Cesarean 185
ratio [OR] 4.47, 95% CI 2.07–9.63) [39]. Shorter cervical lengths Prediction tools for vaginal delivery
at mid-trimester ultrasound are associated with an increased Given the associations noted earlier, several different scoring
likelihood of VBAC but do not improve the VBAC prediction systems have been proposed to predict the likelihood of vaginal
model of Grobman [20, 36]. delivery or cesarean in women undergoing a TOLAC [1, 20, 24,
40, 48, 49]. The best studies used scoring systems that were vali-
Gestational age dated in separate data sets and in external studies [1]. These scor-
Preterm patients with a prior CD have a slightly higher VBAC ing systems performed as well in the validation testing as they did
success rate than term patients (82% vs. 74%) [40]. Gestational in the original data set. Unfortunately, although these models are
age greater than 40 weeks is associated with a decreased rate accurate at predicting which women will have a VBAC, they are
of VBAC. There are conflicting data regarding the chance of limited in their ability to predict who will have a repeat cesarean
VBAC after TOLAC in postterm pregnancy. Successful VBAC following a TOLAC [50, 51]. Half of women with unfavorable risk
rates of 65%–82% have been reported for women past 40 weeks, factors had a vaginal delivery.
with the higher rates in women with prior vaginal deliveries [1]. In One available tool developed by Grobman et al. for the MFMU
the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit (MFMU) cohort, women >41 Network can be found at http://www.bsc.gwu.edu/mfmu/vagbirth.
weeks had a lower chance for vaginal delivery than women <41 html, but this tool only includes factors known at the beginning of
weeks (aOR 0.61, 95% CI 0.55–0.68) [21]. If VBAC is still desired pregnancy [20]. Grobman also proposed a second nomogram with
after 40 weeks, awaiting the onset of spontaneous labor may improved performance that also utilized information obtained
be a better option than induction before 40 weeks for women at the time of admission (Figure 15.3) [52]. Metz et al. proposed
planning a VBAC, given the lower success rates with induc- another simple validated tool to be used at the time of admission
tion in this population, particularly for women with an unfa- (Figures 15.4 and 15.5) [50] and validated the original Grobman
vorable cervix [21, 41]. model in a population of women with two prior CDs [53].
One study compared the actual outcomes of 568 ethnically
Induction/Augmentation of labor diverse U.S. populations of women attempting VBAC to the
The overall estimated rate of vaginal birth with a TOLAC after success rate calculated by the MFMU Network calculator. For
any method of labor induction is 63% [1]. Women with a prior women with high predicted success rates, there was good correla-
CD who are induced have lower rates of successful TOLAC tion with actual outcomes, but for those with a low predicted rate
(about 10%) than those who labor spontaneously [12, 33, 42]. (29%), the actual VBAC success rate was 57% [54]. The authors
Studies demonstrate that the rate of VBAC ranges from 54% of the NIH-sponsored review of prediction tools recommend
for induction of labor with mechanical methods (transcervi- clinicians use a sequential approach to screening [51]. Initially,
cal balloon catheter) to 69% for induction with pharmacologic prenatal predictors such as previous vaginal delivery and previ-
methods. One RCT showed that for patients with a Bishop ous indication for CD, and possibly patient demographics and
score less than or equal to 4, beginning induction with a cer- fetal estimated weight, should be considered. This can then be
vical balloon was associated with a higher rate of successful modified by intrapartum predictors such as onset of spontaneous
VBAC (50%) compared to starting the induction with oxytocin labor or the need for induction, and cervical status can be used to
alone (37%) [43]. reevaluate the likelihood of vaginal delivery [20, 50].
It should be noted that the inclusion of race-based correction
Fetal macrosomia factors may not be valid and may perpetuate health care bias, as
The most consistent infant factor associated with an increased the data on which they are based may reflect social disadvantage
likelihood of VBAC is birth weight <4000 g. As expected, large similar to insurance type and marital status, which were not
for gestational age/macrosomia, especially birth weight >4000 g, included in the final algorithm. In addition, the models function
decreases the odds of a VBAC after TOLAC [44]. The success rates equally well without the inclusion of race [19].
for VBAC in women with a previous CD and no other births is A recent comparison of three of these models, including the
about 60% in the >4000 g group and 71% in the ≤4000 g group two by Grobman and the one by Metz [20, 50, 52], also showed
[45]. There is a progressive reduction in VBAC success rates as that two [20, 52] were very accurate when the probability of
birth weight increases. With a prior VBAC or a vaginal delivery, success was >60% but not accurate when <60%. Calculators
there is no success rate below 63% for any of the birth weight may be most useful in counseling women who are not plan-
strata. But with no previous vaginal delivery, VBAC success ning VBAC yet have a high probability of success. They are less
rates can drop below 50% as neonatal weight exceeds 4000 g helpful for discouraging women based on low probabilities
[24, 44]. This success rate can decrease further if the indication of success [55]. They are probably unnecessary for women with
for the previous CD is cephalopelvic disproportion or failure to >80% rate of success who are planning a VBAC.
progress. There are limited data regarding prenatal estimated
fetal birth weight and VBAC success. Even so, VBAC rates after Uterine rupture
TOL were noted to be 60%–70% in fetuses suspected to be macro-
somic [24]. This is likely due to the limitations of estimating birth Complications and safety of TOLAC are especially related to the
weight by ultrasound. Thus, suspected macrosomia alone should risk of uterine rupture. Uterine rupture is the most serious com-
not rule out a TOLAC [3]. plication associated with TOLAC. It is defined as a complete sep-
aration through the entire thickness of the uterine wall (including
Multiple gestations serosa). At all gestational ages, pooled data from one review indi-
Vaginal delivery rates of both twins after a prior CD generally cate that uterine rupture occurs in approximately 470/100,000
range from 65% to 84% [33, 46, 47]. In most series, rates do not (0.47%, 95% CI 0.28–0.47) of women undergoing TOLAC and in
seem to differ from success rates in singletons, without increased 26/100,000 (0.026%, 95% CI 0.009–0.082) of women undergoing a
risk for maternal morbidity or uterine rupture [46, 47]. PRCD (relative risk [RR] 20.74, 95% CI 9.77–44.02; p < 0.0010) [1].
186 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
Maternal Age
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
BMI at Delivery
75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15
African American
Yes No
Yes No
Recurrent Indication
Yes No
Yes No
GA at Delivery
42 41 40 39 38 37
Cervical Dilation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cervical Effacement
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fetal Station
B –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3
Induction of Labor
Yes No
Total Points
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Probability (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 85 90 95 99
FIGURE 15.3 Predictive graphical nomogram, incorporating information available up until the time of admission for delivery, for
probability of VBAC success resulting from a trial of labor. (From Grobman W, Lai Y, Landon M, et. al. Does information available at
admission for delivery improve prediction of vaginal birth after cesarean? Am J Perinatol. 2009;26(10):693–701. [II-2]. Ref. [52], with
At term, the overall risk for rupture is 778/100,000 (0.78%, 95% Factors affecting the risk for uterine rupture
CI 0.62–0.96). This means that overall there are about 5 to 6 addi- The risk for rupture is modified by a number of important fac-
tional ruptures per 1000 in women undergoing a TOLAC [1]. No tors [57] listed in Figure 15.6 and described next. Prior vaginal
maternal deaths due to uterine rupture have been reported [1, delivery and prior VBAC reduce the risk of uterine rupture, while
56]. Perinatal death occurs in about 6% of women with uter- number of prior CDs, vertical scars, single-layer closure, induc-
ine rupture, which translates to an overall risk of intrapartum tion or augmentation, greater maternal age, fever, prior preterm
fetal death of about 20/100,000 and a risk of perinatal death at CD, and TOLAC at ≥40 weeks are associated with higher rupture
term of about 0%–2.8% in women undergoing a TOLAC [1]. rates.
Trial of Labor after Cesarean 187
Post dates evidence from RCTs regarding the method of induction (only
The risk of uterine rupture does not increase substantially after two small RCTs comparing two different types of prostaglan-
40 weeks, but is increased with induction of labor regardless of dins to oxytocin). One study was stopped due to two ruptures in
gestational age [71, 72]. the misoprostol group (2/17) [79]. ACOG therefore advises that
induction with sequential use of prostaglandins and oxyto-
Macrosomia >4000 g cin be avoided [3]. ACOG considers the use of a Foley bulb for
Macrosomia >4000 g is associated with a slightly increased risk cervical ripening an acceptable method of labor induction, as
of rupture. A multicenter case-control study showed that birth limited data appear to show no increased rates for rupture [3].
weight >3500 g had twice the risk for rupture (OR 2.03, 95% CI AN RCT showed significantly higher VBAC success rates if a
1.21–3.38) [44]. Foley bulb is used for ripening (compared to low-dose oxytocin)
in women with a low Bishop score [43]. There are no randomized
Induction/Augmentation trials comparing induction to elective repeat cesarean delivery
The rate of uterine rupture in women with one prior low trans- (ERCD).
verse CD undergoing TOLAC with spontaneous labor is about
0.4%. Almost all studies compare women undergoing induction Augmentation of labor
with those in spontaneous labor instead of expectant manage- Augmentation may be associated with an increased risk
ment. These studies (including the large prospective MFMU of rupture, up to about 1%, but the risk is mainly related to
observational trial) reported higher rates of uterine rupture higher doses of oxytocin [11, 80, 81]. A secondary analysis of a
(up to 1%–2%) with induction at any gestational age and of any large retrospective cohort and a follow-up nested case-control study
kind [11, 73, 74]. There are no RCTs comparing these two groups, reported a dose–response relationship between the maximum
but a meta-analysis of eight studies comparing women with prior oxytocin dose and increased risk for uterine rupture (fourfold
CD undergoing induction to those in spontaneous labor showed increased risk with 21–30 mU/minute vs. no oxytocin; attrib-
lower rates of vaginal delivery and higher rates of rupture among utable risk of 2.9%–3.6%) [81, 82]. Oxytocin should be used
women undergoing induction, but no differences in overall judiciously in women undergoing TOLAC, with a possible
maternal or neonatal morbidity [75]. maximum dose of 20 mU/minute.
At term, the risk of rupture is not statistically significantly
greater than women with spontaneous labor (OR 1.42, 95% CI Length of second stage
0.57–3.52). But women induced at >40 weeks have a higher risk The length of the second stage has been associated with an
of rupture than those induced between 37 and 40 weeks (3.2% vs. increasing risk for uterine rupture in a secondary analysis of the
1.5%) [1]. MFMU Cesarean Registry. The risk of uterine rupture or dehis-
In the MFMU cohort, induction increased the risk of rupture cence increased with second-stage length from less than 1 hour
only in women without a prior vaginal delivery (induced 1.5% (0.7%), 1 to less than 2 hours (1.4%), 2 to less than 3 hours (1.5%),
vs. spontaneous 0.8%). In women with a prior vaginal delivery, to 3 hours or greater (3.1%) (p <0.001) [83].
the incidence of rupture was similar (0.6% vs. 0.4%) [41]. A case-
control study including 111 cases of uterine rupture did not find Second-trimester induction of labor
an increase in rupture compared to spontaneous labor even after Induction of labor in the second trimester with misoprostol is
controlling for labor duration. But the risk was slightly higher associated with a 0.4% risk of uterine rupture (with 0% risk of
with an unfavorable cervix (<4 cm) [76]. hysterectomy and 0.2% risk of transfusion) after one prior low
Two studies compared induction to expectant manage- transverse CD and about 50% risk with a prior classical CD [81].
ment instead of spontaneous labor, a more clinically appropri- There is insufficient evidence to assess the safety of mifepristone
ate comparison. One was a secondary analysis of the MFMU induction in women with a prior CD.
data and showed that induction had higher rates of vaginal
delivery (73.8% vs. 61.3%) but also had higher rates of rupture No change or decreased risk
(1.4% vs. 0.5%) [77]. The other was a secondary analysis of the Prior vaginal delivery
Consortium on Safe Labor and found lower rates of vaginal Prior vaginal delivery significantly reduces the risk for rupture
delivery at 37–39 weeks but not at 40 weeks and no difference during TOLAC from 1.1%, in women with no prior vaginal
in uterine rupture [42]. deliveries, to 0.2%. After controlling for maternal demograph-
ics and labor characteristics, prior vaginal delivery reduced the
Type of induction risk for rupture fivefold (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.04–0.08) [84]. This
The risks of uterine rupture with induction in women who had protective effect was also confirmed by large retrospective (OR
one prior CD may also depend on the type of induction. Risk 0.30, 95% CI 0.23–0.62) [85] and prospective (OR 0.66, 95% CI
of rupture may be as high as 1.4%–2.5% with induction with 0.45–0.95) studies [11].
prostaglandin (with or without oxytocin) [9, 67] and about 1.1%
with oxytocin alone [78]. In one large population-based study, Labor before primary CD
sequential use of prostaglandin and oxytocin was the stron- Labor before the primary CD has been associated with a lower
gest risk factor for rupture (OR 48, 95% CI 20.5–112.3) [58]. risk of uterine rupture in a future TOLAC compared with no
The MFMU data, which included all prostaglandins, and the labor before the primary CD [86].
Grobman et al. study, which excluded misoprostol, did not find an
increased risk for rupture when prostaglandins were used alone, Twins
but they did note a threefold increased risk with sequential The risk of rupture or maternal mortality is not increased with
use of prostaglandins and oxytocin versus spontaneous labor prior CD and subsequent TOL with twins, with uncommon peri-
[41]. The Cochrane review concluded that there is insufficient natal morbidity at ≥34 weeks [46, 87].
Trial of Labor after Cesarean 189
Maternal mortality
Benefits and harms associated with The risk of maternal mortality is lower overall for women
TOLAC (aside from rupture) having a TOLAC (3–4/100,000) compared with PRCD
(13.4/100,000). This compares to the overall U.S. maternal mor-
Most of the benefits and the least morbidity of a TOLAC are
tality rate of 11–15/100,000. At term, maternal mortality is lower:
dependent on having a VBAC, while the potential harms of a
1.9 for TOLAC versus 9.6 PRCD per 100,000 live births [1]. Based
TOLAC are associated with an unsuccessful TOLAC result-
on limited evidence, mortality is lower for TOLAC in high-volume
ing in CD. Studies comparing TOLAC to PRCD usually include
hospitals (more than 500 deliveries per year) [8].
both VBAC and TOLAC ending in CD. Thus, the outcomes for
women who have a TOLAC reflect both possibilities. These data
are therefore appropriate for women with a previous CD who are
Short-term satisfaction
Anxiety, depression, psychological well-being, and satisfac-
deciding on the mode of delivery for the current pregnancy. Most
tion scores are similar between women who choose TOLAC
studies show that rates of all maternal and perinatal complica-
versus those who elect for PRCD [10].
tions except rupture are infrequent and similar with both TOL
and PRCD, but these are small studies with few events [15, 16, 90].
One study of 2345 women with one prior CD compared out-
Long-term maternal risks
There is a clear association between the number of CDs and
comes among those with a planned ERCD and planned TOL
abnormal placentation, as well as other surgical complications
and noted lower rates of serious perinatal complications (0.9%
[92]. This complication is an important consideration for the 28%
vs. 2.4%) and major maternal hemorrhage (0.8% vs. 2.3%) in the
of women who have more than two births. For each CD, the risk
ERCD group. The vaginal delivery rate was 56.8% in the TOL
for placenta previa significantly increases, occurring in 900, 1700,
group, with similar rates of uterine rupture in both groups (0.1
and 3000 per 100,000 women who have one, two, and three or
vs. 0.2%) [9].
more prior CDs, respectively. The overall risk for placenta accreta
Maternal (Table 15.3) also increases (0.2% in the first CD to 0.3%, 0.6%, 2.1%, 2.3%, and
Surgical complications 6.7% for second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth and up CD, respec-
Overall rates of surgical injury are low but may be slightly higher tively). In the presence of placenta previa, the risk for abnormal
with TOLAC compared with PRCD. This is primarily due to placentation is markedly increased for each additional CD (3.3%,
those women who have a TOLAC but deliver with a repeat CD 11%, 40%, and >60% for the first, second, third, and fourth or
in labor [9–11, 17, 91, 92]. There are no studies that specifically more CDs, respectively).
evaluated the risks of complications due to subsequent surgery Even without a placenta previa, the incidence of abnormal
after a TOLAC or PRCD. Nevertheless, an increasing number placentation, although much lower, increases with the number
of abdominal surgeries is commonly associated with increased of CDs (see Chap. 25). The major benefit of TOLAC is about a
risks of adhesions, injury to bowel and bladder, and other com- >70% chance of a VBAC and avoidance of multiple CDs.
plications at the time of subsequent CD or nonpregnancy-related In addition, as noted earlier, women who undergo multiple
hysterectomy. CDs are at increased risk for many complications unrelated to
placentation, including hysterectomy, adhesions, injury to bowel
Hysterectomy and bladder, transfusions >4 units of pRBCs, need for postopera-
The risk of hysterectomy is about 1–2/1000 TOLACs and similar tive ventilation, ICU admission, and increased operative time and
to PRCD [10, 11, 13, 16, 90, 93, 94] hospital stay [95]. There is insufficient evidence regarding long-
term pelvic floor function comparing TOLAC with PRCD. PRCD
Transfusion should not be used as a way to prevent pelvic floor disorders [1].
The risk of transfusion is very low, and in most studies not sig- A decision analysis evaluating both the immediate and subse-
nificantly different for TOLAC or PRCD (0.9% vs. 1.2%) [1, 11]. quent risks of the delivery decision for women with a prior CD
It has been estimated at about 2 units packed red blood cells suggested that for women planning only one additional preg-
(pRBC)/1000 TOLAC [13]. The risk is higher when labor is nancy, PRCD results in fewer hysterectomies than TOLAC,
induced with no prior vaginal deliveries, and it is related to the while for women planning two or more additional pregnan-
need for CD following a TOLAC [11]. cies, a TOL provides the lowest risk [96, 97]. Therefore, when
190 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
counseling women about risks and benefits of a TOLAC com- risk of adverse perinatal outcome is 1/2000 with TOLAC,
pared with PRCD, the discussion should address her plans for slightly higher than with PRCD [11]. In one study of women at
future pregnancies. term with vertex presentations, the risk of delivery-related peri-
natal mortality with a TOLAC was 11 times that of PRCD (OR
Fetal/Neonatal 11.6, 95% CI 1.6–86.7). When compared with women without a
The overall risk of serious perinatal complications is about 1 in previous CD (instead of to those having a PRCD), the perinatal
2000 TOLAC, which is slightly greater than that of PRCD [11]. mortality for TOLAC was the same as that of a nullipara in
Combining all poor perinatal outcomes, more than 600 PRCDs labor, but about twice as high as that of a non-TOLAC multipara
would need to be performed to prevent one poor perinatal in labor [16].
outcome. Although a woman with a TOLAC is at higher risk of
uterine rupture than any other group, the risk of perinatal death Respiratory complications
is similar to that of any nulliparous woman in labor [16]. The Rates of respiratory complications, transient tachypnea of
most serious fetal risk in women with prior CD is from uterine the newborn, and need for oxygen and ventilator support may
rupture during TOLAC. Risks of fetal/neonatal morbidity/mor- be slightly higher in infants delivered by PRCD versus those
tality with term uterine rupture are 33% risk of pH <7.00, 40% delivered by VBAC [1, 98]. It is unclear if there is a difference in
risk of admission to the NICU, 6% risk of hypoxic-ischemic respiratory outcomes in infants born by PRCD versus those born
encephalopathy (HIE), and 1.8% risk of neonatal death. The by repeat CD after a TOLAC.
rupture-related risk of neonatal death is 1/10,000 in equipped
academic centers [11]. In other centers, these risks are higher, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
including the risk of neonatal death from rupture up to 10%– Aside from perinatal death, HIE is the most serious adverse out-
25%. The large population-based Norway study showed that nor- come of uterine rupture and is one of the primary concerns regard-
mal prenatal outcomes occurred in about 44.7% with complete ing the decision to have a TOLAC. The incidence is 46/100,000
rupture (Figure 15.6) [76]. live births for TOLAC, versus none in the PRCD [11]. The overall
risk of rupture-related HIE is 1 in 2500 TOLAC. In term infants,
Stillbirth the overall incidence for HIE is 100/100,000 live births.
The rates of stillbirths are 2–6/1000 for TOLAC versus 1–2/1000
for PRCD. At 39 weeks or more, the rate of antepartum stillbirth
in the MFMU cohort was 1/1000 with TOLAC and 3/10,000 with Management
PRCD [9, 72]. This difference might be due to stillbirths occurring
Patients with contraindications (Table 15.1) to TOLAC should
at ≥39 weeks with TOLAC and/or to encouragement for TOLAC
receive a PRCD at 39 weeks, or earlier if labor starts, or in
with diagnosis of stillbirth [11].
certain cases (e.g. prior early uterine rupture). TOLAC can
Low cord pH be offered if the risk of uterine rupture is estimated to be
The risk of cord pH <7.00 is about 1.5/1000 TOLAC [13]. <2%, possibly <1% (Table 15.2), and if spontaneous labor
starts by 40 weeks. If the patient reaches her estimated due
Neonatal death date (EDC) with no labor and an unfavorable cervix, a PRCD
Neonatal death rates are similar between TOLAC versus PRCD may be appropriate, but induction with mechanical ripen-
(0.08% vs. 0.05%, respectively) in academic centers, with the neona- ing in women with at least a 60% chance of success is also a
tal death rate associated with a rupture at term of about 1.8% [11]. reasonable option. A VBAC calculator may be helpful in this
Perinatal death
Perinatal death rates at term (excluding malformations) are Counseling for TOLAC
1.3/1000 with TOLAC versus 0.5/1000 for PRCD [10]. Overall TOLAC can be offered to most women with a single or even two
prior low transverse CDs, but several safety and success factors
should be considered and discussed with the woman (Tables
50 15.1–15.3).
The composite of maternal complications is slightly higher
44.7 with TOLAC compared with the PRCD group primarily due to
40 Healthy (n=109) the risk of rupture and the increased risks of a CD in labor.
These estimates do not consider the long-term increased risks
30 Intrapartum/infancy
death (n=64)
of repetitive CD and the associated risks of placenta previa and
26.2 NICU for severe asphyxia accreta. Counseling should take into account how many future
20 23 only/others (n=56) pregnancies are planned.
Hypoxic ischemic The overall risk of serious perinatal complications is about 1
10 encephalopathy in 2000 TOLACs, which is slightly greater than that of PRCD
(no death) (n=15)
6.1 [11]. Combining all poor perinatal outcomes, more than 600
0 PRCDs would need to be performed to prevent one poor peri-
natal outcome. Although a woman with a TOLAC is at higher
FIGURE 15.6 Infant outcome after complete uterine rupture risk of uterine rupture than any other group, the risk of perinatal
(n = 244 births). (From Al-Zirqi I, Daltveit AK, Vangen S. Infant death is similar to that of any nulliparous woman in labor [16].
outcome after complete uterine rupture. Am J Obstet Gynecol. For the approximately 60%–80% of women having TOLAC
2018;219:109.e1. [II-2, population based with medical record who will deliver vaginally, the maternal and perinatal morbidity
review, n = 244 ruptures]. Ref. [109], with permission.) and mortality are lower than with PRCD.
Trial of Labor after Cesarean 191
For women in whom the chance of having a vaginal delivery clinical significance, best cutoffs, and appropriate management
with a TOLAC is over 60%, the maternal and perinatal morbidity of ultrasound findings. In one small study a cutoff of <2.3 mm
and mortality are lower than with PRCD. About 50% of women for the LUS thickness (from the bladder urine interface to the
with a prior CD have a 70% or higher chance of a successful decidua amniotic fluid or fetal scalp interface) was associated
VBAC, and they have no higher risk of maternal or perina- with rupture [78]. A subsequent meta-analysis of 21 studies look-
tal morbidity and mortality compared with those who have ing at data for 2776 women provided support for using ultrasound
PRCD [15]. measurement of the LUS in assessing for the presence of a uter-
Although the overall risks of TOLAC for all women are ine defect but recommended prospective validation before it can
higher than PRCD, the absolute risks are small and compara- be used in routine clinical practice [105]. In a multicenter study
ble to other potential complications of labor. Efforts to reduce of 1849 women where LUS thickness was used in counseling, of
the frequency of the first CD reduce the need for a TOLAC or 984 trials of labor, there were no symptomatic uterine ruptures.
repeat CD. Over 90% of women with a LUS thickness <2.0 mm had an ERCD
TOLAC should be approached with caution in those with [106]. A systematic review of 12 studies, including 1834 women
the lowest chance of vaginal delivery and highest risk of rup- and with a 6.6% rate of uterine scar defects, confirmed the strong
ture: For example, induction of labor in obese women over age 40 association between the degree of LUS thinning measured in the
with an unfavorable cervix and no prior vaginal deliveries. third trimester of pregnancy and the risk of uterine scar rupture/
The ultimate decision regarding whether to have a TOLAC dehiscence at delivery. The cutoff value proposed for predicting
or PRCD should be based on the patient choice, after appropri- these complications varied between 2.0 and 3.5 mm. Due to the
ate counseling and the availability of adequate resources and heterogeneity of the studies, no precise cutoff value could be rec-
personnel to respond to obstetric emergencies. Most women ommended [107].
should begin the decision process before term, and their decision
should be documented in the medical record. The decision can Requirements to minimize risks during a TOLAC [1]
then be modified at term in women to assess if spontaneous labor To minimize risks, the following must be immediately avail-
and/or favorable cervix make their chances of complications able throughout the TOLAC:
lower and of success higher. There is no evidence that examining
the adequacy of the pelvis benefits outcomes. • Experienced obstetrician
• Anesthesia
Prenatal education • Nursing and operating room personnel
Women who have had a prior CD need information and guid- • Ability to perform emergency CD
ance to help them decide whether to have a TOL or an ERCD.
Individualized prenatal education directed toward avoidance of a Labor and delivery units with >500/1000 births per year have
PRCD does not increase the rate of VBAC [99]. lower risks of uterine rupture and complications compared
The Cochrane review evaluated three RCTs of decision sup- with units with less volume [10, 101]. If centers cannot provide
port tools to help assist women in choosing ERCD or TOLAC the resources noted, this does not mean TOLAC should not be
and found no differences in the planned mode of birth or the offered. Referral should be made to adequate facilities early dur-
percentage of women who remained unsure about their final ing prenatal care so that TOLAC is safely available.
decision [100]. A subsequent RCT showed that interactive or
written evidence-based decision tools helped reduce conflict Detecting and managing rupture intrapartum
around the birth decision compared to baseline [101]. A sur- Fetal heart rate (FHR) disturbances are the most common
vey of a woman’s level of knowledge prior to TOLAC or ERCD (but not universal) sign of uterine rupture (55%–85%). The
showed most women had a poor understanding of the risks, most commonly reported FHR disturbance is repetitive, pro-
benefits, and likelihood of success of either option; they also gressively severe variable decelerations and prolonged brady-
were most likely to choose the mode of delivery favored by their cardia, although in most cases these are not caused by rupture
provider [102]. [108]. Nevertheless, in women with a prior CD, in the pres-
ence of such FHR disturbances, uterine rupture must be
considered. Immediate delivery is indicated, as one large
Specific consent for TOL after CD or PRCD should be signed by
population-based study from Norway showed a time to deliv-
the woman after appropriate counseling.
ery <20 minutes limited the incidence of intrapartum/infant
Nonvertex presentation deaths [109].
External cephalic version (ECV) can safely be performed in Abdominal pain over the area of the prior uterine scar is a poor
women with a prior CD. The success rate for ECV is similar or predictor of uterine rupture. Epidural usually does not mask rup-
higher in women with a prior CD compared to controls without ture. Epidural should not be withheld in women attempting TOL
a prior CD (82% vs. 61%) [103]. Women with a successful version after prior CD. Intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) monitoring
have successful VBAC rates of 65%–76% [103, 104]. has not been shown to be helpful [110]. Significant loss of fetal
station, especially in the second stage, may occur with rupture,
Ultrasound of the lower uterine segment but is of limited predictive value. There are insufficient data to
The data supporting the use of ultrasound to predict uterine rup- assess the utility of uterine exploration after a successful VBAC.
ture are limited, and so currently measurement of lower uter- Neonates delivered within 18 minutes after a suspected
ine segment (LUS) thickness is not routinely recommended uterine rupture have the best outcome, with all normal umbili-
for clinical management. Studies of the prior uterine scar have cal pH levels and 5-minute Apgar scores in one series, while
used varying terminology and methods and a wide range of those with a decision-to-delivery time >30 minutes have poor
results, yet there is still no consensus regarding the prevalence, outcomes [1, 111].
192 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Cost-effectiveness 24. Flamm BL, Geiger AM. Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: An admission
scoring system. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;90(6):907–910. [II-2]
Multiple cost-effectiveness analyses have been performed to exam-
25. Caughey AB, et al. Trial of labor after cesarean delivery: The effect of
ine the relative cost of TOLAC vs. PRCD. For women with at least a previous vaginal delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;179(4):938–941.
47% likelihood of successful vaginal delivery, TOLAC appears to be [II-2, n = 800]
more cost-effective than ERCD [112, 113]. In one analysis, TOLAC 26. Mercer BM, et al. Labor outcomes with increasing number of prior vaginal
has similar cost-effectiveness for the first TOL but becomes less births after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2008;111(2 Pt 1):285–291.
[II-2; prospective, n = 13,532]
costly and more effective with subsequent deliveries [114]. 27. Jongen VH, Halfwerk MG, Brouwer WK. Vaginal delivery after previous
caesarean section for failure of second stage of labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol.
1998;105(10):1079–1081. [II-2]
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Lisa K. Perriera, Beatrice A. Chen, and Aileen M. Gariepy
TABLE 16.1: Diagnostic Criteria for Early Pregnancy Loss Early First Trimester Diagnosis of Miscarriage and Exclusion of a
Viable Intrauterine Pregnancy [5].
Diagnosis Ultrasound Findings
It is important to recognize that not all patients may desire 100%
Anembryonic pregnancy • A gestational sac ≥25 mm MSD without certainty of pregnancy loss [2], and the wishes of the patient must be
(any of the three) an embryo considered when determining the level of diagnostic certainty that
• Absence of an embryo with cardiac will be used. Table 16.2 lists the sensitivity and specificity of dif-
activity ≥11 days after an ultrasound ferent diagnostic cutoffs that can be used to counsel patients [5, 6].
showed a gestational sac with a yolk sac
• Absence of an embryo with cardiac activity Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin
≥2 weeks after an ultrasound showing a In a clinically stable patient with a highly desired pregnancy, a
gestational sac without a yolk sac single beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (BHCG) level ≤3000
Embryonic/Fetal demise • Absence of cardiac motion in an embryo mIU/mL cannot differentiate between an ectopic pregnancy or EPL
measuring ≥7 mm if a gestational sac is not visualized in the uterus [5]. If the preg-
Source: Adapted from Ref. [4].
nancy is desired, ectopic precautions should be given and interven-
Abbreviation: MSD, mean sac diameter. tion should be avoided until additional testing is performed.
TABLE 16.2: Sensitivity, Specificity, and False-Positive Rates When Diagnosing Early
Pregnancy Loss
Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI) FPR (%)
CRL >5 mm without cardiac activity 0.50 (0.12–0.88) 1.00 (0.90–1.00) 0
CRL >6 mm without cardiac activity 0.50 (0.07–0.93) 1.00 (0.87–1.00) 0
CRL >7 mm without cardiac activity NA 1.00 (NA) NA
MSD >13 mm without yolk sac 0.96 (0.92–0.99) 1.00 (0.69–1.00) 0
MSD >16 mm without yolk sac 0.50 (NA) 1.00 (0.88–1.00) NA
MSD >20 mm without yolk sac 0.41 (0.30–0.52) 1.00 (0.96–1.00) 0
MSD >25 mm without yolk sac NA 1.00 (NA) NA
Source: Modified from Refs. [5, 6].
Abbreviations: CRL, crown–rump length; MSD, mean sac diameter; CI, confidence intervals; FPR, false-positive rate;
NA, not available.
Early Pregnancy Loss 197
sampling (CVS) and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is ana- in all women. A meta-analysis of all women, regard-
lyzed, about 72% of cases revealed aneuploidy, with trisomy less of gravidity and number of previous miscarriages,
being the most common [9]. Many spontaneous losses may be showed no statistically significant difference in the risk
secondary to other genetic defects that are impossible to discern of miscarriage between progesterone and placebo or
by simple karyotype. Many other factors are also associated with no treatment groups (OR 0.99; 95% CI 0.78–1.24) and
spontaneous losses (see Chap. 17). no statistically significant difference in the incidence
of adverse effects in either mother or baby [17].
Risk factors • However, in a subgroup analysis of four trials involv-
ing women who had recurrent miscarriages (3 +
The risk of EPL increases with maternal age, ranging from 9% at consecutive miscarriages; four trials, 225 women),
22 years old to 84% at 48 years old [10]. Other risk factors include progesterone treatment showed a statistically sig-
smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine intake, African racial origin, nificant decrease in the miscarriage rate compared
previous EPL, previous stillbirth, medical complications such as to placebo or no treatment (OR 0.39; 95% CI 0.21–
diabetes, assisted reproductive technology, and vaginal bleeding 0.72), though these studies were of poorer quality.
[11]. A recent meta-analysis showed that caffeine and coffee con- • While progesterone supplementation cannot be
sumption, especially more than three servings per day, during recommended for prevention of EPL, there may be
pregnancy are significantly associated with pregnancy loss [12]. benefit in women with a history of recurrent mis-
carriage. Treatment for these women may be war-
ranted (see Chap. 17).
Threatened pregnancy loss
Threatened PL can be defined as vaginal bleeding in pregnancy Therapy
before 20 weeks of gestation. Several interventions have been • Bed rest
studied, but none has been confirmed to be beneficial. • There is insufficient evidence of high quality that
supports a policy of bed rest to prevent miscarriage
Complications in women with confirmed fetal viability and vaginal
• Vaginal bleeding in the first trimester has been associ- bleeding in the first half of pregnancy. There is no sta-
ated with several complications in pregnancy, including tistically significant difference in the risk of miscar-
antepartum hemorrhage (odds ratio [OR] 2.47), preterm riage in the bed rest group versus the no bed rest group
prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) (OR 1.78), pre- (placebo or other treatment) (RR 1.54, 95% CI 0.92–
term birth (PTB) (OR 2.05), fetal growth restriction (FGR) 2.58). Neither bed rest in a hospital nor bed rest at
(OR 1.54), low birth weight (LBW) (OR 1.83), and perinatal home shows a significant difference in the prevention
mortality (OR 2.15) [13]. of miscarriage. There is a higher risk of miscarriage in
• The presence of a subchorionic hematoma detected on those women in the bed rest group than in those in the
ultrasound (usually between 5 and 20 weeks) is associated HCG therapy group with no bed rest (RR 2.50, 95% CI
with increased risks of spontaneous abortion (SAB) (OR 1.22–5.11). The small number of participants included
2.18), abruption (OR 5.71), intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) in these studies makes these analyses inconclusive [18].
(OR 2.09), PPROM (OR 1.64), and PTB (OR 1.40) [14]. • Bed rest cannot be recommended for prevention
of miscarriage. In fact, it might be harmful, given
Prevention the higher rates of venous thromboembolism (VTE),
• Lifestyle modifications muscle atrophy, and other detriments associated with
• Epidemiologic studies suggest that lifestyle modifica- bed rest.
tions can increase fertility potential, although these • Progesterone
have not been definitively tested in randomized con- • Progesterone supplementation may reduce miscar-
trolled trials. These modifications include eliminating riage rates in women with threatened miscarriage.
the use of tobacco products, alcohol, and caffeine and Treatment with oral progestogen compared to no
reduction in body mass index (BMI) [15]. treatment may reduce the miscarriage rate (RR 0.57,
• Multivitamins 95% CI 0.38–0.85), though there was no evidence of
• In non–high-risk women, vitamin C, vitamin A, and effectiveness with the use of vaginal progesterone
folic acid supplementation before 20 weeks are associ- compared with placebo in reducing the risk of miscar-
ated with similar total fetal loss (early/late miscarriage riage (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.47–1.21) [19].
and stillbirth), early or late miscarriage or stillbirth, • Human chorionic gonadotropin
and most other outcomes compared with controls [16]. • The current evidence does not support the routine
Multivitamin supplementation with iron and folic acid use of HCG in the treatment of threatened miscar-
may be associated with a decreased risk of stillbirth riage. There is no statistically significant difference in
as compared to iron and folate only (relative risk [RR] the incidence of miscarriage between HCG and “no
0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.85–0.99) but is HCG” (placebo or no treatment) groups (RR 0.66, 95%
not associated with a difference in the risk of early or CI 0.42–1.05). There were no reported adverse effects
late miscarriage. Therefore, vitamin supplementation of HCG on the patient or fetus [20].
cannot be recommended for prevention of EPL. • Muscle relaxant
• Progesterone • There is insufficient evidence to support the use of
• There is no evidence to support the routine use of uterine muscle relaxant drugs for women with threat-
progesterone (synthetic or natural) to prevent EPL ened miscarriage, and therefore they should not be used.
198 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
In one poor-quality randomized controlled trial (RCT), • Methotrexate (IM or oral) antagonizes folic acid, a cofac-
compared with placebo, buphenine (a beta-agonist) was tor needed for the synthesis of nucleic acids. It is toxic to
associated with a lower risk of intrauterine death (RR the rapidly dividing cells of the trophoblast. There is no
0.25, 95% CI 0.12–0.51). PTB was the only other outcome role for methotrexate in the treatment of EPL [28].
reported (RR 1.67, 95% CI 0.63–4.38) [21]. • Success of medical management is determined by the
absence of significant symptoms, such as heavy vaginal
Management of EPL bleeding, and absence of the gestational sac on transvagi-
nal ultrasound. Studies that use an endometrial thickness
General principles of >15 mm to define failure of medical management may
• There are three main options for the woman with EPL underestimate success rates of expectant and medical
(unless the spontaneous loss is complete): Expectant, management [4]. Endometrial thickness should not be used
medical, and surgical management. to determine success of medical management.
• Successful management of EPL entails complete evacua- • Success of medical management is higher in patients
tion of the uterus, defined as expulsion of the gestational with symptoms, such as cramping and bleeding [29].
sac. The success of each management option depends on
several factors, for example, whether or not the patient has Contraindications: The contraindications listed in Table 16.3
symptoms. apply to medical management but some may also apply to expect-
• Failure of expectant or medical management results in the ant management [25, 30, 31].
need for surgical evacuation. Complications:
• Misoprostol routes varied, including seven studies via – At less than 24 hours after treatment (RR 4.73,
oral, six studies via vaginal, two studies via sublingual, 95% CI 2.70–8.28)
and one study via both vaginal and oral. – At less than 48 hours after treatment (RR 5.74,
• There was a slightly lower incidence of complete 95% CI 2.70–12.19)
miscarriage in the misoprostol group (RR 0.96, – Results in less need for uterine curettage
95% CI 0.94–0.98), but high success in both – Does not show a significant difference in need for
groups. blood transfusion (RR 0.2, 95% CI 0.01–4.0)
• Women using misoprostol had fewer surgical proce- – Does not have a significant increase in nausea (RR
dures (RR 0.05, 95% CI 0.02–0.11). 1.38, 95% CI 0.43–4.40) or diarrhea (RR 2.21, 95%
• Risk of unplanned procedure was higher with miso- CI 0.35–14.06)
prostol (RR 5.03, 95% CI 2.71–9.35). • Dosage of vaginal misoprostol: When comparing 400,
• Deaths and “serious complications” with either man- 600, and 800 µg dosages, higher-dose regimens were
agement are too rare to compare. not more effective at completing uterine emptying as
• Largest multicenter RCT [25]: compared to lower dosages (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.58–
• n = 652; 491 participants treated with 800 µg vaginal 1.14). There was a similar incidence of nausea (RR 0.67,
misoprostol versus 161 participants treated with vac- 95% CI 0.31–1.41) between regimens.
uum aspiration • No advantage of “wet” versus “dry” preparation of vag-
• Participant characteristics: inal misoprostol or of adding methotrexate.
– 58% embryonic/fetal demise • There may be no difference between oral misoprostol
– 36% anembryonic pregnancy and vaginal misoprostol in emptying the uterus, but
– 6% incomplete/inevitable abortion one of the studies had serious risk of bias (RR 0.68, 95%
• Medical regimen: 800 µg vaginal misoprostol, CI 0.45–1.03).
repeated on day 3 if incomplete expulsion (diag- • Sublingual misoprostol is equivalent to vaginal miso-
nosed by persistence of gestational sac or endome- prostol in inducing complete uterine emptying (RR
trial lining greater than 30 mm on transvaginal 0.84, 95% CI 0.61–1.16) but was associated with more
ultrasound), vacuum aspiration on day 8 if still frequent diarrhea.
incomplete • Mifepristone:
• Success: • Efficacy of mifepristone followed by misoprostol for
– 97% success with vacuum aspiration treatment of miscarriage ranges from 65.5% to 91.2%
– 84% success with misoprostol overall [37–40].
– 71% success with one dose of misoprostol • In a Cochrane review published in 2019, three trials
– Success increases to 84% with a second dose of of mifepristone added to misoprostol did not show
800 µg vaginal misoprostol if the gestational sac increased efficacy with mifepristone [28]. However,
was still present on ultrasound on day 3 this Cochrane review did not include the Schreiber
• Success by type of EPL: et al. study that was published in 2018.
– 93% for incomplete/inevitable abortion • One small RCT (n = 115) found that mifepristone in
– 88% embryonic/fetal demise addition to misoprostol did not improve efficacy [39],
– 81% anembryonic pregnancy though one retrospective study did find increased
• Success did not vary by gestational age expulsion rates with mifepristone plus misoprostol
• Increased rates of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and versus misoprostol alone [41].
abdominal pain in the misoprostol group • A definitive multisite RCT (n = 300) published in 2018
• No difference in hemorrhage or endometritis between demonstrated that the success rate for the treatment of
groups (<1%) embryonic demise or anembryonic pregnancies with
• Success of medical management associated with one 800 µg dose of misoprostol 24 hours after mife-
cramping, vaginal bleeding, and nulliparity [29] pristone had an initial success rate of 83.8%, a 89.2%
success rate at day 8 when an additional dose of miso-
Conclusion: Medical management with misoprostol is an prostol was offered, and a success rate of 91.2% by day
acceptable alternative to surgical evacuation. Patient prefer- 30 [40]. Those subjects in the misoprostol-only arm
ence should guide decision-making [36]. had an initial success rate of 67.1% (p <0.001), success
at day 8 of 74.5%, and success at day 30 of 75.8%. The
Medical versus expectant management number needed to treat in order to achieve an addi-
Medical management commonly uses vaginal misoprostol [28]. tional outcome of treatment success by the first follow-
There are several additional studies looking at mifepristone fol- up was 6.
lowed by vaginal or oral misoprostol [37–39].
Conclusion: Medical management with mifepristone
• Cochrane review [28] 200 mg followed by 800 µg of vaginal misoprostol is signifi-
• Forty-three RCTs, n = 4966, of embryonic/fetal demise cantly more effective than management with misoprostol
or anembryonic pregnancy. alone or expectant management. There is now clear evidence
• Vaginal misoprostol compared with expectant that mifepristone combined with misoprostol appears to have
management: higher success rates compared to misoprostol alone. Based on
– Shortens the time to achieve complete uterine available evidence, adding mifepristone to misoprostol for medi-
evacuation: cal management is recommended, when available.
200 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
(cramping and bleeding), but overall quality of life and expectant, medical, or surgical management of EPL, there was no
treatment acceptability were similar [50]. significant difference in the live birth rate 5 years after the index
• In a large RCT comparing medical versus surgical man- miscarriage [57].
agement of EPL, 83% of women with EPL randomized to
medical management with misoprostol would recommend • Expectant management: 177/224 (79%, 95% CI 73%–84%)
medical management to others, and 78% would probably/ • Medical management: 181/230 (79%, 95% CI 73%–84%)
absolutely use medical management again [25]. • Surgical management: 192/235 (82%, 95% CI 76%–86%)
22. Tunçalp O, Gulmezoglu A, Souza J. Surgical procedures to evacuating 41. van den Berg J, van den Bent JM, Snijders MP, de Heus R, Coppus SF,
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23. Dalton VK, Harris L, Weisman CS, Guire K, Castleman L, Lebovic D. prostol alone: A retrospective study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
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30. Blum J, Winikoff B, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Ho P, Schiavon R, Weeks A. Trial. Bleeding patterns after misoprostol vs surgical treatment of early
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Gynecol Obstet. 2007;99:S186–S189. [Review] 2007;196(1):31. [RCT]
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Reshama S. Navathe and Shabani Ahluwalia
Key points on this definition (Table 17.1) [2–4]. The European Society of
Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) distinguishes
• The diagnosis of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is ≥2 RPL from a similar entity, recurrent miscarriage, which is defined
failed clinical pregnancies. as a loss that has been confirmed as intrauterine [2].
• Workup includes karyotype of products of conception For diagnoses of pregnancy loss, miscarriage, spontaneous and
(if available), parental karyotypes, uterine study, and other kinds of abortions, anembryonic pregnancy, embryonic
antiphospholipid antibodies (APAs). demise, etc., please see Chap. 16.
• Prognosis with negative workup is for a 60%–70% subse-
quent successful pregnancy in women <35 years old and Classification
40%–50% in women ≥35 years old.
• Women with RPL who are diagnosed with antiphospho- Primary RPL: No intervening live births; secondary RPL:
lipid syndrome (APS) should be treated with low-dose Intervening live births. The prognosis is better with secondary
aspirin and heparin in subsequent pregnancies (see Chap. RPL [5].
28 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Women
with unexplained RPL should not receive anticoagulant
• Women with RPL and uterine septum, synechiae, or Approximately 15% of pregnant women experience loss of a clini-
submucous myomata can consider hysteroscopic resec- cally recognized pregnancy. It is estimated that less than 5% of
tion of these abnormalities. women experience two consecutive pregnancy losses and only
• Couples with abnormal parental karyotype can be offered 1% experience three or more [6].
genetic counseling, in vitro fertilization (IVF) with pre-
implantation genetic screening (PGS), prenatal diagnosis,
and/or gamete donation.
• Couples should be offered mental health support, as RPL Etiology of RPL is not established in at least 50% of cases
can be associated with significant anxiety and depression. after workup. General categories include genetic, anatomic,
• There is insufficient evidence for universal screening for endocrine, immunologic, thrombophilic, and environmental
diabetes mellitus (DM), thyroid disease, progesterone defi- (Table 17.2) [7].
ciency, infections, thrombophilia, etc., in women with RPL.
• Women with RPL should not be tested for alloimmuniza-
tion or receive any of the immune therapies, as they have Risk factors/Associations
thus far not shown benefit in RPL. Advancing maternal age is associated with a higher rate of RPL.
• There is increasing evidence that progesterone supple- The rate of clinically recognized miscarriage is 20% at age 35, 40%
mentation is beneficial, especially in women with ≥3 RPLs at age 40, and up to 80% at age 45 [8]. Other risk factors include
and early pregnancy bleeding. maternal medical diseases, especially poorly controlled, such as
• There is insufficient evidence to support estrogen, human hypertension and diabetes (see Chap. 16). A previous pregnancy
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), aspirin alone, and vitamins loss is a risk factor for recurrence (Table 17.3) [6, 9]. Women
as interventions. with only an unsuccessful pregnancy history have a greater risk of
future miscarriage than primigravidas and women with a history
Diagnosis/Definitions of previous successful pregnancy [10].
after subsequent losses, couples should have detailed counseling exposures, and working conditions, as well as detailed obstetric
regarding prognosis (Table 17.3) [6, 9]. It should be made clear and gynecologic history) and physical exam (weight, blood pres-
that workup does not always lead to a definitive diagnosis, and sure, pelvic exam). Eliciting the gestational age of miscarriage
effective treatment may not be available for RPL. is important, as often RPL occurs at a similar gestational age in
subsequent pregnancies, and the most common cause of RPL
Candidates for evaluation varies by gestational age. Sometimes, though, obstetric history
is mixed, with early pregnancy loss (PL), second-trimester PL,
Workup should in general not be initiated after a first early preg- preterm birth (PTB), and/or fetal death. In these cases, workup
nancy loss, as the prognosis remains at baseline after an initial may include other tests (see specific chapters, including Chap. 57
loss. Workup should be in general be initiated after two failed in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Screening tests
clinical pregnancies [13]. (see later) can be recommended concomitantly, or they can be
performed based on clinical scenario and suspected etiology. The
latter approach allows for a more cost-effective practice and min-
Workup imizes unnecessary testing for couples. Appropriate diagnostic
Appropriate diagnostic workup of RPL is essential for choosing workup of RPL is essential for choosing the proper intervention.
the proper intervention (Table 17.4) [14]. The initial part of the
workup consists of a detailed history (medical comorbidities, Recommended screening tests
smoking, alcohol and caffeine use, illicit drug use, environmental
Genetic evaluation
POC karyotype/CGH
TABLE 17.3: Miscarriage Risk after Prior PL Management of women with ≥2 RPLs should begin with genetic
Prior PL (n) Risk of Miscarriage in Subsequent Pregnancy evaluation of products of conception (POCs) if possible
(Figure 17.1) [15]. About 75% of early pregnancy losses in the
0 10%–15%
first trimester result from random numeric chromosomal
1 13%–25%
errors [16]. More than 50% of aneuploidies are trisomies; the most
2 17%–35% common single aneuploidy is 45,XO. Additionally, as maternal
3 25%–45% age increases, miscarriage associated with aneuploidy increases,
4 60%–65% accounting for up to 80% in those over 35 years of age [17].
Source: Adapted from Refs. [6, 8]. Aneuploidy is typically considered sufficient explanation for
Abbreviation: PL, pregnancy loss. pregnancy loss; this provides the couple with an explanation
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 205
b See also Chap. 28 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines.
and has been shown to decrease self-blame [18]. Karyotype reproductive loss rates, most will have successful pregnancies
can be obtained directly from POCs; however, this test requires without intervention [19]. Available intervention includes preim-
growing (dividing) cells to assess DNA in metaphase. Many times plantation genetic screening (PGS) and donor gametes.
cells of abortuses do not grow in culture, especially those with
aneuploidy. Potential pitfalls include culturing of maternal cell Anatomic evaluation
contaminants, falsely providing a “negative” test result (46,XX). Ten to twenty percent of women with RPL have uterine anom-
Array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) does not alies [7]. The most common congenital anomaly associated with
require dividing cells and therefore can be useful in settings of RPL is septate uterus (spontaneous abortion [SAB] rate is high,
culture failure. As such, aCGH has been suggested for use over about 65%) [20], followed by didelphys and bicornuate. Arcuate
karyotype. uterus has not been consistently associated with RPL. The rela-
tionship between RPL and acquired uterine abnormalities such
Parental karyotype as leiomyomata, adhesions, and endometrial polyps is not well
Three to five percent of couples with RPL have one parent with established. Uterine synechiae (Asherman syndrome) and dieth-
balanced translocation, mosaicism, or, less commonly, a chro- ylstilbestrol (DES) exposure are associated with RPL. Myomata
mosome inversion. Although these couples experience increased have been associated with decreased implantation rates in the
206 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
1st Miscarriage
standard to diagnose LPD [24]. Screening is not recom-
<14 weeks: mended in RPL.
Try another pregnancy; no • Immunologic workup.
action needed; provide
Although autoantibodies have been reported in women with RPL
[25], there has been no consistent association and few interven-
tion studies. Currently, testing for antinuclear antibody (ANA),
2nd Miscarriage anti–double-stranded DNA, and anti-smooth muscle antibodies
<14 weeks: is not recommended. There does appear to be an association with
Cytogenetic analysis anti-thyroglobulin antibody based on a retrospective cohort.
Further studies are needed [26].
Thrombophilia workup
Inherited thrombophilias (factor V Leiden [FVL], prothrombin
Aneuploid Unbalanced Euploidy G20210A gene mutation [PTM], antithrombin III deficiency, protein
or polyploidy: translocation: or balanced S, and protein C deficiencies) have not been consistently associated
Diagnostic evaluation with RPL in the best designed prospective studies. However, a higher
No further Cytogenetic analysis
evaluation needed of both partners (see text and tables) frequency of FVL carrier state has been shown in women with early
RPL [27]. Second-trimester PL has been associated with thrombo-
philic mutations. There is insufficient evidence regarding any
FIGURE 17.1 Evaluation of patients with early pregnancy interventions in women with RPL and inherited thrombophilias
loss based on cytogenetic analysis of products of conception. (see Chap. 29 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines).
(Adapted from Ref. 7.)
Infectious workup
in vitro fertilization (IVF) literature [21]. A maternal uterine No infectious agent has been proven to cause RPL. Listeria,
study (sonohysterogram or hysterosalpingogram [HSG]) is rec- Toxoplasma gondii, and many viruses have been associated
ommended. Second-line tests (due to increased expense or inva- with sporadic early PL. Chlamydia, Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma
sive nature) such as MRI or hysteroscopy/laparoscopy may have (proposed diagnosis with endometrial biopsy, with treatment of
a role as well. Available intervention is hysteroscopic resection woman and partner with either doxycycline 100 mg PO bid or
of septum, synechiae, or submucous myomata. Surgical correc- ciprofloxacin 250 mg PO bid), and bacterial vaginosis are associ-
tion may not improve chances of a successful pregnancy (see ated with sporadic pregnancy loss, but not RPL [28].
“Abnormal Uterine Cavity,” later).
Male factor
Endocrine evaluation A meta-analysis of prospective studies showed an association
Endocrine factors may contribute to 8%–12% of RPL [22]. Basic between sperm DNA fragmentation and RPL (mean difference
evaluation should consist of screening for diabetes (hemoglobin 11.91, confidence interval [CI] 4.97–181.86) [29]. However, there
A1c [HgbA1c], fasting glucose, glucose tolerance testing) and is significant heterogeneity between the studies. Routine testing
screening for thyroid dysfunction (thyroid-stimulating hormone is not recommended.
[TSH] and free thyroxine [T4]); prolactin levels only if clinically
suspicious. Management
Immunologic evaluation Prevention
Five to fifteen percent of women with RPL have antiphos- Optimize preconception medical care of all maternal diseases.
pholipid syndrome (APS) [7]. Testing, which includes aPL
antibodies (lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies Preconception care
[ACAs], and beta-2 glycoprotein 1) should be positive twice, In patients with RPL, workup should be performed prior to con-
≥12 weeks apart. See Chap. 28 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence ception (Table 17.4). If workup is positive, patients should be coun-
Based Guidelines for details on diagnosis and other consider- seled regarding specific associations. If workup is negative (>50%
ations in pregnancy. of couples), counseling should include the fact that 60%–70% of
couples with unexplained RPL have successful pregnancies
Tests that cannot be routinely recommended in the next gestation (Table 17.3). This percentage, however,
decreases to 40%–50% in women ≥40 years old. All women with
• POC molecular genetic abnormalities (e.g. X-chromosome RPL should be offered a support group. UNITE offers services
inactivation) is associated with increasing maternal age, that provide emotional support through parent-to-parent shar-
but is not associated with RPL [23]. ing on issues related to grieving. UNITE can assist in referral if
• Endometrial biopsy or progesterone levels. additional professional support is needed [30].
• Luteal phase deficiency (LPD) has been suggested as a
cause of RPL. The corpus luteum fails to make enough Prenatal care
progesterone to sustain pregnancy implantation and early For recommend therapy specific for a positive workup, see next. In
growth. The diagnosis is hampered by inconsistent diag- cases of RPL, especially with current vaginal bleeding but even in the
nostic criteria. The American Society for Reproductive absence of it, progesterone has shown benefit (see “Therapy” section).
Medicine (ASRM) has determined that there is no Offer early and frequent ultrasounds as needed given patient anxiety.
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 207
Therapy (specific for workup) to Chap. 16 and to Chap. 29 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
Abnormal parental chromosomes Guidelines.
Offer genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis (termination is
an option for affected pregnancies). Preimplantation genetic Interventions for unexplained RPL
screening with IVF is not beneficial, including in women Progesterone
with RPL [31]. More data are needed; however, this intervention Women with recurrent miscarriage may benefit from the
appears to be commonly used for couples who are translocation use of vaginal micronized progesterone (e.g. 400 mg twice
carriers. Gamete donation is another option. daily) [38]. This was described in particular by two large RCTs:
PROMISE (vaginal progesterone in recurrent miscarriage,
Abnormal uterine cavity n = 836) and PRISM (vaginal progesterone in women with early
Septum, synechiae, and/or submucous myomata can be resected pregnancy bleeding, n = 4153) [39, 40]. While the primary out-
hysteroscopically, but there are no trials regarding this inter- comes for both trials were negative, preplanned subgroup anal-
vention. However, there have been prospective studies suggesting ysis in PROMISE showed a nonsignificant trend toward the
higher live birth rates in women with uterine septa and RPL who benefit of vaginal progesterone with an increasing number of
undergo septum resection [32]. Repair of the bicornuate or uni- miscarriages. In the PRISM RCT, prespecified subgroup analy-
cornuate uterus is not suggested in these women, as outcomes ses showed increasing benefit for vaginal progesterone with an
are usually good without repair, whereas surgical correction is increasing number of miscarriages. In women with one or more
associated with higher risk of complications. Consider referral miscarriage(s) and current pregnancy bleeding, the live birth rate
to a reproductive endocrinology specialist if necessary. There is was improved (n = 1515, RR 1.09, 95% CI, 1.03–1.15, p = 0.003).
a paucity of evidence to give a recommendation for women with The benefit was even greater for women with three or more prior
fibroids and RPL. The available data suggest resection of submu- miscarriages and current pregnancy bleeding (n = 285, RR 1.28,
cosal fibroids may confer benefit [33]. 95% CI 1.08–1.51, p = 0.004) [40].
Multiple meta-analyses have addressed progesterone in vari-
Medical condition ous routes and doses for women with RPL and generally show
If a medical condition is identified (e.g. diabetes mellitus benefit. In a 2018 meta-analysis of 10 trials, 1684 women showed
[DM], thyroid disease), treat as indicated (see specific chapters in reduced miscarriage rate (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.54–1.00) [41]. A pre-
Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). Metformin has not vious 2016 meta-analysis of 10 trials, n = 1586, also showed ben-
been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage in women with RPL efit (RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.53–0.97) [42].
and polycystic ovary syndrome [14, 34]. Thus, women with a history of miscarriage, and especially
those with early pregnancy bleeding, may benefit from pro-
Antiphospholipid syndrome gesterone. There should be shared decision-making between
Unfractionated heparin (UFH) combined with low-dose aspi- patients and their providers regarding timing, route of
rin is associated with improved live birth compared to aspirin administration, and dose.
alone (relative risk [RR] 1.74, 95%CI 1.28–2.35, 2 trials, n = 140).
There is no advantage in a higher dose of UFH over a prophy-
Human chorionic gonadotropin
There is not enough evidence to support the use of hCG for
lactic dose [35, 36]. Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)
RPL. In a meta-analysis of five trials (596 women), when these
combined with low-dose aspirin also shows improved live birth
two studies were removed from analysis, there was no longer a
rates compared to low-dose aspirin (RR 1.20, 95% CI 1.04–1.38, 3
significant benefit of hCG (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.44–1.23) [43].
trials, n = 1155) [35, 36]. Either UFH or LMWH has been shown
to reduce the risk of pregnancy loss (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.32–0.71, Low-dose aspirin
5 trials, n = 1295) and to increase the live birth rate (RR 1.27, Compared with placebo, aspirin alone did not increase the chance
95% CI 1.09–1.49) (see Chap. 28 and Table 28.3) [36]. Therapy is of live birth (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.80–1.11) in a pooled analysis of 256
usually begun once fetal viability is established. Low-dose aspi- women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage with or without
rin is usually about 75–100 mg daily. For prophylactic UFH, the thrombophilia [44]. Therefore, low-dose aspirin should not be
dose is 5000–7500 U in the first trimester, 7500–10,000 U in the recommended for women with recurrent unexplained early PLs.
second trimester, and 10,000 U in the third trimester SQ q12h.
Prophylactic LMWH, 40 mg SQ a day, is often recommended due Unfractionated heparin
to once-daily dosing and fewer side effects. Aspirin alone (three There is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of UFH alone in
trials), intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) plus UFH plus aspi- women with unexplained RPL [45].
rin (two trials), and prednisone plus aspirin (three trials) have not
shown significant benefit and should not be used [34]. Low-molecular-weight heparin
In summary, in women with RPL and APS, available guide- There are several RCTs that show no effect of LMWH alone in
lines recommend a combined therapy with low-dose aspirin the prevention of pregnancy loss in women with unexplained
and prophylactic doses of heparin, although the available ran- RPL [46–48].
domized controlled trials (RCTs) include heterogeneous groups Additionally, no reduction in pregnancy loss was observed when
of patients [36, 37]. LMWH and low-dose aspirin were used in combination [44, 46].
women with RPL. Exposure to vitamin D promoted immune 2. Kolte AM, Bernardi LA, Christiansen OB, et al. Terminology for pregnancy
regulation and cytokine secretion. Vitamin D supplementation loss prior to viability: A consensus statement from the ESHRE early preg-
nancy special interest group. Hum Reprod. 2015;30(3):495–498. [III]
can be considered, but more studies are needed to investigate the 3. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
association between VDD and RPL [47–49]. Definitions of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss: A committee opin-
ion. Fertil Steril. 2013;99(1):63. [III]
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and a reliable method to determine which patients might benefit
from manipulation of the maternal immune system are needed. It 22. Kaur R, Gupta K. Endocrine dysfunction and recurrent spontaneous abor-
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Anju Suhag
TABLE 18.1: Selected Risk Factors for Spontaneous Preterm Second-trimester PL (aka second-trimester loss—STL): Birth
Birth between 14 0/7 and 196/7 weeks.
Cervical insufficiency (CI) (formerly called incompetence):
Recurrent painless dilatation leading to STLs [4]. A better def-
• Obstetric-gynecological history: Prior SPTB; prior STL; prior D&Es;
inition is a cervical length (CL) <25 mm before 24 weeks in
prior LEEP; prior cone biopsy; uterine anomalies; DES exposure;
women with singleton gestations and prior SPTB <37 weeks.
myomata; short interpregnancy interval (<6 months); ART; prior
PTL: Uterine contractions (≥4 per 20 minutes or ≥8 per
stillbirth <24 weeks; prior early twin SPTB; prior full-term cesarean
hour) and documented cervical change with intact membranes
delivery for second-stage arrest
at 20–366/7 weeks. A better definition is uterine contractions
• Maternal lifestyle (smoking, drug abuse)
(≥4 per 20 minutes or ≥8 per hour) with TVU CL <20 mm,
• Maternal pre-pregnancy weight <120 lb (<50 kg) or low BMI or 20–29 mm with positive fetal fibronectin (fFN) at 20–366/7
(<19.8 kg/m2), short height (<53 inches or 3SD below any race/ weeks (see Chap. 19).
ethnicity); poor nutritional status Prelabor preterm rupture of membranes (PPROM):
• Maternal age (<19; >35 years old) Vaginal pooling, nitrazine, and/or ferning at 16–366/7 weeks (see
• Race (especially Afro-American) Chap. 20).
• Education (<12 grades)
• Certain medical conditions (e.g., DM, HTN, renal disease and • Early PPROM: PPROM between 24 and 336/7 weeks
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy) • Very early PPROM: PPROM between 16 and 236/7 weeks
• Low socioeconomic status
• Limited prenatal care Epidemiology/Incidence
• Family history of SPTB
Incidence of PTB <37 weeks varies between about 5% and 18%
• Vaginal bleeding (especially during second trimester, subchorionic
in different countries [5]. The rate of PTB in the United States
steadily increased from 9.4% in 1981 and peaked in 2006 at 12.8%.
• Social or psychological stress (mostly related to earlier risks)
Since then, the rate of PTB in the United States dropped to 9.6%
• Infections (bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, asymptomatic
in 2014 (25% decline) [6, 7]. The incidence of PTB <32 weeks
bacteriuria, urinary tract infection, periodontal disease)
remains at about 2% in United States and ≤1% in most other
• Higher number of lifetime sexual partners
high-income countries. Over 1 million babies die of the conse-
Identifiable by screening: quences of PTB every year in the world, 1 every 30 seconds [1].
• Anemia The high incidence of PTB in many high-income countries may
• Infections (STIs, periodontal disease) be due to assisted reproductive technology (ART)–related multi-
• TVU CL <25 mm (especially <24 weeks) ple gestations, older and sicker mothers, earlier GA of registered
• fFN positive (≥50 ng/mL) (between 22 and 34 weeks) births and neonatal improvements, better and earlier timing of
Usually symptomatic: births (related to ultrasound), worsening socioeconomic fac-
• Uterine contractions tors, and other factors. In addition to the use of progesterone
Not spontaneous (indicated/iatrogenic): and cerclage in women at high risk for PTB, there are several
• Fetal demise/major fetal anomaly other demographic factors which lead to reducing the national
• Multiple gestation/polyhydramnios PTB rate. This decline in PTB in the United States appears to
• Nonreassuring fetal heart tracing be related also to a reduced teen birth rate, lower rate of higher-
• FGR order multiple births, smoking cessation counseling and bans,
and improved institutional/national policies of preventing non-
• Placenta previa
medically indicated PTB <39 weeks [8]. Early adoption of guide-
• Placental abruption
lines for the prevention of PTB has been shown to reduce the
• Major maternal disease (HTN complications, DM, etc.)
rate of PTB at a major academic center below the national aver-
Abbreviations: SPTB, spontaneous preterm birth; STL, second-trimester loss; LEEP, age [9]. This study emphasizes a call for uniform implementa-
loop electrosurgical excision procedure; DES, diethylstilbestrol; ART, assisted repro- tion of protocols suggested by national societies like the Society
ductive technology; STI, sexually transmitted infection; BMI, body mass index; DM, for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) and the American College
diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to further decrease
length; fFN, fetal fibronectin; FGR, fetal growth restriction.
the U.S. national rates of PTB.
PTB: Birth between 20 0/7 and 366/7 weeks [3]
While a genetic predisposition in certain ethnic groups and fami-
• Very early PTB: Birth between 20 0/7 and 236/7 weeks lies has been reported, no clinical genetic studies are yet recom-
• Early PTB: Birth between 24 0/7 and 336/7 weeks mended for the prediction/prevention of PTB due to insufficient
• Late PTB: Birth between 34 0/7 and 366/7 weeks evidence [10].
bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
b Includes intraventricular hemorrhage grade 1/2, necrotizing enterocolitis stage 1, respiratory distress syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia requiring treatment, hypotension
requiring treatment.
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 213
women with a history of ACD are at an increased risk of having gestations (through ART improvements) seem self-evident for
cervical shortening (50% vs. 14.6% vs. 15.6%, p <0.01), recurrent efficacy in preventing PTB when feasible. Evidence suggests that
PTB (55.2% vs. 27.2% vs. 32.2%, p <0.01), and a lower GA at deliv- risks of PTB, low birth weight (LBW), and small-for-gestational-
ery (34.0 vs. 37.2 vs. 37.0 weeks, p <0.01) in a subsequent preg- age (SGA) infants are minimized when interpregnancy intervals
nancy compared with women with prior PTB-associated PPROM are between 18 and 23 months [20, 21]. For an appropriate inter-
or PTL, respectively [16]. pregnancy interval, physicians should pay close attention to plans
A Creasy score or other similar history-based systems to pre- for postpartum contraception. Improvements in postpartum
dict PTB have been associated with a low (10%–30%) positive pre- contraceptive use have been associated with decreased incidence
dictive value (PPV) for PTB and are not clinically useful, given in PTB. For every month of contraception coverage, the odds of
negative intervention trials. There are no trials on risk-scoring PTB <37 weeks decrease by 1.1% (odds ratio [OR] 0.98, 95% confi-
systems for predicting PTB [17]. There is a need for prospective dence interval [CI] 0.98–099) [22].
studies that evaluate the use of a risk-screening tool designed to
predict PTB (in combination with appropriate consequent inter-
ventions) to prevent PTB, including qualitative and/or quantita-
tive evaluation of their impact on women’s well-being. TABLE 18.4: Selected Effective Interventions for Prevention
There are four main risk factors for which there are effective of Preterm Birth
interventions for the prevention of PTB: Smoking, short TVU Avoid (as feasible) • Extremes of age
CL, prior SPTB, and asymptomatic bacteriuria (Table 18.4). A • Interpregnancy interval <6 months
TVU CL screening at 18–23 weeks is indicated in all women • Induced termination of pregnancy
with a singleton gestation (Figure 18.2). without ripening
Current evidence does not support the use of home uterine • Multiple gestation
activity monitoring (HUAM) [18] or bacterial vaginosis (BV) • Illegal drugs (e.g. cocaine)
screening [19] in asymptomatic, low-risk women. There are • Physical abuse
insufficient data to support the use of salivary estriol or fFN in • STIs
asymptomatic women (even if fFN is one of the best predictive • Poverty
screening tests). Cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases, cortico- • Poor education
tropin-releasing hormone (CRH), salivary estriol, relaxin, human • Pre-pregnancy weight of <50 kg
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), prothrombin, fetal DNA, and (<120 lb)
many other tests remain research tools for the prediction of PTB Risk Intervention
and are not yet clinically beneficial, given the lack of intervention Smoking Smoking cessation programs
trials based on these screening tests. No prior spontaneous PTB Vaginal progesterone (e.g. 200 mg daily)
and CL ≤25 mm (screen
Primary prevention
every singleton and twin with
Primary prevention includes prevention strategies aimed at all
TVU CL at 18–236/7 wk)
asymptomatic pregnant women at risk for PTB (i.e. aimed at
Prior spontaneous PTB Progesterone
all pregnant women). Unfortunately, many primary prevention
interventions have been so far either insufficiently studied or
Prior SPTB and CL <25 mm Ultrasound-indicated cerclage
found not to be effective.
up to 236/7 wka
Preconception/Early pregnancy Prior ≥3 early PTB/STLa History-indicated cerclage
Family planning Asymptomatic bacteriuria Appropriate antibiotics
There are no trials to assess interventions. Avoiding extremes a For singleton gestations.
of age, avoiding short interpregnancy interval <6 months Abbreviations: TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical length; PTB, preterm
(18–23 months is the optimal interval between the last delivery birth; SPTB, spontaneous PTB; STL, second-trimester loss; STIs, sexually transmit-
and the next conception) [20], and reducing the rate of multiple ted infections; wk, weeks.
