Labor Syllabus (AY19-20)

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1st Semester, AY 2019-2020

Prof. E. (Leo) D. Battad
College of Law
University of the Philippines

“Among the most important duties of employers

the principal one is to give every worker
what is justly due him… (N)o laws, either human or divine,
permit them for their own profit
to oppress the needy and the wretched
or to seek gain from another’s want.”

- Pope Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, 1891

Course Catalogue Information:

1. Course Title: The Law on Labor and

Social Legislation
2. Prerequisite: 101 (Obligations and
3. Semester Offered: 1st Semester
4. Course Credit: 3 Units
5. Number of Hours: 3 Hours
6. Course Goal: To develop an in-depth
knowledge of labor standards and labor-related
laws and its application in case situations.

Course Description:

This introductory course deals with the legal guarantee on minimum

standards, welfare benefits, and employment opportunity for workers,
including statues, decrees, case laws and related multi-disciplinary readings
useful to the understanding of labor standards, human resource
development, social security, administrative processes and remedies
available to workers in case of violation of rights and benefits provided
under the law.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to;

1. Identify, discuss and explain the minimum rights and benefits of

workers under the Labor Code and labor-related laws;
2. Distinguish and explain employment classifications, basic labor
principles and concepts pertaining to labor standards;
3. Identify and discuss the substantive grounds and procedural
requirements for termination;

4. Analyze problem situations and apply concepts, principles, rules and

laws relevant in the problem situation.
5. Identify and discuss available administrative remedies in case of
violation of workers’ rights and benefits.

Course Methodology:

This course will primarily use the case-approach and discussion

methods, supplemented by lectures whenever appropriate. The sessions,
therefore would largely depend on the active participation of the
students. They are required to engage with the materials during the


 1987 Philippine Constitution

 The Labor Code of the Philippines, Implementing Rules &
Regulations, Department Orders, Guidelines and Circulars
 Pertinent International Human Rights Instruments and ILO
Conventions, Recommendations and Labor-related laws
 Assigned Cases and Special Readings


 Read the cases in the original.

 No make-up examination will be given.
 Use of IPod, laptop, etc. should be turned off; cell phones
should be turned off or turned into silent mode.
 Printed materials are allowed, but only handwritten notes
are allowed during recitation.
 Observe the use of gender-fair language.


Absences: The 20% rule on absences will be strictly observed.

For make-up classes, absences will not be counted.

Tardiness: Three times of tardiness will be considered absent. A

student who comes between 15 to 30 minutes after the
class will considered marked “late”; after 30 minutes,

There is a premium for Perfect Attendance, provided the grade is

passing and between two grade equivalences.

Requirements & Grading:

Components: Recitation/Participation/Assigned Work - 30%

Mid-Term Examination - 30%

Final Examination (MCQ, 40%; Essay, 60%) - 40%

Passing score: 65 points.

Class Participation / Activities: You are expected to do the reading for
each week and to be prepared to actively participate and engage with the
materials during the discussions. Thoughtful engagement with the material
is essential. Thus, we look for quality, not necessarily quantity or
correctness of view or opinion.

Final Exam: The final exam should be able to analyze problems, or

recall applicable laws and principles we have read and or discussed. As
with our discussions, I will look for thoughtful engagement with the

Grading policy: All of the grading for this course will be graded blindly,
except for the recitation/participation. Any submissions, including the mid-
term and final exams, should bear only your UP student number (ID) and
section, which should appear at the top left corner of the paper. This policy
is to avoid any potential biases in the grading process and to facilitate the
fairest grading system.

Course Values

Freedom of opinion and belief: You are given the chance to express
your views and concerns, recognizing our different backgrounds, skills,
interests, and values. Thus, we will view the course materials from multiple
perspectives and the varied experiences of the students of the class. In our
discussions, therefore, we should respect the others’ rights to hold opinions
and beliefs that differ from our own.

Use of Gender-Fair Language: Use language which values members

of all sexes and genders and fosters gender equality. Avoid the use of
language that perpetuates role stereotyping, or reinforces the idea that
women or other genders are inferior to men.

Academic Honesty: Dishonesty in the University is not tolerated. It

strikes at the very heart of honor, excellence and academic integrity. In
writing the short and long papers, appropriate references and citations
should be provided when referring to another person’s work.

Consultation Hours:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday early afternoons, and after TTH

classes. However, students are always welcome to meet with me for
consultation or advice on another day or time, subject to arrangement,
preferably through text message or call.

Course Outline/Topic:

The course covers labor standards and post employment provisions

of the Labor Code and its implementing rules and regulations, labor
standard-related laws, jurisprudence, and reading materials that are useful
to the understanding of workers rights and benefits.

A. Capital and Labor


 Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, 15 May 1891

 Pope John Paul II, Laborem Exercens, 14 September 1981

Reflection Paper: Choice of any of the two readings. The reflection

paper must not exceed four (4) pages, double space, using Arial font,
size 12.

B. Labor Law

1. Definition

2. Classification

a. Labor Standards

b. Labor Relations

c. Social Security Legislation

3. Labor as Protected Class; Presumption of Inherent Inequality

 Perfecto Pascua v. Bank Wise Inc. and Phil. Veterans Bank, G.R.
No. 191460 & 191464, 31 Jan. 2018

4. Social Justice as Justification, Const., Art. II, Secs. 10; Art. XIII, Sec.
1-3; Art. II, Secs. 18 & 20

Compare: 1987 Const., Art. II, Sec. 10; 1973 Const., Art. II, Sec. 6;
1935 Const., Art. II, Sec. 5

a. Definition/Balancing of Interest, Art. II, Secs. 18 & 20

 Calalang v. Williams, 70 Phil. 726 (1940)

b. Foundation: Police Power and State Protection

 St. Luke’s Med. Center Employee’s Foundation-AFW

(SLMCEA-AFW) v. NLRC, 517 SCRA 677 (2007)

c. Limits of Use

 PLDT v. NLRC, 164 SCRA 671 (1988)

 Toyota Philippines, Corp. Workers Association (TMPCWA) v.
NLRC, 537 SCRA 171 (2007)

d. Management Prerogative; Limitations

 St. Luke’s Medical Center, Inc. v. Ma. Theresa v. Sanchez,

753 SCRA 218 (2015)
 International School Manila v. International School Alliance of
Educators, 715 SCRA 342 (2014)
 The Coca-Cola Export Corp. v. Gacayna, 652 SCRA 463

5. Legal Bases; Sources of Rights and Benefits

a. International Instruments

1) International Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights, Art. 22
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, Arts. 6, 7, 8, 9
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women, Art. 11

2) International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions

 International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing,

333 SCRA 13 (2000)

b. 1987 Constitution, Art. II, Secs. 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18; Art. III,
Secs. 1, 4, 8, 18 (1); Art. XIII, Secs. 1-3, 14

Compare: 1987 Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 3; 1973 Const., Art. II, Sec.
9; 1935 Const., Art. XIV, Sec., 6

c. Labor Code (LC) and Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor


d. New Civil Code of the Philippines (NCC), Arts. 19, 21, 1700-1701

e. Collective Bargaining Agreement, Art. 1305-1306, NCC

 DOLE Phils. v. Pawis ng Makabayang Obrero, 395 SCRA

112 (2003)

f. Past Practices

 American Wire and Cable Daily Rated Employees Union v.

American Wire and Cable Co., Inc., 457 SCRA 684 (2005)
 Netlink Computer Incorporated v. Delmo, 726 SCRA 531

g. Company Policies

 China Banking Corporation v. Borromeo, 440 SCRA 621



A. Brief History

B. General Provisions

1. Decree Title, Art. 1

2. Effectivity, Art. 2

3. Policy Declaration, Art. 3; RA 10911, Sec. 1 in rel. to 1987 Const. Art.

XIII, Sec. 3, par. 1

4. Construction in Favor of Labor, Art. 4; Civil Code, Art. 1702

 Hocheng Phil. Corp. v. Farrales, 754 SCRA 31 (2015)

5. Rule Making Power, Art. 5

 Kapisanang Manggagawang Pinagyakap v. NLRC & Franklin

Baker Co. of the Philippines, 152 SCRA 96 (1997)

6. Technical Rules Not Binding, Art. 227

 Ma. Ligaya B. Santos v. Litton Mills, Inc., 652 SCRA 510 (2011)
 Wallem Maritime Services, Inc. v. Pedrajas, 732 SCRA 541

7. Applicability, Art. 6, 291; Constitution, Art. IX-B, Sec. 2(1)

8. Mandatory Conciliation-Mediation; Exceptions, RA 10396; DO 151-16

9. Enforcement and Sanctions – Arts. 224 (a) (2), (3), (4), (6); 128-129;
303-307; DO 183-17, DO 131-13 as amended by DO 131B-16;
Const., Art III, Secs. 11 and 16

 Cireneo Bowling Plaza, Inc. v. Sensing, 448 SCRA 175 (2005)


 People’s Broadcasting Service (Bombo Radyo Phils., Inc. v.

