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One of the most prominent energy storage technologies which are under continuous development, especially for mobile
applications, is the Li-ion batteries due to their superior gravimetric and volumetric energy density. However, limited cycle
life of Li-ion batteries inhibits their extended use in stationary energy storage applications. To enable wider market
penetration of Li-ion batteries, detailed understanding of the degradation mechanisms is required. A typical Li-ion battery
comprised of an active material, binder, separator, current collector, and electrolyte, and the interaction between these
components plays a critical role in successful operation of such batteries. Degradation of Li-ion batteries can have both
chemical and mechanical origins and manifests itself by capacity loss, power fading or both. Mechanical degradation
mechanisms are associated with the volume changes and stress generated during repetitive intercalation of Li ions into
the active material, whereas chemical degradation mechanisms are associated with the parasitic side reactions such as solid
electrolyte interphase formation, electrolyte decomposition/reduction and active material dissolution. In this study, the main
degradation mechanisms in Li-ion batteries are reviewed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Li-ion batteries; degradation mechanisms; chemical origin; mechanical origin; degradation causes; characterization techniques
*Dervis Emre Demirocak, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 700 University Blvd
MSC 191, Kingsville, TX 78363 USA.
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Figure 2. Ragone plot, depicting the correlation of specific energy with specific power for EES devices, coupled with the goals
established by the USABC for HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs [9] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 3 shows the current performance of Li-ion 1.2. Working principle of Li-ion batteries
battery for PHEV application and compares it with the
goals. As illustrated in this plot, the life and cost of Li- A typical Li-ion battery is comprised of the following main
ion batteries need to be remarkably improved for the components: anode, cathode, separator, and electrolyte. Li-
successful use of this technology in vehicle electrification ion batteries include two electrodes (i.e., cathode and
[10,11]. anode) whose chemical potentials are different. This
In addition to the mobile applications, there is a difference in chemical potential specifies the cell’s open
considerable interest to apply Li-ion batteries to a variation circuit voltage. Separator is an inactive component of a
of grid-scale stationary storage applications, where a Li-ion battery that prevents the physical contact between
significant cycle life is required [8,12]. Hence, a solid the two electrodes. Electrolyte enables the Li-ion diffusion
understanding of the phenomena governing the between the electrodes during charging and discharging
degradation mechanisms of Li-ion batteries is necessary cycles. Once an external circuit electronically connects
to achieve desired improvements in the cycle life and the the two electrodes, electrons are transferred from anode
cost as well. (the negative electrode) to the cathode (the positive one)
Figure 3. Present-day performance of Li-ion batteries in comparison with the goals set by the US FreedomCAR in 2011 [11] [Colour
figure can be viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
which causes the potential difference to be balanced. and undergo intercalation and de-intercalation process. The
Positive Li ions are also carried by the electrolyte in the additives are usually carbon materials to enhance the
same direction. The chemical energy stored in the cell is electronic conductivity within the composite electrode.
then converted to the electricity in the external circuit. This Binder’s main role is to keep the active materials in
process is reversible, implying that Li-ion cells can be physical contact with each other as well as in contact with
recharged whereby electrical energy is converted back to the current collector. The electrode materials should
chemical energy. Figure 4 illustrates the schematic of the possess the following key features [10]:
battery’s working principle.
The energy stored in a battery can be calculated by • The electrode materials should be capable of keeping a
multiplying the discharge power (in Watts) by the large amount of Li ions per material’s unit formula to
discharge time (in hours). Over time by cycling the cell, maximize the capacity of the cell.
the energy capacity of the battery gradually decreases • The cathode material should contain low Li chemical
depending on various parameters such as potential, while the anode material should pose a high Li
charge/discharge rate and operation temperature. The chemical potential to maximize the cell’s operating voltage.
respective cell voltage is dependent not only upon potential • The electrode materials are expected to show good
difference of the two electrodes, but also on the reaction structural integrity and low volumetric expansion upon
kinetics as well as the cell resistance. Rise in the cell Li intercalation/de-intercalation during cycling to
impedance contributes to the enhanced voltage plateaus maximize the cycle life.
within charging and the reduced voltage plateaus within • The electrode materials should possess appropriate
discharging, which brings about the power fade and the electronic and ionic conductivity to minimize losses of
decline in the efficiency of energy conversion. Thus, the polarization and to maximize the cell’s power capability.
life cycle of a battery is mostly designated by the • The electrode material’s redox voltages shall lie within
impedance rise and the capacity fade. the electrolyte’s stable operating voltages.
• The electrode materials require to be environmentally
benign, low-cost, and chemically and thermally stable
1.3. Main components of Li-ion batteries
for a desirable range of operating conditions.
