Laparoscopic Orchidopexy: Current Surgical Opinion.: Abstract
Laparoscopic Orchidopexy: Current Surgical Opinion.: Abstract
Laparoscopic Orchidopexy: Current Surgical Opinion.: Abstract
Laparoscopy has attained its greatest degree of There are three distinct possible findings,and
general acceptance, both diagnostically and courses of action,when laparoscopy is used to
therapeutically, in the realm of pediatric urology assess a non palpable testis. Findings include :
for the management of a non palpable testis. Since Blind-ending vessels above the internal ring
the earliest reported cases over a quarter of a (vanishing testis), Cord structures entering the
century ago, there are now several thousand cases internal ring (viable intracanalicular testis versus
in the literature documenting the impact that an intracanalicular or scrotal atrophic testis),and
laparoscopy has made in the management of a non Intra-abdominal testis (4).
palpable testis (1). An intra-abdominal testis is usually found within 1
The principles of surgery for a non palpable testis to 2 cm of the internal ring, which is usually patent
are equal to, if not enhanced by a laparoscopic and primary orchidopexy without division of the
approach; exposure, lighting, and magnification spermatic vessels can be performed (5).
remain critical to this pediatric procedure (2). If the testis is immobile and beyond 2.5 cm from
However, the advantages of laparoscopy over a the internal ring, it may be prudent to perform a
conventional “open” surgical approach to a non staged orchidopexy consisting of clipping the
palpable testis include accurate anatomic internal spermatic vessels and returning 6 months
assessment of testicular position and viability and, later to mobilize the testis with collateral vessels
when necessary, optimal accessibility to the crux of and the deferential artery (6).
the surgical problem (3). Laparoscopic Fowler-Stephens Orchidopexy
The spermatic vessels are usually the length-
College of Medicine, Baghdad University limiting factor in accomplishing a tension-free
orchidopexy. The decision whether to divide these Group A: Where the testis located within 2 cm
vessels needs to be made early in the course of from the internal inguinal ring.
laparoscopic orchidopexy (7). There are no absolute Group B: Where the testis located between 2-4 cm
criteria for when transection needs to be from the internal inguinal ring.
performed, but the obvious maxim is the further the Group C: Where the testis located more than 4 cm
distance that the testis is from the scrotum, the from the internal inguinal ring.
greater the likelihood that vessel transection will be Eight patients (with group A) had primary
necessary (8). As a general guideline, a testis within laparoscopic orchidopaxy without division of
2 cm of the internal ring can be brought down spermatic vessels:
without vessel transaction, between 2 and 4 cm is a The testis was mobilized by division of
gray area, and beyond 4 cm vessel transaction gubernaculums and making an incision on the
needs to be seriously considered before any posterior peritoneum lateral to testicular vessels.
peritoneal dissection (4). The testicular vessels and the vasdeferens were
Keeping in mind that staged orchidopexy carries mobilized for a length of 6-8 cm using blunt
risk rate with regard to testicular atrophy (9). dissection.
However, if a single-stage Fowler-Stephens An adequately mobilized testis is the one that reach
orchidopexy is the intended or possible procedure, the opposite internal ring without tension, and there
the peritoneum between the spermatic vessels and are no limiting spermatic vessels.
the vas diference needs to be carefully preserved to Twelve patients (All patients with group B and
prevent disruption of the collateral vasculature (10). four patients with group A) had one stage fowler
Vessel transaction may not be as necessary in Stephen procedure because, the presence of
children younger than 1 year because the critical limiting spermatic vessels after complete
distance of the testis to the scrotum is not dissection, The testes managed by laparoscopic
significantly more than that for an intracanalicular mobilization followed by laparoscopic vessel
testis (8). clipping , transaction and orchidopexy in one
During the period between June 2007 and February Two patients( with group C) had been managed by
2009, We have performed laparoscopy on 20 boys two stages Fowler Stephen procedure .The first
with 23 impalpable testes (3 cases were bilateral), stage include clipping and transaction the
at urosurgical department, surgical specialties spermatic vessels and meticulous mobilization of
hospital in medical city. the testis near the internal inguinal ring, the second
Their age ranged between 3years and 7 years. stage performed 6 months later to enhance
All operations were performed under general formation of collateral vessels and testes mobilized
anesthesia. to the scrotum by open technique.
All patients (scrotal and inguinal regions) were Seven testes were brought down through a new
examined under general anesthesia. opening created in the anterior rectus sheath medial
Laparoscopy was performed through a 10mm infra to inferior epigasteric vessels (Closed internal
umbilical port for 0 degree telescope and two iliac inguinal ring); the other fifteen testes were brought
fossa ports of 5 mm size for the operative down through the patent inguinal canal. All testes
instruments. were placed in subdartos pouchs.