SOLE, et al., 667 SCRA 538 (2012)
 Manase v. Jollibee Foods Corp., 684 SCRA 34 (2012)
 Raul C. Cosare v. Broadcom Asia, Inc., 715 SCRA 534 (2014)

C. Work Relationship

1. Employer and Employee Relationship

a. Definition of Employer and Employee, Arts. 97 (a) (b) (c), 173 (f)
(g) (h), 219 (e) (f)

b. Factors/Tests

 Sy v. Court of Appeals, 398 SCRA 30 (2003)

 Chavez v. NLRC, 448 SCRA 478 (2005)
 South East International Rattan, Inc. v. J.J. Coming, 718
SCRA 658 (2014)
 Tesoro, et al. v. Manila Retreaders, Inc. (Bandag), 718 SCRA
538 (2014), including the dissenting opinion of Justice MVFL
 Begino, et al. v. ABS-CBN Corporation, 756 SCRA 236 (2015)

c. Evidence of Employee Status

 Bernard A. Tenazas, et al., v. R. Villegas Taxi Transport, 720

SCRA 467 (2014)

d. Burden of Proving Employer-Employee Relationship

 Bitoy Javier v. Fly Ace Corporation, 666 SCRA 382

e. Piercing the Veil of Corporate Entity

 Pamplona Plantation Co., Inc. v. Tinghil, 450 SCRA 421

 Mariculum Mining Corporation v. Florentino, et al., G.R.
Nos. 221813 & 222723, 23 July 2018

2. Independent Contractor – Trilateral Relationship

References: Art. 106-107, 109; DO No. 150-16 (Revised Guidelines:

Employment of Security Guards), Sec. 9; DO No. 18-A-11, DO No.
174-17, Labor Advisory 10-16, Department Circular No. 01-17

a. Trilateral relationship; Requirements for Independent Contractor,

DO No. 18-A-11, Sec. 3(m), Sec 5; DO 174-17, Secs. 3 (a) (c) (d)
(e) (h) (i) (j) (k), 9

 San Miguel Corp. v. Semillano, 623 SCRA 114 (2010)

b. Permissible Contracting or Subcontracting; Not Covered, DO No.

174-17, Secs. 2, 3 (c) (d) (i) (j), 8

c. Rights of Contractor’s/Sub-Contractor’s Employees, DO No. 174-

17, Secs. 3 (e), 10, 11, 12

d. Effect of Termination of Employment, DO No. 174-17, Sec. 13

e. Labor-Only Contractor is Declared Prohibited, DO No. 174-17,

Secs. 1, 3 (h) (l), 4, 5, 8. See also Labor Advisory No. 10-16,
Sec. 1, 2

 Polyfoam-RGC International Corp. v. Edgardo Concepcion,

672 SCRA 148 (2012)
 Petron v. Caberte, 757 SCRA 390 (2015)
 Quintanar, et al. v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phil., Inc., 794
SCRA 654 (2016)

f. Registration of Contractor, DO No .174-17, Secs. 14, 20, 23, 24,

25, 26

g. Other Prohibitions, DO No. 174-17, Secs. 3 (b) (f) (g), 6, 12

h. Solidary Liability of Indirect Employer/Direct Employer, DO No.

174-17, Secs. 3 (k), 9, 10, 12, 27. See also DO 150-16, Sec. 9

 Eparwa Security and Janitorial Services, Inc. v. Liceo de

Cagayan University, 508 SCRA 370 (2007)
 MERALCO Industrial Engineering Services Corp. vs.
NLRC, et al., 548 SCRA 315 (2008)
 Benigno M. Vigilla, et al. v. Philippine College of
Criminology, Inc. and/or Gregory Alan F. Bautista, 698 SCRA
247 (2013)

i. Retaliatory Measures, DO 174-17, Sec. 27

j. Applicability/Non-Applicability of DO 174-17, Dept. Circular No.


3. Independent Contractor – Bilateral Relationship

 Fuji Television Network, Inc. v. Espiritu, 744 SCRA 31


D. Pre-employment, Recruitment and Placement of Workers

References: Arts. 12-39; DO No. 141-14; 2016 POEA Rules and

Regulations of Land-based Overseas Filipino Workers; Book 1, Rules III-
VIII, Omnibus Rules; Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of
1995 (RA 8042), as amended by RA 9422 (2007) and RA 10022 (2010);
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act 2003 (RA 9208), as amended by RA

See: Governing Board Resolution No. 14-16 (2016 Revised POEA

Rules & Regulations Governing Recruitment & Placement of

1. Pre-employment Policy – Statement of Objectives, Arts. 3, 12 (a) (b)

(f); Const., Art. II, Sec. 9; Art. XIII, Sec. 3, par. 1; RA 8042, Sec. 2, 4,
5, as amended by RA 10022

2. Private Sector – Agencies and Entities

a. Parties

1) Worker – Art. 13 (a); RA 8042, Sec. 3 (a), as amended

2) Private Employment Agency – Arts. 13 (c) (d), 12 (f), 14 (a)

3) Private Recruitment Entity – Arts. 13 (e) (f), 12 (f), 14 (a)

b. Recruitment and Placement

1) Local Employment, Art. 13 (b)

2) Overseas Employment, RA 8042, Sec. 6, as amended

3) Policy of Deregulation, RA. 8042, as amended, Secs. 29, 30;

RA No. 9422

c. Allowed and Protected Entities

1) Allowed Private Agencies and Entities, Arts. 16, 25, 18, 12 (f);
2016 POEA Rules and Regulations, Part II, Rule I, Sec. 1 &
Part III, Rule II, Secs. 123-124

2) Prohibited Business Agencies and Entities, Arts. 16, 18, 25,

26; 2016 POEA Rules and Regulations, Part II, Rule I, Sec. 3

 Hornales v. NLRC, 364 SCRA 778 (2001)

d. Government Techniques of Regulation – Private Recruitment

1) Licensing – Local/Overseas

a) Qualifications: Citizenship and Capitalization,

Arts. 27, 28; DO No. 141-14, Sec. 11-13; 2016 POEA
Rules and Regulations, Part II, Rule I, Sec. 2

b) Issuance of License, Arts. 29, 30, 31; DO 141-

14, Sec. 11-13; 2016 POEA Rules and Regulations, Part II,
Rule II, Secs. 11-15, 17; Part II, Rule IV, Sec. 43, 46

c) Non-transferability, Art. 29; DO No. 141-14,

Sec. 15; 2016 POEA Rules and Regulations, Part II, Rule
II, Sec. 21

d) Filing Fee/License Fees, Art. 30; DO No. 141-

14, Secs. 9, 11; 2016 POEA Rules, Part II, Sec. 5; Rule IV,
Sec. 44

e) Bonds/Escrow Deposit, Art. 31; DO No. 141-

14, Sec. 11; 2016 POEA Rules, Part II, Rule II, Secs. 17-
19, 44

2) Workers’ Fees, Art. 32; DO No. 141-14, Secs. 35, 36; 2016
POEA Rules, Part II, Rule V, Secs. 50-54

 Sagun v. Sunace International Management Services, Inc.,

644 SCRA 1717 (2011)

3) Reports/Employment Information, Arts. 33, 14 (d); RA 8042,

Sec. 6 (h), as amended

4) Illegal Recruitment, Arts. 13 (b), 34, 38; RA 8042, Sec. 6 & 7

as amended, 8, 9, 10 as amended, 11, 12

See: Hon. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas v. Rey Salac, et al., 685

Phil. 245 (2012)
People of the Phil. vs. Melissa Chua, 680 SCRA 575

a) Prohibited Practices

 PERT/CPM Manpower Exponent Co., Inc. v. Vinuya, et

al., 680 SCRA 284 (2012)
 Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group, Inc. & Chung Gai
Ship Mgmt. v. Sulpecio Medequillo, Jr., 663 SCRA 291
 People v. Bernadette Pansacala, 672 SCRA 549 (2012)
 People v. Jeric Fernandez, 725 SCRA 152 (2014)

b) Undertaken by non-licensees, non-holders


 People v. Bayker, 783 SCRA 346 (2016)

Note: Salazar v. Achacoso, 183 SCRA 145 (1990) – Art.

38 (c) was declared unconstitutional; only a judge
may issue warrants of search and arrest.

5) Enforcement

a) Regulatory Power, Art. 36

b) Rule-Making Power, Art. 36

c) Visitorial Power, Art. 37

6) Integration of POEA Standard Employment Contract in Every


 Wallen Maritime Services, Inc. v. Ernesto C. Tanawan, 679

SCRA 255 (2012)

a) Liberal Construction

b) Terms and Conditions

 Abante v. KJGS Fleet Management, Manila, 67 SCRA

734 (2009)
 Dagasdas v. Grand Placement and General Services
Corporation, 814 SCRA 529 (2017)
 Gere v. Anglo-Eastern Crew Management Phil., Inc.,
G.R. No. 226656 & 226713, 23 April 2018

7) Limits of Freedom of Contract: Applicability of Foreign Laws

 Industrial Personnel & Management Services, Inc. v. De

Vera, 785 SCRA 562 (2016)

8) Joint and Several Liability of Agent and Principal, 2016 POEA

Rules, Part I, Rule II, no. 17; Part II, Rule II, Sec. 4 (f) no. 8,
(g); RA 8042, Sec. 10, pars. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as amended

e. Jurisdiction

1) RTC over Criminal Action arising from Illegal Recruitment, RA

No. 8042, Sec. 9; Omnibus Rules Impl. RA 8042 (8 July 2010),
Rule IV, Sec. 6

2) LA over Money Claims, RA 8042, Sec. 10, par. 1 as amended;

Omnibus Rules Impl. RA 8042, Rule VII, Sec. 1

 Poseidon International Maritime Services,

Inc. v. Tito R. Tamala, Felipe S. Saurin, Jr., Artemio A. Bo-
oc and Joel S. Fernandez, 700 SCRA 1(2013)
 Sameer Overseas Placement Agency,
Inc. v. Joy Cabiles, 732 SCRA 22 (2014)

Note: Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc., 582 SCRA

254 (2009)

See also: Pert/CPM Manpower Exponent Co., Inc. v. Vinuya,

et al., supra

3) POEA over Administrative Cases

a) Pre-employment Cases, Omnibus Rules Impl. RA No.

