Mizu WebPhone
Mizu WebPhone
Mizu WebPhone
Mizu Webphone
A java applet internet phone
Mizu-WebPhone is a lightweight standard based VoIP phone that can be run from web pages. Based on the industry standard SIP protocol, it is compatible with all VoIP devices and servers. It can call any other SIP soft phone (for free charge) or any landline or mobile number via a VoIP service provider of your choice.
Mizutech 6/1/2011
About .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Quick Start .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Features .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Usage examples .............................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Benefits ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 User interface.................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Deployment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Main Parameters ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Appearance Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Other Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................................................11 JavaScript API ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Examples ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Version history .............................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Demo version ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Licensing ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 FAQ ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................34 Resources .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
The Mizu WebPhone is a SIP client application implemented as a platform independent java applet and will run in any java enabled browser. Since it is based on the open standard Session Initiation Protocol, it can inter-operate with any other SIP-based networks allowing people to make true VoIP calls directly from webpage.
Quick start
It will cost you less than 10 minutes to deploy the webphone on your website: 1. Check out the webphone presentation on our website if you havent done it before. 2. Download the demo package and check the Example.html source code (for the basic functionality you only need to rewrite the serveraddress applet parameter to your preferred sip server address) 3. Create a similar html on your website (copy-paste the applet tag from the Example.html anywhere to your webpage and copy the webphone.jar near the html files) 4. For more advanced usage check the other examples directory from the demo package and read trough this documentation.
SIP and RTP stack (compatible with any standard VoIP server or device like Cisco, Voipswitch, Asterix, softphones, ATA and others) Standard 100% java applet (no software installation or native components required; runs directly from all browsers under all OS) VoIP calls with auto QoS Transport protocols: UDP, encrypted UDP, TCP, TLS, TCP tunnel, HTTP tunnel* NAT/Firewall support: stable SIP and RTP ports ,rport support, light STUN protocol and auto configuration Media protocols: IM (chat RFC 3428), SMS and presence capability RFCs: 2543, 3261, 2976, 3892, 2778, 2779, 3428, 3265, 3515, 3311, 3911, 3581, 3842, 1889, 2327, 3550, 3960, 4028, 3824, 3966, 2663, 3022 Supported methods: INVITE ,reINVITE, ACK,PRACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, MESSAGE, INFO, OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, REFER Additional features: call parking, early media, local ring-back, PRACK and 100rel, replaces Codec: PCMU, PCMA, G.729, GSM, iLBC, SPEEX Wideband and ultra-wideband codecs Stereo output (will convert mono sources to stereo) , PLC (packet loss concealment) and AEC (acoustic echo canceller) DTMF (INFO method in signaling or RFC2833) Redial, call hold, mute and transfer (attended and unattended) Conference calls (built-in RTP mixer) Call park and pickup Unlimited lines Balance display, call timer Voice recording (local and/or ftp upload) Signaling and media tunneling and encryption* VPN tunneling Click to call Server side integration using PHP, .NET, J2EE , etc Integration with any webpage or third party application JavaScript API Built with your own brand-name Customizable user interface, skins and languages Custom features
*tunneling and encryption works only when used with Mizu VoIP softswitch or tunneling server.
Usage examples
The most convenient dialer that can be offered for VoIP endusers Buy/sell portals Social networking websites , facebook phone Click to call functionality on any webpage VoIP conferencing in online games As an efficient and portable communication tool between company employees VoIP service providers can deploy the webphone on their web pages allowing customers to initiate SIP calls without the need of any other equipment directly from their web browsers VoIP enabled support pages where people can call your support people from your website VoIP enabled blogs and forums where members can call each other VoIP enabled sales when customers can call agents HTTP Call Me buttons Embedded in VoIP devices such as PBX or GSM gateways Integration with other web or desktop based software to add VoIP capabilities
Compatible with all browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc) and all OS (Windows, Linux, MAC, etc) with Java SE support Full compatibility with your VoIP server including Class 5 features Users dont have to download anything to be able to initiate true VoIP calls Bypass corporate firewalls, proxies and all VoIP filtering (when encryption and/or HTTP tunneling is turned on) No need for third party media server. Full SIP functionality is embedded so it can connect directly to your server like any other hardware IP phone or softphone. Not ActiveX based. Easy to use and easy to deploy (copy-paste HTML code) Easy integration with your existing infrastructure Easy integration with your existing website design Proprietary SIP/RTP stack guarantees our strong long term and continuous support
Java SE capable browser (Java S2SE 4+. This can be installed automatically if not found): supported by 96% of the browsers after world-wide statistics Java Script capable browser when the API is used: supported by 98% of the browsers after world-wide statistics Microphone and speakers (preferably a headset) Minimum 400 MHz P3 or similar processor for the advanced codecs (e.g. G.729 or speex wideband)
User interface
The webphone is shipped with a simple user interface presenting the most commonly used functions. However you can easily customize the user interface by applet parameters (compact, width, height, color parameters, enable/disable functions etc). If you need total control on your design then there is a Java Script API which you can use to easily customize the user interface and create your own design. This means that any web developer can easily create any user interface by HTML, DHTML, AJAX, Flash, etc and run the webphone in the background or in compact mode, controlling it by javascript function calls. See the JavaScript API section for more details.
Additionally there is a possibility to create your own Java GUI. If you have Java knowledge, then you can easily create a GUI, send us the java source code and we will reply with your customized webphone. We prefer Netbeans or JBuilder project files with absolute (XY) layout. Your code must compile without errors and needs to be an applet. For this service we may require extra charge. Basic user interface examples:
The whole application is built into one file making its deployment fairly easy. The file size is like a small image on your webpage, so it can be downloaded quickly by browsers. To add it to your webpage, you just have to put the webphone.jar on your web server and copy-paste a short code in your html. Any web developer can handle this task in a few minutes.
By default the applet file is named webphone.jar. Copy this file in your webpage directory (Usually near the html file in which you would like to be displayed. Otherwise you must enter the correct path). Then copy paste the applet tag into your html (or compose it dynamically from any server side script like PHP or .NET) The applet tag is defined as follow (with some basic parameters):
<applet archive = "webphone.jar" codebase = "." code = "webphone.webphone.class" name = "webphone" width = "APPLET_SIZE_WIDTH" height = "APPLET_SIZE_HEIGHT" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" align = "middle" > <param name = "bgcolor" value = "APPLET_COLOR"> <param name = "compact" value = "COMPACT_BOOL"> <param name = "register" value = "REGISTER_BOOL"> <param name = "call" value = "CALL_BOOL"> <param name = "serveraddress" value = "SERVER_ADDRESS"> <param name = "username" value = "CALLER_USERNAME"> <param name = "password" value = "CALLER_PASWORD"> <param name = "callto" value = " CALLED_NUMBER">
<b>Display error here or offer java runtime download or alternative dial method (download link to your desktop softphone) b> </applet>
For a working example please check the Example.htm. Enter your VoIP server address (ip or domain) for the serveraddress parameter, then you can open the Example.htm in your browser. You might also use the object tag instead of the applet tag in your website. The most flexible deployment method is by using the deployment toolkit. This can automatically install the JRE if not already installed with the browser. For a simple example please check the Toolkit.html example.
