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PerkinElmer, Inc.
2 Winter Street
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P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602
Today’s advanced and increasingly diverse Advanced Materials laboratories are facing new challenges on a daily basis – starting from
raw materials right up to the finished product. PerkinElmer’s comprehensive portfolio of analytical solutions is designed to give you
the higher accuracy, sensitivity, and ease of use your laboratory demands for examining with confidence, the purity, composition, and
performance of your compounds. What’s more, a range of complementary services is available to keep your laboratory up and running,
meeting the stringent requirements of a variety of environments and working practices.
Better insights for better products.
Table of Contents
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Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom SPE 4–16
and the United States.
Please contact your local PerkinElmer Customer Care Representative. VIALS, CAPS AND SEPTA 17–30
Or visit
Visit us online at to obtain the
correct address for mailing your company Purchase Order. LC COLUMNS 31–57
Return Goods Policy
Before returning any item to PerkinElmer, please obtain a Return Authorization LC ACCESSORIES & CONSUMABLES 58–78
Number from a customer service representative. Call your local PerkinElmer office
and please have the following information ready:
• Our Order Number or your Purchase Order Number. GC COLUMNS 79–105
• The PerkinElmer part numbers of the items that you wish to return.
• Reason for return.
Our customer service representative will provide you with a Return Authorization
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Technical Support
For technical assistance, please contact your local PerkinElmer Customer Care
Representative. See local office listings.
Check with your local PerkinElmer Customer Care center for current pricing. TORION ACCESSORIES & CONSUMABLES 152–157
PerkinElmer and the PerkinElmer logo are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc.
All other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners. GAS MANAGEMENT 158–180
PerkinElmer is not responsible for typographical or photographic errors that may
appear in this catalog. We reserve the right to make adjustments or corrections
due to changing market conditions, product discontinuations, or typographical or STANDARDS 181–186
photographic errors in advertisements or product descriptions. Terms and conditions
and item availability are subject to change without notice.
Terms and Conditions
For details on our terms and conditions, including warranties,
please visit:
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of superior quality We provide a complete range
products designed to work with your PerkinElmer instruments. of products for QuEChERS
Our precision designed products deliver the peace of mind that methodologies, offering all three
comes from knowing that you’ll get the results you need. standard QuEChERS methods:
Original QuEChERS method,
American AOAC Standard
(Official Method 2007.01)
Quick Reference Index Page QuEChERS method and
European Standard (EN 15662)
Nylon Syringe Filters 16 QuEChERS method.
SPE Cartridges
PTFE (hydrophilic) Syringe Filters 16
Supra-Poly Columns 11
12 V1
IR60-40/63SI V2
SPE Supra-Clean
PerkinElmer Competitor 0 V1 < V2
SPE Column SPE Column
2 4 6
Ideal for a broad array of analytes and matrices, our SPE solutions are available in a variety of formats including Large Reservoir
Capacity (LRC) columns, Polypropylene (PP) columns and cartridges, and also glass columns. Each technology is offered with a wide
selection of polymer and silica sorbents, and large and small sample volumes (50 μL to 1 L) allow you to perform scalable analyzes
depending upon your required detection limits.
Each finished product is delivered with an individual quality certificate.
Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No. Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No.
50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306476 50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306536
50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306519 50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306590
Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No. Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No.
Supra-Clean Mixed-Mode (MM3) Supra-Clean Polyamine (P6)
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306649 500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306518
Supra-Clean Florisil (FL-S) 500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306434
200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306511 Supra-Clean Phenyl (PH-S)
500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306512 50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306401
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306494 100 mg 1 mL 100 N9306524
1g 6 mL 30 N9306413 100 mg 3 mL 50 N9306525
2g 6 mL 20 N9306513 200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306490
2g 15 mL 20 N9306514 500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306421
2g 25 mL 20 N9306515 500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306526
Supra-Clean Florisil (FL-S) Pesticide Grade 1g 6 mL 30 N9306527
200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306516 Supra-Clean LCC
500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306400 500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306643
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306517 500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306641
1g 6 mL 30 N9306436 * Not end-capped
2g 6 mL 30 N9306470
2g 15 mL 20 N9306443
Media Weight Qty. Part No.
2g 25 mL 20 N9306447
Supra-Clean C18
Supra-Clean Silica (SI-S)
390 mg 50 N9306587
100 mg 3 mL 50 N9306532
910 mg 50 N9306588
200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306444
1690 mg 50 N9306589
500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306402
Supra-Clean Silica (SI-S)
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306466
300 mg 50 N9306584
1g 6 mL 30 N9306404
700 mg 50 N9306585
2g 6 mL 20 N9306533
1300 mg 50 N9306586
2g 15 mL 20 N9306534
2g 25 mL 20 N9306535
Supra-Clean Cyano (CN-S)
500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306645
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306644
Supra-Clean Amino (NH2-S)
50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306528
100 mg 1 mL 100 N9306410
100 mg 3 mL 50 N9306529
500 mg 3 mL 50 N9306414
200 mg 6 mL 50 N9306530
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306531
Supra-Poly HLB
Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No. Media Weight Volume Qty. Part No.
30 µm Columns 60 µm Columns
30 mg 1 mL 50 N9306650 30 mg 1 mL 50 N9306652
50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306655 50 mg 1 mL 50 N9306675
60 mg 1 mL 50 N9306656 60 mg 1 mL 50 N9306676
100 mg 1 mL 50 N9306657 100 mg 1 mL 50 N9306677
30 mg 3 mL 50 N9306651 30 mg 3 mL 50 N9306653
60 mg 3 mL 50 N9306658 60 mg 3 mL 50 N9306678
100 mg 3 mL 50 N9306659 100 mg 3 mL 50 N9306679
200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306660 200 mg 3 mL 50 N9306680
500 mg 3 mL 30 N9306661 500 mg 3 mL 30 N9306681
100 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306672 100 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306692
150 mg 6 mL 30 N9306662 150 mg 6 mL 30 N9306682
200 mg 6 mL 30 N9306663 200 mg 6 mL 30 N9306683
200 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306673 200 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306693
500 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306674 500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306684
500 mg 6 mL 30 N9306664 500 mg 15 mL 20 N9306685
500 mg 15 mL 20 N9306665 500 mg 6 mL* 30 N9306694
1g 15 mL 20 N9306666 1g 15 mL 20 N9306686
30 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306668 30 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306688
60 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306669 60 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306689
100 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306670 100 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306690
200 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306671 200 mg 15 mL** 50 N9306691
1g 25 mL 20 N9306667 1g 25 mL 20 N9306687
* Glass columns
** LRC columns
Supra-Poly Columns
SPE products are available in a range of media weights, volumes and formats,
including easy to order selections and application packs.
• Contains macro-porous polymers with ultra-pure, pharmaceutical grade spherical particles
• Shorter analysis times, greater load capacity and reduced solvent usage
• Ideal for high throughput assays
Disposable Syringes
Designed for use with syringe filters, these disposable, sterile,
polypropylene syringes are for general-purpose applications.
Our package design features an airtight seal that's easy to open.
Upon removing, the syringes can be autoclaved effortlessly.
Step 1: Extraction
Step 2: Clean-Up
Method Vol. Qty. MgSO4 Na Acetate Na Citrate Na Citrate NaCl Part No. Empty Tube Powder Pack Powder Pack
Sesquihydrate Part No. (pkg. 50) (pkg. 500)
Part No. Part No.
Extraction Kits
AOAC 2007.01 50 mL 50 6g 1.5 g N9306900 N9306935 N9306936 N9306939
EN 15662 50 mL 50 4g 1g 0.5 g 1g N9306901 N9306935 N9306937 N9306940
Original 50 mL 50 4g 1g N9306902 N9306935 N9306938 N9306941
Description Vol. Qty. MgSO4 *
Part No.
AOAC 2007.01 Clean-Up Kits
Fruit and Vegetables 2 mL 100 150 mg 50 mg N9306908
Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 1200 mg 400 mg N9306909
Fruit and Vegetables with Fats and Waxes 2 mL 100 150 mg 50 mg 50 mg N9306910
Waxed Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 1200 mg 400 mg 400 mg N9306911
Pigmented Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 1200 mg 400 mg 400 mg N9306912
Fruit and Vegetables with Pigments and Fats 2 mL 100 150 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg N9306913
Fruit and Vegetables with Pigments and Fats 15 mL 50 1200 mg 400 mg 400 mg 400 mg N9306914
EN 15662 Clean-Up Kits
Fruit and Vegetables 2 mL 100 150 mg 25 mg N9306920
Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 900 mg 150 mg N9306921
Fruit and Vegetables with Fats and Waxes 2 mL 100 150 mg 25 mg 25 mg N9306922
Waxed Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 900 mg 150 mg 150 mg N9306923
Pigmented Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 900 mg 150 mg 15 mg N9306924
Pigmented Fruit and Vegetables 2 mL 100 150 mg 25 mg 2.5 mg N9306925
High Pigmented Fruit and Vegetables 2 mL 100 150 mg 25 mg 7.5 mg N9306926
High Pigmented Fruit and Vegetables 15 mL 50 900 mg 150 mg 45 mg N9306927
Description Method Vol. Qty. MgSO4 *
PSA **
C18 ***
PGC ****
Part No.
Clean-up Kit
Clean-up Kit Original 15 mL 50 900 mg 300 mg 150 mg N9306933
MgSO4 removes excess water.
PSA removes sugars, fatty acids, organic acids, and anthocyanine pigments.
C18 removes nonpolar interferences.
PGC (carbon) removes pigments, sterols, and nonpolar interferences.
Select our superior premium 17 and 30 mm filters which are Compatible with a wide range of mild organic solutions. PVDF
suitable for coarse/crude samples or higher detection limit membranes are not recommended for use with acetone, DMF,
applications (such as food, beverage, or environmental analysis) DMSO, or bases >6N.
and our 4, 13 and 25 mm syringe filters are ideal for routine Size Pkg. Color 0.22 µm Particle 0.45 µm Particle
QA/QC analysis. (mm) Part No. Part No.
4 200 Clear 02542913 02542914
17 100 Yellow 02542881 02542880 Size Pkg. Color 0.22 µm Particle 0.45 µm Particle
(mm) Part No. Part No.
25 100 Purple 02542904 02542905
4 200 Clear 02542922 02542923
30 100 Yellow 02542883 02542882
13 100 Red 02542924 02542925
25 100 Red 02542926 02542927
30 100 Red 02542928 02542929
2. Choose a color.
If your sample is sensitive to light you may
want to consider an amber vial.
3. Choose a material. Diameter
Vials are available in both glass and polypropylene.
For biological applications polypropylene vials are recommended.
2 mL Autosampler Vials
Manufactured from the same high quality Type 1 Class A borosilicate glass as our standard 2 mL vials, these high recovery vials provide
efficient handling of a range sample volumes from 30 µL to 1.5 mL, with the convenience of a single vial format.
Neck ID Size (mm) Vial Top Type Vial Description Pkg. Part No.
9 Screw Clear glass 100 N2926202
11 Snap Clear glass 100 N2926201
11 Crimp Clear glass 100 N2926200
For easy liquid sampling, try our glass vials with fused sample inserts; a variety of volumes are available in either clear or amber glass.
They are ideal when handling micro volume samples.
Neck ID size (mm) Capacity Vial Top Type Vial Description Pkg. Part No.
9 300 µL Screw Clear glass 100 N9300715
9 300 µL Screw Amber glass 100 N9300716
11 300 µL Crimp Clear glass 100 N9300709
11 300 µL Snap Clear glass 100 N9300711
11 300 µL Crimp Amber glass 100 N9300710
11 300 µL Snap Amber glass 100 N9300712
Our vial inserts are made from the same Type 1 borosilicate glass as our vials and can be used for maximum sample extraction when
handling micro volumes. Extend the usability of your standard 2 mL vials with the addition of a micro volume insert. Simply select the
vial insert that matches with the neck ID of your vial.
Insert Capacity Insert Dimension (mm) Fits Vial Neck ID (mm) Qty. Part No.
250 µL 6 x 29 spring bottom 9, 10 or 11 100 N9300703
400 µL 6 x 31 flat bottom 9, 10 or 11 100 N9300704
Headspace Vials
We offer a variety of GC headspace vials, caps and
septa to fulfil your application needs. Our patented vial
and cap design incorporates pressure-relief features
which guarantee safe operation with the high pressure
typically developed during thermostatting. Ordinary
vials and caps without these safety features may burst.
All of our headspace vials have a greater wall thickness
and round base which enables them to withstand
pressure up to 60 psig. Low-volume sampling can
be achieved by using a 6 mL vial and vial adapter.
All PerkinElmer headspace vials are manufactured
to specific tolerances that are guaranteed for fit
and performance.
10 mL 21.75 x 46 Clear glass vial (requires Part No. N6120111 for use) 100 N6356478
10 mL – Low volume adapter for 10 mL vial (Part No. N6356478) 10 N6120111
20 mL 23 x 75.5 Clear glass vial (no logo) 1000 N9306216
20 mL 23 x 75.5 Clear glass vial with ‘P’ logo 100 N9306079
20 mL 23 x 75.5 Clear glass vial, with ‘P’ logo 1000 B0104236
20 mL 23 x 75.5 Clear glass vial with write on patch and fill lines 100 N9303349
20 mL 23 x 75.5 Clear glass vial with write on patch and fill lines 1000 N9303348
Septa Type Closure Magnetic Caps (Pre-Assembled) Part No. Pkg. 100
PTFE/Silicone (red) Screw Steel Magnetic Cap N6356474
PTFE/Silicone (blue/white) 0.060 in. thick Screw Steel Magnetic Cap N6356476
PTFE/Silicone (white) Screw Steel Magnetic Cap N9306077
PTFE/Silicone (blue) Crimp Steel Magnetic Cap N6356559
PTFE/Silicone (blue) Screw Steel Magnetic Cap N6356475
PTFE/Silicone (blue) Crimp Bi-Metal Magnetic Cap N6356566
Ultra Low Bleed PTFE/Silicone (blue/white) 1.5 mm thick Crimp Bi-Metal Cap N9304181
Ultra Low Bleed PTFE/Silicone (blue/white) 1.5 mm thick Screw Aluminium Magnetic Cap N9304175
Ultra Low Bleed PTFE/Silicone (red/white) 1.3 mm thick Screw Aluminium Magnetic Cap N9304177
Ultra Low Bleed PTFE/Silicone (white/blue) 1.3 mm thick Screw Aluminium Magnetic Cap N9304179
Crimp Top
Septa Type Cap Type Vial Type Part No. Pkg. 100 Part No. Pkg. 1000
PTFE/Silicone (white) Aluminum Cap, Star Spring and Septa 20 mL Crimp Top Clear Glass with Write on Patch and Fill Lines N9303992
(Radius Bottom)
PTFE/Silicone (white) Aluminum, Skived Pressure Relief 20 mL Crimp Top Clear Glass with Write-on Patch and Fill Lines N9300902
(ultra bleed) (Flat Bottom)
PTFE/Silicone (white) Aluminum, Skived 20 mL Crimp Top Clear Glass with Write-on Patch and Fill Lines N9300903
(non pressure release) (Flat Bottom)
Screw Top
Septa Type Cap Type Vial Type Part No. Pkg. 72
PTFE/Silicone Open Top Gray Polypropylene Screw Cap 40 mL Screw Top Clear Glass (24 mm x 98 mm) N6352030
PTFE/Silicone Open Top Gray Polypropylene Screw Cap 40 mL Screw Top Amber Glass (24 mm x 98 mm) N6352031
PTFE/Silicone – – N6352032*
– Open Top Gray Polypropylene Screw Cap – N6352033*
* N6352032 and N6352033 are only available in pkg. 72. N6352032 is septa only. N6352033 is cap only.
NewGuard Cartridges 57
Brownlee Spheri Columns
Quasar HPLC and UHPLC Columns 37 The Brownlee Spheri line of columns is based on a small-pore
(80 A) silica-based sorbent (5 µm and 10 µm) optimized for
Quasar C18 Method Validation Kits 45 separating small molecules.
LC Instruments
Flexar™ Liquid HPLC and UHPLC QSight® LC/MS/MS QSight® LX50 Solvent
Our rugged, reliable Flexar HPLC system A versatile triple quad LC/MS/MS Delivery Module
provides robust, trouble free-operation instrument with the accuracy, sensitivity The QSight LX50 UHPLC system, paired
and is perfect for routine analyzes, while and repeatability needed to ensure with the industry’s most flexible mass
the Flexar UHPLC gives you the highest compliance. QSight includes StayClean™ spectrometer, delivers all the sensitivity
sensitivity and resolution, with faster technology, Laminar Flow Ion Guide™ and and specificity you need for a wide range
results for more demanding applications. dual source ESI and APCI modes allow you applications. Featuring a high precision
to be more productive, with 15% more autosampler, advanced UHPLC solvent
uptime and virtually no maintenance. delivery module and a flexible column
Applications: temperature module, the QSight LX50
UHPLC delivers the performance required
• Routine analysis
Applications: for even the most demanding analyzes.
