Code of Practice For Design, Installation and Maintenance of Overhead Power Lines
Code of Practice For Design, Installation and Maintenance of Overhead Power Lines
Code of Practice For Design, Installation and Maintenance of Overhead Power Lines
UDC 621'31S'17
This Indian Standard ( Part 3jSec 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 23 March
1989, after the draft finalized by the Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional
Committee hed been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
The present strategy for development of power has necessitated a rapid development of extensive EHV
network covering the whole country. After successful introduction of 220 kV system in the country,
400 -kV has been adopted as the next higher system voltage after detailed techno-economic studies.
For development of 400 kV network, this code provides, in addition to specifying the good practices
for EHV lines, gives the detailed requirements with respect to 400 kV lines in particular.
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Indian Standard
PART 3 400 kV -LINES
Section 2 Installation and Maintenance
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made by the owner of the installations and within lines. rivets, canals and · important roads, power
appropriate time so as to ensure smooth progress. and telecommunication lines, oil and gas pipe
lines, etc, up to 8 kms on either side of the route of
5.3 The transmission line installation shall be the line shall be drawn to the scale with longitude
carried out by trained and experienced personnel and latitude properly marked. Route near the
and supervised by technically qualified persons towers or for railway line crossings or for certain
competent to undertake such work. stretches where the proposed line route runs
5.4 Scope of Work parallel to existing power/telephone lines, shall be
drawn to ·the scale of I : 20000, if required by the
Installation of overhead line includes walk-over concerned authorities for containing necessary
survey laying out the line (route alignment); clearances. If considered necessary, a key map to
detailed and check survey; clearing the work site a scale of 1 : 200 000 may be prepared showing the
and line route; making access roads; civil con- main sections of the line in addition to the above.
struction work of foundations, etc, erection of
line; all connected material transport and handling 6.2.1 For convenient handling in the field, the
till the line is ready for use; testing and com· maps should be made on sheets ofJOOx 1 190 mm,
missioning or taking over. with 3 ·cm overlap shown on the subsequent sheets.
6.3 Clearing Right-or-Way (ROW) and Access
6.1 Walk-Over Survey The trees essentially required to be removed for
Before starting the detailed survey a walk-over carrying out detailed survey be cleared, fonowed
survey of the line shall be made. The various by .complete clearing of ROW based on the actual
feasible routes shall be ascertained and marked on route adopted. The clearing should be carried out
the toposheet. both in the legal and physical sense. If any com-
pensation has to be made on crops, it shall be
6.2 Route-AJigJ.lmeot Map accounted for the period till the installation work
On completion of walk-over survey, a route-align- is to be over according to programme.
ment map shall be prepared to a scale of 1 : 50000. 6.3.1 Clearing may be done in accordance with
All the topographical details including all railway Fig. 1.
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6.5.1 While locating the towers on survey charts, the same voltage or lower voltage, suspension!
the following shall be borne in mind: tension tower with suitable extensions shall be
used ( Refer Table 1 );
-a) Maximum length of a 'section' shall not exceed
Skm. j) Telecommunication line crossing
b) The intermediate spans shall be as near as The angle of crossing shall preferably be 90°.
possible the normal design span. In case an However, deviation to the extent of 30° may
individual span becomes too short on account be permitted under exceptionally difficult situa-
of undulations in ground profile, one or more tions. When the angle of crossing is below 60°.
line supports of the section may be extended the matter shall he referred to the authority
by inserting standard body extension designed incharge of the telecommunication system. Also,
for the purpose according to technical specifica- in the crossing span, power line supports shall
tions to bring the intermediate span as near as be as near the telecommunication line as
possible to the design span; possible, to obtain increased vertical clearance
between the wires; and
c) There shall not be any upward force on
suspension tower under normal working con- k) Requisite clearance to foreign objects shall be
dition, and the suspension towers shall support maintained.
the minimum weight span as provided in the
designs. In case uplift is unavoidable, it will be 6.6 Check Survey
examined if the same may be overcome by
adding standard body extensions to the towers, This will be conducted to ma-ke a check on detailed
failing which tension towers designed for the survey and to locate and peg marks the tower
purpose shall be employed at such positions; positions on grouno conforming to the survey
charts. In the process it is have the
d) Tower spotting shall be ,further checked by pit centres marked according to the excavation
means of tower capacity charts approved by marking charts. The levels. up or down. of each
the purchaser; pit centre with respect to the centre of the tower
e) Road crossing. location shall be noted and recorded for determin-
ing the amount of benching or earthwork required
At all important crossings, the towers shall be to meet design requirements of the _foundation.