The main components of a typical Li-ion battery are as
follows: anode, cathode, electrolyte, and separator. The
interaction of these components dictates the cell Anode. The negative electrode (anode) of
performance, power and energy capacity, cycle life, safety
a Li-ion battery comprises a Li intercalation compound
behavior, and operating temperatures. The following
covered into a thin layer on the copper current collector.
sections introduce these components in a greater detail.
Uniform and thin coatings of the active materials are needed
for the cells utilizing organic electrolytes (almost all the
1.3.1. Electrodes commercial cells available at present). Therefore, the
The electrodes are composite structures consisting of process of anode materials mixing and coating is mostly
active materials, additives, and binders. The active proprietary because variations in manufacturing and
materials are typically metal oxides for cathodes and production process influence the final coating and may have
different types of carbons for anodes in modern Li-ion a severe impact on the rate capability, cell capacity, and, in
batteries. The main role of the active materials is to store general, on the cell aging behavior. Defects regarding the
Li safely for prolonged times. During battery operation, negative electrode coating can contribute to the cell thermal
Li ions shuttle back and forth between cathode and anode, runaway and the cell failure alike.
Figure 4. Working principle of Li-ion batteries [2] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Lithium may be an ideal anode material for the Li-ion 1.3.2. Electrolyte
batteries; however, due to plating of Li within charge and With respect to the function of electrolyte, already
discharge, and the subsequent formation of dendrites, the risk explained in the Section 1.2, a suitable electrolyte is
of short-circuit for the cell exists. Hence, carbonaceous expected to possess the following major features:
materials are preferred for the Li-ion battery anodes [13].
The most widely used anode material is graphite, in the form • should have a good ionic conductivity and electronic
of powder, combined with binder material, but the carbon insulation to make ion transport better as well as to
nature can substantially vary by the graphite source minimize self-discharge.
(synthetic or natural), particle size, purity, particle shape, • should be electrochemically inert with oxidizing or
distribution of particle size, porosity of particles, carbon reducing electrode surface during the cell’s operating
crystalline phase, and compaction degree. The carbonaceous voltage window.
anodes, in general, exhibit a good rate of lithium • should not react with the other components of the
insertion/removal, therefore, improve the charge/discharge battery, for example, current collector and separator.
rate (C-rate) of the battery. However, the cell performance • should be environmentally benign.
is restricted because of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)
formation due to electrolyte decomposition during the cell Electrolyte is typically constituted of one or more liquid
cycling (it will be discussed in more detail in Section 3). solvents along with lithium salts. The most common salt
Anodes made up of silicon, titanate, and germanium used for electrolyte is lithium hexafluorophosphate
materials have been studied as well, but at the present (LiPF6). The most usual electrolytes being currently used
non-graphitic negative electrodes are scarcely in Li-ion batteries are non-aqueous. A combination of
implemented. linear and cyclic carbonate solvents, for instance, ethylene
carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC), is often
used in the cell electrolyte as this mixture offers a low Cathode. The usual cathode materials viscosity, high ionic conductivity, and SEI-forming ability.
include layered oxides such as LiMO2, LiM2O4 (i.e., While EC at ambient temperature is solid and has a low
spinels), and LiMPO4 (i.e., olivines) in which M is a viscosity, the mixture of EC:DMC is liquid for a range of
transition metal atom [14]. The most common material used their compositions. The ratio of EC:DMC mixture varies
for the cathode in commercial Li-ion cells is lithium cobalt depending on the properties required for different cell
oxide (LiCoO2). The cobalt-based materials have a pseudo applications. For instance, a cell for low-temperature
tetrahedral structure allowing two-dimensional diffusion of applications is likely to have an electrolyte with a lower
lithium ions. The cobalt-based cathodes are ideal given their viscosity compared to the one designed for room
high volumetric capacity, high theoretical specific heat temperature applications to facilitate the Li-ion diffusion
capacity, high discharge voltage, low self-discharge, and at low temperatures. Moreover, manufacturers usually use
appropriate cycling performance [15]. However, due to various additives to improve the cell performance [16].
expensive and toxic cobalt, the other cathode materials are The additives can facilitate the SEI formation on the
also developed. The most significant cathode materials other graphite, diminish the irreversible capacity loss due to
than LiCoO2 are spinels lithium manganese oxide SEI formation and during extended cycling, enable LiPF6
(LiMn2O4), lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), or mixed to have increased thermal stability against the organic
metal oxides which comprise of cobalt, nickel, aluminum, solvents, protect the positive materials against dissolution
and manganese oxides, for instance LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (specifically manganese-based materials), and ameliorate
(i.e., NCA) and LiMn0.5Ni0.5O2. The manganese-based the electrolyte properties involving: viscosity, ionic
cathodes develop a cubic crystal lattice system, allowing conductivity, and wettability of polyolefin separator.
