SSF-103 Form
SSF-103 Form
SSF-103 Form
I hereby certify that above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and the income of
mine/parents is meager and couldn’t meet my educational expenditure. I shall abide by all Rules &
Regulations of ASSF and procedure laid down by the University. I also undertake that in case of any
misconduct or action whatsoever not in the conformity with the University Policy/Procedure, as the
case may be, the scholarship will be refunded/deposited in the university’s account.
Student Signature:____________________
Forwarded by the Concerned Region:
Name of Official:__________________________ Signature:______________________________
Student’s Signature___________________________
1. Member:________________________________ 2. Member:________________________________
3.Member:________________________________ 4. Chairperson:_____________________________
5. Secretary :_________________________________
1. The application form must be completed in all respect.
2. Please attach attested copies of the following documents.
a) C.N.I.C and “B” form (self/guardian)
c) Result Card.
3. Attach Original Bank Challan and above mentioned documents along with this application form and submit to your
concerned REGIONAL OFFICE before the due date.