fitted with normal suspension or tension insu-
lator strings depending on the type of towers 6.6.1 If the levels of the pit centres be in sharp
but the ground clearance at the roads under contrast with the level of the tower centre (say
maximum temperature and in still air shall be beyond a slope of 1 : 4 ), suitable 'leg extensions'
such that even with conductor bundle broken may be deployed as required.
in adjacent span, the ground clearance of the 6.6.2 For the sake of reference, the pits of a tower
conductor from the road surface shall not be shall be designated as shown in Fig. 3.
less than 8'84 metres. At all national highways
tension towers shall be used. The crossing 6.7 Tower Scbedule
span, however, shall not exceed 25 metres in
any case; A tower schedule shall be prepared for planning of
materials. The proforma shall be made on a
f) Railway crOSSings convenient sheet size of 280 X 508 mm. Tower
schedule shall further be checked by means of the
For railway crossings, towers shall be of tower capacity charts approved by the purchaser.
tension type and railway crossings construction If the limits are ~xceeded anywhere, -the spotting
shall conform to the regulations laid down by should be relocated by trials.
Railway Authorities;
6.7.1 Along with the tower schedules, a line
, g) River crossing
schedule should also be prepared which should
In case of major river crossings in planes, tower cover in detail the total quantity of all line
shall be of suspension type using double materials required and the quantity in which these
suspension strings and the anchor towers on are required at various points on the line.
either side of the main river crossing shall be
dead end type. Clearance required by naviga- 7 MATERIAL TRANSPORT
tion authority shall be provided. For non- 7.1 All material transport shall be undertaken in
navigable rivers clearance shall be reckoned vehicles suitableJor the purpose and free from the
with respect to highest flood level (HFL); effects of any chemical substances. Tower members
h) Power line crossings shall be loaded and transported in such a manne,
that these are not bent intransit and sharp-bent
Where a line is to cross over another line of members are not opened up or damaged.
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-+--+1;;;- ..,1------.+. Q:
------1- .-::::R-+-
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·c .
""-'" ",-i,-- ',' --,,",:,"" -- - - i w
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1 represents leg or pit No.1 A represents near side (NS) transverse face
2 represents leg or pit No.2 B represents near side (NS) longitudinal face
3 represents leg or pit No.3 C represents far side (FS) transverse face
4 represents leg or pit No.4 D represents far side (PS) longitudinal face
I Danger and number plates are located on face 'A'
2 Leg 1 represents the leg with step bolts and anti-climb device gate, if any.
If two legs with step bolts are required, the next is No.3 leg,
Conductor and earthwire drums shall be handled necessary in -the case of undercut foundations. The
carefully, so that the drums .and their contents are depth of the excavation at the pit centre shall be
not damaged. measured with r.eference to the tower centre level.
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The backfilling and grading shall be carried to ~onerete chimney for curing and ensuring that the
an elevation of about 75 mm above the finished bags are kept wet by the frequent pouring of water
ground level to drain out water. After back filling on them.
50 mm high earthen embankment ( bandh) will
be made along the sides of excavated pits and 11;9 Measuremt>nt of Concrete
sufficient water will be poured in the back filled
earth for at least 24 hours. Except where actual pit size concrete is required
( such as in a rock foundation), the volume of
11,5 Reinforcement concrete shall be calculated from the design
All reinforcement shall be properly placed ac'cord- drawings. All volumes shall be expressed to the
ing to design drawing with a minimum concrete nearest cubic metre. The heights used for calcu-
cover of 50 mm. The bars shall, however, be placed lating concrete volumes shall be the projected
clear of stubs and cleats where interfering. For heights used and not those following the tower
binding. iron wire of not less than 0'9 mm shall slope; the top of the pyramid concrete sha11 be
be employed, and the bars may be bound at considered to be same as the chimney cross section
alternate crossing points. The work shall conform for purpose of calculating the volumes, even
to IS 2502 : 1963 wherever applicable. For bored though it is greater on account of the chimney
footings, stub angle shall be used as reinforcement. slope.
