TCW Midterms Reviewer
TCW Midterms Reviewer
TCW Midterms Reviewer
Lesson 1 – Global Divides During this time, countries are being categorize according to its alignment
between Russia-East and the America- West. After the fall of Russia, they
In the previous Module, you learn the structure of globalization, history tells were classified as Second World Country together with China. America now
us that whatever system that the world is using in the contemporary world was classified as First World Country together with European countries. This
are the products of interconnections among nations through alliances, categorization left out many countries which were poorer than First World
forming global networks and institutions. The world has been divided even and Second World countries. This “poorer” countries were categorized now
during the early times as East and West, it is further given emphasis during as the Third World countries. In the contemporary world, global north
the exploration, colonization and imperialism age. Before you go further, comprises of countries belongs to more economically developed countries
answer the activity will test your prior knowledge. Don’t be scared because MEDC’s on the other hand global south comprises of countries belongs to
this is not recorded least develop countries LEDC’s. But there are exceptions like Australia, New
Zealand, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea,
Defining Global North and Global South
Geographically speaking, the term North referring to the countries belonging
in the Northern hemisphere, which includes the Western countries America,
Europe and Africa, while on the other hand, South referring mostly to the
Asian countries. Sawe (2017) pointed out that in the contemporary world, the
global division use to categorize the countries level according to its socio-
economic and political stability and not just of it geographical location.
Global North refers to countries that are politically and economically stable,
also referred as “rich” and “develop countries”, more economically develop
countries MEDC’s, this includes the members of Group of 8 or the “G8”
(United States, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, and
Japan). But in 2014, Russia was indefinitely suspended from the group after
annexing Crimea, an autonomous public of Ukraine, G8 is now referred as G7.
(Liberto, 2020). What makes the Global North “rich” and “develop”? Genrally, Why is that, as you go more on Southern part of the world it becomes poor
this countries have good economic standing, better quality living and quality and less developed? And as you go Northern, becomes richer and developed?
of life (Ferrer, 2018) There are theories that explains this situation of the world.
Global South refer as the “underdevelop countries”, “developing” the “poor • It is a belief that "inequality is not only inevitable but also
side” and “Third World Countries Butler (2020). These are mainly under necessary for the smooth functioning of society.”
develop agricultural countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Generally, • Economic inequality, is the unequal distribution of income and
countries that suffer from high poverty, high child mortality, low economic opportunity between different groups in society. It is a concern in
and educational development, and vulnerable to exploitation by large almost all countries around the world and often people are
corporations and industrialized nations, and they have high foreign debts trapped in poverty with little chance to climb up the social ladder
levels • Social inequality, is the issue pertaining to the lack of housing,
health care, education, employment opportunities, and status
When and How the Concept Begun?
2. Modernization theory
The Rise of Colonialism
• Is used to explain the process of modernization within societies.
As early as 17th century, during the age of exploration and colonization, the Refers to a model of a progressive transition from a 'pre-modern'
world was divided into West and East by Spain and Portugal. They compete or 'traditional' to a 'modern' society. (Talcott Parsons) Poverty is
in exploring the world for the purpose of finding gold and silver, since this is fundamental human condition
the means of measuring the wealth and power of a nation.
• First countries to adopt modern technologies, attitudes, and
This competition led to the signing of Treaty of Tordesillas, were they divide institutions will turn to be the most wealth and successful
the exploration route to east and west. Spain explore most of the Asian
countries like the Philippines in which it was incidentally found, because • Countries that hold on to traditional views and process will fall
originally they are looking for the Moluccas Island. behind until modern corporations and novel technological
advancements eventually overtake traditional institutions.
In the 19th and 20th century Britain and France was the leading colonial
powers, they were able to rule the whole African continent. The purpose now 3. Dependency Theory
is not just to find gold and silver, but to conquest established political and
economic power. Britain established colonies in America, and Asia, they • Can be defined as an explanation of the economic development
founded the East India Company, Netherlands, Dutch East India Company, of a state in terms of external influences- political, economic, and
where in they monopolize the trading and commerce in India. cultural- on national development policies (Raúl Prebisch)
The decline of Western Kingdoms, led to the global changes such as, the • Colonial imperialism, Exploits other countries by excessive
decline of monarchial type of government system, abolition of monopoly in exportation of resources, taking additional profits and controlling
trading. New world order emerged when America and Russia arose into through neo-colonialism
power, such as introducing a new political, governmental and economic
system, America pursuing democracy and capitalism, while on the other • Poverty is created as a result of capitalism, imperialism, and
hand, Russia pursued the socialism and communism. colonialism
After WWII, colonize countries were given freedom and establish its own 4. Neoliberalism Theory
government and secure its sovereignty but they still dependent to powerful
nations like America in terms of economics and governance. • policy model—bridging politics, social studies, and economics—
that seeks to transfer control of economic factors to the private
sector from the public sector. It tends towards free-market organization that will support the welfare and development of the region.
