Lu Gate Pass Gazette 00c
Lu Gate Pass Gazette 00c
Lu Gate Pass Gazette 00c
ello, hello, hello–and welcome to the pilot issue
of the Gate Pass Gazette, our brand new official
publication for all things Level Up: Advanced 5 th
The free city-state of Gate Pass is the starting location in Mike Myler
our highly acclaimed War of the Burning Sky adventure
path, first published in 2007. Nestled in a rocky mountain Cover Art:
pass, and bordered by sheer cliffs, the city is a mile wide Savage Mojo
but many times as long. It’s architecture tends towards tall Interior Art:
buildings with bridges between the roofs, creating thousands Savage Mojo, Indi Martin,
of ‘gateways’ along the many roads and alleys. Gate Pass’ Herman Lau, Rick Hershey, Sade
high defensible location has long allowed it to avoid being
annexed by the nations which surround it. Graphic Design:
In these pages you will find new rules material for Level
Up: Advanced 5th Edition. This issue contains a class, Gate Pass Logo:
a heritage, a monster, and lycanthropy feats. In future
issues you can expect to see a wide variety of content, EN Publishing, PO Box 1858,
such as archetypes, cultures, destinies, combat maneuvers, Southampton, SO18 6RX
exploration challenges, and so very much more. If it’s part of
Level Up, you can expect to see it here.
The Gate Pass Gazette is a monthly publication. This is the
‘pilot issue’, which we’re numbering ‘Issue #0’. We hope you ©2022 EN Publishing
enjoy it, and that it tempts you to subscribe.
And, with that, we bid you…
Level Up!
- Russ ‘Morrus’ Morrissey
Tab l e o f Co n t e n t s
Const ruc t e d H eri t age by Anthony Alipio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 5
Art if icer by Andrew Engelbrite .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 9
Ly cant hrop e Sy n ergy Fea t s by Thiago Rosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 30
J abberwoc k by Paul Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35
by Anthony Alipio
Constructed Heritage
E ngineered from crafted materials and
imbued with a renewable source of energy,
it isn’t clear exactly how constructed beings
body may degrade over time, they can also
be repaired, their parts replaced or even
upgraded—with proper maintenance they
gained sentience. Long-standing clockwork can be immortal.
temple guardians may have been granted a Size. Constructed are engineered from
special boon by the god they served, artifice metal, hardwood, and other dense (often
and wild magics may have combined in arcane expensive) materials that make them heavy,
ways to spontaneously birth self awareness in most weighing between 175 and 400 pounds
once lifeless automatons, or a mystical being and standing anywhere from 3 to 7 feet tall.
may have infused a piece of its soul into the Your size is Small or Medium.
heart of a manufactured war machine. No
matter their origins, constructs are built for a Speed. Your Speed is 25 feet.
purpose and the constructed are products of Constructed Nature. You are resistant to
their original creation—to a certain extent. With poison damage and gain one of the following
the gift of life also came a mind and a will of benefits.
their own. Some constructed hold close to their
• You don’t require air.
original purpose while others reject it outright,
choosing to forge their own path forward. • You gain an expertise die on saving
throws made to avoid being charmed or
Constructed Traits frightened.
Mechanical Metabolism. Certain types
While each constructed is unique and different of healing are less effective or even wholly
(despite how similar they might appear ineffective. Sources of nonmagical healing
externally), characters with constructed heritage other than taking a rest have no effect.
share a variety of traits in common. Magical healing only restores half as
Age. Constructed do not age, many many hit points as normal unless you are
beginning life fully physically mature, self- also repaired in the same round (with an
aware, and extremely functional. While Engineering check, the mending cantrip, or
the materials that comprise a constructed’s similar).
In addition, you don’t require Supply in Regardless of planarite type, the planar
the typical sense; instead of eating food, you energy contained within allows you to forgo
rely on a specific substance to refuel. Every 24 sleep. When you take a long rest, you spend
hours without the substance you suffer a level 4 hours in a state of inactivity (instead of
of fatigue and strife as your inner machinations sleeping for 6 hours). While powered down
begin to decay. Select one of the following. in this way, you suffer no penalty to passive
• Combustibles: 1 pound of coal or hemp, or 2 Perception. A long rest remains 8 hours for you
pounds of wood. as normal, and the remainder of the time must
be filled only with light activity.
• Darkness: 2 hours of complete darkness.
• Liquid: 1 flask of lamp oil, grease, or an
alchemical liquid of your choice.
Constructed Gifts
Each constructed begins with a basic frame for
• Metal: 1 pound of copper or roughly 50 its original purpose. While some constructed
copper pieces. The Narrator may also may originate from the same basic design, the
allow you to consume silver, gold, or other wide variety of available options makes each
precious metal in an amount of equivalent individual unique. In addition to the traits found
worth instead. in your constructed heritage, choose one of the
• Sunlight: 3 hours of full sunlight or 6 hours following frames as your heritage gift.
of partial (shaded or cloudy) sunlight. Cross-Functional. With the Narrator’s
Mechanical Lift. You count as one size larger permission, you can choose an augment trait
when determining your carrying capacity and from a different frame instead of an augment
you can carry a number of additional bulky trait for your chosen frame (for example,
items equal to your proficiency bonus. choosing a Utility Augment for your Service
Planar Energy. Your spark of life may be Frame).
magical, mystical, or divine in nature, but what
forms the basis of that life is planarite: raw Military Frame
essence of the planes captured, refined, and
Designed for war, you have been pre-configured
encapsulated in crystalline form.
with tactical advantages in combat situations.
Choose the type of planarite that serves as
Battle Readiness. Your Speed increases to 30
your primary life force from the following list:
feet and you are proficient with clubs, spears,
air, death, earth, fire, life, space, time, water.
and light crossbows.
You gain resistance to a specific damage type
based on this source. In addition, you have a melee weapon built
into one of your arms that is immediately
TABLE: PLANARITE swapped out for a hand when sheathed.
Choose one melee weapon that does not have
the heavy, two-handed, or versatile property.
When attached in this way, you are proficient
Air thunder
with the weapon, it cannot be thrown, and you
cannot be disarmed of it. The weapon can be
Death necrotic replaced with another weapon with 10 minutes
of work and a DC 13 Engineering or tinker’s
Earth lightning tools check.
Fire fire Military Augments. Choose two of the
following customizations to enhance your
Life radiant military frame.
• Cavalry: Your Speed increases by 5 feet, and
Space psychic you are proficient with land vehicles.
• Heavy Artillery: You have a pop-up shoulder
Time force cannon that functions as the acid splash, fire
bolt, or ray of frost cantrip (chosen when
Water cold you select this customization and using
your highest ability score as its spellcasting
ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Utility Frame
Your function-based form provides unique
• Infantry: You have a crawl speed equal to
ways to interact with the world around you,
your Speed.
and your finely-tuned motor skills grant
• Light Artillery: You replace one hand with you an expertise die when using one tool set
a hand crossbow. You are proficient with (chosen when you become proficient with it).
the weapon and can ignore its loading
Crane Arm. Instead of two arms, you only
have a single arm designed for a specialized
• Navy: You have a swim speed of 20 feet and use, including one extension. For holding,
proficiency with water vehicles. grasping, and using objects, you can use a
bonus action to swap your extension out
Service Frame for an articulated hand. While not wielding
a shield, you can use your arm to wield
Your humanoid-like appearance makes a weapon with properties that would
you well suited to being unobtrusive and normally require two hands (loading, two-
facilitating social interactions. handed) or if
Social Grace. You have precise control of
your facial, bodily, and vocal expressions
and can detect minute changes of
expression in others. You are proficient in
Deception and Insight.
Service Augments. Choose two of the
following customizations to enhance your
service frame.
• Anticipatory Nimbleness: You can move
through the space of any creature that is
of a size larger than yours.
• Knowledge Archive: When you become
proficient in your first lore skill
(Arcana, Culture, Engineering,
History, Nature, Religion; as bonus
knowledge), you gain two of its skill
• Mathematical Mnemonics: You are
proficient in Engineering, its
mathematics skill specialty, and
you know the calculate cantrip
and can cast it without the need
for components.
• Needle Gun: Your frame is equipped
with a concealed, integrated
blowgun that has the hand-
mounted property. You are
proficient with the weapon and
can fire a needle as a bonus
• Self-defense: You have an
assassin’s gauntlet/boot dagger
built into your wrist, toe, or
heel and are proficient with the
wielding a versatile weapon to be treated as
wielding it two handed. Choose one of the
Chassis Upgrade
following. You gain an expertise die on concentration
checks and your Armor Class increases by 1.
• Arc Welder Extension: This extension
functions as the shocking grasp cantrip
(using your highest ability score as its Engine Upgrade
spellcasting ability) but its effects are You have a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed,
nonmagical. you can’t be encumbered. Whenever you spend 3
• Flamethrower Extension: This extension full consecutive rounds airborne without landing,
functions as the produce flame cantrip you gain a level of fatigue. Any fatigue gained in this
(using your highest ability score as its way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest.
spellcasting ability) but its effects are
nonmagical. Warframe Upgrade
• Multi-Tool Extension: You are proficient You gain an expertise die on attack and damage
with and can deploy built-in navigator’s rolls for unarmed strikes and any built-in
tools, thieves’ tools, and tinker’s tools weapons that are part of your frame.
with this extension.
Utility Augments. Choose two of the
following customizations to enhance your
Constructed Culture
To say the constructed have a single
utility frame. homogeneous culture would be far from true, yet
• Gear Shift: Your Speed increases by 5 feet. to say they are altogether free from a common
• Gyroscopic Balance. You gain an expertise cultural influence would be just as false—their
die on saving throws made against being forms are the result of and a response to a
knocked prone. cultural need. Whether that need be defense,
conquest, or convenience, the animation of
• Immutable Form: You gain advantage on inanimate objects does not occur in a vacuum
saving throws made against effects that nor is it a spontaneous outcome of natural
would alter your form. events. Someone designs and creates a construct
• Insectile Limbs: You have a climb speed of to serve a purpose, often a mindless and menial
20 feet, and you gain an expertise die on existence that saves effort, spares hardship, or
checks made to climb. even preserves life.