• Quality testing of raw materials
• Testing for Pesticide Residues
• Determine fraud/adulteration
of products • Analyzing for Mycotoxins Applications:
• Ensure lot-to-lot consistency • Detecting Veterinary Drug Residues
• Ideal for critical analyzes such as
• Research-based analysis for • Detecting Acrylamide pesticide residues and nutritional
new products • Testing for Hormones component analyzes
CN AMINO HILIC C8 Below is a useful guide for the application of C18, AQ and HILIC
• Polar end column phases in the analysis of polar compounds.
C18 phase
• Alternative • 100% H2O
selectivity C18/PFP C18 AQ Poly- Amino acids/ low to Lipids
compatible saccharides peptides medium polar Liposolubles
• High • More components vitamins
resolution retention
for polar Hydrophilic analytes Hydrophobic analytes
RP compounds
PFP Phenyl Amide AQ Plus
Choice in RP bonded phase chemistries for HPLC analysis. Application of C18, AQ and HILIC phases in the analysis of polar compounds.
* Maximum pressure 9,000 psi for all columns. All particle sizes are 2.7 µm. **Not end-capped. All others end-capped.
L3 L19
Porous silica particles, 1.5 to 10 µm in diameter, or a monolithic Strong cation-exchange resin consisting of sulfonated cross-linked
silica rod. styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in the calcium form,
Brand Particle Size (µm)
5 to 15 µm in diameter.
Brownlee SPP HILIC 2.6 Brand Particle Size (µm)
Quasar Silica 3, 5 Polypore® CA 10
Quasar SPP HILIC 2.6, 5
L7 Dihydroxypropane groups chemically bonded to porous silica
Octylsilane chemically bonded to totally or superficially porous silica particles, 3 to 10 µm in diameter.
particles, 1.5 to 10 µm in diameter, or a monolithic silica rod.
Brand Particle Size (µm)
Brand Particle Size (µm)
Quasar HILIC 1.7, 3, 5
Aquapore RP 300 (C8) 7
Brownlee SPP C8 2.7
Pecosphere RA C8 3, 5
Pentafluorophenyl groups chemically bonded to silica particles by
Spheri RP8 5, 10
a propyl spacer, 1.5 to 10 µm in diameter.
Quasar C8 1.7, 3, 5
Brand Particle Size (µm)
L8 Quasar SPP PFP 2.6, 5
An essentially monomolecular layer of aminopropylsilane
chemically bonded to totally porous silica gel support, L60
1.5 to 10 µm in diameter, or a monolithic silica rod. Spherical, porus silica 10 µm or less in diameter, the surface of
Brand Particle Size (µm) which has been covalently modified with alkyl amide groups and
Spheri Amino 5 endcapped.
Quasar Amino 3, 5 Brand Particle Size (µm)
Brownlee SPP RP Amide 2.7
Nitrile groups chemically bonded to porous silica particles, Quasar SPP RP Amide 2.6, 5
Material Characteristics
Brand Phase Particle Size (um) Pore Size (Å) Carbon % End Cap pH Stability USP Code
Quasar C18 1.7, 3, 5 100 17 Yes 1-10 L1
Quasar C8 1.7, 3, 5 100 13 Yes 1-10 L7
Quasar AQ 1.7, 3, 5 100 18 Yes 2-9 L1
Quasar AQ Plus 1.7, 3, 5 100 18 Yes 2-9 L1
Quasar HILIC 1.7, 3, 5 100 4 Yes 2-8 L20
Quasar Biphenyl 1.7, 3, 5 100 13 Yes 2-8 L11
Quasar Cyano 3, 5 100 7 Yes 2-9 L10
Quasar Amino 3, 5 100 5 TBC 2-8 L8
Quasar Silica 3, 5 100 - No 2-8 L3
Guard Cartridges
Guard vs. No Guard Quasar.
Quasar guard cartridges help to
protect your analytical column
from strongly bound sample
components, prolonging column
lifetime. Directly coupled to
the analytical column, there is
no loss in separation efficiency.
Available in all phase chemistries
that come in a convenient
• Workhorse HPLC and UHPLC phase for RP small molecule analysis
• Basic, neutral, and acidic analytes
Quasar C8 100 4.6 1.7 N9308892 Quasar BiPhenyl 100 3 1.7 N9308875
Peak Identification
1. Cefadroxil
2. Cefaclor
3. Cefalexin
4. Cefradine
Quasar AQ
HPLC analysis of Prednisolone, Prednisone and Cortisone
The drive for improved retention of polar compounds without steroids A) on a Quasar C18 column, 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm
the addition of additives led to the development of “AQ” type B) on a Quasar AQ column,150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm.
phases. There are two general approaches to the bonded phase
chemistry of AQ columns; to either employ a polar or hydrophilic Peak Identification
endcapping or embed a polar entity, such as an amide, within the 1. Prednisolone
alkyl chain. 2. Prednisone
3. Cortisone
The Quasar AQ phase has a polar endcap, improving the
retention of polar compounds, under reverse phase HPLC
A 2. B 1.
conditions, without the addition of ion pair reagents. The graphs
(right) illustrate the difference in chromatography between the
C18 and AQ bonded phases for the separation of steroids.
Applications 1. 3. 3.
Quasar AQ Plus
HPLC Analysis of Resorcinols and Catechols
The Quasar AQ Plus phase, with its proprietary end capping A) on a Quasar C18 (150 x 4.6 mm, 5μm),
and bonding, offers increased retention of polar compounds B) on a Quasar AQ Plus (150 x 4.6 mm, 5μm).
and provides alternative selectivity for method development.
It provides resolution of analyte species which standard C18 Peak Identification
stationary phases may struggle to resolve. 1. Resorcinol
2. 2-methyl resorcinol
Applications 3. Catechol
4. 4-methyl catechol
• Increased retention for polar compounds 5. 4-nitro catechol
6. 3-methyl catechol
• Improved separations with polar, acidic, basic and phenolic
Quasar Silica
The Quasar silica phase is based on an ultra-high purity silica
Quasar C18 Method
which makes it an ideal choice for normal phase separation of
polar compounds. Especially those that exhibit a poor peak shape Validation Kits
on more acidic traditional type A silicas. We recognize your need for 3 different batches of material
when validating a method, to ensure reproducibility. We have
Applications made that easy for you, by providing method validation kits.
• Traditionally used for NP applications Conveniently order a single part number to ensure 3 different
• Can be used in the HILIC mode lots of phase.
Quasar Amino
The Quasar amino phase is based on an ultra-high purity
silica which makes it an ideal choice for both reverse and normal
phase separations and analysis of compounds with weak ion
exchange capacity. Method Validation Kit
• Sugars, Carbohydrates, Vitamins Phase Length ID μm Part No.
(mm) (mm)
Quasar C18 250 4.6 5 N9300940
Phase Length ID μm Part No.
(mm) (mm) Quasar C18 150 4.6 5 N9300941
Quasar Amino 250 4.6 5 N9304400 Quasar SPP C18 150 4.6 2.6 N9300942
Quasar Amino 150 4.6 5 N9304401 Quasar SPP C18 100 3 2.6 N9300943
Material Characteristics
Brand Phase Particle Size (μm) Pore Size (Å) Carbon % End Cap pH Stability USP Code
Quasar SPP C18 2.6, 5 80 10% Yes 1-9 L1
Quasar SPP C18/PFP 2.6, 5 80 8% Yes 2-9 L1
Quasar SPP HILIC 2.6, 5 80 - No 2-8 L20
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 2.6, 5 80 7% Yes 2-9 L11
Quasar SPP RP Amide 2.6, 5 80 9% Yes 2-9 L60
Quasar SPP PFP 2.6, 5 80 6% Yes 2-9 L43
Peak Identification
1. Uracil
2. Dimethyl phthalate
3. Toluene
4. Biphenyl
5. Phenanthrene
pH range for method development. Quasar SPP C18 50 4.6 2.6 N9308912
Quasar SPP C18 150 3 2.6 N9308913
We recognize the need for three different batches of material
Quasar SPP C18 100 3 2.6 N9308914
when validating a method, to ensure reproducibility. Method
validation kits ensure three different lots of phase, conveniently Quasar SPP C18 50 3 2.6 N9308915
ordered under a single part number. Quasar SPP C18 150 2.1 2.6 N9308916
Quasar SPP C18 100 2.1 2.6 N9308917
Applications Quasar SPP C18 50 2.1 2.6 N9308918
• Workhorse phase for small molecule analysis Quasar SPP C18 250 4.6 5 N9308955
• Basic, neutral and acidic analytes Quasar SPP C18 150 4.6 5 N9308956
Quasar SPP C18 100 4.6 5 N9308957
• Pesticides, antibiotics
Quasar SPP C18 50 4.6 5 N9308958
Quasar SPP C18 10 3 2.6 N9308992
Guard Cartridge
HPLC Analysis of Fluconazole (in accordance with USP) using (3/pack)
A) Quasar C18 (150 x 4.6 mm, 3 µm), Quasar SPP C18 10 3 5 N9308993
Guard Cartridge
B) Quasar SPP C18 (150 x 4.6mm, 2.6 μm). (3/pack)
Quasar Guard - - - N9306876
Cartridge Holder
Peak Identification
1. Valerophenone
2. Ibuprofen
analytes of ion chromatography yield the basis of HILIC. Quasar SPP HILIC 50 4.6 2.6 N9308921
Quasar SPP HILIC 150 3 2.6 N9308922
Quasar SPP HILIC 100 3 2.6 N9308923
Quasar SPP HILIC 50 3 2.6 N9308924
Quasar SPP HILIC 150 2.1 2.6 N9308925
Quasar SPP HILIC 100 2.1 2.6 N9308926
Quasar SPP HILIC 50 2.1 2.6 N9308927
Quasar SPP HILIC 150 4.6 5 N9308960
Quasar SPP HILIC 100 4.6 5 N9308961
Quasar SPP HILIC 50 4.6 5 N9308962
Quasar SPP HILIC 10 3 2.6 N9308994
Guard Cartridge
Quasar SPP HILIC 10 3 5 N9308995
Guard Cartridge
HILIC a hybrid of analytical techniques Quasar Guard - - - N9306876
Cartridge Holder
The mechanism of separation has been the subject of much
discussion in the literature however it is generally agreed that
a water-rich layer forms on the surface of the polar stationary
phase vs. the water-deficient mobile phase, creating liquid/
liquid partitioning. However, the separation mechanism is
more complex than partitioning alone, with dipole-dipole and
electrostatic interactions also contributing to retention. The
more polar compounds will have a stronger interaction with the
stationary aqueous layer and are therefore retained longer than
the less polar compounds. The elution order opposite to that
observed in reverse phase HPLC.
Any polar chromatographic surface can be used for HILIC
separations. Typical HILIC stationary phases consist of classical
bare silica or silica modified with polar functional groups. Based
on an ultra-high purity silica the Quasar SPP HILIC column is silica
phase, based on an ultra-high purity fused core silica.
Each Quasar column is individually tested and is supplied with its own
Applications unique test certificate.
Phase Length ID μm Part No. • Ideal method development starting point due to wide analyte
(mm) (mm) applicability with both hydrophobic and dipolar phase interactions
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 150 4.6 2.6 N9308937
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 100 4.6 2.6 N9308938 Phase Length ID μm Part No.
(mm) (mm)
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 50 4.6 2.6 N9308939
Quasar SPP RP Amide 150 4.6 2.6 N9308946
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 150 3 2.6 N9308940
Quasar SPP RP Amide 100 4.6 2.6 N9308947
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 100 3 2.6 N9308941
Quasar SPP RP Amide 50 4.6 2.6 N9308948
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 50 3 2.6 N9308942
Quasar SPP RP Amide 150 3 2.6 N9308949
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 150 2.1 2.6 N9308943
Quasar SPP RP Amide 100 3 2.6 N9308950
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 100 2.1 2.6 N9308944
Quasar SPP RP Amide 50 3 2.6 N9308951
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 50 2.1 2.6 N9308945
Quasar SPP RP Amide 150 2.1 2.6 N9308952
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 150 4.6 5 N9308968
Quasar SPP RP Amide 100 2.1 2.6 N9308953
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 100 4.6 5 N9308969
Quasar SPP RP Amide 50 2.1 2.6 N9308954
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 50 4.6 5 N9308970
Quasar SPP RP Amide 150 4.6 5 N9308972
Quasar SPP Biphenyl 10 3 2.6 N9308998
Guard Cartridge (3/pack) Quasar SPP RP Amide 100 4.6 5 N9308973
Material Characteristics
Phase* Particle Sizes (μm) Pore Size (Å) Carbon Load End Capping pH Stability Temp. Limit (°C) USP Code
AP RP-300 (C8) 7 300 5% Yes 2.5 – 8.0 60 L7
AP AX-300† 7 300 – – 2.0 – 8.0 60 L14
Material Characteristics
Phase Particle Sizes (μm) Pore Size (Å) Carbon Load End Capping Surface Area pH Stability Temp. Limit USP Code
(m2/g) (°C)
Aquapore ODS (C18) 20 300 10% Yes 100 2.5 – 8.0 60 L1
Material Characteristics
Phase* Particle Sizes (μm) Pore Size (Å) Carbon Load End Capping pH Stability Temp. Limit (°C) USP Code
Spheri-5, -10 RP-8 5.0, 10.0 80 6% Yes 2.5 – 8.0 60 L7
Spheri-5, -10 RP-18 5.0, 10.0 80 11% Yes 2.5 – 8.0 60 L1
Spheri-5 ODS 5 80 14% Yes 2.5 – 8.0 60 L1
Spheri-5 Cyano 5 80 4% No 2.5 – 8.0 60 L10
Spheri-5 Amino 5 80 3% No 2.5 – 8.0 60 L8
Phase* Length (mm) Particle Size (μm) Qty. 2.1 mm ID 4.6 mm ID Column Holder Column Holder
Part No. Part No. Code* w/o Guard Code* w/ Guard
Spheri-5 RP-8 100 5 1 07110004 07110003 07150014 07150016
220 5 1 07110006 07110005 07150015 07150017
Spheri-5 RP-18 100 5 1 07110016 07110015 07150014 07150016
220 5 1 07110018 07110017 07150015 07150017
Spheri-5 ODS 100 5 1 07110022 07110021 07150014 07150016
220 5 1 07110024 07110023 07150015 07150017
Spheri-5 Cyano 100 5 1 07110046 07110045 07150014 07150016
220 5 1 – 07110047 07150015 07150017
Spheri-5 Amino 220 5 1 – 07110041 07150015 07150017
Spheri 10 RP-8 30 5 2 – 07110121 07150013
220 5 1 – 07110119 07150015 07150017
Spheri 10 RP-18 30 5 2 – 07110115 07150013
Phase Particle Sizes (μm) Carbon Load End Capping USP Code Part No.
Spheri-5 RP-8 5 6% Yes L7 07120012
Spheri-5 RP-18 (monofunctional) 5 11% Yes L1 07120016
Spheri-10 RP-18 10 11% Yes L1 07120001
Spheri-5 C18 ODS (Polyfunctional) 5 14% Yes L1 07120019
Spheri-5 Silica 5 – – L3 07120023
Material Characteristics
Phase* Particle Sizes (μm) Pore Size (Å) Carbon Load Surface Area (M2/g) End Capping pH Stability USP Code
C18 3.0, 5.0 80 11% 170 Yes 2.0 – 8.0 L1
RA C8 3.0, 5.0 80 5% 200 Yes 2.0 – 8.0 L7
RA C18 3.0, 5.0 80 12% 200 Yes 2.0 – 8.0 L1
C18 Scavenger 10 80 11% 170 Yes 2.0 – 8.0 L1
Material Characteristics 2 8
Phase Particle Sizes Pore Size pH Stability Temp. Limit USP Code 3 4
(μm) (°C)
Polypore® H 10 Microporous 1 – 14 90 L17 5
Polypore CA
10 Microporous 1 – 14 90 L19
Brownlee Polypore cartridge columns are supplied in the MPLC
cartridge column format, requiring a separate MPLC holder to be
ordered, if not previously purchased.
0 10 20
Phase Length Particle Size Qty. 4.6 mm ID Column
(mm) (μm) Part No. Holder*
Polypore® H 30 10 2 07110085 07150013 Chromatographic Conditions
100 10 1 07110087 07150014 Column Detection Mobile Flow Sample Part No.
220 10 1 07110089 07150015 Phase Rate
Polypore® CA 30 10 2 07110091 07150013 Polypore H 210 nm 0.01 0.15 25 °C 07110089
(220 x 4.6 mm ID) NH2SO4 mL/min
100 10 1 07110093 07150014
220 10 1 07110095 07150015
* Maximum pressure 9,000 psi for all columns. All particle sizes are 2.7 µm.
**Not end-capped. All others end-capped.
150 N9308454 N9308459 N9308464 HPLC analysis of 6 furans using Brownlee SPP C8 100 x 2.1 mm,
2.7 µm. Chromatographic overlay of a standard run at 218 nm
C8 30 N9308419 N9308424 N9308430 (black) and 278 nm (blue).