214 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
In another smaller RCT including women with singleton pregnan- but also cost, availability, and other factors, may influence the
cies (66% of which had no prior PTB) with CL<25 mm between 16 preferred dosing [64, 65].
and 24 weeks, 17P was associated with similar incidences of PTB These results also support universal screening with a sin-
and neonatal morbidity and mortality compared to cerclage [60]. gle TVU assessment of CL at around 20 weeks (18–23 weeks
Cerclage was significantly more effective than 17P at reducing range) in singleton gestations without prior SPTB (Figure 18.2).
the incidences of PTB <35 and <37 weeks in the subgroup with TVU CL screening of singleton gestations fulfills all criteria for
CL ≤15 mm [60]. In summary, 17P cannot be recommended for an effective screening program [66]. For example, multiple cost-
prevention of PTB in singleton gestations (no prior PTB) with effectiveness analyses evaluating universal CL screening in single-
a short TVU CL. ton gestations to identify those with a short CL eligible for vaginal
Regarding vaginal progesterone, several RCTs are avail- progesterone have been published [64, 65, 67]. All reported that
able. In 250 women with mostly (90%) singleton gestations and such a strategy would be cost-effective, and in fact cost-saving.
CL ≤15 mm at 20–25 weeks, of whom about 85% had no prior In one study, compared with other managements, including no
PTB, vaginal progesterone 200 mg nightly started at 24 weeks screening, “universal” sonographic screening of CL in singletons
until 34 weeks was associated with a 44% significant decrease in was associated with a reduction of 95,920 PTBs <37 weeks annu-
SPTB <34 weeks (19% vs. 34%, RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.36–0.86), but no ally in the United States, and was actually cost saving (almost $13
significant effects on neonatal morbidities (composite neonatal billion saved) [64]. Even when altering the variables (e.g. the cost
adverse outcomes: RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.23–1.31) [61]. A subgroup of vaginal progesterone or of TVU screening), universal screen-
analysis of only women without prior PTB confirmed a signifi- ing was the preferred strategy 99% of the time [64].
cant benefit of progesterone in preventing PTB <34 weeks (RR The other cost-effectiveness analysis, which looked at universal
0.54, 95% CI 0.34–0.88) [61]. The incidence of CL ≤15 mm was screening of singleton gestations without prior PTB with TVU
1.7%. Based on the frequency of short CL and effectiveness for the CL at 18–24 weeks, calculated over $12 million saved, 424 qual-
prevention of SPTB <34 weeks from the work of Fonseca et al., ity-adjusted life-years (QALY) gained, and 22 neonatal deaths or
the number of women needed to be screened with CL in order to long-term neurologic deficits prevented for every 100,000 women
prevent one SPTB <34 weeks is approximately 387 if all women screened, compared to no screening. Even when altering the vari-
with a CL ≤15 mm receive vaginal progesterone. Once the short ables (e.g. the cost of vaginal progesterone or of TVU screening),
CL ≤15 mm is identified, the number needed to treat to prevent universal screening was cost-effective over 99% of the time [65].
one PTB <34 weeks is 7. It should be noted that only 1.7%–2.3% of women were iden-
In 458 women with singleton gestations and CL 10–20 mm at tified to have a short CL in the two large trials published [61,
19–236/7 weeks, of whom about 84% had no prior PTB, vaginal 62] and that the incidence of CL ≤20 mm at 18–24 weeks is
progesterone 90 mg daily started at 20–236/7 weeks until 366/7 even lower (about 0.8%) in singletons without prior SPTB [66].
weeks was associated with a 45% significant decrease in PTB <33
weeks (9% vs. 16%, RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.33–0.92) and 43% signifi-
cant decrease in composite neonatal morbidity and mortality (8%
vs. 14%, RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.33–0.99) [62]. The incidences of PTB without prior
<28 and <35 weeks and RDS were also significantly decreased. SPTB
Analysis of only women without prior PTB confirmed a signifi-
cant benefit of progesterone in preventing PTB <33 weeks (8%
vs. 15%, RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.27–0.90) [62]. The incidence of CL
10–20 mm was 2.3%. Based on the frequency of short CL and
Single TVU CL
effectiveness for prevention of PTB <33 weeks from this study at 18–23-6/7
[62], the number of women needed to be screened with CL in weeks
order to prevent one PTB <33 weeks is approximately 604 if all
women with a CL 10–20 mm receive vaginal progesterone. Once
the short CL 10–20 mm is identified, the number needed to treat
to prevent one PTB <33 weeks is 14.
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of individual CL ≤ 25 mm CL > 25 mm
patient data of randomized trials, including OPPTIMUM, noted
a reduction of PTB and neonatal morbidity and mortality in
singleton gestations with CL ≤25 mm with vaginal progesterone
compared with placebo (STPB <33 weeks, RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.47–
0.81, p = 0.0006; composite neonatal morbidity and mortality, RR
0.59, 95% CI 0.38–0.91) [63]. Vaginal Routine
In summary, in women with singleton gestations, no prior Progesterone* Obstetric Care
SPTB, and short CL, vaginal progesterone is associated with a
reduction in PTB and composite perinatal morbidity and mortal-
ity. Based on these results, if a TVU CL ≤25 mm is identified FIGURE 18.2 Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length screen-
at ≤24 weeks, vaginal progesterone should be offered for the ing for the woman with a singleton gestation and no prior sponta-
prevention of PTB [61, 63]. There is insufficient evidence that neous preterm birth. (Adapted from Ref. 68.) *For example, daily
any of the vaginal preparations or doses are superior, as they have 200 mg suppository or 90 mg gel from time of diagnosis of short
not been compared. Vaginal progesterone 200 mg suppository CL to 36 weeks. Abbreviations: SPTB, spontaneous preterm birth
(which is cheaper) has been used in the trial for CL ≤15 mm [62], at 16–366/7 weeks; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical
and 90 mg gel for the trial for CL 10–20 mm [62]. Therefore, CL, length.
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 217
There are more limited data to evaluate the effectiveness of vagi- far used the Arabin pessary. While the first RCT revealed a 82%
nal progesterone for CL 21–25 mm [63]. decrease in PTB <34 weeks associated with pessary use [77], sub-
Guidelines from SMFM and ACOG state that implementation sequent, other (some larger) RCTs have not shown any benefit
of universal TVU CL screening should be viewed as reasonable in PTB or neonatal outcomes [78, 79]. All these RCTs included
and can be considered by individual practitioners; third-party mostly (about 85%–90%) singletons without a prior SPTB. A sys-
payers should not deny reimbursements for this screening [68, temic review and meta-analysis of three RCTs (n = 1420), Arabin
69]. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics pessary placement did not reduce the risk of SPTB <37 weeks or
(FIGO) recommends TVU CL screening [70]. TVU CL exams improve neonatal outcomes in singleton gestations with short
should be done following strict quality criteria, in the United cervix 25 mm or less at 20–24 weeks [80]. A small RCT of single-
States via CLEAR and the Perinatal Quality Foundation (https:// ton gestation with short cervix 25 mm or less without a history
clear.perinatalquality.org) [71], and in Europe through the Fetal of prior PTB showed no difference in the rate of SPTB <37 weeks
Medicine Foundation [72]. Only TVU, and not transabdominal in pessary versus nonpessary groups (43% vs. 40%; relative risk
ultrasound, should be used for CL screening [68, 69]. 1.09; 95% CI 0.71–1.68) [81]. In summary, pessary cannot be rec-
Screening with TVU CL at about 20 weeks (18–23 weeks ommended for the prevention of PTB in singleton gestations
range) should be offered to all singleton gestations without (without prior PTB) with a short TVU CL.
prior SPTB. If CL ≤25 mm, vaginal progesterone (e.g. 200-mg
suppositories every evening until 36 weeks) should be recom- Intervention: Indomethacin
mended [61–63]. There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the effect of indometh-
acin on the incidence of PTB in women with a short CL on TVU
Intervention: Cerclage (ultrasound- [82], as no RCTs have been performed.
indicated cerclage)
An ultrasound-indicated cerclage (UIC) involves the first screen- Intervention: Antibiotics
ing of pregnancies with TVU of the cervix to determine during There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the effect of antibiotics
pregnancy the risk of PTB, since the majority of even women at on the incidence of PTB in women with a short CL on TVU, as no
high risk by obstetric risk factors for PTB do not develop a short RCTs have been performed.
CL and deliver at term even without intervention. A short CL
(<25 mm) on TVU in the second trimester (between 14 and 236/7 Risk: Pregnancy high-risk for PTB
weeks) significantly increases the risk of PTB in all populations Intervention: Activity restriction/bed rest
studied [73]. UIC is defined as a cerclage performed because a short Activity restriction and/or bed rest are probably the most com-
CL has been detected on TVU during pregnancy, usually in the sec- monly prescribed interventions for PTB prevention despite no
ond trimester. This cerclage has also been called therapeutic, sal- proven benefit and potential for increased maternal morbidity.
vage, or rescue cerclage, but these terms are confusing and should There is no evidence supporting bed rest or activity restriction to
be avoided. UIC has differing effects in different populations. prevent PTB [83, 84]. Per ACOG, bed rest should not be routinely
In women with singleton gestations, no prior PTB or other recommended for the prevention of PTB [85]. Bed rest (rest
risk factors for PTB, and CL <25 mm before 24 weeks, cerclage is 1 hour TID) in asymptomatic and symptomatic “high-risk”
associated with a nonsignificant reduction in PTB <35 weeks (RR singleton pregnancies is not associated with the prevention of
0.76, 95% CI 0.52–1.15; n = 275) [74]. A recent individual patient PTB over no bed rest [86]. Bed rest can be associated with an
data meta-analysis of five RCTs (with 419 women) showed no sig- increased incidence of complications; in-hospital extended strict
nificant association between cervical cerclage and the reduction bed rest for PTL or PPROM is associated with an up to 1%–2%
of SPTB <35 weeks or neonatal outcomes in asymptomatic sin- incidence of thromboembolic disease. Moreover, muscle wasting,
gleton women with a short cervix less than 25 mm and without cardiovascular deconditioning, bone demineralization, impaired
prior SPTB [75].The planned subgroup analysis noted a significant glucose tolerance, heartburn, constipation, failure of volume
decrease in SPTB <35 weeks in women with a cervical length expansion, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, depression, anxiety,
≤10 mm, with adjunct treatment with indomethacin and one and stress, as well as lost wages, lost domestic productivity, and
dose of antibiotics (39.5% vs. 58.0%; RR, 0.68; 95% CI 0.47–0.98, other costs may be other detrimental consequences of bed rest. A
0.98; I2 =0%). TVU CL ≤11 mm may identify a subgroup of secondary analysis of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units’ (MFMUs)
patients at high risk for asymptomatic cervical dilation (30% preterm prediction study evaluated a cohort of 1086 singleton
risk of being ≥1 cm dilated) and poor perinatal outcome [76]. gestations at high risk of PTB, of which 9.7% (n = 105) of women
Physical examination for evaluation of cervical dilation should be were recommended activity restriction and 37.1% (n = 39) of these
performed in singletons with TVU CL ≤11 mm. If cervical dila- women had SPTB <37 weeks. In the group with no recommended
tion is noted, physical examination–indicated cerclage is recom- activity restriction (n = 981), 14.3% (n = 140) delivered SPTB <37
mended (see later, under “risk: cervical dilation intervention: weeks. The authors and national societies (including SMFM) dis-
cerclage (physical-exam indciated cerclage”). Therefore, cerclage courage the routine use of activity restriction in women at
can be considered for singleton gestations with prior SPTB and high risk for preterm birth [87, 88].
TVU CL ≤10 mm before 24 weeks, but more research is needed. It is true that rest decreases uterine activity and exercise
For singleton gestations with prior PTB and a short TVU CL, increases it, but these are small effects that do not change the
see later, under “Risk: Prior PTB and Short Cervix on Ultrasound.” rates of PTB. In nonrandomized studies, exercise in pregnancy
has been associated with a decrease in PTB [89], while physi-
Intervention: Pessary cally demanding work, prolonged standing, shift and night work,
There is contradictory evidence regarding the efficacy of a pes- and high cumulative work fatigue score have been associated
sary to prevent PTB in women with singleton gestations and a with PTB. Despite its use in about 20% of pregnancies, bed rest
short TVU CL ≤25 mm in the second trimester. All studies so or any activity restriction for the prevention of PTB cannot
218 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Intervention: Cerclage
Different specific clinical scenarios have been studied for the pos- FIGURE 18.3 Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length screen-
sible benefit of cerclage. For efficacy of history-indicated cerclage, ing for the woman with a singleton gestation and prior spon-
transabdominal (TA) cerclage, UIC, physical exam–indicated taneous preterm birth(s). (Adapted from Ref. 69.) *Vaginal
cerclage, and in twins, see earlier and later. progesterone, usually 200 mg every night; or 250 mg IM
every week, from 16–20 weeks to 36 weeks. **Every 2 weeks; if
Risk: Prior PTB (Figures 18.3 and 18.4) [94]
26–29 mm, repeat in 1 week. Abbreviations: SPTB, spontaneous
Intervention: Low-dose aspirin preterm birth at 16–366/7 weeks; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound;
A recent secondary analysis of an RCT (underpowered) showed CL, cervical length.
no association between preconception low-dose aspirin in women
with one or more prior pregnancy loss and PTB on overall PTB
rates [95]. <37 weeks (38% vs. 41%; RR 0.91, 95% 0.77–1.07) and PTB <35
weeks (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.72–1.25) [98]. Meta-analysis of these
Intervention: Fish intake two RCTs revealed that women who received omega-3 had simi-
Moderate fish intake, up to three meals per week, before 22 lar rates of PTB at <37 weeks (34.5% vs. 39.8%; RR, 0.81; 95% CI
weeks is associated with a reduction in repeat PTB, compared 0.59–1.12) and PTB at <34 weeks (12.0% vs. 15.4%; RR, 0.62; 95%
with women eating fish less than once per month (OR 0.60, CI CI 0.26–1.46) compared with controls. The omega-3 groups had
0.38–0.95) [96]. Moderate fish intake should be encouraged in a statistically significantly longer latency (mean difference, 2.10
women with prior PTB for the prevention of recurrent PTB days; 95% CI 1.98–2.22) and higher birth weight (mean differ-
(see also the text earlier for low-risk women). ence, 102 g; 95% CI 20–185) compared with control subjects [99].
In summary, in singleton gestations with prior SPTB on 17P,
Intervention: Omega-3 fatty acids omega-3 supplementation does not seem to be beneficial in
In one RCT, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, Pikasol: 32% eicosa- preventing recurrent PTB. The benefits in longer latency and
pentaenoic acid [EPA], 23% DHA, and 2 mg tocopherol/mL; 4 higher birth weight may deserve further study (see also earlier for
capsules/day: 1.3 g EPA and 0.9 g DHA, total 2.7 g/day; started low-risk women).
≥16 weeks at an average of 29–30 weeks) were associated with a
reduction in PTB <37 weeks by 46% and PTB <34 weeks by 68% Intervention: Antibiotics
in women with a prior PTB <37 weeks and a singleton gestation. Antibiotics to prevent PTB in women with prior PTB have been
The same omega-3 fatty acid regimen does not reduce PTB in evaluated either as preconception (one RCT) or as prenatal inter-
women with twins [97]. In another larger RCT, in singleton gesta- vention. In women with prior PTB <34 weeks, preconception
tions with prior SPTB and on 17P 250 mg IM, omega-3 supple- oral azithromycin 1 g twice (4 days apart) and metronidazole
mentation (1200 mg EPA and 800 mg DHA) from 16 to 22 weeks 750 mg daily for 7 days are not associated with an effect of subse-
until 36 weeks was associated with similar incidences of PTB quent PTB or miscarriage rates [100].
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 219
Offer Progesterone prophylaxis (16–36weeks) 100 mg nightly from 24 to 34 weeks was associated with a signifi-
cant reduction in the incidences of PTB <37 weeks (RR 0.48, 95%
CI 0.25–0.96) and <34 weeks, as well as contraction frequency,
compared with placebo [110]. In 659 women with singleton gesta-
≥3 Early SPTB and/or ≥2 STLs <3 SPTBs or <2 STLs
tion and prior SPTB 20–350/7 weeks, vaginal progesterone 90 mg
every morning starting at 18–226/7 weeks until 370/7 weeks was
not associated with significantly different rates of PTB <37, 36,
History-indicated cerclage Follow algorithm in 33, and 29 weeks and neonatal morbidity and mortality [111].
at 12–14weeks figure 18.3 Several women screened for this trial were excluded because of
short CL [106]; therefore, vaginal progesterone cannot be recom-
mended for the prevention of recurrent PTB when data against
SPTB <33weeks despite placebo is considered.
history-indicated cerclage For a comparison of 17P versus vaginal progesterone, there
are three RCTs. In 518 women with singleton gestation and prior
PTB between 20 and 34 weeks, 17P 250 mg IM weekly was asso-
ciated with similar incidences of PTB and neonatal morbidi-
Offer Transabdominal cerclage next pregnancy ties and mortality compared with vaginal progesterone 90 mg
(Crinone) daily, except for significant lower incidences of PTB
FIGURE 18.4 Clinical algorithm for care of asymptomatic 28–316/7 weeks, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission,
women with multiple prior PTB or STLs (see text). (Adapted from and maternal side effects in the vaginal progesterone group [112].
Ref. 94.) Abbreviations: SPTB, spontaneous preterm birth; STL, Another RCT reported similar outcomes, including incidence of
second-trimester loss. PTB, with either vaginal progesterone or 17P in women with sin-
gleton gestations and prior PTB [113]. Another recent nonblinded
randomized trial of 78 singleton pregnancies from Iran compared
Clindamycin cream 2% for 7 days at 26–32 weeks does not effectiveness of vaginal progesterone with 17P in women with
reduce PTB <37 weeks in women with a prior PTB 24–36 weeks either prior PTB or short cervix TVU CL <25 mm. The authors
but may increase PTB <34 weeks, especially in women without BV, concluded that vaginal progesterone and intramuscular proges-
so that antibiotics in this setting may actually be detrimental [101]. terone have the same level of effectiveness and reported a similar
Cefetamet pivoxil (not available in the United States) 2 g × 1 at rate of PTB in the two groups [114]. In 145 women with singleton
28–32 weeks in women in Nairobi with prior PTB, fetal death, or gestations (16–20 weeks) and prior PTB, weekly intramuscular
LBW did not affect GA at delivery (PTB was not reported) [102]. administration of hydroxyprogesterone caproate (250 mg) and
Metronidazole 250 mg TID × 7 days and erythromycin base daily vaginal progesterone suppository (100 mg) exhibited similar
333 mg TID × 14 days in women with a prior PTB or pre-pregnancy efficacy in reducing the rate of recurrent PTB <37 weeks (43.9%
weight <50 kg do not prevent PTB <37 weeks but may increase vs. 37.9%, p=0.05) [115]. Overall these RCTs do not appear to be
PTB <34 weeks [103, 104]. high quality, and the study results should be used cautiously. A
In summary, antibiotics given just because of a prior PTB do systematic review and meta-analysis of three RCTs (680 women)
not prevent recurrent PTB. showed that daily vaginal progesterone (either suppository or gel)
started at about 16 weeks’ gestation is a reasonable, if not bet-
Intervention: Progesterone ter, alternative to weekly 17-OHPC injections for the prevention
The effect of progesterone supplementation should be evaluated of SPTB in women with singleton gestations and prior SPTB
according to different patient populations and according to the [116].The level of the summary estimates was low or very low as
type of progesterone. Here we review progesterone for prior PTB. assessed by GRADE; therefore, more data are necessary to eval-
For 17P, there are at least two RCTs available in women with uate how 17P and vaginal progesterone compare in efficacy in
prior PTB. In 43 women with mostly (>90%) singleton gesta- singletons with a prior PTB, but vaginal progesterone seems
tion and either prior PTB or prior >1 spontaneous abortion, 17P to be at least equivalent, if not possibly more efficacious, than
250 mg IM weekly started as soon as prenatal care began was 17P in preventing recurrent PTB in women with prior SPTB.
associated with a significant reduction in PTB <37 weeks and For oral progesterone, there are two small RCTs. In 150
perinatal mortality compared with placebo [105]. In 463 women women with singleton gestation and prior SPTB 20–366/7 weeks,
with a singleton gestation and prior SPTB at 20–366/7 weeks of a oral micronized progesterone 100 mg twice a day was associated
singleton gestation, compounded 17P 250 mg IM weekly started with significantly reduced incidences of PTB <37 weeks (39.2% in
at 16–20 6/7 weeks was associated with a reduction in the inci- the oral progesterone vs. 59.5% in the placebo group, p = 0.002)
dences of PTB <37 weeks (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.54–0.81), PTB <35 and NICU admission compared with placebo [117]. In 33 women
weeks, and <32 weeks, as well as of supplemental oxygen, NEC, with singleton gestation and prior PTB 20–366/7 weeks, oral
and IVH, compared with placebo [106]. The number needed to progesterone 400 mg daily was associated with nonsignificant
treat to prevent one recurrent PTB was 5.4. Based mostly on this reductions in the incidence of PTB <37 weeks (26% vs. 57%) and
clinical trial, 17P 250 mg IM weekly started at 16–20 weeks is rec- ventilator use (0% vs. 21%) compared with placebo [118]. A meta-
ommended for all women with prior SPTB 20–366/7 weeks (Figure analysis and systematic review of the three trials on oral proges-
18.3) [107–109]. The estimated number of prevented PTBs <37 terone vs. placebo (involved 386 patients: 196 in oral progesterone
weeks in the United States by this policy is about 9870. and 190 in placebo) showed a significant decrease in the risk of
For vaginal progesterone, there are at least two RCTs avail- PTB <37 weeks’ gestation (42% vs. 63%; p = 0.0005; RR 0.68; 95%
able in women with prior PTB. In 142 women with singleton CI 0.55–0.84) and reduction in perinatal morbidity and mortal-
gestations and mostly (>90%) prior PTB, vaginal progesterone ity [119]. This study did not note any serious adverse effects and
220 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
reported a higher rate of maternal adverse effects with oral pro- of PTB in women with three or more STLs or early (e.g.
gesterone that included dizziness, somnolence, and vaginal dry- <32 weeks) PTBs [129]. Cerclage decreases the incidence of PTB
ness. In summary, there is insufficient but promising evidence <37 weeks from 53% (with no cerclage) to 32% and the incidence
to assess the efficacy of oral progesterone for the prevention of of PTB <32 weeks from 32% (with no cerclage) to 15% in women
PTB in women with prior PTB. with three or more prior PTBs or STLs (Figure 18.4) [129].
In summary, in women with prior SPTB and singleton The other clinical indication for history-indicated cerclage
gestation, progesterone administration is beneficial in pre- might include CI, defined by some as prior painless cervical dila-
venting recurrent PTB. Comparison RCTs seem to show vagi- tation leading to recurrent STLs. Unfortunately, no trial has been
nal progesterone is an effective alternative to 17P [112, 114]. So done to confirm the efficacy of history-indicated cerclage in
either vaginal progesterone 200 mg every night or 17P 250 mg reducing PTB in women with a diagnosis of CI. Other indica-
IM weekly, starting at 16–20 weeks until 36 weeks, should be tions such as prior cone biopsy, Mullerian anomaly, diethylstil-
recommended to women with singleton gestations and prior bestrol (DES) exposure, prior PTB not associated with CI, and
SPTB 20–366/7 weeks [106]. After the Meis publication, ACOG Ehlers-Danlos syndrome have occasionally been used clinically
and SMFM recommended progesterone supplementation (17P but have not been confirmed by any trial as indications that ben-
or vaginal progesterone) to reduce the risk of recurrent PTB in efit from history-indicated cerclage. History-indicated cerclage is
women with a prior SPTB [69, 120]. A recent meta-analysis of usually performed at 12–15 weeks’ gestation, and its techniques
17P vs. placebo or no treatment for prevention of recurrent PTB have been well described [73].
identified four RCTs, including the Meis trial. This meta-analysis TA cerclage has been associated with less recurrent PTB com-
showed a reduction in recurrent PTB at <37, <35, and <32 weeks pared with controls receiving transvaginal cerclage in women
by 29% (RR 0.71; 95% CI 0.53–0.96; p = 0.001), 26% (RR 0.74; 95% with a history of a failed (SPTB <33 weeks despite cerclage)
CI 0.58–0.96; p = 0.021), and 40% (RR 0.60; 95% CI 0.42–0.85; transvaginal history–indicated cerclage in a case-control study
p = 0.004), respectively, in the 17-OHPC group compared with [130]. It should be noted that in this study antibiotics and pro-
placebo or no treatment [121]. gesterone were uniformly given to the TA cerclage women. There
The Meis trial lead to FDA approval of Makena in 2011 [122]. is no RCT on TA cerclage. The efficacy of TA cerclage for other
The requirement of FDA approval led to a confirmatory second clinical scenarios such as a cervix with no intravaginal portion
trial called PROLONG (Progestin’s Role in Optimizing Neonatal has not been adequately studied. TA cerclage can be performed
Gestation), which was a multicenter, international, double-blind, prophylactically at around 10–12 weeks, and its technique has
randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 1700 women from 93 been well described [73, 130]. TA cerclage has been successfully
sites in nine countries (with approximately 25% of women from performed also laparoscopically and robotically, in particular
the United States) with a history of spontaneous PTB that was pre-pregnancy, but also in the early first trimester [131].
conducted from 2009 through 2018 with co-primary outcomes In summary, the vast majority of women with prior PTB
of PTB <35 weeks and neonatal composite index. The PROLONG (e.g. those with only one or two prior SPTBs) does not ben-
study showed the incidence of PTB at less than 35 weeks of gesta- efit from universal history-indicated cerclage and can instead
tion (17a-hydroxyprogesterone caproate–treated group 11.0% vs. be followed with serial TVU CL screening starting usually at
placebo 11.5%, p = 0.72) and the percentage of neonates with the 16 weeks. A policy of TVU CL screening with cerclage for short
morbidity and mortality composite index (5.6% vs. 5.0%, p = 0.73) CL is associated with similar incidences of PTB <37 weeks (31%
[123]. The discordant results of the Meis and PROLONG trials vs. 32%; RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.73–1.29), PTB <34 weeks (17% vs. 23%;
have been extensively reviewed by ACOG and SMFM and other RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.48–1.20), and perinatal mortality (5% vs. 3%;
experts in the field [124–126]. The differences in these two trials RR 1.77, 95% CI 0.58–5.35) compared with universal history-
include different study populations, especially with respect to the indicated cerclage and omits an obviously unnecessary cerclage
baseline risk of PTB, characteristics of prior PTBs, and additional in about 58% of these women [132]. Therefore, all singleton ges-
demographic and reproductive characteristics (such as ethnicity, tations with a prior spontaneous PTB should be screened with
marital status, and smoking) [125]. The SMFM statement con- serial TVU CL starting at 16 weeks, every 2 weeks, until 236/7
cluded, “On the basis of the evidence of effectiveness in the Meis weeks. If the CL is 26–29 mm, repeat TVU CL can be done in
study, with the largest number of US patients, and given the lack 1 week instead of 2 weeks. If the CL <25 mm is detected before
of demonstrated safety concerns, SMFM believes that it is rea- 24 weeks, singleton gestations with prior PTB should undergo
sonable for providers to use 17-OHPC in women with a profile ultrasound-indicated cerclage (Figure 18.3) (see also the section
more representative of the very-high-risk population reported in “Risk: Short Cervix on Ultrasound”) [133].
the Meis trial. For all women at risk of recurrent SPTB, the risk/ If cerclage is performed, it should be performed according
benefit discussion should incorporate a shared decision-making to the best technique. McDonald cerclage, with suture (usu-
approach, taking into account the lack of short-term safety con- ally Mersilene tape) placed as close to the internal os as possible
cerns but uncertainty regarding benefit. It is important to con- (as high as possible), under spinal anesthesia, is recommended.
sider that 17-OHPC use is associated with substantial health care There is usually no need for preoperative antibiotics or tocolytics
costs, injection-site pain, and extra patient visits and that long- [134]. A double suture might improve outcomes compared to one
term potential maternal and neonatal effects are unknown” [125]. suture, but the evidence is still insufficient for a recommendation
[135]. Cervical occlusion has no significant additional effect on
Intervention: Cerclage cerclage [136].
A history-indicated cerclage is placed based solely on prior ob-
gyn history (previously called a prophylactic or elective cerclage). Intervention: Oral tocolytics
Trials on women with only one or two prior PTBs have not shown There is insufficient evidence (only one small old RCT) to support
benefit from history-indicated cerclage [127, 128]. A history- the use of prophylactic oral betamimetics for preventing PTB in
indicated cerclage has been associated with the prevention women with prior PTB with a singleton pregnancy [137].
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 221
For a summary of care of pregnant women with prior PTB, see TVU CL screening with UIC for a short cervix is acceptable
also Ref. [89]. and possibly more effective than a routine HIC in women with
UIC in prior pregnancy. A consideration can be given to HIC in
Risk: Prior PTB and short cervix on ultrasound the small subset of women who delivered prior to 32 weeks in
Intervention: Progesterone their prior pregnancy despite UIC [143].
In a secondary analysis of an RCT evaluating just 46 singleton There is insufficient evidence to suggest an upper limit of GA
gestations with prior SPTB <35 weeks and short CL <28 mm at UIC placement [145]. A retrospective study of 426 singleton
at 18–226/7 weeks, vaginal progesterone 90 mg daily started at gestations who underwent UIC in previable (16 to <22 weeks)
18–236/7 weeks until 37 weeks was associated with significant and periviable (22 to <24 weeks) GA showed similar obstetric
decreases in the incidences of both PTB <32 weeks and NICU outcomes. The authors showed a lower risk of recurrent PTB
admission compared with placebo [138]. <36 weeks in women who had a periviable cerclage compared
In a small RCT which did not recruit the planned sample size, to those with previable cerclage placement (26.6% vs. 38.3%,
17P in singleton gestations at high risk for PTB (56% with prior respectively, p <0.04) [146]. The authors support continued use
PTB) with TVU CL <25 mm 20–316/7 weeks was noted to have no of UIC up until 24 weeks. Further well-designed randomized
benefit in prolonging pregnancy compared to no 17P. The sample studies on the safety and efficacy of cerclage at or beyond 24
size was too small, and the intervention probably too late, to show weeks are suggested.
significance [139]. If the TVU CL shortens again later after the UIC has been
In a randomized trial that did not recruit the planned sample placed, a second “reinforcing” cerclage has not been associated
size, 17P and cerclage had a similar effect in women for CL <25 with the prevention of PTB [147, 148].
mm for the prevention of PTB, but cerclage was more effective in For singleton gestations without a prior PTB and with a
women with CL <15 mm [60]. So, while cerclage seems to be more short TVU CL, see the earlier sections “Risk: Short Cervix on
efficacious (lower RRs) as the CL is shorter [140, 141], progester- Ultrasound” and “Intervention: Cerclage.”
one seems to be most efficacious in cases of “moderate” short CL
[61, 62]. Intervention: Adjunctive treatment at cerclage
Until further evidence is available, we suggest continuation There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the effect of combining a
of 17P in women with prior PTB and short cervix in the index tocolytic (indomethacin) and antibiotics (cefazolin/clindamycin)
pregnancy. Some instead have suggested switching from 17P to with cervical cerclage compared with cervical cerclage alone for
vaginal progesterone, but not based on RCT data [142]. There is preventing spontaneous PTB in women with singleton pregnan-
no good evidence suggesting the benefit of the addition of vaginal cies undergoing HIC. Further well-designed randomized trials
progesterone in women with a prior PTB on 17P who are noted are warranted [149].
to have a short cervix [142]. In summary, women with prior PTB
should be screened with TVU CL from 16 to 23 weeks. Vaginal Intervention: Vaginal progesterone vs. cerclage
progesterone or 17P should be recommended to women with There is no RCT comparing directly vaginal progesterone to cer-
prior SPTB starting at 16 weeks, as described earlier. If the cer- clage in this population, and therefore there is insufficient evi-
vix shortens, there is insufficient evidence to assess efficacy of a dence for a recommendation. While an indirect meta-analysis
different progesterone therapy, and therefore it is reasonable to reported that either vaginal progesterone or cerclage is equally
continue 17P until 36 weeks. efficacious in the prevention of PTB in women with a sonographic
short cervix in the mid-trimester, singleton gestation, and previ-
Intervention: Cerclage ous PTB, the populations compared were not similar, introducing
In women with a singleton gestation, prior SPTB, and CL <25 significant bias [150]. We offer progesterone based on the prior
mm before 24 weeks, cerclage is associated with a significant PTB, and cerclage for the short CL, based on data reviewed earlier.
30% reduction in PTB <35 weeks (28.4% vs. 41.3%; RR 0.70, 95%
CI 0.55–0.89); significant reductions in PTB <37, <32, <28, Intervention: 17P vs. cerclage
and <24 weeks; and a significant 36% decrease in composite Progesterone in addition to cerclage
perinatal mortality and morbidity (15.6% vs. 24.8%; RR 0.64, There is insufficient evidence to assess the size of any cumula-
95% CI 0.45–0.91), compared to no cerclage [133]. Therefore, cer- tive effect of 17P for prior PTB in singletons already with cerclage
clage is recommended in women with a singleton gestation, for short CL. 17P was associated with a reduction in PTB <35eeks
prior SPTB, and CL <25 mm before 24 weeks [68, 69]. in women with UIC in the current pregnancy for TVU CL<25
There are no randomized trials on the management of subse- mm, but the sample size was too small to show significance [151,
quent pregnancy in women who required UIC in their prior 152]. Another retrospective study showed a 69% reduction in PTB
pregnancy. Level II evidence suggests similar outcomes with <24 weeks in women with cerclage plus 17P compared to cerclage
TVU CL screening with UIC for short cervix of 25 mm or less alone [153]. The secondary analysis of ultrasound indicated– and
or planned history-indicated cerclage (HIC) in the subsequent physical exam–indicated cerclage showed a 91% and 89% reduc-
pregnancy, in singleton gestations with prior UIC. The authors tion in delivery at less than 24 and less than 28 weeks of gesta-
reported less than 50% of the TVU CL screening group required tion, respectively (CI 0.004–0.6 and CI 0.02–0.46; p <0.05) in
a repeat UIC in the subsequent pregnancy [143]. Another retro- women with cerclage plus 17P compared to cerclage alone [153].
spective study of women with a prior UIC also reported that the A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of adjuvant 17P in
majority of women who underwent CL surveillance in the next UIC showed no benefit [154]. The results should be interpreted
pregnancy did not require intervention for a short cervix. The with caution due to insufficient evidence and lack of randomized
authors reported a higher rate of PTB in women who received trials confirming or refuting the benefit. Expert opinions recom-
HIC in the subsequent pregnancy, which was not justified based mend continuation of progesterone supplementation after cer-
on their risk status [144]. Based on the available level II evidence, clage placement [155].
222 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Cerclage in addition to progesterone more unscheduled antenatal visits and prophylactic tocolytic use
There is insufficient evidence to assess the size of any cumulative in the HUAM group compared to controls. Therefore, HUAM
effect of cerclage for short CL in singletons already on 17P for should not be routinely provided for prevention of PTB.
prior PTB. UIC was associated with a reduction in PTB <35 weeks
in women already on 17P for prior PTB in the current pregnancy, Risk: Cervical dilatation
but the sample size was too small to show significance [156]. Intervention: Cerclage (physical
exam–indicated cerclage)
Risk: Cervical insufficiency Physical exam–indicated cerclage (PEIC; aka emergency, urgent,
Intervention: Cerclage or heroic) is the cerclage placed because of changes in the cervix
No intervention has been specifically studied in this popula- (dilatation, effacement, etc.) detected by physical (manual) exam-
tion (see earlier under prior PTB). There are no randomized trials ination. Since about 50% of women with asymptomatic cervical
evaluating the role of HIC in women with prior PTB or pregnancy dilatation ≥2 cm in the second trimester have microbial invasion
loss due to cervical insufficiency. There is insufficient evidence of the amniotic cavity, an amniocentesis should be considered
to recommend an HIC in women with fewer than three prior before offering PEIC.
PTBs or STLs. A policy of TVU CL screening with UIC if the There are limited data to assess the efficacy of PEIC in women
CL shortens to <25 mm at <24 weeks has been shown to be with cervical dilatation in the second trimester, as only one small
equivalent to a policy of universal HIC in women with one or trial has been reported. In women with membranes at or beyond
more than one prior SPTB [73, 132, 157]. the external os at around 20–24 weeks, PEIC (and indometh-
acin) is associated with a delay in delivery of about 4 weeks
Intervention: 17P in addition to cerclage compared with controls (30 vs. 26 weeks) [171]. The major limita-
There is insufficient evidence to assess the possible cumulative tions of this study are the small sample size and the inclusion of
effect of 17P on PTB <35 weeks in women with an HIC [158]. twins. Over 25 retrospective observational series, mostly with no
controls, have claimed benefit of PEIC. The largest cohort study
Risk: IVF ART reported a significant decrease of 92% in the prevention of PTB
Intervention: Progesterone or HCG <28 weeks with PEIC, compared with no cerclage, in singletons
17∝-hydroxyprogesterone caproate or HCG supplementation in with ≥1 cm of cervical dilatation before 26 weeks [172]. A recent
the first trimester is associated with an increase in the inci- meta-analysis reported that PEIC is associated with a significant
dence of fetal heart activity on ultrasound by 238% and of increase in neonatal survival and prolongation of pregnancy of
pregnancy ≥24 weeks’ rate by 380% compared with placebo approximately 1 month when compared with no cerclage. The
[159]. strength of this conclusion is limited by the potential for bias in
the included studies [173]. For PEIC, perioperative indomethacin
Risk: Amniocentesis and antibiotics have been associated with a significant 28-day
Intervention: Progesterone prolongation of pregnancy [174]. In summary, PEIC in singleton
Natural progesterone 200 mg IM daily for 3 days post-amniocen- gestations with a cervix dilated to ≥1 cm in the second trimes-
tesis followed by 17∝-hydroxyprogesterone caproate 340 mg IM ter is associated with a prevention in PTB and neonatal ben-
twice a week until the second week after the amniocentesis did efits. Clearly a large, well-designed randomized trial is needed to
not reduce PTB <25 weeks in women undergoing amniocentesis confirm these benefits.
Intervention: Indomethacin
Risk: Uterine contractions detected by There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the effect of indo-
home uterine activity monitoring methacin on the incidence of PTB in women with a short CL on
Intervention: Varied, per obstetrician TVU [175], as no RCT has been performed. An RCT of periop-
Uterine contractions have been associated with PTB, but their erative indomethacin and antibiotics in women receiving a PEIC
predictive value is poor. HUAM usually consists of 1 hour of between 16 and 23 weeks showed a significant prolongation of
tocomonitoring twice daily at 24–36 weeks. HUAM with or gestation by 28 days compared to control [174].
without nursing contact and education is not associated with
prevention of PTB. Some studies show earlier (at lower cervical Intervention: Perioperative considerations
dilatation) detection of PTL. The lack of benefit in prevention of and surgical technique of PEIC
PTB might have been secondary to a lack of effective interven- Observation for 12–24 hours for evaluation of PTL, PROM,
tion (usually tocolysis) once PTL was diagnosed. Three different chorioamnionitis and placental abruption, and appropriate
populations of women at high risk for PTB have been studied: cervical and vaginal sample collection to evaluate for cervi-
Singleton gestations with risk factors for PTB (e.g. prior PTB), citis and vaginitis may be warranted by clinical evaluation.
twin gestations, and women status-post an episode of PTL. Amniocentesis can be considered especially in women with
Unfortunately, there is no published meta-analysis of all trials, 2 cm or more cervical dilation and/or prolapsed membrane to
and most trials do not report results for each population specifi- rule out intraamniotic infection. Perioperative antibiotics
cally and also report differing outcomes. A meta-analysis of pub- (one dose just before cerclage, e.g. cephalexin) and tocolyt-
lished data shows no decrease in PTB <37 weeks in any of these ics (i.e. indomethacin 100 mg then 50 mg per rectum every
three subgroups: Mostly singletons at high risk (9 trials; n = 3613) 6 hours for 48 hours peri-cerclage) should be given (details
[161–170]: RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.91–1.11; twins (5 trials; n = 998) [64, provided earlier). Cerclage technique and suture selection is
67, 69–71]: RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.80–1.04; or women status-post PTL per the surgeon’s preference. If the cervix is flushed, consider-
episode (4 trials; n = 218) [67, 72–74]: RR 1.21, 95% CI 0.92–1.60. ation can be given to a modified Shirodkar technique. Various
The largest study [170] and a recent meta-analysis [18] showed techniques have been described to avoid iatrogenic rupture of
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 223
membranes, including but not limited to lithotomy position or prior FGR (see Chaps. 1 and 47 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence
with deep Trendelenburg position, tocolytics, and retrograde Based Guidelines) [181]. A large systematic review showed an 8%
refill of bladder to assist with repositioning the membrane in reduction in the rate of PTB <37 weeks in women (many with
the uterus. Other options include placement of ring forceps on prior preeclampsia or fetal growth restriction [FGR]) treated with
the external os followed by gentle easing of the membranes into antiplatelet agents (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.88–0.97) [182]. This reduc-
the uterus [176]. tion in the rate of PTB was higher if low-dose aspirin therapy is
initiated at or prior to 16 weeks compared to after 16 weeks (RR
Intervention: Progesterone 0.35, 95% CI 0.22–0.57, compared with RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.83–
There is no randomized trial to evaluate the effect of adjuvant 0.97, respectively) [183]. Low-dose aspirin started earlier than
progesterone supplementation after PEIC. A small retrospective 16 weeks is recommended for women at high risk of recur-
study of 53 singleton gestations with PEIC at 17–24 weeks showed rent preeclampsia due to prior history of preeclampsia or FGR
an association with reduction of SPTB <36 weeks (17% vs. 51%, leading to early (<34 weeks) PTB.
p <0.05), low birth weight, and NICU admission with adjuvant
vaginal progesterone therapy. The authors noted this association Risk: Periodontal disease
of reduction in SPTB<36 weeks after adjusting for confounding Intervention: Periodontal therapy
variables such as a visible membrane size of ≥4 cm, GA, prior Periodontal disease has been associated with an increased risk of
SPTB, and use of amnioreduction (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.12, PTB in several observational studies. Periodontal treatment such
95% CI 0.02–0.69, p <0.05) [177]. Further well-designed trials are as scaling, root planning, plaque control, and daily rinsing have
suggested. been evaluated as an intervention to decrease PTB in women with
Prior PEIC and subsequent pregnancy outcomes are not very periodontal disease [184, 185].
well studied. Limited data from a retrospective study of a rare Periodontal treatment has not been associated with a
cohort of women with prior PEIC showed similar outcomes if decrease in PTB in women with periodontal disease (RR 0.63,
they received either TVU CL screening with UIC for CL ≤25 mm 95% CI 0.32–1.22), even when controlling for probing depth and
or planned HIC in the subsequent pregnancy. The authors noted attachment loss for periodontitis criteria, multiparity, prior PTB,
87.5% of the women in TVU CL screening require a repeat UIC in or genitourinary infections [186].
the subsequent pregnancy [178].
Risk: Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Risk: Positive fFN Intervention: Antibiotics
Intervention: Antibiotics Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in 2%–10% of pregnancies, can
fFN is a basement membrane protein present between the lead to pyelonephritis, and is associated with an increased risk
decidua/uterus and fetal membranes/placenta and produced by of PTB. Screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria and treat-
the trophoblast. Its presence (>50 ng/mL) at ≥22 weeks in the ing for urine colony count of >100,000 bacteria/mL reduce
cervicovaginal canal has been associated with an increased risk the incidence of PTB by 73% (RR 0.27, 95% CI 0.11–0.62, 2
for PTB. In fact, fFN is one of the best predictors of PTB in all studies, n = 242) [187]. The optimal time to perform the urine
populations, including asymptomatic low- and high-risk women, culture is unknown; it seems reasonable to perform the urine
twins, and women in PTL. Even at 13–22 weeks, higher (using culture and treat, as done in most studies, at the first prenatal
the 90th percentile) fFN levels are associated with a twofold to visit. Quantitative urine culture of a midstream or clean-catch
threefold increased risk in subsequent SPTB. In women found to urine is the gold standard for detecting asymptomatic bacteri-
be fFN positive at 21–25 weeks, treatment with metronidazole uria in pregnancy. The choices of a sulfonamide or sulfonamide-
250 mg TID and erythromycin 250 mg QID × 10 days is associ- containing combination, a penicillin, or nitrofurantoin, based
ated with similar incidences of PTB <37 weeks to placebo. Among on the results of susceptibility testing, are appropriate regimens
women with a prior SPTB, this antibiotic regimen is associated for the management of asymptomatic bacteriuria. A short (3–7
with a significantly higher incidence of PTB <37 weeks than the days) course of therapy for asymptomatic bacteriuria has become
placebo group [179]. In women with at least one other risk factor accepted practice and is as effective as longer therapy. A single-
for PTB (e.g. prior PTB), and positive fFN at 24–27 weeks, met- dose regimen of antibiotics may be less effective than a short
ronidazole 400 mg orally TID for 7 days was associated with no (4–7 days) regimen [188]. Women with asymptomatic bacteri-
effect on the reduction of PTB and maternal and perinatal out- uria in pregnancy should be treated by the standard regimen of
comes compared with placebo; rather, the authors reported that antibiotics until more data become available on the cure rate of a
metronidazole use can be detrimental due to a trend of higher shorter course (3–5 days) compared with the standard regimen.
PTB rate, antenatal admission, and LBW in the metronidazole Although it is recommended that a urine culture be done fol-
group compared with placebo [180]. In summary, screening low- lowing treatment, with retreatment as necessary, the evidence is
risk or high-risk asymptomatic pregnant women for fFN is not insufficient to specifically evaluate the effectiveness of this strat-
effective, as no intervention (the one tried used antibiotics) has egy. Treatment of asymptomatic pregnant women with lower
been shown to alter outcomes. colony counts is not currently recommended, but further study
of appropriate strategies to manage these women is warranted.
Risk: Prior FGR or preeclampsia Asymptomatic women with even low (100+) colony-forming
Intervention: Low-dose aspirin units (CFUs) of group B streptococcus (GBS) in the urine cul-
Compared to no aspirin or placebo, low-dose aspirin (usually ture at 27–31 weeks have decreased PTB <37 weeks (5.4% in
50–150 mg) is associated with a decreased incidence of PTB the penicillin group vs. 38% in the placebo group, p <0.002)
(RR 0.22, 95% CI 0.10–0.49) in women at high risk for preg- when treated with penicillin 1 million IU three times per day
nancy complications, such as those with prior preeclampsia for 6 days compared with placebo [189].
224 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Antibiotic treatment compared with placebo or no treat- positive for TV. Symptomatic women with TV should still be
ment is effective in clearing asymptomatic bacteriuria. adequately treated with metronidazole as a single 2-g oral dose,
Antibiotic treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is then clini- or 500 mg twice a day for 7 days (see Chap. 38 in Maternal-Fetal
cally indicated to reduce the risk of pyelonephritis in pregnancy. Evidence Based Guidelines).
If untreated, the overall incidence of pyelonephritis is about 21%.
Overall, the number of women needed to treat to prevent one epi- Risk: BV, Candida, and Trichomonas
sode of pyelonephritis is seven, and treatment of asymptomatic Intervention: Antibiotics
bacteriuria will lead to approximately a 75% reduction in the inci- In one large RCT, screening for BV (treatment: Clindamycin 2%
dence of pyelonephritis (RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.13–0.41; 11 studies, vaginal cream for 6 days), Candida (treatment: Local clotrima-
n = 1932) [187]. The apparent reduction in PTB is consistent with zole 100 mg for 6 days), and Trichomonas (treatment: Local met-
current theories about the role of infection as a cause of PTB. ronidazole 500 mg for 7 days) was associated with lower risks
Prevention of pyelonephritis, which in early studies prior to the of PTB <37 weeks (3% vs. 5%; RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.41–0.75). The
availability of effective antimicrobial therapy was associated with incidence of PTB for BW <2500 g and <1500 g were significantly
PTB, may be a factor, but treatment of bacteriuria with antibiotics lower in the intervention group (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.34–0.66 and
may also eradicate organisms colonizing the cervix and vagina RR 0.34; 95% CI 0.15–0.75, respectively) compared to screening,
that are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The use of with results unavailable to the managing physician [196]. Very
tetracycline is contraindicated in pregnancy. Insufficient data are few women were positive for Trichomonas, while about 21% of
available to determine the effectiveness of treatment to prevent women had either BV or Candida, or both.
recurrent bacteriuria during pregnancy. There is a need to define
the appropriate frequency of follow-up cultures and retreatment Risk: GBS vaginal-cervical colonization
strategies [187]. See Chap. 18 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Intervention: Antibiotics
Guidelines. GBS colonization of the cervicovaginal tract is common in preg-
nancy (10%–20%), and has been associated with a slight (OR
Risk: Bacterial vaginosis 1.5–3, usually) increased risk of PTB. Antibiotic therapy with
Intervention: Antibiotics erythromycin does not prevent PTB in women with GBS coloni-
BV is a massive overgrowth of organisms such as anaerobes, zation or affect stillbirths. Subanalysis by heavy colonization did
Gardnerella, Mycoplasma, and others in the vagina. Most of not change the results [197].
these organisms are normally present in the vagina, but are at
higher concentrations in BV, while predominant normal flora Risk: Ureaplasma vaginal-cervical colonization
such as lactobacilli is decreased. Intervention: Antibiotics
The diagnosis of BV is usually made clinically with at least three Ureaplasma urealyticum and/or Mycoplasma hominis coloniza-
out of four of these (Amsel) criteria: pH >4.5 (most important), clue tion of the cervicovaginal tract is common in pregnancy and has
cells, thin homogenous discharge, and “amine” test, while in many been associated with a possible increased risk of PTB. There is
studies Nugent criteria (≥7 on Gram stain) are used for diagnosis. insufficient evidence to show whether giving antibiotics to
All these screening tests are not very accurate in predicting PTB women with Ureaplasma in the vagina prevents PTB. The
(PPV 6%–49% depending on PTB prevalence and patient popula- only trial did not report data on PTB [198]. Compared to placebo,
tion) in both asymptomatic and symptomatic women. erythromycin is associated with a nonsignificant 30% decrease
Antibiotic therapy is effective at decreasing the presence in the incidence of LBW <2500 g (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.46–1.07).
of BV during pregnancy. In nonselected women, antibiotic Although some studies appeared to meet the inclusion criteria
treatment is not effective in reducing the incidence of PTB for this review, in most studies Ureaplasma was not an essen-
<37 weeks, PTB <34 weeks, PTB <32 weeks, or PPROM [190]. tial entry criterion or studies reported just a post hoc subgroup
However, treatment before 20 weeks may reduce the risk of PTB analysis of Ureaplasma.
<37 weeks (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.55–0.95). There is insufficient information at this time to evaluate
In women with a previous PTB, treatment did not affect the other interventions such as pessary. These therefore cannot
risk of subsequent PTB <37 weeks, with a 17%–25% nonsignifi- be recommended for clinical use, unless in a research trial.
cant trend for benefit [166, 167]. It may decrease the risk of PPROM Multiple gestations
and LBW. Subgroup analysis of treatment with metronidazole or See Chap. 46 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines.
clindamycin does not alter the incidence of PTB <37 weeks [191].
Bed rest
Risk: Trichomonas vaginalis In uncomplicated twin pregnancies, prophylactic bed rest in the
Intervention: Antibiotics hospital does not reduce PTB, perinatal mortality, LBW, and
Antibiotics (metronidazole was the only one tested) do not pre- other complications of pregnancy [199]. In fact, the incidence of
vent PTB in women with asymptomatic T. vaginalis (TV) infec- PTB <34 weeks is significantly increased by 84% [200–204].
tion [191–195]. In fact, metronidazole as studied (two 2-g doses In twin pregnancies with cervical dilatation, bed rest in the
48 hours apart—possibly an excessive dose) is associated with a hospital does not decrease PTB in women in Zimbabwe [205].
78% higher incidence of PTB <37 weeks [194] and similar inci- In the trial in which it was recorded, only 6% of women appre-
dences of PTB <32 weeks and perinatal mortality [105]. Even in ciated in-hospital bed rest. For complications, see the section
women with a prior PTB, metronidazole is associated with an “Intervention: Bed Rest” (for singleton pregnancies).
84% higher risk of PTB [191]. Metronidazole does eradicate TV
in >90% of pregnant women. Therefore, at least for the purpose Reduction
of decreasing PTB, asymptomatic women should not be screened There is no trial to assess the effect of multifetal reduction to pre-
for TV and treated with metronidazole at doses studied so far if vent PTB. Compared to triplets/higher-order multiples, triplets/
Preterm Birth Prevention in Asymptomatic Women 225
higher-order multiples reduced to twins have a higher incidence meta-analysis found that vaginal progesterone was not beneficial in
of loss <24 weeks, but lower incidences of PTB <32 weeks and preventing PTB at <34 weeks in 58 twin pregnancies (with >95% of
better neonatal outcome of the remaining twins after reduction mothers with no prior spontaneous PTB) with a TVU CL ≤25 mm
in case-control studies. See Chap. 44 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence before 24 weeks, but was associated with a significant 43% decrease
Based Guidelines. in adverse perinatal outcome [213]. A Cochrane review on antena-
tal progesterone treatment in multiple gestations concluded that
Cervical length screening administration of progesterone (IM or vaginal) does not appear to
Routine second-trimester TVU assessment of CL in twin gesta- be associated with a reduction in the risk of PTB or improved neo-
tion is not associated with improved outcomes when incorporated natal outcomes. Further well designed meta-analyses and random-
into the standard management of otherwise low-risk twin preg- ized trials are needed [223]. In summary, vaginal progesterone in
nancies in an RCT [206]. See later for information on progester- multiple gestations with a short cervix ≤25 mm is associated
one, cerclage, and pessary as interventions for short CL in twins. with prevention of PTB and neonatal benefits.
Women with twins with prior SPTB can be offered progester-
17P one, e.g. vaginal progesterone 200mg daily starting at 16 weeks,
17P is not associated with prevention of PTB or neonatal until 36 weeks, but the evidence for this intervention is limited.
adverse outcomes in more than six RCTs including twins [207– There is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of vaginal pro-
212]. A meta-analysis revealed no benefit of 17P in unselected gesterone on unselected triplet gestations [218].
twin pregnancies [213]. In summary, the evidence is insufficient to recommend the
In twins with short CL, there was no effect of 17P on PTB use of any type of progesterone for the prevention of PTB
rates, but numbers are limited [210, 214]. A meta-analysis showed in unselected multiple gestations. Vaginal progesterone in
that 17-alpha-hydroxy progesterone caproate is not beneficial in women with both multiple gestations and short CL is associ-
reducing PTB or adverse perinatal outcomes in 175 twin preg- ated with PTB prevention and neonatal benefits. Therefore,
nancies (with >90% of mothers with no prior spontaneous PTB) TVU CL at around 20 weeks can be reconsidered as routine in
with a TVU CL ≤25 mm before 24 weeks. multiple gestations.
In women with twins and prior PTB, 17P did not affect inci-
dence of PTB [211]. Cerclage
In triplet gestations, 17P is not associated with an effect on the HIC does not prevent PTB in unselected twin gestations in one
incidence of PTB [215, 216]. small RCT [224].
There is insufficient evidence to assess the efficacy of UIC in
Vaginal progesterone twin pregnancies with a short TVU CL. UIC does not prevent
Vaginal progesterone 90 mg daily starting at 24 weeks for PTB in a meta-analysis of the 49 twin gestations and TVU CL <25
10 weeks, in 500 women with unselected twin gestation, was mm included in the three RCTs published so far [74]. An individual
not associated with significant effects in incidences of PTB or patient-level data meta-analysis of three RCTs showed no benefit
perinatal morbidity and mortality [217]. Other RCTs also showed of cerclage compared to no cerclage in preventing PTB <34 weeks
no effect of vaginal progesterone in unselected twins [218, 219]. [225]. For multiple gestations, there is no evidence that cerclage is an
A recent double-blinded, placebo-controlled RCT on nonselected effective intervention for preventing PTBs and reducing perinatal
twin pregnancies with no prior PTB investigated the use of daily deaths or neonatal morbidity [226]. A recent retrospective cohort
vaginal progesterone or placebo from 18–21 weeks to 34 weeks study of asymptomatic twin gestation with short cervix (TVU CL
for prevention of PTB <34 weeks [220]. There was no difference ≤25 mm) between 16 and 24 weeks showed UIC was not associ-
in mean GA at delivery, the rate of SPTB <34 weeks (18.5% in ated with perinatal outcomes compared to controls. However, in a
the progesterone group and 14.6% in the placebo group, OR 1.32, planned subgroup analysis of asymptomatic twin pregnancies
95% CI 0.24–2.37), and no reduction of neonatal morbidity and with TVU CL ≤15 mm before 24 weeks, UIC was associated
mortality. Another RCT evaluated two different doses of vaginal with a significant prolongation of pregnancy by almost 4 more
progesterone (200 mg vs. 400 mg daily) to placebo in dichorionic weeks, significantly decreased SPTB <34 weeks by 49%, and
multiple gestations and showed no difference in the rate of PTB admission to NICU by 58% compared with controls [227]. Given
<37 weeks in the three groups [221]. A meta-analysis revealed the available evidence, with lack of large RCT data, UIC cannot
no benefit from vaginal progesterone in unselected twins [213]. yet be recommended for twin gestations with a short TVU CL,
In summary, vaginal progesterone should not be given to and further research is warranted.
unselected twin pregnancies for prevention of PTB. Regarding the effectiveness of PEIC in twins, a recent multi-
A systematic review and metanalysis including twins with short center, open-label RCT of diamniotic twins with asymptomatic
mid-trimester CL ≤25 mm showed that vaginal progesterone, cervical dilation before 24 weeks of gestation showed a signifi-
compared with placebo or no treatment, was associated with a sta- cant decrease in PTB <34 weeks (RR 0.71; 95% CI 0.52–0.96)
tistically significant reduction in the risk of preterm birth <33 with a combination of PEIC, indomethacin, and antibiotics [228].
weeks’ gestation (31.4% vs. 43.1%; RR, 0.69 95% CI, 0.51–0.93; The mean GA at delivery of cerclage vs. the “no cerclage” group
moderate-quality evidence). Vaginal progesterone administration was 29.05 ± 1.7 vs. 22.5 ± 3.9 weeks (p <0.01), respectively; the
was associated with a significant decrease in the risk of PTB <35, mean interval from diagnosis of cervical dilation to delivery was
<34, <32, and <30 weeks’ gestation (RRs ranging from 0.47 to 8.3 ± 5.8 vs. 2.9 ± 3.0 weeks (p = 0.02), respectively. PEIC in twins
0.83), neonatal death (RR 0.53 95% CI 0.35–0.81), RDS (RR 0.70 with a dilated cervix before 24 weeks should be recommended.
95% CI 0.56–0.89), composite neonatal morbidity and mortal-
ity (RR, 0.61 95% CI 0.34–0.98), use of mechanical ventilation Pessary
(RR 0.54 95% CI 0.36–0.81), and birth weight <1500 g (RR, 0.53 In unselected twin gestations, the largest RCT found no benefit
95% CI 0.35–0.80; all moderate-quality evidence) [222]. Another of pessary use [229]. In summary, there is sufficient evidence
226 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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19. Carey JC, Klebanoff MA, Hauth JC, et al. Metronidazole to prevent preterm
RCT of asymptomatic diamniotic twins with TVU CL of ≤30 mm delivery in pregnant women with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis. National
at 18 weeks 0 days to 27 weeks 6 days were randomized to receive Institute of Child Health and Human Development Network of Maternal-
either the Biotequecup cervical pessary or no pessary. This study Fetal Medicine Units. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:534–540. [RCT, = 1953].
was underpowered; however, the authors showed no significant 20. Zhu B-P, Rolfs RT, Nangle BE, et al. Effect of the interval between pregnan-
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Rebecca Horgan
Pregnant patient with SIUP between o SSE to r/o SROM if +, then Rx per PPROM protocol,
23 0/7 and 33 6/7 weeks c/o PTL including latency Abx
(contractions >6/hr, abdominal o Consider obtaining FFN, GBS, GC/Chl & Urine Cxs
pain/pressure, vaginal bleeding) o Continuous EFM/Tocometer
o Hospital admission
o Corticosteroids for fetal maturity Perform TVU CL & obtain FFN
o GBS prophylaxis
o Consult NICU and MFM
o Establish fetal presentation, EFW, AFI, placental location CL < 20 mm CL 20–29 mm CL ≥ 30 mm
o Order labs as appropriate
o Consider amniocentesis to rule out infection
If ctx persist,
consider prolonged
GA 23–31 6/7 weeks GA 32–33 6/7 weeks observation &
possibly repeat
FIGURE 19.1 Suggested algorithm for the management of PTL. Abbreviations. PTL, preterm labor; SLIUP, single live intrauterine
pregnancy; R/O, rule out; CTX, contractions; SSE, sterile speculum exam; SROM, spontaneous rupture of membranes; Rx, treat;
PPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of membranes; FFN, fetal fibronectin; Amnio, amniocentesis; GBS, group B streptococcus; GC,
gonorrhea; Chl, chlamydia; EFM, external fetal monitoring; TVU CL, transvaginal ultrasound cervical length; dx, diagnosis; NICU,
neonatal intensive care unit; MFM, maternal-fetal medicine specialist; EFW, estimated fetal weight; GA, gestational age; AFV, amni-
otic fluid volume; IVF, intravenous fluids; BP, blood pressure.
• Obtain swab for FFN testing in which TVU CL was the main screening test, with FFN used
• If no PPROM, perform digital cervical exam only for “indeterminate” results (Figure 19.1) [10]. Recent evi-
• If cervix <3 cm dilated, send FFN swab and perform dence suggests that placental alpha-microglobulin-1 (PAMG-1)
TVU CL may be more effective at predicting PTB in symptomatic women
• If cervix ≥3 cm dilated, discard FFN swab and manage with a short CL than FFN, but further evidence is necessary
PTL before guidance can be provided [11].
• Laboratory tests: Rectovaginal group B streptococcus (GBS)
culture; gonorrhea and chlamydia; urinalysis and urine cul- Management
ture (Figure 19.1); FFN in women <34 weeks gestation with
cervical dilation <3 cm and TVU CL 20–29 mm. Principles of management
Before treatment is considered, the diagnosis and risk of PTB
TVU CL must be established. Women with preterm uterine contractions
but negative FFN and TVU CL ≥30 mm have a <2% chance of
Symptomatic women with CL ≥30 mm have a low risk (<5%) of delivering within 1 week and a >95% chance of delivering ≥35
delivering preterm, regardless of FFN result. For women with weeks without therapy, and should therefore not receive any
CL 20–29 mm, the PTB rate is somewhat increased but still <5% treatment (Figure 19.1) [4].
within 7 days if the FFN test is negative. A CL <20 mm is asso- Women with preterm uterine contractions and cervical dil-
ciated with a high risk (>25%) of PTB within 7 days. With this atation ≥3 cm, TVU CL <20 mm, or TVU CL 20–29 mm and
degree of cervical shortening, FFN testing does not improve the positive FFN, have a moderate to high risk of PTB within 7
predictive accuracy of CL measurement alone [3, 4]. days and are those with true PTL and should be managed with
Compared to no knowledge, knowledge of TVU CL results strong consideration for admission, steroids, magnesium for neu-
is associated with a statistically significant decrease in PTB roprophylaxis, and possibly tocolysis, depending on GA.
<37 weeks (22.1% versus 34.5%; relative risk [RR], 0.64, 95% If PTL is diagnosed without using TVU CL, about 70%–80%
confidence interval [CI], 0.44–0.94). Delivery occurred at a later of women diagnosed with the condition deliver at term. Women
GA (by about 4–5 days) in the knowledge versus no-knowledge without cervical change do not have PTL and should not receive
groups [5, 6]. Given the clinical and cost-effectiveness of TVU tocolysis. Women with multiple gestations should not be treated
CL in the assessment of suspected PTL, TVU CL should be differently than those with singletons, except that their risk of
used in the management of women with threatened PTL pulmonary edema is greater when exposed to betamimetics or
(Figure 19.1). magnesium sulfate [12].
Referral to a tertiary care center should be considered if the
Fetal fibronectin neonatal ICU is not adequate for the GA of the potential neo-
FFN testing has been shown to predict PTB with moderate accu- nate. There is insufficient evidence to justify the use of steroids for
racy in symptomatic women resulting in health care cost benefits fetal maturity and tocolysis before 23 weeks. Amniocentesis may
by identifying women who do not require intervention [7]. In a be considered to assess intraamniotic infection (IAI) (incidence
meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials (RCTs), com- about 5%–15%) and fetal lung maturity (especially between 33
pared to no knowledge, knowledge of FFN results in women and 35 weeks). IAI (documented by amniotic fluid culture) rates
with threatened PTL is not associated with effects on the inci- can be estimated by pregnancy status (Table 19.1). IAI rates can
dence of PTB <37 weeks or any other outcome, maternal or also be estimated by TVU CL [13].
neonatal, including time in triage; PTB <34, 32, or 28 weeks; GA Counseling regarding morbidity and mortality for preterm
at delivery; birth weight less than 2500 g; perinatal death; mater- infant, using recent and ideally national or institutional data,
nal hospitalization; tocolysis; or steroids for fetal lung maturity should be provided (Table 19.2) [14]. Neonatal consult at 22–34
[8, 9]. The benefit in knowledge of FFN was seen only in one RCT, weeks is indicated for counseling regarding prognosis and
TABLE 19.2: General Guidance Regarding Obstetric Interventions for Periviable Birtha
20 0 –216 weeks 220 –226 weeks 230 –236 weeks 240 –246 weeks
Neonatal assessment for resuscitation Not recommended Consider Consider Recommended
Antenatal steroids Not recommended Consider Consider Recommended
Tocolytics to allow steroids Not recommended Not recommendedb Consider Recommended
Magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection Not recommended Not recommendedb Recommended Recommended
Antibiotics for PPROM to prolong latency Consider Consider Consider Recommended
Antibiotics for GBS prophylaxis Not recommended Not recommendedb Consider Recommended
Continuous intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring Not recommended Not recommendedb Consider Recommended
Source: Adapted from Refs. [16, 20].
a Survival of infants born in the periviable period is dependent on resuscitation and support. Several factors (e.g. intrauterine growth restriction, small fetal size, the presence
of fetal malformations or aneuploidy, and pulmonary hypoplasia due to prolonged membrane rupture) can impact the potential for survival and the determination of viabil-
ity. Personal and family values should be extensively discussed, allowing individual decisions. See text.
b Limited data for efficacy at this early gestation, but gestational age when interventions start to be offered continues to be moved earlier in pregnancy, with 22 weeks becom-
ing currently the lower limit when interventions are beginning to possibly be considered.
# For example, persistently abnormal fetal heart rate patterns or biophysical testing (category II–III), malpresentation.
Abbreviation: GBS, group B streptococcus; PPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of membranes.
Preterm Labor 235
neonatal management. Current neonatal survival in the United Recent evidence has demonstrated that steroids are associ-
States is 0% at 21 weeks, 5%–15% at 22 weeks, 15%–40% at 23 ated with neonatal benefits also at ≥34 weeks, as three RCTs
weeks, 60%–75% at 24–25 weeks, 75%–95% at 26–28 weeks, have been done on steroids 34–366/7 weeks in women at risk of
and >95% at 29–30 weeks, whereas intact survival at 18 months PTB and two RCTs in women at ≥37 weeks [22]. Women who
is about 50% after 25 weeks [15]. Disabilities in mental and psy- received antenatal corticosteroids ≥34 weeks had a significantly
chomotor development, neuromotor function (including cerebral lower incidence of RDS (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.62–0.93), mild RDS
palsy), or sensory and communication function are present in at (RR 0.40, 95% CI 0.23–0.69), moderate RDS (RR 0.39, 95% CI
least 50% of fetuses born ≤25 weeks’ gestation [16]. 0.18–0.89), transient tachypnea of the newborn (RR 0.62, 95%
Pregnancies at risk for periviable PTB are particularly chal- CI 0.50–0.77), severe RDS (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.53–0.82), use of
lenging to counsel and manage. The periviability period varies surfactant (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.38–0.99), mechanical ventilation
according to several factors, including by level of care provided (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.41–0.94), significantly lower time on oxygen
in the hospital and the country where the care is being provided. (mean difference [MD] –2.06 hours, 95% CI –2.17 to –1.95), lower
In many developed countries, this period, in 2015, was between maximum inspired oxygen concentration (MD –0.66%, 95% CI
22 and 24 weeks. Table 19.2 provides some guidance for care, but –0.69 to –0.63), lower length of stay in the NICU (MD –7.64 days,
should be adjusted according to local capabilities [16]. Patients 95% CI –7.65 to –7.64), and higher Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes
with an intrauterine demise or undergoing pregnancy termina- (MD 0.06, 95% CI 0.05–0.07) compared to those who did not.
tion are not to be included in this group. For patients in whom the Administration of steroids to women >34 weeks at risk of PTB
GA has not been clearly established, plans for intervention and who have not previously received antenatal corticosteroids is
information provided to the patient should be based on the best now recommended to decrease respiratory morbidity, except
estimate of GA. Several algorithms have been developed to pro- in the presence of clinical chorioamnionitis [23]. However,
vide patient-specific mortality and morbidity information [17], as tocolysis should not be attempted in the late preterm period to
well as an online calculator [18]. Status can be reevaluated with delay delivery in order to administer steroids [23]. Limited evi-
each additional gestational week. dence also suggests late preterm steroids are cost-effective [24].