8042, Sec. 28 (a); 2016 POEA Rules, Part VI, Rule I, Sec.
138, par. 1
b) Disciplinary Cases, Omnibus Rules Impl. RA No. 8042,
Sec. 28 (b); 2016 POEA Rules, Part VI, Rule I, Sec. 138,
par. 2

See: Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Ltd. & Agemar

Manning Agency, Inc. v. Estanislao Surio, et al., 679
SCRA 305 (2012)

3. Public Sector Agencies – Employment Offices, Art. 12 (f); 14 (a); EO

247, Sec. 3 (Reorganizing POEA)

4. Sanctions

a. Local Employment, Art. 39

b. Overseas Employment, Art. 35; RA 8042, Secs. 6, 7 &10 as


5. Issues and Questions on Overseas Employment


 Ofreneo, Rene, et al., Migration of Skills, Talents, and

Expertise Development Challenges for the Philippines, pp. 3 – 17,
31 – 40.
 Licuanan, Patricia B. Katas ng Saudi, a closer look. PLR
Vol. 9, No. 1 (1985).
 Ofreneo, Rene. Is Migration the Country’s Development
Option? In Migration, Development and Policy Reforms, pp. 20 –

6. Alien Employment Regulation


References: Arts. 12 (e), 40-42; Omnibus Rules, Book I, Rule XIV;

DO No. 146-15, DO No. 186-17; Const., Art. XII, Sec. 12

a. Coverage; Exemption, Art. 40; DO No. 186-17, Secs. 1, 2

 Almodiel v. NLRC, 223 SCRA 341 (1993)

 Andrew James McBurnie v. Eulalio Ganzon, 707 SCRA

b. Excluded, DO No. 186-17, Sec. 3

c. Conditions for Grant of Permit; Denial, DO No. 186-17, Secs. 4-9,

12, 14

 General Milling Corp. v. Torres, 196 SCRA 215 (1991)

 Pacific Consultants International Asia, Inc. v. Schonfeld,
516 SCRA 209 (2007)

d. Validity; Renewal of AEP, DO No. 186-17, Sec. 10, 11

e. Revocation; Cancellation; Grounds, DO No. 186-17, Sec. 13, 14

f. Appeal, DO No. 186-15, Sec. 16

g. Penalty for Working Without AEP, DO No. 186-15, Sec. 17

E. Human Resources Development

References: Arts. 57-81; Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority Act of 1994 (TESDA) (RA 7796), superseded Arts. 43-56; Dual
Training Systems Act of 1994 (RA 7686); Const., Art. II, Sec. 17 & Art.
IV, Secs. 1, 2 (4). See also RA 10869, DO No. 148-16

See: DOJ Opinion No. 68, 2004 Re: Conflicts between Labor Code &

1. Worker (Manpower) Development

a. Definition, Art. 44 (a); RA 7796, Sec. 4 (b), (c), (e)

b. Policy and Objectives, RA 7796, Secs. 2, 3

c. National Trade Skills Standards, RA No. 7796, sec. 22

2. Training and Employment of Special Workers

a. Apprentice

1) Definition, Art. 58 (b; RA 7796, Sec. 4 (j), (k), (l)

2) Apprenticeable Occupation, RA 7796, Sec. 4 (m)

3) Qualification, Rule VI, Sec. II, Omnibus Rules; RA 7610, as

amended by RA 7658, Sec. 12

4) Allowed Employment; Requirement Program Approval, Art. 60

 Nitto Enterprises v. NLRC, 258 SCRA 654 (1995)

5) Terms and Conditions of Employment, Art. 61, 72

6) Costs, Art. 71

7) Enforcement, Arts. 65, 66, 67; Rule X, Sec. 14

b. Learner

1) Definition, Art. 73; RA 7796, Sec. 4 (n)

2) Allowed Employment, Art. 74

3) Terms and Conditions of Employment, Arts. 75, 76

c. Persons with Disability

References: ILO Convention 159 (1983); Arts. 78-81; RA

7277, as amended by RA 9442, and further amended by RA
10070 and RA 10524

1) Definition, RA 7277, Sec. 4 (a) (b) (c) (d)

2) Policy Declaration, RA 7277, Sec. 2

c) Coverage, RA 7277, Sec. 3

d) Employment Rights and Privileges, rt. 81; RA 7277, Secs.

4 (i), 5 (as amended by RA 10524), 6, 7

 Bernardo v. NLRC & FEBTC, 310 SCRA 186 (1999)

5) Discrimination, RA 7277, Secs. 32, 33

6) Enforcement, Secs. 44, 45, 46

F. Equal Opportunities for All: Non-Discrimination on Account of Age

Reference: RA 10911, DO 170

1. Policy, Sec. 2

2. Coverage, Secs. 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g), 4

3. Prohibition against Age Discrimination, Sec. 5; DO No. 170-17, Sec.


4. Exceptions, Sec. 6

5. Penalty, Sec. 7

G. Conditions of Work

References: Arts. 82-90; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rules l, lA, ll

1. Hours of Work

a. Regulation; Rationale

 Manila Terminal Co. Inc. v. CIR, 91 Phil. 625 (1952)

b. Coverage/Exemptions, Art. 82; Rule l, Secs. 1-2

1) Government Employees; Exemption, Arts. 82, 291; Const.,

Art. IX-B, Sec. 2 (1); Rule 1, Sec. 2 (a)

2) Managerial Employees, Art. 82; 219 (m); Rule I, Sec. 2 (b)


 Asia Pacific Christening, Inc. v. Farolan, 393 SCRA 454

 Charlito Peñaranda v. Baganga Plywood Corp., 489 SCRA
94 (2006)

3) Field Personnel, Art. 82; Rule I, Sec. 2 (f)

 Merdicar Fishing Corp. v. NLRC, 297 SCRA 440 (1998)

 Auto Bus Transport Systems, Inc. v. Bautista, 458 SCRA
578 (2005)
 Far East Agricultural Supply, Inc. v. Lebatique, 515 SCRA
491 (2007)

Note: Art. 82 distinguished between field personnel and

workers paid by results (piece-rate workers) unlike
Rule II, Sec. 1(e); Rule IV, Sec. 1(e) and Rule V, Sec.

4) Dependent Family Members, Art. 82

5) Domestic Workers; Exemption on Assignment, Arts. 82, 139,

143; Rule I, Sec. 2 (d); RA 10361 & IRR of RA 10361

6) Persons in the Personal Service of Another, Art. 82; Rule I,

Sec. 2 (d)

7) Piece Workers, Art. 82; Rule I, Sec. 2 (e); Rule VII-A, Sec. 8

 Labor Congress v. NLRC, 290 SCRA 509 (1998)

 Best Wear Garments v. Lemos & Ocubillo, 687 SCRA
355 (2012)

c. Normal Hours of Work, Art. 83;

But see: Dept. Advisory No. 4, series of 2010 (Flexible Work

Arrangement; DA No. 2, series of 2004 (Compressed Work Week)

d. Compensable Hours of Work – In general; Rule 1, Secs. 3 & 4

1) On Duty, Art. 84 (a); Rule I, Sec. 3 (a), Sec. 4 (a)

2) At Work, Art. 84 (b); Rule I, Sec. 3 (b)

e. Specific Rules

1) Rest Period

a) Short Duration or “Coffee Break”, Art. 84, par.

2; Book III, Rule I, Sec. 7, par 2.

b) More than 20 min., Rules I, Sec. 4 (b)

2) Meal Period

a) Regular Meal Period (One Hour), Art. 85; Rule I, Sec. 7,

par. 1

 Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. NLRC, 302 SCRA 582 (1999)

b) Shorter Meal Period (Less than One Hour, but Not Less
than20 min.), Rule I, Sec. 7, par. 1

3) Waiting Time, Rule I, Sec. 5 (a)

 Arica v. NLRC, 170 SCRA 776 (1989)

4) On Call, Rule I, Sec. 5 (b)

5) Inactive due to Work Interruptions, Book III, Rule I, Sec. 4 (d)


 University of Pangasinan Faculty Union v. University of

Pangasinan, 127 SCRA 691 (1984)

6) Work after Normal Hours, Rule I, Sec. 4 (c)

 Robina Farms Cebu/Universal Robina Corp. v. Villa,

789 SCRA 471 (2016)

7) Lectures, Meetings, Training Programs, Rule I, Sec. 6

8) Travel Time

 Rada v. NLRC, 205 SCRA 69 (1992)

f. Overtime Work Pay, Arts. 87-90; Rule I, Secs. 8-11

1) Overtime in Ordinary Working Day, Art. 87, 90, 97 (f); Rule I,

Sec. 8

Note: Dept. Advisory No. 02, Series of 2004 (on effect on

work beyond 12 hours)

2) Emergency or Compulsory Overtime Work, Art. 89; Rule 1,

Sec. 10

 Abduljuahid R. Pigcaulan v. Security & Credit

Investigation, Inc., 663 SCRA 1 (2012)

3) Undertime Work/Leave, Art. 88

4) Additional Compensation, Art. 87; Rule 1, Sec. 9

6) Proof of Work/Employer Obligation

 Social Security System v. Court of Appeals, 348 SCRA

1 (2000)

g. Nightwork and Night shift Differential, ILO Conventions 89 (1948)

and 171 (1990); RA No. 10151 and DO 119-12; Art. 86; Rule II,
Secs. 1-6

 Shell Oil Co. of the Philippines, Ltd. v. Labor Union, 81

Phil. 315 (1948)
 Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co. v. Lepanto Local Staff
Union, 562 SCRA 495 (2008)

1) Coverage/Exclusion, Art. 82, 86; Rule II, Sec. 1; IRR of RA

6727, Definition of Terms, letter (f) & (g)

2) Additional Compensation, Art. 86; Rule II, Sec.2, 3, 4, 5


2. Weekly Rest Periods

References: Arts. 91-93; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule III, Secs. 1-9

a. Coverage, Art. 82, 91; Rule III, Sec. 1

b. Right to Weekly Rest; Determination, Art. 91; Rule III, Secs. 3,

4, 5

c. Compulsory Work; Compensation, Arts. 91, 92; Rule IV, Sec.


d. Premium Pay, Art. 93 (a) (b) (c); Rule III, Sec. 2, Sec. 7 (a), (b)

e. CBA on Higher Premium Pay, Art. 93 (3)

