Synovial Sarcoma
Synovial Sarcoma
Synovial Sarcoma
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1544 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
Synovial sarcoma was first reported in 1893 and
represents a relatively common type of primary neity (creating the “triple sign”) with hemor-
soft-tissue malignancy (1–5). Synovial sarcoma rhage, fluid levels, and septa (creating the “bowl
accounts for 2.5%–10.5% of all primary malig- of grapes” sign). In this article, the clinical fea-
nant soft-tissue neoplasms (6 –13). Previous ter- tures, pathologic characteristics, spectrum of ra-
minology for this lesion includes tendosynovial diologic appearances, and treatment and progno-
sarcoma, synovial cell sarcoma, synovioma, syno- sis of synovial sarcoma are discussed and illus-
vial endothelioma, malignant synovioma, and trated.
synovioblastic sarcoma (2,4). Despite this no-
menclature, these lesions do not arise in an intra- Clinical Characteristics
articular location but usually occur near joints. Synovial sarcoma is the fourth most common
Synovial sarcomas typically affect adolescents and soft-tissue sarcoma in the material from the
young adults. The extremities, particularly the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), fol-
knee in the popliteal fossa, are most frequently lowing malignant fibrous histiocytoma (currently
affected. Synovial sarcoma is an intermediate- to known as undifferentiated high-grade pleomor-
high-grade neoplasm with extensive metastatic phic sarcoma), liposarcoma, and rhabdomyosar-
potential. coma (1–10). In the United States, the prevalence
Because of the aggressive potential behavior of of synovial sarcoma ranges from 2.5% to 10% of
synovial sarcoma, pathologic and radiologic as- all soft-tissue sarcomas as reported by several in-
sessment is important for staging and evaluating stitutions (6 –10). Similar rates have been re-
lesion extent to direct appropriate therapy. Imag- ported in population-based studies from Japan
ing findings, although not pathognomonic, fre- (8.3%) (11), Sweden (7%) (12), and France
quently suggest the diagnosis. Radiographic find- (10.5%) (13).
ings of a soft-tissue mass near but not in a joint in Synovial sarcoma occurs most frequently in
a young patient (15– 40 years old), particularly if adolescents and young adults, with the majority
calcification is present, are very suggestive of sy- of patients presenting at 15– 40 years of age (2,9).
novial sarcoma. Cross-sectional imaging appear- In the study by Cadman et al (8), 84% of patients
ances often seen with synovial sarcoma include with synovial sarcoma were 10 –50 years old. The
multilobulated morphology and marked heteroge- median age at presentation in several recent large
series ranged from 30 to 38 years (13–18). How-
ever, as with most neoplastic processes, there is a
broad age range and cases have been reported in
newborns and the elderly (6,19). In the pediatric
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1545
Figure 2. Synovial sarcoma near the elbow in a 15-year-old boy who had a small mass there for 9 years
that recently rapidly increased in size. (a) Anteroposterior radiograph of the forearm shows a soft-tissue
mass (arrowhead) below the elbow with a small focus of amorphous calcification superiorly (large arrow)
and extrinsic erosion of the adjacent radius (small arrow). (b, c) Coronal T1-weighted (630/20) (b) and
axial T2-weighted (2339/90) (c) MR images reveal the soft-tissue mass (*) with intermediate signal in-
tensity on the short TR image and intermediate to high signal intensity on the long TR image. Low-sig-
nal-intensity focus (arrowheads in b) represents the calcification, which is better seen on the radiograph.
Extrinsic erosion of the radius is seen on the axial MR image (arrow in c). (d) Photograph of the coro-
nally sectioned gross specimen shows the synovial sarcoma with hemorrhage (H) and focus of calcifica-
tion (between arrowheads).
population, synovial sarcoma is the most com- ness at the site of the mass are frequent, and some
mon nonrhabdomyosarcomatous soft-tissue sar- patients present with pain but no palpable mass
coma (20). A mild male predominance (1.2:1 (8). This symptom is unusual compared with
ratio) has been described by some authors (15). other soft-tissue sarcomas that typically manifest
In contradistinction, other reports have indicated as painless masses. Symptoms of sensory and mo-
a slight female predominance (13,17). In the larg- tor dysfunction distal to the lesion, caused by pri-
est single group reported, a series of 672 cases mary or secondary involvement of adjacent
seen in consultation over a 10-year period at the nerves, have been reported (8). Weight loss and
AFIP, there was no significant difference in gen- constitutional symptoms are unusual, but when
der distribution (9). No race or ethnic predilec- present usually indicate a poorly differentiated
tion has been reported. tumor (2). Although synovial sarcoma has occa-
Patients with synovial sarcoma usually present sionally been cited in association with trauma in
with a palpable soft-tissue mass or swelling (6,8). the literature (2), most cases with this history are
These lesions are often slow growing initially. likely coincidental. Local trauma may cause hem-
Duration of symptoms before diagnosis varies orrhage in a soft-tissue mass or may bring the
widely, from weeks to decades (8); however, the mass to the attention of the patient or examining
average duration of symptoms is 2– 4 years (2). physician.