Type of steroid: There is no clear evidence of superior-
Prophylaxis to prevent neonatal morbidity/ ity between betamethasone and dexamethasone. Based on a
Mortality from PTB (fetal maturation) recent Cochrane review, dexamethasone was associated with a
Corticosteroids reduced risk of IVH compared to betamethasone (RR 0.44, 95%
Betamethasone, dexamethasone (only two corticosteroids that CI 0.21–0.92) [25]. There were no statistically significant differ-
cross the placenta reliably). ences in other perinatal outcomes, including perinatal death,
Dose: One course: Betamethasone 12 mg SQ q24h × 2 doses or RDS, and NICU admissions, however. In one study, infants
dexamethasone 6 mg SQ q12h × 4 doses. exposed to dexamethasone had a significantly shorter stay in the
Mechanism of action: Enhanced maturational changes in NICU. Results for biophysical parameters were inconsistent, but
lung architecture and induction of lung enzymes resulting in bio- no important differences were seen for these or other secondary
chemical maturation. outcomes. Indirect comparisons of betamethasone and dexa-
Evidence for effectiveness: Corticosteroids given prior to methasone suggested that betamethasone is more effective in
PTB (either spontaneous or indicated) are effective in prevent- reducing RDS risk than dexamethasone, while chorioamnionitis
ing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), intraventricular hem- and puerperal sepsis were more likely with dexamethasone [25].
orrhage (IVH), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and neonatal Oral dexamethasone significantly increased the incidence of
mortality [19]. Antenatal administration of 24 mg of betametha- neonatal sepsis (RR 8.48, 95% CI 1.11–64.93) compared to intra-
sone (12 mg intramuscularly q24h), or of 24 mg of dexametha- muscular dexamethasone in one trial of 183 newborns [25].
sone (6 mg intramuscularly q12h), to women expected to give Betamethasone administered at 12-hourly compared to
birth preterm is associated with a significant 28% reduction in 24-hourly intervals has been associated with reduced maternal
neonatal mortality, 34% reduction in RDS and respiratory length of stay, but no other differences in maternal or neonatal
support, 45% reduction in IVH, 50% reduction in NEC, 32% outcomes [25].
reduction in requirement for mechanical ventilation, and 40% In an international cluster-randomized trial designed to
reduction in systemic infections in the first 48 hours of life in increase the use of antenatal corticosteroid therapy in low-
preterm infants. There are also decreased needs for surfactant, oxy- resource settings involving almost 100,000 pregnant women,
gen, and mechanical ventilation in the neonatal period. Treatment identification of women at risk for PTB and increased use of
with antenatal corticosteroids does not increase risk to the mother antenatal corticosteroids increased overall newborn mortality by
of death, chorioamnionitis, or puerperal sepsis [19]. 12% (RR 1.2, 95% CI 1.01–1.22), perinatal mortality by 11% (RR
These benefits apply to gestational ages of at least 23–336/7 1.11, 95% CI 1.04–1.19), and suspected maternal infection rate
weeks and are not limited by gender or race. There are insuffi- by 45% (odds ration [OR] 1.45, 95% CI 1.33–1.58) [26]. Possible
cient data to assess effectiveness before these GAs. However, if explanations for these unexpected findings in low-resource set-
neonatal resuscitation is to be attempted, corticosteroids can tings include unreliable dating criteria to establish GA, the reli-
be considered from 22 weeks’ gestation [20]. At 22–25 weeks, ance on birth weight rather than estimated GA to define PTB
cohort studies have shown benefit in decreasing neonatal death and evaluate other important outcomes, and the coding of sus-
[21]. The effects are optimal at 48 hours to 7 days from the first pected maternal infection by treatment rather than by diagnosis.
dose [21], but treatment should not be withheld even if delivery Inconsistent access and limited resources to provide optimal neo-
appears imminent. Antenatal corticosteroids should be admin- natal intensive care and potential targeting of term, low-birth-
istered when PTB is considered imminent within 7 days, the GA weight infants for antepartum corticosteroid treatment may have
estimate is accurate, adequate neonatal care is available, and also contributed to these results. As reaffirmed by the World
there is no clinical evidence of maternal infection. Health Organization, the study’s findings should not alter current
236 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
likelihood of birth due to active labor with ≥4 cm cervical dil- in maternal infection with the use of prophylactic antibiotics.
atation, with or without PPROM or planned PTB for maternal Use of antibiotics in women with PTL and intact membranes is
or fetal indications. Women with an indicated PTB anticipated associated with an increased risk of functional impairment and
within 2–24 hours (e.g. for severe preeclampsia) are candidates cerebral palsy [12, 36, 45]. Given these data, antibiotics should
for magnesium sulfate. The optimal timing of magnesium sul- not be used for prevention of PTB in women with PTL and
fate to reduce the risk of cerebral palsy in preterm neonates is intact membranes. However, among preterm patients at immi-
within 12 hours of delivery [39]. nent risk of delivery with an unknown GBS status, antibiotics for
Intravenous magnesium sulfate is administered with a GBS prophylaxis is recommended, with optimal timing of antibi-
loading dose of 4–6 g infused for 20–30 minutes, followed otics 4 hours prior to delivery [46].
by a maintenance infusion of 1–2 g/hour [27]. If delivery has
not occurred after 12 hours and is no longer considered immi- Cervical pessary
nent (e.g. if the patient is not having regular uterine contrac- There are conflicting data regarding the effectiveness of a cervical
tions), the infusion should be discontinued and resumed when pessary following an episode of arrested PTL to decrease the risk of
delivery is deemed imminent again (e.g. when contractions PTB in singleton pregnancies. One RCT (n = 130) found that use of
develop). If at least 6 hours have passed since the discontinuation a cervical pessary did not reduce the risk of delivery <37 weeks or
of the magnesium sulfate, another loading dose should be given. improve perinatal outcome. However, another RCT (n = 357) found
Administration of magnesium sulfate for prevention of cerebral no decrease in PTB <34 weeks with pessary use (RR 0.78; 95% CI
palsy should not delay the delivery. 0.45–1.38) but did report a decrease in the rate of spontaneous PTB
<37 weeks (RR 0.58; 95% CI 0.3–0.90; p = 0.01), threatened PTL
Nontocolytic interventions for PTL recurrence (RR 0.23; 95% CI 0.11–0.47; p < 0.0001), and PPROM
Bed rest (RR 0.28; 95% CI 0.09–0.84; p = 0.01) [47].
Bed rest in hospital or at home in singleton gestations compli- There is one RCT (n = 132) examining the use of cervical pes-
cated by PTL or PPROM has been evaluated in one multi- sary following an episode of arrested PTL to decrease the risk of
intervention RCT [40]. Bed rest offered no benefit over no PTB in women with twin gestations. The trial found a decreased
treatment or placebo in preventing PTB. In multiple pregnan- risk of spontaneous PTB <34 weeks (RR 0.51; CI 0.27–0.97; p =
cies, bed rest in the hospital did not reduce the risk of PTB or 0.03) [48]. However, due to limited evidence, further studies are
perinatal mortality, whether uncomplicated twin pregnancy or required before recommendations regarding the effectiveness of
twin or triplet pregnancy with cervical dilatation [41]. cervical pessaries in both singleton and twin pregnancies after an
episode of arrested PTL can be made.
There is no benefit of intravenous hydration in preventing PTB. Tocolysis
Intravenous hydration does not seem to be beneficial, even dur- Principles
ing the period of evaluation soon after admission, in women with Tocolytic therapy may provide short-term prolongation of preg-
PTL. Women with evidence of dehydration may, however, benefit nancy, allowing antenatal corticosteroid administration, magne-
from the intervention. Compared with bed rest alone, hydration sium sulfate for neuroprotection, and/or maternal transport to a
is associated with similar incidences of PTB <37 weeks, <34 tertiary care facility. However, there is no evidence that treatment
weeks, or <32 weeks and of admission to the NICU [34]. Cost of of PTL with tocolytic agents improves perinatal outcomes [27].
treatment was slightly higher (US$39) in the hydration group for Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and cyclooxygenase (COX)
hospital costs during a visit of less than 24 hours. Women studied inhibitors are the agents best supported by evidence of safety and
were at low risk, as only 30% of women required tocolysis and effectiveness (see Table 19.3).
<30% had PTB. No studies evaluated oral hydration [42]. With regard to the use of a combination of tocolytic agents, a
recent Cochrane review concluded that the effectiveness of com-
Screen for infections bination regimens in terms of maternal and neonatal outcomes is
Several infections are associated with a higher risk of PTL and unclear due to a lack of data. The review noted that there are no
PTB. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomo- RCTs examining combinations of commonly used tocolytics [49].
niasis, and others, as well as bacterial vaginosis (see Chap. 18).
There is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of screening Contraindications
and treating for genitourinary infections in women with PTL, as See Table 19.4.
no RCTs have been performed. However, a recent meta-analy-
sis demonstrated a 9% prevalence of chlamydia in women with Primary tocolysis: Single agent
threatened PTL, which was significantly increased in comparison Betamimetics
to controls, and further studies are necessary to assess the effec- Types: Ritodrine, terbutaline.
tiveness of screening and treating vaginal infections in PTL [43]. Dose: Ritodrine: 50–100 mg/minute IV initial dose, increase
50 mg/minute q10min (max 350 mg/min) [PO: 1–20 mg q2–4h].
Antibiotics Terbutaline: 0.25 mg SQ q20min at first, then 2–3 hours; or
There is no evidence of benefit with the use of prophylactic anti- 5–10 mg/min IV, max 80 mg/min; or 2.5–5 mg PO q2–4h (hold
biotic treatment for PTL with intact membranes on important for maternal HR >120/minute).
neonatal outcomes [44]. PTB <36 or 37 weeks was similar in anti- Mechanism of action: Stimulate B2 receptors through cyclic
biotics and placebo groups. There is a trend for a 52% increase in adenosine monophosphate (AMP), so no free calcium for myo-
neonatal mortality for those who received antibiotics (RR 1.52, metrial contraction.
95% CI 0.99–2.34), with similar overall perinatal mortality (RR Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): Compared with
1.22, 95% CI 0.88–1.70) [35]. The only benefit is a 26% reduction placebo, betamimetics are associated with a decrease in the
238 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
number of women in PTL giving birth within 48 hours (RR sodium excretion—sodium and therefore fluid retention).
0.68, 95% CI 0.53–0.88) and a decrease in the number of births Ritodrine: Altered thyroid function, antidiuresis.
within 7 days (RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.65–0.98) but there was no Fetal/neonatal: Ritodrine: Neonatal tachycardia, hypogly-
reduction in PTB <37 weeks [50]. No benefit is demonstrated cemia, hypocalcemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypotension, IVH.
for betamimetics on perinatal or neonatal death or on RDS. A Terbutaline: Tachycardia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia,
few trials reported the following outcomes, with no difference myocardial and septal hypertrophy, myocardial ischemia.
detected: Cerebral palsy, infant death, and NEC. Betamimetics
are significantly associated with the following side effects (see Calcium channel blockers
later): Withdrawal from treatment due to adverse effects, chest Types: Nifedipine, nicardipine.
pain, dyspnea, tachycardia, palpitation, tremor, headaches, Dose: Nifedipine 20–30 mg × 1, then 10–20 mg q4–8h (max
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, nausea/vomiting, nasal stuffi- 90 mg/day) (similar dosing for nicardipine).
ness, and fetal tachycardia [42]. There is insufficient evidence to Mechanism of action: Impairs calcium channels, so inhibits
assess which of the studied betamimetics is most effective and/ influx of calcium into cell and therefore myometrial contraction.
or associated with fewer side effects, with most data reported for Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): Two small RCTs com-
ritodrine. For comparison with other tocolytics, RCTS are too paring CCB with placebo showed a reduction in PTB <48 hours
small and varied to make meaningful comparisons [50]. (RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.21–0.43) and an increase in maternal
Specific contraindications: Cardiac arrhythmia or other adverse effects, with insufficient evidence to assess effect on PTB
significant cardiac disease, diabetes mellitus (DM), poorly con- within 7 days and <37 weeks [44].
trolled thyroid disease (for ritodrine). When compared with other tocolytic agents (betamimetics,
Side effects: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], glyceryl trini-
Maternal: Hyperglycemia (glucose 140–200 mg/dL in 20%– trate [GTN], magnesium sulfate and oxytocin receptor antago-
50%; mechanism: Decreased peripheral insulin sensitivity and nists [ORAs]), CCBs increased the interval from initiation of
increased endogenous glucose production; hyperinsulinemia; treatment to delivery, increased GA at birth, and decreased
hypokalemia (K <3 mEq/L in 50%); tremors, nervousness, short- preterm and very preterm birth. RDS, NEC, IVH, hyperbiliru-
ness of breath (10%), chest pain (5%–10%), tachycardia/palpi- binemia, and admission to the NICU were also decreased [44].
tations, arrhythmia (3%); ECG changes (2%–3%); hypotension CCB also reduced the requirement for women to have treat-
(2%–3%); pulmonary edema (<1%–5%); mechanism: Reduced ment ceased for adverse drug reaction. There are insufficient
data regarding the effects of different dosage regimens and for-
mulations of CCBs on maternal and neonatal outcomes; the most
TABLE 19.4: Contraindications to Tocolytic Therapy studied is nifedipine, at the dosage shown earlier. CCBs should
be preferred to betamimetics for tocolysis.
Maternal: Specific contraindications: Cardiac disease; hypotension
Chorioamnionitis (<90/50); concomitant use of magnesium; caution in renal disease.
Severe vaginal bleeding/abruption Side effects:
Preeclampsia Maternal: Flushing, headache, dizziness, nausea, transient
Medical contraindications to specific tocolytic agenta hypotension. Caution in women with hypotension and renal dis-
Other maternal medical condition that makes continuing the ease, as well as women on magnesium (cardiovascular collapse).
pregnancy inadvisable Fetal/Neonatal: None.
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
Types: Nonselective COX inhibitors: Indomethacin (Indocin).
Major (especially if lethal) fetal anomaly or chromosome abnormality
Selective COX inhibitors (preferential COX-2 inhibitor): sulin-
Other fetal conditions in which prolongation of pregnancy is inadvisable
dac, rofecoxib (Vioxx), celecoxib, nimesulide.
Documented fetal maturity
Dose: Indomethacin: 50–100 mg loading dose (rectal or vaginal
a See text. route preferred, oral otherwise), then 25–50 mg q6h for 48 hours
Preterm Labor 239
Abbreviations: PTB, preterm birth; NC, not calculable from the available reports; CCB, calcium channel blocker; COX, cyclooxygenase; ORA, oxytocin receptor antagonists;
NOD, nitric oxide donors; NND, neonatal death; Mg, magnesium sulfate; Rx, therapy; excl. cong. anom, excluding congenital anomalies.
240 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
max, and always <32 weeks. Sulindac 200 mg PO q12h × been shown to be beneficial in perinatal outcomes compared with
48 hours. Ketorolac: 60 mg IM, then 30 mg IM q6h × 48 hours. a dose of 2 g/hour and is associated with significant side effects
Mechanism of action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, there- [54]. Weaning MgSO4 tocolysis has no benefits and a few harmful
fore inhibits myometrial contraction. side effects compared with stopping MgSO4 abruptly [55].
Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): (The nonselective COX Mechanism of action: Intracellular calcium antagonist.
inhibitor indomethacin was used in most trials.) When compared Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): Compared with placebo,
with placebo, COX inhibition (indomethacin only) results in a there is insufficient evidence to show if MgSO4 reduces the inci-
79% reduction in PTB <37 weeks in a small trial, an increase dence of PTB or perinatal morbidity and mortality [56].
in GA of 3.5 weeks, and a >700 g increase in birth weight [51]. Compared with all controls (including other tocolytics),
No difference was shown in birth within 48 hours of initiation MgSO 4 did not prevent PTB at 48 hours, PTB <37 weeks, or
of treatment (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.03–1.28). No differences were PTB <32 weeks. Perinatal death was higher (only two perina-
detected in neonatal morbidity or mortality. tal deaths), while perinatal morbidities were similar. Dose of
Compared with other betamimetics, COX inhibition resulted magnesium did not affect efficacy. Given these results, there is
in a 47% reduction in PTB <37 weeks’ gestation and a 73% no convincing evidence for recommending magnesium for
reduction in PTB within 48 hours [51]. No differences were tocolysis [57].
detected in the fetal or neonatal outcomes such as perinatal Management: Aim for 4–7 MgSO4 level. Monitor urinary out-
mortality, RDS, IVH, NEC, premature closure of the ductus, or put. Follow deep tendon reflexes: ↓ at level ≥8, absent ≥10. At ≥10,
persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). No respiratory depression; at ≥15, risk of cardiac arrest.
differences were found when COX inhibitors were compared to Specific contraindications: Myasthenia gravis.
magnesium sulfate or CCBs [51]. Side effects:
A comparison of nonselective COX inhibitors versus selective Maternal: Flushing, lethargy, headache, muscle weakness, dip-
COX-2 inhibitors did not demonstrate any differences in maternal lopia, dry mouth, pulmonary edema (1%; mechanism: Intravenous
or neonatal outcomes [51]. Due to small numbers, all estimates of overhydration), cardiac arrest.
effect are imprecise and need to be interpreted with caution. Fetal/neonatal: Lethargy, hypotonia, hypocalcemia, respira-
Specific contraindications: Renal or hepatic disease, active tory depression. Prolonged use: Demineralization.
peptic ulcer disease, poorly controlled hypertension, NSAID-
sensitive asthma, coagulation disorders/thrombocytopenia. Oxytocin receptor antagonists
Side effects: When used for only 48 hours, no serious mater- Types: Atosiban (Tractocile); barusiban.
nal and fetal/neonatal side effects occur, and fetal surveillance Dose: Atosiban 6.75 mg bolus, then 300 mg/minute IV × 3 hours,
is not indicated. Usually COX inhibitors are better tolerated then 100 mg/minute (max 45 hours).
by the mother than other tocolytics such as magnesium and Mechanism of action: Competitive inhibitor of oxytocin via
betamimetics. blockade of oxytocin receptor.
Maternal: As with any NSAIDs, mild gastrointestinal (GI) Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): Compared with pla-
upset—nausea, heartburn (take with some food/milk) (COX-1). cebo, atosiban does not reduce the incidence of PTB or
GI bleeding (COX-1), coagulation, and platelet abnormalities improve neonatal outcome [58]. In one trial, atosiban was asso-
(COX-1), asthma if aminosalicylic acid (ASA)-sensitive. May ciated with an increase in extreme PTB <28 weeks and infant
obscure elevation in temperature. Long-term rofecoxib (Vioxx) deaths at 12 months of age compared with placebo [58]. However,
use in adults has been associated with stroke, so this drug is now this trial randomized significantly more women to atosiban
not available in many countries. before 26 weeks’ gestation. Compared with betamimetics, ato-
Fetal/neonatal: In trials, 403 women received short-term tocol- siban is associated with similar incidences of PTB and perina-
ysis (up to 48 hours) with COX inhibitors (mainly indomethacin), tal morbidity/mortality and with fewer maternal drug reactions
and there was only one case of antenatal closure of the ductus requiring treatment cessation [58]. Recent data comparing ato-
arteriosus. There was no increase in the incidence of patent duc- siban and nifedipine for tocolysis found no difference in preg-
tus arteriosus (PDA) postnatally (eight treated with COX inhibi- nancy prolongation or perinatal outcome but fewer maternal side
tors versus eight treated with placebo or other tocolytics) [52]. effects associated with atosiban [59, 60]. However, nifedipine was
No difference in incidences of IVH, bronchopulmonary dysplasia more cost-effective than atosiban [61]. There is insufficient evi-
(BPD), PDA, NEC, or perinatal mortality was noted in a review dence to assess the effectiveness of a different ORA, barusiban,
of trials aimed at evaluating safety [53]. Use for >48 hours, espe- as only one RCT has tested it against placebo at 34–35 weeks,
cially ≥32 weeks, is associated with significant fetal effects such as with no changes in recorded outcomes [62]. Therefore, as per
constriction of the ductus arteriosus, which can lead to hydrops, magnesium, the only evidence supporting the use of ORAs for
pulmonary hypertension and death, and renal insufficiency, primary tocolysis is that they have fewer side effects than the
manifested in utero by oligohydramnios. Other effects with pro- (effective) betamimetics.
longed use, such as hyperbilirubinemia, NEC, and IVH, have Side effects: Minimal to none.
not been shown with <72 hours use. Selective COX-2 inhibitors
have not been shown consistently to be any safer for the fetus/ Nitric oxide donors
neonate than nonselective COX inhibitors such as indomethacin. Type: Nitroglycerine.
Therefore, continuous use of COX inhibitors for >48 hours Dose: Nitroglycerine transdermal patch 0.4 mg/hour.
and ≥32 weeks is contraindicated. Mechanism of action: Direct relaxation of uterine muscle.
Evidence for effectiveness (Table 19.5): There is currently insuf-
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) ficient evidence to support the routine administration of nitric
Dose: 40 g MgSO4 in 1 L half normal saline (NS). Initial: oxide donors (NODs) for prevention of PTB in women with
4–6 g/30 minutes, then 2–4 g/hour. A dose of 5 g/hour has not PTL [63]. Compared with placebo, there was no evidence that
Preterm Labor 241
NOD prolonged pregnancy beyond 48 hours or improved neonatal Maintenance tocolysis: After successful
outcomes. When compared with other tocolytic agents (betami- primary tocolysis
metics, magnesium sulfate, CCBS, or a combination of tocolytics), Betamimetics (oral)
there was no evidence that NODs perform better than other toco- Dose: Ritodrine: 1–20 mg PO q2–4h. Terbutaline: 2.5–5 mg PO
lytics. Nitroglycerine has been the only NOD used in trials. q2–4h.
Specific contraindications: NODs should not be used in women Evidence for effectiveness: Compared with placebo, oral beta-
with hypotension or with preload-dependent cardiac lesions, mimetic therapy for maintenance tocolysis does not prevent
such as aortic insufficiency. PTB, recurrent PTL, recurrent hospitalizations, or perina-
Side effects: tal morbidity and mortality [69]. Some adverse effects such as
Maternal: NODs cause dilatation of arterial smooth muscle tachycardia are more frequent in the betamimetics group. Given
and commonly cause headache and may result in hypotension. this ample evidence from 13 trials, there is absolutely no evi-
Other side effects include dizziness, flushing, and palpitations. dence to support the use of oral betamimetics after PTL has
Fetal/neonatal: Although maternal hypotension could com- resolved.
promise utero-placental blood flow, no adverse fetal or neonatal
effects have been reported. Terbutaline pump
Dose: 0.05 mg/hour.
Progesterone Evidence for effectiveness: Compared with placebo, terbutaline
There are insufficient data to assess the efficacy for progesterone pump does not prevent PTB or improve perinatal morbidity and
as a primary tocolysis. There are some data suggesting that pro- mortality. Side effects and costs associated with this therapy fur-
gesterone may reduce PTB and increase birth weight and that pro- ther advise against its use [70].
gesterone may reduce uterine contractility, prolong pregnancy, and
attenuate cervical shortening. However, current evidence does not Calcium channel blockers
support a role for progesterone as a tocolytic agent [64]. A meta-analysis examining the use of oral nifedipine for main-
tenance tocolysis found no difference in the incidence of perina-
Primary tocolysis: Multiple agents simultaneously tal death (RR 1.36; 95%, 95% CI 0.35–5.33), IVH ≥grade II (RR
Indomethacin, ampicillin-sulbactam, and 0.65; 95% CI 0.16–2.67), NEC (RR 1.15; 95% CI 0.50–2.65), infant
magnesium versus magnesium alone respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) (RR 0.98;95% CI 0.51–1.85),
Compared with placebos, indomethacin and ampicillin-sulbactam and prolongation of pregnancy (hazard ratio 0.74; 95% CI 0.55–
did not prevent PTB in women in PTL already receiving magne- 1.01) [71]. Therefore, maintenance tocolysis with nifedipine is not
sium sulfate tocolysis [65]. recommended.
46. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Committee 68. Carlan SJ, O’Brien WF, O’Leary TD, Mastrogiannis D. Randomized com-
Opinion No. 797: Prevention of group B streptococcal early-onset disease in parative trial of indomethacin and sulindac for the treatment of refractory
newborns. Obstet Gynecol. 2020;135(2):e51–e72. preterm labor. Obstet Gynecol. 1992;79(2):223–228.
47. Pratcorona L, Goya M, Merced C, Rodo C, Llurba E, Higueras T, et al. 69. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Middleton P. Oral betamimetics for maintenance
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Anna Locatelli, Sara Consonni, and Annalisa Inversetti
Diagnosis confirmed
(Fluid per cervical os
or vaginal pool with
positive pH or Ferning test)*
Chorioamnionitis, abruptio
placentae, fetal death, Yes
nonreassuring fetal testing, cord Deliver
prolapse or advanced labor
Initial monitoring
for infection, labor,
abruption placentae,
GBS culture and
broad spectrum
Conservative management Consider delivery,
Serial evaluation for or expectant management (at
chorioamnionitis, least upto 36 0/7 week) with
labor, abruption, fetal well-being, delivery at 37 0/7 weeks
growth Serial evaluation for
Evaluate for
persistent chorioamnionitis,
oligohydramnios Administer corticosteroids and labor, abruption, fetal wellbeing,
and pulmonary antibiotics growth
hypoplasia with
serial ultrasound Deliver for chorioamnionitis, Administer antibiotics
non-reassuring fetal testing, abruption,
Re-counsel cord prolapse, advanced labor Deliver for chorioamnionitis,
non-reassuring fetal testing,
Deliver at 34 0/7 weeks, or within abruption, cord prolapse,
If discharged before
Induction with 37 weeks if stable until then advanced labor
viability and remains
misoprostol; or pregnant, readmit at
dilatation & fetal viability for When delivery appears imminent
evacuation conservative at <34 weeks, administer
management magnesium sulfate for fetal
FIGURE 20.1 Management of PPROM. (Adapted from Refs. 1–5, 11–56.) *See also text and Table 20.1.
Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes 247
to detect small concentrations of this glycoprotein in cervi- collagen degradation, decreased membrane collagen content,
cal-vaginal secretions (AmniSure PROM test). It is an easy, localized membrane defects, bleeding, uterine overdistention,
rapid (5–10 minutes), noninvasive test (speculum examina- and programmed amniotic cell death [6]. Evidence that sup-
tion is not necessary). This test can be performed from 11 to ports a causal association between PPROM and infection is
42 weeks of pregnancy. The result is not influenced by the vast and includes the fact that microorganisms in the amni-
presence of seminal fluid, urine, blood, or vaginal infections. otic fluid are more frequently present and the rate of histologic
• Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-1 chorioamnionitis is higher in PPROM than in intact mem-
(PROM test): Immune-chromatographic test that detects branes preterm delivery, and the frequency of PPROM is sig-
amniotic fluid in the vaginal secretions. Monoclonal anti- nificantly higher in women with lower genital tract infections
bodies identify IGFBP-1, whose concentration is elevated (e.g. group B streptococcus [GBS] and bacterial vaginosis).
in amniotic fluid (IGFBP-1 ≥10 μg/L: Positive test). The Microorganisms that colonize the lower genital tract pro-
Actim PROM test is easy and rapid. The result is not influ- duce phospholipases, which can stimulate the production of
enced by the presence of urine or seminal fluid, although it prostaglandins and lead to uterine contractions; the immune
can be altered by contamination with blood [2, 4]. response in endocervix and/or fetal membranes leads to the
• Diagnostic panty-liner with polymer-embedded strip: A production of multiple inflammatory mediators (particularly
pad with a reactive strip put in contact with external geni- matrix metalloproteinases) that can weaken membranes and
talia detects the presence of amniotic fluid. result in PPROM [8]. Invasive uterine procedures performed
• Fetal fibronectin: This test is sensitive but not specific for during pregnancy (such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus
PROM—a negative result suggests the absence of PROM sampling, fetoscopy, and cervical cerclage) can damage the
with high accuracy, while a positive result is not diagnostic membranes, causing them to leak.
for PROM. Fetal fibronectin test is not recommended in
the case of PROM [1].
Transabdominal amnioinfusion of dye (indigo carmine,
Evans blue, fluorescein) can be used as a confirmatory test in PPROM can be classified into PPROM <23 weeks (usually
doubtful cases at low gestational ages. Methylene blue must be 16–22 6/7 weeks, also called previable or mid-trimester or very
avoided, as it can cause fetal meta-hemoglobinemia [7]. early PPROM—see also end of this chapter) and PPROM at
23 0/7–36 6/7 weeks. PPROM at 23–36 weeks can be further
subdivided into PPROM at 23–33 6/7 weeks (early PPROM)
Symptoms and PPROM at 34–36 6/7 weeks (late-preterm PPROM—for
management, see also Chap. 21). In 50% of PPROM, labor
Over 90% of women with PPROM report a history of a “gush of fluid.”
occurs within 24 hours, and in 80%–90% within 7 days.
Median latency to delivery after PPROM is similar from 24 to
Incidence 28 weeks’ gestation (about 9 days) and shortens with PPROM
≥29 weeks [9]. The latency with PPROM >30 weeks is usually
PPROM occurs in <1% at <24 weeks, about 1%–3% at 24–33
only 2–4 days.
weeks, and 3%–5% at 34–36 weeks compared with about 8%–10%
for PROM at term. PPROM is associated with about 25%–30% of
all premature births (PTBs). Risk factors
Etiology/Basic pathophysiology The main risk factors for spontaneous PPROM are listed in
Table 20.2 [10]. However, most cases of preterm PROM occur in
Etiology is complex and multifactorial (see Chap. 18). Possible otherwise healthy women without identifiable risk factors. See
mechanisms leading to PPROM are choriodecidual infection, also Chap. 18.
248 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 20.2: Selected Risk Factors for Spontaneous Preterm TABLE 20.3: PPROM Complications
Prelabor Rupture of Membranes
Fetal/Neonatal and Maternal
Maternal Factors PPROM Complications Complications
• Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) in a prior Preterm birth Neonatal RDS, IVH, PVL, NEC, ROP,
pregnancy (recurrence risk is 16%–32% as compared with 4% in perinatal death, long-term infant
women with a prior uncomplicated term delivery) morbidities
• Antepartum vaginal bleeding Intrauterine infection/ Neonatal or maternal sepsis
• Chronic steroid therapy inflammation Childhood neurodevelopmental problems
• Collagen vascular disorders (such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, Chorioamnionitis, endometritis
systemic lupus erythematosus) Umbilical cord Fetal asphyxia
• Direct abdominal trauma compression or prolapse CD
• Preterm labor Abruptio placentae
• Exposure to infections Oligohydramnios Pulmonary hypoplasia and limb deformities
• Cigarette smoking (more frequent in the setting of severe
• Illicit drugs (cocaine) oligohydramnios in the early-to-mid
• Anemia second trimester)
• Low body mass index (BMI 19.8 kg/m2) Umbilical cord compression
• Inadequate maternal weight gain Fetal malpresentation Umbilical cord prolapse
• Nutritional deficiencies of copper and ascorbic acid CD
• Low socioeconomic status
• Unmarried status Source: Adapted from Ref. [11].
See Chap. 18. TABLE 20.4: Approximate Latency Depending on Gestational
Age at PPROM
Preconception counseling
See Chaps. 1 and 18. Women with prior PPROM have a 20%–30% GA at Delivery
chance of PTB, including a 15%–20% chance of recurrent PPROM PPROM (weeks) Mean Latency <48 Hours <7 Days <14 Days
in the next pregnancy. Recurrence is higher in black women.
<24 7 days 20% 40%–50% 70%
These incidences are inversely related with GA at PPROM (the
24–336/7 3–6 days 50% 70%–80% 90%
earlier the GA at PPROM, the higher the recurrence rate) and
interpregnancy interval (shorter than 6 months is particularly 34–366/7 24 hours 70%–80% 90% >95%
associated with higher recurrence). Source: Adapted from Ref. [12].
Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes 249
posterior fornix of the vagina or leakage of fluid from the cervi- antiretroviral therapy, and viral load. The patient should be
cal os at speculum examination, ferning test, and pH test. Such adequately counseled and involved in the clinical choices. See
tests become progressively less accurate when more than 1 hour Chap. 34 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines.
has elapsed after the membranes have ruptured. We still perform
these tests initially, with no need for additional tests in diagnosis Amniocentesis
in about 99% of women with possible PPROM. Alternative tests Amniocentesis is seldom, if ever, used clinically in the manage-
can be used in equivocal cases, but caution is needed due to ment of PROM. It can be of use in rare cases for evaluation of the
the possible misleading results if used without a clinical assess- following:
ment (see earlier). See Table 20.1 for the accuracy of diagnosis of
PPROM with different tests [5]. • Diagnosis: If the diagnosis is in doubt, 1 mL of indigo car-
Tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia infection are indicated mine (not currently available in the United States; alterna-
in high-risk groups beyond the usual serologic third-trimester tives are Evans blue, or fluorescein) in 9 mL of normal saline
screening. GBS culture should be sent from anorectal and vaginal can be injected into the amniotic cavity under continuous
areas. Consider that the proposed antibiotic prophylactic ther- ultrasound guidance. Presence of blue on a pad worn on the
apy (see later) covers GBS and Mycoplasma. Avoid manual/ perineum for 2–4 hours confirms the diagnosis.
digital examination of the cervix in any woman with suspected • Eventual intraamniotic infection: Send amniotic fluid
PPROM and also after PPROM is diagnosed by speculum exami- glucose (<15 mg/dL associated with positive culture), Gram
nation. Digital examination is associated with shorter latency and stain, and culture. Leukocyte esterase, white blood cell
higher incidences of infection [13]. count, and interleukin-6 (IL-6), where available, can also be
used. The role of amniocentesis to rule out intraamniotic
Ultrasound infection is controversial, and it is not routinely performed.
Periodic ultrasound evaluation for presentation, growth, and • Fetal lung maturity (FLM): Assessment of fetal maturity
amniotic fluid is suggested. Oligohydramnios per se is not an can be obtained from amniotic fluid by amniocentesis or
indication for delivery at the lowest GA. Fifty to seventy percent of from the vaginal pool [21]. The predictive value of lung matu-
PPROM cases have low amniotic fluid volume on initial sonogra- rity tests is not modified by PPROM. Phosphatidylglycerol
phy, and low amniotic fluid volume is associated with an increased (PG) and lamellar body counts (LBC) are accurate when
risk of shorter latency (the lower the amniotic fluid index, the tested in the vaginal pool. PG is not accurate in the pres-
shorter the latency between PROM and delivery) and umbilical ence of meconium or blood, LBC is not accurate in the
cord compression [14, 15]. Patients with nonvertex presentations presence of meconium, while the TDx/FLM is accurate
have a higher risk for prolapsed umbilical cord and of an unin- with blood and/or meconium in the vaginal pool, yielding
tended vaginal delivery when compared with vertex presentations. results similar to those observed with samples obtained
PPROM may also interfere with fetal growth; thus Doppler sur- with amniocentesis. Demonstration of a mature fetal lung
veillance is recommended in the case of fetal growth restriction index by antenatal testing does not improve neonatal out-
[FGR], with the consequent management (see Chap. 47 in Maternal comes [19]. FLM testing is not clinically useful, and it is
Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). In a recent meta-analysis evalu- no longer recommended [20].
ating the impact of oligohydramnios following PPROM, the risk of
delivery within the first 2 days and the rate of neonatal death and Meconium
respiratory distress syndrome were increased, whereas the risk of Meconium-stained amniotic fluid is associated with higher fre-
placental abruption was not significant [16]. In a recent prospec- quencies of clinical chorioamnionitis and positive amniotic fluid
tive study, the presence of hyperechoic membranes at ultrasound cultures when compared to clear amniotic fluid. In the absence of
assessment was associated with a higher incidence of spontaneous chorioamnionitis, meconium alone is not an indication for inter-
onset of labor within 72 hours independently from the gestational vention; however, its presence is an exclusion criterion from most
age at PPROM [17]. See also Chap. 18. randomized studies regarding expectancy. See Chap. 25.
outpatient management was associated with similar inci- likelihood to deliver within 7 days of membrane rupture (RR
dences of perinatal mortality (relative risk [RR] 1.93, 95% con- 0.18) [33]. These results are encouraging but limited by the sparse
fidence interval [CI] 0.19–20.05), serious neonatal morbidity, data and low methodological robustness [33]. Transcervical
chorioamnionitis, GA at delivery, birth weight, and admission amnioinfusion to prevent NRFHT is discussed later, under the
to neonatal intensive care unit, as well as cesarean delivery (CD) section “Delivery.”
(RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.07–1.15). There was no information on serious
maternal morbidity or mortality. Mothers randomized to care at Corticosteroids for fetal/Neonatal
home spent approximately 10 fewer days as inpatients and were maturation and benefit
more satisfied with their care. Furthermore, home care was asso- A single course of corticosteroids is recommended for preg-
ciated with reduced costs [21]. Evidence on the role of bed rest nant women between 240/7 weeks and 340/7 weeks of gestation
or activity restriction on latency and perinatal outcomes is who are at risk of PTB [34]. Antenatal corticosteroid therapy in
poor; these interventions are not recommended [23, 24]. cases of intact or ruptured membranes or PPROM is associated
with lower combined fetal and neonatal death (RR 0.72, 95% CI
Maternal surveillance 0.58–0.89), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) (RR 0.66, 95%
All women with PPROM should be monitored for infection CI 0.56–0.77), fewer intracranial hemorrhages (RR 0.55, 95%
by assessment of clinical parameters (e.g. fever, maternal/fetal CI 0.40–0.76), and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) (RR 0.50,
tachycardia, uterine tenderness, and purulent vaginal discharge). 95% CI 0.32–0.78). There is no evidence that membrane status
A diagnosis of chorioamnionitis is usually made by the presence leads to differences in maternal death, chorioamnionitis, puer-
of two or more of these criteria. The value of the novel definition peral sepsis, or perinatal death [35]. A course of antenatal steroid
of “Triple I” is not well defined in the context of PPROM [25]. The therapy (24 mg of betamethasone—12 mg IM every 24 hours—
presence of fever of unknown origin in the presence of PPROM is or 24 mg of dexamethasone—6 mg IM every 12 hours) should
highly suspicious for chorioamnionitis. The higher the incidence not be repeated in patients with PPROM, since weekly courses do
of chorioamnionitis, the shorter the latency period. See Chap. 24. improve severe RDS, resulting in less composite neonatal mor-
There is no clear evidence to support the use of C-reactive bidity among neonates delivered at 24–27 weeks, but are associ-
protein (CRP) or procalcitonin (PCT) for the early diagnosis of ated with shorter latency, higher risks of chorioamnionitis and
chorioamnionitis. CRP shows better sensitivity (0.71; 95% CI neonatal sepsis, and no improvement in overall composite neona-
0.53–0.84) and better specificity (0.75; 95% CI 0.55–0.88) com- tal morbidity [34, 35].
pared with PCT (sensitivity 0.50; 95% CI 0.28–0.73 and speci- A single rescue course of antenatal corticosteroids may be
ficity 0.72; 95% CI 0.51–0.87) in diagnosing clinical or histologic considered if the antecedent treatment was given more than
chorioamnionitis. Maternal leukocytosis at admission is associ- 2 weeks prior, the GA is less than 326/7 weeks, and the woman
ated with higher adverse infant neurodevelopmental outcomes at is judged to be likely to give birth within the next week [36,
2 years of age in a study [26, 27]. 37]. If the initial course was given at less than 26 weeks of gesta-
tion, a single repeated course may be considered if the delivery is
Fetal surveillance (antepartum testing) expected within 1 week. A single rescue corticosteroid course in
Fetal surveillance is based mainly on NST and biophysical profile PPROM is not associated with an increased rate of neonatal sep-
score (BPS). Abnormalities of these tests can be somewhat pre- sis [38], maternal chorioamnionitis, or neonatal morbidity (see
dictive of fetal infection or umbilical cord compression related also Chap. 18) [39].
to oligohydramnios. There is insufficient evidence to assess the Prior to 23 weeks’ gestation there is a paucity of data on the
optimal test or frequency of testing. NST or BPS performed efficacy of corticosteroids in women with PPROM; moreover, at
daily has poor sensitivity (39% and 25%, respectively) and simi- low GAs there are only a few primitive alveoli on which the drug
lar predictive values for predicting infection [28]. No improve- can exert an effect to improve lung tissue, but the beneficial
ment in perinatal outcome has been reported in one trial effect could be related to the maturation of other organ func-
[29]. Given the lower cost, NST is usually suggested for daily tion. A large study from the United States observed a reduction
(e.g. continuously for the first 24 hours, then three times per day of death, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), periventricular
for about 30–60 minutes) to twice-a-week fetal surveillance. leukomalacia (PVL), and NEC in neonates exposed to steroids
Monitoring may be more frequent with oligohydramnios, because at 23–25 weeks [40].
it is associated with an increased risk of umbilical cord compres- At 23 weeks it is reasonable to administer corticosteroids if
sion and shorter latency, with a preference for BPS as a backup if delivery in the next 7 days and active intensive care are antici-
the NST is nonreassuring. One non-RCT study supports continu- pated [21, 22, 41]. The decision should be always discussed.
ous fetal monitoring (CFM) in the management of PPROM [30], A recent randomized study of steroids for fetal maturity includ-
but there is insufficient evidence for a recommendation, and most ing 620 cases of late PPROM at 34 and 36 + 6 weeks showed a
practitioners and patients adopt intermittent (e.g. 1 hour every reduction of respiratory complications (RR 0.67, % CI 0.53–0.84)
8–12 hours) fetal monitoring for inpatient management of and an increase of hypoglycemia (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.37–1.87).
PPROM. Moreover, continuous prolonged fetal monitoring may PPROM data were not analyzed separately (See Chap. 21) [42].
not be practically feasible [31] and is associated with higher rates of
intervention and CD compared with periodic NST, with no effect Antibiotics for prolongation of latency
on perinatal mortality [32]. See previous paragraph on Ultrasound. and fetal/Neonatal benefit
Administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics is indicated, as it
Amnioinfusion for prolonging latency after viability prolongs pregnancy and reduces maternal and neonatal infections
Transabdominal amnioinfusion is associated with a reduction and GA-dependent morbidity. A systematic review of placebo-
in neonatal death (RR 0.30), neonatal sepsis (RR 0.26), pulmo- controlled randomized trials involving over 6800 women evalu-
nary hypoplasia (RR 0.22), puerperal sepsis (RR 0.20), and less ated the use of antibiotics following PPROM before 37 weeks of
Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes 251
gestation. Compared with placebo, antibiotics for women with Azithromycin can be used instead of erythromycin [5, 53].
PPROM are associated with short-term benefits for both women A retrospective comparison between azithromycin and erythro-
and neonates [43, 44], in particular: mycin in addition to ampicillin in PPROM showed no differences
in latency or maternal/fetal outcomes [54]. Another retrospective
• Maternal: 34% less chorioamnionitis cohort study comparing erythromycin and azithromycin similarly
• Fetal/Neonatal: found no difference in latency to delivery [55]. A cost-effectiveness
• 29% reduction in PTB within 48 hours analysis demonstrated cost benefits for azithromycin [56]. A pro-
• 21% reduction in PTB within 7 days spective cohort study demonstrated that azithromycin instead of
• 33% reduction in neonatal infection erythromycin was associated with lower rates and decreased risk of
• 21% reduction in positive neonatal blood culture clinical chorioamnionitis, neonatal sepsis, and postpartum endo-
• 17% reduction in use of surfactant metritis with no difference in pregnancy latency [57].
• 12% reduction in use of oxygen therapy Azithromycin can be administrated as a single oral dose of 1 g
• 19% reduction in abnormal cerebral ultrasound [55, 57], even if there are several commonly used doses and there is
scans (including IVH) prior to discharge from hospital no standard dosing regimen. A retrospective cohort study compar-
• 5 fewer days in neonatal intensive care unit (5.05 ing different dosing regimens of azithromycin versus erythromycin
[–9.77, –0.33]) in PPROM reported no difference in latency to delivery, incidence
• 10% prolongation of pregnancy of chorioamnionitis, or neonatal outcomes. An extended course
• Decreasing trend in perinatal mortality (RR 0.93, 95% of azithromycin beyond the single-day dosing suggested by some
CI 0.76–1.14) authors [53] is considered insufficient by others to maintain an
• Decreased rates of RDS and NEC with ampicillin and inhibitory concentration in the amniotic fluid [58, 59].
erythromycin treatment (see later) [45] The mechanism of action of single antibiotic drugs should also
be considered. Macrolides diffuse slowly in the tissues and act
A meta-analysis limited to PPROM before 34 weeks showed mainly on gram-positive microorganisms and Chlamydia; more-
similar results [46]. The ORACLE study evaluated children’s health over, the microorganism disruption in the phagocyte prevents
at 7 years and found no difference in any functional impairment prostaglandin release and the consequent inflammatory cascade
after prescription of erythromycin, with or without co-amoxiclav, activation. Compared with erythromycin, azithromycin has an
compared with those born to mothers who received no erythromy- increased pharmacokinetic distribution, a longer half-life, and a
cin or after prescription of co-amoxiclav, with or without eryth- slower elimination rate.
romycin, compared with those born to mothers who received no Azithromycin is easy to administer, has decreased dosing fre-
co-amoxiclav. Long-term adverse effects of antepartum prophy- quency, fewer side effects, and decreased cost [60, 61].
lactic antibiotics for PPROM have not been observed in children Cephalosporins have few side effects and a broad-spectrum anti-
followed to age 7 years [47]. This finding is in contrast to the obser- bacterial effect [62]. A randomized trial comparing cefazolin plus
vation from the same authors that in patients with spontaneous macrolide (erythromycin or clarithromycin) versus cefazolin alone
preterm labor (PTL) and intact membranes, the rate of cerebral in PPROM showed no difference among the three antibiotic regi-
palsy was increased in children with in utero exposure to antibiot- mens in terms of newborn outcome [49]. In a large trial, amoxicil-
ics [48]. These results suggest that further caution should be used lin/clavulanate was associated with an increased risk of neonatal
when considering the routine treatment of women with antibiotics NEC, although there is no consistent trend toward a positive or
if there is uncertainty about the diagnosis of PROM. negative effect of broad-spectrum antibiotics for NEC in the lit-
Benefits in short-term outcomes (prolongation of pregnancy, erature [45, 47]. According to a Cochrane review, co-amoxiclav
infection, need for respiratory therapy, less abnormal cerebral should be avoided in women at risk of PTB due to an increased
ultrasound before discharge from hospital, etc.) should be bal- risk of neonatal NEC (RR 4.72, 95% CI 1.57–14.23). Possible antibi-
anced against a lack of evidence of benefit for other outcomes, otic regimens are listed in Table 20.5. Our preference is ampicillin
especially long-term outcomes, such as the effect of in utero
exposure to antibiotics on the child’s gut microbiota and on mat- TABLE 20.5: Possible Antibiotic Regimens
uration from the infant to the adult microbiome.
Ref. Antibiotic Dose
Antibiotic type [55, 57] Ampicillin 2 g IV, then 1 g IV every 6 hours and
Multiple regimens have demonstrated benefit, but there is insuf- Azithromycin 1000 mg PO single dose; or 500 mg PO
ficient evidence on the optimal antibiotic type (and regimen) in single dose every 24 hours for 3 days
women with PPROM. Frequently used antibiotics are penicil- followed by
lins or macrolides. Antibiotic regimens may consist of an initial Amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours for 4 days
parenteral phase, followed by an oral phase. A 7-day course of [54] Ampicillin 2 g IV every 6 hours and
therapy of latency antibiotics with a combination of intravenous Erythromycin 250 mg IV every 6 hours for 48 hours
ampicillin and erythromycin followed by oral amoxicillin and followed by
erythromycin is recommended during expectant management
Amoxicillin 250 mg PO every 8 hours and
of women with PPROM [5, 45, 47–50]. In patients allergic to beta-
Erythromycin 333 mg PO every 8 hours for 5 days
lactam antibiotics, macrolide antibiotics should be used alone
[52] Erythromycin 250 mg PO every 6 hours for a maximum of
[43, 45, 46, 51, 52] or another agent effective against GBS can be
10 days
considered. Since there are no evidence-based alternatives, the
choice of antibiotic type should be based on the severity of the [49] Cefazolin 1 g IV every 6 hours and
reported allergic reaction and antibiotic susceptibility results of Erythromycin 250 mg PO every 6 hours for 7 days
the GBS culture, if available [5]. Source: Adapted from Refs. [47–62].
252 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
2 g IV, then 1 g every 6 hours and azithromycin 1000 mg PO single demonstrated by randomized trials (cumulative absolute risk
dose, or 500 mg PO single dose every 24 hours for 3 days, followed reduction of 1.7) [68–72]. Results in PPROM cases were not
by amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours for 4 days. reported separately in any study, but constituted almost the 90%
Women with PPROM should be screened for GBS [5]. Patients of the population in the largest study [72]. In the absence of evi-
with PPROM in whom intrapartum GBS prophylaxis is indicated dence for an optimal dose of magnesium sulfate, scientific societ-
should receive intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis regardless of ies suggested adopting the minimum dosage used in the published
previous antibiotic treatments [63]. See Chap. 39 of Maternal- trials and when delivery appears imminent at <34 weeks [73, 74].
Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines. Further, a recent guideline by the Society of Obstetricians and
Detection of specific cervicovaginal pathogens should be Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) stated that maintenance infu-
appropriately treated (see Chaps. 34–38 of Maternal-Fetal sion is not necessarily required and that administration of mag-
Evidence Based Guidelines) even if routine cervicovaginal swab nesium sulfate should not influence decisions about neonatal
analysis, except for GBS, is not indicated. Women with PPROM resuscitation [75]. We administer magnesium sulfate 2–4 g load
screened for urinary tract infections should be treated with over 20 minutes, followed by 1 g/hour predelivery (see Chap. 19).
appropriate antibiotics if positive.
Clinical chorioamnionitis requires therapeutic antibiotics Progesterone
(see Chap. 24). For example, ampicillin (2 g IV every 6 hours) Progesterone (17P) or rectal progesterone is not associated with
or cefazolin (1 g IV every 6 hours), plus gentamicin (3–5 mg/kg increased latency, and administration should not be commenced
single dose IV every 24 hours). In case of CD, an additional sin- once a patient has experienced PPROM [76]. Vaginal progesterone
gle dose of antibiotic therapy is suggested (or more doses based administration could increase the risk of ascending infection and
on the clinical course), and further prophylactic antibiotics for should be discontinued in the absence of evidence of benefit [77].
anaerobe coverage is indicated (clindamycin 900 mg IV or met-
ronidazole 500 mg IV) (see also Chap. 14). Intrapartum GBS pro- Vitamin supplementation
phylaxis should be given until culture results are available and There is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of vitamin sup-
to carriers. There are insufficient data to assess the need for this plementation in women with PPROM [78]. Vitamin D and vitamin
intervention in women with PPROM in whom GBS is sensitive to C may have potential benefits, but it has not been proved yet [79].
antibiotics—like ampicillin—already given for PPROM. The sug- In one small trial, compared with placebo, vitamin C 500 mg and
gested regimen is penicillin (5 million units IV and then 2.5 mil- vitamin E 400 IU daily in women with PPROM at 26–34 weeks
lion units every 4 hours) or (if unavailable) ampicillin (2 g IV, then were associated with 7-day prolongation in latency, but no other
1 g every 4 hours). effects on maternal or neonatal morbidity and mortality [80]. In
a recent RCT, the use of vitamins C 1000 mg and E 400 IU in
Tocolysis for prolongation of latency women with PPROM was associated with a longer latency period
and fetal/Neonatal benefit before delivery. Adverse neonatal and maternal outcomes, which
In a Cochrane review, tocolysis was associated with longer latency are often associated with prolonged latency periods, were similar
(mean difference [MD] 73.12 hours; 95% CI 20.21–126.03) and between groups [81]. Deficiency in vitamin D has been associated
fewer births within 48 hours (average RR 0.55; 95% CI 0.32–0.95). with several adverse pregnancy outcomes, including PTB [82, 83].
However, tocolysis was associated with increased incidence of In a study of asymptomatic women who developed PPROM later
5-minute Apgar of less than 7 (RR 6.05; 95% CI 1.65–22.23) and in pregnancy, Vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP) was signifi-
increased need for ventilation of the neonate (RR 2.46; 95% CI cantly elevated. VDBP concentrations increase in pregnancy and
1.14–5.34), while it was not associated with a significant effect on thus influence the biologically active form of vitamin D, free vita-
perinatal mortality. For women with PPROM before 34 weeks, min D. In this research VDBP and other proteins are responsible
there was a significantly increased risk of chorioamnionitis; for some processes underlying membrane rupture [84].
neonatal outcomes were not significantly different. Therefore,
there is insufficient evidence to support tocolytic therapy for Cerclage removal
women with PPROM, and in fact there is evidence to recom- PPROM occurs in about 38% of women with cerclage in place
mend against this intervention, as there was an increase in [85]. The benefit of a retained cerclage to prolong latency and
maternal chorioamnionitis without significant benefits to the decrease complications related to prematurity has to be weighed
infant. However, the included studies did not consistently admin- against the risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes [86,
ister antibiotics and corticosteroids, both of which are now consid- 87]. Leaving the cerclage in place >24 hours is associated with
ered standard of care [64]. A recent large retrospective study with a longer latency >48 hours (94% vs. 51%; odds ratio [OR] 16.1,
90% use of antibiotic and corticosteroids shows no differences in 95% CI 3.7–71.3), but also significantly increased maternal and
the prolongation of pregnancy and histologic chorioamnionitis, fetal/neonatal infection risks, such as chorioamnionitis (43%
confirming no neonatal benefits of this practice [65]. vs. 20%; OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.7–5.0) and neonatal mortality from
Long-term tocolysis >48 hours is associated with a nonsig- sepsis (12% vs. 1%; OR 13.2, 95% CI 1.6–108.3) and a trend for
nificant prolongation of pregnancy and no differences in neo- more neonatal sepsis (13% vs. 6%; OR 2.4, 95% CI 0.9-6.0) and
natal complications, but increased rate of chorioamnionitis and neonatal mortality (17% vs. 10%; OR 2.0, 95% CI 0.9–4.3) [37, 38,
postpartum endometritis. It should therefore be avoided [66]. 85]. A recent small, randomized trial, stopped after an interim
In agreement, a recent trial that was stopped before ending the analysis, showed no differences between the two managements
recruitment did not show a beneficial effect [67]. in terms of latency, infection, and composite neonatal outcomes.
However, there was a numerical trend in the direction of less
Magnesium sulfate for fetal neuroprotection infectious morbidity in case of immediate cerclage removal
A protective role of magnesium sulfate against the risk of cere- [88]. In a recent meta-analysis, cerclage retention after PPROM
bral palsy in preterm infants born before 34 weeks has been did not significantly prolong the gestational latency period, but
Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes 253
it increased the rates of delivery after the first 48 hours. It did risk of neonatal sepsis in the subgroup of patients with a positive
not significantly increase the rates of neonatal sepsis or neona- vaginal culture at the time of randomization [96, 97].
tal death. Maternal chorioamnionitis was more prevalent among At 340/7–366/7 weeks either delivery or a cautious expectant
women with cerclage retention (OR 1.78) [89]. Therefore, in most management policy should be offered. Parent opinion, even-
cases, cerclage should be removed in women upon diagnosis tual vaginal colonization status, and GA at presentation after 34
of PPROM, especially if corticosteroids have been previously weeks should be considered to balance the risk and benefit of con-
administered and if GA is >32 weeks. servative management (see Chap. 21).
Incidence 0.8% of the general obstetric population [101]. The risk is highest
The incidence is about 0.6% of pregnancies. with lower GA at PPROM and with vaginal bleeding occurring
prior to or after membrane rupture [110].
Etiology/Basic pathophysiology
There are two different categories: Spontaneous and iatrogenic. Cord prolapse
Risk factors for spontaneous PPROM <23 weeks are simi- The incidence of prolapse is about 2%. The risk is higher (11% in
lar to those for PTL and for PPROM later in pregnancy (see one study) in the setting of nonvertex fetal presentations [111].
Table 20.2 and Table 18.1 in Chap. 18). The major risk factors are
a prior history of PPROM or PTB and intraamniotic infection. Fetal death
Fluid leakage or PPROM occurs in about 1% of second-trimester Fetal demise is primarily related to abruption, cord prolapse and
amniocenteses [88], 3%–5% of diagnostic fetoscopies, and 30%– compression, or infection. The average risk of fetal death after
40% of fetal surgery procedures [101]. mid-trimester PPROM is about 10%, and it is difficult to deter-
mine which pregnancies will reach viability [112].
Incidences of most complications are inversely proportional to Pulmonary hypoplasia
GA at PPROM, latency, residual amniotic fluid volume, and Pulmonary hypoplasia (PH) is characterized by a decrease in
GA at delivery. the number of lung cells, airways, and alveoli, mainly due in the
context of PPROM to alterations of normal amniotic fluid pres-
Fetal/Neonatal sure and egress of lung fluid during the canalicular stage of lung
Neonatal death development (ending at nearly 24 weeks) (Figure 20.2). The gold
Published data on neonatal survival after early PPROM varies standard for the diagnosis of PH is lung weight by autopsy. The
widely (20%–68%) [102–106]. The mortality rates may be under- incidence of PH resulting from mid-trimester PPROM varies
estimated by selection bias due to the high rate of elective ter- from 13% to 28% [113, 114]. The mortality rate in neonates with
mination prior to viability and consequent inclusion of patients this condition is 50%–95% [115]. The main independent reported
who chose to continue pregnancy or who have experienced initial risk factors for development of PH are as follows: (1) early GA at
latency. In 2012 an interesting study compared perinatal out- membrane rupture [114, 116]—a risk of 50%–60% was reported
comes of two settings with different rates of elective termination when PPROM occurs at 20 weeks or less—and (2) low residual
of pregnancy (TOP) (assuming that patients with a poorer prog- amniotic fluid volume [117]. PH is more common among pregnan-
nosis opted more frequently for TOP). Perinatal outcomes (mean cies with oligohydramnios (defined by maximum vertical pocket
GA at delivery, latency, birth weight, and survival) were better in <2 or amniotic fetal index [AFI] <5), after controlling for GA at
the centers with a lower TOP rate; in particular, survival among rupture. Incidences of PH with severe, moderate, and absent-to-
live births was 95.8% in the center with lower TOP and 65% in the mild oligohydramnios are 43%, 21%, and 7%, respectively [118].
center with higher TOP [105]. A retrospective study on 58 women Candidate tests to diagnose PH prenatally are the following:
with prolonged PPROM at less than 24 weeks reported a survival Ultrasound measurement of amniotic fluid, fetal breathing move-
rate in newborns of 90%, although pulmonary morbidities were ments, fetal chest circumference, lung length, lung volume, fetal
common [98, 106]. Recent reports on perinatal survival in PROM lung area to head circumference ratio (LHR), Doppler studies of
<24 weeks involved patients routinely managed with antibiotics, pulmonary vessels, and O2 tests. In general, the predictive accuracy
antenatal steroids, postnatal surfactant, and high-frequency ven- is poor and may be improved by combining tests [116, 119, 120].
tilation. A comparison between PPROM less than 25.0 weeks and
25.0–31.9 weeks showed a higher rate of severe composite neona- Fetal compression syndrome
tal morbidity and composite severe childhood morbidity in case In early PPROM, asymmetric intrauterine pressure and restric-
of early PPROM. Neonatal death occurred in nearly 17% of early tion in fetal movement can lead to limb position deformities
PPROM. Neonatal mortality is comparable to that in preterm and craniofacial defects of variable severity, originally described
deliveries matched for GA without PPROM. in the context of renal agenesis. The mean frequency of skeletal
deformities is 7%. Prolonged latency and severity of oligohydram-
Chorioamnionitis nios independently increase the risk of skeletal abnormalities and
Antenatal infection is the major complication limiting the act synergistically [121]. The GA at PPROM is not a significant
latency interval. If clinical infection occurs at any time dur- determinant due to the progressive and continuous development
ing the latency period, delivery is indicated. Chorioamnionitis of the axial skeleton.
complicates about 40% of cases of mid-trimester PPROM [107]. Increased likelihood of skeletal deformities observed among
The occurrence of chorioamnionitis is higher early in the latency infants diagnosed with PH suggests that the two disorders share
period; more than 50% of cases occur within the first 7 days common risk factors. Surgical correction is not generally required,
after rupture, with the maximum clinical occurrence on 2–5 as they resolve with postnatal growth and physiotherapy.
days [108]. After the first week of latency, the incidence falls,
suggesting that subclinical uterine or chorioamniotic infections Other morbidities
that weaken membranes and cause rupture were probably pres- Other neonatal morbidities are similar to that in PTB and are
ent before, whereas bacteria migration is a less important com- related to GA at PPROM. These include RDS, bronchopulmo-
ponent. The risk of chorioamnionitis is inversely proportional to nary dysplasia (BPD), IVH, NEC, sepsis, and retinopathy of
residual amniotic fluid volume [109]. prematurity. The incidence of neonatal IVH and cystic PVL
increases in cases complicated by clinical chorioamnionitis [122].
Placental abruption Since mid-trimester PPROM is associated with early delivery and
Abruptio placentae is more frequent in pregnancies with mid- infections, it constitutes a potential risk factor for long-term neu-
trimester PPROM, occurring in up to 44% of cases compared with rologic morbidities. There may be a higher risk of PVL in infants
Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes 255
born after prolonged PPROM compared with other types of pre- opportunity for survival and reduce morbidities among survivors
maturity. Prolonged latency in mid-trimester PROM patients is (See Chap. 18) [41].
not associated with an increasing frequency of abnormal neona-
tal cranial ultrasound examination [108]. Retained placenta
The risk of undergoing either uterine exploration or curettage is
Long-term morbidities 9%–18% and more likely if rupture occurs prior to 20 weeks of
About 63%–84% of survivors after mid-trimester PPROM will be gestation.
neurologically intact [113]. Cerebral palsy rate in a group of 275
pregnancies complicated by early PPROM was 9.8% [106]. Postpartum endometritis
This condition occurs in about 13% of cases. Postpartum mater-
Maternal nal sepsis (about 0.8%) and death (about 1/1000) are uncommon.
Cesarean delivery The risk of maternal infection is inversely proportional to the
Higher CD rates are mainly due to common fetal heart rate abnor- latency period.
malities (related to oligohydramnios and chorioamnionitis), mal-
presentation, and abruptio. A traditional uterine incision may be Management
required to reduce fetal trauma at early GA (oligohydramnios, Counseling
fetal malpresentation, and lower uterine segment characteristics Parents should be counseled regarding the prognosis, complications,
constitute risk factors). In general, CD should be avoided before and management of PPROM <23 weeks. The options are expectant
22 weeks, if possible, and neonates should receive palliative care. management or delivery. The impact of immediate delivery on neo-
Because most newborns at 24–25 weeks of gestation will survive natal outcome and the potential benefits and risks of conservative
if resuscitated, efforts to prolong pregnancy, intrapartum inter- management should be reviewed. PPROM related to genetic amnio-
ventions for fetal benefit, and neonatal resuscitation should gen- centesis is associated with favorable outcomes even with expectant
erally be offered, if appropriate. Special consideration is needed management (91%–99% perinatal survival), which is very different
if the newborn is at 22–23 weeks of gestation: Management deci- than the prognosis with spontaneous PPROM <23 weeks.
sions will need to be made based on whether the fetus is con- Incidences of most complications are inversely proportional to
sidered potentially viable on individual clinical circumstances GA at PPROM, latency, residual amniotic fluid volume, and
and whether the family desires aggressive measures to improve GA at delivery.
the potential for newborn survival after birth. In general, those The latency period between membrane rupture and delivery is
born at 23 weeks of gestation should be considered potentially critical in determining perinatal outcome.
viable, as survival with resuscitation is 26%–28% or more. Those Latency is indirectly correlated with GA at PPROM (Table 20.4)
considered nonviable at 22–23 weeks of gestation can be treated [12]. While the mean latency is about 7 days, the median latency
similarly to pregnancies at 20–21 weeks of gestation, while those may be up to about 10–21 days. Up to 14% of women with mid-
considered potentially viable should be treated consistent with trimester PPROM stop amniotic fluid loss, presumably due to
similar pregnancies at 24–25 weeks of gestation. If feasible, deliv- resealing of membranes. This subgroup of cases has similar out-
ery of potentially viable infants should be undertaken in settings comes to uncomplicated pregnancies. In 10%–20% of patients,
in which resources are available to care for extremely small and amniotic fluid loss continues, but a partial reaccumulation during
immature infants. This approach has the potential to increase the expectant management is observed [114].
256 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Oligohydramnios (AFI <5 or mean vertical pocket [MVP] GBS culture and prophylaxis
<2 cm) on admission, during the latency period, or at the last In a previable PROM, a rectovaginal GBS culture should be
ultrasonographic examination is associated with shorter obtained. Antibiotics for GBS carrier or unknown carrier status
latency and higher occurrences of PH, chorioamnionitis, should be started from 23 weeks.
and perinatal mortality [123]. Conversely, adequate residual
amniotic fluid volume identifies cases with elevated odds of Antibiotics
perinatal survival (85%–93%) and better long-term neurologic In 2016, ACOG [126] stated that most studies on antibiotic pro-
outcomes [123]. phylaxis with preterm PROM enrolled patients only after 24 0/7
In a retrospective cohort of 92 cases of PPROM under 24 weeks, weeks of gestation; thus there are no adequate data to assess the
the overall neonatal survival rate at discharge was 85%; the sur- risks and benefits of such treatment at earlier GAs. However, it is
vival rate was lower and the developmental delay more frequent reasonable to offer a course of antibiotics for pregnancy pro-
in patients with persistent oligohydramnios compared to those longation to patients with previable PROM (usually ≥20 weeks)
with normal amniotic fluid volume [124]. who choose expectant management [41].
is reported [132]. Subclinical leakage after amniocentesis may between the mechanical sealing group and the standard care
occur more frequently than initially thought [133]. In these cases, control in relation to the incidence of neonatal sepsis (RR 1.19,
outcomes are better than after spontaneous PPROM, and reaccu- 95% CI 0.28–5.09 [very low-quality evidence]) or chorioamnio-
mulation of normal amniotic fluid volume is more probable [134]. nitis (RR 1.19, 95% CI 0.28–5.09 [very low-quality evidence]).
Parameters that have been suggested to affect iPPROM rates Concerning oral immunologic membrane sealant versus stan-
are the diameter of the surgical instrument and the number of dard care (one study, data from 94 participants), no data were
entries to the uterine cavity [135]. Other possible risk factors available for perinatal mortality (this review’s primary outcome)
are duration and difficulty of the procedure, operator experi- or for the majority of this review’s infant and maternal secondary
ence, membrane friction due to instrument manipulation, type outcomes. Compared to standard care, the immunologic mem-
of anesthesia, GA at intervention, number of interventions, and brane sealant was associated with a reduction in PTB less than
placental location. In one review the maximum diameter of the 37 weeks (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.34–0.68 [very low-quality evidence])
instrument predicted iPPROM rate, GA at birth, and fetal sur- and a reduction in neonatal death (RR 0.38, 95% CI 0.19–0.75
vival [136]. [very low-quality evidence]). However, there was no clear differ-
In a retrospective study of 1092 cases of Twin-to-twin transfu- ence between groups in terms of neonatal sepsis (RR 0.64, 95%
sion syndrome (TTTS) operated by fetal laser coagulation between CI 0.28–1.46 [very low-quality evidence]) or respiratory distress
2000 and 2016 [137], both survival and PPROM rates rose; in par- syndrome (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.28–1.46 [very low-quality evi-
ticular, PPROM <32 weeks increased from 15% to 40% along with dence]). In conclusion there is insufficient evidence to recom-
an overall improvement of perinatal outcomes: Dual survival rose mend sealing procedures for PPROM.
from 42% to 66%, whereas dual losses dropped twofold, from 19% There was limited evidence to suggest that an immunologic
to 9%. GA at surgery at <17 weeks was a significant risk factor for membrane sealant was associated with a reduction in PTB at less
PPROM, with an additional risk of 10% within the first week of than 37 weeks and neonatal death, but these results should be
surgery. Although early PPROM at <20 weeks carried a 56% risk interpreted with caution, as this is based on one small study, with
of miscarriage, the occurrence of PPROM at >20 weeks did not a high risk of bias, and the intervention has not been tested in
affect survival, despite an increase in PTB at <32 weeks. Surgical other studies.
technique is probably the most prominent factor. Substantial Even if such practices have not yet been incorporated into
changes were introduced throughout the study period: First, a clinical practice, current experience suggests that in cases of fluid
gradual improvement in the selectivity of the procedure between leakage following an invasive fetal procedure, the use of seal-
2000 and 2008 and secondly, the introduction of the “Solomon” ing techniques is a therapeutic option that should be researched
technique, which consists of a continuous chorionic coagulation further.
along the vascular equator. Recent reports [138] stated that the
Solomon technique could improve perinatal survival, but there PPROM in twin gestations
are concerns that the amount of coagulation required to com
plete the procedure could lead to significant placental damage, Overall, PPROM complicates 7%–8% of twin pregnancies at
increasing the occurrence of PPROM and preterm birth. a mean GA of 30–32 weeks (see also Chap. 46, in Maternal-
Several techniques have been developed in an attempt to arti- Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). PPROM occurs at an earlier
ficially reseal the fetal membranes and prevent leakage of amni- GA among multiple gestations, with 36% of twin PPROM cases
otic fluid. These include intraamniotic injection of platelets and occurring at less than 28 weeks. PPROM in singleton pregnan-
cryoprecipitate (amniopatch), sealing the cervical canal [139]. cies is related mainly to infection/inflammation, while PPROM in
Compared to spontaneous PPROM, iPPROM is not only a dif- twin gestation may probably be more related to uterine overdis-
ferent entity etiologically but also has a better response to thera- tension. The latency period seems to be shorter in twins com-
peutic measures. One report demonstrated successful membrane pared with singleton pregnancies [144].
sealing for persistent oligohydramnios after amniocentesis and Most studies report a median latency of less than 24 hours
fetoscopy in seven women, using intraamniotic injection of plate- with only 16%–50% of twin pregnancies remaining undelivered
lets and cryoprecipitate through a 22-gauge needle [140]. at 48 hours, decreasing to 7%–22% at 7 days. Latency tends to be
According to a review of cases of iPPROM, amniopatch effec- longer when PPROM occurs before 30 weeks of gestation [145].
tively seals the fetal membranes in over two-thirds of cases [141]. The membrane rupture usually occurs in the lower sac (90% of
A retrospective analysis of 24 amniopatch procedures performed cases) [146].
for PPROM after a needle-based procedure or after fetoscopic Most studies comparing obstetric outcome between single-
intervention reported a success rate of 58% [142]. ton and twin pregnancies with PPROM reported no differ-
A Cochrane review of 2016 [143] included two studies (involv- ence in neonatal outcome [147]. A retrospective cohort of 23
ing 141 women, with data from 124 women), both considered multifetal pregnancies complicated by PPROM before 260/7 weeks
being at high risk of bias. Meta-analysis was not possible because showed a median latency of 11 days with expectant management.
the included studies examined different interventions (both in Of the 46 newborns, 20 (43%) survived to hospital discharge. Of
comparison with standard care) and reported on few, but differ- these, 12 (60%) experienced severe neonatal morbidity. The mul-
ent, outcomes. One study compared cervical adapter (mechani- tiple pregnancy cases with ruptured membranes were more likely
cal sealing), and the other study examined an immunologic to experience intrauterine fetal demise, but all other outcomes
membrane sealant. Neither of the included studies reported on did not differ by membrane status [148]. In 48 multiple pregnan-
this review’s primary outcome of interest—perinatal mortality. cies complicated by PPROM and delivering at a median GA of
Similarly, data were not reported for the majority of this review’s 31 weeks, neonatal morbidity and mortality were not different
secondary infant and maternal outcomes. Concerning cervi- between the presenting and nonpresenting twin, and no difference
cal adapter (mechanical sealing) versus standard care (one was found between fetuses with or without a ruptured sac. The out-
study, data from 35 participants), there was no clear difference comes were not affected by duration of the latency period [149].
