Damp Proofing & Termite Proofing
Damp Proofing & Termite Proofing
Damp Proofing & Termite Proofing
If damp conditions prevail in the buildings, they became harmful to occupant’s health and also to the
building itself. In order to render buildings damp-proof, some treatment has to be given to the buildings at
the time of their construction. The treatment which is given to render building damp-proof, is known as
Absorption of water by the materials, is the chief cause of dampness. Granular materials absorb water easily
and this water may find access, to the inside of the building in one way or the other. Following may be the
possible causes responsible for entry of dampness into a structure:
1. Ground Water Table. If ground water table is high, it is likely to rise to the vicinity of the
foundation of the structure and affect it. Normally, building materials used in foundations, absorb
water by capillary action and pass it inside the building.
2. Rains. If external walls of the building are not protected, rain water hitting it may find its way and
may cause of damp conditions inside. Leaking roofs may also allow rain water to enter the building.
3. Exposed Tops of Walls. Top of parapet walls if not properly plugged against entry of rain water,
dampness may find its way through them also.
4. Consideration. When warm and heavily charged humid air is cooled, condensation takes place. This
action is most likely to happen in wrongly designed kitchens.
5. Inadequate Slope to Float Roofs. If slope of the roof is not adequate to drain off rain water
effectively, storage of water may take place at the roof and water may seep into the building.
In addition to above stated causes, dampness may enter the building through the bad workmanship, also.
Newly constructed walls remain damp for some days but they do not require any D.P.C. treatment as they
will dry in few days and conditions will be alright thereafter. Defective orientation of the building may also
be one of the causes of dampness.
1. The materials used in the construction of the building are seriously affected by dampness. Stones,
bricks, etc. may disintegrate due to efflorescence effect of dampness.
2. Plaster gets softened and may crumble.
3. Unsightly white patches are noticeable on damp outside walls and ceilings.
4. Distempers and paints may flake off, thus damaging their good appearance.
5. Timber may decay, warp and buckle due to dampness.
6. Metallic fittings may corrode.
7. Electrical fittings may get damaged.
8. Termite growth is promoted.
9. Damp buildings create unhealthy conditions for occupants.
Hot bitumen, mastic asphalt, bituminous felts, metal sheets, combination of metal sheets and felts, cement
concrete, and mortars, are the materials mostly used for damp-proofing. Metal sheets or combination of
metal sheets and felts, are not nowadays used, as metal sheets are very costly. Bituminous felts, hot bitumen
and mastic asphalt are the mostly used materials for damp-proofing. Where dampness is not much, 40 mm
thich layer of 1:2:4 cement concrete at plinth level serves the purpose of damp-proofing. Even good quality
bricks and stones used in the foundation, quite satisfactorily prevent entry of moisture into the building. For
plastering the walls, bedding layer should be prepared by cement mortar not poorer then 1:3 mix. For
plastering work water-proof mortar can be prepared as follows:
To dry mix of cement and sand 1:2, add alum at the rate of 12 kg/m3 of sand, mix them dry. In the water to
be used, dissolve soft soap at the rate of 75gm per litre of water. Now using this soap water prepare the
mortar and use it for plaster work. Alternatively, some patented water proofing compounds like Pudlo, Cica,
Dempro etc. may be added to the cement mortar.
2. The horizontal D.P.C. should be provided for full thickness of the wall.
3. The D.P.C. should be continued unbroken throughout the length of the wall.
5. The mortar bed which is prepared to receive the horizontal D.P.C. should be even.
6. It should not be kept exposed on the wall surface otherwise it is likely to get damaged.
There are various methods of damp-proofing but adoption of any specific method depends on the following
1. Surface treatment.
2. Integral water proofing.
3. Interposing a membrane between source of moisture and the part of the building adjacent to it.
4. Cavity wall construction.
5. Guniting.
All these methods have now been discussed one by one in details.
1. Surface Treatment. This method consists of filling or blinding the pores of the material exposed to
moisture by providing a thin film of water repellant material over the surface. Some of the materials
employed are sodium or potassium silicate, aluminium or zinc sulphates, barium hydroxide and
magnesium sulphate in alternate applications. Soft soap and alum also in alternate applications, can
be used. Besides these materials coal-tar, bitumen, waxes and fats, shellacs, resins and gums etc. are
the other materials which can be used.