<script src="http://java.com/js/deployJava.js"></script> <script> var attributes = {codebase:'http://yourdomain.com/path', code: webphone.webphone.class', archive: webphone.jar', width:300, height:330} ; var parameters = {serveraddress: 'yoursipdomain.com', username: 'USERNAME'} ; deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, 1.4); </script>
A more modern and flexible deployment method is by using JNLP. For example this allows you to customize also the applet loading screen. Please check the jnlp.htm for a working example. More details: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/applet/deployingApplet.html
GUI You can set any color for the GUI and enable/disable functions by applet parameters. The java applet can even be running in the background, so this will not disturb your existing web design .For more details please read trough the Appearance Parameters section in this document. Alternatively you can use the javascript api and create your own GUI. This is documented in the JavaScript API section. Online/Offline/Busy and other status buttons The status of the users can be loaded from a database. Based on the user presence you can display the different buttons with your design. This can be easily done with a little server side work (in PHP, .NET or any other language) When Java is not installed Based on online statistics (http://www.thecounter.com/stats/) 94% of the browsers have support for java. Using the toolkit or the JNLP deployment methods the Java engine is automatically installed on the client device. You can always present alternative methods for users who don't have Java installed or enabled in their browsers. Most of the softphones will recognize sip uri links placed on your webpage (for example sip://callednumber@sipserver.com) and will start the call automatically. Alternatively you can redirect your users to download the java runtime or offer them a softphone download link in case if they dont have java enabled. You can also use the JNLP deployment method which can also download the Java runtime automatically if needed. Bypass security restriction To disable the java warning when the applet first loads on users device, you can add a valid digital certificate for the applet. This can be purchased by different vendors (trusted certificate authorities). You can check VeriSign for example. The price varies from 20 to 800 USD. Contact us if you have any technical problems (We can sign up your applet if you have purchased such certificate). For more details read the FAQ.
Applet parameters:
The most easiest way to pass applet parameters is by using the applet tag and set the parameters like: <param name = "parameter_name" value = "parameter_value"> Alternatively you can use the Java Script API_SetParameter function. All parameters are passed as strings and will be converted to the proper type internally by the webphone. Parameters can be also encrypted. See the FAQ for the details.
For a basic usage you will have to set only your VoIP server ip or domain name (serveraddress applet parameter) The rest of the parameters are optional and should be changed only if you have a good reason for it.
Main Parameters
The parameters can be used to control the most important settings and applet behavior like server domain, SIP authentication parameters, called party number and whether a call have to be started immediately as the applet starts or you let the user to enter these parameters manually.
(string) The domain name or IP address of your SIP server. By default it uses the standard SIP port (5060). If you need to connect to other port, you can append the port after the address separated by colon.
Examples: mydomain.com -this will use the default SIP port: 5060 sip.mydomain.com:5062
(string) this is the A number (username). The instance will authenticate with this username on your server. When compact is true, then this parameter must be filled properly. Otherwise it can be empty or omitted (the user will have to enter it)
If you need a different name for SIP user name and Auth name then you might have to also use the sipusername applet parameter.
(string) SIP authentication password. When compact is true, then this parameter (and also the username) must be filled properly. Otherwise it can be empty or omitted (the user will have to enter its password). Default value is empty.
(bool) Set to true if you would like the softphone to register automatically when started (server domain, username and password must be passed by parameters). Default value is false.
(bool) If set to true then the applet immediately starts the call with the given parameters. The serveraddress, username, password, callto must be set by parameter. Default value is false. Usually when this parameter is true, then the compact is also set true. Usually when this parameter is false, then the compact is also set false.
(string) can be any phone number or username that can be accepted by your server. When call or compact is true, then this parameter should be filled properly. Otherwise it can be empty or omitted (the user will have to enter it) Default value is empty.
Appearance Parameters
The parameters can be used to control how the applet user interface (if any) will look like. For more customization you can write your own user interface and use the java script api to control the webphone.
applet_size_width, applet_size_height
(int) the size of the space occupied by the applet can vary depending on the other parameters. -if the compact parameter is set to false, than you should set the applet_size_width to 300 and the applet_size_height to 330. -If the compact parameter is set to true, than you should set the applet_size_width to 240 and the applet_size_height to 50. You can run this applet in hidden mode, when all parameters are passed from server side scripts. In this way you can set the applet_size_width and applet_size_height to 1. The applet size can be set also from html.
(bool) False: the applet will be shown in its full size with username, password input box and dial pad True: the applet will have only a Hangup/Call button and a call status indicator. In this mode the username, password and callto parameters are already set from parameters, so when the applet is launched it immediately starts dialing the requested number. Default value is false. Usually when this parameter is true, than the call is also set true. Usually when this parameter is false, than the call is also set false.
(bool) Set to false to hide line buttons. (The phone will still be able to handle multiple calls automatically) You can restrict the available virtual lines with the maxlines parameter. When set to true, you might also have to set the hasvolume to 1 or 2. Default is false.
(string) Controls the basic design settings. The following values are defined: mizu (on request) metal windows mac motif platform system Default value is null (system specific design is loaded)
(int) With these parameters you can customize the colors on the applet. Default value is empty. The following applet parameters are defined: color_background color_foreground color_label_background color_label_foreground color_edit_background color_edit_foreground color_buton_background color_buton_foreground color_buton_dial_background
There are 3 ways to specify the color parameter: integer number: This number represents an opaque sRGB color with the specified combined RGB value consisting of the red component in bits 16-23, the green component in bits 8-15, and the blue component in bits 0-7 hex number prefixed with #: representation of the color as a 24-bit integer (htmlcolor) the name of the color: the following values are defined: black,blue,cyan,darkgray,gray,gren,lightgray,magneta,orange,pink,red, white and yellow language (string) Built-in translations. The following translations are included: -en: english (default) -ru: russian -hu: hungarian -ro: romanian -de: deutsch -it: italian -es: spanish -tr: turkish -pr: portugheze (other languages can be added on your request) hasconnect (bool) Set to false if you dont need the connect button hascall (int) 0: never 1: hangup only 2: always hasconference (bool) Set to false if you dont need the conference button and conference features. hashold (bool) Set to false if you dont need the hold button hasmute (bool) Set to false if you dont need the mute button hasredial (bool) Set to false if you dont need the redial button
hasaudio (bool) Set to false if you dont need the audio button hasincomingcall (bool) Set to false if you dont need the popup for the incoming calls haschat (int) 0=no 1=API only 2=SMS 3=IM all (default) hasvolume (int) 0=no volume controls 1=dynamic (default) 2=vertical 3=horizontal (useful if you disable the multiple lines) Set to false if you dont need the volume controls button volumeicons (int) 0=no 1=text (if hasvolume is set to 3) 2=icons (if hasvolume is set to 2) displaysipusername (bool) Set to true to display the Extension edit box. Default is false. When sipusername is set (by applet parameter, user input or javascript api) then it will be used as the sip username and the username field will be used only for authentification. Otherwise the username field will be used for both. displaydisplayname (bool) Set to true to display the display name input box. Default is false.
Other Parameters
These parameters are more rarely used or should be used only if you have at least a minimal technical knowledge (VoIP and/or JavaScript)
(int) Check rport in SIP signaling. 0=dont ask, 1=use only for symmetric NAT, 2=always, 3=request even on public IP Change to 0 or 2 only if you have NAT issues (depending on your server type and settings) (Usually userport and use_stun should have the same value set) Default is 1
(int) Stun request on startup. 0=no, 1=use only for symmetric NAT, 2=always, 3=use even on public IP Change to 0 or 2 only if you have NAT issues (depending on your server type and settings) (Usually use_stun and use_rport should have the same value set) Default is 1
(int) NAT keep-alive packet send interval in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable. Default value is 25000. (25 sec) registerival (int) Specify registration interval in milliseconds.