258 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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Teodora Kolarova and Kimberly Ma
Key points clothes or a constant trickle of fluid that does not stop. Physical
exam for PROM starts with a sterile speculum examination [1–3].
• The diagnosis of prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) Visualization of amniotic fluid passing from the cervical
at term is based on pooling, ferning, and nitrazine tests canal is diagnostic of this condition [1–3].
on speculum exam. Rapid bedside immunoassays such as Another helpful test is the nitrazine test. The pH of the vagina
placental alpha-microglobulin-1 or others may be helpful in is usually 4.5–6.0, whereas amniotic fluid has a pH 7.0–7.7; nitra-
cases in which the diagnosis of rupture of membranes (ROM) zine paper turns blue with pH >6.5 [1, 2]. A false-positive nitra-
is suspected but cannot be confirmed with pooling, ferning, zine test can be caused from blood, semen, alkaline antiseptic, or
and/or nitrazine tests. Initial digital examinations should be bacterial vaginosis. A false-negative nitrazine test can be caused
avoided and subsequent such exams kept to an absolute mini- by prolonged leaking of amniotic fluid or minimal residual fluid.
mum, as they are associated with a higher risk of infection. The sensitivity of nitrazine is 90.2% (81.3%–100%), and the speci-
• The main complication of PROM is intrauterine infection; ficity is 79.3% (16%–100%) [2].
this incidence increases with the duration of PROM, and with A third helpful test is called “ferning.” A swab of vaginal fluid
longer latency, the risk of neonatal infection also increases. from the posterior fornix is placed on a slide and allowed to air
• Women with PROM at term should be hospitalized and dry. Arborization (ferning) under microscopic visualization sug-
induced with oxytocin within 6–12 hours of PROM, or gests rupture of membranes. Cervical mucus can cause a false-
earlier as feasible. Most women with PROM at term, if positive result. Ferning has a sensitivity of 90.8% (62.0%–98.5%)
given a choice, prefer induction. Oxytocin induction and a specificity of 95.3% (88.2%–100%) [2].
is safe, effective, and cost-effective, and is therefore The combination of vaginal pool of fluid, nitrazine, and
the preferred first-line agent for induction after PROM. ferning has a sensitivity of 90.8% and a specificity of 95.6% [2].
Misoprostol induction is an alternative, with limited data These tests are more accurate when patients present in labor and
suggesting safety and noninferiority to oxytocin. Foley less accurate when nonlaboring [3]. If these tests are equivocal,
catheter ripening is not superior to other methods of an ultrasound can be performed to evaluate for amniotic fluid,
induction and has been associated with increased risk for but oligohydramnios is not diagnostic of PROM, since it can be
intrauterine infection. associated with other etiologies, such as placental insufficiency.
• Antibiotics are recommended if the patient is group B Placental alpha-microglobulin-1 is a 34-kDa glycoprotein
streptococcus (GBS) positive or complications (chorioam- abundant in amniotic fluid (2000–25,000 ng/mL); there is a negli-
nionitis) develop during labor. In women expected to have gible amount of this glycoprotein in vaginal fluid with intact fetal
a latency from PROM to delivery of over 12 hours, antibiot- membranes (0.05–2.0 ng/mL) [2, 4, 5]. AmniSure is a bedside
ics are associated with significantly decreased chorioam- immunoassay that uses the delta in concentration of placental
nionitis and endometritis. alpha-microglobulin-1 for diagnostic accuracy. AmniSure has a
• PROM at 340/7 and 366/7 can be managed expectantly if infec- sensitivity of 98.7%–98.9% and a specificity of 87.5%–100% [4, 5].
tion is not present, or delivered immediately. Decision should Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) has a
be made after sufficient counseling and through shared deci- high concentration in amniotic fluid compared to other body
sion-making. Corticosteroid administration for fetal maturity fluids such as vaginal secretions, urine, or semen [6]. An immu-
should be offered if not received previously. If expectant man- nochromatography dipstick method (Actim PROM) is available
agement is chosen, latency antibiotics should be administered to diagnose rupture of membranes. The test is more popular in
per institutional protocol for PROM <34 weeks. Europe compared to the United States and is most accurate when
the timing of the test is close to the timing of rupture of mem-
Definition branes. The sensitivity of the test is 95%–100% with a specificity
of 93%–98% [7–10].
Prelabor rupture of membranes is rupture of fetal membranes A negative fetal fibronectin can be helpful in ruling out rupture
prior to the onset of labor [1]. Preterm prelabor rupture of mem- of membranes; however, a positive test cannot distinguish between
branes (PPROM) is prelabor rupture of fetal membranes ≤37 intact and ruptured membranes [11]. Alpha-fetoprotein levels are
weeks [1]. This chapter includes guidance for late-preterm (340/7– higher in amniotic fluid compared to urine, semen, or normal vagi-
366/7 weeks), as well as term (≥37 weeks) prerupture of membranes nal discharge. A recent study showed a 96.2% sensitivity and 100%
(PROM). For PPROM <34 weeks, see Chap. 20. specificity; however, it may be falsely positive if a vaginal infection
is present and requires further study in a larger cohort [12]. Further
Diagnosis studies are needed to assess reliability, with special attention paid
to time of presumed membrane rupture [2, 3]. Placental alpha-
The diagnosis of PROM and PPROM is based on history and microglobulin-1, IGFBP-1, and these other tests have limited
physical examination findings (see also Chap. 20). A maternal clinical applicability currently, given the high accuracy of pool-
history suggestive of PROM includes a gush of fluid soaking ing, ferning, and nitrazine tests. Nonetheless, they can be helpful
in cases in which the diagnosis of ROM is suspected but cannot TABLE 21.1: Management of PROM at ≥37 Weeks
be confirmed with pooling, ferning, and/or nitrazine tests.
• Deliver (e.g. start induction <6–12 hours after PROM)
• Manage in hospital
Incidence • Oxytocin is the induction agent with the best safety and
PROM occurs in approximately 8% of all term deliveries [1].
• Antibiotics are recommended if the patient is GBS positive or
complications (chorioamnionitis) develop during labor. In women
Etiology expected to have a latency from PROM to delivery of over 12 hours,
antibiotics are associated with significantly decreased
The etiology of PROM without signs of infection or bleeding is chorioamnionitis and endometritis
often unknown, and this should be considered a physiologic, not
Abbreviations: PROM, prelabor rupture of membranes; GBS, group B streptococcus.
pathologic, event.
Risk factors
in the need for maternal antibiotics for nulliparas and 97% more
The risk factors associated with rupture of fetal membranes
neonatal infections [16]. PROM at term should be managed in
include low socioeconomic status, low body mass index (BMI)
<19.8 kg/m2, nutritional deficiencies of ascorbic acid and cop-
per, connective tissue disorders, smoking, cold knife cone biopsy, Delivery versus expectant management
cervical cerclage, pulmonary disease, uterine overdistension, and Women with PROM ≥37 weeks should be delivered. Induction
amniocentesis [1]. In addition, pregnant women with a previous of labor with oxytocin has been shown to decrease the rate of
preterm birth, midtrimester short cervix, and preterm labor are maternal chorioamnionitis and postpartum fevers without
at increased risk for PROM; however, the majority of cases have significantly affecting the rate of cesarean delivery, compared
no identifiable cause [1]. with expectant management, and is the preferred method of
induction with PROM [14]. In most randomized controlled trials
Complications (RCTs), induction was with oxytocin or prostaglandins, with one
trial using homeopathic Caulophyllum and another acupuncture.
The most common complications of PROM are chorioam- Overall, no differences were detected for mode of birth between
nionitis, endometritis, and postpartum hemorrhage. With induced and expectant groups: Cesarean (relative risk [RR]
increasing time interval from ROM, there is a significant 0.84, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.69–1.04) or operative vagi-
increase in these complications: About 12 hours for chorio- nal birth (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.67–1.59). Significantly fewer women
amnionitis, 16 hours for endometritis, and 8 hours for post- in the induced compared with expectant management groups
partum hemorrhage [13]. As the latency from ROM to delivery developed chorioamnionitis and/or endometritis (RR 0.49 95% CI
increases, so does the risk for neonatal infection. Maternal 0.33–0.72). Infants of those who were induced experienced less
group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization also increases the probable or definitive early-onset sepsis (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.58–
risk for neonatal infection. Incidence of cesarean delivery is 0.92). Further, fewer infants under induced management went to
not affected by management with either induction or expect- the neonatal intensive unit or special care nursery compared with
ant management, but depends on other risk factors (e.g. nul- expectant management (RR 0.75 95% CI 0.66–0.85) [17]. In sub-
liparity) [14]. group analysis, parity did not have an effect on cesarean delivery
rates or maternal or neonatal infections [17].
Compared with expectant management, induction of labor by
Management oxytocin is associated with a 42% decrease in the risk of mater-
Initial evaluation nal infection and 36% in definitive or probable neonatal infec-
Initial evaluation of PROM involves confirmation of the diag- tion [17]. Based on one trial, women were more likely to view their
nosis. Digital examination can increase the risk of infection care positively if labor was induced with oxytocin [14]. Cesarean
and as a result should be avoided [14]. The cervix can be visu- delivery rates are similar between groups if induced with oxy-
ally assessed for dilation and effacement [15]. Fetal presentation tocin. Perinatal mortality rates are low and not significantly
should be confirmed by ultrasound. Fetal well-being and the different between groups, although the trend is toward fewer
presence of uterine contractions should be assessed by external perinatal deaths with induction of labor by oxytocin [17].
monitoring. Studies utilizing prostaglandins as the initial mode of induc-
tion of labor are varied in the type, formulation, dosage, and
Counseling duration of use [17]. No clear differences were observed in neo-
Risk factors, complications, and management of PROM should natal infections using prostaglandins compared to placebo or
be reviewed with the patient. About 50% of women with PROM no treatment. Subgroup analysis suggests a differential treat-
at term deliver within 6–12 hours, and 95% of women will deliver ment effect for maternal infectious morbidity (RR 0.21, 95% CI
within 28 hours of membrane rupture [1, 14]. Principles of man- 0.12–0.36) and cesarean section (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.45–0.66)
agement can be reviewed (Table 21.1). when sublingual misoprostol (prostaglandin E1) is used com-
pared to expectant management, but this was based on a single
Hospitalization clinical trial [17]. There is insufficient data to make meaning-
Compared with management in the hospital, expectant manage- ful comparisons of the different prostaglandin formulations in
ment of PROM at term at home is associated with a 52% increase clinical use.
264 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Medications for induction presents with PROM at term, antibiotics can be administered
Immediate induction of labor with intravenous oxytocin has and induction of labor can begin concurrently. In addition, if a
been shown to decrease the rate of maternal and neonatal infec- woman is scheduled for a repeat cesarean section and presents
tion without increasing the rate of cesarean section [14, 17]. with PROM, GBS antibiotic prophylaxis should be administered
Misoprostol (PGE1) and dinoprostone (PGE2) have not been while arranging for the repeat cesarean section [32].
shown to be superior to intravenous oxytocin even in women GBS negative: Although ACOG guidelines recommend
with an unfavorable cervix [17, 18]. However, when misopros- against routine antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with docu-
tol is compared to PGE2, length of labor is shorter but there is mented GBS-negative status, there is evidence that women with
increased uterine tachysystole [18]. Cost is less with oxytocin PROM and latency >12 hours have a reduced risk of infectious
induction. Vaginal or oral misoprostol appears to be an effective morbidity with administration of antibiotics. A meta-analysis
means of labor induction comparable to oxytocin, but the studies and Cochrane review evaluated the efficacy of antibiotic pro-
reviewed were not large enough to exclude the possibility of seri- phylaxis in women with term or late-preterm prelabor rupture
ous adverse events with misoprostol [19–23]. There is insufficient of membranes and concluded that routine antibiotic prophy-
evidence to assess if the combination of PGE2 together with oxy- laxis was not associated with maternal or neonatal benefits,
tocin is superior to oxytocin alone [24]. although for women with latency greater than 12 hours, pro-
The efficacy of Foley bulb or other mechanical means of phylactic antibiotics were associated with significantly
induction in women with PROM has been evaluated, and Foley lower rates of chorioamnionitis (2.9% versus 6.1%, RR, 0.49,
does not shorten time to delivery when compared to oxyto- 95% CI, 0.27–0.91) and endometritis (0% versus 2.2%; RR, 0.12,
cin alone in PROM [25, 26]. Foley is also not superior to pros- 95% CI, 0.02–0.62) in the meta-analysis, and a similar trend was
taglandins for induction of labor in women with term PROM observed in the Cochrane review [34, 35]. Thus, in women with
[27]. Regarding its safety, induction with Foley bulb has been latency over 12 hours, prophylactic antibiotics can reduce the
associated with increased risk for clinical chorioamnionitis risk of maternal infectious morbidity.
in one RCT where women received antibiotic prophylaxis per GBS status unknown: Per ACOG and CDC guidelines, if the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) patient has no risk factors (previous infant with GBS sepsis, <37
guidelines [25]. weeks, rupture of membranes >18 hours, chorioamnionitis, GBS
In summary, in patients with PROM at term, once the diag- presence in previous pregnancy), routine antibiotic use should
nosis has been confirmed, induction of labor is recommended. be avoided [32, 33, 35]. As referenced earlier, however, there is
Induction should probably occur at least within 6–12 hours of evidence of benefit when antibiotics are administered with rup-
PROM, or earlier if feasible. If expectant management is per- ture of membranes >12 hours and can be considered sooner
formed, there is a significant increase in chorioamnionitis and than 18 hours as suggested by ACOG [34, 35]. Alternatively, in
neonatal infection as duration increases [28–30]. Oxytocin is PPROM 340/7–366/7 weeks, if the patient has no GBS culture
the recommended induction medication, as it is safe, effec- from the previous 5 weeks, antibiotics should be administered
tive, and cost-effective. Foley bulb (or other balloon) is not per protocol, or a rapid GBS test can be performed. If the rapid
superior to oxytocin or prostaglandins and confers an increased GBS result is negative, antibiotics can be withheld unless other
risk for chorioamnionitis [25–27, 31]. Vaginal and oral misopro- risk factors develop (chorioamnionitis or rupture of fetal mem-
stol are also safe and effective but have not been proven to be branes greater than 12–18 hours) [32].
superior to oxytocin when appropriate doses (e.g., 25 mcg for In summary, for PROM at ≥37 weeks, antibiotics should
vaginal misoprostol) are used [18]. With increasing latency from be given if the woman is GBS positive or clinical chorioam-
PROM to delivery, there is an increased risk for chorioamnio- nionitis develops during labor and should be considered for
nitis, endometritis, and postpartum hemorrhage [13]. Women all women with expected latency from PROM to delivery
should be counseled to initiate induction of labor as soon as >12 hours [33–35]. In PPROM between 340/7 and 366/7 weeks,
amenable after PROM in order to decrease the risk of these antibiotics should be administered if GBS status is positive or
complications. unknown [33, 34].
Recent studies have called attention to the neonatal complica- TABLE 21.3: Risks and Benefits of Expectant Management
tions of late preterm birth, which include respiratory complications, versus Immediate Delivery in Late-Preterm (between
sepsis evaluations, hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy, 340/7 and 366/7 weeks) PROM
and death. This combination of potential complications has led
Benefits of Expectant Management Benefits of Immediate
to an increase in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions,
increasing length of stay, urgent hospital visits, and hospital read-
missions [41–48]. The effort to decrease late-preterm birth in the Less neonatal respiratory distress Less antepartum hemorrhage
United States has been successful, with a decrease from 9.15% in syndrome
2006 to 7.99% in 2013 (a 13% decrease) [49]. Less hyperbilirubinemia Less chorioamnionitis
More contemporary research addressing the management Less NICU or SCN admission In women with positive
of late preterm PROM has included two international RCTs vaginal culture, decreased
(PPROMEXIL and PPROMEXIL-2) and a third multicenter neonatal sepsisa
RCT (PPROMT study) [50–52]. An individual participant Shorter NICU stays
meta-analysis of these three trials showed no difference Shorter neonatal hospital stays
in their primary outcome, a composite of neonatal adverse Decreased risk of cesarean delivery
events, in the immediate delivery versus the expectant man-
a See Table 21.2 for details.
agement group (RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.94–1.55) [53]. Specifically,
Abbreviations: PROM, premature rupture of membranes; NICU, neonatal intensive
there was no difference in neonatal sepsis between the
care unit; SCN, special care nursery.
groups (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.47–1.15). However, neonates in the
immediate group were more likely to be diagnosed with
respiratory distress syndrome (RR 1.47, 95% CI 1.10–1.97) or immediate delivery is a reasonable option for rupture of
and hyperbilirubinemia and to be admitted to the NICU or membranes between 340/7 and 366/7 weeks after sufficient
special care nursery (RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.11–1.23), leading to counseling [1]. Care should be individualized through shared
longer hospital stays [53]. In a subgroup analysis of patients decision-making. Women with vaginal infections should be
with a positive vaginal culture (included 14 different patho- induced at 340/7 weeks (see Tables 21.2 and 21.3).
gens), immediate delivery did reduce the risk of neonatal
sepsis (see Table 21.2). In regard to maternal outcomes, those Steroids for fetal maturity
who were delivered immediately experienced less antepar- Regarding corticosteroid administration for fetal maturity, evi-
tum hemorrhage (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.34–0.95) and less cho- dence suggests that steroids are associated with neonatal benefit
rioamnionitis (RR 0.21, 95% CI 0.13–0.35), but were more in the late preterm period. The largest of these trials (the ALPS
likely to require cesarean delivery (RR 1.26, 95% CI 1.09–1.47) trial) demonstrated a decrease in multiple neonatal respiratory
[53]. Most women received antibiotics (76% in the immediate morbidities with steroid administration, but also an increased
delivery group and 78% in the expectant management group, risk of neonatal hypoglycemia [54]. A meta-analysis of six RCTs
but the rates varied in each trial) [53]. In the subgroup analysis with three of these trials including women at 34 0/7–366/7 weeks at
for positive GBS, antepartum tocolysis, corticosteroid admin- risk for imminent premature delivery confirmed these findings
istration, and administration of latency antibiotics showed no [55]. Neonates who received antenatal corticosteroids ≥34 weeks
difference in treatment effect for the composite adverse neo- had a significantly lower incidence tachypnea of the newborn (RR
natal outcome or any of its components [53]. 0.72, 95% CI 0.56–0.92), severe respiratory distress syndrome
With the additional information from this meta-analysis, (RDS) (RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.33–0.94), and any RDS (RR 0.74, 95%
ACOG now recommends that either expectant management CI 0.61–0.91) [55]. Steroids should be considered for decreas-
ing respiratory morbidities and other neonatal outcomes in
women 340/7–366/7 weeks [55]. It should be noted that although
evidence supports short-term benefit, long-term benefits of ante-
TABLE 21.2: Management of PPROM at 340/7–366/7 Weeks natal corticosteroids in the late preterm period are unknown.
See Chap. 20 for other details on management for women with
• Deliver if infection presenta PPROM <34 weeks [48].
• If no infection present, deliver OR expectantly manage until 37 weeks
0 days. Shared decision-making weighing risks and benefits (see Antibiotics
Table 21.3) ACOG currently does not recommend the administration of
• Manage in hospital latency antibiotics in those patients who elect for expectant man-
• Single course of corticosteroids for fetal maturity, if steroids not agement in late-preterm PPROM [1]. However, most patients in
previously given (if no contraindications exist and delivery not the individual participant meta-analysis on late-preterm PPROM
expected in less than 24 hours or greater than 7 days) received antibiotics [53]. A Cochrane review on antibiotic use for
• Antibiotics are recommended if the patient is GBS positive, GBS patients with PPROM <37 weeks also demonstrates that antibiot-
unknown, or expectant management is chosen ics decrease the risk for chorioamnionitis and neonatal infection
and prolong latency [56]. It is unclear what antibiotics are best,
a Infections include clinical chorioamnionitis or any of the following on vaginal cul-
because different regimens were used in the late-preterm PPROM
ture: Bacterial vaginosis, Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis,
Chlamydia, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia coli,
trials. If PROM occurs at 340/7–366/7 weeks and expectant
group B streptococcus, Hemophilus influenza, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococ management is elected, it is recommended that the patient
cus agalactiae, Trichomoniasis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum. receive the same institutional latency antibiotic regimen uti-
Abbreviations: PPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of membranes; GBS, group B lized in patients who experience PPROM <34 weeks [56] (see
streptococcus. Chap. 20).
266 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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Rebecca Jackson
Key points can be defined as a pregnancy that has lasted until ≥41 weeks,
or ≥287 days, or ≥7 days after the due date (EDC) [1]. The term
• Postterm pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that has “postdates” can signify a pregnancy that lasted until ≥40 weeks,
lasted until ≥42 weeks, or ≥294 days. Late-term preg- or ≥280 days, but is often defined differently in the literature and
nancy is defined as a pregnancy that has lasted 410/7 to should be avoided [1]. All these definitions may have slightly dif-
416/7 weeks of gestation. ferent meanings in the literature, so it is important to be clear
• Late-term and postterm pregnancies have a twofold when using these terms. These definitions and this guideline per-
increase in the risk of macrosomia and subsequent tain to singleton gestations. For multiple gestations, please refer
increase in labor dystocia, operative vaginal delivery, to Chap. 46 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines.
cesarean delivery, perineal injury, and shoulder dystocia.
• Postterm neonates are at increased risk for seizures, Epidemiology/Incidence
meconium aspiration, 5-minute Apgar scores less than
4, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. In 2018, in the United States, the incidence of late-term preg-
Postterm pregnancies are also at increased risk for nancy was 5.90% and of postterm pregnancy was 0.30% [2]. These
intrauterine infection, oligohydramnios, nonreassur- incidences have significantly decreased in the last few years.
ing fetal heart rate tracing (NRFHT), low umbilical
artery pH, and perinatal mortality.
Etiology/Basic pathophysiology
• Pregnancies with risk factors such as maternal (e.g.
hypertension and diabetes) and fetal (growth restriction, The most frequent cause of postterm pregnancy is an error in
etc.) diseases should be delivered at term or as described dating [1, 3]. See Chap. 4 for accurate dating criteria and their
in Chap. 23. benefits, as well as the following sections.
• Prevention of postterm pregnancy can be achieved with
accurate dating by routine first-trimester ultrasound and
with serial membrane stripping starting at 38 weeks.
Risk factors/Associations
• There is insufficient evidence to assess the efficacy of ante- Poor (wrong) dating; prior postterm pregnancy, obesity, nulliparity,
partum testing for pregnancies after their due date. Twice- long (>28 days) cycles without early ultrasound, placental sulfatase
weekly fetal testing with nonstress test (NST), or NST and deficiency, anencephaly, and male fetus. Obesity appears to be one
maximum vertical pocket (MVP) of amniotic fluid volume preconceptionally modifiable risk factor for postterm pregnancy [4].
(AFV), or biophysical profile (BPP), has been proposed,
starting at 41 weeks.
• All women should be offered induction of labor for 39 Complications
weeks’ gestation (preferred name of this indication for
induction), as it has been shown to decrease the risks of
Many epidemiologic studies have shown that fetal and neona-
cesarean delivery; of hypertensive disorders of preg-
tal complications increase with gestational age after 41 weeks.
nancy; and of adverse perinatal outcomes, including still-
Meconium aspiration, intrauterine infection, oligohy-
birth, admission to the neonatal intensive care nursery,
dramnios, macrosomia, nonreassuring fetal heart rate trac-
and need for respiratory support, compared to expectant
ing (NRFHT), low umbilical artery pH, and low 5-minute
management up to 40 weeks 5 days. These benefits are simi-
Apgar score have all been associated with postterm pregnancy.
lar for all race/ethnic groups, ages, Bishop scores, and body
Perinatal mortality (fetal and neonatal deaths) is twice as high
mass indexes (BMIs). Induction for 39 weeks’ gestation is
at ≥42 weeks and 6 times as high at ≥43 weeks compared with
also associated with decreased pain in labor and higher
the rate for pregnancies delivered between 39 and 40 weeks [1, 5].
maternal satisfaction and sense of control compared
Two markers of immediate neonatal morbidity, umbilical
to expectant management. Most women do want to be
artery pH <7 and base excess ≥12, have been shown to increase
induced at 39 weeks when offered the option. Induction for
in a continuous manner in pregnancies beyond 40 weeks and
39 weeks’ gestation is also associated with less costs and
increase by odds ratio (OR) 1.65 for pH <7 for pregnancies
other health care system benefits.
between 41 and 42 weeks [6].
Neonatal mortality of normal-weight infants appears to be
Diagnosis/Definition higher for infants born between 41 and 0 days and 41 weeks and 6
days compared with infants born between 38 weeks and 40 weeks
Postterm pregnancy is defined as pregnancy that has lasted until and 6 days (OR 1.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.08–1.73) [7].
≥42 weeks, or ≥294 days, or ≥14 days after the due date (esti- However, these data are mixed and may vary based on whether
mated date of confinement [EDC]) [1]. Late-term pregnancy risk factors such as fetal growth restriction (FGR) are included
Pregnancy considerations
Every woman should be counseled early in pregnancy that up to 390 – 396 wk
50% of gestations, especially in nulliparous women, last until past Induction
the due date. This is physiologic and natural for humans. The inci-
dence of fetal death is significantly higher than that of neonatal
death at ≥283 days (≥40 weeks and 3 days) [9]. In a large series, FIGURE 22.1 Management of term pregnancy. 1 – Risk factor
delivery at 38 weeks is associated with the lowest risk of perinatal examples include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, FGR, multiple
death, but this risk is low at <1 to 2/1000 up to 41 weeks and 6 days gestation, etc. Please see guideline pertinent to specific risk factor
[10]. It is important to identify maternal (e.g. hypertension for management. 2 – Strongly suggest induction for all women
and diabetes) and fetal (e.g. growth restriction) risk factors between 390 and 396 weeks. 3 – See Chap. 23 for effective induc-
that would necessitate special management, as described in the tion management. Abbreviation: EFW, estimated fetal weight.
specific chapters in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines.
The OR for stillbirths and neonatal mortality increases in gesta-
tions from 40 weeks onward, and this increase is compounded the incidence of postterm pregnancy and of induction for
sevenfold to tenfold when the fetus is growth restricted [11]. postterm pregnancy [4, 12, 13] (see also Chap. 4).
Stripping/Sweeping of membranes
Management (Figure 22.1) Compared with no sweeping, sweeping of the membranes, per-
formed weekly as a general policy in women at term (e.g. weekly
Preconception counseling starting at 37–38 weeks), is associated with reduced duration
Women with prior postterm pregnancy are at increased risk for of pregnancy and reduced frequency of pregnancy continuing
recurrent postterm pregnancy. Prevention strategies, includ- beyond 41 and 42 weeks [14, 15]. To avoid one formal induction of
ing weight loss for obese women, appropriate weight gain labor, sweeping of membranes must be performed in eight women.
during the pregnancy, early initiation of prenatal care, early Risk of cesarean section, maternal, or neonatal infection is
ultrasound screening, and stripping of membranes starting at similar. Serial sweeping of membranes starting at 41 weeks every
37–38, weeks should be discussed [3]. 48 hours also decreases the risk of postterm pregnancy from 41%
to 23%, with efficacy both in nulliparous and multiparous women
Prevention [16]. Discomfort during vaginal examination and other adverse
Routine early ultrasound to reduce effects (bleeding and irregular contractions) are more frequently
postterm pregnancies reported by women allocated to sweeping, but its safety has been
Accurate assessment of gestational age is extremely important confirmed in multiple studies [14–17] (see also Chap. 23).
in improving perinatal morbidity and mortality. First-trimester
ultrasound is the most accurate for pregnancy dating. Early Breast and nipple stimulation to
ultrasound also reduces the number of postterm inductions. reduce postterm pregnancies
Over 40% of women randomized to undergo first-trimester Breast and nipple stimulation daily starting at 39 weeks has not
screening had their gestational age adjusted based on the ultra- been sufficiently studied to ascertain safety, but it does appear to
sound measurement of crown–rump length, whereas the cor- reduce the incidence of postterm pregnancy by 48% [18, 19].
responding number was only 10.9% for women assigned to
second-trimester ultrasound. Furthermore, 4.8% in the first- Antepartum testing
trimester screening group compared with 13% in the second- If a woman with an uncomplicated pregnancy accepts induction
trimester ultrasound group had labor induced for a postterm at 39 weeks, there is no need for earlier antepartum testing. If she
pregnancy (relative risk [RR] 0.37, 95% CI 0.14–0.96), which is a declined induction, there are insufficient data to assess the best
63% reduction in the induction rate for postterm pregnancy mode of fetal monitoring after the due date, as there are no trials
[11, 12]. Compared with no routine early ultrasound, routine to assess the effect of antepartum testing on these pregnancies
early pregnancy (<20 weeks) ultrasound reduces by 32%–39% compared with no testing. Since fetal death rates incrementally
270 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
increase after the due date, it seems reasonable to test fetuses There were fewer cesarean sections in the induction group (RR
to assure well-being, especially at ≥41 weeks [1, 4, 9]. The most 0.89, 95% CI 0.81–0.97). Labor induction at 41 weeks also sig-
used options include nonstress testing (NST) (also called car- nificantly reduces the risk of perinatal meconium aspiration syn-
diotocography or CTG), biophysical profile (BPP), and modified drome compared with expectant management (RR 0.50, 95% CI
BPP. Modified BPP includes NST and ultrasound measurement of 0.34–0.73). Other maternal and perinatal outcomes are similar
maximum vertical pocket (MVP) of amniotic fluid volume (AFV). between the groups. It is important to recognize, however, that in
Others have been described, but with even less evidence for effi- general the outcomes are very good with both expectant manage-
cacy. Doppler of any vessel, including the umbilical artery, is not ment and induction, with the absolute perinatal death rate per
effective in the management of postterm pregnancy. Compared 1000 ongoing pregnancies no higher than 1.2/1000 at 42 weeks,
with fetal monitoring using NST and AFV, BPP (computerized increasing up to 6/1000 ongoing pregnancies at 43 weeks [23].
CTG, MVP, fetal breathing, fetal tone, and fetal body movements) About 410 inductions (95% CI 322–1492) would need to be done
is associated with increased incidence of inductions and similar at 41 weeks in order to prevent one perinatal death [21].
outcomes in a small trial in women ≥42 weeks [20]. At ≥41 weeks, Routine induction is more cost-effective than expect-
twice-weekly testing (e.g. with NST and MVP) is recommended ant management [26]. Several studies have shown that patient
[1], but not based on trials (see also Chap. 58 in Maternal-Fetal satisfaction is higher with induction of labor [21, 26, 27].
Evidence Based Guidelines). In addition, an effort should be made Iatrogenic prematurity should be avoided by careful assessment
to assess fetal weight, either clinically or, if this assessment is of gestational age. This risk should be minimal with the advent
limited, by ultrasound, as the known increase in fetal and neona- of widespread early ultrasound use to confirm pregnancy dat-
tal mortality in pregnancies beyond their due date is even higher ing. Planned induction without medical indications at 390/7–40 6/7
in FGR fetuses [11, 21]. weeks has been shown not to be associated with an increase with
cesarean delivery [28]. See also Chap. 23 for other induction risks
Interventions and benefits, as well as management of induction. For women
Induction of labor for ≥39 weeks with a prior cesarean delivery, see Chap. 15.
When compared to expectant management up to 40 weeks and 5
days, induction of labor at 39 weeks (39–394/7) in low-risk nul-
liparous women has been shown to decrease the frequency of References
cesarean delivery by 16%, of hypertensive disorders of preg-
1. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Practice
nancy by 36%, of adverse perinatal outcomes by 20%, and of Bulletin No. 146: Management of late-term and postterm pregnancies.
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nancy (9.1% vs. 14.1%, RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.56–0.74) [22]. The pri- 683.e5. [II-3, n = 119,162]
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significantly higher in the induction group [22]. Most women 8. Mandruzzato G, Alfirevic Z, Chervenak F, et al. World Association of
do want to be induced at 39 weeks when offered the option [23]. Perinatal Medicine. Guidelines for the management of postterm pregnancy.
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and shorter hospital stay, and with only a slightly longer time in term in singleton pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;184:489–496.
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gestation is also associated with 883 fewer stillbirths per year if
pregnancy: The impact of gestational age and fetal growth restriction. Am J
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should occur soon after the due date, and certainly by 40 weeks
13. Bennett K, Crane J, O’Shea P, et al. First trimester ultrasound screening is
5 days, or 41 weeks 0 days maximum. A policy of labor induc- effective in reducing postterm labor induction rates: A randomized con-
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significantly fewer perinatal deaths (1/2814 vs. 9/2785; RR 0.30, 14. Berghella V, Rogers RA, Lescale K. Stripping of membranes as a safe method
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induction not before 42 weeks [21]. If deaths due to congenital 15. Boulvain M, Stan C, Irion O. Membrane sweeping for induction of labour.
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2020;2(2):100086. [Survey]
Corina N. Schoen
Key points preferred methods for labor induction when the cer-
vix is <3 cm dilated.
• An early (e.g. <20 weeks) ultrasound examination helps • Vaginal misoprostol 25 mg every 2–4 hours is the
determine accurate gestational age and is associated with a preferred safe dosage and is as effective as PGE2 or any
reduction in the rates of induction of labor for postterm other method; this is also a preferred method of labor
pregnancy. induction.
• Gestational age should be documented accurately before • PGE2 tablet, gel, and insert appear to be as safe and
considering induction. efficacious as each other in terms of tachysystole, CD
• Possible indications for induction of labor and the sug- rates, and neonatal outcomes.
gested best gestational age for induction are listed in Table 23.1. • Other cervical ripening or induction agents are either not
Induction for 39 weeks’ gestation is associated with a sufficiently studied, unsafe, or not as effective as the agents
decrease in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, cesarean already mentioned.
delivery (CD), and perinatal morbidity and mortality, com- • Oxytocin IV infusion is recommended with favorable cer-
pared to expectant management up to 40 weeks 5 days. vical exam.
• Without indications, induction before 39 weeks should • Oxytocin IV infusion is recommended for prelabor rup-
be avoided. ture of membranes (PROM) and should be started within
• Contraindications to induction of labor include mal- 12 hours, or as soon as feasible, after term PROM.
presentation, umbilical cord prolapse, previous classical • There are insufficient safety data for outpatient use of
uterine incision or transfundal uterine surgery (e.g. from pharmacologic cervical ripening or induction agents.
myomectomy), placenta or vasa previa, active genital her- However, there is emerging evidence that the Foley cath-
pes infection, and any contraindications to vaginal deliv- eter may be an effective and safe method for outpatient
ery, or indication for CD (Table 23.2). cervical ripening.
• Compared to expectant management, induction of labor • Contraction pressures of ≥200 Montevideo units should
can be complicated by a prolonged first stage of labor. be targeted in induction or augmentation of laboring
• Misoprostol should not be used for cervical ripening or patients to achieve adequate labor.
labor induction in women with prior uterine incisions, • While the definition of a failed induction of labor is elu-
given the >5% risk of uterine rupture. In women with prior sive, a failed induction should not be diagnosed until after
uterine incisions, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) for cervical rip- 18–24 hours of oxytocin after membrane rupture in
ening is associated with an approximately 1.4%–2.5% risk the active phase (usually ≥6 cm in nulliparous women),
of rupture; oxytocin has a 1.1% risk. Cervical ripening assuming reassuring fetal heart pattern.
with the Foley catheter does not appear to be associated • Induced labor should be managed, in general, as spon-
with any additional risk of uterine rupture in patients taneous labor.
undergoing a trial of labor after cesarean section.
• In women with an unfavorable (Bishop score <5, or even Definitions
<9) cervical exam:
• Sweeping of membranes starting at 37–38 weeks Induction of labor is the stimulation of uterine contractions prior
weekly doubles the rate of onset of labor in the next to spontaneous labor in order to achieve childbirth. Cervical rip-
48 hours and decreases the incidence of no spontane- ening is a process that occurs prior to labor in which the cervix is
ous labor by the due date. softened, thinned, and dilated.
• Induction in these women should be done by two
agents, such as Foley balloon (single balloon, Incidence/Epidemiology
inflated to 60–80 mL, with traction) and misopro-
stol (e.g. 25 µg every 2–4 hours). If misoprostol is In 2017, there were 3.86 million births in the United States, of
contraindicated, combine Foley with oxytocin IV which 25.7% were induced [1]. There is evidence for a decreasing
infusion. rate of indicated preterm births (17% decline from 2005 through
• The Foley balloon is associated with less hyper- 2012) [2].
stimulation accompanied by fetal heart rate (FHR)
changes and increased use of oxytocin, but results Basic pathophysiology
in the same number of vaginal deliveries and the same
number of women delivered within 24 hours as all of The cervix functions as the gatekeeper to parturition, main-
the locally applied prostaglandins (prostaglandin E1 taining a fine balance between the integrity of the pregnancy
and E2 [PGE1 and PGE2]). It is therefore one of the and delivery. Histologically, the cervix is composed of mostly
TABLE 23.1: Indications for Induction of Labor with Suggested Timing of Delivery
Gestational Age at Induction Quality of Strength of
Condition (weeksdays) Evidence [135] Recommendation [135]
Intrauterine infection (e.g. chorioamnionitis) At detection Moderate Strong
Abruptio placenta At detection Moderate Strong
39 weeks gestation 390–396 High Strong
Chronic hypertension – no medications 380–396 High Strong
Chronic hypertension – controlled on medications 370–396 High Strong
Chronic hypertension – difficult to control (requiring frequent 360–376 Moderate Weak
medication adjustments)
Gestational hypertension 370–376, at diagnosis thereafter High Strong
Preeclampsia – no severe features 370–376, at diagnosis thereafter High Strong
Preeclampsia – severe features 340, at diagnosis thereafter High Strong
Eclampsia At detection Moderate Strong
Diabetes – pregestational, well-controlled 390–396 Moderate Strong
Diabetes – pregestational, poorly controlled 340–386a Low Weak
Diabetes – gestational, well-controlled on diet 390–396 Moderate Strong
Diabetes – gestational, well-controlled on medication 390–396 Moderate Strong
Diabetes – gestational, poorly controlled on medication 340–396a Low Weak
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with bile acids ≥100 360–376 Low Weak
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with bile acids <100 370–396 Low Weak
Prior stillbirth 390–396 Low Weak
PPROM 340–366 High Strong
FGR – singleton, otherwise uncomplicated, normal umbilical 380–396 Moderate Weak
artery Doppler
FGR – singleton, decreased but present diastolic flow in umbilical 370–376 Moderate Weak
artery Doppler
FGR – singleton, absent diastolic flow in umbilical artery Doppler 330–346 Moderate Weak
FGR – singleton, reversed diastolic flow in umbilical 310–326 Moderate Weak
artery Doppler
FGR – twin gestation, dichorionic-diamniotic twins with 350–366 Low Weak
isolated FGR with normal umbilical artery Doppler
FGR – twin gestation, monochorionic-diamniotic twins with 320–346 Low Weak
isolated FGR with normal umbilical artery Doppler
Macrosomia (e.g. EFW >4000 g, or larger for gestational 380–386 High Weak
age >95% percentile)
Twin gestation: dichorionic/diamniotic, uncomplicated 370–376 Moderate Weak
Twin gestation: monochorionic/diamniotic, uncomplicated 360–366 Low Weak
Twin gestation: monochorionic/monoamniotic, uncomplicated 320–346 Low Weak
Oligohydramnios (MVP <2 cm) – isolated but persistent 370–376 Low Weak
Nonreassuring fetal heart tracing (e.g. category III) At detection Low Strong
Fetal death At detection Low Weak
Source: From Berghella V, Bellussi F, Schoen C. Evidence-based labor management: induction of labor (part 2). Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2020:1–9. [III, Review] Ref. [134],
with permission.
Abbreviation: EFW, estimated fetal weight; FGR, fetal growth restriction.
collagen, with some smooth muscle; the stability of these com- Risk factors/Associations
ponents and the ability to become dynamic when stressed on a
physical and molecular level are what changes the cervical status. Factors that may increase the risk for complications associated
This cervical status prior to induction is predictive of induction with induction are nulliparity, no prior vaginal delivery, unfavor-
success, as described later [3]. able cervical exam, postterm, obesity, and a large fetus.
274 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Oxytocin infusion
FIGURE 23.1 Induction algorithm to reduce the risk of cesarean delivery and time to delivery.
[CI] 0.85–0.95) [18]. These data indicate women who are low of labor or expectant management after a prior CD, induction at
risk should be given the opportunity to be induced primarily 39 weeks remained associated with a significantly higher chance
for the indications of 39 weeks’ gestation. of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), as well as uterine rup-
ture (odds ratio [OR] 1.31, 95% CI 1.03–1.67 and OR 2.73, 95% CI
Contraindications 1.22–6.12, respectively) [26]. Uterine rupture was not statistically
Induction of labor is contraindicated in the situations shown in different in those women induced at 40 completed weeks com-
Table 23.2 [16]. The supervising physician should use their discre- pared to expectantly managed women; however, there was also
tion in the event of multifetal pregnancy, maternal heart disease, no increase in VBAC odds [26].
prior low-transverse CD, severe hypertension, and abnormal fetal
heart rate (FHR) patterns not necessitating emergent delivery. Time of day for induction
Spontaneous labor has been shown to have a circadian rhythm
Induction of labor after cesarean with a higher occurrence at night due to a higher concentration
The risk of uterine rupture after induction in women with a
of myometrial oxytocin receptors and maternal oxytocin concen-
prior CD deserves special attention (see Chap. 15). Misoprostol
trations. A meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials
induction in women with a prior CD was associated with a 5.6%
(RCTs) was performed; however, results were not pooled second-
risk of uterine rupture in one of the largest series [19]. Therefore,
ary to substantial heterogeneity between studies [27]. One RCT
misoprostol should not be used for cervical ripening or labor
comparing morning and evening oxytocin inductions showed no
induction in women with prior uterine incisions except
difference in outcomes for women induced in the morning ver-
under very unusual circumstances or management of still-
sus the evening, except for slightly increased neonatal admission
birth in the second trimester (see Chap. 57 in Maternal-Fetal
to the maternity ward, medium care neonatal unit, or ICU (RR
Evidence Based Guidelines). According to retrospective studies,
1.48, 95% CI 1.02–2.14) in the morning group, though the authors
using prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) for cervical ripening in women
could not explain a reason for this effect [28]. The remaining two
who have a history of previous cesarean also increases the risk
RCTs compared prostaglandin induction timing and showed no
of uterine rupture [20–23]. Risk of uterine rupture is approxi-
differences in neonatal outcomes or CD but higher maternal sat-
mately 1.4–2.5% with PGE2 use (with or without oxytocin) [22,
isfaction in morning inductions [27]. Inductions should be timed
23] and about 1.1% with oxytocin alone [23]. Alternatively, cer-
to best accommodate the staffing needs of the labor unit and
vical ripening with the Foley catheter is not associated with
patient preference, given the lack of clear benefit for morning or
any additional risk of uterine rupture in patients undergoing
night inductions.
a trial of labor after cesarean section [24]. Mifepristone 400 mg
orally may outperform Foley to induce labor in a prior cesarean
due to its lack of uterine stimulation, but currently is under- Prediction of successful induction
studied [25]. A patient who has a prior CD, no previous vaginal
delivery, and an unfavorable Bishop score up to 39–40 weeks has Maternal characteristics
more risks (e.g. septicemia, uterine rupture, and hysterectomy) Certain maternal characteristics have been shown to favorably
from induction of labor; these women may elect for repeat CD predict successful induction of labor. A secondary analysis of a
after counseling (Chap. 15) [20–23]. However, in a prospective study investigating vaginal misoprostol versus vaginal dinopro-
observational trial of 12,676 women undergoing either induction stone showed that prior vaginal delivery, lower maternal body
276 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
mass index (BMI), tall maternal stature, and neonatal birth methods have been compared not only to placebo or no treatment
weight <4000 g were associated with a higher likelihood of a vagi- but also among themselves in different populations and clinical
nal delivery, independent of method. [29]. settings, making for an extensive experience.
with less uterine hyperstimulation compared to vaginal PGE2, Compared with vaginal misoprostol, transcervical Foley
but other secondary outcomes were uncertain based on an meta- catheter has been demonstrated to be equivalent for cervical
analysis of >22,000 women (endometritis, meconium staining, ripening. There is a similar risk of CD, chorioamnionitis and
NICU admission, etc.) [43]. other maternal and perinatal outcomes, except a higher inci-
Compared to 60 mL intracervical Foley, Dilapan-S was dence of tachysystole associated with misoprostol (RR 2.9, 95%
noninferior in achieving vaginal delivery with similar maternal CI 1.39–5.81) [51–54]. Foley was associated with a longer time
infectious morbidity. Women reported higher satisfaction with from induction to delivery in two meta-analyses [53, 55]. In a net-
Dilapan-S in one trial [44]. work meta-analyses of 51 RCTs, vaginal misoprostol reduced the
risk of not achieving a vaginal delivery in 24 hours (RR 0.43, CI
Balloon catheter 95% 0.35–0.67) and cesarean section (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.0.71–
In 1853, Kraus first described a balloon device for preinduction 0.99), but Foley catheter reduced the risk of hyperstimulation (RR
cervical ripening. A vaginal speculum is often utilized to insert 0.15, 95% CI 0.07–0.3) [55].
the Foley catheter in the cervical os, but placement via a digital Compared with dinoprostone (intracervical and vaginal),
examination is also common. The Foley catheter affects cervical Foley catheter had similar rates of not achieving a vaginal deliv-
ripening in two ways: (1) gradual mechanical dilation and (2) sep- ery within 24 hours and CD. Foley catheter was significantly less
aration of the decidua from the amnion, stimulating prostaglan- likely to cause hyperstimulation than vaginal dinoprostone (RR
din release. Many studies have demonstrated the Foley catheter 0.27, 95% CI 0.12–0.52), but not intracervical dinoprostone [55].
to be an effective tool for achieving a favorable cervix [45]. Compared with use with oxytocin for cervical ripening,
Foley use without oxytocin was associated with a lower rate of
Technique CD (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.38–0.88) [45]. There was no difference in
Optimally, the catheter is placed at a level above the internal cervi- tachysystole with or without FHR changes between groups [45].
cal os, sometimes with the assistance of forceps or a clamp to guide Theoretical risks associated with Foley catheter use include
the catheter. Placement may be done with the aid of a stylette if bleeding, fever, displacement of the presenting part, and prema-
preferred, but it has not been shown to reduce the rate of failed ture rupture of membranes (PROM) (Figure 23.2). However, no
insertion [46]. Rather, reduced insertion failure is associated with randomized trial has shown an increase in these complica-
increased cervical dilation and experience of the practitioner [46]. tions in comparison to other methods. Foley should not be used
Placement should be attempted digitally without a speculum in women with low-lying placentas. Overall, the Foley catheter
first, as this is associated with lower pain score. However, com- is an inexpensive, safe, well-tolerated, and easy tool for cervi-
pared to placement with a speculum, both digital and speculum cal dilation [56]. In a review of over 1200 low-risk women who
methods had a high satisfaction score with women [47]. received the intracervical Foley catheter for cervical ripening,
Once placed above the internal os, the operator uses sterile there were no adverse events necessitating delivery in the pre-
saline or water to inflate the catheter’s balloon. Various sizes induction ripening period [57]. In a meta-analysis of 26 trials
and balloon capacities have been investigated and used; these including 5563 women, there was no increased risk of infectious
include a range from 25 to 80 mL balloons with 14–18 F cathe- morbidity with Foley catheter use [56]. Foley is as effective as
ters. Compared to balloons filled with 30 mL, filling a balloon other methods, including misoprostol, and possibly safer than
to 80 mL resulted in an average decreased time to delivery pharmaceutical methods and should be considered as first
of 2 hours in a meta-analysis of seven studies [48]. Correct line in all inductions (see Chap. 21).
placement is verified by gentle traction on the catheter until the
inflated balloon meets the resistance of the internal os. Vaginal Sequential ripening
exam of the posterior fornix should be performed to palpate the There is no evidence the Foley catheter after pharmacologic rip-
balloon above the level of the internal os. Once the location is ening will reduce time to delivery or CD rate in those women who
verified, gentle traction is applied by taping the distal end of the
catheter to the patient’s inner thigh. Adding weighted traction
has not been shown to increase vaginal delivery overall, vaginal Diagnosis of PROM ≥ 37 weeks confirmed
delivery within 24 hours, or decrease the CD rate [49]. If the
Foley is not expulsed within 12 hours, consideration should be
given to removing it and starting the induction with oxytocin, Start induction within
as leaving it in 24 hours is associated with longer inductions but 6 hours
no reduction in rate of CD [50].
Compared with no treatment, one trial reported Foley catheters
to have no effect on the risk of CD [45]. Oxytocin Vaginal or oral
Compared with all locally applied prostaglandins (LAPGs), Best evidence
infusion misoprostol
including PGE2 and misoprostol, the rate of CDs is the same
in a meta-analysis of 21 studies (n = 3202) [45]. There was no sig-
nificant difference in vaginal delivery in 24 hours in the Foley Some evidence, but superiority
catheter group [45]. LAPGs were associated with a higher rate to oxytocin not proven
of excessive uterine activity, and the Foley catheter was associ-
ated with an increased need for oxytocin augmentation in labor FIGURE 23.2 Induction for prelabor rupture of membranes
according to a meta-analysis of nine trials [45]. (see Chap. 21).
278 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
have not achieved a favorable Bishop score after the initial rip- over single-balloon catheters for the induction of labor. Until
ening method [58]. Serial ripening with repeated doses of dino- further information is available, a Foley catheter should be
prostone similarly have shown increased time to delivery without used over a double-balloon catheter for both efficacy and eco-
affecting the CD rate [59]. Using cervical ripening in sequence nomic concerns.
(as opposed to simultaneous) does not improve obstetric out-
come and should be avoided. Oxytocin is recommended after Membrane stripping (or sweeping)
the initial cervical ripening course is completed. Membrane stripping is the practice of inserting a finger through the
internal os and sweeping to separate the membranes from the lower
Extra-amniotic saline infusion uterine segment. This technique stimulates prostaglandin release,
Extra-amniotic saline infusion (EASI) involves, as the term states, as plasma prostaglandin levels have been observed to increase post-
infusing usually saline through the cervix by a Foley balloon. For stripping. Sweeping the membranes promotes the onset of labor and
information on infusion of PGE2, see the section “Extra-amniotic is found acceptable to a vast majority of women [13].
Prostaglandins.” Compared with no sweeping or a sham procedure, sweeping of
Compared with LAPG, EASI showed no difference in risk to the membranes at term (i.e. weekly starting at 38 weeks) is associ-
delivery >24 hours, CD, or tachysystole (six studies, n = 747) [45]. ated with a slight increase in spontaneous labor (RR 1.21, 95% CI
Compared with PGE2, EASI with an intracervical Foley bal- 1.08–1.34) and reduced frequency of labor induction (RR 0.73,
loon is associated with shorter time intervals to yield a favor- 95% CI 0.56–0.94), although certainty on these outcomes was low
able Bishop score and similar incidence of CD [45, 60–62]. due to heterogeneity and multiple biases [13]. To avoid one formal
Compared with vaginal misoprostol, EASI with an intracervi- induction of labor, sweeping of membranes must be performed
cal Foley balloon and oxytocin is associated with a shorter induc- in eight women. Rates of CD and maternal and neonatal mor-
tion-to-delivery interval in one trial, but no difference in another bidity are similar. Discomfort during vaginal examination and
[63, 64]. There was similar incidence of CD in both trials [63, 64]. other adverse effects (bleeding and irregular contractions) are
Compared with Laminaria, EASI with an intracervical Foley more frequently reported by women allocated to sweeping, but
balloon is associated with a shorter induction-to-delivery are not associated with complications.
interval and fewer CDs for failed induction in one trial [64]. Studies comparing sweeping with prostaglandin adminis-
Compared with Foley only, EASI with Foley catheters has tration (vaginal or intracervical) did not show a difference in
been associated with a shorter induction-to-delivery interval in induction of labor, spontaneous vaginal delivery, cesarean, or
one RCT [65] but not in another larger RCT [66]. spontaneous labor. Sweeping more than once weekly did not
In summary, there is insufficient evidence to use EASI increase the vaginal delivery rate or decrease the need for labor
instead of Foley balloon for cervical ripening. induction. Membrane sweeping also was not more effective than
amniotomy and oxytocin for promoting spontaneous labor,
Double-balloon Foley catheters induction of labor, or cesarean [13].
Double-balloon Foley catheters (Cook Catheter or Atad cath- When used as a means for induction of labor, the woman should
eters) have become more frequently used for mechanical labor be counseled that her chance of going to spontaneous labor after
induction. The catheter is designed specifically for labor induc- one sweeping at term is about 36% in the next 48 hours versus
tion, providing an intracervical and vaginal balloon to compress 17% without sweeping (so doubling the rate of onset of labor) [74].
the cervix in addition to membrane separation to ripen the cer- Possible complications such as bleeding, infection, and ruptured
vix. Both balloons in the Cook catheter are approved to fill to a membranes are not found to be increased with stripping [74]. In
volume of 80 mL in each balloon. nulliparas being induced with PGE2 and oxytocin, the addi-
Compared to PGE2, no difference in CD rates were reported tion of membrane sweeping is associated with a shorter induc-
in five RCTs [67–71]; one RCT of 126 women found a higher rate tion-to-delivery interval and increased vaginal delivery rates
of CD in the dinoprostone group [72]. Time to vaginal delivery in one trial [75]. No differences were noted in nulliparas with
was shorter in the double-balloon group in two out of four RCTs favorable cervices or in multiparas.
reporting on the outcome [68, 69, 71, 72], and delivery within In women attempting trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC),
24 hours was increased for the double-balloon group in two of weekly membrane sweeping had no effect on spontaneous labor
three trials reporting the outcome [69, 71, 72]. Overall maternal or vaginal delivery rate [76]. Membrane stripping was also found
and neonatal morbidity was similar in both groups, except tachy- to be safe in group B streptococcus (GBS) carriers, without any
systole was more common with PGE2 [72]. There is insufficient cases of neonatal sepsis, death, or serious neonatal morbidity in
evidence to support the use of a double-balloon catheter over a trial of 542 women [77]. There was also no increase in neonatal
PGE2 for labor induction. composite morbidity.
Compared to a single-balloon Foley catheter, there was no
difference in time to delivery, CD, or intrapartum fever in two Amniotomy
meta-analyses of four trials [67, 73]. Additionally, there was a Amniotomy—artificial rupture of the membranes—is another
higher rate of patient discomfort with the double-balloon cath- technique used in labor induction. There is insufficient evidence
eter compared to single-balloon Foley [73]. Time from induction to assess the effectiveness of amniotomy alone [78]. No trials
to delivery was longer in the double-balloon group in one trial compared amniotomy alone with intracervical prostaglandins. If
[68]. There is also a significant cost difference between the cath- performed without cervical ripening or achieving a favorable cer-
eters: single-balloon Foley catheters may cost up to $12–$14 (US) vix, amniotomy may be followed by long intervals before onset of
for large balloon catheters (75 mL), but are cheaper when 30 mL labor. In induced patients, early amniotomy is associated with
balloons are used. The double-balloon catheter costs labor and a shorter duration of labor and no increase in CD in a meta-
delivery units over $200 (US) per unit. There is currently insuffi- analysis of four trials [79]. The rate of intrapartum fever is mixed
cient evidence to support the use of double-balloon catheters in RCTs and warrants additional research [79].
Induction of Labor 279
misoprostol avoided the most CDs [90]. When the informal anal- PGE2 vaginal insert
ysis of both achieving vaginal delivery in 24 hours and avoiding The PGE2 vaginal insert (Cervidil) (also called a slow-release
CD was combined, low-dose (<50 µg) oral misoprostol performed pessary) is a thin, vaginal insert containing 10 mg of dinopro-
best, followed by high-dose, then low-dose vaginal misoprostol stone and delivers roughly 0.3 mg of dinoprostone each hour
[90]. A later network meta-analysis showed that vaginal miso- over a 24-hour period. The insert is placed in the posterior for-
prostol avoided failed vaginal delivery in 24 hours the most, but nix of the vagina and left in place until the desired ripening has
was not different from oral misoprostol for reduced chance of CD occurred, when the insert is removed. Removal should occur at
[55]. Compared with vaginal misoprostol, low-dose titrated oral least 30 minutes prior to starting oxytocin.
misoprostol (20–25 µg) given every 2 hours was shown to cause Compared with PGE2 gel, a PGE2 insert is associated with an
fewer incidences of uterine tachysystole with FHR changes and a increased risk of not achieving a vaginal delivery within 24 hours
higher rate of vaginal delivery in 24 hours [89]. Studies that exam- (RR 1.26, 95% CI 1.12–1.41). There was no change in the risk of cesar-
ine patient satisfaction have shown a definite preference toward ean section (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.93–1.22). The risks of tachysystole
oral administration [86, 87]. with FHR changes (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.39–1.49) and without FHR
changes (RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.56–1.15) were not different with the
Sublingual misoprostol two methods of PGE2 administration. The use of sustained-release
Based on only three small trials, sublingual misoprostol appears PGE2 inserts is associated with a reduction in instrumental vaginal
to be at least as effective as when the same dose is administered delivery rates (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.32–0.68) when compared to vagi-
orally [91]. nal PGE2 gel or tablet. Compared with intracervical PGE2 low dose,
Compared to vaginal misoprostol, a meta-analysis of five tri- intracervical PGE2 high dose has a higher rate of hyperstimulation
als found no difference in vaginal delivery within 24 hours, tachy- with FHR changes but no change in CD rate [93].
systole (when grouped according to dose), or CD for sublingual Compared with dinoprostone insert followed by oxyto-
dosing [92]. There is inadequate data to assess safety, optimal cin, dinoprostone insert started concurrently with oxytocin
dose, and side effects. is associated with a shorter induction-to-delivery interval and
higher incidence of vaginal deliveries within 24 hours in one
Prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone) small trial [95].
PGE2 is an endogenously produced hormone that acts locally
on surrounding tissues. Such effect is manifested in the smooth Extra-amniotic prostaglandins
muscle of the uterus and gastrointestinal tract. PGE2 can be used There is insufficient evidence to fully assess the effectiveness
for induction of labor via different routes of administration, such of extra-amniotic prostaglandins for induction of labor, with
as vaginal, extra-amniotic, oral, and intravenous. The vaginal enough evidence to discourage its use compared with other
route is the most common route of administration of PGE2 for methods (see also the section “Extra-Amniotic Saline Infusion”).
labor induction. It can be given in different forms, such as tablet, Extra-amniotic placement of prostaglandins was first undertaken
gel, and insert. in the early 1970s and has been largely replaced with cervical or
vaginal placement. Most of the studies used PGE2 (the minor-
PGE2 vaginal gel ity prostaglandin F2α) and gel preparations. Of the primary
Dinoprostone gel (Prepidil) is packaged as a 0.5-mg dose in outcomes, there were significantly fewer women delivered vagi-
a 2.5-mL syringe. A shielded catheter is added to the syringe nally within 24 hours among those induced with extra-amniotic
end to facilitate safe injection, usually intracervically. Under prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) compared with vaginal misoprostol
direct visualization using a speculum, the syringe contents (RR 2.43, 95% CI 1.42–4.15). Oxytocin was used to initiate or
should be injected into the endocervical canal using sterile augment labor more frequently when compared with vaginal
technique. The patient should remain supine for 30 minutes misoprostol (RR 1.73, 95% CI 1.20–2.49). When extra-amniotic
to minimize leakage from the canal. An alternative method for PGE2 was compared with Foley catheter only, the only differ-
administering the gel is to inject it into the posterior fornix or ence between the groups was that there were fewer cases of unfa-
intravaginal administration. Until achieving a favorable cer- vorable cervix at 12–24 hours following treatment (RR 0.59, 95%
vix, dinoprostone 0.5 mg may be repeated every 6 hours up to a CI 0.41–0.86). There were no other significant differences when
maximum dose of 1.5 mg in a 24-hour period. Once the cervix extra-amniotic prostaglandins were compared with other meth-
is favorable, oxytocin may be initiated for induction 6 hours ods of cervical ripening or induction of labor. Although this
after the last dose. could suggest that extra-amniotic prostaglandins are as effective
Compared with placebo, intracervical PGE2 is associated as other agents, the findings are difficult to interpret because
with a decreased risk of not achieving vaginal delivery within they are based on very small numbers and may lack the power to
24 hours (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.47–0.79). There was a small, non- show a real difference [96].
significant reduction of the risk of cesarean section when PGE2
was used (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.77–1.0). The finding was statisti- Oral PGE2
cally significant in a subgroup of women with intact membranes All oxytocin treatments were more likely to achieve vaginal deliv-
and unfavorable cervix (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.68–0.98). The risk of ery in 24 hours compared to oral PGE2 [97]. Oral prostaglandin
tachysystole with FHR changes was not significantly increased was associated with vomiting across all comparison groups. There
(RR 1.21, 95% CI 0.72–2.05). However, the risk of tachysystole are no clear advantages to oral prostaglandin over other methods
without FHR changes was significantly increased (RR 1.59, 95% of induction of labor [97].
CI 1.09–2.33) [93, 94].
Compared with PGE2 tablets, PGE2 gel has a similar rate of Intravenous prostaglandins
vaginal delivery not achieved in 24 hours, CD, hyperstimulation IV prostaglandins should not be used for induction or cer-
causing FHR changes, and oxytocin use [93]. vical ripening. They are no more effective than IV oxytocin or
Induction of Labor 281
vaginal/cervical PGE2 for the induction of labor, but their use is TABLE 23.4: Labor Stimulation with Oxytocin: Examples of
associated with higher rates of maternal side effects (e.g. gastro- Low- and High-Dose Oxytocin Protocols
intestinal, thrombophlebitis, pyrexia) and uterine tachysystole
Starting Incremental Increase Dosage Interval
[98]. No significant differences emerged from subgroup analysis
Regimen Dose (mU/minute) (minute)
or from the trials comparing combination oxytocin/PGF2α and
oxytocin or extra-amniotic versus IV PGE2 [98]. Low dose 0.5–1 1 30–40
1–2 2 15
Oxytocin High dose ~6 ~6 15
In 1948, the posterior pituitary extract oxytocin was first used for 6 6a, 3, 1 20–40
labor induction via IV drip. Oxytocin was then synthesized by du a The incremental increase is reduced to 3 mU/minute in the presence of tachysys-
Vigneaud and associates in 1953; this accomplishment won the
tole and reduced to 1 mU/minute with recurrent tachysystole.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1955. Oxytocin is routinely utilized,
as it is the drug of choice also for augmentation of labor. While
induction of labor is the stimulation of contractions before the significant reduction of the induction to delivery interval and an
spontaneous onset of labor, augmentation is the stimulation of increase in hyperstimulation without specifying FHR changes.
contractions in the face of inadequate contractions following the Table 23.4 shows examples of each regimen (see also Chap. 7).
spontaneous onset of labor. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of high-dose
By increasing intracellular calcium concentration, oxytocin oxytocin over low-dose protocols [100].
stimulates the smooth muscle cells of the breast, vessels, and,
moreover, the uterus. Receptors for oxytocin are expressed in
Prostaglandin F2α
Compared with placebo, vaginal PGF2α has a similar CD rate
cells of the endometrium, liver, pancreas, and breast tissue. After
(RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.31–1.14). Vaginal delivery within 24 hours was
the 13th week of gestation, myometrial cells express oxytocin
not reported in the three trials included in a meta-analysis [93].
receptors as well. Peak expression by the myometrium and endo-
There were insufficient data to make meaningful conclusions for
metrium occurs at term. Oxytocin increases both the amplitude
the comparison of vaginal PGE2 and PGF2α [93]. There are there-
and frequency of contractions, making labor effective. When
fore insufficient data to assess the safety and efficacy of PGF2α
continuously administered IV, oxytocin affects uterine response
for induction.
within 1 minute. Steady-state plasma concentrations are obtained
within 40 minutes. Mifepristone
Overall, comparison of oxytocin with either intravaginal or Compared with placebo, mifepristone-treated women were
intracervical PGE2 reveals that the prostaglandin agents prob- more likely to be in labor or to have a favorable cervix at 48 hours
ably increase the chances of achieving vaginal birth within (RR 2.41, 95% CI 1.70–3.42), were less likely to need augmenta-
24 hours [99]. Compared with expectant management, oxyto- tion with oxytocin (RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.66–0.97), and were less
cin-alone inductions are associated with fewer women failing likely to undergo cesarean section (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.60–0.92),
to deliver vaginally within 24 hours (8% vs. 54%; RR 0.16, 95% but more likely to have an instrumental delivery (RR 1.43, 95% CI
CI 0.10–0.25), but with the CD rate slightly increased (RR 1.17, 1.04–1.96) and abnormal FHR pattern [101].
95% CI 1.01–1.35). There is a significant increase in the number of Compared to oxytocin, women treated with mifepristone for
women requiring epidural analgesia (RR 1.10, 95% CI 1.04–1.17) PROM after 36 weeks were less likely to have a vaginal delivery
[99]. Compared with vaginal prostaglandins, oxytocin alone within 24 hours (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.45–0.96) and their babies
is associated with an increase in unsuccessful vaginal deliv- had an increased likelihood of neonatal adverse outcomes with
ery within 24 hours (70% vs. 21%; RR 3.33, 95% CI 1.61–6.89), more NICU admissions (RR 3.56, 95% CI 1.09–11.58) and abnor-
irrespective of membrane status, but there was no difference in mal FHR patterns (RR 4.36, 95% CI 1.02–18.66) in one trial [101].
cesarean section rates [99]. Uterine hyperstimulation was not increased.
Compared with intracervical PGE2 prostaglandins, oxyto- One poor-quality study comparing mifepristone to dinopros-
cin alone is associated with an increase in unsuccessful vaginal tone found no difference in cesarean rate but a smaller change in
delivery within 24 hours (50% vs. 35%; RR 1.47, 95% CI 1.10– Bishop score for mifepristone [102]. There is insufficient infor-
1.96). For all women with an unfavorable cervix regardless of mation available from clinical trials to support the use of
membrane status, the cesarean section rate is also increased (19% mifepristone to induce labor.
vs. 13%; RR 1.37, 95% CI 1.08–1.74) [99].
Compared to vaginal prostaglandin F2α, there was no dif- Estrogen
ference in CD rate (RR 1.19, 95% CI 0.65–2.18). The outcome of Several studies have shown that estradiol given via a variety of
failing to delivery vaginally in 24 hours was not reported in any of routes has the ability to achieve some degree of improved cervical
the three RCTs included in the meta-analysis [99]. ripening with minimal myometrial stimulation [103]. However,
Oxytocin seems to be as effective as prostaglandins in on the whole there were insufficient data to draw any conclu-
women with PROM (see Chap. 21) [99]. sions regarding the efficacy of estrogen as an induction agent,
Compared to low-dose oxytocin regimens (<100 mU in the given small, differing trials with different controls and different
first 40 minutes and <600 mU in the first 2 hours), there were outcomes reported [103]. It also was not shown to improve Bishop
no differences in rates of vaginal delivery not achieved within score when compared to placebo in the outpatient setting [104].
24 hours (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.78–1.14) or CD (RR 0.96, 95% CI
0.81–1.14). There was no difference in serious maternal or neo- Relaxin
natal morbidity. No trials reported on the number of women who There is insufficient evidence to assess the safety and efficacy
had uterine hyperstimulation with FHR changes. When high- of relaxin as an intervention for induction of labor. There are no
bias studies were removed from the meta-analysis, there was a reported cases of uterine tachysystole with NRFHT in any of the four
282 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
small trials [105]. Compared with placebo, relaxin is not associated not significant in women with an unfavorable cervix. The rate of
with differences in CD [105]. In a phase 2 study, there was no dif- postpartum hemorrhage is reduced (0.7% vs 6.0%, RR 0.16, 95% CI
ference in Bishop score between relaxin infusion and placebo [106]. 0.03–0.87). There is no significant difference in the cesarean sec-
tion rate, in the rate of meconium staining, or in uterine tachy-
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate systole. The three perinatal deaths were associated just with breast
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) is converted to estro- stimulation (1.8% vs. 0%; RR 8.17, 95% CI 0.45–147.77) [114].
gen by the fetoplacental unit, and it was investigated as a possible Compared with oxytocin alone, breast stimulation had simi-
mechanism for cervical ripening without myometrial contrac- lar rates of women not in labor after 72 hours, cesarean section
tions. One trial of 84 women showed a 6-day difference to onset rates, and meconium staining. Three of the four perinatal deaths
of labor and 4-hour shorter labor course for DHEAS compared to were in high-risk women in the breast stimulation group (17.6%
placebo, but this was only for nulliparous women (n = 40) [107]. vs. 5%; RR 3.53, 95% CI 0.40–30.88) [114]. Until safety issues
Given twice-weekly infusions during the trial, there is insuffi- have been fully evaluated, breast stimulation should not be used
cient evidence on its efficacy and would be quite cumbersome as in high-risk women [114].
a method of outpatient ripening, as one trial that investigated its
use showed poor results when compared with placebo. Castor oil
Castor oil should not be used routinely for induction of labor,
Dexamethasone sulfate given the incidence of maternal side effects and insufficient
There is insufficient evidence to assess the safety and efficacy evidence for efficacy [115]. There was no evidence of a difference
of steroids as induction agents. Compared with oxytocin alone, in caesarean section rate in the two trials reporting this outcome
dexamethasone IM and oxytocin are not associated with sig- (RR 2.04, 95% CI 0.92–4.55). No data were presented on neona-
nificant effects in maternal and perinatal outcomes in one small tal or maternal morbidity. All women who ingested castor oil felt
RCT [108]. Compared to Foley catheter, Foley catheter plus extra- nauseous [115]. One additional small trial (n = 81) found no dif-
amniotic infusion of dexamethasone solution had a significantly ference in labor at 24, 36, and 48 hours after ingestion of castor
shorter time from induction to delivery in one small RCT (11.9 ± oil compared to sunflower oil [116]. However, a sub-analysis of 37
3 hours vs. 14.5 ± 4.8 hours, p < 0.01 [109]. women did show some benefit for onset of labor for multiparous
women. Forty percent of women had an increase in bowel move-
Hyaluronidase ment after ingestion, but there was no increase in meconium
There is insufficient evidence to assess the safety and efficacy staining or abnormal FHR tracing [116].
of intracervical injections of hyaluronidase for cervical ripening.