11.9.1 The method of measurement of concrete
In case of the foundation having steel reinforce- for pile foundations is given as below.
ment in pyramid on base slab, at least 50 mm
thick pad of lean concrete of 1 : 3 : 6 nominal mix Approximate volume of short bored
shall be provided to avoid the possibility of rein- under-reamed piles is calculated by the foHowing
forcement rod being exposed due to unevenness of formula:
the bottom of the excavated pit.
Volume in cubic metre
11.6 Sizes of Aggregates
The coarse aggregates ( stone) to be used shall be
= : [Ldll + O'4n( du-d) (diu _d ll
) 1
single size aggregates of 40 nun nominal size for (see Fig. 5 )
slab/pyramid concrete and 20 nun nominal size
for chimney concrete conforming to IS 383 : 1970. where
These sizes are applicable to ordinary plain cement L = total length of pile in metres;
concrete for RCC the aggregates shall preferably
be of 20 mm nominal size. The fine aggregate d = diameter of pile shaft in metres;
( sand) shall be of Zone I Grade to IS 383 : 1970
which is the coarse variety with maximum particle du = diameter of under-ream in metres ( 2 or
size of 4'75 mm. Zone II Grade of fine aggregates 3 times d), normally 2·5 d; and
may also be used. n = number of under-reams.
11.7 GraTeI Sub-base Distance between two under-reams - 1'25 to
In case the foundation happens to be over fine 1'5 du ;
sand, 80 mm thick gravel sub-base may be Spacing between piles = 2'0 du ; or l·S du with
provlded, if considered necessary, under the foun- 10 percent reduction in capacity.
dation. The maximum size of gravel or stone to be
used shall be 80 mm. 11.10 Mixing, Placing and Compacting or Concrete
11.8 Curing This shall be carried out according to the
procedure laid down in Annex D.
The concrete after setting for 24 hours old shaH
be cured by keeping the concrete wet continuously 12 PROTECTION OF TOWER FOOTING
for a period of 10 days after laying. The pit may
be back filled with selected earth sprinkled with 12.1 The work shall include aU necessary stone
necessary amount of water and well consolidated revetment, concreting and earth filling above
in layers not exceeding 200 mm of consolidated ground level and the clearance from stacking on
thickness after a minimum period of 24 hours the side of all surplus excavated soil, special
and thereafter both the back filled earth and measures for protection of foundations close to
exposed chimney top shall be kept wet for the or in nallahas, riverbeds, etc. by providing suita-
remainder of the prescribed time of 10 days. The hIe revetment or galvanized wire netting and
uncovered concrete chimney above the back filled meshing packed with boulders. The contractors
earth shall be kept wet by providing empty cement shall furnish recommendations for providing protec-
bags dipped in water fully wrapped around the tion at such locations.
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L' I
14.1 Genera]
Towers shall be erected after the concrete is at least
14 days old, but a gap -of 28 days shall be
14.2 Inspection and Sorting Out
30· The members shall be examined for defects in
d u (2.t 5 d) ~-H--+-t-t'-~ protective surface finish, if any . If any defects
are found in case of hot dip galvanized members,
the damage shall be repaired by applying two
coats of zinc-rich paint having at least 9D percent
zinc content conforming to relevant Indian Stand-
ard after cleaning the surface and ensuring that
FIG.5 TYPICAL DETAILS OF UNDER- the surface is dry before the application of the
REAMED PILES paint. Members bent in transit shallbe straight-
ened such that the protective surface finish is not
13 EARTHING damaged.
13.1 Each tower shall be earthed after the founda- All the members shall be sorted out properly
tion has been cast. For this purpose, earth strips at the erection site to check that all items are
shall be fixed to the stub during concreting of the available; and shall be placed in a manner such
chimney and taken out horizontally below the that they are easily located during erection.
ground level. In ~ormal circumstances, the e~rth
strip shall be provIded on .No. 1 stub leg as gIven 14.3 Treatment of Joints
in Fig. 3, that is, the leg WIth step bolts.