In the signaling the expire interval will be set to (registerival/1000)*2+10 but the new re-registrations will be sent at every registerival/1000 seconds allowing one registration to be lost from two attempt due to any reason. If your server supports keep-alive messages (to prevent NAT binding timeouts), then you might set to a longer interval (~3600 sec) to prevent high CPU usage on your server especially if you have many hundreds of SIP UA running at the same time. If your server doesnt support keep-alive, then you might set this to a lower value (between 30 and 90 sec. 60 sec is a good choice for most NAT devices and routers).
(int) If to treat session progress (183) responses as ringing (180). This is useful because some servers never sends the ringing message, only a session progress and might start to send in-band ringing (or some announcement) The following values are defined: 0: do nothing, 1: change status to ring 2: start media receive and playback (and media recording if the sendearlymedia applet parameter is set to true) 3: change status to ringing and start media receive and playback (and media recording if the sendearlymedia applet parameter is set to true) Default value is 2.
*Note: on ringing status the webphone is able to generate local ringtone. However this locally generated ringtone playback is stopped immediately when media is started to be received from the server (allowing the user to hear the server ringback tone or announcements)
(int) Change this option only if you have RTP setup issues with your server(s). UDP packets to send to open the NAT device and initiate the RTP. Some servers will require at least 5 packets before starting to send the media after the 183 session in progress response. In this case set this value to 10 (In this way the server will receive at least 5 packets even on high packet loss networks) Default is 1
*Note: instead of sending more fake packets, you can set the sendearlymedia to true to begin the rtp stream immediately.
(bool) Start to send media when session progress is received Default is false.
*Note: For the early media to work, the webphone has to open the NAT when SDP is received. This can be done by sending a few fake rtp packets or by starting to send the media immediately when session in progress is received. The fist method consume less bandwidth, but it is not supported by some servers.
(int) Some server cannot handle the final codec offer in the ACK message correctly. In this case you will have to set this setting to 0, otherwise you will have one way audio. 0=never 1=auto guess (not send in case of OpenSIPS servers) 2=when multiple codecs are received 3=always reply with the final codec in the ACK message Default value is 1.
(string) Outbound proxy address (Examples: mydomain.com, mydomain.com:5065, Leave it empty if you dont have a stateless proxy. (Use only the serveraddress parameter) Default value is empty.
(int) Used only for HTTP tunneling with Mizu VoIP servers. 0: no 1: same as sip proxy (proxyaddress) 2: system default 3: manual (must be set by the httpproxyurl applet parameter deprecated after version 3.5) 4: auto Default value is 4.
httpproxyurl -deprecated
(string) Used only for HTTP tunneling when usehttpproxy is set to 3 or 4. Set your http proxy address here. Example: Default value is empty. This feature is removed after version 3.5 because it is not compatible with older JVM and using the browser capabilities offers better proxy handling.
(string) Useful when the transport parameter is set to 4 (auto) to specify the http tunneling gateway address. Default value is null (address loaded from the serveraddress applet parameter)
(int) Transport protocol.
0=UDP 1=TCP 2=TLS (beta) 3=HTTP tunneling (both signaling and media. Supported only by mizu server or mizu tunnel) 4=Auto (automatic failowering from UDP to HTTP if needed) Default is 0.
(int) DTMF send method 0=disabled 1=sip INFO method 2=RFC2833 in the rtp 3=both INFO and RFC2833 Default is 2.
(int) 0=call transfer is disabled 1=transfer immediately and disconnect with the A user when the Transf button is pressed and the number entered (unattended transfer) 2=transfer the call only when the second party is disconnected (attended transfer) 3=transfer the call when the webphone is disconnected from the second party (attended transfer) 4=transfer the call when any party is disconnected except when the original caller was initiated the disconnect (attended transfer) 5=transfer the call when the webphone is disconnected from the second party. Put the caller on hold during the call transfer (standard attended transfer) Default is 5.
If you have any incompatibility issue, then set to 1 (unattended is the simplest way to transfer a call and all sip server and device should support it correctly)
transfwithreplace (boolean) Specify if replace should be used with transfer so the old call (dialog) is not disconnected but just replaced. Default is false. discontransfer (int) Specify if line should disconnect after transfer 0=no (default) 1=on refer sent 2=on refer received 3=on both 4=all transferdelay (int) Milliseconds to wait before sending REFER/INVITE while in transfer. Default value is 400.
(bool) Set to true if SRV domain record lookups are required. Make sure this module is included with the webphone (ask Mizutech support if needed) Default is false (disabled)
(int) Generate ringtone for incoming and outgoing calls. 0=no (you can generate ringtone also by using the JavaScript api to playback a sound file when you receive ringing notifications) 1=play ringtone for incoming calls 2=play ringtone for incoming and outgoing calls. (ringtone for outgoing calls can be generated also by your VoIP sever. When remote ringtone is received, the webphone will stop the local ringtone playback immediately and starts to play the received ringtone or announcement) Default is 2.
(string) Specify a ringtone sound file to be used. If not specified, then the webphone will use its own built-in ringtone for call alert. The file should be in the following format: PCM SIGNED 8000.0 Hz (8 kHz) 16 bit mono (2 bytes/frame) in little-endian (128 kbits) Default value is empty. volumein (int) Default microphone volume in percent from 0 to 100. 0 means muted. 100 means maximum volume. Default is 50% (not changed) volumeout (int) Default speaker volume in percent from 0 to 100. 0 means muted. 100 means maximum volume. Default is 50% (not changed) stereomode (bool) Set to true for 2 audio channel or false for 1 (mono). When stereo is set, the webphone will convert also mono sources to stereo output. Default is false. plc (bool) Enable/disable packet loss concealment Default is true (enabled) aec (int) Enable/disable acoustic echo cancellation (beta version) 0=no,1=yes except headsets,2=yes Default is 0 (disabled) rtcp (bool) Enable/disable rtcp.(RFC 3550) use_gsm (int) GSM codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 1. use_ilbc
(int) iLBC codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 1. use_speex (int) Narrowband speex codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 1 use_speexwb (int) Wideband speex codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 2 use_speexuwb (int) Ultra wideband speex codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 1 disablewbforpstn (bool) This setting will disable speex wideband and ultrawideband for outgoing calls to regular phone numbers since these are usually not supported for pstn calls and they might requires longer initialization. Default is true use_g729 (int) G.729 codec setting. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 1 *Enable only if you have g.729 licenses or licenses are not required in your case (consult your lawyer if you are not sure) use_pcma (int) G711alaw codec. 0=never,1=dont offer,2=yes with low priority,3=yes with high priority Default is 2 use_pcmu (int) G711ulaw codec. 0=never, 1=dont offer, 2=yes with low priority, 3=yes with high priority Default is 2 codecframecount (int) Number of payloads in one UDP packet. By default it is set to 0 which means 2 frames for G729 and 1 frame for all other codec. udptos (int) Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP header for packets sent from this Socket. As the underlying network implementation may ignore this value applications should consider it a hint. The value must be between 0 and 255. Default value is 10.
