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390 O1.T.J.E.E.

Mathematio8 1 AgoDr
Putting n1,-1and 2, we get
Patting x1-1, we get
n2 G +20 3C tnCa ,2-1C,+ t n+l

0G-2, +3,+ 1)"nG, 4) G , G2

Integrating (Al, we get
Go23 10

n ,3" G2 t..+ 2 C
n+T n+1 h7
Putting x-0,
we get G Above (5), (6) and (7) are solutions of Q. 16,

391- 8.
(1+ n+1 Cx+C onn+1

Problem Set (2)

Binomial coeflicients C, ,C, ,C,,..,, Relations betweenbinomial coefificients obtained by
dillerentialion or integralion of the expansion of (1+ x ) .
6. (a) If n> 2, then prove that
Prove thal:
C +20 +30, + nG, =n.2 G, (a-1)-G2 (a-2) +...+(-1)
(b) G 2 +3y -1C,t.0. C (a-n) =d
(C Stmnof the last 30 coefficienls in the expansion of
(b) IfC, be the coefficient of x in (1+ )", then the
(-a when expanded in ascending powers of x
value of (r+ 1) C, is
(a) 2 (b) 2 (a) (n+1) (n +4)2"
(c) 2 (d)Ca0-219
(b) (n+1) (+4)2"
2. fa) In the usual notations prove that
(c) (n+ 1) 2"-2
G +2, N +3G *+ +nG *
(d) (n+4) 2-2
n(1+ x)"
7. (a) If n is an integer greater than 1, show that
) C+3C, +5C t. 2n+ 1) C, =(n+1)2" "G, (a-1)+ "C, (a-2)+(-1)
C Prove that (b) lt a.a,ag are in A.P. then show that

1-21+ 2 n (2n -1) (2n- aoa +a2 . + - ) " 47+1 0 .

Hence deduce that
(-1)"-1 an-)...(n +2)
n -1
8. (a)
3Co-8C +13C, -18 C, t = 0
Find the sum of

(-1)" where n
is a +ive integer. 3. "C-8. "C, +13. "C2 -18. "C3 t
2 (n!) upto n+1) terms
3. (a) 1.G, +2C2 +3.C t +n .C, (b)* Prove that

n[n+1)2"-2 C, +7C2 +11 Cg t..+(4n-1) C,

-2" G +3* G - . . t ( - 1 ) n Cn =0
(C) If A=a+ (a+d) +(a+ 2d) +..+ (a+ nd)
and S
(c) 1 C, +2 C +3° C t..+n Gn =a+(atdj1 t(a+2d) 2 t
n (n+3)2" +(a+nd)a
then prove that (n +1) S =2" A
4. Co-2" G, +3 Cz t..+(-1)" (n+1)* C,n =0, n>2
9. (a)+2+3 nc n(n+1
5. Sum the series Co n-1 2
ib G-(a-1)(b-1) C, +(a-2) (b -2) C, +.
(b) If Co.Cq.C2..C5 are the binoml
+-1)" (a-n).b-n)C, coefficients in the expansion of (1+
where a, b are real numbers and G, = "C,, n>3.
X). pro
Binomial Theorem 3 9 1

120 (0) In
Find the G14 the usual notation prove that
cootticlent of x
in the
polynomial 1

where G , " C , .

(b) (Roorkee 2001)

11 (d) 3G 43 +31 G4-1
(n-1)1 31 (n-3)1 51 (n-5)1 2

11. If (1+ )Got 20. (a)* Prove that

prove that GoG

GX+Ga*° ++G,x", xeN, then
tGa +-1) C
4 n 14n,2
n+2 (n+1)n+2)
=(-1) -2...n-mt) () Provo that
71-1)1 Go (n+ 1)(n+2)
12. (a) Got2G1 +3G2 t...+(n+
1) G,
(b) Co+ 3G +52 +n2" (n+ 2) 2" () 1f (14 x)"2C,* and
13. Prove that +(2n + 1)G, (n+ 1)2"
nC. -1 ko then k is equal
1 1
1+ nx
"C.t nC. 3* to:
( +nx) (1+nx)
(a) (b)
(n+1) terms-0. n+1
14. Evaluate (r+ 1)° C, where G,= "G,, (c) n+ d)none
15. (a) If p +q=1, then show that
21. If (1+ x C, xprove that
CD 9 npg+np.
(b) If(1+x)"= C% +C,x+Gx 2.Co2
. .. +72.C 3"-2n-5
value of
+...+C,x"; find the 2.3
(n+1) (n +2) (n+1) (n+2)
3G +8C +15G5 +24G0 t . {n-
termms. 22. 2 4+s4
2 34 CCn.
16. ()+ n+1 =1
(b) Prove that Cs 23. Provethat
2 4 6 n+1 that o-+2
49 C,
2 C 2""-1
17. (a) Got ** n +1
3 n+1 2n +2 n+2n+1
(b) C- 2 3 4
+.. n+1
24. G,G
-1" n!
4n +1 1.5.9...(4n+1)
18. Prove that
1 2 5 .(a)" Co +C +C (2n)!
- C +C-C, +...+(-1)"* n+1= nt1 n

