Labor Syllabus (AY19-20)
Labor Syllabus (AY19-20)
Labor Syllabus (AY19-20)
Course Description:
Course Methodology:
Grading policy: All of the grading for this course will be graded blindly,
except for the recitation/participation. Any submissions, including the mid-
term and final exams, should bear only your UP student number (ID) and
section, which should appear at the top left corner of the paper. This policy
is to avoid any potential biases in the grading process and to facilitate the
fairest grading system.
Course Values
Freedom of opinion and belief: You are given the chance to express
your views and concerns, recognizing our different backgrounds, skills,
interests, and values. Thus, we will view the course materials from multiple
perspectives and the varied experiences of the students of the class. In our
discussions, therefore, we should respect the others’ rights to hold opinions
and beliefs that differ from our own.
Consultation Hours:
Course Outline/Topic:
B. Labor Law
1. Definition
2. Classification
a. Labor Standards
b. Labor Relations
Perfecto Pascua v. Bank Wise Inc. and Phil. Veterans Bank, G.R.
No. 191460 & 191464, 31 Jan. 2018
4. Social Justice as Justification, Const., Art. II, Secs. 10; Art. XIII, Sec.
1-3; Art. II, Secs. 18 & 20
Compare: 1987 Const., Art. II, Sec. 10; 1973 Const., Art. II, Sec. 6;
1935 Const., Art. II, Sec. 5
c. Limits of Use
a. International Instruments
b. 1987 Constitution, Art. II, Secs. 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18; Art. III,
Secs. 1, 4, 8, 18 (1); Art. XIII, Secs. 1-3, 14
Compare: 1987 Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 3; 1973 Const., Art. II, Sec.
9; 1935 Const., Art. XIV, Sec., 6
d. New Civil Code of the Philippines (NCC), Arts. 19, 21, 1700-1701
f. Past Practices
g. Company Policies
A. Brief History
B. General Provisions
2. Effectivity, Art. 2
Ma. Ligaya B. Santos v. Litton Mills, Inc., 652 SCRA 510 (2011)
Wallem Maritime Services, Inc. v. Pedrajas, 732 SCRA 541
9. Enforcement and Sanctions – Arts. 224 (a) (2), (3), (4), (6); 128-129;
303-307; DO 183-17, DO 131-13 as amended by DO 131B-16;
Const., Art III, Secs. 11 and 16
C. Work Relationship
a. Definition of Employer and Employee, Arts. 97 (a) (b) (c), 173 (f)
(g) (h), 219 (e) (f)
b. Factors/Tests
a. Parties
1) Allowed Private Agencies and Entities, Arts. 16, 25, 18, 12 (f);
2016 POEA Rules and Regulations, Part II, Rule I, Sec. 1 &
Part III, Rule II, Secs. 123-124
1) Licensing – Local/Overseas
2) Workers’ Fees, Art. 32; DO No. 141-14, Secs. 35, 36; 2016
POEA Rules, Part II, Rule V, Secs. 50-54
a) Prohibited Practices
5) Enforcement
a) Liberal Construction
e. Jurisdiction
4. Sanctions
See: DOJ Opinion No. 68, 2004 Re: Conflicts between Labor Code &
a. Apprentice
6) Costs, Art. 71
1. Policy, Sec. 2
4. Exceptions, Sec. 6
5. Penalty, Sec. 7
G. Conditions of Work
1. Hours of Work
a. Regulation; Rationale
7) Piece Workers, Art. 82; Rule I, Sec. 2 (e); Rule VII-A, Sec. 8
e. Specific Rules
1) Rest Period
2) Meal Period
b) Shorter Meal Period (Less than One Hour, but Not Less
than20 min.), Rule I, Sec. 7, par. 1
8) Travel Time
References: Arts. 91-93; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule III, Secs. 1-9
d. Premium Pay, Art. 93 (a) (b) (c); Rule III, Sec. 2, Sec. 7 (a), (b)
3. Holidays
References: Art. 94; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule IV; P.D. 1083;
Executive Order 203 (1987); EO No. 292, 26 July 2007; R.A. 9177;
