Water Trash Removel System

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Project Report on

Water Trash Removal system


Sr.no contents Page no

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Problem statement
4. Objective
5. Methodology
6. Scope
7. Literature review
8. Block diagram
11. Construction parts
12. Advantages/applications
13. Conclusion
14. references

This project focuses more on “Remote Operated Floating River Cleaning Machine”. In India water
pollution is increasing day by day so this is becoming serious problem for rivers, ponds etc. This mainly
consist of impurities like waste water debris, plastics, garbage on floating water surface. These impurities
mainly affect on health of human being and also affect on life of aquatic animals. Normally this project
based on renewable energy sources, so there is reduction in use of non renewable energy sources like oil,
petroleum, electricity and all type of mineral sources. So by this non renewable energy sources are saved.
So this project helps to reduce the water pollution on floating bodies

In many countries throughout the world struggling with massive amounts of water hyacinths
affects in the country’s fresh water recourses and created problems associated with navigation,
national security, irrigation and drainage, water supply, hydro electricity and fishing. Mechanical
removal is most effective Method for Aquatic plant removal. In this project we are designed and
manufactured water hyacinth shredder prototype in which we designed shaft, conveyor, bearing,
& cutters, and making frame and selection of motor.

Generally, conventional method based on manual basis and it is used for collection of water
debris, trash, plastic and all other types of impurities which is floating on water bodies or by
collecting this impurity by means of boat, thrash skimmer etc. And removed this impurity near
river shore and disposed it. But this conventional method requires more manpower; hence this is
risky, costly and time consuming method. By considering this all remote operated floating river
cleaning machine is more efficient than conventional method and also this is effective and eco-

The major problems of water hyacinth its affect the countries fresh water recourses. Water
hyacinth is considered a serious and one of the most noxious aquatic pests in many parts of the
world. Its rapid growth has clogged major waterways and created problems associated with
navigation, national security, irrigation and drainage, water supply, hydro electricity and fishing
in many countries Because Of its devastating effects on aquatic ecology and 'man. The weed
promotes greater evapotranspiration through its many leaves thus accelerating the drying up of
rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, river basins, etc. It also promotes considerable ecological
succession, creating islets and sandbars. Fig.1Mula-Mutha River covered by water hyacinth.

Fig.1mula-mutha river hyacinth

In last 5 years around more than 2 core money waste both pune and pimpri Chinch wad
Corporation to remove this water hyacinth therefore its alarming needs to find perfect solution.
The spread of water hyacinth in the country is perceived as a major environmental problem.


The main aim of our project is reduce the hyacinth from water and increase the good water
quality.thats why we are making low cost and in simple construction water hyacinth shredder

i. Destruction of biodiversity
Today, biological alien invasions are a major driver of biodiversity loss worldwide. Water
hyacinth is challenging the ecological stability of freshwater water bodies, out-competing all
other species growing in the vicinity, posing a threat to aquatic biodiversity.
ii. Oxygen depletion and reduced water quality
Large water hyacinth mats prevent the transfer of oxygen from the air to the water surface, or
decrease oxygen production by other plants and algae. When the plant dies and sinks to the
bottom the decomposing biomass depletes oxygen content in the water body. Dissolved oxygen
levels can reach dangerously low concentrations for fish that are sensitive to such changes. Death
and decay of water hyacinth vegetation in large masses deteriorates water quality and the
quantity of potable water, and increases treatment costs for drinking water.
iii. Breeding ground for pests and vectors
Floating mats of water hyacinth support organisms that are detrimental to human health. The
ability of its mass of fibrous, free-floating roots and semi-submerged leaves and stems to
decrease water currents increases breeding habitat for the malaria causing anopheles mosquito as
evidenced in Lake.
Iv. Blockage of waterways hampering agriculture, fisheries, recreation and hydropower
Water hyacinth often clogs waterways due to its rapid reproduction and propagation rate. The
dense mats disrupt socioeconomic and subsistence activities (ship and boat navigation, restricted
access to water for recreation, fisheries,and tourism).

The objectives of water hyacinth shredder project is given as following:

 To remove hyacinth form water.

 To increase good water quality.
 To reduce water pollution.
 To improve easy and low cost mechanism for water hyacinth mechanism.
 To reduce man power.