There are reported cases with as long as a 20-year The majority of synovial sarcomas (80%–95%)
history of symptoms. The long duration of symp- occur in the extremities (Fig 1). The lower ex-
toms and initial slow growth of synovial sarcomas tremity is most often affected, accounting for
Teaching may simulate those of or give a false impression of 60%–71% of cases, whereas 16%–25% occur in
Point a benign process. This unusual manifestation is the upper limb (8,9,15,16,18) (Fig 2). The single
important to recognize, because diagnosis may be
significantly delayed otherwise. Pain and tender-
1546 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
Figure 4. Synovial sarcoma arising in the knee joint of a 10-year-old girl who developed progressive pain, swelling,
and flexion contracture over 2 years after mild trauma. (a) Sagittal short inversion time inversion recovery (STIR)
(5000/26/160) MR image shows a large high-signal-intensity soft-tissue mass that appears to originate in the Hoffa fat
pad (*) with invasion throughout the joint and the distal femoral (F) and proximal tibial (T) epiphyses. (b) Photo-
graph of the sagittally sectioned gross specimen reveals the intraarticular mass (straight arrows) with hemorrhage (H)
and invasion of the distal femoral (arrowhead) and proximal tibial (curved arrow) epiphyses.
Figure 6. Photomicrographs of various histologic types of synovial sarcoma. (a) Biphasic synovial sarcoma (origi-
nal magnification, ⫻250; H-E stain) has a blue spindle cell mesenchymal component (arrow) and pinker glandular
elements (arrowheads). (b) Monophasic synovial sarcoma (original magnification, ⫻200; inset magnification, ⫻400;
H-E stain) typically appears with fascicles and sheets of uniform oval cells but without a glandular component. Inset
shows scattered mast cells (arrowheads). (c) Monophasic synovial sarcoma with positive keratin stain (original mag-
nification, ⫻300; Kermix stain) shows the brown staining (arrowheads) in individual tumor cells. (d) Poorly differen-
tiated synovial sarcoma (original magnification, ⫻250; H-E stain) has an epithelioid growth pattern and relatively
uniform round cells, a characteristic that makes differentiation from other small round blue cell tumors (eg, Ewing
sarcoma) difficult without immunohistochemical staining.
that has been referred to as the purely glandular obvious in the monophasic subtype (Fig 6b) and
type monophasic synovial sarcoma. can aid in diagnosis of this tumor (although mast
Monophasic synovial sarcoma represents cells are also observed in nerve sheath tumors,
50%– 60% (the most common subtype) of all le- lipomatous tumors, and other neoplasms). The
sions, and in this subtype the mesenchymal monophasic subtype also generally demonstrates
spindle cell component predominates (Fig 6b). a hemangiopericytoid vascular pattern, often stro-
These relatively bland spindled cells have ovoid mal collagen, and occasionally microcalcifications
pale-staining nuclei with indistinct nucleoli, a fas- and metaplastic bone (calcifying synovial sar-
cicular interlacing growth pattern, and mild to coma) (30).
moderate mitotic activity. The stroma is often Poorly differentiated synovial sarcomas are
pinkish, a characteristic that distinguishes this generally epithelioid in morphology and have high
lighter stroma tumor from a darker bluish appear- mitotic activity (usually ⬎15–20/10 high-power
ance (at low power) of malignant peripheral nerve field) with geographic necrosis (18,31–33) (Fig
sheath tumors. Scattered mast cells (29) are more 6d). This subtype represents up to 15%–25% of
all synovial sarcomas. A very distinctive low-
power microscopic pattern for poorly differenti-
ated synovial sarcoma is perivascular tissue spar-
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1549
RadioGraphics ing, in which rings of tumor form around vessels, identified to date in any other tumors, to the best
with large areas of adjacent geographic necrosis. of our knowledge. Molecular testing is usually
Poorly differentiated synovial sarcomas can be performed when there is very little tissue, when
confused with round cell tumors, such as Ewing the immunohistochemical stains are not diagnos-
sarcoma, although differentiation can be accom- tic for synovial sarcoma, or when the tumor is
plished with immunohistochemical staining and poorly differentiated and mimics Ewing sarcoma.
molecular methods. Several variations of the t(X;18) translocation
Grading of synovial sarcoma is achieved by leading to two different gene fusions have been
applying the highly reproducible, widely accepted described and associated with the vast majority of
grading scheme for all sarcomas, the FNCLCC synovial sarcomas. These are the SYT-SSX1 and
(French Federation Nationale des Centres de SYT-SSX2 types that account for 67% and 33%
Lutte Contre le Cancer) scheme, which uses a of gene fusions, respectively (2–5,42,43). Al-
combined score from three separate parameters, though much controversy exists in the literature,
including degree of differentiation, mitotic activ- there is no definite prognostic difference between
ity, and necrosis (34,35). Both biphasic and these two gene fusion types (41). However, bi-
monophasic synovial sarcomas are usually inter- phasic tumors are generally SSX1, and monopha-
mediate grade (grade 2/3); however, both types sic tumors are either SSX1 or SSX2 (42).
