Determining Profession Shubham Alok
Determining Profession Shubham Alok
Determining Profession Shubham Alok
involved prolonged training and a formal qualification”, our sages talked about it in a
different sense, they termed it as Karma which means work. I will quote a shloka from
Bhagwad Geeta which will help us understand what Karma is.
All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of
material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a
moment. [3.5]
This Shloka clearly indicates to us that whatever a man does, it is Karma only. There
are many types of Karmas such as Nitya Karma, Naimittika Karma, Nishiddha Karma,
Prayaschita Karma and Kamya Karma.
Nitya Karma is the daily duties that we need to do, it is like going to the bathroom,
eating, sleeping etc. Nimittika Karma is Karma undertaken with a motive it is like
teaching to distribute knowledge, drive to reach somewhere etc.Nishiddha Karma is
prohibited Karma such as killing someone, suicide etc. Prayaschita Karma is a Karma
done in repentance for one’s self-discipline etc. Kamya Karma is done for a desire
which is like proposing a woman because you want her to marry you. The difference
between Naimittika Karma and Kamya Karma is that in Naimittika Karma you know
that thing will happen [You will reach as a result of driving] whereas in Kamya Karma
you have a desire which may or may not be fulfilled.
And then there are Karma’s such as Prarabdha Karma, Kriyamaan Karma, Dridha
Karma, Adridha Karma etc.
Prarabdha Karma is Karma done in different lives which are written in books of
Chitragupta [assistance of God of death] and one needs to suffer their consequences
in different lives, Kriyamaan Karma is that Karma which needs to be suffered in this
life. Dridh Karma is fixed which cannot be reversed it is such as the murder of
someone you can’t bring him back to life whereas Adhridha Karma means which can
be fixed, it is like taking a wrong turn on road.
So basically complete horoscope indicates Karma, but here we are talking about
Naimittika Karma for earning a livelihood which is a profession. Sages have indicated
that it needs to be seen from the Tenth House, but why? when complete horoscope
indicates Karma why we need to see the 10th house for a profession, to understand
this we need to understand what 10th house signifies [I am writing on this topic
because many people take profession from other houses such as 6th, 1st etc – I will
talk about them later].
A calm and clear understanding of this Shloka will also highlight why the 10th house is
taken in highest Raajyoga and why it is given so much importance, these shlokas are
quoted because of various reasons which will be explained later when we will try to
understand the importance of 10th house, 10th lord and Dashamsa.
So we know now, that because it is mentioned that 10th lord indicates Karma
undertaken by oneself the for the sustenance of life [कर्मजीवन] it indicates one’s
Some people take the 6th house to indicate jobs because 6th house indicates
servants and with the logic that we are servants of those under whose employment we
work this house indicates Jobs, I have never seen such a lame logic. If it is because
6th house indicates servants then 3rd house also indicates servants why we should
not take 3rd house then, then they come with the concept of Artha Trikona that 2nd
house 6th house and 10th house indicates 2nd Purushartha [essential works to be
undertaken by humans] which is to earn and collect money for livelihood hence this
6th house is included, I just want to ask them about reference, which classic tells us
that 2nd 6th and 10th house are Artha Trikona [I have not seen any such Shloka yet –
if they find themselves more intelligent that sages then I can’t help them], also this
logic of houses in trikona indicating the same things is a lame logic because it is not
so, one must always remember that 2nd is a neutral house, 6th is bad whereas 10th is
good, how they can be clubbed together? Their logic is that 7th house indicates
business, so one needs to compare between 6th and 7th houses to known one will be
engaged in business or employment. Another lame logic – I will state my personal
view later.
Next comes Dashamsa [D10], people take this divisional chart to indicate the
profession, why? I am unable to understand. Parashara has said दशांशे महत्फलम; it
means Dashamsa indicates great fruits. As per me, Dashamsa indicates excellence in
life – it is the effects of Raajyoga. Everyone is engaged in a profession or another but
not everyone is a distinct personality in his profession, this Dashamsa indicates this
distinction. It is fruits of Raajyoga which makes a person famous, people follow him,
he becomes ideal for others this is what Dashamsa indicates. One must not have
excellence always in profession only, Dashamsa indicates for what you are known
some are known because they have married a rich women, some are known because
they have saved a child from drowning – they are not from water rescue team but they
are known because of this, Dashamsa indicates these things which makes one known
in society, it is excellence of life which is not always profession. I am of this
conclusion because if Dashamsa was to be used for the profession than sages must
have used it for the profession but Parashara, Kalyan Verma, Varahamihira,
Matreshwara and everyone have used Navansha for the profession and not
Dashamsa, why? do you think they don’t know about Dashamsa? [we will talk about
this later].
I just want to say, please stay away from such fantasies. Sages are more knowledgeable than
you. don’t waste your time in making such fantasies, instead, dive into works of sages and find
what they said, contemplate on them, use your mind on their words. The sage who knew that
after so many years Kaliyuga will come will also have knew that what changes Kaliyuga will
make in the life of people’s, isn’t it?