 Reduce time consumption.

 Reduce pollution.

 Increase efficiency.

 Cost effectiveness.

 Increase reliability.

 Increase life of aquatic animals.

 Reduce use of non renewable energy sources.

 Reduce the pollution of Godavari river.

 Maintain clean and healthy environment.

Water hyacinth is especially in the rivers and channels are blocked by denser growths of
the weed which impede navigation, block access of artisanal fishermen to fishing grounds
and the spread of water hyacinth affects the water quality. There are some methods to
remove or control water hyacinth from lake or cannels like chemical control method and
biological control method but these methods are less efficient compared to mechanical
removal method also chemical and biological method affects the water quality, human,
and wildlife.
Therefore we decided to make a small prototype of
Mechanical water hyacinth removal is most effective method to remove the water
hyacinth vegetation. Mechanical water hyacinth control method may be applied to
emergent, floating, and submersed aquatic vegetation.


Parts selection:

In this project we are designed and manufactured water hyacinth shredder prototype in which we
designed shaft, conveyor, bearing, & cutters, and making frame and selection of motor.
Mechanism selection:
It is used for removing hyacinth from water, river etc.basically conveyor belt is using on Belt
drive.thats why hyacinth is automatically collected in crusher .and there will one motor also
connected to crusher that’s whys crusher also crush the hyacinth automatically

Water hyacinth is considered a serious and one of the most noxious aquatic pests in many parts
of the world. Its rapid growth has clogged major waterways and created problems associated
with navigation, national security, irrigation and drainage, water supply, hydro electricity and
fishing in many countries Because Of its devastating effects on aquatic ecology and 'man.so this
method in future it will useful as anytime.

Prior research on water hyacinth’s effects on water quality has focused mainly on the
consequences of the dense mats formed by the interlocking of individual plants. The most
commonly documented effects are lower phytoplankton productivity and dissolved oxygen
concentrations beneath mats (Mironga et al., 2011; Rommens et al., 2003; Mangas-Ramirez &
Elias-Gutierrez, 2004; Perna & Burrows, 2005). Other water quality effects include higher
sedimentation rates within the plant’s complex root structure and higher evapotranspiration rates
from water hyacinth leaves when compared to evaporation rates from open water (Gopal, 1987).
Water hyacinth also has been found to stabilize pH levels and temperature in experimental
lagoons, thereby preventing stratification and increasing mixing within the water column
(Giraldo & Garzon, 2002). Photosynthesis is limited beneath water hyacinth mats, and the plant
itself does not release oxygen into the water as do phytoplankton and submerged vegetation
(Mironga et al., 2011; Meerhoff et al., 2003), resulting in decreased dissolved oxygen
concentration. The extent of dissolved oxygen reduction is dependent on the capacity of the
water hyacinth mat to prevent light infiltration into the water column. Aquatic weeds are
unwanted plants in ponds, lakes, reservoirs and other perennial water