for three-dimensional diffusion of lithium ions. Manganese-
based materials are attractive because manganese is cheaper 1.3.3. Separator
and less toxic compared to other materials used. Separator is basically a porous membrane which is
Nevertheless, they pose limitations as manganese tends to placed between the positive and negative electrodes. The
dissolve into the electrolyte during cycling, resulting in the separator’s main function is to physically separate cathode
cathode’s poor cycling stability and storage capabilities, and anode. At the same time, the separator pores allow
preventing it from the market penetration [15]. transport of lithium ions through diffusion during charge
The most recent cathode materials among those and discharge.
mentioned above have been olivine-structured ones such The key considerations influencing the separator
as LiFePO4. It operates at a lower voltage, nearly 3.3 V selection are as follows [17]:
vs Li/Li+, but exhibits higher power and energy density
coupled with proper structural stability. In addition, taking • Good electronic insulation
advantage of nano-sized particles can alleviate the lower • Minimal resistance in ion transport and high ability in
conductivity of LiFePO4 [10]. This cathode is also electrolyte absorption and retention
preferred by some automobile manufactures because of • Low Gurley value (air permeability), implying low
being low-cost and environmentally benign. electrical resistance and high porosity
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
• Appropriate dimensional and mechanical stability as on the capacity fading and impedance increase may be quite
well as adequate physical strength including: puncture sophisticated. An overview of major degradation
strength, mix penetration strength, and tensile strength mechanisms and their interactions has been represented in
• Uniformity in the thickness and tortuosity Figure 6, implying the complexity of degradation in Li-ion
• Chemical stability and resistance against degradation batteries. The interplay between different subcomponents,
caused by electrode reactants, electrolyte, and impurities for instance anode, cathode, binder, electrolyte, separator,
• Thermal stability and current collector, reveals the aging mechanism that can
• Readily and quickly wettable by typical electrolytes include both mechanical and chemical origins which are
• High ability in hindering migration of soluble species or closely interrelated [19]. Accordingly, the aging mechanism
particles between the cathode and anode can be classified into the following:
Figure 5. Cross-sectional and surface SEMs of Celgard 2325 separator (a) uni-layer and (b) tri-layer microporous separator [17]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Figure 6. Degradation mechanisms in Li-ion batteries, adapted from [18] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
Figure 7. Possible degradation mechanisms in the anode [25] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
electrodes, as well as the separator porosity [16]. The SEI 3.1.3. Changes of the active material
layer growth can generally be expedited at the lower anode Minor aging effects generally occur inside the bulk of
potentials and the elevated temperatures. the active material. The volume changes in graphite,
As a result, the SEI formation and its steady growth are caused by the insertion and extraction of lithium ions is
typically considered as the primary cause of Li-ion not expected to be significant (less than 10%, depending
battery’s performance deterioration in the forms of on the material) [25]. Structural changes may lead to the
increased internal resistance and capacity fade. In this mechanical stresses imposed on defects and also on
regard, some research has been undertaken to model the carbon–carbon bonds, resulting in the structural damages
cell capacity fading due to the SEI growth under various and cracking. Also, graphite particle cracking and graphite
operating conditions [30–32]. exfoliation caused by co-intercalation of solvents,
electrolyte reduction within graphite, and gas evolution
within graphite will contribute to the accelerated electrode
3.1.2. Lithium plating degradation [35]. The latter exhibits the strongest influence
Lithium plating is a well-recognized and inherently upon the active material changes that causes battery aging.
hazardous degradation mechanism in Li-ion batteries.