50 N9308420 N9308425 N9308431
Peak Identification
75 N9308421 N9308426 N9308432 1. 5 -hydroxymethyl-2-furfural 4. 3-furfural
2. 2-furfuryl alcohol 5. 2-acetylfuran
100 N9308422 N9308427 N9308433 3. 2-furfural 6. 5-methyl-2-furfural
NewGuard Cartridges
NewGuard cartridges are small guard cartridges (15 mm x 3.2 mm ID)
packed with 5 or 7 µm sorbents. They help to prolong column Features and Benefits
life by eliminating particulates, contaminants, and strongly bound • Prolong column life by 2 to 5 times
sample components; acting as replaceable disposable heads of • Optimized dimensions to prevent loss of resolution
your analytical column. There is negligible loss of efficiency and • Easy coupling to MPLC cartridges or conventional columns
little effect on retention or resolution. NewGuards are available • Finger-tight seal to 7,000 psi using NewGuard holders
in a convenient 3-pack and can be coupled directly to any • Can be used for sample preconcentration
MPLC cartridge with a union (07150018), or any LC column using (connected to sample injection loop)
the stand alone holder (07150001).
* Requires holder (07150001). Note: Actual bed length of NewGuard is about 13 mm.
a) NewGuard cartridges directly coupled to a 220 mm MPLC cartridge (with union
07150018) b)connected externally to a 250 mm conventional column with a stand
alone holder (07150001).
MPLC holder for directly coupling a NewGuard and a 100 mm cartridge 07150016
MPLC holder for directly coupling a NewGuard and a 220 mm cartridge 07150017
For direct coupling of two cartridge holders or a NewGuard to any cartridge holder. (NewGuard end assembly required) 07150018
Includes 100 mm and 220 mm holder bodies, 2 end assemblies, 1 union and 1 NewGuard end assembly 07150025
Holder for a 33 mm fast LC Pecosphere cartridge. (Not for use with MPLC cartridges) 07150028
Holder for a 83 mm fast LC Pecosphere cartridge. (Not for use with MPLC cartridges) 07150029
QSight 67-70
Our extensive quality control and inspection process demands Photo Diode Array Detector Lamps
the very best quality sources. Choosing a PerkinElmer deuterium,
The Flexar Photo Diode Array Detector provides true UV/VIS
tungsten or xenon source provides outstanding ultraviolet and
detection and high resolution spectral data. The excellent
true visible performance.
signal-to-noise characteristics make it ideally suited for
low-volume or low concentration samples.
• Exceptional performance anywhere in the detector’s 190 – 700 nm Components Part No.
wavelength range
• Lamp changes are quick and easy due to a unique self-aligning Deuterium Lamp (PDA) N2925030
lamp mount
Deuterium Lamp (PDA Plus) 09290900
Tungsten Lamp N2922011
UV/VIS Detector Lamps
Description Part No. Fluorescence Detector Lamps
Flexar UV/VIS Detector Lamps The major benefit afforded by fluorescence detection is
Deuterium Lamp N2920149 the inherent high sensitivity of the technique coupled with
Tungsten Lamp N2920146 outstanding specificity. The Fluorescence Detector provides
signal to noise ratio of >700:1 from trace analysis using a
150 W xenon source.
Refractive Index Detector Lamps
The Flexar Refractive Index lamps, with its deflection-type design, Components Part No.
6 8
FX-15 FX-20
Description Stainless Steel Standard Stainless Steel Biocompatible Titanium
Part No. Part No. Part No.
1 Pump Head (Stainless Steel – pkg. 2, Titanium – each) †
N2911251 N2911244
2 Inlet/Outlet Check Valve Kit (1 inlet and 1 outlet) N2911220 N2911220 –
3 High Pressure Piston Seal * * *
4 High Pressure Piston Seal Backup Washer * * *
5 Self Flush Assembly w/ Seals N2911235 N2911235 N2911245
6 Self-Flush Check Valve Kit (1 inlet and 1 outlet) N2911236 N2911236 N2911236
7 Self-Flush Seal * * *
8 Piston N9308535 N9308535 N9308535
9 Check Valve Capsule (Stainless Steel – Each, Titanium – pkg. 4) N2911239 N2911239 N2911240
10 0.5 mm Tee Assembly Frit N2911224 N2911224 N2911241
11 Check Valve Capsule N2911239 N2911239 N2911240
* Seals sold in Kits only. See Preventive Maintenance and Seal Kits.
Replacement with FX-20 pump heads (N2911251) is recommended.
Flexar LC FX-10
Description Standard Stainless Steel Micropump Stainless Steel Biocompatible Titanium Micropump Stainless Steel
Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
1 Standard High Pressure Piston Seal 09907324 09923367† 09907338 09923367†
1 High Pressure Piston Seal – Chemically Resistant 09907345
2 High Pressure Piston with Seal Backup Ring 02542076 † †
3 High Pressure Piston Seal PTFE O-Ring 09902128 09902128 09902018 09902128
4 Low Pressure Piston Seal 09923366 09907339 09923366
5 Low Pressure Piston Seal Backup Guide Bushing 02542313 N2915006 N2915006
6 High Pressure Piston N2600124 N2910511 N2600124 N2910511
7 Low Pressure Piston N2600117 N2910512 N2600104 N2910512
8 Inlet Check Valve 02540177 02540177 N2600226 02540177
9 Intermediate Check Valve 02540177 02540177 N2600226 N2916052
10 Outlet check Valve 02540197 02540197 N2600192 02540154
Check Valves 2
8 9
Upgrade Kits
PEEK Sample Loop 100 µL N2936077
PEEK Sample Loop 250 µL N2936078
The unique design of the PerkinElmer Flexar Pump allows it to easily PEEK Sample Loop 500 µL N2936079
be upgraded for additional solvent capability right in your laboratory PEEK Sample Loop 1 mL N2936080
as your needs change. Installation of the kit by a PerkinElmer Service PEEK Sample Loop 2 mL N2936081
and Support is recommended, but not included. Contact your local PEEK Sample Loop 5 mL N2936082
PerkinElmer representative for more information.
Features and Benefits 80-Position 2 mL Vial plus (5) 6 mL Vial Tray (for derivatization) N2936046
80-Position 2 mL Vial Tray with Dilution Tray N2930676
• Injects sample volumes as little as 1 µL at pressures up to 18,000 psi
with the FX UHPLC Autosampler 96-Well Microtiter Adapter N9302562
• Loads sample in only 8 seconds (in partial fill mode) 96-Well ‘Deep-well’ Microtiter Adapter N9302560
96-Well 7 mm Pre-slit Silicone Plate Mat/Seal N9302555
• Three injection modes: full loop, partial fill and µL-pickup with no
sample waste and excellent reproducibility 96-Well ‘Deep’ Microtiter Plate Adaptor N2936048
(Supports Dual Microtiter Plates)
• Peltier cooling/heating mode option for operation at 4 °C to 40 °C.
96-Well ‘Shallow’ Microtiter Plate Adaptor N2936049
Will reach 4 °C ± 2 °C, achievable even at ambient temperatures
(Supports Dual Microtiter Plates)
up to 25 °C
384-Well Microtiter Adapter N2936050
100-Position 2 mL Vial Sample Tray N2936042
(200) 0.2 mL Microvial plus (5) 2 mL Vial Tray N2936043
250 µL Syringe Tip Replacements (pkg. 10) N2936003
Flexar/225 Biocompatible Upgrade Kit (w/ valve) N2930675
1⁄16 in. OD x 0.038 in. ID PTFE Tubing (AS Transfer Line) 02506495
QSight LX50 Precision Sampling Module QSight LX50 Solvent Delivery Module
Description Part No. Description Part No.
Valco Ferrule, 1/16" (pkg. 10) N2992100 Seal Replacement Tool N2991100
Valco Nut, 1/16" (pkg. 10) N2992101 Hastelloy Steel Tubing, 1/16" Pump-to-Pump N2991101
Sample Needle, Stainless Steel N2992102 Stainless Steel Tubing, 1/16" Valve-to-Purge Pump A N2991102
7 µL Sample Needle, PEEKsil N2992103 Stainless Steel Tubing, 1/16" Valve-to-Mixer N2991103
500 µL Tefzel Buffer Tubing N2992104 Stainless Steel Tubing, 1/16" Valve-to-Purge Pump B N2991104
200 µL Tefzel Buffer Tubing N2992105 Hastelloy Steel Tubing, 1/16" Pump A-to-Valve N2991105
QSight Valve Rotor Seal for UHPLC Injection Valve N2992107 Hastelloy Steel Tubing, 1/16" Pump B-to-Valve N2991106
Nut, 1/16" for Collapsible Ferrule N2992108 Piston Cartridge Replacement Kit N2991107
Collapsible Ferrule N2992109 Flangless Nut + Ferrule, Brown, 1/8" (pkg. 10) N2991108
100 µL Syringe with Metal Screw Connection N2992110 Flangless Nut+Ferrule, Black, 1/8" (pkg. 10) N2991109
250 µL Syringe with Metal Screw Connection N2992111 Flangless Nut+Ferrule, 1/16" (pkg. 10) N2991110
200 µL Stainless Steel Valco Loop N2936061 High Pressure Seal N2991111
10 µL Stainless Steel Valco Loop N2936057 Check Valve Cartridge, Single N2991112
20 µL Stainless Steel Valco Loop N2936058 Outlet Filter, 2 µm N2991113
50 µL Stainless Steel Valco Loop N2936059 PM Kit Pump, 120 Liters or Yearly N2991114
Peek One-Piece Hex-Head Nut N2992117 PM Kit Pump, 60 Liters N2991115
Two Plate Carrier Sample Tray N2992122 Inlet Check Valve Housing Assembly N2991120
Standard Vial Tray, 108 Positions N2992123 Outlet Check Valve Housing Assembly N2991121
Rotor Seal, Purge Valve 20.000psi N2991128
Lubrication Kit N2991136
Description Part No. Depth Width Height Height with Oil Enclosure Oil Tray
(in./cm) (in./cm) (in./cm) Tray (in./cm) Weight (lbs/kg) Weight (lbs/kg)
Noise Enclosure Including Dolly MZ321146 29.15/74 16.75/42.5 23.25/59 26.97/68.5 30.8/14 16.75/8
HC 24 g (as n-butane)
Description Specification Description Qty. Part No.
Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999 Ultra Clean 2 High Flow Hydrocarbon Filter Kit – Kit N9306840
1/4 in. Brass: Includes (1) 2 position high flow base
Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi) plate with 1/4 in. Brass inlet/outlet fittings,
Maximum Flow 20 L/min (2) High Flow Hydrocarbon Traps, and a 1/4 in.
Brass Particle Filter
Usable For Nitrogen
Ultra Clean 2 High Flow Hydrocarbon Filter Kit – Kit N9306841
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm 1/4 in. Stainless Steel: Includes (1) 2 position high
Weight 0.26 Kg flow base plate with 1/4 in. Stainless Steel inlet/outlet
fittings, (2) High Flow Hydrocarbon Traps, and a 1/4 in.
Estimated Lifetime 3 to 6 months Brass Particle Filter
Part No. N9306823
Base Plates Ultra Clean Base Plate Flush Cap Replacement Set
for LC/MS
Ultra Clean High Flow Base Plates for LC/MS
Series 200 EP Flow Cells Series 200/200a, 785A UV/VIS Detector Lamps
Deuterium Lamp N2920149
These flowcells provide the highest detection limits possible for Tungsten Lamp N2920146
your sample. The 6 mm pathlength flowcell has been optimized LC-295 UV/VIS Detector Lamps
for lower-dispersion LC analysis and is the perfect choice when Deuterium Lamp 02712266
using narrowbore, 2.1 mm or microbore, 1 mm columns.
The 3 mm pathlength is the choice for semiprep LC to avoid
Refractive Index Detector Lamps
detector saturation at high-solute concentrations.
The Flexar Series 200/200a Refractive Index lamps, with its
UV/Vis and PDA Flowcells and Assemblies deflection-type design, allows sensitive detection of these
compounds with low noise and drift characteristics.
Description Size Part No.
Flowcells for 785A and Series 200 UV/Vis Detectors Description Part No.
Flowcells for Series 275 PDA Detectors Refraction Index (RI) Lamp 02712273
Stator Face Assembly N9306047 N9306047
PEEK and Ceramic
Rheodyne™ 8125 Low-Dispersion
Stator PEEK N9306046
Stainless Steel Injection Valve 5
Stainless Steel Titanium N9306045
Ideal for use in an LC/MS system, the model 8125 is designed
for 1 and 2 mm microbore columns and can also be used with
conventional analytical (3 to 5 mm) columns. Small flow passages
produce low dispersion, maintaining the high mass sensitivity Knob assembly
Description Part No. Handle screw Handle
8125 Low-Dispersion Stainless Steel Injection Valve N9306021
Parker-Hannifin Nut and Ferrule Kit, 1⁄16 in. 00890945 Operation Kit 00890873
Includes: 6 Nuts and 6 Ferrules
Parker-Hannifin Zero-Dead-Volume Union with Nuts and Ferrules 09903289
Parker-Hannifin Medium-Stem Stainless Steel Nut N2916202
Rheodyne™ Ferrule, 1⁄16 in. 09904947
Rheodyne™ Nut, 1⁄16 in. Long Body 09904974
Rheodyne Nut, 1⁄16 in. Short Body
Rheodyne™ Nut and Ferrule Kit, 1⁄16 in. 02540274
Includes: 6 Ferrules, 3 Short Nuts and 3 Long Nuts
Tefzel Nut (for Reverse Ferrule), 1⁄8 in.* N2601189
Tefzel Nut, 1⁄16 in.* 09920381
Valco Ferrule 09903891
OptiTech Reusable Nut/Ferrule for UHPLC N9306301
(Fingertight to 15K psi)
OptiTech Ferrule Replacements for UHPLC (pkg. 10) N9306300
UHPLC 1⁄16 in. Reusable Fitting N9307800
* The Tefzel and Kel-F fittings above are only for low pressure use (under 400 psi).
Starter Kits
UHPLC – General Starter Kit HPLC – General Starter Kit
Description Part No. Description Part No.
UHPLC – General Starter Kit N2930801 HPLC – General Starter Kit N2930802
Elite-1 84
Elite-5 85
GC Column Cutter
Elite-17, Elite-35 86-87 PerkinElmer’s capillary column cutting tool
Elite-200, Elite-225 88-89 ensures you make a perfect cut of your GC
column, first time, every time. The rotating
Elite-624, Elite-1301 90-91 diamond blade with a built in magnifier to
verify a square cut, affords a precise clean
Elite-1701 92
cut of fused silica columns.
Elite-WAX, Elite-MWAX, Elite-WAX ETR 93-94
Elite-Carbon 104
GC Instruments
GC Capillary
Column Cutter
Use PerkinElmer’s capillary column cutting tool
to ensure a perfect cut of your GC column,
first time, every time. The rotating diamond
blade with a built in magnifier to verify a square
cut, affords a precise clean cut of fused silica
columns. Suitable for use with 0.25 mm ID to
0.53 mm ID tubing, (0.78 mm OD maximum).