• Treads: You ignore difficult terrains When those lifeless drones become living
caused by ice, snow, sand, or mud, and beings themselves, sentient and self-aware
you gain an expertise die on checks made persons who can choose their own purpose, they
to balance. tend to disrupt the prior order of things. While
it’s true that some constructed continue to find
by Andrew Engelbrite
The goblin had no clan, no family, no home—just the gnome behind the assault, not the pitchforks the
the street, and what the street had was trash. Other kingsguard expected. Overwhelmed by the unexpected
orphans kicked her teeth out while picking out the weaponry and dumbfounded by her more novel
bits of food among the refuse, chiding her green skin surprises—barrels flung over the walls and exploding
and enormous ears. But they were dumb, leaving all apart archery nests, cavalry confounded by devices
the best things behind. Shining metal bits and oh-so blaring sound that shakes the air, torches unquenched
precious wires, broken bits that tinked and sparked. by water and so bright they blind the defenders,
Bits became tools, and tools made new and wonderful invaders ascending the walls with uncanny speed—the
things in the goblin’s hands. These wonders gave the crown’s protectors quickly fall back into the castle
goblin power over fire and lightning, and all the other itself. After a few moments the gnome reappears
kids follow her now. She’ll find and make her home, striding across the lowered drawbridge, her singed red
her family, and her clan yet, no matter how much hair framing a wild grin and goggles dirty with soot.
trash it takes.
The pistons danced and steam poured out of the
workshop as the machine roared like a beast.
A rtificers work in the arcano-sciences,
combining both magic and technology
despite all the risks. They are masters of their
Considering his handiwork as it came alive with fields, experimenters, and inventors that push
nothing more than engineering and steam, the the limits of mortal capability ensuring that
halfling smiled to himself. The runesmiths had progress marches on. Each represents the
told him to quit, to accept a new lot in life after the knife’s edge of understanding though they are
accident took his legs. He recalled their condescending their own isolated towers of knowledge and
sneers as he winched himself out of his chair and scientific practices, most doomed to become
into the device. Let them quit, he thought, let them a mere footnote of failed ideas. Yet more than
accept their lot as relics. With a pull of a lever the their individual focuses and methods, it is an
halfling strode confidently out of his workshop on artificer’s determination and drive that sets
legs of gleaming iron, ready to retake his place as them apart even from their peers—they can
forgemaster. fail a thousand times and die satisfied so long
The rebels sprang up from every corner and in each as they successfully unlock a mystery of the
of their hands was a crossed wrench wrought by universe at least once.
Ingenious Eccentrics
Most artificers start their work in a craftsman’s Wizarding schools often accuse artificers of
trade or as a scholar, only to discover some idea “faking magic”, but in reality they are harnessing
or problem yet to be overcome that sparks their the very same arcana through physical laws
fascination with science. Although the marvels in rather than ancient rote. Where a mage chants
their workshops sometimes explode or otherwise magic words invoking old forgotten pacts the
cause hazard, artificers are often regarded quite artificer grasps upon magic and drives it into
highly due to their skills. Technology is not reality. Each of their spell inventions is a marvel
always welcome however, and occasionally and the devices of the most elite practitioners
artificers need to work in secret—especially if are so superlative that in the hands of even a
their pursuits are unsavory or morally gray, commoner magic does as it is bid. Such a thing
or if their inventions are making other work is troubling to say the least and mutterings of
obsolete—but their march of progress is the “banning fake magic” drift among the halls of
highest priority, the consequences be damned. prestigious magical colleges.
Proficiency Field Infusion Cantrips Spells Spell
Level Bonus Features Discoveries Limit Known Prepared Level
Artificial Spellcasting,
1st +2 _ _ 2 2 1st
Craftsman, Tactical Chemistry
2nd +2 Field Discoveries, Schematics 1 2 2 2 1st
3rd +2 Artificer Archetype 1 3 2 2 1st
Ability Score Improvement,
4th +2 2 3 3 2 1st
5th +3 Archetype Feature 2 3 3 2 2nd
6th +3 Battlefield Smithing 2 4 3 3 2nd
7th +3 Intellectual Calibre 3 4 3 3 2nd
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 3 2nd
Archetype Feature, Reliable
9th +4 3 4 3 3 3rd
Spell Inventions
10th +4 Trinket Master 4 5 4 4 3rd
11th +4 Advanced Tactical Chemistry 4 5 4 4 3rd
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 4 4 3rd
13th +5 Marvel of Innovation 5 5 4 4 4th
14th +5 Technological Attunement 5 6 4 5 4th
15th +5 Archetype Feature 5 6 4 5 4th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 6 4 5 4th
17th +6 Hotfixer 6 6 4 5 5th
18th +6 Infusion Recharge 6 7 4 6 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 7 4 6 5th
20th +6 Magical Automaton 7 7 4 6 5th
Weapons: Simple weapons, darts, geared
Scientific Inquiry slingshots, hand crossbows, heavy crossbows,
While a great many artificers would like light crossbows, light hammers, throwing
nothing more than to be left alone to their daggers
research, experiments take money and the Tools: Thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools, one type of
answers they seek are frequently found artisan’s tools or smith’s tools
outside of a laboratory. Adventuring solves
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
both problems for them, providing lucrative
opportunities for funding their research and Skills: Engineering, and choose three from
far-off locales where they might find the Arcana, Culture, History, Investigation,
answers to puzzles both new and ancient. Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand
Alternatively, sometimes the artificer’s
answers lie at the bottom of a dungeon or Equipment
other dangerous locale, and joining up with an
You begin the game with 180 gold which
adventuring guild is the most logical means to
you can spend on your character’s starting
reach it alive.
weapons, armor, and adventuring gear. You
Creating an Artificer can select your own gear or choose one of the
following equipment packages. Also consult
When creating an artificer it’s important to the Suggested Equipment section of your
determine what drives them. Is there some chosen background.
specific goal they’re working towards, or • Blacksmith’s Package (cost 158 gold):
are they gaining knowledge and skill for its Mace, scale mail, heavy shield, acid
own sake? Their work is dangerous (doubly (vial), chain (10 feet), dungeoneer’s pack,
so when adventuring) so why do they take portable ram, sledgehammer, smith’s
these risks? Is there a mentor they want to tools, whetstone.
make proud or a rival that they must outdo?
• Locksmith’s Package (cost 160 gold):
Is there a pinnacle of their field that they’re
Dagger, 2 throwing daggers, leather
working towards?
brigandine, acid (vial), burglar’s pack,
What about the dangers that lie outside caltrops (bag of 20), lock, steel mirror,
their laboratory? Are they wide-eyed and thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools.
optimistic about their upcoming adventures,
• Scientist’s Package (cost 173 gold):
or are utterly unconcerned and focused solely Light crossbow and quiver with 20 bolts,
on their research? Is there some personal 2 light hammers, leather brigandine,
objective or great good they hope their study abacus, alchemist’s supplies, ball
will fulfill? Or are they solely concerned with bearings (bag of 1,000), 10 pieces of
the money or power that could come with it? chalk, common clothes, healer’s satchel,
lantern (standard), merchant’s scale, oil
CLASS FEATURES flask, scholar’s pack.
As an artificer, you gain the following class
features. Artificial Spellcasting
With ingenuity and knowhow, artificers are
Hit Points able to harness magic through technology. See
Hit Dice: 1d8 per artificer level Chapter 11: Spellcasting in the Adventurer’s Guide
for the general rules of spellcasting and the
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution Spells Listing for the Artificer spell list.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Spell Inventions
Constitution modifier per artificer level after 1st
Whenever you prepare an artificer spell, you
create a spell invention for that spell using
Proficiencies your tools of artifice and whatever materials
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields you have on hand.
A spell invention is a unique experimental the spell requires). Any spell inventions
device that is esoteric and useless to other you’ve prepared previously are taken
creatures, but in your hands can be used apart and integrated into the new ones,
to cast the spell it was prepared for. You or fall apart due to a lack of maintenance.
prepare a number of spells with a spell level You can only have a maximum of 1 spell
no higher than your maximum spell level invention per spell you have prepared.
(both as shown on the Artificer table) chosen You do not have spell slots, and instead
from the artificer spell list. utilize your spell inventions to cast spells.
You can change your list of prepared Whenever you cast a prepared artificer
spells and replace or create new spell spell using a spell invention, you may cast
inventions whenever you finish a long rest it at a spell slot level up to your maximum
by spending at least 10 minutes tinkering spell level as shown on the Artificer table.
and experimenting with 1 gold worth You may freely draw a spell invention
of materials per new spell invention (in from your inventory as part of the same
addition to any material components action used to cast a spell through
it, and you may also freely stow
any spell inventions you were
already wielding using that same
Using a spell invention does not
remove its spell from your list of
prepared spells.
You can determine the exact
form a spell invention takes but
it weighs 1 pound per spell level,
is no longer than 1 foot in any
dimension, and it must be wielded
in at least one hand to be used
(treat cantrips as 1st-level spells).
A spell invention has an AC equal
to 10 + your Intelligence modifier,
and a number of hit points equal
to your artificer level × 2. You can
fully repair your spell inventions
whenever you finish a long rest,
so long as you have access to your
tools of artifice.
Fizzle Die. After you cast a spell
using a spell invention, you must
roll a fizzle die, a 1d4. If the result
is less than or equal to the spell slot
level used to cast the spell, your
spell invention burns out, runs out
of power, or otherwise malfunctions
and cannot be used again until
repaired. Your fizzle die improves
by one step at 10th level (from 1d4
to 1d6) and again at 20th level (from
1d6 to 1d8), and it improves by one
step when using a spell invention
gained from your artificer archetype
(maximum 1d10).
At 1st level, you know two cantrips of
Artificers often start out in creative or artistic
your choice from the artificer spell list
trades. You gain an expertise die on Engineering
and construct a spell invention for each.
checks, and on artisan’s tools checks and smith’s
Unlike your other spell inventions, using
tools checks made to create items or make
these does not require rolling a fizzle die.