Out of these, some materials like waxes, and fats are unsuitable in the tropics as they melt with rise in
temperature. Resins and gums are also not lasting materials and coal-tar and bitumen disfigure the original
Surface treatment is only useful when the moisture causing dampness is superficial. Cement, lime and sand
plaster in ratio of 1:1:6 is also found quite effective in preventing the dampness from penetrating inside the
structural wall. The plastered surface with this plaster becomes wet during rains but immediately dries
2. Integral Water Proofing. This treatment comprises adding certain compounds to the concrete or
mortar during the process of mixing. They vary from substances like chalk, talc, fuller’s earth etc.
which have simply a mechanical action of pore filling and making the concrete or mortar denser, to
zinc sulphate, calcium, aluminium or ammonium chlorides etc. which react chemically and fill the
pores. Most of the patented preparation like pudlo, sika, novoid, colemanoid, ironite, colemanoid,
ironite, cementone, dampro, permo rainex etc. are used to mix with the mortar or concrete to render
the structure water proof.
3. Interposing a Membrane between Source of Moisture and the part of the Building Adjacent to
it. This method consists, in the incorporation of a membrane or a layer of water repellant material in
the wall or floor. The materials employed are lead, either in plain sheets or bituminized, teraa-cota,
slates, mastic asphalt, copper and bitumastic felts. Lead and copper are very costly and hence not
advocated for use. Mastic asphalt in one or two layers and treatment with bitumen felts are generally
considered the best methods here hydraulic pressure is considerable.
4. Cavity Walls. Cavity walls have already been discussed earlier. Outer skin of cavity walls gives
protection to the main walls of the building. The cavity prevents the moisture form travelling from
outer skin to the inner main wall. Cavities function satisfactorily only if they are clear from
droppings, and are also ventilate. D.P.C. must be laid, wherever cavity either starts or stops. D.P.C.
should also be laid along window or door jambs along the length of the wall, for a length of about
150 mm on either side of the opening.
5. Guniting. This method comprises in forming an impervious layer of rich cement mortar. In this
method, first a mixture of cement and water is forced by cement gun on the surface to be treated and
later 1:3 or 1:4 cement mortar is applied with the help of compressed air under pressure.
Selection of correct type of measure and material for damp-proofing requires considerable experience. It
actually depends upon the nature of the structure location where D>.P.C. is to be provided and availability of
material. Following points should be kept in view while making selection material for D.P.C.
1. Ordinary buildings usually have their plinths above the ground level. For D.P.C. above ground level,
any of the materials mentioned earlier can be effectively, used. However, 40 mm to 50 mm thick
layer of 1:2:4 cement concrete at plinth level is considered as the best method under normal
conditions. In case more damp conditions are likely to prevail, richer cement concrete should be
used. The concrete may be further made dense by adding water-proofing materials like Pudlo,
Impermo etc. during mixing process of the concrete. Generally, one or two coatings of hot bitumen
are applied over the dried surface of concrete layer.
2. In case area to be covered by D.P.C. is quite large as in the case of providing D.P.C. under floors and
cover proofs, mastic asphalt or bitumen felts are mostly used. But their joints must be properly
lapped and sealed.
3. In case of cavity walls, D.P.C. may be provided of flexible material like lead strips, copper strips,
bitumen sheets, etc. at bottom of the cavity, just near foundation from where cavity, just near
foundation from where cavity is to start, ordinary mastic asphalt, or bituminized felt may be used for
4. In case of parapet walls, mastic asphalt, bitumen felts and lead or copper sheets are recommended for
use. It should be ensured that D.P.C. materials are flexible enough to permit slight movement due to
structural settlement.
Damp-proof course is provided on the outside of walls, and underside of floors of basements. It is
provided in such a way that the latter may provide the support necessary to withstand such water
pressure as may be exerted on the outer face of the structure. For this purpose, where adequate space is
available for excavation, the basement should be of sufficient dimensions to provide for the following:
1. Adequate dewatering arrangement for pumping out subsoil water, if any, should be provided to keep
the water level below the level of the basement.