Notes: for Internet Protocol v4 the value consists of an octet with precedence and TOS fields as detailed in RFC 1349. The TOS field is bitset created by bitwise-or'ing values such the following : IPTOS_LOWCOST (0x02) IPTOS_RELIABILITY (0x04) IPTOS_THROUGHPUT (0x08) IPTOS_LOWDELAY (0x10) The last low order bit is always ignored as this corresponds to the MBZ (must be zero) bit. for Internet Protocol v6 tc is the value that would be placed into the sin6_flowinfo field of the IP header.
automute (int) Specify if other lines will be muted on new call 0=no (default) 1=on incoming call 2=on outgoing call 3=on incoming and outgoing calls autohold (int) Specify if other lines will be muted on new call 0=no (default) 1=on incoming call 2=on outgoing call 3=on incoming and outgoing calls ackforauthrequest (int) If to send ACK for authentication requests (401,407). 0=no 1=yes (default) Should be changed only if you have compatibility issues with the server used.
favorizecontactaddr (int) You may change it if you have compatibility issues with stateless proxies 0=never 1=no 2= conform RFC (default) 3= yes 4=always prack (bool) Enable 100rel (PRACK) Set to false if you have incompatibility issues. Default is false. sendmac (boolean) Will send the client MAC address with all signaling message in the X-MAC header parameter. Default value is false.
customsipheader (boolean) Set a custom sip header (a line in the SIP signaling) that will be sent with all messages. Can be used for various integration purposes (for example for sending the http session id). You can also change this parameter runtime with the API_SetSIPHeader java script function. Default value is empty. techprefix (string) Add any prefix for the called numbers. Default is empty. rejectonbusy (boolean) Set to true to reject all incoming call if there is already a call in progress. Default value is false. mustconnect (boolean) If set to true, than users must register before to make any calls. Default value is false. autoaccept (boolean) Set to true to automatically accept all incoming calls. Default value is false. ringtimeout (int) Maximum ring time allowed in millisecond. Default is 80000 (80 second) calltimeout (int) Maximum speech time allowed in millisecond. Default is 10800000 (3 hour) timer (int) You can slow down or speed up the SIP protocol timers with this setting. You may set it to 15 if you have a slow server or slow network. Default value is 10. timer2 (int) Same as timer but it affects idle, connect and ring timeout and maximum call durations. Default value is 10. mediatimeout (int) RTP timeout in seconds to protect again dead sessions. Calls will be disconnected if no media packet is sent and received for this interval. Default value is 300 (5 minute)
mediatimeout_notify (int) RTP timeout in seconds for js notify. After this timeout a warning message is sent on the java script interface without any further action. The following log will be generated: WARNING,media timeout (notify) Default value is 0 (disabled) discmode (int) For call disconnect compatibility improvements. Some VoIP devices might have bugs with CANCEL forking, so it is better to always send a BYE after the CANCEL message on call disconnect. In this case set the discmode parameter to 3. 1: quick 2: conform the RFC 3: send BYE after CANCEL when needed 4: double: always repeat the CANCEL and the BYE messages Default value is 2. waitforunregister (int) Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for unregistration when the API_Unregister is called or the webphone is closed. If set to 0 that an unregister message is sent (REGISTER with Expires set to 0) but the webphone is not waiting for the response. Default value is 2000. waitforclose (int) Deprecated by waitforunregister. Wait for the SIP engine to proper disconnect in miliseconds. By default it is set to 100. You might increase this value to give more time for the webphone on slow PCs to send the proper unregistrer message when the applet is closed. Default value is 50. md5 (string) Instead of using the password parameter you can pass an MD5 checksum for better protection: MD5(username:realm:password) The realm is usually your server domain name or IP address (otherwise it is set on your server) Default is empty.
realm (string) Can be set together with the md5 applet parameter. You should be able to obtain it from your VoIP server (usually the server domain name) Default is empty.
encrypted (bool) Specify if the transport will be encrypted (both media and the signaling) Compatibile only with Mizu VoIP servers. Automatically turned on when using http tunneling. Default is false. authtype
(int) Some server doesnt allow web or proxy authentication. 0=normal 1=only proxy auth 2=only simple auth sipusername (string) Specify default SIP auth username. Otherwise the username parameter will be used for authentication or the username specified by the user. Default is empty. displayname (string) Specify default display name used in from and contact headers. Default is empty (username will be displayed for the peers) pwdencrypted (int) Specify if you will supply encrypted passwords via applet parameters or via the javascript api 0=no (default) 1=xor 2=des+base64 3=xor+base64 (this is the preferred method; easiest but still secure enough) 4= base64 This method is deprecated from version 3.4. All parameters can be passed encrypted now by just prefixing them with the encrypted__X__ string where X means the id of the encryption method used. voicerecording (int) 0=no (default) 1=local (in the user home directory) 2=remote ftp 3=both voicerecfilename (int) The format of the recorded filenames. 0=date-time + peer name (default) 1=date-time + sip call-id 2=sip call-id The date-time will be formatted in the following way: yyyyMMddhhmmss voicerecftp_addr (string) FTP location for the recorded voice files if the voicerecording parameter is set to 2 or 3. Format: ftp://USER:PASS@HOST:PORT/PATH/TO/THEFILE Example: ftp://user01:pass1234@ftp.foo.com/FILENAME The FILENAME part of the string will be replaced with the file name according to the voicerecfilename parameter. autocfgsave (int) Sometime is useful to not allow configuration storage on the user device (username,password,etc) 0=disable config storage 1=save only
2=load only 3=save and load (default) signalingport (int) Specify local SIP signaling port to use Default is 0 (random) rtpport (int) Specify local RTP port base Default is 0 (random) localip (String) Specify local IP address to be used. This should be used only on devices with multiple ethernet interface to force the specified IP. Default is empty (autodetect)
jittersize (int) Although the jitter size is calculated dynamically, you can modify its behavior with this setting. 0=no jitter,1=extra small,2=small,3=normal,4=big,5=extra big,6=max Default is 3 maxjitterpackets (int) You can limit the jitter buffer size with this setting. With the jittersize left as default (3) the maximum buffered packet count is limited to 8, so you might set this parameter to a lower value. One packet means a received udp packet which might contain one or more audio frame. For example when using G.729 the typical media stream are with 2 frames/packet. Each frame is 10 msec length. A jitter limitation of 5 would mean maximum 100 msec to be cached. (while the default setting would allow 8 packet which means 160 msec) Default value is 99 (no limitation) loglevel (int) Tracing level. Values from 0 to 6. If you set it to more then 3, then a log window will appear and also will write the logs to a file (if file write permissions are enabled on the client side). With level 0, the applet will not even display important even notifications for the user. Dont use this level if possible. Loglevel 4 means a full log including SIP signaling. Loglevel 5 or 6 should be avoided (this can slow down the applet) Increased log levels has big impact on performance and usability. Use it only for short tests. Text logs are sent to the following outputs: -status display (only level 1 these are the most important events that needs to be displayed also for the user) -log window if loglevel is higher than 3 -file if loglevel is higher than 3 (webphonelog.dat in the java user home directory which depends on the OS/java/browser used) -java console (if the logtoconsole applet parameter is set to true) Default is 1. logtoconsole (bool) Whether to send tracing to the java console. Default is false.
(bool) If set to true then will send a capability request (OPTIONS) message to the SIP server on startup. The serveraddress applet parameter must be set correctly for this to work. This method is useful to release the security restrictions when using the applet with the java script API and also to open the NAT devices. Default value is false.