You learn additional artificer cantrips of
your choice at higher levels and construct
spell inventions for them, as shown in the Tactical Chemistry
Cantrips Known column of the Artificer At 1st level, you know how to quickly turn inert
table. Whenever you gain a level in this chemicals into something violently reactive or
class, you can replace one of the artificer useful in the moment. As a bonus action, you
cantrips you know with another cantrip can create one of the following items:
from the artificer spell list.
• acid (vial)
• alchemist’s fire
Spellcasting Ability
• black powder charge
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
for your artificer spells. You use your • ether (flask)
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your • flash bomb
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving • oil (1 pint flask)
throw DC for an artificer spell you cast and • paint pot
when making an attack roll with one, and for • poison (basic)
setting the saving throw DC of an artificer
feature. • smoke bomb
• tanglefoot bag
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + • torch
your Intelligence modifier
• torch (alchemical)
Items you make in this way are extremely
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
unstable and must be used immediately. If
+ your Intelligence modifier
an item you created in this way is not used
(activated, lit, thrown, or applied as appropriate
to the item) by the end of your next turn it
Scientific Ritual Casting dissolves into useless sludge.
You can cast an artificer spell as a ritual You can use this feature to create a number of
using a spell invention if that spell has the items equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain
ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. all expended uses when you finish a short or long
When using a spell invention in this way, rest. You cannot regain expended uses in this way
you do not have to roll the fizzle die. if you don’t have access to tools of artifice.
A schematic is a collection of notes and each of your own schematics you copy into
diagrams that explains in detail how to another book, or to create new schematics for
create a specific magic item. These form your a magic item you currently have infused.
schematic book, and any future schematics
you gain are added to it.
Once you have sufficiently studied a magic
Crafting With Schematics item you can reproduce and temporarily
When you have the schematics for a magic infuse its magical properties into items
item, they gain advantage on crafting checks through arcano-technical ingenuity.
to make it and the time required for crafting If you have the schematic for a magic item,
it is halved. Crafting a magic item using a you can use an action to infuse it, turning a
schematic does not use up the schematic in mundane item into the magic item from your
any way, and the schematic remains usable. schematic.
In addition, while using a schematic the
quality of a mundane item required to make An infusion only works on mundane
a magic item is reduced by one step. items specific to the type of magic item. For
example, an infusion using a schematic for
a magic longsword can only be used on a
Creating New Schematics nonmagical longsword, and an infusion
You can attempt to create and add a new using a schematic for a suit of light armor
schematic to your schematic book by can only be used on a nonmagical suit of
spending 1 hour studying a magic item and padded cloth or padded leather. Many magic
gold equal to 1/10th of that item’s cost in items take the form of small trinkets, baubles,
experiments and material tests. At the end and gems that can often be interchangeable,
of the hour make an Engineering check (DC but the infused item needs to only be similar
equal to item’s crafting DC). On a success to the magic item’s description. The Narrator
you create a new schematic of that magic determines whether or not an item is suitable
item and add it to your schematic book, for an infusion.
and on a failure the time and materials are You can infuse a number of items as shown
wasted. on the Infusion Limit column of the Artificer
Alternatively, if you find a schematic for a table. You regain all expended infusion uses
magic item you can add it to your schematic whenever you finish a long rest.
book. If an infused item requires attunement,
To add a schematic to your schematic book you can attune yourself or another willing
or to create a schematic of a magic item, you creature to it when you infuse the item. If
must meet the minimum level requirements you or another creature decide to attune
as if you were crafting the item (as shown on to the item later, you must do so using the
the Crafting and Minimum Player Level table normal process for attunement.
on page 349 in Trials & Treasures). Any infusions you imbue vanish after
you finish a long rest, but they can remain
Replacing Your Schematic Book imbued indefinitely if you commit to regular
upkeep. Whenever you finish a long rest you
The knowledge in your schematic book is too
can maintain any infused items you have
complex to keep entirely memorized, and if
access to by expending one infusion use for
it is destroyed or lost you can’t reproduce
each. Any infusions you fail to maintain
it. For this reason most artificers fiercely
vanish and revert to mundane items.
protect their schematic books and many
write copies. You can copy a schematic from
your own schematic book into another book. Field Discoveries
This is just like creating a new schematic Experimentation is the key to scientific
only significantly faster and easier since you progress, and through your experiences and
already understand your own notations. You findings in the field you’ve discovered new
need only spend 10 minutes and 1 gold for skills and data. At 2nd level you gain one field
discovery of your choice. Field discoveries are Caravan Smithing
detailed at the end of the class description. The
Field Discoveries column of the Artificer table You have advantage on checks made
shows when you learn more field discoveries. to repair vehicles, and you are always
Unless otherwise noted, you can gain each field considered to have access to a forge when
discovery only once. repairing a vehicle.
In addition, during a short rest you can
Artificer Archetype either repair any malfunction a vehicle is
suffering or restore up to 50 of the vehicle’s
At 3rd level, you choose a field of study and hit points at the cost of 25 gold in materials.
technological specialty. Your choice grants you
features at 3rd level and again at 5th, 9th, and Weapon Smithing
15th level.
You have advantage on checks made to
Ability Score Improvement maintain and repair weapons, and you are
always considered to have access to a forge
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, when repairing a weapon.
12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one In addition, during a short rest you can
ability score of your choice by 2, or increase two spend 25 gold in materials to permanently
ability scores of your choice 1. As normal, you add one of the following modifications to a
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this nonmagical weapon or change an additional
feature. modification: flamboyant, quickdraw,
rebounding (thrown weapons only),
Omnitools stealthy, storage. A weapon can only have
one additional modification.
With a bit of arcane power and a lot of
overengineering, your tools fold and flip into
whatever you need them to be. Also at 4th level, Intellectual Calibre
you can use your tools of artifice as if they were At 7th level, your attitudes and academic
any kind of artisan’s tools or miscellaneous tool manners have cemented how you and your
kits. This ability does not grant you proficiency intellect are perceived by your peers. Choose one
in those tool sets but you can make tool checks of the following.
as if you had those tools.
Kooky Eccentric
Battlefield Smithing Your excitement for your work is infectious
At 6th level, as a veteran combat-tinkerer you and most find your quirky methodology
specialize in certain aspects of warfare. Choose inescapably endearing. You gain proficiency
one of the following. in Persuasion, or if you are already proficient
in Persuasion you gain an expertise die
instead. In addition, you can always
Armor Smithing choose to use Intelligence when making a
You have advantage on checks made to Persuasion check.
maintain and repair armor, and you are
always considered to have access to a forge Sporadic Genius
when repairing armor. You’re known for sudden bursts of insight
In addition, during a short rest you can and people listen to your fervorous insights.
spend 25 gold in materials to permanently When you or another creature you can see
add one of the following modifications within 30 feet of you makes an ability check
to a suit of nonmagical armor or change or a saving throw, you can use your reaction
an additional modification: camouflaged, to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.
flamboyant, spiked, stealthy, storage. A You can use this feature a number of
suit of armor can only have one additional times equal to your Intelligence modifier
modification. (minimum of once). You regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Stern Proctor so long as you keep the arcane power within
acceptable parameters. Whenever you roll a 1
Your demand for perfection extends past your on the fizzle die, you may reroll it, if you do you
own work, and with only a discerning glare must use the new result.
and a few choice words you can make the
confident seem foolish. You gain proficiency in In addition, your spell inventions have become
Intimidation, or if you are already proficient in streamlined enough that other creatures can make
Intimidation you gain an expertise die instead. sense of them. A creature holding one of your
In addition, you can always choose to use spell inventions can use an action to make an
Intelligence when making an Intimidation check. Engineering check (DC equal to your spell save
DC). On a success the spell is cast at its lowest
Advanced Tactical Chemistry possible spell level, or on a failure the spell fizzles
out and fails to cast. Whenever a creature attempts
At 9th level you’ve mastered and branched out to cast a spell using one of your spell inventions in
from basic chemistry, discovering a new science this way, roll the fizzle die as normal.
to integrate into your tactics. You may add your
Intelligence modifier to the saving throw DC of
any item you create using Tactical Chemistry. In Marvel of Innovation
addition, choose one of the following: At 13th level you’ve managed to truly improve
on something or create something new
Humanoid Biochemistry altogether, taking a solid step forward in the
You’ve learned a great deal of biochemistry technological development of the world. When
and what chemicals you can apply to you first gain this feature, choose a type of
alleviate many ailments. You can create artisan’s tools you are proficient with and a
the following additional items using your newly invented foodstuff, object, or trade good
Tactical Chemistry feature: that could conceivably be crafted using those
• antitoxin tools. For example, using brewer’s supplies
you could invent carbonated sodas, using
• healing potion (greater)
glassblower’s tools you could invent glowing
• laudanum iridium glassware, or using jeweler’s tools
you could invent a fine mechanism for better
Toxin Synthesis performing pocket watches.
You’ve learned the subtleties of toxins and Whenever you use your chosen tools to create
can now rapidly produce foul and deadly trade goods, you can instead create your new
substances. You can create the following invention as a trade good. Your new invention
additional items using your Tactical has a value equal to 5 times the value of normal
Chemistry feature: trade goods created using those tools as shown
• curare (vial) on the Artisan’s Tools and Profession Checks
• poison, potent (vial) table on page 338 of the Adventurer’s Guide.
Any other uses your invention may have are at
Trinket Master the Narrator’s discretion, but its utility shouldn’t
exceed that of other mundane adventuring gear.
At 10th level you’ve mastered the simpler
enchantments and technological principles. In addition, your notoriety as a great inventor
What once was careful trial and error has been spreads along with your invention. While you
replaced with factory-like efficiency and speed. are in a region you’ve sold your invention in,
Whenever you craft a magic item that has a gold you have advantage on prestige checks.
cost of 50 or less, the crafting time is reduced to a
long rest (this time cannot be further reduced by
any features or traits).
Technological Attunement
At 14th level you’ve managed to bypass many
You ignore all heritage, culture, class, level, prepared spell invention and two uses of your
and alignment requirements when attuning to or infusion feature. You can repair your spell
using a magic item. automaton to full hit points during a long rest so
long as you have access to your tools of artifice.
