Wsu Tap Lesson Plan Template: Recognize Spoken Words, Syllables, and Sounds
Wsu Tap Lesson Plan Template: Recognize Spoken Words, Syllables, and Sounds
Wsu Tap Lesson Plan Template: Recognize Spoken Words, Syllables, and Sounds
KCCR Standard(s)
Content Area #1 RF.K.2.a Recognize and produce rhyming words.
Unit Objective: TSWBAT recognize spoken words, syllables, and sounds when given
cvc words and instruction with 80% accuracy.
Lesson Objective(s): Students will identify sets of rhyming words when given songs, speech, books,
Lesson Objective or poetry to listen to with 80% accuracy.
Students will produce rhyming words four out of five times when given a word to rhyme with.
Language objectives: TSWBAT add or substitute individual sounds in one-syllable
words to make new words when given a cvc word with 80% accuracy.
Pre-assessment: The pre-assessment is for me to see where the students are at when it comes to
rhyming. The teacher and I have already taught rhyming in the previous semester, but the students
had a hard time understanding it. This assessment is informal and is a formative assessment.
The cut and paste center and rhyme the room center will also be formative, informal assessments to
Assessment & Criteria
see how well the students do after a quick lesson.
The post-assessment is a formal, formative assessment, again to see where the students are at on
rhyming. For some reason, a lot of the students have been struggling with this concept throughout the
year. This is why I decided to break them up into small groups.
Rhyme- To end with the same sound
Ending- the final part of a word
Content Vocabulary
Phoneme- The individual sounds in a word
Syllable- chunks of a word or beats of a word.
For the student who requires an interpreter, the interpreter will provide visual phonics to help with the rhyming. It is harder for students with hearing loss to hear
rhymes and understand them. If the student still struggles then the para may take her to a quiet room so that she can hear the rhymes better without background
Universal Design
For advanced students, I had extra work ready to go. Sometimes our advanced students will finish their work quickly and I like to have extra fun worksheets for
them to do such as color by rhyme.
This lesson will allow students to identify rhyming words, demonstrate their knowledge of rhyming
Lesson Considerations
words, and allow them to create rhyming words together with their peers.
The students have already worked on rhyming in a previous semester but struggled so much on it that
the teacher wanted them to go over it again. She wants them to be prepared as much as possible for
Prior Lesson(s)
first grade so asked me to go over it again so that I can see where they are at on the rhyming
End 5-10
(Extend/Evaluate) min
Depending on how the students do on their post assessment will determine what the students will
learn next. If students are struggling, we will continue to work on rhyming lessons. If students do well
Next Lesson
on their post assessment, then I will give a summative post assessment to ensure that students truly
understand rhyming.
We do:
2. Sorting
Center 3, Cut and Paste:
Reflection #2: Reflection after teaching lesson and reviewing video on PASS
I planned ahead for my students with exceptionalities by providing extra fun worksheets for students who finished their work
early. I planned ahead for students with different learning styles by including a fun rhyming audio song, a fun audio rhyming game, a
kinesthetic center (rhyme the room), and two visual centers as well. I feel that including all of the different learning styles is so
important because I learn best when I have multiple learning styles included in a lesson, rather than just one or two. Lastly, I planned
ahead for behavior management by being prepared for the students who normally cause behaviors. I let them know my expectations
from the beginning and told them that I knew they could follow my expectations because I know how great they are. This is
something that I have not tried before, and I feel as if it had worked. I had the best work from one of our behavioral students that I
have ever gotten. He was volunteering answers, behaving quite well, and only needed one redirection during the brain break. I also
planned ahead by scaffolding for my students who typically fall behind. I made sure that the paras and teacher stayed close to our
students who normally struggle with staying on task and who fall behind easily.
Construct 2:
Students were involved in real-world applications in this lesson because rhyming is an important reading skill. I could have put
more problem-solving activities in this lesson. The only problem solving the students had to do was on rhyme the room. Sometimes a
student was not able to find the rhyme they needed on their worksheet, so they had to ask another student instead of asking me.
While teaching this lesson, I did not adjust my strategies and activities. I felt that the students were meeting the objective during
the activities and were completely engaged. I kept the students engaged during whole group by calling on students who had not
volunteered yet or often. I broke up the learning centers into small groups to keep the students engaged. After working with them this
entire year, I have noticed that the students learn and stay engaged best being in small groups.