capitalism and away from government spending, regulation, and The ASEAN Association of Southeast Asia Nations, under the banner of
public ownership. cooperative peace and prosperity, its chief projects centre on economic
cooperation, the promotion of trade among ASEAN
Furthermore, countries that have a high Human Development Index, GDP
income per capita, with technological advancement most likely offer a quality The Post-Cold War motivated the third phase of the development of Asian
of living among its people. The pursuit of happiness may vary among people, regionalism. ASEAN during this time remained the centre of regionalism, to
it can be quantify according to the quality of life, such as material wealth, develop strong economic ties among nations, ASEAN Free Trade Area was
good health, quality education, which are the result of good governance. The formed, and the establishment of ASEAN Regional Forum, this was the first
Worlds Happiness Report in 2019, focuses on happiness and the community, multilateral security organization, security is defined not in military or
how happiness has evolve over the past dozen years, with a focus on the collective defense, but as cooperative security measures aimed at developing
technologies, social norms, conflicts and government policies that have confidence and avoiding conflict among Asian nations and the rest of the
driven those changes. world.
The Top 10 happiest countries in the world are: What is Now the Standing of Asia as a Region? (Asia Pacific & South Asia:
Northeast Asia, SEA, Pacific Islands, South Asia)
1. Finland 2. Denmark 3. Norway 4. Iceland 5. Netherlands 6.
Switzerland 7. Sweden 8. New Zealand 9. Canada 10.Austria • Diversity: most progressive: South K, Japan, and Singapore
• Poorest Countries: Cambodia, Laos, Nepal
Lesson 2- ASIAN REGIONALISM • Most populated: China and India World’s smallest: Bhutan and
Defining Asian Regionalism
• As a region: 1/3 of the world's land mass 2/3 of the global
Regionalization refers to "societal integration and the often undirected population Largest share of global GDP (35%); USA 23%; Europe 28%
process of social and economic interaction." There is a regional concentration Over 1/3 of world's exports Prevalence of poverty, HIV/AIDS,
of economic flows and countries respond economically and politically to gender inequality and other socio econ problems
globalization in various ways.
Why Do We Need to Form Alliances? (Claudio, Lisandro and Patricio
Regionalism refers to the formal process of intergovernmental collaboration Abinales, 2018)
between two or more states. It is a set of conscious activities carried out by
I. Military Defense purposes North Atlantic Treaty
states within a region to cooperate while regionalization is a less conscious
Organization (NATO) -Formed during cold war when several
process which is the outcome of these states policies. It is more on political
Western European countries plus the United States agreed to
process characterized by economic policy cooperation among countries.
protect Europe against the threat of the Soviet Union
Combining these concepts, Asian regionalism is a product of societal Response of Soviet Union:
integration brought by the undirected process of social and economic WARSAW Pact- regional alliance created by Soviet Union -
interaction. Asian regionalism focuses on economic interaction, whereby the comprise Eastern European Countries under Soviet
countries adopt the principle of free flow of goods and services which are Domination
coordinated with foreign economic policies between countries. Long before RESULT: Soviet imploded in December 1991, but NATO
the colonization and emergence of globalization, they had developed remains in place
interaction between Asian regions, this manifest in early trading through II. Pool Resources
Barter System. Fine textiles, silk, gold and other metals are valuable products. This is to get better returns for their exports and expand
leverage against trading partners Sample Organization:
The Silk Road is another breakthrough in the development of trading and • Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
commerce not just among Asian people but and to the rest of the world. This (OPEC)- established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
is a trading route connecting East to West (Gregorio Zaide and Sonia Zaide, and Venezuela to regulate the production and sale of oil.
2015). III. Protect Independence from the Pressures of Super Power
Asian Regionalism Example: NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT- created by the
Presidents of Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia
In the recent years, integration and development in Asian region has been the in 1961. (120 members) the prime goals to pursue world peace
center of discussion among Asian leaders. Geopolitics, economic alliances, and international cooperation, human rights, national
and forming international organizations at par with other regions in the world sovereignty, racial equality, non- intervention and peaceful
are the key measure in forming regionalism among Asia countries. This also conflict resolution.
contributed in forming a new global order. IV. Economic Crisis Compels Countries to Come Together
Example: -Thai economy collapsed in 1996. Troubled
What is the Foundation of Asian Regionalism?
international banks demanded that the Thai government pay
We can understand the foundation Asian regionalism through historical back its loans. -Crisis spread to Asian countries. IMF tried to
approach. The first phase was the First Asian Relations Conference in 1947 reverse the crisis, but it was only after ASEAN countries along
and 1949 India convened which. The primary aim of the conference was to with China, Japan and South Korea agreed to establish an
create political pressure for decolonization and to give a collective voice or emergency fund to expect a crisis that the Asian economies
identity to the nationalist aspirations and newly independent countries of stabilized.
