Africa Energy Review 2021

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Africa Energy

Review 2021
The global race to net zero by 2050
is accelerating. Will Africa realise a
just transition or become a stranded
November 2021

1 2 4 12 14
Acronyms used in this 1. Introduction 2. Energy snapshot 3. Africa’s reality and 4. Economic benefits
report the challenges of a and opportunity
net-zero transition costs of the energy

21 23 28 32 33
5. The role of Africa’s 6. The future structure 7. Driving a measured 8. Conclusion Contacts
emissions footprint of the energy transition
in a just transition sector


Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC

Acronyms used in this report
bbl Barrels GHG Greenhouse gas mt Million tons
Bbo Billion barrels of oil GW Gigawatt MW Megawatt
bbl/d Barrels per day IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency mWh Megawatt hour
bcm Billion cubic metres kt Kiloton O&M Operations and maintenance
bn Billion kW Kilowatt PEM Polymer electrolyte membrane
bt Billion tons kWh Kilowatt-hour PPP Public-private partnership
CIM Construction, manufacturing LNG Liquefied natural gas PV Photovoltaic
and installation
m Million SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
CO2 Carbon dioxide
m Thousand tcf Trillion cubic feet
COP26 2021 United Nations Climate
mm Million tn Trillion
Change Conference
mbbl Thousand barrels TTF Title Transfer Facility
CSP Concentrating solar power
mbbl/d Thousand barrels per day TW Terawatt
EJ Exajoule
mmbbl Million barrels UNFCCC United Nations Framework
EU European Union
Convention on Climate Change
mmbbl/d Million barrels per day
FTE Full-time equivalent
USAID United States Agency for
Mt Megatonne
GDP Gross domestic product International Development

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 1

1. Introduction
It has been estimated that achieving global net zero by 2050 will cost as much as $130tn,
making it the single biggest global growth opportunity. For those who can’t transition,
it will however be a significant disrupter, with the risk of major stranded assets across
the globe. A critical question yet to be answered is whether Africa will benefit from an
equitable share in this global investment and growth or, lacking the economic strength,
will continue to fall further behind global standards as outlined in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 2

It is well documented that Africa still has significant Such challenges will further escalate as Africa’s population A conservative estimate done by PwC of the cost to achieve
untapped fossil fuel reserves, which could provide is set to exceed 2bn by 2040. In order for Africa to achieve net zero for Africa by 2050 is $2.8tn. Such investment levels
much-needed foreign direct investment and export its SDGs relating to energy, its generation capacity will are increasingly unaffordable for many African economies
revenue. Despite the clear and necessary long-term decline need to be doubled by 2030 and multiplied fivefold by and increased reliance on international finance will be
in demand for fossil fuels, shorter-term demand and prices 2050. If unmet, this energy demand-supply gap will be needed if progress is to be made towards sustainable
remain buoyant, providing strong commercial justification detrimental to Africa’s standard of living and will greatly access to affordable energy for all Africans.
for their exploitation and a necessity to smoothen the hinder economic growth.
transition. Fossil fuel projects are, however, increasingly Increasing policy pressure from developed economies to
challenging and more expensive to finance given the Many African economies remain heavily reliant on fossil fuel accelerate the net-zero journey is undoubtedly impacting
acceleration of global net-zero policy and related disclosure revenue for their national budgets and have experienced Africa and the loss of export revenue opportunities
for investors. considerable negative fiscal and economic impacts since from fossil fuel commodities further reduces long-term
the global COVID-19 pandemic broke out. This caused budgeting capacity. Global policy pressures manifest
Developed economies around the world have for decades reductions in physical demand for energy products as well in many ways, from withdrawal of financial support for
enjoyed the benefit of both cheap domestic energy as well as price volatility. The fiscal position of these countries fossil fuel related projects, mandatory emissions related
as export revenues from fossil fuels. This associated export was already weak prior to the pandemic and since then disclosures, and emissions reduction pressure. Markets
revenue is an obvious economic benefit of fossil fuels over has further deteriorated. GDP in oil-exporting countries are also changing through the addition of various forms
domestic renewable energy. in particular is estimated to have contracted by 2.6% in of carbon related taxes, both direct and indirect, which
2020. The recovery in 2021 is projected at 2.6%, and a have the potential to exclude African countries from global
According to Our World in Data, Africa accounts for strong rebound in the oil price (increasing by 70% in the supply chains due to their inability to price competitively.
only 3% of cumulative global CO2 emissions.1 Africa is, first ten months of 2021) may still show a stronger recovery
however, being swept along in the global energy transition than expected. However, this recovery still places many Within this context, we consider Africa’s current energy
and increasingly coming under the same net-zero policy countries below the pre-COVID-19 base position and with landscape and outline potential scenarios for Africa’s
pressure as developed economies such as the EU, which the risk of further waves of the pandemic to consider. fossil fuel vs renewable energy development. The direction
has contributed 33% of global CO2 emissions. While the that is followed in this global transition will have profound
importance of global decarbonisation and a sustainable Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, implications for African economies, populations and the
planet is foremost, the journey to achieve net zero is clearly governments around the world have instituted fiscal environment. As we explore these scenarios, we provide
highlighting the risk of further entrenching economic stimulus packages in response to the crisis. In Africa, insight on the following:
winners and losers. these stimulus packages have however resulted in
increased public sector debt levels, debt service payments, • What is the potential for Africa’s fossil fuels and related
Africa is home to 17% of the world’s population, but it and overall increased fiscal strain. export revenues in the context of the global journey to
accounts for only 4% of global power supply investment. net zero?
It is estimated that only 58% of the continent’s population Notwithstanding the significant innovation and related
have access to electricity and two-thirds of Africa’s existing cost reduction being realised from renewable energy • As the world’s lowest contributor to global emissions
grids are considered unreliable. Excluding South Africa, technologies, the required capital investment for and as one of the poorest continents in the world, what
nearly one billion people across 48 countries in sustainable energy supply in Africa must cover the role will foreign investment in renewables play to ensure
sub-Saharan Africa share roughly the same generation generation, much-needed sector reform as well as grid a balance between achieving global net zero as well as a
capacity of Germany providing for 83 million people. and utility strengthening. This is often unaffordable to just transition for Africa?
poorer economies, which is evident in the slow pace of
electricity growth in Africa relative to developed countries.