Lithium plating is described as the precipitation of the
lithium metal, which occurs at the surface of the anode 3.1.4. Changes in the anode structure
once the anode potential exceeds the threshold value of Loss of electrical or mechanical contact within the
0 V (vs. Li/Li+) [10,25,32]. In addition to the active lithium anode causes higher cell’s internal resistance, and thus
consumption leading to the capacity loss, the formation of contributes to aging. One of the unavoidable sources of
lithium dendrites during lithium plating can bring about the contact loss is the change in the volume of active anode
tearing of the separator, subsequent short circuit, and materials, leading to the mechanical disintegration
instant battery failure. throughout the anode structure. Contact loss may take
In the case of carbonaceous electrodes, the lithium place between (i) carbon particles, (ii) carbon and current
plating takes place when the intercalation rate of the lithium collector, (iii) carbon and binder, and (iv) current collector
ions into the carbonaceous electrode is too slow and/or the and binder [25]. The electrode porosity is considered to be
lithium ion transport to the electrode surface is very high. important to the good performance of anode, as it enables
Below the room temperature, the lithium ion diffusion into electrolyte to penetrate within bulk of anode. The active
the electrode is slow, needing overpotential to retain the material’s change in volume negatively affects the
given net current, which, in turn, causes the lithium plating. electrode porosity. In the literature, it is broadly
Furthermore, lithium plating can occur through cell acknowledged that the fluorine-containing polymers and
imbalance (e.g., excessive cathode material) [33], local copolymers employed to composite electrodes as binder
electrode polarization, and geometric misfits [10,25,29,34]. materials react with anode, forming LiF [36,37]. Such
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Electrolyte decomposition Impedance increase Power fade Stable SEI (additives) High state of charge
and SEI formation Lithium loss Capacity fade The passage of time High temperature
reduces the rate
Gas evolution, solvent Lithium loss Capacity fade Overcharge
co-intercalation, and Graphite exfoliation Carbon pre-treatment
particle cracking Additives
Reduced surface area Power fade Additives
arisen from SEI Impedance increase High state of charge
stabilization and growth High temperature
Porosity change arisen from Overpotentials Power fade
volume change of active Impedance increase Additives High state of charge
material particles, SEI External pressure High cycling rate
stabilization and growth
Contact loss caused by Active material loss External pressure
the change in volume Capacity fade High depth of
of active materials discharge
High cycling rate
Binder decomposition Capacity fade
Mechanical instability Appropriate binder High temperature
Lithium loss selection High state of charge
Impedance increase Power fade Appropriate choice Low state of charge
Current collector Inhomogeneous of current collector Overdischarge
corrosion current and potential
Lithium plating and Lithium loss Capacity fade Narrow operating Cell imbalance
dendrite formation range of potential Geometric misfits
Low temperature
High cycling rate
Local polarization
of electrode
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
• structural changes within cycling Most recently, Demirocak and Bhushan [19] have
• modification of surface film probed the changes in mechanical properties of a LiFePO4
• chemical decomposition or dissolution reaction cathode by nanoindentation technique in a large format
prismatic cell. Their results indicate that mechanical
Analogous to the negative electrode, degradation in degradation increases by aging, so that both modulus of
positive active materials is dependent upon state of charge elasticity and hardness lessened. Moreover, implications
(SOC) and cycling conditions. The cathode materials of the degradation in mechanical properties on PVDF
involve the electrochemical reaction of Li ions insertion binder degradation were discussed in detail. As a
into the metal oxide, as follows: consequence represented in their study, degraded
mechanical properties revealed the reduced crystallinity
LiMO2 ⇔ Lix MO2 þ ð1-xÞLiþ þ ð1-xÞe of PVDF binder [19].
Figure 8. Possible degradation mechanisms for the cathode [25] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
(i) crack formation in the active materials and likely internal temperature up to around 130°C (e.g., given the
fragmentation (i.e., mechanical degradation), (ii) fracture high current draws brought about through a cell’s external
of binder, which interconnects active particles (i.e., short circuit) [8]. The separator shutdown property is
mechanical degradation), and (iii) binder adhesion determined by means of measuring the separator
property deterioration (i.e., chemical degradation). Hence, impedance while temperature increases linearly [17,50,51].
the active material isolation can include roots in Figure 11 reveals the shutdown behavior of a trilayer
mechanical degradation of the active material and binder, separator (PP/PE/PP), in which the escalation in
as well as chemical degradation of the binder. impedance relates to the collapse of pore structure caused
by the separator melting, forming a comparatively
3.3. Separator degradation nonporous film between the two electrodes. The
impedance increase took place at around the melting point
Separator degradation can be responsible for the power
fading and finally cell failure. The main causes regarding
separator degradation are typically traced to the lithium
dendrite growth caused by separator pores, attack through
the electrolyte, the blocking of passageways in the
separator over cycling, and structural degradation arising
from elevated temperature or high cycle number [49]. High
temperatures (often the range of 130 to 150°C) cause the
softening of separator’s films and the closing of their pores,
resulting in the stoppage of charge/discharge process
through hindering the ion transport between the electrodes.
Hence, these separators are usually called ‘shutdown’
separators. In case, a slight internal short takes place in
the battery (e.g., minor contaminants entering the
separator), local shutdown of the separator disables a small Figure 10. Micro-shorting location on the separator (with a
point through melting and then closes separator pores, diameter of almost 1 mm) where separator melted locally and
shown in Figure 10. The entire cell can also be shutdown [8] [Colour figure can be viewed at
permanently disabled when there is an abnormal rise in]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
Figure 11. Internal impedance as a function of temperature for a multilayer separator (PP/PE/PP), Celgard 2325, at 1 kHz and heating
rate of 60°C/min [17] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
of PE (i.e., 130°C) and proceeded until the melting point separators. This is traced to the better properties of PP in
corresponding to PP (i.e., 165°C). the oxidation resistance when it is in contact with cathode.