3. Holidays

References: Art. 94; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule IV; P.D. 1083;
Executive Order 203 (1987); EO No. 292, 26 July 2007; R.A. 9177;
R.A. 9256, R.A. 9492; R.A. 9849

b. Definition

1) Retail Establishments, Rule Impl. RA 6727, par. f

2) Service Establishment, Rule Impl. RA 6727, par. g

c. Coverage/Exclusions, Art. 94 (a); Rule IV, Sec. 1

 Mantrade/FMMC Division Employees and Workers Union

v. Bacungan, 144 SCRA 510 (1986)
 David v. Macasio, 729 SCRA 67 (2014)

d. Regular Holidays/Special Holidays, EO No. 292, as amended by

RA No. 9492, RA No. 9849; RA No. 10966

e. Holiday Pay, Art. 94 (b)

1) Faculty in Private School, Rule IV, Sec. 8 (a)

2) Divisor as Factor

a. Trans-Asia Phil. Employees Association v. NLRC, 320

SCRA 347 (1999)

3) Sunday, Art. 93 (a), 2nd Sentence; Rule III, Sec. 2


 Wellington Investment Inc. v. Trajano, 245 SCRA 561


← 4) Muslim Holiday, Art. 169-172; PD 1083; RA 9492;

RA 9849

 San Miguel Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 375 SCRA 311


f. Absences, Rule lV, Secs. 6 (a), 10

g. Non-Working/Schedule of Rest Day, Rule IV, Sec. 6 (c)

4. Service Incentive Leave

a. Coverage, Art. 95 (a) (b); Rule V, Sec. 1

 Makati Haberdashery Inc. N. NLRC, 179 SCRA 449 (1989)

 Labor Congress v. NLRC, supra
 David v. Macasio, supra

b. Requirements; Treatment of Benefits, Art. 95 (a); Rule V, Secs. 2,

3, 5

c. Computation and Liability

 Sentinel Security Agency, Inc. v. NLRC, 295 SCRA 123

 Auto Bus Transport Systems, Inc. v. Bautista, supra

5. Paternity Leave, Paternity Leave of 1996 (RA 8187), Secs. 1-6; Impl.

a. Coverage, Sec. 2; Rules, Sec. 2

b. Conditions for Availment, Sec. 2; Rules, Secs. 1 (b) (c), 2, 3, 4

c. Availment of Benefits, Rules, Sec. 5

d. Benefits, Rules, Sec. 6

e. Treatment of Benefit, Rules, Sec. 7, 8, 9

f. Penalty, Sec. 5; Rules, Sec. 10

6. Parental Leave, Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972); Impl.

a. Coverage, Sec. 3

b. Criteria for Support, Sec. 4, 8; Rules, Art. IV, Secs. 7-8

c. Conditions for Availment, Rules, Sec. 19

d. Other Benefits: Flexible Work Schedule, Non-discrimination in

Work, Secs. 6, 7; Rules, Art. V, Secs. 16, 17, 18

e. Treatment of Benefit: Non-Cumulative, Non-convertible,

Rules, Secs. 19, 20, 21

7. Service Charges, Art. 96; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule VI

a. Covered and Exclusion, Art. 96, Secs. 1, 2

b. Sharing, Distribution, and Integration, Art. 96; Secs. 3, 4, 5

H. Minimum Wages and Wage Fixing Machinery

References: Art. 97-119; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rules VII-VIII;

Minimum Wages, Art. 99; Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 3, pars. 2, 4
a. Coverage, Arts. 97 (b) (c) (e), 98, Rule VII, Sec. 3

 Philippine Fisheries Development Authority v. NLRC, 213

SCRA 621 (1992)

b. Definition, Art. 97 (f)

c. Rules

1) No Work, No Pay (A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s labor)

 Aklan Electric Corp., Inc. v. NLRC, 323 SCRA 259 (2000)
 Sugue v. Triumph International (Phils.), 577 SCRA 323

2) Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value, Art. 133 (a); ILO
Convention 100 (1951)

 International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing,


3) Form: Agreement for Compensation of Services, Art. 97 (f)

 Armis Taxi v. NLRC, 219 SCRA 306 (1993)

 Legend Hotel (Manila) v. Hernani S. Realuyo, 677 SCRA
10 (2012)

4) Employer to Prove Payment

 Etom v. Aroma Lodging House, 774 SCRA 141 (2015)


d. Exemption from Income Tax of Minimum Wage Earners, RA No.

9504, as amended by the National Internal Revenue Code of
1997, Sec. 2

e. Wages, Arts. 97 (f), 99, 61, 75 (c), 80 (b); Rule VII, VII-A, Secs. 4-
7; Sec. 1 (n), Rules Implementing RA 6727; NCR-17, 3 June
2012; NCR-18, 6 Sept 2013; NCR-19, 4 April 2015; NCR-20, 2
June 2016; NCR-21, 5 Oct. 2017; RA 7323; 9547, secs. 1-2; Rule
VII-A, Secs. 4-7

1) Minimum Wage, NCR-20, Sec. 1

2) Coverage/Exclusions, NCR-20, Sec. 2

3) Exemptions, NCR-20, Sec. 8

4) Determination of Compliance with Minimum Wage

 Iran v. NLRC, 289 SCRA 433 (1998)

5) Facilities and Supplements/Allowances, Rule VII-A, Secs. 4-7

 Millares v. NLRC & PICOP, 305 SCRA 500 (1999)

 SLL International Cables Specialist v. NLRC, 644 SCRA
411 (201\)
 Our Haus Realty Dev. Corp. v. Parian, et al., 72 SCRA 351

6) Cash Wage/Commission, Art. 97 (f); Rule VII-A, Sec. 4

 Songco v. NLRC, 183 SCRA 610 (1990)
 Boie Takeda v. De la Serna, 228 SCRA 329 (1993)
 Philippine Duplicators v. NLRC, 241 SCRA 380 (1995)

7) Gratuity and Salary/Wages, Difference

 Plastic Town Center Corp. v. NLRC, 172 SCRA 580


8) Effect on Benefits, Art. 100

 Davao Fruits Corporation v. Associated Labor Union,

225 SCRA 562 (1993)
 Philippine Journalists, Inc. v. Journal Employees Union,
697 SCRA 103 (2013)

2. Wage Fixing Machinery


References: ILO Convention 26 (1928); RA 6727, as amended; Art.

99, 120-124, 126-127; Rule IX; NCR-17, 3 June 2012; NCR-18, 6
Sept. 2013; NCR-19, 16 March 2015; NCR-20, 2 June 2016

a. Rationale for Wage Rationalization, RA 6727, Sec. 2

b. Agencies in Wage Fixing Machinery

1) National Wages and Productivity Commission, RA 6727, Sec.

3; Arts. 120, 121, 126

2) Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board, RA 6727,

Sec. 3; Arts. 122, 126

 Nasipit Lumber Company, Inc. v. NLRC, 289 SCRA 667


c. Standards/Criteria for Minimum Wage Fixing, RA 6727, Sec. 3;

Art. 124

d. Wage Order, Arts. 123, 124

1) Methods of Fixing

a) Floor Wage method

b) Salary – Ceiling Method

 Employers Confederation of the Phils. V. National Wage

and Productivity Commission, 201 SCRA 759 (1991)

2) Validity

 Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co., Inc. v. National Wages

Productivity Commission, 514 SCRA 346 (2007)

3) Wage Distortion, Art. 124, pars. 4, 5, 6, 7

 Prubankers Association v. Prudential Bank & Trust Co.,

302 SCRA 74 (1999)
 Bankard Employees Union-WATU v. NLRC, 423 SCRA
148 (2004)

3. Wage Payment and Protection, ILO Convention 95 (1949)

a. Form of Payment; Exemption, Art. 102; Civil Code, Art. 1705;

Rule VIII, Secs. 1, 2

 Congson v. NLRC, 243 SCRA 260 (1995)


b. Time of Payment; Exemption, Art. 103, Rule VIII, Sec. 3

 Gilles v. CA, Schema Konsult, 589 SCRA 399 (2009)

c. Place of Payment; Exemption, Art. 104, Rule VIII, Sec. 4

See: Labor Advisory on Payment of Salaries Thru Automated

Teller Machines (ATM), 25 Nov. 1996

d. Direct Payment of Wages; Exception, Art. 105, Secs. 5, 6

 Bermiso v. Escano, Inc., 105 Phil. 231 (1959)

4. Wage Prohibitions, ILO Convention 95 (1949)

a. Wage Interference in Disposal of Wages, ILO, Art. 6; Art. 112;

Rule VIII, Sec. 9; Labor Advisory No. 11, s. 2014

b. Wage Deduction/Exception, ILO, Art. 8, 9; Art. 113; Rule VIII, Sec.

10; Labor Advisory No. 11, s. 2014

 Genesis Transport Service, Inc. v. UMMGT & Taroy, 617

SCRA 352 (2010)
 Niña Jewelry Manufacturing of Medal Arts, Inc. v. Madeline C.
Montecillo & Liza M. Trinidad, 661 SCRA 416 (2011)
 Milan, et al. v. NLRC, 759 SCRA 1 (2015)

See also: Marietta N. Portillo v. Rudolf Lietz, Inc. 683

SCRA 568 (2012)

c. Requirement to Make Deposits for Loss or Damage, Art. Arts.

114, 115; Rule VIII, Sec. 11

 Dentech Manufacturing Corp. NLRC, 172 SCRA 588

 Five J Taxi v. NLRC, 235 SCRA 556 (1994)

d. Withholding of Wages, Art. 116, 113; DO 195-18; Civil Code, Art.


