Giannini SERI
Giannini SERI
Giannini SERI
DOI 10.1007/s00264-013-1980-8
deformity. Several bony and soft tissue procedures have been hallux valgus, (3) HVA≤40°, (4) IMA≤20°, (5) arthritis of
described for the treatment of hallux valgus [21–41]. Cur- the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint up to grade 2 according
rently, a mini-invasive surgical approach is preferred in order to the Regnauld classification [52]. The exclusion criteria
to reduce surgical trauma, complications, time of surgery and were: (1) stiffness of the first metatarsophalangeal joint,
to allow an earlier recovery [11, 22, 32, 36, 39, 42, 43]. (2) severe arthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint (more
Historically, distal metatarsal osteotomies have been indicat- than Regnauld grade 2), (3) history of rheumatoid arthritis
ed in cases of mild or moderate deformity with an or other inflammatory diseases, (4) diabetes mellitus, (5)
intermetatarsal angle (IMA) up to 15–20° [1, 29, 36, 44, neurological disorders, (6) prior hallux surgery, (7)
45]. Distal osteotomies may also be used to correct deformi- hypermobility of first metatarsophalangeal joint or first
ties characterised by deviation of the distal metatarsal articular cuneo-metatarsal joint.
angle (DMAA) or to address concomitant stiffness [24, 46]. The average age at the time of surgery was 49 years (range
Many authors over the years have described several tech- 20–65 years). Two patients died of unrelated causes and 62
niques for hallux valgus correction by the performance of a patients were lost to follow-up before a minimum of five-
distal first metatarsal osteotomy; each technique is years (range five to ten years), leaving 577 patients (896 feet)
characterised by different surgical approach, osteotomy de- for final review.
sign and fixation device [15, 21, 22, 33–37, 41, 47, 48]. Most
surgical techniques are associated with more than 80 % good Surgical technique (video)
outcomes, but none is considered as entirely satisfactory or
superior to the others [24, 36, 49]. In 1998, the senior author Planning of the operation was performed by the senior author
(SG) designed a minimally invasive technique for hallux in terms of the obliquity of the bone cut, the extent of the
valgus correction whose characteristics were summarised in medial-lateral or dorsal-plantar dislocation of the metatarsal
the acronym SERI: simple, effective, rapid and inexpensive head and the correction of the DMAA. Surgery involved two
[29, 50, 51]. The SERI technique was not a completely new surgeons and it was performed under regional anaesthesia,
technique, since it consisted of a linear osteotomy at the with patients in supine position using a tourniquet. The
metatarsal neck level as described by Hohmann [15], Wilson average surgical time for hallux valgus correction was five-
[41] and Magerl [35]. It is stabilised by one Kirschner wire as minutes (range three to eight minutes).
reported by Bosch [22], Lamprecth and Kramer [33], and it is By forcing the big toe into a varus position, a manual
not performed percutaneously but under direct vision stretching of the adductor hallucis and lateral capsule was
through a small medial incision. performed (Fig. 1).
The aim of this prospective study was to analyse the Surgery was performed from a medial approach through a
results of a series of the first 1,000 consecutive feet operated one centimetre medial incision just proximal to the medial
upon for hallux valgus correction using the SERI technique, eminence, at the level of the neck of the first metatarsal bone,
in order to determine (1) whether the SERI technique is exposing the neck of the metatarsal bone with two small
effective for treating symptomatic hallux valgus, (2) whether retractors (Fig. 2a, b).