“CO2 Emissions.” Our World in Data. Accessed 20 October 2021.



Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 3

2. Energy snapshot
Africa’s current energy mix
While Africa’s energy sector is vital to the continent’s economic prospects, it has not
been able to achieve the reliable domestic energy supply that its people and businesses
require. Energy demand in Africa has been increasing at an annual rate of around 3%,
the highest among all continents, but energy supply continues to lag significantly.

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Africa’s energy mix has been relatively constant for the last 30 years and despite
successful renewable energy projects, the overall scale of renewables in Africa
remains very small. Africa’s current energy generation mix is dominated by fossil
fuel generation with hydropower making the only meaningful renewable energy
contribution. There has been a more recent shift within the renewable energy mix to
accelerate solar and wind technologies, but they remain small at 1.6%.

Figure 1. Africa’s current energy generation mix

Oil 38,7%

Natural gas 29,7%

Coal 22,1%

Nuclear 0,7%

Hydro 6,8%

Bioenergy 0,4%

Solar 0,6%

Wind 1,0%

Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020

On a country-by-country basis, however, continued exploitation of existing fossil

fuel reserves, along with recent natural gas discoveries, could tempt some countries
to disregard the benefits of a more diversified energy generation mix and remain
entrenched in fossil fuels.

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Fossil fuels snapshot

Oil Gas Coal

• Oil proven reserves • Gas proven reserves in 2021 amount to • Africa’s proven coal reserves remained at 14.8 bt.
saw a slight drop of 455 tcf.
0.1% from 2020,
• Coal production saw a decline of 5.5% to 6.47 EJ
amounting to
• Gas production experienced a slight decline compared to the previous year.
of 5%, which amounted to 231 bcm,
125.1 Bbo. Africa’s
compared to the previous year. Gas
• Coal consumption saw a decline of 5% to 4.1 EJ.
oil proven reserves remain at 7.2 % of the world’s
production saw a slight decline compared to
proven reserves.
oil production.
• Production significantly decreased by 19% to
6.8 mmbbl/d from the prior year. This accounts for
• Gas consumption saw a slight decline of
1.5% relative to the previous year, amounting
7.8% of global production.
to 153 bcm.
• Consumption saw a decrease of 14% to
3.5 mmbbl/d from the prior year. Refinery
• Gas exports saw a decline of 6% to
26.1 bcm compared to the previous year.
throughput saw a decline of 11% from the
previous year, amounting to 1,826 mbbl/d. Oil and gas discoveries
• Exports remained at 7.2 mmbbl/d in 2018 and
2019, but due to COVID-19, saw a drop to • Oil proven reserves saw a slight drop of 0.1% from
5.7 mmbbl/d in 2020. 2020, amounting to 125.1 Bbo. Africa’s oil proven
reserves remain at 7.2 % of the world’s
proven reserves.
• The largest discovery in Africa between 2020 and
2021 is Total’s 574 mmbbl Luiperd discovery in
South Africa, while Ghana’s Eban discovery is
second with 180 mmbbl and Angola follows with
56 mmbbl.
• About 343 mmbbl of total discovered volumes
between 2020 and 2021 are gas, while liquid
volumes are estimated at 551 mmbbl.
• Discoveries announced from 2020 through
to August 2021 are evenly split between
onshore and offshore. However, 60%
of Africa’s top discoveries were
made onshore.

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Current developments: New, stalled and cancelled projects
A large number of oil and gas
projects in Africa are expected
to start operations from 2021 to

2025. Upstream and midstream Egypt
sectors are expected to witness Egyptian companies are
the highest number of project planning more than $1bn in
Algeria Libya Egypt investments in the oil and
starts, mostly linked to projects natural gas sector in the
recently stalled or cancelled due Western Desert region.
to COVID-19. This trend is more
Senegal and Mauritania
evident in the gas sector. Mauritania Sudan
South Sudan
The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Chad
gas megaproject (BP project) The Ministry of Petroleum
Projects that were suspended is expected to produce its first of the Republic of
gas in 2023. South Sudan
in 2020, but have resumed in South announced the launch
2021 include:

Sudan of the country’s first

d’Ivoire oil licensing round.

• TotalEnergies’ Zinia Phase



II in Angola came on stream

Ghana is set to open sub-Saharan Gabon
Africa’s first liquefied natural TotalEnergies signed key deals
in May 2021. It is expected for Uganda's Lake
gas-to-power project.
to reach production of Tanzania Albert project and also
confirmed that the first
40,000 bbl/d by mid-2022. crude exports are
planned for 2025.
• Aker Energy aims to approve Angola
Nigeria is expected to have 100

a revised plan for developing

oil and gas projects Kenya

the Pecan oilfield off Ghana by commencing operations across MGT received a $23m loan

the value chain between 2021
the end of 2021. and 2025.
from the World Bank's private
lending arm to build an LPG
terminal in the Port of
• The partners of the Mombasa.
Lake Albert development Mozambique
project in Uganda concluded Total Energies declared force South
majeure on the 13.2 mtpa Africa
the final agreements required Kenya and Tanzania
Mozambique LNG project in
to launch the Tilenga project April 2021. Kenya and Tanzania have
in April 2021. signed a $1bn gas pipeline

Offshore fields
Oil project Gas project
Onshore fields

Offshore and onshore fields

Source: PwC analysis

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 7

Global investor pressure driven by increasingly stringent
energy policies and regulation is resulting in rapid exiting
Renewable energy snapshot
of and disinvestment in portfolios, especially in coal. Yet,
despite increasing pressure to exit fossil fuels, investors Adoption of renewable energy
still see the potential of natural gas in the transition Countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa are leading the increase in renewable energy
to cleaner energy sources, as it has scale to satisfy supply on the continent, while some of Africa’s smaller countries including Cabo Verde, Djibouti, Rwanda and
growing global demand and fuel switching from coal. Eswatini have set ambitious renewable energy targets. Renewable energy is on a gradual rise across the continent
with an annual growth rate of 21% between 2010 and 2020 and current total renewable capacity of more than 58 GW
Liquified natural gas (LNG) projects have remained (of which hydropower contributes 63%).
resilient through the pandemic with a large number
of projects advancing. They include the East Africa
LNG projects whose substantial gas finds are likely to
Africa’s renewable generation and capacity
encourage greater investment in future.

