Profinet Ket Noi Voi Siemen
Profinet Ket Noi Voi Siemen
Profinet Ket Noi Voi Siemen
V 5.6-H or later
09/2013 en
Table of contents
Operation manual
Table of contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Notes on Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.7 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Electrical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.1 POSITool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 STEP7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
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Table of contents
Operation manual
6 Parameter communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.1 PKW0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2 PKW1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2.1 Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8 Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
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Operation manual
1 Introduction
PROFINET® is an open industrial Ethernet standard that is supported by the
PNO and PI organization. PROFINET® is a consistent further development of the
well-known PROFIBUS standard and provides considerably higher performance
and additional functions that were not possible with PROFIBUS. PROFINET® is
available in the form of PROFINET CBA and PROFINET IO. Nowadays the CBA
version is no longer relevant while PROFINET IO the logical further development
Note that the PN 5000 accessory can be used for the following inverters:
Inverter SDS 5000 SDS 5000A MDS 5000 MDS 5000A FDS 5000 FDS 5000A
HW status of the inverter up to 190 start from up to 190 start from up to 190 start from
200 200 200
Compatibility with PN 5000 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
1.2 Readers
This manual is intended for users who are familiar with setting up PROFINET®
and who have knowledge about commissioning the inverter systems.
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Operation manual
You can find information on the POSITool software in the following manuals:
Note that the programming functionality of POSITool can only be used after
training by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. You can find information on training at
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Notes on Safety
Operation manual
2 Notes on Safety
The devices may cause risks. For these reasons, comply with the following:
• The safety notes listed in the following sections and points
• The technical rules and regulations.
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Notes on Safety
Operation manual
In addition, the valid regulations, the legal requirements, the reference books, this
technical documentation and, in particular, the safety information contained
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Notes on Safety
Operation manual
Note that the discharge time of the DC link capacitors is 5 minutes. You
can only determine the absence of voltage after this time period.
2.6 Service
Repairs must only be performed by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co.
KG. Send faulty devices with a fault description to:
2.7 Disposal
Please comply with the latest national and regional regulations! Dispose of the
individual parts separately depending on their nature and currently valid
regulations such as, for example:
• Electronic scrap (PCBs)
• Plastic
• Sheet metal
• Copper
• Aluminum
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Notes on Safety
Operation manual
means that property damage may occur
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
with warning triangle means that minor injury may occur
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
means that there may be a serious danger of death
if the stated precautionary measures are not taken.
indicates important information about the product or a highlighted
portion of the documentation which requires special attention.
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Electrical installation
Operation manual
3 Electrical installation
3.1 Terminal description
X200 and X201 terminal description
The terminal configuration is determined by T 568-B.
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Electrical installation
Operation manual
3.3 Topology
Note that the devices from the 5th generation of STÖBER inverters can be
integrated in bus and star topologies.
Programming device Control system
IO supervisor IO controller
IO terminal
IO device
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Operation manual
4 Installation
Note that the PN 5000 accessory can be used for the following inverters:
Inverter SDS 5000 SDS 5000A MDS 5000 MDS 5000A FDS 5000 FDS 5000A
HW status of the inverter up to 190 start from up to 190 start from up to 190 start from
200 200 200
Compatibility with PN 5000 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Danger of property damage due to electrostatic discharge, among others!
Provide suitable protective measures while handling open PCBs (e.g., ESD
clothing, environment free of dirt and grease).
Do not touch the contact surfaces.
• The screw with the detent edge disk that is included with the accessory.
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Operation manual
1. Undo the fastening screws and take off the cover plate:
2. Guide the RJ45 connector of the circuit board from below through the plate
that is included with the accessory:
3. Fasten the plate on the circuit board with the screw with the detent edge disk
that is included:
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Operation manual
4. Guide the option board in the inverter so that the gold contacts are pushed
in the black terminal block:
Danger of property damage due to electrostatic discharge, among others!
Provide suitable protective measures while handling open PCBs (e.g., ESD
clothing, environment free of dirt and grease).
Do not touch the contact surfaces.
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Operation manual
Run BF
• The screw with the detent edge disk that is included with the accessory.
1. Undo the fastening screws and take off the cover plate:
2. Guide the RJ45 connector of the circuit board from below through the plate
that is included with the accessory:
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Operation manual
4. Guide the option board in the inverter so that the gold contacts are pushed
in the black terminal block:
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Operation manual
5 Commissioning
5.1 POSITool
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Operation manual
2. Enter the individual device names of the inverter in the assistant on the
General page in parameter A273. When doing this, observe the conventions
for assigning an address.
3. Transfer your project to the inverter.
4. Perform the Save A00 values action.
5. Switch the inverter off and back on again.
The device name is active when the system boots up.
Incorporate the parameters the are to be transferred via the process data channel
in POSITool in the parameters
• A90.x and A91.x (Setpoint Mapping, receiving direction as viewed by the
inverter) and
• A94.x and A95.x (Actual Value Mapping, transmitting direction as viewed by
the inverter)
You can access the parameters in the parameter list or on the relevant pages of
the PROFINET assistant.