The patient was positioned head down with a right Transfer of the testis into the scrotum has been
or left tilt depending on the side being operated done by making small scrotal incision and passing
upon. a curved hemostat from the subdartos pouch over
A Folly's catheter was introduced into the urinary the symphysis pubis into the peritoneal cavity
bladder at the initiation of the procedure and was where the laparoscope can guide its path medial to
removed at night of surgery. the obliterated umbilical artery ,The testis then
Pneumoperitonum was created using a Veress grasped and placed into subdartos pouch, an
needle, and Laproscopy was performed at 8-10 mm external nylon fixation button is useful in
pressure. maintaining testicular position securely in the
Diagnostic Laparoscopy was done first, and scrotum when tension is present.
assessment of the testes location, size, and One testis located in higher location (group C) was
proximity to the internal inguinal ring. atrophied and was removed laparoscopically
We classified the laparoscopic findings according ( laparoscopic orchidectomy):
to the testis location into three groups:
By clipping of the spermatic vessels and vas The operating time for laparoscopic procedures
difference and testis extraction through 10 mm iliac ranged between 45 minutes to 104 minutes.
fossa port (which replace the already inserted 5 All patients required analgesia in the post operative
mm iliac fossa port). period.
Most patients were fit to go home the next day.
3 years 3
4 years 10
ِAGE 5 years 7
6 years 2
7 years 1
Total No. 23
Total No. 23
The laparoscopic findings during diagnostic laparoscopy was mentioned on (Table 2).
ِ int. ing .ring 12 52.1
Ten boys had left empty scrotum and 7 had right Two patients with high intra abdominal testes
empty scrotum, while the other 3 had bilateral (group C) were managed by two stages Fowler
empty scrotal sacs. Stephen procedure.
Eight patients(group A) had primary laparoscopic One testis located in higher location (group C) was
orchiopaxy without division of spermatic vessels . found to be atrophied and was removed
Twelve patients (group B and four patients of laparoscopically ( laparoscopic orchidectomy).
group A) had one stage Fowler Stephen procedure. (Table 3).
Orchidectomy 1
Total 23
Of the 22 testes brought down to the scrotum 16 site, 6 (27.2%) are at high scrotal position. (Table
testes (72.7%) brought down to the normal scrotal 4).
Type of the procedure No. of the testicles No. of the testicles brought down to
operated the scrotum %
Primary orchidopexy 8 7 87.5%
Total 22 16 72.7%
The complications encountered with the Stephens procedure had decrease vascularity and
laparoscopic orchiopaxy were listed on (table 4). testis size (testicular atrophy).
On Doppler study was performed one month post Difficult dissection was observed in one patient
operatively, two patients with one stage Fowler- with two stages Fowler-Stephens procedure
(operative time about two hours) because of
Laparoscopic orchidopexy is now standard in the groups depend on the distance of the abdominal
urologists' armamentarium of management for an testis from the internal inguinal ring, and we
intra-abdominal testis. performed eight (66.6%)primary laparoscopic
A laparoscopic approach in the management of an orchidopaxy on group A .Other testes had not been
intra-abdominal undescended testis has advantages brought to the scrotum with out clipping and
over open orchidopexy performed through either transaction of the spermatic vessels, for whom, we
an extended inguinal incision or a high inguinal performed one stage Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy
incision (11). Laparoscopy accurately assesses the for the testes located up to 4 cm from the internal
presence, absence, viability, and entire anatomy of inguinal ring to avoid the morbidity of the second
an intra-abdominal testis. Success in testicular procedure. Testis located more than 4 cm from the
mobilization may require complete and proximal internal inguinal ring had not been brought to the
dissection of the spermatic vessels and redirecting scrotum with out staged procedure.
the line of “descent” to the shortest distance to the Success rates of laparoscopic orchidopexy were
scrotum. comparable to the published results for
Laparoscopic orchidopexy allows accessibility to laparoscopic orchidopexy and are based on
the entire course of the spermatic vessels to their postoperative testicular position and viability (13).
origin, usually the limiting factor in tension-free In present study we successfully replaced 16
mobilization of an intra-abdominal testis. testicles (72.7%) to their normal lower scrotal
Dissection close to the origin of the spermatic positions while other six testicles (27.2%) were
vessels is possible because the surgeon's range of placed in higher scrotal position. Success rates
motion with laparoscopic instrumentation extends were dependent on the nature of surgical method
across the entire abdominal cavity. Magnification (87.5%) for “primary” laparoscopic orchidopexy,
of these delicate vessels aids in dissection and (66.6 % ) for one-stage Fowler-Stephens
preservation of the main and collateral blood orchidopexy, (50%) for two-stage Fowler-Stephens
supply. Primary laparoscopic orchidopexy orchidopexy), with an overall atrophy rate of
(without division of the spermatic vessels) is the 8.4%. Although testicular atrophy is a well-
procedure of choice for intra abdominal testis recognized complication of orchidopexy, especially
located adjacent or within 2 cm from the internal for an intra-abdominal testis, it has been more apt
inguinal ring because the preservation of the to occur in patients who have undergone previous
spermatic vessels. (12). surgery, presumably because of dissection around
We classify the laparoscopic findings into three the vas deferens. Atrophy rates were found to be