Hotfixer You can only maintain a single spell automaton
at a time, and if you attempt to create a second
At 17th level you’ve mastered the art of spell automaton or fail to maintain one after
rerouting power, quick welds, and improvising finishing a long rest the spell automaton falls
on the spot to keep your spell inventions apart into scrap.
functional. When rolling the fizzle die would
burn out one of your spell inventions, you can
use your reaction to fix it and restore it to full
working order. Once you repair a spell
invention in this way you cannot do so
again until you finish a long rest. Spell Automaton
Medium construct
Infusion Recharge AC 18 (natural armor)
At 18th level you’ve learned what HP 90 (12d8+36; bloodied 45)
makes magic items tick and how to Speed 40 ft.
charge them up on your own. While you
are attuned to a magic item that uses
charges, you can use a bonus action to 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 1 (–5) 6 (–2) 1 (–5)
expend one infusion use and restore up Proficiency +2; Maneuver DC 13
to 1d6 of that item’s spent charges. Skills Athletics +5, Perception +0 (+1d4)
Damage Resistances damage from nonmagical
Magical Automaton weapons
At 20th level you’ve managed to achieve Damage Immunities poison, psychic
what most inventions are truly designed Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
for, making machines that do your exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
work for you. Whenever you create Senses passive Perception 12
a spell invention, you may spend 25 Languages understands any known by its creator but
additional gp in material components cannot speak
and expend two uses of your infusion
feature to transform that spell invention ACTIONS
into a spell automaton that uses the spell Multiattack. The automaton attacks twice with its
automaton stat block and it is destroyed slams or once with its integrated spell.
if it reaches 0 hit points.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: its creator’s spell attack
The exact design of your spell modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d10 + 4 +
automaton is up to you, and it may your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage.
resemble a humanoid creature, a boxy Integrated Spell. The automaton uses the spell
contraption, or be a magical construct invention integrated into it to cast a spell, using your
flowing with arcane energies. spell attack bonus and spell save DC. If the spell
Your spell automaton is an ally to invention integrated into it would burn out due to
the result of the fizzle die, the automaton takes 30
you and your companions. In combat,
damage instead.
the it shares your initiative count, but it
takes its turn immediately after yours. It BONUS ACTIONS
obeys your verbal commands (no action
required by you). If you don’t issue any, Overclock (Recharge 5–6). The automaton takes the
it takes the Dodge action and uses its Dash action.
move to avoid danger.
You can maintain this spell automaton
as if it was an infused item, requiring both the
advantage on checks made to create schematics
Field Discoveries for potions.
When you gain access to a new field discovery,
choose one of the following. Golden Ratio
You’ve been taking exact measurements of both
A Better Mousetrap natural and magical specimens, and believe
There’s always a better trap design if you put true expressions of both can be reduced down
your mind to it. You can improve fishing traps, to mathematics. When you select this field
hunting snares, and hunting traps as you set discovery you may select two 1st-level spells
them. Hunting traps you improve in this way are from the druid spell list. These are considered
always considered masterwork hunting traps. artificer spells for you and you may add them
Whenever you retrieve an improved fishing to the list of spells you can prepare. If you are
trap or hunting snare, you may add a d6 to the at least a 7th level artificer when you select this
result determining how much Supply has been field discovery, you may select 1st- or 2nd-level
captured. spells from the druid spell list instead. You
may select this field discovery multiple times,
choosing different druid spells each time.
Alchemical Prodigy
You are a master of the alchemical arts and new
mixes and concoctions come naturally to you.
Modern Comforts
When you first gain this field discovery, you With a little reengineering technology can
gain two schematics of your choice and add alleviate all manner of discomforts. Whenever
them to your schematic book. These schematics you begin a long rest that would incur the
must be for potions of common or uncommon penalties of roughing it (such as resting without
rarity. You gain proficiency with alchemist’s heat in a cold environment, on unlevel rocky
supplies, or if you are terrain, or without protection from pests in
already proficient you swampy environments) you may repurpose
gain an expertise one of your currently prepared spell inventions.
die instead. If you do, you do not suffer the penalties of
In addition, roughing it during that long rest. You can
you have determine the exact nature of this repurposed
spell invention (some examples include using a
burning hands spell invention as a space heater or
a shocking grasp spell invention as a bug zapper).
You always know to have a bit of magnet and
a pin on you for orienteering emergencies.
With 1 minute’s work you can cobble together
a makeshift compass. Compasses made in this
way become useless after 1 hour and have no
sale value. You’re also adept at surveying your
surroundings and you gain an expertise die on
checks made for the Chronicle journey activity.
In addition, you gain proficiency in Survival and
its wayfinding skill specialty. If you already have
this skill specialty you instead gain a Survival
skill specialty of your choice.
Reengineering Nature
An orderly mind can see all sorts of uses within
the natural world. You may use Engineering
in place of Survival when setting up camp detecting traps, you and your tools can definitely
or performing the Gather Components deal with them once they’ve been pointed out.
journey activity. In addition, you may use the You gain the Engineering skill specialty mechanical
material components gained from the Gather traps. In addition, if you trigger a trap while
Components journey activity for your spell attempting to disarm it, you gain advantage on
inventions and other artificer features that any saving throws made to avoid it.
require material components.
Tinker Toys
Retraced Development Your mastery of locomotion and gearing
Even if dumped into the wilderness with allows you to easily infuse elements of motion
nothing you’d get a laboratory back up and into simple devices. As an action you can
running in no time. With 1 hour of work you create and place a Tiny moving gadget called
can create ramshackle versions of any type a tinker toy (such as a walking doll, flying
of artisan’s tools out of wood and stone. You whirligig, or toy boat) out of 1 gold worth
take a –2 penalty on checks made with these of materials. This tinker toy has AC 10, 1 hit
ramshackle tools, only you can make use of point, and your choice of a Speed of 10 feet,
them, and they have no sale value, but you can fly speed of 10 feet, or swim speed of 10 feet.
use them just like normal versions of those tools When you place this device it begins moving
and they can also be used as tools of artifice. in a straight line until it is destroyed, it is
blocked by an obstacle, or you use a bonus
Rope and Pulley Master action to pick it up again. Tinker toys made in
this way weigh 2 pounds, and can carry up to
Numerous logistic puzzles can be solved with 1 pound worth of other devices or materials.
just a rope, a pulley, and proper application of Once you create a tinker toy in this way you
intellect. By spending 10 minutes working with at cannot do so again until you finish a short rest,
least 300 feet of rope, you can create the following and any existing tinker toys you’ve created fall
through ingenious use of ropes and pulleys. apart whenever you create a new one.
A rope system that provides safe travel over a
gap of 50 feet or less. You must be able to access
both sides of this gap to create a rope system in
Artificer Archetypes
this way. Science has countless branching paths to
take—every artificer has their own specialties
• A rope system that allows a creature and unique understanding of the universe,
to lift an object of a weight up to 5 × its its physical laws, and how those laws can be
carrying capacity directly up as far as 50 broken. At 3rd level select one of the following
feet. artificer archetypes.
• A rope system that allows a creature to
drag an object of a weight up to 5 × its
carrying capacity as far as 50 feet.
Many artificer experiments end in explosive
• A manual rope elevator that allows a failure but for bombardiers a massive explosion
single Medium-sized or smaller creature is the goal. From tiny smoke puffs to almighty
to travel up to 50 feet straight up and
and awe inspiring conflagrations, bombardiers
down as if it were difficult terrain (a tree,
are masters of the incredibly dangerous
cliff wall, ceiling, or similar structure is
explosive sciences. In peacetime they work in
required at the top of this elevator for the
demolitions or with fireworks, but in wartime
ropes to attach).
they are the cannoneers, the grenadiers, the
You can also deconstruct and recover the rope feared mad bombers that can simply make
used in any of these rope creations by spending things disappear in a roar of fury and thunder.
10 minutes tearing it down.
Alchemical Grenades
Strategic Dismantling When you select this archetype at 3rd level,
While you may have no special talent for you gain proficiency with a special type of rare
ranged weapon called an alchemical grenade, Combustible
and you may use your Intelligence when making
attack and damage rolls with them. A target hit by this grenade takes 1d6
additional fire damage. This additional
You can use a bonus action to arm an fire damage increases by 1d6 when you
alchemical grenade. An armed alchemical reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level
grenade explodes when it hits a target or at the (maximum 4d6). Flammable objects within
end of your turn. 5 feet of the target that aren’t being worn
Alchemical grenades are thrown weapons or carried ignite, taking 1d6 ongoing fire
with a range of 20/60 feet, and when an armed damage until a creature uses an action to
alchemical grenade hits a target it deals 1d6 smother the flames.
force damage. This damage increases by 1d6
when you reach 5th level, 11th level, and
17th level (maximum 4d6). Whenever you
hit a target with an alchemical grenade, each A target hit by this grenade makes a
creature within 5 feet of the target makes a Constitution saving throw or is blinded until
Dexterity saving throw or takes half as much the end of its next turn.
damage as taken by the target (the target is
immune to this effect). Whenever you miss with Bombardier Spells
an armed alchemical grenade it explodes in a
harmless location at the end of your turn. Starting at 3rd level, when you prepare your
artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and
You can use this feature to arm a number of create spell inventions for them in addition to
alchemical grenades equal to your proficiency your normal number of prepared spells. These
bonus. Creating these alchemical grenades has spells count as artificer spells for you, even if
no material costs. You regain all expended uses they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
when you finish a short or long rest by mixing
chemicals and soldering together new shells for TABLE: BOMBARDIER SPELLS
later use. You cannot regain expended uses in this
Artificer Level Spell
way if you don’t have access to tools of artifice.
3rd earth barrier, fog cloud
Whenever you arm an alchemical grenade, you
may select one of the following grenade types. 5th seed bomb, shattering barrage
9th fireball, stinking cloud
Acid Core
13th fabricate, stoneskin
A target hit by this grenade takes an
additional 1d4 ongoing acid damage that 17th cloudkill, flame strike
persists until it submerges itself in water
or uses an action to wipe the acid off. This
ongoing acid damage increases by 1d4 when
Explosives Specialist
you reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level Also at 3rd level you gain the Engineering
(maximum 4d4). skill specialty explosives. If you already have
this specialty you instead gain a different
Engineering skill specialty of your choice.