can be high grade (grade 3/3). Poorly differenti- The pathologic differential diagnosis for syno-
ated synovial sarcomas are high-grade tumors. vial sarcoma includes the following: carcinosar-
The presence of keratin (epithelial marker) coma; other biphasic tumors of the gynecologic
positivity (approximately 90% of cases), mea- tract; teratoma; mixed tumor; malignant me-
sured with immunohistochemical staining in cor- sothelioma; fibrosarcoma; solitary fibrous tumor
relation with the histologic appearance, is diag- or hemangiopericytoma; cellular schwannoma;
nostic for synovial sarcoma (37,38) (Fig 6c). Both leiomyosarcoma; malignant peripheral nerve
the glandular component (diffusely) and the sheath tumor (36); Ewing sarcoma or primitive
spindle cell component (focally) demonstrate neuroectodermal tumor; and other small round
single cells (monophasic and poorly differentiated cell tumors, depending on whether biphasic,
subtypes) or clusters of cells (biphasic subtype) monophasic, or poorly differentiated. These le-
that are positive for epithelial markers, most nota- sions can all be distinguished by the specific mor-
bly pankeratins, EMA, and CK7. CK7 is gener- phologic features of synovial sarcoma (such as
ally absent from malignant peripheral nerve stromal collagen, scattered mast cells, and bland
sheath tumor (as well as pankeratins in this tu- cytology of ovoid tumor cells in fascicles; soft tis-
mor) and Ewing sarcoma, and this finding can aid sue or specific organ location; patient age; and
in diagnosis of synovial sarcoma (39). CD99, immunohistochemical findings of EMA, keratins,
which is found as a cytoplasmic membrane and CK7) and particularly by molecular methods
marker in Ewing and primitive neuroectodermal in difficult cases or those with scant material.
tumors, can also be positive in synovial sarcoma
(62% of cases). CD34, which is diffusely positive Imaging Features
in hemangiopericytoma and solitary fibrous tu- Radiographs appear normal in approximately
mor, is negative in synovial sarcoma. Epithelial- 50% of cases of synovial sarcoma, particularly
type and neural-type cadherins can be found in those with small lesions (1,43). Larger legions
biphasic synovial sarcoma and to a lesser degree that are deeply seated or that occur in areas of
in monophasic and poorly differentiated synovial complex anatomy such as the pelvis may also be
sarcoma, but they may be useful, in combination occult at radiography. Synovial sarcomas detected
with other markers, to separate biphasic synovial at radiography typically appear as nonspecific,
sarcoma from mesotheliomas or other tumors round to oval juxtaarticular soft-tissue masses.
(40). Calcification is identified in up to 30% of synovial Teaching
Cytogenetic studies can be performed on for- sarcomas at radiography (1,43) (Figs 2, 7). These Point
malin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues. The hall- calcifications are often eccentric or peripheral
marks for synovial sarcoma are the t(X;18) trans- within the soft-tissue mass and nonspecific in ap-
location and SYT-SSX gene fusion products, pearance. In rare cases, extensive chondroid or
which can be identified by using FISH (fluores- osteoid mineralization has been described in sy-
cence in situ hybridization) or RT-PCR (reverse novial sarcoma (44) (Figs 8, 9). Extensively calci-
transcription polymerase chain reaction) studies, fied lesions may also be associated with an im-
respectively. This genetic aberration has been proved prognosis (30,45).
identified in greater than 90% of synovial sarco-
mas and is highly specific, since it has not been
1550 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
RadioGraphics Figure 7. Largely cystic synovial sarcoma in the popliteal region in a 12-year-old boy with a painless soft-tissue
mass first noted 4 years ago. (a) Lateral radiograph shows soft-tissue fullness in the popliteal fossa (*) with a small,
nonspecific calcification superiorly (arrow). (b– d) Axial T1-weighted (b, 700/16), sagittal T1-weighted fat sup-
pressed postcontrast (c, 800/20), and coronal STIR (d, 2550/30/150) MR images reveal a largely cystic, popliteal
soft-tissue mass (C) with a focal nodular area of solid tissue anteriorly (arrowheads). The lesion is intermuscular as
demonstrated by the surrounding fat (split fat sign) (arrows). The cystic component (C) demonstrates thin peripheral
enhancement and is low signal intensity with T1 weighting (b) and very high signal intensity with the STIR se-
quence (d), an appearance simulating that of a ganglion or popliteal cyst. However, the solid component (S) reveals
diffuse enhancement and is higher signal intensity with T1 weighting (b) and lower signal intensity with the STIR
sequence (d). (e) Transverse sonogram of the solid component shows a heterogeneous intermediate echogenicity,
ovoid soft-tissue mass. Note the foci of increased echogenicity (arrows), which correspond to calcifications on the
radiographs. (f) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen reveals the solid component (S) and smooth walls of the
collapsed cyst cavity (*), corresponding to the imaging findings.