Asia. Example #2: ASEAN- formed as a coalition country which
were pro-American and supportive of the United States
The chief point of this phase was the Asia-Africa conference in Bandung, intervention in Vietnam. After Vietnam War, it continued to
Indonesia in 1995. The purpose goes beyond decolonization to developing act as a military alliance to isolate Vietnam after it Invaded
rules of conduct in international affairs and exploring ideas and avenues for Cambodia resulted to the beginning of Economic
economic cooperation. These conferences discuss matters in line with Cooperation.
political security and economics, but this also resulted to contest on
economic nationalism and economic liberalism as understood in Asian regionalism change across time, from forming political regional
development countries to advance free trade (Acharya, 2012). At this point, alliances to economic integration. Formation of the regional trading bloc, free
you can understand that slow Asian region forming cooperation to achieve a trade, and forming an international organization that will support the
specific goal. development of each Asian country. The Post- Cold War resulted to the
formation of "new regionalism", those who shares the same values, norms,
The second phase of the development of Asian regionalism was the institutions, and systems that exist outside of the traditional, established
formation of ASEAN and the Pacific community notion. Prior to this, United mainstream institutions and systems. The key factors in the "new
States and Japan plays a vital role in forming regionalism, US sought to create regionalism" are the collaborative multi-level governance, innovation and
security and economic regionalism, Japan focus on economic, with security learning, integrated development, rural-urban interactions and placebased
being an indirect goal, a byproduct of economic cooperation. development.
B. Anti-immigrant sentiment and a populist campaign against Europe have Confucianism. As stated by Clayton (2020), it was developed in China by
already led to the United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union in a Master Kong in 551- 479 BC, who was given the name Confucius by Jesuit
move the media has termed “BREXIT” missionaries who were visiting there. However, the fundamental principles of
Confucianism began before his birth, during the Zhou Dynasty.
3. Sacrificing sovereignty to maintain regional stability
At that time, the ideas of respect and the well-being of others were prevalent,
Example: -Philippines and China but there was also an emphasis on spiritual matters - specifically, the
goodness of the divine and the mandate to rule given to those in power.
4. Differing visions of what regionalism should be for
These ideas were meant to unite the people, create stability and prevent
Example: -Non-Western and developing societies have different view rebellion. Confucius believed his philosophy was also a route toward a civil
regarding globalization, development and democracy -Singapore, China and society. However, he shifted attention away from ruling authorities, the
Russia see democracy as an obstacle to the implementation and deepening divine or one's future after death, focusing instead on the importance of daily
of economic globalization because constant public inquiry about economic life and human interactions. This new, refined version of the philosophy did
projects and lengthy debates slowdown implementation or lead to unclear not completely take root until the next dynasty, the Han (140-87 BC). It is the
outcomes: DEMOCRACY=EFFICIENCY. Confucianism that many people are familiar with today.
Particularism During the Medieval period, the culture of people center on religion. Church
has an enormous influence in people’s lives like the monasteries became the
Religion has increasingly used as an avenue for anti-globalization activity. center of source of information, they limited freedom to information during
While one feature of globalization is a sort of cultural homogenization (the this time, they even prohibit and self-expression and religious rights. (Zaide,
creation of a single, global popular culture) religion is often seen as the 2015)
opposite of that: a symbol of how people are culturally different from one
another, rather than the same. This has contributed to a rise in Renaissance period introduces a new way culture, this period marked the
fundamentalism and is a feature of political conflict in many areas of the rebirth of people’s interest in acquiring new learning. Richest and wisest
world. people focused again on arts, music, education where they build libraries in
parts of Europe like in Milan, Florence and Venice. Communication and
Universalism information also flourished because of the interconnection of people from a
different part of the world through trading and commerce. Renaissance
There are also some evidences of the opposite trend. While small
resulted to the awakening of people’s idea on freedom eventually leads to
fundamentalist groups might emphasize their difference from other people,
the revolution of the colonized places. (Zaide, 2015)
the major religions have increasingly focused on what unites them. Far from
the feared clash of civilizations, religious leaders emphasize shared values and The Age of Enlightenment further expands the idea and way of thinking of
common concerns. Indeed, inter-faith dialogue through global people, the rise of philosophers give another way of resolving problems of
communication has helped to diffuse conflict between religions. the society. Philosophers like Rene Descartes, John Locke. Jean-Jacques
Rousseau believed that science and reason could solve major problems facing
society. Issues on government economic, education and culture were being
Beyer also notes that religion is increasingly marginalized in contemporary challenge through the “new ideas” “new way of thinking” that they
society, playing less part in public life, although this may well be a rather introduced.