R.A. 9256, R.A. 9492; R.A. 9849
b. Definition
2) Divisor as Factor
5. Paternity Leave, Paternity Leave of 1996 (RA 8187), Secs. 1-6; Impl.
6. Parental Leave, Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972); Impl.
a. Coverage, Sec. 3
c. Rules
2) Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value, Art. 133 (a); ILO
Convention 100 (1951)
e. Wages, Arts. 97 (f), 99, 61, 75 (c), 80 (b); Rule VII, VII-A, Secs. 4-
7; Sec. 1 (n), Rules Implementing RA 6727; NCR-17, 3 June
2012; NCR-18, 6 Sept 2013; NCR-19, 4 April 2015; NCR-20, 2
June 2016; NCR-21, 5 Oct. 2017; RA 7323; 9547, secs. 1-2; Rule
VII-A, Secs. 4-7
1) Methods of Fixing
2) Validity
5. Work Preference in the Event of Bankruptcy, Art. 110; Book III, Rule
VIII, Sec. 7; Civil Code, Arts. 1207, 2241 (6), 2242 (3), 2244 (2),
2246, 2248, 2250; RA 10142 (FRIA of 2010), Sec. 133
6. Wage Recovery/Jurisdiction, Arts. 128, 129, 217, 111; Book III, Rule
X, Secs. 1-5
d. Diminution
J. Bonus
1. Nature
1. Women
b. Women under the Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 14; Art XIII, Sec 14;
RA No. 9710, Secs. 2 pars. 1 & 12
e. Prohibited Acts
g. Family Planning Services, Art. 132; Rule XII, Sec. 11; RA 9710,
Secs. 17, 22 (b)
2) Victim Leave, RA 9262, Secs. 3, 43; Impl. Rules, Rule VI, Sec.
42; RA 9710, Secs. 4 (k), 17 (a) 8)
2. Minors
References: Arts 137-138; Omnibus Rules, Book III, Rule XII, Secs.
2-3; Special Protection of Children Act of 2003 (RA 7610, as
amended by RA 9231); DO No. 65-04; DO 170-17, Sec. 6; DC 02-17
as amended by DC 02-18; Sec. 6; ILO Convention No. 182 (1999);
ILO Recommendation No. 190
a. Minors under the Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 13, 18; Art. XV, Sec. 3
j. Wage Prohibitions
k. 13th Month Pay; SSS and other Benefits, Art. IV, Sec. 25
pars. 2, 30
m. Rest Periods and Leave Benefits, Art. IV, Secs. 20, 21, 2
o. Termination of Service
s. Remedies
4. Homeworkers
i. Enforcement, Sec. 10
5. Night Workers
Reference: Arts. 154-161
c. Rights
References: Art. 162-171; Omnibus Rules, Book IV, Rule I, Secs. 1-10;
Rule II, Secs. 1-10; Technical Guidelines for Hazardous/Non-Hazardous
Establishments, DOLE Memo. Circ. No. 2, S 1998; DO No. 178-17; DO
No. 184-17; RA 11058 and DO No. 198-18
See: National Health Insurance Act of 1995 (RA 7875); Book IV,
Rule II, Sec. 8
M. Employee Classification
2. Employer Recognition
3. Employer Determination/Designation
1) Definition
3) Extended Period
1) Definition
3) Workpool Employees
c. Casual, Art. 286 [295], par. 2; Omnibus Rules, Book VI, Rule 1,
Sec. 5 (b)
1) Nature of Work
f. Probationary, Art. 287 [296]; 61, 2nd sentence; 75 (d); Book VI,
Rule I, Secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Art. 75 (d)
1) Definition
3) Duration; Exception
5) Extension of Contract
6) Absorbed Employees
O. Termination of Employment
References: Const., Art. II, Sec. 20; Art. XIII, Sec. 3; Arts. 297-301; 292
(b); Omnibus Rules, Book VI, Rule I, DO 147-15
a. Nature/Rationale
b. Coverage
c. Management Prerogative
a. Resignation
2) Without Just Cause – Requisites, Art. 300 (a); Const. Art. III,
Sec. 18 (2)
b. Forced Resignation
Managerial Employees
a) Abandonment
b) Courtesy Resignation
c) Change of Ownership
d) Habitual Absenteeism/Tardiness
e) Inefficiency
f) Past offenses
g) Immorality
i) Qualification Requirements
7) Constructive Dismissal
8) Transfer/Reassignment of Work
9) Promotion
c. Procedural Requirements, Art. 292 (b); Book VI, Rule I, Secs. 1-3
Omnibus Rules
3) Burden of Proof
10)Criminal Cases
a) Definition
c) Exception
1) Closure of Business
3) Employee’s Retirement/Overage
d) Offer to Reinstate
f) No Refund Doctrine
e) Computation
f) Fringe Benefit
b. Damages and Attorney’s Fees, Art. 111; Civil Code, Art. 2208,
par. 7
c. Separation Pay
1) When Proper
2) Computation/Rationale
3) Effect of Acceptance
d. Indemnity
P. Retirement
1. Types of Retirement
6. Forfeiture of Benefits
7. Equitable Solution
Read: D.P. Disini, Jr., Statutory and Case Materials on Social Legislation