Cns Security Laws and Policies1

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Security trends - Legal, Ethical and Professional Aspects of Security, Need for Security at
Multiple Levels, Security Policies - Model of Network Security - Security Attacks, Services and
Mechanisms - OSI security architecture - classical encryption techniques: substitution
techniques, transposition techniques, steganography - Foundations of modern cryptography:
perfect security - information theory - product cryptosystem - cryptanaysis


The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the

applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information
system resources (includes hardware, software, firmware, information/ data, and
This definition introduces three key objectives that are at the heart of computer security:
• Confidentiality: This term covers two related concepts:
 Data confidentiality: Assures that private or confidential information is not made
available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals.
 Privacy: Assures that individuals control or influence what information related to them
may be collected and stored and by whom and to whom that information may be
• Integrity: This term covers two related concepts:
 Data integrity: Assures that information and programs are changed only in a specified
and authorized manner.
 System integrity: Assures that a system performs its intended function in an
unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the
• Availability: Assures that systems work promptly and service is not denied to
authorized users
These three concepts form what is often referred to as the CIA triad (Figure 1.1). The three
concepts embody the fundamental security objectives for both data and for information and
computing services

Figure 1.1 CIA triad

Although the use of the CIA triad to define security objectives is well established, some in the
security field feel that additional concepts are needed to present a complete picture. Two of the
most commonly mentioned are as follows:
• Authenticity: The property of being genuine and being able to be verified and trusted;
confidence in the validity of a transmission, a message, or message originator. This means
verifying that users are who they say they are and that each input arriving at the system came
from a trusted source.
• Accountability: The security goal that generates the requirement for actions of an entity to be
traced uniquely to that entity. This supports non repudiation, deterrence, fault isolation, intrusion
detection and prevention, and after-action recovery and legal action.
• Computer Security - Generic name for the collection of tools designed to protect data and to
thwart hackers.
• Network Security - Measures to protect data during their transmission.
• Internet Security - Measures to protect data during their transmission over a collection of
interconnected networks Our Focus is on Internet Security which consists of measures to deter,
prevent, detect and correct security violations that involve the transmission and storage of

Figure 1.2 Security Trends


Computer and network security is both fascinating and complex. Some of the reasons follow:

1. Security is not as simple as it might first appear to the novice. The requirements seem to be
straightforward; indeed, most of the major requirements for security services can be given self-
explanatory, one-word labels: confidentiality, authentication, non repudiation, or integrity

2. In developing a particular security mechanism or algorithm, one must always consider

potential attacks on those security features.

3. Typically, a security mechanism is complex, and it is not obvious from the statement of a
particular requirement that such elaborate measures are needed.

4. Having designed various security mechanisms, it is necessary to decide where to use them.
This is true both in terms of physical placement and in a logical sense
5. Security mechanisms typically involve more than a particular algorithm or protocol
6. Computer and network security is essentially a battle of wits between a perpetrator who tries
to find holes and the designer or administrator who tries to close them. The great advantage
that the attacker has is that he or she need only find a single weakness, while the designer must
find and eliminate all weaknesses to achieve perfect security.

7. There is a natural tendency on the part of users and system managers to perceive little
benefit from security investment until a security failure occurs.

8. Security requires regular, even constant, monitoring, and this is difficult in today‟s short-term,
overloaded environment.

9. Security is still too often an afterthought to be incorporated into a system after the design is
complete rather than being an integral part of the design process.

10. Many users and even security administrators view strong security as an impediment to
efficient and user-friendly operation of an information system or use of information.