Significant delays to LNG projects in Mozambique Generation Capacity Closing Africa’s future
appear inevitable, but with a new regional effort to Wind energy generation increased Solar capacity increased by 13%, energy demand gap
ensure security and stability, it is expected that the main by 14% and solar energy generation wind capacity increased by 11% and Forecasts to 2050 estimate 27.32 EJ
projects will resume. Despite the setbacks, Mozambique increased by 13%, while total hydropower increased by more than of additional renewable generation
is still expected to become a major player within the LNG renewable energy generation 25% in 2020 compared to 2019. coming online, a significant increase
industry post 2025 and the country’s resources are likely increased by 11% in 2020 compared Total installed renewable energy from current generation of 1.79 EJ.
to trigger more investments. to the previous year. capacity in Africa has grown by over
24 GW since 2013. While much of
Rig count activity is returning upstream in Africa. From a this total was related to hydropower, L

low of 51 active rigs in January 2021, there were 75 rigs investment in non-hydro renewables
in operation by August 2021. The rise was led by Nigeria like solar, wind and bioenergy have
and Angola, but with growth also seen in Cameroon, seen a significant uptake and are
Gabon, Ghana and Kenya. projected to surpass hydro in the
next decade. The continent’s
Despite companies commencing exploration and capacity is expected to increase
development projects, planned capital expenditure again by the end of 2021 with
in 2020–2021 has fallen from $90bn pre-COVID-19 to growth led by solar and wind
$60bn. Oil and gas producers as well as governments projects in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia,
are being challenged by the lower investment appetite Morocco and Ethiopia.
to fund oil and gas projects. They will thus need to show
clear evidence of diversification and emissions reduction
strategies as well as strong commercial business cases
in order to attract competitive finance.

Hydropower is the main provider of renewable electricity in Africa with over 37 GW of installed capacity. The
continent has the highest untapped hydropower potential in the world, with an estimate of only 11% of its potential
being utilised. Similarly, the technical potential of solar, bioenergy, wind and geothermal energy is also significant.
Most African countries are increasing investment in solar and hydropower technologies and projects that are
currently under construction are expected to add 33 GW of renewable energy capacity.

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The following map displays renewable energy projects split by African region for current operating projects and projects under construction.

Renewable projects in Africa, 2021 (MW)

African Operating Renewable projects

region renewable under construction
projects (capacity) (capacity)

North Africa 13,110 MW 100 MW

West Africa 6,298 MW 5,481 MW

Central Africa 4,253 MW 2,209 MW

East Africa 10,402 MW 15,201 MW

Southern Africa 24,840 MW 10,095 MW

Source: ABIQ

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Wind power Hydropower
Africa’s technical wind resource potential is more Africa has abundant hydropower potential. With only
than 59 TW, however capacity from projects under 11% of its hydropower potential utilised, the continent
construction and currently installed have only tapped has vast opportunities to develop new projects.
into 0.01% of this potential. Currently installed wind Hydropower accounts for 17% of the electricity
capacity is 6,491 MW while 1,321 MW is under generated across Africa and remains one of the
construction. Installed cost for onshore wind is the lowest-cost sources of electricity. Total installed cost for
second lowest of renewable energy technologies, behind hydropower is favourable at $1,704 per kW. Estimated
solar, at $1,473/kW. South Africa has the greatest wind hydropower capacity of 37,251 MW is currently installed
capacity, followed by Egypt, Senegal and Morocco. while 20,403 MW is under construction. Hydropower in
electricity generation exceeds 80% in countries such
Bioenergy as Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia,
Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia.
Africa has a vast variety of bioenergy feedstocks to
meet Africa’s burgeoning demand for modern energy
services and thus most African countries are gradually
Nuclear power
adopting bioenergy technologies. More than 10% of South Africa currently has the continent’s only
the renewable energy supply in 2050 is expected to be commercial nuclear power in Africa. The sole operating
some form of bioenergy. Installed bioenergy capacity nuclear power project is generating 1,940 MW in
is estimated at 1,709 MW while 151 MW is still under South Africa, while 100 MW is under construction in
construction. Bioenergy installed cost is estimated at South Sudan. Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, Niger
$2,141/kW. and Nigeria are considering adopting nuclear power and
have engaged with the IAEA to assess their readiness
Solar power to embark on a nuclear programme. Countries such as
Algeria, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia are also evaluating
Africa has substantial solar power potential. Solar energy the feasibility of nuclear power.
can bring power to rural areas without expensive grid
infrastructure with solar photovoltaic (PV) installation
cost the lowest of all renewable technologies at $995
per kW. Concentrating solar power (CSP) remains
the most costly renewable energy form to install.
Installed solar capacity is estimated at 9,604 MW while
7,158 MW is under construction. South Africa and Egypt
currently have the largest solar capacity, followed by
Algeria. BP projects that around 30% of Africa’s energy
production will be derived from solar by 20502.

“Energy Outlook.” BP. Accessed September 13 2021. https://www.


Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 10

Geothermal energy
Kenya is the largest geothermal energy producer in Africa, with its power production contributing approximately The cost of electricity from renewable energy
40% of the country’s electricity supply. East Africa is successfully harnessing its geothermal capabilities with technologies has fallen dramatically in recent years,
installed geothermal capacity estimated at 824 MW in Ethiopia, while 3,953 MW is under construction in Ethiopia, with solar PV and CSP experiencing the most rapid
Kenya and Uganda. cost reduction in recent decades. According to the
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), more
Figure 2. Total installed cost ($/kW) than half of the renewable capacity added between 2019
and 2020 achieved lower power costs than the cheapest
7,000 new coal plants. Since 2010, solar PV power has seen a
cost decline of 82%, followed by CSP of 47%, onshore
6,000 wind of 39% and offshore wind of 29%.

