This document summarizes a study analyzing the microbial profile and properties of microorganisms in Chhu, a traditional fermented milk product from Sikkim, India. The study found that Chhu contained lactic acid bacteria (8.1-8.8 Log cfu/g), yeasts (6.0-6.9 Log cfu/g) and total viable counts (8.9-9.2 Log cfu/g), with no detected moulds. The lactic acid bacteria were identified as various Lactobacillus and Lactococcus species. The yeasts were identified as Saccharomycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. The lactic acid bacteria
This document summarizes a study analyzing the microbial profile and properties of microorganisms in Chhu, a traditional fermented milk product from Sikkim, India. The study found that Chhu contained lactic acid bacteria (8.1-8.8 Log cfu/g), yeasts (6.0-6.9 Log cfu/g) and total viable counts (8.9-9.2 Log cfu/g), with no detected moulds. The lactic acid bacteria were identified as various Lactobacillus and Lactococcus species. The yeasts were identified as Saccharomycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. The lactic acid bacteria
This document summarizes a study analyzing the microbial profile and properties of microorganisms in Chhu, a traditional fermented milk product from Sikkim, India. The study found that Chhu contained lactic acid bacteria (8.1-8.8 Log cfu/g), yeasts (6.0-6.9 Log cfu/g) and total viable counts (8.9-9.2 Log cfu/g), with no detected moulds. The lactic acid bacteria were identified as various Lactobacillus and Lactococcus species. The yeasts were identified as Saccharomycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. The lactic acid bacteria
This document summarizes a study analyzing the microbial profile and properties of microorganisms in Chhu, a traditional fermented milk product from Sikkim, India. The study found that Chhu contained lactic acid bacteria (8.1-8.8 Log cfu/g), yeasts (6.0-6.9 Log cfu/g) and total viable counts (8.9-9.2 Log cfu/g), with no detected moulds. The lactic acid bacteria were identified as various Lactobacillus and Lactococcus species. The yeasts were identified as Saccharomycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. The lactic acid bacteria
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Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research
Vol. 65, September 2006, pp. 747-752
Microbial and analytical characterization of Chhu-_.A traditional fermented milk product of the Sikkim Himalayas Sailendra Dewan and Jyoti Prakash Tamang* Food Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Sikkim Government College, Gangtok 737 102 Received J7 November 2005; accepted J7 May 2006 Chhu, a traditional fermented milk product prepared from cow milk or yak milk in Sikkirn, India, contains: lactic acid bacteria (LAB), 8.1-8.8; yeasts, 6.0-6.9; and total viable counts, 8.9-9.2 Log cfu/g, No mould was detected. LAB were identified as Lactobacillus alimentarius, Lb. farciminis, Lb. salivarius, Lb. bifermentans, UJ. brevis and UlctOCOCCllS lactis subsp. cremoris, all of which showed a high degree of hydrophobicity, suggesting a possible probiotic character. Yeasts were identified as Saccharoniycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. LAB produced a wide spectrum of enzymes. None of the strains produced bacteriocin and biogenic amines. Most strains of LAB coagulated skim milk with a moderate drop in pH. A proximatecompositionofChhu was similar to a typical cheese. Keywords: Chhu, Fermented milk, Lactic acid bacteria IPC Code:C12P Introduction Dairy products constitute basic diet of ethnic people of Sikkim Himalayas in India'. Chhu (Sheden) is a strong-flavoured traditional cheese-like product prepared from cow milk or yak milk in Sikkim and the Darjeeling Hills, parts of Arunachal Pradesh, and Ladakh in India, besides Nepal, Bhutan and China (Tibet). During its preparation, curd is churned in a bamboo or wooden vessel, butter-milk is collected and cooked for 10-15 min to get a soft mass, which is sieved out and put inside a muslin cloth to drain out the remaining whey. Soft 111USS is placed in a closed vessel and is left for natural fermentation for 5-7 days at room temperature to prepare Chhu (Fig. 1). It is consumed as curry by cooking in butter along with onions, tomatoes and chi lies (Fig. 2), and is mixed with beef or yak meat. Ema dachi, hot-curry of Chhu, is most delicious food in Bhutan. This study analyzes microbial profile and technological properties of predominant functional microorganisms and a proximate composition of Chhu. Materials and Methods Collection of Samples . A total of 35 samples of Chhu {cow Chhu (CC), 21; yak Chhu (Ye), 14} were collected aseptically from different places of Sikkim. *Author for correspondence Tel: +91-3592-231053 Evmail: Microbiological Analysis Samples (10 g) were homogenized with sterile physiological saline (90 ml) in a stomacher lab- blender (400, Seward, London,UK) for--I min and serially diluted in the same diluent. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated on MRS agar (M641, HiMedia, Mumbai) plates, after incubation under anaerobic conditions in an anaerobic gas-pack system (LE002, HiMedia, Mumbai) at 30C for 48-72 h. Total viable counts were determined using plate count agar (M091A, HiMedia, Mumbai) incubated aerobically at 30C for 48-72 h. Aerobic spore- forming bacteria were isolated on nutrient agar, after inactivation of vegetable cells by heating at IOOoe for 2 rnin", and were incubated at 37C for 24 h. Moulds and yeasts were isolated on potato dextrose agar (M096, HiMedia, Mumbai) andYM agar (M424, HiMedia, Mumbai), supplemented with 10 IU/m) benzylpenicillin and 12 ug/rnl streptomycin sulphate, respectively and incubated aerobically at 28C for 72 h. Samples were tested:' for enumeration of Bacillus cereus using selective B. cereus agar base (M833, HiMedia, Mumbai), Staphylococcus aureus using Baird Parker agar base (M043, Hilvledia, Mumbai) and enterobacteriaceae using violet red bile glucose agar (M581, Hilvledia, Mumbai). Characterization and Identification LAB isolates were Gram-stained and tested for catalase production. Cell morphology and motility test 748 J SCI IND RES VOL 65 SEPTEMBER 2006 Fig. l--Cow-ll1ilk Chhu of Sikk im Fig. 2--Chhu curry were observed in a phase contrast microscope (CH3- BH-PC, Olympus, Japan). LAB isolates were identified" on the basis of phenotypic characters. The configuration of lactic acid produced was determined enzymatically using D-lactate and L-Iactate dehydrogenase kits (Roche Diagnostic, France). The presence of meso-diaminopimelic acid (OAP) in the cell walls of LAB was determined using thin- chromatography'. Sugar fermentation of LAB was determined using API 50 CHL strips (biolvlerieux. France). APILAB PLUS database identification software (biolvlerieux, France) was used to interpret results. Method" was used to characterize and identify yeasts. Enzymatic Profile by API-zym System Enzymatic profiles of LAB were assayed using API-zym (biolvlerieux, France) galleries by testing activity of following 19 enzymes: alkaline phosphatase, esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8), lipase (C14), leucine-, valine- and cystine- arylarnidase, trypsin, a-chymotrypsin, acid phosphatase, naphthol- AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, a- and glucuronidase, a-and glucosaminidase, a-mannosidase and fucosidase. Acidification and Coagulation Acidification and coagulation of milk by LAB strains was assayed by inoculating 10 % skim milk (RM1254, HiMedia, Mumbai) at 1 % level and incubated at 30C and 37C. Observation was made for commencement of clotting, followed by pH measurement 7
Antagonism and Bacteriocin Activity
LAB isolates were screened for antagorusuc activity by the agar spot method 8 against Listeria innocua DSM 20649, L. monocytogenes DSM 20600, B. cereus CCM 2010, Staphylococcus aureus SI, Enterococcus faecium DSM 20477, Streptococcus mutans DSM 6178, Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae BFE 147, Enterobacter cloacae BFE 282, E. agglomerans BFE . 154 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BFE 162. Cell-free neutralized supernatants fluids of LAB isolates were screened for bacteriocin production by the agar spot test method'), using the bacteriocin screening medium'", Biogenic Amine Ability of LAB isolates to produce biogenic arnincs was determined qualitatively on an improved screening medium" using a 'cocktail ' of four precursor amino acids (histidine, lysine, ornithine, tyrosine). Change of bromocresol purple indicator to purple was index of significant amino ac id decarboxylase activity, corresponding to >350 mg of a particular amino acid/l ' . . lIydrophobicity To determine hydrophobicity of LAB strains ' 2 , isolates were grown in MRS broth (M369, HiMedia, Mumbai) at 30C for 24 h and centrifuged at 7,500 DEWAN& TAMANG: MICROBIOLOGY OF'CHHU 749 Table I-Microbial characteristics ofChhu of Sikkirn Data represent the means of number of samples (n): Microbiological data were transformed into logarithms of the numbers of colony fanning unit (cfu)/g; DL, detection limit is 10 Mould was not detected, Hydrophobicity (%) = _0_D_5_8_0_(_i n_it_ia_I_)-_0 __D_5_80 __(w_i_tf_l_he_x_a_d_ec_a_n_e)_ x 100 OD580 (initial) Results and Discussion Samples of Chhu prepared from cow milk (21) and from yak milk (14) were analyzed for microbial counts (Table 1). The population of LAB, yeasts and the total viable counts was found at the level of 10 8 cfu/g, 10 6 cfu/g and 10 9 cfu/g, respectively. Bacterial endospores were detected only in samples of CC. Counts of B. cereus, S. aureus and enterobacteriaceae were found less than 10 2 cfu/g in Chhu samples. Mould was not recovered in any sample. A total of 120 strains of LAB isolated from Chhu were grouped randomly on the basis of gas production, arginine hydrolysis and cell morphology into representative strains. Based on phenotypic characterization including lactate configuration, DAP determination and interpretation of APILAB PLUS database, and also taxonornical key'", homo- ferrnentative lactic strain CUG3: RI (CC) was identified as Lactobacillus alimentarius, strain CUG1:R2 (CC) as Lb..[arciminis, and strain KCK1:Rl (YC) as Lb. salivarius; hetero-ferrnentative strain KCK2:R4 (YC) was identified as Lb. b{lernientans, and strains CUG2:R2 (CC) and KCYI:R1 (YC) as Lb. brevis. Coccus strain CUR1: Cl (CC) was identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. creinoris. The lactobacilli were predominant lactic acid flora represented 93 % in Chhu samples. The identity of LAB seeIns to correspond with that of LAB typically reported for milk products16. LAB present in raw cow milk may contribute to the spontaneous fermentation 17. Yeast strains (37) were grouped randomly on the basis of colony, cell morphology, vegetative characters, and sugar fermentation and assimilation tests. Following taxonomical keys", yeasts were identified as Saccharomycopsis crataegensis and Candida castellii. Presence of high number of yeasts (10 6 cfu/g) indicates some role during spontaneous fermentation of Chhu, Yeasts bring about desirable fermentation changes in fermented milk products", Enzymatic profiles of LAB strains, assayed using the API zym (biolvlerieux, France) galleries (Table 2), showed relatively weak esterase and strong leucine arylamidase, f3-galactosidase and glucosidase activities, and no detectable proteinase activity. The use of API- zym technique has relevance for selection of strains as potential starter cultures for accelerated maturation and flavour development of milk products", Absence of proteinases, and presence of high peptidase (leucine- arylamidase) and esterase-lipase (C4 and C8) activities produced by the LAB isolated from Chhu are traits of desirable quality for their use in production of typical flavour. High activity of f3-galactosidase exhibited by LAB species is essential features in Chhu. All LAB strains except Lb. brevis caused coagulation of milk at both 30C and 37C with a significant drop in pH (Table 3). However, coagulation occurred faster (17-36 h) at 37C than 30C (20-38 h). Coagulation of' Range of counts (Log cfu/g sample) Cow-Chhu (n = 21) Yak-Chhu (n = 14) 8.1-8.3 8.5-8.8 <DL-2.7 <DL <DL-2.8 <DL-2.4 1.7-2.4 <DL-I.5 1.8-2.5 1.2-2.0 6.6-6.9 6.0-6.7 8.9-9.1 8.8-9.2 Microorganisms Lactic acid bacteria Bacterial cndospores Bacillus cercus Staphylococcus aureus Enterobacteriaceae Yeast Total viable count rpm for 5 min. The pellet was washed three times with 9 ml of Ringer solution (Merck, Germany) and thoroughly mixed in Cl vortex. Suspension (1 ml) was taken and the absorbance at 580 nm was measured. Then, 1.5 ml of suspension was mixed with equal volume of n-hexadecane (RM 2238, HiMedia, Murnbai) in duplicates and mixed thoroughly. Phases were allowed to separate for 30 min at room temperature, after which aqueous phase was carefully removed and absorbance at 580 nm was measured. Percentage hydrophobicity was expressed as follows: Analysis of Proximate Composition The pH of sample was determined directly using a digital pH meter (Type 361, Systronics, India). Titratable acidity, moisture, ash, fat and protein contents of sample were determined using methods of AOAC I 3 Carbohydrate content was estimated by difference: 100-(% protein + % fat + % ash)". Calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and zinc were estimated in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (model 2380, Perkin-Elrner, USA). 750 Enzyme J SCIIND RES VOL 65 SEPTEMBER 2006 Table 2-Enzynlatic profiles using API zym system of LAB isolated from Chhu (nanomotes) of LAB 'CUG3: RI CURl: Cl CUG2: R2 KCKI: RI KCK2: R4 KCYI:RI Control (without enzyme) Phosphatase alkaline Esterase(C4) Esteraselipase (C8) Lipase (C14) Leucine arylarnidase Valine arylamidase Cystine arylamidase Trypsin Chymotrypsin Phoshatase acid Napthol-AS- BI-phosphohydrolase a-Galactosidase f3-Galactosidase f3-Glucuronidase a-Glucosidase f3-Glucosidase N-Acetyl-f3-glucosarninidasc u-Mannosidase a-Fucosidase o o 5 5 o