Arcane Payload
To select this grenade type, you must expend
an infusion use.
Munitions Expert
Starting at 5th level, you can modify
A target hit by this grenade takes an ammunition to create special ammunition. In
additional 1d12 force damage and makes a careful process that takes 10 minutes, you
an Intelligence saving throw or is rattled can modify up to 10 pieces of ammunition
until the end of its next turn. This additional into your choice of explosive, flaming, or
force damage increases by 1d12 when you punching ammunition. It costs 5 gold in
reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level materials per piece of ammunition modified
(maximum 4d12). in this way.
In addition, you may use your Intelligence how to survive when the bombs are going off
when making attack and damage rolls using around you and how to “safely” create some of
siege weaponry. the biggest explosions technology is capable of.
You gain the following benefits.
Precision Explosives You gain resistance to fire and force damage,
and immunity to the deafened condition.
At 9th level you learn the fine art of
causing explosions when you mean to cause You may simultaneously set up to a number
explosions. Whenever you arm an alchemical of items equal to your proficiency bonus when
grenade or use Tactical Chemistry to create an using Precision Explosives. Items set in this way
alchemist’s fire, black powder charge, smoke always explode simultaneously.
bomb, or tanglefoot bag, you can use an Your alchemical grenades and items made
action to set it in an unoccupied space in one using Tactical Chemistry deal twice as much
of the following ways. damage to objects and vehicles.
• Set Trigger. You attach the item to an
object or surface and choose a specific
mechanical action that triggers it, such
as an attached chest being opened, or the An machinist is a mechanic, a pilot, a
wheels of an attached wagon turning. shipwright, a grease monkey—a master of
When triggered the item explodes and its motion and all the intricate work needed to
effects occur. make it happen. They know every inch of every
vehicle they work on and are able to identify
• Timed Explosion. When setting this item an errant gear or joint by ear alone, and most
you choose an amount of time up to 1
importantly the miraculous things that a little
hour. The item explodes and its effects
elbow grease can make happen.
occur at the chosen time.
• Vibration Sensitive. After this item is
set, it explodes and its effects occur the
Bonus Proficiencies
next time a Small-sized or larger object When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you
or creature other than you moves within gain proficiency with air vehicles, land vehicles,
5 feet of it. and water vehicles. If you already had any of
these proficiencies you gain an expertise die
If an item set using this feature is normally
with that type of vehicle instead.
thrown, any creature within 5 feet of it when it
explodes is treated as if it were hit by the item.
If an item set in this way normally has an area Custom Vehicle
of effect, that area is centered where the item At 3rd level you gain the ability to create your own
was set. custom personal vehicle, a marvel of engineering
You may also set alchemist’s fires, black powder that you constantly improve upon and redesign.
charges, smoke bombs, and tanglefoot bags not Your custom vehicle is a land vehicle with statistics
created using Tactical Chemistry at the cost of 5 as shown on Table: Machinist’s vehicle.
gold in materials per item set in this way. You can create this custom vehicle over the
course of 8 hours of uninterrupted work. This
Demolitions Master vehicle is unique and its exact appearance is
up to you. Your custom vehicle requires your
At 15th level you’ve become a veteran of a field
regular care, and if you attempt to create another
with a low life expectancy. You may be missing
vehicle using this feature any vehicles you’ve
your eyebrows or a few fingers, but you know
previously constructed in this way fall apart
Vehicle Size* AC Hit Points Speed Crew Cost Supply Special
10 + your 10 + your 30 feet or
Custom Medium
Intelligence artificer 3 miles 1 10 gp 10 Personal
vehicle or Large
Modifier level × 5 per hour
* The damage caused by collisions with Medium vehicles is 2d6.
into useless scrap. So long as you have access Mechanical Legs
to your tools of artifice, you can restore your
custom vehicle to full hit points and remove any Your custom vehicle gains a climb speed of
malfunctions during a long rest. 30 feet or 3 miles per hour.
For more detailed information regarding
vehicles, see Chapter 4: Equipment in the Motorized Wheels
Adventurer’s Guide. Your custom vehicle’s Speed increases to 50
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can feet or 5 miles per hour.
make modifications to your custom vehicle by
expending infusion uses. These modifications Passenger Seat
only remain functional due to your infusions, and
you can maintain these modifications as if they Your custom vehicle loses its personal
were infused items. Any modifications you fail property. It can carry you plus one Medium-
to maintain are removed whenever you finish sized or smaller passenger.
a long rest. You can install any of the following
modifications at the cost of 1 infusion each. Ramming
Whenever a collision occurs with your custom
Armor Plating vehicle, the damage it takes is reduced by 1d6,
Your custom vehicle’s AC increases by 2. and damage dealt to other impacted objects
and vehicles is increased by 2d6.
All-Terrain Seaworthy
Your custom vehicle ignores difficult terrain. Your custom vehicle becomes a water vehicle
(with a swim speed of 30 feet or 3 miles per
Chemical Boosters hour) in addition to being a land vehicle.
When making checks for your custom
While driving your vehicle, you can use a
vehicle, treat it as a water vehicle while it
bonus action to increase its speed by 30 feet
travels over water and as a land vehicle
for 1 minute. Once the vehicle’s speed is
when it travels overland.
increased in this way it cannot benefit from this
modification again until you finish a long rest
maintaining or reinstalling this modification. Shielded Cockpit
While driving your custom vehicle, you gain
the benefits of half cover.
Enhanced Brakes
Your custom vehicle can take the Stop action
even if it has momentum. When it stops in Machinist Spells
this way it loses momentum. Also at 3rd level, when you prepare your
artificer spells you can prepare certain spells
and create spell inventions for them (or forgo
Integrated Spell Invention them for modifications to your custom vehicle)
When you prepare your spell inventions and in addition to your normal number of prepared
modifications to your custom vehicle, you spells. These spells count as artificer spells for
may choose to integrate a spell invention into you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
it. You may only cast spells using integrated
spell inventions while you are driving TABLE: MACHINIST SPELLS
your custom vehicle. If an integrated spell
Artificer Level Spell
invention would burn out and be destroyed,
instead your custom vehicle suffers 3rd expeditious retreat, grease
the integrity malfunction (the integrity 5th heat metal, levitate
malfunction can be suffered multiple 9th fly, haste
times). Any integrated spell inventions
13th freedom of movement, stone shape
are destroyed if your custom vehicle is
destroyed. 17th animate objects, creation
an action while driving it. You gain
Pinpoint Maneuvering proficiency with the claws and may use
Starting at 5th level, your driving skills allow your Intelligence when making attack and
you to swerve around obstacles and through damage rolls with them. On a hit the claws
tight spaces where vehicles couldn’t normally deal 2d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage
function. While driving a vehicle, whenever an (chosen when you make the modification)
action would allow you to change the vehicle’s and a creature makes a Strength or Dexterity
facing up to 90 degrees, you may change it up to saving throw against a DC equal to your
180 degrees instead. passive Engineering score or becomes
In addition, whenever an attack hits a vehicle grappled. Creatures can attempt to escape
you’re driving or a collision occurs involving a this grapple as normal, using your passive
vehicle you are driving, you can use your reaction Engineering score instead of your maneuver
to avoid the worst of it, reducing the damage your DC. Your custom vehicle’s movement is
vehicle would take by the result of a vehicle check not impeded by grappling a creature, and
(air, land, or water as appropriate to the vehicle). your vehicle may grapple a maximum of 1
creature at a time.
Your custom vehicle becomes a water vehicle
The vehicle becomes an air vehicle (with (with a swim speed of 40 feet or 4 miles per
a fly speed of 50 feet or 5 miles per hour) hour, or an existing swim speed increased by
in addition to being a land vehicle. When 20 feet or 2 miles per hour) in addition
making checks for your custom vehicle, treat to being a land
it as a land vehicle while it is grounded and vehicle.
an air vehicle while it is airborne.
Your custom vehicle gains inbuilt defenses in
the form of motorized saws. While driving
your custom vehicle you can make an attack
using the saws as an action at any time
during the vehicle’s movement. They are a
2d12 weapon, they can target any creature
adjacent to the vehicle, and they add your
Intelligence modifier for their attack and
damage rolls.
Enclosed Cockpit
While driving your custom vehicle, you gain
the benefits of three-quarters-cover.
Grabbing Claws
Your custom vehicle has a pair of mechanical
claws that you can attack with by using
When making checks for this vehicle, treat it
as a water vehicle while it travels over water
Stitcher Spells
and as a land vehicle when it travels overland. At 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer
In addition, your custom vehicle gains the spells you can prepare certain spells and
three-dimensional vehicle property when create spell inventions for them (or forgo
traveling in water. You and any passengers them for modifications) in addition to your
you take can breathe normally for up to 1 normal number of prepared spells. These
hour while your custom vehicle is submerged, spells count as artificer spells for you, even if
after which it must surface or else any they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
occupants begin to suffocate.
Mobile Fortress Artificer Level Spell
At 15th level you’ve expanded on your initial 3rd corpse explosion, false life
designs and what was once a small prototype 5th gentle repose, lesser restoration
has been upgraded into a full-fledged mobile 9th revivify, venomous succor
13th fabricate, private sanctum
Whenever you make modifications to your 17th greater restoration, raise dead
custom vehicle, you may choose to expand it
into a Huge-sized vehicle. If you do, it gains the
following benefits. Monstrous Minion
• 50 additional hit points. Also at 3rd level you learn the secrets of giving
life to dead flesh and become able to create a
• Your custom vehicle can carry up to 80 monstrous minion.
You can create this monstrous minion by
• Your custom vehicle loses the personal
spending 8 hours of uninterrupted work on a
property and can carry up to 6
humanoid corpse that has been dead no more than
passengers in addition to you.
24 hours. This monstrous minion is unique and its
• In combat your custom vehicle grants exact appearance is up to you. It follows you and is
you and other passengers the benefits of loyal to you, but it acts independently. In combat,
half cover. it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn.