the efficacy of the procedure is maintained over time and (3) The osteotomy is performed using an oscillating saw at
to evaluate the complications related to this technique. about 15° of inclination in the sagittal plane (Fig. 2c). In the
transverse plane, the inclination of the osteotomy changes
with respect to the choice to elongate or shorten the
Materials and methods metatarsal—it must be perpendicular to the foot axis (axis
Fig. 2 Surgical technique. One centimetre incision at the level of the proximal-distal direction into the medial soft tissue adjacent to the bone
neck of the 1st metatarsal bone (a). Exposure of the metatarsal neck (b). (e). Kirschner wire is retaken from the tip of the toe (f) until its proximal
Metatarsal neck osteotomy using a pneumatic saw (c). Inclination of the end reaches the osteotomy line (g). Displacement of the metatarsal head
osteotomy in the frontal plane, in order to maintain or modify the length to correct the pathoanatomy of the deformity (h). Kirschner wire
of the first metatarsal bone (modified with kind permission from reinsertion into the diaphyseal channel of the metatarsal bone, guided
Springer Science+Business Media: Clin Orthop Relat Res. Giannini by the grooved lever, to stabilise the correction (i). Removal of a small
S, et al. The SERI Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy and Scarf Osteotomy bone wedge from the proximal stump of the osteotomy, if medially
Provide Similar Correction of Hallux Valgus. 2013 Epub Mar 14; prominent (j)
Fig. 4b) (d). Kirschner wire insertion through the skin incision in a
of the second metatarsal) if the length of the metatarsal has to grooved lever to access the osteotomy, the Kirschner wire is
be maintained. Conversely, if shortening of the metatarsal inserted in a retrograde fashion through the osteotomy site
bone or decompression of the first metatarsophalangeal joint into the diaphyseal channel of the first metatarsal bone up to
is necessary, such as in case of mild arthritis, the osteotomy is the base of the metatarsal (Fig. 2h–i). If the proximal stump
inclined in a distal to proximal direction up to 25°. Very of the osteotomy was medially prominent, a small wedge of
rarely, if a lengthening of the first metatarsal bone is neces- bone was removed, using the pneumatic saw (Fig. 2j).
sary (i.e. when the first metatarsal bone is shorter than the Before K-wire fixation, the metatarsal head can be moved
second, or if a mild first metatarsophalangeal joint instability in the transverse plane and rotated to correct the distal meta-
is present), the osteotomy is inclined in a proximal to distal tarsal articular angle (DMAA) (Fig. 3a). In the sagittal plane,
direction 15° (Fig. 2d). the adjustment of the plantar/dorsal dislocation or rotation of
A 2-mm Kirschner wire is inserted to stabilise the the metatarsal head is obtained by introducing the Kirschner
osteotomy. At first it is inserted in the distal direction through wire higher or lower in the soft tissues (Fig. 3b). Lesser toes
the incision into the soft tissues adjacent to the bone along correction is then performed, if required.
the longitudinal axis of the great toe, coming out at its tip at All patients are discharged the same day or one day after
three to four millimetres from the nail (Fig. 2e). The wire is surgery. As in other surgical techniques of hallux valgus
withdrawn from the tip of the toe until its proximal end correction, ambulation is allowed immediately using postop-
reaches the osteotomy line (Fig. 2f–g). Then, using a small erative shoes that transfer weight bearing to the hindfoot; foot
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)
Fig. 3 Kirschner wire is introduced into the soft tissue obliquely as (modified with kind permission from Springer Science+Business Me-
many degrees as necessary to obtain adequate correction of the DMAA dia: Clin Orthop Relat Res. Giannini S, et al. The SERI Distal Meta-
(a). Kirschner wire is introduced higher or lower into the soft tissues to tarsal Osteotomy and Scarf Osteotomy Provide Similar Correction of
obtain, respectively, plantar or dorsal dislocation of the metatarsal head Hallux Valgus. 2013 Epub Mar 14; Fig. 4a) (b)
elevation is advised when the patient is at rest. After 30 days, metatarsophalangeal joint was measured using a hinged goni-
the dressing, the suture, and the Kirschner wire are removed ometer placed on the medial aspect of the foot along the long
and X-rays performed (Fig. 4). Progressive rehabilitation with axis of the first metatarsal bone and the long axis of the
passive and active exercises, cycling, and swimming are ad- proximal phalanx as landmarks. A range of motion of 75° or
vised. Comfortable shoes are prescribed and gradual recovery more was considered normal, moderate stiffness was recorded
of normal walking is encouraged. with a range of motion between 30–74° and severe stiffness in
case of range of motion lower than 30° [53]. The reducibility
Clinical and radiological evaluation of the deformity was tested by pushing laterally on the head of
the first metatarsal bone and simultaneously pulling the first
Preoperative planning included a complete clinical history of toe medially. At the same time, all the deformities affecting the
the patient, and a physical and radiographic examination. At lesser toes and the stability of the other metatarsophalangeal
preoperative assessment, all the patients complained of pain joints were evaluated. Soft tissue conditions such as bursitis,
and limitation in shoe-wearing; no patients were operated upon callosities and ingrown nails were assessed. Clinical evalua-
for cosmetic concerns in absence of pain. All patients were tion was summarised in the hallux–metatarsophalangeal–
clinically and radiographically evaluated preoperatively, one, interphalangeal scale proposed by the American Orthopaedic
three and six months after surgery, and then yearly until the last Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) [53]. This system provides
follow-up by four authors not involved in surgery. The average a score ranging from 0 to 100 points, which takes into consid-
follow-up was seven years, with a range of five to ten years. eration pain (maximum score, 40 points), functional capacity
Clinical evaluation of the patients included assessment of (maximum score, 45 points), and hallux alignment (maximum
the severity of the prominent medial eminence, the range of score, 15 points). Preoperative scores were compared with data
motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and the reduc- collected at follow-up. Intraoperative, early and late postoper-
ibility of the deformity. The range of motion of the first ative complications were also collected for each patient.
