Adult Ribbed Crochet Hat
Adult Ribbed Crochet Hat
Adult Ribbed Crochet Hat
● 250 yards of size 4 worsted weight yarn
● I (9-5.5mm) crochet needle
● Yarn needle
Gauge: 4 sc per 1 inch. 4 rows per 1 inch. Make a 4inx4in square to gauge (16 sc by 16 rows).
Row 1: Chain (CH) 45. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 2: Skipping first CH, back loop only (BLO) single crochet (SC) in 40 CH stitches (sts)
leaving 5 CH sts unworked. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 3: BLO SC 40. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 4: BLO SC 45, finishing the remaining 5 unworked CH sts from the base chain. CH 1. Turn.
Row 5: BLO SC 45. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 6: BLO SC 40, leaving 5 sc sts unworked. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 7: BLO SC 40. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 8: BLO SC 45, finishing remaining 5 SC sts from row 6. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Row 9: BLO SC 45. CH 1. Turn. (45)
Rows 10 - 60: Repeat rows 6-9 13 more times to total 60 rows.
To Finish: Lay hat flat and fold hat in half to line up side stitches. Slip stitch (SLST) 45 up the
side of the hat using BLO of front stitch and front loop only (FLO) of back stitch. Tie off, leaving
a long tail, about 6 inches. Use the tail & a tapestry needle to sew up the top hole. Pull tight & tie
off again and leave a 3-4 in tail. Turn the hat inside out and roll up the bottom to create a rim.
When I was in college yarn always seemed so expensive!
So I told all of my friends that if they bought me a skein of
yarn then I’d turn it into a hat if I could keep the extra yarn. It
turned out to be a hit and I ended up making so many of
these hats! Over time, this pattern emerged as I perfected
making the hat again & again.