These low-cost power generation technologies

will increasingly offer competitive and sustainable
electricity for Africa, as more contracted plants are
commissioned. A growing bottleneck to such generation
roll-out is however the market form, which is dominated
by centrally controlled state utilities that are largely
financially distressed and can’t afford the related grid
2,000 investment and system strengthening required to
facilitate higher levels of variable energy associated with
1,000 renewable energy.

Solar PV Onshore wind Offshore wind Concentrating Hydro Bioenergy Geothermal
Solar Power (CSP)

Source: IRENA, PwC analysis

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 11

3. Africa’s reality and the challenges
of a net-zero transition
Of Africa’s 54 countries, 35 have undertaken some form of commitment towards net-
zero emissions. Despite such public commitments, decisive actions and implementation
remain inadequate and the pace of change is slow. With 17% of the world’s population,
Africa currently produces less than 5% of global emissions and only 3% of global
cumulative emissions.

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As such, carbon-cutting goals have limited relevance The fiscal constraints being experienced across
and present challenging affordability constraints, Africa create a challenge for the continent to move
with most African nations focused more on providing with pace on its net-zero journey. Private partnerships,
improvement in living conditions, greater access to public-private partnerships (PPPs) and blended finance
electricity, jobs and economic growth. are becoming increasingly important and will have to be
mobilised along with strong public sector governance
To achieve its SDGs in relation to energy, Africa and innovative financing instruments to overcome these
needs to double its generation capacity by 2030 and challenges.
grow it fivefold by 2050. To achieve net zero by 2050,
Africa would need to invest an estimated $2.8tn in a Although governments have a moral obligation to all
clean energy mix and reduce its current annual CO2 citizens and future generations to address climate
emissions of 1.62m kilotons of CO2e. change, Africa must carefully consider the economic
cost of a transition away from fossil fuels and lost
Investment in low-carbon energy systems in Africa revenue against the timing of new growth opportunities
lags global pace, but despite global climate finance associated with renewables, long-term stability and
commitments from developed economies aimed economic growth.
at $100bn per annum, the allocation to Africa falls
significantly short of what the continent requires to meet As a continent where more than a third of nations
global targets. COVID-19 has further seen governments depend on fossil fuel commodities for state revenue,
reprioritising budgets towards funding emergency health foreign currency reserves and local economic activity,
services and economic stimulus, too radical a shift from this sector may accentuate even
and away from funding the expansion and improvement greater fiscal strain in Africa. Conversely, too slow a
of electricity generation and infrastructure. transition may leave Africa isolated from global markets, 
and potentially ‘stranded’ in relation to the global
An additional financing challenge lies in the cost of net-zero journey.
finance and perceived investment risk. For African
countries these remain significantly higher than for
developed economies, despite the vast improvements
in stability and governance. Africa still suffers from
the perception that it is high risk, even though project
finance defaults on the continent are the lowest globally.3

“The Road to COP26.” Absa Africa. Accessed 27 September 2021.


Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 13

4. Economic benefits and opportunity
costs of the energy transition

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Fossil fuel derived economic benefits
Fossil fuel generated export Figure 3. Africa: Fossil fuel revenue, 2019 ($bn)
revenue — direct economic benefit
Oil and gas resources play a pivotal role in the growth,
development and economic stability of Africa. Africa’s 35
proven fossil fuel reserves are estimated at more than
$15.2tn based on current market value. In sub-Saharan
Africa alone, nearly 50% of export value is derived from 25
fossil fuels with an estimated annual contribution to GDP
from Africa’s current oil, coal and gas production of
approximately $156.2bn. 15








Congo, Rep.

Cote d'Ivoire

Congo, Dem. Rep.


Equatorial Guinea











South Africa






Source: World Bank, PwC analysis

The global energy transition is, however, putting this crucial income source for the continent at risk. While demand
for coal will decline the quickest, there will be a slower global decline in demand for oil while gas is expected to see
continued growth until the mid 2030s before peak demand is reached. This will specifically impact Africa’s fossil-fuel
exporting economies as they try to diversify their economies and income sources.

To achieve the 1.5°C global warming target under the Paris Agreement, studies suggest that a third of current oil
reserves, half the current natural gas reserves and nearly 90% of current coal reserves must remain in the ground.
Applying this to Africa would leave a potential $6.7tn of fossil fuels stranded on the continent.

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Fossil fuel industry’s job creation — Figure 4. Africa energy employment (million jobs)
direct and indirect economic benefit
The fossil fuel sector provides a wide array of jobs
with employment in the energy sector across Africa
estimated at 2.1m. 3,5

Figure 4 illustrates the number of directly engaged 3,0

workers employed in the energy sector. The historic
numbers show a peak of around 3.7m jobs in 2010 2,5
when multiple new projects were under construction
across Africa. It then drops to a low of around 2.1m jobs 2,0
at present. This 43% decline is primarily the result of
multiple large construction projects being completed,
construction sites being demobilised and projects being
stalled or cancelled during this time.
The operational phases of large oil and gas projects
require significantly fewer staff due to the capital 0,0
intensity of the sector. Further consideration needs to be 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
given to the development of renewable energy, which is
more labour intensive due to the lower capital intensity
associated with an energy model that utilises free energy
feedstock. Source: BLS, UCube, AEC Outlook