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Operation manual
5.2 STEP7
You must import the device description file so that the inverter from the 5th
generation of STÖBER inverters is detected by the software STEP7.
You can find the file with a corresponding zipped Bitmap file at > Welcome > Products > Doc Center > electronic > 5th
generation of Stober inverters > software.
The device description file in XML format is named as follows:
• yyyy: year, e.g. 2011
• mm: month, e.g. 04 for April
• dd: day, e.g. 21.
Only the device name is significant for addressing the devices in the PROFINET
network. If the device name is known to the PROFINET IO, it automatically
assigns an IP address, subnet mask and gateway, sends it to the inverter and
then activates the Save A00 values action. The values are entered in the A274
PN IP address, A275 PN subnet mask and A276 PN gateway parameters.
Note that these values cannot be assigned by you or a DHCP server.
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Operation manual
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
6 Parameter communication
6.1 PKW0
If PPO type 1 or 2 is selected when configuring PROFINET®, the parameter
identification value (PKW0) mechanism defined in PROFIDRIVE is available for
parameter communication. However, not all parameters, displays and actions of
the inverter can be accessed. Parameters with a number greater than 255, a
length greater than 32 bit (text parameter) or indexed parameters with a an index
greater than 19 are excluded. Axles 3 and 4 can only be accessed when A11.1 =
2 is set.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
The axle is selected with A11.1 as follows.
A11.1 = 0 Axle 1 or 2 depending on PNU
A11.1 = 2 Axle 3 or 4 depending on PNU
A11.1 itself can be accessed via:
PNUdec = 1000 + 20 * 0 + 1 = 1001
Subindex = 11
There are parameters from groups B.. to G.. once in axle 1 and once again in axle
2. There is only one coordinate for this in the menu. For access via PROFINET®,
the parameter numbers for the parameters from axle 1 were selected between
1000 and 1499 and for axle 2 from 1500.
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
The bits for the parameter number, task identification and response identification For an explanation of terms
are arranged within the two byte parameter identification. The SPM bit for such as IO controller and IO
device, refer to section 3.3
spontaneous signal processing is not supported. The IO controller sends the task
identification, parameter number, subindex and, when writing, the new value to
the inverter. The inverter then responds with the response identification,
parameter number, subindex and, when reading, the current value. All values are
represented as a double word (4 bytes). As a result, it is no longer necessary for
the master to know and distinguish the data size of the byte, word and double
word. The task identification is used to differentiate between reset, write and read
tasks. The IO controller must at least repeat the same task until the corresponding
response from the IO device arrives.
Bytes for parameter ID (PKW)
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PKE : Parameter ID
IND : Subindex in byte 2. Byte 3 is reserved
PWE : Parameter value
The devices of the 5th generation of STÖBER inverters respond to the same bit
position with the response identification. The response identification remains
unaltered until the current task has been completely processed. The task
identification must be kept constant for this long.
Response Meaning
0 No response or also: OK for "no task" task identification.
2 Transfer parameter value (sent to master)
7 Task cannot be executed
Together with the response identification 0, the inverter deletes all response
bytes. For response identification 2, all parameter numbers and the subindex are
copied from the task to the response. The inverter sends the complete response
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
until the master has formulated a new task. For read access to display values, the
inverter always cyclically sends new current values until the master has
formulated a new task. If the inverter responds with "7:Task cannot be executed",
the appropriate error number for this is given in the least significant byte of the
parameter value (PWE) (thus in byte 7).
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
6.2 PKW1
PROFINET provides "Read data record" and "Write data record" services for
acyclic data transfers (for STEP7 with SFB53 = WRREC = Write a Process Data
Record and SFB52 = RDREC = Read a Process Data Record). When doing so,
unspecified data is transferred to a data record.
The inverter from the 5th generation of STÖBER inverters provides the
mechanism to write and read parameter values according to PROFIdrive profile
V 4.1. When doing so, special content is transferred in data record no. B02Ehex.
The data record is uniquely addressed with the following specifications:
• API = 3A00hex
• Slot number = number that was selected in the HW config.
• Subslot number = number that was selected in the HW config.
• Index = B02Ehex
6.2.1 Sequence
PROFIdrive uses the PROFINET services Read data record and Write data
record to transport parameter tasks and acknowledgements. PROFIdrive allows
asynchronous transfer of the data records and asynchronous parameter service
processing in the IO device.
With the first PROFINET service Write data record, a PROFIdrive parameter task
is transferred to the IO device and the transfer acknowledged. Afterwards,
processing is carried out in the inverter. Subsequently, the PROFIdrive response
is read as a data record via the PROFINET service Read data record.
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
Write response to
data record without data 2
Read data record request processing
3 without data
Read. req
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
Value Meaning
00hex Parameter unknown or configuration stopped
01hex Access to parameter that may not be changed.