Before starting assembly, specially for the lines in
13.2 The resistance of tower to earth shall not coastal or highly polluted areas, the surfaces at
exceed 10 ohm after earthing and tower erection connection points shall be applied a coat of
but before stringing of the overhead ground wire. aluminium or zinc-rich paint in case of galvanized
In case the resistance exceeds the specified values, members, and red oxide or zinc chromate paint in
multipl~ pipe e<l;rthing or coun~erpoise earth!ng case of painted members.
shall be adopted III accordance With the followmg
procedure but without interfering with the founda- 14.4 Assembly
tion concr~te even though the earth strip/counter-
poise lead remains exposed at the tower end; The Irrespective of the method followed for the erection
connections in such case shall be made WIth the of towers, the points mentioned below shall be
existing lattice member holes on the leg just above observed: /
the chimney top. a) Straining of the members shall not be per-
13.3 Pipe Earth mitted for bringing them into position. It
may, however, be necessary to match hold
The installation of the pipe earth shall be in accor- positions at joints and to facilitate this,
dance with IS 3043 : 1987. A typical example tommy bars not more than 450 mm long
of earth in equipment ( pipe type) is given in may be used.
Fig. 6.
b) Before starting erection of an upper section
13.4 -Counterpoise Earth the lower section shall be -completely braced
Counterpoise earth consists of four lengths of and all bolts fitted in accordance with
galvanized steel stranded wires, each fitted with approved drawings.
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'Sx-6·0mm THlCKx Sm LON
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Immediately after running out, .the conductor 16.6 Derricks shall be used where roads, rivers,
shall be raised at the supports to the levels of the channels, telecommunication or overhead power
clamp and placed into the running blocks. The lines, railway lines, fences or walls have to be
groove of the running blocks shall be of such a crossed during stringing operations. It shall be
design that the seat is semi-circular and larger seen that normal services are not interrupted or
than the diameter of the conductor earthwire and damage caused to property. Shut down shall be
it does not slip over or rub against the sides. obtained when working at crossing of overhead
The grooves shall be lined with hard rubber or power lines.
neoprene to avoid damage to conductor and shall
be mounted on properly lubricated bearings. 16.7 The sequence of running out shall be from
top to downwards, that is. the earthwire shall be
16.2 The running blocks shall be suspended in a fun out first, followed by the conductors in
manner to suit the design of the cross-arm. All succession. Unbalances of loads on towers shall
running blocks especially those at the tensioning be avoided as far as possible. Outer phases of
and, will be fitted on the cross-arms with jute line conductor shall be strung before the stringing
cloth wrapped over the steel work and under the of the middle phase is taken up.
slings to avoid damage to the slings as well as to
the protective surface finish of the steel work. In 16.8 The proposed 400 kV transmission line may
case suspension or section towers are used even run parallel for certain distance with the existing
for temporary terminations, if this be unavoidable, 220 kV, 132 kV lines which may remain energized
they shall be well guyed and steps shall be taken during the stringing period. As a result there is
to avoid damage. The drums shall be provided a possibility of dangerous voltage build up due to
with a suitable breaking device to avoid damages, electromagnetic and electrostatic coupling in the
loose running out and kinking of the conductor. pulling wire conductors and earthwires, which
The conductor shall be continuously observed for although comparatively small during normal
loose or broken strands or any other damage. operations can be severe during switching.
When approaching end of a drum length at least Adequate safety precautions are to be taken to
three coils shall be left when the stringing opera- protect workmen and others working on line from
tions are to be stopped. These coils are to be this potential danger by way of providing travel-
removed carefully, and, if another length is ling ground.
required to be run out, a joint shall be made as
per the recommendations of the conductor manu- 17 STRINGING OF CONDUCTOR AND
facturers. EARTHWIRE
16.3 Repairs to conductors, if necessary, shall be 17.1 The stringing of the conductors shall be done
carried out during the funning out operations, by control tension method, with the help of tension
with repair sleeves. Repairing of conductor stringing equipment. The equipment shall be
surface shall be done only in case of minor capable of maintaining a continuous tension. The
damage, scuff marks, etc, keeping in view both maximum tension imposed on a conductor during
electrical and mechanical safe requirements. stringing operations shall not exceed than that
Number of damaged strands shall not exceed 1/6th necessary to clear obstructions on the ground. In
of the total strands in the outer layer. The final general stringing tension of about one-half of
conductor surface shall be clean, smooth and shall sagging tension is a good criterion.