It is not common practice, and it is an invasive procedure that Enemas and baths
women may find unacceptable in the presence of less invasive There are no trials on enemas or baths for induction of labor.
methods. In one RCT, when compared with placebo for cervi-
cal ripening, intracervical injections of hyaluronidase resulted in Homeopathy
women receiving significantly fewer cesarean sections (RR 0.37, There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of homeopa-
95% CI 0.22–0.61), less need for oxytocin augmentation (10% vs. thy (e.g. with Caulophyllum) as a method of induction. No ben-
47%; RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.10–0.41), and increased cervical favor- efits were seen in the two small, poor-quality trials [117].
ability after 24 hours (60% vs. 98%; RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.52–0.74).
No side effects for mother or baby were reported in this trial [110]. Sexual intercourse
Compared to Foley catheter, hyaluronidase was associated with a Women randomized to sexual intercourse had similar incidence
higher CD rate and no difference in oxytocin use [111]. of spontaneous labor compared to the control group (RR 1.02,
95% CI 0.98–1.07) [118]. Intercourse is not effective to induce
Nitric oxide donors labor in women with low-risk term pregnancies.
Nitric oxide (NO) donors do not appear currently to be a use-
ful tool in the process of induction of labor. A meta-analysis Summary
including 23 studies compared NO donors with placebo, vaginal
PGE2, intracervical PGE2, vaginal misoprostol, and intracervical Most cases of inpatient inductions who require cervical ripen-
catheter. There is no evidence of any difference between failed ing should be performed with two agents. Evidence supports the
vaginal delivery within 24 hours, CD, or hyperstimulation [112]. combination of Foley catheter (single balloon, inflated to 60–80
There was an increase in nonserious maternal side effects (nau- mL, with or without traction) and misoprostol (e.g. 25 µg every
sea, headache) [112]. 2–4 hours; or 25mcg followed by 50 mcg every 3–4 hours). If
misoprostol is contraindicated, oxytocin IV infusion is recom-
Other methods mended with Foley catheter. Once cervical ripening is completed
Acupuncture (i.e. 12 hours of Foley catheter use, four to six doses of misopro-
There is insufficient and conflicting evidence to assess the effi- stol), oxytocin infusion is recommended. Amniotomy should be
cacy of acupuncture for induction of labor. Compared with a performed once regular contractions are achieved, and usually
sham procedure, the use of acupuncture prior to a scheduled after Foley expulsion and cervix is about >3–5 cm dilated, with
induction is not associated with any difference in the need for the head engaged. If the Bishop score is ≥9 or there is rupture of
induction agents or CD, but had greater cervical change [113]. membranes (ROM), oxytocin IV infusion is recommended.
modality for monitoring. In general, a nonstress test (NST) should waiting for the priming to work, and overall preferred outpatient
be obtained before any induction or cervical ripening agent is priming when the option was to return to their own home [130].
used to assure fetal well-being. After administration of PGE2 gel Women who are offered outpatient ripening should be of a low-
or tablet, the fetal heart can be monitored continuously for about risk population with reliable transportation back to the hospital
0.5–2 hours, although the proper amount of time for monitoring in case of labor, ROM, decreased fetal movement, or bleeding.
is unclear. After administration of PGE2 insert, the fetal heart The patient should be able to opt for inpatient ripening if desired,
can be monitored continuously for the duration of the insertion receive verbal and written instructions prior to discharge, and
[119]. After administration of misoprostol, the fetal heart should complete 1–2 hours of monitoring prior to discharge with a reas-
be monitored continuously, given the higher chance of contrac- suring fetal tracing.
tions and uterine tachysystole with related NRFHT [120].
Labor management during induction
Outpatient versus inpatient
The patterns by which labor progresses in spontaneous labor and
Induction of labor in outpatient settings appears feasible, but electively induced labor are significantly different [30]. Latent and
the evidence is still insufficient for routine use for most meth- early active phases proceed slower than a spontaneous labor in
ods. Important adverse events are rare [121]. There is insufficient induced labor in which cervical ripening was necessary. Induction
evidence to know which induction agents are most effective and not requiring cervical ripening may be associated with a quicker
safe to use in the outpatient setting. A meta-analysis of seven labor course from 4 to 10 cm [30]. The risk of CD is increased
trials (n = 1610) had high heterogeneity for many outcomes, and during the first stage of labor of an induction needing cervical
many of the prespecified obstetric and safety outcomes were not ripening, mainly because of dystocia. Induction without need for
reported, with high risk of bias and imprecision [121]. There is cervical ripening may have no or only a minor effect on the risk of
limited evidence to assess the safety of outpatient misoprostol cesarean [30]. Applying the same standards of spontaneous labor
for induction of labor. While effective in decreasing the length curves (e.g. Friedman’s curve) to induced patients may lead to an
of gestation and induction-to-delivery interval, the safety of this increased cesarean section rate in induction (see Chaps. 8 and 9).
approach, even at low (25 mg) doses, is still unproven in the three When administering oxytocin, the target is to stimulate uterine
small trials [122–124]. There are insufficient data to assess the activity that is enough to effect cervical change as well as fetal descent
safety of outpatient dinoprostone for induction of labor. In an without compromising the fetus. Minimal criteria for effective uter-
RCT including 827 women, the outpatient dinoprostone group ine activity are three contractions per 10 minutes averaging greater
had more NRFHT and were unable to be discharged home. Over than 25 mmHg above baseline, with five contractions in 10 minutes.
half of the randomized women did not receive the allocated inter- The Montevideo unit was created in 1957 to describe the summation
vention secondary to labor or not requiring ripening [125]. For of the amplitudes of all contractions in a 10-minute window. Uterine
this reason, prostaglandins are not recommended in the out- tachysystole is defined as more than five contractions in 10 minutes.
patient setting. During induction with oxytocin, 91% of patients delivered vaginally
Conversely, there is a large body of evidence that supports achieved 200 Montevideo units without neonatal morbidity in one
the safety of inpatient Foley catheter use, with one of the low- retrospective study [131]. Contraction pressures of ≥200 Montevideo
est risks of hyperstimulation [81]. Although outpatient trials in units should be targeted in induction or augmentation of laboring
Foley catheter ripening are also not powered for safety, there is a patients to achieve adequate labor [131, 132]. Induced labor should
lower risk that intervention will be required [57]. Likewise, in a be managed, in general, as spontaneous labor (see Chaps. 8 and 9).
meta-analysis of 26 studies of mostly inpatient women who were If active phase is not achieved within 24 hours, this is not a reason
ripened with a Foley catheter, this incidence of adverse effects was per se for CD. A failed induction should not be diagnosed until after
0.26%, most of which were reported as pain or discomfort [126]. 18–24 hours of oxytocin after membrane rupture in the active
In a trial of 126 nulliparous women undergoing outpatient ripen- phase (usually 6 cm in a nulliparous patient), assuming reassuring
ing with Foley catheter, an average of 4 fewer hours were spent on fetal heart pattern [11, 133].
the labor and delivery unit. There was no difference in cesarean or
infectious morbidity between the outpatient and inpatient groups
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Victoria Adewale, Cecily May Barber, and Elizabeth Liveright
TABLE 24.1: Definition/Diagnosis of Suspected Triple I number of vaginal exams [18–26]. For example, the International
Multicentre Term Prelabor Rupture of Membranes Study (Term
Maternal fever (single temperature of ≥39°C or two temperatures of
PROM) demonstrated that increasing the number of digital
38–38.9°C that are at least 30 min apart) plus at least one of the
vaginal exams, longer duration of labor, and meconium-stained
amniotic fluid were the most commonly identified risk factors for
• Leukocytosis (WBC count ≥15,000/mm3) developing infection. There is some evidence that some of these
• Purulent cervical drainage previously identified risk factors are eliminated by controlling for
• Fetal tachycardia (≥160 beats per minute for ≥10 min) confounders such as length of labor and prolonged rupture [4].
Abbreviation: WBC, white blood cell; min, minutes. The increased risk of triple I in the setting of cervical catheter
use for induction is controversial. A meta-analysis of several RCTs
Epidemiology demonstrated that the use of transcervical Foley catheters for
induction of labor was not associated with increased infectious
Triple I incidence ranges from 0.6%–19.7%, and a meta- morbidity [27]. In PROM alone, a recent multicenter randomized
analysis of high-quality studies showed a pooled incidence of controlled trial (RCT) showed that a Foley catheter in addition
3.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.8–6.8). This includes not to oxytocin does not shorten time to delivery; however, it does
only the United States but several other countries around the increase the incidence of triple I [28]. Furthermore, another mul-
world [9]. This chapter focuses on triple I at term (≥37 weeks). ticenter RCT demonstrated that delayed pushing in the second
The incidence of triple I in preterm births may be as high as 40% stage results in higher rates of triple I compared to immediate
in deliveries under 27 weeks’ gestation. The rate is higher in cesar- pushing (6.7% vs. 9.1%; between-group difference, −2.5% [95% CI,
ean section, with as many as 12% of cesarean deliveries having a −4.6% to −0.3%], p = 0.005) [25].
clinical diagnosis of triple I [10].
In women with prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM), the
reported incidence is higher. The Term PROM study showed a
rate overall of 7% in women with rupture of membranes prior to Maternal
active labor [11]. In women with PROM greater than 24 hours, the Intrauterine infection is associated with increased risk of cesar-
rates of infection may be as high as 40% [12]. ean delivery and endometritis, as well as postpartum hemor-
rhage, need for blood transfusion, intensive care unit (ICU)
Pathophysiology admission, and need for hysterectomy (Table 24.2). The dura-
tion of triple I has been shown to be associated directly with
Triple I is largely considered to be an acute inflammation that blood transfusion and ICU admissions. Fortunately, infection
is due to an ascending polymicrobial infection from the cervix rarely lasts greater than 24 hours after delivery, particularly when
after membrane rupture. Additional routes have been proposed, given a dose of antibiotics postpartum (see “Management” sec-
including hematologic dissemination from the gastrointestinal tion). Treatment failure, defined as persistent fevers after receiv-
(GI) tract, retrograde spread from the peritoneal cavity via the ing one postpartum dose of antibiotics, is reported to be from 2%
fallopian tube, and iatrogenic spread through medical procedures to 6%. The patients likely to have treatment failures had either
[13]. In this setting, the most common bacteria implicated are undergone cesarean delivery, had prolonged rupture of mem-
Ureaplasma, Urealyticum, and Mycoplasma. Other bacteria often branes, or were obese [29].
isolated in amniotic fluid cultures are Gardnerella, Bacteroides, The risk of cesarean section is approximately twofold to three-
group B streptococcus, and Escherichia coli [14]. Rarely, hematog- fold higher for a woman meeting clinical criteria for triple I [30,
enous spread is the source, as in the case of Listeria infection [15]. 31]. The increased risk is thought to be due to decreased uter-
Triple I can be diagnosed histologically based on placental ine contractility and subsequent dysfunctional labor. Decreased
evaluation; however, a clinical diagnosis may not be confirmed
by histologic studies. It has been reported that up to one-third
of clinical diagnoses may not have corresponding histologic
TABLE 24.2: Selected Possible Complications Associated
findings [16]. A number of grading systems have been proposed
with Triple I
to describe the histologic severity of triple I, and they include
depth and location of neutrophil infiltration of the placenta. A Maternal
number of inflammatory markers may be associated with the
• Cesarean delivery
clinical syndrome and histologic diagnosis of triple I, including
• Endometritis
cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1-alpha, IL-1-beta, IL-6, and
• Postpartum hemorrhage
IL-8, among others. It is suggested that microorganisms invad-
• Need for blood transfusion
ing the amniotic space stimulate these inflammatory cytokines,
• ICU admission
which favors the migration of neutrophils and ultimately pro-
• Need for hysterectomy
duces the histologic diagnosis of triple I [17].
Risk factors
• Pneumonia
Risk factors for developing triple I include longer duration of • Meningitis
labor, prolonged rupture of membranes, meconium-stained • Sepsis
amniotic fluid, use of internal fetal monitoring, group B • Risk of cerebral palsy or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
streptococcus (GBS) colonization, nulliparity, bacterial vagi- • Death
nosis, delayed pushing in the second stage, and increased Abbreviation: ICU, intensive care unit.
Intraamniotic Infection and Inflammation (Triple I) 289
uterine contractility may also lead to higher rates of postpartum TABLE 24.3: Antibiotic Treatment for Triple I
hemorrhage due to atony; risk of postpartum hemorrhage after
Recommended Regimens
vaginal delivery may be up to 80% more likely, and 50% more
likely after cesarean section [32]. The international multicenter • Ampicillin and gentamicina or
PPROMT trial showed that with PPROM close to term—between • Cefazolin and gentamicin or
34 and 36.6 weeks—women who were managed expectantly had • Clindamycin or vancomycin and gentamicin
higher rates of hemorrhage (RR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4–0.9), intrapartum • Add clindamycin (or metronidazole) for cesarean section
fever (RR 0.4, CI 0.2–0.9), use of postpartum antibiotics (RR 0.8,
CI 0.7–1.0), and longer hospital stays (p <0.0001) compared with Duration
those who were delivered within 24 hours [33] (see Chap. 20).
• Initiate treatment at time of diagnosis and continue intrapartum
• Vaginal delivery: Stop postpartum
• Cesarean: Single additional dose of chosen antibiotic regimen
Triple I is associated with increased rates of bacteremia, sep-
sis, and mortality in neonates, as well as an increased risk of
• No indication for prolonged treatment in absence of clinical
cerebral palsy [34]. A neonatal sepsis rate of 8% when born
with triple I has been reported; the mortality rate of neonates
born to mothers with triple I was 1.4/1000 as compared to
0.8/1000 of neonates born to mothers without infection [35].
Intrapartum fever has been shown to increase transient neonatal • Decreased rate of neonatal bacteremia, pneumonia, and sepsis
adverse effects, including neonatal seizures and encephalopathy • Shorter maternal hospital stay
[36–39]. These risks are present in both term and preterm infants, • Lower rates of persistent maternal fever
though the relative risk is greater preterm. It is posited that the a Dosing recommendations: Ampicillin 2 g IV every 6 hours, gentamicin 5 mg/kg
fetal inflammatory response is a contributing factor to cerebral every 24 hours, cefazolin 2 g IV every 8 hours, clindamycin 900 mg IV every
palsy. Studies show that elevated levels of inflammatory cyto- 8 hours, vancomycin 1 g IV every 12 hours.
kines were present in the amniotic fluid of mothers of children
with cerebral palsy [40].
Recent studies emphasize that an association with cerebral intrapartum antibiotics. These studies most consistently have
palsy be differentiated from the risk of cerebral palsy when dis- shown decreased rates of neonatal bacteremia and sepsis, and
cussing triple I. One large meta-analysis delineated that clinical also decreased rates of maternal febrile morbidity and length
diagnosis of triple I was not a risk factor for cerebral palsy; how- of postpartum stay [43, 44]. These data are exclusively from
ever, an association was found. There was no association between cohort studies; there still have been no RCTs to date compar-
histologically diagnosed triple I and cerebral palsy in preterm ing intrapartum antibiotics to no treatment/placebo for women
neonates, likely due to other factors related to preterm birth con- with triple I. A recent analysis showed that the sensitivity and
tributing to the neonate’s outcome [41]. specificity of the NICHD criteria for suspected triple I to predict
Complications from triple I have also been explored in chil- confirmed triple I were 71.4% (95% CI 61.4%–80.1%) and 40.5%
dren beyond the neonatal and infant years. Using NICHD data (95% CI 33.6%–47.8%), respectively. Furthermore, the incidence
on magnesium for prevention of cerebral palsy in early preterm of adverse clinical infectious outcomes was similar between the
delivery, an observational cohort study demonstrated that there isolated maternal fever group and the suspected triple I group
were no significant differences in Mental Developmental Index (11.8% in suspected triple I group, 9.5% in isolated fever group,
scores between children of mothers with or without triple I P = 0.5), suggesting that febrile women not meeting criteria for
(19.1% versus 17%). This study did, however, show that neonates suspected triple I are still at risk and may benefit from antibiotics
diagnosed with sepsis had decreased Mental Development Index [45]. Because isolated maternal fever is a common occurrence
scores at age 2 (absolute risk reduction [ARR] 1.36, CI 1.04–1.78). during labor, when it occurs, antipyretics should be given and
Therefore, though exposure to triple I does not result in measur- a clinical suspicion for triple I should be raised. If the fever
able neurocognitive delays in children, a known complication of persists without other clinical signs of triple I, it is reason-
triple I, neonatal sepsis, was significantly associated with this able to start antibiotics, given evidence that the new criteria may
outcome [42]. not be inclusive enough to treat all those women and newborns
who have potential to benefit from antibiotics. Furthermore, pro-
spective, randomized controlled studies are still needed to better
Management qualify the management of isolated maternal fever [4].
Once triple I has been diagnosed at any gestational age, the rec- The source of triple I is thought to originate in the vaginal flora;
ommended management is prompt delivery, with intrapartum coverage is therefore recommended to target beta-lactamase–
antibiotics. Currently, expectant management without delivery producing aerobes and anaerobes. Ampicillin and gentamicin
for triple I is contraindicated, unless an amniocentesis is done and are the antibiotics most commonly used when the diagnosis of
triple I is ruled out (e.g. amniotic fluid with glucose >15 mg/dL; triple I is made in labor, based largely on clinical consensus, in
negative Gram stain; negative culture). the absence of data supporting other regimens [46]. Twenty-four-
hour dosing of the aminoglycoside is equally effective as 8-hour
Intrapartum dosing with the advantages of increased bactericidal effects,
Initiation of antibiotics at the time of diagnosis is the stan- decreased nephrotoxicity, and decreased cost [47]. The two RCTs
dard of care for treatment of triple I (Table 24.3). This rec- identified in a Cochrane review showed no statistically significant
ommendation is supported by several studies demonstrating difference in maternal or neonatal outcomes when clindamycin
decreased maternal and fetal morbidity with administration of was added to ampicillin and gentamicin [48, 49].
290 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
For patients undergoing cesarean section, anaerobic cover- TABLE 24.4: Selected Strategies for Prevention of Triple I
age through antepartum addition of clindamycin or metro-
• Decreasing length of labor
nidazole to ampicillin and gentamycin is associated with fewer
• Decreasing length of time of rupture of membranes (ROM)
wound infections postpartum [50].
• Antibiotic prophylaxis in labor if ROM to delivery >12 hours
Antipyretics should be considered when maternal fever is
• Decreasing number of digital exams
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Meike Schuster and Justin S. Brandt
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Gestational Age - Completed Weeks
FIGURE 25.1 Percentage of births with meconium-stained fluid according to gestational age. (Adapted from Ref. 2.)
surfactant function, inflammation, and obstruction. However, neonatal sepsis in the presence of MSAF); placental dysfunc-
respiratory compromise in the presence of meconium is more tion leading to chronic fetal hypoxia (e.g. fetal growth restric-
commonly due to other processes (such as chronic or acute tion, preeclampsia, oligohydramnios); uterine tachysystole
asphyxia or intrauterine infection) than damage from meconium (e.g. with misoprostol); and prolonged labor (every 2-hour
aspiration itself [7]. Factors such as intrauterine growth restric- increase in duration of labor is associated with a 30% increase in
tion, postmaturity (>40 weeks), nonreassuring fetal heart rate the risk of MSAF) [10, 11]. The multiplicity of risk factors and the
tracing, and caesarean birth have been associated with higher possible coexistence of independent risk factors (e.g. meconium
rates of MAS [8]. For example, hypoxia may stimulate colonic and oligohydramnios) may explain why MSAF has inconsistently
activity and fetal gasping, leading to meconium aspiration. In been associated with lower umbilical artery pH at birth.
such cases, meconium is not causative of the respiratory compro-
mise, but rather a manifestation of underlying chronic or acute Complications
processes leading to fetal compromise. MAS occurs in about 5%
of MSAF cases, and, of these, approximately 4% of affected Because the intrauterine processes underlying accumulation
neonates die [9]. of meconium can jeopardize the fetus, MSAF and MAS can be
associated with increased risk of fetal acidemia, neonatal sei-
Symptoms zures, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, neonatal
sepsis, respiratory distress, neonatal encephalopathy, cerebral
Symptoms of neonatal MAS include respiratory compromise, palsy, and neonatal death [3, 9, 12–14]. MAS is associated
with tachypnea, cyanosis, and reduced pulmonary compliance. with neonatal morbidity and mortality, especially in a low-
In some cases, pulmonary hypertension develops [9]. resource setting.
Ultrasound finding of
dilated bowels, Avoid risk factors such as fetal
calcifications, echogenic acidemia, infection, chronic fetal
bowel or hypoxia due to placental
polyhydramnios dysfunction, uterine
tachysystole, or prolonged labor
Amniocentesis – most
often break-down Use best obstetrical
products of intra-uterine Management estimate for
or intra-amniotic pregnancy dating to
bleeding avoid delivery post
due date
Institutional policies
regarding routine
induction of labor
Fetal/Neonatal may reduce adverse
neonatal outcomes
- Oro – and such as MAS
suction does not
decrease the incidence Maternal
of MAS, need for
mechanical ventilation - Amnioinfusion does not reduce the
or other risk of MAS or neonatal morbidity,
morbidity/mortality except in low resource setting
and should not be - Antibiotics improve outcomes in the
performed in the setting of infection but should not
setting of MSAF be used in MSAF cases
- Routine endotracheal
intubation at birth in
meconium stained
neonates does not
improve outcomes and
is no longer
of the gastrointestinal tract. Progression in meconium consis- of fetal heart rate decelerations, 5-minute Apgar score less than 7,
tency in labor from no/little meconium to the presence of thick presence of meconium below the vocal cords, and need for neo-
meconium, or the occurrence of meconium in the setting of cat- natal ventilation or NICU admission.
egory II fetal heart rate tracings should elicit further evaluation, In a subgroup analysis that included three studies performed in
as these findings are associated with higher rates of fetal acide- settings with limited perinatal surveillance capabilities, amnio-
mia and lower Apgar scores at 5 minutes [23–25]. The presence infusion for MSAF was associated with a significant reduction
of meconium and fetal distress or the change in thickness in MAS (RR 0.17, 95% CI 0.05–0.52) and perinatal mortality (RR
of meconium is associated with possible fetal distress and 0.24, 95% CI 0.11–0.53), as well as reductions in cesarean delivery
should prompt evaluation. for nonreassuring fetal testing, 5-minute Apgar score less than 7,
neonatal ventilation or NICU admission, and neonatal encepha-
lopathy, compared with no amnioinfusion.
Prevention In summary, amnioinfusion for MSAF is not associated
Prevention of meconium passage and of MAS may be accom- with improvements in perinatal outcomes in settings with
plished by reducing the rate of postterm deliveries. Early ultra- standard perinatal surveillance, but this intervention may
sound dating, stripping of membranes at ≥37-38 weeks, and be associated with improvements in perinatal outcomes in
induction of labor at 39 weeks decrease the incidence of post- resource-poor settings.
term pregnancies (see Chap. 23). Avoidance of fetal hypoxia may
also reduce MSAF, but there is a lack of evidence-based strategies Maternal antibiotics
to achieve this aim. Induction has been shown to reduce the risk There is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of anti-
of MAS. In a meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials biotics for women with meconium in labor. A meta-analysis
(RCTs) that included term pregnancies and compared a policy of (including two RCTs, both of which utilized ampicillin-
routine labor induction at or shortly after 41 weeks versus expect- sulbactam, n = 362) found that antibiotic prophylaxis in women
ant management, there was a 23% reduction in the risk of MAS in with MSAF is associated with a significant decrease in the risk
the induction group versus expectant management group (rela- of chorioamnionitis (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.21–0.62) compared with
tive risk [RR] 0.77 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.62–0.96) [26]. normal saline, but is not associated with a significant reduction
The ARRIVE trials, an RCT of 6096 patients, compared induction in the incidence of neonatal sepsis (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.21–4.76),
of labor vs. expectant management and showed an overall 20% NICU admission (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.39–1.78), and postpartum
reduction in perinatal composite adverse outcomes (RR 0.80, 95% endometritis (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.18–1.38) [31]. No serious adverse
CI 0.64–1.00), which included MAS, birth trauma, respiratory effects were reported. In summary, based on the limited evi-
support, perinatal death, and other averse neonatal outcomes dence available, there appears to be little benefit to the use
[27]. In summary, induction of labor for 39 weeks’ gestation of antibiotics during labor for MSAF, and they should be
reduces the risk of MAS (see also Chap. 22) [28, 29]. reserved for indications such as group B streptococcus (GBS)
prophylaxis and chorioamnionitis.
of this change in management. Comparing outcomes of intubated 4. Incerti M, Locatelli A, Consonni S, Bono F, Leone BE, Ghidini A. Can pla-
neonates to those who were not, the studies found similar rates cental histology establish the timing of meconium passage during labor?
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2011;90(8):863–868. [II-3, Cohort, n = 44]
of MAS, inhaled nitric oxide and extracorporeal membrane oxy- 5. Poggi SH, Salafia C, Paiva S, Leak NJ, Pezzullo JC, Ghidini A. Variability
genation (ECMO), and morbidity and mortality, but lower rates in pathologists’ detection of placental meconium uptake. Am J Perinatol.
of intubation (2.3% vs. 0.6%) and admission to the NICU (3.8% 2009;26(3):207–210. [III]
vs. 3.1%) [40–44]. One RCT following the change in recommen- 6. Ramon y Cajal CL, Martinez RO. Defecation in utero: A physiologic fetal
function. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188(1):153–156. [II-2, Prospective
dation found an increased risk of MAS (RR 1.4, 95% CI 0.792 –
study, n = 240]
2.470) and death (13.6% vs. 7.5%, p < 0.05) in those nonvigorous 7. Ghidini A, Spong CY. Severe meconium aspiration syndrome is not caused
infants who were intubated in the delivery room [45]. Two large by aspiration of meconium. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;185(4):931–938. [III]
meta-analyses in 2020 revealed no difference in the rate of MAS 8. Chand S, Salman A, Abbassi RM, et al. Factors leading to meconium aspira-
between those infants intubated and those not intubated (RR tion syndrome in term- and post-term neonates. Cureus. 2019;11(9):e5574.
[II-3, Cross-sectional study, n = 136]
0.98, 95% CI 0.71–1.35) [46, 47]. In summary, the routine endo- 9. Rossi EM, Philipson EH, Williams TG, Kalhan SC. Meconium aspiration
tracheal intubation of nonvigorous newborns with MSAF syndrome: Intrapartum and neonatal attributes. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
should be avoided and discouraged. 1989;161(5):1106–1110. [II-2, Prospective study, n = 238]
10. Lee J, Romero R, Lee KA, et al. Meconium aspiration syndrome: A role for
Antibiotics and surfactant fetal systemic inflammation. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016;214(3):366 e361–
369. [II-2, Prospective cohort study, n = 1281]
Administration of surfactant and antibiotics to neonates with
11. Tran SH, Caughey AB, Musci TJ. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid is asso-
MAS reduces the length of hospital stay (mean difference –2.0, ciated with puerperal infections. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;189(3):746–
95% CI, –3.66 to –0.34 and RR –4.68, 95% CI –7.11 to –2.24 days, 750. [II-3, Retrospective cohort, n = 43,200]
respectively) and duration of mechanical ventilation (mean dif- 12. Hayes BC, McGarvey C, Mulvany S, et al. A case-control study of hypoxic-
ference –1.31, 95% CI –9.76 to –1.03 days and mean difference 5.4, ischemic encephalopathy in newborn infants at >36 weeks gestation. Am J
Obstet Gynecol. 2013;209(1):29 e21–29 e19. [II-3, Case control, n = 237]
95% CI –9.76 to –1.03 days). Rates of ECMO were also decreased 13. Gaffney G, Flavell V, Johnson A, Squier M, Sellers S. Cerebral palsy and neo-
(RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.46–0.91) [48]. In summary, antibiotics and natal encephalopathy. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 1994;70(3):F195–
surfactant should be part of the standard of care when manag- 200. [II-3, Retrospective cohort]
ing a neonate with MAS. 14. Walstab JE, Bell RJ, Reddihough DS, Brennecke SP, Bessell CK, Beischer NA.
Factors identified during the neonatal period associated with risk of cerebral
palsy. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004;44(4):342–346. [II-3, case control]
Meconium and drug screening 15. Chan ES. Massive ascites and severe pulmonary hypoplasia in a premature
Toxicologic evaluation of meconium is regarded as the gold stan- infant with meconium peritonitis and congenital cytomegalovirus infec-
dard for assessment of in utero exposure to drugs and alcohol tion. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2020;39(1):71–77. [III]
during pregnancy [49, 50]. Its collection is cumbersome, and 16. Chan KW, Lee KH, Wong HY, et al. Cystic meconium peritonitis with
often samples are of insufficient quantity for use [51]. In a study jejunoileal atresia: Is it associated with unfavorable outcome? World J Clin
Pediatr. 2017;6(1):40–44. [II-3, Retrospective cohort, n = 53]
that evaluated the detection of ethanol biomarkers in meconium 17. Dupuis A, Keenan K, Ooi CY, et al. Prevalence of meconium ileus marks the
samples, 15% of pregnant patients in Scotland consumed signifi- severity of mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance
cant quantities of alcohol in the pregnancy [49]. A Canadian study Regulator (CFTR) gene. Genet Med. 2016;18(4):333–340. [II-3]
revealed that the prevalence of alcohol in meconium was tenfold 18. Chen S, Wang XQ, Hu XY, et al. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid as a risk
factor for necrotizing enterocolitis in very low-birth weight preterm infants:
higher compared to what mothers had reported, contributing to
A retrospective cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019:1–6. [II-3,
approximately 1800 cases of fetal alcohol syndrome annually [52]. n = 461]
Meconium has also been used to screen for exposure to heavy 19. Chen CW, Peng CC, Hsu CH, et al. Value of prenatal diagnosis of meconium
metals, environmental exposures, and drugs (prescription and peritoneum: Comparison of outcomes of prenatal and postnatal diagnosis.
illicit drugs) [53–55]. Depending on the metal, some are more Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(39):e17079. [III]
20. Gunderman PFR, Shea LAG, Gray BW, Brown BP. Fetal MRI in manage-
easily detected in maternal blood (i.e. zinc and iron), while oth- ment of complicated meconium ileus: Prenatal and surgical imaging. Prenat
ers accumulate in meconium with greater abundance (i.e. copper) Diagn. 2018;38(9):685–691. [II-3, n = 7]
[56]. Postnatal testing of umbilical cord blood can detect amphet- 21. He F, Yin Y, Huang L, Li H, Cao Y. Using prenatal MRI to define fea-
amines, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines, even at lower levels tures of meconium peritonitis: An overall outcome. Clin Radiol.
2018;73(2):135–140. [III]
(4–10 ng/g vs. 30 ng/g) [51]. With respect to illicit drugs, umbili-
22. Jerdee T, Newman B, Rubesova E. Meconium in perinatal imaging:
cal cord blood analysis appears to have similar detection rates Associations and clinical significance. Semin Ultrasound CT MR.
compared to maternal blood toxicology testing and may be easier 2015;36(2):161–177. [III]
to collect. The preferred testing modality should be chosen based 23. Locatelli A, Regalia AL, Patregnani C, Ratti M, Toso L, Ghidini A.
on availability of testing in the area of practice [57, 58]. In sum- Prognostic value of change in amniotic fluid color during labor. Fetal Diagn
Ther. 2005;20(1):5–9. [II-3, Retrospective cohort, n = 19,090]
mary, the use of meconium and sections of the umbilical cord 24. Greenwood C, Lalchandani S, MacQuillan K, Sheil O, Murphy J, Impey L.
appear to be equivalent for the evaluation of in utero exposure Meconium passed in labor: How reassuring is clear amniotic fluid? Obstet
to drugs, alcohol, and environmental factors, and either may Gynecol. 2003;102(1):89–93. [II-3, Retrospective cohort, n = 8394]
be used for this purpose. 25. Frey HA, Tuuli MG, Shanks AL, Macones GA, Cahill AG. Interpreting
category II fetal heart rate tracings: Does meconium matter? Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 2014;211(6):644 e641–648. [II-1, Prospective cohort, n = 5000]
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Alexis C. Gimovsky, Andrea Dall’Asta, Giovanni Morganelli, and Tullio Ghi
The fetal longitudinal axis is perpendicular to the long axis of the
uterus. The fetus can either present “back up” (fetal small parts
present to the cervix) or “back down” (fetal spine or shoulder
present to the cervix).
The fetal longitudinal axis is diagonal to the long axis of the
Risk factors/Associations
Both maternal and fetal factors can lead to malpresentation,
including uterine anomalies, fibroids, placenta previa, grand
multiparity, contracted maternal pelvis, pelvic tumors, pre-
maturity (the earlier the gestational age, the higher the incidence
of malpresentation), multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, short
umbilical cord, fetal anomalies (e.g. anencephaly, hydrocepha-
FIGURE 26.4 Shoulder presentation. lus), abnormal fetal motor ability, and prior breech delivery.
302 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 26.8 Malpresentations and malpositions. Denominator: The fetal reference point used in defining position. It is usually
a prominent bony landmark at the circumference of the presenting part. For example, occiput for vertex, sacrum for breech, mentum
for face, and acromion for shoulder presentation. Fetal lie: Orientation of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the uterus;
Longitudinal orientation: Fetus and the mother’s dorsal column are parallel; Transverse orientation: Fetus at 90 degrees to mother’s
dorsal column; Oblique orientation: Fetus is neither parallel nor 90 degrees to the mother’s dorsal column, but is in transition between
longitudinal and transverse lie. Fetal presentation: The lowermost structure of the fetus in the maternal pelvis. In the longitudinal lie,
the fetal presentation can be either cephalic or breech. In the transverse lie, the presentation is usually the fetal back or shoulder; in
the oblique lie, it is usually the shoulder or the arm. Fetal attitude: Degree of extension-flexion of the fetal head; the relation of various
parts of the fetus to each other. For example, in the cephalic presentation: Vertex: Head is maximally flexed; Sinciput (military): Head
is partially flexed; Brow: Head is partially extended; Face: Head is maximally extended. Breech presentation can be further defined
based on the attitude or flexion of the hip and knee joints: Frank breech: Flexion at the hip and extension at the knees; Complete
breech: Flexion at both the hip and knee joints; Footling breech: One or both hips and knees in a partial or intermediate extension.
Fetal position: This is a description of the relation of the presenting part of the fetus to the maternal pelvis. In a longitudinal lie with
a vertex presentation, the occiput of the fetal calvarium is the landmark used to describe the position. Direct occiput anterior: When
the occiput is facing the maternal pubic symphysis. Right or left occiput anterior: If the occiput is between the ischial spines and the
symphysis. Occiput transverse: If the occiput is located halfway between the promontorium of the sacrum and the symphysis; Right or
left occiput posterior: The occiput approaches the sacrum. Direct occiput posterior: When the occiput is straight down (i.e. facing the
sacrum or coccyx). In cases of breech presentation, the fetal sacrum is used for position. With transverse and oblique lies, the shoulder
structures (acromion) can be used for the description of position. For a fetus in cephalic presentation and face or brow presentation,
304 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Review contraindications
Obtain informed consent
Nonstress test
(ensure reactivity)
Betamimetic tocolysis
(e.g., terbutaline 25 µg SQ)
Successful Unsuccessful
converts to vertex
Remains breech
No further
attempts at
Continues vertex
Trial of labor
delivery at 39
FIGURE 26.9 Suggested management of breech presentation. (Adapted from Ref. 1.)
incidence of PTB. There is insufficient evidence to assess the noncephalic presentation at birth (57% vs. 66%) and slightly lower
best GA at which to perform ECV. In general, the later the GA, CD (65% vs. 72%) [34–37]. In the largest randomized controlled
the lower the success rate, but there are reports of successful ECV trial (RCT) to date, compared with ECV at >37 weeks, ECV at
in women in term labor. About 36 weeks is generally consid- 34 0/7–356/7 weeks was associated with a decrease in the incidence
ered to be the optimal time for attempted version. At 36 weeks, of noncephalic presentation at birth (41% vs. 49%; RR 0.84, 95% CI
there is felt to be adequate room to turn the fetus while minimiz- 0.75–0.94), but no difference in rates of CD (52% vs. 56%; RR 0.93,
ing the risk of return to breech presentation following a success- 95% CI 0.85–1.02) or risk of PTB (6.5% vs. 4.4%; RR 1.48, 95% CI
ful ECV. Additionally, if delivery becomes necessary, a 36-week 0.97–2.26) [38].
infant has a low rate of respiratory distress syndrome or other
complications of prematurity compared to a fetus of <36 weeks Tocolysis
GA. Compared with ECV at 370/7–380/7 weeks, ECV at 34 0/7–360/7 Tocolysis with betamimetics prior to attempting ECV is associ-
weeks is associated with nonsignificant trends for slightly lower ated with 30% fewer ECV failures, a 32% reduction in noncephalic
306 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
presentations at birth, and 23% fewer CDs [39]. A common toco- Inhalational anesthesia
lytic used is terbutaline with a dose of 25 mg subcutaneously In a systematic review of anesthesia and analgesia for ECV, the
once, 10–15 minutes before ECV. Other different betamimetics visual analog scores (VASs) of pain were also significantly lower
have been used with no evidence as to the best one or its dosage with inhalational anesthesia. The VAS of patient satisfaction was
and timing [39]. One RCT of adjusted doses of intravenous salbu- significantly higher with intravenous anesthesia [51].
tamol tocolysis prior to ECV increased success rates, decreased
the CD rate, and was well tolerated [40]. Tocolysis can also be Systemic opioids
used with success in a second ECV attempt on the same day after There is limited evidence that systemic opioids improve success
a first ECV attempt has failed [41]. rates for ECV. One RCT of 60 women showed that the frequency
Nifedipine as a uterine relaxant for ECV has also been evalu- of CD was similar in the opioid (remifentanil) group vs. placebo
ated. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RR 0.9, 95% CI 0.20–4.27) 318). In one RCT comparing spinal
of 320 participants, nifedipine did not significantly improve anesthesia, systemic opioid (remifentanil) and control (no anes-
the success of ECV [42]. In two RCTs evaluating oral nifedipine thesia/analgesia) for ECV success, ECV was most successful in
versus subcutaneous terbutaline tocolysis for ECV, there was the spinal anesthesia group (83%) versus opioid (64%) and control
higher ECV success with terbutaline (52.2%–58.1% for terbu- (64%). Pain relief was highest with spinal anesthesia, followed by
taline vs. 34.1%–39.5% for nifedipine), fewer CDs, and no dif- opioid and then control. Incidence of CD for fetal bradycardia
ference in neonatal outcomes, although more side effects were was similar among the groups [52].
noted with terbutaline (maternal palpitations and tachycardia) In a systematic review, compared to control, ECV with neuraxial
[43–45]. anesthesia has a significantly higher ECV success rate; however, the
Nitroglycerin has been studied as an agent to improve odds of maternal hypotension increase significantly. All anesthesia
ECV success rates. In four small trials, sublingual nitro- interventions provide a significant reduction of procedure-related
glycerin was associated with significant side effects and was pain. Intravenous anesthesia had a significantly higher score in
not found to be effective [39]. One RCT demonstrated that patient satisfaction and lower odds of NRFHRT pattern [51].
treatment with intravenous nitroglycerin increased the rate
of successful ECV in nulliparous women (24% compared to Hypnosis
8%, p = 0.04) but not in multiparous women [46]. In one trial, There is one RCT on hypnosis versus neurolinguistic program-
terbutaline 25 mg subcutaneous 5 minutes prior to ECV was ming for pain relief during ECV, and both groups reported a simi-
found to have a significantly higher ECV success rate than lar degree of relief [39].
nitroglycerin [47].
ECV procedure
Fetal acoustic stimulation Given the possible complications, it is prudent to perform ECV
Fetal acoustic stimulation to the fetal head for 1–3 seconds in in a facility with ready availability of emergency CD. Consent
midline fetal spine positions is associated with fewer failures should be obtained after counseling regarding possible complica-
of ECV at term in a very small study [28, 39, 48]. Eleven of 12 tions, alternatives (CD), prognosis, and explanation of the actual
ECVs were successful following stimulation [48]. The crossover procedure. A nonstress test should be performed before and
arm (patients who failed version without stimulation) were then after ECV. Anesthesia is usually not necessary and has not been
stimulated, and 8 of 10 patients were successfully verted, for a absolutely proven to benefit outcomes. Betamimetic prophylactic
total of 19 of 22 successful versions (86%) [47]. The success rate tocolysis should be given (e.g. terbutaline 25 µg subcutaneously
in the control group in this study was lower than expected (8%) 5–10 minutes prior to procedure). There are no trials comparing
[47]. The evidence is limited and is insufficient to make a other technical aspects of ECV. One or two operators can be used.
recommendation. When the fetal back is accessible to palpation with no intervening
placenta, the stimulation of the Galant or the stepping or walking
Neuraxial anesthesia fetal reflexes have been suggested to improve the outcome of ECV
There is evidence that regional anesthesia affects ECV success. [53]. Frequent, if not continuous, ultrasound guidance to assess for
ECV failure, noncephalic births, and CDs were reduced in two fetal well-being and presentation is suggested. Rh-negative women
trials with epidural but not in three trials with spinal analgesia should receive anti-D immunoglobulin. There is no evidence to
[39]. ECV success rates increased from 33% to 59% with epidural support immediate induction after successful ECV.
in one study and from 32% to 69% in another [4, 49]. Potential There are no trials to evaluate the potential effects of hydration
bias in both studies lies in that the care provider was not blinded or transabdominal amnioinfusion on the success rate of sponta-
to placement of the epidural [4, 49]. It is important to note that neous version or ECV.
the control groups had lower success rates than expected; the In summary, regarding ECV, and as supported by the American
average success rate in the literature, which is mostly without College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Royal
anesthesia, is about 58%. All patients in both studies received College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), all women who
terbutaline prior to attempt at ECV. It has been postulated that are near term with breech presentations or transverse/oblique lie
large-volume preloading with epidural may increase the amni- should be offered ECV due to the benefit of a significant decrease
otic fluid volume [39]. The use of spinal anesthesia has not been in CD and the small risk of an adverse event. Tocolysis increases the
associated with any benefit in the success of ECV in some RCTs chance of a successful ECV [1, 54]. ACOG also supports the use of
[28, 39]. However, a meta-analysis including nine RCTs, of which neuraxial anesthesia to increase the success rate of ECV [1].
seven used spinal and two used epidural anesthesia for ECV ver-
sus controls, demonstrated anesthetic-dose neuraxial blockade Moxibustion and/or acupuncture
(usually spinal) is associated with a 63% increase in the suc- Moxibustion is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that
cess rate of ECV [50]. uses heat generated by burning herbs, most often Artemisia
Malpresentation and Malposition 307
vulgaris, to stimulate the acupuncture point BL67 (Zhiyin in (excluding fetal anomalies) or serious neonatal morbidity [66].
Chinese) [55–59]. There is inconsistent evidence to assess if the This reduction is less for countries with high national perina-
use of moxibustion converts a breech to a cephalic presentation. tal mortality rates [67]. Planned CD is associated with a 71%
Differences in interventions (e.g. moxibustion alone or with acu- reduction (from 1.15% to 0.26%) in perinatal or neonatal death
puncture) make it difficult to perform a satisfactory meta-analy- (excluding fetal anomalies) [66]. This reduction was similar for
sis. Moxibustion may reduce the need for ECV by 53% and reduce countries with low and high national perinatal mortality rates.
the incidence of nonvertex presentation at term by 35%–70% in One death could be prevented for every 112 CDs planned [66].
Chinese trials [56, 57]. In two trials performed in Italy, moxi- A secondary analysis [68] of the short-term outcomes of the
bustion was not well tolerated by 22% of women and therefore Term Breech Trial [67] looked at factors associated with adverse
not effective [58]. Moxibustion was not effective when used with outcomes. The lowest morbidity was found in patients with
acupuncture [59]. Moxibustion may decrease the use of oxyto- planned CD prior to the onset of labor. In a planned vaginal
cin before or during labor for women who had vaginal deliveries breech delivery, labor augmentation and a second stage greater
and might reduce noncephalic presentation at birth and CD com- than 60 minutes are associated with less optimal outcomes [68].
pared to acupuncture [55]. A meta-analysis performed compil- Factors not shown to affect outcome included induction, par-
ing data from six studies of both Western and Chinese databases ity, use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring, or epidural
shows that moxibustion at point BL67, alone or in combination [68]. A “skilled clinician” at the delivery was associated with
with acupuncture, is associated with higher rates of cephalic lower adverse outcomes. “Skilled clinician” was best described
version of 72.5%, compared with 53.2% in the control group (RR by the clinicians themselves rather than by years of experience
1.36, 95% CI 1.17–1.58). These data should be viewed with cau- or being a licensed obstetrician [68].
tion, given the high degree of heterogeneity of the studies [60]. No Three months after delivery, women allocated to the planned
significant differences were found in the safety of moxibustion CD group reported 38% less urinary incontinence, 89% more
compared with other techniques. A recent RCT of 328 women abdominal pain, and 68% less perineal pain [69].
showed no beneficial effect of moxibustion to facilitate ECV Two years after delivery, there was no difference in the com-
compared to controls when looking at the percentage of fetuses in bined outcome “death or neurodevelopmental delay.” Of 463
breech presentation at 37 weeks (72.0% vs. 63.4%; RR 1.13, 95% CI vaginal delivery patients followed at 2 years, there were only 6
0.98–1.32 [61]. It might be that acupuncture and not moxibustion deaths and 7 children with neurodevelopmental delay (2.8%),
(especially not at home) is beneficial [59], although a recent trial compared with 2 and 12 of 457 patients (3.1%) in the CD group
of acupuncture with a heating needle moxibustion technique [70]. The authors postulate that there was no difference seen at
(smokeless) showed no benefit [62]. the 2-year follow-up (vs. immediate neonatal outcome) because
the study was underpowered, the predictive value was low for
Maternal change in posture an association of measures of early morbidity with later death
Maternal changes in position such as knee–chest and others and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, and planned CD is
have been suggested as a means to correct breech presentation in perhaps only reducing the risk of perinatal mortality/morbid-
pregnancy. There is insufficient evidence from the small trials ity associated with fetal hypoxemia [70]. Maternal outcomes at
reported so far to support the use of postural management for 2 years were also very similar, with constipation significantly
breech presentation [63]. Meta-analysis could not be undertaken, more common in the CD group (27% vs. 20%), while self-reported
since study designs and outcomes measured were different [64]. incontinence was not significantly different (18% vs. 22%) [71].
Postural management is not associated with a significant effect Incontinence was different (16% vs. 25%) if comparing women
on the rate of noncephalic births, either for the subgroup in which who actually planned and had a CD versus those who planned
no ECV was attempted or for the group overall (RR 0.98, 95% CI and had a vaginal delivery [71].
0.84–1.15). No differences were detected for CDs (RR 1.10, 95% CI These results are from the Term Breech Trial [67] and its second-
0.89–1.37). To date there is no solid evidence for this practice ary analyses and follow-up [67–71]. These outcomes are based on
[63, 64]. deliveries done by “clinicians who were regarded as experienced at
vaginal breech delivery” [67–71]. As the number of vaginal breech
Delivery outcomes deliveries decreases, physician skill will continue to diminish,
It is important to note that the rate of CD after ECV is still about with the potential to make vaginal delivery less safe. While it is
double that of pregnancies presenting with spontaneous cephalic estimated that >90% of babies presenting nonvertex are currently
presentation due to higher incidences of dystocia and NRFHT delivered by CD, there might still be a role for vaginal delivery
after successful ECV [65]. for the woman who declines scheduled CD or who presents in
advanced labor. Postdates pregnancy [72], parity [73], and fetal leg
Mode of delivery position [74] showed no association with the outcome of intended
breech vaginal delivery. A prospective study of 1054 women with
Singleton intended breech vaginal delivery showed that a birth weight above
Term breech 3.8 kg is associated with an increased rate of CD but no difference in
Three RCTs [66], including one large study (the Term Breech terms of neonatal and maternal morbidity [75]. ACOG reaffirmed
Trial) [67], have compared a policy of planned CD to a policy of in 2018 and RCOG in 2017 that the decision of mode of delivery
planned trial of labor to attempt a vaginal delivery. CD occurs in depends on the experience of the health care provider [76, 77]. CD
about 45% of women allocated to a vaginal delivery protocol and is the preferred mode due to the limited experience of most physi-
>90% in those allocated to a CD protocol. cians, but planned vaginal delivery of a term singleton fetus may be
At 4–6 weeks after delivery, compared with planned vagi- considered under specific hospital protocols [76, 77]. All women
nal delivery, planned CD is associated with a 67% decrease with breech presentation with a large fetus (>3500 g estima-
in perinatal or neonatal death (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.19–0.56) tion), unfavorable pelvis, hyperextended head, incomplete
308 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Because vaginal delivery of triplets is usually associated with an
increased risk for stillbirth or neonatal and infant deaths as com-
pared with CD, cesarean delivery is the route of choice, even
if some small series have recently reported similar outcomes for
trial of labor or CD for triplets.
Relationship of presenting part (usually occiput for head) to pel-
vic outlet.
Fetal position that is not occiput-anterior for cephalic presenta-
tions (or sacrum anterior for breech presentations).
Malalignment of the head in relation to the axis of the birth canal;
when one of the fetal parietal bones precedes the sagittal suture
in the birth canal (Figures 26.10 and 26.11) [98].
Compound presentation
When an extremity prolapses alongside the presenting part in the
birth canal
Occiput posterior (OP) (Figure 26.12) is the most common fetal
malposition. Only 5% of term fetuses are OP at time of delivery,
but about 23% are OP at the beginning of labor [99].
Risk factors/Associations
OP position is associated with African American race, advanced
maternal age, postterm pregnancy, birth weight >4000 g, and epi-
dural anesthesia [100]. In a meta-analysis evaluating epidural vs.
no epidural/analgesia in labor, malposition was higher in women
in the epidural group (RR 1.40, 95% CI 0.98–1.99), although this
was not statistically significant [101].
Fetal malposition can be detected by provider digital exam, as
well as by transabdominal ultrasound. Digital (manual) vaginal
examination correctly detects OP position about 80% of the
FIGURE 26.10 Anterior asynclitism.
time, while transabdominal ultrasonographic examination of
fetal head position during the second stage of labor is correct
>99% of the time. The use of transabdominal ultrasound to of malposition of the presenting part of the fetus in a small trial,
locate the exact position of the fetal head should be mandatory but assuming the hands and knees posture for 10 minutes twice
when this knowledge influences management [102]. Additionally, daily in the last weeks of pregnancy had no effect on the baby’s
ultrasound has the ability to predict persistent OP position dur- position at delivery or any of the other pregnancy outcomes
ing labor: Sensitivity and specificity of intrapartum ultrasound measured in a larger trial [104]. One study evaluated the use of
for prediction of persistent OP position were about 0.85 and 0.83, the hands and knees position in labor involving 147 women in
respectively. Sensitivity and specificity increased after 4 cm cervi- labor at term who assumed the position for a period of at least
cal dilation to about 0.92 and 0.85, respectively [103]. 30 minutes. There was no significant reduction in OP or occiput-
transverse positions at delivery or reduction of operative deliv-
Management eries. However, there was a significant reduction in back pain
Hands and knees posture [105]. An RCT studied women with OP fetal position during labor
The effect of hands and knees posture to correct malposition has who were placed in the hands and knees position in first-stage
been evaluated both before (for prevention) and during labor. labor at term for at least 10 minutes, which showed no benefit of
There are trials on the effect of the hands and knees posture rotation to occiput anterior (OA) [106]. In summary, the hands
before labor [104]. Compared to a sitting position, 10 minutes in and knees posture does not seem to be effective in preventing
the hands and knees position is associated with a lower likelihood or treating malposition.
310 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 26.1: RCTs on Manual Rotation vs. No Rotation of the Malpositioned Fetal Head in the Second Stage of Labor
Study Year Origin N Head Position Sham Control OD OVD CD
Graham [94] 2014
Australia 30 OP Yes 13/15 vs. 12/15 4/15 vs. 3/15 9/15 vs. 9/15
Broberg [95] 2016
United States of 65 OP No 10/33 vs. 8/32 8/33 vs. 7/32 2/33 vs. 1/32
Phipps (POPOUT) [96] 2021 Australia 264 OP Yes 79/127 vs. 90/127 57/127 vs. 68/127 22/127 vs. 22/127
Blanca (PROPOP) [97] 2021 France 257 OP No 37/126 vs. 54/131 N/A N/A
Phipps (TURNOUT) [98] NP/C Australia 160 OT Yes N/A N/A N/A
Verhaeghe [99] NP/C France 238 OP No N/A N/A N/A
Total 1014 139/301 (46.2%) vs. 69/175 vs. 78/174 33/175 vs. 32/174
164/305 (53.8%)
RR, 95% CI 0.86, 0.73–1.01 0.88, 0.68–1.14 1.03, 0.64–1.64
Note: Data are presented manual rotation versus control.
a Data are presented as manual rotation versus control.
Abbreviations: RCT, randomized controlled trial; NP/C, not published; recruitment complete; N/A, not available; OD, operative delivery; OVD, operative vaginal delivery; CD,
cesarean delivery; OP, occiput posterior position; OT, occiput transverse; RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval.
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Julia Burd
TABLE 27.1: Factors Associated with Shoulder Dystocia TABLE 27.2: Relationship between Increasing Birth Weight
and Maternal Diabetes and the Development of
Antepartum Intrapartum
Shoulder Dystocia
Multiparity Labor induction and/or augmentation
Birth Weight (g) No Diabetes Maternal Diabetes
Postterm gestation Labor abnormalities
Prolonged first stage 4000–4250 5.25% 12.2%
Short second stage 4250–4500 9.1% 16.7%
Prolonged second stage 4500–4750 14.3% 27.3%
Maternal obesity Epidural 4750–5000 21.1% 34.8%
Maternal diabetes Operative vaginal delivery [forceps or
Source: Data from Ref. [5].
vacuum] especially mid-pelvic station
Prior shoulder dystocia
Prior macrosomic child abdominal diameter) have demonstrated a correlation between
elevated asymmetry and shoulder dystocia [13–16].
Excessive gestational weight gain
Fetal macrosomia
Source: Data from Ref. [1].
Maternal complications involve increased post-partum blood
factors for shoulder dystocia most studied are maternal diabe- loss and vaginal lacerations. Retrospective studies have noted an
tes and fetal macrosomia. The frequency of shoulder dystocia increase in obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIs) with fetal
increases with higher birth weight (Table 27.2) [5]. However, it manipulation during shoulder dystocia, increasing with internal
should also be remembered that 40%–60% of cases occur with maneuvers and more than four maneuvers (Table 27.3) [17, 18].
birth weight <4000 g, and of deliveries with birth weight
>4000 g, only 3.3% develop shoulder dystocia [4, 6, 7]. Multiple Perinatal
studies, including those using advanced statistical models, have Brachial plexus impairment
been unable to discriminate labor patterns (e.g. prolonged first The most common major complication of shoulder dystocia is neo-
and/or second stage) in a manner that improves intrapartum natal brachial plexus impairment (BPI), which occurs in 4%–40%
management to predict and avoid shoulder dystocia [8–12]. In a of cases of shoulder dystocia. In one of the largest series, the rate
study, the statistical model that best predicted shoulder dysto- was 16.8% (Table 27.3) [19]. Most cases of BPI are unilateral (right
cia with injury included maternal height and weight, gestational > left) and involve the C5–C6 roots (Erb-Duchenne palsy).
age, parity, and birth weight and was able to identify 50.7% of Table 27.4 describes the most common palsies associated with
cases with a false-positive rate of 2.7% [12]. Recent studies exam- shoulder dystocia. Most fully recover spontaneously, with physical
ining ultrasound asymmetry (ratio of biparietal diameter and therapy, or, in some situations, respond to neurosurgical treatment.
McRobert's Maneuver
Suprapubic Pressure
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggest In a small RCT of 40 women, compared to lithotomy position,
planned cesarean delivery (without labor attempt) be consid- the use of the McRobert maneuver was associated with the same
ered to avoid shoulder dystocia [39]. incidence (7.1 vs. 7.7%) of shoulder dystocia in both prophylac-
Labor induction for women with suspected macrosomia as tic and lithotomy groups. The forced used in traction of the fetal
an intervention to decrease the rate of shoulder dystocia has head during vaginal delivery was the same in each group [48]. In
been tested in four clinical trials including 1190 women [40–44]. another RCT, in 185 women likely to give birth to a large baby
Women with EFW either >95% for gestational age or with macro- (EFW >3800 g), McRobert maneuver and suprapubic pressure
somia usually defined as EFW >4000 g, who were randomized to were associated with a trend for a lower rate of shoulder dysto-
labor induction ≥38 weeks, had a similar incidence of cesarean cia compared to controls with no prophylactic maneuvers (9% vs.
delivery (26.6% vs. 29.4%; RR, 0.90, 95% CI 0.75–1.09), operative 21%; RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.17–1.14). There were significantly more
vaginal delivery (13.0% vs. 15.2%; RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.65–1.13), cesarean sections in the prophylactic group, and when these were
spontaneous vaginal delivery (60.3% vs. 55.4%; RR 1.09, 95% CI included in the results, significantly fewer instances of shoulder
0.99–1.20), shoulder dystocia (2.4% vs. 4.2%; RR 0.57, 95% CI dystocia were seen in the prophylactic group (RR 0.33, 95% CI
0.30–1.08), intracranial hemorrhage (0.6% vs. 0.4%; RR 1.48, 95% 0.12–0.86). In this study, 13 (18%) women in the control group
CI 0.20–12.57), brachial plexus injury (0.0% vs. 0.3%; RR 0.21, required therapeutic maneuvers after delivery of the fetal head
95% CI 0.01–4.28), Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes (0.7% vs. 0.5%; RR compared to 3 (5%) in the treatment group (RR 0.31, 95% CI 0.09–
1.51, 95% CI 0.25–9.02), cord blood pH <7 (0.2% vs. 0.4%; RR 0.44, 1.02). One infant in the control group had a BPI (RR 0.44, 95% CI
95% CI 0.06–2.97), and mean birth weight (mean difference [MD] 0.02–10.61), and one infant had a 5-minute Apgar score less than
–134.41 g, 95% CI –317.27 to 48.46) compared to women expec- 7 (RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.02–10.61) [49, 50].
tantly managed. The induction group had a significantly lower
time to delivery (MD –7.55 days, 95% CI –8.20 to –6.89), lower Therapy
birth weight ≥4000 g (30.7% vs. 61.8%; RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.42– There are no interventional trials in human subjects that com-
0.59), lower birth weight ≥4500 g (3.2% vs. 14.8%; RR 0.21, 95% pare the safety or effectiveness of various shoulder dystocia
CI 0.11–0.39), lower incidence of fetal fractures (0.3% vs. 2.0%; therapeutic maneuvers [50]. Thus guidelines are based on obser-
RR 0.17, 95% CI 0.03–0.79), and a significantly higher incidence vational data and/or expert opinion. The most important feature
of hyperbilirubinemia (8.8% vs. 2.9%; RR 3.03, CI 1.60–5.74) and of the response to shoulder dystocia is that it should be a coor-
phototherapy (11.0% vs. 6.6%; RR 1.68, CI 1.07–2.66) compared to dinated and orderly application and progression of obstetric
the expectant management group [43]. maneuvers (Figure 27.1) [1, 51]. Table 27.5 describes maneuvers
A qualitative systematic review of induction of labor versus employed to relieve shoulder dystocia [4, 52]. Fundal pressure
expectant management for women with diabetes included one should always be avoided in shoulder dystocia, as it may worsen
randomized trial and four observational studies. The random- impaction of the fetal shoulder(s).
ized controlled trial (RCT) of 200 women found women induced After diagnosis of shoulder dystocia, the delivery provider
at 38 weeks or with confirmed fetal lung maturity demonstrated should call for help. This includes utilizing the assistance of other
larger fetuses in the expectant management group but was only caregivers present in the delivery room as well as alerting other
able to demonstrate three shoulder dystocias, all in the expectant obstetric, pediatric, and/or anesthesia providers on the labor and
management group [45]. The authors draw the conclusion from delivery unit. Most authorities recommend McRobert as the ini-
the four observational studies that there is a potential reduc- tial maneuver since it is easy to perform, is effective, and has a
tion in both macrosomia and shoulder dystocia with induction low complication rate. McRobert alone is effective in 40%–90%
of labor but that further study is required [46]. A recent RCT of of cases. Suprapubic pressure is often done in direct conjunction
induction of labor at 39 weeks versus expectant management in by nursing personnel (Figure 27.2). In a series of 134 cases, more
patients with gestational diabetes (n = 425) indicated similar rates than one-third of patients required more than two maneuvers to
of cesarean section (RR 1.06; 95% CI 0.64–1.77; p = 0.81) and sim- relieve the shoulder dystocia [16]. In another series of 231 shoulder
ilar rates of shoulder dystocia (induction vs. experimental group 3 dystocia cases, 57.9% of cases responded to Mc Robert and supra-
[1.4%] vs. 1 [0.5%], RR 2.96 CI 0.31–28.21, p = 0.62) [47]. pubic pressure alone and had a median duration of 29 seconds [53].
In summary, cesarean delivery is recommended for macroso- If McRobert combined with suprapubic pressure is not suc-
mia at an EFW of >5000 g in nondiabetic and >4500 g in dia- cessful, direct fetal manipulation is attempted next. In a very
betic women. Induction of labor at term for suspected fetal large series (2018 shoulder dystocia cases), delivery of the poste-
macrosomia (EFW ≥4000 g or EFW >95% for gestational age) rior shoulder (Figure 27.3) was associated with the highest rate of
in women without diabetes is associated with a similar inci- delivery (84%) compared to all other maneuvers (24%–72%) [54].
dence of cesarean delivery and shoulder dystocia compared Delivery of the posterior arm decreases the bisacromial diameter
to expectant management, a significant decrease in fetal by approximately 2 cm and makes the arm available for additional
fractures, and higher incidences of hyperbilirubinemia and rotational maneuvers, if necessary [55]. Compared with other
phototherapy. Induction at ≥38 weeks would prevent some maneuvers, delivery of the posterior arm has also been noted in
neonatal complications and can be considered; however, it is models to cause the least stretch of the anterior brachial plexus
not recommended by ACOG [1]. There is inadequate evidence to compared to lithotomy alone [56]. Other helpful fetal manipula-
recommend for or against induction of labor in patients with dia- tion interventions are either the Wood corkscrew (Figure 27.4) or
betes to prevent shoulder dystocia. Rubin maneuver (Figure 27.5). Some argue for axillary traction as
an effective maneuver for relieving shoulder dystocia: The index
Intrapartum finger is placed in the axilla of the posterior shoulder, the thumb
Prophylactic McRobert maneuver prior to the development of on the shoulder, and the middle finger is used to apply pressure
shoulder dystocia has not been shown to decrease subsequent to keep the arm in contact with the fetal body. Using significant
shoulder dystocia in women at low risk for this complication [48]. force, the posterior shoulder is delivered. A retrospective study in
318 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Auckland, New Zealand, found that this was the most commonly and fetal complications may be considered after repeat failure
used rotational maneuver with the highest success rate with no of these first- and second-line interventions. Third-line maneu-
difference in maternal and neonatal outcomes between groups vers include intentional fracture of the fetal clavicle, Zavanelli
[57]. Regardless of chosen maneuvers, the need for successive (cephalic replacement), and symphysiotomy.
maneuvers is associated with higher rates of neonatal injury;
10% with three maneuvers, 16% with four maneuvers, and 23% Counseling and documentation
with five or more [54].
Since shoulder dystocia is a bony dystocia, routine episiotomy After completion of all necessary medical interventions (e.g.
is not advised. In a systematic literature review including 14 repair of maternal lacerations or treatment of hemorrhage), the
studies of 9769 cases of shoulder dystocia, there was no reported delivery provider should sit down with the patient and her
benefit of episiotomy to prevent or assist with the management of family to review the delivery events, the management steps per-
shoulder dystocia [58]. However, episiotomy can be considered formed, and the need for close newborn follow-up to evaluate for
to allow the delivering provider space for internal maneuvers. any neonatal injuries. Open and honest communication with
If these steps all fail, one can repeat the sequence of ini- the mother and family after delivery is recommended.
tial maneuvers, potentially with an alternative delivering It is important to document in the medical record all
provider, and/or attempt placement of the patient in the “ALL maneuvers used in detail, including which shoulder was ante-
FOURS” position (Gaskin maneuver) to repeat the maneuvers rior, and the time from delivery of head to complete delivery of
(Figure 27.1). In cases of intractable shoulder dystocia, a tech- the body (Figure 27.6) [60, 61].
nique called posterior axilla sling traction (PAST) has been
described. The PAST technique makes use of a sling (e.g. suc- Anesthesia
tion catheter or firm urinary catheter) that is placed around
the posterior axilla and then used to provide traction to either An anesthesiologist should be present during cases of shoulder
deliver the posterior shoulder or rotate it [59]. More aggressive, dystocia to ensure adequate analgesia and prompt preparation for
“heroic” maneuvers which have very high frequency of maternal cesarean delivery if needed.
Shoulder Dystocia 319
FIGURE 27.3 (a) Delivery of the posterior arm. (b) Hand placed in the vagina to apply pressure at the antecubital fossa in order to
flex the fetal forearm. (c) The arm is subsequently swept out over the infant’s chest and delivered over the perineum. (From Regional
Perinatal Outreach Program of Southwestern Ontario & the Southwestern Ontario Perinatal Partnership, Perinatal Manual of
Southwestern Ontario, “Shoulder dystocia”, with permission.)
320 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 27.5 Rubin maneuver. (a) and (b) Pressure is exerted on the posterior surface of the most accessible part of the shoulder to
facilitate abduction and disimpaction of the anterior shoulder. (c) Further rotation and adduction toward the fetal chest reduces the
bisacromial diameter and results in the movement of the shoulders in a transverse position, facilitating passage of the anterior side of
the shoulder beneath the pubic arch. (Reproduced from Ramsey PS, Ramin KD, Field CS, et al. Shoulder dystocia: Rotation maneuvers
revisited. J Repro Med. 2000;45:85–88 Ref. [70], with permission.)
1. Antepartum documentation:
a. Prior shoulder dystocia? Yes no
b. Estimated fetal weight ____________
2. Mode of vaginal delivery
a. Spontaneous
b. Vacuum
c. Forceps
3. How was the shoulder dystocia diagnosed? Turtle sign
Failure to deliver shoulders with gentle downward pressure
Other ____________________________________________
4. Time fetal head delivered? ________________
5. Time body delivered? ________________
6. Total duration of shoulder dystocia (in minutes and seconds):
7. What shoulder was under the pubis symphysis (anterior) at delivery: Left Right Unknown
8. Please describe the obstetrical maneuvers were attempted, their order, and who performed:
FIGURE 27.6 Suggested checklist for documentation of delivery complicated by shoulder dystocia.
322 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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Shoulder Dystocia 323
46. Witkop CT, Neale D, Wilson LM, et al. Active compared with expectant 58. Sagi-Dain L, Sagi S. The role of episiotomy in prevention and manage-
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Amy C. Hermesch and Jorge E. Tolosa
2 decades. Many of these deaths result from complications of the of blood loss (EBL). Visual EBL has consistently been shown to
third stage of labor [4]. Ninety-nine percent of maternal deaths result in underestimation of large-volume blood loss (>1000 mL)
occur in low- and middle-income countries where maternal mor- by up to 30%–50% and overestimation of small-volume blood loss
tality remains unacceptably high. In sub-Saharan Africa, the risk [6, 7]. These types of EBL errors have been shown to occur simi-
of maternal death is very high, at 1:31, with at least 25% of those larly among providers at all levels of training [7]. Formal training
deaths due to hemorrhage [5], while in high-income countries, in visual blood loss estimation improves accuracy for a time, but
a woman’s lifetime risk of death during or following pregnancy skills tend to decline after several months [8].
is 1:4300. Secondary PPH is a significant contributor to mater- Some obstetric centers have adopted gravimetric methods for
nal death mainly, but not only, in low-income countries. PPH quantifying blood loss, including weighing of pads and sponges
has other serious complications, including hypovolemic shock, and the use of calibrated under-buttock drapes. One study dem-
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), renal fail- onstrated that visual assessment of blood loss underestimated that
ure, hepatic failure, and adult respiratory distress syndrome calculated by weighing of pads and sponges by approximately 30%
(ARDS). [9]. Another randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed that in a
simulated environment, visual blood loss estimation using non-
Diagnosis calibrated drapes resulted in underestimation by 15%–40%
Regardless of the PPH definition being utilized, the appropriate (greater error with larger volumes), whereas use of calibrated
management relies upon the clinician’s assessment of risk for drapes resulted in <15% error at all volumes [10].
PPH (Table 28.2) and timely recognition of excessive blood loss. Blood loss calculators can be utilized by care teams to facili-
However, the assessment of peripartum blood loss has classically tate accurate quantification of blood loss after both cesarean
been determined by a provider’s subjective visual estimation and vaginal deliveries. Examples of calculation tools that can be
integrated into an electronic medical record system can be found
TABLE 28.2: Example of Stratification System by Maternal through the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative
Risk Factors for PPH (CMQCC) website (www.cmqcc.org/resources-tool-kits/toolkits/
PPH Risk Risk Factors Preparation
ob-hemorrhage-toolkit) and OB hemorrhage toolkit resources.
In summary, gravimetric methods for quantifying blood loss,
Low No previous CD Type and screen including weighing of pads and sponges, and the use of cali-
Singleton pregnancy brated under-buttock drapes, as well as blood loss calculators,
4 or fewer prior VDs are recommended for the diagnosis of PPH.
No bleeding disorder
No prior PPH Management (Figure 28.1)
Medium Prior CD Type and screen or type Primary PPH
Multiple gestation and crossmatch The management of PPH begins with a diagnosis of PPH and
> 4 prior VDs obtaining help in a multidisciplinary fashion, including obste-
Chorioamnionitis tricians, nurses (including charge nurse), anesthesia, and the
Polyhydramnios blood bank. The early identification of risk factors is the first step
Macrosomia to facilitating increased surveillance, adequate preparation, and a
Abruption more rapid response to hemorrhage if it does occur (Table 28.2).
Prolonged labor (>24 h) Risk factors should be evaluated in the prenatal period and reas-
Prior PPH sessed throughout the intrapartum and postpartum course.
Large uterine fibroids A commonly accepted approach to the evaluation and treat-
High Placenta previa Type and crossmatch ment of primary PPH includes:
Suspected placenta accreta Consider alerting blood
Coagulopathy bank • Obtain help
Platelets <50,000 • Ensure adequate access with large-bore IV (may need two
Multiple risk factors (see earlier) sites)
Source: Modified from Ref. [25]. • Monitor vital signs serially
Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; VD, vaginal delivery; PPH, postpartum hemor- • Consider placing a Foley catheter to empty the bladder and
rhage; h, hour. monitor urine output
326 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 28.1 Suggested management protocol for primary postpartum hemorrhage. °Can be considered first-line in resource-poor
settings, no IV access, or if contraindications to other medications, and also as an adjunct to first-line oxytocin in high-risk cases.
