Waterfront Development - A Tool To Restore The Neighbourhood

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583

Waterfront Development - A Tool to Restore the

Rahana .H1, Nizar .S .A2
M.Plan (Urban Planning) Student, Dept. of Architecture, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, India
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, India

Abstract: Water is the most significant planning component that is a comfort for human physical and psychological factors. Water
resources that have played a critical role in most parts of the world throughout history in the establishment and formation of the
settlements. The waterfront is a place of challenge and prospect. The essential aids and purposes our waterfronts deliver our coastal
cities, joined with the reality of climate change, means we merely cannot develop our shorelines as we have in our past. This study
attempts to recognize the effects of water as a planning component in urban area. It also attempts to spot out the advantages and
disadvantages of urban waterfront regeneration and the principles of successful and sustainable waterfront developments. The study is
an effort to articulate planning strategies for restoring the neighbourhood through waterfront development. This was done through
analysing the planning aspects using the literature study and case study. Urban planning parameters are selected for framing strategies.

Keywords: Interaction, Regeneration, Sustainable Development, Waterfront Development

1. Introduction a comfort for human physical and psychological factors.

Additionally, it takes existing environment in a variety of
Waterfronts are settlements, civilizations or commercial features in term of aesthetic and functional [2].
developments that come up along water bodies like rivers,
canals, coastal regions or lakes, acting as lifelines for 3. Urban waterfront regeneration
development of cities. The formation of waterfront is well
thought-out as a better commercial idea for converting an As many of the waterfront development ventures arise in the
else underutilized space into a thriving centre of tourism, larger setting of urban renewal, for these projects a number
culture, leisure and business [1]. of alternative terminologies are used similar to this phrase.
However, most of these ventures focus on the regenerating
The waterfront is a place of challenge and prospect. The function. Such terminologies includes “waterfront
requisite profits and functions our waterfronts offer our regeneration”, “waterfront revitalization”, “waterfront
coastal cities, attached with the reality of climate change, rehabilitation” and “waterfront redevelopment”. Similarly,
means that we merely cannot develop our shorelines as we terms that is employed in their development may differ
have in our past. Waterfront stakeholders should percieve according to study‟s limit and as a regional sphere [2].
that projects at the edge need to poise and support access,
resiliency, and ecology [1]. The attention of waterfront regeneration phenomenon arose
from North America in the mid 1960‟s, with restoration of
2. The effects of water as a planning element Baltimore‟s Inner Harbour, a development that altered the
in urban area degraded harbour zone to an urban leisure centre [2].

The American waterfront revival comprises of mixed uses

including residential, recreational, commercial, retail, service
and tourist facilities. Mainly residential, recreational and
tourist-related uses were usually principal than the others in
this model. Also, this mainly turn out to be the characteristic
development model within the US and this model was
broadly acknowledged by other countries. The experience of
American waterfront regeneration, particularly Baltimore‟s
Inner Harbour regeneration, inclined many in Europe and
worldwide. In addition, waterfront regeneration is regarded
Figure 1: Effects of water as planning element in Urban as a typical catalyst of inner area regeneration for any city or
Area [2] town in the mid 1980-1990‟s [2].

An equilibrium is to be created between nature and social 4. Benefits and risks of urban waterfront
life for a sustainable development of cities. Urban natural regeneration
water elements play a crucial role in the creation of this
equilibrium. Water is the most vital planning element that is Urban waterfront regeneration, that is marvel in global

Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1027
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
dimension, have a social, economic and environmental for fruitful development of urban waterfront areas.
benefits to the community. Bestowing to Papatheochari Approachability of the water is evaluated in three formats:
(2011), Jones (2007) and Goddard (2002), the foremost City-waterfront connectivity, inter waterfront zone continuity
noticeable benefits urban waterfront regenerations are: and waterfront-water connectivity [2].
 The rise in real estate property values,
 The conservation historical and local heritage and re-use
of historic building,
 The enhancement of water quality and water ecology
through innovative management processes,
 Offering of openings for new uses and activities,
 Providing new economic regeneration prospects for
deteriorating inner-city areas,
 Attracting tourists not solely at the regional level,
however moreover nationally and internationally,
 The provision of many new homes,
 Offering new jobs,
 The upgradation of the environmental conditions,
 The improvement of better services of transport and
social service, Figure 5: Accessibility of waterfront [2]
 Bringing of relationship between water and the city,
 Encouraging economic investment on tarnished areas, Land uses in urban waterfront areas ought to be branded by
 With the enhancement of the city‟s image that results degree of incorporation with water. During this context water
right marketing strategies [2]. dependency is also significant. Sairinen & Kumpulainen
(2006) and Erdoğan (2006), specified that a threefold sorting
Urban waterfront regeneration may additionally have a of it if dependency is possible:
number of risks and menaces. Those explain as follow 1) Water-dependent uses: Waterfront location is essential.
according to Morena (2011). 2) Water-related uses: Since in waterfront areas are uses
 Standardization of the Invertensions; Models can be that are in the condition of beneficial.
unrelated with space under assessment. The result often 3) Water-independent uses: This set uses are neither in
leads to a sort of perplexity where the identity of the need of nor associated to waterfront [2].
place is lost.
 Little room to real estate logics; “Sometimes, the
ultimate outcome does not match to the project‟s initial
objectives, and therefore „common good‟ in terms of
spaces, enjoyment and access, is partially ignored in
favour of property interests”.
 An excessively commercial-tourist functions;
Domination of these purposes over residential and
productive ones are a significant risk. The
neighbourhood of residential areas ought to be mixed
both functionally and socially.
 Aim of high profit level; The achievement of high profit
level is considered important rather than the quest for a
high quality.
 Free access to the waterfront; Access of this areas Figure 3: Elements for successful waterfront development
ought to be free and unselective. Recently, such [2]
alteration has formed new prohibitions and new areas
earmarked for just a few categories [3]. The success of a waterfront development is only attained,
once it can operate on all levels and advantage all
5. Principles for successful development of stakeholders. 10 elements suggested to be taken into thought
while planning a waterfront development to accomplish the
urban waterfront areas explicit goals of a successful waterfront development [2].
Elements of Successful Waterfront Development
Waterfront plans are of vibrant importance to waterfront 1) Theme: Theme is planned in the early stages and
developments. According to Acosta (1990) while the plan primarily to manage future spatial analysis, land use
formation, three components are considered: public access, materials, scale and meaning. Resolute with several
walkways and open spaces; urban design and landscaping; deliberations; climate, layout, design, land use of
and landuses along the waterbody‟s edge [2]. development and project‟s culture and history.
2) Image: Image might provide a perception of the
The foundation of waterfront regeneration is combined with upcoming waterfront project, and good images have
water and city. So, public access and open spaces more vital become standards for other projects.
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1028
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
3) Authenticity: Sustaining authentic values within the 7. Case Study
waterfront area and areas encompassing them is
imperative for a fruitful waterfront project. The paper recognizes waterfront developments which are
4) Function: Pedestrian access to dynamic outdoor eating experiencing post-industrial regeneration, in parallel with
areas and recreation centres gives visitors the opportunity additional awareness of the necessity for environmentally
to appreciate the water environment, along with suitable sensible development of waterfront areas to reinstate and re-
services for residential and working districts. invigorate ecological balance - it is apt to scrutinize the
5) Public perception of Need: The blend of theme, image, dynamics of these developments among the region on a
authenticity, environmental and financial should contain comparative time-scale [6]. Case studies are chosen to learn
public consideration to evade environmental problems. from the successful waterfront revitalization plans.
6) Financial feasibility: A waterfront is considered feasible
once it is bundled, designed, promoted, managed and 7.1 Louisville, USA
operated efficiently. The key vital is a waterfront concept
that leads the financial valuation, not the reverse. Louisville is the sixteenth largest city in the United States
7) Environmental Approvals: Inter-agency meetings are with a population of 256,231(US Bureau of Census 2000). It
essential chronologically to regulate the environmental is situated on the banks of the Ohio River [7].
effect of the waterfront development. Consent from
numerous agencies is required. In Louisville, the Ohio River had been cut-off from the city
8) Construction Technology: Use cost-effective and for many years. Highway construction, particularly an
environmentally friendly materials for construction. elevated freeway, high-speed roads, railroads, and semi
9) Effective Management: Proper management should abandoned industrial land reduced the river both
embody a variety of different sources of expertise, and unapproachable and invisible. The waterfront was not a
synchronization between them is very imperative – no prevalent site for community residents and buildings along
matter whether for public or private waterfront the riverfront were built without bearing in mind the
development. ecological requests of the river or its aesthetic value. The
10)Beginning the project: Combining all the elements recognition of the significance of the river and its ecosystem
listed above will effect in an inclusive, balanced and self- to the city led to the formation of a plan for the Ohio River
contained waterfront project. Plan an opening [7].
celebration; celebration demonstrates an obligation to the
development [4].