be without any projection, sharp points, cuts,
abrasions, etc. 17.1.1 Controlled stringing method suitable for
simultaneous stringing of the sub-conductor shaH
16.4 Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent be used. Both the conductors making one phase
clashing of sub-conductors from paying out to bundle shall be pulled in and paid off sinniltane-
the installations of the spacers/spacer dampers. ously. Both the conductors of the bundle shall be
Care shall be taken that both sub-conductors of of matched length. After being pulled the con-
a bundle are from the same conductor supplier ductor/earthwire shall not be allowed to hang in
and preferably from the same batch ~o t~at c~eep the stringing blocks for more than 96 hours
behaviour ohhe sub-conductor remams IdentICal. before being pulled to the specified sag.
During sagging care shall be taken to eliminate
differential sags in the sub-conductor as far as 17.2 Stringing of Earthwire
possible. However, in no case the sag mismatching
of more than 40 mm shall be allowed. Stringing of earth wire shall be carried out by con-
ventional stringing method.
16.5 Conductor splices shall be so made that they
do not crack or get damaged in the stringing 17.3 The contractor shall give complete details of
operation'. The contra~tor shaH use only. s~ch the stringing methods which he proposes to follow.
equipment/methods durmg c~:mduc~or .stnngmg Before the commencement of stringing the contrac-
which ensures complete compltance III thIS regard. tor shall submit the stringing charts for the
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conductors and earth wire showing the initial and normally assume vertical positions when the
final sags and tension for various temperatures conductor is clamped.
and spans, along with equivalant spans in the lines
for the approval of the owner. 19.5 Tensioning and sagging operations shall be
carried out in calm weather when rapid changes
18 JOINTS in temperatures are not likely to occur.
18.1 All the joints on the conductor and earthwire 20 TENSIONING AND SAGGING OF
shall be of compression type, in accordance with CONDUCTORS AND EARTHWIRE
the recommendations of the manufacturer for 20.1 The tensioning and sagging shall be done in
which all necessary tools and equipment like accordance with the approved stringing charts
compressors, dies process, etc, shall have to be before the conductors and earth wire are finally
arranged by the contractor. Each part of the joint attached to the towers through the earthwire
shall be cleaned by wire brush to make it free of clamps for the earthwire and insulator strings for
rust or dirt, etc, and properly greased with anti- the conductor. The 'initial' stringing chart shall
corrosive compound before the final compression be used for the conductor and 'final' stringing
is done with the compressors. chart for eartbwire should be employed for this
18.2 All,joints or splices shall be made at least 30 purpose. Dynamometers shall be employed for
metres ;itway from the !ltructures. No joints or measuring tension in fhe conductor and earthwire.
splices shall be made in spans crossing over main The dynamometers employed shall be periodically
roads, railways, small rivers in tension spans. Not checked and calibrated with the standard dynamo-
more than one joint per sub-conductor shall be meter.
allowed in one span. The compression type fitting
used shall be of self-centring type or care shall be 21 CLIPPING IN
taken to mark the conductors to indicate when 21.1 Clipping of the conductors in position shall
the fitting is centred properly. During compres- be done in accordance with the recommendations
sion or splicing operation, the conductor shall be of the manufacturer. Conductor shall be fitted
handled in such a manner as to prevent lateral or with armour rods where it is made to pass through
vertical bearing against the dies. After pressing suspension clamps.
the joint the aluminium sleeve shall have all
corners rounded, burrs and sharp edges removed 21.2 The jumpers at the section and angle towers
and smoothened shall be formed to parabolic shape to ensure
maximum clearance requirements. Pilot suspension
insulator string shall be used, if found necessary,
19.1 The conductors shall be pulled up to the to restrict the jumper swings to the design values.
desired sag and left in running blocks for at least
one hour after which the sag shall be rechecked 21.3 Fasteners in all fitdngs and accessories shall
a~d adjusted. if necessary, before transferring the
be secured in position. The security clip shall be
conductors from the running blocks to be suspen- properly opened and sprung into position.
sion clamps. The conductors shall be clamped
within 56 hours of sagging in. 22 FIXING OF CONDUCTOR AND
19.2 The sag will be checked in the first and the
last span of the section in case of sections up to 22.1 Spacers, spacer dampers, vibration dampers
eight SPlilns and in one intermediate span also for and other conductor and earth wire accessories
sections' with more than eight spans. The sag shall be installed by the contractor as per the
shall also be checked when the conductors have design requirements and respective manufacturer's
been drawn up and transferred from running instructions. Spacers shall be fitted within 24
blocks to the insulator clamps. hours of the conductor clamping. While installing
the conductor and earthwire accessories proper
19.3 The running blocks, when suspended from care shall be taken to ensure that the surfaces are
the transmission structure for sagging shall be so clean and smooth and no damage shall occurto
adjusted that the conductors on running blocks any part of the accessories. Spacing bicycle!
will be at the same height as the suspension clamp trolley may also bi used for fixing conductor
to which it is to be secured. accessories.