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 16

Renewable energy derived Africa could benefit from renewable energy-related exports in
economic benefits the medium term
Renewable energy has the potential to create improved As of 2021, more than 30 countries have published and will require significant technology innovation and
job multiples and greater access to affordable electricity a hydrogen roadmap, which highlight more than scaling of production before price parity with fossil fuels
for Africa’s population. Although a nascent market, 200 hydrogen projects, with governments committing is achieved. A second area of opportunity for Africa
the rapid development of green hydrogen could also over $70bn in public funding to support the development when considering the renewable energy market is rare
provide attractive energy export revenues, especially of green hydrogen. Africa has an abundance of solar earth metals mining. Africa is endowed with many of
for Morocco, Namibia and South Africa, which are all and wind energy potential as well as the largest reserves the metals required for battery production, including
well positioned to be low-cost global suppliers of green of platinum group metals, including platinum and vanadium, manganese, nickel, cobalt and lithium. The
hydrogen. iridium, which are critical in the manufacture of PEM market for these metals is expected to see rapid growth
electrolysers and fuel cells. in the coming years and will be driven by increased
demand for electric vehicles, smartphones and off-grid
The European Union, most notably Germany, is energy storage. In South Africa alone, the pipeline of
playing a leading role through its H2 Global programme. near-term battery energy storage projects is expected to
KfW, the German development bank, launched a grow by $3.6bn over the next three years.
$235m concessional financing initiative in June 2021
seeking to catalyse the development of a green These opportunities could provide a logical transition for
hydrogen economy in South Africa. Sasol, the world’s workers previously employed by the fossil fuels industry
largest producer of coal-to-liquids fuel, based in such as coal mining, or manufacturing industries that
South Africa, has launched the Hydrogen Valley in rely heavily on fossil fuels. They could also bring some
partnership with international technology providers relief in the form of new export revenues for Africa.
and developers. In addition to playing a critical role in While many positive benefits can be achieved through
decarbonising hard-to-abate industrial sectors such as this focus, the infrastructure and technology required for
steel and cement, green hydrogen opens the door to Africa to pivot to such renewable industry led exports
downstream exports as a zero-carbon fuel, including demands substantial financial investment. Africa needs
marine bunkering, green ammonia and green methanol. to act now to capitalise on these new growing sectors
Green hydrogen is however still in its infancy, has a and capture relevant market share or the opportunity will
significant cost premium over fossil fuel incumbents be lost.

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Renewable energy adoption has the potential to boost employment
The green energy sector has been shown globally to The table below shows a breakdown of potential job gains per renewable energy technology per MW. This is given in
have a far greater employment multiplier than that of terms of short-term construction, manufacturing and installation (CIM) FTE and medium-to-long term operations and
fossil fuels. The fossil fuel industry creates 2.7 jobs maintenance (O&M) FTE to meet Africa’s forecast renewable energy demand in 2030.
per US$1m invested, whereas the clean energy sector
(renewable energy and energy efficiency) creates Potential job gains per renewable energy technology per MW in Africa
between 7.5 and 15 jobs per US$1m invested.4
by 2030 (FTE jobs/MW)
This employment creation is also not limited to direct
employment and of particular relevance to Africa is the Construction, Operations Potential CIM Potential O&M
potential boost in non-energy jobs through broader installation and jobs in Africa jobs in Africa
economic activity in rural communities where improved and maintenance (Short term) (Medium to
energy access through mini-grids and off-grid solutions manufacturing long term)
will impact economic productivity.5
Renewable Solar PV 34 3 3,799,913 335,286
Wind 7 0.4 284,076 16,233
International Finance Corporation. “A Green Reboot for
Hydro 7.5 0.04 571,950 3,050
Emerging Markets”. Accessed 19 October 2021. https://
c891e138bb37/IFC_GreenReport_FINAL_web_1-14-21. Bioenergy 7.7 1 131,128 17,030
Total 4,787,067 371,599
“Renewable Energy Jobs in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia 2019.”

Power For All. Accessed 29 October 2020. https://www.powerforall.

Source: IRENA, SAPVIA 2021, PwC analysis
org/resources/reports/powering-jobs-census-2019- energy-access-
The area with the highest job multiplier potential is solar PV with hydropower, which is currently the most common
form of renewable energy in Africa, showing much lower job multipliers. This is, however, consistent with the
capital-intensive upstream model discussed under fossil fuels.

Overall, the energy transition in Africa has the potential to result in total renewable energy employment of around
5m jobs by 2030, which is a substantial increase from the estimate of 324,000 currently employed6. With the solar PV
workforce making up 80% of renewable sector job creation, it suggests that a holistic government plan is required to
understand and manage the transition where new skills and opportunities do not equate to old ones.

IRENA. “Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2020.” Last modified 29 September 2020.


Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 18

Providing energy access as the backbone of the economy
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen disruption in planned
Figure 5. Average annual per capita electricity consumption, 2020 (kWh)
government and international aid financing, as these
budgets have been pivoted towards social services
such as healthcare instead of scaling-up energy
infrastructure. Those already connected have seen basic
electricity services becoming less affordable and in
some circumstances less reliable. Figure 5 shows that 12,000
Africa’s energy consumption per person is a fraction
of that in the US, EU and China as well as the world
average. This has detrimental impacts on economic 9,000
productivity as well as on people’s well-being.



US EU China World Africa

Source: World Bank, 2020

With many African countries experiencing recurrent electricity outages and load-shedding as the norm, such sector
bottlenecks and power shortages are estimated to cost Africa about 2–4% of GDP annually.

This issue does not only impact business and economic growth, it also has severe impacts on the quality of life of
Africans as well as carbon emissions per mWh of energy produced on the continent. Approximately 730m Africans
rely on traditional uses of biomass and unsustainable cooking energy, causing an estimated 600 mt of carbon to be
emitted per annum.4 Two-thirds of African grids are considered unreliable. As a result of this, there are estimated
to be more than 7m non-utility backup diesel generators on the continent, producing carbon emissions equivalent
to 120 coal-fired power stations. In addition to the emissions cost, the need for such generators also necessitates
$13bn of otherwise needless spending on fossil fuel inputs.7

“Unlocking Climate Finance to Accelerate Energy Access in Africa.” Shell Foundation. Last modified 22 April 2021.


Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 19

The figure below shows the severity of energy scarcity across the various African regions, with only North Africa reaching an acceptable electricity access
rate. Providing reliable and wide-reaching access to electricity should therefore be a top priority for Africa.