6. Principles for a sustainable development of

urban waterfront areas
Water is elementary source of life for the living. At the same
time, it is an ecological, economic and social advantage for
the cities. Areas that seen these advantages are waterfronts.
To be benefited from those ought to be supplemented
sustainable developments in these areas [2].
Figure 4: Polluted Ohio river in Louisville [7]
Sustainability is assessed in three dimensions: economic,
environmental and social. These three dimensions should be Plan and Implementation
combined at all levels. Giovinazzi & Moretti (2010) The state, county, and municipal governments decided to
specified the 10 principles for a sustainable development of envoy waterfront development to a single-purpose not-for
urban waterfront areas [2]. profit corporation. Citizen participation in planning also
played a crucial role in the park‟s success. Staff of the City
Principles for a sustainable development of urban waterfront of Louisville and the Waterfront Development Corporation
area were described as follow. created hundreds of presentations and conducted regular
public discussions on the way to creating a plan [7].
1) Protect the quality of water and the environment
2) Waterfronts are portion of the prevailing urban fabric
3) The historic identity provides character
4) Mixed use is important
5) Public access is a necessity
6) Public participation is a component of sustainability
7) Waterfronts are long term ventures
8) It necessitates a multidisciplinary work
9) Look beyond the boundaries
10) Flexibility of Masterplans [5].
Figure 5: Riverfront Biking & Jogging trails [7]

Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1029
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
The goal was to remodel the waterfront into a vivacious, Figure 6: Marina Bay District Then & Now [8]
dynamic space that would be not solely a public park, but
also an economic development tool for attracting new Starting in the 1880s, there was substantial traffic on the
business and residential development. 55 acres of parkland Singapore River because of rapid urbanization and escalating
on the Ohio River was formed in Phase I of Louisville‟s trade. It brought in water pollution triggered by the dumping
Waterfront Park at the rate of $58 million. The land had of garbage, sewage and other by products of industries
traditionally been used for industrial and transportation located along the river's banks. The mouth of the Singapore
associated purposes and was edged by an elevated interstate River was the old Port of Singapore, being naturally
highway and rail yards. The whole 72 acres had to be protected by the southern islands. Traditionally, the city of
remediated and the list of pollutants was huge, found mainly Singapore primarily grew around the port so the river mouth
in the soil but also in some groundwater contamination, as turned out to be the centre of trade, commerce and finance.
the project confronted the challenge of being situated in a To the present day, area around the old Singapore River
flood plain. The unpredictable nature of the river had to be mouth, the Downtown Core, remains the utmost luxurious
taken into consideration when deciding how to develop the and economically significant piece of land Singapore [9].
land [7].
Plan and Implementation
The park links downtown Louisville upstream to a wharf and The modern vision for Marina Bay is to convert it into an
festival plaza, the Great Lawn, a boat harbor, and a global recreation centre. It will be a high-quality, live-work-
children‟s play area. Additional 30 acres of parkland directly play atmosphere, one that captures the spirit of the
east of the prevailing 55-acre first phase was added in Phase international city, Singapore. The Master Plan for Marina
II. One of the most uncommon elements of the park Bay emphases on inspiring a mix of uses (commercial,
development was the Big Four Walkway – an abandoned residential, hotel and entertainment) to guarantee that the
railroad bridge that links Kentucky with Indiana, to be area remains lively around the clock. The concept of 'white'
transformed for use by hikers, joggers, and cyclists and site zoning also offers developers extra flexibility to adopt
connected to a regional pathway network [7]. on the mix of uses for each site, including housing, offices,
shops, hotels, recreational facilities and public areas [6].
Influence of the Plan
The park has accommodated 1.4 million guests per annum
since its commitment in 1999, and its design has been known
both nationally and internationally, captivating a numerous
prestigious award. In 1986, before the Waterfront
Development Corporation was shaped, there were 18
businesses in the Waterfront neighborhood, employing 350
people. Currently there are more than 23 businesses paying
5,300 people [7].

