Risk Factors and DD
Risk Factors and DD
Risk Factors and DD
Any investment always associates with risks. Among those risks some can be averted, others are beyond control, which may causes of loss. Before making any investment decision, Investors should take the risk factors into consideration. Major such factors are described in brief as under:
Management view:
The management of the Company is always aware of interest rate, which is concerned to the cost of fund of the Company. The Management prefers in procuring of the long-term fund with minimum fixed interest rate and the short-term fund with reasonable competitive rate. On the other hand management of the Company is emphasizing on equity based financing.
Management view:
The exchange rate of the country is traditionally witnessed of upward trends, which makes ample opportunity of export. On the other hand, management perceives
revaluation of local currency i. e. down trend of exchange rate will have little impact on profitability of the Company.
Management view:
The textile industry has successfully coped with the post MFA competitive situation. The force, which is helping the sector for its strong existence, is emergence of backward linkage industry. Backward linkage industries are supporting for minimizing lead-time and cost of production.
Management view:
The company set its focus only export market through inland back-to-back letter of credits. The management is trying to sell through direct contact with the customers in the selected regions understanding their needs. The company also has
established relationship with potential buyers across the world and expects to find market for its capacity despite competition prevailing in the sector. Further, the commercial banks and financial institutions provide a thrust in the textile sector as they provide credit facilities to textile industries to acquire the yarn for their final products.
Management view:
The Dacca Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited are equipped with the most modern technologies. As per previous experience no frequent technological change has taken place in this industry so far. Furthermore according to feasibility study report as well as in practice this projects earning capacity is satisfactory and payback period is short. So investment in the machineries will be recovered before any major technological change becomes commercially effective. In addition the project is capable to absorb any small technological changes.
Management view:
Unless any adverse policies are taken, which may materially affect the industry as a whole; the business of the Company will not be affected. Government emphasizes on the growth of Textile Industry to boost up the export of home textile goods. Yet the promoters and the sponsors have endeavor to convince the policy makers for adopting favorable terms & conditions, which will eventually help the home textile manufacturers of Bangladesh to compete with the low cost locations in the global arena.
Management view:
The company can prosper in a situation of political stability and a congenial business environment. Political turmoil and the disturbance are bad for the economy and so also for us.
Management view:
The compensation as well the benefit package will restrain the employees to leave their assignment and go for any employee movement for higher benefit packages. The project of the Company is situated at a high land where less record of flood. The factory building has strong RCC foundation, RCC floor, pre-fabricated steel structure to withstand wind, storm, rain etc. along with good drainage facility. The risks from these factors are also covered through Insurance. The company is also facilitated to keep a rational reserve for any future price escalation of the raw materials.