bodies, causing economic as well as ecological losses by adversely affecting the aquatic
ecosystem, irrigation, navigation, public health and last but not the least, the fisheries
development of any nation. Intensive utilization of natural water resources (construction of
dams and canals), increased nutrient load and pollution (due to domestic sewage and industrial
effluent discharge) and introduction of aggressive exotic plants has made aquatic weeds a
menace globally. It is more pronounced in the tropical and subtropical regions where high
temperature supports profuse weed growth and multiplication. Aquatic plants are among the
prolific ones on earth associated with both positive and negative impact on aquaculture.
Aquatic plants grow profusely in lakes and waterways all over the worlds and have in recent
decades their negative effects magnified by man’s intensive use of natural water bodies.
Eradication of the weeds has proved almost impossible and even reasonable control is
difficult. Submersed plants in rivers and irrigation canals increase the bed and bank roughness
increasing drag and decreasing flow [38]. As plant biomass increases seasonally this effect is
magnified. Plant biomass displaces part of the canals cross sectional area resulting in higher
water levels and increased likelihood of flooding. Floating plants increase water loss through
evapotranspiration. Brezny et al. [6] reported evapotranspiration for water hyacinth was 130 to
150% higher than evaporation from a free water surface under equivalent conditions while
Timmer and Weldon [55] reported values 370% higher than a free water surface. In irrigation
canals and drainage ditches, they slow or prevent water movement increasing the likelihood of
flooding. Floating plants clog waterways, plug water pumps, stop or slow boat traffic, close
marinas, prevent access for fishing, prevent water access by waterfowl and wildlife, and causes
an increase in mosquitoes [52].
On the other hand over growth of these plants adversely affects aquaculture productivity as
they take up the available nutrients from the water body, affect plankton production, interfere
with sunlight penetration, create extreme dissolved oxygen variations between day and night,
give shelter to harmful insects and fish predators, require large amount of oxygen for
1. Water hyacinth was associated with significantly lower concentrations of dissolved
oxygen when compared to Hydrilla verticillata and Sagittaria lancifolia L. (Troutman et
al., 2007). Similarly, water hyacinth had lower dissolved oxygen concentrations when
compared to Myriophyllum spicatum, H. verticillata, and Potamogeton spp., and it was
the only plant associated with average dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 5 mg L-
1 (Toft et al., 2003). Masifwa et al. (2001) found an inverse relationship between
dissolved oxygen concentrations beneath water hyacinth mats and the distance to open
water. The percent cover, or mat size, of water hyacinth that causes notable decreases in
dissolved oxygen is not known but likely varies with the system. McVea and Boyd
(1975) found that up to 25% cover of 0.04-ha experimental ponds did not cause dissolved
oxygen to reach levels that threaten fish survival (less than 2mg l- 1, although they did
find an inverse negative relationship between dissolved oxygen and water hyacinth cover.
2. Water hyacinth also absorbs heavy metals (Tiwari et al., 2007), organic contaminants
(Zimmels et al., 2007), and nutrients from the water column (Aoi & Hayashi, 1996). In
California, water hyacinth leaf tissue was found to have the same mercury concentration
as the sediment beneath, suggesting that plant harvesting could help mediate mercury
contamination if disposed of properly (Greenfield et al., 2007). On a similar note, water
hyacinth’s capacity to absorb nutrients makes it a potential biological alternative to
secondary and tertiary treatment for wastewater (Ho, 1994; Cossu et al., 2001).
3. In a laboratory-based experiment designed to mimic nutrient conditions of Lake Chivero,
Uganda, Rommens et al. (2003) tested water hyacinth’s uptake capacity to absorb nitrate
(NO3), ammonium (NH4), and phosphate (PO4) from the water column. The average
water hyacinth plant absorbed 2.36 mg of ammonium, 1.13 mg of nitrate, and 0.39 mg of
phosphate per kilogram of water hyacinth (wet weight) each hour. From a management
perspective, these results could be used to estimate potential nutrient response in systems
where water hyacinth has been introduced or where it has been removed.

4. Design & fabrication of river cleaning system

Prof. Ketan.V.Dhande mr.Abhijeet.M. Ballade1, mr. Vishal.S. Garde2,

mr.Akash.S. Lahane3 and mr.Pranav.V. Boob

India is holey country & during lots of festival like ganes visarjan, navratri durga
puja & mainly Siahnsth kumbhmela there is lots of water pollution of Godavari
River at Nashik. The water pollution is very important problem in rivers, ponds
and water bodies near Godavari River at Nashik. Due to increase in water pollution
in the form to waste debris; it is hampering the life of aquatic animal and make
their life in danger. Similarly sometimes the aquatic animal tends to eats surface
waste debris considering it as a food; which ultimately cause the death of animals.

5. Drainage device’s research and development in the ceramic filter,

6. Shao-wu zhang, Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 2013,

This paper introduced the working mechanism and structure of three drainage
devices about the ceramic filter dewatering system, improved the design
according to the shortcomings of drainage device, illustrated the improved
design points and working mechanism of automatic drainage device. Through
contrasting, analyzing and practical application proves, the improved automatic
drainage device have stable performance, low failure rate and lower cost, suit
for the application of modern filter. At last, further research directions of
ceramic filter were pointed out , which provided reference for the development
of it.