Your monstrous minion won’t attack except as a
Stitcher reaction to being attacked, but it can take other
actions as normal and makes death saving throws.
With the careful grafting of flesh and a dash
You can only have one monstrous minion at a time,
of lightning, what once was dead may live
and any previously created monstrous minion
again! Stitchers are artificers who delve into collapses into a corpse when you create another.
the marvelous mysteries of life, death, and
reanimated flesh. Many stitchers begin in On your turn you can use a bonus action to order
medical fields but once they see that dead your monstrous minion to perform an action.
flesh move for the first time it’s hard to ignore Your monstrous minion is a zombie (page 434
the potential of arcano-science. Stitchers may in the Monstrous Menagerie) with the following
continue to work as doctors and mend the sick, improvements.
though their true passion now requires corpse • Your monstrous minion’s type changes to
flesh as raw material for their experiments. monstrosity.
• Whenever your monstrous minion rolls
Bonus Proficiencies initiative, it gains a number of temporary
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, hit points equal to your artificer level ×
you gain proficiency with the sewing kit and your proficiency bonus.
leatherworker’s tools. If you already had any • Your monstrous minion’s Armor Class
of these proficiencies you gain an expertise increases by an amount equal to your
die with that type of tool instead. proficiency bonus.
• Your monstrous minion adds your leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check.
proficiency bonus to its attack and Creatures must make a Perception check with
damage rolls. a DC equal to your check result to visually
• Your monstrous minion regains all lost determine that your minion is a monstrosity.
hit points at the end of a long rest so long
as you can tend to it with leatherworker’s Grafted Spell Invention
tools or a sewing kit. When you prepare your spell inventions
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can graft and modifications to your monstrous
modifications onto your monstrous minion at the minion, you may choose to graft a spell
cost of infusion uses. These modifications only invention into the monstrous minion. You
remain functional due to your infusions, and may order your monstrous minion to cast
you can maintain these modifications as if they a spell using its grafted spell invention,
were infused items. Any modifications you fail using your spell save DC and spell attack
to maintain are removed whenever you finish modifier. You must roll a fizzle die as
a long rest. You can install any of the following normal. Any grafted spell inventions are
modifications at the cost of 1 infusion each. destroyed if the monstrous minion is
Exploding Bile
Your monstrous minion does not make Grafted Weapon
death saving throws, and the first time it When you prepare your spell inventions
would make a death saving throw it instead and modifications to your monstrous
explodes and is destroyed. Creatures within minion, you may choose to graft a melee
10 feet of your monstrous minion when it weapon onto one of its arms in place of a
explodes make a Dexterity saving throw, hand. The melee weapon must be able to
taking 2d6 poison damage on a failure, or be wielded with one hand. Your monstrous
half damage on a success. This damage minion loses its grab attack and gains an
increases by 2d6 when you reach 11th level. attack with the grafted weapon, which it
becomes proficient with. You may retrieve
weapons grafted in this way the next
Extra Arms time you prepare modifications for this
Your monstrous minion gains a climb speed monstrous minion by removing it, or from
of 20 feet. In addition, the maneuver DC to its remains if it is destroyed.
escape from a grapple by your monstrous
minion increases by an amount equal to your
Intelligence modifier. You must have access Infectious Bite
to at least one additional humanoid corpse Your monstrous minion’s bite attack deals an
that has been dead no more than 24 hours to additional 1d4 ongoing necrotic damage that
graft this modification. persists until the target regains hit points or
is medically administered to with a DC 15
Medicine check. This damage increases by
Extra Legs 1d4 when you reach 11th level.
Your monstrous minion’s Speed increases by
If the target is a beast, dragon, giant,
15 feet. You must have access to at least one
humanoid, or monstrosity and it dies while
additional humanoid corpse that has been
suffering from this effect, it rises as a zombie
dead no more than 24 hours to graft this
after 1 minute, gaining the zombie template.
Zombies created in this way are hostile to all
non-undead and are not under your control.
Fine Stitchwork
Your stitchwork is barely noticeable and with Shocking Coils
a heavy coat or similar accoutrements your
Your monstrous minion has sparking coils
monstrous minion can pass for a living creature.
protruding from its back. A creature takes
When you graft this modification, make a
1d6 lightning damage when it hits your
monstrous minion with a melee attack. This must be from a humanoid creature of the same
damage increases by 1d6 when you reach size. The reattaching process requires a DC 20
11th level. leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check when
performed in this way.
Thicker Skin
Your monstrous minion’s Armor Class Advanced Grafting
increases by 2. At 9th level you’ve grown tired of wasting
so many perfectly good monster parts and
have learned how to integrate them into your
Vigor Mortis creations. The following modifications are
Your monstrous minion can take the Dash added to your list of modification options using
action as a bonus action. It can’t do so again your Monster Minion feature at the cost of two
until it moves 0 feet on its turn. infusion uses instead of one.
Monstrous Part Chill Touch (nec): Attack with the chill of the
grave, injuring and preventing healing.
You must have access to the corpse of a
monstrosity with a CR no greater than Dancing Lights (evo): Create up to four floating,
half your artificer level that has been magical lights.
dead no more than 24 hours to graft this Fire Bolt (evo): Shoot a flame at a creature to
modification. Your monstrous minion gains deal fire damage.
a trait or attack unique to that monstrosity, Guidance (div): A creature you touch gains
such as the barbed tail (and tail attack) of a an expertise die on an ability check of its
manticore or the head (and gaze attack) of choosing.
a yeti. The parts of a monstrosity that can
grant an attack or trait are at the Narrator’s Light (evo): Enchant one object to emit light.
discretion. Mage Hand (cjr): Conjure a hand to manipulate
small objects.
Risen Beast Mending (tra): Perform simple repairs on an
You must have access to the corpse of a object.
beast with a CR of 1 or less that has been Message (tra): Send short messages to other
dead no more than 24 hours to graft this creatures.
modification. Your monstrous minion uses Prestidigitation (tra): Perform various minor
the statistics of the beast with the zombie magical tricks.
template (page 435 in Monstrous Menagerie),
gaining the other improvements found in the Produce Flame (cjr): Create a fierce flame for
Monster Minion feature as normal. utility or attack.
Ray of Frost (evo): Shoot a ray of cold damage
It’s Alive! that slows a creature.
At 15th level you’ve beaten death—mostly. Resistance (abj): Give a creature a bonus against
You gain the resurrection spell and when you one saving throw.
prepare your artificer spells you can prepare Shocking Grasp (evo): Deal lightning damage to
it and create a spell invention for it (or forgo it a creature within reach.
for a modification) in addition to your normal Spare the Dying (nec): Stabilize a dying creature
number of prepared spells. This spell counts as with a jolt of healing energy.
a 5th-level artificer spell for you and you can
cast it without the usual material components, 1st-Level
but a creature you target with it gains the Air Wave (cjr): Cut through the air with a melee
monstrosity type and cannot be targeted by this weapon to damage a creature within 30 feet.
feature again.
Alarm (abj): Set a magical warning against
Artificer Spell List Burning Hands (evo): Shoot forth a sheet of
As an artificer you may choose from the flames from your hands, damaging creatures
following spells. in a cone.
Cantrips Calculated Retribution (abj): Surround yourself
Acid Splash (cjr): Conjure a localized bubble of with a dampening magical field and collect
acid that splashes over creatures. the energy of your foes’ attacks to use against
Altered Strike (tra): Briefly transform your
weapon or fist into another material and strike Comprehend Languages (div): Use magic
with it. to better interpret languages you do not
Arcane Muscles (tra): Bulk your muscles to
deliver lethal unarmed strikes. Cure Wounds (evo): Heal hit points equal to 1d8
+ your spellcasting ability modifier.
Calculate (div): Instantly know the answer to
any mathematical equation. Detect Magic (div): Sense the presence and
school of magical auras.
Detect Poison and Disease (div): Sense the Deadweight (tra): Greatly increase the weight of
presence and identify poisons and diseases. an object.
Disguise Self (ill): Create an illusion that makes Enhance Ability (tra): Increase the effectiveness
you appear like another humanoid. of one ability score for a creature.
Feather Fall (tra): Reduce or eliminate damage Enlarge/Reduce (tra): Increase or decrease a
from falling. creature’s size.
Fog Cloud (cjr): Create an area of fog. Find Traps (div): Know whether traps are
Force Punch (evo): Use a blast of magic to punch present.
a creature. Flame Blade (evo): A blade of fire appears in
Grease (cjr): Coat an area in grease, making it your hand, allowing you to make fire attacks.
hard to move through. Gust of Wind (evo): Create a powerful gust
Identify (div): Divine the nature of an of wind that disperses clouds and pushes
enchanted item. creatures.
Jump (tra): Imbue a creature with astonishing Heat Metal (tra): Make a metallic object too hot
leaping abilities. to touch.
Longstrider (tra): Increase a creature’s Speed. Hold Person (enc): Paralyze a humanoid.
Purify Food and Drink (tra): Cleanse food and Invigorated Strikes (tra): Increase the damage
drink of poisons and disease. dealt by a creature’s unarmed strikes and
natural weapons.
Searing Equation (enc): Whisper an alien
Invisibility (ill): Render a creature invisible so
equation that injures the minds of creatures
long as it does not attack or cast spells.
and deafens them.
Lesser Restoration (abj): Remove one affliction
Thunderwave (evo): Unleash a wave of
from a creature.
thunderous force that damages creatures and
pushes them back. Magic Weapon (tra): Imbue a weapon with
magic, making it more powerful.
2nd-Level Misty Step (cjr): Teleport short distances in a
Arcane Lock (abj): Make a nearly permanent puff of shimmering mist.
magical lock.
Protection from Energy (abj): Grant a creature
Blur (ill): Cloak yourself in distortion, imposing resistance to one damage type of your choice.
disadvantage on attacks against you.
See Invisibility (div): See invisible creatures
Continual Flame (evo): Create a torch-like flame and objects.
that can’t be extinguished.