The Waterfront Park has been a motivation for several new

visitor attractions in the area, including the $39 million Figure 7: Gardens by the Bay [8]
Louisville Slugger Field, that depicts 13,000 seats, 22,000
square feet of restaurant/retail space and a historic façade. A The previous mouth of the Singapore River has been
estimated 1.25 million individuals visit Waterfront Park each reworked from an operating waterfront through retrieval and
annum for concerts, fireworks shows, festivals, and general place-making to the current and future leisure and cultural
recreational uses. The minor league baseball stadium has landscape of Marina Bay, with the intention also visibly
taken in an estimated 668,000 individuals per annum in the modify the image and implication of Singapore‟s waterfront
two seasons it has been open. Waterfront Park has become [6].
the central civic space that Louisville had long lacked. The
park is additionally stuffed with events, about 120 a year [7]. Marina Bay Sands offers a completely new urban
7.2 Marina Bay, Singapore experience. Its organization around two principal axes
provides the complex a logic of orientation, placing
Marina bay is the area where the Singapore River meets the prominence on the pedestrian and civic life in the
sea. The developments at the Marina bay area comprised background of a mega scale structure that comprises a
progressively converting the area into a world class CBD diversity of uses – convention, museum, theaters, casino,
with numerous major reclamations changing the profile of promenade, hotel, and tourism. It has the logic of all the
the bay [6]. formalities of urban activities. A sequence of layered gardens
delivers sufficient green space throughout Marina Bay
Sands, spreading the tropical garden landscape from Marina
City Park towards the Bayfront. The landscape network
strengthens urban links with the resort‟s surroundings, and
each level of the district has green space that is accessible to
the public [9].