CC +CCn-1 -.sopns (2n)! t

19. (a) 2C, +2 +2 +2 4

Tenonl n
3" -1 (c) If(1+ x) =C% +C x+Czx +..+C, x"
+2" n+1 n+1
then show that the sum
of the
taken two at a time
products of the G
(D) In the usual notation prove that
equal to 0Si<jan. represented by 22 CC 15
2 -1
C2 t u T 1110 11 2 - (2n)!
(M.P. C.E.E. 1999) 2.(n) (M.N.R 1992)
392 O LL.T.J.EE. Mathematics : Algebra
(b) Find tlie coefficient of x"y" jn the ezpanision df

(2n) y)(x+yil"
26. tal CGGCGa "(n-1)10+ 1) I1+ x)(1+
n me expansion of
(a) The oi

(b)" CC +G,G,+CC,+tGa-s 33.

1+(1 +x)+(1+) +...
+(1+)" is "
(2n) o 0srSn-1) in
(n-2)1 (n+2)1 The
(b) expansion of
(e C,+GC,.+GG,. t+Ga-n (x+2) +(x+2)(x+1)
2n) +(x +2(x +1) t.+x+11
(n-)! (n+
27. (a) The sum is "G, (2"-1).
34. Prove that the
cotficient of X (05rs{n-1)) in th.
expansion of
is maximum when mis (x +2) +(x+3"-
(x + 3 + (x +3)"
) 10 is "C, (3"-2
) 15 ) 20 (1.1.T. Sc. 2002)
(x+2)t+(x+ 2)
For any p0sitive integers
m, n (with n2 m), let
(b) Ifs, GC, +C,C2 +Ca- C, and 35. (a)

ael13,then prove that n=24

28. Prove that Prove that
C+C +C+C,-1+ "C, +C, t. ()-()-
Hence or otherwise, prove that

Prove that

Go m+101(m+2) + (n

t..+ n(n-1)...2.1
(1L1.T. 2000)
m+n+ m+n+2...m+ 2n (b) Prove 2 J
m+ n)
30. (a) By expanding ((1+ x)"-1) in two ways, prove ( -0)
that C "C-"C2"C+"C"Cm
=(-1) n"
where="C (UT 2003)
(b) Prove thet 36. Prove that
C -2.C2 +3.Cg-. 2n G2n
CC-G,C, +C, C,..=2" =(-1"nC
where G, "G, 37. 1+(n+1) x](1+ x)n-1
31. (a)" Prove that according as n is odd or even the value
=Go+2C, x+3C, x +.+ (n +1) C,x"
of Ca-G +G +(-1)" (C) and
=0 n
C +20, +302 +..+(n+1) C
or (-1
(n/2)! (n/2) n+2) (2n-1)!
b) Ca-C+("G)- " -1)!
IfG, stands for "C, then the sum of the serles
(c) Evaluate Gg-C +G2 t(-1)" C"
2(n/2)1n/4C-2C, +3C2
for n=10 and n=11
32. (a) Prove that +(-1)" (n+1) C,
"C,= "C, + "Gy-1 where n 1s an even
positive integer, 1s equa to
(-1) (n +2).
+C-2C, +....+ ", 39.
T(1+ x) =C% +C x+C2 x t+C5*
where r< m,renand m, n,r arc +ive integers. find the value
of G, +2Cg +3C t.+14015
40. (a)* In the usual
notations prove that Binomial Theorem
(Co+C,)(C +Ca)....(Cn-1 +C,) To-T2 +T
O 393

(b)" In
In Q.
(x +a)".
48 to 51 if
+(, -T, +Ts-
product of all the (1+ x)",P (n) stands for the expansion of (1+
ag, a,Gg.. be the coefficients In

that )_(n+ binomial

n coefficients ther
icients then prove then prove that:
x+ x)" in ascending powers oftheX
1) 48. (a)" a,
P (n) =