Shatter (evo): Create a painful ringing sound
Darkvision (tra): Grant a creature the ability to that damages all creatures and objects in an
see in the dark. area.
Spider Climb (tra): Give a creature the ability to
walk on walls or ceilings, hands free.
Web (cjr): Conjure a 20-foot cube or 5-foot layer
of sticky webbing that restrains creatures and
is flammable.
Blink (tra): Have a 50% chance of vanishing
each turn to avoid being harmed.
Clairvoyance (div): Create a sensor at a
distance, allowing you to see or hear
through it.
Cobra’s Spit (cjr): Spit venom at a creature
within 30 feet.
Crushing Haymaker (evo): Deliver a devastating Stoneskin (abj): Make a creature resistant to
strike that deals thunder damage and lays weapon damage.
your target low. Wall of Fire (evo): Create a wall of fire in the
Create Food and Water (cjr): Conjure food and shape of a line or circle that both obscures
water to sustain one or more humanoids. sight and deals fire damage.
Dispel Magic (abj): End ongoing magical effects. 5th-Level
Fireball (evo): Engulf an area in a blast of flame Animate Objects (tra): Create constructs to smite
that deals 6d6 fire damage. foes.
Fly (tra): Grant a creature the ability to fly. Creation (ill): Create from shadow-stuff a
Gaseous Form (tra): Make a creature
insubstantial and able to fly. object no larger than a 5-foot cube.
Glyph of Warding (abj): Create a magical trap, Eldritch Cube (cjr): Summon a black,
storing a spell or burst of harmful energy nonreflective, incorporeal cube that deals
within a rune. psychic damage to creatures that touch it.
Haste (tra): Allow a creature to move and act Greater Restoration (abj): Restore a creature and
more quickly. remove a powerful debilitating effect.
Lightning Bolt (evo): Shoot lighting through Storm Kick (tra): Travel across the battlefield to
deliver a thunderous kick.
multiple enemies.
Teleportation Circle (cjr): Draw a circle and
Revivify (nec): Return a creature to life who has
open a shimmering portal to another location.
been dead for less than a minute.
Wall of Force (evo): Create a wall of invisible
Water Breathing (tra): Grant up to 10 willing force in the shape of a hemisphere, sphere, or
creatures the ability to breathe underwater for flat surface that is almost invulnerable.
24 hours.
Wall of Stone (evo): Create a wall, bridge, or
Water Walk (tra): Grant up to 10 willing ramp of nonmagical stone.
creatures the ability to walk on liquid surfaces
as if they were solid ground for 1 hour.
Arcane Eye (div): Use a magical eye to invisibly
scout. A tinkerer and fellow student of science eager
to learn from you while performing the more
Dimension Door (cjr): Teleport yourself and one
dangerous experiments.
willing creature great distances.
Fabricate (tra): Magically transform raw Inexperienced. Once only, when you fail an
materials into finished items. Arcana or Engineering check, or a check
using tools, you may have the inventor
Freedom of Movement (abj): Free a creature from intervene. If you do, the check is instead
most constraints on its movement. a success, but the inventor is killed in the
Greater Invisibility (ill): Turn a creature process.
invisible even while it takes hostile actions.
Seasoned. Once per day, when you fail an
Locate Creature (div): Know the whereabouts of Arcana or Engineering check, or a check
a specific, nearby creature. using tools, you may reroll that check and
Mindshield (abj): Grant resistance to psychic must use the new roll.
damage and protection from charms and fear. Expert. Whenever you craft a magic item, you
Polymorph (tra): Temporarily transform a may have this follower work alongside you.
creature into another creature. If you do, you craft an additional magic item
Rage of the Meek (tra): Become a fearsome of the same type using the normal amount of
arcane-empowered warrior. gold costs, making separate checks for each
item. No more than one of these followers
Stone Shape (tra): Reshape stone into something
can work alongside you at a time in this way.
beneficial, like a weapon or door.
by Thiago Rosa
Wolfsbane Weakness. While in hybrid or
beast form you are poisoned while within New Moon Werebear
10 feet of a living or dried wolfsbane flower Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a werebear
that you can smell.
You have learned to tame the bear raging within
For more information on lycanthropes and you since contracting lycanthropy. On full moon
lycanthropy, see pages 310–315 in Monstrous nights you involuntarily change into a bear or
Menagerie. bear-humanoid hybrid.
While you are transformed, you gain the
Curse Bearer following features.
Prerequisites: Alpha Wereboar, Eye of the Tiger, Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural
Moonhowler, Rodent Embraced, or Werebear Emerged weapon and claw natural weapons
Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score which you are proficient with. You can
increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. use Dexterity instead of Strength for the
attack rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit
You can transfer your curse to others. When
your bite or claw deals slashing damage
you damage a living creature with your bite
equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier
attack, it makes a Constitution saving throw (DC
or Dexterity modifier (whichever is
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution
modifier) or becomes afflicted with lycanthropy.
Keen Smell. You gain advantage on
Howl at the Moon Perception checks that rely on smell.
Tree Climber. You gain a climb speed of 30 feet.
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction, Pack
Initiative, Rat Within, Striped Soul, or Swineheart
Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Hibernating Affliction
Prerequisites: New Moon Werebear
You can speak with animals (as the spell) of the
same type as your curse (bears for a wereboar, Your control over the ursine spirit within
boars for a wereboar, and so on). You can also yourself improves. You can transform one
cast animal friendship without spending material additional time without suffering a level of
components, but are only able to target animals of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the
the same type as your curse. Once you have used following features.
this feature to cast animal friendship, you can’t use Bear Grab. If you hit a Medium or smaller
it again until you finish a long rest. In addition, creature with your claw attack, it is
you have advantage on Charisma checks made grappled. Until this grapple ends, you can’t
against animals when the moon is full. use two-handed weapons and can’t attack a
different target with your claw.
Moon Speech Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction, Pack
Initiative, Rat Within, Striped Soul, or Swineheart damage from weapons that are not magical
or silvered.
Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score
increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as
a bonus action.
You can speak and cast spells in hybrid form.
Deadly Implements. Your bite and claw
attacks both deal an extra 1d6 slashing Alpha Wereboar
damage. Prerequisites: Swineheart
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity You have completely mastered the boar
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing within. You can transform one additional time
damage from weapons that are not magical without suffering a level of fatigue. When you
or silvered. choose to tame the beast in an involuntary
Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over
on Perception checks. that many hours. While you are transformed,
you gain the following features.
Prerequisites: New Moon Wereboar Bite. You gain a bite natural weapon you
are proficient with. You can use Dexterity
Your control over the porcine spirit within instead of Strength for the attack rolls
yourself improves. You can transform one of your bite. On a hit your bite deals
additional time without suffering a level of piercing damage equal to 1d4 plus your
fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier
following features. (whichever is highest).
Boar Charge. Once per turn when you move Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
at least 20 feet straight towards a target 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
before attacking with your tusks, the attack in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage. If the discern color in darkness, only shades of
target is a creature, it makes a Strength gray. If you already have darkvision, its
saving throw against your maneuver DC, range increases by 30 feet.
falling prone on a failure.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance Perception checks that rely on smell.
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing
damage from weapons that are not magical
or silvered. Rat Within
Frenzied Tusks. You can use your tusks attack Prerequisites: New Moon Wererat
as a bonus action. Your control over the murine spirit within
yourself improves. You can transform one While you are transformed, you gain the
additional time without suffering a level of following features.
fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
the following features. 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing discern color in darkness, only shades of
damage from weapons that are not magical gray. If you already have darkvision, its
or silvered. range increases by 30 feet.
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural
a bonus action. weapon and claw natural weapons which
Pack Tactics. Once per turn, you gain you are proficient with. You can use
advantage on an attack roll against a creature Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack
if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit your bite
the creature and not incapacitated. or claw deals piercing damage equal to 1d6
plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity
modifier (whichever is highest).
Rodent Embraced Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage
Prerequisites: Rat Within on Perception checks that rely on hearing or
You have completely mastered the rat within smell.
and learned tricks to make your lycanthropy an
even greater asset in combat. You can transform
one additional time without suffering a level of
Striped Soul
fatigue. When you choose to tame the beast in an Prerequisites: New Moon Weretiger
involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain Your control over the feline spirit within
control over that many hours. While you are yourself improves. You can transform one
transformed, you gain the following features. additional time
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity without suffering a
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing level of fatigue. While
damage from weapons that are not magical you are transformed,
or silvered. you gain the
Nose for Opportunity. When an ally strikes
a creature you can see with a melee attack,
you can use your reaction to move up to
your Speed, ending your move adjacent to
that creature and making a melee weapon
attack against it. If the creature is bloodied
and the attack hits, you score a critical
hit. Once you have used this feature, you
cannot use it again until you finish a short
or long rest.
Wererat Trickery. When you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points with a bite attack,
you can use your reaction to take the
Disengage, Dodge, or Hide action.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing weapon and claw natural weapons which
damage from weapons that are not magical you are proficient with. You can use
or silvered. Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit your bite
a bonus action. In addition, the damage of or claw deals piercing damage equal to 1d6
your bite increases to 1d8, and when taking plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity
the Attack action you can only use your bite modifier (whichever is highest).
for one of your attacks. Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage on
Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die Perception checks that rely on hearing or smell.
on Perception checks.
Tiger Pounce. Once per turn when you move
at least 20 feet straight towards a target
Pack Initiate
Prerequisites: New Moon Werewolf
before attacking with your claws, the target
makes a Strength saving throw against your Your control over the lupine spirit within
maneuver DC, falling prone on a failure. yourself improves. You can transform one
additional time without suffering a level of
Eye of the Tiger fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the
following features.
Prerequisites: Striped Soul
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance
You have completely mastered the tiger
against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing
within. You can transform one additional time
damage from weapons that are not magical
without suffering a level of fatigue. When you
or silvered.
choose to tame the beast in an involuntary
transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over Deadly Implements. The damage of your bite
that many hours. While you are transformed, and claw attacks increases to 1d8.
you gain the following features. Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as
Deadly Implements. The damage of your bite a bonus action.
increases to 1d10 and the damage of your Pack Tactics. Once per turn, you have
claws increases to 1d8.
advantage on attack rolls against a creature
Full Moon Celerity. When you reduce a if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet
creature to 0 hit points with a bite attack, you of the creature and not incapacitated.
can use your reaction to move your speed.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against
slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage
from weapons that are not magical or silvered. Prerequisites: Pack Initiate
You have completely mastered the wolf
New Moon Werewolf within. You can transform one additional
time without suffering a level of fatigue.