Electrification rates in different regions

North Africa

1.4 billion
people 42%

252m 98% 5m o

people electrified without Mo

ro cc
electricity access
electricity access Algeria Libya Egypt

West Africa East Africa

Mauritania Mali Niger Sudan

Fa na

Guinea Nigeria South Ethiopia
al Sudan

Centr public



d’Ivoire frican




414m 47% 220m 458m 53% 242m


Republic Rwanda
of Congo
people electrified without people electrified without Burundi
electricity access electricity access

Southern Africa
Central Africa Zambia









186m 30% 130m 68m 51% 33m

people electrified without people electrified without
electricity access electricity access

Source: World Bank 2020

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 20
5. The role of Africa’s emissions
footprint in a just transition
Africa’s carbon emissions
Africa accounts for only 3% of cumulative global CO2 emissions and less than 5% of the
world’s annual CO2 emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) highlights that Africa has made the smallest historical contribution to
the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming and yet at the same time bears
the brunt of the negative impacts of climate change.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 21

Africa has a far smaller carbon footprint compared
Figure 6. CO2 emissions for selected countries and regions compared,
to others as shown in Figure 6. Africa emitted
2020 (million kilotons)
1.62m kilotons of CO2 in 2020 against a global estimate
of around 33m kilotons.
Excluding Africa’s higher emitting nations namely 10.58
South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria and Libya other 10
African nations contribute only 1.6% of total annual
global emissions. Excluding South Africa, those from
sub-Saharan Africa are the lowest emitters in the world. 8

2 1.62

China United States European Union Africa

Source: CAIT
Considering that one of the key principles outlined
Figure 7. Africa’s CO2 emissions in 2020 (million kilotons)
by the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) is that parties should
act ‘on the basis of equity and in accordance with
their common but differentiated responsibilities and 1.6
respective capabilities’. Simply put, the just transition
to a sustainable development pathway will vary among 1.4
different societies and economies and a one-size-fits-all
approach cannot be adopted. On the basis that Africa
contributes a minor fraction of global carbon emissions, 1.0
applying the same degree of legislative and punitive
measures to the continent as adopted by the developed 0.8
world, would place the continent at a disadvantage. 0.6


Africa Africa without major emitters
South Africa Egypt Algeria Nigeria Libya Other Africa

Source: CAIT

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 22

6. The future structure of the
energy sector
Momentum is growing for energy sectors around the world to decarbonise.
As of June 2020, 120 countries, 823 cities and more than 1,000 companies,
had committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions and the structure of Africa’s
energy sector will need to evolve rapidly to keep pace with global trends.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 23

Africa’s energy generation mix to 2050
Africa’s coal and oil energy production are expected
Figure 8. Africa’s energy production towards net zero, 2020–2050 (EJ)
to drop by around 96% and 71% respectively by 2050.
This will be driven by declining demand for fossil fuels
globally with leading international oil and gas companies 50
already refocusing their portfolios to include higher
renewables exposure.
Renewable energy is expected to see large gains in
Africa over the next three decades. Solar and wind
generation capacity has grown at an annual rate of 30
50.2% and 25.3% respectively between 2010 and
2020. By 2050, energy production from solar and wind
is expected to increase by as much as 110 times and 20
40 times respectively. This suggests that Africa’s energy
mix is already seeing tangible progress in moving toward
lower emissions generation and will see exponential 10
growth of renewables in future. 5

2020 2030 2040 2050

Oil Natural gas Coal Nuclear Hydro Bioenergy Solar Wind

Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 24

Figure 9. Africa’s energy consumption towards net zero, 2020–2050 (EJ)










2020 2030 2040 2050

Oil Natural gas Coal Nuclear Hydro Bioenergy Solar Wind

Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020

Natural gas is often described as a bridging fuel to There have been numerous contributors to the current Although natural gas will enjoy increasing demand and
renewable energy due to it being a cleaner fossil fuel supply demand imbalance in addition to the slow erosion strong pricing in the medium term, Africa is not seen
alternative. Natural gas has also historically been of inventories during the COVID-19-related lockdowns, to be a significant supply-side player, with Russia,
a relatively cheap fuel, however, in the second half which led to significant temporary decreases in demand. the US and Qatar seen as the major beneficiaries.
of 2021 there have been significant surges in price. Other supply disruptions include lack of investment As highlighted earlier, lack of finance and challenging
Benchmark European gas prices at the Dutch TTF hub and infrastructure development during the pandemic, geopolitics will constrain Africa’s potential to participate
have increased more than 250% since January, while a prolonged northern-hemisphere winter; disruptions in this growth.
benchmark German and French power contracts have of imports piped from Russia and Norway; a fire at a
doubled. processing plant in Siberia and an abnormally harsh
winter in Russia that has depleted reserves.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 25

Africa’s gas reserves are therefore largely likely to
Figure 10. Africa’s energy exports, 2020–2050 (EJ)
remain untapped. In light of the intensification of
foreign demand for natural gas, as well as the need
for cleaner fuels domestically, African nations should 14
aim to expedite the development of the necessary
infrastructure to capitalise on their natural gas reserves. 12


2020 2030 2040 2050

Oil Natural gas Coal

Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 26

Employment distribution within the Figure 11. Africa’s upstream employees (FTEs)
future structure
Managing jobs and livelihoods as the structure of the
energy sector evolves must be a fundamental part of all
planning. Employment levels in the sector will depend 500,000
greatly on the manner in which the energy transition
takes place.

In the scenario where Africa is left to fund its own energy

infrastructure from fossil fuel export revenue, jobs could 300,000
increase up to 2040 and then begin to decline steadily
thereafter. By 2050, upstream jobs in the sector will 200,000
remain flat at around 450,000.

However, if Africa is pressured into rapidly transitioning 100,000

to renewables and is assisted in this process through
renewable energy funding, the transition of workers 0
away from fossil fuel related jobs will be much faster,




