41. (a) If n is an odd (6) gta tt.t0n-13Gn)
natural number
then show that 49.
(r+1) G,41 (n-r) a,
FOC*0 50. (a)
(2n-r+1) a,-1.(0<re 2n)
a-a +a-a t n-1 t+Gan
(b) If (1+x)" =
Co +C,x+C2x +..+C,x" (b) (0.1.T. 1994)
then prove that - +-a+.. +(-1 a-
Co+(Co+C,)+ (C% +C, +C)+ 1--1" a,)
equal to n.2"
*(o+G +C2 t...+C,-1) +G,+ Ggt..)=(a, +0, +a, t..)
42." Given s,=l+q+g 52. Ifk
1G+as +agt...)=3
.+ and n be +ive integers and
S,-1+9 1 Sy =1 +2"
+3 +..+n, then show that
C , s, = (n+1)*i - (n +1).
Prove that

n+C,+7C, s, +
"*C S2 +
Hence evaluate s4
53.* Find the sum of the
infinite series
Cn+1 Sn 2 dPn t 2 t Gg t... where
43. Find the sum
of the series +1
n(log 3)"
k!(n-k)! (Roorkee 1995)
t.upto mterms 54. Prove that
r(n-r) C =n
44. Prove that F0 ("C,)
1 +2 55.
(a) Prove that
XX+1 +2 +(-1"n-
X+n ztn+-o -|C
n (0.1.T. 1997, J.E.E.W.B. 2000)
x(x+1)..x+n) (b) Find the sum of
where n is a +ive integer and xis not a
negative 1nteger. -1 2
Hence prove that C,
(c) Prove that
+2 +(-1)" -2 "C1 / n + 1 ) ,neven
3-n 1/n+2), nodd
56. Prove that
1.4.7...3n +1) 3) C2r -1 =0
45." Prove independently that
where k
and n is an even + ive
- +-
3n+1 1.4.7..(3n+1) Solutions to Problem Set (2)
6. Evaluatethe integralox(1-x)" dx
Procedure for Q. 1 to 9 by differentiation.
and hence find the sum of the series

nljln -)!
(1+x)"=C,+C,x+C2 t..+C,x (1)
+ ( -1 n- The coefficient of x is C,. Putting x= 1,-1 in (1)
2 n1 n+2 2n
. lt ToT1.T2 T, represent the terms in the Co+C +C t...+C, =2" 2)
expansion of ( x + a , then Co-C +C2-C t..=0 (3)
Binomial Theorem O 409

Problem Set (3)

Objective Questions
Sumof coetticients in the expansion (di) The term independent of x in the expansion of

of(x+2y +2)" is 2x 3x) is
(b) 30
(c) 1
(d) None of these. (a) 160/9 (b) 80/9
The number ot terims in the
expansion of (x +
y +2) C) 160/27 (d) 80/3 (M.N.R. 1995)

11 11. The term

(b) 33 independent of xin
C) 66
(d) None of these.
The total number ot terms in the (a)None (b) C (c) (d) 1
ix+a+(X-a) after expansion of
simplification is (8.1.T.S. 1993)
C) 50
4The coeificient of middle term
(d) None of these. 12.
Ifthe cofficientsof x' and xin (2+are equal,
in the expansion of then n is
(1+x is (d) 15
a) 56 (b) 5 (C) 45
(a) 10/5!6!
(b) 10/5! 13. In the expansion of (1 +) the sum of the coefficients
(c) 10/5!.7! (d) None of these. of odd powers of
5. The coefficient of 1/x in the a) (b)2 (c) 2 (d) 2
(1+ (1+1/x)" is
expansion of
14. Forr=0,1,..10, let A,,B, and C, denote respectively
(a) nl/[[n-1)!.[n+1)! the coefficient ofx in the expansions of
(b) 2n!/ [(n-1)!.(n+1)) (1+ x.(1+x) and (1 + ) . Then
c) nT2n-1)!.(2n +1) A, (B0B, -C104,) is equal to
(d) 2n [(2n-1)!.(2n +1)!! 1

6Coeficient of x' in is
(a) B1o-C10 (b) Ao (Bio-CqoAo)
(c) 0 (d) Co-Bo (IT JEE 2010)
a) (b) 504 Solutions to Problem Set (3)
56 259
1. Ans. (d).
c) (d) None of these.
Hint: Sum of coeff. = 4 .
2. Ans. (C).
7. The coefficient ofy in the expansion of| y + 3. Ans. b).
4. Ans. (b).
a 20c b) 10c (d)220c (c) 10c
T h e coefficients of x and x" (pand q are positive d ns.
6. Ans. (a).
integers) in the expansion of (1+ x)
7. Ans. (c).
a) equal 8. Ans.((a)
b) equal with opposite signs 9. Ans. (a).
1C) reciprocals to each other 10. 1) Ans. (d). It is 7th term = 84
(d) none of these
n>2 and that the (i) Ans. (c). T, =
"C, (2x) 160
9. Glven positive integers i> 1, 27
terms in the binomial (3x)
coetficients (3r)" and (r+2)"
of 11. Ans. (a). r=10/3 which is not possible.
expansion of (1+ x)" are equal, 12. Ans. (b). Coefficients of Tg and T, are equal
) n=3r
a) n=2r
(c) n=2r+1 (d) None of these.
"C,2-7()-"C 2(
termindependentof xinx-is
The 7!(n-7)! 8!(n-8)! 3 (n-7) 8.3
a) (b) 48= n-7 or n=55
(c) 48 a ) None

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