Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
The biggest challenge for any packaging unit is to ensure no
mismatch takes place when switching over between two If Error – Notify The Machine To Reject
different products while using the same packaging equipment.
A huge list of safety procedures need to be followed, as it
would be disastrous if a face cream is filled into a tube that
belongs to toothpaste. In addition to this, another important
issue that needs to be addressed is the wrong printing of the Fig 1. System Flow of Nameplate Verification System
batch/expiry details on the product packaging.
The Fig. 1 maps the sequence of activities occurring in the
Working to eliminate the age-old adage that no amount of process of nameplate verification. This process begins with
verification is enough, Product Name Plate Verification the camera retrieving images at 30 Frames per Second (FPS).
System makes use of modern vision technologies in order to It also monitors the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)
ensure wrong packaging is the thing of the past. With the use pins for a trigger. Upon receiving the trigger it localizes &
of an industrial camera accompanied by a manual focus lens, decodes the barcode, following which the OCR deciphers the
high quality input can be captured and processed with the use text on the product being manufactured.
of an embedded ARM system that is capable of identifying
the product nameplate and communicating with the machinery Any error signals the machine to reject the product, multiple
using trigger/output and MODBUS communication errors signal the machine to halt packaging.
mechanisms. Let us understand in depth how the process mentioned in
A Nameplate of the product can be defined as the unique Figure 1. Are carried out.
quality of the product or product packaging that distinguishes
it from other products, This Includes:
Barcode Localization is the process of locating the exact
1) Barcode on the Product coordinates of barcode in an input image so the task of
barcode decoding can be performed.
2) Text on the Product
A barcode is simply a sequence of parallel lines having
3) Color and Shape of the Product rectangular shape of varying thickness. We can use this
unique quality of barcode to localize its location in an image.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 129 – No.7, November2015
Fig 2. Sample Image Step 5: Use contour shape analysis on non-discarded blocks
in Fig. 5 to ensure that each of the contours in the block is of
Step 1: Apply Adaptive Threshold on the image. rectangular shape, If not discard the block.
Different Barcode Symbologies have a different arrangement
of spaces and bars and achieves a different business objective.
No one type of symbology is perfect for all kinds of business
The most common barcode symbologies are:
1) Universal Product Code (UPC): Used in North
America Retail.
2. The objects can extend into another block but Fig 7. Universal Product Code(UPC) [7]
cannot extend beyond one neighboring block.
2) International Article Number(EAN): Used in
3. Anything below 10% of block size has to be World Wide Retail.
Step 4: Discard each block that doesn’t satisfy the above. This
gives us the following result:
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 129 – No.7, November2015
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 129 – No.7, November2015
140 146 146 142 139 143
130 137 138 138
120 127 127
110 116
100 108
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Fig. 14.a.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Fig. 14.b.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Fig. 14.c.
Fig 14. Plotting of Various PharmaCode Values, Fig 14.a. Plotting of Pixel Values, Fig 14.b. Plotting of Pixel Values
along with Threshold Values, Fig 14.c Working of Baseline Decoding Algorithm.
The primary goal of Computing and Information Technology The deployment of the above solution into an industrial
is to reduce human effort in repetitive work while enhancing environment would allow an operator to quickly teach the
the robustness and efficiency of the process.This paper item being packaged, once the item is taught the product
attempts to accomplish the above by eliminating faults such as would accept triggers from the machine, and verify whether
wrong and damaged packaging and misprinting with the parameters calculated meet the ones that are taught.
introduction of a low cost embedded solution and
optimized image processing algorithms working reliably in Hence this paper proposes a full proof solution to solve a
real time. common industrial problem and pushes upon the boundaries
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 129 – No.7, November2015