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1551
RadioGraphics Figure 8. Extensively calcified synovial sarcoma in a 36-year-old woman who presented with a mass
anterior to the elbow that had progressively enlarged over 15 months, resulting in a flexion deformity.
(a) Lateral elbow radiograph shows a large calcified soft-tissue mass (arrows) anterior to the elbow with-
out evidence of an effusion. (b) Axial CT scan also reveals the extensively calcified soft-tissue mass (ar-
rows). (c, d) Coronal oblique T1-weighted (650/36) (c) and sagittal gradient-echo (1000/13/30°) (d)
MR images demonstrate the large heterogeneous soft-tissue mass (arrowheads) with low- to intermedi-
ate-signal-intensity areas (*) corresponding to the calcifications seen on radiographs and CT scans. The
extent of low to intermediate signal intensity is not as prominent as might be expected from the radio-
graphic or CT appearance, likely related to intermixture with viable tumor cells. The mass is anterior to
the anterior recess of the elbow, and lack of joint effusion is consistent with juxtaarticular but not intraar-
ticular origin. (e) Photograph of the coronally sectioned gross specimen shows extensive calcification (*)
1552 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
Figure 9. Synovial sarcoma of the thigh with extensive calcification and metastatic disease to the chest in a
52-year-old woman who presented with an enlarging soft-tissue mass in her thigh. (a) Axial postcontrast CT
scan shows a large heterogeneous soft-tissue mass with both solid (arrows) and necrotic (N) regions and exten-
sive calcification (arrowheads). (b) Coronal T2-weighted (2050/90) MR image reveals marked heterogeneity
with the triple sign, including areas of high (H), intermediate (I), and low (L) signal intensity in the large soft-
tissue mass. (c) Frontal chest radiograph demonstrates multiple pulmonary nodules (arrows) and a mediastinal
mass (M). (d) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen shows the large heterogeneous soft-tissue mass with
hemorrhage (H) and large areas of calcification (C) that histologically (not shown) revealed metaplastic bone.
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1553
Figure 10. Synovial sarcoma of the foot with indolent erosion of bone in a 14-year-old girl with an en-
larging foot mass. (a) Anteroposterior radiograph of the foot shows indolent extrinsic erosion of the sec-
ond and third metatarsals (arrowheads). (b) CT scan reveals a small focus of nonspecific calcification
(arrow) (not seen on the radiograph) in the soft-tissue mass, which extends between the first to third
metatarsals (arrowheads). (c) Short axis T2-weighted (2100/90) MR image shows an intermediate-sig-
nal-intensity soft-tissue mass (*) with extension dorsally (white arrow) between the second and third
metatarsals that causes the extrinsic erosion of bone (black arrow).
Figure 11. Synovial sarcoma in the foot with bone invasion in a 29-year-old woman with a 10-year history of foot
pain and treatment for plantar fasciitis without relief. (a, b) Short axis (a) and sagittal (b) T1-weighted MR images
(750/19) show a multilobulated soft-tissue mass (*) with septa (arrowheads) in the plantar aspect of the midfoot.
There is deep erosion and invasion of the third and fourth metatarsal bases (arrows). (c) Photograph of the sagittally
sectioned gross specimen demonstrates identical features corresponding to the imaging findings: multilobulated soft-
tissue mass (M) with deep erosion and invasion of the fourth metatarsal base (*). (d) Photograph of a sagittally sec-
tioned whole-mounted specimen (H-E stain) from a different patient also reveals a synovial sarcoma in the plantar
soft tissues (S) invading the metatarsal marrow (M).
Figure 12. Synovial sarcoma adjacent to the ankle in a 37-year-old woman with a soft-tissue mass noted after
trauma and development of hematoma. (a) Angiogram shows dense tumor staining and neovascularity (arrowheads)
of the large soft-tissue mass adjacent to the ankle. The posterior tibial artery is displaced (arrows). (b) Axial T2-
weighted (2000/80) MR image reveals marked heterogeneity and multilobulation (bowl of grapes sign) with the triple
sign (areas of high [H], intermediate [I], and low [L] signal intensity), fluid levels (arrowheads) resulting from hemor-
rhage, and cortical erosion (arrows). (c) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen shows the multilobulated hem-
orrhagic morphology (*) corresponding to the MR imaging appearance.
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1555
Figure 13. Synovial sarcoma of the foot in a 15-year-old girl with a 7-year history
of a soft-tissue mass. The patient initially presented at age 8 years with a foot mass
that was presumed to be a fibroma and was monitored; however, the patient devel-
oped increasing pain. (a) Lateral radiograph shows subtle fullness of the soft tissue
in the plantar aspect of the foot (*). (b– d) Sagittal T1-weighted 550/20) images ob-
tained without (b) and with (c) intravenous contrast material and T2-weighted (d,
2000/80) MR image show a heterogeneous plantar soft-tissue mass (large arrows).