2. Provide suitable shuttering to prevent the sides of the excavation from collapsing.
3. A slab base of weak cement concrete 100 mm to 150 mm thick should be spread on the floor of the
excavation. This slab base should project at least 150 mm beyond the outer face of the wall.
4. The damp-proof course consisting of two layers of mastic asphalt, is applied on the entire area of the
base slab including the projections.
5. Provide a protective flooring of brick or cement concrete 1:3:6 about 50 mm thick to protect the
D.P.C. from damage during the construction of the floor. This concrete flooring mixture should be
blended with suitable water proofing compound.
6. The walls capable to withstand the anticipated lateral pressure are constructed over flooring course of
D.P.C. the outside faces of the walls should be plastered and finished smooth with water proofed
cement plaster which forms the base for D.P.C. layer.
7. The full course of D.P.C. is then applied to the outside faces of the walls joining at the base with the
projecting D.P.C. originally laid over the base slab. Sufficient care should be taken to ensure a
perfect bond between D.P.C. on the slab and that provided on the outside of the walls. A thin
protective brick wall “half brick” in thickness should be constructed over the projecting slab and the
gap between the walls should be grouted so as to ensure that no air is trapped between the D.P.C. and
the walls.
In case of deep basements, it is convenient to apply the D.P.C. on the outside of the walls in stages of
convenient heights and complete construction of the protective wall as well as back filling the earth
progressively. This will enable the shuttering to be removed earlier and arrest any tendency of D.P.C. to
slip down.
If basement is subjected to a very severe hydrostatic pressure, mere provision of continuous D.P.C. may
not give satisfactory results. In such cases, the basement should be kept continuously drained. For this,
drainage pipes may have to be laid open jointed below the floor of the basement at the time of
construction. Drainage pipes are laid with suitable longitudinal slope. To give more satisfactory results,
the drainage pipes may be enclosed in selected filter material.
In case of basement, D.P.C. should be provided with utmost care. Otherwise, basement becomes useless
except for the storage of commodities unaffected by dampness. Damp-proofing of basement is known as
process as asphalt tanking are enumerated as follows:
In this case D.P.C is, therefore, supported by inner walls and floors of adequate structural strength,
depending upon the maximum water pressure anticipated. The walls and floors should, therefore, be suitably
designed to ensure the required structural strength, depending of the maximum water pressure anticipated.
The walls and floors should, therefore, be suitably designed to ensure the required structural strength. This
implies construction of a new structure inside an existing one, thereby appreciably reducing the cubical
contents of the basement. The following precautions should be taken before work is started:
1. Suitable arrangements should be made to keep the site free from water, till treatment is completed.
2. Any paint or distemper should be removed before the D.P.C. is applied.
3. The surface of walls and floors over which the D.P.C. is to be applied should be made smooth by
applying a rendering of cement mortar if necessary to give an surface.
1. The level where D.P.C. is to be provided in an existing building is decided after considering the G.L.
and floor level. It is usually kept about 150 mm above G.L. or floor level, is height.
2. D.P.C. is started from one corner of the building. For this purpose a special saw is used to make a cut
at the corner of the wall and remove the bricks from the course just above the cut.
3. After removing the bricks, damp-proofing membrane which is usually bituminous felt is laid on the
prepared surface.
4. The cycle of cutting the slots and inserting the damp-proof is membrane is repeated till the entire
length of the wall is completed.
5. The removed bricks are also simultaneously relaid and the surface is finished with plaster or
6. After the layer of D.P.C. is laid, the height of exposed wall between the D.P.C. and floor or ground
level should be treated with suitable paint.
Damp-proof treatments usually given to different types of roofs are given below.
Flat-roofs. Following measures should be adopted to provide damp-proof treatment to the flat-roofs:
(I) Flat roofs should be given suitable slope to drains off rain water. The amount of slope depends
upon the material of the roofing and intensity of rainfall. For R.C.C. and R.B.C. slab roofs 1 in
40 to 1 in 60 slope in generally provided.
(II) Down take rain water pipe of 75 mm diameter or outlet pipes or channels projecting at least 300
mm from the outer face of the wall, should be provided in sufficient number for effective
disposal of rain water from the roof.
(III) The parapet wall should be protected by providing coping of stone or brick on its top.