(bool) If set to true then will send a short message (\r\n) to the SIP server on startup. The serveraddress applet parameter must be set correctly for this to work. This method is useful to release the security restrictions when using the applet with the java script API and also to open the NAT devices. Default value is false. recaudiobuffers (int) Number of buffers used for audio recording. Default is 7. recaudiomode (int) Audio recording mode. 0 means default; 1 means event based; 2 means device poll. Default is 0. useencryption (bool) Set to true for encrypted communication (both media and signaling) Works only with mizu servers. maxlines (int) Maximum port number from 1 to 4. When set to 1, multiline functionality will be disabled.
If you would like to reject all incoming calls if the webphone is already in a call, then use the rejectonbusy applet parameter instead of setting the maxlines to 1.
Default value is 4. httpsessiontimeout (int) Maximum session time in minutes Used when the webphone is controlled from java script to avoid situations when the java applet is still running but the user http session is already expired. You must call the API_register periodically (for example in every 20 minute) to avoid the timer expiry. Default value is 60 minute. webphonetojs (String) Java script function to be called for the notifications. Default value is webphonetojs
jsscriptevent (int) If you have a java script function called webphonetojs, you can get notifications about webphone status, line status, events and cdr record. 0=no notifications,1=status and cdr,2=events,3= all logs including SIP signaling messages (depending also on loglevel). Default is 1.
jsfunctionpath (string) If your webphonetojs is embedded in other html elements, then you can give the path here. Example: document,externform,innerform2. By default it is an empty string. This means that the webphonetojs must be placed on the top level (after <body> for example)
JavaScript API
The webphone has an easy to use API and can be easily controlled by external javascript function calls. You can completely hide the webphone (or run it in compact mode) and present your custom design created with html, css, flash or with any other tool. The syntax is very simple: document.applets[0].functionname(); Example:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> function webphonetojs(message) { //this is an optional function if you would like to be notified about webphone events //this function will be called by the applet //you will have to parse the message and act accordingly alert(message); } function do_something() { document.applets[0].functionname(); } </SCRIPT> <input type=button value='applet action' onClick='do_something()'>
Or you might use the following format: document.getElementById('webphone').getSubApplet().method(params); document.getElementById('webphone').method(params); For a working example please check the Toolkit_with_JS.htm that you should find in the demo package. For the Java Script API to work correctly it is important to let the webphone to send the first message to the server before you begin controlling it via the API. This can be done by using the AI_ServerInit function or one of the following applet parameters: register, call, capabilityrequest, natkeepalive. (If you already have the username/password information on startup, then you can set the register applet parameter to true and let the applet to register automatically. Otherwise the , capabilityrequest or natkeepalive applet parameters should be used. This is a workaround for Java security restrictions which will restrict the applet as it would be unsigned when it is controlled externally from JavaScript. There are more than 100 public functions in the webphone, but you usually need only the functions prefixed with API_ and documented below:
Public Functions
Most of the functions return a boolean value. True when the call has been executed successfully, otherwise false. Some of the functions are executed asynchronously. This means that it can return a true value immediately and fail later. For example for API_Call the return value means only that the call was initiated successfully. At this point we dont know if the call will be successful (connected) or not. You can get the call status by parsing the messages received by the function named webphonetojs or you can periodically poll the webphone status with the API_GetStatus function. The line parameter can mean the channel used. The following values are defined: -2: all channels -1: the current channel set previously by API_SetLine or by other functions. Usually this will mean the first channel (1)
0 : undefined 1: first channel 2 : second channel etc (you can control the max number of the channels with the maxlines applet parameter which is set to 4 by default)
Most commonly you will have to pass always -1 as the channel number. You will have to use other values only if you will present a GUI were the user can select different lines. Otherwise the webphone can do this automatically allocating new channels when needed. Function string parameters can be passed in encrypted format. (Read the FAQ for more details regarding the encrypted parameters)
boolean API_HTTPKeepAlive()
You must call this function periodically more frequently than the timeout specified by the httpsessiontimeout applet parameter. (For example call this in every 5 minute) This is to prevent orphaned webphone instances (when your html page was closed or crashed but the webphone is still running in the background)
boolean API_SetCredentials(String server, String username, String password, String authname, String displayname)
Will set the server address (ip:port or domain:port) the SIP username and the password. These values can also be preset by applet parameters. Parameters with empty strings will be omitted. For example if you would like to change only the username and the password, you can write API_SetCredentials(,newusername, newpassord) If authname is empty, then the username will be used for authentications. The displayname is usually empty (no special displayname will be presented for peers). If other parameters are empty, then they can be specified by user input (If the applet has a visible user interface).
boolean API_Register(String server, String username, String password, String authname, String displayname)
Will connect to the SIP server. This can be also done automatically by applet parameter (register). Need to be called only once (subsequent reregistrations are done automatically. When called subsequently, than the old registrar endpoint is deleted, a new one will be created with a new callid and the webphone will reregister). Parameters can be empty strings if you already supplied them by applet parameters or by the API_SetCredentials call. If you already passed the server, username and password (or md5) parameters with the API_SetCredentials functions, then you can call this function with empty parameters: API_Register(,,,,);
boolean API_Unregister()
Will stop all endpoints (hangup current calls if any and unregister)
Set a custom sip header (a line in the SIP signaling) that will be sent with all messages. Can be used for various integration purposes (for example for sending the http session id). You can also set this with applet parameter (customsipheader).
boolean API_TransferDialog()
Instead of calling the API_Transfer function and pass a number, with this function you can let the webphone to ask the C number from the user.
Send DTMF message by SIP INFO or RFC2833 method (depending on the dtmfmode applet parameter). Please note that the dtmf parameter is a string. This means that multiple dtmf characters can be passed at once and the webphone will streamline them properly. Use the space char to insert delays between the digits.
Example: API_Dtmf(-2, 12 345 #);
boolean API_PlaySound(int start, String file, int looping, boolean async, boolean islocal)
Play any sound file. At least wave files are supported in the following format: PCM SIGNED 8000.0 Hz (8 kHz) 16 bit mono (2 bytes/frame) in little-endian (128 kbits) The file must be found near the webphone.jar. start: -1 to pre-cache, 1 for start or 0 to stop the playback file: file name looping: 1 to repeat, 0 to play once async: false if no, true if playback should be done in a separate thread islocal: true if the file have to be read from the client PC file system. False if remote file (for example if the file is on the webserver)
boolean API_AudioDevice()
Open audio device selector.
boolean API_ShowLog()
Show a new window with logs.
boolean API_Exit()
Will stop all endpoints and terminates the webphone. This function call is optional when you unload the applet or wish to issue a forced termination.
Use the API_ExitEx() to also terminate the Java VM (The applet handle will be invalid after this call. This might cause crashes in some browsers. The usage of this function is not recommended)
string API_GetVersion()
Return the program version number.