Even though the materials used for separator are inert The resistance of separator to penetration, separator
and do not influence electrical output or energy storage, thickness, separator permeability, porosity, and toughness
their physical properties can substantially impact the cell may vary significantly by desirable cell characteristics
performance and safety. To attain good performance in and functions. As an illustration, one of the approaches to
Li-ion batteries, separators should exhibit uniformity in heightening cell capacity is to reduce the separator
their pore structure, low shrinkage, and a low amount of thickness as thinner separators present lower resistance.
resistance. The separators which have high resistance will However, this strategy generally poses a drawback, that
poorly perform within high discharge rate and will also is, thinner separators can contain less electrolyte, and
prolong charging time of the battery [17]. Low shrinkage consequently they do not exhibit good mechanical strength
is another prominent characteristic of separators, and may lead to the cell failures.
specifically regarded for higher capacity batteries, for Despite the prominent role of separator in the cell
example, high speed laptops experiencing higher degradation, there are a few studies conducted over it in
temperatures (nearly 75°C) in certain circumstances [52]. the literature. Norin et al. [24] represented that the
This can contribute to the separator shrinkage and separator at least is partially responsible for power fading
eventually high resistance of the cell as well as poor arisen from intrinsic increase in the separator ionic
cycling in the long term. Besides, the shrinkage in impedance. They demonstrated that the resistance rose
transverse direction (TD) may result in safety problems dramatically during aging or cycling at elevated
due to the internal short between cathode and anode. temperatures, so that separator stands for around 15% of
Larger pores in the separator pore structure can, by itself, the overall cell impedance increase. They later revealed
contribute to the shorts in the manufacturing process or that decline in separator ionic conductivity originated from
may fail during HiPot (high potential) testing. Bigger pores the clogging of separator pores caused by the electrolyte
will set the stage for more soft shorts and allow higher self- decomposition products (SEI layer formation), which was
discharge, particularly within high temperature storage, expedited at elevated temperatures [49]. The separators
whereas pores with very small size can result in the high having lower resistance can also help the cell performance
resistance and undesirable cycle life under cycling and under low-temperature conditions. The impedance of
storage with high temperatures [17]. Hence, this highlights electrolyte is very high at very low temperatures; hence,
the significance of optimization in separator’s pore size to a small contribution coming from the separator can, in
achieve appropriate strength and performance. turn, assist the cell to keep its overall impedance lower
The separators applied for Li-ion cells often encounter a [17].
severe oxidizing environment on the side of cathode and Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images taken by
also an intense reducing environment on the anode side. Nurin et al. [24] from separators whose cells aged by
Thus, the separators should be designed to be stable under 28 weeks revealed a persistent change in the surface
such harsh conditions over long-term high-temperature structure of separator from a uniformity in the layout of
cycling. Separators having poor oxidation resistance may perpendicular fibers showing pores to a plane of swollen
contribute to poor storage performance at elevated fibers blemished by means of crevices and electrode
temperatures and tenuous long-term cycling behavior particles imprints. The PP fibers in the aged separator were
alike. The oxidation resistance characteristics of multilayer covered by compact particles with a size of 10–200 nm. As
separators (PP/PE/PP) having PP at the outer layer and PE a result, increase in the fiber thickness and their subsequent
at the inner layer is premier as compared to the PE swollen appearance witnessed in the aged separators is
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Figure 12. SEM images of separators derived from (a) unaged (fresh) cell and (b) aged cell stored for a 40-week period at 55°C [49]
believed to be due to the deposition of electrolyte Figure 13 gives an insight into the nature of deposit
decomposition products [49]. Scanning electron using thermo-gravimetric analysis/differential thermal
microscopy images of the aged separator shown in analysis (TGA/DTA) characterization. TGA curve of the
Figure 12 acknowledge the AFM data and exhibit unaged separator does not show appreciable changes when
considerable changes in relation to the separator heating up to 120°C, while the separator removed from an
morphology. On the other hand, the images with lower aged cell which was under operation for 40 weeks at 55°C
magnification demonstrate that the deposit distribution on shows a 1% mass loss at 47°C, and afterwards a steady
the separator is significantly uneven and displays a patchy mass loss with a slower slope by 120°C. The loss of
pattern. However, there remain some areas that represent
no or slight change in comparison with the separator’s
original morphology.
The particles depositing on the fibers substantially
diminish both the pore size and the separator
homogeneity, whereby increase the average path length
for the ions, and subsequently enhance the potential drop
across the cell separator. To clarify this effect and its
accompanying consequences on the separator
performance, Kostecki et al. [49] utilized impedance
spectroscopy to determine average ionic conductivity of
the separators. They also observed the loss of separator
porosity and uniformity with the aid of TEM, which was
directly responsible for impedance rise through decreasing
the amount of electrolyte lying inside the separator and/or
reducing the channel and pore size. Both of these effects Figure 13. TGA curves for the separator of unaged Celgard
can contribute to the considerable impediment of Li-ion 2300 (solid line) and aged separator taken from the cell held at
transport. 55°C for 40 weeks (dashed line) [49]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
weight shown as a slight baseline shift in the DTA implies A brief review of corrosion behavior of the aluminum
an endothermic process concerned to the changes and copper current collectors used in Li-ion batteries is
observed in the TGA curve. The sharp decline in the presented in the succeeding section.