Fusiform shape is caused by location between osseous structures, including the cal-
caneus and bones of the midfoot. Prominent serpentine flow voids are seen with all
pulse sequences (large arrowheads). There is diffuse heterogeneous enhancement
following contrast material administration; however, the vascular channels remain
low signal intensity due to high flow. Foci of increased signal intensity on the T1-
weighted image (small arrowheads in b) and low signal intensity in the correspond-
ing T2-weighted image (d) represent hemorrhage. (e) Blood flow images from
bone scintigraphy reveal marked increased radionuclide uptake (arrows) reflecting
the high degree of vascularity. (f) Photograph of the sagittally sectioned gross speci-
men demonstrates the fusiform-shaped synovial sarcoma (*) with several visible
vessels (arrows).
Figure 14. Synovial sarcoma of the thigh with neurovascular encasement in a 29-year-old man who pre-
sented with persistent painless swelling. (a) Transverse sonogram reveals a heterogeneous mixed echogenicity
soft-tissue mass (arrows). (b, c) Blood pool (b) and delayed static (c) images from bone scintigraphy demon-
strate heterogeneous radionuclide uptake with central photopenia. (d, e) Axial T1-weighted (a, 600/30) and
T2-weighted (b, 2000/100) MR images show a soft-tissue mass in the medial aspect of the right thigh (arrows).
The soft-tissue mass encases the neurovascular bundle, including the superficial femoral vessels (arrowhead). A
peripheral area of hemorrhage has high signal intensity (star) with both pulse sequences. (f, g) Photographs of
the sectioned gross specimen following amputation shows the encasement of the neurovascular structures (ar-
rowheads) by the tumor (*).
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1557
RadioGraphics synovial sarcoma has been reported in only lim- CT is also useful for detecting calcification and
ited studies, but it demonstrates marked in- bone involvement in synovial sarcoma, particu-
creased tracer accumulation with high standard larly in complex areas of the anatomy such as the
uptake values (50). pelvis, hip, or shoulder or when the lesions are
The US appearance of synovial sarcoma has small and subtle (57,58) (Fig 10). Calcification
not been extensively reviewed. In the study by has been seen on CT images in 27%– 41% of sy-
Marzano and colleagues (51), 66% of 35 cases novial sarcomas in the largest series by Tateishi et
revealed a focal, nodular, round or lobulated, al (52) and Murphey et al (24). Calcification may
solid but hypoechoic soft-tissue mass suggestive also be identified in metastatic deposits, particu-
of a more indolent, less aggressive process (Fig 7). larly in the lung, on CT scans. Bone involvement,
Prominent heterogeneity with irregular margins either as erosion or marrow invasion, can be seen
was reported in only 14% of the 35 cases (51). A in nearly 25% of lesions in our experience (1,24,
complex sonographic appearance was seen in 43) (Fig 10).
20% of the 35 cases, with both homogeneous hy- With its superior contrast resolution, MR im-
poechoic well-defined areas (representing regions aging is the optimal radiologic modality for as-
of hemorrhage or necrosis) and heterogeneous sessing the extent and intrinsic characteristics of
more echoic areas with irregular margins (corre- synovial sarcomas (similar to its ability to depict
sponding to cellular areas of aggressive viable tu- other soft-tissue tumors) for staging and diagno-
mor) (51) (Fig 14). Doppler US studies would be sis, respectively (25,59 – 64). On T1-weighted
expected to demonstrate vascularity in the areas MR images, synovial sarcoma typically appears as
of viable tumor. a prominently heterogeneous multilobulated soft-
The most common CT appearance of synovial tissue mass with signal intensity similar to or
sarcoma is that of a heterogeneous deep-seated slightly higher than that of muscle (60 – 65).
