The Duskwalkers Due (PF2e Solo Adventure)
The Duskwalkers Due (PF2e Solo Adventure)
The Duskwalkers Due (PF2e Solo Adventure)
You are Tarklo Dirge, a wanderer and sword- Dirge, deceased thirty-one years ago, returned
for-hire. You are one of a rare group of people to the boneyard, and recycled into Tarklo
called duskwalkers, ashen-colored humanoids Dirge.”
who guard the cycles of life and death. You Unfortunately, that all sounded right.
have put more unquiet souls to rest than you You’re 31 years old, give or take, and that’s
care to count, and you are often overwhelmed your name.
by the enormity of the task ahead of you: the
world is filled with so many of the shambling “I don’t owe the psychopomps anything,”
dead and haunting spirits that you fear you’ll you grumbled.
never know any life other than returning the “Ah, technically you don’t owe me,
dead to their proper repose. Monody, anything. But you owe the
That is, if you don’t starve first. Even a psychopomps everything,” insisted the nosoi.
duskwalker must eat. Earning the coin to do so “For now, I’m to identify a particular tomb and
means taking odd jobs that ordinary people let you know that its primary inhabitant, a
are too timid or ill-equipped to handle. So you woman named Imogrin Thavelshenk, has
drift from town to town, solving problems to slipped the cycle of souls and returned as an
earn your next meal and put the next soul to incorporeal undead. We need you to destroy
rest. her spirit so her soul can progress.”
Just outside the bustling river-town of You sighed, cast aside the apple core, and
Thaven, you had stopped for a well-earned ensured your hatchets were strapped to your
rest beneath an old apple tree. A voice from side. “Okay, where is this Thavelshenk tomb?”
above called your name. “I’ll show you myself,” said Monody,
“Tarklo Dirge, born of Ramnit Dirge?” settling his feathers with a bit more pomp that
called the voice. Looking up, you spied a large was warranted. “As I’m to accompany you on
crow wearing a leather mask, eyeing you with this significant task.”
interest: a nosoi psychopomp, courier and Great. Another mouth to feed.
scribe from the land where spirits go after
death. Psychopomps have some connection to MONODY
duskwalkers, but you’ve never cared to find
out what. You suspect learning more might You’ll be accompanied by a nosoi psychopomp
jeopardize the freedom you treasure. named Monody. A nosoi resembles a raven
with a leather mask reminiscent of a plague
“Tarklo Dirge, born of no one,” you replied doctor’s mask. Monody is a fussy pedant who
sullenly, wishing only to be left alone to finish does his best to stay out of fights. He virtually
your apple. never does what you would find useful or
“Ah, that’s not what the records say,” convenient, with two important exceptions.
insisted the nosoi. “Your soul fragment First, once per day Monody casts sound burst
originated from a duskwalker named Ramnit when and where you ask; you need to spend
This adventure is designed for solo play, pairs of monsters try to flank you if they can.
without a GM. Generally, you’ll read through Monsters don’t have any reason to hold back.
this adventure as you go, selecting your If you defeat monsters, they don’t reappear in
encounters from those available to you at each the room unless indicated otherwise.
point in the story. It’s is written to provide you
with a challenge, but most of the decisions YOU KNOW THE ADVENTURE
during the adventure are yours: where to go,
how to interact with the environment, and You have perfect knowledge of the adventure,
what happens when you do. You should keep particularly if you’re replaying it, and know
in mind this overarching rule when making where everything can be found. You’re still
your decisions: what would be the most fun bound by the result of your skill checks, and,
right now? Keep that in mind, and you won’t most importantly, you can only attempt
go wrong—even if your character doesn’t relevant checks once. If a treasure requires a
make it. successful DC 15 Perception check to locate,
and you only roll a 14, you can’t get the
A solo adventure brings the following treasure. You can’t keep trying again and again
special considerations that aren’t present in a until you find it! You know the treasure is
typical RPG. there, but your character does not, so you
should move on. The same goes for secret
ALL THE RULES ARE YOURS doors; if you fail the Perception check, your
You’re responsible for all the rules in the game, character can’t use the secret door, as the
and you’re not holding anyone up by stopping character doesn’t know it’s there.
the game to reference something you didn’t Even though the adventure provides you
know, like the range of sound burst or what a with the relevant map, you might want to
monster’s Improved Knockdown ability does. draw out the rooms you encounter on a
Feel free to learn! Experiencing the rules on battlemat or large sheet of graph paper and use
both sides of the game will make you a better miniatures to represent your character and any
player and GM. enemies, just as you might in a normal RPG.
As you move from room to room, go to the
YOU’RE ALSO THE MONSTERS appropriate room description indicated on the
map. You’re not likely to encounter all the
This means that you not only play the part of a rooms in order, and skipping around—even
character, but also all of the enemies you face. skipping around a lot—is fine.
During combat, you should roll for the
monsters as well as for your character, and
have them act as reasonably as you think they
would. Generally, this means attacking your Many of the actions you’ll take as a character
character in the most straightforward way in a solo adventure have set difficulties and
possible, using their best attacks. For example, specific effects. For example, if you attack a
For this adventure, you’re playing a duskwalker ghost hunter named Tarklo Dirge. His statistics
are below. You’ll use these to fight foes, make skill checks, and do all the things you’d normally
do with a Pathfinder Second Edition character.
The tomb haunted by the spirit of Imogrin “Ah, here we are!” chirps Monody. “I
Thavelshenk is an ancient, crumbling structure know Thavelshenk’s ghost is in a sepulcher at
deep underground. The stone masonry that the far end of this hallway, past a pair of
once stood fast against time and decay is double doors. But she is powerful, perhaps too
failing, allowing rivulets of water, profusions powerful for you to defeat right away. There
of lichen, and a dank odor to permeate the are three icons of her life you should collect.
entire structure. Shadows pool thickly in The presence of each will weaken her grip on
corners and shift when you view them out of unlife, so you should carry as many of them as
the corner of your eye. The ceilings throughout you can find when you confront her. They are
the tomb are 10 feet high. a marble candlestick, a silver comb, and a
The marked doors are swollen with golden snuffbox. She liked her fine treasures,
moisture and hard to open; each requires a 1- apparently. You don’t need all of them, but the
round activity (three actions) to open up. They more of them you have, the better. I also have
remain open until closed, which is another 1- this map.”
round activity. With a shake of his head, Monody’s leather
There are three secret doors in the tomb, mask slips a bit and a piece of parchment
but your character doesn’t know they’re there. flutters out. The parchment is the map on page
You only spot them by Searching a room with 6. “I know there is a secret passage in the
a secret door and succeeding on a DC 20 tomb,” the nosoi admits, “but not how to
Perception check. The secret doors are tricky to access it. You’ll just have to keep your eyes
use; like the other doors, they take a 1-round open.”
activity to open. As the nosoi speaks, a rush of air and a
Only a few fitful everburning torches grinding noise comes from behind you. The
illuminate some of the tomb’s chambers, but enormous stone doors to the tomb swing shut,
that’s okay. You and Monody can both see in trapping you inside. They are far too heavy to
the dark.
This chamber has a sunken floor and an old
stone well in its center. Unfortunately, the well
is long dried up. All the doors leading out of
this room look the same, except for the door to
the north. That one has small, barred windows
that reveal a cell.
With Imogrin Thavelshenk’s defeat, the eerie
shadows and supernatural effects throughout
the tomb dissipate. A grinding echoes through
the tomb as the doors finally open, setting you