How To Take Care of Your Baby
How To Take Care of Your Baby
How To Take Care of Your Baby
home and start a family. However, after you get home, you may feel as if you have no idea what
you're doing!
These pointers may quickly make even the most apprehensive first-time parents feel confident in
their ability to care for a baby.
Consider seeking assistance during this hectic and difficult period. Speak with the specialists in the
area while you're in the hospital. Many hospitals employ lactation consultants or feeding experts
who can assist you in starting to nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Nurses can also teach you how to
properly carry, burp, change, and care for your baby.
Hire a baby nurse, postoperative midwife, or a respectable neighbourhood adolescent to assist you
for a short period after the delivery for in-home support. Your doctor or hospital may be able to
provide you with information regarding in-home assistance and may refer you to home health
Relatives and friends are frequently eager to assist. Don't discount their experience just because you
disagree with them on certain points. However, if you don't feel up to receiving visitors or have
other worries, don't feel bad about imposing limits on them.
Handling A New-born:
The fragility of infants might be daunting if you haven't spent much time around them. Here are
some fundamentals to keep in mind:
Before touching your infant, wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer). Because new-borns lack a
robust immune system, they are susceptible to illness. Make sure everyone who comes into contact
with your baby has clean hands.
Support the head and neck of your child. Either carrying your infant, cradle the head and support the
head when holding the baby upright or laying your baby down.
Never, ever shake your infant, whether for fun or out of irritation. Shaking might result in brain
haemorrhage and possibly death. If you need to wake your baby, don't shake him; instead, tickle his
feet or softly blow on his cheek.
Ascertain that your child is safely secured in the carrier, stroller, or car seat. Any activity that might
be overly rough or bouncy should be avoided.
Remember that physical play, such as being jiggled on the knee or thrown in the air, is not
appropriate for your infant.
Bonding And Soothing:
Bonding, perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of new-born care, occurs during the critical
initial hours and days following delivery, when parents form a close bond with their child. Physical
proximity can help to foster an emotional bond.
Attachment helps children develop emotionally, which has an impact on their development in other
areas, such as physical growth. Bonding may also be described as "falling in love" with your child.
Children benefit from having a parent or other adult in their lives who unconditionally loves them.
Begin bonding with your baby by cradling him or her and gently stroking him or her in various
patterns. You and your spouse can also be "skin-to-skin" by holding your infant against your skin
when nursing or caressing him or her.
Infant massage may have a positive effect on new-borns, especially preterm babies and those with
medical issues. Certain forms of massage may aid with new-born growth and development as well as
bonding. Ask your doctor for advice on books and videos about baby massage. However, keep in
mind that new-borns’ muscles aren't as powerful as adults', so massage your baby gently.
Talking, chattering, singing, and cooing are common vocal noises that babies like. Your infant will
most likely like listening to music as well. Other techniques to boost your baby's hearing include
baby rattles and musical mobiles. If your baby is fussy, try singing, reciting poetry and nursery
rhymes, or reading aloud while gently swaying or rocking him in a rocker.
Some new-borns are too sensitive to touch, light, or sound, and may quickly startle and scream,
sleep less than expected, or turn their heads away when spoken to or sang to. Keep noise and light
levels low to moderate if this is the situation with your infant.
Swaddling is another calming method that first-time parents should master. Swaddling works
effectively for certain new-borns throughout their first few weeks. Swaddling properly keeps a
baby's arms close to the body while allowing for some leg mobility. Swaddling a baby not only keeps
them warm, but it also gives them a sense of security and comfort. Swaddling can also assist to
reduce the startle response, which can cause a baby to wake up.
You'll probably decide whether to use cloth or disposable diapers before you bring your kid home.
Regardless of the method you employ, your child will need to change his or her diaper around 10
times every day, or 70 times per week.
Lay your baby on his or her back after each bowel movement or if the diaper is damp, and remove
the soiled diaper. Wipe your baby's genital area clean with water, cotton balls, and a washcloth or
wipes. Carefully remove a boy's diaper since exposure to the air may induce him to pee. To avoid a
urinary tract infection, clean a girl's bottom from front to back when wiping her (UTI). Apply
ointment to a rash to prevent or treat it.
Change your baby's diaper often and as soon as bowel motions occur.
Apply a thick coating of diaper rash or "barrier" cream after gently cleaning the region with mild
soap and water (wipes might be unpleasant). Zinc oxide creams are recommended because they
provide a moisture barrier.
If you're using cloth diapers, make sure to use detergents that are dye- and fragrance-free.
Allow the infant to be undisciplined for a portion of the day. This provides an opportunity for the
skin to breathe.