 SHS Perforated Materials v. Diaz, 633 SCRA 258 (2010)

 Montierro vs. Rickmers Marine Agency Phils., Inc. 746 SCRA
287 (2015)

e. Deduction to Ensure Employment, Art. 117

f. Retaliatory Measures, Art. 118

g. False Reporting, Art. 119; Rule X, Sec. 13


h. Keeping of Employee’s Records in a Place other than the

Workplace, Rule X, Secs. 11-12

 South Motorists Enterprises v. Tosoc, 181 SCRA 386


i. Garnishment/Execution, Civil Code, Art. 1708

 GAA v. Court of Appeals, 140 SCRA 304 (1985)

5. Work Preference in the Event of Bankruptcy, Art. 110; Book III, Rule
VIII, Sec. 7; Civil Code, Arts. 1207, 2241 (6), 2242 (3), 2244 (2),
2246, 2248, 2250; RA 10142 (FRIA of 2010), Sec. 133

 Republic v. Peralta, 150 SCRA 37 (1987)

 DBP v. NLRC, et al., 186 SCRA 841 (1990)

6. Wage Recovery/Jurisdiction, Arts. 128, 129, 217, 111; Book III, Rule
X, Secs. 1-5

 Cirineo Bowling Plaza v. Gerry Sensing, supra

 Meteoro, et al. v. Creative Creatures, Inc., 592 SCRA 481
 South Cotabato Communications Corp. v. Hon. DOLE Sto.
Tomas, et al., 493 SCRA 668 (2016)

I. Thirteenth Month Pay

References: PD No. 851; Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of

13th Month Pay Law, 16 Nov. 1987, Secs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

1. History of the Law

 Dentech Mfg. Corp. v. NLRC, supra

2. Coverage, PD No. 851, Secs. 1-2; Revised Guidelines on the

Implementation of 13th Month Pay Law, 16 Nov. 1987, Secs. 1-3, 5-8;
P.D. No. 851, Secs. 1, 2

 Archilles Manufacturing Corp. v, NLRC, 244 SCRA 750 (1995)

 Ultra Villa Food Haus v. Geniston, 309 SCRA 17 (1999)

3. Rationale, PD No. 851, Whereas Clauses and LImitations

4. Amount and Date of Payment, Revised Guidelines on the

Implementation of the 13th Month Pay Law

a. Basic Wage/Commissions, Sec. 4


 Boie Takeda v. Dela Serna, supra

 Iran v. NLRC, supra
 Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation v. Panganiban, 514
SCRA 8404 (2007)

b. Substitute Payment, Sec. 2

 Framanlis Farms, Inc. v. NLRC, 171 SCRA 87 (1989)

c. 14th Month Pay

 Kamaya Port Hotel v. NLRC, 177 SCRA 160 (1989)

d. Diminution

 Davao Fruits Corp. v. Associated Labor Unions, supra

5. Exempt from Income Tax up to P82,000, RA 10653, Sec. 1; P90,000,


J. Bonus

1. Nature

 Philippine Duplicators Inc. v. NLRC, supra

2. Definition; When Demandable

 Philippine Appliance Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 430 SCRA 525

 Eastern Telecommunications Phil. Inc. v. Eastern Telecoms
Employees Union, 665 SCRA 516 (2012)

K. Working Conditions for Special Group of Workers

1. Women

References: Arts. 130-138 [130 & 131 is repealed; 132-136];

Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule XII, Sec. 1; Constitution, Arts. II, Sec.
13 & XIII, Sec. 14; Women in Development and Nation Building Act
(RA 7192); Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877); Anti-
Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (RA 9262);
The Magna Carta of Women (RA 9710); Expanded Breastfeeding
Promotion Act of 2009 (RA 10028)

Reflection Paper/Guide Questions: Do the provisions on the

Employment of Women engender equality? What amendments
would you propose to make them gender-fair and gender-friendly?

a. Equality: Formal Equality vs. Substantive Equality


 Bartlett, Katharine, Gender Law, in Duke Journal of Gender

Law and Policy (1994)
 Formal Equality and Substantive Equality in the Textbook
on Gender and the Law by Angela Harris
 Baldoz, Rosalinda, Job discrimination against women in
the work environment: the Philippine setting, PLR, Vol. 24,
No. 1 (2000).

b. Women under the Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 14; Art XIII, Sec 14;
RA No. 9710, Secs. 2 pars. 1 & 12

 Philippine Association of Service Exporters v. Drilon, 163

SCRA 386 (1988)

c. Coverage, Rule XII, Sec. I

d. Night Work/Exception, ILO Convention 89 (1948); Arts. 154, 158;

DA No. 4, series of 2010

Note: RA No. 10151 repealed Arts. 130-131

e. Prohibited Acts

1) Discrimination, ILO Conventions 100 (1951) and 111 (1958);

CEDAW Art. 11; Art. 133; RA No. 9710, Secs. 2, pars. 2 & 12

2) Stipulation Against Marriage, Art. 134

 Phil. Telegraph and Telephone Co. v. NLRC, 272 SCRA

 Duncan Association of Detailman-PTGWO v. Glaxo
Wellcome Philippines, Inc., 438 SCRA 343 (2004)
 Star Paper Corporation, et al. v. Simbol, et al., 487 SCRA
228 (2006)
 Capin-Cadiz v. Brent Hospital and Colleges, Inc., 785
SCRA 18 (2016)

3) Discharge to Prevent Employment of Benefits, Art. 135 (1)

4) Discharge on Account of Pregnancy or Fear of Getting

Pregnant, Art. 135 (2), (3)

5) Discharge on Account of Testimony, Rule XII, Sec. 13 (d)


6) Expulsion of Women Faculty Due to Pregnancy Outside of

Marriage, RA No. 9710, Sec. 13 (c)

f. Facilities and Safe Working Conditions, Art. 130; RA 9710, Sec.

22 (b); RA 10028, Sec. 4, 6 & 7 and DO 143-15

g. Family Planning Services, Art. 132; Rule XII, Sec. 11; RA 9710,
Secs. 17, 22 (b)

h. Special Women Workers, 136; Rule XII, Sec. 4

i. Leaves and other Benefits

1) Maternity Leave, Social Security Law of 1997 (RA 1161, as

amended by RA 8282), Sec. 14-A, RA 8282; RA 11210 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations

2) Victim Leave, RA 9262, Secs. 3, 43; Impl. Rules, Rule VI, Sec.
42; RA 9710, Secs. 4 (k), 17 (a) 8)

3) Special Leave Benefits (for Gynecological Disorders), RA

9710, Sec. 18; Impl. Rules, Rule II, Sec. 7 T & Rule IV, Sec.
21; DO No. 112-11, as amended by DO No. 112A-12

j. Sexual Harassment, RA 7877, Secs. 3, Sec. 4

 Philippine Aelous Automotive United Corp. v. NLRC,

331SCRA 237 (2000)
 Domingo v. Rayala, 546 SCRA 90 (2008)

2. Minors

References: Arts 137-138; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule XII, Secs.
2-3; Special Protection of Children Act of 2003 (RA 7610, as
amended by RA 9231); DO No. 65-04; DO 170-17, Sec. 6; DC 02-17
as amended by DC 02-18; Sec. 6; ILO Convention No. 182 (1999);
ILO Recommendation No. 190

a. Minors under the Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 13, 18; Art. XV, Sec. 3

b. Coverage/Definition, RA 9231, Sec. 2, par. 3 on Sec. 12; Rule XII,

Sec. 1; DO No. 65-04, Sec. 3

1) Child, DO No. 65-04, Sec. 3 (a)

2) Child Labor, DO No. 65-04, Sec. 3 (b)

3) Working Child, DO No. 65-04, Sec. 3 (c)


c. Minimum Employable Age, ILO Convention 138 (1973); Art. 137;

RA 7610, as amended by RA No. 9231, Secs. 12-16; DO No. 65-
04, Secs. 6, 7; D.A. No. 01-08; DO 170, Sec. 6

d. Hours of Work, RA 9231, Sec. 3 on Sec. 12-a

e. Prohibitions Against Worst Forms of Child Labor, ILO Convention

182 (1999); RA 9231, Sec. 3 on Sec. 12-d; Sec 5 on sec. 14; DO
No. 65-04, Sec. 5; D.O. No. 149-16 as amended by 149A-17

f. Prohibition against Discrimination, Art. 138

g. Jurisdiction, Sec. 9 on Sec. 16-A

3. Domestic Workers or “Kasambahay” (formerly Househelpers)

References: RA 10361 & IRR; Civil Code, Arts. 1689-1699; ILO

Convention 189 & ILO Recommendation 201; Department Advisory
No. 1-14

a. Declaration of Policies, Art. 1, Sec. 2

b. Coverage, Art. I, Sec. 3

c. Definition, Art. I, Secs. 4 (c), (d), (f)

d. Employment Age, Art. III, Sec. 16

e. Pre-Employment Prohibitions, Secs. 13, 14, 15

f. Employment Contract, Art. III, Sec. 11

g. Employer’s Reportorial Duties, Art. III, Sec. 17

h. Rights and Privileges, Art. II, Secs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

1) Standard of Treatment, Art. II, Sec. 5

2) Board and Lodging and Medical Attendance, Art. II, Sec. 6

3) Guarantee of Privacy, Art. Sec. 7

4) Access to Outside Communication, Art. II, Sec. 8

5) Right to Education and Training, Art. II, Sec. 9

i. Wage, Art. IV, Secs. 24, 25 1st and 3rd sentences, 26

j. Wage Prohibitions

1) Charging by the original employer for temporary domestic

service, Art. IV, Sec. 23, 4th sentence

2) Deductions other than those mandated by law, Art. IV, Secs.

25 2nd sentence, 27, 28

3) Payment in forms other than cash, Art. IV, Sec. 25, 3 rd


4) Interference in the disposal of wages, Art. IV, Sec. 27

5) Withholding of Wages, Art. IV, Sec. 28

k. 13th Month Pay; SSS and other Benefits, Art. IV, Sec. 25
pars. 2, 30

l. Duty and Non-Assignment to Non-household, Secs. 22, 23

 Fernando Co v. Lina B. Vargas, 660 SCRA 451 (2011)

See: Apex Mining Company, Inc. v. NLRC, 196 SCRA 251


m. Rest Periods and Leave Benefits, Art. IV, Secs. 20, 21, 2

n. Health & Safety, Art. IV, Sec. 19

o. Termination of Service

1) Fixed Duration, Art. V, Sec. 32 par. 1

2) Not Fixed, Art. V, Sec. 32 par. 2

p. Grounds for Termination

1) Initiated by the Domestic Worker, Art. V, Sec. 33

2) Initiated by the Employer, Art. V, Sec. 34

3) Mutually Agreed, Art. V., Sec. 32, par. 3

q. Employment Certification, Art. V, Sec. 35

r. Prohibition Against Privileged Communication, Art. II, Sec.


s. Remedies

1) Rescue and Rehabilitation of Abused Domestic Worker, Art.