Influence of the Plan

Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1030
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
New mega events held at Marina Bay draw worldwide
crowds and uphold Singapore‟s position as a global city. The The case studies prove that passionate and determined,
new Marina Bay as well claims new iconic structures and public and/or non-profit development agencies at work with
brand-name architecture that perceptibly alter the landscape the city establish the appropriate and synchronized
of Singapore‟s urban waterfront, that fascinate several processing of a waterfront revitalization project.
foreign buyers from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan
and India. The expected high-rise, premium offices and Spatially, new waterfront developments, even though
residences in addition to high-end leisure-oriented facilities superficially stand-alone new developments with their own
and open spaces are inclined to put right on the city‟s urban core, a dialogic association with the old city core, with
ambitions to global business and finance, besides a world - good transportation networks linking both appeared to be a
class leisure and entertainment destination [6]. feature of the waterfronts studied here. The new
developments incline to be morphologically discrete from
The conversion of Singapore‟s urban waterfront is incredibly the old urban cores, however play harmonizing roles within
a product of the government operating fruitfully with the the cultural identities of the city.
markets. In several ways, this partnership is established in
the Government Land Sales program, with the government Public areas and accessibility of waterfront to public has
offering direct public infrastructure and a pure, transparent perceived substantial overall improvement in these projects
outline for the development in the form of land sale to varying degrees. An area that remains to be assessed in
conditions and tender process. For its share, the private time would be the degree of integration of these new areas
sector provided the creative proficiency and financial capital with existing social and cultural areas in the city.
On the environmental front, these new waterfront ventures
What distinguishes Singapore‟s cohesive planning regime are usually preceded by the clear-out and shipping out of
from other cities is that its plans do not exist simply on polluting industries. These are vital in place-making and
paper. They are coordinated, implemented and executed marketing, and in encouraging the image of the new
efficiently through devoted government agencies, with waterfronts.
attendant skill and resources [10].
9. Strategies
8. Analysis
1) Public awareness & Participation
The aims of waterfront revitalization plans comprise a Before the real planning process begin, it is important to
variety of aspects for various cities. Since the key issue of make individuals aware of the inevitability of revitalization.
waterfronts was the stigma of dilapidated, neglected and This will facilitate create a curiosity and emerging a
polluted sites, cities took the initiative of an environmental consensus for the project. Citizen and non-profit groups are
cleaning program as the first step in the process of restoring inspired to come frontward and take part in the planning
their waterfronts. process and also perform as a link between the public and
private sectors.
Many waterfronts were detached from the city as railroads
and highways were constructed for transportation or 2) Upgradation of existing infrastructure
floodwalls were erected to protect the city against the floods The local governments ought to build efforts to develop and
in the waterbody. Connecting the waterfront with the central upgrade existing infrastructure and support in land assembly.
business district or other recreation areas in the cities was These responsibilities are out of the scope of private
thought of imperative so as to encourage individuals to visit developers for the high costs associated. These government
the waterfront. initiatives encourage private efforts and investments in the
Accessibility to public was recognized as an significant revitalization process.
characteristic for revitalization of Louisville‟s riverfront.
Louisville stressed the formation of parks, open spaces and 3) Public Access & Interaction:
recreational activities at the riverfront for the public. These Augment physical, visual, and psychological access to the
initiatives facilitate cities develop a consciousness of the water. Make new public access or maintain and expand
natural aspects of the river. prevailing public access at the water‟s margin. Refrain from
building walls or other barriers to access. Water is a public
For Marina Bay, even though the development planning and resource for all. Look for and boost functional and
sales of sites were handled by a government agency, meaningful community input precisely relating to the
developers were given the chance to propose feasible waterfront aspects of the project. In order to decide the
projects on “white” sites – sites that do not have a previous necessity for and viability of water-dependent facilities,
density or usage allocated. Concepts competitions were also evaluate currents, water depth, susceptibility to wakes, waves
conducted for sites reserved for residential development. The and storm conditions, vessel traffic, ecological problems,
planning authorities of Singapore had protected public and regulatory requirements.
access to the water‟s edge through cautious urban design
guidelines and conditions of sale hooked up to the waterfront Construct a pier or renovate an existing pier on site that is
sites tendered in the Marina Bay development. open and accessible to the public. Augment connections

Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1031
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
between adjacent properties by orienting existing and new Partnership of the public and private sectors is critical to
pathways along the shoreline to produce a continuous and accomplish the goals of revitalization. Efforts ought to be
accessible edge. The utmost significant initiative in attracting taken by the planners to house both private and public sector
crowds to the waterfront is developing new access and roles in their plan. Clearly delineated roles help avert an
enhancing existing ones. overlap of efforts and guarantee smooth progress of the
project. Incentives should be given to the private developers
4) Mixed Use Development: through tax abatements, tax increment financing and bonds.
The interdependence of various land uses generates a lively This is also supported by developing a non-government
and 24-hour waterfront. Recreational, commercial, retail, agency to organize the activities between public and private
residential and institutional activities together aid the sectors.
purpose of offering alternatives for individuals to come to
the waterfront for enjoyment, work or stay. 10. Conclusion
5) Recreational Facilities: The study was an effort to frame planning strategies for
Recreational activities are indispensable part of any restoring the neighborhood through waterfront development.
waterfront revitalization plan as they can be very well This was done through analysing the planning aspects using
planned and executed in the open spaces in the flood zones. the literature study and case study. Urban planning
Activities at the waterfront and in the water entertain parameters are identified for formulating strategies. With a
individuals by providing options for active and passive revitalized waterfront, downtowns gain liveliness and a lot of
entertainment. They result in the required resonance and businesses get attracted in establishing at the waterfront. The
sparkle at the waterfront. vitality is restored due to more people visiting the waterfront
during evenings and weekends. These projects also fetch in
6) Heritage Conservation: money from various places with a rise in tourism activities.
Preserving historic buildings at the waterfront facilitate to
create the character of the waterfront. It encourages tourism Strategies are generalized to such a level that it can be
and cultural values of the place. The adaptive reuse of applied to any waterfront without any major changes and
buildings aids in their consistent maintenance. It additionally maintaining the elementary structure. Waterfront
benefits in procuring special grants and incentives for regeneration of cities at the bank of a waterbody is an
renovating and rectification of the building. outstanding tool for restoring the character of the central
core. Enhancing and reutilizing the waterfront best aid the
7) Architectural Character: purpose of improving cultural values and rejoicing the
While it is necessary that new buildings and alterations be history of the city. Revived waterfronts function as the
compatible with the traditional background, they should not community‟s living room and provide a congregational place
imitate older building styles. New construction should be at the scale of the city.
stylistically unique from historic buildings. It should uphold
a comparable scale and also comprise character-defining
features compatible with traditional buildings.