PerkinElmer Phase Composition USP Agilent® Alltech® Machery-Nagel® Ohio Valley® Phenomenex® Quadrex® Restek® SGE® Supelco®
Elite-1, Elite-ms Dimethyl polysiloxane G1, G2, G38 HP-1, DB-1, CP-Sil 5 CB 007-1AT-1, EC-1 OPTIMA 1 OV-1 ZB-1 007-1 Rtx-1, Mtx-1 BP1 SPB-1
Elite-1ht Dimethyl polysiloxane G1, G2, G38 DB-1ht AT-1ht ZB-1HTinferno Rxi-1HT
Elite-1ms Dimethyl polysiloxane (low bleed) G1, G2, G38 HP-1, HP-1ms, HP-1msUI, DB-1, DB-1MS, DB-1msUI, Ultra-1, VF-1ms, AT-1ms OPTIMA 1 MS, OPTIMA ZB-1, ZB-1ms 007-1 Rxi-1ms BP-1 SPB-1, Equity-1
CP-Sil 5 CB 1 MS Accent
Elite-5 Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G27, G36 HP-5, DB-5, CP-Sil 8 CB EC-5, AT-5 OPTIMA 5 OV-5 ZB-5 007-5 Rtx-5 BP5 SPB-5
Elite-5ht Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G27, G36 DB-5ht, VF-5ht OPTIMA 5HT ZB-5HTinferno Rxi-5HT HT5
Elite-5ms 1,4-bis(dimethylsiloxy)phenylene dimethyl G27, G36 DB-5ms, DB-5msUI, VF-5ms, CP Sil 8 CB MS OPTIMA 5 MS Accent OV-5MS ZB-5msi 007-5MS Rxi-5Sil MS BPX5 SLB-5ms
Elite-5ms II Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G27, G36 HP-5, HP-5ms, DB-5, Ultra-2 OPTIMA 5, OPTIMA ZB-5, ZB-5ms Rxi-5ms BP5ms
5 MS
Elite-17 Phenyl methyl polysiloxane G3 DB-17, CP Sil 24 CB AT-50 OV-17 007-17 Rtx-50 SPB-50
Elite-17ht Phenyl methyl polysiloxane G3 DB-17ht
Elite-17ms Phenyl methyl polysiloxane G3 HP-50+, DB-17, DB-17ht, DB-608, CP Sil 24 CB OPTIMA 17 ZB-50 Rxi-17 SPB-17
Elite-17ms+ Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G3 DB-17ms, VF-17ms, CP-Sil 24 CB OPTIMA 17 MS ZB-50 Rxi-17Sil MS BPX50
Elite-35 Unique Phase G42 HP-35, DB-35, VF-35 AT-35, AT-35ms OV-35 ZB-35 007-35 Rtx-35 BPX35,BPX608 SPB-35,SPB-608
Elite-35ms Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G42 DB-35ms, DB35msUI OPTIMA 35 MS MR2 Rxi-35Sil MS BPX35
Elite-200 Unique Phase G6 DB-210, DB-200, VF-200ms AT-210 OPTIMA 210 Rtx-200
Elite-225 Trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane G7, G19 DB-225ms, CP Sil 43 CB AT-225 OPTIMA 225 OV-225 007-225 Rtx-225 BP225 SPB-225
Elite-624 Cyanopropylmethyl phenylmethyl polysiloxane G43 DB-1301, DB-624, VF-624ms, CP-1301 AT-624, AT-1301 OPTIMA 1301, OPTIMA OV-624 ZB-624 007-1301, 007-624 Rtx-624 BP624 SPB-624
Elite-624ms Cyanopropylphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G43 DB-624, VF-624ms, CP-Select 624 CB OPTIMA 624 LB ZB-624 Rxi-624Sil MS BP624
Elite-1301 Unique phase G43 DB-1301, DB-624, VF-1301ms, VF-624ms, CP-1301 AT-624, AT-1301 OPTIMA 1301, OPTIMA OV-1301 ZB-624 007-1301, 007-624 Rtx-624 BP624 SPB-624
Elite-1701 Cyanoprpylphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G46 DB-1701R, DB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB, VF-1701ms, VF-1701 Pesticides AT-1701 OPTIMA 1701 OV-1701 ZB-1701, ZB-1701P 007-1701 Rtx-1701 BP10 Equity-1701
Elite-WAX Cyanoprpylphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane G14, G15, G16, G20, DB-Wax, CP Wax 52 CB, VF WAX AT-WAXms, EC-WAX OPTIMA WAX Carbowax 20M ZB-Wax 007-CW Rtx-Wax BP20
Elite-WAX ETR Polyethylene glycol G14, G15, G16, G20, HP-INNOWax, CP Wax 52 CB, VF-WAX MS AT-WAX OPTIMA WAX plus ZB-WaxPLUS Stabilwax Supelcowax-10
Cross Reference Chart by Application
PerkinElmer Applications Agilent® Alltech® Machery-Nagel® Ohio Valley® Phenomenex® Quadrex® Restek® SGE® Supelco®
Elite-23 cis/trans FAMEs and Dioxins VF-23ms AT-Silar90 007-23 BPX70 SP-2330, SP-2331, SP-2380
Elite-502 Volatile analytes by EPA Method 502.2 DB-502.2 Rtx-502.2 VOCOL
Elite-608 Semivolatile pesticides by EPA Method 608 DB-608, HP-608 007-608 SPB-608
Elite-2560 cis/transFAMEs HP-88, CP Sil 88 Rt-2560 SPB-2560
Elite-Alumina PLOT Light hydrocarbons Alumina PLOT
Elite-BAC 1 Advantage Blood alcohol testing DB-ALC1 ZB-BAC1 Rtx-BAC Plus 1
Elite-BAC 2 Advantage Blood alcohol testing DB-ALC2 ZB-BAC2 Rtx-BAC Plus 2
Elite-CLPesticides Organochlorine pesticides by EPA Methods 504, 608, 8081, 8082, and CLP DB-CLP1 Rtx-CLPesticides
Elite-CLPesticides2 Organochlorine pesticides by EPA Methods 504, 608, 8081, 8082, and CLP DB-CLP2 Rtx-CLPesticides 2 Rtx-200
Elite-Cyclosil B Chiral separations
Elite-FFAP Free fatty acids HP-FFAP, DB-FFAP, AT-AquaWax DA, PERMABOND FFAP, OPTIMA OV-351 ZB-FFAP Stabilwax-DA BP-21 Nukol
Elite-Molesieve PLOT Permanent gases
Elite-PONA Detailed analysis of petroleum naphtha HP-PONA, DB-Petro, Rtx-DHA BP1PONA Petrocol DH
Elite-Carbon Permanent gases and light hydrocarbons
Elite-SimDist Simulated Distillation and Hydrocarbons – ASTM 2887 DB-2887, CP SimDist AT-2887 Rtx-2887 Petrocol 2887, Petrocol
Elite-THP Total petroleum hydrocarbons
Elite-VMS Volatiles Organic Pollutants by GC-MS for EPA Methods 8260,624,524 Unique Phase
Elite-VRX Volatile analytes by EPA Methods 502.2, 601, 602, 8010, 8020 DB-VRX
Elite-XLB Polychlorinated biphenyl analytes by EPA Methods 8082, 6008, PCB congeners DB-XLB, VF-XMS MR1, ZB-XLB Rxi-XLB
The Elite-1 100% dimethyl polysiloxane columns is a highly versatile, non-polar, cross-linked general purpose
phase that is rugged, exhibiting long column lifetime, low bleed, and high maximum operating temperatures.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -60 °C to 350 °C • Ideal for analysis of non-polar
petrochemical samples
• Equivalent to USP G1, G2, and G38 phases
• Also excellent for solvents, chemicals, flavors
& fragrances, air toxins and pesticides
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 12 m 20 m 25 m 50 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.05 0.05 -60 to 330/350 N9316056
0.20 -60 to 330/350 N9316057
0.10 0.10 -60 to 330/350 N9316058
0.40 -60 to 320/340 N9316061
0.18 0.18 -60 to 330/350 N9316001 N9316003
0.40 -60 to 320/340 N9316002 N9316004 N93160052
0.20 0.33 -60 to 330/350 N9316062 N9316063 N9316064
N9316021: Elite-1, 25M x 0.32 mm x 0.52 µm. 2
The length of N9316005 is 40 m.
The Elite-5 is a 5% diphenyl/95% dimethyl polysiloxane stationary phase. It is regarded as a general purpose, low polarity phase that
is the most popular GC stationary phase used for a wide variety of applications. A crosslinked phase in which all residual catalysts and
low molecular weight fragments have been removed providing a tight mono-modal distribution and extremely low bleed.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -60 °C to 350 °C • Drugs, pesticides and solvent impurities
• Equivalent to USP G27 and G36 phases • Hydrocarbons and PCBs
• Essential oils and semivolatiles
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.05 0.05 -60 to 325/350 N9316104
0.20 -60 to 325/350 N9316105
0.10 0.10 -60 to 330/350 N9316108
0.40 -60 to 320/340 N9316109
0.18 0.18 -60 to 330/350 N9316066 N9316068
0.4 -60 to 320/340 N9316067 N9316069 N93160712
0.20 0.33 -60 to 330/350 N9316110 1
N9316111 1
0.25 0.10 -60 to 330/350 N9316072 N9316075 N9316078
0.25 -60 to 330/350 N9316073 N9316076 N9316079
0.50 -60 to 330/350 N6107815
NEW 1.00 -60 to 320/340 N9316074 N9316077 N9316080
0.32 0.10 -60 to 330/350 N9316081 N9316085 N9316089
0.25 -60 to 330/350 N9316082 N9316086 N9316090
1.00 -60 to 320/340 N9316083 N9316087 N9316091
0.45 0.13 -60 to 340/350 N9316097
0.42 -60 to 310/330 N9316093 N9316096
1.27 -60 to 310/330 N9316092 N9316094
4.25 -60 to 260/280 N9316095
0.53 0.50 -60 to 310/330 N9316099 N9316102
1.50 -60 to 310/330 N9316098 N9316100 N9316103
5.00 -60 to 270/290 N9316101
The lengths of N9316110 and N9316111 are 12 m and 25 m respectively.
N9316071 use 40 m length column. Industrial
The Elite-17 columns are general purpose, mid-polarity, (50%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane phases and incorporates a crosslinking
technology for very low bleed and long column lifetimes.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 330 °C • Herbicides and pesticides
• Equivalent to USP G3 phase • Phthalate esters, sterols and rosin acids
ID df Temp Limits 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.05 0.05 40 to 280/300 N9316138
The Elite-35 columns are general purpose, mid-polarity columns that are coated with a crosslinked, (35%-diphenyl)-dimethylpolysiloxane
commonly used for organochlorine pesticides, PDB congeners. It is a popular confirmation column for pesticides and herbicides, in
conjunction with an Elite-5 or Elite-1701. The higher phenyl content results in useful elution order and retention time changes.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 300/320 °C • Pesticides and herbicides
• Equivalent to USP G42 phase • Pharmaceuticals, sterols, rosin acids and
phthalate esters
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
0.25 0.15 40 to 300/320 N9316144
Elite-200 columns are comprised of a (trifluoropropyl)-methylpolysiloxane stationary phase that has a unique selectivity which changes
elution orders and resolves compounds that phenyl, cyano, or Carbowax® phase cannot. These columns have accomplished many
difficult separations not possible on any other bonded stationary phase. It offers exceptional thermal stability, low bleed, and superior
inertness – even for active compounds such as phenols, and with sensitive detectors such as ECDs, NPDs, and MSDs. It is often used for
the confirmation of phenols, nitrosamines, organochlorine pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and chlorophenoxy herbicides when
paired with an Elite-5 column.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 320/340 °C • Solvents, fluorocarbons, ketones and
• Equivalent to USP G6 phase
• Alcohols and drugs of abuse
• Chlorinated herbicides and pesticides
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.25 0.10 -20 to 320/340 N9316616 N9316617
The Elite-225 is a general purpose column for the analysis of FAMEs, carbohydrates, sterols and flavor compounds. The cyanopropyl-
containing Elite-225 phase is slightly less polar than bonded polyethylene glycol (PEG) phases, but it can be used for many of the same
applications. Improvements to the Elite-225 polymer have increased thermal stability, reduced bleed, and improved inertness. In other
similar columns, the Carbowax® deactivation layer is not fully compatible with the cyanopropyl siloxane polymer, which can cause
tailing of active compounds, and lower efficiency.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 220/240 °C • FAMEs and carbohydrates
• Equivalent to USP G7, G19 phases • Sterols and flavor compounds
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.05 0.05 45 to 220/240 N9316186
The Elite-624 column is a specially engineered, low to mid-polarity (6%-cyanopropylphenyl)-dimethylpolysiloxane phase. The unique
polarity of this phase makes it ideal for analyzing volatile organic pollutants and it is recommended in U.S. EPA methods. The Elite-624
phase produces greater than 90% resolution of the first six gases in EPA Methods 8260 and 524.2. This stationary phase is especially
well-suited for EPA Method 524.2 since it resolves 2-nitropropane from 1,1-dichloropropanone, which share quantification ion m/z 43
and must be separated chromatographically.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -20 °C to 240 °C • Volatile organic pollutants
• Equivalent to USP G43 phase • EPA methods 524.2 and 8260
ID df Temp Limits 20 m 25 m 30 m 60 m 75 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 1.00 -20 to 240 N9316200
Pharma Environmental
The Elite-1301 column is a general purpose low to mid-polarity phase commonly used for the analysis of residual solvents, alcohols,
oxygenates and volatile organic compounds. Our polymer is fully characterized to ensure long-term reproducibility, column-to-column
consistency, and low bleed – even with sensitive detectors such as ECD and MS.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -20 °C to 280 °C • Residual solvents, alcohols
• Equivalent to USP G43 phase • Oxygenates, VOCs
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 0.40 -20 to 280 N9316210 N9316211
The Elite-1701 has a stationary phase of (14%-cyanopropylphenyl)-methylpolysiloxane. It is regarded as a good general purpose
column for the analysis of alcohols, oxygenates, and pesticides. The mix of cyano and phenyl functional groups increases the polarity
and offers a different elution order relative to less polar Elite-1 or Elite-5 columns. An Elite-1701 column is ideal for confirmation
analysis in combination with an Elite-35 or Elite-5 column. The polymer is fully characterized to ensure long-term reproducibility,
column-to-column consistency, and low bleed – even with sensitive detectors such as ECD and MS.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -20 °C to 280 °C • Alcohols, oxygenates
• Equivalent to USP G46 phase • PCB congeners, pesticides
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.05 0.05 -20 to 280 N9316257
The Elite-WAX column, a Polar Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) stationary phase column, is a general purpose polar PEG phase commonly
used for the analysis of polar compounds like alkenols, glycols and aldehydes. The operating temperature range up to 250 °C facilitates
the analysis of compounds that have a wide volatility range. Selectivity of the Elite-WAX is comparable to other Carbowax® columns for
compounds of intermediate to high polarity.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 20 °C to 250 °C • FAMEs, Glycols
• Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20 • Alkenols, aldehydes, solvents
and G39 phases
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.25 0.15 20 to 250 N9316399 N9316402 N9316405
The Elite-WAX ETR (Extended Temperature Range) columns are manufactured with a special bonding process that binds the Carbowax®
polymer to the polar deactivated silica. This results in a low bleed WAX column that exhibits extended lifetimes even when repeatedly
heated to 250 °C. The bonding mechanism makes this column rugged enough to stand up to repeated water injections and allows
solvent washing to rejuvenate the column. The Elite-WAX ETR has a wide applicability including FAMEs, flavor compounds, acrolein/
acrylonitrile (EPA 603), oxygenated compounds, and impurities in water matrices.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 250 °C • FAMEs, flavor compounds, essential oils
• Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20 • Solvents, aromatics, alcoholic beverages
and G39 phases • EPA method 603
ID df Temp Limits 5m 15 m 30 m 50 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.25 0.25 40 to 250 N9316547 N9316549 N9316551
The Elite-1ms phase is a non-polar phase, (crosslinked dimethyl polysiloxane) designed to be robust for MS applications. With improved
thermal stability and ultra low bleed provides increased sensitivity. It is regarded as a good general-purpose columns for arson
accelerants, essential oils, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), sulfur compounds, amines and
solvent impurities.
Elite-1ms Structure
Features Applications
• Temperature range: -60 °C to 330/350 °C. • Ideal for analysis of non polar petrochemical
• Equivalent to USP G1, G2, and G38 phases
• Also excellent for solvents, chemicals, flavors
& fragrances, air toxins and pesticides
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 20 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 0.18 -60 to 330/350 N9305635
The Elite-5ms phase incorporates a phenyl group in the polymer backbone to improve thermal stability, reduce bleed and make
the phase less prone to oxidation. This results in a phase that is inert to active compounds with extremely low bleed to meet the
requirements of sensitive MS detectors. It is a general purpose column ideal for GC/MS analysis of semivolatiles, PAHs, chlorinated
hydrocarbons, phthalates, phenols, amines, organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides, drugs and solvent impurities.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -60 °C to 350 °C • Drugs, pesticides and solvent impurities
• Similar to USP G27 and G36 phases • Hydrocarbons and PCBs
• Essential oils and semivolatiles
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 0.18 -60 to 325/340 N93162761 N93162771
The lengths of N9316276 and N9316277 are 20 m and 40 m, respectively.
The lengths of N9316301, N9316302 and N9316303 are 12 m, 25 m and 50 m, respectively.
The length of N9316291 is 25 m.
The Qualitative Characterization of Fruit Juice Flavor using a The Preparation and Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic
TurboMatrix Hs Trap and a Clarus SQ 8 GC/MS. Hydrocarbons in Meat by GC/MS.
The Elite-17ms columns are general purpose, mid-polarity columns that are coated with a crosslinked, (50%-diphenyl)-dimethylpolysiloxane
engineered for very low bleed to meet the requirements of sensitive MS detectors.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 40 °C to 300/340 °C • Herbicides and pesticides
• Equivalent to USP G3 phase • Phthalate esters, sterols and rosin acids
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 1.411 40 to 300/340 N9316534
The Elite-35ms columns are general purpose, mid-polarity columns offering extremely low bleed at higher temperatures. They are
coated with a unique blend of linked dimethyl polysiloxanes and diphenyl polysiloxanes that are inert and selective for substituted polar
compounds, such as drugs, pestcides, herbicides, PCBs and phenyls, while maintaining a similar selectivity and polarity as traditional
Elite-35 phases.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: 50 °C to 340/ 360 °C • Pesticides and herbicides
• Equivalent to USP G42 phase • PCBs
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
0.25 0.25 50 to 340/360 N9305686 N9305687
The Elite-624ms incorporates a unique proprietary blend of cyanopropyl and methyl siloxanes that results in a very inert, extremely
low bleed and high thermal stability column. This column provides excellent peak shape for a wide range of compounds and is
highly selective for residual solvents making it a great choice for USP<467>. These columns are manufactured for column-to-column
reproducibility, so they are well suited for validated methods.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -20 °C to 240 °C • Residual solvents
• Similar to USP G43 phase • Suitable for USP 467
• Ideal choice for USP method 467
ID df Temp Limits 20 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 1.00 -20 to 240 N9315067
Elite-1ht Elite-17ht
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m ID df Temp Limits 30 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. (mm) (μm) (°C) Part No.