*Consider transfer to operating room for complicated vaginal repairs or any cervical laceration requiring repair. **Consider contra-
indications to methergine [hypertension] and prostaglandin F2α [asthma]. ***Consider uterine balloon tamponade in particular if
aggressive multiple agents [use all uterotonic and antifibrinolytic therapies] fail to control PPH. Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; CBC,
complete blood count; T&S, type and screen, INR/PTT, international normalized ratio/partial thromboplastin time; IU, international
units; IM, intramuscular.
• Obtain laboratory tests: Complete blood count with platelets, ultrasound-guided sharp or suction curettage. Administer
blood type, antibody screen, fibrinogen, fibrin split products, uterotonic drugs:
prothrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time • Oxytocin 20–80 IU in 500 or 1000 cc of normal
saline (NS), fast IV infusion; or 10 IU IM
The first two critical steps in evaluating excessive bleeding • Misoprostol 800–1000 mcg per rectum (side effects:
are (1) to obtain labs and (2) to perform a thorough physical Chills, fever) or 400–600 mcg buccal
exam to identity the etiology of PPH. Although uterine atony • Tranexamic acid (TXA) 1 g in 10 mL IV (100 mg/mL)
accounts for 80% of PPH, failure to identify an alternative diag- at 1 mL per minute; second dose may be given if
nosis could result in delayed surgical intervention or correc- bleeding continues after 30 minutes
tion of underlying coagulopathy. Vaginal or cervical lacerations • Methergine 0.2 mg IM every 15 minutes for 2 doses,
should be explored and repaired. then every 2–4 hours: Consider contraindications,
Primary management of uterine atony: including hypertension
• Prostaglandin F2α (carboprost tromethamine,
• Vigorous uterine massage until firm Hemabate) 0.25 mg IM every 15–90 minutes up to
• Manually explore the uterus and remove any retained 8 doses (maximum 2 mg): Consider contraindica-
clots or placenta. If unable to do so manually, consider tions, including asthma
Postpartum Hemorrhage, Retained Placenta, and Uterine Inversion 327
Limited evidence exists on which to base a protocol with observational data. The first technique uses a mini-sponge tam-
respect to the order of administration of uterotonics and ponade device, a type of trauma gauze, that provides mechani-
antifibrinolytics for the treatment of PPH following vaginal cal compression of the uterine cavity [16]. The second device is
delivery. It is also important to note that the literature on the an elliptical loop that creates a vacuum within the uterus [17].
management of intraoperative and postpartum hemorrhage Randomized controlled studies comparing these devices to cur-
at the time of cesarean section is limited compared to vaginal rently used uterine balloon tamponade devices will be essential to
delivery. Findings have been generalized to cesarean deliver- determine how to incorporate these in current clinical practice.
ies based on the assumption that they are likely to be beneficial. If pharmacologic therapies and balloon/tamponade are
Traditionally, oxytocin and ergot alkaloids (e.g. methergine) are not effective in stopping PPH, other interventions should be
used as first-line agents due to their pharmacokinetic profile considered:
and speed of action, with prostaglandin F2α and misoprostol
employed as adjunctive therapies. There are many RCTs directly • Compression sutures
comparing oxytocin, ergot alkaloids, and prostaglandin F2α to • Uterine artery ligation
either placebo or to each other for treatment of PPH. Based on a • Uterine artery embolization
recent systematic analysis, the addition of misoprostol to conven- • Hysterectomy
tional injectable uterotonics conferred no added benefit with an
increase in side effects [11]. Compared with oxytocin, misoprostol Soon after the diagnosis of PPH, need for blood products and
is less effective in the primary treatment of PPH. Studies compar- hemostatic drugs should be assessed:
ing misoprostol to ergot alkaloids have demonstrated conflicting
results, and the studies are small and heterogeneous. Thus, there • Transfusion of blood and blood products as necessary
is no compelling evidence to suggest an alteration in medical (Table 28.3).
management at this time. However, it is important to note that • Hemostatic drugs.
rectal or buccal misoprostol may be an appropriate first-line • Factor VIIa: A single RCT demonstrated that recom-
agent in the setting of no IV access, patients with contraindi- binant human FVIIa may reduce the need for surgical
cations to other uterotonics, or in resource-poor settings. In intervention for severe PPH that has failed medical
addition to uterotonic medications, a growing body of evidence management [18]. This RCT was small and not pla-
supports antifibrinolytic agents (i.e. TXA). A large international cebo-controlled or blinded. Thus, larger blinded and
randomized trial demonstrated a reduction in the risk of death placebo-controlled trials are needed to assess efficacy
due to bleeding when TXA was administered (compared to pla- and safety.
cebo) early during PPH diagnosis [12]. A systematic review and • If stable, consider pelvic arterial embolization done by
meta-analysis showed a reduced risk of hysterectomy after PPH interventional radiology (IR).
following vaginal delivery [13]. Together, these studies provide • If unstable (there are no high-quality RCTs investigating
evidence that early administration of TXA in adjunct with other the following techniques):
uterotonic agents is reasonable and supported by the World • Consider massive transfusion protocol (see Figure 28.2).
Health Organization (WHO) [14]. In summary, pharmacologic • Laparotomy: Uterine artery ligation, compression
therapy with a combination of oxytocin, misoprostol, TXA, sutures, internal iliac artery ligation.
methergine, and/or prostaglandin F2α should be employed • Bimanual uterine compression.
quickly without delay after PPH is diagnosed (Figure 28.1). • Aortic compression (temporary) and pelvic packing.
Secondary management of uterine atony (refractory uterine • Hysterectomy.
A nonpneumatic antishock garment (NASG) is a neoprene
• Uterine balloon tamponade compression suit fastened around the body to reduce bleeding
and reverse shock, to be used as a hemodynamic temporizing
Failed medical pharmacologic management of uterine measure during transfer to a higher-level treatment facility.
atony is typically followed by intrauterine tamponade device Massive hemorrhage may exceed the clinical care team’s abil-
placement. The most common device is a uterine balloon, with ity to “keep up,” leading to hemodynamic instability and shock
a high success rate—87.1%—in the setting of uterine atony [15]. frequently in the presence of acidosis, hypothermia, and coagu-
Advantages of the uterine balloon include simplicity and mini- lopathy. Damage control surgery during obstetrics is defined as
mal requirement for local resources and training. Alternative abdominopelvic packing [19]. This can be utilized after arterial
uterine tamponade techniques have recently shown promising bleeding has been controlled. After packing, coagulopathy can
328 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Hemorrhage, infection, and genital tract trauma.
• Preterm birth: Inversely proportional to gestational age
• Cord avulsion: Incidence up to 3% with controlled cord
traction, especially by inexperienced operators
• Placenta accreta (see Chap. 29)
• Obtain adequate anesthesia.
• Attempt manual placental extraction.
• One hand is placed over the abdomen to stabilize
the uterine fundus, while the other hand is placed
through the cervix into the uterus. The placenta is
gently separated from the uterus starting at the supe-
rior placental edge. If possible, the placenta should be
removed intact.
• Consider ultrasound to ascertain all placental tissue has
been removed.
• The ultrasonographic appearance of the uterus imme-
diately following delivery is variable. The sensitivity
and positive predictive value of ultrasound for the
detection of retained products of conception are
relatively low (44% and 58%, respectively). The speci-
ficity and negative predictive value are better (92% and
87%, respectively) [21].
• Palpate and massage the fundus until firm.
• Proceed to the operating room for curettage under ultra-
sound guidance if unsuccessful extraction or excessive
• Consider diagnosis of placenta accreta.
Pharmacologic agents
In the past, pharmacologic interventions have been used in the
management of retained placenta. The rationale was that stimu-
lating uterine contractions with oxytocin or prostaglandins, or
cervical relaxation with nitroglycerin, would facilitate spontane-
FIGURE 28.2 Suggested massive transfusion protocol. ous placental delivery and avoid further invasive interventions.
*Depending on institutional availability and blood blank protocol, However, a systematic analysis incorporating 16 RCTs and 1683
whole blood may be used initially in MTP instead of recombined patients identified no differences in the need for manual pla-
blood components. Abbreviations: INR, international normalized cental extraction with oxytocin (intraumbilical), prostaglan-
ratio; pRBC, packed red blood cells; FFP, fresh frozen plasma. dins (e.g. F2α, E2, or misoprostol), or nitroglycerin [22]. The
greatest number of studies investigated intraumbilical admin-
istration of oxytocin. They concluded that there is no evidence
supporting the use of intraumbilical oxytocin for retained
be corrected and interventional radiology can be utilized if the placenta and that there has not been adequate evaluation of other
patient is stable and if it is available. Additional expertise and pharmacologic interventions by RCT. Therefore, there is insuf-
resources can be called on for surgical and transfusion support. ficient evidence to recommend pharmacologic agents for the
treatment of retained placenta.
Secondary PPH
There is insufficient evidence to make recommendations for Antibiotics
the management of secondary PPH [20]. Management similar There is insufficient evidence to assess the effects of pro-
to that for PPH is suggested, with high suspicion for retained phylactic use of antibiotics following manual removal of the
placenta. placenta [23]. The WHO recommends single-dose penicillin
or first-generation cephalosporin based on one retrospective
Retained placenta study [14, 24].
Placenta undelivered ≥30 minutes after infant delivery. Uterine inversion
Incidence Definition
Between 0.5% and 3%. The collapse of the uterine fundus into the uterine cavity.
Postpartum Hemorrhage, Retained Placenta, and Uterine Inversion 329
Incidence 5. Hogan MC, Foreman KJ, Naghavi M, et al. Maternal mortality for 181 coun-
tries, 1980-2008: A systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium
Approximately 1 in 2500 deliveries.
Development Goal 5. Lancet. 2010;375(9726):1609–1623. [Review]
6. Stafford I, Dildy GA, Clark SL, Belfort MA. Visually estimated and calcu-
Risk factors lated blood loss in vaginal and cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol.
• Excessive umbilical cord traction 2008;199(5):519 e1–7. [II-3]
• Fundal pressure 7. Dildy GA 3rd, Paine AR, George NC, Velasco C. Estimating blood loss:
• Fundal cord insertions Can teaching significantly improve visual estimation? Obstet Gynecol.
2004;104(3):601–606. [II-3]
• Abnormal placentation 8. Toledo P, Eosakul ST, Goetz K, Wong CA, Grobman WA. Decay in blood
loss estimation skills after web-based didactic training. Simul Healthc.
Management 2012;7(1):18–21. [II-1]
There are no randomized trials to determine the optimal manage- 9. Al Kadri HM, Al Anazi BK, Tamim HM. Visual estimation versus gravi-
ment for uterine inversion. Suggested management may include metric measurement of postpartum blood loss: A prospective cohort study.
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011;283(6):1207–1213. [II-2]
the following:
10. Toledo P, McCarthy RJ, Hewlett BJ, Fitzgerald PC, Wong CA. The accuracy
of blood loss estimation after simulated vaginal delivery. Anesth Analg.
• Obtain assistance from other obstetricians or experienced 2007;105(6):1736–1740. [II-1]
providers and nursing staff. 11. Mousa HA, Blum J, Abou El Senoun G, Shakur H, Alfirevic Z. Treatment
• Obtain adequate anesthesia. for primary postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2014(2):CD003249. [I]
• Consider immediate transfer to the operating room. 12. WOMAN Trial Collaborators. Effect of early tranexamic acid adminis-
• Obtain large-bore IV access. tration on mortality, hysterectomy, and other morbidities in women with
• IV fluid therapy. post-partum haemorrhage (WOMAN): An international, randomised,
• If placenta has not yet delivered, avoid separation to reduce double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2017;389(10084):2105–2116.
[RCT, n = 20,020]
13. Della Corte L, Saccone G, Locci M, et al. Tranexamic acid for treatment
• Consider uterine-relaxing agents. of primary postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery: A systematic
• Nitroglycerin 50–500 mg orally or inhaled per anes- review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Matern Fetal
thesia – usually preferred as first line. Neonatal Med. 2020;33(5):869–874. [I]
• Magnesium sulfate 4–6 g IV bolus. 14. WHO Guidelines for the Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage and
Retained Placenta. WHO Guidelines Approved by the Guidelines Review
• Terbutaline IV 0.25 SQ. Committee. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO; 2009. [III]
• Manual manipulation of the uterus. 15. Suarez S, Conde-Agudelo A, Borovac-Pinheiro A, et al. Uterine balloon
• Manually reduce the uterine fundus by placing the tamponade for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage: A systematic
hand through the cervix into the uterine cavity and review and meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020;222(4):293 e1–e52. [I]
16. Rodriguez MI, Bullard M, Jensen JT, et al. Management of postpartum
applying gentle pressure to the inverted fundus. Cup
hemorrhage with a mini-sponge tamponade device. Obstet Gynecol.
the uterus in the palm with the fingers posteriorly and 2020;136(5):876–881. [II-3]
thumb anteriorly (no use of fist). 17. D’Alton ME, Rood KM, Smid MC, et al. Intrauterine vacuum-induced
• Once the fundus has been manually replaced, administer hemorrhage-control device for rapid treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
uterotonic therapy (oxytocin) followed by methergine to Obstet Gynecol. 2020;136(5):882–891. [II-3]
18. Lavigne-Lissalde G, Aya AG, Mercier FJ, et al. Recombinant human FVIIa
maintain uterine tone and prevent reinversion. for reducing the need for invasive second-line therapies in severe refractory
• Surgical intervention: Laparotomy (rarely needed). postpartum hemorrhage: A multicenter, randomized, open controlled trial.
• Huntington procedure: Clamps are placed on the J Thromb Haemost. 2015;13(4):520–529. [I]
round ligaments 2 cm deep in the inversion and gentle 19. Pacheco LD, Lozada MJ, Saade GR, Hankins GDV. Damage-control surgery
for obstetric hemorrhage. Obstet Gynecol. 2018;132(2):423–427. [Review]
upward traction applied. Repeat clamping as necessary.
20. Alexander J, Thomas P, Sanghera J. Treatments for secondary postpartum
• Haultain procedure: A vertical incision is made in the haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002(1):CD002867. [Meta-
posterior portion of the inversion ring to increase its analysis, no RCTs]
size and to reposition the uterus. 21. Carlan SJ, Scott WT, Pollack R, Harris K. Appearance of the uterus by ultra-
• Uterotonic agents when uterus is repositioned. sound immediately after placental delivery with pathologic correlation. J
Clin Ultrasound. 1997;25(6):301–308. [II-2]
• If present, treat PPH or retained placenta as described under 22. Duffy JM, Mylan S, Showell M, Wilson MJ, Khan KS. Pharmacologic inter-
‘Postpartum hemorrhage’ or ‘Retained placenta’, above. vention for retained placenta: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015;125(3):711–718.[Meta-analysis: 16 RCTs, n = 1683, I]
23. Chongsomchai C, Lumbiganon P, Laopaiboon M. Prophylactic antibiot-
References ics for manual removal of retained placenta in vaginal birth. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2014(10):CD004904. [Meta-analysis, 0 RCTs, I]
1. Committee on Practice B-O. Practice Bulletin No. 183: Postpartum hemor- 24. Criscuolo JL, Kibler MP, Micholet S, et al. The value of antibiotic prophy-
rhage. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;130(4):e168–e86. [III] laxis during intrauterine procedures during vaginal delivery. A comparative
2. Menard MK, Main EK, Currigan SM. Executive summary of the reVITAL- study of 500 patients. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod. 1990;19(7):909–918.
ize initiative: Standardizing obstetric data definitions. Obstet Gynecol. [RCT, n = 500]
2014;124(1):150–3. [III] 25. California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative Obstetric Hemorrhage
3. Abdul-Kadir R, McLintock C, Ducloy AS, et al. Evaluation and management Toolkit Version 2.0 03/24/15. https://www.cmqcc.org/resource/3322/
of postpartum hemorrhage: Consensus from an international expert panel. download. [III]
Transfusion. 2014;54(7):1756–1768. [III]
4. Lozano R, Wang H, Foreman KJ, et al. Progress towards Millennium
Development Goals 4 and 5 on maternal and child mortality: An updated
systematic analysis. Lancet. 2011;378(9797):1139–1165. [II-1]
Daniele Di Mascio and Francesco D’Antonio
FIGURE 29.1 Persistence of placenta previa until delivery stratified by gestational age at ultrasound detection, type of previa, and
prior cesarean delivery. All data presented as %; incomplete previa defined as inferior edge of the placenta partially covering or reach-
ing the margin of the internal os. (Data from Ref. [4].)
previa are usually detected at the mid-trimester ultrasound Symptoms and complications
and are labelled “previa,” with the presence of placental tissue
completely extending over the internal cervical os, or as “low- The most common symptom of placenta previa is antepartum,
lying placenta” when the edge is within 2 cm of the internal os. painless bleeding in the second or early third trimester, which
In this scenario, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute occurs in more than half of women with placenta previa [21]. In
of Child Health and Human Development recommend to always some cases, bleeding might also present as painful, mostly as a
describe the location of the edge of the placenta when writing the consequence of uterine contractions due to partial placental sep-
ultrasound report [11]. aration. Finally, a small proportion of patients might not present
When considering transabdominal ultrasound, a prospective any bleeding until labor [1].
cohort study of 1214 women aiming at evaluating the distance Placenta previa is associated with both maternal and perinatal
from the placental edge to the internal os (placenta–cervix dis- morbidity. Maternal morbidity is mainly associated with either
tance) showed that a transabdominal placenta–cervix distance antepartum or postpartum hemorrhage, which might occur,
cutoff of 4.2 cm had a sensitivity of 93.3% and a specificity of respectively, in up to 52% and 22% of cases of placenta previa [20,
76.7% for detection of placenta previa, with a 99.8% negative 21]. When comparing women with normal location of the pla-
predictive value at a screen-positive rate of 25.0%, while a cutoff centa, those affected by placenta previa are at significantly higher
of 2.8 cm had a sensitivity of 86.7% and a specificity of 90.5%, risk of perinatal morbidity, mainly related to preterm birth before
with a 99.6% negative predictive value at a screen-positive rate 37 weeks, admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),
of 11.4% [12]. and both perinatal and neonatal death [22].
However, transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) should be pre- Intuitively, the incidence of both maternal and perinatal
ferred, as it can be safely performed in women with placenta morbidity is lower in cases of low-lying placenta, but there is
previa, and few studies—including a randomized controlled still a risk that is higher in women with placental edge at 1–10
trial—demonstrated that the transvaginal approach is more mm compared with 11–20 mm from the internal cervical os
accurate than the transabdominal, with a sensitivity of 87.5%, a (Table 29.1) [23].
specificity of 98.8%, and a negative predictive value 97.6% [13–15].
Moreover, in women with placenta previa, transvaginal cervi- Management
cal length also allow to predict antepartum bleeding and emer-
gency delivery, and in particular, a cervical length ≤30 mm, as Principles
well as a decrease in cervical length, was associated with a sig- Placenta location should be assessed at the time of the fetal
nificantly higher incidence of antepartum hemorrhage and anatomic survey (usually 18–24 weeks). If placenta previa is
emergency cesarean delivery (CD) before 34 weeks of gestation suspected by transabdominal examination, TVU should be
when placenta previa was “complete.” Women with a change in performed for confirmation of the diagnosis (Figure 29.3). A
the transvaginal cervical length more than 6 mm between the single antenatal ultrasound that detects a placenta previa, how-
second and third trimester are considered to be at higher risk of ever, may not indicate that a placenta previa will be present at
emergency CD [16–19]. delivery, as the relative position of the placenta with respect to
332 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 29.2 (a) Risk (%) of placenta accreta (in cases with previa) stratified by number of prior cesarean deliveries. (b) Risk of (%)
placenta accreta (in cases with no previa) stratified by number of prior cesarean delivery. All data presented as %; CD, cesarean deliv-
ery. (Data from Ref. [7].)
the internal os will change as gestation progresses [4]. The reason postulated as a contributing factor to this apparent positional
for this change in relative position is not placental migration, but change. This phenomenon has been cited as the reason that vasa
likely due to the growth and development of the lower uterine previa can be seen in this setting (i.e. when an initially diagnosed
segment. Atrophy of placental cells overlying the os also has been placenta previa resolves).
FIGURE 29.3 Management of suspected placenta previa. Abbreviations: Distance, distance between placental edge to internal
cervical os; TAU, transabdominal ultrasound; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CD, cesarean delivery. *After discussion with the couple
and if no contraindication.
Women who have the inferior edge of the placenta >1 cm Prenatal care
from the internal os at around 20 weeks usually do not require All patients with placenta previa and antenatal bleeding in the
further ultrasounds for placental location, as they are exceed- third trimester should be advised about pelvic rest (no vaginal
ingly unlikely to have a placenta that is low-lying or a previa at penetration). Pelvic rest recommendations in women with previa
delivery. Women who have the inferior placental edge overlap- placenta that is near but not overlapping the internal os should
ping the internal os by ≥25 mm at around 20 weeks have been be individualized and based on bleeding during the pregnancy,
reported to usually have persistence of previa even by term as well as the distance between the placenta and the internal
(Figure 29.1) [25, 26]. os. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of routine
All patients with suspected placenta previa in the second tri- bed rest in women with placenta previa or to be certain who
mester should be rescanned at approximately 32–35 weeks’ ges- are optimal candidates, when asymptomatic, for hospitalization
tation to assess for persistence of placenta previa (Figure 29.3). [28]. Moreover, while pelvic rest, i.e. nothing per vagina, is often
Additionally, even if a placenta previa is no longer present, suggested, there is no evidence for its effectiveness. There is no
measuring the distance from the placental edge to the internal evidence to support the use of autologous blood donation/trans-
os in the third trimester can help estimate the risk of bleed- fusion for placenta previa [29].
ing with a trial of labor [23, 24]. All patients with prior CD (or
other uterine surgery) and placenta previa that extends ante- Therapy/Interventions
riorly should have evidence of placenta accreta assessed ultra- Management at home versus hospitalization
sonographically (see the section “Placenta Accreta Spectrum There has been no evidence of any clear advantage to a policy
Disorders”) [7, 27]. of home versus routine hospital care, with similar maternal and
334 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
controlled trial of 217 women [30]. Given the limited data, pes-
sary cannot be recommended for use in women with placenta
There is insufficient evidence to assess the benefits of tocolysis for
treatment of preterm labor (PTL) specifically in women with a pla-
centa previa. It is reasonable to consider tocolysis, as for women
without a placenta previa, if PTL is diagnosed and a course of
steroids has not yet been administered [31]. Acute bleeding with
instability of the mother or fetus is considered a contraindication
to tocolysis.
In case of antenatal bleeding, a course of corticosteroids should
be administered to women who are eligible and are managed
expectantly if delivery is likely within 7 days, the GA is between
34 0/7 and 366/7 weeks of gestation, and antenatal steroids have not
previously been administered [32].
FIGURE 29.4 Transvaginal ultrasound showing anterior
placenta previa, with placental edge covering over the inter- Anti-D immune globulin
nal Os. (Courtesy of the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, For prevention of RhD alloimmunization, anti-D immune glob-
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern ulin to D-negative should be administered to women who have
University Feinberg School of Medicine.) Abbreviations: IO, bleeding from placenta previa.
internal os; EO, external os.
Antepartum testing
There are insufficient data to assess the usefulness of routine
antenatal testing in improving outcomes, and this strategy is
fetal outcomes demonstrated in the trials that do exist. The only presently not indicated.
difference is that compared to hospitalization, management at
home—not surprisingly—has been associated with a reduced
Timing: There is insufficient evidence to be certain of the opti-
length of stay in the hospital [28]. There are limited data to allow
mal GA of delivery for women with placenta previa who are not
certainty as to who are the optimal candidates for inpatient man-
acutely bleeding, although experts have recommended approxi-
agement. Women who traditionally have been more likely to
mately 360/7–376/7 (Figure 29.3) [32]. In the setting of acute bleed-
be managed in the hospital even though they are not acutely
ing, the timing of delivery depends upon individualization of
symptomatic are those who have had recurrent episodes of
patient circumstances, taking into account GA, amount of bleed-
antepartum hemorrhage (e.g. three or more episodes of bleed-
ing, and other comorbidities.
ing); have other medical complications that increase their risks
Mode: Delivery of women with a placenta previa should be by
(e.g. congenital cardiac disease); or are unable to easily access the
cesarean. A recent randomized controlled trial aiming at evalu-
hospital in an emergency (e.g. lack of telephone at home and far
ating the role of interventional radiology before CD showed that
distance from an adequate care facility).
the use of prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion
Often, after an initial antenatal bleeding episode related to pla-
did not reduce postpartum hemorrhage or have any effect on
centa previa, if several days of no further bleeding have occurred
maternal or neonatal morbidity [33]. Preoperative ultrasonog-
and there is no other indication for hospitalization, women may
raphy to assess placental location is useful in determining
be managed as outpatients.
the optimal place for the uterine incision. Those with a low-
Cervical cerclage lying placenta not covering the internal os but within 20 mm
Cervical cerclage has not been proven to be an effective inter- of it may have a trial of labor offered, with individual circum-
vention for women with placenta previa [28]. Although the meta- stances (e.g. the presence of antepartum bleeding) and the risk
analysis in the Cochrane review that evaluated cervical cerclage of bleeding at delivery taken into consideration (Figure 29.3). In
in the setting of placenta previa revealed that women randomized a series, 26/28 (93%) women who had a placental edge–to–cervi-
to cerclage had a reduced length of inpatient hospitalization, as cal os distance of 1–20 mm and who underwent a trial of labor
well as reduced risks of a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) birth delivered vaginally [23]. Women with a placental edge that is
or delivery <34 weeks, the benefits were evident in studies with within 1 cm of the internal os can have uncomplicated vagi-
lower methodological quality, and thus there is not yet sufficient nal deliveries, although their risk of bleeding and requiring
evidence to justify this intervention. a cesarean is higher than in those women whose placenta is
10–20 mm distant from the os (risks of cesarean are 75% and
Cervical pessary 31%, respectively) (Figure 29.1) [23]. As such, depending upon
Compared with progesterone alone, the use of the Arabin cervi- the distance of the placental edge from the internal os, as well
cal pessary combined with progesterone in patients with placenta as other factors, these patients (i.e. those with a placenta not
previa significantly reduced the rate of preterm delivery <34 covering the internal os but that is 2 cm or less from the internal
weeks and bleeding during pregnancy in a recent randomized os prior to delivery) should have their circumstances discussed
Placental Disorders 335
TABLE 29.2: Clinical Grading to Assess and Categorize Placental Adherence or Invasion at Delivery
Grade Definition
1 At cesarean or vaginal delivery: Complete placental separation at third stage. Normal adherence of placenta
2 (A) Cesarean/laparotomy: No placental tissue seen invading through the surface of the uterus. Incomplete separation with uterotonics and
gentle cord traction, and manual removal of placenta required for remaining tissue and parts of placenta thought to be abnormally adherent
(B) Vaginal delivery: Manual removal of placenta required and parts of placenta thought to be abnormally adherent
3 (A) Cesarean/laparotomy: No placental tissue seen invading through the surface of the uterus. No separation with uterotonics and gentle
cord traction with manual removal of placenta required and the whole placental bed thought to be abnormally adherent
(B) Vaginal delivery: Manual removal of placenta required and the whole placental bed thought to be abnormally adherent
4 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus but a clear surgical plane can be identified
between the bladder and uterus to allow nontraumatic reflection of the urinary bladder at surgery
5 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus and a clear surgical plane cannot be identified
between the bladder and uterus to allow nontraumatic reflection of the urinary bladder at surgery
6 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus and infiltrating the parametrium or any organ
other than the urinary bladder
Source: From Jauniaux E, Chantraine F, Silver RM, et al; FIGO Placenta Accreta Diagnosis and Management Expert Consensus Panel. FIGO consensus guidelines on pla-
centa accreta spectrum disorders: Epidemiology. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2018;140:265–273. Ref. [35], with permission.
worldwide evidences point out a parallel rise of PAS disorders it might allow health care providers to organize delivery with a
and rate of CDs [35]. Furthermore, the increasing rate of CDs not multidisciplinary team in a tertiary center with the proper exper-
only increases the overall risk of PAS, but significantly shifts the tise. Ultrasound is the gold standard imaging approach to
epidemiology towards the more advanced forms of the disease, diagnose PAS (Figure 29.5). A recent meta-analysis of 20 studies
including increta and percreta. This change is unambiguously including more than 3000 patients showed that the sensitivity for
outlined by the marked differences in the distribution of the dif- depth of placental invasion was 90.6%, 93%, and 81.2%, respec-
ferent subtypes of PAS in the case series antecedent to the 1980 tively, and the specificity was 97.1%, 98.4%, and 98.9%, respec-
and the more recent cohort studies [35]. tively (accrete, increta, percreta). Due to the high specificity, a
negative ultrasound almost excludes PAS; moreover, diagnosis
Risk factors and staging of myometrial invasion are accomplished effectively.
However, about 20% of women with placenta percreta remain
Placenta previa and previous CD are the major determinants undiagnosed, underscoring the need for developing more accu-
of PAS and act as independent risk factors. Indeed, the risk of PAS rate prediction models to detect abnormal invasive placenta [46].
dramatically increases with the number of prior cesareans, but In order to improve diagnostic accuracy, the European Working
this effect is much more evident when in the presence of placenta Group on Abnormally Invasive Placenta proposed a standardiza-
previa, with a prevalence ranging from 3% after one cesarean to tion of the PAS imaging descriptors (Table 29.3) that were unified
67% after five or more CDs in women with placenta previa under a common heading, ultimately providing unambiguous
(Figure 29.2) [7, 38]. The detrimental effect of CDs on the risk of definitions and with specific reference to the ultrasound modality
abnormal placentation can be further differentiated according to (grayscale or color Doppler ultrasound) [47]. Prenatal diagnosis
the characteristics of the surgical procedure, i.e. by distinguish-
ing whether it was a prelabor or intrapartum CD, with the latter
conferring a significantly reduced risk for PAS in later pregnan-
cies [8]. In addition to placenta previa and CD, several other risk
factors have been described to be associated with myomectomy,
uterine curettage, hysteroscopy, multiparity, advanced maternal
age, obesity, and assisted reproductive techniques, where altered
endometrial status and receptivity possibly hamper the mecha-
nisms of placental implantation [39–44]. However, epidemiology
cannot conclusively help in identifying patients at high risk of
PAS, as this condition can occur even in the absence of any clas-
sical risk factor. Therefore, despite the importance of the patient
clinical profile, diagnostic imaging maintains a pivotal role in
PAS assessment and prediction.
The importance of an appropriate screening in the management FIGURE 29.5 Transvaginal ultrasound showing loss of normal
of PAS is clearly outlined by the evidence of a recent meta-anal- hypoechoic retroplacental zone and multiple vascular lacunae
ysis aimed at evaluating the influence of prenatal diagnosis of with turbulent blood flow within anterior placenta concern-
PAS on maternal outcome that indicate how antepartum diag- ing for placenta accreta. (Courtesy of the Division of Maternal
nosis significantly reduces intrapartum blood loss and units of Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
red blood cells and fresh frozen transfused [45], but most of all, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.)
Placental Disorders 337
• Loss of clear zone, defined as a loss or irregularity of hypoechoic plane in myometrium underneath placental bed (“clear zone”).
• Placental lacunae, defined as the presence of numerous lacunae, often containing turbulent flow visible on grayscale imaging.
• Bladder wall interruption, defined as loss or interruption of bright bladder wall (hyperechoic band or “line” between uterine serosa and bladder lumen)
• Myometrial thinning, defined as thinning of myometrium overlying placenta to <1 mm or undetectable.
• Placental bulge, defined as the deviation of uterine serosa away from expected plane, caused by abnormal bulge of placental tissue into neighboring
organ, typically bladder; uterine serosa appears intact but outline shape is distorted.
• Focal exophytic mass, defined as placental tissue seen breaking through uterine serosa and extending beyond it; most often seen inside filled
urinary bladder.
• Uterovesical hypervascularity, defined as the striking amount of color Doppler signal seen between myometrium and posterior wall of bladder.
• Subplacental hypervascularity, defined as the striking amount of color Doppler signal seen in placental bed.
• Bridging vessels, defined as vessels appearing to extend from placenta, across myometrium and beyond serosa into bladder or other organs; often
running perpendicular to myometrium.
• Placental lacunae feeder vessels, defined as vessels with high-velocity blood flow leading from myometrium into placental lacunae, causing
turbulence upon entry.
• Uterovesical hypervascularity, defined as intraplacental hypervascularity in a complex, irregular arrangement of numerous placental vessels,
exhibiting tortuous courses and varying calibers
• Placental bulge (as in 2D)
• Focal exophytic mass (as in 2D)
• Uterovesical hypervascularity (as in 2D)
• Bridging vessels (as in 2D)
Source: From Collins SL, Ashcroft A, Braun T, et al. European Working Group on Abnormally Invasive Placenta (EW-AIP). Proposal for standardized ultrasound descriptors
of abnormally invasive placenta (AIP). Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2016;47:271–275. Ref. [47], with permission.
of PAS is commonly performed during the second and third tri- considering that ultrasound rendered 27% of false-positive diag-
mester of pregnancy, while there are limited data on the possibil- noses of implantation disorder when in the presence of posterior
ity of a first-trimester diagnosis. In a retrospective analysis of 105 placenta previa, while MRI rendered no false-positive diagnoses.
women with PAS confirmed at delivery, a low implantation of the This result was validated by other reports, leading to the current
gestational sac was already detectable at 6–9 weeks and was pres- statement that posterior placentas are better evaluated by MRI
ent in almost 80% of cases at 11–14 weeks; also, most of the previ- when in the presence of a suspected invasion [50, 51]. The most
ously mentioned ultrasonography signs were already present at common MRI signs associated with PAS are intraplacental T2
the time of the nuchal scan, but their prevalence did increase with dark bands, uterine bulging, heterogeneous placental signal
advancing pregnancy [48]. Overall, in high-risk patients, abnor- intensity, focal interruption of the myometrium, tenting of
mally invasive placenta can be searched at the time of the nuchal the bladder, abnormal intraplacental vascularity, and focal
scan, while a longitudinal assessment during the third trimester exophytic mass [52, 53].
accurately identifies the severity of the disorder.
Ultrasound remains the primary imaging modality for detect- Symptoms and complications
ing and evaluating PAS, while magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) might be a complementary diagnostic tool to perform in The first clinical manifestation of PAS generally occurs at deliv-
women suspected to be affected by severe types of PAS in order to ery, with a massive, life-threatening hemorrhage usually associ-
delineate the topography of placental invasion. In a recent meta- ated with repeated attempts at manual placental separation.
analysis of 20 studies involving 1080 pregnancies undergoing PAS is associated with a high burden of adverse maternal
MRI mainly for the ultrasound suspicion of PAS, the sensitivity outcomes and particularly severe life-threatening hemorrhage,
of MRI for detecting placenta accreta, increta, and percreta need for blood transfusion, damage to adjacent organs, and
was, respectively, 94.4%, 100%, and 86.5%, while the sen- death [35].
sitivity was, respectively, 98.8%, 97.3%, and 96.8%, with the Composite maternal morbidity (including hysterectomy dur-
accuracy of MRI being significantly affected by the opera- ing CD, delayed hysterectomy, transfusion of ≥10 units of packed
tors’ expertise and experience [49]. Thus, these findings showed red blood cells, septic shock, acute kidney injury, cardiovascular
that the diagnostic accuracy of MRI in detecting the depth failure, maternal transfer to intensive care, or death) is particu-
of placental invasion is similar to ultrasound, which might larly higher in the case of placenta percreta compared with pla-
be partially explained by the fact that studies on ultrasound centa accreta (86% versus 27%) [54].
diagnosis of PAS include longitudinal assessment of women Finally, pregnancies complicated by PAS are at increased
that could improve the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in risk for perinatal adverse outcomes—mostly preterm birth and
detecting PAS. An additional role for MRI can be inferred by SGA—but it seems that the occurrence of adverse outcomes is
338 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
not significantly associated with the severity of placental invasion incision should be made, if possible, away from the placenta,
(placenta accreta versus increta or percreta) [55, 56]. the position of which can be determined by ultrasound before-
hand. Intraoperative ultrasound with a sterile cover over the
probe placed on the exposed uterus may be helpful if preoperative
Management ultrasound is not informative. While there are different potential
Time of delivery approaches for managing placenta accreta after delivery of the
A general consensus about the optimal time of delivery in women baby by cesarean, many experts would recommend that if there
with PAS is still lacking, as no randomized controlled trial has is proven placenta accreta (e.g. placenta directly visualized in the
been specifically designed with this aim. The indications from serosa), highly suspected accreta by history and radiologic studies
different international societies range between 34 and 37 weeks (e.g. multiple prior CDs, placenta previa, and several ultrasono-
of GA, mainly as a result of differences in balancing maternal graphic findings of placenta accreta), or if the mother plans no
risks versus the problems connected to fetal immaturity. The more childbearing (e.g. has requested tubal ligation), a reason-
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recom- able course of action is to avoid disturbing the implantation of
mends planned delivery between 34+0 and 35+6 weeks of ges- the placenta and proceed with a hysterectomy while the placenta
tation for stable (no bleeding or preterm labor) patients, while the remains attached. The long-standing main point in the technique
SMFM suggests delivery between 34 and 37 weeks of gestation for of cesarean hysterectomy is the avoidance of any form of placenta
stable women with placenta accreta. manipulation, as avoiding attempted placental removal is associ-
The International Society for Abnormally Invasive Placenta ated with reduced maternal morbidity in women with suspected
recommends delivery at ≥36+0 weeks in asymptomatic women placenta accreta [59].
and no history of preterm birth or at about 34+0 weeks in women During hysterectomy, the uterine serosa overlying the pla-
with a previous preterm birth, multiple episodes of minor bleed- centa should not be dissected, including trying to avoid blad-
ing, or a single episode of substantial bleeding [34, 57]. der dissection. The blood supply to the placenta is not just from
the uterine arteries but also from many collateral vessels. Care
Preparation and place of delivery should be given to dissection of this extensive blood supply by
If placenta accreta is suspected, appropriate counseling and attempting uterine artery dissection laterally and then continu-
preparations should be made (Table 29.4). The patient (and family ing down without incising the placenta. Total hysterectomy is
members if available) should be counseled regarding risks, com- generally necessary, as subtotal hysterectomy may leave in part
plications, and management. The possible need for hysterectomy of the lower segment, where the placenta is abnormally attached
as a lifesaving procedure should be discussed with the patient. and causing bleeding if a previa is present.
Plans for future reproduction should be discussed and weighed If the diagnosis is possible but not certain and the patient
against the risk of retaining the uterus. desires to make attempts at avoiding hysterectomy despite
Labor and delivery staff (nursing and anesthesia), as well as having been counseled regarding the risks, it is not unreason-
the blood bank, should be notified regarding delivery plans. As able to wait for signs of placental separation, although abnor-
suggested by the International Society for Abnormally Invasive mal adherence or significant hemorrhage should be ascertained
Placenta, women with PAS should deliver in tertiary centers and acted upon promptly. If spontaneous placental delivery fails,
that could provide a multidisciplinary team with significant the operator must decide if either manual placental removal in
experience in managing PAS and that can provide antenatal diag- pieces or hysterectomy is the next intervention, based on sev-
nosis and preoperative planning; this team should be available eral factors, including the degree of invasiveness and amount of
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure that expertise is avail- bleeding.
able for emergency situations; the multidisciplinary team should, If only a small area of the placenta is adherent and a focal area
at a minimum, include an experienced obstetrician (often of the placental bed is bleeding, sewing over this area with
maternal-fetal medicine specialist), anesthesiologist with sutures can be considered, but usually these are in the very
expertise in complex obstetric cases, surgeon experienced low uterine segment and cervix and often continue to bleed
with complex pelvic surgery (often a gynecologic oncologist), despite suturing or uterotonics. Some have suggested ligation
urologist (with experience of open urologic surgery especially of the pelvic vessels (such as the internal iliac artery) in the set-
ureteric reimplantation), neonatologist, and interventional ting of significant hemorrhage, although this may not be benefi-
radiologist. There should be on-site, rapid access to the follow- cial, given the many collateral vessels, and may incur risks as well.
ing in case of emergency: Colorectal surgeon, vascular surgeon, Pelvic packing has been used in some cases as a measure to tem-
hematologist, adult intensive care facilities, NICU facilities, porarily lessen bleeding and allow attainment of hemodynamic
massive transfusion facilities, and intraoperative blood sal- stability. Hysterectomy may be necessary if uterine bleeding can-
vage (cell salvage) services [57]. not be controlled, hopefully before massive blood loss and cardio-
Maternal morbidity is greatly decreased when women with vascular instability. When bleeding is from the lower part of the
placenta accreta deliver in tertiary care hospitals with multidis- uterus in the setting of an accreta and placenta implanted low in
ciplinary teams, as shown by the reduced evidence of massive the uterus (e.g. a previa), total hysterectomy is desirable, as subto-
transfusions and early reoperation [58]. tal hysterectomy may not control bleeding. Gravid hysterectomy
has been associated with an incidence of maternal mortality of
Mode of delivery up to 7%, with a 90% incidence of transfusion, 28% incidence of
postoperative transfusion, and a 5% incidence of ureteral injuries
Cesarean hysterectomy with the placenta left in situ is cur- or fistula formation [60, 61].
rently the gold standard surgical management of PAS dis- In rare cases, a woman who has not completed childbear-
orders. General intraoperative considerations include the ing may strongly want to avoid hysterectomy. There are several
possibility of a planned vertical skin incision. The uterine case reports of expectant (also called “conservative”) or medical
Placental Disorders 339
• Regional anesthesia preferred before delivery of baby; then possibly general anesthesia as per gyn oncology and anesthesia preference
• Positioning: Lithotomy in Allen stirrups
• Sequential compression devices (SCDs) placed
• Urology: open-ended ureteral catheters
• Vertical skin incision
• C-section, evaluate need for hysterectomy
• Hysterectomy
• If hysterectomy not done, and placenta left in situ:
• After operating room, to IR for gel foam embolization
• After discharge will follow with MFM for weekly ultrasounds
• High potential for infection, need for hysterectomy at a later date
• SICU: if necessary, decide intraoperatively which level of care is appropriate
• Possible post-op embolization with IR
Individual practices and circumstances will vary. This example does not indicate that certain evaluations or consultations are anticipated or expected in
all cases.
Abbreviation: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
340 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
management in the setting of placenta accreta. In these circum- • The optimal GA for delivery of an asymptomatic woman
stances, the placenta is left in situ and the cord ligated close to (i.e. a woman without acute bleeding) with vasa previa is
its origin, either with no therapy or with an adjunctive therapy unknown, but many experts recommend planned cesar-
such as methotrexate and/or arterial embolization. There is no ean delivery at approximately 340/7–356/7 weeks.
proven efficacy for methotrexate; therefore, it is not actually rec-
ommended. Antibiotic prophylaxis has been suggested, given the Definition
risk of infection, as have short-term uterotonics for postpartum
hemorrhage prevention, but there are no trials of these interven- Vasa previa consist of fetal blood vessels, unprotected by the
tions. Follow-up is also not based on good evidence, but serial umbilical cord or placental tissue, that run through the mem-
ultrasounds (to monitor involution and decrease in placental branes and over the internal os.
vascularity) and quantitative human chorionic gonadotrophin
(HCG) levels have been proposed. If HCG levels plateau or uter-
ine size or placental vascularity does not decrease by 72 hours,
methotrexate has been given as 1 mg/kg on alternate days for a Two types have been described: Type I, when there is a vela-
total of four to six doses, or according to HCG levels and ultra- mentous cord insertion, and type II, when the placenta con-
sonographic findings [62]. Women on methotrexate should be tains a succenturiate lobe or is multilobed and fetal vessels
monitored with liver function tests (LFTs), platelet counts, and connecting the two placental lobes course over or near the
creatinine levels. However, conservative management, espe- internal os [67].
cially for placenta percreta, has been associated with signifi-
cant morbidity, including severe vaginal bleeding in 53%, sepsis
in 6%, secondary hysterectomy in 19%, and death in 0.3% of cases,
although a subsequent pregnancy can be achieved in 67% of cases The incidence of vasa previa is about 1/2500–1/5000 deliveries, but
[63]. Thus, conservative management might be considered when is higher in assisted reproductive technology pregnancies, in bilo-
PAS is discovered at surgery in a hemodynamically stable patient bate or succenturiate placenta, and in multiple gestations [1, 68].
with no skilled team or hospital resources available or for patients
who desire to preserve fertility, but only after an extensive coun-
seling that balances the high maternal morbidity and mortality Risk factors
risks with the outcomes on future fertility. As also discussed in “Epidemiology/Incidence,” risk factors for
vasa previa are represented by the placenta in the lower uterine
Interventional radiology
segment (e.g. low-lying, or previa earlier in pregnancy), vela-
Although a recent meta-analysis of 15 studies including 958
mentous cord insertion, succenturiate or bilobed placenta,
women with PAS provided low-quality evidence that inter-
and multiple gestations [68].
ventional radiology procedures might be associated with lower
estimated blood loss and need for transfusion [64], the only
two randomized controlled trials evaluating the role of pre- Screening and diagnosis
cesarean prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion
for suspected placenta accreta did not show any significant TVU with color Doppler is the standard for the diagnosis of vasa
improvement in terms of mean number of packed red blood previa (Figure 29.6). Women with risk factors that are judged to
cell units transfused or in the calculated blood loss, as well increase their risk of vasa previa (low-lying placenta, or previa,
as in the number of women with blood loss greater than 2500 velamentous cord insertion, succenturiate or bilobed pla-
mL, number of plasma products transfused, and duration of centa, and multiple gestations) should be screened with TVU
surgery [65, 66]. Furthermore, in one of these studies, hospital- for this condition, usually at the time of the 20-week anatomy
ization costs and the incidence of postoperative fever were signifi- ultrasound or in general when these ultrasound diagnoses
cantly higher in the balloon group [65]. are made (Table 29.5). Vasa previa is diagnosed if a vessel is
visualized over the cervix with color Doppler demonstrating
a rhythm consistent with the fetal heart rate. The American
Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) and ACOG recom-
Vasa previa mend that the placental cord insertion site be documented when-
ever technically possible [69]. A recent systematic review showed
a high accuracy of TVU color Doppler (median detection rate
Key points
• Vasa previa consists of fetal blood vessel(s), unprotected
TABLE 29.5: Conditions Which Warrant Transvaginal
by the umbilical cord or placental tissue, that run through
Ultrasound with Color Doppler Screening for Vasa
the membranes and over the cervical internal os.
• Risk factors for vasa previa are represented by placenta
in the lower uterine segment (e.g. low-lying, or previa • Low-lying placenta
earlier in pregnancy), velamentous cord insertion, suc- • Second-trimester placenta previa
centuriate or bilobed placenta, and multiple gestations. • Velamentous cord insertion
• TVU with color Doppler is standard for the diagnosis • Succenturiate or bilobed placenta
of vasa previa. • Multiple gestations
• Vasa previa are commonly asymptomatic unless membranes • In vitro fertilization pregnancies
rupture, at which time vaginal bleeding may be noted. Source: Adapted from Ref. [68].
Placental Disorders 341
of 93% and specificity of 99%), but also noted that the quality are undiagnosed (3% versus 56%) [71]. The Apt test may be used to
of the available studies was relatively poor [70]. Thus, not all vasa distinguish between fetal and maternal sources of vaginal bleed-
previa will be detected prenatally, even by adequate examinations ing, although this test may be of little use in many clinical situ-
and experienced operators using color Doppler. Women whose ations with bleeding from a vasa previa, as bleeding can lead to
vasa previa has been diagnosed prenatally have been reported to rapid deterioration of the fetal status and require urgent delivery
have lower perinatal mortality than those with vasa previas that before an Apt test can be completed.
FIGURE 29.6 Ultrasound images showing vasa previa. (a) Left lateral placenta with a posterior succenturiate lobe. (b) Transvaginal
ultrasound with color Doppler showing vessels visualized over the cervix. (Courtesy of the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.)
342 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 29.6 (Continued) Ultrasound images showing vasa previa. (c) Color Doppler of vessel overlying the cervix demonstrates a
rhythm consistent with the fetal heart rate.
Symptoms and complications patients who were managed as an outpatient [74]. It is reasonable
to consider administration of antenatal corticosteroids at 28–33
Vasa previa are commonly asymptomatic unless membranes weeks of gestation, if indications do not develop prior, to prepare
rupture, at which time vaginal bleeding may be noted. Perinatal for the possible need for urgent preterm delivery [75]. Women
morbidity (e.g. neonatal anemia) and mortality (up to 56%) due with vasa previa should be delivered by cesarean at a center capa-
to acute fetal hemorrhage are among the most frightening com- ble of providing immediate neonatal blood transfusion if needed
plications of this condition [71]. In a minority of cases, suspected [76]. Timing of delivery is controversial, with suggestions for CD
second-trimester vasa previa resolves over time, as shown in a anywhere between 340/7 and 356/7 weeks, although earlier when
recent retrospective cohort study in which 14–39% of antenatally preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM), PTL, or sig-
diagnosed cases of vasa previa resolved spontaneously later in nificant bleeding occurs [1].
gestation [72, 73].
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58. Eller AG, Bennett MA, Sharshiner M, et al. Maternal morbidity in cases of 68. Baulies S, Maiz N, Muñoz A, et al. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of vasa
placenta accreta managed by a multidisciplinary care team compared with praevia and analysis of risk factors. Prenat Diagn. 2007;27:595–599. [II-3]
standard obstetric care. Obstet Gynecol. 2011;117:331–337. [II-2] 69. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. AIUM practice guideline
59. Eller AG, Porter TF, Soisson P, et al. Optimal management strategies for for the performance of obstetric ultrasound examinations. J Ultrasound
placenta accreta. BJOG. 2009;116:648–665. [II-2] Med. 2013;32:1083–1101. [Guideline]
60. Jacques SM, Qureshi F, Trent VS et al. Placenta accreta: Mild cases diag- 70. Ruiter L, Kok N, Limpens J, et al. A systematic review on the diagnostic
nosed by placental examination. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 1996;15:28–33. [II-2] accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of vasa previa. Ultrasound Obstet
61. O’Brien JM, et al. The management of placenta percreta: Conservative and Gynecol. 2015;45:516–522. [Review]
operative strategies. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996;175:1632–1638. [II-2] 71. Oyelese Y, Catanzarite V, Prefumo F, et al. Vasa previa: The impact of prena-
62. Hundley AF, Lee-Parrotz A. Managing placenta accreta. OBG Management. tal diagnosis on outcomes. Obstet Gynecol. 2004;103:937–942. [II-2]
2002;14:18–33. [Review] 72. Erfani H, Haeri S, Shainker SA, et al. Vasa previa: A multicenter retrospec-
63. Steins Bisschop CN, Schaap TP, Vogelvang TE, et al. Invasive placentation tive cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019; 221:644.e1–644.e5. [II-2]
and uterus preserving treatment modalities: A systematic review. Arch 73. Klahr R, Fox NS, Zafman K, et al. Frequency of spontaneous resolu-
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64. D’Antonio F, Iacovelli A, Liberati M, et al. Role of interventional radiology in 2019;221:646.e1–646.e7. [II-2]
pregnancy complicated by placenta accreta spectrum disorder: Systematic 74. Fishel Bartal M, Sibai BM, Ilan H, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa: Outpatient
review and meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019;53:743–751. versus inpatient management. Am J Perinatol. 2019;36:422–427. [II-2]
[Meta-analysis on non-RCTs] 75. Gagnon R, Morin L, Bly S, et al. Diagnostic Imaging Committee; Maternal
65. Chen M, Liu X, You Y, et al L. Internal iliac artery balloon occlusion for Fetal Medicine Committee. SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline: Guidelines
placenta previa and suspected placenta accreta: A randomized controlled for the management of vasa previa. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;108:85–89.
trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2020;135:1112–1119. [RCT, n = 50] [Guideline]
66. Salim R, Chulski A, Romano S, et al. Precesarean prophylactic balloon cath- 76. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) Publications Committee,
eters for suspected placenta accreta: A randomized controlled trial. Obstet Sinkey RG, Odibo AO, Dashe J. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Gynecol. 2015;126:1022–1028. [RCT, n = 27] (SMFM) Consult Series #37: Diagnosis and management of vasa previa. Am
67. Catanzarite V, Maida C, Thomas W, et al. Prenatal sonographic diagnosis J Obstet Gynecol. 2015;213:615–619. [Review]
of vasa previa: Ultrasound findings and obstetric outcome in ten cases.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2001;18:109–115.41. [II-3]
John F. Visintine
Etiology/Basic pathophysiology
The etiology is not completely understood, but appears to occur
as the result of two mechanisms: Mechanical separation or as the
end result of defective deep placentation [9]. Placental separa-
tion occurring in association with mechanical trauma or rapid
decompression of a distended uterus is believed to occur due
to shearing forces resulting from a change in the surface area of a
relatively elastic uterine wall in relation to an inelastic placenta.
Blunt trauma to the uterus resulting in abruption or rupture of
membranes with rapid decompression of an overdistended uterus
resulting in abruption are examples of this mechanism. FIGURE 30.1 Couvelaire uterus noted at the time of cesarean
Evidence in support of a defective deep placentation mecha- delivery due to a placental abruption.
nism comes from placental bed biopsies from cases of placental
abruption, which show an absence of physiologic trophoblas-
tic invasion, dilated vessels, and recent thrombosis of spiral this pathologic finding in the early 20th century (Figure 30.1)
arteries [10]. These changes are seen not only in abruption but [16]. The pathologic diagnosis of a placental abruption often
also in preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction (FGR), and pre- does not correlate with the clinical diagnosis. In a large series
term prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM), suggesting that of placental pathologic evaluations, a placental abruption, defined
placental abruption represents one manifestation of a long- as an adherent clot with disruption of the underlying tissue, was
standing pregnancy disorder [9]. Moreover, abnormalities in demonstrated in 3.8% of specimens, which is higher than the gen-
circulating angiogenic factors have been observed in women who erally accepted incidence based on a clinical diagnosis (0.2%–1%)
subsequently developed placental abruption. In a nested case- [17]. Most of those “abruptions” called by pathologists do not have
control study, serum levels of the proangiogenic factor placental clinical diagnosis of abruption, and many clinical abruptions
growth factor (PIGF) were lower, and levels of the potent inhibi- have no pathologic evidence of abruption. This chapter has been
tor of PIGF, soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), were structured around a clinical definition of abruption. A retrospec-
increased [11]. tive review of abruption cases diagnosed on clinical grounds or
The resultant hemorrhage and initiation of the clotting cas- by pathologic criteria were analyzed based on risk factors, acute
cade is believed to play a major role in increasing uterine activity, (cocaine use, trauma <12 hours from delivery) or chronic (hyper-
PPROM, and ultimately preterm birth (PTB). Thrombin has been tension, preeclampsia, acute chorioamnionitis, trauma occurring
found to be a potent uterotonic factor, comparable to both oxy- >12 hours prior to delivery). Placental pathology confirmed the
tocin and prostaglandin F2-alpha [12]. Thrombin has also been presence of abruption in only 25% of those with acute risk fac-
demonstrated to increase interleukin-8 expression in decidual tors for abruption and 60% of those with chronic risk factors
cells. The subsequent neutrophilic infiltration of the decidua is for abruption [18].
believed to result in release of elastase and matrix metallopro-
teinases, and ultimately PPROM [13]. A functional progesterone Classification
withdrawal mediated by thrombin has also been demonstrated in
the decidual cells from those with an abruption, which may also At least since the early 1950s, clinicians have sought to
play a role in resultant PTB [14]. develop a useful clinical classification system to guide man-
Gross pathology findings associated with placental abrup- agement decisions [19]. Yet to date, a uniformly accepted clas-
tion include adherent retroplacental clot with depression or sification system for placental abruption does not exist. The
disruption of the underlying placental tissue. Microscopic clinical classification system originally published by Page in 1954
changes associated with abruption resulting in perinatal mortal- has been used by several authors as a means of grouping placental
ity include thrombosed arteries and necrosis of the decidua abruptions in those that can be potentially managed conserva-
basalis and large, recent infarcts and stromal fibrosis in the tively (grade 0 and 1) and those that require more aggressive man-
terminal villi of the placental parenchyma [15]. Severe cases of agement (grades 2 and 3) [20, 21]. The inclusion of clinical data
abruption can result in hemorrhagic infiltration between myo- obtained after delivery (gross or pathologic placental evaluation)
metrial fibers that extends to the serosal surface, giving the into these grading systems limits the usefulness for the everyday
uterus a dark purple discoloration, also known as Couvelaire clinician faced with an urgent management decision with grave
uterus in honor of the French obstetrician who first described consequences.
Placental Abruption 347
A more recent classification defines severe abruption as at • Multiple gestation: 1.2% risk of abruption in twins, 1.5%
least one maternal (disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC], in triplets [31].
hypovolemic shock, blood transfusion, hysterectomy, renal failure, • PPROM: OR 3.5 [32]. Evidence of old decidual hemorrhage
or in-hospital death), fetal (nonreassuring fetal status, intrauterine can be found in nearly 40% of placentas from patients with
growth restriction, or fetal death), or neonatal (FGR, PTB) com- PPROM [33].
plication. Using these criteria, two-thirds of placental abrup- • Chorioamnionitis: OR 9 [32]. Neutrophil infiltration of
tions are defined as severe (overall abruption rate 9.6/1000, the fetal membranes and cervix is seen in premature rup-
severe abruption 6.5/1000). It should be noted that the definition ture of membranes (PROM), and chorioamnionitis is asso-
of placental abruption in this study does not include abruptions ciated with placental abruption [13].
only identified through pathologic evaluation of the placenta. The • Leiomyomas detected at second-trimester ultrasound are
author recognizes that this definition cannot be used prospec- associated with a small increase in the risk of abruption
tively due to inclusion of outcome measures, but may guide further (OR 2.1) [34].
research toward a better understanding of the disease [5]. • Ultrasound-detected subchorionic hemorrhage before
We use a staging system in our clinical practice which employs 22 weeks of gestation results in an increased risk of placen-
many of the elements of the earlier grading systems but only tal abruption (OR 2.6) [34].
allows for data clinically available prior to delivery (Table 30.2). • Vaginal bleeding <20 weeks is associated with an
While staging systems are necessarily arbitrary, the advantage increased risk of abruption (relative risk [RR] 1.6) [35].
for the clinician is that they allow for integration of the clinical • Unexplained elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
findings at presentation (history, physical exam, laboratory and (MS-AFP) in the second trimester: OR 6–10 for placental
imaging studies) into a system that allows for tailoring of treat- abruption [36, 37].
ment and estimation of prognosis [22]. • Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) ≤5th
percentile in the first trimester is associated with placental
Risk factors/Associations abruption (OR, 1.9) [38].
• Inherited thrombophilias have been associated with
Nearly 50% of women with placental abruption have no identifi- abruption in case-control studies [39, 40]. However, most
able risk factors [23]: prospective studies have shown no increased risk of
abruption [41–43]. A retrospective cohort study compar-
• History of an abruption in a prior pregnancy: The risk of ing thromboprophylaxis with heparin for women with an
recurrence is about 5%–17% [24]. After two abruptions, the inherited thrombophilia demonstrated no difference in
risk of recurrence is about 25%. rates of abruption or other adverse outcomes regardless of
• Maternal hypertensive disorders: Associated with up treatment [44]. But one large prospective cohort study did
to almost 50% of grade 3 abruption cases. In particular, demonstrate an increased risk of abruption for women with
chronic hypertension (incidence 1.5%–2.5%, odds ratio the prothrombin gene mutation 20210A (OR 12), but not
[OR] 2.8), superimposed preeclampsia (about 3%), and for factor V Leiden mutation, MTHFR C677T or A1298C
severe preeclampsia (OR 4.1) are associated with placental mutations, or thrombomodulin gene mutation [45].
abruption [25, 26]. • Advanced maternal age: It is unclear if there is an asso-
• Abdominal trauma is a recognized cause of placental ciation with abruption, as the data are conflicting [46, 47].
abruption, but is responsible for only 1% of cases [27]. See • Thyroperoxidase antibodies have been associated with an
also Chap. 41 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines. increased risk of placental abruption in two large cohort
• Smoking: 90% increase in abruption in women who smoke studies (OR 1.5–3.4) [48, 49]. An association with abrup-
compared with controls. Smoking is responsible for 15%– tion was also seen with thyroglobulin antibodies (OR
25% of episodes of abruption [25]. 1.4–1.7) [49]. The association with abruption was con-
• Cocaine: 1.9% rate of abruption [28]. firmed in a cohort of low-risk women with subclinical
• Previous cesarean delivery is associated with an increased hypothyroidism [50].
risk of abruption in subsequent pregnancies (OR 1.3) [29]. • Elevated uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) >90th percen-
• Polyhydramnios has been associated with placental tile is associated with an increased risk of placental abrup-
abruption in patients >37 weeks’ gestation [30]. tion RR 2.7 (2.7–12) [51].
348 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Delivery for
Non-Reassuring Fetal Status
Maternal Deterioration
• History and physical exam, as well as appropriate labora- containing red cells in the maternal circulation and to
tory and ultrasonographic studies, guide management. attempt to quantitate the extent of fetal-maternal hemor-
Routine assessment should be conducted, including vital rhage (FMH) [75]. More recently, flow cytometry has been
signs, oxygenation status, and urine output. Laboratory found to be a sensitive test for the detection of fetal red
assessment may include a hematocrit, platelet count, cells in the maternal circulation [76]. Both of these tests
coagulation studies (prothrombin time [PT], partial use normal maternal and fetal blood volume estimates to
thromboplastin time [PTT], and fibrinogen), blood type quantify the amount of FMH; in the presence of signifi-
and screen, or crossmatch, serum creatinine, and a drug cant maternal hemorrhage, quantitative results may not be
screen. Other causes of third-trimester bleeding must be as reliable. While the KB test has often been included in
excluded. The differential diagnosis includes placenta the laboratory workup of abruption, it appears to be a low-
previa, vasa previa, cervical lesions (for example, malig- yield test. In a recent retrospective study of women with a
nancy), and vaginal lesions. clinical abruption who were screened with KB, only 3 of 65
• An ultrasound examination is useful primarily in exclud- were positive (sensitivity 4.4%) [77]. An earlier retrospec-
ing placenta previa or vasa previa. The sensitivity and tive study reported no positive KB tests out of 27 cases
specificity of ultrasound in the diagnosis of placental of abruption confirmed by pathology [78]. While FMH as
abruption were 24% and 96%, respectively [68]. Of note, a result of or related to placental abruption has been well
a placental abruption was defined in this study by clinical described, the clinically utility of these tests for the diag-
signs or symptoms or by placental examination. So while nosis or management of an abruption is an open question.
ultrasound is very helpful in ruling out other causes of
third-trimester bleeding, it lacks the sensitivity needed General principles
to reliably detect placental abruption [68]. The echo- Once the diagnosis of placental abruption has been made, atten-
genicity of the collection of blood of an abruption depends tion should be focused on ensuring maternal and fetal well-being.
on the time the ultrasound was performed relative to the Maternal status should be addressed, with attention paid to signs
onset of symptoms [69]. Acute hemorrhage is hyperechoic or symptoms of hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock, and DIC. The
to isoechoic compared with the placenta. Resolving hema- frequency of repeated evaluations is dependent primarily on the
tomas become hypoechoic within 1 week and sonolucent acuity and severity of the abruption. Preparations should be made
within 2 weeks. in anticipation of potential maternal complications. This should
• Computed tomography (CT) has been used to identify include intravenous access; two large-bore peripheral lines will
abruptions in trauma patients. A retrospective study of allow for rapid fluid or blood component replacement. The avail-
pregnant trauma patients who were evaluated with CT ability of blood or blood components may be lifesaving; therefore,
found a high sensitivity (86%) and specificity (98%) in the close cooperation with blood banking services is essential.
detection of placental abruption [70]. In a retrospective Fetal status is typically assessed with continuous electronic
review of pregnant trauma patients, as placental enhance- fetal monitoring, at least in the acute setting. For women with a
ment on CT imaging decreased, the presence of clinical chronic abruption, once clinically stable, intermittent monitor-
findings of placental abruption were found to increase. ing may be a consideration.
The authors found that clinical signs and/or symptoms Tocolytic use is generally discouraged due to maternal
of abruption were significantly more likely with placental safety concerns. Multiple retrospective studies have evaluated
enhancement on CT imaging <50% and that the likeli- tocolytic use (mostly magnesium sulfate) in the setting of placen-
hood of delivery for abruption increased as the placental tal abruption, without suggestion of increased maternal risk and
enhancement decreased to less than 25% [71]. possible pregnancy prolongation [79–82].
• Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has also been used Magnesium sulfate as a tocolytic for women with a mild (stage I)
to identify placental abruption. In a prospective series of abruption prior to 34 weeks was not found to be effective, as
60 consecutive patients with clinical suspicion of abrup- reported in a well-designed but underpowered RCT. Thirty women
tion, ultrasound imaging and MR imaging were compared. were enrolled, short of the 48 planned. While there was no signifi-
Placental abruption (defined as adherent clot or fibrin by cant prolongation in pregnancy with the use of magnesium sulfate,
placental examination at delivery) was found in 19 patients. we cannot conclude with certainty that this treatment is ineffective
Abruption was identified in 10 of the 19 patients (52%) due to the small study size. The authors recognize that significant
with ultrasound and in all 19 (100%) with MR imaging power was not achieved and that with the relatively high rate of
(p = 0.002) [72]. This study underscores the relative abil- pregnancy prolongation in the placebo group, it was recognized
ity of imaging modalities to identify retroplacental collec- that a much larger study population would in actuality be need.
tions, but the presence or absence of adherent placental Further enrollment was not attempted due to changes in clinical
clot does not always correlate with a clinical abruption. practice as a result of the BEAM trial. Of note, while adverse out-
• A vaginal speculum examination should be performed to comes due to tocolysis in the face of abruption were not primary
rule out cervical or vaginal sources of bleeding. outcome measures, safety concerns were not raised in the trial [57].
• Laboratory findings: A prolonged PT, prolonged PTT,
hypofibrinogenemia, and thrombocytopenia can occur Timing of delivery (Figure 30.2)
in women with abruption for whom DIC develops.
D-dimer, a fibrin degradation product, has been evalu- Level I evidence is not available on delivery decisions [56, 83].
ated as a diagnostic tool for abruption in two small stud-
ies with conflicting results [73, 74]; at present, the data do Term placental abruption: ≥37 weeks
not support its routine use. The Kleihauer-Betke (KB) test • Delivery is recommended by most authors [6]. Rapid labor
has been used for over 50 years to detect fetal hemoglobin often ensues as a result of an abruption.
Placental Abruption 351
27. Higgins SD, Garite TJ. Late abruptio placenta in trauma patients: 52. Chang J, Elam-Evans LD, Berg CJ, et al. Pregnancy-related mortality sur-
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2019;133(2):404–405. [III]
Elena R. Magro-Malosso, Sarah K. Dotters-Katz, and Daniele Di Mascio
Repair of obstetric lacerations Careful physical examination of the obstetric laceration is cen-
tral to define the anatomic defect, its right depth, and degree. A
Key points digital rectal examination is also recommended if an occult
• Obstetric lacerations are very frequent, affecting 53%–79%
anal sphincter injury is suspected [5]. There is some evidence to
of all vaginal deliveries.
suggest that the use of endoanal ultrasound (EAUS) prior to
• Forceps delivery followed by vacuum delivery, regardless
perineal repair is associated with reduced risk of severe anal
of the use of episiotomy, is the strongest risk factor for
incontinence but an increase in the incidence of perineal pain at
obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) and repeated
3 months postpartum. However, more research is needed to fully
OASIS, with subsequent anal and fecal incontinence.
evaluate the intervention before the routine use of EAUS on the
• A first-degree laceration may heal by secondary intention
labor ward could be supported [6].
if it is not bleeding or if it does not distort the anatomy.
A first-degree laceration may heal by secondary intention if
When the first-degree laceration is repaired, the use of
it is not bleeding or if it does not distort the anatomy. When the
adhesive glue achieves cosmetic and functional results
first-degree laceration is repaired, the use of adhesive glue achieves
equal to traditional suturing.
cosmetic and functional results equal to traditional suturing [7].
• Second-degree lacerations (as well as higher order) involv-
Higher-order lacerations must be repaired. The repair of a
ing the perineal muscles need to be repaired. The con-
second-degree laceration requires approximation of the vaginal
tinuous suturing techniques and rapidly absorbing
tissue identifying the apex of the laceration, the perineal muscles
synthetic materials are recommended.
(transverse perineal muscles and bulbocavernosus muscle), and
• The two methods for repairing the external anal sphincter
the perineal skin [8]. Use of continuous suturing techniques
(EAS) are the end-to-end method and the overlap.
and rapidly absorbing synthetic materials for repair of second-
• Prophylactic antibiotic therapy prevents perineal wound
degree lacerations is recommended [9, 10].
infections in third- and fourth-degree lacerations
There are currently no controlled studies that compare the
(single-dose, second-generation cephalosporin—cefotetan
various techniques or various suture materials for anal mucosa
or cefoxitin, 1 g intravenously).
repair. Traditionally, the anal mucosa is approximated using
• Postoperative laxative regimens (e.g. oral lactulose) fol-
closely spaced interrupted or running sutures with delayed
lowing the primary repair OASIS are suggested to avoid
absorbable materials 4/0 or 3/0 polyglactin. The indications on
the injury repair technique of the internal anal sphincter (IAS)
• Limited data support the effectiveness of local cooling
are limited. The IAS is identified as a glistening, white, fibrous
treatments for treating perineal pain.
structure placed between the rectal mucosa and the external anal
Epidemiology/Incidence sphincter (EAS). The IAS may be retracted laterally, and place-
Obstetric lacerations are very frequent, affecting 53%–79% of all ment of Allis clamps on the muscle ends facilitates repair with
vaginal deliveries. They usually involve the perineum and, less continuous 2/0 polyglactin sutures [8].
commonly, the labia, clitoral area, and vaginal walls. Two methods for repairing the EAS are recognized. In the
end-to-end method, the torn ends of the EAS are approximated
Classification and sutured. In the overlap method, the torn ends of the EAS
Perineal lacerations are generally classified into four grades are brought together and sutured by overlapping one end of the
according to the severity of the lesion: First-degree lacerations muscle over the other in a double-breasted fashion [11]. The over-
involve the perineal skin only, second-degree lacerations involve lapping repair results in a larger surface area of tissue contact
the perineal muscle as well, while third- and fourth-degree lac- between the two torn ends, and it is only possible when a full-
erations involve the anal sphincter complex and are referred to as length and full-thickness disruption and 1–1.5 cm of torn muscle
obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) (Table 31.1). on either end are present. Therefore, the overlap method should
not be used to repair grade 3a tears and partial grade 3b tears, as
Risk factors these should be repaired by the end-to-end technique. There is
Forceps delivery followed by vacuum delivery, regardless of the no consensus on which technique to use to repair the EAS, and
use of episiotomy, is the strongest risk factor for OASIS and the choice is currently left to the preference of the physician [12].
repeated OASIS, with subsequent anal and fecal incontinence (AI Neither the repair method nor the suture material used (polygla-
and FI) [1–3]. Other risk factors for severe perineal lacerations ctin 2/0 versus polydioxanone 3/0) seem to affect overall morbid-
during childbirth include high birth weight, median episiotomy, ity, which instead is reduced if anal sphincter repair is performed
primiparity, Asian ethnicity, labor induction, labor augmentation, by appropriately trained staff [13].