Radiographic examination included dorso-plantar and lat- severe stiffness in 32 feet (4 %). At final available follow-up,
eral view standing radiographs of the forefoot, in order to worsening of stiffness was observed in 61 feet. The stiffness
assess the congruency of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, of the first metatarsophalangeal joint at follow-up correlated
and also of the other metatarsophalangeal joints (Fig. 4). with the presence and grade of degenerative arthritis of the
Radiographic analysis permitted quantification of the hallux joint observed preoperatively (p=0.01).
valgus angle (HVA), the intermetatarsal angle (IMA) and the The average AOFAS score significantly improved at last
distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA), according to the follow-up to an average of 89±10.3, while preoperatively it
guidelines of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle was 46.8±16.7 (p<0.001). Separate components of the
Society ad Hoc Committee on Angular Measurements [54] AOFAS score are reported in Table 1.
and the grade of degenerative arthritis of the first
metatarsophalangeal joint according to the Regnauld classi- Radiological results
fication [52]. In the dorso-plantar view we also assessed the
grade of dislocation of sesamoids using the methods recom- The mean HVA value decreased from 32°±8.3 preoperatively
mended by the AOFAS committee [55]. Three months after to 13.3°±6.4 at last follow-up (p<0.05). The mean IMA value
surgery, radiographic evaluation was performed on standing decreased from 14.3°±3.3 preoperatively to 6.9°±3.6 at last
radiographs in order to properly assess HVA, IMA, DMAA follow-up (p<0.05). The mean DMAA value decreased from
and sesamoids position, assuming these as early postopera- 13.5°±5.3 preoperatively to 6.5°±4.4 at last follow-up
tive data. Each radiographic feature and healing status of the (p<0.05). The median sesamoids position was graded as
osteotomies were assessed by four independent observers 1±1 at last follow-up, while preoperatively it was graded
not involved with either surgery or postoperative care, and 2±1 (Table 2).
when opinion differed among the four observers, a combined Degenerative arthritis of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
assessment was performed and agreement was reached. The was absent in 526 feet (59 %), mild (grade 1) in 292 feet
osteotomy was considered healed if there was bridging bone (32 %), and moderate (grade 2) in 78 feet (9 %) preopera-
formation on at least two cortical projections and no radio- tively. Worsening at last follow-up was observed in 50 feet
lucency between metatarsal head and the metatarsal shaft (5.6 %). We noticed a correlation between the preoperative
was observable. During the follow-up an accurate radio- degree of degenerative arthritis and its worsening at follow-
graphic analysis was performed in order to check possible up (p<0.05); moreover, a significant correlation between the
cases of non-union, delayed union, mal-union of the presence of preoperative degenerative arthritis and poorer
osteotomy or osteonecrosis of the metatarsal head. clinical results at last follow-up was observed (p=0.02).
HVA≥20° was considered a recurrence of hallux valgus [56] Eleven patients affected by grade 3 degenerative arthritis
and HVA≤0° was considered an iatrogenic hallux varus [9]. were subjected to revision surgery; in four feet, presenting
severe grade of degenerative arthritis at follow-up, arthrod-
Statistical analysis esis of the metatarsophalangeal joint was performed, while
cheilectomy was performed in the remaining seven patients.
