PlanetTogether IT Reference Guide
PlanetTogether IT Reference Guide
PlanetTogether IT Reference Guide
This guide will help IT personnel determine how their existing hardware and network
infrastructure can be used or expanded to support PlanetTogether software. This guide will cover
hardware requirements for a server as well as end user’s computers, failover and recovery, and
possible impact on users from limited networks. Content provided is for planning and informative
purposes only. This guide does not contain step by step instructions for implementing or
configuring PlanetTogether software features.
References to the phrase ‘PlanetTogether’ in this document refers to the Advanced Planning and
Scheduling software provided by PlanetTogether Inc.
Note that this is not the PlanetTogether installation guide. Installation instructions can be found
online at
Hardware Selection
The recommended hardware depends on if PlanetTogether will be running on a dedicated
machine, or sharing resources with other demanding applications. If running PlanetTogether on a
dedicated machine, the Workstation recommendation is ideal. If the machine will be running
other applications such as SQL server, ERP software, or PlanetTogether clients (even on other
isolated virtual machines) the server recommendation will provide better results. PlanetTogether
may be run on virtual environments with no additional hardware requirements.
Note that cpu speed is the most impactful component on PlanetTogether performance. Faster
cpu speeds will result in noticeable speed improvements.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum recommendation is a cpu with four cores and a speed of 2.3 ghz. PlanetTogether
must be running on an environment with at least 2 dedicated cpu cores. The server should have
10 gb of free disk space per instance for transactional data files.
Recommended Workstation Specifications
PlanetTogether Data Volume Performance
PlanetTogether’s architecture is designed to provide the fastest possible responsiveness to users
in data intensive applications. All data is loaded into computer memory for processing that is
much faster than disk-based operations that are common in traditional databases. The
memory-resident data objects also have direct links to each other designed in, to allow for fast
access to needed information without relying on time-consuming lookups that are also common
in many other traditional database systems. The software also utilizes multi-threading extensively.
The result is that in most businesses, small or large, PlanetTogether will provide schedule
optimizations and adjustments in minutes or even seconds, resulting in a system that is easier
and more enjoyable to use.
The most important factors affecting performance are: (1) the number of operations in the
schedule, (2) the features in use, and (3) the computer hardware.
Below are benchmarks from a sample system. The hardware used to perform the tests had the
specifications matching the Workstation Recommended Specifications above (both server and
client components were installed on the Workstation).
Please note that these benchmarks are based on a sample factory model containing 100
Resources with random Need Dates. The only way to be sure of actual performance and memory
requirements is to build a representative model of the particular factory with the required features
and actual data volumes, running on the computers to be used. This knowledgebase article
provides tips for performance tuning.
# Scheduled Operations Seconds for full Optimize
100 instantaneous
1,000 0.5
5,000 2
10,000 4
50,000 17
100,000 48
User scheduling actions are processed synchronously. If one user’s action is being processed,
other user’s actions will be queued and processed in sequence. PlanetTogether clients will
remain responsive while performing scheduling actions. Users may continue to view and analyze
data, run reports, and queue additional actions while other user’s actions are in process.
If many users will be logging in to PlanetTogether simultaneously, the limiting factor for login
speed will be network bandwidth. Each client will be retrieving required application data. If
clients are taking too long to login due to low bandwidth, consider staggering user logins or
leave clients connected continuously to avoid the login process.
Operating System Compatibility
PlanetTogether server, clients, and associated programs run on the Microsoft .NET Framework
(version 4.6.2). It is compatible with all Microsoft Windows operating systems that support this
framework. A 64 bit operating system is recommended for better performance and future
Network Requirements
PlanetTogether uses TCP connections to communicate between clients, the server, data sources,
and configuration programs. The TCP ports used by PlanetTogether is configurable for each of
these connections.
Server software installation using our web installer requires access to An offline
installer is also available if internet access is unavailable.
The server application requires an active internet connection and access to and
An active internet connection means continuous internet access while the instance is running.
However, intermittent connection losses will not affect licensing. If the server has connection
issues consult with a PlanetTogether engineer to determine any potential licensing problems.
Data Sources
The primary data import and export source for PlanetTogether is Microsoft SQL Server. Version
2008 and later are supported. A SQL Server installation is most likely required. Integrations to or
from other data sources can be achieved through PlanetTogether integrations that use SQL
Server as a staging database. Data can also be imported directly from Excel files. For Excel
import, a data adapter that matches the Excel version is required.
PlanetTogether can also export to an xml formatted data file for custom export processes.
Integration services and methods vary, please consult with a PlanetTogether engineer to
determine the ideal setup for your environment.
Backing Up PlanetTogether
1. PlanetTogether automatically provides transactional data backups. These files reside on
the PlanetTogether server.
2. Transactional files should be backed up to a secondary location to be used for recovery
in case of a server failure.
Recovering PlanetTogether
Load Balancing
PlanetTogether does not support load balancing. Only a single server instance is running at once.
PlanetTogether is a high performance, memory-resident program capable of optimizing large
amounts of data due to its in-memory objects. To allow for this capability, scheduling operations
cannot be distributed among multiple services and data is not stored in a shared database or
store. In most situations, the high performance of PlanetTogether alleviates the need for load
balancing to achieve fast performance. If your application has a high volume of scheduled
operations (more than 25,000 for example) then testing the application in a Proof-of-Concept
configuration is recommended.
Network Latency
Most user actions are not affected by latency or slow connections. Under very poor connections,
users may experience a slight delay between when attempting to perform an action and when
the action begins. The following actions will be more heavily impacted by a slow connection:
● Client login. Slow connections may result in long login times for end users. This action is
the most heavily impacted. Depending on the connection limits, it may be prefered to stay
logged-in to the system.
● Data refresh. Depending on the amount and frequency of data being brought into the
system, import actions may take longer for users on a slower connection.
● Data export. This action is only affected by the server’s network performance. Slow
connections will result in longer publish durations.
Unstable connections where network connection may be completely disrupted has varying
effects. The server must have, at a minimum, a few minute connection each day to the internet for
licensing communication. Client’s whose connection is disrupted will not be able to perform
actions. If the client’s connection is disrupted for a long duration (configurable but generally 1-3
minutes) then it will be disconnected from the server and will need to log into the system again
when the network connection is restored.