19.4 At sharp vertical angles, the sags and tensions 23 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING
shall be checked on both sides of the angle, the
conductor and earth wire shall be checked on the 23.1 General
running· blocks for equality of tension on both
sides. The suspemion insulator assemblies will 23.1.1 Before the line IS energized, visual
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examination of the line shaH be carried out to The patrollers should write the inspection notes
check that all nuts and bolts are tight and insulators and pass them on to the maintenance gang for
are in position at each support. The earth and carrying out the necessary repairs. The patrollers
earth connections shall also be checked to verify should be equipped with inspection books, draw-
that these are in order. The insulators of those ings, tape and binoculars. The main points to be
sections of the line which fall in areas of heavy noted while patrolling are as follows:
pollution shall be cleaned and washed before
energization of the line. a~ Structures
23.2 Testing Seriously leaning structures; deformed mem-
bers; buckled structures; missing fasteners
23.2.1 Before commissioning of the lines, the and members; accessories removed; protec-
following tests may be carried out: tive coatings, like galvanizing or paints
a) Conductor continuity test disappeared; suspension and strain attach-
ments for insulators damaged.
The objective of this test is to varify that
b) Foundations
each conductor of the overhead line is
properly connected electrically (that is, the Signs of external damage; settled and
value of its electrical resistance does not washed out soil below designed ground
vary abnormally form that of a continuous level over· foundations within uplift frustum
conductor of the same size and length). perimetres; tilted stubs; cracks or breaks
The electrical resistance of the conductor in chimney top; slippage of stubs from
shall be measured with a wheatstone bridge encasing chimney concrete; uneven settle-
or other suitable instrument. ment of footing; disappearance of gravel
blanket protection; backfills embankment
t» Insulation, resistance test and its covers (rip-rap or revetment);
This test may be carried out with the help damage to retaining walls, abutments and
of 5 000 volts megger preferably power breast walls and disappearance of external
driven to ascertain the insulation condition earth backing retaining walls below designed
of line. lines.
23.2.2 The line may be charged at a low value c) Insulators and fittings
of power voltage for the purposes of Damage to insulators; surface poIlution of
testing. a bad nature; missing locking devices like
23.3 Statutory Requirements nuts, washers and pins; burnt out fittings;
deflected strings; damage to protective
23.3.1 The statutory authorities shall be informed coatings. The cracked insulators, bird
before commissioning the lines and their approval droppings, dense spider webs, kites with
obtained in accordance with Indjan Electricity Act, cord hanging on the insulators string may
19]0 and Indian Electricity Rules. ]956 ( For also be noted.
details, See Rule 63 to 69 of Indian Electricity
Rules, ]956 ). d) Conductors and jumpers
Strands cut and opened up, loose jumpers
24 MAINTENANCE OF OVER HAD UNES gone out of shape and causing infringement
24.1 General of clearance of live wire to earthed metal
parts. Dead birds, fallen branches or fallen
The overhead lines shall be inspected periodically trees on conductors may also be noted.
for maintenance purposes to detect any faults
which may lead to breakdown of electric supply -e) Earthwire and jumper, in aecordance with
and necessary repairs should be done immediately 24.1 of this standard.
llsing hot line maintenance techniques, if necessary f) Earthing equipment, damaged, broken or
and feasible. missing earth strip.
24.1.1 Patrolling of Overhead Lines from the g) Right-ol-way and clearance
Shrubs and trees within right-of-way
Patrolling of all overhead lines shall be done causing obstruction, and infringement of
before and after the monsoon. The frequency clearance of bottom conductor to ground;
of patrolling of the overhead lines for the rest of objects within line clearance excavation
the period shall depend on the local conditions. (see Fig. 1). In no circumstances.