IV, Sec. 31

2) Mechanism for Settlement of Disputes

i. Jurisdiction of the DOLE Regional Office, Art. VII, Sec. 37,

par. 1

ii. Jurisdiction of Regular Courts, Art. VII, Sec. 37, par. 2

3) Penalty, Art. IX, Sec. 40

t. “Araw ng mga Kasambahay”: 18 January 2013, Art. VIII, Sec. 39

4. Homeworkers

Reference: Arts. 151-153; DO No. 5, DOLE, 4 Feb. 1993, now

Book III, Rule XIV

a. Coverage and Regulation, Arts. 151-153; DO No. 5, now Book III,

Rule XIV, Sec. 1

b. Definition, DO No. 5, Sec. 2

c. Registration, Secs. 4-5

d. Conditions of Employment/Deductions, Secs. 6-9

e. Joint and Several Liability of Employer/Contractor, Sec. 11

h. Prohibitions, Sec. 13

i. Enforcement, Sec. 10

5. Night Workers
Reference: Arts. 154-161

a. Coverage and Exception, Art. 154, par. 1

b. Definition, Art. 154, par. 2

c. Rights

1. Health Assessment, Art. 155

2. Mandatory Suitable First-aid Facilities, Art. 156

3. Transfer, Art. 157

4. Women Night Workers, Art. 158

5. Compensation, Art. 159

6. Social Services, Art. 160


7. Consultation on Night Work Schedules, Art. 161

L. Mental, Dental and Occupational Safety

References: Art. 162-171; Omnibus Rules, Book IV, Rule I, Secs. 1-10;
Rule II, Secs. 1-10; Technical Guidelines for Hazardous/Non-Hazardous
Establishments, DOLE Memo. Circ. No. 2, S 1998; DO No. 178-17; DO
No. 184-17; RA 11058 and DO No. 198-18

1. Coverage, Rule I, Sec. 1

2. First Aid Treatment, Art. 162

3. Emergency Medical and Dental Services

a. When Required, Art. 163

b. When Not Required, Art. 164

4. Employer Assistance, Art. 167

a. Ocean Builders Construction Corp., et al. vs. Sps. Antonio and

Anicia Cubacub, 648 SCRA 605 (2011)

5. Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Training of


a. When Required, Book IV, Rule II, Secs. 5 (a) (d)

b. When Not Required, Book IV, Rule II, Sec. 5 (e)

6. Enforcement/DOLE Obligations, Arts. 168-171

Note: Arts. 170-214: repealed by SSS Law of 1997 (RA 1161, as

amended); Re: Art. 209, see National Health Insurance act of
1995 (RA 7875); Book IV, Rule II, Sec. 8

See: Technical Guidelines for Hazardous/Non-Hazardous

Establishments, DOLE Memo. Circ. No. 2, S 1998

See: National Health Insurance Act of 1995 (RA 7875); Book IV,
Rule II, Sec. 8

See: Safety and Health Measures for Workers Who by Nature of

Work Have to Stand at Work, DO No. 178-17

M. Employee Classification

References: Arts. 293-302, Book VI, Rule 1, Secs. 1, 5, 6

1. Coverage, Art. 293

2. Employer Recognition

 Pangilinan v. General Milling Corporation, 434 SCRA 159


3. Employer Determination/Designation

 Violeta v. NLRC, 280 SCRA 520 (1997)

 San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC, 297 SCRA 277 (1998)

4. Kinds of Employee, Arts. 295-296

a. Regular Employees, Art. 295, par. 1; 295, par. 2; 296, last

sentence; 75(d); Omnibus Rules, Book VI, Rule 1, Secs. 5(a), (b)
and 6.

1) Definition

 Pangilinan v. General Milling Corporation, supra

2) Nature of Work, Art. 295

 Hacienda Fatima v. National Federation of Sugarcane

Workers Food and General Trade, 396 SCRA 518 (2003)
 Romares v. NLRC, 294 SCRA 411 (1998)

3) Extended Period

 Audion Electric Co., Inc. v. NLRC, 308 SCRA 340


4) Repeated Renewal of Contract

 Maraguinot v. NLRC, 284 SCRA 539 (1998)

 University of Sto. Tomas v. Samahang Manggagawa ng
UST, et al., G.R. No. 184262, 24 April 2017

b. Project Employee, Art. 286 [295], par. 1; Policy Instruction No. 20

(1977); DOLE D.O. No. 19 (1993)

1) Definition

 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co. v, Ibañez,

555 SCRA 537 (2008)

2) Principal Test of Project Employment

 DM Consunji Corp. v. Rogelio Bello, 702 SCRA 347

 Macarthur Malicdem and Hermenigildo Flores v.
Marulas Industrial Corporation and Mike Mancilla, 717
SCRA 563 (2014)
 Omni Hauling Services, Inc. et al. v. Bon, 734 SCRA
270 (2014)
 Innodata Knowledge Services, Inc. v. Socorro D’Marie
T. Inting, et al. G.R. No. 211892, 6 Dec. 2017

3) Workpool Employees

 J & D.O. Aguilar Corp. v. NLRC, 269 SCRA 596 (1997)

 Maraguinot v. NLRC, supra

c. Casual, Art. 286 [295], par. 2; Omnibus Rules, Book VI, Rule 1,
Sec. 5 (b)

1) Nature of Work

 Hacienda Leddy v. Villegas, 735 SCRA 663 (2014)

2) One-Year Service: Becomes Regular Employee

 Integrated Contractor and Plumbing Works, Inc. v.

Court of Appeals, 466 SCRA 544 (2005)
d. Fixed-Term

1) Legal Basis, Art. 1306, Civil Code

 Brent School v. Zamora, 181 SCRA 702 (1990)

 Basan v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, 749 SCRA 541
 Integrated Contractor and Plumbing Works, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, supra

2) Fixed-Term Employee as distinguished from Independent

Contractor, Regular Employee and Project Employee

 Fuji Television Network, Inc. v. Espiritu, 744 SCRA 31


3) Fixed-Term as distinguished from Project Employee

 GMA Network, Inc. v. Pabriga, et al., 710 SCRA 690 (2013)

4) No Implied Renewal of Employment


 Unica v. Anscor Swire Ship Management Corp., 716 SCRA

61 (2014)

5) Non-renewal of Contract is Management Prerogative

 Fonterra Brands Phils., Inc. v. Largado, 753 SCRA 649


e. Seasonal, Art. 286 [295], par. 1

 Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corp. and Cabati v. Ang, 713

SCRA 596 (2014)
 Paz v. Northern Tobacco Redrying Co., Inc., 751 SCRA 99

f. Probationary, Art. 287 [296]; 61, 2nd sentence; 75 (d); Book VI,
Rule I, Secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Art. 75 (d)

1) Definition

 Philippine Federation of Credit Cooperatives, Inc. v. NLRC,

300 SCRA 72 (1998)
 Cebu Marine Beach Resort v. NLRC, 414 SCRA 173
 Enchanted Kingdom, Inc. v. Verzo, 777 SCRA 422 (2015)

2) Employer Right to Set Period/Obligation\

 Orient Express Placement Philippines v. NLRC, 273

SCRA 256 (1997)

3) Duration; Exception

 Cathay Pacific Airways, Limited v. Marin, 501 SCRA

461 (2006)
 Canadian Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. v. Bart Q.
Dalangin, 665 SCRA 21 (2012)

4) Criteria for Regularization

 Mylene Carvajal v. Luzon Development Bank and/or

Ramirez, 678 SCRA 132 (2012)
 UNIVAC Development, Inc. v. William M. Soriano, 699
SCRA 88 (2013)
 Abbott Laboratories, Phils. v. Alcaraz, 701 SCRA 682

5) Extension of Contract

 Ma. Carmela Umali v. Hobbying Solutions, Inc., G.R.

No. 221356, 14 Mar. 2018

6) Absorbed Employees

 Cebu Stevedoring Co. Inc. v. Regional Director, 168

SCRA 315 (1988)

7) Rule on Private School Teachers

 La Consolacion College v. NLRC, 366 SCRA 226

 Colegio del Santisimo Rosario and Sr. Zenaida S.
Mofada, OP v. Emmanuel Rojo, 705 SCRA 63 (2013)

g. Telecommunting Employee, RA 11165 and its Implementing

Rules and Regulations

N. Suspension of Business Operation – When Not Deemed Terminated

References: Art. 301; Book VI, Rule 1, Sec. 12

1. Bona-fide Suspension of Operation; Performance of Military or

Civic Duty

2. “Floating Status” Beyond Six (6) Months Constitutes Termination

 Valdez v. NLRC, 286 SCRA 87 (1998)

 SKM Art Craft Corporation v. Efren Bauca, et al., 710 SCRA
652 (2013)
 Lopez v. Irvine Construction Corp., 733 SCRA 589 (2014)
 Exocet Security & Allied Services Corp. v. Serrano, 737 SCRA
40 (2014)

O. Termination of Employment

References: Const., Art. II, Sec. 20; Art. XIII, Sec. 3; Arts. 297-301; 292
(b); Omnibus Rules, Book VI, Rule I, DO 147-15

1. Coverage, Art. 293; Book VI, Rule 1, Sec. 1

2. Security of Tenure, Art 294; 292] (b)

a. Nature/Rationale

 Distribution & Control Products, Inc. v. Jeffrey Santos,

G.R. No. 212616, 10 July 2017

b. Coverage

 Labajo v. Alejandro, 165 SCRA 747 (1988)