7. Drainage system cleaner A solution to environmental hazards, NDUBUISI

C. Daniels, international refereed journal of engineering and science
(irjes),volume 3, issue 3(march 2014), PP.54-60

The Drainage system cleaner is a machine which helps to protect the

environment from different kinds of environmental hazards through the
promotion waste management by the removal of garbage from the drainage
system. These wastes when not removed end up settling in residential places
where these wastes are burnt thereby causing climate change otherwise these
wastes block the drainage systems thereby causing flooding.

Fig: block diagram


We know that solar panel converted light energy into electrical energy which is DC in nature. solar panel
output energy is given to the charge controller this controls DC output of solar which is pulsating in
nature and fed pure DC to charge the battery. As we know that battery is used to store the energy. This
stored energy is given to the all this circuitry for overall operation. This circuitry consists of controller,
level sensor, photodiodes, Bluetooth, conveyor system, propeller, buzzer, and servomotor. In this system
controller is a main parts it’s having input like photodiode, Bluetooth, level sensor and output consist of
conveyor system, propeller, buzzer, and servomotor. Android app is used to overall remote controlling

In this project the main aim of this machine is to lift waste debris from the water surface and dispose them
in the tray. It consist arrangement of conveyor which is place on shaft of motor. Due rotation of motor
conveyor rotated. As the the conveyor is move, it collect water debris, waste garbage and plastics from
water bodies. As the machine is placed in the water the waste debris in water will get lifted and it moves
in upward direction. As the waste debris reaches the upper extreme position it will get dropped in the tray.
Hence this will result in cleaning of water surfaces and safe collection of waste debris from water.
Propeller is used to drive the machine on the river and run with help of PMDC motor. The total electrical
devices are controlled by RF transmitter and receiver which use to control the machine remotely.
1) Arduino Board: Arduino Uno board is based on the ATmega328P. It consist of 14 digital input/output
pins in which 6 can be used as PWM outputs, 6 analog inputs, 16 MHZ quartz crystal, a USB connection,
a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

2) L293D Motor Driver Board: The 293D is used to provide bidirectional drive current up to 600mA and
voltage from 5V to 36V.L293D consist the output clamping diodes for protections.

3) HC 05 Bluetooth module: This Bluetooth module designed for transparent wireless serial connection.
This can be used in a Master or Slave configuration; it makes a good solution for wireless

4) DC motor: In this machine two PMDC motors are used and these motors are used to control the
direction of propeller. Another BO (battery operated) DC motor used to control the conveyor belt and also
DC servomotor used for tracking system.

5) Battery: This is a lead acid rechargeable battery. This machine consists of four batteries which gives
output such as 2A, 8V for operation of setup.

6) Relay Module: This module provides the protection to the microcontroller from the higher load
7) Solar Panel: A solar panel consist no. of photovoltaic cells, which can be used to generate electricity
through photovoltaic effect. This energy used to charge the batteries. Solar output is given to the DC

8) Conveyor Belt: In this machine we used the polyvinyl Conveyor Belt. This is controlled by the arduino
uno system with using motor driver circuit. This collects all floating waste from water surface and
discharges it into the dustbin. 9) Blucontrol [android application]: This android application in installed in
mobile phones to control the setup automatically which can be downloaded from the android app market
in free of cost.

Battery-8V/2Amp Panel-12V/3watt Current (I) = P/V

I = 3/12

I = 0.25Amp Charging Voltage = 9V/250mA

Charging Time = (Battery Watt/Panel Watt)*2 = (16/2.25)*2 = 14.22hrs

Discharge Time = (Battery Amp Hr/Total current Consumed)

= 2000mA/1270



a. Motor:
Fig:12 volt dc motor
The motor is single phase 12 volt DC motors, meaning that the speed is infinitely variable from
0-300 rpm. The motor is mounted to Belt drive and another is connected to crusher.

b. Linear blades:
Linear blades are made up of mild steel material (M.S.). Which is fixed on machine.

c.Conveyor belt:

Fig: conveyor belt

Conveyor belt is made up of rubber. This is moving on driven and driver pulleys by motors

c. Drive and Driven pulley:

Fig:pulley mechanism
Drive and driven pulleys made up of nylon material which has properties like light in weight,
sufficient strength etc. on which conveyor belt is moving due to motor.