TABLE 31.1: Perineal Lacerations An episiotomy is performed to enlarge the vaginal orifice by a
controlled incision in the perineum and facilitate difficult deliv-
First degree Injury to perineal skin only
eries. Since 2006 in the United States the percentage of episioto-
Second degree Injury to perineum involving perineal muscles but not
mies is declining, when the ACOG recommended a restrictive
involving anal sphincter
episiotomy use. The episiotomy rate dropped from 17.3% to
Third degree Injury to perineum involving anal sphincter complex
11.6% from 2006 to 2012 [21]. The current evidence does not
3a: Less than 50% of external anal sphincter thickness torn
justify routine episiotomy. A meta-analysis including 12 RCTs
3b: More than 50% external anal sphincter thickness torn
(6177 women) compared selective versus routine use of episiot-
3c: Both external anal sphincter and internal anal
omy. Women in labor, for whom a vaginal birth was intended,
sphincter torn
were evaluated in 11 RCTs (5375 women). In this group, a policy
Fourth degree Injury to perineum involving anal sphincter complex of selective episiotomy resulted in 30% fewer women experi-
(external anal sphincter and internal anal sphincter) and encing severe perineal/vaginal trauma (relative risk [RR] 0.70,
anal epithelium 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.52–0.94). Both selective and rou-
Source: Adapted from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. tine episiotomies have little or no effect on neonatal outcome
Obstetric Data Definitions (version 1.0). Washington, D.C.: American (Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes), perineal infection, dys-
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; 2014. http://www. pareunia, and long-term urinary incontinence (UI). Subgroup
acog.org/-/media/Departments/Patient-Safety-and-Quality-Improvement/ analyses by parity (primiparas versus multiparas) and by surgical
2014reVITALizeObstetricDataDefinitionsV10.pdf. method (midline versus mediolateral episiotomy) did not identify
any modifying effects. One trial examined selective episiotomy
Therapy compared with routine episiotomy in women where an operative
If antibiotics are unnecessary for repair of first- and second- vaginal delivery was intended in 175 women and did not show
degree lacerations, in the case of third- or fourth-degree lac- a clear difference in severe perineal trauma between the restric-
erations, prophylactic antibiotic therapy may reduce the tive and routine use of episiotomy, but the analysis was under-
incidence of perineal wound infections associated with them. powered. This review thus demonstrates that in women where no
The only randomized controlled trial (RCT) that compared the instrumental delivery is intended, selective episiotomy policies
effect of prophylactic antibiotic (single-dose, second-generation result in fewer women with severe perineal/vaginal trauma [22].
cephalosporin—cefotetan or cefoxitin, 1 g intravenously) with Episiotomies, like obstetric lacerations, that involve the muscle
placebo found a rate of postpartum perineal wound complica- layer need to be stitched by continuous suturing techniques and
tions (wound disruption and purulent discharge) in third- or preferably with rapidly absorbing synthetic sutures [9, 10]. There
fourth-degree perineal tears at 2 weeks of 8% and 24% in the treat- are no clear indications that prophylactic antibiotics reduce
ment and the control groups, respectively [14]. Although the data the incidence of episiotomy wound dehiscence with infection
derive from a small trial with high rate of loss to follow-up, they or without infection, and therefore no recommendation can be
are the best available data on which to base a recommendation. made [23].
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG) support the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to reduce
Pelvic floor disorders
the incidence of postoperative infection for third- and fourth- Key points
degree lacerations [15, 16]. • Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) define a variety of interrelated
Postoperative laxative regimens (e.g. oral lactulose) are sug- clinical entities that include pelvic organ prolapse (POP),
gested to avoid constipation and the potential risk of perineal UI, and FI.
laceration breakdown, and when compared with a constipating • Increasing parity is strongly associated with UI.
regimen, are associated with a significantly earlier and less pain- • There is no evidence that labor alone, in the absence of
ful bowel motion, as well as discharge [17]. Routine prescribing of vaginal delivery, represents a risk factor for UI, FI, or POP.
a stool-bulking agent in addition to a laxative in the immediate • Vaginal delivery is associated with an increased risk of
postnatal period for women who have sustained anal sphincter PFDs, particularly with UI.
injury at vaginal delivery is not recommended because of more • There is no evidence to recommend episiotomy for the pre-
frequent incontinence in the immediate postnatal period com- vention of PFDs.
pared with laxative alone [18]. Evidence for the effectiveness of • Operative vaginal delivery with forceps, but not vacuum
topically applied local anesthetics for treating perineal pain is not delivery, is associated with POP and UI, while both forceps
compelling, and there are limited data that support the effective- and vacuum are risk factors for AI.
ness of local cooling treatments (ice packs, cold gel pads, cold/ • There is no evidence to recommend planned cesarean
iced baths) [19, 20]. delivery for the prevention of PFDs.
• Antenatal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) prevents
Episiotomy UI in late pregnancy and in the mid-postnatal period,
while its role to reduce UI in incontinent women (treat-
Key points ment) appeared uncertain.
• Episiotomies should be avoided if at all possible. A policy
of selective episiotomy results in 30% fewer women expe- Definition
riencing severe perineal/vaginal trauma. Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) define a variety of interrelated clini-
• Episiotomies, like obstetric lacerations, that involve the muscle cal entities that include pelvic organ prolapse (POP), UI, and FI.
layer need to be stitched by continuous suturing techniques They are more common in adult women and strongly associated
and preferably with rapidly absorbing synthetic sutures. with pregnancy and childbirth [24].
356 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 31.2: Recommendations for Early Post-Vaginal Early ambulation—preferably after sitting up for a few minutes
Delivery Care in bed to prevent hypotension—should start about 4 hours after
cesarean delivery and should last approximately 5–10 minutes,
• Continuous suturing techniques and rapidly absorbing synthetic
according to the woman’s feelings, three times a day. Early
materials for second-degree (or high-order) lacerations
ambulation, particularly when involved in a broader spectrum of
• Prophylactic antibiotic therapy in third- and fourth-degree
ERAS policies, has been associated with earlier intestinal sounds,
gas passage, and bowel movements, but is also strongly recom-
• Avoidance of episiotomy, unless absolutely necessary
mended to prevent venous thromboembolism [54–56].
• Pelvic floor muscle training before delivery to prevent urinary
Early oral feeding with both fluids and food within 6–8 hours
after cesarean delivery improves the return of gastrointestinal
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen to reduce
function (shorter passage of flatus, bowel movements, and sounds)
postpartum pain
and does not increase the occurrence of gastrointestinal complica-
• Local cooling pain relievers for perineal pain
tions (no nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distension, mild
ileus symptoms) compared with delayed oral intake [57, 58].
vaginal delivery. Among them, local cooling pain relievers, such Likewise, chewing gum in the immediate postoperative period
as ice packs, have been shown to be associated with a significant and then at least three times per day for about 15 minutes after
reduction of perineal pain at 24–72 hours, compared with no treat- cesarean delivery is a well-tolerated intervention that enhances
ment. However, this evidence to support the effectiveness of local early recovery of bowel function, as it has been associated with
cooling treatments (ice packs, cold gel pads, cold/iced baths) for the early recovery of bowel motility and significantly less incidence of
perineum following vaginal delivery to relieve pain is limited [20]. ileus, fewer number of episodes of nausea or vomiting, lower mean
When a standard dose of an NSAID is insufficient, a multi- time to first flatus or first bowel sounds, shorter length of stay, and
modal approach including NSAIDs, acetaminophen, and a milder therefore significantly higher maternal satisfaction [59, 60].
opioid (if needed) can be considered as a reasonable next step [52]. Lastly, a bladder catheter is usually used during cesarean deliv-
In summary, for early post–vaginal delivery care, we suggest eries, although it is a common cause of discomfort in the early
the interventions in Table 31.2. postoperative period. There is insufficient evidence to assess the
routine use of indwelling bladder catheters in women under-
going cesarean delivery so far. However, as many institutions
Early postpartum care after still use a bladder catheter during cesarean delivery, immediate
cesarean delivery removal after surgery, at least in women undergoing elective
cesarean delivery, should be encouraged to reduce postopera-
tive bacteriuria, dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, and to
Enhanced recovery after surgery strategies hasten postoperative ambulation time, time until the first void-
ing, and length of hospital stay [61, 62].
Key points
• Early ambulation should start about 4 hours after cesar-
ean delivery and should last approximately 5–10 minutes
Pain control
several times a day to hasten intestinal recovery and pre- Key points
vent venous thromboembolism. • NSAIDs are associated with lower pain scores at 12 and
• Early oral feeding with both fluids or food within 24 hours, lower pain with movement at 24 hours, signifi-
6–8 hours after cesarean delivery improves the return of cantly less opioid consumption, and less drowsiness/seda-
gastrointestinal function and does not increase the occur- tion. Scheduled NSAIDs should be given initially around
rence of gastrointestinal complications. the clock, starting during cesarean, and not as desired by
• Chewing gum three times a day immediately after the woman.
cesarean delivery is a well-tolerated intervention that • Scheduled acetaminophen for 48 hours around the clock
enhances early recovery of bowel function. after cesarean delivery is effective in reducing opioid use
• If used, immediate removal of the bladder catheter after compared to as-needed administration.
cesarean should be encouraged to reduce urinary discom- • Epidural morphine—and neuraxial opioids in gen-
fort and infections. eral—are significantly associated with a reduction in pain
scores and postoperative morphine request during the first
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a clinical approach 24 hours compared to systemic opioid analgesia.
towards perioperative care that has been utilized for about • A transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block could be
30 years in many surgical fields in order to achieve at least three effective for women not receiving neuraxial morphine.
main objectives: Increasing patient satisfaction, improving qual- • Perioperative administration of gabapentin is associated
ity, and reducing costs for the health care system [53]. with lower pain scores at 24-hour movements and with a
ERAS strategies have also been successfully applied to obstet- higher pain control satisfaction at 12 and 24 hours.
ric care, and in particular after cesarean delivery, thus resulting • Systemic opioids should be reserved for treating break-
in shorter length of hospital stay, reduced opioid consumption, through pain when pain control obtained by the combina-
and unchanged visual analog pain scores at the time of hospital tion of neuraxial opioids and nonopioid adjuncts becomes
discharge when these policies are properly accomplished [53]. inadequate.
ERAS procedures after cesarean delivery usually involve multi-
modal analgesia (see “Pain Control”), early ambulation, early oral Pain after cesarean delivery might significantly affect the
feeding, and expeditious removal of the bladder catheter, if used. early hours of a woman’s motherhood experience. In the 2018
358 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
guidelines on postpartum pain management, the ACOG recom- It is uncertain whether covering surgical wounds that are
mends a stepwise, multimodal strategy to provide individualized healing by primary intention with wound dressings reduces
pain control for women in the postpartum period. the risk of surgical site infections (SSIs) [69]. Studies on the
In the United States, 1 in 300 opioid-naive patients exposed to timing of the wound dressing removal after cesarean delivery are
opioids after cesarean delivery will become persistent users of also limited. Epithelialization is an essential component of wound
opioids, thus highlighting the importance of a proper and timely healing and typically occurs in the 48 hours after surgery. Data
approach to control postpartum pain [52]. from three small RCTs showed no significant differences between
NSAIDs are among the most common pain relievers, usually early (up to 48 hours after surgery) and delayed dressing (beyond
administered as part of multimodal pain control after cesarean 48 hours) removal from non-Cesarean surgical wounds in terms
delivery. of incidence of SSIs, wound dehiscence, or serious adverse events
A meta-analysis of 22 RCTs comparing NSAIDs to control within 30 days [70]. Additionally, a recent RCT of 320 women
showed that women in the NSAID group had lower pain scores at observing postsurgery dressing removal showed no increased
12 and 24 hours (when NSAIDs were administered via the intrave- wound complications with removal at 6 hours instead of 24 hours
nous/intramuscular route, but not via oral or rectal routes), lower after a scheduled cesarean delivery. In this same study, women’s
pain with movement at 24 hours, significantly less opioid con- satisfaction was significantly increased when dressings were
sumption, and less drowsiness/sedation, while no difference was removed at 6 hours after the cesarean delivery, allowing them
reported in terms of nausea or vomiting [63]. Scheduled NSAIDs to care for their personal hygiene earlier [71].
should be given initially around the clock, starting during cesarean A multicenter RCT of 869 low-risk obstetric women compared
(e.g. ketorolac, then ibuprofen) and not as desired by the woman. wound dressing removal at 24 hours versus 48 hours post–caesar-
Scheduled acetaminophen around the clock for 48 hours ean delivery with a modified 1-day ASEPSIS score. Higher scores
after cesarean delivery has been reported to be effective in reduc- were associated with more severe disruption of healing. The
ing opioid use compared to as-needed administration in women wound scoring was similar in the groups at discharge and first-
who received spinal anesthesia containing intrathecal morphine week evaluation, while at 6 weeks postsurgery, the wound scor-
[64], and these data were confirmed also in an RCT of 104 women ing was significantly less in the 48-hour (3.9%) versus the 24-hour
that showed that compared to placebo, intravenous acetamino- group (9%; p = 0.002) [72]. Further studies targeting wound com-
phen after cesarean delivery was associated with a significant plications are necessary to define the timing of dressing removal
decrease in oral narcotic consumption for pain control [65]. after cesarean.
Epidural morphine—and neuraxial opioids in general—are The proper technique for the removal of adhesive dressings
significantly associated with a reduction in pain scores and post- in obstetrics and gynecology has also been studied. By using
operative morphine request during the first 24 hours compared a slow rate of removal in the direction of hair growth, the
to systemic opioid analgesia, but it also increased the incidence of proper angle of traction (an ideal angle of 150–180 degrees to
nausea and pruritus compared with systemic opioids [66]. the skin), countertraction with an index finger, and adhesive
The transverse abdominis plane block (TAP block) involves solvents when necessary, patients experience much less pain
using a blunt-tip needle to inject anesthetic in the plane between with dressing removal, and skin injury can be avoided [73].
the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles to tar- There is currently no evidence of harm from early (within
get the peripheral nerves innervating the lower abdomen, usually 48 hours of surgery) postoperative bathing or showering in
performed under ultrasound guidance. After cesarean delivery, women with closed surgical wounds, because clinically signifi-
TAP block is effective, but the evidence is currently stronger only cant increases or decreases in SSIs cannot be ruled out [74].
for women not receiving neuraxial morphine [67].
Due to the lack of robust evidence of efficacy, the ACOG does Sutures
not recommend gabapentin as a first-line treatment for pain
management after cesarean delivery, although it might be rea- Key points
sonable in case of a history of chronic pain or uncontrolled pain • Absorbable subcuticular sutures, when compared with
[52]. Moreover, perioperative administration of 600 mg of gaba- staples, are associated with fewer wound complications
pentin has been shown to be associated with a lower pain score at and therefore should be preferred to reapproximate the
24-hour movements and with a higher pain control satisfaction skin at cesarean delivery.
at 12 and 24 hours in healthy pregnant women undergoing spinal • If staples are used nonetheless for skin closure of a trans-
anesthesia for cesarean delivery at term [68]. verse incision, they should be removed at least 4 or more
When focusing on systemic opioids, the ACOG guidelines on days after the cesarean to reduce the risk of skin separation
postpartum pain management suggest reserving parenteral or and the need for reclosure.
oral opioids for treating breakthrough pain when pain control • In women with risk factors for wound complications, such
obtained by the combination of neuraxial opioids and nonopioid as those with diabetes mellitus or obesity, and in vertical
adjuncts becomes inadequate [52]. incisions, staple removal timing should increase up to 7–10
Dressing removal
Absorbable subcuticular sutures, when compared with
Key points staples, is associated with fewer wound complications and
• Dressing removal at 6 hours after a scheduled cesarean therefore should be preferred to reapproximate the skin at
delivery is not associated with an increased risk of wound cesarean delivery [75]. A planned secondary analysis of an RCT
complications. of 746 women in which sutures and staples were compared for
• Women’s satisfaction is higher with early dressing removal, transverse skin closure after cesarean showed that more women
allowing them to care for their personal hygiene earlier. appear to prefer sutures, as they are less painful, are considered
Postpartum Care 359
to have a better appearance, and are associated with fewer wound Extensive discussion of indications for anticoagulation during
complications [76]. If staples are used nonetheless for skin clo- pregnancy is beyond the scope of this section. Similarly, manage-
sure of a transverse incision, they should be removed at least ment of these women in the postpartum period also is beyond
4 days after the cesarean to reduce the risk of skin separation the scope. Finally, evaluation and management of acute VTE is
and the need for reclosure [77]. In women with risk factors for covered in Chaps. 29 and 30 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based
wound complications, such as those with diabetes mellitus or Guidelines. However, in this section we will review evidence for
obesity, and in vertical incisions, staple removal timing should postpartum thromboprophylaxis among women without prior
increase up to 7–10 days, as the wound is under more tension. In VTE history and without known thrombophilia.
an RCT including 295 obese women with subcutaneous wound
depth ≥2.0 cm and skin staple closure of a transverse incision, the Thromboprophylaxis
rate of superficial wound dehiscence was 15.2% in the early skin Pneumatic compression devices should be used for all post-
staple removal group (after 3 postoperative days) versus 11.5% in partum women, independent of mode of delivery, until the
the delayed skin staple removal group (between postoperative day patient is fully ambulatory. However, this is based on expert
7 and postoperative day 10), although this difference was not sta- opinion and extrapolated from gynecology and general surgery
tistically significant. Until other trials can establish the noninfe- literature [84]. Evidence is limited in pregnancy. However, the
riority of early staple removal, delayed removal should remain the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) and ACOG do rec-
standard in the obese patient [78]. ommend their use starting at the time of cesarean delivery and
High-risk conditions, such as women with a body mass index until the patient is fully ambulatory [85, 86]. These can be contin-
(BMI) of more than 35 kg/m2, urgent cesarean delivery, preterm ued to be used while the patient is in bed for the duration of the
prelabor rupture of the membranes (PPROM), and chorioam- postpartum stay.
nionitis, are associated with wound healing complications, Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is recommended
regardless of timing of both the dressing and staple removal over heparin for postpartum pharmacologic anticoagulation
(see also Chap. 14) [79]. by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada
(SOGC), RCOG, SMFM, and the American College of Chest
Physicians, while ACOG notes both are safe [84–88]. While nei-
Postpartum thromboprophylaxis ther compound crosses the placenta, LMWH has a better safety
Key points profile, lower incidence of bleeding, and lower rates of heparin-
• Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk in the first week induced thrombocytopenia, as well as having less frequent dosing
postpartum is 100-fold higher than during pregnancy. requirements [89, 90]. Both are compatible with breastfeeding.
• Pneumatic compression devices are recommended for In the setting of postpartum prophylactic pharmacologic anti-
all postpartum women, independent of mode of deliv- coagulation, agents such as warfarin and other newer oral anti-
ery, until the patient is fully ambulatory. coagulants are generally not used, nor well studied. In general,
• Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is recom- though, warfarin is compatible with breastfeeding, while other
mended over heparin for postpartum pharmacologic newer oral agents such as fondaparinux are not recommended
anticoagulation. with breastfeeding.
• When a patient meets criteria for postpartum antico- For a patient where pharmacologic anticoagulation is indi-
agulation, it should in general not be started prior to cated, the optimal time between delivery and initiation is unclear.
4–6 hours after vaginal delivery or 6–12 hours after However, increased bleeding has been shown when anticoagu-
cesarean delivery. lation is started between 5 and 24 hours after vaginal delivery
• Insufficient evidence exists to guide recommendations and 12 and 36 hours after cesarean delivery [91]. ACOG sug-
about the duration of postpartum thromboprophylaxis. gests in general waiting 4–6 hours after vaginal delivery and
6–12 hours after cesarean delivery prior to starting any anti-
Epidemiology/Incidence coagulation [86].
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurs in 0.5–2/1000 pregnan- The presence of an epidural catheter can also affect the timing
cies, with half of those occurring postpartum [80, 81]. VTE risk of initiation. The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
in the first week postpartum is 100-fold higher than during Pain Medicine recommend waiting at least 2 hours after the
pregnancy [82]. removal of an epidural catheter prior to initiation of prophy-
A history of VTE or thrombophilia confers the biggest risk of lactic pharmacologic anticoagulation [92]. SOGC and RCOG
VTE. In women without these two risk factors, most data sug- recommend waiting 4 hours prior to initiation of prophylactic
gest that no single risk factor increases the risk more than 1% pharmacologic anticoagulation after removal of a neuraxial cath-
[83]. However, when women present with multiple risk factors, eter [84, 87, 93].
the cumulative risk may suggest the need for postpartum throm-
boprophylaxis. All of the following other factors have been asso- Candidates for postpartum
ciated with an adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of >4 for VTE in the pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis
postpartum period: Immobility for >1 week in the antepartum A Cochrane review from 2014 including 840 women attempted
period (aOR 40.1), postpartum infection after vaginal delivery or to assess the safety and efficacy of VTE prophylaxis in the early
cesarean delivery (aOR 20.2 and 6.2, respectively), postpartum postpartum period. The authors of that review concluded that
hemorrhage with or without surgery (aOR 12.0 and 4.1 respec- more rigorous and larger RCTs were needed [94]. A more recent
tively), pre-eclampsia with fetal growth restriction (aOR 5.8), placebo-controlled RCT was attempted but had to be stopped
maternal lupus (aOR 8.7), blood transfusion (aOR 7.6), maternal early due to futility recruiting [95]. Thus, while no high-quality,
sickle cell disease (aOR 6.7), multiple gestation (aOR 4.2), and large-scale trials exist, it is clear that universal postpartum phar-
BMI >30kg/m2 (aOR 5.3) [83]. macologic intervention is likely to cause harm [96].
360 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 31.3: Risk-Based Recommendations for Postpartum tissue if the wound thickness is >2 cm, and skin closure
Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis with sutures.
• Mild, nonpurulent cellulitis without systemic signs of
High-Risk Moderate-Risk Factors Low-Risk Factors
infection should be treated with antistreptococcal anti-
Factors (Need ≥1) (Need ≥2) (Need ≥3)
microbial agents; if purulent drainage or exudates
Postpartum BMI >30a,b Age >35a,c accompany cellulitis, empiric therapy should include ade-
infectiona Smoking >10 cigarettes per Parity >2a quate coverage for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Blood loss >1 L daya,b Multiplesa,c aureus.
and surgerya Pre-eclampsiaa,b Abruptiona
BMI >40b Growth restrictiona Assisted reproductive Diagnosis/Definition
Cesarean in setting of labora technologya Wound complications include several surgical morbidities that
Blood loss >1 La,b PPROMa can prolong postoperative pain and convalescence, lead to read-
Maternal lupusa,b Cesarean deliveryac mission, and contribute to rising health care costs. Complications
Sickle cell diseasea,b Maternal cancera that can affect the wound after a cesarean delivery include hema-
Stillbirtha,b toma, seroma, dehiscence, infection, and rarely, necrotizing fasci-
Preterm deliverya,b itis. The diagnosis of wound complications is clinical and posted
Gestational diabetesa in the presence of the classical signs of infection.
Inflammatory bowel diseasea,b
Heart failure/maternal cardiac Symptoms/Signs
diseasea,b Characteristic signs of wound infection are erythema, edema,
heat, discharge, and induration of the incision; fever and leuko-
a Based on SOCG guidelines.
cytosis may be systemic evidence of this condition. Hematoma
b Based on RCOG guidelines.
c Considered moderate risk factor by RCOG.
and seroma present as a collection of blood and serum, respec-
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; PPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of the
tively, both of which can cause dehiscence and act as a nidus for
membranes. the development of wound infection [98]. Necrotizing fasciitis is
a rare but serious infection of the deep soft tissue that results in
At this time, some experts suggest that the decision for post- progressive destruction of the muscle fascia and overlying subcu-
partum pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis be an opportunity taneous fat. Severe pain, wooden-hard induration of the subcuta-
for shared decision-making among women without prior or cur- neous tissues, bullous lesions, skin necrosis or ecchymosis, and
rent VTE [83]. In contrast, SOGC and RCOG have given specific elevated serum creatine kinase level are usually observed [99].
risk-based guidelines for recommending postpartum pharma- Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may help
cologic thromboprophylaxis (Table 31.3). However, SMFM does in the diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis, which will be confirmed
recommend the institution develop their own protocols with at the time of repeat surgery.
respect to postpartum pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis for
women undergoing cesarean delivery [85]. Epidemiology/Incidence
Insufficient evidence exists to guide recommendations about The rate of postpartum wound complications in the literature
the duration of postpartum thromboprophylaxis for women ranges from 2.8% to 26.6% [100] with a percentage of 1%–2% for
without prior VTE or known thrombophilia. Expert opinion sug- primary cesarean delivery [101] and a higher percentage for
gests anywhere from only while hospitalized to 6 weeks postpar- repeat cesarean deliveries.
tum [84, 87]. Prophylactic LMWH dosing is 40 mg daily. However,
this is often weight-based, and doses of 60 mg daily can be consid-
In the first 24–48 hours, the most common pathogens asso-
ered for women weighing 100–150 kg, and 80 mg daily for those
ciated with wound infections are group A or B beta-hemo-
weighing more than 150 kg [97]. Alternatively, subcutaneous hepa-
lytic Streptococcus, while later infections usually involved
rin can be considered at a dose of 10,000 units twice a day.
Staphylococcus epidermidis or aureus, Enterococcus faecalis,
Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis [102].
Postpartum wound complications
Risk factors
Key points Risk factors for the development of SSIs following cesarean
• Wound complications include hematoma, seroma, dehis- delivery in decreasing order of significant risk are listed in
cence, infection, and rarely, necrotizing fasciitis and occur Table 31.4 [103].
in 1%–2% of primary cesarean deliveries.
• Characteristic signs of wound infection are erythema, Workup
edema, heat, discharge, and induration of the incision; Examination of the surgical site is central when a woman pres-
fever and leukocytosis may be systemic evidence of this ents with signs and symptoms possibly related to wound compli-
condition. cation. The area of the wound should be carefully examined and
• In the first 24–48 hours, the most common pathogens potentially marked to assess for spread over time. A sterile swab
associated with wound infections are group A or B beta- can be used to investigate any open areas and the dimensions of
hemolytic Streptococcus. the separation of tissues. Superficial infection such as celluli-
• Effective interventions to decrease SSI include pro- tis can be treated with antibiotics alone and does not require
phylactic antibiotic use before skin incision, no hair incision and drainage. If the wound has purulent drainage, exu-
removal or hair removal using clippers, use of preopera- date or separation, incision and drainage to remove abscess, exu-
tive vaginal cleansing, suture closure of subcutaneous date, and hematoma is needed [103].
Postpartum Care 361
TABLE 31.4: Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection Postpartum endometritis
Variables Relative Risk or Odds Ratios
Key points
Subcutaneous hematoma 11.6 • Postpartum endometritis refers to an infection of the
Chorioamnionitis 5.6–10.6 decidua, typically polymicrobial, that occurs in about 1%–3%
American Society of Anesthesiologists 5.3 of vaginal births and up to 27% of cesarean deliveries.
class 3 or greater • The diagnosis is clinical and suspected if the patient devel-
Tobacco 5.3 ops puerperal fever, usually accompanied by abdominopel-
Incision length >16.6 cm 4.9 vic pain and purulent or foul-smelling lochia.
Prenatal visit <7 4 • Cesarean delivery is the most important risk factor for
Body mass index >35 kg/m2 3.7
postpartum maternal infection, especially when per-
formed after a prolonged labor with ruptured membranes.
Corticosteroid 3.1
• Routine blood cultures in women with uncomplicated
Body mass index >30 kg/m2 2.0–2.8
endometritis are not recommended, since empiric treat-
Subcutaneous tissue thickness >3 cm 2.8
ment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic is usually effective.
Second stage (vs. first stage) 2.8 • Effective prevention measures able to reduce the incidence
Teaching service 2.7 of postpartum endometritis in women who are undergoing
No antibiotic prophylaxis 2.6 cesarean delivery include vaginal preparation with antisep-
Pregestational diabetes 1.4–2.5 tic solution and antibiotic prophylaxis within 60 minutes
Operating time ≥38 minutes 2.4 prior to making the skin incision.
Hypertensive disease/pre-eclampsia 1.7–2.3 • The gold standard for the treatment of postpartum endo-
Duration of labor >12 hours 2.0 metritis is the combination of clindamycin 900 mg IV
Nulliparity 1.8 every 8 hours plus gentamicin 5 mg/kg IV every 24 hours.
Twin 1.6
Premature rupture of membrane 1.5
Postpartum endometritis refers to an infection of the decidua,
Gestational diabetes 1.5
typically polymicrobial, that may extend into the myometrium
Blood loss (every 100 mL) 1.3
or involve the parametrial tissues. The diagnosis is clinical and
Previous cesarean delivery 1.3 suspected if the patient develops fever in the absence of any other
Emergency delivery 1.3 cause. Puerperal febrile morbidity is defined as an oral temperature
Rupture of membranes (each hour) 1.02 ≥38°C (100.4°F) on any 2 of the first 10 days postpartum or a single
Source: From Ref. [103] under Creative Commons License. oral temperature of 38.7°C (101.6°F) in the first 24 hours [113].
Prevention Puerperal fever is usually accompanied by abdominopelvic
Effective interventions to decrease SSI include prophylactic anti- pain and purulent or foul-smelling lochia. Additional findings
biotic use before skin incision [104], no hair removal or hair observed in some women are chills, headache, malaise, and/or
removal using clippers instead of razors [105], use of preop- anorexia. Uterine involution can be delayed in the case of endo-
erative vaginal cleansing especially in women with ruptured metritis, particularly if the myometrium is involved (endomyo-
membranes [106], suture closure of subcutaneous tissue if the metritis), and excessive bleeding can occur.
wound thickness is >2 cm [107], and skin closure with sutures
instead of with staples [108]. Evidence-based bundles in women Epidemiology/Incidence
who undergo cesarean delivery are associated with a significant It is the most common postpartum infection, occurring in 1%–3%
reduction in SSI [109]. of vaginal births and in up to 27% of cesarean births [114. Data
derived from a review of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit Network
Therapy publications involving over 70,000 cesarean deliveries reported
Wound infection needs early antibiotic intervention. Mild, a rate of endometritis of around 6% for primary cesarean deliv-
nonpurulent cellulitis without systemic signs of infection ery performed before labor and around 11% for primary cesarean
should be treated with antistreptococcal antimicrobial delivery performed during labor [101].
agents, such as cephalexin, dicloxacillin, penicillin VK, amoxi-
cillin/clavulanate, or, in cases of penicillin allergy, clindamycin Etiology/Basic pathophysiology/Microbiology
[110]. If purulent drainage or exudate accompanies cellulitis, Infections are usually polymicrobial and related to a mixture of
empiric therapy should include adequate coverage for meth- two to three aerobes and anaerobes that ascend from the lower
icillin-resistant S. aureus [111]. Options for oral antibiotics genital tract to the uterus, colonizing the decidua, within 6
include clindamycin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, and tet- weeks of the birth. The most common pathogens isolated from
racycline (doxycycline or minocycline). Reclosure of disrupted the endometrium include E. coli and other aerobic gram-negative
laparotomy wounds can be accomplished with a high likelihood organisms such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter, and
of success (>80%) and a small number of recurrent abscesses, Proteus species; aerobic gram-positive organisms, including
seromas, and minor wound separations. Compared with healing group B Streptococcus and other Streptococcus species such as
by secondary intention, reclosure results in a faster healing time Enterococcus and S. aureus; and coagulase-negative anaerobes
(16–18 days versus 61–72 days) and fewer number of postopera- such as Bacteroides and Prevotella species, Peptostreptococcus
tive visits [112]. species, and the gram-variable Gardnerella vaginalis [115, 116].
362 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 31.5: Risk Factors for Postpartum Endometritis TABLE 31.6: Recommendations for Early Post-Cesarean
Delivery Care
Maternal Conditions Intrapartum and Postpartum
Conditions • Early ambulation 5–10 minutes several times a day starting from
4 hours after CD
Malnutrition Multiple vaginal examinations
• Early oral feeding within 6–8 hours after CD
Severe anemia Prolonged rupture of the
• Chewing three times a day immediately after CD
• Immediate removal of catheter, if used
Diabetes Severe meconium staining in
• Postoperative analgesia with scheduled NSAIDs or acetaminophen
for 48 hours given around the clock
Obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m2) Cesarean delivery • Dressing removal at 6 hours after a scheduled CD
HIV infection Manual extraction of placenta • Absorbable subcuticular suture to reapproximate the skin
Altered vaginal microflora (e.g. bacterial • Pneumatic compression devices during postpartum, regardless of
vaginosis, vaginal group B streptococci mode of delivery, until the woman is fully ambulatory
colonization) • LMWH for postpartum pharmacologic anticoagulation 6–12 hours
Source: Data from Refs. [122–124]. after CD in women meeting criteria for anticoagulation
• Early antibiotic therapy for postpartum wound infection and
Risk factors/Associations postpartum endometritis
Cesarean delivery is the most important risk factor for postpar- Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin.
tum maternal infection, especially when performed after a pro-
longed labor with ruptured membranes [117, 118]. An increased (iodine-based solutions or chlorhexidine-based solutions) imme-
incidence of endometritis following cesarean delivery has also diately before cesarean delivery [106], antibiotic prophylaxis
been reported in association with bacterial vaginosis [119]. For within 60 minutes prior to making the skin incision [128], and
vaginal birth, the presence of bacterial vaginosis, prolonged rup- spontaneous placental extraction [128].
ture of membranes, and multiple vaginal examinations during
labor are associated with an increased risk of endometritis [118, Therapy
120]. The most common maternal, intrapartum, and postpartum Antibiotic treatment that includes coverage for aerobic and
conditions associated with an increased risk of postpartum endo- anaerobic pathogens likely to be causing endometritis should be
metritis are listed in Table 31.5 [121–123]. administered promptly. The gold standard for the treatment
of postpartum endometritis is the combination of clindamy-
Complications cin 900 mg IV every 8 hours plus gentamicin 5 mg/kg IV
Endometritis is still an important cause of maternal deaths world- every 24 hours [114]. The combination of ampicillin-sulbactam
wide, although the use of antibiotics has considerably reduced its (3 g every 6 hours) and gentamicin (1.5 mg/kg every 8 hours) is
incidence [114]. Serious complications of postpartum endometri- as effective and well tolerated as a combination regimen using
tis include peritonitis, pelvic abscess, and septic thrombophlebi- clindamycin plus gentamicin and therefore could be used in case
tis, which can be associated with septic pulmonary emboli. of clindamycin resistance [129]. The treatment should be con-
tinued until the woman is afebrile for (usually) 24–48 hours
Workup and the pelvic pain disappears. In case of persistent fever for
The white blood cell (WBC) count is elevated, but this can be a nor- more than 48 hours of antibiotic therapy, the addition of ampi-
mal finding in postpartum women secondary to the physiologic cillin or penicillin to the regimen can be an effective approach
leukocytosis of pregnancy and the effects of labor, while a rising, because of the presence of resistant organisms, such as entero-
rather than falling, neutrophil count postpartum is suggestive of cocci, in about 20% of cases [130]. If the woman has not improved
an infectious process [124]. Routine blood cultures in women despite the adjustment of the initial antibiotic therapy, other eti-
with uncomplicated endometritis are not recommended, since ologies of fever should be considered. Ultrasound may demon-
empiric treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic is usually strate the retained tissue fluid collection such as pelvic abscess
effective. However, in some selected cases, such as endometritis or infected hematoma [131]; computed tomography (CT) or
complicated by sepsis or failure of the initial antibiotic therapy, magnetic resonance imaging are helpful if septic pelvic throm-
women with an increased risk for bacterial endocarditis, or bophlebitis or ovarian vein thrombosis is suspected. For women
immunocompromised women, the detection of bacteremia with with negative imaging, the likelihood of a drug fever should be
blood cultures can be useful to tailor antibiotic treatment [125]. considered [132].
Endometrial bacterial cultures are challenging to obtain without In summary, for early post–cesarean delivery care, we suggest
contamination through the cervix and rarely provide information the interventions in Table 31.6.
that affect treatment decisions [126]. There are no characteristic
sonographic findings associated with postpartum endometritis
[127]. In the differential diagnosis it is necessary to consider other Other postpartum issues for both
postpartum febrile episodes such as SSI, engorgement, mastitis, vaginal and cesarean delivery
breast abscess, and less frequently, a viral syndrome, appendicitis,
pyelonephritis, atelectasis, or pneumonia.
Postpartum ultrasound
Effective prevention measures able to reduce the incidence of Key points
postpartum endometritis in women who undergo cesarean • The upper limit of normal for endometrial thickness
delivery include vaginal preparation with an antiseptic solution was 25 mm up to 7 days postpartum and continued to
Postpartum Care 363
decrease during the puerperium period, as all other uterine skin-to-skin on the mother’s chest and remain there,
measurements gradually do. undisturbed, until the first feeding is accomplished.
• Endometrial stripe thickness and ultrasound presence of • Treatment for mastitis begins with frequent removal
echogenic material in the uterine cavity should not be used of milk, hydration, and analgesia. Healthy term infants
as clinical predictors for abnormal bleeding complications, can continue to feed on the affected side. Antibiotics are
since they may be common findings in the early postpar- used if conservative management is ineffective or the
tum period. patient is acutely ill.
• There is limited evidence that galactagogues increase milk
Postpartum ultrasound is not routinely performed in every production in placebo-controlled trials. Optimal breast-
institution, although it is considered a useful tool when a sus- feeding education can increase milk supply among women
picion for placental pathology arises during the postpartum with low production.
course. A recent, large systematic review including 3106 women • Most medications are compatible with breastfeeding,
undergoing transabdominal and/or transvaginal ultrasound or a safe alternative medication exists. The physiology of
from day 1 to a maximum of 6 weeks postpartum provided the placenta differs from the breast, and providers should
clinical guidance for the sonographic evaluation of women not extrapolate drug safety information from pregnancy to
with an uncomplicated postpartum course. The upper limit lactation.
of normal (95th percentile) for endometrial thickness was • Breastfeeding is contraindicated in the setting of an infant
25 mm up to 7 days postpartum and continued to decrease with classic galactosemia, active maternal use of illicit
(18 mm at 14 days, 12 mm at 4 weeks, and 9 mm at 6 weeks) simi- drugs, maternal medications that are contraindicated in
larly, regardless of parity or mode of delivery. All other uterine breastfeeding, or maternal infection with T-cell lympho-
measurements also gradually decreased during the puerpe- tropic virus type I or II (e.g. HTLV). Recommendations for
rium period similarly, regardless of parity or mode of delivery breastfeeding in the setting of maternal HIV or tuberculo-
[133]. Endometrial stripe thickness and ultrasound presence of sis vary by region. Women with HIV in the United States
echogenic material in the uterine cavity should not be used as are advised not to breastfeed because of the risk of mater-
clinical predictors for the development of abnormal bleeding nal-infant transmission and the availability of safe artifi-
complications, since they may be normal findings in the early cial feeding. Breastfeeding is temporarily contraindicated
postpartum ultrasound [134]. during perinatal maternal Varicella infection or from a
breast with an active herpetic lesion.
Key points Breastfeeding is the physiologic form of infant nutrition. It is
• In normal reproductive physiology, lactation follows preg- defined as the infant receiving any amount of human milk.
nancy. For the infant, use of artificial breast milk sub- Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as receiving human milk alone
stitutes is associated with increased acute and chronic for nutrition while mixed feeding is defined as receiving both
disease risk. For mothers, never or curtailed (e.g. short- human milk and infant formula. It should be noted that breast-
term) breastfeeding is associated with increased risks of feeding is synonymous with nursing, but also includes bottle-
malignancy and metabolic disease. feeding pumped breastmilk to the baby.
• All major medical organizations recommend 6 months
of exclusive breastfeeding, with continued breastfeed- Breastfeeding physiology
ing through 1–2 years, or longer as mutually desired by Secretory differentiation occurs during pregnancy, as placental
mother and infant. hormones stimulate development of mammary alveoli. After
• Infant demand drives maternal milk supply. To ensure ade- birth, secretory activation occurs as progesterone levels fall and
quate milk production, encourage frequent, on-demand milk production increases from 50 mL/day to approximately
feeding in response to infant cues, continuing until the 500 mL/day in the first 2–3 days after birth. Positive feedback
infant is satisfied. via infant stimulation of the breast causes secretion of prolac-
• Prenatal and postnatal lay and/or professional support and tin from the anterior pituitary and oxytocin from the poste-
evidence-based physician training improve breastfeeding rior pituitary. Prolactin stimulates continuous milk synthesis,
duration and exclusivity. whereas oxytocin stimulates intermittent milk secretion, when
• Maternity care practices affect breastfeeding initiation myoepithelial cells contract to transfer milk from the alveoli to
and duration. Implementation of the United Nations the areola. If milk is not removed regularly, negative feedback
International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)/ downregulates prolactin receptors and reduces production.
World Health Organization (WHO) Baby Friendly Hospital Frequent, on-demand feeding is essential to establish and main-
Initiative (BHI) improves breastfeeding duration, intensity, tain lactation [135].
and infant health outcomes.
• Prenatal treatment of inverted nipples does not increase Health effects of infant feeding
breastfeeding success. Infants who are artificially fed face higher risks of infectious
• Distribution of formula company marketing materials and morbidity and chronic disease than infants who are breastfed.
samples adversely affects breastfeeding outcomes. Formula An Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) meta-
company materials should not be distributed in health care analysis of outcomes in developed countries found that artifi-
facilities. cially fed infants faced a 2.0-fold risk of otitis media, a 3.6-fold
• At birth, early skin-to-skin contact increases breast- risk of pneumonia, and a 2.8-fold risk of gastrointestinal infec-
feeding duration. Healthy infants should be placed tion compared with infants who were exclusively breastfed [136].
364 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Artificial feeding is also associated with a 1.8- to 3.7-fold risk of TABLE 31.7: Successful Breastfeeding Recommendations
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a 1.1- to 1.4-fold risk of
Offer additional breastfeeding support to women who have had a
child obesity, and a 1.5-fold risk of type 2 diabetes compared
narcotic/general anesthetic, a caesarean, or delayed contact with their
with breastfeeding. Artificial or mixed feeding is also associated
with higher risks of asthma compared with exclusive breastfeed-
Ensure breast pumps are available for women who have been separated
ing. Among preterm infants, artificial feeding is associated with
from their babies, and give instruction on how to use them.
a 5% absolute increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis com-
Encourage unrestricted breastfeeding frequency and duration.
pared with being fed mother’s milk [136].
Reassure women about breast milk supply and help them gain
For mothers, artificial feeding is similarly associated with
increased health risks. Compared with women who have breast-
fed, parous women who have never breastfed or weaned early Advise women that babies will stop feeding when satisfied.
face higher rates of breast cancer [137, 138], particularly triple- Advise women of the signs that a baby is successfully feeding:
negative breast cancer, ovarian cancer, retained gestational • Swallowing is audible and visible.
weight gain [139], type 2 diabetes [140–143], hyperlipidemia • There is a sustained rhythmic suck.
[144], metabolic syndrome [145, 146], hypertension [142, 147], • The arms and hands are relaxed.
and myocardial infarction [142, 148]. • The mouth is moist.
• Regular soaked/heavy nappies.
Optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding Reassure women that they may feel the following:
Six months of exclusive breastfeeding, compared with 3–4 • Brief discomfort at the start of feeds in the first few days; this is not
months of exclusive breastfeeding with mixed feeding through uncommon but should not persist.
6 months, reduces infant risk of gastrointestinal and respira- • Softening of their breast during the feed.
tory tract infections without any adverse effect on infant growth.
• No compression of the nipple at the end of the feed.
For mothers, longer exclusive breastfeeding was associated with
• Relaxed and sleepy.
delayed resumption of menses and, in one small study, with
greater maternal weight loss [149]. Attachment and Positioning
Advise women of the following signs of good attachment and
Infant feeding recommendations positioning:
All major medical organizations [150–153] recommend exclu- • The baby’s mouth is wide open.
sive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. The World • There is less areola visible underneath the chin than above the
Health Organization (WHO) recommends continued breastfeed- nipple.
ing up to 2 years of age or beyond [153]. The American Academy • The baby’s chin is touching the breast, the lower lip is rolled down,
of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends continued breastfeeding for and the nose is free.
at least the first year of life, continuing for as long as mutually • There is no pain.
desired by mother and child. If the baby is not attaching effectively, advise teasing the baby’s lips with
the nipple to open the mouth.
Promoting breastfeeding
Source: Adapted from Ref. [156].
Antenatal interventions can increase breastfeeding initiation and
duration (Table 31.7) [154]. Breastfeeding education improves for hospital staff are similarly associated with improved breast-
initiation rates among low-income U.S. populations. In sub- feeding outcomes. Health care providers who work with mothers
group analyses, one-on-one, needs-based, informal education and infants should receive comprehensive breastfeeding training.
sessions were more effective than generic, formal antenatal ses-
sions [155]. Both lay and professional support for mothers after The Baby Friendly Initiative
birth improves breastfeeding duration and exclusivity, with the Maternity care affects breastfeeding outcomes. The Baby Friendly
strongest effects found with proactive, face-to-face, lay support Initiative (BFI) is WHO-developed set of maternity care rec-
involving four to eight contacts. A U.S. Preventative Services Task ommendations designed to increase initiation and duration of
Force (USPSTF) review similarly found that interventions to pro- breastfeeding. The BFI requires maternity centers to implement
mote and support breastfeeding increase initiation, duration, and the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (Table 31.8) [162].
exclusivity of breastfeeding, and interventions that include both Each country is responsible for establishing processes and pro-
prenatal and postnatal components may be most effective [156]. cedures for a maternity center designation as baby friendly [162].
Proactive, integrated prenatal and postnatal support for breast- In a cluster-randomized trial in Belarus, BFI implementation
feeding mothers improves breastfeeding duration and intensity. improved breastfeeding exclusivity at 3 months (43.3% versus
6.4%, p < 0.001) and 6 months (7.9% versus 0.6%, p = 0.01) and
Training of providers increased any breastfeeding rates at 12 months (19.7% versus
Breastfeeding education and knowledge among health care pro- 11.4%). Infants born in intervention hospitals had lower rates
viders is inconsistent [157–159]. A meta-analysis found that train- of gastrointestinal illness and atopic eczema in the first year of
ing breastfeeding support personnel using the WHO/UNICEF life [163]. Observational studies in the United States have found
breastfeeding training course [160] increases the duration of a dose–response association between implementation of BFI
exclusive breastfeeding. In a cluster-randomized trial, imple- steps and maternal achievement of breastfeeding goals [164, 165].
mentation of a breastfeeding training curriculum for residents Cohort studies suggest that the Ten Steps are particularly effec-
improved provider knowledge, practice patterns, and confidence tive among women with lower education, suggesting that BFI
and increased exclusive breastfeeding rates at 6 months (odds maternity care can reduce socioeconomic disparities in breast-
ratio [OR] 4.1) compared with control sites [161]. Interventions feeding [166].
Postpartum Care 365
TABLE 31.8: The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding infant is ready to feed and offer help if needed [162]. Routine
procedures, such as weighing, bathing, and vitamin K and
Every facility providing maternity services and care for newborn infants
eye prophylaxis, should be avoided during the first hour, or
be performed on the mother’s chest. Skin-to-skin care during
1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated
procedures, such as a heel lance, appears to reduce infant pain.
to all health care staff.
Skin-to-skin is also feasible following cesarean section.
2. Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of
Anticipatory guidance to support normal physiology
Human milk production is driven by infant demand.
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half-hour of birth.
Therefore, frequent feeding, on demand in response to infant
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation
feeding cues, continuing until the infant is satisfied, is a cor-
even if they should be separated from their infants.
nerstone of breastfeeding success [179], although a recent meta-
6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless
analysis did not identify trials comparing baby-led feeding with
medically indicated.
scheduled breastfeeding [180]. NICE clinical guidelines have out-
7. Practice rooming in—allow mothers and infants to remain together
lined anticipatory guidance for successful breastfeeding. A small
24 hours a day.
pilot study found that early, limited supplementation with hydro-
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
lyzed formula for infants with ≥5% weight loss increased exclu-
9. Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers)
sive breastfeeding rates at 1 week and 3 months postpartum [181];
to breastfeeding infants.
several trials to test whether these findings can be replicated are
10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer
underway (NCT02313181 and NCT02221167).
mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic.
Source: From Declercq E, Labbok MH, Sakala C, et al. Hospital practices and wom- Management of breastfeeding complications
en’s likelihood of fulfilling their intention to exclusively breastfeed. Am J Engorgement
Pub Health. 2009;99(5):929–935. Ref. [164], with permission.
Breast engorgement typically occurs between 2 and 5 days post-
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) partum. A meta-analysis found insufficient evidence to support
postnatal care guideline recommends that all health care providers any single treatment strategy for engorgement [182]. Cold packs
implement a structured program that encourages breastfeeding, and cabbage leaves may be helpful, and acupuncture was asso-
using the BFI as a minimum standard (Table 31.7) [154]. ciated with some improvement in symptoms. NICE guidelines
recommend breast massage, continued breastfeeding, and
Breastfeeding in clinical care analgesia for symptom relief [154].
Antenatal breast exam
Clinical guidelines recommend evaluation of breast anatomy Mastitis
as part of prenatal care [151, 167]. However, there are no RCTs Mastitis is defined as acute inflammation of connective tissue
regarding the effects of an antenatal breast exam on breastfeed- within the breast, which may or may not be accompanied by
ing outcomes or maternal satisfaction [168]. There is no evidence infection [183]. Interventions to prevent mastitis have not proven
that antenatal manipulation for inverted nipples improves breast- effective [184]. A Cochrane meta-analysis (2 RCTs, n = 125
feeding outcomes [169, 170]. patients) concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support
treatment with antibiotics. An RCT suggests that Lactobacilli
Avoiding commercial infant feeding materials strains isolated from breast milk may be effective for the treat-
In randomized trials, provision of formula company materials ment of mastitis [185].
and gift packs during prenatal care [171] or during the maternity Clinical guidelines emphasize effective milk removal, hydra-
hospitalization [172–174] reduces exclusive breastfeeding. In a tion, and analgesia as key elements of clinical management of
time-series design study, changing from formula marketing dis- mastitis. Healthy term infants may continue to breastfeed on the
charge packs to noncommercial packs was associated with higher affected breast. If symptoms do not improve with conservative
breastfeeding rates, but more than one-third of women in the management or the woman is acutely ill, antibiotics are recom-
noncommercial cohort received formula samples, demonstrating mended. Penicillinase-resistant penicillins (e.g. dicloxacillin)
that policy implementation is challenging [175]. Formula com- are preferred [186].
pany marketing materials should not be distributed in the
health care setting. Breastfeeding and maternal medications
Most medications are compatible with breastfeeding, or a
Skin-to-skin contact at birth safe alternative medication exists. The physiology of the pla-
Early skin-to-skin contact improves breastfeeding outcomes. centa differs from that of the maternal breast and infant gut, so
Skin-to-skin contact is defined as placing the naked infant prone the provider should not assume that a drug’s pregnancy safety
on the mother’s bare chest, with the infant’s back covered with profile applies to breastfeeding. Many drug databases utilized
a warm blanket, ideally beginning immediately after birth. In a by commercial pharmacies do not contain accurate informa-
Cochrane meta-analysis, early skin-to-skin contact increased tion on drug safety in lactation [187]. The National Library of
breastfeeding at 1–4 months after birth (RR 1.27) and increased Medicine’s LactMed database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
the duration of total breastfeeding by about 6 weeks [176]. Based books/NBK501922/) provides a comprehensive set of mono-
on these data, the NICE [177], AAP [178], and ACOG [151] rec- graphs on medication safety in lactation. Decisions about
ommend that all healthy infants be placed skin-to-skin at birth. medication use in lactation should consider the risks and
Infants should remain with their mothers for at least 1 hour, benefits of maternal treatment or nontreatment, the risk of
and providers should encourage mothers to recognize when the drug transfer to the infant, and the risks to mother and infant
366 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
of discontinuing breastfeeding [188]. Maternal providers should their infants, but expressed milk can be provided to
collaborate with the pediatric provider regarding counseling the infant.
about medication use in breastfeeding. • Mothers with HIV infection in settings where safe
artificial feeding is available (see later).
Milk expression
If mothers and infants are separated, milk expression is neces- Tuberculosis
sary to maintain supply and provide milk to the infant. Evidence The AAP lists active, untreated tuberculosis as a contraindication
suggests that early initiation of milk expression, simultaneous to breastfeeding. According to AAP guidelines, the infant may
pumping of both breasts, breast massage, relaxation techniques, continue to receive expressed milk while the mother is treated,
and expressing milk after kangaroo (i.e. skin-to-skin) mother care but mother and infant should be separated until the mother is
improve milk production among neonatal intensive care unit treated for a minimum of 2 weeks and is documented to be no
(NICU) mothers [189–194]. longer infectious. The WHO recommends continued breastfeed-
ing in the setting of maternal tuberculosis. The infant should be
Galactagogues treated with 6 months of isoniazid preventive therapy, followed
There is limited evidence to support pharmacotherapy for low by immunization with bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) [207].
milk supply [195, 196]. Two small randomized, placebo-controlled,
blinded studies have found that domperidone increases milk sup- HIV
ply among mothers of preterm infants [197, 198]. Domperidone is Artificial infant feeding is efficacious in preventing maternal-child
not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) transmission of HIV, but RCTs in regions of the world where access
for any indication. Routine use of metoclopramide in the early to clean water is limited demonstrate similar mortality and mal-
postpartum period does not improve milk production [199, 200]. nutrition among breastfed and artificially fed infants. If infants are
In two studies among women with low milk supply who received breastfed, early exclusive breastfeeding and extended antiretrovi-
education on optimal breastfeeding [201, 202], metoclopramide ral prophylaxis reduce the risk of HIV transmission [208].
provided no additional benefit compared with placebo. The AAP Women with HIV in the United States are advised not to
notes that galactagogues have a limited role in facilitating lacta- breastfeed because of the risk of maternal-infant transmission
tion; mothers experiencing milk production difficulties should and the availability of safe artificial feeding [26].
undergo assessment by a lactation specialist and be offered non- The WHO recommends that national or subnational health
pharmacologic measures to increase supply [188]. authorities determine recommendations regarding infant feeding
for HIV-positive mothers, balancing HIV prevention with pro-
Maternal diet during lactation tection from other causes of child mortality [209]. In countries
In two small trials, maternal dietary restrictions during lacta- where breastfeeding is recommended, antiretroviral prophylaxis
tion did not reduce the incidence of atopic eczema or the sever- for mothers and infants reduces HIV transmission. Exclusive
ity of existing disease [203]. Maternal supplementation with breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months, continu-
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) during lac- ing through 1 year. When mothers decide to stop breastfeeding,
tation does not improve infant neurodevelopmental outcomes. they are advised to wean gradually, over 1 month, and mothers or
In two studies, LCPUFA supplementation increased infant infants receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis should continue for 1
head circumference [204]. A meta-analysis found limited evi- week after breastfeeding is fully stopped.
dence for LCPUFA supplementation during pregnancy and/or
lactation to reduce allergic diseases in children [205]. There is
insufficient evidence to recommend LCPUFA supplementation Contraception
during breastfeeding.
Key points
Contraindications • Postpartum educational interventions can increase
Breastfeeding is contraindicated in the setting of the following: contraceptive use and delay repeat pregnancy.
• Intrauterine device (IUD) placement <48 hours postpar-
• Infant with classic galactosemia (galactose-1-phosphate tum is not associated with infectious morbidity, but expul-
uridyltransferase deficiency) sion rates are higher than with placement >4 weeks. Since
• Maternal medications: many women do not present for postpartum follow-up,
• Mothers with current, active illicit drug use, in the overall IUD use is highest when inserted in the immedi-
absence of a coordinated treatment plan among mater- ate postpartum period.
nal and infant providers [206] • Postpartum tubal ligation (PPTL) is highly effective.
• Mothers requiring medications that are contraindi- However, the risk of regret is higher for PPTL than for
cated in breastfeeding interval TL.
• Maternal infectious disease: • Postpartum placement of the contraceptive implant shows
• Mothers who are human T-cell lymphotropic virus promise as an additional long-acting option for women early in
type I or II positive (e.g. HTLV) the postpartum period, with potentially less lactogenic effects
• Mothers with untreated brucellosis • Lactation amenorrhea is an effective, but not perfect, method
• Mothers with active herpetic lesions on the breast(s). of contraception, until the infant is 6 months old, begins
Mothers can continue to breastfeed on the unaffected complementary feeding, or the mother’s menses resume.
breast and provide expressed milk from the affected • Barrier methods are preferred during lactation compared
breast. with hormonal contraception because of theoretical effects
• Mothers with Varicella onset within 5 days before of hormonal methods on milk supply and hormone expo-
until 48 hours after delivery should be separated from sure for the infant.
Postpartum Care 367
Intrauterine devices
TABLE 31.9: WHO Guidelines for Postpartum Contraception: IUDs are highly effective methods of contraception. Unfortu
Hormonal Contraception nately, less than 50% of women who express interest in an IUD
postpartum actually receive one [216]. Immediate postpartum
Progestin- Combined Hormonal placement has been shown to be safe and allows women to access
Only Methodsa Contraceptivesb contraception during the maternity hospitalization, though it is
Breastfeeding associated with an increased risk of expulsion compared with
<6 weeks postpartum 3/2c 4 delayed insertion [217, 218]. In an RCT of postplacental versus
delayed insertion, women randomized to postplacental inser-
>6 weeks to <6 months 1 3
tion were more likely to have a device inserted (98% versus 90.2%,
postpartum (primarily
p = 0.20). There were no differences between groups in IUD use
at 6 months postpartum (84.3% versus 76.5%). However, among
>6 months postpartum 1 2
women who were ineligible for the study and were advised to fol-
Not Breastfeeding
low up for IUD placement as part of routine postpartum care,
<21 days postpartum 1 (i) Without other risk only 26.8% were using an IUD at 6 months postpartum [219].
factors for VTE: 3 These results were confirmed in a more recent Cochrane review,
(ii) With other risk factors with IUD use at 6 months twice as likely, though expulsion was
for VTE: 3/4 four times more likely [220]. These results suggest that women
>21 days to 42 days 1 (i) Without other risk undergoing postplacental placement are more likely to use
factors for VTE: 2 an IUD than those advised to follow up for placement during
(ii) With other risk factors routine postpartum care. Immediate postplacental IUD place-
for VTE: 2/3 ment has been classified as category 1 or 2 by the Centers for
>42 days 1 1 Disease Control and Prevention’s U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria
Source: From World Health Organization. Medical Eligibility Criteria for for Contraceptive Use [221].
Contraceptive Use, 5th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015. Ref.
[217], with permission. Implants
Abbreviation: VTE, venous thromboembolism. The contraceptive implant is another highly effective form of
1: A condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method. long-acting reversible contraception that can be placed imme-
2: A condition where the advantages of using the method generally outweigh the diately postpartum. The implant can be placed in the delivery
theoretical or proven risks. room immediately after delivery. However, unlike the IUD, it can
3: A condition where the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages also be placed anytime during the delivery admission. Though
of using the method. theoretical concerns about lactogenesis in the setting of early
4: A condition that represents an unacceptable health risk if the contraceptive method
exposure to exogenous progesterone have been raised, a recent
is used.
a Progestogen-only pills, levonorgestrel and etonogestrel implants, depot medroxy-
RCT showed women who had the implant placed immediately
progesterone acetate, and norethisterone enanthate.
postpartum showed no difference in lactogenesis or inability
b Combined oral contraceptives, combined contraceptive patch, combined contra- to breastfeed [222]. Similar to concerns about low attendance, the
ceptive vaginal ring, and combined injectable contraceptives. postpartum visit, and financial barriers mentioned with regard
c 3: Depot medroxyprogesterone or norethisterone enanthate, 2: All other progesto- to the IUD, immediate postpartum placement of the implant
gen-only methods. alleviates those concerns. While an IUD cannot be placed in the
368 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
setting of intraamniotic infection, this is not a contraindication rates at 3 and 6 months postpartum compared with insertion
to immediate postpartum implant placement. at 6–8 weeks. A study comparing insertion at 6–8 weeks of the
LNG-IUD with the Cu T380A IUD found no differences in
Postpartum sterilization breastfeeding outcomes, infant growth, or development [237].
Sterilization is the most commonly used form of contraception WHO recommendations regarding timing of IUD insertion are
worldwide. Postpartum partial salpingectomy has a 1-year listed in Table 31.10.
failure rate of 0.6/1000 and a 10-year failure rate of 7.5/1000, The contraceptive implant is a progesterone-only option
which compares favorably with other sterilization methods [223, that can be placed immediately postpartum. Theoretical con-
224]. In a small RCT, operative times were shorter with postpar- cerns regarding the effect on lactogenesis and lactation exist, but
tum Filshie clip placement compared with the Pomeroy tech- level 1 data have not confirmed them. In a RCT comparing early
nique, but failure rates were not evaluated [225]. Another larger insertion (1–3 days postpartum) to standard insertion (n = 69),
RCT with 1400 women compared postpartum titanium clips to there was no difference in hours to lactogenesis (mean difference,
partial salpingectomy (Pomeroy technique); though this study –1.4 hours, 95% CI –10.6 to 7.7 hours) or lactation failure (risk
did not assess operative time, it did find that pregnancy probabil- difference 0.03, 95% CI –0.02 to 0.08) between the two groups
ity at 2 years was 0.017 and 0.004 for clips and salpingectomy, [238]. There was no difference in the percentage of women par-
respectively (p = 0.04) [226]. Maternal age <30 increases risk of tially or completely breastfeeding at 3 or 6 months. Women with
regret and request for tubal reversal [227]. Risk of regret is higher early insertion were more likely to be contracepting at 3 months.
among women undergoing postpartum tubal ligation (PPTL) A second small RCT (n = 24) used deuterium to index milk inges-
compared with interval tubal ligation (TL). Other risk factors for tion among healthy, term newborns of mothers randomized to
regret include ligation at the time of C-section, abrupt decision to immediate postpartum ENG implant placement or 6-week place-
undergo PPTL, and sterilization performed for obstetric indica- ment [239]. Participation was limited to nonobese women who
tions [228]. had previously breastfed for at least 3 months. No differences
In a cohort study of women planning postpartum sterilization, were found in milk intake. Therefore, the implant is also a good
one-third did not receive the procedure prior to hospital dis- contraceptive choice in women breastfeeding.
charge. Of these women, 47% were pregnant within 1 year, com-
pared with 22% of women who had not planned a postpartum
sterilization [229]. Women who desire but do not undergo post- Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders
partum sterilization are at high risk for unplanned pregnancy.
Key points
Among women who desired PPTL but did not receive it, the post-
• See Chap. 21 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines
partum implant is an equally efficacious option (though less long
for details of management of mood disorders in pregnancy.
acting) that can be placed during the delivery hospitalization.
• One in seven women experience perinatal depression,
In recent years, some practices have begun to perform sal-
making it the most common complication of pregnancy.
pingectomy instead of TL. The rationale for this is prevention
• Risk factors include history of maternal anxiety or
of future tubal disease, decreased risk of ectopic pregnancy,
depression, lack of social support, traumatic birth expe-
and opportunity to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer [230].
rience, infant admission to neonatal intensive care, and
Additionally, no significant difference in length in hospital stay;
breastfeeding problems.
readmissions; blood transfusions; or postoperative complica-
• Routine screening is recommended at least once during
tions, infections, and fevers have been identified in cases of cesar-
perinatal care.
ean with and without salpingectomy [231]. While many have
• Positive screens require additional evaluation. If depres-
raised concerns about the surgical safety of this procedure, given
sion is diagnosed, referral and follow-up to ensure treat-
the increased blood supply, multiple studies, including two RCTs,
ment occurs are essential.
demonstrated no statically significant difference in blood loss and
intraoperative and postoperative complications for opportunistic Definition
salpingectomy compared to standard TL at the time of cesarean Perinatal depression (PND) is an episode of moderate or severe
delivery [232–233]. Based on these data, this approach can be major depressive disorder (MDD) beginning either during preg-
considered in the appropriately counseled patient. nancy or within 4–6 weeks after delivery [240, 241]. Perinatal
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is episode of GAD that
Contraception during breastfeeding occurs during pregnancy or 4–6 weeks postpartum.
Breastfeeding reduces fertility and prolongs amenorrhea after
childbirth. In the first 6 months after birth, cohort studies sug- Symptoms/Signs
gest that 0%–7.5% of women who are fully breastfeeding and In addition to typical depression symptoms of sadness, despair,
amenorrheic become pregnant [234, 235]. To maintain effective disrupted sleep and appetite, women with postpartum depression
protection against pregnancy, another method of contraception often experience prominent anxiety symptoms. The presentation
must be used as soon as menstruation resumes, the frequency or of GAD during postpartum is similar to GAD symptoms outside
duration of breastfeeds is reduced, bottle feeds are introduced, or of pregnancy.
the baby reaches 6 months of age [215].
WHO recommendations regarding hormonal contraception Epidemiology/Incidence
during breastfeeding are listed in Table 31.9. WHO guidelines The prevalence of PND is about 15%, affecting one in seven women
indicate that breastfeeding women can generally receive the [242, 243]. The prevalence of GAD during pregnancy is as high as
levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) at <48 hours 29% and about 8%–16% in the postpartum period [244, 245]. It
postpartum [215]. In a small RCT [236], immediate postpartum should also be noted that much overlap exists between perinatal
placement of an LNG-IUD decreased exclusive breastfeeding anxiety and depression, and in many cases women have both.
Postpartum Care 369
TABLE 31.11: Postpartum (Including Post-Cesarean) Advice Regarding Common Daily Life Activities
Advice Evidence Suggested Recommendations
Lifting Lifting increases intraabdominal pressure much less 1. Patients should continue lifting patterns as before pregnancy.
than Valsalva, forceful coughing, or rising from 2. Patients need an adequate postoperative analgesic regimen as
supine to erect position. necessary.
Climbing stairs Climbing stairs increases intraabdominal pressure 1. Patients should continue climbing stairs as before pregnancy.
much less than Valsalva, forceful coughing, or 2. Patients need an adequate postoperative analgesic regimen as
rising from supine to erect position. necessary.
Driving No consistent prospective or retrospective evidence. 1. Patients need an appropriate postoperative analgesic regimen that
does not cause a clouded sensorium when driving.
2. Patients may resume driving when comfortable with hand and foot
movements required for driving.
Exercise Limited retrospective and prospective evidence. 1. Patients need an appropriate postoperative analgesic regimen as
Forceful coughing increases intra-abdominal necessary.
pressure as much as jumping jacks. 2. Patients may resume pre-pregnancy exercise level.
3. Exercise program may need to be tailored for postpartum women.
4. Preprocedure and postprocedure recommendations should be
Vaginal intercourse No retrospective or prospective evidence. 1. Women and their partners should make the decision to resume
intercourse mutually.
2. Women should use appropriate contraception after childbirth.
3. There is insufficient evidence as to when to resume vaginal intercourse.
Returning to work No consistent retrospective evidence; no prospective 1. Women should be encouraged to return to work relatively soon
evidence. postpregnancy; the usual times in the United States are 6 weeks after
vaginal and 8 weeks after cesarean delivery, but these are not based on
level 1 evidence.
2. Consider graded return to work, as tolerated.
Source: Adapted from Ref. [266].
370 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
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2013;22(4):352–361. [II-2] 2017;217(1):37–41. [II-2]
Laura De Angelis and Luca Ramenghi
TABLE 32.1: Necessary Equipment for Neonatal Resuscitation TABLE 32.3: Apgar Score
in the Delivery Room
0 1 2
1. Suction equipment
Color Blue/pale Acrocyanosis Pink
a. Bulb syringe
Heart rate Absent <100 per minute >100 per minute
b. Mechanical suction and tubing
Reflex/irritability No response Grimace Cry/active withdrawal
c. Suction catheters of various sizes (recommended: 5 or 6, 8, 10, and
12 or 14 Fr) Tone Limp Some flexion Active motion
d. Feeding tubes (8 Fr with 20-mL syringe) Respirations Absent Weak cry/ Good/crying
e. Meconium aspirator hypoventilation
2. Bag mask equipment
a. Device for delivering PPV as neonatal resuscitation bag with adequately supported. Rarely, medications are necessary and
manometer or T-piece resuscitator should be readily available (refer to Table 32.4 for the full list).
b. Face masks in newborn and premature sizes The most commonly used are as follows:
c. Oxygen and compressed air sources
d. Oxygen blender with flow meter and tubing 1. Epinephrine 1:10,000: 0.1–0.3 mL/kg IV or via endotra-
3. Intubation equipment cheal tube given rapidly.
a. Laryngoscope with 00, 0, and 1 blades (for preterm and term infants) 2. Volume expanders: 0.9% saline, Ringer’s lactate, or whole
b. Endotracheal tubes (ETTs) (2.5–4.0 mm) blood. Dose is 10 mL/kg IV over 5–10 minutes.
c. Stylet 3. Sodium bicarbonate 0.5 mEq/mL: 2 mEq/kg IV given over
d. CO2 detector at least 2 minutes.
e. Laryngeal mask airway (for use in the case of a difficult intubation) 4. Naloxone hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL: 0.1 mg/kg IV or IM
4. Other equipment given rapidly.
a. Clock (Apgar timer)
b. Alcohol Withholding or discontinuing neonatal resuscitation
c. Stethoscope Resuscitation should always be considered in cases with high rates
d. Gloves of survival and acceptable rates of morbidity. There are condi-
e. Scissors tions associated with high mortality and poor outcomes in which
f. Tape (for securing ETT and lines) withholding resuscitation may be appropriate, particularly when
g. Stopcocks there has been an opportunity for parental agreement. In cases of
h. Syringes (1–20 mL) uncertain prognosis, every single case should be addressed on an
i. Umbilical artery and vein tray with catheters (3.5 and 5 Fr) individual basis with a consistent and coordinated approach by
j. Warmer both the obstetric and neonatology teams according to the par-
k. Needles (25, 21, and 18 gauge) ents’ desire. Cases in which withholding of resuscitation should
l. Pulse oximeter be considered are the following:
m. Food-grade plastic wrap
n. Transporter • Gestational age ≤23 weeks
• Birth weight ≤400 g
Abbreviations: PPV, positive pressure ventilation; CO2, carbon dioxide.