 Skillworld Management and Marketing Corporation v.
NLRC, 186 SCRA 465 (1990)
 Inter-Orient Maritime Enterprises Inc. v. NLRC, 235 SCRA
268 (1994)

c. Management Prerogative

 Negros Slashers, Inc. v. Alvin L. Teng, 666 SCRA 629 (2012)

 Dongon v. Rapid Movers and Forwarders Co., Inc., 704 SCRA
56 (2013)
 Phil. Span Asia Carriers Corp. (Sulpicio Lines, Inc.) v. Heidi
Pelayo, G.R. No. 212003, 28 February 2018

d. Guidelines in the Disposition of Labor Disputes

 Mansion Printing Center v. Bitara, 664 SCRA 44 (2012)

e. Guidelines on Imposition of Penalty

 Valiao v. Court of Appeals, 435 SCRA 543 (2004)

 Etchuban v. Sulpicio Lines, Inc., 448 SCRA 516 (2005)

3. Termination of Employment by Employee

a. Resignation

 Fonterra Brands Phils., Inc. v. Largado, supra

1) Just Causes, Art. 300 (b)

2) Without Just Cause – Requisites, Art. 300 (a); Const. Art. III,
Sec. 18 (2)

 Azcor Manufacturing v. NLRC, 303 SCRA 26 (1999)

 Michelle Tuazon v. Bank of Commerce, et al., 686 SCRA
174 (2012)

b. Forced Resignation

 Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) vs. Rebesencio, 746 SCRA

140 (2015)

4. Termination of Employment by Employer

a. Basis of Right and Requirements, Arts. 293-301; 292 (b); Const.,

Art. XIII, Sec. 3, pars. 2 & 3
1) Basis: Employer’s Self-Protection, Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 3,
pars. 2 & 3

 Norman Yabut v. MECO, 663 SCRA 92 (2012)

2) Requisites of Lawful Dismissal: Substantive and Procedural

Due Process

 Billy M. Realda vs. New Age Graphics, Inc., et al., 671

SCRA 410 (2012)
 Dagasdas v. Grant Places and General Services Corp.,

b. Substantive Requirements – Just Causes, Art. 297, 294, 292 (b),

DO 147-15

1) Serious Misconduct, Art. 297 (a), DO 147-15, sec. 5.2 (a)

 Northwest Airlines, Inc v. Del Rosario, 734 SCRA 514

 Hocheng Phil. Corp. v. Farrales, 754 SCRA 31 (2015)
 Fabricator Philippines, Inc. v. Estolas, G.R. No. 224308,
27 September 2017

Willful Disobedience (insubordination), Art. 297 (a), DO 147-

15, sec. 5.2 (b)

 BDO Unibank v. Nerbes, G.R. No. 208735, 9 August


2) Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duties, Art. 297 (b), DO 147-15,

sec. 5.2 (c)

 Philippine National Bank v. Dan Padao, 660 SCRA 289

 Jumuad v. Hi-Flyer Food, Inc., 657 SCRA 288 (2011)
 Cavite Apparel, Inc. & Timoteo v. Marquez, 690 SCRA
48 (2013)
 Century Iron Works, Inc. and Benito Chua v. Eleto B.
Bañas, 699 SCRA 157 (2013)

3) Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust, Art. 297 (d)

Guidelines in the Application of the Doctrine; Two Classes of

Positions of Trust

 P.J. Lhuiller, Inc. v. Velayo, 740 SCRA 147 (2014)

 Josephine Casco v. NLRC, G.R. No. 200571, 19
February 2018

Managerial Employees

 Manese, et al. v. Jollibee Foods, et al., 684 SCRA 34

 Bravo v. Urios College, G.R. No. 198066, 7 June 2017

4) Commission of Crime, Art. 288 [297] (d), DO 147-15, sec. 5.2


 Sampaguita Garments Corporation v. NLRC, 233

SCRA 260 (1994)

5) Analogous, Art. 288 [297] (e)

 Cathedral School of Technology v. NLRC, 214 SCRA

551, 559 (1992)
 Yrasegui v. PAL, Inc., 569 SCRA 467 (2008)
 Sampaguita Auto Transport Corp. v. NLRC & Sagad,
689 SCRA 777 (2013)

6) Others – Just Causes Claimed by Employer

a) Abandonment

 Floren Hotel v. NLRC, 456 SCRA 128 (2005)

 EG & Const. Corp. & Edsel Galeos v. Ananias P.
Sato, et al., 643 SCRA 492 (2011)

b) Courtesy Resignation

 Batongbacal v. Associated Bank, 168 SCRA 600


c) Change of Ownership

 Manlimos v. NLRC, 242 SCRA 145 (1995)

 Elcee Farms, Inc. v. NLRC, 512 SCRA 602 (2007)

d) Habitual Absenteeism/Tardiness

 Manila Electric Co. v. NLRC, 263 SCRA 531 (1996)

e) Inefficiency

 Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. v. Joy

Cabiles, 732 SCRA 22 (2014)

f) Past offenses

 Ramoran v. Jardine CMG Life Insurance Co., Inc. 326

SCRA 208 (2000)
 Century Canning Corp. v. Vicente Randy R. Ramil, 627
SCRA 192 (2010)

g) Immorality

 Santos v. NLRC, 287 SCRA 117 (1998)

 Estrada v. Escritor, 455 SCRA 411 (2003)
 Capin-Cadiz v. Brent Hospital and Colleges, Inc.

h) Pregnancy out of Wedlock

 Leus v. St. Scholastica’s College Westgrove, 748 SCRA

378 (2015)

i) Qualification Requirements

 Son, et al v. University of Sto. Tomas, G.R. No.

211273, 18 April 2018

7) Constructive Dismissal

 The Philippine American Life and General Insurance

Co. v. Gramaje, 442 SCRA 274 (2004)
 Dusit Hotel Nikko v. National Union in Hotel,
Restaurant and Allied Industries (NUWHRAIN)-Dusit Hotel
Nikko Chapter, 466 SCRA 374 (2005)

8) Transfer/Reassignment of Work

 OSS Security & Allied Services Inc. v. NLRC, 325

SCRA 157 (2000)
 Jonathan Morales v. Harbor Centre Port Terminal, Inc.,
664 SCRA 110 (2012)

9) Promotion

 Phil. Telegraph & Telephone Corp. v. Court of Appeals,

412 SCRA 263 (2003)

10)Preventive Suspension, Book V, Rule XXIII, Secs. 8, 9 (Old

provision – prior to DO 40-03. (At present, no specific rule

governs Preventive Suspension)

 Maula v. Ximex Delivery Express, Inc., G.R. No. 207838,

25 Jan. 2017

c. Substantive Requirements – Authorized Causes, Art. 289 [298],

DO 147-15

1) Basis: Employer’s Right – Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 3, par. 4; Art.


 Edge Apparel Inc. v. NLRC, 286 SCRA 302 (1998)

2) Business Related or Authorized Causes, Art. 298

a) Installation of Labor Saving Devices, DO 147-15, sec.5.4


b) Retrenchment to Prevent Losses., DO 147-15, sec. 5.4 (c)

 Sanoh Fulton Phils., Inc. and Mr. Eddie Jose v.

Emmanuel Bernardo and Samuel Taghoy, 703 SCRA
565 (2013)
 Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Ligan, et al., G.R. No.
203932, 8 June 2016
 Flight Attendants & Stewards Association of the
Philippines (FASAP) v. PAL, Inv., G.R. No. 178083, 13
March 2018

See: FASAP v. PAL, Inc., 602 SCRA 473 (2009)

FASAP v. PAL, Inc., 559 SCRA 252 (2008)

c) Redundancy, DO 147-15, sec. 5.4 (b)

 Asufrin v. San Miguel Corp., 425 SCRA 270 (2004)

 SPI Technologies, Inc. and Lea Villanueva v. Victoria K.
Mapua, 720 SCRA 743 (2014)
 Ocean East Agency Corp., et al. v. Lopez, 772 SCRA
SCRA 414 (2015)

d) Closure of Business, DO 147-15, sec. 5.4 (d)

 Eastridge Golf Club, Inc. v. Eastridge Labor Union-

SUPER, 563 SCRA 93 (2009)
 Manila Polo Club Employees’ Union (MPCEU) FUR-
TUCP v. Manila Polo Club, Inc. 702 SCRA 20 (2013)
 Sangwoo Philippines, Inc., et al. v. Sangwoo
Philippines, Inc. Employees Union-OLALIA, 711 SCRA
618 (2013)

3) Disease, Art. 290 [299], DO 147-15, 5.4 (f)

 Deoferio v. Intel Technology Philippines, Inc., 726

SCRA 676 (2014)

4) Enforcement of Union Security Clause in the CBA

 Inguillo & Bergante v. First Phil. Scales, Inc., 588 SCRA

471 (2009)

5) Dismissal of Union officers in Illegal Strike/dismissal of Union

Members in the Commission of Illegal Acts, Art. 270 [279] (a)

6) Termination for Failure to Meet Qualification Requirement

 University of the East, et al. v. Pepanio, 689 SCRA 250


See: St. Luke’s Medical Center Employees Association –

AFW v. NLRC, 7 Mar. 2007

c. Procedural Requirements, Art. 292 (b); Book VI, Rule I, Secs. 1-3
Omnibus Rules

1) Essential Elements; Liability for Non-Compliance with

Procedural Requirements

 Serrano v. NLRC, 323 SCRA 445 (2000)

 Agabon v. NLRC, 442 SCRA 573 (2004)
 JAKA Food Processing Corporation v, Darwin Pacot, et
al., 454 SCRA 119 (2005)

2) Right to Counsel, Art. 292 (b), 1st sentence

 Salaw v. NLRC, 202 SCRA 7, 12-15 (1991)

3) Two-Notice Requirement – 292 (b), 1st sentence

 Distribution & Control Products, Inc. v. Santos, G.R. No.