All continuous data (HVA, IMA and DMAA) were
expressed in terms of mean and standard deviation of mean. Complications
One way ANOVA for repeated measures was performed to
analyse differences between preoperative and postoperative Radiographic control at follow-up showed a complete
data at follow-up. Kendall tau test was performed to analyse healing of the osteotomy with bone remodelling at the meta-
the correlation among radiographic parameters and clinical tarsal bone, even when bony contact was minimal (Fig. 3).
outcome and complications at follow-up. For all tests No cases of non-union of the osteotomy occurred in this
p<0.05 was considered significant. Statistical analysis was study population. Dorsal malunion was observed in eight feet
carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) software version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA).
Table 1 Details (mean, range) of the clinical evaluation of the separate
constituents of the AOFAS score
Measure HVA IMA DMAA Sesamoids position (number of feet for each position)
0 1 2 3
Pre-operative 32°±8.3° (25–50°) 14.3°±3.3° (10–18°) 13.5°±5.3° (7–32°) 0 204 388 304
Last follow-up 13.3°±6.4° (4–28°) 6.9°±3.6° (2–14°) 6.5°±4.4° (4–15°) 370 337 170 19
P value <0.001 <0.001 0.03 <0.001
HVA hallux valgus angle, IMA intermetatarsal angle, DMAA distal metatarsal articular angle
(1 %). No radiographic evidence of avascular necrosis of the the first 1,000 consecutive cases treated by this technique to
metatarsal was observed. evaluate (1) whether it was effective for the treatment of
Recurrence was observed in 47 feet (5.3 %). In ten of these symptomatic hallux valgus, (2) whether its efficacy was
cases who complained of pain at the first metatarsophalangeal maintained over time, and (3) to evaluate the complication
joint refractory to conservative treatment, revision surgery rates related to this technique.
was performed again, correcting the deformity with the SERI We are aware of the limitations of this study. The first
technique. No statistically significant correlation between ear- limitation relates to the selection of patients, since a non-
ly postoperative DMAA greater than 10° and recurrence of homogeneous series is reported, because of the wide age
hallux valgus was observed (p=0.06). Higher risk of recur- range and the different grade of the deformities and because
rence was noted in those cases presenting early postoperative of the association with lesser toe deformities. The second
grade 2 and 3 sesamoids dislocations (p<0.05). Recurrence of limitation relates to radiographic assessment; in fact, while
the deformity significantly correlated with poorer clinical the preoperative intra-observer and inter-observer reliability
outcome at follow-up (p<0.05). No hallux varus occurred. for HVA and IMA is excellent [55, 59–62], the assessment of
After dressing removal, in 21 feet (2 %) a mild skin inflam- DMAA remains a diagnostic challenge, with poor intra-
matory reaction was present around the outlet of the Kirschner observer and inter-observer reliability [11, 57, 61, 63]. Four
wire at the tip of the toe. No patient developed a deep wound of the observers were not directly involved in the treatment
infection. Twelve patients (1.3 %) developed a deep venous and we believe that clinical and radiographic assessment are
thrombosis. less subjected to bias. Third, we speculate that the presence
of associated lesser toes deformities could condition the final
results, particularly affecting clinical parameters such as pain
Discussion and limitation in activities of daily living and shoe wearing;
however, currently we are unable to correctly quantify how
The aim of the surgical treatment of hallux valgus is the these associated deformities might actually affect the final
correction of the deformity with a morphological and func- outcome. However, we believe that further studies are need-
tional rebalance of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and the ed to analyse this issue in detail in order to confirm or refute
first ray [21–41]. Several types of distal metatarsal our hypothesis.