0.25 0.10 -60 to 380/400 N9316268 N9316269 0.25 0.15 40 to 300/320 N9316264
0.32 0.10 -60 to 380/400 N9316270 N9316271 0.32 0.15 40 to 300/320 N9316266
Elite-5ht Elite-SimDist ht
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m Application: High-temperature simulated distillation
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
Phase: Metal Column, 100% dimethylpolysiloxane, non-polar
0.25 0.10 -60 to 400 N9316272 N9316273
ID df Length Temp Limits 6m
0.32 0.10 -60 to 400 N9316274 N9316275
(mm) (μm) (m) (°C) Part No.
0.53 0.15 6 -60 to 400 N9316572
Clinical Clinical
2 1
RT Conc. RT Conc.
PEAKS (min) (µg/mL) PEAKS (min) (µg/mL)
1. Methanol 0.912 100 1. Acetaldehyde 0.809 100
2. Acetaldehyde 0.967 100 2. Methanol 0.861 100
3. Ethanol 1.158 100 3. Ethanol 1.034 100
4. Isopropanol 1.420 100 4. Acetone 1.119 100
5. Acetone 1.548 100 5. Isopropanol 1.181 100
6. tert-Butanol 1.688 50 6. tert-Butanol 1.304 50
7. 1-Propanol 1.969 50 4 7. 1-Propanol 1.658 50
5 • Baseline resolution
• Symmetrical peaks
• Run time under 2 min 5
3 4
3 6
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 GC_CF
ID df Temp Limits 10 m 30 m
Column Type (mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
Elite-BAC 1 Advantage 0.18 1.00 -20 to 240/260 N9315075
Elite-VMS columns offer lower bleed, better selectivity, and overall faster analysis for separating volatile organic compounds.
The stationary phase is a highly stable polymer that provides outstanding analysis of volatile compounds on MS detectors.
The 0.18 and 0.25 mm ID columns allow sample splitting at the injection port, eliminating the added expense and maintenance
of a jet separator. A 0.45 mm or 0.53 mm ID column can be directly connected to the purge-and-trap transfer line in a system
equipped with a jet separator.
ID df Temp Limits 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Features and Benefits
0.18 1.00 -40 to 240/260 N9316650 1
N9316651 1 • Temperature Range: -40 °C to 240/260 °C
0.25 1.40 -40 to 240/260 N9316652 N9316653 • No known equivalent phases
The Elite-XLB phase is a proprietary low-polarity, very inert and exceptionally low bleed column for GC/MS analysis of pesticides,
PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes) and PAHs. Improvements in polymer synthesis and tubing deactivation enable us to make inert,
stable Elite-XLB columns especially well-suited for analyzing active, high molecular weight compounds with sensitive GC-MS systems,
including ion trap detectors.
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.18 0.18 40 to 340/360 N93164801
The Elite-Volatiles stationary phase and optimized column dimensions provide low bleed, excellent resolution,
and fast analysis times for volatile organic pollutants.
Features Applications
• Temperature Range: -20 °C to 240 °C • Volatile organic pollutants
• Proprietary phase • Suitable for EPA Method 8021
• Ideal for EPA Method 8021
ID df Temp Limits 30 m 60 m 75 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. Part No.
0.25 1.40 -20 to 240 N9316388 N9316389
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m
Column Type (mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
Elite-CLPesticides 0.25 0.25 -60 to 320/340 N9316661 N9316662
Elite-Betecylodextrin: Elite-SimDist
Chiral Separations
Application: Simulated distillation
Phase: Specially processed dimethylpolysiloxane, non-polar
Application: General-purpose chiral, Chiral compounds
ID df Temp Limits 10 m
in essential oils (mm) (μm) (°C) Part No.
Application: Analysis of semivolatile pesticides by U.S. EPA
method 608
Phase: Phenyl methyl polysiloxane, mid-polarity
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 60 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No.
0.32 0.50 40 to 290/310 N9316191
Elite-TPH Elite-2330/Elite-23
Application: Analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons Application: Analysis of cis/trans isomers in FAMEs and dioxin
Phase: (5%-diphenyl)-dimethylpolysiloxane, low polarity isomers. Equivalent to USP G8 and G48
Phase: Biscyanopropyl cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane, highly polar
ID df Temp Limits 30 m
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. ID df Temp Limits 60 m Column
0.32 0.25 -10 to 320 N9316386 (mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Type
0.45 1.00 -10 to 290 N9316387 0.25 0.10 0 to 275 N6107813 Elite-2330
0.25 0.20 0 to 275 N6107814 Elite-2330
Elite-Carbon Columns
Elite-5 Amine For Volatiles in Hydrocarbon Streams
Application: Amines and other basic compounds including The Elite-Carbon columns offer rapid separation of permanent
alkylamines and di/triamines gas/light hydrocarbon mixtures; including carbon monoxide
ID df Temp Limits 15 m 30 m
and carbon dioxide without cryogenic cooling. They are
(mm) (μm) (°C) Part No. Part No. preconditioned and thus take less than 30 minutes to stabilize.
0.25 0.50 -60 to 300/315 N9316684 N9316673 They are used in conjunction with a molecular sieve column
1.00 -60 to 300/315 N9316674 N9316675 (Molecular sieve 5 Å, 50 m, 0.53 mm, 50 µm Part No. NR201108).
0.32 1.00 -60 to 300/315 N9316676 N9316677
ID Length Mesh Temp Limits
1.50 -60 to 290/305 N9316678 N9316679 (mm) (m) Size (°C) Part No.
0.53 1.00 -60 to 290/305 N9316680 1.0 1 100/120 Up to 300 N9303927
3.00 -60 to 280/295 N9316681 N9316682 1.0 2 100/120 Up to 300 N9303926
Elite-Alumina/Na2SO4 PLOT Adapter fits on injector and detector outlet (inside oven) for use
with 1/4 in. columns
Silanized Glass Wool (2 oz.) 03300905
ID Length Film Thickness Temp Limits
(mm) (m) (µm) (°C) Part No.
0.32 50 5 up to 200 N6107777
Wide-Bore Adapter Kit
Elite-Alumina PLOT
Contains all the parts necessary to
adapt to packed column injectors
quickly and easily for use with wide-
Phase for Analysis of Light Hydrocarbons bore capillary columns. Includes
ID Length Film Thickness Temp Limits 0–20 mL/min flow controller element,
(mm) (m) (µm) (°C) Part No. wide-bore adapter with 1/16 in. fitting, wide-bore glass liner and
0.53 30 6 -60 to 200 N9316304 column support hanger.
0.53 50 10 -60 to 200 N9316305
Description Part No.
Note: -60 °C is the lowest temperature used on this phase in our lab. Lower temperatures may be used depending on the sample.
0.53 Capillary Column Adapter Kit N6120001
Phase for Analysis of Light Gases and Hydrocarbons Polyimide Sealing Resin (5 g) N9301343
Undeactivated Presstight Column Connectors (pkg. 5) N9303962
ID Length Film Thickness Temp Limits
(mm) (m) (µm) (°C) Part No.
0.32 30 10 -60 to 250 N9316359
0.53 30 20 -60 to 250 N9316360
Note: -60 °C is the lowest temperature used on this phase in our lab. Lower temperatures may be used depending on the sample.
GC Inlet Septa
BTO (Orange)
Septa rated to 400 °C. The precision molded silicone rubber
septa BTO® (Bleed Temperature Optimized) are premium
ultra-low bleed injector septa for today’s most demanding
applications. The BTO septa are uniquely formulated to extend
ultra-low bleed characteristics and outstanding mechanical
properties. It retains remarkable softness, even at high
temperatures, and has been optimized to reduce injection port
Injector septa used in Gas Chromatography provide a critical role adhesion, with the addition of a non-stick coating. The pre-
in maintaining system isolation but allowing the sample to be pierced BTO septa also benefit from the CenterGuide design.
introduced onto the column in a Quantative manor. Since the They have a recess on the injection side to help guide the syringe
injector septa provide the seal between the inner workings of needle to the same point for every injection. The BTO septa are
the injector and the laboratory environment, it must have several recommended for GC/MS applications.
desirable characteristics. For best performance the septa should
be inert, low off-gassing of silicone oligomers, soft enough to Green
avoid bending the needle and reseal after injection and resistant
Septa rated to 350 °C. The advanced green septa were created
to coring by the syringe.
to combine significantly longer injection life, low bleed and low
We offer a range of inert septa, suited to different application injection port adhesion. These septa also benefit from also with
needs. The BTO (orange) septa offer the ultimate in inertness the non-stick coating and the CenterGuide design. The result is a
and are ideally suited to GC/MS applications and trace analysis. mid-range general purpose septum made of uniquely formulated
The mid-range advanced green septa combine low inlet adhesion silicone rubber you can use for all your daily analyzes.
properties with long lifetime and are recommended for
GC applications. The blue septa offer a high-performance Blue
cost-effective alternative, offering a good level of inertness
Septa rated to 275 °C. The blue septa are designed for routine
and are also recommended for GC applications.
applications. Employing a soft silicone rubber material and stay
clean surface, they are easy to penetrate without a recess. As the
Features and Benefits
blue septa used at lower operating temperatures the non-stick
• Select from a range of GC septa with varying properties limits coating is not required to prevent inlet adhesion. They offer a
• Non-stick coating ensures no adhesion of the septa to the GC inlet low level of inertness and for routine GC applications providing
• Pre-conditioned septa, ready to use optimum performance at lower operating temperatures.
• The CenterGuide design facilitates needle penetration to the same
point with every injection, for easy and rugged operation
• Pre-pierced BTO septa provide long autosampler injection life
• Stay clean surface does not attract dust
• Compatible with all GC instruments
Septa come packed in a glass jar, for high purity. Or select the
disc format where septa are located in individual pockets for ease
of selection and avoids any risk of cross contamination.
Glass Liner, Straight Through with Dimple at Bottom, no Wool 4 6.3 78.5 1 N6502040
Ultra Deactivated Single Low Pressure Drop Precision Liner 4 6.3 78.5 5 N6502032
with Wool
Ultra Deactivated Straight Inlet Liner with Wool 4 6.3 78.5 5 N6502036
for Split/Splitless Inlets
Ultra Deactivated Single Taper Inlet Liner with Wool 4 6.5 78.5 5 N6502035
for Splitless Inlets
Standard Ferrules
Standard Ferrules for use with detectors
PerkinElmer standard ferrules are used in for connecting – all Clarus models
columns to the detectors on all GC models. They are suitable
for use on the older Clarus capillary injectors (480, 580, 680 and Size For use with Ferrule ID Graphite Graphite/Vespel
Column ID (mm) (mm) Part No. Part No.
prior instruments).
1⁄16 in. ≤0.25 0.4 09920104
Short Ferrules for use with the Clarus 590/690
Capillary Injector
Size For use with Ferrule ID Graphite Graphite/Vespel
Column ID (mm) (mm) Part No. Part No. 1⁄16 in. 0.32 0.5 09903700 09920105
1⁄16 in. ≤0.25 0.4 09200785 09200685
Same graphite Part No. for 0.4 and 0.5 mm opening.
Syringes from PerkinElmer are individually inspected for accuracy 500 μL N9302253 N9302254
Marathon Filament
The Marathon Filament is a direct replacement of the previous Marathon Filament for PerkinElmer GC/MS Systems N6470012
SMARTsource with
Marathon Filament
for Clarus SQ 8
GC/MS Systems
Capable of both EI and CI ionization, the SMARTsource™
(Simplified Maintenance And Removal Technology) on the
Clarus® SQ 8 GC/MS has been designed for ultimate simplicity,
flexibility and productivity. Switching sources can be done in
a matter of seconds by simply twisting and pulling – no tools
required, no wires to disconnect. Cleaning the source is equally as
easy and can be performed by the user. So even if you’re running
tough matrices, you won’t be slowed down by time-consuming
expensive source cleanings and replacements.
6 7 8 9 10 11 14
1 2 3 4 5 12 13
Wide Range
Complete Capillary Injector Add-On Kits
Kit includes split/splitless injector in module with heater
*Not compatible with the FID detector on the Clarus 690 and 590 GCs.
Refer to the Clarus 590/690 consumables reference guide for more details.
FID Amplifier
Required for use with FID Detector Add-On Kit*.
* This is not required for the Clarus 590/690 FID add-on kits.
Description Part No. FID Base
Auto-Ignite Nozzle Replacement Tool N6103188
for removing nozzle from auto-ignite FID body
Auto-Ignite FID Catalytic Reactor Accessory* N6120161
Capillary Column Adapter for capillary column use N6120020 Catalyst
with the FID 1/8 to 1/16 in. detector adapter
Ceramic Column Cutter N9301376
Cotton Applicators N9301272
Detector Cover (White Color) N6103151
Eraser Brush-Pencil
Jet Assembly*
Jet Replacement Tool
Miscellaneous Accessories
1/4 in. nut driver for removing jet from auto-ignite FID body
External Ignite Nozzle Replacement Tool
Replacement Stainless Steel Glow Plug for Auto-ignite FID N6103089
Septa, low bleed (pkg. 50) N9302972 For removing nozzle from External Ignite FID body.
1/4 in. Packed Column Adapter 00080100
for use with 1/4 in. packed columns. Description Part No.
1/8 to 1/4 in. adapter fits both injector and detector ends External Ignite Nozzle Replacement Tool N6103188
*Not compatible with the FID detector on the Clarus 690 and 590 GCs.
Refer to the Clarus 590/690 consumables reference guide for more details.
Hydrogen Regulator Replacement Kit
*Not compatible with the FID detector on the Clarus 690 and 590 GCs.
Refer to the Clarus 590/690 consumables reference guide for more details.
2 1
Clarus 590/690
Split/Splitless Injector
Add-On Kits
All capillary add on kits need the charcoal trap kit
4 (Part No. N6550140) and the appropriate vent trap
connecting tube.
5 Configuration Part No.
6 Split Vent Trap Connecting Tube – 690, A Position N6552091
Split Vent Trap Connecting Tube – 690, B Position N6552092
Split Vent Trap Connecting Tube – 590, A Position N6552093
Split Vent Trap Connecting Tube – 590, B Position N6552094
Capillary Injector for Manual Pneumatics
13 Kit includes split/splitless injector in module with heater
and sensor, 0 – 60 psi pressure regulator, and transducer
GC/MS 590/690 Capillary for pressure readout. For manual gas control.
Ultra Deactivated Split/Splitless Liner, 4 mm, 5 1 09200624 Split/Splitless Injector Starter Kit for Manual Gas Control N6550101
with Wool
Graphite/Vespel Ferrules, 10 1 09200685
for 0.25 mm Columns
PerkinElmer Green Septa (50 pieces) 1 N6621028
Marathon Filament 1 N6470012
Aluminum Oxide Powder (3 oz.) 1 04190197
Catalytic Reactor Replacement Parts
Description Part No.
Catalyst N9302698
Jet Assembly (specific to methanizer/catalytic reactor) N6100194
FID Base
Auto-Ignite Nozzle Replacement Tool
Part No.
Miscellaneous Accessories
for removing nozzle from auto-ignite FID body
Auto-Ignite FID Catalytic Reactor Accessory* N6120161
Hydrogen Regulator Replacement Kit
(Manual Pneumatics)
Capillary Column Adapter for capillary column use N6120020
with the FID 1/8 to 1/16 in. detector adapter
Description Part No.
Ceramic Column Cutter N9301376
Hydrogen Regulator Replacement Kit N6100289
Cotton Applicators N9301272
Detector Cover (White Color) N6103151
Eraser Brush-Pencil 09923078
Hydrogen/Air Replacement Needle Valve
(Manual Pneumatics)
Jet Assembly (0.28 mm jet, fitted as standard) N6550080
Jet Assembly (0.71 mm jet) N6550083
Description Part No.
Jet Replacement Tool N6101297
Hydrogen/Air Replacement Needle Valve N6101412
1/4 in. nut driver for removing jet from auto-ignite FID body
Replacement Stainless Steel Glow Plug for Auto-ignite FID N6103089
1/4 in. Packed Column Adapter 00080100 FID Flow Measurement Adapter
for use with 1/4 in. packed columns.
1/8 to 1/4 in. adapter fits both injector and detector ends Description Part No.
FID Flow Measurement Adapter N6101345
Swafer Kits for Clarus GC Systems Swafer Kits and Accessories for
Existing Clarus GC Systems
Description Part No.
D-Swafer Complete Kit – for Clarus GC units only N6520273 Description Part No.
(for Clarus 680/580 GCs with PPC) Includes all required Micro-Channel Kit for Existing Clarus 680/600/580/500 GC N6520270
installation hardware user guides, and the D-Swafer with PPC. Includes all hardware required to install a Swafer.