212616, 10 July 2017

4) Hearing, Art. 292 (b), 1st Sentence

 Technol Eight Phil. Corp. v. NLRC, 618 SCRA 248

 Prudential Guarantees and Assurance Employees
Labor Union v. NLRC, supra
 Punogbayan & Araullo v. Lepon, 774 SCRA 49 (2015)

e. Filing of Complaint for Dismissal

1) Use of Position Paper in Labor Cases

 Shoppes Manila, Inc. v. NLRC, 419 SCRA 354 (2004)

2) Supplemental Rejoinder vis-à-vis Position Paper, 2011 NLRC

Rules of Procedure

 Am-Phil Food Concepts, Inc. v. Padilla, 737 SCRA 339


3) Burden of Proof

 Renante Remoticado v. Typical Const. Trading Corp., G.R.

No. 206529, 23 April 2018

4) Degree of Proof - Substantial Evidence

 Kulas Ideas & Creations, et. al. v. Alcoseba & Arao-arao,

613 SCRA 217 (2010)

5) Decision – Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 14

6) Appeal; Appeal Bond, Art. 229

 Andrew James McBurnie v. Eulalio Ganzon, supra

 Balite vs. SS Ventures International, Inc. 749 SCRA 608

7) Quitclaim: Requisites for Validity

 Arlo Aluminum, Inc. v. Pinon, Jr., G.R. No. 215874, 5 July


8) Laches/Prescription, Art. 306; Civil Code, Arts. 1146, 1155

 University of the East v. University of the East Employees’

Association, 657 SCRA 637 (2011)
 Montero, et al. v. Times Transp. Co., Inc., 753 SCRA 250

9) Principle of Res Judicata

 Rosales , et al. v. New ANJH Enterprises, et al., 767 SCRA

149 (2015)

10)Criminal Cases

 Lolita S. Concepcion v. Minex Import Corp./Minera Corp.,

663 SCRA 497 (2012)

5. Reliefs; Remedies in Illegal Dismissal, Art. 294; 229

a. In General; Twin Remedies

 Aguilar v. Burger Machine Holdings Corp., 516 SCRA 413


1) Reinstatement, Art. 294

a) Definition

 PNOC-EDC v. Abella, 448 SCRA 549 (2005)

 Composite Enterprises, Inc. v. Emilio M. Caparoso, et
al., 529 SCRA 470 (2007)

b) Effect of Failure to Ask Relief

 Pheschem Industrial Corp. v. Moldez, 458 SCRA 339


c) Exception

 Fernandez, Jr. v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. 226002,

25 June 2018

1) Closure of Business

 Retuya v. Hon. Dumarpa, 408 SCRA 315 (2003)

2) Economic Business Conditions

 Union of Supervisors (RB) NATU, etc. v. Sec. of

Labor, 128 SCRA 442 (1984)

3) Employee’s Retirement/Overage

 Espejo v. NLRC, 255 SCRA 430 (1996)

4) Antipathy and Antagonism – Strained Relations

 Divine Word High School v. NLRC, 143 SCRA 346


 Litex Glass and Aluminum Supply vs. Sanchez, 757

SCRA 206 (2015)
 Leus v. St. Scholastica’s College Westgrove, supra

5) Not Feasible - Length of Time

 Noblado vs. Alfonso, 775 SCRA 178 (2015)

d) Offer to Reinstate

 Ranara v. NLRC, 212 SCRA 631 (1992)

e) Payroll Reinstatement, Art. 229 [229]

 Garcia, et al. v. PAL, 576 SCRA 479 (2009)

f) No Refund Doctrine

 College of the Immaculate Concepcion v. NLRC and

Atty. Carlos, Ph.D., 616 SCRA 299 (2010)

g) Reinstatement as Interim Relief; When Applicable

 Lansangan and Cedaña v. Amkor Technology Phil.,

Inc., 577 SCRA 493 (2009)

2) Backwages, Art. 294

a) Reinstatement without Backwages: Exceptions

 Integrated Microelectronics, Inc. v. Adonis A. Pionilla,

704 SCRA 362 (2013)

b) Liability of Backwages May be Tempered

 La Consolacion College of Manila v. Virginia

Pascua, MD, G.R. No. 214744, 14 Mar. 2018

c) Effect of Failure to Claim

 De La Cruz v. NLRC, 299 SCRA 1 (1998)

d) Effect of Failure to Order

 Aurora Land Projects Corp. v. NLRC, 266 SCRA 48


 Automotive Engine Rebuilders, Inc., et al. v.

Progresibong Unyon ng mga Manggagawa sa AER,
688 SCRA 586 (2013)

e) Computation

 Leo a. Gonzales v. Solid Cement Corp., 684 SCRA 344

 Dario Nacar v. Gallery Frames and/or Felipe Bordey, Jr.
703 SCRA 439 (2013)
 Protective Maximum Security Agency, Inc. vs. Fuentes,
750 SCRA 302 (2015)
 United Coconut Chemicals, Inc. v. Valmores, G.R. No.
201018, 12 July 2017

f) Fringe Benefit

 Acecite Corporation v. NLRC, 449 SCRA 360 (2005)

b. Damages and Attorney’s Fees, Art. 111; Civil Code, Art. 2208,
par. 7

 Maguiling v. Phil. Tuberculosis Society, Inc. 450 SCRA 465

 M + W Zander Phil., Inc., et. al. v. Enriquez, 588 SCRA 590
 Montinola v. PAL, 734 SCRA 439 (2014)
 Hoegh Fleet Services Phils., Inc. and/or HOEGH Fleet
Services v. Bernardo M. Turallo, G.R. No. 230481, 26 July

c. Separation Pay

1) When Proper

a) Legal Termination due to Authorized Causes; Exception

 National Federation of Labor v. Court of Appeals, 440
SCRA 604 (2004)
 Reahs Corp., et al. v. NLRC, 271 SCRA 247 (1997)

b) In lieu of Reinstatement (Alternative)

 Jordan v. Grandeur Security & Services, Inc., 727

SCRA 36 (2014)
 Fernandez, Jr. v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. 226002,
25 June 2018

b) Financial Assistance as Separation – Measure of Social


 Toyota Philippines, Corp. Workers Association

(TMPCWA) v. NLRC, supra
 PLDT v. NLRC, supra
 Reno Foods, Inc. v. NLM-KATIPUNAN, 615 SCRA 240
 Paz vs. Northern Tobacco Redrying Co., Inc., 751
SCRA 99 (2015)

c) As an Employment Benefit Under CBA or Company Policy

 Gaco v. NLRC, et al., G.R. No. 104690, 23 February

 Jordan v. Grandeur Security & Services, Inc., supra

2) Computation/Rationale

 Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. Canja, 772 SCRA 403

 Paz vs. Northern Tobacco Redrying Co., Inc., supra

3) Effect of Acceptance

 Anino v. NLRC, 290 SCRA 489 (1998)

d. Indemnity

 Serrano v. NLRC, supra

 Agabon v. NLRC, supra

e. Interest at 6% p.a. on the Total Monetary Awards from Finality of

Decision Until Full Payment per BSP MB circular No. 799, series
of 2013

 Nacar v. Gallery Frames and/or Felipe Bordey, supra

f. Liability of Corporate Officers

 Manarpiis v. Texan Phil., Inc., Richard & Catherine Tan,

748 SCRA 511 (2015)
 Symex Security Services, Inc. v. Rivera, Jr., G.R. No.
202613, 8 Nov. 2017

P. Retirement

References: Art. 302, as amended by RA No. 7641; Rules Implementing

the New Retirement Law (Implementing Rules); RA No. 8558 (1998);
Labor Advisory on Retirement Pay (Oct. 1999)

1. Types of Retirement

 Gerlach v. Reuters Ltd., Phil. 448 SCRA 535 (2005)

2. Coverage/Eligibility, Art. 302, par. 1; Rule II, Sec. 1

 Brion v. South Phil. Union Mission of the Seventh Day Adventist

Church, 307 SCRA 497 (1999)
 De La Salle Araneta University v. Bernardo, G.R. No. 190809, 13
February 2017
 Laya, Jr. v. Philippine Veterans Bank, G.R. No. 205813, 10
January 2018

3. Exemption, Rule II, Sec. 2

4. When Applicable; Retroactive Applicability of RA 7641

 Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corp. v. Caballeda & Cadalin, 560

SCRA 115 (2008)
 Grace Christian High School v. Lavandera, 733 SCRA 498 (2014)

5. Components of one-half month pay/salary, Implementing Rules,

Guidelines 5.2

 Reyes v. NLRC, 529 SCRA 487 (2007)

6. Forfeiture of Benefits

 Sy v. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, 506 SCRA 580 (2006)

7. Equitable Solution

 PLDT v. Reus, 557 SCRA 379 (2008)

8. Non-entitlement – Termination for Just Cause

 Jerome M. Daabay v. COCA-COLA Bottlers Phils., Inc., 704

SCRA 350 (2013)

9. Retirement Pay Differential

 Rivera v. United Laboratories, Inc., 586 SCRA 269 (2009)

10. Management Prerogative

 Magdadero v. PNB, 593 SCRA 195 (2009)

11. Exemption from Tax, Rule II, Sec. 6


 Intercontinental Broadcasting Corp. v. Amarilla, et al., 505 SCRA

687 (2006)

12. Voluntary Retirement

 Ariola v. Philex Mining Corp., 465 SCRA 686 (2005)

13. Gratuity Pay vis-à-vis Retirement Pay

 Sta. Catalina v. Retirement Pay, NLRC, 416 SCRA 233



Read: D.P. Disini, Jr., Statutory and Case Materials on Social Legislation

A. Social Security Act of 1997, RA No. 8292

 Kua v. Sacupayo, 736 SCRA 401 (2014)

 PICOP Resources, Inc. v. Social Security Commission, 799 SCRA
426 (2016)

B. Government Service Insurance Act of 1995, RA 8291

C. Employees Compensation and State Insurance Fund, PD No. 442,

as amended

D. Limited Portability Law, RA No. 7699


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