with a projected decline of 57% or 250,000 upstream
jobs leaving the sector by 2050. The greatest unknown Historic Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Scenario 3: Scenario 4:
is when the decline in fossil fuels jobs will begin and how Assisted but rushed Collaborative and measured Business as usual Stranded and strangled
rapid it will be.
Source: BLS, UCube, AEC Outlook, PwC analysis
Figure 11 illustrates the potential decline of upstream
fossil fuel jobs until 2050 in each of the four scenarios
we discuss in the next section of this analysis. Fortunately, this potential jobs exodus can be mitigated. In order to fill the financial gap that the phasing out
As explored in the previous section, it is forecast that of fossil fuel exports would bring, and to bolster the
jobs can be created rapidly in the renewable energy number of long-term jobs that renewable energy can
sector and this suggests that there is the potential for create, there should be large investments in the skills
an overall gain in employment from a renewable energy and technology to manufacture renewable energy
transition. related products or infrastructure components locally
for export. Promising industries that could do this are
However, it must be noted that these jobs are skewed the hydrogen industry and the battery metals mining
towards short-term employment opportunities. In industry. As discussed earlier, Africa is well positioned
tandem with this, the need to develop the specific skills to gain a competitive advantage in the production of
and capabilities required by the renewable energy sector green hydrogen as well as the export of a wide variety
needs to be recognised. These may not overlap with the of battery metals. This development of new renewable-
skills required for employment in the fossil fuel sector. related industries in Africa would allow the reskilling of
Training and skills development takes time and targeted workers and the provision of new growth opportunities.
funding to achieve. In addition, a quick decline in the It remains to be seen, however, whether such initiatives
income fossil fuel exports bring into Africa could have would be able to reskill and employ sufficient workers in
the knock-on effect of creating or losing a wide range of stable, long-term jobs.
indirect jobs and revenue streams. This is a secondary
outflow that will need to be dealt with as fossil fuel
Africa Energy Review 2021 exports decline. PwC | 27
7. Driving a measured transition
The energy sector in Africa will experience substantial structural change over the coming
decades. Financing this change at the pace required will be one of the most pressing
issues that Africa and the world must address. PwC has defined four potential scenarios
that could materialise as Africa progresses the energy transition. These are dependent on
several factors including: the speed of global net-zero adoption; foreign funding available
to Africa; and the level of Africa’s economic growth, which will include fossil fuel export

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 28

A growing ‘fault line’ between the In line with a just transition for Africa, stronger According to the United Nations Economic Commission
recognition for economies with low cumulative emissions for Africa there are several key drivers for an accelerated
developed and developing world and lack of fiscal capacity to deliver an energy transition Africa renewable energy investment case, namely:9
Global energy transition is being led by developed should be considered.
economies and specifically the EU. European Climate • African energy demand and affordability is rapidly
Law legally obliges its nations to collectively decrease Funding the net-zero transition in increasing based on population growth, an expanding
emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030; and middle class, industrialisation, trade, urbanisation and
become a net-zero economic zone by 2050. Measures Africa climate change.
instituted such as regulated emissions disclosure; According to PwC estimates, it would cost Africa around
banning of carbon-intensive technologies; advanced $2.8tn to reach a net-zero energy mix by 2050. This • It is widely recognised that there is an urgent need
taxation, Emissions Trading Systems and the Carbon would include annual costs of circa $33bn between to address the African energy gap as outlined
Border Adjustment Mechanism are driving a change 2020 and 2030; $111bn between 2030 and 2040; against SDG 7.
in behaviour within the EU, but also have wider and $142bn between 2040 and 2050. The Africa-EU
ramifications for other markets and economies. Energy Partnership (AEEP) has estimated a similar • Africa has a strong advantage in its abundance and
price tag of $40–100bn per annum for Africa to meet quality of renewable resources. Recent independent
Through this acceleration towards net zero, an SDG7 (estimated Africa investment in 2019 was $17bn power producer tenders on the continent have seen
increasingly widening ‘fault line’ is developing between by comparison) — ‘ensuring everyone has access to some of the cheapest tariffs in the world. A good
developed and developing countries. Developed affordable, reliable, and modern energy services by the example of this is the World Bank/IFC Scaling Solar
economies are more fiscally robust, with greater year 2030’. project in Zambia, which saw tariffs of $0.06/kWh for
access to financial backing to support their economies its 72 MW.
through these disruptions. Developed economies have
the benefit of mature electrical grids with high levels
Assistance from developed nations
of electrification as well as well-funded utilities that will be vital United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. “The “SDG7

Initiative for Africa: Accelerating clean energy investments for access

operate in stable, sustainable and robust regulatory While there has been increasing support from and climate ambition in Africa.” Accessed September 13, 2021.
environments where there is greater penetration of international donor agencies and multilateral banks,
renewable energy across the grid. it is insufficient for Africa to keep pace with the global background_papers_-_sdg7_-ndcs_-_en_-_e2000081.pdf.

net-zero journey and required emissions reductions.

In contrast, nations in Africa are fiscally constrained,
with less defined regulatory frameworks in support of the Currently, Power Africa, a partnership led by the
energy transition, stricken utilities, large debt burdens US Government, has committed $40bn, the single
and struggling economic growth. This is coupled with largest capital commitment to Africa. It aims to add
an increasing divide between finance available for at least 30,000 MW of new, cleaner electrical power
developed vs developing economies, as demonstrated capacity and 60m electrical connections across
by annual investments across all parts of the energy sub-Saharan Africa.8 This is to be achieved by unlocking
sector in developing and emerging markets having fallen substantial wind, solar, hydropower, natural gas
by around 20% since 2016. and geothermal resources. While this commitment
is commendable, Africa needs almost double this
The reality is that developed and developing economies investment annually if net-zero targets are to be met
do not have equal ability to finance and resource a by 2050.
journey to decarbonise. There is a need for a more
coordinated, global just transition, to ensure that no
country, or continent, is left stranded. “Power Africa Partners.” U.S. Agency for International Development.

Last modified 17 August 2021.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 29
What possible energy transition scenarios could be realised in Africa?
We have outlined four potential directions that the African energy transition could take over the coming decades and Scenario 1: Assisted but rushed
have developed these scenarios on the basis of two key factors, namely:
Foreign Fossil
• The level of foreign renewable energy funding that Africa is able to attract for its transition. RE Funding Fuel Exports

• The level of fossil fuel revenue that Africa can still earn as its energy transition unfolds. In scenario 1, foreign investors increase funding
substantially to aid Africa’s energy transition. The
Four scenarios for energy transition in Africa funding has extremely positive effects in diversifying
Africa’s energy mix and reducing the unreliability and
scarcity of energy production across the continent.