soft-tissue mass with attenuation similar to or Prominent heterogeneity with predominant high
slightly lower than that of muscle (1,19,51–55) signal intensity is also a feature of these lesions on
(Fig 8). Areas of lower attenuation representing T2-weighted MR images (60 – 65). This signal
necrosis or hemorrhage are also common (Figs 3, heterogeneity has been described as the triple sign
8), although smaller lesions may be more homo- by Jones and co-workers (25), represented by in-
geneous. In a minority of cases, low-attenuation termixed areas of low, intermediate, and high sig-
areas may be the predominant CT feature, an nal intensity on long repetition time images (Figs
appearance that simulates a hematoma or cystic 9, 12, 15). This marked heterogeneity and triple
mass (56). This CT appearance was described by sign on T2-weighted MR images is presumably
Nakanisha et al (56) in seven patients and in 6% the result of the mixture of solid cellular elements
of 35 cases by Marzano and colleagues (51). Sy- (intermediate signal intensity), hemorrhage or
novial sarcoma frequently demonstrates a multi- necrosis (high signal intensity), and calcified or
nodular morphology on CT scans. In a study by fibrotic collagenized regions (low signal inten-
Tateishi and colleagues (52), a well-defined mar- sity). The triple sign has been described as occur-
gin was observed in 53% of 30 lesions, compared ring in 35%–57% of cases in larger series (25,51,
with 47% that had an irregular margin. CT scans 52). Based on our own experience, we agree that
obtained after administration of intravenous con- this feature is frequent in synovial sarcoma. How-
trast material show heterogeneous enhancement ever, the triple sign is also seen in other soft-tissue
in 89%–100% of cases (52) (Fig 9). This feature neoplasms, particularly malignant fibrous his-
is quite helpful for distinguishing those synovial tiocytoma; therefore, this finding alone lacks a
sarcomas that initially appear as a cystic lesion or high degree of specificity. The multilobulated
hematoma on precontrast images, as the hetero-
geneous enhancement pattern excludes these di-
agnoses (56). Nodular areas of enhancement may
also be seen in these lesions (Fig 3).
1558 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
Figure 15. Synovial sarcoma about the knee in a 46-year-old man with
knee pain of several years duration and a progressively enlarging soft-tissue
mass. (a– c) Coronal T1-weighted (600/18) MR images without (a) and
with (b) intravenous contrast material and T2-weighted (c, 3000/108) MR
image show a juxtaarticular heterogeneous soft-tissue mass (arrows) medial
to the knee. The triple sign is present on the T2-weighted MR image (c),
with the hemorrhagic nonenhancing high-signal-intensity regions (H, also
high signal intensity on the T1-weighted image), a low-signal-intensity focus
(arrowhead), and diffusely enhancing intermediate-signal-intensity cellular
solid areas (*). (d) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen also reveals
solid (S) and hemorrhagic cystic (H) regions.
Figure 16. Synovial sarcoma of the popliteal fossa with a large cystic component in a
39-year-old woman who presented with a slow-growing soft-tissue mass. (a– c) Axial T1-
weighted (a, 500/12), sagittal T2-weighted (3575/90) fat-suppressed (b), and sagittal T1-
weighted (637/9) fat-suppressed postcontrast (c) MR images show a large multilobulated
popliteal soft-tissue mass (large arrows). Large nonenhancing hemorrhagic regions (H) with
fluid levels (small arrows) are prominent (bowl of grapes sign) with intervening septa (arrow-
heads). Solid viable regions of the tumor (*) reveal diffuse enhancement and intermediate
signal intensity on the long repetition time image (b). (d) Photograph of the sectioned gross
specimen shows hemorrhagic cystic areas (H) and solid regions (S) that correlate with the
imaging appearance.
Figure 17. Small synovial sarcoma adjacent to the elbow with well-defined margins in a
16-year-old boy with a 1-year history of pain and swelling. (a, b) Sagittal T1-weighted (a,
383/8) and axial fat-suppressed proton-density-weighted (b, 2700/32) MR images show a
small well-defined homogeneous soft-tissue mass (arrows) adjacent to the anterior recess
of the elbow joint. There is a mild lobulation at the lesion margins. (c) Photograph of the
sectioned gross specimen reveals a small well-defined relatively homogeneous soft-tissue
mass (M) with mildly lobulated margins that corresponds to the imaging findings.
1560 September-October 2006 RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5
RadioGraphics is likely related to the origin of the majority of followed by washout (five of six patients) or pla-
these lesions in an intermuscular site near the teau (one patient), whereas 40% revealed a late
neurovascular bundle. An intermuscular origin is sustained increase in enhancement after the initial
also suggested by a rim of fat about these lesions rapid enhancement (66). The only pharmokinetic
seen on MR images (Fig 7); this split fat sign is a feature highly associated with malignancy that
common feature in our experience. Because the was seen in all 10 synovial sarcomas was early
neurovascular bundle is surrounded by fat nor- enhancement within 7 seconds following arterial
mally, masses arising in this site maintain a rim of enhancement (66). The pattern of initial en-
fat about them as they slowly enlarge. The split hancement was diffuse (40% of cases), heteroge-
fat sign is not specific for synovial sarcoma, be- neous (40%), or peripheral (20%) (66). Contrast
cause any mass arising in an intermuscular loca- material enhancement can be particularly impor- Teaching
tion may have similar features. Synovial sarcomas tant for distinguishing synovial sarcomas with
also frequently invade adjacent muscle. Synovial predominantly cystic characteristics with standard
sarcomas originating in a joint, although unusual, T1- and T2-weighted sequences (57) (Fig 16). In
are well evaluated with MR imaging. An intraar- these lesions, solid nodular foci of enhancement
ticular synovial sarcoma most commonly occurs are invariably seen, findings that represent viable
in the anterior portion of the knee in the Hoffa fat nonnecrotic regions (Fig 16). Recognition of
pad in our experience (Fig 4). A synovial sarcoma these solid areas is particularly important, as im-
that invades the adjacent joint is more frequent aging guidance (with either CT or US) may be
than an intraarticular lesion because of these le- required to direct biopsy of these foci that harbor
sions’ proximity to articulations and is also well diagnostic tissue for our pathology colleagues,
evaluated with MR imaging. We believe this leading to the correct diagnosis. We have never
manifestation is most commonly seen in synovial seen (nor has any case been reported in the litera-
sarcomas arising in the popliteal fossa, and sagit- ture, to the best of our knowledge) a synovial sar-
tal MR imaging may reveal joint invasion through coma that truly simulates a cyst on contrast-en-
the posterior knee capsule with involvement of hanced MR images (thin peripheral and septal
the posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments enhancement only).