S-Swafer Complete Kit – for Clarus GC units only (for Clarus N6520272 The Swafer and installation are not included and must be
680/580 GCs with PPC) Includes all required installation purchased separately
hardware, user guides, and the S-Swafer Micro-Channel Kit for Existing Clarus 680/600/580/500 GCs N6520271
with PreVent currently installed. If PreVent is already included in
the GC configuration, this hardware kit provides the additional
parts required to install a Swafer. The Swafer and installation
are not included and must be purchased separately
D-Swafer Dean’s Switch (Swafer only) N9306251
S-Swafer Splitter (Swafer only) N9306262
Column switching Make your GC more flexible by choosing which column should be used to chromatograph the injected sample D-Swafer
Heartcutting Cut your chromatogram and analyze the cut on a different column for a better separation D-Swafer
Polarity tuning Tweak the column polarity with serial column for difficult separations D-Swafer
Column selection Better utilize large and expensive detectors by choosing which of the two columns to monitor D-Swafer
Carrier-gas swapping Use a different carrier gas in the injector or sampling system from that used for the chromatography D-Swafer
Peak attenuation Analyze a wide dynamic range by diluting portions of your chromatography D-Swafer
Splitting Split your chromatography between up to four channels (detectors, sniffer ports, etc.) S-Swafer
Inlet selection Automate your inlet choices (headspace, thermal desorption, liquid autosampler, etc.) between injections D-Swafer
Injector maintenance or enhanced Enable injector septa or liner exchange while the system is still active Prevent solvent vapor from entering column and D-Swafer
large volume injection detector during injector purging S-Swafer
Heartcutting (D-Swafer) allows separation of selected peaks Swafer can be installed in any Clarus 580/500 or 680/600 GC
within a complex sample matrix. with programmable pneumatic control (PPC).
Transfer Lines
Description Tubing ID (mm) Length Part No.
Siltek Deactivated 0.25 5m N9316607
Headspace Sample Head Assembly Schematic Fused Silica
Siltek Deactivated 0.32 5m N9316608
Fused Silica
Miscellaneous Accessories
Description Part No.
Gas Chromatography – Theory and Practice, N1011210
9 Static Headspace Book by L. Ettre and B. Kolb
Cold Trap Options
Headspace Trap instruments only.
TurboMatrix HS Trap Cold Trap Tube (Carbopack C) N6200150
TurboMatrix HS Trap Air Monitoring Trap* M0413628
230 V* N6120137
1 3
Zero Dilution Liners
Used together as set.
POC Injector with Manual Flow Controller and Head
Pressure Gauge with Flow Readout on Screen
Kit includes all necessary hardware to install injector into
AutoSystem Series or Clarus Series.
FPD Spares for FPD Replacement Parts for AutoSystem Series GCs
Description Part No.
TCD Amplifier
TCD Amplifier
Part No.
N6120015 TCD/FID Series
TCD with PPC Add-On Kit Operation Kit
Kit includes: detector, heater, sensor, heater block, and TCD and FID series operation kit for directing effluent from
programmable pneumatic control for reference gas. Requires, a TCD to an FID.
but does not include, amplifier (N6120015). The TCD can only be
Description Part No.
installed in the rear detector position. The GC must be PPC ready.
TCD/FID Series Operation Kit N6120006
If not, a PPC upgrade kit (N6120146) is required. Installation by
PerkinElmer Service is required, but not included.
TCD Detector Makeup Gas Kit (Manual Pneumatics)
Voltage Part No.
For use with TCD (at low flow rates). Required when using
120 V N6120124
0.25 mm ID and recommended when using 0.32 mm ID capillary
230 V N6120125
columns. Kit includes 1 m of 1/16 in. tubing to connect to
gas supply, graphite/vespel ferrules, manual pneumatics, and
TCD with PPC Makeup Gas Kit installation instructions.
Includes parts required to add PPC controlled makeup gas to an Description Part No.
existing TCD. Includes tubing, tee-piece, PPC pneumatics module,
TCD Detector Makeup Gas Kit (Manual Pneumatics) N6120080
and PPC frit #4 (N6120155). Requires PPC capability
in the GC.
All Clarus GC Models programmable pneumatic control for makeup gas. Requires, but
does not include, ECD amplifier (N6120014). The AutoSystem
The ECD is a versatile, nondestructive detector which responds XL or Clarus GCs must be PPC ready. If not, a PPC upgrade kit
strongly to halogen-containing compounds as well as to certain (N6120146) is required. Installation by PerkinElmer Service is
other electron-capturing substances. The ECD’s high sensitivity required, but not included.
and selectivity make it an ideal choice for pesticide-residue Voltage Part No.
analysis and for detection of halogen-derivatized compounds. 120 V N6120122
The ECD has an independent temperature range of 230 V N6120123
100 – 450 °C. The detector contains thermal protection that
prevents heating the Ni63 source to temperatures beyond Vent Tube Assembly
safe operating limits. Two ECDs can be installed and operated Flexible tube to safely vent toxic sample effluent.
simultaneously on the AutoSystem Series and Clarus GCs.
Nitrogen or argon/methane is the required detector operating Description Part No.
gas. The base of the detector terminates in a 1/8 in. fitting. Vent Tube Assembly N6100161
NPD Amplifier
Required for use with NPD Add-On Kit. NPD Replacement Parts
Description Part No. Description Part No.
NPD Amplifier N6120094 Collector Head N6100253
Bead Assembly (pkg. 5) N6120093
NPD with PPC Add-On Kit Single pkg. N6120092
Kit includes: detector, heater, sensor, heater block, and Jet Assembly N6100038
programmable pneumatic control for detector combustion NPD Body N6100228
gases and two beads. Requires, but does not include, amplifier
(N6120094). The AutoSystem XL or Clarus GC must be PPC
ready. If not, the PPC upgrade kit (N6120146) is required.
Installation by PerkinElmer Service is required, but not included.
Voltage Part No.
120 V N6120126
230 V N6120127
Air In
Hydrogen In
Column Connector
PID with PPC Add-On Kit
Kit includes: detector, heater, sensor, heater block, and
programmable pneumatic control for makeup gas. Requires,
but does not include, amplifier (N6120061) and power supply
(N6120062). The GC must be PPC ready. If not, a PPC upgrade
kit (N6120146) is required. Installation by PerkinElmer Service is 1
Swagelok Fittings
The patented advanced-geometry back ferrule design provides a
leak-tight tube connection on all Swagelok™ stainless steel tube Features and Benefits
fittings, in sizes 1/4 to 1/2 in., and 6 to 12 mm. Leak-tight seals that • Ease of installation
will withstand high-pressure, vibration, vacuum and temperature • Back ferrule axially advances the front ferrule
changes depend upon close tolerances and consistent, exacting • Vibration fatigue resistance
quality control in conjunction with good design principles. Swagelok
• Wide variety of configurations
fittings from PerkinElmer are available in brass and stainless steel.
Swagelok™ Fittings
Product Qty. Size Brass Stainless Steel
Part No. Part No.
Bulkhead Adapter pkg. 1 1/4 in. to 1/4 in. tube N9301267
Conditioned Thermal
Thermal Desorber Starter Kit 139
Packed Traps
for PerkinElmer
Thermal Desorbers
Air Monitoring Trap
Low flow trap packed with carbonaceous sorbents suitable
for ozone precursor and air toxin monitoring.
Thermal Desorber
Industrial Hygiene
Application Kit
All your consumable needs in one convenient kit, designed
specifically for Industrial Hygiene using Thermal Desorption*.
Thermal Desorber
Cold Trap Tube (Tenax TA) 1 1 L4275089
Empty Glass Sample Tubes – No Caps 10 1 L4071594
Graphite Ferrule 2 1 L4271187
Features and Benefits * For full downloadable pdf format application notes,please visit:
** Applicable to TurboMatrix 100/150/300/350 and 650 only.
• All items available under one part number in a convenient kit
• Guaranteed PerkinElmer parts Thermal Desorber Caps and Accessories
• Improved chromatography with exceptional analytical performance Description Pkg. Part No.
using PerkinElmer parts
Brass Long-Term Storage Caps 1 09908851
Recommended for long-term storage, two required
per tube. Also requires PTFE Ferrule (L1003015)
Description Part No.
Combined PTFE Ferrule For use with ¼ in. Brass Long- 5 L1003015
Thermal Desorber Starter Kit N6100448 Term Storage Caps (09908851), two required per tube
Contents Pkg. Qty. Part No. Diffusion Caps – Standard For passive air sampling, 10 L4070207
to ensure correct diffusion path length
Glass Fiber Separator Disks 20 1 L4271290
Diffusion Caps with Membrane as above, with silicone 10 L4070208
Glass Sample Tubes 10 1 M0413598
membrane inserted
Glass Wool 1 1 54120790
Pen Clips For Stainless Steel Thermal Desorber Tubes 10 L4071029
Graphite Ferrules 2 1 L4271187
PFA PTFE Ferrules For TurboMatrix Storage End Caps 20 M0413625
O-Ring 5 1 L1003006
TurboMatrix Analytical Caps PTFE Caps with O-Ring, 20 N6200119
O-Ring, Viton 1 1 L1003008 Required for Use on the TurboMatrix Instrument
During Analysis
Packing Gauze 100 1 L4071034
PTFE Filter Discs 10 1 L1003030
PTFE Filter Discs – Large 10 1 L1003029
Retaining Spring 50 1 L4071123
Sample Tube – 5 mL 1 1 04970673
Stainless Steel Retaining Spring 2 1 N6301054
Stainless Steel Sample Tubes – Capped 10 1 M0413595
Tenax TA 60/80, Mesh – 15 g 1 1 04978064
Trap Tube Nuts 2 1 L4275009
Trap Tubes 2 1 M0410094
• Hood interlock protects anyone in the lab from opening the oven Carbopack™ B60/80 N9307051 N9307059
until it’s cool Carbosieve™ SIII 60/80 N9307052 N9307060
• Dual automatic fan design cools the oven in minutes Tenax GR 60/80
N9307053 N9307061
• Oven vent through the top hood ensuring a contaminant free oven Tenax™ TA 60/80 N9307054 N9307062
Chromasorb 60/80
N9307055 N9307063
Carbopack™ and Carbosieve™ N9307056 N9307064
Description Part No. Carbopack™ B 60/80
TurboMatrix TC 220 (120 V) N9309160 Carbopack™ C 60/80
Carbosieve™ SIII 60/80
TurboMatrix TC 220 (230 V) N9309161
Carbotrap™ C/B N9307065
Carbosieve SIII
™ XRO™-640 N9307123
XRO™ Calibration Tubes N9307124
C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C16 C20 C26 C30 C40
Carbon Number
Selecting the right sorbent tube.
Calibration Materials
Sample Loops 148
Valves 146
Arnel Analyzers
The measurement of semivolatile and volatile compounds in petrochemical feeds, processes and products can be easily
accomplished with turnkey analyzers and systems designed to meet accepted standard methods. PerkinElmer’s Arnel™ analyzers
offer a market leading customized chromatography solution. We provide, install, and support a full range of guaranteed analyzers,
systems and accessories.
Natural Gas/NGL
Refinery/Light Hydrocarbon Gas
Industrial Solvents
Lube Oils/Waxes
Crude Oils
Bulk Gases
Trace Gases
Note: Column sets are sold only as spares with an order, or as replacements to installed analyzers.
Note: Column sets are sold only as spares with an order, or as replacements to installed analyzers.
A majority of the Arnel configurations utilize two different types of valves. Most can be categorized
as external volume injectors while the other type is an internal sample injector. The injection volume
of an internal sample injector valve is determined by the size of etching on the rotor of the valve.
External volume sample size is determined by a sample loop outside the valve. External valves are used
primarily for sample injection and/or switching applications. A valve used for just switching requires
another valve for sample injection. Valves include nuts and ferrules, but not loops.
Ports Part No. Max Temperature Rotation Max Pressure Fitting Material Rotor Type Replacement
(C°) (psi) (in.) Rotor
Part No.
4 Port N9302809 175 90° 400 1/16 Stainless Steel P
N9302813 350 90° 300 1/16 Stainless Steel T
N9302817 330 90° 300 1/8 Stainless Steel T
6 Port N9302810 175 60 400 1/16 Stainless Steel P N9302897
N9302814 350 60 300 1/16 Stainless Steel T N9302901
N9302818 330 60 300 1/8 Stainless Steel T N9302905
8 Port N9302811 175 45 400 1/16 Stainless Steel P
N9302815 350 45 300 1/16 Stainless Steel T
10 Port N9302812 175 36 400 1/16 Stainless Steel P N9302899
N9302816 350 36 300 1/16 Stainless Steel T N9302903
N9302820* 330 36 300 1/8 Stainless Steel T
*(P) PTFE-Carbon Composite(T) Polyimide-PTFE-Carbon Composite.
Ports Part No. Volume Rotation Max Pressure Fitting Material Max Replacement
(μL) (psi) (in.) Temperature Rotor
Part No.
4 NR810070 0.2 and 0.5 90 1000 1/16 Stainless Steel 75 °C NR510291
4 N9302800 0.06 90 500 1/16 Stainless Steel 75 °C
4 N9302802 0.2 90 500 1/16 Stainless Steel 75 °C N9302889
4 N9302803 0.5 90 500 1/16 Stainless Steel 75 °C N9302890
4 N6107742 1 90 500 1/16 Stainless Steel 75 °C NR510337
Kit contents
Description Qty Part No.
RDCR – Union 1/8" TBG 1/16" TBG SST 2 09903102
Nut – TBG Hex 0.062 TBG SST 2 09903157
Ferrule – Front 1/16" SST 2 09903158
Ferrule – Back 1/16" SST 2 09903159
Union – 1/8" TBG SST 2 09903415
Cap – Tube End 0.125 TBG BRS 1 09903452
Valve – Toggle Brass 1 09903558
Reducer Union 1/4" – 1/16" 2 09903928
30 ml Plastic Pump Priming SYR 1 PC 1 09904849
Ferrule – TBG 1/8" Vespel 1 09920133
RDCR – 1/16" TBG 1/32" Port SST 3 09920163
Ferrule – TBG 1/16" Vespel 4 09920301
List, Part Numbers 1 09931072 Description Qty Part No.
Contact – Socket Crimp 26-22 AWG Gold 16 09997099 Magnetic Rotor Removal Tool 1 N9302914
Connector – HSG 2 POS 0.100 CTR RCPT 8 09997403 Reducer – 1/8" 1/16" B 0.029 External 4 N9302917
Case, Akro-Mils Portable Organizer 1 N6105400 Plug – ZP1 1/16" 1 N9302918
Nut – 1/16" STD 1/4" Hex X 0.425 8 N9302832 Wrench 3/16" 1 N9306258
Nut – 1/8" STD 3/8" Hex X 0.575 8 N9302833 Union Tee 1/16" SS 1 NR410042
Ferrule – 1/16" 300 Series 0.145 OD 10 N9302835 Bulkhead Reducing Union 1/8" – 1/16" Valco 2 NR410110
Ferrule – 1/8" 300 Series 0.250 OD 10 N9302836 FRL 1/16" HC Valco 6 NR410190
Union – 1/16" 1/32" B 0.010 Reducing 4 N9302838 FRL Polyimide 1/32" x 0.8 6 NR410229
Union – 1/16" Bore 0.029 1/4" Hex 6 N9302839 Tee 1/16" W/ 0.030 Bore Valco 2 NR410245
Fused Silica Adapter – 1/16" 0.5 mm OD 4 N9302846 Rotor P 8 PT VLV 1 NR510417
Fused Silica Adapter – 1/16" 0.8 mm OD 4 N9302847 FRL Vespel 1/32" x 0.5 mm 6 NR510486
Union – 2U Screen 1/16" Filter 1 N9302879 Tubing Nickel 1/16" x 0.030 (10 FT) 1 NR710025-10
Rotor P 6 PT VLV 1 N9302897 SS Tubing SF Treat 1/16" x 0.030 x 10 ft 1 NR710079-10
Rotor P 10 PT VLV 1 N9302899 Syringe Needle 1 NR9000050
Sample Loops
3.0 cc Sulfinert Treated NR950015
Volume Size
6 Port
Part No.
8 Port
Part No.
10 Port
Part No.
Gas Sampling Valve Kits
100 µL 1/16 N9302851 N9302857
100 µL 1/8 N9302860 N9302866
250 μL 1/16 N9302852 N9302855 N9302858
250 µL 1/8 N9302867
500 µL 1/16 N9302853 N9302859
1 mL 1/16 N9302950 N9302953 N9302956
1 mL 1/8 N9302965
2 mL 1/16 N9302951 N9302954 N9302957
Description Part No.
5 mL 1/16 N9302952 N9302958
10 PT GSV Kit External Mounted N6100563
5 mL 1/8 N9302961
Kit for mounting a gas sampling valve outside of the main oven
1/8 in. fitting loop for valves with 0.030 in. standard port diameter.