5 o o o 5 10 10
o o o o o 5 10 o
30 30 o o
20 o 10 o 5 5 o o o CUGI: R2 o o 5 o o
5 5 o o 5 10 30
o o o o
5 5 o 30 o o o o
30 10 10 o 10 10 o o o o o 5 o o
5 5 o o 5 10 30
o o o o o 5 5 o
5 5 o o 10 5 30
o o o o
5 5 o 30 o o o o
20 10 20 o 10 10 o o o Data represent the means of duplicate set Table 3--Effect of LAB strains isolated from Chhu on coagulation and acidification of milk, and the degree of hydrophobicity Product LAB strain Coagulation, 30" C U Coagulation; 37" Ch Hydrophobicity, Control Cow- Chhu Yak-Chhu Sterile skim milk CUG3: RI CURI:CI CUGI: R2 CUG2: R2 KCKI: RI KCK2: R4 KCYI: RI - (6.8) + (5.0) + (4.5) +(5.2) - (5.4) + (4.6) + (4.5) - (6.0) - (6.8) + (5.4) +(4.5) +(5.1) - (5.7) +(5.0) + (5.1) - (5.8) 75.3 97.2 96.3 79.2 85.5 82.1 86.0 Numbers in brackets represent the pH values; Data represent the means of triplicate sets. occurred between 20-38 h; "coagulation occurred between 17-36 h. milk by LAB strains reveals their potential as starters or adjunct cultures in the production of Chhu. Some strains of LAB that showed antagonistic activities were not found to produce any bacteriocin against indicator strains in the applied method. None of the strains produced biogenic arnines in the applied method. This is a good indication of their acceptability in the possible development of starter cultures. The production of biogenic amines by LAB to be selected as starter cultures is not a desirable property!". All strains of LAB showed a high degree of hydrophobicity (>750/0), among which Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CURl:C1, isolated from CC, showed highest percentage of hydrophobicity (Table 3). Bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons, such as hexadecane, proved to be a simple method to determine cell surface hydrophobicity'". High degree of hydrophobicity by LAB isolated frorn Chhu probably indicates the potential of adhesion to gut epithelial cells of human intestine, suggesting a possible probiotic character", provided these strains are consumed in a viable state. DEWAN & TAMANG: MICROBIOLOGY OF CHHU Table 4--Proxirnate composition of raw milk and fermented milk product (Chhu) 751 Parameter pH Turntable acidity as lactic acid) Moisture, 0/0 DM Fat, DM Protein. DM Carbohydrate, DM Minerals, mg/ I 00 g DM Calcium Magnesium Manganese Iron Zinc Raw milk 6.7 0.09 0.15 0.01 87.0 2.12 5.5 0.76 30.8 4.37 28.0 0.41 35.8 2.78 103.8 1.45 39.7 0.85 1.2 0.1 1.7 0.1 57.7 0.75 Chhu 4.3 0.25 0.54 0.02 75.4 3.51 5.6 0.25 6.1 1.32 58.4 1.35 30.0 1.25 111.0 0.4 64.3 0.65 3.1 0.25 4.5 0.3 87.6 1.1 Raw milk 6.6 0.16 0.16 0.02 84:2 3.12 5.8 0.25 61.7 1.31 26.2 0.65 6.3 2.2 76.9 0.65 34.7 0.85 1.0 0.12 1.0 0.12 49.1 1.34 Chhu 4.8 0.28 0.45 0.02 70.2 4.12 5.9 0.67 11.2 0.92 61.8 2.14 21.1 2.07 89.0 0.73 50.1 1.24 1.5 0.25 2.70.12 56.6 0.68 Data renresent the means Proximate composition (Table 4) of raw milk and Chhu shows that Chhu was acidic (pH 4.3-4.8) in nature, due to lactic acid fermentation. Like in typical cheese products, high contents of protein and mineral were observed in Chhu. Conclusions Indigenous knowledge of the people of Sikkirn for production of fermented milks is sparse outside the region. Chhu is an important dairy food in local diet, which has not been documented yet. This study showed that strains of LAB play an important role in fermentation processes by their functional properties related to partly wide enzyme spectrum, antagonistic activities (though bacteriocin production was not detected in the applied methods), coagulation and acidification ability, probiotic properties (adherence potential indicated by a high degree of hydrophobcity), and even non-producers of biogenic amines. Some of these LAB strains possess protective and functional properties, which render them interesting candidates for use as starter culture for controlled and optirnized production of fermented milk products. 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