The 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clock
The 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clock
The 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clock
2. Write these 24-hour clock times as 12-hour clock times using am and pm.
a. 18:00 e. 16:20
b. 07:00 f. 22:30
c. 12:15 g. 11:07
d. 00:15 h. 12:10
d. e. f.
g. h. i.
4. How many hours and minutes are there between the following times?
a. 09:00 to 13:30 d. 06:22 to 09:33
b. 08:15 to 10:45 e. 06:45 to 15:30
c. 18:20 to 22:30 f. 11:12 to 23:28
Number, money and measure
7. Copy the table and fill in the missing values for these foods.
Food Starting time Cooking time Finishing time
quiche 12:30 25 min ?
salmon 17:55 ? min 18:12
sponge cake ? 35 min 15:15
a. On 22 May the sun will rise above Crieff at 4:44am and set at
9:40pm. For how long will the sun be above the horizon?
b. 22 June is the longest day. The sun rises at 04:22 and sets at
22:12. For how long will the run be above the Crieff horizon?
c. On 2 May the sun will rise at 5:25am and shine over Crieff for
15 hours and 36 minutes. At what time will it set?