1/16 in. fitting loop for valves with 0.016 in. standard port diameter. Kit contains: One each of: 10 port SS valve with P rotor, Closemount hardware,
36 deg Actuator, Angle Bracket, Mounting Kit, Solenoid Kit, 100 µL Sample Loop,
250 µL Sample Loop, 1 ml Sample loop
10 PT GSV Kit Oven Mounted N6100564
Kit for mounting a gas sampling valve inside the main oven
Kit contains: One each of: 10 port SS valve with P rotor, 4” Standoff,
36 deg Actuator, Mounting Kit, Solenoid Kit, 100 µL Sample Loop,
250 µL Sample Loop, 1 ml Sample loop
Benzene Permeation Tube (certified) N6107363 FRL 1/16 in. 0.8 mm ID (pkg. 10) 09920141
– For use with capillary columns 0.18 – 0.53 mm ID
and nut 09903392
The SCD parts listed are to support the Agilent 355 Dual Plasma
FRL 1/32 in. 0.8 mm ID Polyamide NR410229
Sulfur Chemilumenescence Detector (SCD). – For use with 1/32 in. unions and fittings
Ceramic Tube Package for the Single Plasma SCD Burner N6107313 Ferrule Set 1/16 in. Stainless Steel (pkg. 10) NR410049-10
(1 front ferrule/1 back ferrule)
These kits support the PAC SeNse® NCD and SCD detectors. FRL 1/16 in. Stainless Steel 09903891
– For use with Valco Valves and Fittings
Description Part No. Ferrule 1/8 in. Graphite/Vespel 09920133
SeNse Consumable Sulfur Kit NR333003 – For use with packed columns union NR410110
SeNse Spare Kit for the Consumable Kit NR333004 Ferrule Reducing 1/8 in. – 1/16 in. ID Graphite/Vespel 09920301
FRL 1/32 in. 0.5 mm ID Polyamide NR510486
– For use with 1/32 in. unions and fittings
Installation Parts
Description Part No.
Sampling Accessories
Sampling Kit – Arnel GSV; Connects to 1/16 in. sample inlet line N6100724
for easy gas sample introduction
– Content of kit: 3 – BD 30 mL Luer Lock Syringes, 1 6-pack of
needles, 1 port adapter, 10 septa
Installation Hardware
Tee 1/8 in. brass 09903170
Cross 1/8 in. brass N9301259
Pre-cleaned copper tubing. 1/8 in. OD x 50 ft. N9300077
VCR Gasket (PDID Channel)
Nickel Face Seal VCR Gasket – For use with PDID channel NR410252N
‘Sample In’ line connections
Calibration Material
Our calibration gas blends were
formulated to be used exclusively
in our Refinery and Natural Gas
Analyzers. These are the same
test gases that are used in the
Description Part No. verification and validation processes
Fused Silica Adapter 1/16 in. for 0.2 to 0.4 mm ID tube NR510233 that take place at our factory. Please
Fused Silica Adapter 1/16 in. for 0.4 to 0.5 mm ID tube N9302846 contact your local PerkinElmer sales
Fused Silica Adapter 1/16 in. for 0.5 to 0.8 mm ID tube NR510030 representative for more information
about the composition of the
gas blends.
The Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Fast Simulated Distillation Analysis by Modified ASTM® D2887,
Gasolines Containing Ethanol Using the PerkinElmer Clarus GC D6352 and D7169.
with Swafer Technology.
Rapid Identification of Illicit Drug Substances Using Thermal Method Development for Identification of Adulterated Spirits
Desorption Coupled with a Portable Toroidal Trap GC/MS System. using Field Portable GC/MS.
Starter Kits
Two different starter kits are available to provide everything you need to get up and running with ease.
Sampling Accessories
Custodion Needle Trap Samplers
The Custodion Needle Trap (NT) is a miniature thermal desorption
tube used for extracting and concentrating volatile compounds
from air samples used with the Clairion pump. The Custodion-NT
should be used with a flow rate range of 5 – 15 mL/min. The
With needle trap (NT) With conventional trap (CT)
Custodion-NT is small enough to desorb samples directly into
the Torion T-9 portable GC/MS. The NT is packed with 3 different Custodion Needle Trap
adsorption beds to give it a broad range of chemical compatibility.
Description Qty. Part No.
Custodion SPME & CME Syringes Custodion Needle Trap (NT) Syringe, 1 NTSC19NTB200
19 gauge blunt needle
The Custodion SPME is ideal for quick screening and Custodion Needle Trap (NT) Syringe, 3 NTSC19NTB203
identification of volatiles. The active phase on the fiber is DVB/ 19 gauge blunt needle
PDMS (Divinylbenzene/Poyldimethylsiloxane), a general purpose Custodion Needle Trap (NT) Syringe, 5 NTSC19NTB205
material useful for a wide range of volatilities and chemistries. 19 gauge blunt needle
samples into our portable GC/MS, the Conventional Trap Handle NTSS0060015
Torion T-9, allowing users to collect,
Replacement CT Holder unit
inject and analyze air samples right at
the sample’s source. Holds Conventional Trap during SPS-3
desorption cycle.
The Clairion pump can operate for up to 27 hours at 1 L/min on
a single charge. Description Part No.
Conventional Trap Holder NTSS0060016
Description Part No.
Clairion Needle Trap Basic Kit (No Pump) NTSSCL60705NP SPS-3 Tool Kit
Custodion Needle Trap Syringe, 19 gauge blunt needle
Contains tools for operation and maintenance of the SPS-3.
Clairion NT-Pump Interface, basic
O-Ring/Seal Replacement Kit Description Part No.
Seal Removal Tool
SPS-3 Tool kit NTSSPS30020
Clairion Needle Trap Basic Kit, 110 V NTSSCL60705
Clairion Basic Pump, 110 V
Clairion Transport Case with Foam Insert
Clairion NT-Pump Interface, Basic
Custodion Needle Trap
SPS-3 Consumables
O-Ring/Seal Replacement Kit Replacement Seal Kits
Seal Removal Tool
USB Drive with Pump User Manual Replacement Seal and O-Ring kits for SPS-3 and Accessories.
Clairion Needle Trap Basic Kit, 220 V NTSSCL60705I
Clairion Basic Pump, 220 V
Clairion Transport Case with Foam Insert
Clairion NT-Pump Interface, Basic
Custodion Needle Trap Description Part No.
O-Ring/Seal Replacement Kit Internal Standard Module Seal Kit NTSSPS30013
Seal Removal Tool
USB Drive with Pump User Manual CT Holder Seal Kit NTSSPS30011
Clairion Conventional Trap Basic Kit, 110 V NTSSCL60706 CT Handle Seal Kit NTSSPS30014
standards provides robust and rapid capability for in-field Replacement Filament Assembly for the T-9 Ion Source NTSS0070034
calibration because they contain no liquids. Calion® PV Mixes
are used for Torion T-9 calibration, including both mass and
GC retention time calibrations. The combination of Custodion
SPME sampling with Calion standards provides robust and rapid Battery Options
capability for in-field calibration.
Description Part No.
Spare Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery for the T-9 NTS02750005
Mininert Vials used with Custodion
T-9 Single Bay Batter Charger NTS02890001
SPME Syringe and T-9 Instrument
Calion IS internal standard mix is to be
used with the SPS-3 and Needle Traps for
semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis.
Spare Parts
Description Part No.
SPS Conventional Trap Assembly NTSS0060016
Mounts a Conventional Trap in a holder for use in the
Description Qty. Part No. SPS NTSSPS30002 and NTSSPS30003
Standard Calion PV Mix (pkg. 1) 1 NTSSMIX011019 Handle Assembly for SPS Conventional Trap/Needle Trap Adapter NTSS0060015
Standard Calion PV Mix (pkg. 3) 3 NTSSMIX031019 Conventional Trap to Pump Interface for SPS-3 NTSS0060095
Needle Trap to Pump Interface for SPS-3 NTSS00600071
Internal Standard Ampule Clairion™ Seal Replacement Kit for the NTSSCL60711
Pump to Needle Trap Interface
used with the SPS-3
Seal Removal Tool NTSM0060124
Clairion CT to Pump INTFC O-Ring Kit for the Conventional Trap NTSSCL60708
to Pump Interface
Conventional Holder Seal and O-Rings for SPS-3 for the NTSSPS30011
Conventional Trap Holder
IS Gasket Seal O-Ring Kit for SPS-3 NTSSPS30013
Conventional Handle Seal with O-Ring Kit for SPS-3 NTSSPS30014
Description Qty. Part No.
Clairion Seal Replacement Kit for the NT-to-Pump Interface NTSSCL60713
Calion IS 1 NTSSMIX0160
SPS-3 Tool Kit NTSSPS30020
T-9 Basic Tool Kit NTSTG080022
Quick Disconnect External Gas Assembly. NTSSG080017
Quick connection adapter for use with regular gas cylinders.
Not for use with the disposable He cartridges
Clairion Basic Air Pump, 110 V NTSS00600041
Clairion Basic Air Pump, 220 V NTSS00600043
External Battery Cable, ‘Pig Tail’ NTSCBL80020
Nitrogen Generators
EVO Nitrogen Generators Technical Specifications for all Nitrogen Generators
The EVO N2 nitrogen generators Description Specification
are designed as a full ‘plug and Purity 99.5 %
play’ solution with integral oil Outlet Pressure 8 bar/120 psi
free, low noise compressors. The
Height 64.1 cm (25.2 in.)
EVO Nitrogen hybrid gas model
Width 48.2 cm (19 in.)
was specifically designed to meet
Depth 83.5 cm (32.9 in.)
the flow, purity and pressure
Weight 121 kg (266 lbs)
requirements of the LC/MS /MS
applications of AB SCIEX with Operating Temperature +10 °C to +40 °C (+50 °F to +104 °F)
air. Carbon molecular sieves (CMS) adsorb remaining oxygen Heat Dissipation Approx 2700 Btu/h
and traces of humidity. These generators require minimal Nitrogen Model Flow Rate Voltage Part No.
maintenance and operator attention. They are CE CSA certified. (V)
EVO N2 25 L/min 115 N9308587
25 L/min 220 N9308573
35 L/min 115 N9308588
35 L/min 220 N9308574
EVO N2 Hybrid Up to 10 L/min +/– 1.5 L/min 115 N9308590
(at atmospheric pressure)
35 L/min of AIR@116 psi
Up to 10 L/min +/– 1.5 L/min 220 N9308576
(at atmospheric pressure)
35 L/min of AIR@116 psi
N2 Whisper Generators
The Whisper nitrogen generator has been developed to meet
specific requirements in terms of flow, purity and pressure in
LC/MS applications. It can also be used for the evaporation of
solvents in samples being analyzed. The simple high efficiency
membrane technology allows nitrogen separation from other air
components present within the supplied compressed air.
Better results: The constant purity of nitrogen improves system
stability and ensures reproducible results.
Saving you money: Initial investment is typically paid back in
less than a year. No plumbing is required to transfer gas from the
storeroom to the lab.
Better lab efficiency: Constant supply of high quality nitrogen,
in line with your application demands. Gas cylinders are often
insufficient to ensure the large nitrogen volumes needed in
LC/MS techniques.
N2 Whisper Generator
Improved safety: Nitrogen is produced at low pressure and
room temperature eliminating the risks related to high pressure
gas bottle use and the hazards associated with liquid nitrogen. Technical Specifications
Simple installation: A plug and play approach. Description Whisper Mini Whisper
The wall-mounted installation saves precious bench space! Purity > 98 – 99.5 % > 98 – 99.5 %
(based on outlet flow)
N2 Mini Whisper Generators Outlet Pressure 7 bar 7 bar
Height 115 cm (45.3 in.) 73.5 cm (28.9 in.)
Based upon the Whisper generator, the Mini Whisper Nitrogen
generator provides the same high purity nitrogen, but at a lower Width 48 cm (19 in.) 34.8 cm (13.7 in.)
flow rate. It is ideally suited to ELSD applications as well as Depth 26 cm (10.2 in.) 35 cm (13.8 in.)
LC/MS analysis. Weight 15 kg (33 lbs) ; 8 kg (18 lbs)
18 kg (39 lbs);
The simple yet high efficiency membrane technology allows 21 kg (46 lbs)
the separation of nitrogen from the other components of the Operating Temperature +10 °C to +35 °C +10 °C to +35 °C
compressed air inlet. (+50 °F to +95 °F) (+50 °F to +95 °F)
Air Compressor Supplied NO NO
The low pressure drop allows the unit to be connected to an
Electrical Requirements None None
existing dry and oil-free compressed air source in the lab.
Background Noise None None
Connections 1/4 G 1/4 G
Ultra Clean Gas Filters Ultra Clean Filter Kits for LC/MS
HC 24 g (as n-butane) Ultra Clean Filter Base Plates
Description Specification for LC/MS
Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999
Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi)
Maximum Flow 20 L/min
Usable For Nitrogen
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
Description Qty. Part No.
Weight 0.26 Kg
Ultra Clean Base Plate 1 Position – 1/4 in. Brass 1 N9306800
Estimated Lifetime 3 to 6 months
Ultra Clean Base Plate 1 Position – 1/8 in. Brass 1 N9306801
Part No. N9306823
Ultra Clean Base Plate 1 Position – 1/4 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306802
Ultra Clean Base Plate 1 Position – 1/8 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306803
Ultra-High Capacity Moisture Filter Bundle Ultra Clean Base Plate 2 Position – 1/4 in. Brass 1 N9306804
High Flow moisture Ultra Clean Base Plate 2 Position – 1/8 in. Brass 1 N9306805
filters are ideal for central Ultra Clean Base Plate 2 Position – 1/4 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306806
purifying solutions. Ultra Clean Base Plate 2 Position – 1/8 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306807
Moisture in carrier gas lines will prematurely degrade oxygen and Ultra Clean Base Plate 3 Position – 1/4 in. Brass 1 N9306810
hydrocarbon traps and increase detector noise. As a precaution, Ultra Clean Base Plate 3 Position – 1/8 in. Brass 1 N9306811
we highly recommend installing a moisture trap before the
Ultra Clean Base Plate 3 Position – 1/4 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306812
hydrocarbon and oxygen traps on all carrier gas lines.
Ultra Clean Base Plate 3 Position – 1/8 in. Stainless Steel 1 N9306813
H2O 14.4 g
Description Specification
Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999
Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi)
Maximum Flow 20 L/min
Usable For Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, Ar, Air
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
Weight 0.26 Kg
Estimated Lifetime 3 to 6 months
Part No. N9306824
Base Plates
Ultra Clean High Flow Base Plates for LC/MS
Description Qty. Part No.
Ultra Clean High Flow Flush Cap Replacement Set 2 N9306853
Ultra-High Capacity Oxygen Filter H2O 3.5 g
Oxygen is a column killer HC 6 g (as n-butane)
– it is present even in UHP Description Specification
gases. Because oxygen can Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999
enter a gas line at any fitting or during gas bottle exchange, Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi)
the oxygen trap should be the last connection before the gas line Maximum Flow 7 L/min
enters the chromatograph.
Usable For Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, Ar, Air
Capacity Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
O2 150 mL Weight 0.26 Kg
Description Specification Part No. N9306818
Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999
Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi)
Maximum Flow 7 L/min
Usable For Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, Ar
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
Weight 0.26 Kg
Part No. N9306815
High Capacity Triple Filter High Capacity Triple Filter Hydrogen Specific
The triple trap is ideal for The hydrogen-specific
purifying carrier gas. It triple trap is ideal for
contains oxygen, moisture purifying hydrogen in
and hydrocarbon scrubbers in GC/MS systems. This trap is packed and purged under hydrogen
one easy to change economical cartridge. and contains oxygen, moisture and hydrocarbon scrubbers in
one cartridge.
H2O 1.8 g Capacity
O2 75 mL H2O 1.8 g
HC 4 g (as n-butane) O2 75 mL
Description Specification HC 4 g (as n-butane)
Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999 Description Specification
Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi) Outlet Gas Quality (%) > 99.9999
Maximum Flow 7 L/min Maximum Pressure 11 bar (160 psi)
Usable For Inert carrier gas, He, H2, N2, Ar Maximum Flow 7 L/min
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm Usable For H2
Weight 0.26 Kg Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
Part No. N9306819 Weight 0.26 Kg
Part No. N9306822
Dimensions 24 cm x Ø 4.4 cm
Weight 0.26 Kg
Part No. N9306820
Ultra Clean Base Plate Flush Cap Replacement Set
for GC/MS
Clean Purifiers
Using the Click-On Connectors lets you change the trap without
introducing contaminants into your system. Click-On connectors
can replace a trap, without introducing impurities into the
system. This in turn eliminates the need to flush the system.
The ability to add a Click-On Inline Super Clean™ Indicator after Description Part No.
the stainless steel trap gives the user a clear visual indication of
Moisture Trap N9306100
when to change the filter. This indicator may also be used as a
Oxygen Trap N9306101
standalone trap.
Hydrocarbons Trap N9306102
Combination: Oxygen/Moisture Trap N9306103
Features and Benefits
Combination: Moisture/Hydrocarbons Trap N9306105
• Reduce system downtime with Click-On fast connectors
Triple: Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbons Trap N9306104
• No open gas line when changing the trap
Triple Gas Specific (He): Oxygen/Moisture/Hydrocarbons N9306106
• Helium Specific Glass Indicating Triple Trap is ideal for GC/MS
`Product Specifications
Purifier Type Gas Quality* Max Pressure Max Flow Use For H20 Capacity O2 Hydrocarbons Est. Lifetime
Moisture 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas 21 g – – > 3 years
He, Air, H2
Oxygen 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas – 3,000 mL – > 3 years
Hydrocarbons 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas – – 36 g (as n-butane) > 3 years
Air, H2
Combination Moisture/ 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas 10 g – 18 g (as n-butane) > 2 years
Hydrocarbons He, Air, H2
Indicating Triple Moisture/ 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas 3g 400 mL 5 g (as n-butane) > 1 year
Oxygen/Hydrocarbons He
Triple Moisture/ Oxygen/ 100.00 % 11 bar, 160 psi 25 L/min Inert carrier gas 6g 1,000 mL 12 g (as n-butane) > 2 years
* Results @ 2 L/min.