separator mass at T < 50°C can be attributed to the
evaporation of organic solvents trapped within the pores. 3.4.1. Aluminum corrosion
On the other hand, the steady mass loss observed at Some researchers have investigated electrochemical
elevated temperatures is associated with the process of behavior of aluminum in various compositions of organic
deposit decomposition. Kostecki et al. [49] applied electrolyte solutions [53–56]. The anodic properties of
fluorescence microscopy as a successful method to aluminum depend greatly upon the electrolyte solution
identify the composition of the deposit and reported that composition as well as the electrode metallurgy [54,56].
the separator samples removed from the aged cells emit The metallic aluminum in the air and neutral water
fluorescence across a wide range of excitation environment is usually stable given the protective surface
wavelengths (350–580 nm) and emission wavelengths layer made up of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and aluminum
(350–660 nm). According to their investigation, this hydroxide (Al(OH)3). Likewise, this characteristic is
deposit originates from a two-stage decomposition process anticipated in organic electrolyte solutions including slight
of LiPF6 EC:EMC electrolyte, involving homogenous quantity of oxidants [56]. The commonly used electrolyte
decomposition and heterogeneous redox reactions solutions are the binary mixtures of alkyl carbonates and
occurring at special areas which are in contact with the dissolving inorganic lithium salts (LiBF4, LiPF6, etc.).
electrodes. These deposits comprise lithium Nonetheless, alternative salts to LiPF6 have broadly been
halophosphates, LiPOx:LiF, which are responsible for pursued due to its lack of thermal and chemical stability
the strong fluorescence emission mentioned above, and in organic medium comprising trace amounts of water.
are remarkably accelerated at high temperatures. The spectroscopic and electrochemical experiments reveal
It can be concluded from the literature [24,49] that the that the forming of surface film containing fluoride can
products of electrolyte decomposition, forming a film on play a prominent role in preventing aluminum anodic
the separator and thereby clogging the pores and impeding corrosion imposed by the organic electrolyte solutions
Li-ion transport, are partially responsible for the cell [55]. In another study, Braithwaite et al. [38] also applied
resistance increase and stand for almost 10% of the total two types of fluorocarbon-based coating to evaluate the
cell impedance rise. aluminum corrosion behavior. This coating is generally
regarded as a vehicle to boost the adhesion between active
3.4. Current collector degradation electrode materials and current collectors. As a
consequence, they reported an increase in aluminum
The most broadly used materials of current collectors for resistance to the pitting corrosion.
the positive and negative electrodes are thin foils of Braithwaite et al. [38] took advantage of XPS and
aluminum and copper, respectively. The current collector electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses
function is to evenly transmit current throughout the as effective analytical techniques to identify corrosion
battery to active materials, supply mechanical support to behavior of the current collector materials in LiPF6
electrode active materials, and provide a mechanical link electrolytes with two different kinds of solvent, involving:
to the internal leads (which can be welded to bare parts EC:DMC and PC:DEC. According to their report, after 40
of the current collector) transferring the current into the electrical cycles in the PC:DEC solvent, some localized
battery. pitting corrosion had been triggered on the aluminum
The principal materials of current collectors being surface (as can be seen in Figure 14b as compared to
employed in Li-ion batteries have been shown to be Figure 14a). The continuation of cycling up to 690 cycles
vulnerable to the environmental degradation: copper to resulted in the increased density of the attack. Interestingly,
environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) and aluminum cycling in EC:DMC electrolyte led to an even greater
to the localized pit-like corrosion [38]. Localized pitting density, only by 150 cycles (Figure 15a). Additionally,
takes place at highly oxidizing potentials concerned to cross-sectional SEM image (Figure 15b) revealed what
the charge condition of the cathode. Nevertheless, the seems optically to be pits are mounds which have
pitting corrosion mechanism in the positive-electrode accumulated in pits. The later analysis of surface
current collector appears to be more complicated and also implemented by Auger and XPS techniques manifested
different as compared to that perceived typically from the that the mounds were composed of Al° and Al2O3 and
aqueous systems presumably due to the organic electrolyte were electrically isolated from aluminum foil.