Today millions of people perform online transactions every day. There many ways to attack
computer and networks to take advantage of what has made shopping, banking, transformation
of messages, investments and leisure pursuits a simple matter of dragging and clicking for
many people. Thus, the laws and ethics are important aspects in data and network security.
The legal system has adapted quite well to computer technology by reusing some old forms of
legal protection (copyrights and patents) and creating laws where no adequate one existed
(malicious access). Still the courts are not a perfect form of protection for computer, for two
reasons, first court tends to be reactive instead of proactive. That is, we have to wait for
regression to occur and then adjudicative it, rather than try to prevent it in first place. Second
fixing a problem through the courts can be time consuming and more expensive.
The latter characteristic prevents all but the wealthy from addressing most wealthy. On
other hand, 1ethics has not had to change , because ethic is more situational and personal than
the law, for example the privacy of personal information becoming important part of computer
network security and although technically this issue is just an aspect of confidentiality,
practically it has a long history in both law and ethics.
Law and security are related in several ways. First international, national, state, city laws
affect privacy, secrecy. These statutes often apply to the rights of individuals to keep personal
matters private. Second law regulates the use of development, and ownership of data and
programs. Patents, copy rights, and trade secrets are legal devices to protect the right of
developers and owners of the information and data.
1.2.1 Cryptography and Law
Cyber-Crime: - Criminal activities or attacks in which computer and computer networks are tool,
target, or place of criminal activity. Cybercrime categorize based on computer roles such as
target, storage device and communication tool.
Computers as targets: To get the information from the computer system or control the
computer system without the authorization or payment or alter the interfaces or data in the
particular system with use of server.
Computers as storage devices: Computers can be used to further unlawful activity by using a
computer or a computer device as a passive storage medium. For example, the computer can
be used to store stolen password lists, credit card details and proprietary corporate information.
Computers as communications tools: Many of the crimes falling within this category are
simply traditional crimes that are committed online. Examples include the illegal sale of
prescription drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and guns; fraud; gambling; and child
pornography. Other than these crimes there are more specific crimes in computer networks.
There are:
Illegal access: The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right.
Illegal interception: The interception without right, made by technical means, of non-public
transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system, including electromagnetic
emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data.
Data interference: The damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer
data without right.
System interference: The serious hindering without right of the functioning of a computer
system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing
computer data.
Computer-related forgery: The input, alteration, deletion, or suppression of computer data,
resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes
as if it were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly readable and intelligible.
Crime related to child pornography: Producing child pornography or distribution through a
computer system and making available or distributing or transmitting child pornography through
a computer system.
The relative lack of success in bringing cyber-criminals to justice has led to an increase in their
numbers, boldness, and the global scale of their operations. It is difficult to profile cybercriminals
in the way that is often done with other types of repeat offenders. The success of cybercriminals
and the relative lack of success of law enforcement, influence the behaviour of cybercrime
victims. As with law enforcement, many organizations that may be the target of attack have not
invested sufficiently in technical, physical, and human-factor resources to prevent attacks.
The law is used regulate people for their own good and for the greater good of society.
Cryptography also regulated activity.
Some Example laws which are forced on cryptography.
Control use of cryptography: Closely related to restrictions on content are restrictions on the
use of cryptography imposed on users in certain countries. For examples, 2 In China, state
council order 273 requires foreign organizations or individuals to apply permission to use
encryption in China. Pakistan requires that all encryption hardware and software be inspected
and approved by the Pakistan telecommunication authority.
Cryptography and Free speech: The Cryptography involve not just products, it involves ideas
too, although governments effectively control the flow of products across borders, controlling the
floe ideas either head or on the internet, is also impossible.
Cryptography and Escrow: Although laws enable governments to read encrypted
communications. In 1996, US government offered to relax the export restriction for so called
escrowed encryption, in which the government would able to obtain the encryption key for any
The victory in use of law enforcement depends much more on technical skills of the people.
Management needs to understand the criminal investigation process, the inputs that
investigators need, and the ways in which the victim can contribute positively to the
1.2.2 Intellectual Properties.
There are three main types of intellectual property for which legal protection is available.
Copy rights: Copyright law protects the tangible or fixed expression of an idea, not the idea
itself. Copy right properties exists when proposed work is original and creator has put original
idea in concrete form and the copyright owner has these exclusive rights, protected against
infringement such as reproduction right, modification right, distribution right
Patents: A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor. There are 3
types in patents:-
• Utility (any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of
• Design (new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture)
• Plant (discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant).
Trade-Marks: A trademark is a word, name, symbol or expression which used to identify the
products or services in trade uniquely from others. Trade mark rights used to prevent others
from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or
from selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark.
• Intellectual Property Relevant to Network and Computer Security
A number of forms of intellectual property are relevant in the context of network and
computer security.
• Software programs: software programs are protected by using copyright, perhaps
• Digital content: audio / video / media / web protected by copy right
Algorithms: algorithms may be able to protect by patenting
• Privacy Law and Regulation: An issue with considerable overlap with computer security
is that of privacy. Concerns about the extent to which personal privacy has been and
may be compromised have led to a variety of legal and technical approaches to
reinforcing privacy rights. A number of international organizations and national
governments have introduced laws and regulations intended to protect individual
• European Union Data Protection Directive was adopted in 1998 to ensure member
states protect fundamental privacy rights when processing personal info and prevent
member states from restricting the free flow of personal info within EU organized around
principles of notice, consent, consistency, access, security, onward transfer and
enforcement. US Privacy Law have Privacy Act of 1974 which permits individuals to
determine records kept, forbid records being used for other purposes, obtain access to
records, ensures agencies properly collect, maintain, and use personal info and creates
a private right of action for individuals.
