Professional Learning Journal TRB Sian Wailes 2021
Professional Learning Journal TRB Sian Wailes 2021
Professional Learning Journal TRB Sian Wailes 2021
Teachers Registration
Moving of Registration
from Provisional Category
to Full Registration Teachers
Board of Tasmania
Progressing from Provisional to Full Registration Registration Board
Record of Professional Learning and Development – Professional Learning Journal (PLJ) Template
This is record of your reflections on at least one (1) and no more than four (4) professional learning activities which you have undertaken within your current cycle of provisional
registration or within the last five years and which you regard as significant in the development of your teaching practice. You should include details of the activity and also how you
applied your learning in the classroom/school, the impact this had on students/colleagues and how you know.
Activities can include those required by your school or employer, including ongoing school based or one off activities which may form part of a professional development plan as well as
activities which you have undertaken personally but which relate explicitly to your teaching e.g. external professional learning day, formal study, etc. Certificates are NOT required and
are insufficient on their own.
Brief description of: Activity undertaken & who Related Standards or Descriptors at Self-reflection & Annotation
provided (please note date/s of activity) and your the Proficient stage
Application of learnings
1. The activity that I undertook was the Making it a 1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet The ASD students that I teach are across a full-range of abilities
Success: Teaching and Behaviour Support Strategies the specific learning needs of and participating in this PL further encouraged me to look at
for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder course students across the full range of each student individually and differentiate my teaching to meet
provided by Sue Larkey. The course is delivered abilities: Develop teaching activities their specific needs (1.5). Following this PL, I experimented with
online through an online learning platform and takes that incorporate differentiated various learning activities to see which ones improved the
five hours to complete. I participated in this strategies to meet the specific learning of my specific ASD students. Some of strategies
Professional Learning (PL) in Term 2 2019, along with learning needs of students across the included: process adaptations (different versions of scaffold
two of my colleague teachers at Woodbridge School. full range of abilities. templates) and product adaptations (options to
type/handwrite/scribe oral responses). I also modified my
This PL gave me a clearer understanding of Autism 1.6 Strategies to support full teaching practices including: multilevel instruction; incorporation
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and an insight into how it participation of students with of visual/graphic elements to curriculum content; daily schedule;
presents differently in each person. It also provided disability: Design and implement extension activities; word wall; keeping routines consistent and
me with an extensive range of real-world teaching teaching activities that support the warning students about changes; careful consideration of peer
strategies for students with ASD, which I then participation and learning of students learning opportunities; calm down strategies; regulation aids;
applied in the classroom with my students. and social stories. After trialing different strategies in the class, I
was able to develop a toolbox of strategies and learning activities
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020
Professional Learning Journal TRB Template | TRB #: 24478
with disability and address relevant that worked for different ASD students. This resulted in increased
policy and legislative requirements. engagement and learning, and a reduction in dysregulated
6.3 Engage with colleagues and
improve practice: Contribute to I was also encouraged during the PL, to identify the student’s
collegial discussions and apply specific interest areas and possible areas of giftedness. Some
constructive feedback from students with ASD have very high IQs and may be identified as
colleagues to improve professional twice-exceptional. This was the case with one student whom I
knowledge and practice. was teaching, they were fascinated by dinosaurs and were
showing evidence of above grade level math’s knowledge and
skills. Consequently, I provided this student with extension in
math’s, and I linked as many learning opportunities back to
dinosaurs as possible (ie. creative writing, science, handwriting
etc.). These strategies resulted in the student showing great
engagement, learning achievement and self-regulation.
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020
Professional Learning Journal TRB Template | TRB #: 24478
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020
Professional Learning Journal TRB Template | TRB #: 24478
This PL gave me a clearer understanding of how After the PL, I implemented many of the teaching strategies that
students with Dyslexia and significant reading were highlighted including: reading line trackers; graphic
difficulties learn. It also provided me with an organisers; software (WordQ and C-Pen Reader); visual cues
extensive range of real-world teaching strategies, (graphics, visual timetable etc); learning intention and success
which I then applied in the classroom with my criteria for each lesson; activating prior knowledge; vocabulary
students. word walls; checklists; presenting information into small chunks;
written notes for key information; give instructions in order;
allow extra processing time for answering questions/produce
work/practice skills; peer learning; worked examples; and explicit
phoneme and grapheme teaching.
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020
Professional Learning Journal TRB Template | TRB #: 24478
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020
Professional Learning Journal TRB Template | TRB #: 24478
Progressing to Full Registration process TRB Tasmania – PLJ Template edited Jan 2020