Jung 2001
Jung 2001
Jung 2001
a a b
Jae-Chul Jung , Young-Jo Jung & Oee-Sook Park
Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Chungbuk National University,
Cheongju, Chungbuk, 361-763, Korea
Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Chungbuk National University,
Cheongju, Chungbuk, 361-763, Korea
To cite this article: Jae-Chul Jung, Young-Jo Jung & Oee-Sook Park (2001): PREPARATION OF 2-CHLOROPYRIDINE, Synthetic
Communications: An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 31:16, 2507-2511
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SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS, 31(16), 2507–2511 (2001)
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*Corresponding author.
and the sulfonyl chlorides were acceptable but the waste disposal
problems associated with the organic chlorinating agents and their
higher cost over inorganics precluded their use in the preparation of large
quantities of 2-chloropyridine. The reaction between POCl3 and pyridine-
N-oxide produces a mixture of 2-chloropyridine and 4-chloropyridine
approximately in the ratio of 7:3 in around 70% yield.9 Recovery
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per million (ppm) downfield from tetramethylsilane, and J-values were in Hz.
IR spectra were obtained on a Jasco FT/IR-300E spectrometer. GC analyses
were recorded with a Shimadzu-14-D GC system. When necessary, chemi-
cals were purified according to the reported procedure.11
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A solution of the chlorinating agent (72 mmol) in solvent (32 mL) was
added dropwise at 10 C to a stirred solution of pyridine-N-oxide (5.7 g,
60 mmol) and base (72 mmol) in solvents (48–66 mL). The reaction mixture
was heated for the length of time listed in Table. The mixture was concen-
trated in vacuo and treated with dichloromethane. The product was analyzed
with GC to determine the conversion and selectivity of the reaction.
This work has been supported by the Basic Science Research Institute
Program (BSRI-99-3433), Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea.
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