1 Assisted, rushed transition 2 Collaborative, measured transition Funding is coupled with stringent emissions reduction
targets and bilateral climate agreements continue to
become more prescriptive and punitive on nations that
are not rapidly abandoning fossil fuels.
Foreign transition funding

As a result, fossil fuel exports from developing nations

• Strong foreign renewable energy funding • Strong foreign renewable energy funding carry a form of a punitive cost measure for the importer/
• No fossil fuel export revenue • Strong fossil fuel export revenue developing nations thus accelerating decline in
demand. In addition, developed world governments and
companies make definitive statements to stop importing
and funding fossil fuels globally.
4 Stranded, strangled transition 3 Unassisted, export reliant transition
The result of this scenario is that Africa will become a
global climate change leader and substantially contribute
to achieving the 1.5°C warming target. Support will be
required to offset the accelerated loss of Africa’s fossil
fuel export revenue. and loss of employment in the
• No foreign renewable energy funding • No foreign renewable energy funding
sector. Displaced workers will need to be reskilled or
• No fossil fuel export revenue • Strong fossil fuel export revenue supported under a just transition.

African nations are unprepared for such a decline and

Fossil fuel exports
will rely on large concessional funding and financial
stimulus packages to accelerate the benefits of the
renewable energy sector.

This could, however, create an environment of economic

instability in Africa, rising debt-to-GDP levels and an
unhealthy reliance on foreign funding. This would likely
hinder the continent’s efforts to stimulate its economy
and create a smooth and widely beneficial transition to
Africa Energy Review 2021 net zero. PwC | 30
Scenario 2: Collaborative and Scenario 3: Business as usual Scenario 4: Stranded and strangled
Foreign Fossil Foreign Fossil Foreign Fossil
RE Funding Fuel Exports RE Funding Fuel Exports RE Funding Fuel Exports

In scenario 2, international investors provide some Scenario 3 is largely considered to be ‘business as Scenario 4 is the worst outcome for Africa. Under this
increase in funding to Africa’s energy infrastructure. usual’ where Africa must compete in the open market scenario international relations and investment become
As in scenario 1, this helps to rapidly increase energy for finance and export market share. Foreign investment increasingly segmented, exacerbated by Africa not
production and goes a long way toward alleviating declines as investors look to de-risk and invest in meeting the developed world’s emissions standards
Africa’s severe energy shortage. In contrast to scenario ‘cleaner’ and faster-growing markets in the developed and/or deteriorating economic conditions. There is
1, the funding comes with fewer conditions on a rapid world. Africa’s carbon emissions are also not seen as a significant outflow of capital and Africa is left to tackle
abandonment of its fossil fuel sector and takes a more priority since they only make up around 5% of annual its energy shortage without foreign investment and just a
medium-to-longer-term view on the transition. global emissions, but Africa lacks the fiscal ability to small volume of donor funds.
monetise proven reserves.
Instead of a radical and more immediate transformation Countries that have abundant coal and natural gas
of Africa’s existing energy sector, Africa capitalises on Africa’s fossil fuel and market exports may receive reserves will likely look to these in order to urgently
what it currently has, while simultaneously growing its some tax leniency under jurisdictions such as carbon increase energy production and domestic consumption,
energy capacity through development of additional border taxes, but slowly become less competitive in along with as much renewable energy as can be funded.
energy infrastructure that focuses on clean energy. At an the global market. There is an understanding that large However, while it attracts only 4% of global energy
international level, multilateral climate partnerships heed fossil fuel producers in Africa will be able to capitalise supply funding, transforming the African energy sector
the advice of the UNFCCC, which advocates for the on the twilight years of fossil fuels, but that they must by 2050 will likely be unrealistic.
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities progressively diversify their revenue streams and begin
and capacities, thus allowing measured support for funding renewable energy portfolios and infrastructure. A few of the more resilient African economies may
Africa investment in fossil fuels. be able to navigate this transition and those that are
Despite the fact that Africa continues to derive revenue fortunate to be endowed with minerals used in the
Although global energy production quickly moves from fossil fuel exports, this scenario leaves Africa production of renewable energy infrastructure may
away from fossil fuels to renewable energy in affluent, in a potential death spiral in which declining revenue see some gain over this period. However, it’s likely that
industrial nations, Africa follows a more measured from fossil fuels constrains affordability to transition most countries will not have sufficient time or funds
approach, which does not threaten its economic economies, which leads to less competitive economies to transition away from fossil fuels in this scenario.
stability. Since the world will likely still require some and overall lower growth and increased fiscal pressure. Unemployment and economic instability are likely to
degree of fossil fuel exports in the medium term, Africa Africa continues to lag the developed world on most increase significantly and economies reliant on fossil fuel
is allowed to meet this demand. development metrics, including SDG 7 targets for are likely to experience substantial economic decline.
affordable energy. Africa’s energy transition will therefore
This scenario may be the most beneficial for Africa, likely be slow and stifled.
but face a potential fatal flaw of incumbent fossil fuel
providers who are unlikely to forgo market share in order
to provide an equitable share to Africa.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 31

8. Conclusion
There is no doubt that the energy transition The pace and success of the transition will ultimately be Global climate change discussions at the COP26
determined at a global level and as such the concept of conference promise to significantly raise these
in Africa will be a complex journey a just transition must go beyond identifying winners and pressures and discussions with the hope that a
and that there isn’t a blueprint to solve losers and be positioned as a global challenge in which combination of stronger foreign financial support,
Africa’s challenges. However, the long- all nations must succeed. equitable policy and market allocations as well as firm
commitment and planning from Africa will result in a
term outcome of the energy transition Africa will have no choice but to adapt to this new world, favourable platform to support a sustainable Africa
is inevitable and critical to the long-term but to avoid a growing ‘fault line’ between the developed energy transition.
sustainable future of our planet. and the developing world, greater focus on equitable
policy, markets and investment is required.

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 32


Andries Rossouw Wayne Jansen James Mackay Pedro Omontuemhen Jayne Mammatt
Africa Energy, Utilities and Energy, Utilities and Resources Energy Strategy and Africa Oil and Gas Sustainability and
Resources Leader Consulting Leader Infrastructure Leader Climate Change

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 33

• Andries Rossouw • Matthew Plumstead
• James Mackay • Pearl Maseko
• Christie Viljoen • Stacey Buck
• Jeremy Dore • Wessel van Wyk

Africa Energy Review 2021 PwC | 34

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