To receive notifications and events from the webphone you have to create a java script function called webphonetojs that takes one string parameter. The webphonetojs function must be placed in the same html page and same DOM level. If you place it elsewhere, then you must use the jsfunctionpath applet parameter to specify. The webphone will call this functions when something happens according to the jsscripevent applet parameter (status change, error message, call finished, etc) passing the messages as the function parameter. (If your webphonetojs function is embedded in other html elements, then you can give the path by using the jsfunctionpath applet
From the java script code you usually will have to parse the received string. The parameters are separated by comma ,. First you have to check the first parameter (until the first comma) to determine the event type. Then you have to check for the other parameters according to the specification below. The following messages are defined:
Where line can be -1 for general status or a positive value for the different lines. General status means the status for the best endpoint. This means that you will usually see the same status twice (or more). Once for general webphone status and once for line status. For example you can receive the following two messages consecutively: STATUS,1,Connected,peername,localname,endpointtype STATUS,-1,Connected You might decide to parse only general status messages (where the line is -1). The following statustext values are defined for general status (line set to -1):
Ready Register Registering Register Failed Registered Accept Starting Call Call Call Initiated Calling Ringing Incoming In Call (xxx sec) Hangup Call Finished Chat
The following statustext values are defined for individual lines (line set to a positive value representing the channel number):
Unknown Init Ready Outband Register Subscribe Chat Setup InProgress Routed Ringing InCall Muted Hold Speaking Midcall Finishing
You will usually have to display the call status for the user, and when a call arrives you might have to display an accept/reject button. Peername is the other party username (if any) Localname is the local user name (or username). Endpointtype is 1 from client endpoints and 2 from server endpoints. For example the following status means that there is an incoming call ringing from 2222 on the first line: STATUS,1,Ringing,2222,1111,2 The following status means an outgoing call in progress to 2222 on the second line: STATUS,2,Speaking,2222,1111,1 To display the global phone status, you will have to do the followings: 1. Parse the received string (parameters separated by comma) 2. If the first parameter is STATUS then continue 3. Check the second parameter. It -1 continue 4. Display the third parameter (Set the caption of a custom html control) 5. Depending on the status, you might need to do some other action. For example display your Hangup button if the status is between Setup and Finishing or popup a new window on Ringing status if the endpointtype is 2 (for incoming calls only; not for outgoing)
This notification is received for incoming chat messages. Line: used phone line Peername: username of the sender Text: the chat message body
Txt can be any important message or error message text. The TYPE parameter is usually EVENT, WARNING or ERROR. This is followed with the message text. This kind of message will be received only if you set the javascriptevents applet parameter to 2. (by default is set to 1) Set the javascriptevents applet parameter to receive all messages (you might also increase the loglevel in this case)
With the java script API you can implement a VoIP application on your website. You might choose to do some actions in the background, present a single call or callback button (with presence?) or to display a phone interface. The most important steps are the followings: 1. write a function named webphonetojs to catch all messages from the applet. Regarding the incoming messages you can display the status of the phone (registered,ringing,in-call,etc), the most important events and alert the user about incoming calls or chat messages. 2. load the applet with the webpage using the applet tags or with the toolkit method 3. get a handle for the applet 4. call the API_Register automatically or when the user click on the Connect button (or similar) 5. call the API_Call function when the user clicks on your Call or Dial button
6. 7. 8.
popup a window (or enable an accept button) when you receive notifications about incoming calls to your webphonetojs function. Then call API_Accept or API_Reject according the user action if you will present a dial pad for the users, call the API_Dtmf function whenever the user presses a button you might put additional buttons or other controls on your interface for the following functions: audio settings, logout, hold, mute, redial, transfer and conference.
Example call-flow
API_ServerInit(; //remove java security restrictions this can be skipped from version 3.6 API_Register(, username, xxxx); //connect to the server API_Call(-1, +363012345678); //make a new call //wait for connect message by checking the message received on the webphonetojs function //notify the user when the call is ringing or connected API_Mute(-2,true,0); //called when the user press a button API_Mute(-2,false,0); //reenable audio when the user press a button API_Hangup(-2); //disconnect all calls ...call the API_HTTPKeepAlive in every 5 minute to avoid session timeot (defined by the httpsessiontimeout applet parameter)
In our demo package you should find several HTML examples for the webphone deployment. You can try them by just opening them from your local PC (make sure to copy the webphone.jar near the html file you wish to open). VoIP server providers webpage
Applet tag placed on VoIP server providers webpage, allowing their customers to make VOIP calls directly from the browser:
<applet archive = "webphone.jar" codebase = "." code = "webphone.webphone.class" name = "webphone" width = "300" height = "330" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" align = "middle" > <param name = "serveraddress" value = "sipserverdomain.com"> <b>Java is currently not installed or not enabled.</b> </applet>
If the user is already logged in on your webpage, then you can make the applet more user-friendly by not asking for their username and password again. In this case you should generate the html page with the username and password parameters prefilled (This can be done from your server side scripting, for example from PHP or .NET)
> <param name = "compact" value = "true"> <param name = "call" value = "true"> <param name = "serveraddress" value = "yourdomain.com"> <param name = "username" value = "loggedin_user_username"> <param name = "password" value = "loggedin_user_password"> <param name = "callto" value = "called_user_name"> <b>Display error here or offer java runtime download b> </applet>
The serveraddress, username, password and callto must be generated properly from your server side scripting language (PHP, .NET or any other)
New and preferred method since version 3.5: Use the toolkit deployment method. That will automatically detect if java is not installed on the user browser and will attempt to install it automatically.
Version 1.2
-new: DTMF with INFO -new: speex codec -new: IM (chat) with MESSAGE method -new: basic presence -fix: sip signaling message handler
Version 1.4
-new: quick STUN -new: rtport handling -new: GSM codec -new: outbound proxy -new: applet parameters: signalingport, rtpport, register interval -fix: registration and call timeouts -fix: authentication sent with all request -fix: sip stack initialization on Vista -fix: sip message parser -improvement: jitter buffer -improvement: thread priority optimizations
Version 1.8
-new: mute, transfer, redial -improvement: handling record route -improvement: rtp packet replay to all request -open NAT -fix: via branch and to tag was kept persistent across dialogs -fix: save setting not worked since version 1.6 -fix: redial -improvement: opening NAT at call begins by sending UDP packets to possible destinations -improvement: jitter buffer fine-tune and configuration possibilities -improvement: receiving early media (like ringtones and announcements)
Version 2.0
-new: multiple lines (up to 4) -new: select audio device -new: volume controls -improvement: attended transfer -improvement: extended authentication options (qop, auth-int) -fix: call transfer Refer-to URI brackets -fix: auto dial and register -fix: handling ACK for 200 OK
Version 2.2
-new: call hold option -new: default volume applet parameters -new: java to javascript API -new: javascript to java API
Version 2.3
-new: ringtone for incoming and outgoing calls -improvement: ability to enable/disable/set priority for g711 codecs -fix: hold and mute sometimes disabled -fix: register endpoint timeout -fix: cdr records not sent to javascript
Version 2.4
-new: more options to enable/disable certain functions -improvement: call transfer compatibility -improvement: better handle reinvite requests -fix: microphone control change bug
Version 2.5
-improvement: multiline status management -improvement: call hold and call transfer -improvement: changed some default GUI settings -fix: some incoming calls was dropped because wrong cseq initialization
Version 2.6