Use our activated charcoal in-line trap to remove gaseous This high-capacity, high-efficiency trap is used for long-term
hydrocarbons (C5 and heavier) from nitrogen, hydrogen and inert protection of capillary column stationary phases against
carrier gas supplies. Recommended for use with purge and trap oxidation at GC operating temperatures. Can remove 3.5 g
apparatuses, high-sensitivity FID operations and with GC carrier of oxygen and has an output efficiency of less than 10 ppb
gases for trace analyzes. Frits in each end prevent particulates oxygen concentration at the outlet. Effective at removing sulfur
from entering the gas stream. Trap is shipped filled with helium. compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. Intended
Maximum pressure is 1000 psi (69 bar). Dimensions are 5 x 37 cm for use with non-oxidizing gases such as He, Ar, N2, H2 or CH4,
including fittings. Weight is 1.0 kg. containing less than 1% oxygen. The trap is filled with 500 cc of
active oxygen adsorbent that binds covalently with oxygen; no
High Capacity Hydrocarbon Trap gas is generated from this reaction. Maximum pressure is 1000
psi (69 bar). Dimensions are 5 x 37 cm including fittings, weight
is 1.2 kg.
Description Part No.
High Capacity Hydrocarbon Trap N9301208
Safe Glass Moisture Trap
• Contains 750 cc of preconditioned activated charcoal Safe Glass Moisture Trap N9301193
The Gas In-line Filter Trap removes moisture, oil and dust from
Description Part No. nitrogen or inert supply gases. It has 400 cc total volume of
Indicating Oxygen Trap N9301191
molecular sieve 5A and an indicator in a clear acrylic tube.
The indicating Drierite® changes color at low relative humidity
This high-efficiency indicator trap reduces oxygen to less than indicating that the packing must be changed. Base-plate version
0.1 ppm. Changes color from bright green to gray when is available for free-standing orientation. Maximum pressure is
adsorption capacity is depleted. Oxygen capacity for this compact 100 psi (6.9 bar). Dimensions are 6 x 43 cm including fittings.
unit is 0.05 g at STP. The non-contaminating, heavy-wall inner Weight is 1.0 kg.
glass tube of adsorbent is protected from breakage by the outer
plastic tube. Maximum pressure is 100 psi (6.9 bar). Dimensions
are 3.2 x 26 cm including fittings. Weight is 0.2 kg.
Hydrogen Generators places the units in standby in the event of an internal error
and selectable alarms allow the user to be informed whenever
PerkinElmer offer a range of hydrogen generators to cater for operating conditions vary from the set point. They are CE CSA
the varying configurations of gas supply required across different FCC certified.
laboratories and applications. Applications
This series of generators are ideal for use with GC detectors such
Hydrogen Generator Options and Capabilities
as FID, NPD, TCD and FPD.
Model GC Detector GC, GC/MS Zero Air Automatic Desiccant
Gas Carrier Gas Cascading Cartridge to Technical Specifications for PG-H2 Plus Models
Applications Applications Capability Replace
PG Plus ■ ■ Description Specification
NM Plus ■ ■ ■ Purity 99.999 %/hydrocarbon free < 0.1 ppm
Hydrogen Generators
The PG (Pure Gas) hydrogen generators employ the newest PG-H2 Plus Generator Models
membrane technology available for the safe production of pure Flow Rate Part No.
hydrogen gas. This patented design is ideal for operation with 100 mL/min N9308577
gas analyzers, as fuel gas for flame tools, or as a source for pure 160 mL/min N9308578
hydrogen in plasma chambers and other isolated environments.
250 mL/min N9308579
Electrolytic membrane technology is preferred over alternative
500 mL/min N9308580
hydrogen generating techniques because it is clean, requires less
maintenance and there is no need to store chemicals to maintain
operation. The generators offer silent operation and require only PG-H2 Plus Generator Replacement Parts
deionized or distilled water with no caustic solutions which can
Description Part No.
affect the purity of the hydrogen.
Deionizer Bag N9307097
NM-H2 Plus
Hydrogen Generators
The NM (No Maintenance) series of hydrogen generators
employ the newest membrane technology available for the safe
production of pure hydrogen gas. This patented design is ideal
for operation with gas analyzers, as fuel gas for flame tools,
or as a source for pure hydrogen in plasma chambers and other
isolated environments.
Electrolytic membrane technology is preferred over alternative
hydrogen generating techniques. The generators offer silent
operation and require only deionized or distilled water with no
caustic solutions which can affect the purity of the hydrogen.
Technical Specifications for NM-H2 Plus Models
No Maintenance
Description Specification
The proprietary auto drying technology has facilitated a design Purity 99.9999 %/hydrocarbon free < 0.1 ppm
that does not require a desiccant cartridge, yet produces a Delivery Pressure 20 – 160 psig/1.4 – 11 barg
constant supply of dry, ultra-high purity hydrogen. As the PG-H2
Height 43 cm (16.9 in.)
and the NM hydrogen generators have an auto shutoff procedure
Width 23 cm (9.1 in.)
that places the units in standby in the event of an internal error
Depth 36 cm (14.2 in.)
and selectable alarms allow the user to be informed whenever
operating conditions vary from the set point. Weight 20 kg (44 lbs)
Ambient Temperature Range -20 °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F to + 140 °F)
Water Quality Deionized or distilled <10 µS conductivity
The NM-H2 Hydrogen Pure Gas Generators enhances the high Supply Voltage Range 230 V/50 – 60 Hz – 110 V/60 Hz – 100 V/60 Hz
performance of the PG Plus series, with the addition of a unique Fitting 1/8 in. for the H2 outlet
no maintenance purification system. It provides a stream of
ultra-high purity hydrogen for both carrier gas and detector gas
applications, including MS. NM-H2 Plus Generator Models
Robust Supply – 100% Up Time Flow Rate Part No.
Multiple generators can be set up in parallel to spread the load 100 mL/min N9308581
of gas generation, known as cascading. Building in a level of 160 mL/min N9308582
spare capacity with a master/slave set up ensures that there is 250 mL/min N9308583
no interruption in supply. 500 mL/min N9308584
The NM-H2 generators are the only generators on the market that 1000 mL/min N9308585
automatically cascade, no lab personal intervention is required
ensuring the smooth running of your laboratory around the clock.
PG-H2 Plus NM-H2 Plus Generator Accessories
Description Part No.
I/O Board N9307094
Cable for Cascading* N9307093
Remote Control RS-232 N9307095
(includes converter, cables and software)*
Auto Refill * N9307096
* Requires I/O Board.
Technical Specifications
Features and Benefits
Description Capability Flow Rate Part No.
• H2 flow rate from 100-1000 mL/min
FID Station H2 150 mL/min N9300023
• H2 pressure up to 11 bar PG Plus
• Zero air flow rates 5 L/min FID Station H2 260 mL/min N9300024
PG Plus
• Zero air purity <0.1 ppm
FID Station H2 150 mL/min N9300020
• Minimal maintenance NM Plus
• CE, CSA, FCC certified FID Station H2 350 mL/min N9300021
NM Plus
FID Station H2 650 mL/min N9300022
NM Plus
FID Station H2 and Air 150 mL/min + Air N9300018
PG Plus 1500 mL/min
FID Station H2 and Air 260 mL/min + Air N9300019
PG Plus 1500 mL/min
FID Station H2 and Air 150 mL/min + Air N9300015
NM Plus 1500 mL/min
FID Station H2 and Air 350 mL/min + Air N9300016
NM Plus 1500 mL/min
FID Station H2 and Air 650 mL/min + Air N9300017
NM Plus 1500 mL/min
FID Station N9308567
NM Plus
Extension Drawer
Pressure Regulators High Purity Brass Regulators
Ideally suited for chromatographic carrier PerkinElmer regulators are constructed
gas applications including FID, TCD,ECD, of high purity brass barstock and have
HID, and non-corrosive gas mixtures for stainless steel diaphragms and metal-
analytical instrumentation. to-metal seals. They are suitable for use
with high purity (>99.995% pure)
Technical Specifications non-corrosive gases. Regulators
terminate in a 1⁄4 in. NPT
Specifications Single Stage Single Stage
– Stainless Steel – Brass Nickel-plated Swagelock fitting.
(Thread-less Seat) (Thread-less Seat)
Part No. N9306353 Part No. N9306354
Features and Benefits
Max Rated Inlet Pressure 1,250 psig 1,200 psig
• Barstock body construction
Outlet Pressure Ranges 0– 30, 0– 60, 0– 100, 0– 25, 0– 50, 0– 100,
0– 250 psig 0– 250 psig • Stainless steel diaphragms
Flow Capacity Cv=0.066 Cv=0.15 • Metal-to-metal seals
Ambient Operating Temp -40° F to +165° F -40° F to +165° F • Use with high purity carrier gas
Designed Leak Rate 2 x10-8 ccs (helium) Bubble-tight (helium)
Weight 2 lbs 2.4 lbs
Ports (4) ¼ in. FNPT ¼ in. FNPT
High Purity Brass Regulators (Dual Stage)
Fittings 1⁄8 in. 1⁄8 in. CGA Delivery Delivery Cylinder Gauge (psig) Part No.
Fitting Pressure Use Pressure Pressure
Inlet 1⁄8 in. FNPT 1⁄8 in. FNPT
Range (psig) Gauge (psig)
Outlet 1⁄8 in. FNPT 1⁄8 in. FNPT
CGA-350 H2 and Ar/CH4 4 – 100 0 – 200 0 – 4,000 09907128
Decay Inlet Characteristic – 0.23/100 psi
CGA-580 He, Ar, N2 4 – 100 0 – 200 0 – 3,000 09907127
Body 316 Stainless Steel Nickel-Plated Brass
High Purity Brass Regulators (Single Stage)
Bonnet Nickel Plated Brass Nickel Plated Brass
Seat PCTFE® PTFE CGA Delivery Delivery Cylinder Gauge (psig) Part No.
Fitting Pressure Use Pressure Pressure
Diaphragm Hastelloy C-22 316 Stainless Steel Range (psig) Gauge (psig)
Diaphragm Hastelloy 2½ in. Stainless Steel – CGA-350 CO, H2 and 4 – 100 0 – 150 0 – 4,000 00230091
C-22 Gauge Ar/CH4 Mixes
Filter 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel CGA-350 CO, H2 10 – 200 0 – 400 0 – 4,000 00230253
Trim 316 Stainless Steel Nickel Plated Brass CGA-590* Air 10 – 200 0 – 400 0 – 4,000 00230090
Gauges – 2½ in. Stainless Steel
*Supplied with 590-580 Adapter.
Valve Stem – 316 Stainless Steel
Valve Spring – 316 Stainless Steel
Universal Power US, UK, European, Australian plugs included Temperature Range -18 to 400 °C (0 to 750 °F)
Adapter Set Distance to Spot Size (D:S) 08:01
Temperature 32 – 120 °F (0 – 48 °C) Response Time 500 m/sec
Emissivity Pre-set at 0.95
Humidity Range 0 – 97%
Accuracy ±2%, or ±2 °C (±3 °F) whichever is greater
Warranty 1 Year
Typical Distance to Target Up to 1.5 m (4 ft)
Certifications CE, Japan (Spot)
Compliance WEEE, ROHS Laser Sighting Yes
Description Part No. The popular MiniTemp MT4 also includes single dot laser
Portable Electronic Leak Detector N9306089 sighting to assist with aiming. 9 volt battery included.
Soft Carrying Case N9306142 Recalibration is not available.
Probe (Fine Tip) N9306063
Description Part No.
* Caution: The PerkinElmer leak detector is not designed for determining leaks in a combustible environment. MiniTemp MT4 N9306074
This unit may be used for determining trace amounts of hydrogen in a GC environment only.
PerkinElmer PerkinElmer
FlowMark Flowmeter Plus
The PerkinElmer Flowmeter Plus is a valuable
tool for troubleshooting detector problems.
Measuring gas volumetrically eliminates
Flowmeter there is no need to select gas type. Highly
accurate, identifying leaks by differences in
PerkinElmer’s FlowMark™ flowmeter is specifically designed for thermal conductivity, it offers a minimum
use with gas chromatography (GC) instruments. The probe is detection limit of 0.0005 mL/min hydrogen
applied directly to the gas flow stream and the measured flow and helium.
rate is presented on the LCD screen.
Units of flow are measured in mL/min. This unit provides Hassle Free Recalibration
continuous real-time measurements of gas streams ranging Offering a much simpler and more efficient work flow, the
from 0.50 mL/min to 500 mL/min. Because the technology uses annual recalibration is simply replacing a NIST certified calibration
volumetric flow measurement, the unit is compatible with all cartridge. Each flowmeter cartridge is individually factory
laboratory gases. The flowmeter is designed to measure clean, calibrated and can easily be replaced directly by customers.
dry, non-corrosive gases. There is no need to return the flowmeter to us; saving you time
and money.
Features and Benefits
The cartridge calibration is valid for a period of one year from its
• Measures volumetric flow for all gases across a range of first use. A new, calibrated cartridge can be ordered in advance,
0.5–500 mL/min
and then installed when necessary.
• NIST traceable calibration
• Explosion-proof rating for flammable and explosive Features and Benefits
gas atmospheres
• Simply replace a NIST certified cartridge for revalidation,
• Accuracy of ± 2% of flow or ± 0.2 mL/min, whichever is greater no need to return the flowmeter
• Over range indicator • Flow range 0.5 to 750 mL/min (auto-ranging)
• Auto shut-off feature • Operating temperature range 0 °C to 45 °C
• Ergonomic design and side grips for comfort • Accurate to ± 2 % of reading or ± 0.2 mL/min, whichever is greater
• Measures most gas types • Compact size (201 mm x 88 mm x 48 mm)
• Convenient storage case included • Portable operation, uses 3 AA batteries (or USB power)
• CE, Ex (Compliance: WEEE, RoHS) certified
Description Part No.
• Uses 2-AA batteries
Flowmeter Plus N9307088
• Data output via USB port
Replacement NIST Certified Calibration Cartridge N9307084
• Re-calibration service available
• Designed to measure clean, dry, non-corrosive gases
• 1 year warranty
To ensure customer satisfaction, our Organic Mixes are prepared Description Part No.
at concentration levels that take into consideration a number 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in P and T Methanol N9331048
of factors including: vapor pressure, evaporation, breakdown
rates and dilution schemes. PerkinElmer goes the extra step by
analyzing each organic standard on the Clarus 600 GC
and GC/MS state-of-the-art instrumentation to ensure
that the standard conforms to the customer’s exact needs.
For customer ease, all Organic Standards are prepared with a
precision of +/– 0.5% and accompanied with a comprehensive
Certificate of Analysis (lot specified by part number). Data packs
are also available upon request. These include a chromatogram
of the standard and quantitative report listing the values for
each analyte.
Resource Conservation and Recover Act (RCRA) Under 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride/Acetone
SW-846, ‘Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste’
To detect the eluent, an ECD (electron capture detector) Mix A for Method 624 N9331060
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in P and T Methanol
or ELCD (electrolytic conductivity detector) is used.
Purgeable Gases Mix B for Method 624 N9331061
Description Part No. 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in P and T Methanol
1.2 mL @ 1,000 µg/mL in Hexane N9331028 Mix C for Method 624 N9331062
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in P and T Methanol
Mix D for Method 624 N9331063
Method 8270C Standards 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in P and T Methanol
Method 8270C is an analytical method which utilizes a
Methylene Chloride extraction of aqueous sample or Methylene Method 8100
Chloride: Acetone extraction of solid sample and a Clarus 600
Method 8100 is a method for the analysis of polynuclear
GC equipped with a capillary column to perform the separation
aromatic hydrocarbons. A Clarus 600 GC is used to perform the
of the compounds. To detect the GC eluant a Clarus 600 GC/MS
separation of compounds with an FID (flame ionization detector)
is used.
to detect the eluent.
Description Part No.
Semi-Volatile Calibration Standard for Method 8270C N9331030 Method 625
1.2 mL @ 1,000 µg/mL in Hexane
Method 625 is an analytical method that uses a methylene
Internal Standard for Method 8270C N9331036
chloride extraction of municipal or industrial wastewater,
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride/Benzene
concentrated to 1 mL and a GC/MS equipped to perform the
separation of acid and base neutral extractable fractions.
Method 8270C Mixes
Description Part No.
Description Part No.
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Method 8100/625 N9331044
HICAL-Acids Mix for Method 8270C N9331031 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride/Benzene
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Mix B for Method 8100 N9331045
Analyte Mix for Method 8270C N9331032 1.2 mL @ 1,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride/Benzene
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methanol
Surrogate Standard for Method 8100 1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in N9331046
Balance Mix for Method 8270C N9331033 Methylene Chloride
1.2 mL @ 2,000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride
Components Components
ASTM D2887
Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum
Fractions by Gas Chromatography.
When you order our precision designed, genuine PerkinElmer consumables and accessories, you can enjoy the peace of mind, ease of
ordering and best in class service. You’ll get the results you need – accurately and on time. PerkinElmer selects only the highest quality
products for our consumables portfolio and invests heavily to test and validate the quality of our products.
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