as well as the electrical cycling imposed. Under such The principal outcomes extracted from electrochemical
circumstances, the pits and corroded sites are filled with a impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis undertaken by
mixture of metal-oxide products, shaping the nodules and [38] about the corrosion behavior of aluminum current
surface mounds. On the other hand, copper is susceptible collector can be concluded as follows:
to EAC nearly at the lithium potential in times of existence
of particular metallurgical conditions such as fairly large (i) The role of electrolyte composition on Al current
size of grains and work hardening. collector corrosion:
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Figure 14. Aluminum current collector’s surface (a) before cycling and (b) after 40 cycles in the electrolyte of PC:DEC solvent [38]
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
EC:DMC electrolyte appeared to be more corrosive The enhanced charge potential reduced the resistance
(lower value of pitting resistance, Rpit) as compared to against aluminum corrosion. Higher anodic potential
the other electrolyte composed of PC:DEC solvent during leads to the greater corrosion current, the outcome which
several hundred cycles (Figure 16). The parameter of is compatible with a lower value of pitting resistance,
pitting resistance, Rpit, is considered as a reliable indicator represented by the Nyquist plot in Figure 17. The
for aluminum corrosion susceptibility so that the lower Nyquist plot has made a comparison between the
values of pitting resistance indicate the higher imaginary part of impedance and the real impedance
susceptibility of aluminum to corrosion. Another result component.
which can be perceived from Figure 16 is that the pitting
resistance tends to increase by cycling for both the (iii) The role of Al alloy on current collector corrosion:
electrolyte compositions. However, this observation
cannot denote that the process of pitting corrosion is self- The electrochemical behavior of aluminum was not
limiting and ceases in the electrolytes over time. shown to be an appreciable function of electrical cycling
(the number of cycles) and metallurgical purity (as
(ii) The role of applied anodic potential on Al current compared between two aluminum alloys 1100 and
collector corrosion: 1145).
Figure 15. (a) Photographs of aluminum surface in EC:DMC electrolyte and (b) cross-sectional SEM of aluminum foil in the EC:DMC
after 150 cycles [38]
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DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
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Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
Figure 18. Cross-sectional photographs of copper bar. Upper images do not show brittle behavior while lower ones demonstrate it: (a)
transverse and (b) longitudinal [38]
Figure 19. SEM images of copper surface: (a) brittle fracture in the work-hardened copper with coarse grains and (b) ductile fracture in
the work-hardened copper with fine grains [38]
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Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
Figure 20. The cell capacity loss map under room temperature Figure 22. The general trend of cell cycle life under a wide
as a function of cycle aging at various C-rates [59] [Colour range of operating temperature [62] [Colour figure can be
figure can be viewed at] viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
4.2.1. Low temperature operation battery through increasing the capacity as a result of the
According to the Arrhenius law, the rate of chemical increased reaction rate based on the Arrhenius effect.
reactions is in proportion to the temperature. The However, it also enhances the cell degradation rate (refer to
Arrhenius equation describes the correlation governing Figure 22). Higher currents cause greater heat dissipation
the rate of a chemical reaction being pursued and the according to RI2, resulting therefore in higher internal
temperature. It reveals that chemical reaction rate rises temperatures. Subsequently, the SEI film growth is
exponentially when temperature elevates. As an expedited at elevated temperatures and lower negative
illustration, a 10°C escalation in temperature can double electrode potentials as well [25,58,61,62]. The adverse
the rate of cell degradation. In contrast, the rate at which impact of SEI layer evolution and its how-to-work as a
the cell active materials react decreases as a result of degradation mechanism which leads to the irreversible
reduction in the operating temperature, which implies a fall capacity loss was explained in the previous sections.
in the cell power handling capacity during charge and Figure 23 represents the voltage against the cell
discharge. On the other hand, the decreased reaction rate discharge capacity (or the SOC) at various temperatures
and the electrode materials contraction caused by low ranging from subzero (20°C) to above room temperature
temperatures confine intercalation spaces required for the (45°C), in order to assess the effect of temperature, while
Li ions insertion, which can in turn lead to the anode the cells operated under a moderate discharge rate of 1C.
lithium plating and subsequent capacity fading [60,62]. As can vividly be seen in this figure, both the cell capacity
and voltage have taken a declining trend as the implication
of temperature decrease, specifically under subzero
4.2.2. High temperature operation ambient temperatures.
Taking a glance at Figure 23 shows that the more the
operating temperature, the greater the capacity. In general, 4.3. Effect of SOC
temperature temporarily improves performance of Li-ion
As mentioned already in the beginning of Section 4, both
low and high SOC can enhance battery aging in the form
of either capacity fade or power fade, or both. Voltage
restrictions are essential to elude over-charge/discharge
and their corresponding problems. Figure 24 illustrates
the SOC operating window for a typical Li-ion battery
and also obviously indicates the possible consequences of
operating outside the ideal window.
Figure 24. SOC operating window and the effects of improper operating range of SOC [62] [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E. Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review
Table II. Some of the main in-situ characterization techniques used to study Li-ion batteries [71].
X-ray techniques Window transparent to X-ray It can monitor detailed structural changes.
X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) Kapton X-ray window The completely sealed cell allows prolong
monitoring. XAS also provides detailed information
on electronic structure and ordering.