-fix: ring not stopping on call reject/hangup -fix: call transfer sends wrong refer-to URI -fix: display registered status when not registered -improvement: new discontransfer applet parameter
Version 2.7
-fix: route/record-route handling in transfer, hold and disconnect -fix: cseq sometime is not increased for subsequent register requests -improvement: OpenSIPS compatibility -improvement: new color parameters -new: authorization name and display name parameters
Version 3.0
-new: g.729 codec -new: wideband and ultra-wideband codec -auto convert mono to stereo sound -improvement: better audio device handling (try to open all existing device on failure) -fix: some SIP messages dont contain the URI in message header
Version 3.2
-new: accept header -new: API_MuteEx function -new: jnlp documentation and examples -improvement: allow header now list all supported methods -improvement: remaining credit display timings -improvement: display sent dtmf digits -improvement: support for multiple instances -fix: sdp body is missing from INFO messages sending DTMF -fix: removed static variables to improve multithread stability
Version 3.3
-new: deployment toolkit example -improvement: js and jnlp now accept jre 1.4 -fix: compatibility fix for jre 1.4
Version 3.4
-new: http tunneling -new: DTMF RFC2833 -new: Toolkit_with_JS.htm deployment example
-new: easy encryption for all applet and java function string parameters -new: API_SetParameter function -new: code frame count setting -improvement: possibility to pass MD5 instead of password -improvement: js and jnlp now accept jre 1.4 -fix: API_SendDtmf was not able to send more than one DTMF digit at once -fix: STUN sets external IP even on wrong conditions
Version 3.5
-new: http tunneling using browser http send/receive capabilities to automatically bypass http proxies -new: plc algorithm (packet loss concealment) -new: Spanish translation -new: capability request applet parameter and function call -new: media timeout option -new: srv dns record lookup option - improvement: rtcp option -fix: final codec offer in ACK caused one way audio problem. Now this can be disabled with the setfinalcodec option. -fix: sequence number overrun caused media RTP problems after 21 minute
Version 3.6
-new: api_playsound -new: ackforauthrequest -new: 100rel PRACK support -new: earlymediasend applet parameter -new: logtoconsole applet parameter -new: autoaccept applet parameter -new: rejectonbusy applet parameter -new: sendmac applet parameter -new: call timeout setting -new: API_GetVersion -new: API_Chat -new: API_TransferDialog -new: iPhone skin - improvement: show the sip display-name for incoming calls - improvement: receive chat messages as javascript notifications -improvement: call to URI (loading the server from URI and not from settings) -improvement: discparty parameter in CDR records -improvement: transfertype 3 and 4 -improvement: http tunneling -improvement: java script event notifications -fix: background color settings in the chat and audio settings form -fix: one way audio on some circumstances since version 3.5 -fix: restored compatibility with java 1.4 -fix: authentication with empty parameters (for example empty opaque)
Version 3.8
-new: voice recording -new: aec (automatic echo canceller -beta version) -new: automatic transport detection (failovering from UDP encryption -> TCP-tunneling -> HTTP) -new: httpsessiontimeout applet parameter -new: ringtimeout applet parameter -new: waitforunregister option -new: option to enable peer to peer calls (direct call to SIP URI) -new: various new applet parameters and API function to allow more external control -improvement: disabled nagle algorithm for TCP tunneling -improvement: auto detect audio card wideband capabilities before the first call is made -improvement: packet loss concealment enhancements. Plc is enabled by default -improvement: handling of out of order packets -improvement: jitter buffer fine-tuning -improvement: call transfer
-improvement: bigger range for the volume control -improvement: thread manager -improvement: random UDP port for tunneling -improvement: autodetect direct server access possibility (while using tunneling_ -improvement: call duration display in hh:mm:ss format -fix: always clear old credentials on new settings and on unregister -fix: API_Dtmf, API_Unregister (waitforunregister) -fix: iphone skin compatibility with IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari -fix: codec change on reinvite
Version 4.0
-new: conferencing -improvement: iLBC codec (now it is enabled by default with low priority) -improvement: iPhone like skin example and documentation upgrade
Version 4.1
-new: the ability to set custom ringtone -improvement: call recording and sound playback APIs -improvement: new encryption for TCP and HTTP tunneling -improvement: API_PlaySound can play both local and remote files -fix: address incomplete bug with INVITE -fix: one way audio in conference
Demo version
We are providing a demo version which you can try and test before any payment. The demo version has all features enabled but with some restrictions to prevent commercial usage. The limitations are the followings: maximum 10 simultaneous webphone in the same time will expire after several months of usage (usually 2 or 3 month) has maximum ~100 sec call duration restriction maximum 10 calls / session limitation. (After 10 calls you will have to restart your browser) will work maximum 20 minute after that you have to restart it or restart the browser can be blocked from Mizutech license service We can also send out a demo for our partners with only the trial period limitation (will expire after several months of usage) and without the other limitations. Download link: http://www.mizu-voip.com/Portals/0/Files/webphone_demo.zip
This section is about licensed versions (not the demo version). The webphone is sold with unlimited client license or restricted number of licenses. You can use it with any VoIP server(s) on your own and you can deploy it on any webpage(s) which belongs to you or your company. We have to hardcode your VoIP server(s) address (IP or domain name) and/or your website(s) address. After successful tests please ask for your final version at support@mizu-voip.com. Release versions dont have any limitations (mentioned below in the Demo version section) and are customized for your domain. All mizu and mizutech word are removed and the self signed certificate is with your company name or domain name. Your final build must be used only for you company needs (including your direct sip endusers). Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Software shall remain with MizuTech and/or its suppliers. The agreement and the license granted hereunder will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein. Upon termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software. The software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind.
Some audio codecs that can be used with the webphone (e.g. G.729) can be patented in your country and require you to pay royalties to their licensors (patent license per channel). Mizutech doesnt sell codec patent licenses. You may: Use the webphone on any number of computers Give the access to the webphone for your customers or use within your company Use the webphone on multiple webpages and with multiple VoIP servers (after the agreement with Mizutech). All the VoIP servers must be owned by you or your company. Otherwise please contact our support to check the possibilities You may not: Resell the webphone Sell webphone services for third party VoIP providers and other companies Reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the webphone Modify the software in any way (except modifying the applet parameters and to add digital certificate if needed) Rent, lease, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer purchase rights of the webphone
Download and try the demo from http://www.mizu-voip.com/Portals/0/Files/webphone_demo.zip The pricing can be found at http://www.mizu-voip.com/Support/Webphonepricing.aspx Contact Mizutech sales at sales@mizu-voip.com with the following details -a brand name for your custom build (can be your company name or web domain name for example) - your VoIP server(s) address (ip or domain) and/or your web server(s) address (these have to be hardcoded in your release; otherwise anybody could just download it from your website and use as it owns. ) -your company details for the invoice (if you are representing a company) Mizutech support will send your own webphone build within one workday on your payment. For the payments we prefer wire transfer. On your request we will send the bank details by email. If wire transfer is not possible then we can offer various alternative methods (credit card payment, paypal, etc)
Are there benefits or drawbacks making SIP calls using Java applet vs a Flash component?
Flash doesnt have the codecs commonly used in VoIP (such as g711 (pcmu/pcma), gsm, speex, g.729, g.723, etc) and plugins are not allowed. It has only its proprietary codec, so all implementation will need a separate media gateway which will do the conversion. Please note that codec conversion should be avoided in VoIP whenever possible because sound quality loss, high resource utilization, additional costs and additional network complexity.
The same format can be used to encrypt the string parameters for the API function calls. You should restrict the webphone account (usage, routing) from your VoIP server to make the webphone more secure.