1. Relatively inexpensive.
2. Virtually any length Belt can be obtained (splicing).
3. Large selection of Belt and sprockets, especially for #80 and smaller Belt.
4. Positive drive provides synchronization of two shafts (Synchronous belts such as Poly
Belt® also
possess this characteristic).
5. Bearing loads are generally lower than for belts (no slack side tension).
6. Belt drives are 95-99% efficient (Poly Belt is 98-99% efficient).
7. Tends to be self-cleaning.
8. Simplicity of design and selection of components.

9. Versatile - large variety of attachments can be adapted (a situation difficult to handle with
10. Breakable - splice capability allows for varying length and installation on drives where
endless Belt
cannot be installed.

11. Due to Belt's symmetric design characteristics, serpentine drives are possible (serpentine
drives are also
possible using twin tooth synchronous belts).
12. Fixed center drives can be "accommodated" by removing links to take up Belt slack
(although this is not
a recommended practice).
13. Belt tends to be fairly forgiving when misapplied and users are willing to live with poor
14. Belt drives seem to give the appearance that they will do the job - i.e., steel is tough.
15. Belt offers higher HP capacities on smaller diameters.


a. Low cost
b. It is used for decrease the water pollution
c. Simple construction
d. Less space required
e. One person can easy to operate from start to finish entire operation on machine.


a. It is used in ,wherever hyacinth is increased in water in more amount.

b. Rivers
c. Lakes
d. Reservoirs
e. Canals
f. river basins

In this paper we concluded the mechanical water hyacinth shredder is most effective, efficient,
economical compare to other method. One person can easy to operate from start to finish entire
operation on machine. It is versatile to pulls, cut, and skims weeds in shallow water. It can be
used as multipurpose to gathers floating debris and algae. It improves the operational stability. It
has 95% effective weed pulling. Due to mechanical shredding effective lake management are
done. Therefore now it’s the perfect time to making such machine and save our, lake, cannels,

 Prof. Ketan.V.Dhande mr.Abhijeet.M. Ballade1, mr. Vishal.S. Garde2, mr.Akash.S.

Lahane3 and mr.Pranav.V. Boob Design & fabrication of river cleaning system,
 Shao-wu zhang Drainage ,device’s research and development in the ceramic filter, Journal
of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 2013, 5(9):394-398
 NDUBUISI C. Daniels, Drainage system cleaner A solution to environmental hazards,
international refereed journal of engineering and science (irjes),volume 3, issue 3(march
2014), PP.54-60
 Meerad ansal, asha dhawan, bhawna sharma. Aquatic weeds: ‘resources of multiple
utility’.fishing chimes.2008.

 Murugesan ag, sustained management of nuisance of weeds of fresh water habitat: by their
utilization asViable resources for mutivarious application. Management of aquatic habits.
 Akshay a. More1, shubham s. Jagtap2,abhijit s. Dhumal3,atul d. Karpe4 chetan patil5”
water hyacinth shredder” international journal of engineering and techniques - volume 2
issue 2, mar – apr 2016
 John momanyi mironga, jude m. Mathooko, simon m. Onywere” effect of water
hyacinth infestation on the physicochemical characteristics of lake naivasha”
international journal of humanities and social science vol. 2 no. 7; april 2012

 Ben k. Greenfield1,*, geoffrey s. Siemering1,{, joy c. Andrews2, michael rajan2, stephen

p. Andrews, jr.3, and david f. Spencer4” mechanical shredding of water hyacinth
(eichhornia crassipes):effects on water quality in the sacramento-san joaquin riverdelta,
california” estuaries and coasts vol. 30, no. 4, p. 627–640 august 2007

 Wilfred m. Osumo” effects of water hyacinth on water quality ofwinam gulf, lake
victoria.” Kenya marine fisheries research institutep.o. Box 1881, kisumu, kenya.


Now day by day world facing biggest problem of floating garbage. And it is increasing in tremendous
amount so it is very difficult to clean all this floating garbage because of more requirement of
manpower. so, in future this remote operated floating river cleaning machine has more scope to remove
large capacity of garbage automatically as fast as possible. And by making modifications in this machine,
this is used for automatically removing garbage from beaches also.

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