Transmission X-ray microscope Used for the study of structure and phase composition.
Int. J. Energy Res. (2017) © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Degradation Mechanisms in Li-ion Batteries: A State-of-the-Art Review Kabir M. M. and Demirocak D. E.
electrodes alike. The proposed reactions for decomposition involving electron microscopes (SEM and TEM), optical,
of LiPF6 salt are as follows [66]: X-ray, neutron, Raman and AFM techniques as well as
hybrids of these techniques such as AFM–Raman [71].
LiPF 6 ⇌LiF þ PF 5 To perform in-situ experiments, ‘custom-built
electrochemical cells’ operating inside the characterization
device should be exploited. Each of these experimental
PF 5 þ H 2 O→OPF 3 þ 2HF techniques poses its own challenges related to the
operating conditions. For example, in-situ TEM and SEM
Consequently, the prevention of moisture penetration to experiments require vacuum environment which renders
the cell is of a great significance during cell design and using a liquid electrolyte impossible during these
assembly process. experiments. Therefore, for in-situ experiments under
vacuum, usually solid electrolytes are used [71]. On the
other hand, in-situ AFM technique needs open cell design,
5. CHARACTERIZATION allowing access to cell electrodes which are being studied
TECHNIQUES MAINLY USED FOR [72,73]. Table II provides a breakdown of design
LI-ION BATTERIES requirements as well as remarks on various
electrochemical cells applied to the main characterization
During operation, Li-ion batteries are complex systems techniques for Li-ion batteries.
into which a set of electrical, chemical, and mechanical
processes occur, such as side reactions, phase
transformations, and volume changes. The main 6. CONCLUSIONS
characterization techniques for Li-ion batteries can be
classified into the in-situ and the ex-situ techniques. The While the operation mechanism of Li-ion batteries is well
Latin word of ‘in-situ’ literally denotes ‘in position’, and recognized, their degradation mechanisms still remain a
in the research field of batteries, it refers to the challenge. Battery aging may contribute to the cell
measurements taken on the materials located inside the cell impedance, capacity fading, and power fading, which are
at their original positions (i.e., without disassembling the mainly caused by storage and cycling conditions in such
battery) [67,68]. In-situ techniques allow direct monitoring a way that it can be enhanced by high cycling rate, both
of micro and nanoscale reactions and processes, therefore, low and high temperatures, both low and high SOC, both
provide the capability of directly linking these processes to overcharge and over-discharge, high depth of discharge
the battery’s electrochemical response. This enables (DOD), and moisture. However, these causes drive the
characterization to occur in more realistic circumstances, battery components degradation and adversely affect the
in contrast to ex-situ experiments. On the other hand, ex- cell life span through several complex and closely
situ characterization techniques (also known as post- interrelated mechanisms, having either chemical or
mortem analysis) are beneficial when there is a need for mechanical origin, or the both, which consist primarily of
higher resolution and sensitivity. Due to formidable electrolyte decomposition and reduction, SEI film
challenges in developing in-situ techniques and the need formation and evolution, binder decomposition, solvent
for specialized and expensive instruments, ex-situ co-intercalation, active material dissolution, gas evolution,
techniques are more frequently employed in battery loss of lithium, phase and structural changes of electrodes
material characterization studies. The sample preparation caused by lithium insertion and extraction, and change in
for ex-situ techniques may induce artifacts to the battery separator morphology.
material under study, hence may lead to wrong Accordingly, avoiding the extreme operating conditions
conclusions. Therefore, extreme caution should be mentioned above and following the operating windows
exercised in preparing samples for ex-situ techniques. In- would postpone the battery degradation and extend the
operando characterization demonstrates a particular case battery lifetime considerably. Nevertheless, one of the serious
of in-situ measurements, when the cell is being challenges needed to overcome in order to extend the use of
charged/discharged during characterization, enabling non- Li-ion batteries is to improve their cycle life as well as to
equilibrium state measurements which cannot be detected make modifications enabling them to operate under extreme
by ex-situ techniques. conditions. Hence, there is a considerable room to develop
Ex-situ characterization techniques comprise primarily new anode and cathode materials having higher specific
of AFM, SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy, and other capacity and, at the same time, good structural stability.
neutron and X-ray techniques [69,70]. The ex-situ studies Notwithstanding the great effort made in this study to
are often implemented by making comparisons between compile and delineate both degradation causes and
the aged and unaged electrode materials to understand degradation mechanisms available in the literature, further
electrical, structural, and morphological changes, taking investigations will be required to better appreciate
place over cycling. degradation mechanisms in Li-ion batteries in order to
Different in-situ characterization techniques have been achieve longer cycle life along with better performance.
employed so far to study degradation in Li-ion batteries, Finally, it is important to point out that the improved
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DOI: 10.1002/er
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