To pass a xor encrypted parameter you just have to prefix it with encrypted_1_. For example instead of using <param name = "username" value = "4444"> You can write the following: <param name = "username" value = "encrypted_1_XORENCRYPTEDUSERNAME">
The same string format are also accepted on the java script api for the string function parameters. XOR encryption should be used together with base64 encoding. In this case the encrypted_1_ prefix have to be changed to encrypted_3_ When using base64, first apply the xor, and base64 for the XORed bytes.
baos.close(); baos = null; return result; } catch (Exception e) { Common.PutToDebugLogException(3,"xor",e); } return str; }
public class DesEncrypter { Cipher ecipher; Cipher dcipher; String passPhrase = "XXX"; //get from Mizutech int iterationCount = 3; // 8-bytes Salt byte[] salt = { (byte)0xA9, (byte)0x9B, (byte)0xC8, (byte)0x32, (byte)0x56, (byte)0x34, (byte)0xE3, (byte)0x03 }; DesEncrypter() { try{ KeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(passPhrase.toCharArray(), salt, iterationCount); SecretKey key = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES").generateSecret(keySpec); ecipher = Cipher.getInstance(key.getAlgorithm()); dcipher = Cipher.getInstance(key.getAlgorithm()); AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt,iterationCount); ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec); dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, paramSpec); } catch (Exception e) { Common.PutToDebugLogException("des ctor",e); } } public String encrypt(String str) { try { // Encode the string into bytes using utf-8 byte[] utf8 = str.getBytes("UTF8"); // Encrypt byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8); // Encode bytes to base64 to get a string return new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(enc); } catch (Exception e) { Common.PutToDebugLogException("des encrypt",e); } return str; } public String decrypt(String str) { try { // Decode base64 to get bytes byte[] dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(str); // Decrypt byte[] utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec); // Decode using utf-8 return new String(utf8, "UTF8"); } catch (Exception e) { Common.PutToDebugLogException("des decrypt",e); } return str; } }
NAT settings
You may have to change the webphone configuration according to your SIP server if you have any problems with devices behind NAT (router, firewall). If your server has NAT support then set the use_stun and userport parameters to 0 and you should not have any problem with the signaling and media for webphone behind NAT. If your server doesnt have NAT support then you should set these settings to 2. In this case the webphone will always try to discover its external network address. Asterisk is well known about its bad default NAT handling. Instead of detecting the client capabilities automatically it relies on pre-configurations. You should set the "nat" option to "yes" for all peers. More details: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/NAT+and+VOIP http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+sip+nat http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/sip_nat_oneway_or_no_audio_asterisk.html
No ringback tone
Depending on your server configuration, you might not have ringback tone or early media on call connect. There is a few applet parameter that can be used in this situation: 1. 2. 3. 4. set the playring applet parameter to 2 set the changesptoring applet parameter to 3 set the natopenpackets applet parameter to 10 set the sendearlymedia applet parameter to true
Current version should not be affected by this issue (only before version 3.6). For the Java Script API to work correctly it is important to let the webphone to send the fist message to the server before you begin controlling it via the API. This can be done by using the AI_ServerInit function or one of the following applet parameters: register, call, capabilityrequest, natkeepalive. (If you already have the username/password information on startup, then you can set the register applet parameter to true and let the applet to register automatically. Otherwise the , capabilityrequest or natkeepalive applet parameters should be used. This is a workaround for Java security restrictions which will restrict the applet as it would be unsigned when it is controlled externally from JavaScript.
This means that to prefer a codec you just have to add one single line for the applet parameter: -use_myfaworitecodec=3 This will automatically enable and put your selected codec as the highest priority one. If you set all codec with the same priority, then the real priority will be the following:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Speex ultrawideband (top priority) Speex wideband G729 G711 Gsm Speex narrowband Ilbc (lowest priority)
*Speex wideband and ultra-wideband can be automatically disabled if your sound card doesn't support the increased sample rate.
*The other endpoint usually will pick up the first codec, or the webphone will pick-up the first in this list from the list of codecs sent by the other peer * G.729, GSM and speex narrowband and ultra-wideband codecs are disabled by default. Set use_g729,use_gsm, use_speex, use_speexuwb to 2 or 3 to enable them. (Make sure you have the proper G.729 licenses)
For example the following parameters will set g.729 as the preferred codec:
-use_g729=3 -use_pcmu=2 -use_pcma=2 -use_gsm=2 -use_speex=2 -use_speexwb =2 -usespeexuwb =2 -use_ilbc =0
For http transport the transport applet parameter must be set to 3 (http tunneling) or 4 (first udp encryption, then automatic switch to http tunneling if needed). From version 3.6 the webphone can automatically detect the best transport protocol if the "autotransportdetect" applet parameter is set to "true" (no need to preset the "transport" parameter). You should also set the "useencryption" applet parameter to "true". The webphone will use the browser capabilities to send/receive the html messages, thus bypassing corporate firewalls. To turn off proxy authentication, insert this line in your jnlp: <property name="javaws.cfg.jauthenticator" value="none" /> To control where the traffic is forwarded from the server side, use the upperserver applet parameter. To check also a direct route to the upper server, use the directserveraddress applet parameter.
For more examples please check the JSAPI.htm and the Toolkit_with_JS.htm files. How to customize the applet loader? You can use the JNLP deployment method with an icon parameter in the information section: Example:
<information> <title>Mizu Webphone demo</title> <vendor>Mizutech</vendor> <href>"http://www.mizu-voip.com/"</href> <description>A VoIP client applet</description> <description kind="short">VoIP client application to initiate phone calls over the internet.</description> <icon href="http://www.mizu-voip.com/wicon.jpg"/> <icon kind="splash" href="http://www.mizu-voip.com/wicon.jpg"/> </information>
<icon> Describes an icon/image that represents the application. Web Start uses the icons during startup in the download progress popup, for desktop shortcuts and in the Web Start application manager. 64x64 icons are shown in the download progress popup and 32x32 icons are used for desktop icons and in the Web Start app manager. Web Start automatically resizes icons with other dimensions. Attributes:
href=url , required Contains a URL to a web location containing an image or an icon. Only JPEG and GIF graphic formats are supported. version=version , optional Specifies the version of the image. width=pixels , optional Describes the width of the icon in pixels. height=pixels , optional Describes the height of the icon in pixels. kind=default|selected|disabled|rollover, optional Describes the use of the icon. Default value is default. depth=number , optional Describes the color depth of the image in bits-per-pixel. Common values are 8, 16, or 24. size=bytes , optional Specifies the size of the image in bytes.
1. Generate CSR (only if you need to generate a CSR for the CA) keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -keystore codesigncert.jks -alias ALIAS keytool -certreq -alias ALIAS -keystore codesigncert.jks -file phonemas.csr You should receive your certificate as a .p12 or .pfx file (if not, than export the file from the browser or try to convert it)
Optionally you can check and verify your certificate with this command: keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore CERTFILENAME
To be able able to sign your applet, you will have to get the alias from the certificate: keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore CERTFILENAME -v (the alias is displayed in the line which begins with Alias name:. Once you have the alias, then you can move to the following setp) Sign your webphone applet with this command: jarsigner -storetype pkcs12 -keystore CERTFILENAME -signedjar orig_webphone.jar result_webphone.jar ALIAS
Alternatively you can download a GUI for the jarsigner named KeyTool IUI Contact Mizutech support if you have any difficulties applying the certificate yourself.
You can find more details about java applet deployment here: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/applet/deployindex.html Mizu WebPhone homepage : http://www.mizu-voip.com/Home/WebPhone.aspx Demo package: http://www.mizu-voip.com/Portals/0/Files/webphone_demo.zip Demo (running older version): http://www.mizu-voip.com/Home/PublicPhone.aspx Example html: Example.htm (if you have received it with this document. Otherwise it can be found in the downloadable demo package) For help, contact support@mizu-voip.com