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A special inspection of the overhead -lines should Sets of tower schedules, structural, foundation,
be carried out after severe wind/hail storms, insulators and accessories or route profile drawing
quakes, sabotages, snowfalls, forest fires, floods or including tho~e for special constructions bound in
heavy rains. The purpose of such inspection is to folders should be available with patrollers as well
detect any damage or breakage on line and to as the maintenance crew.
affect necessary repairs. 24.5.2 Replacement
24.3.1 When an overhead line trips on fault often, An inventory of spare line materials shall be
it should be inspected to ascertain the nature of maintained in the stores for effecting repairs. Such
fault, such as bridge loose sag, tree branches inventory should be based upon the experience of
touching the line, etc, and to find out the amount repairs required in the earlier periods on similar
of repair involved with a view to avoid recurrence other lines.
of such faults.
24.5.3 Method of Repairs
24.4 Maintenance Tests aad Measurements
Damage to aluminium strands of line -conductors
Insulation of line should be measl,lred at conve- shall be repaired with repair sleeves provided not
nient interval particularly at the time when the more than one-sixth of the strands in the outer-
line is shutdown for repairs or maintenance. In most layer have been severed. For portions
regard to measurements of earth resistance of adjacent to armour rod ends affected by vibrations
metal structures, it should normally be carried due to wind, and minor abrasions due to some
out annually, however, local circumstances in the rubbing objects, extra-long preformed armour
light of the experience may justify increase or rods may be used for such repairs.
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HYDERABAD( [for non-commercial use only].
( Clause 2.1 )
( Clause 6.5 )
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HYDERABAD( [for non-commercial use only].
both shorter and longer than the ruling span. left and right of the centre line up to a distance
Any particular span is considered spread-out by equal to the maximum swing of conductor
half of its value on either side of origin '0'. including cross-arm spread on either side.
B-l.2.3 The parabola is accurate to within about B-2.2 The 'weight span' on either side of the
one half of 1 percent for sags up to 5 percent of tower for practical purposes is obtained by mark-
the span which is well within the acceptable limits. ing the low points of the sag in the two adjacent
spans and sealing the same off.
B-l.3 The actual ruling spans for various stringing
sections of a line may differ from the normal B-2.2.1 On steep inclined spans the low point may
design span which forms the basis for the sag fall beyond the lower support; this indicated that
template. It is, therefore, essential that the actual the conductor in the uphi1l span exerts a negative
ruling spans be as near the normal design spans or upward pull on the lower tower. The amount
as practicable. In case of considerable amount of of this upward pull is equal to the weight of the
difference the following points shall be observed: conductor from the lower tower to the low point
a) The Actual Ruling Span Shorter Than the in the sag. Should the upward pull of the uphill
Normal Design Span span be greater than the downward load of the
next adjacent span, actual uplift would be caused
In this case the maximum working and and the conductor would tend to swing clear of
other tensions are comparatively less, and the tower upward.
therefore, the sags, comparatively greater
than those obtained for the normal design 8-2.2.2 For an easy check whether a tower is
span. The sag template, therefore, needs to under upltft or not, the following method may be
be modified. An easier method shall be to adopted. The template is applied horizontally
provide suitably greater ground clearance until the tops of alternate supports coincide with
while carrying out tower spotting. the cold template ( curve 1 ). If the curve is above
the intermediate support, the support is under
b) The Actual Ruling Span Longer Than the uplift and has to be extended until it touches the
Normal Design Span cold template and so eliminates uplift. If requisite
In this case the maximum working and other standard body extensions are not available for
tensions are comparatively greater, and extending the tower to ~esired height. a tower
therefore, the sags comparatively less, than designed for uplift shall have to be provided.
those obtained .for the same span from the NOTE - The suspension towers shall be checked
volues for the normal design span. for uplift under normal working condition only. that
Obviously, greater tensions cannot be is, both adjacent spans intact. The section and angle
allowed on towers; and therefore, by work- towers shall be checked for uplift under both normal
and broken wire conditions.
ing back with maximum working tension
for norma] design span we may get different
sags at the actual ruling spans. This shaH B-2.2.3 The analytical method for calculating
be suitably accounted for while carrying weight span is given below:
out tower spotting. Distance of 'Null point' or 'Low point' of con-
B-l.4 The template shaH be prepared 10 the same ductor from centre of span is giv;en by the
scale as the survey chart, that is, 1 : 2 000 for formula ( see Fig. 8 and 9 ):
horizontal distances and 1 : 200 for vertical heights.