Cryptography and Ethics.
• There are many potential misuses and abuses of information and electronic
communication that create privacy and security problems. Ethics refers to a system of
moral principles that relates to the benefits and harms of particular actions. An ethic an
objectively defined standard of right and wrong. Ethical standards are often idealistic
principles because they focus on one objective. Even though religious group and
professional organization promote certain standards of ethical behaviour, ultimately each
person is responsible for deciding what do in a specific situation.
1.2.3 Ethical issues related to computer and info systems
Computers have become the primary repository of both personal information and negotiable
assets, such as bank records, securities records, and other financial information.
Repositories and processors of information: Unauthorized use of otherwise unused
computer services or of information stored in computers raises questions of appropriateness or
Producers of new forms and types of assets: For example, computer programs are entirely
new types of assets, possibly not subject to the same concepts of ownership as other assets.
Symbols of intimidation and deception: The images of computers as thinking machines,
absolute truth producers, infallible, subject to blame, and as anthropomorphic replacements of
humans who err should be carefully considered.
Multilevel security or multiple levels of security (MLS) is the application of a computer system to
process information with incompatible classifications (i.e., at different security levels), permit
access by users with different security clearances and needs-to-know, and prevent users from
obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization.
There are two contexts for the use of multilevel security.
One is to refer to a system that is adequate to protect itself from subversion and has robust
mechanisms to separate information domains, that is, trustworthy.
Another context is to refer to an application of a computer that will require the computer to be
strong enough to protect itself from subversion and possess adequate mechanisms to separate
information domains, that is, a system we must trust. This distinction is important because
systems that need to be trusted are not necessarily trustworthy.
A threat is an object, person, or other entity that represents a constant danger to an asset.
1.3.1 Security Policies
The Cryptography Policy sets out when and how encryption should be used. It includes
protection of sensitive information and communications, key management, and procedures to
ensure encrypted information can be recovered by the organisation if necessary.
Role of the Security Policy in Setting up Protocols
Following are some pointers which help in setting u protocols for the security policy of an
 Who should have access to the system?
 How it should be configured?
 How to communicate with third parties or systems?
Policies are divided in two categories:
 User policies
 IT policies.
User policies generally define the limit of the users towards the computer resources in a
workplace. For example, what are they allowed to install in their computer, if they can use
removable storages?
Whereas, IT policies are designed for IT department, to secure the procedures and functions of
IT fields.
 General Policies − This is the policy which defines the rights of the staff and access level
to the systems. Generally, it is included even in the communication protocol as a
preventive measure in case there are any disasters.
 Server Policies − This defines who should have access to the specific server and with
what rights. Which software’s should be installed, level of access to internet, how they
should be updated?
 Firewall Access and Configuration Policies − It defines who should have access to the
firewall and what type of access, like monitoring, rules change. Which ports and services
should be allowed and if it should be inbound or outbound?
 Backup Policies − It defines who is the responsible person for backup, what should be
the backup, where it should be backed up, how long it should be kept and the frequency of
the backup.
 VPN Policies − These policies generally go with the firewall policy; it defines those users
who should have a VPN access and with what rights. For site-to-site connections with
partners, it defines the access level of the partner to your network, type of encryption to be
1.3.2 Structure of a Security Policy
When you compile a security policy you should have in mind a basic structure in order to make
something practical. Some of the main points which have to be taken into consideration are:
 Description of the Policy and what is the usage for?
 Where this policy should be applied?
 Functions and responsibilities of the employees that are affected by this policy.
 Procedures that are involved in this policy.
 Consequences if the policy is not compatible with company standards.
Types of Policies
 Permissive Policy − It is a medium restriction policy where we as an administrator block
just some well-known ports of malware regarding internet access and just some exploits
are taken in consideration.
 Prudent Policy − This is a high restriction policy where everything is blocked regarding the
internet access, just a small list of websites is allowed, and now extra services are allowed
in computers to be installed and logs are maintained for every user.
 Acceptance User Policy − This policy regulates the behavior of the users towards a
system or network or even a webpage, so it is explicitly said what a user can do and
cannot in a system. Like are they allowed to share access codes, can they share
resources, etc.
 User Account Policy − This policy defines what a user should do in order to have or
maintain another user in a specific system. For example, accessing an e-commerce
webpage. To create this policy, you should answer some questions such as −
o Should the password be complex or not?
o What age should the users have?
o Maximum allowed tries or fails to log in?
o When the user should be deleted, activated, blocked?
 Information Protection Policy − This policy is to regulate access to information, hot to
process information, how to store and how it should be transferred.
 Remote Access Policy − This policy is mainly for big companies where the user and their
branches are outside their headquarters. It tells what should the users access, when they
can work and on which software like SSH, VPN, RDP.
 Firewall Management Policy − This policy has explicitly to do with its management, which
ports should be blocked, what updates should be taken, how to make changes in the
firewall, how long should be the logs be kept.
 Special Access Policy − This policy is intended to keep people under control and monitor
the special privileges in their systems and the purpose as to why they have it. These
employees can be team leaders, managers, senior managers, system administrators, and
such high designation based people.
 Network Policy − This policy is to restrict the access of anyone towards the network
resource and make clear who all will access the network. It will also ensure whether that
person should be authenticated or not. This policy also includes other aspects like, who will
authorize the new devices that will be connected with network? The documentation of
network changes. Web filters and the levels of access. Who should have wireless
connection and the type of authentication, validity of connection session?
 Email Usage Policy − This is one of the most important policies that should be done
because many users use the work email for personal purposes as well. As a result
information can leak outside. Some of the key points of this policy are the employees
should know the importance of this system that they have the privilege to use. They should
not open any attachments that look suspicious. Private and confidential data should not be
sent via any encrypted email.
 Software Security Policy − This policy has to do with the software’s installed in the user
computer and what they should have. Some of the key points of this policy are Software of
the company should not be given to third parties. Only the white list of software’s should be
allowed, no other software’s should be installed in the computer. Warez and pirated
software’s should not be allowed.

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