Determining Profession
ृ तजातक कर्मजीवाअध्यायः [१०]
अर्थाप्तिः पितपि
ृ तप
ृ त्नीशत्र ुमित्रभ्रात्रस्त्रिभत
ृ कजनादिवाकराध्येःI
होरे न्द्वोर्दशमगतैविर्क ल्प्नीया भेन्द्वकाँस्पदपतिगांशनाथवत्ृ त्या II१II
अर्काशे तण
ृ कनकोर्णभेषजाधे श्चन्द्राशे कृषिजलजाङ्गनाश्रयाच्च I
धात्वग्निप्रहरणसाहसैः कुजांशे सौम्यान्षे लिपिगणितादिकाव्यशिपैः II२II
जीवांशे द्विजविबुधाकरादिधर्मैः काव्यांशे मणिरजतादिगोमहिप्यैः I
सौरांशे श्रम वधभारनीचशिल्पैः कर्मेशाध्युषितनवांशकर्मसिद्धिः II३II
ृ गतैग्र है स्ततोअर्था स्तुड्गस्थे बलिनि च भास्करे स्ववीर्यात I
आयस्थैरुदयधनाश्रितैश्च सौम्ये संचिन्त्यं बलसहितैरनेकधा स्वम ् II४II
If the Sun be the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th bhava
reckoned from the Lagna, the Moon or the Sun (whichever is strong), the person
concerned will earn a living by dealing in the grass, gold, wool, medicine and the like.
If the navamsa under reference is that of the Moon, the person gains a living by
agriculture, by dealing in things derived from water, or through the medium of women.
If the Navamsa in question belongs to Mars the person gains a livelihood through
metallurgy, by violent acts like branding, fighting etc. If the navamsa belongs to
Mercury, the person concerned will try to earn his livelihood as a writer, by use of
mathematical knowledge, by poetry or by pursuing the arts. If the Navamsa belongs to
Jupiter, the person concerned will earn money through Brahmins, deities, learned
men, mines and the like or by religious acts. If the owner of the navamsa in question
is Venus, the living will be derived by dealing in rubies [gemstones], silver and the like
and by rearing cows and buffaloes. If Saturn is the owner of the navamsa occupied by
the lord of the 10th place, the person concerned will live by doing wearisome acts by
the carrying out of punishments etc., inflicted on criminals, by the bearing of burden,
or by engaging in some vile pursuit. The person succeeds in the avocation prescribed
for the planet owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th Bhava.
The source of wealth ought to be seen by the planets occupying friendly, inimical or
their own houses. When the Sun in exaltation and at the same time strong (or it may
mean in the 7th house), the person concerned earns money by his own exertion (and
does not inherit much of paternal property). If benefics in strength occupy the 11th,
the 1st or the 2nd houses, the native acquires many in many ways.
Step 1: Find stronger between Lagna, Sun and Moon based on exaltation, own sign
etc [it is only applicable when there is a planet in Lagna] otherwise use Ashtakavarga
[Bhinna-Ashtakavarga of Sun, Moon and Ascendant].
Step 2: See 10th house from stronger of Lagna/Sun/Moon. Take all planets into
consideration [Planets in 10th house, 10th lord, the planet with 10th lord, planet
aspecting 10th lord, planet aspecting 10th house everyone].
Step 3: Find stronger between all planets found from above step with help of their
Step 4: Now see Navansa dispositor of this strongest planet [From Step 3] – This
Navansha dispositor will decide everything about the profession, also see which
house is signified in D1 by the Rashi in which this Navansa dispositor is placed in D9
and which house it is in D9. Aspects and conjunction on this Navansa dispositor in D9
and D1 will give various professions. But never ignore the lord [whose Navansha
dispositor we found in D9], the lord is also of utmost importance. See repetitive
influence which will decide profession.
Step 5: Take this Navansha dispositor and the planet to D10 to find out if he can make
something big in his profession or not.
Many people use Dashamsa for the profession, Vimshottari always for predictions etc.
Many such problems have crept in Vedic Jyotish, I don’t want to make a comment on
that because they don’t want to learn, they are shelled with their own dogmas and
when you go to teach them/make them understand they talk with their ego which
indicates their inability. I wrote this article for students, there can be many ways to find
a profession. What we need to do is, we must remain true to words of our sages and
must work on words of sages and not on any persons dogma or belief.
There are many ways to find a profession, God willing I will soon share Jaimini’s
method of finding the profession. Before that I just want to say – The technique
provided above is well tested and have always stood the test of time, you can safely
adopt it and use in reading a chart.
For those who don’t believe in what I have presented or those who have questions
which don’t intend to clarify their doubts but intend on proving me and my method
wrong, I just want to say that “Please open your eyes and see what sages have