(Fig 5). The prognostic significance of imaging features
MR imaging performed after intravenous in- (CT and MR) for synovial sarcoma was recently
jection of contrast material typically shows promi- described by Tateishi and co-workers (52). Statis-
nent enhancement in synovial sarcomas. The en- tically significant imaging features that favored a
hancement is more commonly heterogeneous high-grade synovial sarcoma included absence of
(83%–100% of lesions) than homogeneous (0%– calcification, presence of cystic components, pres-
17% of lesions) (24,25,64). This heterogeneous ence of hemorrhage, and presence of the triple
enhancement reflects the intermixture of nonen- sign (52). Imaging findings that were seen only
hancing necrotic, cystic, or hemorrhagic regions with high-grade lesions were cystic components,
and enhancing solid regions. The pattern of con- hemorrhage, fluid levels, and the triple sign (52).
trast enhancement may be diffuse when the ma- In addition, Tateishi and colleagues (52) ob-
jority of the tumor is viable, or, in largely necrotic served a statistically significant improvement in
lesions, it may appear peripheral or nodular with disease-free survival for patients whose lesions
or without thick septa (⬎3 mm) (Fig 16). In ap- had calcification but no hemorrhage or triple sign.
proximately one-third of synovial sarcomas, we Metastases-free survival was statistically signifi-
have noted serpentine vascular channels, a feature cantly increased for patients whose lesions had
that is unusual in many other soft-tissue neo- internal septa but no fluid levels (52). We are not
plasms (24) (Fig 13). The identification of these aware of any studies that have shown any signifi-
vascular channels largely limits the radiologic dif- cant imaging differences between monophasic
ferential diagnosis to alveolar soft part sarcoma, and biphasic synovial sarcomas.
metastatic renal carcinoma, hemangiopericytoma, Following chemotherapy or radiation therapy,
hemangioendothelioma, rhabdomyosarcoma, increasing signal intensity may be seen within the
extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma, and synovial sar- synovial sarcoma on T2-weighted MR images, a
coma. The dynamic contrast-enhanced MR im- finding that corresponds to progressive necrosis.
aging appearance of synovial sarcoma has been Tumor size may also show a reduction in re-
described by van Rijswijk and colleagues (66) in sponse to this therapy. Edema surrounding the
10 patients. In their study, 60% of cases showed tumor, typically not a significant feature before
rapid progressive linear increase in signal intensity therapy, may also develop subsequent to adjuvant
treatment. These posttreatment changes are often
not apparent on short echo time images.
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1561
Figure 18. Recurrent synovial sarcoma of the finger in a 19-year-old man who had under-
gone resection and radiation therapy 1 year before. (a, b) Axial T1-weighted (550/20) (a)
and sagittal T2-weighted (3984/94) (b) fat-suppressed MR images show a multilobulated
recurrent soft-tissue mass (*) with septa (arrowheads) surrounding the flexor tendon (T).