(IV) Roofs generally, develop cracks along the junction lines of roof and parapet walls. To avoid
possibilities of rain water getting entry through these cracks, the D.P.C. asphalt layer, covering
the roof should be turned up against the parapet for a height of at least 15 cm. just at this level
D.P.C. for parapet should be provided. See Fig. 10.11 (a) and (b).
(V) R.C.C. or R.B.C slabs are generally given suitable slope for draining off water. In this case,
water-proofing treatment for the roof slab after painting the roof surface with hot bitumen.
Various treatments given to roofs for water proofing purpose in various regions of the country are-
1. Grading of Lime Concrete. In this practice 100 mm thick layer of lime concrete is laid with proper
drainage slop directly over the roof slab. After lime concrete layer has dries, a priming coat of hot
bitumen is applied and lastly bitumen sheets are laid. Sometimes, application of bitumen sheets is not
considered necessary and lime concrete layer is finished to an impervious surface. This treatment is
not very common and is adopted in Kolkata and Mumbai regions.
2. Grading of Lime Concrete with Tiles. This type of treatment is very common in the southern
regions of the country. This treatment is found most suitable in hot and humid regions. This method
is also most suitable where roof is to be used for sleeping and other purposes.
In this practice the whole of roofing slab is covered by a hot bitumen layer spread uniformly at the rate of
1.5 to 1.71 kg of bitumen peer sqm of the roof. The bitumen layer is immediately covered by a coarse sand
layer at the rate of 0.6 m3/100m2 area when it is still not above sand layer a 100 mm thick layer of lime
concrete with proper drainage slope is covered by laying two layers of brick tiles (with breaking joints) in
1:3 cement mortar. Joints of top layer of tiles is pointed by 1:3 cement mortar. See Fig. 10.12 (a).
3. Grading of Mud Phuska with Tiles. This practice is most prevalent in Punjab, Delhi, Haryana,
Rajasthan and U.P. it consists of spreading hot bitumen layer over R.C.C. roofing slab and then
sanding this layer. Hot bitumen is used at the rate of 1.71 kg/m2 and sand at the rate of 0.6m3/100m2
of the roof area. After this 100 mm thick mud pushka layer is laid by maintaining proper drainage
slope. Pushka layer consists of puddled clay mixed with wheat Bhusha at the rate of about 8kg/m3 of
clay phuska-layer is well consolidated and is covered by 13mm thick layer of mud gober mortar 3:1
(3 mud:1 cowdung). Gober mortar layer is lastly covered with a layer of flat brick tiles and its joints
well grouted and pointed with 1:3 cement mortar.
4. Grading of the Flat Roof of a Multi-storied Building. Multi-storied buildings are generally
provided with an additional layer of cinder concrete for maintaining proper thermal insulation of the
building. Roofs of such multi-storied buildings are damp-proofed as follows:
Roofing slab which may be R.C.C. or R.B.C. is covered with a layer of hot bitumen spread at the rate of
1.71 kg/m2. This layer is immediately sanded with coarse sand at the rate of 06 m3/100 m2 area of the roof.
A15 cm thick layer of cinder concrete 1:15 (1 cement: 15 cinder of 13 mm and smaller gauge) having
average thickness of 15 cm is laid over the sanded bitumen layer. A75 mm thick layer of lime concrete is
laid over consolidated cinder concrete layer. The lime concrete used, is prepared by mixing lime mortar is
spread and a layer of flat brick tiles is laid open jointed. Lastly 1:3 cement mortar is grouted into the open
joints and surface of roof is finished smooth.
Pitched Roofs. In case of pitched roofs, valley gutters are the main sources of dampness. Following points
should be taken care of, in case of pitched roofs, damp-proofing:
1. Rain water gutters should be installed carefully. They should be of sufficient capacity and fixed
water-tight. They should be in position to accommodate expansions and contractions.
2. The roofing tiles should remain suitably projecting beyond the edge of the gutter.
3. Lead flashing should be continued upto the vertical face of the parapet wall and should stop inside
the body of the wall.