• Anencephaly
• Some chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. trisomy 13)
Delivery room resuscitation
The need to start neonatal resuscitation is based on the evalua- It is appropriate to consider the interruption of resuscitation in
tion of breathing efforts, heart rate, and skin color. The algorithm infants who are born without a detectable heart rate, if the heart
in Figure 32.1 may be used as a guideline for the resuscitation rate remains undetectable at 10 minutes of life.
of a term or late preterm infant. The Apgar score (outlined
in Table 32.3) is a useful tool for communicating the infant’s Altered birth transition
adaptation but should not be used to guide resuscitation. The transition to extrauterine life generally occurs over the first
In case of persistent apnea and/or bradycardia after the first hours after birth. Delay in transition can occur for many rea-
steps of neonatal resuscitation, positive pressure ventilation sons—the most common are listed in Table 32.5.
should be promptly initiated. In infants with signs of poor transition (tachypnea, cyanosis,
Chest compressions may be necessary if bradycardia (heart mottled skin or pallor, tremors, and/or jitteriness), additional
rate less than 60 beats per minute) persists after breathing is measurements of the child’s vital signs should be considered.
These include temperature, blood glucose, and arterial blood sat-
uration (by pulse oximetry or blood gas analysis).
TABLE 32.2: Goal Preductal (Right-Hand)
Oxygen Saturations after Birth
TABLE 32.4: Medications Required for Resuscitation
1 minute 60%–65%
1. Epinephrine 1:10,000 (0.1 mg/mL)
2 minutes 65%–70% 2. Crystalloid fluids (normal saline or Ringer lactate)
3 minutes 70%–75% 3. Sodium bicarbonate 4.2% (5 mEq/10 mL)
4 minutes 75%–80% 4. Dextrose 10%
5 minutes 80%–85% 5. Normal saline flushes
10 minutes 85%–95% 6. Naloxone hydrochloride
378 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Routine care
- Term gestation?
- Warmth
- Clear fluid? Yes
- Clear airway
- Breathing/crying?
- Dry and stimulate
- Good muscle tone?
(Routine suction is not indicated)
Yes No
Meconium present? Baby vigorous? Suction trachea
No Yes
Provide warmth
Position, clear airway
Dry, stimulate and reposition
Good respirations
Evaluate heart rate, Observational
Heart rate > 100
respirations, and color care
HR < 100
HR > 100
Central cyanosis Clear airway
PPV SpO2 monitoring
Consider CPAP
HR < 60
SpO2 out of target range
Chest compressions Good respirations
Heart rate > 100 Post-resuscitation care
HR < 60
FIGURE 32.1 Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP): guidelines for resuscitation. Abbreviations. PPV, positive pressure ventila-
tion; HR, heart rate.
TABLE 32.5: Factors Associated with Delayed Transition direct suction of the trachea are warranted. Intrapartum endo-
tracheal intubation and tracheal suction before the shoulder’s
delivery is no longer recommended in case of meconium-stained
amniotic fluid (see Chap. 25) [6].
Delayed pulmonary fluid absorption
Respiratory distress syndrome and other
Preterm birth (<37 weeks)
causes of respiratory insufficiency
Multiple births Respiratory distress syndrome is the most common respiratory
Small or large for gestational age (<2500 g or >4200 g) disorder in preterm infants, primarily caused by inadequate pul-
Postterm birth (≥42 weeks) monary surfactant production. Pulmonary surfactant is com-
Meconium-stained amniotic fluid posed of a mixture of phospholipids and specific proteins, and its
Low Apgar scores (<7 at 5 minutes) reduction/absence in the alveolar bed leads to compromised lung
Congenital problems (i.e. chromosomal abnormalities and compliance and a significant tendency to atelectasis with resul-
malformations) tant hypoxemia and hypercarbia.
Infection Signs of respiratory distress syndrome appear within the first
Mother hours from birth and include tachypnea (>60 breaths per minute),
Diabetes intercostal and subcostal retractions, nasal flaring, grunting, and
Hypertension or preeclampsia cyanosis. A progressive worsening for 48–72 hours is often fol-
lowed by a slow recovery. Other clinical features include hypoten-
sion, acidosis, and hyperkalemia. Treatment consists of exogenous
Licit or illicit drug use
surfactant administration and respiratory support as needed. In
No prenatal care
the last three decades, introduction of antenatal steroids and exog-
Maternal age >35 years
enous surfactant has greatly improved neonatal outcomes [7].
In term neonates, signs of respiratory distress may be caused
neurodevelopmental outcomes, uncertainty exists about the glu- by a number of conditions, including congenital lung anoma-
cose threshold and the duration of hypoglycemia associated with lies, infections, pneumothorax, airway malformations (e.g. cho-
the risk of adverse neurologic consequences, especially in cases of anal atresia, tracheal-esophageal fistula), cardiovascular system
asymptomatic infants [5]. anomalies (e.g. congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure,
pulmonary hypertension), neurologic anomalies (e.g. central ner-
Meconium aspiration syndrome vous system infections, hypoxic injury, hydrocephalus), blood
Meconium is the first intestinal discharge of newborn infants, dyscrasia (anemia or polycythemia), or exposure to maternal
normally expelled within the first 24 hours from birth. It is a drugs. Specific diagnostic tests and treatments should address
thick, dark-greenish mass composed of substances ingested the underlying etiology.
during the intrauterine life, including intestinal epithelial cells,
lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water. Intrauterine or Transient tachypnea of the newborn
intrapartum stress may cause the meconium to be expelled before Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is a benign, self-limit-
birth. Meconium-stained fluid is present in 8%–20% of deliveries, ing condition affecting term or near-term infants soon after birth,
and it is almost exclusively found in term or postterm infants. and it is characterized by the development of tachypnea (60–120
Meconium aspiration syndrome occurs intrapartum when a breaths per minute) associated with other signs of mild to mod-
newborn infant breathes a mixture of meconium or meconium- erate respiratory distress, including nasal flaring, grunting, and
stained amniotic fluid. The presence of meconium in the lungs retractions. Risk factors for TTN include cesarean delivery, pre-
may cause bronchial obstruction and lung inflammation, leading cipitous delivery, fetal polycythemia, and maternal diabetes. This
to a moderate to severe respiratory insufficiency. The treatment is condition is caused by a delayed resorption of fetal lung fluid.
based on the infant’s conditions at birth. If the baby is vigorous Oxygen administration and support therapy are usually enough
and cries immediately, routine neonatal care should be adminis- to resolve this condition, but severe cases may require continuous
tered. If the infant is floppy or lethargic, prompt intubation and positive airway pressure (CPAP). If the infant’s condition does not
TABLE 32.6: Hypoglycemia Management in Infants with Gestational Age ≥34 Weeks with Known Risk Factors for
Hypoglycemiaa According to the AAP
Symptomaticb Infant with BG <40 mg/dL Asymptomatic Infant (Birth to 4 hours of Age) Asymptomatic (4–24 hours of life)
Use IV glucose (2 mL/kg dextrose 10% IV and/ Initial feed within 1 hr after birth. BG screening Continue feeds every 2–3 hours. BG screening
or continuous infusion of dextrose 10% at 30 min after the first feed. before each feed. If BG <35 mg/dL, feed and
80–100 mL/kg per day). Maintain BG between If BG is <25 mg/dL, feed and recheck in 1 hr. recheck in 1 hr.
40 and 50 mg/dL. If BG persists <25 mg/dL, start IV dextrose, if If BG persists <35 mg/dL, start IV dextrose, if BG
BG is 25–40 mg/dL, refeed and use IV dextrose is 35–45 mg/dL, refeed and use IV dextrose as
as needed. needed.
a Risk factors for hypoglycemia: Maternal diabetes, large-for-gestational-age and small-for-gestational-age infants, prematurity.
b Symptomatic hypoglycemia: Irritability, tremors, jitteriness, exaggerated reflexes, high-pitched cry, seizures, lethargy, floppiness, cyanosis, apnea, and poor feeding.
Abbreviations: BG, blood glucose; IV, intravenously; hr, hour; min, minute.
380 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
quickly resolve, other diagnoses should be ruled out, including Care of the well newborn after L&D care
early-onset sepsis, pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart
disease, pneumonia, pneumothorax, central hyperventilation, All infants must be observed until they complete transition to
and congenital malformations. extrauterine life. A skilled staff member must assess vital signs
every 30 minutes for at least 2 hours from birth and observe
Common malformations affecting transition that the newborn is completely stable on its own. Completion of
Some congenital abnormalities may affect neonatal transition, transition includes thermostability, respiratory rate less than 60
thus requiring resuscitation maneuvers in the delivery room. breaths per minute, heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute,
Common malformations with stabilization procedures before and good muscle tone and sucking reflex.
transferring the infant to a tertiary care center are the following:
TABLE 32.7: Disorders Recommended by the American TABLE 32.8: Survival to Discharge at Very Early (22–28
College of Medical Genetics Task Force for Inclusion Weeks) Gestational Ages
in Newborn Screeninga
Gestational Survival to Survival to Discharge without
Disorders of Organic Acid Metabolism Age (weeks) Discharge (all) Major Morbiditiesa
Isovaleric acidemia 22 9% 0%
Glutaric aciduria type 1 23 33% 0.75%
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria 24 65% 6%
Multiple carboxylase deficiency 25 81% 20%
Methylmalonic acidemia, mutase deficiency form 26 87% 26%
3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency 27 94% 47%
Methylmalonic acidemia, Cb1 A and Cb1 B forms 28 94% 56%
Propionic acidemia
Source: Data from Ref. 11.
Beta-ketothiolase deficiency a No necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, meningitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
Disorders of Fatty Acid Metabolism severe intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, or retinopathy
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency of prematurity grade 3 or higher.
Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
Long-chain L-3-hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
respiratory failure, facilitating lung recruitment. The presence of
Trifunctional protein deficiency
proper equipment and trained personnel for neonatal stabiliza-
Carnitine uptake defect tion and transport will optimize survival.
Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism A detailed review of the topic of neonatal care of the preterm
Phenylketonuria infant is beyond the scope of this book. Table 32.8 shows recent
Maple syrup urine disease data on survival rates at early gestational ages (22–28 weeks) that
Homocystinuria may be considered for prenatal counseling [13].
Argininosuccinic acidemia Neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy
Tyrosinemia type 1
Hemoglobinopathies Neonatal encephalopathy
Sickle cell anemia Neonatal encephalopathy is defined as a pathologic neurobehav-
Hemoglobin S-beta-thalassemia ioral state with altered level of consciousness and other signs of
Hemoglobin sickle cell disease neurologic and motor dysfunction. It is caused by many condi-
tions, both transitory (e.g. hypoglycemia, maternal drugs) and
Other Disorders
permanent (e.g. hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, neonatal
Congenital hypothyroidism
stroke), which may result in a permanent neurologic impairment
Biotinidase deficiency
[14, 15].
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Galactosemia Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Hearing deficiency Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a neonatal enceph-
Cystic fibrosis alopathy caused by altered gas exchange with hypoxia and/or
a reduction in blood flow occurring in the perinatal period.
a The American College of Medical Genetics task force also recommends reporting
an additional 25 disorders (“secondary targets”) that can be detected through
A comprehensive assessment of neonatal status, maternal
screening but that do not meet the criteria for primary disorders [6]. At this time, history, obstetric antecedents, intrapartum factors, and pla-
there is state-to-state variation in newborn screening; a list of the disorders that cental pathology is required in order to determine if hypoxic-
are screened for by each state is available at http://genes-r-us.uthscsa.edu. ischemia occurred in close temporal proximity to labor and
Abbreviations: CoA, coenzyme A; Cb1 A, cobalamin A; Cb1 B, cobalamin B. delivery. The following conditions increase the likelihood that
hypoxia-ischemia played a role in causing neonatal encepha-
lopathy [16]:
Care of the preterm infant
• Apgar score ≤6 at 5 minutes (a 5 minute-Apgar score ≥7
Infants born at gestational age <36 weeks are at high risk of pre- renders HIE unlikely)
term-related complications. If a preterm delivery is anticipated, • Need for resuscitation with ventilatory support for longer
the delivery should be attended by a team of neonatal inten- than 10 minutes and/or fetal umbilical artery pH <7.0 or
sive care unit (NICU) personnel (physician, nurse, and respira- base deficit ≥12 mmol/L
tory therapist). Management of the infant includes accentuated • Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or MR spectroscopy
attention to drying and maintaining thermal stability and close showing hypoxic-ischemic pattern of cerebral imaging
observation of blood glucose, fluid requirements, and respiratory (deep nuclear gray matter or watershed cortical injury)
function. Infants with a gestational <29 weeks should be wrapped • Multisystemic organ failure
in a polyethylene bag in order to prevent evaporative heat loss. • Sentinel hypoxic/ischemic event immediately before
In high-risk infants, the prophylactic placement of an umbilical or during labor and delivery (uterine rupture, umbili-
venous line should be considered. In addition, early institution cal cord prolapse, maternal cardiovascular collapse, fetal
of positive airway pressure support may be necessary to prevent exsanguination)
382 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
• Fetal heart rate pattern suggesting an acute peripartum or or posture, appearing early in life and not as a result of a recog-
intrapartum event nized progressive disease.
• Lack of other contributing factors such as infection, feto- Prevention is elusive. Most cases of cerebral palsy do not result
maternal hemorrhage, or chronic placental lesions from isolated intrapartum asphyxia with resultant hypoxemia
• Development of spastic quadriplegia or dyskinetic cerebral and organ damage [15]. Risk factors associated with cerebral
palsy (other types of cerebral palsy are less likely to be asso- palsy and/or neonatal encephalopathy are as follows:
ciated with acute intrapartum hypoxic-ischemic events)
• Increasing maternal age
Therapeutic hypothermia is recommended for infants ≥35 • Family history of seizures or neurologic disease
weeks’ gestation with evidence of moderate-to-severe HIE. • Maternal history of infertility treatment or previous neo-
Several randomized controlled trials have demonstrated lower natal death
mortality and an improved neurodevelopmental outcome at 18 • Severe preeclampsia
months. Therapeutic hypothermia should be performed in a • FGR
third-level neonatal care center [17]. • Congenital malformations or genetic abnormalities
It is important when considering fetal heart rate to distinguish • Autoimmune and coagulation disorders
between patients who present with an abnormal tracing and • Infections
those who develop an abnormal tracing during delivery. A heart
rate pattern that converts from a category I tracing to a category Apgar scores and cerebral palsy
III tracing is suggestive of a hypoxic-ischemic event. 0–3 at 5 minutes: 0.3–1.0% of babies with cerebral palsy
HIE can be a result of antenatal factors alone, intrapartum 0–3 at 10 minutes: 10% of babies with cerebral palsy (but rates drop to
factors alone, or both in combination. Around 25% of surviving 5% if scores improve at 15 and 20 minutes)
infants will have long-term neurologic sequelae [15]. <3 at 15 minutes: 53% mortality, 36% of survivors with cerebral palsy
The usual progression of events is as follows:
<3 at 20 minutes: 60% mortality, 57% of survivors with cerebral palsy
Encephalopathy 1. Gomella TL, Cunningham MD, Eyal FG, et al., eds. Neonatology:
Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, and Drugs. 7th ed.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013. [Review]
2. Kattwinkel J, ed. Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation. 6th ed. Elk Grove
Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2011. [Review]
3. Wyckoff MH, Aziz K, Escobedo MB, et al. Part 13: Neonatal resuscita-
tion: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopul
monary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation.
2015;132(18 Suppl 2):S543–560. [Review]
Neurodevelopmental 4. Adamkin DH, Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Clinical report—
Sequelae Postnatal glucose homeostasis in late-preterm and term infants. Pediatrics.
+/– Cerebral Palsy 2011;127(3):575–579.
5. Thompson-Branch A, Havranek T. Neonatal hypoglycemia. Pediatr Rev.
2017;38(4):147–157. [Review]
6. Chabra S. Evolution of delivery room management for meconium-stained
Timing of neonatal encephalopathy
infants: Recent updates. Adv Neonatal Care. 2018;18(4):267–275. [Review]
Estimating the time when neonatal encephalopathy occurred is 7. Rubarth LB, Quinn J. Respiratory development and respiratory distress
extremely difficult. Some studies [12] reported the incidence of syndrome. Neonatal Netw. 2015;34(4):231–238. [Review]
risk factors related to this condition: 8. Natowicz M. Newborn screening—setting evidence-based policy for pro-
tection. N Engl J Med. 2005;353:867–870. [Review]
9. Watson MS, Mann MY, Lloyd-Puryear MA, et al.; American College of
• 69%: Only antepartum risk factors Medical Genetics Newborn Screening Expert Group. Newborn Screening:
• 25%: B
oth antepartum risk factors and evidence for intra- Toward a Uniform Screening Panel and System. Rockville, MD: Maternal
partum hypoxia and Child Health Bureau; 2005. [Review]
• 4%: Intrapartum hypoxia without antepartum risk factors 10. https://www.acmg.net/. Accessed October 1, 2020. [Review]
11. American Academy of Pediatrics, Task Force on Circumcision.
• 2%: No recognized risk factors
Circumcision policy statement. Pediatrics. 1999;103(3):686–693. [Review;
revised September 1, 2012]
Therefore, the incidence of neonatal encephalopathy attributed 12. Prabhakaran S, Ljuhar D, Coleman R, Nataraja RM. Circumcision in the
to intrapartum hypoxia in the absence of other preconception or paediatric patient: A review of indications, technique and complications. J
antepartum abnormalities is about 1.6/10,000 infants [14, 15]. Paediatr Child Health. 2018;54(12):1299–1307. [Review]
13. Stoll BJ, Hansen NI, Bell EF, et al. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research
Cerebral palsy Network. Trends in care practices, morbidity, and mortality of
Cerebral palsy is a chronic neuromuscular disability affecting extremely preterm neonates, 1993-2012. JAMA. 2015;314(10):1039–1051.
2/1000 live births, characterized by aberrant control of movement [Epidemiologic data]
The Neonate 383
14. Hankins GD, Speer M. Defining the pathogenesis and pathophysiol- 16. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Task Force on
ogy of neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy. Obstet Gynecol. Neonatal Encephalopathy. Neonatal encephalopathy and neurologic out-
2003;102:628–636. [Review] come, second edition. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123(4):896–901. [Guideline]
15. Clark SM, Basraon AK, Hankins GD. Intrapartum asphyxia, neonatal 17. Wassink G, Davidson JO, Dhillon SK, et al. Therapeutic hypothermia in
encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, and obstetric interventions in the term and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep.
near-term infant. Neoreviews. 2013;14(1):e13–e21. [Review] 2019;19(2):2. [Review]
Connie D. Cao and Norman G. Rosenblum
B1 Unilocular cyst B2 Presence of solid components B3 Presence of acoustic B4 Smooth multilocular tumor B5 No blood flow (color score 1)
where the largest solid component shadows with largest diameter < 100 mm
has a largest diameter < 7 mm
M1 Irregular solid tumor M2 Presence of ascites M3 At least four papillary M4 Irregular multilocular-solid B5 Very strong blood flow
structures tumor with largest diameter ≥ (color score 4)
100 mm
FIGURE 33.1 Simple rules: Sonographic images for features of ovarian masses. (From Abramowicz JS, Timmerman D. Ovarian
mass-differentiating benign from malignant: The value of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis ultrasound rules. Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 2017;217(6):652–660. [III] Ref. [19], with permission.)
Risk factors/Associations the incidence of enlarged ovaries and cysts, and therefore adnexal
Maternal age is a risk factor for malignancy, but ovarian malig-
nancies can occur at any reproductive age. Sonographic scoring Complications
systems have been proposed to optimize ultrasound examination
as a diagnostic test for ovarian malignancies, but these scoring Complications related to the persistent adnexal mass in gravid
systems require validation in pregnancy [10]. One study among patients include severe pain (26%), ovarian torsion (1%–22%),
nonpregnant women found several factors associated with an cyst rupture (0%–9%), pelvic impaction and obstruction of
increased risk of malignancy: Age >55, postmenopausal status, labor (2%–17%), and ovarian cancer (<5%) [13–16]. Ovarian tor-
weight ≤200 lb, complex or solid morphology (versus cystic), sion, the most common significant complication in pregnancy,
presence of ascites, tumor bilaterality, tumor diameter >10 cm, occurs usually in less than 15% of the cases and is most common
and CA-125 ≥35. None of the cystic tumors in that study were in adnexal masses with sizes between 6 and 8 cm. Approximately
malignant [11]. Furthermore, a large study in postmenopausal 60% of torsions occur between 10 and 17 weeks of gestation, and
women with unilocular cystic masses <10 cm found none to have less than 6% occur after 20 weeks of gestation [15]. Of the ovar-
malignancy [12]. Assisted reproductive technologies increase ian malignancies diagnosed in pregnancy, the majority represent
epithelial tumors of low malignant potential, germ cell tumors, or management of adnexal masses in pregnancy, but a review of the
sex cord stromal tumors [9]. topic with respect to each type of adnexal mass and the useful-
ness of MRI has been published [20]. The conclusions are that
Management MRI can assist ultrasound in distinguishing exophytic leiomy-
oma, degenerating leiomyoma, endometrioma, dermoid cyst, and
Principles decidualized endometrioma from other masses. Furthermore, it
No randomized trials are available to guide the management supports the value of MRI to detect massive ovarian edema and
of adnexal masses in pregnancy. As about 90% of these masses distant findings such as widespread ascites, peritoneal implants,
resolve, expectant management with serial ultrasounds is and lymphadenopathy that can help distinguish benign from
usually appropriate in the vast majority of clinical situations malignant masses.
[17]. If malignancy is suspected, the best gestational age for sur-
gery is about 16–18 weeks, as the risk of loss is lowest [9]. Laboratory
Most tumor markers may be elevated in normal pregnancy and
Workup are generally not helpful in distinguishing between a benign or
Ultrasound malignant ovarian mass in pregnancy. For example, up to 16%
Highly skilled ultrasonographers may be able to accurately diag- of pregnant patients may have an elevated CA-125 [21]. Levels of
nose complications of adnexal masses in pregnancy (e.g. cancer CA-125 peak in the first trimester (range, 7–251 units/mL) and
and torsion) without surgical intervention. Suspicious character- decrease consistently thereafter. Low-level elevations in preg-
istics of an adnexal mass include complex masses consisting of nancy are typically not associated with malignancy [22]. However,
both solid and cystic components with nodularity, thick septa- CA-125 levels from 1000 to 10,000 units/mL after 15 weeks of
tions, irregular borders, irregular echoes, or papillary projections gestation are more likely to be cancer [9].
[10, 16]. In one study in pregnant women, ultrasound correctly
diagnosed 95% of dermoids, 80% of endometriomas, and 71% of Therapy
simple cysts. Of 14 masses with suspicious sonographic features, Treatment planning is dependent upon the timeliness of detection of
only 1 was a malignancy [16]. Even unilocular cysts <10 cm in post- an adnexal mass in pregnancy. When an adnexal mass is diagnosed
menopausal women can be safely followed by serial ultrasounds in the first trimester, the likelihood of a functional etiology is high,
until they resolve or develop solid and/or wall abnormalities as is the probability of spontaneous resolution. Two adnexal condi-
prompting surgical intervention secondary to a high suspicion tions are specifically associated with pregnancy and spontaneously
of malignancy [12]. In addition to routine ultrasonography, color regress in the postpartum period requiring no further treatment:
Doppler studies may be used to distinguish between malig- Luteomas of pregnancy and theca lutein cysts. In pregnant women,
nant and benign adnexal masses [18]. Low pulsatility index of most simple cysts <6 cm have been shown to spontaneously resolve
<1.0 and low impedance are associated with ovarian neoplasms. [5, 23–25]. Women who are identified via sonography as low risk for
Transvaginal ultrasound may also help to better visualize malignancy may be safely followed [14, 25].
the adnexal mass. Recently, the International Ovarian Tumor Although there are no strict guidelines, surgery is appropriate
Analysis (IOTA) group described the Simple Rules (Table 33.3 for adnexal masses that persist in the second trimester and
and Figure 33.1) that are based on a set of ultrasound features are ≥10 cm, or are symptomatic, or have sonographic features
indicative of benign tumors and malignant tumors (M-features), concerning for malignancy (i.e. mixed solid and cystic compo-
which has been shown to have an area under the curve (AUC) of nents) (Figure 33.2 and Table 33.4) [9]. When necessary and feasi-
0.917 [10, 19]. After 20 weeks, adnexal masses are more difficult to ble, surgery should be scheduled in the early second trimester
see by ultrasound, given the larger uterine size. However, defini- (e.g. 14–28 weeks) after most functional cysts have resolved,
tive diagnosis requires pathologic confirmation. organogenesis is complete, most spontaneous losses have
occurred, and the risk for preterm delivery is low. Additionally,
Magnetic resonance imaging surgical intervention at any point may be indicated if torsion,
Although ultrasound is the primary imaging modality, magnetic rupture, or hemorrhage is identified, or if an already suspicious
resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to characterize adnexal mass rapidly increases in size. Progesterone supplementation is
masses. There are insufficient data to assess the effect of MRI on necessary if the corpus luteum is removed prior to 8 weeks [9].
TABLE 33.3: Simple Rules TABLE 33.4: Sonographic Features That Have Been Associated
with an Increased Risk of Malignancy
Benign Features Malignant Features
Size >7 cm
Unilocular cyst Irregular solid tumor
Solid components or heterogeneous/complex appearance
Solid component <7 mm in Ascites
Excrescences/papillary structures
Internal septations (especially if thick or vascular)
Presence of acoustic shadows ≥4 papillary structures
Irregular borders
Smooth multilocular tumor with Irregular, multilocular mass>10 cm
largest diameter <10 cm in diameter Increased vascularity
No detectable color Doppler signal Strong color Doppler signal Low-resistance blood flow
Source: From Abramowicz JS, Timmerman D. Ovarian mass-differentiating
Persistence or progression on follow-up imaging
benign from malignant: The value of the International Ovarian Tumor
Analysis ultrasound rules. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;217(6):652–660. Source: From McMinn E, Schwartz N. Adnexal masses in pregnancy. Clin Obstet
[III] Ref. [19], with permission. Gynecol. 2020;63(2):392–404. [Review; III] Ref. [36], with permission.
The Adnexal Mass 387
For adnexal masses suspicious for malignancy in pregnancy, tumors in pregnancy, the available case series were too limited
the management is similar to that in premenopausal women. for conclusions to be drawn on risks and benefits of laparoscopy
Early preoperative consultation with a gynecologic oncolo- [30]. Nevertheless, laparoscopy has been demonstrated as safe
gist, anesthesiologist, and neonatologist is recommended [22]. in all trimesters of pregnancy, and adjustments should be made
Consultation at <15 weeks is recommended for better operative accordingly depending on the size of the gravid uterus (i.e. using
planning. nonintrauterine retractors), location of abdominal entry, and
patient positioning in the left lateral decubitus position [17].
Surgery Other intraoperative and postoperative considerations should
Many studies have shown that planned abdominal surgery in be kept in mind when performing laparoscopy on a preg-
pregnancy is safe [14, 15, 26]. Removal of adnexal masses can be nant patient (Table 33.5). Preoperative and postoperative fetal
accomplished via laparoscopy, laparotomy, or at the time of cesar- doptones are recommended if the fetus is considered previable,
ean section. When exploration is necessary, all efforts should and continuous electronic fetal heart monitoring can be consid-
be made to avoid unnecessary manipulation of the uterus to ered when the fetus is viable [31, 32], it is physically possible to
minimize premature uterine contractions. While traditionally a perform monitoring, and the nature of the planned surgery will
laparotomy was the standard recommendation used to explore allow for the interruption or alteration of the procedure to per-
the abdomen of a pregnant patient with an adnexal mass, lapa- form an emergent cesarean section if needed [9, 33].
roscopy is currently not only an acceptable alternative (in experi- If a suspicious adnexal mass is identified incidentally at the
enced hands) but also is preferred in cases with low suspicion of time of cesarean section, it should be removed and not simply
malignancy, as it offers the benefit of a more expeditious recov- aspirated [34]. With aspiration and cytologic evaluation, malig-
ery [27–29]. In a Cochrane review on laparoscopy for adnexal nancy could be missed [35].
TABLE 33.5: Guidelines for Laparoscopy in Pregnancy from SAGES June 2017
Patient Selection
Preoperative decision-making Laparoscopic treatment of acute abdominal disease offers similar benefits to pregnant and nonpregnant
patients compared to laparotomy
Laparoscopy and trimester of pregnancy Laparoscopy can be safely performed during any trimester of pregnancy when surgery is indicated
Patient positioning Gravid patients beyond the first trimester should be placed in left lateral decubitus position or partial
left lateral decubitus position to minimize compression of the vena cava
Initial port placement Initial abdominal access can be safely performed with an open (Hasson), Veress needle, or optical trocar
technique if the location is adjusted for fundal height
Insufflation pressure CO2 insufflation of 10–15 mmHg can be safely used for laparoscopy in the pregnant patient
Intraoperative CO2 monitoring Intraoperative CO2 monitoring by capnography should be used during laparoscopy
Venous thromboembolic (VTE) prophylaxis Intraoperative and postoperative pneumatic compression devices and early postoperative ambulation
are recommended for prophylaxis
Adnexal masses Laparoscopy is a safe and effective treatment in gravid patients with symptomatic ovarian cystic masses
Adnexal torsion Laparoscopy is recommended for both diagnosis and treatment of adnexal torsion
Perioperative Care
Fetal heart monitoring Fetal heart monitoring of a viable fetus should occur preoperatively and postoperatively in the setting of
urgent abdominal surgery
Tocolytics Tocolytics should not be used prophylactically in pregnant women undergoing surgery, but should be
considered perioperatively when signs of preterm labor are present
Source: Adapted from Ref. [17].
388 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
TABLE 33.6: FIGO Staging for Cancer of the Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Peritoneum (2014)
Stage I—Growth limited to the ovaries or fallopian tubes
Stage IA—Growth limited to one ovary or fallopian tube, no ascites, no tumor on external surface, and capsule intact
Stage IB—Growth limited to both ovaries or fallopian tubes, no ascites, no tumor on external surface, and capsule intact
Stage IC—Tumor limited to one or both ovaries or fallopian tubes with any of the following:
Stage IC1— Surgical spill intraoperatively
Stage IC2 —Capsule ruptured before surgery or tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface
Stage IC3— malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal washings
Stage II—Growth involving one or both ovaries, with pelvic extension (below pelvic brim) or peritoneal cancer
Stage IIA—Extension and/or implants to the uterus and/or fallopian tubes and/or ovaries
Stage IIB—Extension to other pelvic intraperitoneal tissues
Stage III—Tumor involving one or both ovaries, fallopian tubes, or peritoneal cancer, with cytologically or histologically confirmed peritoneal implants
outside the pelvis and/or metastasis to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes
Stage IIIA—Metastasis to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes with or without microscopic peritoneal involvement beyond the pelvis
Stage IIIA1— Positive retroperitoneal lymph nodes only (cytologically or histologically proven)
Stage IIIA1(i) — Metastasis ≤10 mm in greatest dimension
Stage IIIA1(ii) — Metastasis >10 mm in greatest dimension
Stage IIIA2: Microscopic extrapelvic (above the pelvic brim) peritoneal involvement with or without positive retroperitoneal lymph nodes
Stage IIIB—Macroscopic peritoneal metastases beyond the pelvic brim ≤2 cm in greater dimension, with or without metastasis to the
retroperitoneal lymph nodes
Stage IIIC—Macroscopic peritoneal metastases beyond the pelvic brim >2 cm in greater dimension, with or without metastasis to the
retroperitoneal lymph nodes (Note 1)
Stage IV—Distant metastases excluding peritoneal metastases
Stage IVA—Pleural effusion with positive cytology
Stage IVB—Metastases to extra-abdominal organs (including inguinal lymph nodes and lymph nodes outside the abdominal cavity) (Note 2)
Source: From Prat J. FIGO’s staging classification for cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: Abridged republication. J Gynecol Oncol. 2015;26(2):87–89, with
Note 1: Includes extension of tumor to capsule of liver and spleen without parenchymal involvement of either organ.
Note 2: Parenchymal metastases are stage IVB.
Abbreviation: FIGO, Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics).
If a malignant neoplasm of the ovary is suspected prior to sur- 3. Yazbek J, Salim R, Woelfer B, et al. The value of ultrasound visualiza-
gery, a vertical incision is preferred, and a frozen section should tion of the ovaries during the routine 11-14 weeks nuchal translucency
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9. Horowitz NS. Management of adnexal masses in pregnancy. Clin Obstet
surgery should be attempted. The timing of initiation of chemo-
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be managed by a gynecologic oncologist. Returning for staging nancy in adnexal masses based on the Simple Rules from the International
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Vaidehi Mujumdar and Scott D. Richard
commonly used in clinical practice in the United States indicate if there are features suspicious for invasive
because of the added benefit of using a single sample for disease. When glandular cell abnormalities are pres-
HPV co-testing, using a combination of a Pap smear and ent, it should be noted whether there are changes
HPV test. The use of liquid-based media can also control favoring neoplasia.
for obscuring factors, including blood, inflammation, and • Carcinoma
other processes [10].
• There is no difference in unsatisfactory rates, cytology clas- Glandular cell abnormalities
sifications, and accuracy between conventional and liquid- • Atypical glandular cells (AGCs) may be of endocervical,
based cervical cytology [11]. endometrial, or other glandular origin
• Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)
Specimen adequacy • Adenocarcinoma
Satisfactory for evaluation
• Defined as a minimum of 5000 well-visualized squamous Human papillomavirus testing
cells on a liquid-based preparation or 8000–12,000 well- HPV testing is an integral part of cervical cancer screening.
visualized squamous cells on a conventional smear. Updated ASCCP Consensus guidelines that were most recently
• The presence of endocervical cells indicates that the area validated in 2019 state HPV co-testing is recommended for all
at risk for neoplasia—the transformation zone—has been female patients over the age of 30 and for all patients with
adequately sampled [12]. ASC-US cytology.
• Samples reported as negative but with absent or insuf-
ficient endocervical/transition zone components have • HPV infection is the leading etiologic agent in the devel-
raised concern about missed pathology. Prior guidelines opment of premalignant and malignant lower genital tract
have recommended repeat cytology. Recent meta-analysis disease [14].
studies reported that negative cytology (with or without • Co-testing should only detect for the presence of high-
sufficient sampling of the endocervical/transition zone) has risk HPV species. There is no role in testing for low-
both good negative predicative value and good specificity. risk genotypes. Detecting low-risk genotypes has been
Current guidelines do not recommend repeat follow-up proven to cause unnecessary procedures and testing,
Pap smears. People with a cervix age 25 or above are rec- therefore decreasing clinical specificity. It is recom-
ommended to undergo primary HPV testing, as well as mended to use only FDA-approved HPV DNA detection
co-testing or cytology alone when primary HPV testing kits [10].
is not available. This guideline is transitional, as full access • The most well-studied HPV test is the Hybrid Capture 2
to primary HPV testing is not available widely. Options for HPV DNA Assay (Digene Corporation, Beltsville, MD),
screening with co-testing every 5 years or cytology every which uses a probe mix for high-risk HPV types 16, 18, 31,
3 years are still secondary options. Pregnant individu- 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68 [15].
als are recommended to follow the same age-dependent • A newer assay for detecting high-risk HPV was approved for
guidelines used for nonpregnant patients. Pregnant FDA use in 2009. Cervista HR HPV (Hologic Corporation,
individuals who screen positive for HPV and/or cytology Waltham, MA) includes the 13 HPV types noted and adds
should be managed in accordance with the 2019 ASCCP type 66 [8].
risk-based management consensus guidelines for abnor- • Cervista HPV 16/18 is another diagnostic test that speci-
mal cervical cancer screening tests (Figures 34.1–34.3) [3]. fies types 16 and 18. These two represent the most com-
mon types found in cervical squamous cell carcinomas and
Unsatisfactory for evaluation adenocarcinomas, respectively.
• Defined as more than 75% of the cells being uninterpre- • Ongoing research looks promising in improving specificity
table or an unlabeled specimen. and positive predictive value of screening for CIN 2+ by
• Since women with this result are more likely to have looking at mRNA instead of DNA for HR HPV [16].
intraepithelial lesions or cancer on follow-up than women
with satisfactory Pap smears [12], a repeated Pap smear in Management
2–4 months is recommended. If the subsequent Pap smear
is unsatisfactory, evaluation with colposcopy and/or biop- Pregnancy considerations
sies is appropriate [13]. Pregnancy-induced changes in the cervix include hyperemia,
eversion of columnar epithelium, more prominent glands,
Interpretation/Result and increased production and volume of mucus. The decidual
Squamous epithelial cell abnormalities changes may exaggerate the colposcopic appearance of CIN. A
• ASC of either of the following: biopsy during pregnancy may cause substantial bleeding [3]. In
• Undetermined significance (ASC-US) or pregnancy, the general philosophy for the treatment of intraepi-
• Suspicious for high-grade squamous intraepithelial thelial neoplasia of the cervix has become expectant management
lesions (HSIL or ASC-H) after careful diagnosis.
• Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL)
• Changes consistent with HPV, mild dysplasia, or grade 1 Screening in pregnancy
CIN (CIN I) The Pap smear is used to screen for cellular abnormalities that are
• HSIL associated with an increased risk for the development of cervical
• HSIL includes moderate or severe dysplasia, CIN II, cancer. It selects those women who should have further evalua-
CIN III, and carcinoma in situ (CIS) and should tion, such as HPV DNA testing, colposcopy, and/or biopsy, which
392 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
FIGURE 34.1 Essential Changes from Prior ASCCP Management Guidelines. (From Perkins RB, Guido RS, Castle PE, et al. 2019
ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines for Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Tests and Cancer Precursors.
J Lower Genital Tract Dis. 2020;24(2): 102–131. [Review; III]. Ref. [3], with permission.)
then is used for treatment decisions. The National Comprehensive specifically identifying HPV 16 and 18. The rationale remains that
Cancer Network (NCCN) panel has adopted recommendations invasive cancer is rare in women under 21. Annual surveillance
set forth by the American Cancer Society on initiation and fre- is recommended for patients with known immunosuppres-
quency of Pap smear [17]. Of note, ACS has new 2020 recommen- sion from HIV or organ transplantation; individuals exposed
dations that include that people with a cervix ages 25–65 get to diethylstilbestrol in utero; or those who have been pre-
a primary HPV test every 5 years as the preferred screening viously treated for CIN 2, CIN 3, or cervical cancer [3]. Pap
method. They do not recommend cervical cancer screening in smears are often obtained at the first prenatal visit by many pro-
patients less than 25 years of age [3]. The primary HPV test, the viders, but the guidelines for nonpregnant patients (HPV test
cobas test, is manufactured by Roche and can be used alone for every 5 years for patients ≥25 years old) can be followed in
screening. This test detects 14 “high-risk” HPV types, while also pregnant patients [10].
Cervical Cancer Screening and Management in Pregnancy 393
Expedited Treatment
(immediate CIN3+ risk)
Expedited Treatment
Look at or Colposcopy
Immediate CIN3+ risk Acceptable
and find the correct 25–59%
(immediate CIN3+ risk)
Is (immediate CIN3+ risk)
Immediate CIN3+
risk greater than or
equal to 4%?
Return in 1 year
No ≥0.55%
(5-year CIN3+ risk)
Return in 5 years
(5-year CIN3+ risk)
FIGURE 34.2 Evaluation of patient risk for CIN3. For a given current results and history combination, the immediate CIN 3+ risk
is examined. If this risk is 4% or greater, immediate management via colposcopy or treatment is indicated. If the immediate risk is less
than 4%, the 5-year CIN 3+ risk is examined to determine whether patients should return in 1, 3, or 5 years. (From Perkins RB, Guido
RS, Castle PE, et al. 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines for Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Tests and
Cancer Precursors. J Lower Genital Tract Dis. 2020;24(2): 102–131. [Review; III]. Ref. [3], with permission.)
Initial Screening:
HPV-Positive ASC-US
Immediate CIN3+ Risk = 4.5%
Management: Colposcopy
Colposcopy Visit:
Colposcopic biopsy result is <CIN2
5-year CIN3+ risk is 2.9%
Management: 1-year follow-up
FIGURE 34.3 Management of common low-grade screening abnormality. An initial minimally abnormal screening test result
(HPV-positive ASC-US) would lead to colposcopy (immediate risk 4.45%). If colposcopy shows less than CIN 2, the 5-year risk is 2.9%
(1-year return). At the 1-year return visit, a second HPV-positive ASC-US result has an immediate risk of 3.1% (1-year return). Note
similar management would be recommended if the initial abnormality preceding colposcopy were any minimally abnormal test result
(i.e. less severe than ASC-H). If the HPV-based test performed for the second post-colposcopy surveillance test is negative, return in
3 years is recommended. If the second post-colposcopy surveillance test results are either a positive HPV test with any cytology result
or a negative HPV test result with a cytology result of ASC-H or higher, colposcopy is recommended. Return in 1 year is recommended
for HPV-negative ASC-US or LSIL results. NA, not applicable because stable risk estimates are not available. (From Perkins RB, Guido
RS, Castle PE, et al. 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines for Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Tests and
Cancer Precursors. J Lower Genital Tract Dis. 2020;24(2): 102–131. [Review; III]. Ref. [3], with permission.)
CIN 2/3 and CIS The patient should seek consultation by both maternal-fetal
• In women with a histologic diagnosis of CIN 2/3 or CIS medicine and gynecologic oncology.
on initial colposcopy, it is recommended to perform
repeat colposcopy and cytology every 12 weeks for the Management of the abnormal Pap smear
duration of the pregnancy. Repeat biopsy is recom- There are no randomized controlled trials assessing any aspect
mended only if the appearance of the lesions worsens or of management of abnormal Pap smear in pregnancy. Most of the
if cytology is concerning for invasive cancer. It is accept- recommendations are based on expert opinion and anecdotal
able to defer tissue biopsy to 4–6 weeks postpartum if experience [18, 19]. The only diagnosis that is considered to
no progression of the lesion is noted on colposcopy and alter management in pregnancy is invasive cancer.
cytology [3]. Management of abnormal Pap smears in pregnancy should
follow the new recommendations delineated in Figure 34.1.
Diagnosis of invasive cancer Recommendations for colposcopy in pregnant patients are similar
Once the diagnosis of cervical cancer is established, individual- to those in the nongravid state, with certain exceptions, as listed
ized recommendations for the management of the malignancy, in Table 34.1. Newer guidelines for colposcopy in pregnancy state
as well as the pregnancy, are formulated with consideration for that colposcopy is preferred for ASC-US associated with positive
the stage of disease, gestational age at the time of diagnosis, and HR HPV type or LSIL Pap smears, but also that colposcopy can be
maternal desires regarding the continuation of her pregnancy deferred by the clinician until after pregnancy for these two cat-
(see Chap. 44 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines). egories. Colposcopy during pregnancy has as its primary goal to
Cervical Cancer Screening and Management in Pregnancy 395
TABLE 34.1: Cervical Screening Considerations during TABLE 34.3: Staging and Management of Cervical Cancer in
Pregnancy Pregnancy
• Endocervical brush cytology is safe Stage I:
• Cervical biopsy is safe The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix uteri (extension to the
• Endocervical curettage (ECC) should be avoided corpus should be disregarded)
• For ASC and LSIL, HR HPV–positive, colposcopy is preferred but IA Invasive carcinoma that can be diagnosed only by microscopy, with
can be done postpartum maximum depth of invasion <5 mm
• For CIN 2 or CIN 3, Pap and colposcopy can be repeated • IA1 Measured stromal invasion <3 mm in depth
postpartum if cancer is not suspected • IA2 Measured stromal invasion ≥3 mm and <5 mm in depth
• Delay treatment of any level of CIN until postpartum period
• Cervical conization is recommended if invasion is suspected IB Invasive carcinoma with measured deepest invasion ≥5 mm (greater
than stage IA), lesion limited to the cervix uteri
Abbreviations: ASC, atypical squamous cells; LSIL, low-grade squamous intraepithe-
lial lesion; HR HPV, high risk human papillomavirus; CIN, cervical intraepithelial • IB1 Invasive carcinoma ≥5 mm depth of stromal invasion and <2 cm
in greatest dimension
• IB2 Invasive carcinoma ≥2 cm and <4 cm in greatest dimension
assess for invasive cancer. Biopsies should only be performed for • IB3 Invasive carcinoma ≥4 cm in greatest dimension
women with colposcopic impression of CIN 3/CIS, AIS, or cancer,
with the purpose to exclude invasive cancer [20]. Stage II:
Repeat Pap and colposcopy is recommended if invasive cancer The carcinoma invades beyond the uterus, but has not extended onto the
is suspected but not yet proven, specifically with evidence of CIN lower third of the vagina or to the pelvic wall
2/3 or CIS on cytology or biopsy. Repeat biopsy during pregnancy IIA Involvement limited to the upper two-thirds of the vagina without
should only be performed if progression of the lesion is suspected. parametrial involvement
ECC is not performed in pregnancy [16, 20].
• IIA1 Invasive carcinoma <4 cm in greatest dimension
Conization performed during pregnancy is associated with
• IIA2 Invasive carcinoma ≥4 cm in greatest dimension
increased morbidity. The most common complications include
hemorrhage, abortion, premature delivery, and infection
IIB With parametrial involvement but not up to the pelvic wall
[20]. Therefore, cervical conization has limited indications in
Stage III:
pregnancy (Table 34.2). In general, diagnostic conization during
The carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina and/or extends to
pregnancy should only be considered when either the biopsy or
the pelvic wall and/or causes hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney
cytology is suggestive of invasive cancer or AIS and the diagno-
and/or involves pelvic and/or paraaortic lymph nodes
sis of invasion would result in a modification of treatment recom-
IIIA Carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina, with no extension
mendations, timing, or mode of delivery [20].
to the pelvic wall
Unlike standard recommendations for cervical conization in
IIIB Extension to the pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or
non-obstetric patients with inadequate colposcopy biopsies or
nonfunctioning kidney (unless known to be due to another cause)
discordance between Pap smears and colposcopic biopsies [15],
IIIC Involvement of pelvic and/or paraaortic lymph nodes, irrespective of
pregnant individuals with these findings can defer further exam-
tumor size and extent (with r and p notations)
ination until after pregnancy if invasive cancer has been ruled
out. If a cervical conization must be performed during pregnancy, • IIIC1 Pelvic lymph node metastasis only
this procedure should ideally be performed in the early second • IIIC2 Paraaortic lymph node metastasis
Stage IV:
Management of cervical cancer (Table 34.1) The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved
For staging and management, please refer to Table 34.3 [30] (biopsy proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. A bullous edema,
and Chap. 44 in Maternal-Fetal Evidence Based Guidelines [1]. as such, does not permit a case to be allotted to stage IV
Microinvasive cervical cancer is defined as cancer spread to no
• IVA Spread of the growth to adjacent organs
more than 5 mm deep into the cervical stroma. Microinvasive
• IVB Spread to distant organs
disease includes stages IA1 and IA2. Invasive cervical cancer is
defined as cancer that has invaded deeper than 5 mm into the cer- Source: From Bhatla N, Berek JS, Cuello Fredes M, et al. Revised FIGO Staging for
vical stroma, is grossly visible, or involves additional structures. Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2019;145(1):129–
135, with permission.
Invasive disease includes stage IB1 or greater.
Stage IA1
• Conization is recommended for both treatment and diag- To minimize the risk of spontaneous abortion, is it optimal
nosis in patients with evidence of stage IA1 cancer [22]. to perform conization in the early second trimester [21].
• If conization margins are negative, patients can be man-
TABLE 34.2: Indications for Conization in Pregnancy aged expectantly for the duration of the pregnancy [21].
• Either abdominal or vaginal delivery routes are expected
• Histologic presence of microinvasive or invasive disease
with these patients. Mode of delivery should be discussed
• Persistent cytologic impression of invasive cancer (in the absence of
with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist with consider-
histologic confirmation)
ation of other gynecologic and obstetric circumstances.
• Histologic presence of adenocarcinoma in situ
This should be decided on an individual basis [22].
396 Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
• If continued fertility is desired, patients can be followed up smear or colposcopic biopsies reveal CIN 2, CIN 3, or CIS and are
every 3 months for 2 years and every 6 months for the next the same as the nonpregnant guidelines [14].
3 years [21].
Stage IA2 The HPV-16 vaccine reduces the incidence of both HPV-16 infec-
• Conization with the addition of pelvic lymphadenectomy tion and HPV-16–related CIN [25]. Currently, the three licensed
is recommended to rule out high-risk disease. Radical HPV vaccines include Cervarix (two-valent; types 16 and 18),
trachelectomy is not recommended, given the risk of sig- Gardasil (four-valent; types 6, 11, 16, and 18), and most recently,
nificant blood loss and obstetric complications resulting Gardasil-9 (nine-valent; types 6, 11, 18, 19, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58).
from prolonged surgery [22]. The nine-valent vaccine is equivalent to the prior recommended
• Given the technical complications performing lymphade- vaccine and as of 2017, it is the only HPV vaccine available in the
nectomy after 25 weeks of gestation, in patients diagnosed United States [25–28]. Although the HPV vaccination is not rec-
after 25 weeks, it is recommended to delay treatment and ommended for pregnant women, studies have shown that HPV
full surgical staging until after delivery. If disease progres- vaccine–exposed pregnancies were not associated with a
sion is suspected, it is recommended to obtain an abdomi- higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes than pregnancies
nal and pelvic MRI [21]. with no such exposures [29, 30].
• As stated earlier, patients can undergo either abdominal or
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Note: Locators in italics represent figures and bold indicate tables in the text.
Index 399
Gaucher disease, 87–88 Hospitalization, preterm premature rupture of Intrauterine resuscitation, 134
GBA gene, see Glucocerebrosidase gene membranes, 249–250 Intravenous fluids, 100
GBS, see Group B streptococcus HPV testing, see Human papillomavirus testing Intravenous hydration, 134
General anesthesia, for cesarean delivery, HSV, see Herpes simplex virus Intravenous (IV)
146–147 HUAM, see Home uterine activity monitoring administration, 139
Genetic amniocentesis, 295 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 207 prostaglandins, 280
Genetic counseling, 79–81 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 249, 366 Invasive cancer, diagnosis of, 394
Genetic evaluation, 204–205 serology screening, 20 Iodine supplements, 27
Genetic testing, 69 Human milk production, 365 iPPROM, see Iatrogenic PPROM
“Genetic” ultrasound screening for trisomy Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing, 391 Iron-deficiency anemia, 43–44
21, 66 Hyaluronidase, 282 Iron supplements, 27
Genital herpes, 21 Hydration, 134, 237 Itching, 29
Gentamicin, 361, 362 Hygroscopic dilators, 276 IUDs, see Intrauterine devices
Gentle assisted pushing (GAP), 108 Hyperemesis gravidarum, 43 IUFD, see Intrauterine fetal demise
Gestational age (GA), 49–50, 49, 50, 64, 210, Hypertension, 12 IUPC, see Intrauterine pressure catheter
247–248 Hypertensive disorders, 145
and labor induction, 274 Hypnosis, 139 J
Gestational sac, 51 Hypnotherapy, 139
Ginger capsules, 170 Hypoglycemia, 378, 378–379, 379 Jehovah’s Witness pregnant woman care,
Glandular cell, 391 Hypotension, 142, 146, 148 118–119
Glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene, 80 Hypoxemia, 122 Joubert syndrome, 88
Glucose, urine dipstick for, 20 Hypoxia, 122
Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), 238 Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), 131, K
Glycogen storage disease, 88 190, 381
Glycosuria, urine dipstick for, 20 Karyotype, 204–205
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HgB A1c), 11–12 I Karyotype abnormalities
Gonorrhea, 249 future pregnancy preconception
screening, 20 IAI, see Intra-amniotic infection counseling, 70–71
Group B streptococcus (GBS) Iatrogenic PPROM (iPPROM), 256–257 Klinefelter syndrome, 74–75
colonization, 224 IDM, see Infant/diabetic mother neonatology management, 69–75
culture and prophylaxis, 256 IGFBP-1, see Insulin-like growth factor– trisomy 13, 72
premature rupture of membranes, 264 binding protein 1 trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome), 69–70
prophylaxis, 98–99 IM administration, see Intramuscularly Turner syndrome, 73–74
Group prenatal care, 16–17 administration Klinefelter syndrome, 74–75
GTN, see Glyceryl trinitrate Immunologic evaluation, 206
Gum chewing after cesarean delivery, 169 Incision treatment, 169 L
Incomplete abortion, 195
Indomethacin, 217, 222, 240 Labor
Induction of labor, see Labor induction active management of, 102
Hair removal, for cesarean delivery, 162 Indwelling bladder catheterization, 162 membrane sweeping in, 101
Hands-on vs. hands-poised method delivery, 109 Infant/diabetic mother (IDM), 380 nutrition in, 100
HBsAg screening, 20 Infant feeding Labor, preparation before, 91
hCG, see Human chorionic gonadotropin health effects of, 363–364 antenatal classes and education, 92–93
Health care provider, 16 recommendations for, 364 antenatal perineal massage, 93
Heartburn, 30 Infection precautions, preterm premature birth, attendant at, 95
Heart disease, 146 rupture of membranes, 249 birth, place of, 93–95
HELLP syndrome, 145 Influenza vaccination, 10 birth assistants, training of, 95
Hemabate, 115 Informed consent, 138 delayed vs. early hospital admission, 96
Hematologic changes, 43–44 Inhibin, 65 fetal assessment tests upon admission, 96
Hematoma, 143 Insulin-like growth factor–binding protein 1 pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), 93
Hemodynamic changes, in pregnancy, 34–41 (IGFBP-1), 247, 262 pelvimetry, 93
Hemoglobinopathies, 82–86 Integrated screening, 60 spontaneous labor, prediction of the onset
Hemorrhoids, 30 Interobserver variability, fetal heart rate of, 91–92
Hepatitis B vaccination, 10–11 monitoring, 130 sweeping of membranes, 93
Hepatitis C serology screening, 20 Intraabdominal drain, for cesarean delivery, 168 teamwork training, 95–96
Heritable genetic disorders, 9 Intraabdominal irrigation, for cesarean Labor and delivery (L&D) care, 381
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 249 delivery, 167 Laboratory screening, follow-up, 22
screening for, 21 Intraamniotic infection (IAI), 233, 234, Laboratory tests, 9
HgB A1c, see Glycosylated hemoglobin 287–288 Labor induction, 274, 317
HIE, see Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy Intramuscularly (IM) administration, 139 amniotomy, 278
HIV, see Human immunodeficiency virus Intraobserver variability, fetal heart rate antepartum testing, 282
Homeopathy, 282 monitoring, 130 balloon catheter, 276–277
Homeostasis changes, 45–46 Intrapartum, 317 breast stimulation, 282
Home uterine activity monitoring (HUAM), Intrapartum ultrasound, 55–56 cervical assessment, 272
222, 242 Intrauterine devices (IUDs), 367, 367 double-balloon Foley catheters, 278
Home vs. in-hospital care, preterm labor, 242 Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), 130 extra-amniotic saline infusion, 278
Hormonal contraception, 367 Intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC), hygroscopic dilators, 276
Hospital admission, delayed vs. early, 96 102–103, 191 indications for, 273–275
402 Index
Nontocolytic interventions, for preterm Parietal peritoneum, for cesarean risk factors, 336
labor, 237 delivery, 164 symptoms and complications, 337–338
bed rest, 237 Partogram, use of, 101 time of delivery, 338
hydration, 237 PAS, see Placenta accreta spectrum Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), 56–57, 57
NPWT, see Negative pressure wound therapy Patient acceptability of early pregnancy loss, Placental abruption, 345, 346, 247, see also
NRFHT, see Nonreassuring fetal heart 200–201 Abruptio placentae
rate tracing Patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA), anesthesia, 351
NRT, see Nicotine replacement therapy 141, 142, 143 classification, 346–347
NSAIDs, see Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory Patient counseling, of early pregnancy complications, 348
drugs loss, 200 definition/diagnosis, 345
NT, see Nuchal translucency PCEA, see Patient-controlled epidural analgesia epidemiology/incidence, 345
NTDs, see Neural tube defects PDPH, see Postdural puncture headache etiology/basic pathophysiology, 346
Nuchal fold, 67 Peanut ball, 101 general principles, 350
Nuchal translucency (NT), 50, 63, 64–65, 67 PEIC, see Physical exam-indicated cerclage genetics, 345
Nursery management, karyotype Pelvic examination, 19 late preterm placental abruption, 351
abnormalities, 70 Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs), 355–356 management, 348–351, 349
Nusinersen, 86 Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), maternal, 348
Nutrition in labor, 100 93, 355, 356 mode of delivery, 351
Pelvic lymphadenectomy, 396 perinatal, 348
O Pelvic pain, 29 postpartum, 351
Pelvimetry, 93 preconception counseling, 349
Obesity, 12, 25 Penicillin, 361, 362 preterm abruption, 351
Obstetric interventions for periviable Perinatal death rates, 130, 190 prevention, 348–349
birth, 234 Perinatal depression (PND), 368 risk factors/associations, 347
Obstetric lacerations, repair of, 354–355 Perinatal mortality signs and symptoms, 345
Oligohydramnios, 54, 255–256 incidence of, 16 term placental abruption, 350
Omega-3 fatty acids, 214, 218 Perineal gel, 108 timing of delivery, 350
Omega-3 supplements, 27 Perineal hyaluronidase injections, 108 workup, 349–350
Onasemnogene abeparvovec, 86 Perineal lacerations, 117, 117, 355 Placental alpha-microglobulin test, 245, 247
Ondansetron, 170 Perineal massage, 28 Placenta previa, 330
Opening the airway, 376 during second stage of labor, 108 antepartum testing, 334
Operative vaginal birth, 130 Perineal pain control, 118 anti-D immune globulin, 334
Operative vaginal delivery (OVD), 152–156, Perineal protection device, 108 cervical cerclage, 334
153, 154, 155 Perineal shaving, 96 cervical pessary, 334
Optimal duration of breastfeeding, 364 Perineal warm packs, during second stage of definition, 330
Oral dexamethasone, 235 labor, 108 delivery, 334–335
Oral health care, 27 Periodontal disease, 223 diagnosis, 330–331
Oral misoprostol, 280 Peripheral nerve blocks, 140 epidemiology/incidence, 330
Oral prostaglandins, 280 Peritoneal nonclosure, 168 examination, 332
Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal Pessary, 217, 224–225 management, 331–335
suctioning, 296 PFDs, see Pelvic floor disorders management at home versus
Oropharyngeal suctioning, 296 PFMT, see Pelvic floor muscle training hospitalization, 333–334
Otitis media, 363 PGE2, see Prostaglandin E2 prenatal care, 333
Ovarian cancer, Federation Internationale PGF2α see Prostaglandin F2α principles, 331–332
de Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique PH, see Pulmonary hypoplasia risk factors, 330
staging for, 388 Pharmacokinetics, 46 steroids, 334
Ovarian cyst rupture, 384, 385 Pharmacologic agents, 328 symptoms and complications, 331
OVD, see Operative vaginal delivery pH definitions, 122 tocolysis, 334
Oxygen administration, for cesarean Phenobarbital, 236 ultrasound, 332–333
delivery, 163 Phenylketonuria, 86 Placentophagy, 117
Oxygenation, 133–134 Physical exam-indicated cerclage (PEIC), 223 Planned home birth, 93–94
Oxygen supplementation, 134 Pierre Robin sequence, 380 Planned hospital birth, 95
Oxytocin, 95, 113–115, 165, 263–264, Piracetam, 134 Planned repeat cesarean delivery (PRCD),
281, 363 Pitfalls, 51–54 189–192
labor stimulation with, 280–281 PL, see Pregnancy loss PND, see Perinatal depression
Placenta POC, see Products of conception
P third stage of labor, 116–117 Poliglecaprone, 169
Placenta accreta spectrum disorders, 332, Polyhydramnios, 54, 54, 347
Pain, 137 335, 337 Post-CD analgesia, 148
labor, 138 classification, 335 Postdural puncture headache (PDPH), 141,
Pain control, 356–357, 357–358 definition, 335 143, 147
Pain relief after cesarean delivery, 170 diagnosis, 336–337 Postmaturity syndrome, 269
Pan-ethnic screening, 79 epidemiology/incidence, 335–336 Postoperative anxiety in cesarean delivery, 170
PAPP-A, see Pregnancy-associated plasma etiopathology, 335 Postoperative counseling, after cesarean
protein-A interventional radiology, 340 delivery, 171
Pap smear, 390–396 management, 338 Postpartum/breastfeeding, 208, 290
Paracervical block, 140 mode of delivery, 338–340 preterm birth, 242
Parenteral opioids, 139 preparation and place of delivery, 338 Postpartum care
404 Index
Sequential ripening, 277–278 SVR, see Systemic vascular resistance Training of providers, breastfeeding, 364
17 α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17P), 225 Sweeping of membranes, 93 Tranexamic acid (TA), 115–116, 166, 326
vs. cerclage, 221 Symphyseal-fundal height measurement, 21 Transabdominal amnioinfusion,
Sexual intercourse, 282 Syncope, 41 133, 247, 256
SGA, see Small for gestational age Syntocinon, 113–114 Transabdominal and transperineal
Short humerus, 67 Syntometrine, 115 ultrasound, 109
Shoulder dystocia, 314–316. 315, 315, 318 Syphilis screening, 20 Transabdominal (TA) cerclage, 220
anesthesia, 318 Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), 34 Trans-cerebellar diameter (TCD), 50
antepartum, 316–317 Transcervical amnioinfusion, 133
intrapartum, 317 T Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
neonatal/infant follow-up, 320 (TENS), 139
preconception, 316 TA, see Tranexamic acid Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN),
therapy, 317–318 TA cerclage, see Transabdominal cerclage 379–380
training/simulation, 320–322 Tachysystole, 122 Translocations, 72, 73
Sickle cell disease, 82 Tactile stimulation, 376 Transperitoneal cesarean delivery,
SIDS, see Sudden infant death syndrome TAP block, see Transversus abdominis extraperitoneal vs., 164
Skin cleansing, for cesarean delivery, 162 plane block Transvaginal cervical length, 276, 331
Skin incision techniques, for cesarean Targeted gene sequencing, 69 Transvaginal scanning, 50
delivery, 163 Tay-Sachs disease, 87 Transvaginal ultrasound (TVU), 50, 196,
Skin-to-skin contact, 365 TCD, see Trans-cerebellar diameter 331, 334, 336, 386
Slow-release pessary (vaginal insert), 280 Teamwork training, 95–96 Transvaginal ultrasound cervical length
SMA, see Spinal muscular atrophy TENS, see Transcutneous electrical nerve (TVU CL), 55, 92, 216, 218,
Small for gestational age (SGA), 378 stimulation 232–233
SMFM, see Society for Maternal-Fetal Teratogens, 9, 12 screening, 55
Medicine Terbutaline, 132 Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block,
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, 86 pump, 241 148, 356, 358
Smoking cessation programs, 12–13, 215 Termination of pregnancy (TOP), 214, 254 TRH, see Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Term Prelabor Rupture of Membranes Study Trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC),
(SMFM), 55 (Term PROM), 288, 290 180, 182
Sodium bicarbonate, 377 Tetanus vaccination, 11 benefits and least morbidity of, 186–188
Specificity of screening test, 60 Therapeutic hypothermia, 382 candidates for, 183–184
Specimen adequacy, 391 Therapeutic ultrasound, for perineal definitions, 182
Spinal anesthesia pain, 118 historical perspectives, 180–182
for cesarean delivery, 147 Therapy of an adnexal mass, in pregnancy, labor factors, 184–185
neuraxial labor analgesia, 144 386–387 management of, 190–192
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), 84–86, 85 Thermal management, 376 maternal demographics, 184
Spontaneous abortion, 195 Third stage of labor obstetric history, 184
Spontaneous labor, prediction of the onset active management of, 117 uterine rupture, 185–189, 181, 190
of, 91 definition of, 113 Trichomonas vaginalis, 224
time of day, 92 perineal pain control and breast- Trimester, ultrasound examinations by, 50
transvaginal ultrasound cervical length feeding, 118 Triple screen, 65
(TVU CL), 92 umbilical cord and placenta, 116 Triplets, 309
weather effects, 91 uterotonics, 113–116, 114 Trisomy 13, 72
Spontaneous PPROM, 248 Third trimester, 52–54 Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome), 71
Squamous epithelial cell, 391 Third-trimester “fetal growth” ultrasound, 22 Trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome), 69–70
SSI, see Surgical site infection Three-dimensional ultrasound, 55 “genetic” ultrasound screening for, 66
Standard ultrasound, 51 Three-tier FHR interpretation system, TSH level, see Thyroid-stimulating
Sterile water, injections of, 140 122, 124 hormone level
Steroids, 334 Thrombocytopenia, 44 TTN, see Transient tachypnea of the newborn
for fetal maturity, 162, 265 Thrombophilia, 206 Tuberculosis, 21
Stillbirth rates, 190 Thyroglobulin antibodies, 347 breastfeeding, 366
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), 356 Thyroid-binding globulin, 43 Turner syndrome, 73–74
Stretch marks, 29 Thyroid gland, functions of, 43 TVU, see Transvaginal ultrasound
STS, see Second-trimester screening Thyroid homeostasis, 43 TVU CL, see Transvaginal ultrasound
Subclinical hypothyroidism, 347 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) cervical length
Subcutaneous tissue, for cesarean delivery, level, 11 Twin pregnancies, with PPROM, 257–258
163–164, 168–169 Thyroperoxidase antibodies, 347 Twins, 308–309
Sublingual misoprostol, 280 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 236 screening for aneuploidies in, 68
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Tocolysis, 133, 252, 256, 334, see also Type 2 diabetes, 364
68, 364 Tocolytic therapy
SUI, see Stress urinary incontinence Tocolytic therapy, 237–238, 238, 239 U
Surgical intervention, 329 TOLAC, see Trial of labor after cesarean
Surgical management of early pregnancy TOP, see Termination of pregnancy UFH, see Unfractionated heparin
loss, 198 Topical anesthetics, 118 UIC, see Ultrasound-indicated cerclage
Surgical site infection (SSI), 160, 358 Total spinal, 148 Ultrasound, 249
Suture care Toxins, 12 biophysical profile score, 55
dressing removal, 358 Toxoplasmosis, 21 cervical length, 55
staple removal, 358–359 Tractocile, see Atosiban Doppler, 54–55
406 Index
gestational age dating, in pregnancy, Uterine cooling, 167 risk factors, 340
49–50 Uterine enlargement, 41 screening and diagnosis, 340
informed consent, 49 Uterine exteriorization, 167 symptoms and complications, 342
of lower uterine segment, 191 Uterine incision, 164 therapy, 342
routine vs. selective use of, 49 Uterine inversion, 113, 328–329 VBAC, see Vaginal birth after cesarean
safety of, 48 Uterine massage, 117, 167 Venous thromboembolism, prophylactic
three-dimensional, 55 Uterine relaxation, 133 agents to prevent, 161
by trimester, 50 Uterine rupture, 182, 185–189, 190 Venous thromboembolism (VTE), 161, 359
Ultrasound-detected subchorionic Uterine stapling, 164 Ventricular septal defect (VSD), 71
hemorrhage, 347 Uterotonics, 113–116 Vibroacoustic stimulation, 131
Ultrasound examination UTI, see Urinary tract infections Visual analog scale (VAS), 139
induction of labor, 274 UUI, see Urgency urinary incontinence Vitamin A supplements, 26
Ultrasound-indicated cerclage (UIC), 217 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplements, 26
Umbilical artery, 54, 316 V Vitamin C, 252
Umbilical cord, third stage of labor, 116 Vitamin C supplements, 26
Umbilical cord drainage, 117 Vaccinations, 10–11, 27–28 Vitamin D supplements, 26
Uncomplicated term pregnancy, management Vacuum application, 155 Vitamin E, 252
of, 268 Vacuum-assisted delivery, forceps vs., 154 Vitamin E supplements, 26
antepartum testing, 269–270 Vacuum extractors, 153–154 Vitamin K, 236
breast and nipple stimulation, 269 Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), 130, 181, Vomiting, 45
complications, 268–269 182, 183 VSD, see Ventricular septal defect
diagnosis/definition, 268 Vaginal chlorhexidine, 98 VTE, see Venous thromboembolism
epidemiology/incidence, 268 Vaginal delivery, 183, 187, 356
etiology/basic pathophysiology, 268 Vaginal insert W
interventions, 270 misoprostol, 277–278
management, 269–270 PGE2 (Cervidil), 280 Walker-Warburg syndrome, 89
preconception counseling, 269 Vaginal irrigation, 162–163 Water, immersion in, 100
pregnancy considerations, 269 Vaginal misoprostol, 277–278 Water immersion, 138
risk factors/associations, 268 Vaginal prostaglandins, 263 Withholding/discontinuing neonatal
routine early ultrasound, 269 Valsalva maneuver, 107 resuscitation, 377
stripping/sweeping of membranes, 269 Valsalva vs. spontaneous pushing Withholding or discontinuing
Unfractionated heparin (UFH), 144, 161, 207 method, 107 resuscitation, 377
Ureoplasma urealyticum colonization, 224 Valvular heart disease, 145–146 Wound dressing at cesarean
Urgency urinary incontinence (UUI), 356 Vancomycin, 264 delivery, 169
Urgent cesarean delivery (CD), 299 Variable deceleration, of fetal heart rate, 123
Urinary tract infections (UTI), 160 Varicella, 21 X
Urine culture, for asymptomatic bacteriuria, 20 Varicosities, 30
Urine dipstick for protein, 20 VAS, see Visual analog scale X-inactive specific transcript (XIST), 74
Usher syndrome, 88–89 Vasa previa, 340, 341 XIST, see X-inactive specific transcript
Uterine artery, 54–55 classification, 340
Uterine atony, prevention of, 165–166 definition, 340 Z
Uterine balloon tamponade, 327 epidemiology/incidence, 340
Uterine cavity, 207 management, 342 Zidovudine, 132
Uterine cleaning, 167 principles, 342 Zinc supplements, 27