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a werewolf When you choose to tame the beast in an
You have learned to tame the wolf within involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain
and gained some control over the curse control over that many hours. While you are
of lycanthropy. On full moon nights you transformed, you gain the following features.
involuntarily change into a wolf or wolf-
Cursed Wounds. Your bite and claw attacks
humanoid hybrid.
both deal an additional 1d6 necrotic
While you are transformed, you gain the damage.
following features.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and damage from weapons that are not magical
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t or silvered.
discern color in darkness, only shades of
gray. If you already have darkvision, its Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die
range increases by 30 feet. on Perception checks.
by Paul Hughes
The jabberwock is a gangly, long-necked Vorpal Vulnerability. A jabberwock’s sinuous,
dragon native to the faerie realm. Although its rubbery body recalls the lanky frame of
appearance is unlikely, even the mightiest heroes a troll. Much like a troll, a jabberwock’s
must beware the jabberwock’s claws that grab wounds heal quickly, making the creature
and eyes of flame. Spellcasters in particular fear difficult to kill. Unlike a troll, however, a
its burbling speech, a magical singsong that ruins jabberwock can’t regrow severed body parts.
spells and reduces words to nonsense. The jabberwock fears magic blades like
Fey Dragon. Just as forests in the Dreaming swords of sharpness and, above all, vorpal
weirdly reflect those in the material world, swords. A jabberwock’s foes often go to
the jabberwock looks like a green dragon seen great lengths to obtain such weapons and
through a warped mirror. Although the two place them in the hands of suitable heroes.
species may be related, they are often bitter The jabberwock, on the other hand, hunts
rivals. Whereas a green dragon uses its glib down anyone rumored to possess such a
tongue to manipulate a network of informants sword, destroying the blade or hiding it in
and underlings, the jabberwock thrives on its treasure hoard.
sowing miscommunication and confusion. Legends and Lore An Arcana or History check
Strange Speech. The jabberwock’s language, reveals the following:
Jabber, leaves those who hear it teetering DC 10 Jabberwocks are dragons native to the fey
on the edge of madness. When spoken by realm. Accounts of the creatures vary.
a jabberwock, the words of this strange
tongue infect the minds of mortals and fey DC 15 Survivors of a jabberwock encounter are
alike. Inhabitants of a jabberwock’s forest often afflicted with a curse that reduces
often speak in an unintelligible mix of Jabber their speech to nonsense.
and their own language. The jabberwock’s DC 20 Jabberwocks fear bladed weapons,
cursed speech has distorted much of what especially vorpal swords.
is known about the creature, as even those
Jabberwock Encounters The jabberwock
who encounter a jabberwock firsthand can’t
whiffles through ancient and fey forests.
describe it in a way that makes sense to
others. Jabber can’t be learned; it can only be CR 17–22 jabberwock; jabberwock with 2 or 3 faerie
spoken by those cursed by the jabberwock. dragons, flying swords, or keches (see bugbear)
Treasure 600 pp, 2,000 gp, Huge-size
silken waistcoat (200 gp), 2 potions of
diminution, 2 potions of growth, sword of
Jabberwock Challenge 18
Legendary Huge dragon (fey) 20,000 XP)
sharpness hidden in an alcove that a Small
creature must squeeze into to reach
AC 20 (natural armor)
CR 23–30 Jabberwocky; jabberwock with 2 or 3
coven green hags, invisible stalkers, or trolls HP 270 (20d12 + 140; bloodied 135)
Speed 60 ft., fly 40 ft.
Treasure 14,500 gp, 2 sentient diamonds
(5,000 gp each) that argue with each STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
other, book of incomprehensible poetry,
24 (+7) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 22 (+6)
vorpal battleaxe (as vorpal sword)
Signs Proficiency +6; Maneuver DC 21
A humanoid afflicted with a burbling Saving Throws Dexterity +10, Constitution
curse, trying to warn travelers of danger +13, Wisdom +11, Charisma +12
Two talking animals; one always lies, one Skills Stealth +10, Intimidation +12,
always tells the truth Perception +11
Easy-to-spot footprints (DC 15 Survival Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning and
3 check: the footprints of a jabberwock piercing
walking backwards)
Condition Immunities charmed, confused,
4 A stretch of barren, ashy ground fatigued, frightened, paralyzed, unconscious
Behavior Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 21
1 Hunting Languages Jabber
Questioning a victim of its burbling curse;
it understands them perfectly
Following an adventuring party (possibly Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When the
3 yours!) that it suspects carries a vorpal jabberwock fails a saving throw, it can
sword choose to succeed instead. It can’t do so
against an effect that would sever one of
4 Reciting Jabber poetry to an inanimate tree
its body parts.
Names Barbjadorith, Gostak, Mimlimious
Reactive. The jabberwock can take three
reactions per round. It can’t take more
than one reaction on the same turn.
Regeneration. The jabberwock regains
Burbling Curse 20 hit points at the start of its turn.
Characters with low Wisdom scores might The jabberwock dies only if its head
struggle to recover from the curse inflicted by is severed. A creature can sever the
the jabberwock’s unintelligible speech. The jabberwock’s head by dealing 15
rules of the curse indicate that an affected slashing damage to it in a single turn
character should roll a d20 each time it tries while it has 0 hit points.
to communicate. Players or Narrators who Vorpal Weakness. While the jabberwocky
prefer to act out the curse might instead try the is bloodied, a roll of 16 or higher with
following challenge: when an affected character a sword of sharpness or vorpal sword is
speaks, replace each adjective and noun with a treated as a 20.
nonsense word, such as “jabberwock” for nouns
and “jabberwocky” for adjectives. Casting a Whiffling Flight. The jabberwock’s flight
spell with a vocalized component still requires a is clumsy and unpredictable. While the
die roll. jabberwock is flying it has disadvantage
on attack rolls and attack rolls against it
have disadvantage.
Claws that Catch. When a creature escapes
Multiattack. The jabberwock attacks once the jabberwock’s grapple, the jabberwock
with its bite and twice with its claw. makes a claw attack against that creature.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 Jaws that Bite. When a creature that the
ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) slashing jabberwock can see makes a melee attack
damage. On a critical hit against a creature, against it, the jabberwock makes a bite
the jabberwock’s teeth debilitate a limb attack against that creature.
until the character completes a long rest
or is restored to full hit points. At the Whiffling Dodge. When the jabberwock
Narrator’s discretion, the target might would be hit by a ranged attack while it is
suffer a permanent wound that requires the not flying, it flies up to its speed, imposing
regeneration spell. For a typical humanoid, disadvantage on the triggering attack.
roll 1d6: 1–3 arm (preventing the use of that
arm to hold items or wear a shield), 4–6 leg
(halving the target’s Speed). Combat While flying, the jabberwock uses Eyes of
Flame. The jabberwock then lands, attacking one
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach opponent with a bite and a claw and a different
15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) slashing opponent with its second claw. It focuses on
damage. If the target is a creature, it spellcasters, grappling them and using Burble to
is grappled (escape DC 21). Until this hamper their spells. It prefers to use its reaction
grapple ends, the target is restrained. The to bite a grappled creature. If it isn’t grappling
jabberwock can have up to two creatures a creature, it uses Whiffling Dodge. The
grappled at a time. jabberwock flies away if it takes slashing damage
Eyes of Flame (Recharge 5–6). The while it is bloodied. When it retreats, it carries
jabberwock’s gaze ignites everything in with it any creatures it is grappling.
a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area Jabberwock variant: Jabberwocky
makes a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 49 (14d6) fire damage on a failed The mightiest of the jabberwocks is the one
save or half damage on a success. known as Jabberwocky. It broods over a lair
littered with broken magical blades, from
BONUS ACTIONS which it ventures to slay the most promising
swordsmiths of the Dreaming. It speaks a
Burble. The jabberwock speaks in the particularly virulent form of Jabber, which has
magical Jabber language. Each creature spread even beyond its wide hunting range.
within 30 feet of the jabberwock that can Jabberwocky is a CR 24 (62,000) XP) monster.
hear it and that doesn’t speak Jabber It has 405 (30d12 + 210; bloodied 202) hit points
makes a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. and the following additional trait:
On a failure, the creature is subjected to
Manxome Burble. Creatures subject to
a burbling curse. While cursed, half the Jabberwocky’s Burbling Curse can spread
words the creature speaks are replaced the curse to those that hear them. Whenever
with words in the Jabber language. Each a creature that was cursed by Jabberwocky
time the creature speaks, casts a spell with speaks, each listener must succeed on a DC 20
a vocalized component, or uses an effect Wisdom saving throw or be subject to Burbling
that requires listeners to understand its Curse. A listener cursed in this way can’t
words, the creature must roll a d20. On a spread the curse any further.
roll of 1–9, the speech is unintelligible or
the spell or effect is wasted. The creature Jabberwocky has the following additional reaction:
repeats the saving throw whenever it Eyes of Vengeance. When a creature within
finishes a long rest, ending the curse on 60 feet targets Jabberwocky with a spell or
a success. If a creature’s saving throw is magical effect, or includes Jabberwocky in the
successful or the effect ends for it, it is area of a spell or magical effect, Jabberwocky
immune to Burble for 24 hours. immediately recharges and uses Eyes of Flame,
including the attacker in its area if possible.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Adventurer's Guide. Copyright 2021, EN Publishing.
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Trials & Treasures. Copyright 2021, EN Publishing.
Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Monstrous Menagerie. Copyright 2021, EN Publishing.
Level Up System Reference Documents (LUSRDs). Copyright 2021, EN Publishing. Copyright 2022, EN Publishing.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey
Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition Gate Pass Gazette #0. Copyright 2021, EN Publishing.