8) Economy Generating Activities:

Vast investments like aquariums, museums, and convention References
centers produce anchor activities. These attractions
contribute towards creating the businesses, retail and tourism [1] Michael Porto, “Shape Your Waterfront”, January 2015,
related activities feasible. These investments are attractions Waterfront Alliance.
for individuals all over the globe and not only for specific [2] PekinTimur. U, “Urban Waterfront Regenerations”,
region or city. 2013, Turkey. Retrieved from
9) Edge Resiliency: [3] R le Roux, “An exploration of the role of waterfront
Evaluate waterfront edge conditions to determine suitable development in urban regeneration: Mossel Bay as case
design. Design waterfront edge for climate conditions study”, May 2015, Dissertation submitted to
projected for the horizon period. Reinstate or replicate a Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University
natural feature along at least 25% of the shoreline. [4] Azlina Binti Md. Yassin, “Developing New Guidelines
for Riverfront Development in Malaysia”, 2011, Thesis
10) Enhance Ecology: submitted to Lincoln University, Christ Church, New
Conserving and enhancing the natural environment is
indispensable to avoid any further environmental
[5] B. Niemann & T. Werner, “Strategies for the sustainable
degradation of waterfronts. Awareness regarding the
urban waterfront”, 2016, Wismar University of Applied
preservation of the ecosystem makes it a healthy place for
Sciences, Germany, 11th International Conference on
recreation and public use. Environmentally sound sites
Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
reassure development by private sector developers for
[6] L. Hee* & B.L. Low**, “Water Margins – The
business and residential purposes.
Redevelopment of Waterfronts and Waterways in Asian
11) Public Private Participation:
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1032
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Cities”, Department of Architecture, National University
of Singapore, Singapore 117566
[7] Deepali Tumbde, “Conceptual Model for Economically
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[9] “Masterplan” retrieved on April 13, 2020
[10] “Urban Regeneration”, Case Study on Singapore,
retrieved on April 13, 2020, https://urban-

Author Profile
The author, Rahana. H is a post graduate student in
Urban Planning at TKM college of Engineering,
Kollam. She completed her Bachelor's in Architecture
from Kerala University and has been working as
Deputy Town Planner in Department of Town &
Country Planning, Kerala.

Prof. Nizar. S. A received his B. Arch degree in

Architecture from T. K. M. College of Engineering,
Kollam under Kerala University in 1993 and MURP
(Master of Urban and Rural Planning) from Indian
Institute Of Technology, Roorkee in 2003. He joined
T. K. M. College of Engineering, Kollam as a faculty in
Architecture Department in 1994, and currently he is working as
Associate Professor in the Institution. His areas of research include
Sustainable building practices, Passive building design and Urban
and regional planning.

Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20415201611 DOI: 10.21275/SR20415201611 1033

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