The vertical centre line and the horizontal line Th
passing through origin '0' shall be drawn promi- x =WT
nently. -The curves shall be extended such that
all slopes on the profiles maybe scaled with ease. where
B-2 APPLICA'tIONFOR TOWER SPOTTING x = distance of low point from centre of
span in m,
B-2.1 The method of application of the sag
template is shown in Fig. 2. The template is T = conductor tension inkgf,
applied to the profile by moving the same horizon-
tally as shown while always ensuring that the h = difference between conductor sup-
vertical axis or centre line is held vertical. The port levels in ro,
structure positions are marked where the 'Support
foot' cuts the profile, while the 'Ground clearance' w = unit weight of conductor in kg/m,
curve is just clear of and above the profile. The and
<ground clearance' curve shall not only clear the
route-centre line profile, but also the profile to the 1 = span length in m.
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HYDERABAD( [for non-commercial use only].
tOw OR
NULL P01NT~----o:.:..o:fI!3---+---+
( 'Clause 1'0.2.1 )
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such location. By design requirements is 'meant shall be ± 5 Mm. This shall not be accumulative
the earth required to resist uplift forces. on height for various parts of the foundation.
C-2.3 The following tolarances shall be applicable C-" TOWERS
in case of position of foundation as a whole with C-4.1 No member of a tower shall be out of
reference to tower position as spotted on the straightness by more than one in 1 000. -Members
survey chart: failing the requirement shall be straightened
before erection in a manner that shall not damage
Type of Out of From Centre From Trans- their properties or the protective finish.
Tower Align- Line of verse Centre
ment Route Line C-4.2 The towers shall not be out of vertical by
more than 1 in 360 before stringing is carried out.
Suspension 0'25° ± 25mm ± 250mm C-S STRINGING
or interme-
diate C-S.l The maximum toterance in final still air sag
at maximum temparature shall be ±4 percent
Section or 0'25° ± 25mm ± 25mm of such sag, in any span as obtained from the sag
tension tension chart. The sag -of any conductor in a ~pan
( set at bi- shall not depart from the mean sag of all conduc-
section of tors in the same span by more than 3 percent.
NOTE - In order that the minimum required
angle) ground clearance is not interfered with by tolerance
in sag template used for tower sporting shall be
C-3 CONCRETE AND FORM DIMENSIONS based upon a plus tolerance in sag of 4 perc_ent, the
'support foot' curve being located according-to tower
C-3.1 The maximum tolerance on the dimensions design.
( Clause 11.10)
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D-2.2 During hot or cold weather, concrete shall bars 'be worked 100 times in an area 'o f 200 mm
be transported in deep containers; the deep con- square for 300 mm depth. Over-compacting causes
tainers, on account of their lower ratio of surface the liquid to flow out upward causing segregation
area to mass, reduce the rate of loss of water by and should be avoided.
evaporation during hot weather and loss of heat
during cold weather. D-3.3 If, after the form work has been struck, the
concrete surface is found to have defects, all the
D-3 PLACING AND COMPACTING damaged surfaces shall be repaired with mortar
application composed of cement and sand in the
D-3.1 The concrete shall be placed and compact- same proportion as the cement and sand in the
ed before setting commences and should not be concrete mix. Such repairs shall be carried out
subsequently disturbed. The placing should be well before the foundation pits are back filled.
such that no segregation takes place.
D-3.4 For precautions to be taken on concrete
D-3.2 Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted work in extreme weather and under water, the
during the placing operation, .and thoroughly provisions oflS 456 : 1978 shall apply.
worked around the reinfon;;ement, around embed-
ded fixtures and into corners of form work by D-3.5 Field tests on workability ·of concrete and
means of 16 mm diameter poking bars pointed at consistency may be carried out in the form of
the ends. As a guide for compaoting the poking slump test in accordance with IS 1199 : 1959.
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Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the prOVISIons of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations.made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a weB defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control. which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standar~ marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
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HYDERABAD( [for non-commercial use only].
BISllas the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free usc, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grad.
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.