osteotomies have been reported with a high rate of good In our study, the clinical evaluation according to the
clinical and radiographic outcomes [15, 21, 22, 33–37, 41]. AOFAS score demonstrated that the SERI technique is ef-
Each technique differs in terms of surgical approach, bone fective in treating mild to moderate hallux valgus in terms of
cut and type of fixation device. Chevron osteotomy is one of relief from symptoms and functional improvement. Moreover,
the most common procedures used to treat mild to moderate radiographic analysis showed the effectiveness of the SERI
hallux valgus and several authors have reported good clinical technique in correcting the main parameters of the deformity
outcomes [26, 40, 43, 46, 57]. Despite the good results (HVA, IMA, DMAA, sesamoids dislocation). Different au-
obtained with this technique, considering the need to correct thors have reported good results with distal metatarsal
the increased DMAA, several authors have proposed new osteotomy according to a specific follow-up period (one to
techniques, such as bi-planar chevron osteotomy or tri-planar five years) [22, 36, 40, 63], but it is known that short-term and
distal metatarsal osteotomy with different results [22–24, 26, middle-term follow ups do not significantly differ from each
33, 36]. A minimally invasive distal metatarsal osteotomy other in terms of clinical and radiological results.
for correction of hallux valgus, whose characteristics have Many complications have been reported related to distal
been summarised in the acronym SERI (simple, effective, metatarsal osteotomies [15, 16, 20, 21, 26, 29, 32–35, 38,
rapid and inexpensive) [29, 50, 51, 58] has been designed, 40–43, 45–49, 56, 59, 64–70]. Osteonecrosis of the metatar-
and we have prospectively followed up for at least five years sal head is one of the most severe complications after distal
International Orthopaedics (SICOT)
metatarsal osteotomies, with a reported incidence ranging follow-up, mostly in those feet presenting more severe de-
from 0 % to 40 % [15, 21, 30, 32, 69, 71]. Khun et al. [72] generative arthritis preoperatively, and this was correlated
prospectively used an intraoperative laser Doppler to dem- with stiffness of the metatarsophalangeal joint and poorer
onstrate that the combination of chevron osteotomy, medial clinical outcome. Therefore we believe that patients with
capsular release and lateral release plus adductor tenotomy degenerative arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
resulted in a cumulative decrease in blood flow to the meta- might require a different surgical approach.
tarsal head of 71 %. Moreover they noted that the greatest In conclusion we consider that the SERI technique is
insult to blood flow (43 % decline) occurred during medial “simple”, because it does not include the removal of the
capsulotomy. In our series we did not observe osteonecrosis medial eminence or lateral release, and it requires only a
of the metatarsal head, and we believe that this result may be Kirschner wire for the fixation. Moreover, it is minimally
related to the capsular sparing with the SERI technique. invasive but performed under direct line of vision, without
Nonunions or malunions are occasionally observed after the need of intraoperative X-rays. This technique is “effec-
the distal metatarsal osteotomies, mostly because the internal tive”, because using different inclinations of the bone cut in
fixation is not stable enough [32, 33, 37, 46]. In our series we transverse planes and with a different displacement of the
did not observe nonunions and only rarely malunions (1 %). metatarsal head (lateral, dorsal, plantar, medial tilting or
We believe that the osteotomy’s inclination of 15° in the rotation), it is possible to correct the peculiar pathoanatomy
sagittal plane represents an important feature because it of each deformity, with high rate of excellent and good
ensures an adequate stability of the osteotomy with a correct results, and is durable over time. The surgical time spent is
distribution of the weight-bearing (once it is allowed) in about five minutes and therefore the SERI technique is
correspondence with the metatarsal head and the osteotomy, “rapid”. Finally this technique is “inexpensive” because no
thus promoting healing of the osteotomy without special instruments are needed, hardware is limited to one
compromising the correction obtained with surgery. More- Kirschner wire for fixation, and surgical time is limited and
over, bending of the Kirschner wire allows an elastic fixation associated with a low complication rate. We also advise that
of the osteotomy, stabilised by a “three-point (toe–osteotomy it is extremely important in performing the SERI technique
line–metatarsal base) fixation” opposing the deformity, to be aware of the specific features of the technique itself,
obtained by the forced flexion of the wire during the intro- since poor results are mostly the result of an incorrect indi-
duction in the diaphyseal channel. With this feature, we cation or to an incorrect surgical technique.
consider it extremely important to use a Kirschner wire that
is adequately thick (two millimetres) in order to not compro-
mise the stability of the fixation.
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