There is intermediate signal intensity with both pulse sequences. (c, d) Photographs of the
gross specimen both before (c) and after (d) longitudinal sectioning reveal the multilobular
growth (*) with septa surrounding the flexor tendon (T), corresponding to the imaging
RadioGraphics Radiation therapy plays an important role in nostic significance. Tumor size greater than 5 cm
the treatment of marginally resected tumors at presentation has the greatest impact on prog-
(74,75). Radiation therapy should be initiated nosis, with studies showing 5-year survival rates
preoperatively if the surgeon believes that the sur- of 64% and 26% for patients with tumors less
gical margins will be positive or close. If the mar- than 5 cm and those with masses greater than 5
gins are microscopically positive in a mass that cm, respectively (16,53). Patients with tumors in
was thought to be easily resectable in a wide local the extremities have a more favorable prognosis
fashion, radiation should be given postopera- than those with lesions in the head and neck area
tively. In 1965, Cadman and co-workers (8) re- or axially, a feature that likely reflects better surgi-
ported the results of treatment in 134 cases of cal control available for extremity lesions. Desh-
synovial sarcoma. They showed a reduction in mukh and colleagues (15) reported a poorer prog-
local recurrence from 92% to 50% for patients nosis for patients with synovial sarcomas located
treated with local excision versus those treated in the proximal extremities. Others have reported
with local excision followed by postoperative ra- better prognosis for patients with tumors located
diation therapy. However, 64% of those patients in the upper extremities compared with those
with synovial sarcoma of the extremity treated with lower extremity lesions (31). Patient age of
with either amputation or wide local excision and less than 15–20 years is also associated with a bet-
radiation therapy eventually died of metastatic ter long-term prognosis (79,80). Varela-Duran
disease (8). In 1994, Mullen and Zagars (76) and Enzinger (81) reported that the presence of
demonstrated 5-, 10-, and 15-year survival rates extensive calcifications suggests improved long-
of 76%, 63%, and 57%, respectively, for synovial term survival, with 5-year survival rates of 82%
sarcoma patients treated with conservative sur- and decreased rates of local recurrence (32%) and
gery and radiation therapy. More recently, Ferrari metastatic disease (29%). There is considerable
and colleagues (16) reported a 5-year local-recur- controversy about the prognostic significance of
rence-free survival rate following marginal resec- tumor cell type (monophasic or biphasic). Al-
tion with postoperative irradiation of 57% versus though some authors report more indolent behav-
7% for patients who did not undergo radiation ior with biphasic synovial sarcomas compared
therapy. There was no statistically significant dif- with monophasic synovial sarcomas (16), other
ference in survival rates for patients whose syno- authors have found no statistically significant out-
vial sarcomas were completely resected (16). come (79,82). However, the poorly differentiated
Patients with synovial sarcoma, since it is an subtype is associated with a worsened prognosis,
intermediate- to high-grade sarcoma, have a with a 5-year survival rate of only 20%–30%
5-year survival rate ranging from 36% to 76%. At (83,84). In addition, the presence of 20% or
10 years, the survival rate has been reported to greater areas of poorly differentiated components
range from 20% to 63% (16). The clinical course is associated with an adverse outcome (31). Other
of synovial sarcoma is characterized by a high rate pathologic factors associated with worsened prog-
of local recurrence and metastatic disease. Local nosis include presence of rhabdoid cells, extensive
recurrence following resection occurs in 30%– tumor necrosis, high nuclear grade, p53 muta-
50% of patients, and distant metastasis develops tions, and high mitotic rate (⬎10 mitoses/10
in 41% (16) (Fig 18). The majority of metastases high-power field) (2–5,85). More recently, the
occur within the first 2–5 years after treatment. gene fusion type SYT-SSX2 (more common in
However, there are numerous reports of late me- monophasic lesions) has been associated with an
tastases occurring up to 26 years after the initial improved prognosis, compared with that for
diagnosis, which likely reduces the 10-year versus SYT-SSX1, and an 89% metastasis-free survival
5-year survival rates. Metastases are present in (2–5,86,87).
16%–25% of patients at their initial presentation
(77,78). The most frequent metastatic site is the Summary
lung, which is affected in 94% of cases, followed Synovial sarcoma is the fourth most common ma-
by lymph nodes (4%–18%) and bone (8%–11%) lignant primary soft-tissue neoplasm. The radio-
(1–5,16,77,78) (Fig 9). logic manifestations and spectrum of synovial
Multiple clinical and pathologic factors, in- sarcoma reflect the underlying pathologic ap-
cluding tumor size, location, patient age, and pearance. We have reviewed, illustrated, and cor-
presence of poorly differentiated areas, have prog- related the clinical, pathologic, and radiologic
features of synovial sarcoma as well as the treat-
ment and prognosis. Although the radiographic
RG f Volume 26 ● Number 5 Murphey et al 1563
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gnomonic, the findings of a soft-tissue mass, par- view of 200 cases. Cancer 1963;16:1332–1337.
8. Cadman NL, Soule EH, Kelly PJ. Synovial sar-
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gestive of this diagnosis. Cross-sectional imaging 9. Kransdorf MJ. Malignant soft-tissue tumors in a
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not be possible, who attend the AFIP’s radiologic pa- 17. Lewis JJ, Antonescu CR, Leung DH, et al. Syno-
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RG Volume 26 • Volume 5 • September-October 2006 Murphey et al
Page 1544
Synovial sarcoma occurs most frequently in adolescents and young adults, with the majority of
patients presenting at 15-40 years of age (2,9).
Page 1545
The long duration of symptoms and initial slow growth of synovial sarcomas may simulate those of or
give a false impression of a benign process.
Page 1549
Calcification is identified in up to 30% of synovial sarcomas at radiography (1, 43).
Page 1553
The bone erosian often has an indolent nonaggressive appearance on radiographs, which can lead to
misinterpretation of the lesion as representing a benign process.
Page 1560
Contrast material enhancement can be particularly important for distinguishing synovial sarcomas
with predominantly cystic characteristics with standard T1- and T2-weighted sequences (57).