02hex Access to parameter with a value outside of the limit values
03hex Access to unavailable subindex (array parameter)
0Bhex User level not reached
11hex In the current device state, this parameter must not be changed.
Switch off enable.
14hex Invalid value within its maximum limits, only occurs for selection
parameters with discontinuous definition range
16hex Inconsistent specification in the parameter addressing: One or
more incorrect values in the Attributes, No of Elem., Parameter
Number and Subindex data.
17hex Invalid format specification (format specification is not 43hex).
Please compile all specifications completely in the task telegram
according to the tables above.
18hex Specifications in NoOfElements and NoOfValues are
21hex illegal Request ID = "Service not supported" applies for errors
in the header of the task block.
A5hex unspecified error
B0hex Parameter service currently not possible, no valid parameter
description available.
B2hex G5 parameter address unknown (parameter or element does
The following table show the structure of the telegrams for the Read parameter For a description of the
service. The Example column shows the content that the data has when the abbreviations in the "Content"
column, refer to the table in
parameter E03 DC link voltage in axle 1 is to be read.
section6.2.2 Structure of the
parameter channel data.
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
The following table shows the parameter request telegram that the IO controller
sends to the inverter:
If the parameter service could be positively answered, the IO controller reads this
response telegram:
If the parameter service was answered negatively, the IO controller reads the
following telegram:
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Parameter communication
Operation manual
The following tables show the structure of the telegrams for the Write parameter For a description of the
service. The Example column shows the content that the data has when the abbreviations in the "Content"
column, refer to the table in
parameter C230 M-Max in axle 2 is to be described with the value 100 %.
section6.2.2 Structure of the
The following table shows the parameter request telegram that the IO controller parameter channel data.
sends to the inverter:
If the parameter service could be positively answered, the inverter provides the
following data:
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Operation manual
If the parameter service was answered negatively, the inverter provides the
following data:
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Operation manual
7 Diagnosis
7.1 Connection monitoring
To prevent the drive reacting in an undesirable manner when the PROFINET
connection is interrupted (cable break, etc.), you should monitor the arrival of the
cyclic process data.
You can activate monitoring in parameter A109 PZD-Timeout. The factory setting
is 200 (ms); the values 65535 and 0 mean that monitoring is inactive. This is
useful for commissioning the inverter and for service and maintenance work.
Activate monitoring by setting a time in milliseconds that is different to these
When you activate the timeout, the inverter behaves as follows when there is a
valid data old data all PZDs (reference values) reset to zero
After the fault, the response monitoring time set in the IO controller elapses. After
this time has elapsed, the timeout set in A109 starts to run. When this time
Note that after the response monitoring time set in the IO controller has
elapsed, all process input data is set to 0. This can lead to undesirable
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Operation manual
Fig. 7-2 Arrangement of the LEDs on the PN 5000 accessory for MDS 5000 and
SDS 5000
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Operation manual
Run (green)
Act (yellow) Act (yellow)
Link (green) Link (green)
Fig. 7-3 Arrangement of the LEDs on the PN 5000 accessory for FDS 5000
State Description
On • There is no physical connection to the PROFINET
• An error in the communication controller was found.
Flashing at approx. The cyclic data exchange is not active.
2 Hz
Off No error
The exact cause for the constant illumination of the LED BF can be determined
by the parameter A279 PN Error History and A271 PN state.
Run (green)
State Description
Off There is no data traffic.
Flashing at ≤ 20 Hz There is no data traffic; the flash speed indicates the
frequency of data exchange.
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Operation manual
State Description
On There is a physical Ethernet connection. Note that this
display does not give information about whether this
connection is suitable for PROFINET communication.
Off There is a physical Ethernet connection.
By evaluating the LED and the parameter A279 PN Error History and A271 PN
state, you can take the following measures:
Measures for errors (X = state of the parameter/LED is irrelevant)
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Operation manual
Bits Description
31 – 24 ErrorCode
23 – 16 ErrorDecode
15 – 8 ErrorCode1 consists of
• ErrorClass (bit 15 – 13)
• ErrorDecode (bit 11 – 8)
7–0 ErrorCode2, this value is currently always
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Parameter list
Operation manual
8 Parameter list
Note the following list of the parameters relevant for PROFINET®
• A90 PZD Setpoint Mapping Rx
• A91 PZD Setpoint Mapping 2Rx
• A93 PZD Setpoint Len
• A94 PZD ActValue Mapping Rx
• A95 PZD ActValue Mapping 2Rx
• A97 PZD ActValue Len
• A100 Fieldbus Scaling
• A101 Dummy Byte
• A102 Dummy Word
• A103 Dummy Double Word
• A109 PZD Timeout
• A270.x PN Port X20x State
• A271 PN State
• A272.x PN Module/Submodule List
• A273 Device Name
• A274 PN IP Address
• A275 PN Subnetwork Mask
• A276 PN Gateway
• A277 PN Type Of Station
• A278.x PN Diagnostics
• A279.x PN Error History
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Global Presence
Address registers
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