Construct 3:
The only assessments in this lesson were formative assessments and all of them were informal. I wanted to know where the
students were at when it came to meeting the objective. The last time the students worked on rhyming half of the class met the
objective and the other half did not. This time around, fortunately a majority of the students were successful. However, the students
who are considered as behind were the students who did not meet the objective. Additionally, the student who has a hearing loss also
did not meet the objective. Due to this, I believe I will pull these students into a small group into another room that is quiet. The
student with the hearing loss learns best when in a quiet room. I want to ensure that each student is in an environment that best suits
When it comes to this lesson being rigorous enough for my students, I am honestly unsure. The students with exceptionalities flew
through this lesson while the students who are generally behind did not. It is so hard to do lessons when there are two completely
different spectrums in the class. I honestly don’t know how teachers make the decision on whether a lesson is rigorous enough for a
class. I did give the students with exceptionalities extra fun worksheets on rhyming, but were they rigorous, no. So, I suppose I need
to ask my success coach, internship 4 teacher, and teachers that I currently work with, what they do.
I truly believe my students were engaged during my lesson. The students were volunteering answers, including the students who
are considered my behavioral students or students who fall behind. They were excited to answer my questions. During the centers, I
heard the students talking to each other about the worksheets they were working on, laughing during the rhyme circle game, and
actively sorting. I felt that because they were so engaged in the lesson, that they were interested and motivated to learn during these
lessons. Due to their interest and motivation, I did not make changes during the lessons.
Construct 4:
Three positive outcomes of this lesson are that a majority of the students met the objective, I felt confident during the entire
lesson due to positive behaviors, and the students were engaged the entire time! I was truly so happy. One area of growth that I would
like to work on for next time is instructional sequence. I would like to make the instruction part of my lessons more exciting and
engaging. The students are already engaged, but what if next time I do not have a class as engaged as this one? I collaborated with the
teacher and paras in this classroom. I discussed with the teacher what lesson she would like me to teach and let her know what I
wanted to do. I collaborated with the paras by asking them to help during my centers in small groups. It was beneficial because a para
gave me the idea of not just doing sorting so the students can argue over if a card goes with theirs or not, but into making it a game
similar to bingo. I thought it was such a great idea! It prevented possible arguments and made the sorting center more fun.
I would summarize the overall feedback as positive and very helpful. I did not do as well on this video as my last video and there
is a lot of helpful feedback from my success coach which I greatly appreciate. I am always wanting to learn how to do better so I
always welcome positive criticism. I would say that there was an equal amount of positive feedback as there was with constructive
criticism. Overall, my success coach called my lesson excellent with good engagement and effective scaffolding. My classroom
management was not as strong as my previous video, and I could have used more visuals with my lesson. However, I provided a safe,
nurturing environment on allowing the students to be able to tell me when they do not know the answer. I also provided a good
variety and number of assessments and earned a 3 on my video.
Actions I will be taking in future lessons based off of the feedback given is to provide more visuals for my students I hardly
provided any visuals for the students, and I believe it would have been most helpful. I also did not provide as much variation and
accommodations for my learner differences in this lesson as well. I need to make sure that I provide it in every lesson. Something else
I will work on for future lessons is integrating more technology usage. The students of this age are all about technology and usually
learn better from some technology integration so I will make sure I do a better job of that in the future. Overall, I have a few things I
need to work on and will be sure to plan for those in my future lessons.
When it came to construct 1, I did a great job of planning instruction based on the learning and developmental levels of all of the
students. However, more visuals could have been added, especially during we do. I recognized and fostered individual differences to
establish a positive classroom culture and established a classroom environment conducive to learning. However, I did not have as
many variations and accommodations as some of my other lessons.
On construct 2, I demonstrated a thorough knowledge of content by teaching the students well enough for them to master the
objective. I provided a variety of innovative applications of knowledge but could have used more technology in the lesson. In
construct 3, I planned for instruction by using methods and techniques that were effective in meeting student needs. I used a varied
number of assessments to measure learner progress and delivered comprehensive instruction for the students. Lastly, for construct 4, I
engaged in reflection and continuous growth by realizing what could have gone better with my lesson and by making plans on how I
can add those things to my future lessons. I collaborated with the classroom teacher on what exactly she wanted me to teach in class
and if it was okay if I did centers to go with my lesson plan. I am so thankful to work with such an easy-going teacher who allows me
to teach the way I want to with the subjects she gives me.
Overall, I had an excellent lesson with good engagement and effective scaffolding. My classroom management was not as strong
as it usually is but was still decent. I could have used more visuals in my lesson but will ensure to do that in my future lessons. I
provided a positive, safe, nurturing environment that allowed the students to let me know when they were unsure of the answer. I also
used a good variety and number of assessments.