4. Like flat roof, the parapet wall should be protected by stone or brick coping.
Water stops are provided to check the entry of water inside the structure through the joints. They are fixed in
position at the time of construction and later they become the part of the structure. Water stops may be
divided into the following three types:
The D.P.C. shall cover the full thickness of the wall. The level of mansory over which D.P.C. is to be laid,
shall be made clear and even. The side shuttering shall be fixed strong and leak proof. The cement concrete
1:2:4 proportions shall be prepared and laid in the forms and tamped dense. Form work shall be opened after
12 hours of laying concrete and shall be cured continuously for at least a week. After curing, the surface is
cleaned and allowed to dry before a coat of hot bitumen is applied over it.
Termites is also known as white ants. They mostly, occur in tropical and sub-tropical countries. The termite
insects in live colonies. The termite insects are very fast in eating wood and other cellulosic materials. They
can also damage non-cellulosic materials like leather, plastics etc. The treatment given to a building so as to
control or prevent the termite growth in a building is known as termite proofing. The termites can be broadly
classified under the following two heads.
1. Dry wood termites.
2. Sub-terranean termites
Dry woods termites live in dry wood in small colonies without maintaining any connection with the soil.
Humid coastal areas are most prone to this type of termite. These termites cause maximum damage to the
wooden structures under humid conditions.
Sub-terranean termites cannot live without maintaining connections with the soil. These termites establish
the primary colonies in the ground and then in search of food, develop shelter tubes galleries or tunnels in
other materials. The food of these termites is mostly timber. These termites require lot of moisture for
survival. Moisture is supplied either from soil, through tunnels, through wet locations in buildings or
through other sources.
In India sub-terranean category of termites mostly occur, practically in all the parts of the country and it is
this termite which is responsible for most of the damages to buildings. These termites enter into buildings
through cracks, fissures, pipes, floor joints etc.
While making the building termite-proof following general principles should be observed.
1. Bridging. In the construction and design of the buildings, it should be ensured that no bridge is
developed between any part of the building and untreated soil.
2. Cost. It should be remembered that once the termites have established in a particular building it
becomes very difficult and costly to finish them completely. Hence it is advised that building should
be given suitable termite-proofing treatment during its construction.
3. Floor Joints. To make floor joints termite-proof, suitable joint fillers or metal strips should be
inserted into the joints.
4. Method of Termite-Proofing. The method to be adopted for termite-proofing of a building should
be decided while keeping in view the local conditions and materials to be used in its construction.
5. Construction Materials in Foundation. Termites cannot enter the building through dense and solid
foundations. Hence superior quality materials and better workmanship should be used in the
construction of foundations.
6. Site Clearance. The building site should be thoroughly inspected and cleared off all old tree stumps,
dead wood etc. If during site inspection mounds of sub-terranean termites are noticed they should be
destroyed using insecticides.
7. Treatment of Superstructure. The materials of the building which are easily susceptible to termite
attack, should be treated with suitable type of preservative. Particularly, wooden materials used in
buildings should be thoroughly treated. Door frames, stair cases etc. should be set on flooring not
through floorings.
Following insecticides are used for anti-termite treatment. The insecticides can be used in powder form but
they are more successful when used in form of emulsion in water. Termite mounds should be treated by
filling water emulsion in the holes formed with crow bars. Four litres of water emulsion of following
chemicals should be used to treat 1 m3 of termite mound.
TABLE 10.1
For normal treatment of site soil, any one of the following insecticide solutions can be used.
TABLE 10.2
Following are the pre-construction and during construction measures for ant-termite treatment:
1. Site Preparation. All the waste-wood, grass, stumps, roots, etc. lying buried or on the surface are
removed. During site clearance if termite mounds are sighted they are destroyed by using any of the
insecticide solutions given in Table 10.1. For this, several holes are made in the mound with the help
of crow-bars and insecticide solution is filled in them.
2. Treatment of Excavated Foundation Trenches. The bottom and sides of trenches upto a height of
about 300 mm should be treated by applying any one of the insecticide solutions given in Table 10.2
at the rate of 5litres/mm2 of the surface area.
3. Treatment of Back-fill Soil. The back-fill soil used to fill the trenches after the masonry walls are
constructed, should be treated with any of the insecticide solutions given in Table 10.2. Solution
should be applied on the vertical surface of the foundation masonry at the rate of 7.5 lit/m2. This
treatment is a must to ensure that the termites do not gain entry into the building through the voids in
the joints in the foundation masonry.