Eurocentric view and may be caused by other social changes rather than
The Industrial Revolution and French Revolution proved that scientific and
cultural ideas were the motivating force in social development. The rise of the
Another way in which globalization has impacted on religion is the way money-lending class, bourgeoisie, help in promoting culture by patronizing
religions have made use of global communications. Religious groups are able energetic people of all backgrounds. The emergence of the “new class”
to take advantage of modern technology to recruit new members, spread the powered by their money, forced their own utilitarian ideals in the society and
word and keep in contact with other members of the religion. While with this led to introducing “new culture” “mass culture” referring to mass media.
some of the more fundamentalist, antimodern, anti-global religious
In the contemporary world, advance technology, invention of television,
organizations this can hold a certain irony, it is one of the ways in which
radio, cellphones and computers, help in the emergence of mass culture and
religion is much less linked to nationality than it once was. Furthermore, the
change the global social norms. Information is sinking into one global
media plays the same important role in the dissemination of religious ideas.
perspective and making the people live in a global community.
In this respect, a lot of TV channels, radio stations and print media are
founded solely for advocating religions. Taking Islam as an example, we find The Creation of Global Media Culture
such T.V channels as Iqrae, Ennass, Majd, El Houda, Erahma, etc. as purely
religious channels created for the strengthening and the fortification of Islam. To further widen your knowledge about global media culture, you will now
proceed to the indepth discussion on media, focusing on the creation of
Lesson 2- Global Media Culture global media and its impact to global community.
Conceptualizing Global Media Culture You can easily gain Information across The concept of global culture is driven by the emergence of mass media. The
the world through different media platforms powered by technology. media plays an important role in the development of global media culture.
Communication and information on Government economic alliances, issues They provide an extensive transnational and transmission of cultural products
on global poverty, environmental problems, inequality, global security, and and they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and social
even the day-to-day life of people are accessible with less or no censorship. economics, and even political structure. The fast production of technology
The UN Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom to information is an creates a continuous cultural change across the world, such as cellphones,
integral part of the fundamental right of freedom of expression. tablets, and android television, data internet, which makes the information
Media was defined as various means of communication. This is through print
materials like newspaper, magazine, television, radio and social media. The The emergence of “new media” or the so-called digital media (Southern
collection of these forms of media that use for communication is what we call University Online Learning, 2020) social media has shrink the world into a
the mass media. ( global community. International organization like United Nations use social
media to inform the people about the development of COVID 19. In the
Mass Media helps in communicating government’s program and policies,
Philippines, television networks like PTV, GMA and ABS-CBN stream via social
issues concerning poverty, security, etc. In the Philippines, giant television
networks like ABS-CBN and GMA are the means of informing the public and
the rest of the world. International news agencies like Reuters, CNN, CBS, etc. Another online source of information is the twitter, President of US Donald
are the source of information as to the happenings around the globe. Trump is active in posting the happenings in US government. This is a free
speech online for global media where you can post your personal, societal,
Now that we have clearly defined media, we also have to trace how it started.
and government sentiments.
Ready? Come on! How does this Media Started?
You Tube and Instagram, where you can follow people from different parts
The intensification of interconnectedness among people across world time,
of the world, enable to share their lifestyle, societal events, government, and
as motivated by globalization, resulted to the change of perception of people
you can even tour places any time because social media makes them available
on media and its impact on the global way of life, system, and processes such
to you.
as global media cultures. In which this refers to the mass communication on
a global level, letting people across the world to share and access Have you seen the fist fight in Taiwan Parliament? Hong Kong riot? What
information. about black American and their sentiments? Or are you updated in the lives of
British Royal family? Beautiful places in New Zealand, Ireland or even the
Iceberg in North Pole? They make all these possible because of the “new
media”. In the contemporary world, this is the major force in accelerating
trend of globalization. This brought society into the top level of
interconnectedness that made global societal transformation possible.
Worlds culture impacted the world society, conflicts arises on the economic
and cultural domination of Western countries less develop countries in Africa
and Asia. The formation of international organization like United Nations
becomes the platform for less develop countries and called for the
restructuring of New World Economic Order and New World Information
Order. Former colonies pursued the principle of world cultural equality. (J.
Boli , F.J Lenchner, 2001)
Digital media change the phase in acquiring information, the use of social
media platforms, the access to internet, and the fast production of cellphones
and alike, becomes the medium of enforcement that affects the lives of
people around the globe. The First quarter of year 2020, statistics reveals that
there are 4.57 billion people were active internet users, encompassing 59
percent of the world’s population. China, India, and United States ranked
ahead all other countries in terms of internet users. Among the media
platforms, Facebook ranked first, with 1 billion registered active accounts.
This leading platform are available in multiple languages and enable the users
to connect across geographical, political and economic borders. (Clement,
In the Philippines, data shows that ages 18-24 makes up the largest proportion
of social media users. See figure below.