If the foundations are made of R.C.C., no such treatment of foundation is required as there is no
responsibility of voids which can permit entry of termites. In such cases, the treatment should start at
a depth of about 0.5 m below ground level. Treatment is application of insecticide solution in the
back fill at the rate of 6.5 lit/m2 of vertical surface.
4. Treatment of Filling at Plinth Level. Prior to laying sub-grade for ground floor, the top surface of
the consolidated earth filling should be sprinkled with any one of the chemical solutions of Table
10.2 at the rate of 5lit/ m2. If the consolidated earth filling does not allow seepage of solution into
itself then fill the solution into the holes 50 to 75 mm deep, made in the consolidated layer of fill
with the help of crow-bars.
5. Treatment of Soil along the External Periphery. Despite the above treatments, termite can still
enter the building from ground surface around the building. To check this, 12 mm diameter 300 mm
deep holes are dug at c/c holes are filled with insecticides solution at the rate of 2.25 litre per linear
metre of the periphery. The earth is back filled in the holes.
If there is apron all along the external wall then consolidated earth over which apron is to be laid
should be treated by chemical solution (Table 10.2) at the rate of 5lit/m2.
This treatment is applied to existing buildings which either have been or are likely to be attacked by
It is seen that the termites maintain regular contact with their meets in the ground even after they gain entry
into the buildings. This aspect is used for the eradication of termites from the buildings. In order to save
buildings from termite attack, regular inspection and suitable control measures are essential. The extent of
termite attack determines the measures to be provided to prevent the damages due to termites. Mild and
minor attacks can be checked by breaking of shelter tubes and removal of affected materials. The amount of
cellulosic materials also affect termite attack. More of cellulosic materials invite more severe termite attack.
The following are the measures which can be adopted for eradication of termites from existing building.
1. Inspection. The building should be regularly inspected, if, somewhere, termite is noticed its shelter
tubes should be immediately removed and oil or kerosine-based chemical emulsion should be
applied over the attacked area. The source of termite and the points of their should be located and
adequately, treated from time to time. The portion of the building in contact with or adjacent to the
earth should be, thoroughly, inspected. If it is established that the termite is entering the building due
to direct contact with the surrounding soil, men measures are adopted to break this contact. For this,
sometimes, structural addition may have to built.
2. Soil Treatment of Foundation. For this dig a trench about 0.5 m deep all long the external
periphery of the building. Drive 15 mm diameter holes in the trench with the help of crow-bars
touching the wall at 150 mm c/c. The depth of the holes are filled depth of holes should be upto
concrete block of foundation. The holes are filled with any chemical emulsion of Table 10.2. Holes
and trench are back filled, but back fill should also be treated by spraying chemical emulsion. The
amount of emulsion used should be 7.5 lit/m2 of the vertical surface of the foundation masonry.
If building has apron, drill 12 mm diameter holes at 300 mm c/c close to plinth wall along the apron.
The holes should be deep enough to reach the soil below. Chemical emulsion at the rate of 25 lit per
linear metre of the length of the apron is filled in the holes and holes are back filled. Back fill should
also be sprayed by insecticide solution.
3. Soil Treatment under Floor. Termite may be reaching inside the building through expansion joints,
construction joints or through cracks developed in floor due to defective workmanship. In such cases,
all the joints and cracks should be treated by drilling 12 mm φ holes at 300 mm c/c all along the
joints and cracks and filled them with chemical emulsion. The holes of floor should, thereafter, be
4. Treatment of Voids in Masonry. To check the entrance of termites through voids in masonry, drill
12 mm holes at 30 mm c/c inclined at 45° from both the sides of the walls at plinth level. Fill these
holes with chemical emulsion and seal the holes. This treatment is given to all die walls (both
external as well internal) of the building having foundation in soil. Location such as wall corners,
door and window sills shall also be, similarly, treated by drilling holes and filling chemical in them.
5. Treatment of Wood Work. Badly damaged wood work should be replaced by new wood work and
new wood work should be dipped in oil or kerosene based chemical emulsion. To protect the infested
wood work, drill 6mm φ holes at 150 mm c/c inclined at 45° all along the framework. The holes are,
thereafter, filled with oil-based chemical emulsion. The wood work, not affected by termite attack.